Citizens Create Knowledge (GEWISS)


Citizens Create Knowledge (GEWISS)
Citizen science includes all the activities by citizens
that actively contribute to scientific knowledge. The
“Citizens Create Knowledge (GEWISS)” capacity-building program is a joint project created by a consortium
of scientific institutions and partners in order to support and develop citizen science in Germany (20142016). We invite researchers from all fields, citizens,
civil society organizations, and scientific institutions
Project leads
Aletta Bonn (iDiv/UFZ) & Katrin Vohland (MfN)
Coordination: Capacity-Building Program
Lisa Pettibone (MfN) & Anett Richter (iDiv/UFZ)
Coordination: Online Platform
Wiebke Rettberg (WiD) & David Ziegler (MfN)
to contribute their ideas and experiences to the en-
Coordinating Institutions
hancement of citizen science.
• German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig | Helmholtz Centre
Our Building Blocks for Citizen Science
• Networking and exchange for those engaged or
interested in citizen science through our online
platform and events.
• Analysis of current citizen science activities as well
as of needs of citizens and researchers through
dialogue workshops
• Participatory creation of a toolkit for practitioners
to realize citizen science projects
• Development of a Citizen Science Strategy 2020
for Germany through a moderated consultation
for Environmental Research (UFZ)
Deutscher Platz 5e, 04103 Leipzig
• Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Leibniz Institute
for Evolutionary and Biodiversity Research (MfN)
© Florian Pappert 2014
The Capacity-Building Program
Invalidenstr. 43, 10115 Berlin
• Wissenschaft im Dialog (Science in Dialogue, WiD)
Charlottenstrasse 80, 10117 Berlin
• Production of technical and organizational resources, such as training workshops and a short film
Citizens Create
Capacity-building program and online platform
for citizen science in Germany
The online platform receives
additional funding from: Citizen Science Dialogue
Networking and Exchange
through Our Online Platform
Toolkit and Resources
Following the think tank event and kick-off conference
The online platform
How can those active in citizen science projects work
held in 2014, GEWISS is developing six dialogue work-
includes information about citizen science and allows
together and communicate? What research questions
shops to address current questions on key aspects
citizen science projects to present their projects and
are particularly well suited to be addressed by citizen
of citizen science. GEWISS is hosting these workshops
encourage interested citizens to participate. Project
science? How can we ensure high data quality and
together with partner institutions on the following
goals and research questions are included on the
secure important resources? A toolkit will serve as a
site, as well as concrete opportunities to join in. In ad-
practical guide and will be developed based on results
dition, the platform serves as a resource to promote
from GEWISS events and analysis of successful citizen
networking and exchange for those engaged in citizen
science projects in Germany.
• Funding structures for citizen science in Germany
• Citizen science and civil society
• Citizen science outside the natural sciences
In addition, we are developing further resources, such
• Citizen science and participation
as a video clip and training workshops, to aid concep-
• Data quality and data management
tion and realization of citizen science projects. These
• Citizen science in protected areas
should support (potential) project initiators in organizing citizen science activities.
Results from the dialogue workshops will contribute
to the toolkit and strategy documents to be presented at a launch event in spring 2016 in Berlin. For more
information, please consult our website for dates and
documentation of the events.
Citizen Science
A page from the online platform.
For additional information and to sign up for our
newsletter (in German), please go to:
[Bild von Plattform]
© Sergey Mukhametov 2014
© Florian Pappert 2014