VCD Sequencer 5 (6241D/6248D)
VCD Sequencer 5 (6241D/6248D)
Universal Part Number: GS-367-00C Reference Configuration 6241D-#41941611 6248D-#46097601, 46097701, 46097901, 46098001, and 41941613 Issued 7/98 VCD Sequencer 5 (6241D/6248D) GS-367-00C 6241D / 6248D 6241D / 6248D GS-367-00C IMC Division Insertion Machine Product Line Product Line VCD Sequencer 5 Axial Lead Sequencer / Inserter 6241D Sequencer Chain-to-Chain Control Cabinet Inserter Shown with Automatic Board Handling Front Covers GS-367-00C 6241D / 6248D 6241D / 6248D GS-367-00C IMC Division Insertion Machine Product Line Product Line VCD Sequencer 5 Axial Lead Sequencer / Inserter 6248D (Shown With Loader/Unloader: Magazine-to-Magazine) Loader with CE-Marked Safety Screens Unloader with CE-Marked Safety Screens GS-367-00C 6241D / 6248D 6241D / 6248D Supporting Documents .......................................................................................... iv Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1 Functional Description ............................................................................................ 1 Standard Features .................................................................................................... 3 X-Y Positioning System ....................................................................................... 3 Controller ............................................................................................................. 3 Metric/Inch Dimensioning ..................................................................................... 3 Machine Light Tower ............................................................................................ 4 Control Panel ....................................................................................................... 4 Add-On Sequencer Module .................................................................................. 5 Dispensing Stations ....................................................................................... 5 Dispensing Heads ......................................................................................... 5 Optical Refire Circuit ..................................................................................... 6 Low Part Sensing/Display .............................................................................. 6 VCD Insertion Head ............................................................................................. 7 Insertion Rate Determination ......................................................................... 7 Insertion Span ............................................................................................... 8 Insertion Depth Stop ...................................................................................... 8 Component Centering ................................................................................... 8 VCD Cut and Clinch ............................................................................................. 9 Board Error Correction ....................................................................................... 11 Setup Tooling Kit ............................................................................................... 12 Selectable Features ............................................................................................... 12 Insertion Tooling ................................................................................................ 12 Optional Features .................................................................................................. 13 U-Teach® Hand-Held Programmer .................................................................... 13 Universal Control Terminal (UCT) ...................................................................... 13 Expanded Range Component Verifier ................................................................ 13 The Jumper Wire Dispenser System ................................................................. 14 Wire Material Property ................................................................................. 15 Make-Up Trays .................................................................................................. 15 Workboard Holders ............................................................................................ 15 Automatic Board Handling ................................................................................. 15 Technical Specifications ....................................................................................... 17 Input Specification .............................................................................................. 17 Input-to-Output Taping Classes ................................................................... 17 Maximum Size of Component Reels (Outer Edge-to-Outer Edge) .............. 18 Sequencer Input Config.: Loc. of Dispensing Stations by Compon. Class .. 19 Dispensing Head Specifications ......................................................................... 20 Insertion Head Input Specifications ................................................................... 21 Body Centering Assembly ........................................................................... 22 Component Input Specifications ........................................................................ 23 Tooling Configuration ................................................................................... 23 Insertion Tooling Specifications ......................................................................... 24 Recommended Component Clearances ...................................................... 25 Component Body Length Considerations .................................................... 26 Standard Tooling ......................................................................................... 27 5mm Tooling ................................................................................................ 28 Large Lead Tooling ...................................................................................... 29 Insertion Specifications ...................................................................................... 30 Positioning System ............................................................................................ 30 Sequencer Specifications .................................................................................. 30 GS-367-00C C o n t e n t s GS-367-00C Controller ........................................................................................................... 30 VCD Sequencer 5 Configuration ........................................................................ 31 Installation Considerations ................................................................................. 32 Dimensions - 6241D .................................................................................... 32 Environmental Requirements—6241D / 6248D ........................................... 33 Service Requirements—6241D ................................................................... 33 Appendix A, Automatic Board Handling (Magazine-to-Magazine) ................ A-35 Introduction ..................................................................................................... A-35 Technical Specifications ................................................................................. A-36 Board Handling System Specifications ........................................................... A-36 Board Specifications ....................................................................................... A-36 Magazine Loader/Unloader Transfer Specifications ........................................ A-37 Table Rotation ................................................................................................. A-38 Magazine Loader/Unloader Configuration ....................................................... A-39 Installation Considerations .............................................................................. A-40 Magazine Loader/Unloader ............................................................................. A-40 Service Requirements ..................................................................................... A-40 6241D / 6248D C o n t e n t s 6241D / 6248D GS-367-00C All specifications are subject to periodic review and may be changed without notice. © Universal Instruments Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved. The following are trademarks of Universal Instruments Corporation, registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office: Satellite Control, UICS, U-Teach, Universal, U-Design. Indicates a change to the document from the previous edition. GS-367-00C Page iv 6241D / 6248D GS-367-00C Supporting Documents GS-055 GS-061 GS-072 GS-112 GS-134 GS-167 GS-255 GS-319-XX GS-354-01 EIA-RS-296-E Indexing Rotary Tables, Series 6100 Lead Tape Reel Packaging of Axial Lead Components, Series 2500 Satellite Control® System, Series 8000 Board Error Correction, Series 8000 Workboard Holders, Series 6810 Expanded Range Component Verifier, Series 2860 U-TEACH Hand-Held Programmer, Model 8345A Pattern Programming Utility (PPU), Model 86721 Through Hole Design Guidelines Lead Taping of Components in Axial Configuration for Automatic Insertion GS-367-00C Page 1 Introduction The VCD Sequencer 5 (Model 6241D) automatically sequences and inserts class A—52mm axial leaded components into a printed circuit board (PCB). The Model 6241D is controlled by a Universal Instruments Control Processor (UICP) and features an X-Y positioning system, high speed VCD insertion head, cut and clinch and from one (standard) to 11 (10 additional) sequencer modules, with 20 dispensing stations per module. The Model 6248D is equipped with automatic PCB handling, including magazine-to-magazine input and output and uses the basic machine elements as the 6241D. See Appendix A for board handling details. Insertion rates up to 16,000 components per hour can be achieved by the VCD Sequencer 5. For optimized machine performance, follow GS-354-01, “Through Hole Design Guidelines,” when designing PC boards. Consult your Universal Sales Engineer. In consideration of essential health and safety requirements, most configurations of the VCD Sequencer 5 are CE-marked. Functional Description The VCD Sequencer 5 places up to 220 axial components (EIA Class I, I, or III), or jumper wire, in sequence on a chain, and then inserts them in sequence in printed circuit boards (PCBs), at speeds up to 16,000 cycles per hour. A pattern program controls the sequence, location, and orientation of the component insertion. With the machine powered up and zeroed, a PCB is located and clamped, either manually or automatically depending upon configuration, into the workboard holder. The pattern program activates the dispensing heads, located on up to 11 sequencer modules. The dispensing heads cut axial lead components from input tape reels or ammo packs, and place them on the sequencer chain in a programmed sequence. Page 2 GS-367-00C The components are then transferred to the VCD chain for transport to the insertion head, where they are centered, verified (optional), and transferred to the insertion tooling. The insertion tooling cuts the component leads to the required length determined by the pattern program and forms the leads for insertion. After insertion through the PCB, the component leads are cut and formed (clinched) to mechanically secure them to the PCB. The process continues until all axial components defined in the pattern program for the PCB are in place. When the pattern program is complete, the PCB is removed or transferred from the machine. GS-367-00C Page 3 Standard Features X-Y Positioning System The X-Y positioning system locates the printed circuit board under the insertion tooling. X-Y Positioning System The X-Y positioning system is equipped with an indexing rotary table that indexes in 90° increments from 0° to 360° in a clockwise rotation. The rotary table is air motor driven under pattern program control and requires less than one second to execute each 90° index. Refer to GS-055, “Indexing Rotary Tables,” for a description of this feature. Controller A series 8223 Universal Instruments Control Processor (UICP) Assembly and Universal Instruments Control Software (UICS® ) are standard with the base machine. These provide a pattern program library, management information display, full on-line editing, pattern queuing, machine self-diagnostics, and a diagnostic display. The series 8223 is installed in the machine console. Refer to GS-072, “Satellite Control System.” Metric/Inch Dimensioning Positioning system dimensioning is user selectable through software for metric or inch operation. Page 4 GS-367-00C Machine Light Tower The machine light tower indicates the status of machine operation with the following color lights. • Red — severe machine error stops machine • Yellow — machine problem or operator has stopped machine • Green — machine running • Blue —feeder issues (dispensing head or jumper wire feeder assembly) Control Panel STATION NUMBER OFF +JOG .001 REF ZERO -JOG SET ZERO TOLERANCE LIMIT ERROR INSERT ERROR CHAIN FAUL T PART MISSIN G LO W AIR LINK HALT MAINT MODE FULL CO MMAND ENABL E HEAD ON ENABL E SEQ OFF The control panel contains all controls and indicators necessary for machine operation. The controls and indicators are functionally arranged for ease of use and to reduce the possibility of operator error. REMOVE RESET FAILED PART CLEAR CHAIN FAULT SING LE CYCLE START STO P REPAIR OFF REMOVE OVER INT ERLO CK STEP RIDE ON ZERO INTERLOCK BYPASS AIR OFF VERIFY ENABLE TOL. FAIL D.F. FAIL The control panel includes a STEP switch and SINGLE CYCLE push button/indicator that permit the operator to step the machine through each sequential function of the insertion cycle. Also included is a HEAD ON switch that, when in the off condition, permits programmed positioning without component insertion during machine setup. The REPAIR function is controlled with a latching push button. When the REPAIR push button is in the “On” position, the machine stops for all insert errors, missing parts, and components verified as bad. When the REPAIR push button is in the “Off” position, the machine bypasses insert errors, missing parts, and components verified as bad. The machine stops after one complete insertion cycle. GS-367-00C Page 5 Add-On Sequencer Module The VCD Sequencer can accommodate up to 11 Sequencer Modules. Each Sequencer Module has 20 dispensing stations for a total machine capacity of 220 stations. Dispensing Stations The capacity of each module is 20 dispensing stations, for processing 20 discrete component types or values. Each station must be equipped with a dispensing head. An unused dispensing station does not affect normal machine operation, but must contain a blank dispensing head. Dispensing Heads The VCD Sequencer 5 uses rotary dispensing heads to cut and place components in sequence on the conveyor chain. Rotary dispensing heads are available in two models: 5mm (0.200") pitch and 9mm/ 10mm (0.375"/0.400") pitch, with optical refire for each of the pitch variables. Dispensing heads are not included and must be ordered separately to meet individual machine requirements. The rotary dispensing head has several unique features: • High operating speed of 25,000 cycles/hour. • Fast and easy output taping class changeover. • One cut component is staged during component load. • Symmetrical cutter provides two cutting surfaces for a minimum of 6 million cuts per cutter. • Low friction assembly requires minimal lubrication. • Tape guide setting with lead screw allows fine adjustment of tape guides for accurate component centering. • Detent provides an accurate method of determining component position. Page 6 GS-367-00C Optical Refire Circuit The optical refire circuit in the Sequencer Module senses a missing component from the input tape and recycles (refires) the dispensing head index mechanism to bring a component into position for programmed dispensing. Because of its ability to cycle through blank areas of the input tape, it reduces the need for operator attention, thus increasing the effective output rate. This refire feature is most useful when processing pre-inspected component reels, in which gaps are left because of the removal of verifier-failed components. Each refire dispensing head is equipped with a light source and an optical light sensor. As a taped component is indexed into position for dispensing onto the conveyor chain, one of its leads interrupts the light beam. 7.6mm (0.30") Max. If the light beam is not interrupted, a “part missing” signal is generated causing the dispensing head to automatically index on the next machine cycle. This “refire” action repeats until a component is detected at the dispensing position or a programmed maximum count is reached. Any missing components in the input tape will cause refiring of the dispensing head, reducing effective machine cycle rate. The refire dispensing head processes components that meet the specifications contained in GS-061, “Lead Tape Reel Packaging of Axial Lead Components.” To prevent the sensor from giving a false indication by sensing a scrap lead end, component removal from the input tape should not leave a lead end after cutout that extends more than 7.6mm (0.30") beyond the inside tape edge. Low Part Sensing/Display Low Part Sensor Roller-Type Flag Assembly The low part sensing feature provides the operator with a visual alarm display whenever any input tape station nears empty within each add-on module. Each input station contains a roller-type sensor flag assembly that interrupts a light beam when the tape runs out. A single tower alarm light illuminates when a run-out condition is sensed. The tower light is reset when a new reel or box of components is installed. GS-367-00C Page 7 VCD Insertion Head The servo-driven VCD insertion head installed on a base machine without options is capable of inserting up to 16,000* axial lead components per hour (cph). Insertion rates are determined using: (1) criteria established or referenced in this General Specification, (2) equipment that is properly set up and maintained, and (3) established patterns enabled in the machine executive program. * Note: When the SBT and ERV are both configured on the base machine, the maximum insert rate is reduced by up to 400 cph. Insertion Head Assembly Insertion Rate Determination To determine the maximum insertion rate of the VCD Axial Lead Sequencer, the user must create a pattern program that conforms to the following pattern criteria. An example of a pattern program is shown below in row 1 of a typical VCD insertion PC board. • All pattern steps must contain the same insertion hole span. • All pattern steps must contain the same X-axis coordinate. • The Y-axis move between consecutive pattern steps must be 2.54mm (0.100"). • The pattern must contain at least 20 insertion steps. • Five runs should be averaged to determine the insertion rate. A function (SET INSERTION.RESET.RATE) of the machine executive program can be enabled to calculate the insertion rate. Row 1 Insertion Rate Formula: Number of inserts - 1 = x 3600 Time in seconds 50 - 1 = x 3600 11.02 = 16,000 insertions per hour Page 8 GS-367-00C Insertion Span Z1=Head Tooling Span Z2=Clinch Tooling Span Z1 Insertion Depth Stop The insertion span (Z1 and Z2 axes) is variable under program control. Refer to Insertion Head Input Specifications section for insertion span ranges that apply to the four basic tooling types. Insertion Depth Stop Z2 The insertion depth stop determines the distance the formed leads of the component are positioned above the PCB. Depth stops (Z3 axis) may be programmed in letter code (A through Z), in increments of 0.2mm (0.008"), from 0.2mm to 5.28mm (0.008" to 0.208"). Depth stops may also be programmed numerically at 0.02mm (0.001") increments. Component Centering Component centering takes place one carrier clip before insertion. This ensures that the component body is at the center of the insertion span, which provides protection against damage to lead junctions of the component during insertion. Refer to Insertion Head Input Specifications. Centering Assembly GS-367-00C Page 9 VCD Cut and Clinch The VCD cut and clinch provides printed circuit board support during the insertion cycle, then trims and clinches the component leads to the underside of the printed circuit board. The Z2 axis span is independently controlled and may be offset from the head by up to ±0.46mm (0.018"). Clinch angle may be adjusted over a range from 45° to 90°. Cutter bushings are easily replaced, which minimizes machine downtime. The standard style cut and clinch uses a dual lead continuity check. The failure of either lead to pass through the printed circuit board and be clinched will generate an INSERT ERROR signal and cause the machine to halt. In the event of such a “shorted clinch,” the insert error signal flashes and the status command indicates which anvil has been shorted. The repair function can then be initiated to ensure component wire insertion. The addition of solid state sensing switches enhances the overall machine performance. The illustration shows standard clinch footprint dimensions. Dimensions are in millimeters; inch equivalents are bracketed. Cut and Clinch Footprint Insertion Center Distance 6.15 (0.242) 6.10 (0.240) 11.51 (0.453) 3.61 (0.142) 3.58 (0.141) 2.62 (0.103) 23° 2.11 (0.083) 45° 8.13 (0.320) 2.72 (0.107) 7.98 (0.314) Page 10 GS-367-00C Component Clearances for Cut and Clinch Anvil Assembly Dimensions are in millimeters; inch equivalents are bracketed. Continuity Style Lead Sense Side View Axial leaded components to previously inserted axial leaded components. 2.54 (0.100) Inward DIP Outward DIP Side View Axial leaded components to previously inserted DIP components, with both outward and inward clinch. 2.79 (0.110) End View Axial leaded components to previously inserted axial leaded and DIP components shown with both outward and inward clinch. 2.54 (0.100) Outward DIP Inward DIP A C B A B C 3.68 (0.125) 2.54 (0.100) 2.54 (0.100) GS-367-00C Page 11 Board Error Correction The board error correction (BEC) option is designed to correct for tolerance buildup between tooling holes in relation to the hole patterns. It will also aid in the detection of missing insertion holes and insertion hole positional accuracy. A light source and sensor, mounted near the centerline of the insertion tooling, are used to detect the location of printed circuit board holes. The coordinates of the sensor location and the small area not available for detection due to sensor offset are shown below. This option also includes a bad board sensing feature. Preinspected and identified reject board segments can be automatically bypassed during the insertion sequence. For a complete description of the BEC option, refer to GS-112, “Board Error Correction.” Dimensions are in millimeters; inch equivalents are bracketed. 22.86mm (0.900") This area cannot be scanned by Board Error Correction Sensor. 457.200mm (18.000") x 457.200mm (18.000") Insertable Area +Y Insertion Centerline 457.2mm (18.000") +X 22.86mm (0.900") 457.2mm (18.000") FRONT OF MACHINE BEC Sensor Offset Page 12 GS-367-00C Setup Tooling Kit A setup tooling kit consists of gauges, tools, adapters, and special fixtures required to set up and adjust the machine. This setup tooling kit is provided with each machine. Selectable Features Insertion Tooling All tooling is selected to provide optimum performance depending upon printed circuit board density (footprint), lead wire size and material, component body size, insertion spans, and printed circuit board configurations. • Refer to Technical Specifications in this document to determine specific head and tooling requirements. • See Component Input Specifications in this document for common tooling configurations. GS-367-00C Page 13 Optional Features U-Teach® Hand-Held Programmer The model 8345A U-Teach® Hand-Held Programmer is an optional hardware/software package that is available for the Model 6241D machine. This option enhances the capabilities of creating or editing the UICS (.PUT) pattern programs. The U-TEACH package consists of a U-TEACH Hand-Held Programmer and the U-TEACH software package. Refer to GS-255, “U-TEACH Hand-Held Programmer,” for a complete description of the U-TEACH option. Universal Control Terminal (UCT) The UCT hardware/software package allows a compatible personal computer to be used as an intelligent terminal connected to a Universal machine control processor. The UCT package includes a visual display terminal, keyboard, data storage unit, printer and stand, cable assembly, and manual. For additional information on this option, refer to GS-319-XX, “Pattern Programming Utility.” Expanded Range Component Verifier The Expanded Range Component Verifier, Model 2864A, provides for the on-line verification of component value and polarity. It is capable of verifying most axial leaded components including capacitors (value only), refer to GS-167, “Expanded Range Component Verifier,” for specific component values. The verifier station is located on the insertion head assembly. Verification parameters are entered as part of the pattern program commands. The verifier halts the machine for components failing verification and allows them to be replaced at the manual load/replace station of the insertion head. Using the verifier option greatly reduces the possibility of inserting defective or out-of-sequence components in the pattern location. Page 14 GS-367-00C %%&' The Jumper Wire Dispenser System $ ! # *:< A jumper wire dispensing head and feeder assembly included in this option processes jumper wires from a continuous spool of wire, eliminating dispensing from reels of previously taped and reeled jumper wires. It dispenses accurate lengths of cut wire and conveniently changes to various wire gages and lengths. It is available as a factory installed option and as a retrofit kit. A maximum of two Jumper Wire Dispenser Systems may be installed in any machine configuration. The Jumper Wire Dispenser System operates by drawing wire from a replaceable bulk reel; a cardboard drum package works best. The wire feeder assembly straightens and then feeds the wire to the dispensing head. Pattern program control cycles the dispensing head, cutting a length of wire from the continuous strand, and dispensing it on to the sequencer chain. A stepper driver electrically drives the feeder, controlling the length of the wire fed for each machine cycle. The operator selects Class A output lengths with a push button and sets a rotary switch on the feeder for one of 16 wire lengths for A input class. The Class A input length adjustment is in 0.10mm (0.004") increments. Wire input — Wire input is available in various package sizes. The preferred package is the cardboard drum, which measures 345.95mm (13.62") high by 285.75mm (11.25") in diameter. The suggested source for wire input is Hitachi Cable America Inc. (White Plains, NY; 1-800-394-0234). The product is Solder Coated Copper Wire, ITPA 0.60 (SP-EM/SWP-191). Reel packages containing smaller amounts of wire are also available. However, these packages are more likely to get jammed, or to unreel or dispense components unevenly. These provide adequate wire for shorter runs, but require more frequent changeover when performing extensive production runs. (An optional de-reeler kit is available for these type packages.) Consult your Universal Sales Engineer for details. Cut wire length — Class A: 51.61mm ±0.33mm (2.032" ±0.013"), with thumbwheel increments of 0.10mm (0.004"). Power requirements — 24 volts AC is furnished by the sequencer power supply. Wire diameter—0.6mm (0.024") solder coated copper wire is standard. The wire sizes below are tested with the expected results listed. Consult your Universal Sales Engineer for details. GS-367-00C Page 15 Wire Material Property Wire Diameter Tensile Strength Elongation Programmed Z-Span 0.5mm 27-35 kg/mm 4% maximum 5-20mm 0.6mm 27-35 kg/mm 0.45mm 30 kg/mm 28% maximum 5-20mm 1 0.45mm 22-30 kg/mm 10-20% 1 1 5-33mm 5-20mm 1. When Z-span increases to 21-33mm range, expect an increase in the machine ppm. Make-Up Trays Modularized make-up trays are provided for each sequencer module comprising the machine. The trays are mounted on a mobile rack assembly that can be positioned in the most convenient location. Workboard Holders Workboard holders are required to accurately secure PC boards to the rotary table during the insertion process. Universal provides a wide range of workboard holder products which can be ordered separately or with a new machine purchase. For stand-alone operation, either custom or adjustable fixtures are available with 457mm x 457mm (18" x 18") insertion areas. Workboard holders are not required for the 6248D configuration. See GS-134, "Workboard Holders." Automatic Board Handling The VCD Sequencer 5 is available with magazine-to-magazine Board Handling, as a standard feature on Model 6248D. Automatic Board Handling without the input/output elevators is optional on Model 6241D. PC boards pass left-to-right or right-to-left. Quick and easy manual width adjustment handles a wide range of PC board sizes. The front fixed rail is standard and all operator PC board changeover adjustments are readily accessible. Refer to Appendix A of this General Specification. Page 16 GS-367-00C This page intentionally left blank. GS-367-00C Page 17 Technical Specifications Input Specification The axial lead components prepared and taped to the requirements established in GS-061 "Lead Tape Reel Packaging of Axial Lead Components," which is an adaptation of EIA standard RS-296-E, may be processed by the VCD Sequencer 5. The standard input for this machine is Class I. Class II and III inputs may be located in a number of different stations in each add-on module, exclusive of the Jumper Wire option. Input-to-Output Taping Classes Sequencer Input Sequencer Output Input Class Distance Between Tapes Output Class Component Cut Length Maximum Body Length Maximum Insertion Hole Center Distance I 52.4mm ±1.5mm (2.063" ±0.059"), standard Standard II 63.54mm ±1.5mm (2.5" ±0.059") 50.8mm ±0.254mm 15.7mm (0.620") 21.6mm (0.850") (2.000" ±0.010") III 73mm ±1.5mm (2.874" ±0.059") Class B Consult your Universal Sales Engineer Page 18 GS-367-00C Maximum Size of Component Reels (Outer Edge-to-Outer Edge) Maximum Reel Size Component Reel Component Maximum Class Reel Size I 68.58mm (2.7") II 81.28mm (3.2") III 93.98mm (3.7") GS-367-00C Page 19 Sequencer Input Configuration: Location of Dispensing Stations by Component Class Station Class I 1 ü 2 ü 3 ü Class II Class III Notes ü ü Without Jumper Wire 3 With Jumper Wire 4 ü 5 ü ü 5 ü ü If Jumper Wire in Station 3 6 ü 7 ü 8 ü 9 ü 10 ü 11 ü ü Any Combination 12 ü 13 ü ü Any Combination 14 ü 15 ü ü Any Combination 16 ü 17 ü ü Any Combination 18 ü 19 ü ü Any Combination 20 ü ü If no Jumper Wire in Station 3 With Jumper Wire: 14 stations for Class I only 5 stations for Class I or II 1 station for Jumper Wire only Without Jumper Wire: 13 stations for Class I only 5 stations for Class I or II 2 stations for Class I, II, or III Page 20 GS-367-00C Dispensing Head Specifications Class Minimum Maximum A Overall Component Length AA A,B,C 52.1mm (2.05") 63.5mm (2.5") 101.6mm (4.00" ) 101.6mm (4.00") B Body Length A bare wire 15.7mm (0.62") C Body Diameter 5mm (0.200") pitch 9.5mm (0.375") pitch 10mm (0.400") pitch bare wire bare wire bare wire 4.8mm (0.190") 9.5mm (0.375") 9.5mm (0.375") D Lead Diameter copper steel * 0.38mm (0.015") 0.38mm (0.015") 1.07mm (0.042") 0.81mm (0.032") E Standard Input Pitch Distances 1 2 3 5.08mm (0.200") 10.16mm (0.400") 9.53mm (0.375") F Tape Width standard 6.4mm (0.25") * Steel leads may wear tooling faster than copper leads. A B D E F C 0.79mm (0.031") Maximum, 0.0 Preferred GS-367-00C Page 21 Insertion Head Input Specifications Insertion Head Input Definitions Carrier Clip Carrier Clip Spacing 41.1mm (1.62") Component Body Length Components Before Reaching Insertion Point Component Body Diameter Outside Former Component Lead Diameter Insertion Span Insertion Point Programmed Z Span Insertion Span Programmed Z Span = Insertion Span + Lead Diameter Scrap Leaving Insertion Head Note: To prevent lead scrap problems, the Z-span within two consecutive insertions cannot vary more than 5mm (0.200") from the lesser to the greater span. Page 22 GS-367-00C Body Centering Assembly For proper component insertion, a body centering assembly is used to center each component before it is moved into the insertion head. The centering capabilities depend upon the physical configuration of the components as stated and shown below. • All symmetrically shaped components (case 1) are centered within 0.41mm (0.016"). This is measured from the inner clip edge to the component body on each side and subtracting the two measurements (D1 minus D2) to determine the specified results. Case 1 = D1 – D2 ±0.41mm (0.016"). • All non-symmetrically shaped components (case 2), those having dissimilar body diameters at opposite ends or those having an undefined point where the body ends and the lead begins (meniscus), are centered within 0.69mm (0.027"). Case 2 = D1 – D2 ±0.69mm (0.027"). • Components which do not maintain leads on a centerline axis or do not meet the specifications of case 1 or case 2 above are designated as case 3. These components cannot be guaranteed proper component centering or insertion. Component Case Specifications for Insertion Case 1 D1 Case 2 D2 D1 Case 3 D2 Case 1 D1 D2 Case 3 D1 D2 D1 D2 Meniscus Carrier Clip GS-367-00C Page 23 Component Input Specifications All components must meet the specifications presented in this section. See descriptions and notes in this section. Dimensions are in millimeters; inch equivalents are bracketed. Tooling Configuration Standard 5mm Large Lead Copper Wire Size (Note 1) Minimum Maximum 0.38 (0.015) 0.81 (0.032) 0.38 (0.015) 0.81 (0.032) (Note 3) 0.64 (0.025) 1.07 (0.042) Steel Wire Size (Note 1) Minimum Maximum 0.38 (0.015) 0.81 (0.032) 0.38 (0.015) 0.81 (0.032) (Note 3) 0.64 (0.025) 0.81 (0.032) Hole Center Distance (Note 2) Minimum Maximum 7.62 (0.300) 23.32 (0.918) 5.0 (0.197) 20.78 (0.818) 7.62 (0.300) 23.06 (0.908) Component Body Diameter Minimum Maximum wire dia. 10.69 (0.420) minus 2 times board thickness wire dia. 11.68 (0.460) minus 2 times board thickness wire dia. 10.69 (0.420) minus 2 times board thickness Notes: 1. Component lead diameters are for optimum performance using the listed tooling. Consult your Universal Sales Engineer for deviations from the figures listed. 2. Increased insertion span is possible with reduction in maximum body diameter. Consult your Universal Sales Engineer for optional tooling. 3. When inserting components at 5mm (0.197") insertion spans, maximum lead diameter is 0.61mm (0.024"). Page 24 GS-367-00C Insertion Tooling Specifications The table below provides tooling information for determining component clearances relating to tooling footprints. Dimensions are in millimeters; inch equivalents are bracketed. Tooling Footprint 5mm Standard Bottom View 0.48 (0.019) 2.29 (0.090) Large Lead 0.84 (0.033) 0.48 (0.019) 1.27 (0.050) 3.18 (0.125) 2.29 (0.090) 2.36 (0.093) 2.29 (0.090) 1.27 (0.050) 2.29 (0.090) Side View 2.29 (0.090) 6.43 (0.253) 6.43 (0.253) 6.35 (0.25) 3.81 (0.150) 6.35 (0.25) Front View 3.81 (0.150) 15° 1.27 (0.050) 15° 1.27 (0.050) GS-367-00C Page 25 Dimensions are in millimeters; inch equivalents are bracketed. C B C D A Note: Dimension A is measured at the smallest possible footprint for standard and 5mm tooling. See Tooling Footprints for related dimensions. Recommended Component Clearances Standard 5mm Large Lead Lead Diameter 0.38 (0.015) 0.81 0.38 0.81 0.64 1.07 (0.032) (0.015) (0.032) (0.025) (0.042) A 0.97 (0.038) 1.22 0.97 1.22 1.80 2.08 (0.048) (0.038) (0.048) (0.071) (0.082) B 1.14 (0.045) 1.14 (0.045) C 0.38 (0.015) D 0.76 (0.030) 1.57 (0.062) Note: C and D are recommended clearances for all tooling styles. Page 26 GS-367-00C Component Body Length Considerations After the tooling type and the variables have been determined from the Component Input Specifications section, the application range for the desired tooling type is provided in this section. The shaded areas in each of the following graphs indicates acceptable component body lengths when compared to programmed Z spans. Maximum component body length is a function of the intended insertion span, tooling configuration, and component centering accuracy. Subtract an additional 0.41mm (0.016") from the maximum body length for non-symmetrically shaped (case 2) components. The graph is based on component centering within 0.41mm (0.016") and standard component input class. Programmed Z span = hole center distance (insertion span) + one lead diameter. Outside Former Driver Tip Programmed Z-Span Note: Machine capabilities will allow components to be inserted using the minimum Z span formulas on the following pages. Due to body length variations, it is recommended to design hole center spacings greater than the calculated minimum. GS-367-00C Page 27 Standard Tooling Metric Formula: Minimum programmed Z span = (component body length) x (constant C) + 2.36mm Inch Formula: Minimum programmed Z span = (component body length) x (constant C) + 0.093" Constant C = 1.112 Dimensions are in millimeters; inch equivalents are bracketed. 22.86 (0.900) 20.32 (0.800) PROGRAMMED Z-SPAN 17.78 (0.700) ACCEPTABLE APPLICATION RANGE 15.24 (0.600) 12.70 (0.500) 10.16 (0.400) 7.62 (0.300) 2.54 (0.100) 5.08 (0.200) 7.62 (0.300) 10.16 (0.400) BODY LENGTH 12.70 (0.500) 15.24 (0.600) 17.78 (0.700) Page 28 GS-367-00C 5mm Tooling Metric Formula: Minimum programmed Z span = (component body length) x (constant C) + 1.40mm Inch Formula: Minimum programmed Z span = (component body length) x (constant C) + 0.055" Constant C = 1.109 Dimensions are in millimeters; inch equivalents are bracketed. 22.86 (0.900) 21.59 (0.850) 20.32 (0.800) PROGRAMMED Z-SPAN 17.78 (0.700) ACCEPTABLE APPLICATION RANGE 15.24 (0.600) 12.70 (0.500) 10.16 (0.400) 7.62 (0.300) 5.08 (0.200) 2.54 (0.100) 5.08 (0.200) 7.62 (0.300) 10.16 (0.400) BODY LENGTH 12.70 (0.500) 15.24 (0.600) 17.78 (0.700) GS-367-00C Page 29 Large Lead Tooling Metric Formula: Minimum programmed Z span = (component body length) x (constant C) + 4.11mm Inch Formula: Minimum programmed Z span = (component body length) x (constant C) + 0.162" Constant C = 1.085 Dimensions are in millimeters; inch equivalents are bracketed. 24.13 (0.950) 22.86 (0.900) 20.32 (0.800) ACCEPTABLE APPLICATION RANGE PROGRAMMED Z-SPAN 17.78 (0.700) 15.24 (0.600) 12.70 (0.500) 10.16 (0.400) 7.62 (0.300) 2.54 (0.100) 5.08 (0.200) 7.62 (0.300) 10.16 (0.400) BODY LENGTH 12.70 (0.500) 15.24 (0.600) 17.78 (0.700) Page 30 GS-367-00C Insertion Specifications Type VCD (Variable Center Distance) Span 7.62mm to 24.13mm (0.300" to 0.950") standard and 5mm (0.197") to 21.59mm (0.850") spans. See Component Input Specifications. Programmable Span Increments 0.02mm (0.001") Depth Stops Programmable from 0.2mm to 5.28mm (0.008" to 0.208") in 0.2mm (0.001") increments Board to Tooling Clearance 20mm (0.8"), maximum with tooling in full up position Cut and Clinch Adjustable from 45° to 90° clinch angle Insertion Rate Up to 16,000 insertions per hour with factory test specifications. Refer to Insertion Rate Determination section Positioning System Table Size 457mm x 559mm (18" x 22") Insertable Area 457mm x 457mm (18" x 18") Accuracy ±0.05mm (±0.002") Repeatability ±0.025mm (±0.001") Table Capacity 22.7 kg (50 lbs) maximum, including workboard holder Programming Capability ±0.01mm (metric dimensioning) ±0.001" (inch dimensioning) Speed 20.3m (66.67') per minute: 2.5mm (0.1") in 0.10 seconds 5.1mm (0.2") in 0.12 seconds Sequencer Specifications Input Class I (52mm), standard. Per EIA Standard RS-296-E and this General Specification. Dispensing Heads Required, must be ordered separately. Refer to the Optical Refire Dispensing Head paragraph. Sequencer Modules Up to 11 sequencer modules in multiples of 20 dispensing stations (220 stations maximum); optional jumper wire dispensing heads can be installed. Controller The series 8223 Universal Instruments Control Processor (UICP) Assembly, UICS® software, and machine self diagnostics are standard. GS-367-00C Page 31 VCD Sequencer 5 Configuration Dimensions are in millimeters: inch equivalents are bracketed. Allow 1M (39.37") around entire machine for work space 889 (35) Sprocket Cover 305 (12) 11 10 P1 VCD Inserter Pneumatic Connection P5 Pneumatic connections required for: P2 20 to 100 Stations P2 120 Stations P2 + P3 P3 140 Stations P2 + P3 160 Stations P2 + P4 P4 180 Stations P2 + P4 200 Stations P2 + P5 P5 220 Stations P2 + P5 6 5 4 P4 P3 E Electrical Connection Sequencer Add-On Modules Height 1448 (57) 1016 (40) 3 2 P2 Sequencer Drive Module (3225.8) (127) 1 VCD Inserter Height 1575 (62.75) 2210 (87) P1 Push Button Panel E 1800 (70.88) VCD Sequencer 5 1575 (62) Page 32 GS-367-00C Installation Considerations Dimensions - 6241D Uncrated (no skid or crating material) Air Ride Van (skidded and plastic covering banded over machine) L X D X H1 Weight1, 2 L X D X H1 Weight1, 2 Inserter (crated by itself) 1800 x 1562 x 1594 (70.88 x 61.5 x 62.75) 908 (2000) 2210 x 1829 x 1727 (87 x 72 x 68) 977 (2153) Drive Module 5 (crated by itself) 991 x 635 x 1321 (39 x 25 x 52) 226 (498) 1168 x 864 x 1473 (46 x 34 x 58) 271 (598) 1016 x 889 x 1448 (40 x 35 x 57) 214 (473) 1193 x 1067 x 1600 (47 x 42 x 63) 256 (563) Last Add-On Module 1346 x 889 x 1448 (one per machine, (53 x 35 x 57) has chain tensioner on end) 227 (500) 1727 x 1066 x 1600 (68 x 42 x 63) 272 (600) 4 Add-On Module (each crated separately) 3 Air Crating (partial wood crating) Ocean Crating (full wood crating) L X D X H1 Weight1, Inserter (crated by itself) 2235 x 1854 x 1905 (88 x 73 x 75) Drive Module 5 (crated by itself) L X D X H1 Weight 1125 (2479) 2235 x 1854 x 1905 (88 x 73 x 75) 1189 (2618) 1194 x 889 x 1676 (47 x 35 x 66) 321 (706) 1194 x 889 x 1676 (47 x 35 x 66) 342 (754) 1219 x 1092 x 1676 (48 x 43 x 66) 286 (631) 1219 x 1092 x 1676 (48 x 43 x 66) 300 (660) Last Add-On Module 1753 x 1092 x 1676 (one per machine, (69 x 43 x 66) has chain tensioner on end) 332 (732) 1753 x 1092 x 1676 (69 x 43 x 66) 390 (859) Add-On Module (each crated separately) 3 2 Notes: 1. Measurements and weights are in metric figures; inch and pound equivalents are bracketed. 2. Weight varies as a result of pallet construction and moisture content of wood. 3. Height dimension including low part alarm light is 1930mm (76"). Low part alarm light is removed for shipment. 4. The dimension, 953.5mm (37.54") measured from the floor to the top of the rotary table, must be maintained at installation. 5. Height dimension including the machine light tower is 1861mm (73.25"). The light tower is removed for shipment. Floor Space A minimum clear area of one meter (39.37") around the machine perimeter is recommended for machine operation and servicing. 1,2 GS-367-00C Page 33 Environmental Requirements—6241D / 6248D Ambient Temperature 10° C to 35° C (50° F to 95° F) Operating Humidity 10% to 90%, non-condensing Operating Altitude 1000m. Consult your Universal Sales Engineer for installations above 1000m. Storage Temperature -25° C to 55° C (-13° F. to 131° F ); not exceeding 24 hours up to 70° C (158° F), 10% to 95%, non-condensing. Universal provides suitable means to prevent damage from humidity, vibration, stress and shock. Noise 78dbA with board handling cover package (82dbA for cover package without board handling cover package), in accordance with National Machine Toolbuilders Assoc. Standards. Service Requirements—6241D Electrical (base machine, no light curtain) Input Voltage Input Breaker Actual Current Draw (50/60 Hz) 100 VAC 110 VAC 120 VAC 20 amps 20 amps 20 amps 17.5 amps 15 amps 15 amps 200 VAC 208 VAC 220 VAC 230 VAC 240 VAC 20 20 20 20 20 9 9 9 9 9 amps amps amps amps amps amps amps amps amps amps Voltage and frequency requirements must be stated at time of order. Allowable input: Voltage fluctuation ±10% Frequency fluctuation ±2% A point is provided for connection to protective earth. A 20 ampere circuit breaker / fuse is the overcurrent protective device and the short circuit interrupting capacity is 2000 amperes. Pneumatic 212 liters/minute at 6.3 bar (7.5 CFM at 90 psi). Non-lubricated, dry air, maximum contamination particle size of 5 microns. An additional air drop is required at different locations for 120 stations and up. See Sequencer Module Configuration. Equipment is adequately protected against ingress of solid and liquid contaminants. Air Quality Non-lubricated, dry air, maximum contamination particle size of 5.0 microns. Page 34 GS-367-00C This page intentionally left blank. GS-367-00C, Appendix A, Automatic Board Handling A - 35 Appendix A, Automatic Board Handling (Magazine-to-Magazine) Introduction The VCD Sequencer 5 (Model 6248D) sequences and inserts axial lead components into printed circuit boards. Magazines containing PC boards are placed on the input loader where PC boards are automatically transferred into the machine for axial insertion. When complete, the PC boards are transferred out of the machine and into the output magazine. When full, the output magazine is automatically transferred to the unloader. In addition, the VCD Sequencer 5 with Automatic Board Handling is self-certified (CE) to meet essential health and safety requirements. VCD Sequencer 5, Model 6248D A - 36 GS-367-00C, Appendix A, Automatic Board Handling Technical Specifications Board Handling System Specifications Minimum Maximum Transfer Height1 1001.5mm (39.43") to 1014.2mm (39.93"), or 955.8mm (37.63") to 968.5mm (38.13") Above Board Clearance 25.4mm (1.00"), restricted by the VCD Sequencer 5 Board Changeover Manual Direction Select right-to-left or left-to-right. Edge Clearance 5mm (0.197") or 3mm 2 ( 0.118") Fixed Edge Front Locator Pins Front 3 Transfer Time 3.5 seconds, maximum for 1007.9mm (39.68") transfer height 6.5 seconds, maximum for 962.2mm (37.88") transfer height Notes: 1. Transfer height can be configured, and alters transfer time. See transfer time specification. 2. Set at factory to 5mm. 3. Time from last insertion to first insertion on next board. This number is based on 254mm (10") positioning system moves. Larger table moves increase transfer time. Maximum Board Size Board Specifications Board Transfer Direction Minimum 1 Minimum Board Size Fixed Front Edge 25.4mm (1.0") L Right-to-Left Transfer Maximum Board Size W Board Transfer Direction Minimum Board Size 25.4mm (1.0") Left-to-Right Transfer 483mm x 406mm 2 (19" x 16") Length x Width 100mm x 80mm (4" x 3.1") Length to Width Ratio 1:1 or greater is recommended. Thickness 0.8mm (0.032") Cutouts Contiguous edges Datum Hole Diameter 3.18mm 2 (0.125") Warp Total warp of 1.6mm (0.063") per board or 0.004" / 1" Weight 2.27 kg (5 pounds), maximum 2.36mm (0.093") 6.35mm 2 (0.25") Notes: 1. Length is in the direction of board flow. 2. Consult Universal Sales Engineer for other than stated sizes. Insertable Area Fixed Front Edge Maximum 2 PC Board GS-367-00C, Appendix A, Automatic Board Handling A - 37 Magazine Loader/Unloader Transfer Specifications Changeover Time Magazine, 20 seconds. PC Board The VCD Sequencer 5 determines board size. Magazine Elevator Push button control panel under programmable controller. Capabilities include master/slave control configuration, variable indexing, magazine dump, and set control. Magazines 45.4 kg (100 lbs), PC boards plus magazines. The maximum magazine depth is 460mm (18.10"). Compatible with most commonly-used magazines. Consult your Universal Sales Engineer. Magazine Input / Output Buffers Upper Level Lower Level Two magazine capacity at 1056mm (41.56") height. Two magazine capacity at 292mm (11.50") height. Motorized roller transfer. Notes: 1. Length is in the direction of board flow. 2. Consult Universal Sales Engineer for other than stated sizes. A - 38 GS-367-00C, Appendix A, Automatic Board Handling Front at 180° G Front at 90° Front at 270° C A B D F E X H 3mm Edge Support Diameter J Dimensions shown are minimum distances from either the board edge or the tooling pin hole, to either the standard tooling or the clinch. Table Rotation 0° 90° 180° 270° A 5.99mm (0.236")1 7.59mm (0.299") 2 9.27mm (0.365")1 7.59mm (0.299")2 B 7.09mm (0.279") 2 5.49mm (0.216")1 7.09mm (0.279")2 5.49mm (0.216")1 C 7.09mm (0.279") 2 8.76mm (0.345")1 7.09mm (0.279")2 8.76mm (0.345")1 D 7.09mm (0.279") 2 5.49mm (0.216")1 7.09mm (0.279")2 5.49mm (0.216")1 E 7.09mm (0.279")2 8.76mm (0.345")1 7.09mm (0.279")2 8.76mm (0.345")1 F 5.33mm (0.210")1, 3 5.38mm (0.212")2, 3 5.33mm (0.210")1, 3 5.38mm (0.212")2, 3 G 5.33mm (0.210")1, 3 5.38mm (0.212")2, 3 5.33mm (0.210")1, 3 5.38mm (0.212") H 3.17mm (0.125") minimum 6.35mm (0.250") recommended 7.62mm (0.300") maximum J 3.17mm (0.125") minimum 3.96mm (0.156") recommended 6.35mm (0.250") maximum 2, 3 Notes: 1. Dimensions are to centerline of lead. 2. Dimensions are to the bottom of the 'V' groove in the former. 3. Dimension shown is for 3mm edge support. If using a 5mm edge support, add 2mm (0.079") to dimension shown. 4. Dimensions shown are for standard tooling. GS-367-00C, Appendix A, Automatic Board Handling A - 39 Magazine Loader/Unloader Configuration Dimensions are in millimeters; inch equivalents are bracketed. Allow 1M (39.37") around entire machine for work space 889.0 (35.0) Sprocket Cover 305 (12.0) 11 10 P1 VCD Inserter Pneumatic Connection Pneumatic connections required for: P2 20 to 100 Stations P2 120 stations P2 + P3 P3 140 Stations P2 + P3 160 Stations P2 + P4 P4 180 Stations P2 + P4 200 Stations P2 + P5 P5 220 Stations P2 + P5 P5 6 5 For electrical connection of magazine elevator system, one electrical drop is required at floor level. Sequencer Add-On Modules Height 1448.0 (57.0) P4 E Electrical Connection 4 P3 1016.0 (40.0) 3 Pneumatic connection 762.0 (30.0) from the floor 2 P2 1 Sequencer Drive Module 114.0 (4.50) E P 2210 (87.0) Buffer Module 3225.8) (127.0) P1 Push Button Panel Elevator Module E Buffer Module Board Flow Magazine Loader/Unloader Magazine Loader/Unloader 76.0 (3.0) 19.1 (7.50) System shown in left-to-right board-flow configuration with fixed front rail. Elevator Module VCD Sequencer 5 1800.0 (70.88) 610.0 (24.0) 616.0 (24.25) 1140.0 (44.88) 1223.0 (48.13) 1870.0 (73.62) VCD Inserter Height 1575.0 (62.75) A - 40 GS-367-00C, Appendix A, Automatic Board Handling Installation Considerations Magazine Loader/Unloader Dimensions—Magazine Elevator Module Length 1 Shipping 610mm Dimensions (24") 1 Depth Height Weight 1140mm (44.88") 1911mm (75.25") 159kg (350 lbs) Length is in the direction of board flow. Dimensions—Magazine Buffer Module Shipping 1223mm Dimensions (48.13") 616mm (24.25") 1223mm (48.13") 45.4kg (100 lbs) Service Requirements Electrical Magazine 4.57M (15'), flexible, standard three-prong plug Loader/Unloader 100 to 125 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz, 15 amperes 208 to 250 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz, 8 amperes Separate drop required. Pneumatic Magazine 425 liters/minute at 6.2 bar Loader/Unloader (15 CFM at 90 psi). 3.175mm (1/8") NPT internal pipe thread. Equipment is adequately protected against ingress of solid and liquid contaminants.
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