Know your EKKa history the first showbag was full


Know your EKKa history the first showbag was full
Meet a Traditional Owner • Shuvani Festival • Local Ekka Alternative • how Stamp Duty hits families
free weekly · also available online
Lakes, Bay & Region · August 6 2016
We now resume
regular transmission
# messengermagazine
your Ekka
the first showbag
was full of coal
Community Notice Board now Online
Leonie: It’s not fair to deny others a right of reply
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GiveAbility Day
Date: Saturday 6 August, all day
Location: Westfield North Lakes
Cost: Please give generously
Now in its twelfth year, the Messenger is your free weekly
publication. Wholly owned, operated and produced
locally. Proudly independently published.
ABN 129 5493 7979.
Contact Us
GiveAbility Day is an annual fundraising event that supports
families of children living with disabilities in Australia. The day
will see centres host nation-wide fun-filled events and activities
to entertain the family, with Westfield matching all donations
capped at $250,000, and 100 percent of proceeds going directly to
local charities.
Activities at Westfield North Lakes include and animal farm, face
painting, raffle and a BBQ.
All donations on the day are going to the Cerebral Palsy League
Newsroom/Editorial/Submit a story
Date: 6 - 7 AUGUST, 2016 , 9am to 4pm
Location: Strathpine Community Centre, 199 Gympie
Rd, Strathpine
Cost: $7 Adults, Conc. $6 ; Child $2, Family $17.
For all advertising rates, specifications, templates
conditions and bookings please contact Advertising
Manager Jodi Doe on 3881 3322 Tuesday to Thursday.
Other times please call 0488 112 822 or email:
Annual event for the Railway Modeller’s Club of Qld,
showcasing various hobbies to the public. There will be 30
layouts, displays and retails outlets at the show. There is also a
canteen for food and drinks.
UQ St Lucia Open Day
Date: Sunday, 07 August 2016 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Location: UQ Centre, St Lucia Campus
Cost: Free
Learn how to plan a successful QTAC application, hear about
scholarships and exchange opportunities and get tips from current
university students. Visitors to Open Day can explore the St Lucia
campus, check out the world-class facilities, learn more about the
unique courses and career options at the UQ Centre information
hub, meet inspiring teachers and staff and experience the vibrant
campus lifestyle. More info:
QUT Dragon Boat Regatta 2016
Date: 13 August at 8am–3pm
Location: Southbank Cultural Forecourt
Cost: Free
South Bank’s Cultural Forecourt will come alive with the sound
of beating drums as teams race down the river during QUT’s
annual Dragon Boat Regatta on Saturday 13 August from 8am
– 2.30pm. Enjoy food trucks brought to you by The World Food
Markets from 10am - 3pm, live entertainment, Hava Ball and a
free petting zoo at this family friendly event!
If you’re keen to register a team of 20, express your interest at:
Join the Paddlers event page for training and racing updates:
Senior's Week celebration Morning Tea
Date: 17th August, 2016 9:00am
Location: Creekside Community Centre 793 Oakey Flat
Road, Narangba.
Cost: Free
Please join us for a FREE morning tea to celebrate the wonderful
contribution our seniors make to our community.
There will be a performance to remember by Carmichael Kids.
Spectacular performances by our Primary Students, Guest
Speakers + Prizes to be won. This invitation is open to all Seniors.
Please bring your friends along. RSVP for catering purposes. Ph:
3204 4287.
The Messenger is dedicated to the community and
we welcome contributions from residents, community
groups, schools, sporting groups, the private sector and
institutions of higher education. Email your reports and
pictures to Editor Dan Fidler via:
Please note:
•Business hours are week days 9am to 5 pm.
•All advertising is to be pre-paid.
•Advertising deadline (including Classifieds) is 12 midday
Thursday one week prior. Incomplete art due Tuesday
midday one week prior.
Payments or accounts please call Nick on 1300 300 608
Monday to Thursday or email:
Credit Cards & Direct Deposit:
Bank of Queensland
BSB: 124185
A/C: 20169347
PO Box 127 North Lakes, QLD 4509
Distribution/Deliveries/request copies
For all distribution enquiries and requests please contact
our Distribution Manager, Ali Hunt via:
Other Contacts
For the Community Notice Board and Your Say please
observing the requisites and disclaimers printed on their
relevant pages.
Not all opinions expressed in this publication are necessarily those of the
publishers. No responsibility is taken by the Messenger for any errors,
misleading information or the validity of the advertising content. The
articles, information and anecdotes are not necessarily the original work
of the editor or writers.
By advertising or submitting with the Messenger you agree to indemnify
the publication, its staff and owners, against any claims.
The Messenger would like to acknowledge the traditional
owners and elders of the lands and waters within the
Moreton Bay Region and surrounds, both past and present.
The Messenger 4
The Messenger 5
The Ekka
Grand Parade in the main arena of the Exhibition Ground, Brisbane, 1948. Image courtesy of John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland
We usually run a yearly
breakdown of the Ekka's
latest and greatest, this
year we're looking into
the history of Brisbane's
biggest calendar event
he Royal Queensland Show
(Ekka) has been bringing the
country and city together since
1876, to celebrate and champion
agriculture and the critical role
it plays in our everyday lives.
This year more than 400,000
people will come together to
celebrate the 139th Ekka – a
showcase of the best of the best.
Queensland’s largest and most
loved annual event will once
again run over two full weekends,
from 5 - 14 August, giving
visitors more opportunity to
experience the magic of the show.
So how did the Ekka become
such a big deal in Queensland?
On August 22, 1876, a crowd of
more than 15,000 people made
their way by horse, foot or
carriage to experience the very
first Ekka, at what is now known
as the Brisbane Showgrounds. Visitors were treated to
more than 1,000 exhibits and
Men attended in their suits and charged an entry fee of a halfladies in their finest garments. crown, or one shilling (about
Food was served on long tables 10 cents) if they waited until
and the first showbag - a bag of after the official opening.
coal - was free for all visitors.
The first show depended heavily
Some of today’s traditions stem on the voluntary efforts of RNA
back to this first exhibition. Council members, judges and
Competitions were a cornerstone stewards as the RNA did not yet
of the Ekka right from the have its own staff, apart from
beginning with 1,700 entries employing nightwatchmen.
across 650 classes competing for
trophies, cash prizes and medals. Celebrat i ng t he colony’s
achievements, the Intercolonial
Exhibition of 1876 was praised
as the most significant event in
Queensland since its separation
from New South Wales.
It began in 1875 when a group
of colonists joined together to
encourage the development
of Queensland’s primary
industries. Leading members of
the colonial society formed the
first RNA Council. The RNA
Council immediately committed
themselves to organising
The Messenger 6
the very first exhibition for
Brisbane—from calling for
tenders for the initial building
to meeting with the Premier
of Queensland to establish a
public holiday on opening day.
The result was the Intercolonial
Exhibition of 1876—the largest
event to be held in the state
up to that point. The RNA,
along with the exhibition,
continued to expand and grow
in popularity and in 1921, the
association was granted the
prefix ‘Royal’ under warrant
from His Majesty King George V.
Since then, the shortened name
‘Ekka’ has replaced ‘Exhibition’
in the Queensland vernacular.
Since 1876 the Ekka has continued
to grow in popularity and size,
remaining one of the most
anticipated yearly events. It
has been held annually at the
Brisbane Showgrounds since
its inception except for two
instances — in 1919 at the height
of the Spanish influenza epidemic
and in 1942 during World War II
when the grounds were used
as a staging depot for troops.
the show for the first time in back to the future in a sense."
119 years, while introducing
historic discounts to make this “While Ekka 2016 will offer plenty
year’s Ekka the best value ever. of action-packed entertainment
and improved amenities as
For the first time since 1897, part of our $2.9 billion Brisbane
The Old Museum will return Showgrounds redevelopment, it
to its original home for the 10 will also celebrate what’s come
days of show, transformed for before, which is a big part of
Ekka into the new Flower and Ekka’s cross generational appeal."
Garden Exhibition presented
This year’s Ekka offers families
Men attended in their great value, with the first two
day pass in the show’s history
suits and ladies in their introduced, along with dedicated
two for one ride and food days
finest garments. Food
- plus 15 per cent off all online
was served on long
tickets up until Ekka eve. More
than 70 per cent of the show is also
tables and the first
dedicated to free entertainment.
showbag - a bag of coal
- was free for all
by Envy Lawn “Grown for
Life” and the Quilts Across
Queensland precinct, with
a special Ekka rose being
cultivated to mark the occasion.
“From 1891 to 1897 the Museum
was part of Ekka grounds, but
following a major economic
depression the Queensland
Government took over control
With all this history for 2016 of the building,’’ said RNA Chief
the Ekka has gone back to the Executive Brendan Christou.
future in a celebration of heritage
and innovation, welcoming “It then became the Queensland
The Old Museum back to Museum in 1899, so we’re going
This year's entry prices at the
gates are: Adults $31, Children
$20, Concessions $24 while
littlies (under 4) are free. For the
first time ever two day passes
are avalibale at Adult $45,
Child $30 and Concession $36,
all tickets are cheaper online.
Moreton Bay Ekka Holiday
Monday August 8 is our Ekka
public holiday in the Moreton
Bay Region. Wednesday, August
10 People’s Day is for residents
in the Brisbane City Council
local government area only and
will be a normal business day
in the Moreton Bay Region.
Strange but True
Historic Ekka Facts
The first ever showbag was a
free bag of coal
In the 1920s a flock of 90
sheep were used to maintain
the lawns at the Brisbane
A key event at the first show
in 1876 was a competition
for the best sample of 5
tonne of manure, deodorised
and prepared in the most
economical form of use
Main arena entertainment
continued to expand in
1966 with the Zacchini
family presenting a human
cannonball act — with the
father coordinating, the
mother firing and their
children propelled across the
ring into a net
During the Great Depression
new entertainment was
introduced including goat
races that attracted some 100
competitors in a single show
There was no Sideshow Alley
in 1876, just a lone individual
known as the ‘lightning
calculator,’ whose facility
with numbers amazed the
* Sourced from 'Showtime - A History of the Brisbane
Exhibition' by Joanne Scott and Ross Laurie, 2008.
The Messenger 7
a Traditional Owner
We have a yarn with Gubbi Gubbi Woman
Christine Stuart about traditional life in the region
he land you are standing on as you read information about Aboriginal people that
this is recognised by Native Title as the lived in this area and how they lived,” she
traditional land of the Gubbi Gubbi people. said of the workshops.
Christine Stuart (pictured) is an Iningai
and Gubbi Gubbi woman, local Indigenous
Community Advisor and Author. She’s a
language and culture expert who collaborates
with local councils, organisations and
community groups to help establish
Indigenous cultural and language awareness.
Gubbi Gubbi Bush Tucker Girl (inset) is
Christine’s second book. Literally, it’s
about a girl, her mother and a dilly bag
(a traditional bush tucker collecting bag),
but metaphorically it's about a whole lot
more. The mother sends her daughter out
to collect bush tucker and along the way we
learn ten Gubbi Gubbi language words. The
words are pronounced phonetically and the
accompanying pictures help to tell the story.
“For example, nowadays Mum and Dad get
their groceries and tools from shops, but the
Gubbi Gubbi people made it all themselves.
All their tools, all their baskets and food were
from the bush”.
Christine’s workshops are interesting. Far
removed from the regular more national
narratives taught in our curriculum, she visits The students also learn some Gubbi Gubbi
language words with a traditional song
schools to teach about the local area.
supplied by Doctor Eve Fesl. Dr Fesl is a
Senior Gubbi Gubbi Elder and Linguist who
“I’m talking about this area (the Moreton
holds an Order of Australia Medal, a PHD
Bay Region) because isn’t it great to get the
history and the culture of the area where you (Socio-Linguistic Study of Language Policy)
live? Embracing the history of your area will and collaborated on both of Christine’s books
for language accuracy.
give you a better understanding of it,” she
The kids come away from the workshops
with a greater knowledge of where they live
and even some new language skills. The
workshops involve both theory and practice,
taught in the oral tradition. They involve
talking, singing, dancing and traditional
ochre paint. It’s the best way to learn
Christine tells us.
Let’s be clear, this is not a Dreamtime story,
it’s a story about pre-colonial traditional life.
We won’t entirely spoil the read, you can
find out how to get a copy of the book below,
but within its pages you will learn about
the lifestyle, the language and increasingly
important modern day lessons about
responsibility and where food actually comes
“Students are keen to learn about places
from. It’s an educational and interesting
they have been. If you spoke about areas
insight into traditional life in our region.
in the Northern Territory for example it
If you’re a student in any of the local schools would seem too abstract, but speaking about
Redcliffe, Bribie Island, Caboolture - these are
you will probably recognise Christine
places students can identify with.”
from the workshops she regularly runs in
educational facilities, from early childhood
It's a modern learning-first approach that
right through to high school.
resonates well with the students.
“It’s an hour-long workshop, we sit down in
“I don’t do a lot of Dreamtime stories, I do
a big circle called a Bora Ring (known as a
Kippa or Durrn in the Gubbi Gubbi language) traditional stories with facts behind them”.
and in that circle I give the students
“We talk and we have fun. In our Kippa, it’s a
place to come together and a place to learn,”
Christine finished.
Christine is an effective teacher. She speaks
with a pragmatic and cognisant subtext.
After sitting down with her you're struck
with a sense that these really are important
lessons to learn as we mature as a nation. The
Aboriginal way of life is part of our collective
history and culture. The lands and the oceans
that surround us were considered sacred and
learning about traditional life provides us,
as a nation, invaluable knowledge of how to
protect this land into the future.
Both of Christine’s books are available
for purchase. To order a copy or to book
workshops email For
more information visit
The Messenger 8
The Messenger 9
Record numbers
of Australians
treated for Hep C
“This represents a huge leap forward in
public health. To put this into perspective,
we are on track to cure more people with
hepatitis C this year than in the past twenty
years of interferon-therapy,” Professor Dore
Federal Health Minister Sussan Ley said the
outcome was the result of the Government’s
commitment to listing – and paying for –
new breakthrough medicines without fear
or favour, and in the face of large costs to
“Treatment for hepatitis C is vital to prevent
liver damage which can lead to liver cancer,
liver cirrhosis and liver failure – and
treatment is now better and easier than ever.
“The Turnbull Government made the
world-first decision to invest over $1 billion
subsidising these cures for Hepatitis C on
the PBS, no matter the severity of a person’s
condition or how they contracted it,” Ms Ley
“If you’ve ever been exposed to the hepatitis
C virus, or if you’ve been told you’re living
with the virus, speak to your doctor about
a liver check-up and make sure you benefit
we are on track to
cure more people
with hepatitis C this
year than in the past
twenty years
By Dr Anita, Brisbane North PHN
ustralia is on track to eliminate
hepatitis C in ten years if record
numbers of people living with the virus
continue to seek and receive breakthrough
antiviral treatment, according to a new
analysis released on World Hepatitis Day.
Data from the Kirby Institute at UNSW
Australia reveals that since new generation
hepatitis C cures were made available on the
Pharmaceutical Benefits Schemes (PBS) five
months ago, more than 22,000 Australians
have begun treatment.
from the new cures,” he said.
Hepatitis Australia CEO Helen Tyrrell said
the wave of people who had been treated
was “frankly phenomenal” but that Australia
must keep up the momentum in order to
make the elimination of hepatitis C a reality
within a decade in Australia.
The Department of Health estimated that
62,000 people would be treated with the
new antivirals in five years, however if high
treatment rates continue, experts believe this
goal could be reached by the end of 2017.
Importantly, there is no limit on the number
of patients that can be treated.
“This is a huge achievement and testament
to the critical role of GPs who can prescribe
hepatitis C medicines for the first time – and
the vision of the Australian Government in
making these therapies available without
restriction,” Ms Tyrrell explained.
“The great news for the public purse is
that the amount of money paid for these
medicines is capped, so the more people
treated over the next five years the better,”
she said.
For further information, visit www. and www.
“Governments, along with the health and
community sector, should be applauded for
the record number of people with hepatitis C
coming forward for treatment so far, but of
course these efforts must be sustained over
Dr Anita Green (MBBS, MSpMed,
many years to reach everyone who would
This is a massive increase on the 2,000 to 3,000 benefit,” Ms Tyrrell said.
FRACGP, FASMF, FAICD) has 30 years
people with hepatitis C treated annually prior
experience in both the primary
to the listing.
care sector as a general practitioner
“The message for the 230,000 Australians
and in the tertiary care sector with
living with hepatitis C is: Ask your doctor
The Kirby Institute’s Professor Greg Dore
about new hepatitis C cures. Don’t miss out. Queensland Health. She has a longsaid Australia was leading the world in the
term commitment to undergraduate
You can be cured in as little as 12 weeks and
treatment of hepatitis C, thanks to the unique with far fewer side-effects than previous
and postgraduate education, for medical and allied health
approach Australia has taken in making these treatments,” she said.
professionals, and is involved in teaching and research at the
medicines available without restriction.
University of Queensland.
Redcliffe Tri Club
The Messenger 11
with Leonie Catch Leonie's radio show alternate Mondays at 11.00am on
New time
It’s just not fair or reasonable to
deny others a right of reply
Hello Leonie,
Love you and your column. I thought I would
write to you as there is no one to really talk to about
this and I don’t live on the Peninsula (I download
the Messenger) so no one will recognise me. You
were actually pivotal in my brother getting a job in
Queensland Rail and I thank you for that.
Thank you for your kind words. I have been blessed with being able to help people
secure work in this challenging climate. However, you may not like what I have to say.
Here’s my thing. I feel very angry with my sister
in law. I am hearing that she is trashing me from
another in my family. Apparently she is saying
that I am not a good mother and that I am a poor
role model because I never finished high school
and have no further education. Although I do run a
successful cleaning business with two employees,
apparently she says I’m a loser.
You have absolutely no proof that your sister in law has done anything wrong. You
have just assigned blame to her on the back of whispers and malicious gossip. This
is how families get fractured and your sister in law has every right to confront her
accuser. I would talk to my sister in law about what has been said and ask her if this is
a true reflection of her behavour.
It’s also been said that she feels that I am obese and
feeding my children rubbish so they will become
obese also. I am on the upper end of a size 14, play
netball and my children are fed from all the colours
of fruit and vegetables and lean meats. We do have
takeaway food on the weekends but I know from
talking to my friends that this is normal.
I feel that you need to handle this situation with fairness and maturity. Mature and
reasonable people do not go about the business of believing gossip without the facts
being substantiated. It’s just not fair or reasonable to deny others a right of reply.
If it is the case, a simple mind your own business coupled with being confronted
should be enough to put an end to the matter. If however she has not said these things
(as I strongly suspect) she then can take it up with the person who is carting this
destructive gossip and seeking to displace her in the family.
In order for families to thrive and be healthy there needs to be honesty, transparency
and above all; respect. If someone in the family is gossiping about you they are not
being respectful. If you deny a family member the right of reply, you are not being
respectful. It’s as simple as that! Some people love to stir up trouble between family
members as entertainment.
I want to rip her head off but I hate confrontation
and this woman is my husband’s favourite sister so
I feel that he would be very mad at me if I were to
strike back. She is always nice to my face but now I
am realising that she is a bit of a snake.
They then sit back and watch the show as resentment and distrust forms between their
targets. This type of behavour is often driven by jealousy or the need for drama and
soap opera type conflict. If everyone simply went to the source, checked for validity,
kept no secrets and dealt with each other in an honest and transparent way, these
trouble makers would be exposed for who and what they are.
I am throwing a baby shower at my house for
my husband’s other sister in two weeks and I am
wondering if I should invite her or not. I don’t want
her there in my home so that she can collect more
evidence of what I am supposedly doing wrong.
If you just decide that this woman has done this terrible thing without investigating,
your husband would most likely be rightfully upset and not inviting her to her own
sister’s baby shower on the back of gossip in my view is childish behavour.
I have always thought that it was unfair that my
husband and this gossiping sister were close and
froze their other sister out in some ways. What do
you think and do you think I should invite her and
how would you handle this?
Name withheld/Carseldine
Now, you know and I know that not inviting this woman to her own sister’s baby
shower won’t solve anything and it definitely won’t be the end of the matter. Others
in the family would ask you to explain your decision so you will face confrontation
The other issue I would like you to explore is whether or not there is a chance that the
reason you are so ready to believe this about your sister in law is because she is your
husband’s favourite sister? Are you the one who is jealous? Food for thought!
Til next week, Leonie
Leonie Schilling is a qualified private practitioner.
For appointments please phone 3886 2715 or 0423 653 841
Relationship Intensive Care - A practical guide to saving and maintaining your relationship
Leonie delivers advice about struggling with a sick relationship and delivers (in a way only Leonie could) an easy to understand plan
to repair that relationship.
Relationship Intensive Care is available as both a hard copy and EBook from or
Dymocks North Lakes. The hard copy is $29.95 (+ $7.00 postage and handling) and the EBook download is $14.95.
The Messenger 12
The Messenger 13
Shuvani: Festivale Historique is on
this weekend at Old Petrie Town
Shuvani Festival
Magic comes to
Old Petrie Town
Old Petrie Town is inviting families
to travel back in time and immerse
themselves in the lifestyle and
exquisite encampment of the
nomads of a bygone era,
"The encampment bustles day and night with
the re-enactment of the medieval lifestyle,
trades, entertainments and artistry of the
Shuvani," says artistic director Margaret
"The stage is brought vividly to life through
the painstaking creation of a full nomads’
encampment, featuring individual dwellings,
animal pens, artisan work stations,
performance areas, the community hearth
and, of course, the essential wagons."
"People of all ages including little ones
love our encampment and its enchanting
n 6-7 August, the grand fig trees within atmosphere, so we are delighted to be
creating this festival experience for our local
Old Petrie Town will be transformed
into a colourful encampment, with bender community."
tents, artisan faire, dancers, a Fortune
Telling Wagon, a Gypsy Cob horse and
The Shuvani have been appearing in the
Moreton Bay region at various festivals for
more than 13 years.
The group has expanded over the years and
become a thriving artistic community with
many skills and talents.
Margaret explains that the Shuvani are not
trying to depict the Indian or the Romani
(Gypsy) nations.
" Shuvani Festivále Historíque pays special
tribute to the Indian origins of these medieval
travellers, and also presents a special tribute
to the Romani nation."
The Festival will be open on Saturday 6
August 10am-10pm and Sunday 8am to 4pm.
A full program will be made available on
their website
Pic courtesy of April Byrne
The Messenger 14
Norths Ekka
Fun Day
The Norths ‘Ekka Fun Day’ is back
again and better than ever.
ach August Norths sets out to create a
day at the Ekka that families all over
Brisbane’s Northside can enjoy without
the pain on the back pocket. It’s no secret
that Brisbane’s Royal Show is becoming
more and more of a burden on young
families’ bank accounts, and the Norths
alternative has become a hit over recent
years in light of this.
The day, held on Monday 8th August
from 10am, will feature a range of Ekka
favourites that will appeal to both adults
and kids which include live entertainment,
free sample bags, free rides, free face
painting and great carnival type food
available for purchase.
Monday 8th
August from
If the sun is shining the day promises to
entertain everyone involved with each Ekka
Fun Day at Norths seemingly becoming
more popular each year on the magnificent
memorial gardens at the front of the club.
For more information on the day please call
the club’s reception on 3285 2733 or email
The Messenger 15
Your Stars
Aquarius Jan 21-Feb 19: Continue to be a
benevolent yet hovering presence and you
should get through this choppy period no
worse for wear.
Pisces Feb 20-March 20: Expect to be on
call. Your everyone’s go to port in the storm
throughout this week.
Aries march 21-April 20: Being honest is
important right? Listen to your conscience and
take back some of the harsher things you said
because sensitivity is important too.
Taurus April 21-May 21: he may stumble over
his words as he struggles to make himself clear,
but you need to know that he’s trying to make
amends. Help him out and reach across the
Gemini May 22-June 21: You keep looking, but
are you finding? Open your eyes a little wider;
the answer will be right in from of you.
Cancer June 22-july 23: Be upfront- it’s amazing
how quickly you’ll get an answer,, and maybe
even a positive one- when you’re not so worried
about covering your tracks all the time.
Leo July 24-Aug 23: Keep stalling the other
party until you start to see some flexibility on
their part. You may not win the argument, but
you’ll get an agreement you can live with.
Virgo Aug 24-Sept 23: You know you should
take the high road and that there’s nothing to be
gained by sinking to their level, but that won’t
be happening today.
Libra Sept 24-Oct 23: Being on call doesn’t
prove you care. It’s more like an open invite for
everyone to dump their obligation on to you
while they go off and do their own thing. Its
time you changed the rules.
Scorpio Oct 24-Nov 22: Keep that stinger of
yours holstered. There’s more going on than
meets the eye and some offenders may even be
deserving of your sympathy.
Sagittarius Nov 23-Dec 21: Be ready to do some
strategic positioning in order to escape a very
tight and awkward corner.
Capricorn Dec 22-Jan 20: You’ll get most of what
you’re owed, but not all of it. That, in itself, is
better than nothing considering what was at
The Messenger 16
6.00 PAW Patrol. 6.30 Dora.
7.00 Weekend Today. 10.00
Today Extra: Saturday. (PG) 12.00
The Conversation. 12.30 Hot
In Cleveland. (PG) 1.00 Hot In
Cleveland. (PG) 1.30 The NRL
Rookie. (PG) 2.50 Movie: Soul
Surfer. (PG) (2011) 5.00 News:
First At Five. 5.30 Getaway. (PG)
6.00 Nine News. 7.00 Movie:
Mirror Mirror. (PG) (2012) Lily
Collins. 9.15 Movie: Wrath Of
The Titans. (M) (2012) Sam
Worthington, Liam Neeson, Bill
Nighy. Perseus sets out to rescue
Zeus. 11.10 Movie: Armoured.
(M) (2009) Columbus Short. 1.00
Movie: Up Pompeii. (M) (1971)
2.45 Impractical Jokers. (M) 3.15
Nine Presents. 3.30 Avengers. (PG)
4.30 Global Shop. 5.00 Leading
The Way. (PG) 5.30 Wesley Impact.
6.00 Rio 2016 Olympic Games:
Olympic Countdown Show.
9.00 Rio 2016 Olympic Games:
Opening Ceremony. 1.30
Olympians: Off The Record. (PG)
2.00 Olympians: Off The Record.
(PG) 2.30 Olympians: Off The
Record. (PG) 3.00 Olympians:
Off The Record. 3.30 Olympians:
Off The Record. (PG) 4.00 Better
Homes. 5.00 Creek To Coast.
5.30 Qld Weekender. Hosted by
Dean Miller. 6.00 News. 7.00 Rio
2016 Olympic Games: Opening
Ceremony Highlights. Highlights
of the Opening Ceremony of the
Games of the XXXI Olympiad
from Rio de Janeiro’s Maracanã
Stadium. 10.10 Rio 2016 Olympic
Games. Day 1: Evening. 12.00
Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Day 1:
6.00 Fishing Edge. 6.30 The Home
Team. 7.00 RPM. 8.00 Family
Feud. 8.30 Weekend Feast. 9.30
St10. (PG) 12.00 The Living Room.
1.00 Healthy Homes Australia.
1.30 The Doctors. 2.30 GCBC.
3.00 Cruise Mode. 3.30 Puppy
Academy. 4.00 Storm Season. (PG)
4.30 Places We Go With Jennifer
Adams. 5.00 News. 6.00 Travels
With The Bondi Vet. Dr Chris visits
an active volcano in Vanuatu.
6.30 To Be Advised. 7.00 To Be
Advised. 8.00 Movie: Night At The
Museum. (2006) Ben Stiller, Robin
Williams. A man goes to work at a
museum. 10.20 Movie: The Grand
Budapest Hotel. (M) (2014) Ralph
Fiennes, Adrien Brody. 12.20 48
Hours. (M) 1.30 Shopping. 4.30
It Is Written. (PG) 5.00 Hour
Of Power.
6.00 Rage. (PG) 10.30 Rage. (PG)
11.30 The Checkout. (PG) 12.00
Rise Of The Continents. 1.00
New Tricks. (PG) 2.05 Antiques
Roadshow. 3.05 Tony Robinson’s
Time Walks. (PG) 3.35 Time
Scanners. 4.30 Landline. 5.00
Midsomer Murders. (PG) 6.30
Gardening Australia. 7.00 ABC
News. 7.30 The Coroner. (M) 8.20
Inspector George Gently. (M) 9.50
Poldark. (PG) 10.50 Miniseries:
Arthur & George. (M) 11.40 Rage.
(MA15+) 5.00 Rage. (PG)
6.00 WorldWatch. 11.00 Spanish
News. 12.00 Arabic News. 12.30
Turkish News. 1.00 PBS News.
2.00 Small Business Secrets. 2.30
Equestrian. FEI Classics. Badminton
Horse Trials. Highlights. 3.30
The Classic Car Show. (PG) 4.25
Archaeology: A Secret History.
5.25 Nadia Comaneci: Gymnast
And The Dictator. 6.30 SBS World
News. 7.30 The Rise And Fall
Of Versailles. (PG) 8.30 RocKwiz
Salutes The Decades. (PG) 9.30
Movie: Creation. (PG) (2009)
11.30 Masters Of Sex. (MA15+)
12.30 Masters Of Sex. (MA15+)
1.35 Masters Of Sex. (M) 2.40
Masters Of Sex. (M) 3.40 Masters
Of Sex. (M) 4.50 Voice Over. (M)
5.00 CCTV English News. 5.30
NHK World English News. 5.45
France 24 Feature.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.00
Dennis & Gnasher. 11.30 Pirate
Express. 12.00 Kitchen Whiz.
12.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 1.00 Yu-GiOh! (PG) 1.30 Yo-Kai. (PG) 2.00
Wild Kratts. 2.30 Sonic Boom.
(PG) 3.00 Power Rangers Dino.
(PG) 3.30 Ninjago: Masters Of
Spinjitzu. (PG) 4.00 Teen Titans.
(PG) 4.30 Ben 10. (PG) 5.00
Justice League Unlimited. (PG)
5.30 Batman. (PG) 6.00 Movie:
Cats & Dogs: The Revenge Of
Kitty Galore. (G) (2010) 7.40
Movie: Stormbreaker. (PG) (2006)
9.30 Restoration. New. 10.30 Bad
Robots. (M) 11.30 Adult Swim.
(M) 12.30 Forever. (M) 2.30 The
Magaluf Weekender. (M) 3.30
Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 4.00 Wild Kratts.
4.30 Sonic Boom. (PG) 4.50
Thunderbirds. 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG)
6.00 Shopping. 8.00 Room For
Improvement. 9.00 The Real
Seachange. 10.00 Travel Oz. (PG)
11.30 Dealers. (PG) 12.30 Best
Houses Australia. 1.30 The Great
Australian Doorstep. 2.00 Home
In WA. 2.30 Great South East.
3.00 Creek To Coast. 3.30 Qld
Weekender. 4.00 WA Weekender.
4.30 Sydney Weekender. Mike
hits Sydney Harbour. 5.00 No
Reservations. (PG) Tony travels
to Rio De Janeiro. 6.00 Mighty
Cruise Ships. Takes a look at
Le Soléal. 7.15 Escape To The
Country. Alistair Appleton heads
to Oxfordshire to help a nautical
couple find a property close to
the river. 9.15 Rio 2016 Olympic
Games. Day 1: Evening. 12.00
Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Day 1:
6.00 Shopping. 8.00 Star Trek:
Voyager. 9.00 Hogan’s Heroes.
10.00 World Sport. 10.30 Get
Smart. 11.30 Jake And The Fatman.
12.30 MacGyver. 1.30 Diagnosis
Murder. 2.30 Operation Repo. 3.00
M*A*S*H. 4.00 The McCarthys.
4.30 Reel Action. 5.00 Driven Not
Hidden. 5.30 Escape Fishing With
ET. 6.00 The Renovation King.
6.30 The Unstoppables. 7.00
Last Man Standing. 7.30 David
Attenborough’s Africa. 8.30 Zoo.
9.30 Minority Report. 11.30 Crisis.
12.30 Bellator MMA. 2.45 World
Sport. 3.00 RPM. 4.00 Rugby
Sevens. World Series. Round 6.
Highlights. 4.30 Rugby Sevens.
World Sevens Series. Round 7.
Highlights. 5.00 Rugby Sevens.
World Sevens. Round 8. Highlights.
5.30 Whacked Out Sports.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 7.00
Spicks And Specks. (PG) 7.30
Highway Thru Hell. (PG) 8.15
Mock The Week. (M) 8.50 Live
From The BBC. (M) 9.20 Live At
The Apollo. (M) 10.05 Comedy Up
Late. (MA15+) 10.35 Catastrophe.
(M) 11.00 Broad City. (M) 11.25
Episodes. (M) 11.55 David Bowie:
The Golden Years Of Music Video.
(PG) 12.15 Video Killed The Radio
Star. (PG) 12.40 Video Killed The
Radio Star. (PG) 1.05 Video Killed
The Radio Star. (PG) 1.25 Video
Killed The Radio Star. (PG) 1.50
Video Killed The Radio Star. (PG)
2.10 Highway Thru Hell. (PG) 2.55
News Update. 3.00 Close. 5.00
Franklin And Friends. 5.20 The
Koala Brothers. 5.30 Bert And
Ernie. 5.40 Dorothy The Dinosaur.
5.50 Tilly And Friends.
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.05 Croatian
News. 9.40 Serbian News.
10.20 Portuguese News. 11.00
Japanese News. 11.35 Punjabi
News. 12.05 Hindi News. 12.30
Dutch News. 1.00 Where Are
We Going, Dad? 2.35 Fugu And
Tako. (PG) 2.45 The Numbers
Game. 3.15 50 Ways To Kill Your
Mammy. (PG) 4.05 50 Ways To
Kill Your Mammy. (M) 5.00 365:
Every Day Documentaries. 5.05
Movie: Ponyo. (G) (2008) 7.00
Des Bishop: Breaking China. 7.30
If You Are The One. 8.30 Behind
Closed Doors. 9.35 Spotless. (M)
10.35 Spotless. (MA15+) Final.
11.40 Movie: True Legend. (2010)
1.45 Movie: Futureworld. (M)
(1976) 3.35 Movie: A Teacher. (M)
(2013) 5.00 Korean News. 5.30
Indonesian News.
You spoke, we
listened. Our weekly
TV Guides are back.
Thank you for all
your feedback
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
6.20pm The Theory
Of Everything
(2014) Biography.
Eddie Redmayne.
(PG) Masterpiece
8.30pm The
Martian (2015)
Drama. Matt Damon,
Jessica Chastain. (M)
10.55pm Starship
Troopers (1997)
Sci-fi. Casper Van
Dien, Dina Meyer.
(MA15+) Action
The Comedy
Couch-A-Thon. (M)
Comedy Channel
8.30pm Winners &
Losers. (M) SoHo
11.30pm Ghost
Adventures. (PG)
6.30pm Anthony
Bourdain Parts
Unknown. (M) TLC
7.30pm Lennon:
Love Is All You
Need. (M) Foxtel Arts
8.30pm Game Of
Homes. Lifestyle
6.00am Tennis.
WTA Tour. Brasil
Tennis Cup. Final.
Fox Sports 4
5.30pm Rugby
League. NRL. Round
22. Sharks v Raiders.
Fox Sports 1
7.00pm Football.
AFL. Round 20.
Western Bulldogs v
North Melbourne.
Fox Footy
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The Messenger 17
6.00 PAW Patrol. 6.30 Dora. 7.00
Weekend Today. 10.00 Wide
World Of Sports. (PG) 11.00 NRL
Sunday Footy Show. (PG) 1.00 The
Wild Life Of Tim Faulkner. 1.30
Rugby League. QRL. Intrust Super
Cup. Round 22. Norths Devils v
Wynnum Manly Seagulls. 3.30
Rugby League. NRL. Round 22.
Wests Tigers v North Queensland
Cowboys. 6.00 Nine News. 7.00
60 Minutes. 8.00 The Hunt. (PG)
9.10 Movie: Mission: Impossible
III. (M) (2006) Tom Cruise, Philip
Seymour Hoffman. A secret
agent comes out of retirement.
11.45 Unforgettable. (M) 12.40
Constantine. (M) 1.35 Step Dave.
(M) 2.30 Impractical Jokers.
(M) 3.00 Global Shop. 3.30
Skippy. 4.00 GMA. 5.00 News.
5.30 Today.
6.00 Rio 2016 Olympic Games.
Day 1: Morning. 9.00 Rio 2016
Olympic Games. Day 1: Daytime.
2.00 Olympic Games: Highlights.
Hosted by Kylie Gillies. 5.30 Great
South East. Explores south-east
Queensland. 6.00 News. 7.00
In Rio Today. Hamish McLachlan
shares all the golden moments
and performances from the Rio
Olympic Games. 9.00 Rio 2016
Olympic Games. Day 2: Evening.
Hosted by Hamish McLachlan.
Includes continued In Rio Today
coverage and live events. 10.30
Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Day
2: Late Night. 12.00 Rio 2016
Olympic Games. Day 2: Overnight.
5.30 Sunrise. David Koch and
Samantha Armytage present the
news, sport and weather, as well
as Olympic Games coverage.
6.00 Mass. 6.30 Hillsong. 7.00
Joseph Prince. 7.30 Joel Osteen.
8.00 GCBC. 8.30 Just Go. 9.00
Everyday Gourmet. 9.30 St10.
(PG) 12.00 The Doctors. 1.00 Tom
Wills. 2.00 To Be Advised. 3.00
iFish. 3.30 RPM GP. 4.00 RPM.
5.00 News. 6.00 Family Feud:
Sunday. 6.30 The Great Australian
Spelling Bee. 7.30 All-Star Family
Feud. Mark Winterbottom’s Ford
team take on James Courtney’s
Holden team in order to raise
money for charity. 8.30 Movie:
X-Men: Days Of Future Past. (M)
(2014) Hugh Jackman, James
McAvoy, Michael Fassbender.
Wolverine goes back in time.
11.05 48 Hours. (M) 12.05
48 Hours. (M) 1.00 Shopping.
4.00 James Robison. (PG) 4.30
CBS Morning.
6.00 Rage. (PG) 7.00 Weekend
Breakfast. 9.00 Insiders. 10.00
Offsiders. 10.30 Australia Wide.
11.00 World This Week. 11.30
Praise. 12.00 Landline. 1.00
Gardening Australia. 1.30 The
Mix. 2.00 The Coroner. (M) 2.50
Poldark. (PG) 4.05 The Book
Club. 4.35 Australian Story. 5.10
Conquest Of The Skies. 6.00
Surfing The Menu: The Next
Generation. 6.30 Compass. 7.00
News. 7.40 Grand Designs New
Zealand. 8.30 Wallander. (M)
10.00 Redesign My Brain With
Todd Sampson. 11.00 Movie:
Dangerous Remedy. (M) (2012)
Jeremy Sims, Maeve Dermody,
Susie Porter. A crusading GP risks
his life. 12.45 Our Girl. (M) 1.45
Rage. (MA15+) 3.30 Wallander.
(M) 5.00 Insiders.
6.00 WorldWatch. 8.10 Filipino
News. 8.40 French News. 9.30
Greek News From Cyprus. 10.30
German News. 11.00 Spanish
News. 12.00 Arabic News. 12.30
Turkish News. 1.00 The Bowls
Show. 2.00 Speedweek. 4.00 The
World Game: Premier League
Preview. 4.30 InCycle. 5.00 Small
Business Secrets. 5.30 The Kaiser’s
Pirates. 6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Ultimate Tutankhamun.
9.25 The Great Australian Race
Riot. (M) 10.25 Klansville USA.
(PG) 11.25 Movie: Monsieur
Lazhar. (M) (2011) 1.10 Movie:
Silent Wedding. (M) (2008) 2.45
Australia’s Secret Heroes. (M) 3.50
Australia’s Secret Heroes. (M) 4.55
SBS Identity. 5.00 CCTV English
News. 5.30 NHK World English
News. 5.45 France 24 Feature.
6.25pm Mr & Mrs
Smith (2005) Action.
Brad Pitt, Angelina
Jolie. (M) Action
8.30pm The Intern
(2015) Comedy.
Robert De Niro,
Anne Hathaway. (M)
8.30pm Happy
Gilmore (1996)
Comedy. Adam
Sandler. (M) Comedy
8.30pm Thirteen.
(M) BBC First
8.30pm The Night
Of. (MA15+)
8.30pm Pretty Little
Liars. (M) FOX8
6.00 Children’s Programs.
12.00 Sonic Boom. (PG) 12.30
SpongeBob. 1.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG)
1.30 Yo-Kai. (PG) 2.00 LEGO
Friends. 2.30 Nexo Knights. (PG)
3.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 3.30 Ninjago:
Masters Of Spinjitzu. (PG) 4.00
Over The Garden Wall. (PG) 4.30
Power Rangers Dino. (PG) 5.00
Justice League Unlimited. (PG)
5.30 Ben 10. (PG) 6.00 Batman.
(PG) 6.30 Movie: Funny Farm.
(PG) (1988) 8.30 Movie: National
Lampoon’s Vacation. (M) (1983)
10.30 Movie: Caddyshack.
(M) (1980) 12.30 Adult Swim.
(MA15+) 1.30 The NRL Rookie.
(PG) 2.50 GO Surround Sound.
(M) 3.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 3.30
SpongeBob. 4.00 Little Charmers.
4.30 Sonic Boom. (PG) 4.50
Thunderbirds. 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG)
6.00 Rio 2016 Olympic Games.
Day 1: Morning. 9.00 Rio 2016
Olympic Games. Day 1: Daytime.
12.00 Home And Away CatchUp. (PG) 2.30 Dealers. (PG) Two
antiques experts are pitted against
each other. 4.00 No Reservations.
(PG) Tony travels to Rio De Janeiro.
5.00 Escape To The Country.
Denise Nurse heads to Yorkshire.
6.00 Mighty Ships. Take a look
at the MV Resolution, the world’s
first self-elevating ship. 7.00 For
The Love Of Dogs. (PG) Takes a
look at how sick and abused dogs
are brought back to health at
Battersea Dogs and Cats’ Home.
7.30 Rio 2016 Olympic Games.
Day 1: Highlights. 9.30 Rio 2016
Olympic Games. Day 2: Evening.
12.00 Rio 2016 Olympic Games.
Day 2: Overnight.
6.00 Shopping. 8.00 Rugby
Union. Super Rugby. Final. Replay.
10.00 Healthy Homes Australia.
10.30 Reel Action. 11.00 4x4
Adventures. 12.00 Puppy
Academy. 12.30 Undercover Boss.
1.30 Monster Jam. 2.30 World
Sport. 3.00 The Unstoppables.
3.30 Megafactories. 4.30 Cruise
Mode. 5.00 Adventure Angler.
5.30 iFish. 6.00 Family Feud:
Sunday. 6.30 M*A*S*H. 7.30 Last
Man Standing. 8.30 Chopper’s
Republic Of Anzakistan. Final. 9.00
Movie: All Good Things. (MA15+)
(2010) 11.00 Megastructures.
12.00 World Sport. 12.30 The
Killing. 1.30 RPM GP. 2.00 RPM.
3.00 Bear Grylls: Mission Survive.
4.00 River To Reef. 4.30 Adventure
Angler. 5.00 Driven Not Hidden.
5.30 Whacked Out Sports.
6.00 Children’s Programs.
4.25 Mister Maker. 4.45
Sydney Sailboat. 5.00 Thomas
And Friends: Blue Mountain
Mystery. 6.00 Hey Duggee. 6.10
Octonauts. 6.20 Peter Rabbit. 6.35
Teacup Travels. 6.50 Shaun The
Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks.
(PG) 7.30 Seconds From Disaster.
8.20 The Daters. (M) 8.30 Michael
McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow.
(M) 9.15 Louis Theroux’s Weird
Weekends. (PG) 10.05 How Drugs
Work. (MA15+) 11.05 Desperately
Hungry Housewives. (PG) 11.55
Seconds From Disaster. 12.45 The
Home Show. 1.30 News Update.
1.35 Close. 5.00 Franklin And
Friends. 5.20 The Koala Brothers.
5.30 Bert And Ernie. 5.40
Dorothy The Dinosaur. 5.50 Tilly
And Friends.
6.00 WorldWatch. 7.30 Polish
News. 8.00 Maltese News. 8.30
Macedonian News. 9.00 PopAsia.
(PG) 10.00 Croatian News. 10.30
Serbian News. 11.00 Japanese
News. 11.35 Punjabi News. 12.05
Hindi News. 12.30 Dutch News.
1.00 Movie: Nanga Parbat. (PG)
(2010) 2.55 Friday Feed. 3.25
Space Dandy. (PG) 3.55 The
Brain: China. 5.45 365: Every Day
Documentaries. (PG) 5.50 Where
Are We Going, Dad? 7.30 If You
Are The One. 8.30 Movie: Only
Lovers Left Alive. (M) (2013) 10.45
Full Frontal With Samantha Bee.
(M) 11.15 Sex Box USA. (M) 12.10
Savage U. (M) 12.40 Shenandoah.
(M) 2.30 Movie: Camille Rewinds.
(M) (2012) 4.40 CCTV News In
English From Beijing. 5.00 Korean
News. 5.30 Indonesian News.
9.00am 2016
Bayreuth Festival:
Wagner’s Ring
Cycle. Arts
9.30pm Killing
Spree. (M) Crime &
10.00pm This Old
House. Lifestyle
2.00pm Rugby
League. NRL. Round
22. Gold Coast
Titans v New Zealand
Warriors. Fox Sports 1
2.30pm Cricket.
Second Test.
Sri Lanka v Australia.
Day 4. Fox Sports 4
4.30pm Football.
AFL. Round 20.
Fremantle v West
Coast. Fox Footy
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
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The Messenger 18
Cupping Therapy
Written by Cherisse Buckland, Manager at Zen Chi Natural Therapies &
Cupping is one aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine that you may not have
heard of before but that can have many benefits for you – from helping with
pain right through to respiratory disorders.
Cupping Therapy in which a cup is applied to the skin and the pressure in the
cup is reduced (either by heat of suction) in order to draw and hold skin and
superficial muscles inside the cup. Sometimes, while the suction is active, the
cup is moved, causing the skin and muscle to be pulled.
Cupping can be used to treat sprains, injuries to soft tissues, sore backs, hips
or related pain, fluid retention, bronchitis, asthma or congestion among other
Cupping can affect the body up to four inches into the tissues, causing the
tissues to release toxins, activate the lymphatic system, clear colon blockages,
activate and clear the veins, arteries and capillaries, active the skin, clear
stretch marks and improve the appearance of varicose veins.
Increased blood flow into the cupping area allows that part of the body to heal
more quickly by bringing toxins to the surface, which can then be released
through the pores.
Several cups are usually placed on the body simultaneously and then left for
up to 15 minutes. The skin will redden due to the congestion of blood flow.
Some bruising on the skin where the rim of the cup is to be expected from the
congestion coming forth to the surface.
The Messenger 19
6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra.
(PG) 11.30 Morning News. 12.00
Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 1.00 Movie:
Agatha Christie’s And Then There
Were None. (PG) (1974) Oliver
Reed, Richard Attenborough. 3.00
News. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.30
Hot Seat. 6.00 Nine News. 7.00
A Current Affair. 7.30 20 To One.
(PG) 8.30 Movie: Mr & Mrs Smith.
(M) (2005) Brad Pitt, Angelina
Jolie, Vince Vaughn. A couple,
whose marriage has lost its spark,
keep their jobs as hired assassins
secret from each other. 11.00
Community. (PG) 11.30 What
Would You Do? (M) 12.30 Anger
Management. (M) 1.00 Avengers.
(PG) 2.00 Danoz. 2.30 Global
Shop. 3.00 Extra. 3.30 GMA. 5.00
News. 5.30 Today.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 Rio 2016
Olympic Games. Day 2: Daytime.
2.00 Olympic Games: Highlights.
Hosted by Kylie Gillies. 5.00
The Chase Australia. Hosted by
Andrew O’Keefe. 6.00 Seven
News. 7.00 In Rio Today. Hamish
McLachlan shares all the golden
moments and performances from
the Rio Olympic Games. 9.00
Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Day
3: Evening. Hosted by Hamish
McLachlan. Includes continued
In Rio Today coverage and live
events. 10.30 Rio 2016 Olympic
Games. Day 3: Late Night. 12.00
Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Day 3:
Overnight. 5.30 Sunrise. David
Koch and Samantha Armytage
present the news, sport and
weather, as well as Olympic
Games coverage.
6.00 Ent. Tonight. 6.30 The
Home Team. 7.00 Ben’s Menu.
7.30 Bold. (PG) 8.00 Family Feud.
8.30 Studio 10. (PG) 11.00 The
Talk. 12.00 Dr Phil. 1.00 To Be
Advised. 2.00 Ent. Tonight. 2.30
Ben’s Menu. 3.00 Judge Judy.
(PG) 3.30 GCBC. 4.00 Everyday
Gourmet. 4.30 Bold. (PG) 5.00
News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The
Project. 7.30 All-Star Family Feud.
Hosted by Grant Denyer. 8.30
Have You Been Paying Attention?
(M) A fast-paced look at news
featuring Ed Kavalee, Sam Pang,
Urzila Carlson, Glenn Robbins and
Neroli Meadows. 9.30 NCIS: New
Orleans. (M) 10.30 Elementary.
(M) 11.30 The Project. 12.30 The
Late Show With Stephen Colbert.
(PG) 1.30 Shopping. 4.00 James
Robison. (PG) 4.30 CBS Morning.
6.00 News. 9.00 News Mornings.
10.00 Landline. 11.00 Compass.
11.30 Eggheads. 12.00 News.
1.00 Grand Designs New Zealand.
2.00 Conquest Of The Skies.
2.50 Surfing The Menu: The
Next Generation. 3.20 The Bill.
(PG) 4.10 Murder, She Wrote.
(PG) 5.00 News. 5.30 The Drum.
6.00 Antiques Roadshow. 7.00
ABC News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00
Australian Story. 8.30 Four
Corners. 9.20 Media Watch. (PG)
9.35 Q&A. 10.40 Lateline. 11.10
The Business. 11.30 Golf. PGA
Tour. Travelers Championship.
Highlights. From TPC River
Highlands, Cromwell, Connecticut.
12.25 Bluestone 42. (MA15+)
12.55 The Mix. 1.25 Rage.
(MA15+) 3.50 Doc Martin. (PG)
4.35 Eggheads. 5.05 The Bill. (PG)
6.00 WorldWatch. 7.30 Italian
News. 8.10 Filipino News. 8.40
French News. 9.30 Greek News
From Cyprus. 10.30 German
News. 11.00 Spanish News. 12.00
Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News.
1.00 Al Jazeera. 2.00 André Rieu:
Live In Brazil. 3.50 SBS Flashback.
(PG) 4.00 The Lakes. 4.30 This
Is Brazil! Final. 5.30 Letters And
Numbers. 6.00 Nigella Feasts.
6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 Inside
Einstein’s Mind. 8.30 Stephen
Hawking: A Brief History Of Mine.
10.15 SBS World News Late
Edition. 10.50 Paris. (M) 11.50
Paris. (M) Final. 12.55 Fallout.
(PG) 2.35 Clown. (M) 3.05 Clown.
(MA15+) 3.35 Coppers. (M) 4.25
Food Lovers’ Guide To Australia.
5.00 CCTV English News. 5.30
NHK World English News.
6.00 Children’s Programs.
1.00 The NRL Rookie. 2.15
GO Surround Sound. (M) 2.30
SpongeBob. 3.00 Rabbids
Invasion. (PG) 3.30 Yo-Kai. (PG)
4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 Looney
Tunes. 4.30 Gumball. 5.00 Steven
Universe. New. 5.30 Teen Titans.
(PG) 6.00 Regular Show. (PG)
6.30 Adv Time. (PG) 7.00 The
Middle. (PG) 7.30 Top Gear. (PG)
8.40 Movie: National Lampoon’s
European Vacation. (M) (1985)
10.30 Movie: Caddyshack II. (M)
(1988) 12.30 The NRL Rookie.
1.45 GO Surround Sound. 2.00
Rabbids Invasion. (PG) 2.30 Sooty.
3.00 Yo-Kai. (PG) 3.30 Yu-Gi-Oh!
(PG) 4.00 Power Rangers Dino
Charge. (PG) 4.30 Beware The
Batman. (M) 4.50 Thunderbirds.
5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG)
6.00 Rio 2016 Olympic Games.
Day 2: Morning. 9.00 Rio 2016
Olympic Games. Day 2: Daytime.
12.00 800 Words. (PG) 1.00 Mr
Selfridge. (PG) 2.00 Dealers. (PG)
3.00 The Zoo. A team attempts
the first rhino IVF. 3.30 RSPCA
Animal Rescue. Inspectors rescue
an orphaned foal. 4.00 Medical
Emergency. (PG) A heart-attack
victim has an angiogram. 4.30
60 Minute Makeover. (PG) The
team heads to Bromsgrove,
Worcestershire. 6.30 Bargain
Hunt. The hunt for bargains takes
teams to a huge antiques centre
in Lincolnshire. Tim discovers
exquisite antiques. 7.30 Rio 2016
Olympic Games. Day 2: Highlights.
9.30 Rio 2016 Olympic Games.
Day 3: Evening. 12.00 Rio 2016
Olympic Games. Day 3: Overnight.
6.00 Shopping. 8.00 RPM. 9.00
Rugby Sevens. World Sevens.
Round 9. Highlights. 9.30 Rugby
Sevens. World Sevens. Round
10. Highlights. 10.00 M*A*S*H.
(PG) 11.00 Hogan’s Heroes. 12.00
Get Smart. (PG) 1.00 Matlock.
(M) 2.00 Nash Bridges. (M) 3.00
Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 4.00
Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00
Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.00
Family Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H.
(PG) 7.30 Undercover Boss. (PG)
8.30 Movie: Under Siege 2:
Dark Territory. (M) (1995) Steven
Seagal. 10.35 Chopper’s Republic
Of Anzakistan. 11.05 Wilfred.
(MA15+) Final. 11.35 Friends With
Better Lives. (M) 12.30 Shopping.
2.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 3.00
Matlock. (M) 4.00 Hogan’s Heroes.
5.00 The Doctors.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 4.45
Sydney Sailboat. 5.00 Wallykazam!
5.25 Sarah And Duck. 5.35 Hoot
Hoot Go! 5.40 Peppa Pig. 5.50
Kazoops! 6.00 Hey Duggee.
6.10 Octonauts. 6.20 Peter
Rabbit. 6.35 Teacup Travels. 6.50
Shaun The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks
And Specks. 7.30 Doctor Who.
(PG) 8.30 Louis Theroux’s Weird
Weekends. (MA15+) 9.20 Ross
Kemp: Extreme World. (MA15+)
10.05 Dirty Laundry. (M) 10.40
Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 11.20 Michael
McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow.
(M) 12.10 Doctor Who. (PG) 1.10
Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 1.55 News
Update. 2.00 Close. 5.00 Franklin
And Friends. 5.20 The Koala
Brothers. 5.30 Bert And Ernie.
5.40 Dorothy The Dinosaur. 5.50
Tilly And Friends.
6.00 WorldWatch. 11.00 Japanese
News. 11.35 Punjabi News. 12.05
Hindi News. 12.30 Dutch News.
1.00 Urdu News. 1.30 Tamil
News. 2.00 Thai News. 2.30 Sri
Lankan Sinhalese News. 3.00
Bangla News. 3.30 Romanian
News. 4.00 The Numbers Game.
4.30 10,000 BC. (PG) 5.25 365:
Every Day Documentaries. 5.30
Daria. (PG) 6.00 If You Are The
One. 7.05 Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
(PG) 7.30 The Feed. 8.00 The
Mindy Project. (PG) 8.30 Movie:
A Girl Walks Home Alone At
Night. (2014) 10.20 Movie:
Thirst. (MA15+) (2009) 12.50 The
Feed. 1.20 Danger 5. (M) 1.55
Movie: Louise-Michel. (M) (2008)
3.40 RT News In English From
Moscow. 5.00 Korean News. 5.30
Indonesian News.
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
6.45pm The Night
Before (2015)
Comedy. Joseph
Gordon-Levitt, Seth
Rogen. (MA15+)
8.30pm Trainwreck
(2015) Comedy. Amy
Schumer, Bill Hader.
(MA15+) Premiere
10.05pm South
Park: Bigger,
Longer And Uncut
(1999) Animation.
Trey Parker, Matt
Stone. (MA15+)
7.30pm Two And A
Half Men. (M) FOX8
8.30pm Garage
Gold. (PG) A&E
8.30pm The
Kettering Incident.
(M) Showcase
6.15pm Sarah
Graham’s Food
Safari. (PG) Lifestyle
7.30pm Love It Or
List It Vancouver.
(PG) Lifestyle Home
9.30pm Unusual
Suspects. (M) Crime
& Investigation
6.00am Golf. PGA
Tour Champions. 3M
Championship. Final
round. Fox Sports 2
7.00pm Rugby
League. NRL. Round
22. Penrith Panthers v
Sydney Roosters. Fox
Sports 1
8.30pm On The
Couch. Fox Footy
The Messenger 20
6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra.
(PG) 11.30 Morning News. 12.00
Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 1.00 Movie:
High Country. (PG) (1984) John
Waters, Tom Oliver. A cattleman
returns to the high country. 3.00
News. 4.00 Afternoon News.
5.30 Hot Seat. 6.00 Nine News.
7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Super
Scary Plane Landings. 8.30 Movie:
Killers. (M) (2010) Katherine Heigl,
Ashton Kutcher, Tom Selleck. A
newlywed couple find themselves
in trouble when they discover their
neighbours have been contracted
to kill them. 10.30 The Briefcase.
(PG) Final. 11.30 A To Z. (PG)
12.00 20/20. 1.00 Extra. 1.30
Danoz Direct. 2.30 Global Shop.
3.00 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo.
3.30 Good Morning America. 5.00
News. 5.30 Today.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 Rio 2016
Olympic Games. Day 3: Daytime.
2.00 Olympic Games: Highlights.
Host Kylie Gillies recaps the
day’s competition at the Rio
Olympic Games. 5.00 The Chase
Australia. 6.00 News. 7.00 In
Rio Today. Hamish McLachlan
shares all the golden moments
and performances from the Rio
Olympic Games. 9.00 Rio 2016
Olympic Games. Day 4: Evening.
Hosted by Hamish McLachlan.
Includes continued In Rio Today
coverage and live events. 10.30
Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Day
4: Late Night. 12.00 Rio 2016
Olympic Games. Day 4: Overnight.
5.30 Sunrise. David Koch and
Samantha Armytage present the
news, sport and weather, as well
as Olympic Games coverage.
6.00 Ent. Tonight. 6.30 The Home
Team. 7.00 Ben’s Menu. 7.30
Bold. (PG) 8.00 Family Feud. 8.30
Studio 10. (PG) 11.00 The Talk.
12.00 Dr Phil. 1.00 To Be Advised.
2.00 Ent. Tonight. 2.30 Ben’s
Menu. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30
GCBC. 4.00 Everyday Gourmet.
4.30 Bold. (PG) 5.00 News. 6.00
Family Feud. 6.30 The Project.
7.30 Modern Family. (PG) 8.00 Life
In Pieces. (PG) Greg has a run-in
with the police. 8.30 NCIS. (M)
Bishop and McGee go undercover
as a couple to run surveillance on
an officer and his wife. 9.30 NCIS:
LA. (M) Kensi and Deeks protect a
model. 10.30 NCIS: LA. (M) 11.30
The Project. 12.30 The Late Show
With Stephen Colbert. (PG) 1.30
Shopping. 4.00 James Robison.
(PG) 4.30 CBS Morning.
6.00 ABC News Breakfast. 9.00
ABC News Mornings. 10.00 Four
Corners. 10.45 Media Watch.
(PG) 11.00 Outback ER. (PG)
11.30 Eggheads. 12.00 News At
Noon. 1.00 Doc Martin. (PG) 1.50
Antiques Roadshow. 2.50 The
Cook And The Chef. 3.20 The Bill.
(PG) 4.10 Murder, She Wrote. (PG)
5.00 ABC News: Early Edition.
5.30 The Drum. 6.00 Antiques
Roadshow. 7.00 ABC News. 7.30
7.30. 8.00 Catalyst. (PG) 8.30
Forces Of Nature With Brian Cox.
9.30 Foreign Correspondent.
10.00 The Book Club. Final. 10.35
Lateline. 11.05 The Business.
11.20 Q&A. 12.25 Comic Book
Heroes. (MA15+) 12.55 Anatomy.
(PG) 1.25 Rage. (MA15+) 3.35
Forces Of Nature With Brian Cox.
4.35 Eggheads. 5.05 The Bill. (PG)
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.30 Greek
News From Cyprus. 10.30 German
News. 11.00 Spanish News. 12.00
Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News.
1.00 PBS News. 2.00 Tony Bennett
& Lady Gaga: Cheek To Cheek.
3.00 Literary Landscapes. 3.30
Years Of Living Dangerously. (PG)
4.25 Robin Williams Remembered.
(PG) 5.30 Letters And Numbers.
6.00 Nigella Feasts. 6.30 SBS
World News. 7.30 Russia’s Lost
Princesses. 9.30 Dateline. 10.00
SBS World News Late Edition.
10.30 Crimes Of Passion. (M)
12.15 Kurt Wallander. (M) 1.55
SBS Identity. 2.00 The Dales. 2.30
The Dales. 3.00 The Dales. 3.30
The Dales. 4.00 Food Lovers’
Guide To Australia. 4.30 Soccer.
UEFA Super Cup. Real Madrid
v Sevilla.
6.00 Children’s Programs.
12.00 The NRL Rookie. 1.15
GO Surround Sound. (PG) 1.30
Children’s Programs. 3.00 Rabbids
Invasion. (PG) 3.30 Yo-Kai. (PG)
4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 Looney
Tunes. 4.30 Gumball. 5.00 Steven
Universe. 5.30 Teen Titans. (PG)
6.00 Regular Show. (PG) 6.30 Adv
Time. (PG) 7.00 The Middle. (PG)
7.30 Two And A Half Men. (M)
8.30 Movie: National Lampoon’s
Christmas Vacation. (M) (1989)
10.30 Movie: Snow Day. (G)
(2000) 12.30 Adv Time. (PG)
1.00 Regular Show. (PG) 1.30
Batman. 2.00 Rabbids Invasion.
(PG) 2.30 Sooty. 3.00 Yo-Kai. (PG)
3.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 4.00 Power
Rangers Dino Charge. (PG) 4.30
Beware The Batman. (M) 4.50
Thunderbirds. 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG)
6.00 Rio 2016 Olympic Games.
Day 3: Morning. 9.00 Rio 2016
Olympic Games. Day 3: Daytime.
1.00 800 Words. (PG) 2.00
Mr Selfridge. (PG) Miss Mardle
organises Doris Grove’s funeral.
3.00 Nabbed. (PG) A motorcyclist
falls off his bike. 3.30 Crash
Investigation Unit. (PG) Hosted
by Damian Walshe-Howling.
4.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) A
tourist has surgery to repair his
ankle. 4.30 60 Minute Makeover.
(PG) The team heads to Totton.
6.30 Bargain Hunt. Two pairs of
contestants compete to make a
profit at an antiques auction. 7.30
Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Day 3:
Highlights. 9.30 Rio 2016 Olympic
Games. Day 4: Evening. 12.00
Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Day 4:
6.00 Home Shopping. 8.00 Places
We Go. 8.30 The Unstoppables.
(PG) 9.00 Megafactories. 10.00
M*A*S*H. (PG) 11.00 Hogan’s
Heroes. 12.00 Get Smart. (PG)
1.00 Matlock. (M) Final. 2.00
Nash Bridges. (M) 3.00 Jake And
The Fatman. (PG) 5.00 Star Trek:
Voyager. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud.
6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 48
Hours. (M) 8.30 Movie: High
Crimes. (2002) Ashley Judd,
Morgan Freeman, Jim Caviezel.
11.00 Rosewood. (M) 12.00 Star
Trek: Voyager. (PG) 1.00 Home
Shopping. 2.00 Matlock. (M) 3.00
Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 5.00
The Doctors.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 4.25
Mister Maker. 4.45 Sydney
Sailboat. 5.00 Wallykazam! 5.25
Sarah And Duck. 5.30 Hoot
Hoot Go! 5.40 Peppa Pig. 5.50
Kazoops! 6.00 Hey Duggee. 6.10
Octonauts. 6.20 Peter Rabbit. 6.35
Teacup Travels. 6.50 Shaun The
Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks.
7.30 Doctor Who. (PG) 8.30 Good
Game. (M) 9.00 The Checkout:
Best Before. (PG) 9.30 Hard
Time. (PG) 10.20 Dirty Laundry.
(MA15+) 10.55 Jimmy Fallon.
(PG) 11.40 Ross Kemp: Extreme
World. (MA15+) 12.25 Doctor
Who. (PG) 1.20 Jimmy Fallon. (PG)
2.00 News Update. 2.05 Close.
5.00 Franklin And Friends. 5.20
The Koala Brothers. 5.30 Bert And
Ernie. 5.40 Dorothy The Dinosaur.
5.50 Tilly And Friends.
6.00 WorldWatch. 12.30 Dutch
News. 1.00 Urdu News. 1.30
Tamil News. 2.00 Thai News.
2.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News.
3.00 Bangla News. 3.30 Nepali
News. 4.00 The Feed. 4.30
10,000 BC. (PG) 5.25 365: Every
Day Documentaries. 5.30 Daria.
6.05 If You Are The One. 7.05
Brooklyn Nine-Nine. (PG) 7.30
The Feed. 8.00 Full Frontal With
Samantha Bee. (M) 8.30 Movie:
We Are The Night. (MA15+)
(2010) 10.20 Bad Bridesmaid. (M)
11.15 South Park. (M) 11.40 The
Feed. 12.10 From Dusk Till Dawn.
(MA15+) 1.00 From Dusk Till
Dawn. (MA15+) 1.50 @midnight.
(M) 2.20 @midnight. (M) 2.55
France 24 News In English From
Paris. 5.00 Korean News. 5.30
Indonesian News.
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
6.40pm Tomorrow,
When The War
Began (2010) Action.
Caitlin Stasey, Rachel
Hurd-Wood. (M)
8.30pm Self/less
(2015) Action.
Ryan Reynolds,
Matthew Goode. (M)
Ex Machina (2015)
Sci-fi. Oscar Isaac,
Domhnall Gleeson.
(MA15+) Masterpiece
The Blacklist. (M) FX
(MA15+) Showcase
9.30pm American
Horror Story: Hotel.
(MA15+) FX
4.00pm Forged In
Fire. A&E
6.30pm Self
Portraits: The Me
Generation. (PG)
Foxtel Arts
7.30pm Wild
Islands. (PG)
National Geographic
9.00am Baseball.
Little League World
Series. Southeast
Regional Semi-final.
6.30pm Golfing
World. Fox Sports 3
7.30pm AFL 360.
Fox Footy
The Messenger 21
6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra.
(PG) 11.30 Morning News. 12.00
The Ellen DeGeneres Show. (PG)
1.00 Who Do You Think You Are?
(PG) 2.00 The Briefcase. (PG) 3.00
News Now. 4.00 Afternoon News.
5.30 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00
Nine News. 7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 RBT. (PG) 8.30 The NRL
Footy Show. (M) 10.30 Mom. (M)
11.00 Mom. (M) 11.30 Stalker.
(M) 12.30 Weeds. (MA15+) 1.00
Anger Management. (M) 1.30
Danoz Direct. 2.30 Extra. 3.00
Global Shop. 3.30 Good Morning
America. 5.00 News Early Edition.
5.30 Today.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 Rio 2016
Olympic Games. Day 4: Daytime.
2.00 Olympic Games: Highlights.
Hosted by Kylie Gillies. 5.00
The Chase Australia. Hosted by
Andrew O’Keefe. 6.00 Seven
News. 7.00 In Rio Today. Hamish
McLachlan shares all the golden
moments and performances from
the Rio Olympic Games. 9.00
Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Day
5: Evening. Hosted by Hamish
McLachlan. Includes continued
In Rio Today coverage and live
events. 10.30 Rio 2016 Olympic
Games. Day 5: Late Night. Events
include: road cycling, men’s and
women’s individual time trials;
rowing. 12.00 Rio 2016 Olympic
Games. Day 5: Overnight.
5.30 Sunrise. Coverage of
Olympic Games.
6.00 Ent. Tonight. 6.30 The Home
Team. 7.00 Ben’s Menu. 7.30 Bold.
(PG) 8.00 Family Feud. 8.30 Studio
10. (PG) 11.00 The Talk. 12.00 Dr
Phil. 1.00 To Be Advised. 2.10 Ent.
Tonight. 2.40 Ben’s Menu. 3.10
Judge Judy. (PG) 3.40 GCBC. 4.00
Everyday Gourmet. 4.30 Bold. (PG)
5.00 News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30
The Project. A look at the day’s
news. 7.30 The Bachelor Aust.
The single date sees Richie and a
lucky girl pay a visit to the store
of fashion designer Camilla. 8.40
Movie: The Fault In Our Stars. (M)
(2014) Shailene Woodley, Ansel
Elgort, Nat Wolff. Two teens fall
in love at a cancer support group.
11.15 Hawaii Five-0. 12.15 The
Late Show With Stephen Colbert.
(PG) 1.30 Shopping. 4.00 James
Robison. (PG) 4.30 CBS Morning.
6.00 News. 9.00 News Mornings.
10.00 Q&A. 11.15 One Plus One.
(PG) 11.30 Eggheads. 12.00 News.
12.30 Press Club. 1.30 The Bill.
(M) 1.55 Antiques Roadshow. 2.55
The Cook And The Chef. 3.20 The
Bill. (PG) 4.10 Murder, She Wrote.
(PG) 5.00 News. 5.30 The Drum.
6.00 Antiques Roadshow. 7.00
News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 QI. (M)
8.30 Gruen. (M) 9.10 The Katering
Show. 9.20 You Can’t Ask That.
(M) 9.35 Soul Mates II. (MA15+)
10.10 Would I Lie To You? (PG)
10.40 Lateline. 11.10 The Business.
11.30 Four Corners. 12.15 Media
Watch. (PG) 12.30 The Moaning Of
Life. (M) 1.20 QI. (M) 1.50 Would
I Lie To You? (PG) 2.20 Agony
Aunts. (M) 2.50 Accused. (M) 3.50
Doc Martin. (PG) 4.35 Eggheads.
5.05 The Bill. (PG)
6.00 Soccer. UEFA Super Cup.
Real Madrid v Sevilla. Continued.
7.30 WorldWatch. 9.30 Greek
News From Cyprus. 10.30 German
News. 11.00 Spanish News. 12.00
Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News.
1.00 PBS News. 2.00 Dance On
Screen. 3.00 Dateline. 3.30 Wild
Brazil. (PG) 4.30 SBS Identity. 4.35
Royalty Close Up. 5.30 Letters
And Numbers. 6.00 Nigella Feasts.
Final. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.35
The Day Hitler Died. 8.30 Movie:
The Eichmann Show. (M) (2015)
10.15 SBS World News Late
Edition. 10.50 California High.
(M) 11.55 Movie: Heart Of A
Lion. (MA15+) (2013) 1.45 Movie:
Seven Billiard Tables. (PG) (2007)
3.50 Monitor Me. 4.55 Poh & Co.
Bitesize. 5.00 CCTV English News.
5.30 NHK World English News.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 1.00
Power Rangers Dino Charge. (PG)
1.30 Sooty. 2.00 Sonic Boom. (PG)
2.30 SpongeBob. 3.00 Rabbids
Invasion. (PG) 3.30 Yo-Kai. (PG)
4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 Looney
Tunes. (PG) 4.30 Gumball. 5.00
Steven Universe. 5.30 Teen Titans.
(PG) 6.00 Regular Show. (PG)
6.30 Adv Time. (PG) 7.00 The
Middle. (PG) 7.30 Big Bang. (PG)
8.30 Movie: National Lampoon’s
Loaded Weapon. (PG) (1993)
10.15 Movie: Three Amigos! (PG)
(1986) 12.30 Adv Time. (PG) 1.00
Regular Show. (PG) 1.30 Batman.
(PG) 2.00 Rabbids Invasion. (PG)
2.30 Sooty. 3.00 Yo-Kai. (PG)
3.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 4.00 Power
Rangers Dino Charge. (PG) 4.30
Beware The Batman. (M) 4.50
Thunderbirds. 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG)
6.00 Rio 2016 Olympic Games.
Day 4: Morning. 9.00 Rio 2016
Olympic Games. Day 4: Daytime.
12.00 800 Words. (PG) Questions
are raised over Laura’s death. 1.00
Mr Selfridge. (PG) Harry decides to
propose to Nancy. 2.00 Dealers.
(PG) James and Curtis attend a
car boot sale. 3.00 Cook Me The
Money. (PG) Three teams prepare
a menu. 4.00 Medical Emergency.
(PG) A 94-year-old has a knee
injury. 4.30 60 Minute Makeover.
(PG) The team heads to Liverpool.
6.30 Bargain Hunt. Two pairs of
contestants compete to make a
profit at an antiques auction. 7.30
Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Day 4:
Highlights. 9.30 Rio 2016 Olympic
Games. Day 5: Evening. 12.00
Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Day 5:
6.00 Home Shopping. 8.00
Puppy Academy. 8.30 Reel
Action. 9.00 Tom Wills. 10.00
M*A*S*H. (PG) 11.00 Hogan’s
Heroes. 12.00 Get Smart. (PG)
1.00 Monster Jam. 2.00 Charles
Darwin And The Tree Of Life. 3.00
Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 4.00
Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00 Star
Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.00 Family
Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30
Megafactories. 8.30 Making Of
David Attenborough’s Africa. 9.30
Black Ops. (M) 10.30 Legends.
11.30 Sons Of Anarchy. (MA15+)
12.30 Home Shopping. 2.00
Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 3.00 Jake
And The Fatman. (PG) 4.00 Nash
Bridges. (M) 5.00 The Doctors.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 4.45
Sydney Sailboat. 5.00 Wallykazam!
5.25 Sarah And Duck. 5.30 Hoot
Hoot Go! 5.40 Peppa Pig. 5.50
Kazoops! 6.00 Hey Duggee. 6.10
Octonauts. 6.20 Peter Rabbit. 6.35
Teacup Travels. 6.50 Shaun The
Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And Specks.
(PG) 7.30 Doctor Who Explained.
(PG) 8.15 Gruen Pitch Rewind.
(PG) 8.25 Gruen Pitch Rewind.
8.30 Sherlock. (M) 10.00 Dirty
Laundry. (M) 10.45 Jimmy Fallon.
(PG) 11.25 Hard Time. (PG) 12.15
I’m Having Their Baby. (PG) 1.00
Doctor Who Explained. (PG) 1.45
Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 2.25 News
Update. 2.30 Close. 5.00 Franklin
And Friends. 5.20 The Koala
Brothers. 5.30 Bert And Ernie.
5.40 Dorothy The Dinosaur. 5.50
Tilly And Friends.
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.40 Serbian
News. 10.20 Portuguese News.
11.00 Japanese News. 11.35
Punjabi News. 12.05 Hindi News.
12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Urdu
News. 1.30 Tamil News. 2.00 Thai
News. 2.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese
News. 3.00 Bangla News. 3.30
African News. 4.00 The Feed. 4.30
10,000 BC. (PG) 5.25 365: Every
Day Documentaries. (PG) 5.30
Daria. 6.05 If You Are The One.
7.05 Brooklyn Nine-Nine. (PG)
7.35 The Feed. 8.05 Geeks Who
Drink. (PG) 8.30 Movie: Night
Watch. (MA15+) (2004) 10.35
Movie: Day Watch. (2006) 1.00
The Feed. 1.30 Holland’s Hope.
(M) 2.30 Holland’s Hope. (MA15+)
3.30 Uncle. (M) 4.10 Deutsche
Welle. 5.00 Korean News. 5.30
Indonesian News.
7.30pm Ice Age
(2002) Animation.
Ray Romano, John
Leguizamo. (G)
8.30pm Match
Point (2005) Drama.
Jonathan Rhys
Meyers, Scarlett
Johansson. (M)
10.30pm Minions
(2015) Animation.
Sandra Bullock, Jon
Hamm. (PG) Family
7.30pm The Last
Ship. (MA15+) FX
7.30pm Family Guy.
(M) FOX8
9.30pm Law &
Order: LA. (MA15+)
Universal Channel
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
7.30pm The Magic
Of Houdini With
Alan Davies. (PG)
7.30pm Deadliest
Catch. (PG) Discovery
9.30pm Restoration
Man. (PG) Lifestyle
6.30pm NRL 360.
Fox Sports 1
8.00pm Rugby 360.
Fox Sports 2
8.30pm The
Winners Rebooted.
Fox Footy
Got something to say?
Get it off your chest
by writing to
The Messenger 22
6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra.
(PG) 11.30 Morning News. 12.00
Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 1.00 Movie:
Home Fries. (PG) (1998) Drew
Barrymore, Luke Wilson. A widow
learns of her husband’s infidelity.
3.00 News. 4.00 Afternoon
News. 5.30 Hot Seat. 6.00 Nine
News. 7.00 A Current Affair.
7.30 Rugby League. NRL. Round
23. Canterbury Bulldogs v Manly
Sea Eagles. From ANZ Stadium,
Sydney. 10.10 World’s Funniest
Videos Top 10 Countdown. (PG)
10.40 World’s Funniest Videos Top
10 Countdown. (PG) 11.10 The
AFL Footy Show. (M) 1.00 Anger
Management. (M) 1.30 Extra. 2.00
Danoz Direct. 2.30 Global Shop.
3.00 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo.
3.30 Good Morning America. 5.00
News. 5.30 Today.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 Rio 2016
Olympic Games. Day 5: Daytime.
2.00 Olympic Games: Highlights.
Host Kylie Gillies recaps the
day’s competition at the Rio
Olympic Games. 5.00 The Chase
Australia. 6.00 News. 7.00 In
Rio Today. Hamish McLachlan
shares all the golden moments
and performances from the Rio
Olympic Games. 9.00 Rio 2016
Olympic Games. Day 6: Evening.
Hosted by Hamish McLachlan.
Includes continued In Rio Today
coverage and live events. 10.30
Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Day
6: Late Night. 12.00 Rio 2016
Olympic Games. Day 6: Overnight.
5.30 Sunrise. David Koch and
Samantha Armytage present the
news, sport and weather, as well
as Olympic Games coverage.
6.00 Ent. Tonight. 6.30 The Home
Team. 7.00 Ben’s Menu. 7.30 Bold.
(PG) 8.00 Family Feud. 8.30 Studio
10. (PG) 11.00 The Talk. 12.00 Dr
Phil. 1.00 To Be Advised. 2.10 Ent.
Tonight. 2.40 Ben’s Menu. 3.10
Judge Judy. (PG) 3.40 GCBC. 4.00
Everyday Gourmet. 4.30 Bold. (PG)
5.00 News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30
The Project. 7.30 The Bachelor
Aust. Hosted by Osher Günsberg.
8.40 Law & Order: SVU. After a
priest is assaulted, the case takes a
personal twist when Fin’s ex-wife’s
brother is implicated. 9.40 Law
& Order: SVU. An assault victim
is accused of murder. 10.40 Blue
Bloods. (M) Final. 11.30 The
Project. 12.30 The Late Show
With Stephen Colbert. (PG) 1.30
Shopping. 4.00 James Robison.
(PG) 4.30 CBS Morning.
6.00 News. 9.00 News Mornings.
10.00 Australian Story. 10.30
Foreign Corre. 11.00 Who’s Been
Sleeping In My House? 11.30
Eggheads. 12.00 News. 1.00
Doc Martin. (PG) 1.50 Antiques
Roadshow. 2.50 The Cook And
The Chef. 3.20 The Bill. (PG)
4.10 Murder, She Wrote. (PG)
5.00 News. 5.30 The Drum. 6.00
Antiques Roadshow. 6.55 Clarke
And Dawe. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30.
8.00 The Checkout. (PG) 8.30
New Blood. (M) 9.30 Jonathan
Creek. (M) 10.30 Lateline. 11.05
The Business. 11.20 The Crater:
A Vietnam Story. (M) 12.20 The
Wrong Mans. (M) 12.50 Press
Club. 1.55 Golf. PGA Tour. Travelers
Championship. Highlights. 2.50
New Blood. (M) 3.50 Doc Martin.
4.35 Eggheads. 5.05 The Bill. (PG)
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.30 Greek
News From Cyprus. 10.30 German
News. 11.00 Spanish News. 12.00
Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News.
1.00 PBS News. 2.00 Messiah At
The Foundling Hospital. (PG) 3.05
Tales From The Bush Larder. 3.30
Wild Brazil. 4.30 Wild Brazil. 5.30
Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Nigella
Express. 6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 The Day Kennedy Died. 8.30
Eating History: Italy. 9.30 Genius.
10.35 SBS World News Late
Edition. 11.10 The Manor. (M)
12.35 Movie: The Beast Stalker.
(M) (2008) 2.35 Ainsley Harriott’s
Street Food. 3.30 Idris Elba: King
Of Speed. (PG) 4.20 Food Lovers’
Guide To Australia. 4.55 The
Death Of Santa Claus. (PG) 5.00
CCTV English News. 5.30 NHK
World English News.
6.00 Children’s Programs.
12.30 Batman. (PG) 1.00 Power
Rangers Dino Charge. (PG) 1.30
Sooty. 2.00 Sonic Boom. (PG)
2.30 SpongeBob. 3.00 Rabbids
Invasion. (PG) 3.30 Yo-Kai. (PG)
4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 Looney
Tunes. 4.30 Gumball. 5.00 Steven
Universe. 5.30 Teen Titans. (PG)
6.00 Regular Show. (PG) 6.30 Adv
Time. (PG) 7.00 The Middle. (PG)
8.30 Movie: Police Academy. (M)
(1984) 10.30 Movie: Meatballs.
(PG) (1979) 12.30 Adv Time.
(PG) 1.00 Regular Show. (PG)
1.30 Batman. (PG) 2.00 Rabbids
Invasion. (PG) 2.30 Sooty. 3.00
Yo-Kai. (PG) 3.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG)
4.00 Power Rangers Dino Charge.
(PG) 4.30 Beware The Batman.
(M) 4.50 Thunderbirds. 5.30
Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG)
6.00 Rio 2016 Olympic Games.
Day 5: Morning. 9.00 Rio 2016
Olympic Games. Day 5: Daytime.
12.00 800 Words. (PG) 1.00 Mr
Selfridge. (PG) Gordon wants to
marry Grace. 2.00 Dealers. (PG)
The boys prepare for their final
showdown. 3.00 Property Ladder.
(PG) Two women take out a loan
to revamp a cottage. 4.00 Medical
Emergency. (PG) A woman is
injured in the snow. 4.30 60
Minute Makeover. (PG) The team
heads to Burnley, Lancashire.
6.30 Bargain Hunt. Two pairs of
contestants compete to make a
profit at an antiques auction. 7.30
Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Day 5:
Highlights. 9.30 Rio 2016 Olympic
Games. Day 6: Evening. 12.00
Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Day 6:
6.00 Home Shopping. 8.00
Animal Extra. 8.30 Operation
Repo. (PG) 9.00 Monster Jam.
10.00 M*A*S*H. (PG) 11.00
Hogan’s Heroes. 12.00 Get
Smart. (PG) 1.00 Matlock. (M)
2.00 Nash Bridges. (M) 3.00
Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 4.00
Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00 Star
Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.00 Family
Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG)
7.30 Territory Cops. (PG) 8.30
Megastructures. 9.30 Cops: Adults
Only. (PG) 10.30 Undercover Boss.
(PG) 11.30 Chopper’s Republic Of
Anzakistan. 12.00 Californication.
(MA15+) 12.35 Home Shopping.
2.05 Cops: Adults Only. (PG) 2.35
Bellator MMA. (M) 4.45 World
Sport. 5.00 The Doctors.
6.00 Children’s Programs. 5.25
Sarah And Duck. 5.30 Hoot
Hoot Go! 5.40 Peppa Pig. 5.50
Kazoops! 6.00 Hey Duggee. 6.10
Octonauts. 6.20 Peter Rabbit.
6.35 Teacup Travels. 6.50 Shaun
The Sheep. 7.00 Spicks And
Specks. 7.30 Doctor Who: The
Ultimate Timelord. 8.15 Gruen
Pitch Rewind. 8.30 Gruen XL.
(M) 9.15 Catastrophe. (M) 9.40
Episodes. (M) 10.15 Broad City.
(M) 10.35 Dirty Laundry. (M)
11.25 Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 12.10
Live At The Apollo. (M) 12.55
Alan Carr: Chatty Man. (M) 1.40
Jimmy Fallon. (PG) 2.25 News
Update. 2.30 Close. 5.00 Franklin
And Friends. 5.20 The Koala
Brothers. 5.30 Bert And Ernie.
5.40 Dorothy The Dinosaur. 5.50
Tilly And Friends.
6.00 WorldWatch. 1.30 Tamil
News. 2.00 Thai News. 2.30
Sri Lankan Sinhalese News.
3.00 Bangla News. 3.30 Somali
News. 4.00 The Feed. 4.30 The
Lala Road. (PG) 4.40 10,000
BC. (PG) 5.30 365: Every Day
Documentaries. 5.35 Daria. 6.05
If You Are The One. 7.05 Brooklyn
Nine-Nine. (PG) 7.30 The Feed.
8.00 Billy On The Street. (PG)
8.30 Movie: Let The Right One
In. (MA15+) (2008) 10.35 Taking
My Parents To Burning Man.
12.10 League Nation Live. 1.40
The Feed. 2.10 Town Of The
Living Dead. (M) 2.35 Living With
The Enemy. (PG) 3.40 Attack On
Titan. (M) 4.10 Attack On Titan.
(M) 4.40 NHK World English
News. 5.00 Korean News. 5.30
Indonesian News.
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
6.55pm Taken
(2008) Thriller. Liam
Neeson, Maggie
Grace. (MA15+)
8.30pm Ant-Man
(2015) Action.
Paul Rudd, Michael
Douglas. (PG)
11.50pm Still Alice
(2014) Drama.
Julianne Moore,
Alec Baldwin. (M)
8.30pm The
Musketeers. (M)
BBC First
8.30pm Scandal. (M)
9.20pm Nurse
Jackie. (MA15+)
8.30pm Michael
Mosley: Trust Me,
I’m A Doctor. (PG)
BBC Knowledge
9.30pm Kid
Criminals. (M) Crime
& Investigation
9.30pm River
Monsters. (PG)
6.30pm League
Teams. Fox Footy
7.50pm Rugby
League. NRL. Round
23. Canterbury
Bulldogs v Manly Sea
Eagles. Fox Sports 1
8.00pm Cricket.
Fourth Test. England
v Pakistan. Day 1.
Fox Sports 2
The Messenger 23
6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra.
(PG) 11.30 Morning News. 12.00
Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 1.00 Movie:
The Grace Card. (M) (2010) 3.00
News. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.30
Hot Seat. 6.00 Nine News. 7.00
ACA. 7.30 Rugby League. NRL.
Round 23. Brisbane Broncos v
Parramatta Eels. 10.10 Movie: The
Glimmer Man. (MA15+) (1996)
Steven Seagal, Keenen Ivory
Wayans, Brian Cox. A mystical
detective investigates murders.
12.10 Movie: The Brothers
Bloom. (M) (2008) Adrien Brody,
Mark Ruffalo. Two sibling con
artists take part in a caper. 2.15
Impractical Jokers. (M) 2.45 Anger
Management. (M) 3.15 Nine
Presents. 3.30 Extra. 4.00 Global
Shop. 4.30 GMA.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 Rio 2016
Olympic Games. Day 6: Daytime.
2.00 Olympic Games: Highlights.
5.00 The Chase Australia.
Contestants race to answer quiz
questions correctly to avoid being
caught by The Chaser. 6.00
News. 7.00 In Rio Today. Hamish
McLachlan shares all the golden
moments and performances from
the Rio Olympic Games. 9.00
Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Day
7: Evening. Hosted by Hamish
McLachlan. Includes continued
In Rio Today coverage and live
events. 10.30 Rio 2016 Olympic
Games. Day 7: Late Night. Hosted
by Mel McLaughlin. Events
include: athletics, men’s and
women’s preliminaries and finals.
12.00 Rio 2016 Olympic Games.
Day 7: Overnight.
6.00 Ent. Tonight. 6.30 The Home
Team. 7.00 Ben’s Menu. 7.30
Bold. (PG) 8.00 Family Feud. 8.30
Studio 10. (PG) 11.00 The Talk.
12.00 Dr Phil. 1.00 The Living
Room. 2.00 Ent. Tonight. 2.30
Ben’s Menu. 3.00 Judge Judy.
(PG) 3.30 GCBC. 4.00 Everyday
Gourmet. 4.30 Bold. (PG) 5.00
News. 6.00 Family Feud. 6.30 The
Project. A look at the day’s news.
7.30 The Living Room. Dr Chris
heads to Lord Howe Island. 8.30
Have You Been Paying Attention?
(M) A fast-paced look at news
featuring Ed Kavalee, Sam Pang,
Urzila Carlson, Glenn Robbins
and Neroli Meadows. 9.30 To Be
Advised. 10.30 To Be Advised.
11.30 The Project. 12.30 The Late
Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG)
1.30 Shopping.
6.00 ABC News Breakfast. 9.00
ABC News Mornings. 10.00 One
Plus One. 10.30 Catalyst. (PG)
11.00 Croc College. (PG) 11.30
Eggheads. 12.00 News At Noon.
1.00 Doc Martin. 1.50 Antiques
Roadshow. 2.50 The Cook And
The Chef. 3.20 The Bill. (PG) 4.10
Murder, She Wrote. (PG) 5.00
ABC News: Early Edition. 5.30 The
Drum. 6.00 Antiques Roadshow.
7.00 ABC News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00
Tony Robinson’s Time Walks. 8.30
New Tricks. (PG) 9.30 Miniseries:
Exile. (M) 10.30 Lateline. 11.05
The Business. 11.20 Adam Hills:
The Last Leg. (M) 12.00 Rage.
(MA15+) 5.00 Rage. (PG)
6.00 France 24 English News. 6.30
Deutsche Welle. 7.00 Al Jazeera.
7.30 Italian News. 8.10 Filipino
News. 8.40 French News. 9.30
Greek News From Cyprus. 10.30
German News. 11.00 Spanish
News. 12.00 Arabic News. 12.30
Turkish News. 1.00 PBS News.
2.00 Fonko. (PG) 3.00 The Point
Review. 3.30 Thai Street Food.
4.00 Thai Street Food. 4.30 Who
Do You Think You Are? (PG)
5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00
Nigella Express. 6.30 SBS World
News. 7.30 In The Shadow Of
The Moon. 9.20 1964. 11.25
Movie: Gainsbourg. (M) (2010)
1.40 The Gatekeepers. (M) 3.30
Lost Kingdoms Of South America.
(PG) 4.35 No Budget. (M) 4.45 In
Transit. 5.00 CCTV English News.
5.30 NHK World English News.
6.00 Children’s Programs.
12.30 Batman. (PG) 1.00 Power
Rangers Dino Charge. (PG) 1.30
Sooty. 2.00 Sonic Boom. (PG)
2.30 SpongeBob. 3.00 Rabbids
Invasion. (PG) 3.30 Yo-Kai. (PG)
4.00 Kids’ WB. (PG) 4.05 Looney
Tunes. 4.30 Gumball. 5.00 Steven
Universe. 5.30 Teen Titans. (PG)
6.00 Regular Show. (PG) 6.30
Movie: Teen Wolf. (PG) (1985)
8.30 Movie: Police Academy 2:
Their First Assignment. (M) (1985)
10.15 Movie: Summer School. (M)
(1987) 12.10 Way Stranger Than
Fiction. 1.10 Surfing Australia
TV. 2.00 Rabbids Invasion. (PG)
2.30 Sooty. 3.00 Yo-Kai. (PG)
3.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 4.00 Power
Rangers Dino Charge. (PG) 4.30
Beware The Batman. (M) 4.50
Thunderbirds. 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG)
6.00 Rio 2016 Olympic Games.
Day 6: Morning. 9.00 Rio 2016
Olympic Games. Day 6: Daytime.
12.00 Better Homes. Joh visits the
home of Johnny Ruffo. 1.00 Mr
Selfridge. (PG) 2.00 Dealers. (PG)
Jonty and Kate buy collectibles.
3.00 Australia’s Best Backyards.
A Melbourne warehouse hides a
potted garden. 3.30 The Outdoor
Room With Jamie Durie. Jamie
travels to Bali. 4.00 Best Houses
Australia. Join author and host
Gary Takle on a quest to discover
what really makes a house work.
4.30 60 Minute Makeover. (PG)
6.30 Bargain Hunt. The teams are
let loose in Lewes. 7.30 Rio 2016
Olympic Games. Day 6: Highlights.
8.30 Rio 2016 Olympic Games.
Day 7: Evening. 12.00 Rio 2016
Olympic Games. Day 7: Overnight.
6.00 Home Shopping. 8.00
Animal Extra. 8.30 Operation
Repo. (PG) 9.00 4WD Touring
Australia. (PG) 10.00 M*A*S*H.
(PG) 11.00 Hogan’s Heroes. 12.00
Get Smart. (PG) 1.00 Matlock.
(M) 2.00 Nash Bridges. (M) 3.00
Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 4.00
Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00 Star
Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.00 Family
Feud. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30
MacGyver. (PG) 8.30 Walker,
Texas Ranger. (M) 9.30 Movie:
6 Bullets. (MA15+) (2012) Joe
Flanigan, Anna-Louise Plowman,
Jean-Claude Van Damme. 11.50
Megafactories. 12.50 Home
Shopping. 2.20 Diagnosis Murder.
(PG) 3.15 Walker, Texas Ranger.
(M) 4.10 Matlock. (M) 5.05 The
Doctors. (M)
6.00 Children’s Programs. 4.25
Mister Maker Comes To Town.
4.45 Sydney Sailboat. 5.00
Wallykazam! 5.25 Sarah And
Duck. 5.30 Hoot Hoot Go! 5.40
Peppa Pig. 5.50 Kazoops! 6.00
Hey Duggee. 6.10 Octonauts.
6.20 Peter Rabbit. 6.35 Teacup
Travels. 6.50 Shaun The Sheep.
7.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG)
7.30 Doctor Who: The Ultimate
Companion. 8.15 Gruen Pitch
Rewind. 8.30 The Hoarder Next
Door. (PG) 9.15 How Drugs Work.
(MA15+) 10.15 Dirty Laundry. (M)
11.05 Jimmy Fallon. (M) 11.45
Sherlock. (M) 1.15 Jimmy Fallon.
(PG) 1.55 News Update. 2.00
Close. 5.00 Franklin And Friends.
5.20 The Koala Brothers. 5.30
Bert And Ernie. 5.40 Dorothy The
Dinosaur. 5.50 Tilly And Friends.
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.40 Serbian
News. 10.20 Portuguese News.
11.00 Japanese News. 11.35
Punjabi News. 12.05 Hindi News.
12.30 Dutch News. 1.00 Urdu
News. 1.30 Tamil News. 2.00 Thai
News. 2.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese
News. 3.00 Bangla News. 3.30
Armenian News. 4.00 The Feed.
4.30 Fameless. (PG) 5.00 Brain
Games. 5.30 Street Genius. 6.00
365: Every Day Documentaries.
6.05 If You Are The One. 7.00
Human Resources. 7.30 Friday
Feed. 8.00 RocketJump. 8.30
Movie: Fright Night. (M) (1985)
10.30 Movie: Kiss Of The Dragon.
(MA15+) (2001) 12.20 Movie:
18 Years Later. (M) (2010) 2.20
PopAsia. (PG) 3.20 NHK World
English News. 5.00 Korean News.
5.30 Indonesian News.
8.30pm Spy (2015)
Comedy. Melissa
McCarthy. (MA15+)
The SpongeBob
SquarePants Movie
(2004) Animation.
Tom Kenny. (G)
10.05pm Bridget
Jones’s Diary (2001)
Comedy. Renée
Zellweger, Colin Firth.
(M) Romance
8.30pm Law
& Order: SVU.
(MA15+) Universal
8.30pm Saving
Hope. (MA15+)
8.30pm How The
Other Half Live.
(PG) Lifestyle
9.30pm For The
Love Of Cars. (PG)
Discovery Turbo
9.30pm My Floating
Home. (PG) Lifestyle
7.00am Golf. USPGA
Tour. John Deere
Classic. First round.
Fox Sports 3
7.50pm Rugby
League. NRL. Round
23. Brisbane Broncos
v Parramatta Eels.
Fox Sports 1
7.50pm Football.
AFL. Round 21.
Western Bulldogs v
Fox Footy
Classifications: (P) Preschoolers (C) Children (G) General (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
North Lakes Community Women’s
Group Inc. News
Community Notice board Online
A free service provided by the Messenger for community,
social and non-profit organisations
Written by Sam Stevens Publicity Officer NLCWGI
There is nothing like a blazing fire on a winter’s day, the warmth permeating
into the room and penetrating the body and soul. A room boasting friendship
and happiness enhanced with incredible table décor of little handmade houses
with lights glowing from within. This was our Xmas in July event celebrated in
grand style at The Heritage, Mt Tamborine with 80 members and guests, loads
of laughter, and great food and wine. Our thanks to all those that made this
day possible with special thanks to Carmen, our VP Social, for input beyond
expectation. A bus trip and venue to be remembered.
Tuesday 9th August 09:45 IN-HOUSE ACTIVITY – Always a fun meeting with a
good attendance and a lot of interaction. TBA
Tuesday 16th August 09:45 CENT AUCTION. We have some amazing items up
for auction including loads of restaurant vouchers and some big ticket items
such as vouchers from Bunnings and a golf membership. Good luck with your
endeavours, hopefully you will take something home with you. This is always
such a fun event. For further information, including contributions, please
contact Sue B; 0418 785 944 or 3886 5881. Members only.
Our Community Notice Board is now online at
The region's foremost community guide now offers readers
enhanced features. It's zoomable, searchable and gives
easier access with clickable sections, direct email and web
The submission process remains unchanged, please see the
table below.
Tuesday 23rd August 11:30 LUNCH - Ziggabalis Italian Restaurant - Licenced,
454 Gympie Rd, Strathpine. Crossroads, Cnr Samsonvale Rd. (plenty of parking
behind). Extensive menu. One of our favourite Italian restaurants which
always presents fine food, with generous serving sizes, attentive staff and
outstanding value for money. Registration essential.
Submit via email:
Our meetings are open to all women in North Lakes/Mango Hill – Moreton
Bay district. Please refer to our listing under the Community Notice Board. For
more information contact Julie, 3886 4552; Colleen, 0418 658 442; Carmen,
3491 9410.
Maximum of 60 words per submission
Please resubmit your item in full when making alterations
Enties updated every Thursday
Your submission will run ongoing until you notify us otherwise
The Messenger 24
Crossword 6275
Kindly provided by removals specialist- Laurie Stibbe
Amazing Mazes
Crossword Solution from last issue
The Messenger 25
Real Estate
his startling result is contained in the
latest edition of the HIA Stamp Duty
Watch released recently.
During June 2016, the typical stamp duty
bill was $17,811 for a non-First Home Buyer
owner occupier, which added another 3.6 per
cent to the cost of purchasing a home. This
means that stamp duty eats up almost four
months’ worth of after tax income.
“By eroding deposits and making
homebuyers borrow more, stamp duty is
estimated to add $91 per month to household
mortgage repayments for a median priced
home,” explained HIA Senior Economist,
Shane Garrett.
$91 every
month: how
Stamp Duty hits
Stamp duty on home purchases
cost ordinary Australian families over
$90 every month, according to the
Housing Industry Association
“[The] report from the HIA exposes the true
impact of stamp duty on families, with a $91
commitment every single month to pay for
“Apart from hurting ordinary households,
stamp duty restricts economic activity and
obstructs the national dwelling stock from
achieving its full potential in terms of the
people it can house,” Mr Garrett noted.
The report includes an in depth assessment of
the impact of newly introduced stamp duty
surcharges on foreign investors in New South
Wales, Victoria and Queensland.
“Including the new FIRB application fee,
foreign investors in Australia’s biggest rental
markets now face major costs on entry.
stamp duty eats up almost
four months’ worth of after
tax income
This is most severe in Melbourne, where
the purchase of the typical unit involves
almost $65,000 in stamp duty and fees. The
situation is not much better in Sydney, with
foreign investors hit for over $58,000 on the
acquisition of a unit of average price.
Under the new rules, foreign investors
in Brisbane units will be charged $29,000
in transaction taxes alone,” HIA Senior
Economist, Shane Garrett explained.
“Foreign investors act as key tenet of supply
to the rental markets in Australia’s largest
cities and conditions would be much tighter
in their absence. These additional costs will
act as a deterrent,” concluded Shane Garrett.
The Messenger 27
The Messenger 29
The Messenger 30
The Messenger 31
The Messenger 33
The Messenger 34
The Messenger 35
The Messenger 36
The Messenger 37
The Messenger 38
The Messenger 39
The Messenger 40
The Messenger 41
The Messenger 42
Mulching • Fertilising • Weed Control • General Gardening
Pressure Cleaning • Garden Sculpturing & Cylinder Mowing
Dennis Barker
Garden design, construction
and refurbishments, turfing,
paving and water features.
0402 842 671
Call Alan on
0412 304 324
The Messenger 43