March 2008 - Pacific Rod and Gun Club
March 2008 - Pacific Rod and Gun Club
Volume 55 Issue 3 The Pacific Rod & Gun Club San Francisco, CA 94132 March 2008 520 John Muir Drive On Lake Merced The Pacific Breeze A Recreational Facility Operated and Maintained by the Pacific Rod & Gun Club The Club: Easter Breakfast — March 23 Organized: May 10, 1928 Incorporated: June 6, 1929 Range Hours: Wednesday, Saturday, & Sunday July 4 & Labor Day 11AM—5PM Hunter Safety Classes If you can help set up tables and chairs, etc., and help decorate on Saturday morning, please be at the Club House at 9:00AM. Breakfast Sunday morning will be served between 9:00AM and 11:00AM. The Children’s Egg Hunt Skeet & Trap Lessons will begin at 11:00AM. Remember to bring something for you child to collect his or her eggs in. The Easter Bunny is planning on being here to greet the children. be $5, and children under 10 will be free. As in the past, this event is sponsored by the Mahl Family with all proceeds going to the Club. Cost this year will be $15. Young adults will Past President’s Dinner March 15 Clubhouse Rental & Banquet Facilities Permanent Weekly & Monthly Meeting Place for Numerous Clubs, School, Youth, & Senior Groups It isn’t too late to get tickets for this annual club event. Libation time begins at 5:30PM in the Club House. Dinner is scheduled to be served at 6:30PM. The menu will be salad, New York steak, potatoes, fresh asparagus, and dessert, etc. Club Information 2 The Prez Sez Meeting Minutes 3 Special Award Calendar of Events 4 Picture Page 5 History of the Club 6 For the Good of the Order 7 Advertisers 8 The first general membership meeting of 2008 will be held in the club house on March 10 at 7:30pm. James Grant, Gunard and Jeanine Mahl, and two other members of the PR&G attended the February 14 workshop meeting of the PUC. This was relating to the future plans for the Lake Merced area and by extension the future of the Pacific Rod & Gun Club. 415-640-8459 Remember, Past Presidents and their spouses will be guests of the Club. The cost for all others is $25. General Membership Meeting Monday, March 10 Inside this issue: Contact Ed Figone to make your reservations. 2008 Crab Feed — Big Success If you are concerned about the future of the Club and would like to hear about the meeting with the PUC, please plan to attend this general club meeting. We need to work together to insure that we remain at Lake Merced. Remember: Monday March 10 7:30 PM President Gary Adams, Assemblywoman Fiona Ma, Gunard Mahl, and Jeanine Mahl (see page 4 for article) (Photo from James Grant) The Pacific Breeze The Club 2008 Officers Location: 520 John Muir Drive San Francisco, CA 94132 (415) 586-8349 Editor Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3276 Daly City, CA 94015-3276 The Pacific Rod & Gun Club has been accident free since its inception in 1928. Clubhouse Dining Hall & Banquet Facility Contact: 415-640-8459 Commercial Range & Ovens Refrigerator—Freezer Full Wet Bar Fireplace & Deck Handicapped Accessible Ample, Safe, Free Parking Seating for up to 100 Reserve 2-3 Months in Advance Members receive discounts on Clubhouse rental. See Website for Pictures (Our website is undergoing renovation. Please be patient.) Board of Directors Meeting 2nd Monday each month 7:00pm Shell House General Membership Meeting: 2nd Monday March, June, September, & December 7:30 pm Clubhouse President Gary Adams 1st V. President Mike Miller 2nd V. President Tom Hartman Secretary Ed Figone Treasurer Arvid Lindgren 2008 Directors Gene Bugatto Lee Dahlberg Jeanine Mahl Sal Rizzo Roy Didier Gunard Mahl Larry Nolan Tom Sylvester Photo Credits: See individual photographs. Submissions: Fax: (415) 664-2056 eMail: Deadline: 15th of the month Sooner would be appreciated. (Publication of reloading information, advertising, or any other information in the Pacific Breeze does not imply accuracy or recommendation of such data by the Pacific Rod & Gun Club or any of its officers or employees.) Committee Chairpersons Club Benefit Shoots Ed Figone Membership ADDRESS CORRECTIONS Jeanine Mahl Clubhouse Rental Ed Figone Phone: 415-640-8459 Small Bore Rifle Range John Dubus Reservations: 650-755-8068 Fishing Tower/Sporting Clays Roy Didier Tom Hartman Hunter Safety John Brusco Phone: (650) 588-0924 Fun Shoot Coordinator Dave Arnold Phone: 415-387-5455 Internet Hunter Safety Mark Boyle Phone: 650-355-1563 ******************************* Lessons Walt Biondi Ph on e: ( 415 ) 56 4 - 6 5 2 8 N R A C e r t i fi e d I n s t r u c t or s : Gary Adams, Sal Rizzo, & Jim Volker. 415-586-8349 Groundskeeper Rangemasters The Pacific Breeze Jeanine Mahl Danny Phelps Kevin Foster Danny Phelps Please check the mailing label on your newsletter. If your name is spelled incorrectly or anything needs to be changed, please let the Editor know ASAP. Email corrections to: editorpacificbreeze@ Or fill out a name change form in the shell house. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY Webmaster The Club Purpose The purposes to which the members of the Pacific Rod & Gun Club have devoted themselves are: To respect our heritage in woods, field, and stream, and to conserve it for future generations. Large and small jacket patches are for sale in the Shell House. Decals also. Page 2 To assist in any constructive program in conservation or in propagation of fish or game. To help others with whatever knowledge is ours. To have due regard for our fellow sportsmen. To take game cleanly and within due bounds. To take our misses in good grace. To gather together with unity of purpose for good fellowship. Advertise in the Breeze Business Card copy $100. per year pro rated. Contact: 415-640-8459 Renewing? Did you provide the Editor with a new business card? Volume 55 Issue 3 The Prez Sez Time to clean gear. Time to throw out that high tech jacket that’s supposed to be waterproof, but isn’t. If you’re the type of person who buys Christmas decorations at January sales for next year, now is the time for you. Because duck season’s over. Most hunters returned from the peacefulness of the countryside to the hustle of the city. For a few it was vice versa. Here’s the Overall Duck Report ’07, not to be confused with The Unified Field Theory which I think means upland. Colusa Area: 2 votes--great year; 6 votes--bad year. Not as good as last year. The closer your blind to a Reserve, the better off you were. Arbuckle: 1 vote—bad year. Some got more geese than ducks. Grizzly Island: 1 vote--very good. “I’ve got a freezer full.” Los Banos: 1 vote--so-so. Stay late, shoot high. South Bay: “I had a wonderful time.” Geese. Final analysis: Mixed. Personally my duck magnet wasn’t working. Maybe shooting skeet in the rain would help. I’ll be ready, since I hear next year’s going to be exceptionally good. Who called us Pacific Rod and Gourmet Club? The crab feed is back with a four star, three doughboy, and a two thumbs up rating. Many thanks to the entire crew for an excellent job. Crab with special sauce, the best, and where did you get those raviolis? The Past President’s Dinner is next on March 15th. The planning committee intends to make this the best one yet. Dust off the grill house. But wait, there’s still more. The Teamsters have invited everyone to lunch on Thursdays. The Wednesday evening coffee people have been working their magic on propane stoves, and the Fun Shoot grillers have promised an upgrade beyond burgers. Will someone please donate an exercise bike? I did get a chance to stop in at the Pacific Junior Rifles this month. Dave Lee has temporary back stops in place so the program remains open during construction. F.Y.I: The air rifles these junior shooters use are accurate to ¼ M.O.A. That’s 8 to 12 times Gary Adams— Pacific Rod & Gun Club President for 2008 Working Hard for the Club. better than the new field models. Open 1st and 3rd Saturdays in the morning for young people ages 12 to 20. Bring your family. Check it out. Gary Adams, President Minutes—Board of Directors Meeting — February 11, 2008 Meeting called to order at 7:00pm by President Gary Adams. Old Business: 1. Ed Figone, Recording Secretary. Arv Lindgren, Treasurer. Officers & Board Members present: Mike Miller, Gene Bugatto, Lee Dahlberg, Roy Didier, Tom Hartman, Gunard Mahl, Jeanine Mahl, & Larry Nolan. Minutes of Board of Directors, January 14, 2008, were read and approved. Bills for January, 2008, covered by checks #2146 throuth #2170 were audited by the Board and approved. 2. Club Attorned Jim Arnold reported on his meeting with PUC attorney Joel Milstein regarding the land study. Later in the summer, PUC will take over as the club landlord. It was m-s-c to have ERM work with the PUC and the Club to go forward with the upland land study. The Past President’s Dinner, March 15, was discussed. The menu will be salad, NY steak, potatoes, asparagus, dessert, etc. Space is still available. Past Presidents & spouses are free. Members & guests are $25. New Business: 1. It was m-s-c to not have guns for sale/guns wanted notices posted on the Field House bulletin board. It was noted that the club has a policy of not allowing the sale/purchase of firearms on club property. Meeting Adjourned: 8:00 pm Ed Figone, Secretary Photo from Kevin Scarpelli A delicious chocolate cake from Mazzetti’s Bakery was provided by Gunard and Jeanine Mahl. Page 3 The Pacific Breeze Certificate of Recognition Assemblywoman/ Majority Whip Fiona Ma and her assistant Ms. Kelenia Olsen attended the crab feed. Ms. Ma presented the Club with a Certificate of Appreciation from the State Legislature. Although she wasn’t able to stay for dinner (she still had several other functions to attend), she did speak at length with members of the Club and listened to their concerns regarding the future of the Club. David Canepa and Denis Quinn from Senator Leland Yee’s office was also here on Saturday evening. Senator Yee has always been a staunch supporter of our Club. Thank you all for taking time from your busy schedules to visit the Pacific Rod & Gun Club. Thanks to Tom Hartman and his kitchen crew (Gary DelFante and Joe Arena), no one went away from the crab feed hungry. Salad, French bread, delicious ravioli, and marinated crab were all in abundance. Dessert was scrumptious chocolate éclairs donated by Mazzetti’s Bakery in Pacifica. A big thanks also goes to Sal Rizzo for donating and preparing the produce for the crab feed. Thanks also to Scott Linn and Dave Borango for their efforts behind the bar. Once again, Ed Figone’s grandchildren did a bang up job of serving and cleaning up. Ed was busy, too, making sure everyone was taken care of. It is a big job to get set up for an event like this. Thanks to anyone else who helped and was not mentioned by name. Calendar of Events January: 14 Board of Directors Mtg. 21-25 Hunter Safety Classes February: 09 Annual Crab Feed Dinner 11 Board of Directors Mtg. March: 15 Past President’s Dinner/ Installation of Officers 10 Board of Directors Mtg. General Membership Mtg. 18-22 Hunter Safety Classes 22 Set up for Easter Breakfast 23 Easter Breakfast April: 05 First Fun Shoot of the year 14 Board of Directors Mtg. Page 4 May: 03 Fun Shoot 12 Board of Directors Mtg. 19-23 Hunter Safety Classes June: 07 Fun Shoot 09 Board of Directors Mtg. General Membership Mtg. July: 04 FRIDAY Annual July 4 Shoot 14 Board of Directors Mtg. 21-25 Hunter Safety Classes August: 02 Fun Shoot 11 Board of Directors Mtg. 18-22 Hunter Safety Classes September: 01 Labor Day Shoot & BBQ CLUB OPEN 08 Board of Directors Mtg. General Membership Mtg. October: 04 Last Fun Shoot of the year 13 Board of Directors Mtg. November: 10 Board of Directors Mtg. December: 08 Board of Directors Mtg. General Membership Mtg. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Dept. of Fish & Game maintains an education page with events for Youth in the Outdoors. education Special Events: Only youths may hunt that weekend. Bag limits will be the same as regular season. California Waterfowl Assoc. (CWA) will be posting a list of private duck clubs that have openings on that weekend. Any duck clubs willing to host youth hunters contact George Oberstadt at 916-648-1406 or email at george_oberstadt Find the list at: Volume 55 Issue 3 Photos—Gunard Mahl January 13, 2008, the San Francisco Model A Club assembled in the Club parking lot before taking off on a run through the City to Caesar’s on Bay Street for their annual President’s Brunch. Photo—Jeanine Mahl The Mahl’s Backyard Several people have said this is a golden eagle. ??? Note the pigeon it is dining on. The green pot behind it is nearly 12” high. We definitely need more birds like this one! Ever wonder where snow geese hang out? One place is near the gliderport at Williams, CA. Gunard Mahl took these pics when he was there for a day of soaring in January. If your duck club is empty, perhaps all of the ducks are chilling in the lagoon at Crissy Field looking at this beautiful view of the Golden Gate Bridge! It pays to keep your camera at hand. Gunard Mahl shot photos of all these canvas back ducks about a week before water fowl season closed. Page 5 The Pacific Breeze The History of the Pacific Rod & Gun Club, Part 2 as written by Joseph Springer, First President From the April, 1949, Breeze: August 5, 1929, a telegraphic surf casting tournament between the east and west was held. It was a five-man team event, and the west beat the east by 510 feet 6 inches in five casts. Primo’s average was 521 feet 8 inches, his longest single cast of 547 feet 8 inches was a world’s record. It was after this that the east accused us of having rubber tape measures and challenged us to send Primo east to cast against their star caster, F.C. Berger. They offered to stand half of the expense if we would stand the other half. We didn’t have a dime in our treasury but held a meeting on Sept. 24th at the Elks Club and enough money was contributed by the members to enable Primo to make the trip. It was then that our eastern friends discovered we did not use rubber tape measures but had the real thing. Primo surprised the boys there by casting 604 feet. This was not official however, as it was not done in an event, but anyhow, it was the first time 600 feet had ever been accomplished. It was enough to show our friends that Primo had the stuff. He did not do quite so well in the tourney because of rainy weather but he carried off high honors by winning all events and showing he had the material that goes to make a world’s champion, which he still is today. Primo’s effort for the event was 506 feet 7 inches, the next highest being 446 feet 7 inches—60 feet less than the winning score. This was against about 70 of the east’s best casters. Well, the east did all right by our Champion—they gave him the key to Atlantic City, presented him with all kinds of testimonials, including a championship gold medal and an $85 reel—well deserved for the laurels gained. A Christmas party was held at Topsy’s Roost on December 17th with presents for all the members. The award for the largest fish of the year went to M.O. Preston for his 14 1/2 pound steelhead caught on the Garcia River, and that wound up the year of 1929. In 1930, we started meeting in Lou Meyer’s basement at 583 Dolores Street and continued there for about seven years. From here on a new era in the history of the club starts with another of those big clopping feeds with Lou Meyer and Milt Durand as Chefs. Page 6 On February 22nd and 23rd, we held our first Clubhouse Anniversary at Cuttings Wharf with the same kind oif program as the first with the exception we added a skeet field to our equipment and a great number of members enjoyed themselves at this new field. On June 17, 1930, our first initiation ceremony took place with our newly organized initiation team, and a number of new members rode the goat. On July 4th, 5th, and 6th, we staged a camping and trout fishing trip to Brightman Flats in the High Sierra—another very successful outing. On August 22nd, in Buffalo, N.Y., two of our members, J.P. Cuenin and Lou Guerin, won championships in Fly Casting for which they were made honorary life members and Primo Livenais was awarded the same honor. Tuesday, December 2 marked our annual meeting and big ravioli feed at Meyers basement. This wound up another year. January 21st, our first meeting in 1931, was another big initiation held with another good class of candidates. The meeting of March 17th, was the start of the campaign to take the striped bass off the commercial market. As our club was born as a conservation organization, we were in there pitching to assist the striped bass committee of the Associated Sportsmen in the passage of this bill. Many of our members spent hours, days and months in assisting this committee at Sacramento for the passage of this bill. Among this group were Howard Vernon, the father of the bill, Joe Michal, Lee Daggett, Lou Meyer, Jules Cuenin and yours truly. Later in the year a dinner was given for Mel Cronin, the assemblyman who sponsored the measure. Another outstanding event in this period was the sponsoring of the Angling Exhibit for Troop No. 37 of the Boy Scouts of America in their Merit Badge Exhibition at the Civic Auditorium. The exhibit consisted of a wooded scene with a running stream emptying into a lake full of live fish with a cutout of a Scout fishing. We won an award as one of the outstanding booths in the show. The boys in return tendered the members of the club a dinner in appreciation. This meal was prepared by them and was certainly worth while. It was during this period the Bay Sportsmen’s Club amalgamated with our Club and we took over their skeet field. This marked our entrance into the skeet shooting business, adding to our roll a great many shooters who are now members of our club. This was a single field operated at Fort Funston opposite our present location. It was a rather crude affair compared to our present set up, in order to carry on a shoot, it was necessary to cart our targets, ammunition and batteries to and from the field each shooting day as we had no storage facilities. Walter Campbell was the chairman of the skeet committee at the time, and most of this work fell to him. Many a good time was had at this spot. In July, a team from this club consisting of Jules Cuenin, Don Westwater, Bill Becktell, Oscar Franklin and Ralph Russell went to Los Angeles to shoot for the state team championship. Earlier in the year, San Diego tied San Francisco in a telegraphic shoot for first place. Our team went south to shoot shoulder to shoulder for this high honor. Sorry to say, San Diego won, but this shoot was the means of extablishing a feeling of good fellowship between both sections of the state. The team, with the exception of Cuenin, went in my car. We received a royal reception and a big barbecure steak dinner was held at Johnny Maltman’s palatial home in Pasadena for the group. November 1, the club held its first handicap shoot. December 1st, another annual meeting and election of officers and on the 18th our big Christmas Jinks again at Lou Meyer’s. On December 19th and 20th, we held our first Charity Shoot for the benefit of the San Francisco News Neediest Families Fund, an idea from the brain of one of our members. Here is what the News wrote in one of its editorials regarding the subject: GENEROUS SPORTSMEN Doubtless good sportsmanship has been exemplified in many ways, but doubtless it never so nearly reached the heights as it did when the Pacific Rod and Gun Club engaged itself in promoting a skeet shooting program for the benefit of The News’ “neediest family fund.” The idea originated with Ed (Joe) Phillips, club member and sporting goods dealer, and he Continued on Page 7 Volume 55 Issue 3 For the Good of the Order! History, continued from Page 6 discussed it with President Joseph Springer and Sec’y. C.E. Heineman. Springer brought the suggestion to The News, asking nothing but endorsement from this paper, which was readily and gladly given. From that moment there began an intensive effort on the part of the club officers to prepare a program and stage the contest the following Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 19 and 20. Alterations must be made at the shooting grounds at Fort Funston, printing matter, tickets, etc., must be provided, a list of over 100 prizes must be acquired and properly placed, and a thousand and one other details must be worked out in that brief time. Day and night, Springer and Heineman and other club members worked and when the big day, a rain soaked Sunday, came everything was ready and going. Bad weather? Who cared. Nobody. Drenched to the skin but enthusiastic, the sportsmen filled the program between early morning and dark, and the greatest shooting success the club has know was consummated. Over $250 was realized for the Neediest Family Fund. Speaking for itself and the needy beneficiaries of the fund, The News takes this occasion to express its keen appreciation of the good will gesture so freely and gracefully made by the Pacific Rod and Gun Club. ********************************* John Henwood, our previous Breeze editor was indeed the first actual Editor of the Breeze. His first issue was December 1996, and it was during one of Woody Herve’s terms as club president. John said that Woody asked him to help out by “temporarily” taking over the newsletter. Ten and a half years! That doesn’t seem too temporary! One wonders if the current Editor will be able to hang in there as long!!! Support from our advertisers helps with the cost of your newsletter. Please give them your support. Sympathy The Club has been notified of the death of long time member Craig Vallely on February 5, 2008. The Pacific Rod & Gun Club offers condolences to those he left behind. Fun Shoots Fun Shoot coordinator Dave Arnold has posted a sign up sheet in the Field House for Fun Shoot “Hosts” for 2008. If you are willing to host a fun shoot— set up, cook, and clean up—please sign up. This is a good way to fulfill your eight hours of service. Plans are being worked on to vary the menu this year! If you have any questions, call Dave at 415-387-5455. Club Speed Limit Have you noticed that the 10 MPH Speed Limit sign has been repaired? It certainly looks strong now. Rich Campbell, who did the repair, said that he fashioned it after a tank trap! Better not run into it! Can You Read This? Interesting!!! fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnoult blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and yuo can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuaseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs, srhae it. Livingston Pinelli Livingston is a 15 year old beagle and is nearly deaf and has “compromised” eyesight. He wears a helium baloon so he can be found if he wanders too far while looking for moles at Mike Pinelli’s pheasant club. Gotta Love It!! Please observe the 10MPH speed limit. It won’t take you that much longer to get to the Field House, and it will help preserve the black top in the parking lot. Who knows when the Club might be lucky enough to have any repairs made to the lot. Thanks for observing the Speed Limit. New Members Joe Sweeney Michael Cott Mark Musumeci Gary DellaMaggiora Matthew Bielen San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco So.SanFrancisco San Francisco Page 7 The Pacific Rod & Gun Club 520 John Muir Drive San Francisco, CA 94132 Time Dated Material First Class Mail March 2008 Clubhouse Rental Banquet Facilities Contact: 415-640-8459 Member Discounts See page 2 for more info.