What is a departure from the ideologies behind the one - L-Est


What is a departure from the ideologies behind the one - L-Est
 Sarah Lewis /On2U presents with: Ciro Cappellari Joiri Minaya Zen Jefferson Hector Eliazar Ortiz Roa Yohanna Baez ∆°sugar//sweet exodus
What is a departure from the ideologies behind the one element that essentially tied Africa, Hispaniola, Europe and eventually the rest of the world? Δ ° sugar / / sweet exodus: a movement in alchemizing sugar Movement 1: working This act takes shape as a workshop where local and international artists from different genres “laboriously” deal with the ongoing implications of a substance that is so easily accessible and instantly gratifying. By critically dealing with sugar and its influences, “Pop” (i.e. popular forms of media, art, and rhetoric) is explored as a translator, disseminator and aesthetic choice. Through this “Pop” treatment, sugar becomes a creative element that is reclaimed and adapted, setting the stage for a live event. Movement 2: the public forum This live event incorporates a cast of characters that include workshop participants, invited guests and the general public. It presents the work that was done throughout the workshop and facilitates a public forum creating a discourse on what was, what could have been, what is happening and what could be the facts and ideologies surrounding this simple household commodity. Movement 3: materialization Each of these workshops and public presentations creates its own materials that incorporate the “bittersweet” through a contemporary lens. This collection of materials (i.e. texts, graphics, images, viral videos, sound collages and archived footage) are uploaded and distributed through online platforms and social media. They also travel overseas and become a template for workshops where other artists of varying genres are invited to watch, critique, respond and consequently create the raw material for a new public event. Movement 4: the spiral This series continues on a spiral route that retraces its steps beginning again in the same place it started adding new members and routes along the way collecting and spreading the fruits of our labor-­‐ a movement in alchemizing sugar: Δ ° sugar / / sweet exodus Contact: sl@on2u.org sugar.sweet.exodus@gmail.com with the support of L-­‐EST/European Performing Arts and Transmedia Lab Pilot Scheme, a joint project of the Centre Chorégraphique National Franche-­‐Comté à Belfort, MA scène nationale-­‐Pays de Montbéliard and Le Granit -­‐ scène nationale, Belfort. h t t p : / / w w w. l -­‐ e s t . o r g / a r t i s t -­‐ 2 / Sarah Lewis /On2U presents with: Ciro Cappellari Joiri Minaya Zen Jefferson Hector Eliazar Ortiz Roa Yohanna Baez ∆°sugar//sweet exodus
w i t h : S a r a h M a r g a r i t a L e w i s Combining her artistic practices as a performer, director, curator and educator, Sarah Lewis has come to play the role of a host. Her present work focuses on knowledge dissemination through theatrical forms. By assembling materials and facilitating situations, she provides a platform (or stage) that attempts to level out hierarchies of those who "know" and those who "don't" -­‐ after all, we are all cultural producers. The structures she proposes provide room for reflection on the assumed roles people enact on a daily basis where the public is then invited to create their own collective script. S a ra h L ew is lin ks > > > > > > > h ttp :/ / w w w.s a ra h m le w is .c o m / h ttp :/ / a g o ra c o lle c tive .o rg / ,h ttp :/ / w w w.m o b ile a c a d e myb e rlin .c o m / e n glis c h
/ 2 0 1 3 / riga .h tm l C iro C a p p e lla r i Director, DoP and author of award winning features and documentaries. Born in Buenos Aires and raised in Patagonia, based in Berlin for over 10 years, his works are characterized by a refined style of intense realism and great aesthetic strength. He has won the best European screenplay for 100 years of Cinema at the Sundance Film Festival "Cinema 100 Award" for "Sin Querer, Tiempo de Flamencos" in 1996 and in 2005 he received the "Grimme Preis" in Germany for directing, and cinematography for "A Struggle For Love". Films that Cappellari was involved in as director of photography also won several prizes including: „Schwarzfahrer“ which won the short film Oscar in 1994 and „Mein name ist Bach“ , the best Swiss film in 2007. links> > > > h ttp :/ / c iro c a p p e lla ri.c o m / h ttp :/ / w w w.b e ttib e rlin .c o m / d ire c to rs / c iro -­‐
c a p p e lla ri/ Contact: sl@on2u.org sugar.sweet.exodus@gmail.com with the support of L-­‐EST/European Performing Arts and Transmedia Lab Pilot Scheme, a joint project of the Centre Chorégraphique National Franche-­‐Comté à Belfort, MA scène nationale-­‐Pays de Montbéliard and Le Granit -­‐ scène nationale, Belfort. h t t p : / / w w w. l -­‐ e s t . o r g / a r t i s t -­‐ 2 / Sarah Lewis /On2U presents with: Ciro Cappellari Joiri Minaya Zen Jefferson Hector Eliazar Ortiz Roa Yohanna Baez ∆°sugar//sweet exodus
Jo ir i M in aya was born in New York City, 1990-­‐ and grew up in Dominican Republic. She graduated from the Escuela Nacional de Artes Visuals (ENAV) in Santo Domingo in 2009, the Altos de Chavon School of Design in La Romana, in 2011 and Parsons the New School for Design in 2013. She also attended the Skowhegan Summer residency, for painting and sculpture in 2013. Minaya has been included in various important exhibitions including the 2013 XXVII National Bienial of the Museum of Modern Art, Santo Domingo, ARC magazine’s New Media Exhibition at the Trinidad+Tobago Film Festival, and the Women in the Heights: Celebrations Exhibition at the NoMAA gallery. She was also included in the 2012 Ciclo Nomada de la Tabacalera Madrid, Spain and in the 2010 IV International Triennial of Ceramic Tile at the Centro Leon Jimenes in Santiago, Dominican Republic. Minaya currenly lives and works in Manhattan, NYC. Jo ir i M in aya's 'Tre n z a' p e rfo rm a n c e > > > > > > > h ttp :/ / v im e o .c o m / 5 7 1 6 3 7 2 8 Z e n Je ffe r s o n Born in York, England to a Swiss mother and African American father, Zen spent his childhood amongst the green mountains and blue waters of Seattle. From there, he ventured to to New York and studied dance at the Julliard School, graduating in 2006 with a BFA in dance. Later he taught movement expression for children in South Africa before moving to Europe, where he has worked in various contemporary dance companies in Germany and France. Later he began to experiment with music and sounds through DJ.ing in Berlin and continued on to France and Brussels.. Exploring ancient melodies & rhythmic traditions that connect us directly to our drum woven past and re-­‐contextualizing that energy into a multi ethnic hybrid of vibrations and transcendence. Z e n Je ffe r s o n , a s a d a n c e r in N o P lay H e ro by Yuva l P ic k / CC N R illie u x -­‐L a -­‐
Pa p e > > > > > h ttp :/ / w w w.c n d .fr/ a g e n d a / 2 2 1 4 6 1 / Contact: sl@on2u.org sugar.sweet.exodus@gmail.com with the support of L-­‐EST/European Performing Arts and Transmedia Lab Pilot Scheme, a joint project of the Centre Chorégraphique National Franche-­‐Comté à Belfort, MA scène nationale-­‐Pays de Montbéliard and Le Granit -­‐ scène nationale, Belfort. h t t p : / / w w w. l -­‐ e s t . o r g / a r t i s t -­‐ 2 / Sarah Lewis /On2U presents with: Ciro Cappellari Joiri Minaya Zen Jefferson Hector Eliazar Ortiz Roa Yohanna Baez ∆°sugar//sweet exodus
Hector Eliazar Ortiz Roa Definir el mi arte, es describirme a mi, es por ello que creo que mi arte es la única forma de autoanálisis de lo que voy viviendo. Es un constante cuestionamiento de mis creencias y transformando mi realidad a una idealizada por una cultura que impone etiquetas de identidades. La constante de mi trabajo es redefinir mi historia, tanto con los medios digitales, como por las formas mas tradicionales de arte, como el collage obsesionado con un material que he querido llevar a diferentes medios de expresión, la cinta adhesiva (TapeArt). No veo el tape como un simple medio de identificación de mi expresión, lo visualizo mas bien como el tiempo que voy viviendo, donde el cortar y pegar, el mezclar texturas, es un ejercicio cubrir mi propia identidad, esa misma acción la podría aplicar de forma conceptual en las fotografías, que atreves de la manipulación digital trasformo una historia. > > > > > > > http://blogekome.tumblr.com/ http://eliazar-­‐arte.blogspot.com/ Yo h a n n a B á ez is a journalist and freelance editor based in New York. A former production assistant for the The Tavis Smiley Show (PBS/KCET) and BBC Worldwide-­‐ she produced a documentary about tourism in the Dominican Republic. During her experience she earned valuable knowledge and skills as a journalist/social-­‐worker. The documentary was an official selection at the Boston Latino International Film Festival and Costa Rica International Film Festival. It is also in the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute library. She was born in La Romana. Yo h a n n a B a e z 's ex p e rim e n ta l d o c u m e n ta ry tra ile r > > > > > h ttp :/ / v im e o .c o m / 1 3 2 8 1 0 9 2 Contact: sl@on2u.org sugar.sweet.exodus@gmail.com with the support of L-­‐EST/European Performing Arts and Transmedia Lab Pilot Scheme, a joint project of the Centre Chorégraphique National Franche-­‐Comté à Belfort, MA scène nationale-­‐Pays de Montbéliard and Le Granit -­‐ scène nationale, Belfort. h t t p : / / w w w. l -­‐ e s t . o r g / a r t i s t -­‐ 2 / Sarah Lewis /On2U presents with: Ciro Cappellari Joiri Minaya Zen Jefferson Hector Eliazar Ortiz Roa Yohanna Baez ∆°sugar//sweet exodus
Im a g e s fro m Re se a rc h Re s id e n c y o f L -­‐E ST P ILOT S C H E M E 2 3 to 2 9 T H Ju n e 2 0 1 4 a t M A S C È N E NAT IO NA L E , M o n tb e lia rd ,Fra n c e . (h ttp :/ / w w w.l-­‐
e s t .o rg / a rtis t-­‐2 / ) Contact: sl@on2u.org sugar.sweet.exodus@gmail.com with the support of L-­‐EST/European Performing Arts and Transmedia Lab Pilot Scheme, a joint project of the Centre Chorégraphique National Franche-­‐Comté à Belfort, MA scène nationale-­‐Pays de Montbéliard and Le Granit -­‐ scène nationale, Belfort. h t t p : / / w w w. l -­‐ e s t . o r g / a r t i s t -­‐ 2 / Sarah Lewis /On2U presents with: Ciro Cappellari Joiri Minaya Zen Jefferson Hector Eliazar Ortiz Roa Yohanna Baez ∆°sugar//sweet exodus
Contact: sl@on2u.org sugar.sweet.exodus@gmail.com with the support of L-­‐EST/European Performing Arts and Transmedia Lab Pilot Scheme, a joint project of the Centre Chorégraphique National Franche-­‐Comté à Belfort, MA scène nationale-­‐Pays de Montbéliard and Le Granit -­‐ scène nationale, Belfort. h t t p : / / w w w. l -­‐ e s t . o r g / a r t i s t -­‐ 2 / Sarah Lewis /On2U presents with: Ciro Cappellari Joiri Minaya Zen Jefferson Hector Eliazar Ortiz Roa Yohanna Baez ∆°sugar//sweet exodus
Contact: sl@on2u.org sugar.sweet.exodus@gmail.com with the support of L-­‐EST/European Performing Arts and Transmedia Lab Pilot Scheme, a joint project of the Centre Chorégraphique National Franche-­‐Comté à Belfort, MA scène nationale-­‐Pays de Montbéliard and Le Granit -­‐ scène nationale, Belfort. h t t p : / / w w w. l -­‐ e s t . o r g / a r t i s t -­‐ 2 / Sarah Lewis /On2U presents with: Ciro Cappellari Joiri Minaya Zen Jefferson Hector Eliazar Ortiz Roa Yohanna Baez ∆°sugar//sweet exodus
∆°sugar//sweet exodus collaborations and ideas to further develop and explore during upcoming workshops Mixtape: Zen Jefferson with image by Hector Eliazar Ortiz Roa https://soundcloud.com/dove_cake/sugar-­‐dust-­‐a-­‐sweet-­‐exodus-­‐mixtape/s-­‐optJx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bp9EWZ9ZK6U&list=PLRiWVBO7_BwYrmhvQN_6WV
V77vWF8yfEn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6YvH7fjuCI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-­‐ur1-­‐3yQZBI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjAxsBafTIo&list=PLRiWVBO7_BwYrmhvQN_6WVV7
7vWF8yfEn Contact: sl@on2u.org sugar.sweet.exodus@gmail.com with the support of L-­‐EST/European Performing Arts and Transmedia Lab Pilot Scheme, a joint project of the Centre Chorégraphique National Franche-­‐Comté à Belfort, MA scène nationale-­‐Pays de Montbéliard and Le Granit -­‐ scène nationale, Belfort. h t t p : / / w w w. l -­‐ e s t . o r g / a r t i s t -­‐ 2 /