HOMEBREW February 2008 - Enid Amateur Radio Club | The Enid


HOMEBREW February 2008 - Enid Amateur Radio Club | The Enid
Enid ARC Social in the Works
The Enid Amateur Radio Club now has a date and place for a social celebrating its
affiliation with the American Radio Relay League.
According to the ARRL’s “Big Club List”, the EARC sought and was granted affiliation
with the league on March 5, 1938. The EARC is the second oldest affiliated club in the
state of Oklahoma and ranks 117th in the country.
The EARC will have a social March 8th recognizing the 70 years of active membership with
the ARRL. Mike Cofer, KD5OFF, has made arrangements for the club to meet at the
Ramada Inn in Enid starting at 6pm. All past and present members of the club are invited
to attend. Cost for the meal, which includes drinks and dessert, is $11.78 per person. Mike
would like to encourage all amateurs in the area to contact him if you are planning to
attend by March 1. You can RSVP his phone at 580-242-2865 or by e-mail at
kd5off@arrl.net. John Thomason, WB5SYT, will be on hand to make a presentation to the
What’s Inside
Fox’s Den……….….…….2
EARC Net Report…..……3
Minutes of Last Meeting…7
Mike has been reviewing old minutes and has found some interesting tid-bits that will be
shared during the dinner. He is also asking that if anyone has memories of the “good-oledays” of amateur radio, to contact him. There have already been some stories passed on of
great interest.
For more information go to the Enid ARC’s website at www.enidarc.net.
EARC 2007 Officers
Jess Andrews-KA5HYK
V. President
Tim McAnally-KD5KTB
Bill Keck-K5ECI
Devon McAnally-KD5UID
Dean Feken-KL7MA
The Garfield County/Enid Emergency Management will sponsor the National Weather
Service’s annual spotter training. The training will take place at the Autry Technology Center
located at 1201 W. Willow in Enid on March 4. Patrick Burke from the NWS office in Norman
is scheduled to begin his spotter training class at 7pm.
The NWS conducts training each year beginning in January as a refresher course for
experienced spotters and as a way for new personnel to receive instruction on how to safely
observe severe storms, how to identify important features, and how to make accurate
and timely reports. The training lasts about 2 1/2 hours.
For more information you can contact Mike Honigsberg, emergency manager, at 580249-5969 or Mike Cofer, Garfield County EC, at 580-242-2865.
The HomeBrew Newsletter
An Elmer is an amateur who helps other hams
improve their ham skills or assists a potential
ham fulfill their desire to become an amateur
radio operator.
Ray Miller, W5REC, was such ham. "Ride Em
Cowboy" became a silent key last month. Ray
impacted many lives during his 82 years on
planet Earth. . He encouraged his fellow
The HomeBrew
The HomeBrew is a monthly newsletter about the Enid
Amateur Radio Club. It is available in both print and
electronic form. The printed version can be found at
Wheat Capital Communications 306 W. Willow, Enid
Ok. The electronic form, in Adobe Acrobat PDF format,
is e-mailed on the second Thursday of each month. It is
also available on the EARC website at
To submit an article or place an ad for equipment, e-mail
the editor at thehomebrew@hotmail.com. Submissions
need to be received by the second Monday of each
month for publication.
The views contained in the HomeBrew are those of the
individual authors and are not necessarily the views of
the Editor or the Enid Amateur Radio Club.
HomeBrew Editor
Mike Cofer-KD5OFF
The Enid Amateur Radio Club
The Enid Amateur Radio Club (EARC) was founded in
1936 and continues to serve and support the amateur
radio community in Enid, Garfield County and the state
of Oklahoma. The EARC is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit
The purpose or purposes for which the EARC is formed
is a non-commercial association of radio amateurs, for
the promotion of interest in Amateur Radio
communications and experimentation’s.
For the advancement of the radio art and for the
assistance and education of those who are interested in
the theory, fundamentals, and operation of Amateur
For the maintenance of emergency communication
facilities, to aid in times of disasters and emergencies to
those in need as a public service, and to make said
communication facilities available without cost.
Article Four of the EARC Articles of
Anyone interested in amateur radio is eligible to apply
for membership. Dues for regular licensed amateurs are
$25 per year (Jan-Dec) for individuals. Family
membership is $30 per year. Membership dues can be
mailed to:
Enid Amateur Radio Club
P.O. Box 261
Enid Ok. 73702
The Enid Amateur Radio Club shall not discriminate
against race, creed, national origin, or sex for eligibility
for membership.
EARC Board of Directors
(Classified by last year of term)
Mike Cofer KD5OFF (V. Chairman)
Greg Veit KD5MFY
Dean Feken KL7MA
Al Fox KD5BA (Chairman)
Richard Herndon KD5ZOY
He worked on their radios and was an inspiration to all. As an amateur radio operator, W5REC relayed
messages (passed traffic) to loved ones from those in the military or just howdys from people separated
by the miles. He served twenty some years as an assistant ARRL director thus serving the entire ham
fraternity. We honored Ray at the EARC's celebration of 50 years with the ARRL. Ray won't be here
physically to be honored in March when the club celebrates 70 years as an ARRL affiliate but he will
be here in spirit. Thanks OM for the help, friendship and the memories.
Speaking of Elmers I would like to thank Sam, KD5EUS, for the many hams he has helped by offering
classes to get their licenses. What is it now Sam about 50? Sam told me that Rick, KD5ZYA, was a big
help taking over most of the last series of classes with the boy scouts when he was unable to make it
due to health concerns.
Another Elmer is Bryce Victory, KE5GRQ, Bryce, the band director at Pond Creek/Hunter high
school, shared his love of ham radio and now has a whole crew of ham radio operators there. The
group has formed a club accredited by the school and has spearheaded a weekly teen net.
What a great bunch of Elmers!
That is just the tip of the iceberg because when you have fixed something for a fellow ham, helped put
up a tower or just encouraged a new ham you became an Elmer.
Ham radio isn't it a great hobby?!!!
Have you ever wondered where the term “Elmer” came
The term "Elmer"--meaning someone who provides
personal guidance and assistance to would-be hams--first
appeared in QST in a March 1971 "How's DX" column by
Rod Newkirk, W9BRD (now also VA3ZBB). Newkirk
called them "the unsung fathers of Amateur Radio."
While he probably was not trying to coin a term at the
time, here's how Newkirk introduced "Elmer" in his
column and, as it turned out, to the rest of the Amateur
Radio world: "Too frequently one hears a sad story in this
little nutshell: 'Oh, I almost got a ticket, too, but Elmer,
W9XYZ, moved away and I kind of lost interest.'"
Newkirk went on to say, "We need those Elmers. All the Elmers, including the ham who took the
most time and trouble to give you a push toward your license, are the birds who keep this great game
young and fresh."--Rick Lindquist, N1RL
As you can see, the term is not very old. Prior to the first use of Elmer as the one who guided and
encouraged us, what were these folks called? I have received a lot of suggestions; teacher, mentor,
tutor, guide, helper, sage? All are appropriate but my guess would be that first and foremost they
were called friend.
Norm Fusaro W3IZ from the ARRL Mentor Program website www.arrl.org.
The HomeBrew Newsletter
The Enid Amateur Radio Club hosts a net each Monday at 8:00 pm on the
145.290 repeater.
January 2007
January 2008
News from KE5OGQ
There are several club members looking into storm spotting for this coming severe
weather season. Chris, KE5OCU, T.J., KE5OCY, and Herbert, KE5OCW are planning
to take the storm spotting training class at the Autry Vo-Tech center in Enid on March
4th. OCY will probably take a training class earlier that will be offered in Cherokee.
The PCHARC is trying to become more involved with ARES and has started working
on emergency communications at this time.
That’s all for now.
Silent Key
The EARC wishes to express its
sadness at the passing of a club member.
Ray Miller-W5REC
Raymond L. Miller, 82, passed away January 10, 2008. He was born June 19, 1925, near Waukomis to Virgil R. Miller and Eleanor Elizabeth
Perry Miller and died Thursday, Jan. 10, 2008.
He attended Morningstar elementary school, Waukomis High School and graduated from Oklahoma A&M. He married Martha McGann July
29, 1946. She died in 1993. He attended Bethany Chapel, Trinity United Methodist Church and Bethany EUB before becoming a member of
Willow Road Christian Church.
He served in the Navy as a radioman first class during World War II in the Pacific Theater. He worked at Vance Air Force Base as chief
supervisor, quality and reliability assurance for aircraft maintenance division, then worked as chief engineer/technical advisor at KGWA. He
was an amateur radio operator. He was ARRL assistant director, west gulf division.
Surviving are two sons, Richard J. Miller of Dallas and Robert D. Miller of Tulsa; two half brothers, Doyle Miller and Milton Miller, both of
Enid; one half sister, Merlene O’Bryant of Enid; four grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.
In addition to his wife, Martha, he was preceded in death by one half sister.
The HomeBrew Newsletter
The Garfield County ARES will not have a meeting Thursday, February 14, but instead will have a short
meeting February 21 at 6pm right before the Enid Amateur Radio Club monthly meeting.
Field Day 2008 Rules and Forms Now Available
It's that time of year again -- time to start gearing up for Field Day, ARRL's flagship operating event.
Field Day, held the fourth full weekend in June, brings together new and experienced hams for 24 hours
of operating fun. ARRL Field Day Manager Dan Henderson, N1ND, says there are several rules
changes this year, mainly concerning "Get on the Air" (GOTA) stations and the elimination of the
Demonstration Mode Bonus Category. The complete Field Day Packet can be downloaded from the
ARRL Web site. A full 2008 Field Day page on the ARRL Web site will be coming in the next few weeks.
2008 Rules Changes
GOTA (Get on the Air) stations are those stations set aside by Field Day teams designed to get nonhams or newly licensed hams on the air. Unlike in past years where GOTA stations were limited to only
the HF bands, the 2008 rules state that these stations may operate on any authorized HF or VHF Field
Day band. Keep in mind that only one signal may be transmitted from the GOTA station at any time.
Henderson said the eligibility for operating the GOTA station has changed slightly: Anyone who has
been licensed since Field Day 2007 is eligible to operate the GOTA station, regardless of license class.
For 2008, the Demonstration Mode Bonus category has been eliminated and replaced by an Educational
Activity Bonus worth 100 points. "This bonus is intended to encourage clubs and groups to do some
more formal educational activity during their Field Day operation," Henderson said. If you have any
questions concerning what activities might be appropriate for this bonus, Henderson said you should
submit them via e-mail.
Be sure to read the Field Day rules and FAQs in the 2008 Field Day Packet for details of these changes.
There are also numerous small changes in the FAQs and support materials in the packet that should
help groups and individuals as they plan their Field Day activities, Henderson said.
Get the Word Out!
The 2008 Field Day Packet also includes an expanded Press Kit, thanks to the work of ARRL Media and
Public Relations Manager Allen Pitts, W1AGP. Included in this expanded portion of the packet is a
sample "Field Day Proclamation" for those groups who work with local city or town officials toward
getting a Field Day Week declared in their location.
The HomeBrew Newsletter
"We are excited that historic station K6KPH will once again participate transmitting the W1AW
special Field Day Bulletin on the West Coast," Henderson said. More details are available in the Field
Day Packet.
Information concerning the popular Field Day pins and T shirts will be announced in the next few
Henderson said that those wishing to obtain a complete Field Day Packet via US mail need to send a 9
x 12 inch self-addressed, stamped manila envelope with 5 units of postage to Field Day Packet Request,
ARRL, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111. Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.
If people wish to order display kits for their tables at Field Day, please contact Debra Johnson, K1DMJ,
ARRL Education Manager, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111, tel 860-594-0296. The cost for the
display kit ranges from $8-$12 depending on shipping. To ensure having the kits in time for Field Day,
you are encouraged to order them no later than June 13.
2008 Field Day Logo: Ride the Waves
ARRL member Mary Von Lintig, KV2M, suggested the slogan for Field Day
2008: "Ride the Waves." A member of the South Jersey Radio Association,
Von Lintig, inspired by the 2007 Field Day "bug" in last year's logo, enjoys
VHF contesting and ARRL Sweepstakes and recently joined the Frankford
Radio Club. "And, I like ARRL Field Day of course," she says. "I usually
operate 21 hours of the event!" An avid portable radio operator, she has even
been on-the-air while operating her lawnmower. "They also call me the YL on
rollerblades." Mary and her husband Richard Van Lintig, KV2R, live in
Voorhees, New Jersey. This year's logo was designed by ARRL Graphic Arts
Supervisor Sue Fagan, KB1OKW, and Senior Technical Illustrator David
Pingree, N1NAS.
ARRL website http://www.arrl.org/news/stories/2008/02/08/101/?nc=1
1. QST, Your Monthly Membership Journal
QST is simply the source for news and information on any topic that's part
of, or relates to, Amateur Radio
2. Members-Only Web Access
Product Review archive -- Get copies of any QST Product Review column
from 1980 to the present in an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file.
3. Technical Information Service (TIS)- The Technical Information Service (tis@arrl.org) has been around for a long time,
but, thanks to the addition of new staff, it has an all new face!
4. Ham Radio Equipment Insurance 5. Outgoing QSL Service 6. ARRL Field Organization
The HomeBrew Newsletter
February 18-President’s Day
February 21-Enid ARC Monthly Meeting 7pm Red Cross
March 4-NWS Spotter Training Autry Vo-Tech
March 8-Enid ARC Social
March 14 & 15-Green Country Ham Fest
Following is a list of newly licensed amateurs in the Enid area:
Nicholas E Jasper, KE5RYB-Enid
Bennett T Bartel, KE5RXT-Enid
Frances I Bartel, KE5RXS-Enid
Parker B Stambaugh, KE5RXR-Enid
Mary Q Stambaugh, KE5RXQ-Enid
Logan S Mc Connell, KE5RXP-Lahoma
Jared A Mc Connell, KE5RXO-Lahoma
Caleb M Brymley, KE5SEK-Enid
Ryan L Jackson, KE5SEL-Enid
Mottos to Work By
- Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings, they did it by killing all those who opposed them.
- If you can stay calm, while all around you is chaos...then you probably haven't completely understood the
seriousness of the situation.
- Doing a job RIGHT the first time gets the job done. Doing the job WRONG fourteen times gives you job
- Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
- Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity
- A person who smiles in the face of adversity...probably has a scapegoat.
- Plagiarism saves time.
- If at first you don't succeed, try management.
- Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.
- TEAMWORK...means never having to take all the blame yourself.
The HomeBrew Newsletter
The Enid Amateur Radio Club (EARC)
January 17, 2008
American Red Cross Building, Enid, OK
The Enid Amateur Radio Club met Thursday evening, January 17, 2008, at the American Red
Cross Building, Enid, OK.
Jess/KA5HYK called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
NOTE: The only official business conducted at the previous meeting of The Club—a dinner
gathering of 33 members and guests on Thursday, December 6th, 2007, at 6:30 p.m. at the
Golden Corral Restaurant in Enid—was the installation of the following new director and
club officers by 2007 Board Chairman Greg View/KD5MFY:
M/S/C to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented by Devon/KD5UID. Will all
outstanding bills included, The Club has positive checking and savings account balances.
Membership report: Gene/N5SPY has been released from the hospital without complications.
The Club shared memories of Ray/W5REC, SK..
In accordance with Article II, Section 1 of its bylaws, The EARC Board of Directors gave
a report on its 2007 annual meeting. The Board has elected Al/KD5BA as its Chairman,
Mike/KD5OFF as Vice Chairman, and Richard/KD5ZOY as Corporate Secretary for 2008.
Dean/KL7MA will remain the Trustee of the club station, W5HTK (FRN 0003901345) which is
licensed through October 19, 2014. The Chairman will provide the Board’s goals and
directions for new club officers at a later meeting.
Based on the 2007 annual financial review, The Club determined that membership dues are
appropriate at the current level of $25 per individual; $30 per family. The Club agreed
that no further discussion was needed regarding a youth membership fee.
Old Business
Planning continues for the 70th anniversary of The Club’s affiliation with ARRL. The
Club agreed to forego the annual Chili Supper, customarily held in February, to focus on
this important event. EARC is the second oldest ARRL club in Oklahoma. The Club
discussed possible locations and catering options for a family-style social event, and
informally agreed to schedule the event on Saturday, March 29th, from 6:00-9:00 p.m. In
case no satisfactory location is available on this date, March 8th will be the back-up.
Preparation includes collecting memorabilia, locating and consolidating minutes and
records, and inviting founding and long-time members and/or their spouses to be special
The Club agreed on Croslin Park as the best option available for the location of ARRL
Field Day 2008, June 28-29th.
Al Fox will reserve an area at the park. The Club
welcomed an offer from Ryan Jackson to help facilitate these arrangements.
M/S/C to invite the Enid Squadron of the Oklahoma Wing
of the Civil Air Patrol to participate alongside The Club during its ARRL Field Day
New Business and coming events
The Club has received a $400 grant from the Oklahoma ARES Doard of Directors in response
to a submission prepared by EARC board directors Mike/KD5OFF, Greg/KD5MFY, and
Dean/KL7MA. The submission proposed use of the funding to purchase an HF antenna coupler
for use at The Club station. The Club affirmed the decision by the EARC Board of
Directors to use the grant funds plus an additional $199.95 from the club checking
account to purchase the coupler. The installation date will be Saturday, February 2nd.
The HomeBrew Newsletter
Installing the coupler will require both outdoor (weather permitting) and indoor work.
Indoor work will extend to organizing and preparing The Club radio room for operation.
Greg/KD5MFY reported that the 147.150 repeater which The Club recently removed from a
tower at the Saint Mary’s Regional Health Center has a bad power amplifier and that no
repair parts are readily available. The Club discussed the options for restoring this
unit, including replacement of the PA section for an estimated cost of $600.
Al/KD5BA reviewed the 2008 calendar of club events, which are:
March of Dimes WalkAmerica, 26 April
Tri-State Parade, 3 May
ARRL Field Day, 28-29 June
OKC Hamfest, 19 July
YMCA Willow Lake Triathlon, 2 August
AMBUCS Bike Marathon, 30 August
Cherokee Strip Parade, 13 September
JOTA, 25-26 October
Enid Hamfest, 1 November
Light Up the Plains, 28 November
Al/KD5BA invited club members to join him in providing support to the Kenwood Golden
Days, 18-21 September.
The Club instructed Phil/K5ECH and Bill/K5ECI to look into the possibility of a club
exhibit at the 2008 Garfield County Fair, 2-8 September.
At the conclusion of the regular business portion of the meeting, Jess/KA5HYK invited
input from all present regarding goals and activities The Club should consider for 2008,
generating the following list:
Shorter meetings
Relocation and restoration of W5HTK/147.150 repeater
Restoration of the WA5QYE/444.400 repeater
Quarterly presentations
Family social
Training for net traffic handling
Increasing membership
Bylaws review
Training on operating procedures
Finish the club radio room
Familiarization with club equipment
Fundraising events and available grants
Balloon launch
The Club will discuss the feasibility and priority of each item at a later meeting.
M/S/C to adjourn at 8:26 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Bill/K5ECI, Club Secretary