English - Innovative Prison Systems


English - Innovative Prison Systems
Catalog #2
Management of
Prison Systems
Strategic Performance Management Systems
Strategic performance management is at the heart of every complex organiza6onal system. Alignment and real-­‐6me monitoring of prison administra6on strategic objec6ves, prison units opera6onal objec6ves and prison staff performance across the systems is therefore crucial for obtaining op6mum results. IPS Innova6ve Prison Systems has extensive experience and specific technology based solu6ons regarding: . Strategic objec5ves defini5on & alignment;
. Key performance indicators and design of monitoring systems;
. Business intelligence and balanced scorecard implementa5on;
. Na5onal performance systems monitoring and performance ranking;
. Staff performance management systems implementa5on. Technical Assistance in Moderniza5on Processes
The wide discussion on the priva6za6on of public services has revolved mostly around arguments based on the ideological background of poli6cal decision makers rather than on the studies that may support them. In fact, in most European countries there is a lack of comprehensive studies assessing the best op6ons for the moderniza6on of jus6ce and correc6onal services comparing different models (including par6al or full-­‐outsourcing) tested (with successes and failures) in various countries around the world.
An assessment -­‐ as a basis for policymaking – comprising the various op6ons for correc6onal services outsourcing (including P PP analysis), as well as models of management and monitoring of the prison systems in the face of these op6ons, is therefore and important work to be conducted.
IPS provides support to prison administra6on decision-­‐
making processes through a compara6ve analysis of different service outsourcing models, including jus6ce and penal execu6on services. Quality Systems Implementa5on
Quality, con6nuous improvement and organiza6onal excellence have become standard vocabulary in public administra6on organiza6ons. IPS Innova6ve Prison Systems has been implemen6ng quality systems (ISO, C AF, EFQM) in both the public and private sectors, with experience in more than 21 prison units. For this purpose, we have developed specific soSware tools, materials and e-­‐
learning content, so that your prison system can func6on as a system and not as an archipelago. IPS experts are able to support you through the journey of con6nuous improvement: . C AF / E FQM implementa5on; . Quality standards implementa5on; . Benchmarking.
Interna5onal Network of Experts
IPS Innova6ve Prison Systems has developed a wide network of professional experts and researchers working in prisons throughout the world to provide different types of analysis and outcomes.
The I PS network works as a plaTorm to connect individuals who are prominent in their respec6ve fields in order to develop innova6ve analysis, programs and extensive research on prison systems management and technologies. . Compara5ve penal law; . Rehabilita5on programs; . Educa5on and training; . Security and prison management support technologies; . Health in prisons; . Prison labor and industries; . Quality standards.
IPS is a founding member of the B SAFE L AB law enforcement, jus6ce and public safety research and technology transfer laboratory established by U BI University.
Prison Work and Industries
The popula6on serving prison sentences is considerable. Offenders are clearly separated from the rest of society and subject to a high rate of failure in their future reintegra6on. A large body of research confirms the fact that social reintegra6on is directly linked to the re-­‐entry into the labor market. Hence the importance of the task assigned to prison work and prison industries when it comes to providing and maintaining essen6al skills and work habits. Due to overall budget constraints, some prison systems have been focusing their aZen6on on prison industries both as a rehabilita6on solu6on but also as a means to reduce the criminal jus6ce costs, ensuring a higher return in compensa6on to the vic6ms, the community and the prison system itself.
At I PS, we support you:
IPS team has par6cipated in the development of the "White Paper onPrison Work and Industries in Europe: organiza6on and management of prison workshops, published by C IRE in Catalonia.
. Defining and implemen5ng prison work/industry policies;
. Involving employers within the prison industry framework; . Prison industries management.
Interna5onal Benchmarking
Our prison services interna6onal benchmarking team of experts supports our correc6onal partners to achieve sustainable improvements in opera6onal efficiency and effec6veness.
IPS Innova6ve Prison Systems team uses a rigorously defined taxonomy of prison func6onal processes and ac6vi6es that ensures reliable comparisons across different prison systems. Our benchmarking consultants work with your correc6onal partners to quickly complete the acquisi6on of prison benchmark data, using customized client portals and online data-­‐valida6on tools. ASer analysis, they deliver their fact-­‐based findings to the client to establish a baseline for prison system current performance, providing results against an appropriate peer group; defining and quan6fying the prison system/
prison unit performance gaps, both in terms of func6onal efficiency and effec6veness; and priori6zing prison process improvement ini6a6ves, ranging from quick wins to longer-­‐term projects.
Portugal Rua Adriano Correia de Oliveira Lote 2, 4A -­‐ Lab E1
1600-­‐312 Lisboa
© 2014 I PS -­‐ I PS Innova6ve Prison Systems is a registered Trade Mark of Q UALIFY J UST -­‐ I T solu6ons and Consul6ng, Ltd (Portugal)
Str. Despot-­‐Voda, 42-­‐44, 3nd floor, ap. 9, Room 1, District 2