July 2015 - Lester Public Library


July 2015 - Lester Public Library
Lester Public Library
The Last Five Years
American Sniper
Orange is the New Black Season 2
The Imitation Game
The Duff
The Rewrite
Jupiter Ascending
Sons of Liberty
Killing Jesus
The Loft
Kingsman: The Secret Service
Project Almanac
Library Hours
10:00-8:00 PM
10:00-5:30 PM
10:00-2:00 PM
July 2015
Direct from the Director
By Jeff Dawson
The internet is a wonderful thing. There is a world of valid and
trustworthy information available via the internet. Sadly, that viable
data is mixed in with some pretty unreliable data. The good news,
Lester Public Library is there to help guide you to information resources
that are dependable.
Further, access to reliable internet resources does not require a visit to
the library. Not that we don’t want you to visit us, but we understand
that running from day care to work to the grocery store make take
precedence over a stop at the library. That said, the library offers access
to a number of wonderful resources you can use from home or office.
All the following resources can be accessed through the library’s
website: www.lesterlibrary.org.
Once at our website click on the ‘Borrow’ button to access our most
popular digital collections. Free e-books and e-audiobooks are available
to Lester Public Library patrons through Wisconsin’s Digital Library, also
known as Overdrive. To get started you’ll need a valid library card with
less than $10.00 of fines; you’ll also need a PIN number, typically the last
four digits of your phone number. If you need to change your phone
number, inquire about a bill, or renew an expired card, please call
(920)793-8888 for assistance.
Free books and audiobooks from bestselling authors can be
downloaded to a wide variety of computers, tablets, readers and
phones–including Kindles, Nooks, iPads, iPhones and many
android devices. To see if your device is supported, please
visit the Device Resource Center link provide on our
website. Like a regular library collection, Overdrive lets
you place holds on popular materials and gives immediate
access to books that are ready to loan.
You’ll never have to worry about late fees
with digital downloads; items will
cont’d next page...
Book drops are available 24/7 and are located at the back of the library and in Mishicot.
Clipper City Co-Op: Food for Change
Tuesday, July 7 5:00 PM
Clipper City Co-op, our Port Cities’ future community-owned grocery
store, will present a segment of the new film, Food for Change which examines the
growth of independent, community-owned food co-operatives in America, and their
unique historic place in our economic and political landscape.
The 20 minute segment will be followed by a brief presentation by Co-op founders
including a question and answer session. Locally sourced refreshments will be
served during the open conversation and networking portion of the evening.
….Direct from the Director cont’d
automatically “expire” and return themselves on the due date, typically three weeks from
In this same section of our website, you will find access to digital magazines with the Zinio
and Flipster applications. Zinio is a wonderful service that allows you to download magazines to your
smart phone, tablet, or computer and enjoy them any time you want—for FREE. You will be able to
check out as many magazines, current and back issues (if available), as you’d like and keep them as long
as you’d like; no need to return them and no overdue fines, no matter how long you keep them. To get
started click on the Zinio logo, or read the user guide if you want step by step instructions, both found on
our website.
We also offer access to Flipster magazines using a computer or mobile device. You’ll be asked for your library card
number (patron ID), then select a magazine to view it within your browser. You can access Flipster from the library
computers, your home or office computer, your phone or your tablet, as long as you are connected to the Internet.
Downloads are available for a limited time for offline use. Visit our website to view the many magazines offered
through both services.
BadgerLink is another great resource under the “Borrow” tab. BadgerLink provides access to licensed content such
as magazines, newspapers, scholarly articles and databases not available through regular search engines such as
Google. These authoritative resources are perfect for students, genealogists and researchers. BadgerLink is paid for
by your state tax dollars though the Department of Public Instruction and offers a wide variety of databases that are
available to any Wisconsin library card holder. There truly is something for everyone here including automotive
repair manuals, college test preparation software, computer software instruction, genealogy, medical research and
so much more – follow the link from our site or visit directly http://www.badgerlink.net/ .
This is but a small taste of the digital resources and content available through our webpage. Explore our website
where you will discover links to historic photographs, or connect to our library Flickr page to view over 20,000 photos
taken in our area since 2007. These resources are unique to the Lester Public Library but are freely accessible
wherever there is an internet connection.
While these online resources are not meant to replace the experience of visiting your local library, they are welcome
additions to the collections available for public use. And remember, staff members at Lester Public Library are always
available to guide you through these valuable digital resources. We hope you use them often and still find time to
stop in the library and browse our impressive collection of physical resources, over 70,000 items strong.
Meet Patty Basset
Public Relations Coordinator Since 2015
What do you do at the library?
I am the Public Relations Coordinator, which means I make the schedule for
the people at the circulation desk, supervise the pages who put books away
once they are returned, and you’ll occasionally see me filing in on the
circulation desk when we get busy. I also do some of the promotions for the
library, help with getting sponsorships of some of our larger programs, like
National Library Week, and assemble the online newsletter.
What do you like most about your job?
I love the people I work with. Not a day goes by were we don’t enjoy a laugh
or story about something happening in our lives or at the library.
What did you do before the library?
I was born right here in Two Rivers. I grew up here, but after high school, I
joined the Army. I was in the Army for seven years, before I met my husband. After the
Army, we lived in a few different places, like Texas and Massachusetts. In 2007, we
moved back to the Manitowoc area. I went to school for website development and
marketing. I formerly worked for the City of Two Rivers before I moved to the Lester
Public Library full time. I am happily married, with two cats and a dog.
When you're not at work, what do you enjoy doing?
I love making things with my hands. I knit, crochet, make a bunch of different crafts, play computer
games, Minecraft being my favorite.
What is your favorite book? Ender’s Game, by Orson Scott Card.
What are you currently reading?
I am currently reading the Gospel of Loki, by Joanne Harris, but I’m always taking recommendations on what I
should read next.
Coming soon to the Library
Wicked Charms
by Janet Evanovich
One Way or Another
by Elizabeth Adler
Code of Conduct by Brad Thor
Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee
The Naked Eye by Iris Johansen
Nemesis by Catherine Coulter
Badlands by C. J. Box
Naked Greed by Stuart Woods
Twice in a Lifetime
by Dorothy Garlock
Speaking in Bones
by Kathy Reiches
To reserve your copy, visit our online catalog at
www.lesterlibrary.org, call us at 793-7114 or
email us at lesref@lesterlibrary.org with your
full name and the titles you'd like to reserve. If
you want a large print edition or audiobook,
please let us know that as well.
Want this list emailed to you each month? Send
us an email at lesref@lesterlibrary.org and
simply tell us you'd like to join our Coming Soon
monthly email list. (You don't even have to be a
LPL patron to use this service, so tell your
friends and family to sign up too!)
Monthly Programs
Foreign Film: Owl
and the Sparrow
Tuesday, July 21 6:00 PM
Adult Summer Reading Program
Registration begins Monday, June 15 at the Help Desk and runs through
Friday, August 21. For each book you read this summer, fill out a review
card. Turn in 1 review card to receive a prize. Review cards will then be
entered into a weekly drawing for prizes including chamber bucks and
get out of fines free cards! All entries turned in during the summer will
then be added to the grand prize drawing for $100 in Chamber Bucks at
the end of the summer.
LPL Flix:
McFarland USA
Friday, July 10 1:00 PM
Come enjoy a movie on our big screen. No
registration required, we’ll provide the popcorn,
bring your own beverage.
This movie is rated PG, no one under the age of 13
will be admitted without an adult.
Lakeshore Memory Café
Saturday, July 18 10:00-11:30 AM
The café offers a comfortable setting for persons with dementia, their
families and caregivers to interact with and enjoy the company of others
experiencing similar challenges. Activities offered include exercise,
discussions, creative projects, games, music, dancing and guest speakers.
This program is free and open to the public, no registration required.
Anyone who requires assistance to participate must be accompanied by
someone who can provide that support. For more information about the
program contact Kim Jacquart-Franzen at (920)683-4180.
On the bustling streets of Saigon, 3
very different people are about to
collide. A beautiful flight attendant
looking for love. A zookeeper
hiding within his animal kingdom
to nurse a broken heart. And the
young flower-selling runaway who
brings them together. But to avoid
the authorities and a strict uncle
tracking her down, she will need all
of her cleverness if she is going to
grab any chance at lasting
happiness. No registration
required, we’ll provide the
popcorn, bring your own beverage.
Open to all adults ages 18 and
Silk Scarf Painting
Wednesday, July 22
5:00-8:00 PM
Learn the beautiful art of silk
painting. Participants will use
variations of the Japanese shibori
technique of painting and dyeing
All materials provided by the
library. This program is open to
ages 13 and up. Ages 10-13 are
welcome to participate with an
adult. Registration required.
Lester Public Library Read. Discover. Connect. Enrich.
Strictly Fiction Book Club
Card Workshop
Monday, July 6 6:30 PM
Monday, July 13
1:00-8:00 PM
This book club focuses on genre fiction such as
mystery, science fiction, fantasy, and romance.
Open to all adults 18 years and older. If you would
like to reserve a copy of the current month’s
selection please call (920)793-7113.
This month’s selection:
The Sweet Spot by Laura Drake
Book Discussion Group
Wednesday, July 1 4:00 PM
No pre-registration required; you may attend as
few or as many meetings as you wish. If you
would like to reserve a copy of the current
month’s selection please call (920)793-7113.
Join instructor Carolee Crabb and
create a variety of hand-made
cards. Participants may drop in
any time during the day. Cost is
$7.00 to cover the cost of
materials. Participants are also
asked to bring their own double
stick tape and a pair of scissors.
No need to pre-register, simply
pay at the door. For more
information please call the Help
Desk at (920)793-7114.
This month’s selection:
Sweet and Sour Pie by Dave Crehore
Teen Programs
Teen Late Night
Minecraft Club
Tuesday, July 7 & 21 8:00-11:00 PM
Saturday, July 25
2:30-5:30 PM
Join us for an after-hours evening at the library. Computers, video
games, snacks & hanging out with friends. Permission slips may be
picked up one week prior to the late night. This program is open to teens
in 6th-12th grade only. Registration required.
Teen Silk Scarf Painting
Wednesday, July 22 5:00-8:00 PM
See description to left.
Teen Henna Tattoos
Monday, July 27 2:00 PM
Join artist Amy Wilde as she demonstrates the art and science of
temporary henna tattoos. Amy will draw one for you, or you can do one
on yourself or friends.
This program is geared for players
in 3rd-8th grade who have a
Minecraft account, have played
before & have a basic
understanding of how the game
works. Players without an account
may use a library account.
Registration required - limited
space & accounts available.
Players who can bring their own
laptops are also welcome and will
allow for more players. Call (920)
793-7114 to reserve your spot
www.lesterlibrary.org (920)793-8888 lesref@lesterlibrary.org
youth Programs
Hometown Hereos
Learn about the super heroes who live here in
US Coast Guard
Monday, July 6 1:30 PM
Special guests from the US Coast Guard talk about
what they do and share the tools of their trade.
Participants will be able to explore one of their
Every Hero Has a Story 2015
Youth Summer Reading
Open to all ages - birth to 12th grade. Earn book bucks
by keeping track of the days you read or are read to.
Use your book bucks to buy prizes, pay off overdue
fines or save them to use at the Hero Carnival on
Wednesday, August 19 from 1:00-3:00 PM. Teens in 6th12th grade may use their book bucks to enter a weekly
drawing for prizes.
Hatrack Storytellers Inc.
Wednesday, July 1 1:30 PM
Join special guests, The Hatrack Storytellers Inc., for
stories, laughter and fun. Five accomplished storytellers
will share a variety of stories through Reader’s Theater.
Storytelling at its finest, you won’t want to miss it!
Treehouse Theater Inc.
Wednesday, July 29 1:30 PM
Join the Treehouse Theater as they present an excerpt
from their summer production of The Magic Treehouse
Knight at Dawn.
Technology Hero Campfire
Wednesday, July 29 8:00 PM
Bring your blankets and chairs and join us around the
campfire for s'mores. Participants will also have the
chance to try their hand at light painting!
Two Rivers EMTs
Tuesday, July 14 1:30 PM
Special guests from the Two Rivers EMTs talk about
what they do and share the tools of their trade.
Participants will be able to explore the ambulance!
Treehouse Theater Inc.
Monday, July 20 1:30 PM
Special guests from Treehouse Theater Inc. as they
talk about what they do and share the tools of their
trade. Be prepared to try some fun theater games!
Wisconsin Maritime Museum
Tuesday, July 21 1:30 PM
Special guests from Wisconsin Maritime Museum
talk about what they do and share the tools of their
Angel’s Landing Yoga
Tuesday, July 28 1:30 PM
Special guests from the Angel’s Landing Yoga talk
about what they do and share the tools of their
trade. Come prepared to try some Yoga!
Woodland Dunes Nature
Center & Preserve
Thursday, July 30 1:30 PM
Special guests from Woodland Dunes Nature
Center & Preserve talk about what they do and
share the tools of their trade.
Lester Public Library Read. Discover. Connect. Enrich.
Story Time (All Ages)
Tuesdays, 10:15 AM July 7, 14, 21 & 28
Each Story Time program includes a variety of stories, music, finger plays, flannel board stories,
movement activities, and puppets that enhance early literacy skills. While stories are chosen with
preschool children in mind, families with children of multiple ages are welcome to attend. Story
Time concludes with a simple process-based art project. No registration required.
Preschool Art Adventurers Wednesday, July 1, 15 & 29 10:15 AM
When children create art, they think, discover and thrive! Children and their caregivers will inspire
their imaginations through process-oriented art activities that foster creativity, self-expression, problem solving
and more. Some activities may be messy; be sure and dress appropriately.
Preschool Moovin’ & Groovin’ Wednesday, July 8 & 22 10:15 AM
Inspire your child’s sprit and energy through movement exploration, rhythm and beat, songs, rhymes, and circle
games that have been passed down from generation to generation. Children and their caregivers will
participate in activities full of wonder, magic and make-believe that engage your whole brain. Be prepared to
Move & Groove!
Super Hero Academy #2/3 Wednesday, July 8 & 22 1:30 PM
Do you have what it takes to be a Super Hero? During each academy participants will hone their skills using
strength, agility, speed, flexibility and of course BRAIN power! New activities featured at each academy.
Lego Building Club Friday, July 17 1:00-3:00 PM
Join us for an afternoon of Lego building fun. All Legos provided. All ages welcome. This is a drop-in program,
come ANY time during the time listed. No registration required.
Technology Heroes
Technology Hero programs include STEAM-oriented activities that explore science, technology, engineering, art
and mathematics using the library’s new iPad lab as well as hands-on fun. They are geared for 3rd-8th grade and
require registration at the Help desk.
Augmented Reality Art Thursday, July 9 2:00 PM
Print, color and see your drawing come to life in beautifully hand-animated 3D worlds. The app used in this
program is Collar Mix by Puteko Limited.
Walk With Dinosaurs Friday, July 24 2:00 PM
Discover the world of dinosaurs then take a dinosaurs photo adventure walk! An easy to use app that lets you
see incredible lifelike dinosaurs in your camera, where you can pose them for hilarious pictures with you and
your friends. The app used in this program is: Walking with Dinosaurs by BBC Worldwide.
www.lesterlibrary.org (920)793-8888 lesref@lesterlibrary.org
1 10:15 Pre Art
1:30 Hatrack
4:00 Book Club
2 10:15 & 6:30
1:30 Hometown 10:15 Story Time
Heroes US
Coast Guard
5:00 Food for
6:30 Strictly
8:00 Teen Late
1:00-8:00 Card
10:15 Story Time 10:15 Pre Art
1:30 Hometown Adventurers
Heroes: TR
6:00 Library
Board Meeting
1:30 Hometown
Theater Inc.
10:15 Story Time
1:30 Hometown
Heroes: WI
10:15 Pre Movin 10:15 & 6:30
& Groovin
1:30 Super Hero Session)
Academy #3
6:00 Foreign
8:00 Teen Late
5:00 Silk Scarf
2:00 Teen
Henna Tattoos
10:15 Pre Movin 10:15 & 6:30
& Groovin
1:30 Super Hero Session)
Academy #2
2:00 Tech
10:15 Story Time 10:15 Pre Art
1:30 Hometown
Heroes: Angel’s 1:30 Treehouse
Landing Yoga
Theater Inc.
8:00 Tech Hero
10:15 & 6:30
1:00 LPL Flix
1:00 Lego Club
10:00 Lakeshore
Memory Cafe
2:00 Tech
2:30 Minecraft
10:15 & 6:30
1:30 Hometown
Lester Public Library Read. Discover. Connect. Enrich.
www.lesterlibrary.org (920)793-8888 lesref@lesterlibrary.org