Students - Cornelius Vermuyden School
Students - Cornelius Vermuyden School
Etc. The newsletter for Cornelius Vermuyden School THE WINNER IS... Our inaugural House Awards BRILLIANT CLUB Special graduation report PROM! Saying goodbye with style Issue 7 July - 2015 Headteacher’s Introduction... An Inspector Calls W e are very pleased with the highly positive Ofsted Inspection led by John Lucas (HMI) on 12th and 13th May, and Cornelius Vermuyden has been graded as being a good school. The Inspectors gained a very strong sense of our collective ambitions for all students and our energetic determination to provide them all with excellent school experiences. The report highlighted the achievement of students at the school, their behaviour and safety and the quality of learning and teaching in the school. The leadership, management and governance of the school were all deemed to be strong. The most pleasing aspect of the report, and the part to be really celebrated, is the positive comments about our students. ‘Students, many of whom arrive early to school each day, speak with pride about their school and the opportunities that are provided for them.’ ‘They arrive at lessons on time, ready to learn and often exhibit a confident curiosity and creativity in their learning.’ ‘Students enjoy school and attend well.’ ‘Relationships between students and adults are positive and characterised by mutual respect.’ All of the inspectors were invariably impressed by our students and their keenness to acquire knowledge and desire to learn, their liveliness, their articulate expression of creative ideas and thoughtful mature opinions. The students are at the heart of the school; they are what the school is really all about and what matters most, so we should all feel proud of how they are represented and praised in the inspection report. The school will as always be working to improve for the benefit of its students and become an outstanding school. Some of the key points are: “The highly determined Headteacher, ably supported by her leadership team, has successfully created a culture in which students can thrive and excel” “Strong teaching over time enables students to make good progress in many subjects” ‘Students act safely and feel safe.’ ‘We like this school and we are proud of it’. So a big thank you is due to our staff, our students and our governors for making the inspection such a positive one for the school. The start of this half term has been characterised by the process of ‘handing over’. The new prefect 2 Etc. Summer 2015 ‘They arrive at lessons on time, ready to learn and often exhibit a confident curiosity and creativity in their learning.’ ‘Students enjoy school and attend well.’ team has been appointed. It is always a joy to interview the students in the running for the Head Girl and Boy positions. They all express their love for Cornelius Vermuyden School in different ways and talk of the various leadership opportunities they’ve had and the camaraderie they enjoy. Congratulations to Georgia Gonzalez and Henry Sims as Head Girl and Head Boy (also our Etc. Cover Stars!) and Deputies; Michaela Aubrey, Shannon Gonzalez, Taylor Garner and Callum Cuthbert. I’d like to pay tribute to the outgoing team. Holly Langdale and James Duffield who were unfailingly reliable and proactive, showing superb leadership and organisational skill throughout the year. They were ably supported by Hayley Dunsden, Kelsea Hornsby, Jared Blake and Liam Radley. All exemplary role models for devotion to academic study, extra-curricular activities and the Cornelius spirit in general. Thank you all! Creative Director has produced a very successful range of designs to meet our marketing literature requirements. His innovative ideas are reflective in our new website which is awe-inspiring, astounding, breath-taking and has that WOW factor! So in the coming months, we should have a much more effective website to improve our communications with parents and stakeholders showing what the school is about. Enjoy, read, and be inspired by our stunning students and sensational school. Have an enjoyable summer break. With thanks, as ever, for your continuing support. Mrs C P Skewes B.Ed. (Hons), M.A., NPQH We have recently employed The Grow Creative Company, an inspirational creative agency located in Leigh-on-Sea, who believe in producing outstanding work. Rich With, the Etc. Summer 2015 3 Athena Athena House Awards O ver the course of this year, Athena House has gone from strength to strength and currently holds 1st place in house points for excellence in and out of lessons with an amazing total of 44,482 recognition points. To every individual member of Athena, I thank you for your outstanding achievements this year. I am pleased to announce that the two lead sports captains Michaela Aubrey and Taylor Garner have succeeded in gaining the title of Deputy Head Girl and Boy, well deserved and brilliant role models to the whole House, well done. Not to mention the remarkable triumphs of our nine prefects and one senior prefect from Athena House, congratulations you have made us all extremely proud. I would also like to commend Katie Little for attaining the award for Overall Person of the Year for Athena House, her perseverance to develop the House system for all students this year has been phenomenal, thank you on behalf of the whole House. Alexandra Lawrence of 8J4 has been awarded a place in the next round of the National RIBI Young Writer competition and has been awarded a £25 voucher for her entry already from Canvey Rotary Club, well done! To continue with the success of the Year 8 girls’ football team who were able to reach the final of the Essex Cup with our very own Ebony Baker, Katie Giles, Millie 4 Etc. Summer 2015 A AWARD WINNERS: Overall Person of the Year Katie Little (for outstanding dedication to Athena House) Year 10 Person of the Year Jamie Whitby and Cerys Palmer Year 9 Person of the Year Lewis Martin-Octave and Madison Crickmay Year 8 Person of the Year Joe Gladman and Millie Hawkins Year 7 Person of the Year Taylor Gooden and Lucy House Recognition Points award: 1st Cerys Wilks, 521 pts 2nd Jodie Bonham, 509 pts 3rd Brooklyn Walker, 415 pts Form with the highest recognition points over the last academic year – 8J4 Achievement award for Prefects: Deputy Head Girl – Michaela Aubrey Deputy Head Boy – Taylor Garner Senior Prefect – Louise Goddard Prefects – Katherine Phillips, Hollie Goodwin, Elisa Lyon, Millie Sullivan, Cerys Palmer, Katie Little and Ella Harding. attendance for the academic year and were each awarded a certificate of excellence from Mrs. Skewes and Mr. Hibben for commitment to learning:Amiee Knight, Cerys Wilks, James Dowler, Elisa Lyon, Daniel Matyus, Gabrielle Moore, Michaela Aubrey, Adam Nash-DeVilliers, Connor O’Keeffe, Ebony Baker, Chelsea Fountain, Louie Prin, Daniel Slade, Cameron Waters, Aaron Joseph, Ethan Lewis, Kane Lockwood Over the course of the year, we have also attained the achievement of 1st in sport with 890 points for highest attendance and participation. I would like to thank all of the sports leaders for their enthusiasm in their leadership roles. The Athena Booklets this term have been an exciting part of the House journey with students from each year group having the opportunity to achieve the House Leaders Award. Hawkins and Jessica Knight all producing a fantastic game. Being that this is the first academic year that the House System has been in place at Cornelius Vermuyden School, I would like to thank all the Tutors who have guided their forms to success and all the students for their constant commitment to Athena House to make sure that we keep that number one spot, long may it continue. The following Athena students have 100% Miss L Mayhew - Head of Athena House Darwin XII III IX VI Darwin House Awards A D number of Darwin students were recently awarded with certificates for their outstanding achievements and efforts both in and outside school over the past year. I am very proud to say that there will be 15 Darwin students as part of the body of prefects. Each student received a Darwin ‘Achievement award’. Danielle Hartin received an ‘Achievement Award for Swimming’. Danielle won a Gold medal for 200m freestyle while also coming 4th in the 100m breaststroke at this year's National event at the International Qualifying meet in Glasgow, earlier this year. A possible future Olympian for Britain some may argue? The ‘Achievement Award for Football’ went to Megan Thomas, a student who has achieved very well in the sporting field with a number of triumphs in recent times while also being voted supporters' player of the year. Meanwhile Macy French received the ‘Volunteers Award’ for her hard work and dedication for the Canvey Youth project. The ‘Person of the Year Awards’ were very difficult call with many students from each year group in contention. In Year 7, the award was shared between Alex Collins and Zoe Johnstone for their hard work all year as Sports Captains for the Darwin House. Alex AWARD WINNERS: Overall Person of the Year Georgia Gonzalez Year 10 Person of the Year Jack Broadbent Year 9 Person of the Year Ellana Woodley Year 8 Person of the Year Olivia Yeo Year 7 Person of the Year Alex Collins and Zoe Johnstone Recognition Points award: 1st Mufaro Mutsatsa, 587 pts 2nd Lucy Dawkins, 494 pts 3rd Macy French, 427 pts Volunteer award: Macy French Achievement award for swimming: Danielle Hartin Achievement award for football: Megan Thomas Achievement award for Prefects: Lily Turnbull, Frankie Cox, Rebecca Podevin, Georgia Gonzalez, Abi Rusz, Kian Thorpe, Conor Overbury, Jack Broadbent, Luke Smith, Georgia Kelly, Amy Tomkins, Maddie Seymour, Maya Nashnush Maddison Kiddell, and Loren Lee. also recently won the Jack Petchy award while Zoe was a solid presence in defence of the under 13 football team that reached the Essex Schools' Cup Final for the first time. Olivia Yeo won the ‘Year 8 Person of the Year Award’. Her leadership as a Sports Captain has pushed the Year 8 Darwin team within touching distance of the inter-house cup. Olivia is also a Sky Sports Leader, and is achieving very well academically. Ellana Woodley was the Year 9 winner. She has recently made the national netball team in her age category and has showed great determination and leadership all year as a Sports Captain for Darwin House. The Year 10 ‘Person of the Year Award’ went to Jack Broadbent who recently became a senior prefect for the next academic year. Darwin House would not have been as successful without him, as he organised many of the sports teams for every year group. Finally, the ‘Overall Darwin Person of the Year Award’ was given to current House Captain, Georgia Gonzalez. She was also involved in the shield design for the House, showed fantastic leadership skills as House Captain, and represented Darwin in every sports competition. More importantly, she was elected Head Girl for 2015/16. A truly worthy winner of this Darwin award. Well done to all students and staff involved in Darwin House this year. Mr M Sweeny - Head of Darwin House Etc. Summer 2015 5 Einstein Einstein House awards O ver the course of the last year, students in Einstein House have embraced the House System and all the inter-house competitions. AWARD WINNERS: We are currently holding 5th place with 38,427 house points achieved over the year, closely following Zeus House who are only 17 recognition points in front of us. I would like to thank all of the students and Tutors in Einstein House for all of their hard work and achievements throughout this academic year. Year 10 Person of the Year Joe Russell and Megan Shearman Year 9 Person of the Year James Mckenzie and Megan Evans Year 8 Person of the Year Mitchell Bevan and Georgia Hyland Year 7 Person of the Year Sam Forward and Ellie Cassidy I would like to commend Nathan Leonard who was awarded the ‘Overall Person of the Year’ for Einstein House. Nathan is consistently volunteering for and taking part in various inter-house competitions and has achieved the highest number of recognition points in the whole school with an amazing 583 points. Thank you on behalf of myself and the entire Einstein House. Recognition Points award: 1st Nathan Leonard, 583 pts. 2nd Ellie-Marie Ashford, 360 pts 3rd Chloe Westerberg, 359 pts Over the course of the year, we have secured 3rd place in sports with a total of 715 points. We did unfortunately finish in last place during the recent sports day, but 6 Etc. Summer 2015 Overall Person of the Year Nathan Leonard the resilience and effort that all the students and staff in Einstein House showed during the course of the day was inspiring, especially the encouragement the students gave each other including students in different years. The students also produced amazing posters and banners leading up to sports day, which helped to show their support of and unity for the House. E Nathan Leonard, Sam Forward and Ellie Cassidy in Einstein House received a Bronze Crest Award in Science, which is a nationally recognised award and focuses of the fun and transferable skills in a project of the students choosing. This required the students to work on their projects for 10 hours in their own time after school and present their findings to members of the Science Department in order to receive their award. Well done for all your hard work and effort over the course of the year. I would like to thank all the form Tutors in Einstein House for encouraging their students to take place in the various inter-house competitions and the Sports Captains for each year for putting teams together for both sports day and all the sporting events that have taken place over the course of the year. A special thanks to the Einstein House Captains Joe Russell and Georgie Anderson for all the hard work and dedication they have given to the House throughout the course of the year. Miss G Moore - Head of Einstein House Hera House Awards I write sitting in sunshine, feeling on top of the world after Sport’s Day! Hera has made me so proud. This afternoon, I was described as “Like an embarrassing Mum” and I could not be happier! Our House has been a family this year and as the year ends, I am the luckiest member of staff. Today all Hera roared with pride and encouragement as students ran, jumped, threw, pulled and cheered their very best. Hera students are wonderful individuals who quietly and conscientiously attend classes, work hard and are polite, friendly and enthusiastic. I have noticed a marked improvement in their appearance and every day I am greeted by red-tied students, smiling a “Good Morning Miss”. Their respect for themselves, their peers and the staff here at school has meant that my job has become more fulfilling (and entertaining) every day this year. Every student has matured and they have taken on responsibility for their own studies, the learning of those around them and the many roles they have volunteered for in our House. I am indebted to many students, for their efforts in the House championships, drawing designs for our banner, public speaking, sporting events, the ‘Bake Off ’ and art competitions. Some students have not had major roles but have done their best every day to improve their attendance or behaviour and a greater number who give their all to their studies every day making certain they are awarded a House Point. I am awed by the strength of feeling of love for Hera from our students. Congratulations Hera – you deserve a big cheer! I must thank several students for their hard work this year as Sports Leaders, Ayeesha Elameay, Logan Maxwell, Ben Isbell, Bailey Parsons, Katie Johnson, Lewis Blatcher, Callum Prin, Charlotte Evans, Jordan Lewis, Finley Hall and in Year 10, our House Sports Captains, Maria Webb and Nathan Fieldstead. Our House Captains have led by example and have been working tirelessly behind the scenes, thank you Beth Millard and Ben Foyster. Huge congratulations to all those students in our current Year 10 who are prefects for next year, you are wonderful role models to our younger students and it’s pleasing your achievements are recognized. Shannon Gonzalez - Deputy Head Girl, Maria Webb - senior prefect, Rachel Maltby, Karis Jenkins, Bethany Millard, LeAnn Gittos, Ella Darlington, Jade Sarling, George Taylor, Nathan Fieldstead and Ben Foyster - all prefects, well done! I look to you to help our new students in September and know you will do so with pride and kindness. Thank you to the team of staff supporting the House System. Events would not happen without their support and I am very grateful to those who are completely Hera – and to those who have mixed forms and lend support to all Houses! As we end the year I question… Am I an embarrassing Mum figure? Probably, but so was Hera! It’s why I wear red every day with a smile on my face. I think our family is growing up together amazingly. Enjoy your holidays Hera and return 2016s Heroes! Mrs K Cooper - Head of Hera House Etc. Summer 2015 7 Zeus Zeus House Awards S tudents from all Houses have gone above and beyond to represent their Houses in a number of extra-curricular activities and gaining recognition points in lessons. After the first term, Zeus was sitting in 5th place on the overall scoreboard for recognition points. Zeus turned that around and climbed up to 3rd by May. Recently, Zeus exceeded all expectations by winning Sports Day and this is not just because of the outstanding successes of individuals but the many students who took part to represent their House when they might not have been the most confident. Over the year, within the sports there has been a range of leaders who have stepped up to help organise and motivate others in Zeus. To name but a few, my thanks goes to Lily Hilton (House Sports Leader), Henry Sims (House Sports Leader), Harry Blight, James Sheridan, Jessica Stafford and many others. Attendance has been something that Zeus has lead from the start. Many people are aware that the more time spent in the classroom the greater the progress. Mr S Brimsted - Head of Zeus House 8 Etc. Summer 2015 AWARD WINNERS: Congratulations to Zeus Prefects: Henry Sims (Head Boy) Callum Cuthbert (Deputy Head Boy) Leigh Webb-Waters (Senior Prefect) Adam Cooper (Senior Prefect) Amy Rose (Prefect) Holly Samerson (Prefect) Jessica Pharro (Prefect) Recognition Points award: 1st Harry McCartney, 431 pts 2nd Liam Rodrigues, 420 pts 3rd Sunny Wheatley, 406 pts Top Year achievers for Recognition points: Year 7 Sunny Wheatley Year 8 Harry McCartney Year 9 Liam Rodrigues Year 10 Adam Cooper Year 11 Mukarrama Shabbir Mersea Island Year 7 & 8 Residential Trip O n Friday 15th May, 109 Year 7 and 8 students, accompanied by 12 staff, excitedly left school to travel to the East Mersea Essex Outdoors Adventure Centre. Here’s our story… Our first activity was rock climbing. We were a bit scared, although we learnt very quickly that Ashley and James were natural spider monkeys and would help us. Eventually we all conquered our fears, climbed the wall and stood on the ‘Pancake Man’. Although we didn’t all get to the top we all went higher than we thought we would. It was then time for dinner, before Nick and Jess’ favourite activity – the Adventure Course. Grace said that she “loved the Adventure Course because it was really fun and we got really muddy – I didn’t like the cleaning up after it though!” We all worked as a team, again to make sure we completed the course. Lauren was key to our success as she coordinated our team efforts. Mrs Cotgrove complained about how much we all smelled afterwards – although we’re not too sure what she expected when we crawled head first through a cold and muddy ditch! First up on Saturday was the Team Challenge – Hannah said that “it’s my favourite activity because we worked together well and I liked being lifted up through the Spider’s Web”. We were also the fastest team to ever solve the ‘dog challenge’ – even the Mersea Instructors were shocked at our speed! jumping off a skyscraper!”. We then went to the High Ropes Challenge where Lauren earned 100 house points for Hera for conquering her fear of heights. Our team of spider monkeys had a race to complete the course in the fastest time possible – James completed the whole course in just 90 seconds, a very impressive feat! Ashley then swooped into first place with a completion time of just 57 seconds – well done boys!! Sunday – our final day and we really didn’t want to go home. Our first activity was archery – Kiera’s favourite. She said “I think archery was the best because it’s all about strength, precision and concentration”. We discovered that Jack was our very own Robin Hood – scoring a bullseye and the maximum 10 points on his first shot! After lunch it was then time for caving. Lauren says “I was too scared to even put my head in the tunnel at first, but then I got through most of the tunnels. I felt proud of myself for having a go”. We all worked as a team when Kiera lost her asthma pump in one of the tunnels and we all coordinated a search to look for it. After caving it was time for the Aerial Runway – also known as Zipwiring. Jack says “zipwiring was my favourite activity because it made me conquer my fear of heights. It was really high – I felt like I was We had a great time and were pleased when Mr Hibben came to visit us on this activity – he was able to help lower us down to the ground when Mrs Cotgrove couldn’t reach! Our final activity was the ‘It’s A Knockout!’ Competition. The whole camp was split into 10 teams and we competed against each other in a series of very strange races for the position of Overall Champions. We all had a fantastic weekend and were sad to go home – although we were all ready for a long shower and a good night’s sleep. Written by ‘Team Cotgrove’; Lauren Billins 7K5, Nicholas Dobbs 7K3, Ashley Ellis 7K6, Haydn Gillman 7K3, Jack Johnson 7K7, James Lock 7K6, Grace Mack 7K4, Hannah Pidgeon 7K5, Jessica Weatherstone 7K5, Kiera Bilner 8J5 and Mrs Cotgrove. Etc. Summer 2015 9 Year 11 Prom Sweeney Todd J une was incredibly emotional for the Cornelius family. Year 11’s sat their final exam on 18th June and then went directly into their leavers’ assembly. It included many a goodbye and thank you, along with some performances from staff that the students found hilarious! As the students left the school, I am sure many went straight to prepare for the prom that was the following evening; The prom was an excellent way to say that final farewell. Our student girls looked breathtakingly beautiful and our boys were handsome young men. The staff made an effort too! It was a wonderful evening during which staff and students danced the night away until eventually venue staff were ushering us out of the door, neither staff nor students wanted it to end. Year 11 have been a fantastic Year Group and we look forward to seeing the outcome of all their hard work on results day in August. Mrs N Bainbridge – Head of Year 11 10 Etc. Summer 2015 The rehearsals for the gruesome 'Sweeney Todd' are in full swing as the grisly cast sharpen their blades in preparation for the final shows. In collaboration with the Music and Art Departments, the students are excited to present their murderous tale, which is based on a true story... The cast and crew would like to invite you all to come and see the show on either Monday 20th or Tuesday 21st July at 7pm. Tickets are £3 for students (children under 12 years of age not recommended) and £4 for adults. Tickets are available to buy from Monday 6th July from either Student Services at break and lunchtimes or online via ParentPay. We're certain it be a ‘killer show! Miss L Hare - Teacher of Drama Outstanding Sporting Achievements F ollowing the success of Cornelius at the Castle Point and Rochford District Trampolining Competition, the PE Department would like to highlight the outstanding achievement and contribution of our winners in the individual events. Junior Individual Winner - Charlotte Fink Charlotte has competed in trampolining to a very high standard, being part of an International Competition – David Ward Hunt Cup in 2014 and now training hard for the Nationals in September. The Castle Point and Rochford District Trampolining Competition was Charlotte’s first back from injury. Whilst she was unable to train and compete, Charlotte continued to be involved in the PE department and in particular with trampolining. She has taken on a position of responsibility in her role as a ‘lead learner’, coaching in lessons and alongside our trampoline coaches who work with the squad. We value Charlotte for all her hard work and her contribution to the PE department. She is a role model to her peers, as she has shown them that with determination she can overcome her setbacks and continue to achieve. Senior Individual Winner - Charlotte Nash De Villiers Charlotte has also competed to a very high standard achieving the title of East Regional Champion in 2012, reaching the final of National League (graded to National Standard) early 2014 and competing in International League. Charlotte has made a valuable contribution to the PE department and school sport. You have both shown great resilience and should be very proud of your achievements – well done. We wish you every success for a bright future in sport. PE Department Etc. Summer 2015 11 Afternoon Tea O n Monday 22nd June the Year 9 Catering students went for an afternoon tea experience at the Cliffs Pavilion. Their current GCSE coursework topic involves preparing, cooking and evaluating an afternoon tea which after research, they put on themselves. When students arrived they were greeted by Jack (restaurant team leader) and Amy (puts the afternoon tea menu together). Year 9 asked Jack and Amy a series of questions to do with afternoon tea to form a crucial part of their primary research for their coursework. After this, the students tasted various afternoon tea treats from smoked salmon sandwiches to macaroons to mini custard slices! It really inspired the students in terms of creativity, taste and presentation. Overall the afternoon was a great success. All students involved felt the experience was so valuable. Many thanks to the team at the Cliffs Pavilion and Mrs Winch, Mrs Maynard and Mrs Hibben for accompanying me and Year 9 on the trip. Miss D Taylor - Teacher of Catering Claire Kober 12 Cornelius Vermuyden School has welcomed the announcement that Haringey Council leader, Claire Kober, was awarded an OBE in the Queen's Birthday Honours in June. Claire is a very successful former student of Cornelius Vermuyden School and lived on the island during her upbringing, before moving on to higher education at the University of East Anglia. Claire was hailed an “excellent ambassador” for Haringey, willing to take risks to ensure success and deliver the best for local residents – including leading ambitious regeneration in Tottenham; driving forward huge improvements in local education; forging productive partnerships; and making the council a more professional and success-focused organisation. Claire became leader of the Council in December 2008, is Deputy Leader of London Councils and a member of the Local Government Association. She has been honoured for services to local government. Claire visited the school in June and spoke to a number of Year 10 students. The students were thoroughly engaged and very inquisitive as to how Claire had reached the levels she has in her career. Claire spoke of her recognition of the role of Cornelius Vermuyden School in her career Etc. Summer 2015 progress and advised our students to think big, to think imaginatively and to believe in their abilities. Claire has also confirmed that she will be the guest speaker at the Year 11 Awards Evening, held at the school, in the Autumn Term 2015. Mr J Gunning - Deputy Headteacher “Our students attained some excellent results... with four students receiving distinctions for their efforts.” The Brilliant Club Graduation Ceremony at King’s College, London T he KS4 cohort of the Brilliant Club graduated at King’s College, London on Saturday 16th May. Students, who studied Existential Philosophy and Solar Technology, received their certificates in the inspiring setting of King’s in the shadow of the Shard. Again our students attained some excellent results, one third of which were First Class awards, with four students receiving distinctions for their efforts. In conversation with Brilliant Club students, it is clear that many have been inspired by the programme and have aspirations to attend a high-class university in the future. The research element of the courses has also encouraged independent learning, which is reflected in the confidence and quality of students’ work in school. A new round of the Brilliant Club Scholar’s programme is set to start in the autumn for Year 7 and 8 students. Application forms will be available in September from Mr. Knowland. Mr N Knowland - Teacher of English Etc. Summer 2015 13 Art & Technology Regional Winners Rotary Year 10 GCSE Photography student, Georgia Gonzalez won the regional competition for the Rotary Club. The theme celebrated ‘light’ in the medium of photography. Georgia produced a beautiful image of her sister holding a candle. Georgia was awarded £25 of gift vouchers by Mrs T Winch, the school's liaison officer for The Rotary Club, Canvey Island. Design of the Year On Thursday 25th June, the RM GCSE students visited the Designs of the Year Show at London's Design Museum. The students really engaged with the show and took part in the voting for people's favourite design. They used their analytical skills that will be needed for their controlled assessment and were inspired by the huge range of careers that designers can enter. Southend Essex College Competition Winners Year 10 GCSE Art and Design students, Georgia Gonzalez and Demi Powell took first and second place in a competition led by the college. Students were asked to design a postcard celebrating the theme ‘festival’. Prizes included £150 worth of art materials and £50 worth of amazon vouchers. I am extremly proud of the students and the work that they achieved. Work was displayed amongst the work of degree and Further Ed students at the college. Director of the Art and Design faculty, presented the award. Well done to all students who took part. Mrs K Hibben - Head of Art & Technology 14 Etc. Summer 2015 Armed Forces Day Year 10 Art GCSE Art and Design student and Army Cadet, Alix Winstone, won a competition to design the front cover of the programme for Armed Forces Day, Canvey Island. We are extremely proud of what she has achieved, in a subject Alix feels so passionate about. Alix intends join the Army after completing her education. Her passion and drive to do so is admirable. I wish her the best of luck in achieving her goal. Governor’s report A s another school year draws to a close, it is a time to reflect on the achievements of the past and the plans for the future. The school continues to improve in terms of attainment and we have high expectations of the results of the exams that students have just taken. That confidence is based on the extreme hard work of the students and the high standard of teaching by staff coupled with the excellent facilities of this modern and innovative school. By now you will be aware of the results of the Ofsted inspection which said that Cornelius is a GOOD school in all its aspects. They recognise that we have a very positive culture that has led to rapid improvements in achievement, attendance and attitudes to learning. Students feel safe and display confidence about their futures. A school can only be good if it has strong leadership and governance. Ofsted recognised the strength of the headteacher and her leadership team, as well as the ambitious and well informed Governing Body, of which I am proud to be the chairman. Governors will not become complacent though. We have a strong program of further improvement to teaching and learning to enhance the achievements and prospects of students. Parents can be assured that children leaving the school are well equipped to make their way in the world. We are looking forward to the introduction of the new school performance indicators that will measure the levels of progress that each student makes as they progress from Year 7 to Year 11 of which Cornelius Vermuyden School has a particularly strong record. I should like to recognise the hard work, dedication and skill of the Governors who devote so much of their time to the school. As well as termly meetings of the full Governing Body, we carry out much of our work through a number of committees that support the headteacher and staff, but also challenge and scrutinise school performance. The main committees are Curriculum, Finance, Personnel and Premises and each has a detailed annual programme, based around both statutory duties and the School Development Plan. Although we have no active vacancies at present, if you are interested in finding out what being a Governor entails, please contact me via the school. In September we will be welcoming the new year’s intake and, once again, more places were applied for than we had available. Also in September, parents of primary school children start to consider a secondary school for the 2016 intake. For many years we have held a very successful and informative open day in September. Please look out for the date this year and come and see what a fantastic learning environment our school can offer your child. Mr Jeffrey Stanley - Chair of Governors Etc. Summer 2015 15 SCHOOL OPEN DAY There is an Open Day at the school for prospective students on SATURDAY 26th SEPTEMBER 2015, 10.00am until 1.00pm Arrangements for parents of prospective students. Tours of the school will take place between Monday 28th September and Friday 2nd October at 8.30 am. Other times by appointment. Please ring the school to make an appointment with the Headteacher’s PA, Adele Beckman on: 01268 685011 - Ext 124 Cornelius Vermuyden | Dinant Avenue | Canvey Island | Essex | SS8 9QS Tel: (01268) 685011 Cornelius | Fax: (01268) 510290School | Email: | Vermuyden | Dinant Avenue | Canvey Island | Essex | SS8 9QS Headteacher: Mrs C P Skewes B.Ed. (Hons), M.A., NPQH Tel: (01268) 685011 | Fax: (01268) 510290 | Email: | Headteacher: Mrs C P Skewes B.Ed. (Hons), M.A., NPQH 16 Etc. Summer 2015