Sinton ISD Registration Packet 2015-2016
Sinton ISD Registration Packet 2015-2016
Sinton ISD Registration Packet 2015-2016 Student Name ______________________________ Grade ___________ ID__________ 2015-2016 YR _____________ AcknowledgmentofElectronicDistributionof StudentHandbook My child and I have been offered the option to receive a paper copy of or to electronically access at the Sinton ISD Student Handbook, Student Code of Conduct and the Electronic Acceptable Use Policy. I have chosen to: Receive a paper copy of the Student Handbook, Student Code of Conduct and the Electronic Acceptable Use Policy. Accept responsibility for accessing the Student Handbook, Student Code of Conduct and the Electronic Acceptable Use Policy by visiting the Web address listed above. I understand that the handbook contains information that my child and I may need during the school year and that all students will be held accountable for their behavior and will be subject to the disciplinary consequences outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. If I have any questions, I should direct those questions to the campus principal. Campus: _________________________________________ Signature of student: Signature of parent: Date: Office Use Only: Retain on campus Centralized file Student Name ______________________________ Grade ___________ ID__________ 2015-2016 YR _____________ Notice Regarding Directory Information Parent’s Response Regarding Release of Student Information State law requires the district to give you the following information: Certain information about district students is considered directory information and will be released to anyone who follows the procedures for requesting the information unless the parent or guardian objects to the release of the directory information about the student. If you do not want Sinton ISD to disclose directory information from your child’s education records without your prior written consent, you must notify the district in writing within ten school days of child’s first day of instruction for this school year. This means that the district must give certain personal information (called “directory information”) about your child to any person who requests it, unless you have told the district in writing not to do so. In addition, you have the right to tell the district that it may, or may not, use certain personal information about your child for specific schoolsponsored purposes. The district is providing you this form so you can communicate your wishes about these issues. [See Directory Information] For all purposes, Sinton ISD has designated the following information as directory information: Student’s name Address Telephone listing E-mail address Photograph Date and place of birth Major field of study Degrees, honors, and awards received Dates of attendance Grade level Most recent school previously attended Participation in officially recognized activities and sports Weight and height, if a member of an athletic team Directory information identified only for limited school-sponsored purposes remains otherwise confidential and will not be released to the public without the consent of the parent or eligible student. Parent: Please select one of the choices below: (do give) (do not give) the district I, parent of ______________________________ (student’s name), permission to use the information in the above list for the specified school-sponsored purposes. Parent signature Date Please note that if this form is not returned within the specified timeframe above, the district will assume that permission has been granted for the release of this information. I, parent of ______________________________ (student’s name), (do give) (do not give) the district permission to use the information in this list in response to a request unrelated to school-sponsored purposes. Parent signature Date Please note that if this form is not returned within the specified timeframe above, the district will assume that permission has been granted for the release of this information. Office Use Only: Retain on campus Student Name ______________________________ Grade ___________ ID__________ YR _____________ 2015-2016 Release Form for Display of Student Work and Personal Information Occasionally, Sinton ISD wishes to display or publish original student work, which may include personally identifiable student information as defined in the Student Handbook, to promote student academic and extracurricular activities on the district’s Web site, a Web site affiliated or sponsored by the district, such as a campus or classroom Web site, and in district publications. Original student work includes artwork, projects, photos taken by the student, or other academic or creative work. The district may also wish to publish or display original video and voice recordings. The district agrees to use these student works and information only in the manner described above. Parent: Please circle one of the choices below and check the applicable boxes: I, parent of ______________________________ (student’s name), give my permission for the following to be displayed or published by the District: Original student work Voice recordings Video recordings Parent signature: Date: Office Use Only: Retain on campus Student Name ______________________________ Grade ___________ ID__________ 2015-2016 YR _____________ Parent’sObjectiontotheReleaseofStudentInformationtoMilitaryRecruiters andInstitutionsofHigherEducation (TobecompletedforHighSchoolStudentsOnly) Federal law requires that the district release to military recruiters and institutions of higher education, upon request, the name, address, and phone number of secondary school students enrolled in the district, unless the parent or eligible student directs the district not to release information to these types of requestors without prior written consent. [See Objecting to the Release of Student Information to Military recruiters and Institutions of Higher Education for more information.] Parent: Please complete the following only if you do not want your child’s information released to a military recruiter or an institution of higher education without your prior consent. I, parent of ______________________________ (student’s name), request that the district not a military recruiter or release my child’s name, address, and telephone number to institutions of higher education upon their request without my prior written consent. Parent signature Date Please note that if this form is not returned with the other materials identifying what the district considers directory information, the district will assume that permission has been granted for the release of this information. Office Use Only: Retain on campus Student Name ______________________________ Grade ___________ ID__________ 2015-2016 YR _____________ Sinton Independent School District Military Connected Student Form In 2009 The Texas Legislature adopted the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Students – Texas Education Code Chapter 162. This legislation requires schools to recognize and extend certain privileges to students who are military dependents and to assist military dependent students in the transition process of changing schools when their military parents are reassigned and forced to relocate. Parent Name: _____________________________ Student Name: ________________________ Date of Birth: _________ If Known: Student ID: _______ Grade: ____ Campus: _____________ Please check one box below to indicate if your child is a dependent of a member of: For all students: No Military Connection Active Duty: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard [This includes Missing in Action (MIA)] Texas National Guard Reserve Duty: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard For Pre-Kindergarten students ONLY: Armed forces or reserved forces of the United States (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard) or Texas National Guard who has been injured or killed while on active duty Office Use Only: Retain on campus Student Name ______________________________ Grade ___________ ID__________ 2015-2016 YR _____________ Drug Testing Consent Form (To be completed for Middle School & High School Students Only) Participation in school activities Participation in school sponsored extra-curricular activities is a privilege. Extra-curricular activities include all clubs and organizations, band, athletic programs, cheerleading, literary activities, One Act Play, choir, robotics including performances, contests, demonstrations, and other events of these mentioned activities. Co-curricular activities are those activities that take place with a class including, but not limited to, working outside the classroom in work study and observing and helping in elementary classrooms. Participants of Drug Testing Each student in grades 7-12 participating in extra-curricular activities, co-curricular and/or U.I.L. events, will be subject to random drug and alcohol testing through the school year. Eligible 6th grade students shall be tested for the presence of illegal drugs and alcohol during the last week of their sixth grade year (this will be their initial test) and prior to joining an extracurricular program any time during the school year. No student shall be allowed to practice or participate in any extra-curricular, co-curricular or UIL activity until the student has returned the properly signed “Drug and Alcohol Testing Consent Form.” No student shall be allowed to compete or perform in any of the before mentioned activities until the student has been drug tested. Drug Testing Procedures Testing will be conducted by licensed professionals and lab work will be tested at a government certified lab. Participants will be required to produce a urine sample in an Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup. Seventh graders new to the district, all other eligible students new to the district and students who did not participate in any activity the previous year will take a mandatory drug test. All participants, grades seven through twelve, will be involved in random drug testing periodically through the school year. All drug testing will be arranged by the district testing coordinator prior to students participating in their first eligible competition or performance. A complete copy of the District Drug Policy is available at the Sinton ISD Administration Office at 322 S. Archer and in the campus offices at Sinton High School and Smith Middle School By signing this form the parent/guardian is giving their consent for their child to participate in the district drug testing. __________________________________________ Name of Student (Please Print) _____________________________________ ID # __________________________________________ Parent/guardian signature _____________________________________ Date Select the school that student attends and indicate grade level. E. Merle Smith Middle School Grade ______ Sinton High School Grade _____ Office Use Only: Retain on campus Centralized file Student Name ______________________________ Grade ___________ ID__________ YR _____________ 2015-2016 REQUEST FOR FOOD ALLERGY INFORMATION Dear Parent: This form allows you to disclose whether your child has a food allergy or severe food allergy that you believe should be disclosed to the District in order to enable the District to take necessary precautions for your child's safety. "Severe food allergy" means a dangerous or life-threatening reaction of the human body to a food-borne allergen introduced by inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact that requires immediate medical attention. Please list any foods to which your child is allergic or severely allergic, as well as the nature of your child's allergic reaction to the food. No information to report Food: Nature of allergic reaction to the food: Is reaction mild, moderate or severe? Please note any other allergies & include severity of reaction(s) that your child has: _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ If your child requires the use of an Epi-pen for anaphylactic (severe) reactions, please be sure to contact the campus nurse. Parent will be required to furnish the district with a prescribed Epi-pen along with a doctor's order for Epi-pen administration. The District will maintain the confidentiality of the information provided above and may disclose the information to teachers, school counselors, school nurses, and other appropriate school personnel only within the limitations of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and District policy. Student name: __________________________________ Grade: ____________ Parent/Guardian name: Date of birth: _____________________ _________________________________________________________________ Work phone: ___________________________________ Home phone: ________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _________________ Date form was received by the school: __________________________ Office Use Only: Return to Campus Nurse Student Name ______________________________ Grade ___________ ID__________ 2015-2016 YR _____________ EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT FORM In the event of a medical emergency at school, the school will first try to contact the child's parents. If the parent cannot be reached, and the child needs immediate medical treatment, the form below would be given to the hospital or clinic. The purpose of the Emergency Medical Treatment Form is to obtain medical treatment for your child in the event you cannot be contacted. Please complete and return this with the signed accountability form. I hereby authorize the staff member(s) at emergency medical treatment for: School to consent to Student's First/Last Name (Printed) Birth Date Grade I understand in granting this authorization that: • • • • • • My child will be taken to a hospital or clinic nearest to the school or activity he or she is attending so that emergency medical treatment can be obtained. School staff members will attempt to contact me before consenting to emergency medical treatment for my child. I will be responsible for all expenses incurred by virtue of the emergency medical treatment of my child and for the transportation to the emergency medical treatment facility. I release Sinton ISD staff members and trustees from any and all claims or actions from liabilities for the injuries that occur to my child as a result of his or her receipt of emergency medical care. The staff members of the Sinton ISD, its trustees and agents are not waiving any sovereign or governmental immunity by requesting the execution of this document. I understand the provisions of this document and execute it voluntarily. Signature of Parent or Guardian Home/Work Phone (include area code) Date IMPORTANT MEDICAL INFORMATION List any medical problems your child has which medical personnel need to be aware of in an emergency: (example—diabetes, asthma, seizures, heart problems, pregnancy, ADHD, mental health concerns, etc) Medication(s) your child takes daily (either at home or school) Any severe allergies to food? Yes No If yes, which food(s) Treatment: ? Any severe allergies to insect bites? Treatment: Yes No If yes, what insect: ? Family physician name Phone Number Health Insurance ( CHIP Medicaid _Private Insurance _None) Emergency Contact #1 Phone Number Emergency Contact #2 Phone Number Office Use Only: Return to Campus Nurse Student Name ______________________________ 2015-2016 ID__________ YR ___________ Grade ___________ SINTON ISD STUDENT HEALTH INFORMATION-TO BE COMPLETED BY PARENT OR GUARDIAN Home Address Birth Date City Zip Code Sex M F Home Phone EMERGENCY CONTACTS (PERSONS WHO HAVE PERMISSION TO PICK UP STUDENT OR BRING MEDS) Mother/Guardian Name Cell Phone (circle one) Place of Employment Work Phone Father/Guardian Name EXT Cell Phone (circle one) Place of Employment EXT Work Phone Others: Name Relationship Phone: Home Work EXT Others: Name Cell Relationship Phone: Home Work EXT General Physician Phone Physician Specialist Phone Cell HEALTH PROBLEMS Students are not allowed to carry medications while at school. No medication will be given at school without written permission. Refer to the student handbook or school nurse for proper medication procedures and special circumstances. Medication not picked up at the end of the year will be destroyed. Students with a fever above 100 o F before taking medication should remain at home. CONTACT NURSE DIRECTLY EACH YEAR REGARDING ALL SERIOUS MEDICAL CONDITIONS Check yes or no to the following conditions as they apply to your student. Chronic medical conditions such as asthma, seizures and diabetes require yearly management plans to be completed. Explain symptoms, history, and treatment of other health problems in lines below, or on additional pages. (Circle specific problem when indicated.) HEALTH PROBLEM YES ADD/ADHD (Med Y / N ) Arthritis- Juvenile Asthma (Med at school Y / N ) Autism Birth Defects/Congenital Blackouts/Fainting Bladder Problems Bowel Problems Cancer/Malignancy Cerebral Palsy Cystic Fibrosis Diabetes NO HEALTH PROBLEM Down Syndrome Eating Disorder Headaches- Frequent/Severe YES NO HEALTH PROBLEM Orthopedic Problems Pregnant (Due Date _) YES NO Psychological/Emotional Problems Hearing Loss-Permanent/Aides Seizures/Convulsions/Epilepsy Heart Problems Hemophilia Sickle Cell Anemia/Trait (Circle 1) Hypertension/High Blood Pressure TB skin test ever showed Positive Substance Abuse Kidney/Renal Problems Intellectual Disability Migraines per Dr. Diagnosis Muscular Dystrophy Nosebleeds-Frequent/Severe Vision Loss-Permanent Glasses/Contacts -Last exam Hx of Chicken Pox (Must sign form) Other Serious Medical Problems Specify below SIGNIFICANT ALLERGIES (Food/Drug/Insect/Other) Symptoms Treatment Epipen Yes No List All Medications and Treatments Required at School Additional comments: ______________________________________ I give permission for school nurse or designated staff to contact the student’s physician regarding health needs. Parent/Guardian Signature Date Office Use Only: Return to Campus Nurse Student Name ______________________________ Grade ___________ 2015-2016 ID__________ YR ___________ SINTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Family Survey In order to better serve your children, the Sinton Independent School District is helping the state of Texas identify students who may qualify to receive additional educational services. The information provided below will be kept confidential. Please fill in all blanks (including date) and answer the following questions and return this form to your child’s school. Date: _______________ Name of your child: _________________________ Age _______ Grade ______ Date of Birth: ____________________ 1. Have you moved within the last 3 years? Yes No 2. If yes, have you done agricultural or fishing related work since your move? (e.g., field work, No . If you answered “yes”, canneries, lumbering, dairy work, meat processing) Yes please mark appropriate boxes. Planting or harvesting (for example beans, corn, chili, cotton, etc.) Farm (or ranch) irrigation, etc. Orchards Packing of eggs, fruits, vegetables, etc. Repair/build fences Dairies Animal Farming/Ranching Meat packing plants, slaughter house or transport of animals Plant nurseries/sod farms. Baling hay Other _________________________ If you answered “yes” to both of the questions above, an education representative may contact you to find out whether your child is eligible for additional educational services. Also, please provide the following information: Do you have a child under the age of 22 who lacks a U.S. issued high school diploma or GED No and is currently NOT enrolled in school? Yes Name of Parent/Guardian: ___________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________ Telephone: ____________________ Best Time to Contact You: _____________ Number of Children in your Family: ____ Office Use Only: Return to Federal & Special Programs Student Name ______________________________ Grade ___________ 2015-2016 ID__________ YR ___________ SINTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Family Survey Para mejorar los servicios educacionales de sus hijos, el distrito de la escuela de Sinton Independent School District está colaborando con el estado de Texas para identificar a aquellos estudiantes que pueden calificar para recibir servicios educativos adicionales. Toda información proporcionada será mantenida confidencial. Favor de responder a las siguientes preguntas y devolver esta forma a la escuela de su niño. (Si usted recibe más de una encuesta, complete sólo una forma y enliste abajo los nombres de todos sus hijos.) Nombre de su Niño: _________________________ Edad _____ Grado ______ Fecha de Nacimiento:_________________ 1. ¿Ha cambiado de residencia usted o alguien en su familia dentro de los últimos tres años? Sí No 2. Si usted contesto “sí” en la pregunta anterior, ¿ha trabajado usted en la agricultura o en la pesca? (por ejemplo, la labor, fábrica de conservas, explotación de bosques, trabajo en la No lechería, el proceso de carne) Sí Cosecha o siembra (por ejemplo: fríjol, maíz, algodon,etc.) Riego en granjas, ranchos, etc. Huertos Empacadora de huevos, frutas, vegetales Reparar/construer cercas Lecherías Granja de animales Matanza/empacadoras de carne o transporte de animales Invernaderos o granjas de césped Otro _________________________ Si usted contestó "Sí," en las dos preguntas anteriores, un representante del distrito escolar quizás se vaya a comunicar con usted para averiguar si su niño/a califica para servicios educativos adicionales. Favor de completar la siguiente información: ¿Tiene un niño menor de 22 años que carece de un Estados Unidos emitió diploma de escuela No secundaria o GED y actualmente no está inscrito en la escuela? Sí Nombre del Padre/Guardián: ________________________________________ Dirección: _______________________________________________________ Teléfono: ___________________La Mejor Hora para Localizarlo: __________ Número de Niños en su Familia: __________________ Office Use Only: Return to Federal & Special Programs Sinton ISD Student Residency Questionnaire/Foster Care The information on this form is required to meet the law known as the McKinney-Vento Act 42 U.S.C. 11434A(2), which is also known as Title X, Part C, of the No Child Left Behind Act. The answers you give will help the school determine the services the student may be eligible to receive. Name of Student: ______________________________________________Gender: _____Male _____Female Birth Date: _____/_____/_____ Grade: ___________ Social Security #: ________________________________ (or student identification number) Name of the school where student is enrolled or in which student is attempting to enroll: ____________________ Last District Attended:__________________________Last School Attended:_______________________________ FOSTER CARE: THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS has enacted an amendment on SECTION 1 Section 7.029, Education Code to include the following: The legislation requires schools to recognize and collect data as to the foster care status of all students. Please check one box below to indicate if the following applies to your child: For all students: □ Student is currently in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services. For Pre-Kindergarten students ONLY: □ Pre-kindergarten student was previously in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services. STUDENT RESIDENCY QUESTIONNAIRE Check the box that best describes with whom the student resides. (Please note: legal guardianship may be granted only by a court; students living on their own or with friends or relatives who do not have legal guardianship are allowed to enroll in and attend school. The school cannot require proof of guardianship for enrollment or continued attendance.) □ □ □ □ □ Parent(s) Legal Guardian(s) Caregiver(s) who are not legal guardian(s) (Examples: friends, relatives, parents of friends, etc.) Transitional housing (Only available for a specific length of time or partly or completely Other:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Name of person with whom student resides: ________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Current Phone #: ______________________ Email Address: __________________________________________ Please check only one box that best describes where the student sleeps at night: □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ In a home or apartment with self/parent/legal guardian In a home or apartment with more than one family □ The home/apartment does NOT have electricity □ The home/apartment does NOT have running water Section 8 housing, military housing In the home of a friend or relative In a shelter In a motel Moving from place to place In a place not designed for ordinary sleeping accommodations such as car, park or campsite In a place that does not have windows, doors, running water, heat, electricity or is overcrowded Other: ____________________________________________________________________________ Office Use Only: Return to Federal & Special Programs Is the student’s current address a temporary living arrangement? _____ Yes Could the student be asked to leave at any time? _____ Yes _____ No _____No Did the student move here because they would be on the streets or in another dangerous situation otherwise? _____ Yes _____No If students living conditions are temporary due to loss of housing or economic hardship, please check all the following boxes that contribute to the student’s current living situation: □ □ □ Natural Disaster □ Tornado, storm, flood, etc. □ Hurricane, Name: _______________ □ Fire: prairie, forest, grass, lightning strike, etc. Family issues such as divorce, domestic violence, kicked out by parents, student left due to family conflict, etc. Home issues such as lack of electricity, water, heat, adequate home repair due to lack of funds, overcrowding, g mold, etc. □ Military: Parent/guardian deployed, injured or killed in action □ Incarceration of parent/guardian □ Incapacitation of parent /guardian due to health, mental health, drugs/alcohol, or other factors □ Home fire not due to natural causes (i.e., faulty equipment/appliances/wiring, furnace, stove, fireplace, etc) □ Economic hardship: □ Loss of job resulting in inability to pay rent or mortgage □ Income from part-time or low paying job does not cover cost of housing in the area □ Loss of mortgage, including loss of mortgage of landlord if student/student’s family is renting □ Eviction record and/or inability to produce deposits for rent or utilities □ High medical bills that leave little or no money for housing □ Lack of affordable housing in the area □ Minor student unable to afford housing on my own □ None of the above describe the main reasons for my present living situation. Briefly explain the contributing factors: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Please provide the following information of school-age siblings (brothers and/or sisters) of the student: Name Grade Level School District ___________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian/Caregiver/Unaccompanied Student ________________ Date For office use only I certify the above named student qualifies for the Child Nutrition Program under the provisions of the McKinneyVento Act. ___________________________________________________________________ McKinney-Vent o Liaison Signature ________________________ Date Office Use Only: Return to Federal & Special Programs New Student SINTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Home Language Survey Clear All Pages 19TAC Chapter 89, Subchapter BB§89.1215 TO BE COMPLETED BY PARENT OR GUARDIAN (or student if grades 9-12): The state of Texas requires that the following information be completed for each student that enrolls for the first time in Texas public school. This survey will be kept in each student’s permanent record folder. Name of Student: Student ID: Address: Phone #: Work Home Cell Campus: Grade: What language do you use the most to speak to your child? English Spanish Other What language does your child use the most at home? English Spanish Other _____________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian ______________________ Date _____________________________________ Signature of Student if Grades 9-12 ______________________ Date Cuestionario del Idioma que se habla en el hogar DEBE DE COMPLETARSE POR EL PADREIMADRE/O REPRESENTANTE LEGAL: (O POR ELS ESTUDIANTE SI ESTA EN LOS GRADOS 9-12): El estado de Texas require que la siguiente información se complete para cada estudiante que se matricula por primera vez en una escuela pública de Texas. Este cuestionario se archivará en el expediente de estudiante. ID: Nombre del Estudiante: Direccion: Telephono: Trabajo Casa Celular Escuelagra: ¿Qué idioma se habla en su hogar la mayoría del tempo? Inglés Español Grado: Ortro __________________________ ¿Qué idioma habla su hijo/a (usted) la mayoría del tiempo? Inglés Español Ortro __________________________ _____________________________________ Firma del Padre/Madre/ o Representante Legal ______________________ Date _____________________________________ Firma del estudiante si está en los grados 9-12 ______________________ Date Office Use Only: Return to Special Programs Office