QB 4somes Tournament a Winner by Ray Lucas Rock on in to the


QB 4somes Tournament a Winner by Ray Lucas Rock on in to the
Tee Mail June 2010
Volume 3, Issue 6
Editor: Cabby Keyte keytehouse@gmail.com
Members’ articles, comment, feedback, photos welcome.
QB 4somes Tournament a Winner
by Ray Lucas
Inside this issue:
Vaggy’s Vision
Senior Moments
On the 19th
Cap’n Clow
Divas, Divots…
Green Scene
Upcoming events
A few laughs
You’re a Star…
Rock on in to
the 50s & 60s
do on Saturday
night – tickets
still available.
where’s your
sense of fun?
Div 1 winners Joe and Julitta Lamb, are flanked by Cambridge Mitre 10
directors Stephen Deverell (left) and Brendon Lafferty.
The Cambridge Mitre 10-sponsored
Queen’s Birthday Mixed Foursomes
tournament proved to be another
winner this year.
The new 54-hole format was popular
with a large group competing from
Auckland. There were seven divisions
of eight couples in total. Winners of
Division 1 were Joe and Julitta Lamb
from Murawai, while Division 2 was
won by Ian and Marilyn Marshall from
Hamilton. Best local results were
Graeme and Marilyn Harrison winners
of Division 7, with Ray and Gail Lucas
runners–up. Brian Schinkel and Jenny
Bowyer won Division 6, with Geoff and
Lorna Walker runners-up in Division 5
and Kevin Vagg and Mary Hughes
runners-up in Division 3. Prior to prizegiving, Lance Murray from the Pacific
Golfer organized an auction to raise
funds for Junior Golf.
L-R: Stephen Deverell, Mary Hughes, Kevin Vagg and Brendon Lafferty.
ASB Cambridge 69 Victoria St
PO Box 591 Ph:823-1820
Proud major sponsor of Cambridge Golf
Senior Moments
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At the moment our lost
property boxes are
overflowing with everything
from hats and club covers,
through to the ridiculous like
tyre covers and keys. If you
have lost something in the
past, come and have a look
- you may be surprised.
If you have lost sunglasses,
reading glasses, keys or
clubs please ask the office
or shop staff and they will
direct you to where the lost
property items are stored. If
not claimed we sell or
dispose of the items.
When I sit down at this time of the
month to prepare my Tee Mail
contribution my head is usually full
of what I want to place on record. This
month was going to be different,
however, as having missed the past
two weeks of play I was wondering
what I would have to write about but
at no time did it enter my mind that I
would be recording the passing of
Roger Ranstead and Brian Hall, both of
whom, for health reasons, had given
up playing golf, and Peter Dyson who
was playing his regular Tuesday
Veterans game when he collapsed.
We will all remember Roger, Brian
and Peter in our own individual ways
but the one memory that will be
common to us all is that they
were great company to have in
your four-ball.
Personally, I didn't know Brian that
well but Roger was a neighbour of
mine and was always out and about
with his dog making sure they both got
their exercise despite the difficulties
Roger had walking. Anytime Margaret
and I went away Roger would check
our house and feed our fish - a most
pleasant and helpful neighbour to us
albeit we were relatively new to
the area.
Apart from being seen playing golf,
Peter and Valda were often on the
by Tony Stoner
course tending the gardens, but the
Club and golf weren't Peter’s only
source of pleasure, nor did Peter
see advancing years as an obstacle to
developing new interests, as was
clearly evidenced by his buying a guitar
and teaching himself how to play it at
the age of seventy.
Out of respect for the memories of
Roger, Brian and Peter I am keeping
this report brief but before closing I
would, on behalf of the Veterans, like
to extend...
“Our most sincere condolences
to their families.”
I will have a bumper, normal format,
edition for you next month covering
both June and July, meanwhile my
parting shot for this month is the
fact that...
"Golf is the only game in which you
fail to win 99 per cent of the time."
Good golfing.
Tony Stoner - Veterans Convenor
Man blames fate for other accidents that befall him, but
takes full responsibility for a hole in one
Casual Water
With a few puddles of water about the course this
winter, it is perhaps timely to remind members of
the rules regarding CASUAL WATER. Relief is allowed
when the ball lies in the water or the water
interferes with a player’s stance or the area of his
swing. See Rule 25-1 on page 99 of your rule book
for full interpretation of this rule and
‘abnormal ground condition’.
CGC Tee Mail June 2010
Many thanks
for all the positive
feedback about the
Tee Mail. It’s all
due to the
contributors who
bring to the
members the
Club’s relevant
news and
interesting reports,
and I wish to thank
all of THEM.
Cabby, Editor
Did you know?
The columns are a
publishing industry
standard to enable
the eyes to read
a glance rather
whole page.
COPYRIGHT No information,
or part thereof,
contained in
any page of this
publication may
be copied or
used without
the express
of the editor.
CGC Tee Mail June 2010
Green Scene
Winter has set in and ground and air
temperatures are dropping to a level
where grass growth is minimal. We
have applied fertiliser to the greens,
tees and surrounds and the fairways to
maximise the growth we are getting.
The course is getting wet and greasy
and we are very careful not to damage
the ground when we use machinery.
Golfers too should be very aware of
the damage they can cause to those
wetter areas, especially in high traffic
areas around the greens. White lines
have been put around some greens,
and golfers are asked to keep outside
of them. We don't want to fence areas
off but places like the ground between
the lake and the bunker at 13 will be
fenced if players ignore the white line.
Please use paths where provided.
Trundlers need to be kept well clear of
the surrounds as these get a
hammering from machinery when
mowing or rolling the greens, and get
very muddy with foot and trundler
traffic. We don't like banning the Club
cars from the course as we realise that
some of our more elderly golfers like
Gary Bennett occasionally require
them to be able to play so please bear
in mind the damage they can cause if
not used very carefully at this time of
the year.
Pitch marks are still not being repaired
promptly or properly if at all in some
cases. With very little growth they take
by Kevin Brown/Steve Watson
a long time to grow out if not done
right. When the pins are further back
the fronts of greens are becoming very
pock marked so don't be surprised if
pins are cut on the front for the rest of
winter. Divots are the same and the
lack of care from some players
continue to annoy us. One of our
Juniors was spoken to on three
different occasions by three different
people during the course of one round
recently about not replacing his divots.
Don't be slow to remind fellow players
to repair pitch marks and divots
because often it is just lazy
habits appearing.
The driving range is being well used
but players must use only the area
between the signs to hit off. We rotate
areas and players hitting from outside
the area are making our job to keep
the range tee area reasonably tidy
very difficult.
It was planned to renovate a couple of
tees but this has been put back until
the spring to give the grass a better
chance of establishing.
Greens staff do their very best not to
delay players. Sometimes we can't get
out of the road immediately so please
be patient. Greens staff have right of
way and it is not pleasant being on a
machine with players blasting balls
over our heads.
Kevin & Steve
It is with sadness we acknowledge the passing of the following club members and
we convey sympathy to all their families…
Frank Verner: Born 1927, member at Cambridge since 1999. He was an
expert on the rules of golf. Prior to his move to Cambridge he was President of
the Bay of Plenty Golf Referees Assoc for three years.
Brian Hall: Born 1940, we believe he worked in the bar in the 70’s under
Ron Armstrong. Took up golf in the early 80’s and gained much pleasure from
the sport.
Peter Dyson: Born 1934, member since 1999. He was known for his classical
guitar playing and works around the course. The garden behind the 18th was
always well tended and colourful.
Roger Ranstead: Born 1930, member since 1992. Took a keen interest in
the club and was always supportive of club events.
Cap’n Clow’s Column
Winner of the
Voucher sponsored
Cambridge is Leo
Thorburn. The GPO
is kindly going to
sponsor our midweek
again so make sure
you put your name in
the draw when you
enter the Midweek
during July.
We have had a few
people commenting
on the divot/pitch
marks on the course.
Could all members
please repair one
other divot when
repairing their own.
Hopefully then we
can get on top of the
problem. Thanks for
your help on this.
CGC Tee Mail June 2010
The first of our major Open
tournaments is behind us, The Mitre
10 Queen's Birthday Mixed foursomes,
Maungakiekie with 12 pairs as well as
another 11 pairs from the Auckland
area dominating the 56 couples who
took part. it was disappointing that
only 21 individuals from our own club
played in what is a very friendly
tournament. Cambridge Mitre 10 have
sponsored it for a number of years and
their involvement with not only this
tournament but also in other areas of
our club is to be treasured. All visitors
were very complimentary about the
condition of the course and its
presentation. Do visitors have lower
standards than our own members
when it comes to the course because
compliments from locals are far
outweighed by grizzles.
The Cambridge Masters is next on the
25th July and we have recently
decided to reduce from a 36 hole
tournament to a 27 hole event.
36 holes in daylight hours proved very
difficult for a full field to complete at
this time of the year. The drop to 27
holes has been well received. We are
confident that the field will feature a
large number of single figure
Questions have been asked as to why
this tournament and the Classic are
held in the middle of winter. The
Waikato Association dominates the
autumn with Pennants and from the
end of September Inter Association
Representative golf takes over thus
making it very difficult to attract the
better players during those times.
Question: The dreaded ‘not past the
ladies' when a man fails to reach the
ladies tee with his tee shot is a
longstanding treat for the other
members of the player’s group. When
a ball hits a tree before the Ladies tee
(e.g. on the 12th) and goes out of
bounds, does the player have to pay
up? Indeed if a player goes out of
bounds off the tee and has to play his
next shot from the tee - that is from
behind the ladies tee - did he 'get past
the ladies'? Answers to Pat Burke who
will be only too pleased to inform
our President.
The Hamilton Interclub happens on
Sunday July 18 at Hamilton. This event
was first played in 1905 when 14
players from Hamilton travelled by
train to Cambridge. Cambridge were
victorious by 11 matches to 3. The
Interclub has not been held during the
last few years because suitable dates
could not be found and it would be a
shame to drop it from our programme
altogether. This event is for men only
(the ladies have a similar event on
their programme) and numbers are
limited so please get names in early.
The Rotorua Interclub (mixed) is
scheduled for August the 8th at
Rotorua and we will again be looking
at a bus to get us there and back.
The 36 hole nett J Banks Cup was won
by Brian Schinkel with a total of 144.
Runner up was Steve Watson
with 146.
Lyall Keyte won the R Ireland Cup
totalling 73 points over the two rounds
from Bryan Barnes. Richard Ireland
was a bachelor who lived across the
road on top of the hill from the Golf
Course where Bruce Miller now lives.
He did a lot of mowing of the course
using his horses to pull the mowers.
He was President in 1942/43 and
was elected a Life Member.
The June Cup, 18 holes net was won by
Barry Oldridge with a 67 net. Runnerup by lot was 15 year old Mitch
Kirkbride playing off an 11 handicap.
On the 21st of June one of our
members Ronald Chamberlain scored
a Hole in One on the 6th.
Congratulations to all these players.
My apologies to Liz
for omitting part of
her report last
The CGC extends
Women’s Golf Sponsors
Amcal Cambridge
Body Soul Exclusive
Cambridge New World
Caroline Eve
Comins Pharmacy Limited
Dante’s Fine Foods
Glen Millin Golf Pro
Lily Pad Café
Mitre 10 Cambridge
Onyx Cafe and Bar
Poppies Bookshop
Showcase Creative Gifts
Simply Divine
Stables Bar and Grill
Super Liquor
Tarbutt Optometrists
The Cambridge Fine Wine
The Deli on the Corner
United Travel
Waikato Times
Wrights Bookshop
Wilson’s Carpet Court
CGC Tee Mail June 2010
Divas, Divots & Drivers
The month of June means 9.30am winter
tee times and the probability of further
delayed starts due to heavy frosts.
Unfortunately the rain put a damper on
the proposed mixed day with the Vets
on June 1st as Ladies day on the
Wednesday was relinquished for the
Jewels Harness Racing Tournament.
I believe this was a great success and
hopefully some of those who played on
the day will return as green fee players
in the future. The fairways are greening
up nicely, the greens look great and the
new flags are a welcome sight.
True to form our first Wednesday of the
official winter tee time coincided with a
frost, however a sunny day followed for
the Pimms Water Jug competition with
the Nine Hole ladies joining at the turn.
There were 41 ladies in all with the entry
being a $5 gift. Ann Thompson was the
winner on count back from Wendy
Browne who had been away from 18
Congratulations Ann. Everyone got a
prize including some of our social
members who love to participate in the
after match functions. Thank you to all
who made the Bring & Buy such a
success as these funds assist with the
bus costs for the Mystery Trip.
Fine conditions prevailed for the 16th
and 23rd for the Clayton Memorial
competition which was won by
Rosemary Bennett on count back from
Ann Thompson. Well done Rosemary.
We are well into the Peake Cup and LGU
days and these two competitions which
are held over many weeks reward
consistently good golf. There has been a
scarcity of twos scored with the pool
jackpotting regularly.
The 3 Putt Club being run within the
committee has proven to be a cash cow
for little yellow pig which has been
emptied once already. Some of us have
contributed more than others!!!
by Liz Skiffington
have only managed to play one full 18
hole round since Queen’s Birthday
weekend. This is disappointing especially
as this is often their only available day
for golf. Hope July brings the sun out on
Saturdays. Convenor Pat Schinkel hasn’t
played much golf of late but scored a
new grandson, Alexander Brian.
Competitions & Interclub
Both the Wills Cup and 9 Hole Pennant
fixtures were postponed on June 11th
due to very wet conditions but these
have been rescheduled for Friday 9th July
at Putaruru and Walton. Good luck to
both teams.
The annual Daisy Short Shield Interclub
with Hamilton was also postponed and
this may be rescheduled later in the
season if a suitable date can be found.
We are still waiting to see if the
The National Home Links Events were
played in April and May and Margaret
Nieuwland was placed second in the
9 Hole Sue Bunt competition for
the Waikato/King Country. Great
golf Margaret.
Check the dates for match play
rounds. Patti La Trobe Tournament July
Bring & Buys on the last
Wednesday of the month and an extra
one on July 21st, Mid Winter Christmas
July 21st. Entry $5 fun gift for both 18 &
9 Hole ladies
It would be most appreciated if any
ladies could spare some time to
volunteer to help in the office on a
Monday morning on a roster basis.
Please contact the office for further
Our kindest wishes to Valda.
Saturday Ladies have been really
disadvantaged by the wet conditions and
The club’s promotion
committee has been
asked to include in
newsletter, the club’s
membership figures.
The following are the
figures for our club
listed on the NZ Golf
website, which show
we currently have
- Jeanette Boswell
Vaggy’s Vision
It’s incredible to think that this is my
sixth article for the newsletter; doesn’t
time fly when you’re having fun. Great
turnout and support for the special
general meeting on the 14th. Just
shows there is great interest in the
future of the club and hopefully, at the
end of the day, a proposal that goes a
long way towards meeting the needs
of most members is presented.
Had a turn the other day, picking up
the range balls. I would like to ask
everybody who uses the range, to
please try very hard to hit the balls
down the middle and not under the
trees, and over the fence.
Anyway, fellow members, I’m away for
a couple of weeks, so if there is
anything you need from El Presidente,
Adios amigos
El Presidente
Junior Men
Junior Women
New Members
Full Playing
Murray Carter
Gavin Tomsett
9 Hole
Sonia Lorenz
Jack Treffner
James Gill (pictured above) is one of
only two Kiwis (the other is Michael
Campbell) with any chance of
making the Open field at St Andrews
Golf Course in Scotland next month.
Campbell got direct entry into final
qualifying for the 150th anniversary
Open championships while Gill had to
qualify through regional qualifying
where 1248 players competed for 185
places at 16 venues throughout Great
Britain and Ireland.
Gill, a two time Eisenhower Trophy
representative for New Zealand and
captain in 2007 of the only New
Zealand senior men's amateur team to
beat the Australians in 15 years, calls
St Andrews home.
The 24-year-old Hamilton golfer has
been based in the Scottish town since
2007 when he was the first New
Zealander to be awarded an R & A
academic golf scholarship to study at
St Andrews University. He graduated
with a Masters Degree in Finance two
years ago, having graduated the
previous year from Waikato University
with a Bachelor of Management. He
turned professional last year and since
then he's been plying his trade on the
and earning money caddying around
St Andrews.
Courtesy Waikato Golf web site news.
STOP PRESS: Both Gill and Campbell
have since failed to qualify for the Open.
It’s hard to score birdies when you play like a turkey.
CGC Tee Mail June 2010
Please do not
park in front of
the entrance to
the car park. It
is important that
vehicles and
trucks and YOU
are able to enter
and exit the Club
safely on this
busy section
of SH1.
Thank you.
State Highway 1
PHONE: 07 827 6381
FAX: 07 827 6382
Kevin Vagg
Allan Castle
We’re on the Web!
See us at:
© CGC Tee Mail June 2010
Equal privileges
A country club didn't allow women on the golf course. Eventually, there was
enough pressure that they decided to allow women on the course during the
The ladies were satisfied with this arrangement, formed a women's club, and
became active. After about 6 months, the club board received a letter from
the women's club complaining about the men urinating on the golf course.
Naturally, they just ignored the matter. After another 6 months, they received
another letter reminding them of the previous letter and demanding action.
After due deliberation they sent the women a letter advising them that they
had been granted equal privileges!