communicator - IRWA Chapter 57
communicator - IRWA Chapter 57
C O M M U N I C A TO R I N L A N D E M P I R E Volume 11, Issue 1 January 2008 C H A P T E R 5 7 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: President’s Message 1 2008 Executive Board 2 From the Desk of the PDC Chairs 3 A Word from Your Newsletter Editor 3 Happy New Year to All. I hope each of you had a Our Newest SR/ WA—Stephi Villanueva 5 Transportation Issues 6 People in the News: Mona Nemat 7 IRWA Courses 8 Education Update 9 Press Release— Peggy Barnes 10 Mission Statement 10 Website Information 12 MEETING DATES: Riverside Convention Center 3443 Orange Street Riverside 951-787-7950 LUNCHEON 11:30—1pm (First Wednesday) • January 9 (CHANGED) • February 6 • March 5 • April 2 • May 7 • June 4 • September 3 • October 1 • November 5 • December TBD BOARD (Third Thursday) • January 17 • February 21 • March 20 • April 17 • May 15 • August 21 • September 18 • October 16 • November 20 • December TBD A MESSAGE FROM CHAPTER 57’S PRESIDENT safe and sane holiday season. The Tri-Chapter Installation was hosted by Chapter 57 and was held at the Mission Inn on December 4. It was well attended by members of all three chapters. The officers for 2008 were installed by Jim Struble, the International President. The Mission Inn provided an elegant backdrop for the event. The decorations were lovely and several people went home with nice silent auction purchases, door prizes and raffle gifts. Kim Reed and I received positive feedback and lots of compliments from folks who attended. Of course, the event would not have been nearly as nice without the efforts of the Tri-Chapter committee, comprised of Bob Perdue (Cap’n Bligh), Brad Bassi, Kim Reed, Mark Routh, Duncan Bush, Nelson Stewart, Bill Reinhart, Jan Spindler, Janet Parks and myself. Claudia Chase and Val Basinger, as Events co-chairs did a tremendous job coordinating the event with the Mission Inn, making sure that all the bases were covered and that registration ran smoothly. Our biggest imminent change for 2008 is the venue of our membership meetings. The Old Spaghetti Factory served us well for nine years, but the Board decided that it was time for a change. Our meetings for 2008 will be held at the Riverside Convention Center, located at 3443 Orange Street, in Riverside, which is between 5th Street and 6th Street, in the downtown area, just a few blocks from The Old Spaghetti Factory. The cost of lunch remains the same ($15.00). Parking is free. Special announcements were sent to the membership via e-mail on December 21 and December 31, and another one will be sent on January 2, 2008. A lengthy explanation of the details surrounding the venue change is posted on the Chapter’s website, should you wish to read it. All e-Vite responses will be due to Val Basinger by Friday, January 4, 2008. I hope you will like the change in location, and I hope to see you at the Riverside Convention Center on January 9, 2008. The January meeting will be dedicated to acknowledging and celebrating individuals and employers who excelled in 2007. Since we did not host a Fall Education Seminar and Casino Night in 2007, I will approach the Board for input on that matter. I will keep you posted regarding the Board’s decision. We are fortunate to have many returning Board members, as well as new members to the Board. Our new Board members are: John Kalapp of Stewart Title is our incoming Treasurer. Barbara A. Ford, who works at the Riverside County Flood Control and Conservation District, will serve as the Chapter Secretary. Stephi Villanueva, SR/WA, of the County of Riverside, will sit on the Professional Development committee. Marvin Cohen, a paralegal at Best Best & Krieger LLP, will cochair the Education committee with Sheryn Smay. Valynda Basinger, a paralegal with Best Best & Krieger LLP, will serve as co-Events chair with Claudia Chase. Mona Nemat, Esq., of Best Best & Krieger LLP, will chair the Legal Issues/Ethics committee. Lisa Andresen, of the City of Riverside, will serve on the Membership committee under Mike Green. Michael S. Romo, SR/WA, of CalTrans, will serve on the Local Public Agency committee under Duncan Bush, SR/WA. David Buzon of CalTrans will chair the Pipeline committee, and Steven McClaury, also of CalTrans, will chair the Transportation committee. Please join me in welcoming the new Board members. I wish to also thank the outgoing Board members: Marilee Rendulich, SR/WA, of the County of San Bernardino, served for three years on the Professional Development committee. James Touchstone, Esq. of Best Best & Krieger LLP, served as the Legal Liaison chair. Chip Hord served as the Pipeline chair. Nicole Bryant served as co-chair of the Education committee with Sheryn Smay. Nicole was instrumental in coordinating the chapter’s dealings with the appropriate personnel at the Riverside Convention Center for the luncheon venue change. If you are not involved with a committee, I encourage you to get active in the Chapter. A list of the committees and the committee chairs’ contact information is included in each newsletter. Committee work can be enormously rewarding and, if you wish to make it happen, can be a first step toward serving on the Executive Board. Get involved and have some fun! Our Chapter has earned the reputation of being a fun chapter, with members who get things done. I applaud the efforts and commitment of each Board member and committee member who has worked to make Chapter 57 great. I am looking forward to another successful year for Chapter 57 as we move into 2008. Peggy Barnes, Chapter President V o l u m e 1 1 , Is s u e 1 Page 2 IRWA CHAPTER 57—2008 EXECUTIVE BOARD President: Advisors to the Board: Professional Development: Margaret (Peggy) L. Barnes Kim Reed (2007) 3rd Year: Epic Land Solutions, Inc. Janet Parks (2005) Walt Evans, III, SR/WA (951) 321-4748 Mark Routh (2004) Epic Land Solutions, Inc. William Reinhart (2003) (760) 419-9236 President-Elect: Duncan Bush, SR/WA (2001) Brad Bassi Robert Shea Perdue, MAI (2000) Robert Shea Perdue RE Appraisal (951) 694-6904 Micheal Green (1996 &1999) Immediate Past President: Appraiser Kim Reed (951) 780-7328 Treasurer: Overland, Pacific & Cutler, Inc. John Kalapp (951) 683-2353 Stewart Title Company (714) 926-6259 Events: County of Riverside, Claudia J. Chase Facilities Management (951) 955-9277 Secretary: Riv Co Transportation Commission Barbara A. Ford (951) 787-7937 Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and 2nd Year: James Kearns, SR/WA 1st Year: Stephi Villanueva, SR/WA Relocation: Bob Stoddard (951) 955-4211 Valynda Basinger Overland, Pacific & Cutler, Inc. Best Best & Krieger, LLP (760) 776-1238 Asset Management: (951) 826-8256 Janet M. Parks County of Riverside, EDA Legal Issues: (951) 955-6667 Mona M. Nemat, Esq. Robert Shea Perdue RE Appraisal Best Best & Krieger, LLP (951) 694-6904 ext. 4 Communications: (951) 826-8215 Jan Spindler Transportation: Real Estate Services Division Local Public Agency: Steven McClaury City of Riverside Duncan Bush, SR/WA California Department of (951) 826-5498 Epic Land Solutions, Inc. Transportation Survey: Mark Routh, CREA (951) 515-6714 (909) 383-4938 Education: Sheryn Smay Membership: Utilities: Real Estate Services Division Micheal Green, SR/WA Nelson N. Stewart, MAI, SRA City of Riverside Overland, Pacific & Cutler, Inc. Mountain High Appraisal Services (951) 826-5343 (949) 951-5263 (909) 338-0160 Nominations & Elections: Marvin Cohen Robert Shea Perdue, MAI Mark Routh, CREA Best Best & Krieger, LLP Robert Shea Perdue RE Appraisal Robert Shea Perdue RE Appraisal (951) 826-8440 (951) 694-6904 (951) 694-6904 Environmental: Pipeline: William “Bill” O’Braitis David Buzon URS Corp. California Department of Robert Shea Perdue RE Appraisal (909) 980-4000 ext. 1114 Bill_O’ Transportation (951) 694-6904 (909) 435-5531 and Valuation: and Robert Shea Perdue, MAI COMMUNICATOR Page 3 Riverside Convention Center located at 3443 Orange Street, Riverside, California 951-787– 7950 11:30 am to 1:00 pm (First Wednesday of the month) Cost for Lunch and Meeting/Presentation —$15.00 FROM THE DESK OF THE PDC CHAIRS Walt Evans, SR/WA, R/W-RAC, Year 3 (951) 321-4736 Jim Kearns, MAI, SR/WA, Year 2 (951) 780-7328 Stephi Villanueva, CREA, SR/WA, Year 1 (951) 955-9277 First, we would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! To jump start 2008 the PDC has some important news to report for the member(s) who submitted their SR/WA Candidacy Application five years ago, you have until July 2008 to complete your work, classes and comprehensive exam. For example, if the Candidate has successfully passed the SR/WA final exam more than 5 (five) years ago BUT have not completed the other requirements for the SR/WA designation in those five years, you will have to re-take the examination . Again, this July 2008 deadline applies to SR/WA Candidates only. If you recently passed the SR/WA final exam, congratulations. However, the clock ticks for you as well. Trust us, 5 years goes by quickly. So, review your course history and determine what class(es) you need to fulfill all of the requirements for the SR/WA designation. If you have any questions, please see one of us after the lunch meeting. Editor’s Note: Congratulations to Stephi Villanueva for recently receiving her SR/WA designation! A WO R D F RO M YO U R N E W S L E T T E R E D I TO R Hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday and are now refreshed and ready to get back to work! Looking back on last year, the Chapter really surpassed itself with outstanding events, like the Golf Tournament and the TriChapter Installation Luncheon. If you weren't able to attend any of these events, please make an effort to attend this year. Your Board has some dynamite events planned for the months ahead. Please stay tuned to the newsletter and emails for details as they become finalized. There will be a lot happening this year, with changes to relocation law and eminent domain pro- visions. I’m sure that we will have some terrific speakers on these topics. And talking about changes, are you aware that we are going somewhere else for lunch this year? What, you say, we’re not going to the Spaghetti Factory any more? You’re right!!!! We have made arrangements for the luncheons to be held at the magnificent Convention Center right here in River City! You should have received several emails about the change, or you can check out the information on the website. Please welcome all of our new Board members and remem- ber—you can volunteer too, and make our Chapter even more outstanding! For more news and information, go to the Chapter website at or the International website at See you at the luncheon! Jan Spindler, IRWA Chapter 57 Communications Chair THE AWARD-WINNING IRWA CHAPTER 57 NEWSLETTER IS NOW EXCLUSIVELY ONLINE—DOWNLOAD AND READ IT AT YOUR LEISURE AND REMEMBER—YOU ARE SAVING A LOT OF TREES! Page 4 V o l u m e 1 1 , Is s u e 1 IRWA CHAPTER 57 SPONSORS COMMUNICATOR Page 5 OUR NEWEST SENIOR RIGHT OF WAY AGENT: STEPHI VILLANUEVA Well, I spent a long time trying to figure out what to say about myself. So, I talked to my friend Stephanie, and had her ask me some questions. Here is her interview. Q: By the way why am I asking you these questions? A: Well, Jan Spindler (our newsletter editor) wanted to do a feature on me because I completed my SR/WA designation and I am on the Professional Development Committee (1st year) with Walt Evans and Jim Kearns (two superb gentlemen). It’s going to be fun! Thank you to Marilee Rendulich who encouraged me to finish my SR/WA (finally!). Q: Tell me a little bit about yourself. A: My name is Stephi Villanueva. I was born and raised in Hilo, Hawaii. I am the 3rd of 4 kids. I graduated from Southern Oregon State College with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. Q: How did you end up at the Inland Empire? A: I moved to Southern California 20 years ago. After several moves and jobs, I found myself working for Bob Perdue. I heard the terms right-of-way, eminent domain, and severance damages for the first time. That was my introduction to the International Right of Way Association. I started to take classes and said … there may be a future in this industry. I worked for Bob for 8 years. Q: Then where did you go? A: I went to the County of San Bernardino Real Estate Services Department for three years. For the past two years, I’ve worked for the County of Riverside - Department of Facilities Management. I continue to be challenged every day by the interesting projects I am fortunate to work on for various departments within the County. Q: Well, enough about work. What about your personal life? A: Well, I am single (still looking for Mr. Right), no children. I have 3 nieces and 1 nephew. I am also very close to my sister. We talk almost every day. My parents just celebrated their 50th anniversary. They are very passionate about their sports particularly the University of Hawaii Warriors. Q: What else do you enjoy? You know, the typical stuff, I guess, traveling, movies, reading, spending time with family and friends. Oh, I forgot - watching the Lakers. I wish I could do more traveling. Q: If you could, where would you go? A: I would love to take the train across Canada, the New England states (at fall), South Carolina and Alaska. Q. Anything else you want to say? A: Well, not really. I’m supposed to provide a picture of myself. My mom e-mailed me this picture (see left). I haven’t changed much, huh? No comments please. Also, I want to wish everyone a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. I look forward to my year serving on your Professional Development Committee. (Yes, this is me – don’t ask what year this picture was taken and what I was thinking about) Stephi Villanueva, SR/WA Page 6 V o l u m e 1 1 , Is s u e 1 TRANSPORTATION ISSUES Is Real Estate in the eye of “The Perfect Storm”? Larry S. Stevens, SR/WA Overland, Pacific & Cutler, Inc. It has been just over two years since I penned an article talking about the “Perfect Storm” for a real estate market collapse, and sadly some of the pain mentioned in the article has come to pass – interest rates have risen, housing prices have declined, wages have not risen to match housing costs and the consequences of the flawed loan products being offered buyers have come home to roost. Sub-prime lenders have taken huge hits – many small firms shuttered their doors and ceased to exist – Washington Mutual, the largest home loan bank, has lost 80% of its stock value; Citibank and Bank of America have penciled off billions and are seeking financial refuge in Middle East investors. The Los Angeles Time on December 28, 2007 raised the specter that option ARM loans (a loan that allows the borrower to pay less than the basic amortization interest that would be due) are beginning to reset in the “prime” market just as they did in the sub-prime market – and with some of the same negative effects. Confidence in the market continues to erode loan security and with lenders adjusting rates, the pool of people in default is on the increase. If this news isn’t depressing enough, December showed the worst monthly decline in house prices in more than twenty years – 6.7%. And the market debacle has primarily focused on just one element that I discussed in my previous piece– risky loan products; we have not seen the worst of any of the other elements I discussed, not yet at least. The Federal Reserve Bank, with the guns of recession and potential meltdown of the entire banking industry pointed directly at its head, was forced to reduce some of the interest rate sting by reducing the prime rate. President Bush has negotiated some relief from the lending industry for those in the sub-prime market who meet certain limited criteria; criteria that primarily benefits the lending industry I might add, and a salve that does nothing to aid those in the “prime” market or those drowning but still with equity. But despite these efforts, I suspect that little of these actions will stem the tide of defaults or have any meaningful impact on calming the market jitters in the short term. In discussing the situation with people close to the business and from items that crop up in the various media almost daily, we have not seen the belly of the beast and we can expect another 1015% correction in the coming months. A recovery in 2009, as some real estate pundits predict, seems far too optimistic with the set of negative issues piling up at our doorstep. These effects cannot be good for the economy, rippling as they are through all segments of the economy – Home Depot stock is down 35% from last year and the holiday sales figures were less than, shall we say, “merry”. And the effects on the real estate market will be especially telling on those who bought or refinanced their homes with these various ARM products in the past 5 years. In the past, these folks would have just started the cycle over; pay a visit to your friendly online banker, tell them to re-up your ARM, fudge your income numbers a bit, reduce the payment again and the market inflation would make you look like a financial genius. But with the more stringent lending rules and lost equity, this scenario is no longer an option; all that is left to these people is belt tightening, if possible, or worse-- the loss of their American dream. As evidence that we may be seeing only the tip of this looming iceberg, 75% of those with option ARM loans are making the minimum payment due according to analysts at Standard & Poor’s Corporation. Any change in circumstance and there could well become a new tidal wave of foreclosures that will further depress the real estate market and damage the nation’s financial institutions. Surprising, at least to me, is that the increased cost of oil has not been a significant factor in driving interest rates up. The last time we saw double digit interest rates, which was during the Carter administration, a dramatic spike in oil prices caused by the Iran crisis largely sparked it. For whatever reason, it has not happened this time, at least so far. If oil prices were to push interest rates up again, as they did in the 70’s, I hate to imagine what would happen to our American way of life. Although we probably will not see bread lines like in the 1930's, such an event would most assuredly leave the American economy in tatters that would take years to mend. On the bright side – if there is one – it is ultimately the American people who decide when the markets have bottomed out and they will decide when things are improving. We can only hope that the added products being sold overseas with our cheaper dollars and the re-invigoration of the housing market with a larger pool of buyers who can legitimately qualify for the house they wish to buy will raise the national confidence in our economy as a whole. Without consumer confidence that the worst has past, the continuing bad news will only get worse and the tempest will rise to a Class 5 hurricane. The opinions expressed are solely those of the author. COMMUNICATOR Page 7 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS: MONA NEMAT Ms. Nemat joined the law firm of Best Best & Krieger LLP in 2007 as an Associate with the Eminent Domain Practice Group. She also belongs to the firm’s Litigation Practice Group. Prior to joining Best Best & Krieger, LLP, Ms. Nemat was an associate at McCormick, Kidman & Behrens, a boutique law firm in Orange County specializing in water law and land use planning. There, Ms. Nemat’s practice included representation of municipalities, special districts, business entities and individuals in matters of public law, eminent domain, water rights, and environmental and land use issues, with a focus on litigation. At Best Best & Krieger, Ms. Nemat primarily assists public entities in acquiring property through the use of eminent domain. She also focuses on relocation issues that often accompany such acquisitions and on disputes involving loss of business goodwill as a result. During law school, Ms. Nemat worked as a legal research assistant at the Sacramento County Public Defenders Office. In addition, Ms. Nemat clerked for the Real Estate Section at McDonough Holland & Allen, one of the largest law firms in Sacramento. Ms. Nemat was the recipient of the Witkin Legal Institute Award for Academic Excellence in Legal Writing, the Sacramento Valley Bankruptcy Forum Scholarship, the Sacramento County Bar Association Fellowship, and the UC Davis School of Law Public Service Certification. She was also a teaching assistant for both legal writing and legal research. During her undergraduate studies, Ms. Nemat interned for the Honorable Tam Nomoto Schumann at the Orange County Superior Court. Ms. Nemat has co-authored articles for the California Water Law and Policy Journal, including the feature article in May 2005 with Arthur G. Kidman titled, Win Some, Lose Some; the War Over Water in the Santa Clarita Valley. She has also co-authored another article for the Journal about the threat the invasive quagga mussels pose to California’s water supply in March of 2007. Ms. Nemat obtained her bachelor’s degrees in Psychology and Social Behavior as well as in Criminology, Law & Society from the University of California, Irvine in 2001. She obtained her Juris Doctorate degree from the University of California, Davis in 2004. She belongs to the Orange County, Riverside County, California, and American Bar Associations. IRWA CHAPTER 57 SPONSORS Page 8 V o l u m e 1 1 , Is s u e 1 IRWA EDUCATION COURSES Course # Subject Date(s) Location Chapter Contact 503 Mobile Home Relocation January 18, 2008 Santa Ana, CA 67 Alissa Randolph 714-379-3376 602 Project Development and the Environmental Process January 24-25, 2008 San Diego, CA 11 Sandra Durbin 205 Bargaining Negotiations January 31-February 1, 2008 Santa Ana, CA 67 Alissa Randolph 802 Legal Aspects of Easements February 11, 2008 Santa Ana, CA 67 714-379-3376 Alissa Randolph Public Real Estate Education Symposium February 12-14, 2008 Dallas, TX 74 200 Principles of Real Estate Negotiation February 13-14, 2008 San Diego, CA 11 714-379-3376 Jade Yoong 310-538-0233 x146 Sandra Durbin 100 Principles of Land Acquisition February 19-22, 2008 Downey, CA 1 619-688-6082 Dan Kazden 619-688-6082 600 Introduction to Environmental Issues February 28, 2008 Riverside, CA 57 805-578-2400 x104 Bill O’Braitis 700 Introduction to Property Asset Management April 2008 Riverside, CA 57 909-980-4000 Irene Martinez Principles of Real Estate Law June 2008 Riverside, CA 57 951-86-5450 Kim Reed 800 (951) 683-2353 For more classes, please visit the IRWA website located at COMMUNICATOR Page 9 IRWA CHAPTER 57 SPONSORS EDUCATION UPDATE For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Sheryn Smay and I work for the City of Riverside in the Real Property Services Division. I am the Co-Chair of Education with Marvin Cohen from Best Best & Krieger, LLP. We are excited to tell you about the courses being offered this year. October, 2008—Course 506—Advanced Business Relocation Assistance, 2 day Course, Kim Reed is the coordinator, 951-683-2353 I encourage you to register as soon as possible because you might have to pay a late fee if you wait too long. June, 2008—Course 800—Principles of Real Estate Law, 2 day Course—Kim Reed is the coordinator, 951683-2353 If you plan to be a coordinator for a course, one of the perks is that you are able to attend the class for free. If you are considering being a coordinator, you must be a member in good standing with IRWA, have an email address, and pass the Course Coordinator Certification Program that is available online, if you have not done so already. Your certificate is good for two years. As a coordinator, you are expected to arrange for an instructor, find a location to put on the class, be the “go to” person for registrants, help prepare the brochure and get the materials for the class from headquarters, among other things. September, 2008—Course 201—Comunications in Real Estate Acquisitions, 3 day Course—Sheryn Smay is the Coordinator, 951-826-5343 Please see me or Marvin Cohen for more information or if you have any questions. February 28, 2008—Course 600—Introduction to Environmental Issues, 1 day Course—Bill O’Braitis is the coordinator, 909-980-4000 April, 2008—Course 700—Introduction to Property Asset Management, 2 day Course—Irene Martinez is the coordinator, 951-826-5450 Page 10 V o l u m e 1 1 , Is s u e 1 Epic Land Solutions, Inc. 2601 Airport Drive, Suite 115 Torrance, CA 90505 Voice: 310-378-1178 Fax: 310-378-0558 PRESS RELEASE December 18, 2007 Epic Land Solutions, Inc. welcomes Margaret (Peggy) Barnes as Assistant Project Manager for its Riverside office. Ms. Barnes brings more than 20 years of legal experience to her new role with Epic. She has worked for law firms in Riverside, Los Angeles and Irvine and most recently was Senior Paralegal in eminent domain at Best, Best, & Krieger, LLP. Ms. Barnes is the 2008 President of the International Right of Way Association’s Chapter 57 (Inland Empire). Ms. Barnes’ knowledge in all phases of the eminent domain process, from pre-condemnation to final acquisition, along with her commitment to serve clients adds to Epic’s expertise for public agency acquisition services. “We are very pleased to have Peggy join our continuously growing Inland Empire presence,” says Holly Rockwell, President of Epic Land Solutions, Inc. “She epitomizes the creative, team-oriented and client-focused qualities we value at Epic. In addition to being highly qualified and experienced in the industry, Peggy exhibits the integrity and professionalism that is essential for all Epic employees.” Epic has 3 locations in Southern California including Riverside, Torrance and San Diego, and one office in Portland, Oregon. As scarce as truth is, the supply has always been in excess of the demand. Josh Billings (1818-1885) IRWA MISSION STATEMENT The International Right of Way Association will be the worldwide leader for innovation and excellence in the acquisition and management of right of way and public use infrastructure. COMMUNICATOR Page 11 IRWA CHAPTER 57 SPONSORS Stamp Jan Spindler, IRWA Chapter 57 Communications Chair City of Riverside 3900 Main Street, 5th Floor Riverside, California 92522 951-826-5498 Phone: 909-263-5596 Fax: 888-561-6879 E-mail: We’re on the Web ! Chapter 57: IRWA: Address Label