
Welcome to Free Invoicing Version
of WinBooks on Web
The FREE INVOICING version is designed to help you experience the nice features of WinBooks on Web and
how it can assist your business.
In this version, you can:
Manage your customers and items
Create 15 invoices per month
Send invoices as PDF and XML files to your accountant’s folder on WinBooks Virtual Invoices
Export all data to Microsoft Excel and PDF files
To get more functionalities such as creating more than 15 invoices per month, customization, statistics,
import from Excel, SEPA credit transfers, billing, CODA files recovery, etc…, you can upgrade your version to
Business, Enterprise or more. To learn more about other versions of WinBooks on Web and their prices, go
This document will help you navigate step by step effectively through the FREE version of WinBooks on
We would love to hear from you! If you have any questions or comments about this version, please let us
+32 10451244
Thank you for using WinBooks on Web. We hope you will enjoy exploring and let WinBooks on Web help
you run your business.
Go to website
1. Click Get a Free Access
2. Enter your email address and
3. Read the Terms and
check “I accept…”
4. Click Next, your activation code
will be emailed to you
Entering activation code
1. Check your email
to see activation code
2. Enter activation code, then
click Activate
3. Click Continue
Logging in
1. Check your email to see
your user name and password
2. Enter username and password
Then click Login
Creating folder
After clicking log in, you will be attempted to create your folder
1. Enter your name
2. Enter your new password
and then retype it
3. Select your language
4. Select regional setting of your number
and date formats
5. Click Next
6. Choose your legislation and
folder’s language: Folder’s
language is your accounting
report language – VAT
7. If your accountant
uses WinBooks Virtual Invoice,
you can directly send your
invoices to him. Ask your
accountant for login, password,
and folder’s code.
8. Click Next
9. Fill in your company
information, (this information
will be printed on your invoice),
then click Next
10. Tell us how you know about
us, then click Next
11. Click look up icon to select
and upload your company
logo (for invoice printing)
12. Choose layout for your
Click Preview to see how the
layout looks like
13. Click these 2 buttons to
do more settings
14. Setting up body header,
body footer and invoice
(See sample on image of
how to set up)
Click Save when finished
Here is the finished invoice with all the settings done above:
Company logo
Title on the right
Body header
Body footer
Invoice footer
15. Setting up your default
sending and receiving email
address (can be the same
or different from your email
16. Sending copies of your
emails: check the boxes to
send to yourself or other
17. Setting up Subject and
Body of your emails, click
Variables to add more
variables on the Subject
line and Body of email
Click Reload to go back
the original templates
Click Save or press Ctrl +
Q when finished
18. Click Finish when you
are done. Your folder will
be created.
Note that you can always edit the information you enter when creating the folder by going to My
Company, My Layout and logo, My Profile under Control Panel. (See Control Panel) section on page 20
After the folder is created, you will be led to the Home page of Free Invoicing Version of WinBooks on Web
Creating new customer
1. Click Customers to open
Customer form
2. Click New or press Ctrl + A
to add new customer
3. Fill in your customer’s
information, click Save or
press Ctrl + Q when finished
Navigating in Customer form
You can search customers
by several criteria. Click the
menu to choose the criteria.
Click the 2 arrows to go to
previous or next customer
Filter allows you to do a
Full text search for a
Click tab List to view all
the customers
Click tab Form to edit
information of customer
“Duplicate” function
copies information
(except Reference) of a
customer. This helps you
save inputting time.
Click Delete to delete a
Creating new item
1. Click Items to open Items
2. Click New (Ctrl +A) to
add new item
3. Fill in information about
the item,
Click Save (Ctrl + Q) when
Note: Click the menu to
choose VAT code
Navigating in Item form
You can search items by
several criteria. Click menu
to choose the criteria.
Click the 2 arrows to go to previous
or next item
Filter allows you to do a Full
text search for an item
Click tab List to view all items
Click tab Form to edit
information of item
“Duplicate” function copies
information (except
Reference) of an item. This
helps you save inputting
Click Delete to delete an item
Creating new invoice
Now that you have customers and items, you can create new invoice
1. Click New Invoice button
on the Home page screen
to open New Invoice form
This will directly add a new invoice in the FAC journal
2. Click lookup icon (or type
first letter) to choose journal
FAC or NC to add new
3. Enter number of document
or let the application fills in
8. Select item
9. Select quantity and
discount %
6. Click lookup icon to select a
customer or to add a new
4. Enter the date of document
or let the application fills in
5. Click the note icon to
add comments for the
document. You can edit
the note after the
transaction is created.
10. Unit price, description and
VAT is automatically filled in
(from the item information)
7. Enter reference, payment
term, and due date
(Click lookup icon to add more
payment terms)
12. Email invoice to you and
your customer or save as
PDF file
11. VAT is automatically
calculated based on the
quantity of items
After creating new invoices, you can view, modify, or delete an invoice by going to Documents form
Click Documents to open
Documents form
Click tab List to view all
Click tab Form to
view details and edit
Status of document:
Sent: Invoice has been
emailed to your customer
Printed/Pdf: Invoice has
been printed as PDF
Closed: Invoice header is
closed for editing but you
can still edit details of
Group New: choose journal
FAC (invoice) or NC (credit
note) to add an invoice
Group Documents:
New: add new document
Modify: edit document
Duplicate: reuse
information of document
Delete: delete document
Group Output: Export your document
to PDF file or email your document
Cancel: cancel the
modification of data or to
close form
Click Info to access sub
menu of Info
Defined shortcuts
Here is the list of defined
shortcuts to help you
increase work efficiency.
Upgrade your version to
be able to customize your
own shortcuts
Forms shows the list of
forms that are being
opened. Select from the
list the form that you want
to work on
Report a problem
Your feedback and comments are highly valued. Please share with us your thoughts about the product so
that we can make it work best for you
Choose the Types of
Enter Subject and
Click Send when finished
Screenshots make it easier for us to know
specifically what needs to be improved. Please
upload screenshots of the issues when you can.
About WinBooks on Web
This tells you about your version
and operating system
Control Panel
Click arrow under your
company name to
access Control Panel
Click these options to
change information that
you entered when
creating your folder
Click here to send
invoices to accountant
Click here to change
your password
Click here to export
all data to Excel
Click here to exit the
Export all data to Excel
Select items to export
Choose format type to
export your data
Below is a sample of an exported Excel file:
Customer sheet:
Item sheet:
Document sheet:
Send to the accountant
In this version, you can directly send your invoices to your accountant if he uses WinBooks Virtual Invoices
Your invoices must be
printed out as PDF files
before you can send to
your accountant
Select invoices you want to
send to your accountant
Select invoices you DON’T
want to send to accountant
Click Send to send invoices to accountant
Note: You need to obtain the login, password, and folder code from your accountant in order to send your
invoices to him.
After you receive this information from your accountant, go to My Company under Control Panel to fill it
Fill in the information
that you obtain from
your accountant
*** For security purpose, if your application is inactive for 10 minutes, your work section will automatically
be ended. In this case, just refresh your browser and continue working
*** Lookup icon:
This icon allows you to look for data, add new data and modify them.
This is called the System Management feature of WinBooks on Web: all data in the system are wellconnected to make it easy for users to manage their data effectively.
End of document.
Thank you for using Free Invoicing version of WinBooks on Web.