today and tomorrow
today and tomorrow
APAVE TODAY AND TOMORROW 2009_BUSINESS REPORT 2009, A STABLE YEAR Although 2009 was impacted by the economic crisis, it was nevertheless a stable year for Apave. Turnover rose to €672.5 million for a net income of €12.6 million. _ Taking into account the financial climate, these results are reassuring and are due to several factors: • a determined policy to reduce costs without compromising the quality of our services; • a more aggressive sales effort, particularly in the nuclear sector and internationally; • leveraging the efforts of our 9,650 employees in France and on forty sites abroad. Our international business activity is mainly located in Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Africa, and now represents 14.8% of our net turnover, against only 13% in 2008. We have developed a number of strategic sites, including Apave China (which started operations in 2009), and Apave Turkey. Apave Japan will be coming soon. The economic outlook for 2010 confirms our strategy of industrializing our processes and developing internationally through alliances with foreign partners. In 2010, for example, we launched a joint venture with Lloyd’s Register to address the growing needs of the nuclear industry in the UK and other countries. Christian Mainet. Chairman of Apave Groupe. In the same way, we shall introduce the Group’s new system of governance in late 2010 to ensure greater competitiveness and efficiency. A single structure of governance and operational management, a more aggressive sales strategy, and a lower cost base should help us serve our customers more effectively and strengthen Apave’s position as the undisputed leader in risk management for companies and local authorities. INSPECTION P.16 _ TRAINING P.24 _ 4_ 2009 IN PICTURES 10 _ HIGHLIGHTS A REFERENCE PLAYER IN THE NUCLEAR INDUSTRY TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS P.30 _ 12 _ QUESTIONS FOR VAN PHUC LÊ, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF CEOs APAVE ON THE INTERNATIONAL STAGE 14 _ QUESTIONS FOR JEAN BERSEILLE, CHAIRMAN OF APAVE SUDEUROPE 18_INSPECTION BUILDING P.20 22_BUILDING 26_TRAINING 32_TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS CONSULTANCY P.34 _ 36_CONSULTANCY 40 _ SPECIALIZED SUBSIDIARIES 42 _ LOCATIONS CONTENTS 20 09 IN PICTURES MAJOR PROJECTS _ PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY: SUBSTANTIAL INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITY APAVE PROVIDES PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY, WHEREBY PROJECT-ORIENTED TEAMS HELP CUSTOMERS, FROM WORK INSPECTION THOUGH TO DELIVERY IN A NUMBER OF TECHNICAL, SAFETY, QUALITY, AND ADMINISTRATIVE AREAS. _ ● ● TRANSPORTATION _ THERE ARE MORE AND MORE TRAMWAY, METRO AND HIGH-SPEED TRAIN PROJECTS. APAVE HAS DEVELOPED CONSIDERABLE EXPERTISE IN GUIDED PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEMS. IT IS MAINLY TASKED WITH INSPECTING THE CONSTRUCTION OF STATIONS AND STRUCTURES, EVALUATING WORKSITE AND FIRE SAFETY, INSPECTING ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL INSTALLATIONS, AND ASSESSING SAFETY PRIOR TO COMMISSIONING. _ ● NUCLEAR _ RATED AND APPROVED BY THE FRENCH NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY (ASN), APAVE HAS SUPPORTED NUCLEAR STAKEHOLDERS (MANUFACTURERS, OPERATORS AND CONTRACTORS) FOR MORE THAN FORTY YEARS. IT HAS ALSO BEEN LEVERAGING ITS SKILLS ON AN INTERNATIONAL SCALE (EPR IN FINLAND, ITER, AND MISSIONS IN RUSSIA, JAPAN, CHINA, AND ITALY). _ 20 09 IN PICTURES HIGH ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (HEQ) CONSTRUCTION _ THE FRENCH ENVIRONMENTAL FORUM, “LE GRENELLE DE L’ENVIRONNEMENT”, HAS SET AMBITIOUS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT TARGETS FOR HOUSING AND OFFICE BUILDINGS. APAVE HAS THEREFORE EXPANDED ITS TEAM OF SPECIALISTS IN ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AND BUILDING ENERGY PERFORMANCE. _ ● ● HEALTHCARE _ QUALITY DEMANDS ARE INCREASING IN THE FIELD OF MEDICAL DEVICES, PARTICULARLY FOR X-RAY DIAGNOSES. APAVE PROVIDES HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS WITH A GLOBAL SERVICE COVERING PERIODIC SAFETY INSPECTIONS, QUALITY CONTROLS AND MORE. _ 20 09 IN PICTURES TRAINING _ APAVE HAS EXTENDED ITS LEAD IN TRAINING FOR SAFETY AT WORK. ACTIONS ARE ALSO UNDERWAY TO IMPROVE TECHNICAL SKILLS. APAVE HAS UPGRADED AND BOOSTED ITS NETWORK TO OFFER 143 TRAINING CENTERS ON ITS CUSTOMERS’ DOORSTEPS. _ ● 10 2009 business report HIGHLIGHTS KEY FIGURES 2009 TURNOVER TURNOVER BY GEOGRAPHY 14.8% International 85.2% France €672.5 M 2009 NET INCOME €12.6 M WORKFORCE 9,650 employees in France and abroad 200,000 customers in France and worldwide _ 11 2009 business report ORGANIZATION APAVE ALSACIENNE APAVE PARISIENNE APAVE NORD-OUEST APAVE SUDEUROPE Christian Mainet Chairman Christian Mainet Chairman Jean-Louis Hédelin Chairman Jean Berseille Chairman Rémi Sohier CEO Rémi Sohier CEO Bertrand Clément CEO Van Phuc Lê CEO TECHNICAL CENTER APAVE ALSACIENNE TECHNICAL CENTER APAVE NORD-OUEST TECHNICAL CENTER APAVE SUDEUROPE Christian Mainet Chairman Gérard Angoustures Chairman Georges Lopez Chairman CETEN APAVE INTERNATIONAL APAVE GROUPE APAVE DÉVELOPPEMENT Bertrand Clément Chairman of the Management Committee Christian Mainet Chairman Jean-Paul Talagrand Chairman Van Phuc Lê Chairman of the Board of CEOs Philippe Pâris CEO Philippe Pâris CEO Philippe Pâris Company Secretary A DEMANDING QUALITY AGENDA We aim to provide our customers with services that adapt constantly to their needs, building on the skills, reactivity and local availability of our thousands of employees. Our quality system is designed to ensure this service for our customers, and our overall quality policy is focused on: OUR VALUES Experience We have a 140-year track record of sustained technical progress. Expertise Our 9,650 engineers, technicians and other employees provide specific skills, day in, day out. • ensuring long-term customer satisfaction, • involving our teams in our development. Each year, the Board of Directors reviews our quality indicators, identifies their strengths and weaknesses, and sets priorities for the future. For 2010, attention is focused on four issues: • effective supervision, • the quality of deliverables, • satisfying customers and trainees, • deadlines for deliverables. Proximity Our doorstep approach—from both a geographical and technical standpoint— ensures fast response times. Independence As a third party organization, Apave always acts impartially and transparently. It is completely independent of suppliers, manufacturers and other business partners. 12 2009 business report A REFERENCE PLAYER IN THE NUCLEAR INDUSTRY QUESTIONS FOR VAN PHUC LÊ, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF CEOs Why has Apave played such an active role in the nuclear industry? Van Phuc Lê _ Our technical experience is widely recognized. For over 40 years, Apave employees have worked with almost everyone in the French nuclear industry, one of the largest in the world, with its 19 power plants and 58 units. Our customers appreciate our services, which meet all of the needs of the three major constituencies: equipment designers/builders, users, and the contractors who build and dismantle nuclear installations. What have been your main business activities for your customers? Van Phuc Lê _ Among equipment designers/suppliers, we mainly work on checking pressure equipment compliance (auditing quality systems, checking calculations, quality monitoring, monitoring manufacturing, pre-commissioning checks etc.). We also respond to many requests concerning the compliance and safety of electrical systems, mechanical equipment and lifting gear. We draw on the skills of our SOPEMEA subsidiary to conduct equipment qualifications using tests and trials. In the case of operators, in addition to periodic compliance inspections for all types of equipment (pressure, mechanical, electrical and so on), we handle a large number of technical support calls. Our employees have, for example, worked on the chemical cleaning of steam generators together with environmental monitoring and work hygiene. We have also assisted operators in better managing the aging phase of their equipment including structure diagnoses, fatigue metrics, nondestructive testing, and so on. Apave also provides comprehensive training sessions for staff working in the sector. We work in a quite separate way with contracting authorities involved in building or dismantling nuclear facilities. We either act as technical inspector or coordinator in checking the soundness of constructions and the safety of people and participants in projects, or we provide project management consultancy to help them reach the best 13 2009 business report decisions with respect to technical, regulatory, financial and administrative issues. What were the key events in 2009? Van Phuc Lê _ Apave won new contracts to replace steam generators (SG). Our employees have also expanded their international experience, for example in Japan, on missions for checking the manufacturing conditions of parts for replacement steam generators. We have also worked in Russia, Italy and Finland with the Olkiluoto EPR. In addition, Apave was involved in the JHR (Jules Horowitz Experimental Reactor), and Areva and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries have entrusted Apave with assessing their quality systems (module H) for the design and manufacture of nuclear pressure equipment. CLOSE-UP THE OUTLOOK FOR 2010 The growth of nuclear activity in China and Southeast Asia, its probable resumption in the United Kingdom, and the increasingly strong demand in emerging countries for access to civilian nuclear energy all strengthen our strategy of consolidating our position as leader in this sector. We signed a joint venture with Lloyd's Register in London and established Lloyd's Register Apave Ltd. This allows us to respond jointly to the resurgence of nuclear activity in the United Kingdom, and other possible extensions around the world. The last piece of good news is that the European Agency for Nuclear Fusion (Fusion for Energy (F4E)) has selected Apave to coordinate safety on the ITER site, and carry out the technical inspection of the construction of 39 buildings. This is an exceptional contract, and some fifty engineers and technicians will be involved in the project. 14 2009 business report APAVE ON THE INTERNATIONAL STAGE QUESTIONS FOR JEAN BERSEILLE CHAIRMAN OF APAVE SUDEUROPE What is the strategy behind your international development? Jean Berseille _ The markets in France and Europe are becoming increasingly competitive in a currently sluggish economy. So we are naturally refocusing on countries whose GDP growth is much higher than those in Western Europe. In Africa, the Near and Middle East, and South-East Asia, there are many projects related to the exploitation of raw materials and other extractive industries that require new large infrastructure projects. These projects naturally involve substantial requirements in the fields of inspection, project technical assistance, inspecting construction work and training. So to meet our customers’ expectations, we have expanded outside France, and in less than 10 years we have grown our network of subsidiaries from approximately 200 employees in 2000 to over 1,700 today. Our turnover and profits have progressed at the same rate. Which parts of the world does Apave operate in? Jean Berseille _ We operate in: • Africa, and the Near and Middle East with 26 subsidiaries; • Southeast Asia and the Pacific with 3 locations; • Europe with offices in Italy, Spain, Macedonia, Belgium, Switzerland and Monaco. New opportunities are opening up in South America, especially Chile, as well as 2009 business report in Turkey and the former Soviet republics (Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, etc.) along with China and Japan. airport demonstrates. We are also looking at development projects in the nuclear sector in geographies where we operate. Which are the most promising markets? Jean Berseille _ Our services primarily focus on the oil sector, where we carry out over 60% of our business, but we also provide services to the building industry and other types of infrastructure. Alongside traditional technical inspection, project management consultancy (PMC) is growing significantly, as the contract for Tripoli What is vital to the success of your international operations? Jean Berseille _ • Being close to the customer • Being reactive • Multi-disciplinary skills • Multicultural teams (French, Anglo-Saxon, Eastern European, Vietnamese, African, etc.) • Creating new services 15 What were the highlights of your international activity in 2009? Jean Berseille _ The year’s key events were the setting up of subsidiaries in Ghana, Qatar, Turkey and Macedonia, and the kickoff of our subsidiary’s activity in China. Business progressed in all countries where we operate, largely driven by the expertise and experience we have built up in France. 16 2009 business report INSPECTION Once again this year, compliance checks on equipment and facilities accounted for more than 50% of our business. Electrical safety remains a major focus of our operations. Our people worked with healthcare professionals using X-ray machines, operators applying ICPE (i.e. facilities requiring environmental impact assessment) and machinery manufacturers to meet their new regulatory commitments. _ _COVERAGE _ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS _PRESSURE EQUIPMENT _MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT _WAVES AND RAYS _FACILITY FIRE SAFETY _SYSTEMS: ENERGY AND FLUIDS _TRANSPORT OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, ETC. 2009 business report 18 2009 business report INSPECTION Our inspection activity is mainly directed at checking the compliance of electrical installations, lifting equipment, machines, fire-safety and radiation protection devices. These checks occur in two stages: • when commissioning equipment, to verify they comply with the regulations; • when operating, to periodically check they are in good order. Checking pressure equipment Medical imaging Environmental risk of premises Apave has consolidated its leading position in the checking of conventional pressure equipment (boilers, tanks, etc.), especially in the chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and energy sectors. In all, 60,000 pieces of medical equipment are covered by the new regulatory requirements for the performance reliability of radiological diagnoses. In 2009, Apave received additional approvals. Teams can now meet the needs of healthcare professionals who deploy: • analog mammography; • digital mammography; • bone densitometers, • scanners; • radiology-based diagnostic apparatus. In 2010, our periodic performance monitoring will focus on dental radiology equipment. The five-year review of environmental risks in the ICPE (facilities classified for environmental protection) must include reporting in 38 areas of activities (farming, laundries, foundries, fertilizer storage buildings, fuel storage premises, etc.). Apave has been accredited by the Cofrac (French committee for accreditation) and approved by the Ministry for Ecology (Meedat) for all of these areas. High degree of activity in the nuclear sector As an ASN-rated and –approved organization, Apave has stepped up its nuclear business in France and abroad to address the growth in nuclear activity in Southeast Asia (China, Japan) and Europe through, for example, its missions on the EPR in Finland. Elevators: five-year technical inspections introduced The application of the new French legislation (The Robien Law) primarily concerns 19 2009 business report @POGÉE EFFECTIVE USE OF ONLINE INSPECTION DATA Apave offers customers, especially multi-site customers, 24/7 online access to their reports via a secure web space. On this full-feature site, they can manage inspection data, have a clear view of equipment involved in the observations, and schedule their readings. 1 unique information desk for national customers working over multiple sites. They can now speak directly to a dedicated national contact person who can coordinate with the entire network of 130 Apave local agencies. _ elevators operating in buildings used by the public. The aim is to check the fire prevention devices. Apave specialists responded in particular to the requirements of safety committees. Manufacturers affected by the new Machinery Directive The new Machinery Directive came into force in late 2009 and applies to manufacturers commercializing machinery on the European market. It is now easier to apply this due to the inclusion of more detailed information, and it now covers quasi-machines (such as robots). Via Coprec, Apave participated in the work on implementing the application order for the decree that transposes this Directive into French law. Our teams have also answered questions from manufacturers about the scope and changes involved. \\ “WE WANTED TO REFOCUS ON A SINGLE CONTRACT COVERING ALL REQUIREMENTS FOR LIFTING, PRESSURE AND ELECTRICITY. _ Towards global inspection services. “The ArcelorMittal Florange steel plant is a large-scale facility all of which is subject to regulation. This amounts to a very broad inspection task, and we used to use several different companies for it. We wanted to refocus on a single contract covering all our requirements for lifting, pressure and electricity. We needed a supplier who could support us in inventorying all the devices requiring inspection. There is a vast amount of equipment scattered over this huge site, some less visible than others, and it must all be checked for reliability. Absolutely nothing must slip through the cracks! As Apave had always worked on the site’s pressure equipment, they have already mastered this difficult process. The simplest and most logical solution was for them to extend inspections to the other sectors.” _ LAURE DI PIETRO ARCELORMITTAL FLORANGE HEAD OF THE CENTRAL MECHANICAL RELIABILITY DEPARTMENT 20 2009 business report BUILDING Apave’s construction inspection business withstood the severe crisis that affected the building sector. There were three key events during the year: • growth in legacy site audits; • an increase in requests for project management consultancy (excluding construction inspection); • the restructuring of Apave’s services concerning the energy performance of buildings in order to meet customer needs and the requirements of the recent French Environment Forum, le Grenelle de l’environnement. _ _COVERAGE _CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION _ HEALTH AND SAFETY PROTECTION _ DIAGNOSTICS AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE _ PROPERTY AUDITS _ FIRE AND HEAT CHECKS _ HIGH ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY _ PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY 2009 business report 22 2009 business report BUILDING The construction inspection business proved resilient during the crisis in this sector, and even achieved a number of successes on the public procurement market. Operations focused on verifying the soundness of buildings and on human safety, and accounted for some 60% of our construction business. Clean worksites: Apave innovates Apave carried out operations involving the coordination of health and safety protection on construction sites. These help prevent accidents affecting those working on-site. For contractors wishing to ensure their sites are safe without getting involved in High Environmental Quality (HEQ) procedures, Apave can provide an environmental coordinator working alongside the health and safety coordinator. He is tasked with implementing an environmental management system, especially to handle waste production and management, but also to reduce noise, pollution, dust, and traffic problems for local residents. This approach was initiated in the social housing sector and is now developing in the tertiary sector and in site remediation operations. Legacy site audits on the rise Now that the French state and public companies have begun to dispose of their real estate holdings, there is a rise in requests for evaluations – financial, technical (state of repair, compliance, operability, etc.). Apave has joined forces with major audit firms to 23 2009 business report PMC AN APAVE TEAM OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY SPECIALISTS Apave has set up a team of environmental quality specialists, capable of helping private developers obtain their CERQUAL (residential) certification and project owners their CERTIVEA (public buildings and industrial facilities) certification. contribute its technical skills to their financial know-how. Aiding real estate holdings operators There is a growing need for services to address three types of owners and/or managers of real estate assets: • aid in decisions to sell, renovate or maintain; • helping functional improvements, such as reducing operating costs or improving rental income; • helping factor in new requirements related to energy savings and sustainable development. Project Management Consultancy for energy performance In light of the plans of the French Environment Forum, le Grenelle de l’environnement, the construction sector will experience a revolution in both energy and technology. In the case of energy, it will have to meet the legally binding targets for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and saving energy. In terms of technology, it must invent or adapt solutions that meet energy efficiency thresholds while ensuring maximum comfort for users. Apave provides six special services to help owners meet their regulatory obligations (such as calculating their energy performance, and so on). \\ “WE CHOSE THE APAVE SOLUTION BECAUSE IT WAS THE MOST ATTRACTIVE, COMPLETE AND BEST-STRUCTURED BID TARGETING OUR REQUEST. _ A large stadium as showcase “The first French positive energy stadium, the Grand Stade in the Greater Le Havre area, scheduled to open in 2012, will form a showcase for sustainable development in the Seine-Maritime region. Apave is providing the technical inspection and checks for the safety of individuals on the site and is contributing to the environmental approach to sustainable development as a technical assistant to the project management. We chose the Group’s solution because it was the most attractive, complete and best-structured bid targeting our request. The project management group comprised some forty people, selected before the start of work, who will work together for two years after the opening of the stadium to ensure that everything works perfectly. So Apave will be helping us until 2014.” _ JEAN-FRANÇOIS CAUX CODAH (“COMMUNAUTÉ DE L’AGGLOMÉRATION HAVRAISE”) PROJECT DIRECTOR 24 2009 business report TRAINING Despite the crisis, our training business has remained at virtually the same level of activity as the previous year, with a total of 260,000 people trained in 2009. While safety training is still the dominant focus, advanced professional training (technical aspects of jobs, preparation for vocational retraining etc.) forms a new growth area. Apave anticipated the consequences of the French reform on vocational training published in late 2009 and on electrician accreditations so that it can respond quickly to customers’ requests. _ _ COVERAGE _SAFETY _ADVANCED PROFESSIONAL TRAINING _PROFESSIONAL TECHNIQUES _E-LEARNING _INSTRUCTIONAL ENGINEERING 2009 business report 26 2009 business report TRAINING Safety training is still the dominant focus and demand is high. Apave offers one of the most comprehensive training services on the market. It enables companies to meet their training obligations, whatever their sector of activity, from industry, commerce, and nuclear, to healthcare, construction and local authorities. Safety training The four programs most in demand from companies cover: • electrician accreditations; • driver training for forklifts, site vehicles and machinery (Caces®); • health and safety at work; • preventing chemical risks. 27 2009 business report E-LEARNING AN EL@ PLATFORM FOR A HIGH-GROWTH SECTOR In 2008, Apave launched a new e-learning platform that now offers access to training on electrician accreditations, airport safety, health and safety at work, and safety management. Apave provides blended learning actions, combining distance learning and classroom training. 1 st in France as a private body providing training for safety at work, Apave is ranked third in private training for its range of courses. _ Developing technical skills These courses are designed to enable employees to acquire the necessary technical skills, and to learn professional best practices and prevention. The courses lead to qualification certificates for the industrial and tertiary sectors, and provide recognized vocational skills. Ultimately, these courses allow employees, along with tem- porary workers and job seekers, to learn new skills, improve their performance and employment prospects, and boost their opportunities for reassignment and mobility. Apave innovates with online positioning tests Positioning tests conducted online at can assess trainee knowledge acquisition so that the content and duration of the courses can be tailored to the results. These tests currently cover electricity, refrigerants, and energy topics. Apave teams also set final assessments - for example, the SNCF technical reviews for certain categories of personnel involved in train maintenance services are planned and organized by Apave at the end of the session on mechanical and electrical topics. The SNCF then incorporates the results into its own career development and mobility policy. 28 2009 business report 1,750 Apave instructors are unique in being practitioners, professionals, teachers and facilitators all rolled in one. This makes the courses far more effective. _ Preparing for the vocational training reform and electrician accreditations The vocational training reform will significantly change the role of training suppliers. Apave has already initiated a policy of partnership with OPCA (the vocational training agency organization) to tailor its courses to business Handling refrigerants. Apave is certified as an evaluating body that can issue certificates of competency to staff handling these fluids. _ activities represented by companies covered by these agencies. In the case of the electrician accreditation reform, once the law is published, Apave is ready to offer customers a complete solution covering a training audit plan for the company in question, based on the new accreditation gradings, and tailored training courses that can ‘recycle’ current accreditations. Apave has also created training programs for the automotive sector for staff involved in manufacturing hybrid vehicles. In 2010, new training programs will focus on all-electric vehicles. Upgrading and expanding our doorstep network Proximity is a critical asset for Apave’s training agenda. In all there are 143 centers and units 29 2009 business report “WITH APAVE, WE HAVE SET UP TRAINING PROGRAMS TO ENSURE MAXIMUM SAFETY FOR ELECTRICIANS AND ENGINEERS WORKING ON OUR PROTOTYPES. _ Risk prevention “Apave is long-term partner of PSA in a number of courses, including industrial electrician accreditations. As we are aware of the Group’s skills, we naturally asked them to provide training for the UTE C 18-550 standard. This standard dates back to 2000 and was revised in 2006, and is intended to protect people who work on vehicles with electric and hybrid engines. With Apave, we have set up training programs to ensure maximum safety for electricians and other technicians working on our prototype vehicles powered by these technologies. The aim was to prevent all types of risks such as the risk of electrification due to high voltages, and of projections of molten metal in the case of short circuits. In all, about 1,000 people were trained in 2009. By the end of 2010, nearly 3,000 employees working in design, manufacturing and after-sales will have received training under this program.” _ spread all over France. In 2009, new centers in Angoulême, Besançon, Dunkerque, Épinal, Montpellier, Port-de-Bouc, Strasbourg and Valence started up. Others were substantially upgraded such as Bourg-en-Bresse, Lyon and Nantes (which extended its coverage of renewable energy), Oyonnax, Rennes and Taverny (which doubled its capacity). \\ DAVID LUZON PSA RESEARCH ASSISTANT “TECHNICAL JOB TRAINING” 30 2009 business report TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS This is a growth business, dominated by measures set out by environmental requirements. Air quality measurements continue to play a key role, while product testing and materials analysis are increasing. _ _COVERAGE _SAMPLING, ANALYSIS, ENVIRONMENTAL TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS OF AIR, WATER, NOISE, SOIL, AND WASTE _WORK STATION HYGIENE: MEASUREMENTS OF EXPOSURE TO CHEMICAL RISK, VENTILATION CONTROLS AND SITE SANITATION, NOISE MEASUREMENTS _CHARACTERIZATION AND AUDITS OF METAL AND PLASTIC MATERIALS _PRODUCT TESTS (EITHER FOR EC LABELING OR SPECIFICATIONS-BASED) _TESTS AND QUALIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT (SOPEMEA SUBSIDIARY) _LEGAL AND INDUSTRIAL METROLOGY (THROUGH ITS A+ MÉTROLOGIE SUBSIDIARY) 2009 business report 32 2009 business report TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS Most of the tests and measurements business is dedicated to measurements of air pollution, diagnostics and analyses for water and sanitation, sampling and analysis of waste and soil, noise and vibration measurements, product testing and materials analysis. Waste in water The national campaign for searching for and reducing hazardous substances in water continued its efforts. Specially authorized installations listed for environmental protection are concerned by the new circular dated January 5, 2009. For operators this means measuring and then reducing certain substances found in their industrial wastewater and removing the most dangerous of them. Specialist Apave teams have therefore responded to operator demands by launching the first campaigns for preliminary monitoring. The ultimate goal is to support industry in sustainably monitoring their discharges into wastewater and conducting a technical and economic study of how to reduce or eliminate hazardous substances in wastewater. Air quality at work stations To protect workers against chemicals and CMRS agents (carcinogens, mutagens and substances toxic to reproduction), manufacturers have called on Apave experts to check workplace ventilation and sanitation conditions and carry out measurements of chemical pollution. This has been a growth activity for three years. Concerns about air quality now include indoor living spaces, especially buildings open to the public (nurseries, schools, swimming pools, public transport etc.). This public health issue is also one of the priorities of the national environmental health plan (PNSE2) as part of the French Environment Forum, le Grenelle de l’environnement. It also forms part of the High Environmental Quality (HEQ) approach to buildings. Apave 33 2009 business report “WE HAVE EXPANDED OUR COLLABORATION WITH APAVE. WE CAN SAVE TIME BY USING A SINGLE SERVICE-PROVIDER FOR ALL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT. _ has conducted measurement campaigns on the concentration of air-borne pollutants inside nurseries and schools and continues to develop in this area. Product tests This business saw strong demand in testing face masks designed to combat the spread of the H1N1 virus. Apave also maintained its leading position in Europe for EC labeling of personal fall protection equipment (harnesses, karabiners, ropes, etc.). Approvals for validating safety helmets were obtained at the end of the year. Materials analysis Apave laboratories were tasked with three types of missions: • qualification tests of materials and welding (tensile, bending, impact, macro and micrographic examinations, hardness testing, chemical analysis, etc.). High temperature tensile tests (up to 1,000°C) were also developed. • custom tests (compression and heat treatment). • post-damage audits (wear, breakage, corrosion, etc.). Measurements in the nuclear industry Apave specialists responded to requests from operators of nuclear plants in France and abroad, mainly in conjunction with the chemical cleaning of steam generators. These usually involved running measurements of air quality inside buildings and of potential pollutants emitted into the atmosphere. \\ A range of assistance services “The Delta Plus Group designs, standardizes and manufactures personal protective equipment. Since the publication in 1989 of the PPE Directive 89 686, this equipment has been subject to European legislation, and an EC label means they can circulate freely within the European Union. Apave has been helping us meet the regulatory requirements on fall-prevention devices for sixteen years now. We chose Apave because it was the only French supplier accredited for these devices. They assist us during tests, when filing applications, and during quality control. Apave has been certified for face masks and protective helmets, and we have expanded our collaboration. We can save time by using a single service provider for all this protective equipment.” _ PIERRE GOUTALAND DELTA PLUS GROUP TECHNICAL AND CERTIFICATION DIRECTOR 34 2009 business report CONSULTANCY Our consultancy business experienced a slight drop in 2009. The environmental component forms the core of this activity, along with human safety at work. There are also an increasing number of missions focused on organization and management, and the prevention of psychosocial risks. The online regulatory monitoring service, @visé, has increased its subscriber base by 35%. _ __ COVERAGE _RISK MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL EXPOSURE _HUMAN HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK _ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION _ORGANIZATIONAL AND MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE _HUMAN RESOURCES AND SKILLS MANAGEMENT _SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 2009 business report 36 2009 business report CONSULTANCY From the remediation of contaminated soils, through impact and danger studies of buildings listed under environmental protection legislation (ICPE), to consultancy services, particularly in the medical sector, and the prevention of psychosocial risks, companies have called on Apave consultants for practical operational support with evaluated outcomes. Buildings listed under environmental protection legislation (ICPE) Apave has worked on the prevention and reduction of risks of accidents and pollution, assessments of impact and hazard identification in ATEX areas where there is a risk of explosion, operating budgets, compliance audits, helping prepare permit applications and more. This broad range of operations reflects our recognized expertise in a domain where 500,000 ICPE buildings are subject to declaration or authorization. Cleaning soil Working within the regulatory framework (e.g. for plant closures and administrative requests) or as part of a company’s own initiative (e.g. acquisition audits, ISO 14001 certification and eco-audits), Apave special- 2009 business report ists have helped in mapping samples of polluted areas, and developing action plans to revitalize sites. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) There has been a sustained increase in the number of requests regarding this issue, involving carbon balance sheets, energy audits and recommendations for reducing energy consumption. Human health and safety at work To attain their workplace safety targets, our customers first have to identify the regulatory requirements and organize themselves to meet them, then assess the risks, build a prevention plan, provide training, and finally set up the relevant management system. An increasing number of them are asking Apave to aid them in developing a safety culture within their 100 Apave consultants are environmental specialists who help companies on a daily basis. _ organizations, and some 80 consultants are now working on these goals. Organizational consultancy in the medical sector French hospital reform has led to the creation of new types of organization. In this respect, Apave consultants have been working on improving: 37 38 2009 business report • organizational performance and cost control in order to boost the overall efficiency of patient care; • the quality of patient care both inside hospitals and between two different hospitals. This involves reducing the risk of losing Qualipol Apave is rewarded for the quality of its services. In December 2009, the French professional soil remediation body (UPDS) awarded Apave its Qualipol seal of approval, following an independent audit. This certification underwrites the service quality of companies who examine and clean up polluted sites. medical information, delays, and treatment inefficiencies. Preventing psychosocial risks Apave carried our diagnostics, ran searches for the most relevant indicators, and made recommendations for preventing or reducing these risks. Specially tailored training sessions were designed, not only for human resources managers, occupational doctors and members of the National Committee for Health, Safety and Work Conditions (CHSCT), but also for managerial staff. Lean management The challenge of lean management is to develop better working conditions while boost- 39 2009 business report “WE DECIDED TO WORK WITH APAVE AS IT IS ONE OF THE FEW COMPANIES TO OFFER CONSULTING IN LEAN MANUFACTURING. _ Adapting to markets A PERSONALIZED ONLINE REGULATIONS WATCH “Our watchword is ‘produce better, more efficiently’. So we decided to set up lean manufacturing pathways for our staff. Our goals were to boost the confidence of our current customers and win over new ones, and to enhance our teams’ versatility, skills and professional capacity so they could adapt to new market expectations. We wanted to introduce training that focused on our industry - shipbuilding and was also recognized by third parties so that we could optimize the value of our employees. We decided to work with Apave as it is one of the few companies to offer consulting in lean manufacturing, and training approved by CQPM1 certification. Their bid was the most convincing.” 35% rise in subscribers. Over 830 customers now use this service. 1 – French Metalworking Qualification Certificate. @VISÉ ing an organization’s efficiency and operating performance (by reducing inventory, improving quality, etc) and basically involves changing human factors and behaviors. Apave consultants have carried out missions like this for a number of manufacturing and service companies. \\ EMMANUEL ILLIAQUER STX FRANCE / SAINT-NAZAIRE TRAINING MANAGER 40 2009 business report SPECIALIZED SUBSIDIARIES Apave comprises 59 subsidiaries and partly-owned operations in France and abroad. They include SOPEMEA, A+ Métrologie and BVT which operate closely with the Group’s other skills sets to provide an ever-evolving range of services to customers. _ SOPEMEA, EUROPEAN LEADER FOR LABORATORY-BASED ENVIRONMENT TESTING _S OPEMEA and its subsidiaries Sopavib and Sopaval form a special unit of 130 people specializing in environmental testing, test engineering and consulting prior to official equipment tests. Accredited by Cofrac, these three entities help numerous industries with a strong presence in the aerospace, defense, nuclear, railway, and automotive sectors. They provide a wide range of testing services (e.g. climate, water, vibration, EMC, earthquake simulations) and on-board or on-site testing of digital simulations, the maintenance of testing resources, and training for testing operations. In 2009, the changing market led SOPEMEA to offer a more comprehensive range of services by setting up a new Audit department. This can support customers throughout the process of qualifying equipment by identifying needs, drafting procedures, and running digital simulations. SOPEMEA also updated its visual identity. 41 2009 business report A+ MÉTROLOGIE, SECOND LARGEST PLAYER IN EUROPE _W ith its 300 employees, A+ Métrologie offers complete solutions for measurements (verification, calibration, testing, 2D/3D measurement) in all areas (dimensional, physical, and electrical metrology, and checking precision units), with the capacity to handle large equipment bases, maintain measuring equipment, and provide training and consultancy. A+ Métrologie operates across all sectors of the industry market with a strong presence in aerospace, defense, transportation, food processing, energy, and chemicals. In 2009, A+ Métrologie acquired Soméga, a specialist in three-dimensional precision measurement that is deeply involved in the aerospace sector. A+ Métrologie is developing in the biomedical sector and making significant investments in the field of microwaves. BVT THE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TRANSPORT SPECIALIST _A pave subsidiary BVT offers three types of services: - approval of transport packaging, using laboratory tests certified by the French Ministry of Transport, and on-site production controls, irrespective of whether the products are classified as hazardous; - training for the entire supply chain: shippers, logistics operators, packers, freight forwarders, and carriers, covering road, air, rail, sea, and river transport; - consulting and assistance: audit procedures, aid to security consultants, etc. BVT trains 6,000 truck drivers and 2,000 people a year in the aviation sector (BVT is accredited by IATA, the International Air Transport Association). 42 2009 business report LOCATIONS IN FRANCE AND AROUND THE WORLD AFRICA / MIDDLE EAST • Algeria Apave Alsacienne 2, rue Thiers BP 1347 68056 Mulhouse Cedex France Tel: (33) 3 89 46 43 11 Fax: (33) 3 89 66 31 76 Apave Nord-Ouest 5, rue de la Johardière BP 20289 44803 Saint-Herblain Cedex France Tel: (33) 2 40 38 80 00 Fax: (33) 2 40 92 08 52 Apave Parisienne 13-17, rue Salneuve 75854 Paris Cedex 17 France Tel: (33) 1 40 54 58 00 Fax: (33) 1 40 54 58 88 Apave Sudeurope Z.I., avenue Gay-Lussac BP3 33370 Artigues-près-Bordeaux France Tel.: (33) 5 56 77 27 27 Fax: (33) 5 56 77 27 00 and its technical center: 8, rue Jean-Jacques Vernazza ZAC Saumaty-Séon - BP 193 13322 Marseille Cedex 16 France Tel: (33) 4 96 15 22 60 Fax: (33) 4 96 15 22 61 Apave Groupe 191, rue de Vaugirard 75738 Paris Cedex 15 France Tel: (33) 1 45 66 99 44 Fax: (33) 1 45 67 90 47 Apave Algérie Cité sociale, villa n° 8, rue Pasquier-Bronde, Les Sources, Bir Mourad Rais Algiers Tel: (213) 21 54 11 11 Fax: (213) 21 54 47 42 • Angola ISQ Apave Angola rua Kwamme N’Krumah n° 31 A 5t° D – Maianga Luanda Tel: (244) 228 742 263 Fax: (244) 228 742 262 • Burkina Faso CETE Apave Burkina avenue Kouamé N’Kruma, 01 BP 2060 Ouagadougou Tel: (226 )50 30 16 78 Fax: (226 )50 30 16 78 • Cameroon ADRH Apave 1174, boulevard du Président Ahmadou Ahidjo-Akwa BP 129 Douala Tel: (237) 33 42 31 97 Fax: (237) 33 43 03 94 • Chad CETE Apave Sudeurope Tchad 1007, boulevard de Paris BP 1474 - N’Djamena Tel: (235) 252 48 87 Fax: (235) 252 48 87 • Congo CETE Apave Congo BP 857 Pointe-Noire Tel: (242) 530 00 70 Fax: (242) 94 46 88 • Gabon CETE Apave Sudeurope Gabon Immeuble Air France Boulevard de l’Indépendance BP 12196 Libreville Tel: (241) 72 02 94 Fax: (241) 72 02 95 SMX Gabon Z.I. du Nouveau Port BP 2854 Port-Gentil Tel: (241) 56 44 37 Fax: (241) 56 14 42 • Mauritania • Ghana • Morocco Apave Ghana PO Box AX 1388 No. 5 Cape Coast Road Takoradi Tel: (33) 6 71 60 73 93 • Ivory Coast AGTS 11 BP 1955 Abidjan 11 Tel: (225) 20 21 00 47 Fax: (225) 20 21 77 15 CETE Apave Côte d’Ivoire rue du Canal Bietry Abidjan Tel: (225) 21 75 32 22 Fax: (225) 21 25 86 35 • Lebanon Apave Liban Immeuble Sioufico 1er étage rue Emile-Lahoud Sioufi, Achrafieh 2067 2610 BP 16-5806 Beirut Tel: (961) 1 612 918 Fax: (961) 1 612 920 • Libya Apave Libya PO Box 91848 Dat El Imad Tower 1 Gasar Ben Gheshir, at the entry of Tripoli Airport Tripoli Tel: (218) 21 563 02 43 Fax: (218) 21 563 02 43 • Mali CETE Apave Mali BPE 4135 Bamako Tel: (223) 20 21 28 70 Fax: (223) 20 21 28 70 CETE Apave Sudeurope Mauritanie BP 3547 Nouakchott Tel: (222) 525 74 56 CETE Apave Sudeurope Maroc 3, rue de Champigny 20300 Casablanca Tel: (212) 5 22 30 00 58 Fax: (212) 5 22 30 23 68 • Qatar Apave Qatar Tel: (974) 42 98 888 • Republic of Equatorial Guinea Apave Equatorial Guinea av. Parques de Africa Caracolas Malabo Tel: (240) 23 06 95 Fax: (240) 23 41 84 • Senegal Apave Sahel Mermoz Pyrotechnie Ancienne Piste n° 25 BP 6334 11522 Dakar Étoile Tel: (221) 33 860 73 01 Fax: (221) 33 860 73 03 CETE Apave Sénégal 32 rue Jules Ferry - BP 50788 18524 Dakar Étoile Tel: (221) 33 823 45 86 Fax: (221) 33 823 45 78 • Tunisia ACT Internationale Apave 51, rue des Entrepreneurs Z.I. Aéroport - BP 110 1080 Tunis Cedex Tel: (216) 71 94 05 80 Fax: (216) 71 94 05 30 APROQUEM 67, avenue Alain-Savary Apt B2.1, cité des Jardins, 2 1002 Tunis Tel: (216) 71 79 63 60 Fax: (216) 71 79 61 21 • Turkey Apave Gozetim Hizmetleri A.S Sedef cad. Ata Bloklari Ata 3-2 n° 65 Atasehir 34758 Istanbul Tel: (90) 216 580 93 85 Fax: (90) 216 580 93 86 • United Arab Emirates CETE Apave Sudeurope Abu Dhabi Branch Office P.O Box 8102 Abu Dhabi Tel: (971) 2 639 10 40 Fax: (971) 2 639 10 50 SOUTH AMERICA • Chile AETS Sudamerica avenida Vitacura 2771 Oficina 604 - Las Condes Santiago Tel: (562) 378 65 60 • French Guiana Apave Sudeurope 3297 bis, route de Baduel 97300 Cayenne French Guiana Tel: (33) 5 94 25 50 90 Fax: (33) 5 94 37 80 45 Apave Sudeurope angle avenue Pariacabo et rue Auprat - BP 711 Cedex 97387 Kourou Cedex French Guiana Tel: (33) 5 94 32 90 60 Fax: (33) 5 94 32 90 61 ASIA-PACIFIC • China Apave China E10, 5th floor Nantian International Business Center Huacheng Dadao Road Tienher District 510000 Guangzhou City Tel: (86) 20 22 38 55 96 Fax: (86) 20 22 38 55 97 • Japan Jetro Kobe C.I.T. Bldg, 4F 5-1-14 Hamabedori, Chuo-Ku Kobe 651 6591 Tel: (81) 78 252 7505 Fax: (81) 78 232 3439 43 2009 business report • Malaysia Apave Malaysia Sdn Bhd 2-5-C, Level 2, Enterprise 3 Technology Park Malaysia Lebuhraya Puchong, Sg. Besi 50250 Kuala Lumpur Tel: (603) 89 94 39 80 Fax: (603) 89 94 29 89 • New Caledonia CETE Apave Calédonie 1, rue Dame Lechanteur BP 4012 8846 Nouméa Cedex Nouvelle-Calédonie Tel: (687) 26 41 42 Fax: (687) 26 25 55 • Vietnam Apave Vietnam & Southeast Asia 129 & 131 Hoang Quoc Viet road Cau Giay district - Hanoi Tel: (84) 437 56 55 56 Fax: (84) 437 56 55 99 Apave Vietnam and Southeast Asia – HCMC 197 Dien Bien Phu Street Ward 6 - District 3 Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (84) 8 3 822 71 80/79 Fax: (84) 8 3 822 71 80/79 CARIBBEAN • Guadeloupe Immeuble Manhattan Impasse des Palétuviers Voie Verte - Z.I. de Jarry 97122 Baie-Mahault Tel: (33) 5 90 26 87 05 Fax: (33) 5 90 26 86 84 • Martinique Bât. Calypso - Centre d’affaires Dillon-Valmenière 97200 Fort-de-France Tel: (33) 5 96 71 77 54 Fax: (33) 5 96 63 23 85 EUROPE • Belgium Apave Belgium chaussée de Nivelles, 167 B-7181 Arquennes Tel: (32) 67 79 44 79 / 44 80 Fax: (32) 67 79 44 84 • France A+ Métrologie 191, rue de Vaugirard 75738 Paris Cedex 15 Tel: (33) 1 45 66 99 44 Fax: (33) 1 45 66 17 06 ABTI 66, quai Français 33530 Bassens Tel: (33) 5 57 77 11 01 Fax: (33) 5 57 77 05 60 ADIAG 13, rue Salneuve 75017 Paris Tel: (33) 1 40 54 46 94 Fax: (33) 1 47 66 22 60 AETS Division Internationale Z.I. - Induspal-Lons 17, av. André-Marie-Ampère BP 202 64142 Billere Tel: (33) 5 59 72 43 23 Fax: (33) 5 59 72 43 24 AFHOR 69, rue Barrault 75013 Paris Tel: (33) 1 45 81 69 04 Fax: (33) 1 45 81 63 06 AQSE Parc des Lumières Bât A 294/296 av, du Bois de la Pie BP 62186 Roissy-en-France 95974 Charles-de-Gaulle Cedex Tel: (33) 1 49 90 54 84 Fax: (33) 1 49 90 54 89 Apave Aeroservices 191, rue de Vaugirard 75738 Paris Cedex 15 Tel: (33) 1 45 66 99 44 Fax: (33) 1 45 66 17 06 Apave Certification 191, rue de Vaugirard 75738 Paris Cedex 15 Tel: (33) 1 45 66 18 18 Fax: (33) 1 45 66 39 76 Apave Développement 191, rue de Vaugirard 75738 Paris Cedex 15 Tel: (33) 1 45 66 99 44 Fax: (33) 1 45 67 17 06 Apave International Inspection (A.I.I.) 191, rue de Vaugirard 75738 Paris Cedex 15 Tel: (33) 1 45 66 99 44 Fax: (33) 1 47 34 92 32 AQUASS 15 rue de Saint-Hubert 33370 Artigues-Près-Bordeaux Tel: (33) 5 56 74 26 10 Fax: (33) 5 56 74 26 61 ARPP Espace Vernèdes 6 Chemin de Vernèdes 83480 Puget-sur-Argens Tel: (33) 4 98 10 00 20 Fax: (33) 4 98 10 00 22 AT DIAG 29, rue Raymond Aron 76130 Mont-Saint-Aignan Tel: (33) 2 35 02 75 15 Fax: (33) 2 35 61 01 82 BVT 2-4, avenue de la Cerisaie BP 312 94266 Fresnes Cedex Tel: (33) 1 46 68 02 65 Fax: (33) 1 46 68 65 09 CA2I 168, bd Rabatau 13010 Marseille Tel: (33) 4 96 12 29 00 Fax: (33) 4 96 12 29 49 PPN 1 bis rue Ambroise-Bully 27200 Vernon Tel: (33) 2 32 51 06 66 Fax: (33) 2 32 51 04 85 Prorad Z.I. La Grand'Colle 21, av. Auguste-Marius-Peyre 13110 Port-de-Bouc Tel: (33) 4 42 40 70 30 Fax: (33) 4 42 40 70 38 Sematec 20-21, place Bertin-Boisson 30200 Bagnol-sur-Cèze Tel: (33) 4 66 33 22 20 Fax: (33) 4 66 33 22 21 Soméga 5 ter, chemin des Arroutis 64800 Benejacq Tel: (33) 5 59 61 09 29 Fax: (33) 5 59 61 23 84 Sopaval ZAE Les Dix Muids rue Antoine-Laurent-deLavoisier 59770 Marly Tel: (33) 3 27 21 13 40 Fax: (33) 3 27 21 13 41 Sopavib 27, rue de l’Avenir 69740 Genas Tel: (33) 4 72 37 67 52 Fax: (33) 4 72 37 67 47 SOPEMEA Zone aéronautique Louis-Bréguet BP 48 78142 Vélizy-Villacoublay Cedex Tel: (33) 1 45 37 64 64 Fax: (33) 1 46 30 54 06 • Great Britain Lloyd's Register Apave Ltd 71 Fenchurch Street EC3M 4BS London Tel: (44) 077 6666 7311 • Italy Apave Italia CPM via Artigiani, 63 25040 Bienno Tel: (39) 03 64 30 03 42 Fax: (39) 03 64 30 03 54 Apave Italia CPM via Pavoni, 1 20052 Monza Tel: (39) 039 389 696 Fax: (39) 039 389 947 • Macedonia Apave ROPE ACCESS 15 Korpus n° 1 1000 Skopje Tel: (389) 231 711 44 Fax: (389) 231 711 40 Apave Southeastern Europe 15 Korpus n°1 1000 Skopje Tel: (389) 231 711 44 Fax: (389) 231 711 40 • Monaco (Principality of) Apave Monaco Les Boulingrins 5 bis, avenue Princesse Alice 98000 Monaco Tel: (377) 93 25 47 19 Fax: (377) 93 25 41 70 • Spain Apave Iberica Calle Ramon de Santilla 4 (5e) 28016 Madrid Tel: (34) 91 457 99 30 Fax: (34) 91 457 37 93 Sematec Pilotegi 2 - Oficina 007 20018 Donostia San Sebastian Tel: (34) 943 31 34 11 Fax: (34) 943 31 34 69 • Switzerland Apave Suisse 3, rue du Nord CH 1400 Yverdon-Les-Bains Tel: (41) 24 425 71 04 Fax: (41) 24 420 16 70 INDIAN OCEAN • Madagascar Apave Madagascar Immeuble Marbour Lalana Asaolombavambahoaka Fransay 77 Antasahavola Antananarivo Tel: (261) 20 22 568 38 Fax: (261) 20 22 568 91 • Mauritius AIO CO LTD 20, route Palmerstone Phoenix Tel: (230) 696 82 50 Fax: (230) 696 70 91 Apave Indian Ocean LTD 20, route Palmerstone Phoenix Tel: (230) 696 82 50 Fax: (230) 696 70 91 • Reunion Island 10, rue Adolphe-Ramassamy 97490 Sainte-Clothilde La Réunion Tel: (33) 2 62 29 28 81 Fax: (33) 2 62 29 56 93 Communications Department Apave Groupe 191, rue de Vaugirard 75738 Paris Cedex 15 France Tel.: (33) 1 45 66 99 44 Fax: (33) 1 45 67 90 47 Apave would like to thank customers and employees who helped to contribute to this report through their personal accounts and information. _ Editorial team: Communications Department _ Design & production: - _ Photos: Apave; Apave Sudeurope; Bruno de Hogues/Apave; Jean-Marie Aragon/Apave Parisienne; Pascal Parrot; Sébastien Sindeu; Yann Le Borgne; Alfred Buellesbach/Visum-REA; Belpress/Andia; Burger/Phanie; Richard Damoret, Laurent Grandguillot, Pierre Gleizes/REA; Jammit; Gaël Kerbaol/Fédéphoto; Gary Buss, Monty Rakusen/Gettyimages; Duplan/Light Motiv; Alt-6, Kerstin Schomburg/ Plainpicture; Karen Linke/Picturetank; Philippe Stroppa/Studio Pons; Ph. Giraud/Terres du Sud. This business report was printed by IME on Claro Silk paper comprising 50% recycled fibers and 50% fibers under the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEEFC).