Proceedings of WEIN` 16 May 10, 2016 Grand Copthorne Waterfront
Proceedings of WEIN` 16 May 10, 2016 Grand Copthorne Waterfront
Proceedings of WEIN’ 16 May 10, 2016 Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel Singapore Scope and Theme In this workshop we will discuss about the emergence of intelligence from large-scale complex networked agents. Our brain consists of 50 billion neurons and the neuron network causes emergence of our consciousness and intelligence. And, each human behavior and large-scale complex human network causes emergence of society. We can see many emergence phenomena like these among the real world. In these cases, not only the dynamics of each neuron or human but also the "network dynamics" of these are important. The aim of this workshop is to investigate the role of networked agents in the emergence of systemic properties, notably emergent intelligence. Focus is on topics such as network formation among agents, the feedback of network structures on agent’s dynamics, network-based collective phenomena, and emergent problem solving of networked agents. Up to now, main interest of agent community is the dynamics of agent itself. But, in the current rapidly growing Internet like WWW and social media like twitter, facebook, etc., studies about the complex network are attracting international attention. And studies about complex network are deeply related to multi agent community. So, the ultimate target of this workshop is to bridge between multi agent community and complex system community. Currently, it seems that research on MAS is still mostly focused on agents themselves, whereas networks of agents have received relatively little attention. The rapid development of various technologies, including those in web intelligence, ubiquitous computing, sensor networks, and grid computing will, however, lead to systems consisting of a potentially very large number of agents. In these situations, the view of each agent is limited to its local environment, and the efficiency of the system is significantly affected by the network in which the embedded agents. Thus, it is important to pay attention not only to agents themselves, but also to the structure and the dynamics of the network. Topics of interest Methodologies Bottom up approach for MAS Collective intelligence Complex network Emergence and self-organization Emergence in multi-agent systems Network-centric agent systems Social networks Web intelligence Applications Cascade dynamics Multi-agent-based supply chain networks Innovation networks Social and economic agents Systemic risk in large-scale networks Web dynamics Committee Workshop Chair Satoshi Kurihara (The University of Electro-Communications, Japan) Workshop Organizers Hideyuki Nakashima (Future University-Hakodate, Japan) Akira Namatame (National Defense Academy, Japan) Satoshi Kurihara (The University of Electro-Communications, Japan) Scientific Program Committee Members Akira Namatame (National Defense Academy, Japan) Fujio Toriumi (The University of Tokyo, Japan) Hidenori Kawamura (Hokkaido University, Japan) Hiriiko Suwa (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan) Kazuhiro Kazama (Wakayama University Japan) Kiyoshi Izumi (The University of Tokyo, Japan) Massimo Cossentino (National Research Council of Italy, Italy) Satoshi Kurihara (The University of Electro-Communications, Japan) Shu-Heng Chen (National Chengchi University, Taiwan) Toshiharu Sugawara (Waseda University, Japan) PROGRAM Invited Talk I Multiagent Simulation for Designing Social Services Itsuki Noda Invited Talk II Analysis of the cooperation using networks with arbitrary features Shohei Usui Technical Papers Generation of Public Transportation Network for Commuter Stranded Problem - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Takahiro Majima, Keiki Takadama, Daisuke Watanabe and Mitujiro Katuhara Effect of Direct Reciprocity on Social Networking Services- - - - - - - - - - 9 Kengo Osaka, Fujio Toriumi and Toshiharu Sugawara Analysis of Market Trend Regimes for March 2011 USDJPY Exchange Rate Tick Data- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17 Lukas Pichl and Taisei Kaizoji An Examination of a Novel Information Diffusion Model: Considering of Twitter User and Twitter System Features - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24 Keisuke Ikeda, Takeshi Sakaki, Fujio Toriumi and Satoshi Kurihara Invited Talk I Multiagent Simulation for Designing Social Services NODA, Itsuki, Dr. Eng. Leader of Computational Social Intelligence Research Team (CoSIne) & Principal Research Manager of Artificial Intelligence Research Center (AIRC) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Abstract Computer simulations of social phenomena will become the most efficient tool to design and to improve social systems. It is impossible or quite difficult to carry out experiments of social phenomena in the real world by the similar way as experiments in physics or chemistry. Therefore, computational social simulations are indispensable means for social science. Fortunately, advancement of computational powers and big data enable to handle large-scale social simulations in which a large number of human activities are represented by behaviors of multiple intelligent agents. The most significant feature of social simulation compared with physical simulation is difficulty to carry out real experiments. Because of the difficulty of real experiments, we have not got sophisticated models for social phenomena. Actually, there are three critical issues on the social simulation, (1) undetermined models, (2) obscure boundary conditions, and (3) incomplete data. In order to overcome these issues, we are conducting a project, called "Project CASSIA" (Comprehensive Architecture of Social Simulation for Inclusive Analysis) aims to develop a framework to administer to execute large-scale multiagent simulations exhaustively to analyze socially interactive systems. The framework will realize engineering environment to design and synthesize social systems like traffics, economy and politics. Using the framework, we are applying multiagent social simulation to actual real-world problems like disaster mitigation, smart transportation systems, stable economical systems, and so on. In this talk, I will show several results of this project. Biography NODA, Itsuki is a team leader of Service Design Assist Research Team of Center for Service Research, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan. He received the B.E., M.E. and Ph.D., degrees in electrical engineering from Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, in 1987, 1989, and 1995, respectively. He was a visiting researcher of Stanford University in 1999, and worked as a staff of Council of Science and Technology Policy of Japanese government in 2003. He was a founding member of RoboCup and promoted Simulation League since 1995. RoboCup is a research competition and symposium on robotics and artificial intelligence, and is held the international competitions every year. The Simulation League becomes a standard problem on researches multi-agent simulation domain and used world-wide. Now, he is the president of RoboCup Federation. He also has been joining development of integrated information sharing and simulation system of disaster and rescue, which are Japanese national projects for disaster mitigation. One of outputs of the projects enables providing traffic information just after the Great East Japan Earthquake using trajectory data of car navigation systems. He is now promoting a project to develop a framework for large-scale multiagent social simulation system on high performance computing environments. He has received the 1995 best research award of JNNS (Japanese Neural Network Society), the best paper award of JAWS-2008, the best paper award of IPSJ-2009 and IPSJ-2010, and the 2011 Field Innovation Award (silver) of JSAI. He is interested in multi-agent social simulation, machine learning, and disaster mitigation information systems. Invited Talk II Analysis of the cooperation using networks with arbitrary features Shohei USUI∗ and Fujio TORIUMI† Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo Our goal is to understand the relation between network structure and cooperation. Most researchers approached this problem under limited conditions, it cannot be said that general knowledge about it has been obtained so far. For example, Rong et al. [1] studied cooperation focusing on assortativity. They generated scale-free networks with assortativity r = 0.0 − 0.3 by the Xulvi-Sokolov algorithm, and observed the relation between assortativity and cooperation. However there is a correlation between assortativity and average shortest-path length of the networks, and it is unclear which features affect cooperation degree. From the above reasons, it cannot be analyzed sufficiently without a compound analysis of the structure feature. In this paper, we make clear which network features affect evolution of cooperation by the analysis of a decision tree. We simulate SPD games on various networks, and construct a decision tree. We propose Greedy Growth Model(GGM). GGM is a network growth model which bring networks up to the networks with features desided freely. Algorithm 1 shows the process of GGM. The distance between networks g and c from the viewpoint of feature fi is calculated as follows: ( Dfi (fi (g), fi (c)) = fi (g) − fi (c) σfi )2 , condition in which average shortest-path length L is low. The networks with high α have a lot of low degree nodes. Therefore, nodes with small degree are required for achievement of cooperation. Next, not so low assortativity r ≥ −0.261 leads to cooperation achievement. It is common to the second- and thirdhighest condition. Therefore, it can be said that disassortative networks cannot keep cooperators. In addition, in the thirdhighest condition, very high assortativity r leads to low cooperation degree. It is suggested that very disassortative networks and very assortative networks cannot keep cooperators. Finally, high β leads to high cooperation degree. It is common to three conditions. The degree distribution with high β has a long tail. It is suggested that cooperation degree is affected by a long tail. ∗ [1] Z. Rong, X. Li, and X. Wang, Phys. Rev. E 76, 027101 (2007). † (1) Analyzed features are the following: average shortest-path length L, cluster coefficient C, assortativity r, α of Beta distribution, β of Beta distribution. Hear, we generate networks using required features decided randomly. In this paper, 4,000 networks are generated as the network dataset. The dataset includes networks with various network structures. Cooperation degree Pc is defined as an objective variable of the decision tree. In this paper, Spatial Prisoner’s dilemma is adopted [1]. Payoff matrix is defined as follows: ( ) ( ) R S 1.0 0.0 = , (2) T P 1.2 ϵ where ϵ is a minimum value. We analyze how and which features affect cooperation degree. A decision tree is constructed for analyzing them. The cross validation error of the decision tree is 0.325. There are three conditions in which the cooperator becomes the majority, as shown in Table I. We consider the condition of highest cooperation degree. It is suggested that the lower average shortest-path length L leads to high cooperation degree. However, if average shortest-path length L is high, the cooperation degree can be high, as shown in the second highest condition. In the second highest condition, the condition in which α of degree distribution is low is added instead of the Algorithm 1 Greedy Growth algorithm Ensure: Start from network with a node while until the number of links gets the required number of links do for the number of network candidates do if p then Add a new node and make a link between it and one of the existing nodes. else Add a link Make a link between two existing nodes. end if This network is one candidate and generate c candidates. end for Select a network closest to required network from candidates. end while TABLE I. Condition in highest and lowest networks Highest 2nd highest 3rd highest Pc 0.769 0.621 0.612 L L < 2.65 L ≥ 2.65 C C < 0.559 r r ≥ −0.261 r ≥ −0.159 −0.146 ≤ r < 0.339 α α < 2.90 α < 3.05 β β ≥ 24.2 β ≥ 24.2 15.0 ≤ β < 24.2 1 Generation of Public Transportation Network for Commuter Stranded Problem Takahiro Majima ∗ † Keiki Takadama 3-68-1 Shinkawa Mitaka Tokyo, Japan 1-5-1 Chofugaoka Chofu Tokyo, Japan ‡ § Daisuke Watanabe 2-1-6 Etchujima Koto-ku Tokyo, Japan Mitujiro Katuhara Tokyo, Japan ABSTRACT General Terms Scheduled transportation service is a proper system for mass transportation and it is adopted by wide range of the transportation modes, such as railway, airline, maritime container shipping and bus. The providers of the service are required to generate eective routes and networks. For this issue, this paper tackles the problem of generating Public Transport Network (PTN) for stranded commuter in a disaster. The commuter stranded problem in the Tokyo Metropolitan area was posed by the Great East Japan Earthquake in the year 2011, where several millions of commuters had diculties to return their home due to the out of service of the railway's transportation system. If the situation prolongs, not only going home but also going to work becomes dicult. In such a situation, bus and waterbus are expected as alternative transportation modes and transportation networks should be generated from scratch for the bus and waterbus. We developed a method generating PTN based on a MAS (Multi-Agent System) and it output the best solution for a benchmark problem. However the network size of the problem is small (14 bus stops). To applying our method to a large scale problem like the commuter stranded problem, it is required fast computation process and capability to deal with multi-modal transportation system. This paper reports the characteristic and capability of the PTN generation method modied for the commuter stranded problem. Algorithms Categories and Subject Descriptors [Computing Methodologies]: Modeling and SimulationModel verication and validation ∗National Maritime Research Ins. †The University of Electro-Communications ‡Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology §SocioTechData Appears in: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2016), John Thangarajah, Karl Tuyls, Stacy Marsella, Catholijn Jonker (eds.), May 913, 2016, Singapore. c 2016, International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Copyright ⃝ Multiagent Systems ( All rights reserved. Keywords Algorithms, Performance, Network Design 1. INTRODUCTION A stranded commuter problem in the Tokyo Metropolitan area was posed by the Great East Japan Earthquake in the year 2011, where several millions of commuters had diculties to return their home due to the out of service of the railway's transportation network. If the bad situation continued, the commuters would have had diculties to commute to their oce in the center of Tokyo. In such a situation, bus and waterbus are expected as alternative transportation modes and transportation networks should be generated from scratch for the bus and waterbus. Scheduled transportation service is a proper system for mass transportation and it is adopted by wide range of the transportation modes, such as railway, airline, maritime container shipping and bus. The providers of the service are required to generate eective routes and networks. For this issue, we developed a method generating Public Transport Network (hereinafter called the PTN) based on a MultiAgent System (hereinafter called the MAS) and it output the best solution for a benchmark problem [6]. However the network size of the problem is small (14 bus stops). To apply our method to a large scale problem like the commuter stranded problem, it is required fast computation process and capability to deal with multi-modal transportation system. We decided to apply the MAS as the generator for the PTN under the disaster situation, because MAS has two sorts of exibility. One is the exibility to adapt to the changing conditions caused by the recovery process of the disasters. (MAS has the feature adding and deleting agents. It leads to the adaptiveness in changing conditions by blockage of street or newly build bus stops). The other is exibility to adapt to various problems by changing the rules of the agents. This paper tackles the following subjects by modifying the agent rules of our original method[6]. 2 • Dealing with multi-modal (bus and waterbus) transportation network Stranded Rate 100% • Developing fast computation method • Combining above two items, applying to a large scale network for commuter stranded problem This paper is organized as follows. The section 2 explains the commuter stranded problem and how to estimate the OD matrix. The section 3 shows the problem denition and solution for the PTN generation problem. The section 4 explains modied method to generate PTN for the commuter stranded problem. The problems to which our method applied and discussions are described in the section 5. Finally, the section 6 gives the conclusion. 2. COMMUTER STRANDED PROBLEM In the year 2011, the great east Japan earthquake and the following tsunami struck the eastern coastal area of the Japanese main island. The devastated area was not limited to the coastal area. All railway transportation systems around the Tokyo metropolitan area were out of service. It is reported that about 5 millions of people had diculty to return their homes under the situation[3]. Since the demand matrix is essential to generate transportation network, we developed a method to compute the distribution of the stranded commuters considering the damaged railway networks. The element of the demand matrix means demand per unit time between two bus stops and the demand matrix is often referred to as OD (Origin, Destination) matrix. Fig.1 shows the ow diagram for the method. The system has a database of the time history of the OD matrix in the working time under the normal condition. Combining the OD matrix at the time of the disaster occurrence and the damaged railway network, the route of the commuters are analyzed with the shortest path algorithm in their traveling time. Since the total distance to walk is recorded in the analyzed itinerary, the number of the stranded commuter can be obtained with multiplying the stranded rate in the Fig.2. Set of Railway Lines and Sections Out of Service Street Network Railway Network OD Matrix in Normal Situation (30min Interval) Position of Railway Stations Time of Disaster Occurrence OD Matrix at the Time of Disaster Occurrence Integrated Network Pedestrian Route & Distance Stranded Rate OD Matrix for Stranded Commuters Figure 1: Flow Diagram 0% 0km 10km 20km Distance to Walk Figure 2: Relationship between Stranded Rate and Distance to Walk Fig.3 shows the origin and destination distribution analyzed under the situation in which all railway lines are out of service. The total number of stranded commuter is about 5 millions. The area colored dark represents the large number of commuters stranded. It can be recognized that the origin distribution concentrates in the small area, center of Tokyo, and the destination distribution is surrounding the center of Tokyo. This result is used as input data for the PTN generation in the section5. 3. PROBLEM DEFINITION The transportation mode is set to bus and waterbus in this paper. Thus, the physical infrastructure network is composed of streets and waterways. All of the information on the infrastructure network, the position of bus stops, the OD matrix, the vehicle speed and carrying capacity are given. Solution is a set of transportation lines that has information about the route and vehicle number. The route of the bus line is dened by a set of consecutive bus stops and it is assumed that the vehicle travels back and forth in the route. Furthermore, since express bus is not considered, vehicles stop at the all bus stops on its route. Fig.4 shows an example of the problem and solution. We decided to apply the MAS to tackle this problem. The line agent in section 4 competes for passengers by changing its route and number of vehicle. The solution as PTN is a set of survival line agents after the evolution process. The evaluation function similar to the following equation is applied frequently to the problem of PTN generation[8]. In this paper, the same evaluation function is employed. min Z = ∑ Si ̸=Sj ∈ST TSi ,Sj DSi ,Sj + w1 ∑ Lk ∈BL BLk (1) where, min Z means that target is minimizing the evaluation value Z , ST is the set of bus stops, BL is the set of bus lines, DSi ,Sj , TSi ,Sj are the demand and traveling time from bus stop Si to Sj respectively. The traveling time is composed of not only in-vehicle time, but also expected waiting time. BLk is the number of vehicle deployed into the bus line Lk . The traveling time from bus stop Si to Sj , is simply calculated by the route distance and the service speed of vehicle. The rst term in Eq.1 represents user's cost and the second term is service provider's cost. w1 is control parameter. Small w1 reduces traveling time and large w1 reduces the number of vehicle. Passengers hope to reduce the rst term and transportation companies hope to reduce the second term. Generally speaking, relationship between two terms 3 Origin ST 0 0 1 5 2 0 3 10 4 0 Destination 1 2 3 4 0 30 70 40 10 0 0 10 0 10 5 0 5 30 10 20 2 3 0 4 # Vehicle Speed=20 (km/hr) Vehicle Capacity = 50 persons 1 Station or Bus Stop Infrastructure Network (Street, River, Rail) (a) Problem 2 3 20km (a) Origin Distribution 0 4 1 Line Route Line a : ST 1-2-3 Line b : ST 0-1-3 Line c : ST 0-1-4 Vehicle# 3 7 10 (b) Solution Figure 4: Denition of PTN Generation Problem and Solution is trade-o relationship and it is one reason of the diculties to solve the PTN generation problem. One extreme condition is connecting all pairs of bus stops by direct shuttle service. Although it is extremely convenient for passengers, it requires an enormous cost to transportation companies. The detailed characteristic and application of the method is reported in [5]. The evolution process starts after the generation of the initial set of line agents. Fig.5 illustrates the ow diagram of the process. # 2 in Fig.5 (Section4.1) and # 3∼7 in Fig.5 (Section4.2) are executed alternately, the line agent without passenger is deleted, thus the number of agents declines eventually. In this paper, above original method [6] is modied to tackle the three subjects in the section 1. Firstly, to accelerate the computation speed, the process called 'Large evolution model' in Fig.5 was introduced. In original method (i.e. 'Small evolution model'), the only one and most protable line agent is allowed to evolve in the one evolution step. On the other hand, the all line agents are allowed to evolve in the 'Large evolution model'. Secondary, two kinds of line agents (i.e. bus and waterbus) are generated as described in the section 4.3 to deal with the multi-modal transportation system. Finally, as described in the section4.2.2, after the exclusion of a bus stop, a new line agent is generated. It is expected that the new line agent compensates the deteriorated solutions by 'large evolution model'. 4. METHOD 4.1 The method in this paper is based on our original method[6] that separates several components as follows. In this method, it is assumed that the passenger selects the shortest path in time. It means minimizing the rst term in Eq.1. The process of this subsection analyzes the in-vehicle time, waiting time, number of changing vehicle for all OD pairs(Fig.5, # 2). The result of the analysis is utilized in the section4.2 for the calculation of the evaluation values and the evolution of line agents. To analyze the route selection of passengers, PTN is converted to the network in Fig.6 separating the bus stop into the physical world node and the virtual node. For instance, since the "line a" and "line b" share the bus stop 3, the gure shows two virtual bus stops, a3 and b3. There are three kind of link and arcs in the converted (b) Destination Distribution Figure 3: Distribution of Stranded Commuters due to the Out of Service of the All Railway Lines (a) Origin Distribution (b) Destination Distribution • Generating initial set of line agents • Route selection of passengers • Evolution of line agents The explanation of the rst component, generation of initial set of line agents, is omitted in this paper due to space limitation and out of the scope of this paper. Briey speaking, a growing network model was modied to generate initial line agents. The growing network models are investigated actively in the research eld of the complex networks. Passenger’s Route Selection 4 #1 Generating Line Agents & Set Evolution Step, n=0 a3 ST 4 Yes No 1 c1 0 c0 Line Link (Traveling Time) Boarding Arc (Waiting Time + Penalty Time) Alighting Arc (No Time) Large Evolution Model No #6-2 k=k+1, k>Line Num. ? #7-2 All Line Agents Cancel Evolution ? Yes Figure 6: Network Conversion Furthermore, the user number, RLk and the vehicle number, BLk is computed by the following equations. No No n RL = k ∑ dn Si ,Lk (3) Si ∈Lk n n n , 1)⌉ BL = ⌈max(Bmin , Bopt k End of Evolution Process Figure 5: Flow Diagram of MAS n Bmin = network. One is "Line Link" connecting virtual bus stops. Second is "Boarding Arc" from the physical bus stops to the virtual bus stop belonging to the lines. Third is "Alighting Arc" from the virtual bus stops to the physical bus stops. The weight of the "Line Link" is in-vehicle time (Link Length/Moving Speed), "Boarding Arc" is waiting time (Headway/2 representing the expectation value of the waiting time) and "Alighting Arc" has no weight. Furthermore, to represent the cost for transferring, ve minutes is added to the weight of the boarding links. (The rst riding is exempt from the ve minutes penalty.) Since the weight of the link and arc in this network is time, shortest path algorithm such as Dijkstra Method with heap sort algorithm [7] can immediately nd the shortest path. 4.2 Evolution of Bus Line Agent The evolution rule of the line agents changes their route and vehicle number. Using the result of the previous subsection, the line agent evolves in selsh to increase the prot dened by the following equation. In the 'Small evolution model' , to encourage the evolution of line agent with higher prot, the target agent is selected in descending order of the prot(# 3 in Fig.5). n n PLk = RL − w2 BL k k 2 ST 4 0 b0 Line c Yes #7-1 k=k+1, k>Line Num. ? Yes 1 b1 Network Conversion c4 #5 Small Evolution Model ? No 3 Line b Line c #4 Evolution of Line Agent, Lk (adding or excluding one bus stop) Yes a1 Line a 2 3 #3 Computing Profit, PL of each Line Agent & Sorting in Descending Order of Profit & Set Order, k=0 #6-1 Evolution of Lk Took Place ? b3 Line b Line a #2 Generation of Line Network & Itinerary Analysis for Passengers (Deleting Line Agent without Passenger) Small Evolution Model a2 (2) where, n is evolution step, RLk , BLk are number of user and vehicle of line agent Lk respectively. w2 is control parameter for the relationship between user number as benet and vehicle number as cost. It is expected that small w2 leads to an extension of its transit route to get users and large w2 leads to a shrink of its transit route to reduce vehicle number. max Si ,Si+1 ∈Lk n Bopt = n (dn Si ,Si+1 )T rLk /CB √ n n T rL RL /(2w1 ) k k (4) (5) (6) where, Si ∈ Lk stands for the set of bus stops on the route of the line Lk . dSi ,Lk is head-count boarding a vehicle of Line Lk at the bus stop Si that is obtained by the passenger's route selection in the previous subsection. Eq.5 is the minimum vehicle number to satisfy the boarding demand and maxSi ,Si+1 ∈Lk (dn Si ,Si+1 ) in the equation is maximum trac volume between adjacent bus stops Si , Si+1 belonging to the line agent Lk . T rLk is the round trip time for the line Lk . CB is the capacity of vehicle. Eq.6 is the vehicle number minimizing the evaluation value of Eq.1 if Eq.1 is applied only to the line, Lk . Eq.6 is derived from the fact that the evaluation value becomes minimum at the point where waiting time as passenger's cost is same to the vehicle number as operator's cost[2]. Next step is evolution strategy of target line agent (# 4 in Fig.5). The target line agent, Lk , considers all combinations of inclusion of one bus stop not belonging to the line agent, Sj ∈ / Lk , and exclusion of one bus stop belonging to the line agent, Si ∈ Lk . All combinations of the target bus stop and the operation(inclusion and exclusion) are evaluated by the procedure of the following subsections. For example, if line b in Fig.6 becomes target agent, it considers four patterns in Fig.7. (Exclusion of ST1 is omitted. Because shortest path between ST0 and ST3 runs through ST1.) 4.2.1 Inclusion of Bus Stop In case of the inclusion of a bus stop not belonging to the line agent, Sj ∈ / Lk , the agent searches insertion point of the bus stop, Sj ∈ / Lk , between the adjacent two bus stops, Si ,Si+1 ∈ Lk . (It is also considered that Si or Si+1 5 where, ϵ is called 'single eciency'. lSi ,Sj is the network distance between bus stop Si and Sj . lSj ,Si+1 is the network distance between bus stop Sj and Si+1 . lS′ i ,Si+1 is the straight Euclidean distance between bus stop Si and Si+1 . n dn Si ,Lk and dSi+1 ,Lk are demand of bus stop Si and Si+1 to use line Lk at evolution step n. Thus, r means the reduction of number of passengers, n dn Si ,Lk + dSi+1 ,Lk , takes place, if large detour between bus stop Si and Si+1 is made by the inclusion of the bus stop Sj . 2 3 0 4 1 Line b Before Evolution 2 2 0 0 4 Line d 3 3 4 1 Inclusion of ST2 1 4.2.2 Exclusion of ST0 & Generation of New Line d 2 In case of exclusion of the bus stop belonging to the line agent, Si ∈ Lk , the change of the prot, ASi , is computed assuming that the line lost users boarding at the bus stop Si . 2 3 3 0 4 0 1 4 Inclusion of ST4 1 Exclusion of ST3 & Generation of New Line d Figure 7: Line Evolution Pattern (Left Column is Inclusion, Right Column is Exclusion of one bus stop) is terminal bus stop.) If the line agent has more than one insertion point, it selects the one with the minimum increase of the route length. The line agent expects the change of the prot, ASj , by the following equations. n+1 n ) ASj = ∆RLk − w2 (BL − BL k k ∆RLk = ∑ DSnj ,Si − r (7) (8) Si ∈Lk ,Sj ∈L / k where, DSj ,Si is head-count whose origin bus stop is Sj ∈ / Lk and destination bus stop is Si ∈ Lk , that is given by the OD matrix. However, to estimate pure increase of headcount using Lk , DSj ,Si , which itinerary includes Lk , isn't computed. The super script ,n + 1, of BLk , in Eq.7 means estimated vehicle number after changing route and it is estimated by the following equations. n+1 n n+1 BL = max(Bmin , Bopt , 1) k n+1 = Bopt √ n+1 n (RL + ∆RLk )/(2w1 ) T rL k k (9) (10) n+1 where, T rL is round trip time of the line after the inclusion k of the bus stop. Results of an analysis clearly suggests that the number of passengers between two stations with large detour decreases sharply if the eciency dened in Eq.12 is below 80%[6]. Reecting the fact into the evolution rule, r dened by the following equation is introduced into Eq.8. { r= 0 n dn Si ,Lk + dSi+1 ,Lk ϵ ≥ 0.8 ϵ < 0.8 ϵ = lS′ i ,Si+1 /(lSi ,Sj + lSj ,Si+1 ) Exclusion of Bus Stop (12) (13) ∆RLk = −dn Si ,Lk (14) n+1 number,BL , k The vehicle in Eq.13 is estimation value due to the exclusion of the bus stop Si ∈ Lk and it is calculated n+1 by Eq.9 and Eq.10 with the round trip time T rL after the k exclusion of the bus stop Si ∈ Lk . Furthermore, if above exclusion is possible, the new line agent is generated as shown in Fig.7 , which connects the excluded bus stop and the nearest bus stop not excluded. In addition, if the following condition is true, inclusion or exclusion of a bus stop is not considered. * Inclusion or exclusion of bus stop that violate the local stopping service * Re-inclusion of a bus stop excluded before 4.2.3 Selection of Evolution Pattern The line agent selects the operation (i.e. inclusion or exclusion of one bus stop) with the maximum change of the prot, π dened by the following equation. It means greedy strategy. π = max (ASi , ASj ) Si ,Sj (15) In 'Small evolution model' in Fig.5, if π < 0 is true, the evolution of the target line agent does not take place (arrow from # 6-1 to "No" in Fig.5), target line agent is changed to the agent with the next highest prot, Lk+1 (arrow from # 7-1 to "No" in Fig.5). If the evolution of the target line agent took place, process moves to the passenger's route selection in the previous subsection 4.1 (arrow from # 6-1 to "Yes" in Fig.5). Eventually, evolution process terminates if all line agents meet with the condition, π < 0 (arrow from # 7-1 to "Yes" in Fig.5). In 'Large evolution model' in Fig.5, on the other hand, the all line agents are allowed to evolve in one evolution step to accelerate the computation speed. 4.3 (11) n+1 n ASi = ∆RLk − w2 (BL − BL ) k k For Multi-Modal Transportation The original method was modied to deal with the multimodal transportation system composed with bus and waterbus. For the purpose, two types of the link for the infrastructure network are prepared. One type is the street 6 link on land and the other type is the waterway link. Corresponding to the two kinds of the link, the line agent also has two types. One is bus line agent and the other is waterbus line agent. In the evolution rule of the line agent, the bus line agent is not allowed to take a route identied as the waterway, and in the same manner for the waterbus line agent. 5. APPLICATION In this section, the above modied method is applied to two problems. One is the benchmark problem presented by Mandl [1]. The other is the commuter stranded problem presented in the section 2. The performance of the method is conrmed by the benchmark problem and the application to the large scale and multi-modal network is demonstrated by the commuter stranded problem. 5.1 Problem Setting 5.1.1 Benchmark Problem The method in the previous section 4 is applied to the benchmark problem [1] and the characteristic and eectiveness of the method are presented. Fig.8 illustrates infrastructure network. The number in the nodes is bus stop ID and the number along side with the links is in-vehicle time in minutes. Table 1 shows the OD matrix for one day, that almost every pair of two bus stops have demand. The carrying capacity of the vehicle is set to 50 persons. The parameter of w1 to w2 are changed to search the best solution. Table 1: OD Demand Matrix of Benchmark Problem ST 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 0 400 200 60 80 150 75 75 30 160 30 25 35 0 1 400 0 50 120 20 180 90 90 15 130 20 10 10 5 2 200 50 0 40 60 180 90 90 15 45 20 10 10 5 3 60 120 40 0 50 100 50 50 15 240 40 25 10 5 4 80 20 60 50 0 50 25 25 10 120 20 15 5 0 5 150 180 180 100 50 0 100 100 30 880 60 15 15 10 6 75 90 90 50 25 100 0 50 15 440 35 10 10 5 7 75 90 90 50 25 100 50 0 15 440 35 10 10 5 8 30 15 15 15 10 30 15 15 0 140 20 5 0 0 9 160 130 45 240 120 880 440 440 140 0 600 250 500 200 10 30 20 20 40 20 60 35 35 20 600 0 75 95 15 11 25 10 10 25 15 15 10 10 5 250 75 0 70 0 12 35 10 10 10 5 15 10 10 0 500 95 70 0 45 13 0 5 5 5 0 10 5 5 0 200 15 0 45 0 The dierence of the transportation capability between the two modes (bus and waterbus) and the railway is very large. Taking into account of the dierence, the number of passenger was divided by 168hrs (24hrs x 7days) to convert to the OD matrix. The carrying capacity of the bus and waterbus are set to 50 persons and 100persons. The service speed of the bus and waterbus are set to 20km/hr and 22Km/hr. Considering the situation in Japan, the ratio of the parameter of w1 to w2 for bus is order of 0.1. Reecting this condition, w1 and w2 for bus are set to 1 and 10 and the parameters for waterbus are set to 2 and 20. ST 0 8min. 1 3 6 2 2 3 5 3 7 4 4 3 8 22 7 8 10 8 6 9 11 5 10 Tokyo Bay 8 10 5 10 13 2 12 Figure 8: Infrastructure Network of Mandl's Benchmark Problem Figure 9: Street and Waterway Network in the Kanto Area 5.2 5.2.1 5.1.2 Commuter Stranded Problem Fig.9 shows the infrastructure network around the Tokyo. The gray links on the land (black area) is street network and the links in the Tokyo bay is waterway network. The street network is downloaded from the web site [4]. The dots in the gure show the position of the city halls that are assumed to be utilized as temporal bus stops. This network has 226 bus stops and the number of passengers is over 5 millions, that is estimated in the section2. Analysis Results Benchmark Problem In this section, results of the application to the benchmark problem are reported. Fig.10 shows evolution history of total travel time (TTT includes, in-vehicle time, waiting time, penalty time for changing vehicle) as passenger's cost and total number of vehicles as company's cost for 'Large evolution model'. TTT and vehicle number correspond to the rst and second term of Eq.1. Upper gure shows results of 'Small evolution model' and lower gure shows results of 'Large evolution model'. 7 Both gures show that the number of vehicle and total travel time are smaller than the initial values. It implies that the method has capability to evolve the PTN to more sophisticated network. What is remarkable with this result is the nal evolution step. The nal evolution step of the large evolution model is about one-third of the result of the small evolution model. However, total travel time and number of vehicle is almost same level. Table 2 summarizes the comparison between the large evolution model and the small evolution model. Above three rows of the table represent rate of passengers in respect to their transit number. Focusing on the total travel time and vehicle number, it is found that the results of the 'Large evolution model' are as good as that of the 'Small evolution model'. Fig.11 is one example of generated PTN by the 'Large Evolution model'. Table 2: Comparison of Results for Benchmark Problem (w1 = 0.8) Small Evolution Large Evolution Model Model w =5 w =9 w =5 w =9 Directly(%) 95.5 89.7 96.5 91.6 Transfer1(%) 4.5 10.1 3.5 8.3 Transfer2(%) 0 0.2 0 0.1 Total(hr) 3264 3298 3259 3274 In-Vehicle(hr) 2701 2698 2692 2659 Waiting(hr) 505 463 521 504 Transfer(hr) 58 137 46 111 Line Num. 4 6 8 6 Vehicle Num. 69 63 71 69 Evolution Step 69 85 21 24 2 2 ID(Vcl#) ST 0 3,600 120 Vcl. Num. 100 80 3,400 60 40 3,300 BL3=21 Vehicle Number Total Travel Time (hr) TTT 3,500 3 3,200 Bus Stop ST3-4-1-2 L2(28) ST0-1-3-5-7-9-10-12-13 L3(21) ST0-1-2-5-7-8-9-10-11 L4(7) ST2-1-3-5-6-9-13 L5(5) ST8-7-9 ST3-11 2 BL1=5 2 L1(5) L6(3) 1 BL5=5 5 8 7 20 2 6 4 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 BL6=3 BL4=7 BL2=28 Evolution Step 9 (a) Small Evolution Model 11 3,600 120 10 Vcl. Num. 3,500 100 80 3,400 60 40 3,300 Vehicle Number Total Travel Time (hr) TTT 20 3,200 13 12 Figure 11: Generated PTN with Large Evolution Model (w1 =0.8, w2 =9.0) 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Evolution Step (b) Large Evolution Model Figure 10: Evolution history of Total Travel Time and Vehicle Number 5.2.2 Commuter Stranded Problem This section describes the results of the application to the commuter stranded problem. Since the target network is larger than that of the benchmark problem, the 'Large evolution model' was applied to avoid the time consuming process. Fig.12 shows the evolution history of the total travel time and the total cost of vehicle. After the rapid decrease of the total travel time, it increases gradually and reach to the same level of the initial value. However, Fig.13 shows that the evaluation value decreases almost monotonically. It implies that the cost reduction of the vehicle is more eective. The volution process starts with thirteen waterbus lines generated as the set of the initial line agents. However, only two waterbus lines survived after the evolution process. Fig.14 shows the two waterbuslines. The waterbus is expected to be the alternative transportation mode for the railway. However this results implies that the demand across the Tokyo bay is small. 5.3 Discussion Fig.10 shows that both total travel time and number of vehicle decrease to the smaller values than the initial values and this condition holds during the whole evolution process. From this result, it can be concluded that the present MAS has ability to reduce the evaluation value dened by Eq.1. However, the total travel time uctuates around same value or gradually increases after its immediate reduction at the initial stage. Meanwhile, the vehicle number decreases almost monotonically. This phenomenon stems from the initial set of the line agents. The method generating initial line agents (The explanation of this method is omitted in this paper.) underestimates the number of vehicle. Instead, it generates many lines so that the passengers do not need transferring to another lines. The rapid decrease in the total travel time is caused from the increase of the vehicle number 7,000 48,000 47,500 47,000 46,500 46,000 45,500 45,000 44,500 44,000 43,500 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 TTT 2,000 Vcl. Cost 1,000 Vehicle Cost Total Travel Time (hr) 8 BL556=32 BL1171=6 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Evolution Step Evaluation Value, Z Figure 12: Evolution History of Total Travel Time and Vehicle Cost for Stranded Commuter Problem Figure 14: Surviving Waterbus Lines after Evolution Process 54,000 53,000 52,000 51,000 50,000 49,000 48,000 47,000 46,000 45,000 44,000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Evolution Step Figure 13: Evolution History of Evaluation Value, Z (calculated at the rst step of the evolution process). Since this condition at the rst step is extremely convenient for passengers, the line agents change their route and vehicle number to increase their prot dened by Eq.2. Although 'Large evolution model' reduces the number of the evolution step and the computation time (Using a PC with Core i7, 3.1GHz, the computation time of the small evolution model for the commuter stranded problem is about 3 hours. On the other hand, that of large evolution model is about 3 minutes.), the quality of the solution for the benchmark problem is the same level to the best solutions obtained by our original method. It can be considered that the "Large evolution model" roughly changes the network, instead, modied process to generate the new line (section:4.2.2) holds the solution quality. Although the parameters, w1 and w2 , are set freely in this paper, these values are xed in the real world. For example, assuming that the fare is 200 (yen/person) and vehicle running cost is 30,000 (yen/day), the value of w2 becomes around 150 in Japan. However, this high cost makes many line agents stay in their initial condition. 6. CONCLUSION This paper reports the method to generate public transport network for the commuter stranded problem. Based on our original method generating public transport network with Multi-Agent System, several modications were made: (1) large evolution model for the fast computation; (2) dealing with the multi-modal transportation system; and (3) generation of the new line agent under the evolution pro- cess. Owing to the modications, the modied method successfully output solutions for the Mandl's benchmark problem , that are the same quality to the best solutions. Furthermore, it also successfully output the large scale PTN including two transportation modes, bus and waterbus, in practical computation time. 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Journal of Transportation Engineering, 133(4):240251, 2007. 9 Effect of Direct Reciprocity on Social Networking Services Kengo Osaka Fujio Toriumi Toshiharu Sugawara Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Graduate School of Waseda University 3-4-1 Okubo, Shinjuku Tokyo 169-8555, Japan Graduate School of Engineering The University of Tokyo 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo Tokyo 113-8656, Japan Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Graduate School of Waseda University 3-4-1 Okubo, Shinjuku Tokyo 169-8555, Japan ABSTRACT This paper investigates how direct reciprocity facilitates active and voluntary participation in social networking services (SNS) by modeling them as a type of public goods game. A number of studies have attempted to understand the structure of SNS activities using anomalies of the public goods game, but their models did not include reciprocity. However, reciprocity is known as the mechanism to maintain and evolve cooperation in human society, and, of course, it is actually observed on SNS. To analyze the effect of reciprocity on SNS, we first propose an abstract model of SNS, called the reciprocal rewards game, which is an extension of the rewards game. Then, we describe the experiments to see how reciprocity facilitates cooperation and which parameters in the game affect evolution or collapse of cooperation in the reciprocity rewards game. We also examine how memory lengths of agents to memorize reciprocal agents affect evolution in SNS. Finally, we discuss the suggestions derived from our experiments using the reciprocal rewards game. Categories and Subject Descriptors I.2.11 [Artificial Intelligence]: Distributed Artificial Intelligence—Multiagent systems General Terms Experimentation Keywords Social networking services, Social media, Public goods game, Prisoner’s dilemma 1. INTRODUCTION The number of users of many social networking services (SNS), such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google+, as well as the number of SNS products/systems are still growing. They are frequently used to share local information among limited specialized and close-friend groups and to show in public some information for the purposes of opinion exchange, advertising, marketing, and political participation/campaigns [14]. Appears in: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2016), John Thangarajah, Karl Tuyls, Stacy Marsella, Catholijn Jonker (eds.), May 9–13, 2016, Singapore. c 2016, International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Copyright ⃝ Multiagent Systems ( All rights reserved. SNS are usually run by companies and organizations but cannot persist without a huge number of updated content posted by individual users. However, the mechanisms in SNS that lead to such continual activities of posting content are not well known. Because such user activities incur some cost and effort to create and submit the content, there are some free riders, that is, users that just read the content and never post articles and other content. To provide incentives to individual users to keep submitting content, many SNS introduce a number of mechanisms, such as providing comments on articles and a comment, showing the number of followers, and having “Like” buttons. These mechanisms can give physical and quantitative rewards (e.g., reading comments and showing the number of followers and users who clicked on the “Like” buttons) and psychological rewards that provide feelings of connection to friends/people and a sense of belonging [9]. However, these incentive mechanisms also rely on users’ voluntary behavior and incur some cost and time. It is an important challenge in the design of social media on the Internet, like SNS, to identify the conditions or mechanisms that keep SNS active and thriving, and thus many studies focused on this issue. One approach to this issue is based on an evolutionary game theoretic approach. For example, Toriumi et al. and Hirahara et al. [5, 17] discussed a mechanism to keep SNS active using an evolutionary game on certain network structures. They proposed rewards and meta-rewards games that were dual parts of Axelrod’s metanorms game, and their extension called SNS-norms game, to identify evolved behaviors of agents that are the model of users in SNS. They analyzed the conditions for a cooperation dominant situation, which corresponds to when SNS are active and many users continue to post articles and comments. They then found that meta-rewards such as comments on comments on articles [17] and a simple response mechanism for rewards such as “Like” buttons for articles [6] play an important role in SNS. However, their studies did not consider social and personal relationships between peers. Nowak [11] pointed out that one of five mechanisms, kin selection, direct and indirect reciprocity, network reciprocity, and group selection, is necessary for evolving cooperation in human society, and Rand and Nowak [12] showed the empirical evidence for human cooperation by these mechanisms. In addition, such mechanisms also exist and have crucial roles in online networks [8, 16, 4]. For example, Faraj and Johnson [4] found that network exchange patterns in an online community are characterized by reciprocity patterns 10 and are different from those characterized by preferential attachment [3]. Takano et al. [16] also indicated that cooperation based on reciprocity could be observed in a network game by analyzing the logs of players’ actions. Therefore, we believe that reciprocity, especially direct reciprocity, is essential in SNS because connections between users are usually established by direct interaction such as “comments on articles” and “comments on comment.” In this paper, we try to understand the effect of direct reciprocity between users on continual and active use of SNS by extending an existing abstract model of SNS [17]. For this purpose, we propose a reciprocity rewards game whose structure is basically identical to the rewards game, but agents tag their peer agents and decide their behaviors on the basis of peers’ past reciprocal behaviors. We then investigate why the rates of cooperation increase and when the established cooperation collapses. Our research results and discussions help us to understand the mechanism and interaction structure to evolve and maintain a cooperationdominant situation that corresponds to a situation in which SNS continue to prosper. This paper is organized as follows. First, we describe related work in Section 2. Next, we introduce the reciprocity rewards game, which is the abstract models of SNS with reciprocity, in Section 3. Section 4 shows the experimental results and tries to understand why and when reciprocal behavior facilitates evolution of cooperation by comparing the results with those of the rewards game. Our experimental result suggests that user behavior like a half free-rider keeps cooperative activity in SNS. Then, we conclude this paper in Section 5 with a brief summary and our future research direction. sees gets gets rewards rewards gets gets sees does not see gets gets cooperates does not reward does not reward does not see defects Rewards Game Meta-Rewards Game Figure 1: Meta-rewards and Rewards Games. sees gets gets rewards rewards sees gets gets does not see gets gets cooperates does not reward does not reward does not see defects Reciprocity Rewards Game 2. RELATED WORK A number of studies attempt to understand what factors affect social media by analyzing the network structures of social media. For example, Karamon et al. [7] propose an algorithm that can effectively analyze important network-based features from the huge data of a social network for understanding user behavior there. Saito and Matsuda [13] analyzed network structures to identify two types of key users who draw the attention of many other users on Twitter and showed that one of these types has higher link reciprocity. In the field of social psychology, Lin and Lu [10] empirically studied the reasons for joining SNS and found that enjoyment is the most influential factor for people to continue using SNS. They also found a notable difference between genders. The number of active peers is an influential factor for enjoyment for women, resulting in continued use of social media, but the number of members is insignificant for enjoyment for men. Surman [15] focused on reciprocity because it is crucial for social exchanges. He analyzed reciprocity on Facebook and then identified the strong empirical evidence that reciprocity messages sent from a user on online social networks increases reciprocity reactions from her/his audience. Faraj and Johnson [4] analyzed network exchange patterns in an online community and found that reciprocity characterized them. These papers suggest that reciprocity is a key factor to keep social media thriving. A number of studies proposed abstract models of social media and investigated their properties. Anderson [1] proposed a game theoretic approach to understand how social media emerge as a driving force in contemporary market- Reciprocity Meta-Rewards Game Figure 2: Reciprocity (Meta-)Rewards Game. ing and how this would affect future marketing. Toriumi et al. [17] revealed that SNS have similar properties to public goods, but they correspond to the dual part of meta-norms game [2] because SNS seem to have no mechanism to punish non-cooperators and only give (psychological) rewards to cooperators. Their model includes two games, rewards game (RG) and meta-rewards game (MRG), and indicated that meta rewards facilitate cooperation, resulting in active use of SNS. Then, Hirahara et al. [5, 6] extended this model to the SNS-norms game to include the characteristics of interaction patterns in SNS. They conducted this game in a variety of complex networks and found that users at network hubs facilitate posting articles to some degree even if no meta reward is provided in SNS. However, their study did not take into account the reciprocal relationships between peer agents. 3. 3.1 PROPOSED MODEL FOR SOCIAL NETWORKING SERVICES SNS as public goods game SNS are meaningful and sustainable when many articles and comments on them are posted by and shared among anonymous participants and among groups of users. Al- 11 though some cost in terms of personal time and effort is incurred to post/comment on them, users can get some information and knowledge by reading them and can receive responses that provide feelings of connectivity, empathy, and contentment by receiving useful/timely/interesting information from other (group) users. On the other hand, many free riders who only read content and do not contribute anything exist. Therefore, SNS have the properties of public goods that are produced and maintained by cooperation in the SNS community, whose game structure is essentially an nperson prisoner’s dilemma (PD) game. Toriumi et al. [17] express SNS as a public goods game and attempt to explain the mechanism of voluntary participation in SNS. Their proposed model consists of two games, rewards game and metarewards game, which are dual games of norms game and meta-norms game that were proposed by Axelrod [2]. The structure of these games is illustrated in Fig. 1. Table 1: Parameter Values Used Parameter Number of agents Cost of posting article Reward for reading article Cost of comment Reward for receiving comment Memory length in Experiments. Value |A| 20 −3.0 F M 1.0 C −2.0 9.0 R TW 1 k posts it, k pays cost C ′′ and j gains reward R′′ . Then, the reciprocity meta-rewards game ends here. All agents perform this game once in a round. Note that because rewards and meta-rewards games do not take into account reciprocity, agents have only Li , which is the comment rate, i.e., the probability of posting a comment on an article and on a comment, and do not distinguish reciprocal agents from 3.2 Reciprocity Reward and Meta-Rewards Gamesothers agents. Although Toriumi et al. [17] showed that meta-reward, 3.3 Evolution by Genetic Algorithm which for example corresponds to “comments on a comment,” is important to give incentives to continue voluntary RRG and RMRG are evolutionary games, as are (metaparticipation, they ignore reciprocity, which is crucial char)norms and (meta-)rewards games. We define that one genacteristic to understand the activities in SNS as mentioned eration of the game is the term in which all agents have four in Section 2. Thus, we define the reciprocity rewards game chances to post articles. At the end of one generation, each (RRG) and reciprocity meta-rewards game (RMRG) by inagent selects two agents as parents from A using the roulette corporating the reciprocal relationships among agents into wheel selection based on fitness values. The fitness values the RG and MRG (see Fig. 2). in the game are defined as the cumulative rewards received Let A = {1, . . . , n} be the set of agents. Agents in an minus the cumulative costs incurred during the current genreciprocity (meta-)rewards game select the strategy of either eration. This process is continued up to a certain generation cooperation or defeat. Cooperation indicates posting articles (we conducted up to the 10,000th generation in the experiand comments, and defeat indicates just reading them. A ments below). user who almost always selects defeat is called a free rider. We describe the evolution in detail. As explained in SecAgent i ∈ A has three learning parameters: the probability tion 3.2, agent i has three learning parameters, Bi , LCi , of cooperation (i.e., posting a new article) Bi , the probabiland LNi . Since each of these parameters is represented in ity of giving rewards (e.g., posting a comment on the article) three bits, agents have nine-bit genes. The initial values to reciprocal agents LCi , and the probability of giving reof the nine bits are set randomly at the beginning of each wards to other (normal) agents LNi . We call Bi , LCi , and experimental trial. The evolution consists of three phases: LNi the posting article rate, the reciprocal comment rate, (1) selection of parents, (2) crossover, and (3) mutation. A and the normal comment rate, respectively. We also call child agent of i for the next generation is then generated as both LCi and LNi the comment rates hereafter. To apply follows. First, in the parent selection phase, i selects two the genetic algorithm, we express each of these parameters parent agents based on the probability distribution {Πj∈A } as three bits, so it has a discrete value 0/7, 1/7, . . . , or 7/7. defined as This expression is identical to that used in the meta-norms (vj − vmin )2 game [2]. Agent i has the memory for reciprocal agents Wi , Πj = ∑ , (1) 2 which is the set of other agents that posted comments on the k∈A (vk − vmin ) article or the comment posted by i in the recent TW rounds. where vk is the fitness of agent k ∈ A, and The positive integer Tw is called the memory length. An RMRG proceeds as follows. For ∀i ∈ A, parameter vmin = min vi . i∈A Sit (0 ≤ Sit ≤ 1) is defined randomly in the t-th round (t is a positive integer) when i is going to post an article. If Then, two new genes are generated using uniform crossover Sit ≥ 1 − Bi , i posts a new article with cost F and with from the genes in the selected parent agents in the crossover probability Sit , and agent ∀j (̸= i) reads the article posted phase. Next, one of the two genes is randomly selected. In by i and gains reward M by reading it. Then, j proceeds to the mutation phase, each bit of the gene of the child agent the next phase with probability Sit . If i ∈ Wj , j comments is inverted with a probability of 0.005. This means that if on the article with probability LCj ; otherwise j comments there are 20 agents in the network, 0.9 bits will mutate on on it with probability LNj . Then, j pays cost C, and i gains average. After that, the derived gene is used for the child reward R through j’s comment. The game chain so far, part agent of i. of the RMRG, is referred to as the RRG. Subsequent to the RRG, k ∈ A reads j ’s comment and 4. EXPERIMENTS AND DISCUSSION proceeds to the next phase with probability Sit . If this happens, k posts a response to the comment with probability 4.1 Experimental Setting L, where L = LCk if j ∈ Wk and L = LNk if j ̸∈ Wk . If 12 Figure 3: Posting Article and Comment Rates in RG. Figure 4: Posting Article and Comment Rates in RRG. In this paper, we focus on the reciprocity rewards game since the reward by comment on a comment seems small and thereby insignificant in SNS. Furthermore, some simple response mechanisms (rewarding mechanisms), such as “Like” buttons and “read” icons, have no mechanism to give metarewards for these simple responses. We compare the results of RRG with those of RG [17] and try to investigate the features of the reciprocity rewards game. The purpose of the first experiment (Exp. 1) is to investigate how reciprocity affects user behavior on SNS by comparing the transitions of the average rates of cooperation, that is, posting an article or a comment, during RG and RRG. The purpose of the second experiment (Exp. 2) is to understand the causes of the collapse of the cooperation more clearly. The purpose of the third experiment (Exp. 3) is to clarify the effect of memory length TW on the evolution of cooperation by varying it from 1 to 40. The parameter values we set in these experiments are listed in Table 1, while the value of TW is varied in Exp. 3. These parameter values are determined on the basis of the experiments of Axelrod [2] and Toriumi et al. [17]. Note that the experimental data below are the average values of 100 independent experimental runs based on the different random seeds. 4.2 Effect of Reciprocity on Cooperation (Exp. 1) Figures 3 and 4 indicate how the probabilities of posting Figure 5: Posting Article and Comment Rates in RG (One Trial). Figure 6: Posting Article and Comment Rates in RRG (One Trial). an article and a comment change over ∑ generation, where the average posting article rate B =∑ i∈A Bi /|A|, the average reciprocal comment rate LC = i∈A ∑ LCi /|A|, and the average normal comment rate LN = i∈A ∑ LNi /|A|. We show B and the average comment rate L = i∈A Li /|A| in RG. In RG (Fig. 3), B and L transition at approximately 0.17 and 0.05, respectively. On the other hand, B and LC transition at approximately 0.36, and LN transitions at approximately 0.12 in RRG (Fig. 4). These results indicate that the value of B, LC , and LN in RRG are larger. These figures suggest that by taking into account reciprocity to decide the behavior, the activity in SNS improves, although the improvement is limited. To understand more clearly why B, LC , and LN increased but their increases were limited, we investigated the results of one experimental run of RG and RRG in Figs. 5 and 6. We can see that the posting article and comment rates, B and L, respectively, rose temporarily and then immediately dropped in RG. Such temporary cooperation was caused by mutation. However, RG cannot maintain the cooperative situation, so cooperation disappeared immediately. We also found that B, LC , and LN temporarily increased and then dropped in RRG. In both games, cooperation could not last for long, so their average values became small as shown in Figs. 3 and 13 Figure 7: Posting Article and Comment Rates in RG (One Trial, 1500 Generations). this means that almost all agents cooperate (by posting articles) and give comments on cooperators’ articles during this term. Furthermore, we can see that the value of LC rarely dropped to zero. The difference between the RG and RRG is that, in the RRG, agents distinguish reciprocal agents from other agents so can behave differently. Thus, agent i with high LC comments selectively only on articles posted by reciprocal agents who commented on past articles posted by agent i. Such selective comments can prevent the collapse of cooperation by reducing the cumulative cost for comments. However, such prevention of collapse works only when LC > LN ; otherwise, many agents begin to comment on arbitrary articles without rewards, resulting in the collapse of cooperation. We explain what the phenomena described above in the RRG correspond to in actual SNS. When SNS users did not consider direct reciprocity when using SNS (that is, RG), users who often comment must stop commenting because RG has no incentive for comments. On the other hand, if individual users consider direct reciprocity to comment, they would comment on the articles of reciprocal users preferentially by looking at the content of memory, Wi . Thus, when LC > LN , such selective comment behavior for receiving comments in future facilitates and maintains the norm for cooperation. We also believe that condition LC > LN is a reasonable assumption in actual SNS. The details are discussed in Sections 4.3 and 4.5. 4.3 Figure 8: Posting Article and Comment Rates in RRG (One Trial, 1500 Generations). 4. However, if we compare these figures more carefully, the terms in which B or LC reached 1.0 in RRG seem longer than those in RG. To discuss this difference, we show Figs. 7 and 8, which are the close-up graphs of Figs. 5 and 6 between 0 and 1500 generations. Figure 7 indicates that the value of B in RG occasionally increased to approximately 0.85 to 0.9 but did not reach 1.0. The value of L also increased but was much lower than that of B. We can explain this situation as follows. When agents post few articles, they have no chance to give comments, and thereby their fitness values were almost zero. Therefore, some agents have the genes to post articles and give comments by mutation, so their fitness values became slightly large, and their genes spread. However, the RG has no incentive for giving comments (metarewards); agents with relatively large L also had low fitness values, so the value of L did not increase that much. After that, B > L was held, and thereby the agents that post articles could not earn sufficient rewards, their fitness values also became smaller, and cooperation easily collapsed. On the other hand, in RRG, B, LC , and LN rose intermittently for the same reason as the RG, but B and LC reached 1.0 and lasted for a short period as shown in Fig. 8; Collapse of Cooperation (Exp. 2) In Exp. 2, we attempt to identify why the average rate of B, LC , and LN dropped via experiments with different parameter settings. First, we limited the maximum value of normal comment rate, LNi to LNmax (0 ≤ LNmax ≤ 1). Note that LNi is expressed by 3 bits (ranging from 0 to 7), so the probability of the normal comment rate is set to LNi × LNmax /7. We also fixed the value of Sit = S ′ for a certain positive constant value to understand how it affects evolution of cooperation. Figures 9 and 10 plot the transitions of B, LC , and LN over generations in the RRG when LNmax = 0.1 (Fig. 9) and when S ′ = 1.0 (Fig. 10). By comparing these figures with Fig. 4, we can see that the values of B and LC became slightly higher in Exp. 2, but no significant difference existed between them. On the other hand, if we set both LNmax = 0.1 and S ′ = 1.0, we can observe evolution of cooperation; this result is plotted in Fig. 11. To analyze the relationship between B, LNmax , and S ′ more explicitly, we conducted a more detailed experiment whose results are plotted in Fig. 12. It shows that, for example, when S ′ = 1.0, if LNmax ≤ 0.5, the value of B is almost 1.0, but if LNmax is increased from 0.5 to 1.0, the value of B gradually decreased to around 0.5. Conversely, when LNmax = 0.1, if S ′ ≥ 0.75, the value of B was kept to almost 1.0, but if S ′ is decreased from 0.75 to 0, the value of B gradually reached zero. These results indicate that the values of LNmax and S ′ are important conditions for evolution of cooperation: smaller value of LN corresponds to the situation where agents may read articles from nonreciprocal agents but do not comment on them that much and a larger S ′ corresponds to the situation where agents do not miss the articles posted by (reciprocal) agents. Both conditions must be satisfied to remove the causes of collapse in the RRG. We explain what these phenomena in the RRG correspond 14 Figure 9: Posting Article and Comment Rates in RRG (LNmax = 0.1). Figure 12: Relationship between B, S ′ , and LNmax . 1 0.9 Posting articles rate B 0.8 Reciprocal comment rate LC 0.7 Normal comment rate LN Rate 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11121314151617181920 Memory length TW Figure 10: Posting Article and Comment Rates in RRG (S ′ = 1.0). Figure 13: Effect of Memory Length in RRG. 1 0.9 Posting article rate B 0.8 Reciprocal comment rate LC 0.7 Normal comment rate LN Rate 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11121314151617181920 Memory length TW Figure 11: Posting Article and Comment Rates in RRG (LNmax = 0.1, S ′ = 1.0). to in actual SNS. First, if LC < LN , agent i can receive comments from non-reciprocal agent j, but i identifies j as a reciprocal agent in the next round. The probability of j’s receiving comments on j’s article from i lowers. This means that agents should not comment on articles to receive more comments from others. Of course, this leads to reducing the number of articles posted. Furthermore, if SNS have no mechanism to provide meta-rewards, just commenting on articles incurs only a negative cost, so such agents also dis- Figure 14: Effect of Memory Length in RRG (LNmax = 0.1, S ′ = 1.0). appear. After that, the number of articles quickly decreases. When S ′ is small and LC > LN , agents have less chances to give comments on articles posted by reciprocal agents, so the incentive to post articles decreases. 4.4 Effect of Memory Length (Exp. 3) In Exp. 3, we want to clarify the relationship between memory length, TW , and the values of B, LC , and LN because agents with longer memory do not forget past reciprocal behavior, which facilitates the evolution of cooperation. 15 Figure 13 shows the result of the normal RRG, and Fig. 14 shows the result of the RRG with S ′ = 1 and LNmax = 0.1. In particular, Fig. 14 shows that when W = 1, the rates of B and LC stay at around 1, like those in Fig. 11. However, in accordance with the increase in Tw , B and LC quickly decreased. This phenomenon suggests that the increase in an agent’s memory length prevents the evolution of cooperation; these results seem counter-intuitive. We can explain this phenomenon as follows. We consider that if TW is larger, agents can memorize more reciprocal agents, so they can continue to comment more on posted articles for a longer time. However, the opposite phenomenon occurs. When TW = 1, if agent i commented on an article of another agent j but j did not comment back on an article posted by i, i would stop commenting on j’s article in the next round due to his/her defeat. However, when i had a longer memory, i continued to consider j as a reciprocal agent. Then, if j did not comment on i’s articles in a few rounds, i still assumed that j would be a reciprocal agent. Agents that did not comment on others’ articles but received comments had an advantage. This situation continued for longer if TW was large. Therefore, this phenomenon is likely to lead to the collapse of cooperation. 4.5 Discussion We will discuss the suggestions for SNS derived from the findings in our formulation and experiments. The first condition, LC > LN , seems to be the condition to keep SNS active. Particularly, by setting LNmax to low values, the cumulative cost can be significantly reduced by avoiding comments on that many articles. In addition, keeping the value of S ′ higher means agents are less likely to miss the posted articles. If we combine these conditions, we have a number of suggestions related to SNS. First, agents seem to behave like half free-riders in cooperation dominant situations. Agents gain rewards by reading articles of normal agents and do not pay for commenting on these articles. However, because only this behavior makes SNS inactive, agents heartily comment only on the articles posted by reciprocal agents. We can assume that reciprocal agents are like close friends. Because S ′ is high and LNmax is low, LC must be high to keep SNS thriving. Agents read as many articles as possible, but they comment only on the articles posted by reciprocal agents. Our experimental results show that this interaction structure is an important factor to keep users posting articles on SNS. We think that the situation mentioned above is often exposed in actual SNS. A user, u, may have many peers, so u reads many articles posted by them. However, to gain the incentive to post articles, u has to receive frequent comments from u’s close peers. Of course, the articles posted by u are also read by many other users who can gain some rewards by behaving as free-riders for u. 5. CONCLUSION We investigated the effect of reciprocity between users on the prosperity of SNS. For this purpose, we first proposed the reciprocal rewards game, which is an abstract model of SNS and an extension of the rewards game [17] . The original rewards game and its associated meta-rewards game do not include the structure of reciprocity between users although we believe that reciprocity affects the user’s SNS activity. We conducted three experiments to understand and analyze the effect of reciprocity on SNS activities, that is, which parameters affect the evolution and collapse of cooperation. We also examined how memory lengths of agents to memorize reciprocal agents affect evolution in SNS, and showed that the increase in the memory length prevents the evolution of cooperation in SNS. Our experimental results suggested that when the user behaved as a half free-rider, meaning that the user behaved as a cooperator to the close friends (reciprocal peers) but behaved as a free-rider to other peers (acquaintances), cooperation can evolve and the prosperity of SNS can be maintained. We plan to investigate the characteristics of the RRG with meta-rewards. In addition, we believe that interaction takes place not only between two users but also in a group to which the user belongs, so it is necessary to include indirect reciprocity in our model and to clarify its structures in future. 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In: Proceedings of 2012 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT 2012), Vol. 2, pp. 43–50 (2012) 17 Analysis of Market Trend Regimes for March 2011 USDJPY Exchange Rate Tick Data Lukáš Pichl and Taisei Kaizoji International Christian University Osawa 3-10-2 Mitaka Tokyo 181-8585 Japan ABSTRACT This paper reports the analysis of the foreign exchange market for the USD and JPY currency pair in March 2011 for the period of 23 trading days comprising 3,774,982 transactions. On March 11, 2011 the disaster of the Great Tohoku Earthquake disaster accompanied by tsunami took place; the event was followed by a highly turbulent market with JPY appreciating without limits in the panic that ensued; major central banks of the world intervened since after to weaken the yen. We analyze the tick data set using the criteria of aggregate volatility, extreme-event distribution, and singular spectrum analysis to discover the market microstructure during the central bank interventions. In addition, a deep-learning neural network algorithm is designed to extract the causality regime on the microscale for each trading day. At the beginning of the month, the success ratios in the trend prediction hit levels as high as the order of 70%, followed by about a 10-point decrease for the rest of the data set. Distribution of intra-trade times shows clear signs of algorithmic trading with clearing transaction clock ticking at the time intervals of 0.1 , 0.25 and 10.0 sec. The extracted trend prediction rates represent lower bounds with respect to other methods. The present work offers a useful insight into algorithmic trading and market microstructure during extreme events. Categories and Subject Descriptors I.5.1 [Pattern Recognition]: Models: Neural Nets General Terms Economics Keywords tick data, extreme events, deep learning, causality extraction, trend visualization 1. INTRODUCTION On March 11, 2011, at 14:46 JST the Great Tohoku Earthquake of magnitude 9.0 stroke, followed by a massive tsunami, Appears in: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2016), John Thangarajah, Karl Tuyls, Stacy Marsella, Catholijn Jonker (eds.), May 9–13, 2016, Singapore. c 2016, International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Copyright Multiagent Systems ( All rights reserved. Figure 1: The exchange rate of USD/JPY in March 2011 for the period of 23 working days. The breaks in the line correspond to weekends. leaving 15,894 dead, 6,152 injured, and 2,562 people missing, according to the National Police Agency (data of February 10th, 2016) [1]. The overall property damage reached hundreds of billions of dollars. The Japanese yen rapidly strengthened once the scale of the damage became known. This has happened in contrary to increased concerns about the future exports of Japan or the increased expectation of government default due to the forthcoming revitalization cost burden. The two major reasons for the sudden speculative appreciation were according to Neely [2] (i) expectations that Japanese insurance companies would need to liquidate and repatriate reserves from overseas, and (ii) the closing of carry-trade positions in which investors borrowed yen to lend abroad. The appreciation was rapid and significant: whereas on March 10, at 9 PM JST, one USD traded at 82.936 JPY, one week after, on March 17, at the same time, the trading level was 78.899 JPY. The finance ministers of the group of G-7 announced on March 17 late evening a coordinated intervention to weaken the yen [3]. Although the exact amounts are not known, the Fed announced, for instance, that it sold yen from the U.S. reserves worth the equivalent of 1 billion dollars. The Bank of Japan sold between 1-2 trillion yen on the same day, too [4]. In this paper, we embark on an empirical study of the USD/JPY exchange rate using a data set of market tick transactions in March 2011 (bid and ask price range is avail- 18 Figure 2: Reconstruction of the price time series from Fig. 1 using Singular Spectrum Analysis. Figure 3: Tick-to-tick log returns for USDJPY exchange rate. Figure 4: Histogram of log returns. 2. able, but transaction volumes are not). In Section 2, we describe the structure of the data set and its empirical characteristics, such as the distribution of log returns, intra-trade time intervals, or the evidence of algorithmic trading on the real time scale. Section 3 presents our attempt at discovering high volatility regimes characteristic of sudden market speculations or central bank interventions. We focus on the distribution of extreme events and visualization of their density in the form of barcode diagram. Singular Spectrum Analysis (Principal Component Analysis on the lagged time series) is used to find the events of dimensional collapse when the eigenvalue of the first principal components represents all the standard deviation in the time series - this criterion appears to correlate with the high volatility regimes of market interventions. In Section 4, motivation for trend prediction by deep neural network algorithm is described, and the results presented for each trading day of March 2011. We conclude with final remarks in Section 5. DATA SET The data set consists of trade records that include the currency pair indicator, USD/JPY, date in the form of YYYYMMDD, and the price pair of bid and ask values, in the format of NN.NNN (units of JPY). The source is True FX company ( The exchange rate time series are depicted in Fig. 1 (time scale in seconds is used from the reference point of March 1st, 2011, 0:00 JST), which shows the sudden speculative appreciation of yen after the earthquake and tsunami disaster (2011 3 11 14:46, t(sec)= 1,003,593 and t(tick)=1,303,200). The peak effect of this speculative bubble took place on 2011 3 16 21:15 (t(sec)=1,459,100, t(tick)=1,993,900). The intervention of the G-7 group lead by Bank of Japan started on 2011 3 18 00:02 (t(sec)=1,555,300, t(tick)=2,350,600). An aggregated volatility criterion depicts one more significant event on 2011 3 21 13:40 (t(sec)=1,863,600, t(tick)=2,728,200), during which the market was largely unstable, perhaps due to the ongoing battle of the speculative trend of yen ap- 19 Figure 6: Histogram of intra-trade times. Figure 5: Histogram of log returns (log-log plot). preciation and the central bank intervention to depreciate the currency. Although none of these events appears significantly in the Singular Spectrum Analysis of the FX time series shown in Fig. 2, the SSA will be proven useful on the lagged copies of logarithmic returns, defined as Rt = log Ft+1 Ft , (1) where the Ft is the price at (tick) time t defined by the average of the bid and ask exchange rate values. In Fig. 3, the time series of Fig. 1 transformed to logarithmic returns are shown. The vertical lines correspond to the events of the earthquake, speculative bubble, and the 1st and 2nd interventions against this trend. Figure 4 provides the discrete version of the log return histogram, on which the quoting step is visible (order of 10−3 /FX). The histogram has a power-law tail, as can be seen from the straight-line region of the histogram in a log-log plot shown in Fig. 5. Next, we proceed to the analysis of intra-trade times. In the inset of the histogram in Fig. 6 for the first 0.6 seconds, it can be seen that every 0.1 sec, there is a peak of increased trading activity, indicating the physical clock at the market being used for transaction clearing and algorithmic trading. In addition to the 0.1 sec stepping, there is also a small peak distinguishable at a quarter of a second. The effect is more pronounced on a longer time grid in Fig. 7 using the logarithmic scale. Notice the higher-than-regular effect at 10 second interval, too. In order to asses the volatility of the market, focusing especially on the central bank interventions, one useful criterion is the distribution of extreme events. Using the n-gram analysis with n=10, we define an extreme events as a sequence of 10 adjacent log returns of negative sign. Since the probability distribution of log returns is symmetric, the odds for this event to occur are 1 in 1024. Next, we define an indicator, which is equal to 0, when the extreme event was not recorded in the moving window, and -10, in case the extreme event was detected. A line plot of this indicator results in a barplot, from which clustering of volatility and the distribution of extreme 10-grams may easily be seen. The result for March 2011 is given in Fig. 8. It can be seen from Fig. 8 that until the earthquake, the extreme events were rare (and clustered). This has changed profoundly since-after March 11, and two continuous blocks of the extreme 10-grams ensued, somewhat surprisingly, immediately Figure 7: Clock ticks at intra-trade times (log scale). with the start of the speculative bubble, and then at the G7 coordinated central bank intervention. The barplot thus indicates the changes in the market microstructure, namely, the departure from clustering of 10-grams seen in the usual time series, to a more equidistant distribution. Let us notice that given the stochastic odds of 10−3 for the extreme 10-gram to occur, the total number of tick points in the order of 106 , and the line thickness, the referential barplot of equally spaced n-grams would be represented by the entire area in black. For the month of March 2011, the statistical estimate of extreme 10-grams, and their actual count, coincide to 3 digits precision. An inset from the histogram of these extreme 10-gram inter-event times is given in Fig. 9. 3. MARKET PATTERNS The modeling of volatility effects of central bank interventions typically employs an extra variable representing whether the intervention is taking place or not [5]. We do not have this kind of information for March 2011; also not all of the interventions are publicized, even though the public announcement beforehand often adds to the scale of the resulting effect [6]. We thus select a simple criterion for volatility detection using the tick-to-tick time scale, on which we add up the absolute values of the realized log returns (rather than their squares, in order to allow for a more robust behavior with regard to outliers). When the indicator exceeds the threshold value of 0.1, we detect an extreme event. As can be seen in Fig. 10, this criterion clearly detects the speculative bubble and the two interventions events on March 18 20 Figure 8: Barcode of extreme-event occurrence in tick data. Figure 11: Trend collapse detection using Singular Spectrum Analysis. Figure 9: Distribution of time intervals between extreme events. Figure 10: Volatility detection using P1000 1 Rt . and March 21, without fail. When a market panic occurs, or a massive intervention takes place, an overall trend emerges that reduces the number of degrees in the time series of log returns. We have attempted to test this hypothesis using the Singular Spectrum Analysis, i.e., the Principal Component Analysis applied to k-lagged copies of the time series [7]. The particular setting is a 100-tick long subset of the time series, each lagged with k = 0, 1, . . . , 19 steps. From these, the symmetric 20 by 20 covariance matrix is formed, and its eigenvalues are computed. To account for the sudden dimensionality collapse, we take the ratio of the standard deviation of the first principal component to the standard deviations of all principal components. We remark that this criterion is again more robust that it would be in case of taking the ratio of variance explained. The time series of the resulting criterion values are shown in Fig. 11. The red line indicates the log return time series for comparison. If we select the threshold of the order of 0.9 and above, then three dimensionality collapse events are detected, falling within the time of the un-announced second intervention event of March 21. This 21 completes our empirical analysis of market patterns, volatility and extreme event criteria that distinguish the different market regimes. In the next section, we will apply the standard deep learning neural network algorithm to investigate the degree to which causality can be extracted for the case of trend prediction on the market tick scale. 4. DEEP NEURAL NETWORK Artificial feed-forward neural networks are currently undergoing a renaissance in the prediction of time series because of the algorithmic development in the discipline of deep learning [8, 9, 10]. Altough recent research focuses mostly on the relation of information and market returns, using, e.g., deep belief networks [10], this computational model has been applied successfully to trend-extraction in a number of studies [11, 12, 13, 14, 15]. The information propagates through the network from inputs to outputs [16], where (k−1) nX (k) (k) (k−1) (k) hi = gk wi,j hj + bi i ∈ h1, . . . , n(k) i, Figure 12: Correlation of subsequent log returns. j=1 (2) with k denoting the hidden layer index (k = 0 reduces to the (0) input layer, hi ≡ xi ), gk being the activation function (in this work tanh(x) for k = 1, . . . H, and the identity function, (H+1) ≡ yi ). The network gH+1 (x) = x in the output layer; hi (k) is defined by the parameters of synaptic weights wi,j and (k) hidden neuron biases bi in each layer k. The parameters of the network are initialized at random; the learning algorithm consists in evaluation of the gradient of the objective (n) function J for training pattern {~ x(n) , ~ yd }, J (n) = do i2 1 Xh (n) yk (~ x(n) ) − ydk , 2 (3) k=1 by means of error backpropagation [17]. The optimization method of choice is typically of the conjugate gradient class combined with stochastic sampling of initial conditions. Upon training of the neural network, i.e. having optimized its parameters, Eq. (2) can be used to predict the out-of-thesample values. In the present work, the dimension of input vector ~ x is di = 5 and dimension of output is d0 = 1. The number of hidden layers is H = 4. An actual example of a neural network of this type showing the topology used in this work is given in Fig. 14. The bias values for hidden and output neurons are in blue with constant input value 1; weights are shown in black for each synaptic connection. All the calculations are performed using the open source free software R [18, 19] Artificial neural networks as described above have already been used extensively in the prediction of market returns [20]. In order to extract the causality degree from the time series data set, we select as predictors the variables Rt−5 , Rt−4 , Rt−3 , Rt−2 and Rt−1 in a 5-step back moving window. Normally, the one-step legged time series are negatively correlated with the original ones; the feature of the mutual log return distribution in the data set can be seen from the scatter plot in Fig. 12. The diagonal line pattern corresponds to the negative correlation of Rt and Rt−1 . To represent the correlation of Rt with the recent trend, we compute the moving window return Rt−5 + Rt−4 + Rt−3 + Rt−2 + Rt−1 , which Figure 13: Trend correlation of log returns. is positively correlated with Rt as can be seen in Fig. 13. Both plots indicate the existence of partial patterns that are subjected to the neural network learning algorithm. Figure 14 then shows the deep-learning architecture of the artificial neural network. There are 5 inputs, plotted as full blue circles on the left part of the picture, and a single output neuron, depicted in red. The neurons of the four hidden layers are shown as empty circles. Weight parameters are shown as numbers for each synaptic connection. Bias parameters are represented as constant inputs of value 1, and the respective weight for each extra synaptic connection to the constant input. The parameters of the nework were learnt on the March 31st, 2011, data set. The one-month data set is divided into 23 subsets of one day trading data. Table 1 shows the deep neural network predicted result for the trend, i.e. the sign of the log return, or the so called hit ratios (66.6% of the tick data is used for training, 33.4% of the data for prediction testing). The minimum value is 53.98%, the median 60.9%, the mean 61.27%, and the maximum 72.92%. It can be seen from the data 22 Figure 14: Neural network in deep-learning configuration. Table 1: Trend prediction success rates (hit ratios) for trading days of March 2011. Mon 07 72.92 14 56.04 21 58.55 28 65.73 Tue 01 54.40 08 72.43 15 57.33 22 61.62 29 61.19 Wed 02 57.67 09 72.05 16 53.98 23 61.65 30 63.35 Thu 03 54.35 10 71.40 17 56.07 24 60.23 31 60.90 Fri 04 53.99 11 63.69 18 57.09 25 62.65 that on the Great Tohoku Earthquake day the rates dropped from around 70% of the preceding week by 10 points, and remained at the lower levels throughout the central bank interventions. These values were obtained by repeatedly reinitializing the neural network parameters, to avoid the trapping in a local minimum problem. They can be considered as the lower bounds for estimates obtained by more sophisticated methods. 5. CONCLUSIONS We have analyzed the statistical properties and the trend regimes in the tick data set of USD/JPY foreign exchange trades. A simple volatility criterion that uses the sum of the log returns over a moving window interval correctly extracts the periods of the speculative bubble and the central bank market interventions. Singular spectrum analysis applied to the lagged log return series indicated a dimensionality reduction events in the market microstructure during the market interventions on May 21st. Starting with the earthquake event, the distribution of extreme events using 10-grams of negative log returns changed substantially - covering the speculative bubble formation and the subsequent central bank intervention. Trend prediction success rates computed with the deep learning neural network also drop by about 10 points from the pre-disaster level, indicating market turbulence and chaotic behavior of market participants. 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Trading Network Predicts Stock Price. Scientific Reports, 4: 3711:1–6, 2014. 24 An Examination of a Novel Information Diffusion Model: Considering of Twitter User and Twitter System Features Keisuke IKEDA Takeshi SAKAKI The University of Electro-Communications 1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo, Japan The University of Tokyo 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan Fujio TORIUMII Satoshi KURIHARA The University of Tokyo 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan The University of Electro-Communications 1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu, Tokyo, Japan ABSTRACT Twitter is a popular microblogging service in Japan. People use the Twitter for communicating with friends, and posting tweet daily life events. In addition, Twitter has also been used in an emergency situation, such as the earthquake. In the East Japan great earthquake disaster, people were using Twitter to get refuge and rescue informations. However, spreading false rumor has become a major social problem. We aim to propose suppression scheme of false rumor. Therefore, we propose a novel multiagent-based information diffusion model to reveal the diffusion mechanism of false rumor in this paper. Our model is to focus on the information diffusion behavior of each Twitter user. We consider three elements of each user, “User’s diversity”, “Life pattern”, and “State transition”. In addition, our model also takes into account multiple of the information path, which is a feature of Twitter. We evaluate the validity of our model. Keywords Twitter, Information diffusion, False rumor 1. INTRODUCTION Twitter is a kind of microblog service, it is a popular communication tool. It is also used in the event of a disaster not only for using in daily life event. In East Japan great earthquake disaster, Japan suffered big damage. Among the confused situation, people were using Twitter to get refuge and rescue information, and communicating each other. Several TV stations and government agencies announced evacuation information and rescue information via Twitter[1]. However, there is demerit when you get these information from Twitter. The demerit is that you may have receive false rumor. Information is rapidly spreading on Twitter. These are an actual example of false rumor in the East Japan great earthquake disaster. Appears in: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2016), John Thangarajah, Karl Tuyls, Stacy Marsella, Catholijn Jonker (eds.), May 9–13, 2016, Singapore. c 2016, International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Copyright ⃝ Multiagent Systems ( All rights reserved. 1. A toxic substance attached to clouds by the explosion of Cosmo Oil falls with rain. 2. Drink a bottle of Povidone-iodine will protect you from radioactive damage. We define a false rumor as “information whose correction is announced later, even though this information was not diffused deliberately[2].” When a large-scale disaster, we guess that victims are difficult to ascertain the authenticity of the information. Victims may get a serious damage by the wrong information. We would like to establish the method of stopping diffusion of false rumor. However, a detailed diffusion mechanism has not been made very clear for either false or corrected rumors. So, in this paper, we will propose a novel multiagentbased information diffusion model( AIDM: Agent-based Information Diffusion Model ), based on a multi-agent system. We will evaluate the validity of our model. This paper is organized as follow: Section 2, we introduce related works. In Section 3, we describe the problems of information diffusion model that we have previously proposed. Section 4, we propose a new information diffusion model to solve these problems. In Section 5, describes the experiment and a method for evaluating our model. Finaly, Section 6 concludes our work and describe the future works. 2. RELATED WORKS Recently, there are a lot of research dealing with information diffusion in social media. We have proposed information diffusion model, hereinafter called “Extended SIR model[2].” Extendet SIR model is an extension of the famous SIR model[3] as epidemiological model. We considered a false rumor as a virus that spreads a disease. However, there are differences in false rumor and virus, we constructed this model considering characteristics of information diffusion. In this model, the state transition of the user is expressed by using the transition probabilities. By using this model, we have succeeded in the reproduction of a particular false rumor diffusion. However, it does not mean that reproduces all of the false rumor that was spreading in the East Japan great earthquake disaster. 25 Serrano et al. were also carried out the information diffusion studies using the SIR model[4]. They also reproduce the information diffusion by the state transition of the agent. The difference between information diffusion model proposed in this paper is the following two points. First, Serrano et al. are considering the influx of information from other information media. Second, there is a restriction that the user can not tweet about corrected information who has already tweeted false rumor. However, Serrano et al. did not take into account the characteristics of each user. We propose a new model which considers the characteristics of each user in this paper. From this, we describe the reason to take into account the characteristics of each user. Miura analyzed the contents of tweets on the East Japan Great Earthquake Disaster[5]. She investigated the reason for the increase in communication and negative reason on Twitter. She pointed out that these situations caused a lot of tweet for disaster’s stress reduction. As a result, false rumors increased by this action. She also mentioned on feature of Twitter. The Twitter timeline is different depending on each Twitter user. The information that each user receives is different. We need to change the approach to suit the above purpose. Takeuchi et al. were studied information diffusion with a focus on user’s characteristics[6]. In this information diffusion model, they consider that the user is filtering the information. They considered that whether or not to spread the information by finding value in the information. In addition, they described that another important element is the root of information. In order to estimate the detailed mechanism of information diffusion, it is necessary to consider knowledge of the Miura and Takeuchi et al. We study the information diffusion phenomenon by focusing on the characteristics of each user and Twitter. In this paper, we propose a new information diffusion model to solve the weak point of “Extended SIR model.” 3. WEAK POINT OF EXTENDED SIR MODEL This section will explain the four weak points of Extended SIR model. First, all user agents are the same type for message transmission. It is difficult to representation of diversity. State transition of the agent has been done by the same state transition probability. This condition means that all user’s preferences and interests are same. However, each user has different preferences and interests for what information they want to convey. Therefore, it is necessary to take into consideration a user’s diversity of communication. In addition, we considered “false rumor” and “corrected information” are different information. The corrected information is the information which denies the false rumor. In short, false rumor and corrected information are same topic. Therefore, the degree of the user’s interest isn’t different in both information. Second, users can not tweet more than once on Extended SIR model. The user is expected to tweet more than once to inform the important information to many users. However, it is not possible more than once tweet because our previous model is based on SIR model. Third, the multiplex path of communication is not taken Figure 1: ORS Model into consideration. A user agent receives the information only once in our previous model. However, there are some information paths within the Twitter follower network, so that user agent can receive information multiple times. Fourth, people’s life pattern is not taken into consideration. Users don’t keep using Twitter during the day As an example, consider a user activity for one day. The user wake up, and eat breakfast in the morning. The user go to work to the company. After the work, go to the home and eat dinner, Sometimes, the user meets with friends. In the night, user go to bed. Thus, the user is doing various activities. 4. PROPOSED METHOD In this section, we describe improvement method of the weak point described by the previous section. Our novel model is a multi-agent model in which a plurality of agents to represent false rumor diffusion phenomenon by interacting. Agents consider elements to be described below. 4.1 State Transition Model The users are able to more than once tweets the same topic. We propose a new state transition model for representing the above-mentioned. We call the state transition model “Outsider - Receiver - Sender Model(ORS Model)”. State transition of “ORS Model” is indicated on figure 1. The three states are described below. • Outsider: People who do not know both a false rumor and its corrected information are included in this situation. • Receiver: People who know a false rumor or corrected information are included in this situation. • Sender: People who know a false rumor(or corrected informaiton) and diffused it are included in this situation. “Sender” can return in the state of ”Receiver”. Therefore, it is possible that the agent multiple times tweets. 4.2 Multiplexing of information path We take into account the multiplexing of information paths. If a user receives a false rumor multiple times, they may tweet uninteresting information. Then, false rumor is spread by the user. 4.3 Life Pattern By Shahzad et al study, they have been found that the usage trend of twitter is change by the hour[7]. This work is a study on the usage of Twitter in daily life. However, we target on the use of Twitter in emergency situation. We investigated the usage of Twitter at the East Japan great earthquake disaster. Figure 2 is a plot of the average number of tweets at each time of 7 days(11 March to 17 March 2011). 26 information suits one’s interests or hobbies becoming more valuable. Our model defines the new parameters. These parameters are used as the element of information diffusion. Degree of Influence: a The degree of influence a represents the magnitude of the influence of information sources. As an actual example, famous persons have great impact. This value is defined by using a PageRank algorithm. We use this algorithm as the degree of influence a. Degree of Interest: i The degree of interest i represents the strength of the interest on the topic of a user. This value expresses the difference in each user’s hobbies and diversions. This value becomes large, if the topic suits one’s interests and hobbies. Figure 2: Average Tweet and Tweet Ratio Table 1: Setup of Tweet Ratio Time Ratio (%) Time Ratio (%) Time Ratio (%) Time Ratio (%) 0 6.15 6 1.56 12 4.18 18 5.20 1 4.26 7 2.29 13 4.00 19 5.53 2 2.67 8 2.78 14 4.06 20 6.01 3 1.72 9 2.96 15 5.32 21 6.71 4 1.62 10 3.31 16 4.87 22 7.78 5 1.34 11 3.55 17 4.89 23 7.28 This figure shows the number of daytime posts peak is at 12:00 and 15:00. These hour corresponds to lunch or break time. Tweets are increasing from around 17:00, the number of biggest tweets at 22:00. This time period is after work, users are spending their leisure time. The number of posts is reducing from around 11:00. Around 5:00 in the morning, record the minimum number tweets during the day. This is related at time to fall asleep. In this way, the user’s life patterns affect the number of Tweets. Therefore, we have to confine the number of agents to get the information from Twitter, to express “User’s Life Pattern.” 4.4 User’s diversity In order to take “User ’s diversity ” into consideration, we use Endo et al. proposal[8]. They modeled word-ofmouth propagation. They reported two important elements for word-of-mouth propagation. These elements are “the reliability of information sources” and “the value of information contents.” For the reliability of information sources, information from experts or specialists have a greater impact on reliability, and more reliable information is more persuasive. For the value of information, in general, the Degree of Sensitivity: s The degree of sensitivity s represents the degree to which a user tends to believe the information. Endo et al. said that a user judges the truth of information by using their own knowledge and experience. It is necessary to take this into consideration for each user. The this value becomes larger, the more likely it is for the user to be influenced by information. Our model defines the motivation of tweet(MoT). MoT expresses the desire that a user wants to tweet. If MoT is larger than a threshold value, a user will tweet, and the information will be spread. Below, the method for calculating MoT is shown a formula (1). M oTkβt = M oTkβt−1 e−λ(t−F G) + ikβ sβ ∑ an (1) n In addition, the characters in the formula represent the following. β is users who are wondering whether tweet receives the information. αn set of users as a source of user β. λ is a forgetting rate, k is topic of received information. t is the present time. F G is the time when the user first receives false rumor information. Here, we describe the pseudo code(Algorithm1) the behavior of user. In addition, we explain this pseudo code using a case where the user β has received false rumor tweet. The user β is determined whether receive the false rumor in accordance with the value of Table 1 at the current time. Note that Table 1 shows the rate of users that can be in contact with the information in each time. The user β received a false rumor from one or more users αn who have followed up on user β. The user β’s MoT is calculated by using formula (1). The size of MoT and the threshold value is compared. If MoT is larger than the threshold value, the user β’s infection condition is made into “Sender(F alseRumor).” If MoT is smaller than the threshold value, the user β’s infection condition is made into “Receiver(F alseRumor).” Corrected information follows the same idea, too. If MoT is larger than the threshold value, the user’s infection condition is made into “Sender(CorrectedRumor).” If MoT is smaller than the threshold value, the user’s infection condition is made into “Receiver(CorrectedRumor).” 27 Algorithm 1 Behavior of agent 1: if The agent receives a false rumor according to the ratio of Table1 at the current time && Agent didn’t spread same false rumor then 2: MoT is calculated by using formula (1). 3: if MoT > Threshold value then 4: Agent’s infection condition is made into “Sender”, and spread false rumor to agent’s follower. 5: else 6: Agent’s infection condition is made into “Receiver”. 7: end if 8: end if 9: if Agent’s infection condition is “Sender” then 10: Agent’s infection condition change to “Receiver”. 11: end if Agent gets new information, repeat the above. Table 3: Setup of each parameter Degree of Interest:i Random value of range 0 to 1 Degree of Sensitivity:s Random value of range 0 to 1 Degree of Influence:a PageRank value of each node Forgetting rate λ 1/8 Threshold 5 × 10−7 Table 4: Procedure of simulation Step1 : Construct a follower network depending on the parameters of table 2 Step2 : Choose one node at random, and change the infection situation to I at time t = 1 of the simulation environment. Table 2: Parameters for follower network 100,000 upper limit=3000 lower limit=10 Pareto index=0.5 Expectation of possibility upper limit=15.0 of having follower lower limit=0.05 Pareto index=0.5 Step3 : Choose one node at random and change the infection situation to R at time t = 16 of the simulation environment. Number of nodes Expectation of numbers of degree 5. EXPERIMENT In this section, we describe the experiment for confirming the validity of our proposed model. 5.1 Experiment outline We use a simulator that included our model. We reproduce an actual false rumor by using the simulator. The actual false rumor was the false rumor information diffused just after the East Japan great earthquake disaster, specifically, a disastrous fire occurred at the Chiba refinery of Cosmo Oil Co., Ltd. in Chiba prefecture in Japan. At this time, since the false rumor “a toxic substance contained clouds that comes from the Cosmo Oil explosion will fall with the rain” spread as a chain mail and was posted to Twitter after that, the false rumor was spread to many users. Diffusion of this false rumor was 48 hours( from 18 O’clock, 11th March to 18 O’clock, 13th March). In this simulation, we take into account the User’s life pattern, we set simulation one step as one hour of real time. The conditions of a simulation refer to the literature [2]. The simulation procedure is shown in table 4. The setup of the network used in the simulation is shown in table 2. The setup of the parameters used within the model are shown in table 3. We try the simulation 5000 times. It will result the ones with the smallest “Distance” in the 5000 times simulation( For “Distance”, we describe in next section ). Step4 : Stop the simulation at time t = 48 of the simulation environment. The simulation results are the number of each state in each simulation step. The candidate for comparing the simulation results are real data. The real data1 was obtained as follows. The contents of a tweet in the case of an earthquake disaster were analyzed. The number of people of each time and each infection state is counted. Both real data and simulation results were used to carry out the next processing. Let the sum total of the number of each state in each step be a denominator. The rate of the number is calculated. The Euclidian distance is used for comparing a simulation result and real data. We usually use Euclidian distance in order to calculate distance. The value that should be calculated is the difference between real data and a simulation result in each step and state. Then, the sum total of the distance is calculated. If the total distance is close to 0, the real data and the simulation result are similar. The calculation method is described below. First, suppose that there are two kinds of vectors “X = {x1 , x2 , . . . , xn }” and “Y = {y1 , y2 , . . . , yn }”. Data are already calculated as a number ratio. D = • Distance √ (x′1 − y1′ )2 + (x′2 − y2′ )2 + · · · + (x′n − yn′ )2 v u n u∑ t (x′ − y ′ )2 (2) i i i=1 Note that, it defines as one hour to one step in the simulation. However, we were aggregating the actual data every 15 minutes. Therefore, to simulate one step, comparing the four actual data. • 5.2 Evaluation Methods We describe the evaluation method of our model. We use two indicators “Distance” and “Infection Rate” = 1 Infection Rate Real tweets collected before and after the East Japan earthquake disaster by Toriumi et al. from March 11 to 24, 2011 [9]. Okada et al. extracted these tweets related to false rumors and their corrections. 28 table 5. Next, It shows infection rate in this case in the table 6. From this table, infection rate of false rumor was close the real data value. Infection rate of corrected rumor has become a value lower than the actual data. However, it is determined that both infection rate values were similar because it is lower than the actual data. From these results, it can be generally reproduced false rumor spread using our model. 6. Figure 3: Simulation result and real data Table 6: Infection Rate( Simulation result and Real Data ) Real Data Simulation Result False Rumor 0.05 0.031 Corrected Rumor 0.347 0.076 The infection rate of the false rumor is found by analysis of the actual data. “Infection Rate” represents probability of how many users infected by the false rumor. By comparing the actual infection rate and our simulation infection rate to measure the validity of the model. The actual infection rate is calculated by our previous work[2]. However, there is missing data in the actual data, it is not perfect. Infection rate can not be calculated accurately. In addition, the scale of simulation network is smaller than the actual follower network. From the foregoing, we determined to be valid unless the extremely greater the simulation result than the actual infection rate. 5.3 Experimental Results The result of having performed the simulation 5000 times by using the above-mentioned setup is described below. It shows the simulation results of Cosmo Oil’s false rumor diffusion in Figure 3. First, from figure 3, the reduction rate of “Outsider” resembled the actual false rumor. The increase of the agent(“False Rumor Sender”) who spread the false rumor slightly faster than the actual data.The increase of the agent(“Corrected Rumor Sender”) who spread the corrected information is a little slower than the actual data. However, it can be seen that the state changes are generally conforming to the actual data. It shows distance in this case in the CONCLUSION In the East Japan great earthquake disaster, diffusion of false rumor has become a major problem. In order to eliminate the damage caused by false rumor, it must suppress the diffusion of false rumor. For this purpose, it is necessary to clarify the diffusion mechanism of information. In this paper, we propose a novel information diffusion model to reveal the information diffusion mechanism on Twitter. Our model considers four elements, “State Transition”, “Multiplexing of information path”, “Life Pattern”, and “User’s diversity”. Therefore, this model can be expressed more finely diffusion phenomenon. We reproduced the actual false rumor spreading to evaluate our model. As a result, actual false rumor could be reproduced using our model, and the validity of the model was proved. As future work, we will verify also possible this model is applied to other false rumors. Finally, we will propose a diffusion control method. 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