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RASIONAL M U K A D E PA N C OVE R R AT I O N A L E Jendela melambangkan komitmen KPS dalam menyediakan kemudahan dan perkhidmatan yang berkualiti. Panoramanya pula mencerminkan misi KPS menggabungkan perkhidmatan infrastruktur dan utiliti moden dengan pembangunan yang mesra alam. Struktur yang kelihatan menggambarkan kejayaan Kumpulan dalam menyediakan gaya hidup berkualiti dan berprestij dengan memandang jauh ke hadapan. Persekitaran yang segar dan hijau menyampaikan mesej bahawa KPS adalah sebuah organisasi yang prihatin, berorientasikan masyarakat dan mengutamakan kehidupan yang sihat. The window symbolises the commitment of KPS to provide quality facilities and services to the people we serve. The visual from the window illustrates KPS’s mission of integrating modern infrastructure and utility services with environmental friendly development. The structures seen in the picture portray the achievements of the Group in providing quality and prestigious lifestyles yet with a propensity for looking far beyond to be able to deliver. The lush, green environment represents KPS as a caring and community-oriented organisation that promotes healthy living. VISI VISION Menerajui pembekalan perkhidmatan Infrastruktur dan Utiliti yang bersepadu, mencipta warisan kemegahan dan kecemerlangan untuk rakyat. The leading integrated provider of Infrastructure and Utility services,leaving a legacy of pride and accomplishment for the people. MISI MISSION • Menerajui dan mencapai kecemerlangan di peringkat antarabangsa dalam industriindustri yang kami ceburi. • Lead and achieve a global presence in the industries we operate. • • Menerokai dan menyertai peluang-peluang perniagaan berdaya maju yang melibatkan bidang Infrastruktur dan Utiliti. Venture and participate in viable business with linkages to the Infrastructure and Utility industries. • • Memastikan persekitaran kerja berkualiti yang memberi inspirasi kepada warga kerja kami untuk mencapai prestasi tinggi. Ensure a quality working environment,which inspires our employees to superior standards of performance. • • Memastikan prestasi kewangan yang mampan dengan pulangan optimum kepada para pemegang saham. Ensure sustainable financial performance with optimum returns to shareholders. • Maintain quality Infrastructure and Utility services which surpass customers’ expectations. • Always recognised as a caring, community oriented and environmental friendly organisation. • • Mengekalkan perkhidmatan Infrastruktur dan Utiliti berkualiti yang melebihi jangkaan para pelanggan. Sentiasa dikenali sebagai organisasi yang prihatin, berorientasikan masyarakat dan mesra alam. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 1 SLOGAN KAMI OUR SLOGAN Mencipta Satu Dimensi Baru ke Arah Kemudahan dan Perkhidmatan yang Berkualiti Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad Creating A New Dimension to Quality Facilities and Services NOTIS MESYUARAT AGUNG TAHUNAN NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING DENGAN INI DIMAKLUMKAN BAHAWA Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad yang ke Dua Puluh Tujuh akan diadakan di Kayangan Ballroom,Quality Hotel Shah Alam, Persiaran Perbandaran, 40000 Shah Alam pada hari Selasa,15 Jun 2004,jam 3.00 petang untuk membincangkan perkara-perkara berikut: AGEND A 1. Menerima dan meluluskan Penyata Kewangan yang telah diaudit bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2003 dan Laporan Pengarah dan Juruaudit mengenainya. (Resolusi 1) 2. Meluluskan dividen akhir sebanyak 2% tolak 28% cukai pendapatan bagi tahun berakhir 31 Disember 2003. (Resolusi 2) 3. Melantik semula Pengarah-Pengarah berikut yang akan bersara menurut Artikel 84 Tataurusan Syarikat, dan oleh kerana layak,telah menawarkan diri mereka untuk perlantikan semula: i. YBhg Dato’ Haji Ab. Halim bin Mohyiddin (Resolusi 3) ii. YBhg Dato’ Haji Sumadi bin Haji Ismail (Resolusi 4) iii. YB Senator Dato' Ikhwan Salim bin Dato’ Sujak (Resolusi 5) 4. Meluluskan yuran Pengarah sebanyak RM284,767.00 bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2003. (Resolusi 6) 5. Melantik semula Tetuan PricewaterhouseCoopers sebagai Juruaudit dan memberi kuasa kepada Lembaga Pengarah untuk menetapkan ganjaran mereka. (Resolusi 7) SEBAGAI URUSAN KHAS: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Twenty Se venth Annual General Meeting of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad will be held at the Kayangan Ballroom, Quality Hotel Shah Alam, Persiaran Perbandaran, 40000 Shah Alam on Tuesday, 15 June 2004 at 3.00 p.m. for the following purposes: AGEND A 1. To receive and adopt the Audited Financial Statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2003 and the Reports of the Directors and Auditors thereon. (Resolution 1) 2. To approve a final dividend of 2% less 28% income tax for the year ended 31 December 2003. (Resolution 2) 3. To re-elect the following Directors who retire in accordance with Article 84 of the Company's Articles of Association, and being eligible, have offered themselves for re-election: i. YBhg Dato' Haji Ab. Halim bin Mohyiddin (Resolution 3) ii. YBhg Dato' Haji Sumadi bin Haji Ismail (Resolution 4) iii. YB Senator Dato’ Ikhwan Salim bin Dato’ Sujak (Resolution 5) 4. To approve the Directors' Fees of RM284,767.00 for the financial year ended 31 December 2003. (Resolution 6) 5. To re-appoint Messrs PricewaterhouseCoopers as Auditors of the Company and to authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration. (Resolution 7) Bagi menimbang dan sekiranya difikirkan wajar, meluluskan dengan atau tanpa sebarang pindaan,Resolusi Biasa berikut: AS SPECIAL BUSINESS: 6. Kuasa untuk Penerbitan Saham To consider and, if thought fit, pass with or without any modifications,the following Ordinary Resolution: "BAHAWA dengan ini, Lembaga Pengarah diberi kuasa menurut Seksyen 132D Akta Syarikat, 1965, untuk menerbitkan saham Syarikat ini pada bila-bila masa sehingga tamatnya Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Syarikat ini yang akan datang,tertakluk kepada terma dan syarat yang telah ditentukan dan untuk tujuan-tujuan yang difikirkan wajar oleh Lembaga Pengarah,dengan syarat jumlah saham yang diterbitkan tidak melebihi 10% daripada modal saham terbitan Syarikat pada masa ini.” (Resolusi 8) 6. Authority for Allotment of Shares "THAT pursuant to Section 132D of the Companies Act, 1965,the Board of Directors be and are hereby empowered to issue shares in the Company at any time until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting and upon such terms and conditions and for such purposes as the Board of Directors may, in its absolute discretion,deem fit provided that the aggregate number of shares to be issued does not exceed 10% of the issued share capital of Company for the time being. “ (Resolution 8) Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 3 7. Melaksanakan sebarang urusan biasa yang lain di mana notis secukupnya telah diberikan. NOTIS KELAYAKAN MENERIMA PEMBA YARAN DIVIDEN DAN NOTIS ADALAH JUGA DENGAN INI DIBERIKAN bahawa dividen akhir sebanyak 2% tolak 28% cukai pendapatan,sekiranya diluluskan oleh pemegang-pemegang saham, akan dibayar pada 13 Ogos 2004 kepada pemegang-pemegang saham yang berdaftar dalam Rekod Pendeposit pada penutupan perniagaan pada 21 Julai 2004. 7. To transact any other ordinary business for which due notice has been given. NOTICE OF DIVIDEND ENTITLEMENT AND PA YMENT Seseorang pendeposit akan layak untuk haknya hanya berhubung dengan: NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that a final dividend of 2% less 28% income tax, if approved by shareholders, will be payable on 13 August 2004 to shareholders registered in the Records of Depositors at the close of business on 21 July 2004. a) saham-saham yang dipindahkan kepada Akaun Sekuriti Pendeposit sebelum jam 4.00 petang pada 19 Julai 2004 berhubung dengan saham biasa. A depositor shall qualify for entitlement only in respect of: b) Saham-saham yang dibeli pada Bursa Malaysia atas dasar keberhakan bersama selaras dengan peraturanperaturan Bursa Malaysia. a) shares transferred to the Depositor’s Securities Account before 4.00 p.m. on 19 July 2004 in respect of ordinary shares. b) Shares bought on the Bursa Malaysia on a cum entitlement basis according to the Rules of the Bursa Malaysia. Dengan Perintah Lembaga Pengarah By Order of the Boar DATIN PADUKA JUMA'AH BINTI MOKTAR (MACS 00664) HASHIMAH BINTI MOHD ISA (LS 8798) Setiausaha-Setiausaha Syarikat Shah Alam 25 Mei 2004 Nota-Nota: 1. Setiap ahli Syarikat ini yang berhak menghadiri dan mengundi di mesyuarat ini,berhak melantik seorang atau lebih proksi (atau melantik seorang wakil, bagi syarikat yang diperbadankan) untuk menghadiri dan mengundi bagi pihaknya.Setiap proksi tidak semestinya seorang ahli Syarikat ini. 2. Borang Proksi mestilah ditandatangani oleh orang yang melantiknya atau wakilnya yang diberi kuasa secara bertulis. Bagi syarikat yang diperbadankan,ianya hendaklah dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan Cop Mohor Syarikat atau ditandatangani oleh wakilnya yang diberi kuasa secara bertulis atau oleh pegawainya,bagi pihak syarikat tersebut. 3. Surat cara perlantikan proksi hendaklah dihantar ke Pejabat Pendaftar Syarikat,tidak lewat dari empat puluh lapan (48) jam sebelum waktu yang ditetapkan bagi mesyuarat tersebut atau sebarang penangguhannya. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad d DATIN PADUKA JUMA'AH BINTI MOKTAR (MACS 00664) HASHIMAH BINTI MOHD ISA (LS 8798) Company Secretaries Shah Alam 25 May 2004 Notes: 1. A member of the Company entitled to attend and vote at the meeting is entitled to appoint one or more proxies (or in the case of a corporation,to appoint a representative) to attend and vote in his stead.A proxy need not be a member of the Company. 2. The Proxy Form must be signed by the appointer or his attorney duly authorised in writing. In the case of a corporation, it shall be executed under its Common Seal or signed by its attorney duly authorised in writing or by an officer on behalf of the corporation. 3. The instrument appointing the proxy must be deposited at the Registrar of Companies not less than forty-eight (48) hours before the time appointed for holding the meeting or any adjournment thereof. NOTA PENJELASAN Resolusi Biasa 8, jika diluluskan, akan memberi para Pengarah Syarikat kuasa untuk menerbitkan saham-saham Syarikat atas budi bicara mereka pada bila-bila masa tanpa mengadakan Mesyuarat Agung. Kuasa ini,kecuali dimansuhkan atau diubah oleh Syarikat dalam Mesyuarat Agung, akan luput pada Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan yang akan datang. PENY ATA BERSAMA NOTIS MESYU AGUNG TAHUNAN ARA T 1. Para Pengarah yang menawarkan diri untuk dipilih semula di Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Syarikat yang ke Dua Puluh Tujuh adalah seperti berikut: YBhg Dato' Haji Ab. Halim bin Mohyiddin (Resolusi 3) ii. YBhg Dato' Haji Sumadi bin Haji Ismail (Resolusi 4) iii. YB Senator Dato' Ikhwan Salim bin Dato’ Sujak (Resolusi 5) EXPLANA TORY NOTES Ordinary Resolution 8, if passed, will give the Directors of the Company authority to issue ordinary shares in the Company at any time at their absolute discretion without convening a General Meeting.This authorisation will,unless revoked or varied by the Company at a General Meeting, expire at the next Annual General Meeting. ST ATEMENT A CCOMP ANYING NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING i. Profil para Pengarah yang akan dipilih semula terdapat di muka surat 32 hingga 33. 2. Butir-butir mengenai kehadiran para Pengarah di Mesyuarat Lembaga Pengarah. Empat (4) Mesyuarat Lembaga Pengarah telah diadakan sepanjang tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2003. Butir-butir kehadiran para Pengarah di Mesyuarat Lembaga Pengarah dikemukakan pada muka surat 43. 3. Tempat,tarikh dan waktu Mesyuarat Lembaga Pengarah. Tiga Mesyuarat Lembaga Pengarah telah diadakan di Bilik Mesyuarat Lembaga,Tingkat 17,Plaza Perangsang, Persiaran Perbandaran,40000 Shah Alam,Selangor kecuali Mesyuarat Lembaga Pengarah bertarikh 12 Jun 2003 telah diadakan di Kayangan Ballroom,Quality Hotel Shah Alam, Persiaran Perbandaran,40000 Shah Alam. Tarikh 7 Mac 2003 12 Jun 2003 26 Ogos 2003 20 November 2003 Waktu 9.30 pagi 10.00 pagi 3.30 petang 10.00 pagi 1. Directors who are standing for re-election at the Twenty Seventh Annual General Meeting of the Company are: i. YBhg Dato' Haji Ab. Halim bin Mohyiddin (Resolution 3) ii. YBhg Dato' Haji Sumadi bin Haji Ismail (Resolution 4) iii. YB Senator Dato' Ikhwan Salim bin Dato’ Sujak (Resolution 5) The profile of the Directors standing for re-election are on pages 32 to 33. 2. Details of Attendance of Directors at Board Meetings. Four (4) Board of Directors Meeting were held during the financial year ended 31 December 2003. Details of attendance of Directors at the Board Meetings are set out on page 43. 3. Place, date and time of the Board of Directors' Meetings. Three (3) of the Board Meetings were held at the Board Room,17th Floor, Plaza Perangsang,Persiaran Perbandaran, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor whereby the Board Meeting dated 12 June 2003 was held at Kayangan Ballroom, Quality Hotel Shah Alam, Persiaran Perbandaran, 40000 Shah Alam. Date 7 March 2003 12 June 2003 26 August 2003 20 November 2003 Time 9.30 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 3.30 p.m. 10.00 a.m. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 5 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad SOROTAN KEWANGAN KUMPULAN GROUP’S FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS SOROTAN KEWANGAN KUMPULAN BAGI TAHUN BERAKHIR 31 DISEMBER GROUP'S FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 1999 2000 RM '000 RM '000 1 Perolehan/Revenue 2 3 4 2001 RM '000 2002 2003 RM '000 RM '000 274,488 184,786 198,886 175,822 237,634 Keuntungan/(Kerugian) Daripada Aktiviti Biasa Sebelum Cukai Profit/(Loss) From Ordinary Activities Before Tax 25,703 44,838 62,954 82,955 106,958 Keuntungan/(Kerugian) Daripada Aktiviti Biasa Selepas Cukai Profit/(Loss) From Ordinary Activities After Tax 22,314 28,729 37,598 49,320 69,769 Keuntungan/(Kerugian) Yang Boleh Diagihkan Kepada Pemegang-pemegang Saham Profit/(Loss) Attributable To Shareholders 25,070 22,415 56,185 44,666 56,964 7,058 7,058 7,058 7,058 8,628 5 Dividen Kasar/Gross Dividend 6 Modal Berbayar/Paid-up Capital 100,827 100,827 100,827 100,827 431,404 7 Dana Pemegang Saham/Shareholders' Fund 524,886 539,179 596,160 626,166 803,397 8 Jumlah Aset Digunakan/Total Assets Employed 9 Jumlah Pinjaman/Total Borrowings 1,387,900 1,417,483 1,258,224 1,326,343 2,194,063 172,182 218,801 241,982 272,206 371,322 Nisbah-nisbah K ewangan/ Financial Ratios 1 Pertumbuhan Perolehan (%)/Turnover Growth (%) (33%) (33%) 8% (12%) 35% 2 Pertumbuhan Keuntungan Sebelum Cukai (%) Profit Growth Before Tax (%) 288% 74% 40% 32% 29% Keuntungan/(Kerugian) Sebelum Cukai Sebagai Peratusan Ke Atas Dana Pemegang Saham (%) Profit/(Loss) Before Tax As A Percentage (%) Of Shareholders Fund 5% 8% 11% 13% 13% Pelaburan Dalam Syarikat Bersekutu Sebagai Peratusan Ke Atas Jumlah Aset (%) Investment In Associates As A Percentage Of Total Assets (%) 5% 15% 24% 29% 20% Dividen Kasar Sesaham (%) Gross Dividend Per Share (%) 7% 7% 7% 7% 2% 0.33 0.41 0.41 0.43 0.46 25 22 56 13 14 4.71 5.02 5.67 6.02 1.76 3 4 5 6 Hutang/Ekuiti (Kali)/Debt/Equity (Times) 7 Pendapatan/(Kerugian) Bersih Sesaham (Sen) Net Earnings/(Loss) Per Share (Sen) 8 Aset Ketara Bersih Sesaham (RM) Net Tangible Assets Per Share (RM) Nota: Maklumat kewangan bagi tahun kewangan 2003 melaporkan kedudukan Kumpulan KPS dengan mengambilkira kesan-kesan selepas penggabungan korporat. Skim penggabungan korporat telah selesai apabila KPS disenaraikan di Bursa Malaysia (sebelum ini dikenali sebagai Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur) pada 22 Julai 2003. Notes: The financial highlights for financial year 2003 represent the post corporate merger results of KPS Group. The corporate merger scheme was completed when KPS was listed on the Bursa Malaysia (formerly known as Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange) on 22 July 2003. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 1999 RM '000 2000 RM '000 1,082,649 363,483 459,010 492,609 733,303 1B Liabiliti Semasa/Current Liabilities 682,403 717,965 485,236 466,589 715,168 1 Aset/(Liabiliti) Semasa Bersih Net Current Assets/(Liabilities) 400,246 (354,482) (26,226) 26,020 18,135 2 Jumlah Pelaburan Di Dalam Syarikat-syarikat Bersekutu Total Investments In Associates 3 Aset Tetap/Fixed Assets 4 1A Aset Semasa/Current Assets 2001 2002 2003 RM '000 RM '000 RM '000 68,949 209,874 305,595 387,153 436,341 118,875 251,196 245,335 234,532 314,655 Lain-Lain Pelaburan/Other Investments 55,339 86,251 101,383 59,256 57,309 5 Aset Tidak Ketara/Intangible Assets 46,336 27,444 21,922 16,358 44,092 6 Pembangunan Dan Perbelanjaan Hartanah Development And Land Expenditure - 204,814 122,195 133,487 591,110 7 Penerimaan Jangka Panjang/Long Term Receivables 11,841 268,377 - - 16,500 8 Perbelanjaan Tertunggak/Deferred Expenditure 3,911 6,044 2,784 2,948 753 9 Liabiliti Jangka Panjang/Long Term Liabilities 10 Cukai Tertunggak/Deferred Taxation (81,355) (62,251) (100,575) (156,997) (283,409) (903) (881) (149) - (51,232) (31,007) (27,914) (24,501) (20,161) (18,227) 12 Liabiliti Tertunggak/Deferred Liabilities (2,454) (2,917) (3,477) (3,677) (4,667) 13 Kepentingan Minoriti/Minority Interest (64,248) (65,805) (47,607) (52,290) (317,631) 525,530 539,750 596,679 626,629 803,729 100,827 100,827 100,827 100,827 431,404 76,654 75,621 29,819 29,819 75,299 347,405 362,731 465,514 495,520 296,694 524,886 539,179 596,160 626,166 803,397 644 571 519 463 332 525,530 539,750 596,679 626,629 803,729 11 Pendapatan Tertunggak/Deferred Income 14 Modal Saham/Share Capital 15 Rizab/Reserves 16 Keuntungan Terkumpul/Retained Profit 17 Rizab Dana Terikat/Sinking Fund Reser ve Nota: Maklumat kewangan bagi tahun kewangan 2003 melaporkan kedudukan Kumpulan KPS dengan mengambilkira kesan-kesan selepas penggabungan korporat. Skim penggabungan korporat telah selesai apabila KPS disenaraikan di Bursa Malaysia (sebelum ini dikenali sebagai Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur) pada 22 Julai 2003. Notes: The financial highlights for financial year 2003 represent the post corporate merger results of KPS Group. The corporate merger scheme was completed when KPS was listed on the Bursa Malaysia (formerly known as Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange) on 22 July 2003. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 9 10 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad Muka surat ini sengaja dibiarkan kosong. This page has been deliberately left blank. PERUTUSAN PENGERUSI EKSEKUTIF EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT PERUTUSAN PENGERUSI EKSEKUTIF EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT P ara pemegang saham yang dihormati Tahun 2003 telah menyaksikan satu pencapaian ekonomi negara yang sangat memberangsangkan dengan Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar mencatat pertumbuhan 5.2% (2002: 4.1%), sebahagian besarnya disokong oleh permintaan domestik. Dibantu dengan pemulihan berterusan dalam ekonomi global serta sentimen perniagaan yang positif, pencapaian ekonomi Malaysia dijangka akan terus berkembang. Berdasarkan latarbelakang yang positif ini, Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) telah berjaya mencatat pencapaian perniagaan yang cemerlang. Bagi pihak Lembaga Pengarah, saya dengan sukacitanya membentangkan Laporan Tahunan dan Penyata Kewangan Beraudit Kumpulan KPS bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2003. KEWANGAN Penyata kewangan yang dibentangkan melaporkan kedudukan Kumpulan KPS dengan mengambilkira kesan-kesan selepas penggabungan. Pada tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2003,perolehan Kumpulan telah meningkat sebanyak 35% kepada RM237.6 juta,berbanding RM175.8 juta yang dicatatkan pada tahun kewangan sebelumnya. Peningkatan ini antara lain disumbang oleh peningkatan perolehan sektor hartanah,melalui penggabungan syarikatsyarikat hartanah Kumpulan iaitu SAP Holdings Berhad, Brisdale Holdings Berhad dan Central Spectrum (M) Sdn Bhd, di bawah Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad, di mana KPS mempunyai pegangan saham sebanyak 52.07%. Keuntungan sebelum cukai Kumpulan juga telah meningkat sebanyak 29% kepada RM107.0 juta,peningkatan sebanyak RM24.0 juta berbanding dengan tahun kewangan sebelumnya. Sejajar dengan itu, pendapatan sesaham bersih telah juga meningkat kepada 14 sen,berbanding 13 sen pada tahun 2002 manakala Aset Ketara Bersih sesaham sebanyak RM1.76. DIVIDEN Bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2002,dividen interim sebanyak 7 sen sesaham, ditolak cukai sebanyak 28%, telahpun dibayar pada 17 Jun 2003. Saya dengan sukacitanya mengumumkan bahawa bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2003,Lembaga Pengarah mencadangkan pembayaran dividen terakhir sebanyak 2 sen sesaham, ditolak cukai 28%,tertakluk kepada kelulusan pemegangpemegang saham di Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan yang akan datang. Dear Shareholders The year 2003 witnessed a significant improvement in economic conditions with the Malaysian Gross Domestic Product registering a growth of 5.2% (2002:4.1%),largely supported by domestic consumption.This, coupled with continued recovery in the global economy, provided a conducive business operating environment during the year under review. Against this positive backdrop, the Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) Group reported a commendable performance . On behalf of the Board of Directors,it gives me great pleasure to present to you the Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements of the KPS Group for the financial year ended 31 December 2003. FINANCIAL The financial statements represent the post-merger results of the KPS Group. For the financial year ended 31 December 2003, the Group’s revenue has registered a 35% improvement to RM237.6 million, as compared to RM175.8 million in the previous financial year. The increase was contributed by an increase in property sector revenue arising from the merger of property companies namely SAP Holdings Berhad, Brisdale Holdings Berhad and Central Spectrum (M) Sdn Bhd under subsidiary company, Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad of which KPS owns 52.07%. The Group’s profit before tax has posted a 29% increase to RM107.0 million, an increase of RM24.0 million when compared to the previous financial year. Correspondingly, earnings per share have appreciated to 14 sen from 13 sen previously while Net Tangible Assets amount to RM1.76 per ordinary shar e. DIVIDEND In respect of the financial year ended 31 December 2002, an interim dividend of 7 sen per share, less 28% tax,was paid on 17 June 2003.For the financial year ended 31 December 2003,I am pleased to announce that the Board of Directors is recommending a final dividend of 2 sen per share less 28% tax,which is subject to shareholders’ approval at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. 12 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad PEMBANGUNAN KORPORA T Hasil daripada skim penggabungan korporat Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (“KDEB”), KPS telah berjaya disenaraikan di Bursa Malaysia (sebelum ini dikenali sebagai Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur) pada 22 Julai 2003 dengan modal dibenar dan modal berbayar sebanyak RM1.0 bilion dan RM431.4 juta masing-masing. Berikutan daripada penggabungan tersebut, semua perniagaan sedia ada bagi sektor infrastruktur dan utiliti telah disatukan dan diletakkan di bawah KPS. Skim Opsyen Saham Pekerja (“ESOS”) KPS, yang telah diluluskan oleh pemegang-pemegang saham pada 10 Februari 2003,telah dilaksanakan pada 30 Julai 2003 dengan tempoh opsyen selama lima (5) tahun dari tarikh tersebut.Harga ESOS telah ditetapkan berdasarkan diskaun sebanyak 10% daripada purata harga pasaran bagi lima (5) hari sebelum tarikh tawaran,iaitu pada harga RM1.62 sesaham. Tujuan ESOS diwujudkan adalah sebagai menghargai sumbangan Pengarah-Pengarah, Pengurusan Kanan dan kakitangan yang layak, dengan memberi peluang kepada mereka untuk bersama-sama berusaha menjana pembangunan Kumpulan dan menikmati pulangan pelaburan di masa hadapan. Dalam tahun kewangan 2003, syarikat subsidiari KPS iaitu Hydrovest Sdn Bhd (sebelum ini dikenali sebagai PWM (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd), telah berjaya menguasai 60% ekuiti dalam Aqua-Flo Sdn Bhd (sebelum ini dikenali sebagai Bintang Baku Sdn Bhd). Aqua-Flo Sdn Bhd terlibat dalam perniagaan peralatan dan bahan-bahan kimia serta menyediakan perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan teknikal dalam industri air, rawatan sisa pepejal dan kumbahan.Hydrovest Sdn Bhd juga berhasrat untuk menceburi bidang pembuatan bahan-bahan kimia untuk industri air dalam masa terdekat. Seperti yang dinyatakan dalam Laporan Tahunan sebelum ini, pada 15 April 2003, KPS telah menguasai 70% kepentingan dalam Darul Ehsan Bina Sdn Bhd (sebelum ini dikenali sebagai BDR Sdn Bhd).Darul Ehsan Bina Sdn Bhd, sebuah syarikat pembinaan, akan menerajui semua aktiviti pembinaan untuk Kumpulan. CORPORATE DEVELOPMENTS On 22 July 2003, KPS achieved a significant milestone when it was listed on the Bursa Malaysia (formerly known as Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange) with an authorised capital of RM1.0 billion and an enlarged paid-up capital of RM431.4 million as part of a corporate merger exercise of Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (“KDEB”). Pursuant to the merger, the infrastructure and utility businesses were consolidated,rationalised and streamlined under KPS. The KPS Employee Share Option Scheme (“ESOS”), which was approved by the shareholders on 10 February 2003,became effective on 30 July 2003 and shall be in force for a period of five (5) years from such effective date. The ESOS exercise price was fixed at RM1.62 based on a 10% discount of the preceding five (5) days weighted average market price of KPS share from the offer date. The objective of the ESOS is to reward the Directors, Senior Management and eligible employees as well as to enable them to participate in the future growth of the Group. During the financial year 2003,a subsidiary of KPS known as Hydrovest Sdn Bhd (formerly known as PWM (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd), acquired 60% equity interest of Aqua-Flo Sdn Bhd (formerly known as Bintang Baku Sdn Bhd).Aqua-Flo Sdn Bhd is involved in the trading of chemicals and equipment,and the provision of technical services in the water, waste and sewage treatment industries. It is also the intention of Hydrovest Sdn Bhd to venture into manufacturing of chemicals for the water industry. KPS’s subscription to own 70% of construction company, Darul Ehsan Bina Sdn Bhd (formerly known as BDR Sdn Bhd), as mentioned in the previous Annual Report, was completed on 15 April 2003. Darul Ehsan Bina Sdn Bhd will undertake construction activities for the Group. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 13 TADBIR URUS KORPORA T Lembaga akan terus memberi penekanan terhadap penggunaan garis panduan tadbir urus korporat dan akan berusaha mempertingkatkan ketelusan tadbir urus korporat serta sistem kawalan dalaman Kumpulan pada setiap masa. Proses dan sistem operasi akan sentiasa diawasi bagi memastikan ketelusan,akauntabiliti dan keseragaman wujud dan menjadi amalan di setiap peringkat. Untuk menjaga kepentingan pemegang-pemegang saham minoriti, risiko perniagaan akan sentiasa dipantau dan diurus dengan baik menggunakan Carta Pengurusan Risiko Korporat. Laporan Tadbir Urus Korporat yang menggariskan secara terperinci prinsip-prinsip dan penilaian-penilaian yang telah dilaksanakan oleh Kumpulan dimuatkan dalam seksyen “Laporan Tadbir Urus Korporat” Laporan Tahunan ini. PERHUBUNGAN PELABUR Lembaga merasakan bahawa pemegang-pemegang saham perlu dimaklumkan mengenai pembangunan-pembangunan korporat dan perkembangan perniagaan Syarikat. Selain daripada Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan yang merupakan forum utama untuk berinteraksi dengan pemegang-pemegang saham, maklumat turut disebarkan ke p a d a pelabur awam melalui p e rt e mu a n - p e rt e mu a n dengan pengurus-pengurus dana dan penganalisapenganalisa pelaburan serta media cetak dan elektronik dari semasa ke semasa. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE The Board reiterates its commitment to practising high standards of corporate governance at all times and will continue to enhance corporate governance and internal controls throughout the Group. Operational systems and processes are continually reviewed to ensure that a high level of transparency, accountability and compliance exist within the Group. To safeguard minority shareholders’ interest, business risks are monitored and managed stringently through the Corporate Risk Management Scorecard.Our Corporate Governance Report in this Annual Report provides details on the principles and measures that have been implemented within the Group. INVESTOR RELATIONS The Board takes cognizance that shareholders need to be informed of corporate developments, which have a material significance to the Group. While the Annual General Meeting is the principal forum used to communicate with the shareholders, information is also disseminated to the investing public through meetings with fund managers and analysts as well as through the print and electronic media. TANGGUNGJA WAB SOSIAL SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES Kumpulan terus kekal sebagai badan korporat yang prihatin terhadap komuniti di sekitarnya dan telah menyokong pelaksanaan pelbagai program kemasyarakatan sepanjang tahun. Sejajar dengan falsafah keprihatinan korporat, penekanan turut diberi dalam meningkatkan kebajikan kakitangan dengan menyediakan persekitaran kerja yang baik dan menawarkan peluang-peluang untuk aktiviti sosial dan pembangunan profesional mereka. The Group remains firmly committed as a caring corporate citizen towards the communities in which it operates and had supported several social programmes throughout the year. In line with our caring philosophy, emphasis is also directed towards improving the well-being of our employees by ensuring a quality working environment and offering opportunities for their social and professional development. TINJA UAN MASA HADAPAN FUTURE OUTLOOK Ekonomi Malaysia dijangka terus kukuh pada tahun 2004, dengan peningkatan permintaan dari dalam dan luar negara. Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar dijangka mencatatkan pertumbuhan di antara 5.5% dan 6% dalam tahun 2004. Peningkatan keyakinan pengguna, sentimen perniagaan yang kuat,dan pemulihan pasaran saham berserta dengan dasar fiskal dan polisi kewangan Kerajaan yang kondusif akan terus menjadi faktor-faktor yang menjamin kesinambungan pencapaian operasi yang baik bagi KPS di tahun-tahun akan datang. The Malaysian economy has made a strong start to 2004, spearheaded by both domestic and external demand. The Gross Domestic Product is forecasted to register a growth of between 5.5% and 6% in 2004. Improved consumer confidence, strong business sentiment, and the rebound of the stock market together with the Government’s accommodative monetary and fiscal policies are factors that will continue to provide a favourable operating environment for KPS in the year ahead. 14 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad Kejayaan penstrukturan semula korporat telah menempatkan KPS sebagai syarikat yang kukuh untuk menjana pertumbuhan dan yakin akan menjadi peneraju utama dalam sektor infrastruktur dan utiliti negara, serta dapat terus memperolehi faedah daripada pelaksanaan polisi-polisi penswastaan Kerajaan. Perolehan KPS di tahun-tahun akan datang dijangka disumbangkan melalui pelaksanaan Skim Langat II, iaitu Projek Pemindahan Air Mentah dari Pahang ke Selangor yang sedang dalam peringkat akhir perancangannya. Syarikat telah dilantik oleh Kerajaan Negeri Selangor untuk melaksanakan kerja-kerja merekabentuk dan membina loji rawatan air (“WTP”) Skim Langat II serta kerja-kerja pengagihan, dan mengambil bahagian dalam Operasi dan Penyelenggaraan WTP. Kos projek bagi Fasa 1 dianggarkan berjumlah RM2.5 bilion dengan kapasiti sebanyak 1,090 juta liter sehari (“MLD”).Apabila selesai sepenuhnya, Skim Langat II akan menjadi loji rawatan air terbesar di Malaysia dengan jumlah kapasiti sebanyak 2,180 MLD dan seterusnya menjadikan KPS sebagai peneraju utama bekalan air di Malaysia. Kerja-kerja rekabentuk kejuruteraan dan kerja-kerja ukur tanah Skim Langat II ini telahpun bermula. Pertumbuhan perolehan KPS di masa hadapan juga turut disumbang oleh projek penswastaan Lebuhraya Persisiran Pantai Barat, di mana KPS akan mempunyai kepentingan sebanyak 20%.Syarikat akan memperolehi faedah daripada pendapatan pembinaan dan aliran tunai jangka panjang untuk tempoh 30 tahun konsesi projek. Dalam tempoh yang sama, pegangan pelaburan strategik Syarikat dalam skim-skim bekalan air sedia ada seperti Skim Bekalan Air Sungai Selangor Fasa 3 (“SPLASH”) dan Skim Bekalan Air Sungai Semenyih (“ABASS”) serta operasi lebuhraya seperti Sistem Penyuraian Trafik Kuala Lumpur Barat (“SPRINT”),dijangka akan terus menyumbang kepada pendapatan KPS. Sumbangan daripada subsidiari hartanah iaitu Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad dijangka akan meningkat, sejajar dengan pemulihan yang berterusan dalam sektor hartanah negara. Having successfully completed a corporate restructuring, KPS is well poised for growth and envisages carving a major role in the infrastructure and utility sector, which is expected to benefit from the continued privatisation policies of the Government. KPS’s future earnings are expected to be fueled by Langat II Scheme, a water supply project complementing the mega Pahang Interstate Raw Water Transfer Scheme. The company is slated to implement the design and built contract of the Langat II Scheme’s water treatment plants (“WTP”) and distribution works,and to participate in the operations and maintenance of the WTPs.The project cost for Phase 1 is estimated to be RM2.5 billion with a capacity of 1,090 Million Litres Per Day (“MLD”).When fully completed,the Langat II Scheme will have a massive capacity of 2,180 MLD and in turn, will propel KPS to become the leading water player in the country. KPS has already commenced engineering design and ground survey works for the scheme. KPS‘s future earnings growth will also be driven by the privatisation of the West Coast Expressway project, in which it will hold a 20% equity interest, subject to regulatory approvals.The company will benefit from construction earnings and cash flow stream over a 30-year concession period. Strategic interests in on-going water supply schemes namely Sungai Selangor Water Supply Scheme Phase 3 (SPLASH), and the Sungai Semenyih Water Supply Scheme (ABASS) and highway development such as Western KL Traffic Dispersal Scheme (SPRINT) are expected to continue to contribute significantly to the earnings of KPS. Contributions from property subsidiary, Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad, are expected to be favourable in line with the continuing recovery of the property market. Dengan wujudnya projek-projek baru serta fokus baru dalam sektor yang berdaya tahan terhadap ketidaktentuan ekonomi dan persekitaran operasi yang kondusif,prospek perniagaan Kumpulan KPS bagi tahun 2004 dan tahuntahun berikutnya dijangka bertambah positif. Ahli-Ahli Lembaga Pengarah berkeyakinan penuh bahawa, faktorfaktor luar yang dinyatakan berserta dengan pengurusan yang mantap, akan meletakkan Kumpulan KPS di landasan yang betul untuk terus mencapai objektif korporat dan pertumbuhan perolehan yang cemerlang. With new projects coming onstream,a renewed focus in a sector that is resilient to economic volatilities and a more robust operating environment, the prospects for the KPS Group in the year ahead and beyond can only be positive.The Board of Directors is indeed confident that, barring unforeseen circumstances, the aforementioned external factors coupled with astute and prudent management would enable the KPS Group to be well placed to achieve its corporate objectives and a commendable earnings growth. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 15 PENGHARGAAN Saya ingin mengambil peluang ini untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Ahli-Ahli Lembaga Pengarah di atas sumbangan dan panduan ke arah pencapaian matlamat perniagaan Kumpulan. Setinggi-tinggi terima kasih juga kepada YBSenator Dato’ Ghazi @ Hasbullah bin Haji Ramli,YBhg Dato’ Mohd Nor bin Bador dan YBhg Dato’ Mohd Karim bin Abdullah Omar yang telah meletakkan jawatan. Saya juga mengucapkan selamat datang kepada YB Dato’ Dr Haji Karim bin Haji Mansor, YB Dato’ Ahmad Bhari bin Abd Rahman dan YBhg Dato’ Yip Kam Chong yang baru dilantik menganggotai Lembaga Pengarah dan saya percaya dengan pengalaman mereka yang luas, mereka akan dapat memberi sumbangan yang berkesan kepada Kumpulan KPS. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to take this opportunity to thank my entire fellow Board Members for their invaluable contributions and guidance to the Group. My sincere thanks to YB Senator Dato’ Ghazi @ Hasbullah bin Haji Ramli, YBhg Dato’ Mohd Nor bin Bador and YBhg Dato’ Mohd Karim bin Abdullah Omar who have resigned from the Board.I would like to warmly welcome YBDato’ Dr Haji Karim bin Haji Mansor, YB Dato’ Ahmad Bhari bin Abd Rahman and YBhg Dato’ Yip Kam Chong who bring with them a wealth of experience in their respective fields. Setinggi-tinggi penghargaan juga diucapkan kepada Pengurusan dan kakitangan yang memberikan komitmen yang jitu, dedikasi dan usaha yang tidak berbelah bagi untuk memastikan kejayaan KPS di sepanjang tahun 2003. My heartfelt appreciation to the management and staff whose unwavering commitment, tireless efforts and dedication have contributed to a successful year. Saya juga ingin merakamkan ucapan terima kasih kepada pelanggan-pelanggan, pemegang-pemegang saham, rakanrakan niaga, institusi kewangan dan pihak-pihak berkuasa kerajaan dan agensi yang berkaitan di atas sokongan dan keyakinan yang berterusan kepada Kumpulan KPS. We would also like to extend our sincere thanks to our valued customers,shareholders,business associates, financial institutions and re l evant government authorities and agencies for their continued support and confidence in the KPS Group. DAT O’ HAJI ZABIR BIN BAJURI DPMS,SSA,KMN,PPT Pengerusi Eksekutif DAT O’ HAJI ZABIR BIN BAJURI DPMS,SSA,KMN,PPT Executive Chairman 16 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad TINJAUAN OPERASI PENGARAH URUSAN MANAGING DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF OPERATIONS TINJAUAN OPERASI PENGARAH URUSAN MANAGING DIRECTOR’S REVIEW OF OPERATIONS Tahun kewangan 2003 mencatatkan sejarah bagi Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”).Ini kerana pada tahun tersebut,KPS berjaya menyempurnakan proses penggabungan korporatnya dan disenaraikan di Papan Utama Bursa Malaysia (sebelum ini dikenali sebagai Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur) pada 22 Julai 2003 dengan jumlah modal berbayar sebanyak RM431.4 juta. Kesan awalan daripada penyempurnaan penggabungan korporat Kumpulan,jelas dapat dilihat dengan peningkatan perolehan dan keuntungan Kumpulan KPS bagi tahun berakhir 31 Disember 2003. Jumlah perolehan meningkat sebanyak 35% kepada RM237.6 juta (2002:RM175.8 juta) manakala keuntungan sebelum cukai meningkat sebanyak 29% kepada RM107.0 juta (2002: RM83.0 juta). Ulasan berkaitan sumbangan daripada bidang-bidang niaga utama Kumpulan akan dijelaskan di segmen-segmen berkaitan Laporan ini. INFRASTRUKTUR DAN UTILITI Tinjauan Industri Di bawah Rancangan Malaysia Ke Lapan (“RMK-8”), Kerajaan dijangka akan membelanjakan baki peruntukan sebanyak RM50.8 bilion sebelum RMK-8 berakhir pada tahun 2005. Kerajaan dijangka meneruskan projek-projek penswastaan, bagi menjana pertumbuhan ekonomi dan telahpun memperakukan pelaksanaan beberapa projek baru untuk tahun 2004 - 2005, antaranya termasuklah projek Lebuhraya Persisiran Pantai Barat. KPS yang dijangka menguasai 20% ekuiti dalam syarikat konsesi projek iaitu Konsortium LPB Sdn Bhd akan mendapat banyak faedah dari pelaksanaannya kelak. Prospek perniagaan luar negara memperlihatkan banyak peluang untuk projek-projek infrastruktur terutamanya di Asia Selatan,Timur Tengah dan China.Menerusi jalinan kerjasama dengan syarikat-syarikat usahasama dan rakanrakan niaga di Malaysia dan luar negara, KPS sedang berusaha untuk mengembangkan perniagaan dalam sektor ini di luar negara. Memandangkan kepentingan strategik pembangunan industri air, Kerajaan Malaysia,telah pada bulan Julai 2003, melalui Kementerian Kerjaraya, mengumumkan bahawa Kerajaan Pusat akan mengambil-alih kerja-kerja pengurusan air dari semua kerajaan negeri dan sebuah badan kawalselia yang dinamakan Suruhanjaya Air Negara akan melaksanakan semua polisi dan pengurusan bekalan air negeri. Perkembangan ini dijangka akan mempengaruhi halatuju industri air negara. 18 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad The financial year 2003 marked a historical milestone for Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”). During the year, KPS had successfully completed a merger exercise and was listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia (formerly known as the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange) on 22 July 2003 with an enlarged paid-up capital of RM431.4 million. The financial results of the KPS Group for the year ended 31 December 2003, which reflect the post-merger operations of the Group, posted growth both in revenue and profit. Total revenue generated increased by 35% to RM237.6 million (2002: RM175.8 million) while profit before tax rose by 29% to RM107.0 million (2002: RM83.0 million). A review of contributions from the core segments of our businesses is highlighted in the ensuing report. INFRASTRUCTURE AND UTILITY Industry Review Under the Eighth Malaysia Plan (“8MP”),the Government is expected to spend the balance allocated under the plan, approximately RM50.8 billion, over the next two (2) years.The Government remains keen on privatisation in view of the strong multiplier and spillover effects on the economy and has outlined the implementation of several infrastructure projects for 2004 - 2005,amongst which is the West Coast Expressway project.KPS,which envisages to own a 20% shareholding interest in the project’s concessionaire, Konsortium LPB Sdn Bhd, will benefit from the implementation of this project. On the overseas front,there are many opportunities for infrastructure projects especially in South Asia,the Middle East and China. These opportunities will be further explored through collaboration with joint-venture partners and business associates from within Malaysia as well as overseas. Where the utility sector is concerned,the development of the water industry has become the main thrust of the Government.In July 2003,the Works Ministry announced that the Federal Government would take over control of water management from the state governments and that the National Water Commission would implement all policies and management of state water resources, thus setting the future direction of the water industry in the country. Unjuran permintaan terhadap air dijangka akan meningkat kepada 14 bilion meter padu pada tahun 2020 dan untuk memenuhi permintaan tersebut, Kerajaan telah mengenalpasti sebanyak 129 projek bekalan air (bernilai RM4 bilion untuk dilaksanakan di bawah RMK-8. Syarikat berharap untuk mengambil bahagian dalam pelaksanaan projek-projek ini dan sedang memantau perkembangannya. Projek-projek mega yang dijangka akan dilaksanakan termasuklah pemindahan air di antara negeri, sistem pembentungan negara serta program-program penswastaan bekalan air. Di bawah RMK-8, Kerajaan juga telah mensasarkan penurunan NRW (non-revenue water) ke tahap 31% berbanding 38.9% pada tahun 2001.Programprogram bagi mempercepatkan pelaksanaan kerja-kerja penggantian paip-paip simen asbestos yang lama,dijangka dapat menyediakan peluang-peluang perniagaan baru bagi syarikat-syarikat yang bergiat dalam sektor ini. Tinjauan Prestasi Sejajar dengan objektif pelaksanaan proses penggabungan, sektor pembangunan infrastruktur dan utiliti terus menjadi penyumbang utama kepada perolehan Syarikat bagi tahun kewangan 2003. Sektor ini menyumbang sebanyak 55% berjumlah RM59.0 juta (2002:RM63.7 juta) daripada keuntungan sebelum cukai Kumpulan KPS. Sumbangan tersebut diperolehi melalui bahagian keuntungan syarikat-syarikat bersekutu yang terlibat dalam projekprojek bekalan air dan lebuhraya. Penurunan sumbangan berbanding tahun 2002 adalah disebabkan oleh penurunan keuntungan daripada aktiviti pembinaan, sama ada kerja-kerja pembinaan bagi projek-projek terlibat telah siap sepenuhnya atau berada dalam fasa terakhir pelaksanaan. Di sepanjang tahun 2003,KPS terus membantu Kerajaan Negeri Selangor di dalam perancangan kewangan dan teknikal bagi pelaksanaan Skim Langat II yang merupakan sebahagian daripada Projek Pemindahan Air Mentah dari Pahang ke Selangor. Syarikat juga dijangka akan diberikan tugas utama dalam pelaksanaan Skim Langat II.KPS telah dilantik untuk menganggotai satu badan bertindak bersama yang dipertanggungjawabkan, antara lain, menyediakan laporan-laporan teknikal, menyelenggara kerja-kerja ukur tanah dan mengenalpasti tapak untuk laluan paip, loji rawatan air dan kolam takungan air, serta merumus terma perjanjian-perjanjian yang berkaitan. Sebagai langkah awalan,KPS telah memulakan kerja-kerja rekabentuk kejuruteraan dan kerja-kerja ukur tanah bagi pengambilalihan tanah berkaitan untuk projek tersebut. Demand for water is projected to increase to 14 billion cubic metres by 2020 and to meet this demand, a total of 129 water supply projects (worth RM4 billion) has been identified for implementation under the 8MP. The Company is monitoring these developments with a view towards securing participation in several of the projects. The mega projects slated for implementation are the interstate water transfer and national sewage and water privatisation programmes.Under the 8MP, the Government aims to reduce NRW (non-revenue water) to 31% from 38.9% in 2001. Towards this end, it is envisaged that the Government is expected to expedite works on the replacement of old asbestos cement pipes throughout the country and the prime beneficiaries will be those companies involved in the water sector. Performance Review In line with the objective of the merger exercise, the infrastructure and utility sector continued to be the major contributor to earnings for the financial year 2003. The sector accounted for 55% of KPS Group’s profit before tax amounting to RM59.0 million (2002: RM63.7 million).This amount represents the share of profits from associated companies involved in water supply and highway projects.The decline in contribution when compared to 2002 was due to a reduction in construction profits from these projects, as construction is either completed or reaching the end phase . During the year, KPS continued to assist the Selangor State Government in the financial and technical planning for the implementation of Langat II Scheme, which is part of the Pahang Interstate Raw Water Transfer Project. KPS is also expected to be given the main task in the implementation.KPS has been appointed to be a member of a joint task force , which was established to spearhead the project, and among the tasks undertaken were the preparation of technical reports and identification of sites for the water treatment plants,the service reservoir and pipe laying,as well as drafting of relevant agreements. KPS has also commenced the engineering design and ground survey works for the purpose of land acquisition for the said project. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 19 Prospek Peningkatan perolehan KPS di masa hadapan akan diperolehi melalui penglibatan Syarikat dalam kerja-kerja pelaksanaan projek-projek utama infrastruktur dan utiliti seperti Lebuhraya Persisiran Pantai Barat dan Skim Langat II. Kedua-dua projek tersebut masih menunggu kelulusan daripada pihak berkuasa. Dalam jangkamasa panjang, operasi dan aktiviti-aktiviti penyelenggaraan projek-projek yang dinyatakan tadi akan memberi keuntungan dan aliran tunai yang baik kepada KPS.Manakala,pelaburan-pelaburan sedia ada dalam projek-projek seperti Skim Bekalan Air Sungai Selangor Fasa 3,Skim Bekalan Air Sungai Semenyih dan Lebuhraya SPRINT akan terus menyumbangkan keuntungan yang lumayan kepada KPS. HAR TANAH Tinjauan Industri Di awal tahun 2003, pelancaran projek hartanah berada di tahap yang rendah kerana dipengaruhi oleh ketidaktentuan geopolitik dan serangan wabak Sindrom Pernafasan Akut Yang Teruk (“SARS”). Bagi memulihkan pasaran, Kerajaan telah memperkenalkan Pakej Rangsangan Ekonomi pada 21 Mei 2003, yang mengandungi insentifinsentif tertentu bagi sektor ini. Pengecualian duti setem dan cukai keuntungan harta bagi transaksi hartanah yang disediakan dalam pakej tersebut mendorong meningkatkan permintaan terhadap kediaman baru dan sedia ada pada separuh penggal kedua 2003, dan seterusnya membawa kepada bertambahnya aktiviti-aktiviti pembangunan hartanah.Rumah-rumah teres satu tingkat merupakan yang terlaris, diikuti dengan rumah-rumah teres dua tingkat,rumah-rumah berkembar, kondominium dan rumah-rumah banglo. Kedudukan hartanah yang tidak terjual menjadi semakin stabil dan diikuti dengan pemaju hartanah yang memperluaskan bank tanah masing-masing untuk pembangunan masa hadapan terutamanya di lokasilokasi strategik di Lembah Klang. Tinjauan Prestasi Berikutan dengan wujudnya Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (“KHSB”) sebagai anak syarikat milik KPS dengan kepentingan sebanyak 52.07%, semua perniagaan pembangunan hartanah Kumpulan telah diletakkan di bawah KHSB. KHSB disenaraikan di Papan Utama Bursa Malaysia pada 22 Julai 2003 dengan modal berbayar sebanyak RM450.0 juta. Penggabungan perniagaan pembangunan hartanah dan rekreasi di bawah KHSB ini telah menghasilkan satu entiti yang lebih fokus dan kompetitif di mana, ditambah pula dengan bank tanah yang besar, telah menempatkan KHSB di tapak yang kukuh dalam menjana pertumbuhan di sektor ini. 20 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad Prospects KPS’s future growth in earnings will be driven by the implementation of two major infrastructure and water utility projects namely the West Coast Expressway and the Langat II Scheme respectively. Both projects are pending authority approvals. These projects will provide KPS with construction profits and,in the long term,a recurring profit and cash flow stream from the operations and maintenance activities. Meanwhile, the existing investments in the Sungai Selangor Water Supply Scheme Phase 3, Sungai Semenyih Water Supply Scheme and the SPRINT Highway projects will continue to provide a strong base for KPS’s future earnings. PROPERTY Industry Review In early 2003, property launches slowed down due to geopolitical uncertainties and the outbreak of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (“SARS”).To rejuvenate the property market, the Government introduced the Economic Stimulus Package on 21 May 2003.The waiver of stamp duty and real property gains tax provided for in the stimulus package spurred housing demand and the second half of 2003 saw increased property development activities. Single-storey houses were the most saleable, followed by double-storey units, semi-detached houses, condominiums and bungalows. The property overhang appeared to be stabilised.A number of property developers embarked on an expansion trail to acquire lands especiall y in strategic locations within the Klang Valley. Performance Review The financial year under review saw the implementation of the restructuring exercise, which created Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (“KHSB”) as the 52.07%-owned subsidiary of KPS.KHSB was listed on the main board of Bursa Malaysia on 22 July 2003 with an enlarged paid-up capital of RM450.0 million. The merging of property development and recreational businesses under KHSB has created a more focused and competitive entity which, coupled with an enlarged landbank,has placed KHSB on a stronger footing to pursue growth opportunities in the sector. Bagi tahun kewangan 2003, pembangunan hartanah dan pengurusan hartanah menyumbangkan perolehan sebanyak RM133.3 juta kepada Kumpulan KPS berbanding dengan RM73.6 juta yang dicatatkan dalam tahun 2002. Penambahan sebanyak 81% ini adalah hasil daripada penggabungan tiga (3) syarikat hartanah di bawah Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (“KHSB”) iaitu SAP Holdings Berhad, Brisdale Holdings Berhad dan Central Spectrum (M) Sdn Bhd. Berikutan peningkatan dalam perolehan, keuntungan sebelum cukai turut meningkat sebanyak 157% kepada RM33.1 juta berbanding RM12.9 juta pada tahun 2002.Secara keseluruhan sektor hartanah berjaya menyumbang sebanyak 31% daripada keuntungan sebelum cukai Kumpulan KPS bagi tahun 2003. Berikutan dengan perkembangan pasaran hartanah yang menggalakkan,Syarikat telah melancarkan dua (2) projek baru di Templer Park Resort yang merangkumi rumah teres dua tingkat di Fasa 4B (Heritage) dan rumah berkembar dua tingkat di Fasa 3E (Templer Suasana). Harga jualan bagi rumah teres dua tingkat adalah dalam lingkungan RM230,000 seunit manakala harga bagi rumah berkembar dua tingkat adalah dalam lingkungan RM390,000 seunit.Sambutan terhadap kedua-dua produk tersebut begitu menggalakkan dengan lebih daripada 60% rumah-rumah teres dan 100% rumah-rumah berkembar telah dapat dijual. Selain itu, KHSB telah juga berjaya menjual stok hartanah tidak terjual dengan jualan bernilai RM62.08 juta. Di sepanjang tahun 2003,sejumlah 196 unit rumah teres dua tingkat (Bahtera), 484 unit pangsapuri kos rendah, 432 unit apartmen (Samudra) dan 96 unit kedai pejabat di Bandar Armada Putra di Pulau Indah telah berjaya disiapkan dan diserahkan kepada pembeli-pembeli. Kedaikedai pejabat ini akan diduduki oleh Kolej Antarabangsa INPENS. Laguna Park Fasa 1A, juga terletak di Pulau Indah, yang terdiri daripada 134 unit rumah teres dua tingkat telahpun siap sepenuhnya dan diserahkan kepada pembeli secara milikan kosong. Sementara di Serendah, projek “Program Perumahan Rakyat Bersepadu” yang mengandungi 300 unit apartmen kos rendah telah siap sepenuhnya dan diserahkan kepada Jabatan Perumahan Negara. For the financial year 2003 property development and management contributed revenue of RM133.3 million to the KPS Group as compared to RM73.6 million in 2002. The 81% increase is attributed to the merging of three (3) property companies namely SAP Holdings Berhad, Brisdale Holdings Berhad and Central Spectrum (M) Sdn Bhd under Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (“KHSB”). Corresponding to the increase in property sector revenue, profit before tax from this sector grew by almost 157% to RM33.1 million as compared to RM12.9 million in 2002. Profit contribution from the property sector accounted for 31% of KPS Group’s pre-tax profit. During the financial year 2003 there were two (2) sales launches in Templer Park Resort comprising double storey-link houses in Phase 4B (Heritage) and double-storey semi - detached houses in Phase 3E (Templer Suasana).The selling price ranged from RM230,000 per unit for the double-storey link houses and from RM390,000 per unit for the semi-detached houses.Response for both products was encouraging with more than 60% of the link houses and 100% of the semi-detached houses sold.In addition, KHSB successfully sold about RM62.08 million worth of its unsold stocks. During the year, a total of 196 units of double storey link houses (Bahtera),484 units of low cost flats,432 units of apartments (Samudra) and 96 units of shop offices in Bandar Armada Putra in Pulau Indah were handed over to purchasers.These shop offices will be occupied by INPENS International College. Laguna Park Phase 1A,also in Pulau Indah, consisting of 134 units of double-storey terrace houses was completed and handed over with vacant possession.In Serendah,the “Program Perumahan Rakyat Bersepadu” project comprising 300 units of low cost apartments was also completed and delivered to Jabatan Perumahan Negara. Prospects With an improving economy, we believe the property market has started to turn around and well on its way to recovery and growth. For immediate development,KHSB will focus on developing pocket lands within the growth area of Gombak, Kuala Selangor and Pulau Indah. Prospek Dengan pencapaian ekonomi yang baik,pengurusan percaya pasaran hartanah telah kembali pulih dan akan tumbuh dengan pesat.Untuk masa terdekat,KHSB akan memberi tumpuan dalam memajukan kawasan tanah yang sedang dibangunkan di sekitar Gombak,Kuala Selangor dan Pulau Indah. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 21 Sementara bagi pertumbuhan masa hadapan, KHSB akan menumpukan aktiviti pembangunan di dua (2) projek utama iaitu BioValley di Sepang dan Berjuntai Bestari di Kuala Selangor. Projek BioValley terletak di kawasan seluas 1,200 ekar berhampiran Cyberjaya di mana sebahagiannya telah diperuntukkan untuk tapak pembangunan tiga (3) institut penyelidikan di bawah Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (“MOSTI”, sebelum ini dikenali sebagai Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Alam Sekitar). Upacara pecah tanah bagi projek MOSTI ini telah disempurnakan oleh Perdana Menteri ketika itu, Yang Berbahagia Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad pada 20 Mei 2003. Pembangunan oleh MOSTI ini akan menjadi pemangkin untuk pertumbuhan masa hadapan dan juga meningkatkan nilai hartanah di kawasan tersebut. KHSB juga akan membangunkan tanah seluas lebih kurang 5,000 ekar yang merupakan sebahagian daripada kawasan seluas 29,000 ekar yang akan dibangunkan sebagai projek bandar ilmu “Berjuntai Bestari”. Berbekalkan konsep pembangunan mampan, KHSB bakal menjadi perintis kepada pembangunan seumpamanya di negara ini. HOSPITALITI DAN REKREASI The future growth of KHSB lies in the development of two (2) flagship projects namely BioValley in Sepang and Berjuntai Bestari in Kuala Selangor.The BioValley project, which is located in the vicinity of Cyberjaya,encompasses 1,200 acres, part of which has been earmarked for the development of three research institutes by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (“MOSTI”, formerly known as Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment).A ground-breaking ceremony of MOSTI’s project was officiated by the former Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad,on 20 May 2003.The anchor development by MOSTI will pr ovide the catalyst to spur future growth and enhancement of real estate value in the area. KHSB will also be developing approximately 5,000 acres of land as part of the massive 29,000-acre master plan for the development of an intelligent city known as “Berjuntai Bestari”.Modeled after the sustainable de velopment concept, KHSB’s development will be the first of its kind in the country. Tinjauan Industri Dalam separuh penggal pertama tahun 2003, prestasi keseluruhan industri perhotelan negara telah terjejas teruk dengan mencatatkan kadar penginapan yang rendah kesan daripada peperangan di Iraq dan serangan wabak SARS. Walau bagaimanapun industri perhotelan mula pulih pada separuh penggal kedua tahun 2003 dengan peningkatan dalam kadar penginapan. Jumlah kehadiran pelancong ke Malaysia terus meningkat melebihi satu juta pada Disember 2003. Tinjauan Prestasi Perniagaan-perniagaan hospitaliti dan rekreasi Kumpulan KPS diurus dan dijalankan oleh KHSB, yang memiliki dan/atau mengurus tiga (3) hotel dan tiga (3) kelab rekreasi. KHSB memiliki dan mengurus Quality Hotel City Centre dan Hotel Brisdale, kedua-duanya terletak di Kuala Lumpur, dan Quality Hotel Shah Alam. KHSB juga memiliki dan mengurus Kelab OUG yang terletak di kawasan perumahan Overseas Union Garden di Jalan Kelang Lama dan Perangsang Templer Golf Club di Templer Park Resort. Manakala kelab yang ketiga iaitu Kelab Darul Ehsan yang terletak di Taman TAR diurus oleh syarikat bersekutu. Dalam persekitaran ekonomi yang mencabar, perniagaan hotel menyumbangkan perolehan sebanyak RM22.3 juta bagi tahun kewangan 2003 (2002: RM19.0 juta). Melalui pengurusan yang cekap dan inisiatif-inisiatif pengurangan kos, sektor ini berjaya mengurangkan kadar kerugian kepada RM1.3 juta berbanding dengan kerugian sebanyak RM2.4 juta pada tahun 2002. 22 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad HOSPITALITY AND RECREATION Industry Review In the first half of the year 2003, the overall performance of hotels was adversely affected by the war in Iraq and the outbreak of SARS and consequently, the industry recorded low occupancy rates.However, the recovery of the tourism industry towards the second half of 2003 witnessed an improvement in the occupancy rates for the hotel industry. The number of tourist arrivals rose substantially to over a million in the month of December 2003. Performance Review The hospitality and recreation businesses of the KPS Group are carried out through KHSB and entail the management and/or ownership of three hotels and three recreational clubs. KHSB owns and operates the Quality Hotel City Centre and Brisdale Hotel, both located in Kuala Lumpur, and the Quality Hotel Shah Alam. KHSB also owns and manages Kelab OUG, located within the residential area of Overseas Union Garden in Jalan Kelang Lama, and the Perangsang Templer Golf Club in Templer Park Resort.However, Kelab Darul Ehsan situated within Taman TAR is being managed by an associate company. Amidst a challenging environment, the hotel business contributed revenue of RM22.3 million for the financial year 2003 (2002: RM19.0 million). Through prudent management and cost reduction initiatives, this business managed to reduce losses to RM1.3 million as compared to losses of RM2.4 million in 2002. Perniagaan rekreasi menyumbangkan perolehan sebanyak RM9.3 juta (2002:RM9.4 juta).Walau bagaimanapun sektor ini telah mengalami kerugian sebelum cukai sebanyak RM5.9 juta [2002: (RM0.3 juta)]. Usaha-usaha bagi menaiktaraf kemudahan sukan golf, sukan-sukan lain dan kemudahan seminar terus dipertingkatkan di samping menawarkan pelbagai promosi seperti ‘Program Golf Junior’ untuk meningkatkan perolehan PerangsangTempler Golf Club (“PTGC”).Bagi memperlengkapkan kemudahankemudahan latihan dan seminar, PTGC telah juga menambah lapan (8) unit apartmen untuk ditawarkan kepada para pelanggan. Prospek Prestasi hotel-hotel Kumpulan dijangka meningkat selaras dengan pemulihan industri perhotelan Malaysia pada tahun 2004. Dengan berakhirnya wabak SARS dan meningkatnya penerbangan antarabangsa, kehadiran pelancong-pelancong pada tahun 2004 dijangka mencecah 12.5 juta. Insentif-insentif baru yang disediakan oleh Kerajaan dalam Bajet 2004 seperti menyediakan sumber pembiayaan yang tinggi bagi aktiviti promosi dan pemberian pelepasan cukai untuk projek-projek pelancongan dan perhotelan akan membantu mempercepat pemulihan industri ini. Kumpulan turut memanfaatkan peluang-peluang yang diperolehi daripada aktiviti-aktiviti promosi yang dijalankan oleh Kerajaan di pasaran serantau seperti China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, India dan negara-negara ASEAN serta menembusi pasaran-pasaran baru seperti Pakistan, Indochina dan New Zealand. Dalam masa yang sama, pertumbuhan ekonomi yang menggalakkan di negara-negara rakan niaga Malaysia seperti US, Jepun dan Eropah akan turut memberi kesan positif terhadap industri pelancongan dan perhotelan di Malaysia. The recreational business contributed revenue of RM9.3 million (2002: RM9.4 million) and losses before tax of RM5.9 million [2002: (RM0.3 million)]. Efforts were continually directed at upgrading of the golfing, sporting and seminar facilities as well as offering various promotion events such as the Junior Golf Programme to increase patronage. To complement its seminar and training facilities, Perangsang Templer Golf Club (“PTGC”) has added eight (8) units of service apartments to provide residential packages for its clients. Prospects Performance of the Group’s hotel business is anticipated to improve in tandem with Malaysia’s tourism industry which is expected to trend upwards in the year ahead due to rising confidence in air travel and diminished concern of the re-emergence of SARS. For 2004, tourist arrivals are expected to reach 12.5 million. The Group’s hotel business will be further boosted by Government incentives that include, amongst others, more funds for promotional and tax allowances for hotels and tourism projects as outlined in Budget 2004. The Group will also capitalise on the Government’s promotion activities to traditional markets namely China, Taiwan, Hong Kong,India and ASEAN countries and new markets such as Pakistan,Indochina and New Zealand. The improved prospects of the regional economies and the favourable outlook in the US, Japan and Europe will have a favourable spill-over for the Malaysian tourism industry, and in turn,the hotel industry in the near term. TRADING AND MANUF PERD AGANGAN DAN PEMB UAT AN Tinjauan Industri Iklim dagangan bagi bahan-bahan binaan sangat mencabar pada tahun kewangan 2003. Secara amnya, tidak banyak projek-projek hartanah baru dilancarkan pada tahun 2003 disebabkan keyakinan pengguna yang rendah kesan daripada keadaan geopolitik yang tidak menentu dan serangan wabak SARS. Akibatnya, permintaan terhadap bahan-bahan binaan berkurangan.Iklim dagangan semakin sengit dengan bertambahnya syarikat-syarikat baru yang dimiliki oleh pemaju-pemaju hartanah dan pengilang-pengilang memasuki pasaran yang sama. Perdagangan bagi bahan-bahan kimia perawatan air dan peralatan serta bahan-bahan kimia perawatan sisa pepejal semakin berpotensi disebabkan hanya beberapa syarikat sahaja beroperasi dalam pasaran industri ini yang pesat pertumbuhannya. ACTURING Industry Review The trading environment for building materials was very challenging for the financial year 2003.Generally, property launches fell in 2003 as consumer confidence in early 2003 was affected by geopolitical uncertainties and the outbreak of SARS. Hence, the weak demand for building materials. The trading environment is becoming more saturated with new players coupled with property developers and manufacturers establishing their own trading arms entering the market for building materials. Trading in water and wastewater treatment chemicals and equipment,however, remained a robust business with a f ew key players operating in a growing market in the water and wastewater treatment industries. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 23 Tinjauan Prestasi Pada tahun kewangan 2003,sektor dagangan mencatatkan perolehan sebanyak RM56.2 juta (2002: RM30.6 juta). Pertumbuhan sebanyak 84% berbanding dengan tahun 2002 adalah disebabkan penambahan sumber perolehan pada tahun 2003.Selain daripada Perangsang Dagang Sdn Bhd (“PDSB”), yang terlibat dalam perniagaan bahanbahan binaan, KPS pada tahun kewangan 2003 melalui syarikat subsidiarinya,Hydrovest Sdn Bhd (“Hydrovest”), telah menguasai 60% ekuiti dalam Aqua-Flo Sdn Bhd, sebuah syarikat yang menceburi perniagaan bahan kimia perawatan air minuman dan bahan-bahan kimia perawatan sisa pepejal serta peralatan untuk industri air dan industri perawatan sisa pepejal. PDSB dan Kumpulan Hydrovest masing-masing mencatatkan perolehan sebanyak RM34.1 juta dan RM22.1 juta. Dalam persekitaran dagangan bahan binaan yang sengit, PDSB menanggung kerugian sebelum cukai sebanyak RM0.7 juta,sementara Kumpulan Hyrovest menyumbangkan keuntungan sebelum cukai sebanyak RM1.8 juta pada tahun kajian. Bahagian keuntungan daripada syarikat bersekutu, Hua Joo Seng,yang terlibat dalam pembuatan dan pengedaran cat berjenama Nippon,berjumlah RM7.2 juta. Prospek Berikutan daripada pemulihan pasaran hartanah, yang sekaligus menggerakkan aktiviti-aktiviti pembangunan hartanah dengan pesat,permintaan terhadap bahan-bahan binaan dan cat juga dijangka meningkat. Sumbangan dari dagangan bahan kimia dan peralatan bagi industri air dan rawatan kumbahan dijangka akan turut meningkat di masa hadapan terutama apabila Skim Langat II dilaksanakan dan projek loji rawatan air Sungai Selangor Fasa 3 siap sepenuhnya. Kumpulan Hydrovest sedang giat membuat penyelidikan terhadap produk-produk baru bertujuan mempertingkatkan kepelbagaian produk dan kualiti perkhidmatan syarikat dalam industri air dan industri perawatan sisa pepejal. Pengurusan berkeyakinan bahawa sektor ini akan berjaya menyumbang kepada perolehan Kumpulan secara berkesan pada tahun-tahun akan datang. DATIN PADUKA JUMA’AH BINTI MOKTAR DSSA,ASA,PJK Pengarah Urusan Performance Review For the financial year 2003, the trading sector recorded revenue of RM56.2 million (2002: RM30.6 million).The 84% growth as compared to 2002 was attributed to having expanded sources of revenue in the financial year 2003. In addition to Perangsang Dagang Sdn Bhd (“PDSB”), which is principally involved in the trading of building materials, KPS has during the financial year 2003, acquired through its subsidiary, Hydrovest Sdn Bhd (“Hydrovest”),a 60% equity interest in Aqua-Flo Sdn Bhd, a company involved in the trading of potable water and wastewater treatment chemicals and equipment for the water and wastewater industry. PDSB and Hydrovest group posted revenue of RM34.1 million and RM22.1 million respectively. In line with a challenging trading environment for building materials,PDSB sustained a loss before tax of RM0.7 million. The Hydrovest group contributed pre-tax profit amounting to RM1.8 million for the year under review while share of profits from associated company, Hua Joo Seng,which is involved in the manufacturing and distribution of Nippon Paint,amounted to RM7.2 million. Prospects With the upturn of the property market,which will spur a surge in property development activities, the demand for building materials is expected to increase in tandem. Contribution from chemical and equipment trading is envisaged to grow in future with more water supply and waste treatment projects coming onstream especially with the completion of the Sungai Selangor Phase 3 water treatment plants and the implementation of Langat II Scheme. The Hydrovest group is actively investigating into the feasibilities of upstream synergistic activities such as manufacturing of chemicals and increasing its range of products and services for the water and wastewater industries.The Management is confident that the trading and manufacturing sector will continue to contribute positively to the Group’s earnings in the years ahead. DATIN PADUKA JUMA’AH BINTI MOKTAR DSSA,ASA,PJK Managing Director 24 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad MAKLUMAT KORPORAT CORPORATE INFORMATION LEMBAGA PENGARAH BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1. YBhg Dato' Haji Zabir bin Bajuri,DPMS,SSA,KMN,PPT - Pengerusi Eksekutif/Executive Chairman 2. YBhg Datin Paduka Juma'ah binti Moktar, DSSA,ASA,PJK - Pengarah Urusan/Managing Director 3.YBhg Dato' Haji Azlan bin Hashim,DSSA,DSNS - Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bebas/ Independent Non-Executive Director 4. YBhg Dato' Haji Ab. Halim bin Mohyiddin,DPMS - Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bebas/ Independent Non-Executive Director 5.YBhg Dato' Haji Sumadi bin Haji Ismail,DPTJ,JP - Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bebas/ Independent Non-Executive Director AHLI-AHLI JA WAT ANKUASA A UDIT A UDIT COMMITTEE MEMBERS 1.YBhg Dato' Haji Ab. Halim bin Mohyiddin,DPMS Pengerusi - Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bebas Chairman - Independent Non-Executive Director 2. YBhg Datin Paduka Juma'ah binti Moktar, DSSA,ASA,PJK Ahli - Pengarah Urusan Member - Managing Director 3. YB Senator Dato' Ikhwan Salim bin Dato' Sujak,DSIS,PJK Ahli - Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bebas Member - Independent Non-Executive Director 4. YBhg Dato' Yip Kam Chong,DSSA,AMS Ahli - Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bukan Bebas Member - Non-Independent Non-Executive Director 6. YB Senator Dato' Ikhwan Salim bin Dato' Sujak,DSIS,PJK - Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bebas/ Independent Non-Executive Director 5.YBhg Dato' Haji Sumadi bin Haji Ismail DPTJ,JP Ahli - Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bebas Member - Independent Non-Executive Director 7. YB Dato' Dr. Haji Karim bin Haji Mansor, DPMS,ASA,PJK - Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bukan Bebas/ Non-Independent Non-Executive Director AHLI-AHLI JA WAT ANKUASA SKIM OPSYEN SAHAM KAKITANGAN (“ESOS”) EMPLOYEE SHARE OPTION SCHEME (“ESOS”) COMMITTEE MEMBERS 1.YBhg Dato' Yip Kam Chong,DSSA,AMS Pengerusi - Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bukan Bebas Chairman - Non-Independent Non-Executive Director 8. YB Dato' Ahmad Bhari bin Abd.Rahman,DSSA,PPT, JP - Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bukan Bebas/ Non-Independent Non-Executive Director 9.YBhg Dato' Yip Kam Chong,DSSA,AMS - Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bukan Bebas/ Non-Independent Non-Executive Director 2. YBhg Dato’ Haji Zabir bin Bajuri,DPMS,SSA,KMN,PPT Ahli - Pengerusi Eksekutif Member - Executive Chairman 3. YBhg Datin Paduka Juma'ah binti Moktar, DSSA,ASA,PJK Ahli - Pengarah Urusan Member - Managing Director 4.Puan Rosni binti Rahmat,SMS,ASA,PJK Ahli - Pengurus Besar, Sumber Manusia/Pentadbiran Member - General Manager, Human Resource/Administration 5.Encik Arthur Wong Yien Kim,ASA,PPT Ahli - Pengurus Besar, Kewangan Member - General Manager, Finance 26 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad AHLI-AHLI JA WAT ANKUASA PENCALONAN NOMINATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS 1.YBhg Dato' Haji Azlan bin Hashim,DSSA,DSNS Pengerusi - Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bebas Chairman - Independent Non-Executive Director 2. YBhg Dato’ Haji Zabir bin Bajuri,DPMS,SSA, KMN,PPT Ahli - Pengerusi Eksekutif Member - Executive Chairman 3.YBhg Dato’ Haji Sumadi bin Haji Ismail,DPTJ,JP Ahli - Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bebas Member - Independent Non-Executive Director AHLI-AHLI JA WAT ANKUASA IMBUHAN REMUNERATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS 1.YBhg Dato' Haji Azlan bin Hashim,DSSA,DSNS Pengerusi - Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bebas Chairman - Independent Non-Executive Director JUR UA UDIT DAN AKAUNTAN BERLAPOR AUDITOR AND REPORTING ACCOUNTANT Messrs PricewaterhouseCoopers 10 & 11 Floor,Wisma Sime Darby Jalan Raja Laut,50350 Kuala Lumpur PENYENARAIAN LISTING Papan Utama Bursa Malaysia (22 Julai 2003) Bursa Malaysia Main Board (22 July 2003) PENGURUSAN MANAGEMENT 1. Pejabat Pengerusi Eksekutif/Office of Executive Chairman - YBhg Dato' Haji Zabir bin Bajuri,DPMS,SSA,KMN,PPT Pengerusi Eksekutif/Executive Chairman 2.YBhg Dato’ Haji Ab. Halim bin Mohyiddin,DPMS Ahli - Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bebas Member - Independent Non-Executive Director 2. Pejabat Pengarah Urusan/Office of Managing Director - YBhg Datin Paduka Juma'ah binti Moktar, DSSA,ASA,PJK Pengarah Urusan/Managing Director 3. YBhg Datin Paduka Juma'ah binti Moktar, DSSA,ASA,PJK Ahli - Pengarah Urusan Member - Managing Director 3.Bahagian Sumber Manusia dan Pentadbiran/ Human Resource and Administration Division - Puan Rosni binti Rahmat,SMS,ASA,PJK Pengurus Besar/General Manager SETIAUSAHA-SETIAUSAHA SYARIKA T COMPANY SECRETARIES YBhg Datin Paduka Juma'ah binti Moktar , DSSA,ASA,PJK No. 15,Jalan 1/6, Taman Tun Abdul Razak, 68000 Ampang,Selangor Darul Ehsan Puan Hashimah binti Mohd Isa,PPT No. 48,Jalan SS19/5B,47500 Subang Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan PEJABAT BERDAFTAR REGISTERED OFFICE Tingkat 16,Plaza Perangsang, Persiaran Perbandaran 40000 Shah Alam,Selangor Darul Ehsan Tel:03-5510 3999 Fax: 03-5510 9977 BANK-BANK UTAMA PRINCIPAL BANKERS Bumiputra Commerce Bank Lot P5.5,Bangunan UMNO, Persiaran Perbandaran Seksyen 14,40000 Shah Alam RHB Bank Berhad No. 16 & 18,Jalan Tengku Ampuan Zabedah D9/D 40100 Shah Alam 4. Bahagian Kewangan/Finance Division - Encik Arthur Wong Yien Kim,ASA,PPT Pengurus Besar/General Manager 6. Bahagian Audit Pengurusan/Management Audit Division - Encik Revi Pillai,ASA Pengurus Besar/General Manager 7. Bahagian Komunikasi Korporat Awam/ Corporate Public Communications Division - Encik Latip bin Sadali Pengurus Besar/General Manager 8. Bahagian Perancang Korporat/ Corporate Planning Division - Encik Mohd Noor bin Ismail,PPT Pengurus Besar/General Manager 9.Bahagian Kesetiausahaan/Secretarial Division - Puan Hashimah binti Mohd Isa,PPT Setiausaha Syarikat/Company Secretary OCBC Bank Berhad Mezzanine Floor,Wisma Lee Rubber Jalan Melaka,50100 Kuala Lumpur EON Bank Berhad No. 34,Jalan Perbahan Satu Seksyen 26/2A,40000 Shah Alam Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 27 PROFIL KORPORAT CORPORATE PROFILE LA TARBELAKANG Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) telah ditubuhkan pada 11 Ogos 1975 sebagai syarikat induk pegangan pelaburan, dengan modal dibenar sebanyak RM75 juta. KPS telah disenaraikan di Bursa Malaysia (sebelum ini dikenali sebagai Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur) pada 22 Julai 2003 dengan modal dibenar dan modal berbayar sebanyak RM1.0 bilion dan RM431.4 juta masingmasing. Penyenaraian KPS adalah sebahagian daripada hasil penggabungan korporat anak-anak syarikat di bawah Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (“KDEB”), syarikat induk bagi KPS, sementara KDEB pemegang saham terbesar KPS ialah syarikat induk pelaburan milik penuh Kerajaan Negeri Selangor melalui Pemerbadanan Menteri Besar Selangor 1994. PROFIL PERNIAGAAN Sejak dari penubuhannya, aktiviti-aktiviti utama KPS dilaksanakan oleh anak-anak syarikat subsidiari dan syarikat bersekutu di mana pada awalnya,aktiviti-aktiviti difokuskan kepada perlombongan bijih timah,pembangunan hartanah dan sektor perhotelan. Di peringkat awal operasinya, KPS merupakan salah sebuah syarikat yang kukuh dalam sektor perlombongan bijih timah dan hartanah. Dalam tempoh masa sedekad, KPS berkembang menjadi sebuah syarikat konglomerat yang aktif dengan kepelbagaian operasi seperti pembinaan,pembuatan,pembangunan hartanah, pengurusan hartanah,perlombongan bijih timah,perdagangan, pengurusan hotel dan rekreasi.Pada dekad seterusnya di mana keadaan ekonomi mengalami kemelesetan pada tahun 1984 - 1987, Kumpulan KPS mempelbagaikan perniagaannya kepada sektor-sektor hartanah dan perlombongan,di mana sektor ini mengalami kesan teruk akibat kemelesetan ekonomi tersebut. KPS kemudiannya dalam tahun 1992 tidak lagi terlibat dalam sektor perlombongan bijih timah. Berikutan dengan penggabungan tersebut,semua perniagaan dalam sektor infrastruktur dan utiliti Kumpulan KDEB telah diletakkan di bawah pengawasan KPS. Syarikat kini memberi tumpuan kepada perniagaan di dalam sektor Infrastruktur dan Utiliti manakala perniagaan di dalam sektor Hartanah dan Hospitaliti dan Rekreasi diambil alih oleh anak syarikatnya, Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (“KHSB”) dimana KPS mempunyai kepentingan sebanyak 52.07%. KPS mempunyai kepentingan sebagai pemegang saham di dalam syarikat-syarikat pengeluar air iaitu Syarikat Pengeluar Air Selangor Holdings Berhad (“SPLASH”) sebanyak 30%, Konsortium Abass Sdn. Bhd. (“ABASS”) sebanyak 30%, dan Taliworks Corporation Berhad sebanyak 20%. Teras perniagaan KPS menjadi lebih bersepadu dalam aktiviti perawatan air sebagai kontraktor pembinaan loji rawatan air dan penyedia perkhidmatan yang berkaitan dengan bekalan air. KPS dijangka menjadi syarikat pengeluar air terbesar di negara ini dengan menjadi pemegang saham utama dalam syarikat konsesi dan perlantikannya sebagai Kontraktor Utama bagi merekabentuk dan membina Skim Langat II serta menyelenggara loji-loji rawatan air. Skim 28 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad BACKGROUND Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) was incorporated on 11 August 1975 as a holding company with an authorised capital of RM75 million.The company was listed on Bursa Malaysia (formerly known as Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange) on 22 July 2003 with an authorised capital of RM1.0 billion and an enlarged paid-up capital of RM431.4 million. The listing of KPS was part of a corporate merger exercise of its holding company, Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (“KDEB”), its major shareholder which is wholly-owned by Menteri Besar Selangor (Incorporated) 1994. B USINESS PROFILE From its incorporation, KPS’s principal activities were undertaken through its subsidiaries and associated companies with initial activities centered in the tin mining, property development and hotel sectors. During the initial period of operations, KPS established a siginificant presence in the tin mining and property sectors. Within a decade, KPS had grown into a conglomerate of active companies with diverse operations including construction, manufacturing, property development, property management, tin mining, trading, hotel and recreation management. The next decade that coincided with a depressed economy in 1984-1987 saw the KPS Group diversify into new business areas to reduce its overdependence on the mining and property sectors, which were adversely affected by the economic recession. KPS subsquently withdrew from the tin mining sector in 1992. Pursuant to the merger, the infrastructure and utility businesses of KDEB Group were rationalised,consolidated and streamlined under KPS. The company currently focuses on Infrastructure and Utility businesses while its Property and Hospitality and Recreation businesses are undertaken by its public-listed vehicle, Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (“KHSB”),which it owns 52.07%. KPS holds strategic stakes in major water supply companies namely, Syarikat Pengeluar Air Selangor Holdings Berhad (30%), Konsortium Abass SdnBhd (30%) and Taliworks Corporation Berhad (20%). KPS is now well placed to become a fully integrated water utility operator, contractor and service provider involved in both upstream and downstream activities. It is envisaged that KPS will be propelled to become the largest water player in the country upon securing a majority share in the concession company, its appointment as Main Contractor for the design and construction of the Langat II Scheme and its participation in the operations and maintenance of the water treatment plants.The Langat II Scheme is part of Langat II yang merupakan sebahagian daripada Projek Pemindahan Air Mentah dari Pahang ke Selangor akan mempunyai kapasiti sebanyak 2,180 juta liter sehari.KPS telahpun memulakan kerja-kerja rekabentuk kejuruteraan dan kerja-kerja ukur tanah bagi projek ini. Penglibatan KPS dalam sektor infrastruktur pula adalah melalui kepentingan di dalam Sprint Holdings Sdn Bhd, syarikat konsesi bagi Lebuhraya SPRINT. Berdasarkan kelulusan yang diperolehi daripada pihak Kerajaan, KPS akan memegang 20% ekuiti dalam projek penswastaan Lebuhraya Persisiran Pantai Barat yang akan dilaksanakan menjelang akhir tahun 2004. Untuk memperkukuhkan pulangan serta meningkatkan nilai pelaburan pemegang saham,KPS juga berazam untuk meneroka pasaran global dalam sektor infrastruktur dan utiliti. KPS akan menggunakan pengalamannya di bidang ini untuk memanfaatkan peluang-peluang yang wujud. Kini, KPS sedang meneliti daya maju beberapa projek penswastaan air dan projek pembinaan lebuhraya di rantau ini. the Pahang Interstate Raw Water Transfer Project, and upon completion, the scheme will have a total capacity of 2,180 million litres per day. KPS has commenced the engineering design and ground survey works for the project. KPS’s participation in the infrastructure sector is through its interest in Sprint Holdings Sdn Bhd,the concessionaire for SPRINT Highway. Subject to regulator y approval,KPS will also hold a 20% equity interest in the privatization of the West Coast Expressway project. KPS is geared to become a global infrastructure and utility player in an endeavour to strengthen its earnings base and enhance shareholder value. Towards this end, KPS will leverage its experience to capitalise on opportunities, which may arise in the global arena. Currently, KPS is conducting viability assessments of a water supply project and highway development project in the region. STRUKTUR KORPORAT CORPORATE STRUCTURE Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad Anak-anak Syarikat Subsidiary Companies Syarikat-syarikat Bersekutu Associated Companies Perangsang Consultancy & Engineering Sdn Bhd (100%) Perkuat Kuari Sdn Bhd (50%) Selangor Amal Holdings Sdn Bhd (100%) Perangsang Water Management Sdn Bhd (40%) Darul Ehsan Bina Sdn Bhd (70%) Konsortium ABASS Sdn Bhd (30%) Hydrovest Sdn Bhd (60%) Syarikat Pengeluar Air Selangor Holdings Berhad (30%) Perangsang Dagang Sdn Bhd (55%) Hua Joo Seng Enterprise Berhad (20%) Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (52.07%) Taliworks Corporation Berhad (20%) Sistem Penyuraian Trafik KL Barat Holdings Sdn Bhd (20%) PROFIL LEMBAGA PENGARAH PROFILE OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS YBhg Dato’ Haji Zabir bin Bajuri , DPMS,SSA,KMN, PPT, warganegara Malaysia, berusia 57 tahun, dilantik sebagai Pengerusi Eksekutif Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) pada 1 September 1998. Beliau memiliki Ijazah Sarjana Muda Ekonomi (Kepujian) dari Universiti Malaya pada tahun 1970 dan Certificate of Commercial Banking dari Manchester Business School, United Kingdom dalam tahun 1978. Dato’ Haji Zabir memulakan kerjaya sebagai Pembantu Ekonomi di Bank Negara Malaysia pada tahun 1970 dan pada tahun berikutnya,menyertai Perbadanan Pembangunan Pulau Pinang sebagai Pengarah, Pembangunan Perumahan dan Bandar. Pada tahun 1974, Dato’ Haji Zabir menyandang jawatan Pengurus Bahagian Perkhidmatan Khas Bumiputera di Bank Bumiputra Malaysia Berhad dan pada tahun 1979, dilantik sebagai Ketua Eksekutif Credit Guarantee Corporation Berhad.Beliau memegang jawatan Pengarah Urusan KPS dari tahun 1987 hingga 1995.Dato’ Haji Zabir menerajui DZB Resources Group sebagai Pengerusi Eksekutif dari tahun 1995 hingga 1998.Beliau menganggotai Lembaga Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad dan menyandang jawatan Presiden sejak 1 September 1998. Dato’ Haji Zabir juga adalah Pengerusi Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (“KHSB”) dan Taliworks Corporation Berhad. YBhg Dato' Haji Zabir bin Bajuri , DPMS,SSA,KMN, PPT, a Malaysian, aged 57, was appointed Executive Chairman of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) on 1 September 1998. He graduated with a Bachelor of Economics (Hons.) from University of Malaya in 1970 and obtained his Certificate of Commercial Banking from Manchester Business School,United Kingdom in 1978. Dato’ Haji Zabir began his career in 1970 as Assistant Economist at Bank Negara Malaysia and in 1971 was appointed Director of Housing and City Development at Penang Development Corporation. In 1974, Dato’ Haji Zabir was appointed Manager of Bumiputera Special Services Division at Bank Bumiputra Malaysia Berhad and in 1979, Chief Executive of Credit Guarantee Corporation Berhad. Dato’ Haji Zabir was appointed Group Managing Director of KPS in 1987, a position held until 1995.He was the Executive Chairman of DZB Resources Group of Companies from 1995 to 1998. Dato’ Haji Zabir currently sits on the Board of Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad as President, a position held since 1 September 1998. Dato’ Haji Zabir is also the Chairman of Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (“KHSB”) and Taliworks Corporation Berhad. 30 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad YBhg Dato' Haji Azlan bin Hashim , DSSA, DSNS, warganegara Malaysia, berusia 62 tahun, telah dilantik ke Lembaga Pengarah Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) pada 24 Julai 1989. Dato' Haji Azlan mendapat pendidikan profesional dari Institute of Chartered Accountants di Dublin pada tahun 1966. Selepas tamat pengajian, beliau memulakan kerjaya dengan Malayan Railways dari tahun 1966 hingga 1971 di mana beliau menyandang jawatan sebagai Ketua Akauntan selama dua (2) tahun. Pada tahun 1972, beliau menjadi rakan kongsi di Messrs.Azman Wong Salleh & Co.,sebuah firma akauntan awam,sebelum menjadi Pengarah Urusan Arab Malaysia Development Berhad pada tahun 1982. Dato' Haji Azlan berkhidmat sebagai Presiden Persekutuan Syarikat-Syarikat Tersenarai dari tahun 1994 hingga 1998. Pada April 2000, beliau dilantik sebagai Konsul Jeneral Kehormat Jamaica di Malaysia. YBhg Datin Paduka Juma’ah binti Moktar , DSSA, ASA, PJK, warganegara Malaysia, berusia 52 tahun telah dilantik ke Lembaga Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) pada 15 Ogos 1997. Datin Paduka Juma’ah memiliki Ijazah Sarjana Muda Undang-undang dari University of London, United Kingdom pada tahun 1981 dan Ijazah Sarjana Pentadbiran Perniagaan dalam tahun 1989.Beliau menghadiri kursus “Applied International Management Programme” di Institute of Foretagledning, Sigtuna di Sweden dalam tahun 1992. Datin Paduka Juma’ah memulakan kerjaya pada tahun 1975 sebagai Pegawai Kredit di KPS dan seterusnya memegang jawatan Setiausaha Syarikat/Penasihat Undang-undang Kumpulan KPS dari tahun 1981 hingga tahun 1996. Beliau menyandang jawatan Naib Presiden, Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (“KDEB”) dan Pengarah Eksekutif, Brisdale Holdings Berhad pada Jun 1996 dan pada Julai 1997 dilantik sebagai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif KPS.Datin Paduka Juma’ah menganggotai Lembaga KDEB pada 15 Ogos 1997 dan ketika ini menyandang jawatan Timbalan Presiden KDEB. Datin Paduka Juma’ah juga menganggotai Lembaga Pengarah Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (“KHSB”),Worldwide Holdings Berhad, Hua Joo Seng Enterprise Berhad dan Taliworks Corporation Berhad. YBhg Datin Paduka Juma'ah binti Moktar , DSSA, ASA, PJK, a Malaysian, aged 52, was appointed to the Board of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) as Director on 15 August 1997. Datin Paduka Juma’ah graduated with a Bachelor of Laws from University of London,United Kingdom in 1981 and obtained her Master in Business Administration in 1989.In 1992,she attended the ‘Applied International Management Programme’ at the Institute of Foretagledning,Sigtuna in Sweden. Ketika ini Dato’ Haji Azlan juga adalah ahli Lembaga AMMB Holdings Berhad, AMFB Holdings Berhad, AMDB Berhad, Arab Malaysian Corporation Berhad, Metrod (M) Berhad, Paramount Corporation Berhad, Sapura Motors Berhad dan Global Carriers Berhad. YBhg Dato' Haji Azlan bin Hashim , DSSA, DSNS, a Malaysian,aged 62,was appointed to the Board of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) as Director on 24 July 1989.He obtained his professional qualification from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Dublin in 1966. Upon graduation,he joined Malayan Railways in 1966 and served till 1971. He was its Chief Accountant for two (2) years.In 1972,he became a partner of Messrs.Azman Wong Salleh & Co., a public accounting firm, prior to becoming the Managing Director of Arab Malaysia Development Berhad in 1982. Dato' Haji Azlan served as President of the Federation of Public Listed Companies from 1994 to 1998. In April 2000, he was appointed the Honorary Consul General of Jamaica in Malaysia. Presently, Dato’ Haji Azlan also sits on the Boards of AMMB Holdings Berhad, AMFB Holdings Berhad, AMDB Berhad, Arab Malaysian Corporation Berhad, Metrod (M) Berhad, Paramount Corporation Berhad, Sapura Motors Berhad and Global Carriers Berhad. Datin Paduka Juma’ah began her career in 1975 as Credit Officer KPS and held the position of Company Secretary and Group Legal Adviser to the KPS Group from 1981 to 1996. In June 1996, she held the position of Vice President Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (“KDEB”) and Executive Director of Brisdale Holdings Berhad.She was appointed Chief Executive Officer of KPS in July 1997. Datin Paduka Juma’ah was appointed to the Board of KDEB as Director on 15 August 1997 and currently holds the position of Deputy President KDEB. Datin Paduka Juma’ah also sits on the Boards of Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (“KHSB”), Worldwide Holdings Berhad, Hua Joo Seng Enterprise Berhad and Taliworks Corporation Berhad. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 31 YB Senator Dato' Ikhwan Salim bin Dato' Sujak , DSIS, PJK, warganegara Malaysia, berusia 47 tahun, telah dilantik ke Lembaga Pengarah Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) pada 1 September 2001.Beliau memperolehi Ijazah dalam bidang Ekonomi/Perakaunan dari Queen's University, Belfast, United Kingdom pada tahun 1977. YBhg Dato' Haji Ab . Halim bin Mohyiddin , DPMS, warganegara Malaysia, berusia 58 tahun, telah dilantik ke Lembaga Pengarah Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) pada 2 Julai 1987. Beliau memiliki Ijazah Sarjana Muda Ekonomi (Perakaunan) dari Universiti Malaya dan juga Sarjana Pentadbiran Perniagaan dari University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. Beliau adalah ahli Malaysian Institute of Accountants, Malaysian Association of Certified Public Accountants, Malaysian Institute of Taxation,Institute of Cooperative Auditors dan Association of Certified Fraud Examiners,USA. Dato’ Haji Ab. Halim merupakan rakan kongsi di KPMG/ KPMG Desa Megat & Co. dari tahun 1985 hingga kini. Dari tahun 1977 hingga 1985,beliau memegang beberapa jawatan di Peat Marwick/Desa Megat & Co. di Malaysia dan Amerika Syarikat. Sebelum menyertai KPMG, beliau adalah Ahli Fakulti Ekonomi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Dato’ Haji Ab. Halim juga menganggotai Lembaga Pengarah Hei-Tech Padu Berhad,Arab Malaysia Corporation Berhad, MCM Technologies Berhad,Utusan Melayu Malaysia Berhad, Digi-Com Berhad, Amway (Malaysia) Holdings Berhad, Idaman Unggul Berhad dan KNM Group Berhad. Beliau bertugas sebagai Akauntan di Nestle Berhad dari tahun 1979 hingga 1980 sebelum dilantik menjadi Pengurus Perancangan Kewangan Kumpulan di General Corporation Berhad.Pada ketika ini,Senator Dato’ Ikhwan menguruskan perniagaannya sendiri,Jaya Holdings Sdn Bhd. Senator Dato’ Ikhwan Salim turut menganggotai Lembaga Pengarah Glomac Berhad dan Ayer Hitam Tin Dredging Malaysia Berhad. YB Senator Dato' Ikhwan Salim bin Dato' Sujak , DSIS, PJK, a Malaysian, aged 47, was appointed to the Board of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) as Director on 1 September 2001. He graduated with a Degree in Economics/Accounting from Queen's University in Belfast,United Kingdom in 1977. He served as an Accountant at Nestle Berhad from 1979 to 1980 before being appointed Group Financial Planning Manager at General Corporation Berhad.Presently, Senator Dato' Ikhwan runs his own private business,Jaya Holdings Sdn Bhd. Senator Dato’ Ikhwan Salim also sits on the Boards of Glomac Berhad and Ayer Hitam Tin Dredging Malaysia Berhad. YBhg Dato' Haji Ab . Halim bin Mohyiddin , DPMS, a Malaysian, aged 58, was appointed to the Board of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) as Director on 2 July 1987. He holds a Bachelor of Economics (Accounting) from the University of Malaya and a Master in Business Administration from University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. He is a member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants,Malaysian Association of Certified Public Accountants, Malaysian Institute of Taxation,Institute of Cooperative Auditors and Association of Certified Fraud Examiners,USA. Dato’ Haji Ab. Halim is presently a partner in KPMG/ KPMG Desa Megat & Co.,a position he held since 1985. From 1977 till 1985,he held various positions with Peat Marwick/Desa Megat & Co., both in Malaysia and the USA.Prior to joining KPMG,he was a Faculty Member of the Faculty of Economics,Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Dato’ Haji Ab. Halim also sits on the Boards of Hei-Tech Padu Berhad,Arab Malaysia Corporation Berhad, MCM Technologies Berhad,Utusan Melayu Malaysia Berhad, Digi-Com Berhad, Amway (Malaysia) Holdings Berhad, Idaman Unggul Berhad and KNM Group Berhad. 32 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad YBhg Dato' Haji Sumadi bin Haji Ismail , DPTJ, JP, warganegara Malaysia, berusia 50 tahun, telah dilantik ke Lembaga Pengarah Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) pada 1 September 2001.Beliau memperolehi Ijazah Sarjana Kesusasteraan (Kepujian) di bidang Perhubungan Industri pada tahun 1977. Dato’ Haji Sumadi memulakan kerjayanya pada tahun 1978 sebagai Penolong Setiausaha di Majlis Perbandaran Petaling Jaya sebelum menerajui Jabatan Perkhidmatan Perbandaran pada tahun 1980. Dari tahun 1985 hingga 1994, beliau menjalankan perniagaannya sendiri sehingga menjadi Ahli Majlis Daerah Kuala Selangor pada tahun 1995. YBhg Dato' Haji Sumadi bin Haji Ismail , DPTJ, JP, a Malaysian, aged 50, was appointed to the Board of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) as Director on 1 September 2001. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Industrial Relations in 1977. Dato' Haji Sumadi began his career in 1978 as an Assistant Secretary of Majlis Perbandaran Petaling Jaya before heading the Department of Urban Services in 1980. From 1985 he was on his own until he became Ahli Majlis Daerah Kuala Selangor in 1995. YB Dato’ Dr . Haji Karim bin Haji Mansor , DPMS, ASA, PJK, warganegara Malaysia, berusia 46 tahun, telah dilantik ke Lembaga Pengarah Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) pada 15 April 2003. Beliau memperolehi Ijazah Doktor Perubatan dari Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia pada tahun 1983 dan Ijazah Sarjana Kesihatan Awam di Universiti Malaya pada tahun 1990. Dato’ Dr. Haji Karim memulakan kerjayanya pada tahun 1984 sebagai Pegawai Perubatan Pelatih di Hospital Daerah Taiping, sebelum dilantik menjadi Pegawai Perubatan pada tahun yang sama.Pada tahun 1986,beliau berkhidmat sebagai Penolong Pengarah di Bahagian Perancang & Pembangunan, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia dan pada tahun 1987, beliau berkhidmat pula sebagai Pegawai Kesihatan & Perubatan bagi Pusat Kesihatan, Sungai Pelek. Beliau seterusnya berkhidmat sebagai Pegawai Kesihatan Kanan di beberapa tempat, bermula dengan Daerah Hulu Langat pada tahun 1988,Rancangan Kawalan Penyakit Bawaan Vektor bagi Negeri Selangor pada tahun 1990,Daerah Kuala Selangor pada tahun 1991 dan akhir sekali Daerah Sepang dari tahun 1992 hingga 1994. Beliau kemudian memulakan perniagaannya sendiri dengan membuka empat (4) buah poliklinik yang terletak di Banting,Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi,Sungai Pelek,Sepang, dan Telok Panglima Garang.Beliau juga pernah berkhidmat sebagai Ahli Majlis Daerah Sepang pada tahun 1998. YB Dato' Dr . Haji Karim bin Haji Mansor , DPMS, ASA, PJK, a Malaysian, aged 46, was appointed to the Board of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) as Director on 15 April 2003. He graduated with a Medical Degree from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in 1983 and a Master of Public Health from University of Malaya in 1990. Dato' Dr. Haji Karim began his career in 1984 as Trainee Medical Officer at Hospital Daerah Taiping, before being appointed the Medical Officer in the same year. In 1986, he served as the Assistant Director at Bahagian Perancang & Pembangunan, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia and in 1987,was appointed the Health & Medical Officer for the Medical Centre, Sungai Pelek. He served as the Senior Health Officer in various places,beginning with the Hulu Langat District in 1988, Rancangan Kawalan Penyakit Bawaan Vektor for Negeri Selangor in 1990,the District of Kuala Selangor in 1991 and finally the Sepang District from 1992 to 1994.He then set up his own private practice, which includes four (4) polyclinics located in Banting, Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi, Sungai Pelek,Sepang and Telok Panglima Garang. He was also the Ahli Majlis Daerah Sepang in 1998. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 33 YB Dato’ Ahmad Bhari bin Abd. Rahman , DSSA, PPT, JP, warganegara Malaysia, berusia 55 tahun, telah dilantik ke Lembaga Pengarah Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) pada 15 April 2003. Beliau berkelulusan Sarjana Muda Sastera (Kepujian) dalam Antropologi dan Sosiologi dari Universiti Malaya. Dato’ Ahmad Bhari adalah Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Gombak Setia dari tahun 1990 hingga 1995. Kini, beliau memegang pelbagai jawatan termasuk ADUN Taman Templer, Timbalan Pengerusi KUB Development Bhd (Syarikat subsidiari KUB Holdings Bhd), Pengerusi Gerakan Belia 4B Negeri Selangor dan Bendahari Gerakan Belia 4B Malaysia.Beliau mempunyai pengalaman bekerja selama lebih dua puluh (20) tahun dengan sektor kerajaan,khususnya di Jabatan Kastam dan Eksais Diraja, Jabatan Perangkaan EPU dan Lembaga Kemajuan Ikan Malaysia di bawah Kementerian Pertanian sebagai Pengarah untuk kawasan-kawasan di Selangor, Melaka dan Negeri Sembilan dari tahun 1984 hingga 1988. YB Dato' Ahmad Bhari bin Abd. Rahman , DSSA, PPT, JP, a Malaysian,aged 55, was appointed to the Board of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) as Director on 15 April 2003.He holds a Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Anthropology and Sociology from University of Malaya. Dato' Ahmad Bhari was the State Assemblyman for Gombak Setia from 1990 to 1995. Presently, he holds various positions,amongst others,the State Assemblyman for Taman Templer, Deputy Chairman of KUB Development Bhd (subsidiary of KUB Holdings Bhd), Chairman of the Gerakan Belia 4B Negeri Selangor and Treasurer to the Gerakan Belia 4B Malaysia.He served in the government sector for twenty (20) years,mainly in the Customs and Excise Department, Statistics Department of the EPU and the Lembaga Kemajuan Ikan Malaysia under the Ministry of Agriculture where he ser ved as the Director for Selangor, Malacca and Negeri Sembilan from 1984 to 1988. YBhg Dato’Yip Kam Chong , DSSA,AMS,warganegara Malaysia, berusia 51 tahun, telah dilantik ke Lembaga Pengarah Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) pada 15 April 2003. Dato’ Yip memulakan kerjayanya dengan menguruskan sebuah syarikat dagangan di Klang di sekitar tahun 1980-an. Di bawah pucuk pimpanan beliau, syarikat dagangan tersebut telah berkembang maju menjadi sebuah kumpulan yang terlibat dalam aktiviti pembinaan, pembangunan hartanah dan pemasaran berperingkat. Penglibatan beliau di dalam industri pembangunan hartanah selama lebih sepuluh (10) tahun telah merintis beberapa projek pembangunan hartanah di Klang dan Rawang. YBhg Dato ' Yip Kam Chong , DSSA,AMS,a Malaysian, aged 51, was appointed to the Board of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) as Director on 15 April 2003. Dato' Yip began his career in the 1980s managing a trading company in Klang.The company has now transformed itself into a diversified group of companies involved in construction, property development and multi-level marketing. With vast experience in the property development industry over a period of ten (10) years,he has spearheaded several projects in Klang and Rawang. Nota: Selain daripada yang dimaklumkan di dalam profil Lembaga Pengarah, kesemua ahliLembaga Pengarah tidak mempunyai sebarang hubungan kekeluargaan dengan manamana Pengarah dan/atau pemegang saham utama Syarikat. Mereka tidak mempunyai kepentingan peribadi dalam sebarang urusan perniagaan yang melibatkan Syarikat. Mereka juga tidak pernah disabitkan dengan sebarang kesalahan dalam tempoh sepuluh (10) tahun yang lepas. Note:Other than disclosed in the profile of Board of Directors, all the Directors do not have any family relationship with any Director and/or major shareholder of theCompany.They have no personal interest in any business arrangement involving the Company.They have had no convictions for any offences within the past ten (10) year s. 34 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad PROFIL PENGURUSAN KANAN PROFILE OF SENIOR MANAGEMENT YBhg Dato’ Haji Zabir bin Bajuri , DPMS, SSA, KMN, PPT, berusia 57 tahun, dilantik sebagai Pengerusi Eksekutif Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) pada 1 September 1998. Beliau memiliki Ijazah Sarjana Muda Ekonomi (Kepujian) dari Universiti Malaya pada tahun 1970 dan Certificate of Commercial Banking dari Manchester Business School,United Kingdom dalam tahun 1978. Dato’ Haji Zabir memulakan kerjaya sebagai Pembantu Ekonomi di Bank Negara Malaysia pada tahun 1970 dan pada tahun berikutnya,menyertai Perbadanan Pembangunan Pulau Pinang sebagai Pengarah, Pembangunan Perumahan dan Bandar. Pada tahun 1974, Dato’ Haji Zabir menyandang jawatan Pengurus Bahagian Perkhidmatan Khas Bumiputera di Bank Bumiputera Malaysia Berhad dan pada tahun 1979,dilantik sebagai Ketua Eksekutif Credit Guarantee Corporation Berhad. Beliau memegang jawatan Pengarah Urusan KPS dari tahun 1987 hingga 1995. Dato’ Haji Zabir menerajui DZB Resources Group sebagai Pengerusi Eksekutif dari tahun 1995 hingga 1998. Beliau menganggotai Lembaga Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad dan menyandang jawatan Presiden sejak 1 September 1998. YBhg Dato' Haji bin Zabir Bajuri , DPMS, SSA, KMN, PPT, aged 57, was appointed Executive Chairman of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) on 1 September 1998. He graduated with a Bachelor of Economics (Hons.) from University of Malaya in 1970 and obtained his Certificate of Commercial Banking from Manchester Business School,United Kingdom in 1978. Dato’ Haji Zabir began his career in 1970 as Assistant Economist at Bank Negara Malaysia and in 1971 was appointed Director of Housing and City Development at Penang Development Corporation. In 1974, Dato’ Haji Zabir was appointed Manager of Bumiputera Special Services Division at Bank Bumiputera Malaysia Berhad and in 1979, Chief Executive of Credit Guarantee Corporation Berhad. Dato’ Haji Zabir was appointed Group Managing Director of KPS in 1987, a position held until 1995.He was the Executive Chairman of DZB Resources Group of Companies from 1995 to 1998. Dato’ Haji Zabir currently sits on the Board of Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad as President,a position held since 1 September 1998. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 35 YBhg Datin Paduka Juma’ah binti Moktar , DSSA, ASA, PJK, berusia 52 tahun, telah dilantik ke Lembaga Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) pada 15 Ogos 1997. Datin Paduka Juma’ah memiliki Ijazah Sarjana Muda Undang-undang dari University of London, United Kingdom pada tahun 1981 dan Ijazah Sarjana Pentadbiran Perniagaan dalam tahun 1989. Beliau menghadiri kursus “Applied International Management Programme” di Institut Foretagledning,Sigtuna di Sweden dalam tahun 1992. Datin Paduka Juma’ah memulakan kerjaya beliau pada tahun 1975 sebagai Pegawai Kredit di KPS dan seterusnya memegang jawatan Setiausaha Syarikat/Penasihat Undangundang Kumpulan KPS dari tahun 1981 hingga tahun 1996. Datin Paduka Juma’ah menyandang jawatan Naib Presiden, Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (“KDEB”) dan Pengarah Eksekutif,Brisdale Holdings Berhad pada Jun 1996 dan pada Julai 1997 dilantik sebagai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif KPS. Datin Paduka Juma’ah menganggotai Lembaga KDEB pada 15 Ogos 1997 dan ketika ini menyandang jawatan Timbalan Presiden KDEB. Puan Rosni binti Rahmat , SMS, ASA, PJK, berusia 52 telah dilantik sebagai Pengurus Besar Sumber Manusia/ Pentadbiran Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) pada tahun 1999. Puan Rosni berkelulusan Sarjana Muda Ekonomi (Kepujian) dari Universiti Malaya. Puan Rosni memulakan kerjaya beliau sebagai Pegawai Eksekutif di PKNS. Beliau mula berkhidmat dengan KPS pada tahun 1975 sebagai Pegawai Perjawatan dan seterusnya telah menjawat jawatan Pengurus Sumber Manusia sehingga tahun 1994 sebelum dilantik sebagai Pengurus Sumber Manusia Kumpulan. Dalam tahun 1999, Puan Rosni telah dilantik sebagai Pengurus Hal Ehwal Awam Kumpulan di samping memegang jawatan Pengurus Sumber Manusia Kumpulan. Dalam tahun yang sama, Puan Rosni dilantik menerajui Bahagian Sumber Manusia/Pentadbiran KPS sebagai Pengurus Besar sehingga kini. Puan Rosni juga memegang jawatan Naib Presiden Sumber Manusia/ Pentadbiran di Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (“KDEB”) Encik Arthur Wong Yien Kim , ASA, PPT, berusia 50 tahun, telah dilantik sebagai Pengurus Besar Kewangan Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) pada tahun 2000. Encik Arthur Wong telah berkhidmat dengan KPS semenjak tahun 1983 dan telah menerajui Bahagian Kewangan di beberapa anak syarikat sebagai Ketua Akauntan iaitu Perangsang International Sdn. Bhd., Perangsang Delima Sdn. Bhd., Perangsang Sports Industries Sdn. Bhd. dan SAP Holdings Berhad (SAP).Encik Arthur Wong telah berkhidmat selama tujuh (7) tahun dengan SAP sebagai Ketua Bahagian Kewangan sebelum dipindahkan perkhidmatannya ke KPS. Encik Arthur Wong juga turut menyandang jawatan Naib Presiden Kewangan Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (“KDEB”). Encik Arthur Wong merupakan ahli Institut Akauntan Malaysia dan Institute of Chartered Accountants, England dan Wales. 36 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad YBhg Datin Paduka Juma'ah binti Moktar , DSSA, ASA, PJK, aged 52, was appointed to the Board of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) as Director on 15 August 1997.Datin Paduka Juma’ah graduated with a Bachelor of Law from University of London, United Kingdom in 1981 and obtained her Master in Business Administration in 1989. In 1992, she attended the ‘Applied International Management Programme’ at the Institute of Foretagledning,Sigtuna in Sweden. Datin Paduka Juma’ah began her career in 1975 as Credit Officer KPS and held the position of Company Secretary and Group Legal Adviser to the KPS Group from 1981 to 1996. In June 1996, Datin Paduka Juma’ah held the position of Vice President Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (“KDEB”) and Executive Director of Brisdale Holdings Berhad. She was appointed Chief Executive Officer of KPS in July 1997.Datin Paduka Juma’ah was appointed to the Board of KDEB as Director on 15 August 1997 and currently holds the position of Deputy President KDEB. Puan Rosni binti Rahmat , SMS, ASA, PJK, aged 52, is the General Manager of Human Resource/Administration at Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”),a position held since 1999.Puan Rosni graduated with a Bachelor of Economics (Hons.) from the University of Malaya. Puan Rosni began her career as Executive Officer PKNS. In 1975,she joined KPS as Personnel Officer. She was the Manager of Human Resource till 1994 and thereafter, was appointed Group Human Resource Manager. In 1999,she was appointed Group Human Resource Manager/Public Affairs Manager. In the same year, Puan Rosni was appointed General Manager Human Resource/Administration, a position she holds to-date. She is also the Vice President of Human Resource/Administration at Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (“KDEB”). Encik Arthur Wong Yien Kim , ASA, PPT, aged 50, is the General Manager Finance at Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”), a position held since 2000. Encik Arthur Wong joined KPS in 1983 as an Accountant and was the Chief Accountant for several of KPS’s subsidiaries, namely Perangsang International Sdn. Bhd., Perangsang Delima Sdn.Bhd., Perangsang Sport Industries Sdn.Bhd.and SAP Holdings Berhad (SAP).He served SAP for se ven (7) years as Head of Division Finance, before being assigned to KPS.Encik Arthur Wong is also the Vice President Finance at Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (“KDEB”),a position held since 2000. Encik Arthur Wong is a member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants and the Institute of Chartered Accountants, England and Wales. Encik Mohd Noor bin Ismail , PPT, berusia 54 tahun, telah dilantik sebagai Pengurus Besar Perancang Korporat Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) pada tahun 1999. Berkelulusan Diploma Perakaunan dan Ijazah Pentadbiran Perniagaan (Kewangan Korporat) dari Western Michigan University, USA, beliau juga memperolehi Ijazah Sarjana Pentadbiran dari Morehead State University, USA. Encik Mohd Noor mula berkhidmat dengan KPS pada tahun 1991. Sebelum itu, Encik Mohd Noor telah berkhidmat dengan FELCRA Berhad sebagai Pemeriksa Akaun dari tahun 1974 hingga 1979. Beliau juga telah berkhidmat dengan Kwong Yik Bank Berhad sebagai Akauntan bermula dari 1983 hingga 1984 dan berikutnya bertugas di Arab Malaysian Finance Berhad sebagai Penolong Pengurus sehingga tahun 1990.Encik Mohd Noor memegang jawatan Pengurus Perancang Korporat di KPS dari tahun 1991 hingga tahun 1998 sebelum dilantik sebagai Pengurus Besar. Beliau juga menyandang jawatan Naib Presiden Perancang Korporat di Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (“KDEB”). Encik Revi Pillai , ASA,berusia 54 tahun, mula berkhidmat di Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) pada tahun 1984 sebagai Akauntan Pengurusan dan dilantik sebagai Pengurus Besar Pengurusan Audit pada tahun 1997. Berkelulusan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains dari Universiti Sains Malaysia dan Association of Chartered Management Accountants (ACMA) United Kingdom, Encik Revi telah berkhidmat di beberapa buah organisasi terkemuka di Malaysia sebelum menganggotai KPS. Encik Revi merupakan ahli ‘The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants’. Encik Latip bin Sadali , berusia 50 tahun,telah dilantik sebagai Pengurus Besar Komunikasi Korporat Awam di Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) pada bulan Mac 2002. Sebelum memegang jawatan ini, Encik Latip telah berkhidmat di beberapa buah anak syarikat Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (“KDEB”) dan KPS. Mendapat pendidikan dari University of Southampton, United Kingdom, Encik Latip berkelulusan Ijazah Sarjana Muda (Kepujian) dalam bidang Kejuruteraan Awam. Puan Hashimah binti Mohd Isa , PPT, berusia 43 tahun, telah dilantik sebagai Setiausaha Syarikat di Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) pada tahun 1996.Puan Hashimah mendapat pendidikan dari Indiana State University dan berkelulusan Sarjana Pentadbiran Perniagaan. Puan Hashimah telah berkhidmat di KPS sejak tahun 1990. Encik Mohd Noor bin Ismail , PPT, aged 54, is the General Manager Corporate Planning at Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”),a position held since 1999. He holds a Diploma in Accountancy, a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration (Corporate Finance) from Western Michigan University, USA and Master in Administration from Morehead State University, USA. Encik Mohd Noor joined KPS in 1991.Prior to that,Encik Mohd Noor worked as an Examiner of Account with FELCRA Berhad from 1974 to 1979, Accountant at Kwong Yik Bank Berhad from 1983 to 1984 and subsequently, as Assistant Manager at Arab-Malaysian Finance Berhad till 1990. Encik Mohd Noor was the Manager Corporate Planning at KPS from 1991 to 1998 before being appointed General Manager. He also holds the position of Vice President Corporate Planning at Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (“KDEB”). Encik Revi Pillai , ASA, aged 54, joined Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) in 1984 as Management Accountant and was appointed as the General Manager Management Audit in 1997. A graduate in Bachelor of Science from Universiti Sains Malaysia and the Association of Chartered Management Accountants (ACMA) United Kingdom, Encik Revi had previously worked with several leading organisations in Malaysia. Encik Revi is a member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Encik Latip bin Sadali , aged 50,was appointed General Manager, Corporate Public Communications of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) in March 2002,prior to which he was attached to several subsidiary Companies of Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (“KDEB”) and KPS. Encik Latip holds a Bachelor of Science (Hons.) in Civil Engineering from University of Southampton, United Kingdom. Puan Hashimah binti Mohd Isa , PPT, aged 43, was appointed Company Secretary of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) in 1996.A graduate of Indiana State University, Puan Hashimah holds a Master in Business Administration. She has been with the KPS Group since 1990. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 37 38 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad TADBIR URUS KORPORAT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PENYATA TADBIR URUS KORPORAT STATEMENT OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Lembaga Pengarah (“Lembaga”) Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“Syarikat”) mengiktiraf bahawa langkah tadbir urus korporat yang memuaskan semasa mengendalikan urusan perniagaan dan hal ehwal Syarikat dengan tahap kewibawaan, ketelusan dan profesionalisme merupakan komponen penting bagi memastikan Syarikat mencapai kemajuan dan kejayaan berterusan. Ia bukan sahaja akan melindungi dan mempertingkatkan pelaburan dan nilai pemegang saham, malah pada masa yang sama akan memastikan supaya kepentingan para pemegang saham lain turut dilindungi. Justeru itu, Lembaga adalah komited untuk menyokong syor-syor yang terkandung dalam Kod Tadbir Urus Korporat Malaysia (“Kod”) dan kini, langkah-langkah sedang diambil untuk menyediakan Kumpulan supaya menerima pakai, melaksanakan dan memenuhi Prinsipprinsip Amalan Terbaik Kod ini. A. LEMBAGA PENGARAH The Board of Directors (“the Board”) of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“the Company”) recognises the exercise of good corporate governance in conducting the business and affairs of the Company with integrity, transparency and professionalism as a key component for the Company’s continued progress and success. These will not only safeguard and enhance shareholders’ investments and value but will at the same time ensure that the interests of other shareholders are protected. The Board is, therefore, committed to supporting the recommendations of the Malaysia Code on Corporate Governance (“the Code”) and steps are currently being undertaken to prepare the Group to adopt, implement and fulfil the principles and Best Policies of the Code. 1. Tanggungjawab Lembaga Pengarah A. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Lembaga Syarikat bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya ke atas prestasi Kumpulan. Lembaga memberi panduan kepada Syarikat berhubung dengan matlamat jangka pendek dan jangka panjangnya, menyediakan khidmat nasihat dan merangka strategi ke atas isu-isu pengurusan dan pembangunan perniagaan di samping menyediakan keseimbangan kepada pengurusan Syarikat. 1. Duties of Board of Directors The Board of the Company takes full responsibility for the performance of the Group. The Board guides the Company on its short and long term goals, providing advice and devising strategies on management and business development issues while providing balance to the management of the Company. Bidang tugas paling penting Lembaga termasuk: • • • • • • • The Board’s most important functions include: menetapkan objektif, matlamat dan haluan korporat bagi Syarikat; • setting the objectives, goals and corporate direction for the Company; mengamalkan dan mengawal perkembangan rancangan strategik Syarikat; • menyelia perjalanan perniagaan Syarikat untuk menilai sama ada perniagaan telah diuruskan dengan teratur; adopting and monitoring progress of the Company’s strategic plan; • mengenalpasti risiko-risiko utama dan memastikan pelaksanaan sistem sewajarnya untuk menguruskan risiko-risiko ini; overseeing the conduct of the Company’s business to evaluate whether the business is being properly managed; • identifying principal risks and ensuring the implementation of appropriate systems to manage these risks; • succession planning including appointing, training, fixing the compensation of and where appropriate, reviewing senior management composition; • developing and implementing an investor relations programme or shareholder communications policy for the Company; • reviewing the adequacy and the integrity of the Company’s internal control systems and management information systems,including systems for compliance with applicable laws, regulations,rules,directives and guidelines. perancangan penggantian termasuk melantik,melatih, menetapkan pampasan bila dan di mana sesuai, menyemak komposisi pengurusan kanan; membangun dan melaksanakan program berkaitan perhubungan pelabur atau pemegang saham Syarikat; menyemak kecukupan dan kebolehpercayaan sistem kawalan dalaman Syarikat dan pengurusan sistem maklumat, termasuk sistem bagi pematuhan dengan undang-undang, peraturan, arahan dan garis panduan terpakai. 40 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad Dalam melaksanakan kewajipan fudisiarinya, Lembaga telah mengamanahkan tugas-tugas khusus kepada empat (4) Jawatankuasa Lembaga yang merupakan Jawatankuasa Audit, Jawatankuasa Imbuhan, Jawatankuasa Perlantikan dan Jawatankuasa ESOS. Laporan Jawatankuasa masingmasing adalah sebagaimana dikemukakan pada muka surat 46 hingga 54. 2. Komposisi Lembaga Lembaga KPS pada masa ini mempunyai sembilan (9) ahli terdiri daripada: i. ii. iii. iv. Pengerusi Eksekutif Pengarah Urusan Tiga Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bukan Bebas Empat Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bebas Pengarah-pengarah adalah profesional dalam bidang kejuruteraan, ekonomi, kewangan, perakaunan dan pentadbir-pentadbir awam kanan yang berpengalaman. Maklumat mengenai kesemua pengarah dikemukakan pada muka surat 30 hingga 34. Komposisi Lembaga ditentukan dengan menggunakan prinsip-prinsip berikut: i. sekurang-kurangnya dua orang atau satu pertiga daripada Lembaga yang mana lebih tinggi, hendaklah pengarah bukan eksekutif bebas;dan ii. sekurang-kurangnya seorang pengarah adalah ahli Institut Akauntan Malaysia. Komposisi Lembaga akan dikaji atas dasar setahun oleh Jawatankuasa Perlantikan untuk memastikan bahawa Lembaga mempunyai campuran kemahiran, pengalaman, sifat dan kekompetenan teras untuk melaksanakan tugasnya secara berkesan. Terdapat pembahagian tanggungjawab yang jelas di antara Pengerusi Eksekutif dan Pengarah Urusan untuk memastikan agar terdapat keseimbangan di antara kuasa dan autoriti. Kehadiran Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bebas yang bebas daripada pengurusan, memenuhi peranan utama dalam kebertanggungjawaban korporat memandangkan mereka adalah bebas daripada mana-mana perhubungan perniagaan dan lain-lain perhubungan yang boleh mengganggu pelaksanaan pertimbangan bebas atau keupayaan mereka untuk bertindak demi kepentingan terbaik Syarikat. In discharging its fiduciary duties,the Board has delegated specific tasks to four (4) Board Committees, which ar e the Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, Nomination Committee and ESOS Committee.The respective committee reports are disclosed on pages 46 to 54. 2. Composition of the Boar d The Board of KPS consists of nine (9) members: i. ii. iii. iv. Executive Chairman Managing Director Three Non-Independent Non-Executive Directors Four Independent Non-Executive Directors The Directors include professionals in the fields of engineering, economics, finance and accounting; and senior civil administrators. The information of all the directors is set out from pages 30 to 34. The composition of the Board is determined using the following principles: i. at least two persons or one third of the Board, whichever is higher, must be independent non-executive directors;and ii at least one director is a member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants. The composition of the Board shall be reviewed on an annual basis by the Nomination Committee to ensure that the Board has the required mix of skills, expertise, attributes and core competencies to discharge its duties effectively. There is a clear division of responsibility between the Executive Chairman and the Managing Director to ensure that there is a balance of power and authority. The presence of Independent Non-Executive Directors who are independent of the management,fulfill a pivotal role in corporate accountability as they are free from any business and other relationships that could interfere with their exercise of independent judgement or the ability to act in the best interests of the Company. 3. Mesyuarat Lembaga dan Bekalan Maklumat 3. Board Meetings and Supply of Information Lembaga mempunyai empat (4) mesyuarat terjadual tetap setiap tahun, dengan mesyuarat tambahan diadakan apabila perlu.Dalam tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2003, Mesyuarat Lembaga telah diadakan dan kehadiran pengarah masing-masing adalah seperti berikut: The Board has four (4) regularly scheduled meetings annually with additional meetings convened when necessary. During the financial year ended 31 December 2003, four (4) Board Meetings were held and the respective directors attendance are as follows: Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 41 Pengarah/ Directors Dato’ Haji Zabir bin Bajuri Dato' Haji Azlan bin Hashim Dato’ Haji Ab. Halim bin Mohyiddin Datin Paduka Juma’ah binti Moktar Dato’ Haji Sumadi bin Haji Ismail Senator Dato’ Ikhwan Salim bin Dato’ Sujak Dato’ Dr. Haji Karim bin Haji Mansor (Dilantik:15 April 2003/Appointed:15 April 2003) Dato’ Ahmad Bhari bin Abd.Rahman (Dilantik:15 April 2003/Appointed:15 April 2003) Dato’ Yip Kam Chong (Dilantik:15 April 2003/Appointed:15 April 2003) Senator Dato’ Ghazi @ Hasbullah bin Haji Ramli (Meletak Jawatan:15 April 2003/Resigned:15 April 2003) Dato’ Mohd Nor bin Bador (Meletak Jawatan:15 April 2003/Resigned:15 April 2003) Dato’ Mohd Karim bin Abdullah Omar (Meletak Jawatan:12 Jun 2003/Resigned:12 June 2003) • ® N/A Kehadiran Pengarah Attendance of Directors 07.03.03 12.06.03 28.08.03 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 20.11.03 • • ® • ® • N/A • • ® N/A • • ® N/A • • • • N/A N/A N/A • N/A N/A N/A • • N/A N/A hadir/present tidak hadir atas alasan/absent with apologies tidak berkenaan/not applicable Lembaga disediakan dengan agenda-agenda dan kertaskertas Lembaga sebelum mesyuarat Lembaga. Kertas-kertas Lembaga termasuk minit mesyuarat terdahulu, laporan prestasi suku tahunan Kumpulan, cadangan korporat dan strategik bagi semakan dan kelulusan Lembaga. Dokumen-dokumen ini dikeluarkan terlebih dahulu dalam masa yang mencukupi untuk membolehkan Lembaga mendapat penjelasan daripada pengurusan lebih awal daripada mesyuarat Lembaga untuk membolehkan pelaksanaan tugas-tugasnya berkesan. Ahli-ahli Lembaga mempunyai akses kepada nasihat dan khidmat Setiausaha Syarikat dan ahli-ahli profesional bagi semua maklumat berhubung dengan Kumpulan sama ada dalam keupayaan Lembaga penuh atau secara individu untuk membantu mereka dalam menjalankan tugas-tugas mereka. 42 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad The Board is provided with agendas and Board papers prior to board meetings.The Board papers include minutes of the previous meeting,quarterly performance report of the Group, corporate and strategic proposals for the Board’s review and approval.These documents are issued in advance to enable the Board to seek clarifications from the management before the board meetings to enable effective discharge of its duties. The Board members have access to the advice and services of the Company Secretary and other professionals on all information in relation to the Group whether as a full Board or in their individual capacity to assist them in the furtherance of their duties. 4. Latihan Para Pengarah Kumpulan menyedari fakta bahawa pendidikan berterusan adalah penting bagi ahli-ahli Lembaga untuk mengetahui dengan lebih mendalam mengenai keadaan ekonomi, perkembangan teknologi, perkembangan berperaturan terkini dan strategi pengurusan. Di sebalik menghadiri seminar dan persidangan, kesemua ahli Lembaga telah menghadiri Program Akreditasi Mandatori Pengarah.Ahli Lembaga digalakkan untuk menghadiri program dan seminar pendidikan yang berterusan untuk sentiasa peka dengan perkembangan terkini tentang keadaan pasaran. 5. Pemilihan Semula Pengarah Selaras dengan Tataurusan Pertubuhan Syarikat, semua Pengarah yang dilantik oleh Lembaga adalah tertakluk kepada pemilihan oleh pemegang-pemegang saham pada peluang pertama selepas perlantikan mereka. Tataurusan juga memperuntukkan bahawa sekurang-kurangnya satu pertiga daripada pengarah selebihnya adalah tertakluk kepada pemilihan semula mengikut pusingan pada setiap Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan dengan syarat kesemua Pengarah termasuk Pengarah Urusan hendaklah bersara dari pejabat sekurang-kurangnya satu kali setiap tiga tahun tetapi adalah layak untuk pemilihan semula. Lembaga memberi kuasa kepada Jawatankuasa Perlantikan untuk menimbangkan dan membuat pengesyoran mereka kepada Lembaga bagi penerusan dalam perkhidmatan para Pengarah yang telah sampai masa untuk bersara. Pada Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan akan datang, Pengarahpengarah berikut yang akan bersara menurut Artikel 84 Tataurusan Syarikat, dan oleh kerana layak, telah menawarkan diri mereka untuk perlantikan semula: i. YBhg Dato’ Haji Ab. Halim bin Mohyiddin ii. YBhg Dato’ Haji Sumadi bin Haji Ismail iii. YB Senator Dato’ Ikhwan Salim bin Dato’ Sujak 4. Directors’ Training The Group acknowledges the fact that continuous education and training are vital for the Board members to gain insight into the state of economy, technological advances, latest regulatory developments and management strategies. All members of the Board have attended the Directors Mandatory Accreditation Programme.The Board members are also provided with continuous education programmes to keep abreast with developments in the market place . 5. Re-election of Directors In accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association,all directors who are appointed by the Board are subject to election by shareholders at the first opportunity after their appointment. The Articles also provide that at least one third of the remaining directors be subject to re-election by rotation at each Annual General Meeting provided always that all Directors including the Managing Director shall retire from office at least once every three years but shall be eligible for re-election. The Board has empowered the Nomination Committee to consider and make their recommendation to the Board for the continuation in service of those Directors who are due for retirement. At the forthcoming Annual General Meeting,the following Directors who retire in accordance with Article 84 of the Company's Articles of Association,and being eligible, have offered themselves for re-election: i. YBhg Dato' Haji Ab. Halim bin Mohyiddin ii. YBhg Dato' Haji Sumadi bin Haji Ismail iii. YB Senator Dato’ Ikhwan Salim bin Dato’ Sujak B. PERHUB UNGAN DENGAN PEMEGANGPEMEGANG SAHAM Syarikat menyedari kepentingan ketelusan dan kebertanggungjawaban dalam pendedahan kegiatan perniagaan Kumpulan kepada pemegang-pemegang saham dan pelabur-pelaburnya. Lembaga telah mengekalkan polisi komunikasi yang berkesan yang membolehkan kedua-dua Lembaga dan Pengurusan untuk berkomunikasi secara berkesan dengan pemegang-pemegang saham, pelabur-pelabur malah orang awam juga. Disamping itu, Kumpulan turut mewujudkan sebuah laman web yang beralamat di http://www.kps.com.my di mana para pelabur boleh mengakses dan mendapatkan penjelasan mengenai berbagai perkara yang berkaitan dengan Kumpulan.Sebarang pertanyaan yang dikemukakan akan diberi jawapan dengan secepat mungkin dan tepat. B. RELATIONSHIP WITH SHAREHOLDERS The Company recognises the importance of transparency and accountability in disclosures of the Group’s business activities to its shareholders and investors.The Board has maintained an effective communications policy that enables both the Board and Management to communicate effectively with its shareholders, investors and even the public. In addition, the Group has established a website at http://www.kps.com.my which shareholders can access for information and seek clarification on the Group’s matters. Any queries raised will be responded to in a timely and accurate manner. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 43 C. KEBER TANGGUNGJA WABAN DAN AUDIT 1. Pengurusan Kawalan Dalaman Dan Risiko Lembaga mengesahkan tanggungjawabnya bagi menubuhkan sistem kawalan dalaman yang baik untuk mengawal pelaburan pemegang-pemegang saham dan aset-aset Kumpulan, dan untuk memastikan kesahihan penyediaan penyata kewangan. Selain itu, keutamaan sama rata diberikan kepada kawalan dalaman daripada pengurusan perniagaan dan teknik operasi. Walaupun sistem kawalan dalaman dirangka untuk memenuhi keperluan khusus Kumpulan dan juga pengurusan risiko, kawalan sedemikian mengikut sifatnya hanya boleh memberikan kepastian yang berpatutan dan bukan mutlak terhadap salah nyata ketara atau kerugian.Penyata kawalan dalaman dikemukakan pada muka surat 55 hingga 57. Pengwujudan Polisi Pengurusan Risiko adalah untuk mengenalpasti, menilai dan menguruskan profil risiko korporat Kumpulan dan membangunkan rancangan kontingensi untuk mengurangkan apa-apa kesan kurang baik ke atas Kumpulan. 2. Pelaporan Kewangan Dalam membentangkan penyata-penyata kewangan tahunan dan pengumuman keputusan-keputusan suku tahunan, Lembaga Pengarah telah memastikan bahawa penyatapenyata kewangan mewakili penilaian sebenar dan adil akan kedudukan kewangan Syarikat dan Kumpulan. 3. Perhubungan Dengan Juruaudit Juruaudit dalaman dan juruaudit luaran telah dijemput untuk menghadiri kesemua mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Audit. Syarikat mengekalkan perhubungan yang telus dengan juruaudit dalam mendapatkan nasihat profesional mereka dan ke arah memastikan pematuhan dengan piawaian-piawaian perakaunan. D. MAKLUMAT PEMATUHAN TAMBAHAN 1. Beli Balik Saham Tidak ada skim belian balik saham berlaku dalam tahun kewangan 2003. 44 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad C. A CCOUNTABILITY AND A UDIT 1. Internal Control and Risk Management The Board acknowledges its responsibility for establishing a sound system of internal control to safeguard shareholders’ investments and Group’s assets,and to provide assurance on the reliability of the financial statements. In addition, equal priority is given to internal control of its business management and operational techniques. While the internal control system is devised to cater for particular needs of the Group as well as risk management, such controls by their nature can only provide reasonable assurance but not absolute assurance against material mis-statement or loss.A financial statement of internal control is set out on pages 55 to 57. Establishment of the Risk Management Policy is to identify, evaluate and manage the Group’s corporate risk profile and develop contingency plans to mitigate any possible adverse effects on the Group. 2. Financial Reporting In presenting the annual financial statements and quarterly announcements of its results, the Board of Directors has ensured that the financial statements represent a true and fair assessment of the Company’s and Group’s financial position. 3. Relationship with Auditors The internal auditor and the external auditor were invited to attend all the Audit Committee meetings.The Company maintains a transparent relationship with the auditors in seeking their professional advice and towards ensuring compliance with the accounting standards. D. ADDITIONAL COMPLIANCE INFORMATION 1. Share Buy Back No share buy back scheme was in place during the financial year 2003. 2.Tawaran Opsyen Dalam Tahun Kewangan 2003 Skim Opsyen Saham Kakitangan KPS telah berkuatkuasa pada 30 Julai 2003.Tiada sebarang opsyen dilaksanakan dalam tahun kewangan 2003. Bilangan opsyen yang ditawarkan semasa tahun kewangan 2003 adalah seperti berikut: Tarikh Tawaran Harga Opsyen (RM) Ditawar dan Diterima 12.08.2003 1.62 8,198,300 2. Options Offered In The Financial Year 2003 The KPS Employee Share Option Scheme came into effect on 30 July 2003.There were no options exercised in the financial year 2003.The number of options offered during the financial year 2003 is as follows: 3. Sanksi Dan/Atau Penalti Dikenakan Ke Atas Syarikat & Anak-Anak Syarikat, Para Pengarah Atau Pengurusannya Oleh Badan Peraturan Berkaitan Date of Offer Option Price (RM) Offered and Accepted 12.08.2003 1.62 8,198,300 Tidak ada sanksi atau penalti material yang dikenakan ke atas Syarikat dan anak-anak syarikatnya,para pengarah atau pengurusan oleh badan-badan berperaturan berkaitan dalam tahun kewangan 2003. 3. Sanctions And/Or Penalties Imposed On The Company And Its Subsidiaries, Directors Or Management By The Relevant Regulatory Bodies 4.Yuran Bukan Audit Jumlah yuran bukan audit dibayar kepada juruaudit luaran oleh Syarikat dan anak-anak syarikatnya bagi tahun kewangan 2003 ialah RM19,000. 5. Perbezaan Dalam Keputusan Tidak ada perbezaan sebanyak 10% atau lebih di antara keputusan bagi tahun kewangan 2003 dan keputusan belum diaudit yang diumumkan sebelum ini. 6. Jaminan Keuntungan Dalam tahun kewangan 2003,tidak ada jaminan keuntungan diberikan oleh Syarikat. 7. Kontrak Material Dalam tahun kewangan di bawah kajian,tidak ada kontrak material yang ditandatangani di antara Syarikat dan/atau anak-anak syarikatnya yang melibatkan kepentingan para Pengarah dan pemegang-pemegang saham utama, sama ada masih lagi wujud pada akhir tahun kewangan 2003 atau yang telah ditandatangani sejak akhir tahun kewangan terdahulu. There were no material sanctions or penalties imposed on the Company and its subsidiaries, directors or management by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial year 2003. 4. Non-Audit Fee The amount of non-audit fees paid to external auditors by the Company and its subsidiaries for the financial year 2003 is RM19,000. 5.Variation in Results There were no variances of 10% or more between the results for the financial year 2003 and the unaudited results previously announced. 6. Profit Guarantees During the financial year 2003, there were no profit guarantees given by the Company. 7. Material Contract During the financial year under review, there were no material contracts entered into by the Company and/or its subsidiary companies which involved Directors’ and major shareholders’ interest,either still subsisting at the end of the financial year 2003, or which were entered into since the end of the previous financial year. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 45 E. JAWAT ANKUASA-JA WAT ANKUASA LEMBAGA 1. JAWATANKUASA AUDIT E. BOARD COMMITTEES i. Pendahuluan Jawatankuasa Audit Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) telah ditubuhkan pada 2 Jun 1998 untuk menilai pengurusan kewangan Syarikat, sistem kawalan dalaman dan perancangan, pelaksanaan pengauditan yang baru dibangunkan dan mengemukakan cadangan-cadangan yang bersesuaian. ii. Objektif Objektif utama Jawatankuasa Audit adalah untuk membantu Lembaga Pengarah dalam melaksanakan tugas dan tanggungjawab yang berkaitan dengan perakaunan dan amalan laporan oleh syarikat induk dan anak-anak syarikatnya. Jawatankuasa Audit hendaklah membantu Lembaga Pengarah dalam menunaikan tugas-tugas seperti: a. Memastikan pelaksanaan yang baik dalam Rangka Kerja Pengurusan Risiko untuk mengurus risikorisiko utama;dan b. Menyemak kecukupan dan integriti sistem kawalan dalaman Syarikat, sistem pengurusan maklumat termasuk sistem-sistem pematuhan kepada manamana undang-undang, peraturan, arahan dan garis panduan. iii. Komposisi Ahli Jawatankuasa terdiri daripada tiga (3) Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bebas, seorang (1) Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bukan Bebas dan seorang (1) Pengarah Eksekutif. • • • • • YBhg Dato Haji Ab. Halim bin Mohyiddin (Pengerusi - Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bebas) YBhg Datin Paduka Juma’ah binti Moktar (Pengarah Urusan) YB Senator Dato’ Ikhwan Salim bin Dato’ Sujak (Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bebas) YBhg Dato’ Haji Sumadi bin Haji Ismail (Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bebas) YBhg Dato’ Yip Kam Chong (Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bukan Bebas) Senator Dato’ Ghazi@Hasbullah bin Haji Ramli telah meletakkan jawatan sebagai ahli jawatankuasa pada tahun kewangan 2003. Dato’ Ikhwan Salim bin Dato’ Sujak, Dato’ Haji Sumadi bin Haji Ismail dan Dato’ Yip Kam Chong telah dilantik sebagai ahli-ahli jawatankuasa dalam tahun kewangan 2003. 46 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 1. AUDIT COMMITTEE i. Introduction The Audit Committee of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) was established on 2 June 1998 to evaluate the Company’s financial management, internal controls system and planning to propose applicable decisions. ii. Objectives The principal objective of the Committee is to assist the Board in discharging its statutory duties and responsibilities relating to accounting and reporting practices of the holding company and each of its subsidiaries. The Committee shall assist the Board in discharging its duties on the following: a. Ensure that the implementation of a Risk Management Framework is in place to manage Materials Risks;and b. Review the adequacy and the integrity of the Company’s Internal Control Systems, Management Information Systems,including systems for compliance with applicable laws, regulations,rules,directives and guidelines. iii. Composition The members of the Committee comprise three (3) Non-Executive Directors, one (1) Non-Independent Non-Executive Director and one (1) Executive Director as follows: • • • • • YBhg Dato Haji Ab. Halim bin Mohyiddin (Chairman - Independent Non-Executive Director) YBhg Datin Paduka Juma’ah binti Moktar (Managing Director) YB Senator Dato’ Ikhwan Salim bin Dato’ Sujak (Independent Non-Executive Director) YBhg Dato’ Haji Sumadi bin Haji Ismail (Independent Non-Executive Director) YBhg Dato’ Yip Kam Chong (Non-Independent Non-Executive Director) Senator Dato’ Ghazi@Hasbullah bin Haji Ramli resigned as member of the Committee in the financial year 2003. Dato’ Ikhwan Salim bin Dato’ Sujak, Dato’ Haji Sumadi bin Haji Ismail and Dato’ Yip Kam Chong were appointed as members of the Committee in the financial year 2003. YBhg Dato’ Haji Ab. Halim bin Mohyiddin adalah ahli Institut Akauntan Malaysia (“MIA”). Oleh itu, KPS mematuhi Keperluan Baru Penyenaraian Bursa Malaysia (sebelum ini dikenali sebagai Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur) yang menyarankan Jawatankuasa Audit perlu mempunyai sekurang-kurangnya seorang (1) ahli MIA. iv. Bidang-Bidang Tugas a. Objektif Tugas utama Jawatankuasa Audit adalah untuk membantu Lembaga Pengarah dalam memenuhi objektif pengawasan dalam aktiviti Kumpulan seperti berikut: • • • Menilai proses Kumpulan berkaitan dengan risiko dan kawalan persekitaran; Mengawasi laporan kewangan;dan Menilai proses audit dalaman dan luaran. YBhg Dato’ Haji Ab. Halim bin Mohyiddin is a member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (“MIA”).Thus,KPS complies with the Bursa Malaysia (formerly known as Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange) New Listing Requirements which stipulates that at least one (1) member of the Audit Committee must be a member of the MIA. iv.Terms of Reference a. Objectives The primary function of the Audit Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in fulfilling the following oversight objectives on the Group activities: b. Komposisi • Lembaga Pengarah harus memilih dan melantik ahli Jawatankuasa dari kalangan mereka yang terdiri tidak kurang daripada tiga (3) orang Pengarah,di mana majoriti daripada mereka hendaklah terdiri daripada Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bebas di mana sekurang-kurangnya seorang (1) ahli mestilah ahli Institut Akauntan Malaysia atau mempunyai sekurang-kurangnya tiga (3) tahun pengalaman bekerja dan lulus peperiksaan seperti yang ditetapkan dalam Bahagian I Jadual 1 Akta Akauntan 1967; atau merupakan ahli salah sebuah persatuan akauntan seperti yang ditetapkan dalam Bahagian II Jadual 1 Akta Akauntan 1967. • • Lembaga Pengarah harus memenuhi kekosongan dalam tempoh tiga (3) bulan selepas ahli Jawatankuasa meletak jawatan, meninggal dunia atau atas apa-apa sebab tidak menjadi ahli yang menyebabkan jumlah ahli kurang daripada tiga (3) orang. Pengerusi Jawatankuasa mestilah seorang Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bebas.Tiada Pengarah gantian kepada Lembaga Pengarah boleh dilantik sebagai ahli Jawatankuasa Audit. Lembaga Pengarah harus mengkaji tempoh memegang jawatan setiap ahli sekurang-kurangnya sekali (1) setiap tiga (3) tahun. c. Korum dan Prosedur Jawatankuasa Assess the Group’s processes relating to its risks and control environment ; Oversee financial reporting;and Evaluate the internal and external audit processes. b. Composition The Board shall elect and appoint Committee members from amongst their numbers comprising no fewer than three (3) Directors, the majority of whom shall be Independent Non-Executive Directors of the Company with at least one (1) member must be a member of MIA or has at least three (3) year’s working experience and passed the examination specified in Part I of the 1st Schedule of the Accountants Act 1967;or is a member of one (1) of the associations of accountants specified in Part II of the 1st Schedule of the Accountants act 1967. The Board shall,within three (3) months after a member of the Committee resigns,dies or for any reason ceases to be a member with the result that the member is reduced below three (3),fill the vacancy. The Chairman of the Committee shall be an Independent Non-Executive Director. No alternate Directors of the board shall be appointed as a member of the Committee. The Board shall review the terms of office of each of its members at least once (1) every three (3) years. c. Quorum and Committee’s Procedures Mesyuarat hendaklah diadakan sekurang-kurangnya empat (4) kali setahun,atau lebih kerap jika perlu. Dalam mewujudkan korum mesyuarat, majoriti ahli yang hadir mestilah Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bebas. Semasa ketiadaan Pengerusi, ahli yang hadir hendaklah melantik seorang Pengerusi bagi mesyuarat tersebut daripada ahli yang hadir. Meetings shall be conducted at least four (4) times annually, or more frequently as circumstances dictate. In order to form a quorum for the meeting,the majority of the members present must be Independent NonExecutive Directors.In the absence of the Chairman,the members present shall elect a Chairman for meeting from amongst the members present. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 47 Setiausaha Syarikat haruslah dilantik sebagai Setiausaha Jawatankuasa. Setiausaha, bersama Pengerusi, akan menyediakan agenda,yang akan diedarkan bersama kertas sokongan berkaitan,dalam tempoh yang sewajarnya kepada ahli Jawatankuasa sebelum setiap mesyuarat. Minit Mesyuarat akan diedarkan kepada ahli Lembaga Pengarah. Jawatankuasa ini boleh,apabila dianggap perlu,menjemput ahli-ahli Lembaga Pengarah yang lain dan meminta ahliahli Pengurusan Kanan untuk menghadiri mesyuarat. Jawatankuasa ini akan bermesyuarat sekurang-kurangnya sekali setahun dengan juruaudit luaran untuk membincangkan apa-apa perkara dengan Jawatankuasa tanpa kehadiran Lembaga Pengarah Eksekutif dan Pengurusan. Jawatankuasa hendaklah mengatur prosiding mesyuarat menurut konvensyen biasa mengenai perkara tersebut. d. Kuasa Jawatankuasa ini diberi kuasa untuk menyiasat sebarang perkara dalam bidang tugasnya. Jawatankuasa ini diberi kuasa untuk mencari sebarang maklumat yang diperlukan dari kakitangan, yang mana diperlukan untuk bekerjasama dengan permintaan dari Jawatankuasa. Jawatankuasa ini akan mempunyai akses penuh dan tanpa batasan kepada sebarang maklumat berkaitan Kumpulan. Jawatankuasa ini akan mempunyai saluran komunikasi kepada juruaudit dalaman dan juruaudit luaran dan dengan pengurusan kanan Kumpulan dan boleh mengadakan mesyuarat dengan juruaudit luaran apabila perlu. Jawatankuasa ini akan mempunyai akses kepada sebarang sumber yang diperlukan untuk menjalankan tugasnya. Jawatankuasa ini boleh mendapatkan sebarang nasihat perundangan atau nasihat profesional lain yang dianggap perlu,atas perbelanjaan Syarikat. Bila Jawatankuasa berpendapat ada sebarang perkara yang dilaporkan oleh Jawatankuasa kepada Lembaga Pengarah yang masih belum diselesaikan dengan memuaskan sehingga menyebabkan ia melanggar Syarat-syarat Penyenaraian, Jawatankuasa harus melaporkan dengan segera perkara tersebut kepada pihak berkuasa berkenaan. The Company Secretary shall be appointed as a Secretary of the Committee.The Secretary, in conjunction,with the Chairman, shall draw up an agenda, which shall be circulated together with relevant support papers, within reasonable time prior to each meeting to the members of the Committee. The minutes shall be circulated to members of the Board. The Committee may, as and when deemed necessary, invite other Board members and Senior Management members to attend the meetings. The Committee shall meet at least once a year with the external auditors to discuss any matter with the Committee without the presence of any executive member of the Board and Management. The Committee shall regulate the manner of proceedings of its meetings, having regard to normal conventions on such matter. d. Authority The Committee is authorised to investigate any matter within its terms of reference . The Committee is authorised to seek any information it requires from employees,who are required to cooperate with any request made by the Committee . The Committee shall have full and unlimited access to any information pertaining to the Group . The Committee shall have communication channel with the internal and external auditors and with senior management of the Group and shall be able to convene meetings with the external auditors whenever deemed necessary. The Committee shall have the resources that are required to perform its duties. The Committee can obtain, at the expense of the Company, outside legal or other independent professional advice it considers necessary. Where the Committee is of the view that a matter reported by it to the Board has not been satisfactorily resolved resulting in a breach of any regulatory requirements,the Committee shall promptly report such matter to the relevant authorities. 48 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad e. Tugas dan Tanggungjawab Dalam memenuhi objektif utamanya, Jawatankuasa ini akan menjalankan tugas-tugas dan tanggungjawab berikut: • • Mengkaji dengan juruaudit luaran,skop dan rancangan audit, termasuk sebarang perubahan kepada skop rancangan audit yang dirancang. Mengkaji kecukupan skop dan rancangan audit dalaman,fungsi-fungsi dan sumber audit dalaman dan mempastikan ianya mempunyai kuasa yang sepatutnya bagi menjalankan tugas. e. Duties and Responsibilities In fulfilling its primary objectives, the Committee shall undertake the following duties and responsibilities: • Review with the external auditor, the audit scope and plan, including any changes to the planned scope of the audit plan. • Mengkaji laporan audit dalaman dan luaran bagi mempastikan tindakan segera dan sepatutnya diambil oleh pihak Pengurusan bagi kekurangan utama pengawalan atau prosedur yang telah dikenal pasti. • Review the adequacy of the internal audit scope and plan, functions and resources of the internal audit function and that it has the necessary authority to carry out its work. • Mengkaji penemuan audit utama dan maklumbalas pihak pengurusan sepanjang tahun dengan Pengurusan, juruaudit luaran dan juruaudit dalaman, termasuk status cadangan audit yang terdahulu. • Review the external and internal audit reports to ensure that appropriate and prompt remedial action is taken by Management on major deficiencies in controls or procedures that are identified. • Mengkaji bantuan yang diberi oleh kakitangan Kumpulan kepada juruaudit, dan sebarang masalah yang dihadapi dalam menjalankan kerja audit,termasuk sebarang sekatan dalam skop aktiviti atau akses kepada maklumat yang diperlukan. • Review the major audit findings and the Management’s response during the year with Management,external auditors and internal auditors, including the status of previous audit recommendations. • Mengkaji kebebasan dan objektif juruaudit luaran dan khidmat mereka, termasuk khidmat bukan audit dan yuran profesional, untuk mempastikan objektif dan nilai wang adalah seimbang. • Mengkaji perlantikan dan prestasi, yuran audit dan sebarang persoalan perletakan jawatan atau pemecatan juruaudit luaran sebelum memberi cadangan kepada Lembaga Pengarah. • Review the assistance given by the Group’s employees to the auditors, and any difficulties encountered in the course of the audit work,including any restrictions on the scope of activities or access to required information. • Review the independence and objectivity of the external auditors and their services, including non-audit services and the professional fees,so as to ensure a proper balance between objectivity and value for money. • Review the appointment and performance of external auditors,the audit fee and any question of resignation or dismissal before making recommendations to the Board. • Review the adequacy and integrity of internal control system, including enterprise risk management, management information system, and the internal auditors’ evaluation of the said systems. • Mengkaji kecukupan dan ketelusan sistem kawalan dalaman, termasuk pengurusan risiko perusahaan, sistem pengurusan maklumat dan penilaian juruaudit dalaman berkenaan sistem tersebut. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 49 • Mengarah dan di mana berkaitan,mengawas sebarang projek khas atau penyiasatan jika perlu, dan mengkaji laporan siasatan berkenaan sebarang penyalahgunaan, penipuan dan kecurian yang besar. • Mengkaji keputusan suku tahunan dan penyata kewangan akhir tahun, sebelum kelulusan Lembaga Pengarah dengan penumpuan kepada: - perubahan dalam atau pelaksanaan perubahan polisi perakaunan utama; - peristiwa ketara atau luar biasa;dan - pematuhan kepada piawaian perakaunan dan undang-undang lain; • Mengkaji urusniaga pihak berkaitan dan situasi konflik kepentingan yang mungkin timbul dalam Syarikat atau Kumpulan, termasuk sebarang urusniaga, prosedur atau persoalan yang timbul berkenaan ketelusan kendalian pihak Pengurusan. • Memeriksa pembahagian ESOS agar mematuhi kriteria yang ditetapkan oleh Jawatankuasa ESOS pada setiap penghujung tahun kewangan. • Sebarang aktiviti lain yang diberikuasa oleh Lembaga Pengarah. • Direct and where appropriate monitor any special projects or investigation considered necessary, and review investigation report on any major defalcation, fraud and theft. • Review the quarterly results and the year-end financial statements,prior to the approval by the Board focusing particularly on: - changes in or implementation of major accounting policy; - significant or unusual events;and - compliance with accounting standards and other legal requirements. • Review any related party transaction and conflict of interest situation that may arise within the Company or the Group, including any transaction, procedure or course of conduct that raises questions on Management integrity. • Verify the allocation of the ESOS as being in compliance with the criteria set by the ESOS Committee at the end of each financial year. • Any other activities,as authorised by the Board. v. Mesyuarat Sepanjang tahun kewangan, Jawatankuasa Audit telah mengadakan lima (5) mesyuarat. Mesyuarat telah dilaksanakan dengan sewajarnya melalui penggunaan agenda di mana ianya diedarkan kepada ahli-ahli dalam tempoh yang bersesuaian. Nama Pengarah YBhg Dato Haji Ab. Halim bin Mohyiddin YBhg Datin Paduka Jumaah binti Moktar YB Senator Dato’ Ikhwan Salim bin Dato’ Sujak YBhg Dato’ Haji Sumadi bin Haji Ismail YBhg Dato’ Yip Kam Chong Kehadiran 5/5 4/5 4/5 1/2 2/2 Pengurus Besar Bahagian Kewangan dan Pengurus Besar Bahagian Audit Pengurusan telah hadir dengan jemputan ke mesyuarat tersebut. Wakil juruaudit luaran juga telah hadir ke mesyuarat tersebut dengan jemputan. vi. Ringkasan Aktiviti Aktiviti-aktiviti utama yang telah dijalankan oleh Jawatankuasa sepanjang tahun ini adalah seperti berikut: • Mengkaji skop kerja juruaudit luaran dan rancangan audit tahun 2003. Sebelum audit, wakil juruaudit luaran akan membentangkan rancangan dan strategi audit mereka. 50 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad v. Meeting The Audit Committee convened five (5) meetings during the financial year. The meetings were appropriately structured through the use of agenda, which was distributed to members with sufficient notification. Name of Directors Attendance YBhg Dato Haji Ab. Halim bin Mohyiddin 5/5 YBhg Datin Paduka Juma’ah binti Moktar 4/5 YB Senator Dato’ Ikhwan Salim bin Dato’ Sujak 4/5 YBhg Dato’ Haji Sumadi bin Haji Ismail 1/2 YBhg Dato’ Yip Kam Chong 2/2 The General Manager of Finance Division and the General Manager of Management Audit Division were present by invitation at the meetings.Representatives of the external auditors also attended the meetings upon invitation. vi. Summary of Activities The main activities undertaken by the Committee during the year were as follows: • Reviewed the external auditors’ scope of work and audit plans for the year 2003. Prior to the audit, representatives from the external auditors,presented their audit strategy and plan. • Mengkaji dengan juruaudit luaran, keputusan audit, laporan audit dan Memoranda Kawalan Dalaman, termasuk maklumbalas dari pihak Pengurusan. • Mempertimbangkan dan mencadangkan bayaran yuran audit kepada juruaudit luaran untuk kelulusan Lembaga Pengarah. • Mengkaji program dan rancangan Jabatan Audit Dalaman untuk tahun kewangan 2003. • Mengkaji laporan audit dalaman, yang menekankan isu-isu audit, cadangan dan maklumbalas pihak Pengurusan. Berbincang dengan pihak Pengurusan mengenai tindakan yang diambil untuk memperbaiki sistem kawalan dalaman berdasarkan peluang pembaikan yang dikenalpasti di dalam laporan audit dalaman. • Mengkaji laporan tindakan susulan oleh juruaudit dalaman mengenai status tindakan yang diambil oleh pihak Pengurusan berkenaan cadangan yang dicadangkan di dalam penemuan audit. • Mengkaji pengkaedahan penarafan audit oleh Jabatan Audit Dalaman dalam penakrifan dan pengkadaran peringkat risiko dalam pelbagai sudut yang boleh diaudit dan mempastikan keutamaan audit diberikan kepada bahagian yang mempunyai risiko tinggi dan kritikal. • • Mengkaji penyata kewangan Syarikat yang diaudit sebelum dibentangkan kepada Lembaga Pengarah untuk pertimbangan dan kelulusan. Kajian adalah untuk memastikan penyata kewangan yang diaudit dibuat berdasarkan peruntukan-peruntukan yang terdapat di dalam Akta Syarikat 1965 dan piawaian perakaunan berkaitan yang diluluskan oleh Lembaga Piawaian Perakaunan Malaysia (“MASB”). Mengkaji pematuhan Syarikat, khususnya, penyata kewangan suku tahunan dan akhir tahun mematuhi piawaian perakaunan MASB dan lain-lain keperluan undang-undang yang berkaitan. • Mengkaji keputusan kewangan suku tahunan yang tidak diaudit sebelum dicadangkan kepada Lembaga Pengarah untuk kelulusan. • Mengkaji urusniaga pihak berkaitan yang dilaksanakan dalam Kumpulan. • Memeriksa pembahagian ESOS KPS mematuhi kriteria yang ditetapkan oleh Jawatakuasa ESOS. • Reviewed with the external auditors, the results of the audit, the audit report and the Internal Control Memorandum, including Management’s response thereto. • Considered and recommended to the Board for approval the audit fees payable to the external auditors. • Reviewed the Management Audit Division’s programmes and plan for the financial year 2003 under review. • Reviewed the Management Audit reports, which highlighted the audit issues, recommendations and Management response thereto. Discussed with Management actions taken to improve the system of internal control based on improvement opportunities identified in the internal audit reports. • Reviewed follow-up reports by the internal auditors on the status of actions taken by the Management on recommendations suggested in the audit findings. • Reviewed Management Audit Division’s audit rating methodology in assessing and rating the risk levels of the various auditable areas and ensured that the audit emphasis was given on high and critical risk areas. • Reviewed the audited financial statement of the Company prior to submission to the Board for their consideration and approval. The review was to ensure that the audited financial statements were drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act 1965 and the applicable approved accounting standards approved by the Malaysian Accounting Standard Board (“MASB”). • Reviewed the Company’s compliance, in particular, the quarterly and the year-end financial statements with the MASB and other relevant legal and regulatory requirements. • Reviewed the quarterly unaudited financial results before recommending them for the Board’s approval. • Reviewed the related party transactions entered into by the Group. • Verified the allocation of the KPS ESOS as being in compliance with the criteria set by the ESOS Committee. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 51 vii. Fungsi Dan Aktiviti Juruaudit Dalaman Jabatan Juruaudit Dalaman adalah bebas dalam menjalankan operasi dan aktiviti dari operasi unit-unit yang lain. Tugas utama jabatan adalah untuk menjalankan kajian bebas dan sistematik terhadap sistem kawalan dalaman supaya dapat memberi jaminan sewajarnya agar sistem tersebut terus beroperasi dengan berkesan dan memuaskan.Audit dalaman mempraktikkan kaedah dasarrisiko di dalam rancangan audit dan pemeriksaannya. Ia menjadi tanggungjawab Jabatan Audit Dalaman untuk menyediakan kepada Jawatankuasa Audit laporan kawalan dalaman yang objektif dan bebas mengenai keadaan kawalan dalaman bagi semua unit operasi di dalam Kumpulan dan tahap pematuhan unit-unit terhadap polisipolisi dan prosedur Kumpulan yang telah dibentuk dan juga peraturan perundangan yang berkaitan. 2. JA WAT ANKUASA SKIM OPSYEN SAHAM KAKITANGAN (ESOS) Jawatankuasa ESOS telah ditubuhkan untuk menguruskan pelaksanaan Skim Opsyen Saham Kakitangan KPS selaras dengan undang-undang kecil,untuk menentukan kelayakan penyertaan, tawaran opsyen, peruntukan saham dan menangani lain-lain perkara sebagaimana mungkin diperlukan. vii. Management Audit Function and Activities The Management Audit Division is independent of the activities or operations of other operating units. The principal role of the department is to undertake independent regular and systematic reviews of the systems of internal controls so as to provide reasonable assurance that such systems continue to operate satisfactorily and effectively. The management audit practices a risk-based approach in its audit plan and examination. It is the responsibility of the Management Audit Division to provide the Audit Committee with independent and objective reports on the state of internal controls of the various operating units within the Group and the extent of compliance of the units with the Group’s established policies and procedures as well as relevant statutory requirements. 2. EMPLO YEE SHARE (ESOS) COMMITTEE OPTION SCHEME Pengerusi - YBhg Dato’ Yip Kam Chong Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bukan Bebas The ESOS Committee was established to administer the implementation of KPS Employee Share Option Scheme in accordance with the approved bye-laws;to determine participation eligibility, option offers, share allocations; and to attend to such other matters as may be required. Ahli-Ahli The members of the ESOS Committee are as follows: Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa ESOS adalah seperti berikut: - YBhg Dato’ Haji Zabir bin Bajuri Pengerusi Eksekutif - YBhg Datin Paduka Juma’ah binti Moktar Pengarah Urusan - Puan Rosni binti Rahmat Pengurus Besar, Sumber Manusia/Pentadbiran - Encik Arthur Wong Yien Kim Pengurus Besar Kewangan Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa ESOS diadakan apabila perlu.Dalam tahun berakhir 31 Disember 2003, satu mesyuarat telah diadakan dan kesemua ahli Jawatankuasa telah hadir. 3. JAWAT ANKUASA PENCALONAN Chairman - YBhg Dato’ Yip Kam Chong Non-Independent Non Executive Director Members - YBhg Dato’ Haji Zabir bin Bajuri Executive Chairman - YBhg Datin Paduka Juma’ah binti Moktar Managing Director - Puan Rosni binti Rahmat General Manager, Human Resource/Administration - Encik Arthur Wong Yien Kim General Manager, Finance Ahli-Ahli Jawatankuasa Pencalonan adalah seperti berikut: Meetings of the ESOS Committee are held when necessary. During the year ended 31 December 2003,one meeting was held and all the Committee members were present. Pengerusi - YBhg Dato’ Haji Azlan bin Hashim Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bebas 3. NOMINATION COMMITTEE Ahli-Ahli - YBhg Dato’ Haji Zabir bin Bajuri Pengerusi Eksekutif - YBhg Dato’ Haji Sumadi bin Haji Ismail Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bebas 52 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad The members of the Nomination Committee are as follows: Chairman - YBhg Dato’ Haji Azlan bin Hashim Independent Non Executive Director Members - YBhg Dato’ Haji Zabir bin Bajuri Executive Chairman - YBhg Dato’ Haji Sumadi bin Haji Ismail Independent Non-Executive Director Jawatankuasa Pencalonan bertanggungjawab membuat pengesyoran kepada Lembaga mengenai perlantikan baru Lembaga dan Jawatankuasa Lembaga.Jawatankuasa Perlantikan menimbangkan kelayakkan, pengalaman, sifat dan kekompetenan teras calon bagi penilaian dan kelulusan Lembaga. Lembaga berhak kepada perkhidmatan Setiausaha Syarikat yang memastikan bahawa kesemua perlantikan dibuat sewajarnya, bahawa kesemua maklumat yang perlu diperolehi daripada pengarah-pengarah, untuk rekod syarikat dan untuk tujuan memenuhi obligasi berperaturan, serta juga obligasi yang timbul daripada Syarat-syarat Penyenaraian Bursa Malaysia (sebelum ini dikenali sebagai Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur) dan lain-lain syarat berperaturan. Dalam tahun 2003,satu (1) mesyuarat telah diadakan dan dihadiri oleh kesemua ahli. 4. JA WAT ANKUASA IMBUHAN Syarikat menerima pakai objektif sebagaimana yang disyorkan oleh Kod Tadbir Urus Korporat untuk menentukan imbuhan para Pengarah bagi memastikan bahawa Syarikat menarik dan mengekalkan para Pengarah yang diperlukan untuk mengendalikan Syarikat dengan jayanya. Bahagian komponen dibentuk untuk menghubungkan ganjaran kepada prestasi korporat dan individu bagi Pengarah Eksekutif. Pada masa ini Jawatankuasa Imbuhan terdiri daripada ahliahli yang berikut: Pengerusi - YBhg Dato’ Haji Azlan bin Hashim Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bebas Ahli-Ahli - YBhg Dato’ Haji Ab. Halim bin Mohyiddin Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Bebas - YBhg Datin Paduka Juma’ah binti Moktar Pengarah Urusan Dalam tahun 2003,satu mesyuarat telah diadakan dan ia telah dihadiri oleh kesemua ahli bersama-sama Pengurus Besar Sumber Manusia. Jawatankuasa Imbuhan juga akan menyemak dan mengesyorkan kepada Lembaga bonus tahunan dan kenaikan gaji Pengarah-Pengarah Eksekutif. PengarahPengarah Eksekutif terkecuali daripada perbincangan dan pengundian berhubung dengan imbuhan mereka. The Nomination Committee is responsible for making recommendations to the Board on new Board and Board Committee appointments.The Nomination Committee considers the qualification, experience, attributes and core competencies of the candidate before recommending for the Board’s assessment and approval. The Board is entitled to the services of the Company Secretary who ensures that all appointments are properly made, that all necessary information is obtained from directors, both for the company’s own records and for the purposes of meeting statutory obligations, as well as obligations arising from the Bursa Malaysia (formerly known as Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange) Listing Requirements and other regulatory requirements. During the year, one (1) meeting was held and it was attended by all members. 4. REMUNERATION COMMITTEE The Company has adopted the objective as recommended by the Code on Corporate Governance to determine the remuneration of the Directors so as to ensure that the Company attracts and retains the Directors needed to run the Group successfully. The component parts are designed to link rewards to corporate and individual performance in the case of Executive Directors. Presently the Remuneration Committee comprises the following members: Chairman - YBhg Dato’ Haji Azlan bin Hashim Independent Non-Executive Director Members - YBhg Dato’ Haji Ab. Halim bin Mohyiddin Independent Non-Executive Director - YBhg Datin Paduka Juma’ah binti Moktar Managing Director During the year, one meeting was held and it was attended by all members together with the General Manager of Human Resource/Administration. The Remuneration Committee will review and recommend to the Board the annual bonus and salary increment of the Executive Directors. The Executive Directors will abstain from the deliberations and voting in respect of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 53 Satu ringkasan mengenai imbuhan kepada PengarahPengarah bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2003 dengan perbezaan di antara Pengarah-Pengarah Eksekutif dan Pengarah-Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif,dengan mengkategori ke dalam komponen yang sesuai dinyatakan seperti di bawah: Yuran (RM) Gaji (RM) Bonus (RM) Elaun (RM) Manfaat (RM) Pengarah Eksekutif 153,156.00 547,473.00 118,690.00 30,700.00 64,500.00 Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif 143,178.00 Tiada Tiada Tiada Tiada Tahap Gaji (RM) Salary Band (RM) Kurang dari 50,000.00 Less than 50,000.00 350,001.00 - 400,000.00 500,001.00 - 550,000.00 54 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad Jumlah 296,334.00 547,473.00 118,690.00 30,700.00 64,500.00 their remuneration. A summary of the remuneration of the Directors for the financial year ended 31 December 2003, distinguishing between Executive Directors and Non-Executive Directors in aggregate, with categorization into appropriate components is set out below: Executiv e Non-Executiv e Directors Directors Total Fees (RM) 153,156.00 143,178.00 296,334.00 Salary (RM) 547,473.00 Nil 547,473.00 Bonus (RM) 118,690.00 Nil 118,690.00 Allowance (RM) 30,700.00 Nil 30,700.00 Benefit-in-kind (RM) 64,500.00 Nil 64,500.00 Pengarah Eksekutif Executive Director Pengarah Bukan Eksekutif Non-Executive Director 7 1 1 PENYATA KAWALAN DALAMAN STATEMENT ON INTERNAL CONTROLS Pendahuluan Kod Tadbir Urus Korporat Malaysia menghendaki syarikat-syarikat tersenarai mengekalkan satu sistem kawalan dalaman yang baik untuk menjaga pelaburan para pemegang saham dan aset Kumpulan. Perenggan 15.27(b) Peraturan Penyenaraian Bursa Malaysia (sebelum ini dikenali sebagai Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur) menghendaki Lembaga Pengarah syarikat-syarikat tersenarai menyediakan satu penyata di dalam laporan tahunan berkenaan kedudukan kawalan dalaman mereka. Lembaga Pengarah dengan sukacita menyediakan laporan yang menggariskan jenis dan skop kawalan dalaman Kumpulan bagi tahun kewangan yang berakhir pada 31 Disember 2003. Tanggungjawab Lembaga Pengarah Lembaga Pengarah mengakui kepentingan sistem kawalan dalaman yang baik dan pengurusan risiko dalam tadbir urus korporat.Lembaga Pengarah mengesahkan tanggunggjawab sepenuhnya ke atas sistem kawalan dalaman Kumpulan dan mengkaji kecukupan serta ketelusannya. Sistem yang dimaksudkan tidak hanya merangkumi kawalan kewangan tetapi juga kawalan berkaitan operasi, pengurusan risiko dan kepatuhan kepada undang-undang, peraturan serta garis panduan. Memandangkan wujudnya batasan yang sedia ada dalam mana-mana sistem kawalan dalaman,sistem ini telah direka untuk mengurus risiko-risiko yang akan menghalang pencapaian objektif-objektif perniagaan Kumpulan dan bukan untuk mengenepikannya. Oleh itu, sistem ini hanya menyediakan kepastian yang berpatutan dan bukan mutlak terhadap salah nyata yang ketara atau kerugian. Usahasama-usahasama ketara dan syarikat-syarikat bersekutu tidak terlibat sebagai sebahagian daripada Kumpulan bagi tujuan penyata kawalan dalaman ini.Walau bagaimanapun, pihak pengurusannya mempunyai fungsi pemantauan sedia ada untuk membantu mereka memastikan sistem kawalan dalaman berfungsi seperti yang dikehendaki. Rangka Kerja Pengurusan Risik o Lembaga Pengarah telah mewujudkan kebertanggungjawaban dan delegasi kuasa yang ditakrif dengan jelas. Urusan pemantauan dan kajian tentang kawalan dalaman adalah di bawah had kuasa Ahli Jawatankuasa Audit sejak penubuhannya pada tahun 1998. Dalam tahun 2002, pelaksanaan rangka kerja pengurusan risiko di dalam Kumpulan turut dimasukkan dalam bidang kuasa Ahli Jawatankuasa Audit. Introduction The Malaysia Code on Corporate Governance requires listed companies to maintain a sound system of internal control to safeguard shareholders' investments and the Group's assets.Paragraph 15.27(b) of the Bursa Malaysia (formerly known as Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange) Listing Requirements requires the Board of Directors of listed companies to include a statement in their annual reports on the state of their internal controls.The Board of Directors is pleased to provide the following statement, which outlines the nature and scope of internal control of the Group during the financial year ended 31 December 2003. Responsibility of the Board of Directors The Board of Directors recognises the importance of sound internal controls and risk management practices to good corporate governance. The Board affirms its overall responsibility for the Group's system of internal controls and for reviewing its adequacy and integrity. Such system covers not only financial controls but also controls relating to operational, risk management and compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules, and guidelines. In view of the inherent limitations in any system of internal control, this system is designed to manage, rather than eliminate the risk of failure to achieve Group’s business objectives. Accordingly, the system can only provide reasonable and not absolute assurance against material misstatement or loss. Material joint ventures and associated companies have not been dealt with as part of the Group for the purpose of this internal control statement.However, the management of these material joint ventures and associated companies have an existing monitoring function to assist them in ensuring the system of internal control is functioning as intended. Risk Mana gement Frame work The Board has established clearly defined lines of accountability and delegated authority. The monitoring and review of system of internal control was under the ambit of the Audit Committee since its formation in the year 1998.In the year 2002,the implementation of a risk management framework within the Group was also included under the purview of the Audit Committee . Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 55 Kumpulan mempunyai proses yang berterusan untuk mengenalpasti, menilai, memantau dan mengurus risiko utama yang dihadapi oleh Kumpulan melalui Kad Risiko Korporat. Risiko-risiko dikenal pasti dan dikelaskan kepada sepuluh (10) komponen iaitu luaran, bersabit peraturan, undang-undang,tadbir urus korporat, kewangan, pelanggan, pembekal produk dan perkhidmatan, sumber manusia dan risiko operasi. Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Risiko, yang dipengerusikan oleh Pengarah Urusan dan dihadiri oleh semua Ketua Bahagian, Setiausaha Syarikat dan kakitangan pengurusan kanan, sentiasa menilai Kad Risiko Korporat Syarikat. Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Risiko akan memaklumkan Jawatankuasa Audit sebarang perubahan penting dari semasa ke semasa. Struktur Kawalan dan Persekitaran Lembaga Pengarah memberikan sepenuh komitmen bagi memastikan kawalan persekitaran yang betul dikekalkan dalam Kumpulan.Elemen-elemen utama dalam sistem-sistem kawalan dalaman Kumpulan adalah seperti berikut: Struktur Organisasi yang Mentakrifkan dengan Jelas Peranan dan Tanggungjawab. Struktur organisasi mentakrifkan dengan jelas termaterma rujukan - fungsi, kuasa dan tanggungjawab jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa Lembaga Pengarah. Perihal pengurusan syarikat-syarikat di dalam Kumpulan diamanahkan kepada Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif masing-masing di mana peranan dan tanggungjawab serta had bidang kuasa ditetapkan oleh Lembaga Pengarah masing-masing. Jawatankuasa Audit sebagai Entiti Bebas Jawatankuasa Audit terdiri daripada ahli Lembaga Pengarah Eksekutif dan Bukan Eksekutif.Jawatankuasa ini menentukan arah dan penyeliaan terhadap fungsi audit dalaman bagi memastikan ia bebas dari pihak pengurusan. Dokumentasi Polisi dan Prosedur Dalaman Polisi dan prosedur dalaman di mana had kuasa ditakrifkan dengan jelas seperti yang dinyatakan dalam buku panduan operasi,yang ketika ini sedang dikaji semula bagi mengambilkira perubahan dalam proses dan struktur perniagaan. Projek dan pelaburan baru adalah tertakluk kepada kajian dan penilaian Jawatankuasa Penilaian Pelaburan, sebelum mengesyorkannya kepada Lembaga Pengarah untuk kajian,pertimbangan dan kelulusan. The Group has in place an on-going process for identifying, evaluating, monitoring and managing the significant risks affecting the achievement of its business objectives documented via the Corporate Risk Scorecard (“CRS”).Risks are identified and classified into ten (10) components namely, external, regulatory, legal,corporate governance, finance, customers, products and services suppliers, human capital and operational risks. A Risk Management Committee (“RMC”) chaired by the Managing Director and attended by all Heads of Division, Company Secretary and key managerial staff review the Company’s CRS on a regular basis.The RMC will inform the Audit Committee on significant changes on a periodic basis. Control Structure and Environment The Board is fully committed to ensuring that a proper control environment is maintained within the Group.The key elements of the Group's internal control systems are described below: Organisation Structure with Clearly Defined Roles and Responsibilities. The organisation structure includes clear definition to the terms of reference - functions, authorities and responsibilities of the various committees of the Board. The management of the various companies in the Group is delegated to the respective Chief Executive Officer, whose role and responsibilities and authority limits are set by the respective Board. Independence of the Audit Committee The Audit Committee comprises Executive and NonExecutive Members of the Board and provides direction and oversight over the internal audit function to enhance its independence from management. Documented Internal Policies and Procedures Internal policies and procedures where delegated authority limits are clearly defined as set out in a series of standard operating manuals which is currently being reviewed for improvement to reflect changes in business structure and processes. New investments and projects are subject to the review and appraisal by the Investment Evaluation Committee, before making recommendations to the Board for review, consideration and approval. 56 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad Keterperincian Proses Bajet Proses bajet terperinci telah diwujudkan yang memerlukan kesemua syarikat utama beroperasi di dalam Kumpulan menyediakan bajet tahunan,yang dibentang untuk kelulusan oleh Lembaga Pengarah. Satu sistem laporan yang efektif wujud bagi melaporkan prestasi sebenar berbanding bajet yang diluluskan dan sebarang variasi yang ketara akan disusuli oleh pihak pengurusan dan dilaporkan kepada Lembaga Pengarah semasa Mesyuarat Suku Tahun Lembaga. Pemantauan dan Kajian Proses pemantauan dan kajian yang diguna untuk memastikan keberkesanan sistem kawalan dalaman adalah: • • • • Pengarah Urusan berbincang dengan pengurusan kanan syarikat-syarikat dalam Kumpulan setiap bulan bagi menyelesaikan isu-isu berkaitan operasi,kewangan, kakitangan dan lain-lain isu pengurusan.Isu-isu utama diketengahkan dan dibincangkan dalam Mesyuarat Lembaga Pengarah. Pengarah Urusan menerima dan mengkaji laporan prestasi suku tahunan daripada pengurusan pelbagai sektor perniagaan yang merangkumi prestasi kewangan dan laporan kemajuan. Fungsi audit dalaman sentiasa mengkaji operasi Kumpulan dan sistem kawalan dalamannya. Hasil kajian ini juga akan dilaporkan kepada Jawatankuasa Audit. Perancangan audit dalaman yang bertujuan mengawasi pematuhan kepada polisi dan prosedur Kumpulan dikaji dan diluluskan oleh Jawatankuasa Audit. Jawatankuasa Audit sentiasa bermesyuarat bagi menganalisa hasil kajian audit dalaman,membincangkan perancangan pengurusan risiko dan memastikan kelemahan yang dikenalpasti pada sistem kawalan dalaman ditangani oleh pihak pengurusan. Sistem kawalan dalaman yang dihuraikan dalam penyata ini dianggap memadai oleh Lembaga Pengarah untuk melindungi aset Kumpulan dan risiko perniagaan Kumpulan secara keseluruhan adalah terkawal. Lembaga Pengarah akan terus berusaha mendapatkan kepastian tentang keberkesanan sistem kawalan dalaman melalui penilaian juruaudit dalaman. Detailed Budgeting Process A detailed budgeting process is established requiring all key operating companies in the Group to prepare budgets annually, which are discussed and approved by the Board. Effective reporting system on actual performance against approved budgets is in place and significant variances are followed up by management and reported to the Board during the Quarterly Board Meetings. Monitoring and Revie w The processes adopted to monitor and review the effectiveness of the system of internal control are: • The Managing Director meets with the senior management of the various companies in the Group on a monthly basis to discuss and resolve key operational, financial, personnel and other key management issues. Significant issues are highlighted and communicated at Board meetings. • The Board receives and reviews quarterly performance reports from management of various lines of business with financial performance and progress reports. • The internal audit function undertakes regular reviews of the Group's operations and their system of internal control. Results of such reviews are reported regularly to the Audit Committee. Internal audit plans that aim to monitor compliance with the Group's policies and procedures are reviewed and approved by the Audit Committee. • The Audit Committee meets regularly to review internal audit findings,discuss risk management plans and ensure that weaknesses in the system of internal control highlighted are appropriately addressed by management. The system of internal control described in this statement is considered by the Board to be adequate to safeguard the Group's assets and the risks are at an acceptable level throughout the Group's businesses. The Board will continually seek regular assurance on the effectiveness of the internal control system through appraisals by the internal auditors. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 57 58 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad KOMUNIKASI KORPORAT CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 59 KOMUNIKASI KORPORAT CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS PENDAHULUAN Komunikasi memainkan peranan yang penting ke arah kecemerlangan korporat dan perniagaan.Interaksi di antara Syarikat dan publik perlulah memberikan manfaat kepada kedua-dua belah pihak. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) amat berhati-hati dalam memelihara saluran komunikasinya. Tiga (3) aspek kecemerlangan komunikasi yang menjadi matlamat KPS ialah: INTRODUCTION Communications play an important role towards corporate and business excellence. Interaction with the publics the corporation is working with has to be a win-win situation. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) is taking cautious steps and deliberate action in maintaining the communication channels. 1. Komunikasi Kakitangan ke arah pembentukan budaya korporat yang cemerlang 2. Peranan KPS sebagai warga korporat 3. Perhubungan dengan Pemegang Saham dan Pelabur The three (3) major communication areas of excellence KPS is striving for are: KOMUNIKASI KAKITANGAN KE ARAH PEMBENTUKAN BUD AY A KORPORA T Y ANG CEMERLANG 1. Staff Communications towards the establishment of excellent corporate culture 2. KPS’s role as a corporate citizen 3. Shareholder and Investor Relations Hari ini, budaya bukan sekadar menggambarkan nilai dan karakter sesebuah organisasi - ia adalah nadi penggerak yang memacunya ke tahap yang lebih membanggakan. Justeru, KPS sentiasa sedar akan budaya korporatnya. Malah, kemajuan dan kejayaan yang dikecapi selama ini adalah kerana budaya korporatnya,yang berpandukan: ST AFF COMMUNICATIONS TOWARDS ESTABLISHMENT OF EXCELLENT CORPORATE CULTURE Profesionalisme Kerjasama Prihatin Bahasa Inggeris Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (“ICT”) Profesionalisme Kami mendefinasikan profesionalisme sebagai mengotakan apa yang dikata tepat pada waktunya dan berpegang teguh kepada nilai-nilai dan kepercayaan kami.Tiga (3) nilai utama yang menjadi fokus kami ialah: 1. Memiliki kelayakan yang sesuai:pendidikan dan latihan yang secukupnya, memiliki sikap yang baik serta mendapatkan pengalaman baru dan ilmu secara berterusan. 2. Memiliki komitmen dan semangat kepunyaan bersama terhadap Syarikat:mengambil tindakan susulan dengan segera,melaksanakan tugas dengan cekap dan kos efektif selain mempunyai keupayaan menyesuaikan diri dengan persekitaran. 3. Memiliki keupayaan untuk mengurus imej KPS:merasa bangga bila mewakili Syarikat, memiliki keupayaan untuk memelihara imej KPS dan menjadi Duta KPS bila berurusan dengan publik. 60 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad Today, culture does more than reflect an organisation’s values and moral fiber - it drives the organisation and propels it to greater heights.That is why KPS has always been conscious of its corporate culture. In fact, the company’s growth and success over the years have been largely supported by a good corporate culture, vis-a-vis: Professionalism Teamwork Caring English Language Information and Communication Technology (“ICT”) Professionalism Our definition of being professional is timely delivery of what we promise and to be true to our values and beliefs.The three (3) main values that we focus on are: 1. Having the right qualifications: sufficient education and training,having the right attitude and continuously acquiring new experiences and knowledge . 2. Having the commitment and sense of ownership to the organization: following through with great sense of urgency, undertaking works with efficiency and cost-effectiveness and being adaptive to change. 3. Having the ability to manage the image of KPS:having great pride in representing the organization,ability to maintain the image of KPS and acting as Ambassadors of KPS to the publics. Kerjasama Kakitangan kami mewujudkan satu tenaga kerja yang kukuh bukan kerana mereka “bekerja bersama” tetapi kerana mereka “bekerja sebagai satu pasukan”.Kami memberi fokus kepada tiga (3) aspek berikut: 1. Objektif yang sama dan nilai yang dikongsi: Kepelbagaian di kalangan individu adalah lazim dan kami memanfaatkannya bagi memberi variasi di dalam pendekatan kami sambil berkongsi matlamat dan nilai yang sama. 2. Komunikasi: Komunikasi yang jelas adalah penting dalam kejayaan pasukan kami di mana saling memahami adalah aset utama. 3. Menghormati dan saling melengkapi: Setiap individu mempunyai peranan di dalam pasukan. Prihatin Keprihatinan bermula dengan diri sendiri. Keprihatinan terhadap mereka di sekeliling seseorang individu - keluarga, rakan sekerja, organisasi dan jiran tetangga - membawa kepada keprihatinan terhadap masyarakat secara umumnya. Penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris Bahasa Inggeris adalah bahasa perniagaan, bahasa ilmu dan dikenali sebagai bahasa antarabangsa. Menyedari hakikat ini, KPS menggalakkan kakitangannya agar fasih berbahasa Inggeris. Ini adalah sejajar dengan usaha Kerajaan untuk meningkatkan tahap penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris di kalangan rakyat Malaysia. Penggunaan ICT Seperti yang kita sedari, ICT adalah alat yang membolehkan peningkatan kecekapan di dalam dunia perniagaan. Justeru itu,KPS meneruskan usaha menaik-taraf kemudahan ICTnya agar seiring dengan persekitaran ICT semasa. Fokus diberikan kepada aspek ilmu, perkongsian dan teknologi. PERANAN KPS SEBAGAI WARGA KORPORA T Hari ini, tanggungjawab sebagai warga korporat semakin berat kerana orang ramai mahukan syarikat memainkan peranan yang lebih besar dalam kehidupan masyarakat mereka. Sejajar dengan perkembangan ini, KPS telah mengkaji semula kedudukannya sebagai warga korporat dengan melibatkan diri dalam aktiviti-aktiviti yang selaras dengan nilai-nilai utama korporatnya - Profesionalisme, Kerjasama dan Prihatin. Sebagai sebuah organisasi yang Prihatin, inisiatif-inisiatif KPS sebagai warga korporat adalah Berkhidmat Untuk Masyarakat dan Prihatin Terhadap Alam Sekitar. Teamwork Our employees make a strong workforce not simply because they “work together” but because they “work as a team”. We focus on three (3) areas as follows: 1. Common objectives and shared values: Diversity amongst individuals is common and we capitalize it to provide varieties in our approach, yet we share common objectives and shared values. 2. Communication: Clear communication is vital to our team’s success and understanding each other is our main asset. 3. Respect and complement one another : Every individual has a place in the team. Caring Caring starts with individual’s care for himself/herself. Caring for the groups around an individual - family, colleagues, organisation and neighbourhood - culminates to caring for the society at large . Usage of English English is a business language, the language of knowledge and is internationally recognised.Recognising this fact,KPS encourages its staff to have a good command of the English language. This is also in tandem with the Government’s effort to improve the standard of English proficiency amongst Malaysians. Usage of ICT As we are aware, ICT is an enabler or a tool to higher efficiency in the business world.As such, KPS continues to enhance its ICT capabilities to keep abreast with the current ICT environment. Our focus is in the areas of knowledge, sharing and technology. KPS’s ROLE AS A CORPORATE CITIZEN Today, corporate citizenship has taken a broader engagement with society as the public expects companies to play a greater role in the lives of their communities. In light of this development,KPS has repositioned itself as a caring corporate citizen by engaging in activities that are closely attuned to its core corporate values - Professionalism, Teamwork and Caring. As a Caring organization, KPS’s corporate citizenship initiatives are Services to the Community and Care for the Environment. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 61 Berkhidmat untuk Masyarakat Pada tahun 2003,KPS bersama anak-anak syarikatnya dan syarikat induknya,Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (“KDEB”), mengambil bahagian dalam pelbagai projek kemasyarakatan termasuk: • • • • • • • Program Kerajaan Prihatin Kempen derma darah Kursus penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris untuk guru-guru Melayu di luar bandar Kempen keamanan Kempen ICT Hari Bertemu Pelanggan Lawatan ke rumah kebajikan Prihatin Terhadap Alam Sekitar Selain berkhidmat untuk masyarakat, KPS juga bertanggungjawab memelihara alam sekitar. Ini adalah sejajar dengan aspirasi Kerajaan Negeri Selangor. Projekprojek pembangunan kami melambangkan komitmen kami terhadap pemeliharaan alam sekitar seperti di Templer Park, yang telah dipelihara sebagai kawasan perlindungan semulajadi.Projek-projek baru seperti BioValley, Berjuntai Bestari dan Selangor Maritime Corridor kini sedang dibangunkan dengan mengurangkan impak aktiviti-aktiviti pembangunan dan ekonomi ke atas alam sekitar. Misi kami untuk dikenali sebagai sebuah organisasi prihatin, berorientasikan masyarakat dan mesra alam digambarkan oleh projek-projek pembangunan di dalam sektor-sektor perniagaan kami. Dari Hartanah hingga kepada Hospitaliti dan Rekreasi,projek-projek pembinaan kami dilaksanakan dengan mengambil kira pemeliharaan alam sekitar. Kami percaya dalam memperseimbangkan alam sekitar dan ekonomi bagi membolehkan masyarakat menikmati gaya hidup yang berkualiti di dalam persekitaran yang sihat. Melindungi dan memperbaiki kualiti alam sekitar jelas digambarkan oleh inisiatif-inisiatif kami yang sentiasa mematuhi undang-undang dan peraturan tempatan. Sebagai contoh, pembangunan Berjuntai Bestari selari dengan komitmen Kerajaan Negeri Selangor terhadap pembangunan mampan seperti yang terdapat di dalam dokumen berikut: • • “Strategi Pembangunan Mampan Selangor” “Agenda 21 Selangor” 62 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad Service to the Community In 2003,KPS together with its subsidiaries and its parent company, Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (“KDEB”), participated in numerous community projects including: • • • • • • • Caring Government Programme Blood donation campaign English proficiency course for rural Malay teachers Peace campaign ICT campaign “Meet the Customer” Day Visits to welfare homes Care for the Environment In addition to serving the community, KPS is also responsible for protecting the environment.This is in tandem with the aspiration of the Selangor State Government. Our development projects epitomize our commitment towards environment preservation as illustrated by Templer Park, which has been preserved as a natural haven. New projects such as BioValley, Berjuntai Bestari and Selangor Maritime Corridor are currently being developed by taking the environmental elements into its growth and economic activities. Our mission to be recognized as a caring, community oriented and environmental friendly organization is best reflected by the development projects in our business sectors. From Property to Hospitality and Recreation, our projects take cognizance of the environment. We believe in promoting a balance between the environment and the economy so that our communities can afford a quality lifestyle in a healthy environment. Protecting and improving the quality of our environment are evident in our initiatives where we consistently comply with local rules and regulations. For example, the development of Berjuntai Bestari is in compliance with the Selangor State Government’s commitments towards sustainable development as highlighted in the following documents: • • “Strategi Pembangunan Mampan Selangor” “Agenda 21 Selangor” PERHUB UNGAN PEMEGANG SAHAM D PELABUR AN Lembaga Pengarah mengakui keperluan untuk berkomunikasi secara efektif dalam usahanya untuk membina hubungan jangka panjang dengan para pemegang saham dan pelabur. Dalam tahun 2003, Kumpulan melaksanakan pelbagai aktiviti perhubungan pemegang saham/pelabur termasuk sidang media sebelum dan selepas penyenaraian di Bursa Malaysia, Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan dan beberapa siri perbincangan dengan pengurus-pengurus dana dan penganalisa-penganalisa k ewangan. Cara-cara komunikasi yang lain dengan pelabur termasuk laporan tahunan, pengumuman-pengumuman korporat kepada Bursa Malaysia dan kenyataan-kenyataan akhbar. KALENDAR KORPORA T SHAREHOLDER AND INVESTOR RELATIONS The Board recognises the need for effective communications in its continuing efforts to build a long-term relationship with its shareholders and investors.In the year 2003,the Group implemented various shareholder/investor relations activities including press conferences prior and after the Bursa Malaysia listing, the Group’s Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) and a series of road shows and meetings with fund managers and financial analysts. Other modes of communications with investors include annual report, basic corporate announcements to Bursa Malaysia and press releases. 18 MAC 2003 - KEMPEN DERMA DARAH CORPORATE CALENDAR Quality Hotel City Centre, dengan kerjasama Pusat Darah Negara, menganjurkan kempen derma darah bagi mengatasi masalah kekurangan darah sebagai sebahagian daripada sumbangan Kumpulan kepada masyarakat. Kempen selama satu hari ini menyaksikan penglibatan kakitangan hotel,tetamu dan orang awam di sekitar Jalan Raja Laut. 29 & 30 MAC 2003 - PELANCARAN “TEMPLER HERITAGE” SAP Holdings Berhad,menerusi anak syarikatnya,Templer Park Development Sdn Bhd, melancarkan projek pembangunan perumahan terbarunya yang terdiri daripada rumah teres dua tingkat,“Templer Heritage”, di Templer Park. Pelancaran ini diadakan untuk bakal pembeli yang berdaftar menerusi jemputan khas. 10 - 13 APRIL 2003 - MAPEX 2003 Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (“KHSB”), anak syarikat Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”), mengambil bahagian dalam “Pameran Hartanah Malaysia 2003” (MAPEX 2003) yang berlangsung di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (“PWTC”) sebagai sebahagian daripada strategi promosinya. 18 MARCH 2003 - BLOOD DONATION CAMPAIGN Quality Hotel City Centre, in collaboration with National Blood Centre, organized a blood donation campaign to help overcome the shortage in blood bank as part and parcel of the Group’s contributions to society.The one-day event witnessed participation by hotel staff, guests and residents in the vicinity of Jalan Raja Laut. 29 & 30 MARCH 2003 - LAUNCHING OF “TEMPLER HERITAGE” SAP Holdings Berhad,through its subsidiary Templer Park Development Sdn Bhd, launched its latest development made up of affordably priced double storey terrace, “Templer Heritage”, in Templer Park. The soft launch exercise was carried out for its registered prospects via special invitation. 10 - 13 APRIL 2003 - MAPEX 2003 Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (“KHSB”), a subsidiary company of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”), participated in “Pameran Hartanah Malaysia 2003” (MAPEX 2003),which took place in Putra World Trade Centre (“PWTC”) as part of its promotional strategy. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 63 17 APRIL 2003 - PELANC ARAN LOGO B ARU KHSB Satu majlis pelancaran logo baru Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (“KHSB”), anak syarikat Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”),telah disempurnakan oleh YAB Dato’ Seri Dr Mohamad Khir bin Toyo, Menteri Besar Selangor. Dengan pelancaran logo baru ini, KPS meletakkan KHSB sebagai salah satu syarikat hartanah utama di negara ini. 17 APRIL 2003 - LAUNCHING OF KHSB’s NEW LOGO A ceremony to launch the new logo of Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (“KHSB”),a subsidiary company of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”), was officiated by YAB Dato’ Seri Dr Mohamad Khir bin Toyo, Menteri Besar Selangor.With the launch of the new logo, KPS is positioning KHSB as one of the leading property companies in the countr y. 25 APRIL 2003 - PENAKUNGAN AIR DI EMPANGAN SSP3 Majlis penakungan air di Fasa 3 Sungai Selangor (“SSP3”) telah disempurnakan oleh YAB Dato’ Seri Dr Mohamad Khir bin Toyo, Menteri Besar Selangor, di tapak pembinaan Empangan SSP3. 3 - 6 MEI 2003 - PAMERAN PERUMAHAN DAN HARTANAH Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (“KHSB”) telah mengambil bahagian dalam “Pameran Perumahan & Hartanah Selangor 2003”.Dianjurkan oleh Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Malaysia Cawangan Selangor, pameran ini berlangsung di Kompleks PKNS, Shah Alam. KHSB mempamerkan pembangunan hartanahnya di Templer Park Resort, Lestari Perdana and Bandar Armada Putra. 64 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 25 APRIL 2003 - WATER CATCHMENT AT SSP3 DAM Water catchment ceremony at Sungai Selangor Phase 3 Dam (“SSP3”) was officiated by YAB Dato’ Seri Dr Mohamad Khir bin Toyo, Menteri Besar Selangor, at the SSP3 Dam construction site . 3 - 6 MAY 2003 - HOUSING AND PROPERTY EXHIBITION Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (“KHSB”) participated in “Pameran Perumahan & Hartanah Selangor 2003”.Organised by Malaysian Malay Chamber of Commerce Selangor Branch, the exhibition took place at Kompleks PKNS, Shah Alam. KHSB showcased its existing property developments namely, Templer Park Resort, Lestari Perdana and Bandar Armada Putra. 20 MEI 2003 - MAJLIS PECAH TANAH “BIOVALLEY” Majlis pecah tanah untuk BioValley, satu usahasama pintar di antara Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (“KHSB”) dan Kementerian Sains,Teknologi dan Inovasi (“MOSTI”), telah disempurnakan oleh Perdana Menteri,Dato’ Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad. 20 MAY 2003 - BIOVALLEY GROUND BREAKING CEREMONY Ground breaking ceremony for BioValley, a smart partnership development project between Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (“KHSB”) and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (“MOSTI”), was officiated by Prime Minister, Dato’ Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad. 14 JUN 2003 - SAP HOLDINGS BERTEMU PEMBELI Sebagai warga korporat yang bertanggungjawab, SAP Holdings Berhad telah bertemu dengan pembeli rumah Taman Malawati Jaya untuk memberi maklumat tentang perkembangan terkini. 22 JULAI 2003 - PENYENARAIAN KPS DAN KHSB 14 JUNE 2003 - SAP HOLDINGS MET PURCHASERS Pada 22 Julai 2003, Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) dan Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (“KHSB”) - dua anak syarikat Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (“KDEB”) - mencatat sejarah apabila disenaraikan di Bursa Malaysia (dahulu dikenali sebagai Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur) masing-masing dengan modal berbayar RM431.4 juta dan RM450.0 juta,berikutan penggabungan korporat KDEB. SAP Holdings Berhad met the property purchasers of Taman Malawati Jaya on 14 June 2003 to provide information on the latest development. 22 JULY 2003 - LISTING OF KPS AND KHSB On 22 July 2003, Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) and Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (“KHSB”) - two subsidiary companies of Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (“KDEB”) - achieved a significant milestone when they were listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia (formerly known as Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange) with an enlarged paid-up capital of RM431.4 million and RM450.0 million, respectively, as part of KDEB’s corporate merger exercise. 22 SEPTEMBER 2003 - VISIT BY FOREIGN INVESTORS On 22 September, Central Spectrum (M) Sdn Bhd (“CSSB”) played host to 11 delegates from the Republic of China in a special briefing on investment opportunities at Pulau Indah Industrial Park. 22 SEPTEMBER 2003 – LAWATAN PELABUR ASING Pada 22 September, Central Spectrum (M) Sdn Bhd (“CSSB”) menjadi hos kepada 11 orang wakil delegasi dari Republik China dalam satu taklimat khas mengenai peluang-peluang pelaburan di Taman Perindustrian Pulau Indah. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 65 6 OKTOBER 2003 - “KEMPEN SENYUM” QUALITY HOTEL CITY CENTRE Quality Hotel City Centre melancarkan “Kempen Senyum” yang bertemakan “We Go the Extra Smile” bagi meningkatkan perkhidmatan kami kepada para pelanggan. Kempen ini membuktikan bahawa misi Kumpulan untuk mengekalkan perkhidmatan berkualiti melebihi jangkaan pelanggan turut diamati oleh anak-anak syarikat. 21 OKTOBER 2003 - LAWATAN KE PULAU INDAH Anak Syarikat Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”), Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (“KHSB”), bersama-sama anak syarikatnya, Central Spectrum (M) Sdn Bhd, menganjurkan satu sesi lawatan ke Pulau Indah bersama media massa bagi memperkenalkan pembangunan hartanahnya termasuk Kolej Antarabangsa INPENS dan Bandar Armada Putra.Lawatan tersebut telah memberikan Pulau Indah liputan di seluruh negara. 7 NOVEMBER 2003 - BERBUKA PUASA BERSAMA WARGA EMAS 6 OCTOBER 2003 - QUALITY HOTEL CITY CENTRE’S “KEMPEN SENYUM” Quality Hotel City Centre launched “Kempen Senyum” with the theme “We Go the Extra Smile” to enhance our services to customers. The campaign proves that the Group’s mission of maintaining its services beyond customers’ expectations is also observed by our subsidiary companies. 21 OCTOBER 2003 - SITE VISIT TO PULAU INDAH A subsidiary company of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”), Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (“KHSB”),together with its subsidiary company, Central Spectrum (M) Sdn Bhd, organised a site visit to Pulau Indah for the media in its efforts to introduce its property developments including INPENS International College and Bandar Armada Putra.The visit gave Pulau Indah a nation-wide coverage. 7 NOVEMBER 2003 - BREAKING OF FAST WITH SENIOR CITIZENS KPS telah meraikan warga emas dari Rumah Seri Kenangan Cheras yang dijemput khas dalam satu majlis berbuka puasa di Quality Hotel Shah Alam. Program ini adalah sebahagian daripada inisiatif KPS sebagai warga korporat iaitu Berkhidmat Untuk Masyarakat. 66 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad The Group entertained senior citizens from Rumah Seri Kenangan Cheras who were specially invited to experience breakfasting at Quality Hotel Shah Alam.This programme is part and parcel of KPS’s corporate citizen initiative Services to the Community. 8 DISEMBER 2003: RUMAH TERBUKA HARI RAYA AIDIL FITRI Kumpulan mengambil bahagian dalam satu majlis Rumah Terbuka Hari Raya yang dihos oleh syarikat induknya, Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (“KDEB”), di Quality Hotel Shah Alam sebagai sebahagian daripada program komunikasi awamnya. Majlis yang meriah tersebut telah disempurnakan oleh YAB Dato’ Seri Dr. Mohamad Khir bin Toyo, Dato’ Menteri Besar Selangor yang juga merupakan Pengerusi KDEB. 8 DECEMBER 2003: HARI RAYA AIDIL FITRI OPEN HOUSE The Group participated in Hari Raya Open House hosted by its holding company, Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (“KDEB”), at Quality Hotel Shah Alam as part of KPS’s public communications programmes.The colourful event was launched by YAB Dato’ Seri Dr. Mohamad Khir bin Toyo, Dato’ Menteri Besar Selangor cum Chairman of KDEB. DECEMBER 2003: HOUSES BUILT FOR THE HARDCORE POOR The Group allocated RM1.0 million this year to provide new homes for the hardcore poor in Selangor. By 31 December 2003,a total of 53 homes were built and 15 homes were renovated under the “Program Kerajaan Prihatin”. DISEMBER 2003: RUMAH-RUMAH UNTUK GOLONGAN MISKIN KPS menyumbang RM1.0 juta bagi membina rumahrumah baru untuk golongan miskin di seluruh negeri Selangor. Sehingga 31 Disember 2003, 53 buah rumah dibina manakala 15 buah lagi dibaikpulih di bawah Program Kerajaan Prihatin. KALENDAR KEWANGAN 2003 FINANCIAL CALENDAR Keputusan/Results Suku Tahun Kedua Second Quarter diumumkan announced 28 Ogos 2003 28 August 2003 Suku Tahun Ketiga Third Quarter diumumkan announced 21 November 2003 21 November 2003 Suku Tahun Keempat Fourth Quarter diumumkan announced 26 Februari 2004 26 February 2004 Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Ke Dua Puluh Enam Tw enty Sixth Annual General Meeting 24 Jun 2003 24 June 2003 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 67 68 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad SUMBER MANUSIA HUMAN RESOURCES AKTIVITI KAKITANGAN STAFF ACTIVITIES 1. Mesyuarat Kakitangan Perjumpaan kakitangan dengan Pengerusi Eksekutif dan Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) merupakan komponen utama daripada program perhubungan kakitangan.Melalui perjumpaan ini,kakitangan berpeluang berkomunikasi terus dengan pengurusan atasan serta dimaklumkan dengan aktiviti dan perkembangan semasa syarikat. 2. Jawatankuasa Perunding Kakitangan Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Perunding Kakitangan adalah sebahagian daripada aktiviti komunikasi kakitangan yang diadakan setiap empat bulan.Mesyuarat ini memberi ruang kepada kakitangan berkomunikasi terus serta membincangkan perkara-perkara berhubung pekerjaan dan suasana kerja. 3. Anugerah Kecemerlangan Akademik Syarikat sentiasa memberi perhatian kepada pencapaian pelajaran anak-anak kakitangan. Anak-anak kakitangan yang berjaya dengan cemerlang di dalam peperiksaan UPSR, PMR, SPM dan STPM diberi penghargaan berupa wang yang diharap dapat menjadi insentif kepada mereka untuk terus berusaha dengan gigih dan tekun.Sumbangan disampaikan oleh Pengerusi Eksekutif dan Pengarah Urusan KPS kepada ibubapa anak-anak yang layak. 4. Sukan dan Rekreasi Kelab Sukan dan Rekreasi Perangsang Selangor telah menganjurkan beberapa aktiviti sukan dan sosial di antara syarikat dan jabatan.Di samping memberi peluang kepada kakitangan untuk menunjukkan kebolehan bersukan, aktiviti Kelab ini juga berupaya memupuk semangat kekeluargaan dan berpasukan di antara kakitangan. 5. Hari Lahir Kakitangan Sambutan hari lahir kakitangan diraikan setiap tiga bulan. Syarikat juga memberi kek hari lahir kepada setiap kakitangan yang menyambut hari kelahiran mereka. 6. Perhimpunan Kakitangan Perhimpunan kakitangan dianjurkan setiap bulan di mana mereka berpeluang beriadah dan beramah mesra dengan ahli-ahli Pengurusan dan rakan-rakan sekerja. Ucapan Presiden merupakan Agenda utama dan senamrobik juga dimuatkan di dalam aturcara ini. 1. Staff Meetings Staff meetings with Executive Chairman and Managing Director of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) form an integral part of the Employee Communications programme. These meetings not only provide an opportunity for staff to communicate directly with top management but serve as a platform to keep employees abreast with Company’s activities and new business developments. 2. Staff Consultative Committee Staff Consultative Committee Meetings are held every four months and are aimed to give employees a sense of personal involvement and to provide adequate opportunities for them to discuss matters affecting their job and work environment. 3. Academic Achie vement A war d The Company places great emphasis on children’s education and accords cash rewards to employees whose children excel in the UPSR, PMR, SPM and STPM Examinations. The rewards are given as an incentive for the children to strive harder and are presented personally by the Executive Chairman and Managing Director to the parents of those eligible. 4. Sports and Recreation Kelab Sukan dan Rekreasi Perangsang Selangor organised various sports and social activities at inter-Company and Departmental levels. Whilst staff got to exhibit their sporting skills, the Club activities also helped to bring staff together in the true spirit of corporate unity and teamwork. 5. Staff Birthdays Staff gets together for birthday celebrations every three months and on every employee’s birthday, the Company presents them with a cake. 6. Staff Assemb ly Staff Assemblies are held every month and serve as an important avenue for staff to get together with Management and fellow colleagues. The President’s Address forms the main Agenda and an aerobics session is also incorporated into the programme . 70 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 7. Anugerah Perkhidmatan Lama Syarikat sentiasa memberi penghargaan kepada kakitangan yang telah berkhidmat lama dan setia kepada syarikat. Anugerah Khidmat Lama diberi kepada kakitangan yang telah berkhidmat selama 10,15,20 dan 25 tahun. PROGRAM LATIHAN 22 Februari 2003 Ceramah Kecemerlangan Diri Kakitangan Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) telah menghadiri ceramah motivasi bertajuk “Kecemerlangan Diri” yang dikendalikan oleh Dr Mohd Amir Syarifuddin. Program ini merupakan siri ceramah motivasi yang dianjurkan oleh KPS untuk memberi penekanan kepada kakitangan supaya sentiasa muhasabah dan mempertingkatkan diri. 8 Mac 2003 Imej dan Persiapan Diri KPS telah menganjurkan program berhubung “Imej dan Persiapan Diri” yang bertujuan mempersiapkan kakitangan ke arah Imej dan Profesionalisme. Program yang dikendalikan oleh Urbane Consulting ini turut memberi pendedahan berhubung budi bahasa sosial dan perniagaan. 26 – 28 Mei 2003 “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” Program “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” telah dianjurkan dengan kerjasama Leadership Resources (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd. Program ini yang dihadiri oleh Pengurus-pengurus dan kakitangan Eksekutif ini memberi fokus kepada peningkatan diri melalui prinsip-prinsip “7 Habits”. 4 September 2003 Pr ogram Latihan Syarikat “Corporate Disclosur e Rules and Regulations in Malaysia” Untuk Pengarah-pengarah Berikutan daripada penyenaraian syarikat-syarikat KPS dan Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (“KHSB”), Pengurusan KPS telah menganjurkan program latihan untuk Pengarahpengarah dan Pengurusan KPS dan KHSB bertajuk “Corporate Disclosure Rules and Regulations in Malaysia”. Objektif program adalah untuk membantu Pengarah-pengarah mengumpul mata ‘CEP’ yang diperlukan melalui kursuskursus yang telah diakreditasikan oleh Bursa Malaysia (sebelum ini dikenali sebagai Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur). 7. Long Service Awar d The Company always takes pride in rewarding employees for their loyalty and unwavering dedication to the Company. Long Service Awards are accorded to staff who have attained 10,15,20 and 25 years’ service, respectively. TRAINING ACTIVITIES 22 February 2003 Talk on Personal Excellence Employees of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (“KPS”) attended a talk on “Personal Excellence” conducted by Dr Mohd Amir Syarifuddin.The talk formed part of a series of motivational programmes organised by KPS to promote change and self-improvement amongst employees. 8 March 2003 Professional Ima ge and Grooming KPS organised a talk on “Professional Image and Grooming”, which was aimed at enhancing employees’ image and professionalism at work. The programme, which was conducted by Urbane Consulting,also educated participants on the art of social and business etiquette. 26 – 28 May 2003 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People KPS in cooperation with Leadership Resources (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd organised an in-house programme on “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”.The programme was attended by Managers and Executives and was aimed at empowering participants to promote change and selfimprovement by applying the “7 Habits” principles. 4 September 2003 Directors’ Training Pr ogramme on “Corporate Disclosure Rules and Regulations in Malaysia “ Pursuant to the public listing of KPS and Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (“KHSB”), KPS organised a training programme on “Corporate Disclosure Rules and Regulations in Malaysia” for the Directors and Management staff of KPS and KHSB. The objective of the programme was to assist Directors to comply with and to accumulate Continuing Education Programmes (“CEP”) Points by attending CEP accredited by the Bursa Malaysia (formerly known as Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange). Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 71 Ianya juga bertujuan memberi penerangan dan panduan berhubung maklumat korporat yang perlu diberitahu oleh Syarikat mengikut garis panduan dan Kod Tadbir Urus Korporat. Program telah dikendalikan oleh Research Institute of Investment Analysts Malaysia, sebuah institusi yang diakreditasikan oleh Suruhanjaya Sekuriti untuk mengendalikan program latihan untuk Pengarah-pengarah. It was also aimed at assisting participants in understanding the various regulatory requirements in maintaining good Corporate Governance and Disclosure, appropriate standards of corporate responsibility and accountability. Seramai empat puluh tiga (43) peserta telah menghadiri kursus tersebut, termasuk Pengarah-pengarah dan Pengurusan Atasan Syarikat. The programme was conducted by Research Institute of Investment Analysts Malaysia,an accredited Continuing Professional Education provider for Licensed Representatives with the Securities Commission. 15 & 16 September 2003 “Finance for Non-Finance Mana g ers” Bengkel “Finance for Non-Finance Managers” telah diadakan pada 15 & 16 September 2003, dihadiri oleh Pengurus dan Eksekutif Kanan Syarikat. Bengkel ini bertujuan memberi pendekatan dan kefahaman berhubung Penyata-penyata Kewangan serta aplikasinya di tempat kerja. Bengkel ini telah dikendalikan secara praktikal di mana peserta diberi peluang mengaplikasikan konsep dan penggunaan Akaun Untung-Rugi, Kunci KiraKira dan Aliran Wang Tunai. Bengkel telah dikendalikan oleh The Learning Coach dengan kerjasama Tetuan PricewaterhouseCoopers. Forty-three (43) participants attended the programme, comprising Company Directors and Senior Management. 15 & 16 September 2003 Finance for Non-Finance Mana g ers An intensive workshop on Finance for Non-Finance Managers was held on 15 & 16 September 2003,attended by Managers and Senior Executives. The objective of the workshop was to help participants understand Financial Statements and its application at the workplace. Through practical simulation and board games, participants learned how to apply fundamental accounting concepts and gained practical insight into the Profit and Loss,Balance Sheet and Cash Flow. The workshop was conducted by The Learning Coach in association with Messrs.PricewaterhouseCoopers. 72 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad PENYATA KEWANGAN FINANCIAL STATEMENTS KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) DIRECTORS’ REPORT The Directors have pleasure in submitting their report together with the audited financial statements of the Group and the Company for the financial year ended 31 December 2003. PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES The principal activity of the Company is that of investment holding.The principal activities of the subsidiaries are set out in Note 40 to the financial statements. There have been no significant changes in the nature of these activities during the financial year. FINANCIAL RESULTS Group RM'000 Profit after taxation Minority interest Net profit for the financial year Company RM'000 69,769 (12,805) 237,901 0 56,964 237,901 DIVIDENDS The dividends paid or declared by the Company since 31 December 2002, were as follows: RM’000 In respect of the financial year ended 31 December 2002: - as shown in the Directors’ report of that year Interim gross dividend of 7 sen per share, less income tax,paid on 17 June 2003. 5,082 The Directors now recommend the payment of a final gross dividend of 2 sen per share on 431,403,960 ordinary shares, less income tax of 28%,amounting to RM6,212,217 which,subject to the approval of members at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting of the Company, will be paid on 13 August 2004 to shareholders registered on the Company’s Register of Members at the close of business on 21 July 2004. RESERVES AND PROVISIONS All material transfers to or from reser ves and provisions during the financial year are shown in the financial statements. ISSUE OF SHARES During the financial year, 42,974,662 new ordinary shares of RM1.00 each were issued at an issue price of RM10.10 per ordinary share to satisfy the purchase consideration for the acquisition of subsidiaries pursuant to the Composite Scheme of Reconstruction. The new ordinary shares issued during the financial year ranked pari passu in all respect with the existing shares of the Company. SIGNIFICANT EVENTS DURING THE FINANCIAL YEAR On 28 September 2001, SAP Holdings Berhad (“SAP”), Brisdale Holdings Berhad (“Brisdale”), Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (“KDEB”), Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (“KHSB”),the Company and Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (“PKNS”) had on that day entered into an agreement to merge and rationalise the property related businesses of SAP, Brisdale, KDEB and PKNS (in respect of its shareholding in Central Spectrum (M) Sdn.Bhd.(“CSSB”)) and the property related business and infrastructure businesses of the Company by implementation of,inter-alia the following: (i) Acquisition of 100% equity interest in SAP comprising 85,000,002 SAP Shares by KHSB from all the shareholders of SAP for a total purchase consideration of RM228,826,536; (ii) Acquisition of 100% equity interest in Brisdale comprising 120,000,002 Brisdale Shares by KHSB from all the shareholders of Brisdale for a total purchase consideration of RM181,715,189; 74 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) DIRECTORS’ REPORT (continued) SIGNIFICANT EVENTS DURING THE FINANCIAL YEAR (CONTINUED) (iii) Acquisition of approximately 76.67% equity interest in CSSB comprising 4,030,507 CSSB Shares by KHSB from KDEB,the Company and PKNS for a total purchase consideration of RM235,678,149; (iv) Acquisition of 100% equity interest in Perangsang Hotel and Properties Sdn.Bhd.(‘PHP’) comprising 24,074,258 PHP Shares by KHSB from the Company for a total purchase consideration of RM75,220,000; (v) Acquisition of 49% equity interest in KDE Recreation Berhad (‘KDERB’) comprising 4,900,000 KDERB Shares by KHSB from the Company for a total purchase consideration of RM21,881,930; (vi) Acquisition of the Land by KHSB from the Company for a total purchase consideration of RM19,020,000; (the acquisitions as stated in paragraphs (i) to (vi) above are collectively referred to as the “Original Merger”) (vii) Capital repayment and distribution by the Company to all its shareholders after the Original Merger of up to 215,701,980 new KHSB Shares on the basis of three (3) new KHSB Shares for every two (2) Shares in the Company held after the Original Merger; collectively referred as the Company’s distribution; (viii) Bonus issue of up to 287,602,640 new Shares in the Company to be credited as fully paid-up on the basis of two (2) new Shares in the Company for every one (1) Share in the Company held after the Original Merger; collectively referred as the Company’s bonus issue; (ix) Transfer of the existing listing status of Brisdale and SAP to the Company and KHSB after the Merger, distribution and bonus issue by the Company; (x) Offer for sale or placement by KDEB of KHSB Shares and Shares in the Company at a price to be determined at a later stage for the purpose of meeting the public shareholding spread of KHSB and the Company;and (xi) The Company’s Employee Share Option Scheme (‘ESOS’) for the eligible employees of the enlarged Group. The above Composite Scheme of Reconstruction was completed during the financial year and the Company was listed on the Main Board of the Bursa Malaysia (formerly known as the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange),on 22 July 2003. EMPLOYEE SHARE OPTION SCHEME The Company implemented an ESOS on 11 June 2003 for a period of 10 years. The ESOS is governed by the by-laws which were approved by the shareholders on 10 February 2003. Details of the ESOS are set out in Note 30(c) to the financial statements. The Company has been granted exemption by the Companies Commission of Malaysia pursuant to Section 169(11) of the Companies Act, 1965 from having to disclose the list over option holders and their holdings under the ESOS other than option holders who hold options over ordinary shares of 200,000 and above. The movements during the financial year in the number of options over ordinary shares of the Company granted to the option holders who hold options over ordinary shares of 200,000 and above are as follows: Number of options over ordinary shares of RM1.00 each in the Company Name of employee Rosni binti Rahmat Wong Yien Kim Mohd Noor bin Ismail Revi A/L Krishnan Chellappan Pillai Tan It Beng Exercise price RM/share At 1.1.2003 Granted Terminated Exercised At 31.12.2003 1.62 1.62 1.62 0 0 0 1,080,000 510,000 450,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,080,000 510,000 450,000 1.62 1.62 0 0 450,000 225,000 0 0 0 0 450,000 225,000 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 75 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) DIRECTORS’ REPORT (continued) DIRECTORS The Directors who have held office during the period since the date of the last report are as follows: YBhg Dato' Haji Zabir bin Bajuri,DPMS,SSA,KMN,PPT YBhg Dato' Haji Azlan bin Hashim,DSSA,DSNS YBhg Dato' Haji Ab. Halim bin Mohyiddin,DPMS YBhg Datin Paduka Juma’ah binti Moktar, DSSA,ASA,PJK YBhg Dato’ Haji Sumadi bin Haji Ismail,DPTJ,JP YB Senator Dato’ Ikhwan Salim bin Dato’ Sujak,DSIS, PJK YBhg Dato’ Dr. Haji Karim bin Haji Mansor, DPMS,ASA,PJK YB Dato’ Ahmad Bhari bin Abd.Rahman,DSSA, PPT, JP YBhg Dato’ Yip Kam Chong,DSSA,AMS YBhg Dato’ Mohd Karim bin Haji Abdullah Omar, DSSA,DPMT, SMS,SMT (resigned on 12.6.2003) In accordance with Article 84 of the Company's Articles of Association, YBhg Dato' Haji Ab. Halim bin Mohyiddin, DPMS and YBhg Dato’ Haji Sumadi bin Haji Ismail,DPTJ,JP and YB Senator Dato’ Ikhwan Salim bin Dato’ Sujak,DSIS,PJK retire at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting and,being eligible, offer themselves for re-election. DIRECTORS’ BENEFITS During and at the end of the financial year, no arrangements subsisted to which the Company is a party, being arrangements with the object or objects of enabling Directors of the Company to acquire benefits by means of the acquisition of shares in,or debentures of,the Company or any other body corporate other than the Company’s Employee Share Option Scheme (see Note 6 to the financial statements). Since the end of the previous financial year, no Director has received or become entitled to receive any benefit (other than Directors’ remuneration as disclosed in Note 5 in the financial statements) by reason of a contract made by the Company or a related corporation with the Director or with a firm of which the Director is a member, or with a company in which the Director has a substantial financial interest except that certain Directors received remuneration from the Company’s holding company. DIRECTORS' INTEREST According to the register of Directors’ shareholdings,particulars of interests of Directors who held office at the end of the financial year in shares and options over shares in the Company and its related corporations are as follows: At 1.1.2003 Number of ordinary shares of RM1.00 each At Acquired* Disposed* 31.12.2003 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad YBhg Dato’ Haji Zabir bin Bajuri YBhg Datin Paduka Juma'ah binti Moktar YBhg Dato' Haji Ab. Halim bin Mohyiddin 0 0 0 84,801 29,600 15,999 0 (9,000 ) 0 84,801 20,600 15,999 0 0 0 42,401 15,301 7,999 0 0 0 42,401 15,301 7,999 106,000 27,000 20,000 0 0 0 106,000 27,000 20,000 0 0 0 20,000 0 20,000 0 Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (Subsidiar y company) YBhg Dato’ Haji Zabir bin Bajuri YBhg Datin Paduka Juma'ah binti Moktar YBhg Dato' Haji Ab. Halim bin Mohyiddin SAP Holdings Berhad (Subsidiar y company) YBhg Dato’ Haji Zabir bin Bajuri YBhg Datin Paduka Juma'ah binti Moktar YBhg Dato' Haji Ab. Halim bin Mohyiddin Brisdale Holdings Berhad (Subsidiar y company) YBhg Datin Paduka Juma'ah binti Moktar * The Directors’ interest in shares of SAP Holdings Berhad and Brisdale Holdings Berhad was exchanged for shares in Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad and Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad pursuant to the ratio stipulated in the Composite Scheme of Reconstruction. 76 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) DIRECTORS’ REPORT (continued) DIRECTORS' INTEREST (CONTINUED) Number of options over ordinary shares of RM1.00 each in the Company Name of employees YBhg Dato’ Haji Zabir bin Bajuri YBhg Datin Paduka Juma'ah binti Moktar Exercise price RM/share As at 1.1.2003 Granted Terminated Exercised As at 31.12.2003 1.62 0 1,275,000 0 0 1,275,000 1.62 0 1,260,000 0 0 1,260,000 Other than disclosed above, according to the register of Directors’ shareholdings,the Directors in office at the end of the financial year did not hold any interest in shares,options over shares and debentures in the Company and its related corporations during the financial year. STATUTORY INFORMATION ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Before the income statements and balance sheets were made out,the Directors took reasonable steps: (a) to ascertain that proper action had been taken in relation to the writing off of bad debts and the making of allowance for doubtful debts and satisfied themselves that all known bad debts had been written off and that adequate allowance had been made for doubtful debts; and (b) to ensure that any current assets,other than debts,which were unlikely to realise in the ordinary course of business their values as shown in the accounting records of the Group and the Company had been written down to an amount which they might be expected so to realise. At the date of this report,the Directors are not aware of any circumstances: (a) which would render the amounts written off for bad debts or the amount of the allowance for doubtful debts in the financial statements of the Group and the Company inadequate to any substantial extent;or (b) which would render the values attributed to current assets in the financial statements of the Group and the Company misleading; or (c) which have arisen which render adherence to the existing method of valuation of assets or liabilities of the Group and the Company misleading or inappropriate. No contingent or other liability has become enforceable or is likely to become enforceable within the period of twelve months after the end of the financial year which,in the opinion of the Directors,will or may substantially affect the ability of the Group or the Company to meet their obligations when they fall due. At the date of this report,there does not exist: (a) any charge on the assets of the Group or the Company which has arisen since the end of the financial year which secures the liability of any other person;or (b) any contingent liability of the Group or the Company which has arisen since the end of the financial year. At the date of this report, the Directors are not aware of any circumstances not otherwise dealt with in this report or the financial statements,which would render any amount stated in the financial statements misleading. In the opinion of the Directors, (a) the results of the Group's and the Company's operations during the financial year were not substantially affected by any item, transaction or event of a material and unusual nature;and except as disclosed in Note 35 and Note 39 to the financial statements; and (b) there has not arisen in the interval between the end of the financial year and the date of this report any item,transaction or event of a material and unusual nature likely to affect substantially the results of the operations of the Group or the Company for the financial year in which this report is made. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 77 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) DIRECTORS’ REPORT (continued) HOLDING COMPANY AND ULTIMATE HOLDING CORPORATION The Directors regard Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad, a company incorporated in Malaysia as the Company’s holding company and Menteri Besar Selangor (Pemerbadanan),a corporate body formed under Enactment No. 3 of the Menteri Besar Selangor (Incorporation),Enactment 1994 as the Company’s ultimate holding corporation. AUDITORS The auditors,PricewaterhouseCoopers,have expressed their willingness to continue in office. Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors in accordance with their resolution dated 26 April 2004. DATO' HAJI ZABIR BIN BAJURI, DPMS,SSA,KMN,PPT EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN 78 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad DATIN PADUKA JUMA’AH BINTI MOKTAR, DSSA,ASA,PJK MANAGING DIRECTOR KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) STATEMENT BY DIRECTORS PURSUANT TO SECTION 169(15) OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1965 We, Zabir bin Bajuri and Juma’ah binti Moktar, two of the Directors of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad,state that,in the opinion of the Directors,the financial statements set out on pages 81 to 128 are drawn up so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Group and the Company as at 31 December 2003 and of the results and cash flows of the Group and the Company for the financial year ended on that date in accordance with the applicable approved accounting standards in Malaysia and the provisions of the Companies Act,1965. Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors in accordance with their resolution dated 26 April 2004. DATO’ HAJI ZABIR BIN BAJURI, DPMS,SSA,KMN,PPT EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN DATIN PADUKA JUMA’AH BINTI MOKTAR, DSSA,ASA,PJK MANAGING DIRECTOR Shah Alam STATUTORY DECLARATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 169(16) OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1965 I, Wong Yien Kim,the officer primarily responsible for the financial management of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad,do solemnly and sincerely declare that the financial statements set out on pages 81 to 128 are, in my opinion, correct and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the provisions of the Statutory Declarations Act,1960. WONG YIEN KIM,SIS,PPT Subscribed and solemnly declared by the abovenamed Wong Yien Kim at Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia on 26 April 2004,before me. COMMISSIONER FOR OATHS Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 79 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) REPORT OF THE AUDITORS TO THE MEMBERS OF KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Company No. 23737 K) We have audited the financial statements set out on pages 81 to 128.These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s Directors.Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with approved auditing standards in Malaysia.Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining,on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by the Directors,as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion: (a) the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act,1965 and applicable approved accounting standards in Malaysia so as to give a true and fair view of: (i) the matters required by Section 169 of the Companies Act, 1965 to be dealt with in the financial statements;and (ii) the state of affairs of the Group and the Company as at 31 December 2003 and of the results and cash flows of the Group and the Company for the financial year ended on that date; and (b) the accounting and other records and the registers required by the Act to be kept by the Company and by the subsidiaries of which we have acted as auditors have been properly kept in accordance with the provisions of the Act. The name of the subsidiary company of which we have not acted as auditors is indicated in Note 40 to the financial statements. We have considered the financial statements of this subsidiary company and the auditors’ report thereon. We are satisfied that the financial statements of the subsidiaries that have been consolidated with the Company's financial statements are in form and content appropriate and proper for the purposes of the preparation of the consolidated financial statements and we have received satisfactory information and explanations required by us for those purposes. The auditors’ reports on the financial statements of the subsidiaries were not subject to any qualification and did not include any comment made under subsection (3) of Section 174 of the Act. PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS (No.AF:1146) Chartered Accountants THAYAPARAN A/L S.SANGARAPILLAI (No. 2085/09/04 (J)) Partner of the firm 26 April 2004 80 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) INCOME STATEMENTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2003 Group Company Note 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 REVENUE 3 237,634 175,822 12,374 19,324 COST OF SALES 4 (149,740 ) (119,784 ) GROSS PROFIT 87,894 56,038 12,374 15,251 OTHER OPERATING INCOME 20,921 21,651 267,322 43,092 SELLING AND DISTRIBUTION COSTS (4,086 ) (3,222 ) ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES (52,006 ) (43,720 ) (16,491 ) (15,764 ) OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES (14,316 ) (14,559) (2,222 ) (4,938 ) 0 0 (399 ) PROFIT FROM OPERATIONS 5 38,407 16,188 FINANCE COST 7 (23,765 ) (21,602 ) SHARE OF RESULTS OF JOINTLY CONTROLLED ENTITIES 25,000 16,062 0 0 SHARE OF RESULTS OF ASSOCIATES 67,316 72,307 0 0 PROFIT FROM ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION 106,958 82,955 245,650 25,187 (17,288 ) (19,901) (9,495 ) (24,140 ) 69,769 49,320 TAXATION - Company and subsidiaries - associates 260,983 (4,073) (15,333 ) 37,242 (12,055 ) 8 PROFIT FROM ORDINARY ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION MINORITY INTEREST (12,805 ) NET PROFIT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR (4,654 ) 56,964 44,666 EARNINGS PER SHARE (sen): - basic - diluted 9 9 14 N/A 13 N/A DIVIDENDS PER SHARE (sen) 10 2 7 (7,749 ) 0 (9,926) 0 237,901 15,261 0 0 237,901 15,261 2 7 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 81 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) BALANCE SHEETS AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2003 Group Company Note 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 314,655 591,110 753 0 44,092 16,500 0 436,341 57,309 234,532 133,487 2,948 0 16,358 0 0 387,153 59,256 94,776 0 753 0 0 0 410,617 261,562 37,242 95,556 0 2,948 0 0 0 105,506 233,556 40,255 1,460,760 833,734 804,950 477,821 66,657 272,959 360,924 764 31,999 56,389 81,259 341,313 4,009 9,639 0 0 173,753 0 18 110 0 172,933 0 968 733,303 492,609 173,771 174,011 23 513,567 339,773 36,002 59,515 24 24 93,755 68,772 39,074 80,710 34,499 11,607 23,162 231 2,317 15,975 16,877 755 715,168 466,589 61,712 93,122 18,135 26,020 112,059 80,889 1,478,895 859,754 917,009 558,710 208,795 74,614 4,667 332 18,227 51,232 156,997 0 3,677 463 20,161 0 178,291 0 4,667 0 0 0 124,472 0 3,677 0 0 0 357,867 181,298 182,958 128,149 1,121,028 678,456 734,051 430,561 431,404 371,993 100,827 525,339 431,404 302,647 100,827 329,734 Shareholders’ equity 803,397 626,166 734,051 430,561 MINORITY INTEREST 317,631 52,290 0 0 1,121,028 678,456 734,051 430,561 NON CURRENT ASSETS Property, plant and equipment Land held for development Deferred expenditure Club development expenditure Goodwill Amount due from holding company Subsidiaries Associates Other investments CURRENT ASSETS Inventories Development properties Receivables Tax recoverable Deposits,bank and cash balances 20 12 21 22 LESS:CURRENT LIABILITIES Payables Borrowings (interest bearing): - bank overdrafts - others Taxation NET CURRENT ASSETS LESS:NON CURRENT LIABILITIES Borrowings (interest bearing) Long term payables Provision for retirement benefits Sinking fund for maintenance of golf course Advance membership fees Deferred taxation 24 25 26 27 28 29 CAPITAL AND RESERVES Share capital Reserves 82 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 30 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2003 Issued and fully paid ordinary shares of RM1 each Non-distributable Revaluation and other reserves (Note 31 ) RM'000 Number of shares (Note 30 ) '000 Nominal value (Note 30 ) RM'000 Share premium (Note 32 ) RM'000 100,827 0 100,827 0 12,621 0 9,198 0 100,827 100,827 12,621 0 0 0 0 At 31 December 2002 At 1 January 2003 - as previously reported 39 - prior year adjustment Retained earnings RM'000 Total RM'000 8,000 0 465,514 (4,496) 596,160 (4,496) 9,198 8,000 461,018 591,664 0 0 0 44,666 44,666 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (5,082) (5,082) (5,082) (5,082) 100,827 100,827 12,621 9,198 8,000 495,520 626,166 100,827 0 100,827 0 12,621 0 9,198 0 8,000 0 500,513 (4,993) 631,159 (4,993) 100,827 100,827 12,621 9,198 8,000 495,520 626,166 0 0 0 0 0 56,964 56,964 42,974 287,603 0 0 42,974 287,603 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (255,790) 0 0 433,841 0 (365,419) (2,833) Revaluation surplus net of tax - fair value adjustment on earlier piecemeal acquisition 0 0 25,287 0 0 0 25,287 Capital reserve on previously held subsidiaries 0 0 29,391 0 0 0 29,391 431,404 431,404 67,299 0 8,000 296,694 803,397 Note At 1 January 2002: - as previously reported - prior year adjustment - 39 as restated Net profit for the financial year Dividend for the financial year ended: - 31 December 2001 - 31 December 2002 - 10 as restated Net profit for the financial year Issue of shares - Acquisition of subsidiaries - Bonus issue - Capital distribution - Share issue expenses At 31 December 2003 390,867 (31,813 ) (365,419 ) (2,833 ) General reserves RM'000 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 83 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) COMPANY STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2003 Issued and fully paid ordinary shares of RM1 each Non-distributable Number of shares (Note 30 ) '000 Nominal value (Note 30 ) RM'000 Retained earnings (Note 33 ) RM'000 Total RM'000 100,827 100,827 9,198 8,000 307,439 425,464 0 0 0 0 15,261 15,261 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (5,082) (5,082) (5,082 ) (5,082 ) At 31 December 2002 100,827 100,827 9,198 8,000 312,536 430,561 At 1 January 2003 100,827 100,827 9,198 8,000 312,536 430,561 0 0 0 0 237,901 237,901 Issue of shares - Acquisition of subsidiaries - Bonus issue - Capital distribution - Share issue expenses 42,974 287,603 0 0 42,974 287,603 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (255,790) 0 0 433,841 0 (365,419 ) (2,833 ) At 31 December 2003 431,404 431,404 294,647 734,051 Note At 1 January 2002 Net profit for the financial year Dividend for the financial year ended - 31 December 2001 - 31 December 2002 Net profit for the financial year 84 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 10 Share premium (Note 32 ) RM'000 Distributable 390,867 (31,813 ) (365,419 ) (2,833 ) 0 General reserves RM'000 8,000 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2003 Group Note 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 56,964 44,666 23,765 (1,526) 9,671 1,075 1,352 1,755 6,612 (3,458) 11 (389) (2,605) (107) 1,742 57 (1,451) 0 (67,316) (25,000) 12,805 37,189 21,602 (2,557 ) 8,844 307 4,517 635 5,522 (2,782 ) 0 (273 ) (1,165 ) 9 0 0 0 (4,790 ) (72,307) (16,062 ) 4,654 33,635 51,146 24,455 (6,335 ) 22,253 101,719 (177,719) (19,587 ) 4,030 (9,850 ) 5,804 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net profit for the financial year Adjustments for: Interest expense Interest income Depreciation on property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment written off Allowance for diminution in value of other investments Provision for retirement benefits Amortisation of goodwill Amortisation of advance membership fees Club development expenditure written off Dividend income from other investments Gain on disposal of other investments Gain/(loss) on disposal of property, plant and equipment Liquidated ascertained damages Loss on disposal of other investments Writeback of allowance for diminution in value of other investments Writeback of provision for a liability Share of profits in associates Share of profits in jointly controlled entities Minority interest Taxation Changes in working capital: Inventories Development properties Receivables Payables Cash flow from operating activities (8,936) 4,852 Tax paid Proceeds from deferred expenditure Retirement benefits paid (6,179) 0 (765) (7,248 ) (164 ) (435 ) (15,880 ) (2,995 ) Net cash flow from operating activities Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 85 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) Group Note 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 (979) 389 3,642 1,526 (6,148) (34,133) (4,274) 25,000 9,618 306 50 218 4,114 2,557 (1,673 ) (42,000) (12,624 ) 31,050 8,603 2,320 (5,053) (7,385 ) (5,082) 2,440 (23,765) 69,313 (20,487) (5,082 ) 0 (21,602 ) 49,041 (1,532 ) 22,419 20,825 1,486 10,445 (71,876) (82,321 ) (70,390) (71,876) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Acquisition of subsidiaries Dividends received from other investments Dividends received from associates Interest received Purchase of property, plant and equipment Investment in associates Purchase of other investments Income received from jointly controlled entities Proceeds from disposal of other investments Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment 35 Net cash flow from investing activities CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Dividends paid Proceeds from share issue to minority interest Interest paid Draw down of borrowings Repayment of borrowings Net cash flow from financing activities NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF THE FINANCIAL YEAR CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF THE FINANCIAL YEAR 86 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 22 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) COMPANY CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2003 Company Note 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net profit for the financial year Adjustments for: Interest expense Interest income Depreciation on property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment written off Allowance for diminution in value of other investments Writeback of allowance for diminution in value of other investments Impairment of investment in a subsidiary company Provision for retirement benefits Dividends received from other investments Dividends received from associates Gain from disposal of subsidiaries Gain from disposal of other investments Gain from disposal of deferred expenditure Gain on disposal of associates Loss on disposal of other investments Taxation Operating profit before working capital changes Changes in working capital: Inventories Receivables Payables Cash flow from operating activities Tax paid Tax refund Deferred expenditure paid Retirement benefits paid Net cash flow from operating activities 237,901 15,261 15,333 (6,962) 2,852 91 1,352 (1,451) 891 1,755 (300) (5,059) (119,539) (2,605) (16,583) (87,483) 26 7,749 12,055 (3,190) 2,883 2 3,767 0 0 635 (203 ) (5,713) 0 (1,196) 0 0 0 9,926 27,968 34,227 110 6,140 (26,343) (2 ) (12,030) 5,054 7,875 27,249 (5,911) 1,141 (243) (765) (5,459) 0 (164 ) (435 ) 2,097 21,191 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 87 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) COMPANY CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) Company Note 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 Dividends received from other investments Dividends received from subsidiaries Dividends received from associates Interest income Purchase of property, plant and equipment Investment in a subsidiary company Investment in associates Purchase of other investments Proceeds from disposal of other investments Payments of share listing expenses 300 0 3,642 0 (2,163) (5,410) (34,133 ) (4,274) 9,964 0 147 0 4,114 3,190 (453) 0 (42,000) (502 ) 2,498 0 Net cash flow from investing activities (32,074) (33,006) Interest paid Dividend paid Draw down of borrowings Repayment of borrowings Repayment of hire purchase payables (15,333 ) 0 54,050 (16,667) (210 ) (12,055) (5,082) 42,000 0 (188) Net cash flow from financing activities 21,840 24,675 NET (DECREASE)/INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS (8,137 ) 12,860 (15,007) (27,867) (23,144 ) (15,007) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF THE FINANCIAL YEAR CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF THE FINANCIAL YEAR 88 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 22 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 31 DECEMBER 2003 The following accounting policies have been used consistently in dealing with items which are considered material in relation to the financial statements. A BASIS OF PREPARATION The financial statements of the Group and the Company have been prepared under the historical cost convention except as disclosed in this summary of significant accounting policies.The financial statements comply with the applicable approved accounting standards in Malaysia and the provisions of the Companies Act,1965. The new applicable accounting standards adopted in these financial statements are as follows: • • • MASB 25 “Income Taxes” MASB 27 “Borrowing Costs” MASB 29 “Employee Benefits” There are no changes in accounting policy that affect net profit or shareholders’ equity as the Group was already following the recognition and measurement principles in those standards. Comparatives have been adjusted to take into account the requirements of the new accounting standards which the Group has implemented during the financial year. The preparation of financial statements in conformity with the applicable approved accounting standards in Malaysia and the provisions of the Companies Act, 1965 requires the Directors to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reported financial year. Actual results could differ from those estimates. B GROUP ACCOUNTING (i) Subsidiaries Subsidiaries are those companies in which the Group has power to exercise control over the financial and operating policies so as to obtain benefits from their activities. Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date on which control is transferred to the Group and are no longer consolidated from the date that control ceases.Subsidiaries are consolidated using the acquisition method of accounting. Under the acquisition method of accounting, the results of subsidiaries acquired or disposed off are included from the date of acquisition up to the date of disposal.At the date of acquisition,the fair values of the subsidiaries’ net assets are determined and these values are reflected in the consolidated financial statements.The excess of the cost of acquisition over the fair value of the Group’s share of subsidiaries’ identifiable net assets at the date of acquisition is reflected as goodwill on consolidation. See accounting policy Note C on goodwill. Intragroup transactions,balances and unrealised gains on transactions are eliminated;unrealised losses are also eliminated unless these losses cannot be recovered. Where necessary, adjustments are made to the financial statements of subsidiaries to ensure consistency of accounting policies with those of the Group. Minority interest is measured at the minorities’ share of the post acquisition fair values of the identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree. Separate disclosure is made of minority interest. The gain or loss on disposal of a subsidiary is the difference between net disposal proceeds and the Group’s share of its net assets together with any unamortised balance of goodwill and exchange differences that were not previously recognised in the consolidated income statement. (ii) Associates Investments in associates are accounted for in the consolidated financial statements by the equity method of accounting. Associates are enterprises in which the Group exercises significant influence, but which it does not control.Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the associates but not power to exercise control over those policies. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 89 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) B GROUP ACCOUNTING (CONTINUED) (ii) Associates (continued) Equity accounting involves recognising the Group’s share of the results of associates in the income statement and its share of movements within reserves in reserves. The cumulative post acquisition movements are adjusted against the cost of the investment and includes goodwill on acquisition (net of accumulated amortisation). Equity accounting is discontinued when the carrying amount of the investment in an associate reaches zero, unless the Group has incurred obligations or made payments on behalf of the associate. Unrealised gains on transactions between the Group and the associates are eliminated to the extent of the Group’s interest in the associates. Where necessary, in applying the equity method,adjustments are made to the financial statements of the associates to ensure consistency of accounting policies with those of the Group. (iii) Jointly controlled entities Jointly controlled entities are unincorporated entities over which there is contractually agreed sharing of control by the Group with one or more parties. The Group’s interests in jointly controlled entities are accounted for in the consolidated financial statements by the equity method of accounting. Equity accounting involves recognising the Group’s share of the post acquisition results of jointly controlled entities in the income statement and its share of post acquisition movements within reserves in reserves.The cumulative post acquisition movements are adjusted against the cost of the investment and include goodwill on acquisition (net of accumulated amortisation). Equity accounting is discontinued when the carrying amount of the investment in jointly controlled entities reaches zero, unless the Group, has incurred obligation or made payments on behalf of the jointly controlled entities. C GOODWILL Goodwill or capital reserve arising on consolidation (negative goodwill) represents the excess or deficit respective of the cost of acquisition of subsidiaries acquired over the fair value of the Group’s share of their identifiable net assets at the date of acquisition. Goodwill (positive or negative) is amortised or credited to income statement over a period of ten years.At each balance sheet date, the Group assesses whether there is any indication of impairment.If such indications exist,an analysis is performed to assess whether the carrying amount of the asset is fully recoverable. A write down is made if the carrying amount exceeds the recoverable amount. See accounting policy Note K on impairment of assets. The gain or loss on disposal of an entity includes the carrying amount of goodwill relating to the entity disposed of. D INVENTORIES (i) Completed properties Completed properties for sale are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Historical cost includes, where relevant, costs of acquisition of land including all related costs incurred subsequent to the acquisition necessary to prepare the land for its intended use, related development costs to project, direct building costs and other costs of bringing the inventories to their present location and condition. (ii) Food and beverages Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost of food and beverages is determined on a weighted average basis. (iii) Trading inventories Trading inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost is determined on a weighted average basis or on a first-in,first-out method,and comprises cost of purchase and other costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition. Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less all costs to completion and selling expenses. 90 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) E INVESTMENTS Investments in subsidiaries,associated companies and jointly controlled entities are shown at cost. Where an indication of impairment exists, the carrying amount of the investment is assessed and written down immediately to its recoverable amount. See accounting policy Note K on impairment of assets. Investments in other non-current investments are shown at cost and an allowance for diminution in value is made where, in the opinion of the Directors, there is a decline other than temporary in the value of such investments. Where there has been a decline other than temporary in the value of an investment,such a decline is recognised as an expense in the financial year in which the decline is identified. On disposal of an investment,the difference between net disposal proceeds and its carrying amount is charged or credited to the income statement. F LAND HELD FOR DEVELOPMENT AND DEVELOPMENT PROPERTIES Land and development expenditure are classified as development properties when significant development work has been undertaken and is expected to be completed within the normal operating cycle. Development properties are stated at cost plus attributable profits less foreseeable losses and progress billings. Cost includes cost of land, all direct building cost, and other related development expenditure, including interest expenses incurred during the period of active development. Land held for development consists of land held for future development where no significant development has been undertaken and is stated at cost. Cost includes cost of land and attributable development expenditure. Such assets are classified as development properties when significant development work has been undertaken and the development is expected to be completed within the normal operating cycle. G CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS When the outcome of a construction contract can be estimated reliably, contract revenue and contract costs are recognised by using the stage of completion method.The stage of completion is measured by reference to the proportion that contract costs incurred for work performed to date bear to the estimated total costs for the contract. When the outcome of a construction contract cannot be estimated reliably, contract revenue is recognised only to the extent of contract costs incurred that it is probable will be recoverable;contract costs are recognised when incurred. When it is probable that total contract costs will exceed total contract revenue, the expected loss is recognised as an expense immediately. When costs incurred on construction contracts plus recognised profits (less recognised losses),exceeds progress billings,the balance is shown as amounts due from customers on contracts. When progress billings exceed costs incurred plus recognised profits (less recognised losses),the balance is shown as amounts due to customers on contracts. H BORROWINGS Borrowing costs incur red to finance the construction of property, plant and equipment are capitalised as part of the cost of the asset during the period of time that is required to complete and prepare the asset for its intended use. Borrowing costs incurred to finance property development activities and construction contracts are accounted for in a similar manner. All other borrowing costs are expensed. I REVENUE RECOGNITION Development properties (i) Profits from property development consists of profit from the sale of properties both completed and uncompleted. Profit on uncompleted properties contracted for is accrued appropriate to the stage of completion. The stage of completion of the property development activity is measured by the proportion of costs incurred to date bear to the total estimated costs of that property development. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 91 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) I REVENUE RECOGNITION (CONTINUED) Development properties (continued) (ii) Profit from the sale of bungalow lots is recognised based on progress billings made in accordance with the terms of the sale and purchase agreement. (iii) Profit from sale of land is recognised in full upon transfer of risk and rewards. Construction contracts (i) Revenue from construction contracts is recognised based on the percentage of completion method. (ii) Revenue from landscaping contracts is recognised based on the percentage of completion method. All anticipated losses are fully provided for. Licence and membership fees A fixed quantum of the golfing licence fees and the non-golfing membership fees which approximates 11% of the total fees is recognised as initial annual fee in the year the golf course and club recreational facilities are ready for use or in the year the membership is accepted in cases where the membership is accepted after the golf course and club recreational facilities are ready for use. The balance is recognised on a fixed annualised amount on a straight line basis over the term of the membership. Trading Revenue represents the sale of industrial and building products and is recognised upon delivery of products and customer acceptance. Hotel revenue Revenue from food,beverages,sports and recreation are recognised upon the services being rendered. Other revenues Other revenues/income earned by the Group are recognised on the following bases: J (i) Dividend income is recognised when the Group’s right to receive payment is established. (ii) Rental and interest income are recognised on an accrual basis. (iii) Income arising from the joint de velopment of land with a third party pursuant to an agreement is recognised on an accrual basis. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. Freehold land is not depreciated as it has an infinite life. Leasehold land and golf course are amortised in equal instalments over the period of the lease of 99 years. Other property, plant and equipment are depreciated on a straight line basis to write off the cost of each asset over its estimated useful life at the following annual rates: % Buildings Golf course Motor vehicles Furniture, fittings and equipment and hotel renovations 92 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 2 to 4 1 20 10 to 50 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) J PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (CONTINUED) Hotel operating equipment,which comprises glassware, chinaware, silverware, linen, crockery and uniforms are stated at cost and are capitalised at the optimum level for normal operations. Any subsequent replacement of such equipment are written off to the income statement in the year in which it is incurred. At each balance sheet date, the Group assesses whether there is any indication of impairment. If such indications exist, an analysis is performed to assess whether the carrying amount of the asset is fully recoverable.A write down is made if the carrying amount exceeds the recoverable amount.See accounting policy Note K on impairment of assets. Gains and losses on disposals are determined by comparing proceeds with carrying amount and are included in profit/(loss) from operations. Repairs and maintenance are charged to the income statement during the period in which they are incurred. The cost of major renovations is included in the carrying amount of the asset when it is probable that future economic benefits in excess of the originally assessed standard of performance of the existing asset will flow to the Group. Major renovations are depreciated over the remaining useful life of the related asset. K IMPAIRMENT OF ASSETS Property, plant and equipment and other non-current assets,including intangible assets, are reviewed for impairment losses whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. Impairment loss is recognised for the amount by which the carrying amount of the asset exceeds its recoverable amount.The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s net selling price and value in use. For the purpose of assessing impairment, assets are grouped at the lowest level for which there is separately identifiable cash flows. The impairment loss is charged to the income statement and any subsequent increase in recoverable amount is recognised in the income statement. L TRADE RECEIVABLES Trade receivables are carried at anticipated realisable value. An estimate is made for doubtful debts based on a review of all outstanding amounts at the financial year end.Known bad debts are written off and specific allowance is made for any debts considered to be doubtful of collection. M DEFERRED EXPENDITURE Deferred expenditure consists of land premium and other land related costs.These expenditure would be expensed off upon disposal of land. N INCOME TAXES Current tax expense is determined according to the tax laws in which the Group operates and include all taxes based upon the taxable profits,and real property gains taxes payable on disposal of properties. Deferred tax is recognised in full,using the liability method,on temporary differences arising between the amounts attributed to assets and liabilities for tax purposes and their carrying amounts in the financial statements. Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences or unused tax losses can be utilised. Deferred tax is recognised on temporary differences arising on investments in subsidiaries,associates and joint ventures except where the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference can be controlled and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. Tax rates enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date are used to determine deferred tax. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 93 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) O EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Short term employee benefits Wages,salaries,paid annual leave, bonuses and non-monetary benefits are accrued in the financial year in which the associated services are rendered by employees of the Group. Post employment benefits The Company established a defined benefit retirement scheme, the "Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad Retirement Scheme",which is an approved defined benefits scheme under Section 150 of the Income Tax Act, 1967.A defined benefit retirement scheme is a pension plan that defines an amount of pension benefit to be provided,usually as a function of one or more factors such as age, years of service or compensation. (i) Defined contribution plans The Group’s contributions to defined contribution plans are charged to the income statement in the period to which they relate . Once the contributions have been paid,the Group has no further payment obligations. (ii) Defined benefit plans The liability in respect of a defined benefit plan is the present value of the defined benefit obligation at the balance sheet date minus the fair value of plan assets,together with adjustments for actuarial gains/losses and past service cost.The Group determines the present value of the defined benefit obligation and the fair value of any plan assets with sufficient regularity such that the amounts recognised in the financial statements do not differ materially from the amounts that would be determined at the balance sheet date. The defined benefit obligation, calculated using the projected unit credit method, is determined by independent actuaries, considering estimated future cash outflows using market yields at balance sheet date of government securities which have currency and terms to maturity approximating the terms of the related liability. Plan assets in excess of the defined benefit obligation are subject to the asset limitation specified in MASB 29. Actuarial gains and losses arise from experience adjustments and changes in actuarial assumptions.The amount of net actuarial gains and losses recognised in the income statement is determined by the corridor method in accordance with MASB 29 and is charged or credited to income when recognised. P LEASES (i) Finance leases – Hire purchase Leases of property, plant and equipment where the Group assumes substantially all the benefits and risks of ownership are classified as finance leases. Finance leases are capitalised at the inception of the lease at the lower of the fair value of the leased property or the present value of the minimum lease payments. Each lease payment is allocated between the liability and finance charges so as to achieve a constant rate of interest on the balance outstanding.The corresponding rental obligations,net of finance charges,are included in borrowings.The interest element of the finance charge is charged to income statement over the lease period. Property, plant and equipment acquired under finance leases are depreciated over the estimated useful life of the asset and the lease term. (ii) Operating leases Leases of assets where a significant portion of the risks and rewards of ownership are retained by the lessor are classified as operating leases.Payments made under operating leases (net of any incentives received from the lessor) are charged to the income statement on the straight line basis over the lease period. 94 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) Q SINKING FUND In accordance to a trust deed executed by a subsidiary company, a sinking fund trust account is established and a minimum of 10% of the monthly subscription payable by the members of Perangsang Templer Golf Club is remitted to the trust account on the last day of each month. The funds can only be utilised to cover the cost of periodic major repairs,maintenance, refurbishment and/or replacement of Perangsang Templer Golf Club which cost more than RM25,000. Repairs, maintenance, refurbishment and/or replacement which cost less than RM25,000 shall be borne by the subsidiary company unless otherwise agreed upon between the Trustee and the subsidiary company. R ADVANCE MEMBERSHIP FEES Advance membership fees which represents the non-refundable entrance fees received from the club members,are amortised in equal instalments over a period of 10 to 15 years. S CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS For the purpose of the cash flow statements,cash and cash equivalents comprise cash in hand, demand deposits, bank overdrafts and short term,highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value . T FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (i) Financial instruments recognised on the balance sheet The particular recognition methods adopted for financial instruments recognised on the balance sheet are disclosed in individual policy statements associated with each item. (ii) Fair value estimation for disclosure purposes In assessing the fair value of financial instruments,the Group uses a variety of methods and makes assumptions that are based on market conditions existing at each balance sheet date.The fair value of publicly traded securities is based on quoted market prices at the balance sheet date. Quoted market prices of specific or similar instruments are used for long term debt.The fair value of financial liabilities is estimated by discounting the future contractual cash flows at the current market interest rate available to the Group for similar financial instruments. The face values of financial assets and liabilities with a maturity period of less than one year are assumed to reflect their fair values. U DIVIDENDS Interim dividends on ordinary shares are recognised as liabilities when declared by the Directors and final dividends when approved by shareholders. V SEGMENT REPORTING Segment reporting is presented for enhanced assessment of the Group’s risk and returns. Business segments provide products or services that are subject to risk and returns that are different from those of other business segments. Segment revenue, expense, assets and liabilities are those amounts resulting from the operating activities of a segment that are directly attributable to the segment and the relevant portion that can be allocated on a reasonable basis to the segment. Segment r evenue, expense, assets and liabilities are determined before intragroup balances and intragroup transactions are eliminated as part of the consolidation process,except to the extent that such intragroup balances and transactions are between group enterprises,within a single segment. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 95 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 1 GENERAL INFORMATION The principal activity of the Company is investment holding.The principal activities of the subsidiaries are set out in Note 40 to the financial statements. The number of employees at the end of the financial year amounted to 964 (2002: 608) employees in the Group and 54 (2002: 197) employees in the Company. The immediate holding company of the Group is Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad, a company incorporated in Malaysia, and the ultimate holding corporation is Menteri Besar Selangor (Pemerbadanan),a corporate body formed under Enactment No.3 of the Menteri Besar Selangor (Incorporation),Enactment 1994. The Company is a limited liability compan y, incorporated and domiciled in Malaysia. The address of the registered office and principal place of business of the Company is as follows: 16th Floor, Plaza Perangsang Persiaran Perbandaran 40000 Shah Alam Selangor Darul Ehsan 2 FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES The Group financial risk management policy seeks to ensure that adequate financial resources are available for the development of the Group’s businesses whilst managing its interest rate, foreign exchange, credit,liquidity and cash flow risks.The Group operates within clearly defined guidelines that are approved by the Board and the Group’s policy is not to engage in speculative transactions. (a) Interest rate risk The Group is exposed to interest rate risk in respect of its fixed deposits placed with financial institutions, rate changes on interest bearing bank borrowings,long term loans and intercompany indebtedness. The Group actively reviews its debt portfolio, taking into account the investment holding period and nature of its assets and strives to obtain cheaper funding whenever possible. (b) Foreign exchange risk The Group operates predominantly in Ringgit Malaysia and as such,is not exposed to foreign exchange risk. (c) Liquidity and cash flow risks The Group practices prudent liquidity risk management to minimise the mismatch of financial assets and liabilities and to maintain sufficient credit facilities for contingent funding requirement of working capital. In addition, the Group strives to maintain available banking facilities at a reasonable level to its overall debt position.As far as possible, the Group raises committed funding from both capital markets and financial institutions and prudently balances its portfolio with some short term funding so as to achieve overall cost effectiveness. (d) Credit risk Credit risks, or the risk of counter-parties defaulting, are controlled by the application of credit approvals,limits and monitoring procedures. Credit risks are minimised and monitored via strictly limiting the Group’s associations to business partners with an appropriate credit history.Trade receivables are monitored on an on-going basis via Group management reporting procedures. 96 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 3 REVENUE Group Rental income Dividend income (gross) - associates - other quoted investment Sales of development properties and land Sale of goods Hotel services rendered Licence and membership fees of golf club and recreational facilities income Contract revenue Fees from property management Others 4 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 5,855 6,239 6,920 6,239 0 0 131,659 56,154 22,310 0 0 72,734 30,559 18,982 5,059 300 0 0 0 5,713 203 0 0 7,073 9,328 9,862 1,651 815 9,373 36,276 906 753 0 0 0 95 0 0 0 96 237,634 175,822 12,374 19,324 76,232 49,597 14,753 8,291 867 46,089 27,441 13,422 32,708 124 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,073 0 0 149,740 119,784 0 4,073 6,612 418 19 11 5,522 281 23 0 0 71 10 0 0 55 0 0 296 761 292 0 285 731 205 0 9,671 0 1,075 57 55 1,755 519 0 1,352 1,742 8,844 9 307 0 107 635 75 0 4,517 0 2,852 0 91 26 23 1,755 0 891 1,352 0 2,883 0 2 0 18 635 0 0 3,767 0 COST OF SALES Development costs Costs of inventories sold Food,beverage and room services Contract costs Others 5 Company PROFIT FROM OPERATIONS Profit from operations is arrived at: After charging: Amortisation of goodwill Auditors' remuneration Other non-audit fees Club development expenditure written off Directors’ remuneration: - fees - other emoluments Property, plant and equipment: - depreciation - loss on disposal - written off Loss on disposal of other investments Hire of plant and machiner y Provision for retirement benefits Rent of land and buildings Impairment of investment in a subsidiary company Allowance for diminution in value of other investments Liquidated ascertained damages Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 97 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 5 PROFIT FROM OPERATIONS (CONTINUED) Group And crediting: Dividend income (gross) from other investments Interest income Gain from disposal of property, plant and equipment Gain on disposal: - Other investments - Investment in subsidiaries - Investment in associates - Deferred expenditure Rental income Write back of allowance for diminution in value of other investments Amortisation of advance membership fees Writeback of provision for a liability Income arising from the joint de velopment of land Income from jointly controlled entities Company 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 389 1,526 107 273 2,557 0 0 6,962 0 0 3,190 0 2,605 0 0 0 1,876 1,451 3,458 0 1,500 25,000 1,165 0 0 0 1,475 0 2,782 4,790 2,932 16,062 2,605 119,539 87,483 16,583 0 1,451 0 0 1,500 25,000 1,196 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,932 31,050 Included in share issue expenses charged against the share premium reserve of the Group and the Company is other non-audit fee amounting to RM607,285 (2002:Nil). Group Company Included in staff cost (including remuneration of executive directors) recognised as an expense during the financial year is as follows: - wages,salaries and bonus - defined contribution retirement plan - defined benefit retirement plan 6 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 24,276 2,699 1,755 21,959 2,483 635 5,138 632 1,755 6,506 758 635 DIRECTORS’ REMUNERATION The Directors of the Company in office during the financial year were as follows: YBhg Dato' Haji Zabir bin Bajuri,DPMS,SSA, KMN,PPT YBhg Dato' Haji Azlan bin Hashim,DSSA,DSNS YBhg Dato' Haji Ab. Halim bin Mohyiddin,DPMS YBhg Datin Paduka Juma’ah binti Moktar, DSSA,ASA,PJK YBhg Dato’ Mohd Karim bin Haji Abdullah Omar, DSSA,DPMT, SMS,SMT YBhg Dato’ Haji Sumadi bin Haji Ismail,DPTJ,JP YB Senator Dato’ Ikhwan Salim bin Dato’ Sujak,DSIS,PJK YBhg Dato’ Dr. Haji Karim bin Haji Mansor, DPMS,ASA,PJK YB Dato’ Ahmad Bhari bin Abd.Rahman,DSSA,PPT, JP YBhg Dato’ Yip Kam Chong,DSSA,AMS The aggregate amount of emoluments receivable by Directors of the Company during the financial year is disclosed in Note 5. Directors options Executive Directors of the Company have been granted options under the Employee Share Option Scheme on the same terms and conditions as those offered to other employees of the Group (see Note 30(c)) as follows: Grant date Expiry date 12.8.2003 29.7.2008 98 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad Execise price RM/share 1.62 Number of options over ordinary shares of RM1.00 each in the Company At At 1.1.2003 Granted Terminated Exercised 31.12.2003 0 2,535,000 0 0 2,535,000 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 7 FINANCE COST Group Interest expense: - holding company - term loan - bank overdraft and short term borrowings - hire purchase - others 8 Company 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 0 15,598 6,629 109 1,429 1,612 10,024 9,801 87 78 0 13,471 1,752 51 59 0 9,716 2,267 72 0 23,765 21,602 15,333 12,055 TAXATION Taxation charge for the financial year In respect of the current financial year Malaysian income tax Deferred taxation (Note 29) 19,234 (182) 9,599 (149) 7,775 0 9,926 0 19,052 9,450 7,775 9,926 In respect of (over)/under accruals in prior financial years Malaysian income tax (1,789) 45 (26) 0 Real property gains tax 17,263 25 9,495 0 7,749 0 9,926 0 Share of tax of associates 17,288 19,901 9,495 24,140 7,749 0 9,926 0 37,189 33,635 7,749 9,926 The explanation of the relationship between tax expense and profit from ordinary activities before tax is as follows: Group Company 2003 % 2002 % 2003 % 2002 % Malaysian tax rate 28 28 28 28 Tax effects of: - expenses not deductible for tax purposes - income not subject to tax - previously unrecognised tax losses - movement in deferred tax assets not provided - current year tax loss not recognised Over accrual in prior years 14 (2) (1) (3) 1 (2) 20 (1 ) (8 ) 1 1 0 1 (26) 0 0 0 0 10 (2) 3 0 0 0 Tax expense 35 41 3 39 Numerical reconciliation between the average effective tax rate and the Malaysian tax rate . Included in income tax expense of the Group and Company are tax savings amounting to RM5,075,176 (2002: 5,574,772) and RM5,075,176 (2002:RM5,574,772) respectively from utilisation of current year tax losses. Tax savings during the financial year due to the recognition of previously unrecognised tax losses amounted to RM799,000 (2002:RM6,201,000). Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 99 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 9 EARNINGS PER SHARE Basic earnings per share of the Group is calculated by dividing the net profit for the financial year by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the financial year. Group 2003 2002 Net profit for the financial year (RM'000) Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue ('000) Basic earnings per share (sen) 56,964 409,917 14 44,666 356,617 13 As mentioned in Note 30(c), the Company has outstanding options granted during the financial year pursuant to the Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad Employee Share Option Scheme, to subscribe for 8,198,300 ordinary shares at RM1.62 each.In accordance with the provisions laid down by Malaysian Accounting Standards Board No. 13,Earnings Per Share, share options are dilutive when they are issued for no consideration or where a portion of the outstanding share options are deemed dilutive in situations where the exercisable price of the options is below its fair value. Since the exercisable price of the options is above the fair value of the Company’s shares for the current financial year, the option is deemed non-dilutive. As such,the options have no dilution effect on the earnings per share of the Group for the current financial year. 10 DIVIDENDS Dividends paid or declared for the financial year ended 31 December 2003 are as follows: Gross dividend per share sen 2003 Amount of dividend net of 28% tax RM'000 Gross dividend per share sen 2002 Amount of dividend net of 28% tax RM'000 0 2 0 6,212 7 0 5,082 0 2 6,212 7 5,082 Interim dividends paid Final dividends proposed At the forthcoming Annual General Meeting,final gross dividends in respect of the financial year ended 31 December 2003 of 2 sen per share (31.12.2002:Nil),less income tax of 28%,amounting to RM6,212,217 will be proposed for shareholders’ approval. 11 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Furniture, fittings and equipment and hotel renovations RM’000 Freehold land RM’000 Long leasehold land RM’000 Net book value At 1 January 2003 Acquisition of subsidiaries (Note 35) Additions Written off Disposal Depreciation charge for the year At 31 December 2003 1,820 4,794 0 0 0 0 6,614 45,484 394 1,360 (143) 0 (642) 46,453 159,085 74,731 517 (404) (199) (3,933) 229,797 13,341 0 0 0 0 (157) 13,184 1,110 958 111 0 0 (617) 1,562 13,692 4,043 4,160 (528) 0 (4,322) 17,045 234,532 84,920 6,148 (1,075) (199) (9,671) 314,655 At 31 December 2003 Cost Accumulated depreciation Net book value 6,614 0 6,614 50,704 (4,251) 46,453 253,416 (23,619) 229,797 15,547 (2,363) 13,184 7,459 (5,897 ) 1,562 58,919 (41,874) 17,045 392,659 (78,004 ) 314,655 At 31 December 2002 Cost Accumulated depreciation Net book value 1,820 0 1,820 49,089 (3,605 ) 45,484 173,132 (14,047 ) 159,085 15,547 (2,206) 13,341 4,510 (3,400 ) 1,110 45,611 (31,919) 13,692 289,709 (55,177) 234,532 Group 100 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad Buildings RM’000 Golf course RM’000 Motor vehicles RM’000 Total RM’000 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 11 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (CONTINUED) Company Long leasehold land RM’000 Buildings RM’000 Office equipment, furniture and fittings RM’000 Motor vehicles RM’000 Total RM’000 Net book value At 1 January 2003 Additions Written off Depreciation charge for the year 14,787 0 0 (175 ) 75,585 238 0 (1,615 ) 4,677 1,925 (91) (797 ) 507 0 0 (265 ) 95,556 2,163 (91) (2,852) At 31 December 2003 14,612 74,208 5,714 242 94,776 At 31 December 2003 Cost Accumulated depreciation 15,640 (1,028 ) 80,762 (6,554) 12,212 (6,498 ) Net book value 14,612 74,208 5,714 At 31 December 2002 Cost Accumulated depreciation 15,640 (853) 80,524 (4,939) 11,108 (6,431 ) Net book value 14,787 75,585 4,677 1,796 (1,554) 242 1,796 (1,289) 507 110,410 (15,634) 94,776 109,068 (13,512) 95,556 Included in the net book value is an amount of RM1,615,778 (2002:RM1,056,061) in respect of assets held under finance lease and hire purchase agreements. Certain long leasehold land and buildings of the Group and the Company with carrying value amounting to RM163,002,865 (2002: RM158,382,722) and RM83,134,958 (2002:RM84,824,884) respectively, are pledged for credit facilities (Note 24). 12 LAND HELD FOR DEVELOPMENT AND DEVELOPMENT PROPERTIES Current: At cost: Freehold land Leasehold land Development expenditure Add:Attributable profits Less:Progress billings 2003 RM'000 Group 2002 RM'000 23,735 312,561 1,424,208 0 33,789 349,211 1,760,504 311,036 (1,798,581) 383,000 43,608 (345,349) 272,959 81,259 60,000 247,622 283,488 0 118,410 15,077 591,110 133,487 Non current: At cost: Freehold land Leasehold land Development expenditure Certain titles to the leasehold land of the Group will be transferred to a subsidiary company by the State Secretary Selangor (Incorporated) and Yayasan Selangor, upon full settlement of the purchase consideration. Certain development properties of the Group have been pledged for banking facilities granted to its subsidiaries (Note 24). Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 101 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 13 DEFERRED EXPENDITURE Group Land premium Other land related costs Company 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 753 0 2,064 884 753 0 2,064 884 753 2,948 753 2,948 Deferred expenditure consists of land premium and other land related costs paid for four parcels of land.These deferred expenditure would be charged to the income statement to determine the gain and loss upon disposal of the land. 14 CLUB DEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURE Group 2003 RM'000 At 1 January Acquisition of subsidiaries (Note 35) Write off during the year 2002 RM'000 0 11 (11) 0 0 0 0 0 At 31 December 15 GOODWILL Goodwill on consolidation: At 1 January Acquisition of subsidiaries (Note 35) Amortisation of goodwill Transfer to capital reserve 16,358 35,213 (6,612) (867) 21,922 (42 ) (5,522 ) 0 At 31 December 44,092 16,358 81,651 (37,559) 47,305 (30,947 ) 44,092 16,358 At 31 December Cost Less:Accumulated amortisation 16 AMOUNT DUE FROM HOLDING COMPANY Amount due from holding company is as follows: Group Non current Current 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 16,500 2,920 0 0 19,420 0 The amount is unsecured,interest free and fully repayable by 31 December 2008 in five instalments commenced in financial year 2003. The fair value of the amount due from holding company at the balance sheet is approximately RM14,679,890. 102 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 17 SUBSIDIARIES Company 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 Quoted shares in Malaysia 396,923 73,394 Unquoted shares at cost Less:Accumulated impairment losses 78,576 (64,882 ) 96,103 (63,991) 13,694 32,112 410,617 105,506 173,393 44,932 Market value The Group's equity interests in the subsidiaries and their respective principal activities are shown in Note 40 to the financial statements. 18 ASSOCIATES Group Cost of investment: Quoted shares Unquoted shares Less:Accumulated impairment losses Share of post acquisition reser ves Market value Company 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 47,886 47,886 47,886 47,886 232,763 (7,310 ) 196,700 (9,710 ) 220,986 (7,310 ) 192,980 (7,310) 225,453 186,990 213,676 185,670 273,339 163,002 234,876 152,277 261,562 0 233,556 0 436,341 387,153 261,562 233,556 98,674 84,482 98,674 84,482 443,837 (7,496) 396,904 (9,751) 436,341 387,153 Represented by: Share of net tangible assets Negative goodwill,net The Group's equity interests in the associates and their respective principal activities are shown in Note 41 to the financial statements. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 103 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 19 OTHER INVESTMENTS Group Company 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 At cost: Quoted shares: Shares in corporations,in Malaysia Unit trusts,in Malaysia 42,243 300 43,415 250 40,886 100 43,412 100 Less:Allowance for diminution in value 42,543 (4,957) 43,665 (3,760) 40,986 (4,244) 43,512 (3,757 ) 37,586 39,905 36,742 39,755 17,484 (1,510) 40,738 (25,136) 10 (10) 15,974 15,602 0 0 Unquoted shares Less:Allowance for diminution in value Club memberships Less:Allowance for diminution in value Market values: Quoted shares Unit trusts 596 (596 ) 3,869 (120) 3,869 (120) 500 0 500 0 3,749 3,749 500 500 57,309 59,256 37,242 40,255 33,645 375 26,049 260 32,423 125 26,048 104 34,020 26,309 32,548 26,152 Certain other investments of the Group and the Company have been pledged for credit facilities (Note 24). The carrying value at the balance sheet date of these investments approximated their fair value . It was not practicable within the constraints of timeliness and cost to estimate reliably the fair values of investments in unquoted companies. 20 INVENTORIES Group At cost: Completed properties Trading inventories Consumables Food and beverages At net realisable value: Completed properties Trading inventories Company 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 47,636 2,274 213 100 38,440 1,162 326 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 110 0 50,223 39,977 0 110 16,412 22 16,412 0 0 0 0 0 66,657 56,389 0 110 Certain inventories of the Group amounting to RM25,757,515 (2002: RM15,084,850) are pledged for credit facilities granted to its subsidiaries (Note 24). 104 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 21 RECEIVABLES Group Company 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 307,099 (44,109) 211,897 (43,496) 29,545 (465) 34,521 (707) 262,990 168,401 29,080 33,814 Amounts due from customers on contract (Note 34) Advances Prepayments Deposits Other receivables 844 2,118 212 5,817 79,155 823 91 160 12,854 46,724 0 1,160 0 414 26,569 0 88 0 453 30,436 Less:Allowance for doubtful debts 88,146 (1,922) 60,652 (1,843) 28,143 (83) 30,977 (83) 86,224 58,809 28,060 30,894 0 0 0 0 142,393 (26,132) 67,507 (26,059) 0 0 116,261 41,448 Amount due from holding company Amounts due from associates Amounts due from other related companies 3,340 10,644 2,456 4,371 851 108,881 0 248 104 4,368 851 61,558 Less:Allowance for doubtful debts 16,440 (4,730) 114,103 0 352 0 66,777 0 11,710 114,103 352 66,777 360,924 341,313 173,753 172,933 Trade receivables Less:Allowance for doubtful debts Amounts due from subsidiaries Less:Allowance for doubtful debts (i) (ii) 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 Included under trade receivables of the Group is: (a) An amount of RM5.04 million, representing long outstanding receivables due from certain directors of an indirect subsidiary company in respect of their purchases of certain completed units. No allowance for non-collection of the outstanding receivables has been made in the financial statements of the Group as the Directors of the Group are confident that the receivables are collectible . (b) An amount receivable from debtors amounting to RM54.8 million of a subsidiary company in relation to joint venture development projects. Included under other receivables of the Group is: (a) An amount of RM22,546,000 representing the balance of deposits of RM25,468,000 paid by an indirect subsidiary company to a third party for the purchase of a piece of land.As a result of non-fulfilment of the conditions precedent, the Sale and Purchase Agreement was rendered null and void. The subsidiary company then filed a legal suit against the said third party, pursuant to the terms of the Sale and Purchase Agreement, to recover the full amount of RM25,468,000 paid. In 2001, the High Court dismissed the subsidiary company’s claim and ordered an amount of RM7,546,800 to be forfeited to the said third party, together with interest payment of RM415,147. However, the said third party disputed the said judgement and appealed for the full amount of RM25,468,000 to be forfeited.The subsidiary company cross-appealed to the Court of Appeal for the reversal of the said judgement and seeked full recovery of the amount paid of RM25,468,000. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 105 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 21 RECEIVABLES (CONTINUED) The subsidiary company subsequently applied and obtained an order from the High Court for the release of the sum of RM19,320,673 previously paid into court.An amount of the principal portion of RM2,922,000 has been released to the subsidiary company to date. No allowance for the doubtful recovery of the deposit has been made in the financial statements of the Group in respect of the amount forfeited of RM7,546,800 as the Directors of the Company, as advised by the subsidiary company’s solicitors,are confident that the subsidiary company will succeed in its appeal. The Group’s normal trade credit term ranges from 30 to 120 days (2002: 30 to 120 days). Other credit terms are assessed and approved on a case by case basis. Other than the above, the Group has no significant concentration of credit risk that may arise from exposures to a single debtor or to groups of debtors and management believes that no additional credit risk beyond amounts provided for collection losses is inherent in the Group’s receivables. The amount due from holding company is unsecured, bears interest of Nil% (2002: 8.3%) per annum and has no fixed terms of repayments. The amounts due from other related companies and associates are unsecured,interest free and has no fixed terms of repayments The amounts due from subsidiaries are unsecured,bear interest of 8% (2002:8%) per annum and have no fixed terms of repayment. Receivables are all denominated in Ringgit Malaysia. 22 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Group Company 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 9,809 652 1,296 150 0 0 23 0 Cash and bank balances 10,461 17,015 1,446 7,650 0 18 23 945 Housing Development Accounts Sinking Fund Account 27,476 4,459 64 9,096 543 0 18 0 0 968 0 0 Deposits,bank and cash balances 31,999 9,639 18 968 (93,755) (8,634) (80,710) (805) (23,162) 0 (15,975) 0 (70,390) (71,876) (23,144) (15,007 ) Deposits with licensed banks Deposits with licensed finance companies Less: Bank overdrafts (Note 24) Fixed deposits pledged Certain deposits with licensed banks of the Group amounting to RM8,634,000 (2002: RM805,000) have been pledged for bank guarantee facilities taken by certain subsidiaries. The carrying amounts of deposits,bank and cash balances of the Group and Company at the balance sheet date approximated their fair values. 106 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 22 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS (CONTINUED) The currency exposure profile of deposits,bank and cash balances is as follows: Group - Ringgit Malaysia - Others Company 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 31,999 0 9,587 52 18 0 968 0 31,999 9,639 18 968 The weighted average interest rates per annum of deposits that were effective at the end of financial year were as follows: Group Deposit with licensed banks Deposit with licensed finance companies Company 2003 % 2002 % 2003 % 2002 % 3.21 3.14 2.86 3.20 0 0 4.00 0 Deposits of the Group and Company have an average maturity of 36 days (2002:30 days). The Housing Development Account held under Housing Development Account (opened and maintained under Section 7A of the Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Act 1966). 23 PAYABLES Group Company 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 Trade payables 321,877 263,412 22,222 47,639 Amounts due to customers on contract (Note 34) Accruals Advances received Liquidated ascertained damages Other payables 4,267 23,075 14,892 29,344 109,080 4,003 19,453 853 0 47,656 0 2,209 0 0 21 0 1,638 41 0 1,719 180,658 71,965 2,230 3,398 7,828 0 1,928 1,276 4,175 0 0 221 3,784 5,581 2,176 9 4,165 3,635 0 678 11,032 4,396 11,550 8,478 513,567 339,773 36,002 59,515 Amount due to holding company Amounts due to subsidiaries Amounts due to associates Amounts due to other related companies Payables are all denominated in Ringgit Malaysia. Amounts due to holding company, associates and other related companies are unsecured, interest free and have no fixed terms of repayment. Amounts due to subsidiaries are unsecured and bears interest at 5% (2002:Nil) per annum and have no fixed terms of repayment. The normal trade credit terms granted to the Group ranges from 30 to 90 days (2002:30 to 90 days). Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 107 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 24 BORROWINGS (INTEREST BEARING) Group Company 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 Bank overdrafts (Note 22) 93,755 80,710 23,162 15,975 Bankers acceptance Term loans Revolving credit Al-Bai Bithaman Ajil financing Hire purchase payables 7,211 32,791 21,730 6,434 606 5,409 14,466 10,220 4,041 363 0 0 0 0 231 0 16,667 0 0 210 68,772 34,499 231 16,877 162,527 115,209 23,393 32,852 207,990 805 156,243 754 178,083 208 124,033 439 208,795 156,997 178,291 124,472 Total 371,322 272,206 201,684 157,324 Secured: Bank overdrafts Term loans Revolving credits Al-Bai Bithaman Ajil financing Hire purchase payables 31,665 240,781 21,730 6,434 1,411 19,971 170,709 0 4,041 1,117 23,162 178,083 0 0 439 15,475 140,700 0 0 649 302,021 195,838 201,684 156,824 62,090 0 7,211 60,739 10,220 5,409 0 0 0 500 0 0 69,301 76,368 0 500 371,322 272,206 201,684 157,324 Current: Non-current: Term loans Hire purchase payables Unsecured: Bank overdrafts Revolving credits Bankers acceptance Total 108 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 24 BORROWINGS (INTEREST BEARING) (CONTINUED) Group Company 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 748 927 445 850 260 216 260 477 Future finance charges 1,675 (264) 1,295 (178) 476 (37) 737 (88) Less:Current 1,411 (606) 1,117 (363) 439 (231) 649 (210) Non current 805 754 208 439 Hire purchase payables: Payable within one year Payable between one to five years Weighted average effective interest rates per annum were as follows: Group Bank overdrafts Bankers acceptance Term loans Revolving credits Hire purchase payables Company 2003 % 2002 % 2003 % 2002 % 7.58 6.43 7.63 5.35 5.72 7.27 6.42 7.91 6.80 6.10 6.84 0 7.50 0 5.25 7.22 0 7.90 0 5.25 Estimated fair values The carrying amounts of bank overdrafts,bankers acceptance, term loans and revolving credits,at the balance sheet date approximated their fair values.The fair values of other borrowings at the balance sheet date are as follows: Group Company Carrying amount RM'000 Fair value RM'000 Carrying amount RM'000 Fair value RM'000 805 758 208 198 754 699 439 405 2003 Hire purchase payables 2002 Hire purchase payables Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 109 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 24 BORROWINGS (INTEREST BEARING) (CONTINUED) (i) The bank overdraft facilities are secured by way of: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (ii) certain quoted shares of the Group and the Company (Note 19), certain buildings (Note 11) and development properties (Note 12) of the Group , certain inventories of the Group (Note 20), corporate guarantees from the Group and the Company;and a negative pledge over a subsidiary company’s present and future fixed and floating assets. Short term financing obtained by a subsidiary company under the Islamic principle of Al-Bai Bithaman Ajil amounted to RM6,434,100 (2002:RM4,041,000). The short term financing is secured by the following: (a) (b) First fixed legal charge over certain development properties of the Group (Note 12). Corporate guarantee by a subsidiary company. (iii) Revolving credits are secured by way of first legal charge over certain portion of the development properties of the Group (Note 12). (iv) Included in term loans are the following: (a) A private debt securities raised by a subsidiary company consisting of RM46 million (2002: RMNil) in Murabahah Notes Issuance Facility ("MUNIF") from a licensed financial institution.The MUNIF was drawn down in 5 tranches and was issued at a discounted value of RM54.2 million based on a three-monthly maturity period.The difference between the nominal value and the discounted value of the Notes are taken up in the financial statements as interest expense over the period of the facility of three months.The MUNIF facility is available for a period of 36 months. The MUNIF is secured by the following: (i) Memorandum of charges over all operating bank accounts of the immediate holding company of the subsidiary in which proceeds of sales are deposited, (ii) Deed of assignment of all sales and end-financing proceeds from the residential development project of the Group, (iii) Debenture creating a fixed and floating charge over certain assets of the said subsidiary;and (iv) Third party Al-Kafalah corporate guarantee by the subsidiary company. (b) The other term loans are secured over certain long leasehold land and buildings (Note 11) and inventories (Note 20) of the Group. 25 LONG TERM PAYABLES Group Trade payables Amount due to holding company 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 9,084 65,530 0 0 74,614 0 The amount due to holding company is unsecured,interest free and is not repayable within 12 months. The fair values of the amount due to holding company and trade payables are not disclosed as it is not practicable within the constraint of costs and timeliness to determine its fair value with sufficient reliability. 110 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 26 PROVISION FOR RETIREMENT BENEFITS Group and Company 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 At 1 January Charged to income statement Payments made during the year 3,677 1,755 (765) 3,477 635 (435 ) At 31 December 4,667 3,677 (a) Defined contribution plans Group companies incorporated in Malaysia contribute to the Employees Provident Fund, the national defined contribution plan. Once the contributions have been paid,the Group has no further payment obligations. (b) Defined benefit plans of the Group The Group operates final salary defined benefit plans for its employees, the assets of which are held in a separate trustee administered funds.The latest actuarial valuations of the plan were carried out on 15 March 2004. The amount recognised in the Company’s balance sheet may be analysed as follows: Group and Company 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 Present value of funded obligations Fair value of plan assets 5,301 (624) 3,960 (283 ) Liability in the balance sheet 4,677 3,677 The expense recognised in the company’s income statement may be analysed as follows: Group and Company 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 Current service cost Interest cost Expected return on plan assets Actuarial losses recognised Transitional liability recognised Curtailment or settlement loss recognised 197 216 (8) 1,375 (57) 32 635 0 0 0 0 0 Total,included in staff costs (Note 5) 1,755 635 The actual return on plan assets was RM8,253 (2002:RM8,678). Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 111 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 26 PROVISION FOR RETIREMENT BENEFITS (CONTINUED) The principal actuarial assumptions used in respect of the Company’s defined benefit plan were as follows: Group and Company Discount rate Expected return on plan assets Expected rate of salary increases 2003 % 2002 % 7.00 3.00 5.00 7.00 3.50 5.00 27 SINKING FUND FOR MAINTENANCE OF GOLF COURSE Group 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 Sinking fund for maintenance of golf course: At 1 January Transfer to income statement At 31 December 463 (131) 569 (106 ) 332 463 28 ADVANCE MEMBERSHIP FEES At 1 January Acquisition of subsidiaries (Note 35) New memberships Net termination of memberships Amortisation 20,161 1,857 58 (391) (3,458) 24,501 0 246 (1,804 ) (2,782 ) At 31 December 18,227 20,161 Advance membership fees received are in respect of golfing licence fees and non-golfing membership fees. 29 DEFERRED TAXATION Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right to set off current tax assets against current tax liabilities and when the deferred taxes relate to the same tax authority.The following amounts,determined after appropriate offsetting, are shown in the balance sheet: Group Company 2003 RM'000 Deferred tax liabilities: - subject to income tax (51,232) 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 0 0 0 (149) 0 0 At start of financial year Credited to income statement (Note 8): - property, plant and equipment Acquisition of subsidiaries (Note 35) 182 (51,414) 149 0 0 0 0 0 At end of financial year (51,232) 0 0 0 112 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 0 2002 RM'000 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 29 DEFERRED TAXATION (CONTINUED) Group 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 Company 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 Subject to income tax Deferred tax assets (before offsetting) Others Offsetting 730 (730) 0 505 (505) 0 403 (403) 0 261 (261 ) 0 Deferred tax liabilities (before offsetting) Property, plant and equipment Development properties Others (9,371) (41,590) (1,001) (505) 0 0 (403) 0 0 (261) 0 0 Offsetting (51,962) 730 (505) 505 (403) 403 (261 ) 261 (51,232) 0 0 0 The amount of deductible temporary differences,unused tax losses and unrecognised capital allowances (both of which have no expiry date) for which no deferred tax asset is recognised in the balance sheet are as follows: Group Deductible temporary differences Unused tax losses Company 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 112,094 211,013 61,853 85,206 20,774 0 19,522 0 30 SHARE CAPITAL Group and Company Authorised: Ordinary shares of RM1.00 each At start of financial year Created during the financial year At end of financial year Issued and fully paid: Ordinary shares of RM1.00 each At start of financial year Issued during the financial year - Acquisition of subsidiaries - Bonus issue At end of financial year 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 150,000 850,000 150,000 0 1,000,000 150,000 100,827 100,827 42,974 287,603 0 0 431,404 100,827 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 113 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 30 SHARE CAPITAL (CONTINUED) (a) Shares issued for acquisition of subsidiaries Pursuant to the Composite Scheme of Reconstruction, a total of 42,974,662 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each was issued at RM10.10 per share during the financial year for the acquisition of the following subsidiaries: (i) Acquisition of SAP Holdings Berhad (“SAP”) The Company allotted and issued 8,734,402 new ordinary shares of RM1.00 each at an issue price of RM10.10 per share amounting to RM88,176,290 as partial discharge of purchase consideration for acquisition of SAP. These shares ranked pari passu in all respects with the existing ordinary shares of the Company. (ii) Acquisition of Brisdale Holdings Berhad (“Brisdale”) The Company allotted and issued 18,000,002 new ordinary shares of RM1.00 each at an issue price of RM10.10 per share amounting to RM181,715,189 as partial discharge of purchase consideration for acquisition of Brisdale. These shares ranked pari passu in all respects with the existing ordinary shares of the Company. (iii) Acquisition of Central Spectrum (M) Sdn.Bhd.(“CSSB”) The Company allotted and issued 7,105,110 and 9,135,148 new ordinary shares of RM1.00 each to Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad and Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor respectively at an issue price of RM10.10 per share amounting to RM163,950,078 as partial discharge of purchase consideration for acquisition of CSSB. These shares ranked pari passu in all respects with the existing ordinary shares of the Company. (b) Bonus issue Pursuant to the Composite Scheme of Reconstruction, a total of 287,602,640 new ordinary shares of RM1.00 each was issued as bonus issue on the basis of two (2) new KPS shares for every one (1) share held after the Merger Scheme during the financial year. (c) Employee Share Option Scheme The Company implemented an Employee Share Option Scheme (“ESOS”) which came into effect for a period of 10 years. The ESOS is governed by the by-laws which were approved by the shareholders on 10 February 2003. The main features of the ESOS are as follows: • The total number of ordinary shares to be issued by the Company under the ESOS shall not exceed 10% of the total issued and paid-up ordinary shares of the Company, such that not more than 50% of the shares available under the ESOS is allocated,in aggregate, to Directors and senior management. • Not more than 10% of the shares available under the ESOS is allocated to any individual Director or employee who, either singly or collectively through his/her associates, holds 20% or more in the issued and paid-up capital of the Company. • Only staff and executive directors of the Company, Hydrovest Sdn. Bhd. and Perangsang Dagang Sdn. Bhd. are eligible to participate in the scheme . Executive directors are those involved in the day-to-day management and on the payroll of the Company. • The option price under the ESOS is the average of the mean market quotation of the shares of the Company as quoted in the Daily Official List issued by Bursa Malaysia (formerly known as Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange), for the five market days preceding the offer date, or the par value of the shares of the Company of RM1,whichever is the higher. • The options granted are exercisable from the date of grant and have a contractual option term of five years. • Options granted under the ESOS carry no dividend or voting rights. Upon exercise of the options, shares issued rank pari passu in all respects with existing ordinary shares of the Company. 114 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 30 SHARE CAPITAL (CONTINUED) (c) Employee Share Option Scheme (continued) Set out below are details of options over the ordinary shares of the Company granted under the ESOS: Grant date Expiry date 12.8.2003 29.7.2008 Exercise price RM/share Number of options over ordinary shares of RM1.00 each in the Company At At 1.1.2003 Granted Terminated Exercised 31.12.2003 1.62 0 8,198,300 0 0 8,198,300 No option was exercised during the financial year. 31 REVALUATION AND OTHER RESERVES Revaluation reserve Fair value adjustment on earlier piecemeal acquisition RM’000 Capital reserve Fair value adjustment on previously held subsidiaries RM’000 Total RM’000 0 12,621 12,621 At 1 January Arising from the Composite Scheme of Reconstruction 0 25,287 12,621 29,391 12,621 54,678 At 31 December 25,287 42,012 67,299 Group 2002 At 1 January/31 December 2003 32 SHARE PREMIUM Share premium relates to issue of ordinary shares above par value: Group 2003 RM'000 At 1 January - issue of 42,974,662 new ordinary shares of RM1.00 each at an issue price of RM10.10 - share issue expenses - bonus issue - capital distribution At 31 December 9,198 390,867 (2,833) (31,813) (365,419) 0 2002 RM'000 9,198 0 0 0 0 9,198 Capital repayment and distribution by the Company to all its shareholders after the Original Merger of up to 215,701,980 new KHSB Shares on the basis of three (3) new KHSB Shares for every two (2) Shares in the Company held after the Original Merger; collectively referred as the Company’s distribution pursuant to the Composite Scheme of Reconstruction. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 115 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 33 RETAINED EARNINGS There are sufficient tax credits under Section 108(6) of the Income Tax Act, 1967 to frank approximately RM124,350,000 (2002: RM106,141,000) of the retained earnings of the Company if paid out as dividends. In addition the Company has tax exempt accounts available to frank tax exempt dividends amounting to approximately RM68,189,000 (2002:RM68,187,000). The extent of the retained earnings not covered at 31 December amounted to RM102,108,000 (2002:RM138,208,000). 34 AMOUNTS DUE FROM /(TO) CUSTOMERS ON CONTRACTS Group Construction costs incurred to date Add:Attributable profits Less: Foreseeable losses Less:Progress billings Represented by: Amounts due from customers on contracts (Note 21) Amounts due to customers on contracts (Note 23) 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 1,156,328 45,389 (43,688) 746,722 27,204 (35,740) 1,158,029 (1,161,452) 738,186 (741,366) (3,423) (3,180) 844 (4,267) 823 (4,003) (3,423) (3,180) Advances received on contracts,included in payables of the Group 812 0 Retentions on contracts,included in receivables of the Group 262 262 35 SIGNIFICANT EVENTS/SUMMARY OF EFFECTS ON ACQUISITION OF SUBSIDIARIES Following the implementation of the Composite Scheme of Reconstruction taking effect on 11 June 2003, the Company through its subsidiary, KHSB,acquired the following: (i) 100% equity interest in Brisdale comprising 120,000,002 Brisdale Shares by KHSB from all the shareholders of Brisdale for a total purchase consideration of RM181,715,189; (ii) 76.67% equity interest in CSSB comprising 4,030,507 CSSB Shares by KHSB from KDEB, PKNS and the Company for a total purchase consideration of RM235,678,149. On 1 January 2003,the Company acquired through its subsidiary, Hydrovest Sdn. Bhd.(formerly known as PWM (M) Sdn. Bhd.), 60% interest in Aqua-Flo Sdn.Bhd. for a total purchase consideration of RM3,141,000 discharged by cash. On 1 May 2003, the Company acquired 70% interest in Darul Ehsan Bina Sdn. Bhd. (formerly known as BDR Sdn. Bhd.) for a total purchase consideration of RM1,750,000 discharged by cash. 116 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 35 SIGNIFICANT EVENTS/SUMMARY OF EFFECTS ON ACQUISITION OF SUBSIDIARIES (CONTINUED) The effect of the acquisition of the subsidiaries on the financial results of the Group for the financial year is shown below: 2003 RM’000 Revenue Expenses excluding finance cost and tax (including amortisation of goodwill on acquisition) 65,726 (60,233) Profit from operations Finance cost 5,493 (1,859) Profit before taxation Taxation 3,634 (2,609) Profit after tax Minority interest 1,025 (585) Net profit attributable to shareholders 440 The effect of the acquisition of subsidiaries on the Group’s financial position at the financial year end was as follows: 2003 RM’000 Non-current assets (including goodwill on acquisition of subsidiaries) Current assets Current liabilities Non-current liabilities 614,000 321,300 (445,999) (72,089) Net assets Minority interest 417,212 (210,888) Group’s share of net assets 206,324 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 117 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 35 SIGNIFICANT EVENTS/SUMMARY OF EFFECTS ON ACQUISITION OF SUBSIDIARIES (CONTINUED) Details of the net assets acquired, goodwill and cash flow arising from the acquisition of the subsidiaries were as follows: Particulars At date of acquisition RM’000 Property, plant and equipment (Note 11) Land held for development Club development expenditure (Note 14) Other investments Inventories Development properties Receivables Deposits,cash and bank balances Payables Borrowings (interest bearing) Taxation Advance membership fees (Note 28) Deferred taxation (Note 29) 84,920 491,012 11 3,435 3,933 178,360 137,830 14,650 (419,947 ) (40,355 ) (19,604 ) (1,857) (51,414) Fair value of total assets Revaluation reserve on interest previously held in associated company Reserve recognised in previously held associated company Minority interests 380,974 (25,287) (30,094) (210,303) Fair value of net assets acquired Goodwill (Note 15) 115,290 35,213 Cost of acquisition Discharged by issuance of shares of RM1.00 each by the Company at an issue price of RM10.10 150,503 Discharged by cash Less:Cash and cash equivalents of subsidiaries acquired Cash outflow of the Group on acquisition 118 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (145,612) 4,891 (3,912) 979 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 35 SIGNIFICANT EVENTS/SUMMARY OF EFFECTS ON ACQUISITION OF SUBSIDIARIES (CONTINUED) In the previous financial year, the Company acquired 60% equity interest in Hydrovest Sdn.Bhd.(formerly known as PWM (M) Sdn.Bhd.) from the holding company, Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad (‘KDEB’) for a purchase consideration of RM175,000,settled by contra against amount owing by KDEB. The effect of this on the financial results of the Group from 1 August 2002 to 31 December 2002 was as follows: 2002 RM’000 Revenue Expenses excluding finance cost and tax (including amortisation of goodwill on acquisition) 265 (182 ) Profit from operations Finance cost 83 (7 ) Profit before taxation Taxation 76 (26 ) Net profit attributable to shareholders 50 The effect of the acquisition on the financial position of the Group at 31 December 2002 was as follows: Non current asset (including negative goodwill on acquisition) Current assets Current liabilities 129 609 (367 ) Net assets Minority interest 371 (165) Group’s share of net assets 206 Details of net assets acquired,negative goodwill and cash flow arising from the acquisition were as follows: At date of acquisition RM’000 Property, plant and equipment Receivables Cash and bank balances Hire purchase liabilities Payables Taxation Minority interest 194 486 50 (127 ) (176 ) (65 ) (145) Net assets acquired Negative goodwill (Note 15) 217 (42 ) Purchase consideration 175 Purchase consideration paid Add:Cash and cash equivalents of subsidiary acquired 0 50 Cash inflow on acquisition 50 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 119 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 36 SIGNIFICANT RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURES In addition to related party disclosures mentioned elsewhere in the financial statements,set out below are other significant related party transactions. The significant related party transactions were undertaken in the normal course of business and are on terms and conditions agreed with the respective related parties. The related parties and their relationship with the Group are as follows: Related companies Relationship Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad Global Systems Integration Sdn.Bhd. Application Service Provider Enterprise Sdn.Bhd. Tabung Amanah Saham Selangor Berhad Taliworks Corporation Berhad Konsortium ABASS Sdn.Bhd. Holding company Related company Related company Related company Associated company Associated company The significant related party transactions during the financial year are as follows: Group Interest on loan received from the holding company Interest on loan paid by a subsidiary company to holding company Sale of goods to an associated company Rental received from an associated company Rental received from related companies Management fees received from the holding company Computer application services aid to a related company 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 0 0 5,485 160 261 24 96 2,341 1,612 0 165 137 24 96 37 CAPITAL COMMITMENTS Group Company 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 1,828 5,616 0 2,215 0 857 0 0 Capital expenditure in respect of property, plant and equipment: Approved but not contracted for Approved and contracted for 120 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 38 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES Group Company 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 2003 RM'000 2002 RM'000 Guarantees to secure banking and other credit facilities of associated company amounting to RM31,400,000 (2002:RM31,400,000) of which the amounts drawn down are 5,860 5,860 5,860 5,860 Credit facilities granted to third party secured by land belonging to a subsidiary 18,731 17,000 0 0 37,600 1,150 0 1,150 0 1,150 0 1,150 250 2,951 250 774 0 2,951 0 774 5,447 5,447 0 0 76,200 60,913 0 0 27,038 85,894 0 79,579 0 0 0 0 Secured: Unsecured: Corporate guarantee in respect of credit facilities on behalf of subsidiaries Claim on outstanding tax Letter of guarantee given to a supplier from a licensed financial institution Performance guarantees to third parties Guarantees to banks for end financing loans given to house buyers Liquidated ascertained damages in respect of delays encountered on delivery of projects (a) Liquidated ascertained damages claims made by house buyers Other claims filed against the Group (b) (a) The liquidated ascertained damages are in respect of interruption in the delivery of certain projects. However, the Directors of the subsidiary company are entering into active negotiations with the respective parties to mitigate the possibility of realisation of the damages. Based on the progress of current negotiations,the Directors are of the opinion that it is not probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligations. (b) In respect of the claims,the subsidiary companies of the Company have not provided for the above claims as the Directors of the subsidiary companies are of the opinion,after consultation with their legal advisers,that no loss will arise from the claims and that the possibility of crystallisation of the liabilities is remote. 39 PRIOR YEAR ADJUSTMENT During the financial year, the Directors of an associated company of the Group have revised their basis for determining the stages of completion for development properties. In previous years, the stage of completion was recognised by sub-phases. The associated company has now changed the basis for determining the stages of completion for development properties to a total phase basis.The effects of the change have been adjusted retrospectively, as follows: Effect of As previously change in profit reported recognition As restated RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 At 1 January 2002 Retained earnings 465,514 (4,496) 461,018 Year ended 31 December 2002 Share of results of associated companies Taxation 72,997 (24,333) At 31 December 2002 Investment in associates Retained earnings 392,146 500,513 (690) 193 72,307 (24,140) (4,993) (4,993) 387,153 495,520 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 121 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 40 SUBSIDIARIES Details of the subsidiaries which are incorporated in Malaysia are as follows: Effective equity interest Name of company Principal activity 2003 % 2002 % Property development 52 66.7 Trading and consultancy services 100 100 Dormant 100 100 Ceased operations in 1995 100 100 Aluminium fabrication 100 100 In liquidation 70 70 Ceased operations in 1991 58 58 Construction works and granite quarrying (under official assignee) 100 100 Under official assignee 86 86 Perangsang Segemal Sdn.Bhd. In liquidation 51 51 Perangsang Alphasoft Sdn.Bhd. In liquidation 100 100 Selangor Frits & Glazes Sdn.Bhd. In liquidation 51 51 Trading in industrial and building products 55 55 Management and consultancy services 60 60 Construction and general civil engineering work 70 0 Dormant 100 100 Tin mining (ceased operation in 1993) 65 65 Hotelier 52 100 Central Spectrum Sdn.Bhd. Property development 40 0 SAP Holdings Berhad Property development 52 61.5 Brisdale Holdings Berhad Property development and investment holding 52 0 Investment holding,building materials trading,general contracting and waterworks 52 61.5 Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad Perangsang Consultancy & Engineering Sdn.Bhd. Selangor Win Container Corporation (M) Sdn.Bhd. Perangsang Sports Industries Sdn.Bhd. Perangsang Aluminium Sdn.Bhd. Perangsang Metal Selangor Sdn.Bhd. Permatech Industries Sdn.Bhd. Selangor Construction Sdn.Bhd. Selangor Tiles Sdn.Bhd. Perangsang Dagang Sdn.Bhd. Hydrovest Sdn.Bhd.(formerly known as PWM (M) Sdn.Bhd.) Darul Ehsan Bina Sdn.Bhd.(formerly known as BDR Sdn.Bhd.) + Selangor Amal Holdings Sdn.Bhd. Kuala Langat Mining Sdn.Bhd. Held by Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad: Perangsang Hotel and Properties Sdn.Bhd. Perangsang International Sdn.Bhd. 122 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 40 SUBSIDIARIES (CONTINUED) Effective equity interest Name of company Principal activity 2003 % 2002 % Property management 52 61.5 Project management and consultancy services 36 43.1 Property development and property management 52 61.5 Development of tourist resort and property 52 61.5 Development and management of golf club and tourist resorts 49 58.4 Property development,landscaping and golf maintenance work 49 58.4 Property development and property management 32 61.5 Provision of equestrian facility 52 61.5 Development and management of a holiday resort 52 61.5 Property development 52 61.5 Property development and construction 52 61.5 Property and hotel development 52 61.5 SAP (Johor) Development Sdn.Bhd. Property development 52 61.5 SAP Rawang Development Sdn.Bhd. Property development 52 61.5 SAP Air Hitam Properties Sdn.Bhd. Property development 52 61.5 SAP Sepang Development Sdn.Bhd. Property development 52 61.5 Air Terentang Corporation Sdn.Bhd. Property development 52 61.5 Megatown Corporation Sdn.Bhd. Property development 52 61.5 Quarry operator 52 61.5 Property development 52 61.5 Plantation operator 52 61.5 Property development 52 61.5 Provision of hospitality services and management 52 61.5 SAP Urus Harta Sdn.Bhd. SAP Project Consultant Sdn.Bhd. SAP Ulu Yam Sdn.Bhd. SAP Leisure and Resort Sdn. Bhd. Templer Park Golf & Resort Berhad Perangsang Templer Landscape Sdn.Bhd. Templer Park Development Sdn.Bhd. Templer Park Equestrian Centre Sdn.Bhd. SAP Langkawi Development Sdn.Bhd. Sungai Lang Development Sdn.Bhd. SPC Brisdale Sdn.Bhd. SAP Heritage Hotels & Properties Sdn.Bhd. Nusantara Irama Sdn.Bhd. SAP Sungai Pusu Development Sdn.Bhd. SAP Bengkulen Plantation Sdn.Bhd. Alamshahcorp Sdn.Bhd. Central Holdings Management Services Sdn.Bhd. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 123 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 40 SUBSIDIARIES (CONTINUED) Effective equity interest Name of company Principal activity 2003 % 2002 % Provision of educational and training services 42 49.2 Provision of parking services 27 31.4 Property development 52 61.5 Provision of educational services 52 61.5 Trading of building materials 52 61.5 General trading 52 61.5 Property development and project management 52 0 Property development 52 0 Dormant 52 0 Hotel management services 52 0 Property development 52 0 Investment holding 52 0 Property investment and hotel operator 52 0 Club operator 52 0 Property development 34 0 Property investment and development 52 0 Project management 52 0 Brisdale Property Management Sdn.Bhd. Property management 52 0 Brisdale Rasa Development Sdn.Bhd. Property development 52 0 Dormant 52 0 Trading in chemical products 36 0 Akademi Kecemerlangan SAP Sdn.Bhd. SUH-Imej Parking Sdn.Bhd. Motif Azim Sdn.Bhd. SAP Education Sdn.Bhd. PISB Trading Sdn.Bhd. P. I.Land Sdn.Bhd. Pembangunan Brisdale Sdn.Bhd. Brisdale Resources Sdn.Bhd. Konsortium Lebuhraya Beruntung Genting Sdn.Bhd. Brisdale Assets Sdn.Bhd. Brisdale Housing Sdn.Bhd. Brisdale Technology Sdn.Bhd. Brisdale International Hotel Sdn.Bhd. Kelab Rekreasi Brisdale Berhad Brisdale Development Sdn.Bhd. Brisdale Brooklands Development Sdn.Bhd. Brisdale Project Management Sdn.Bhd. Lindung Malam Sdn.Bhd. Held under Hydrovest Sdn.Bhd. (formerly known as PWM (M) Sdn. Bhd.) Aqua-Flo Sdn.Bhd. + Malaysian incorporated subsidiary audited by another firm of auditors. 124 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 41 ASSOCIATES Details of associates which are incorporated in Malaysia are as follows: Effective equity interest Name of company Principal activity 2003 % 2002 % Developer of marine industrial park 30 30 Investment holding 20 20 Granite quarrying 50 50 Dormant 30 30 Manager and operator of water treatment plants 40 40 Manufacture and distribution of tiles (in liquidation) 25 25 Taliworks Corporation Berhad Investment holding,provision of project and management services 20 20 Sistem Penyuraian Trafik KL Barat Holdings Sdn.Bhd.(SPRINT) Investment holding and provision of management services 20 20 Tin Mining (ceased operation in 1995) 0 30 Investment holding 30 30 Operating,maintenance, construction and commissioning of water treatment plant and facilities and undertake contract works relating to the water industry activities 30 30 Property development 0 23 Club management 26 49 Development and management of a golf and country club 21 25 Development of logistic park 10 12 Consultancy services and construction works for water supply, reticulation and central coverage system 10 12 Selangor Marine Industrial Park Sdn.Bhd. Hua Joo Seng Enterprise Berhad Perkuat Kuari Sdn.Bhd. Intan Perangsang Sdn.Bhd. Perangsang Water Management Sdn.Bhd. MRCB Ceramics Sdn.Bhd. Perangsang Pasifik Sdn.Bhd. Syarikat Pengeluar Air Selangor Holdings Berhad Konsortium ABASS Sdn.Bhd. Central Spectrum Sdn.Bhd. Held by Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad KDE Recreation Berhad Held by SAP Holdings Berhad Ulu Yam Golf and Country Club Sdn.Bhd. Beruntung Transport City Sdn.Bhd. Waste Water Management Sdn.Bhd. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 125 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 41 ASSOCIATES (CONTINUED) Effective equity interest Name of company Principal activity 2003 % 2002 % Gemapantas Sdn.Bhd. Investment holding 26 0 Kelina Sdn.Bhd. Investment holding 21 0 Dormant 13 0 Property development 16 0 Provision of common waste water treatment plant facilities and other development projects 16 0 Held by Brisdale Holdings Berhad Awan Putih Sdn.Bhd. Teamcoat Brisdale JV Sdn.Bhd. Held by Central Spectrum Sdn. Bhd. PMB Spectrum Sdn.Bhd. 42 SEGMENTAL INFORMATION The Group adopts business segment analysis as its primary reporting format. The Group does not have a secondary reporting format as the Group operates only in Malaysia. Segment revenues and expenses are those directly attributable to the segments and include any joint revenue and expenses where a reasonable basis of allocation exists. Segment assets include all assets used by a segment and consist principally of property, plant and equipment,net of accumulated depreciation,development properties, real property assets, receivables,inventories and deposits,cash and bank balances. Segment assets and liabilities do not include income tax assets and liabilities. The Group is organised on into seven main business segments: • Investment holding Investment holding • Property development and management Property development and property management • Infrastructure and utilities Water treatment and related water industry activities and highway operator • General contract work Contract work • Hospitality Hotel services • Golf club and recreation facilities Golf resort services and club operator • Trading Trading in industrial building and chemical products Other operations of the Group mainly comprise management and consultancy services which are not a sufficient size to be reported separately. 126 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 42 SEGMENTAL INFORMATION (CONTINUED) 2003 Investment holding RM’000 Property development and management RM’000 General contract work RM’000 5,855 133,310 9,862 REVENUE External sales RESULTS Profit/(loss) from operations Finance cost Share of results of associates Share of results of jointly control entities Profit/(loss) before taxation 6,292 (15,289 ) 0 38,097 (7,092) 2,069 25,000 0 16,003 33,074 (469) (161) 0 0 (630) Golf club and Infrarecreation structure Trading Hospitality facilities and utilities RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 56,154 1,795 (674) 7,220 0 8,341 22,310 9,328 (1,309) (22) 0 (4,447) (508) (989) 0 (1,331) 0 (5,944) 0 0 0 59,016 0 59,016 Others RM’000 Consolidated RM’000 815 237,634 (1,552) (19) 0 0 (1,571) 38,407 (23,765) 67,316 25,000 106,958 Taxation (37,189) Profit after taxation Minority interest 69,769 (12,805) Profit for the financial year OTHER INFORMATION Segment assets Investment in associates Unallocated assets 56,964 186,480 409,437 1,335,643 25,480 9,098 0 46,273 0 85,459 0 90,332 1,424 0 0 3,673 0 Total assets Segment liabilities Unallocated liabilities 2,194,063 233,743 552,230 22,427 26,472 59,603 84,325 0 3,929 Total liabilities Capital expenditure Depreciation and amortisation 1,756,958 436,341 764 982,729 90,306 1,073,035 2,161 5,542 61,574 4,884 25 5 1,904 432 25,404 4,290 0 1,130 0 0 0 0 91,068 16,283 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 127 KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 DECEMBER 2003 (continued) 42 SEGMENTAL INFORMATION (CONTINUED) 2002 Investment holding RM’000 Property development and management RM’000 General contract w ork RM’000 6,239 73,640 36,276 (2,544) (12,055) 0 21,027 (8,779 ) 636 REVENUE External sales RESULTS (Loss)/profit from operations Finance cost Share of results of associates Share of results of jointly control entities Profit/(loss) before taxation 670 (159 ) 0 Golf club and Infrarecreation structure Trading Hospitality facilities and utilities RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 30,559 782 (592 ) 9,214 16,062 0 0 0 1,463 12,884 511 9,404 18,982 9,373 (2,359) (9 ) 0 863 0 (1,200) 0 (2,368) 0 (337 ) 0 0 0 63,657 0 63,657 Others RM’000 Consolidated RM’000 753 175,822 (2,251) (8) 0 0 (2,259) 16,188 (21,602) 72,307 16,062 82,955 (33,635) Taxation Profit after taxation Minority interest 49,320 (4,654) Profit for the financial year 44,666 OTHER INFORMATION Segment assets Investment in associates Unallocated assets 261,091 385,729 444,431 1,424 34,260 0 21,712 0 87,651 0 76,639 0 0 0 9,397 0 Total assets Segment liabilities Unallocated liabilities 1,326,343 (213,990 ) (278,802 ) (39,180 ) (16,926 ) (8,606) (71,905 ) 0 (6,871) (636,280) (11,607 ) (647,887) Total liabilities Capital expenditure Depreciation and amortisation 935,181 387,153 4,009 220 4,730 221 4,508 3 153 75 233 778 4,319 376 395 0 0 0 28 1,673 14,366 43 APPROVAL OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The financial statements have been approved for issue in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors on 26 April 2004. 128 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad ANALISA PEGANGAN SAHAM PADA 13 APRIL 2004 ANALYSIS OF SHAREHOLDINGS AS AT 13 APRIL 2004 A. Modal saham dibenar Authorised share capital Modal saham diba yar dan diterbitkan Issued and paid-up share capital Kelas Saham Class of shares B. : RM1,000,000,000.00 : RM431,403,960 : Saham Biasa RM1.00 Sesaham Ordinary Shares of RM1.00 Each ANALISA MENURUT SAIZ PEGANGAN ANAL Y SIS BY SIZE OF SHAREHOLDINGS SAIZ PEGANGAN SIZE OF SHAREHOLDINGS BILANGAN PEMEGANG SAHAM NO. OF SHAREHOLDERS Kurang dari 100 / Less than 100 100-1,000 1,001-10,000 10,001-100,000 100,001 ke kurang dari 5% 100,001 to less than 5% 5% dan ke atas / 5% and above JUMLAH / TOTAL C. % PEMEGANG SAHAM % OF SHAREHOLDERS BILANGAN SAHAM YANG DIPEGANG NO. OF SHARES HELD % PEGANGAN % OF SHAREHOLDINGS 187 2.69 12,479 0.00 3,903 2,316 416 56.17 33.33 5.99 2,429,603 8,123,636 13,105,930 0.56 1.88 3.04 122 1.76 136,898,774 31.74 4 0.06 270,833,538 62.78 6,948.00 100.00 431,403,960 100.00 SENARAI PEMEGANG SAHAM UTAMA (5% DAN KE ATAS) LIST OF SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS (5% AND ABOVE) NO NO NAMA NAME PEGANGAN SAHAM SHAREHOLDING 1 2 Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad Amanah Raya Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd A/C for Skim Amanah Saham Bumiputera Employees Provident Fund Board Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor 228,314,194 52.92 48,606,000 31,669,345 27,559,794 11.27 7.34 6.39 3 4 130 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad % % D. SENARAI TIGA PULUH (30) PEMEGANG SAHAM TERBESAR LIST OF THIRTY (30) LARGEST SHAREHOLDERS NO NAMA NO NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad Amanah Raya Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd A/C for Skim Amanah Saham Bumiputera Alliance Group Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd A/C for Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Berhad A/C for Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad Employees Provident Fund Board Bumiputra-Commerce Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd A/C for Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad Tahan Insurance Malaysia Berhad Cartaban Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd A/C for Employees Provident Fund Board - JF404 Tabung Warisan Negeri Selangor Malaysia Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd A/C for Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad ( Par 1) Malaysia Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd A/C for Amanah Smallcap Fund Berhad RHB Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn.Bhd A/C for Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja Mayban Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd A/C for Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja Noor Azman @ Noor Hizam b. Mohd Nurdin Permodalan Nasional Berhad Cartaban Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd A/C for Employees Provident Fund Board - JF458 CIMB Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd A/C for Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Berhad LGB Holdings Sdn Bhd HSBC Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd A/C for Amanah Saham Sarawak PRB Nominees(Tempatan) Sdn Bhd A/C for Ruber Industry Smallholders Development Authority Kenanga Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd A/C for Rampai Baiduri-Jaya Sdn.Bhd (Vibrant Omega) AMMB Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd A/C for HLG Penny Stock Fund (5/4-3) RHB Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd A/C for Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (2) Amanah Raya Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd A/C for AUTB Progress Fund Mayban Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd A/C for Mayban Life Assurance Berhad (PAR Fund) HLG Nominee (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd A/C for Pertubuhan Keselamatan Sosial (2050) Amanah Raya Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd A/C for AUTB Dana Bakti Mal Monte Sdn Bhd Malaysia Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd A/C for Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad (LGF) PEGANGAN SAHAM SHAREHOLDINGS % % 149,354,144 34.62 48,606,000 11.27 45,400,000 27,559,794 10.52 6.39 17,751,550 15,427,945 4.11 3.58 13,507,200 6,500,000 3.13 1.51 4,494,900 4,412,000 1.04 1.02 4,254,100 0.99 4,144,600 0.96 4,130,000 0.96 3,870,700 3,652,000 3,308,933 0.90 0.85 0.77 2,313,800 0.54 2,301,300 2,250,000 0.53 0.52 1,955,001 0.45 1,900,000 0.44 1,734,237 0.40 1,434,800 0.33 1,432,000 0.33 1,427,300 0.33 1,221,100 0.28 1,200,000 0.28 1,041,100 1,010,000 0.24 0.23 1,000,000 0.23 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 131 E. SENARAI PEGANGAN SAHAM PARA PENGARAH LIST OF DIRECTOR'S SHAREHOLDINGS NO NO NAMA NAME PEGANGAN SAHAM SHAREHOLDINGS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Dato' Haji Zabir bin Bajuri Dato' Haji Azlan bin Hashim Datin Paduka Juma'ah binti Moktar Dato' Haji Ab. Halim bin Mohyiddin Dato' Haji Sumadi bin Haji Ismail Dato' Ikhwan Salim bin Dato' Sujak Dato' Dr. Haji Karim bin Haji Mansor Dato' Ahmad Bhari bin Abd Rahman Dato' Yip Kam Chong 84,801 20,600 - 132 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 0.02 0.00 - % % SENARAI HARTANAH KUMPULAN LIST OF GROUP PROPERTIES Lokasi Location Hakmilik Title Keluasan Tanah Land Area Tempoh Pegangan/ Tamat Pegangan Tenure/Lease expiry Kegunaan Semasa Existing Use Nilai Buku Bersih / Kos Tanah pada 31/12/03 (RM’000) Net Book Value / Land Cost as at 31/12/03 (RM’000) Usia Bangunan Approximate Age of Building (Tahun/Years) 1.KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD Bandar Banting Tambahan, Kuala Langat H.S (D) 8187/ PT 7890 2.6 ekar 2.6 acres 99 tahun/ 2099 99 years/ 2099 Kilang disewakan Factory being rented out 3,355 15 Hulu Kelang, Gombak H.S (M) 2615/ PT 7680 40,530 kp 40,530 sq ft 99 tahun/2086 99 years/2086 Kilang disewakan Factory being rented out 1,901 20 Batang Kali, Hulu Selangor Lot 3277 Under Grant 24222 PH 22/B6 1,763 kp 1,763 sq ft Pegangan Bebas Freehold Apartmen Apartment 197 19 Shah Alam, Selangor H.S (D) 92260/ PT 0006 108,360 kp 108,360 sq ft 99 tahun/ 2086 99 years/ 2086 Pejabat & Hotel Office & Hotel 83,135 16 Tanjong Tuan Port Dickson Lot 5627 1,099 kp 1,099 sq ft 99 tahun/2081 99 years/2081 Apartmen Apartment 232 18 2.PERANGSANG D AGANG SDN BHD Taman Sri Muda, Shah Alam Plot 33 41,818 kp 41,818 sq ft Pegangan Bebas Freehold Disewakan Pejabat 2 tingkat dengan kilang setingkat Rented out 2 storey office with single storey factory RM3,857 7 Petaling Jaya Lot 407 QT ( R ) 6948 42,903 kp 42,903 sq ft 99 tahun/ 2072 99 years/ 2072 Gudang dengan pejabat 3 tingkat Warehouse with 3 storey office RM5,997 31 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 133 DIREKTORI KORPORAT CORPORATE DIRECTORY ALAMAT BERDAFTAR DANALAMAT PERNIAGAAN KPSSERTA ANAK-ANAKSYARIKAT REGISTEREDANDBUSINESSADDRESSESOFKPSANDSUBSIDIARY COMPANIES Nama Syarikat Name of Company Alamat Berdaftar Registered Address Alamat Perniagaan Business Address Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad (Company No. 23737-K) 16th Floor, Plaza Perangsang Persiaran Perbandaran 40000 Shah Alam Tel:03-5510 3999 Fax:03-5510 9977 16th Floor, Plaza Perangsang Persiaran Perbandaran 40000 Shah Alam Tel:03-5510 3999 Fax:03-5510 9977 Kumpulan Hartanah Selangor Berhad (Company No. 559747-W) Lot 1A,Level 1A,Plaza Perangsang Persiaran Perbandaran 40000 Shah Alam Tel:03-5522 3888 Fax:03-5510 5188 Lot 1A,Level 1A,Plaza Perangsang Persiaran Perbandaran 40000 Shah Alam Tel:03-5522 3888 Fax:03-5510 5188 Perangsang Dagang Sdn Bhd (Company No. 212449-W) 16th Floor, Plaza Perangsang Persiaran Perbandaran 40000 Shah Alam Tel:03-5510 3999 Fax:03-5510 9977 Lot 4,Jalan 241,Section 51A 46100 Petaling Jaya Tel:03-7875 1488 Fax:03-7873 6370 Hydrovest Sdn Bhd (Company No. 482724-D) (formerly known as PWM (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 16th Floor, Plaza Perangsang Persiaran Perbandaran 40000 Shah Alam Tel:03-5510 3999 Fax:03-5510 9977 15th Floor, Plaza Perangsang Persiaran Perbandaran 40000 Shah Alam Tel:03-5510 3999 Fax:03-5512 2973 Darul Ehsan Bina Sdn Bhd (Company No. 220465-H) (formerly known as BDR Sdn Bhd) 16th Floor, Plaza Perangsang Persiaran Perbandaran 40000 Shah Alam Tel: 03-5510 3999 Fax:03-5510 9977 No. 13-3,Pusat Perdagangan UMNO Shah Alam Persiaran Damai,Seksyen 11 40100 Shah Alam Tel: 03-5511 0513 Fax:03-5511 0514 134 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad BORANG PROKSI KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (23737-K) (Diperbadankan di Malaysia) Borang Proksi untuk Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan ke 27 Jumlah Saham Biasa Dipegang Saya/Kami NAME PENUH DENGAN HURUF BESAR yang beralamat di ALAMAT sebagai ahli/ahli-ahli Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad,dengan ini melantik Pengerusi Mesyuarat atau NAMA PENUH yang beralamat di ALAMAT atau sebagai penggantinya NAMA PENUH yang beralamat di ALAMAT sebagai proksi saya/kami untuk menghadiri dan mengundi bagi pihak saya/kami di Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Ke Dua Puluh Tujuh yang akan diadakan pada hari Selasa,15 Jun 2004,jam 3.00 petang dan pada sebarang penangguhannya. Proksi saya/Kami akan mengundi sepertimana yang ditandakan di bawah: Resolusi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Menyokong Menentang (Sila tanda dengan "X" pada tempat yang disediakan cara tuan ingin mengundi,jika tidak,proksi akan mengundi atau tidak mengundi mengikut budicaranya) Tandatangan Tarikh Haribulan 2004 NOTA-NOTA: 1. Setiap pemegang saham berhak melantik seorang proksi atau jika sebuah syarikat, berhak melantik wakil untuk menghadiri dan mengundi bagi pihaknya. Proksi tersebut tidak semestinya pemegang saham syarikat. 2. Borang Proksi mesti ditandatangani oleh pelantik atau peguam yang telah diberi kuasa secara bertulis atau sekiranya pelantik adalah sebuah syarikat, mestilah dengan memeterai atau ditandatangani oleh pegawai atau peguam yang diberi kuasa. Di dalam hal pegangan bersama,tandatangan pemegang pertama adalah mencukupi. 3. Sekiranya Borang Proksi dikembalikan tanpa menjelaskan bagaimana proksi harus mengundi, Proksi akan mengundi menurut cara yang difikirkan sesuai. 4. Jika tiada nama terdapat di dalam ruang pada borang proksi anda, Pengerusi Mesyuarat akan bertindak sebagai proksi anda. 5. Borang Proksi mestilah dihantar ke Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad,Tingkat 16,Plaza Perangsang,Persiaran Perbandaran,40000 Shah Alam,tidak kurang dari 48 jam sebelum Mesyuarat ditetapkan untuk atau pada sebarang penangguhannya, atau dalam hal pengundian, tidak kurang dari 24 jam sebelum masa yang ditetapkan untuk mengundi. Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad 135 PR OXY FORM KUMPULAN PERANGSANG SELANGOR BERHAD (23737-K) (Incorporated in Malaysia) Proxy Form for the 27th Annual General Meeting No of Ordinary Shares Held I/We FULL NAME IN CAPITAL LETTERS of ADDRESS being a member/members of Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad,hereby appoint the Chairman of the meeting or FULL NAME of ADDRESS or failing whom FULL NAME of ADDRESS as my/our proxy to attend and vote for me/us and on my/our behalf at the Twenty Seventh Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on Tuesday, 15 June 2004 at 3.00 p.m.and at any adjournment thereof: My/Our proxy is to vote as indicated below: Resolution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 For Against (Please indicate with an "X" in the spaces provided how you wish your vote to be casted.If you do not do so, the proxy will vote or abstain voting at his discretion) Signature Dated this day of 2004 NOTES: 1. Every member is entitled to appoint a proxy or in the case of a corporation,to appoint a representative to attend and vote in his place . A proxy need not be a member of the Company. 2. The Proxy Form must be signed by the appointer or his attorney duly authorised in writing or if the appointer is a corporation,either under seal or under the hand of an officer or attorney duly authorised. In the case of joint holdings,the signature of the first named holder is sufficient. 3. If the Proxy Form is returned without indication as to how the proxy shall vote, the proxy will vote or abstain as he thinks fit. 4. If the name is not inserted in the space for the name of your proxy, the Chairman of the Meeting will act as your proxy. 5. The Proxy Form must be deposited at Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad, 16th Floor, Plaza Perangsang, Persiaran Perbandaran,40000 Shah Alam,not less than 48 hours before the time of holding of the Meeting or any adjournment thereof,or in the case of a poll,not less than 24 hours before the time appointed for the taking of the poll. 136 Kumpulan Perangsang Selangor Berhad