The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable
The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable
The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID Termination Schedule System Name COMPO IRB 1666 8188 1099 TRP 1099 TAX REPORTING PROGRAM DFAS FM 8898 10480 3214 303 AESW IDE 3609 309Public 303 AESW Integrated Digital Environment 309 SMXG Public Web System USAF USAF WSLM MSSM 5913 11955 9690 1908 474 3902 4DOnlineBOM 3187 A-10 3DM WHS USAF USAF 8900 12651 9990 A-EOB 4185 A1 SOA 2541 4072 4536 A372ER 0223 AAASAIS 6168 9990 AAASIST 76 6040 AAC-IAA 8247 6040 AAC-IAA-CCIMM 474 4DOnline Bill of Material Manager A-10 3D Model Data Management System ADVANCED - ELECTRONIC ORDER OF BATTLE AF/A1 Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) AUTOMATION OF THE 37-2 FUNDING DOCUMENT US ARMY AUDIT AGENCY ARMY AUDIT AGENCY SYSTEM FOR INFORMATION STORAGE AND TRANSMISSION ARMY ACCESSIONS COMMAND INTEGRATED AUTOMATION ARCHITECTURE ARMY ACCESSIONS COMMAND INTEGRATED AUTOMATION ARCHITECTURE - CADET COMMAND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT MODULE Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State 0.955 Legacy MSSM WSLM WSLM System Family of Systems System Family of Systems Initiative System ARMY USAF WSLM HRM System System 0.000 Core 0.000 Core ARMY ARMY FM MSSM System System 0.000 Legacy 3.703 Core ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY HRM System 99.329 Core ARMY HRM System 99.329 Core 0.328 Core 0.106 Legacy 0.413 Core 0.000 Interim 0.300 Interim Replacement System Name The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type ARMY HRM System 99.329 Core ARMY HRM System 99.329 Core ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core 8246 6040 AAC-IAA-DCA 8248 6040 AAC-IAA-LEADS II 2542 4217 AAC-IAA-RSN 2543 4638 AAIS ARMY ACCESSIONS COMMAND INTEGRATED AUTOMATION ARCHITECTURE - DIRECT COMMISSIONING AND ACCESSIONING ARMY ACCESSIONS COMMAND INTEGRATED AUTOMATION ARCHITECTURE - LEADS II ARMY ACCESSIONS COMMAND INTEGRATED AUTOMATION ARCHITECTURE - RECRUITING SERVICES NETWORK AUTOMATED ACQUISITION INFORMATION SYSTEM ARMY WSLM System 0.000 Legacy 253 6207 4368 AALPS 4639 AAP AUTOMATED AIR LOAD PLANNING SYSTEM ARMY ADVANCED ACQUISTION PLAN ARMY MSSM WSLM System System 0.000 Core 0.000 Legacy 2544 2545 5967 2546 4218 4640 3090 3457 ARMY/AMERICAN COUNCIL ON EDUCATION REGISTRY TRANSCRIPT SYSTEM AUTOMATED ACQUISITION SYSTEM AUTOMATED BELLRINGER ARMY BENEFITS CENTER CIVILIAN ARMY ARMY DCMA ARMY HRM WSLM WSLM HRM System System System System 6923 1876 ABCT ACTIVITY BASED COST TRACKER NAVY FM System AARTS AAS AB ABC-C 0.000 0.000 17.777 0.000 Replacement System Name [ICODES, FULL] Core Legacy Legacy Core 0.000 Legacy [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2012 FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type TMA HRM System 0.000 Core ARMY HRM Initiative 0.000 Core USAF FM System 0.000 Legacy 31 Mar 2009 31 Mar 2009 13521 4121 ABHC 12097 3931 ABHIDE 1703 6477 ABIDES (SPA) 1704 6477 ABIDES (SPC) AUTOMATED BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CLINIC ARMY BEHAVIORAL HEALTH INTEGRATED DATA ENVIRONMENT AUTOMATED BUDGET INTERACTIVE DATA ENVIRONMENT SYSTEM WEB (ABIDESWEB) SPA AUTOMATED BUDGET INTERACTIVE DATA ENVIRONMENT SYSTEM (ABIDES) SPC USAF FM System 0.000 Legacy 588 1625 8700 ABIFS 7882 ABIS ARMY BANKING AND INVESTMENT SYSTEM ARMY ACTIVITY BASED INFORMATION SYSTEM USMC FM FM System System 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Interim 752 7090 ABM AUTOMATED BUDGET MODULE NAVY FM 0.018 Legacy 219 8070 ABS AMARC BUSINESS SYSTEM USAF MSSM System System of Systems 788 7915 ABS-FAC AUTOMATED BUDGET SYSTEM NAVY FM System 0.113 Interim 379 5037 ABSS USAF FM Initiative 3.627 Legacy 2548 3089 2654 4370 ABSTS 1804 ABVS 4641 AC - ARC ARMY DLA ARMY MSSM MSSM WSLM Initiative System System 0.000 Interim 0.195 Core 0.000 Legacy AUTOMATED BUSINESS SERVICES SYSTEM AUTOMATED BEARING SHOP TRACKING SYSTEM (ABSTS) AUTOMATED BEST VALUE SYSTEM ACQUISITION RESOURCE CENTER 4.265 Legacy Replacement System Name [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2014 PARTIAL] [ECSS, 31 Mar 2017 PARTIAL] [NAVY ERP, FULL] [DEAMS, PARTIAL] 30 Sep 2017 [DEAMS, FULL] 30 Jun 2010 [PPIRS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name ACQUISITION SOURCE SELECTION INTERACTIVE SUPPORT TOOL INTERACTIVE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PAGE PROJECT CONTRACT FOLDER REVERSE AUCTION TOOL ARMY CONTAINER ASSET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ARMY CAREER AND ALUMNI PROGRAM ARMY CONTRACTING BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM ACC GEOBASE SERVICE 2686 4642 AC - ASSIST 6513 6469 6303 4643 AC - IBOP 4644 AC - PCF 4645 AC - RAT 6222 6622 4371 ACAMS 3458 ACAP-XXI 1294 1706 1059 ACBIS 3824 ACC-GB 4776 592 7845 2560 4583 1694 3989 3305 9990 2121 1514 7012 ACE-C 13540 9990 ACEP ACCOMMODATION STORAGE ACCPAC Ancillary Clinical Databases ARMY CIVILIAN DATA CENTER AUTOMATED COMPLIANCE EVALUATION APPLICATIONS AND CONTRACTS ECOMMERCE APPRENTICE CAREER EXPERIENCE PROGRAM 167 1588 5050 ACES 6827 ACES AUTOMATED CIVIL ENGINEER SYSTEM AVIATION COST EVALUATION SYSTEM ACCOM STORAGE ACCPAC ACD ACDC ACE Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type ARMY WSLM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY ARMY ARMY WSLM WSLM WSLM System System System 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Legacy ARMY ARMY MSSM HRM System System 0.000 Core 0.000 Core ARMY USAF WSLM RPILM System System 1.703 Interim 0.000 Core NAVY ARMY USAF ARMY USMC MSSM FM HRM HRM RPILM 0.024 0.000 0.175 0.000 0.050 NAVY WSLM System System System System System System of Systems NAVY HRM 0.000 Core USAF NAVY RPILM FM System Family of Systems System Legacy Core Interim Core Legacy Replacement System Name [RDMS-SUITE] 01 Jun 2012 [ACQBIZ, FULL] [NAVY ERP, 28 Oct 2013 FULL] 0.821 Core 0.750 Legacy 1.844 Interim [NexGen IT, 30 Sep 2012 FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 1319 1127 ACES-FD 2555 4646 ACINTERWS 7374 4647 ACINTRAWS 1477 9953 11065 2558 2248 3662 9990 4372 1083 1613 ACMS 9657 4373 ACMS 8659 0260 ACPAT/U 605 3454 ACPERS-HQ 915 0426 ACPINS 2562 4648 ACPO 403 1076 ACPS ACIP ACITS ACL ACLDB System Name AUTOMATED CIVIL ENGINEER SYSTEM FIRE DEPARTMENT ACQUISITION CENTER INTERNET WEBDESK ACQUISITION CENTER INTRANET WEBDESK AUTOMATED COSAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Aircraft Control Integrated Tracking System ACCESS CONTROL LIST ARMY CENTRAL LOGISTICS DATA BASE ACQUISITION CAREER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AUTOMATED CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AIR FORCE C4I PROCESS AND ASSESSMENT TOOL HEADQUARTERS ARMY CIVILIAN PERSONNEL SYSTEM AUTOMATED COMPUTER PROGRAM IDENTIFICATION NUMBER SYSTEM ACQUISITION CENTER POLICY OFFICE QUICK CLICK PLACE AUTOMATED CONTRACT PREPARATION SYSTEM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type USAF RPILM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY WSLM Initiative 0.000 Legacy ARMY WSLM Initiative 0.000 Legacy NAVY USAF ARMY ARMY MSSM WSLM HRM MSSM System Initiative System System 0.080 0.000 0.000 0.000 USAF WSLM System 0.235 Interim ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Legacy DISA TBD System 0.000 Legacy ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core USAF MSSM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY WSLM Initiative 0.000 Legacy USAF WSLM System 3.788 Legacy Core Legacy Core Core Replacement System Name [NAVY ERP, PARTIAL] [ECSS, FULL] [ECSS, FULL] [ACPS] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID Termination Schedule System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State 1622 1125 ACQBIZ ACQBIZ ARMY WSLM System 9898 11745 4726 AcqBiz Central 4341 AcqReadiness ARMY ARMY WSLM WSLM System System 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Interim 2566 4649 ACQUIRE ARMY WSLM Initiative 0.000 Legacy 12007 3592 ACS ECG TMA HRM System 0.000 Core 9901 11339 2569 4323 ACSAP Web 3678 ACT 4221 ACTS ARMY ARMY ARMY HRM HRM HRM System System System 0.000 Core 0.000 Core 0.000 Core 11921 3714 ADDM USAF WSLM System 0.400 Core 7079 1441 ADLINC NAVY MSSM System 0.065 Core 1723 5101 ADLS USAF HRM System 3.333 Core 12603 3488 ADMITS NAVY HRM System 0.204 Interim 9659 36 4321 ADPAAS 6057 ADS ACQUISITION BUSINESS CENTRAL PORTAL ACQUISITION BUSINESS READINESS ACQUISITION CENTER QUERY/UPDATE RESPONSIBLE CONTRACT SPECIALIST AEROMEDICAL CONSULTATION SERVICE ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHIC LIBRARY Army Center for Substance Abuse Program Web ARMY CAREER TRACKER ARBA CASE TRACKING SYSTEM ACQUISITION DOCUMENT DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT AVAILABILITY DEFICIENCY LOG & INTEGRATED NEW WORK ADVANCED DISTRIBUTED LEARNING SERVICE ALCOHOL AND DRUG MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR THE DAPA/SACO ARMY DISASTER PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY AND ASSESSMENT SYSTEM AUTOMATED DISBURSING SYSTEM ARMY DFAS HRM FM System System 0.000 Core 3.851 Interim 16.248 Core Replacement System Name The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type ARMY USMC MSSM MSSM System System 0.000 Legacy 138.327 Interim HRM System 1.359 Core 0.000 Interim 0.000 Legacy 2576 13689 4376 ADS 0155 ADSE AMMUNITION DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ALBANY DATA STAGING ENVIRONMENT 1656 1105 ADSS AIR EDUCATION AND TRAINING COMMAND (AETC) DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM USAF 1201 1252 3545 ADSS-WEB 1065 AEDB 5737 2062 AEEE 6606 2583 2584 4342 AEP 4377 AEPS 9990 AEPUBS 11505 3760 AERO 13267 13027 11781 4766 AESIP 4692 AETC-CE 3746 AETC-VBrick 3059 6037 8702 AEWRS 3090 AF ATEC DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM (WEB) ARMY ENVIRONMENTAL DATABASE ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONALLY ACCREDITED ENTERPRISE EDUCATION ENCLAVE ARMY ARMY WSLM RPILM System System NAVY HRM AMMUNITION ENTERPRISE PORTAL ARMY ELECTRONIC PRODUCT SUPPORT ARMY IN EUROPE PUBLISHING SYSTEM AEROMEDICAL ELECTRONIC RESOURCE OFFICE SYSTEM ARMY ENTERPRISE SYSTEMS INTEGRATION PROGRAM AETC-Collaborative Environment AETC-VBrick ARMY ENERGY AND WATER REPORTING SYSTEM ADDITIONAL FUNDS ARMY ARMY ARMY WSLM MSSM HRM Initiative System of Systems System Initiative TMA HRM System 0.000 Core ARMY USAF USAF MSSM HRM HRM System System System 0.000 Core 0.000 Core 0.000 Core ARMY DCMA RPILM WSLM System System 0.000 Core 17.777 Legacy 17.506 Core 0.000 Interim 0.000 Interim 0.000 Core Replacement System Name 20 Oct 2028 30 Sep 2011 [HQAES] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 12188 12827 11007 3947 AF DIMHRS 4353 AF DSS 3751 AF LCMS 10245 1237 AF MILPERS 1324 9990 AF-EMIS 150 12783 8774 8746 0058 3982 3610 1801 1735 2873 AFCORP 2586 4537 AFCOS 1323 9995 AFEIDCS 202 13753 0072 AFEMS 2176 AFEON 1673 5048 AFEWT AF-ICDB AF-RTP AFCAMS AFCD System Name Termination Schedule COMPO Air Force Defense Integrated Military Resource System - Air Force USAF Air Force Distribution Standard System USAF Air Force Learning Content Mgt System USAF Air Force Military Personnel System AIR FORCE - ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM AIR FORCE - INTEGRATED CLINICAL DATABASE AIR FORCE REGIONAL TELEPATHOLOGY AF Critical Asset Management System Congressional Domain AFRL/RW CORPORATE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM AUTOMATED FUND CONTROL ORDER SYSTEM AIR FORCE ENVIRONMENTAL INTERNET DATA CALL SYSTEM AIR FORCE EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Air Force Equal Opportunity Network AIR FORCE EDUCATIONAL WARGAMING TOOLKIT IRB Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State USAF HRM System System System Family of Systems USAF RPILM System 0.000 Legacy TMA TMA USAF USAF HRM HRM TBD WSLM System Initiative System System 4.600 0.000 0.000 0.031 USAF WSLM System 0.357 Legacy ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy USAF RPILM System 0.000 Legacy USAF USAF MSSM HRM USAF HRM System System Family of Systems HRM MSSM HRM 0.000 Core 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Core Replacement System Name 5.563 Interim [EESOH-MIS, 15 Jun 2012 FULL] Interim Interim Core Core 12.012 Legacy 0.000 Core 5.699 Core [STES, PARTIAL] 31 Dec 2016 [GFEBS, FULL] [ECSS, 31 Mar 2016 PARTIAL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 9051 9990 AFFIRST 8772 3241 AFFMS 2519 3213 AFGET 1235 1024 AFIFHCT 9156 2978 AFIRM 1743 467 1388 AFITEDU 0482 AFKN 1744 1655 9990 AFLIS 1073 AFM 1747 3140 AFMATS 5870 1308 AFMC IGI&S 238 0147 AFMIS 6776 1887 AFMISTB System Name AIR FORCE FAMILY INTEGRATED RESULTS AND STATISTICAL TRACKING AIR FORCE FITNESS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AIR FORCE-GLOBAL ENTERPRISE TRACKING AIR FORCE INTEGRATED FRAMEWORK HEALTH CARE TOOLSET Aging Fleet Integrity and Reliability Management System AIR FORCE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY EDUCATIONAL ENCLAVE NETWORK AIR FORCE KNOWLEDGE NOW AIR FORCE LIBRARY INFORMATION SYSTEM AUTOMATED FUNDS MANAGEMENT AIR FORCE MUSEUM ARTIFACT TRACKING SYSTEM AFMC INSTALLATION GEOSPATIAL INFORMATION AND SERVICES ARMY FOOD MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM AIR FORCE MEDICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM TEST BED Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type USAF HRM Initiative 0.000 Interim USAF HRM Initiative 1.156 Interim USAF MSSM System 0.290 Interim TMA HRM Initiative 1.000 Core USAF WSLM System 0.710 Interim USAF USAF HRM WSLM System System 1.508 Core 2.434 Interim USAF USAF HRM FM System System 0.000 Core 1.558 Core USAF FM System 0.320 Core USAF RPILM System 0.695 Interim ARMY MSSM System 0.909 Legacy TMA HRM Initiative 2.223 Interim Replacement System Name 01 Sep 2017 [ECSS, FULL] 31 Oct 2015 [CFMS-E, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 153 11333 2269 AFMOWAP 3590 AFMS-Kx 1746 3576 AFMSTT 8983 9667 0481 AFMTS 3215 AFPROMS 11689 8703 AFRC-MCIS 1360 8704 AFRC-PMS 63 5040 AFRISS 1754 3761 AFRISS-R 12052 3593 AFRISS-TF 1761 3336 AFRL/RX BA 2589 3349 4538 AFRM 2277 AFS System Name AIR FORCE MEDICAL OMNIBUS WEB APPLICATIONS POOL AFMS KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE AIR FORCE MODELING & SIMULATION TRAINING TOOLKIT AETC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT TOOL SUITE (AFMTS) AIR FORCE PROMOTION SYSTEM Termination Schedule COMPO IRB TMA TMA HRM HRM USAF HRM USAF USAF FM HRM System System Family of Systems Family of Systems System RPILM System 0.000 Core RPILM System 0.000 Core HRM System 6.921 Legacy USAF HRM System 0.000 Interim USAF HRM 5.114 Core USAF MSSM System Family of Systems ARMY ARMY RPILM HRM System System 0.000 Legacy 0.001 Core ARMED FORCES RECREATION CENTERMATERIALS CONTROL INVENTORY SYSTEM ARMY ARMED FORCES RECREATION CENTER, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ARMY AIR FORCE RECRUITING INFORMATION SUPPORT SYSTEM USAF AIR FORCE RECRUITING INFORMATION SUPPORT SYSTEM - RESERVE Air Force Recruiting Information Support System-Total Force RX BUSINESS APPLICATIONS AEC FUNDS AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ACTIVE FEDERAL SERVICE Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State Replacement System Name 1.619 Core 0.000 Core 12.702 Legacy 0.577 Interim 2.470 Interim 0.020 Interim [AFRISS-TF, FULL] [AFRISS-TF, FULL] [AFRISS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type AUTOMATED FINGERPRINT SYSTEM LAPTOP ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core USAF RPILM System 0.000 Core USAF USAF USAF USAF USAF MSSM WSLM RPILM HRM RPILM 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.246 0.000 USAF WSLM System System System System System System of Systems USAF HRM System 0.000 Core 12581 4737 AFS-LAPTOP 170 8064 AFSAS 9588 9911 12523 8874 8262 9990 9990 1329 3554 9990 10642 9996 AFSSS 13695 2184 AFSV-CYPBMS AIR FORCE SAFETY AUTOMATED SYSTEM AFSCN AUTOMATED REMOTE TRACKING STATION Air Force Systems Information Library AFSOC GeoBase Service Air Force Survey Program GEOBASE-AFSPC HQS Air Force Space Surveillance System VHF Fence Child and Youth Program Business Modernization System 11299 9990 AFSV-FCCS Air Force Services Family Child Care Subsidy USAF HRM System 0.000 Core 1765 9990 AFTAT USAF WSLM System 0.000 Core 4 405 8986 6476 AFTOC 1109 AFWAY 2601 AFWAY Legacy USAF USAF USAF FM WSLM WSLM System System System 5.311 Interim 0.000 Interim 0.000 Legacy 13319 3022 AFWIICMS THE AIR FORCE TEST AND ANALYSIS TOOL AIR FORCE TOTAL OWNERSHIP COST MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM AIR FORCE WAY Air Force Way Legacy AF Wounded, Ill and Injured Care Management System USAF HRM System 0.000 Core AFSCN ARTS AFSIL AFSOC GeoBase AFSP AFSPC GEOBASE Replacement System Name 30 Nov 2009 [AFSAS, FULL] Core Interim Core Core Core 0.000 Legacy [ECSS, FULL] 31 Dec 2008 [AFWAY, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 1770 3137 AGEP-IFT 3350 2278 AGR/CALVIN 2591 2281 AGRMIS 2592 1960 AGRMIS2430 INTERFACE 3161 AHBWA 2603 4223 AHEC AHCO 9310 8705 AHES 126 0049 AHLTA 12847 12771 6223 6616 System Name AIRCREW GRADUATE EVALUATION PROGRAM - INTRODUCTORY FLIGHT TRAINING ACTIVE GUARD RESERVE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM/CALVIN ACTIVE GUARD AND RESERVE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM ACTIVE GUARD AND RESERVE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMINTERFACE AFRL/HQ BUSINESS WEB APPLICATIONS ARMY HERITAGE COLLECTION ON-LINE SYSTEM ARMY HOUSING ENTERPRISE SYSTEM ARMED FORCES HEALTH LONGITUDINAL TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION AHLTA/CHCS AHLTA/CHCS STABILIZATION AND EHR 0049 Stabilization/EHRRR RISK REDUCTION Army Hybrid Mail Service 4738 AHMS ARMY HOUSING ONESTOP 0934 AHOS ARMY HOUSING STAFF COMMUNITY WEBSITE 0934 AHSC Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type USAF HRM System 0.192 Core ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core ARMY USAF HRM MSSM System System 0.041 Core 0.065 Interim ARMY HRM 0.000 Core ARMY RPILM System System of Systems TMA HRM System 174.370 Core TMA ARMY ARMY HRM HRM RPILM Initiative System System 174.370 Interim 0.000 Core 5.873 Core ARMY RPILM System 5.873 Core 0.000 Core Replacement System Name 30 Sep 2013 [EBS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 10558 1475 3591 AIDC 1162 AIM 1581 3189 AIM 3098 7021 AIMS 6884 9998 AIMS 767 6875 AIMXP 919 12352 2955 AIRCAT 4127 AIRS 1405 0451 AIRWAVE 8799 4539 AIS CNA 304 7377 2609 0199 AIT 9990 AIT 4224 AIU 13400 9990 AIW Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type AUTOMATED IDENTIFICATION AND DATA COLLECTION ADVANCED INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT TMA NAVY HRM MSSM Initiative System 0.000 Core 1.187 Core NAVY MSSM System 0.032 Interim DECA HRM System 0.326 Interim NAVY FM System 0.000 Legacy NAVY MSSM System 0.438 Core USAF ARMY MSSM RPILM System System 0.511 Core 0.000 Core 31 Mar 2017 [ECSS, FULL] USAF WSLM System 0.140 Interim 31 Mar 2017 [ECSS, FULL] ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy NAVY ARMY ARMY MSSM MSSM HRM Initiative System Initiative 15.151 Core 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Interim ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Interim ASSET AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AUTOMATED INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ACCOUNTING AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ADVANCED INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT EXPRESS C-130 AUTOMATED INSPECTION REPAIR CORROSION AND AIRCRAFT TRACKING Army IMCOM Reservation System E3WEB,E3APPS,E3DBS,E3AIRWAVEWEB,E3 AIRWAVEDBS,E3AIRWAVEFILE AUTOMATED INFORMATION SYSTEM CAPABILITIES NEEDS ANALYSIS AUTOMATED IDENTIFICATION TECHNOLOGY AUTOMATED INSPECTION TOOL ACCESS IT ULTRA ARMY ITEM UNIQUE IDENTIFICATION (IUID) WAREHOUSE Replacement System Name [NAVY ERP, 30 Oct 2014 PARTIAL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 9790 9990 AKCLWN 6675 3853 AKMS 9004 9998 AL-CRS 554 8706 AL-PMS 6762 13885 3090 ALEC 9990 Alerton DDC Hill 1779 9990 ALERTS 13542 5008 ALFRED 2617 4378 ALMRMS 920 10261 11490 2844 ALMSS 3294 ALOD 9990 ALOWeb 9987 2710 ALPP Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type ARMY IN KOREA CLASSIFIED LANDWARNET ARMY WSLM System 0.000 Legacy USD(AT&L)WSLM System 7.907 Core ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Core ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Core DCMA USAF WSLM RPILM System System 17.777 Legacy 0.000 Core USAF TBD System 0.000 Core NAVY FM System 1.179 Interim ARMY MSSM Initiative 0.000 Interim USAF USAF USAF MSSM HRM HRM System System System 2.024 Interim 0.000 Core 0.000 Interim NAVY MSSM System 0.152 Core AT&L KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ARMY LODGING OPERATIONS CENTRAL RESERVATION SYSTEM ARMY LODGING PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AUTOMATED LISTING OF ELIGIBILITY & CLEARANCE Alerton DDC Hill AUTOMATED LIFE-SUSTAINING EQUIPMENT RECORDS TRACKING SYSTEM AUTOMATED LOAD FUTURE REQUIREMENTS DETERMINATION AUTOMATED LOCAL MANUFACTURING REQUEST MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (ALMRMS) AUTOMATED LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT SUPPORT SYSTEM Automated Line of Duty USAFA Admissions Accessions System ACQUISITION LOGISTICS PRODUCTIVITY PLANNING Replacement System Name [ECSS, PARTIAL] 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type ARMY MAPPER ADMINISTRATION MODULE AMC Installation Mapping and Visualization (GeoBase) AMC LOGSA TRANSACTIONAL SERVER ENCLAVE V1.0 ARMY DCMA RPILM WSLM System System 0.000 Core 17.777 Legacy USAF RPILM System 0.000 Core ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Core ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy Replacement System Name 1209 6770 1035 AM 3090 AM 9354 13231 9990 AMC GeoBase AMC LOGSA LTSE 4750 v1.0 389 1064 AMC RM ONLINE 2619 4379 AMCATS AMC RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ONLINE AVIATION AND MISSILE COMMAND AMMUNITION TRACKING SYSTEM ARMY MSSM Initiative 0.000 Legacy 1783 3193 AMCS AUTOMATED MATERIEL CONTROL SYSTEM USAF WSLM System 0.050 Interim 2623 2624 2284 AMIS 4380 AMMO HRM MSSM System System 0.001 Core 0.000 Legacy 1406 2625 487 7888 10375 12474 3570 9993 1133 3349 4324 4609 USAF WSLM ARMY MSSM TRANSCOMMSSM USAF HRM ARMY HRM ARMY MSSM System System System System System System 0.190 0.000 2.887 0.000 0.000 0.000 Legacy Legacy Core Legacy Core Interim 31 Mar 2018 [ECSS, FULL] 445 8072 AMREP ACCESSION MGMT INFORMATION SYSTEM AMMO INVENTORY AIR-TO-SURFACE MUNITIONS DIRECTORATE AMMUNITION WEB-HOTLINE ANALYSIS OF MOBILITY PLATFORM Advanced Meteorological Profiling System AUTOMATED MILITARY POSTAL SYSTEM AIR MOVEMENT REQUEST AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE PRODUCTION/COMPRESSION REPORT SYSTEM USAF System 0.000 Legacy 31 Mar 2017 [ECSS, FULL] AMMO-WEB AMMOHELP AMP AMPS AMPS AMR ARMY ARMY MSSM [GFEBS, 31 Dec 2016 PARTIAL] 31 Mar 2018 [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID Termination Schedule System Name COMPO IRB ARMY RPILM ARMY ARMY MSSM HRM USMC MSSM ARMY HRM 2627 8708 AMRP 3849 2628 9990 AMRULI 3451 AMS 4909 2231 AMS-TAC 2629 9996 AMSC CIS ARMY MASTER RANGE PROGRAM AVIATION AND MISSILE RDEC UNCLASSIFIED LAN INFRASTRUCTURE ACADEMY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AUTOMATED MANIFEST SYSTEM TACTICAL ARMY MANAGEMENT STAFF COLLEGE CAMPUS INFORMATION SYSTEM 922 9990 AMST AGILE MUNITIONS SUPPORT TOOL USAF 6683 3891 1495 AMT 4382 AMTRACKS 923 8657 AMTS 9857 4383 ANAD PDMSS 10105 2900 ANAM 13811 9990 ANC-ISS 6870 9070 2056 ANSRS 4401 AOC AUDIT MANAGEMENT TOOL AMCOM MESSAGE TRACKING SYSTEM AUTOMATED MATERIAL TRACKING SYSTEM Programmed Depot Maintenance Scheduling System AUTOMATED NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT METRICS ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETERY INTERMENT SUPPORT SERVICE AUTOMATED NON-STANDARD REQUISITIONING SYSTEM AMCOM OPERATION CENTER Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Family of Systems System 0.000 Core 0.844 Legacy MSSM System System of Systems System of Systems NAVY ARMY FM MSSM System Initiative 0.033 Interim 0.000 Legacy USAF MSSM Initiative 0.000 Legacy ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Legacy TMA HRM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core NAVY ARMY MSSM MSSM System Initiative 0.746 Legacy 0.000 Interim Replacement System Name 0.000 Core 0.000 Core 0.000 Core 0.000 Interim 31 Mar 2018 [ECSS, FULL] [NAVY ERP, FULL] [ECSS, 01 Sep 2015 PARTIAL] 30 Dec 2011 [NCAT, FULL] [NAVY ERP, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 1207 1072 AORS 11898 1792 4133 AOS 3281 AOTS 6641 4732 AP&AS 2644 2288 APAS-E 5109 1439 APCS 6599 4540 APEMS 328 3190 APIMIS 1794 0456 APIMS 2646 4651 APMRS 2647 4650 APMRS 2649 4728 APMS Termination Schedule System Name COMPO IRB AUTOMATED ORDERS AND RESOURCE SYSTEM ARMY HRM ARMY ONESOURCE AUTOMATED ORDER TRACKING SYSTEM AWCF PRIORITIZATION & AUTHORIZATION SYSTEM ANALYST PROJECT ASSIST SYSTEM ENHANCED ARMY USAF AUTOMATED PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM AMMUNITION PECULIAR EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM AIRCRAFT PLATFORM INTERFACE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM AIR PROGRAM INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ACQUISITION PRE & POST-AWARD MANAGEMENT REPORTING SYSTEMTACO100 ACQUISITION POST-AWARD MGMT REPORTING SYSTEM ACQUISITION PROCESSING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State 1.026 Core HRM MSSM System Family of Systems System ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core NAVY WSLM System 1.674 Core ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy NAVY MSSM System 0.000 Core USAF RPILM System 2.277 Interim ARMY WSLM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY WSLM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY WSLM System 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Core 0.133 Interim Replacement System Name 31 Mar 2017 [ECSS, FULL] [EESOH-MIS, 31 Dec 2009 FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 455 6465 APO 2650 9997 APPMS 1797 7562 4416 5078 3814 4384 3509 3492 6035 8860 3090 APSS 4385 APTS 2653 2296 ARACMIS 8866 2536 ARCA 1238 6867 ARCMIS 2356 3703 ARCNet 582 12862 8709 AREV 4739 ARFP 13035 4699 ARIR APPS APPS APS APSLTR System Name AUTOMATED PROJECT ORDER FORM SYSTEM AUTOMATED PERSONAL PROPERTY MGMT SYSTEM AETC PLANNING AND PROGRAMMING SYSTEM Anniston Production Performance Scorecard ALBANY PUBLICATION SYSTEM APPLY/SLATER ACQUISITION PLANNING SUPPORT SERVICES (APSS) ABRAM PARTS TRACKING SYSTEM ARMY RESERVE ACQUISITION CORPS MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM ARMY RECRUITING COMPENSATION ADVANTAGE AUTOMATED RADIOLOGICAL CONTROLS MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM AIR RESERVE COMPONENT NETCENTRIC FRAMEWORK ARMY RISK MANAGEMENT INSURANCE SYSTEM ARMY RESERVE FAMILY PROGRAMS Administrative Record Information Repository Database Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type USAF FM Initiative 0.543 Legacy ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy USAF ARMY USMC NAVY MSSM MSSM MSSM HRM System System System System 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.167 DCMA ARMY WSLM MSSM System System 17.777 Legacy 0.000 Core ARMY HRM System 0.001 Core ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core NAVY WSLM System 1.276 Core USAF HRM System 0.000 Core ARMY ARMY FM HRM System System 0.000 Core 0.000 Core USAF RPILM System 0.000 Interim Interim Legacy Interim Interim Replacement System Name [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID Termination Schedule System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State 10762 3731 ARM ACTIVE RISK MANAGER USAF WSLM System 0.588 Core 6232 4386 ARMMIS AVIATION ROUNDOUT AND MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM ARMY MSSM 0.000 Core 581 10924 8710 ARMP 8711 ARMP-ACT ARMY ARMY HRM RPILM System System of Systems System 218 8082 ARMS USAF HRM System 1.636 Core 2663 4542 ARMS ARMY FM 0.000 Legacy 7554 1915 ARMS WHS HRM Initiative Family of Systems 1801 3194 ARMS LC USAF HRM System 1.548 Core 12149 293 4134 ARMY FCC ONLINE ARMY FCC ONLINE APPAREL RESEARCH NETWORK 6504 ARN ARMY DLA HRM MSSM System System 0.000 Core 5.011 Core 879 2729 AROWS USAF HRM System 2.296 Interim 1205 2304 ARPIMS ANG RESERVE ORDER WRITING SYSTEM ARMY RESERVE PERSONNEL INFORMATION MIDDLEWARE SYSTEM ARMY HRM 0.148 Core 1491 1287 ARS AUTOMATED RECRUITING SUPPORT NAVY HRM System Family of Systems ARMY RECREATION MACHINE PROGRAM ARMP ACCOUNTING AVIATION RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AUTOMATED RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ADJUDICATION REPORTING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AUTOMATED RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM LEGACY CONVERSION Replacement System Name 0.000 Core 0.000 Core 31 Dec 2011 [GFEBS, FULL] 0.434 Core 7.884 Interim [AF DIMHRS, PARTIAL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name 2667 13918 6631 4543 ARSIDS 1651 ART 4387 ARTIS WEB 1204 4991 9866 2308 ARTRAMS 3517 ASA 4544 ASA (FM&C) LAN 1806 3341 ASAP 2671 4545 ASARS 12979 1215 1591 ASARS 1168 ASBS 478 0474 ASC RMIS 10488 9545 2679 9996 ASCC 2863 ASDS 4343 ASFI 168 7975 ASHS ARMY RESERVE SARSS INFORMATIONAL DATABASE SYSTEM ASSISTANCE REPORTING TOOL ARTIS WEBSITE ARMY RESERVE TRANSACTION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AUTOMATED SET ASSEMBLY ASA (FM&C) LAN AUTOMATED SPECIAL APPROVAL PROCESS ARMY SCHEDULES AUTOMATE REPORT SYSTEM (ASARS) AUTOMATED STOPPER AND REFERRAL SYSTEM ARMY SELECTION BOARD SYSTEM ASC RESOURCE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM Alternate Space Control Center (ASCC) Mission Processing System (MPS) Avionics Software Development System ARMY SINGLE FACE TO INDUSTRY ASSESSMENT SYSTEM FOR HAZARD SURVEYS 5178 6980 ASI ACCOUNTING SYSTEM INTERFACE Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type ARMY TMA ARMY MSSM HRM MSSM System System System 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Core 0.000 Legacy ARMY USMC ARMY HRM MSSM FM System System System 0.157 Core 0.001 Interim 0.000 Interim USAF RPILM System 0.005 Interim ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy DHRA ARMY HRM HRM System System 0.000 Core 1.123 Core USAF HRM 0.652 Core USAF USAF ARMY WSLM WSLM WSLM System System of Systems System System USAF RPILM System 0.057 Legacy NAVY FM System 0.744 Legacy Replacement System Name 31 Mar 2017 [ECSS, FULL] 0.000 Legacy 0.236 Legacy 0.000 Legacy [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2012 PARTIAL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name 913 8087 ASIFP FOR GFM 457 0424 ASIMIS 12369 4091 ASIMIS-DISA 129 0063 ASIMS 2680 8426 ASIP 7017 13357 2649 ASIXS 9990 ASK 747 9883 6849 ASKIT 4388 ASM 2681 13754 13748 3752 ASMIS-R 9990 ASNMS 9997 ASPEN ACCOUNTING SYSTEM FOR INDUSTRIAL FUND PROCUREMENTS FOR GOVERNMENT FURNISHED MATERIAL AIRCRAFT STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM Aircraft Structural Integrity Management Information System - DISA AEROMEDICAL SERVICE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ARMY STATIONING AND INSTALLATION PLAN ACOUSTIC SENSOR INFORMATION EXCHANGE SYSTEM Assignment Satisfaction Key AVIATION STORE KEEPER INFORMATION TRACKING SYSTEM AMCOM SAFETY MESSAGES ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM - REVISE Aircraft Serial Number Management System ASPEN 7676 8712 ASPIRE ARMY SAFETY PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT AND REPORTING SYSTEM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type USAF MSSM Initiative 0.348 Legacy USAF MSSM System 0.451 Core USAF WSLM System 0.000 Legacy TMA HRM System 0.488 Core ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Core NAVY ARMY MSSM HRM System System 0.267 Core 0.000 Core NAVY ARMY FM MSSM System Initiative 0.864 Interim 0.000 Legacy ARMY USAF DODEA RPILM WSLM HRM System System System 0.000 Core 0.000 Core 0.000 Core ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Interim Replacement System Name [ECSS, FULL] 31 Dec 2020 [ECSS, FULL] [NAVY ERP, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name AMMO STOCKPILE RELIABITLITY PROGRAM AMMUNITION STOCKPILE RELIABILITY ASRP FIRING DATA PROGRAM-FIRING DATA RED RIVER ARMY DEPOT AUTOMATED ASRS STORAGE RETRIEVAL SYSTEM ARMY STRATEGIC READINESS UPDATE ASRU SYSTEM AUTOMATED SUPPLY SUPPORT ANALYSIS ASSAT TOOL ARMY SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY ASTMIS MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM ASTORIA ASTORIA NAVIGATOR ACQUISITION, TECHNOLOGY AND AT&L PORTAL LOGISTICS PORTAL AUTOMATED TIME, ATTENDANCE AND ATAAPS PRODUCTION SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AND ATEC TDAP ACQUISITION PROGRAM ATIMS ATIMS ADVANCED TECHNICAL INFORMATION ATIS (32 BIT) SUPPORT SYSTEMS ADVANCED TECHNICAL INFORMATION ATIS WEB SUPPORT SYSTEMS WEB Termination Schedule COMPO IRB Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State 2685 4389 ASRP ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Legacy 6598 4390 ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Legacy 12323 4119 ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Core 9298 4314 ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core 1808 0465 USAF MSSM Initiative 0.135 Interim 6225 2687 4344 4391 ARMY ARMY WSLM MSSM 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Legacy 7527 3758 USD(AT&L)MSSM System System Family of Systems 100 0232 DFAS HRM System 1.723 Legacy 2700 927 4653 0434 ARMY USAF WSLM MSSM System System 0.000 Legacy 0.671 Interim 5022 2268 NAVY MSSM System 0.168 Legacy 715 1219 NAVY MSSM System 0.000 Core Replacement System Name [ECSS, FULL] 31 Mar 2016 [CRMS, FULL] 0.879 Core 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 4435 7883 ATLASS 7378 9997 ATMP 687 1671 ATMS 460 0427 ATOS 89 7069 0211 ATRRS 1741 ATS 6190 12645 12647 4546 ATTCMIS 4173 AU-Blackboard 4184 AU-e-Campus 1815 3141 AUL ILS 1816 3142 AUREPM 10661 3839 AURIMS 1817 13017 3144 AUSMS 4635 AutoCrib System Name Termination Schedule IRB Invest. Type MSSM System 0.001 Legacy HRM System 0.000 Core HRM System 0.476 Legacy USAF MSSM System 4.000 Legacy ARMY NAVY HRM MSSM System System ARMY USAF USAF FM HRM HRM System System System 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Core 0.000 Core USAF HRM System 0.090 Core USAF HRM System 0.739 Core USAF HRM System 0.000 Core USAF USAF HRM MSSM System System 0.271 Core 0.000 Core COMPO ASSET TRACKING LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY SYSTEM USMC AUTOMATED TRAINING MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ARMY AUTOMATED TRAINING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM NAVY AUTOMATED TECHNICAL ORDER SYSTEM ARMY TRAINING REQUIREMENTS AND RESOURCES SYSTEM ACQUISITION TRACKING SYSTEM ATTC MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM Air University Blackboard Academic Suite Air University e-Campus Support System AIR UNIVERSITY LIBRARY INTEGRATED LIBRARY SYSTEM AIR UNIVERSITY REGISTRAR AND EDUCATION PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Air University Research Information Management System AIR UNIVERSITY STUDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (FORMERLY CALLED IGECKO) AutoCrib FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State Replacement System Name [GCSS-MC, 30 Sep 2013 FULL] [ATOS] [ECSS, FULL] 15.381 Core 0.020 Core 31 Dec 2011 [GFEBS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 695 8477 10466 6801 AUTODOC 1192 AV 1192 AV (HIGH SIDE) 13836 3937 AVAS 8683 0575 AVCM 9922 13932 3342 AVCOM 9990 AVIMARK 594 8713 AVMS 11206 713 3133 AWCTS AWIS - SYSTEM 1596 LEVEL 571 1011 AWPS 1365 4392 AWRDS/ABS 872 7043 BAERS-FL 2717 4547 BARDS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type NAVY DLA DLA FM MSSM MSSM System System System 0.000 Legacy 3.924 Core 3.924 Core DFAS HRM System 49.305 Interim DECA HRM System 7.241 Legacy USAF ARMY MSSM HRM System System 0.000 Interim 0.000 Legacy ARMY VOLUNTEER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ARMY ARMY WARRIOR CARE & TRANSITION SYSTEM TMA HRM System 0.000 Core HRM System 0.000 Interim ALL WEAPONS INFORMATION SYSTEM ARMY WORKLOAD AND PERFORMANCE SYSTEM ARMY WAR RESERVE DEPLOYMENT SYSTEM/AUTOMATED BATTLE BOOK BUDGET ANALYSIS EVALUATION REPORTING SYSTEM - FIELD LEVEL BUDGET ANALYSIS AND RATE DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM NAVY MSSM System 5.249 Core ARMY HRM System 11.662 Core ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Legacy TMA HRM System 0.226 Core ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy System Name AUTOMATED FUNDING DOCUMENT SYSTEM ASSET VISIBILITY ASSET VISIBILITY (HIGH SIDE) ACCESS VALIDATION AND AUTHORIZATION SYSTEM AUTOMATED VENDOR CREDIT MEMORANDUMS Advanced Components Obsolescence Management AVIMARK Replacement System Name [NAVY ERP, 28 Apr 2013 PARTIAL] [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type DFAS USAF NAVY FM HRM HRM System System System 0.239 Legacy 0.000 Core 0.051 Core NAVY HRM System 0.135 Interim ARMY DFAS WSLM FM System System 12.090 Core 0.138 Legacy BTA DISA FM FM System System 48.727 Core 1.502 Core NAVY FM System 2.060 Interim 823 1829 8106 0252 BARS 9990 BAS 1982 BAVR 6731 2485 BCNRTS 596 824 1051 BCTM ACE 8191 BEBS 5215 9430 2907 BEIS 3445 BERT 665 6989 BIMS BASE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE SYSTEM BOWLING AUTOMATION SYSTEM BADGE AUTHORIZATION VISIT REQUEST BOARD OF CORRECTIONS OF NAVAL RECORDS BRIGADE COMBAT TEAM MODERNIZATION ADVANCED COLLABORATIVE ENVIRONMENT BOOK ENTRY BOND SYSTEM BUSINESS ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SERVICES BUDGET & EXECUTION REPORTING TOOL BUSINESS INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 1665 1734 BIRDTRACK BIRDTRACK NAVY MSSM System 0.000 Interim 1598 6837 BIS BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEM NAVY FM System 0.613 Legacy 13205 12258 4733 BIS 3963 BITS BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEM Barcode Inventory Tracking System ARMY USAF FM MSSM System System 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Core Replacement System Name [DEAMS, FULL] 01 Mar 2015 [DEAMS, FULL] [NAVY ERP, FULL] [INFORM-21, PARTIAL] [ONE SUPPLY, FULL] [NAVY ERP, PARTIAL] [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2016 FULL] [GFEBS, PARTIAL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID Termination Schedule System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State 4820 0231 BLITS BASE LEVEL ITEM TRACKING SYSTEM NAVY MSSM System 5.905 Core 8565 2007 BLSA V1.0 BASE LEVEL SUPPORT APPLICATION V1.0 DLA MSSM System 9.718 Core 8566 6927 807 6619 292 9302 2007 1603 0358 0934 0262 4315 BLSA V2.0 BMS BOL BOP BOSS BOxi DLA NAVY NAVY ARMY DLA ARMY MSSM MSSM HRM RPILM MSSM HRM System System System System System System 9.718 0.530 1.825 5.873 0.943 0.000 9858 8714 BPDS BASE LEVEL SUPPORT APPLICATION V2.0 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BUPERS ON LINE THE BUSINESS OCCUPANCY PROGRAM BASE OPERATIONS SUPPORT SYSTEM BUSINESS OBJECTS XI BUSINESS PLAN DEVELOPMENT SOFTWARE ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Core 694 6802 BPS 2738 4549 BRAC FM 13429 9994 BRACKMS 1208 1182 4550 BRM 8138 BRS BUDGET PLANNING SYSTEM BASE REALIGNMENT AND CLOSURE FINANCIAL MODULE BASE REALIGNMENT AND CLOSURE KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BASE OPERATIONS REQUIREMENTS MODEL BUDGET REPORTING SYSTEM Replacement System Name Core Core Interim Core Legacy Core NAVY FM System 0.189 Interim ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy NAVY RPILM System 0.000 Core ARMY USAF FM FM System System 0.000 Legacy 0.200 Interim [DEVICE 2H145, PARTIAL] [DEVICE 2H145, PARTIAL] [NAVY ERP, FULL] 31 Dec 2016 [GFEBS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 6857 7150 BSA 1844 3195 BSI+ 419 0591 BSM-E 768 9381 7062 BSPO MS 4551 BT 6853 2611 BTOASD 772 1726 BUD PREP 12778 4763 BUILDER 51 13363 0064 BUMIS II 9990 BWEB SIPRNET 939 3245 C-130 IMIS 1847 9990 C-130J MATS TMS 1758 9990 C-E.N.DC.Maui Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type Replacement System Name BUSINESS SERVICES APPLICATION BIG SAFARI INVENTORY PLUS (BSI+) SYSTEM BUSINESS SYSTEMS MODERNIZATION ENERGY BUSINESS AND STRATEGIC PLANNING OFFICE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BUDGET TRACK BASE TELEPHONE OFFICE ACCOUNT SUMMARY DATABASE NAVY FM System 0.000 Legacy [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2010 FULL] USAF MSSM System 0.150 Legacy 01 Sep 2017 [ECSS, FULL] DLA MSSM System 52.783 Legacy NAVY ARMY FM FM System System 0.105 Interim 0.000 Legacy NAVY FM System 0.000 Legacy SUBMEPP BUDGET PREPARATION BUILDING SUSTAINMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BUREAU OF MEDICINE (NAVY) MANPOWER INFORMATION SYSTEM II BATTLEWEB SIPRNET C-130 INTEGRATED MAINTENANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM C-130J MAINTENANCE AND AIRCREW TRAINING SYSTEM (MATS) TRAINING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (TMS) CIRCUITENCLAVE.NIPR.DEDICATEDCIRCUIT.MAUI NAVY FM System 0.012 Legacy ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Core TMA ARMY HRM MSSM System System 0.145 Core 0.000 Legacy USAF MSSM System 0.001 Interim USAF MSSM System 0.000 Interim USAF WSLM System 0.000 Core 28 Oct 2015 [EC, FULL] [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2017 PARTIAL] [NAVY ERP, 01 Oct 2011 FULL] 01 Sep 2017 [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 7912 9990 8391 8650 8392 4704 8287 8650 8329 8650 8325 8650 8335 8650 8336 8650 CE.N.GC.MacDill.Patri ck CE.N.GC.PETERSON. BUCKLEY CE.N.GC.PETERSON. FEWARREN CE.N.GC.Peterson.Sc hriever CE.N.GC.Peterson.Sc hriever.GTS CE.N.GC.Peterson.Sc hriever.HULA CE.N.GC.Peterson.Sc hriever.LION CE.N.GC.Peterson.Sc hriever.NewBoston System Name CIRCUITENCLAVE.NIPR.GATEWAYCONUS.MACDILL. PATRICK CIRCUITENCLAVE.NIPR.GATEWAYCONUS.PETERS ON.BUCKLEY CIRCUITENCLAVE.NIPR.GATWAYCONUS.PETERSO N.FEWARREN CIRCUITENCLAVE.NIPR.GATEWAYCONUS.PETERS ON.SCHRIEVER CIRCUITENCLAVE.NIPR.GATEWAYCONUS.PETERS ON.SCHRIEVER.GRTS CIRCUITENCLAVE.NIPR.GATEWAYCONUS.PETERS ON.SCHRIEVER.KAENAPOINT CIRCUITENCLAVE.NIPR.GATEWAYCONUS.PETERS ON.SCHRIEVER.OAKHANGER CIRCUITENCLAVE.NIPR.GATEWAYCONUS.PETERS ON.SCHRIEVER.NEWBOSTON Termination Schedule Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB USAF TBD Family of Systems 0.000 Core USAF TBD System of Systems 15.022 Core USAF TBD System of Systems 0.000 Core USAF TBD System 15.022 Legacy USAF TBD System 15.022 Legacy USAF TBD System 15.022 Legacy USAF TBD System 15.022 Legacy USAF TBD System 15.022 Legacy Replacement System Name The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name 8308 CCIRCUITE.N.GC.Peterson.Sc ENCLAVE.NIPR.GATEWAYCONUS.PETERS ON.SCHRIEVER.ONIZUKA 9990 hriever.Onizuka 8337 8650 C-E.S.DC.BOSS 8324 8334 2401 8314 8394 8393 2749 CIRCUITENCLAVE.SIPR.DEDICATEDCIRCUIT.NBAFS CIRCUITENCLAVE.SIPR.DEDICATEDCIRCUIT.KAENA POINT 8650 C-E.S.DC.HULA CIRCUITENCLAVE.SIPR.DEDICATEDCIRCUIT.LION 8650 C-E.S.DC.LION CIRCUITENCLAVE.SIPR.DEDICATEDCIRCUIT.MAUI 9990 C-E.S.DC.Maui CIRCUITENCLAVE.SIPR.DEDICATEDCIRCUIT.ONIZU KA 8650 C-E.S.DC.Onizuka CCIRCUITE.S.GC.PETERSON. ENCLAVE.SIPR.GATEWAYCONUS.PETERSO N.BUCKLEY 8650 BUCKLEY CCIRCUITE.S.GC.PETERSON. ENCLAVE.SIPR.GATWAYCONUS.PETERSO N.FEWARREN 4704 FEWARREN COLLABORATIVE READINESS PROBLEM SOLVING 4405 C-REPS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type USAF TBD System 0.000 Legacy USAF TBD System 15.022 Legacy USAF TBD System 15.022 Legacy USAF TBD System 15.022 Legacy USAF WSLM System 0.000 Core USAF TBD System 15.022 Legacy USAF TBD System 15.022 Core USAF TBD System of Systems 0.000 Core ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Core Replacement System Name The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 9045 8670 3382 C2ISR-MIS 2090 C2K 1849 8856 3196 C2S2 C2XXI BUDGET 4552 SYSTEM 3135 1869 CA / WP 11067 9990 CA HARVEST 10513 4553 CAAANetFIN 11870 374 8715 CAAANetSAFE 6485 CAB 312 6436 CABRILLO-BW 7391 9997 CACES 8074 1877 CADDS 2424 0458 CAFDEX System Name Command and Control Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Sustainment Group Maintenance Info COUPONS CONTRIBUTION-BASED COMPENSATION SYSTEM SOFTWARE COMMAND AND CONTROL BUDGET APPLICATION COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT / WORKFORCE PLANNING CA-ALLFUSION HARVEST CHANGE MANAGER CAAA BUSINESS APPLICATIONS - FINANCE CAAA Businiess Applications - Safety & Environmental CARGO AND BILLING SYSTEM SAP ERP SYSTEM (CABRILLO) BUSINESS WAREHOUSE COMPUTER AIDED COST ENGINEERING SYSTEM AIR 4.2 COST ANALYSIS DATA DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM CENTRALIZED ACCESS FOR DATA EXCHANGE Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type USAF DECA MSSM HRM System System 0.050 Interim 0.871 Legacy USAF WSLM System 0.010 Legacy ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy DLA HRM System 0.000 Core ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY RPILM TRANSCOMFM System System 0.000 Legacy 1.561 Legacy NAVY MSSM Initiative 0.000 Interim ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy NAVY FM System 0.033 Interim USAF MSSM Initiative 2.428 Interim Replacement System Name 30 Sep 2013 [EBS, FULL] 31 Oct 2010 30 Sep 2014 [DEAMS, FULL] [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2008 FULL] 31 Mar 2017 [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 8580 3669 CAFM 1465 1185 6061 CAFRMS 3090 CAFU 10119 2756 2782 CALLAB 9990 CALSET 2000 2757 4396 CAMIN 65 4075 CAMIS 10581 0007 CAMP 7666 4729 CAMS 7964 4305 CAMS 13829 9990 CAMS v3.0 349 0505 CAMS-FM/G081 869 3112 CAMS-ME Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State IRB Invest. Type COMPUTER AIDED FACILITY MANAGEMENT DISA CENTRALIZED ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DTRA CONTRACT AUDIT FOLLOW-UP DCMA RPILM System FM WSLM CALIBRATION-LAB TRACKING SYSTEM CALIBRATION SET 2000 CHEMICAL ACCOUNTABILITY MANAGEMENT INFORMAT CADET ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM CAREER ACQUISITION MANAGEMENT PORTAL CAPABILITIES AND (AROC) MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CORPORATE ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CORPORATE ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Version 3.0 CORE AUTOMATED MAINTENANCE SYSTEM - FOR MOBILITY CAPITAL ASSET MANAGEMENT SYSTEMMILITARY EQUIPMENT NAVY ARMY MSSM MSSM System System System of Systems System ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Legacy USAF HRM 4.400 Core ARMY WSLM Initiative System of Systems ARMY WSLM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core ARMY HRM Initiative 0.000 Core TRANSCOMWSLM System 13.795 Core USD(AT&L)WSLM System System Name COMPO Replacement System Name 0.000 Core 0.675 Legacy 17.777 Legacy 30 Sep 2012 [DAI, FULL] 4.981 Interim 0.000 Core 0.770 Interim 2.936 Interim 19 Jul 2028 [GFEBS, PARTIAL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 1685 2758 6450 CAO 4397 CAP 5142 1213 CAPS 5994 6686 3442 CAPS 2497 CAPS II 3115 0455 CAPS-W 728 1260 CARIS 819 947 0277 CARTS 0388 CAS 3116 3090 CAS 2761 4398 CASA 1567 1608 CASEMIS 2762 4654 CASL 11975 3922 CASM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type COMPUTER ASSISTED ORDERING CONVENTIONAL AMMO PLAN II CENTRALIZED ALLOWANCE PRODUCT SCHEDULER COMPUTER AIDED PROCUREMENT SYSTEM CLEMENCY AND PAROLE II COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM-WINDOWS CORPORATE AUTOMATED RESOURCE INFORMATION SYSTEM COMMISSARY ADVANCED RESALE TRANSACTION SYSTEM COMBAT AMMUNITION SYSTEM FEDERAL DIRECTORY OF CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION SERVICES (CAS) DECA ARMY HRM MSSM System System 1.331 Legacy 0.000 Legacy NAVY MSSM System 0.202 Core DISA NAVY MSSM WSLM System System 0.493 Core 0.585 Legacy DFAS FM System 4.052 Legacy NAVY FM System 0.306 Legacy DECA USAF HRM MSSM System System 20.358 Core 3.350 Legacy DCMA WSLM System 17.777 Legacy COST ANALYSIS STRATEGY ASSESSMENT CONSTRUCTION, AUTOMOTIVE AND SPECIAL EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM COMPETITION ADVOCATES SHOPPING LIST CONTINGENCY ACQUISITION SUPPORT MODEL ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Core NAVY MSSM System 0.113 Legacy ARMY WSLM Initiative 0.000 Legacy USAF WSLM System 0.000 Interim Replacement System Name 31 Oct 2011 [GFEBS, 28 Oct 2020 PARTIAL] [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2018 FULL] 31 Mar 2018 [ECSS, FULL] [EXMIS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID Termination Schedule System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State Replacement System Name 792 7164 CATS CAPITAL ASSET TRACKING SYSTEM NAVY FM System 0.736 Interim 811 1165 CAV (WEB) NAVY MSSM System 1.060 Legacy [NAVY ERP, 30 Apr 2011 FULL] 8612 2600 CAV - AF USAF WSLM System 0.000 Interim 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] 6057 4399 CAVERS FAAST ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Interim 4598 1565 CB-TIMS NAVY WSLM System 0.035 Core 11973 9990 CBM+RE USAF WSLM 1688 CBM-DW ARMY MSSM System Family of Systems 0.000 Interim 7907 8048 6042 2254 CBR OSIMS 3090 CC NAVY DCMA MSSM WSLM System System 0.327 Core 17.777 Legacy 10629 9990 CCAC USAF FM System 0.000 Core 10644 9990 CCAC USAF FM System 0.000 Core 1864 8005 CCAF-STARS COMMERCIAL ASSET VISIBILITY COMMERCIAL ASSET VISIBILITY - AIR FORCE COMMAND ASSET VISIBILITY AND EQUIPMENT REDISTRIBUTION SYSTEM FORCE AND ASSET SEARCH TOOL CONFIGURATION BASED TECHNICAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Conditioned Based Maintenance Plus Research Environment CONDITION BASED MAINTENANCE - DATA WAREHOUSE CHEMICAL BIOLOGICAL RADIOLOGICAL OPERATING SPACE ITEM MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CONTRACT CLOSEOUT CHAPLAIN CORPS ACCOUNTING CENTER USAFE CHAPLAIN CORPS ACCOUNTING CENTER RANDOLPH CCAF STUDENT TRANSCRIPT, ADMINISTRATION, AND RECORD SYSTEM USAF HRM System 0.737 Core 0.000 Interim [NAVY ERP, PARTIAL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 384 8142 CCARS Legacy 7894 9990 CCARS-CBCLIENT 9028 1884 CCARS-E 2185 2846 CCDP MX 8187 2635 CCIMS 13192 4339 CCM-ITI 136 0067 CCQAS 10948 4400 CCRS 154 0068 CCS 6763 3090 CCSFT System Name COMPREHENSIVE COST AND REQUIREMENTS SYSTEM - LEGACY COMPREHENSIVE COST AND REQUIREMENTS SYSTEM (CB CLIENT) DTRA COMPREHENSIVE COST AND REQUIREMENTS SYSTEM (ENTERPRISE) DTRA INTERACTIVE COMPONENT FOR CIVILLIAN CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM WEBSITE CORROSSION CONTROL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CLINICAL CASE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INITIATIVE CENTRALIZED CREDENTIALS AND QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM CENTRALIZED CONTRACTOR RECEIPT SYSTEM COMMAND CORE SYSTEM CMO CUSTOMER SATISFACTION FEEDBACK TOOL Termination Schedule COMPO IRB Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State USAF WSLM System 7.681 Legacy DTRA WSLM System 0.000 Core DTRA WSLM System 1.695 Core USAF HRM System 0.059 Core NAVY MSSM System 0.158 Core TMA HRM Initiative 0.000 Core TMA HRM System 4.077 Core ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Interim TMA HRM System 0.785 Legacy DCMA WSLM System 17.777 Legacy Replacement System Name [PMRT, FULL] [ECSS, 31 Mar 2018 PARTIAL] [ECSS, FULL] [DOEHRS-IH, 30 Jun 2010 PARTIAL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID CCTS CCURE CD CDA CDAS 10125 9198 3122 6774 13884 3199 2926 8639 1014 9990 5685 6879 CDASS 35 0335 CDB 1538 8176 CDB 4438 3510 CDDCS (MC) 4442 2704 CDF -- NG 674 3506 CDMD-OA 454 6512 CDMPC 8103 1977 CDMS 6485 4294 CDRR System Name CONTRACT OFFICE REPRESENTATIVE (COR) CONTRACT TRACKING SYSTEM SENSORMATIC ELECTRONICS CCURE 800 COMMAND DATA CORPORATE DENTAL APPLICATION Cryptologic Depot Accountability System COST DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTING SUBSYSTEM CENTRAL DATABASE ACCOUNTING SYSTEM CORPORATE DATA BASE DAHLGREN CONTRACT DIVISIONS DOCUMENT CONTROL SYSTEM (MC) CONSOLIDATED DATA FILE -- NEXT GENERATION CONFIGURATION DATA MANAGERS DATABASE OPEN ARCHITECTURE Termination Schedule COMPO IRB Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State NAVY WSLM NAVY RPILM STRATCOMHRM TMA HRM USAF MSSM System System System System System NAVY FM System 0.168 Legacy DFAS FM System 0.809 Legacy NAVY FM System 1.848 Legacy USMC MSSM System 0.001 Legacy NAVY MSSM System 0.568 Interim NAVY MSSM System 2.531 Core CONTRACT DEPOT MAINTENANCE PRODUCTION AND COST SYSTEM USAF COMPTROLLER DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM NAVY CENTRAL DOSIMETRY RADIATION REPOSITORY ARMY 0.000 0.062 17.463 0.716 0.000 Replacement System Name Core Core Legacy Interim Core MSSM Initiative 0.470 Legacy FM System 0.900 Legacy HRM Initiative 0.000 Core [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2017 PARTIAL] [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2017 PARTIAL] [CDMPC, FULL] [ECSS, PARTIAL] [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2017 FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 950 31 3437 CDRS 0991 CDS 70 8006 CDSAR 5190 2772 1420 CDUM 8716 CE 10284 3741 CE TAMS 6278 9997 CEALS 6279 9997 CEEMIS 2775 9997 CEFMS 224 0438 CEMS (D042) 3124 9990 CENS 11030 3351 2002 CENTRALLSE 4251 CEP 8681 1240 CEPR Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type CORPORATE DATA REPOSITORY SYSTEM CENTRALIZED DISBURSING SYSTEM COURSE DEVELOPMENT STUDENT ADMINISTRATION REGISTRAR SYSTEM CUSTOMER DRIVEN UNIFORM MANUFACTURING CAPE ENVIRONMENTAL CIVIL ENGINEERING TINKER ASSET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CORPS OF ENGINEERS AUTOMATED LEGAL SYSTEM CORPS OF ENGINEERS ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM CORPS OF ENGINEERS FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM COMPREHENSIVE ENGINE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM COMPUTER EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION SYSTEM DLA IO-E/A/C NIPRNET CENTRAL LOCAL SUBSCRIBER ENCLAVE CERTIFIED PAY COLLECTIONS AND EXPENDITURES PROCESSING AND RECONCILATION USAF DFAS MSSM FM System System 0.886 Legacy 4.040 Legacy USAF HRM System 0.362 Core DLA ARMY MSSM RPILM Initiative Initiative 4.237 Interim 0.000 Legacy USAF RPILM System 0.000 Interim ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy USAF MSSM System 1.949 Legacy PFPA TBD System 0.000 Core DLA ARMY MSSM HRM System System 86.680 Core 0.000 Core DFAS FM System 0.515 Legacy Replacement System Name [ECSS, FULL] 31 Mar 2018 [ECSS, FULL] 30 Sep 2020 [BEIS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 9470 3090 CER 1473 1609 CESMIS 724 0004 CETARS 1837 5970 12147 3749 CETI 3090 CF 4135 CF 29 3111 1056 CFAS 826 2778 0336 CFASS 4230 CFC 2779 4231 CFCPWS 1874 3283 CFD/R2M 391 6457 CFMS 13892 6457 CFMS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT RECORDING CIVIL ENGINEERING SUPPORT MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM CORPORATE ENTERPRISE TRAINING ACTIVITY RESOURCE SYSTEM CONSOLIDATED ENGINEERING TEST INFORMATION CANCELING FUNDS CAREER FIELD 29 COMPTROLLER FINANCIAL AND ACQUISITION SYSTEM CENTRALIZED FINANCE & ACCOUNTING SUPPORT SYSTEMS COMBINED FEDERAL CAMPAIGN TENNESSEE VALLEY (TV) COMBINED FEDERAL CAMPAIGN (CFC) PUBLIC WEB SITE CONTRACT FILE DIGITIZATION USING RELATIVITY RECORDS MANAGER COMMAND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CNIC COMMAND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DCMA WSLM System 17.777 Legacy NAVY MSSM System 0.038 Legacy NAVY HRM System 3.726 Core USAF DCMA ARMY WSLM WSLM HRM JOINT STAFF FM System System System System of Systems DFAS ARMY FM HRM System Initiative 0.338 Legacy 0.000 Core ARMY HRM Initiative 0.000 Core USAF WSLM System 0.035 Interim NAVY FM System 4.190 Legacy NAVY FM System 4.190 Legacy Replacement System Name [EXMIS, FULL] 0.240 Interim 17.777 Legacy 0.000 Core 58.899 Core [NAVY ERP, 01 Jan 2016 FULL] [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2017 FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 13283 0273 CFMS - STORES 481 0278 CFMS-E 12610 3352 2780 1875 9274 12811 0278 4252 4655 9990 2972 4307 332 0322 CHARTS 127 0435 CHCS 38 0345 CHOOSE 1372 0420 CHRIS 952 1077 CIDS 333 2758 CIMS CFMS-L CFP CFR CFS CFSR CFT CPP System Name COMMON FOOD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SUBSISTENCE TOTAL ORDER AND RECEIPT ELECTRONIC SYSTEM WEB COMMON FOOD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ENTERPRISE COMMON FOOD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM LOCAL COMMAND FORMS PLUS CONTRACT FILE ROOM CORPORATE FOOD SYSTEM CFSR Award Fee Evaluation Tool CFT Control Panel Plus CHANGE HISTORY AND REVIEW TRACKING SYSTEM COMPOSITE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM CASH HISTORY ON-LINE OPERATOR SEARCH ENGINE COMMAND HUMAN RESOURCES INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM CONTRACTING INFORMATION DATABASE SYSTEM COLLABORATIVE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type DLA MSSM System 0.000 Core DLA MSSM System 34.087 Core DLA ARMY ARMY USAF USAF USAF MSSM HRM WSLM HRM FM WSLM System System System System System System 34.087 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.023 0.000 NAVY MSSM System 0.028 Interim TMA HRM System 57.392 Legacy DFAS FM System 0.225 Legacy USAF HRM System 0.990 Core USAF MSSM System 2.070 Legacy NAVY MSSM System 0.284 Core Core Core Legacy Legacy Legacy Core Replacement System Name [CFMS-E, FULL] [AHLTA, 30 Sep 2020 PARTIAL] 30 Sep 2020 [BEIS, FULL] [ECSS, PARTIAL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 1616 1177 CIMS 3126 2032 CIMS 8015 2615 CIMS 6196 4556 CIMS - YPG Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type CID INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM COMMAND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CONGRESSIONAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ACCOUNTING & FINANCE: COST INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM YPG ARMY HRM System 2.500 Core MDA FM System 0.256 Legacy NAVY FM System 0.000 Interim ARMY FM Initiative 0.000 Legacy NAVY RPILM System 4.140 Core NAVY TMA HRM HRM USD(C) FM System System System of Systems 865 1182 CIRCUITS 1554 144 1290 CIRIMS 0379 CIS 398 6048 CIS 3127 9990 CISIL CENTRALIZED AND INTEGRATED REPORTING FOR THE COMPREHENSIVE UTILITY INFORMATION TRACKING SYSTEM COMMAND INTEGRATED RECRUITING INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CLINICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM OSD COMPTROLLER INFORMATION SYSTEM CENTRALIZED INTEGRATED SYSTEM INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS DSCA WSLM System 0.000 1534 1232 CITIS-TS CONTRACTOR INTEGRATED TECHNICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM - TEAM SUBMARINE NAVY MSSM System 0.788 Interim 0.661 Legacy 27.246 Interim 0.000 Core Replacement System Name [GFEBS, 31 Dec 2021 PARTIAL] [WEBRTOOLS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type COMPREHENSIVE INTEGRATED TECHNICAL ORDER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CITRIX REMOTE APPLICATION DELIVERY SYSTEM USAF MSSM System 0.292 Interim USAF TBD System 0.085 Legacy USAF ARMY TBD HRM System System NAVY ARMY ARMY HRM HRM HRM System System System 0.206 Interim 0.000 Core 0.000 Core USD(C) FM System 0.000 Core USD(C) FM System 0.000 Core USAF TBD System 0.000 Legacy NAVY MSSM System 0.156 Legacy 1398 0462 CITOMS 8295 1325 CITRIX 8753 550 0392 CITS TCNO-D 4201 CIVFORS 8851 2800 2801 2921 CIVPAY - ROTA 4233 CIVPRO 4234 CIVTRACKS 10361 6048 CLAN-S 10360 6048 CLAN-U 8249 2912 CLASS 1492 1483 CLL 2804 8717 CLS-DST CORPORATE LESSONS LEARNED - SYMIS COMMON LEVELS OF SUPPORT DECISION SUPPORT TOOL ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 1883 9990 CMAS COMMAND MANDAY ALLOCATION SYSTEM USAF MSSM System 0.000 Interim CITS NM/ND TIME COMPLIANCE NETWORK ORDER - DASHBOARD (TCNO-D) CIVILIAN FORECASTING SYSTEM NAVAL STATION ROTA SPANISH CIVILIAN PAYROLL SYSTEM CIVILIAN PRODUCTIVITY REPORT MOBILIZATION TRACKING SYSTEM COMPTROLLER LOCAL AREA NETWORK SECRET COMPTROLLER LOCAL AREA NETWORK UNCLASSIFIED Cryptologic Logistics Automated Support System Replacement System Name 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] 581.881 Core 0.000 Core 01 Sep 2017 [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 7161 1397 CMCS(1) 2805 4235 CMDSM 10365 3444 CMID 2 4628 9998 CMIS 2806 4656 CMODTS 451 0317 CMOS 2808 4657 CMOWS 2809 871 4236 CMOWTS 0589 CMPP 8830 3879 CMPRO 10841 4328 CMRA 4955 1885 3507 CMRM 8143 CMS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type CASE MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEM (1) CAREER MANAGEMENT DECISION SUPPORT MODEL CONTRACT MANAGEMENT INFORMATION DATABASE 2 NAF CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM COMPETITION MANAGEMENT OFFICE DOCUMENT TRACKING SYSTEM USAF FM System 0.985 Legacy ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core TMA HRM System 0.109 Core USMC MSSM System 0.000 Core ARMY WSLM Initiative 0.000 Legacy CARGO MOVEMENT OPERATIONS SYSTEM COMPETITION MANAGEMENT OFFICE WEBSITE COMPETITION MANAGEMENT OFFICE WORKLOAD TRACKING SYSTEM CENTRAL MEAT PROCESSING PLANT CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT, ENGINEERING, AND BUSINESS OPERATIONS SUPPORT CONTRACTOR MANPOWER REPORTING APPLICATION CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT REFERENCE MATERIAL WEBSITE COMMAND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AF USAF MSSM System 5.819 Core ARMY WSLM Initiative 0.000 Legacy ARMY DECA HRM HRM Initiative System 0.000 Interim 1.862 Core NAVY FM System 0.396 Core ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core NAVY USAF MSSM FM System Initiative 0.053 Core 0.000 Core Replacement System Name 01 Sep 2010 [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 6274 8679 4346 CMS 1878 CMS 8572 3130 3872 CMS-ID CMS-RESUMIX 3669 V6.4.6 6765 3090 CMT 13426 6275 2922 CMTIS 4347 CMTOOL 8243 6766 3866 CMTS 3090 CMTV 766 7145 COBRA 1234 1023 COHORT 358 6945 COINS 8006 2816 2325 COMMUNICATOR 4403 COMPASS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type CORPORATE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CAREER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM INTERACTIVE DETAILING DISA RESUCAREER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REUMIX VERSION V6.4.6 CONTRACT MANAGEMENT TEAM ADMINISTRATION CASE MANAGEMENT TRACKING INFORMATION SYSTEM CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT TOOL CASE MANAGEMENT AND TRACKING SYSTEM CONTRACT MANAGEMENT TEAM VIEW COMPUTER OPTIMIZED BATCH RECONCILIATION APPLICATION ON THE WEB COMPOSITE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & RISK TRACKING SYSTEM COMMERCIAL OPERATIONS INTEGRATED SYSTEM INTEGRATED WARFARE SYSTEM COMMUNICATOR COMPASS ARMY DFAS WSLM HRM System System 0.000 Legacy 0.794 Interim NAVY HRM System 0.757 Core DISA HRM System 0.000 Core DCMA WSLM System 17.777 Legacy NAVY ARMY HRM WSLM System System 0.151 Core 0.000 Legacy DHRA DCMA HRM WSLM System System 0.211 Core 17.777 Legacy NAVY FM System 0.000 Interim TMA HRM System 2.821 Interim TRANSCOMMSSM System 1.602 Core NAVY ARMY System System 0.372 Legacy 0.000 Core MSSM MSSM Replacement System Name [NAVY ERP, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 5026 4626 3136 2188 COMPTRAK 9998 COMPUTRON 3253 CONCERTO 1896 411 3344 CONTRAK 1074 CONWRITE (J104) 9304 4316 COOL 1684 0575 COPPS 412 0183 COPS 2822 2259 COPS 13827 9990 COPS 3137 5061 CORAS 3069 4558 CORE DB 12600 3485 CORMIS 5112 2112 CORRS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type USMC USMC USAF RPILM HRM MSSM System System System 0.150 Legacy 0.000 Core 0.237 Interim USAF USAF WSLM WSLM System System 0.015 Interim 0.000 Core CREDENTIALING OPPORTUNITIES ON-LINE ARMY COMMISSARY ON-LINE PRODUCT AND PRICING SYSTEM DECA CONTRACTUAL ONLINE PROCUREMENT SYSTEM DISA HRM System 0.000 Core HRM System 7.241 Legacy WSLM 1.535 Core CENTRALIZED OPERATIONS POLICE SUITE COMMON OPERATING PICTURE SYNCHRONIZER CONTRACTING OFFICER REPRESENTATIVE ADMIN SYSTEM INSCOM CORPORATE RESOURCE ENTERPRISE DATABASE CORRECTIONS MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM COMMANDING OFFICERS READINESS REPORTING SYSTEM ARMY HRM System System of Systems ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core DISA MSSM System 800.720 Core ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy NAVY HRM System 0.290 Interim USMC RPILM System 0.331 Core System Name USMC ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE TRACKING SYSTEM NAF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CONCERTO JDAT, JON, P620:JON, CONTRACTS, DOCUMENTS CONTRACT WRITING SYSTEM 0.999 Core Replacement System Name 31 Mar 2017 [ECSS, FULL] 02 Sep 3022 [EBS, FULL] 31 Oct 2011 The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 14039 1052 COS 5694 1659 COST IMS 10819 2826 490 4327 COSTT 4559 COTS 1137 CPA 413 1641 CPARS 2828 4237 CPAVRS 11012 9812 3815 CPCW 3174 CPET 8859 566 2668 4404 CPETS 1169 CPOL 4229 CPOL-PORTAL 9412 52 11461 1901 8925 13564 3462 7044 4197 3104 1954 9990 CPOLSD CPS II CPT CPTS CRA CRIBMASTER Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type CONTRACT OPPORTUNITY SYSTEM COST INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ARMY WSLM System 0.000 Legacy NAVY FM System 0.000 Legacy CONTINUUM OF SERVICE TRACKING TOOL CUSTOMER ORDER TRACKING SYSTEM CUSTOMS PROCESS AUTOMATION CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT REPORTING SYSTEM CMD PERS ACCOUNTABILITY & VISISBILTY REPORTING SYS CLINICAL PATIENT COMMUNICATION WEB PORTAL SERVICE Curriculum Planning and Execution Tool CHEMICAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT TRACKING SYSTEM CIVILIAN PERSONNEL ONLINE CIVILIAN PERSONNEL ONLINE - PORTAL CIVILIAN PERSONNEL ONLINE SERVICE DESK CLAIMS PROCESSING SYSTEM II Career Pathing Tool CORRECTIVE ACTION TRACKING SYSTEM CALL RECORDING APPLICATION CRIBMASTER PRODUCTS BY WINWARE ARMY HRM ARMY FM TRANSCOMMSSM System Initiative System 0.000 Core 0.000 Interim 4.500 Core DLA WSLM System 1.026 Core ARMY HRM Initiative 0.000 Core TMA USAF HRM HRM Initiative System 0.000 Interim 1.000 Core ARMY ARMY ARMY MSSM HRM HRM System System System 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Core 0.000 Core ARMY TMA USAF USAF DFAS NAVY HRM HRM HRM MSSM HRM MSSM System System System System System System 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.051 1.499 0.000 Core Legacy Core Core Interim Core Replacement System Name [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2014 PARTIAL] 30 Sep 2010 31 Mar 2017 [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name CASE REPORTING AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM COMMANDER'S RESOURCE INTEGRATION SYSTEM CONSOLIDATED RETURN ITEMS STOP PAYMENT SYSTEM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type DODIG HRM System 0.000 Core USAF FM System 2.412 Interim DFAS HRM System 0.130 Legacy NAVY HRM System 0.820 Interim USAF DCMA DFAS MSSM WSLM FM System System System 0.275 Interim 17.777 Legacy 0.070 Legacy ARMY ARMY HRM HRM System Initiative 0.000 Core 0.000 Core DCMA WSLM System 17.777 Legacy 0.553 Core 0.202 Legacy 0.626 Legacy 11127 3801 CRIMS 380 8145 CRIS 835 0469 CRISPS 808 0360 CRM 2250 9469 825 3105 CRMS 3090 CRR 0321 CRS 6600 2842 1186 CRSC APS 9990 CS 6767 3090 CSA 8399 1973 CSAMS CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT CONTRACT REPAIR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CONTRACT RECEIPT AND REVIEW CASH RECONCILIATION SYSTEM COMBAT RELATED SPECIAL COMPENSATION APPLICATION AMCOM CLASSROOM SCHEDULER CUSTOMER SATISFACTION ADMINISTRATION CALIBRATION STANDARDS ASSET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM NAVY MSSM 1103 3754 CSCS CENTRAL SCIENTIFIC COMPUTER SYSTEM USAF WSLM System System of Systems 1489 829 1213 CSM 0235 CSS COSAL SCHEDULING METRICS CONTRACT SUPPORT SYSTEM MSSM WSLM System System NAVY DISA Replacement System Name [IDS, FULL] 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] 30 Sep 2020 [BEIS, FULL] 0.100 Interim [NAVY ERP, PARTIAL] 01 Jan 2009 The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 8972 9990 CSSERT 1669 2860 1310 CSWS DE 4658 CTC 10438 12077 8087 9902 3730 CTI/ETM/D&P 4138 CTMS 2346 CTS CTSF - CTSF TEST 0125 ENVIRONMENT 4451 5971 2866 11057 6997 3090 9997 4139 11734 8718 CYS-ICYSMILES 8911 8719 CYS-VSS 8543 4623 1998 DAASC SITE 3524 DACG CUBIC CV CWMS CYS-CC.NET System Name Contractor Support Services Execution, Reporting, and Tracking CONTRACTOR SUPPORTED WEAPON SYSTEMS DATA EXCHANGE COST TO COMPLETE Command Technology Inc./Electronic Technical Manual/Deployment and Production CIVILIAN TALENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM COMMITMENT TRACKING SYSTEM CENTRAL TECHNICAL SUPPORT FACILITY NETWORK TEST ENVIRONMENT COMPUTERIZED UTILITIES BILLING INTEGRATED CONTROL CONTRACT VIEW CORPS WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CREATIVECURRICULUM.NET ARMY CHILD & YOUTH SCHOOL SERVICES ICYSMILES ARMY CHILD & YOUTH SERVICES VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM DEFENSE AUTOMATIC ADDRESSING SYSTEM CENTER SITE DATA ANALYSIS CONTROL GROUP Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type USAF WSLM Initiative 0.000 Interim USAF ARMY MSSM WSLM System System 4.887 Legacy 0.000 Legacy USAF ARMY NAVY WSLM HRM MSSM 0.000 Interim 0.000 Core 0.000 Core ARMY RPILM Initiative System System System of Systems 17.720 Core NAVY DCMA ARMY ARMY RPILM WSLM RPILM FM System System System System 0.067 17.777 0.000 0.000 ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Core ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core DLA USMC MSSM MSSM System System 382.949 Core 0.050 Interim Legacy Legacy Core Core Replacement System Name 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] [CIRCUITS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 3144 1930 DACIMS/DCARC 6688 7518 5008 DACM MIS 1686 DAI 284 0698 DAISY 1683 0499 DAMIR 2891 4238 DAMIS 2892 4239 DAPMIS 2894 11768 12971 4240 DARTS 3743 DataProd 4208 DAU SIS 1196 4741 DBA 15 0568 DBMS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type DEFENSE AUTOMATED COST INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/DEFENSE COST AND RESOURCE CENTER DIRECTOR OF ACQUISITION CAREER MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM DEFENSE AGENCIES INITIATIVE DPA&E FM System 0.000 Core NAVY BTA HRM FM System System 1.179 Legacy 41.463 Core DEFENSE REUTILIZATION AND MARKETING SERVICE AUTOMATED INFO SYSTEM DEFENSE ACQUISITION MANAGEMENT INFORMATION RETRIEVAL DRUG AND ALCOHOL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PHOTOGRAPH MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM DEPLOYMENT AND RECONSTITUTION TRACKING SOFTWARE DATA MODELING & ANALYSIS PLATFORM DAU STUDENT INFORMATION SYSTEM DATA BASE ADMINISTRATION SUITE OF SYSTEMS DEFENSE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Replacement System Name MSSM System 0.000 Legacy [DLA EBS, PARTIAL] [DSS, 30 Sep 2012 PARTIAL] USD(AT&L)WSLM System 6.436 Core 31 Mar 2007 ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core ARMY HRM TMA HRM USD(AT&L)HRM System System System 0.000 Core 0.000 Core 0.000 Core ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core DFAS FM System 4.674 Legacy DLA 01 Jan 2020 [DAI, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 135 0567 DBSS 3153 1927 4102 DCAMIS 3345 DCAST 12088 9990 DCIAS 1292 7410 DCIPS 30 0643 DCMS 9427 5061 DCMS-CSD 9428 5061 DCMS-TSEAS 5999 0183 DCOP 11886 4140 DCOPS 91 93 0573 DCPDS 0572 DCPS 837 0570 DCRM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type DEFENSE BLOOD STANDARD SYSTEM DOD COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM DEPOT COST & SCHEDULE TOOL DSS COUNTERINTELLIGENCE ANALYTICAL SYSTEM DEFENSE CASUALTY INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEM DEPARTMENTAL CASH MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DISA CASH MANAGEMENT SYSTEM COMPUTING SERVICES DIRECTORATE DISA CASH MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES AND ENTERPRISE ACQUISITION SERVICES DITCO CONTRACTING OPPORTUNITIES PAGES DOCPER CONTRACTOR ONLINE PROCESSING SYSTEM DEFENSE CIVILIAN PERSONNEL DATA SYSTEM DEFENSE CIVILIAN PAY SYSTEM DEFENSE CHECK RECONCILIATION MODULE TMA HRM System 6.492 Legacy 30 Sep 2020 [EBMS, FULL] USD(AT&L)TBD USAF FM System System 0.000 Core 0.350 Interim 31 Mar 2017 [ECSS, FULL] DSS HRM System 0.000 Core ARMY HRM System 0.797 Core DFAS FM System 3.038 Legacy DISA FM System 800.720 Legacy DISA FM System 800.720 Legacy DISA WSLM System 1.535 Core ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core DHRA DFAS HRM HRM System System 146.656 Core 43.313 Legacy DFAS FM System 0.173 Legacy 01 Jan 2009 Replacement System Name The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 9796 13882 2903 3114 DCTS 9990 DD1000 4659 DD350 8480 2002 DDAA - NET 8488 2002 DDAG - NET 838 3159 8198 DDARS 0275 DDATA 8490 1930 2002 DDBC - NET 0436 DDC DDC BLDG 54 2002 SIPRNET 11128 11130 2002 DDC HQ DDC HQ BLDG 81 2002 SIPRNET 8496 2002 DDCN - NET 8498 2002 DDCT - NET 8491 Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type DIMHRS COACHWARE TRAINING SUPPORT DD1000 Supply System Inventory Report AMCOM DD350 STANDARDIZATION DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION DEPOT ANNISTON ALABAMA DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION DEPOT ALBANY GEORGIA DEFENSE DISBURSING ANALYSIS REPORTING SYSTEM DOD DATA SERVICES DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION DEPOT BARSTOW CALIFORNIA DDC (NIAGRA) SYSTEMS DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION CENTER BUILDING 54 SIPRNET ARMY USAF ARMY HRM MSSM WSLM System System Initiative DLA MSSM System 86.680 Core DLA MSSM System 86.680 Core DFAS DLA FM MSSM System System DLA USAF MSSM RPILM System System 86.680 Core 2.900 Core DLA MSSM System 86.680 Core DDC HQ DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION CENTER DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION CENTER HQ BLDG 81 SIPRNET DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION DEPOT CHERRY POINT NORTH CAROLINA DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION DEPOT CORPUS CHRISTI TEXAS DLA MSSM System 86.680 Core DLA MSSM System 86.680 Core DLA MSSM System 86.680 Core DLA MSSM System 86.680 Core 0.000 Core 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Legacy 1.133 Legacy 2.739 Core Replacement System Name The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION DEPOT SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION DEPOT GERMERSHEIM GERMANY DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION DEPOT KOREA DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION DEPOT GUAM MARIANAS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type DLA MSSM System 86.680 Core DLA DLA MSSM MSSM System System 86.680 Core 86.680 Core DLA MSSM System 86.680 Core 8499 2002 DDDC - NET 8500 8501 2002 DDDE - NET 2002 DDDK - NET 8503 2002 DDGM - NET 8504 2002 DDHU - NET DLA MSSM System 86.680 Core 8506 2002 DLA MSSM System 86.680 Core 8515 2002 DLA MSSM System 86.680 Core 8529 32 2002 0579 DLA DFAS MSSM FM System System 86.680 Core 1.587 Core 8531 2002 DLA MSSM System 86.680 Core 8532 2002 DLA MSSM System 86.680 Core 8533 2002 DLA MSSM System 86.680 Core 8534 2002 DLA MSSM System 86.680 Core DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION DEPOT HILL UTAH DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION DEPOT SAN DDJC - NET JOAQUIN CALIFORNIA DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION DEPOT DDJF - NET JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION DEPOT KUWAIT SOUTHWEST ASIA - THEATER DDKS - TCSP - NET CONSOLIDATION SHIPPING POINT DDMS DEFENSE DEBT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION DEPOT NORFOLK DDNV - NET VIRGINIA DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION DEPOT DDOO - NET OKLAHOMA CITY OKLAHOMA DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION DEPOT PEARL DDPH - NET HARBOR HAWAII DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION DEPOT PUGET DDPW - NET SOUND WASHINGTON Replacement System Name The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 8535 23 1229 2002 DDRT - NET 8192 DDS 0073 DDS-W 8537 2002 DDSI - NET 8538 2002 DDSP - NET 12078 4141 DDTMS 8539 2002 DDTP - NET 8540 2002 DDWG - NET 8541 2002 DDYJ - NET 465 0178 DEAMS 6718 2471 DEAMS 1664 1590 DECKPLATE System Name DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION DEPOT RED RIVER TEXAS DEPLOYABLE DISBURSING SYSTEM DENTAL DATA SYSTEM - WEB DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION DEPOT SIGONELLA ITALY DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION DEPOT SUSQUEHANNA, PA Department of Defense Talent Management System DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION DEPOT TOBYHANNA PA DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION DEPOT WARNER ROBINS GEORGIA DEFENSE DISTRIBUTION DEPOT YOKOSUKA JAPAN DEFENSE ENTERPRISE ACCOUNTING AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DATA EXCHANGE AGREEMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DECISION KNOWLEDGE PROGRAMMING FOR LOGISTICS ANALYSIS AND TECHNICAL EVALUATION Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type DLA DFAS TMA MSSM FM HRM System System System 86.680 Core 7.192 Interim 0.763 Core DLA MSSM System 86.680 Core DLA MSSM System 86.680 Core ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core DLA MSSM System 86.680 Core DLA MSSM System 86.680 Core DLA MSSM System 86.680 Core USAF FM System 10.536 Core NAVY WSLM System 0.011 Core NAVY MSSM System 8.569 Core Replacement System Name The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name DEFENSE ENROLLMENT AND ELIGIBILITY REPORTING SYSTEMS, THE REAL-TIME AUTOMATED PERSONNEL IDENTIFICATION DEERS, RAPIDS, SYSTEM, AND THE COMMON ACCESS CAC CARD DEFENSE ENTERPRISE HIRING SOLUTION DEHS USA STAFFING INTERIM DEFENSE ENTERPRISE HIRING SOLUTION DEHS-LONG TERM LONG TERM DEMILOPS DEMILITARIZATION OPERATIONS DENCAS DENTAL COMMON ACCESS SYSTEM DEFENSE ENVIRONMENTAL NETWORK DENIX AND INFORMATION EXCHANGE 1391 4035 12609 3685 13840 11737 54 3704 4348 0074 3180 1352 14006 6888 3897 DEPARTMENTAL 1965 DEPBOM 817 0556 DERMAS 8855 1721 DESKES 2087 2905 3337 DESPAIR 4407 DEXS NAVY DEPARTMENTAL SYSTEMS DEPOT BILL OF MATERIAL DECA ELECTRONIC RECORDS MANAGEMENT ARCHIVING SYSTEM DOD EXPLOSIVES SAFETY KNOWLEDGE ENTERPRISE SERVICE DIRECTORATE EQUIPMENT, SOFTWARE, PERIPHERAL, AND ACCOUNT INVENTORY REPOSITORY DEPOT EXECUTION SYSTEM (DEXS) Termination Schedule Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB DHRA HRM Family of Systems BTA HRM System BTA ARMY TMA HRM WSLM HRM System System System 0.000 Core 0.000 Legacy 0.855 Legacy ARMY RPILM 2.419 Core NAVY NAVY HRM MSSM System Family of Systems System DECA HRM System 1.223 Core USD(AT&L)RPILM System 0.000 Core USAF ARMY System Initiative 0.001 Legacy 0.000 Interim WSLM MSSM Replacement System Name 159.802 Core 28.146 Core 0.186 Legacy 0.005 Core 31 Oct 2015 [AHLTA, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 288 9473 6010 0592 DFAMS 3090 DFE 3465 DFMS 840 3182 2094 DFRRS 1861 DGATE 10106 2648 DHPRDB 1111 9990 DIADS 1187 1689 1110 13240 3090 0575 3436 4742 DIBCRS DIBS DIDS DIEMS 12 1271 DIFMS 839 0596 DIFS 3185 6521 DIMHRS 12605 3494 DIMS System Name DEFENSE FUEL AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DUTY-FREE ENTRY DISA FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DEPARTMENTAL FINANCIAL REPORTING AND RECONCILIATION SYSTEM DOD GATEWAY SERVICES DEFENSE HEALTH PROGRAM RESOURCE DATA BASE DIGITAL INTEGRATED AIR DEFENSE SYSTEM DEFENSE INDUSTRIAL BASE AND CAPABILITIES AND READINESS SYSTEM DECA INTERACTIVE BUSINESS SYSTEM DATA ITEM DESCRIPTIONS ADVISOR Date Initial Entry Management System DEFENSE INDUSTRIAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DEFENSE INTEGRATED FINANCIAL SYSTEM DEFENSE INTEGRATED MILITARY HUMAN RESOURCES SYSTEM DISTRIBUTION INCENTIVES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type DLA DCMA DISA MSSM WSLM FM System System System 2.634 Legacy 17.777 Legacy 0.000 Legacy DFAS DLA FM MSSM System System 0.550 Legacy 1.581 Core TMA HRM Initiative 0.552 Interim USAF WSLM System 0.000 Interim DCMA DECA USAF ARMY WSLM HRM WSLM HRM System System System System 17.777 7.241 0.149 0.000 Legacy Legacy Interim Core DFAS FM System 3.751 Legacy DFAS FM System 0.797 Legacy BTA HRM System NAVY HRM System Replacement System Name 30 Apr 2014 30 Sep 2020 [BEIS, FULL] [AFM, PARTIAL] 01 Nov 2016 30 Sep 2013 [EBS, FULL] [NAVY ERP, FULL] [ECSS, 30 Sep 2017 FULL] 13.400 Core 0.317 Legacy [NMPBS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 8452 6717 8720 DIS FT SILL DISCLOSURE 2468 PORTAL 3214 1903 DISDI PORTAL 2.0 DISN OSS SMS 0595 WMS 1640 842 0594 DISS 0650 DIT 8853 1730 DIUCS 92 0134 DJMS-AC 244 8482 488 1880 DJMS-RC 2002 DLA DOC SVCS 5090 DLA EBS 14002 10467 8486 13749 619 Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type DOCUMENT IMAGING SYSTEM FORT SILL ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy DISCLOSURE PORTAL DEFENSE INSTALLATION SPATIAL DATA INFRASTRUCTURE PORTAL 2.0 DISN OSS SMS - WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DEFENSE INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR SECURITY DEPOSIT IN TRANSIT DEFENSE INJURY AND UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION SYSTEM DEFENSE JOINT MILITARY PAY SYSTEM ACTIVE COMPONENT DEFENSE JOINT MILITARY PAY SYSTEM RESERVE COMPONENT DLA DOCUMENT SERVICES ENCLAVE DLA ENTERPRISE BUSINESS SYSTEM NAVY WSLM System 0.011 Core USD(AT&L)RPILM System 0.000 Interim DISA MSSM BTA DFAS HRM FM System Family of Systems System DHRA HRM System 0.000 Core DFAS HRM System 26.627 Legacy 31 Oct 2010 DFAS DLA DLA HRM MSSM MSSM System System System 11.772 Legacy 86.680 Core 95.675 Core 01 Oct 2010 DLA DLA MSSM MSSM System System 86.680 Core 86.680 Core DLA ARMY MSSM HRM System System 86.680 Core 14.796 Core DLA-E PULASKI 2002 SIPRNET ENCLAVE DLA-E PULASKI SIPRNET ENCLAVE DLIS ENCLAVE 2002 DLIS ENCLAVE DLA LOGISTICS INFORMATION SERVICE SIPRNET 2002 DLIS SIPRNET DISTRIBUTED LEARNING PROGRAM 6306 DLP Replacement System Name 2,002.167 Core 20.600 Core 0.167 Legacy 30 Sep 2020 [BEIS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name DISTRIBUTED LEARNING SYSTEM Defense Lodging System DISTRIBUTED LEARNING SYSTEM DLS INCR4 INCREMENT 4 DM/RA DATA MINING/RISK ASSESSMENT DEPOT MAINTENANCE ACCOUNTING AND DMAPS PRODUCTION SYSTEM DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS DMAT TOOL DEFENSE MEDICAL HUMAN RESOURCES DMHRSI SYSTEM - INTERNET DEFENSE MEDICAL LOGISTICS STANDARD DMLSS SUPPORT DEFENSE MEDICAL LOGISTICS STANDARD DMLSS-W SUPPORT-WHOLESALE DMM DIGITAL MAIL MODERNIZATION DMO DEFENSE MILPAY OFFICE DEPOT MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS DMOPS PLANNING SYSTEM Data Management & Process Automation DMPAS (BENNING) System DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT REPLACEMENT DMRS SYSTEM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type HRM HRM System System 54.110 Core 0.000 Core 626 9228 0688 DLS 9990 DLS ARMY USAF 11050 11330 4331 4096 ARMY HRM USD(AT&L)MSSM System System 0.000 Core 0.000 Core 200 6962 USAF MSSM System 10.523 Legacy 11037 4408 ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Interim 130 0611 TMA HRM System 15.314 Core 128 0613 TMA HRM System 63.649 Core 13412 13414 95 0613 1821 8399 DLA WHS DFAS MSSM HRM HRM System System System 63.649 Core 0.000 Core 16.094 Legacy 6296 4560 ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy 7687 8721 ARMY HRM System 0.000 Legacy 13842 4713 TMA HRM System 0.000 Core 2912 4409 DMS MSSM Initiative 0.000 Legacy DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (DMS) ARMY Replacement System Name 31 Mar 2017 [ECSS, FULL] 30 Sep 2011 The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name Termination Schedule COMPO IRB USAF MSSM Family of Systems ARMY DISA MSSM MSSM System System 0.000 Core 0.235 Core TMA HRM System 2.348 Core MSSM System 0.007 Core USAF ARMY NAVY DLA MSSM HRM MSSM WSLM System System System System 0.022 0.000 0.034 9.309 DHRA HRM Initiative 0.000 Core DHRA HRM System 0.000 Core USD(AT&L)RPILM Initiative 0.000 Core USAF MSSM System 0.202 Core DODEA HRM System 1.513 Core 971 3346 DMSI 9072 8546 4413 DMSMS 3450 DMSN 1236 0077 DMSS DEPOT MAINTENANCE SYSTEM INTEGRATION ARMY DIMINISHING MANUFACTURING SOURCES AND MATERIAL SHORTAGES DITCO MISSION SUPPORT NETWORK DEFENSE MEDICAL SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM 8097 2338 DMTS DEFECTIVE MATERIAL TRACKING SYSTEM NAVY 1949 2915 9200 416 8111 4241 2925 6534 13894 1766 DOD EOPF 13919 1619 DOD EPAT 14003 1849 DOD RPIES 1950 3347 DODAAC 13293 1797 DODAAC DMWPCS DNA DNC DOD EMALL DEPOT MAINTENANCE WORKLOAD PLANNING AND CONTROL SYSTEM (G004C) DISTRIBUTION AND ALLOWANCE DIRECT NUMERICAL CONTROL DOD ELECTRONIC MALL DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ELECTRONIC OFFICIAL PERSONNEL FOLDER DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE EXECUTIVE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL TOOL REAL PROPERTY INVENTORY ENTERPRISE SYSTEM DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ACTIVITIES ADDRESS CODE (DODAAC) REPORTS Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State 10.300 Legacy Legacy Core Core Core Replacement System Name 31 Mar 2017 [ECSS, FULL] 01 Jan 2009 31 Mar 2017 [ECSS, FULL] [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 5027 3511 DODAAD (MC) 3263 6478 DODEA WAAS 12005 11731 3871 DoDMERB 2020 4338 DODNHB 13190 3671 DoDSER 8700 1255 DODVES 12593 1998 DOE 1227 0079 DOEHRS-HC 165 1042 DOEHRS-IH 5928 3265 11472 2917 9990 1807 3716 4414 DOHA DOL DOM DONATIONS System Name DEPT OF DEFENSE ACTIVITY ADDRESS DIRECTORY SYSTEM (MARINE CORPS) DODEA WHS ALLOTMENT ACCOUNTING SYSTEM DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE MEDICAL EXAMINATION REVIEW BOARD 2020 DOD NAF HEALTH BENEFITS DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE SUICIDE EVENT REPORT DEPT OF DEFENSE VOLUNTARY EDUCATION SYSTEM DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY OGDEN ENCLAVE DEFENSE OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH READINESS SYSTEM - HEARING CONSERVATION DEFENSE OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH READINESS SYSTEM - INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE DEFENSE OFFICE OF HEARINGS AND APPEALS DAPS ONLINE DCGS Operator's Manual DONATIONS DATA BASE Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type USMC MSSM System 0.001 Core DODEA FM System 80.407 Interim TMA ARMY HRM HRM System System 0.000 Core 0.000 Core TMA HRM 0.000 Core NAVY HRM System Family of Systems DLA MSSM Initiative TMA HRM System 1.793 Core TMA HRM System 17.255 Core GC DLA USAF ARMY HRM MSSM WSLM MSSM System System System System Replacement System Name 2.128 Core 382.949 Core 0.000 0.947 0.000 0.000 Core Legacy Core Core [E-PRINT, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name 815 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY CRIMINAL JUSTICE INFORMATION SYSTEM DON HERITAGE ASSET MANAGEMENT DONHAMS/DONCO SYSTEM - COLLECTIONS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 3422 MS DON OGC SERVICES 2751 DONOGCSS DISTRICT PROFILES 1797 DP DEFENSE PROPERTY ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEM 0622 DPAS DEMILITARIZATION PROGRAM MGT SYSTEM 4415 DPMS DEFENSE PERSONNEL RECORDS INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM 9990 DPRIS 489 11884 0313 DPS 4416 DPST 98 0623 DRAS 2921 9997 DRCHECKS 1295 1947 DRILS 12247 3955 DRMS 1392 8548 6678 13287 3266 6601 1196 DONCJIS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type NAVY HRM System 1.508 Core NAVY NAVY DODEA MSSM HRM HRM System System System 0.000 Core 0.359 Core 1.513 Core USD(AT&L)MSSM System 13.436 Core ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Legacy DHRA HRM System 0.000 Core DEFENSE PERSONAL PROPERTY SYSTEM Depot Production Support Tool DEFENSE RETIREE AND ANNUITANT PAY SYSTEM TRANSCOMMSSM ARMY MSSM System System 25.620 Core 0.000 Legacy DFAS HRM System 10.340 Legacy DESIGN REVIEW AND CHECKING SYSTEM DEFENSE REPAIR INFORMATION LOGISTICS SYSTEM DOCUMENT & REFERRAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy USAF MSSM System 0.486 Interim TMA HRM Initiative 0.000 Core Replacement System Name 30 Jun 2015 31 Mar 2018 [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 856 0684 DRO 11331 2728 DRRS 1563 2855 DS-PORTAL 1629 1630 1680 DS2-CRM 1683 DS2-S 3267 9990 DSADC LAN 11499 3659 DSAID 437 9990 DSAMS 6030 10685 8510 10362 8556 10357 1797 2002 2002 2002 2002 3903 2924 6772 9990 DSESTS 3090 DSM DSAVS DSCP SIPRNET DSCR DSCR SIPRNET DSCR-M DSES System Name DISBURSING RETURNS OVERSEAS AND AFLOAT ACTIVITIES DEFENSE READINESS REPORTING SYSTEM DISTANCE SUPPORT - ANCHOR DESK WEBSITE DISTANCE SUPPORT 2 (DS2) CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT DISTANCE SUPPORT 2 (DS2) SOLUTION DEFENSE SECURITY ASSISTANCE DEVELOPMENT CENTER LAN DEFENSE SEXUAL ASSAULT INCIDENT DATABASE DEFENSE SECURITY ASSISTANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DODEA STAFF AUTHORIZATION AND VOUCHER SYSTEM DSCP SIPRNET DSCR LAN DSCR SIPRNET DSCR MECHANICSBURG LAN DEFENSE SAFETY ENTERPRISE SYSTEM DIRECT SUPPORT ELECTRICAL SYSTEM TEST SET DELIVERY SCHEDULE MANAGEMENT Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type DFAS FM System 0.284 Legacy USD(P&R) HRM System 0.850 Core NAVY MSSM System 0.506 Core NAVY NAVY MSSM MSSM System System 0.673 Core 4.196 Core DSCA WSLM System 0.000 Core USD(P&R) HRM System 0.007 Core DSCA WSLM System 0.000 DODEA DLA DLA DLA DLA USD(P&R) HRM MSSM MSSM MSSM MSSM HRM System System System System System System 1.513 86.680 86.680 86.680 86.680 0.000 ARMY DCMA MSSM WSLM System System 0.000 Core 17.777 Legacy Core Core Core Core Core Core Replacement System Name 30 Sep 2020 [BEIS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID Termination Schedule System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State 8614 2426 DSOR DEPOT SOURCE OF REPAIR USAF MSSM 9039 281 4413 9990 DSPSS 0582 DSS 3525 DSSC USAF DLA USMC WSLM MSSM MSSM 13222 4743 DTAS NIPR ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core 624 2512 DTAS SIPR ARMY HRM System 9.716 Core 13224 8861 3270 Defense Support Program Support System DISTRIBUTION STANDARD SYSTEM DIRECT SUPPORT STOCK CONTROL Deployed Theater Accountability System NonSecure Internet Protocol DEPLOYED THEATER ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEM - SECURE INTERNET PROTOCOL DEPLOYED THEATER ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEM - TRAINING DEPOT TOTAL ASSET VISIBILITY SYSTEM DTIC SAN DIEGO System System of Systems System System 4744 DTAS TNG 4417 DTAVS ANAD 5024 DTIC SD DTIC UNCLASS INT DTIC UNCLASSIFIED INTERNAL 5024 LAN DEFICIENCY TRACKING AND REPORTING 1458 DTR DTRA AUTOMATED GRANTS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - UNCLASSIFIED 3827 DTRA AGMS-U DEFENSE TRANSPORTATION PAYMENT SYSTEM 0630 DTRS DEFENSE TRANSPORTATION PAYMENT SYSTEM - ACCOUNTING 8189 DTRS-A DEFENSE TRAVEL SYSTEM 6312 DTS ARMY ARMY DTIC HRM MSSM TBD System System System 0.000 Core 0.000 Core 22.487 Core DTIC NAVY TBD MSSM System System 22.487 Core 0.025 Interim DTRA WSLM System 0.449 Interim DFAS FM System 0.000 Legacy DFAS BTA FM HRM System System 0.000 Legacy 21.191 Core 3271 7115 11013 34 855 125 Replacement System Name [ECSS, FULL] 0.443 Interim 0.000 Legacy 25.635 Core 0.001 Legacy 30 Dec 2027 The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 13843 1409 DVBIC CCD 13522 13244 1249 DVEIVR 4745 DVIS 7 9429 4009 DWAS 5061 DWFN 2935 4418 DWRMS 10800 6915 10 11949 3800 2209 6304 4715 E-3 TCG E-6 SMP E-BIZ e-FilePlan ECS 1437 12786 1439 10567 2457 1512 1807 0144 4326 3367 E-JMAPS E-PRINT E-WP E.D.S. E332 7552 1902 E562 System Name DEFENSE AND VETERANS BRAIN INJURY CENTER´S CARE COORDINATION DATABASE DEFENSE AND VETERANS EYE INJURY AND VISION REGISTRY Deserter Verification Information System DEFENSE WORKING CAPITAL FUND ACCOUNTING SYSTEM DISA WORLDWIDE FINANCIAL NETWORK DEPOT WORKLOAD RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM E-3 Technical Coordination Group (TCG) Tracking and Documentation/TCG Task/Info Tracking Database E-6 SGML MANAGEMENT PROGRAM BUSINESS MANAGEMENT REDESIGN e-filePlan Electronic Cabinet System ELECTRONIC JOINT MANPOWER AND PERSONNEL SYSTEM DAPS E-PRINT SYSTEM E-WORKPLACE EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY ELECTRONIC 332 SYSTEM ELECTRONIC DD562 SYSTEM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type TMA HRM Initiative 0.000 Core TMA ARMY HRM HRM System System 0.000 Interim 0.000 Core DFAS DISA FM FM System System 4.564 Legacy 800.720 Legacy ARMY MSSM Initiative 0.000 Interim USAF NAVY DFAS USAF MSSM MSSM FM MSSM Initiative System System System 0.000 0.104 7.387 0.000 Core Core Interim Core System System System System System Family of Systems 0.000 0.947 0.820 0.000 0.250 Core Core Core Core Interim JOINT STAFF HRM DLA MSSM DLA MSSM ARMY HRM USAF RPILM WHS MSSM 0.039 Core Replacement System Name The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name EA6B ENGINEERING DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM COMMAND OPERATING BUDGET SYSTEM ECBC ADVANCED DESIGN & EADM MANUFACTURING EMPLOYEE ACTIVITY GUIDE FOR LABOR EAGLE ENTRY EAGLE EMAP EAGLE MODIFICATION ACTION PLAN EAGLE ELECTRONIC TOOLING INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM EAGLE ETIMS (ETIMS) EAGLE RSAF DEPOT RETROFIT EVENTS AND MODIFICATION SCHEDULING SYSTEM EAGLE RSAF DREM TWO ENLISTED ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION EAIS SYSTEM EAS ENTITLEMENTS AUTOMATION SYSTEM EAS EXHIBIT AUTOMATION SYSTEM (EAS) EAS EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION PROGRAM EAS IV EXPENSE ASSIGNMENT SYSTEM IV EASE Electronic Acquisition Services Environment ENTERPRISE APPLICATIONS SOFTWARE EASS SUITE EASYPOWER EASYPOWER Termination Schedule COMPO IRB Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State Replacement System Name 13574 6268 3456 EA6B EDMS 4561 EACOBS/EABANK NAVY ARMY MSSM FM System System 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Legacy 6304 4419 ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Legacy 8561 974 2007 1102 DLA USAF MSSM MSSM System System 9.718 Core 1.056 Interim 01 Sep 2017 [ECSS, FULL] 975 1103 USAF MSSM System 0.000 Interim 01 Sep 2017 [ECSS, FULL] 976 3567 USAF MSSM System 0.000 Interim 01 Sep 2017 [ECSS, FULL] 12507 845 2939 3272 145 12649 3873 1171 4562 1797 6592 4181 NAVY DFAS ARMY DODEA TMA USAF HRM FM FM HRM HRM WSLM System System System System System System 0.460 8.905 0.000 1.513 9.222 0.000 754 1967 3124 9990 NAVY USAF WSLM RPILM System System 0.457 Core 0.000 Interim Core Legacy Legacy Core Core Legacy 31 Dec 2011 [GFEBS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 1527 0150 EBIS 6031 1797 EBIS 480 0523 EBM / DEPS 13520 12399 3993 EBMS 4160 eBOSS 13189 4219 eBRAP 1117 12134 12580 3274 1626 0478 EBS 3943 EBS EBSS-WEB-CCF4753 PEND 1811 EBUS 1791 EC 19 0158 EC/EDI 8131 1961 EC/TMS 6822 3090 ECARS System Name EXECUTIVE BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEM EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INFORMATION SYSTEM ENTERPRISE BUSINESS MODERNIZATION / DISA ENTERPRISE PROCUREMENT SYSTEM ENTERPRISE BLOOD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Electronic Board Operations Support System ELECTRONIC BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH APPLICATION PORTAL ENTERPRISE BUSINESS SYSTEM ENTERPRISE BUSINESS SOLUTION ENLISTED BACKGROUND SCREENING WEB CCF PENDING PROGRAM DOD ELECTRONIC BUSINESS ENERGY CONVERGENCE ELECTRONIC COMMERCE/ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE EMPLOYEE CENTRAL TRAINING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ELECTRONIC CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION REQUEST SYSTEM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type NAVY FM System 0.517 Legacy DODEA HRM System 1.513 Legacy DISA WSLM System 4.004 Interim TMA USAF HRM HRM System System TMA HRM USAF DECA WSLM HRM System Family of Systems Initiative 10.700 Core 35.436 Core ARMY DLA DLA HRM MSSM MSSM System System System 0.000 Core 2.535 Core 61.231 Interim DFAS FM Initiative 11.795 Core NAVY HRM System 0.157 Core DCMA WSLM System 17.777 Legacy 16.719 Core 4.414 Core 0.000 Core Replacement System Name [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2013 FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 9368 4662 ECOP 738 841 7123 ECRAFT 1233 ECS 441 418 2943 0483 ECSS 6576 EDA 8384 EDARTS 8680 7023 EDARTS 1192 11034 1172 EDAS 4425 EDDB 3275 13878 0290 EDI 9996 EDLI v1.0 495 0734 EDM 13995 1293 EDM - EEO-DS System Name EQUIPMENT COMMON OPERATING PICTURE ELECTRONIC COST AND FINANCIAL TRACKING ELECTRONIC CERTIFICATION SYSTEM EXPEDITIONARY COMBAT SUPPORT SYSTEM ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT ACCESS EDARTS ELECTRONIC DECA AUTOMATED REQUISITION TRACKING SYSTEM ENLISTED DISTRIBUTION AND ASSIGNMENT SYSTEM EXCESS DISPOSITION DATABASE DECA ELECTRONIC COMMERCE/ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE Evolutionary Data Link Interconnection v1.0 ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT (EDM) PROGRAM DLA ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY DATA SYSTEM Termination Schedule Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB ARMY WSLM Family of Systems 0.000 Legacy NAVY DFAS WSLM FM System System 0.006 Legacy 0.914 Legacy USAF BTA ARMY MSSM WSLM WSLM System System System 318.751 Core 0.000 Core 0.000 Interim DECA HRM System 0.267 Interim ARMY ARMY HRM MSSM System System 2.160 Core 0.000 Interim DECA USAF HRM WSLM System System 0.706 Interim 0.000 Interim DFAS FM System 5.378 Interim DLA HRM System 6.588 Core Replacement System Name The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 5187 1293 EDM - FDW 6931 1970 1604 EDM/FDM 3048 EDMS 5997 0233 EDMS 8466 4117 EDMS 8483 13910 7684 3276 5930 10743 1998 2234 4303 3090 6303 3744 12309 4143 EEOSAT 169 6882 7525 9058 1126 1530 6048 2871 EDMS EDSS EDTM EDW EDW EEMS EESOH-MIS EF EFD EFIN System Name DLA ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT FINANCIAL DOCUMENT WORKFLOW NAVFAC EFFORT DISTRIBUTION MATRIX/FUND DISTRIBUTION MATRIX AUTOEDMS ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICE Engineering Data Support System Enlisted Distribution Target Model ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT WORKFLOW ENTERPRISE DATA WAREHOUSE Energy Enterprise Management System EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY SELF ASSESSMENT TOOL ENTERPRISE ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM ENABLER FRAMEWORK ENTERPRISE FUNDS DISTRIBUTION EFINANCE WORKSPACE Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type DLA FM System 6.588 Legacy NAVY USAF FM RPILM System Initiative 0.330 Interim 0.014 Interim DISA MSSM System 0.478 Core ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy DLA USAF ARMY DCMA DECA USAF MSSM MSSM HRM WSLM HRM RPILM System System System System System Initiative ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core USAF NAVY BTA USAF RPILM HRM FM FM System System Initiative System 0.000 0.530 0.000 1.919 382.949 0.000 0.000 17.777 5.606 0.000 Replacement System Name [DLA EBS, 30 Dec 2020 PARTIAL] [NAVY ERP, FULL] 01 Jan 2009 Core Legacy Core Legacy Core Core Core Core Core Interim [ECSS, PARTIAL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 2947 1498 13438 4242 EFMP 2272 EFORMS 2192 eForms 8737 3027 1734 EFSM 4563 EFUNDS 6280 9997 EGIS 5863 10557 3308 EGLINGEOBASE 3543 EGS 1433 1086 EHMDRC 12522 4122 EHR 140 8777 0510 EI/DS 2879 EIL 180 12515 3202 EIMS 8312 EIW 1119 0477 EKM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type EXCEPTIONAL FAMILY MEMBER PROGRAM ELECTRONIC FORMS WEBSITE Enterprise Electronic Forms ENHANCED FOOD SERVICE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FUNDS ENTERPRISE GEOSPATIAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS (EGIS) ARMY NAVY USAF HRM MSSM HRM System System System 0.000 Core 0.062 Core 0.000 Core NAVY ARMY MSSM FM System System 0.000 Interim 0.000 Legacy ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Core EGLIN GEOBASE ELECTRONIC GRANTS SYSTEM ENGINE HEALTH MANAGEMENT DATA REPOSITORY CENTER ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORD WAY AHEAD EXECUTIVE INFORMATION/DECISION SUPPORT AFRL EBS Integration Lab ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ENTERPRISE INFORMATION WEB ENTERPRISE KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT/KNOWLEDGEKINETICS (EKM/K2) USAF TMA RPILM HRM Initiative System 0.085 Interim 0.000 Core USAF WSLM System 0.000 Core TMA HRM Initiative 302.325 Core TMA USAF HRM TBD System System 51.550 Core 0.000 Core NAVY BTA RPILM HRM System Initiative 0.000 Core 0.000 Core USAF WSLM System 1.104 Interim Replacement System Name [EGLINGEOBAS E, FULL] 01 Sep 2017 [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 9176 4313 ELFP 294 1814 EMACS 12304 11919 4128 EMCS 9990 EMCS Scott 11120 9990 EMCS/DDC 12740 9990 EMCS/DDC Hill 1980 186 0479 EMGIS 0346 EMH 83 1783 EMILPO 1784 3256 EMIS 11521 3687 EMIS 978 3292 EMOC 109 6617 0737 EMPRS 4426 EMS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State IRB Invest. Type EMPLOYEE LOCATOR FORCE PROTECTION ARMY EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL SYSTEM DLA HRM Initiative 0.000 Core MSSM System 0.547 Core ENERGY MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEM Energy Management and Control System Energy Management Control System/Direct Digital Controls Energy Management Control Systems DIrect Digital Control - Hill AFB ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM ENTERPRISE MILITARY HOUSING ELECTRONIC MILITARY PERSONNEL OFFICE ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM ENHANCED MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS CENTER ELECTRONIC MILITARY PERSONNEL RECORDS SYSTEM ELECTRONIC MAINTENANCE SYSTEM ARMY USAF RPILM RPILM System System 0.000 Core 0.000 Core USAF RPILM System 0.000 Core USAF WSLM System 0.000 Core USAF NAVY RPILM RPILM System System 0.050 Legacy 3.159 Core ARMY HRM 5.714 Core USAF MSSM System System of Systems ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Interim 30 Sep 2011 USAF MSSM System 0.000 Interim 31 Mar 2018 [ECSS, FULL] NAVY ARMY HRM MSSM System System 15.508 Interim 0.000 Interim System Name COMPO Replacement System Name [IPPS-A, FULL] [ECSS, PARTIAL] 0.495 Legacy The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State IRB Invest. Type HRM System 0.130 Core 9392 ENJJPT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USAF IMCOM GARRISON ENVIRONMENTAL EMS DUGWAY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DUGWAY PROVING 4716 PROVING GROUND GROUND ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 8254 3325 EMS EGLIN 9383 8722 EMS RIA 446 8025 EMTS 1617 1146 ENBOSS 8093 261 1711 ENCHILADA 4427 ENOVA 9876 2905 ENROL 6203 4564 ENTERPRISE 1464 0330 EOAS 8991 EODIMS (Previously EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE DISPOSAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 9996 ACES-EO) 9123 System Name COMPO 3150 EMS ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IMCOM GARRISON NIPRNET ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL ELECTRONIC MANAGEMENT TRACKING SYSTEM ENGINEERING AND BASE OPERATIONS SUPPORT SYSTEM USAF RPILM System 0.415 Interim ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy USAF FM System 0.311 Legacy ARMY RPILM 0.000 Core ENCHILADA DATABASE PICATINNY SAP ERP ELECTRONIC NETWORK REGISTRATION AND ON-LINE LEARNING ACCOUNTING & FINANCE: SOMARDS ENTERPRISE ENTERPRISE OPERATIONAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM NAVY ARMY HRM MSSM System Family of Systems System DSS HRM System 1.619 Core ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy DLA MSSM Initiative 0.000 Interim USAF RPILM System 0.000 Legacy Replacement System Name [DEAMS, PARTIAL] 0.261 Interim 0.000 Legacy 30 Sep 2020 The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 72 0175 EONET/FAMNET 9475 3090 EOPF 8609 1653 8715 4309 EORS 1012 EP 2120 EP2 1264 6928 1066 EPAS 2393 EPG 2959 2961 13581 4663 EPIC 2309 EPM 3421 EPM 12579 4754 EPMDTK 13824 1441 9990 EPRDB 1790 EPROC 6934 1330 1754 EPRWEB 0419 EQWEB 1254 1067 ERIS System Name EQUAL OPPORTUNITY NETWORK/FAMILY NET ELECTRONIC OFFICIAL PERSONNEL FOLDER EQUAL OPPORTUNITY REPORTING SYSTEM EXCHANGE PRICING ELECTRONIC PROCUREMENT PORTAL ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM ELECTRONIC PROJECT GENERATOR ELECTRONIC PROCUREMENT INFORMATION CONSOLE-TACOM24 ENLISTED PROMOTION MODEL ENTERPRISE PROJECT MANAGEMENT Enlisted Personnel Management Directorate Tool Kit ENLISTED PERSONNEL RESEARCH DATABASE EPROCUREMENT ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY WEB ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION INFORMATION SYSTEM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type USAF HRM System 0.532 Core DCMA HRM System 17.777 Legacy ARMY ARMY USMC HRM MSSM WSLM System Initiative System 0.000 Core 0.000 Interim 0.025 Core ARMY NAVY RPILM MSSM System System 0.250 Legacy 0.222 Core ARMY ARMY NAVY WSLM HRM WSLM System System System 0.000 Legacy 0.152 Core 0.356 Interim ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core ARMY DLA HRM MSSM System Initiative 0.000 Legacy 38.982 Interim NAVY USAF RPILM RPILM System System 0.454 Core 0.480 Interim ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Core Replacement System Name [AFEON, FULL] [VPSC, FULL] 01 Jun 2009 30 Sep 2012 01 Sep 2012 [EPM, FULL] 31 Jan 2037 The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTING LOGISTICS SYSTEM ELECTRONIC RECORDS MANAGEMENT AND ANALYSIS SYSTEM ENTERPRISE RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM - BUSINESS ACTIVITY MONITORING ELECTRONIC RETROGRADE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type DLA RPILM System 0.879 Core NAVY HRM System 2.776 Core DFAS FM Initiative 0.000 Interim NAVY MSSM System 1.430 Interim RPILM HRM System System 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Interim TBD System 0.000 Legacy USAF DCMA MSSM WSLM Initiative System 0.050 Interim 17.777 Legacy ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core 176 1820 ERLS 1394 1199 ERMAS 7905 1785 ERMP-BAM 4595 1338 ERMS 1331 13136 9990 ERPIMS 3851 ERPTS 8367 3349 ERR 979 6768 3033 ERRB 3090 ES 2968 4244 ES3 4763 1526 ESAMS ENGINES REQUIREMENTS REVIEW BOARD ENGINEER SKILLSET ENTERPRISE SCHEDULING SUPPORT SYSTEM ENTERPRISE SAFETY APPLICATIONS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM NAVY HRM System 2.500 Core 8317 9990 ESD 2.7 ELECTRONIC SCHEDULING DISSEMINATION SYSTEM (ESD) 2.7 LEGACY USAF TBD System 0.000 Legacy ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES PROGRAM INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USAF ERP TRAINING SIMULATOR DFAS ER RADAR (FORMERLY MCBRS MOBILE CBAND RADAR SYSTEM) USAF Replacement System Name [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2020 FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 980 2970 1742 4811 12079 6937 8417 10318 2972 1992 1993 477 803 System Name SOFTWARE CONTROL CENTER ELECTRONIC SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 3311 ESDS EXPLOSIVES SAFETY MISHAP ANALYSIS MODULE 4428 ESMAM ENVIRONMENT, SAFETY AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH INFORMATION 3178 ESOHIR INTRANET REPOSITORY INTRANET ENTERPRISE SHIFT OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 2785 ESOMS EXECUTIVE & SENIOR PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 4144 ESPMS ELECTRONIC STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM 1963 ESRS EXPLOSIVES SAFETY SITING SYSTEM 2065 ESS ENTERPRISE STAFFING SOLUTION 3685 ESS STOCK ORDER 4429 ESTOCK ORDER EDUCATION AND TRAINING COURSE ANNOUNCEMENTS 3151 ETCA ELECTRONIC TESTING AND EVALUATION OF STUDENT TRAINING 9990 ETEST ENHANCED TECHNICAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 0473 ETIMS ELECTRONIC TOOLING INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 1021 ETIMS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type USAF MSSM System 0.089 Core ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy USAF TBD System 0.000 Interim NAVY MSSM System 0.015 Legacy ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core NAVY NAVY DHRA ARMY MSSM RPILM HRM MSSM System System Initiative System USAF HRM 0.470 Interim USAF HRM System System of Systems USAF MSSM System 0.565 Interim NAVY MSSM System 0.466 Interim 0.210 0.189 28.146 0.000 Replacement System Name [ECSS, 31 Mar 2018 PARTIAL] Core Core Core Legacy 0.000 Interim [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 8994 3177 ETKPS 452 0417 ETMS 8495 2002 ETN 13582 1757 ETRMS 9544 2345 EUD 10108 2976 12682 2002 EUROPELSE 7242 EVENTMASTER 4283 EVSW 10090 9478 9990 EW University 3081 EWS 133 0082 EWS-R 13585 4172 EXMIS 208 1121 8081 EXPRESS 3198 EZ SOURCE System Name Engineer Training and Knowledge Preservation System EDUCATION AND TRAINING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ENTERPRISE TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORK - NIPRNET ENTERPRISE TRAINING RESOURCE MANAGER SYSTEM ELIMINATION OF UNMATCHED DISBURSEMENTS DLA IO-E/A/C NIPRNET EUROPE LOCAL SUBSCRIBER ENCLAVE EVENTMASTER ELECTRONIC VOTING SUPPORT WIZARDS Electronic Warfare Test and Evaluation University Propulsion Engineering Workspace ENTERPRISE WIDE SCHEDULING AND REGISTRATION EXPEDITIONARY MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM EXECUTION AND PRIORITIZATION OF REPAIRS SUPPORT SYSTEM EZ SOURCE Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type USAF HRM Initiative 0.488 Interim USAF HRM System 0.255 Core DLA MSSM System 86.680 Core NAVY HRM System 0.000 Core DFAS FM System 0.000 Interim DLA ARMY DHRA MSSM MSSM HRM System System Initiative USAF USAF HRM MSSM System System 0.000 Core 0.273 Legacy TMA HRM System 0.000 Core NAVY MSSM System 0.000 Core USAF USAF MSSM WSLM System System 2.826 Interim 0.354 Core Replacement System Name [GFEBS, 31 Dec 2100 PARTIAL] 86.680 Core 0.000 Core 0.000 Core [ECSS, 31 Mar 2016 PARTIAL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 414 8756 F&B POS F/A-18 HORNET 1976 PMD 987 1304 F15 IMIS 1460 12842 2013 11972 3411 4684 0464 9990 6629 4431 FAAE 3190 0185 FABS 320 4100 FACTS 1175 8413 3221 FACTS 2066 FACTS 6329 8353 8418 4565 FADS 3349 FADSS 2068 FAIR 2979 F16 WEB SERVER F16AS F202 FAAB System Name FOOD AND BEVERAGE POINT OF SERVICES SYSTEM F/A-18 HORNET PROGRAM MANAGEMENT DATABASE F15 INTEGRATED MAINTENANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM F16 WEB SERVER F16 Avionics SIPR AFMC FORM 202 AUTOMATED SYSTEM Flight Actuals Approval & Billing FORECAST ANALYSIS OF AMMUNITION EXPENDITURES FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING AND BUDGET SYSTEM FINANCIAL AND AIR CLEARANCE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM FINANCIAL AUTOMATED CASE TRACKING SYSTEM FACILITIES TEAM SURVEY FUNDS ALLOCATION AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM FOV1 Ascension Designate Support System FACILITY ACCIDENT INCIDENT REPORT Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core NAVY WSLM System 0.000 Legacy USAF MSSM System 0.400 Core USAF USAF USAF USAF WSLM WSLM MSSM WSLM System System System System 0.033 0.000 0.452 0.000 ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Legacy DISA FM System 2.224 Legacy NAVY MSSM System 3.497 Core USAF NAVY WSLM HRM System System 0.000 Interim 0.039 Core ARMY USAF NAVY FM TBD RPILM Initiative System System 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Core Core Core Interim Core Replacement System Name 01 Sep 2017 [ECSS, FULL] [ECSS, 31 Mar 2016 PARTIAL] 31 Mar 2017 [ECSS, FULL] 31 Dec 2011 [GFEBS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name Facility and Mission Equipment Management System FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM COMPUTING SERVICES FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM-ENTERPRISE ACCOUNTING SYSTEM FINANCIAL & ASSET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FARSite Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type USAF RPILM System 15.022 Legacy DISA FM System 0.000 Legacy DISA FM System 2.906 Legacy ARMY USAF FM WSLM System System 0.000 Core 0.000 Interim USAF FM System 0.000 Legacy 13457 8650 FAMEMS 39 0237 FAMIS-CS 40 0238 FAMIS-EAS 12090 8894 4566 FAMS 3349 FARSite 2017 9990 FAS 2984 4246 FASCLASS FIELD ACCOUNTING SYSTEM FULLY AUTOMATED SYSTEM FOR CLASSIFICATION ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core 13777 9990 FASOR FAMILY ADVOCACY SYSTEM OF RECORDS ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core 699 10734 6570 FASTDATA 3338 FC FUND ADMINISTRATION AND STANDARDIZED DOCUMENT AUTOMATION NAVY DLA FUSION CENTER DLA FM MSSM System System 3.577 Legacy 9.732 Core 1301 1061 FCM FUNDS CONTROL MODULE FM Initiative 0.000 Legacy 12514 9996 FCMS FEDERATED CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DPMO HRM Initiative 0.000 Core ARMY Replacement System Name 31 Dec 2009 [DAI, FULL] [NAF-T, FULL] 01 Sep 2017 [ECSS, FULL] [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2017 FULL] [GFEBS, 31 Dec 2021 PARTIAL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 737 6014 6040 7154 FCT 0042 FDB 3090 FDB 6327 2697 FDIIS 2989 1632 FDM 14007 3969 FEAMS 1509 2023 1668 FEM 1317 FEM 2991 9997 FEMS 6613 8723 FEMS-MAXIMO 8519 0278 FFAVORS WEB 189 1980 FFSMIS 2026 1481 3350 FHATS 3487 FHP Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type FACILITY COST TRANSFER DISA FINANCIAL DASHBOARD FRAUD DB FORCE DEVELOPMENT INVESTMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL EXECUTIVE AGENT MEDICAL SUPPORT NAVY DISA DCMA FM FM WSLM System System System 0.133 Interim 157.347 Interim 17.777 Legacy ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core DLA MSSM Initiative 0.000 Core FACILITY AND EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT FACILITY EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE SYSTEM FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE SYSTEM - MAXIMO NAVY USAF MSSM MSSM System System 1.918 Core 0.000 Legacy ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Core ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Core DLA MSSM System 34.087 Interim NAVY HRM System 0.185 Interim USAF NAVY TBD FM System System 0.009 Legacy 0.000 Core FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ORDER RECEIPT SYSTEM WEB APPLICATION FLEET AND FAMILY SUPPORT MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM FUNDED HOURS ALLOCATION TRACKING SYSTEM FLYING HOUR PROGRAM Replacement System Name [NAVY ERP, PARTIAL] 31 Mar 2017 [ECSS, FULL] 31 Mar 2017 [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name 12570 FOOD & HOSPITALITY POINT-OF SALE SYSTEM FLEET HOMETOWN NEWS SYSTEM FINANCIAL INVENTORY ACCOUNTING & BILLING SYSTEM 2095 FIABS FORCE INVENTORY MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS REPORTING SYSTEM 3469 FIMARS FINANCIAL LOGISTICS 4569 FINLOG FINANCIAL LOGISTICS-AMCOM 4734 FINLOG-AMCOM FINANCIAL LOGISTICS-ARMY SUSTAINMENT COMMAND 4154 FINLOG-ASC 4155 FINLOG-USAREUR FINANCIAL LOGISTICS-USAREUR ARMY FINANCIAL AND LOGISTICS 4735 FINLOG-USARPAC MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM 6682 1494 FIPMT 9413 FIRE RMS FT 4718 LEONARDWOOD 9168 FIRE RMS FT 4719 RUCKER 9401 FIRE-RMS FT 4720 CAMPBELL 5098 6715 1 5176 6157 12469 12338 12341 9998 FHPOS 2495 FHTN FIP MANAGEMENT TOOL IMCOM GARRISON NIPRNET FIREHOUSE RECORD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FT LEONARWOOD IMCOM GARRISON NIPRNET FIREHOUSE RECORD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FT RUCKER IMCOM GARRISON NIPRNET FIREHOUSE RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FT CAMPBELL Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type USMC NAVY HRM HRM System System 0.000 Legacy 0.059 Legacy USAF FM System 2.987 Legacy NAVY ARMY ARMY MSSM FM FM System System System 0.141 Legacy 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Interim ARMY ARMY FM FM System System 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Legacy ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy NAVY FM System 0.098 Interim ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy Replacement System Name 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] [NAVY ERP, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name 9396 FIRE-RMS FT 4721 CARSON 9384 FIRE-RMS FT 4722 MCCOY 378 4072 FIRST IMCOM GARRISON NIPRNET FIRE RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FT CARSON IMCOM GARRISON NIPRNET FIREHOUSE RECORD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FT MCCOY FINANCIAL INFORMATION RESOURCE SYSTEM 1506 1541 FIRST FINANCIAL REPORTING SYSTEM 181 94 6988 FIS 0088 FITSOFT 12604 3788 FLEET RIDE 11133 5061 FLIM-CSD 286 241 9471 12541 5068 4433 3090 3440 6323 8724 FMA FLIS FLMS FM FM Workflow Termination Schedule COMPO IRB ARMY RPILM ARMY RPILM USAF Invest. Type System of Systems FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Legacy FM System Family of Systems NAVY FM System 0.041 Legacy FACILITIES INFORMATION SYSTEM 2.0 FITNESS SOFTWARE FLEET RATING IDENTIFICATION ENGINE DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FAMIS-CS LABOR INTERFACE MODULECOMPUTING SERVICES DIRECTORATE FEDERAL LOGISTICS INFORMATION SYSTEM FLEET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FACILITY MANAGER FM Workflow NAVY TMA RPILM HRM System System 0.327 Core 0.137 Legacy NAVY HRM System 0.662 Interim DISA FM System 800.720 Legacy DLA ARMY DCMA USAF MSSM MSSM WSLM FM FACILITY MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT ARMY RPILM System System System System Family of Systems Replacement System Name 07 Jul 2028 9.987 Core 10.134 0.000 17.777 0.000 Core Legacy Legacy Interim 0.000 Core [NAVY ERP, 30 Dec 2020 PARTIAL] [NAVY ERP, PARTIAL] 01 Jul 2010 30 Oct 2011 The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 3002 7243 FMBS 13120 13424 4736 FME 9990 FMG 1578 1718 FMIS 13425 2662 FMOIS 9907 3004 2833 FMRPT 0851 FMS 9112 2534 FMS / SRM 11716 4337 FMS(C) 12616 2037 4755 FMS(T) 1802 FMSUITE 745 6830 FMSW - CPF 6727 2466 FMT Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT BUDGET SYSTEM ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Core ARMY PROCURE TO PAY PILOT INITIATIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT GUIDANCE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM CPF ARMY NAVY FM FM Initiative System 0.000 Interim 0.000 Interim NAVY FM 0.068 Legacy FMO INFORMATION SYSTEMS FINANCIAL MANAGMENT (FM) REPORTING TOOL FORCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (FMS) FACILITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM / SUSTAINMENT, RESTORATION, AND MODERNIZATION AUTOMATED SYSTEM FORCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CLASSIFIED) NAVY FM System Family of Systems USAF ARMY FM HRM System System 0.002 Core 4.993 Core DLA RPILM System 0.847 Legacy ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core FORCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (TRAINING) FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SUITE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - CPF WEB FOREIGN MILITARY TRAINING DISCLOSURE SYSTEM ARMY USAF HRM FM System System 0.000 Core 1.382 Interim NAVY FM System 0.000 Legacy NAVY WSLM System 0.007 Core Replacement System Name [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2015 FULL] 0.098 Interim [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2015 FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name Termination Schedule COMPO IRB Invest. Type ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core ARMY DCMA RPILM WSLM System of Systems System NAVY ARMY DFAS HRM HRM FM System System System 0.040 Interim 0.000 Core 0.052 Legacy ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core 0.000 Legacy 3006 4360 FMTP 2782 9990 FMWRC CYS-YTL 9411 4312 9998 FMWRC MIS ASP 3090 FN 1504 3008 846 1268 FOI/PA MGMT 9990 FOODTRAK 0837 FOS 9367 4318 FPAIS FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT TACTICAL PLATFORM CYS SERVICES YOUTH TECHNOLOGY LAB SYSTEM FAMILY AND MORALE, WELFARE, AND RECREATION COMMAND MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS APPLICATION SERVICE PROVIDER FRAUDNET FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOODTRAK FINANCIAL OPERATIONS SUPPORT FAMILY PROGRAMS AUTOMATED INFORMATION SYSTEM 8468 4571 FPIK FINANCE PAYMENT INTERFACE KOREA ARMY FM System 12607 6039 3014 2588 585 4079 3090 7246 4572 7245 NAVY DCMA ARMY ARMY ARMY HRM WSLM RPILM WSLM RPILM System System System Initiative System 6903 9990 FRES FUTURE PERSONNEL AND PAY SOLUTION FORWARD PRICING RATE AGREEMENTS FACILITY PLANNING SYSTEM FMS PRICING SYSTEM FREEBALANCE FACILITY READINESS EVALUATION SYSTEM NAVY RPILM System FPPS FPRA FPS FPU_AFPS FREEBALANCE FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State Replacement System Name 0.000 Core 17.777 Legacy 0.000 17.777 0.000 0.000 0.000 Core Legacy Core Legacy Core 0.000 Interim 30 Sep 2020 [BEIS, FULL] [NETUSR V2.3] 31 Dec 2016 [GFEBS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 9060 4434 FRET 3015 4247 FRMS 12543 12972 9062 3983 FSID 9990 FSM 4436 FSSP 7672 3459 FTDTL-IMS 9159 3453 FTSMCS 3026 9997 FUDSMIS 2047 3108 G050 DRAIR 1668 6283 1951 G2 G3 - CURRENT 4437 PROJECT BOOK 6253 4166 G3 - CMD INF EX 6249 4574 G6 - ITMP Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type Replacement System Name FIELDING REQUIREMENTS DATABASE FEDERAL RECOGNITION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM T-38 FUNCTIONAL SYSTEMS INTEGRATED DATABASE FOOD SERVICE MANAGEMENT FAIR SHARE SUSTAINMENT PROGRAM FORENSIC TOXICOLOGY DRUG TESTING LABORATORY-INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (IMS) FULL TIME MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEM FORMERLY USED DEFENSE SITES MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM DEFICIENCY REPORT ANALYSIS INFORMATION REPORT (DRAIR) ADVISOR SYSTEM (G050) GENERAL ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE SYSTEM 2 ARMY MSSM Initiative 0.000 Legacy ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core USAF NAVY ARMY WSLM MSSM MSSM Initiative System Initiative 0.000 Core 0.000 Interim 0.000 Legacy ARMY HRM 0.000 Core ARMY HRM System Family of Systems ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 15 Jun 2020 USAF MSSM System 0.400 Legacy 31 Mar 2018 [ECSS, FULL] USAF FM System 0.404 Interim 31 Oct 2008 CURRENT PROJECT BOOK CONTRACT MANAGEMENT DIVISION INFORMATION EXCHANGE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MASTER PLAN ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY WSLM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Core The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 6291 G8 - DCPS4291 BRIDGES 6530 4576 G8 - TDA-CHD 6 5094 GAFS-R 369 10997 0879 GATES 9990 GBSO 6769 3090 GCAI 13288 1797 GCEMS 9472 3090 GCMM 621 5070 GCSS-ARMY 303 9223 2054 2055 9035 13904 0155 0575 2257 3605 3222 9996 GCSS-MC GDS GENESIS GEOBASE GeoBase GeoBase - NIPR Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type DEFENSE CIVILIAN PAY SYSTEM-BRIDGES TABLE OF DISTRIBUTION ALLOWANCES COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS LIFE CYCLE MANAGEMENT COMMAND GENERAL ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE SYSTEM -REENGINEERED GLOBAL AIR TRANSPORTATION EXECUTION SYSTEM Greenville Big Safari Online ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy DFAS FM System 19.834 Legacy TRANSCOMMSSM USAF MSSM System System 32.902 Core 0.000 Legacy GENERAL COUNSEL ACTIVITY INDEX TOOL GENERAL COUNSEL ELECTRONIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM GENERAL COUNSEL MATTER MANAGEMENT GLOBAL COMBAT SUPPORT SYSTEM ARMY GLOBAL COMBAT SUPPORT SYSTEM MARINE CORPS GLOBAL DATA SYNCHRONIZATION SCOPE GENESIS PACAF GEOBASE CORE ARCHITECTURE GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS AFGSC GeoBase Initiative DCMA WSLM System 17.777 Legacy DODEA HRM System 1.513 Core DCMA WSLM System 17.777 Legacy ARMY MSSM System 250.555 Core USMC DECA USAF USAF USAF USAF MSSM HRM TBD RPILM RPILM RPILM System System System System Initiative System 138.327 7.241 3.513 2.615 0.050 0.000 Core Interim Core Interim Core Core Replacement System Name [DEAMS, FULL] 01 Mar 2015 [DEAMS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 13888 8912 178 10465 415 9996 3069 1612 9990 2913 GeoBase-SIPR GEOBASE-USAFE GEOFIDELIS GES GEX 622 0314 GFEBS 10577 355 11208 4578 GFIS 0467 GFM 4335 GFMB 749 7117 GFMCOST Termination Schedule System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type PACAF GeoBase Core Architecture - SIPR USAFE GEOBASE CORE ARCHITECTURE GEOFIDELIS PRESENTATION TIER Golf Enterprise Solution GLOBAL EXCHANGE SERVICES USAF USAF USMC USAF BTA RPILM RPILM RPILM FM WSLM System System System System System GENERAL FUND ENTERPRISE BUSINESS SYSTEM G8 Financial Information System GLOBAL FREIGHT MANAGEMENT GLOBAL FORCE MANAGEMENT BOARD GOVERNMENT FURNISHED MATERIAL COST TRACKING SYSTEM ARMY FM TRANSCOMMSSM ARMY HRM System Family of Systems System System NAVY System ARMY FM FM FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State 0.000 1.718 0.150 0.000 4.077 Replacement System Name Legacy Core Core Core Core 185.464 Core 0.000 Core 7.486 Core 0.000 Core 0.000 Legacy [PAOBLIG, FULL] [PBMS, FULL] [CIMS DPG, FULL] [ASK-FM, FULL] [FPIK, FULL] [BRIMS, FULL] [BRIX, FULL] [DSOM, FULL] [218DBR, FULL] [COSTDIS, FULL] [CAPS, FULL] [CFRS, FULL] 31 Dec 2021 [GFEBS, FULL] [NAVY ERP, 31 Dec 2020 FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 991 6332 6511 GFMTR 0934 GFOQ 7679 8727 GIS 77th RRC 7643 8728 GIS ANNISTON 7644 8729 GIS AP HILL 7637 8730 GIS APG 7645 8731 GIS BELVOIR 7648 8733 GIS DRUM 6608 8734 GIS DUGWAY 7448 8735 GIS EUSTIS 7646 8736 GIS FT BRAGG 9173 8738 GIS FT CAMPBELL 9398 8739 GIS FT CARSON System Name GOVERNMENT FURNISHED MATERIAL TRANSACTION REPORTING SYSTEM GENERAL & FLAG OFFICERS QUARTERS Geographical Information System (GIS) 77th RRC Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Anniston Army Depot GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) FORT AP HILL Geographic Information System (GIS) Aberdeen Proving Ground Geographic Information System (GIS) Fort Belvoir Geographic Information System (GIS) Fort Drum GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) DUGWAY PROVING GROUND GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) FORT EUSTIS Geographic Information System (GIS) Fort Bragg GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) FT CAMPBELL GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) FT CARSON Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type Replacement System Name USAF ARMY MSSM RPILM Initiative System 0.304 Legacy 5.873 Core ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] [ECSS, PARTIAL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 7449 8740 GIS HAMILTON 7653 8741 GIS HAWAII 7958 8742 GIS HOOD 8599 7450 8743 GIS IRWIN GIS LENARD 8744 WOOD 7451 8745 GIS LEWIS 7453 8746 GIS MEADE 7650 8747 GIS MYER 8600 8748 GIS PICATINNY 7654 8749 GIS REDSTONE 7651 8451 7670 System Name Termination Schedule COMPO GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) FORT HAMILTON ARMY Geographic Information System (GIS) USAG Hawaii ARMY Geographic Information System (GIS) Fort Hood ARMY FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State IRB Invest. Type Replacement System Name RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] Geographic Information System (GIS) Fort Irwin GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) FORT LENARD WOOD GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) FORT LEWIS GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) FORT MEADE ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] 8750 GIS RUCKER Geographic Information System (GIS) Fort Myer GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) PICATINNY ARSENAL Geographic Information System (GIS) Redstone Arsenal Geographic Information System (GIS) Fort Rucker ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] 8751 GIS SILL 8752 GIS USAGAK Geographic Information System (GIS) Fort Sill Geographic Information System (GIS) Alaska ARMY ARMY RPILM RPILM System System 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Legacy 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID IRB Invest. Type ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 30 Dec 2011 [AM, PARTIAL] GENERAL LIBRARY INFORMATION SYSTEM GO ARMY EDUCATION GROUPS OPERATIONAL PASSENGER SYSTEM GREEK PAYROLL SYSTEM GRADUATE TRAINING INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM GRIEVANCE TRACKING SYSTEM AIR NATIONAL GUARD INFORMATION ANALYSIS NETWORK GEOSPATIAL VISUAL INFORMATION SYSTEM INTEGRATED ON THE NETWORK ARMY ARMY HRM HRM System System HAZARD ABATEMENT DATABASE ON LINE HEALTH ARTIFACT AND IMAGE MANAGEMENT SOLUTION 1620 8794 1221 3464 GLIS 1170 GOARMYED 1352 13593 0056 GOPAX 2918 GPS 1682 6032 1298 GTIMS 1797 GTS 2069 8607 GUARDIAN 1349 3223 GVISION 8414 2072 HA DBASE 12006 3628 HAIMS 7655 8601 FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO System Name GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) WEST POINT Geographic Information System (GIS) White 8757 GIS WHITE SANDS Sands Missile Range GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) YUMA PROVING GROUND 8758 GIS YUMA GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMNATIONAL GUARD 1149 GIS-NG 6610 Termination Schedule 8753 GIS WEST POINT 0.000 Core 19.446 Core TRANSCOMMSSM NAVY HRM System System 0.226 Core 0.001 Interim USAF DODEA HRM HRM System System 3.886 Core 1.513 Core USAF TBD System 444.686 Legacy USAF RPILM System 0.000 Interim NAVY RPILM System 0.060 Core TMA HRM System 18.393 Core Replacement System Name The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 3048 9997 HAPMIS 3049 1337 7132 7094 7116 4438 0461 1633 1625 1461 4745 9990 HITS 1224 1822 HMIRS HAS HAZCOM HCDD HITKIT HITKIT 221 49 8066 HMMS 0491 HMS 553 0934 HOMES 3 1267 0934 HOMES4 1759 10834 3224 HPWS 2002 HQ DLA SIPRNET 11341 3812 HQAES System Name HOMEOWNERS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM HEADQUARTERS APPLICATIONS SYSTEMSUPPLY HAZCOM HUMAN CAPITAL DIGITAL DASHBOARD HISTORICAL INFORMATION TOOLKIT HISTORICAL INFORMATION TOOLKIT HAWAII INFORMATION TRANSFER SYSTEM APPLICATION HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INFORMATION RESOURCE SYSTEM DEPOT MAINTENANCE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM HIV MANAGEMENT SYSTEM HOUSING OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM HOUSING OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - WEB BASED HUMAN PERFORMANCE WING SUPPORT HEADQUARTERS DLA SIPRNET HEADQUARTERS ARMY ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Core ARMY USAF NAVY NAVY NAVY MSSM RPILM HRM MSSM MSSM System Initiative System System System 0.000 0.614 0.320 0.002 0.012 NAVY FM System 0.000 Legacy DLA RPILM System 1.075 Core Legacy Core Core Interim Core USAF TMA MSSM HRM Initiative System 2.098 Interim 0.000 Core ARMY RPILM System 5.873 Legacy ARMY RPILM 5.873 Core USAF DLA WSLM MSSM System Family of Systems System 0.077 Interim 86.680 Core ARMY RPILM Initiative 0.000 Core Replacement System Name 30 Dec 2027 [EESOH-MIS, FULL] [ECSS, 01 Sep 2014 FULL] [HOMES4] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name HEADQUARTERS ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING SYSTEM CLASSIFIED LOCAL AREA NETWORK HEADQUARTERS EXECUTIVE INFORMATION SYSTEM HEADQUARTERS INSTALLATION INFORMATION SYSTEM HEADQUARTERS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SYSTEM UNCLASSIFIED LOCAL AREA NETWORK HUMAN RESOURCES DATABASE HRC My Record Portal HRC INTERNET WEB SITE 26 3287 0919 HQARS 9990 HQCLAN 1619 1141 HQEIS 7969 1758 HQIIS 8564 3288 2080 12576 1216 2002 9990 3559 4756 1151 13428 9990 HRCP 4691 9998 HRMS 10549 5743 0999 HRMS 1885 HSDW 4482 1570 HTTDS HUMAN RESOURCES CIVILIAN PORTFOLIO NAF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM HEALTH SERVICES DATA WAREHOUSE HEAVYWEIGHT TORPEDO TECHNICAL DATA SYSTEM 2085 3262 HWIS HUMAN EFFECTIVENESS WORK UNIT INFORMATION SYSTEM HQITS HQULAN HR-DEVS HRC-MRP HRC-WEB Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type DFAS DSCA FM WSLM System System 3.196 Legacy 0.000 Core ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Core DLA DSCA USAF ARMY ARMY MSSM WSLM HRM HRM HRM System NAVY HRM System 0.000 Interim USMC HRM System 0.000 Core PFPA TMA HRM HRM System Initiative 0.000 Core 1.665 Core NAVY WSLM System 0.368 Core USAF WSLM System 0.160 Interim System System System 86.680 0.000 0.175 0.000 0.429 Replacement System Name 30 Sep 2020 [BEIS, PARTIAL] Core Core Core Core [EBS, FULL] 30 Sep 2013 [STES, PARTIAL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 102 6933 8204 I-GARN 1964 IA 6728 2470 IA GEN 3072 4124 IACS 12354 4764 IACS 12509 9990 IAPID 18 0977 IAPS 99 0979 IATS 6914 3075 10818 2434 IBAS 4439 IBAT 4440 IBDW 5347 2459 IBETS 8559 1028 IBM-LMP S/W AIT Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type GARNISHMENT EDM SYSTEM INCENTIVE AWARDS INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS GENERATOR INSTALLATION ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM (IACS) INSTALLATION ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM - DRUM INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS PERSONNEL INITIATIVE DATABASE INTEGRATED ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEM INTEGRATED AUTOMATED TRAVEL SYSTEM DFAS NAVY HRM HRM System System 0.420 Legacy 0.005 Core NAVY WSLM System 0.009 Core ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Core ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Core DSCA WSLM System 0.000 Core DFAS FM System 9.410 Legacy DFAS HRM System 4.071 Legacy INDUSTRIAL BUDGET ANALYSIS SYSTEM INDUSTRIAL BASE ASSESSMENT TOOL INDUSTRIAL BASE DATA WAREHOUSE INTERNET-BASED ENTERPRISE TOOLS SYSTEM INDUSTRIAL BASE MODERNIZATION LOGISTICS MODERNIZATION PROGRAM SOFTWARE AUTOMATIC IDENTIFICATION TECHNOLOGY NAVY ARMY ARMY FM MSSM MSSM System System System 0.071 Legacy 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Core NAVY FM System 0.078 Legacy ARMY MSSM System of Systems 16.600 Core Replacement System Name [DEAMS, FULL] 31 Mar 2016 [DEAMS, FULL] 20 Oct 2020 [DTS, FULL] [CAFIS, FULL] [NAVY ERP, 28 Dec 2012 FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type ARMY MSSM System 25.400 Core MSSM System 0.244 Core DFAS FM USAF WSLM TRANSCOMMSSM System System System 0.051 Legacy 0.000 Core 9.501 Core ARMY WSLM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Core NAVY MSSM System 0.603 Core NAVY MSSM System 5.583 Core ARMY ARMY WSLM HRM Initiative System 0.000 Legacy 0.178 Core DLA MSSM System 6.936 Core 7983 1756 IBM-MES INDUSTRIAL BASE MODERNIZATION MANUFACTURING EXECUTION SYSTEM 9660 3075 IBMS / S&S INDUSTRIAL BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM / SURGE AND SUSTAINMENT DATABASE DLA 858 1129 353 8195 IBOP 9990 IBPS 0054 IBS 3078 4730 ICAPP 3079 4441 ICAPP 1559 1224 ICAPS 13599 2750 ICAS 6353 3081 9990 ICATS 2311 ICDT 8808 1824 ICIS INTERNATIONAL BALANCE OF PAYMENTS INTERNET-BASED PURCHASING SYSTEM INTEGRATED BOOKING SYSTEM INTEGRATED CONVENTIONAL AMMUNITION PROCUREMENT PLAN INTERACTIVE CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT AND PROCUREMENT PROGRAM INTERACTIVE COMPUTER AIDED PROVISIONING SYSTEM INTEGRATED CONDITION ASSESSMENT SYSTEM ITSS CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT SERVICES INTER COMPONENT DATA TRANSFER INTEGRATED CONSUMABLE ITEM SUPPORT Replacement System Name 30 Sep 2020 [BEIS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 1545 4629 1404 ICMP 9998 ICMS 359 5964 0055 ICODES 1797 ICOMPLAINTS 9522 4320 iCOMPLAINTS 6725 2465 ICP 848 6474 ICPS 226 1440 7041 8091 ICS 6516 IDE 1575 IDE 13284 6516 IDE (HIGH SIDE) 9627 2964 IDECS II 462 0442 IDIM 10469 3539 IDM System Name INTEGRATED CLASS MAINTENANCE PLAN/SURFACE SHIP LOGISTICS MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM NAF TREASURY SYSTEM INTEGRATED COMPUTERIZED DEPLOYMENT SYSTEM ICOMPLAINTS INTERNET COMPLAINTS TRACKING SYSTEM INTERNATIONAL COOPERATIVE PROGRAMS INTERNATIONAL CIVILIAN PAY SYSTEM AUTOMATED PORT INFORMATION CENTER SYSTEM INTEGRATED DATA ENVIRONMENT PEO AIRCRAFT CARRIERS IDE INTEGRATED DATA ENVIRONMENT (HIGH SIDE) INTEGRATED BUDGET DOCUMENTATION & EXECUTION SYSTEM II INTEGRATED DATA INFORMATION MANAGER IDENTITY AND ACCESS MANAGEMENT SERVICES Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type NAVY USMC MSSM HRM System System 0.324 Core 0.000 Core TRANSCOMMSSM DODEA HRM System System 6.624 Core 1.513 Core ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core NAVY WSLM System 0.001 Core DFAS HRM System 1.212 Legacy USAF DLA NAVY MSSM MSSM WSLM Initiative Initiative System 0.270 Interim 4.817 Core 1.000 Core DLA MSSM Initiative 4.817 Core USAF FM System 2.911 Core USAF MSSM System 0.608 Legacy DSS HRM Initiative 5.151 Interim Replacement System Name [ECSS, 31 Mar 2017 PARTIAL] 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 3086 7408 11203 4442 IDMS 4156 IDR 9990 IDS 3294 6932 4349 IDSS IEFACMAN 1605 GATEWAY 1674 1142 IEIS 1342 3587 IEMS 1451 3107 IES 3295 4443 IETMS 13422 175 9990 IFICCS 1140 IFS 8867 1667 IGC 2099 3163 IGCIS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type INVENTORY AND DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IDR OIG INVESTIGATIVE DATA SYSTEM ARMY ARMY DODIG MSSM FM HRM System System System 0.000 Core 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Legacy ARMY WSLM Initiative 0.000 Legacy NAVY RPILM System 2.309 Core ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy USAF RPILM System 5.547 Interim USAF WSLM System 0.495 Core ARMY MSSM Initiative 0.000 Legacy NAVY ARMY FM RPILM Initiative System 0.000 Interim 0.000 Legacy INTEGRATED DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM IEFACMAN GATEWAY AND REPORTING APPLICATION INSTALLATION EXECUTIVE INFORMATION SYSTEM INTEGRATED ENGINEERING MANGEMENT SYSTEM INTEGRATED ENGINEERING SUPPORT SYSTEM INTEGRATED TECHNICAL MANUALS (IETMS) INTEGRATED FINANCIAL CONTROL AND COMPLIANCE SOLUTION INTEGRATED FACILITIES SYSTEM INTEGRATED DATA ENVIRONMENT/GLOBAL TRANSPORTATION NETWORK CONVERGENCE TRANSCOMMSSM INSPECTOR GENERAL CORPORATE INFORMATION SYSTEM USAF HRM System of Systems System 44.116 Core 0.096 Legacy Replacement System Name 30 Nov 2010 [GFEBS, FULL] 31 Mar 2017 [ECSS, FULL] 30 Dec 2011 [GFEBS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 2100 101 9995 IGPRS 5093 IGS 834 1600 IGT/IVAN 762 7120 IHD LOCALS 2101 1320 IIMS 9878 8773 3302 2880 IIRR 1397 IIT 4579 ILNPS 13603 2919 ILNPS 198 5576 ILS-S 325 6551 ILSMIS 3303 4444 ILTMARS System Name INSPECTOR GENERAL PERFORMANCE REPORTING SYSTEM INTEGRATED GARNISHMENT SYSTEM INTRAGOVERNMENTAL TRANSACTIONS/INTRAGOVERNMENTAL VALUE ADDED NETWORK LOCAL FINANCIAL DATABASE INTEGRATED INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PERSONNEL SECURITY INVESTIGATIVE FILE AUTOMATED SUBSYSTEM INTEGRATED INFORMATION TOOL ITALIAN LOCAL NATIONAL PAY SYSTEM ITALIAN LOCAL NATIONAL PAYROLL SYSTEM - NAPLES INTEGRATED LOGISTICS SYSTEMSSUPPLY INDUSTRIAL LOGISTICS SUPPORT MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM INTEGRATED LEAD-TIME MANAGEMENT AND REPORTING SYSTEM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type USAF DFAS HRM HRM System System 0.000 Legacy 1.501 Legacy BTA FM System 8.204 Core Replacement System Name NAVY FM System 0.114 Legacy [CDB, PARTIAL] [ILSMIS, FULL] [NAVY ERP, 28 Oct 2012 PARTIAL] USAF HRM System 5.570 Interim 01 Sep 2017 [ECSS, FULL] DHRA USAF ARMY HRM RPILM HRM System System System 0.000 Legacy 0.985 Interim 0.000 Legacy NAVY HRM System 0.014 Interim USAF MSSM System 6.738 Legacy NAVY MSSM System 1.960 Core ARMY MSSM Initiative 0.000 Interim 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name INTERSERVICE MATERIAL ACCOUNTING AND CONTROL SYSTEM INTEGRATED MATERIAL AUTOMATION IMAP-W PROGRAM-WEB INACTIVE MANPOWER AND PERSONNEL IMAPMIS MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM IMCOM STATUS TOOL FOR THE IMCOM STEP ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMS GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS IMCOM-KOREA GIS (GIS) KOREA REGION Termination Schedule COMPO IRB Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State 228 8094 IMACS USAF MSSM Initiative 0.936 Legacy 623 4445 ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Core 662 0954 NAVY HRM System 0.000 Legacy 10101 8759 ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Interim 7447 8760 ARMY RPILM 0.000 Legacy 215 3306 1298 8659 IMCS 9997 IMD 9990 IMDB USAF ARMY USAF MSSM HRM MSSM System Family of Systems System System 2104 3267 IMDS CDB USAF MSSM System 0.000 Legacy 10371 1231 4174 9998 IMETS 1020 IMITS-TR 4446 IMMC WEBDESK ARMY TMA ARMY FM HRM MSSM System Initiative Initiative 0.000 Core 16.200 Core 0.000 Interim 8828 2644 IMONET NAVY FM System 0.002 Core 8025 2636 IMPAC NAVY MSSM System 0.329 Interim ITEM MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEM INTEGRATED MANNING DOCUMENT INTEGRATED MISSILE DATA BASE INTEGRATED MAINTENANCE DATA SYSTEM CENTRAL DATA BASE INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEE TRACKING SYSTEM IMITS - TELERADIOLOGY IMMC WEBDESK PORTAL INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT OFFICE INTEGRATED ENTERPRISE TOOL INTEGRATED MODERNIZATION PLANNING FOR AIRCRAFT CARRIERS 2.910 Legacy 0.000 Core 0.000 Legacy Replacement System Name 01 Sep 2017 [ECSS, FULL] [FPPS, FULL] 31 Mar 2018 [ECSS, FULL] 31 Mar 2017 [ECSS, FULL] [ECSS, FULL] 31 Mar 2018 [TBA, PARTIAL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name 9312 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT PROCESSING SYSTEM INTEGRATED MILITARY PERSONNEL SYSTEM 8021 IMPS INTERNET NAVY FACILITY ASSETS DATA STORE 6984 INFADS INFORMATION MANAGEMENT FOR THE 21ST CENTURY 0334 INFORM-21 INFRASTRUCTURE DLA IO-E/A/C NIPRNET INFRASTRUCTURE BACKBONE 2002 BACKBONE INNOVATOR 4447 INNOVATOR INTRALINK 4350 INTRALINK INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT COMMAND ONLINE 1314 IOL INFORMATION OPERATIONS-PACIFIC, J6H HAWAII REGION NETWORK 2002 IOPHRN INFORMATION OPERATIONS-PACIFIC, J6H JAPAN REGION NETWORK 2002 IOPJRN INFORMATION OPERATIONS-PACIFIC, J6H KOREA NETWORK 2002 IOPKN 9119 3780 IOTR 880 8022 IPDS 45 2107 137 6972 10109 8918 7409 1677 8485 9311 6557 IMPS Termination Schedule COMPO IRB NAVY FM USAF Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State 1.962 Legacy HRM System Family of Systems NAVY RPILM System 0.910 Core NAVY MSSM System 3.525 Interim DLA ARMY ARMY MSSM MSSM WSLM System System System 86.680 Core 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Legacy ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy DLA MSSM System 86.680 Core DLA MSSM System 86.680 Core DLA MSSM System 86.680 Core MSSM System 0.000 Core HRM System 0.514 Core Information Operations Technology Repository USAF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT THROUGH EMPLOYEE AWARENESS (IDEA) PROGRAM DATA SYSTEM USAF 0.000 Legacy Replacement System Name [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2020 PARTIAL] [AF DIMHRS, FULL] [NAVY ERP, FULL] [GFEBS, 31 Dec 2016 PARTIAL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 1289 0213 IPERMS 8554 2982 IPMIS 3323 4351 IPMS 5614 2608 IPMS 7972 0599 IPPS-A 774 9581 7061 2381 IPS 9990 IPT 1465 IQUERIES 735 7013 IRAPS 13410 1574 IRCMS 6669 7983 IRIS 3325 4583 IRMIS 8012 2756 IRMS System Name INTERACTIVE PERSONNEL ELECTRONIC RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM INTEGRATED PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM INTEGRATED PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM INTEGRATED PERSONNEL AND PAY SYSTEM - ARMY INCENTIVE PAY SYSTEM Integrated Planning ToolKit INTRANET QUERIES INTRANET RESOURCE ALLOCATION PLANNING SYSTEM INVESTIGATIONS AND RESOLUTIONS CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM INFERENTIAL RETRIEVAL INDEXING SYSTEM INTEGRATED RESOURCE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (IRMIS) INTEGRATED RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type ARMY HRM System 10.504 Core NAVY WSLM System 0.000 Core ARMY WSLM System 0.000 Legacy NAVY WSLM System 0.065 Legacy ARMY HRM System NAVY USAF NAVY HRM RPILM MSSM System System System 0.012 Legacy 0.000 Core 0.062 Core NAVY FM System 0.402 Legacy DHRA HRM 0.000 Core USAF HRM System Family of Systems ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy NAVY FM System 238.390 Legacy Replacement System Name 30 Sep 2009 113.571 Core [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2014 FULL] 30 Sep 2015 [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2015 PARTIAL] 0.735 Core [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2020 FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name INTELLIGENT ROAD/RAIL INFORMATION SERVER INFORMATION & RESOURCE SUPPORT IRSS V7 SYSTEM INDUSTRIAL SECURITY AUTOMATION ISAS SYSTEM INTERCHANGE OF SUPPORT EQUIPMENT ISED DATA INDUSTRIAL SECURITY FACILITY ISFD DATABASE ISIS Integrated Safety Information System ISSOP INFORMATION SYSTEM - SITES 4.0 ISIS 4.0 - WEB ISIS WEB ISIS INTEGRATED SUPPLY INFORMATION ISIS.NET SYSTEM ISKILL ISKILLS ISM INSTALLATION SUPPORT MODULES INTEGRATED SYSTEMS, MANAGEMENT, ISMART ANALYSIS, & REPORTING TOOLS INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT ISMT TOOL ISRWEB INSTALLATION STATUS REPORT ISSFF IN SERVICE SUPPORT FAST FORWARD Termination Schedule COMPO IRB Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State 357 6535 IRRIS TRANSCOMMSSM System 4.565 Core 1125 1422 USAF WSLM 0.515 Core 12084 9990 DSS HRM System System of Systems 3333 4449 ARMY MSSM Initiative 0.000 Legacy 7522 11237 2854 3553 DSS USAF HRM RPILM System System 13.504 Legacy 0.000 Core 8401 2705 NAVY MSSM System 0.001 Legacy 6978 11201 172 2386 3669 5046 NAVY DISA ARMY MSSM HRM HRM 0.995 Legacy 0.000 Core 25.897 Core 2118 3404 USAF FM System System System Family of Systems 1126 1222 12508 1296 1138 2928 USAF ARMY NAVY WSLM RPILM WSLM 0.442 Legacy 0.000 Core 0.335 Legacy 9042 2700 IT Asset Mgt DB USAF MSSM System System System Family of Systems IT Assets Mgmt Database Replacement System Name 0.000 Core 0.485 Legacy 0.004 Interim [NAVY ERP, FULL] [BIRDTRACK, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name 6352 2120 9990 IT E-MART 3426 IT SERVICES 78 5029 123 3345 1178 2114 0366 9997 6852 188 3348 2724 ITPSTA 0093 ITS 4450 ITS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ELECTRONIC MARKETPLACE RZ-E IT SERVICES INTEGRATED TOTAL ARMY PERSONNEL DATABASE ITEM APPLICATIONS INDIVIDUAL PERSONNEL TEMPO INFO TECH INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO SYS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROJECT STATUS TRACKING APPLICATION IMMUNIZATION TRACKING SYSTEM ITEM TRACKING TOOL 5941 8242 847 1908 ITS 3110 IUID 8201 IVRS INTEGRATED TRACKING SYSTEM UNIQUE ITEM IDENTIFICATION REGISTRY INTERACTIVE VOICE RESPONSE SYSTEM ITAPDB ITEM APPS ITEMPO ITIPS 1345 3583 IWIMS 9782 9990 IWP FT KNOX 8630 10683 2002 J6C ENCLAVE 2002 J6C SIPRNET INTERIM WORK INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM NETCOM GARRISON INTERNET WEB PRESENCE FT KNOX INFORMATION OPERATIONS COLUMBUS ENCLAVE J6C SIPRNET Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type ARMY USAF MSSM WSLM System Initiative 0.000 Core 0.194 Legacy ARMY USMC NAVY ARMY HRM MSSM HRM FM System System System System 1.740 0.001 0.152 0.000 NAVY TMA ARMY WSLM HRM MSSM System System Initiative Family of Systems System System 0.010 Core 0.079 Core 0.000 Interim WHS RPILM USD(AT&L)MSSM DFAS HRM Core Interim Core Legacy Replacement System Name [IPPS-A] 0.413 Core 0.000 Core 0.585 Legacy USAF RPILM System 11.801 Legacy ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core DLA DLA MSSM MSSM System System 86.680 Core 86.680 Core [NexGen IT, FULL] [ACES, 12 Sep 2013 FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 10835 J6D DAASC 2002 SIPRNET 8542 8489 2002 J6P NIPRNET LSE 2002 J6U LAN 2129 2874 JACG 2131 0254 JAFS 13427 2455 JAGPERS 1369 1036 JALIS 11857 1929 JAMMS 13132 4716 JAMRS 12849 4174 JASMS 8868 3111 JCCS 6694 2497 JDETS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type J6D DAASC SIPRNET J6P NON-SECURE INTERNET PROTOCOL ROUTER NETWORK LOCAL SUBSCRIBER ENCLAVE J6U LOCAL AREA NETWORK JOINT AERONAUTICAL COMMANDER'S GROUP DLA MSSM System 86.680 Core DLA DLA MSSM MSSM System System 86.680 Core 86.680 Core USAF WSLM JUDGE ADVOCATE FUNCTIONAL SERVER THE JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL PERSONNEL SYSTEM JOINT AIR LOGISTIC INFORMATION SYSTEM JOINT ASSET MOVEMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM JOINT ADVERTISING MARKET RESEARCH AND STUDIES RECRUITMENT DATABASE JOINT APPLICATION STAFF MANAGEMENT SYSTEM JOINT CONTINGENCY CONTRACTING SYSTEM JOINT DISABILITY EVALUATION TRACKING SYSTEM USAF TBD System Family of Systems NAVY HRM System 0.330 Core NAVY MSSM System 1.247 Core BTA HRM System 0.000 Core DHRA HRM System 0.000 Core ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Core BTA WSLM System 0.000 Core NAVY HRM System 0.585 Legacy 0.019 Interim 358.274 Core Replacement System Name The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 310 1043 JEDMICS 7519 6594 JEHRI 5348 10042 2455 JES 3226 JETS 376 1135 JFAST 2139 3664 JIFFY 9024 3125 JITC JPAS 7553 1915 JOA 3 1033 JOCASII 334 2091 JOINT CMIS 6696 6321 JPAS 1568 1250 JPATS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type NAVY MSSM System 5.912 Core TMA HRM Initiative 15.706 Core NAVY USAF HRM WSLM System System 0.330 Core 0.000 Core TRANSCOMMSSM System 2.726 Core JIFFY JITC MISSION SUPPORT SYSTEMS JOINT PROJECT ACCOUNTING SYSTEM JOB OPPORTUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT SYSTEM USAF WSLM System 0.150 Interim DISA FM 0.000 Legacy WHS HRM System Family of Systems JOB ORDER COST ACCOUNTING SYSTEM II JOINT CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM JOINT PERSONNEL ADJUDICATION SYSTEM JOINT PRIMARY AIRCRAFT TRAINING SYSTEM USAF FM System 4.879 Core NAVY MSSM System 1.055 Core DHRA HRM System 0.000 Legacy NAVY HRM System 7.216 Core System Name JOINT ENGINEERING DATA MANAGEMENT INFORMATION AND CONTROL SYSTEM JOINT ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORD INTEROPERABILITY JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL ENTERPRISE SYSTEM Jammer Evaluation Tool/Simulator JOINT FLOW AND ANALYSIS SYSTEM FOR TRANSPORTATION 0.434 Core Replacement System Name [EBS, FULL] 30 Sep 2013 [STES, PARTIAL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 1177 1129 11018 9990 12357 9990 1005 10682 2843 2002 8382 2826 11240 708 7532 9990 1156 2847 3380 4585 13866 1395 9990 2264 4225 11933 1354 9990 System Name JOINT PRIMARY AIRCRAFT TRAINING SYSTEM - GROUND BASED TRAINING JPATS GBTS (TIMS) SYSTEM (TRNG INTEGRATION MGMT SYS) JOINT PROGRAM REPORTING AND JPRAS ASSESSMENT SYSTEM JOINT PROGRAM REPORTING AND JPRAS - ALTESS ASSESSMENT SYSTEM - ALTESS JOINT RELIABILITY AVAILABILITY JRAMS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM JSE J6H SIPRNET ENCLAVE Joint Strike Fighter Web-based Information JSF WISE System for the Enterprise Joint Targetting Attack and Assessment JTAAC Capability JTDI JOINT TECHNICAL DATA INTEGRATION JTTR JOINT THEATER TRAUMA REGISTRY JUMPS STANDARD TERMINAL INPUT JUSTIS SYSTEM JOINT STRIKE FIGHTER PROGRAM OFFICE JVE VIRTUAL ENTERPRISE NETWORK K-NET KNOWLEDGE NETWORK KNOWLEDGE BASED CORPORATE KBCRS REPORTING SYSTEM KC-135 KC-135 Stratotanker Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type USAF HRM System 8.479 Core DTRA WSLM System 0.000 Interim DTRA WSLM System 0.000 Interim USAF DLA MSSM MSSM System System 0.635 Interim 86.680 Core USAF TBD System 0.491 Interim USAF NAVY TMA WSLM MSSM HRM System System System 0.000 Interim 4.548 Core 0.000 Interim ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy USD(AT&L)WSLM NAVY HRM System System 0.000 Core 0.000 Core ARMY USAF System System 0.000 Core 0.000 Core RPILM WSLM Replacement System Name 01 Sep 2013 [ECSS, FULL] 30 Sep 2009 The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 2 12347 13208 86 3381 2148 4481 System Name SUPPLY WORKING CAPITAL FUND DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM (KEYSTONE) 6961 KDSS KEYLESS ENTRY SYSTEM - FORT DRUM 4130 KES FT DRUM KEY CONTROL 4751 KEY CONTROL KEYSTONEKEYSTONE-RECRUIT QUOTA SYSTEM CLIENT SERVER 1063 REQUEST-CS KEYSTONE-RETAIN- KEYSTONE-RETENTION SYSTEM - CLIENT SERVER 4255 CS KINNEXUS 3581 KINNEXUS KEYPORT INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM 2646 KIPMIS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type USAF ARMY ARMY FM RPILM MSSM System System System ARMY HRM System ARMY USAF HRM MSSM System Initiative 0.000 Core 0.105 Interim NAVY MSSM System 0.070 Core 659 1593 KITMIS 9789 4664 KITS KIT MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM NAVY KNOWLEDGE, INNOVATION, AND TECHNOLOGY SHARING SYSTEM ARMY 12025 3384 8798 3680 KLIFDTS 4587 KN PAY SYSTEM 4586 KOD II Key Data Processor (KDP) Loading and Installation Facility (KLIF) Data Tracking System USAF KOREAN NATIONAL PAY SYSTEM ARMY KNOWLEDGE ON DEMAND II ARMY 7.874 Legacy 0.000 Core 0.000 Core Replacement System Name 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] 31 Dec 2030 11.062 Core MSSM System of Systems 0.092 Interim HRM System 0.000 Legacy WSLM FM FM System System System 0.000 Core 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Legacy 31 Mar 2018 [ECSS, FULL] [NAVAIR CMIS, FULL] [DECKPLATE, FULL] 01 Jan 2028 The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID IRB Invest. Type NAVY FM System 0.000 Legacy NAVY MSSM 4.981 Core ARMY USAF USMC HRM MSSM MSSM System Family of Systems System System NETCOM GARRISON NIPRNET LAN FT POLK LEARNING ASSESSMENT SYSTEM Logistics Automated Support System LOCAL CONTRACTS LEARNING CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - DISTANCE LEARNING ARMY NAVY USAF DCMA RPILM HRM MSSM WSLM System System System System NAVY HRM System 3.360 Core LABOR COST SYSTEM LEAN DEPOT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM LOCAL DEPOT MAINTENANCE SYSTEM TRIDENT LOGISTICS DATA SYSTEM NAVY USAF NAVY NAVY FM MSSM MSSM MSSM 0.000 0.200 0.448 7.623 LAW ENFORCEMENT ADVISORY PORTAL LEAVE REQUEST, APPROVAL AND TRACKING SYSTEM ARMY HRM System System System System Family of Systems USAF HRM System 1.668 Legacy 618 2150 4535 9780 13611 10016 6041 9990 4114 2688 3090 812 3876 LCMS-DL 696 2155 6950 315 6804 3287 1956 1962 13853 9990 LEAP 71 6473 LEAVEWEB 1497 7080 KPT-IPADS LAN FT POLK LAS LASS LC LCS LDMS LDMS LDS FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO System Name KEYPORT INTEGRATED PRODUCTION AND APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM L1/SS ENGINEERING INFORMATION SYSTEM 2782 L1/SS EIS THE JAG CORPS INTRANET AND KM 2190 LAAWS - JAGCNET SYSTEM LABMET 3391 LABMET LAKES HELPER SYSTEM 2220 LAKES HELPER 746 Termination Schedule 3.064 Core 0.001 Legacy 0.001 Legacy 0.000 0.000 0.052 17.777 Replacement System Name [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2017 PARTIAL] 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] Core Core Core Legacy Legacy Core Legacy Core 0.000 Core [NAVY ERP, 28 Apr 2013 FULL] 31 Mar 2017 [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 9536 1998 LEEDS 10103 4455 LEMS 8835 3209 LETS 6383 4456 LEXIS 13945 12481 2160 9990 LEXIS-S 9990 LF 3271 LGFNOTES1 8011 2623 LHIS 1550 6870 LIMS 3393 3116 LIMS 1452 3427 LIMS PLUS 9101 3116 LIMS-CIL System Name LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT DATABASE SYSTEM LOGISTICS ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM LCM EXPENDITURES TRACKING SYSTEM LOGISTICS EXECUTION INFORMATION SYSTEM LOGISTICS EXECUTION INFORMATION SYSTEM SIPR LASER FICHE LGF LOTUS NOTES CLIENT ACCESS LIFT AND HANDLING INFORMATION SYSTEM LABORATORY INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - SYMIS LABORATORY INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (LIMS) PHYSICAL SCIENCES LABORATORY INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PLUS LABORATORY INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION LABORATORY Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type DLA MSSM System ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Legacy NAVY FM System 0.029 Legacy ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY ARMY USAF MSSM RPILM WSLM System System System 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Core 0.033 Interim NAVY MSSM System 0.000 Core NAVY MSSM System 0.231 Legacy ARMY MSSM Initiative 1.428 Legacy USAF WSLM Family of Systems 0.310 Core ARMY HRM System 1.428 Core Replacement System Name 382.949 Core [NAVY ERP, FULL] 31 Mar 2017 [ECSS, FULL] [ECSS, PARTIAL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID Termination Schedule System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State 1393 1198 LINX LAW ENFORCEMENT INFORMATION EXCHANGE NAVY HRM 8786 13872 3317 Livelink 0881 Livelink(Gunter) Livelink Livelink USAF USAF TBD MSSM 1652 998 232 2170 6020 2187 8147 6298 3408 1827 ARMY USAF ARMY USAF DLA MSSM MSSM MSSM HRM HRM 813 3889 LMS-DL LOGISTICS INFORMATION WAREHOUSE LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT DATA BANK LOGISTICS MODERNIZATION PROGRAM LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DISTANCE LEARNING System Family of Systems System System of Systems System System System System NAVY HRM System 5.097 Core 8672 2774 LMS-DTRA DTRA HRM System 0.236 Core 8419 2089 LMSIS LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - DTRA LABOR MANAGEMENT SUPPORT INFORMATION SYSTEM NAVY HRM 1.715 Interim 3397 12187 4256 LNSS 3532 LOA 3 RCM ARMY TMA HRM HRM 6736 2478 LOAD LOCAL NATIONAL STAFFING SUITE LOA 3 RECOVERY CARE MANAGEMENT LOADING, ORGANIZING AND ANALYSIS OF THE DND2/CPD System System of Systems Initiative NAVY WSLM System 0.018 Core 13613 3399 9990 LOGCOP 4459 LOGDAT LOGISTICS COMMON OPERATING PICTURE NAVY LOGISTICS DATA ANALYSIS TOOL ARMY MSSM MSSM System System 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Legacy LIW LMDB LMP LMS LMS Replacement System Name 8.186 Core 0.050 Interim 247.752 Legacy 0.000 0.800 165.364 0.040 0.811 Interim Legacy Core Core Core 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] [EBS, FULL] [NAVY ERP, FULL] 0.000 Core 1.399 Core [DRRS-N, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 2173 4073 LOGMOD 8365 3349 LPLWS 2819 LRC - CSLA 4460 COMSEC MOD 12322 4589 LRC - CSLA ISSP LRC ENGINEERING 4088 TOOLS 6358 4461 LRC - JETDAS 6250 4462 LRC - PDM 12314 9158 4665 LRC - R2ECBS 4666 LTC TRACKING 4728 1573 LTRIS 8274 3349 LTRS LSVD 8269 3349 LTRS PDTS 6351 Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type LOGISTICS MODULE LAUNCH PAD LIGHTNING WARNING SYSTEM COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY LOGISTICS ACTIVITY CRYPTO MODERNIZATION PROGRAM COMMUNICATIONS SECURITY LOGISTICS ACTIVITY, INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECURITY PROGRAM USAF MSSM System 1.344 Core USAF TBD System 0.000 Legacy ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Core ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy ENGINEERING TOOLS APPLICATION JOINT ELECTRONICS TYPE DESIGNATION AUTOMATED SYSTEM CECOM PRODUCT DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM RAPID RESPONSE ELECTRONIC CONTRACT AND BUSINESS SYSTEM Long Term Contract Tracking LIGHTWEIGHT TORPEDO RELIABILITY INFORMATION SYSTEM Launch and Test Range Systems Large Screen Video Display Launch and Test Range Systems Post Detection Telemetry Subsystem ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Core ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY MSSM 0.000 Legacy ARMY ARMY WSLM WSLM System Family of Systems System NAVY WSLM System 0.013 Legacy USAF TBD System 0.000 Core USAF TBD System 0.000 Core 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Legacy Replacement System Name 01 Sep 2020 [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 8275 3349 LTRS RSTA 8279 2182 2172 2184 3349 9990 3352 3566 1356 12668 4661 1639 M&SWP 4189 M-LMS 3482 M4L 3590 9990 MAAPEN 472 3592 0459 MABSM 4590 MAJ 13420 3856 MAJIC 4730 2229 MAKE 8065 10560 2637 MAMS 4463 MANMAN 6783 2247 MARS LTRS WR-VVTA LTS LWFP LWT System Name Launch and Test Range Systems Range Status and Alert Launch and Test Range Systems Western Range Voice, Video and Telemetry Archive LODGING TOUCH SYSTEM LOGISTICS WEB FORMS PROCESSOR LGF WEB TOOLS MAINTENANCE & SHIP WORK PLANNING Meridian Learning Management System MARINE FOR LIFE MCALESTER ARMY AMMUNITION PLANT ENTERPRISE NETWORK MA MRO BUSINESS SYSTEM MODERNIZATION MAJOR PRICING SYSTEM MPN APPROPRIATION JUSTIFICATION BOOK INPUT AND COMPILATION MARINE AMMUNITION KNOWLEDGE ENTERPRISE MAINTENANCE AVAILABILITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANMAN MANUFACTURING SYSTEM MARINE CORPS ASSET REQUIREMENTS SYSTEM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type USAF TBD System 0.000 Core USAF USAF USAF USAF TBD HRM MSSM MSSM System System System System 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 NAVY USAF USMC MSSM HRM HRM System System System 2.037 Core 0.000 Core 0.000 Interim ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Core USAF ARMY MSSM MSSM System Initiative 8.410 Interim 0.000 Legacy NAVY FM System 0.222 Interim USMC WSLM System 0.000 Core NAVY ARMY MSSM MSSM System System 0.315 Legacy 0.000 Core USMC WSLM System 0.005 Core Core Interim Core Interim Replacement System Name [DLS, PARTIAL] 01 Sep 2015 [ECSS, FULL] 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] [NAVY ERP, PARTIAL] 31 Mar 2017 [ECSS, FULL] [M&SWP, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name 8306 4464 MARTS 1207 MAS MASC Extension - 4 9996 SOPS 1135 7118 3582 MASTER 1469 MAT PPOD 1533 3594 12346 8978 787 1486 4465 4757 3392 6996 MATMF MATMNG MATS MAX MAXIMO MORTUARY AFFAIRS REPORTING AND TRACKING SYSTEM METRICS ANALYSIS SYSTEM Milstar Auxiliary Support Center (MASC) Extension MODELING AND SIMULATION TEST AND EVALUATION RESOURCES MATERIAL STATUS/PPOD REPORT MATERIAL ACCESS TECHNOLOGY-MISSION FUNDED MATERIEL MANAGEMENT MEDICAL ACTION TRACKING SYSTEM MAX Security Portal MAXIMO ENTERPRISE 5946 6980 9029 11748 9163 6612 9017 7675 1908 1280 2816 8761 8762 8765 8766 8767 MAXIMO MAXIMO Maximo MAXIMO MAXIMO MEADE MAXIMO APG MAXIMO EUSTIS MAXIMO LEWIS MAXIMO MAXIMO Maximo FT LEE, MAXIMO MAXIMO FT MEADE MAXIMO ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND MAXIMO FT EUSTIS MAXIMO FORT LEWIS 10821 859 Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type ARMY DFAS MSSM FM System System 0.000 Core 0.839 Legacy USAF TBD System 0.000 Legacy USAF NAVY WSLM MSSM System System 0.091 Interim 0.012 Core NAVY ARMY ARMY USAF NAVY MSSM MSSM HRM MSSM RPILM 1.120 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.022 Interim Legacy Core Core Core WHS NAVY USAF ARMY ARMY ARMY ARMY ARMY RPILM MSSM RPILM RPILM RPILM RPILM RPILM RPILM System System System System System Family of Systems System System Initiative System System System System 0.413 0.277 0.865 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Core Core Interim Core Interim Legacy Legacy Legacy 30 Dec 2027 Replacement System Name The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 9165 3596 MAXIMO PICATINNY 4723 ARSENAL 2315 MBIS 6676 9990 MC&FP OC 82 5130 1175 MC4 3448 MCDL 4538 3526 MCDSS 4540 8719 2232 MCFMIS 2226 MCMODS 8722 2666 MCP CBT EVAL 5028 3512 MCPALMS 5096 2244 MCPDS 6684 1496 MCPSAST 4665 2128 MCRISS Termination Schedule Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB MAXIMO PICATINNY ARSENAL MAILBOX INFORMATION SYSTEM ARMY ARMY RPILM HRM MC&FP OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS MEDICAL COMMUNICATIONS FOR COMBAT CASUALTY CARE MARINE CORPS DISTANCE LEARNING MATERIEL CAPABILITY DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM MARINE CORPS FOOD MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM MANPOWER MODELS DODEA HRM ARMY USMC HRM HRM System System Family of Systems Family of Systems System USMC MSSM System 0.001 Interim USMC USMC RPILM HRM System System 0.000 Core 2.511 Legacy MCP CBT EVAL MAINTENANCE CENTER PRODUCTIVITY AND LABOR MANAGEMENT MARINE CORPS PUBLICATION DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM MANAGEMENT CONTROL PROGRAM SELF ASSESSMENT SURVEY TOOL MARINE CORPS RECRUITING INFORMATION SUPPORT SYSTEM NAVY FM System 0.001 Interim USMC HRM System 0.001 Interim USMC WSLM System 0.005 Legacy NAVY FM System 0.033 Interim USMC HRM System 5.838 Core Replacement System Name 0.000 Legacy 0.178 Core 0.000 Core 52.324 Core 27.209 Core 28 Sep 2016 [CFMS-E, FULL] [TFMMR, FULL] [NAVY ERP, FULL] 30 Sep 2018 [NAVY ERP, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name 3599 4591 MCRT 10083 13985 113 9990 MCSB-HEO 9998 MCT 6525 MCTFS 8712 2414 MCTIMS 12140 3952 MDA CCAR 664 6992 MDEP 12328 6043 4717 MDMS 3090 MDO MANAGEMENT CONTROL REPORTING TOOL MISSION CONTROL STATION BACKUP (MCSB) - HIGHLY ELIPTICAL ORBIT (HEO) MASS COMMUNICATIONS TOOL MARINE CORPS TOTAL FORCE SYSTEM MARINE CORPS TRAINING INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MISSILE DEFENSE AGENCY COMPREHENSIVE COST AND REQUIREMENT SYSTEM MICROCOMPUTER DATA ENTRY PROGRAM ARMY METER DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MODIFICATION & DELIVERY ORDERS 4541 Termination Schedule COMPO IRB ARMY FM USAF USMC USMC Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State 0.000 Interim WSLM HRM HRM System System of Systems System System USMC HRM System 4.160 Core MDA FM System 5.919 Core NAVY FM System 0.987 Interim ARMY DCMA RPILM WSLM System System 0.000 Core 17.777 Legacy 2238 MDSS II MAGTF DEPLOYMENT SUPPORT SYSTEM II USMC MSSM System 0.885 Legacy 4157 4466 MEARS ARMY MSSM Initiative 0.000 Legacy 319 1691 1197 MEASURE 7024 MEAT NAVY DECA MSSM HRM System System 2.293 Core 0.113 Legacy 13191 4282 MEB-ITI MULTI USER CHANGE PROPOSAL SYSTEM METROLOGY AUTOMATED SYSTEM FOR UNIFORM RECALL AND REPORTING MEAT CUTTING SYSTEM MEDICAL EVALUATION BOARD INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INITIATIVE TMA HRM Initiative 0.000 Core Replacement System Name 0.000 Core 0.000 Legacy 8.450 Core [NAVY ERP, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 13515 9990 MED-CHART 141 0096 MEDBOLTS 152 0102 MEDRUPMIS 1628 1263 MERIT 8864 1952 MERITS 9349 8083 3169 METRCS 2353 METRICS 43 1158 MFCS 8551 13984 3609 1364 9134 4906 System Name Medical Electronic Data for Care History And Readiness Tracking MEDICAL BOARDS ONLINE TRACKING SYSTEM MEDICAL RESERVES UTILIZATION PROGRAM MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM MARINE CORPS EQUIPMENT READINESS INFORMATION TOOL MEDICAL RESEARCH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SYSTEM Medical Education Training, Research Consultation System CODE 1230 METRICS MATERIAL FINANCIAL CONTROL SYSTEM MAINTENANCE FIGURE OF MERIT / MFOM/MRAS/VSB/A MISSION READINESS ASSESSMENT SYSTEM 2049 TM MEMORANDUM FISCAL SERVICES 9990 MFS MONTGOMERY GI BILL 2318 MGIB MUNITIONS HISTORY PROGRAM 4467 MHP MICAP Data Visualization Tool 2986 MICAP DV Tool MARINE INTERACTIVE COMPUTER AIDED PROVISIONING SYSTEM 2124 MICAPS Termination Schedule Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB ARMY HRM System of Systems 0.000 Core TMA HRM System 0.228 Core TMA HRM System 0.140 Core USMC MSSM System 1.942 Interim ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core USAF NAVY HRM MSSM System System 0.000 Core 0.000 Core NAVY FM System 5.590 Legacy NAVY USMC ARMY ARMY USAF MSSM FM HRM MSSM MSSM System Initiative System System System 1.940 0.000 0.033 0.000 0.059 USMC MSSM System 0.001 Legacy Core Interim Core Core Interim Replacement System Name [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2012 FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 8862 4468 MICAS 12748 4469 MICAS WEB 3611 4470 MIDAS 8371 10115 3349 MIDDS 2783 MILCON 13745 9990 MILITAPS 2214 3273 MILPDS 4245 1915 MILPERS 4542 3528 MIMMS 4803 0196 MIMS/AMHF 10107 2230 MIPITS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Interim ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Interim ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Legacy Meteorological Interactive Data Display System USAF MILCON APPLICATION NAVY MILITARY INCENTIVE TRACKING, ACCOUNTING AND PAYMENT SYSTEM NAVY TBD RPILM System System 0.000 Legacy 0.354 Core HRM System 0.000 Interim System Name MOBILITY INVENTORY CONTROL ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEM MOBILITY INVENTORY CONTROL ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEM WEB MUNITIONS ITEMS DISPOSITION ACTIONS SYSTEM AIR FORCE MILITARY PERSONNEL DATA SYSTEM MILITARY PERSONNEL MARINE CORPS INTEGRATED MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MATERIAL INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/AUTOMATED MATERIAL HANDLING FACILITY MEDICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PORTFOLIO INVESTMENT TRACKING SYSTEM USAF HRM WHS HRM System Family of Systems USMC MSSM System 0.001 Legacy NAVY MSSM System 0.081 Core TMA HRM System 0.100 Core 15.357 Legacy Replacement System Name [AF DIMHRS, FULL] [VPSC, PARTIAL] 30 Sep 2013 [TTMS, FULL] 0.434 Core [GCSS-MC, 30 Sep 2013 FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 2953 4592 MIPR 81 1191 MIRS 4246 9990 MISIL 1016 7105 8146 MISTR 2825 MMAC 3624 4471 MMIS 3625 2330 MMOF-DB 3629 4472 MOBCON 11066 4333 MOBCOP 1197 2332 MOBPERS 423 8682 143 1171 MOCAS 0002 MOCAS MID-TIER 0104 MODS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type ARMY WSLM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY HRM System 40.058 Legacy DSCA WSLM System 0.000 Interim USAF NAVY MSSM MSSM System System 0.071 Legacy 0.002 Core ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Legacy MILPERCEN MASTER ORGANIZATION FILE MOBILIZATION MOVEMENT CONTROL SYSTEM ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core ARMY MSSM 0.000 Legacy Mobilization Common Operating Picture MOBILIZATION PERSONNEL PROCESSING SYSTEM MECHANIZATION OF CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION SERVICES MOCAS MID-TIER MEDICAL OPERATIONAL DATA SYSTEM ARMY HRM System Family of Systems ARMY HRM System 0.431 Core DCMA DFAS TMA WSLM FM HRM System Initiative System 8.905 Core 0.822 Legacy 11.443 Core System Name ELECTRONIC MILITARY INTERDEPARTMENTAL PURCHASE REQUEST MEPCOM INTEGRATED RESOURCE SYSTEM MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS MISTR REQUIREMENTS SCHEDULING & ANALYSIS SYSTEM MEDICAL, MISHAP AND COMPENSATION MODIFICATION MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM 0.000 Core Replacement System Name 31 Dec 2013 [VIPS, FULL] 31 Mar 2017 [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 1019 9990 MOMS 4247 7984 1883 MOMS 2933 MOS 12977 9990 MOS 3631 3633 4259 MOSC 4473 MOVE REQUEST 4689 3516 MOWASP 207 5882 5531 5078 MP&E 1398 MPC 9990 MPCC-POS 5032 2719 MPCS 2222 0480 MPES 793 6815 MPNFMS - ABS 1540 2772 MPNFMS - BAM System Name MORTUARY OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANPOWER ON-LINE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANAGEMENT OPERATING SYSTEM MILITARY ONESOURCE MILITARY OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALITY CODES MOVE REQUEST MECHANIZATION OF WAREHOUSING AND SHIPMENT PROCESSING MAINTENANCE PLANNING AND EXECUTION (MP&E) SYSTEM MISSION PLANNING CENTRAL MILITARY PAPER CHECK CONVERSION MANUFACTURING PLANNING & CONTROL SYSTEM MANPOWER PROGRAMMING AND EXECUTION SYSTEM MPN FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AUTOMATED BUDGETING SYSTEM MPN FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BUDGET AND ACCOUNTING MODULE Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type USAF MSSM System 0.000 Interim DTRA NAVY HRM HRM 0.287 Core 0.673 Core DODEA HRM System System Family of Systems ARMY ARMY HRM MSSM System System 0.000 Core 0.000 Legacy USMC MSSM System 0.001 Interim USAF USAF NAVY MSSM MSSM FM System Initiative System 2.742 Legacy 0.000 Interim 0.000 Core NAVY MSSM 0.332 Legacy USAF HRM System Family of Systems NAVY FM System 0.000 Legacy NAVY FM System 4.542 Legacy Replacement System Name 0.000 Interim 4.070 Core 31 Mar 2017 [ECSS, FULL] [MPES, PARTIAL] [NAVY ERP, FULL] [MPNFMS AFAM, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 795 6670 6818 MPNFMS - BOATS 8104 MPS 7499 13617 6033 3669 MPSNET 2754 MRDB 1793 MRINTERVIEW System Name MPN FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BUDGET OBLIGATION AND ANALYSIS TRACKING SYSTEM MATERIAL PROCESSING SYSTEM MANPOWER, PERSONNEL, AND SECURITY NETWORK MATERIAL READINESS DATA BASE MRINTERVIEW Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type NAVY USAF FM MSSM System Initiative 0.150 Legacy 0.754 Interim DISA NAVY DODEA HRM MSSM HRM System System System 0.000 Core 5.671 Core 6.382 Core 340 4690 2137 MRMS 3529 MRP (MC) MAINTENANCE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM NAVY MATERIEL RETURNS PROGRAM (MC) USMC MSSM MSSM System System 2.326 Legacy 0.001 Legacy 686 3634 7069 MRQT 4474 MRR MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS MUNITIONS READINESS REVIEW NAVY ARMY MSSM MSSM System System 0.328 Legacy 0.000 Legacy 723 1646 MRRS NAVY HRM System 1.376 Interim 9191 9329 2692 MSADA 3638 MSAT NAVY USAF MSSM RPILM System System 0.150 Core 0.000 Legacy 1632 1010 MSC IS PORTAL NAVY MSSM System 7.027 Core 1633 1489 MSC-BPS MEDICAL READINESS REPORTING SYSTEM MANAGEMENT SUPPORT AND DATA ANALYSIS (MSADA) Maintenance Scheduling Application Tool MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND INFORMATION SYSTEMS PORTAL MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND BUDGET PREPARATION SYSTEM NAVY FM System 2.015 Legacy Replacement System Name [MAJIC, FULL] [NMPBS, FULL] 31 Mar 2017 [ECSS, FULL] [NAVY ERP, PARTIAL] [SYMIS INV, FULL] [SYMIS INV, FULL] 31 Mar 2018 [ECSS, FULL] [MSC-FMS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 42 6514 MSC-FMS 120 6513 MSC-HRMS 1635 1491 MSC-LES 13621 1794 MSC-SPS 1634 8897 1490 MSC-UCPS 3786 MSDDS 2183 3584 MSDIS 4249 1998 MSODS 9190 3096 MST/HASIT 11328 1160 1908 MTBP 1303 MTE 256 4475 MTMS System Name MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND SHIPBOARD LOGISTICS AND ENGINEERING SUPPORT MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND STANDARD PROCUREMENT SYSTEM SUPPORT MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND UNIFIED CIVILIAN MARINER PAYROLL SYSTEM Multi-Service Data Distribution System MATERIAL SUPPORT DIVISION INFORMATION SYSTEM MAP SUPPORT OFFICE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE SUPPORT TOOL/HIERARCHAL ANALYSIS SUPPORT INFORMATION TOOL MASS TRANSPORTATION BENEFIT PROGRAM SYSTEM MUNITIONS TEST ENVIRONMENT MUNITIONS TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type NAVY FM System 6.508 Interim NAVY HRM System 6.250 Core NAVY MSSM System of Systems 11.304 Legacy NAVY FM System 45.138 Interim NAVY USAF HRM MSSM System System 2.328 Legacy 0.050 Core USAF MSSM System 0.030 Core DLA MSSM System 382.949 Core NAVY MSSM System 0.350 Interim WHS USAF HRM WSLM System System 0.413 Core 0.489 Core ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Core Replacement System Name [ECSS, 31 Mar 2016 PARTIAL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name 3636 13988 4543 4544 4440 9655 3638 1347 11081 853 97 4476 9990 3513 3514 3515 4593 8768 9990 9990 8206 6200 12259 820 3957 MyXDP 0581 NAF-T 863 1403 NAFCPS 864 1402 NAFISS 305 8132 1274 NALDA II 2405 NAMS MUNITIONS TOTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMFIELD MODULE MAGTF TACTICAL WARFARE SIMULATION MUMMS INVENTORY CONTROL STORES ACCOUNTING SUBSYSTEM AUTOMATED PROCUREMENT SYSTEM MYUNITPAY LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MANAGEMENT EXECUTION & TRACKING My Career Advancement Account MYINVOICE MYPAY My Enlisted, Officer, and Civilian Development Plan NAF FINANCIAL TRANSFORMATION NONAPPROPRIATED FUNDS CENTRAL PAYROLL SYSTEM NONAPPROPRIATED FUND INFORMATION STANDARD SYSTEM NAVAL AVIATION LOGISTICS DATA ANALYSIS II NMCI ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 8467 9990 NASK NAF ACCOUNTING SYSTEM KOREA MTMS-FM MTWS MUMMS-SS03 MUMMS-SS04 MUMMS-SS05 MUP MWR-LMS MXT MyCAA MYINVOICE MYPAY Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type ARMY USMC USMC USMC USMC ARMY ARMY USAF USAF DFAS DFAS MSSM WSLM MSSM MSSM MSSM FM HRM FM HRM FM HRM System System System System System System System System System System System 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.812 8.725 USAF USAF HRM FM System System 0.429 Core 3.682 Core DFAS HRM System 0.611 Legacy DFAS FM 1.263 Legacy NAVY NAVY MSSM FM System Family of Systems System ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy Core Core Legacy Interim Legacy Interim Core Legacy Core Legacy Legacy 1.343 Legacy 0.000 Legacy Replacement System Name 30 Dec 2020 [DECKPLATE, FULL] [RSAS/RCCPDS] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name Termination Schedule Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB NAVY MSSM Family of Systems 1.036 Interim NAVY MSSM Family of Systems 5.912 Core 711 1587 NAVAIR CMIS 712 1043 NAVAIR JEDMICS NAVAIR CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM NAVAIR JOINT ENGINEERING DATA MANAGEMENT INFORMATION AND CONTROL SYSTEM 1532 1995 NAVICP SSS NAVICP SUPPLY SUPPORT SYSTEM NAVY MSSM System 10.549 Legacy 8553 804 2983 NAVRIS 4033 NAVY CASH NAVAL RESEARCH INFORMATION SYSTEM NAVY NAVY CASHTM NAVY WSLM FM System System 3.047 Legacy 17.314 Interim 802 726 10130 0186 NAVY ERP 6566 NAVY.COM 3168 NCAT NAVY NAVY TMA MSSM HRM HRM System System System 242.627 Core 2.524 Core 10.280 Core 13856 9990 NCIC - CIDC ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core 6681 2484 NCIS CASE MGT NAVY HRM System 0.002 Legacy 1608 12680 1262 NCMIS 4187 NCMT NAVY TMA HRM HRM System System 0.592 Core 0.000 Interim 5570 719 309 2614 NDAWS 0845 NDE 5027 NDMS NAVY ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING NAVY.COM NEURO-COGNITIVE ASSESSMENT TOOL NATIONAL CRIME INFORMATION CENTER CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION COMMAND NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE CASE MANAGEMENT NAVY COLLEGE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM NICOE CONTINUITY MANAGEMENT TOOL NAVY DEPARTMENT AWARDS WEB SERVICE NAVY DATA ENVIRONMENT NAVAIR DEPOT MAINTENANCE SYSTEM NAVY NAVY NAVY HRM MSSM MSSM System System System 0.937 Core 1.935 Core 27.462 Core Replacement System Name [DECKPLATE, FULL] [NAVY ERP, FULL] 31 Dec 2025 [DONCJIS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 4253 6478 NDMS 6689 2497 NDRBS 1549 1258 NEAS 593 425 4204 NEBMS 2057 NECO 1528 1658 NEDU BUDGET 714 6437 NEMAIS 867 13431 6946 1181 NERMS 5011 NES 1987 NET 1496 6735 1247 NETFOCUS 2462 NEW DND2 12017 3130 NexGen IT 13633 9998 NFAAS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type NON DOD SCHOOLS PROGRAM NAVAL DISCHARGE REVIEW BOARD SYSTEM DODEA FM System NAVY HRM System 0.585 Legacy NAVY ENLISTED ADVANCEMENT SYSTEM NAF EMPLOYEE BENEFIT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM NAVY ELECTRONIC COMMERCE ONLINE NAVY HRM System 0.412 Core ARMY NAVY HRM WSLM System System 0.000 Core 1.469 Core NEDU BUDGET AND ADMINISTRATION DBS NAVY ENTERPRISE MAINTENANCE AUTOMATED INFORMATION SYSTEM NAVY EMERGENCY RESPONSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM NAVY ENLISTED SYSTEM NAVY ENTERPRISE TRANSPORTATION NAVY FM System 0.075 Legacy NAVY MSSM System 21.568 Legacy NAVY NAVY NAVY RPILM HRM MSSM System System System 1.466 Core 47.220 Legacy 2.600 Core NAVY NAVY HRM WSLM System System 1.141 Core 0.013 Core USAF RPILM System 40.844 Core NAVY HRM System 0.000 Core NAVAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING FUTURE OFFICER AND CITIZENSHIP USER SYSTEM NEW DON DISCLOSURE DATABASE Air Force Enterprise Civil Engineer - Integrated Work Management System NAVY FAMILY ACCOUNTABILITY AND ASSESSMENT SYSTEM Replacement System Name 80.407 Core [NAVY ERP, 28 Jun 2020 PARTIAL] [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2013 FULL] [FPPS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 8424 2074 NFACTS 13815 12466 12454 5613 9990 4608 4749 1150 1631 1681 NIAPS (DS2) 6720 2464 NIATS 6730 6719 2494 NIGHTS 2473 NIPO WEBSITE 8410 6733 729 2078 NIRIS 2477 NITREX 2789 NKO 3673 1558 7073 4477 NLAC 1341 NLL 1448 NLR 10735 9990 NLSC NGABS NGB ONLINE NGS NHS System Name NAVAL FACILITIES ACQUISITION CENTER FOR TRAINING WEBSITE WITH NATMIS ONLINE REGISTRATION NATIONAL GUARD AUTOMATED BOARD SYSTEM NATIONAL GUARD BUREAU ONLINE NIPRNET GLOBE SERVICES NAVSEA HEADQUARTERS SYSTEM NAVY INFORMATION/APPLICATION PRODUCT SUITE (DISTANCE SUPPORT 2) NAVY INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS TRACKING SYSTEM NAVAL INSPECTOR GENERAL HOTLINETRACKING SYSTEM NAVY IPO PUBLIC WEBSITE NAVY INSTALLATION RESTORATION INFORMATION SOLUTION NITREX NAVY KNOWLEDGE ONLINE NATIONAL LEVEL AMMUNITION CAPABILITY NAVAL LOGISTICS LIBRARY NUCLEAR LOG ROOM NATIONAL LANGUAGE SERVICE CORPS (NLSC) PILOT RECORDS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type NAVY HRM System 0.019 Core ARMY ARMY ARMY NAVY HRM FM MSSM FM Initiative System System System 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 NAVY MSSM System 7.062 Core NAVY WSLM System 0.004 Core NAVY NAVY HRM WSLM System System 0.296 Core 0.003 Core NAVY NAVY NAVY RPILM HRM HRM System System System 0.375 Core 0.026 Core 10.572 Legacy ARMY NAVY NAVY MSSM MSSM MSSM System System System 0.000 Interim 3.881 Core 0.012 Core DHRA HRM System 0.000 Interim Legacy Legacy Core Interim Replacement System Name The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name NAVY-MARINE CORPS MOBILIZATION PROCESSING SYSTEM NAVY MAINTENANCE DATABASE NUTRITION MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM NAVY MEDICINE ON-LINE NAVY MANPOWER PROGRAM AND BUDGET SYSTEM NAVY MILITARY PERSONNEL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM NAVY MANPOWER REQUIREMENTS SYSTEM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type NAVY NAVY HRM MSSM System System 1.032 Interim 3.909 Core TMA TMA HRM HRM System System 1.203 Core 1.702 Core NAVY HRM 0.447 Interim NAVY HRM System Family of Systems NAVY HRM System 0.391 Core NAVY FM System 0.260 Legacy NAVY NAVY NAVY NAVY DFAS DCMA FM RPILM HRM MSSM FM WSLM System System System System System System 809 321 0371 NMCMPS 6805 NMD 161 196 0106 NMIS 0492 NMO 1485 0378 NMPBS 114 4058 NMPDS 684 1353 NMRS 8100 2461 NODB 4331 668 13635 8150 854 4313 7008 7001 3899 2543 1348 3090 4934 0845 NRDW - DSS NAVAIR OBLIGATION DATABASE NAVAIR OPERATIONS AND MANPOWER BUDGET EXHIBIT REPORTING SYSTEM NORMALIZED DATABASE NAVY PERSONNEL DATABASE NUCLEAR POWER MANUAL INDEX NAVY PROMPT PAYMENT INTEREST NASA QUALITY LEADING INDICATOR NAVY RESERVE DATA WAREHOUSE DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM NAVY HRM System 1.935 Legacy 119 6458 NROWS NAVY RESERVE ORDER WRITING SYSTEM NAVY HRM System 1.885 Core NOMBERS NORM NPDB NPMINDEX NPPI NQLI Replacement System Name 0.677 Core 0.285 0.502 0.000 0.000 0.061 17.777 Legacy Core Core Core Legacy Legacy [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2017 PARTIAL] [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2017 PARTIAL] 30 Sep 2020 [BEIS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID Termination Schedule Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB NAVY ARMY HRM MSSM NAVY HRM System System Family of Systems NAVY ARMY USAF FM MSSM HRM System System System 0.068 Legacy 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Core DHRA HRM System 0.000 Legacy 4982 3676 1335 NRRM 4479 NSBUN 108 1371 NSIPS 1479 3678 12544 1211 NSLC FMIS 4480 NSOASN 4125 NSSim 13524 9993 NSTS NAVY RESERVE READINESS MODULE NVESD SBU NETWORK NAVY STANDARD INTEGRATED PERSONNEL SYSTEM NSLC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM NVESD SOAS NETWORK National Security Simulation NSEP - NATIONAL STUDENT TRACKING SYSTEM 13642 1525 NSWC PHD CIS NSWC PHD CORPORATE INFORMATION SYSTEM 14017 9990 NTC-L 299 1372 NTCSS 683 4257 6434 1246 NTMPS 3829 NTPR 9997 NUMMOD 1523 4261 9609 1485 NWPS WEB 9990 OA 1960 OA THE NETWORKED TRAINING CENTER-LUKE NAVAL TACTICAL COMMAND SUPPORT SYSTEM NAVY TRAINING MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING SYSTEM NUCLEAR TEST PERSONNEL REVIEW NUMERICAL MODELS NAVY WORKLOAD & PERFORMANCE SYSTEM OFFICE AUTOMATION OFFICE AUTOMATION Replacement System Name 1.508 Core 0.000 Legacy 14.734 Legacy NAVY FM System 0.408 Legacy USAF HRM System 0.000 Core NAVY MSSM System 93.388 Core NAVY DTRA ARMY HRM HRM RPILM System System System 5.176 Core 0.714 Core 0.000 Legacy NAVY PFPA DFAS MSSM TBD FM Initiative System Initiative 0.480 Core 0.000 Core 5.655 Interim [FPPS, FULL] [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2011 PARTIAL] [DEVICE 2H145, FULL] [DEVICE 30 Aug 2015 2H145, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 13645 3875 OAIS 909 3685 13413 6484 OARS 4483 OASIS 1513 OBMS 9189 2691 OCIE System Name OFFICER ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM II OBLIGATION ADJUSTMENT REPORTING SYSTEM REHOST OASIS ODAA BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ONLINE COMPUTER INFORMATION EXCHANGE Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type NAVY HRM System 0.373 Core USAF ARMY DSS FM MSSM HRM System System System 1.751 Legacy 0.000 Core 0.000 Core NAVY MSSM System 0.117 Interim 13 8202 ODS OPERATIONAL DATA STORE DFAS FM 7.430 Legacy HRM System Family of Systems 5003 3483 ODSE USMC 4790 13487 3179 OEM 9990 OET OPERATIONAL DATA STORE ENTERPRISE OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT OVERSEAS ENTITLEMENT TRACKER NAVY ARMY RPILM HRM System System 0.544 Core 0.000 Core 0.000 Legacy Replacement System Name [DEAMS, FULL] [BEIS, PARTIAL] [SDI, PARTIAL] [DCAS, PARTIAL] [IPPSA, PARTIAL] [DAI, PARTIAL] [DEAMS, PARTIAL] [LMP, PARTIAL] [GFEBS, 31 Dec 2016 PARTIAL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID OFAMS OGCONLINE OH OIS 912 5283 5969 727 0110 2493 3090 0500 13821 9990 OLRDB 25 9066 8203 OLRV 4485 OLS 1021 3646 OLVIMS LEGACY 3702 9997 OMBIL PLUS System Name OPTICAL FABRICATION AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OGCONLINE OVERHEAD NEGOTIATIONS ORDNANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM OFFICER LONGITUDINAL RESEARCH DATABASE ONLINE REPORT VIEWING ON-LINE STUDY SYSTEM ON-LINE VEHICLE INTERACTIVE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - LEGACY OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE BUSINESS INFO LINK PLUS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type TMA NAVY DCMA NAVY HRM HRM WSLM MSSM System System System System ARMY HRM System 0.000 Legacy DFAS ARMY FM MSSM System System 2.498 Legacy 0.000 Legacy USAF MSSM System 2.149 Interim ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Core 29 13421 0010 ONE PAY 2753 ONE SOURCE ONE PAY DON AQUISITION ONE SOURCE DFAS NAVY FM MSSM 9111 2948 ONE SUPPLY ONE SUPPLY NAVY MSSM 11025 9993 ONE TMS 13430 3901 OPINS ONE NETWORK ENTERPRISE (ONE) TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TRANSCOMMSSM OFFICER PERSONNEL INFORMATION SYSTEM NAVY TBD 0.262 1.014 17.777 7.027 Replacement System Name Core Core Legacy Core System System System of Systems 3.144 Legacy 5.137 Interim System 0.000 Core System 0.254 Legacy [GFEBS, 31 Dec 2016 PARTIAL] [AFEMS, FULL] [ECSS, FULL] [NAVY ERP, FULL] [GFEBS, 31 Dec 2016 PARTIAL] 2.535 Interim [FPPS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 12321 471 4120 OPMS 0457 ORA 1592 2610 OSCAR 3708 4487 OSCAR 7464 3669 OSCMIS 1543 6872 OSHRKS 12061 4598 OSMISWP 2264 7127 12613 3588 OSOFAS 1744 OSP 9990 OSP 1140 3710 6182 3316 OSPE 2395 OSSS 4672 OTERAM System Name OPERATIONAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OPERATIONAL READINESS ANALYSIS ON-SITE CONTRACTOR AUTOMATED REPORTING OBJECTIVE SUPPLY CAPABILITY ADAPTIVE REDESIGN THE MANPOWER, PERSONNEL, AND SECURITY DIRECTORATE'S OPEN SOURCE CORPORATE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH RECORD KEEPING SYSTEM OPERATING AND SUPPORT MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM WEB PORTAL OTHER STATION OPERATING FUNDS ACCOUNTING SYSTEM ONLINE SHIPPING PROCESS OPA2 Spend Plans ORGANIZATION SOFTWARE PROCESS ENVIRONMENT OFFICER SELECTION SUPPORT SYSTEM ATEC RELIABILITY/MAINTAINABILITY Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type ARMY USAF MSSM MSSM System Initiative 0.000 Interim 0.299 Interim NAVY FM System 0.102 Legacy ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Core DISA HRM System 0.000 Core NAVY RPILM System 0.154 Core ARMY FM Family of Systems 0.000 Core USAF NAVY ARMY FM MSSM FM System System System 0.023 Interim 0.048 Core 0.000 Interim USAF ARMY ARMY WSLM HRM WSLM System System System 0.020 Core 0.542 Core 0.000 Legacy Replacement System Name 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2017 PARTIAL] 31 Mar 2018 [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 5701 1282 OTFW 313 6454 OTS 3715 7962 10981 9997 P2 8772 P2 3825 PACAF-IPT 3721 4489 PADC 3722 3723 3724 7538 PADDS 4667 PADDSREP 4668 PADWEB 2276 3277 PAMS 13227 5953 131 9474 4758 9990 0137 3090 PAR PARKING SYSTEM PAS PASS Termination Schedule System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type ONE TOUCH FINANCIAL WEB NAVY FM System ONE TOUCH SUPPORT PROGRAMS & PROJECT MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM - PROMIS PHASE II Pollution Prevention Database System. PACAF Integrated Planning Tool PROCESS ANALYSIS DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM (PADC) PROCUREMENT AUTOMATED DATA AND DOCUMENTS SYSTEM PADDS REPORTS PROCUREMENT AUTOMATED DATA WEB PRECISION MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT LABRATORY AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PERONNEL ACTION REQUEST PARKING SYSTEM PATIENT ACCOUNTING SYSTEM PRE AWARD SURVEY FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State Replacement System Name 0.953 Legacy [NAVY ERP, 30 Apr 2012 FULL] [ONE SUPPLY, PARTIAL] [NAVY 30 Sep 2014 ERP, PARTIAL] NAVY MSSM System 2.800 Interim ARMY ARMY USAF RPILM RPILM RPILM System System System 0.000 Interim 0.000 Legacy 0.003 Interim ARMY MSSM Initiative 0.000 Interim ARMY ARMY ARMY WSLM WSLM WSLM System System System 0.000 Interim 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Legacy USAF MSSM 0.000 Interim ARMY PFPA TMA DCMA HRM RPILM HRM WSLM System System of Systems System System System 0.000 0.000 9.776 17.777 Core Core Core Legacy 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 12344 6465 4118 PATS 8773 PAVER 387 4599 PAX 390 1568 PBAS-FD 884 1576 PBAS-OC 910 9990 PBASweb 1587 12578 6568 PBIS 4731 PBTC 260 4490 PBUSE 4421 3521 PC MIMMS 1189 3090 PCARSS 7422 9997 PCASE 2285 9990 PCDPS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type PERSONNEL ACTION TRACKING SYSTEM PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROGRAMMING ADMINISTRATION AND EXECUTION (PAX) SYSTEM ARMY ARMY HRM RPILM System System 0.000 Core 0.000 Legacy ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy PROGRAM BUDGET AND ACCOUNTING SYSTEM - FUNDS DISTRIBUTION DFAS PROGRAM BUDGET ACCOUNTING SYSTEM ORDER CONTROL DFAS PERSONNEL BUDGET AND ANALYSIS SYSTEM WEB USAF PROGRAM BUDGET INFORMATION SYSTEM PINE BLUFF TON CONTAINER DATABASE PROPERTY BOOK UNIT SUPPLY ENHANCED PERSONAL COMPUTER-MARINE CORPS INTEGRATED MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PLANT CLEARANCE AUTOMATION REUTILIZATION SCREENING SYSTEM PAVEMENT-COMPUTER ASSISTED STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING PORTABLE CLIMATIC DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM Replacement System Name [EFD, FULL] [GFEBS, 31 Dec 2016 PARTIAL] FM System 3.121 Legacy FM System 0.360 Legacy FM System 0.000 Core NAVY ARMY FM WSLM System System 4.943 Interim 0.000 Legacy ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Interim [GCSS-ARMY, 31 Jan 2014 FULL] USMC MSSM System 0.001 Legacy [GCSS-MC, 30 Sep 2013 FULL] DCMA RPILM System 17.777 Legacy ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Core USAF WSLM System 0.000 Interim The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID Termination Schedule System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State 5888 6573 1326 PCDS 4352 PCS2 PAPERLESS CDRL DELIVERY SYSTEM PROGRAM CONTROL SYSTEM 2 USAF ARMY WSLM WSLM System System 0.990 Legacy 0.000 Legacy 685 1163 PCWLF/SPF NAVY MSSM System 0.257 Legacy 1250 1173 PDCAPS STRATEGIC PLANNING & FORECASTING PHYSICAL DISABILITY CASE PROCESSING SYSTEM ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core 341 0352 PDM 3741 473 4491 PDMSS 0460 PDMSS WEB 1547 7879 PDREP 589 2294 4203 PDS 3571 PDS 12846 13785 1689 PDTS 9990 PE 2295 9990 PECI PDS 8088 1890 PEO IWS IDE PRODUCT DATA MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMED DEPOT MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE SYSTEM (PDMSS) OGDEN PDMSS WEB PRODUCT DATA REPORTING EVALUATION SYSTEM NAVY MSSM System 0.000 Core ARMY USAF MSSM MSSM Initiative Initiative 0.000 Interim 1.328 Interim NAVY MSSM 0.850 Core PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM PROGRAM DATA SYSTEM DOD PHARMACY DATA TRANSACTION SERVICE Phantom Express PRODUCTIVITY ENHANCING CAPITAL INVESTMENT PROGRAMS DATA SYSTEM PEO IWS INTEGRATED DATA ENVIRONMENT ARMY USAF HRM FM System Family of Systems System TMA ARMY HRM RPILM System System 22.944 Core 0.000 Core USAF HRM System 0.000 Core NAVY MSSM System 0.000 Core 0.000 Core 0.000 Legacy Replacement System Name [NAVY ERP, FULL] [NAVY ERP, PARTIAL] [ERP AMR DW, FULL] 31 Mar 2017 [ECSS, FULL] [NAVY ERP, PARTIAL] [FIRST, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 3744 9824 2396 PEPDUS 3 9990 PER 3745 3452 PER-DSS-A2SF 1242 Termination Schedule System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type PERSCOM ENLISTED PERSONNEL DATA UPDATE SYSTEM Plan, Execute and Report ARMY USAF HRM WSLM System System 0.001 Core 0.000 Interim HRM System 0.000 Core HRM System 0.000 Core HRM System 0.000 Core HRM 0.572 Interim 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Legacy PERSONNEL DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM, ACTIVE ARMY STRENGTH FORECASTER ARMY PERSONNEL DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM, MOBILIZATION MANPOWER PLANNING 4213 PER-DSS-MOBMAN SYSTEM ARMY 8105 PER-DSS-PAM/PAM PERSONNEL DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM, PERSONNEL AUTHORIZATIONS MODULE 4214 XXI ARMY PERMIS ONLINE - PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM ONLINE WEB VERSION 1514 PERMIS NAVY 4266 10815 1915 PERSEC 4492 PETS 3750 3743 4669 PFAR 4354 PGEBP WHS PERSONNEL SECURITY SYSTEM PERSONAL EFFECTS TRACKING SYSTEM PROCUREMENT FUNDING ACTION REQUEST PEO GCS E-BUSINESS PORTAL 8127 8047 1246 FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State WHS ARMY HRM MSSM System Family of Systems System ARMY ARMY WSLM WSLM Initiative System 1725 PHNSY ASAP PHNSY ACTIVITY SECURE ACCESS PORTAL NAVY MSSM System 22.388 Interim 2747 PHNSY VOIP PHNSY VOICE OVER INTERNET PROTOCOL NAVY MSSM System 9.225 Interim 0.434 Core 0.000 Core Replacement System Name The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 6045 3090 PI 3765 4265 PIMS-K 8425 2079 PISTOL 6771 6047 8219 3090 PLAS 3090 PLDD 2374 PLUG 6449 4355 PM SW-CDE 1045 3278 PM/CCAT 676 11943 7071 PMC-NG 9995 PMDS II 6202 4600 PMIS - ATC 8589 13751 11951 9192 3443 2200 3910 2927 PMITS PMQT PMRT PMS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type PROGRAM INTEGRATION PIMSK - PERSONNEL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (KOREA) PERSONNEL INFO SYSTEM FOR TRAINING, OPERATIONS AND LOGISTICS PERFORMANCE LABOR ACCOUNTING SYSTEM PROPERTY-LDD PLUG AND ADAPTER PM SOLDIER WEAPONS COLLABORATIVE DATA ENVIRONMENT DCMA WSLM System 17.777 Legacy ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core NAVY HRM System 0.011 Core DCMA DCMA NAVY WSLM WSLM MSSM System System System 17.777 Legacy 17.777 Legacy 0.018 ARMY WSLM System 0.000 Legacy USAF MSSM System 0.085 Core NAVY USAF MSSM MSSM System System 0.252 Legacy 0.000 Interim ARMY FM Initiative 0.000 Legacy TMA USAF USAF NAVY HRM HRM WSLM MSSM System System System System 0.000 0.000 9.360 0.016 PROGRAM MANAGEMENT/CONFIGURATION CONTROL AND TRACKING (PM/CCAT) PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL SYSTEM Program Management Database System II ACCOUNTING & FINANCE: PROJECT MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM ATC PATIENT MOVEMENT ITEM TRACKING SYSTEM Program Managers Qualifications Tool Project Management Resource Tool PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE SYSTEM Core Core Core Legacy Replacement System Name 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 9510 4602 PMS 13656 3905 PMS-ES 6448 10097 4494 PMSEQ-SMART 4495 PMSKOT_WP 342 6044 3355 1506 PMSMIS 3090 PN 9990 PNS 7074 1471 POAIRS 11002 3770 3838 PODDS 9990 POINT & CLICK 184 1038 3772 13694 3775 388 8358 0348 3355 4266 9990 4496 1003 2878 POMS POMX POS POUCMV POWERLOG J PPB BOS PPF Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type PROJECT MINUTEMAN SYSTEM PROJECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM EXTRANET SITES PM SOLDIER EQUIPMENT STANDARD MANAGEMENT ASSET READINESS TOOL PMSKOT WEB PRESENCE PLANNED MAINTENANCE SYSTEM MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM PRICING NEGOTIATIONS PERSONNEL SYSTEM PORTSMOUTH NAVAL SHIPYARD OCCUPATIONAL ACCIDENT AND ILLNESS REPORTING SYSTEM Process Order Development and Display System POINT & CLICK PORT OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM POINT OF MAINTENANCE PERMANENT ORDERS SYSTEM Point of Use Consumable Material Vending POWERLOG J-EMBEDDED PPB BUSINESS OPERATING SYSTEM ARISTOTLE PEOPLE/PROJECT FINDER ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy NAVY MSSM System 0.000 Core ARMY ARMY WSLM MSSM System Initiative 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Core NAVY DCMA ARMY MSSM WSLM HRM System System System 0.310 Core 17.777 Legacy 0.000 Core NAVY MSSM System 0.018 Core USAF ARMY MSSM MSSM Initiative System 0.000 Interim 0.000 Legacy NAVY USAF ARMY USAF ARMY ARMY USAF RPILM MSSM HRM MSSM MSSM FM WSLM System Initiative System System System System System 0.600 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 37.190 1.744 Core Interim Core Core Core Core Core Replacement System Name 30 Dec 2027 31 Mar 2018 [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 776 6470 1643 PPIRS 8775 PPS 6925 13241 1284 PPTAS 4759 PPW 1537 2255 PQDR II 429 3779 2246 PR BUILDER 4267 PRAS 13951 9990 PRFID 670 1508 PRIDE 1253 1143 PRIDE 1359 6600 PRIDE 9728 3493 PRIDE MOD 10116 0377 PRIMS System Name PAST PERFORMANCE INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM PROJECT PRIORITIZATION SYSTEM PERSONAL PROPERTY TRANSPORTATION AUDIT SYSTEM Promotion Point Worksheet - DA3355 PRODUCT QUALITY DEFICIENCY REPORT INTERSERVICE INTERFACE PURCHASE REQUEST BUILDER PUBLIC RELEASE APPROVAL SYSTEM PASSIVE RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTICATION PERSONALIZED RECRUITING FOR IMMEDIATE AND DELAYED ENLISTMENT PLANNING RESOURCE FOR INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION PROGRAM RESOURCE INTERNET DATABASE ENVIRONMENT PERSONALIZED RECRUITING FOR IMMEDIATE AND DELAYED ENLISTMENT MODERNIZATION PHYSICAL READINESS INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type DLA ARMY WSLM RPILM System System 1.022 Core 0.000 Legacy NAVY ARMY FM HRM System System 0.351 Interim 0.000 Core NAVY MSSM System 0.017 Legacy USMC ARMY WSLM HRM System Initiative 1.690 Core 0.000 Core USMC MSSM System 0.000 Core NAVY HRM System 0.100 Legacy ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Core MDA FM System 0.995 Legacy NAVY HRM System 0.764 Core NAVY HRM System 0.180 Interim Replacement System Name [NAVY ERP, PARTIAL] [PRIDE MOD, FULL] 01 Oct 2017 The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type PRISM PROGRAM RESOURCES INTEGRATED SOLUTION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROACTIVE REAL-PROPERTY INTERACTIVE SPACE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/MANAGEMENT COMMAND & CONTROL PERSONNEL RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROBE_ARMY PRODUCE PRICING/ORDERING SYSTEM NAVY WSLM System 0.000 Interim NAVY FM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY ARMY DECA HRM FM HRM System System System 0.005 Core 0.000 Interim 0.113 Legacy PROPERTY TURN IN ProSight MARINE CORPS PROVISIONING SYSTEM ARMY USAF USMC MSSM FM MSSM System System System 0.000 Legacy 0.295 Interim 0.001 Legacy 13529 1270 PRISM 777 1509 PRISMS 6611 8776 PRISMS/MC2 3780 6451 8678 3790 10441 4517 2398 PRMS 4604 PROBE 7024 PRODUCE PROPERTY TURN 4411 IN 3604 PROSIGHT 3522 PROVISIONING 443 8126 PRPS PURCHASE REQUEST PROCESS SYSTEM USAF MSSM System 5.605 Legacy 430 4356 PRWEB ARMY WSLM System 0.000 Legacy 13647 3900 PS-OPAS NAVY HRM System 0.526 Core 1564 166 7167 PSD SYSTEM 0111 PSR ACQUILINE PEOPLESOFT - OFFICER PROMOTIONS ADMINISTRATIVE SYSTEM PSD (PROGRAM SUPPORT DATA) AUTOMATED REPORTING AND TRACKING SYSTEM PATIENT SAFETY REPORTING SYSTEM NAVY TMA MSSM HRM System System 0.612 Core 7.016 Core Replacement System Name [NAVY ERP, 28 Apr 2013 FULL] 31 Oct 2011 [PPB BOS] 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] [GFEBS, PARTIAL] [NAVY ERP, PARTIAL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID Termination Schedule System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State 13228 9990 PSR Project Status Report ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Core 1239 1190 PSS MSSM System 0.834 Core 8350 3349 PSS/OSM TBD System 0.000 Legacy 1042 3393 PTOWS PROJECT SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING NAVY Pad Safety Supervisor/Operations Safety Manager Console USAF PRIMARY TECHNICAL ORDER WAREHOUSE SYSTEM USAF MSSM System 0.115 Legacy 1636 4600 13332 8307 0368 1484 2179 9996 NAVY NAVY USAF USAF HRM MSSM HRM TBD System System System System 0.207 0.149 0.000 0.000 8889 12307 3568 PTT 4132 PUBS USAF ARMY WSLM RPILM System System 0.000 Core 0.000 Interim 3798 10935 4671 PUSHCAS 4412 PVAS ARMY ARMY WSLM MSSM Initiative System 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Core 11334 3686 PVDAS TMA HRM System 0.000 Core 7062 1472 PWCTS NAVY MSSM System 0.006 Core 13881 9990 PWRR - Eglin PERFORM TO SERVE PARTS TRACKING SYSTEM Promotion Testing System Proficiency Trainer Standalone Network C2 Weapons System (WS) Part Task Trainer (PTT) PUBLICATION SERVICES PUSH CONTRACTS AND SOLICITATIONS TO WEB PRODUCT VERIFICATION AUDIT SYSTEM PHARMACOVIGILANCE DEFENSE APPLICATION SYSTEM PROJECT WORK CONTROL & TEST SYSTEM Project, Workflow, Requirements and Resource Manager - Eglin USAF MSSM System 0.000 Legacy PTS PTS PTS PTSN - 4 SOPS Legacy Legacy Core Legacy Replacement System Name 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] [FLEET RIDE, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 6795 1251 PYTHON 6909 6823 2058 QASA 3090 QD 680 7077 QDB 5889 13460 1493 11772 3360 9990 1482 3843 11205 3622 R3 3807 1522 4269 RADPER 3508 RADWEB 6480 8777 RAILER 11188 8198 3210 RAM Classified 2366 RAM SHIP 1147 0485 RAM/TMRS QIMSS QMIS QPS QuestionMark Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type NAVY HRM System 8.413 Core NAVY DCMA WSLM WSLM System System 0.035 Core 17.777 Legacy NAVY FM System 0.246 Interim USAF USAF NAVY USAF MSSM HRM MSSM HRM System System System System 0.520 0.000 0.137 0.000 DHRA HRM Initiative 0.161 Core ARMY NAVY HRM MSSM System System 0.000 Core 0.286 Core ARMY RPILM 0.000 Legacy Reliability Asset Monitoring System - Classified USAF RAM SHIPPING NAVY RELIABILITY ASSET MONITORING/TACTICAL MUNITIONS REPORTING SYSTEM USAF MSSM MSSM System System of Systems System WSLM System of Systems System Name NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL, EDUCATION MANAGEMENT QUALITY ASSURANCE AND SELF ASSESSMENT QUALITY DELEGATION SHIPYARD QUERY DATABASE QUALITY INFORMATION MANAGEMENT STANDARD SYSTEM Quality Management Information System QUALITY PERFORMANCE SYSTEM QuestionMark Perception AUTOMATED REGISTER, REQUEST AND RECEIVE BALLOT PROCESS RCAS AUTHORIZATION DATA FOR PERSONNEL REVISED ALTERNATIVE DATAFLOW WEB RAILROAD TRACK ENGINEERED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Legacy Core Core Core Replacement System Name [NAVY ERP, FULL] 31 Mar 2017 [ECSS, FULL] 0.000 Interim 0.006 Core [ECSS, FULL] 0.715 Interim 31 Mar 2018 [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name RESOURCE ALLOCATION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM RELIABILITY, AVAILABILITY, MAINTAINABILITY LOGISTICS SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR PODS REGIONAL AUTOMATED PROCUREMENT/INVOICE DATABASE Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type NAVY MSSM System 0.623 Legacy USAF MSSM System 3.118 Interim NAVY WSLM 0.523 Legacy ARMY HRM System Family of Systems USAF FM System 0.150 Legacy NAVY MSSM System 0.167 Core ARMY HRM 0.000 Core 343 0327 RAMP 213 8133 RAMPOD 5704 1531 RAPID 12340 4087 RAPIDGATE 2343 1874 RAPIDS 4328 6886 RAPS 599 4205 RASS RAPIDGATE RESOURCE ALLOCATION PROGRAMMING INFORMATION DECISION SYSTEM REQUISITION AUTOMATED PROCESSING SYSTEM RESOURCE ALLOCATION SELECTION SYSTEM 11976 10273 482 9990 RB-ACS 9990 RBA 0329 RBI AFRL/RB Access Control System RBA Estimates REUTILIZATION BUSINESS INTEGRATION USAF USAF DLA RPILM FM MSSM System System of Systems System Initiative 1210 9308 1048 RBIS 4317 RBUILDER ARMY ARMY WSLM HRM System System 75 2346 1640 RCAS 2834 RCCCDIR RDECOM BUSINESS INTEGRATION SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS BUILDER RESERVE COMPONENT AUTOMATION SYSTEM RC/CC DIRECTORY ARMY USAF HRM FM System System Replacement System Name 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] [NAVY ERP, 31 Jan 2009 PARTIAL] 0.000 Core 31 Mar 2009 0.000 Core 0.000 Core 24.877 Interim 1.500 Interim 0.000 Core 81.952 Core 0.005 Core 01 Jun 2011 [ACQBIZ, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 3812 4270 RCMS 1290 3460 RCMS-GUARD 6685 1193 1302 9110 3815 6481 827 3816 11051 2353 4939 8611 System Name RESERVE COMPONENT MANPOWER SYSTEM RESERVE COMPONENT MANPOWER SYSTEM-GUARD RDA INFORMATION ASN RDA INFORMATION SYSTEM & DASHBOARD 2753 SYSTEM RESERVE DATABASE MAINTENANCE SYSTEM 2327 RDMS REPOSITORY OF ENVIRONMENTAL ARMY DOCUMENTS 8778 READ 1346 READINESS SUITE READINESS SUITE REC TRAC 7263 REC TRAC RECEPTION BATTALION AUTOMATED SUPPORT SYSTEM 4293 RECBASS CHECK RECERTIFICATION 0357 RECERT REAL ESTATE CORPORATE INFORMATION SYSTEM 9997 RECIS RECONCILIATION ANALYSIS 4332 RECONALYSIS RECREATION TRACKING 9990 RECTRAC NAF RECREATIONAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 9998 RECTRAC REDSTONE GARRISON REDSTONE ARSENAL GARRISON PORTAL 9990 PORTAL Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core NAVY WSLM System 5.137 Core ARMY HRM System 0.122 Core ARMY NAVY ARMY RPILM MSSM HRM System System System 0.000 Core 0.636 Interim 0.000 Core ARMY DFAS HRM FM System System 0.000 Core 0.075 Legacy ARMY ARMY USAF RPILM HRM HRM System System System 0.000 Core 0.000 Core 0.000 Legacy USMC HRM System 0.000 Core ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy Replacement System Name 30 Sep 2020 [BEIS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name RESERVE END ITEM MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REFUELING LOG ROOM RE-ENGINEERED MARITIME ALLOWANCE DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type ARMY NAVY MSSM MSSM System System 0.000 Legacy 0.011 Core NAVY MSSM System 1.455 Legacy NAVY MSSM System 0.438 Core USAF MSSM System 14.815 Legacy ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Core 3818 7077 4748 REIMS 1449 REL 6969 2059 REMAD 10114 2690 REMEDY AR 201 1622 REMIS 1371 9997 REMIS 13661 3824 2626 REMIS 3461 RESUMIX BMC REMEDY ACTION REQUEST SYSTEM RELIABILITY AND MAINTAINABILITY INFORMATION SYSTEM REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM RESOURCES MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM RESUMIX NAVY ARMY WSLM HRM System System 0.403 Legacy 0.000 Core 3825 11033 9990 RF-ITV 4498 RFI RADIO FREQUENCY IN-TRANSIT VISIBILITY ARMY READY FOR ISSUE ARMY MSSM MSSM System System 0.000 Core 0.000 Legacy 6743 2061 RFID BANGOR NAVY MSSM System 0.000 Interim 10927 442 1618 4367 RFID-PTS 8150 RFM (D357) 9997 RFMIS ARMY USAF ARMY MSSM MSSM RPILM System System System 0.000 Interim 0.321 Legacy 0.000 Core 3828 4605 RGCC RFID BANGOR RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION PARACHUTE TRACKING SYSTEM REPAIRABILITY FORECAST MODEL RENTAL FACILITIES MGMT INFO SYSTEM REDSTONE GOVERNMENT CREDIT CARD WEBSITE ARMY FM System 0.000 Core Replacement System Name [READINESS SUITE, FULL] 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] [NAVY ERP, 01 Mar 2012 FULL] [NAVY ERP, FULL] [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type NAVY NAVY RPILM HRM System System 1.574 Interim 0.874 Legacy ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Core ARMY ARMY MSSM HRM System System 0.000 Core 0.036 Core NAVY MSSM System 0.142 Interim NAVY FM System 1.247 Interim NAVY MSSM System 0.002 Legacy ARMY WSLM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core 783 118 1286 RHICS 1644 RHS 13771 9990 RIA-JMTC ASRS 9067 1217 4500 RIA-JMTC MES 2324 RICS 7063 1473 RIMS 44 1645 RIMS (FM) 8223 2578 RIPP 3832 4673 RKMS 3833 2322 RLAS REGIONAL HAZARDOUS INVENTORY CONTROL SYSTEM RESERVE HEADQUARTERS SUPPORT RIA-JMTC AUTOMATED STORAGE / RETRIEVAL SYSTEM RIA-JMTC MANUAFACTURING EXECUTION SYSTEM RDMS INTERFACE CONTROL SYSTEM RECEIPT INSPECTION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM RESERVE INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT) RECEIPT INSPECTION PROCESS PROGRAM RDECOM KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REGIONAL LEVEL APPLICATION SOFTWARE 611 1064 RM ONLINE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ONLINE ARMY WSLM System 0.000 Legacy 7460 1064 RM ONLINE RM ONLINE 1064 OPMG/CIDC RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ONLINE ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy RM ONLINE ARMY HRM System 0.000 Legacy 5189 Replacement System Name [NAVY ERP, PARTIAL] [FPPS, FULL] 30 Dec 2027 [RIMS, FULL] [GFEBS, 31 Dec 2016 PARTIAL] [GFEBS, 31 Dec 2016 PARTIAL] [GFEBS, 31 Dec 2016 PARTIAL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name Termination Schedule COMPO IRB Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State 13468 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ONLINE 1064 RM Online USAASC USAASC ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy 5188 1064 RM-ONLINE ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy 681 2137 RMAIS RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ON LINE NGB REGIONAL MAINTENANCE AUTOMATED INFORMATION SYSTEM NAVY MSSM System 2.326 Legacy 10919 5068 RMDE DLA MSSM System 2366 3835 5097 8159 RMIS 9997 RMS 9998 RMS REFERENCE MASTER DATA ENVIRONMENT RISK MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM RESIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM RETAIL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USAF ARMY USMC RPILM RPILM HRM 0.132 Core 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Core 9157 3406 RMS (D200) Requirements Management System (D200) USAF MSSM System System System System of Systems 11747 4610 RMT ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy 3838 1589 2321 ROAMS 1355 ROM II ARMY NAVY HRM MSSM System System 0.077 Core 0.325 Interim 6491 7508 8781 ROOFER 1661 RPAD ARMY RPILM USD(AT&L)RPILM System System 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Core 3840 11863 2320 RPAS 3878 RPHM Resource Management Tool REPLACEMENT OPERATIONS AUTOMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM RESALE OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT II ROOFING SUSTAINMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM REAL PROPERTY ASSETS DATABASE RETIREMENT POINTS ACCOUNTING SYSTEM REMOTE PATIENT HOME MONITORING ARMY TMA System System 0.066 Core 0.000 Interim HRM HRM Replacement System Name [GFEBS, 13 Dec 2016 PARTIAL] [GFEBS, 31 Dec 2021 PARTIAL] [NAVY ERP, PARTIAL] 10.134 Core 8.860 Legacy 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] [GFEBS, 31 Dec 2016 PARTIAL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 3841 4630 3715 RPLANS 9998 RPOSS 3842 7266 RPTS 7516 1767 RPUIR 660 9900 3843 2056 RRAM 4322 RRP 2319 RRS 13816 9990 RS TOOLS 1194 1240 2317 RSAS/RCCPDS 1157 RSAT 8594 1936 RSBUX 3845 2316 RSDQ 868 12186 1747 RSIMS 4147 RSL System Name REAL PROPERTY PLANNING AND ANALYSIS SYSTEM RETAIL POINT-OF-SALE SYSTEM REIMBURSABLE PROGRAMS TRACKING SYSTEM REAL PROPERTY UNIQUE IDENTIFIER REGISTRY REALTIME REUTILIZATION ASSET MANAGEMENT RISK REDUCTION PROGRAM RESERVE RECRUITING SYSTEM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type ARMY USMC RPILM HRM System System 0.000 Core 0.000 Legacy ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Core USD(AT&L)RPILM System 0.000 Core NAVY ARMY ARMY 0.746 Legacy 0.000 Core 0.024 Core READINESS & STATUS TOOLS ARMY RESERVE STG ACCOUNT/RESERVE COMP COMMON PERS DATA SYSTEM ARMY REACTOR SERVICING ASSET TRACKING NAVY HRM System System System Family of Systems HRM WSLM System System 0.520 Core 0.071 Legacy RSBUX RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM RESERVE SCREENING DATA QUALITY SYSTEM REGIONAL SHORE INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Retroactive Stop-Loss TMA HRM System 0.139 Core ARMY HRM System 0.016 Core NAVY ARMY RPILM HRM System System 2.207 Core 0.000 Interim MSSM HRM HRM Replacement System Name [NAVY ERP, FULL] 0.000 Core 15 Nov 2011 The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID RSSL RSW ONLINE RSX RTFS 1074 1642 8793 5995 3403 4611 8782 3446 6941 898 7551 3470 RTIC 8046 RTS 0489 S3 3853 4504 SAAS-MOD 13411 2731 SABIRS 21 1761 SABRS 679 6956 SABRS-NSY 7458 4301 SADMS 1552 6874 SAEM 1472 6862 SALTS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type WAR RESERVE MATERIEL LISTS REQUIREMENTS AND SPARES SUPPORT LISTS RSW ONLINE CFSC-RESUMIX RATES AND TARIFFS FILE SYSTEM USAF ARMY ARMY DISA MSSM FM HRM MSSM System System System System 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.455 NAVY USAF TMA MSSM HRM HRM System System System 0.345 Interim 0.510 Legacy 0.163 Interim ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Legacy NAVY MSSM System 0.097 Core DFAS FM System 3.988 Core NAVY FM System 0.103 Interim ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core NAVY HRM System 0.168 Legacy NAVY MSSM System 1.793 Core REAL TIME INVENTORY COUNTING RESERVE TRAVEL SYSTEM SURGICAL SCHEDULING SYSTEM STANDARD ARMY AMMUNITION SYSTEMMODERNIZATION SECURE AUTOMATED BOILER INSPECTION REPORT SITE STANDARD ACCOUNTING BUDGETING AND REPORTING SYSTEM SHIPYARD AUTOMATED BUDGET REPORTING SYSTEM SEXUAL ASSAULT DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SUPPLEMENTAL ADMINISTRATION EMPLOYEE MANAGEMENT STANDARD AUTOMATED LOGISTICS TOOL SET Legacy Legacy Core Core Replacement System Name 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] 31 Dec 2016 [GFEBS, FULL] 30 Oct 2011 [NAVY ERP, FULL] [GCSS-ARMY, 31 Jan 2014 FULL] 30 Sep 2020 [NAVY ERP, FULL] [NAVY ERP, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 9061 4505 SAMDR_R 417 160 888 1397 SAMIS 0142 SAMS 1852 SAMS 248 4506 SAMS-1 REHOST 8792 12983 4507 SAMS-E 9990 SAN 707 6845 SARMIS 3859 4508 SARSS GATEWAY 3860 4509 SARSS-1 3861 1059 4510 SARSS-2AC/2B 9990 SAS 4992 3531 SASSY 227 1397 SATODS System Name REPAIR AND RETURN (R&R) WEB APPLICATION SECURITY ASSISTANCE MANAGEMENT INFOMATION SYSTEM SNAP AUTOMATED MEDICAL SYSTEM SUSPENSE/AGING MONITORING SYSTEM STANDARD ARMY MAINTENANCE SYSTEM 1 & 2 REHOST (TACCS REPLACEMENT) STANDARD ARMY MAINTENANCE SYSTEMENHANCED SECURITY ASSISTANCE NETWORK SECRETARIAT AUTOMATED RESOURCE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM STANDARD ARMY RETAIL SUPPLY SYSTEM GATEWAY STANDARD ARMY RETAIL SUPPLY SYSTEM LEVEL 1 STANDARD ARMY RETAIL SUPPLY SYSTEMLEVEL 2A CORPS/LEVEL 2B SLOT ACCOUNTING SYSTEM SUPPORTED ACTIVITIES SUPPLY SYSTEM SECURITY ASSISTANCE TECHNICAL ORDER DATA SYSTEM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type Replacement System Name ARMY MSSM Initiative 0.000 Legacy USAF TMA DFAS WSLM HRM FM System System System 0.985 Legacy 0.000 Interim 0.074 Legacy ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY DSCA MSSM WSLM System System 0.000 Interim 0.000 Core NAVY FM System 0.156 Interim ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY USAF MSSM MSSM System System 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Core USMC MSSM System 0.001 Legacy [GCSS-MC, 30 Sep 2013 FULL] USAF MSSM System 0.985 Legacy 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] [ECSS, 31 Mar 2016 PARTIAL] 30 Sep 2020 [BEIS, FULL] [GCSS-ARMY, 31 Jan 2014 FULL] [GCSS-ARMY, 31 Jan 2014 FULL] [GCSS-ARMY, 31 Jan 2014 FULL] [GCSS-ARMY, 31 Jan 2014 FULL] [GCSS-ARMY, 31 Jan 2014 FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 1694 2090 SAVES 1150 3675 SBIR/STTR 9928 9710 2382 7686 9990 9990 3185 4304 498 13909 0087 SBSS-ACCTG 0192 SCA 3871 8783 SCADA 12359 9990 SCES 4272 9990 SCIP 13365 6695 9996 SCOE SERP 2497 SCORB SBIRS CKNET SBIRS GIO SBS SBS System Name STANDARD AUTOMATED VOUCHER EXAMINATION SYSTEM SMALL BUSINESS INNOVATION RESEARCH PROGRAM/SMALL BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER PROGRAM DATA SYSTEMS Space Based Infrared Systems Crew Knowledge Network SBIRS GEO INITIAL OPERATIONS (GIO) SENSORS BUSINESS SYSTEMS SOLDIER'S BENEFITS SERVICES AIR FORCE STANDARD BASE SUPPLY SYSTEM -ACCOUNTING Sensor Collection Appliance SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISITION SECURITY COOPERATION ENTERPRISE SOLUTION SECURITY COOPERATION INFORMATION PORTAL SUSTAINMENT CENTER OF EXCELLENCE SCHEDULING ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING SYSTEM CORBWEB Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type DECA HRM System 0.871 Interim USAF WSLM Initiative 0.000 Interim USAF USAF USAF ARMY WSLM WSLM WSLM HRM System System System System 0.000 0.000 0.300 0.000 DFAS USAF FM WSLM System System 1.683 Legacy 26.687 Core ARMY RPILM Initiative 0.000 Legacy DSCA WSLM Initiative 0.000 Core DSCA WSLM System 0.000 ARMY NAVY RPILM HRM System System 0.000 Core 0.585 Core Core Core Interim Core Replacement System Name The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID SCRT SCS SCS SDI SDMS SDR SDR SDW SEAPORT SEC - AMS SEC - AT 37 197 7075 6677 10966 4915 11039 4273 1585 9721 7379 8197 5100 1475 1838 3844 2060 4512 3090 1034 4612 4298 237 0414 SEC - CCSS 7381 4613 SEC - CIRS 10812 4513 SEC - CMTS III 3003 4614 SEC - FMIS 6320 4615 SEC - FMT System Name STANDARD CONTRACT RECONCILIATION TOOL STOCK CONTROL SYSTEM SHIPYARD COMMITMENT SYSTEM STANDARD DISBURSING INITIATIVE Student Data Management System SUPPLY DISCREPANCY REPORTING SUPPLY DISCREPANCY REPORT SHARED DATA WAREHOUSE SEAPORT ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AWARDS TRACKER COMMODITY COMMAND STANDARD SYSTEM COMMUNICATIONS-ELECTRONICS COMMAND INTEGRATED REQUIREMENT SUBMISSION Termination Schedule Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State Replacement System Name COMPO IRB DFAS USAF NAVY DFAS USAF NAVY ARMY DCMA NAVY ARMY ARMY FM MSSM MSSM FM HRM MSSM MSSM WSLM WSLM FM HRM ARMY MSSM System Initiative System Initiative System System System System System System System Family of Systems ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy MSSM System 0.000 Core FM Initiative 0.000 Legacy 31 Dec 2021 [GFEBS, FULL] FM System 0.000 Legacy 31 Dec 2011 [GFEBS, FULL] Configuration Management Tracking System III ARMY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM ARMY FIRES SOFTWARE ENGINEERING DIVISION FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTING ARMY 1.789 12.099 0.024 0.184 0.000 0.619 0.000 17.777 0.000 0.000 0.000 Legacy Legacy Interim Interim Core Core Interim Legacy Core Legacy Core 3.274 Legacy [GFEBS, 31 Dec 2011 PARTIAL] 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] 31 Jul 2010 [LMP, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name FUNCTIONAL SUPPORT AGREEMENT TRACKER JOINT COMPUTER AIDED ACQUISITION AND LOGISTIC SUPPORT Permanent Change Station Application PERS DEMO PERFORMANCE EVALUATION TOOL PROPERTY INVENTORY MANAGER REGISTRY MANAGEMENT APPLICATION ROLL CALL REQUEST TRACKING SYSTEM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY ARMY MSSM HRM System System 7.032 Legacy 0.000 Core ARMY ARMY ARMY ARMY ARMY HRM MSSM MSSM HRM MSSM 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 6328 4616 SEC - FSAT 235 11902 1039 SEC - JCALS 4149 SEC - PCSA 6466 6471 12758 6490 6486 4292 4514 4747 4295 4515 239 7433 1780 SEC - SDS 4300 SEC - SECURITY STANDARD DEPOT SYSTEM SECURITY ARMY ARMY MSSM HRM 4274 1156 1915 SECOPS 1897 SEDS WHS USAF HRM WSLM 322 0181 SEMS-AUTOSERD NAVY MSSM System 1.455 Core 318 1844 SEMS-SERMIS SEMS-SYSTEM 1844 LEVEL 2313 SEPM SECURITY OPERATIONS SYSTEM EFFECTIVENESS DATA SYSTEM AUTOMATED SUPPORT EQUIPMENT RECOMMENDATION DATA SUPPORT EQUIPMENT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM SUPPORT EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS SENIOR ENLISTED PROMOTIONS MODEL System System System System System Family of Systems System Family of Systems System NAVY MSSM 3.210 Core NAVY ARMY MSSM HRM System System of Systems System 4841 3885 SEC - PET SEC - PIM SEC - RMA SEC - ROLL CALL SEC - RTS Replacement System Name Core Legacy Core Core Legacy 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Core 0.434 Core 0.000 Interim 3.210 Core 0.181 Core 31 Jul 2010 [LMP, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 3689 2394 SEPS 5958 3090 SEPS 9852 12175 2850 SEPS II 4674 SES 4275 9232 1915 SESTITLES 9990 SETS 7064 1477 SEWS 67 13767 1687 SFMIS 9990 SFT 11525 9853 4336 SHARP 4516 SHC 1484 1407 SHIPS 3-M 4277 1828 SHIRS 3894 2312 SIDPERS-ARNG System Name SINGLE EVALUATION PROCESSING SYSTEM STANDARD ELECTRONIC PROCESSING SYSTEM (SEPS) SPACE PLANNING AND EQUIPMENT SYSTEM - II Soldier Equipping System SES TITLES SERVICES EMPLOYEE TIME SYSTEM SHIPS EQUIPMENT WAREHOUSING SYSTEM SECURITY FORCES MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM SOLDIER FITNESS TRACKER SEXUAL HARASSMENT / ASSAULT RESPONSE AND PREVENTION SAFETY HAZARDS AND CONTROLS SHIPS MAINTENANCE & MATERIAL MANAGEMENT SAFETY AND HEALTH INFORMATION REPORTING SYSTEM STANDARD INSTALLATION/DIVISION PERSONNEL SYSTEM-ARMY NATIONAL GUARD Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type ARMY HRM System 0.181 Core DCMA WSLM System 17.777 Legacy TMA ARMY HRM WSLM 0.295 Core 0.000 Interim WHS USAF HRM HRM System System Family of Systems System NAVY MSSM System 0.019 Interim USAF ARMY HRM HRM 1.840 Core 0.000 Core ARMY ARMY HRM MSSM NAVY MSSM System Initiative Family of Systems Initiative Family of Systems DLA RPILM System 0.144 Core ARMY HRM System 1.423 Core 0.434 Core 0.000 Core 0.000 Core 0.000 Legacy 0.948 Core 30 Dec 2027 Replacement System Name The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type STANDARD INDUSTRIAL FUND SYSTEM DFAS FM System 0.246 Legacy USAF WSLM System Family of Systems 0.000 Interim 12245 13355 SIPRNET Conventional Munitions, AMMO WEB CLASSIFIED ACQUISITION, TECHNOLOGY 4179 SIPR AT&L PORTAL AND LOGISTICS PORTAL CLASSIFIED DEFENSE ACQUISITION MANAGEMENT INFORMATION RETR 4098 SIPR DAMIR Sports Injury Surveillance System 9990 SISS 0.000 Core 0.000 Core 1219 1052 SKC ARMY WSLM System System Family of Systems 1607 12532 4417 1412 SKED 4123 SL 2235 SL1-2 NAVY USAF USMC MSSM HRM MSSM System System System 0.728 Core 0.000 Core 0.001 Legacy 3900 4675 SLAMIS ARMY WSLM System 0.000 Legacy 110 6455 SLDCADA NAVY HRM System 7.147 Core 7973 8159 3901 4306 SLDMS 2946 SLI 4276 SLO ARMY NAVY ARMY HRM MSSM HRM System System System 0.000 Core 0.002 Core 0.000 Core 155 7041 SMART TMA HRM System 2.213 Core 886 2099 SIFS 12826 4701 SIPR AMMO WEB 12516 STRI KNOWLEDGE CENTER PLANNED MAINTENANCE SYSTEM SCHEDULER Second Life STOCK LIST 1-2 STANDARD STUDY NUMBER- LINE ITEM NUMBER AUTOMATED MANAGEMENT AND INTEGRATING SYSTEM STANDARD LABOR DATA COLLECTION AND DISTRIBUTION APPLICATION Senior Leader Development Management System SHIPS LOCKERS INVENTORY SPECIAL LIAISON OFFICE SUMMARIZED MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS RESOURCE TOOL USD(AT&L)MSSM USD(AT&L)WSLM USAF HRM 0.000 Core 0.000 Interim Replacement System Name 01 Oct 2011 [LMP, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 1157 1083 SMART 1529 1259 SMART 5186 3109 SMART 4887 2265 SMART-T 24 1788 SMAS 8411 8597 3180 SMASS SMDC/ARSTRAT4724 KAYA 8795 7269 SMIRF 9187 12150 1612 2446 SMMIS 4150 SMMS 2436 SMS 1220 7980 1167 SMS WEB 2307 SMS-K Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type SYSTEM METRIC AND REPORTING TOOL SAILOR/MARINE AMERICAN COUNCIL ON EDUCATION REGISTRY TRANSCRIPT SUPPLY MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS REPORTING TOOL USAF WSLM System 4.559 Core NAVY HRM System 0.051 Core USAF MSSM Initiative 0.250 Interim NAVY MSSM System 0.231 Legacy DFAS FM System 2.780 Legacy NAVY MSSM System 0.000 Interim ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Core NAVY ARMY DODEA MSSM HRM HRM System System System 0.259 Core 0.000 Core 2.660 Core ARMY ARMY HRM HRM System System 1.565 Core 0.000 Core STREAMLINED MODULAR ACQUISITION REQUIREMENTS TAILORING TOOL STANDARD MATERIAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM SIMULATION MODELING ANALYTICAL SUPPORT SYSTEM SMDC/ARSTRAT-KAYA STANDARD MANAGEMENT INFORMATION REPORTS FOR FINANCE SUBMARINE MAINTENANCE MONITORING INFORMATION SYSTEM Strength Maintenance Management System STUDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOLDIER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WEBIFIED SUITE OF SYSTEMS SOLDIER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM KOREA Replacement System Name 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] [NAVY ERP, PARTIAL] [TDMIS - WEB, FULL] 30 Dec 2011 [AM, FULL] 30 Nov 2012 The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name 10118 2695 SMSMDS 586 9998 SNACS 7970 4676 SNAP 887 1789 SNIPS 163 13473 0117 SNPMIS 9990 SOAS SURFACE MISSILE SYSTEM MAINTENANCE DATA SYSTEM STANDARD NAF AUTOMATED CONTRACTING SYSTEM SIMPLIFIED NON-STANDARD ARMY PROCUREMENT STANDARD NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENT PROCESSING SYSTEM SPECIAL NEEDS PROGRAM MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM SECURITY OFFICE AUTOMATION SYSTEM 6693 1497 SOAT STATEMENT OF ASSURANCE TOOL 10072 SOC-41 CRO 9990 Workstation 3911 4617 SOFIMS Space Operations Center (SOC)-41 COMSEC Responsible Officer (CRO) Workstation SOMARDS FINANCIAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 14 3358 1792 SOMARDS 2306 SOQ 8930 861 1148 SORBIS 1669 SORS STANDARD OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE, ARMY R&D SYSTEM SOLDIER QUERY (SOQ) SPECIAL OPERATIONS RESOURCE BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEM SALARY OFFSET REPORTING SYSTEM Termination Schedule Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB NAVY WSLM Family of Systems 1.758 Core ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Core ARMY WSLM System 0.000 Legacy DFAS FM System 0.137 Legacy TMA ARMY HRM HRM System System 0.598 Core 0.000 Legacy NAVY FM System 0.055 Interim USAF MSSM 0.000 Core ARMY FM System Family of Systems DFAS ARMY FM HRM System System 6.326 Legacy 0.013 Core SOCOM DFAS FM FM System System 0.521 Core 2.080 Legacy 0.000 Legacy Replacement System Name [NAVY ERP, FULL] 31 Dec 2021 [GFEBS, FULL] [DAI, PARTIAL] [GFEBS, 31 Dec 2016 PARTIAL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type NAVY FM System 0.391 Legacy ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Interim DLA USAF MSSM HRM 1.036 Interim 0.000 Core 1521 6898 SOS 13761 9990 SPEIRS 8525 12534 3038 SPIDERS 4115 SPL 6501 1929 SPOT-NIPRNET SPONSOR ORDER SYSTEM SOLDIER PORTABLE EQUIPMENT ISSUING and RECOVERY SYSTEM SUPPORT PLANNING INTEGRATED DATA ENTERPRISE READINESS SYSTEM Space Power Lab SYNCHRONIZED PREDEPLOYMENT AND OPERATIONAL TRACKER-NIPRNET BTA WSLM System System Family of Systems 13708 431 1929 SPOT-SIPR 1794 SPS SYNCHRONIZED PREDEPLOYMENT AND OPERATIONAL TRACKER - SECRET INTERNET PROTOCOL ROUTER NETWORK BTA STANDARD PROCUREMENT SYSTEM BTA WSLM WSLM System System 0.000 Core 45.138 Interim 22 1782 SRD I DFAS FM System 2.620 Legacy 6775 862 4283 8152 9065 0118 1707 1832 2361 4420 TMA DFAS DLA NAVY ARMY HRM FM HRM MSSM MSSM System System System System System 0.328 0.330 1.050 0.016 0.000 3301 4421 SSCILDSS ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Interim SRTS SS SS SSC SSCHAS STANDARD FINANCE SYSTEM - REDESIGN I SPECTACLE REQUEST AND TRANSMISSION SYSTEM SHIPSTORES DLA STAFFING SYSTEMS SHOP STORE CATALOG Heraldry Automation System INNOVATIVE LOGISTICS DECISION SUPPORT SOLUTION Replacement System Name [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2013 FULL] 28 Jan 2020 0.000 Core Core Legacy Core Core Core 30 Sep 2009 [ADS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 13673 3881 SSCLANT-CIMS 8848 3416 3951 2645 SSCLANTSSOSS 4618 SSCLTS 4277 SSCMAS 3866 3659 3690 4619 SSCMIPR 8784 SSCNAF 4620 SSCOFD 3736 3962 4621 SSCPCMS 4677 SSCPTS 3817 3836 3863 8847 3967 3968 4076 10698 9708 13905 4622 4623 4422 3205 4423 4624 4625 4424 9990 8605 SSCRECONEK SSCRECONNSC SSCSAS SSCSS SSCSWO SSCTDY SSCUTPS SSF-MW SSN SSR System Name SPAWAR SYSTEMS CENTER ATLANTIC CONTRACT INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SPAWARSYSCEN ATLANTIC SSO SECURITY SYSTEM LABOR TRANSFER SYSTEM MEDALS AUTOMATION SYSTEM MILITARY INTERDEPARTMENTAL PURCHASE REQUEST NON-APPROPRIATED FUNDS SYSTEM ONLINE FINANCE DATABASE PURCHASE CARD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROCUREMENT TRACKING SYSTEM RECONCILIATION MODULE FOR EDGEWOOD RECONCILIATION MODULE FOR NATICK SAS QUERY TOOL SPAWARSYSCEN SECURITY SYSTEM SHOP WORK ORDERS TDY REQUESTS & LOCAL TRAVEL UTILITY PAYMENT SYSTEM SINGLE STOCK FUND -MIDDLEWARE SBIRS Support Network Source Selection Room_50 CONS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type NAVY WSLM System 0.000 Core NAVY ARMY ARMY RPILM FM HRM System System System 0.037 Core 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Core ARMY ARMY ARMY FM FM FM System System System 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Legacy ARMY ARMY FM WSLM System System 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Legacy ARMY ARMY ARMY NAVY ARMY ARMY ARMY ARMY USAF USAF FM FM MSSM RPILM MSSM FM FM MSSM WSLM MSSM System System System System System System System System System System 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.327 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 226.433 Legacy Legacy Core Core Legacy Legacy Legacy Interim Core Interim Replacement System Name 31 Dec 2016 [GFEBS, FULL] 31 Dec 2016 [GFEBS, FULL] 31 Dec 2021 [GFEBS, FULL] 31 Dec 2016 [GFEBS, FULL] 31 Dec 2016 [GFEBS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 6527 4626 SSTS DST 2427 9990 STACS 4078 4285 STAFFING SUITE 7437 4519 STAMIS TOOLBOX 16 1781 STANFINS 3972 4627 STAR-PBA 5 12293 1760 STARS 3991 STARS 8787 3349 STEMS 2429 10074 9736 4418 1299 9990 3306 3519 4743 2122 STRATIS STES STN STOR STRAT System Name SUSTAINMENT SYSTEMS TECHNICAL SUPPORT SUSPENSE TRACKING AND CONTROL SYSTEM STAFFING SUITE STANDARD ARMY MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM TOOLBOX STANDARD FINANCE SYSTEM STRATEGIC TOOLSET ARMY RESERVE PROGRAM, BUDGET, AND ANALYSIS STANDARD ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING SYSTEM Statistical Analysis and Retrievals System SONET Transport Element Management System SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL ENTERPRISE SYSTEM SBIRS TRAINING NETWORKS (STN) Secure Technical Order Repository STRATIFICATION STORAGE, RETRIEVAL, AUTOMATED TRACKING, INTEGRATED SYSTEM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy USAF TBD 0.000 Interim ARMY HRM System Family of Systems ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Legacy Replacement System Name 0.000 Core DFAS FM System 4.615 Legacy ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy DFAS USAF FM HRM System System 23.038 Legacy 0.133 Core USAF TBD System 0.000 Core USAF USAF USAF USMC WSLM WSLM WSLM MSSM System System System System 1.605 0.000 0.125 0.001 USMC MSSM System 0.001 Interim [DAI, PARTIAL] [GFEBS, 31 Dec 2020 PARTIAL] 30 Sep 2020 Core Core Legacy Legacy [GCSS-MC, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 250 4998 4520 STROLSI&II 3518 STS 693 1727 SUBMEPP FMS SUMMER WORKSHOP 1793 APPLICATION 6869 SUPDESK 9990 SUPERMET 5965 675 13677 Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type STRAT ON-LINE SYSTEM I & II SERIAL TRACKING SYSTEM SUBMEPP FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ARMY USMC MSSM MSSM System System 0.000 Legacy 0.001 Interim NAVY FM System 0.012 Legacy SUMMER WORKSHOP APPLICATION SUPERVISOR'S DESK SUPERVISOR METRICS DODEA NAVY NAVY HRM MSSM HRM System System System 6.382 Core 0.602 Core 0.000 Core 663 6985 SUPMIS 7459 8785 SWARWEB 2439 3297 SWEAP 1661 4366 4175 SWIFT 1357 SWM CBC SUPPLY MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM SOLID WASTE ANNUAL REPORTING SYSTEM SECURE WEB-BASED ELECTRONIC ACQUISITION PROGRAM SCHEDULE WORKLOAD INTEGRATED FORECASTING TOOL SMART WEB MOVE 4858 678 NAVY MSSM System 0.120 Legacy ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Core USAF WSLM System 0.298 Interim NAVY NAVY MSSM MSSM Initiative System 0.000 Core 0.344 Legacy 2331 SWMS SHOP WORKLOAD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM NAVY MSSM System 0.384 Legacy 1670 SYMIS - PPPP SYMIS PRE & POST PAYROLL PROCESSES NAVY HRM System 0.324 Interim Replacement System Name [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2011 PARTIAL] [EXMIS, FULL] [NAVY ERP, PARTIAL] [NAVY ERP, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 1662 1160 SYMIS INV 771 6957 SYMIS MF COST 673 10133 3402 2440 1672 4628 4678 9990 9572 2974 T38 IMIS 1211 2305 TAADS-R 2441 3562 TABBS 10136 4521 TACOM ILSP 13850 9410 9990 TACOM TULSA 9998 TALV 3360 2298 TAM 134 1909 TAMMIS SYMIS-COST SYMPRO SYSPARS T2 System Name SHIPYARD MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM INVESTMENT FOR CORP. SOFTWARE SHIPYARD MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM, MISSION FUNDED COST SHIPYARD MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS - COST APPLICATION FINANCIAL PORTFOLIO SOFTWARE JDOCSHELL SYSPARS TUITION TOOL T38 Integrated Maintenance Information System THE ARMY AUTHORIZATION DOCUMENTATION SYSTEM-RESERVE THEATER ALLOCATION BUY BUDGET SYSTEM TACOM INTEGRATED LOGISTICS SUPPORT PORTAL TACOM Unique Logistics Support Applications FMWRC TALENT VIEW TRANSITION ASSISTANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM THEATER ARMY MEDICAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type NAVY MSSM Initiative NAVY FM System 1.044 Interim NAVY ARMY ARMY USAF FM FM WSLM FM System System System System 0.275 0.000 0.000 0.000 USAF WSLM System 0.167 Core ARMY HRM System 0.001 Core USAF TBD System 0.101 Interim ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY ARMY MSSM HRM System System 0.000 Core 0.000 Interim ARMY HRM System 0.013 Core TMA HRM System 1.365 Legacy Replacement System Name 11.600 Core Interim Core Legacy Core [NAVY ERP, FULL] 01 Sep 2017 [ECSS, FULL] [ECSS, 01 Sep 2017 PARTIAL] [TEWLS, FULL] 31 Dec 2013 [DMLSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 10936 TAMMS-A / SIM / 4522 MCDS 3992 2297 TAPDB-AE 3993 2293 TAPDB-AO 3994 2292 TAPDB-ARNG 3995 3996 2289 TAPDB-R TARDEC-ACE 4168 TESTBED 6970 1071 2444 11896 2054 2998 3233 4151 2446 8583 3998 3232 TBA 5061 TBAR 4629 TBG 12521 849 3132 TBI/PH - ITI 1938 TBO TARP TAS TAS TAS System Name The Army Maintenance Management System Aviation TOTAL ARMY PERSONNEL DATABASE ENLISTED TOTAL ARMY PERSONNEL DATABASE ACTIVE OFFICER TOTAL ARMY PERSONNEL DATABASEARMY NATIONAL GUARD TOTAL ARMY PERSONNEL DATA BASE RESERVE TARDEC ADVANCED COLLABORATIVE ENVIRONMENT TESTBED TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR REPAIRABLES PROCESSING TECHNICAL ASSURANCE SYSTEM TOOL ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEM THE TACOM APPRAISAL SYSTEM TRAINING BUSINESS AREA THE BILLING ACCOUNT REGISTRY TRADOC BUDGET GUIDANCE TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY AND PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INITIATIVES TRANSACTIONS BY OTHERS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type ARMY MSSM Initiative 0.000 Legacy ARMY HRM System 0.051 Core ARMY HRM System 0.621 Core ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core ARMY HRM System 0.001 Core ARMY WSLM System 0.000 Legacy NAVY USAF USAF ARMY MSSM MSSM MSSM HRM 0.065 0.030 0.000 0.000 USAF DISA ARMY HRM FM FM System System System System Family of Systems System System 3.085 Core 800.720 Legacy 0.000 Legacy TMA DFAS HRM FM Initiative System 15.217 Core 0.223 Legacy Core Interim Interim Core Replacement System Name 30 Nov 2013 [ECSS, FULL] 01 Sep 2017 [ECSS, FULL] 31 Dec 2016 [GFEBS, FULL] 30 Sep 2020 [BEIS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID COMPO IRB Invest. Type ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Core ARMY MSSM System 35.742 Core USAF NAVY TBD MSSM System System 0.000 Core 0.215 Core NAVY MSSM System 0.000 Core NAVY MSSM System 0.670 Core USMC MSSM System 0.001 Legacy 4523 TBS 233 1935 TC-AIMS II 8281 9207 3349 TCATS 2432 TDC 8094 2333 TDKM 1544 1216 TDMIS - WEB TIS BREAKAWAY SYSTEM TRANSPORTATION COORDINATORS' AUTOMATED INFORMATION FOR MOVEMENTS SYSTEM II TRANSPORTABLE COMMAND AND TELEMETRY SYSTEM (TCATS) (FORMERLY BMRST) TECHNICAL DATA CENTER TECHNICAL DATA KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT TECHNICAL DATA MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM 4994 2116 TDMS (MC) TECHNICAL DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 4004 1595 TDSA (NAVY) TEAM C4ISR ACQUISITION 4358 NETWORK 2456 3425 TEMCI FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name 10957 1546 Termination Schedule TECHNICAL DIRECTIVE STATUS ACCOUNTING TEAM C4ISR ACQUISITION NETWORK TOOLS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONFIGURATION INFORMATION (TEMCI) NAVY MSSM System 0.092 Legacy ARMY WSLM System 0.000 Interim USAF RPILM System 0.145 Interim Replacement System Name 01 Apr 2010 [NAVAIR CMIS, FULL] [DECKPLATE, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name TOOLS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT RESTORATION INFORMATION (TEMRI) TEST & EVALUATION SUPPORT TOOL & EXAMPLE REPOSITORY TEST & EVALUATION: US ARMY TEST FACILITIES REGISTER THEATER ENTERPRISE WIDE MEDICAL LOGISTICS SYSTEM 2458 3601 TEMRI 6467 4679 TESTER 7443 4680 TESTFACS 204 0490 TEWLS 1293 7036 TFAS 1624 4423 0149 TFAS/MOS 3484 TFDW 1627 1617 TFMMR 117 1926 TFMMS 217 6953 TFMS-M 12116 3719 TFRRAT TRUST FUNDS ACCOUNTING SYSTEM TOTAL FORCE ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM/MANPOWER OPERATIONS SYSTEMS TOTAL FORCE DATA WAREHOUSE TOTAL FORCE MANPOWER MODELS REENGINEERING TOTAL FORCE MANPOWER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TRANSPORTATION FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM-MTMC Total Force Requirements and Resource Analysis Tool 4996 2243 TFRS TOTAL FORCE RETENTION SYSTEM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type USAF RPILM System 0.025 Interim ARMY WSLM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY WSLM System 0.000 Legacy TMA HRM 0.000 Core WHS FM System System of Systems USMC USMC HRM HRM System System USMC HRM 3.460 Core NAVY HRM System Family of Systems TRANSCOMFM System 2.973 Legacy USAF HRM System 0.000 Core USMC HRM System 0.000 Legacy Replacement System Name 0.317 Core 11.228 Core 0.000 Legacy 0.673 Core [TFARS, FULL] 30 Sep 2014 [DEAMS, FULL] [TFAS/MOS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 1659 12407 1654 TFSMS 3999 TFSW 447 0174 THRMIS 816 0561 TIBI 1237 1655 TIGER 9063 4525 TIMMS 1962 0454 TINKER IDM 12558 4636 TIS 4013 7029 4016 4526 TIS-TO 1450 TITLE V 7271 TLMS 870 0566 TMA ECS 2466 8009 3399 TMACS 2427 TMAPS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type USMC TMA HRM HRM System System 10.303 Core 0.000 Core USAF HRM System 0.786 Core DISA FM System 2.521 Interim USMC WSLM System 0.071 Core ARMY MSSM Initiative 0.000 Legacy USAF MSSM 0.338 Interim TIS ENTERPRISE ARMY TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION SYSTEM THEATER OPERATIONS ARMY EMISSIONS CONTROL C106 NAVY TIME LABOR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ARMY TRICARE MANAGEMENT ACTIVITY ECOMMERCE SYSTEM TMA TEST MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL SYSTEM USAF TECHNICAL DATA WEBSITE - NATEC NAVY MSSM System System of Systems MSSM RPILM HRM System System System 0.000 Interim 0.007 Core 0.000 Core HRM System MSSM MSSM System System System Name TOTAL FORCE STRUCTURE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TMA FINANCIAL STATEMENT WEB SITE TOTAL FORCE CAREER FIELD MANAGEMENT TELECOMMUNICATIONS INVENTORY AND BILLING INFORMATION TOTAL INFORMATION GATEWAY FOR ENTERPRISE RESOURCES TMDE INTEGRATED MATERIEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TINKER INTEGRATED DATA FOR MAINTENANCE Replacement System Name 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] 0.000 Interim [TC-AIMS II, 01 Apr 2010 FULL] 22.506 Core 0.000 Interim 1.661 Core 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID TMS TOL TOL TOMIS 372 142 8906 4547 2415 6593 4311 1611 4022 2433 TOPMIS 1251 1174 TOPMIS II 351 5962 1948 TOPS 1797 TOPS 4024 8888 2283 TOPTUS 3363 TOR 9205 3420 TOTS 151 6591 TPOCS 7076 12586 2470 1479 TPOS 4760 TPR 3166 TPS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TRICARE ON LINE TRADOC ON LINE TOMAHAWK INFORMATION SYSTEM TOTAL OFFICER PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM TOTAL OFFICER PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM II TOPMIS-II TRANSPORTATION OPERATIONAL PERSONAL PROPERTY STANDARD SYSTEM TRAVEL ORDER PROCESSING TOTAL OFFICER PERSONNEL TRANSACTION UPDATE SYSTEM TRAINING OBJECT REPOSITORY USMC TMA ARMY NAVY MSSM HRM HRM MSSM System System System System 0.000 4.342 0.000 3.086 ARMY HRM System 0.001 Core ARMY HRM System 0.799 Core TRANSCOMMSSM DODEA HRM System System 4.381 Legacy 1.513 Core ARMY USAF HRM HRM System System 0.001 Core 0.171 Core TRANSPORTATION OF THINGS SYSTEM THIRD PARTY OUTPATIENT COLLECTION SYSTEM TARGET POSITION ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Third Party Request TRAINING PLANNING SYSTEM NAVY FM System 0.069 Legacy TMA HRM System 2.778 Core NAVY ARMY USAF HRM HRM HRM System System System 0.010 Core 0.000 Core 0.470 Core Replacement System Name Interim Core Core Legacy 30 Sep 2013 [DPS, FULL] [NAVY ERP, 28 Aug 2015 PARTIAL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 6547 2282 TPS 1218 13996 1073 4212 TPUMS 1896 TQTS 3608 TRACKER (D087T) 13407 2738 TRANET_C 13408 9656 2738 TRANET_U 4630 TRAVEL_DB 5073 3207 TRD 10739 2513 TRDVS 8574 6941 TRFIS 1663 1579 850 2478 4808 1183 1438 8190 0571 2258 TRMS TSM TSS TSS TSS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type TACTICAL PERSONNEL SYSTEM TROOP PROGRAM UNIT MANAGEMENT SUBSYSTEM TECH/QUALITY TOOL SET TRACKER NAVAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING COMMAND CLASSIFIED TRAINING NETWORK NAVAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING COMMAND UNCLASSIFIED TRAINING NETWORK TRAVEL DATABASE ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core ARMY DLA USAF HRM MSSM MSSM System Initiative System 0.000 Core 0.000 Core 0.165 Legacy NAVY HRM Initiative 15.403 Core NAVY ARMY HRM FM Initiative Initiative 15.403 Core 0.000 Legacy TRI-ANNUAL REVIEW DATABASE TELEPHARMACY REMOTE DISPENSING AND VERIFICATION SYSTEM-SCRIPTPRO TRIDENT REFIT FACILITY INFORMATION SYSTEM NAVY FM System 0.322 Legacy TMA HRM System 2.350 Core NAVY FM System 1.275 Interim TEST RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TECHNICAL SUPPORT MANAGEMENT TRANSPORTATION SUPPORT SYSTEM TRAINING SCHEDULING SYSTEM TECHNICAL SUPPORT SERVICES NAVY NAVY DFAS USAF NAVY WSLM WSLM WSLM HRM MSSM System System System Initiative System 1.721 0.342 0.239 1.405 0.062 Core Core Legacy Legacy Core Replacement System Name 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2015 FULL] [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 1370 6036 1130 TTMS 1797 TTP 9534 6734 4359 TV PDMS 2460 TVS 2480 3309 TWES 6976 1569 TWMS 8405 1972 TWPAM 6185 13242 4527 TYAD - ASRS 4761 UA 308 1993 UADPS - ICP 307 11680 1995 UADPS-SP 3927 UAS-I 8591 8685 8370 UCAPERS 9990 UDR Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type USAF DODEA HRM HRM System System 6.765 Core 1.513 Core ARMY NAVY WSLM WSLM 0.000 Legacy 0.011 Core TEST WING ENTERPRISE SYSTEM TOTAL WORKFORCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES USAF WSLM System System Family of Systems NAVY HRM System 0.859 Interim TEAM WORK PLAN AUTOMATION MODULE AUTOMATED STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM (ASRS) Unit Awards UNIFORM ADP - INVENTORY CONTROL POINTS NAVY MSSM System 0.178 Core ARMY ARMY MSSM HRM System System 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Core NAVY MSSM System 10.682 Legacy UNIFORM ADP SYSTEM - STOCK POINTS UAS INITIATIVE UNIFORM CHART OF ACCOUNT PERSONNEL SYSTEMS UNIVERSAL DATA REPOSITORY NAVY ARMY MSSM MSSM System System 10.549 Legacy 0.000 Interim TMA DLA HRM MSSM System System 0.124 Legacy 0.000 Core System Name TECHNICAL TRAINING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TEACHER TRANSFER PROGRAM TACTICAL VEHICLE PRODUCT DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TTSARB VOTING SYSTEM Replacement System Name 0.500 Interim [NAVY ERP, PARTIAL] [NAVY ERP, FULL] 31 Dec 2010 [DMHRSI, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type NAVY USAF ARMY WSLM TBD HRM System System System 0.180 Core 0.000 Legacy 0.065 Core DFAS FM System 0.152 Legacy TMA HRM System 0.000 Core 1553 2482 4062 2334 UEFORMS 9990 UFRS 2279 UIC 852 8200 UIC/DODAAC 12008 3597 UITS 4063 4528 ULLS-A(E) UNCLASSIFIED NAVAL NUCLEAR PROPULSION INFORMATION ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING FORMS UNFUNDED REQUIREMENTS SYSTEM UNIT IDENTIFICATION CODE UNIT IDENTIFICATION CODE / DOD ACTIVITY ADDRESS CODE SYSTEM UNIVERSAL IMMUNIZATION TRACKING SYSTEM UNIT LEVEL LOGISTICS SYSTEM - AVIATION (ENHANCED) ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Interim 4064 4069 4529 ULLS-G 2276 UPDB UNIT LEVEL LOGISTICS SYSTEM - GROUND ARMY USAREUR PERSONNEL DATABASE ARMY MSSM HRM System System 0.000 Legacy 0.001 Core USAF HRM System 3.000 Core NAVY USMC DTSA HRM RPILM WSLM System System System 0.021 Core 2.823 Core 0.000 Core USAF USAF ARMY HRM RPILM HRM System System System 0.000 Core 0.025 Legacy 0.000 Legacy 2486 1468 177 832 1376 10302 4077 USAF IT E3181 LEARNING SYSTEM USAF IT E-LEARNING SYSTEM UNITED SERVICES MILITARY APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM 2408 USMAP USMCMAX (MAXIMO) 0391 USMCMAX US EXPORT SYSTEMS 9990 USXPORTS UNIT TRAINING ASSEMBLY PROCESSING SYSTEM 9995 UTAPSWEB CEG Utility Estimating 3586 UTILEST UNIT TRAINING SYSTEM 9990 UTS Replacement System Name [GCSS-ARMY, 31 Jan 2014 FULL] [GCSS-ARMY, 31 Jan 2014 FULL] [AF DIMHRS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID Termination Schedule System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State Replacement System Name 590 8763 VACS VIRTUAL ARMY COMMUNITY SERVICES ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core 2488 2875 VAES USAF WSLM System 0.350 Interim [STES, PARTIAL] 392 6561 VAMOSC NAVY FM System 4.517 Interim [VAMOSC, FULL] 2489 10470 4082 4084 8457 3561 3542 4632 4286 4308 USAF ARMY ARMY ARMY ARMY MSSM WSLM FM HRM HRM System System Initiative System System 0.013 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 8578 3669 VI-LAN DISA TBD System 0.000 Core 2494 9995 VIEW USAF RPILM System 0.000 Legacy 6564 9997 VIMS ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Legacy 1654 3855 VIPS BTA HRM System 1202 1055 VISION ARMY WSLM System 0.422 Interim 13938 12973 9990 VISION (SIPR) 4194 VLER VA ENTERPRISE SYSTEM VISIBILITY AND MANAGEMENT OF OPERATIONS AND SUPPORT COSTS VARIANCE ANALYSIS REPORTING DATABASE VIRTUAL CONTRACTING ENTERPRISE VISA DATABASE VEHICLE REGISTRY INQUIRY NETWORK VIRTUAL FAMILY READINESS GROUP VISUAL INFORMATION LOCAL AREA NETWORK MASSACHUSETTS MILITARY RESERVATION'S VISUAL INTERFACE TO DATA WAREHOUSE SYSTEM VEHICLES INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM VIRTUAL INTERACTIVE PROCESSING SYSTEM VERSATILE INFORMATION SYSTEM INTEGRATED ONLINE NATIONWIDE VERSATILE INFORMATION SYSTEM INTEGRATED ONLINE NATIONWIDE (SIPR) VIRTUAL LIFETIME ELECTRONIC RECORD ARMY DHRA WSLM HRM System Initiative 0.000 Legacy 40.000 VARD VCE VDB VERINET VFRG Interim Interim Legacy Core Core 35.621 Core 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] 14 Apr 2029 [MIRS, FULL] 01 Jun 2012 [ACQBIZ, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name Termination Schedule COMPO 4088 4287 VLTP 4768 2418 VPMS VOLUNTARY LEAVE TRANSFER PROGRAM ARMY VIRTUAL PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USMC 5902 2510 VPSC VIRTUAL PERSONNEL SERVICES CENTER 162 0124 VSIMS 9851 13986 485 2903 VSSM 9998 VTT 7036 WAAS 1605 7101 1265 WAMO 1627 WAP 368 8154 WAPDS 4503 2428 WARS 4092 4531 WARS-NT VETERINARY SERVICE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM VETERINARY SERVICES SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT VOLUNTEER TRACKING TOOL WHS ALLOTMENT ACCOUNTING SYSTEM WORKFORCE, ADMINISTRATION, MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION SYSTEM WORKER ALLOCATION PROGRAM MAINTENANCE DECISION SUPPORT WORKLOAD ANALYSIS PLANNING DATA SYSTEM WAREHOUSE ANALYTICAL REPORTING SYSTEM WORLDWIDE AMMUNITION REPORTING SYSTEM-NEW TECHNOLOGY USAF FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State IRB Invest. Type HRM Initiative 0.000 Core WSLM System 0.590 Core HRM System 2.686 Core Replacement System Name TMA HRM Initiative 0.232 Legacy [VSSM, PARTIAL] [DOEHRS-IH, 31 Dec 2011 PARTIAL] TMA USMC WHS HRM HRM FM Initiative System System 1.869 Core 0.000 Legacy 0.317 Legacy 30 Sep 2017 [DAI, FULL] NAVY NAVY HRM MSSM System System 0.000 Interim 0.025 Interim 30 Dec 2027 USAF MSSM System 0.050 Legacy NAVY FM System 0.800 Legacy ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Legacy 31 Mar 2017 [ECSS, FULL] [NAVY ERP, 30 Sep 2017 FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID System Name WORKFORCE ANALYSIS SUPPORT SYSTEM WIDE AREA WORKFLOW Workers Compensation Claims Management System WORKING DOG MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type ARMY BTA HRM WSLM System System 0.000 Core 8.682 Core USAF USAF HRM MSSM 0.000 Core 0.000 Core ARMY NAVY USMC DECA MSSM MSSM MSSM HRM 568 432 3455 WASS+ 6577 WAWF 8770 1312 9990 WCCMS 3845 WDMS 4093 1516 4997 1690 4532 3791 3520 1396 8841 NAVY FM ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY HRM System 0.000 Interim USAF WSLM System 0.219 Interim 4204 WEB EXTENDER 2768 WEB EXTENDER WEB SERVICES FT NETCOM GARRISON WEB SERVICES FT HUACHUCA 9990 HUACHUCA WEB-BASED TRADOC AUTOMATED SCHEDULES 4633 WEB TAS WEB BASED TOTAL EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM-TACO107 4288 WEB TED Web-based Acquisition Information Management System 3802 WebAIMS WEB COMPLIANCE ASSESSMENT AND SUSTAINMENT SYSTEM 8764 WEBCASS System System Family of Systems System System System Family of Systems ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Core 2811 4634 WEBCMS2 ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy 7649 4094 4095 10911 WDS WDTS WEAPONS WEB WILDCAT DATA SYSTEM WEB DEFICIENCY TRACKING SYSTEM WEAPONS SERIAL SYSTEM DECA INTERNET WEB CORPORATE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 2 0.000 0.000 0.001 10.458 Replacement System Name Legacy Core Core Core 1.306 Legacy 31 Dec 2016 [GFEBS, FULL] [GFEBS, 31 Dec 2016 PARTIAL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 6184 7078 12599 8910 12598 4681 1452 3496 4363 5039 WEBDAG WEBMS WEBOTOOLS WEBPUFF WEBRTOOLS 12606 7087 7086 5731 3495 1628 1481 1264 WEBSTEAM WEL WELD WESS 7093 2827 WFQA 11860 1906 WHS ECCS 11204 1428 WHS RPAM 10925 4329 WIAS 12590 9990 WII-PBES 1085 3405 WIMS Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State System Name COMPO IRB Invest. Type ATEC WEBDAG WEB MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WEB BASED OFFICER TOOLS WEBPUFF WEB RECRUITING TOOLS WEB STANDARDIZED TERRITORY EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS FOR MANAGEMENT WASTE EVALUATION LIST WELD ROD ISSUE WEB ENABLED SAFETY SYSTEM WELD FILLER/QUALITY ASSURANCE FORMS WHS ENTERPRISE CORRESPONDENCE CONTROL SYSTEM WHS REAL PROPERTY ASSET MANAGEMENT WORLDWIDE INDIVIDUAL AUGMENTATION SYSTEM THE WOUNDED, ILL, AND INJURED PBES (PROGRAMMING, BUDGETING, AND EXECUTION SYSTEM) WEB SYSTEM WORKUNIT INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ARMY NAVY NAVY ARMY NAVY WSLM MSSM HRM RPILM HRM System System System System System 0.000 0.013 0.413 0.000 0.400 Legacy Core Legacy Core Legacy NAVY NAVY NAVY NAVY HRM MSSM MSSM RPILM System System System System 0.674 0.002 0.019 1.332 Interim Legacy Core Core NAVY MSSM System 0.002 Core WHS MSSM System 2.657 Core WHS RPILM System 0.000 Core ARMY HRM System 0.000 Core USD(P&R) HRM System 0.000 Core USAF System 0.317 Interim WSLM Replacement System Name 30 Dec 2027 [EBS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 6206 7222 WIMS 1469 2509 7099 3418 WINATOS 3846 WINGS 1558 WIPP 9030 3229 WISCRS 1351 3366 WITS 9204 2448 WLM 4207 4765 WMIS 251 4533 WMMS 10515 1403 12608 4534 WMMS-DOL 6211 WMS 4167 WMS 8070 6787 259 2261 WNY-FM 2142 WOLPH 2076 WPS System Name WORKLOAD INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WINDOWS AUTOMATED TRAVEL ORDER SYSTEM WEB INTENSIVE NEW GAIN SYSTEM WALLOPS ISLAND PROPERTY PROGRAM Web-based Incentive Strategy Collection and Reporting System WASTE INFORMATION AND TRACKING SYSTEM WORKLOAD MGMT/DECISION RECORD SYSTEM INCL. MS, UACS WASTE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM WILDCAT MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WILDCAT MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DIRECTORATE OF LOGISTICS WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WORKLOAD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WASHINGTON NAVY YARD - FACILITY MANAGEMENT WIR ON LINE PROCESS HANDLER WORLDWIDE PORT SYSTEM Termination Schedule FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB Invest. Type ARMY FM System 0.000 Legacy NAVY USAF NAVY HRM FM MSSM System System System 0.000 Legacy 0.000 Core 0.002 Core USAF MSSM System 0.002 Interim USAF RPILM System 0.038 Interim NAVY MSSM System 0.025 Legacy ARMY RPILM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY MSSM System 0.000 Legacy ARMY DECA NAVY MSSM HRM MSSM System System System 0.000 Core 1.690 Core 0.000 Interim NAVY RPILM USMC MSSM TRANSCOMMSSM System System System 0.000 Core 0.001 Interim 0.737 Legacy Replacement System Name 31 Dec 2011 [GFEBS, FULL] 31 Mar 2018 [ECSS, FULL] [EBIZ, FULL] 30 Jul 2011 [GATES, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 2517 3400 WR IDM 8360 3375 WR-CEEMS 9048 4970 8099 3378 WR-DDSRI/DRIDB 2416 WRS 2423 WS 9225 3227 WSMIS IL-1 9226 3642 WSMIS IL-2 10275 3633 WSMIS REALM 1046 3225 WSMIS-PRS 1459 296 3371 WSMT 1873 WSSP 10917 3803 WSSP System Name WR-ALC INTEGRATED DATA FOR MAINTENANCE WR-Civil Engineer and Environmental Management System WR - DEPOT MAINTENANCE & ACCOUNTING & PRODUCTION SYS(DMAPS) REPORTING ENVIRONMENT STANDARD & CUSTOM WAR RESERVE SYSTEM WORKFORCE SHAPING Weapon System Management Information System - Integrated Logistics 1 Weapon System Management Information System - Integrated Logistics 2 Weapon System Management Information System Requirements Execution Availability Logistics Module WEAPON SYSTEM MANAGEMENT INFORMAITION SYSTEM-PROPULSION REQUIREMENTS SYSTEM WEAPON SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT TOOL WEAPON SYSTEM SUPPORT PROGRAM Weapon System Support Program Workbench Tool Termination Schedule COMPO IRB USAF MSSM USAF RPILM USAF USMC NAVY MSSM MSSM HRM USAF MSSM USAF Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State Replacement System Name System Family of Systems 0.433 Interim 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] 0.687 Legacy 0.001 Interim 1.937 Interim MSSM System System System System of Systems System of Systems 0.994 Legacy 31 Mar 2016 [ECSS, FULL] [ECSS, 31 Mar 2016 PARTIAL] USAF MSSM System 1.080 Legacy [ECSS, FULL] USAF MSSM 0.052 Interim USAF DLA WSLM MSSM System System of Systems System USAF MSSM System 0.000 Legacy 0.045 Interim 0.132 Legacy 0.140 Interim 0.100 Core [ECSS, 01 Sep 2017 PARTIAL] [ECSS, FULL] The Master List of Systems is delivered in a downloadable spreadsheet format with all the functionality of Microsoft Excel. This Master List of Systems provides a comprehensive listing of all active business systems and initiatives (sorted by system acronym) in the Department of Defense as of 18 Nov 2010. The system sort order may be changed by clicking on the row heading. The table below includes the system transition state designations (core, interim and legacy), which are defined in DITPR as: Core: Existing system, a system in development, or a system beginning the acquisition process that is/will become the Department's solution for a given capability(ies), as designated by the Mission Area. Interim: Existing system or system in development, as designated by the Mission Area, that supports the Department for a given capability during a limited period of time. Legacy: Existing system that is designated for closure when the capability is absorbed by a interim or core system. This listing also includes migration information as required by Title 10 U.S. Code section 2222. The Termination Date indicates the date the system is expected to be retired. The Replacement System Name(s) identifies the name(s) of the system(s) that will assume full or partial functionality. System Information DITPR BIN System Acronym ID 5191 13243 1399 WWAS 4762 WWL 874 4215 8196 WYPC 2275 ZIP/GLC System Name WOUNDED WARRIOR ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEM World Wide Locator WORK YEAR AND PERSONNEL COST REPORTING ZIP CODE/GRID LOCATOR CODE SYSTEM Termination Schedule Invest. Type FY11 Budget Transition Term Date (Millions) State COMPO IRB ARMY ARMY HRM HRM Family of Systems System 0.000 Core 0.000 Core DFAS ARMY FM HRM System System 0.415 Legacy 0.024 Core Replacement System Name