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Regional News Regional News
B S e c t i o n • T h u r s d a y, J a n . 31, 2 013
Regional News
News from Bradford County, Union County and the Lake Region
Opposite in nature, but
still made for each other
Bradford Deputy Supervisor of Elections Amanda Seyfang (far left) presents
Assistant Supervisor Carol Milner with a U.S. flag that was flown over the U.S.
Capitol in her honor at the request of Sen. Bill Nelson. Bradford Supervisor of
Elections Terry Vaughan looks on.
Milner honored at reception
Regional News/Sports Editor
Bradford County Assistant
Supervisor of Elections Carol
Milner was greeted by friends
and family during a reception in
her honor at the elections office
on Jan. 25. Milner is retiring
after 37 years.
“It’s been the best job anybody
Steve Futch
presents Carol
Milner with a
card. Milner
worked her
last day in the
Bradford County
Supervisor of
Elections Office
on Jan. 25.
could ever have,” Milner said.
Terry Vaughan said it was a
“bittersweet” day—he wished
the best for Milner for her future,
but admitted she’ll be greatly
missed at the office.
As part of a presentation
Vaughan made to the Bradford
resulted in the commission
adopting a proclamation in
which Jan. 25 was “Carol Milner
Appreciation Day,” Vaughan
said, “She’s performed her
duties in a way that makes us
all so proud. She’s been most
dependable, professional and
ethical. She’s also earned the
Regional News/Sports Editor
They will tell you they are
nothing alike, but Drew and
Ada Reddish of Starke will also
tell you that in the early stages
of their relationship, they knew
they were meant for each other.
“I wouldn’t trade her for
anything,” Drew said. “She was
always the one, no question
about it.”
Drew’s first sighting of Ada
in the halls of Bradford High
School had quite the effect on
him. As it turned out, Drew had
quite the effect on Ada, too.
“I had heard of him from
my cousins. One of them went
to school with him,” Ada
explained, referring to the time
when she was still a student at
the school in Lawtey before
transferring to BHS. “I had heard
about Drew Reddish. There was
just something about that name.
I just felt like we were destined.”
It’s hard to argue with that
logic as Ada and Drew are set to
celebrate their 60th anniversary.
The date is Friday, Feb. 1, but
a party is planned for Saturday,
Feb. 2, from 6 p.m. until 9 p.m.
at the Starke Golf and Country
It all began at Bradford High
School, where Drew was a
senior and Ada a sophomore.
Ada lived in Lawtey, and in
those days, Lawtey students did
not start attending BHS until
their sophomore years.
“I saw her walking down the
hall,” Drew said. “I was in class.
I said, ‘Who in the heck is that?
I haven’t seen her before.’ From
that time on, I started chasing
her from time to time.”
So, what was the attraction?
Drew said, “She looked so
innocent. It was like she was
slipping down the hall so pure.”
“He felt sorry for me, I think,”
Ada said with a laugh.
The two dated off and on that
one year together in high school
and while Drew attended the
University of Florida. Drew said
it seemed like the relationship
was about to enter an off period
as he was taking a trip with a
fraternity brother to Colorado the
summer between his sophomore
and junior years at UF.
“I said, ‘Well, I’ll fix that.’ I
borrowed some money from my
uncle, and I bought her a ring,”
Drew said. “I said, ‘Hey, we’re
engaged. That means we’re
steady now, for sure.’”
As Ada remembered the
incident, it was hardly the way
such matters unfolded in the
“We were in a car coming to
Starke from Lawtey, going to
the movies, I guess,” Ada said.
“My sister and her boyfriend
were with us. All of a sudden,
he threw something in my lap.
He said, ‘I guess you might like
this.’ That was my ring, and that
was my proposal, I guess.”
Drew said, “I don’t remember
that,” to which Ada replied,
“Well, I do.”
When asked if there was any
hesitation on her part to say
“yes,” Ada laughed and said,
“He didn’t ask me (anything). I
just put the ring on.”
At that time, Ada was living
and working in Jacksonville.
Neither Ada nor Drew owned
Telegraph, Times & Monitor B Section • Thursday, Jan. 31, 2013
Outdoor sports,
fun and food
Church hosted its third annual
Family Sportsmen Fest on Jan.
26 at the Triest family farm in
Hampton, offering a variety of
activities and food—all free of
More than 1,600 people
attended, enjoyng such activities
as archery and skeet, turkey and
.22 shoots.
Hills BBQ and Catering
served up chicken lunches, while
a drawing was held for several
prizes, including archery sets,
BB guns, a 60-inch TV and a
seven-day vacation for four to
Gatlinburg, Tenn.
The event is part of the
church’s outreach ministry.
Three-year-old Andrew Snider of Keystone Heights, getting assistance from his
father, Jerry Snider, enjoys the BB-gun shoot.
Crosshorn Ministries Inc. founder and licensed animal trapper John Whitfield (far
right) shows off the skull of a gar fish for (counter clockwise from bottom left)
Connor, Samantha, Ryan and Jessica Hankins.
Grace Starling,
4, and Destiny
Starling, 8,
who are both
of Starke,
plunge down an
inflatable slide.
TOP RIGHT: Jeremy Smith
(left) and Seth Bush, who
are both from Keystone,
compare their targets in the
turkey shoot. ABOVE: Gary
Searle of Theressa blasts
away at his target in skeet
Pastor Lonnie Broome of Orange Heights Baptist
Church (far left) greets Ashlyn Hubbard of Keystone
Heights and her family, Marty Hubbard (background)
and Samuel Tisdale.
The Family Sportsmen Fest wasn’t all about guns
and bows. There were serveral activities to appeal
to anyone, such as golf. LEFT: Shepherd Rozier of
Keystone participates in the putt-putt activity. ABOVE:
Kelsey Knea of Starke tees it up and practices her
driving skills.
Thursday, Jan. 31, 2013 • Telegraph, Times & Monitor B Section
Phillip attended Keystone
Heights High School and
graduated from Bozeman High
School in Bozeman, Mont.
Birth: Amaryn
Leah Gunter
Jurutha DeSue
80th birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Thorold H. Bement
Bements celebrate 70 years
Mr. and Mrs. Thorold H.
“Tom” (Bea M. Calco) Bement
of Kingsport, Tenn., celebrated
their 70th wedding anniversary
Dec. 31, 2012.
The couple were married on
New Year’s Eve 1942 in Clymer,
They are the parents of Gary
Bement and wife, Sylvia, and
Greg Bement and wife, Tina,
all of Kingsport, and Teri
Nicklin and husband, Bob, of
Jacksonville Beach.
They are the grandparents of
Bret Bement and wife, Traci,
of Holly Spring, N.C., Jared
Bement and wife, Mary Beth, of
Rockwall, Texas, Loren Bement
and wife, Misty, of Ocala, Andy
Bravo and wife, Christy, of
Ocala, Jordan Rawls of Bristol,
Tenn., and Ian Bement of
greatgrandparents of Codi Bement
of Danbury, Conn., Braylin
and Kinsley Bement of Holly
Springs, Isaias Gideon and
Tobiah Bement of Rockwall,
Trey Rawls of Bristol and Ayden
and Shae Bement and Chase
Bravo, all of Ocala.
After living in Jamestown,
N.Y., and Centerville, Pa., Mr.
and Mrs. Bement lived in Starke
for 46 years. They moved to
Kingsport in the summer of
2007 to be near two of their
children. Both are retired from
the Florida State prison system,
and Mr. Bement worked as a bail
bondsman for 30 years.
If you would like to send a
card or note, send to: Preston
Place Suites, 2001 N. John B.
Dennis Hwy., Kingsport, TN
Party set for Drew, Ada
Reddish’s 60th anniversary
The children of Drew and Ada
Reddish are inviting all friends
and family to celebrate their 60th
wedding anniversary.
The event will be at the Starke
Golf and Country Club this
Saturday, Feb. 2, from 6 p.m. to
9 p.m. No gifts please.
Gladys and George Pierce
Pierces celebrate 60 years
George and Gladys Pierce
celebrated their 60th wedding
anniversary on Jan. 18, 2013,
in Pompano Beach with high
school classmates.
They were married in
Cleveland, Tenn., on Jan. 18,
1953, after George’s discharge
from the U.S. Air Force as a
staff sergeant after serving in
the Korean War.
Children, grandchildren, and
great-grandchildren gave Jurutha
DeSue an 80th birthday party
on Saturday, Jan. 5, at Pleasant
Grove United Methodist Church.
Jackonville, Miami, Tallahassee,
Gainesville, Keystone, Lawtey,
Hampton and Daytona Beach.
We all had a happy and glorious
day. We had to be thankful for
the beautiful weather.
Phillip Journey
graduates from
Montana State
Phillip Journey graduated
Dec. 15, 2012, from Montana
State University with a bachelor
of science degree in engineering
and a minor in business
He is the son of Keith and
April Journey, and the brother
of Perry Journey.
Bryan and Ashley Gunter of
Starke announce the birth of their
daughter, Amaryn Leah Gunter,
born Nov. 15, 2012, at North
Florida Regional Medical Center
in Gainesville.
Amaryn weighed 6 pounds, 11
ounces, and measured 19 inches
in length.
She joins a brother, Brody
Gunter, 6.
Maternal grandparents are
Jerry and Denise Smith of Starke.
Maternal great-grandparents are
the late Harold and Mary Smith,
and the late Robert and Mary
Crawford all of Starke.
Paternal grandparents are
Glenn and Wanda Gunter
of Starke. Parental greatgrandparents are Eunice Gunter
and the late David Gunter of
Starke, and the late Gordon and
Pearl Robertson of Jesup, Ga.
Jones to wed
Jessica Latoya Williams and
Fernadaze Jermaine Jones will
be married on Saturday, Feb.
2, 2013, at Greater Elizabeth
Baptist Church.
The bride will be given in
marriage by her parents, Carlos
and Mary Williams of Lake
The ceremony will be
performed by Rev. J. W. Warren.
The bride-elect went to Union
County High School and is
employed as a sales assistant at
The groom-elect is the son
of Fermon Jones and Christine
Hayes of Lake Butler. He went
to Union County High School
and is employed by the Union
County School Board.
Marla Jeffrey and Eric
Paul Grimm and Terri
Grimm to wed
Barbara Geevers of Keystone
engagement of her daughter,
Terri Ann Williams, to Paul
Grimm III of Jacksonville.
Terri Ann Williams is
employed at McRae Elementary
School in Keystone Heights.
The bride-to-be is the daughter
of Barbara Geevers and Graham
Richards of St. Johns.
Paul Grimm is employed
with Certified Control Systems/
Automated Logic Corporation in
Jacksonville. The groom-to-be
is the son of Dottie Grimm and
Paul Grimm of Jacksonville.
The wedding will take place
late this summer, and the couple
is planning a seven-day cruise.
They will reside in Mandarin.
Williams to
wed in April
Douglas Michael and Lani
Mondejar Jeffrey are proud to
announce the engagement of
their daughter, Marla Le Ann
Jeffrey, to Eric Page Wiliams, the
son of Doyle Eric and Melissa
McGill Williams of Lake Butler.
The bride-elect is a 2007
graduate of Union County
High School, attending Florida
Gateway College and is currently
employed at Community State
The groom-elect is a 2004
graduate of Union County High
School, a 2012 graduate of
Florida Gateway College and is
employed at Williams LP Gas.
The wedding is planned to
take place on Saturday, April 6,
Continued from 1B
a car, and with Drew attending
classes and working as well, the
two did not see each other that
Therefore, when Christmas
approached after she received
her ring, Ada was looking
forward to spending more time
with Drew. However, Drew had
the opportunity, as an ROTC
cadet, to go on a trip to Cuba
during the Christmas break,
courtesy of the Transportation
“Well, I’d never been out of
Florida, much less the country,”
Drew said. “I signed up to go for
Ada did not like hearing that.
She told Drew if that’s what he
was going to do, he could take
his ring back and leave.
“I did,” Drew said. “I thought
she wanted to get rid of me
anyway, so I said, ‘To heck with
her. I’m gone.’”
Looking back on the incident,
Drew said what was funny was
when he told his parents about
what had happened.
“My mother didn’t have an
engagement ring,” Drew said.
“I said, ‘Now, you’ve got one.’
I gave it to her. Her reaction
was, ‘What am I going to tell
the ladies at the hairdresser’s?’
They had been talking about the
“I said, ‘Tell them we’re not
together anymore.’”
Ada said she honestly didn’t
know if she would see Drew
again after that. Approximately
nine months later, though, a
cousin of Drew’s who roomed
with him at UF suggested they
invited their old girlfriends to
the homecoming dance. Drew
said he “fell” for that and wrote
a letter to Ada doing just that.
Later, Drew called Ada and
asked if she would accept the
invitation. She said she wasn’t
sure, to which Drew quickly
responded, “That’s OK.” Ada
said she thought to herself, “Oh,
my gosh. He’s going to hang
Ada quickly told Drew she
thought she could go ahead and
make her mind up and responded
that she would go with him.
“I did get that ring back,” Ada
Drew said he told Ada the
“long engagement” was over.
They were getting married, and
tournament to
benefit woman
battling cancer
A golf tournament to benefit
Brenda Collins, who is battling
breast cancer for the third time,
is scheduled for Saturday, Feb.
16, at 8 a.m. at the Starke Golf
and Country Club.
The cost for the tournament,
which is four-person, best-ball,
is $50 per player.
You can register at the Starke
Golf and Country Club or by
calling Roy Hart at 904-3647469.
available for $50.
Telegraph, Times & Monitor B Section • Thursday, Jan. 31, 2013
they did on Feb. 1, 1953.
“We got married between
semesters,” Drew said. “That
was a pure idiotic thing to do.
We didn’t have any money.”
Drew found a little apartment
they could rent for $50 a month.
Ada went to look for a job to
help support them, but she
would tell people she could only
work until June because that
was when Drew would graduate.
“He got so mad at me for
saying that,” Ada said.
“Nobody wanted to hire her,”
Drew said.
Ada eventually got a parttime job in the office of the UF
president, which lasted a month.
She went back to Jacksonville
and where she worked before.
“I lived with mother up there,
and he moved to Starke and lived
with his parents,” Ada said.
When Drew graduated from
UF, the couple lived in Virginia
while Drew was at Fort Eustis—
the home of the Transportation
Corps. Drew said he had the
opportunity to move from the
Army Reserve into the regular
Army, which was his plan. He
said he told Ada of that, but she
insisted he didn’t tell her until
his time with the Army Reserve
was almost up.
Ada was expecting the
couple’s first child, and she told
Drew she was moving back to
Lawtey if he planned to stay in
the Army. She had no intention
of traveling.
The couple moved to Starke,
where Drew worked at DuPont
while also serving in the Florida
National Guard.
“That was one of the first
times she told me what I had to
do,” Drew said.
Ada, by nature, is quiet. In
fact, Drew said his six brothers
asked him, “Gosh, where did
you find her? That’s the most
quiet woman I’ve ever seen.”
Drew said he is the exact
opposite, something Ada can
attest to. She discovered Drew
likes to have company. Whether
it’s breakfast, lunch or dinner,
he likes to be around people.
“He can’t just invite a couple
or two,” Ada said. “We’ve got to
have a houseful.”
Drew said it has been the
biggest bone of contention
between him and Ada.
“I guess our biggest thing is
she loves to be by herself,” Drew
said. “I love to have people
around. We’ve had a heck of a
time about that, really.”
New Bradford
group now
players up for
spring ball
The Bradford Parents Athletic
Association is now registering
children for spring T-ball,
baseball and softball through
Feb. 16.
Registration periods are set
for Tuesdays and Thursdays
from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. at the
Edwards Road complex and on
Saturdays from 10 a.m. until 1
p.m. at both the Edwards Road
complex and Winn-Dixie.
All registrants must have
but get in a good-natured dig.
“She won’t even stretch the
truth enough to get a job,”
he said, referring to that time
immediately after their marriage.
Friends and family are
invited to help Drew and Ada
celebrate their anninversary at
the Feb. 2 party at the Starke
Golf and Country Club. Byron
Ada and Drew Reddish on their wedding day of Feb.
1, 1953.
Ada remembered an incident
where Drew told her he had
invited a couple to dinner one
night. The invitation came in the
midst of a multiple-week period
when Ada was helping the
Junior Woman’s Club prepare
for a show. She insisted they
were not going to have anybody
over for dinner before the show,
but in the end, they wound up
having the couple for dinner.
“He says I win every
argument,” Ada said. “I don’t
think so.”
Drew, however, said, “She
got her way a lot more than she
realizes, I think.”
Still, despite their conflicting
personalities, Drew and Ada said
there really haven’t been that
many disagreements between
them. However, it’s probably
best they don’t play bridge as
partners, Ada said, reflecting on
the time they were members of a
bridge club.
“I might would win a hand,”
Ada said, “and he would say,
‘Well, you shouldn’t have the
way you played it.’”
In life, though, Ada and Drew
have played their cards just
right. Drew put in a 40-plusyear career at DuPont, which
included having the family
live in Wilmington, Del., and
Geraldton, Australia, and he
and Ada raised three sons: Stan,
Tommy and Doug.
Drew said Ada deserved a
lot of credit for raising the boys
while he was busy with work.
“They were three little bulls,
copies of their birth certificates.
Registration fees are $75
(T-ball), $75 (softball), $85
(rookie), $90 (minor) and $95
(major/Dixie Boys).
For more information, please
call 904-796-8905, or send email
Board meeting
set for BC
Pop Warner
The Bradford County Pop
Warner Association will be
having its annual board meeting
to select officers for the 2013
year on Monday, Feb. 4, at
7pm at the Bradford County
I tell you,” Drew said. “They
were healthy and robust, and
here was Ada, weighing 105
pounds trying to deal with that.”
Drew may give Ada the lion’s
share of the credit for taking
care of the boys, but Ada said he
has taken care of her.
“I always knew he would take
care of me,” Ada said. “There
was never a doubt in my mind.
There has never been a time
where I was not taken care of.”
Sure, “hard-nosed” Drew is
hard to be “mushy” with—the
so-called proposal is proof of
that—but he does care, Ada
said. For their 50th anniversary,
Ada said Drew had written a
note that accompanied his gift
to her. In it, he wrote how much
she meant to him and how he
was sorry he didn’t always
express that to her.
“It was the sweetest thing I
think I have ever read,” Ada
Drew said Ada is delightful to
be around.
“She just never has negative
things about her,” Drew said.
“She doesn’t talk about other
people. She’s, to me, a very pure
Drew, though, couldn’t help
Terwillegar will cater the event,
while musical performances will
feature Ben Carter and Drew’s
sister-in-law Sylvia Reddish.
“We just had our 50th, it seems
like,” Ada said. “I didn’t think
we’d live that long, but we did,
and here we are—60. We might
make our 70th. Who knows?”
Thursday, Jan. 31, 2013 • Telegraph, Times & Monitor B Section
Central Cemetery in Gainesville.
In lieu of flowers, the family
has requested that contributions be
made to Lake Area Ministries, P.O.
Box 1345, Keystone Heights, FL
Arrangements are under the care
of Jones-Gallagher Funeral Home
of Keystone Heights.
Alice Huller
Betty Hazen
Betty Hazen
STARKE—Betty Norman Hazen, 71, passed away on Monday,
Jan. 28, 2013, at Select Specialty
Hospital in Gainesville.
Betty was born on March 17,
1941, in Lawtey to Othma J. Norman and Evelyn E. Johns Norman.
Betty was happily married to the
love of her life and best friend for
54 years. After spending 30 years
on the lake in Keystone Heights,
they moved back to Starke and built
a home on the Hazen property in
She loved her family, fishing,
enjoyed taking long rides with Harley, spending time outdoors and the
Florida Gators. She was a homemaker and of the Baptist faith.
She is preceded in death by: her
parents, O.J. “Ossie” and Evelyn
Norman; an infant brother, Gary;
and one infant granddaughter, Sarah
Hazen Rewak.
She is survived by: her husband,
Harley Lloyd Hazen of Starke; two
daughters, Julie (Brian) Baldwin of
Starke and Vickie (Clay) Watson of
Trenton; two brothers, Gene (Jean)
Norman and Ronnie (Corkie) Norman, all of Lawtey; six grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren.
Graveside services will be held
on Friday, Feb. 1, at 11 a.m. at Dyal
Cemetery in Raiford, with Chaplain
Jason Crawford officiating. Visitation will be held on Thursday, Jan.
31, from 5-7 p.m. at Jones-Gallagher Funeral Home in Starke.
Arrangements are under the care
of Watson Funeral Home of Trenton
and Jones-Gallagher Funeral Home
of Starke.
For online condolences or to sign
the guest book, visit
S. Huller, 101, of Keystone Heights
died Saturday Jan. 26, 2013, at Willey Manor Assisted Living Facility
in Keystone Heights.
She was born on May 20, 1911,
in Paterson, N.J., to the late Samuel
and Mary (Darmanjian) Sogmonian. She was a retired church secretary and was a longtime member of
the Park of the Palms Church. She
was preceded in death by: husband,
George H. Huller.
A memorial service will be held
at the Park of the Palms chapel at a
later date. Burial took place at Keystone Heights Cemetery.
Arrangements are under the care
of Jones-Gallagher Funeral Home
in Keystone Heights.
Nabywaniec, 65, of Starke died
on Jan. 26, 2013, in Gainesville at
North Florida Regional Hospital after a brief illness.
He was preceded in death by: his
parents, Maxine and Gordon Thomson.
He was a native and resident of
Jacksonville for most of his life. He
and Mary Ann moved to Starke in
the early ‘90s and loved the lake
life. He was a graduate of Ribault
High School, class of ’66, a dispatcher for the Florida Highway
Patrol for 11 years and retired from
the Kmart Corporation as a district
manager and lost prevention manager after 38 years.
He is survived by: his wife of
42 years, Mary Ann; and his sister,
Karen (Frank) Wiley.
The family will receive friends
from 5 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, Jan.
31, at George H. Hewell and Son
Funeral Home of Jacksonville.
Those who wish—in lieu of flowers—may make a donation in Charlie’s memory to the American Diabetes Association or the American
Cancer Society.
Josephine Holder Helen
HAMPTON—Helen Elizabeth
MELROSE—Josephine Mann
Mathews Holder, 93, a lifetime resident of Melrose, died Sunday, Jan.
27, 2013, at her residence.
She retired as a bookkeeper for
the Putnam County School Board
and Moring Funeral Home, but was
a homemaker until her children
went to school. She was a member
of Eliam Baptist Church. She is
preceded in death by: her husbands,
Ralph Edgar Mathews and Raymond Holder.
She is survived by: sons Raymond (Sherry) Mathews of Live
Oak and Johnny Mathews of Melrose; daughters Becky (Winslow)
Fredriksson of Chipley, Martha
Mathews of Melrose and Josie (Jeff)
McDaniel of Florahome; sister Polly
Seaward of Ocala; nine grandchildren; and nine great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at 11
a.m. on Thursday, Jan. 31, at Eliam
Baptist Church in Melrose with Dr.
Max Gessner officiating. Interment
will be in Eliam Cemetery under
the care of Moring Funeral Home of
Houghton Jr.
Richard “Dick” Houghton Jr., 70,
of Keystone Heights passed away
at his home Monday, Jan. 28, 2013,
with his family by his side.
Mr. Houghton was born on
Sept. 13, 1942, in Plant City to the
late Richard and Pansy (Walden)
Houghton Sr. Prior to retirement,
he was the store manager for Hitchcock’s grocery store. His memberships include Keystone United
Methodist Church and Keystone
Golf and Country Club, and he was
a past member of Keystone Rotary.
He also enjoyed golfing, fishing and
volunteering with Lake Area Ministries.
Survivors are: his wife of 48
years, Donna (Williams) Houghton; and their three children, Mike
Houghton and his wife, Kim, of
Tallahassee, Lori Kvum and her
husband, Paul, of Atlanta, and Mark
Houghton of Asheville, N.C. Also
left behind are: Mr. Houghton’s sisters, Carol Chancey of Seminole,
Mary Alice Blocker and Dorothy
Houghton, both of Plant City, and
Margaret Sapp of Lakeland; and
four grandchildren, Bailey, Claire,
Will and Ellie.
A memorial service for Mr.
Houghton will be held on Friday,
Feb. 1, 2013, at 11 a.m. at Keystone
United Methodist Church with Dr.
Tom Farmer and Dr. Craig Moore
officiating. Committal services will
follow at 2 p.m. at Forest Meadows
Freeman Roberts, 82, of Hampton
died Friday, Jan. 25, 2013, at Haven Hospice ET York Care Center
in Gainesville after an extended illness.
She was born in Chester in 1930.
She was a former resident of Lake
Butler and moved to Hampton in
1973. She was a homemaker and
a member of Hampton Baptist
She was preceded in death by:
parents, Sidney and Geneva Benett
Freeman; and daughter, Hannah
“Bootsie” Roberts Richardson.
She is survived by: her husband of
65 years, Morris Roberts of Hampton; daughters Rita Lauramore of
Gainesville, Thenie Jo Joyner of
Gainesville and Marcia Vickory
of Hampton; son Boyd Roberts of
Hampton; sister Roma Norris of
Chester; brother Skeebo Freeman of
Jacksonville; 12 grandchildren; and
10 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were held Jan.
28 in the chapel of Archer Funeral
Home of Lake Butler with Pastor
Charles Vickory officiating. Burial
followed at Mt. Zion Cemetery near
Lake Butler.
Archer Funeral Home of Lake
Butler is in charge of arrangements.
Maxine Walters
Hurd Walters, 77, of Vanceburg,
Ky., died Thursday, Jan. 24, 2013,
at her residence.
She was born Aug. 9, 1935, in
Floyd County, Ky., a daughter of
the late Ervin and Myrtle Harvel
May. She was a homemaker.
In addition to her parents, she
was preceded in death by: her husband of 24 years, Jackie Gene Hurd;
two brothers, Everett May and Gene
May; and one sister, Wanda Knoels.
Maxine is survived by: son Ted
(Ann) Hurd of Paintsville, Ky.;
daughter, Sharon Wilson of Vanceburg; three grandchildren; two
great-grandchildren; brother William May of Starke; and two sisters,
Edna Faye Davis of Paintsville and
Ollie Frances Baker of Louisana.
A memorial service will be held
at a later date.
Dickerson Funeral Home in
Vanceburg, Ky., is in charge of all
Lillie White
LAWTEY—Lillie M. “Pat” Coley White, 65, of Lawtey, died Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013, at Avalon Care
Center in Lake City following an
extended illness.
Born in Branford on Feb. 22,
1947, she moved to Lawtey from
Branford. White was of Jehovah
Faith, a retired homemaker and she
attended the local schools of Suwannee County.
She is survived by: sons Learny
White and Raymond White, both of
Speedville; brother Clifford (Rosa)
Coley of Lawtey; sisters Erma J.
Ardley of Boca Raton and Barbara
Coley of Starke; and one grandchild.
Memorial services will be held
at 1 p.m on Saturday, Feb. 2, in the
Carl D. Haile Memorial chapel with
Brother Jim Crosby conducting the
services. Interment will be held at
Oddfellow Cemetery in Starke under the direction of Haile Funeral
Home Inc. of Starke.
Telegraph, Times & Monitor B Section • Thursday, Jan. 31, 2013
Continued from 1B
trust of her colleagues. Not a
week passes—and this is true—
an elections worker from another
county doesn’t call here to tap
into Carol’s broad knowledge
base in the elections realm.
“As great as she’s been
as an assistant supervisor of
elections, it’s only surpassed by
her reputation as a wonderful
human being. She epitomizes
what it means to be a Christian
lady and a public servant.”
During the Jan. 25 reception,
Vaughan read letters Milner
received from Gov. Rick Scott
and Sen. Bill Nelson. The letter
from Scott, in part, read: “Your
dedication and conscientious
work are admirable, and I
know you’ll be missed by
your colleagues. I commend
you for your public service.
accomplishments. Wishing you
a happy and healthy retirement,
and may you continue to find
challenge and reward in the
years ahead.”
Carol Milner
gets a hug
from Terry
Vaughan after
he presents her
with a picture.
The letter from Nelson, in
part, read: “I appreciate your
dedication and commitment to
serving the people of Florida.
You will certainly be missed.”
After the letter from Nelson
was read, Milner was presented
with an encased U.S. flag that
was flown over the U.S. Capitol
at the request of Nelson as a way
of honoring her.
A tearful Milner talked
of her career and how she
enjoyed serving the voters and
candidates in Bradford County.
She promised that during future
elections, she would return and
help out in any way she could.
“Even if it’s meeting the poll
workers coming in at night
and helping them with all their
stuff,” she said.
Vaughan said the Bradford
County Commission may have
proclaimed Jan. 25 as “Carol
Milner Appreciation Day,” but
every day of the 21-plus years
he has worked alongside her
was “Carol Milner Appreciation
“She means so much to all of
us,” Vaughan said.
of Lake Butler was arrested
Jan. 28 by Bradford deputies
for a probation violation. He
remained in jail at press time.
Matthew Aaron Pardekooper,
25, of Hawthorne was arrested
Jan. 27 by Starke police for
shoplifting and resisting an
officer. Bond was set at $2,000
and he remained in jail at press
Napoleon Reed, 48, of
Brooker was arrested Jan.
23 by Bradford deputies for
shoplifting. Bond was set at
$1,000 and he was released Jan.
Carl Leonard Rigdon, 37,
of Sanderson was arrested
Jan. 22 by Bradford deputies
for probation violation. He
remained in jail at press time.
Colleen Michelle Smith, 42,
of Starke was arrested Jan. 27
by Starke police for withholding
support. Bond was set at $1,791
and she remained in jail at press
Johnnie Lee Staten, 60, of
Starke was arrested Jan. 28 by
Starke police for possession of
drugs. He remained in jail at
press time.
Jeffrey Sydenstricker, 42, of
Keystone Heights was arrested
Jan. 26 by Clay deputies for
criminal mischief.
Steven Varnum, 26, of
Hampton was arrested Jan. 28
by Bradford deputies for driving
with a suspended, revoked or
expired license. Bond was set at
$500 and he was released Jan.
Anthony Maynard Watson,
46, of Starke was arrested
Jan. 22 by Starke police for a
probation violation and on Jan.
27 by Starke police for burglary,
possession of drug equipment,
dealing in stolen property and
larceny. Bond was set at $46,000
and he was released Jan. 28.
Joseph Wells, 27, of Keystone
Heights was arrested Jan. 26 by
Clay deputies for petty theft.
Edith Marie Wolf, 36, of
Keystone Heights was arrested
Jan. 27 by Bradford deputies for
possession of drug equipment,
possession of drugs and driving
with a suspended, revoked or
expired license. Bond was set
at $16,500 and she was released
Jan. 28.
Brandon Scott Wynne, 31, of
Lawtey was arrested Jan. 22 by
Bradford deputies for probation
violation. He remained in jail it
press time.
Recent arrests
in Bradford,
Clay or Union
The following individuals
were arrested recently by
local law enforcement officers
in Bradford, Union or Clay
Jerome Hadley Addison, 44,
of Lake Butler was arrested
Jan. 23 by Union deputies
for trespassing, larceny and
resisting a retail merchant.
John Allen, 35, of Keystone
Heights was arrested Jan. 23
by Clay deputies for failure to
DeShawn Travis Asbell, 19,
of Starke was arrested Jan. 26
by Union deputies for resisting
Tony Albritton, 51, of Raiford
was arrested Jan. 25 by Union
deputies for possession of
narcotics equipment.
Pamela Crawford Baker, 52,
of Starke was arrested Jan. 25
by Bradford deputies for driving
with a suspended, revoked or
expired license. Bond was set
at $4,000 and she was released
Jan. 25.
Michael Shane Bass, 38, of
Brooker was arrested Jan. 22 by
Bradford deputies for a probation
violation. He remained in jail at
press time.
Kristopher Shane Beckham,
38, of Hawthorne was arrested
Jan. 26 by Starke police for
driving with a suspended,
revoked or expired license. He
was released Jan. 26.
Corey Randall Brown, 51, of
Starke was arrested Jan. 26 by
Union deputies for disorderly
Gary Wesley Cole, 46, of
Lawtey was arrested Jan. 28 by
Bradford deputies for possession
of marijuana, possession of drug
equipment and driving with a
suspended, revoked or expired
license. He remained in jail at
press time.
Steven M Craycraft, 22, of
Lake Butler was arrested Jan. 21
by Union deputies for resisting
an officer.
Jerry Tyler Croy, 18, of Lake
Butler was arrested Jan. 18 by
Union deputies for possession
of narcotics equipment and
possession of marijuana.
Kenyon Kwak-U Davis,
37, of Lawtey was arrested
Jan. 26 by Bradford deputies
for a probation violation. He
remained in jail at press time.
Clarence Edward Desue, 39,
of Starke was arrested Jan. 25
by Bradford deputies for three
counts of battery. Bond was set
at $15,000 and he remained in
jail at press time.
Marlow Monique Douglas,
41, of Jacksonville was arrested
Jan. 26 by Starke police
for possession of drugs and
distribution of marijuana. Bond
was set at $51,009 and she was
released Jan. 28.
Lisa M. Drinkwater, 42, of
Starke was arrested Jan. 28
by Bradford deputies for a
probation violation. She was
released Jan. 28.
Mitchell Durrance, 26, of
Brooker was arrested Jan. 28 by
Bradford deputies for possession
of marijuana. He remained in
jail at press time.
Alex Jerry Franklin, 23, of
Zephyrhills was arrested Jan. 25
by Bradford deputies for driving
with a suspended, revoked or
expired license. Bond was set at
$500 and he was released Jan.
Britney Lorraine Freeman, 20,
of Crescent City was arrested
Jan. 26 by Union deputies for
battery and resisting officer.
Cody Gillyard, 19, of
Keystone Heights was arrested
Jan. 23 by Clay deputies for
armed burglary of a dwelling
and grand theft of a firearm.
Joseph Eugene Gatz, 44, of St.
Augustine was arrested Jan. 24
by Bradford deputies for driving
with a suspended, revoked or
expired license. Bond was set at
$500 and he was released Jan.
Neil Norman Golden, 55, of
Middleburg was arrested Jan.
23 by Bradford deputies for
withholding support. Bond was
set at $320 and he was released
Jan. 24.
Robert Dwayne Griffis, 20, of
Lawtey was arrested Jan. 25 by
Starke police for trespassing. He
was released Jan. 26.
Kimberly Michelle Gunter,
43, of Hampton was arrested
Jan. 28 by Bradford deputies
for a probation violation. She
remained in jail at press time.
Randy Hall, 21, of Starke was
THE PHONE. Deadline
is Tuesday at 12 noon
prior to that Thursday’s
charge is $9.50 for the
first 20 words, then 20
cents per word thereafter.
All real
estate advertising in this
newspaper is subject to
the Federal Fair Housing
Act of 1968 which makes
it illegal to advertise “any
preference, limitation or
discrimination based on
race, color, religion, sex
or national origin, or an
intention to make any
such preference, limitation or discrimination.”
Familial status includes
children under the age
of 18 living with parents
pregnant women and
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING should be submitted to the Starke office
in writing & paid in ad-
vance unless credit has
already been established
with this office. A $3.00
be added to all billings
to cover postage & handling. THE CLASSIFIED
arrested Jan. 27 by Clay deputies
for retail theft.
Kelly Nicole Haight, 29, of
Brooker was arrested Jan. 22
by Bradford deputies for child
neglect. Bond was set at $5,000
and she was released Jan. 23.
Shane Steven Hand, 39, of St.
Augustine was arrested Jan. 23
by Bradford deputies for larceny
and dealing in stolen property.
Bond was set at $15,000 and he
remained in jail at press time.
Dustin A. Heaton, 23, of
Lawtey was arrested Jan.
28 by Bradford deputies for
trespassing and a probation
violation. He remained in jail at
press time.
Jonathan Scott Johns, 31, was
arrested Jan. 26 by Starke police
for burglary. Bond was set at
$5,000 and he was released Jan.
Michael Brandel Kiser, 24,
of Lawtey was arrested Jan.
22 by Bradford deputies for
possession of marijuana and
selling marijuana. Bond was set
at $100,000 and he remained in
jail at press time.
Lakisha S. Mack, 35, of Lake
Butler was arrested Jan. 27 by
Union deputies for criminal
mischief with property damage.
people securing custody
of children under 18.
This newspaper will not
knowingly accept any
advertising for real estate which is in violation
of the law. Our readers
are hereby informed that
all dwellings advertised
in this newspaper are
available on an equal
opportunity basis.
complain of discrimination, call HUD toll-free at
1-800-669-9777, the tollfree telephone number
for the hearing impaired
is 1-800-927-9275. For
further information call
Florida Commission on
Human Relations, Lisa
850-4887082 ext #1005.
Motor Vehicles
& Accessories
Need to sell this week.
Call Matt 904-477-9601.
Take on payments of
Dustin Mitchell McSpadden,
25, of Lake Butler was arrested
Jan. 27 by Union deputies
for driving with a suspended,
revoked or expired license, a
probation violation, reckless
driving and resisting an officer.
Joseph Mejias, 19, of Starke
was arrested Jan. 22 by Starke
police for trespassing, making
a false report and obstructing
justice. Bond was set at $1,000
and he was released Jan. 26.
Michael Moore, 22, of
Keystone Heights was arrested
Jan. 25 by Clay deputies for
three counts of grand theft.
Adrian S. Mosley, 41, of
Starke was arrested Jan. 26 by
Bradford deputies for fraud–
insufficient funds check. Bond
was set at $690 and he was
released Jan. 28.
Willie Jerome Newsome, 38,
of Starke was arrested Jan. 23
by Starke police for 10 counts of
failure to appear. Bond was set
at $205,000 and he remained in
jail at press time.
Alexander Marco Palazzi, 21,
of Starke was arrested Jan. 23
by Starke police for trespassing.
Bond was set at $500 and he was
released Jan. 23.
Lester Sylvester Palmer, 60,
RV’s and
24 ft. camper in Lawtey.
Very well keep. $2,100,
owner financing with
$600 down. 912-2222328.
Land For Sale
SW. 130th St. Located
on Sampson City Road.
$12,500, as is. For additional information call
904-964-6305, ask for
Lease, Sale)
FOR RENT PROFESSIONAL OFFICE, 1,500 sq.ft.$1,000/mo.- up to 3,000
sq.ft. contiguous $2,000/
SPACE 3,000 sq. ft.
$800/mo. Smith & Smith
Realty. 904-964-9222.
Professional Offices for
rent, $315 per month.
Conference room, kitchen, utilities and more
provided. 904-364-8395.
strip center. 1,000 sq.ft.
and 2,000 sq. ft. units.
South HWY 301 frontage, across from the
KOA Campground. Call
FOR RENT, Store front
on US. 301. Fruit
stand,detail shop, car
lot etc. For additional
information call 904-3649022.
FOR RENT, rental space
on E. Call St. next to
$400/mo. For additional
information call 904-9646305, ask for John.
Homes For Sale
3BR/1BA. CH/A, wood
floors, $58,500. 1206
Bradford St. Starke, Fl.
Call 386-793-4446.
Mobile Homes
For Sale
100% FINANCING on new
4BR/2BA Modular Home
on 1 acre. $725/mo.
Flexible financing 904589-9585.
HUD, foreclosures .Remodeled with new appliances, carpet, paint. Low
down payment and payments starting at $575/
mo. 904-589-9585.
EVERYTHING INCLUDED, New modular home.
with washer & dryer. Call
to qualify for our zero
down program. 904-5899585.
LIKE NEW, 2002 Horton
very clean. $37,500
set up with AC. Call
904-259-4663.WAYNEF R I E R M A C C L E N N Y.
LIKE NEW 3BR singlewide.
16x60. 99 Skyline. Very
clean. Includes set up,
MACCLENNY Factory Out-
let. all homes $6-8K off
w/ free furniture & decor. Call 904-259-4663.
doublewide, Palm Harbor. super clean. $29K,
set up w/AC. Call 904259-4663.
REMODELED 3&4 Bedroom
with land. Ready to
move in. $3,500 down/
Thursday, Jan. 31, 2013 • Telegraph, Times & Monitor B Section
$499 month. Call 904259-4663.
2013 16x76 3 Bedroom.
$35,900, set up w/AC.
Call 904-259-4663.
NEW 2013 28x48- 3/2 Jacobsen, $35,400 delivered only. Or $39,995
delivered and set up,
big rooms. North Pointe
Homes 4545 NW 13th
St. Gainesville, 352-8725566.
2006 16x80- 3/2 $25,400-----2007
$33,500-----both homes
include delivery to your
land. Several repo’s
coming in the next 10
days. Call North Pointe
Super Center for details
Triple wide, on one acre.
New well, carpet, metal
roof, vinyl siding, large
wooden deck. Owner
financing. Call Bill 352745-0094. Must See.
3.5 ACRES, 3BR/2BA.
1680 square ft. manufactured home in McRae.
Clean, full appliances.
$5,000 down +-$800 with
taxes and insurance. Call
Jim 352-73-6994, evenings.
For Rent
ROOM FOR RENT, 4 miles
Camp Blanding.
Quiet neighbor, by month
$300 or with military ID.
by night or week. 904214-9754, leave message.
2BR/1BA SWMH/ with
addition. 1 acre fenced,
paved road. $525/mo.
first, last, sec. 352-4753094 or 352-235-1143.
WE HAVE 2 OR 3 bedroom
MH, clean, close to prison. Call 352-468-1323.
for rent Lake Butler.
Starke/Home for rent
,deposit required. Call
RENT starting at $525
per month. Hidden Oaks,
Lake Butler. Call 386496-8111.
for rent at the Magnolia
Hotel. Both refrigerator
and microwave. Special
rates, by the month. Call
904-964-4303 for more
house. Island kitchen,
granite counters, tile
floors, gas fireplace, Jacuzzi tub. 2 car garage
east of Keystone, with
lake access to Lake
school district. $1050/
mo. $1,050/dep. Call
Dave @352-473-3560.
LAKE BUTLER APARTMENTS, Accepting applications for HC and nonHC. 1,2,3, & 4 BR. This
institution is an equal
opportunity provider and
employer.” 1005 SW 6th
St. Lake Butler, 32054.
TDD/TTY 711.Call 386496-3141.
2BR Upstairs apartment,
downtown Starke. $450/
mo. plus deposit, etc
Call 904-364-9022.
on 4 acres. CH/A, all appliances, new carpet.
$650/mo. $650 deposit
negotiable terms. Service animals only. Call
Nice one bedroom mobile
on private land.
Furnished, includes TV.
$325/mo. 352-473-5745.
partly furnished, total refurbished, nestled in the
wood on Santa Fe River,
Very private, service animals only, $650/month.
Call 386-496-2030.
2BR mobile home, south
301. Very clean and nice.
Retired person preferred.
$450/mo. $450 deposit.
mobile home. 1st and
sec. No credit check,
need proof of employment and background
check. Max 2 people.
Call 1-954270-2919.
house. Shaded w/pecan trees, CH/A, storage shed, W/D, hookup,
garden site. 15484 21St.
ave.(off Besset Rd.) Call
904-472-6256 or 904384-8013.
1 BEDROOM upstairs garage apartment. $250/
mo. in good neighborhood
Starke. No alcohol, no
smoking, no children,
service animals only.
Must make deposit with
City of Starke. $300/mo.
Must be of good housekeeper. Call 904-9646351 ask for Lucille.
STARKE, 1,000 sf. first
floor apt. 3BR/2BA central HVAC, large living
room, kitchen with nook/
appliances, formal dining room, laundry room/
covering, ceiling fans,
large backyard, quite
$699, security $699.
Lease, $500 per Call
Dixon Rentals at 352588-0013 for application.
2BR/1BA CLEAN Mobile
Home in country. Partially furnished. $125/
weekly. First week, last
week, $100 security deposit. Call 904-964-2234
to inquire.
1,200 SQ. FT., 3 BR, 2 BA,
SW MH on one acre in
Bedford Oaks, Keystone
Hts., FL. $575/mo. service animals only, no
smokers, credit report,
and past references
required. Call 352-2351493.
49th Ave. CH/A. Dishwasher, quite area, service animals only. $650/
mo. plus deposit. Call
CUTE 3/2 pool home in
Starke. fenced yard, w/d,
pets ok. Deposit and
good credit needed. 352745-6168.
LAKE SANTA FE cottage.
beautiful view. washer/
dryer, yard service included. $800/mo. Call for
more details. 352-4682386.
LOST Long Haired grey (
looks brown) cat. Last
seen Friday night, Jan.
11, 2013. Mature female
(14 years old). Needs
daily medication. Long
haired domestic 95%
grey (with some white
and brown). Indoor/outdoor cat, no collar, not
declawed. please call
Yard Sales
MULTI-FAMILY yard sale.
Fri. Sat. 9am.-5pm. Inside Theressa Community Center. Clothing, glass
wares, tools, and lots of
other items.
Sat. 9am.-3pm. 3099
134th St. (one mile
passed Griffis Loop Kangatoo). Furniture, tools,
clothes, artificial flowers,
and much more.
YARD SALE, Sat. & Sun
8am.-5pm. 22555 Pine
St. in Lawtey.
GARAGE SALE, Fri. 7am.5pm. 802 N. Westmoreland St. Starke.
YARD SALE, Thurs. Fri.
Sat. 5.5 miles out SR.16
W. toward prison, on CR.
211. Look for signs on
9am.-3pm. 813 Pratt St,
Keystone Yard
sale. Multiple family, lots
of Items. Feb. 1,2, and 3
dawn to dusk. Free hot
dog and drink with purchase. 6217 SE Country Road 21B Keystone
Heights Fl –Country Caterers BBQ.
$300 & up. Free pick up,
running or not. Call 352771-6191.
For Sale
JAZZY PRIDE # 614 power
chair, new wheels, new
batteries, new hand controls. Good condition,
$1995. Call 352 4682877, Also have a Harma Power lift for $599.
JET 2 POWER chair, excellent condition, new
batteries,Less than 20
hours on chair, up to 25
miles on single charge.
Must see!!! paid $4,000.
Must sell $850. Local in
Starke, call (904)7693608 or (813)431-6084.
of termite & water-damaged wood & sills. Leveling & raising Houses/
Bldgs. Pier Replacement
& alignment. We do all
types of tractor work,
excavation and small
demolition jobs. Free Estimates: Danny (Buddy)
Clark, 904-284-8088 or
has money to lend for
MH & land packages.
HOME DAYCARE all hours.
Great rates, $70 for one
child $95 for two. 30 plus
years experience.
hours, lots of TLC. HRS
certified, CPR certified
and First Aide certified.
Call 386-496-1062.
hauling & spreading. Allen Taylor 904-509-9126.
concrete job, large or
small. We are a reliable,
licensed, insured, local
contractor. References
available upon request.
Call today to get started.
Mike at 352-745-0927 or
Kenny at 352-235-0148.
CONTRACTING. Whether it’s building a new home, doing
an addition or remodeling an existing home, we
are your solution. We
are a reliable, licensed,
insured, local contractor
with over 25 year’s experience. Call Mike at
352-745-0927 or Kenny
at 352-235-0148.
up the phone, we’ll clean
your home.” Free estimates. Call Tina at 352258-9167 or Debbie at
For Sale
Arts designer. Experience preferred. Work
experience or degree
accepted. 16 plus hours
per week. Competitive
wages. Send resume to
Mary Johnson PO Drawer A. Starke, Fl. 32091 or
e-mail .
LOWBOY DRIVER needed. Class A CDL. Full
time, DFWP. Apply within
Andrews Paving, Inc.
327 NW 123rd Place,
Gainesville, FL 32653Or
online at Or email
BOARD, bus drivers
needed. 40 hours cert.
class provided. New
training classes start in
two to three weeks in
Feb. Please call Mike
LOCAL BUSINESS HIRING! Potential of $2,000
plus per month. Part-time
hours. Call Gayle at 352494-2326.
Temporary Farm Labor:
Morris & Morris Farms,
Shorter, AL, has 1 positions for oilseed crops; 3
mos. experience for job
duties listed; must obtain
driver’s license within
30 days of employment;
tools, equipment, housing and daily trans provided for employees who
can’t return home daily;
trans & subsistence expenses reimb.; $9.78/hr;
three-fourths work period
guaranteed from 3/5/13 –
12/10/13. Apply at nearest FL Workforce Office
with Job Order 949740 or
call 850-245-7105.
DRIVER: All Miles paid
(Loaded & Empty)!Home
on the weekends! Running Class-A CDL Flatbed. Lease to Own-No
Money DownCALL: 866823-0323.
for the position of Public
Works Laborer. Perform
routine maintenance on
water/sewer lines. Install and repairs water/
sewer lines. Digs and
refills ditches, loads dirt
and construction materials. Repairs and installs
meters. Occasionally operates gasoline or other
powered machinery E.G.
mowers, and backhoes.
Performs maintenance
and manual labor work.
Performs tasks including
digging, brush cutting
and loading and unloading materials used in
operational process. Removes trash from streets,
performs other duties as
directed by the public
works supervisor and the
crew leader. Must have
a valid Florida drivers
class B. Must have high
school diploma or GED.
Must pass a physical and
drug test. Background
check required. Applications can be picked up
and returned to Bradford
Works located at 819
S. Walnut St. Starke, Fl
32091. Applications will
be accepted through
the close of business
on February 15, 2013.
The City of Starke is an
needed in
Heights with current
background and health
statement. Fax Resume
to 904 621-0968, or call
904 527-2030 M-F 9-4.
Department of Revenue.
General Tax Administration. Located in Alachua,
Florida. Apply at People
First website,
in Keystone Heights/w
18 yr. old disabled female. Must have high
school diploma/GED, 1
year exp. dependable
trans. and able to pass
background screening.
Approximately 30 hrs. a
week. For more information 904-966-2100.
NAIL TECH./HAIRDRESSER needed for local
salon. Booth rental $50
a week. Call Cassi for
or 2 years experience
working with elderly or
disabled clients. 2/3 days
per week. Sunrise Home
Care Services, 352-4682619.
Telegraph, Times & Monitor B Section • Thursday, Jan. 31, 2013
report, bass
and more
Paul Phillips of Starke noted
that the fishermen encountered
several bass beds during
tournament at Lake George on
Jan. 5. The lake is 80–100 miles
south of Starke, and several
large spring runs temper the lake
water on the western shore.
Joey Tyson of the Bald Eagle
Bait and Tackle in Keystone also
confirmed these descriptions
and anticipates the bass will
be staging for their anticipated
spawn shortly. He also noted
that crappies from Clay County
lakes indicated fish roe lately
when cleaned.
This is also consistent
with Gary Simpson’s weekly
Gainesville fishing report in
most of the Alachua and Marion
County lakes. However, this is
not consistent with reports of
Kingsley Lake and its deeper
water. Apparently, some of
the large female bass are
moving into shallower water in
preparation of their spawn in the
shallower lakes and the lakes
south of Starke.
The Lake Butler Bass Club
held its January tournament on
Jan. 5 on the Santa Fe River
at Sandy Point. Sandy Point
is paddling distance from
the Suwannee River, and the
location is somewhat unique to
bass fishermen from Clay and
even Bradford counties. Cody
Douglas and Dean Elixson
brought in the top five fish,
which totaled approximately 10
pounds. That weight is small
primarily because it includes
Suwannee bass—a beautiful but
somewhat smaller fish—as well
as largemouth bass.
The club’s next tournament
will be at Sampson and Rowell
lakes and subsequently will be
on the first Saturday of each
Anyone interested in fishing
with the Lake Butler club should
contact Dean Elixson.
The Bradford Bassmasters
tournament on Jan. 19 on Lake
George, launching just north of
Silver Glen Springs at M-Port
Ramp. The group encountered
the heavy wind after-effects of
a cold front, but did respectively
anyway. C.K. Ryan and John
Reis caught the top five fish,
which totaled 16.11 pounds,
and the big fish at 7.65 pounds.
Ron Corbin and Danny Weldon,
of Baldwin, placed second,
and Danny and Jesse Gathright
placed third.
The Bassmasters club has
finalized its 2013 tournament
schedule as listed below. (Note
specifically that the Feb. 23
tournament on Rodman at the
Kenwood ramp is an open meet.
If anyone would like to compete,
they can do so by paying only
the tournament charge. The club
dues are exempted.)
Tournament dates:
tournament), Rodman Kenwood
Seminole Spring Creek Park;
• April 27, Little Lake Santa
• May 25, Sampson Lake trestle;
• June 22, Lake Rousseau Dunnellon;
AT 6:00 P.M. LOCATION IS: 7100
1/31 1tchg-B-sect
• July 27, Rodman Kenwood;
24, Rodman
• Sept. 28, St. Johns Welatka;
• Oct. 1, TBA.
The Florida Bass Network
also fished Lake George on Jan.
19, launching at the Welatka
Ramp. The winning five fish
also totaled approximately 17
pounds, and the FBN, like the
other club, reported some bass
beds on the western shore of the
lake. The FBN will be fishing
Santa Fe Lake for its Feb. 2
tournament, and moonwise, that
tournament should be in for an
active fish day.
be made about the impact of
tournament fishing on the
bass population. Tournament
fishermen are good fishermen—
they fish hard, and they catch
many large fish. It is an accepted
practice, however, that all
tournament fish be released
unharmed. As a matter of
fact, most clubs will penalize
a fisherman if a fish dies. So
these fishermen are good
conservationists as well as good
The Jacksonville Daily
Record announced on Dec. 21,
2012, that Bass Pro Shops plan
to open a store on I-95, 17 miles
south of I-10 in north St. Johns
County. The store is scheduled to
open in the first quarter of 2014,
subject to planned interstate
alterations and tax negotiations.
That will shorten the previous
drive to Orlando for all those
outdoorsmen who feel obligated
to visit periodically.
Remember the following
dates for your outdoors calendar:
• Jan. 26, full moon;
• Feb. 10, new moon;
21, Crosshorn
Ministries monthly meeting at
the Starke Golf and Country
Club features Lamar Williams
for turkey hunting/calls;
• Feb. 25, full moon. Tight lines and safe hunting
until next week.
If you have a story, idea or
photo to share, please contact
Mickey Agner via email at mka@, or by phone
at 904-964-1488. Photos may
also be submitted in person at
the Bradford County Telegraph,
Union County Times or Lake
Region Monitor.