JrntT 8, t9r, tnet t\c tnttarl str,tcr rutatt mggertloms u to lt rtrnrari tl,$rr
JrntT 8, t9r, tnet t\c tnttarl str,tcr rutatt mggertloms u to lt rtrnrari tl,$rr
Sff * fo'. }n UD * p,a;p JrntT 8, t9r, Iir. 0d3 rrenEullt*I" of rrforrrtl,os ltcquoatcd by Tilrt&g Htrloa to holllll Il* 1913 Ytrttlag nlartsr, ro tJrr &ert lcmttorlol ln ttr Pactfl,s urr hcld an lrfornel aeetlng m srnbcr l?, l?ra to r&leh ur trttrl lrbtrr of, tae {dqetLcl of tlrr rrlntaktarlng *uttrorltlca eoroetnod. (scr arnorrrdru rrol e"rgo to ltr. 6111g, Dllucr l?, l9!3, mry to fc91i$ry Grneral,ry. ur{it{i. at Lhta raetlog r}ro Hloloi reqcirt d tnet t\c tnttarl str,tcr rutatt mggertloms u to lt rtrnrari tl,$rr tir trurt tcrrlto,ry of thr Faclflc rrlanda. thtl rcqucot, rli pferrad ta_thr Rqrrrbcnt of the rnterrlor ad, by tha, to d. tltgh calrrtml, lnd th rtilrohrd. elgrrtrd lttrnry brr- bma wrrd Bt. lr rrqsrat d ltl"rrlou, thr- m6gr.tGd ttlamry trttcat . tfu rtr of iryr ry-th.n{bt bc rpoat ln aod aruud t&r prtaotpd cut.rrr ll t&o trlrt $rq fmltor':r, togtLlrrr vlth rn rdroeu.oa of aativltlcr $-rlcb rlg[t tr urdrrtalaa tn otch of tbc i?t.a. th3t Lt that the rttaolrcd ltlner:ry be asgntoatrci to It f, roqulttctl htfichhoff of tho gocratarht for thc Hllrlsta co!.ldrrrtlol. tta folloulas potatr rbald br nrrtcr Jrlr. . 1. li!'tL rarpoot to thr lttrlot, &ucrt for rn rltcrnrtlve Itl,ncrery clttlae tho getpn I[dtrlot, it rhqld-uo perltcc ant that rueh aa alteruttvc oeu1i bc emuSori by eltr!,riait$ the tr1p, &rra to iiatpru to ?inlen to Ghrur-ectrooula ln tbo ettrebcd ltlnrary for tlr porled Frbrury 2ill{arch l. rb. irttck-Gtlri tt!ils $avr,4 corrlC thea L'e Bp3tll, by tJa Xl..l.f, rt ltl dlmntlon, ln f,oror, Ouen or fr.ut. 2. thr }rtrloa &ftld b. tdolr gtaall d that thl uut d strt.. nadrthat thc be8lnnlag und cul detm fu ttr l{trrlmtt trlp tbtsr{h thr l}ant ferltorT {i.r. rrrlvr Horelulu $obrrrrg 1{ dcprrt ltaJuro for Hamr i{erch ?} rrc rr flrr. 9. Attestlon rhorld hc esllod to thr faot tbrt, dthartb thr }tlr.ltr tmtrtlrrly dratdd te drprt f,ouolulr ror Oun a irtsrrry 11;t&o rttrch$ lhorq tb*t dcperhm on lcbmrry drl E .ltt ecfurdltfaer-ary q th. fitth go.frlotar t&et r rrluhr- mrd;|. flfght tl rohrdulod for thc lettcr drt* rnr! m fr rofrCulr. for frbrrrrlr ll. l. fh. a: -n- & nh. tr! rllll mrhL tlr flrrln tr frrtlr rrIt tb flinrry tstrlor r&ll apfrmil'rtr thrt the !r* rr$ dd.lil. tt b xtfFlE {rtrrllr tE th. rrr{trl rd drp*"tnrl a!.t a fu' roL-ot tho rrlr GCt m to b ffrd E ftro! r porrlb[r ln sdrr t&et loorl eccodat!.ors for tbr lulmlq rq7 br ntlrfaetoctty errangod. Xrrlnn flertbtlltt rfl1 bG rrtlrl.ld rlth r*rp*t to leca} tttarrrrlm rlt&tr ctob of, thur rtlu arcll. hcloarrct Itt*ery fc ?lalttrg !i!ad.m. csr Ir. hcnr, il;ptrtlcat cf t:rc lntrrlc I*. Cdr. hrrlct', Dqlrtrt of tlrr t^q.\/ BIrfiIDrt&lhrlrrla HBsieh Prclftc lrlerir es #ffi ?rtmrry $.e - soa*lul* Gonfrruncr !|LI**rr S trtarrrf !1 frktmf 1S 8 83 rl*L tbr lflL Snlmttnrr *et hh rtrf,f - lrl*rt fioacl*kr f,or $ee: - Inlrr**Btosl ilrtc llm - llrttr lurr - 0Er to Ilr -?rF €*d*rmrl rtth frp Dlltrtat ttutairt:ntlr rat trpm of,fid'dr a* tr*drn ?1rl* htrrr.illtir ru6, rla#*rf lGHtr rnl horpttS Itrll lrp tl,llrff rat elhf SeiSr of lltlrlt * - trP ta lora; 3*-g6, - LS ealfr.ruln *tL lhr ltrlrts* l&lllrtr*tr rrl lf nr cfftsl*r t*t lrdrrr lirt* tb trtrrdt'*tr oi *Lmtl;y rohsl* *l{ wEr tfrlt €m1t7 Idfem Ba** foJroi trl!3 dtdr{ la coryrrttat rt}, *!. t-stL r*olft! Srrlr*lsa ?omltl* ltr4r trlp to lrbr16*4 te llt. if *src rtrrstrtlo! fEirlffr ri{r trtp to .[ic]t* ta llr rtalrg *cttrltlr Ylrtt* t* ;*r*acr hlxrn aml*t; PhoilShrtr Frbuery ?|,, fi . lcor to (fuan - 0urr to Bdpra GoufrnEufl yt"tb tb Drrt"tot ldcl,qLrtrcttr e!f, Salprnr offLolalr *rd lcrdcrr ?trtt tb tntorurdlrtr *d rknttaty rcbslr ed th hoepLtal, lmlul{qg l,man aty}lll Ttrlt f,amr rli Ur. etto of thr ottla frtrudutlou p'rolrct .,\ i', I frsb 1 - Srln* to ?!.uilrn ts ftrr YLrlt lcproar!.u ftnlrn ?{ett fun rrru oa flalaa nhm frub rgttiblrt rn btug parodnccd fon arpet to ftu 7-, , * I 4-5 ,. ?n* ta Pompr a Fmpr llroh 2 0uaa on ts fml $luk emfrnul ylth th Dlrtrl.ct ldrtd;tra*o rd ?rr& off!,el,elr *d ladlrr. ?ldt tb hetfLe frlrdr Crl0ral $cbcoL, thr {Et tiltttetr eebool rd rkrutrry lchlr. Xl,ttt th. lE pltrl cd otbr garrmqt llrtellrtLw Ttrtt looel blarr coffirlr krrlblr rllr-tr{p to DEUoo ItInF trbrt tb oepttal of tlr fmrt tcrrltry !.r to ta loctd 0mirrcnoo rr,th tb. DLrtu-!.ct tdd.rrl.stratc ad rd }-rdrrr ?tdt thl lutorattstt rd rlonrd*7 Forpa off,l,qtalr tprril,toX sohoolr ad tktt rfr{,enXtrrel orportnutal rtatlsr Porrl,blo trtp to tb. l{ltalrnlr soaoant pfrntattoa kr* 3 + Iinryt t* ltlrr *.t - ru*ffl *lcrt trn* fr frrx#lr** ** rl ffiBlrs* r* fu*r;rm'Ilfi#lnlrlr lnaru Hrr*Ilrr tirll th tr*srffr* rtn rilMry r#b ril lr$rrlr fi}lt* lrtf rltilf ffi.r tHIl rr' tr*r ** Hr *rf* rf ttrl -trrillr * * Sn rf u rrr,,tr*mr.iltlr*HI rtrlr *$:rf f k* *]}