Pierre Area Referral Service


Pierre Area Referral Service
The 25-member local United Way
Board of Directors monitors its
Partner Agencies to be sure funds
are used for the purposes intended;
and it decides what agencies and
what programs to fund.
It matters!
American Red Cross, Oahe Chapter
Oahe Child Development Center
Capital Area Counseling Services
Oahe Inc.
Literacy Program
Disaster Services
Healthy Lifestyles + Social Skills Training
Teen Court + Boys & Girls Club of the Capital Area
Central SD Child Assessment Center
Comprehensive Medical Evaluations
Central South Dakota RSVP
YBF Grants
Twice each year grant
requests are accepted
and grants are made to
serve the special or exceptional needs of youth
in our area. Grant forms
are available via the website: capareaunitedway.org
United Way manages a list
of elderly and disabled
homeowners in Pierre and
Fort Pierre whose snow removal is provided by inmates of the SD Women’s
Prison. Home owners must
sign up anew each year.
Girls on the Run /
Girls on Track
These two programs serve
girls in 3rd-5th grades and
6th–8th grades. Volunteer
coaches lead lessons,
games, activities and noncompetitive running/walking
workouts which build self
esteem and help to prepare
girls for a lifetime of selfrespect and healthy living.
Imagination Library
Carefully selected books
are mailed free to
children from birth
through age five in
Hughes and Stanley
Counties. Parents must
sign up for the program.
Student & Teacher
Support Fund
Small grants are given to
area schools to help meet
unusual, unfunded basic
needs of students — and
to compensate classroom
teachers who have often
paid for such needs out of
their own pockets. Funds
are used to buy school
supplies, gloves, milk
tickets, bus passes, etc.
Oahe Family YMCA
Membership Subsidies + Licensed Afterschool/Day Camp
Youth Sports & Swim Lessons
Pierre Area Referral Service
RSVP Reading Buddies + Navigating Medicare
Food Pantry + Emergency Assistance + Backpack Program
Community & Youth Involved Center
Sioux Council Boy Scouts
After School / Latchkey Program + Summer Recreation
 Senior Nutrition Program
Scouting Program
Consumer Credit Counseling Services
Credit Counseling Program
South Dakota Discovery Center
Hands-on Science for Kids
Southeast Community Center
Feeding South Dakota
Community Banquet + Busy Beeing Club
Pierre Food Bank
The Right Turn
Girl Scouts – Dakota Horizons
Adult Education/Literacy + English as 2nd Language
Girl Scout Leadership Experience
Growing Up Together
Urban Indian Health
Missouri Shores Domestic
Violence Center
Western Resources for
Independent Living
Medical Equipment
Prenatal Education & Parenting Education
Home Modifications / Adaptive Devices
Shelter and Support Services + Awareness
Capital Area United Way—1801 East Wells / PO Box 1111, Pierre, SD 57501— 2249229