Alternative charge materials for the cupola
Alternative charge materials for the cupola
Fig 1. C-bricks with mixed borings may be magnetised and then charged using a magnet crane Alternative charge materials for the cupola It doesn’t always have to be primary raw materials for cupola melting, say Gotthard Wolf, Herbert Löblich and Timo Wysocki from the Institut für Gießereitechnik IfG gGmbH, Düsseldorf. Primary materials have become limited on the global market, causing an increase in prices that have reached a new level in 2008. But there are ready-to-use alternatives for foundries that can help economise in a difficult procurement situation. Because of the hike in raw material prices for coke as well as for steel scrap that has been ongoing since 2002, availability of these materials in the German market suffered badly, and foundry coke was even apportioned for some time. After the situation had eased somewhat in 2007, a new hike of prices ensued at the beginning of 2008, mainly due to the growing dependence on China and other rapidly developing countries for raw material deliveries, such as foundry coke. Fig 2. HCS testing of self-reducing c-bricks (left) and apparatus (right). Specimen (hatched) is placed between two refractory pistons within a protective tube, heated up to the desired temperature and then loaded until breakage (left). (Photo courtesy of DIFK, Bonn) 252 From that background, it is essential for foundries in Germany and across the EU to explore new ways to cope with the tight price situation on the world market and shortages of raw materials, plus changes in their quality in order to assure cost-effectiveness when melting in the cupola. Meeting material requirements Implementation of a consequent points-of-accrual-management (recyclers/foundries) is one way to ensure the increasing requirements for charge material are met and to provide such materials with consistent quality to foundries. The aim of this publicly funded research project was to provide new ways of substitution for small and medium-sized foundries. Substitutes that were investigated included briquettes made from GJL, GJS and mixed GS / GJS borings and from grinding swarf, as well as alternative sorts of steel scrap such as micro-alloyed, shredded FTJ October 2008 Melting and Holding Cupola melting trials Melting trials were carried out in two NRW foundries equipped with cold-blast cupolas with respective melt rates of five and eight tonnes per hour. During these trials, emphasis was placed on the complete coverage of all input and output parameters. These included: iron temperature, blast pressure, iron, slag and gas composition, dust, inoculation and mechanical properties of the iron. The results showed most of the alternative charge materials can be used safely up to a certain amount. Borings from the machining of castings can be considered as an ideal substitute for the metallic charge if their chemical composition is consistent and they are briquetted. Within the series of trials, briquettes made from borings with CCS of more than 20MPa were used to replace up to 60% FTJ October 2008 80 B502 (90 bar) CCS / HCS [Mpa] or electroplated steel scrap that are drawn into the focus of foundries. In addition, fuel substitutes available on the market such as blast furnace coke, Chinese foundry coke or limemalm bonded c-bricks were investigated and synthetic charge materials such as selfreducing c-bricks or c-bricks with admixed borings that make these briquettes magnetisable were developed especially for this project. Pre-testing of the alternative charge materials was emphasised during the entire project. Testing methods included cold compressive strength (CCS) and hot compressive strength (HCS) at temperatures of 800°C, reduction under load (RuL) and drop shatter testing, fuel analysis, abrasion strength, analysis of the chemical composition of metallic charge materials and trace elements analysis. Conditioning and briquetting technology for borings briquettes and c-bricks was investigated and optimised, including experiments using an industrial briquetting press with 150 tonnes maximum load. 60 B504 (45 bar) B503 (70 bar) 40 20 HCS B502 (90 bar) 0 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 Apparent Density [g/cm!] Fig 3. Comparison between CCS at various compaction pressures and HCS of borings briquettes of iron without affecting blast pressure. From that, it was concluded that the briquettes remained sturdy until their meltdown. It was also possible to replace all the steel scrap and pig iron from the metallic charge with borings briquettes. Furthermore, c-bricks with admixed GJS borings were developed as a substitute for both coke and the metallic charge, and self-reducing c-bricks made of coke breeze and iron oxide were developed as a substitute for steel scrap and pig iron. Aluminium phosphate was used as a binder for that, as the special advantages of this material compared to cement and other binders became apparent in preliminary experiments. It was found safe to use these c-bricks in amounts up to about 10% of the metallic charge, providing compression strength exceeded 1.8MPa. For the selfreducing c-brick, a degree of reduction of 99% of the included Fe2O3 could be proven through slag analysis. These bricks can be used for replacing steel scrap without problems. C-bricks with admixed borings are also suitable and can be charged with the usual magnet crane (fig. 1), offering an advantage for small foundries in that no further investment cost for a second coke bunker is required when substituting foundry coke with alternative fuels. They can be produced with moderate investment and manpower or purchased (which is likely to be the more economic solution for medium and small-sized foundries) from a commodity trader. None of the alternative charge materials caused significant metallurgical disadvantages concerning trace elements, nucleation and chill depth when tested - even in high amounts during the trials. No increase in scrap was found in either foundry during the period of the trials. Monitoring dust and odour During the trials, dust and odour emissions were observed at the de-dusting plants. Samples for analysis were taken directly from the undiluted raw gas from the stack and analysed with methods according to olfactometric standard EN 13725(1). Dust measurements in front of and behind the filter did not show significant changes in dust emission and composition during any of the trials, except for the trials with borings and grinding swarf briquettes. For these materials, a relation between oil and cutting fluid residue and the odour emission was developed and it was shown that odour emission increased with an increase in total oil and cutting fluid residue charged (fig. 5). Nevertheless, it should be considered that the effective odour effluents in the neighbourhoods of the foundries are subjected to a variety of influences, such as weather, direction of the wind, moisture, height of the stack, distance between the foundry and its neighbours, topography of the surroundings etc. Producers of briquettes made from borings are therefore required to ensure low enough oil and cutting residue, one possible solution being the combination of borings from dry and from wet machining to a mixture with low residue. Cost-effectiveness of the alternative charge materials tested within this project depends on the market situation and on the availability of the alternative materials to the foundries. The 253 Moulding Melting and and Holding Coremaking are likely to increase further in the future, foundries will be able to flexibly adapt their charge composition with the results of this project. Reference 1. Helber J, ‘Odour emission reduction in foundries - a report on the state of the art’, 66th World Foundry Congress, Casting technology - 5000 years and beyond, Vol 1, Istanbul, Turkey, Sep 6-9, 2004. Acknowledgements Fig 4. Briquettes made from borings can be an ideal substitute for the metallic charge 18000 oil / cutting fluid residue 1,45 % oil / cutting fluid residue oil / cutting fluid residue 2,64 % 3,41 % 14000 12000 scatter range of standard charge composition A 10000 About the authors 15% grinding swarf briquettes 9% grinding swarf briquettes 40% GS-/GJS borings briquettes 30% GS-/GJS borings briquettes 30% GJS borings briquettes 15% GJS borings briquettes 0 30% GJL borings briquettes 2000 15% GJL borings briquettes 4000 8% GJL borings briquettes 6000 50kg self-reducing c-bricks 8000 GJL standard charge composition B scatter range of standard charge composition B GJL standard charge composition A Odour Units (OU)* per m! raw gas 16000 This research project was funded by the NRW Ministry of Innovation, Research and Technology (funding no. 0050410-0005, in responsibility of Forschungszentrum Jülich, file number PTJ-Az. 0410MW14). The authors also wish to express their gratitude to the foundries involved in this project for making the investigations possible during regular operation. The authors are Dr-Ing Herbert Löblich (cupola melting, cast iron production); B E Timo Wysocki (briquetting technology, binder systems); and Dr-Ing Gotthard Wolf, IfG Institute of Foundry Technology, Düsseldorf (Germany). 1 OU = 1 EROM = 123 "g n-Butanol / 1 m3 neutral gas = 0,04 "mol/mol Fig 5. Odour emissions increased with oil residue situation is likely to improve with rising demand for these materials, which should result in increased investment of re-cyclers and foundries into advanced briquetting technologies and to emphasising the closing of idle material cycles in foundries. The latter is further accelerated through government subsidies for material effectiveness. As prices for charge materials Gießereiingenieur (BE) Metallurgie und Werkstofftechnik, Institut für Gießereitechnik IfG GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany; Tel: +49 (0) 211 6871 327; fax: +49 (0) 211 6871 255; email: NRW Ministry of Innovation, Science, Research and Technology The Ministry of Innovation, Science, Research and Technology of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) in its present form was established in June 2005. This is the first time that a German Ministry has focussed on a state’s potential for innovation as a top priority. The Ministry is responsible for all NRW-based universities and polytechnics, university clinics, colleges of art or music, for non-university research institutions and for the promotion of technologies in the state. The remit of the Ministry of Innovation, Science, Research and Technology reflects the entire innovation process ranging from higher education training to university and non-university research on developments and inventions and to industry’s activities aimed at making applications ready for the market and successfully marketing fundamental innovations. The Ministry’s objectives include: achieving excellence in research and higher education teaching in NRW, boosting exchanges between the research and business communities, and considerably improving NRW’s technological capacity. NRW boasts Europe’s most closely set research and higher education infrastructure. The NRW government is firmly resolved to bring the state to the forefront of scientific, technological and economic progress and to turn NRW into Germany’s number one innovation state by the year 2015. 254 FTJ October 2008 Melting and Holding Focus on energy reduction Limited space did little to deter one aluminium diecaster from installing new melting facilities to improve energy efficiences and reduce emissions. Faced with increasing energy prices, in 2007 Alumasc Precision - the Burton Latimer, England, based aluminium diecaster, made a comprehensive review of its energy use and costs associated with melting and holding aluminium for its high-pressure diecasting facilities. A detailed appraisal showed that there would be significant cost savings and reduction of carbon emissions by installing a new high-efficiency bulk melting and holding furnace to replace some of the existing older gas-fired crucible furnaces. The new bulk melting furnace was supplied and installed by the German company ZPF therm GmbH of Siegelsbach. Space was very limited in the chosen location in Alumasc’s high-pressure foundry, but ZPF’s very compact, highly efficient design meets Alumasc’s energy reduction targets, and complies with the latest mandatory emissions limits without the need for filtering systems. Norbert Feth, marketing manager of ZPF therm GmbH explains: ‘The reason for such low emission lies in the unique design of ZPF therms furnaces. The core of the system is the combustion chamber, which is made of refractory concrete and weighs several tonnes. The thick encasement functions as a protective barrier between the thermal insulation layers and external steel casing on one hand, and the aggressive liquid aluminium on the other. ‘The heavy refractory lining also serves as a heat accumulator that helps to maintain a steady state interior temperature of the furnace. A sophisticated system of insulation keeps the thermal energy in the interior of the furnace and contributes significantly to energy saving.’ milligrams and only 0.4 milligrams for hydrogen fluoride. Herr Feth speculates: ‘Even if the limits become yet stricter in five years time, we will still be able to meet without external filtering.’ The longer dwell time of the hot gases in the furnace chamber also contributes greatly to the high energy-efficiency of the furnace. ZPF therm say there is an average of 20 to 30% more performance capacity through this method of optimal heat utilisation rather than with open exhaust gas systems. The furnace installed at Alumasc is rated to melt one tonne per hour of aluminium alloy and has a holding bath capacity of two and a quarter tonnes. The unique gas firing system employs two modulating nozzle-mixing gas burners with automatic air/gas ratio control. Both burners are used when the furnace is in the melting mode to give rapid melting which reduces metal loss. Only one of the burners is used when maintaining to give better turn-down and consequently more accurate temperature control. Integrated charging An integrated charging machine automatically loads aluminium ingots and foundry returns that are pre-loaded in wheeled charge cars. The furnace is mounted on load cells giving the operators accurate information of the weight of metal in the furnace. The weighing system also controls the charging machine to automatically prevent over-filling the furnace. Weight monitoring allows the PLC system to accurately calculate the melting time for each charge according to the weight and regulate the time on ‘high-fire’, which saves energy and prevents over heating and associated oxidation losses. After a year’s continuous operation, the furnace has met Alumasc’s expectations regarding energy cost saving and reduced emissions. An inspection during the recent annual shut-down showed only minimal lining wear; the furnace needed only general cleaning of dross and metal residues. Ramsell‑Naber is the sales and service representative of ZPF for the UK and Ireland. ZPF specialises in gas- and oil-fired furnaces mainly for the aluminium casting industry. The company has a unique range of furnaces for bulk melting and holding, with melting rates up to five tonnes per hour and holding capacities up to 20 tonnes. Ramsell-Naber Ltd; Tel: +44 (0) 1922 455521; fax: +44 (0) 1922 455277; web: Reduction of emissions An unconventional exhaust gas flow from the melting chamber plays a very significant role in the reduction of the furnace’s emissions to air. Rather than being expelled directly to atmosphere from the melting shaft through a chimney as is typical in other furnaces, flue gases are first held in the interior of the selfcontained system. In the process, residues from the charged material - particularly those from returns - are subsequently virtually combusted. This means that complex filtration systems are unnecessary. The measured emissions values fall far below the statutory limits. ZPF claims that the proportion of particulate matter in waste gases is less than three milligrams per cubic metre, for nitrogen oxide, the value is about eleven FTJ October 2008 ZPF therm aluminium melting furnace 255 Some of these are high melting rate with low energy consumption, minimum metal losses and/or high metal yield and a safe and largely automated operation. It is also necessary to consider both the current and future environmental and safety requirements. This view should also consider low breakdown and mainteMelting and Holding nance expenses and the potential lining life and replacement cost. High efficiency Aluminium meltin Cost reduction in the foundry The STRIKOMELTER® fulfils all parameters by the multi graduated use of thermal energy of the burners as well as the innovative melting concept. This is realized through the physical separation into three zones: pre® heating, melting and holding with one ETAMAX The Striko Westofen Grouptogether has been of the patented shaft and melting design, especially develleading companies producing and supplying the STRIKOMELTER®. The choked shaft design a oped highfor efficiency range of melting plant on a allows the consistent preheating of the charge material worldwide basis. prior to melting. The hot exhaust gases from the holding bath pass through the melting zone and from there The following article waszone prepared by Herr Klaus Malpohl of Striko into the preheating and thus used several times. ® STRIKOMELTER® with conveyor charging system MELTER with conveyor charging system Westofen Gmbh in 2006 to highlight several important points when STRIKO The new additional required for melting comes from costs buying meltingenergy plant. But with ever-increasing raw material burners located ainmore the melting zone and focussed into the area at the base of the preheating area; exhaust metal loss becomes important factor when installing new The STRIKOMELTER® fulfils all parameters by equipment. For this reason it is important to reconsider figures. also exit through thethermal charged material gassesthe from these burners the multi graduated use of energy of in first the think shaftofand therefore ensureas drying and greater degree When ordering new equipment, most customers the burners well as the ainnovative melting of concept. Thisspeed is realised the of physical energy costs as the main consideration and then preheating, required manpower. and therefore greater andthrough efficiency melting into material three zones: preheating, melting Striko Westofen knows that metal loss can often give greater efficiency. In that way,separation the charged reaches the melting and holding together with ETAMAX® patented savings than just those associated with energy. With aluminum costs bath in small quantities. Compared to other furnace designs, this shaft and melting design, especially developed staying high this, combined with the energy usage, can give very substantial makes possible in fuel consumption and design confor thesavings STRIKOMELTER®. The choked shaft significant savings. ® sequent lower meltingallows cost. In the practical foundry operation, the consistent preheating of the charge STRIKOMELTER MH II-T in tilting version a melting. The hot exhaust gases power requirement bymaterial only <prior 600 tokWh/t was determined. This High efficiency aluminium melting with the STRIKOMELTER® from the holding bath pass through the melting corresponds to a thermal efficiency of over 50 %. technology zone and from there into the preheating zone dimensional system, whose most important tas and thus used several With the STRIKOMELTER® with patented ETAMAX®Intechnology, order to ensure good casting quality, itto istimes. necessary the to start with suitable quality optimize yield of good ca The additional is energy required for melting the caster has an outstanding tool at his disposal, whichmetal fulfilsquality. Since good aluminium usually supplied to good cally possible. In thisinconnection there are nu comesas from located the melting zone all requirements for the melting operation. The determination of metallurgical quality standards, it burners isinto important to ensure that no and focussed the at the base of the with low ene operational data in a foundry has confirmed the efficiency and Some of these arearea high melting rate preheating area; exhaust gasses from these profitability Process again. visualization yield and a safe and largely automated operati burners also exit through the charged material Against a background of constantly rising prices for raw materials future environmental and safety T in the shaft and therefore ensure drying requirements. and and energy, the question of the metal supply plays an ever larger role a greaterexpenses degree of preheating, and therefore for aluminium foundries in order to come up with the high market nance and the potential lining life and r greater speed and efficiency of melting efficiency. requirements. In thatSway, the material the However, individual aspects such as gas consumption or maximum The TRIKO Mcharged ELTER® fulfilsreaches all parameters by th melting bath in small quantities. Compared efficient and qualitative metal yield should not be ignored in this graduated use of thermal energy of the burners to other furnace designs, this makes possible overall view. The metal supply is a multi dimensional system, with the as the innovative melting concept. This is re substantial savings in fuel consumption and most important task consisting of supplying a casting operation with consequent lower melting cost. In the practical metal of suitable quality to optimise the yield of good castings; and through the physical separation into three zone foundry operation, a power requirement by only of course, this must be achieved as economically as possible. In this heating, melting and holding together with ETA < 600 kWh/t was determined. This corresponds connection there are numerous other requirements to be taken into patented shaft and melting design, especially to a thermal efficiency of over 50%. consideration. In order to ensure good quality, Some of these are: high melting rate with low energy consumption, Mcasting ELTER®. Theitchoked shaft oped for the STRIKO is necessary to start with good metal quality. minimum metal losses and/or high metal yield and a safe and largely allows the consistent of the charge m Since aluminium is usually preheating supplied to good automated operation. It is also necessary to consider both the current metallurgical quality standards, it is important prior to melting. The hot exhaust gases from the and future environmental and safety requirements. This view should TRIKO ELTERthe ismelting to ensure that no through contamination introduced also consider low breakdown and maintenance expenses and the ing bath pass zone and from during the melting operation. This includes the potential lining life and replacement cost. into the preheating and thus used absorption of hydrogen zone from the atmosphere andseveral ti inclusion such as oxides and dross. With the Ssource TRIKO MELTER ® withfor The energy required melting come Theadditional primary of contamination is patented High efficiency Aluminium melting with the S M ® technology ® technology, the caster ETAMAXlocated burners in the melting zonehas and an focusse outstanding tool at his disposal, which ful-gasses fils all requirements for the melting opera-in the s tion. The determination of operational dataprehea in a foundry has confirmed the efficiencyefficien and profitability again. bath in makes sequen Against a background of constantly rising power prices for raw materials and energy, the question of the metal supply plays an ever corresp larger role for Aluminium foundries in order In orde to come up to the high market requirements. good m However, individual aspects as gas conmetallu sumption or maximum efficient and qualita® STRIKOMELTER MH MHII-T II-Tinin tilting version Process visualisation tive metal yield should not be ignored in this STRIKOMELTER® tilting version Process visualization overall view. The metal supply is a multidimensional system, whose most important task consists of supplying a casting operation with metal of 256 FTJ October 2008 suitable quality to optimize the yield of good castings; and of course, this must be achieved as economically as possible. In this connection there are numerous other requirements to be taken into consideration. in the industrial high pressure die-casting foundry of autumn of 2005. Since 2001 there have been two II-N 2000/1000 G-eg units and the investigation was Other: Melting and Holding exhaust gas STR initial metal weight [ kg ] ome flitter in the al 50% dry returns, size - 0.3-2 kg with some flitter Flux was used on the melting ramp and in the holding bath STRIKOMELTER® at Hesse & Bauckhage output metal weight (gross) return material, + bulky material salt to DCM; output metal weight (net) STRIKOMELTER® at Hesse & Bauckhage salt salt moisture from storage of the returns or The investigation examined both the gross and ingots, the result of this being an increase thein net metal yields. Using only ingot, gross the hydrogen content of the metal withaits yield (ratio of initial metal weight to the metal consequent quality problems in the cast parts. weight the tap) wasSTRIKOMELTER® determined at by 99,the75%. This isatavoided in the separation of melting preheating zones. Using a charge of 50%and ingots and 50% returns and other contaminants evaporated theMoisture value was approx. 99, 40%. are The net yield or burnt off metal in the shaft preheating with oprefers to the after by additional drossing exhaust gases, ensuring that only perfectly erations in the ladle; for this, the weight of the dry material reaches the melting chamber. A 300-kg-ladle before and after drossing was further advantage is the avoidance of excessive measured on a precision weight scale. Table 1 contact of the melt with atmospheric oxygen contains the results of the net metal yields thereby reducing the tendency to form oxides. In order in to the minimise thisas danger the previous burners inreachieved foundry well as the meltvalues. chamberThey are arranged avoid direct ference show to that the metal metal impingement. This allows melting only losses were in all cases below 1%. on the hearth and for the metal to flow quickly but without turbulence into the holding bath. A third measure for the maintenance of metal quality is the avoidance of the contamination by impurities entering the metal holding bath. This is assured by allowing the metal to run laterally into the holding bath. In this way, dross and other impurities remain on the melt hearth to be removed during cleaning. An additional advantage of the separation of the two chamber concept is a continuous availability of molten metal at a very consistent temperature (to +/- 5°C). This type of melting system guarantees continuous melting whilst tapping liquid metal. The automated charging contributes to achieving a molten metal availability of 98% during practical operation. Measured data in foundry practice The data stated by the manufacturer were confirmed in the industrial high pressure diecasting foundry of W Hesse & Bauckhage GmbH in Germany in the autumn of 2005. Since 2001 there have been two STRIKOMELTER® systems in use in this foundry; these are MH II-N 2000/1000 G-eg units and the investigation was based on the following operating conditions: Alloy: Employment: 231 D, AlSi12Cu1 (Fe) EN-AC 47100 - StrikoWestofen GmbH – 239, EN-AC-43000 - customerThe - manufacturer data for metal loss specified in 50% ingotsbrochures 5-7 kg were therefore 50% dry returns, size - 0.3-2 kg not only confirmed, but with some clearly flitterexceeded. Other: Flux was used on the melting ramp and in the holding bath FTJ October 2008 The in the ne yield weigh Using the va refers eration 300-k meas conta achiev ferenc losses melt treatment in the ladle: - adding of salts - impeller, … dross in the shaft dross on the bath dross in the ladle with / without melt treatment dross take-off from furnace metal portion salts + metal oxides Draft testing procedure Draft testing procedures The investigation examined both the gross and the net metal yields. Using only ingot, a gross yield (ratio of initial metal weight to the metal weight at the tap) was determined at 99.75%. Using a charge of 50% ingots and 50% returns the value was approx. 99.40%. The net yield refers to the metal after additional drossing operations in the ladle; for this, the weight of the 300-kgladle before and after drossing was measured on a precision weight scale. Table 1 contains the results of the net metal yields achieved in the foundry as well as previous reference values. They show that the metal losses were in all cases below 1%. The manufacturer data for metal loss specified in brochures were therefore not only confirmed, but clearly exceeded. Financial and technical advantages Based on the determined values, the enormous advantages of the this particular system can be calculated as follows: • Metal price 2,400 €/t • Total melting times 6,600 h/a • Melting capacity 1 t/h • Increased metal yield by 1% • Savings / pa 158,000 € The increased metal yield by only 1% permits a yearly saving of €158,000! In comparison to many older furnace units with metal losses of up to 8%, enormous saving potentials occur in connection to the clearly higher efficiency of the sysytem. The investment in the modern STRIKOMELTER® technology enables extremely short pay back periods of 6 to 12 months. A further financial factor is the savings in energy due to the high efficiency of the ETAMAX® technology as well as a substantially low scrap rate due to the better molten metal quality. StrikoWestofen GmbH, Wiehl, Germany, July 2006 Charged material 100 % ingots StrikoWestofen values EN AC-47100 / 231 D Metal yield % HeBa values EN AC-43000 / 239 Metal yield % 50 % ingots 50 % returns 99.55 % 99.20 % 99.61 % 99.01 % Measured values Hesse & Bauckhage Measured valuesatat Hesse & Bauckhage Financial and technical advantages 257 Based on the determined values, the enormous advantages of the STRIKOMELTER® can be calculated as recuperator anddon’t energy now how to reduce your rotating energy bill and save money? Well worry, ology is now available tothe solvesystem this problem for works you. Morgan’s that bestnew with ve crucible furnace range is the answer you’re looking for. Melting and Holding recovery ventilation, but the stand fuel burner applications, to increa efficiency, and for this reason is used in gas turbine engines. andnew Gas Components Reduce your energy bill Air with technology Morgan Recuperative Gas Fired Crucible Furnace Want to know how to reduce your energy bill and save money? New technology is now available to solve this growing problem and Morgan Molten Metal Systems say its new recuperative crucible furnace range is the answer. technique which would utilise such that it could significantly fuel more efficiently. To address reduce foundries’ fuel costs. To BACKGROUND the latest fuel crisis they took achieve this they looked to their another atthat recuperation own existing technology Fuel prices have been rising atand such a rapid rate in recentlook months foundries everywhere it increasingly to remain cost to effective & competitive. and set out improve the how it couldarebefinding redesigned anddifficult So foundries are looking to significantly reduce their energyand consumption in order to efficiency cost effectiveness enhanced. remain competitive. of the technology to breathe Recuperation on furnaces is new life and intosupplier the recuperator notMorgan a newMolten concept, havingisbeen Metal Systems a global manufacturer of foundry crucibles, furnaces associated metal handling and treatment products. With over system. around since the and early 1900s. 150 years in the foundry business, Morgan has developed a leading position and Take up of the technology enviable reputation in the market worldwide, as it can offer truly integrated crucible accelerated during&the 1970s whatit designs is recuperation? based metal melting holding systems. This So is because and manufactures oil both crisis, which created similar the crucibles and the furnaces. Morgan understands that optimising the waste A ‘recuperator’ recycles performance any metal melting and holdingheat process in the foundry is dependent problems to of those being from the exhaust gasesonto balancing a complex set of variables. The furnace, customer working practices, experienced today - rising pre-heat the combustion air to crucible and metallurgical processes all interact. So to achieve the balance required, energy costs and supply the burner. It achieves this via the system needs application specific design for both the consumables and the equipment. Morgan was quick restrictions. a counter-flow heat exchanger at the time to respond to which, on a crucible furnace, From this technological background, Morgan MMS was keen to address the concerns thethat situation and developed thesetstandard exhaust foundries had expressed about their risingreplaces fuel bills. We out to design a a range crucible furnaces The recuperator molten of metal system that used fuel in a muchstack. more efficient way, such that ittransfers could significantly reduce foundries fuel costs. To achieve we looked our existing incorporating a recuperation wastethis heat in thetoexhaust to the By recovering some of the energy usually lost as waste heat, the r fuel fired crucible furnace significantly more efficient. Morgan’s designer of both furnaces and crucibles allowed us to significantly Background Fuel prices have been rising at such a rapid rate efficiency of the design of the recuperative system as applied to fu in recent months that foundries everywhere are finding it increasingly difficult to remain cost furnaces, through optimal selection of materials and components a effective and competitive, so they are looking to significantly reduce energy consumption. oftheirdesign. Instead of just bolting a recuperator system onto an exis Morgan Molten Metal Systems is a global manufacturer and understood supplier of foundry crucibles, that optimum efficiency would only come by starting furnaces and associated metal handling and and setinout to create a design which truly integrated the recu treatment products. With so over we 150 years the foundry business, Morgan has developed a furnace and the leading position and enviable reputation for itscrucible. The result of this development work is th truly integrated crucible based metal melting and technology and how we might redesign and enhance it. Morgan Recuperative Furnaces, available as both static bale out a holding systems. The company says its success stems from the fact it designs and manufactures Working Metallurgy foundries with the lowest gas bills possible at both the both the cruciblesto and provide the furnaces. Morgan Practice understands that optimising the performance stations. of any metal melting and holding process in the foundry is dependent on balancing a complex set of variables; the furnace, customer working practices, crucible and metallurgical processes all interact. So to achieve the balance required, the system needs application specific design for both the consumables and the equipment. From this technological background, Morgan MMS was keen to address the concerns that foundries had expressed about their rising fuel bills so they set out to design a molten metal system that used fuel in a much more efficient way, 258 EXCEL E Furnace Recuperation on furnaces is not a new concept, having been around since the early 1900’s. Take up of the technology accelerated during the 1970s oil crisis, which created similar problems with rising energy costs and supply restrictions as we are experiencing today. Morgan was quick at the time to respond FTJ to the October situation and2008 developed a range of crucible furnaces incorporating a recuperation technique which would utilise fuel more efficiently. To address our latest fuel crisis we took another look at recuperation and set out to improve the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the face chamber lining, which incorporates Morgan’s patented gas radiant panel technology which radiates heat directly onto the crucible and thereby to the metal, rather than traditional brick designs, which allow more heat to be lost to the stack as Melting and Holding waste . combustion air entering the fuel burner, thus preheating it. Since the gases have been pre-heated, less fuel is needed to heat those gases to the required furnace melting/holding temperatures. The recuperator technique is used for heat recovery in many other industries, such as chemical plants and refineries, in applications where there is fluid-fluid counter flow and in closed system processes such as in refrigeration cycles. There are several other systems of heat recovery available including the regenerative heat exchanger, the rotating recuperator and energy recovery ventilation, but the standard recuperator is the system that works best with fuel burner applications, to increase the overall efficiency. For this reason it is used in gas turbine engines. By recovering some of the energy usually lost as waste heat, the recuperator makes a fuel fired crucible furnace significantly more efficient. Morgan’s unique position as a designer of both furnaces and crucibles allowed them to significantly enhance the efficiency of the design of the recuperative system as applied to fuel fired crucible furnaces, through optimal selection of materials and components and true integration of design. Instead of just bolting a recuperator system on to an existing furnace, they understood that optimum efficiency would only come by starting from first principles, and so they set out to create a design which truly integrated the recuperator with the furnace and the crucible. The result of this development work is the new range of Morgan recuperative furnaces, available as both static bale out and as tilting systems to provide foundries with the lowest gas bills possible at both the casting and melting stations. Performance benefits Due to the integrated design, the range of recuperative furnaces gives a number of benefits to the foundry far beyond the key advantage of FTJ October 2008 lowering their gas bill and they Gas Radiant are considered here.Panel Cost effective The company says the new technology incorporated into the recuperative system makes it the most cost effective product of its kind. Existing recuperative products on the market quote a maximum of 25% energy reduction compared with an equivalent nonrecuperative furnace. Morgan’s new recuperative technology provides a minimum of 35% energy reduction, and often higher. At some foundries, as high as 50% reduction in gas usage can be achieved, compared to their existing firebrick lined gas-fired furnaces. The cost savings achieved by more efficient use of gas from the new recuperator technology are enhanced by incorporating the very latest refractory and insulation technology into the furnace design. Using the latest materials technology developed within the Morgan Crucible Group provides the lowest level of thermal conductivity available commercially, which minimises heat losses from the furnace chamber. Melting efficiencies as high as 40% are achieved, compared to conventional gasfired crucible furnaces, where 20-25% is typical. The new recuperative furnace also delivers more cost effective running costs in terms of longer consumable life. Crucible life is enhanced due to the fully modulating burner technology, which has two advantages in terms of crucible life. Firstly it burns very close to stoichiometric combustion, so Design that no excess Integrated oxygen is present in the furnace chamber, which would otherwise attack the high graphite and carbon content of the crucible causing oxidation. Secondly it introduces a high velocity gas stream into the chamber, which creates an even heat distribution over the whole crucible, ensuring no hot spots exist that would otherwise cause thermal stresses, leading to distortion. This highly efficient thermal design feature is further enhanced by the hot face chamber lining, which incorporates Morgan’s patented gas radiant panel technology which radiates heat directly on to the crucible and thereby to the metal, rather than traditional brick designs, which allow more heat to be lost to the stack as waste. The new integrated recuperative furnace design also facilitates fast commissioning times, minimising foundry downtime, if replacing a nonrecuperative unit. Traditional recuperative designs are constructed using separate floor mounted components, with gas pipes trailing across the foundry floor. This leads to long and complicated installation and commissioning times and presents health and safety risks to the operator and risk of damage to the critical components from fork-lift traffic in the foundry. Optimum metal quality The same technological features that minimise the running costs of the new recuperative furnace also contribute to delivering optimum metal quality. The fully modulating, high turn down ratio burner gives tight control of metal temperature typically down to ±5°C, allowing foundries to achieve the stringent quality controls required for modern automotive castings, reducing rejects and minimising costly metal losses. The gas flow design is such that the exhaust gases exit from the side of the chamber, not over the top of the crucible, ensuring that gases do not contact the molten metal, thus minimising the potential for gas pick up which would otherwise lead to porosity in castings. Health, safety and the Environment With operator comfort and safety in mind the highly efficient insulation which helps minimise running costs also ensures that casing temperatures are low and that the ambient temperature of the working 259 years just by the reduction on their gas bill. On top of this, there is often additional financial support available in terms of government grants and loans available to support energy saving and carbon footprint reduction schemes. In the UK the Carbon Trust provides interest free loans to fund the purchase of energy efficient capital equipment to reduce carbon emissions. Similar schemes are available in a number of other countries. Melting and Holding environment is as comfortable as possible. The unique burner design also reduces noise levels during use of the furnace to unparalleled levels, with under 75dBA measured at 2m from the unit, which is below current regulations for the UK requiring PPE action. The new burner technology in Morgan’s recuperative crucible furnace also has the added benefit of reducing ‘greenhouse’ gaseous emissions. Typical CO2 emissions for a BT1300 size furnace are reduced to ~12 tonnes per year compared to ~20 tonnes per year for a nonrecuperative equivalent furnace run under the same conditions. Raising the temperature of the input air by recuperation also raises the level of NOx generated, such that conventional recuperative forced air burners run above 400ppm. Input air is typically pre-heated up to 250°C in a recuperative crucible furnace. Under these conditions Morgan’s recuperative burner technology reduces NOx emissions below 125ppm. Foundries save money Initial foundry trials of the new recuperative technology started in the UK, where the technology was developed. Following initial commercialisation in Europe, Morgan’s newest furnace technology is now being utilised successfully in other markets. In work with foundries across the world, typically, a project to optimise their melting and holding practices will start with a detailed audit of the foundry’s existing capabilities and a comparison with their energy costs, working practices and alloy demands. To complement the recuperative technology Morgan has developed a series of analytical tools which can help a foundry identify where it can save money on gas bills. Invariably, the biggest potential saving identified is replacement of the existing furnaces with this new recuperative furnace technology. Depending on the state of the furnaces being replaced and the gas price, it is not uncommon for a foundry to find that the investment in new recuperative furnaces is paid for within two years just by the reduction on the gas bill. On top of this, there is often additional financial support available in terms of government grants and loans to support energy saving and carbon footprint reduction schemes. In the UK the Carbon Trust provides interest free loans to fund the purchase of energy efficient capital equipment to reduce carbon emissions. Similar schemes are available in a number of other countries. For more information contact: Dr Andy Wynn, global technical director, e: andy.wynn@ or Bob Thomas, chief furnace engineer, e: bob. thomas@morganitecrucible. com or Tim Heeks, furnace design engineer, e: tim.heeks@ at Morgan Molten Metals Systems, Woodbury Lane, Norton, Worcester WR5 2PU. UK. Web: Introducing... ...the latest in improved technology for your foundry, MORGAN MOLTEN METAL SYSTEMS’ Recuperative Furnace: Realize these benefits with this new furnace: � Up to 50% energy savings � Improved crucible life � Very low noise emissions � Environmentally friendly emissions 260 MORGANITE CRUCIBLE LTD Woodbury Lane Norton, Worcester WR5 2PU Tel: +44 (0) 1905 728200 MORGANITE Fax: +44 (0) 1905 767877 CRUCIBLE LTD Web: FTJ October 2008 Meltech Ltd has introduced a new range of compact furnace bodies designed specifically for the small and medium foundry. Mag-Melt furnaces meet all current and proposed EMF regulations and come with a certificate of conformity New induction furnace body hits the market Having an all steel construction up to 1,000kg capacity, the new compact furnace bodies can easily be connected to all brands of inverter system and in most cases without the need for any modification to existing brickwork. Up to 1,000kg steel capacity, the industry has historically favoured unscreened box type tilting bodies, this trend has been largely down to economic and maintenance considerations. As a knock-on effect, today’s second-hand furnace market limits customers’ choice as to the brand and style of equipment available. In Meltech’s experience the market for furnace bodies outstrips whole-system sales by around two to one and in some cases has hampered sale potential because quite simply, ‘there were not enough loose bodies available at the time to meet demand’. Limitations in availability and changing market trends were the catalyst which encouraged engineers at the UK based supplier to study the possibility of developing a furnace body. In order to succeed, the new system would have to meet an exacting specification to include features which were common to much larger steel frame or shell furnaces but with simplicity and build cost equal to, or better than, a box furnace. Study complete . . furnace designed Today, some 12 months after that initial study was completed, the new furnace has been designed, built, tested and certified with the first two units now sold and completing commissioning trials. The Mag-Melt furnace body has a fabricated steel construction, which is magnetically screened, utilising air cooled shunt gap technology offering improved efficiency compared to other steel shell or steel frame furnaces. Power ratings of well above 750kw on a 1,000kg body are achievable. On the 500kg capacity units already constructed, fussy water manifold arrangements and shunt cooling circuits common to other steel furnaces have been completely designed out, leaving the FTJ October 2008 interior of the body uncluttered and free of pipe work. Each shunt is easily lifted out by undoing just two retaining bolts. Unlike most other furnaces, there are no shunt compression bolts present on the furnace either, inside or out. In addition to the simplification of the water circuitry, there has been further development. This includes the almost total removal of combustible insulation materials within the furnace, anywhere other than on the coil itself, thus reducing ground fault problems associated with charred or burnt insulators. This is possible by the clever use of refractory within the body which has eliminated the need for coil backing materials, Mica, insulation tubes, top hat washers and so on. While it is not possible to eliminate lining failure, metal run through and damage to any furnace, the Mag-Melt design does reduce potential electrical or ground fault problems. However, should they occur, the simplicity of the furnace construction also allows the damaged coil to be removed in minutes by undoing just four bolts and the power leads. Certification conformity The furnaces meet all current and proposed EMF regulations and come with a certificate of conformity. Options include hydraulic lid, lip fume extraction, refractory push out and pre-tilt system for accurate pour control. Steve Macey of Meltech explains the importance and the customer reaction to this new product line. ‘We accepted our first two orders for Mag-Melt furnace bodies several weeks ago. Customers seem impressed with the thought we have put into the product. For example, our access cover has proper lifting handles, big enough to take hands wearing heavy-duty gloves – a small but important point that demonstrates our complete attention to detail. Our design people have years of experience fixing all makes of systems and understand the advantages and disadvantages. They have been innovative and used a systematic approach to manufacture, and for that they must take the credit for this product.’ Meltech is also the service and sales agent for ABP induction and supply their induction melting and heating equipment to the UK and Ireland. Meltech Ltd. Tel: +44 (0) 1902 722588; fax: +44 (0) 1902 730142; email: steve@induction-furnaces. web: 261