ENGAGED: Women`s Empowerment in the


ENGAGED: Women`s Empowerment in the
ENGAGED: Women’s Empowerment
in the Organization
Jessica Hutwelker, MAS
Account Manager, Sunrise Identity
January 11th, 2015
Who You Are!
You are an incredible, powerful force of nature!
– What is your value story? How do you support your
personal and professional leadership brand?
• Honor your voice and your truth above all else.
• Treat yourself how you would want others to treat
you— with respect, kindness, compassion, nurturing,
care, grace.
• Climb higher to explore your full potential.
Elements of Presence
How Are You Showing Up?
(Excerpt from Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are)
• How do you show up in your daily
• How do you exude your presencewhat kind of physical poses do you
use in these interactions?
• Recommended reading: Louder
Than Words by Joe Navarro
Bridging The Gender Gaps
Women’s Tendencies
• Women ask indirect questions
• Women consider many
different perspectives and
variables at once
• Women are process driven
• Women prefer to collaborate,
get everyone’s input
• Women wait to be called on
• Women need to talk through
things to come up with the
• Women are built to notice
multiple things at once and
Men’s Tendencies
• Men make statements
• Men are singularly focused
• Men are results driven
• Men prefer to work independently,
they want to figure things out on
their own
• Men provide input in meetings if
they feel it relevant
• Men process internally
• Men are built to make quick
assessments over a limited set of
Expanding Comfort Zones
• How did you stretch yourself in 2014?
• How did your empowerment quotient grow?
• In what areas of your life would you like to
expand your comfort zones for 2015?
Expanding Comfort Zones:
My 2014 Journey
January- Sky Diving
February- Moved from Saint Paul, MN to Tampa, FL
April- Participated in PPAI L.E.A.D. in Washington, DC
June- Article published in PPB magazine
September- Featured in PromoKitchen podcast
November- Secured MAS, launched website
• December- Accepted job with Sunrise Identity, joined
two industry boards, voted in as PromoKitchen chef,
drove 3000+ miles from Tampa, FL to Seattle, WA
• January 2015- Presenting at PPAI Expo!
Expanding Comfort Zones:
YOUR 2015 Journey!
In Life There Are No Guarantees but
Plenty of Opportunities
• There will always be forces outside of your
control, but:
– You have a say in how you respond.
– You have the chance to see the opportunity in the
challenge, and recognize how it helps you grow.
Leap Of Faith
How Empowered Are They?
Achieving High Points In Your Life!
Mountain Climbing As A Metaphor
“To me, climbing is not only a test of technical skill and
endurance but more importantly, of character. Life itself
demands the same methods and qualities to achieve success;
strength, courage, spirit, fortitude, energy, resilience, guts,
stamina, determination, endurance, will power, resolve,
purpose, drive, self-discipline, nerve, focus, and selfconfidence. Mountaineering is a micro representation of life
itself. All the same rules apply but time is compressed and the
stakes are higher.”
– Steve Witt
Avid Mountain Climber
Senior Executive
What Do You Need
For A Successful “Climb”?
• What Does It Take?
– Identifying the Terrain
– Proper Training
– Proper Gear
– The Right Guide
– The Ideal Climbing Team
– The Indispensable
See you At The Top!
• Do not let the fear of failure keep you from
pursuing your goals.
– Even after all the training and getting all of the
proper gear, you still have to take the first step.
The important thing is to get on the mountain!
– Express gratitude for all the lessons, all the
opportunities, all the moments that lead you to
the top…or a different path…or a different
To Keep Climbing…Invest In Yourself!
• Remember to:
– Set your goal, create the intention, stay focused
on the “what” of your vision and let go of
worrying about the “how”.
– March forth boldly, focus on a 3’ perimeter
around you of what you can control. Trust that the
next step will appear.
– Trust that you are fully prepared– you have
everything that you need, and whatever you
haven’t discovered yet will reveal itself.
This Is YOUR ONE Life- Own It!
• The power is in your hands (and your head
and heart).
– Accept responsibility for your life, your happiness
and your needs.
• Everything up to this moment has been of your own
• No matter where you are in your life, you can always
choose something else.
– You cannot control what others say, think or do; you have
total control over what you say, think and do.
View From the Top!
Choose Your Own Adventure!
• Create a life of your own design!
– Where would you like to say “YES” in your life,
where would you like to say “no thank you”?
• Identifying, setting, and maintaining boundaries is one
of the most essential things you can do.
– Think of what gives you energy and what drains your energy–
prioritize your life around the joy.
Invest in yourself and your growth and
11 Ways to Empower Yourself in the
How It Empowers You
Take A Seat at the Table
Set Up Clear Boundaries
Speak Up
Ask Direct Questions
Be A Leader
Ask for What You Want- Don’t Be
Afraid of the No!
Come with Solutions
Keep Track of Contributions + Success– •
“Win” Folder
Stand Proud, Strong, Confidently- Non-•
Verbal Communication
Identify Strengths
Build Your Roadmap– Where Do You •
Want to Be in 2 Years? 5 Years?
Recognizing you have worth and deserve to sit at the table
rather than be in the periphery
Saying no to what does not align with your goals and drains
you frees you up to focus on what comes to you naturally
People will treat you with the same level respect that you
treat yourself
Contributing builds the courage to speak your truth
Being a leader in whatever role you’re in helps your sense of
value and contribution
Being clear about what you want and need builds selfconfidence and self-esteem and provides clarity for yourself
and others
Presenting solutions rather than just problems shows you are
proactive and solutions-based
Keeping track of your successes assists when it’s time for
annual reviews or when seeking promotion
You have so much to offer others– let people know before
you even open your mouth that you are confident in who
you are and what you bring to the table
Knowing what you are great at and what comes naturally
generates energy– surround yourself in the activities that
bring you joy and energy
Having goals that you want to achieve and a destination that
you want to reach helps you discern where and how to
spend your time and energy
Commit To Being Exceptional Now!
• Apply what you just learned…
– Reflect on the key areas of your life…
• What one area do you want to strengthen?
• What one area do you want to show up more
• What one thing will you do differently to show up
Let’s Hear From You!
What Change Will You Make Starting Now?
References & Resources
Millman, D. (1993) The Life You Were Born to Live: A Guide to Finding Your
Life. Tiburon: HJ Kramer, New World Library.
Annis, B., Gray, J. (2013) Work With Me: the 8 Blind Spots Between Men and
Women in Business. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
Byrne, R. (2006) The Secret. New York: Atria Books, Beyond Words
Bach, R. (1977) Illusions. New York: Dell Publishing
Dalla-Camina, M. (2012) Getting Real About Having It All: Be your best, love
your career, and bring back your sparkle. US: Hay House, Inc.
Ilardo, J. PhD, Rothman, C. PhD. (2003) Take A Chance: Risks To Grow By; A
Workbook for A More Fulfilling Life. New York: MJF Books
Jaworski, J. (2011) Synchronicity: The Inner Path of Leadership. San Francisco:
Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
References & Resources
Meek, A. (2014). One of Norway’s Top Female Execs on Not Taking No for An
Answer. FastCompany.com. Retrieved from
Noyes, K. (2014). For businesswomen, femininity is both an asset and a
liability. Fortune.com. Retrieved from
Dalla-Camina M. (2014). How Women Can Get The Careers they want without
compromising their well-being. Fastcompany.com. Retrieved from
References & Resources
James, G. (2013). 5 Ways to Become Inspired and Engaged. Inc.com Retrieved
from http://www.inc.com/geoffrey-james/how-to-become-inspired-andengaged.html
Bacharach, B. (2014). The Unspoken Leadership Skill You Need to Survive.
Inc.com. Retrieved from http://www.inc.com/samuel-bacharach/theunspoken-leadership-skill-you-need-to-survive.html
Manson, M. (2014). 7 Strange Questions That Help You Find Your Life
Purpose. markmanson.net. Retrieved from http://markmanson.net/lifepurpose
Haden, J. (2014). An Almost Foolproof Way to Achieve Every Goal You Set.
Inc.com. Retrieved from http://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/an-nearly-foolproofway-to-achieve-every-goal-you-set-wed.html
References & Resources
Babauta, L. (2013). 12 Tools for More Mindful Living. Fastcompany.com.
Retrieved from http://www.fastcompany.com/3023459/how-to-be-a-successat-everything/12-tools-for-more-mindful-living
James, G. (2012). How to Be Happy at Work, Inc.com. Retrieved from
Zax, D. (2014). The Many, Many, Many Things You Should Say ‘No’ to at Work.
Fastcompany.com. Retrieved from
McBean, B. (2013). The 5 Characteristics of Great Leaders. Fastcompany.com.
Retrieved from http://www.fastcompany.com/3004914/5-characteristics-great-leaders
References & Resources
Giang, V. (2014). The Secrets to Successful Networking from the Most
Connected Women. Fastcompany.com. Retrieved from
Witt, S. (2014). Climbing with Steve Witt. Peak Performance.
References & Resources
Marsh, N. (2010). How To Make Work Life Balance Work. TED.com. Retrieved
Cuddy, A. (2012). Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are. TED.com.
Retrieved from
Sandberg, S. (2010). Why We Have Too Few Women Leaders. TED.com.
Retrieved from