April - Michiana Bicycle Association


April - Michiana Bicycle Association
April, 2014
Michiana Bicycle Association
From the President:
Hello to all the MBA members,
1:00 p.m. Sunday, April 6th
KICKOFF RIDE, Potluck and General Meeting,
Madeline Bertrand Park.
My name is Greg Hicks and there was an election held at the
MBA Winter Banquet and from that election, I have been chosen to carry the presidential torch for the 2014 year. Wow, wasn’t really expecting such an honor, but I will do my best to be a
good representative of the MBA, listen to questions, and keep in
place all the good things that the MBA provides to its members
and the community at large.
We will ride at 1:00 from Madeline Bertrand Park
and then stay for the potluck. Bring a potluck dish
as well as your plates and utensils. The club provides beverages. Bertrand Park is at 3038 Adams
Road, Niles, north of St. Patrick’s Park and Stateline Rd and south of Bertrand. Note: Tell the attendant at the entrance that you are with the
MBA group and you won’t have to pay the entry
I started riding with the MBA about 5 years ago as a way to
stay fit and just getting outdoors and enjoying all the beautiful
countryside in this area. Along the way, I have met many wonderful people that are associated with this club and we have ridden many, many miles together. We have exchanged many stories
and laughs along the way and I have many great memories from
these rides.
sponsored by the MBA and NIMBA
(Northern Indiana Mountain Bike Association) will be March 23, 2014 in the Red Barn
at St Patrick's County Park. Doors will open
for seller setup at 10:45 AM. The swap meet
will be open for buyers from 11:30 AM to
2:30 PM
As this new season of riding dawns upon us and hopefully the
snow will go away, I just want to say to everyone to have a safe
and rewarding cycling season. May we each reach our personal
goals, whatever those might be?
I would like to thank Gail Weaver and her husband Mike for
handling the duties of this position for many years. You have
done a wonderful job and you’re leadership is one of the reasons
why this club is vibrant and full of activities. Your participation
in the Amishland and Lakes event has provided great returns to
the club in the form of increased rider involvement and the financial benefit that it has provided. So, again, I say thank you. I
only hope, to carry on the duties, as well as you have.
Allan blunt
Robert puttner
Not being too familiar with the political side of the MBA, don’t
John lanning & family
Continued on page 4
The Newsletter of the Michiana Bicycle Association
P. O. Box 182
Granger, IN 46530
The newsletter is published monthly for
distribution to the club members and to
other bicycle related organizations. Submission of local and state bicycle news is encourages as well as cycling experiences and
tips on improving the sport of bicycling.
Submissions should be in writing. Members
may place classified ads, notices of ride
companions wanted, and reports of stolen
bicycle without charge. Deadline is the
10th of the month for the following
month’s newsletter.
Greg Hicks (574) 323-5203
Vice President
Bonnie Yoder (574) 243-9027
Vice President of Publishing
Kristin Brandon (574) 304-2516
Susan Dietzel (574)258-0125
Dick Kuehl (574)256-5797
Jerry Dietzel
Dave Hicks
(574) 277-2032
Cindy Mongrain
(574) 520-8016
Eldon Nifong
(574) 386-9090
Laura Ray
Safa Saddawi
( 574) 274-5678
Randy Shaull
(574) 243-9046
Shari Szjilagyi
Chris Vanden Bossche
(574) 234-1035
Gail Weaver
(269) 663-8267
Christine Weist (
574) 210-6774
Club dues are $25.00 per year. 2014 membership expires on March 31, 2015. The hot-line
has been discontinued. Information on club rides
and up-coming events is available on our website www.mbabike.com.
Larger Area Ride Information
Here is a list of some web sites that have schedules
of rides in Indiana, Illinois and Michigan.
http://www.LMB.org (Michigan)
Look at the website for details of
rides for 2013 club season.
Ride maps are also on the site.
Amishland & Lakes Bicycle Tour
The businesses that advertise in the MBA Newsletter extend a 10% discount to members, generally on non
-sale items. You must show your membership card to be eligible for the discount.
Albright’s Cycling & Fitness
2720 Lincoln Way West
Mishawaka, IN 46544
Elkhart Bicycle Shop
All About Cycling
401 East Jackson Blvd.
Elkhart, IN 46516
The Avenue Bicycle Station
2716 Mishawaka Avenue
Family Bicycle Center
South Bend, IN 46615
3410 South Main Street
Elkhart, IN 4651
Cycle and Fitness
211 E Main Street
House of Bicycles
Niles, MI 49120
10140 McKinley Hwy
Osceola, IN 46561
Lincoln Avenue Cycling
430 W Lincoln Avenue
Goshen, IN 46526
Pro Form
2202 South Bend Avenue
South Bend, IN 46635
Metro run & walk
Outpost Center
3522 N. Grape Road
Mishawaka, IN 46545
Spin Zone
51345 Bittersweet Road
Granger, IN 46530
OutPost Sports
3601 N Grape Road
Mishawaka, In 46545
Wakarusa Pro Hardware
108 S. Elkhart Street
Wakarusa, IN 46573
Healthy Portable Snacks
From the President (continued from page 1):
be surprised if I ask some questions that may seem, well stupid.
But, we all know that “stupid is as stupid does”. I really don’t
want to be someone that assumes to know what you want, please
let me know if you have a good idea or plan for making the club
better, safer, healthier, club for all of us to be in.
 Celery sticks with peanut butter and
several raisins on top
 Rice cakes with peanut butter (good
for getting a protein punch)
Well, that’s about all I wanted to say in this first newsletter and
I do want to make every attempt to meet all the MBA members
and know your names. I do know quite a bit of you, but there’s
still many more that I don’t.
Low-fat cheese cubes
Hardboiled eggs
There is a Swap Meet on March 23rd and the Kick-Off Ride on
April 6th. Please, see the website for the details. I would ask that
all the Officers and Directors plan on attending a board meeting
on April 13th, 6:00 pm, at the Old National Bank in Heritage
Square. Please, stay tuned, as I don’t believe the room is reserved
Deviled egg (wrapped in plastic wrap)
Fruit yosome fresh
a boost
Trail mix
Nuts or nut
a handful)
Hope to see all of you out there real soon and ride safely around
all the potholes that will be appearing. The robins are back, so
spring can’t be too far behind!
Vegetable sticks with a little packet of dip (lowfat
salad dressing packets found in salad bars work as
easy-to-pack dip)
Broccoli or cauliflower bites
Half of a turkey or tuna sandwich on whole-wheat
Cucumber slices (lightly salted or with nonfat Italian
Yogurt and granola
Leftover chicken or turkey slices (great to eat cold)
Healthy fiber-rich or grain cereal
(great to eat dry from a baggie)
Pickles (wrapped in foil or plastic
Box of raisins or other dried fruit
Half a large whole wheat bagel with
light cream cheese
Apples, bananas, strawberries (any fruit works, these
are naturally portable)
Mixed berries (these freeze well in plastic bags)
Whole-wheat crackers and low-fat string cheese
Grapes in a baggie
Fruit smoothie in a thermos
Tuna and cottage cheese in mini-containers
Thank you,
Greg Hicks
gurt cup (add in
fruits or nuts for
mix (stick to just
The Chain Gang
Sunday, March 23rd: The annual Swap Meet sponsored by the MBA and NIMBA
(Northern Indiana Mountain Bike Association) will be March 23, 2014 in the Red Barn
at St Patrick's County Park. Doors will open for seller setup at 10:45 AM. The swap meet
will be open for buyers from 11:30 AM to 2:30 PM.
spIN 2014- The Indiana Bike Summit will be held April 24-26 at
the Bloomington-Monroe County Convention Center in Bloomington, IN.
In addition to the summit speakers and presentations, guests will have the
option to attend the Women's and Men's Little 500 racing events! For registration & info contact www.bicycleindiana.org
Sunday, April 27th 7am-2pm: The Ride for Recovery, Ypsilanti, MI is a family-fun fitness
event & fundraiser for Dawn Farm. The event will included opportunities to participate at various fitness levels,
including bike rides from 10-100K & 5K/10K walk/runs. There will be activities for children, farm tours, animals to pet, & a Recovery Celebration Lunch. CONTACT INFO: 734-485-8725 or RideForRecovery@dawnfarm.org
Saturday, May 17: Tour de Max, Culver IN is an annual bicycle tour through Marshall County sponsored by Culver Tri Kappa. Beginning in Culver, riders can take a 10-mile ride around Indiana's second largest
natural lake, Lake Maxinkuckee and extend to 30 mile or 63 mile routes.
Go to http://www.tourdemax.blogspot.com/ for additional info or register at Active.com
Sunday, June 8, 6:30 a.m.- 11:30: Bike the Bend, South Bend is a non-competitive bike tour for all
ages & skill levels on vehicle restricted streets on the 30 mile route starting at St. Patrick’s Park. CONTACT INFO: bikethebend.com. Bike to Work Week typically follows BTB
June 21st: Pumpkinvine Ride has multiple routes for riders from 10-100 miles. Rides over 21 miles start
in either Goshen or Shipshewana. There is also a warm-up ride and Amish-cooked Thresher’s dinner on Friday
6/14. All ride proceeds support trail maintenance. CONTACT INFO: www.pumpkinvine.org
August 1-3: Amishland & Lakes is a wonderful weekend of riding and socializing. It is also the primary
fundraiser for MBA. Please reserve these dates to ride and VOLUNTEER. Please contact any officer or board
member for additional information. WE need your talent, time and support!
Membership expires 3/31/14
Renew today at mbabike.com
focus on interval training. The following
The Happy Cyclist, addresses cycling etiquette, sticky issues and
workout is excerpted from Bicycling March
2014 p. 32.
Dear Happy Cyclist,
Workout Tabata
In spite of my best intentions I have succumbed to the lure of the couch , Downtown
8 20 second
recover for
10 seconds
of easy
b/t intervals. Do
the set 2-4
times (2-3
min. recovery b/t
100 %
Abby and comfort food this winter. Thinking
about getting back in the saddle is daunting
to me. Any suggestions on how to regain
some fitness while I lose my spare tire?
On the road back from heck
Dear On the road,
Well at least give yourself credit for being on
the road back! I can share a couple of tips
for getting fit, but first let’s talk about train-
HELPS Improves
your attacking
There are three different types of training
that build fitness-strength, endurance and
interval training. Strength training builds mus-
4-6 intervals of 1-2
mins. w/1
min of
easy spinning b/t
Threshold Time
2-5 6 min.
intervals w/3
mineasy spinning b/t efforts. The key
is consistencytry to cover
the same distance w/each
Bridge to a
or punch
your way
over a
short steep
90 %
Boost your
threshold (the
point at which
you are pedaling comfortably hard)
1-3 time
trails of 8
-10 mins.,
w/5 mins
of easy
b/t efforts.
100 %
your pain
and improve
sustainable power.
cles that are important for climbing as well as
weight loss. Strength training may also im-
If you are new to intervals, do an extra minute
prove balance & coordination. Endurance
of easy spinning between
training supports long efforts and contributes
efforts. You might benefit f
to cardiovascular health & boosts metabo-
from using a free app to
lism. Endurance training exercises are gener-
track your food intake like
ally aerobic exercises that are done at mod-
myfitnesspal.com. to
erate intensity. Interval training is built upon
facilitate spare tire
alternating short, high intensity bursts of
loss. Good luck!
speed with slower, recovery phases through-
Happy trails!
out a single workout. Interval training has
been found to burn more calories, reduce injuries, & speed recovery. I suggest that once
Send your questions, dilemmas & conundrums to
you get the go-ahead from your doctor you
Happy Cyclist c/o mbaeditor@gmail.com.
The exercise: Lie on your back and bend your knees, similar to the starting position for a sit-up. Keep your feet flat
on the ground. Lift your hips up by pushing the heels of
your feet into the ground, contracting the hamstring and
glutes. Make sure your body makes a straight line with
your feet and shoulders in contact with the ground. Hold
for 10 seconds and repeat 5 to 10 times. Increase the hold
time and reps as your strength improves.
excerpted from aactive.com
A solid base that supports your pedal stroke will allow
you to ride faster and for greater distances. It will improve
your form, prevent fatigue, and eliminate unnecessary
aches and pains. As your core becomes stronger, your
efficiency will also improve, which will allow you to
transfer a majority of your energy to your pedal stroke.
Muscles utilized: Transverse abdominus and the lower
Try these five core exercises three times per week to build
a solid foundation for the rest of your cycling regimen.
How it will help: Scissors will build strength in the inner
thigh, improve alignment from the hips to the lower extremities and make your pedal stroke more efficient.
Muscles utilized: Transverse abdominus, upper and lower
The exercise: Lie on your back with your legs straight.
Before lifting your legs off the ground, engage your core.
Draw the belly button toward the spine and press your
lower back into the ground with a slight posterior rotation
of the hips. Maintain this position throughout the exercise.
How it will help: Strengthening the back muscles will
help to generate more power in aerodynamic positions
(drops, aero bars) and will allow for a more aggressive
bike fit.
With both legs elevated off the ground six inches, alternate raising and lowering each leg. The raised leg should
not be more than 12 inches off the ground and the lowered leg should always remain elevated six inches. Complete 10 scissor kicks with each leg. Rest for 30 seconds
and repeat the exercise for two more sets. Increase the
reps as needed.
The exercise: Start in a push-up position supporting your
body weight on your forearms instead of your hands.
Keep your elbows beneath your shoulders. Your torso
shouldn't touch the floor and your body should form a
straight line. Hold the position for 30 seconds and repeat
three times. As it gets easier, increase the hold time and
Muscles utilized: Transverse abdominus and lower back.
Muscles utilized: Transverse abdominus and the
How it will help: This exercise will allow you to be more
comfortable and experience less pain in aggressive cycling positions. It'll also decrease fatigue by strengthening
muscles that improve lower back stability.
How it will help: This exercise will help you to improve
your balance and stability on the bike.
The exercise: Lie on one side. Push up so that your body
weight is supported on your elbow. Raise your waist off
the ground to form a straight line. Hold for 30 seconds
and repeat three times. Switch and complete the exercise
on the opposite side. As the exercise decreases in difficulty, increase the hold time and reps.
The exercise: Start in a sitting position with your knees
bent in front of you and your feet flat on the ground. In
one motion, lift and extend your legs out in front of you
and lean your upper body back so that your body forms
the shape of a V. Stretch your arms out straight in front of
you and tighten the lower abdominal muscles. Keep your
shoulders relaxed and your back straight. Hold this position for 10 seconds and repeat 5 to 10 times. Increase duration and reps as needed.
Muscles utilized: Hip flexors, glutes and lower back.
How it will help: Bridges will strengthen muscles that are
inflexible and become stiff due to the repetitive motion of
Michiana Bicycle Association
As of December 31, 2013
Short Term Assets
Long Term Assets
Bank CD
Total Assets
__ _$0.00
Total Liabilities
__ $0.00
Net Worth
Total Liabilities & Net Worth
Membership Dues
Amishland and Lakes
Total Revenue
Supplies 0.00
Jerseys 0.00
Awards 1,440.38
Newsletter 671.31
Donations 5,050.00
Marketing 0.00
Insurance 2,772.42
Swap meet 0.00
Maps 201.10
Postage 92.00
Miscellaneous 53.14
Dues 720.00
Social events 3,637.11
Road clean-up 0.00
Four-day ride 0.00
ISP 274.15
Handbook 0.00
Storage 660.00
Printing 0.00
Education 0.00
Unknown 0.00
Total Expenses 15,571.61
Net Gain/Loss 5,875.67
Most Club Miles - Male Greg Hicks 4251
Most Club Miles - Female
Most Incremental Female
Vicki Walters 2893
2nd Most Club Miles - Male
Debbie Johnson-Miller 218
Most Miles New Member/New Rider -
Steve Miller 3454
2nd Most Club Miles - Female
Most Miles New Member/New Rider -
Dixie Couch 1472
3rd Most Club Miles - Male
Dick Kuehl
Keith Dennis 317
Kristin Bauchrowitz 230
Most Overall Miles - Male
3rd Most Club Miles - Female
John Boughton 12,039
Most Overall Miles - Female
Bonnie Yoder 675
Most Incremental MalE Greg Hicks
MBA Winter Banquet Meeting
vicki Walters 7066
Windsor Park Conference Center
Mother Nature finally relented enough for us to hold our annual
banquet, and it was a wonderful opportunity for MBA members
to reconnect over a delicious meal. Gail Weaver selected a
mouth-watering variety of entrees that were enjoyed by all!
February 9, 2014
Board Members
Election of Officers & Board Members
Gail Weaver presented the slate of candidates for officers
and board members.
Jerry Dietzel
Randy Shaull
Dave Hicks
Shari Szjilagyi
Cindy Mongrain
Chris Vanden Bossche
Eldon Nifong
Gail Weaver
Laura Ray
Initially, there were no candidates for President and only
one candidate for each other slot.
Christine Weist
Safa Saddawi
Bonnie Yoder nominated Greg Hicks for President and he
2014 Amishland & Lakes Ride
The rest of the slate was voted in unanimously by all present:
The Amishland & Lakes Committee still needs leaders.
Amishland & Lakes is a 2½-day ride unique to this area with hundreds of participants. Gail Weaver will continue to accept volunteers, and she reminded everyone how proceeds from the ride
support MBA contributions to the community.
President – Greg Hicks
Vice President – Bonnie Yoder
2014 Swap Meet
Vice President of Publishing – Kristin Brandon
Our annual swap meet will take place at St. Patrick
County Park on March 23, 2014. A ride will follow, regardless of
the snow piles!
Treasurer – Dick Kuehl
Secretary – Susan Dietzel
MBA South
By Dick Kuehl
A number of MBA members spend part of the winter in Florida. Emmett and Carol Troyer (The Villages)
and Rod and Vawn Recla (Bradenton) have residences in Florida. Bill and Judy Lee take their 5th wheel
down to Florida for a number of weeks. Sue Call and Rob Walker had planned a February trip to visit the
Lees. When Judy Lee heard that I was going to visit relatives on Anna Maria Island in the same time frame
she saw an opportunity to organize an “MBA South” ride. In addition to those mentioned above Ed and
Kitty Everett also joined us.
On Saturday February 22nd we met on Anna Maria Island for a group ride. It was sunny and 74 degrees
when we started our ride at 10:00 am. We rode from Anna Maria Island south on Longboat Key to St. Armands Key, did a ceremonial turn around the traffic circle (St. Armands Key consists of the traffic circle
and a couple of side streets) and then headed back. Although there was a lot of traffic on the road, there
are wide, clean bike lanes the whole way. There is always a lot of cycle traffic on these roads so drivers
seemed alert and courteous. After the ride we went to local seafood restaurant for lunch with a view.
On Sunday we (minus the Troyers and Everetts) met in Bradenton (Rod’s turf) to take advantage of another warm and sunny day. We came across a new rowing facility in Sarasota that was having a regatta so we
hung around there for awhile and ended up with a relatively short ride.
On my way back north we stopped in The Villages and I did a 50 mile ride with Emmett and his peeps.
I had hoped to come home to outdoor riding weather, but it looks like it could be April before we have dry
roads and warm weather.
All miles contest. In 2013, we'll continue the all miles competition. It is on the honor system. Keep a
record of dates and the number of miles you rode each day. Submit a copy of your record between
Jan. 1 and Jan. 15, 2014.
Commuter miles. Record your commuter miles using the honor system, as for the all-miles contest,
and turn them in between Jan. 1 and Jan. 15, 2014.
Club miles contest. We will continue to have a club miles competition as in previous years. Only
rides begun at the official start time count towards this competition. As in the past, miles will be recorded on the sign in sheet and posted on the web site.
April Weekend Rides
Most weekend rides do not have a host so bring your own map or ask another member at the
ride. You can download a copy from the “Weekend Maps” list on the MBA website at mbabike.com. If no one provides a sign-in sheet you can send your miles to Chris Vanden
Bossche at mailto:cvandenb@nd.edu
11:00 a.m. Saturday, April 5, 2014
Sumnerville Northwest. Head north of Berrien Springs along the river, then through orchard country. Count on a stop at Tree-mendous Fruit Farm. Distances: 21, 31, 42, 48, 59, 67. Sumnerville is a
village 7 miles north of Niles and about 1 mile west of MI-51. Park at Arthur Dodd Park, which is
just west of Sumnerville. Take MI-51 north from Niles, go west on Pokagon into Sumnerville, turn
right on Indian Lake (by the tavern) and then immediately left. Take the first left onto Old Indian Lake
and then an immediate left onto Creek. The park will be about a hundred yards down the road on
your left. Distances: 21, 31, 42, 48, 59.
1:00 p.m. Sunday, April 6, 2014
KICKOFF RIDE, Potluck and General Meeting, Madeline Bertrand Park. We will ride at 1:00 from
Madeline Bertrand Park and then stay for the potluck. Bring a potluck dish as well as your plates and
utensils. The club provides beverages. Bertrand Park is at 3038 Adams Road, Niles, north of St.
Patrick’s Park and Stateline Rd and south of Bertrand. Note: Tell the attendant at the entrance
that you are with the MBA group and you won’t have to pay the entry fee.
Saturday, April 12, 2014 at 11 a.m.
Edwardsburg North. Join the Redfield Road trash pick-up today, then head north over a few rolling
hills towards Cassopolis and Dowagiac and return via Eagle Lake. Distances: 17, 26, 35, 44, 55, 66.
Meet at the High School (69410 Section Street, Edwardsburg, MI), the southernmost school on Section St, which runs south of US-12 and parallel to MI-62 (IN-23 in Indiana). Map.
Sunday, April 13, 2014 at 11 a.m.
Warren. This route heads southwest toward Fish Lake. A couple miles of chip and seal near the
start/finish are more than made up for by the pleasant roads of La Porte County. Distances: 18, 25,
32, 39, 50, 61. Park at Warren Elementary School (55400 Quince Rd), which is in Lydick west of
South Bend, ½ mile south of Edison, 1 mile north of SR-2 (Western) & 2 miles west of the US-20/31
Saturday, April 19, 2014 at 11 a.m.
Buchanan North. Head north through wine country and expect some hills in this area of glacial moraines. Distances: 14, 20, 34, 44, 54, 63. Meet at Buchanan Middle School (610 W 4th St.), which is
a few blocks north and west of the town’s main intersection at Redbud and Front.
Sunday, April 20, 2014 at 11 a.m.
Baldwin Prairie. These routes head north through Michigan lake country, with the longer routes returning along the St. Joseph River. Distances: 13, 25, 31, 39, 49, 61. Meet at the former Baldwin
Prairie Elementary School on the south side of U.S.-12, east of Union, MI and just west of Baldwin
Prairie Rd.
Saturday, April 26, 2014 at 11 a.m.
Edwardsburg East. These routes run east towards Union, with the longer ones heading north from
there toward Birch Lake. Distances: 17, 26, 34, 44, 55, 66. Meet at the High School (69410 Section
Street, Edwardsburg, MI), the southernmost school on Section St, which runs south of US-12 and
parallel to MI-62 (IN-23 in Indiana).
Sunday, April 27, 2014 at 11 a.m.
Niles. These routes head north from Niles in the direction of Indian Lake and Sister Lakes. Distances: 21, 33, 42, 49, 59. Use the Riverfront Park parking lot on the northeast corner of Main and Front
in Niles, MI. (Alternative start location: If there are special activities and you can’t park at Riverfront
Park, start from Ring Lardner School at 801 North 17th Street. All routes pass the school.)
Saturday, May 3, 2014 at 10 a.m.
Sumnerville Northeast. These routes head north through the beautiful country around Sister Lakes
and then circle down northwest of Dowagiac. Distances: 14, 24, 31, 44, 56, 71. Sumnerville is a village 7 miles north of Niles and about 1 mile west of MI-51. Park at Arthur Dodd Park, which is just
west of Sumnerville. Take MI-51 north from Niles, go west on Pokagon into Sumnerville, turn right on
Indian Lake (by the tavern) and then immediately left. Take the first left onto Old Indian Lake and
then an immediate left onto Creek. The park will be about a hundred yards down the road on your
left. Distances: 21, 31, 42, 48, 59.
Sunday, May 4, 2014 at 10 a.m.
Lakeville. Distances: 19, 29, 37, 47, 63. These routes head south from Lakeville towards Koontz
Lake, Walkerton, and Ancilla College. Start from Newton Park (US-31 @ IN-4); park in the Magnus
Dr lot one block west of US–31 and south of IN-4.
April Tuesday Rides
Tuesday rides do not have a host so bring your own map or ask another member at the ride.
You can download a copy from the “Tuesday Maps” (formerly “Letter Maps”) list on the MBA
website at mbabike.com. If no one provides a sign-in sheet you can send your miles to Chris
Vanden Bossche at mailto:cvandenb@nd.edu.
Tuesday, April 1, 2011, 2014, at 11 a.m.
Jackson Middle School. This route takes us southwest toward Potato Creek State Park and North
Liberty. Expect a few rolling hills. Distances: 15, 20, 31, 41. Jackson School (5501 S. Miami Rd.,
South Bend) is at the intersection of Miami and Jackson Rds., just south of the US-20 bypass.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014, at 11 a.m.
Edwardsburg. Head north toward Dowagiac and Southwest Michigan College and expect a few rolling hills. Distances: 16, 22, 35, 45. Meet at the High School (69410 Section Street, Edwardsburg,
MI), the southernmost school on Section St, which runs south of US-12 and parallel to MI-62 (IN-23
in Indiana).
Tuesday, April 15, 2014, at 11 a.m.
Martin’s Supermarket, Granger. This route heads over a few rollers up toward Barron Lake and
then loops back through Edwardsburg. Distances: 12, 19, 27, 38, 47. Park at the Martin’s parking lot
(12850 St. Rd. 23, Granger), near the McDonalds, just south of the Adams/IN-23 traffic signal.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014, at 11 a.m.
Sumnerville. These routes travel north through orchard country (passing Tree-mendous and Wicks)
up toward Sister Lakes. Distances: 18, 27, 37, 50. Sumnerville is a village 7 miles north of Niles and
about 1 mile west of MI-51. Park at the church (61268 Indian Lake Rd.) on the west side of Indian
Lake Rd, just south of Pokagon Rd.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014, at 11 a.m.
Knollwood. These routes quickly exit the suburbs and emerge into southern Michigan; the long
route loops through Morris Farms. Distances: 10, 20, 23, 32, 40. Park at the Knollwood Country Club
(16633 Baywood Ln, Granger, IN), which is north of University Park Mall, just west of the intersection
of Adams and Grape.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014, at 10 a.m.
Horizon. These routes go north to Eagle Lake and east towards Union, MI; roads are mostly flat
with a few rollers going out toward Union. Distances: 13, 20, 30, 41. Meet at Horizon Elementary
School (10060 Brummitt Rd), which is in northeastern St. Joseph County north of Cleveland Rd and
the Toll Road between Beech and Ash Rds.
March & April Wednesday Evening Rides
Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 6 p.m.
Moran. Enjoy the mostly flat Indiana farmland southeast of Osceola. Distances: 13, 17, 23, 28, 33.
Meet at Moran Elementary School (305 N Beech Rd, Osceola), which is about two blocks north of
Lincolnway and one mile west of the Elkhart County line. During the school year park on the
Wednesday, March 19, 2014 at 6 p.m.
Horizon. These routes go north through Michigan lake country. Distances: 13, 19, 25, 35. Meet at
Horizon Elementary School (10060 Brummitt Rd), which is in northeastern St. Joseph County north
of Cleveland Rd and the Toll Road between Beech and Ash Rds.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014 at 6 p.m.
Ring Lardner. Head north towards Barron Lake and then, on longer routes, up Anderson hill towards Dowagiac. Distances: 16, 20, 24, 29, 35. Meet at Ring Lardner Middle School (801 North 17th
Street, Niles, MI), which is north of MI-60 and south of Lake St. on the east side of Niles.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014 at 6 p.m.
Tire Rack North. This route takes us around Mud Lake in southwest Michigan. Distances: 19, 23,
27, 33. Park at the far (west) end of the lot on the north side of the Tire Rack (7101 Vorden Parkway), which is just southwest of the Indiana Toll Road/US-31 Bypass interchange. The entrance to
the lot is on the Vorden Parkway off Olive St. between Old Cleveland and Brick.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014 at 6 p.m.
Bertrand Township Hall. Enjoy the beautiful area southwest of Buchanan and expect some hills in
this area shaped by glacial moraines. Distances: 11, 17, 23, 29, 36. The hall is on Buffalo Rd just
west of Redbud Trail (from South Bend take the US-31 bypass and exit west on US-12 to Redbud
then turn south to Buffalo).
Wednesday, April 16, 2014 at 6 p.m.
Northpoint. Roll past Garver and (for most routes) Eagle Lakes in southern Cass county. Distances:
17, 22, 25, 33, 36. Park at Northpoint Elementary School (50800 Cherry Rd, Granger), which is just
north of the intersection of Cherry and Adams Rds and west of the Adams/IN-23 traffic signal.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014 at 6 p.m.
Warren. This route heads west towards (and at longer distances around) Hudson Lake. Distances:
17, 22, 26, 31, 36. Park at Warren Elementary School (55400 Quince Rd), which is in Lydick west of
South Bend, ½ mile south of Edison, 1 mile north of SR-2 (Western) & 2 miles west of the US-20/31
Wednesday, April 30, 2014 at 6 p.m.
Knollwood. These routes quickly exit the suburbs and emerge into southern Michigan east of Niles.
Distances: 15, 19, 24, 28, 35. Park at the Knollwood Country Club (16633 Baywood Ln, Granger,
IN), which is north of University Park Mall, just west of the intersection of Adams and Grape.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014 at 6 p.m.
Moran. Enjoy the mostly flat Indiana farmland southeast of Osceola. Distances: 13, 17, 23, 28, 33.
Meet at Moran Elementary School (305 N Beech Rd, Osceola), which is about two blocks north of
Lincolnway and one mile west of the Elkhart County line. During the school year park on the
Michiana Bicycle Association
PO Box 182
Granger, IN 46530-0182
2014 Membership, Newsletter Application, and Dues
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PO Box 182
Granger, IN 46530-0182
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Make check payable to MBA
Membership fee .........$25.00 per
individual or family living at
same address
(Age 70 or older- free, but must
fill out renewal each year)
Total Enclosed .........$_____
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Name & ages of participating bicyclists in
immediate family:
In signing this form for myself or the named applicant
(if he or she is under 21), I agree to absolve all of the
organizers, officers, sponsors and members of the
Michiana Bicycle Association, Inc. be they individuals
or organizations, singly or collectively, of all blame
for any injury, misadventure, harm/loss or inconvenience suffered as a result of taking part in the scheduled or non-scheduled activities of the Michiana Bicycle Association.