Festival Guide - Indiana State Festivals Association
Festival Guide - Indiana State Festivals Association
3 Festival Guide IndianaFestivals.org The Battle of Corydon Reenactment Sesquicentennial July 12-14, 2013 INDIANA Festival Time! August 6-10 September 5-8 First week of August Odon City Park, Odon Thur.-Sun. after Labor Day Daviess County Fairgrounds, Elnora Old Settlers Festival White River Valley Antique Show August 30 Wine, Cheese and Art Festival Friday before Labor Day weekend Main St. and 2nd, Washington August 31 Daviess County Amish Quilt Auction Saturday of Labor Day weekend Simon J. Graber Community Building, Cannelburg September 5-8 Daviess County Turkey Trot Festival Thur.-Sun. after Labor Day Ruritan Park, Montgomery September 14-15 20th Century Chevy Car Fest Third Sunday in September Eastside Park AUTHENTIC AMISH QUILTS FABULOUS FOOD 3 ANTIQUES GUIDED TOURS 812.254.5262 • info@daviesscounty.net Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 1 Welcome From ISFA Dear Indiana Traveler & Festival Friends, Great volunteers, creative imaginations and communities set the stage for Indiana’s abundance of festivals. Festivals are about experiences, reunions and making memories. Gale A. Gerber, Nappanee Apple Festival Plan now to attend Indiana’s great festivals and use your 2013 Indiana Festival Guide to choose your favorite events. Enjoy fun, good food and make some memories at Indiana festivals! Best wishes and safe travels, Gale A. Gerber Indiana State Festivals Association President Contents 3 4-5 6-9 10-76 77-83 Location Map Local Visitor Information Associate Partners Festivals by Date Index In recognition of Hoosier Energy as a proud sponsor of the Indiana Festival Guide since 1972 INDIANA STATE FESTIVALS ASSOCIATION The Indiana State Festivals Association is Indiana’s largest festivals and events nonprofit organization. IndianaFestivals.org provides world wide access to Indiana’s greatest festivals and events and is a great informational resource portal to find 475 events or festivals taking place throughout Indiana. Each listing provides detailed information about activities, admission, dates and location. Many listings include direct links to the festival or event website. Visit us today at IndianaFestivals.org and discover Indiana’s festivals and events! ISFA 700 Walton Street, Rockville, IN 47872 765-569-3650 • info@IndianaFestivals.org Mark your 2013 calendars for: ISFA Fall Convention November 15-17, Indianapolis Spring Workshops April 13, Switzerland Co. April 27, Wabash Cover design: The blast of cannons and the piercing ring of reveille will punctuate southern Indiana’s countryside as soldiers reenact the famous Civil War Battle of Corydon, which originally took place July 9, 1863. This three-day (July 12-14) event will be a celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Civil War and will also include a special reenactment of General John Hunt Morgan’s Raid into downtown Corydon, military ball, various historic demonstrations and reenactments. 2 All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. North Region East Region Central Region West Region South Central Region South Region To become an Indiana State Festivals Association member or Indiana Festival Guide advertiser, contact your Regional Account Executive. North - Terri Grabill, 574-862-1434, terrigrabill@frontier.com, nitdc2@frontier.com Central and East - Katy Cavaleri, 317-535-4291, kcavaleri@embarqmail.com West, South Central and South - Darla S. Blazey, 812-630-1311, darlablazey@insightbb.com All Corporate Advertisers - Bryan Apolskis, 317-490-4640, bryan@sequencesports.com Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 3 Local Visitor Information Convention & Visitors Bureaus • Chambers of Commerce • Local Tourism Offices STATEWIDE Indiana Office of Tourism Development 800.677.9800 VisitIndiana.com NORTH Amish Country/Elkhart County Convention & Visitors Bureau 574.262.8161 • 800.860.5958 AmishCountry.org Fulton County Tourism 574.224.2666 RochesterTourism.org Indiana Dunes Tourism (Porter County) 219.926.2255 • 800.283.8687 IndianaDunes.com Kosciusko County Convention & Visitors Bureau 574.269.6090 • 888.560.4463 KOScvb.org LaGrange County Convention & Visitors Bureau 260.768.4008 • 800.254.8090 VisitShipshewana.org See ad on pg. 84. Marshall County Convention & Visitors Bureau 574.936.1882 • 800.626.5353 VisitMarshallCounty.org See as on pg. 37. Michigan City LaPorte County Convention & Visitors Center 219.872.5055 • 888.493.5349 MichiganCityLaPorte.com See ad on inside back cover. North Webster Tippecanoe Township Chamber of Commerce 574.834.1600 Northern Indiana Tourism Development Commission 574.862.1434 • 877.862.1434 NorthernIndianaGetaways.com Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce 574.946.3869 PulaskiOnline.org Rensselaer Chamber of Commerce (Jasper County) 219.866.8223 RensselaerChamber.com 4 South Bend/Mishawaka Convention & Visitors Bureau (St. Joseph County) 574.234.0051 • 800.519.0577 VisitSouthBend.com Henry County Convention & Visitors Bureau 765.593.0764 • 888.676.4302 henrycountyin.org See ads on pgs. 21, 47. South Shore Convention and Visitors Authority (Lake County) 219.989.7770 • 800.255.5253 SouthShoreCVA.com See ad on pg. 74. Huntington County Visitor & Convention Bureau 260.359.8687 • 800.848.4282 visithuntington.org Starke County Tourism Commission 574.772.5548 ExploreStarkeCounty.com Steuben County Tourism Bureau 260.665.5386 • 800.525.3101 Lakes101.org EAST Anderson/Madison County Visitors Bureau 765.643.5633 • 800.533.6569 VisitAndersonMadisonCounty.com Berne Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center (Adams County) 260.589.8080 bernein.com Jay County Visitor & Tourism Bureau 260.726.3366 • 877.726.4481 visitjaycounty.com See ad on pg. 38. Knightstown Chamber of Commerce (Henry County) 765.345.5290 • 800.668.1895 knightstownchamber.com Kokomo/Howard County Convention & Visitors Bureau 765.457.6802 • 800.837.0971 visitkokomo.org Marion/Grant County Convention & Visitors Bureau 765.668.5435 showmegrantcounty.com Union County Chamber of Commerce 765.458.5976 ucdc.us Wabash County Convention & Visitors Bureau 260.563.7171 visitwabashcounty.com Wells County Chamber of Commerce (Bluffton) 260.824.0510 wellscoc.com Whitley County Chamber of Commerce (Columbia City Area) 260.248.8131 whitleychamber.com CENTRAL Boone County Convention & Visitors Bureau 765.484.8572 booneCVB.com See ad on pg. 59. Franklin Chamber of Commerce (Johnson County) 317.736.6334 franklincoc.org Cass County Visitors Bureau 574.753.4856 • 866.753.4856 visit-casscounty.com Miami County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Bureau 765.472.1923 enjoymiamicounty.com See ads on pgs. 24, 32, 53. Decatur Chamber of Commerce (Adams County) 260.724.2604 decaturchamber.org Muncie Visitors Bureau (Delaware County) 765.284.2700 • 800.568.6862 visitmuncie.org Hamilton County Convention & Visitors Bureau 317.848.3181 • 800.776.8687 8GreatTowns.com DeKalb County Visitors Bureau 260.927.1499 • 877.833.3282 dekalbcvb.org Noble County Convention & Visitors Bureau 260.599.0060 • 877.202.5761 visitnoblecounty.com Hancock County Visitors Bureau 317.477.TOUR • 866.384.TOUR visithancockcounty.com See ads on pgs. 16, 54, 65. Eastern Region Tourism Marketing Co-op 800.533.6569 visiteasternindiana.org Fayette County Tourism Bureau 765.825.2561 visitconnersville.com Visit Fort Wayne (Allen County) 260.424.3700 • 800.767.7752 visitfortwayne.com Hartford City Chamber of Commerce (Blackford County) 765.348.1905 hartfordcitychamber.org Randolph County Convention and Visitors Bureau 765.584.3266 • 800.905.0514 roamrandolph.org Richmond/Wayne County Convention & Visitors Bureau 765.935.8687 • 800.828.8414 visitrichmond.org Greater Greenwood Chamber of Commerce (Johnson County) 317.888.4856 greenwood-chamber.com Hendricks County Convention & Visitors Bureau 317.718.8750 • 800.321.9666 TourHendricksCounty.com Morgan County Convention & Visitors Bureau 765.342.8110 visitmorgancountyin.com Rush County Chamber of Commerce 765.932.2880 rushcounty.com/chamber Visit Indy (Marion County) 800.323.INDY VisitIndy.com Tipton County Chamber of Commerce 765.675.7533 tiptonchamber.com Greater Martinsville Chamber of Commerce (Morgan County) 765.342.8110 martinsvillechamber.com Local Visitor Information Convention & Visitors Bureaus • Chambers of Commerce • Local Tourism Offices Greater Mooresville Chamber of Commerce (Morgan County) 317.831.6509 mooresvillechamber.com Shelby County Visitors & Convention Bureau 317.398.9623 • 888.303.0244 visitshelbycounty.com See ad on pg. 26. Greater Monticello Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Bureau (White County) 574.583.7220 monticelloin.com Sweet Owen Convention & Visitors Bureau (Owen County) 812.714.8110 sweetowencvb.org Zionsville Chamber of Commerce (Boone County) 317.873.3836 zionsvillechamber.org Sullivan County Chamber of Commerce 812.905.0131 sullivancountyin.com WEST Terre Haute Convention & Visitors Bureau (Vigo County) 812.234.5555 • 800.366.3043 terrehaute.com Benton County Economic Development 765.884.2080 bentoncounty.in.gov Brazil – Clay County Chamber of Commerce 812.448.8457 claycountychamber.org Carroll County Chamber of Commerce 866.374.6813 CarrollCountyChamber.com Clinton County Chamber of Commerce 765.654.5507 ccinchamber.org Greater Clinton Chamber of Commerce (Vermillion County) 765.832.3844 greaterclintonchamber.org Covered Bridge Capital (Parke County) 765.569.5226 coveredbridges.com See ads on pgs. 9, 14, 34, 68. Warren County Economic Development and Chamber of Commerce 765.762.6055 warrenadvantage.com SOUTH CENTRAL Bloomington/Monroe County Convention & Visitors Center 812.334.8900 • 866.333.0038 visitbloomington.com Columbus Area Visitors Center (Bartholomew County) 812.378.2622 • 800.468.6564 columbus.in.us Daviess County Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau 812.254.5262 • 800.449.5262 daviesscounty.net See ad on 1. Dearborn County Convention, Visitor & Tourism Bureau 812.537.0814 • 800.322.8198 visitsoutheastindiana.com Covered Bridge Country (Putnam County) 765.653.8743 • 800.829.4639 coveredbridgecountry.com Franklin County Convention, Recreation, Visitors Commission 765.647.6522 • 866.647.6555 franklincountyin.com Kentland Chamber of Commerce (Newton County) 219.474.6665 Greensburg/Decatur County Tourism 812.222.8733 • 877.883.5447 visitgreensburg.com Visit Lafayette – West Lafayette 765.447.9999 • 800.872.6569 HomeOfPurdue.com See ad on pg. 19. Montgomery County Visitors & Convention Bureau 765.362.5200 • 800.866.3973 crawfordsville.org Hope Area Welcome Center (Bartholomew County) 812.546.HOPE hopechamber.com Jackson County Visitor Center 812.524.1914 • 888.524.1914 jacksoncountyin.com Lawrence County Tourism Commission 812.849.1090 • 800.798.0769 limestonecountry.com Linton – Stockton Chamber of Commerce (Greene County) 812.847.4846 lintonchamber.org Madison Area Convention & Visitors Bureau (Jefferson County) 812.265.2956 • 800.559.2956 visitmadison.org Martin County Chamber of Commerce 812.295.4093 martincountyindianachamber ofcommerce.org Nashville/Brown County Convention & Visitors Bureau 812.988.7303 • 800.753.3255 browncounty.com Visit French Lick West Baden (Orange County) 888.684.3418 visitfrenchlickwestbaden.com See ad in Center Spread. Gibson County Visitors & Tourism Bureau 812.385.0999 • 888.390.5825 gibsoncountyin.org Harrison County Convention & Visitors Bureau 888.738.2137 thisisindiana.org Historic New Harmony (Posey County) 812.682.4474 • 800.231.2168 newharmony.org Historic Newburgh, Inc. (Warrick County) 812.853.2815 historicnewburgh.org Ripley County Tourism Bureau 812.689.7431 • 888.747.5394 ripleycountytourism.com Perry County Convention & Visitors Bureau 812.547.7933 • 888.343.6262 perrycountyindiana.org Rising Sun/Ohio County Convention & Tourism Bureau 812.438.4933 • 888.776.4786 enjoyrisingsun.com Pike County Chamber of Commerce 812.354.8155 pikecountyin.org Switzerland County Convention & Visitors Bureau 812.427.3237 • 800.435.5688 vevayin.com Scott County Visitors Commission greatscottindiana.com Vincennes/Knox County Convention & Visitors Bureau 812.886.0400 • 800.886.6443 vincennescvb.org Southern Indiana Trip Ideas southernindiana.org SOUTH Spencer County Visitors Bureau 888.444.9252 SantaClausInd.org IndianasAbeLincoln.org Clark/Floyd Counties Convention & Tourism Bureau 812.280.5566 • 800.552.3842 sunnysideoflouisville.org Washington County Tourism Bureau 812.883.4303 washingtoncountytourism.org Crawford County Tourism Information Center 812.739.2246 • 888.755.2282 crawfordcountyindiana.com Dubois County Visitors Center 800.968.4578 visitduboiscounty.com See ads on pgs. 10, 11. Evansville Convention & Visitors Bureau (Vanderburgh County) 800.433.3025 visitevansville.com explore! Southern Indiana exploresouthernindiana.com In recognition of Hoosier Energy as a proud sponsor of the Indiana Festival Guide since 1972 2012 ISFA Associate Member 2012 ISFA Partner 5 ASSOCIATE PARTNERS ENTERTAINMENT Carson Diersing Carson, age 15, is the youngest endorsed Hohner Harmonica player. Carson also plays guitar, sings and has a full band. 317-919-2277; carsondiersing.com Dicky James and The Blue Flames Dicky James and The Blue Flames award-winning, Chicagostyle blues. Now booking festivals for 2013. 812-243-6384; dickyjamesandtheblueflames.com Hunter Smith Band Colts' Super Bowl Champion Hunter Smith's country rock band is the real deal. Hunter's stories and the band's epic sound combine to create a matchless experience! huntersmithband.com IndyFringe Entertainment Affordable street performers for hire including fire, magic, music, dancing, juggling and unique characters made to order for your festival. 317-522-8099; indyfringe.org The Justin Paschal Band Whether performing solo or taking the stage with his band, Justin has captured the attention of both Country and Christian arenas. Inspiring! 765-490-5832; reverberation.com/justinpaschal Magical Entertainment Magic Matt's Family Fun Show Magician and balloon artist Matthew Scherer brings family fun and interactive entertainment to your event. 630-244-0979; mattthemagician.com Polly Mae New female country music artist singing country music covers such as Gretchen, Miranda and Carrie and her dynamic originals recorded in Nashville. 419-236-9478; polly-mae.com Solution Action Sports Extreme, Gravity Defying, BMX and FMX stunt shows. X-Games and Mt. Dew Tour Athletes Live at your event. All Age Entertainment! solutionactionsports.com Zambelli Fireworks Zambelli Fireworks is a group of professional pyrotechnic event planners focused on one goal-giving you the best fireworks entertainment. 724-658-6611; zambellifireworks.com FESTIVAL SUPPLIER A – Classic Expo Design Full-service party rental/tradeshow production company providing tents, tables, chairs, pipe & drape, CAD, dishware, flatware, catering supplies and props. 317-635-3976; aclassicexpo.com Amenity Insurance Business and insurance solutions. Offering exclusive benefit insurance program for Indiana State Festivals Association members. Exclusively endorsed by Indiana State Festivals Association. 855-649-4222; amenityinsurance.com Circus City Amusement Co. Top-quality, family-oriented amusement rides, games and concessions for your fair, festival or event. Find us on Facebook. 317-697-1654; psi1990@yahoo.com EXPODESIGN Full-service creative company providing innovative decór, murals and industrial theming, custom fabrication, textiles, large-scale sculptures and parade float fabrication. 317-784-5610; expodesign.net Foster Printing Family-owned printer with 90 years experience. Variety of presses, in-house prepress, bindery and mailing. Your one partner for printing! 219-879-8366; fosterprinting.com L & D Sound, LLC We go the extra step to make your festival a success Great pricing, reliable and exceptional service and added value. Serving Indiana, Michigan & Ohio 260-740-9008 LDSound.com 6 All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. ASSOCIATE PARTNERS Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance has served Hoosiers for nearly 80 years. The company has grown to include insurance products for auto, life, home, business and farm. Banking and other financial services and products are also available through its local offices. 800-723-3276; infarmbureau.com L&D Sound, LLC We supply reliable sound, lighting, staging and special effects for your festival at a great price. 260-740-9008; LDSound.com McFarling Foods Local employee-owned, broad-line food service distributor since 1948. Conveniently located in downtown Indy, McFarling can help with all your foodservice needs. Fresh and frozen, meats, produce, canned and paper goods, etc. Contact Todd at 317-797-1040; McFarling.com Neoti, LLC Providing LED video wall rentals, event production and creative marketing for events! Jumbo screens, video cameras and more! 260-494-1499; neoti.com Propeller Marketing We’re a 12-year-old advertising agency specializing in tourism - festivals, events, attractions, destinations. A designer/partner of Indiana State Festivals Association for the Indiana Festival Guide. 317-770-8183; propellermktg.com Pyramid Sound Works Professional sound and lighting system installations and alignment. Fairs, festivals, private events, weddings and corporate events. 317-695-5890; pyramidsoundworks.com Red and Black Productions Pro audio, concert sound reinforcement, public address system for musical events, corporate meetings, trade shows, church functions. 219-973-3847; facebook.com/RedAndBlackProductionsSoundCo Smokin Joe's BBQ We specialize in various festival favorites as well as our famous BBQ and smoked meats. Catering is available for special events. 217-772-3324; smokinjoesBBQ1965@att.net Sonco Worldwide Fence and Barricades Provides fence and barricades for festivals and events throughout the Midwest, securing any site, large or small. 888-766-2618; rentaguard.com and soncobarricades.com Sound-Management Sound-Management provides production assistance for fairs and festivals. 866-234-7368; sound-management.com 1-855-649-4222 amenityinsurance.com EXCLUSIVE BENEFIT INSURANCE PROGRAM FOR ISFA MEMBERS!!!! • GENERAL LIABILITY • PROPERTY • DIRECTORS & OFFICERS • LIQUOR LIABILITY • INLAND MARINE • SPECIAL EVENTS • EMPLOYERS LIABILITY • RISK MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT & CONSULTATION WORKMANS COMP. COVERAGE ALSO AVAILABLE An Indiana Fair & Festival Program EXCLUSIVELY ENDORSED BY: In recognition of Hoosier Energy as a proud sponsor of the Indiana Festival Guide since 1972 Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 7 ASSOCIATE PARTNERS LODGING Michigan City (LaPorte Co., North Reg.) Super 8 Michigan City Enjoy value in a midwestern setting. Bordering Lake Michigan. Our hotel is off I-94 and Rt. 421 and makes easy access to area attractions. 219-879-0411; super8.com Delphi (Carroll Co., West Reg.) J.W. Rentals Guest Houses and Suites Short-term overnight lodging with all the comforts of your "home away from home." 765-564-6045; jwrentals.com TRAVEL INFORMATION Indiana Office of Tourism Development Indiana's official travel planning source. Request free information to plan your Indiana getaway. Browse our site for events and festivals, attractions, discounts and first-hand tips to restart your engines. 800-677-9800; VisitIndiana.com Madison Co., East Reg. Anderson/Madison Co. Visitors Bureau The fun starts here! With an abundance of casino action, sports, arts, entertainment, recreation, fairs and festivals, there is something to do every night of the year in Madison County. Our web site will help you plan your fun-filled Madison County experience. 800-533-6569; VisitAndersonMadisonCounty.com Carroll Co., West Reg. Carroll County Chamber of Commerce Discover Carroll County where you'll find the unexpected just down the road, river or trail. 866-374-6813; carrollcountychamber.com Cass Co., East Reg. Cass County Visitors Bureau The Cass County Visitors Bureau invites you to Uncover and Discover the treasures of Cass County. 574-753-4856; info@visit-casscounty.com Bartholomew Co., South Central Reg. Columbus Area Visitor Center As seen on CBS Sunday Morning and in dozens of national publications. Columbus is an unbelievable town filled with art and architecture by some of the world’s finest designers. 800-468-6564; columbus.in.us Parke Co., West Reg. Covered Bridge Capital-Parke County Parke County Tourism is a cooperative effort of the Convention/Visitors Commission and Parke County, Incorporated promoting year-round tourism including great festivals such as the Parke County Maple Syrup Fair (Feb. 23-24, Mar. 2-3), Parke County Covered Bridge Festival (Oct. 11-20) and Parke County Covered Bridge Christmas (Dec. 6-8). coveredbridges.com 8 Daviess Co., South Central Reg. Daviess County Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Bureau Daviess County stands for; Amish Pleasures… Festive Events… Family Recreation and Adventure. Fishing, hunting, camping and much more. 800-449-5262; daviesscounty.net See ad on pg. 1. Dubois Co., South Reg. Dubois County Visitors Center Home to family-friendly festivals including Strassenfest, Folk Fest, Garden Gate Jazz, Wine & Craft Beer Festival and Olde World Christmas. 812-482-9115; visitduboiscounty.com Allen Co., East Reg. Visit Fort Wayne Visit Fort Wayne for family fun and amazing festivals- any time of year! 800-767-7752; VisitFortWayne.com Orange Co., South Reg. Visit French Lick West Baden History, Luxory & The Great Outdoors. Enjoy familyfriendly attractions, world-class golf and award-winning spas. There is something for everyone! 855-293-6759; visitfrenchlickwestbaden.com Hamilton Co., Central Reg. Hamilton County Convention and Visitors Bureau If you're looking for a fun, affordable getaway adventure you'll find plenty of things to do in Hamilton County! 317-848-3181; 8GreatTowns.com Hancock Co., Central Reg. Hancock County Tourism Commission/ Hancock County Visitors Bureau Just 20 minutes from downtown Indianapolis, we offer museums, arts and entertainment, antiques, golfing, parks, Historic Downtown and lodging. 866-384-8687; visithancockcounty.com Harrison Co., South Reg. Harrison County Convention and Visitors Bureau Historic Corydon, Harrison County visitor information and travel assistance. Historical sites/reenactments, outdoor concerts, wineries, caving, casino and much more. 812-738-2138; thisisindiana.org Kokomo (Howard Co., East Reg.) Kokomo Visitors Bureau Contact us for assistance with lodging, attractions, dining and event information as well as meetings, sports and group tour information. 765-457-6802; visitkokomo.org Tippecanoe Co., West Reg. Visit Lafayette-West Lafayette Contact us for assistance with lodging, attractions, dining and events as well as meetings, sports and group tour information and assistance. 765-447-9999; homeofpurdue.com/ All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. ASSOCIATE PARTNERS Grant Co., East Reg. Marion/Grant County Convention & Visitors Bureau Find fabulous classic car shows, bike rallies, vintage aircraft, tractor engine shows, Mississinewa 1812, covered bridge festival in Grant County. 765-668-5435; ShowMeGrantCounty.com Marshall Co., North Reg. Marshall County Tourism Take time to unwind in Marshall County! Kick back and relax while enjoying our festivals and events, lakes, bike routes and golf courses. Shop a little and enjoy our fine restaurants, too. 800-626-5353; visitmarshallcounty.org Miami Co., East Reg. Miami County Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau See a circus, experience our museums, hike and bike our trails, learn Cole Porter history and Miami Indians legends and canoe down our rivers. 765-472-1923; enjoymiamicounty.com LaPorte Co., North Reg. Michigan City LaPorte Convention and Visitors Center Visitor information center. Open daily for local dining, lodging, attractions and travel information along with local and statewide brochures. 800-634-2650; michigancitylaporte.com Kosciusko Co., North Reg. North Webster Tippecanoe Township Chamber of Commerce Located in Kosciusko County in Northern Indiana. 574-834-1600; northwebster.com Sullivan Co., West Reg. Sullivan County Tourism Commission JANUARY Parke County Fair February 23-24 and March 2-3 Turkey Run Eagles in Flight ............................ Feb 1-3 Parke County Maple Syrup Fair ...................... Feb 23-24 & Mar 2-3 Mecca Jonah Fish Fry ...................................... Apr 12 Turkey Run Earth Day .................................... Apr 20 Bridgeton Mountain Man Rendezvous........ Apr 27-28 Mansfield Village Mushroom Festival ........ Apr 27-28 Bridgeton Art & Wine Fair .............................. May 11 Zoom Town 5K Run ........................................ May 18 Rockville Main Street Community Yard Sale .................................... May 18 Miami Indians All Nations Gathering.............. Jun 1-2 Rockville Main Street Cruise In ..........................Jun 1 Montezuma Park Board 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament ............................Jun 1 Parke County Chamber Golf Classic....................Jun 5 Rosedale Strawberry Festival .......................... Jun 7-9 Bridgeton Quilt & Woodworking Show .......... Jun 8-9 Farm & Home Community Auction ....................Jun 8 Tourism Commission promotes the festivals, events, unique shops, historical areas, recreation and delicious local cusine. Parke County Wabash Co., East Reg. the Covered Bridge Capital of the World 812-905-0131; sullivancountyin.com Wabash County CVB Tour group itineraries, let us make arrangements for you. Fine dining, historic hotels, world class entertainment, museums, festivals, covered bridges, art galleries and much more. 260-563-7171; visitwabashcounty.com Michigan Michigan Festival & Events Association A statewide organization serving communities and volunteers throughout Michigan, promoting local events, festivals and destinations throughout the Midwest and providing technical assistance, training and education to its 800 members. mfea.org FREE COVERED BRIDGE MAPS, LODGING, FESTIVAL, VENDOR & VISITOR INFORMATION 765-569-5226 www.coveredbridges.com info@coveredbridges.com Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 9 January/February n i t n Hu g r u gb JANUARY Jan. 4; Feb. 1; Mar. 1; Apr. 5; May 3; Jun. 7; Jul. 5; Aug. 2; Sep. 6; Oct. 4; Nov. 1; Dec. 6 Goshen (Elkhart Co., North Reg.) Goshen First Fridays Downtown. On the first Friday of every month, businesses, artists and entertainers throw a party in downtown Goshen. 5pm-9pm. No adm. chg. 574-312-9922; cityonthego.org Jan. 19-20 Nashville (Brown Co., South Central Reg.) Visit Historic Huntingburg For These 2013 Events Jan. 19-20 Winter Antique Show Fisherman & Outdoors Expo Mar. 2-3 Apr. 5-7 Daffodil Stroll Apr. 13 Kiwanis Car Show Apr. 19-20 Garden Gate Festival Jazz Wine & Craft Beer Fest Apr. 20 May 10-11 City Wide Yard Sale Jul. 4 YMI Picnic Summer Sidewalk Sales Jul. 12-13 Aug. 17-18 Summer Antique Show Sept. 26-29 Herbstfest Old Fashioned Bargain Days Oct. 4-5 Nov. 7-10 Christmas Stroll Dec. 7 Old Fashioned Christmas Shopping Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10 am - 5 pm Saturday 10 am - 4 pm Sunday 12 pm - 4 pm Huntingburg ntingburg Chamber of Commerce www.huntingburgchamber.org 812.683.5699 .683.5699 Dubois County Visitors Center 800.968.4578 Brown County's Winter Wellness Weekend: Warm Up from Within Brown County State Park & Abe Martin Lodge. The 12th Annual Winter Hike will be offered along with a 5-mile Frosty Trail Run and yoga workshop at Abe Martin Lodge. No adm. chg. 812-988-5240 Jan. 26; May 18-19; Jun. 8-9; Jul. 13-14; Aug. 24-25; Sep. 8; Oct. 26-27 Fort Wayne (Allen Co., East Reg.) Living History Days at the Old Fort Old Fort Park. Cannons thunder. Muskets fire. Experience American frontier life with colonial artisans, battle reenactment, merchants and tours at the Historic Fort. Limited Handicap Accessibility. No adm. chg. 260-437-2836; oldfortwayne.org FEBRUARY Feb. 1 Kokomo (Howard Co., East Reg.) Chocolate Celebration First Church of the Nazarene. Don't miss Kokomo's sweetest event with yummy treats. Come early for the best selection! 11am-2pm. No adm. chg. 765-453-7611; samaritancaregivers.org Feb. 1; Mar. 1; Apr. 5; May 3; Jun. 7; Jul. 5; Aug. 2; Sep. 6; Oct. 4; Nov. 1; Dec. 6 Goshen (Elkhart Co., North Reg.) Goshen First Fridays Downtown. See Jan. 4 listing. Feb. 2 Shipshewana (LaGrange Co., North Reg.) Shipshewana Pajama Sale Townwide. Wear your pajamas on Sat., Feb. 2nd for dreamy sales at the annual Shipshewana Pajama Sale! Enjoy the fun of shopping in your pajamas, just like shopping from home. The best sales start before the sun comes up. Make a reservation at a Shipshewana hotel. In partnership with the LaGrange County CVB. No adm. chg. 260-768-7589; shipshewana.com www.visitduboiscounty.com 10 All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. February Ja e p s r Gateway to Dubois County 2013 EVENTS April 6 Town-wide Yard Sale April 19-21 Herb & Garden Days April 19-21 Chainsaw Carving Festival 2013 EVENTS Jasper Home Expo. Weekend of March 2 Spirit of Jasper Train Rides Begin first part of May Chalk Walk June 21-22 Ferdinand Heimatfest May 4 September 21 Ferdinand Folk Fest May 19 November 15 Christkindlmarkt Eve November 16-17 Christkindlmarkt Strawberry Day & Old Jasper Day Jasper Strassenfest August 1, 2, 3, & 4 Santa Arrives November 27 O’Tannenbaum Days December 6, 7, & 8 Partial List - For more details: For more information, call Dubois County Visitors Center 800-968-4578 or visit www.visitduboiscounty.com Jasper Chamber of Commerce www.jasperin.org 812-482-6866 For visitor information: Dubois County Visitors Center www.visitduboiscounty.com 800-968-4578 Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 11 FEBRUARY Sullivan County Home of Outdoor Recreation Fun Festivals, Fairs & events MAR Ag Day (See website for date & time) 4H Fairgrounds Sullivan County Coon Hunters Association-National Trials 4H Fairgrounds – April 8th – 13th 2013 April 5-7 Civil War Days Hope Town Square • Time TBA APR Sullivan County Shifters Cruise In MAY May Days – on the square in Sullivan JUN June 30th (on the square in Sullivan) WATTS in the Sky - June 21st, 22nd, 23rd JUL AUG www.hopewelcome.org August 1st, 2nd, 3rd (George Heap Memorial Park) Sullivan County Shifters Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show Sullivan County Shifters Cruise In (1st Wednesday Night on the square in Sullivan) SEP Labor Day – Sullivan County Park & Lake August 30th, September 1st, 2nd, 3rd Sullivan Rotary Corn Festival September 18th thru 21st Dugger Coal Festival - Sept. 26th - 29th Aviation Appreciation Days (Check Website for Date & Time) Hymera Old Soldiers Reunion - Sept. 28th Sullivan County Shifters Cruise In (1st Wednesday Night On the square in Sullivan) Friday, November 22 Visit our historic Town Square Farmersburg Old Settlers August 3rd (George Heap Memorial Park) Hymera Seafood Festival - August 24th Annual Hope Heritage Days Hope Town Square (812) 546-HOPE (4673) Sullivan County Shifters Cruise In (check website for dates & time) September 27-29 Annual Christmas of Yesteryear Hope Town Square • 5:30-8:30 Sullivan County Park & Lake – July 5th, 6th, 7th Sullivan County 4H Fair Sunday, August 25 Annual Hope Ride Hope Area and Hope Town Square Freedom Festival (1st Wednesday Night on the square in Sullivan) Farmer's Market Hope Town Square • 3:00-TBA Saturday, September 21 (First Full Weekend of June - Merom Bluff Park) Carlisle Yard Sale Day - (2nd Saturday in June) Sullivan Co Shifters “Be There or Be Square” Tue. & Fri., June-September Annual Hope Arts & Antiques Fair Hope Town Square • 9am-4pm Merom Bluff Chautauqua (1st Wednesday night on the square in Sullivan) June-September Friday, July 5 Sullivan County Shifters Cruise In Sullivan County Shifters Cruise In May 17-18 Annual Old-Fashioned Independence Day Celebration Hope Town Square • 5:30-dark (Sunday, May 5th) (1st Wednesday night on the square in Sullivan) Art Guild of Hope Art Fair Hope Town Square • Time TBA Classic Car Cruise-In Hope Town Square • 5:30-dark (1st Wednesday night on the square in Sullivan) OCT Sullivan County Shifters Cruise In DEC Victorian Hometown Christmas (1st Wednesday Night On the square in Sullivan) (On the square in Sullivan) Dec. 6th & 7th Sullivan County Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Commission 25 S. Main St. | Sullivan, IN 47882 812-905-0131 www.sullivancountyin.com 12 All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. FEBRUARY/March Feb. 10 Vincennes (Knox Co., South Central Reg.) Old Post Bluegrass Jam Vincennes University Beckes Student Union. Enjoy a day of bluegrass musical entertainment. Open jam sessions all day long and afternoon scheduled performances. Acoustic instruments only. No adm. chg. 800-886-6443; vincennescvb.org Come to Scenic Jennings County Feb. 23-24, Mar. 2-3 Salem (Washington Co., South Reg.) Leane and Michael’s Sugarbush 22nd Annual Maple Syrup Festival 321 N Garrison Hollow Rd., between Salem and Henryville. Syrup-making tours, historical demonstrations, food served all day, live music, vendors, children’s activities, gift shop. No adm. chg. 877-841-8851; lmsugarbush.com Feb. 23-24; Mar. 2-3 Rockville (Parke Co., West Reg.) Parke County Maple Syrup Fair Parke County 4-H Fairgrounds on US 41. Maple camps primitive to modern where maple syrup is made. Enjoy pancake and sausage meals daily with shopping. No adm. chg. 765-569-5226; coveredbridges.com Feb. 24 Greenwood (Johnson Co., Central Reg.) Taste of the Southside, presented by Community Health Network Valle Vista Golf and Conference Center. Attention foodies! Over 40 outstanding restaurants, bakeries, wineries and more. Live ''Chef Challenge'' competition. One entrance ticket for unlimited sampling. Adm. chg. 317-888-4856; GreenwoodChamber.com MARCH Mar. 1; Apr. 5; May 3; Jun. 7; Jul. 5; Aug. 2; Sep. 6; Oct. 4; Nov. 1; Dec. 6 Goshen (Elkhart Co., North Reg.) Goshen First Fridays Mar. 2-3, 9-10 Medora (Jackson Co., South Central Reg.) National Maple Syrup Festival Medora Community School, Burton's Maplewood Farm. Tours, historical accounts, wagon rides, bluegrass music, Old McMaple Petting Zoo, nation's largest Native American and French American sugar encampment/demonstration. Festival held in Medora. No adm. chg. 812-966-2168; nationalmaplesyrupfestival.com May - Highway 50 Yard Sale June - Home and Gardens Tour July - Jennings County Fair September - Labor Day Antiques, Collectibles, Flea Market, Hayden Daze October - Ghost Walk & Mystery Dinner, Kiwanis Haunted House Call for an events brochure, or check out www.jenningscounty.org Parke County Maple Syrup Fair Parke County 4-H Fairgrounds on US 41. See Feb. 23-24 listing. Great Events! April - Sassafras Tea Festival & Civil War Living History Downtown. See Jan. 4 listing. Mar. 2-3 Rockville (Parke Co., West Reg.) 60 miles southeast of Indianapolis and 60 miles northeast of Louisville, SR 7 and US 50. Covered Bridges, Historic Herb Farm, Wildlife Refuge, Great parks, hiking, fishing, canoeing, hunting, camping, swimming. Antiques & Specialty Shops Historical Museums Overnight Accommodations: White Oak Lodge, Comfort Inn, White Front B&B Visit Jennings County 812-592-8087 Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 13 MARCH/APRIL Visit Parke County Covered Bridge Art Gallery •Association Spring Show April 25 - May 30 •Art Affair on the Square June 22 •Associate Member Art Show June 28 - July 29 •Holiday Home Tour - December 7 •Association Christmas Show December 1 - 31 2 Historic Mills Mar. 8-9 Portland (Jay Co., East Reg.) Fiber Fest & Spin-In Jay County 4-H Building. Two-day festival for all fiber crafters. Classes, demonstrations, vendors, petting zoo, sheep shearing. Friday benefit soup supper and educational day. Adm. chg. 877-726-4481; visitjaycounty.com Mar. 9-17 Indianapolis (Marion Co., Central Reg.) 55th Annual Indiana Flower and Patio Show Indiana State Fairgrounds, West Pavilion and Exposition Hall. Since 1958, the Original Garden Show has been one of the nation's most renowned flower and garden shows! Adm. chg. 800-215-1700; indianaflowerandpatioshow.com 2014 Festival Dates: Mar. 8-16 TOGeTHerWeSave.COM Close your blinds in the summer. open them in the winter. Save $35 a year. Bridgeton Mansfield Mar. 15-16 Indianapolis (Marion Co., Central Reg.) St. Patrick's Day Celebration Downtown. Two-day celebration includes a parade, tent party, 2 State Parks Shamrock Run & Walk, Shamrockin' the Circle and Hoosier Copyright©2011 St.ClaireGroup Turkey Run Lottery Greening of the Canal. No adm. chg. 888-756-3552; Shades Client: HSR Job Name: Hoosier Festival indystpats.com Guide Mini Ads—2012 Job Number: HSR-HSR Specs: 2.125” x 1” Ad 4C Publication: Mar. 16-17 If you have any questions regardingNoblesville this art, please call Allison at 317-816-8810 or e-mail ala (Hamilton Co.,Lauck Central Reg.) Date: 09/27/12 CR:0Arts, IR:0 Crafts and 3rd AnnualLayout Springtime in Indiana 2 Great Lakes Raccoon Lake Rockville Lake Park Parke County Indiana Covered Bridge Capital of the World www.coveredbridges.com info@coveredbridges.com 765-569-5226 Gift Showcase Hamilton County Fairgrounds. A multi-class show blending a presentation of fine arts, crafts, collectibles, antiques, home/ personal items, gifts and gourmet gift foods. Adm. chg. 419-436-1457; cloudshows.biz Mar. 16-17 New Carlisle (St. Joseph Co., North Reg.) Sugar Camp Days Bendix Woods County Park. Watch sap cook into syrup, enjoy a pancake breakfast, tour the sugar bush, listen to family music and more! Adm. chg. 574-654-3155; sjcparks.org APRIL Apr.-Oct. Michigan City (LaPorte Co., North Reg.) Parke County Covered Bridge Festival October 11-20 14 Michigan City Summer Festival Washington Park and various locations. Over twenty different events held throughout the summer including festivals, parades, fireworks, fishing tournaments, skate competitions and Oktoberfest. No adm. chg. 219-874-8213; mcsummerfest.org All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. APRIL Apr. 5; May 3; Jun. 7; Jul. 5; Aug. 2; Sep. 6; Oct. 4; Nov. 1; Dec. 6 Goshen (Elkhart Co., North Reg.) Goshen First Fridays Downtown. See Jan. 4 listing. Apr. 13 (Switzerland Co., South Central Reg.) ISFA Spring Workshop-South Annual workshop for festival and event managers, volunteers and marketers. Meet with other ISFA members to continue to grow and improve Indiana’s festivals. Presented by Indiana State Festivals Association. 765-569-3650; indianafestivals.net Apr. 19-20 Wakarusa (Elkhart Co., North Reg.) Wakarusa Maple Syrup Festival Historic Downtown. All you can eat! Pancakes/sausage or PTO BBQ meal. Enjoy free popcorn, parade, entertainment, sugar camp/museum tours and contests with cash prizes. Craft, commercial and food vendors. Face painting and carnival/bouncy rides. Buy fresh maple syrup. No adm. chg. 574-862-4344; wakarusamaplesyrupfestival.com 2014 Festival Dates: Apr. 18-19 Apr. 27 Danville (Hendricks Co., Central Reg.) ArtsGo! Danville, Brownsburg, Avon, Plainfield and surrounding areas. Drive around Hendricks County and discover art by local artisans at studios, Gallery on the Square and more! No adm. chg. 317-386-3111; hendrickscountyarts.org Apr. 27-28 Bridgeton (Parke Co., West Reg.) Bridgeton Mountain Man Rendezvous 1878 Grounds. 1830s reenactment with trading posts, muzzleloader shoot, tomahawk and knife throwing, canoe race, cookin' in the cabin and field trips. No adm. chg. 765-548-2136; bridgetonindiana.com Apr. 27 Wabash (Wabash Co., East Reg.) ISFA Spring Workshop-North Annual workshop for festival and event managers, volunteers and marketers. Meet with other ISFA members to continue to grow and improve Indiana’s festivals. Presented by Indiana State Festivals Association. 765-569-3650; indianafestivals.net Apr. 27-28 Mansfield (Parke Co., West Reg.) Mansfield Village Mushroom Festival and Car Show Mansfield Village. Mushroom hunt, mushroom auction, biggest mushroom contest. Car show on Sun. Shopping, vendors, food and camping. No adm. chg. 765-653-4026; mansfieldvillage.com Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 15 APRIL/MAY 9LVLW 9LVLW +DQFRFN&RXQW\·V +DQFRFN&RXQW\·V (YHQWV (YHQWV ´:KHUHKLVWRU\PHHWVKRVSLWDOLW\µ ´:KHUHKLVWRU\PHHWVKRVSLWDOLW\µ 6HFRQG)ULGD\V 6HFRQG)ULGD\V 6HFRQG)ULGD\V 0RQWKO\'RZQWRZQ*UHHQILHOG 0RQWKO\'RZQWRZQ*UHHQILHOG 0RQWKO\'RZQWRZQ*UHHQILHOG 5LOH\:UDQJOHUV&UDIW)DLU 5LOH\:UDQJOHUV&UDIW)DLU 5LOH\:UDQJOHUV&UDIW)DLU 0D\*UHHQILHOG 0D\*UHHQILHOG 0D\*UHHQILHOG +DQFRFN&R+)DLU +DQFRFN&R+)DLU +DQFRFN&R+)DLU -XQH*UHHQILHOG -XQH*UHHQILHOG -XQH*UHHQILHOG ,QGHSHQGHQFH'D\&HOHEUDWLRQ ,QGHSHQGHQFH'D\&HOHEUDWLRQ ,QGHSHQGHQFH'D\&HOHEUDWLRQ -XQH1HZ3DOHVWLQH -XQH1HZ3DOHVWLQH -XQH1HZ3DOHVWLQH 3HQQV\7UDLO$UW0XVLF)HVWLYDO 3HQQV\7UDLO$UW0XVLF)HVWLYDO 3HQQV\7UDLO$UW0XVLF)HVWLYDO -XQH*UHHQILHOG -XQH*UHHQILHOG -XQH*UHHQILHOG %DVWLOOH'D\ %DVWLOOH'D\ %DVWLOOH'D\ -XO\)RUWYLOOH -XO\)RUWYLOOH -XO\)RUWYLOOH )RXQGHUV'D\ )RXQGHUV'D\ )RXQGHUV'D\ $XJ6KLUOH\ $XJ6KLUOH\ $XJ6KLUOH\ 1HZ3DOHVWLQH/LRQV)DOO)HVWLYDO 1HZ3DOHVWLQH/LRQV)DOO)HVWLYDO 1HZ3DOHVWLQH/LRQV)DOO)HVWLYDO 6HSW1HZ3DOHVWLQH 6HSW1HZ3DOHVWLQH 6HSW1HZ3DOHVWLQH 5LOH\)HVWLYDO 5LOH\)HVWLYDO 5LOH\)HVWLYDO 2FW*UHHQILHOG 2FW*UHHQILHOG 2FW*UHHQILHOG &KULVWPDV)HVWLYDO/LJKWV3DUDGH &KULVWPDV)HVWLYDO/LJKWV3DUDGH &KULVWPDV)HVWLYDO/LJKWV3DUDGH 'HF*UHHQILHOG 'HF*UHHQILHOG 'HF*UHHQILHOG +DQFRFN&R7RXULVP&RPPLVVLRQ+DQFRFN&RXQW\9LVLWRUV%XUHDX +DQFRFN&R7RXULVP&RPPLVVLRQ+DQFRFN&RXQW\9LVLWRUV%XUHDX +DQFRFN&R7RXULVP&RPPLVVLRQ+DQFRFN&RXQW\9LVLWRUV%XUHDX ZZZYLVLWKDQFRFNFRXQW\FRP ZZZYLVLWKDQFRFNFRXQW\FRP ZZZYLVLWKDQFRFNFRXQW\FRP 16 All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. APRIL/MAY Apr. 27-May 4 Orleans (Orange Co., South Reg.) Orleans Dogwood Festival Historic Congress Square. Indiana's Dogwood Capital! Arts and crafts, carnival rides, food, live entertainment, parade, viewing of the blooming dogwoods trees and much more. No adm. chg. 812-865-9930; orleansdogwoodfestival.com 2014 Festival Dates: Apr. 26-May 3 Apr. 27-28 Rochester (Fulton Co., North Reg.) Redbud Trail Rendezvous Fulton County Historical Society, US 31 and CR 375 N. Pre1865 event with programs, includes Civil War re-enactors. Foods over wood fires. Event named for the redbud trees along the Tippecanoe River. Adm. chg. 574-223-4436; fultoncountyhistory.org 2014 Festival Dates: Apr. 26-27 Apr. 27-28 Vernon (Jennings Co., South Central Reg.) Sassafras Tea Festival & Civil War Living History Courthouse Lawn and Museum. Delicious hot meals, hundreds of homemade pies, free sassafras tea, mock battle, encampments, Blue-Grey Ball. Clean restroom facilities. No adm. chg. 812-346-8989; jenningscounty.org 2014 Festival Dates: Apr. 26-27 MAY May.-Oct. Michigan City (LaPorte Co., North Reg.) Michigan City Summer Festival Washington Park and various locations. See Apr.-Oct. listing. May 1-25 Anderson (Madison Co., East Reg.) City of Anderson Little 500 Festival Various Locations. Various events throughout the month of May focused around the Pay Less Little 500 Race. All events benefit local charities. No adm. chg. 765-642-0206; andersonspeedway.com/little500festival.html May 1-4 Orleans (Orange Co., South Reg.) Orleans Dogwood Festival Historic Congress Square. See Apr. 27 listing. May 3; Jun. 7; Jul. 5; Aug. 2; Sep. 6; Oct. 4; Nov. 1; Dec. 6 Goshen (Elkhart Co., North Reg.) Goshen First Fridays T re! in Anderson Madison County, Indiana! Anderson Little nts 500 Race & Eve Lapel Village Fair ss Elwood Gla l Festiva Pendleton Fall Festival Fall Creek Heritage Fair Frankton Heritage Days Andersontown Powwow Paramount Festival of Tree s VisitAndersonMadisonCounty.com Downtown. See Jan. 4 listing. May 3-4 Pendleton (Madison Co., East Reg.) s He t r a t S n u he F Highway 38 Sale Downtown. State Road 38 from Noblesville to New Castle. Miles and miles of shopping, antiques, yard sales and food in Pendleton. No adm. chg. 765-606-5771; pendletonin.org 2014 Festival Dates: May 2-3 Anderson/Madison County Visitors Bureau 6335 S. Scatterfield Road Anderson, IN 46013 765-643-5633 800-533-6569 Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 17 MAY May 3-4 Shipshewana (LaGrange Co., North Reg.) Mayfest in Shipshewana THEME PARK WATER PARK Voted #1 New Waterpark Ride Townwide. Good old-fashioned fun to celebrate spring! Come see our beautiful flowers! Bluegrass/gospel music, food, entertainment and special games just for kids. The Grand Mayfest Parade kicks off Sat. at 10am. Downtown activities include a road run, amateur auctioneering contest, pony pull, donkey basketball, lawn tractor pull and 3-on-3 basketball. In partnership with the LaGrange County CVB. No adm. chg. 260-768-7589; shipshewana.com May 4 Anderson (Madison Co., East Reg.) 19th Annual Mayor’s Cup Grand Prix Go-Kart Race Downtown. Adult and kids’ classes, racing on city streets, part of the Little 500 Festival. No adm. chg. 765-643-0463; members.toast.net/randough/ May 4 Greenfield (Hancock Co., Central Reg.) Riley Wrangler’s 28th Annual Arts and Crafts Fair Hancock County 4-H Fairgrounds, 620 N Apple St. Over 120 booths indoors. Art, craft and food vendors. Live entertainment 10am-2pm. Free parking and door prizes. No adm. chg. 765-763-6289; rileywranglers.com May 4-5; Sep. 21-22 New Harmony (Posey Co., South Reg.) Arts in Harmony Corner of Tavern and Main. Exhibition of fine artisans and craftspeople featuring painting, blown glass, sculpture, pottery, jewelry, weaving, basketry, ironwork and woodwork. Live music. No adm. chg. 812-682-3050; newharmony.biz 2014 Festival Dates: May 3-4; Sep. 20-21 May 4-26 Indianapolis (Marion Co., Central Reg.) 500 Festival Downtown and Indianapolis Motor Speedway®. Each May thousands of people take part in the 500 Festival events that surround the Indianapolis 500® mile race. Adm. chg. 317-927-3378; 500festival.com 2014 Festival Dates: May 3-25 May 4-5 Lebanon (Boone Co., Central Reg.) Indiana Gourd Society State Gourd Show Boone County Fairgrounds. Gourd art, crafting supplies, auction, demonstrations, classes, food, crafted gourds, dried gourds, gourd seeds. Adm. chg. 765-597-2049; indianagourdsociety.org 1-877 Go Family www.HolidayWorld.com Jct. Ind 162 & 245 South of I-64 Santa Claus, Indiana 18 May 4-5 Friendship (Ripley Co., South Central Reg.) Lore of the Laughery Grounds of the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association. 18th century historical reenactment featuring period music and crafts, livestock, battles, children's activities and special School Day. Adm. chg. 800-745-1493; nmlra.org All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. MAY Gallery Walk Taste of Tippecanoe Attend a festival, enjoy so much more! Visit our eclectic downtown for shopping, dining, nightlife, galleries and outdoor art. Stay & Play golf packages include courses designed by Pete Dye and Hale Irwin. Home of Purdue University, Wolf Park, Prophetstown State Park, Historic Prophetstown, two breweries, a winery, parks, hiking and biking trails and much more. Wolf Park Dancing in the Streets SPRING: Purdue Spring Fest, Purdue Grand Prix Race, Farmers Markets, Mosey Down Main, ‘Round the Fountain Art Fair, Historic Prophetstown events SUMMER: Farmers Markets, Mosey Down Main, Taste of Tippecanoe, Indiana Fiddlers’ Gathering, Festooned Fourth Display, Stars & Stripes Concert and Fireworks, Wabash Riverfest, Dancing in the Streets, Tippecanoe County 4-H Fair, Beers Across the Wabash, Tippecanoe Steam & Gas Power Show, Colt World Series, Uptown Jazz & Blues, OUTfest, Historic Prophetstown events Moon Feast of the Hunters’ Contact us today, visit us tomor row. AUTUMN: Farmers Markets, Mosey Down Main, Global Fest, Art on the Wabash, Feast of the Hunters’ Moon, Germanfest, Historic Prophetstown events WINTER: “Christmas Capital of the Midwest”—Dickens of a Christmas, Christmas Parade, Purdue Christmas Show, Snowsey Down Main, Holiday Luminaria Display, Living Nativity, Historic Prophetstown sleigh rides Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 19 MAY May 5; Jun. 2; Jul. 7; Aug. 4; Sep. 1; Oct. 6 Lawrenceburg (Dearborn Co., South Central Reg.) Tri-State Antique Market Fairgrounds. Indiana's largest regularly scheduled antiques and vintage market. Over 200 sellers (indoors and outdoors) at each monthly session. Adm. chg. 513-738-7256; lawrenceburgantiqueshow.com 2014 Festival Dates: May 4; Jun. 1; Jul. 6; Aug. 3; Sep. 7; Oct. 5 May 10-12 Greencastle (Putnam Co., West Reg.) Fair on the Square Courthouse Square in Historic Downtown. A weekend of musical entertainment, children's rides, amusements, crafts, art, vendors and delicious festival foods. Something for everyone to enjoy! No adm. chg. 317-374-5332 May 10-11 Spiceland (Henry Co., East Reg.) Raintree Music Heritage Festival Spiceland Friends Church, 401 W Main St. The music of many cultures and traditions played on every acoustic instrument you can imagine. Concerts and jams. Family-friendly with classes for adults and kids. Adm. chg. 765-987-7249; Raintreemusicheritagefestival.weebly.com 2014 Festival Dates: May 9-10 May 11 Bridgeton (Parke Co., West Reg.) Bridgeton Art and Wine Fair 1878 Barn. Fine art and original crafts show and sale. Wine tasting Noon-5pm. Shops open, plenty of food. No adm. chg. 765-548-2136; bridgetonindiana.com May 11; Jun. 8; Jul. 13; Aug. 10, 31 Lafayette (Tippecanoe Co., West Reg.) Mosey Down Main Street Historic Main St. Live entertainment, food, family-friendly, free event introducing the sights, sounds, venues and merchants of downtown Lafayette. No adm. chg. 765-714-4844; moseydownmain.com May 17-18 Harrodsburg (Monroe Co., South Central Reg.) Harrodsburg Heritage Days Festival Community Center, 1002 W Popcorn Rd. Fish fry, parade, baby contest, live entertainment, flea market, arts and crafts, pet parade, contests, kiddie rides and games. Fun for all. No adm. chg. 812-824-2524; harrodsburgheritagefestival.org 2014 Festival Dates: May 16-17 May 17-18 Hope (Bartholomew Co., South Central Reg.) Hope's Art Fair on the Square Town Square. Fifty juried booths, demonstrations, local food. Sat. 11am-8pm; Sun. 10am-6pm. No adm. chg. 812-344-4711; hopeartguild.com Riley Festival October 3-6 rileyfestival.com 20 All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. MAY Historic Newburgh 2013 Events • Grapes on the Grass Wine Judging Soiree: May 17 • Historic Newburgh Wine, Art & Jazz Festival: May 18 • Historic Newburgh Farmers Market: Every Saturday May 25th-October 12 • Historic Newburgh Celebrates Independence • Fireworks: July 4 Parade: July 6 • Fiddler Fest: August 23, 24, & 25 • Ghost Walks: October 18, 19, & 20 • Historic Newburgh Celebrates Christmas: December 7 & 8 Raintree Music Heritage Festival Acoustic instruments May 10-11 Contact: 765-987-7249 Knightstown Jubilee Days Carnival, food, entertainment June 5-8 Contact: 765-345-5131 Middletown Lions Club Fair June 10-14 Carnival, food, live entertainment, Parade and fireworks Contact: 765-354-4673 Spiceland Freedom Days June 12-13 Parade, food, live entertainment Contact: 765-520-7969 Wilbur Wright Birthplace Festival Museum tours, food, vendors June 14-15 Contact: 765-332-2495 Hope Initiative Outdoor Living June 15 And Garden Tour 8 – 10 gardens Tickets available at local florists Contact: cathy@cathyhamiltonassociates.com New Lisbon Old Time Days July 19-21 Tractor/car show, old gas engines Contact: 765-332-2917 Summit Lake Optimist Triathlon & Walk/Run Summit Lake State Park Triathlon, 3K walk, 5K run July 27 Contact: www.munciemultisport.com For more information (812)853-2815 www.historicnewburgh.org Henry County Convention & Visitors Bureau 765-593-0764 or 888-676-4302 www.henrycountyin.org Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 21 MAY May 17-18 Madison (Jefferson Co., South Central Reg.) RiverRoots Music and Folk Arts Festival Riverfront. Nationally known contemporary and traditional folk/roots musicians, storytelling, traditional crafts, food, regional wines and craft beer festival. Family-friendly. Adm. chg. 800-559-2956; riverroots.org 2014 Festival Dates: May 16-17 Great t! Entertainmen May 17-18 Nashville (Brown Co., South Central Reg.) 4 Taste of Brown County Taking place in the quaint Village of Nashville, the Taste of Brown County offers up a variety of delicious food samples from local restaurants and sweet shops, a beer and wine garden and live entertainment. Adm. chg. 812-988-7303; browncounty.com 3 May 18 Zionsville (Boone Co., Central Reg.) 4 Brick Street Market Downtown on Main Street. Over 160 juried exhibitors in more than a half mile of booths with art, crafts and food. 10am-5pm. No adm. chg. 317-873-3836; zionsvillechamber.org 2014 Festival Date: May 17 May 18-19 Indianapolis (Marion Co., Central Reg.) Broad Ripple Art Fair Indianapolis Art Center. Consistently rated one of the top art fairs in the country with 225 artists, four stages of entertainment and two food courts. Adm. chg. 317-255-2464; IndplsArtCenter.org May 18 Newburgh (Warrick Co., South Reg.) Historic Newburgh Wine, Art and Jazz Festival The Old Lock and Dam Park. Enjoy a day of wine, art and jazz while taking in the view of the beautiful Ohio River. Adm. chg. 812-853-2815; historicnewburgh.org May 18-19; Oct. 26-27 Rockport (Spencer Co., South Reg.) Historical Timeline Rendezvous and Festival Lincoln Pioneer Village & Museum. Living History re-enactors bring Pioneer Village to life. Spinning, weaving, open fire cooking, Hawk/knife competition, kids' activities, food, music, more. Adm. chg. 812-649-9147; lincolnpioneervillage.com VintageIndiana.com May 18-19; Jun. 8-9; Jul. 13-14; Aug. 24-25; Sep. 8; Oct. 26-27 Fort Wayne (Allen Co., East Reg.) Living History Days at the Old Fort Old Fort Park. See Jan. 26 listing. May 18-19 Arcadia (Hamilton Co., Central Reg.) May Festival Downtown. Arts, crafts, flea market, food, vendors, games and amusements for kids. Entertainment both days. Car Show on Sun., Noon-4pm. No adm. chg. 317-220-2204; 22 All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. MAY May 18 Washington (Daviess Co., South Central Reg.) Rail Fest Main Street and Depot. Celebration of Daviess County railroad heritage with train rides, history exhibits, model train displays, food and entertainment for the whole family. No adm. chg. 812-257-0301; daviesscountyhistory.net May 18 Kokomo (Howard Co., East Reg.) The Greatest Spectacle in Tasting Bona Vista Programs. Tasting of restaurant fare, fine wine, specialty beer, live music, silent auction, outdoor tented setting. Adults 21+ only. Adm. chg. 765-457-8273; bonavista.org TOGeTHerWeSave.COM upgrade to an energy star® rated washing maChine, and yOu Can Save $140 a year. May 18 Montezuma (Parke Co., West Reg.) April lawrence County History Festival & pow Wow July Bedford limestone Heritage Festival 3rd weekend in April July 4th Bedford North Zoom Town Covered Bridge 5k Run/Walk Lawrence High School 4338 W 40 N and US Hwy. 36, Rockville. Running through two of Parke County's covered bridges, Sim Smith Bridge and MAy Copyright©2011 St.ClaireGroup Phillips Bridge. Trophies and medals awarded in various age international R Job Name: Hoosier Festival Guide Mini Ads—2012 Job Number: HSR-HSR-HSR-2409 groups. Adm. chg. 765-592-0821; montezuma.in.gov Bowhunters Specs: 2.125” 2014 Festival Date: May 17x 1” Ad 4C Publication: Organization ns regardingMay this23-Jun. art, please 1 call Allison Lauck at 317-816-8810 or e-mail alauck@stclairegroup.com Layout Date: CR:0 IR:0 1st leg National Terre Haute (Vigo Co.,09/27/12 West Reg.) Championship 30th Annual Banks of the Wabash Festival Triple Crown Fairbanks Park. Live music nightly, midway rides and games, taste-tempting foods, crafters, 3rd weekend in May merchandise market, bingo, Gospel Music Day, free parking. Hours vary. No adm. chg. 812-232-2727; terrehaute.in.gov/parks/banksofthewabashfestival.com May 24-26; Sep. 27-28 Madison (Jefferson Co., South Central Reg.) Fairgrounds June limestone Month Bedford ABATe Boogie 3rd weekend in July Lawrence County Recreational Park SepTeMBer Mitchell persimmon Festival Last full week of September Downtown Mitchell Countywide Annual Old Court Days Courthouse Square. Browse through arts and crafts, collectibles, antiques and food booths. Vendor spaces $100 for 10x10. Sponsored by Pilot Club. No adm. chg. 812-273-6226 or 812-273-0550; facebook.com May 25 Lafayette (Tippecanoe Co., West Reg.) Round the Fountain Art Fair Courthouse Square. One of the best one-day outdoor fine art fairs in the Midwest. Features paintings, sculptures, pottery, photography, prints and jewelry. No adm. chg. 765-491-6298; roundthefountain.org 2014 Festival Date: May 24 1-800-798-0769 limestonecountry.com 2-1/2 hours south of Indy M Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 23 MAY/JUNE May 25-26 Vincennes (Knox Co., South Central Reg.) Converse Fair 4th Weekend in June Converse Fairgrounds Carnival, food, entertainment, horse racing Contact: 765-395-3256 www.conversefair.com Circus City Metric Century Bicycle Ride 1st Weekend in June Ride distances 17, 32, 50, 65 from Peru to Cassville Contact: Steve Wagner at 765-472-1289 Cole Porter Festival 2nd Weekend in June Downtown Peru Music, Theatre, Tours, Food, Car Show Contact: 765-473-9183 www.coleporterfestival.org Miami County 4-H Fair Full Week in June Miami County Fairgrounds Peru Exhibits, Food, Entertainment, Tractor Show Contact: 765-472-1921 www.ag.purdue.edu/counties/miami Bunker Hill Festival Last Weekend in June Downtown Bunker Hill Food, Music, Booths Contact: 765-327-1478 July 4th Celebration Maconaquah Park in Peru Kid’s games, food, music, Soap Box Derby and fireworks at dusk Contact: 765-472-2400 www.cityofperu.org Spirit of Vincennes Rendezvous French Commons and George Rogers Clark NHP. American Revolutionary War reenactment featuring soldiers, craftsmen, traders, merchants and a Grand Ball. Live entertainment and demonstrations for all ages. Adm. chg. 800-886-6443; spiritofvincennes.org May 25-26 Valparaiso (Porter Co., North Reg.) Spring Valpo-Fest Motorcycle-Car Show Porter County Expo Center. New and used parts, bikes, cars, leather, bike rodeo, show trophy awards, food, beer, live band. Adm. chg. 800-800-6034; valpo-fest.com May 29-Jun. 1 English (Crawford Co., South Reg.) English Reunion Festival Wm. H. English Park, 5th St. Rides, games, queen pageant, parade, horse pull, food and entertainment for all ages. No adm. chg. 812-338-2654 May 30-Jun. 2 Campbellsburg (Washington Co., South Reg.) All-American Country Hoedown Campbellsburg Park. Great fun for the whole family. Contineous entertainment, rides, games, yummy food, street dance, contests and more. No adm. chg. 812-755-4520; campbellsburghoedownfestival.com 2014 Festival Dates: May 29-Jun. 1 May 31-Jun. 1 Franklin (Johnson Co., Central Reg.) Hoosier Hills Fiber Festival Johnson County Fairgrounds. Celebration of fiber arts, top notch teachers and classes, wide selection of vendors, demonstrations, fiber animals. No adm. chg. 317-403-5667; hoosierhillsfiberfestival.com 2014 Festival Dates: Jun. 6-7 May 31-Jun. 2 Russiaville (Howard Co., East Reg.) Russiaville Summer Fest Downtown. Carnival, corn hole tournament, chain saw carving, antique tractors, parade, craft and food vendors, three nights of entertainment, children's games. No adm. chg. 765-883-5739; townofrussiaville.com JUNE Jun.-Oct. Michigan City (LaPorte Co., North Reg.) Michigan City Summer Festival Washington Park and various locations. See Apr.-Oct. listing. Jun. 1-2 Campbellsburg (Washington Co., South Reg.) All-American Country Hoedown Campbellsburg Park. See May 30 listing. See our July and August ads for more Miami Co. fun! 24 All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. JUNE DeKalb County I N D I A N A Drive The Experience! FESTIVALS Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival Downtown Auburn Family fun with the Parade of Classics, Downtown Cruise-In, Kids Art Tent, Antique Show, Collector Car Auctions and more. Call 260-925-3600, acdfestival.org August 29 - September 2, 2013 Strawberries in the Park Festival June 19, 2013 Garrett Heritage Days July 3 - 4, 2013 Butler Heartland Show & Festival August 5 - 6, 2013 Ashley-Hudson Festival August 3, 2013 St. Joe Pickle Festival August 9 - 11, 2013 DeKalb County Free Fall Fair September 23 - 28, 2013 DeKalb County Visitors Bureau 500 S. Grandstaff Dr., Suite C Auburn, IN 46706 877-833-3282 • dekalbcvb.org Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 25 JUNE Interesting. Inspiring. Invigorating. FestivalsFairsMuseumsWineriesOrchardsFun From the Strand Theatre to the Grover Museum, to Indiana Grand Casino there’s always something interesting, inspiring and invigorating going on in Shelby County. Springtime beckons thoroughbred racing at Indiana Downs, the downtown Farmer’s Market to the Saint Joseph Spring Fair. Summertime is ushered in by the Fairland Festival and Fish Fry to the Historic Shelby County Fair, Antique Tractor Show, Coca-Cola Car Show, unique Morristown Derby Days and the Bears of Blue River Festival. Fall brings Anderson Orchard to the forefront - with over 36 varieties of apples ready to pick, cider ready to drink and pumpkins ready to snatch up! Shelby County Arts Fest is a great time for picking up some great artisan pieces. And let’s not forget the Holiday Parade and Holiday Home Tour in the Winter! Intertwined throughout the year are award winning theatrical productions by the Shelby County Players - and drive-in movies at the historic Skyline Theater. We have fun going on all year round! Theatres - museums - festivals! Give us a call or visit our website! 26 All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. 2013 Festival Guide Ad.indd 1 8/16/12 6:26:20 AM JUNE Jun. 1 Terre Haute (Vigo Co., West Reg.) 30th Annual Banks of the Wabash Festival Fairbanks Park. See May 23 listing. Jun. 1 English (Crawford Co., South Reg.) English Reunion Festival Wm. H. English Park, 5th St. See May 29 listing. Jun. 1 Franklin (Johnson Co., Central Reg.) Hoosier Hills Fiber Festival Johnson County Fairgrounds. See May 31 listing. Jun. 1 Rockville (Parke Co., West Reg.) Main Street Rockville Cruise-In, Motorcycle, Scooter and Bike Show Parke County Courthouse Lawn. Awards for cars, bikes, motorcycles, scooters. Registration fee. Street dance, food and shopping on square. 4pm-9pm. No adm. chg. 765-344-8109; mainstreetrockville.com Jun. 1-2 Rockville (Parke Co., West Reg.) 7th Annual Miami Indians All Nations Gathering 3 miles east of Raccoon Lake on US 36. Native drumming, singing, dancing, storytelling, flutists, 20-plus native craft vendors and foods. Miami Living Village. Fri. night concert. Adm. chg. 765-210-7670; mnigathering.com Jun. 1-2 Plymouth (Marshall Co., North Reg.) Yellow River Festival River Park Square. Celebrating the founding years of Marshall County through food, crafts, music and Civil War reenactments. No adm. chg. yellowriverfestival.org Jun. 1 Monon (White Co., West Reg.) Monon Food Fest Town Park. Rail City Cruisers Car Show, contest for loudest exhaust and best burnout, crafts, food, entertainment, pony rides, moonwalk, men's softball. No adm. chg. 574-870-4419; monononline.com Jun. 1-2 Russiaville (Howard Co., East Reg.) Russiaville Summer Fest Downtown. See May 31 listing. Jun. 1 Indianapolis (Marion Co., Central Reg.) Vintage Indiana Wine and Food Festival Military Park. A celebration of Indiana's wine industry! Over 25 wineries pour hundreds of wine samples. Adm. chg. 765-496-3842; vintageindiana.com 2014 Festival Date: Jun. 7 Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 27 June Jun. 2; Jul. 7; Aug. 4; Sep. 1; Oct. 6 Lawrenceburg (Dearborn Co., South Central Reg.) Tri-State Antique Market Fairgrounds. See May 5 listing. Antique Machinery Show — June 7-9 Call (812) 236-9097 Arts in the Park — June 14-15 Email sarthur@dnr.in.gov Chalk It Up Art Contest — June 22 Call (812) 829-1877 Freedom Fest — July 6 www.thefreedomfest.org Owen County Fair — July 7-13 Call (812) 829-5020 Gosport Lazy Days — August 8-11 Call (812) 821-1431 Coal City Festival — August 16-18 Call (812) 859-3960 White River Poultry Show — August 31 Call (812) 829-2487 BBQ & Blues — September 7 Email sarthur@dnr.in.gov Spencer Riverfront Festival & Duck Race — September 14 Email kathy.a.cook@gmail.com Apple Butter Festival — Sept 21-22 Call (812) 829-3168 Patricksburg Homecoming — Sept 28 Call (812) 859-3780 Cataract VFD Bean Dinner Festival — October 5-6 Call (765) 795-4022 Community Farmer’s Market — Saturdays May-October www.owencountyfarmersmarket.com (812) 714-8110 | owentourism@gmail.com 119 South Main Street | Spencer, IN 47460 Proud member of Hill Country Indiana www.sweetowencvb.org 28 Jun. 5-8 Knightstown (Henry Co., East Reg.) Knightstown Jubilee Days Town Square. Carnival rides, games, queen contest, parade, Chamber fish wagon. Local businesses and organizations. Allstar basketball game. Rain or shine. No adm. chg. 800-668-1895; knightstownchamber.org Jun. 5-8 Vincennes (Knox Co., South Central Reg.) Red Skelton Festival Downtown. Honoring one of America's favorite clowns with four days of fun. Parade, bath tub races, food vendors and children's entertainment. No adm. chg. 800-886-6443; vincennescvb.org Jun. 6-8 Crothersville (Jackson Co., South Central Reg.) Crothersville Red, White & Blue Festival Crothersville Community School Grounds. Indiana's most patriotic festival. Free entertainment, food, carnival, talent show, antique tractor display, crafts, parade, flea market, corn hole tourney, pie contest, photo contest and petting zoo. No adm. chg. 812-569-0407 2014 Festival Dates: Jun. 12-14 Jun. 6 Kokomo (Howard Co., East Reg.) Kokomo Strawberry Festival Downtown. Homemade shortcakes with strawberries, ice cream and whipped cream beginning at 11am while quantities last. Live music and kid's activities. No adm. chg. 765-457-5301; greaterkokomo.com Jun. 6-8 Rochester (Fulton Co., North Reg.) Round Barn Festival Courthouse Square. Twilight parade, artist displays and demonstrations, round barn tours, golf and tennis tournaments, free entertainment, kids' games and rides. No adm. chg. 574-224-2666; contactrochester.org Jun. 7; Jul. 5; Aug. 2; Sep. 6; Oct. 4; Nov. 1; Dec. 6 Goshen (Elkhart Co., North Reg.) Goshen First Fridays Downtown. See Jan. 4 listing. Jun. 7-9 South Bend (St. Joseph Co., North Reg.) St. Andrew 38th Annual Greek Festival Church grounds. A family event for all with your favorite Greek foods and desserts, live music, ethnic dance performances and church tours. Adm. chg. 574-277-4688; saintandrewgoc.org All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. JUNE Jun. 7-8 Kokomo (Howard Co., East Reg.) Kokomo Ribfest and More Foster Park. Live music! Fantastic food, restaurant booths, beer garden, kids' games, contests, tournaments, inflatables, ribs and more. No adm. chg. 765-457-9318; carver-center.org Jun. 7-9 Merom (Sullivan Co., West Reg.) Merom Bluff Chautuaqua Festival Three days of family fun, live entertainment, conservation area and lots of crafters. 815-674-1302; meromindiana.org Jun. 7-9 Hamilton Co., Central Reg. .com Nickel Plate Arts Weekend Fishers, Noblesville, Cicero, Arcadia, Atlanta and Tipton. Unplug & Create. Artists and cultural sites provide fun opportunities to try, see and buy art of all kinds! No adm. chg. 317-452-3690; nickelplatearts.org Jun. 7-9 Gosport (Owen Co., West Reg.) Owen County Antique Machinery Assoc. Antique Machinery Show JW Jones Horse Farm, west of Gosport on Hwy. 67. Machinery, tractors, tractor games, hit & miss engines, food, arts and flea market vendors. Family fun! Adm. chg. 812-821-6482; owenama.org Jun. 7-8 Remington (Jasper Co., North Reg.) Remington Water Tower Days Downtown. 5k walk/run, parade, car show, kiddie tractor pull, vendors, entertainment, dinners, breakfast, petting zoo. Car, truck and bike show. No adm. chg. 219-819-2843; facebook.com/RemingtonWaterTowerDays 2014 Festival Dates: Jun. 13-14 Jun. 7-9 Rosedale (Parke Co., West Reg.) Rosedale Strawberry Festival Main St., Civic Center. Home of the best homemade shortcakes plus free concerts daily. Contests, crafters, KidZone. Car, truck, bike and heap show, model trains, dinners, more. No adm. chg. 812-236-3155; historicrosedale.wordpress.com Jun. 8-9 Bridgeton (Parke Co., West Reg.) Bridgeton Woodworking and Quilt Show 1878 Barn, Collom's General Store. Antique and new quilts, unique wood items, live demonstrations. Find a new family heirloom. Vote for your favorite! No adm. chg. 765-548-2136; bridgetonindiana.com Jun. 8 Buffalo (White Co., West Reg.) Buffalo Daze Buffalo Fire Department. Enjoy great food including buffalo burgers, a car/motorcycle show, town-wide yard sales and flea market. No adm. chg. 574-278-7799; enjoywhitecounty.com Bluespring Get a F R EE T-SHIRT! Marengo Squire Boone Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 29 June STARKE COUNTY North Judson Mint Festival June 14—16 For information call 574-896-3340 City of Knox Fireworks 4th of July weekend For information call 574-772-4553 Bass Lake Festival July 26 –28 www.BassLakeFest.com Yellowstone Trail Fest August 16—18 For information call 574-850-2649 www.YellowStoneTrailFest.com Hamlet Rendezvous Pre—1840s reenactment August 16—18 For information call 574-586-2105 Knox Harvest Festival August 23—25 For information call 574-772-4553 www.KnoxHarvestFestival.org Hensler’s Fall and Christmas Festivals Mid Sept—October; end of Nov—Christmas For information call 574-867-4192 Jun. 8 Chalmers (White Co., West Reg.) Chalmers Community Day Chalmers Square. We are a small community with cheerful hospitality and togetherness. Enjoy a pancake breakfast, townwide yard sales, car show and pork dinner. No adm. chg. 574-583-4879; enjoywhitecounty.com Jun. 8-9 Clay City (Clay Co., West Reg.) Clay City Lions Club Pottery Festival Goshorn Park. Clay City Pottery, crafts, flea market, entertainment, car show, chicken dinner, fish fry, quilt show, pottery tours, demonstrations. No adm. chg. 812-939-2910; claycitypottery.com Jun. 8 Rockville (Parke Co., West Reg.) Community Farm and Home Auction, Bake and Quilt Sale 4748 S 1000 E Parke County. Annual consignment auction including lawn furniture, antiques, flowers, quilts, shop tools, equipment, horses and more. Non-profit event for schools. No adm. chg. 765-569-5226; coveredbridges.com Jun. 8-Dec. Decatur (Adams Co., East Reg.) Decatur Sculpture Walk Second St., Downtown. Second annual sculpture exhibit opens with family fun, artcentric activities. Original sculptures. Downtown walking tour. Exhibit year-round. Also on Facebook. No adm. chg. 260-724-2604; decatursculpturewalk.com 2014 Festival Dates: Jan.-May Jun. 8-16; Sep. 14-22 Friendship (Ripley Co., South Central Reg.) Friendship Flea Market One mile east of town on SR 62. Almost 500 vendors selling a wide variety of merchandise and specialty foods. Nightly campfire, live music. Two 9-day shows each year. No adm. chg. 812-667-5645; friendshipfleamarket.com 2014 Festival Dates: Jun. 14-22; Sep. 13-21 Jun. 8-9 Portland (Jay Co., East Reg.) Pow Wow-NCGLNAC 10th Annual Gathering of Great Lakes Nations Tri-State Antique Gas Engine Association grounds, 1010 Morton St. Native American drums, singers, dancers, vendors, food, pre-1840s encampment, kids' activities. Native American dancing on Sat. 1pm-4:30pm; 6pm-9pm; Sun. Noon-4pm. Adm. chg. 765-426-3022; ncglnac.org 2014 Festival Dates: Jun. 7-8 Jun. 8-9; Jul. 13-14; Aug. 24-25; Sep. 8; Oct. 26-27 Fort Wayne (Allen Co., East Reg.) Starke County Tourism Commission 400 N. Heat Street Knox, IN 46534 877-733-2736 30 Living History Days at the Old Fort Old Fort Park. See Jan. 26 listing. Jun. 8; Jul. 13; Aug. 10, 31 Lafayette (Tippecanoe Co., West Reg.) Mosey Down Main Street Historic Main St. See May 11 listing. All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. JUNE Jun. 8-16 Friendship (Ripley Co., South Central Reg.) National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association's Spring National Shoot Grounds of the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association. Shooting competitions, living history demonstrations and crafts, period music, muzzleloading supplies, children's activities, museum. Adm. chg. 800-745-1493; nmlra.org Jun. 8-9 Warsaw (Kosciusko Co., North Reg.) Northern Indiana Lakes Festival Center Lake and Winona Lake. Ski show, canoeing, swim race, 5k, food, live music, swimming, exhibitors, kids' activities, lake education, electrofishing demo and much more! No adm. chg. 574-372-5100 ext. 6446; lakesfestival.org Jun. 8 Logansport (Cass Co., East Reg.) The Security Federal/Med Flory Jazz and Blues Festival Downtown at the Little Turtle Waterway Plaza. Adults $15, children under 12 free when accompanied by an adult. 3pm-Midnight. Adm. chg. 574-735-ARTS; floryfest.org Jun. 8-9 Indianapolis (Marion Co., Central Reg.) Talbot Street Art Fair Between 16th and 20th on Talbott St., between Pennsylvania & Delaware Streets. Indiana's oldest juried art fair with 270 local and national artists. Located in historic neighborhood. Food is also available. No adm. chg. 317-745-6479; talbotstreet.org 2014 Festival Dates: Jun. 14-15 Jun. 9 Wanamaker (Marion Co., Central Reg.) 27th Annual Wanamaker Old Settlers Day Street Fair and Classic Car Show 8800 Southeastern Ave. south of the I-74/Post Road exit 96. Street fair with over 100 booths with art, craftsmen, antiques, food, entertainment, flea market items, classic car show, evening fireworks. No adm. chg. 317-229-6288; indyftlions.org 2014 Festival Date: Jun. 8 Jun. 12-15 Grandview (Spencer Co., South Reg.) Spencer County Fair New fairgrounds NW of Grandview. Indiana's longest running county fair! Tri-state horse pull and demolition derbies. Beer garden, live entertainment, midway rides, great food, vendor booths, pageants for all ages. Adm. chg. 812-649-4222; spencercountyfairindiana.com Jun. 14-16 Crawfordsville (Montgomery Co., West Reg.) Crawfordsville Strawberry Festival Lane Place. National entertainment acts both Fri. and Sat. night, car shows, tractor show, children's activities, arts and crafts, food, tennis and softball tournaments, 4k run. No adm. chg. 765-376-2614; thestrawberryfestival.com 2014 Festival Dates: Jun. 13-15 Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 31 June Jun. 14-16 Angola (Steuben Co., North Reg.) Mexico Community Garage Sale 1st Weekend in July Uptown Mexico Games, food, community garage sales, softball tournament Contact: Lester Walten at 765-985-2628 3rd Full Week in July Downtown Peru Ten performances of the finest youth circus in an air-conditioned, three-ring arena, Parade, Rides, Food www.perucircus.com Contact: 765-472-3918 E.W.C.C. Woodcarving Festival 3rd Weekend in July Borderman Gym in Converse Wood carvers demonstrations www.ewcc.worldpress.com Contact: 765-395-3943 International Circus Hall of Fame 3rd Week in July State Road 124 in Peru Professional circus starts, Big Top entertainment, performing circus animals, Elephant rides, museum full of circus memorabilia www.circushof.com Contact: 800-771-0241 Grissom Air Museum Warbird Cruise-In 1st Saturday in August Car show, food, vendors, free admission to museum during event Contact: Jim Price at 574-398-1451 Enchanted Lakes Renaissance Faire & Marketplace Steuben County Park Crooked Lake. Renaissance faire and marketplace set in the late Middle Ages through the Renaissance period. Stage performers, musical and theatrical acts. Adm. chg. 800-LAK-E101; enchantedlakesfaire.com Jun. 14-16 Rochester (Fulton Co., North Reg.) Fulton County Historical Power Show Fulton County Historical Society grounds, US 31 and CR 375 N. Tractor and horse pulls on Fri. On Sat, enjoy games, displays, flea market, crafts, swap parts available. Toy show and trading post. Adm. chg. 574-223-4436; fultoncountyhistory.org 2014 Festival Dates: Jun. 20-22 Jun. 14-15 LaFontaine (Wabash Co., East Reg.) LaFontaine Ashland Days Festival Branson St. and Wabash Ave. Tractor show, music, games, kiddie tractor pull, crafts, quilt show, motorcycle ride parade, pet parade. No adm. chg. 765-981-4054 2014 Festival Dates: Jun. 20-21 Jun. 14-16 North Judson (Starke Co., North Reg.) North Judson Mint Festival Lane Street & North Judson Park. Held annually every Father's Day weekend, come enjoy live bands, midway rides, food vendors. Something for everyone! Free admission. No adm. chg. 574-896-3340 2014 Festival Dates: Jun. 13-15 Jun. 14-15 Logansport (Cass Co., East Reg.) Pioneer Days Rea Park. Free family fun for more than 30 years. Parade, food vendors, tractor pulls, rides and more. No adm. chg. 574-753-4856; visit-casscounty.com/ 2014 Festival Dates: Jun. 13-14 Jun. 15 Spencer (Owen Co., West Reg.) Arts in the Park McCormick's Creek State Park. Live music, art vendors, interactive artistic activities. Festival is free with regular park adm. No adm. chg. 812-829-4344; friendsmccormickscreek.org Jun. 15 Hope (Bartholomew Co., South Central Reg.) Smoke On The Square-Annual Bartholomew County BBQ Cook-Off Downtown Square. BBQ competition, pork ribs, pulled pork, chicken. Pulled pork meal available for purchase. Vendors, activities, games, live entertainment. No adm. chg. 812-546-4499; communitycenterofhope.org See our June and August ads for more Miami Co. fun! 32 All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. JUNE www.VisitNobleCounty.com May 10-11 Nature Fest, Wolf Lake May 24-27 Northern Indiana Bluegrass Festival, Kendallville June Main Street Car Show, Kendallville June 5-8 Chain O’Lakes Festival, Albion July 4th Weekend August 1-3 Onion Days, Wolf Lake August 3 Kid City, Kendallville August 8-10 Lincoln Highway BuyWay Sale, Merriam through Ligonier September 1-2 Ligonier Marshmallow Festival September 7-8 Pioneer Festival, Ligonier Fun on Sylvan Lake, Rome City September 21-22 July 14-19 October-November Noble County Fair, Kendallville July 20 KPC Tri-athalon, Kendallville July 20-21 Cromwell Days, Cromwell August Chautauqua Days Rome City Harvest Festival, Albion Tombstone Trail October 1-31 Pumpkin Fantasyland Ligonier October 5-6 Apple Festival, Kendallville Dec. 13-14, 20-21 Windmill Winter Wonderland, Kendallville www.VisitNobleCounty.com 260-599-0060 Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 33 June Parke County the Covered Bridge Capital of the World Jun. 15 Wolcottville (LaGrange Co., North Reg.) Cook's Bison Ranch Calf Day Celebration Cook's Bison Ranch. Enjoy a day of family fun with free wagon rides to see buffalo, kids' fun, live entertainment and more! No adm. chg. 866-382-2356; cooksbisonranch.com/bison-events.html Jun. 15 Lafayette (Tippecanoe Co., West Reg.) Indiana Gourd Society Spring Festival Tippecanoe County 4-H Fairgrounds. Gourd art, crafting supplies, auction, demonstrations, food, crafted gourds, dried gourds, gourd seeds. No adm. chg. 765-674-8088; indianagourdsociety.org Jun. 15 Lafayette (Tippecanoe Co., West Reg.) Art Affair on the Square.................................. Jun 22 Covered Bridge Antique Power Club Drive .................................. Jun 29-30 Turkey Run Pioneer Heritage Festival................Jul 20 Rockville Main Street Community Yard Sale .............................. Aug 10 Bridgeton Milling Days/Craft Demonstration .......................................... Sep 7-8 Mecca Jonah Fish Fry ...................................... Sep 13 Zoom Town ATV Run ...................................... Sep 28 CBGTA Bike the Bridges Fall Challenge .............................................. Oct 5 PARKE COUNTY COVERED BRIDGE FESTIVAL.................... Oct 11-20 Montezuma Pranks in the Park ...................... Oct 26 Bridgeton Country Christmas.................. Nov 29-Dec 1 & Dec 6-8 Parke County Covered Bridge Christmas ................................ Dec 6-8 Art Association Holiday Home Tour ............ Dec 7 Montezuma Christmas Celebration ............ Dec 7 Rosedale PTO Christmas Bazaar ........ Dec 13-14 TASTE of Tippecanoe Downtown Riverfront. Celebrating culinary, musical, visual and abstract art. Live music and local cuisine are the standard fare. Twelve and under are free. Adm. chg. 765-423-2787; tasteoftippecanoe.org 2014 Festival Date: Jun. 21 Jun. 19-23 Huntington (Huntington Co., East Reg.) Huntington Heritage Days Downtown. Action-packed festival. Carnival, hot air balloon launches, car show, kids' zone, entertainment, parade, art show, brat tent, food and more! No adm. chg. 260-356-5300; huntingtoncountychamber.com Jun. 20-23 Elkhart (Elkhart Co., North Reg.) Elkhart Jazz Festival Downtown. Enjoy hours of top-shelf jazz over an extraordinary four-day weekend with over 100 world class entertainers! Adm. chg. 800-294-8223; elkhartjazzfestival.com Jun. 20-22 Haubstadt (Gibson Co., South Reg.) Haubstadt Sommerfest Old Haubstadt Gym grounds. 3 days of rides, carnival food and Southern Indiana's finest Bierstube! No adm. chg. 812-305-3375; haubstadtsommerfest.com Jun. 20-22 Lagro (Wabash Co., East Reg.) FREE COVERED BRIDGE MAPS, LODGING, FESTIVAL, VENDOR & VISITOR INFORMATION 765-569-5226 www.coveredbridges.com info@coveredbridges.com 34 Lagro Good Ole' Days Downtown. Hometown fun, tractor pulls, inflatables, antique tractor, car, truck and motorcycle show, corn hole, horseshoe contests. Live entertainment, vendors, good food. No adm. chg. 260-571-1693 Amenity Official ISFA Insurance amenityinsurance.com All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. JUNE Jun. 21-23 (Brown Co., South Central Reg.) Brown County Studio and Garden Tour Countywide. Self-guided driving tour of artists' and craftsmen's home studios across beautiful Brown County. Demonstrations daily. Beautiful gardens also featured. No adm. chg. 800-753-3255; browncountystudiotour.com Jun. 21-23 Bloomington (Monroe Co., South Central Reg.) 48th Annual Gem-Mineral-Fossil Show Monroe County Fairgrounds. Free demonstrations. Variety of gems, jewelry, beads, minerals, fossils, rocks, gifts, lapidary supplies, rockhound and prospecting supplies. 4-H and science projects. No adm. chg. 812-295-3463; lawrencecountyrockclub.org 2014 Festival Dates: Jun. 27-29 Jun. 21-22 Mulberry (Clinton Co., West Reg.) Mulberry Fest Downtown. Free family entertainement, vendors and crafts, car show, pancake breakfast, 5k run, parade, townwide garage sales. No adm. chg. 765-242-2205; mulberryfest.net Jun. 21-23 Osgood (Ripley Co., South Central Reg.) Southeast Indiana F.A.R.M. Club's Antique Machinery Show Ripley County Fairgrounds. Hundreds of antique tractors, steam engines, threshing, corn shredding, operating sawmill, flea market, antique market, tractor and truck pulls, great food, much more! No adm. chg. 812-654-3949; farmclubonline.com Jun. 22 Rockville (Parke Co., West Reg.) Vera Bradley Outlet Sale Johnny Appleseed Festival Three Rivers Festival HolidayFest RiverFest, Germanfest, Ribfest, Greek Fest, Grabill Country Fair, Ribfest, and so many more... VisitFortWayne.com 1-800-767-7752 Jun. 22 South Bend (St. Joseph Co., North Reg.) South Bend Blues & Ribs Festival Art Affair on the Square Historic Square in Rockville. Juried art and craft fair including paintings, pottery, spinning and weaving, wood. Participants from Midwest. Live music and special foods. No adm. chg. 765-569-9422; coveredbridges.com Jun. 22; Jun. 28-Jul. 7 Connersville (Fayette Co., East Reg.) Connersville Bicentennial Citywide. Jun. 22, Soap Box Derby; Jun. 28-Jul. 7, Celebrate Connersville's 200th birthday! Ten days packed full of activities for all ages. Live music, classic cars, fireworks, historic exhibits, artisans and more! No adm. chg. for most events. Check website or call for full event listings. 765-403-1444; connersville200years.com Jun. 22-23 Indianapolis (Marion Co., Central Reg.) Join us in Festive Fort Wayne for festival fun – all year long! Indian Market and Festival Military Park. Native American fine art, food, music, dancing, storytelling and family activities. Children 17 and under free. Includes museum access. Adm. chg. 317-636-9378; eiteljorg.org Coveleski Stadium. Fantastic music and food, all to raise funds for the development of Miracle Park, a special needs facility. Adm. chg. 574-299-4765; sbpark.org Jun. 25-30 Wabash (Wabash Co., East Reg.) Charley Creek Arts Fest Citywide. Festival features notable performances, film, gallery walk and Fine Arts Show & Sale throughout Wabash. Adm. chg. 260-563-6356; charleycreekartsfest.org Jun. 26-29 Shipshewana (LaGrange Co., North Reg.) Shipshewana Quilt Festival Town Center. One of the largest quilting events in the area. Quilt show, vendor show, quilter's schoolhouse, workshops and a Shop Hop. Featured personality is Libby Lehman, a leader in innovative machine stitching. Adm. chg. 866-243-9434; shipshewanaquiltfest.com 2014 Festival Dates: Jun. 25-28 Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 35 JUNE/JULY Jun. 26-29 Summitville (Madison Co., East Reg.) Summitville Country Fair Summitville Community Building. We bring the old-time fair back home. Hog wrestling, 4-wheeler and snowmobile drags and our famous truck and tractor pulls. No adm. chg. Small fee for track events. 765-623-6079 2014 Festival Dates: Jun. 25-28 Jun. 28-29 Corydon (Harrison Co., South Reg.) Harrison County Summerfest Fairgrounds. Free music. Beer garden, food, Lucas Oil Pro Pulling League's Old Capitol Power Pull and much more! No adm. chg. 888-738-2137; harrisoncountysummerfest.com Jun. 28-30 Battle Ground (Tippecanoe Co., West Reg.) Indiana Fiddlers' Gathering Tippecanoe Battlefield. Three-day acoustic music festival featuring the best in old time folk, swing, and Celtic music. Adm. chg. 765-742-1419; indianafiddlersgathering.org 2014 Festival Dates: Jun. 27-29 Jun. 28 Culver (Marshall Co., North Reg.) Lake Max Challenge SUP Race & Food Festival Beach Lodge at Culver Town Park, 819 E Lake Shore Dr. Stand up paddleboard races, live music and Culver’s finest food. 10am-5pm. No adm. chg. 574-889-0022; LakeMaxChallenge.com Jun. 28-Jul. 4 Bedford (Lawrence Co., South Central Reg.) Limestone Heritage Festival Courthouse Square, Parkview Field. July 4th parade with flyover, ice cream social, free concert, fireworks, BBQ cook-off competition, tennis tournament, fish fry, pancake breakfast. No adm. chg. 812-278-4343 Jun. 29 Rockport (Spencer Co., South Reg.) Jun. 29-30 Fishers (Hamilton Co., Central Reg.) Fishers Freedom Festival Roy Holland Memorial Park, 1 Park Drive. 5k event, arts and crafts, live entertainment, kids' and teen area, disc dogs, parades, family-friendly activities, food, business tent, fireworks. No adm. chg. 317-595-3195; fishersfreedomfestival.org 2014 Festival Dates: Jun. 28-29 Jun. 29-30 Princeton (Gibson Co., South Reg.) Gibson County Antique Machinery Show Fairgrounds. Antique tractors, flea market, toy show, antique tractor pull, buggy rides, food and a street legal truck pull. Adm. chg. 812-664-0306; gibsoncountytractor.com Jun. 29 Greenwood (Johnson Co., Central Reg.) Greenwood Freedom Festival Craig Park and Old City Park. Expanded venue. Live bands and multiple stages. Parade, street fair, car show, microbrew and wine tent, food games and fireworks. No adm. chg. 317-881-4545; greenwood.in.gov Jun. 29 Greenfield (Hancock Co., Central Reg.) Pennsy Trail Art Fair and Music Festival Along Historic Pennsy Trail. Quality artists and artisans, children's art activities, live music and other entertainment, BBQ, great festival food and winery! Free admission. No adm. chg. 317-462-2877; pennsytrailartfair.com Jun. 29 Waveland (Montgomery Co., West Reg.) Shades 2nd Annual Chautauqua Shades State Park. Turn of the century music, magic, food and programs, including a Miami Nation drum circle under the tent all day! Bring a lawn chair. Park gate admission fee only. No adm. chg. 765-597-2654 JULY Abraham Lincoln Freedom Festival Rockport City Park. Old-fashioned patriotic festival celebrating the life of the 16th President. Parade, music, fireworks, food and games. No adm. chg. 812-649-9147 Fishers (Hamilton Co., Central Reg.) Covered Bridge Antique Power Club Tractor Drive Parke County Fairgrounds. Drive your antique tractor across the county for a unique tour. Register for one or two days drive. Travel rural Parke County and see covered bridges and communities. Registration fee covers meals and snacks on the tour. Adm. chg. 765-569-5878 Jul.-Dec. Decatur (Adams Co., East Reg.) Jun. 29-30 Rockville (Parke Co., West Reg.) 36 2014 Middle Eastern Festival of Indianapolis St. George Orthodox Church will not hold a festival in 2013 because of relocation. Watch for the Middle Eastern Festival in 2014 at our new location in Fishers. 317-547-9356; mefestival.org Decatur Sculpture Walk Second St., Downtown. See Jun. 8 listing. Jul.-Oct. Michigan City (LaPorte Co., North Reg.) Michigan City Summer Festival Washington Park and various locations. See Apr.-Oct. listing. All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. JULY Jul. 1-7 Connersville (Fayette Co., East Reg.) Connersville Bicentennial Citywide. See Jun. 22 listing. Jul. 1-4 Bedford (Lawrence Co., South Central Reg.) Limestone Heritage Festival Courthouse Square, Parkview Field. See Jun. 28 listing. Jul. 1-6 Linton (Greene Co., South Central Reg.) Linton Freedom Festival Humphrey's Park. Indiana's largest Independence Day parade. Family activities, arts and crafts, carnival, food, car show, live entertainment. No adm. chg. 812-847-4846; lintonfreedomfestival.org 2014 Festival Dates: Jun. 30-Jul. 5 Jul. 2-6 Lawrence (Marion Co., Central Reg.) Lawrence 4th Fest Lawrence Community Park. Carnival rides, music, vendors, fish fry and car show on Jul. 3-4. Come out to see Central Indiana's best fireworks display and parade on the 4th! No adm. chg. 317-545-7275; cityoflawrence.org Jul. 3-5 Pekin (Washington Co., South Reg.) 4th of July Celebration Park. Oldest annual consecutive 4th of July celebration in the nation. Parade is on the 4th at 10am. Fun activities for the kids. Come join us. No adm. chg. 812-216-3300; pcbo.webs.com 2014 Festival Dates: Jul. 3-6 Jul. 3-4 Carmel (Hamilton Co., Central Reg.) CarmelFest Civic Square. One of the Midwest's largest festivals with a huge parade, 4 stages of entertainment, kidzone, fabulous food, marketplace and exhibits. No adm. chg. 317-574-1363; carmelfest.net Jul. 3-7 Cedar Lake (Lake Co., North Reg.) Cedar Lake Summerfest Town Complex, 7408 Constitution Ave. Nightly live entertainment, two nights of fireworks over the lake, amusement rides, cardboard boat race, land parade, food, crafts, beer garden, bingo tent, teen scavenger hunt, talent show, car show, checker tournament, sport cup staking, kids’ games and much more. No adm. chg. 219-374-4444; cedarlakesummerfest.com/ Jul. 4-6 Kokomo (Howard Co., East Reg.) Marshall County Festivals! 2013 February 10–13 NAIFC Ice Fishing Tournament June 1–2 Yellow River Festival NAIF Yello Brem Mars Culv Bour Mars Rent Culv Mars Holy July 2–6 Bremen Firemens’ Festival July 14–20 Marshall County 4-H Fair July 19–21 Culver Lake Fest August 9–11 Bourbon Summer Fest August 30–September 2 Marshall County Blueberry Festival September 6–7 Rentown Old Fashion Days September 14 Culver Wine Fest September Marshall County Blazin’ BBQ and Bluegrass Mid December Holy Walk Visit Marshall County Haynes-Apperson Festival Downtown. Celebrating Kokomo, home to America's first automobile. Fun, food, fireworks, parade, car shows, sports and fantastic entertainment. No adm. chg. 765-854-1234; haynesappersonfestival.org Old Firehouse Building 220 North Center Street P.O. Box 669 Plymouth, Indiana 46563 800-626-5353 • VisitMarshallCounty.org Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 37 JULY Jul. 5-7 Liberty (Union Co., East Reg.) Jul. 4-6 Cicero (Hamilton Co., Central Reg.) Lights Over Morse Lake Festival Community Park, Morse Lake & various locations. Kids' carnival, parade, live music, 3-on-3 basketball and cornhole tournaments, talent show, balloon glow, craft and food vendors, golf cart poker run and fireworks on Morse Lake. No adm. chg. 317-379-3357; lightsovermorselake.com 2014 Festival Dates: Jul. 4-6 4th of July Festival Courthouse Square. Forty years of family fun, arts and craft vendors, live entertainment, food booths, parade. No adm. chg. 765-458-5355; ucplibrary.org Jul. 4-7 Warren (Huntington Co., East Reg.) Downtown. See Jan. 4 listing. Salamonie Summer Festival Downtown. Special concerts, parade, fireworks, car and bike cruise-in, antique tractors and engines, games and sporting events, food alley and fun! No adm. chg. 260-375-3711; warrenindiana.com Jul. 4-7 Shoals (Martin Co., South Central Reg.) Shoals Catfish Festival Main St., ball park and museum (Old Courthouse) This celebration features a variety of booths, fishing, team and individual sport competitions, a parade, catfish sandwiches and fireworks. No adm. chg. 812-631-1329; visitmartincounty.org/catfishfestival.htm TOGeTHerWeSave.COM when you upgrade to an energy star® rated fridge and dishwasher, your Combined SavinGS are $130 a year. Jul. 4 Twelve Mile (Cass Co., East Reg.) Jul. 5; Aug. 2; Sep. 6; Oct. 4; Nov. 1; Dec. 6 Goshen (Elkhart Co., North Reg.) Goshen First Fridays Jul. 5-7 Madison (Jefferson Co., South Central Reg.) Madison Regatta Madison Riverfront. 200 mph racing with world's fastest race boats. Unlimited hydroplanes. Air shows, parade, fireworks. Three nights of music and more! Adm. chg. 812-265-5000; madisonregatta.com 2014 Festival Dates: Jul. 4-6 Jul. 6-7 Delphi (Carroll Co., West Reg.) Canal Days Canal Park. Celebrate the 1850s canal era! Canal boat rides, interactive museum, artisan demonstrations. Free admission. Visit our website for more information. No adm. chg. 765-564-2870; wabashanderiecanal.org 2014 Festival Dates: Jul. 5-6 Jul. 6 Monticello (White Co., West Reg.) Proud to be an American Patriotic Boat Parade and Celebration Lake Freeman/City Park. Madam Carroll boat carries 450 veterans and family members. Decorated boats, skydivers, hot dogs, watermelon, family games. No adm. chg. 574-583-9784; boats4vets.com Jul. 7-13 Twelve Mile 500 Princeton (Gibson Co., South Reg.) Plank Hill Park. Annual lawn mower races featuring Briggs Gibson County Fair and Stratton and other modified engines. Fun for the entire Gibson County Fairgrounds. Come out to the 158th annual Copyright©2011 St.ClaireGroup family. Adm. chg. 574-753-4856; twelvemile500.com Gibson County Fair where we have been providing family fun R Job Name: Hoosier Guide 2014 FestivalFestival Date: Jul. 4 Mini Ads—2012 Job Number: HSR-HSR-HSR-2409 since 1851! Adm. chg. 812-385-3445; gibsoncountyfair.com Specs: 2.125” x 1” Ad 4C Publication: Jul. 4 ns regardingWestfield this art, please call Allison Lauck at Reg.) 317-816-8810 or e-mailJul. alauck@stclairegroup.com 7-13 (Hamilton Co., Central 09/27/12 CR:0 IR:0 LaPorte (LaPorte Co., North Reg.) Westfield Layout RocksDate: the Fourth Asa Bales Park. Live music, merchant and food vendors, kids' area, bicycle and motorcycle charity rides, car show and fireworks. No adm. chg. 317-804-3184; westfieldrocksthe4th.com Jul. 4 Wolcott (White Co., West Reg.) Wolcott Summer Festival Historic Wolcott House and grounds. Flea market, crafts, live entertainment, food stands, children's games, amusement rides, parade, car show, antique tractors, fireworks and more. No adm. chg. 219-279-2946; wolcottfestival.com LaPorte County Fair LaPorte County Fairgrounds. 4-H exhibits, open class, draft horse, horse and pony, Pioneer Land, carnival rides, grandstand events, free entertainment, food vendors. Adm. chg. 219-362-2647; laportecountyfair.org Jul. 7; Aug. 4; Sep. 1; Oct. 6 Lawrenceburg (Dearborn Co., South Central Reg.) Tri-State Antique Market Fairgrounds. See May 5 listing. Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 39 JULY Jul. 8-13 Warsaw (Kosciusko Co., North Reg.) Kosciusko County Community Fair Kosciusko County Fairgrounds. Join our community fair for exciting grandstand events, outstanding 4-H exhibits, wonderful fair food and thrilling midway rides! Adm. chg. 574-269-1823; kcfair.org 2014 Festival Dates: Jul. 7-12 Jul. 11-21 Indianapolis (Marion Co., Central Reg.) Indiana Black Expo, Inc.'s Annual Summer Celebration Indiana Convention Center. Summer Celebration is Indiana Black Expo, Inc.'s major fundraiser for its year-round youth and family programs and is an 11-day exposition. Adm. chg. 317-925-2702; IndianaBlackExpo.com 2014 Festival Dates: Jul. 10-20 Jul. 12-13 Angola (Steuben Co., North Reg.) Angola Balloons Aloft Tri-State Steuben County Airport. Watch some of the finest hot air balloon pilots compete for prizes over Northern Indiana Lakes Country. No adm. chg. 260-316-8577; angolaballoonsaloft.com Jul. 12-14 Crown Point (Lake Co., North Reg.) Antique Tractor and Farm Show Lake County Fairgrounds. Antique tractors, garden tractors, gas engines, cars and trucks, large model railroad, threshing, sawmills, homemade pies, pork chop dinner. Adm. chg. 219-662-9204; slcahs.org Jul. 12-14 Martinsville (Morgan Co., Central Reg.) Artie Fest Courthouse Square. Community celebration and homecoming. Golf, Cinema on the Square, food, 5k run, craft fair, entertainment, kids' activities and cornhole. No adm. chg. 765-342-8110; artiefest.com Jul. 12-14 Corydon (Harrison Co., South Reg.) Battle of Corydon Reenactment Hayswood Park. Watch history come alive during the 150th anniversary celebration of The Battle of Corydon and Morgan's Raid. No adm. chg. 888-738-2137; corydonbattlepark.com TOGeTHerWeSave.COM by sealing doors, vents and duCtwork, you Can Save $212 a year. Jul. 12-13 Derby (Perry Co., South Reg.) Cedar Valley Bluegrass Festival Cedar Valley Park, 12478 SR 70. Live bluegrass music both days, food, concessions, arts and crafts booths, camping available, family show. Adm. chg. 812-836-2311; cedarvalley.webs.com Jul. 12-13 Freetown (Jackson Co., South Central Reg.) Freetown July Festival Freetown Community Park. A festival for the whole family! Music, car show, games, inflatables, karaoke, baby contest, tractor drive, vendors, parade and fireworks. No adm. chg. 812-569-2710; sites.google.com/site/freetownjulyfestival/ 2014 Festival Dates: Jul. 11-12 Jul. 12-13 Sheridan (Hamilton Co., Central Reg.) Sheridan BlueGrass Fever Sheridan Veterans Park. Music performances with headliner bands and jams, great food. Free music clinics on Sat. with paid adm. Adm. chg. 317-758-5054; bluegrassfever.net Jul. 12-14 Gary (Lake Co., North Reg.) South Shore Air Show Marquette Park Beach. Lake Co. Military and civilian aircraft perform aerial demonstrations over Lake Michigan. Food vendors and beer garden open all three days. Fireworks on Fri. Parking chg. No adm. chg. 219-989-7979; southshoreairshow.com 2014 Festival Dates: Jul. 11-13 Jul. 12-20 Fort Wayne (Allen Co., East Reg.) Three Rivers Festival Downtown. Fort Wayne’s favorite summer party since 1969! Family-friendly fun. From the two-hour parade, fine arts and crafts, Children’s Fest and International Village, live music, the Bed Race, RiverGames and Water Wars, enjoy family-friendly fun in the heart of downtown! No adm. chg. 260-426-5556; ThreeRiversFestival.org 2014 Festival Dates: Jul. 11-19 Jul. 13-20 Peru (Miami Co., East Reg.) Circus City Festival First Bank of Berne Circus City Center. Finest youth circus, air conditioned, 3-ring arena. The only circus parade in the United States. Rides, food and family fun! Adm. chg. 765-472-3918; perucircus.com 2014 Festival Dates: Jul. 12-19 Jul. 13 Chesterton (Porter Co., North Reg.) The 16th Annual (Friends of Indiana Dunes) Sand Sculpture Contest Indiana Dunes State Park Beach Pavilion. Annual amateur contest for prizes. Judged in two categories, including a People's Choice award. Park gate admission fee only. 219-926-1390; dnr.in.gov/parklake/2980.htm 40 All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. Copyright©2011 St.ClaireGroup R Job Name: Hoosier Festival Guide Mini Ads—2012 Job Number: HSR-HSR-HSR-2409 Two Great Festivals • One Great Weekend Newport Antique Auto Hill Climb Sponsored By The NEWPORT LIONS CLUB The world’santique largest antique auto competition The world's largest auto competition event, event featuring more featuring more than competition than 250 competition cars300 competing overcars thecompeting 1800-foot-long, over the 1800-foot long and 140-footHill, highplus Newport Hill 140-foot-high Newport plus more antique and streetrods rodsininthe the Car Car Show. more thanthan 400400 antique and street Show. Huge fleaflea market with with over 350 andvendors a carnival. Huge market overcraft, 350 food, craft,swap foodmeet and vendors swap meet a weekend full of entertainment, and a5 parade. EnjoyEnjoy a weekend full of entertainment, events andevents a Saturday p.m. parade. 2013 dates: October 4, 5 & 6 2014 dates: October 3, 4 & 5 the Alwaysnday first Suo er in Oct b FABULOUS VINTAGE VEHICLE RAFFLED OFF EVERY YEAR! Box 398, Newport, Indiana 47966 (765) 492-4220 • www.newporthillclimb.com ACR 60 PAR ES OF KIN G Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 41 Call or visit us online for m and complete list of ar Events Guide available Except ional Orleans Dogwood Festival April 27 - May 4 Event s A week long event known as a Top 5 Midwest Spring Flower Festivals. Featuring arts & crafts, contests, parade, carnival, music, beautiful dogwoods on Historic Congress Square and more. (812)865-9930 French Lick Magic November-December The Polar Express, caroling musicians, light displays, ki activities, and more! See, st shop, and play weekends fr mid Nov to mid Dec. Loca merchants offer extended h and special events. 42 All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. more information rea events! by request. Tv Block Bash September 20-22 The nation’s top ten chainsaw carvers compete for 3 days in the heart of French Lick. Event includes artists, music, food and bikeshow! Live auction of carved items. (812)936-3030 Art on Green October 12-13 This unique event features regional arts and crafts, a “Taste of French Lick” and live music all day. g, ids tay, rom al hours Ext raordinary Dest inat ion www.visitfrenchlickwestbaden.com (888) 684-3418 Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 43 ChoiceHotels.com ChoiceHotels.com/South “I want more of InDIana for less!” ChoiceHotels.com You asked. We listened. scan to learn more Book early at choicehotels.com/in-festival and save up to 20% or call 888-228-5050 and get our Best available rate. 44 QualityInn&Suites Airport QualityInn&Suites Jeffersonville ComfortSuites kokomo ComfortInn QualityInn&Suites lAfAyette ComfortSuites QualityInn&Suites lAwrenceburg ComfortInn QualityInn&Suites lebAnon ComfortInn mArion ComfortSuites michigAn city ComfortInn mishAwAkA ComfortInn&Suites nAshville ComfortInn noblesville QualityInn&Suites north vernon ComfortInn plAinfield ComfortInn portAge ComfortInn porter ComfortInn&Suites richmond ComfortInn rochester ComfortInn rushville ComfortInn schererville ComfortInn scottsburg QualityInn sellersburg ComfortInn seymour QualityInn shelbyville ComfortInn south bend ComfortSuites UniversityArea ComfortSuites QualityInn&Suites QualityInnUniversity Area terre hAute ComfortSuites QualityInn wArren ComfortInn wArsAw ComfortInn&Suites ChoiceHotels.com ChoiceHotels.com REWARDS PROGRAM Auburn ComfortSuites bAtesville ComfortInn bedford ComfortInn bloomington ComfortInn QualityInn brownsburg ComfortSuites cArmel ComfortSuites columbiA city QualityInn columbus ComfortInn&Suites ClarionHoteland ConferenceCenter corydon ComfortInn crAwfordsville ComfortInn elkhArt ComfortSuitesSouth QualityInn&Suites evAnsville ClarionInn ferdinAnd ComfortInn fort wAyne ComfortSuites ComfortSuitesNorth QualityInn frAnklin QualityInn greenfield ComfortInn QualityInn&Suites hAmmond QualityInn hobArt ComfortInn huntingburg QualityInn indiAnApolis ComfortSuitesCity Centre ComfortSuites ComfortSuites Northeast ComfortSuites ComfortInnSouth ComfortInn&Suites Airport ComfortInnEast ComfortInn&Suites NorthatthePyramids ComfortInn&Suites ClarionInn&Suites ClarionHotel QualityInnSouth QualityInnEast ChoiceHotels.com Advance reservations required. Advance Purchase rate offer only available online and cannot be combined with any other discount or offer. Subject to availability at participating hotels throughout Indiana. ©2012 Choice Hotels International. All rights reserved. All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. JULY Jul. 13 Fortville (Hancock Co., Central Reg.) Fortville Bastille Day Landmark Park. A celebration of the French National Day! Arts and crafts, music, food, laser light show and more! Vendors welcome! 5pm-11pm. No adm. chg. 650-483-6003; FortvilleBastilleDay.com Jul. 13-14 Lapel (Madison Co., East Reg.) Lapel Village Fair Main St. Townwide rummages, CDLS walk/run, parade, car show, craft and food booths, corn hole tournament, Dan's fish fry, chicken noodle dinner, entertainment under tent and children's games. No adm. chg. 765-534-4432; lapelvillagefair.com 2014 Festival Dates: Jul. 12-13 TOGeTHerWeSave.COM use a “smart” power strip for your entertainment Center eleCtroniCs, and you Can Save $174 a year. Jul. 13-14; Aug. 24-25; Sep. 8; Oct. 26-27 Fort Wayne (Allen Co., East Reg.) Living History Days at the Old Fort Old Fort Park. See Jan. 26 listing. Jul. 18-21 Winamac (Pulaski Co., North Reg.) Northern Indiana Power From the Past Antique Power Show & Flea Market Pulaski County Fairgrounds. Family-oriented event featuring antique farm equipment, horse pull, children's games, large flea market, shaded grounds, many demonstrations. No adm. chg. 574-946-3712; winamacpowershow.com Jul. 19-21 Culver (Marshall Co., North Reg.) Culver Lake Fest Culver Town Park. Parade, vendors, live entertainment, sailboat and kayak races, arts/crafts, kid events. No adm. chg. culverlakefest.com Jul. 19-27 Goshen (Elkhart Co., North Reg.) Elkhart County 4-H Fair Fairgrounds. One of the largest county fairs in the nation. Free top-name entertainment, tractor pulls and much more! Adm. chg. 574-533-3247; 4hfair.org 2014 Festival Dates: Jul. 18-26 Jul. 19-28 Valparaiso (Porter Co., North Reg.) Porter County Fair Porter County Expo Center. The Porter County Fair. Isn’t it time you got a fair deal? Adm. chg. 219-462-0321; portercountyfair.com Jul. 20 Jul. 13; Aug. 10, 31 Copyright©2011 St.ClaireGroup Lafayette (Tippecanoe Co., West Reg.) Lafayette (Tippecanoe Co., West Reg.) R Job Name: Hoosier Festival Guide Mini Ads—2012 Job Number: HSR-HSR-HSR-2409 Dancing in the Streets Mosey Specs: Down 2.125” Main Street x 1” Ad 4C Publication: Downtown. Enjoy a classic car and motorcycle cruise, food, Historic Main St. See May 11 listing. ns regarding this art, please call Allison Lauck at 317-816-8810 or e-mailbeer alauck@stclairegroup.com and wine, plus two stages of live entertainment. Adm. chg. Jul. 13 Layout Date: 09/27/12 CR:0 IR:0 765-742-4044; dancinginthestreets.net Fremont (Steuben Co., North Reg.) 2014 Festival Date: Jul. 19 Musicfest Downtown. Musical entertainment from jazz to country. Parade, kids' games, fireworks and special merchant sales. No adm. chg. 260-495-9010; fremontchamber.org Jul. 13 Noblesville (Hamilton Co., Central Reg.) Noblesville Streetdance Courthouse Square. Free fun for the whole family! Kid zone, classic car show, food vendors, live music, a marketplace and more! No adm. chg. 317-776-0205; noblesvillemainstreet.org Jul. 13 West Lafayette (Tippecanoe Co., West Reg.) Wabash Riverfest Tapawingo Park. Free, family-friendly celebration of the Wabash River. Canoe races, food, music, educational exhibits, 5k run, children's activities and more! No adm. chg. 765-474-2553; wabashriverfest.com 2014 Festival Date: Jul. 12 Jul. 20 Brownsburg (Hendricks Co., Central Reg.) Festival of the Arts Arbuckle Acres Park. Family fun-filled event featuring music, food, children's activities and more than 150 artisans and craft exhibitors from around the Midwest. Adm. chg. 317-852-7885; brownsburgfota.com Jul. 20-27 Rockville (Parke Co., West Reg.) Parke County 4-H Fair Fairgrounds. Great rural county fair! Parke County's largest parade on Thu. Demolition derby contest on Fri. night and queen contest on Sat. No adm. chg. 765-569-3176; parkecountyfairgrounds.com Riley Festival October 3-6 rileyfestival.com Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 45 JULY/AUGUST Jul. 20 Munster (Lake Co., North Reg.) The Grape Escape Centennial Park. Sample selections of wine and beer, enjoy food, listen to live music, browse the fine art fair and market vendors. 219-836-7275; munster.org 2014 Festival Date: Jul. 19 Jul. 20 Marshall (Parke Co., West Reg.) Pioneer Heritage Festival Turkey Run State Park. All hands-on; candle making, pioneer games and toys, corn husk dolls, cross cut sawing, dutch oven cooking and much more! Park adm. and $1 festival fee. 765-597-2654; in.gov/dnr/parklake2420.htm Jul. 21-27 Alexandria (Madison Co., East Reg.) Madison County 4-H Fair Beulah Park. Family attractions, rides, vendors, bracelet days, 4-H animals every day, parade, free entertainment, senior day, talent contest, garden tractor pulls. No adm. chg. 765-724-7006 2014 Festival Dates: Jul. 20-26 Jul. 26-28 Bass Lake (Starke Co., North Reg.) Bass Lake Summer Splash Festival Around the lake. Family, fun, food and festivities including 5k run/walk, Miss Bass Lake, historic tour trams, cardboat boat races and more. No adm. chg. 574-806-8826; basslakefest.com Jul. 26-27 Berne (Adams Co., East Reg.) Berne Swiss Days Downtown. Swiss experience. Food, crafts, competitions, family-friendly rides, quilt show, horse pull, musical concerts, tours, fireworks, polka music, parade, games. No adm. chg. 260-589-8080; bernein.com 2014 Festival Dates: Jul. 25-26 Jul. 26-27 North Webster (Kosciusko Co., North Reg.) 5th Annual Dixie Days Festival & Art Fair Downtown. Art fair, car and bike show, live music, food, sidewalk sales, dixie boat rides, market and antiques, ski show. No adm. chg. 574-834-1600 ext. 241; northwebster.com 2014 Festival Dates: Jul. 24-26 Jul. 26-27 Frankfort (Clinton Co., West Reg.) Frankfort Hot Dog Festival Downtown square. Dachshund racing, agility and dock diving, Frisbee dog shows, 5k Bun Run/Walk, live entertainment, arts, craft and food vendors. 11a.m.-11p.m. No adm. chg. 765-654-4081; accs.net/mainstreet 2014 Festival Dates: Jul. 25-26 46 Jul. 26 Monticello (White Co., West Reg.) Main Street Tour Downtown square. Live bands, beer and wine garden, bike show, pork chop dinner, Taste of White County. No adm. chg. 574-583-3668; enjoywhitecounty.com Jul. 26-28 New Carlisle (St. Joseph Co., North Reg.) New Carlisle Hometown Days Memorial Park. Three fun-filled days, vendors, food, entertainment, parade, fireworks, car show, WIFFLE ball tournament. No adm. chg. 574-276-8962; hometowndays.net Jul. 26-28 Whiting (Lake Co., North Reg.) Pierogi Fest Downtown. Boasts more than 75 food vendors, arts and crafts, entertainment of all kinds and so much more. No adm. chg. 219-659-0292; pierogifest.net 2014 Festival Dates: Jul. 25-27 Jul. 27 Monticello (White Co., West Reg.) Idaville Truck & Tractor Pull Idaville. Annual event for more than 60 years. Over 3,000 watch 70 contestants in six classes of pulling competition. No adm. chg. 574-943-3415 Jul. 27-28 Orland (Steuben Co., North Reg.) Vermont Settlement Festival Orland Town Park. Full days of family fun, primitive village, car show, parade, concessions, mud volleyball, arts and crafts. No adm. chg. 260-829-6411; lakes101.org Jul. 29-30 Monticello (White Co., West Reg.) Spirit of Monticello Festival Courthouse Square. The streets are filled with family fun, live entertainment, food, arts and craft vendors, car show and more! No adm. chg. 574-583-1101; spiritofmonticello.org AUGUST Aug.-Dec. Decatur (Adams Co., East Reg.) Decatur Sculpture Walk Second St., Downtown. See Jun. 8 listing. Aug.-Oct. Michigan City (LaPorte Co., North Reg.) Michigan City Summer Festival Washington Park and various locations. See Apr.-Oct. listing. Aug. 1-4 Nappanee (Elkhart Co., North Reg.) Amish Acres Arts and Crafts Festival Amish Acres. 300 artists and crafters, festive food and free entertainment bring a distinctive flavor to this 51st annual nationally recognized event. Adm. chg. 800-800-4942; amishacres.com 2014 Festival Dates: Jul. 31-Aug. 3 All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. AUGUST Aug. 1-4 Jasper (Dubois Co., South Reg.) Jasper Strassenfest Downtown and citywide. Family-oriented street festival with German music, food, dancing, rides, games, beer garden, 5k run/ walk, car show and so much more! No adm. chg. 812-482-6866; jasperstrassenfest.org Aug. 2; Sep. 6; Oct. 4; Nov. 1; Dec. 6 Goshen (Elkhart Co., North Reg.) Goshen First Fridays Downtown. See Jan. 4 listing. Aug. 2-18 Indianapolis (Marion Co., Central Reg.) Indiana State Fair Indiana State Fairgrounds. For old-fashioned summer pleasures it doesn't get any better than the Indiana State Fair! The midway lights up with rides, the food highlights Indiana's agriculture, adorable animals are everywhere and free entertainment is throughout the grounds. Adm. chg. 317-927-7500; indianastatefair.com Aug. 3 Noblesville (Hamilton Co., Central Reg.) Art Fair on the Square Courthouse Square. Enjoy charming Historic Downtown Noblesville with juried artists, all painting mediums, sculpture, pottery, jewelry, more. Art experience for children. Food available. No adm. chg. 317-506-1872; noblesvillearts.org Aug. 3 Vincennes (Knox Co., South Central Reg.) Knox County Watermelon Festival Patrick Henry Square, Downtown. Free watermelon, 5k run, baby/toddler and queen pageant, BBQ grill-off, free musical entertainment, cornhole tournament and seed spitting contest. No adm. chg. 812-882-6440; knoxcountychamber.com Aug. 4; Sep. 1; Oct. 6 Lawrenceburg (Dearborn Co., South Central Reg.) Tri-State Antique Market Fairgrounds. See May 5 listing. Aug. 6-10 Odon (Daviess Co., South Central Reg.) Old Settlers Festival Odon City Park. One of the oldest festivals in Indiana with a history of over 125 years. Parade, food, carnival rides, bingo, free nightly entertainment. Don't miss it! No adm. chg. 812-636-8218; odonoldsettlers.com Aug. 6-10 Oakland City (Gibson Co., South Reg.) Sweet Corn Festival Wirth Park. Come celebrate corn with us! Rides, parade, music, food vendors and top it off with a corn eating contest. No adm. chg. 812-677-0728; gibsoncountyin.org Mooreland Free Fair Carnival, food, live entertainment Tractor pull, truck pull, parade Contact: 765-808-0862 Aug 5-10 Middletown/Fall Creek Twp. Historical Society Car show, food, live entertainment, Contact: 765-354-2000 Aug 10 Shirley Founders Day Car show, food, talent show Contact: 765-738-6415 Aug 17 Sulphur Springs Community Days Aug 23-24 Mud bog, food, car/tractor show Contact: 765-524-4669 or 765-427-9834 Farmer’s Pike Festival Labor Day Weekend See ad in this publication Contact: www.farmerspike.com Knightstown Fall Fest Fall crafts, mums, petting zoo Contact: 765-345-5131 Sept 7-8 Whitetail Farm Fall Family Fun Sept 28-Oct 26 Maze, hay rides, fire pit, gift shop Contact: 765-755-3345 Wilbur Wright Birthplace Christmas Walk Nov 2, 3, 9, 10 Festival of trees, museum tours, food Contact: 765-332-2495 NC-HC Chamber of Commerce Christmas Walk - Downtown Carriage rides, lighting of the tree, Exotic petting zoo, Santa Contact: www.nchcchamber.com Dec 5 Henry County Convention & Visitors Bureau 765-593-0764 or 888-676-4302 www.henrycountyin.org Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 47 AUGUST Aug. 7-10 Tell City (Perry Co., South Reg.) Schweizer Fest City Hall Park, 700 Main St. Amusement rides, games, food, beer garden, wine tasting, exhibit market, live entertainment, queen pageant. No adm. chg. 888-343-6262; tellcityschweizerfest.org Aug. 8-10 Indianapolis (Marion Co., Central Reg.) Drum Corps International World Championships Lucas Oil Stadium. Experience incredible excitement and exceptional family entertainment when the world's most spectacular music ensembles march into Lucas Oil Stadium, August 8-10. More than 40 drum corps from around the world will compete for the world championship title. Adm. chg. 317-275-1212; dci.org Aug. 8-10 North Manchester (Wabash Co., East Reg.) North Manchester Fun Fest by the River Downtown. Car show, live entertainment, food and craft vendors, parade and watermelon feed. Many events for all ages. No adm. chg. 260-982-7644; northmanchesterchamber.com Aug. 9-10 Michigantown (Clinton Co., West Reg.) Michigantown Fair Lions Club Park. Craft and food vendors. Parade at 11am, 5k race and car show on Sat. Live entertainment, contests and fun! No adm. chg. 765-249-5174; michigantownfair.com 2014 Festival Dates: Aug. 8-9 Aug. 9-11 Columbia City (Whitley Co., East Reg.) Mihsihkinaahkwa Pow Wow Morsches Park, SR 205. Freewill concert, dancing, storytelling, games, demonstrations, vendors with Native American products and food. Silent auction, raffles and flute music. Aug. 9, free concert. Adm. chg. 260-609-7844; miamipowwow.org Aug. 10, 31 Lafayette (Tippecanoe Co., West Reg.) Mosey Down Main Street Historic Main St. See May 11 listing. Aug. 10 Logansport (Cass Co., East Reg.) Taste of Cass County Downtown. Live music, family fun and great food from local food establishments set along the banks of the Wabash River. Adm. chg. 574-722-9345; loganslanding.com 2014 Festival Date: Aug. 9 Aug. 10 DeMotte (Jasper Co., North Reg.) Touch of Dutch Spencer Park. Join us for a day of fun with a parade, arts and crafts, car show, food and family entertainment! No adm. chg. 219-987-5800; demottechamber.org 48 All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. AUGUST Aug. 10 South Bend (St. Joseph Co., North Reg.) World Pulse Festival WHME-TV 46 Studios. Annual, one-day Christian music festival featuring Switchfoot, Natalie Grant, City Harmonic, Jason Castro and more! Parking chg. Free adm. with ticket. 574-291-8200; worldpulsefestival.com Aug. 15-18 Greensburg (Decatur Co., South Central Reg.) Greensburg Power of the Past Decatur County Fairgrounds. Annual machinery display and demos. Featured tractor is CO-OP, host of Hoosier CO-OP Jamboree. Flea markets, food booths, kids' games, toy show, parade, entertainment. Adm. chg. 812-593-8977; greensburgpowerofthepast.com 2014 Festival Dates: Aug. 14-17 Aug. 15-25 Indianapolis (Marion Co., Central Reg.) Indy Fringe Festival Mass Ave. and downtown cultural district. A riotous celebration of theatre old and new, edgy and not-so, that happens over 10 days. Adm. chg. 317-522-8099; indyfringe.org Aug. 16-18 Shelbyville (Shelby Co., Central Reg.) Bears of Blue River Festival Public Square. Three day street fair featuring free live entertainment. Free kids' activities and animal show. Concessions, crafts and flea markets. No adm. chg. 317-392-3040; bearsofblueriverfestival.com 2014 Festival Dates: Aug. 15-17 Aug. 16-18 Elwood (Madison Co., East Reg.) Aug. 17 Cumberland (Marion Co., Central Reg.) Cumberland Arts Goes to Market Saturn St. from Town Hall to Cumberland First Baptist Church. A celebration of art and community in historic Cumberland. Fifth annual festival. Over 100 vendors, entertainment, food trucks, Farmers Market and family fun. Find us on Facebook. No adm. chg. 317-894-2645; Cumberlandfbc.org. Aug. 17-18 Michigan City (LaPorte Co., North Reg.) Lakefront Art Festival Washington Park. The very best of art and fine crafts, with oneof-a-kind items at every price. Plus, food court and children's activities. Adm. chg. 219-874-4900; lubeznikcenter.org 2014 Festival Dates: Aug. 16-17 Aug. 17-18 Noblesville (Hamilton Co., Central Reg.) Summertime Celebration of Arts and Crafts Hamilton County Fairgrounds. One of Central Indiana's most distinctive art and craft shows, featuring over 80 exhibits from six states. Adm. chg. 419-436-1457; cloudshows.biz TOGeTHerWeSave.COM add 9 inChes of attiC insulation, and you Can Save $143 a year. Aug. 17 Kokomo (Howard Co., East Reg.) Taste of Kokomo Elwood Glass Festival Downtown. More than 20 restaurants and eight bands Callaway Park. Arts, crafts, food, entertainment, glass factory 4pm-10pm. Children’s corner with inflatables. Food tours, quilt show, carnival, car show, contests, parade, St.ClaireGroup competitionsCopyright©2011 in big tent throughout the night 5pm-10:30pm. pageant and much more. No adm. chg. 765-552-0180; Client: HSR Job Name: Hoosier Festival Guide Mini Ads—2012Job Number: HSR-HSR Adm. chg. 765-457-6691; unitedwayhoco.org elwood-in.com/chamber-home Specs: 2.125” x 1.125” Ad 4C Publication: 17 2014 Festival Dates: Aug. 15-17If you have any questions regardingAug. this art, please call Allison Lauck at 317-816-8810 or e-mail ala Aug. 16-17 Madison (Jefferson Co., South Central Reg.) Madison Ribberfest BBQ & Blues Riverfront. Fabulous blues concert, KCBS backyard and kids' BBQ competitions, boat cruises, 5k walk/run, concrete pig corral, kids' play area. Adm. chg. 800-559-2956; madisonribberfest.com 2014 Festival Dates: Aug. 15-16 Aug. 16-18 Hamlet (Starke Co., North Reg.) Yellowstone Trail Fest Fairgrounds. Antique and classic car show, skits, vintage fashion show, children's activities, pagaent, food, vendors, history display, parade and music. No adm. chg. 574-867-2461; YellowStoneTrailFest.com 2014 Festival Dates: Aug. 15-17 Greenwood (Johnson Co., Central Reg.) Layout Date: 09/27/12 CR:0 IR:0 WAMM Fest Craig Park. Wineries, microbreweries, bands, entertainment, food and juried art fair featuring over 50 artists. Ticket proceeds donated to local charities. Adm. chg. 317-881-7575; wammfest.com 2014 Festival Date: Aug. 16 Aug. 17 Wabash (Wabash Co., East Reg.) Wabash Herb Fest Paradise Spring Historical Park. Herbs, plants, garden items, crafts, free educational seminars, Chair Affair, a decorated chair contest and auction. Herb bake-off. No adm. chg. 260-563-6682 Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 49 AUGUST Aug. 21-24 Selma (Delaware Co., East Reg.) Selma Lions Club Annual Bluebird Days Festival Selma Lions Clubhouse, Pavilion, and Vicinity. Four days of food, carnival rides, vendors, entertainment, parade, famous Lion's Club dinners. Nightly drawing for Marathon gasoline gift cards. No adm. chg. 765-749-9946; facebook.com/Selma.Lions.Bluebird.Days.Festival Aug. 22-24 Sellersburg (Clark Co., South Reg.) Sellersburg Celebrates! Silver Creek Township Park. Family-friendly. Over 150 food and crafts booths, free entertainment, carnival rides, parade, pancake breakfast, balloon glow, community luncheon. No adm. chg. 812-786-3098; sellersburgcelebrates.com 2014 Festival Dates: Aug. 21-23 Aug. 22-25 Vevay (Switzerland Co., South Central Reg.) Swiss Wine Festival Riverfront Park. Wine tasting pavilion, featuring over 100 varieties of Indiana wines, big name entertainment, Midwest Championship Grape Stomp, steintossen, riverboat cruises, three stages of professional entertainment, grand festival parade, arts and crafts, great food booths, beer garden, amusement rides, 5k walk/run and more. Adm. chg. 812-427-9463; swisswinefestival.org 50 Aug. 23-25 Rensselaer (Jasper Co., North Reg.) Jasper County Fall Festival Jasper County Fairgrounds. Family entertainment, food booths, antiques, farm toys, flea market, garden tractor pull, demo derby, mud drags. No adm. chg. 219-866-8413; jaspercofallfestival.com Aug. 23-25 Indianapolis (Marion Co., Central Reg.) 23rd Annual National Toy & Truck N' Construction Show and Auction Indianapolis Marriott East. Thousands of toy trucks and construction toys for sale. Auction, radio controlled semis, model contest. A great family outing. Adm. chg. 800-533-8293; toytrucker.com Aug. 23-25 Friendship (Ripley Co., South Central Reg.) Whispering Beard Folk Festival First St. and Friendship Rd. 6th annual, 3-day music festival. Brings the best local and national talent in the Folk/Americana music. whisperingbeard.com Aug. 24-25 Kouts (Porter Co., North Reg.) Aukiki River Festival 1097 Baum’s Bridge Rd. Experience over 350 years of authentic reenactments, 1700s-1930s, unique to this spot. Trader’s Row, music, food kids’ crafts, more. No adm. chg. 219-766-2302; kankakeevalleyhistoricalsociety.org All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. AUGUST Aug. 24 Lafayette (Tippecanoe Co., West Reg.) Beers Across the Wabash Downtown. Taste an assortment of ales and lagers from 30 Indiana breweries. Adm. chg. 765-714-4844; BeersAcrossTheWabash.com Aug. 24 Terre Haute (Vigo Co., West Reg.) Downtown Block Party Downtown. Something for everyone! Live entertainment, food, artists, children's activities, wine tasting, beer garden, car show and more. No adm. chg. 812-237-2536; downtownterrehaute.org 2014 Festival Date: Aug. 23 Aug. 24 Decatur (Adams Co., East Reg.) Kekionga Festival Downtown and Riverside Center. Community festival celebrating Decatur's heritage with historic reenactments, crafts, food and fun. No adm. chg. 260-724-2604; decaturchamber.org 2014 Festival Date: Aug. 23 Aug. 24-25; Sep. 8; Oct. 26-27 Fort Wayne (Allen Co., East Reg.) Living History Days at the Old Fort Old Fort Park. See Jan. 26 listing. Aug. 24 Crawfordsville (Montgomery Co., West Reg.) Taste of Montgomery County General Lew Wallace Study and Museum. A symphony of sounds and a festival of fabulous flavors that represent the best of Montgomery County. Adm. chg. 765-362-5769; tasteofmontgomerycounty.com 2014 Festival Date: Aug. 23 Carve Up Some FUn Just Minutes West of indianapolis in Hendricks county Here’s just a sampling of what’s happening this fall: • Mac Tools U.S. Nationals at Lucas Oil Raceway • North Salem Old Fashion Days • Beasley’s Orchard Corn Maze • Grape Harvest Festival at Chateau Thomas Winery Aug. 24 Elkhart (Elkhart Co., North Reg.) Taste of the Gardens Wellfield Botanic Gardens. This unique event combines fine art, music and cuisine from area restaurants all within the beautiful setting of the Gardens. Adm. chg. 574-266-2006; WellFieldBotanicGardens.org 2014 Festival Date: Aug. 23 Aug. 24 Wabash (Wabash Co., East Reg.) Trucks in Paradise Paradise Spring Park. Trucks, cars, motorcycles, semis welcome. Dash plaques, trophies awarded, $15 entry fee. Door prizes, food and entertainment. Opens at 10am. No adm. chg. 260-494-8243 Riley Festival October 3-6 rileyfestival.com TourHendrickscounTy.com Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 51 AUGUST Little Italy Festival Clinton, Indiana Festivities begin Friday with a parade at 6pm Throughout the week, enjoy one of the many events, including: • Pizza Toss Contest • Bocce Tournaments • River Duck Race • Italian Trip Giveaway • Fireworks Finale ONGOING ATTRACTIONS Wine Garden • Grape Stomping Mercato • Winery Museum Outdoor Market Italian Food Booths Carnival • Beano (Bingo) Continuous Entertainment Coal Town Museum & Railroad Depot Museum Come and Experience Italy! Aug. 30 - Sep. 2 Little Italy Festival P.O. Box 6 Clinton, Indiana 47842 www.littleitalyfestival.org 52 Aug. 24 Lafayette (Tippecanoe Co., West Reg.) Uptown Jazz and Blues Downtown. Three stages of continuous live jazz and blues music, dancing, food, beer and wine. Adm. chg. 765-742-4044; uptownjazzandblues.com 2014 Festival Date: Aug. 23 Aug. 29-Sep. 1 Auburn (Dekalb Co., East Reg.) Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival Communitywide. Enjoy the Parade of Classics, downtown Cruise-In, ice cream social, antique show, collector car auctions and much more. No adm. chg. 260-925-3600; acdfestival.org Aug. 30-Sep. 2 Earl Park (Benton Co., West Reg.) Earl Park Fall Festival Town Park. Flea markets, demo derby, car show, parade, wa-shoo, dodge ball, mud volleyball, carnival, great food and more! No adm. chg. 219-474-5081; earlparkfestival.com 2014 Festival Dates: Aug. 29-Sep. 1 Aug. 30-Sep. 2 New Castle (Henry Co., East Reg.) Farmer's Pike Antique, Arts and Crafts Festival Seven miles east of New Castle (SR 38) Acres of treasures, 400 spaces of everything. Visit the Lighthouse Chapel. Southern gospel, bluegrass, dance to bands and food galore. Adm. chg. 765-332-2576; farmerspike.com Aug. 30-Sep. 1 Griffith (Lake Co., North Reg.) Griffith Rock ‘n Rail Street Festival Downtown on Broad St. Live music, great food, beer garden, arts/crafts, kids’ fun, car show Friday at 5pm and more. No adm. chg. 219-924-7500; griffith.in.gov Aug. 30-Sep. 2 Clinton (Vermillion Co., West Reg.) Little Italy Festival Water and 9th Streets. Experience Italy with music, food, dancing, rides and games for kids. Wagon rides, parade, flea market, fireworks. Tour historic landmark. No adm. chg. littleitalyfestival.org 2014 Festival Dates: Aug. 29-Sep. 1 Aug. 30-Sep. 2 Plymouth (Marshall Co., North Reg.) Marshall County Blueberry Festival Since 1967 Centennial Park. Children's activities, food booths, carnival, parade, 15k and 5k run. Classic car show, craft booths, horse pull, garden tractor pulls, spectacular fireworks. Sports competitions, demonstrations at Historic Americana, Bicycle Cruise. Free entertainment on three stages, hot air balloons. There's something for everyone! No adm. chg. 574-936-5020; blueberryfestival.org 2014 Festival Dates: Aug. 29-Sep. 1 All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. AUGUST Aug. 30 Washington (Daviess Co., South Central Reg.) Wine, Cheese and Art Festival Meredith Plaza on Main St. Sample varieties of wine and cheese while listening to music. View antique cars, art and more. $10 admission includes wine glass and tastings. Adm. chg. 812-254-5262; @dcchamber.com Aug. 31 Cannelburg (Daviess Co., South Central Reg.) Daviess County Amish Quilt Auction MARSHALL COUNTY Blueberry Festival SINCE 1967 August 30 - September 2 Simon J. Graber Community Building. The only auction selling authentic hand-stitched Amish made quilts from Daviess County. No adm. chg. 812-698-1697; daviesscounty. net Aug. 31-Sep. 1 Bloomington (Monroe Co., South Central Reg.) Fourth Street Festival of the Arts and Crafts Fourth St., Grant St. to Indiana St. Fine art, original craft, entertainment in a beautiful urban setting. One of the top art festivals in the nation. No adm. chg. 812-335-3814; 4thstreet.org Aug. 31 Columbus (Bartholomew Co., South Central Reg.) Hospice of South Central Indiana Free Community Concert ~ Sponsored by Faurecia Mill Race Park, 5th and Lindsey Streets. Fireworks, national and area bands, food and souvenir booths, no seating provided. Proceeds benefit Hospice patients with an advanced illness and their families. No adm. chg. 812-314-8000; hospiceofsouthcentralindiana.org Aug. 31-Sep. 2 Vernon (Jennings Co., South Central Reg.) • 400+ Craft Booths • 15k Blueberry Stomp • Live Entertainment • 100+ Food Booths • Skydiving Demonstations • Spectacular Fireworks • Sports Tournament Labor Day Antiques, Collectibles, Crafts & Flea Market Streets of Vernon, IN. Booths with over 100 dealers of antiques and vintage collectibles, crafts and other items. Food vendors. No adm. chg. 812-346-8989; jenningscounty.org 2014 Festival Dates: Aug. 30-Sep. 1 • Antique Car Show Aug. 31 Princeton (Gibson Co., South Reg.) • Carnival Lyles Station New Beginnings Celebration Lyles Station Historic School and Museum grounds. Children's activities, live music and BBQ dinners. Tours of the historic school, 5k run/walk on Sat. No adm. chg. 812-385-2534; lylesstation.org • Bicycle Cruise • Labor Day Parade • Hot Air Balloons BlueberryFestival.org Marshall County Blueberry Festival PO Box 639 Plymouth, IN 46563 888.936.5020 Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 53 AUGUST 54 All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. AUGUST/september Aug. 31-Sep. 1 Metamora (Franklin Co., South Central Reg.) Metamora Old Time Music Festival Lane's End Barn. Free performances and workshops. Dulcimer, mandolin, guitar and more. Enjoy traditional music along the Whitewater Canal. No adm. chg. 765-647-2194; metamoramusic.pbworks.com 2014 Festival Dates: Sep. 6-7 Denver Days Festival Aug. 31 Indianapolis (Marion Co., Central Reg.) Miracle Mile Parade Gateway South District on Madison Ave. Established in 1957, the 84 unit parade includes floats, marching bands, classic cars, food vendors, kids' zone. No adm. chg. 317-781-4769; miraclemileparade.com 2014 Festival Date: Sep. 6 Aug. 31-Sep. 2 North Salem (Hendricks Co., Central Reg.) North Salem Old Fashion Days Downtown and Machinery Field. Entertainment, food, raffle, parade, horse pull, pie contest, truck pull, car show, 5k/10k walk run, line dancing, bike ride. No adm. chg. 765-676-6210; northsalemoldfashiondays.com Aug. 31-Sep. 1 Tipton (Tipton Co., East Reg.) 53rd Annual Tecumseh Lodge Pow Wow Tipton County Fairgrounds. Enjoy American Indian dancing, authentic arts and crafts and Native American food. 10am-11pm. Adm. chg. 317-745-2858; tecumsehlodge.org 2014 Festival Dates: Aug. 30-31 Thursday - Sunday 2nd Weekend in August Downtown Denver Parade, food, car show, entertainment Contact: 765-985-2284 Hoosier Heritage Festival 3rd Weekend in August Miami County fairgrounds in Peru Celebrating our agricultural heritage with antique tractors, engines and equipment Contact: 765-438-3835 www.hoosierheritagefest.com Mississinewa Triathlon 2nd Weekend in September Mississinewa Park in Peru Swim, bike, run triathlon Contact: Larry Brown at 765-473-6528 Amboy Fall Fest 3rd Weekend in September Downtown Amboy Games, face painting, bake sale, car show, parade, karaoke Contact: 765-395-7412 SEPTEMBER Sep.-Dec. Decatur (Adams Co., East Reg.) Decatur Sculpture Walk Second St., Downtown. See Jun. 8 listing. Macy Fall Fest 3rd Weekend in September Sep. 1 Auburn (Dekalb Co., East Reg.) Downtown Macy Yard sales, games, food and bands Contact: 574-835-6708 Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival Communitywide. See Aug. 29 listing. Oktoberfest Celebration 1st Weekend in October Sep. 1-2 Earl Park (Benton Co., West Reg.) Earl Park Fall Festival Town Park. See Aug. 30 listing. Sep. 1-2 New Castle (Henry Co., East Reg.) Farmer's Pike Antique, Arts and Crafts Festival Seven miles east of New Castle (SR 38). See Aug. 30 listing. Sep. 1 Bloomington (Monroe Co., South Central Reg.) Fourth Street Festival of the Arts and Crafts Cole Porter Classic 5k, 15k run and 5k walk Start at Circus City building and run along Nickel Plate Trail Contact: Jim Yates at 765-469-5066 Chili Cook-Off Riverwalk in Peru Entertainment, chili cook-off, beer/wine tent, food, kid's activities Contact: Mike Hines at 765-472-1902 Fourth St., Grant St. to Indiana St. See Aug. 31 listing. See our June and July ads for more Miami Co. fun! Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 55 SEPTEMBER Aug. 30-31, Sep. 1 & 2 Sep. 1-2 Vernon (Jennings Co., South Central Reg.) Labor Day Antiques, Collectibles, Crafts & Flea Market Streets of Vernon, IN. See Aug. 31 listing Sep. 1-2 Clinton (Vermillion Co., West Reg.) Little Italy Festival Water and 9th Streets. See Aug. 30 listing. Sep. 1-2 Plymouth (Marshall Co., North Reg.) Marshall County Blueberry Festival Since 1967 Centennial Park. See Aug. 30 listing. Sep. 1 Metamora (Franklin Co., South Central Reg.) Metamora Old Time Music Festival Lane's End Barn. See Aug. 31 listing. Sep.-Oct. Michigan City (LaPorte Co., North Reg.) Michigan City Summer Festival Washington Park and various locations. See Apr.-Oct. listing. Sep. 1-2 North Salem (Hendricks Co., Central Reg.) Continuous Live Music Daily Free With Admission! Exhibitors’ Booths Open: Fri-Sun 9am-9pm, Mon 9am-5pm Admission $4 per person Under 10 yrs - $1, under 3 yrs - FREE More Free Parking (on grounds) Handicap Spaces - Free Shuttle 8140 East 200 South New Castle, IN 47362 WATCH for SIGNS on St. Rd. 38 between New Castle & Hagerstown For INFO: 765-332-2576 North Salem Old Fashion Days Downtown and Machinery Field. See Aug. 31 listing. Sep. 1 Tipton (Tipton Co., East Reg.) 53rd Annual Tecumseh Lodge Pow Wow Tipton County Fairgrounds. See Aug. 31 listing. Sep. 1; Oct. 6 Lawrenceburg (Dearborn Co., South Central Reg.) Tri-State Antique Market Fairgrounds. See May 5 listing. Sep. 2 Brookville (Franklin Co., South Central Reg.) 93rd Annual St. Peter's Labor Day Festival Church grounds. Delicious country-fried chicken, homemade turtle soup, beer garden, handmade quilts, country store, games. Old-fashioned country hospitality, scenic setting. No adm. chg. 812-623-3670; stpetersbrookville.com 2014 Festival Date: Sep. 1 Sep. 5-7 Grabill (Allen Co., East Reg.) Grabill Country Fair Downtown. Buggy rides, handmade crafts, food vendors. Sat. morning parade, children's games and contests. No adm. chg. 260-627-5227; grabillcountryfair.com 2014 Festival Dates: Sep. 4-6 www.farmerspike.com 56 All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. SEPTEMBER Sep. 5-8 Montgomery (Daviess Co., South Central Reg.) Sep. 6-7 Darlington (Montgomery Co., West Reg.) Sep. 5-8 Roann (Wabash Co., East Reg.) Sep. 6-7 Pendleton (Madison Co., East Reg.) Montgomery Turkey Trot Festival Montgomery Ruritan Park. Did you ever see turkeys race and pigs wrestle? You can see this, plus live entertainment, crafts, bingo and much more! Adm. chg. 812-698-0524; montgomeryruritanclub.com/TurkeyTrot.htm Roann Covered Bridge Festival Downtown. Free family-oriented festival with three stages of entertainment, parade, tractor pulls, mud volleyball, basketball, rides, vendors, games and more. No adm. chg. 765-833-2136; roanncoveredbridgefestival.com Sep. 5-7 Roanoke (Huntington Co., East Reg.) 60th Annual Roanoke Fall Festival Roanoke Park. Two parades, carnival rides, live entertainment, tractor pull, demo derby, free kids' games, cornbag toss tournament, paint ball, food, fun! No adm. chg. 260-672-3451; discoverroanoke.org Sep. 5-7 Tipton (Tipton Co., East Reg.) Tipton County Pork Festival Downtown Courthouse Square. Enjoy our famous pork chop dinners. Experience food vendors, shopping, arts and crafts, pageants, carnival, two parades and free entertainment. No adm. chg. tiptoncountyporkfestival.com TOGeTHerWeSave.COM during hot summer months, adjust your thermostat to 76 degrees and lOWer yOur bill by $30. Sep. 5-8 Elnora (Daviess Co., South Central Reg.) Darlington Fish Fry & Festival Downtown Main St. Hand-breaded fish fry, car show, antique tractors, games and contests for all ages, parade, entertainment, vendors, kids' area. No adm. chg. 765-794-4787; darlingtonindiana.com Fall Creek Heritage Fair Falls Park, N Pendleton Ave. 200 booths with a variety of arts and crafts. Lots of good food. Fri-Sat. 9am-6pm. No adm. chg. 765-393-1119 2014 Festival Dates: Sep. 5-6 Sep. 6-7 Richmond (Wayne Co., East Reg.) 7th Annual Gennett Records Walk of Fame Music Festival Main St. and Whitewater Gorge Park. Richmond launched some of the world's greatest recording artists such as Louis Armstrong, Bix Beiderbecke, Hoagy Carmichael, Gene Autry and Jell Roll Morton. Adm. chg. 765-962-2860; starrgennett.org Sep. 6; Oct. 4; Nov. 1; Dec. 6 Goshen (Elkhart Co., North Reg.) Goshen First Fridays Downtown. See Jan. 4 listing. Sep. 6-8 Greenfield (Hancock Co., Central Reg.) 37th Annual Greater Indianapolis Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show Hancock County 4-H Fairgrounds. More than 75 gem, jewelry, mineral and fossil dealers. Silent auctions, children's activities, educational displays. Scientific society meetings. No adm. chg. 317-889-2992; 500earthsciencesclub.org/ Sep. 6-8 Jasper (Dubois Co., North Reg.) Little Cousin Jasper Festival Inc White River Valley Antique Show Historic Courthouse Square. Three days of family fun, Daviess County Fairgrounds, SR 57. Working demonstrations arts and crafts, food, games, parade, contests and free of threshing machines. Sawmills, sorghum, apple butter and entertainment every day. No adm. chg. 219-866-5001; Copyright©2011 St.ClaireGroup antique machinery. Gospel night. Children's day is Fri. Adm. chg. littlecousinjasper.com R Job Name: Hoosier Festival GuideMini Ads—2012 Job Number: HSR-HSR-HSR-2409 812-636-4587; wrvaa.org 2014 Festival Dates: Sep. 5-7 Specs: 2.125” x 1” Ad 4C Publication: Sep. 6-7 ns regardingSep. this6-8 art, please call Allison Lauck at 317-816-8810 or e-mail alauck@stclairegroup.com Pendleton (Madison Co., East Reg.) Princeton (Gibson Co., South Reg.) Layout Date: 09/27/12 CR:0 IR:0 Civil War Days Lafayette Park. Civil War encampment and reenactments. School day, ladies tea, battles, living history. Lincoln at the train station, skirmishes. No adm. chg. 812-385-6821; princeton-indiana.com Pendleton Fall Festival Downtown. Antiques, arts, crafts, fair food, unique shops, baby contest, concert series, art show, quilt show, children's area and entertainment. No adm. chg. 765-606-5771; pendletonin.org 2014 Festival Dates: Sep. 5-6 Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 57 SEPTEMBER Sep. 7-8 Anderson (Madison Co., East Reg.) Andersontown Powwow and Indian Market Athletic Park. Embrace the spirit of a Native American Powwow. Handmade authentic Native American art, painting, jewelry, sculpture, cultural items in Indian Market. Exhibition and inter-tribal dancing, performances, cultural demonstrations, storytelling, food, family fun. Adm. chg. andersontownpowwow.org Sep. 7 Spencer (Owen Co., West Reg.) BBQ & Blues McCormick's Creek State Park. Live blues music, barbecue choices and children's activities. Located in beautiful McCormick's Creek State Park. Park admission fee required. Noon-8pm. No adm. chg. 812-829-4344; friendsmccormickscreek.org 2014 Festival Date: Sep. 6 Sep. 7-8 Bridgeton (Parke Co., West Reg.) Bridgeton Milling and Craft Demo Days Bridgeton Gristmill, 1878 Grounds. Live demonstrations at the mill. Grinding flour and cornmeal on 200-year-old French burr stones. Pioneer craft demonstrations, fiber arts. No adm. chg. 765-548-2136; bridgetonindiana.com Sep. 7-8 Columbus (Bartholomew Co., South Central Reg.) Sep. 7-8 Knightstown (Henry Co., East Reg.) Knightstown Fall Fest Town Square. Arts and crafts, antiques, food booths, pumpkin patch, train rides, Hoosier gym tours and live music both days. Rain or shine. No adm. chg. 800-668-1895; knightstownchamber.org Sep. 7-8 Vincennes (Knox Co., South Central Reg.) Salute to Veterans of WWII Indiana Military Museum Grounds. Annual living history event with WWII reenactment, vendors, indoor and outdoor static displays, food and refreshments available. WWII veterans receive free admission. Adm. chg. 812-882-1941; indianamilitarymuseum.net Sep. 7-8 Ligonier (Noble Co., East Reg.) Stone's Trace Pioneer Festival US 33, 2 miles south of Ligonier. Pre 1870 trade crafts practiced by our forefathers. Period entertainment, black powder skills, food, special events, children's activities. Adm. chg. 260-856-2666; stonestrace.com Sep. 7 Valparaiso (Porter Co., North Reg.) Valparaiso Popcorn Festival Downtown. Family fun for all ages! Arts and craft booths, popcorn parade, 5k run, live entertainment on two event stages. No adm. chg. 219-464-8332; valparaisoevents.com Columbus Scottish Festival Bartholomew County 4-H Fairgrounds. Celtic music, car show, food, beer garden, bagpipers, Midwest-Highland Games Championship, sheepdog and highland dance competitions, reenactors, children's activities. Adm. chg. 812-546-6060; scottishfestival.org 2014 Festival Dates: Sep. 6-7 Sep. 8-10 Oxford (Benton Co., West Reg.) Sep. 7-8 Zionsville (Boone Co., Central Reg.) Sep. 8; Oct. 26-27 Fort Wayne (Allen Co., East Reg.) Zionsville Lion's Club 60th Annual Fall Festival Lions Park SR 334. Parade, carnival rides, arts and crafts fair, live music, pet pavilion and other entertainment. Car show Sun. No adm. chg. 317-873-5540; zionsvillelions.com; zlionsevents.com 2014 Festival Dates: Sep. 6-7 Sep. 7 Indianapolis (Marion Co., Central Reg.) French Market 42nd and Central, St. Joan of Arc Church. One of Indy's best neighborhood festivals with live entertainment, artisan booths, children's activities and French and American cuisine. No adm. chg. 317-238-5508; sjoa.org/frenchmarket 58 Dan Patch Days Festival Rommel Park and Lions Grounds. Music, food and fun games. Contests and rides. Fish fry, flea market, camping, softball, parade, motorcycle run and beer garden. No adm. chg. 765-401-0131; danpatchdays.net Living History Days at the Old Fort Old Fort Park. See Jan. 26 listing. Sep. 8, 13-14 Shelbyville (Shelby Co., Central Reg.) Shelby County Arts Fest Forest Hill Cemetery, Tour D’ Art Sep. 8. The Strand Theater, meet the artist Sep. 13. Downtown, art show (Grover Museum), vendors, activities, farmers market, music Sep. 14. No adm. chg. 317-364-0712; shelbycountyartsfest.com Sep. 13-14 Lebanon (Boone Co., Central Reg.) Back to the Fifties Festival, Inc Downtown on the Square. Entertainment, food, kids’ activities, classic car and bicycle shows, booths, art and photography show, street dance, 5k run. Free shuttle. No pets. No adm. chg. 866-447-5050; fiftiesfestival.com 2014 Festival Dates: Sep. 12-13 All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. SEPTEMBER Come Have Some Family Fun in Boone County! Come for the car show at Back to the Fifties in Lebanon or the carnival rides at the Zionsville Fall Festival. Spend a day at the Indiana HS Rodeo Bash or the Boone County 4H Fair. Take in a polo match, a bicycle race, a world class horse show or a go-cart grand prix. Whenever you’re ready to visit, Boone County has something fun for you and your family - right here in the Heart of Indiana! C alendar of Events - APRIL Boone County Home & Garden Show LEBANON MAY ILLE ZIONSV Eve Brick Street Market & Market Boone County Rodeo Bash LEBANON - JUNE Jamestown Annual Fish Fry JAMESTOWN - JUNE JULY July 4th Celebrations LEBANON AND ZIONSVILLE JULY ON Boone County 4H Fair LEBAN Sunday Night Concerts ZIONSVILLE - JULY Boone County Polo Event WHITESTOWN - JULY ILLE - AUGUST Trader’s Point Hunt Charity Horse Show ZIONSV Centurion Bicycle Race ZIONSVILLE - AUGUST Labor Day Festival ADVANCE - SEPTEMBER Zionsville Fall Festival SEPTEMBER Back to the Fifties Festival LEBANON - SEPTEMBER BER Festival of the Turning Leaves THORNTOWN - SEPTEM ON - SEPTEMBER LEBAN ent actm Lincoln's Lebanon & Civil War Re-en ER Grand Prix of Whitestown WHITESTOWN - OCTOB ZIONSVILLE - OCTOBER -Off Cook Chili t Stree Brick & Autumn Artscape Village Ghost Walk ZIONSVILLE - OCTOBER Christmas in the Village ZIONSVILLE - DECEMBER BER Holidays at Dull’s Tree Farm THORNTOWN - DECEM For latest dates on all festivities plus the news & updates, please visit www.boonecvb.com. Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 59 SEPTEMBER Sep. 13-14 Canaan (Jefferson Co., South Central Reg.) 49th Annual Canaan Fall Festival and 47th Annual Pony Express Mail Run Celebration Town Square. Parade, pony express, pie baking contest, vintage tractors, entertainment, food, games, corn hole, flea market, Indian themed arts. No adm. chg. 812-839-4770; visitmadison.org Sep. 13-15 Indianapolis (Marion Co., Central Reg.) Indy's Irish Fest Military Park. Three days of Irish music, dance, shopping, run and walk, cultural exhibits, children's area. Adm. chg. 317-713-7117; indyirishfest.com Sep. 13-15 Lanesville (Harrison Co., South Reg.) Lanesville Heritage Weekend Heritage Park. Three days of family entertainment. Antique farm equipment and demonstrations, truck and tractor pulls, children's rides, parade, fiddlers' contest and more. No adm. chg. 812-952-2027; lanesvilleheritageweekend.org 2014 Festival Dates: Sep. 12-14 Sep. 13-15 Paoli (Orange Co., South Reg.) Paoli Fall Festival Downtown Square. Three days of arts, crafts, food and fun in Paoli, Indiana. No adm. chg. 812-723-2739 2014 Festival Dates: Sep. 12-14 Sep. 13-15 Chesterton (Porter Co., North Reg.) Wizard of Oz Festival Thomas Centennial Park. Step into the Land of Oz with family fun in a charming downtown atmosphere for the festival's 31st year running. No adm. chg. 219-926-6283; ozfestivalchesterton.com Sep. 14 Logansport (Cass Co., East Reg.) Art on the Avenue Little Turtle Waterway Plaza. Great music and tasty food. Over 30 artists and an adult beverage tent with live bands. Adm. chg. 574-735-2787; casscountyarts.org Sep. 14-15 Brownstown (Jackson Co., South Central Reg.) Brownstown MelonFest Courthouse Square. Crafts, games, food, parade, free entertainment, many activities featuring watermelons. Family fun, free parking. No adm. chg. 812-358-0844; brownstownmelonfest.com Sep. 14 Culver (Marshall Co., North Reg.) Culver Wine Fair Culver Cove Resort & Conference Center. A gorgeous wine fair held on the shores of Lake Maxinkuckee complete with 10 Indiana wineries, entertainment and boat tours. Adm. chg. 574-842-5253; facebook.com/culverwinefair 60 Sep. 14-15 Danville (Hendricks Co., Central Reg.) Danville Tri Kappa Fair on the Square Courthouse Square. Crafts, live music, food vendors, farmers market, kettle corn, antiques and collectibles. No adm. chg. danvilletrikappa@yahoo.com; danvilletrikappa.org 2014 Festival Dates: Sep. 13-14 Sep. 14 Hammond (Lake Co., North Reg.) 8th Annual DHC Bizarre Bazaar Downtown, Harrison Park along Hohman Ave. Games, activities, car show, 5k run, music, contest, vendors. No adm. chg. 219-512-4298; downtownhammond.org Sep. 14 Mishawaka (St. Joseph Co., North Reg.) The Festival of The Oaks The Oaks, 16323 Roosevelt Rd. Free games and crafts for kids. Fill your car and come for the craft vendors, food, music, a door prize and lots of fun! $2 Parking chg. No adm. chg. 574-229-2256; oaksatsouthpaw.com 2014 Festival Date: Sep. 13 Sep. 14-22 Friendship (Ripley Co., South Central Reg.) Friendship Flea Market One mile east of town on SR 62. See Jun. 8-16 listing. Sep. 14 Vincennes (Knox Co., South Central Reg.) Indiana State ICS Chili Cook-Off Patrick Henry Square. International Chili Society's Indiana State Cook-Off. Chili sampling, musical entertainment and a tube race on the Wabash River. No adm. chg. 800-886-6443; vincennescvb.org Sep. 14-15 New Harmony (Posey Co., South Reg.) Kuntsfest Main Street and throughout Historic New Harmony. German Festival honors founding fathers of New Harmony. Two days of music, food, reenactments, artwork, crafts, gifts, furnishings, clothing. No adm. chg. 812-682-3352; newharmony.biz/sponsored_events.php#fc3 Sep. 14-22 Friendship (Ripley Co., South Central Reg.) National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association's National Championship Shoot Grounds of the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association. Shooting competitions, living history demonstrations and crafts, period music, muzzleloading supplies, children's activities, museum. Adm. chg. 800-745-1493; nmlra.org Sep. 14-15 Muncie (Delaware Co., East Reg.) Old Washington Street Festival 500 block of E Washington St. Two entertainment stages, arts and crafts, food, demonstrations, kids' area, car show, historic home tours and Emily Kimbrough's Home Museum. No adm. chg. 765-289-9304; muncie-ecna.org 2014 Festival Dates: Sep. 13-14 All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. SEPTEMBER Sep. 14 Reynolds (White Co., West Reg.) Reynolds Fest Downtown. Free entertainment for children of all ages featuring rides, a circus, parade, car and truck show, chicken fry and fireworks. No adm. chg. 574-870-3566; reynoldsfest.com Sep. 14-15 Rising Sun (Ohio Co., South Central Reg.) Rising Sun Festival of Fine Arts and Crafts Riverfront along the Ohio River. Featuring over 50 artist booths, music, wine, food. No adm. chg. 888-776-4786; risingsunfestival.org Sep. 14 Greenfield (Hancock Co., Central Reg.) Taste of Hancock County Downtown, Courthouse Plaza. Live music and food samplings benefiting FUSE and the Greenfield Area Chamber of Commerce. Purchase food tickets. 4pm-10pm. Adm. chg. 317-477-4188; greenfieldcc.org Sep. 14-15 Washington (Daviess Co., South Central Reg.) 20th Century Chevy Car Fest Eastside Park. Cruise in on Sat. night! Enjoy the fabulous show of custom cars, antiques, most modern. Awards on Sun. No adm. chg. 812-617-5580; 20thcenturychevy.com Sep. 15 West Lafayette (Tippecanoe Co., West Reg.) Art on The Wabash Tapawingo Park. Artists from 15 counties display their art along the beautiful Wabash River in this juried fair. No adm. chg. 800-721-2787; artonthewabash.com 2014 Festival Date: Sep. 21 Sep. 15 Franklin (Johnson Co., Central Reg.) 66th Indiana Masonic Home Festival Indiana Masonic Home campus. Annual event for the whole family with food, entertainment, arts, crafts, children's fun area, parade. No adm. chg. 317-736-6141; indianamasonichome.org Sep. 18-21 Sullivan (Sullivan Co., West Reg.) Sullivan County Rotary Corn Festival Downtown Square, 100 Court House Square. Free music nightly, carnival rides, delicious fair food and multiple vendors cover the square lawn to promote a family-friendly atmosphere. No adm. chg. 812-268-5800; sullivanrotary.org Riley Festival October 3-6 rileyfestival.com Sep. 19-22 Nappanee (Elkhart Co., North Reg.) Nappanee Apple Festival Downtown, Depot Plaza, Municipal Airport, Callander Sportsplex. The Nappanee Apple Festival attracts over 80,000 people and is home to Indiana's largest 7' baked apple pie! No adm. chg. 574-773-7812; nappaneeapplefestival.org 2014 Festival Dates: Sep. 18-21 Sep. 20-22 French Lick (Orange Co., South Reg.) Block Bash The nation's top eight chainsaw carvers compete for three days in the heart of French Lick. Live music, artisans. No adm. chg. 812-936-3030; bearhollowwoodcarvers.com Sep. 20-22 Francesville (Pulaski Co., North Reg.) Francesville Fall Festival Downtown. Free entertainment daily, arts, crafts, flea markets, fun run, dinners, parade, auto show, garden tractor pull, corn hole, contests, demonstrations. Opens at 4:30pm on Fri. No adm. chg. 219-567-9689; francesvillefallfestival.com Sep. 20-22 Frankton (Madison Co., East Reg.) Frankton Heritage Days/Balloon Extravaganza Northwest side of town. Celebrating 38 years! Hometown and family-focused. Live entertainment, hot air balloon rides and race, pedal tractor pull, multiple events each day! Free shuttle service. Adm. chg. 765-754-3218; heritagedays.org 2014 Festival Dates: Sep. 19-21 Sep. 20-22 Princeton (Gibson Co., South Reg.) Golden Heritage Days Festival Courthouse Square. Enjoy Gibson County's largest festival featuring food, live entertainment, crafts with activities and rides for the kids! No adm. chg. 812-385-2134; gibsoncountychamber.org Sep. 20-21 Middlebury (Elkhart Co., North Reg.) Middlebury Fall Festival Downtown Parks. A community celebration featuring local artisans and crafters in a small town atmosphere with our local Amish community. No adm. chg. 574-825-4300; middleburyfestivals.com Sep. 20-22 Milltown (Crawford Co., South Reg.) Milltown Community Festival Downtown. A community festival that provides an array of musical performers and a weekend packed with fun events for the entire family. No adm. chg. 812-633-4848; townofmilltown.org/community_festval Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 61 SEPTEMBER Sep. 20-22 Donaldson (Marshall Co., North Reg.) MoonTree Fest MoonTree Sudios, 9601 Union St. Art outdoors! Including art experiences with wood, clay, textiles and paint; dinner theater, Plein Air Painters, music, food and good company. No adm. chg. 574-935-1712; moontreestudios.org Sep. 20-22 Salem (Washington Co., South Reg.) Old Settlers Day Festival John Hay Center/Stevens Memorial Museum. Celebration of local heritage. Village demonstrations, arts and craft vendors, flea market vendors and food. Morgan Raiders reenactment. No adm. chg. 812-883-8131; oldsettlersdays.org Sep. 20-22 Attica (Fountain Co., West Reg.) Potawatomi Festival Ouibache Park on the Riverfront. ''On the Banks of the Wabash'' and Downtown Attica, you'll find arts and crafts, flea market, food, entertainment, heritage and Sunday parade. Adm. chg. 765-299-5700; Potawatomifestival.com Sep. 20-21 Plainfield (Hendricks Co., Central Reg.) Quaker Day Festival Al and Jan Barker Athletic Complex. Something for everyone! Carnival rides, food, vendor tent, entertainment, talent show, historic walking tours, parade and car show. No adm. chg. 317-839-3800; quakerdayfestival.weebly.com Sep. 21-22 New Harmony (Posey Co., South Reg.) Arts in Harmony Corner of Tavern and Main. See May 4-5 listing. Sep. 21-22 Shelbyville (Shelby Co., Central Reg.) Sep. 21-22 Fort Wayne (Allen Co., East Reg.) Johnny Appleseed Festival Johnny Appleseed Park. Two-day period festival with an array of food, crafts, antiques and music. Fun for the whole family! No adm. chg. johnnyappleseedfest.com Sep. 21-22 Kokomo (Howard Co., East Reg.) Koh-Koh-Mah and David Foster Living History Encampment Western Howard Co. French and Indian battle, music, horse and artillery demonstration, 1700s food and crafts, tomahawk throwing contest, children's militia drills. Adm. chg. 765-883-7768; kohkohmah.com Sep. 21-22 Fountain City (Wayne Co., East Reg.) Levi Coffin Days Festival 46th annual festival includes a flea market, parade, live entertainment, food, kids' activities and fun for all ages. Free adm. $3 parking. No adm. chg. 765-847-2691; indianafestivals.org 2014 Festival Dates: Sep. 19-21 TOGeTHerWeSave.COM by Changing six of your inCandesCent light bulbs to Cfls, you’ll Save $40 Or MOre a year. Sep. 21-28 Mitchell (Lawrence Co., South Central Reg.) Mitchell Persimmon Festival Main St. 67th annual festival. Persimmon pudding and novelties, free entertainment, parade, pioneer village, food tents, Shelby County Fairgrounds. Experience living history from St.ClaireGroup photography Copyright©2011 and art exhibits, carnival rides. No adm. chg. 1822-1865 in a village of costumed participants. EnjoyHSR Job Name: Client: Hoosier Festival Guide Mini Ads—2012 Job Number: HSR-HSR 812-849-4441; persimmonfestival.org the sights, scents and sounds of crafters making music, Specs: 2.125” x 1” Ad 4C Publication: 2014 Festival Dates: Sep. 20-27 317-392-4634; magic, horseshoes and more. AIfdm. youchg. have any questions regardingSep. this21-22 art, please call Allison Lauck at 317-816-8810 or e-mail ala grovermuseum.org Layout Date: 09/27/12 CR:0 IR:0 Blue River Valley Pioneer Fair Sep. 21 Brookston (White Co., West Reg.) Brookston Apple Popcorn Festival Downtown Square. Breakfast at the firehouse and family entertainment on the stage. 5k, 10k and fun run. No adm. chg. 765-563-1022; applepopcornfestival.org Sep. 21-22 Sheridan (Hamilton Co., Central Reg.) Harvest Moon Festival Biddle Memorial Park. Craft and food vendors, carnival, classic cars, great pumpkin chuck, 5k run/walk, entertainment both days, kids' activities, motorcycle drive-in parking available. No adm. chg. 317-758-2504; sheridanharvestmoon.com 62 Spencer (Owen Co., West Reg.) Owen County Apple Butter Festival Courthouse Square. 37th annual festival with contests, crafts, food, parade and entertainment for the entire family. Sponsored by Spencer Lions Club. No adm. chg. 812-829-3168 Sep. 21 Fishers (Hamilton Co., Central Reg.) Oktoberfest at Saxony Witten Park. Enjoy German food, arts and crafts vendors, food vendors and a beer garden. The festival will also host live entertainment all day. No adm. chg. 317-595-3195; fishersfreedomfestival.org All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. SEPTEMBER Sep. 21 Pleasant View (Shelby Co., Central Reg.) Pleasant View Heritage Day Festival Downtown. Annual street fair with arts and crafts, vendor booths, car and motorcycle show, food, entertainment, parade, auction, games, antique tractors. No adm. chg. 317-862-8411 2014 Festival Date: Sep. 20 Sep. 21-22 Rochester (Fulton Co., North Reg.) Trail of Courage Living History Festival Fulton County Historical Society grounds, US 31 and CR 375 N. French-Indian War, Revolutionary War, western fur trade encampments of pre-1840s. Foods cooked over open fires, Indian dances, programs each day. Adm. chg. 574-223-4436; fultoncountyhistory.org 2014 Festival Dates: Sep. 20-21 Sep. 22 Angola (Steuben Co., North Reg.) Pokagon Sea Plane Splash In Pokagon State Park Potawatomi Inn Beach and Lawn. 8am-2pm, sea planes will be arriving and landing on Lake James, rolling up onto the beach for viewing and limited free rides. Park gate admission fee only. No adm. chg. 260-833-2012; seaplanepilots.org/inspa Sep. 25-29 Versailles (Ripley Co., South Central Reg.) Versailles Pumpkin Show Courthouse Square. Second oldest festival in Indiana. Large parade Sat., giant pumpkin contest, carnival rides, live entertainment, contests of all kinds. No adm. chg. 888-747-5394; ripleycountytourism.com/pumpkin/ 2014 Festival Dates: Sep. 24-28 Sep. 27-28 Madison (Jefferson Co., South Central Reg.) Annual Old Court Days Courthouse Square. See May 24-26 listing. Hardy Lake Raptor Days Hardy Lake SRA. A weekend full of programming focusing on native birds of prey. Includes live bird programs and tours of the Raptor Center. Reservoir gate admission fee. Pontoon tours optional. Fee charged. No adm. chg. 812-794-3800; friendsofhardylake.com Sep. 27-29 Hope (Bartholomew Co., South Central Reg.) Hope Heritage Days Town Square. Bartholomew County's largest festival featuring parade, fireworks, concerts, food and vendor booths, pioneer village, car show and more. Our 46th year! No adm. chg. 812-546-HOPE (4673); heritageofhope.com Sep. 27-29 Kewanna (Fulton Co., North Reg.) Kewanna Fall Festival - ''Tribute To Home Town Heroes'' Street and Park. Free circus daily, carnival rides, continous live entertainment, flea market, crafts, auction, parade, garden tractor pull, Chief Kewanna run/walk. No adm. chg. 574-653-2055 2014 Festival Dates: Sep. 26-28 Sep. 27 Kokomo (Howard Co., East Reg.) Kokomo Oktoberfest Downtown. Celebrate Oktoberfest in Kokomo with German food, a German band, beer garden, large Volkswagen cruise-in, vendors, kids' activities. No adm. chg. 765-457-5301; greaterkokomo.com Sep. 27-28 Goshen (Elkhart Co., North Reg.) Michiana Mennonite Relief Sale Sep. 27-29 Fairmount (Grant Co., East Reg.) Fairmount Museum Days/James Dean Festival Main St. and Playacres Park. Authentic James Dean memorabilia, two motorcycles at the museum. James Dean look-alike contest, custom car show, carnival, parade, crafts, food, entertainment. No adm. chg. 765-948-4555; jamesdeanartifacts.com Sep. 27-29 Thorntown (Boone Co., Central Reg.) Sep. 27-29 Scottsburg (Scott Co., South Reg.) Festival of the Turning Leaves Main St. Bluegrass Jam Friday. Parade, car show, free entertainment, children's area, crafts, street fair and food court all weekend. No adm. chg. 765-436-7687; thorntownfestival.org 2014 Festival Dates: Sep. 26-28 Elkhart County 4H Fairgrounds. Auctions, antiques, Amish and Mennonite food, crafts, kids' activities and more. Help support the worldwide relief programs of MCC. No adm. chg. 888-503-8559; mennonitesale.org Sep. 27 Speedway (Marion Co., Central Reg.) Speedway Spectacular Main St. and Leonard Park. Features walk/run, community parade, kids' games, face and pumpkin painting, vendor booths, chili cook-off and corn hole tournament. No adm. chg. 317-244-3789; speedwaychamber.org Sep. 27-28 Greensburg (Decatur Co., South Central Reg.) Tree City Fall Festival Courthouse Square. Music and art festival includes parade, vendors, lip-sync, idol contests, queen pageant, Little Miss and Mister pageants. No adm. chg. 877-883-5447; treecityfallfestival.com Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 63 SEPTEMBER Sep. 27-29 Wanatah (LaPorte Co., North Reg.) Wanatah Scarecrow Festival Scarecrow Square, N Main St. Parade, car show, fall harvest contests, craft and food vendors, 5k run/3k walk, 3-on-3 tourney, scarecrow sculpting. Free entertainment and shuttle. No adm. chg. 800-548-1417; scarecrowfest.org Sep. 28-29 Angola (Steuben Co., North Reg.) Angola Civil War Days Commons Park. Battle re-enactments, Civil War dance, Saturday night artillery fire, interactive historical events and famous historical characters. No adm. chg. 800-LAK-E101; angolacivilwardays.com Sep. 28-29 Atlanta (Hamilton Co., Central Reg.) Atlanta New Earth Festival Downtown. 40th annual event with over 600 vendors downtown. Juried art show, crafts, antiques, food and more. 9am-6pm. No adm. chg. 765-292-2626; atlantaindiana.com 2014 Festival Dates: Sep. 27-28 Sep. 28 Avon (Hendricks Co., Central Reg.) Avon Community Heritage Festival Parade between US 36 and 100 N and Dan Jones Rd. begins at 10am. Festival hours 10am to dusk. No adm. chg. avonchamber.org Sep. 28 Burnettsville (White Co., West Reg.) Burnettsville Community Day Downtown. Fireman breakfast, 5k/10k run/walk, garage sales, car show, contests, square dance, antique tractor pull. Parade at 2pm. Live entertainment. No adm. chg. 800-552-2446; beebumble5k.org Sep. 28-29 Carmel (Hamilton Co., Central Reg.) Carmel International Arts Festival Arts & Design District. Featuring 135 diverse juried artists with two stages of live entertainment featuring international dance and music. Fun atmosphere for the whole family. No adm. chg. carmelartsfestival.org Sep. 28 Noblesville (Hamilton Co., Central Reg.) Digging through the Past - Building to the Future, featuring the Riverview Hospital Twilight Trail Run & Walk Strawtown Koteewi Park, 12302 Strawtown Ave. Entertaining and educational onsite archaeological activities for the entire family. Fee for Twilight Run & Walk. 317-770-4400; myhamiltoncountyparks.com 64 Sep. 28-29 Griffith (Lake Co., North Reg.) 34th Annual Fall Harvest Craft Festival Griffith Central Park. Large variety of quality handmade crafts! Tasty lunch menu and desserts. Start Christmas shopping here! Join us for a great weekend. No adm. chg. 219-838-1025; troop264griffith.scoutlander.com 2014 Festival Dates: Sep. 27-28 Sep. 28-Oct. 31 Indianapolis (Marion Co., Central Reg.) Fall Harvest Festival 7010 E Raymond St. Tractor-drawn hayride to pumpkin patch, pumpkin-eating dinosaur, exotic animals, straw bale and cornfield mazes, weekend food and music. Adm. chg. watermansfamilyfarm.com Sep. 28 Valparaiso (Porter Co., North Reg.) Fall Valpo-Fest Motorcycle-Car Show Porter County Expo Center. New and used parts, bikes, cars, leather, bike rodeo, show trophy awards, food, beer, live band. Adm. chg. 800-800-6034; valpo-fest.com Sep. 28-29 Huntington (Huntington Co., East Reg.) Forks of the Wabash Pioneer Festival Hier's Park. Relive the mid-1800s. Encampment, military drills, pioneer town and village, entertainment, farmers' market, antiques, crafts, children's games, food and more. Adm. chg. 800-848-4282; pioneerfestival.org 2014 Festival Dates: Sep. 27-28 Sep. 28-29 Madison (Jefferson Co., South Central Reg.) Harvest Celebration Festival Lanthier Winery. "Fall Into Fun" at Lanthier Winery's 17th Annual Harvest Celebration Festival while enjoying wine tasting, festival food, and entertainment. No adm. chg. 812-273-2409; lanthierwinery.com/events-harvest.html Sep. 28 North Webster (Kosciusko Co., North Reg.) 4th Annual Heart of the Harvest Fall Festival Downtown. Enjoy live music, artisan and vendor market, soups and hand-painted bowls, shopping and sales. Family fun for all! No adm. chg. 574-834-1600; northwebster.com Sep. 28-Oct. 27 Whiteland (Johnson Co., Central Reg.) Kelsay Farms Kelsay Farms. Dairy farm, corn maze, farm tours, pumpkins, music, food, hayrides, kids' play area, moo choo, Bale Mountain, milkshakes, burgers, family fun. Adm. chg. 317-535-4136; kelsayfarms.com All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER Sep. 28-29 Madison (Jefferson Co., South Central Reg.) Madison Chautauqua Festival of Art Historic neighborhood, Broadway St. to Vine St. Southern Indiana's premier outdoor juried fine arts and crafts show. Riverfront Foodfest and live entertainment. Kids' Korner activity tent. No adm. chg. 812-265-2956; madisonchautauqua.com 2014 Festival Dates: Sep. 27-28 c stori HiGREENFIELD One of Indiana’s Largest Arts/Crafts FESTIVALS Sep. 28-Oct. 31 Noblesville (Hamilton Co., Central Reg.) Pumpkin Harvest Festival Stonycreek Farm. 41st Annual Pumpkin Harvest Festival. Hayrides, pumpkin patch, bonfire parties, school field trips, zip line, jumping pillow, family fun! 317-773-3344; stonycreekfarm.net OCTOBER Oct.-Dec. Decatur (Adams Co., East Reg.) Decatur Sculpture Walk Second St., Downtown. See Jun. 8 listing. Oct. 1-31 Indianapolis (Marion Co., Central Reg.) RILEY FESTIVAL Fall Harvest Festival 7010 E Raymond St. See Sep. 28 listing. OCTOBER 3-6 www.rileyfestival.com info@rileyfestival.com 317-462-2141 Oct. 1-27 Whiteland (Johnson Co., Central Reg.) Kelsay Farms Kelsay Farms. See Sep. 28 listing. Oct. Michigan City (LaPorte Co., North Reg.) Michigan City Summer Festival Washington Park and various locations. See Apr.-Oct. listing. Oct. 1-31 Ligonier (Noble Co., East Reg.) Also home of the HJ Ricks Centre for the Arts www.rickscentre.com Pumpkin Fantasyland Fashion Farm. Pumpkins, gourds and squash are used to create well-known characters and historical events. Hayrides, mazes and refreshments. Adm. chg. 260-894-4498; fashionfarminc.com 2014 Festival Dates: Oct. 1-31 Oct. 1-31 Noblesville (Hamilton Co., Central Reg.) Pumpkin Harvest Festival Stonycreek Farm. See Sep. 28 listing. Oct. 1-31 Greenfield (Hancock Co., Central Reg.) The Family Pumpkin Patch S&H Campground. Fun for the entire family! Pumpkin patch, archery tag, inflatable playground, corn maze, hayrides and concessions. Adm. chg. 317-326-3208; thefamilypumpkinpatch.com 2014 Festival Dates: Oct. 1-31 122 W. Main St., Greenfield, IN 46140 317-477-8687 Toll-free 866-384-TOUR info@hcvb.org www.visithancockcounty.com Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 65 OCTOBER Oct. 3-6 Greenfield (Hancock Co., Central Reg.) Riley Festival Join us for a family-friendly Halloween event including the rides you love at Holiday World, plus not-so-scary Halloween fun. Every Weekend Beginning September 21 and 22 through October 25, 26 and 27 Downtown US 40 and SR 9. One of Indiana's largest craft festivals. Photography, fine arts, poetry, home-arts/quilt shows. 475 varied booths, two parades, entertainment tent. Great festival food. Free parking at fairgrounds, 50 cent shuttle. Thu. 5pm-9pm; Fri.-Sat. 9am-9pm; Sunday 11am-5pm. No adm. chg. See ad on pg. 41. 317-462-2141; rileyfestival.com 2014 Festival Dates: Oct. 2-5 Oct. 3-5 Seymour (Jackson Co., South Central Reg.) 41st Annual Seymour Oktoberfest Downtown. Seymour's 41st annual Oktoberfest. Enjoy arts, crafts, food, biergarten, parade, free entertainment and more! No adm. chg. 812-523-1414; seymouroktoberfest.com 2014 Festival Dates: Oct. 2-4 Oct. 3-5 Shipshewana (LaGrange Co., North Reg.) Shipshewana Fall Crafters Fair Downtown. Annual fall festival of crafters, demonstrators and musicians. A tribute to the crafting and old-fashioned culture in the surrounding countryside. No adm. chg. 260-768-7589; FallCraftersFair.com Oct. 3-6 Monticello (Co., West Reg.) Call or visit HolidayWorld.com for days and hours of operation! Trick-or-Treat Trail Halloween Corn Mazes Pumpkin Decorating Holidog’s 3D Adventure Fall Fun Food Themed Entertainment ...and much more! White County Pork n’ Pumpkin Festival Countywide. Oktoberfest, country and western night, food, fun, family games and street dancing. Dinner cruise, fishing, artists, wine tasting, classic cars. No adm. chg. 574-870-0718; porkandpumpkinfestival.com Oct. 4-6 Bloomfield (Greene Co., South Central Reg.) Bloomfield Apple Festival Town Park. Various craft and food vendors, carnival, car show, live music, free parking and shuttle service. No adm. chg. 812-381-1500; Bloomfield Apple Festival 2014 Festival Dates: Oct. 3-4 Oct. 4-5 Borden (Clark Co., South Reg.) Borden Valley Day Festival Borden Community Park. A family event with a parade, 5k walk/run, arts and craft booths, chicken BBQ, fish fry, and entertainment. No adm. chg. 812-967-2234; bordenindiana.com Oct. 4-5 Alexandria (Madison Co., East Reg.) THEME PARK 1-877 Go Family www.HolidayWorld.com Gaither Fall Festival SR 9. A weekend of concerts, art and craft vendors, great food, and children's activities in the Gaither's hometown of Alexandria. No adm. chg. 800-520-4664; familyfallfest.com Jct. Ind 162 & 245 South of I-64 Santa Claus, Indiana 66 All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. OCTOBER Oct. 4; Nov. 1; Dec. 6 Goshen (Elkhart Co., North Reg.) Goshen First Fridays Downtown. See Jan. 4 listing. Oct. 4-6 Metamora (Franklin Co., South Central Reg.) Metamora Canal Days Autumn Festival Whitewater Canal. Celebrate Fall in Metamora, Indiana's Canal Town. Craft and antique vendors along Whitewater Canal. Operating grist mill, canal boat, train. No adm. chg. 765-647-2194; metamoraindiana.com 2014 Festival Dates: Oct. 3-5 Oct. 4-6 Newport (Vermillion Co., West Reg.) ArtsWalk October 3, 2013 Downtown Muncie Newport Antique Auto Hill Climb Courthouse Square. Timed competition for antique cars, car show, collector car auction, swap meet and flea market, parade, fireworks and much more! Sat. 5pm parade and carnival. No adm. chg. 765-492-4220; newporthillclimb.com 2014 Festival Dates: Oct. 3-5 Oct. 4-6 Brazil (Clay Co., West Reg.) Popcorn Festival of Clay County Forest Park on IN 59, 1/2 mile south of US 40. Festival honors Clay County native, Orville Redenbacher. Enjoy family fun and free popcorn! No adm. chg. 812-448-2307; popcornfest.net 2014 Festival Dates: Oct. 3-5 Oct. 4-6 Westville (LaPorte Co., North Reg.) Westville Pumpkin Festival Prairie Meadow Park. A family celebration of the pumpkin harvest. Enjoy pumpkin pie, crafts and food booths, tractor pulls, parade and entertainment. No adm. chg. 219-879-8280 Oct. 5-6 Kendallville (Noble Co., East Reg.) Apple Festival of Kendallville Noble County Fairgrounds. Pioneer festival offering demonstrators, primitive village, children's crafts and games, contests, antiques, crafts, wonderful foods and entertainment. No adm. chg. 260-350-1119; kendallvilleapplefestival.org 2014 Festival Dates: Oct. 4-5 Oct. 5 Rockville (Parke Co., West Reg.) Bike the Bridges Bicycle Tour Rockville Lake Park. Choose 11,13, 63, or 100 mile scenic bicycle routes. Free food to entrants. Covered bridges. Support and Gear (SAG) Stops. 7am start. Adm. chg. 765-252-7647; bikethebridges.org Amenity Official ISFA Insurance amenityinsurance.com More than 15 galleries with artist receptions, music, hands-on experiences and more! Explore Muncie’s mix of artisan and cultural venues! Minnetrista Muncie Civic Theatre Muncie Symphony Orchestra Historic Downtown Muncie Emens Auditorium Cornerstone Center for the Arts And More! Visit visitmuncie.org for a complete listing of area events Muncie, Indiana. Events, Maps & Local Information 800-568-6862 Find us on: visitmuncie visit_muncie Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 67 OCTOBER Indiana’s Largest Festival 31 d e o C ver es g Brid Parke County Covered Bridge Festival October 11-20, 2013 October 10-19, 2014 The Festival always starts the 2nd Friday in October and runs for 10 consecutive days. Rockville - Headquarters 765-569-5226 • info@coveredbridges.com www.coveredbridges.com Bridgeton BridgetonIndiana.com 765-548-2136 Tangier World Famous Buried Beef 68 Mansfield Mansfieldguestinn.com 812-251-7660 Mecca Historic Schoolhouses 765-569-5754 Montezuma Montezuma.in.gov 765-245-2728 Bloomingdale Homemade Apple Butter Rosedale historicrosedale.wordpress.com 812-236-3155 Sugar Creek Flea Market Sugarcreekmarket.com 765-597-0065 All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. OCTOBER Oct. 5-6 West Lafayette (Tippencaoe Co., West Reg.) Feast of the Hunters’ Moon Fort Ouiatenon. Reenactment of life during the 18th century. French, British and Native American trading post, food, crafts, demonstrations and music. Adm. chg. 765-476-8411; tippecanoehistory.org/feast.htm 2014 Festival Dates: Oct. 4-5 Oct. 5-6 Fishers (Hamilton Co., Central Reg.) Fishers Renaissance Faire Saxony. Live entertainment for the whole family. Jousting, armed combat demonstrations, unique shopping, food, drink, dancing, magic, history, fantasy theater. 10am-6pm. Adm. chg. 317-595-3400 ext. 8105; fishersrenfaire.com Oct. 5-6 Portage (Porter Co., North Reg.) Harvest Festival Woodland Park, 2100 Willowcreek Rd. Juried art show, wine and cheese tasting, live music. Sat. 9pm-5pm; Sun. Noon-5pm. No adm. chg. 219-762-1675; ci.portage.in.us/parks Oct. 5-13 New Albany (Floyd Co., South Reg.) Harvest Homecoming Festival Downtown. On the beautiful Ohio River for 45 years. Parade, rides, entertainment, children's events, craft and food booths and more! Adm. chg. at some events. No adm. chg. 812-944-8572; harvesthomecoming.com 2014 Festival Dates: Oct. 4-12 Oct. 5-6, 12-13 Danville (Hendricks Co., Central Reg.) Heartland Apple Festival Beasley's Orchard. A fun-filled family event featuring hayrides to the pumpkin patch and an 8-acre corn maze. Great food! Adm. chg. 317-745-4876; beasleys-orchard.com Oct. 5 Noblesville (Hamilton Co., Central Reg.) Potter's Bridge Fall Festival Potter's Bridge Park. Arts and craft vendors at the historical Potter's Covered Bridge along the White River. No adm. chg. 317-770-4400; myhamiltoncountyparks.com Oct. 5-6 Versailles (Ripley Co., South Central Reg.) Versailles State Park Bluegrass Festival Versailles State Park lakefront. Enjoy a weekend of bluegrass music in the beautiful outdoors. Regional bands, fun for the whole family! $5/day plus park entrance. Adm. chg. 888-747-5394; ripleycountytourism.com 2014 Festival Dates: Oct. 4-5 Oct. 6 Rome (Perry Co., South Reg.) Rome Courthouse Days Old Courthouse. Live entertainment, fried chicken dinners, crafts and fun for all. No adm. chg. 812-836-2184; perrycountyindiana.org Oct. 6 Lawrenceburg (Dearborn Co., South Central Reg.) Tri-State Antique Market Fairgrounds. See May 5 listing. Oct. 10-13 Martinsville (Morgan Co., Central Reg.) Morgan County Fall Foliage Festival Courthouse Square. A fun family event that has a car show, kids' events, arts and crafts vendors, a parade and much more. No adm. chg. 765-342-0332; fall-foliage-festival.com 2014 Festival Dates: Oct. 9-12 Oct. 11-20 Bainbridge (Putnam Co., West Reg.) Covered Bridges of Putnam County Festival US 36, across from fire dept. Fundraiser for park programs. Over 150 spaces on level grass area. Clean restrooms, covered bridge drawings by school students. No adm. chg. 765-435-2813; friendsoftheparkrussellville.org 2014 Festival Dates: Oct. 10-19 Oct. 11-13 Daleville (Delaware Co., East Reg.) Daleville AutumnFest Grounds of Daleville Community Schools. Arts and craft booths, amusement rides, food vendors, entertainment, car show, band contest, pet contest, parade on Sat. No adm. chg. 765-730-3036; dvilleautumnfest.org 2014 Festival Dates: Oct. 10-12 Oct. 11-13 Portage (Porter Co., North Reg.) Elvis Fantasy Fest Woodland Park Community Building. Weekend celebrating the music of the King of Rock 'n' Roll, Elvis Presley. Live band, Elvis dealers and fan clubs. Elvis Tribute Artist Contest and two headliner concerts. Adm. chg. 888-406-5885; ElvisFestival.com Oct. 11-13, 17-20, 24-27 Fishers (Hamilton Co., Central Reg.) Headless Horseman Conner Prairie Interactive History Park. Prepare to be scared silly on a family-friendly haunted hayride as the Headless Horseman rides again! Weekends in October. Visit connerprairie.org for times. Adm. chg. 800-966-1836; connerprairie.org Oct. 11-13 Danville (Hendricks Co., Central Reg.) Indiana Short Film Festival Royal Theater on the Courthouse Square. A showcase of independent short films in all genres just minutes from Indianapolis in historic downtown Danville. $5 adm. per screening. INShortFilmFest.com Amenity Official ISFA Insurance amenityinsurance.com Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 69 OCTOBER Oct. 11-13 Marion (Grant Co., East Reg.) Oct. 11-12 Rising Sun (Ohio Co., South Central Reg.) Mississinewa Battlefield, CR 600 N SR15. Largest War of 1812 living history event in United States. Battle reenactments, American and British military encampments, Native American village and wilderness camps. 150 sutlers, artisans, food purveyors, folk musicians. storytellers. Attendance tops 30,000. Adm. chg. 800-822-1812; mississinewa1812.com Oct. 11-20 Veedersburg (Fountain Co., West Reg.) Mississinewa 1812 Oct. 11-20 Montezuma (Parke Co., West Reg) Covered Bridge Festival of Montezuma Community wide. Parke County Covered Bridge Festival activities in Montezuma. Canal tours, hog roast and bean dinner, community wide yard sale. 765-592-0821; montezuma.in.gov Oct. 11-12 Nineveh ( Co., Central Reg.) Nineveh Heritage Festival Downtown, west of Camp Atterbury. Parade, entertainment, Indian Creek FFA Pork Chops, children's games, vendors, Smoke Eaters BBQ, fish fry, military and history. No adm. chg. 317-933-2898; ninevehfestival.com Oct. 11-20 Bridgeton (Parke Co., West Reg.) Parke County Covered Bridge Festival™ Bridgeton Countywide. Quality handmade crafts, fine art, food, shopping, entertainment. Working gristmill and Indiana's most famous covered bridge, rebuilt in 2006. No adm. chg. 765-548-2136; bridgetonindiana.com 2014 Festival Dates: Oct. 10-19 Oct. 11-20 Mansfield (Parke Co., West Reg.) Parke County Covered Bridge Festival™ Fox's Overlook Mansfield Village. Shopping, vendors, food, entertainment, free trolley rides, demonstrations. Old mill, covered bridge, camping, produce market. No adm. chg. 765-653-4026; mansfieldcoveredbridge.com Oct. 11-20 Rockville (Parke Co., West Reg.) Parke County Covered Bridge Festival™ Festival headquarters is Parke County Courthouse, Rockville. Indiana's largest festival featuring 31 covered bridges. Bloomingdale, Bridgeton, Mansfield, Mecca, Montezuma, Rockville, Rosedale, Sugar Creek Flea Market and Tangier. See ad on pg. 68. No adm. chg. 765-569-5226; coveredbridges.com 70 Rising Sun Navy Bean Fall Festival Downtown riverfront. Rides, crafts, homemade bean soup, cornbread, parade, queen pageant, food vendors, stage shows, free headliner musicians. On the Ohio River. No adm. chg. 812-438-2750; navybeanfestival.org 2014 Festival Dates: Oct. 10-11 Steam Corner Covered Bridge Celebration Held outside on flat, grassy area. Many vendors from different states. Good food, clean restroom and showerhouse. No adm. chg. 765-798-5710; steamcornerfleamarket.com 2014 Festival Dates: Oct. 10-19 Oct. 12 Roanoke (Huntington Co., East Reg.) A Renaissance in Roanoke Historic Main St. Outdoor juried art fair featuring local and regional artists offering quality artwork. Children's activities, demonstrations, entertainment, student exhibitions, culinary delights. No adm. chg. 260-672-2837; renaissanceinroanoke.org 2014 Festival Date: Oct. 11 Oct. 12 Cannelton (Perry Co., South Reg.) Cannelton Heritage Festival Washington St. Wine tasting, arts and crafts vendors, food, pumpkin carving, children's activities. No adm. chg. 812-549-5954; cannelton.org Oct. 12 Fishers (Hamilton Co., Central Reg.) Christmas in October Craft Fair Fishers High School, 13000 Promise Road. Over 150 crafters inside Fishers High School. Adm. chg. 317-595-3195; fishersfreedomfestival.org Oct. 12 New Harmony (Posey Co., South Reg.) Harmonie Harvest Craft Fair Harmonie State Park pool area. A fun, family event for all ages with craft vendors, bounce houses, food, petting zoo and pioneer demonstrations, kids' crafts. Park gate admission fee. No adm. chg. 812-682-4821 Oct. 12-13 Westport (Decatur Co., South Central Reg.) Harper Valley Pumpkin Patch Days Harper Valley Farms, Westport, Indiana. Family fun, pumpkin picking in 8-acre patch. Farm animals, sunflower maze, refreshments, fall decorations. Patch opens September 28th. No adm. chg. 812-591-3416; indianapumpkinpatch.com 2014 Festival Dates: Oct. 11-12 All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. OCTOBER Oct. 12 Zionsville (Boone Co., Central Reg.) Oktoberfest Traders Point Creamery. Visit Traders Point Creamery for organic food and beer, PolkaBoy band and farm fun for the whole family! Adm. chg. 317-733-1700; traderspointcreamery.com 2014 Festival Date: Oct. 11 Oct. 12 Elwood (Madison Co., East Reg.) Red Gold/Elwood Chamber of Commerce Chili Cook-Off City Fountain. $750 grand prize, Red Gold 5k run to crush hunger. Indianapolis Colts Blue Sat. www.redgoldtomatoes.com. No adm. chg. 765-552-0180; elwood-in.com 2014 Festival Date: Oct. 11 Oct. 13 Bristow (Perry Co., South Reg.) Bristow Octoberfest and Car Show Bristow Community Center, 20569 Huffman Rd. Antique and classic car and truck show with over 700 entries. Live entertainment, dinners for purchase, ice cream and craft booths. No adm. chg. 812-843-5176; perrycountyindiana.org Oct. 13 Terre Haute (Vigo Co., West Reg.) Old Fashion Day & Arts Too Collett Park. Music, arts, crafts, puppet show, hay and carriage rides, tasty beans, face painters, car cruise-in, horseshoe pitching and more! No adm. chg. 812-232-2727; terrehaute.in.gov/parks 2014 Festival Date: Oct. 12 Oct. 17-26 Indianapolis (Marion Co., Central Reg.) Heartland Film Festival Events and screenings around the city. The Heartland Film Festival inspires filmmakers and audiences through the transformative power of film. See independent films and meet filmmakers from all over the world. Adm. chg. 317-464-9405; heartlandfilmfestival.org 2014 Festival Dates: Oct. 16-25 Oct. 18-19 Tell City (Perry Co., South Reg.) Route 66 Yard Sale Countywide along SR 66. One continuous, 80-mile yard sale along SR 66 starting at Troy and going through Tell City, Cannelton, Rocky Point, Rome, Derby, Dexter, Magnet and Oriole. No adm. chg. 888-343-6262; perrycountyindiana.org Oct. 18-19 Cannelton (Perry Co., South Reg.) Oct. 19-20 Bethlehem (Clark Co., South Reg.) Autumn on the River Old Schoolhouse grounds. Bethlehem is having its' 201st birthday party and you are invited. Celebrations include helicopter rides, live music, great food and more! No adm. chg. 317-491-4148; autumnontheriver.com Oct. 19 Martinsville (Morgan Co., Central Reg.) Bradford Woods Fall Harvest Festival Bradford Woods Outdoor Center. 2nd annual event featuring outdoor activities on 2,500 wooded acres. Live acoustic music, pioneer village, outdoor activities, kids’ zone. Soups, cider and barbecue. No adm. chg. 765-342-2915; bradwoods.org/events/fallharvest/ Oct. 19 Plainfield (Hendricks Co., Central Reg.) Hendricks County Artisan Marketplace Primo West By Five Star Catering, Plainfield. Purchase oneof-a-kind fine art and artisan crafts, experience musical performances, demonstrations, artisan food and drink sampling and much more! 9am-3pm. Adm. chg. 317-718-8750; RuralRoutestoMainStreet.com Oct. 19 Marengo (Crawford Co., South Reg.) Crawford County Sorghum Festival Crawford County Jr. Sr. High School. Enjoy crafts, food, live music, a silent auction and apple butter demonstrations. No adm. chg. 812-338-3330 Oct. 19-20 Vallonia (Jackson Co., South Central Reg.) Fort Vallonia Days Downtown. Food, crafts, flea market, Sat. parade, live entertainment, 5k run/walk, baby contest, muzzleload shoot, tomahawk and knife throw. No adm. chg. 812-216-3946; fortvalloniadays.com Oct. 19-20 Cloverdale (Putnam Co., West Reg.) Gobble-uns Weekend Lieber SRA Campground. Enjoy decorationg your campsites, trick-or-teating and many more fun activities. Reservoir gate admission fee only. 765-795-3552 Oct. 19-26 Indianapolis (Marion Co., Central Reg.) Irvington Halloween Festival E Washington St. Family-friendly, art vendors, magic show, pumpkin decoration, pet-friendly, food vendors, costumes, window painting, live music, parade, ghost stories, haunted house. No adm. chg. 317-713-1100; irvingtonhalloween.com Shubael Pioneer Village Heritage Weekend Reconstructed log homes in a pioneer village setting. Blacksmith, weaving, bread oven, stone jail, country store, hill music. No adm. chg. 812-836-4344; perrycountyindiana.org Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 71 OCTOBER/NOVEMBER Oct. 24-28 Decatur (Adams Co., East Reg.) Nov. 1-2 Montgomery (Daviess Co., South Central Reg.) Oct. 25-27 Anderson (Madison Co., East Reg.) Nov. 1; Dec. 6 Goshen (Elkhart Co., North Reg.) Callithumpian Festival Citywide. Halloween celebration including parade, creatures, poster-painting, Ghoul-a-Thon, haunted wagon tours, car show, 5k canter, fireworks, food. No adm. chg. 260-724-2604; decaturchamber.org 2014 Festival Dates: Oct. 23-27 Balloons Over Killbuck Anderson Airport. Indiana Hot Air Balloon Championship, balloon rides, music, food, merchandise, plane rides, kids' area, car show and more! No adm. chg. 765-606-7666; balloonsoverkillbuck.com 2014 Festival Dates: Oct. 24-26 Oct. 25-26, 28-31 Mecca (Parke Co., West Reg.) Mecca Haunted Schoolhouse Historic Schoolhouse. #1 Haunted House in the Wabash Valley Area, just 18 miles north of Terre Haute. Not recommended for children under 13. Adm. chg. 765-569-2705 Oct. 26 Hope (Bartholomew Co., South Central Reg.) Goodies, Goblins & Ghost Stories Downtown Square. Storytelling for all ages, trunk-or-treat costume parade, campfires with roasted marshmallow, chili cook-off and dinner, hay rides. No adm. chg. 812-314-1823 Oct. 26 Vincennes (Knox Co., South Central Reg.) Harvest Moon Festival Gregg Park. Spooky storytelling, pony rides, hay rides, pumpkin carving, children and pet costume parade and contest. No adm. chg. 812-882-6440; knoxcountychamber.com Oct. 26-27 Rockport (Spencer Co., South Reg.) Historical Timeline Rendezvous and Festival Lincoln Pioneer Village & Museum. See May 18-19 listing. Oct. 26 Crown Point (Lake Co., North Reg.) Indiana Gourd Society Fall Festival Lake County 4-H Fairgrounds. Gourd art, crafting supplies, auction, demonstrations, food, crafted gourds, dried gourds, gourd seeds. No adm. chg. 219-767-2901; indianagourdsociety.org Oct. 26-27 Fort Wayne (Allen Co., East Reg.) Living History Days at the Old Fort Old Fort Park. See Jan. 26 listing. NOVEMBER Nov.-Dec. Decatur (Adams Co., East Reg.) Decatur Sculpture Walk Second St., Downtown. See Jun. 8 listing. 72 Gasthof Holiday Bazaar Gasthof Amish Village. Variety of vendors, crafts and gift items, sample Gasthof goodies, visit gift shops, enjoy our Amish buffet and bakery. No adm. chg. 812-486-4900; gasthofamishvillage.com Goshen First Fridays Downtown. See Jan. 4 listing. Nov. 2 Shelbyville (Shelby Co., Central Reg.) Delta Theta Tau 41st Annual Gift & Hobby Show Shelbyville Middle School. Come celebrate 41 years of shopping. Featuring handcrafted toys, jewelry, florals, porcelains, collectibles and more. Refreshments available. No adm. chg. 317-372-3312; giftandhobbyshow.com Nov. 2-3 Vincennes (Knox Co., South Central Reg.) Muster on the Wabash Fort Knox II. War of 1812 reenactment event features period battles, duel, crafts, confrontation between Tecumseh and Harrison. Period food and merchandise. No adm. chg. 812-882-7422; spiritofvincennes.org Nov. 6-10 Indianapolis (Marion Co., Central Reg.) 64th Annual Christmas Gift and Hobby Show Indiana State Fairgrounds, West Pavilion. This four-acre holiday shopping adventure includes holiday gift ideas, arts, crafts, food, entertainment and of course, Santa! Adm. chg. 800-215-1700; christmasgiftandhobbyshow.com 2014 Festival Dates: Nov. 5-9 Nov. 8-10 Huntingburg (Dubois Co., South Reg.) 28th Annual Huntingburg Christmas Stroll 4th St. Downtown Historic District. Shop this National Register historic district and enjoy carriage rides, holiday home tours and a cookie walk. No adm. chg. 812-683-5699; huntingburgchamber.org Nov. 9 Pendleton (Madison Co., East Reg.) Christmas in Pendleton Open House Downtown. Snowball toss, parade, pictures with Santa, great shopping, lighting of tree, Snow Queen and Princesses. Food, fun things for children. No adm. chg. 765-606-5771; pendletonin.org 2014 Festival Date: Nov. 8 Amenity Official ISFA Insurance amenityinsurance.com All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. NOVEMBER Nov. 9-Jan. 2 Shipshewana (LaGrange Co., North Reg.) Christmas in Shipshewana Townwide. Enjoy Christmas in Shipshewana! Light parade Nov. 9, Chocolate Day Nov. 16, Kids' Day and Santa's visit Dec. 7. Involve the whole family and celebrate the Christmas Tree Walk and Gingerbread House displays from Nov. 9-Jan. 2. In partnership with the LaGrange County CVB. No adm. chg. 260-768-7589; shipshewana.com Nov. 9 Portland (Jay Co., East Reg.) Delts' Holiday Arts & Crafts Show Jay County High School. Over 130 booths and food available all day. Event is sponsored by a philanthropic organization and all proceeds go to help others. Adm. chg. 260-726-4091; dttcraftshow@yahoo.com Nov. 9 Odon (Daviess Co., South Central Reg.) North Daviess Community Craft Show North Daviess High School. Community arts and crafts show highlighting the talents of the area. No adm. chg. 800-687-7686 Nov. 15-16 Muncie (Delaware Co., East Reg.) Holiday Handcrafters' Showcase and Marketplace Delaware County Fairgrounds. A multi-class show blending a presentation of fine arts, crafts, collectibles, antiques, home and personal items, and gourmet gift foods. Adm. chg. 419-436-1457; cloudshows.biz Nov. 15-17 Indianapolis (Marion Co., Central Reg.) ISFA Fall Convention Annual convention for festival and event managers, volunteers and marketers. Meet with other ISFA members to continue to grow and improve Indiana’s festivals. Presented by Indiana State Festivals Association. 765-569-3650; indianafestivals.net Nov. 16-17 Ferdinand (Dubois Co., South Reg.) Ferdinand Christkindlmarkt Community Center, Tri-County YMCA, Forest Park High School, Ferdinand American Legion. German heritage market. Antiques, art, quality handcrafts, food, wine, Christmas wares, live glockenspiel, shuttle service, free entertainment, free concerts. No adm. chg. 812-367-2908; ferdinandindiana.org Nov. 22 Hope (Bartholomew Co., South Central Reg.) Christmas of Yesteryear Hope Town Square. Features live nativity, strolling carolers, history tours, merchant events, Santa and Mrs. Claus. No adm. chg. 812-546-4673; hopechamber.com Nov. 23 Hammond (Lake Co., North Reg.) Hammond Holiday Kick-off Celebration: A Tribute to a Christmas Story Downtown. Tribute to classic holiday film, free movie viewing, shoot your eye out, look-a-like contests, Santa, vendors, entertainment, horse-drawn carriage rides and more! No adm. chg. 219-512-4298; downtownhammond.org Nov. 23 Carmel (Hamilton Co., Central Reg.) Holiday on the Square Civic Square. Holiday lighting ceremony, Santa, live reindeer, holiday farmers' market, entertainment, perfect holiday season kick off event. No adm. chg. 317-571-2474; HolidayOnTheSquare.org 2014 Festival Date: Nov. 22 Nov. 23 Bedford (Lawrence Co., South Central Reg.) Holiday Village Festival Lawrence County 4-H Fairgrounds. Crafts and arts fair, food, entertainment, Santa, children's activities and more! Hosted by St. Vincent Dunn Hospital Foundation. No adm. chg. 812-276-1242 Nov. 23-24 Valparaiso (Porter Co., North Reg.) Holidaze Sell-a-bration Arts & Craft Show Porter County Expo Center. Over 160 art and craft booths with many personal gifts for yourself, friends and family including home decor items. Adm. chg. 219-464-9918; holidazecraftshow.vpweb.com 2014 Festival Dates: Nov. 22-23 Nov. 29-Dec. 1; Dec. 6-8 Bridgeton (Parke Co., West Reg.) Bridgeton Country Christmas Historic District. Unique gifts, crafts, decorations, lights, music, food, Santa in the Cabin. Call 765-548-2136 for days/ times. Open until 8pm on Fridays and Saturdays. No adm. chg. 765-548-2136; bridgetonindiana.com Nov. 29-Dec. 15 Brown Co., South Central Reg. Christmas in Brown County Recapture the magic of Christmas in Brown County! The Village of Nashville is a winter delight with many colorful lights, shopping, live entertainment, carolers, train rides, activities. The kids can even meet Santa and Mrs. Claus! No adm. chg. 812-988-7303; browncounty.com Nov. 29-Dec. 24 Madison (Jefferson Co., South Central Reg.) Festival Of Trees Lanthier Winery Tasting Room and Loft Gallery. A magnificent holiday event. A forest of glittering, gleaming, one-of-a-kind themed trees. Enjoy special release holiday wines. No adm. chg. 812-273-2409; lanthierwinery.com/events-FOT.html Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 73 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 74 All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. NOVEMBER/DECEMBER Nov. 29-Dec. 1 Jasper (Dubois Co., South Reg.) Jasper O'Tannenbaum Days Courthouse Square and Citywide. Talented artisans will demonstrate their skills in 20+ stores. Santa, carriage rides, great food and musicians. Fun for all! No adm. chg. 812-482-6866; jasperin.org Nov. 29 Logansport (Cass Co., East Reg.) Light Up Logansport Parade & Park Display Downtown. Features unique lighted floats initially shown at Friday night parade. Floats then displayed through New Year's at downtown park. No adm. chg. 574-753-6969; lightuplogan.org Dec. 1-22 Kokomo (Howard Co., East Reg.) Christmas at the Seiberling Seiberling Mansion. See Nov. 30 listing. Dec. 1-15 Brown Co., South Central Reg. Christmas in Brown County See Nov. 29 listing. Dec. 1-Jan. 2 Shipshewana (LaGrange Co., North Reg.) Christmas in Shipshewana Townwide. See Nov. 9 listing. Nov. 29-Dec. 7 Madison (Jefferson Co., South Central Reg.) Dec. 1-24 Madison (Jefferson Co., South Central Reg.) Historic Madison. Candlelight tour of public and private homes decorated for the holiday in Madison's National Historic District. Adm. chg. 800-559-2956; Dec. 1-8 Anderson (Madison Co., East Reg.) Nights Before Christmas Candlelight Tour of Homes nightsbeforechristmas.com Festival Of Trees Lanthier Winery Tasting Room and Loft Gallery. See Nov. 29 listing. 2014 Festival Dates: Nov. 28-Dec. 6 Festival of Trees Paramount Theatre. See Nov. 30 llisting. Nov. 29-Dec. 15 Fort Wayne (Allen Co., East Reg.) Dec. 1 Jasper (Dubois Co., South Reg.) The Festival of Gingerbread The History Center. Every year, 10,000 visitors enjoy more than 100 fanciful gingerbread creations on display, created by bakers of all ages! Adm. chg. 260-426-2882; fwhistorycenter.com Nov. 30-Dec. 22 Kokomo (Howard Co., East Reg.) Jasper O'Tannenbaum Days Courthouse Square and Citywide. See Nov. 29 listing. Dec. 1-7 Madison (Jefferson Co., South Central Reg.) Nights Before Christmas Candlelight Tour of Homes Historic Madison. See Nov. 29 listing. Christmas at the Seiberling Seiberling Mansion. Enjoy the fabulous Seiberling Mansion dressed inside and out in holiday splendor. Tue.-Sun., 1pm-4pm. Adm. chg. 765-452-4314; howardcountymuseum.org 2014 Festival Dates: Nov. 29-Dec. 21 Dec. 1-15 Fort Wayne (Allen Co., East Reg.) Nov. 30-Dec. 8 Anderson (Madison Co., East Reg.) Christmas in New Harmony Downtown City Centre. Picturesque, energizing weekend complete with choral music, Nutcracker Ballet, artisan fair, free carriage rides, great food, drink and shopping. No adm. chg. 812-682-3785; newharmony.biz 2014 Festival Dates: Dec. 5-7 Festival of Trees Paramount Theatre. Over 80 decorated Christmas trees and wreaths shown in the beautiful Paramount Theatre. Special programs all week long. Adm. chg. 765-642-0262; andersonparamount.org The Festival of Gingerbread The History Center. See Nov. 29 listing. Dec. 6-8 New Harmony (Posey Co., South Reg.) DECEMBER Dec. 6 Goshen (Elkhart Co., North Reg.) Dec. Decatur (Adams Co., East Reg.) Downtown. See Jan. 4 listing. Goshen First Fridays Decatur Sculpture Walk Second St., Downtown. See Jun. 8 listing. Dec. 1, 6-8 Bridgeton (Parke Co., West Reg.) Bridgeton Country Christmas Historic District. See Nov. 29 listing. Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 75 DECEMBER Dec. 6-8 Rockville (Parke Co., West Reg.) Dec. 7 Lafayette (Tippecanoe Co., West Reg.) Dec. 6-8, 13-15, 20-22 Santa Claus (Spencer Co., South Reg.) Dec. 7 Franklin (Johnson Co., Central Reg.) Parke County Covered Bridge Christmas Countywide. Holiday home tour, caroling, arts and crafts, decorated communities celebrate the holidays along with 31 covered bridges. Rockville, Main Street, Bridgeton, Mansfield Village, other communities participate. No adm. chg. 765-569-5226; coveredbridges.com Santa Claus Christmas Celebration Santa Claus, Indiana. Experience fun for the entire family at the Santa Claus Christmas Celebration the first three weekends of December. No adm. chg. 888-444-9252; santaclausind.org 2014 Festival Dates: Dec. 5-7, 12-14, 19-21 Dec. 7-8 Kouts (Porter Co., North Reg.) Kouts Annual Christmas Open House Kouts and surrounding area. Around 35 locations throughout town open their doors to sell homemade baked goods and crafts. Sat. 8:30am-4:30pm; Sun. 10am-4:30pm. No adm. chg. 219-766-3791; koutsevents.com Dec. 7-8, 14-15 Fort Wayne (Allen Co., East Reg.) Christmas at USF USF Spring Street Campus. A 30-year tradition including seasonally decorated mansion tours, living nativity, Christmas concert, Lighting of the Lake, plus planetarium and art shows. No adm. chg. 260-399-8140; sf.edu/Christmas 2014 Festival Dates: Dec. 6-7, 13-14 Dec. 7 Lagro (Wabash Co., East Reg.) Christmas in a Canal Town Communitywide. Our charm and friendliness immediately welcome visitors to share the great food, unique vendors and warmth of our historic community. No adm. chg. 260-782-2397 Dec. 7 Rockville (Parke Co., West Reg.) Covered Bridge Association Home Tour Art Gallery. Area homes with beautiful holiday decor. Maps and tickets at gallery plus free refreshments and special Christmas fund raisers. Adm. chg. 765-569-9422; coveredbridgeartgallery.com Dec. 7 Cumberland (Marion Co., Central Reg.) Cumberland Weihnachtsmarkt Downtown near Wayburn and E Washington Streets. Kick off the season at Cumberland's traditional German holiday market featuring German food, craft vendors, carriage rides, tree lighting and more! No adm. chg. 317-894-6203; town.cumberland.in.us 2014 Festival Date: Dec. 6 76 Dickens of a Christmas Downtown. Roving carolers, farmers market, vendors, carriage rides, artisans demonstrating crafts, performances of ''A Christmas Carol", holiday lighting. No adm. chg. 765-742-4044; dickensofachristmas.com 2014 Festival Date: Dec. 6 Downtown Holiday Lighting Courthouse Square. Visit Santa, movie at the Artcraft Theatre, lighted parade, lighting of courthouse and downtown streets, firetruck and carriage rides, shopping. No adm. chg. 317-736-6334; franklincoc.org Dec. 7 Fortville (Hancock Co., Central Reg.) Fortville Winter Festival Downtown on Main Street. Fortville becomes a magical place full of sparkling lights and decorated trees, Christmas Market, vendors welcome! No adm. chg. 317-716-7978; fortvillefestival.com 2014 Festival Date: Dec. 6 Dec. 7 Plainfield (Hendricks Co., Central Reg.) Gingerbread Chirstmas Plainfield High School. Over 100 vendors, juried show, all homemade items, strollers welcome, a very popular craft and novelty show for over 40 years. Adm. chg. 317-221-3600; plainfieldtrikappa.org Dec. 7 Medora (Jackson Co., South Central Reg.) Medora Christmas Festival Center of town. An event the whole family can enjoy from Santa for the kids to the Christmas dance at the end. No adm. chg. 812-966-8887 2014 Festival Date: Dec. 6 Dec. 14 Zionsville (Boone Co., Central Reg.) Christmas on the Farm Traders Point Creamery. Celebrate the season with live reindeer, Santa, live music, sleigh-hayrides, kids' crafts. Farmer's market featuring organic specialty foods and artist crafts. No adm. chg. 317-733-1700; tpforganics.com Dec. 27-28 Shipshewana (LaGrange Co., North Reg.) Shipshewana Ice Festival Downtown. Watch experienced ice carvers create ice sculptures representing local merchants. Then watch them compete! Indulge at the chili cook-off, get your collectible Shipshewana Ice Festival pin and enjoy January discounts! In partnership with the LaGrange County CVB. No adm. chg. 260-768-7589; shipshewana.com All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. Index A A Christmas Story Comes Home...............................................74 ABATE Boogie..................................................................................23 Abraham Lincoln Freedom Festival.............................................36 AeroCat Time Trial Bicycle Race..................................................38 Ag Day...............................................................................................12 All-American Country Hoedown................................................24 Amboy Fall Fest...............................................................................55 Amish Acres Arts and Crafts Festival..........................................46 Anderson Orchard..........................................................................26 Andersontown Powwow and Indian Market...................... 17, 58 Angola Balloons Aloft.....................................................................40 Angola Civil War Days...................................................................64 Annual Old Court Days.................................................................23 Antique Tractor and Farm Show..................................................40 Antique Tractor/Car Fest...............................................................25 Antique Tractor Show, Shelby County........................................26 Apple Butter Festival......................................................................28 Apple Festival of Kendallville................................................. 33, 67 Applefest – Garwood’s Arts & Crafts Fair.....................................................Inside Back Cover Art Affair on the Square...................................................14, 34, 35 Art Association Holiday Home Tour...........................................34 Art Fair on the Square...................................................................47 Art Guild of Hope Art Fair...........................................................12 Artie Fest..........................................................................................40 Art on Green............................................................ Center Spread Art on the Avenue..........................................................................60 Art on The Wabash.................................................................. 19, 61 ArtsGo!.............................................................................................15 Arts in Harmony...................................................................... 18, 62 Arts in the Park........................................................................ 28, 32 ArtsWalk...........................................................................................67 Ashley-Hudson Festival..................................................................25 Associate Member Art Show........................................................14 Association Christmas Show........................................................14 Association Spring Show................................................................14 Atlanta New Earth Festival...........................................................64 Auburn Cord Duesenberg Festival....................................... 25, 52 Aukiki River Festival.......................................................................50 Autumn Artscape & Brick Street Chili Cook............................59 Autumn on the River......................................................................71 Aviation Appreciation Days...........................................................12 Avon Community Heritage Festival.............................................64 B Back to the Fifties Festival, Inc.............................................. 58, 59 Balloons Over Killbuck..................................................................72 30th Annual Banks of the Wabash Festival.......................... 23, 27 Bass Lake Festival............................................................................30 Bass Lake Summer Splash Festival...............................................46 Bastille Day.......................................................................................16 Batesville Applefest..........................................................................15 Batesville Summerfest.....................................................................15 Battle of Corydon Reenactment.....................................Cover, 40 BBQ & Blues.............................................................................. 28, 58 Bears of Blue River Festival.................................................... 26, 49 Beasley’s Orchard Corn Maze......................................................51 Bedford Limestone Heritage Festival..........................................23 Beers Across the Wabash....................................................... 19, 51 Berne Swiss Days............................................................................46 Bike the Bridges Bicycle Tour.......................................................67 Block Bash............................................................Center Spread, 61 Bloomfield Apple Festival...............................................................66 Blue River Valley Pioneer Fair.......................................................62 Boone County 4H Fair...................................................................59 Boone County Home & Garden Show.......................................59 Boone County Polo Event.............................................................59 Boone County Rodeo Bash..........................................................59 Borden Valley Day Festival.............................................................66 Bourbon Summer Fest...................................................................37 Bradford Woods Fall Harvest Festival.........................................71 Bremen Firemens’ Festival.............................................................37 Brick Street Market................................................................. 22, 59 Bridgeton Art and Wine Fair........................................................20 Bridgeton Country Christmas............................................... 34, 73 Bridgeton Milling and Craft Demo Days............................. 34, 58 Bridgeton Mountain Man Rendezvous........................................15 Bridgeton Woodworking and Quilt Show..................................29 Bristow Octoberfest and Car Show...........................................71 Broad Ripple Art Fair.....................................................................22 Brookston Apple Popcorn Festival..............................................62 Brown County Studio and Garden Tour....................................35 Brown County’s Winter Wellness Weekend: Warm Up from Within............................................................10 Brownstown MelonFest.................................................................60 Bryant Loblolly Days.......................................................................38 Buckeye Vintage Scooter Meet.....................................................38 Buffalo Daze.....................................................................................29 Bunker Hill Festival.........................................................................24 Burlington Fall Festival...................................................................27 Burnettsville Community Day......................................................64 Butler Heartland Show & Festival................................................25 C Callithumpian Festival.....................................................................72 63rd Camden Tracor Pull...............................................................27 49th Annual Canaan Fall Festival and 47th Annual Pony Express Mail Run Celebration..............60 Canal Days................................................................................. 27, 39 Cannelton Heritage Festival..........................................................70 CanoeFest & Chicken Frying Contest........................................33 Carlisle Yard Sale Day.....................................................................12 CarmelFest........................................................................................37 Carmel International Arts Festival...............................................64 Carroll County Garden Fair.........................................................27 Cataract VFD Bean Dinner Festival.............................................28 CBGTA Bike the Bridges Fall Challenge.....................................34 Cedar Lake Summerfest.................................................................37 Cedar Valley Bluegrass Festival.....................................................40 Centurion Bicycle Race..................................................................59 Chain O’Lakes Festival...................................................................33 Chainsaw Carving Festival.............................................................11 Chalk It Up Art Contest................................................................28 Chalk Walk........................................................................................11 Chalmers Community Day............................................................30 Charley Creek Arts Fest................................................................35 Chautauqua Days.............................................................................33 Chili Cook-Off.................................................................................55 Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 77 Index Chocolate Celebration...................................................................10 Christkindlmarkt..............................................................................11 Christmas at the Seiberling...........................................................75 Christmas at USF............................................................................76 Christmas Fest at Hensler Nursery...............Inside Back Cover Christmas Festival & Lights Parade.............................................16 64th Annual Christmas Gift and Hobby Show..........................72 Christmas in a Canal Town............................................................76 Christmas in Brown County.........................................................73 Christmas in New Harmony.........................................................75 Christmas in October Craft Fair.................................................70 Christmas in Pendleton Open House.........................................72 Christmas in Shipshewana.............................................................73 Christmas in the Village..................................................................59 Christmas of Yesteryear.......................................................... 12, 73 Christmas on the Farm..................................................................76 Christmas Parade............................................................................19 Christmas Walk................................................................................33 Circus City Festival.................................................................. 32, 40 Circus City Metric Century Bicycle Ride..................................24 City of Anderson Little 500 Festival............................................17 City of Knox Fireworks.................................................................30 City Wide Yard Sale.........................................................................10 Civil War Days, Hope.....................................................................12 Civil War Days, Princeton..............................................................57 Classic Car Cruise-In.....................................................................12 Clay City Lions Club Pottery Festival.........................................30 Coal City Festival............................................................................28 Coca-Cola Car Show.....................................................................26 Cole Porter Classic.........................................................................55 Cole Porter Festival........................................................................24 Colt World Series............................................................................19 Columbus Scottish Festival...........................................................58 Community Farm and Home Auction, Bake and Quilt Sale............................................................................30 Community Farmer’s Market........................................................28 Connersville Bicentennial..............................................................35 Converse Fair...................................................................................24 Cook’s Bison Ranch Calf Day Celebration................................34 Covered Bridge Antique Power Club Drive..............................34 Covered Bridge Antique Power Club Tractor Drive...................................................................................36 Covered Bridge Association Home Tour....................................76 Covered Bridge Festival of Montezuma.....................................70 Covered Bridges of Putnam County Festival............................69 Crawford County Sorghum Festival............................................71 Crawfordsville Strawberry Festival..............................................31 Cromwell Days................................................................................33 Crothersville Red, White & Blue Festival...................................28 Culver Lake Fest....................................................................... 37, 45 Culver Wine Fair...................................................................... 37, 60 Cumberland Arts Goes to Market..............................................49 Cumberland Weihnachtsmarkt.....................................................76 D Daffodil Stroll...................................................................................10 Daleville AutumnFest......................................................................69 Dancing in the Streets............................................................. 19, 45 Dan Patch Days Festival.................................................................58 78 Danville Tri Kappa Fair on the Square........................................60 Darlington Fish Fry & Festival......................................................57 Daviess County Amish Quilt Auction.................................... 1, 53 Daviess County Turkey Trot Festival..............................................1 Decatur Sculpture Walk.................................................................30 DeKalb County Free Fall Fair.......................................................25 Delta Theta Tau 41st Annual Gift & Hobby Show....................72 Delts 29th Annual Craft Show.....................................................38 Delts’ Holiday Arts & Crafts Show..............................................73 Denver Days Festival......................................................................55 8th Annual DHC Bizarre Bazaar..................................................60 Dickens of a Christmas........................................................... 19, 76 Digging through the Past - Building to the Future, featuring the Riverview Hospital Twilight Trail Run & Walk................................................................................64 5th Annual Dixie Days Festival & Art Fair.................................46 Door Village Harvest Festival...........................Inside Back Cover Downtown Block Party.................................................................51 Downtown Farmer’s Market, Shelby County............................26 Downtown Holiday Lighting.........................................................76 Drum Corps International World Championships...................48 Dugger Coal Festival.......................................................................12 47th Dunkirk Glass Days...............................................................38 E Earl Park Fall Festival......................................................................52 Elkhart County 4-H Fair................................................................45 Elkhart Jazz Festival.........................................................................34 Elvis Fantasy Fest.............................................................................69 Elwood Glass Festival.............................................................. 17, 49 Enchanted Lakes Renaissance Faire & Marketplace.................32 English Reunion Festival....................................................24, 25, 27 E.W.C.C. Woodcarving Festival....................................................32 F Fairland Festival and Fish Fry........................................................26 Fairmount Museum Days/James Dean Festival..........................63 Fair on the Square...........................................................................20 Fall Creek Heritage Fair.......................................................... 17, 57 34th Annual Fall Harvest Craft Festival......................................64 Fall Harvest Festival........................................................................64 Fall Valpo-Fest Motorcycle-Car Show.........................................64 The Family Pumpkin Patch............................................................65 F.A.R.M Club Antique Machinery Show......................................15 Farmersburg Old Settlers..............................................................12 Farmers Markets..............................................................................19 Farmer’s Pike Antique, Arts and Crafts Festival........................52 Farmer’s Pike Festival.............................................................. 47, 56 26th Annual Farm Toy Show..........................................................38 The FC Antique Tractor Show......................................................33 Feast of the Hunters’ Moon................................................... 19, 69 Ferdinand Christkindlmarkt..........................................................73 Ferdinand Folk Fest.........................................................................11 Ferdinand Heimatfest......................................................................11 Festival of The Oaks, The...............................................................60 Festival of Gingerbread, The..........................................................75 Festival of the Arts..........................................................................45 Festival of the Turning Leaves................................................ 59, 63 Festival of Trees, Anderson............................................................75 Festival Of Trees, Madison.............................................................73 All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. Index Festooned Fourth Display.............................................................19 Fiber Fest & Spin-In................................................................. 14, 38 Fiddler Fest.......................................................................................21 Fish Lake Festival................................................Inside Back Cover Fisherman & Outdoors Expo........................................................10 Fishers Freedom Festival...............................................................36 Fishers Renaissance Faire..............................................................69 500 Festival.......................................................................................18 Forks of the Wabash Pioneer Festival.........................................64 Fort Vallonia Days............................................................................71 Fortville Bastille Day.......................................................................45 Fortville Winter Festival.................................................................76 Founders Day...................................................................................16 4th of July Celebration...................................................................37 4th of July Festival...........................................................................39 Fourth Street Festival of the Arts and Crafts...........................53 Francesville Fall Festival.................................................................61 Frankfort Hot Dog Festival...........................................................46 Frankton Heritage Days.................................................................17 Frankton Heritage Days/Balloon Extravaganza.........................61 Freedom Festival..............................................................................12 Freedom Fest, Owen County.......................................................28 Freetown July Festival.....................................................................40 French Lick Magic..................................................... Center Spread French Market..................................................................................58 The 16th Annual (Friends of Indiana Dunes) Sand Sculpture Contest..........................................................40 Friendship Flea Market............................................................ 15, 30 Fulton County Historical Power Show.......................................32 Fun on Sylvan Lake..........................................................................33 G Gaither Fall Festival.........................................................................66 Garden Gate Festival......................................................................10 Garrett Heritage Days...................................................................25 Gasthof Holiday Bazaar..................................................................72 Gateway Park Bluegrass Festival..................................................33 48th Annual Gem-Mineral-Fossil Show.......................................35 7th Annual Gennett Records Walk of Fame Music Festival............................................................................57 Germanfest, Fort Wayne................................................................35 Germanfest, Lafayette-West Lafayette........................................19 Ghost Walk & Mystery Dinner.....................................................13 Ghost Walks.....................................................................................21 Gibson County Antique Machinery Show..................................36 Gibson County Fair........................................................................39 Gingerbread Chirstmas..................................................................76 Global Fest........................................................................................19 Gobble-uns Weekend.....................................................................71 Golden Heritage Days Festival.....................................................61 Goodies, Goblins & Ghost Stories..............................................72 Goshen First Fridays.......................................................................10 Gosport Lazy Days.........................................................................28 Grabill Country Fair................................................................ 35, 56 Grand Prix of Whitestown............................................................59 The Grape Escape...........................................................................46 Grape Harvest Festival at Chateau Thomas Winery...............51 Grapes on the Grass Wine Judging Soiree................................21 37th Annual Greater Indianapolis Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show................................................................................57 The Greatest Spectacle in Tasting................................................23 Great Lakes 10th Native American Pow Wow.........................38 Greek Fest........................................................................................35 Greensburg Power of the Past.....................................................49 Greenwood Freedom Festival......................................................36 Griffith Rock ‘n Rail Street Festival.............................................52 Grissom Air Museum Warbird Cruise-In...................................32 H Hamlet Rendezvous Pre—1840s reenactment.........................30 Hammond Holiday Kick-off Celebration: A Tribute to a Christmas Story........................................................................73 Hancock Co. 4-H Fair.............................................................. 16, 54 Hannafest.............................................................Inside Back Cover Happy Halloween Weekends.........................................................66 Hardy Lake Raptor Days................................................................63 Harmonie Harvest Craft Fair.......................................................70 Harper Valley Pumpkin Patch Days..............................................70 Harrison County Summerfest......................................................36 Harrodsburg Heritage Days Festival...........................................20 Harvest Celebration Festival........................................................64 Harvest Festival, Albion..................................................................33 Harvest Festival, Portage................................................................69 Harvest Homecoming Festival......................................................69 Harvest Moon Festival............................................................ 62, 72 Haubstadt Sommerfest...................................................................34 Haunted Adams Mill........................................................................27 Haynes-Apperson Festival.............................................................37 Headless Horseman........................................................................69 Heartland Apple Festival................................................................69 Heartland Film Festival...................................................................71 4th Annual Heart of the Harvest Fall Festival...........................64 Hendricks County Artisan Marketplace.....................................71 Hensler’s Fall and Christmas Festivals........................................30 Herb & Garden Days......................................................................11 Herbstfest.........................................................................................10 Hesston Steam Museum Annual Hesston Steam & Power Show.............................................Inside Back Cover Highway 38 Sale...............................................................................17 Highway 50 Yard Sale......................................................................13 Historical Timeline Rendezvous and Festival.............................22 Historic Newburgh Celebrates Christmas................................21 Historic Newburgh Celebrates Independence.........................21 Historic Newburgh Farmers Market...........................................21 Historic Newburgh Wine, Art and Jazz Festival................. 21, 22 Historic Prophetstown events......................................................19 Historic Prophetstown sleigh rides.............................................19 Historic Shelby County Fair..........................................................26 Hog Jog & Car Show......................................................................27 HolidayFest.......................................................................................35 Holiday Handcrafters’ Showcase and Marketplace..................73 Holiday Home Tour, Parke County..............................................14 Holiday Home Tour, Shelby County.............................................26 Holiday Luminaria Display.............................................................19 Holiday on the Square....................................................................73 Holiday Parade, Shelby County....................................................26 Holidays at Dull’s Tree Farm.........................................................59 Holiday Village Festival....................................................................73 Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari..................................................18 Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 79 Index Holidaze Sell-a-bration Arts & Craft Show................................73 Hollowblock Monster 12th Annual Benefit...............................38 Holy Walk, Marshall County..........................................................37 Home and Gardens Tour...............................................................13 The Hoosier Energy Power Network.......................Back Cover Hoosier Heritage Festival..............................................................55 Hoosier Hills Fiber Festival.................................................... 24, 27 Hope Arts & Antiques Fair............................................................12 Hope Heritage Days................................................................ 12, 63 Hope Initiative Outdoor Living and Garden Tour....................21 Hope Ride.........................................................................................12 Hope’s Art Fair on the Square.....................................................20 Hospice of South Central Indiana Free Community Concert...............................................................53 28th Annual Huntingburg Christmas Stroll......................... 10, 72 Huntington Heritage Days.............................................................34 Hymera Old Soldiers Reunion.....................................................12 Hymera Seafood Festival...............................................................12 I Idaville Truck & Tractor Pull...........................................................46 Independence Day Celebration....................................................16 Indiana Black Expo, Inc.’s Annual Summer Celebration...........40 Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance..................... Inside Front Cover Indiana Fiddlers’ Gathering............................................................36 Indiana Fiddlers’ Gathering............................................................19 55th Annual Indiana Flower and Patio Show.............................14 Indiana Gourd Society Fall Festival..............................................72 Indiana Gourd Society Spring Festival.........................................34 Indiana Gourd Society State Gourd Show.................................18 66th Indiana Masonic Home Festival...........................................61 Indiana Short Film Festival.............................................................69 Indiana State Fair.............................................................................47 Indiana State ICS Chili Cook-Off.................................................60 Indian Market and Festival.............................................................35 Indy Fringe Festival..........................................................................49 Indy’s Irish Fest................................................................................60 International Bowhunters Organization.....................................23 International Circus Hall of Fame................................................32 Irvington Halloween Festival.........................................................71 ISFA Fall Convention......................................................................73 ISFA Spring Workshop-North.......................................................15 ISFA Spring Workshop-South........................................................15 J Jamestown Annual Fish Fry...........................................................59 Jasper County Fall Festival............................................................50 Jasper Home Expo..........................................................................11 Jasper O’Tannenbaum Days...........................................................75 Jasper Strassenfest.................................................................... 11, 47 Jay County Fair.................................................................................38 Jay County Heritage Festival.........................................................38 Jazz Wine & Craft Beer Fest.........................................................10 Jennings County Fair.......................................................................13 Johnny Appleseed Festival....................................................... 35, 62 July 4th Celebration, Peru..............................................................24 July 4th Celebrations, Lebanon and Zionsville..........................59 K 80 Kekionga Festival.............................................................................51 Kelsay Farms.....................................................................................64 Kewanna Fall Festival - ‘’Tribute To Home Town Heroes’’......63 Kid City.............................................................................................33 Kiwanis Car Show...........................................................................10 Kiwanis Haunted House................................................................13 Knightstown Fall Fest.............................................................. 47, 58 Knightstown Jubilee Days....................................................... 21, 28 Knox County Watermelon Festival.............................................47 Knox Harvest Festival....................................................................30 Koh-Koh-Mah and David Foster Living History Encampment...............................................................62 Kokomo Oktoberfest.....................................................................63 Kokomo Ribfest and More............................................................29 Kokomo Strawberry Festival.........................................................28 Kosciusko County Community Fair............................................40 Kouts Annual Christmas Open House........................................76 KPC Tri-athalon................................................................................33 Kroozen Courthouse Car Show..................................................38 Kuntsfest............................................................................................60 Kustoms of America Car Show....................................................38 L Labor Day Antiques, Collectibles, Crafts & Flea Market.........53 Labor Day Antiques, Collectibles, Flea Market, Hayden Daze.............................................................................13 Labor Day Festival, Advance..........................................................59 Labor Day, Hope..............................................................................12 Labor Dayz...........................................................Inside Back Cover LaFontaine Ashland Days Festival.................................................32 Lagro Good Ole’ Days...................................................................34 Lakefront Art Festival................................. 49, Inside Back Cover Lake Max Challenge SUP Race & Food Festival........................36 Lanesville Heritage Weekend........................................................60 Lapel Village Fair....................................................................... 17, 45 LaPorte County Antique Show........................Inside Back Cover LaPorte County Fair................................... 39, Inside Back Cover LaPorte County Historical Society Civil War Weekend...............................................Inside Back Cover LaPorte Jaycee’s 4th of July Parade/Fireworks.........................................Inside Back Cover Lawrence 4th Fest...........................................................................37 Lawrence County History Festival & Pow Wow......................23 Leane and Michael’s Sugarbush 22nd Annual Maple Syrup Festival................................................................13 Leavenworth Riverfest....................................................................25 Leprechaun Hunt................................................Inside Back Cover Levi Coffin Days Festival................................................................62 Lights Over Morse Lake Festival..................................................39 Light Up Logansport Parade & Park Display.............................75 Ligonier Marshmallow Festival......................................................33 Limberlost Trail Blazer 5K Run/Walk..........................................38 Limestone Heritage Festival..........................................................36 Limestone Month............................................................................23 Lincoln Highway BuyWay Sale......................................................33 Lincoln’s Lebanon & Civil War Re-enactment...........................59 Linton Freedom Festival................................................................37 Little Cousin Jasper Festival Inc...................................................57 Little Italy Festival............................................................................52 All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. Index Living History Days at the Old Fort...........................................10 Living Nativity..................................................................................19 Loblolly Bird Hike...........................................................................38 Loblolly Marsh Tour........................................................................38 Lore of the Laughery............................................................... 15, 18 Lyles Station New Beginnings Celebration................................53 M Mac Tools U.S. Nationals at Lucas Oil Raceway........................51 Macy Fall Fest...................................................................................55 Madison Chautauqua Festival of Art...........................................65 Madison County 4-H Fair..............................................................46 Madison Regatta..............................................................................39 Madison Ribberfest BBQ & Blues................................................49 Main Street Car Show....................................................................33 Main Street Rockville Cruise-In, Motorcycle, Scooter and Bike Show...........................................................................27 Main Street Tour..............................................................................46 Mansfield Village Mushroom Festival and Car Show................15 Maple Sugar Festival...........................................Inside Back Cover Marshall County 4-H Fair..............................................................37 Marshall County Blazin’ BBQ and Bluegrass.............................37 Marshall County Blueberry Festival...............................37, 52, 53 May Days...........................................................................................12 Mayfest in Shipshewana..................................................................18 May Festival.......................................................................................22 19th Annual Mayor’s Cup Grand Prix Go-Kart Race..............18 Mecca Haunted Schoolhouse........................................................72 Mecca Jonah Fish Fry......................................................................34 The Security Federal/Med Flory Jazz and Blues Festival.........31 Medora Christmas Festival............................................................76 Merom Bluff Chautuaqua Festival......................................... 12, 29 Metamora Canal Days Autumn Festival............................... 33, 67 Metamora Old Time Music Festival.............................................55 Mexico Community Garage Sale..................................................32 7th Annual Miami Indians All Nations Gathering......................27 Miami County 4-H Fair..................................................................24 Michiana Mennonite Relief Sale....................................................63 Michigan City In-Water Boat Show /Michigan City RV/ Camping Show.............................................Inside Back Cover Michigan City Summer Festival................. 14, Inside Back Cover Michigantown Fair...........................................................................48 Middlebury Fall Festival..................................................................61 2014 Middle Eastern Festival of Indianapolis.............................36 Middletown/Fall Creek Twp...........................................................47 Middletown Lions Club Fair..........................................................21 Mihsihkinaahkwa Pow Wow..........................................................48 Mill Pond Festival................................................Inside Back Cover Milltown Community Festival.......................................................61 Milltown Festival..............................................................................25 Miracle Mile Parade........................................................................55 Mississinewa 1812...........................................................................70 Mississinewa Triathlon.....................................................................55 Mitchell Persimmon Festival................................................... 23, 62 Monon Food Fest............................................................................27 Montezuma Christmas Celebration............................................34 Montezuma Pranks in the Park....................................................34 Montgomery Turkey Trot Festival.................................................57 Moonlight Madness.........................................................................27 MoonTree Fest.................................................................................62 Mooreland Free Fair.......................................................................47 Morgan County Fall Foliage Festival............................................69 Morristown Derby Days................................................................26 Mosey Down Main Street....................................................... 19, 20 Mulberry Fest...................................................................................35 Musicfest............................................................................................45 Muster on the Wabash...................................................................72 N NAIFC Ice Fishing Tournament.....................................................37 Nappanee Apple Festival................................................................61 National Maple Syrup Festival......................................................13 National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association’s National Championship Shoot................................................................60 National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association’s Spring National Shoot..........................................................................31 23rd Annual National Toy & Truck N’ Construction Show and Auction....................................................................50 Nation’s Largest 41st Vintage Motor Bike..................................38 Nature Fest.......................................................................................33 NC-HC Chamber of Commerce Downtown Christmas Walk.........................................................................47 New Carlisle Hometown Days................ 46, Inside Back Cover New Lisbon Old Time Days..........................................................21 New Palestine Lions Fall Festival.......................................... 16, 54 Newport Antique Auto Hill Climb....................................... 41, 67 Nickel Plate Arts Weekend............................................................29 Nights Before Christmas Candlelight Tour of Homes.............75 Nineveh Heritage Festival..............................................................70 NMLRA Muzzle Loading Shoot....................................................15 NMLRA Youth Shoot......................................................................15 Noble County Fair..........................................................................33 Noblesville Streetdance.................................................................45 North Daviess Community Craft Show.....................................73 Northern Indiana Bluegrass Festival............................................33 Northern Indiana Lakes Festival...................................................31 Northern Indiana Power From the Past Antique Power Show & Flea Market....................................................45 North Judson Mint Festival.................................................... 30, 32 North Manchester Fun Fest by the River..................................48 North Salem Old Fashion Days............................................ 51, 55 O Oktoberfest, Zionsville...................................................................71 Oktoberfest at Saxony, Fishers.....................................................62 Oktoberfest Celebration, Peru.....................................................55 Old Eckerty Days............................................................................25 Oldenburg’s Freudenfest................................................................33 Old Fashion Day & Arts Too.........................................................71 Old Fashioned Bargain Days.........................................................10 Old-Fashioned Christmas at the Canal, Delphi........................27 Old Fashioned Christmas, Huntingburg......................................10 Old-Fashioned Independence Day Celebration........................12 Old Post Bluegrass Jam..................................................................13 Old Settlers Day Festival, Salem...................................................62 158th Old Settlers Festival, Carroll County..............................27 Old Settlers Festival, Odon...................................................... 1, 47 Old Time Music Festival.................................................................33 Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 81 Index Old Washington Street Festival....................................................60 Onion Days.......................................................................................33 Orleans Dogwood Festival...............................17, Center Spread O’Tannenbaum Days.......................................................................11 OUTfest............................................................................................19 Owen County Antique Machinery Assoc. Antique Machinery Show................................................................ 28, 29 Owen County Apple Butter Festival...........................................62 Owen County Fair..........................................................................28 P Paoli Fall Festival..............................................................................60 Paramount Festival of Trees..........................................................17 Parke County 4-H Fair...................................................................45 Parke County Covered Bridge Christmas.......................... 34, 76 Parke County Covered Bridge Festival™.....................34, 68, 70 Parke County Covered Bridge Festival™ - Bridgeton.................................................................................70 Parke County Covered Bridge Festival™ - Fox’s Overlook.......................................................................70 Parke County Maple Syrup Fair...................................................13 Patricksburg Homecoming............................................................28 Pendleton Fall Festival............................................................. 17, 57 Pennsy Trail Art Fair and Music Festival.........................16, 36, 54 Pennville Legion Lions Fair............................................................38 Pierogi Fest.......................................................................................46 Pioneer Days, Logansport..............................................................32 Pioneer Days at Creek Ridge County Park.................................................Inside Back Cover Pioneer Festival, Ligonier...............................................................33 Pioneer Heritage Festival, Marshall..............................................46 Pioneer Land Christmas Open House...........Inside Back Cover Pleasant View Heritage Day Festival............................................63 Pokagon Sea Plane Splash In.........................................................63 47th Annual Pony Express Mail Run Celebration, 49th Annual Canaan Fall Festival...........................................60 Popcorn Festival of Clay County.................................................67 Porter County Fair.........................................................................45 Potawatomi Festival........................................................................62 Potter’s Bridge Fall Festival...........................................................69 Pow Wow-NCGLNAC 10th Annual Gathering of Great Lakes Nations................................................................30 Proud to be an American Patriotic Boat Parade and Celebration........................................................................39 Pumpkin Fantasyland................................................................ 33, 65 Pumpkin Harvest Festival..............................................................65 Purdue Christmas Show................................................................19 Purdue Grand Prix Race................................................................19 Purdue Spring Fest..........................................................................19 Q Quaker Day Festival........................................................................62 Queen of All Saints Festival..............................Inside Back Cover R Rail Fest.............................................................................................23 Raintree Music Heritage Festival........................................... 20, 21 Redbud Trail Rendezvous...............................................................17 Red Gold/Elwood Chamber of Commerce Chili Cook-Off....................................................................................71 82 Red Skelton Festival........................................................................28 Remington Water Tower Days......................................................29 A Renaissance in Roanoke............................................................70 Rentown Old Fashion Days..........................................................37 Reynolds Fest...................................................................................61 Ribfest................................................................................................35 Riley Festival...........................................................16, 41, 54, 65, 66 Riley Wrangler’s 28th Annual Arts and Crafts Fair.....16, 18, 54 Ripley County 4-H Fair..................................................................15 Rising Sun Festival of Fine Arts and Crafts................................61 Rising Sun Navy Bean Fall Festival...............................................70 RiverFest............................................................................................35 RiverRoots Music and Folk Arts Festival....................................22 Roann Covered Bridge Festival....................................................57 60th Annual Roanoke Fall Festival...............................................57 Rockville Main Street Community Yard Sale..............................34 Rome Courthouse Days................................................................69 Rosedale PTO Christmas Bazaar.................................................34 Rosedale Strawberry Festival........................................................29 Round Barn Festival........................................................................28 Round the Fountain Art Fair.................................................. 19, 23 Route 66 Yard Sale..........................................................................71 Russiaville Summer Fest.......................................................... 24, 27 S Saint Joseph Spring Fair..................................................................26 Salamonie Summer Festival...........................................................39 Salute to Veterans of WWII..........................................................58 Santa Arrives.....................................................................................11 Santa Claus Christmas Celebration.............................................76 Sassafras Tea Festival & Civil War Living History.............. 13, 17 Schweizer Fest.................................................................................48 Second Fridays.................................................................................16 Sellersburg Celebrates!..................................................................50 Selma Lions Club Annual Bluebird Days Festival......................50 41st Annual Seymour Oktoberfest..............................................66 Shades 2nd Annual Chautauqua...................................................36 Shelby County Arts Fest......................................................... 26, 58 Sheridan BlueGrass Fever..............................................................40 Shipshewana Fall Crafters Fair.....................................................66 Shipshewana Ice Festival................................................................76 Shipshewana Pajama Sale...............................................................10 Shipshewana Quilt Festival..................................................... 35, 84 Shirley Founders Day......................................................................47 Shoals Catfish Festival....................................................................39 Shubael Pioneer Village Heritage Weekend................................71 Smoke On The Square-Annual Bartholomew County BBQ Cook-Off..........................................................................32 Snowsey Down Main......................................................................19 Sorghum Festival..............................................................................25 South Bend Blues & Ribs Festival................................................35 Southeast Indiana F.A.R.M. Club’s Antique Machinery Show.......................................................................35 South Shore Air Show....................................................................40 Speedway Spectacular.....................................................................63 Spencer County Fair.......................................................................31 Spencer Riverfront Festival & Duck Race..................................28 Spiceland Freedom Days................................................................21 Spirit of Jasper Train Rides............................................................11 All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. Index Spirit of Monticello Festival...........................................................46 Spirit of Vincennes Rendezvous....................................................24 3rd Annual Springtime in Indiana Arts, Crafts and Gift Showcase............................................................................14 Spring Valpo-Fest Motorcycle-Car Show....................................24 St. Andrew 38th Annual Greek Festival......................................28 Stars & Stripes Concert and Fireworks.....................................19 Steam Corner Covered Bridge Celebration.............................70 St. Joe Pickle Festival.......................................................................25 Stone’s Trace Pioneer Festival.......................................................58 St. Patrick’s Day Celebration.........................................................14 93rd Annual St. Peter’s Labor Day Festival................................56 Strawberries in the Park Festival.................................................25 Strawberry Day & Old Jasper Day..............................................11 Strawberry Daze..............................................................................33 Sugar Camp Days............................................................................14 Sullivan Co Shifters “Be There or Be Square”...........................12 Sullivan County 4H Fair.................................................................12 Sullivan County Coon Hunters Association-National Trials......................................................12 Sullivan County Rotary Corn Festival.........................................61 Sullivan County Shifters Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show........12 Sullivan County Shifters Cruise In...............................................12 Sullivan Rotary Corn Festival........................................................12 Sulphur Springs Community Days...............................................47 Summer Antique Show...................................................................10 Summer Sidewalk Sales..................................................................10 Summertime Celebration of Arts and Crafts............................49 Summit Lake Optimist Triathlon & Walk/Run............................21 Summitville Country Fair...............................................................36 Sunday Night Concerts..................................................................59 Sunflower Fair.....................................................Inside Back Cover Sunman Wine & Fireworks Festival.............................................15 Superboat Grand Prix Race.............................Inside Back Cover Sweet Corn Festival........................................................................47 Swiss Wine Festival.........................................................................50 T Talbot Street Art Fair.....................................................................31 Taste of Brown County..................................................................22 Taste of Cass County.....................................................................48 Taste of Hancock County..............................................................61 Taste of Kokomo.............................................................................49 Taste of Montgomery County......................................................51 Taste of the Gardens......................................................................51 Taste of the Southside, presented by Community Health Network.......................................................................13 TASTE of Tippecanoe.............................................................. 19, 34 53rd Annual Tecumseh Lodge Pow Wow...................................55 Three Rivers Festival............................................................... 35, 40 Tippecanoe County 4-H Fair........................................................19 Tippecanoe Steam & Gas Power Show......................................19 Tipton County Pork Festival.........................................................57 Tombstone Trail................................................................................33 Touch of Dutch................................................................................48 Town-wide Yard Sale.......................................................................11 Trader’s Point Hunt Charity Horse Show..................................59 Trail of Courage Living History Festival.....................................63 Tree City Fall Festival.....................................................................63 Tri-State Antique Market........................................................ 20, 47 Tri-State Swap/Sell Meet................................................................38 Trucks in Paradise...........................................................................51 Turkey Run Pioneer Heritage Festival.........................................34 Twelve Mile 500...............................................................................39 20th Century Chevy Car Fest................................................. 1, 61 U Uptown Jazz and Blues............................................................ 19, 52 V Valparaiso Popcorn Festival...........................................................58 Vera Bradley Outlet Sale................................................................35 Vermont Settlement Festival.........................................................46 Versailles Pumpkin Show........................................................ 15, 63 Versailles State Park Bluegrass Festival................................ 15, 69 Victorian Hometown Christmas..................................................12 Village Ghost Walk..........................................................................59 Vintage Indiana Wine and Food Festival.............................. 22, 27 W Wabash Herb Fest..........................................................................49 Wabash Riverfest...................................................................... 19, 45 Wakarusa Maple Syrup Festival....................................................15 WAMM Fest.....................................................................................49 27th Annual Wanamaker Old Settlers Day Street Fair and Classic Car Show..............................................................31 Wanatah Scarecrow Festival..................... 64, Inside Back Cover Washington Park Festival of Lights.................Inside Back Cover WATTS in the Sky...........................................................................12 Westfield Rocks the Fourth..........................................................39 Westville Pumpkin Festival........................ 67, Inside Back Cover Whispering Beard Folk Festival............................................. 15, 50 White County Pork n’ Pumpkin Festival....................................66 White River Poultry Show............................................................28 White River Valley Antique Show........................................... 1, 57 Whitetail Farm Fall Family Fun.....................................................47 Wilbur Wright Birthplace Christmas Walk................................47 Wilbur Wright Birthplace Festival...............................................21 Windmill Winter Wonderland......................................................33 Wine, Cheese and Art Festival................................................ 1, 53 Winter Antique Show.....................................................................10 Winter Wonderland...........................................Inside Back Cover Winterfest.........................................................................................38 Wizard of Oz Festival....................................................................60 Wolcott Summer Festival..............................................................39 World Pulse Festival.......................................................................49 World’s Largest 48th Antique Engine & Tractor Show............38 Y Yellow River Festival................................................................ 27, 37 Yellowstone Trail Fest.............................................................. 30, 49 YMI Picnic.........................................................................................10 Z Zionsville Fall Festival.....................................................................59 Zionsville Lion’s Club 60th Annual Fall Festival........................58 Zoom Town ATV Run.....................................................................34 Zoom Town Covered Bridge 5k Run/Walk...............................23 Find more festival and event information at IndianaFestivals.org 83 2013 PLEASE WELCOME ! Libby Lehman 2013 84 FEATURED PERSONALITY All festival dates are subject to change. All festival hours vary. Call festival for confirmation. Our Festival & events are Year-round Maple Sugar Festival Michigan City Summer Festival Spring Maple Sugar Festival LaPorte County Antique Show Summer Michigan City Summer Festival Queen of All Saints Festival LaPorte County Antique Show LaPorte County Historical Society Civil War Weekend LaPorte Jaycee’s 4th of July Parade/Fireworks Fish Lake Festival LaPorte County Fair Hannafest New Carlisle Hometown Days Superboat Grand Prix Race Leprechaun Hunt Mill Pond Festival Lakefront Art Festival Michigan City In-Water Boat Show /Michigan City RV/Camping Show Labor Dayz Sunflower Fair Washington Park Festival of Lights Door Village Harvest Festival LaPorte County Antique Show Sunflower Fair Applefest – Garwood’s Arts & Crafts Fair Wanatah Scarecrow Festival Pioneer Days at Creek Ridge County Park Westville Pumpkin Festival WinTer Pioneer Land Christmas Open House Washington Park Festival of Lights Christmas Fest at Hensler Nursery Winter Wonderland 800.634.2650 AuTumn MichiganCityLaPorte.com Hesston Steam Museum Annual Hesston Steam & Power Show For more information on festivals, please view the Arts & Events section of our website. TogeTherwesave.coM savingTogeTher. It’S WHy WE’RE CallED cooPeraTives. For more than 60 years, Hoosier Energy and our electric cooperatives have been providing clean and reliable electricity to thousands of homes, farms, schools, and businesses across Central and Southern Indiana. And for more than three decades, we’ve been a sponsor of the Indiana Festival Guide, which helps promote a valuable and dynamic homegrown industry — Indiana tourism. It’s one way we help build more active, vibrant communities. Another way is by helping consumers use energy more efficiently. It’s all part of our commitment to you. Your Touchstone Energy Cooperatives and you. TogeTher we save. The Hoosier Energy Power Network The hoosier energy Power neTwork TouchsTone energy cooPeraTives include: Bartholomew County REMC • Clark County REMC • Daviess-Martin County REMC • Decatur County REMC Dubois REC • Harrison REMC • Henry County REMC • Hoosier Energy REC • Jackson County REMC Johnson County REMC • Orange County REMC • RushShelby Energy • South Central Indiana REMC Southeastern Indiana REMC • Southern Indiana Power • Utilities District of Western Indiana REMC Wayne-White Counties EC • WIN Energy REMC • Whitewater Valley REMC
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