Big Bear Backcountry Adventures Summer 2013
Big Bear Backcountry Adventures Summer 2013
SUPERWINCH Talon 9.5 Winch Review Contents Backcountry 4x4 Jeep JK Project 4 Big Bear Area Map 8 John Bull Trail 10 Lake Arrowhead Area Map 11 Juniper Flats Area Map 12 Superwinch Talon 9.5 Winch First Look 13 Mickey Thompson Baja MTZ Review 15 Editor/Publisher Marketing/Sales Copy Editor Don Alexander John Bryan Eileen Bryan Published By Backcountry 4x4 LLC FROM THE DRIVER’S SEAT PO Box 6711, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315 Ad Sales: call John Bryan (800) 330-7501 Don Alexander © 2013 Backcountry 4x4 LLC We are blessed in Big Bear to have great access for our motorized vehicles on local public lands. Considering that we are surrounded by one of the largest population centers in the US, it’s a good thing. But there are always threats to our access, from other users groups, from lack of funding for our public land management agencies and from irresponsible motorized vehicle users. One reason we have such great access in the San Bernardino National Forest is our local Adopt-A-Trail program. With nearly 50 Off Highway Vehicle and other clubs (nearly 5000 members total) volunteering to maintain our forest roads and trails, a large burden is taken off the shoulders of the Forest Service and the public benefits. Over the last few years, volunteers have averaged over 25,000 volunteer hours annually. Several local clubs have adopted trails, including the Bear Valley 4x4 Club. Consider joining them or one of the other clubs helping to keep our forest accessible. Go to for club contact information or scan the QR Code below with a smartphone. Help Save Our Backcountry Adopt-A-Trail Adopt-A-Trail web site site web Of all the vehicles I have test over the years, including some high performance exotics, no vehicle has attracted as much attention or comments as our Backcountry 4x4 Project Jeep Unlimited JK Rubicon. It’s the Gecko paint. Most love it, some hate hate it but everyone notices it. One purpose of this project is to try new projects and look for the best combination of These billet door stops hold the JK front doors in an open position. Great if you are in parking lot or on a slope. From Armadillo Industries 4 We are using the Hanson JK fullsize Fenderbar Front Bumper which accommodate the stock JK driving lights, a winch and shackles. The steering skid plate is also Hanson daily drive and 4 wheeler that can tackle any trail in our backyard, the San Bernardino National Forest and surrounding desert areas. We’re not too concerned about the extreme trails like the Hammers in Johnson Valley, but there are many challenging trails that we want to explore and the JK with 35” tires and a mild lift should get the job done. We still have to install a lift, but with the stock height, we have several mods The Hanson Rocker Slides are easy and we have several 33” tires to test, to install, bullet proof and stylish. starting with the Mickey Thompson Baja MTX mud terrain tires on the stock Rubicon wheels. The Backcountry 4x4 Jeep was purchased from Loren Campbell at Redlands Jeep 4x4. The other modifications undertaken so far are covered in the photos and captions. For more info, photos and A Superwinch Talon 9.5 with video, go to steel winch line and a roller or fairlead is in place. See the scan the QR Code here. first test elsewhere in this issue. We will test a synthetic Inside storage is at a premium in the JK, so we added the Olympic Mountaineer Rack. divides and doubles the storage space behind the rear seat. A Hi-Lift Jack is mandatory for the JK. We are using the Xtreme version and carry the Off Road Kit, Jack Base and Wheel Mate, as well as the Handle-All Accessory bag. The jack mount is from Rugged Ridge. Quadratec makes a great CB antenna mount for the spare tire carrier on a JK. (below) They also have a cool quick release mount for the Firestik Firefly CB antenna we are using for better range. For airing down we use the Extreme Outback Mil-Spec Multi Choice Deflator. On Board air is from a 15 pound PowerTank, by far the easiest and quickest way to air up when hitting the highway. Big Bear Lake, CA World Class Adventure Land A Trasharoo is used for hauling trash or other bulky items. Great Products!! We use the BOLT Spare Tire Lock and a 6’ cable lock on gear attached to the spare tire. Simply insert Jeep’s ignition key into the BOLT lock, turn it once and the lock mechanically learns the key code. BOLT Series of locks lets you set all your Jeep locks to work with your ignition key! Also for extra storage, we installed the SmittyBilt OG.E.A.R. Tailgate Cover. These storage bags use the GEAR attaching system, are portable For extra storage of recovery and misc gear, we are using the BESTOP RoughRider Organizer. Lots of room, easy to install and convienient. 6 Located in the beautiful San Bernardino Mountains and surrounded by National Forest, Big Bear offers outdoor adventures for everyone. And it’s located within 2 hours of most SoCal locations. Check it out! Round Town Ron Big Bear Local For More Info on Big Bear, go to www.roundtownron. com for 100’s of videoa or Big for a smartphone app. Scan the QR Codes California OffRoad Vehicle Association (CORVA) is a varied group of outdoor recreationists who are extremely active in promoting the positive aspects of vehicular access on public lands and protecting that right. The group is composed of the owners of "Green Sticker" vehicles such as ATV's, motorcycles, 3wheelers, trail bikes, and dune buggies, as well as "street legal" 4X4 vehicles, dual sport motorcycles, bajas, and desert racers. CORVA's main purpose is to work with the land managers for responsible offhighway vehicular access and recreation opportunities. Secondarily, we educate our membership on the constantly changing rules and regulations and promote clean-up and trail maintenance projects. We coordinate with other multiple use organizations ranging from snowmobiles to horse enthusiasts to protect multiple use rights from the environmental extremists. We are "dedicated to protecting our lands for the people, not from the people." CORVA proudly provides its members... Ÿ 40 years of continuous promotion of multiple land use objectives! Ÿ Continuous appeals of unfair and unjust closure of access to public lands! Ÿ Extensive oversight of the California OHV "Green Sticker" Fund and OHMVR Commission Ÿ OFF-ROADERS IN ACTION Ÿ Monthly Newsletter subscription to keep you informed of off-road legislative battles. Ÿ League of Off-Highway Voters' Voting Guide! Ÿ Membership Kit with I.D. cards & decals! PUBLIC LAND USE ISSUES AND TRAIL/ROAD CLOSURES ON THE NATIONAL FOREST More and more public lands - YOUR LANDS - are being closed to motorized vehicle travel. If you are concerned about this trend, you need to get involved. The first place to look for information is on our web site where you can log on the PUBLIC LAND ISSUES headlines and find all sorts of info, articles and contacts. Or JOIN CORVA Scan the QR Code to go to the CORVA web site and please join to support their efforts. Map to trailhead 3N 36 Map to trailhead Map to trail- 3N69 3N12 head 3N16 3N10 3N 12 Delamar Mt. 12 3N Y 79 2N A 09 2N 0 3N8 14 3N Bl 2N ue 7 Qu 1 a Ro rtz ad 2N 08Y Holcolm 3N16A Valley Van 3N79 Duesen 2N09 Canyon 3N09 Polique CanyonMap to trailhead 2N09 38 Big Bear Discovery Center Gold Mountain Jeep Trail 38 Big Bear City Map to trailhead 2N93Sugarloaf 2N Knick 08 erb o 2Ncker 08 2N 10 38 2N93 93 2N B 10 2N 2N10 Erwin Lake 2N27 Big Bear Lake Moonridge Snow Summit 2N10 Resort 38 Moonridge Map to trail- Bear Mt. Resort 2N10F 2N21 2N93B 2N27 Map to trailhead 2N10 2N22Y Map to trailhead 2N93 2N93 N end Wildhorse 117.47 Canyon 2N06 Radford Truck Trail 1N04 1N54 Clarks Grade 04 N 1 1N 45 Seven Oaks 1N 72 1N 86 B 6 1N0 1N 86 1N84 Barton Flats 1N 82 1N04 1N0 4F ro nt lin e 1N 84 Y 62 1N Map to trailMap to trail-head 1N84 38 Map to trail- head 2N08 1N72 head 2N 93 2N93 Rd . 38 1N38 1N5 6 1N0 5 1N56 San Gorgonio Wilderness 1N0 No Vehicle traffic allowed 5 in wilderness areas A 37 1N Map to trailhead 1N86 2N93G Map to trail- 02 1N 5 1N7 38 2N93D 2N93F Sugarloaf Mt. Map to trailhead na ta A San River head 2N02 18/38 head Skyline Dr. 2N10 3N03F 3N03G 18 2N10 A 11 2N 18 3N69 18 B 11 11 2N 2N 2E 3N03 20 Burns .3 Canyon 2E 20 .2 Map to trailhead Map to trail2N10 head 18 2N8 5 Cactus Flat Staging Area No Vehicle traffic allowed in wilderness 2E 20 areas .1 Baldwin 2N02 Lake 2N09 2N 86 3N16 3N09 Fawnskin 70 2N 3N03A 3N16 Map to trailhead 8 Holcolm Valley Horsetheif Flat Jacoby Canyon 3N16 3N19 M t. 1 3N6 3N81 2N80 2N 70 A 3N1 6 John Bull Flat 3N 2N84 Tr uc Co x k Tr ey ai l 3N82 Tr ai l t Fla rnt 2 Bu 0 E 12 3N 8 3N0 Little John Bull 2 3N3 3N83 3N 08 3N10 Bu ll 3N 10 43 3N 0 3N9 84 3N 3N16 Jo hn 3N54 k de ra G 3N10 3N16 3N36 ac kh aw Rattlesn Canyon 203 RC3 White Mt. Bl ry bu en sh Cu 18 Map to trailhead RC3 204 3N14 R C 35 20 RC 34 41 C R RC2320 23 22 RC2324 47 3 2 RC M a W tin as o h RC 14 39 Top Mt. RC 2N Br 01 o om F RC2217 2N90B 2N90A os e RC2206 23 46 Rose Mine V al le y Y 61 2N la t R RC 49 22 2N90 2N02 02 2N No Vehicle traffic allowed in wilderness areas RC2414 Bighorn Mountain Wilderness 14 21 2N90C Tip RC 3N03 R C Sp rin gs New Dixie Mine Rd RC2330 23 33 33 31 RC2340 RC is ce ra 42 23 V RC 2N04 Trails and Roads on BLM land are not rated for difficulty 23 30 31 33 Map to trailhead RC3444 RC RC RC RC 3N03 Bighorn Mountain Wilderness 17 34 n yo an p to trailhead No Vehicle traffic allowed in wilderness areas RC C Bighorn Mountain Wilderness 49 34 ke na es tl at 3N61 34 13 53 34 R to trailhead RC RC 29 33 33 23 RC3410 RC3 429 RC 33 31 RC3440 34 12 R RC3321 To RC3319 33 15 RC C e ak sn yon e tl n at Ca RC 05 RC33 RC R 25 33 75Y 2N 2N64 2N73Y Heartbreak Ridge Pipes Can- 1N Old Timer Canyon 11 22 2N68Y 2N 76 Y C 2N61Y R Juniper Springs KEEP PUBLIC LANDS ACCESSIBLE PLEASE BE RESPONSIBLE! Map to trailhead 1N01 38 Map to trailhead 1N38 Map to trailhead 1N02 NOTE: Trail conditions often change due to weather, rock slides, etc. Occasionally the Forest Service changes route difficulty ratings. The sign at the trail head always supersedes this map. Some roads and trails are seasonal, some closed in winter. Check with the Big Bear Discovery Center or the Mojave BLM office for the ADVISORY latest updates. All backcountry roads and trails are subject to closure at anytime due to weather, fire, season and safety concerns BIG BEAR LAKE AREA Rimrock Map to trailhead RC2211 Rimrock Burns Canyon Adopt-A-Trail web site Pioneertown 9 May 31-June 1, 2014 Adventure Sports Dirt Bikes 4x4s Side x Sides ATVs Extreme Sports Trail Drives Recovery Gear Convention Center at Big Bear Lake Getting Unstuck Expedition Gear Jeep Exhibits Survival May 31-June 1, 2014 Referred By: Name ____________________________ Employer _________________________ Contact email address _______________ Must be 18 years of age or older to win drawing prizes Map to trailhead Trails and Roads on BLM land are not rated for difficulty Lake Arrowhead Area BLM JF4325 Map to trailhead Map to trailhead BLM JF3330 Grapevine Rd. BLM JF3225 JF3129 44 JF31 JF31 55 3N17D Rattlesnake 3N17 3N5 3N11 Lu na M t. 3N1 3N14 3N59 y xe Co 3N11C 3N17F k uc Tr l ai Tr 3N34 Willow Creek Jeep 3N34X Squints Ranch 3N92 3N38 3W65 Big Pine3N84 Flats 3N16L 3N90 3N14 3N08 3N97 3N04 Redonda Ridge 3N34D 3N16 Bacon Flat 2N06 2N06X 3N34 2N75 1W 2N95 Lake Arrow- 3N16 2N25 173 3N17 3N56 3N11B 3N16 3N14E 1W 2W01 3W13 Blue Jay JF3148 336 JF31 3N14 2N24 JF3135 Rd . JF3215 53 JF31 4N16 3N17 3N14 33 92 m Ca ny on JF3225 JF3253 JF 33 10 JF3335 85 JF33 JF 33 52 m JF3276 JF3 940 Rd . 150 JF3 JF3 382 JF3381 84 33 JF JF 32 75 9 8 3 3 JF JF m 19 32 JF JF 43 25 Bowen Ranch Private Property Toll Roads Here Grapevine Canyon Recreation m 55 33 JF JF3330 383 JF3 30 33 F J 55 32 JF 343 JF4 Ord 20 Mountains 43 JF4340 JF 4m JF335 Gr ap ev ine Juniper Flats Po w er lin e JF 32 23 30 33 JF 45 43 JF JF 43 84 JF4 352 JF 33 59 m 30 43 JF JF 43 25 JF 43 80 Santa Rosa Rd. 3N34 3N3 Dishpan Springs Cedar 2N2 Glen 2N26 North Map to trailShoreCamp- head 2N26Y 17 3N3 3N3 Tent Peg Camp- Lake 18 2N35Y Running Springs 330 18 1N96B 1N96 1N96 3N93 2N68 2N01X 2N1 2N13 Crab Flats 2N54 2N16 2N83 3N1 Map to trail-3N16 Green Valley2N19 head 2N26Y Green Valley 3N93 Map to trailhead 2N13 Green Valley 3N14 Butler Peak 2N1 18 2N1 2N15 2N1 2N1 18 Snow Valley 2N97 Resort 1N9C Map to trailhead 2N15 2N86B 2N86A 2N11B 11 KEEP PUBLIC LANDS ACCESSIBLE PLEASE BE RESPONSIBLE! May 31-June 1, 2014 247 Lucerne Valley JF3 929 3N69 head 3N16 Tr ai l John Bull Flat Little John Bull Jacoby Canyon 1 3N6 k M t. Horsetheif Flat 3N03A Roa d 9 32 35 203 RC3 3N 10 3N 3N83 3N10 Bu ll t Fla rnt Bu 02 3N54 Jo hn 43 3N 84 3N 3N90 3N16 3N10 de ra G 3N16 3N36 la ck ha w ry bu en sh Cu 18 White Mt. Map to trailhead RC 203 RC3 3N 36 B Map to trailhead Map to trail- 3N12 Bes sem er M RC4ine Road 20 JF3130 10 31 JF Map to trailhead 42 14 RC4 210 Map to JF 3110 15 31 JF 3N14 RC RC3 204 JF39 25 JF3136 Old Wom an S prin gs 215 RC3 JF3110 13 31 JF JF3150 JF3148 18 Santa Fe Fire Trail Camp Rock Road 29 31 JF JF 31 25 247 RC3205 Map to Santa Fe Fire Trail Juniper Flats BLM Map to JF 3129 5 JF311 to Cougar Buttes Gather at the Vintage Lakeside Inn, where everyone enjoys the fun of our lake and nearby attractions. 909-866-4978 41074 – 41080 Big Bear Blvd. Big Bear Lake, CA · Group Rates · 3rd Night Free · Large Vehicle Parking Available · Restaurant on-site · Meeting Rooms · Free Continental Breakfast · Pet Friendly · Close to Village Shopping Where the only thing we over look is the lake. mud, snow, and dust and has a patented venting feature that allows the contacts to resist water and release contact damaging internal condensation. The Superwinch Talon 9.5 winch replaces the 9.5 EPi winch in The VS4 Solenoid (Vented, Submersible, the premium winch line. Having used the Epi 9.5 for several and Stabilized with years in 100s of vehicle recoverys and classes, expectations Sealed Socket) is were very high for the first test of the Talon. The EPi located inside a performed flawlessly in all conditions. Some pulls really modern-styled rugged tested the limits of enclosure making this a truly sealed vehicle recovery winch the winch. assembly. All seals on the entire winch meet the IP67 The sealed 5.2 and 6.0 HP motors deliver standard, from the outermost end of the high performance motor and groundbreaking solenoid to the 2-stage planetary a quick but safe 62 and 2-stage spur gearbox. The innovative "Dual-stop" 100% FPM line speed at a load holding brake low 75 amp draw. design provides Heat sink-styled zero drag on cable motor cap maintains in and is located low temperatures inside the gearbox under the heaviest away from the loads. The solenoid drum to eliminate will keep out water, heat transfer to the synthetic rope. A special steel drum is constructed with high tensile strength material to resist the unique loading characteristic of the optional synthetic 3/8" x 80' rope rated at 17,600 lbs ensures a safe pull. There's an (909) 866-2162 ergonomically 572 Pine Knot Big Bear Lake 13 shaped hand-held in the Village sealed remote with brilliant LED light for assisting in night-time winching. Our first test of the Talon mounted on a Hanson JK fullsize Fenderbar Front Bumper was a simple, straight pull up a 35 degree slope in soft dirt. We estimated the maximum load at about 5000 pounds, well under the capacity of the winch . The pull was easy for the Talon, as we expected. The remote was easy to use and the gear in the winching accessory kit includes gloves, a tree saver, two haeavy duty shackles, a snatch block (20,000 lb) and gloves in a nylon bag.. We also used the line damper. First impression is that the Talon will outperform the EPi. We will undertake more strenuous testing over the next few months. Watch the video of the test at or scan the QR Code below. For more on the Talon go to: Don Alexander Our first test of the Mickey Thompason BAJA MTZ tires on our Project JK was a simple hill climb. We have tried several tires on this steep, loose dirt climb and many are unable to make it to the top due to traction loss. No such problem with the MTZ mud terrains. The MTZ has Mickey Thompson's Power Ply™ sidewalls with a special angled third ply to give you high performance handling, better puncture resistance, and improved towing capability. • Advanced Radial Construction for High Mileage & Smooth Ride • Self Cleaning High-Void Tread Lugs for Traction in Mud & Snow • Deep Shoulder Lugs Provide Aggressive Traction and Bold Looks • Enhanced Sidebiters® for Added Traction & Protection We will undertake more intense testing in the next month, 14 so check on or scan the QR Code. For the videos and updates. Go to for more information. Don Alexander
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