Primary inspector for Waleed al Shehri and Satam al Suqami at
Primary inspector for Waleed al Shehri and Satam al Suqami at
I ^Inspector No.| | Primary inspector for Waleed al Shehri and Satam al Suqami at Orlando Orlando International Airport on April 23,2001 Use of name in report: The Commission would agree, if y0u want, that the Commission will not use your name or your personal information without prior consultation with DHS/CBP about the information we seek to use. Unless We really feel the need, we won't use your name. However, we will not make the flat promise that we will not under any circumstances use your name. (Circumstances when would use name: probably only in making policy recommendations or factual information that requires a quote.) Telephone interview date: 05/19/04 ,.-'"""9(11 LSW E n f o r c e m e n t Sensitive Who else has interviewed you: DOJ OIG, FBI, DHS, CBP. No. J learned about it last Friday (May 14, 2004). , Do you recollect the inspection of this pair Waleed al Shehri and Suqami on April 23, 2001? No. Were you assigned no.j |on that date? Yes, I think so. Length of service at INS.f FLETC. When did you train? How long? / I • Training in CT? I think so. • Document fraud? • Databases? • Mock secondary inspections? • Cultural training? • Behavioral training? • Language training? • Pre 9/11 - facilitate or enforce? Enforcement. Intending immigrant? - Yes. Looking for terrorist: anything suspicious. Did feel prior to 9/11 had a role in CT. • Firearms training? Don't recall. Normal primary. • Please describe the standard operating procedures you employ in primary screening, including questions asked, documents reviewed, and databases checked. Slide passport through. | Length of stay for Bis: was there a standard length of stay given pre 9/11? Was that a port decision, or national operating policy? If you gave less than the standard time, were there professional repercussions? Depends on what requested. Request letters; tailored. Length of stay for B2s: was there any discretion in length of stay granted B2s pre 9/11? If want more, sent to secondary with supervisor's.approval. Processing time at Orlando: was there a standard processing time? • • J Any professional repercussions if did not meet that processing time? Processing time - we did it too fast. Keeping track of time - airline crew. Airlines .would call headquarters and Congress and trickle down to us. Airport authority - public. 9/11 Law Enforcement Sensitive Was there a port policy about referrals to secondary; a certain criteria that had to be met to refer to secondary? V'\ Return ticket/ flight itinerary. Did you always ask for flight itinerary for unusual travel? For a return ticket? \w of passport and visa. • What do you look for on the document to determine whether fraud or not? I \n you read Arabic stamps/cachets? N me. • JFK Blue Book: past away - don't recall his name./ 7 J Don't know if shared with headquarters (John Mirandona). • Have you received any training in reading documents other than FLETC prior to 9/11? • Does the port always make sure there are inspectors on duty in secondary with expertise in documents and stamps? Yes. • Familiar with the Redbook? Don't recall. Treatment of Emirates and Saudis. • How did inspectors view Saudis pre 9/11 ? Ever considered a threat to national security? No. • At Miami, did you ever notice that any particular nationalities were treated any differently than others? Yes. When Saudi flights come in, push flight up ahead of time and swiftly pushed through. I was skeptical of this. They had money and spent it. Airlines put pressure on port and pressured got down to us. • What about Saudis in particular? • How did the treatment affect adjudication of Saudis? • If you could not communicate with a Saudi, what would you do? Secondary for translator. • Were there any Arabic speakers in INS inspections at Orlando? Did you always have to rely on the airlines? No. • Would the airline help you out? Sometimes flight attendant. Profiling. • What unusual characteristics about an alien applying for admission would cause you concern and result in a referral to secondary? 9/11 Law Enforcement Sensitive Law Enforcement Sensitive • Waleed al Shehri and Sat am al Sugami's primary inspection. Al Shehri - photo looks different - eyebrows. Put emphasis on 1-94. 20 days didn't matter; today customs declaration complete. Suqami: Customs declaration - no anomalies seen. Not scrutinized -just see if it is filled out. Ask verbally how many days - coming for business. 20 days - why? And see if he needs it and would give it to him. ;I-94: stamp mine; address adequate; would have reviewed stamps. • Where do you normally work? • Where were you working on April 23, 2001? • Do you recollect either one? • Please describe how you conducted the inspection and what transpired, to the best of your recollection. Changes at DHS. • What changes do you see on the front line with the new CBP? Since 9/11, we've been stepchild of CBP. • Are you familiar with National Targeting Center? Yes, very. We have turned away because of NTC. • What effect has US VISIT had on entry and the inspection process? Good; best inventive thing within CBP. 3 or 4 matches this week on WL; no biometric hits. Customs not doing immigration adjudications; short of staff. • Use and value of SEVIS. Yes, we have turned away students because of it. • Adequate access to DOS visa via the Consular Consolidated Database. Yes. • If you had a message for Commissioner Bonner what would it be? More training. • What if you had stolen passport #s automatically checked? Yes. • What if you had technology that could detect fraud in a document? Excellent. • What if you had access to an electronic Redbook? Yes. Want all 3 on primary. • Return ticket and match length of stay to return ticket? Do away with extensions. • Cross-training: good/bad? Both immigration law and customs law too complicated - should be able to specialize. • Customs has final say on expedited removals at Orlando. I 1 Inspector No. I I Primary inspector for Waleed al Shehri and Sat am al Suqami at Orlando Orlando International Airport on April 23, 2001 Use of name in report: The Commission would agree, if you want, that the Commission will not use your name or your personal information without prior consultation with DHS/CBP about the information we seek to use. Unless we really feel the need, we won't use your name. However, we will not make the flat promise that we will not under any circumstances use your name. (Circumstances when would use name: probably only in making policy rec6mmendations or factual information that requires a quote.) ,/ ..•-9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy Who else has interviewed you: DOJ OIG, FBI, DHS, CBP. ft-ft. Do you recollect the inspection of tliis pair Waleed al Shehri and Suqami on April 23,2001? r0 0 , \e you assigned noj^jbn Length of service at INS. FLETC. • When did you train? How long? Training in CT? Document fraud? . Databases? • Mock secondary inspections? • Cultural training? • Behavioral training? • Language training? \8IS C,T : I • Firearms training? 9//I Normal primary. • Please describe the standard operating procedures you employ in primary screening, including questions asked, documents reviewed, and. databases checked. 5 k'tU. Length of stay for Bis: was there a standard length of stay given pre 9/11? Was that a port decision, or national operating policy? If you gave less than the standard time, were there professional repercussions? Length of stay for B 2s: was there any discretion in length of stay granted B2spre9/ll? if Length of stay for vocational students: what was your understanding of the rule? Did the one year limitation include-trie"~3~iD)days to leave, or was the 30 days tacked on at the end of the sta^Wrirgfthe stayjn reality was 13 months? • Processing time at Orlando: was there a standard processing time? , ^MM***W I Any professional repercussions if did not meet that processing time? . • Was there a port policy about referrals to secondary; a certain criteria that had to be met to refer to secondary? Return ticket/ flight itinerary. Did you always ask for flight itinerary for unusual travel? For a return ticket? Review of passport and visa. • What do you look for on the document to determine whether fraud or not?/ S/ll Law Enforcement Sensitive Have you received any training in reading documents other than FLETC prior to 9/11? Does the port always make sure there are inspectors on duty in secondary with expertise in documents and stamps? Familiar with the Redbook? Treatment of Emirates and Saudis. How did inspectors view Saudis pre 9/11? Ever considered a threat to national security? • At Miami, did you ever notice that any particular nationalities were,, treated any differently than others? y£<. ' - • What about Saudis in particular? How did the treatment affect adjudication of Saudis? If you could not communicate with a Saudi, what would you do? • Were there any Arabic speakers in INS inspections at Orlando? Did you always have to rely on the airlines? / > , Would the airline help you out? Profiling. • What unusual characteristics about an alien applying for admission would cause you concern and result in a referral to secondary? 9/11 Law Enforcement Sensitive j-,aw Enforcement Sensitive Wateed al Shehri and Satam al Suqami's primary inspection. Where do you nofteaily work? d+*/t rf Where were you working on April 23, 2001? - 2- 0 Do you recollect either one? ^ 'Please describe how you conducted the inspection and what transpired, to the best of your recollection. Changes at DBS. • What changes do you see on the front line with the ne^CBJP? • Are you familiar with National Targeting Center? • What effect has US VISIT had on entry and the inspection process? / / '/fact '' • Use and value of SEVIS. l/^ 7 • ' stiJ*** /A Adequate access to DOS visa via the Consular Consolidated Database. If you had a message for Commissioner Bonner what would it be? jyit>r<e -^^^/^ What if you had stolen passport #s automatically checked? - f /••>• *. • What if you had technology that could detect bad mk on a ut • What if you had access to an electronic Redbook? -""9/11 Law xEnforcement »» Privacy BS59583«4SAU7606283K001121 5 B 3 1 Q Z O 98090 M<00 SATAM M. AL SUQAMI American Airlines Flight 11 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Passport •Passport: Identification Page • Passport: U.S. Visa Page Source: Crash site World Trade Center (N Tower) SatamALSUQAMI Flight #11 Initial DOE: 04/23/01 Initial POE: Orlando, Florida Class of Entry: B-1 Visitor valid until 05/20/01 [OVER-STAY] Country of Citizenship: Saudi Arabia [NOTE: Final DOE: 5/16/01® Freeport, Bahamas (PFI), SUBJECT'S initial nonimmigrant B-1 Visitor status re-validated after 1 day trip to Bahamas under 22 CFR 41.12(d)] NIXDTVW LN: ALSUGAMI PASSPORT NUMBER NO" FN: SUTAM 559583 " ~~ IVAL ^ .ISSION NUMBER \DMISSION CLASS ADMISSION DATE ADMITTED TO DATE PORT OF ENTRY INSPECTOR NUMBER VISA ISSUE POST VISA ISSUE DATE \RRIVAL CARRIER UKLINE FLIGHT NUMBER INTENDED STREET ADDRESS INTENDED CITY ADDRESS MICROFILM NUMBER DEPARTURE 08115320708 Bl APR 23, 2001 MAY 20, 2001 ORLANDO FL n DATE: 10/13/01 TIME: 10 -.42:05 DOB: 06/28/1978 COC: SAUDI GENDER: M COR: SAUDI I 1 OF ADMN REC: MIGRANT INFORMATION SYSr DETAIL VIEW 9/11 Personal Privacy RIYADH AUG 11, 1998 VS VIRGIN ATLANTIC AIRLINES 00027 TRAVEL MODE: AIR ORLNDO HAYT REGNCY ORLNDO STATE: FLORIDA ACTUAL DEPARTURE CARRIER : 16, 2001 ACTUAL DEPARTURE FLIGHT #: 9273 DEPARTURE DATE : MAY PORT OF DEPARTURE : FALL RIVER MA SCREEN HELP: PF1=NEXT PAGE PF2=PRIOR PAGE PF4=RETURN PF5=HELP PF6=MAIN MENU PF7=FIRST PAGE PF8=LAST PAGE PF10=INQUIRY 1900021 LAST PAGE DISPLAYED 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy Admission Number 081153201'08 ' 1 Immigration and Naturalization Service APR 1-94 Arrival Record ADMJTTi I Family Name **i / *~ r j_ 2. Fitsi (Given) Nanle 4 QLU i . i 1 I I I I Country of Citizenship < I^I/I/J^I r lr» \ ] p I / Piispon Number 7 Aifline >nd Right Number V i S i 9 3- 1 6 j I '3 Birth Date (Diy/Mo/Yr) i i i 9 City Where You Botrded Country Where You Uve IV l ^ / l .' I f)\t- \* \b 10. City Where Visa W« Issued a Due Issued (Diy/Mo/Yr) ' ^ I /. ly.lfl Kiil7 I/I 1 t 12 Address While in the United States (Number and Sireet) o i ri f i p j ^ i Q i i/> i«a i/ i-r- i n^ iQiin.. i i i 13 Ciry and Stale Ol>lf REQ #20-1 and 2 h I/-/IM .1 000000689 *^ WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES OeFWKnJENTOF THE TREASURY * r^M^na, UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE «—«"••• i— CUSTOMS DECLARATION >«.«. >*t Ml 1 Exft *r»'«s >jj»lar or IKK! of Un>y mgjl pmtte the 6. Y£S I am i U.S. i »*to. -. JL/>;£. 1 j A Uw U-S. •Eipeflwl NO. L«ige» IX Sfciy: , e. C> Ct f-'V > so*. DrOs. snarte. oOwliM annuls, fam i IM« tvrc b<wn on * farm a> ri *w U.S. MO P-J- ; ' •- ' •-.'_•" '_vj-/vjUv."• i—i r~>' ~' '_ ' I_ \5 HO D &' D D »»« JtaOOO US. or scgured abnud and am/irea b*f instrurfom mar MMduntiu --. -\ MOST MAJOR CnEDfTjOARDS AC StGN ON REVERSE SIDe'AFTEH i-T^«.Tyi.MtA BADGE WX pA'TAU' JXW.**"» •»JfW»J«y V>«v<<»%U««^al>*Jt» 1fc'mdj*<n l> i.-«ilfci1Sfc*»^ l»» «»m»^>i • » r»a» •»-«*-^ *•»*•»» ItWCTy «»y •»•.!•t^X-^ m l^-> >»>« ^»« •Mil. •• iMQj.» ai" .n^*'->iiFI>»HTW 'TVil Tr--i a- ' i n" t j^in nlaur'lil •• U^I"IT lit «.'—»**-****••** %J«»F •»-».4aC Jttei.^-»*^i^<Mt*ut^'»ii»«-i »rfTiii»tr»» ••mi • *i. »i r • v^-<o^m.>.<i^.ot. JT*3^ _ tr c/ 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy 000000690 REQ #20-1 and 2 NIXDTVW IMMIGRANT INFORMATION SY; DATE 10/13/01 DETAIL VIEW TIME 11:32:23 jN: ALSHEHRI FN : WALKED DOB: 12/20/1978 COG: SAUDI C348871 'A^.SPORT NUMBER GENDER: M COR: SAUDI VAL ADMN REG: 1 OF OMISSION NUMBER , 08115319808 B2 ADMISSION CLASS APR 23, 2001 UDMISSION DATE OCT 22, 2001 UDMITTED TO DATE ' ORLANDO FL »ORT OF ENTRY 9/11 Personal Privacy CNSPECTOR NUMBER JEDDAH /ISA ISSUE POST OCT 03, 2000 /ISA ISSUE DATE ARRIVAL CARRIER VS VIRGIN ATLANTIC AIRLINES URLINE FLIGHT NUMBER 00027 TRAVEL MODE: AIR INTENDED STREET ADDRESS ORLAND HAYT REGENCY INTENDED CITY ADDRESS ORLANDO STATE : FLORIDA MICROFILM NUMBER DEPARTURE ACTUAL DEPARTURE CARRIER : ACTUAL DEPARTURE FLIGHT #: 9273 DEPARTURE DATE : MAY 16, 2001 PORT OF DEPARTURE : FALL RIVER MA SCREEN HELP: PF1=NEXT PAGE PF2=PRIOR PAGE PF4=RETURN PF5=HELP PF6=MAIN MENU PF7=FIRST PAGE PF8=LAST PAGE PF10=INQUIRY 1900021 LAST PAGE DISPLAYED I 02/21/2002 11:25 FAX k. WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY 'UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE CUSTOMS DECLARATION 19 Cfft TSL2T, 146.12,1 Each anivrns traveler or head of famity must pruvidu tha fallowing information (only ONE written declaration par family is required): 1, Name: 2. Date of Birth: •Z.&J-jgg.Jjgg. 3. AMIne/Fllgrrt .Nl_>. 4. Numbar of family members traveling with you 5. U.S. Aaaress: C?.irJ.t. Ctty: •1 ji .^-Jj£:£.£L££lJ2~£-f _ ^-7 6. I am aOJ.-S. Cffizan If No. Country.,] 7. I reslde'parmanentfy in trm U.S. If No, Expected Length of Stay: J^. 8. The purpose of my trip is or was [ 9. I am/win are bringing fruits, plants, meats, food, soil, birds, spate, other livi animals, farm products, or I/we have been on a farm or ranch outside trie U.S. / . :*A,.. YES [BUSINESS URE 10. I am/we are carrying currency or monetary imuTjmerrts over SI 0,000 U.S. or foreign equivalent Y£S NO YES NO 11. The total value of all goods I/we purchased or acquired abroad and am/are bringing to the U.S. is (see instructions under Merchandise on reverse side): ~ MOST MAJOR SIGN ON REVERSE (Do not writs balow Dili lira j INSPECTOR'S NAME API iWfiSIM ADMIT rj=n BADGE NO. UNTIL . , CUS3 ~*"5« WMI — • ' ] Kith *• abaim K HamOaa a iMMduii taiMtaci^ Camou oonoMng <• miwr ix • br wiuolng «fe »9«1 mould bt 6MH4 VIU, CUIWni Mnflo, Pqamrli Cunoma Form SOS88 (09»83) 02/21/2002 11:26 FAI . : . '• ". rr- • ••- ••'' i *• is"!' s i^i :^::^f^^9 IK;^^^^ WARNING _ • l_.:i.:"; ', *;?:: : •: -c- 1.'r_irfc*.> ^ c-v i? •• • . . - . - . %*!iT- '""i 2.—- 'f rvftl! if"?^slP'JVV-^-^:1---"^>}^"-C;::^r!tp1 " • - ":; ' ''' • -•"-: •'-. --'L .'I'*"*: ' ! Ttte smuggling or unlawful importation of controflsd subsuneea regardlesa erf wwunt )» • vfatadon of US. taw. Accuracy of your declaration may b* verified through questioning and AGRICLOJURAI. PRODUCTS To prevent th» entry of dangerous agricultural pests the following are restricted: fruits, vegetables, plants, plant products, soft, meat*, meat products, ftrria. snails, and other live arvnola or animal products. Failure to declare at such ftema to 4 Customa/AgriCultLirB OtttetfCan raautt In fineo or other penalties. CURRENCY AND MONETARY INSTRUMENTS ~nw transportalian of currency or monetary instruments, regardtess of amount a legal; howerver, if you take out of or bring Into (or are about to taKe out of or bring into) the United State* more Hun 510,000 (U.S. or foreign equlvaMnt, or • combination of the two) In coin, currency, travelers checks or bearer inabwTients such as money orders, crwcka. nicks or bonds, you are requifBd by law to fie • report on a Form 4790 wfln the U.S. Customs Sendee, ff you have somtora else cany the currency or Instruments for you, you must aJsa -file the repot FAILURE TO RLE THE REQUIRED REPORT JOR FALSE swraoatra ON THE HGPOFTT MAY LEAD TO SBZUHE OF THE CURRENCY OH INSTRUMENTS AND TO OVIL PENALTIES AND/OR CRIMINAL PROSECUTION MERCHANPtSC in Item 11, UVS. reddents must declare the total value of ALL articles acquired abroad (wtiettw new or usad. whether dutiable or not, and whether obtained by purchase, as 9. gift or otherwise), including those purcnases made in DUTY FREE stores in the U-S. or abroad, which are In their or their family's possession at ttie time of arrival. Viators must declare In Item 1 1 the total value of aO gifts and commercial Hems, including samplaa they are bringing with them, The amount of duty to bo paid will be determined by a Customs officer. U.S. residents are normally entitled to a duty free exemption of MOO on those Items accompanying them; non-residents are normally entitled to an exemption of S100. Both residents and non-residents will normally bm required to pay a Bit 10% rate of duty on the first £1,000 above their exemptions. r ma vibe of good* cMdwad In ham 11 EXCEEDS J 1.400 PER PERSON, ten Hx ALL irtictos balow and show priet paid in US. (Solan or, for oltts. (i°r mtail va)m. If additional •para a rwMKi. continue on inolner Custom* Form BG59B. DESCRIPT1C3N OF ARTICLES PRICE CUSTOMS USE • TOTAL IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT WHAT MUST BE REPORTED OR DECLARED ASK A CUSTOMS OFFICER. / have read the above statements and have made a truthful declaration. U.S7Q.P.O. U!B • Cusuxic Form 60SBB (D920SS1 (Sack} Waleed ALSHEHRI Flight # 11 Initial DOE: 04/23/01 Initial POE: Orlando, Florida Class of Entry: B-2 Visitor valid until 11/15/01 Country of Citizenship: Saudi Arabia [NOTE: Final DOE: 5/16/01® Freeport, Bahamas (PFI), SUBJECT'S initial nonimmigrant B-2 Visitor status re-validated after 1 day trip to Bahamas under 22 CFR 41.12(d)] Applicant Detail Page I of! The United States Department of State - Bureau of Consular Affairs NIV Applicant Detail QUIGLEYPR on November 08, 2001 10:53 ET Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) • Information Protected under INA 222(f) and 9 FAM 40.4 Issuing Post Name Control Number JEDDAH 2000298 251 0003 Surname AL SHEHRI Given Name WALEED M Passport Number Gender Date of Birth Nationality C348871, Regular Male 20DEC1978 SARB Place of Birth Saudi Arabia (SARB) Issue Date Expiration Date Foil Number 24-OCT-2000 23-OCT-2002 39731318 Adjudication History Adjud Date Status 24-OCT-2000 Issued Foil History Foil Number Class Date Printed Foil Status 39731318 B1/B2 24-OCT-2000 Printed and passed QA Namecheckfs) Seq Status Source DNC/Class Hits DNC/Class Worst Hit Local Worst Hit Data Entry Date RECEIVED CLASS 2 1 NR 24-OCT-2000 # 1 Hit Override Description NAME AND/OR DOB OF APPLICANT DIFFERENT http:A''^BMXrH_[D^ .-.(ft ,-M (s&uing Post Nanw Control Number JEDDAH 20002982510003 Surname AL SHEHRI Vise Type /Class Given Name R B1/B2 WALEED M Passport Number Sex C348871 M Birth Date Nationality 20DEC1978 SARB Entries' Issue Date Expiration Data M- / 240CT2000 230CT2002 ' . •" 0101 ,- Annotation 39731318 '- YNSAMfrL<SJLEH8;i<J<WALEED<|vi««««««««««. ~ C348871«1SAU7812204H0010241B3302D9C26995208 1A-1A8257 M-MMA-00021343 1 [Inspector No.l Primary inspector for Waleed al Shefari Freeport, Bahamas Preclearance on May 16, 2001 Use of name in report: The Commission would agree, if you Want, that the Commission will not use your name or your personal information without prior consultation with DHS/CBP about the information we seek to use. Unless we teally feel the need, we won't use your name. However, we will not make the flat pfomise that we will not under any circumstances use your name. (Circumstances when would use name: probably only in making policy recommendations or factual information that requires a quote.) • 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy Telephone interview date: 06/02/04 Has anyone else interviewed you? (DOJ OIG, FBI, DHS, CBP). ^o. Do you recollect the inspection of Waleed al Shehri on May 16, 2901? No. How does the Customs record reflect your identity as the inspector? I how long she had stamp.) l(Not sure Length of service at Customs. How long at Bahamas pre-clearance? Did you only do inspections, or did you have other .duties? FLETC. When did you train? How long? Started inl I I I • Did you receive training in operational CT? ie the role of the border inspector in intercepting terrorists? Terrorist disguises - smart people - generalfraud- not CT. • Databases? Were you aware that the TECS database containing a terrorist name watchlist? NAILS, CIS, NIIS - don't know of any terrorist system. • Did you do roll playing in primary and secondary inspections? How much? What type? (Land border, airport, pre-clearance) 2 or 3, usually do your own secondary inspection. • Cultural training in how different cultures behave? Previous training at FLETC. • Behavioral training? - Prior. • Language training? No. • Firearms training? How much? Were you permitted to carry a firearm during your duties pre 9/11? Not permitted at Freeport. //1I Law Enforcement 'Sensitive View of your job pre 9/11. • Did you consider your job prior to September 11 more one of facilitating travelers' entry into the U.S., or enforcing immigration laws? Enforcing. • Did you consider yourself as a border inspector to have a role in CT prior to September 11? Y / N - N o . • What types of travelers were you looking to keep out prior to September 11? Immigration violators, criminals, overstays. Normal customs primary/secondary. • Please describe the Minimum standard operating procedures you employ for every inspection in primary screening, including questions asked, how the customs dec, luggage, and currency are reviewed, and databases checked. What is the purpose of your visit, turn arounds not put in TECS. *.. Return ticket/ flight itinerary.r \ • Length of stay for Bis: was there a standard length of stay given pre 9/11? Was that a port decision, or national operating policy? If you gave less than the standard time, were there professional repercussions? 29 days to 3 months with approval of supervisor. *. Length of stay for B2s: was there any discretion in length of stay granted B2s pre. 9/1 1? 6 months or 183 days less only (180 days max), if passport expires. • . Processing time at Freeport: was there a standard processing time? i meet that processing time? j | Any professional repercussions if did not | but not under pressure. Review of passport and visa. » What do you look for on the document to determine whether fraud or not?/ • Can you read Arabic stamps/cachets? No. • Did you have available advance passenger manifests? Did not have passenger manifests in Bahamas. • Were round trips in one day common from Miami to Bahamas? About 20 flights a day to the U.S. Treatment of Emirates and Saudis. • How did inspectors view Saudis pre 9/11? Ever considered a threat to national security? Few Saudis. • Was there ever any deference given to Saudis? No. • If you could not communicate with a Saudi, what would you do? No. • Were there any Arabic speakers in INS inspections at Freeport? Did you always have to rely on the airlines? No. • Would the airline help you out? No. Waleed al Shehri's primary inspection, (show documents). Please explain the TECS entry results. Do you recognize al Shehri? What happens with I-94s/Customs declarations ? Do you know whether they are taken on the flight over? Do they get new ones if turned around back to the US by INS preclearance? Supervisor handles turn-arounds. Changes at DBS. • What changes do you see on the front line with the new CBP? Not much has changed. USC used to get fast tracked, now everyone goes into TECS. • Are you familiar with National Targeting Center? Worthwhile? Know about it and has called it. NTC only really interested in terrorism. • Are you doing any immigration inspections? What effect has US VISIT had on entry and the inspection process? Started in January, no problems, people like it. Had training on fraudulent documents by MIA Inspector recently (about an hour). • Have you received any training in immigration law or practice at pre-clearance? No. • Do you have access to advance passenger manifests at Freeport? No. If you had a message for Commissioner Bonner what would it be? He's doing a wonderful job. 9/11 Personal Privacy Inspector No.l Primary inspector for Waleed al Shehri Freeport, Bahamas Preclearance on May 16, 2001 Use of name in report: The Commission would agree, if you want, that the Commission will not use your name or your personal information without prior consultation with DHS/CBP about the information we seek to use. Unless we really feel the need, we won't use your name. However, we will not make the flat promise that we will not under any circumstances use your name. (Circumstances when would use name: probably only in making policy recommendations or factual information that requires a quote.) Has anyone else interviewed you? (DOJ DIG, FBI, DHS, CBP) Do you recollect the inspection of Waleed al Shehri on May 16., 2001? \f How does the Customs record reflect your identity as the inspector?. \ Length of service at Customs. How long at Bahamas preclearance? Did you only do inspections, or did you have other dutiesX FLETC. t__ I _ *. When did vou trainV H6w~loriK • Did you receive training in operational CT? ie the role of the border inspector in intercepting terrorists? fl, h, /•,$?"" d.*J *('$«,$-. 5>M-l*t" p " • Databases? Were you aware that the TECS database containing a terrorist name £ Did you do roll playing in primary and secondary inspections? How much? What type? (Land border, airport, preclearance) <^ "Sf JuJ ' • Cultural training in how different culturesehave? Behavioral training? Prv'*" Language training? Personal Privacy • Firearms training? How much? Were you permitted to carry a firearm during your duties pre 9/11? «T View of your job pre 9/11. • Did you consider your job prior to September 1 1 more one of facilitating travelers' entry into the U.S., or enforcing immigration laws? • Did you consider yourself as a border inspector to have a role in CT prior to September 11? Y/(jP • What types of travelers were you looking to keep out prior to September 11? Normal customs primary/secondary. • Please describe the Minimum standard operating procedures you employ for every inspection in primary screening, including questions asked, how the customs dec, luggage, and currency are reviewed, and databases checked. • raryfo: Return ticket/ flight itinerary. Did you always ask for flight itinerary for unusual travel? For a return ticket? -f> I • \ of stay for Bis: was there a standard length of stay given pre 9/1 1? Was . • __ , \t a port decision, or national operating policy? If you gave less than the standard time, were there professional repercussions? 0 a J^k* J^1 * Length of stay for B2s: was there any discretion in length of stay granted rocessing time at Afemw/c: was there a standard processing time? 7 J Any professional repercussions if did not i meet that processing time? Review of passport and visa. • What do you look for on the document to determine whether fraud or not? Can you read Arabic stamps/cachets? • Did you have available advance passenger manifests? • Were round trips in one day common from Miami to Bahamas? 4rJL/K^r-A^< ^^^ Treatment of Emirates and Saudis. / How did inspectors view Saudis pre 9/11? Ever considered a threat to national security? • Was there ever any deference given to Saudis? • If you could not communicate with a Saudi, what would you do? • Were there any Arabic speakers in INS*inspectionsi5towarie? Did you always have to rely on the airlines? • Would the airline help you out? K;*- Elements that may raise a red flag prior to September 11. At Customs pre 9/11, what things about a person or his luggage wojrfd cause a secondary inspection? What types of secondary inspections did Customs officers conduct? Please discuss random, rover, and self-referrals. What percentage of passengers are checked in a Custo/ns secondary in preclearance? Waleed al Shehri's primary inspection, (show documents). Please explain the TECS entry results. Do you recognize al Shehri? What happens with I-94s/Customs declarations ? Do you know whether they are taken on the flight over? Do they get new ones if turned around back to the US by INS preclearance? Changes at DHS. • What changes do you see on the front line with the new CBP? *Are you familiar with National Targeting Center? Worthwhile? . 177 n • Are you doing any immigration inspections? What effect has US VISIT had on entry and the inspection process? ~. " • f Have you received any training in immigration law or practice at preclearance? 0 Do you have access to advance passenger manifests at Freeport? If you had a message for Commissioner Bonner what would it be? **f w Page 1 of 1 • 9 / 1 1 Law Enforcement Privacy Janice Kephart-Roberts From: Brown. Daniel j ®DHS.GOV] Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 10:18 AM To: Janice Kephart-Roberts Subject: information regarding inspectors Janice—here is information regarding the wherabouts of some of the inspectors who are no longer with CBP. Daniel Brown Senior Counsel Office of the General Counsel Department of Homeland Security (202) 282-9111 (phone) (202) 282-8403 (fax) This communication, along with any attachments, is covered by federal and state law governing electronic communications and may contain confidential and legally privileged information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, use or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this in error, please reply immediately to the sender and delete this message. Thank you. 6/22/2004 NATIONAL COMMISSION ON TERRORIST ATTACKS UPON THE UNITED STATES SUBPOENA To Robert L. Bach, Greeting: Pursuant to lawful authority, YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to appear and to testify before the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States at the Commission's offices, 301 7th Street, S.W., Room 5125, Washington, D.C., on May 14, 2004, at two o'clock in the afternoon. Any contumacy or failure to obey this subpoena may subject you to sanctions and penalties provided by law. This subpoena to be served by any member of the staff of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States. Given under my hand, by agreement of the Chair and Vice Chair of the Commission, this 4th day of May, 2004. Thomas H. Kean Chair, National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States RETURN ^2004 I,. _, a member of the staff of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, served this subpoena by hand upon </L<M,>-^^A at 301 J)c r at A*. I*? PN( on the , 2004. . day of WITHDRAWAL NOTICE RG: 148 Exposition, Anniversary, and Memorial Commissions SERIES: 9/11 Commission Team 5, FRC Box 19 NND PROJECT NUMBER: 51095 FOIA CASE NUMBER: 30383 WITHDRAWAL DATE: 06/19/2008 BOX: 00001 FOLDER: 0006 COPIES: 1 PAGES: TAB: 2 DOC ID: 31176849 2 _ACCESS RESTRICTED The item identified below has been withdrawn from this file: FOLDER TITLE: Kephart Files: Hijackers POE intw Fit 11 DOCUMENT DATE: 11/14/2003 DOCUMENT TYPE: Chart FROM: TO: SUBJECT: Working draft chronology of events for hijackers and associates This document has been withdrawn for the following reason(s): 9/11 Classified Information WITHDRAWAL NOTICE FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL CD 2110-035 Control Number. Date: Jan. 20,2004 e Name: Janice Kephart-Roberts Organization: 9-11 Commission Fax Number. Number of Pages (Including cover): Sender: s o a: u_ (202) 358-3124 -5Oakley Blair Originating Location: Office of Intelligence Return FAX Number: (202) 927-1738 Voice Number: (202) 927-1782 Janice - here is the Customs Declaration form and the Currency or Monetary Instruments Report (CMIR) .form. Hope you received my email. CO ^^^ 01 S&t&Z*^ <7 - LLI Important: This document may contain confidential and sensitive U.S. Government information. Please deliver it immediately only to the intended redplent(s) listed above. The Bureau of Customs and Border Protection has not approved the documents review, retransmission, dissemination or use by anyone other than the Intended recipients). CBP Form 3 (05/03) 31/28/2004 13:19 NO.138 19/11 Personal Privacy OAKLEY B BLAIR '01/20/2004 11:12 AM .. To: jkathart-roberts@9-11 corrirrtissio.n.cjov cc: WILLIAM ROY SURRETT/NE/USCS<z£ Subject Customs Secondary Results Janice, here are the 2 Customs Secondary Inspections that we discussed. If this office can be of further assistance please contact Roy Surrett (CBP Director Office of Intelligence) or myself know. Roy's phone number Is 202-927-1272 and his email fa Regards, / Oakley B. Blair (202)927-1782 i rd? CBP - Office of Intelligence SECONDARY INSPECTION TID-P87Q ENTRY: OS/16/2001 UPDATE: 09/18/2001 T2PQK806 INSPECTION DTE: 05/16/2001 PORT/SITE: 7422/A740 FREEPORT BO, PRECLEARENCE LAST NAME:* ALSHEHRI FIRST* WALEED DOC TYPE: #: DATE OF BIRTH:* 12201978 ISSUING CNTRY: GENDER:'M RACE:* A ASIAN HISPANIC:' (Y/N) AIRLINE;'CO FLT*:* 9312 FLT CREW:* (Y/N) IN/OUT:' I FLT DEPART/DESTIN APT:' FPO PAX EMBARKING APT:' FPO REFERRING OFRCER CODE:* CPX COMPEX REASON FOR REFERRAL:* CPX COMPEX - COMPLIANCE MEASU BAG EXAM;» N {Y/N) # BAGS X-RAYED: PRSNL SRCH:* N (Y/N) # PAX ON DEC:* 1 POS/NEG INSP;* N (P/N/U) REFERRAL TIME:* 10:15 COMPLETION TIME:* 10:16 CAT II VIOL: (Y/N) VIOL CD: CAT I VIOL: (Y/N) INCIDENT*: REMARKS: M (XMORE) INSP COMPLETE:'Y (Y/N) - SECONDARY INSPECTION COMPLETE " INSPECTION REMARKS tBAHAMIAN INS PUT THEM BACK ON THE NEXT FLT OUT OF THE BAHAMAS I . PRESS ENTER OR CLEAR TO RETURN TO INSPECTION • SECONDARY INSPECTION TID-P87Q ENTRY: 05/29/2000 UPDATE: 0«/18/2001 T2PQK806 INSPECTION DTE: 05/29/2000 PORT/SITE; 4601/A103 NEWARK, INTL AIRPORT TERM LAST NAME:* ALSHEHHI FIRST:* MANWAN DOC TYPE: #: DATE OF BIRTH:* OS091978 ISSUING CNTRY; GENDER:* M RACE:* U UNKNOWN HISPANIC:* (Y/N) AIRLINE:* SN FLT fc* 537 FLT CREW:' (Y/N) IN/OUT;' I FLT DEPART/DESTIN APT:' BRU PAX EMBARKING APT:' BRU REFERRING OFRCER CODE:* RVR ROVER P002 '01/20/2004 13:19 NO.138 REASON FOR REFERRAL:' ENF ENFORCEMENT REFERRAL BAG EXAM:' Y (Y7N) # BAGS X-RAYED: PRSNL SRCH:* N (Y/N) * PAX ON DEC:' 1 POS/NEG INSP:' N (p/N/u) REFERRAL TIME:* 22:21 COMPLETION TIME;* 22 -. 23 CAT II VIOL: (Y/N) VIOL CO. CAT I VIOL: <Y/N) INCIDENT #: REMARKS: (XMORE) INSP COMPLETE:* Y (Y/N) - SECONDARY INSPECTION COMPLETE ** D003 dl/20/2004 NO.138 13:19 P004 NOTICE AU PERSON* ARC tU&KCT TO FURTHER QUESTIONING AM> THEIR PEHSOMS, BCLONCJNQS. AND CONVEYANCE ARE SUBJECT TO SEARCH. (1» CFN 1«J • ISM) Th» unlMrfu) bnpMMan of eortroieo wbcHm** (narcaUca, cMrnlc*)* pwacnptai madfcfnfts K not accemp«nl»d by a pfMcrtpdoc. ate.) ngatdasa al amount k • ttalafen of W.S. law. APMtSFWSUSfONlY AGRICULTURAL AHfr WJlPLiyg PRODUCT? wtdUta.. t* Wowing an rwtricr16 pra»ai* ** an»y «* danBaroua agrieuftural p**u «rrf prora wt frute. v«g«UfelM. plvtu. ffant product, »o*. mwH. mil product*, birtfc, «MH, and attar lv»«nkMb«*wMlp(D*i«».wWlU«nd»rfkJtt»proaua«. F»luralooaclaraa»*ucfm»fmi»» Quattrr*YAgnculM«VWII<M» otto* «*n ra«* In panaltia* and Diatoms may baiub|ecflocalzufa, CyRRBNCY AND MONETARY INSTRUMENTS Th» mncpoMafen of cuiraney «r nmtay IruiwnwftU, MEQAROLESS W AMOUNT 18 LEGAL hwww. I you Ml* em of or Wn» Me lh» Untad StetM mc» *» JW.OOO (OA Of hwign «qol» iMM. «f » eoo&rtoi of f>» («>) h coin, eufrtney. lnw«tart dwckt cf Nn<*» lns(rum«nu«u««n« mmy CMM, pMorui Of euN*C* ctada, tlockf or boo*, you inraqgirw!BT LAWtoFILE • rtcort on Foo7i47VO'"*!lft« U.S. Custom* S«vfa». N you have (ttMonc •)» einy »>• eumncy cnratMMnl»li)ry(iu.youiKittMefl«»Mi«Mt. FAILUHETOFILCTMf REOUREO REPORT Oil FAILURE TO REPORT THE TOTAL AMOUNT YOU AM CANAYINO MAY LEAD TO TMf •8ZU8E OF AU, THE CUftRENCY Ofl INSTRUMENTS. AND MAY SUBJECT YOU TO OVU. PENALTU9 ANUOJt CRIMINAL PROaeCUTiON. HRCMANOtSE 14 »>• tool MOTORS <WW*e»DEMT5// mutt MOM* In tem tem 14 tool v*o» ot tl aitick* M«MM to 0«*(* *M <• IIMM MmMd to b* nU ef M In t» V.S. Thi» Indud** . (EXCEPTION: Xx*««>p«»oral«ff«cS. «urfi a» . luggtg*. ««t, nwd noi b» «*a«i»d.) Vw total nhi» at ALL liUdei, Indudlna commcrdil - Ukwdbyewm**. ncebwl *s • gifl, or odMrwiw), IndueBnj t FREE STORES W THE U.S. Oft ABROAD. *•«*«<» In «»ifpots«t«l<xl«lH«l«i>.Q«»/rtv»L AfIKM» wMeh you «oqt*M on tit Wp mM lien lonwd. (ottm tt«n MldM «cqul>«d In Iraulv pocMSdon* and vulou* C»iftM«n Buln cocnrtM) H* dubbl* upon (Mb vrtvtl In KM U.S. U.S. r >VTrT00£HUVlMIDa<MwnniwaB;>t/wwin»v"~~. — .-„,_, -, J duty tn» txamplon of $400 on iruaa Hams aeoonvanylngtram; —„non-f«iAonntly «nli«M ie a oarttiiaaomalyandiladtolnaxarnplloiiofSlOO. Duy I* normally ilMnrtaoT 10* on lhafi* tlOOO abcva tha axanodon. U 9» v*h» d joodt dadar«d m Kara 14 EXCEEDS S1400 PEfl PERSON, man in ALL anldn Mow ana eho» prle» poM *> U* <*>faw or. (o< fiim, «air nj« »»> ... ~ ,—>".»»-LJ.. >J vtavmwnannanwsiiianwwi^. »,,(,„„,„„„nan>MU)<jm,tatjlL fof»jomla; ua. Plaa*ad**aAau.aflKM(Df r»i »j»i^«, MAN*WOOL w.^.— -.^.. KNIT SWEATER; DIAMOND AND GOLD RINQ: Me. Ake. riaasa hav* al your racalpts raady w pr«a»nllolh«CulK»n«cfflc»r,Ki«qu«t»<l 1N*Mirialpioiac«W*th*lnvMaonpn>c»<a. WDTSff can b* dttnad ** anWM lor t»»». tar aollcUng OK)ant, or oihar good* noi con«ldir«d * «aral cltecK ol *n lnv*lw. L — — — -.».». _._ ».__ _• DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES <Ut I iru/t t>» e&fnuti on ancffw ftrw »9S»fl) VALUE CUSTOMS USE ONLY DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY UNITED STATES CUSTOMS seftVICE CUSTOMS DECLARATION Each arriving travolar or rasponslW* family mentor must provide ff>» following Information {pnty ONE written declaration per family te fequi/od): ~ '" 4. Birth Data (4*rf7**W VW>Vou 7. {») County of CKzarvNp " a.(a)U.3.> I (Slntl Nur i. <P) U.S. AiMrau (Ctyf 7. WCountry offlatidanc* <gAddf»stlnU.&) B. (e) U.S Addrau (SlaUT ^ Couniriacvlsltad on nil trip prior to U.S. arrival ^ ^ ^ . . _ ^ . M .1^.. ^^.^U** Mfejt. IA IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT WHAT MUST BE SePORTED OR DECLARED ASK WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES A CUSTOMS OFFICER CUSTOMS USE 10. Tha punxn* of my (owt trio U or waa: /CMdk on* orftoifc W«, D D 11. 1 am (Wa ve) winging fivlti, punts. mMK. load. •of. Mrdi. mate. «O»r Itv* anlmala. wihfll* 1 | v.« pnxkwn, Iwm pmftjeu; or. naMa Man on a lam> or |_ | rvKtiaubMaHwU.S. 12.1 wn (Wa ara) carrying 1-IM,. 1 1 l | l_ | 1-1^ |_ 13.1 hawa (Wa hav*) oonvnareM marehanoii*. U.S. 14. Th» teMJ v«k>a of al goods, ifldudlng oommardal rnardwidiM. Vw* purchasod or acquired abroad End anVva bringing » Via U.S. H: f3»» t» tnanxsjont on fw (we* at (Mr torn undar IM?nCH4MOISF> am* uw (A* provided <f>»r» to Ssl »t th» ktms yw must decturv. tlyou havt naming to dtcltn. _ _ StGN BELOW AJTER YOU READ NOTICE ON REVERSE" I have read the notica on'tho rev«r«« and have m%da a trvjthhtl X m TOTAL [> riMOM l« oinv out »i* CMbTM. Aetaibuim.aM^umncytonolr*IMMTsutN. W»ne»4k»~iritur»4\ttIrawliw»rtean^lyfegv bM *rt toaMwMtolau/* and «otael»»Shl»wuf««l duly a-^ •-— ^-»~»ao TM aMiaiaMd *»yy btirdyn annclalX »» »t> opfcdiert o» li •U.S.Q.P.O.: U65—7M-SSS U.S. Cm«xn$ ut» only - Dor>otw^il«b«low^^U^^»^.'Us.a/«tofn«u^eonV INSJ'KTCWS BADGE NUMBER _ _ Cu«ema PaimlW9B(10l6$SXBack) Custom* Form 6O59B (101695) ^1/30/2004 NO.13B 13:19 Customs 'orm ADOrovvg OMH No 1 ^ * 5 - 0 0 7 9 DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY UNITED STATKS CUSTOMS SERVICE Vse Only REPORT OP INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORTATION OF CURRENCY Control Vo. uSC 5316: 11 CFR 103.23 »na 103.24 Pt*ai» Typ« or Print OR MONETARY INSTRUMENTS ;. nn.Mtti.ait or family, firtt *nd muttSLr) P005 t e M meg wan in* Priv,cv Act Notification on i XOATC OF OIRTM (Ho.lDqlYr-1 *. PERMANENT ADDRESS IN UNIT ED STATES OR ABROAD —- J J ^^yHAT COUWfftV ARE VOU A CITIZEN /SUBJECT? 6. ADDRESS WHILE IN THE UNITED STATES 'TlkASSpoRf NO. & cbuWVffy 8. UJ. VISA DATE 9. PLACE UNITED STATES VISA WAS ISSUED 10. IMMIGRATION AUEN NO'.' O/ any; 11. CURRENCY OR MONETARY INSTRUMENT WAS: (CoHtgUtt 1IA or 1181 A. EXPORTED D«pirt«d From; /City in U.S.) 12TMAME AlTlvM At:(For*ifll CUy/Co*Mryf from (Foreign City/Country! B. IMPORTED Ati ICity in U.S.I FOR PERSON SHIPPING MAILING OR RECEIVING CURRENCY OR MONETARY INSTRUMENTS 13. t or family. fSfft and 15. PERMANCMT AOOftESS IN UNITED STATES OR ABROAD 1«- OF WHAT COUNTRY A«S VOU A CITIZEN/SUBJECT? 17, ADDRESS WHILE IN THE UNITED STATES II. PASSPORT NO. A COUNTRV 19. U.S. VISA DATE 20. PLACE UNITED STATES VtSA WAS ISSUED 22. CURRENCY OM 123. CUAAKNCY MONETARY IOR MONETARY INSTRUMENTS INSTRUMENTS NAME AND ADDRESS 24. IF TMC CURRENCY OP MONETARY INSTRUMCNT WAS MAILED. SHIPPED. OR TRANSPORTED COMPLETE BLOCKS A AND 6. A. Method o< Sltlpnwnt (Avto. U.S. Mail, fttblitCwrltr, tic.) OATC SHIPPED DATE RECEIVED I 21. IMMIGRATION ALIEN NO. (If «ny/ To D SMfKMd B. N»m« ol Tr»nsoon«r/Carrier 11—I From CURRgNCY AND MONETARY I^6THUME^^• INFORMATION (SEE INSTTjUCTTONS ON REVERSE)^ be completed by «vtfyorvft) 2S. TVPE AND AMOUNT OF CURRENCV/MONETARV INSTRUMENTS 2S. IP OTHER THAN WJt. V»iu« In U.S. Do'H'f ftENCV IS IN VOLVCO, PLEASE iOMPLGTE BLOCKS A ANO B. (BEE SPECIAL INSTRUCTlONSt Coins .... A. Currency Name Otn*r inMrurnvntf /Sptetfy Typr). c. I. Country TOTAL . AMOUNT (AOd U*u A. « «IU< C> > GENERAL -TO BE COMPLETED BY ALL^ TRAVELERS. SHIPP6RS AND REClPlgNTS 7. WERE YOU ACTING AS AN AGENT. ATTOHNev O« IN CAPACITY PO« ANVONC In THIS CURRENCY OR MONETARY INSTRUMENT ACTIVITY? (If "Ytt" eomplfU A. B •** C> A. N*m« PERSON IN WHOSE BEHALF YOU ARC ACTJNO DNo C. Bufincn Jicilvilv occupatian or prefauien ^ ^^ of my t«no>»i 2». NAME AND TITLE 2». SIGNATUHE """" ^orm 4790 WHICH it atnatttet it iru», Corr«et »oa co 30. DATE Customs Form 4790 (120384) Page 1 of 1 Janice Kephart-Roberts From: Steve Dunne ..,. Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 4:13 PM To: 'Mitnick, John' Cc: 'matthew.zabeKg 9/11 Personal Privacy ., ..-•-'"" |; Dan Marcus; Team 5; Dianna Campagna Subject: DHS interview request no. 20 3ohn: Attached as a Word document is DHS interview request no. 20. Please call Janice KephartRoberts at 202-401-1705 with any questions about the topics to be covered and to arrange for this interview. Feel free to call Dan or me as well if any issues arise. Thanks. Steve 5/11/2004 TTiomas H. Kean CHAIR DHS INTERVIEW REQUEST NO. 20 Lee H Hamilton VICE CHAIR Richard Ben-Veniste Fred F. Fielding Jamie S. Gorelick Slade Gorton Bob Kerrey John Lehman Timothy J. Roemer James R. Thompson The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (the "Commission") requests a single interview with the following DHS personnel during the week of May 24, 2004. The anticipated length of this interview is two hours. 1. 2. 3. The Commission reserves the right to re-interview these individuals based on the results of the requested interview and the needs of the Commission. May 11, 2004 Philip D. Zelikow 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy Daniel Marcus General Counsel EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TEL (202) 331-4060 FAX (202) 296-5545 http://www.9-11 TIMELINE FOR 9/11 HIJACKERS' TRAVEL TO UNITED STATES DATE Apr3, 1999 Apr?, 1999 Jan 15, 2000 Jan 18, 2000 May 18, 2000 May 25, 2000 May 29, 2000 June 3, 2000 June 27, 2000 Sep 3, 2000 Sep 4, 2000 Sep 25, 2000 Oct 17, 2000 Oct 23, 2000 Oct 24, 2000 Oct 28, 2000 Oct 29, 2000 Nov 12, 2000 Nov 20, 2000 Nov 2 1,2000 Nov 25, 2000 Dec 8, 2000 Jan 5, 2001 Jan 10, 2001 Jan 18, 2001 Feb 25, 2001 Apr 13, 2001 Apr 23, 2001 EVENT Nawaf al Hazmi (77) acquires one-year tourist visa, Jeddah Khalid al Mihdhar (77) acquires one-year tourist visa, Jedddah Nawaf al Hazmi (77) enters US at Los Angeles from Bangkok Khalid al Mihdhar (77) enters US at Los Angeles from Bangkok Marwan al Shehhi (175) acquires ten-year multiple entry visa, Dubai Mohamed Atta (11) acquires five-year multiple entry tourist visa, Berlin Ziad Jarrah (93) acquires visa, Berlin Marwan al Shehhi (175) enters US at Newark from Brussels Mohamed Atta (11) enters US at Newark from Prague Ziad Jarrah (93) enters US at Atlanta from Munich Ahmed al Ghamdi (175) acquires tourist visa, Jeddah Saeed al Ghamdi (93) acquires tourist visa, Jeddah Hani Hanjour (77) acquires multiple entry student visa, Jeddah Hamza al Ghamdi (175) acquires tourist visa, Jeddah Mohand al Shehri (175) acquires tourist visa, Riyadh Waleed al Shehri (11) acquires one- year tourist visa, Jeddah Wail al Shehri (11) acquires tourist visa, Jeddah Ahmed al Nami (93) acquires tourist visa, Jeddah Ziad Jarrah (93) enters US at Tampa from Dusseldorf (left US 10/7/00 from Atlanta for Dusseldorf) Ahmad al Haznawi (93) acquires tourist visa, Jeddah Majed Moqed (77) acquires tourist visa, Riyadh Satam al Suqami (11) acquires tourist visa, Riyadh Ziad Jarrah (93) enters US at from Nassau, The Bahammas (left US 1 1/24/00 from Miami for Nassau) Hani Hanjour (77) enters US at Cincinnati from Dubai and travels onward to San Diego Ziad Jarrah (93) enters US at Newark from Dusseldorf and travels onward to Tampa (left US 12/26 from Miami for Beirut) Mohamed Atta (11) enters US at Miami from Madrid (left US 1/3 from Miami for Madrid - was in Berlin 1/6) Marwan al Shehhi (175) enters US at New York from Casablanca (left US 1/12 from New York for Casablanca) Ziad Jarrah (93) enters US at Newark from Dusseldorf and travels onward to Jacksonville (left US 1/26 from Jacksonville for Dusseldorf) Ziad Jarrah (93) enters US at Atlanta from Dusseldorf (left US 3/30 from Atlanta for Dusseldorf) Waleed al Shehri (11) enters US at Orlando from Dubai Satam al Suqami (11) enters US at Orlando from Dubai DATE May 2, 2001 May 16, 2001 May 28, 2001 June 8, 2001 June 12, 2001 June 13, 2001 June 18, 2001 June 20, 2001 June 27, 2001 June 29, 2001 July 4, 2001 July 19, 2001 Aug 5, 2001 EVENT Marwan al Shehhi (175) enters US at Miami from Cairo (left US 4/18 from Miami for Cairo) Ahmad al Ghamdi (175) enters US at Dulles from Dubai Majed Moqed (77) enters US at Dulles from Dubai Waleed al Shehri (11) enters US at Fort Lauderdale from The Bahammas (left US 5/16 from Fort Lauderdale but denied entry in The Bahammas Satam al Suqami (11) enters US at Fort Lauderdale from The Bahammas (left US 5/16 from Fort Lauderdale but denied entry in The Bahammas Hamza al Ghamdi (175) enters US at Miami from Dubai Mohand al Shehri (175) enters US at Miami from Dubai Ahmed al Nami (93) enters US from Dubai Ahmad al Haznawi (93) enters US at Miami from Dubai Wail al Shehri (11) enters US at Miami from Dubai Saeed al Ghamdi (93) acquires two-year tourist visa, Jeddah Khalid al Mihdhar (77) acquires two-year tourist visa, Jeddah Abdul Aziz al Omari (11) acquires two-year tourist visa, Jeddah Salem al Hazmi (77) acquires two-year tourist visa, Jeddah Fayez Banihammad (77) enters US at Orlando from Dubai Saeed al Ghamdi (93) enters US at Orlando from Dubai Abdul Aziz al Omari (11) enters US at New York from Dubai Salem al Hazmi (77) enters US at New York from Dubai Khalid al Mihdhar (77) enters US at New York from Riyadh Mohamed Atta (11) enters US at Atlanta from Madrid and travels onward to Fort Lauderdale (left US 7/7 from Miami for Madrid) Ziad Jarrah (93) enters US at Newark from Dusseldorf and travels onward to Miami (left US 7/25 from Miami for Dusseldorf ?y11—Law Enforcement Privacy # fflJA(:KER 1 2 \MohamedATTA \1 3 4 5 6 7 8 Satam al Suqami Wail al Shehri HaniHanjour Khalid Mihdhar 17 MajedMoqed 18 19 20 Nawaf al Hazmi Salem al Hazmi Ziad Jarrah 21 22 23 24 25 Saeed al Ghamdi Place of Entry "••••Newark, NJ Miami,, FL 1-10-01 Miami, FL 5-2-01 Miami District Office A.A. al Omari \1 Waleed al Shehri, 4-23-01 \1 (no entry) 16 26 27 6-3-00 7-19-01 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Date of Entry 423-01 5-16-01 (no entry) 6-8-01, 10-3-91 , 4-2-96 11-16-97 12-8-00 1-15-00 7-4-01 5-2-01 Inspector Name Inspector (DHS Interview Req. Number 11) / •-.... No . Atlanta, GA New York NY Orlando, FL 7422/A740 Freeport Preclearance Bahamas Orlando, FL Bahamas Miami, FL New York New York Atlanta, GA Cincinnati, OH Los Angeles, CA \NewYork ______^No No No Customs U, (CPX COMPEX) No No (no Customs II record) No No No No No No 1 1 1 1 1 No No 1 No 1-15-00 6-29-00 6-27-00 10-29-00 11-25-00 Washington, D.C. (Dulles) Los Angeles, CA New York Atlanta,-,GA Tampa, FL Miami, FL (KMIA) 1-5-01 2-25-01 4-13-01 8-5-01 6-27-01 Newark, NJ Newark, NJ Atlanta, GA Newark, NJ Orlando, FL No / No No No / / / / No No No No No 28 TEL (202) 331-4060 FAX (202) 296-5545 hnp-V / www. 9-1 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy DHS Document Request No. April 13,2004 PageS 29 30 31 32 5-28-01 6-8-01 5-29-00 5-29-00 Miami, FL Miami, FL Newark, NJ Newark, NJ 33 1-18-01 New York JFK 34 1-18-01 New York JFK 5-2-01 5-28-01 5-28-01 5-2-01 5-2-01 Miami, FL Miami, FL Miami, FL Orlando, FL Washington, DC (Dulles) 35 36 37 38 39 A.A.A. al Nami Ahmed Haznawi Marwan al Shehhi Mohand al Shahri Hamza al Ghamdi Fayez Banihammad A. S. al Ghamdi No No No Customs random rover II No NO No No No No TEL (202) 331-4060 FAX (202) 296-5545 http://www.9-1 Page 1 of 1 Janice Kephart-Roberts ..••"9/11 Personal Privacy From: Mosley, Dorothy D [DOROTHY.Mosley(§| | Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 1:47 PM To: Daman, Willem A; Fallik, Lynn M; Janice Kephart-Roberts Cc: Subject: Rescheduled 9-11 Interviews All, I have rescheduled the following Officer for interviews for the week of June 1. 1-j ~nwrio was originally scheduled for an interview on May 24, 2004, the new date and time is 6/1/01 at 0900 to 0955 hours. processed Ziad Jarrah on 8/5/01 in Newark, NJ 2-1 /who was originally scheduled for an interview on May 24, 2004, the new date and time is 6/2/04 at 1525 to 1620 hours /processed Satam alSuqami on 5/16/01 in the Bahamas. / Please let me know if there are any issues that need to be addressed for either of these Officers and the rescheduled date/time. / Thank you Dorothy 5/27/2004 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy