
May 2015
Lead. Serve. Grow.
Join us Thursday, May 21st at Silver Eagle Distributors for our 2015 Industry of the Year Membership
Luncheon Honoring Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP’s Pasadena Plastics Complex
Visit our website to make your reservation at
MY CHAMBER has provided many amazing opportunities
for me to develop my business and grow both personally
and professionally. As soon as I began working in the
Pasadena Area, I joined the Pasadena Chamber and
became involved with the Taste of the Town Event. It
was one of the best things I have ever done! I now am
part of this incredible organization of professional men
and women that is completely devoted to supporting
Pasadena’s Business community and promoting growth
in our area. My Chamber works for me – and it works for
Pasadena Business!
Monica Perry Waggett
Doctor’s Outpatient Surgicenter
In This Issue
Dr. Brenda Hellyer delivered her State of the College address on April 16, 2015.
Read about it on page 13.
Upcoming Events—Pg. 4
New Members—Pg. 11
News You Can Use—Pg. 13
Election Results—Pg. 17
“To promote economic development and community growth to ensure the prosperity of Pasadena’s businesses and citizens.”
Calendar of Events
Executive Board
Cary Bass – Chairman
Bass & Meineke
We invite you to plan ahead and take part of the many exciting upcoming events your chamber has
planned. There is something for everyone and we look forward to connecting with you soon!
Monica Waggett – Chair Elect
Doctors Outpatient Surgicenter
Membership 101
Rick Guerrero – Past Chair
State of the City Luncheon
21 Cultural Arts Theatre Night
ARG Real Estate
Member 2 Member Mornings
Jeanna Barnard
Membership 101
Bayshore Medical Center
Membership 101
Sherry Bufkin
Young Guns Business Over Breakfast
Monthly Luncheon
State of the County Luncheon
Young Guns Professional Power Hour
Membership 101
Member 2 Member Mornings
Post Oak Bank
Kevin Jeter
Miles A/C
Valerie Revilla
New Dimensions Home Health
Board of Directors
Sherrel Brantley
Ichi –ban Trophy & Engraving
Greg Clary
Pasadena Rodeo Association
Bruce Dockall
Michael Gilbert
Business Foundations
Business Expo
PHBC Breakfast Mixer
Membership 101
Membership 101
Young Guns Business Over Breakfast
Rugged Race 5K
Business Foundations
Monthly Luncheon
Member 2 Member Mornings
Young Guns Lunch with Leaders
Industrial Appreciation Golf Tournament
Legislative Affairs Meeting
Membership 101
Member 2 Member Mornings
Monthly Luncheon
Young Guns Lunch with Leaders
Membership 101
Chevron Phillips Pasadena Plastics Complex
Young Guns Professional Power Hour
Taste of the Town
James Guthrie
Business Foundations: Social Media Strategies
Membership 101
Thrivent Financial
Industry of the Year Membership Luncheon
Denise Jennings
Annual Gala
Sam Jimenez
Membership 101
Awards Luncheon
Chairman’s Circle Luncheon
John Mrozek
Texas Chiropractic College
Margie Pena
Pasadena Hispanic Business Council
Ken Phelps
Phelps Insurance
Anthony Tellez
Silver Eagle Distributors
Wayne Webb
Community Bank of Texas
Robert Whitley
Blasingame Whitley, Attorneys at Law
Ex-Officio Directors
Paul Davis
City of Pasadena
Kirk Lewis
Pasadena Independent School District
Pedro Garcia
Port of Houston Authority
Tammie Nielsen
Commissioner Jack Morman,
Harris County Pct. 2
Stephen Trnack
2 District
San Jacinto College
Pasadena Chamber of Commerce
Chairman’s Letter
What a great month May is starting out to be. We had a great turnout at the Industrial Appreciation Golf Tournament,
40 teams participated in the event. Bear Hebert did a great job chairing the committee.
The Strawberry Festival kicks off this month with a parade on May 9th and the Festival begins May 17th. Our monthly
luncheon is to be held at the Silver Eagle Distributors honoring the 2015 Industry of the Year, Chevron Phillips
Chemical Company, LP Pasadena Plastics Complex. Make your reservations early. The Pasadena Education Foundation Shinning
Stars Gala will be held May 28th at the Double Tree Hotel, and The Texas Invitational Golf Tournament is June 9th.
Ambassador’s Ribbon cuttings for the month include, Congressman Brian Babin - Deer Park, Watermill Express (Grand Opening),
and Beatifications for Bank of America – 9260 Southmore Ave., John Manlove Marketing – 5125 Preston, and the First Presbyterian
– 4647 Preston Ave. Hats off to the Chamber folks for all of your hard work.
Have a safe and happy Memorial Day. The Pasadena Chamber is your source of information for Pasadena; please visit our website
for the complete calendar of events at:
Our Mission Statement
“To promote economic development and community growth to ensure the prosperity of Pasadena’s businesses and citizens”
Have a great day and keep smiling,
Cary Bass, Chairman of the Board
From the President
Members & Friends,
We are so very fortunate to the many companies and organizations that make up our Pasadena Chamber of
Commerce. Thank you for your membership, sponsorships and volunteer hours you invest in bettering our community.
The first part of the year has been very busy with events and we are looking forward to shifting gears to plan for all of
our new events in the fall over the next few months!
Mark your calendars to join us for our new Business Foundations programming designed to provide educational opportunities for
members and businesses in Pasadena. The first topic will be about “Simplifying Social Media Strategies” on May 19th at the chamber
office, more information is included.
Our May membership luncheon is one you won’t want to miss out on as we celebrate the many accomplishments of Industry and
award deserving students of PISD scholarships! After this month we won’t meet again for lunch until August; however, we want you
to save the date for our Business Expo on Sept 1st at the Pasadena Convention Center and on December 3rd we will be celebrating
“75 Years of Leadership” at our Annual Gala.
Remember, our team is here to assist in any way possible and if we can enhance your experience please let us know. We will
continue to host Membership 101 monthly to inform our members on how they can get the most out of their membership.
Working together, we can continue to Build Business and Support Community.
Happy Mother’s Day to all of our Mom’s!
Best Regards,
Pasadena Chamber of Commerce
Platinum Partners
If you are interested in more information on how you can become a Platinum Partner please contact the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce.
Platinum Partner of the Month
PHA: Moving the World and Driving Regional Prosperity
For more than 100 years, the Port of Houston Authority has owned and operated the public
facilities located along the Port of Houston, the 25-mile-long complex of diversified public and
private facilities designed for handling general cargo, containers, grain and other dry bulk
materials, project and heavy-lift cargo, and other types of cargo. The Port Authority has a
mission “to move the world and drive regional prosperity” and plays a vital role in ensuring navigation safety
along the Houston Ship Channel. This federal waterway has been instrumental in Houston’s development as a
center of international trade.
Each year, nearly 8,400 vessels from around the world call at the port. Houston’s port is the leading export port
in the nation. More than 200 million tons of cargo move through the port annually. Ship channel-related
business provides nearly $179 billion in annual economic benefit and more than one million jobs to Texas,
generating nearly $500 billion in economic activity and more than 2.1 million direct and indirect jobs nationwide.
The channel is critical to the nation’s energy security as home to the second-largest petrochemical complex in
the world.
Port Commissioners approved and implemented the Small Business Development Program in 2002 as an
economic development tool to aid small businesses in Harris and the surrounding eight county areas. The intent
of the Program is to engage local small businesses and provide companies an opportunity to participate in the
Port Authority’s procurement process.
With a vision to be “America’s distribution hub for the next generation,” the Port of Houston Authority is ready for
what the future may bring.
We applaud these individuals, organizations, and firms that have renewed their financial commitment to the growth of our community through their continued investment in the chamber. We appreciate each and every one of you.
Congratulations on celebrating your anniversary this month!
Edward H. White II American Legion Post 521 ................................................................................................................ ..................................... .................................... 2 years
ARG Real Estate, LLC...................................................................................................................................................... ..................................... .................................... 6 years
Austin Industrial ................................................................................................................................................................ ..................................... .................................... 3 years
BASF ................................................................................................................................................................................ ..................................... .................................... 24 years
Baycenter Family Physician, P.A. .................................................................................................................................... ..................................... .................................... 8 years
Beyond Beaute` Day Spa ................................................................................................................................................. ..................................... .................................... 16 years
Children’s Enchanted Learning Center ............................................................................................................................ ..................................... .................................... 10 years
Coldwell Bank United, Realtors ........................................................................................................................................ ..................................... .................................... 13 years
Community Bank of Texas ............................................................................................................................................... ..................................... .................................... 6 years
Deer Park Family Clinic, PA ............................................................................................................................................. ..................................... .................................... 8 years
Louie A. Ditta, J.P. Precinct 8, Position 2......................................................................................................................... ..................................... .................................... 19 years
Drury Inns, Inc. ................................................................................................................................................................. ..................................... .................................... 18 years
Fastsigns—Gulf Frwy..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................... .................................... 24 years
First Baptist Church of Pasadena................................................................................................................................. ..................................... .................................... 39 years
Food Town, Inc. .............................................................................................................................................................. ..................................... .................................... 21 years
Force Transportation, Inc. ................................................................................................................................................ ..................................... .................................... 2 years
Gray-Chem, Inc. .............................................................................................................................................................. ..................................... .................................... 25 years
Congressman Gene Green ............................................................................................................................................ ..................................... .................................... 20 years
IronEdge Group, LTD ....................................................................................................................................................... ..................................... .................................... 5 years
IWS Gas and Supply of Texas ......................................................................................................................................... ..................................... .................................... 4 years
Kwik Kopy Printing—The K Team ................................................................................................................................ ..................................... .................................... 23 years
La Quinta Inn & Suites—Deer Park.................................................................................................................................. ..................................... .................................... 5 years
Medical Screening Clinic .................................................................................................................................................. ..................................... .................................... 13 years
Pasadena Noon Optimist Club ......................................................................................................................................... ..................................... .................................... 11 years
Pasadena Eye Associates................................................................................................................................................ ..................................... .................................... 7 years
Pasadena Trailer & Truck Accessories, Inc. .................................................................................................................... ..................................... .................................... 13 years
Pinnacle Industries, LTD................................................................................................................................................ ..................................... .................................... 21 years
Project Surveillance, Inc. .................................................................................................................................................. ..................................... .................................... 12 years
Rolltex Shutters ................................................................................................................................................................ ..................................... .................................... 5 years
Safety RX.......................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................... .................................... 5 years
Salon Avante` ................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................... .................................... 2 years
Second Baptist Church.................................................................................................................................................. ..................................... .................................... 25 years
Severn Trent Environmental Services, Inc. ................................................................................................................. ..................................... .................................... 21 years
Caroline Tuck State Farm Insurance................................................................................................................................ ..................................... .................................... 8 years
Super 8 Motel—Vista Road .............................................................................................................................................. ..................................... .................................... 15 years
SWS Communications ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19 years
Texas Power Sports of Pasadena............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 43 years
Thrivent Financial ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12 years
Timber Creek Golf Club............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 years
10 International Corp. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 years
Ventech Engineers
Windshire Apartments ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 years
New Members
Aldape Legal PLLC
Bernardo Aldape
Congressman Brian Babin
Kelly Waterman
JMJ Group. LLC
Jonathan Castrejon
Vangaurd Truck Center of Houston
Dynasty Boxing Promotions and Boxing Club
Severo Morales, Jr.
Pat Dizazzo
The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce is committed to providing our members a return on their investment through:
Networking Opportunities
Marketing Services
Community Involvement
Information Access
Workforce Development
Political Advocacy
Image Enhancement
Member Benefits
Membership investment levels and benefit packages are available online at Call 281-487-7871 for
more details on how you too can become a member of the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce!
Committee Corner
Looking for ways to maximize your membership? One option is to volunteer on a committee to
help plan and execute details for an upcoming fundraiser. See below for upcoming opportunities to serve!
Legislative Affair Committee
The purpose of this committee is to establish a footprint for the Chamber in the political policy forum locally, state-wide and nationally. The committee will be presented with information that area groups affiliated with the Chamber are supporting and the committee will then choose which policies or agendas the Chamber will put its name and influence behind.
Currently under consideration by the Legislative Affairs Committee:
SB 182 (Texas 84th Legislature)
HB 365 (Texas 84th Legislature)
The US Government's renewal of the Ex-Im Bank
Our next meeting is May 12 at 4:00pm. Brian Freedman of Boeing will be speaking about the Export Import Bank and State tax issues - specifically
where we are with franchise/margins tax and others. If you are interested in joining this committee, have questions or would like to submit agenda
items for discussion please contact Matt Salazar:
Pasadena Hispanic Business Council (PHBC)
This committee assists, supports and empowers Hispanic businesses and community through entrepreneurial development and leadership. Our
next meeting is Wednesday, May 13th at 8:15am here at the chamber. We will be planning the Breakfast Mixer scheduled for June 10, 2015.
Young Guns: Targeting Professionals Under 40
“Under 40” professionals who plan, participate and host events tailored to meet the needs of young leaders in our community. They meet monthly,
the last Wednesday of the month at 10:00am alternating between Deer Park & Pasadena Chamber offices. Events for Young Guns are hosted
monthly and include Business-Over-Breakfast, Lunch with Leaders & Professional Power Hours. This month join for the annual 6th St Social in
Kemah that includes young professionals from surrounding young professional organizations as well.
Classic Club
These members are retired business men & women who volunteer their time welcoming new members and awarding area businesses for
beautification projects. Beautification projects consist of 3 categories; Landscaping of the Month, Building of the Month and Renovations of the
Month. Below are the Beautifications for the month of May.
Bank of America
John Manlove Marketing
First Presbyterian Church
News You Can Use
Ever consider having an intern in your business? Read below about opportunities!
College students often wonder, as they begin taking classes, what the next course of action will be once they’ve completed
their degree. Many students often don’t have the experience outside of their education necessary to join the workforce after college –
and without the ability to get a job, many students are in a vicious cycle of not having experience and no way to gain it. Additionally,
many students are apprehensive about participating in an internship program because of myths often associated with internships; myths
such as the misconception that all internships are unpaid, that interns are often “office gophers”, that there really is no real experience
to be gained in an internship, and/or that companies simply use interns as employees that will handle all the work no one else wants to
However, the truth is internships should no longer be associated with these “legends” – internships are now one of the most
effective ways for a student to gain experience prior to graduation! In fact, internship programs are excellent networking opportunities
for students and studies have shown that almost 7 out of 10 internships turn into full-time jobs.
The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with San Jacinto College, has established an effective and awesome
internship program for students! Participating SJC students are given the opportunity to submit a resume, interview, and potentially work
with the Pasadena Chamber – gaining valuable experience along the way. The program, which began Fall of 2014, has employed 4
interns over the course of the year: Erica Bernal, Jose Cantu, Miranda Rodriguez, and Wyatt Vascoe.
“Having interns in our office has allowed us to take the chamber to the next level. We have relied on their graphic design skills,
social media knowledge and assistance in many administrative items,” Cristina Womack, President and CEO for the Chamber has said,
“Overall I would say this program has allowed us to provide opportunities for students to learn in a fast-paced environment, gaining invaluable exposure to our community. Additionally, we have been able to capitalize on their assets to add to our team and grow in areas
that we were lacking”.
Additionally, the program is looking to expand and gain new opportunities and partnerships for San Jacinto College students in
the future, by asking local businesses and Chamber members to participate in the program by working with San Jacinto College and
hiring interns to help in their offices. This outstanding opportunity provides a WIN/WIN scenario for both students and hiring employers;
students gain resume worthy experience, while the employers gain new and innovative ways of implementing ideas and initiatives.
Companies of all size and industry are great candidates for this program and the process is very easy to get started working with the
team at SJC.
As one of the Pasadena Chamber intern participants, Miranda Rodriguez, states, “this internship has benefited me as a student because it has given me more drive to be the best I can be, so that I can end up in my dream job. It has helped me to feel more
comfortable in a professional setting and I have learned to do things outside of my comfort zone.”
We thank all of the interns this year for their hard work and dedication, and look forward to working with new and exciting students in the semesters to come! Companies interested in pursuing more information on starting an internship program should make
plans to attend the May 21st Membership Luncheon when scholarships will be awarded and information will be available with the SJC
team! IF you are unable to attend, please contact Cristina Womack at or 281-487-7871 for more information.
Jose Cantu, Cristina Womack, Erica Bernal and Wyatt Vascoe
Matt Salazar, Miranda Rodriguez and Janette Morgan
San Jacinto College Update
With an eye to the future, Chancellor Brenda Hellyer of San Jacinto College (SJC) updated
members of the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce at its monthly luncheon at the SJC central
campus Thursday (April 16).
One potential option for the future is expanding the SJC nursing program to include a
bachelor of science in nursing. In Austin, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
listed the possibility of offering new bachelor’s degrees in nursing and applied sciences at
community colleges as a priority recommendation for the current legislative session.
Currently, SJC offers a licensed vocational nursing program and a registered nursing with an
associate’s degree. “We know that the nursing industry is changing. We know that an
associate’s degree in registered nursing has been where the industry was before but there’s
a trend toward a bachelor of science in nursing; so at the state level we are requesting the
opportunity to have two bachelor programs here at SJC. One would be a bachelor of science in nursing and the other would be a bachelor of
applied technology to meet our workforce needs. These students would be technicians that have gone into the field and now want to get into a
management level where we could build onto those programs,” Hellyer said. “There will be a hearing next week around the bachelor’s programs. I
will be there to testify and we’ll see where that goes. Hopefully, it will happen.”
As the end of a $295 building program nears completion, SJC officials have started making plans for a bond proposal. “We’re now working on
‘San Jac for tomorrow’ which is our 2015 program. We are looking at a bond probably sometime in November,” Hellyer said. “The big things I see
coming out of this bond are a center for petrochemical. We need additional capacity and expansion. We’re also looking at a center for engineering
and technology at our south campus. And them some other centers focused around what’s needed for this region. We’re looking at a new
classroom building for the central campus and then things that aren’t sexy like infrastructure, water sewer. It’s part of having facilities that are over
50 years-old.”
Going forward, early college high schools are programs that continue to gain momentum across the state. “Early college high school models are
designed for high school freshmen with the goal that by the time they get out of high school they will be earning their high school diploma and their
associate’s degree,” Hellyer said. SJC has three early college high school programs. Pasadena ISD established their program in 2011. Clear
Creek ISD has Clear Horizon High School and one other has been set up with Sheldon ISD. “We are opening our fourth one this fall. These are
an amazing model that really challenges students and provides them an avenue to expand their education,” Hellyer said.
SJC currently has a total of 29,352 students with an average age of 23.5 years-old. Approximately 77 percent of the student population are
first-generation college students. During the 2013-14 school year, a total of 5,222 students received an associate’s degree or a certificate, up from
5,076 in 2012-2013 and 4,738 in 2011-2012.
Friends from Texas Chiropractic College
Carol Bell, Andy Cherry & Beverly Ferguson at
Coastal Flow Measurement’s Expo Booth
Pasadena Chamber of Commerce
Chamber Events
Ribbon Cutting for Texas Chiropractic College
On April 18th of 2015 the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce had the opportunity
to attend and help facilitate the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony celebrating the
opening of the Dr. Nobunori Iwama Anatomical Laboratory at Texas
Chiropractic College. In recognition of his support of the chiropractic profession
and Texas Chiropractic College, TCC, dedicated the Antatomical to Dr. Iwama.
Dr. Nobunori Iwama is an adviser of the Japan Chiropractic Association and
dedicated champion of lifelong learning. His efforts have helped expand the
chiropractic education necessary for improving the health of patients and
effective clinic management.
Hundreds were in attendance, many of them Japanese chiropractic students
that were visiting the campus for a brief opportunity to study abroad at TCC.
State Senator Sylvia Garcia briefly spoke to welcome the visitors and to thank
Dr. Iwama for his dedication to TCC and their efforts.
On Thursday, April 30th our Young Guns held it’s Lunch with Leaders at The Republic Grill at the
Battleground Golf Course in Deer Park. Luke Wilbanks, Owner/Operator of Chick-fil-A Pasadena was
our guest speaker. Sixteen years ago, Luke began with Chick-fil-A as a team member in Lufkin,
Texas. He steadily worked his way into leadership and in 2007, at the age of 25, became the Owner/
Operator of Chick-fil-A at Valley View Center in Dallas. In 2008, Luke relocated to Nacogdoches to
open and operate the new freestanding Chick-fil-A. Then, in 2012, an opportunity to move to the
Chick-fil-A in Pasadena became available and on April 1st, 2012 he moved with his family to operate
the store, where he serves today.
2015 Rugged Race
Carol Welch once wrote “Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person’s physical, emotional,
and mental state.” It is so important to teach kids at a young age what it means to be healthy and how
they can live and promote a healthy lifestyle. The Varsity Volleyball Coach and P.E. Health Department
Chair from Pasadena Memorial High School has not only found a way to promote a healthy lifestyle; but
she has a found a fun and exciting way to do it that will bring the community, families, teachers, and kids
together. Kasie Fernandez was the creator of the Rugged Race, a 5k obstacle course for people of all
ages to come together with the hopes of raising money to donate a playground or playing area to elementary schools or middle schools in Pasadena that do not already have one. The goal of the Rugged
Race is to create opportunities for kids to get physical exercise in everyday, which will go on to improve
their learning capabilities as stated on the Rugged Race website “Physical activity exerts a powerful,
positive influence on physical health, emotional stability, and the motivation and ability to learn.” The 4th
Annual Rugged Race was held on April 11 , 2015 at their new location at the Pasadena Convention Center. Due to the growth, we moved to the
Convention Center to allow more space for runners and obstacles. In hopes of continuing to grow the event, this was the second year Mrs. Fernandez has partnered with the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce to bring in more vendors, sponsors, volunteers, and participants. This year we added
some great things as part of the event- we had a waterslide and mud pit as part of the obstacle course and after we had an ice cream truck which
was enjoyed by everyone who attended. The people who attended said that they enjoyed seeing everyone come together for a good cause, which
is our youth. The Rugged Race has already made an impact just by being made possible every year by all the support and donations. The Fernandez Family and the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce will continue to make sure the event is enjoyable for everyone and will continue to contribute
to the schools in our community with the funds that are raised. Make sure to come and join the 5th Annual Rugged Race and be a part of giving
back to the youth and helping promote healthy lifestyles. Coming together we will be able to make a mark on our community by teaching younger
generations the importance of education and health.
For more pictures and to see video that was taken by YourTown TV during the Rugged Race, visit our website at
Thank You to the following sponsors who made this event possible:
Platinum Sponsors:
Gold Sponsors:
CHI St. Luke’s Health—Patients Medical Center
Gulfgate Dodge Chrysler Jeep RAM
North American Shipping Agencies
City of Pasadena
Pasadena Convention Center
Port of Houston Authority
Curves Deer Park
Kroger #322 — Spencer Hwy
Nestle Waters North America
Road ID
Silver Sponsors:
Bronze Sponsors:
Miles Service Corporation
City of Pasadena
Phelps Insurance
Bayshore Medical Center
CoLo Shirts
LuLu Moonwalks
Nicholas Conners
Peter Piper Pizza
Sam’s Club #8244
Sarah B. Lowe Orthodontics
Surgery Specialty Hospitals of America
Community News
2015 Pasadena City Council Election Final Unoffical Returns*
Ornaldo Ybarra
Keith Nielsen
Bruce Leamon
Celestino Perez
Emilio Carmona
Sammy Casados
Pat Riley
Cody Ray Wheeler
J.E. Bear Hebert
Cary Bass
Larry Peacock
Jeff Wagner
Pat Van Houte
Steve Cote
Oscar Del Toro
Darrell Morrison
Cumulative Vote
% of Vote Cast
Winner (Unofficial)
*The following voting returns for Pasadena General Election of May 9, 2015 represent the current cumulative
ballot count, inclusive of early voting returns but not reflecting challenged ballots. This is an unoffical ballot
count; an offical count is certified by Pasadena City Council.
2015 Pasadena ISD School Board Election Unoffical Final Results
Larry Savala
Kenny Fernandez
Alvino G. Gonzalez
Marshall Kendrick
Lydia Vasquez
Chuck Maricle
Vickie Morgan
Erica Davis Rouse
Total Votes
How to Reach Your Chamber:
Cristina Womack
President / CEO
Janette Morgan
VP of Operations
Kim Tolleson
Event & Marketing
Matt Salazar
Member Services
Roni Archer
4334 Fairmont
Pasadena, TX
281-487-5530 (fax)
Monday—Friday 8:00– 5:00
In order to truly maximize your chamber membership, its imperative to know your member benefits! Each month look here to
find information on how you can take advantage of services, many are already included in your annual investment.
As a member you are automatically placed in our online directory under Membership Listing. Annually in our printed resource
directory, your company is listed in two places, alphabetical Membership List and in your selected Business Category.
For an additional $50 annually you can also add an Enhanced Listing with Logo in our Online Directory. This helps your
company name stand out above all the company listings in your category.
Contact any of our professional staff above for more information or assistance in taking advantage of these bene-