Biobased SolutionsFOR GOVERNMENT
Biobased SolutionsFOR GOVERNMENT
UNITED SOYBEAN BOARD SPRING 2012 Biobased Solutions FOR GOVERNMENT Go to to sign up for the electronic version of this newsletter and to see profiles of how biobased products are successfully used across America. President Obama Calls for Federal Agencies to Use More Biobased Products President Obama made a major announcement for the nation on Feb. 21, 2012 T Lewis Bainbridge DEAR READER Have you ever wondered, “What’s in the products I buy?” “How much foreign oil goes into those products, and can I cut that amount when purchasing everything from carpet to hydraulic fluids?” “How can I reduce the formaldehyde in the plywood or the volatile organic compounds in the paints that surround my family and employees?” “Can I find cleaning products that don’t contain harsh chemicals that I have to breathe or have touch my skin?” President Obama’s new White House Memorandum will hopefully have us all asking these questions and looking to American-made biobased products for solutions. As a U.S. soybean grower, I’m pleased that my crop and our soybean checkoff are helping biobased products be “A Natural Choice for America!” Continued on page 2 he White House Memorandum “Driving Innovation and Creating Jobs in Rural America through Biobased and Sustainable Product Procurement,” directs the federal government to dramatically increase its purchases of biobased products during the next two years. The initiative is designed to strengthen the economy, create jobs and support business growth. It recognizes that biobased products help U.S. energy security. “President Obama understands that a strong American economy is tied to a healthy, vibrant rural economy,” said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, who chairs the White House Rural Council. “The actions we are taking will bring new economic investments to our rural communities, to ensure the people who live in these towns have a better, brighter future.” P E N TA G O N C A S E S T U D Y Continued on page 2 Soy Biobased Products Support: Economic Growth see page 6 Environmental & Worker Health see page 8 Read about the Pentagon and other case studies on page 3 Energy Security see page 9 DEAR READER Continued from page 1 I hope you will turn the page and read how soy is used to make biobased products that address these questions. You can also check out our website for more information on how Americanmade biobased products are cropping up everywhere from the Pentagon to the Grand Canyon. The U.S. Department of Agriculture just announced that U.S. soybean farmers are again expected to grow 75 million acres of soybeans this year. tions_commodities.htm That means more than 90 million metric tons of U.S. soybeans are projected for this year’s harvest. From the Atlantic Coast and into my home state of South Dakota, soybean growers like me are at work to sustainably meet the demand for soy in food, feed, fuel as well as biobased products. That’s good for to all of us and our nation too. — Lewis Bainbridge United Soybean Board Domestic Marketing Committee Chairman President Obama Calls for Federal Agencies to Use More Biobased Products Continued from page 1 “Biobased products are a natural choice for America and so is the President’s call for greater use of them,” said USB Director & Domestic Marketing Chairman Lewis Bainbridge, a South Dakota soybean farmer who uses biobased products himself. “A strong federal biobased program also expands opportunities for states, counties and private citizens to buy biobased.” The Presidential Memo builds on the Congressional support for biobased products established in the 2002 and 2008 Farm Bills. Key provisions in the new Memorandum include: • Requiring federal agencies to include goals and milestones for biobased purchasing in their Strategic Sustainability Performance Plans. • Including biobased purchasing in the scorecard that the Office of Management and Budget uses to rate agencies’ Sustainability/Energy performance. • Directing a 50 percent increase in the number of new product categories that are designated by USDA as biobased for preferred federal purchasing. • Requiring new public reporting of federal agencies’ biobased product purchasing. • Requiring federal agencies to sample and verify that biobased products are being included in purchasing contracts, identified in purchasing catalogs, and integrated in product specifications and contracting procedures. • Directing the implementation of new biobased purchasing training, education, and outreach efforts to federal buyers. • Providing assistance to small businesses to improve the selling of biobased products and services to the Federal Government. • Directing the Secretary of Agriculture to prepare a report to the President on job creation and the economic impact associated with the biobased products industry. Please visit for a copy of the White House Memorandum 2 Profiles in Biobased Success Highlight Exciting New Users of Soy-Based Products USB Partners with Counties to Try Soy-Based Products Pentagon Welcomes Soy-Backed Entry Mats Employees and Visitors Enter Building on Environmentally Sustainable Mats In 2010, the Pentagon began a pilot test of a new entryway mat made by EcoPath™ at one of their main entrances. EcoPath™ mats are made from recycled, recovered, and sustainable materials. The backing system uses recycled plastic bottles (4 per square yard) as well as naturally renewable soybean-based polyols. USB brought the EcoPath™ mats to the attention of the Pentagon Environmental Office (PEO) and the Pentagon Building Management Office (PBMO). The PBMO had identified performance issues with the mats being used in the building and agreed to test the new mats. In addition to their environmental benefits, the EcoPath™ mats do not curl around the edges and are far less subject to any movement than the mats they had been using. Through a partnership between USB and the National Association of Counties (NACo), 35 counties from across the country (including the Fleet Maintenance Department in Dorchester County, S.C. pictured here) were given a soy biobased product package to use in their facilities and/or fleets over a one-month period. “These products were as good, or better than the products we had been using,” said Director of Fleet Maintenance, Dorchester County, South Carolina Ernie Knight. “The asphalt cleaner worked a lot better for tar and road patch removal. Our old product had to sit for awhile to work, and gave off bad fumes.” The feedback from participating counties was extremely positive. Many indicated that they would recommend almost every product they received. A profile outlining these successes is at: Go to to read more about this demonstration that resulted in the Pentagon replacing the old mats at all entrances with new ones made with soy backing. In total, 82 soy-backed entry mats (covering just over 7,800 square feet or about 1/5 acre) are being used at various entrances and exits throughout the building. 3 Profiles in Biobased Success Highlight Exciting New Users of Soy-Based Products Biobased Products Perform & Help Meet Grand Canyon National Park Sustainability Goals The Grand Canyon uses soy-based hydraulic fluid in heavy equipment and biodiesel fuel in diesel vehicles and equipment. The Park recently tested eight other soy biobased products in the auto shop and janitorial services. Grand Canyon staff report that the tested products performed very well, and in some cases, did the job more quickly or required less work. To read the full Grand Canyon profile visit (From left to right) Grand Canyon Environmental Protection Specialist Deirdre Hanners, Auto Shop Supervisor Johnny “J.D.” Diaz-Gonzalez and Chief of Facility Maintenance Tim Jarrell show some of the equipment that they successfully run on B20 blend biodiesel as well as biobased hydraulic oils. Soy-Based Adhesive Eliminates Dangerous Formaldehyde at Ft. Lee Army Base Building 11108 is the new home of the Army’s 262nd Quartermaster Battalion in Ft. Lee, Virginia. Workers there are taking comfort in the fact that 25 cabinet units scattered through seven locations in the facility are constructed with PureBond® hardwood plywood made with a soy-based formaldehyde-free adhesive from Columbia Forest Products. The soybased adhesive won the EPA’s Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award in 2007 because it replaces the commonly used formaldehyde adhesive. Go to for more details, including how the cabinets helped the building be Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified in three ways. 4 Donnie Durbin, project superintendent, LifeCycle Construction Services, which built Ft. Lee’s Building 11108, explains that the inner part of the hardwood plywood contains the formaldehyde-free soy-based adhesive. ON UT EF H T OP SH Soybeans help create a comfortable foam core that uses less oil and is a natural and renewable resource. American-Made Soy Foam Futons Are a Top Seller The Futon Shop, with ten locations throughout California, is one of the largest eco-friendly retail trendsetters in the nation. Founded in 1976, the company has sold more than two million futon mattresses, sofa beds, and platform beds. All futon mattresses are made with domestically produced soy-based foam. Within the last couple of years, the Futon Shop’s line of futon mattresses — made with soy-based foam — is one of the company’s biggest sellers. The soy-based foam — Preserve® — is manufactured by Hickory Springs Manufacturing Company in North Carolina. “We’re not only proud of our commitment to the environment, but our efforts to reduce dependence on foreign oil and support American jobs,” says The Futon Shop Founder and CEO Suzanne Diamond. Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore Expands Biobased Uses Go to to read more and watch a video. For more than a decade, Chief Facility Manager at Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore Chris Case has been a driving force educating communities and other government staff about the benefits of soy biobased products. For an updated look at the long-standing biobased success story at Pictured Rocks, visit 5 Soy is a renewable alternative Biobased Products are a How Soy Biobased Products A The U.S. soybean industry is an American success story. cross the nation, U.S. companies now offer hundreds of biobased products, ranging from cleaning supplies to carpet backing to energy efficient roofing materials, made with ingredients grown right here on American farms. Each year, U.S. soybean growers plant about 75 million acres of soybeans, offering an abundant and rapidly Soybeans came to the American colonies from China around 1765. Today, the United States produces approximately 35 percent of the world’s soybeans, and they boost America’s trade balance. Soy is the top U.S. agricultural export, with roughly 55 percent of the U.S. soybean crop going to customers abroad. China is the No. 1 customer for U.S. soy. At the same time, soybeans are helping create new opportunities for American manufacturing. renewable source of ingredients that are helping revitalize U.S. manufacturing. Consumers win with product choices that can curb dependence on foreign oil as well as reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Soy biobased products can also offer environmental and health benefits, such as lower VOCs, less exposure to toxic chemicals as well as irritation from odors, and more. The BlueGreen Alliance, a national partnership between labor unions and environmental organizations, commissioned a study, “The Economic Benefits of a Green Chemical Industry in the United States: Renewing Manufacturing Jobs While Protecting Health and the Environment.” It cites biobased chemicals as a means of reversing the decline in U.S. jobs in the chemical industry. According to the report, from 1992 to 2010, the chemical industry lost more than 300,000 jobs. However, if just 20% of chemical production switched from making petrochemical-based plastics to plant-based plastics, 104,000 jobs would be created. Moving to plant-based plastics creates jobs and allows companies to “The use of petroleum has become so ingrained in American life that it will take a diverse menu of materials to replace this one important resource. Developing many substitutions for petroleum products will also allow us to accomplish our goal with much greater speed. Biobased products have great potential to help us reduce petroleum use while using products that are much better for our environment.” 6 — Silicon Valley Clean Cities and Breathe California President & CEO Margo Sidener to petroleum-based products. Natural Choice for America! Benefit the U.S. Economy source materials from within the United States, instead of relying on imports of foreign oil. The American Chemistry Council (ACC) reports the important multiplier effect such jobs have for America. Every new job in the chemical industry creates 5.5 additional jobs elsewhere in the economy, according to ACC’s analysis of federal studies. Recognition of these opportunities has prompted the manufacturing-heavy state of Ohio to support biobased products purchasing and other initiatives at the state level. You can read more about that in USB’s Profile of Biobased Success on Ohio at Citing biobased products as one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world, 98 counties in Arkansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee “Ohio’s economy has a strong foundation in the development and production of industrial materials. Indeed one materials sector, polymers, represents the largest single industry in Ohio. Increasingly biobased feedstocks are being seen as a key strategic need for the chemicals, polymers and other advanced materials industries — largely because of the price and supply volatility of traditional fossil-based petrochemical and natural gas feedstocks.” — Battelle Memorial Institute Technology Partnership Practice Senior Director Simon J. Tripp have launched a regional strategy to support the development of biobased products in the Mississippi Delta. Biobased Manufacturers, like Textile Management Associates (TMA), have their own positive economics to tell. Through its use of polyols manufactured from American-grown soybeans, TMA’s Universal Textile Technologies (UTT) replaces petrochemicals traditionally used in polyurethane carpet backings for the last 30 years. UTT’s soy-based backings displace millions of pounds of petrochemicals each year, while showing no increase in cost. The result is a cost-neutral, environmentally responsible solution for customers. This has driven demand for their products, such as Signature Crypton Carpet® and AstroTurf®. TMA companies grew their workforce by 10 percent in the last three years in contrast to the overall unemployment rate of 11-12 percent in Northwest Georgia. Yellowstone Collection carpet creates jobs in rural Georgia and offers an American-made use for more than 40 tons of plastic bottles left by the public at Yellowstone National Park each year. 7 How Soy Biobased Products Benefit America’s Energy Security Soy foam has helped Ford reduce its annual petroleum oil usage by more than 3 million pounds and is up to 24 percent more renewable than petroleum-based foam. Dr. George Washington Carver and Henry Ford were pioneers in America's biobased research. In the early 1900s, George Washington Carver began studying the uses for soybeans at Tuskegee Institute. He also collaborated on research with Henry Ford who believed it would be possible to grow a car. By 1938, every Ford vehicle used about a bushel of soybeans. Henry Ford even sported a business suit made of soybeans. (Source: Ned Birkey of Michigan State University Extension Service) At the same time, America’s dependence on petroleum was drilling ever deeper into the economy. In 2010, the United States was the world’s largest petroleum consumer, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The United States consumed 19.1 million barrels per day of petroleum products and imported about 49 percent of its petroleum. “I’m proud of the fact that in 2007 Ford was the first automaker to launch soy-based seat cushions and backs in the Mustang. Now we’ve got soy cushions in eight of our vehicle lines,” says Deb Mielewski, technical leader for Ford Motor Company’s Materials Research & Advanced Engineering Department. “Soy foam is just the tip of the iceberg in the development of vehicle materials from natural resources,” Mielewski says. “We have to entertain the thought of bio-replacement in baby steps, looking at every aspect of a car that could be green.” Ford Mustangs show how American companies are bucking this trend today. Soy foam has helped Ford reduce its annual petroleum oil usage by more than 3 million pounds, and is up to 24 percent more renewable than petroleum-based foam. Ford’s use of the soy foam also has helped Ford reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by 11 million pounds as the biomaterial provides a 67 percent reduction in volatile organic compounds emissions. Deb Mielewski, technical leader at Ford Motor Company 8 Sherwin-Williams and USB Honored with EPA’s Green Chemistry Award Paint Made with Soy Reduces VOCs by 60 Percent A partnership between America’s soybean farmers and the Sherwin-Williams Company received the 2011 Presidential Green Chemistry Award from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The honor recognizes the development of an innovative new paint formulation that utilizes soybean oil and recycled plastic bottles (PET) and reduces volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by 60 percent. Sherwin-Williams, with soybean checkoff funding and technical support from USB, developed water-based acrylic alkyd paints with low VOCs that can be made from soybean oil, PET and acrylics. Oil-based “alkyd” paints have high levels of VOCs that become air pollutants as the paint dries. Previous acrylic paints contained lower VOCs, but could not match the performance of alkyds. These new paints combine the performance benefits of alkyds and low VOC content of acrylics. The soybean oil helps to promote film formation, gloss, flexibility, and cure. In 2010, Sherwin-Williams manufactured enough of these new paints to eliminate over 800,000 pounds of VOCs. The company has used 320,000 pounds of soybean oil, 250,000 pounds of PET, and eliminated 1,000 barrels of oil. Soy-Backed Carpet Partnership Helps Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks Yellowstone National Park’s problem with plastic bottles launched an innovative new partnership to use the bottles in American-made soy-backed carpet. It also created a new source of funding for environmental projects at Yellowstone. Photo © Signature Carpet How Soy Biobased Products Benefit the Environment and Worker Health With a long history of using biobased products, Yellowstone staff turned to USB to find out if any biobased manufacturers would use the 43 tons of bottles that the public leaves at Yellowstone each year even though bringing plastic bottles into the park is discouraged. Yellowstone had an extensive recycling program, but staff was frustrated to learn that bottles were shipped overseas to be made into other products. They wanted to find an American company to use the bottles. To help find a solution, USB reached out to Universal Textile Technologies (UTT), a maker of carpet backing systems that use soybean oil to replace petroleum, and Signature Crypton® Carpet. As a result, UTT, Signature and Aqualfil USA Fiber Company have entered into partnerships with Yellowstone & Grand Teton National Parks. The companies purchase the bottles and use them to make the Yellowstone Collection of carpets that also use 100 percent recycled content nylon. For every yard of this Yellowstone Collection carpet sold, Signature and its partners donate 50 cents to the Yellowstone Park Foundation to help protect and preserve one of the nation’s most pristine natural resources. “Triangle Clean Cities Coalition sees the increased use of biobased products as an important part of meeting our petroleum displacement goal in the United States. In North Carolina, biobased products continue to play a vital role in boosting rural development, job creation and our agricultural economy.” — Silicon Valley Clean Cities and Breathe California President & CEO Margo Sidener 9 Biobased Product Categories Designated by USDA for Federal Procurement Preference The U.S. Department of Agriculture designates categories of biobased products for a federal procurement preference. In the process, minimum biobased content standards are established for each product category. There are 64 BioPreferred® designated product categories required for preferred federal purchasing. For more details go to: Item Minimum Biobased Content Adhesive and Mastic Removers .......................................58% Animal Repellents ..............................................................79% Bath Products ....................................................................61% Bathroom and Spa Cleaners ............................................74% Bedding, Bed Linens and Towels ......................................12% Bioremediation Materials ...................................................86% Carpets ...............................................................................7% Carpet and Upholstery Cleaners General Purpose Cleaners .....................................54% Spot Removers..........................................................7% Chain and Cable Lubricants .............................................77% Composite Panels Acoustical Panels ....................................................37% Interior Panels..........................................................55% Plastic Lumber ........................................................23% Structural Interior Panels.........................................89% Structural Wall Panels .............................................94% Compost Activators and Accelerators...............................95% Concrete and Asphalt Cleaners .........................................70% Concrete and Asphalt Release Fluids ..............................87% Corrosion Preventatives ....................................................53% Cuts, Burns, and Abrasions Ointments .............................84% De-Icers - General Purpose ..............................................93% Diesel Fuel Additives .........................................................90% Dishwashing Products .......................................................58% Disposable Containers ......................................................72% Disposable Cutlery ............................................................48% Disposable Tableware ........................................................72% Dust Suppressants.............................................................85% Erosion Control Materials...................................................77% Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Foam Recycling Products...90% Fertilizers ...........................................................................71% Films Non-Durable Films ..................................................85% Semi-Durable Films ................................................45% Firearm Lubricants ............................................................49% Floor Cleaners and Protectors...........................................77% Floor Strippers ...................................................................78% Fluid-Filled Transformers Synthetic Ester-Based.............................................66% Vegetable Oil-Based................................................95% 10 Item Minimum Biobased Content Food Cleaners....................................................................53% Forming Lubricants ............................................................68% Gear Lubricants ................................................................58% General Purpose Household Cleaners ..............................39% Glass Cleaners ..................................................................49% Graffiti and Grease Removers............................................34% Greases Food Grade .............................................................72% Multipurpose............................................................30% Rail Track .................................................................71% Truck ........................................................................75% Not Elsewhere Specified .........................................42% Hair Care Products Conditioners ............................................................78% Shampoos .............................................................66% Hand Cleaners and Sanitizers Hand Cleaners.........................................................64% Hand Sanitizers ......................................................73% Heat Transfer Fluids ...........................................................89% Hydraulic Fluids - Mobile Equipment ...............................44% Hydraulic Fluids - Stationary Equipment ..........................44% Industrial Cleaners ............................................................41% Ink Removers and Cleaners...............................................79% Interior Paints and Coatings Latex and Waterborne Alkyd ..................................20% Oil-Based and Solventborne Alkyd .........................67% Laundry Products General Purpose......................................................34% Pretreatment/Spot Removers .................................46% Lip Care Products .............................................................82% Metalworking Fluids General Purpose .....................................................57% High Performance ..................................................40% Straight Oils ............................................................66% Mulch and Compost Materials...........................................95% Multipurpose Cleaners .......................................................56% Multipurpose Lubricants ....................................................88% Oven and Grill Cleaners .....................................................66% Parts Wash Solutions ........................................................65% Penetrating Lubricants ......................................................68% Plastic Insulating Foam for Residential Here’s what soy biobased product users are saying about health and environmental benefits… and Commercial Construction.........................................7% Item Minimum Biobased Content Roof Coatings ....................................................................20% Slide Way Lubricants .........................................................74% Sorbents.............................................................................89% Thermal Shipping Containers Durable ....................................................................21% Non-durable.............................................................82% Topical Pain Relief Products ..............................................91% Turbine Drip Oils ................................................................87% Two-Cycle Engine Oils ......................................................34% Water Tank Coatings .........................................................59% Wood and Concrete Sealers Membrane Concrete Sealers...................................11% Penetrating Liquids .................................................79% Proposed Biobased Product Categories to be Designated by USDA for Federal Procurement Preference Item Minimum Biobased Content Air Fresheners and Deodorizers ........................................97% Asphalt and Tar Removers.................................................80% Asphalt Restorers...............................................................68% Blast Media ........................................................................94% Candles and Wax Melts .....................................................88% Electronic Components Cleaners ......................................91% Floor Coverings (non-carpet) .............................................91% Foot Care Products............................................................83% Furniture Cleaners and Protectors.....................................77% Inks Specialty Inks .........................................................66% Sheetfed - Color ......................................................67% Sheetfed - Black......................................................49% Printer Toner - < 25 ppm.........................................34% Printer Toner - ≥ 25 ppm .........................................20% News........................................................................32% Packaging and Insulating Materials ...................................82% Pneumatic Equipment Lubricants......................................67% Wood and Concrete Stains................................................39% “What’s better for the environment is also better for people. We want to do this for the safety of our employees and park visitors, as well as our environment… We didn’t feel good about using toxic chemicals on the same tables where parents were feeding peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to their kids.” — Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore National Park Chief of Facility Management Chris Case “It’s comforting to know we work in a building that has better, healthier indoor air quality” — Capt. Johnique Bowers who works in the communication equipment room at Fort Lee “We were amazed at how well the soybean products worked without a chemical smell, and how they didn’t harm the skin when they came into contact with it.” — Dorchester County, South Carolina Director of Recycling/Education Carolyn Tomlinson “Ford is focusing on finding innovative ways to make our vehicles more eco-friendly. Soy-based rubber provides superior stretchability and serves as a renewable resource that helps reduce carbon dioxide emissions from raw materials” — Ford Technical Leader in Elastomeric Polymers Cynthia Flanigan 11 Here’s what soy biobased product users are saying about health and environmental benefits… “These products were as good, or better, than the products we had been using. The asphalt cleaner worked a lot better for tar and road patch removal. Our old product had to sit for awhile to work, and gave off bad fumes.” — Dorchester County, South Carolina Director of Fleet Maintenance Ernie Knight “It’s nice to work with formaldehydefree material when fabricating our various products. When all hardwood plywood was made with formaldehyde adhesive, the formaldehyde fumes would collect to such an extent that the normal exhaust fans couldn’t handle them. We literally had to open all the doors in the building to air it out…even in the winter. The fumes were so strong it actually made your eyes water.” “At Grand Canyon National Park, we are charged with the important task of protecting historic buildings, archeological sites, endangered species, and the most famous views in the world. Eliminating harmful toxic chemicals and replacing them with biobased products that are derived from the natural world, directly upholds our mission and benefits human health as well.” — Hopewell Craft Company Vice President Jerry Ellis who made cabinets for Fort Lee Army’s 262nd Quartermaster Battalion — Grand Canyon Environmental Protection Specialist Deirdre Hanners Health Organizations Encourage the Use of Biobased Products “The American Lung Association of the Upper Midwest Health House™ Program supports the Federal biobased label and the use of biobased products that promote improved indoor air quality by reducing harmful emissions compared to traditional products. These choices may include, but are not limited to, cleaning supplies, personal care items, and construction materials.” — President & CEO, American Lung Association of the Upper Midwest Harold Wimmer “Biobased products have the potential to help asthma sufferers, by eliminating many petroleum-based asthma triggers.” — President, Breathe DC United Medical Center Foundation Rolando Andrewn TIPS – Commercial and industrial users can ask for a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) (also known as PSDS, Product Safety Data Sheet) to help evaluate products. – The Environmental Protection Agency’s Children Health website provides information on pollutants of special concern for children. ochp/ochpweb.nsf/frmChemicals The 69 farmer-directors of USB oversee the investments of the soy checkoff to maximize profit opportunities for all U.S. soybean farmers. These volunteers invest and leverage checkoff funds to increase the value of U.S. soy meal and oil, to ensure U.S. soybean farmers and their customers have the freedom and infrastructure to operate, and to meet the needs of U.S. soy’s customers. As stipulated in the federal Soybean Promotion, Research and Consumer Information Act, the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service has oversight responsibilities for USB and the soy checkoff. 16305 Swingley Ridge Rd., Ste. 120, Chesterfield, MO 63017 1-888-579-1580 FAX: 314-579-1599 USB Publication Code: 2354/2406-032012-3000 This newsletter is provided for information only. The United Soybean Board does not endorse, promote or make any representations regarding any specific suppliers mentioned herein.
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