
-----------------------------------We had a good time ~ Out in Colorado
Earth Day, The Soiled Dove
and The Armory tomorrow
Before we could get out of town
A fighter plane took me down
Now there's mountains in this town
Turn this Johnny big rig around
But Steve I've got to say
You're going the wrong way
oh so nice... ~ oh so see all this talkin bout music!
enjoy the creekend folks!
Let's try again! ~ The comment was (and still is) RE: the Greel ey show
... "and thus providing the inspiration for "Wrong Way" ...
yes, we do remember! :>) "
oh crap! ~ sorry, last poster!
care to repost your cool comment
glen ~ my fave - Camp Creek 2000 Sunday Morning Gospel
Set. Unforgettable. God only knows if anyone taped it.
Anybody out there ever see that beauty floating around?
PFP ~ Best ever Flipper show IMHO: 4/1/00 - DDG. To my knowledge, no
rcdgs were made of that monster performance.
glen ~ correction: bad date on my CD, t he Greely, CO show is
4/20/2000 - which you Flip scholars might remember
as the last gig played on the tour before Brett fell out of
the plane and broke his arm!
Pickle ~ <br>9/2/00 is possibly one of the best shows of all time
(imho) and yes, I do have a copy of that and green cookie show.<br>
glen ~ that's cool. I have plenty of other stuff for ya' anyway.
Can't wait for tonight, hope to see some of you at the Creekend show!
mr.e ~ G, PM already sent me those 2 shows --thanks for
thinking of me ; )
glen ~ ah, the Nylons... To All: I'm currently busy burning Mr. E
a ton of stuff, could anybody out there (Marino©?)
possibly miracle Mr. E a 6/1/01 at The Place and a
2/2/02 at the Hungry Tiger?
rex luv chunks ~ ***4/20/99 at The Sta te Armory in Greely, CO***
great, been waiting for a colorado show for a long
glen ~ Whoa- takin' a trip down mammory lane today. Been
sorting all my live Flipper and going through it. There
are some real jems in here, like 4/20/99 at The State
Armory in Greely, CO and The 'Flipper Feet' gig
10/25/02 (Scotty & Craig from Mystery Feet, Rev Tor on
mandolin, Brett & Glen) and some other top secret
surprises. Watch out for some of this stuff hopefully on
future vines! Just got my f irst one yesterday, thanks GG!
sk ~ ah, the green cookie show, or as i call it, the green album. not
sure of the date on that one, but it was before the dueces are wild
2/2/2 pevar w/flipper show. for the record, we had a pre -show party at
my place and the esteemed cookie monster brought over plenty of his
cookies and the beer and wine flowed freely and the expensive call
girls were loose with the truth that ain't no lie, anyway, fearless
leader felt the performance wasn't up to snuff and asked that the show
not be mass distributed, there was however another show at the hungry
tiger which was on a night when creek played their xmas office party
gig at that place near uconn and a bunch of us showed up at the
beginning of the 2nd set to find that peev had joined them on stage.
there are no recordings of this gig.
thank you and stay in touch by calling 1 -800-eskay1
personal appearances
photo op's
tour dates
tips on being handsome
tips on being funny
vine 2 signups are open at ~
signups will be open for a week (05/02/03). I hope we
can rustle up a better turnout than the last vine. You do
not have to have a burner to signup, depending on the
generosity of our burners. enjoy the music, 'cause as
Zappa always said, "Music is the best!" the shows are:
Flipper Dave 12/31/97 Municipal Cafe; Hartford, CT. *
Flipper Dave "Ransom Notes" ©1998 Jagermeister
Promotional Cassette Remaster * Flipper Dave
10/31/99 Expo Center; Hartford, CT.
PFP ~ Okay. I'm not familiar w/ 11/10 & thought that the mention by
Brett was indicative of it being GCS.
Actually, I believe GCS was 11/10/01 whilst the FD/Peev show was 2/2/02
... ~ At least that's what each of MY sets sa y on 'em .... additional
confirmation on that is at the 2/2/02 show Brett welcomes Green Cookie
and Rice Krispie treat people ... :>) (And you all know who you are!!!
glen ~ I must disagree here, Mr. P2P. Having been 'present' at
both shows, I assure you that while the venue is the
same (THT) that Green Cookies & Jeff Pevar do not
mix. Very very different nights.
PFP ~ Mr E: The Green Cookie Show is the FD&Peev. So you do have it. I
am currently listening to P&F 8/8/98 - Fillmore, S.F. This is a nice
pre-liver jerk RIFT P&F noodlefest performance. Green Cookie is better
IMO. But this is certainly far superior to hairy napoleans.
glen ~ wow-- the whole box??
Uncle Big Boss ~ Now Playing: Via Satelitte "A Different Day"
Tapes are fine w/ me.
I have Phils's Farm (courtesy of PM) but I do not have
The Green Cookie Show. The Phil's Farm is a great
show, as is the Butternut show --both vine worthy. I'm
just having a hard time figuring out what people want or
if they want it period. Let me know what I can send you.
I'll cook up the Donovan box for you tonight.
The GCS and Phil's Farm have ~ also been miracled ....
MorningChild ~ Yes, Glen/Mr. E - the FD/Pevar gig was miracled
previously (I know that 'cuz I was a benefici ary of said
miracle ...) Peace and HAPPY FRIDAY al!! :>)
glen ~ Cool! So E, just went through the library and found some sweet
stuff - no one's got some of this stuff. Much of it is scattered on
different CD's, so I'll have to put multiple things t ogether, I'll
label it carefully. I may have spoken too soon on The Kind CD, thought
I had it, but only on tape. How do you feel about tapes, for I have
many of those as well? Maybe another day. Final thought: Before I
burn these, do you have; FD at P hil's Farm 9/2/00 (possibly from
Marino©) or do you have The Green Cookie Show(GCS) Hungry Tiger
(possibly from Robin) Oops, does this post belong on the trading site?
mr.e ~ with a 50 cd changer that's too hard.
Last cd bought" Jayhawks "Rainy D ay Music"
Last DVD bought" The Police "Every Breath -The Videos"
What I'm Currently Listening To: ~ On TV: Mostly CMT all week. Just
got back from Nashville, and I'm still stuck on the country thing. In
the 5-disc changer, let's see... Deana Carter, Ricky Skaggs, John
Michael Montgomery, Sean Watkins and a band called Littlehorse.
(bassist from Spaghetti Cake) All in all, mostly country. Last MP3
downloaded: Glen Campbell "Rhinestone Cowboy" and Exile "Superlove".
In the car? A one-hit wonder band called "Starclub" They did the song
"Hard To Get" from the intro of "The Crush". OK, your turn.
uncle big boss ~ "DR. BAD VIBES, THROW DOWN THOSE JAMS!!"
glen ~ I think that's one of the fan faves (am I right, folks?) 'cause
Brett & Pevar rip it up big time. Only, Paulie & Mike as I recall
however may already have miracled that one? Any help here, boyos? E.,
the thing I can never get over about that song is A.) That we knew all
the characters names to begin with B.) To this day, Colin still knows
every word.
mr.e ~ well then G, what ARE you listening to?
glen ~ Hay Dennis, et al., whattya' say? Would it be 'Too Juicey' if
we borrowed your 'I'm Currently Listening To:' idea? I always thought
it was kind of brilliant, too.
mr.e ~ Now Playing: Cops Rap! ; )
still been working on the via remaster cds Glen --still
need to do the "box set." as for cinco, you gotta fill me
in, didn't realize I was invited...
sounds legendary!
YES, need the Kind cd, and suggestions for an
exceptional vine worthy FD show from the current
lineup. PM's pushing for the Peevar show. agree?
glen ~ jeremy, I am reasonably sure that you can stay in one of our
rooms. we're not going to be getting too much sleep for the most part
anyway. still, there i s a 1-800 number on the tour dates page if you
want to have a go.
Brian ~ Oh Oh! I smell a new project...
glen ~ Oh Mr. E, so many memories... if only the Flippies knew some of
this old classic material... hmm, that gives me an idea. :)
glen ~ Not me!! Via Satellite... so prolific, so progressive, so
misunderstood. Well, it's been quite a week, lots of emoting going on.
But now it's time to rock. Can't wait to see everyone at the Creekend.
Good luck w/ the forum, Bro, you have 'carte blanc he'. Mr. E, care
package will be en route shortly. (Did you still want The Kind CD as
well?) Any chance that we'll see you at Cinco -de-my House? Always one
of the best times around.
mr.e ~ btw, glen will appreciate this, after the FD show I have
"The Glen Nelson/Colin Wilson 1988 Demos" in line to
listen to. so there!
mr.e ~ "I'm currently listening to" is the funnest one imo.
I can see me and the marino bros having particular fun
w/ that one. I am currently listening to: Pre -Via Satellite
demos by Chris Macbeth (everyone's going, huh?). After
that Flipper Dave 12/29/00 Fat Daddy's; Watertown, CT.
is in the queu.
Brian ~ COOL! So far, I going to include message, time/date, email me,
check out this link, and an emotion icon. I may inc lude homepage, but I
may not include I'm listening to, because its so Dr. Juice... Keep the
ideas coming... Thanks!
PFP ~ Bring back the date & time.
mr.e ~ Hello Brian! Hope you are doing great!
Personally I love how the DR JUICE board allows these
optional fields of entry (particularly the "I'm currently
listening to" area") that aren't visible if you don't enter
any info, but are if you do.
E-mail address:
Homepage address:
I'm currently listening to:
My message:
Brian ~ I giving the FLIP FORUM a major overhaul. If anyone has any
suggestions, please post an idea...
jeremy ~ Just curious, If we go to see Creek but don't have a room,
will we be able to stay for flipper?
glen ~ Sorry folks, but for anyone who might not know, wh ile you do not
need to log on officially to this site, you do need to specify some
sort of username or else your message will get deleted upon the next
post. Can the last person possibly repost?
test ~ test
Kevy ~ wow there was this huge post bout f ree stuff and bang it
dissappered coool.
MorningChild ~ Hey Jess! We miss you too! Hope to see you soon
(C-de-my-H) for sure if not before! 'Til then - take care &
(((Hugs))) :>)
Jessica ~ Hi Flip Fans! Using a friends computer to say hi while mine
is still out of order:(! Anyway hope all is well with everyone and I
miss you very much! I will hopefully be in touch with many of you and
see you soon (Cinco de my house maybe?) Take Care and hugs to you all!
Chewy ~ Rrrrlllyyyooooowwwwww!
Confirmed by Lucasfilm: ~ Chewbacca will return in Star Wars: Episode
III !!!
FYI ~ Chris Eddy's Brett Connors Tribute Site (a.k.a. 'Flipper
Brett Trading' ) has been moved to the Flipper 51.
mr.e ~ re: may 9 gig time.
I'll correct that--sorry folks!
RETRACTION - Please disregard previous post ... ~ it's only the
"poster" on the FBTrading site now that's
indicating the date/time sequence in question - it's
already been changed on the Tour Date s page. Sorry!
Tour Dates Question: The "Shortness" Gig posted for ~ FRIDAY, May 9th
- time shown is 3-7 p.m. - is the date
wrong or the time (I'm just guessing here but the
combination of a show on a Friday afternoon from 3 -7
p.m. at B-Ray's seems an unlikely match ...) Thanks for
the clarification!
and PEACE!! :>)
PFP ~ Yes, About Schmidt was THE SCHIDT!!!! 3.5 stars. How can ya beat
that place? Bring your own 6 -pk, $3.00 entrance fee & full feedbags o'
corn for $3.50. Let's h ope they change shows again next week.
glen ~ My fave part was when Brett said 'HolyWater
CamelToe.' Funny s**t. Hey Paulie, great film fest
tonight. I laughed, I cried, a powerhouse performance.
Thumbs up.
Kevy ~ I gots it sorry bout the dela y-
bfree ~ CEddy,the video from Black eyed sallys will be on tv...tape
it.:))......happy B-Day Maisy!...peace.
bfree ~ ...Flipper Dave, part one, this friday channel 5 Nutmeg tv,630 730....will re-air later in spring.Part 2 next friday,same time.
johnny ~ hi brett please give me a buzz on my cell about 5/30 thanks
and fm is my 58 strat neck started?
more on 2 towers dvd ~
PFP ~ Kevy, I sent you an Email to which I haven't rec'd a reply. Not
that one's needed. JLMK if you gotzit!
Reverend ~ Hey Flipsters, Thanks so much for being apart of 420 Fest.
It was a great night of music, a good turn out and a nice vibe thanks
in no small part to your involvement. I loved th e band switch from
HolyH20 to FD in the middle of I Knew. What a great way to bid fare
thee well to old Bucksteep. The only problem is, the new owners where
so impressed with the show they are going to let us do it one more
time. Next Bucksteep show is Fri day October 31 HALLOWEEN!!!! I guess
we'll just have to have a farewell show there a few times a year!
W<br> ~ Happy Earth Day<br>
Noodle News ~ Sue and Glen are pleased to announce that their song
"Welcome Home" from the 'Sunflower' CD was a final ist
in the 2002 Great American Song contest, which
attracted thousands of songwriters worldwide. Check
out all of this year's winners at:
glen ~ Check out Brad Paisley's new video - very funny!!
firecracker beer ~ Shortness
Sully's Pub;
Hartford, CT.
1. I Need A Vacation
2. Better Make It Through Today
3. Rhode Island
4. Message In A Bottle
5. Out Of Luck
6. Eggs Benedict >
7. Where It All Began >
8. Eggs Benedict
9. The Weekend (Does It Ever End)
10. 99 Years (including Tracy Morgan SNL quote)
Brett Connors - Vocals and Guitar, Dennis Fancher Guitar and Vocals, Mike Sherman - Bass and Vocals,
Jonathan Lichtig - Drums
Brett, ~ Thanks SK, I'm pretty sure there was a (Out of Luck) on that
setlist too. couldnt tell you where though. Chris, I can get you a
copy of that from Robin& Pickle. SK's mics sound real good. Fun
weekend everyone!
PFP ~ I don't recall a lec ture. Of course, it may surely be true since
a teacher am I. A transferer of knowledge. An Oracle. Sage. sk, you are
merely a learner. An acquirer of wisdom. A COBOL. Parsley. But glad you
enjoyed. See ya soon.
sk ~ i enjoyed the heck out of the shortnes s gig, why don't you bring
that gig to sully's one thursday every six weeks or so, i'd be there
with rings on my fingers, bells on my shoes and mics and a tapedeck!
thanks paulie for the football lecture and the cd.
tapes came out swell, i'll get you cd's soon.
Kevy ~ Also Great weekend to everyone included!
2 towers dvd news ~
Kevy ~ HBD< Little Maisy!
ziola ~ happy happy birthday maisy!!!
Glenith ~ WOW! Sully's on Friday was great. A really needed t hat.
<h1>Happy Birthday Maisy!!</h1> (She's "1" today)
PFP ~ What say we do it tamale then & have it be a Nelson & Marino Bros
Gathering. Assuming, of course, we can get msp to join us. msp?????
glen ~ I think Brian's coming over on Tues, that's all. I really
don't care as much since my favorite Idol©®™, Ricky
Smith got voted off. He looked like a black version of
my college roommate, Stu. I met the dude that got
kicked off the show, Corey Clark, down in Nashville.
Also met one of the N ashville Stars! Saw so much
great music down there too, tell you all about it soon.
PFP ~ Wed works for me, but Tues is far better since I'm in the office
& have plans for early afternoon already. Which day is Your Garbage on?
I thought it was Wed.
glen ~ Wow, finally coming around here, late night w/ Brett, Tor & the
boys. 4:20 weekend was a 3 for 3 success all the way around! Seemed
very sad to be bidding farewell to Bucksteep, I just kept thinking of
so many great shows there in the past 4 year s or so. An epic place.
If you missed it, it seems that next weekend will be more of the same
squared. (or even cubed!) So now I'm on vacation from school for a
week. Psyched! So if anyone's sitting around bored this week, give me
a call! I'm all about the hang! P2P, I would be psyched for a FfF
this week, how about Wed.? Hippie Birthday Dazy Head Mazy!
Red Rose ~ Goin' where I never get no sleep. Down at Flipper Dave's
room at Bucksteep. Goin' where I never get no sleep. Ain't gunna be
treated this a way!
Jeni G. ~ Thanks to all that made the 420 Fest a success especially to
Tor and The Reverend Tor Band, Flipper Dave and Holywater. You guys
kicked some serious ass. Thank you!!!!!
MC ~ You're welome Jill - and yep- it's definitely a keeper!
jill ~ Thank you MC for the pic of us girls!! I love it!
PFP ~ ELN, I got your present. I thank you, ya devious baschtahd, ya!!
my weekly plea to SK ~ drop me a line re: taping and trading. thanks!
PFP ~ {{{H1BD MAISY}}} <p>Glen, About Schmidt is at the CC this week.
Starts @ 7:00. Last week was GONY but we didn't make it. Cindy & I were
hoping that it'd be carried over. But Schmidt has Jack & he sure as
hell ain't Jack Schidt!! What's say?
Happy 1st Birthday Maisy! ~ Wishing you a lifetime of happiness!!
& (((Hugs))) - MorningChild
Mommy, Daddy, Finn & Peg ~ Happy 1st Birthday Maisy!! We love you!!
Set list Sullys Shortness, 4/18/03 ~ I need a vacation- Better make it
through today- Rhode Island- Message in a bottle- Eggs benedict=>where
it all began=>eggs benedict - The weekend(does it ever end - 99yrs
w/Britney Spears SNL skit lyrics
GLEN ~ Happy Easter!
Happy 4:20!
May your grass be blue.
PFP ~ Happy Easter & Passover (a little late) Everybody.
jeremy ~ Happy Easter! Wake -n-_ _ _ _. Baskets full of grass and
candy. Can't wait till tonight!!!!
glen ~ Well, I missed last night's gig, but so far it looks like
Easter 4:20 Weekend 2003 is 2 for 2, great dynamic
shows. Great to be home, see some of you tomorrow
at Bucksteep. But now off for bed...
sk<br> ~ i got so excited about easter this week that i had my way with
my basket and have one of those stale marshmallow peeps lodged in my
sphincter , my proctologist says i am gona be out of commission for a
few weeks
glen ~ we're back! had great time, looking forward to seeing everyone
tonight! don't get too wasted this afternoon!
James ~ Congrats on the shortness debut in Ha rtford.
can we get a copy of that!!
When and where
Sully's ~ Simply amazing.......
Head hurts ~ Don't forget about the Chicago Rhythm station show today
from 2-6 at The Brass Horse.Flipper Mike, Jay,Jon,Steve and Keith.Come
on down and have a few..... .
sk ~ last night = we had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun
MorningChild ~ Happy Friday all - wishin' you all tons of fun this
weekend - to any of my girls who are out and about - have a dance and a
shot for me! :>) Hope to see you all agai n soon! 'Til then - peace!
ELN ~ What time does the gig start tonight?
Kevy ~ Diga-
94 CA Show ~ WOW!! That's specific. Probably 2/27 - Oakland, but mine
grew legs.
bfree ~ oops,for a moment I thought I was still on the juice
bfree ~ and while I'm comment about vibes was about people in
the audience.But thats ok.reflections....
bfree ~ PFP,you're smarter than that....hey ,I could use a good
recommendation for a 94 Cali show....
Red Rose aka Berkshire Frea k ~ Any of you Flipper Freaks going to
Bucksteep Sunday? So looking forward to seeing FD again. I missed you
last time you up here.
PFP ~ <p>Webmeister Brian: What happened to the dates & times assoc'd
w/ posts???? Put them back please, My Enemy, or I shall smote you &
cast your ruin on the hillide below AJ's!!!
Revisionist TKOTA ~ I can only imagine the sort of criticism that I am
subject to today since I watched Milos Forman's "Hair" already. I
starting to believe that revisionism is THE WAY!!! There's certainly an
argument that could be made for The Theorem: <p>P&F (aka TOO3 aka
Whatever He's Calling It These Days) > GD <p>But OH! that PETER
JACKSON!!! What he has done w/ LOTR:TTT alone justifies his nomination
& makes him a strong candidate for <p>TKOTR!!!!
TaperJones ~ Hey Musicians ...I am also selling a
ROLAND JAZZ CHORUS 150 AMPLIFIER...$500...E mail me at
peeps ~ happy easter everyone<br>
dogpatch ~ gald to hear flipper is playing aft er creek friday nite at
the 32nd..cant wait!!
PFP ~ Coincidentally, that's my favorite woman's outfit.
BUZZ ~ My alltime favorite song is Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Poka
Dot Bikini
jager-keis ~ Don't forget the pre Bohemian party at The Brass Hors e
with Chicago Rhythm Station from 2:30 to 6:30 celebrating opening day
of fishing season.The lineup is FD's Mike sherman,Jonathin litchtig,Jay
bean,Steve ringett and myself jager.come catch a buzz before Flippers
performance.See you all there!!!!
Kev's ~ drawing a blankTaperJones ~ HELLO EVERYONE....Havent been around for a while...
hope everyone is doing good....I am looking for a
Roommate...I live in Lebanon,,,which is part of Hebron...
If anyone knows of anyone who needs a place, PLEASE E M AIL
ME..... ....Hope to see you guys soon...
Pickle ~ There was a short 3rd set the other day, hmmmm, what was
it...I do remember a killer Down by the River....I bet Kev can fill in
the blanks
BUZZ ~ I love my fuzzy white slippers.
blissed & dosed out hippie ~ huh?
that's cool man
PFP ~ Juice Forum is functional again
firecracker beer ~ Shortness
Billy Ray's Cafe;
Winsted CT.
Set 1:
1. It's A Waste
2. Crashing My Car
3. I Don't Mind (Dennis quotes "Back On The Chain
4. Waterfalls
5. Folsom Prison Blues (Brett quotes "Southbound")
6. So Lonely (including Tracy Morgan SNL quote)
7. Out Of Luck (false start)
8. Out Of Luck
9. Redneck Mothers >
10. Dukes Of Hazzard Theme
11. Driving My Life Away
12. Brand New Sweater
13. I Need A Vaction
Set 2:
Message In A Bottle
99 Years >
Eggs Benedict >
James Gang ? >
Heartbreaker Page Solo >
James Gang ?
Can't Find My Way Home
Brett Connors - Vocals and Guitar, Dennis Fancher Guitar and Vocals, Mike Sherman - Bass and Vocals,
Jonathan Lichtig - Drums
Dennis ~ The Juice Forum is having problems, so there has been a backup
set up for those jonesing badly enough. Just go in through the front
page and refresh your browser. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks
Flipper for the bandwith!
PFP© ~ It's quite possible that GD 10/10/76 - Oakland is the greatest
musical performance in the history of the earth thus far. At least
given that they were limited by no Fishthingy on drum s :) <p>And to
think that after that masterpiece, The Who closed the show. Double
edged sword for them. No way they could eclipse that monster, but
already blissed & dosed out hippies aren't that easy to piss off. I
wish I was there. YMMVOC.
PFP ~ What's w/ the Juice Forum???
Glenith ~ Buzz!!!, Long time amigo. Send me your e -mail.
msp<br> ~
hey SK and Bfree ~ please drop me an email when you get a chance re: BE
Sk ~ I just might go to Bucksteep, I really like that place. I had many
of favorite moments there, well, except for that one time my mom showed
me how to douche, after our walk on the beach. That was precious.
BUZZ ~ The best day of all besides my birthday which should be a
national holiday)is Easter Sunday thats the day I get to prance around
in my pink and furry rabbit suit with my gaily colored testicles laying
in the warm soft confines of that green plastic bas ket grass
jeremy ~ Isn't it kinda funny that the three most powerful men in the
are named Bush, Colin, and Dick. Lol
Rev ~ Hey all, this Sunday's (Easter Sunday) 420 fest is the last
public show at the legendary Bucksteep Manor in Washingt on, MA. The
place has been sold. The new owners are good folks but are only
interested in doing privet functions like weddings and such. Doors at
6pm, Holy Water Undertoe at 7pm, Flipper Dave at 9pm, Rev Tor Band &
Friends at 11pm. It's an 18+ show. For di rections, camping & room info
call (413) 623-5535. Also, for anyone who does not have family Easter
commitments, Some of us are thinking of having a pot -luck picnic & BBQ
up there in the afternoon (whether permitting). Email me if interested.
ChrispyChritta from RI!!! ~ SHWEEEEEET!!! Glad to see Flippa gonna be
at The 32nd Creek Anniv., also me and the lady's 5th anniv....gonna be
a great weekend, let's all wish for sunshiney weatha... Somethins
simple, keep it real :)
~ Diga,
brett ~ att. dig fans. shortness will be playing tomoorow at brays 4 8. dr juice at little city tonight. dont make me sit in for a hodown,
Rare Lymphoma ~ so, so sad: <A HREF=
style=text-decoration:none><FONT SIZE=+1 C OLOR=#00FF00><B>STAY
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 12&#184; 2003
Brian ~ The new auto link feature is working... <A
HREF= style=text -decoration:none><FONT
SIZE=+1 COLOR=#FF00FF><B>Flipper</B></F ONT></A>
<FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 11&#184; 2003 9:42pm</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ I need shotz. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 11&#184; 2003
bfree ~ OK...Um,I goofed...and the Flipper Dave Show which was
scheduled for April 18th really is the friday AFT ER
that....thanks!...Nutmeg TV channel 5 "Something Different"....peace!
For explanation see PFP (formerly known as P2P)'s post of 4/7/03 below
.... ~ <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 11&#184; 2003 6:36pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ No sir. That really was me. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 11&#184;
2003 5:24pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ why pfp and not p2p??? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 11&#184; 2003
glen ~ off to Music City U.S.A. until the Bohemian Too gig, see you all
then. P2P©, until then, I'm putting you in charge. an y complaints,
see Paulie, the film this week is still TTT, so we're good. have fun
at Shortness this weekend everybody, thanks for all the support lately,
and we'll catch you on The Flip Side!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 11&#184;
2003 5:21pm</B></FONT>
MC ~ Yep, sometimes remaining diplomatic and neutral (as you've so
cleverly illustrated) can be painful at times! ;>) LOL PFP - thanks
for makin' me smile! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 11&#184; 2003
PFP ~ LOL, sk posting as BUZZ is hilariou s!!! <p>And MC, it's all
opinion of course. I wouldn't want to pretend that I was mad or
anything. My preference is 1/2 hr less musica & more schmoggapop.
YMMVOC. <p>And, yep, I'd say you pretty much have one leg on each side
of that picket fence. OUCH!
BUZZ ~ Oral sex isn't so bad, except for the sore throat.
MorningChild ~ rcw and The Girl - check yer emails ...
MC ~ Didn't think for one minute that it was an entire show's worth of
jam -- I'd take what I can get since they do it so rarely ( like almost
never!)! I'm sure it was grand indeed and I'm glad the show was a good
one. Yep - it's how it is with those Fables - they're typically a
"break-free" bunch - no complaint from me on that score as a fan (just
my humblest of opinions) but on th e other hand I wouldn't complain if
they did indulge in a break either ... how's that for being on both
sides of a fence!?
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 11&#184; 2003
PFP ~ BTW, if I implied that they played together for the whole sh ow,
my bad. That is not the case. Just one KICK ASS version of Watchtower
w/ Citizen Connors blowing it up on the lead guitar in that three
guitar arrangement. The Fables vocals are awesome. The show was
probably the best I've seen by them (of the fwe that I've been privy
to). One *minor* complaint though (and I'm serious): It started at
8:00, ended at 12:00 and there was not even a 5 minute break. As Brett
said, the sest break is as much for the audience as it is for the
performers. And of course, "I futba ll, i bascheball, i
baschketeball...miu piage i futeball per tutti!!". <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 11&#184; 2003 3:20pm</B></FONT>
MC ~ "winnebago" - that's cute - (and your wife has excellent taste in
music!) :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 11&#184; 2003 3:19pm< /B></FONT>
PFP ~ "how'd you find out about it ?" <=== I followed the incredibly
beautiful scent of estrogen that was wafting thru the Farmington
valley, and that's where it lead. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 11&#184; 2003
winnebago ~ >>some of my best musical memories from days gone
by are of them playing together<<
that's what my wife says too! ;
2003 3:07pm</B></FONT>
) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 11&#184;
MorningChild ~ WOW - I would've loved to have been there for that one
PFP (or have a record of it anyway)! They play SOOOOO nice together some of my best musical memories from days gone by are of them playing
together! Glad you were there to support it and I'm sure it was
appreciated by JS! Peace all and HAPPY FRIDAY!! :>) < FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 11&#184; 2003 3:01pm</B></FONT>
awww crap! ~ I work literally 60 seconds away from there and totally
missed the boat. how'd you find out about it ? ; (
<<PFP It was great to see Citizen Connors jamming w/
Joey and the Fables las t night at Murphy's. Schweet!!!
April 11¸ 2003 1:26pm << <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 11&#184; 2003
where spectre belongs ~ <A
HREF= style=text decoration:none><FONT
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 11&#184; 2003 1:29pm</B></FONT>
PFP ~ It was great to see Citizen Connors jamming w/ Joey and the
Fables last night at Murphy's. Schweet!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
11&#184; 2003 1:26pm</B></FONT>
Genius: ~ Put the money in the bag! <A
HREF=|oddlyenough|04 -102003::10:04|reuters.html style=text -decoration:none><FONT
COLOR=#FFFFFF><B>Stop Theif!</B></FONT></A>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
11&#184; 2003 12:38pm</B></FONT>
bfree ~ Nice!....hope they have a coffee maker in the red room,cheap
stimulants will be desired! :)) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 11&#184; 2003
christopher ~ BRETT-check your email and give me a buzz when you
can. want to make sure we are in touch before sunday.
thanks. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 11&#184; 2003 8:49am</B></FONT>
glen ~ hey guys, tour dates updated. new gigs include a
sweet Friday night after -hours set at the Max Creek
32nd Anniversary Creek end coming up on April 25th! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 10&#184; 2003 9:06pm</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Pickle, I shared your window story with the roomies. Greg had a
birck fall three stories and hit the back window of his fox wagon, left
an imprint of the brick but did not shatter. This leads me to believe
it must of been the gas. Sorry dude. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 10&#184;
2003 8:41pm</B></FONT>
jeremy ~ Maine rules! I just got pulled over twice in less than an
hour. First
time was around 4:20, no insurance, no sticker, studde tires, no
back window, load exaust. The officer tells me he could arrest me
and impound the car. However he then tells me "I can't control
what you do after I leave, but I will advise you not to drive an
unsafe car with no insuranc e. Do you understand what I'm
saying?" absolutely officer. I ended up with a 210 dollar ticket.
Now for the best part, abought 30 minutes later I got stopped by
the most attractive twenty something women officer I have ever
seen. I'd like to think it was charm that saved me from another
ticket, but I think she felt soory for me. Probably a good thing I
didn't ask her to frisk me,no matter how much I wanted her to. Do
you think you could drive away in Ct. not once but twice. Life is
good!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 10&#184; 2003 5:49pm</B></FONT>
WOW! ~ Everyone must visit that site! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 10&#184;
2003 5:29pm</B></FONT>
where spectre belongs ~
1><B>April 10&#184; 2 003 11:23am</B></FONT>
glen ~ LOL!! Spectre may very well be the world's funniest band. I
love that website!! Most of all, I love
Brian Weapon's bio, it's always being updated with more and more,
shall we say, creative
wordpla <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 10&#184; 2003 9:43am</B></FONT>
glen ~ LOL!! Spectre may very well be the world's funniest band. I
love that website!! Most of all, I love
Brian Weapon's bio, it's always being updated with more and more,
shall we say, creative
wordpla <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 10&#184; 2003 9:43am</B></FONT>
bummer ; ( ~ flipper, learn from spectre's mistakes:
"Although he is very excited about the debut release of
"ABOVE GROUND LEVEL", It soon became a
nightmare as several personal changes, bad
distribution deals and most of all a Japanese company
bootlegging two singles off the SpectreWorld website
and selling over 30,000 plus copies unsolicited. It was
time for Brian and Bob to regroup._" <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 10&#184;
2003 10:25am</B></FONT>
New Site ~ new live DVD on the way: <A HREF=
style=text-decoration:none><FONT COLOR=#FFFFFF><B>RUSH</B></FONT></A>
Awesome. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 10&#184; 2003 8:43am</B></FONT>
Brain Man Pants ~ 97X - BAM!!!! - The future of rock'n'roll
SIZE=-1><B>April 10&#184; 2003 8:07am</B></FONT>
Brain Man Pants ~ 97X - BAM!!!! - The future of rock'n'roll
SIZE=-1><B>April 10&#184; 2003 8:07am</B></FONT>
Brain Man Pants ~ 97X - BAM!!!! - The future of rock'n'roll <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 10&#184; 2003 7:19am</B></FONT>
glen ~ and that reminds me, a year spent with Geoff Downes
and the boys in Asia, and not even one mention of it in
the bio? Naturally, the dual Boston Power Drummer's
competition accolades were there.... LOL!! I'm dying! <FONT SIZE=1><B>April 9&#184; 2003 9:48pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ the problem with the 'musical revolution' is that it's been
coming for something like 10 years now... 10 years
and still only 2 songs on MP3? and what shelves are
these CDs going to hit exactly?? and don't even get me
started on the Bios section. too damn funny. Oh, Mr.
Weapon... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 9&#184; 2003 9:45pm</B></FONT>
PFP© ~ {{{HBD DEB}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 9&#184; 2003
sk ~ hey it's smilesalot's birthday today folks!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY
DEB!!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 9&#184; 2003 5:19pm</B></FONT>
you're killin me ~ how come you never put this in the flipper51? makes
me laugh everytime! BE PREPARED --THE MUSICAL
REVOLUTION HAS BEGUN... ........................."I used to be
nuts! I would use anything to play the drums. In 1990, I
used frozen turkey drumsticks in the last part of the
power drum solo. The crowd really liked the show,
except for the turkey shrapnel flying all over t hem!_" <FONT SIZE=1><B>April 9&#184; 2003 5:08pm</B></FONT>
Turkey Shrapnel ~ I was in Asia: <A HREF=
style=text-decoration:none><FONT COLOR=#FFFFFF><B>DON"T
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 9&#184; 2003
glen ~ well, I guess it needs a little more work!
1><B>April 9&#184; 2003 4:45pm</B></FONT>
:) <FONT SIZE= -
Barbara ~ I've been looking for you for years, Buzz. Hello, Gorgeous!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 9&#184; 2003 2:51pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ That Barbra Streisand special was really great last night.
love Babs, shes a musical genious and a total babe. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 9&#184; 2003 2:20pm</B></FONT>
Bri ~ Mmmmm, seems to be working. Type in a full web URL
like: and th en hit the space bar. You will
then be prompted for a label for this link. In this case, Flipper Dave,
would be appropriate. Click OK and then your message will include HTML
code in your textbox in order to activate the Label as a link. It will
also be in White and Bold. In the near future, you will be able to
specify these settings and perform email links. <FONT
COLOR=#FF0000><B>Enjoy!</B></FONT> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 9&#184; 2003
Bri ~ testing the new Auto Link feature... Just type in a full web
address like <A HREF= style=text decoration:none><FONT COLOR=#FFFFFF><B>Flipper Dave</B></FONT></A>
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 9&#184; 2003 11:35am</B></FONT>
Bri ~ FOFFFFFFF Rocked! Thanks Guys. Next stop, Gondor! <FONT SIZE=1><B>April 9&#184; 2003 9:51am</B></FONT>
glen ~ Yes, the FOFFFFFFF lived up to its name. That makes #5 for me,
I think I'm straight now until DVD time. Thanks, guys <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 9&#184; 2003 7:56am</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ FOFFFFFFF! Was gre at, Vigin to the to towers I am not. El
Fut'bal gracias. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 9&#184; 2003 8:49am</B></FONT>
PFP© ~ Much was the fun that the FOFFFFFFF produced for the 7
attendees. I futball, i bascheball, i baschketeball...miu piage i
futeball per tutti!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 9&#184; 2003
Tom Bombadillo<br> ~ I`ll give you an entwife treebeard you twisted old
swamp stump, imagine YOU get a part in the movie and they leave me out
because Liv overheard me telling goldenberry how i think her daddys
band sucks. And your no actor treebeard, you looked like those chessy
rubber apple trees from the wizard of oz.......donn't be
hasty...indeeed <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 8&#184; 2003 5:38pm</B></FONT>
Talouse Latrek ~ All the years combine, t hey melt in to a dream, a
broken angel sings from a guitar. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 8&#184; 2003
All the condiments combine: ~ <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 8&#184; 2003 4:21pm</B></FONT>
M84 ~ If not Russ, then Tree Rollins for sure. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
8&#184; 2003 4:14pm</B></FONT>
M84 ~ Actually, I might inclined to join you in vidying Peter Jackson's
remake of the Milos Forearm classic Valmont: Part Deux. However, I have
plans to be in Manchester this evening. After some thoughts about my
Goat-T (not that that was me posting!) posting, I'm thinking Bill
Russell should have played the part of Tree -T, um, beard. Sorry again,
I slipped! I mean, the guy won 11 championships in a 13 yea r carreer,
and he had a little leprechaun at center court of the wooden paquette
floor. He would have known if the southern end of Fangord, err, The
Garden, was being defaced by lowly Orcs (aka. Lakers). But I do
digress! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 8&#184; 20 03 4:14pm</B></FONT>
PFP© ~ So, M84, can we assume that you'll not be showing up for this
affair? Hopefully the FOFFFFFFF will be more than the usual Glen & PFP.
I know my wife & kids are coming, and it seems that Brian will be there
as well. Kevy??? <FON T SIZE=-1><B>April 8&#184; 2003 3:59pm</B></FONT>
ever had one of those days ? ~ <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
8&#184; 2003 3:31pm</B></FONT>
Milos Foreman Pants ~ Jeez!!! This guy's worse than Kesey w/ the whole
revisionist bashing thing, huh? Oh well! At least he's consistent and
doesn't sit there & sing the revisionist praises of The Red Helmet's
Red Herring. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 8&#184; 2003 3:12pm</B></FONT>
Frodo84 ~ With all the revisionist interpretations in The Two Towers
movie, I'm surprised that Treebeard wasn't sporting a Goat -T! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 8&#184; 2003 2:27pm</B></FONT>
Brian ~ I can't wait for <A HREF="#FFFFFFF"><FONT
COLOR="#FFFFFF"><B>The First Official Flip Forum Freaky Fun Fútbal Film
Fest!</B></FONT></A> I am so going NUTS with anticipation that I can't
even get any work done. Hee -Hee! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 8&#184; 2003
treebeard<br> ~ maybe glen, but i have been sleepy lately....<br>i am
standing in some woods not f ar from you now.....take 109 from the
center of morris towards washington, past route 209<br>( or take a
right at the end of 209 from bantom)<br>to todd hill road, take a left
onto todd hill road, stay on todd hill ( a beautiful rd) till you get
to "ancient oak road"<br>Hump bump they named a road after me<br> take
a right onto ancient oak road, its a dead end with new houses on it, as
you go along look to the left, i am standing in the woods about 50 off
the road, there is a path and parking for one car, please respect the
neighbors as they planned their building lots to leave plenty of space
for me<p>and if you happen to hear any word of any entwives..........
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 8&#184; 2003 11:44am</B></FONT>
Frodo Lives! ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 8&#184; 2003 8:46am</B></FONT>
glen ~ Treebeard? Are you coming to the Entmoot tonight? Don't Be
Hasty. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 8&#184; 2003 8:45am</B></FONT>
PFP® ~ Don't forget o come to the FOFFFFFFF (LOTR:TTT) tonight @ 7:30
@ the COuntry Cinema in W atertown. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 8&#184; 2003
2003 12:11am</B></FONT>
Flea ~ Do any of you, your parents, or grandparents have any
""classic" 78 rpm records in the at tic or basement in good condition I
can purchase? My uncle is moving and last Sunday I moved a grandfaters
clock the was my great granfather's and a working victrola. Both of
which are in working condition. The clock after my grandmother passed
away was in need of work after being moved up north from Florida.(100
yrs old). Its second long move. So my uncle offered me the clock and
the victrola as he did not feel that they would survive another long
move again. Reading the owners manual for the victrola has been
entertaining. For 2 pages it talks about how it is a technological
advancement to hear music in your home with life like quaLity (over 60
years before DAT and cd) and what a record is and how to care for them.
It is ironic having a working victr ola in the same room and next to a
bookcase with an extensive cd collection (thanks marino's and
others)and a 100 watt surround speaker on the other side. With a state
of the art stereo in the same room (200 watt rms 15" klipsch spakers
are not inexpensive). Although I have about 100 "classic" 78 rpm
records, rather then collecting cdr's over the next few months I will
be more interested in collecting more "classic" 78 Rpm's to listen to
on my "victor talking machine". I am looking forward to hearing "his
master's voice" over the next few weeks. If anyone has any in the attic
or basement 78 RPM records in good condition drop me a line. thanks. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 7&#184; 2003
glen ~ I second that! Bri, this site always looks great! (But I think
it needs more games) Hope to see you tomorrow night! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 7&#184; 2003 8:34pm</B></FONT>
PFP® ~ A quick note of thanks to Brian Nelson for running thsi
wonderful message board for all these years. And I hope to see you
tomorrow at the FOFFFFFFF. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 7&#184; 2003
glen ~ thanks BUZZ, that's what I meant to
that my direction giving skills are poor.
easy to find. rt. 63, center of Watertown
taking Tolkien roll call in proper Elvish.
encouraged. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 7&#184;
say, I guess I've proven
however, it's still insanely
tomorrow night. we'll be
costumed allowed, but not
2003 5:35pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ just a little adition to the directions, when you get off o f
route 8 you go straight onto route 72 wich turns into route 63 in
about 4 miles then about 2 more miles to the cinema <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 7&#184; 2003 5:00pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ closet Tolkien geeks????? ok but lurker? well maybe just a
little....maybe i`ll atend.....only seen it twice so far<FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 7&#184; 2003 3:56pm</B></FONT>
ringo -> ~ Thanks FM! I'll be around Easter weekend (I mean, 4:20
weekend). <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 7&#184; 2003 3:44pm</B></FONT>
FM ~ ringo, I have a DD s how with you on it. I`ll burn you a copy.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 7&#184; 2003 12:57pm</B></FONT>
DAMN! ~ I meant to say exit 35!!!!!! Sorry, folks.
1><B>April 7&#184; 2003 12:22pm</B></FONT>
:) <FONT SIZE= -
<A NAME="FFFFFFF">Easiest directions to <FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF"><B>The
First Official Flip Forum Freaky Fun Fútbal Film Fest</B></FONT> ~ Take
rt. 84 to rt. 8 North. Look immediately for exit 37 off to the left.
It is rt. 63 heading towards Oakville/Watertown. Stay on this road.
Pass Municipal Stadium, pass Adams Food Store, Firehouse (all on right)
and start looking for parking. A.J.'s & Country Cinema will shortly be
on the right as well. Parking in rear. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 7&#184;
2003 12:15pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ All you lurkers out there, F ilm Buffs & closet Tolkien geeks,
your time has come. Tomorrow, let the word go forth, the official
screening... see previous posts for all the details. 7:30 tomorrow at
the Country Cinema w/ pre party, drinks et. al next door at A.J.'s Pub
& Grille. Frodo walked through Mordor for you, the least you can do is
meet us tomorrow for the FOFFFFFFF, sodies & feedbags. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 7&#184; 2003 12:04pm</B></FONT>
On This Day In 1933 ~ , Prohibition ends.<FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
7&#184; 2003 11:52am< /B></FONT>
PFP® ~ Yes, LOTR:TTT FD Forumers Fest w/b tomorrow night @ 7:30 w/
pre-film @ 5:00. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 7&#184; 2003 10:58am</B></FONT>
kevy ~ it's tommorow then - <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 7&#184; 2003
bfree ~ bummer to hear about Baba...great persussionist and teacher.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 7&#184; 2003 10:51am</B></FONT>
PFP™ ~ For those of you interested in this sort of thing & confused by
the sudden change in nomenclature, since I rarely wear two pants but,
thanks in no small measure to my bro & silly SIL & fam, very frequently
wear fish pants, I am heretofore "PFP®". <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
7&#184; 2003 10:19am</B></FONT>
PFP® ~ {{{{{ RIP Babatunde Olatunji }}}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
7&#184; 2003 9:23am</B></FONT >
PFP® ~ Yes, let's postpone the FOFFFFFFF until tomorrow. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 7&#184; 2003 6:56am</B></FONT>
Gn2® ~ P2P©, looks like snow tomorrow night. We can probably survive
doing the FOFFFFFFF Tuesday instead. Whattya' think? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 6&#184; 2003 10:24pm</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Glad I didn't do much this weekend, sounds like a bender to
remeber! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 6&#184; 2003 2:47pm</B></FONT>
FLiPPER NEWS DESK ~ It seems that the rumors are true. (Thanks for the
heads up, Kevy!) Dr. Juice and Flipper Dave double bill at Sully's
Pub, Friday April 18th. God Help Us. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 6&#184;
2003 1:44pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ how dare you call my American Idol©®™ garbage?? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 6&#184; 2003 1:42pm</B></FONT>
PFP® ~ Let's just hope that the reports of over 6" of SNOW tomorrow
afternoon are hyperbolized. Elsewise, we may have to move The First
Official Flip Forum Freaky Fun Fútbal Film Fest to Tuesday and, ALAS,
Flipper Glen will have to miss his garbage. <F ONT SIZE=-1><B>April
6&#184; 2003 12:24pm</B></FONT>
Tor Rules ~ Reverend Tor for president. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 6&#184;
2003 11:30am</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ I will be there, with oat sodies! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>May 6&#184;
2003 11:24am</B></FONT>
P2P® and Gn2© Productions Proudly Present The First Official Flip Forum
Freaky Fun Fútbal Film Fest ~ Open invitation to all: Paulie & Glen
(a.k.a. The Ebert & Roeper of the gnarly dollar theatre moviegoing
scene)<BR>want you to attend a screening of this year's
most<BR>discussed Flip Forum film, J.R.R. Tolkien & Peter<BR>Jackson's
Oscar-nominated masterpiece, 'The Lord Of<BR>The Rings: The Two Towers'
on Monday April 7th at<BR>7:30 PM at The Country Cinema on rt. 63 in
downtown<BR>Watertown, CT. There will be a pre screening<BR>discussion/debate of the film as well as a
general<BR>dialouge regarding the genre/life et al. over
several<BR>sudsy cordials at A.J.'s Pub & Grille, located 10
footfalls<BR>from the theatre door, also located on rt. 63
in<BR>Watertown, CT. Yo ur hosts will arrive per usual in
the<BR>neighborhood of 5:00 PM, guests are encouraged to<BR>arrive
anytime thereafter. At 7:15, we will amass the<BR>party and purchase
the standard trough of hot 'corn and<BR>large sodies and enjoy the
film. Hope you can attend! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 6&#184; 2003
Karen M. ~ For those who didn't see REV TOR last night, thought I'd
pass on that he closed his first set with a kickass version of "I
Knew". The crowd went wild and everybody sang along and d anced.
of fun. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 6&#184; 2003 10:13am</B></FONT>
future glen ~ wow... that show wasn't bad. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
6&#184; 2003 4:15am</B></FONT>
bfree ~ "I" <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 5&#184; 2003 9:13pm</B></FONT>
Friday the 18th. ~
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>May 5&#184; 2003
Kevy ~ For all those
you guys on a double
19. Now hat's a show
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>May
concerned on the Sully's calendar of events have
bill with the infamous Dr. Juice on april 18 or
I wouldn't mind seeing. All those in favor say "I"
5&#184; 2003 7:48pm</B></FONT>
jeremy ~
Wow, I've achieved the elusive double post!!
jeremy ~
Either I'm retarded, or someone posted as me, if
you did I
jeremy ~
Either I'm retarded, or someone posted as me , if
you did I
glen ~ well, enough theorizing, I'm off to 'The Place'.
jeremy ~
I'm only here to figure out
wish I
why you guy's like this strange
Favorite Alien/Time Travel theory ~ I still like to believe that
U.F.O.'s are a higher evovle d
jeremy ~ I guess i would have to deny it if they PROBED you. LOL <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 5&#184; 2003 6:55pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ I used to have vivid dreams of alien abduction.
jeremy ~
How do you know you haven't meet yourself allready, don't yo u
jeremy ~ Of coarse you would try to meet yourself, but what if
glen ~ time travel is largely improbable, and here's why; the
jeremy ~
For the record, I'm at highgate, and time is non -existent!!
jeremy ~ Yeah, thats easy for you, but can the rest of the world join
you? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 5&#184; 2003 6:31pm</B></FONT>
PFP® ~ Going back in time is easy. Simply jump in the Drums/Space Time
Machine, pick out a winner and VOILA!!! You're a the show & psychedlic
party that follows it. <F ONT SIZE=-1><B>April 5&#184; 2003
jeremy ~
Just saw a show on time travel. Apparently going back in time
jager-keis ~ Hey Ringo,I need your phone number to talk about another
gig coming up in a few weeks. e -mail your number to keis1
jeremy ~ I thought everyone would assume that. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
5&#184; 2003 6:03pm</B></FONT>
dildo= ~ fake dick <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 5&#184; 2003
jeremy ~
I don't think there was anything fake abought them, they w ere
The Architecture of Our Life ~ 29 years ago today, the World Trade
Center opened. Sadly, those beautiful twin towers lasted a mere 27
years, 5 months & 6 days before they were laid to waste by dildos.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 5&#184; 2003 5:05pm</B ></FONT>
Happy 4:20 ~ ! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 5&#184; 2003 4:20pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ that website was really really annoying. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
5&#184; 2003 4:12pm</B></FONT>
PFP® ~ Try this place. It's pretty funny. Lose the parantheses, of
course. ( <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
5&#184; 2003 3:39pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ Don'tmissmeandFlipperMiketoinightwithChronicAngela
Tour Dates ~ Page is updated as we have them to this point.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 5&#184; 2003 12:54pm</B></FONT>
carl ~ got any of them french fried taters in there HuuMMMM HumMMMM
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 5&#184; 2003 12:22pm</B></FONT>
ChrispyChritta from RI ~ Glad to see Flipper is appearing at Camp
Freek again this year to compliment of the b est weekend gigs of our
summer!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 5&#184; 2003 11:44am</B></FONT>
po-tato ~ taters? what's tater's?? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 5&#184; 2003
gren ~ can I get mashed? boiled?
5&#184; 2003 10:42am</B></FONT>
stewed? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
jeremy ~ It's ok FM, you can get loaded, just don't get cocked! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 5&#184; 2003 10:15am</B></FONT>
FM ~ don`t make me get loaded tonight...don`t! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
5&#184; 2003 9:25am</B></FONT>
PFP® ~ Don't miss LOTR:TTT on Monday night @ 7:30, w/ pre -film
foolishness beginning @ 5:00 right next store in AJ's. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 5&#184; 2003 8:39am</B></FONT>
glen ~ that's just as well.
:) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 4&#184; 2003
Kevy ~ Eeesh I told some folk different. Sorry
glen ~ The Place is actually tomorrow night, Saturday.
1><B>April 4&#184; 2003 9:55pm</B></FONT>
:) <FONT SIZE= -
As in G-love? ~ Whaaaat no post for your gig tonight at The Place?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>May 4&#184; 2003 7:14pm</B></FONT>
nel ~ ed, it;s no real secret so here it is... G. Nelson P.O. Box
mr.e ~ hey steve--long time, hope you are well. haven't come
steveringo-> ~ Hey Mr.E., long time no see (was it high school?). This
vine thing is a cool idea. Th anks for putting it together. I
registered over there, but didn't sign up yet. I just acquired a new
CPU that I'm putting a new burner and soundcard into. As soon as it's
set up I'd like to join these vines. Here's a questions to all the
tapers (band included): Are there any recordings out there with my
congas? I've never heard one, and am curious to hear what it sounds
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 4&#184; 2003 3:41pm</B></FONT>
mr.e ~ nel, email me your mailing address and I'll sign ya up. <F ONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 4&#184; 2003 12:00pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ thanks Jon & Rich for sitting in last night, SK for taping,
mr.e ~ fyi, brett is not responsible for the trading page, or
jeremy ~
Hey Brett. I
just checked out the trading page.
I would
OOPS - typo - that would be RICH Yirga ~ ... sorry ... a little hazy
today! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 4&#184; 2003 10:37am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Bass player would be Rick Yirga ... BTW ... thanks again
Brett for the B.I.C. etc.!
:>) <FONT SIZE =-1><B>April 4&#184; 2003
bfree ~ hehehe,lost a whole post...welp,it was a great show! and nice
to see the familiars as well,and meeting some new kind folk...the video
came out proper,the audio is saturated in some spots.I have enough
clean material to still do a show..some of this will need repair work
like the Halloween material mentioned earlier.I can do it,but I only
can do vcds,and my codecs are cheap(compression/decompression
encoding)...if someone could send me cds of the show,I c an repair a
couple and send back out to my camera(firewire),then to vhs work
station for final edit....I often bring equipment to handle excessive
SPL,but I was not expecting it to get that high based on prior
experience at this venue..(my fault for not ma king it to
soundcheck!!) that's it in a nutshell....hey,I would love to catch
you guys at the warner theater(never been there),if my schedule
permits,we could try for a sbd vid...oh,broadcast date is tentative(but
pretty positive) for Friday April 18t h,6:30-7:30pm channel 5 Nutmeg
TV,'Something Different'.Peace. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 4&#184; 2003
rcw ~ Sunshine, was a pleasure to see you as well :D The Clapton tune
is Old Love...Not sure about the bass player though. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 4&#184; 2003 10:16am</B></FONT>
sk ~ swell show last night fellers. nice seeing u 2 morning child and
especially nice to see the always salatious (spelling?) and lovely &
talented rcw. geez my car smelled like oranges & trees last night, ha
ha ha.
mr.e ~ so what's the lowdown on set 2 last night? sure i
I have the 4th.. ~ Kindof like the Hot Sauce.
4&#184; 2003 9:34am</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
Kevy ~ Yeah I was just contimplating putting em' on the club site. I
guess i'm done hoardi ng those images for myself. OOh, cocktails and the
Two Towers, I don't know if I could hang for the preshow being at 5:00
and all, but definatly going to try and make for the Trough's -o-corn
and sodies. Oh yeah the movie too. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 4&#184; 2003
mr.e ~ sk, good to meet cha last night. when you have the
mr.e ~ vine 1 closes tonight, so voting for vine #2 begins now.
mr.e ~ >>Kevy Great gig boyz! I have photos from last years
Krista ~ Hey flipper do u guys remember me? Yo u played in my backyard a
couple of years ago for my mom Diane's B -day hey scott wuts up call me
to talk! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 4&#184; 2003 8:46am</B></FONT>
P2P® and Gn2© Productions Proudly Present The First Official Flip Forum
Freaky Fun Fútbal Film Fest ~ Open invitation to all: Paulie & Glen
(a.k.a. The Ebert &
hey kevy! ~ may the 4th be with you!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 4&#184;
2003 8:42am</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Great gig boyz! I have photos from last years beach party
availableMorningChild ~ Yep - it's still morning - 4 hours of sleep and 7 hours
later anyway! STELLAR job last night boys - truly sounded great can't wait to see it on TV!
Lovely to see SK out and about it's been quite awhile! Thanks as ever to rcw and roomie Joe for th e
company - 'specially on that ride home - yikes! ;>) Take care all happy Friday - and PEACE!
:>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 4&#184; 2003
rcw ~ nice! :D
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 4&#184; 2003 1:43am</B></FONT>
bfree ~ I got the message. ..charging up now...see you there. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 3&#184; 2003 6:43pm</B></FONT> ~ vine 1 signups end
tomorrow--last reminder. VERY few ~
SIZE=-1><B>April 3&#184; 2003 4:36pm</B></FONT> ~
1><B>April 3&#184; 2003 4:31pm</B></FONT>
PFP® ~ sk, thank you kindly for the DANK Beach Party pics. A couple of
them are really good quality (and they're all quite cool), if anyone
(Glen???) has a scanner & wants to digitize them. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 3&#184; 2003 4:20pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ since it was asked about Saturday's musical options, I
glen ~ hey Brian, go for it!!!
we'd by psyched for that!
Deja Vu vine ~ also, when you go to the link for the vine, email the
deja vu vine ~ deja vu vine is coming up, scroll down below for the
FM ~ Brian,`s cool to film. We`ll see ya there. The band
will be there @ 7:30 tonite for soundcheck. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
3&#184; 2003 11:18am</B></FONT>
bfree ~ If FD would like to have their performance from tonights Black
Eyed Sallys show taped and aired on public access,drop me a line saying
'yes' by 5pm. Thanks!.. btw,if there is a vine for that 'Deja Vu'
show,I'd like to get in,I burn.Peace. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 3&#184;
2003 10:45am</B></FONT>
Hee hee hee - I'd pay a buck to see that!
1><B>April 3&#184; 2003 9:13am</B></FONT>
jill ~ will they (mike & glen) be in skirts? Hee hee just kidding!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 3&#184; 2003 8:38am</B></FONT>
PFP™ ~ Glen, I'll call you today after work if I get the chance. I
suspect Monday is a bah -ghin too! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 3&#184; 2003
FLiPPER NEWS DESK ~ Anyone looking for a good time this Saturday night
glen ~ for those who were c oncerned with tonight's 'official'
Sarah G ~ I'll be at Percy!!! woo hoo! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 2&#184;
2003 10:52pm</B></FONT>
bootdown ~ Oh and Mark Mercer and the Holy Water Overtoe @ Sully's also
in Hartford on Sat. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 2&#184; 20 03
bootdown ~ Percy Hill is @ the Webtsa in Hartford this Saturday. Worth
the treck indeed. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 2&#184; 2003
KC ~ Are there any good bands playing on Sat night in the Northwest CT
area? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 2&#184; 2003 7:07pm</B></FONT>
Marge Simpson ~ We can stand here like the french or we can do
something about it! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 2&#184; 2003
You Might Be A Redneck ~ if you wring out the grease in your hair for
assembly lube.... so you can rebuild the transmission thats sitting in
the bathtub. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 2&#184; 2003 9:29am</B></FONT>
New Ass Revival<br> ~ We have a catchy littly ditty called, "Reach
Around".<br> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 2&#184; 2003 9:24a m</B></FONT>
whowm ~ I,ve slept with <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 2&#184; 2003
Reach? ~ and my wife, Morgan Fairchild wrote that song......yeah,
thats it! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 2&#184; 2003 9:13am</B></FONT>
glen ~ hey P2P©, I must sa y last night was big fun and the
Hippiefoot ~ P2P, I'm glad we can bust on each other a bit, both
knowing there's no hostility and we are both laughing as we read and
write. That is why I have been off the forum (some people are soooo
sensitive) Anyway, in the imortal words of my great hero......I like
and enjoy you all. Peace on Earth and BOMB FRANCE!!!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 2&#184; 2003 8:58am</B></FONT>
PFP™ ~ Glen, just to LYK in advance, my daughter has dance on Wed. Mon
seems pretty good. <FONT S IZE=-1><B>April 2&#184; 2003
Sarah G ~ Yeah, well, you would see me a lot if I was able to come to
all the places you guys hang out....only a couple more months though!
thank god! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 1&#184; 2003 9:36pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ same...:p - do we ever get to see you...? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
1&#184; 2003 9:19pm</B></FONT>
Sarah G ~ Robin! Whats going on? I'm pretty well, been very, very busy
lately, but things are starting to get better. How are you? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 1&#184; 2003 8:44pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ Hey Sarah G :D How are ya' girl..? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 1&#184;
2003 8:06pm</B></FONT>
Sarah G ~ New Grass Revival wasn't it? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 1&#184;
2003 7:58pm</B></FONT>
mr.e ~ bingo--bet you're right on t hat one. didn't even realize
PFP© ~ Reach is not an original. Perhaps that had something to do w/
it. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 1&#184; 2003 4:38pm</B></FONT>
mr.e ~ yeah, very suprised that tune never made the first cd.
MorningChild ~ Sorry I missed Set 2 - looks like a purty good one!
for those interested ~ Shortness ~ 12/29/00 added to
vine 1 - signups end fri. - discs out
glen ~ good luck, Tor!! say hi to Paul and Biff for me! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 1&#184; 2003 9:56am</B></FONT>
Reverend Tor Band ~ Oh Man!!, No Vida Blue/Flipper Show? We where
planning on stopping by on our way back from taping the Letterman Show
in NYC tonight! Oh Well. Tune in at 11:35 (CBS TV) folks! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 1&#184; 2003 9:33am</B></FONT>
PFP© ~ Also, regarding the classification of Marshall Mathers as a
"great" lyrical writer: I don't see it at all. After your last post on
the topic, I went back & read every single lyric to the entire "Eminem
Show". In those pieces, I found absolutel no imagery at all and about
three references that I'd consider "symbolism", all of them pretty
elementary. Uncle Sam, for instance. While his stuff rhyme & he is
obviously a poet by definition, Poe & Blake t.s. & e.e. and Dy lan & rh
really have no worries about losing their positions in history - to
these eyes & ears, anyway. <p>We're gonna have to agree to disagree on
this one. TETO, different stokes, etc. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 1&#184;
2003 9:13am</B></FONT>
PFP© ~ I'll bring it to the movie tonight if no one else applies for
that material. Else, I'll bring you your fair share. <p>And I suggest
that the club change their name to Stage Yeast! :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 1&#184; 2003 9:08am</B></FONT>
PFP ~ Not sure, Bill. I'l l have to pretend to be ghetto & see if that's
any fun. Then I can make an informed, objective decision about both.
LOL!! No comment on the Creek thing. They have enough to deal w/ right
now. Can I assume that this means you won't be applying for the Massi ve
Musical Miracle? Peace, bro. I'm just f**king w/ ya a little. Don't
mean nothing by it. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 1&#184; 2003
glen ~ PfP, I'll take the entire Jerry section.
Send immediately
FLiPPER NEWS DESK ~ Tonight's Flipper Da ve show with Vida Blue has been
Hippiefoot ~ P2P, the Dead is not the only band I speak of (although I
made the mistake of going to see the Other Ones once, painful!) Yes, MM
has no musical skills, he's merely a lyrical writer, but a great and
clever one. And what's worse "pretending to be ghetto" or "massive,
heavy drug use". It takes alot to play music as a band and I appreciate
that, but when you stop putting out new, origional material, it gets
stale!(There's a reason I only go to Creek twice a year, t hey rock, but
they rock the same every time I hear them) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
1&#184; 2003 8:58am</B></FONT>
PFP ~ Well, I've taken the recent criticisms seriously. From now on
it's looking forward, not back. "Don't look back. You can never look
back." Anyone interested in my complete collection of Grateful Dead and
Jerry Garcia Band shows on CD & cassette can Email me
( We can make arrangements to get them to you free of all charges, of course. Or if there are multiple requests, I'll
divide them up evenly amongst you all.
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 1&#184;
2003 7:27am</B></FONT>
PFP ~ :) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 1&#184; 2003 6:31am</B></FONT>
Laree ~ Thank God - that is awesome news!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
31&#184; 2003 9:46pm</B> </FONT>
jill ~ ASIA HAS BEEN FOUND!!!! I just spoke to Scott A and her parents
are on their way to get her!!!! Thanks goodness she's safe
Laree (smiling girl) ~ Bethy & Kevy - I saw that post on the Creek page
too - but is it credible? It seemed like a "I heard it from so & so,
who heard it from ... " type thing. Anyway - hope its true. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 31&#184; 2003 9:07pm</B></FONT>
bethyb ~ yes the creek forum HAS crashed...she really called her
boyfriend? THANK GOD! where is she? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 31&#184;
2003 7:50pm</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ The creek forum has crashed, I repeat the creek forum has
crashed! Last word was that Asia had called her boyfriend, He's going
to get her? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 31&#184; 2003 7:38pm</B></FONT>
CITY, Calif., March 30 /PRNewswire/ --
cott ~ leave me out of this! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 31&#184; 2003
mr.e ~ scott was saying, that is. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 31&#184; 20 03
mr.e ~ well, though I can't afford one, the technology is coming
glen ~ a Flipper DVD? wow, imagine... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 31&#184;
2003 5:46pm</B></FONT>
PFP ~ Jerry???? Who gives a Rat Doggy Doggs ass about Jerry??? As I
always say, if it smells like Phish, make it a dish. But if it smells
like Herring, it's better than Jerrying. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
31&#184; 2003 5:13pm</B></FONT>
Dreddie Tour Kid ~ I've seen the dead lots of times, but who's this
Jerry guy I keep hearin g about? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 31&#184; 2003
mr.e ~ can anyone here digitize that Halloween video and take
PFP ~ So, we still on for drinks & a movie tomorrow, Flipper Glen?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 31&#184; 2003 4:52pm</B></FONT>
jill ~ i can do that for ya was really dark and the sound was
muffled... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 31&#184; 2003 4:35pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ I remember that video!
as I recall, it looked quite good,
jill ~ that was a great show, we have a very bad video of it...doesn't
sound all that good <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 31&#184; 2003
glen ~ yes, I remember that day well. I was best man in my brothers'
wedding during the afternoon, and then that night at the Expo it was
Brett, me, Steve & Johnny Bigrig. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 31&#184; 2003
jill ~ I have been sending out an "asia flyer" to those that want it,
just send me an e-mail and I'll get it to you or go to the maxcreek
yahoo site at files/
**MISSING KID** IMPORTANT PLEASE READ!!!! ~ To anyone who was at the
Dreamers Holiday Music Fest at Friars Tuck Resort in
PFP ~ I was not there, but that was the regular configuration at the
time, for sure. Of course, w/ FD there's almost always s pecially
educated guests and the like so... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 31&#184; 2003
M20 ~ I must have been subconsciously refering to the Lious Armstrong
show at SPAC in 1920. We lovingly called it Spachmo -20. Need a nice
aud. copy if you gots one! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 31&#184; 2003
jill ~ I believe that you are right about 10/31 at the expo, that's the
one where Brett was on stilts right? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 31&#184;
2003 12:18pm</B></FONT>
The Dude Who Can Add ~ But wait, from 6/24/84 to 6/20/03 is one score
less 4 days. Or perhaps 95% of a score & 361 days. That seems more
cunning. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 31&#184; 2003 11:40am</B></FONT>
The Cunning Linguist ~ Excpt that 4 score & 19 years = 99 years (and no
dank days). I think what you mean, M84, is 4 days & 19 years ago today.
;^) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 31&#184; 2003 11:38am</B></FONT>
M84 ~ Good God! :-) Four Score and Nineteen years ago...not bad, not
bad... <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 31&#184; 2003 11:30am</B>< /FONT>
mr.e ~ anyone know who was on bass and drums for Flipper
mr.e ~ Moment In Time -- c'mon! Thanks brett!
PFP ~ M84, okay. Except that the Saratoga P&F show this summer is
6/20/*03*!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 31&#184; 2003 10:21am</B></FONT>
M84 ~ P2P, that would be way cool indeed. I am in the process of a pre reciprical duping of the 5th show for you and MSP. Oh, and speaking of
the now legendary (for having been beatin like a dead horse by me)
SPAC-84, I am hoping to be in attendance for SPAC -2004, which happens
on 6-20-04...just four days and twenty years removed from 6 -24-84. Not
that it has a prayer of reaching the lofty hights of the afformentioned
and clearly overly reiterated favorite of mine...the absence of a
certain cultural visionary pre vents that, however it would be a perfect
moment to give a Gettysburg style address: "4 days and twenty years
ago, our founding father blew this venue away...(20 minutes later) so
that Mr. Herring couldn't carry his jockstrap"...or something like
that. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 31&#184; 2003 9:45am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Yes - great Shortness (at least the part I got to see) thanks to all who made it so! So nice to see you again Christopher -
many thanks for facilitating the Moment in Time! (((((Asia) ))))
Peace all. :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 31&#184; 2003 8:15am</B></FONT>
jeremy ~ Oups, damn dislexic fingers. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 31&#184;
2003 8:12am</B></FONT>
jeremy ~ Seriuos musical assault on Billy Ray's last night. most
excellent. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 31&#184; 2003 8:10am</B></FONT>
PFP ~ Glen, The Hours is the only movie at the CC. LMK if we're still a
go. I plan to be there about 5:00 unless i hear differently from you.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 31&#184; 2003 8:02am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ {{{{{Asia}}}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 31&#184; 2003
anyway ~ (take the space out -Asia is the one in the middle) If you saw
her there or have ANY information as to her whereabouts PLEASE CALL
(401) 231-6593. Also, you can check the forum a t for more info and updates. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 30&#184; 2003 10:15pm</B></FONT>
***MISSING CHILD*** ~ To anyone who was at the Dreamers Holiday Music
Fest at Friars Tuck Resor t in
glen ~ Brett, don't tell me you were at Friar Fuck's????
I don't
ziola ~ everyone!! thoughts out to asia murawski!!!! see the creek
board for details! (((asia))) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 30&#184; 2003
Sarah G ~ Hey Brett! Nice to s ee you last nite at Friar Tuck's! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 30&#184; 2003 9:26pm</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Good Shortness - no? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 30&#184; 2003
P2P ~ M84, just in case you're in the mood to be jealous, the La
Famiglia P2P are listening to the show before either your first or best
or the one that you first "got it" from or two or more of the
aforementioned. That show being SPAC84 & this one being 6/23/84 Harrisburg. It's a college smoker. I'd love to make you a copy about as
much as you'd love to hit me Liberty's 5th Symphony. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 30&#184; 2003 3:03pm</B></FONT>
yeah... ~ SK, you'd be a fool to miss it! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
30&#184; 2003 12:47pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ is the show saturday in downtown east hartfor d? and the way i see
it, it's a doubleheader with flipper pitching the first game and vida
blue pitching the 2nd game <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 30&#184; 2003
sk ~ anyone wanna do a little samba in the rain? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
30&#184; 2003 11:41am</B></FONT>
Phil Giordano ~ Or pounding yourself into submission in front of pre teens. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 30&#184; 2003 11:26am</B></FONT>
If you think that's addictive ~ you aughta try crack!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 30&#184; 2003 11: 13am</B></FONT> ~ wow.. this is really
addictive. it rivals High/Low. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 30&#184; 2003
glen ~ Dennis, if you're out there, you did a great job last night,
You Might Be A Redneck If... ~ you've ever been too drunk to play
Flipper tunes. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 29&#184; 2003 12:47pm</B></FONT>
must ~ have been something in the water last night! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 29&#184; 2003 11:51am</B></FONT>
I be ~ mesmerising you with my cat like moves. LMAO. Joe cartoon for
president. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 29&#184; 2003 9:49am</B></FONT>
HHmm. ~ wow, why cant invent a cure for that. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
29&#184; 2003 2:41am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ EP - need your # :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 28&#184; 2003
glen ~ right now I'm having Vuja De. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 28&#184;
2003 5:16pm</B></FONT>
msp<br> ~ Deja vu was solo acoustic <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 28&#184;
2003 5:12pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ here's an even funner g ame...
or check out another! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
28&#184; 2003 5:04pm</B></FONT>
mr.e ~ yeah, that's it --Dianne's bday party which pickle
JeCy ~ ohhh and yes it w as Deja vu <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 28&#184; 2003
mr.e ~ this will probably be in the next vine. if you are
JeCy ~ that show you are refering to was a b -day party i had for diane.
it was a thursday night, great show for those of you that werent there.
As i recall it was Pickle that recorded it. Hmmm i still got to get me
a copy of it. : ) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 28&#184; 2003
mr.e ~ thanks guys for the info. however, the brett show I am
P2P ~ Of course, that open mic is in no way FD related. Just
corroborating info on Deja Vu for Mr E. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 28&#184;
2003 4:03pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ I'm sure they did AUD's since the B&F gigs are smaller & usually
unmic'd drums...though by the time I post this, Mr E, your pos t will
ahve been deleted since you didn't "NAME" it. msp, great work...look
what I found: "April 03, 2003 P2P ~ Deja Vu, that sounds more like it. Let me do some quick scans on
addresses on this internet thing & see what transpires. More on this
later. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 28&#184; 2003 3:57pm</B></FONT>
msp<br> ~ It might be Deja Vu
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 28&#184; 2003
msp<br> ~ If it's the gig I'm thinking of, I went to it. I'm 99% sure
it is the gig I'm thinking & taper jones taped it. Really good
show. It was where starstruck used to be...across the street from where
it is now. Not sure what it was called then if it wasn't starstruck.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 28&#184; 2003 3:47pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ I'm pretty sure it was no t Starstruck, as I recall not having
been to the bar when the gig was promo'd, but I cannot recall where it
was held. Brett will have to check "The Book" if he keeps old data from
it around. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 28&#184; 2003 3:41pm</B></FONT>
mr. e ~ >>glen says: The Vida Blue Show... right....<<
Albert ~ Hey Brett. Will try to make it tonight. Angie says hey <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 28&#184; 2003 3:00pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ {{{{GWS Glenith}}}} -- you'll both be missed!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 28&#184; 2003 2:25pm</B></FONT>
jill ~ well it looks like we won't be out tonight, Glen is really sick,
he even stayed home from work :O( Have fun!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
28&#184; 2003 2:23pm</B></FONT>
msp<br> ~ planville...I think it was the Starstr uck <br> <FONT SIZE=1><B>March 28&#184; 2003 1:46pm</B></FONT>
msp<br> ~ Lily Lake Inn ; Wolcott, CT <br> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
28&#184; 2003 1:43pm</B></FONT>
venues? ~ what was the venue, town and state for the FD Lily Lake
JeCy ~ hey folx want to p lay a game? well check out this its good for
a few minutes of fun. at the top of the page there are fish swiming in
the fireing squad logo. just move your mouse over them and click away.
when your done you can check out the site if your interested. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 28&#184;
2003 12:20pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Nicole, I apprecaite the offer. I'm very flattered. Howver, I am
going to see that movie w/ my pal Flipper Glen on Tuesday night. BTW,
tell that jagoff that you'r e only 35. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 28&#184;
2003 11:51am</B></FONT>
Nicole ~ Tommy always said that he loved my cute little nose &
especially my head! I miss him so. But now he's w/ that skinny little
12 year old European tart, Cameron Diaz. Vanilla Sky wa s good, huh? I
HATE HER!!! She can't act! I told him I'd get a prosthetic mole put in
the middle of my chest, but he wouldn't hear it. He said that once a
woman hits 40, they're no longer "perky". He calls them "my floppies".
I HATE HIM and I HATE HER!!! P 2P, you want me to accompany you to see
The Hours on Tuesday? I can use a hot date w/ a real man who
appreciates a woman in her prime? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 28&#184; 2003
P2P ~ Another new Fliptionary entry: <p>Drunkometer: Brett's poc ket
breathalyzer. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 28&#184; 2003 11:40am</B></FONT>
MC ~ LOL MSP!! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 28&#184; 2003
msp<br> ~ New Fliptionary entry:<br>
glen ~ mr.e, we'll be starting tonight whenever the whole band
glen ~ The Vida Blue Show...
right.... P2P, we're in the
P2P ~ The Hours: <p>Nominations for Supporting Actor (Ed Harris),
Supporting Actress (Julianne Moore), Costume Design (Ann Roth),
Director (Stephen Daldry), Editing (Peter Boyle), Original Score
(Philip Glass), Picture (Scott Rudin and Robert Fox) and Adapted
Screenplay (David Hare)
mr. e ~ glen, I want to go to tonight, but am sick with some
PS3 ~ Dennis, if you're out there, three words; Nashville.
oh yeah... ~ P2P, looks like 'The Hours' this we ek.
it would
glen ~ yes, <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 28&#184; 2003
Diga Diga ? ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 28&#184; 2003 8:39am</B></FONT>
Don't make Dennis DiGG @DDtonight ~ ---don't <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March
28&#184; 2003 7:30am</B></FONT>
Brett ~ glen is your e -mail still the ib-tech one? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 28&#184; 2003 7:28am</B></FONT>
glen ~ kevy, check yer email. Mr. Eddy, heard you were at Shortness
last weekend, what are the odds of a Double Down sighting ?? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 27&#184; 2003 9:58pm</B></FONT>
ep ~ Double Down, Gotta treat me better than the Casino..... <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 27&#184; 2003 9:47pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Yes, thanks to Brett and the boys (all of them dating
back to the beginning of FD through the current roster!) BUT ... let us
not forget to thank those of you who've been sharing the joy with us
"non-burners" ... traditionally it's been the fabulous Marino brothers
P2P & MSP, SK, Pickle and rcw and now Mr. Eddy is added to the list.
Thanks to all of YOU for your generosity over the years! :>) Have a
lovely evening all - 'til next time - peace! :>) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 27&#184; 2003 8:10pm</B></FONT> ~ Wants space shuttle pics.. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 27&#184; 2003 7:10pm</B></FONT>
mr. e ~ amen, brother, amen... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 27&#184; 2003
P2P ~ Thanks & praise to the band, the tapers & the seeders. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 27&#184; 2003 5:21pm</B></FONT>
mr. e ~ no need to thank me p2p, though I do appreciate it.
P2P ~ And again, thank you, Mr Eddy, for setting up this vine!!! YOU
RULE!!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 27&#184; 2003 4:43pm</B></FONT>
Happy 4:20 ~ !!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 27&#184; 2003 4:20pm</B></FO NT>
glen ~ to anyone that got the 'space shuttle pictures' email
FlipperBrettTrading_Vine 1 Signups ~ FlipperBrettTrading_Vine 1 Signups
WE like ~ Johnny the sound guy! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 27&#184; 2003
jill ~ that's correct! THREE shows in one month!! What a treat :O)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 27&#184; 2003 8:08am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ YAY!! Thank you babysitter!!
WOOHOO -- seein' you
tomorrow Jill & Glenith!!!
:>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 27&#184; 2003
jill ~ We got a babysitter!! Lalala laaa laaaa
glen ~ poor Julie Demato, lost on 'Idol'.
our Connecticut girl,
Noodle News ~ hey all, sorry this update took so long, but the final
johnny ~ hi brett please call me on my cell
your sound guy thanks
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 26&#184; 2003 4:51pm</B></FONT>
W<br> ~ I'm thinking of a new nickname. How bout one of these?<br>
JeCy ~ Hmmm what is this girl doing that stormtroopers blaster?? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 26&#184; 2003 3:26pm</B></FONT>
JeCy ~ id justlike to say i dig old music. Frank sinatra, the old Rat
pack, the Beatles, numerous artists from the 40's and 30, to bad most
are not around for me to hear them live. But lets not forget the music
thats hundreds of years old. old folx songs, classical like Mozart,
Ravel, and so many i could only dream of a time machine to be able to
hear there music live in some old ampithieater. Im gald some artists
are still around, dylan, paul Mccartney, the other ones , the stones,
areo smith, kenny rogers, dolly parton, and many others, hopefully i
will be able to hear some of them live playing music they wrote 20, 30,
or even 40 years ago, to bad the tickets go for 50 -70 bucks, yikes i
hate inflation. But hey ill see maybe one or two this summer if im
lucky. Heck brett hear is hitting around 15 or soo if im not mistaken.
Acid, formerly "your my friend" that ones got to be close to 15 years
old by now ehh. ; ) We maybe alot older but like fine wine and cheese
most get better with age. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 26&#184; 2003
MC ~ You know what - you're right - and I just happen to have
jill ~ multi-pager? nah, i'm thinking a whole book! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 26&#184; 2003 1:41pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Cinco-de-my-house RULES! I'm in for sure! :>) The
last one was SOOOO much fun! A multi -page event indeed eh Jill?
LOL!!! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 26&#184; 2003 1:17pm</B></FONT>
Glenith ~ Heynow! Slight chance we will be at DDG on Friday. This i s
getting to be a habit. heh heh. Hey, anyone else going to see the DOORS
on 4/28 at the Oakdale. Yes, the Doors. Stewart Copland on Drums and
the guy from the Cult (Ian Astbury?) on vocals. Should prove enjoyable.
Oh and for those of you that were there l ast time, do not miss Cinco de-myhouse this year. Alas, it is not actually on the 5th, but it will
be Saturday the 10th. Starts around noo until whenever. Kids, dogs,
tents welcome. Again, this is not a "public" event, but e -mail me for
info at <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 26&#184; 2003
MC ~ just wait 'til you see! I'm on a roll now!
1><B>March 26&#184; 2003 11:01am</B></FONT>
jill ~ You go lady!!
:>) <FONT SIZE= -
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 26&#184; 2003
MC ~ I'm up to 6 so far (2 since Sat.)! ;>) (with journaling - so
there!) hee hee hee :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 26&#184; 2003
jill ~ ****good morning**** Hey mc..."page done" :O) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 26&#184; 2003 11:00am</B> </FONT>
Bruce ~ Hey Brett , How are things? Good here.Snow and freezing rain !
some desert! Keeping busy as you can tell by the news. well stay out of
trouble and i'll do the same take care hopefully i'll be home to enjoy
some live flipper soon yahoo l ater bruce <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
26&#184; 2003 3:57am</B></FONT>
LOL ~ ! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 25&#184; 2003 9:32pm</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ My pleasure Glen! Righty Right. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 25&#184;
2003 8:40pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ thanks Kevy for the hoo k-up with 'nelly'.
see you guys
johnny ~ hi brett i will be at the double down to do sound i erased
your # by mistake, see you guys there take care <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
25&#184; 2003 6:07pm</B></FONT>
Hey Now Droogies: ~ GD 10/19/89 - Philly kicks more ass even than Young
Alex in A Clcokwork Orange. Right right right? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
25&#184; 2003 4:50pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ M&M:
"Lose Yourself" is a rightous tune, but an
P2P ~ Major KUDOS to Mr Eddy for his dedication in putting together the
Flipper Brett Yahoogroup!!! Thanks, Christopher!!! Most righteous!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 25&#184; 2003 4:33pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Hippiefoot, you may find this interesting:,,c2sc25gb4503 -5624,00.html
1><B>March 25&#184; 2003 12:04pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ msp, thanks for the Pinchot details. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
25&#184; 2003 11:54am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Hippiefoot, if you mean the Grateful Dead, please mention them.
If not, please mention whomever has been creating this music since 1960
- I can only assume Dylan, though even he didn't begin to write tunes
until 1962, I believe. In any event, comparing M&M to either of them is
laughable & short-sighted. Can we discuss it when he's passed the
ultimate test? Or since th at won't happen, how about after he's been
around *another* three years. After all, Milli Vanilli lasted the first
three. And again, hust to be specifically clear & reiterative: The mere
thought of comparing M&M - a phoney rich kid pretending to be ghetto
until he's afrain of becoming a sheshkebob by the real ghetto folk in
prison is - to the Grateful Dead (and I *do* get the impression that it
was your implication to do so) is so ridiculous as to not even be
worthy of response. I'd have ignored altogether it as random trolling
had it not been posted by you. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 25&#184; 2003
msp<br> ~ check this can buy a sapling from the Gifford
Pinchot Sycamore in Simsbury.<br>"The tree named in Pinchot's honor is
thought to be 400 years old. It stands 93 feet tall. Your tree is grown
from a seed hand-picked from the Gifford Pinchot Sycamore."
Flipper Brett Trading ~ rettTrading/
msp<br> ~ taken from:<br>
msp<br> ~ taken from:<br>
glen ~ (a.k.a. The Lorax) ah yes, the Simsbury tree, I was
Hippiefoot (the lurker) ~
many tired old bands (who
the same damn tunes since
"music" may be electronic
M&M is a brilliant lyrical writer, unlike so
shall remain unmentioned) that have played
1960. M&M may not be your style and his
samples and loops, but he is a brilliant and
prolific lyricist. NO WAR ON IRAQ, BOMB FRANCE!!!!!!
1><B>March 25&#184; 2003 8:47am</B></FON T>
P2P ~ JeCy, the tree to which you refer - the largest tree in CT - is a
sicamore. It's name escapes me. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 25&#184; 2003
JeCy ~ hey jill that coppter game is kinda neat. reminds me of an old
favorite a game called "Parsect" i think thats how its spelled. It was
an old game for an old texas instrament computer back in the mid 80's
hmmm makes me want to break out that old thing and do some gaming. And
Pickel, the book is always better than the movie.... nothing can
compete with imagination. ; ) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 25&#184; 2003
JeCy ~ hey zippy is that the tree in simsbury over the bridge? and yes
i would have to agree, trees make very good friends. Be nice to the
trees and they shall provide all . You know treants are real. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 25&#184; 2003 4:23am</B></FONT>
zippy the pinhead ~ today i was feeing kind of screwy so i went to the
oldest (some say) living thing in the state of connecticut maybe even
all of new england (oak tree) i through my arms around it and pressed
my face to it and i could hear way down in the roots of the tree a deep
booming whisper<p>"Don't be hasty" <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 24&#184; 2003
Dozin' at the Knick Show ~ Wish me a HBD. I'm became a teenager today.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 24&#184; 2003 6:10pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Maybe those two ladies are there for every showing or something.
The CC 7pm showing can usully be counted on for (a) a crowd of 20 max;
(b) a new movie every couple of weeks b ecause (c) if they don't switch
movies after two weeks, the 40 people (38 besides us two) that go to
feature at that time will have already seen the film at least once; and
(d) the same crowd of 20 max for the next film. :)
glen ~ jill, that game is reall y fun!
24&#184; 2003 4:37pm</B></FONT>
thanks! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
P2P ~ M&M wins an Academy Award for best song. I think he deserves one
for the ghetto persona & lingo that he puts on every day. Having seen
Marshall Mathers in suit & tie apologizing & humbled using the King's
Best English when he was arrested for gun play (as I recall), his M&M
character is as brilliant portrayed as Sean Penn as "Sam"...No wait!!
I'm mistaken. M&M IS JUST A BIG COMMERCIAL PHONEY!!! The Academy Awards
are fast becoming as w/o credibility as the Grammy's. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 24&#184; 2003 4:35pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ P2P, still 'CMIYC' at the CC.
24&#184; 2003 4:33pm</B></FONT>
BLNT. P. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
jill ~
jill ~ what a beautiful day outside! we have to thank Mother Nature for
this one! :O) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 24&#184; 2003 11:55am</B></FONT>
TKOTA ~ M84, please check Email. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 24&#184; 2003
Pickle ~ <br>Dreamcatcher:< br>Not nearly as good as the book!<br> <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 23&#184; 2003 6:47pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ speaking of M&M, we just saw '8 Mile'. didn't make me a
P2P ~ LOL!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 22&#184; 2003 7:18pm</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Subject: Thought for t he Day
glen ~ hey this weekend it looks like Wamogo High School right here in
Bantam is doing a play version of 'The Hobbit'. And if I read the sign
right, tonight may be the last night, so I think me & the missus are
going to go. Anybody up for a littl e JRR love? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
22&#184; 2003 9:42am</B></FONT>
JeCy ~ hey all, how is things? I just stumbled across this, soo ifyour
bored there is a lot to read. just scolldown if your not into the blond
jokes there are hundreds
more. peace out
all. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 22&#184; 2003 7:33am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Hey Jill (just got back in) - I'm there tomorrow for
sure -got your directions in the mail so I'm all set! See you at 9
a.m. -- can't wait! :>) Sweet dreams all -- :>) <FONT SIZE=1><B>March 21&#184; 2003 8:17pm</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Guitar wars! The saga continues, Tonight at The infamous Billy rays! Will you be there? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 21&#184; 2003
jill ~ hey MC! I was wondering where you were! See ya tomorrow, do you
need directions? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 21&#184; 2003 5:23pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Howdy all - just wanted to check in, say hi and I hope
you all had a lovely day. It's not my weekend to pl ay so have a shot
and a dance for me girls! ;>) Hope to see everyone very soon! 'Til
next time - peace. :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 21&#184; 2003
brett ~ tonights show at b -rays will hopefully start a bit early,
around 8:30 so so as t o finish a little earlier. keep it in mind,
thanks and diga <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 21&#184; 2003 10:56am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Absolutely. However, it's still in Hoyt's - if only for one
showing a day. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 21&#184; 2003 10:07am</B></FONT>
glen ~ P2P, methinks that when 'TTT" comes to the Country in
P2P ~ Glen, Catch me if you can is the 7:00 movie at the Country Cinema
now. Though that could be just the weekend schedule. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 21&#184; 2003 8:50am</B></FONT>
Naz Jeremein ~ Ach tung! Virst off Ein posted zee posts zat fired
everein up zo much.. Ein Naz Jeremein -- Ein zimply poztzing zince Ein
zink zis anti-Blitzkrieg (zis meanz anti -Deustch) movement is unt
dizguzting abuze of zee rulez of shutupenzee zat zee Third Reich h az
gassed zee Jewz for 60 yearz ago. Ach tung! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
21&#184; 2003 6:41am</B></FONT>
JeCy ~ hey all you starwars fans and gamer geeks check this one out.
Ever want to travel to tatooine, Dantooine, or even the wookie home
world. Wanna be a jedi, a freightor pilot, or even run a smuggling ring
that could make the Hutts drool, well more than they already do. go
check out this the desk ttop wallpaper is worth a looksee even if you
arnt a big starwars fan.
ep ~ Give me a call when you can B. Keep smiling,,,, <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 20&#184; 2003 9:12pm</B></FONT>
FACT: ~ Egg Drop Soup makes me sick just looking at it. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 20&#184; 2003 7:46pm</B></FONT>
oh yeah... ~ On a totally unrealted topic, and I'm really relieved tha t
P2P ~ Just do as you're told, Mr Nelson. Turn on the war on the TV. And
you sure as hell had better enjoy it, dammit!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
20&#184; 2003 6:49pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ you have to admit that this sh*t is soooo boring to watch
P2P ~ Lest anyone think I'm an A*hole for other than the standard,
already established reasons, I DEFINITELY & WHOLEHEARTEDLY support our
troops. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 20&#184; 2003 6:27pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ brett, check your email, dood. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 20&#184;
2003 6:11pm</B></FONT>
Brett, ~ Attn. other parts of the world that we are destoying>> A).
you deserve it for you what did to us and all the lives you took. B).
We have enough respect to bomb you at night to save thousands of your
lives in those buildings. Question? If you want a good target in the
USA, how about the courts and motor vehicle depts. (at night of
course) and we can all start over with clean records and attitudes.
It's the least you could do. In the meantime be very afraid. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 20&#184; 2003 5:32pm</B></FONT>
Fact: ~ Chinese food is cooked in oil. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 20&#184;
2003 5:44pm</B></FONT>
jeremy ~ Very well put glen, we are all on the same side. Too bad JRR
has passed us by. He could of written a go od one abought our current
world situation. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 20&#184; 2003 4:55pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ A lot of interesting points being made here. Let's all remember
we're all on the same side, we don't need any McCarthyism here. But
don't forget that MOST of the world hates America for one reason or
another, our current state of beligerent warmongering notwithstanding.
Also may we remember that our everyday lives (as well as those in Iraq
and elsewhere) are bombarded daily with misguided propoganda, a nd that
includes media, TV, periodicals, etc. (That's why half the sh*t sitting
in your house that you're not using is sitting there.) Do NOT believe
everything you hear, see or read, but rather make decisions for
yourself. Do not give up the right to THIN K. FACT: Nothing is for
certain, particurally when it comes from the government. Support our
troops, yes. But may we always question authority. The minute we lose
that right we are truly f*cked. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 20&#184; 2003
jeremy ~ At least we can all agree that it's 420. I like when I look
chinese. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 20&#184; 2003 4:17pm</B></FONT>
Fact: ~ I like Chinese. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 20&#184; 2003
Mark P ~ Hey, looks like Band Websit e Abuse to me. I see that
P2P is keeping it real though. I think I prefer talking about Flipper,
Movies, Tolkien, and more Flipper!
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 20&#184;
2003 3:36pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Oh, but after reading what I could get through of that long,
boring diatribe, I forgot what I really came out here to post. I'd
really like to be able to watch the UConn game but that isn't going to
happen today. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 20&#184; 2003 3:26pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ That post is pretty funny. Is it just me or is the concept of
"abuse" of freedom of the speech the definitive oxymoron? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 20&#184; 2003 3:24pm</B></FONT>
Anti-American??? ~ BWAAAAAHHHHHH -HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!
1><B>March 20&#184; 2003 3:22pm</B></FONT>
Not Jeremy ~ Ok.. first off.. I posted the posts that fired everyone up
so much.. <BR><BR>
Nice Bombs! ~ We like those dont we? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 20&#184;
2003 1:46pm</B></FONT>
jeremy ~ I'll take a pocket full of kryptonite!!!! Really, Really
Green. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 20&#184; 2003 1:46pm</B></FONT>
jeremy ~ PEACE ALL, sorry for the controversy. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
20&#184; 2003 1:39pm</B></FONT>
jeremy ~ News Flash (15 plus Republican guards have just surrendered,
they must also agree with Saddam .)As far as my typing it is deffinately
hunt and peck, and my spelling sucks, and as far as posting on this
board, when I am in Maine I post as mainer, when I am down here, or
posting controvercial post's I only use my real name. For the record, I
do not post, or take credit for anyone else's words or opinions. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 20&#184; 2003 1:38pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ How about "The Two Princes"...that's you & I on our fortnightly
[Fort Knightly] movie excursions. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 20&#184; 2003
glen ~ The Spin Doctors??!
I love those guys!
"Little Miss,
P2P ~ I personally think Bush should be shaved completely. And I want
to watch the basketball games, not another George the Recessionist and
oil war. By the way, I'm the cunnin g linguist. And I post as that alot.
Perhaps you'd know that if you came out here for anything more than
this occassional Republican baiting. And I poked fun at your grammar
because I find it odd that the long posts were error free - as someone
pointed out, obviously pasted from some pro -war website - while the
shorter, original ones were so repleat w/ grammatical mistakes as to be
largely unreadable. And they were not typos. "A" is on a different row
and the other side of the keyboard from "o". Unlike T an d Y which are
adjacent. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 20&#184; 2003 1:20pm</B></FONT>
Quote: ~ "Naturally, the common people don't want war, but after
Oh Wait, ~ Jeremy's the Spin Doctor and uses the phrase "oh wait" way
too much. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 20&#184; 2003 1:10pm</B></FONT>
jeremy ~ Yeah, arguing will get us nowhere. The post abought not being
intelligent wasn't me. I only post my opinions with my own name. Sorry
for any harsh feelings. PEACE to all!!! P.S. I agree msp, hope all went
well Brett. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 20&#184; 2003 1:00pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ F all this crap... let the words be yours, I'm done with
jeremy ~ You are correct again. My IQ (as rated by a psycologist back
in High school, I didn't fit in too well) is onl y in the 120's. To bad
the rest of the world can't catch up. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 20&#184;
2003 11:52am</B></FONT>
msp ~ Who said anything about approval ratings???????? <br>
Can't you tell? ~ From his opinions thats hes not smart enough to have
made it far enough in school to discuss something as complicated as
percentages.. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 20&#184; 2003 11:37am</B></FONT>
Jeremy ~ Fact, aside from the fact that you did not like the outcome
of our previous election, Mr. Douche has more than a 60% approval
rating. Maybe you didn't pay attention in math class. Maybe you were
listening to the democratic spin docter's. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
20&#184; 2003 11:30am</B></FONT>
Hmmmm ~ So I guess now your doubting that hes even the President..
actually its all a conspiracy.. Really Aliens control the whitehouse..
maybe its terrorists..
jeremy ~ It is very interesting to me that instead of refuting any of
the facts, the anonomous poster must atack my grammer. As I have said
in the past "I might be a Redneck, never paid much attention in spelln
class." Yhe cunning linguist you. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 20&#184; 2003
msp ~ Fact: the majority of people did not vote for G W Douche. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 20&#184; 2003 11:21am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ LOL, yeah trust the decisions of our top leaders. It's not like
they have an agenda or anything. LOL!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
20&#184; 2003 11:20am</B></FONT>
jeremy ~ Back to our world, can we say" SHORTNESS"!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 20&#184; 2003 11:15am</B></FONT>
Yhe Cunning Linguist ~ What exactly are "weopons" anyway? That word is
not any dictionary that I have here. Please advise as I'm always one
for learning new linguistic techniques and pushing the planet forward
evolutionarily. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 20&#184; 2003 11:19am</B></FONT>
jeremy ~ Kudo's to Jill. Regardless of your opinion, the fact is that
we are now at war, and it is all of our duties as American Citizens to
support the decision made by our elected officials(even if you didn't
vote for them, the majority did). We as common folk are not privaledged
to the intel gathered by our brave brothers and sisters abroad. Our top
leaders however are, and we must trust in their decisions, based on
what they know. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 20&#184; 2003
jeremy ~ Scuds are not weopons of mass destruction. However VX,
Anthrax, Serin, and dirty bombs( thats all he can make because Isreal
blew up his French Reactor at the begining of this war more than ten
years ago) are. However you are correct because he doesn't posess, nor
has he ever possesed any of these weopons, He said so! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 20&#184; 2003 11:04am</B></FONT>
Fact: ~ I actually type really fast... LMAO <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
20&#184; 2003 11:09am</B></FONT>
Fact ~ Someone knows how to cut & paste <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 20&#184;
2003 11:04am</B></FONT>
jill ~ the world is in a sad state, what we as Americans can do is
stand behind the men and women who are there, showing their love for
this country by protecting the rights that we do have. my best friends
husband is there and as sad as it was to see him leave his wife and
their 1 year old daughter, I was somewhat comforted by the fact that he
believes in what he and the other men and women are do ing, he said that
"he is helping to take care of a problem now so that our children will
not have to years from now". i still don't fully believe that war is
the answer but it is happening so lets gather up as much patriotic
energy as we can and beam it fu ll force to those that can benifit from
it. keep all of them in your thoughts for a safe and speedy return back
home to the US and to their families. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 20&#184;
2003 10:58am</B></FONT>
Cowboy W ~ Fact<br>I gave the dum some -bitch 48hrs to git outa Dodge.
Uzely I giv-em ownlee til sundown but Ize tryin too bee nice. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 20&#184; 2003 11:02am</B></FONT>
Fact: ~ For all of you who believe we are at war for oil.. I wanted to
enlighten you..
Fact: ~ Iraq has a lot of o il. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 20&#184; 2003
Bruce Springsteen ~ Blind faith in your leaders will get you killed!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 20&#184; 2003 10:54am</B></FONT>
Dubya ~ The thought of those disgusting towelheads makes me sick. The y
tried to kill me Daddy, ya know. I hate them. They make me want to
spit. Excuse me...AHEM...AHEM...CRQQQCRGHH...Hawk Anir Aacky!!! Thoo.
There! That's better. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 20&#184; 2003
Fact ~ Scuds are not WMD's. <FONT SIZE =-1><B>March 20&#184; 2003
Rhetoric with no factual Support.. ~ hmmm.. it sounds a lot like you
guys have a serious problem presenting any facts to support your case oh wait. .thats cause there arent any facts which support your case ..
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 20&#184; 2003 10:16am</B></FONT>
jeremy ~ The 5000 people's families who were gassed by Saddam in
northern Iraq can live with it too. Oh wait he never had chemical
weapons, still doesn't. By the way we won't even be using tear gas, by
order of the president! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 20&#184; 2003
msp ~ Sometimes the ends do not justify the means. There is no doubt
that a lot of people will now die. Cowboy W must live with that.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 20&#184; 2003 10:08am</B></FONT>
Dubya in a press conference in January: ~ "Don't forget: This guy tried
to kill my Daddy." <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 20&#184; 2003
jeremy ~ If Saddam had abided by the 91 cease -fire agreement, as laid
out in U.N. resolution 687 then we would not be returning to finish the
job. In the last ten years Saddam has continued to shoot at allied
aircraft in the no-fly zone imposed by the U.N. He has also imported
material used for the production of Nuclear weoponry, and w here did he
get it? Maybe from the three Countries opposed to intervention. We all
have to face the fact that this war is based on the dollar, and the
dollar is based on the Barrel, and Saddam controls abought a fifth of
the worlds supply. We all know that oil is the basis for this
intervention, however it is my opinion that the world would be better
off if the Iraqi people could share in the wealth. To all those who
would believe that George Bush is blood thirsty, also remember that our
military spends more time on avoiding hitting civiliens than any
country in the world. If our leaders were really out for revenge let us
consider that we could erase the middle east with the push of a button.
To bad after last nights surgical strike Saddam has a taped
impersonator denounce us. Read my lips" top five Iraqi leaders
targeted." <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 20&#184; 2003 9:51am</B></FONT>
glen ~ to Mr. Eddy et al., your wish is our command!
there is
Operation: ~ Get Even for Daddy <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 20&#184; 2003
jeremy ~ It is interesting to see that there is so much support for
Saddam. I agree wholeheartedly. We should all have the right to
torture, maim and kill those who oppose us, and as far as women go, I
also agree with Saddam, they shou ld be sub-serviant and keep there
mouths shut! ~ I think a tree would be overkill, but I would be
happy to
glen ~ mike, send me those Space Shuttle pix!
P2P ~ Sorry, but it takes a tremendous time commitment that I cannot
afford at this time to run a CD Tree. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 20&#184;
2003 7:12am</B></FONT>
Flea ~ Political correction. Please keep the service men and women in
your thoughts and preyers along with our country. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 19&#184; 2003 11:06pm</B></FO NT>
Flea ~ p2p and Eddy, Any chance for a Flipper tree of the recorded
"classics" ? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 19&#184; 2003 10:50pm</B></FONT>
Flea ~ The war has started? 90 minutes late? Whether you support it or
not, please prey and keep all our "AMERICA N" serviceman in your thouts
and preyers. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 19&#184; 2003 10:26pm</B></FONT>
An Ode to 7/8/78 - Red Rocks ~ <p>I love the Dead at Red Rocks <p>It's
better than Phish and Widespread Panic, and even the JGB. <p>I love the
Dead at Red Rocks. <p>Cuz Jerry was a -jammin', Phil had a liver and
Bobby liked boys pee-pee's. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 19&#184; 2003
Test ~ <l>test <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 19&#184; 2003 7:33pm</B></FONT>
Brett ~ Chris, it was recorded in my basement when dave and I shared
rent with jessica on case st. in canton. I wanna say late 96 -early 97.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 19&#184; 2003 5:28pm</B></FONT>
Impeach Bush ~ <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
19&#184; 2003 5:23pm</B></FONT>
Emperor Palpatine ~ Imagine, Young Jedi, your good fortune should this
so-called "Randomizer" pull up The Fully Armed AND OPERATIONAL 5/9/77 Buffalo show for April??? Join your father & me on The Dark Side & I
will see to it!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 19&#184; 2003 4:42pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Y/W,and don't sweat it Kevy, baby. There's still another 9 issues
on the horizon for 2003 alone. Some will be true winners ala #03,
others will be less joyous. It all depends on how the Randomizer feels
that day :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 19&#184; 2003 4:33pm</B></FONT> ~ anyone know where and when Flipper Dave's 1st
Emperor Palpatine ~ Come Young Jedi! Come witness the power of this
fully armed *and operational* 5/9/77!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 19&#184;
2003 1:36pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ pickle, just sent the same message :p -lol! <FONT SIZE=1><B>March 19&#184; 2003 12:20pm</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ Mr Eddy, I got tons to offer (way to much to list here) since
I started taping shows in '97. Get in touch and I will try to hook you
up with some? ( Do you have a DAT deck? That
would be the best way to go.<p>(((Brett)))<p> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
19&#184; 2003 11:57am</B></FONT>
jill, glen & maisy ~ ((((((((brett))))))) we're thinking of you toda y
and sending
mr eddy ~ my quest for live flipper continues. any
of you FD traders
rcw ~ (((Brett))) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 19&#184; 2003
Groove ~ Brett, Positive vibes out to ya bro.
19&#184; 2003 9:19am</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
G&S ~ c'mon Brett... we're all behind you, brother. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 19&#184; 2003 8:50am</B></FONT>
Talisman ~ {{{{{{{BRETT}}}}}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 19&#184; 2003
Brett ~ I guess it's d -day over here too, Good luck..!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 19&#184; 2003 8:32am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ (((((Brett)))))
(((((100% + + + + + vibes for
you!!!))))) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 19&#184; 2003 7:50am</B></FONT> ~ che ck out country hotty
Deana's new video 'There's No
ep ~ Great show at the Brass. I THINK A FLIPPER GAL CHORUS MAY BE IN
ORDER AT SOME POINT. Opps. Everyone had a great time. Keep smiling,,,
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 18&#184; 2003 9:17pm</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ P2P, Still lovin this show! Thanks again man! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 18&#184; 2003 7:45pm</B></FONT>
But would you for 250K ? ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 18&#184; 2003
yes. ~ and yes. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 18&#184; 2003 7:07pm</B></FONT>
A Flipper Dave Forum Sexuality Survey: ~ Does it make you gay if you're
male and curious as to what Pat Summit, coach of the University of
Tennessee Lady Vol's basketball team, looks like naked? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 18&#184; 2003 7:00pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ I'm getting them from Mr Eddy. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 18&#184;
2003 6:56pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ not only would I love to hear those !!!
but my friend Mr.
P2P ~ BTW, I'm gonna score a few Glen -first-joined (late 96&97) FD
shows in the fairly near futur e :) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 18&#184; 2003
LOL!! ~ Schweeet!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 18&#184; 2003
In The Meantime ~ enjoy this...
glen ~ just helping out some of MS's friends on the side for a
P2P ~ Yeah well, I di dn't necessarily mean tomorrow night. Just a
general idea for some date in the future. What's this about a jam w/
FD's MS et al? Or more properly, where & what time? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 18&#184; 2003 5:47pm</B></FONT>
PS ~ BTW P2P, NCD on that WMBHGSI.
I have 2 Jam 2
glen ~ if we could see 'Jenny from the Block' doing the undie
P2P ~ Hey Glen, what about that Waterbury market bar hop gig search
idea? Was it decided that it was a lame idea? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
18&#184; 2003 2:08pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Oh, we don't mind coming to see ya, Jenny. It's listening to that
lame song & watching that garbage for 2 hours that gives us problems.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 18&#184; 2003 1:14pm</B></FONT>
Jenny from the block ~ Come -on glen & p2p...come see me in wat ertown!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 18&#184; 2003 12:01pm</B></FONT>
Cowboy W<br> ~ You all have 48hrs to leave this forum! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 18&#184; 2003 10:39am</B></FONT>
St. Patrick`s Day Quote ~ ..."Man, it`s like haulin a B -3,but doesn`t
sound as good" <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 18&#184; 2003 9:38am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ So far. Let's hope it changes tomorrow!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
18&#184; 2003 9:09am</B></FONT>
glen ~ P2P: 'Maid In Manhattan' again????? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
18&#184; 2003 9:08am</B ></FONT>
Look... TTT #5 Worldwide ~
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 17&#184; 2003 10:48pm</B></FONT>
**** (4 stars) ~ '"Okay, I'm Leaving" was a masterful work of great
Bruce ~ hey brett i heard it was a rockin' good t ime at the brass on
sun. sorry i missed it , but i am a little busy over here . i imagine
you've been watching the news and just to let you know i will not have
access to the net or email for a while so take care and i will get back
to you when i can tel l every one hi and don't forget about Thomas !!
later bruce <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 17&#184; 2003 9:25pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ That was me posting as Jim Burr. It ABSOLUTELY WAS NOT a diss of
Coach Calhoun. It was a dismissal of Referee Jim Burr who has it in for
Calhoun by Coach's admission. And being that he is a very stand -up guy
who runs a very clean program & has nary a nasty to say about anyone,
my views of his blatant lack of objectivity when it comes to the
Huskies need no further validation. EFF him w here the gross, unshowered
slime doesn't wipe. I'm only glad that he's not a judge or in politics
lest his prejudices have a true impact on the planet. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 17&#184; 2003 5:46pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ yeah pete, sorry about that, i was only jos hing, and did someone
really diss coach calhoun out here? the man is a basketball genious
and one of the best coachs in the country and a sure hall of famer,
where would CT BB be w/o him? at the bottom of the big east scrap
pile, i wonder if there is any other college in the country that can
boast of 5 nba guys averaging double figures as there are in uconn
guys.......there's gotta be a few, but it's a very few
<FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 17&#184; 2003 5:42pm</B></FONT>
The LOL ~ was for Siskel's now delete d comments. Please repost them!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 17&#184; 2003 4:43pm</B></FONT>
LOL!! ~
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 17&#184; 2003 4:40pm</B></FONT>
Jim Burr ~ Excellent. When I failed to call that obvious T on Ontario
Lett, those kids in UConn fell ap art just as I expected. And it pushed
them out of a 4 seed in the East to a 5 in the South. That Calhoun is
such a pudwhistle anyway!! Anyine know where I can get some Dippity Doo. It's tough finding time to shower more than once a month these
days & my hair is starting to stick up in unusual places and smell a
little. Dippity-Doo should take care of the problem & I won't even have
to shower. Water is gross!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 17&#184; 2003
Okay, I'm Leaving<br> ~ I get all jiggy wh en I drink beer <br>
Groove ~ Good one yesterday, thanks guys! A belated, but heartfelt
Birthday wish out to you sista Jill. And happy B -day to all you other
pisces out there, hope ya'll had a good one. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
17&#184; 2003 2:18pm</B></F ONT>
PSB ~ Well I thought Sk was really pissed at me & I was wrong! I guess
I'm just a little too sensitive! Sorry sk! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
17&#184; 2003 11:30am</B></FONT>
The Shamrock ~ The Shamrock is a little plant, It's leaf is three green
hearts, We wear it on St. Patrick's Day, But that's not where it
starts. It comes from dear old Ireland, We want you all to know, That
Ireland is the only place the real wild shamrocks grow! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 17&#184; 2003 11:14am</B></FONT>
Brett----Just In...... ~ Scott Allshouse will be accompaning myself
tonight with some killer rythm and vocals @ KC Dubliner, formally
7-11 <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 17&#184; 2003
toorla loora loora ~ Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
17&#184; 2003 9:49am</B></FONT>
glen ~ i guess I made it after all. good times. me & suz will still
see 'yall tomorrow at KCD. I'm bringing the bodhrun n' the bones!!!
peece!!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 16&#184; 2003 11:04pm</B></FONT>
PSB ~ Thanks rew!sorry i pissed of Sk with by asking him repeatedly for
the Derek Trucks(camp creek set) every time I see him, don't worry Sk,
I'll never ask you again! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 16&#184; 2003
thnks kenny also, good jams, brett ~
2003 8:57pm</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 16&#184;
Brett ~ Good one today, thanks dom for sitting in. and as usual
johnathan, mike and dennis, so good!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
16&#184; 2003 8:56pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ Sunshine, I love you....and as far as Mr Yipes goes, I So owe
him...way late with my miracles...:D - Huge thanks to all the girls,
and to all the a good hoe -down :D <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March
16&#184; 2003 9:02pm</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Great one today guys thank you! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 16&#184;
2003 7:51pm</B></FONT>
PSB ~ fun hanging with you last nite Brett! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
16&#184; 2003 7:06pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Another SMASHING good time today - thanks to ALL the
boys -Shortness+ (great job Dom!) - you guys made my day sparkle! :>)
And, of course, I can't forget a BIG thank you to my girls: rcw,
Nicole, Jess, etc. - it wouldn't have been the same without ya! Great
seeing everyone out and about on a Sunday afternoon -- see you all in a
couple of weeks! 'Til then - peace! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
16&#184; 2003 7:05pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ hey rcw, don't forget the blood pact we made 2 years ago where we
both agreed to never, ever, ever make mr yipes any music whatsoever,
and also.............why don't you ever c all me???? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 16&#184; 2003 6:57pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ happy birthday to all!!!
have fun getting loaded today.
The Other Marinos ~ {{{{HBD KM}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 16&#184; 2003
MorningChild ~ Good Morning all -- just wanted to wish Jill Talbot and
Karen Marino an "official" HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Wishing you both all the
best today and always!! Love & (((((Hugs))))) to you both!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 16&#184; 2003 7:55am</B></FONT>
Brett ~ Bruce this ones for you at the brass tomorrow, sun 2 -6 or
whenever. well toast you buddy! hooodowwnn!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
16&#184; 2003 3:03am</B></FONT>
glen ~ and let's not forget happy birthday to Lori C. as well!!!
P2P ~ Jager, that JS show was held at Vincent's Nightclub <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 15&#184; 2003 11:05am</B></FONT>
MC ~ LOL!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 15&#184; 2003 11:02am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Great fun last night!!! What idiot forgot to put his car in gear
& let it roll away into the parking lot??? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March
15&#184; 2003 10:54am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Another fun evening - thanks boys - you rock as always!
Derek ~ Great fun last night guys, thanks, sweet to see lots of you,
its been awhile. Flipper fucking rocks. <FONT SIZE =-1><B>March
15&#184; 2003 9:19am</B></FONT>
PSB ~ Thanks rew!here it is:
jill ~ Thanks for the b -day wishes!! There are other march b -days that
we're celebrating tonight too...isn't that right Jess, Pickle, Karen
and I think that I may have left someone out? See ya in an hour! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 14&#184; 2003 7:47pm</B></FONT>
Glenith ~ FYI: Jills Birthday is officially Sunday (3/16) But we're
going out to Flipper tonight to start the celebration. CU THERE <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 14&#184; 2003 7:23pm </B></FONT>
smiles ~ a little birdie told me its someones special day today..hope
he wasn't wrong heheheheee...****:o):o):o)****Happy Happy Birthday Jill
Talbot****(o:(o:(o:**** remember no one has what you have..your eyes,
your smile, your style, your o wn very special way of just being you!!
hope its the best one yet!!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 14&#184; 2003
rcw ~ yes I did - have actually brought them out twice and missed you email me your addy and Ill just mail them :D robincw_66@h
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 14&#184; 2003 6:12pm</B></FONT>
PSB ~ Hey Rew,did you every get a chance to make those(JGB & Ratdog)
"miracle Cd's for me? I've been looking at the covers that MM sent me
and i'm just wondering? Thanks! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 14&#184; 2003
MC ~ On behalf of "The Girls" (and not to be confused with THE Girl) a big thank you to Tracey for watchin' the lovely Miss Maisy so Jill
can come out to play!!! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 14&#184; 2003
jill ~ I am sooo ready for tonight! Last weekend was just a
Orwel 84 ~ Hey P2P...I'm still working on the historical GOP
piece...Jurasic Pork: The Grim Raptors ... it's about a bunch of
idealogical dinosaurs who at the very point of extinction, de cide to
take everyone else out with them...look for the 3D version in
"theatres" all thoughout the middle east...coming soon! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 14&#184; 2003 11:29am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ I for one have been ready all week!
SIZE=-1><B>March 14&#184; 2003 9:19am</B></FONT>
:>) <FONT
rcw ~ good news Jill :D Will see you later for sure! Ready for that
birthday celebration girls...? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 14&#184; 2003
Or if ~ ya replace yer timing belt in a parking lot so ya can make it
to a Flipper show!!
mainer ~ So I took the trip down to see you guys this weekend,
unfortunetly while out cruisen around last night,my timingbelt broke.
If I'm lucky there's no valve damage and I can put a new belt on before
tonight. I guess it's better that it broke by stillwater instead of in
the White Mountians somewhere.
MC ~ YAY!! New toys - can't wait to play! :>)
See you all tonight 'til then - happy Friday and peace! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
14&#184; 2003 8:00am</B></FO NT>
jill ~ Hey rcw, MC, Jess & Randi...I'll have goodies for you at
ep ~ I have a fealing that this is gonna be a fiesty weekend!!! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 14&#184; 2003 12:16am</B></FONT> ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 13&#184; 2003 ~
13&#184; 2003 9:44pm</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>March ~
SIZE=-1><B>March 13&#184; 2003 8:48pm</B></FONT>
you may be a
Happy Pickle-day!! ~
me on
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 13&#184; 2003
~ Brett, I appreciate the offera I a gotta enough back -up trust
that ! i don't think you could get a flight out here anyway !! at
not to this place !! it ain't on no map !!! thanks anyway
bro <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 13&#184; 2003 5:54pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ I just got off the phone w/ M84. He said something about having
to cut me short b/c his cell phone battery was dying, but a few minutes
earlier he was getting all jiggy about today's lineup on The O'Reilly
Factor (A No Spin Zone): The Email segment was to be the best such
documents on the topic of George W's finest accomplishments as
President; an entire segment dedicated to a live interview w / Rush
Limbo; and a historical retrosepctive of the GOP from Lincoln to
Reagan. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 13&#184; 2003 5:23pm</B></FONT>
Reverend ~ OK, here is what I know. Bucksteep in NOT closing but it HAS
been sold. The new owners are good folks but th ey are not having
anymore public concerts there. Only privet functions like weddings and
such. Nothing is written in stone (still hoping we can pull of a
Halloween show), but I think it is safe to say that the 420/Easter show
will be the last public rock t ype show at Bucksteep. P2P, Jerry is
Coming!!! He told me so! He wouldn't miss 1 last jam at Bucksteep!!!!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 13&#184; 2003 4:23pm</B></FONT>
looks like ~ she's ready to chop off your byoinger! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 13&#184; 2003 4:2 1pm</B></FONT>
Is that an Alien in my pants ~ or am I just happy to see that
Sigourney's [W]eaver. :):):) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 13&#184; 2003
ah, shaddup ~ and enjoy this! pic1/a1-003.jpg <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 13&#184; 2003 4:07pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Irrelevent. It's 2.5+ hours away from here and the kids MUST
visit their grandfolks on that day. That's very important to us. As you
know, Glen, I'm not even that keen on the BR B&F shows because they
fall on a Sunday. I wouldn't be able to make the Easter Sunday show
under any circumstances short of the guitar wielding source being Jerry
himself. And NO, M84, Herring won't serve as a substitute. :)
<p>Anyway, those of you that can go, have a great gre at time!!! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 13&#184; 2003 4:00pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ yes but... it's at night! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 13&#184; 2003
P2P ~ "a reliable Jerry -like guitar wielding source" <=== LOL!! Just to
further dampen the diapers, Easter Sunday falls on 4/20 this year. One
can only wonder if it's not too late to renegotiate that deal to push
the date up one day - to the Saturday. I expect that will increase the
attendance dramatically. We, for two, will not be able to attend on
almost any Sunday - Easter Sunday is completely & totally ou of the
question! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 13&#184; 2003 3:53pm</B></FONT>
PS ~ Mr. Eddy has his Sun -Ra Arkive link in our Flipper 51 (if
glen ~ yes, on
a Sunday!
yes, the rumor (and you know how
bucksteep closing is ~ sadder than<br>
P2P ~ Trades? We doughn need no schtinkin' trades!!! Email me & I'll
hook you up w/ a show, Eddy. ( <p>msp, can you
elaborate on this Bucksteep inquiry??? Not sure if you have any add'l
knowledge that you can share. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 13&#184; 2003
FLiPPER NEWS DESK ~ 4.20 Fest has been added to the tour dates!! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 13&#184; 2003 3:43pm</B></FONT>
weekeepeemee ~ <br>
edsondesonredson ~ Looking for live Fl ipper cds to trade.
Inquiring Mind ~ Thanks P2P, Very cool but IS the place closing? What's
the scoop FD?
msp<br> ~ on a Sunday??? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 13&#184; 2003
Joe Six-Pack<p> ~ Dang, dang, dubble -dang..I gots lotsa memries of me &
lil sis in cabbin numbir 2. <br>Makes me sadder than a mosquito sucking
on a mummy.<br> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 13&#184; 2003 2:21pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ This from the Reverend's Tor Page: "04/20/2003 420 Fest at
Bucksteep Washington, MA 6pm to 1am 18+, ( 413) 623-5535. with Flipper
Dave and more TBA" <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 13&#184; 2003
I'm ~ hearing lots o buzz that Buck Steep is closing and there will be
one last show there on 4/20. Heard FD is involved? Can anyone confirm
this??????? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 13&#184; 2003 1:47pm</B></FONT>
glen,jill&maisy ~ Happy Birthday Pickle!! Have a good one
TKOTA ~ At least the thing that M84 uses for such purposes :) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 13&#184; 2003 12:26pm</B></FONT>
TKOTA ~ I thought tha t was a Morning Dill Dew, msp???? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 13&#184; 2003 12:25pm</B></FONT>
M84 ~ Mikey Cyber Pants (MCP) - thanks for the clarification!TKOTA Got your e-mail and I will ring you up on the old rotary teleo -phone.
My virtual secretary is ge tting right on it! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
13&#184; 2003 11:52am</B></FONT>
msp<br> ~ Happy birthday pickle!!!<p>hey M84...telephone, you
ask??'s that hard plastic thing with wires that you hold up to
your mouth. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 13&#184; 2003 1 1:37am</B></FONT>
TKOTA ~ M84, I need to talk to you the old fashioned way - via
telephone. I sent you an E w/ my #'s on it. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
13&#184; 2003 9:57am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ {{{HBD Pickle}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 13&#184; 2003
MorningChild ~ (((((Happy Birthday Pickle!!!!!)))))
1><B>March 13&#184; 2003 8:44am</B></FONT>
glen&suz ~ hippie birthday Pickle!!!!!!!
ya hoo, show day!!!!!
brett ~ bruce let me know if you need a me to watch your back for ya,
ill leave my gig and hit the next flight. all you guys are the f&*ing
bomb for what your doing right now. God bless. next round is on me,
brett <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 12&#184; 2003 8:34pm</B></FONT>
Bruce ~ Brett when i got here it was snowing an d 35 ! desert my a** now
it's raining and 40 can't win .hopefully i'll be home to see snow there
take care sorry but i'll have to miss your show at the brass !
bro <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 12&#184; 2003 6:34pm</B></FONT>
Ents ~ never lay anything unless it is worth taking a long time
treebeard ~ <br>I Do <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 12&#184; 2003
Or if ~
Rock and Roll means, swillen an old millwater, rippen a can
Hmmm.... ~ Do Ents get morning would? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 12&#184;
2003 12:30pm</B></FONT>
Beaner ~
another creek casualty here,brett sorry I missed billy rays
for the tenth time. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 12&#184; 2003
treebeard ~ i got 87% <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 11&#184; 2003
glen ~ wow, that was a tough quiz, I'm sweating... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 11&#184; 2003 10:13pm</B></FONT>
ep ~ Flippers kick ass!! Hope to see you soon, Got room in the waggon
Picks? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 11&#184; 2003 10:13pm</B></FONT>
brett ~ sk its expanded alright like your excuses. Seriously friday at
creek hurt me too more than i had thought until the tiger came and bit
me, but i caught another wind. stripping women will sometimes do that.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 11&#184; 2003 9:19pm</B></FONT>
brett ~ Hey bruce, hang tough there brother. don't get too burnt out
there. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 11&#184; 2003 9:15pm</B></FONT>
treebeard ~ sys/cgiwrap/readers/quiz.cgi?book=fellowship&q_start=1&total_q=40 <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 11&#184; 2003 8:53pm</B></FONT>
Bruce ~ hey brett, just wanted to say hi from the desert! would like a
beer and a game of golf but oh well tell all i said hi c -ya <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 11&#184; 2003 7:11pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ sorry BRETT, i play ed some good old-fashioned country hardball at
toads friday night (read: dorf on dose as p2p once said) which about
rendered me useless for saturday, i was in bed at 9:45, but not without
feeling guilt about not seeing you play......did they expand the tig er
yet? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 11&#184; 2003 5:43pm</B></FONT>
treebeard ~ "Plaque can be either a film or a declaration of honor."
that says it all p2p <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 11&#184; 2003
Or if ~ Your huntin dawg had a litter of pupp ies in the living room
and nobody noticed. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 11&#184; 2003
Or if ~ Your state's got a new law that says when a couple
Or if ~ You think TACO BELL is
LOL! ~ ! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 11&#184; 2003 4:20pm</B></FONT>
LOL! ~ ! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 11&#184; 2003 1:22pm</B></FONT>
Mark 84 ~ Where to begin! Glen nailed the Farimir travesty, which was
another of my main irratations with LOTR -TT-Film. And for Eru's sake
Frodo, would you please put that ring away! What is it your lucky
charm?! I mean at the end of LOTR -TT he's holding out right in from of
the winged Nazgul...ok, easy, think of Valinor during the full flower
of the two trees...breath...ok, I'm better now...essentially what I'm
getting at is that LOTR -TT-T (the last T for travesty) spends too much
time creating new and pointless subplots when there really was time to
tell a much more true account of the story and it would have made the
telling much richer and compelling. For example, the whole "Arwen can't
make up her mind" thing about the clash's hit single "should I stay or
should I go" took quite alot of time, and yet I still can find no point
in it. Plus now we're lead to believe that Aragorn has an Arathorn for
Eowyn, when pitty was all she was gunna get f rom him. Anduril be
stayin' in its sheath, if you catch my spell. It would be like taking
the jam in SPAC 84's epic version of Playing In The Band and cut it
short for a rendition of "For Those About Rock (yes, I know, we salute
you), instead of alloying t he epicness to seemlessly blend into one of
the best China Dolls in music history, which it wouldn't have been had
it not been giving it's last fair deal. Now TKOTA, I hear ya on the
film/book debate, and I'll allow for it, but you must exile yourself to
the wild and bring me back a Silmaril from George Bush's jock strap
crown. Blessings All! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 11&#184; 2003
P2P ~ I was only kiddin' about the 84 trashing. you all can carry on
as you were. I'm really of the opinion th at Oct 84 was splendid. As is
Guitar Mark. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 11&#184; 2003 11:58am</B></FONT>
And another thing ~ If Guitar Mark keeps dissing PJ's LOTR pieces, I'll
be forced to make up lies about the horrible musical performances that
were running rampant here on the east coast in October of 1984!! Don't
make me claim the worst ever Candyman was rendered in Saratoga
Performing Arts Center on June 24, 1984!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
11&#184; 2003 10:54am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nes t: A gem of the 60s literary
ovement, easily arguably the key artistic decade of the past century.
Certainly Kesey's greatest literary accomplishment. The film changed
the POV from being that of Chief's (the one who flew over the cuckoo's
nest) to being that of Randall MacMurphy's (the Nicholson character).
The result: Best Picture of 1975 and IMO the best picure of the decade
and a Top 10 of all time.
glen ~ having first seen the films, and then read the books, I
Or ~
Old Bo chewed the hell out of yer g unrack in the 72 stepside, for
Or if ~ You've got mor ammo in your pocket's than change!!! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 11&#184; 2003 9:38am</B></FONT>
Or if ~
When Holloween comes round, the term Pump -kin takes on an all
Or if ~
Have'n yer freinds over to help ya move, means
putt'n the
P2P ~ Well if I can add a comment or two: These are the films, not the
books. They should only reflect the general feel, plot & themes of the
novels. They're their own pieces - their own artistic endeavor.
Expecting otherwise would be to reduce the movies to carbon copies of
the books on celluloid. It's fine to prefer one over the other, but one
shouldn't expect them to be identical. E.g., juxtapose Tangled Up in
Blue ala Jerry to that done by Zimmy. I don't encourag e you to name a
preference but to notice the none so subtle differences. Because
something looks & sounds similar to something else does not make it
necessary that they be even more similar. A film can be either a movie
or plaque. Plaque can be either a fi lm or a declaration of honor. But
it is very rare that a movie is a declaration of honor. I Am Sam, an
obvious homage to the genius of that True American Treasure, Dustin
Hoffman, and his brilliant perfomances in Kramer vs Kramer and Rainman
being a notable exception. The End. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 11&#184;
2003 9:27am</B></FONT>
Mark P ~ Not to be a JRR -kill-joy, but one my biggest pet peevs, of
which I have several, concerning the Two Towers (movie), is that
Entmoot decides nothing (other than that Pipp in and Merry aren't
orcs)...then Pippin tells Treebeard to drop he and merry off on the
southern end of Fangorn irratating! First off, Treebeard
would be the first to know if part of his forest had been distroyed,
and Entmoot (in the book) was the point in the story when the Ents
decided to take action against Sauroman, and just the opposite happens
in the don't get me started on Arwen's role in the
movie!!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 11&#184; 2003 8:46am</B></FONT>
Mark P ~ Glen, just getting back...but yes, it was the two trees of
Vilanor which Feanor encased in the Silmarils...Nice!..."He's a super geek, super-geek, he's super-geekyyy yow!" - Rick James. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 11&#184; 2003 8:41am</B></FONT>
Glen ~ Hey Mike T., thanks for the pix & the rad tunes.
Give us
LOL ~ ! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 10&#184; 2003 6:28pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ Good God Almighty! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184; 2003
correction: ~ elven.
(or elvish.) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184; 2003
P2P ~ I was talking about my byoinger after looking at that link
SIZE=-1><B>March 10&#184; 2003 6:23pm</B></FONT>
J.R.R. ~ elvin, if you plea se.... (not elfen.) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
10&#184; 2003 6:14pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ the entwives? (can't say that I blame them.) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 10&#184; 2003 6:13pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ faramir? (IMHO, poorly represented in the film version.) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 10&#184; 2003 6:12pm</B></FONT>
Mmmmmmmm ~ liv lips...... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184; 2003
what ~ did treebeard ask merry and pippin if they had seen in their
land ? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 10&#184; 2003 6:17pm</B></ FONT>
P2P ~ That's some serious elfin magic
2003 6:10pm</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184;
who is ~ boromirs brother? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184; 2003
bad link ~ sorry, take the two spaces out of the URL.
should fix it
sam ~ grey as mouse<br>big as a house<br>nose like a snake<p>oliphaunt
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 10&#184; 2003 6:12pm</B></FONT>
Arwen's panties ~
So ~ keep your black gates closed! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184; 2003
P2P ~ Those are Paulie's Sausages. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184; 2003
what ~ are the Uge! beasts Sam sees marching towards the
treebeard ~ i saw a preveiw of the return of the king, and they chan ged
a few things around, instead of frodo and sam going to cracks of doom
they sneak into the dark lords kitchen and toss a few pubes into his
sloppy joe mix <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184; 2003 5:58pm</B></FONT>
and in the darkenss bind them ~ in the lan d of MORE door <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 10&#184; 2003 5:51pm</B></FONT>
two towers ~ orthanic and barad'dur <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184;
2003 5:50pm</B></FONT>
who ~ was strider banging ? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184; 2003
glen ~ don't MAKE me answer the unanswered question... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 10&#184; 2003 5:35pm</B></FONT>
Close! ~ the Osgiliath. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184; 2003
gollum ~ they ride WORMS ! ( dragon ) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184;
2003 5:37pm</B></FONT>
what ~ winged creature did the Lord of the Nazgül ride? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 10&#184; 2003 5:29pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ Fangorn Forest? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184; 2003
my turn ~ can anyone name The Two Towers?
( glen: stay outta
glen ~ Rosie? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184; 2003 5:23pm</B></FONT>
correction: ~ 'rowan' referred to the Entmoot.
since you said FOTR,
what ~ is sams bitchs nme? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184; 2003
tom ~ old man willow <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 10&#184; 2003
what ~ is the name of treebeards home? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184;
2003 5:27pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ mushrooms? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184; 2003
glen ~ rowan? <FONT SIZE =-1><B>March 10&#184; 2003 5:19pm</B></FONT>
what ~ tree was left out of FOTR? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184; 2003
P2P ~ My thoughts are that I'd rather blow some guy than sit thru 2 hrs
of J(b)Lo in Maid in Manhattan. Of course, sinc e I'm in the office on
Wednesday, meeting @ Happy Hour somewhere for a drinky -po is definitely
do-able. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 10&#184; 2003 5:18pm</B></FONT>
what was ~ farmer maggot famous for ? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184;
2003 5:23pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ P2P, are you sure no 'MiM' this Wed.?
Maybe we'll get
P2P ~ LOL!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184; 2003 5:10pm</B></FONT>
OR IF ~ you think shelob has a nice rack <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
10&#184; 2003 5:14pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ You're King Geek!! <F ONT SIZE=-1><B>March 10&#184; 2003
glen ~ i dunno' what I am, but I do know I'm too old to give a
P2P ~ I am a film nut, Grateful Dead scholar & intellectual. Do not
take me for a conjurer of cheap spells. Or otherwise confuse w/ a LOTR
Geek! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 10&#184; 2003 4:53pm</B></FONT>
glen take 2 ~ The Silmarils Fëanor made of the blended light of the
T.B. Shot ~ Right, but the actual source of the light...the same light
that was contained in the Silmarils... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184;
2003 4:20pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ the light of Eärendil's star? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184;
2003 4:14pm</B></FONT>
T.B. ~ What was the source of the light in Galadriel's gift to Frodo?
Hint: Didn't come from the Sun. Another Hint: Ther e was no Sun or Moon
at that time. Super Geek status hangs in the balance! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 10&#184; 2003 4:06pm</B></FONT>
Mark P (TKOTA's Boy) ~ Galadriel gave Frodo the light of Erendil. Frodo
summoned T.B. with the poem Tom told him "..our need is near
us"...Frodo son of Drogo...Ori, Nori, Oin, Gloin, Balin, Dwalin,
Bomber, and several others! :) Geek me please!
OR ~ worse yet, all fourteen Lords and Queens of the Valar. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 10&#184; 2003 4:01pm</B></FONT>
OR ~ if you can name all twelve dwarves in Thorin's company. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 10&#184; 2003 3:58pm</B></FONT>
or if you know ~ What present Galadriel give to Frodo <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 10&#184; 2003 3:27pm</B></FONT>
or if you know ~ Who Bilbo gave the Arkenstone to <FONT SIZE=1><B>March 10&#184; 2003 3:25pm</B></FONT>
or if you know ~ Who Bilbo's grandfather was <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
10&#184; 2003 3:24pm</B></FONT>
or if you know ~ How Frodo summoned Tom Bombadil to the Barrow -Downs
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 10&#184; 2003 3:23pm</B></FONT>
yoy may be TOTR geek if you know ~ the name of Frodo's father <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 10&#184; 2003 3:21pm</B></FONT>
OR IF.... ~
Taking your wife on a cruise
OR IF....... ~ You think a quarter horse is
OR IF..... ~ You think Possum is
OR IF..... ~ You got stopped by a state trooper.
glen ~ yahoo!!! I am King Geek! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184; 2003
Ringo --> ~ Awesome deal! I just bought eight tickets (max. allowed)
to the Flipper Dave/Vida Blue s how next month. They were $25.00 each,
but because I'm a nice guy, I'm willing to sell six of them to the
first six people that send me $20.00. You'll save $5.00 each!! Email for my mailing address. The show is almost sold
out, so hurry! There is no time to lose! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
10&#184; 2003 1:29pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ We didn't end up going to TTT yesterday after all. Still at 3 for
me. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 10&#184; 2003 1:07pm</B></FONT>
Groove ~ Glen and P2P, you are the Kings...fer sure.
Great shortness
show yesterday, good to see those of you that attended...Keep on
Strummin on <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184; 2003 1:04pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ so , P2p that make it 4 times now for each of us seeing 'The Two
Towers', eh? I wonder if anyone here can top that?!? or are we the
King Geeks? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184; 2003 12:23pm</B></FONT>
You Might Be a Redneck ~ If'n yer ol -lady has a spittoon mounted to
the iron'n board!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184; 2003
P2P ~ Oh, I see it was a TTT trivia ques. My first response was what I
think was his first sentence in FOTR. My second was Eddie Murphy's
closing line before leaving that redneck bar in S.F. in 48 Hours. A
nice little comedy & an overall fine piece which pales by comparison to
either FOTR (which I rank as minimally one of the Top 25 films of all
time - YMMVOC) or TTT. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184; 2003
glen ~ actually, nice one there, P2P. however, in 'TTT' his first
words are, "Their pace has quickened". Touchdown!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 10&#184; 2003 9:11am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ It's either, "You draw far too much attention to yourself, Mr.
Underhill!" or "There's a new sheriff in town! And his name's Reggie
Hammond.". <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 10&#184; 2003 9:06am</B></FONT>
jill ~ Great show Sat night! Glen & I figured out that the last time I
saw you guys in a bar was when I was 8 months pregnant at the "old"
hungry tiger and my belly was almost hitting the drum! Hee hee! So
great to be able to get out and hear some music
glen ~ hey all, hope the gig at BRC was fun today, and if anyone made
it out to the Tor/Juice events, I hope that was great too. Last
night's gig was... special. Loved the 'Mmm Bop' nod, lots of improm ptu
little jams busting out all over the place. love it. Thanks Bob &
Chuck. and FYI, if you haven't been out to see the 'KC Dubliner' yet
(the new & improved O'Hagie's) I HIGHLY recommend it, what a
transformation! (the new Tiger ain't half bad lookin g, either) thank
you Hippiefoot for the hang & the cuisine, great to see ya Glen & Jill,
Flea, Kathy, Chrispy Chritta, Groove, Mark, Steve, Joe, happy birthday
to Ames & finally to the Marino© tribe, a 'TTT' trivia question; what
are Aragorn's first words? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 9&#184; 2003
Flea ~ (AKA @&0+%)wow, what a blast it was last night at the Tiger. The
Hungry Tiger "it's new.... Improved.....". Lots of new cool space after
the bandrom addition. Special thanks to Bob Bloom and Ch uck for
stopping on down. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISPY CRITTA! When you kissed the
TIGER that was one of several "classic" moments. In fact, the second
set had many "classic" moments. Memorable? Thanks girls! Until the next
time........Peace. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 9&#184; 2003
Chrispy again! ~ MY first minibike: a 1973 CAT600X with a 3 and a 1/2
horse Tecumseh(I called it an Indian motor cuz a the little Indian head
insignia) that my dad had bought after he sacraficed 2 Harley enduros
to pay some bills, handed down to me when I found it buried in the
corner of the farm workshop in about 1983 when I was 8. Some blue smoke
and a hot clutch on the ankle and I was hooked till I got my first CR80
when I was 15, but I still rode that ol minibike till I was 22(1998)
and handed the frame down to my nephew where the legend lives on. What
what history on that bike, I'll never forget it, yes some silly songs
just bring back lotsa memories like nothing else can!!! Awesome Tune!!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 9&#184; 2003 6:52pm</B></FONT>
ChrispyChritta from RI ~ Special THANKS to Brett and the band for the
birthday treatment, really made my night, always a more than worthwhile
vibe at all your shows, I'll have to wonder out to CT more often! Would
be sweet to have you all back at Camp Creek if possible!!! The food was
good last night too but that damn tiger had horrible breath! Bruce
always nice talkin to you, welp catch ya's on da flip... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 9&#184; 2003 6:33pm</B></FONT>
mainer ~ A little early for April fool's isn't it? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 9&#184; 2003 3:53pm</B></FONT>
mainer ~
So was Page in on that card game in Teluride? Looks like a
brett ~ great gig last night thanks to all that came espesially the get
naked girls. sk where were you? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 9&#184; 2003
jill ~ Black Eyed Sally's?? Cool!! Hope to make it to that one, thanks
for the flip up date. Can't wait to see you guys's been
WAY to long! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 8&#184; 2003 3:16pm</B></FONT>
FLiPPER NEWS DESK ~ tour dates updated as we have 'em so far.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 8&#184; 2003 3:10pm</B></FONT>
the hungry hallway?? ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 8&#184; 2003
Cynamon ~ Happy Birthday Ames. ...Hope to get down for a visit soon
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 8&#184; 2003 12:21pm</B></FONT>
Brett ~ I heard the remodling and the stage is now bigger at the full
kitten. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 8&#184; 2003 11:43am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Maid in Manhattan???? P ee Ewe!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 8&#184;
2003 11:02am</B></FONT>
PS ~ hey P2P, movie of the week is 'Maid In Manhattan'.
glen ~ as far as the guitar tab goes, it's not a bad idea, I could
Glen& Suz ~ happy birthday Ames!!!!!! weloveyou!!!!!! <FON T SIZE=1><B>March 8&#184; 2003 10:08am</B></FONT>
1><B>March 8&#184; 2003 9:36am</B></FONT>
LETS GO!! ~ Dudes I need to JAM! When's Steve going to get a night off?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 7&#184; 2003 9:07pm</B></FONT>
A,D,E, with a d7 for fun ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 7&#184; 2003
Brett ~ do you know how to play an A? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 7&#184;
2003 7:06pm</B></FONT>
HUGE FAN WOULD APRECIATE IT ~ Hey do you guys thin k you could possibly
tab some of your music i would really like to learn it
sk ~ well you fellas are playing at the angry closet tomorrow night, a
hometown gig, i shall be there, i miss you guys too!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 7&#184; 2003 5:29pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Hope you all have a great time this weekend - girls - do
glen ~ sorry Rev for last night (Rev was going to make a
Reverend ~ Hey Ya'll, seeing as there is no Flipper show tonight, I
thought I'd let ya know that we (Rev Tor Band) will be opening for Dr
Juice this evening at The Little City Café in Middletown. It would be
great to see you folks out and about tonight. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
7&#184; 2003 12:53pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ can you say groggy..? (thanks kev :p) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
7&#184; 2003 11:55am</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Mornin' boyz. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 7&#184; 2003
jill, glen & maisy ~ SK, thank you for those pictures! It was a nice
jager-keis ~ P2P what are you doing up so early? Also before i send
your discs out are you a Tenacious D fan? If so let me know I'll send
you some stuff,Later <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 7&#184; 2003
P2P ~ oh,...,DAO = no little gaps. Teenage girls have those. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 7&#184; 2003 6:39am</B></FO NT>
P2P ~ sk, it's likely that you got the Springfield 74 from me. I have a
copy of that great show. I'm getting what's supposed to be an upgrade
very soon. The new home stereo CDR's are generally dual deck & record
at high speed DAO. Mine's a Sony and it does so at 4X, though this
feature is almost never used. I burn everything that I listen to &
listen to everything that I burn. For me, that keeps it constantly
changing & fresh and puts a modicum of music out in the community. They
run around $275.
glen ~ sk, where you been, brother?? we miss you!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 6&#184; 2003 9:29pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ thanks paulie, but i knew that, i'm currently shopping for a new
cd burner, hence the questions.......the old philips finally went, in 2
stages, a month or so ago the machine was unable to do disk to disk
copies but i could still use it recording from an outside source, but
then 2 weeks ago this function died, last night i brought the old
warhorse out to the curb for trash pickup today, so i went pri cing out
new dual well burners last weekend and will pull the trigger this
weekend, everyone i priced out, sony, kln, tdk were all about $250,
there was a harmon karden for $400, so on these decks that advertise 4X
speed or 2X or whatever, will there be ga ps between tracks or does this
not happen on the newer models......also, p2p, what model did you end
up getting and do you like it? on the bye and bye, was it you that
made me 6/30/74 springfield? just listend to it the other day, great
show, especially the first set, best cumberland blues ever???? let the
words be yours, i'm done with mine <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 6&#184; 2003
Taylor ~ Hi amy i just found out about you and elliot. I hope elliot is
haveing the time of his live right now in heaven and im very thankfull
your alive. Im sorry about your loss.
Taylor <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 6&#184; 2003 7:58pm</B></FONT>
brett ~ Kev grab your sled were going to scottys <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
6&#184; 2003 4:56pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ ah, this just means more of you can show at at the
Kevy ~ It's gonna stop in like an hour c'mon! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
6&#184; 2003 4:26pm</B></FONT>
SNOW UPDATE ~ Tonight's gig at The West Main Restaurant in Lakeville,
glen ~ the band is still assumi ng it's a go, if there's any
Kevy ~ I hope the gig is still on? What is the world coming to when
they cancel things for snow.. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 6&#184; 2003
glen ~ hope to see some of you this Thurs. but if not we'll see ya on
Sat. peece! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 5&#184; 2003 9:06pm</B></FONT>
brett ~ hey all, weather wasn't much better in texas. but a whole lot
more to do. fun <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 5&#184; 2003 8:56am</B></FONT>
jill ~ Hey Glen, we'll give you a call this afte rnoon! Can't wait to
see you and Sue this Saturday! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 5&#184; 2003
jager-keis ~ I vote for 5/10 for the Cinco bash.(G+J you know why)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 5&#184; 2003 8:38am</B></FONT>
glen ~ hey J&G, give me a c all about Cinco-de-My-House, let's
jill & maisy ~ Thanks G&K for yet another great party! Happy B -day to
Ash, GJ, Tony and Chelsea! It seems that Glen and I will be at TWO
Flipper shows in a row, the 8th and the 14th!! Can't wait to see you
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 4&#184; 2003 8:02am</B></FONT>
glen ~ hey all, I added a maplink to Thursday's gig. (P2P, you
P2P ~ {{{HBBD Giullo & Ashley}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 3&#184; 2003
Groove ~ Rcw, I guess I was worried it would be too mu ch for the old
boy. .. Thanks G & K for the party, great food, fun and friends, good
to see everyone, although my body is beat from the sleds.
SIZE=-1><B>March 3&#184; 2003 3:55pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ hey G - what happenend to the spank me sticker..? Never did make
its way over to guilio, huh...? + <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 3&#184; 2003
happy belated birthday ~ also to Guilio Centrella, Ashley Centrella,
and about 3 other people at the party I can't remember! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 3&#184; 2003 3:08pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ sk, in response to your ques to msp re: tiny gaps between tracks
on CD's is as follows: My assumption is that you're recording CD to CD
@ 2X. Thats done by hitting the "DUB" button once. Hitting it twice
will allow the recording to be heard while cloning & record it @ 1X.
That particular model of Philips CDR records TAO (track at once) @ 2X &
hence separates the tracks w/ a 2 sec gap. 1X recording is done DAO
(disc at once). The difference is that the entire disc is read in to the
memory, not each individual track, and the gaps are then not necessary
as the microprocessor understqands that it is cloning an entire CD.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 3&#184; 2003 11:24am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ {{{{{HB10BD Chelsea}}}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 3&#184; 2003
MorningChild ~ Happy birthday to my lovely, Chelsea who turned 10 years
old today! :>) I love you always!! :>)
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
2&#184; 2003 8:25pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ It sure was!!! Great food, great fun, great boo ze & friends. It
was delightful to see Ames looking great & Groove being groovy. rcw,
Glen & Maisy & Jill, Jager, Joe, Julio and so on :) My first experience
w/ jerk (eating it anyway) was surprisingly excellent. See y'all again
soon! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 2&#184; 2003 6:42pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ thanks for a great party as always, George & Kathy!
Kevy ~ Having a Anti Leap year party tonight at the homestead if anyone
want to gets loud this evening, expecting some live entertainment, beer
spilling, usual stuff. yes we are celebrating the day that isn't <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 1&#184; 2003
P2P ~ Yeah, Eamon. Right on. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 1&#184; 2003
Eamon Cronin ~ Midnight sun, Rider on t he Storm, Sorry about the
misspell no coffee. yet <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 1&#184; 2003
P2P ~ Who is Amen??? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 1&#184; 2003
MorningChild ~ Great show last night boys (as ever) -- thanks to rcw,
Pickle & Joe for keepin' me company on the trek, for the stellar
navigational guidance and for making the evening so much fun! :>)
Time for round 2 - mimosa's anyone? (hee hee hee) ;>) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 1&#184; 2003 10:01am</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Sorry I missed the show boys. Tofield at the Brass f -ing rocked.
Barry Seland on b-3, Amen sat in. wow. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 1&#184;
2003 9:11am</B></FONT>
glen ~ Rev, what we witnessed last night was nothing short of a
miracle. I Believe!!! Swooping in like that to take the last solo on
'Merled'. (Right on cue, I might add...) What a moment. Between the
hot sauce menu & the beer cooler La Choza is among the coolest places
ever. We had a blast. And the recording we heard last night sounded
mint! Thanks Brett for letting me crash. And thanks to you guys for
coming out... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 1&#184; 2003 8:44am</B></FONT>
Rev ~ I did it!!!! 90 mph on the Mass pike and I made it back to
Pittsfield from Worcester in time to play a solo on "Merld". My eve ning
is complete. I can now go to bed. Goooood night :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 1&#184; 2003 3:10am</B></FONT>
i'mpickngboogersand theyaretasty ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 1&#184; 2003
glen ~ i'll never forget the parts I can remember!! <F ONT SIZE=1><B>February 28&#184; 2003 4:18pm</B></FONT>
MC ~ If the 2003 Cinco -de-my-house is anything like the 2001 version
it'll be SOOOO great! :>) (Even Chelsea still talks about it!) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 28&#184; 2003 2:03pm</B></FONT>
Woops ~ That should be 44 WEST (not east) out of Winsted or 20 WEST
(not east) out of Becket. Sorry folks I haven't had my coffee yet
Rev's Directions ~ Well those directions are completely wrong (sorry to
whoever wrote them). This is what I would do: Cut acros s to Rt 7 from
Rt 8 either by taking 44 East out of Winsted or 20 East out of Becket,
MA. Take Rt 7 North into Pittsfield (Rt 7 becomes South Street in
Pitts). When you get to the traffic circle, go ¾ way round. At the
traffic light go strait through on to West Street (It would be as if
you made a left if the Circe was not there). The Crown Plaza will be on
your left (La Choza is NOT under the Crown Plaza). Take your 1st right
onto McKay Street. La Choza is 1 block down on your right. There is a
big parking garage and lot (with free nighttime parking) across the
street on the left. I'm going to do my darndest to get back in time for
at least a few songs. Have fun tonight! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
28&#184; 2003 1:43pm</B></FONT>
Glenith ~ Happy Friday y'all . Long time no Flipper. Maybe sometime
soon. Look for the return of Cynco -de-myhouse again this year (not a
public event, but any of our friends are welcome). 5/3 or 5/10... Glen,
Brett?? Whats good for you. Maisy is looking forward to seeing Uncle
Flipper. mmmm, Margaritas by the cooler full. PS: check out for a bit of fun. So stupid you'll laugh. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 28&#184; 2003 1:11pm</B></FONT>
La Choza! ~ BTW, it's underneath the 'Crown Plaza' Hotel, not the
glen ~ 'cause let's face it:
'Flipper' & 'Shortness' are as
brett ~ thanks kev <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 28&#184; 2003
directions to La Choza (if in doubt, call!) ~ get on rt. 8 north (in
winsted, I guess for most), head all
Kevy ~ And the Vacation song was a "Shortness" Debut not to be confused
with a Flipper debut. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 27&#184; 2003
Kevy ~ They do have Killer Beers, and bomber burritos <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 27&#184; 2003 9:56pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ actually pickle, I love it when you put up the set lists.
care, man, I care. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 27&#184; 2003
Pickle ~ JeCy, I don't remember that from Rice Fields and just went by
the fact that Brett said at BR's,"this is the first t ime for this
song"....oh well...I also forgot to mention "Old Love" in the set list
the other day, but who the f%#k cares???<p>Just be at LaChoza on
Friday!!!!<p> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 27&#184; 2003 8:48pm</B></FONT>
Brett, ~ Another lightning storm a nother vacation from the net but back
again thanks to scott and piere servant. great people..
any hoo i
agree with glen and its been a while so lets rage in pittsville
tomorrow, K? k! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 27&#184; 2003
JeCy ~ Hey pickle thanks for the set list from billy rays im bummed i
missed that one. But just to correct one thing the first time Vacation
song was played was at the chiness new year at rice fields. Maybe you
left early ; ) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 27&#184; 200 3
msp<br> ~ RIP Mr. Rogers <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 27&#184; 2003
Chatterley's Cafe ~ in New Hartford has been closed since February 24.
Police say this stems from a may 31st, 2001 incident when officers
found an 18-year-old and a 19-year-old drinking inside the bar <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 27&#184; 2003 10:46am</B></FONT>
PS ~ if anyone wants a good geeky laugh, go to: <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 26&#184; 2003 11:45pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ P2P, fun time tonight at the moo -vie, looking forward to
zippy the pinhead ~ never have so many freedoms been taken away in the
name of freedom <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 26&#184; 2003
mainer ~
Ashcroft is an a#@@!!! Warning!!! Browsing for legel rolling
glen ~ our love of music as well as of each other is what beings us
together and what makes us an 'extended musical family'. music,
laughter & friendship is our ultimite healer and we are always stro nger
together than apart. I urge all Flip Friends and Family to make the
trip this Friday to La Choza. It's been a long time since we've played
as the full band and we've all been through a lot. it would certainly
do my heart good to see the people I lo ve together hugging, dancing,
remembering & doing what is that we in 'this family' do best.
celebrate love, music, each other and let's not forget... excellent
beer. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 25&#184; 2003 7:55pm</B></FONT>
Reverend ~ Hey, anyone heading up to the beautiful Berkshires for the
La Choza Cantina show on Friday? We are in Worcester opening for the
Tricksters but I plan on bookin back to Pittsfield after our set in
hopes of jumping in for a few tunes! Also, The Pittsfield Crown Plaza
is only 1 block away. Nice place & not to expensive. (413) 499 -2000.
Glen or Brett (or whoever) give them a call. If a bunch of you are
going, they are usually pretty generous about setting up a discount
price for La Choza goers. Hope to see ya'll sometime on Frida y. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 25&#184; 2003 6:45pm</B></FONT>
ESOP's ~ While we all realize that these can be rather dull, you must
be patient. Not all Tax Season discussions can be as fascinating as
LOSAP's. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 25&#184; 2003 12:5 2pm</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 25&#184; 2003 12:48pm</B></FONT>
Fun Facts for Tax Season ~ Distributions from Length of Service Award
Programs (LOSAP's) are reportable on IRS Form 1099 -MISC (Miscellaneous
Income). Even though LOSAP's ar e widely regarded as "retirement plans",
the distributions from them are not reported on Form 1099 -R
(Distributions From Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit -Sharing
Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, etc.). So, if you are a member of a
LOSAP who rec'd a distribution during 2002 that was reported to you on
From 1099-R, get in contact w/ your employer & have them amend/negate
the Form 1099-R & send you an amended 1099 -MISC for the distribution.
mainer ~
Sometime's I wish our brains had a trash bin, so we could
msp<br> ~ {{{{{Amy & Dan}}}}} may your friend rest in peace<p> <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 25&#184; 2003 5:58am</B></FONT>
ep ~ Amy, Sorry for you loss. Pickle???????Friends are so valuable,,,
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 24&#184; 2003 10:46pm </B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ ((((( RIP Beth and Ryan ))))) -- and deepest sympathies
to Amy and Dan on their loss. May the fond memories you have of your
times together serve as a comfort now and believe that they are with
you in spirit every single day.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 24&#184;
2003 7:58pm</B></FONT>
Amy ~ Well Dan and I just found out today that our closest friends in
the whole world are gone. I just wish this was all a very bad dream.
We are child friends since pre -school and now she's gon e. It seems
like yest. we were talking on the phone about this trip. We were
going to make a real vacation out of it and spead two weeks in RI.
Well flip fans thank you for all you kind words and prayers, your the
best. Love Amy <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 24&#184; 2003
P2P ~ Jager, I'm havin' trouble wiff mah Yahoo mail. Ah'm sure that,
being from CAN-TAHN & all, you've had similar trouble w/ some yahoo
male or another in your day. At any rate, that will be sent tomorrow.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 24&#184; 2003 5:14pm</B></FONT>
Thanks Rev! ~
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 24&#184; 2003 4:28pm</B></FONT>
I almost forgot... ~ I copped a cheap feel off a certain someone w/ my
elbow at the show yesterday. Twas schweeeeeeet!!! Was it good for you
too???? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 24&#184; 2003 3:52pm</B></FONT>
smiles ~ R.I.P. (((Elliott))..((Amy)) & ((Gary)) Trust that love will
see you thoughts and prayers are with you both! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 24&#184; 2003 1:50pm</B></FONT>
msp<br> ~ {{{RI victims}}} {{{Elliot}}} {{{Get well soon
Ame}}}Gary...real cool post!<br> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 24&#184;
2003 12:29pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ (((((Healing and Peaceful Vibes to Gary and Amy)))))
(((RIP Elliott - you'll be missed!))) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
24&#184; 2003 11:00am</B></FONT>
G-MP ~ D=Doh! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 24&#184; 2003
P2P ~ {{{{{Groove & Ames}}}}} {{{{{RIP E}}}}} {{{{{GWS Ame s}}}}} <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 24&#184; 2003 10:54am</B></FONT>
Groove ~ God Speed Elliott (6 -26-96 - 2-20-03) I miss you and I love
you my friend, I still see you when I turn around. You were a part of
me. May god grant you endless throws of the tenn is ball, large steaks
off the table, and head rubs to ease your soul.
Peace be with you E.
V = very ~ You forgot me :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 24&#184; 2003
G-Mark ~ TKOKA, TKOTA, you are my yoda! Great hanging with you and
Brett at the D.D. the other night. TTYVSMACB! (Talk to you soon my
acronym crazed bro!) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 24&#184; 2003
P2P ~ Pickle, what happened to Old Love???? If you left it off because
neither you nor I (nor likely anyone but the band & Jager) knew the
name of the tune, I'm down w/ that :):):) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
24&#184; 2003 10:05am</B></FONT>
TKOTA ~ Come back to the Flipper Page, Guitar Mark, Guitar Mark. Though
there may occassionally be an infrequent negativity thing, no one else
calls me the Acronym King :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 24&#184; 2003
Pickle and Friends ~ <p>Shortness<br>Billy Rays<br>23 Feb 03<p>Set
1<br>WaterFalls, Every Day is a Winding Road, Out of Luck, Used to Love
Her, Vacation Song (debut), Marisa (for Elliot), Jump<p>Set 2<br>The
Best I can, Red Neck Muthas (Billy Rays style), Something Simple,
Crashing My Car, Acid, Hoedown, Better Beer, Message in a Bottle,
Better Be Good to Me (debut)<p>Set 3<br>Lost and Found, Trish, Love
Lite<p>Enc:<br>Purple Rain <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 23&#184; 2003
MorningChild ~ Home from Shortness - thankin' ALL of you who made it a
great time! Wishin' I could've stayed longer but glad I could make it
at all! Jessica (and Andrew )- it was so nice seeing you again - hope
to see you more often! Lovely to see BOTH sets of Marino's as always
and nice to meet their friends - hope you enjoyed yourselves! :>) Good
night to all - 'til we meet again - hugs and peace! :>) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 23&#184; 2003 8:11pm</B></FONT>
Bruce ~ What happened in RI was tragic and unfortunatly coud have been
avoided. I have never thought much about checking for possible exits
when entering a club, but I will now.I have seen many national acts in
clubs and at times wish I invited the fire marshall to see how crowded
it was. I purposely avoided seeing Ratdog at the webster last fall
because the year before the size of the crowd was unbearable. Marino's
where you there? Remember? Shoulder to shoulder packed into the club.
No room at all to move at all. If it took me 15 min. to work my way
through the crowd to the restroom, how long would it have taken me to
find my way out ? To everyone who was there or is affected by the
recent tragedy in RI, my thoug hts are with you. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 23&#184; 2003 7:40pm</B></FONT>
Rev ~
rs.html <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 23&#184; 2003 1:57pm</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ In the great words of Homer Simpson, "Mmmm Beer" <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 23&#184; 2003 12:34pm</B></FONT>
Brett ~ Shortness is playing today at b -rays today 4-8 <FONT SIZE=1><B>February 23&#184; 2003 10:15am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ You're welcome Amy & Dan - I wish you both ((((peace))))
and (((((healing vibes))))). Continued thoughts and prayers for your
friends, for all those lost and their loved ones - whoever and wherever
they are. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 23&#184; 2003 9:44am</B></FONT>
Amy and Dan ~ Thank you Morning C hild for your kind thoughts. You
never know when your number is up....
I am lucky to be alive today,
but still very upset..... I was there @ that nightclub with 2 of my
closest friends.
My best friend and her boyfriend are still missing.
My boyfriend and I got out and were treated and released at a local
hospital. It was very scarey people running and screaming. My heart
goes out to the people still MIA, And Beth and Ryan Dan and I Love you
know matter where you are.......... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 23&#184;
2003 9:16am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ AMEN! Loss of life is loss of life - regardless of what
kind of music the person who had that life enjoyed! Pity on the person
who is too shallow to get that.
Peace to those who perished and to
those who remain here to mourn them. :<( <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
22&#184; 2003 2:01pm</B></FONT>
msp<p> ~ Dear "anybody"<br>The people that made those comments
obviously learned nothing from their own music scene, their friends,
their parents or you. Your wo rds
My MMMy My ~ <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 22&#184; 2003
Once Bitten, ~ Twice Shy. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 22&#184; 2003
P2P ~ {{{Great White Victims}}} :*(:*(:*( <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
22&#184; 2003 2:51am</B> </FONT>
Kevy ~ I'm pickin' up what your puttin down. That's like saying well at
least it wasn't the Empire State building.. Strange world. All the
best. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 21&#184; 2003 11:15pm</B></FONT>
nobody ~
Sorry, sometime's my fingers eng age before I realize what I'm
anybody ~ I was recently (like this afternoon), sitting in a room with
FlipperSteve ~ All of these postings about Amy are scaring
me??????????? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 21&#184; 2003 3:26pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ {{Great White victims}}
P2P, Cindy, Bobby & Kimmie ~ {{{Amy & E}}} :( <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
21&#184; 2003 9:34am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ {{{{{Amy}}}}} (((and wishing you peace E))) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 21&#184; 2003 8:00am</B></FONT>
glen,jill,maisy,finn&peggy ~ (((amy))) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
21&#184; 2003 7:33am</B></FONT>
ChrispyChritta from RI ~ JUST GOT MY copy of Sumtin Simple in,(THANKS
GLEN FOR THE FAST SERVICE!!!) Sounds absolutely pisser, I been hooked
on you guys since I heard th e minibike song at camp creek a few years
back, saw a couple shows since then, and am comin out for my bday to
flip out at the Hingry guys gotta play eastern CT and RI
more!!!! Rock on and cya soon! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 20&#184; 2003
Suz -Glen-bodhi ~ We love you (((((Ames & E))))) xoxo <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 20&#184; 2003 9:34pm</B></FONT>
Brett ~ speechless <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 20&#184; 2003
Stop! ~ Hammertime. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 20&#184; 2003
mainer ~ Hammer, I just met her. Ham her anyway! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 20&#184; 2003 4:49pm</B></FONT>
Ramblin' Jack ~ If I were a carpenter and you were a lady, I'd hammer
you anyway. I'd nail you, baby! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 20&#184; 2003
Like ~ hairs on gramma toes. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 20&#184; 2003
rcw ~ FYI: (and I hope to see ya'all!) Shortness (((DIG lol!))) gig
this sunday at Billy Rays - 4pm......Can you say Hoe Do wn...? :D <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 19&#184; 2003 10:21pm</B></FONT>
Top Ten Signs You're Turning Into A Tolkien Geek: ~ 10. When you
constantly call your loved ones "My ~
1><B>February 19&#184; 2003 8:14pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ hey LOTR fans, check out this fun crossword puzzle.
oxymoron: ~ industrial park. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 19&#184; 2003
or if
~ The Halloween pumpkin on your front porch has more teeth
than your wife.
or if ~ Down where you come from reruns of
you may be a
redneck if
~ You think Genitalia is an Italian airline.
mainer ~ Like a ring on a Baggens! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 19&#184;
2003 6:15pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ like white on rice. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 19&#184; 2003
MorningChild ~ WOOHOO!! Jello RULES!!
19&#184; 2003 4:02pm</B></FONT>
;>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
rcw ~ winner :p Gotta love Jello! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 19&#184;
2003 3:34pm</B></FONT>
msp<br> ~ Like a flipperhead on a jello shot <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
19&#184; 2003 3:12pm</B></FONT>
msp<br> ~ like glitter on a drag queen <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
19&#184; 2003 1:45pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ lol! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 19&#184; 2003 1:15pm</B></FON T>
msp<br> ~ Like a chicken on a Junebug <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
19&#184; 2003 1:03pm</B></FONT>
msp<br> ~ Like a hobo on a ham sandwich <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
19&#184; 2003 12:57pm</B></FONT>
~ I'm on it like flies on a ribroast <FONT SIZ E=-1><B>February
19&#184; 2003 12:25pm</B></FONT>
msp<br> ~ I'd take that as good news...hell yeah! If it gets postponed
until spring, he'll be golfing with the D.A. again. Now go book some
gigs, goddamnit!<p>
Brett ~ Another day wasted to hear the court needs yet another month.
Now my laywer is pissed off and that can only be good. Right? right!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 19&#184; 2003 11:53am</B></FONT>
mike & karen<br> ~ {{{brett}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 19&#184; 2003
rcw ~ Bob, happy to help - will get on touch after work
today....(((Brett))) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 19&#184; 2003
MorningChild ~ ALL +++++ positive +++++ vibes for you today
(((((Brett))))) -- we love you!! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
19&#184; 2003 7:44am</B></FONT>
Talisman ~ Indeed! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 19&#184; 2003
glen ~ brett, I believe that would be 'the lucky talsiman' that Paulie
gave you for the last time. god speed, bro. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
18&#184; 2003 9:02pm</B></FONT>
ep ~ Happy Days to the Tallbot men!! Who is up for helping me get this
computer tuned up. I dare say it's merely in need of some touch -up.
The computer too. Robin??? Someone, help!! Thanks in advance,,,,,,
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 18&#184; 2003 8:17pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Brett - check your email!!! Peace.
1><B>February 18&#184; 2003 7:37pm</B></FONT>
:>) <FONT SIZE= -
Brett ~ who is talisman? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 18&#184; 2003
Talisman too ~ don't forget any of us! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
18&#184; 2003 12:39pm</B></FONT>
glen & sue ~ another snow day, hooray!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
18&#184; 2003 11:01am</B></FONT>
mike & karen<br> ~ Happy birthday Glen & Gary !! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 18&#184; 2003 9:38am</B></FONT>
Talisman ~ Brett, don't forget me tomorrow!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
18&#184; 2003 9:30am</B></FONT>
Glenith ~ Thanks all. My brother called my from Vancouver. I told him
about all the snow and they wish they were here. I guess they love it
up there as well. Said something about skiing a 6 mile trail. Lush
green mountains with snow capped peaks. He was watching the sun set as
we talked. Sounds mint eh? Take care <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 18&#184;
2003 8:34am</B></FONT>
jager-keis ~ <HBD goes out to the two twins,It seems like it was just
last week when we were playing flashlight tag in the old hood,You guys
rock> <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 17&#184; 2003 6:51pm</B></FONT>
kelly ~ happy b-day glen and gary! happy blizzard all!! <FONT SIZE=1><B>February 17&#184; 2003 4:00pm</B></FONT>
kevy ~ Happy b-day talbot bros. Have fun in Vancouver!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 17&#184; 2003 10:57am</B></FONT>
P2P & Cindy ~ {{{HBD Glenith & Groovy}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
17&#184; 2003 9:47am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ (((((Happy Birthday G&G))))) :>) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 17&#184; 2003 9:05am</B></FONT>
glen ~ hippie birthday to Talbot(c)!!! (a.k.a. Glen & Gary) cheers,
guys! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 17&#184; 2003 8:25am</ B></FONT>
Kevy ~ I was made aware today of the yes there is a
website. Maybe we could make it the Flipper 52. All in favor say "I"
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 16&#184; 2003 11:06pm</B></FONT>
fo queens ~ banks, you rock the house! pleas ed to meet ya!! thanks
shortness bouys, come back soon ya hear? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
16&#184; 2003 2:37pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ hey janie, it airs this week! if you're still willing, please
give us a call. (860) 567 -3040. thanks!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
15&#184; 2003 4:25pm</B></FONT>
janie ~ Glen, Sorry I did not respond to your post, Just returned back
from Calif. Did you get your show taped?? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
15&#184; 2003 9:07am</B></FONT>
msp<p> ~ Happy VD...Doh!<p> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 14&#184; 2003
msp<br> ~<br> Good deal if
you need blanks...100 crds for $10 with free shipping<br> <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 14&#184; 2003 11:39am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ HVD everyone! <FO NT SIZE=-1><B>February 14&#184; 2003
MorningChild ~ Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Friday all!!!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 14&#184; 2003 8:21am</B></FONT>
glen ~ turns out that this summer The Beatles will finally be going
back on tour!!! however, out of respect to John & George, they'll
just be calling the band 'Paul McCartney'. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
13&#184; 2003 8:51pm</B></FONT>
sorry... ~ for some reason my browser really sucks... in those past 2
posts watch out for spaces in wierd places. take 'em out and you'll
get the right link. sorry again. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 13&#184;
2003 8:47pm</B></FONT>
Saruman ~
ages/ttt_promo/oliphaunts_small.jpg <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 13&#184;
2003 8:45pm</B></FONT>
Saruman ~
tt_promo/oliphaunts_small.jpg <FON T SIZE=-1><B>February 13&#184; 2003
Saruman ~ <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 13&#184; 2003 8:36pm</B></FONT>
Saruman ~ <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 13&#184; 2003 8:36pm</B></FONT>
treebeard ~ <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 13&#184; 2003 8:04pm</B></FONT>
treebeard ~ <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
13&#184; 2003 7:52pm< /B></FONT>
glen ~ FYI: one of our faves, The Fobes, will be playing Arch Street
Tavern in Hartford this coming Saturday the 15th. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 12&#184; 2003 9:24pm</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Led Zepplin's cool. Yeah Fyi guitarness at D>D. grill this
evening Peev, Scott Murawski. Ha I can so spel it. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 12&#184; 2003 7:17pm</B></FONT>
Another reason why Bobby is coolness: ~ Weir, who said he was on the
road with his solo band Ratdog when the decision to rename the Dead was
made, claims to be contemplating a name change of his own. "As long as
we're changing names," he said, "let's roll up our sleeves -- I'm
thinking about changing Ratdog to Chew Toys." <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 12&#184; 2003 6:33pm</B></FONT>
Bobby Weir ~ "At least a couple of the guys really wanted to do it,"
said Dead guitarist Bob Weir. "I think it's a bit premature. I was just
fine being the Other Ones. If they really want to do it, they're going
to -- I'm clearly out-voted on this."
12&#184; 2003 6:31pm</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
P2P ~ Speaking of Led Zeppelin, they will be touring this summer but in
honor of their fallen drummer, John Bonham, they will not call
themselves Led Zeppelin. Instead, they are naming the band "Zeppelin".
J/K ((c) Jay Taylor, former drummer of BEGF). <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
12&#184; 2003 6:24pm</B></FONT>
Gandalf Stormcrow ~ Dear Tom Bombadillo, thank you for the kind wisdom
you so elequently shared. My thanks. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
12&#184; 2003 5:07pm</B>< /FONT>
Ramble On ~ "T'was in the darkest depths of Mordor, I met a girl so
fair. But Gollum, and the evil one crept up and slipped away with her,
her, her....yeah." - Page/Plant <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 12&#184;
2003 4:28pm</B></FONT>
treebeard ~ <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 12&#184; 2003 1:29pm</B></FONT>
ALSO ~ So I'm packing my bags for the Misty Mountains, where the
spirits go now, over the hills where the spirits fly <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 12&#184; 2003 12:23p m</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Ramble On lyrics in part go: "And in the darkeset depths of
Mordor, I met a girl..." <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 12&#184; 2003
Today<p> ~ Born today in 1809 Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin <br>
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 12&#184; 2003 10:42am</B></FONT>
treebeard ~ Mine's a tale that can't be told, my freedom I hold dear.
How years ago in days of old, when magic filled the air. T'was in the
darkest depths of Mordor, I met a girl so fair. But Gollum, and the
evil one crept up and slipped away with her, her, her....yeah. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 12&#184; 2003 9:45am</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Happy Happy Cindy! Was it me or.. DId I hear a reference to the
Tolkien story in the lyrics of Led Zepplin's "Ramble on" <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 12&#184; 2003 9:31am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ omg, all these aquarians....happy birthday dennis, scott, and
cindy! Love you all :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 11&#184; 2003
amy ~ Happy B-Day Cindy!! Please tell Kimmy I sent her an e-mail.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 11&#184; 2003 8:14pm</B></FONT>
msp<br> ~ this page is hot -hot-hot<br> <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February
11&#184; 2003 10:52am</B></FONT>
DAY!!!!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 11&#184; 2003 10:50am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Oh and just in time for Valentine's Day, a nice red font.
Ecellent work, msp. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 11&#184; 2003
msp<br> ~ sorry glen...forgot a backslash or sumpin... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 11&#184; 2003 10:38am</B></FONT>
Groove ~ Happy Birthday Cindy, and Happy B -day to Dennis and Scottie
Too! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 11&#184; 2003 10:26am</B></FONT>
mike & karen<br> ~ <FONT SIZE="+2" COLOR="red">HAPPY BIRTHDAY CINDY, WE
LOVE YOU!!!!</FONT> <P> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 11&#184; 2003
test ~ <FONT SIZE=+2 COLOR="red">test</FONT>
11&#184; 2003 10:21am</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
Tom Bombadillo ~ Stormcrow, the Silmarillian would be like the
Bible/mythic early history of the Valar and the Elves. It literally
starts with a kind of genesis, aka creation of the world, by Eru, the
one god, and the Valar (kind of like greek gods under Eru). Anyhow, it
mainly tells the story of the Elves (Noldor) in the W est (the same
"west" that the Elves in LOTR are all leaving middle earth to return
to), and their eventual exodus to middle earth and exile from the Valar
(whom they had pissed off bigtime)...Galadriel is one those Elves that
choose exile over forgiveness (so arrogant were the Elves)...It's
written in a much more old narrative style, and covers much more
history that LOTR. They are many amazing stories...oh and it mentiones
Stormcrow...aka Olorin as he was known way back when. For any Tolkien
fan, it's a great reading experience! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
11&#184; 2003 9:55am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ (((((Happy Birthday Cindy!!!))))) All the best!!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 11&#184; 2003 9:05am</B></FONT>
Better Second Than Never (or even third) ~ {{{{HBD my lovely wife
Cindy}}} <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 11&#184; 2003 9:08am</B></FONT>
glen ~ hippie birhtday to Cindy Marino!!!! aka C2P (I think!) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 11&#184; 2003 8:52am</B></FONT>
k-imposter ~ ....keep it! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 10&#184; 2003
glen ~ karen, thanks for the camera, it came in handy! now Kevy
Gandalf Stormcrow ~ actually P2P, the quote TRULY goes; "I threw down
my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside". And speaking of
Tolkien, can BUZZ or anyone out there tell me the signifigance of 'The
Silmarillion' in the overall saga and should I read it? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 10&#184; 2003 11:51am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ (((((Happiest of Birthdays to Dennis AND Scotty!!!)))))
Rock 'on boys - we love ya!! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 10&#184;
2003 10:23am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ {{{HBD Dennis & Scotty A}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 10&#184;
2003 9:57am</B></FONT>
Glen ~ hippie birthday to Dennis "The Menace" Fancher AND Scotty
Allshouse! a great day for music indeed! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
10&#184; 2003 9:12am</B></FONT>
Rockin United 2 ALL AGES ~ JUNE 21, 2003 - WARNER THEATRE, Torrington,
glen ~ hey Keith, I added yer gig to the tour page.
SIZE=-1><B>February 9&#184; 2003 2:24pm</B></FONT>
good luck! <FONT
THE DEAD ~ Have already announced a summer tour. Cities not yet
released, but a full blown tour. After $50 TOO tkts, one can only
imagine how much $$$ I'll save by not going to see them. Phil & Friends
by any other name would noodle as fast. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
9&#184; 2003 12:24pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Those of you interested in this sort of thing, TOO has now
officially changed its name to "The Dead". Not Grateful Dead, The Dead.
The name Grateful Dead is still retired as a sign of respect to their
(apparently includeing Jerry)mutual collaboration. The Dead, OTOH, is
perceived as not disrespectful or otherwise different. Personally, I
almost never called them GD when Ol' Whatzisname was still hangin'. To
me, it was always simply "The Dead" back then regardless of the true
Grateful name. And I only went there & still listen to them to hear
Jerry play & sing. This "The Dead" is still Phil & Friends to me, no
matter whether they call it so or The Other Ones or The Dead or t he
Grateful Dead. Your mind may vary, of course. Just thought I'd share
the news & my thoughts on it. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 9&#184; 2003
sk ~ well it's been awhile since i posted out here, how y'all doing?
p2p, give me a call at h ome <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 8&#184; 2003
Ringo ~ And the Brass Horse was recently nominated for the "Most
Romantic Pub/Restaurant Not Named The Log House On Route 44 In
Barkhamsted". Bring your Honey! It's Valentines Day!! <FONT SIZE =1><B>February 8&#184; 2003 1:40pm</B></FONT>
jager-keis ~ Flipper Glen E -mail me or give me a call..later bro <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 8&#184; 2003 4:18am</B></FONT>
jager-keis ~ not much to say but goodnight or gooood morning,Don't
forget C,R,S will be playing FEB 14TH Fri. at The Brass Horse from 9 -1
so come on down and groove with Flipper Mike,Jay Bean.Steve
Ringett,Randy Oary and myself,It will be a funkin good time....See you
all there.............jager -keisI said __SIT__ on my face!!!!!
PS ~ that's pretty cool, that ROCKIN' UNITED thing, I hope we glen
jill & maisy ~ I think your right Glen, Cinco de Myhouse really needs
to come back this year, the stage is still resting next to the shed!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 7&#184; 2003 1:05pm</B></FONT>
ROCKIN UNITED NEWS ~ In the early running, Idiot Box has the early lead
in the quest for Rockin United 2's headliner. FLIPPER DAVE IS ONE OF
RU2's BANDS. Check out to find out how you can
help the Flipper Dave cause! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 7&#184; 2003
ROCKIN UNITED NEWS ~ In the early running, Idiot Box has the early lead
in the quest for Rockin United 2's headliner. FLIPPER DAVE IS ONE OF
RU2's BANDS. Check out to find out how you can
help the Flipper Dave cause! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 7&#184; 2003
Pickle ~ <p>Brett, have a blast up there!!! I am heading up the day
you guys are coming back.<p>Can you say "VROOOOOOOOOOM"?<p>I thought
you could. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 7&#184; 2003 10:32am</B></FONT>
glen ~ hi Janie, would you be willing to tape a show for me?
FLiPPeR NeWS ~ tour dates updated. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 7&#184;
2003 1:38am</B></FONT>
Brett ~ Oh Canada! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 6&#184; 20 03
PS from Glen ~ to all Flipsters:
Does anyone have the 'Ovation' arts
msp<br> ~ Do perverted dogs own an inflatable leg? I wonder...<br>
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 6&#184; 2003 2:16pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ ooh, and we need a housewar ming ;) Can't wait for spring! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 6&#184; 2003 10:09am</B></FONT>
Glen ~ isn't it almost about time for Cinco -de-My-house? <FONT SIZE=1><B>February 6&#184; 2003 9:07am</B></FONT>
LOL! ~ ffair.html <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 5&#184; 2003 6:13pm</B></FONT>
msp<p> ~<p>jill & maisy
MC ~ I e'd ya rcw!!
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 5&#184; 2003
rcw ~ Jill, cant wait! So MC, when do w e get together..? My pictures
are piling up everywhere! E -Me please :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
5&#184; 2003 10:56am</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Check the Reverend Tor page!! They're playing Letterman On
4/1/02 He he <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 4&#184; 2003 9:28pm</ B></FONT>
MC (again) ~ Hey Jill - I'll be sure to let your ole buddy "G" know
you're comin' by for a visit! LOL!!!! (kidding hon ... just kidding
;>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 4&#184; 2003 11:21am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ YAY!!!!!
(Will be on the lookout for yer email
Jill - tomorrow sounds GREAT though!) Will you be bringing the lovely
Miss Maisy by as well? I'm sure there are at least a couple of people
here who'd love the chance to say hi to you and meet her! :>) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 4&#184; 2003 11:10am</B></FONT>
Today<p> ~ Birthdays<br>jill
msp<br> ~ Do you know your ass[es] from your
elbow[s]?<p> -or-elbow/#<br> <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 3&#184; 2003 10:20am</B></FONT>
Today<br> ~ 2/3/37, Thoma s Crapper invents the first flush toilet
<br>Ahhhh ! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 3&#184; 2003 10:02am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Have a great time, guys!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 2&#184; 2003
Glen & Sue ~ hey everyone, we are off on a sweet lil ' (& well-earned)
glen ~ Thank you thank you thank you everyone who came to {{{{{ORBITER
Flipper Porno ~ hey, Groove sent me this link... I thought it was f*ing
brill. enjoy! click on a lot of different things and see what
happens! bin/pornolize2/pornolize2.cgi?lang=en&url=
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 31&#184; 2003 10:26pm</B></FONT>
Flipper Dave ~ Hey Pickles, Finally opened the jar I got from you at
Karen M. ~ Last night was lots of fun.
(Andrew --need a hair of the
dog this morning.) Didn't know you could dance like that --thought you
were going to drop Jess once or twice.) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
31&#184; 2003 11:59am</B></FONT>
Anonymous Too <br> ~ Joe Six-Pack is hung like an acorn <br>Back Seat
Bonnie is cavernous<br> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 31&#184; 2003
Joe Six-Pack<p> ~ Datt-il mayke mee mah-der dan a wet hen!<br>Ol bee
awl over glen lyke a chiken ona joone bug ifin hee fuk s-round wit da
websyte!<br> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 31&#184; 2003 9:55am</B></FONT>
glen ~ Flea, great disc.
lasted me the whole way home.
great Pickle
Cierra Again: ~ Hope Ya'll Like The Pictures! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
31&#184; 2003 12:39am</B></F ONT>
Cierra: ~ Thanx For The Jar Pickle, You Toatally Made Our Day. You
Guys Were Awsome Tonight, Sorry I Had To Cut Out Early, I've Got
Classes And All... That Whole Higher Education Thing Really Gets Me
Sometimes. It Felt So Good To See You Guys Legal y... To The Future!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 31&#184; 2003 12:38am</B></FONT>
Back Seat Bonnie ~ Ah hate it. Then Ah woont be able ta post. Ah dernt
kn ow no udder way to get in touch with Joe Six Pack. So Ah won't ever
get mah fixin' a dixin' no mo'. She et! Ah I ain't like dat dere msp
guy. I likes meat!
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 30&#184; 2003
ep ~ I think it might be better too cut off the people who act in a way
that necessitates it. The signing in thing migh limit friends in the
future which might not take the effort. Ease is a good thing. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 30&#184; 2003 7:50pm</B></FONT>
JeCy ~ hey people, whats up. following the recent brash of ranks and
possers "aka" posting as someone they are not i was talking to Glen
about a new forum format. Basically all it consists of is registering
your name and a password, email address in case you forget your
password. Flipper Glen thought it might discurage people from posting
but i dont think it would. It would be a way of keepi ng track of the
number of posts someone made so its an easy way to tell the newbie
posters or new fans to the forum. It would take all of about 1 min to
sign-up the first time. The next time you posted another box for your
password in between name and mess age woould be there. There also could
be an added data base off flip fans with names and email add for people
to comunicate with "I need a ride to the show anyone near by going that
way ; ) and its a nice way to keep johny from ruining your night".
Basically it would be like a guest book where you could check out flip
fans in your area. A new site format could soon follow after "flippin'
approval" of corse. Nothing to drastic just some added content. Well
let Glen know if you think its a good idea. Time to take this web site
to the next level, What do Y'all say? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 30&#184;
2003 7:26pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ yes, thank you... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 30&#184; 2003
This listed in March must be 3/28, right? ~ Friday January 28 Bohemian
Too (top of Water Street in the old Connor Larkins) 2nd Floor
Torrington, CT (860) 482 -5142 C'mom people, let's see you up there!
All Jerry Band All the Time: ~ A new cover suggestion - Love in the
Afternoon. Sing it please sweetly. Learn it soon. You know it's really
a beautiful tune. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 30&#184; 2003
Fortune Cookie ~ Scopion Bowls are in your future!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 30&#184; 2003 1:47pm</B></FONT>
Glenith ~ Hi y'all. Long time no talk. Life is good. So are the wife
and kid. I'm still there in spirit. Keep in touch. Miss ya. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 30&#184; 2003 12:50pm</B></FONT>
who knew<br> ~
It is impossible to lick your elbow.<br>who knew<br>
Kevy ~ Who's Sarah? z <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 30&#184; 2003
ep ~ Happy belated Mr. Brett.. Keep jamming. Pickles, I'm abbout to be
pissy!! Keep smiling folks,,,,, <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 29&#184; 2003
Sarah ~ Hey everyone! Long time no see.....I might be making an
appearence tomorrow! Hopefully I can make it! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
29&#184; 2003 9:30pm</B></FONT>
Brett ~ Cierra youre the bomb/bombs! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 29&#184;
2003 8:53pm</B></FONT>
Noodle News ~ Hey everyb ody don't forget, early show on Saturday with
tree hugger<br> ~ Birthdays today: <br>
corrupting my mind
Sorry the Juice page is
Kevy ~ I like to squeeze the salty brine from my pickle.. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 28&#184; 2003 8:39pm</B></FONT>
Jerry Lives! ~
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 28&#184; 2003 6:50pm</B></FONT>
ah forget it.. ~ before 'siamak' there was supposed to be that 'spanish
accent thingy' right next to your '1' key. guess I can 't post it. add
it in-between the two pieces and you'll see it. sorry! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 28&#184; 2003 5:27pm</B></FONT> one more
Pickle Fact #2 ~ It is said that the juice f rom the pickle is naturally
salty & briny. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 28&#184; 2003 2:27pm</B></FONT>
Todays Pickle Fact ~ <p>Pickle history dates back to 2030 B.C., when
inhabitants of Northern India brought cucumber seeds to the Tigris
Valley. Shortly thereafter, cucumber vines were growing all across
Europe. People then learned to preserve the fruits of their labor by
pickling them in a salty brine.<p> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 28&#184;
2003 12:35pm</B></FONT>
PSB ~ Max Creek keyboardist Mark Mercier will be playing two shows with
Pete Scheips Band this week! Wed.Jan.29th @ Sully's Pub @ Lena's 2053
Park St.Hartford,CT.(860)231 -8881 & Fri.Jan.31st @ The Powder Mill Barn
32 South Malpe St.Enfield,CT.(860)763 -4049 *All Ages!*BYOB! Hope to see
you <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 28&#184; 2003 11:16am</B></FONT>
sk ~ well someone has decided to post as me again (that last post as me
certainly wasn't me), so i guess i won't be posting here anytime soon,
i can't understand this???? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 28&#184; 200 3
Mike ~ I can't belive this..... GO TAMPA BAY!!!!!!!
I won 5 grand on
that game..... Tampa Bay you Rock!!!!Tampa Bay you Rock!!!!Tampa Bay
you Rock!!!!Tampa Bay you Rock!!!!Tampa Bay you Rock!!!!Tampa Bay you
Rock!!!!Tampa Bay you Ro ck!!!!Tampa Bay you Rock!!!!Tampa Bay you
Rock!!!!Tampa BaTampa Bay you Rock!!!!y you Rock!!!!Tampa Bay you
Rock!!!!Tampa Bay you Rock!!!!Tampa Bay you Rock!!!!Tampa Bay you
Rock!!!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 28&#184; 2003 5:55am</B></FONT>
Sk ~ God only
I am having a
Juice Friday.
27&#184; 2003
knows if there's enough Depends out there in the stores,
tough time holding my water, and I nearly shit myself at
Prolly a bug or something. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
ep ~ Pickles? Hope to see yo u soon men,,,, <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
27&#184; 2003 10:53pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ BTW, I want to thank 'Greg Talbot' for sitting in on keys sk
jager-keis ~ P2P, you da man,thanks again and i'll talk to you soon
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 27&#184; 2003 5:26pm </B></FONT>
P2P ~ I'm actually thinking of having a band at this one. We haven't
had the party in 2 years - the tw years that Flipper been's the house
band for the Beach Party. But perhaps this year we can have Bob Hope's
Skinbag as the house band for the Jerry's Dead Party on 8/9. So what do
y'all think - good idea or bad idea? And of course, we'll need some
musicians to fill up this particular configuration of BHS. Any
ideas?????? :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 27&#184; 2003 4:58pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ i think i went to the first 8/9 jer memorial party in p2p's
backyard, we laughed, we cryed, we drank, we got jiggy remembering the
great gar <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 27&#184; 2003 4:07pm</B></FONT>
mmmm...pickles... ~ Many people consider pickle brine a useful
commodity, with its complex flavor of spices, salt, vinegar, and
pickled vegetables. It's been used as a soup stock, a hangover remedy,
a drink, and-for many eastern European women -a cosmetic. There are even
reports of some American roller -skating rinks selling pickle-brine snow
cones. (ahh...I don't think so, thank you) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
27&#184; 2003 3:15pm</B></FONT>
Groove ~ Happy B-Day Brett...glad we could share some of yer day with
ya yesterday, =) ,did the Scorpion bowls get you over the to p? We'll
try again on Chinese New Year. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 27&#184; 2003
Todays Pickle Fact ~ <p>In a recent study teens have identified pickles
as one of their favorite vegetables. (Some call pickles a vegetable,
but the Supreme Court U.S.A. has ruled that they are a fruit of the
vine.)<p> My Name Is Alfred Hitchcock:
P2P ~ The "Jerry's Dead Day Show" (RD 8/9/95 - Hampton Beach) is really
swell. Maybe we'll have a nice Jerry's Dead Party on 8/9 this year. :)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 27&#184; 2003 11:57am</B></FONT>
suz ~ kevin what's your cell phone number? or call me ASAP @school!!!
luv xoxo 868-6231 <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 27&#184; 2003
P2P ~ Jager, El Buho cover sent.
2003 11:33am</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 27&#184;
sk ~ it must've been one of them there "special salads" <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 27&#184; 2003 10:14am</B></FONT>
glen ~ at least I didn't toss my salad. great party Marino fam, thanks
for the invite. hope everybody else had fun t oo. <FONT SIZE=1><B>January 27&#184; 2003 10:00am</B></FONT>
POPS ~ Sounded great last Fri. Thanks for having me on stage.. FUN!!!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 27&#184; 2003 9:53am</B></FONT>
sk ~ birthday wishes to brett, i was too damn lazy to get off t he couch
saturday night, wish i made that gig, hope to see you'se guys soon!
salad? you don't make friends with salad, ha ha ha ha!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 27&#184; 2003 9:09am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ All of us that enjoyed a nice salad did, Glen. My favor ite part
was when we were picking those Raiders guys noses & violating Celine's
diva in virtual. She wanted us, doncha think? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
27&#184; 2003 9:04am</B></FONT>
glen ~ So who won the game? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 27&#184; 2003
Happy Birthday ~ to Colleen as well. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
26&#184; 2003 11:18pm</B></FONT>
F.D. ~ Anonymous is so bumbed!!!!Virus joy!!!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 26&#184; 2003 10:58pm</B></FONT>
kel, ziola, dennis and poz ~ happy birthday brett!! wish you were
here!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 26&#184; 2003 10:44pm</B></FONT>
Pete Scheips ~ Happy Birthday Brett!Hope you have a great Day! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 26&#184; 2003 3:06pm</B></FONT>
mike and karen M. ~ Happy, Happy, Birt hday to you......(and many more)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 26&#184; 2003 2:03pm</B></FONT>
Glen & Sue ~ Wishing Brother Brett the happiest of 33rd Birthdays!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 26&#184; 2003 1:27pm</B></FONT>
Hey Colleen, enough anonymous bullshit! ~
26&#184; 2003 12:19pm</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January
p.s. ~ {{{HBD Brett}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 26&#184; 2003
P2P ~ Very fun & family show on Friday @ the DDG. Cin & I had a blast.
The Follow Me Down w/ rap vocals by Flippe r Rich & lead vocals by Jager
couldn't have been more fun if it were accompanied by a bevy of
beauties au naturale. Oh, and no incidents involving La Polizia on the
way home :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 26&#184; 2003 9:52am</B></FONT>
(((((Happy Birthday B rett!!!))))) ~ Good time at the Bohemian as ever
- thanks guys! Hope to see you all again soon ... 'til then ... peace!
MorningChild :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 26&#184; 2003
glen ~ hey, wher'ed this middle finger in the middle of my Brett
JeCy ~ Tracking ANONYMOUS IP address, software loaded. have fun with
your brand new viral infection your lovely computer just picked up.
hope it wont cause you too much trouble. You would be surprised how
easy it is to find out who you are if you k now a little bout systems.
Tracking complete "FLIPPIN HACKER" <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 25&#184;
2003 5:28pm</B></FONT>
ANONYMOUS ~ Flipper Dave are a bunch of drunksP2P
PSS ~ hey P2P or MSP, give us a ringy -dingy about tomorrow's PS
glen ~ congo bongo!!
hippie 21st birthday to our sweet
sk ~ what polly said!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 24&#184; 2003
Ringo- ~ Long time no conga! Got room? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
24&#184; 2003 10:30am</B></FONT>
mike (msp) & karen<br> ~ Ha ppy Birthday Cierra !! <br>: -))<br> <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 24&#184; 2003 9:27am</B></FONT>
24&#184; 2003 9:16am</B></FONT>
Happy B-day ~ Cierra <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 24&#184; 2003
Polly ~ woah what's going on in here? maybe if we all ignore annonymos
he'll shut up. it's like a 2 year old when they're having a tantrum,
if you ignore them they will see they're not getting to you and stop.
but enough of that, just stopping in to say hi and hope to see you all
at a show soon. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 24&#184; 2003
glen ~ One day 'til bombs away!!!!!!!!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
24&#184; 2003 12:51am</B></FONT>
Anonymous ~ OOOHHH.....I'm so scar ed..... <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January
24&#184; 2003 12:16am</B></FONT>
Ames Brother ~ I agree with Brett, Glen, Jessica and MC. That's enough
about Amy. I'll be back east in a couple of weeks and would love to
discuss your problem with my sister, anonymous. -Mike <FONT SIZE=1><B>January 23&#184; 2003 9:01pm</B></FONT>
Brett,, Hey anonymous!! ~ I feel sory for you if Amy ever finds out
who you are. Trust me,, she will beat you like you read about in the
tabloids !! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 23&#184; 2003 9:0 0pm</B></FONT>
A Funny Story ~ So Gn2 comes over for tonight for a few pops, and glen
ELN ~ P2P- Ya Man, 16 Seymour Rd.,Unit 6F. It was the Jerry Tree from
a few months ago. I would appreciate it Big Time. Gladly buy some more
shots next time! Long as y ou promise to avoid 25 yo cop. Some day I'll
get a burner and perhaps I could help out with the trees. For now
thanks for hooking me up. Have a Grateful Day. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
23&#184; 2003 6:01pm</B></FONT>
Cierra: ~ Tomorrow!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 23&#184; 2003
Brett ~ Hey all, thanks for the thoughts. The judge decided she needs
another month to review the evidence so I wait again until Feb 19th. I
think it might be time to start booking shows again anyway. If I go
away ,, Dennis, you da man!! See you this weekend, brett <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 23&#184; 2003 4:59pm</B></FONT>
Ames ~ I heard that there was some posts about me on this forum
today....And wear it proudly I will. As far as I'm concerned
Anonymous, "Actually, I heard Ames sucks cock quite well, and her cunt
is lucious..... " is not much of an insult. Quite frankly all this
lets me know is that you, some bored, gutless person out there is
spending their day thinking about my fine dick sucking abilities. <F ONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 24&#184; 2003 3:22am</B></FONT>
Anonymous ~ Ames....if the shoe fits, wear it... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 23&#184; 2003 3:04pm</B></FONT>
Groove ~ Brother Brett...Hope all is well. As for anonymous, Shut it
or I will!
<FONT SIZE =-1><B>January 23&#184; 2003 11:48am</B></FONT>
Lori ~ (((((((Hello))))))))))
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 23&#184; 2003
Flipper dave ~ Brett waz up? You o.k? All those things on the site
gets me nervous. Cant wait till sat.Cierra:
Bertucci ~ Try some nice balogna, Mona. I'm sure that it'll make you
moan-ah. And here's some pepperoni, Joanie. You needn't play all alone ie. And eat some hard salami, Mommy. Everybody comes when they eat in
my house! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 22&#184; 2003 4: 41pm</B></FONT>
kelly ~ hi all!! Happy hump day!! {{{brett}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
22&#184; 2003 2:34pm</B></FONT>
ziola ~ k, then that would be, rcw, check your -e! happy afternoon
flippers! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 22&#184; 2003 2:36pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ ((((BRETT)))) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 22&#184; 2003
sk ~ anonymous? how about gutless & cowardly, that's what it's about
when you don't leave your name, settle the score the right way, in
private, with violence, gory, bloody , beautiful violence!!! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 22&#184; 2003 1:09pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ Z, no IM where I am, email me - <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 22&#184; 2003 12:07pm</B></FONT>
ziola ~ rcw - check your IM offline messages... <FONT SIZE=1><B>January 22&#184; 2003 12:00pm</B></FONT>
ziola ~ (((brett))) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 22&#184; 2003
MorningChild ~ (((((Brett))))) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 22&#184; 2003
rcw ~ (((Brett))) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 22&#184; 2003
Jessica ~ I agree with you MC! We definitely do not need that
negativity on this forum...ever!! Also if you have any bad feelings
about a particular person take that up with them and do not insult
anyone on this forum because no one needs to hear that! Thank You!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 22&#184; 2003 11:05am</B></FONT>
OK Anonymous your feelings ~ are duly noted ... but is that nastiness
really necessary on our board? Is there no way for you to resolve your
conflict without forcing all of us to know/read about it? We get it you're angry - you don't like the boys (or Amy). OK?
I think I speak
for many (at least a few) when I say - we'd be grateful if you'd kindly
move on now ... sending peaceful vibes you r way cuz life's too short
as it is ... thanks ... MC :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 22&#184; 2003
{{{{{BRETT}}}}} ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 22&#184; 2003
Kevy ~ So many shows so little time, It' gonna be a big cold ass gear
draggin' weekend in New England. Davey at the Bohemian! Like those
chops <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 21&#184; 2003 11:19pm</B></FONT>
mainer ~ Just check'n out some other friends band forum, there's a
rumor Flipper Dave
Anonymous ~ Actually, I hea rd Ames sucks cock quite well, and her cunt
is lucious..... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 21&#184; 2003
Anonymous ~ You guys still suck! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 21&#184; 2003
bombs ~ away <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 21&#184; 2003 5:08pm</B></FONT>
Cierra: ~ 3 Days....
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 21&#184; 2003
glen ~ It's very noble for P2P&SK to make peace here, people. I think
it's time for a slow, then gradually swelling round of applause. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 21&#184; 2003 4:38pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ gosh sarnit, i tried that bacon link and my access was denied by
my company, big brother and the holding company!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 21&#184; 2003 2:32pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ ELN, are you 16 Seymore??? If so, I'll put you in the queue & get
you the Jerry Tree (I think???) when you get to the top of it.
( <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 21&#184; 2003
Check this out Paulie - ~
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 21&#184; 2003 1:55pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Yes, I would be say. I don't think folks here need to see this
schoolgirl BS though. I'll Email you when I get a chance. Very much
yearend at work. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 21&#184; 2003
sk ~ that was supposed to be "sad" not "say" <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
21&#184; 2003 11:09am</B></FONT>
sk ~ paulie, i extended the olive branch..........if i checked out
tomorrow you'd be say, wouldn't you? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 21&#184;
2003 11:09am</B></FONT>
Betsy Ross ~ the girl or guy (Anonymous) must be on prozac and going
mental. You guys are great!!!!!!! Keep up the good work. Love you
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 21&#184; 2003 5:59am</B></FONT>
Anonymous ~ You guys suck! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 20&#184; 2003
ep ~ Pickles. Give me a call this evening. Thanks <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 20&#184; 2003 8:32pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Okay MC, we'll catch up another time! You will be missed
though:(! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 20&#184; 2003 1:35pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Hey Jess - yes, it HAS been awhile and we'll DEFINITELY
do a shot or 2 next time we connect! Not this weekend though - not my
weekend to play.
Hopefully soon though! Til then - take care and
peace! :>) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 20&#184; 2003 12:44pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ MC, just thinking about you yesterday and how I haven't seen
you for a while! Maybe the next show we can have a shot or two!? And
rcw, we still need to have a chat since last time we partied I was on
so many drugs we didn't have a chance to catch up! I am doing much
better and am looking forward to this weekend but I have to remember it
is only Monday :(! Take Care Flip Fans! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
20&#184; 2003 10:29am</B></FONT>
LOL!!!! ~
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 20&#184; 2003 10:22am</B></FONT>
Top 12 Things Uttered by Yoda During Sex ~ 12. "Ahhh! Yoda's little
friend you seek!" The Top 15 "Star Wars" Euphemisms for Masturbation
glen ~ hey Karen & Mike, Groove, Ames et al. Great time la st Berkshire
Red Rose
MC ~ My pleasure Paulie - enjoy it!
19&#184; 2003 10:10am</B></FONT>
:>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
cop25 ~ paulie, i pulled you over for a copy of GD 3/24/73 i thought i
hinted around well enouph <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 18&#184; 2003
glen ~ well, we're off to O'Hagan's for a few hours, then hopefully we
might see some of you tonight at Ditto's for The Fobes! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 18&#184; 2003 5:03pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Truly a great time last night right up ti ll getting plled over.
Thank you, MC, for the sweet XMas present. Great to see everyone. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 18&#184; 2003 4:38pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ WOW P2P -- quite a story -- SO glad to hear that it all
concluded with a happy ending! Scary stuff though! "Thank you vibes"
to officer 25 for sparing our Paulie! :>) Good time last night -thanks to all who contributed -- girls, I'll see you all later! :>)
Peace. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 18&#184; 2003 12:30pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Glen & Sue, here's the URL for the Daffodildo Festival that you &
Cindy discussed. ( Perhaps calling those
#'s will get Schpaghett and/or Flipper at the show. Also, you may be
able to get some info on booking the summer Thursday gigs thru y our
contact. You can definitely check w/ Dave of Shakedown by contacting
him from their website. I'll bring the baloney. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 18&#184; 2003 10:51am</B></FONT>
LOL!! ~ Hey. All's well that ends well. Weir'd though. I almost never
bring power objects around w/ me and - what do ya know - I do yesterday
boy does it come in handy! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 18&#184; 2003
glen ~ sounds sweet.
P2P, sounds like after last night you P2P
P2P ~ rcw, Bonnie is superb. Thanky. In fo file in you Email. :) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 18&#184; 2003 10:28am</B></FONT>
PS ~ well, we won't have to drive far tonight, we'll be at Ditto's glen
P2P ~ I'm Juicin' @ Tommy Banks' DDG, Flipper Glen. Hope to see you
there! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 17&#184; 2003 5:54pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ so what's everyone doing tonight? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
17&#184; 2003 4:03pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Hey there Jess!! Hope all is well - we miss you!!
care and PEACE!! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 17&#184; 2003
Jessica ~ Okay I bet this is unexpected! I finally
computer since mine is still gone and I can't wait
Thought I would just give a quick Hello to all and
of you very very soon! Any way Flip Fans Take Care
SIZE=-1><B>January 17&#184; 2003 3:56pm</B></FONT>
got hold of a
to get it back!
I hope to see many
and be Happy! <FONT
Bob Dylan ~ has contributed a newly composed and recorded song,
"'Cross The Green Mountain", to the highly anticipated Civil War epic
"Gods and Generals", which will open in theaters nationwide on February
21. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 17&#184; 2003 1:29pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ i'm back and better than ever. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 17&#184;
2003 12:14pm</B></FONT>
Brett ~ Hey guys, back from sunny Colorado w/ no broken bones. The
shortness acoustic gig at B -Rays has been cancelled on my birthday due
to the superbowl. Understandable I guess.
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
17&#184; 2003 11:57am</B></FONT>
sk ~ but it think i can still burn from an outside source ( my dat),
i'll have to check that out <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 17&#184; 2003
sk ~ p2p, i think the cd burner finally broke down, i've been trying to
burn cd to cd and i press the program button and nothing happens, oh
well, had a good time with it while it worked, now i need to buy me a
brandy-new one, i never see sales ad's for these in the sunday
circular's any suggestions where to buy or what kind to buy and prices
i may expect to pay? don't hate me b/c i'm beautiful, e -mail me at
work when you have the time. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 17&#184; 2003
Dennis ~ Did Pete Townshend write the Who song "Pictures of Lily"?Ace
Charlton Heston ~ Nurse Snatchett just told me that my face looks like
a topographical map o f Nepal. Can someone tell me what that means? I
think she was being a meany again. It's okay though cuz she let me eat
my diapie chocolate. YUMMY!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 16&#184; 2003
Charlton Heston<br> ~ On Tuesdays we get cookies!< br> <FONT SIZE=1><B>January 16&#184; 2003 12:43pm</B></FONT>
msp<br> ~ Regrettably, CDs aren't pliable otherwise I'd have you burn
me a copy so I could wipe me arse with them.<br> <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 16&#184; 2003 12:40pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ msp will be ecstatic to learn that I just rec'd Doors 3/7&10/67 Matrix. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 16&#184; 2003 12:23pm</B></FONT>
Charlton Heston ~ You guys don't think I'm decomposing, do ya? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 16&#184; 2003 12:23pm</B></FONT>
Charlton Heston <br> ~ I love mittens...I think I just soiled myself.
Where's my horsey PJ's?<br> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 16&#184; 2003
tree hugger<br> ~ If I thought that $50 would make guns safe, I'd go
for it...peace, love & jerry !<br> <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 16&#184;
2003 11:56am</B></FONT>
Centrist Realist ~ Still, it's makes it alot harder if they got no gun.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 16&#184; 2003 11:02am</B></FONT>
Right Wing Extremist ~ It's not guns that kill people, it's people that
kill people. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 16&#184; 2003 10:40am</B></FONT>
find the oxymoron<br> ~ GUN SAFE $50 call 203 -7550616<br>LOL!!
Chuck Berry ~ I was one of the founding fathers of rock n roll, pete
came along well after that. He did glamorize the sex & drugs part of
it though, that's what my son told me anyway. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
16&#184; 2003 9:10am</B></FONT>
Only if you're a VERY good boy LTLL! ~
16&#184; 2003 8:24am</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
For the record ~ Fiddlin' about, Fiddlin' about, Fiddlin' about?
SIZE=-1><B>January 15&#184; 2003 6:59pm</B></FONT>
Cant we f-ing Joke about anything ~ I Believe Pete Townshend one of the
founding Fathers of Rock and Roll.Have Nothing but respect for his
contributions to the music we listen to today. Pete townsend
all i want to know is ~ who are you? who who? who are you? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 15&#184; 2003 6:09pm</B></FONT>
Larry the Lounge Lizard ~ Hey sweets, can I see your panties? I hear
you got some really cute panties. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 15&#184;
2003 4:41pm</B></FONT>
Legalese Larry ~ The snipers didn't actually kill anybody, they only
allegedly killed people. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 15&#184; 2003
groovy ~ <FONT SI ZE=-1><B>January 15&#184;
2003 1:22pm</B></FONT>
other possible excuses: ~ I have an astute interest in nymph -like
progressive art! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 15&#184; 2003
other possible excuses: ~ I was attempting to ensnare other alle ged
pedophiles! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 15&#184; 2003 11:02am</B></FONT>
other possible excuses: ~ I was looking for my long lost sister! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 15&#184; 2003 11:01am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ FM, Pete is claiming that he was abused sexually a s a child &
hence needed to access these sites for research purposes for use later
in his auto-biography. Should he find it erotic, of course that would
be a price well worth paying in pursuit of intellectual enlightenment.
Essentially an unfortunate by -product of the true mission. Mere sawdust
- not WOOD! ;^) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 15&#184; 2003
FM ~ what I find confusing is Pete`s alibi. He claims he was
researching these sites for an Auto -Biography he is intending to write.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 15&#184; 2003 10:24am</B></FONT>
IF<br> ~ You think the last words tomsp<br>
P2P ~ msp's final comment is hilarious. Amen's post, comparing smoking
weed to allegations involving child porn is silly. The scope of the
issues is completely divergent. Which is why the punishment for guilt
are so vastly different. Further, that McCartney is a knight is
irrelevant. Those are popularity contests granted for the continued
propagation of an archaic, pretentious, powerless monarchy. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 15&#184; 2003 10:02am</B></FONT>
glen ~ wow!
good morning, controversy!
just to correct Brett's
P2P ~ Just to clarify Pickle's point, British law is such that arrests
are made before charges for felony -type crimes are made. This is
similar to the grand jury process here in the good ol' USA. The police
have sufficient evidence to arrest him for the charge, but it is up to
the prosecutorial dept to determine if such evidence is sufficient to
pursue a criminal investigation that will like ly produce a guilty
verdict in the court system. Given Pete's resources, this may never
come to that point. And in that case it would be analagous to the
charges being dropped for a domestic violence offense against a husband
because the abused wife refuss es to press the charges. Pickle is
absolutely correct!!! He has not been charged w/ a crime at this point.
And should he not be charged, and he is at least reasonably likely will
not be or we can presume it would have happened already, no crime will
have ever been committed in the eyes of ANYONE. However, he has been
arrested. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 15&#184; 2003 7:51am</B></FONT>
HBD ~ MLK <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 15&#184; 2003 7:38am</B></FONT>
Townshend Arrested ~ "Rock guitarist Pete Townshend was released from
police custody Tuesday, resting at home after his arrest on suspicion
of possessing indecent images of children, his lawyer said." <p>Not
that it matters, Pickle. Innocent until proven guilty & all that. Of
course, being in the public eye doe s open one up to a bit of light hearted ribbing when arrested or otherwise in the midst of truly
negative publicity. Such is the bane of his celebrity & the 100's of
millions that go along w/ it. Please feel free to call the cops, the
FBI, Townshend's lawy er, Jesus Christ, whomever - there are 0
pornographic images on this computer, let alone those of children.
Accdg to Townshend himself & his lawyer, the same cannot be said. <p>As
far as your argument about waiting until conviction before discussing
such things...following that line of reasoning would have us all still
wondering who on earth supposedly pulled the trigger ending JFK's life,
as Oswold never made it to trial. <p>Peace, PauliePickle
brett ~ in colorado, weather awsom, 70% shortness cancelled o n my
birthday again due to football.
the superbowl. jan 26th
see you all
on 25th at double down. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 14&#184; 2003
Mr. Townsend ~ touched me where my bathing suit goes <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 14&#184; 2003 10:2 1pm</B></FONT>
pete ~ when the big hand is on the little hand <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
14&#184; 2003 10:07pm</B></FONT>
pete ~ anyone know when its my bed time ?Cop
Sir! ~ Put down the candy bar and step away from the swingset! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 14&#184; 2003 8:12pm</B></FONT>
That pinball wizard ~ Had such a supple wrist? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
14&#184; 2003 8:10pm</B></FONT>
squeeze box ~ it goes in & out, and in and out & in and out, & in and
And if you swallow anything
peter ~ Well, here's a poke at you. You're gonna choke on it, too.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 14&#184; 2003 1:31pm</B></FONT>
peter<br> ~ I don't need to fight to prove I'm right<br>peter<br>
peter<br> ~ I'm not trying to cause a big s -s-sensation <br> <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 14&#184; 2003 11:32am</B></FONT>
peter<br> ~ No one knows what it's like to feel these feelings like I
do<br> <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 14&#184; 2003 11:29am</B></FONT>
peter<br> ~ But my dreams they aren't as empty as my conscience seems
to be<br> <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 14&#184; 2003 11:29am</B></FONT>
peter<br> ~ No one knows what it's like to be the bad man<br> <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 14&#184; 2003 11:29am</B></FONT>
Pete ~ Everyday when you get confused, boys. Come ride my Magic Bus.
Just get on the bus using your poop shoot. Come ride my Magic Bus. I
don't care if it hurts & you bleed. Come ride my Magic Bus. And then
blow a tune on my saxophone reed. Come ride my Magic Bus. I want it, I
want it! Come ride my Magic Bus. And I thank you for not calling me
queer. Come ride my Magic Bus. Now put our pre -pubescent mouth down
there. Come ride my Magic Bus. I'll give you a dollar. Come ride my
Magic Bus. Come ride my Magic Bus. Come ride my Magic Bus. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 14&#184; 2003 10:52am</ B></FONT>
P.T. ~ It was for research! I went through the trouble of giving my
crdit card information for the good pics only once! Geez! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 14&#184; 2003 10:22am</B></FONT>
peter<br> ~ I have crazy flipper fingers<br> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
14&#184; 2003 9:58am</B></FONT>
Pete ~ Fiddle a-a-about, fiddle about. Fiddle...fiddle...fiddle...
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 14&#184; 2003 9:52am</B></FONT>
msp<br> ~ never trust a man named PETER! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
14&#184; 2003 9:13am</B></FONT>
FM ~ How about Pedo.... Townsend.
HE BAD!!!ep
and... ~ you let your 12 year old girl smoke at the front
of her kids <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 13&#184; 2003 3:49pm</B></FONT>
13&#184; 2003 3:41pm</B></FONT>
and... ~ You finally get around to mowing your lawn, and find a
msp<br> ~ thanks all<br>: -))<br> <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 13&#184; 2003
P2P ~ That was great!!! Going w/ 10 people to LOTR - TTT amde it feel
like being at a concert. And my sstomach still hurts from a gigantic
feedbag o' popcorn. Next month's special at Hoyt's - the Families Size:
served in an old-style, pure imitation styrofoam, wall -size urinal ala
the Bronx Zoo of the 70s. Just turn the flushing faucet knowb for a
fresh spritz of sodie!!! Sound appetizing? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
13&#184; 2003 7:16am</B></FONT>
glen ~ well, three times the charm eh, P2P y MSP? 'I smote my enemy
and left his ruins on the mountainside'. great time today, not a bad
birthday. no thanks to Sully's on Friday night, however now I know
what it feels like to get cornholed. (a.k.a. towed) ouch.
SIZE=-1><B>January 12&#184; 2003 9:29pm</B></FONT>
Happy Birthday ~ to Mikey Square Pants from Melon Sweater Polly :)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 12&#184; 2003 2:08pm</B></FONT>
lloyd III ~ I take it SHORTNESS isn't playing today, no? When will be
the next "HoeDown" be?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 12&#184; 2003
Craig ~ P2P, thanks...but I never saw the post in question. I'm just
happy to share a B-day with Brett :)! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 12&#184;
2003 11:39am</B></FONT>
THE OTHER MARINOS ~ Wishing ms p H47BD. Old man take a look at your
life, forty-seven's gettin' closer to heaven. What's the name of that
band Jerry was in w/ Vasar & Grisman & Rowan & Kahn again? I can't
remember! Anyone???? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 12&#184; 2003
glen ~ hippie birthday MSP! can't wait to see you guys today!!
SIZE=-1><B>January 12&#184; 2003 10:26am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Wishing you the happiest of birthdays MSP!!
SIZE=-1><B>January 12&#184; 2003 9:39am</B></FONT>
:>) <FONT
rcw ~ Happy Birthday MSP :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 12&#184; 2003
Happy Birthday MSP ~ Sorry Maurice - <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 12&#184;
2003 9:00am</B></FONT>
R.I.P.<br> ~ Maurice Gibb<br> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 12&#184; 2003
The Birthday Fairy ~ sends a very special happy birthday wish to MSP
today....he too will be at the Two Towers... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
12&#184; 2003 7:14am</B></FONT>
glen ~ yes, that is Brett's true birthday, y'all. (wait 'til you see
what I got him) Turns out my bro & I will be at Dr. Juice tonight after
all, so I hope to see some of you there! If all else fails, 'Marino'&
'Nelson' will be at The Two Towers on Sunday in Waterbury for a
matinee. Any takers? Look down for Paulie's home # for more in fo...
:) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 10&#184; 2003 9:13pm</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ That was a doozy - No? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 10&#184; 2003
P2P ~ Kevy, for more info, see Dr Juice Forum post of today @ 6:06 p.m.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 10&#184; 2003 6:57pm</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Huh? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 10&#184; 2003 7:00pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Craig, the post below was made to remove the previous one, which
was w/o Name (thus making it deletable by the next named post) & seemed
inappropriate. It was NOT a commentary on your post! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 10&#184; 2003 6:43pm</B></FONT>
Oy ~ vey! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 10&#184; 2003 6:31pm</B></FONT>
Craig from MF ~ Was just checkin' your tour dates...Brett, is the 25th
of January your actual date of birth? If so, you are exactly 10 years
younger than me! I'll be all moved in to my new house in Pine Meadow by
then...I'll try to make it to the Bohemian to raise a glass (or two)
with ya, bro! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 10&#184; 2003 2:07pm</B>< /FONT>
LOL! ~ ! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 10&#184; 2003 12:40pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ now P2P, you leave my diet outta this :p - Well, sorry we wont
see you tonight, but dont waste the postage, will see you soon enough.
(And Ill keep the goods in my car *Just in case*) Happy Flippin Friday
:D <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 10&#184; 2003 11:08am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ On second thought, Robin, I think I'll blow the Juice off. The
Wtby paper lists the Mambo Sons as starting at 10:00 (this makes some
sense to me). Juice foll ows. But since it's the MS CD Release Party,
one can expect them to play a minimum of 90 min's - most likely thru
midnite. After setup, this will be a 1 hour Juice gig. W/ all due
respect to the MS, I would be going to Sully's to see the Juice. Looks
like it'll have to be next weekend DDG Juice or the following FD. I
doubt I'll be at the Bohemian. Hope that works for you. As stated, I
can easily mail the DBB CD's so that you have it to enjoy while we
await live hook-up for the MC. LMK. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 10&#184;
2003 10:16am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ RCW: perhaps, Rabbit, perhaps...Please bring it just in case.
Oh, and sorry about the Bugs reference & the callin' you a rabbit, but
there is this rumor going around about your diet & other *leisure*
activities ;^) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 10&#184; 2003 8:43am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Do you get to leave w/o paying your tab if you're seen w/ the DD
& his coke? :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 10&#184; 2003 8:37am</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Just dont get caught with it!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 10&#184;
2003 8:31am</B></FONT>
msp<br> ~ Bohemian Too....Is there free coke if you are the designated
driver?<br>;-)<br> <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 9&#184; 2003
FLiPPER NEWS DESK ~ what dates we have are now posted, folks.
see W<br>
hope to
rcw ~ hey P2P, any chance your juicing friday..? Have that Bonnie Raitt
for ya :D - Schmokin!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 9&#184; 2003
rcw ~ hey P2P, and chance your juicing friday..? Have that Bonnie Raitt
for ya :D - Schmokin!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 9&#184; 2003
happy b'day ~ 1941, Joan Baez<br> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 9&#184;
2003 8:56am</B></FONT>
LOL!! ~ I'm not sure who's funnier, Jimmy Nelson or I Guess. LOL!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 9&#184; 2003 6:54am</B></FONT>
I guess ~ they don't card down at Billy Bob or some trashy ass bars. I
knew they didn't require a modicum of cogency w/ the language, but I
thought they carded. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 9&#184; 2003
Jimmy nelson ~ Hey Some dude named Jon T like you guys... maybe BUZZ
glen ~ my whole life I was a Star Wars fanatic but now...
damn BUZZ
Cool! ~ But if I'm afraid to jump off the balcony, you'll have to throw
me. But don' tell the elf!! ;^) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 8&#184; 2003
glen ~ yes'm <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 8&#184; 2003 5:21pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ My family wants to go again, Glen. You guys wanna join us for a
round at the Hoyts w/ the killer sound in the Brass Mills (Wtby) Mall?
203-879-4600 or 203-206-0379 to discuss. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
8&#184; 2003 5:00pm</B></FONT>
Tour Page Update ~ as far as upcoming shows, we are a little behind on
updates (we're getting to it) but this weekend we are actually off
anyway... Brett's off on a venture of some kind... I'll be at Ditto's
seeing a friend's band play on Friday night. Anyone want to go see
'The Two Towers' with me this weekend? I'm dying to see it again, what
a masterpiece!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 8&#184; 2003 4:47pm</B></FONT >
glen ~ I must say the best part of Mark & Steph's party was playing on
Brett's guitar - I never realized what a great sound comes out of that
thing. Figures Brett has perfect sound! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
8&#184; 2003 4:44pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Yes, very nice. Sweet acoustically too. A tad strong
congratulations, but an otherwise good performance. People
EXCELLENT!! I'll bring the master w/ me to the next show &
the CD so that you have something to listen anytime. JLMK.
1><B>January 8&#184; 2003 3:25pm</B></FONT>
on the self Say is
can send out
rcw ~ P2P - thanks SO much - Fun stuff, yes..? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
8&#184; 2003 12:30pm</B></FONT>
happy b'day ~ 1926, Soupy Sales, comedian.<br> 1935, Elvis , (Presley
not Nelson)...Still aliv e?) <br>FYI
Jeff ~ Guitar & bass player looking for drummer to start funk oriented
jamband. Please email Jeff at <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
7&#184; 2003 7:16pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ RCW DBB 2CD <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 7&#184; 2003
Kevy ~ All that just to see your team fail? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
6&#184; 2003 9:42am</B></FONT>
Lucky Mofos ~ Perhaps you were right. I just witnessed the greatest
collapse in the history of the NFL. Like I said before the season
started - The Giants suck! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 5&#184; 2003
Lucky mofos??? ~ LOL!!! Sounds like prototypical Bostonian hatred over
the Big Apple's successes AGAIN!!! <p>Brilliant party!! Thank you, Mark
& Steph!!!! Great show, Flippers!!! Oh, and speaking of music - that
Boston sure puts out some winners in that regard too, huh? Aerosmith,
the town's namesake, J. Geils!!! I am impressed!! <p>Halftime Update:
Lucky Mofos 28 / Music Town USA 14. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 5&#184;
2003 6:26pm</B></FONT >
Brett ~ Thanks Mark and Steph for a great time last night, Thanks
Steve, Mike, Glen, Kevin, Andrew, Mark and the backup singers for
making the music that filled the big house all night. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 5&#184; 2003 5:38pm</B></FONT>
Brett ~ Loyd send me your e-mail <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 5&#184; 2003 5:35pm</B></FONT>
lloyd III ~ What the...? Football instead of SHORTNESS!? That's
Absurd!!!!!!!!! Especially the GIANTS!!! You can put the game on
MUTE!!! Oh well, I guess there's alway's next week. That's WRONG
though! Let them play! Let them play! A team of lucky mofo's instead
of a couple of guitar legends, I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!!!!!!! FM -when you
get a chance, give a holla. It's about sat. the 11th. FB -I also have
to talk to you as well. Whenever you guy's get a chance, no rush.
Have a GREAT DAY ya'll!!! LOVEisLLOVE!!
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
5&#184; 2003 1:46pm</B></FONT>
Although ~ often we are bombed. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 4&#184; 2003
Brett ~ its not my fault were bumbed. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 4&#184;
2003 5:28pm</B></FONT>
LOL!!! ~ Brett, I thought you didn't really like foot -a-bawl that much
anymore. You're actually gonna give up a real gig for a real football
game??? You kiddin' me??? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 4&#184; 2003
Kevy ~ Dont people have tv's at home? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 4&#184;
2003 4:53pm</B></FONT>
,. ~ Attn. Shortness is canceled tomorrow at B -rays due to the
giants game. Footbal l??? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 4&#184; 2003
P.S. ~ ringo, apparently the only thing that beats the drill is the
drill itself. it says: "You both get wailed!!!" <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 4&#184; 2003 11:19am</B></FONT>
glen ~ is case you didn't know, Brett IS playing Billy Ray's Cafe
tomorrow from 3-7 PM. sweet! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 4&#184; 2003
P2P ~ Kevy, I have a couple of ques's. Please ck Email. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 4&#184; 2003 11:10am</B></FONT>
glen ~ there are more dates coming in Jan. we herfe at Flipper ringo
Kevy ~ Anyone looked at the tour dates page lately? IS it a figment of
my imagination, oooor? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 3&#184; 2003
Dave C. ~ We used to call him Crackers. <F ONT SIZE=-1><B>January
3&#184; 2003 8:38am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Kevy, check Email. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 2&#184; 2003
P2P ~ Actually, Graham Nash's 60th BDay will be on 2/2/03. Not sure
what website that info was gathered from but I have the Portland OR
2/2/00 CSNY show where they play HBD Graham to open Set II, so I know
this date to be correct. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 2&#184; 2003
Today<br> ~ Graham Nash, guitarist and vocalist for Crosby, Stills,
Nash & Young, is born. (1943) <br>Pickle
Factoid ~ One's knowledge of other trivia & useful information is not
necessarily correlated to one's knowledge of American film classics.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 2&#184; 2003 7:49am</B></FONT>
glen ~ Happy New Year 2003 everybody! last night was wild, thanks
everyone at Bohemian Too! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 1&#184; 2003
Factoid Imposter ~ Hey Bluto, it was the Japanese that Bombed Pearl
Harbor. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 1&#184; 2003 4:54am</B></FONT>
Noodle News ~ Hey everybody, Sue & I are VERY EXCITED to announce that
Spaghetti Cake has been accepted into the Connecticut Commision For The
Arts. This means that the state of Connecticut will pay for us to play
in all non-profit arenas, such as schools, festiva ls, community
centers, etc. This is a very big break for 'the Cake', and puts us on
the same artist roster with the likes of David Darling and Paul Winter.
Happy New Year, y'all! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 31&#184; 2002
glen ~ see you all 2-nite at Bohemian Too! can't wait to jam and ring
in the new year!!!! peece! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 31&#184; 2002
lloyd III ~ HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! What a great year it ahs been and can't
wait for the next to start! I've met so many incredible people this
year and am looking forward to meeting many more! Lots of wonderful
things happening and wonderful happenings come from WONDERFUL PEOPLE!!!
May all of you have a great FLIPPIN' time tonight and enjoy your WALKS
home! That's the way to do it! LLOVEisLLOVE!!!2002<p>
Bluto of Delta House ~ What do you mean the year is over??? Over?
Nothing is over until we say it is! Was it over when the German's
bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell No! It ain't over now, cause when the going
gets tough.......the tough get going! To TOR -TON!!! THAT'S IT!! There's
only one thing to do. It's time for a New Year's Party. TOR -TON!! TORTON!! TOR-TON!! TOR-TON!! TOR-TON!! TOR-TON!! TOR-TON!!
<FONT SIZE=1><B>December 31&#184; 2002 8:29am</B></FONT>
cindy ~ Amy, can you send Kimmie your new e -mail-she can't remember the
new one, and is in quite a tizzy. Thanks <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
30&#184; 2002 8:35pm</B></FONT>
Polly ~ Happy New Year all you Flipsters!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
30&#184; 2002 7:31pm</B></FO NT>
P2P ~ msp, please check Email. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 30&#184; 2002
glen ~ so Flipper Mike is playing tonight at Ditto's in Litchfield with
some old pals. guess Sue & I will be there if anyone wants to join
us... otherwise we'll see you all tomorrow!!!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 30&#184; 2002 3:27pm</B></FONT>
Provy GLUV>La Bamba>GLUV ~ Just burned a copy for a pal from OH. I do
believe this is the hottest tune/suite ever performed on this planet.
Your thoughts? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 30&#184; 2002
CT Law ~ allows for bars to stay open 1 hour later than normal on NYE.
So I'm guessing it'll be a standard Flipper Weekend start time of
shortly after 10:00.
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 30&#184; 2002
N Y E ~ What time does Flipper start playing? Earlier than usual since
its a week day? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 30&#184; 2002
Kevy ~ You guy's deserve merit badges or sumpin! Shall i say NEw
YEars!!!!!!!!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 30&#184; 2002
As a 1.3, ~ I disagree & trust my recollection. :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 30&#184; 2002 11:22am</B></FONT>
Groove ~ Fer the record I only blowed a 2.4.....Happy New Year Ya'all
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 30&#184; 2002 11:03am</B></FONT>
John ~ Dig a pony? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 29&#184; 2002
Dennis ~ Diga Diga Diga Diga Diga Diga Diga Diga Diga Diga Diga
DigaDuble Downe
FM ~ ...LLoyd, I can`t think off hand who he is. Thanks for the post.
Well, it`s been a while since the full line -up has played together.
Tonite @ the DD should be fun!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 27&#184;
2002 4:26pm</B></FONT>
Come hear ~ Brother Brett's Band in the bar tonight. Come on & blow in
the drunkaphone. Point 2 or more - you can't drive home. Da -da-da-dadaaaaah. Da-da-da-da-daaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
27&#184; 2002 11:43am</B></FONT>
Last Night: ~ A beauty. Groove blew a .34 - I guess he needed a ride
:):):) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 27&#184; 2002 10:31am</B></FONT>
lloyd III ~ FM, do you know a guy named Fo -J? Check out
under the MUSICIANS board!!! Have an AWESOME time tonight!!! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 27&#184; 2002 9:30am</B></FONT>
glen ~ what I know so far is that NYE is $10, w/ a shrimp buffet, and
possibly champagne toast at midnite. CC will definitely be accepted.
we are still working out the final details, we'll let you know ASAP.
bottom line is, these guys LOVE Flipper Dave, and they will roll out
the red carpet. we will be working out some new material as well. it
will be a great show, and you won't have to drive to Hartford to get
yer ya-ya's out. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 26&#184; 2002
glen ~ just don't forget about full band at Double Down tomorrow night!
(it's been a while, I know we'll all be fired up to play!) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 26&#184; 2002 5:34pm</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ So, I was driving around all day getting pickle supplies and
thinkin, 'damn, they should play at Chats ton ight since last night was
We, thanks for listening!! See ya in a bit!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 26&#184; 2002 5:39pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ oh my gooooddd ---- after 6 months, we are back online!!!!!!!!!
yee hawwwwww!!!!!!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 26&#184; 2002
Brett ~ due to ther cancellation of my X -Mas gig last night, it has
been moved to tonight at Chatterlys. Joining me will be the hodown
master Dennis Fancher. diga diga diga diga diga!!!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 26&#184; 2002 4:38pm</B></FONT>
New Year's Eve Questions: ~ I'm trying to get some parameters on this
show & have gotten no answer from either # any of the 5+ times between
them that I've called. Further, no one seems to be checking Vmail
there. Amongst questions is cover charge, credit cards accepted,
opening act if any, time doors open, time band starts, etc. Any help
would be appreciated. NYE is generally an expensive evening & I need to
plan accordingly. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 26&#184; 2002
Pickle ~ Jager, believe me, there will always be pickles around! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 26&#184; 2002 12:44pm</B></FONT>
Dennis ~ Happy Holidays from Juiceland to Flipper Land! Hope you all
get Jager in your stockings. See you at the next Sh ortness. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 26&#184; 2002 12:42am</B></FONT>
JAGER-KEIS ~ time change,posted after PICKLE,what's up bro? save me a
christmas jar of pics.I'll be home Sat. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
25&#184; 2002 4:30pm</B></FONT>
jager-keis ~ VIVA LAS VEGAS,,,I'm still alive Broke but still
alive..Merry christmas to all and to all a goodnight.Holy cow this
place is out of control.Brett, lounge acts would be a shoe
in.Time to go drink again.....Pickle
Tamara ~ News Flash!!! Chatterley's wi ll NOT be open tonight. I Kevy
rcw ~ Happy Holidays to the best family ! - I love you all :D <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 24&#184; 2002 9:00pm</B></FONT>
lloyd III ~ I was at The Hungry Tiger about a week ago and this
gentlemen says to me "Merry Christmas." I turned to him and said
"Happy Hanukah." He says "Do I look Jewish?" I turned and said to him
"Do I look Christian?" The point of this is that, even though I am
Jewish, this is still The "HOLIDAY" season and it's very cool that you
mention all those Holiday's and it needs to be more perceived as that
rather than "The Christmas Season"! The world needs to think more as
1, during not only the HOLIDAY season, but every day of the year!!! On
that note, I would like to say "You are all beautiful people a nd may
you all have the happiest of HOLIDAY's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And just
simply "Thank-you!" LLOVEisLLOVE!!!!!!!!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
24&#184; 2002 8:23pm</B></FONT>
Paulie, Cindy, Bobby & Kimmie ~ Wishing you all the most Happy,
Healthy,Wonderful, Magical,Holiday ever! And thanks for another great
year of fun and music! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 24&#184; 2002
BUZZ ~ joy to you flips <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 24&#184; 2002
Flipper Dave ~ to our fans, fri ends, family, Flippies, we love you
all!!! Happy Kwanzaa, Ramadaan, Hanukkah, Christmas, & FlipMas!!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 24&#184; 2002 3:13pm</B></FONT>
Twas The Night Before Flip -mas<p> ~ 'Twas the night before Flipmas, in
some bar downtown, <br> Groove
Karen ~ Brett, Mike, Dennis and Jonathan --you all were amazing Sunday.
Just when we thought you had played your hearts outReverend
LOL! ~ Gives new meaning to the Fliptionary "popcorn" word *feedbag*.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 23&#184; 2002 6:11p m</B></FONT>
Feedbag ~ I see that this is already in the Fliptionary. Perhaps an
add'l reference to LOTR popcorn is in order :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 23&#184; 2002 3:27pm</B></FONT>
Bruce ~ Thanks Brett & friends for the awesome time yesterday. Almos t 6
hours of music! WOW. I am already looking forward to next Sunday.
Thanks again Mike M. for the CD. And to everyone ***HAVE A SAFE AND
HAPPY HOLIDAYS*** <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 23&#184; 2002
P2P ~ AM, I did & responded back to yo u. I said I needed to talk live.
Please call me at your first oppty (203)879 -4600 or Email me w/ your
phone # so that I can call you if you are unable to call toll free.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 23&#184; 2002 12:05pm</B></FONT>
Mornin' ~ P2P - give yer email a peek (please) ...
1><B>December 23&#184; 2002 11:46am</B></FONT>
:>) <FONT SIZE= -
lloyd III ~ Good morning ya'll!!! FB and FM, I would like to say
"Thank-you so much for the jam at B Ray's!!! That was an amzing
display of music!!! And to play un til 9, what a great time man!!!
Hope to do it again! BRETT - you and Dennis play absolutely AMAZING
together!!! Please tell Johnathan that I also thank him as well for
allowing me to play along side him!!! It's truly amazing the talent
and great people that we are surroundeed by!!!
LLOVEisLLOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a GREAT DAY!!!!!!!!!! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 23&#184; 2002 11:13am</B></FONT>
msp<br> ~ Certainties in life<br>PSB
Polly ~ Glen, what a show on Friday!! you looked like you were having
a blast up there. Sue, nice to see you again. hey, who ate all my
Jello?? Sarah, was it you? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 22&#184; 2002
Reverend ~ Brett & Glen, You guys are the best! Thanks so much for
taking the trip up to play . The jams where to much fun. Lets do it
again soon! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 22&#184; 2002 12:47pm</B></FONT>
PS ~ Mark, 2Trws was awesome, see it ASAP. also Schugrass, no on the
Jay P thing, I actually had the best night there that I've ever had.
thanks to Bob Bloom for the honor of playing alongside such excellent &
admirable musicians. tonight was so awesome too, I realize again how
important attitude & friendship is in this often bizarre business.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 22&#184; 2002 3:17am</B>< /FONT>
glen ~ hey all, fun night w/ Brother Brett tonite, wished y'all could
have been there. see you tomorrow at Billy Ray's... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 22&#184; 2002 3:11am</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ friggin killer show last night fellers. Had a blast, and Pic kle,
the pickles do make great gifts! See everyone N>Y>E <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 21&#184; 2002 6:27pm</B></FONT>
wazzzup ~ OK, Nobody vote on the vote page. Its nicley setteled at 420
votes <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 21&#184; 2002 10:22am</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <p>ANYTHING FOR YOU MUGGSY!!!! (winK wink). So, I was into my
12th hour of pickling today, the Buzzlings where watching Nick at Nite,
when an ad came on, and I said to Buzz, "hmmmmm, this sounds like
Flipper". then I said, "SHIT, this IS Flipper!!! !!!"... That was
really F#%King COOOL!!!!
and on top of that, I was able to catch
Brett, Dave and Lane play some FUN shit tonight!
To bad that tapers
weren't allowed at the barn tonight, guess I will never be able to hear
it!<p> <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 21&#184; 2002 3:50am</B></FONT>
muggs ~ pickle save me a turkey baster full of pickle juice will you?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 21&#184; 2002 12:03am</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <br>Just a reminder to get your pickles tonight at Chats!!
Doesn't look like I w ill be getting out of the kitchen till 11pm or
later, so save yoru $$$ till I get there. Well, gotta get back to
work, the boss is yelling at me AGAIN!! Damn, he can be a real
jerk!!<p> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 20&#184; 2002 4:28pm</B></FONT>
Schugrass ~ Well, I thought it was funny. Hello? Echo!.....jeez....
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 20&#184; 2002 3:44pm</B></FONT>
Schugrass ~ Sorry, Mark. I thought it was the whole band. I didn't
know it was just one of the Feed guys.
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
20&#184; 2002 1:25pm</B></FONT>
Mark P. ~ TGWS-TKOTA - Nice work as well! In response to Mr. Schuster's
mean spirited attempt to aid feul to the fire, all I can say is that
the other 4 members of our band were shocked, mortified, embaressed,
and extremely regretful for what happened the other night. Anyone who
knows me, Mike, would know that I would never ever do something like
that. I wasn't evern there when it happened. When I heard the news it
was like a punch to the stomach. Anyhow, all neccesary berat ement of
said individual involved has been administered, as well as a needed
apology, and if anything like that ever happens again, either I or that
individual will be out. It's just too bad that some individuals who
offer their hand in friendship (when yo u see them) are so quick to jump
on the rumor bandwaggon just for a thrill. Spite kills. If it weren't
for all the very generous natured people that I've been lucky enough to
get to know through music, the whole thing would be too much to bare.
But those who are true of heart know a true friend. Have a merry xmas
Glen, Brett, Mike, Steve, TKOTA, MSP, and all my friends in the Flip
Family. Peace, Mark.
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 20&#184; 2002
Trent Lott<BR> ~ "Great White Way.".....I like it!<br> <FONT SIZE=1><B>December 20&#184; 2002 9:49am</B></FONT>
Today<br> ~ Louisiana Purchase officially transferred
(1803)<br>Hawaiian post office established (1850)<br>New York's
Broadway lighted by electricity, becomes known as the "Great White
Way." (1880)<br> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 20&#184; 2002
Today<br> ~ Peter Criss, drummer for KISS, is born. (1947) <br>Elvis
Presley receives his draft notice. (1957) <br>Ian Anderson and bassist
Glenn Cornick, form Jethro Tull, naming the ir group after the 18th
century inventor of a number of farm implements. (1967)<br>The Hollies'
"He Ain't Heavy (He's My Brother)" is released. (1967) <br>Bobby Darin
dies of heart failure (1973)<br>Joe Walsh joins forces with the Eagles
(1975)<br> <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 20&#184; 2002 9:41am</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Ah, the band. the place? Chatterleys. The swordfish is killer.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 20&#184; 2002 9:13am</B></FONT>
Quote of the Day ~ "The music business is a cruel and shallow money
trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and
good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side." Polly
Schugrass ~ Hey Glen, are you guys going to beat up Jay P at the Barn
tomorrow after the gig or is that just part of The Feed
MorningChild ~ Way to go Pickle!! Wishing you loads of pickle sales!!
:>) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 19&#184; 2002 6:00pm</B></FONT>
Grinch ~ G'luck Pickle!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 19&#184; 2002
Pickle ~ Well, I think that PickleFreek Products has found its first
home! Wish me luck!! It is a beautiful store front right on the green
in Pine Meadow CT (Rt44, New Hartford). Keeping my fingers crossed for
sure!!!Trent Lott<BR>
Trent Lott<BR> ~ I love all things black:<br> MLK<br>X<br>letting
coloreds use the white rest room<br>the back of the bus...I always sit
there myself!<br>Hell, I just bought some peanut butter...thanks to GW
Carter!<br> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 19&#184; 2002 4:21pm</B></FONT>
W<br> ~ Somebody just t old me that the North Koreans have I
mean oil??!!!!!<br>or was it nukes?<br>I get so confused....DADDY!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 19&#184; 2002 4:10pm</B></FONT>
Dubya ~ He tried to hurt my Daddy. I have to get even for Daddy, ya
know. We can worry about the plummeting American economy later. But
only after we inspect every cigar in Bill Clinton & all the rest of you
promiscuous Democrats collections for feminine residue. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 19&#184; 2002 3:49pm</B></FONT>
George Bush ~ I don't care if I have no substaintial proof of WMD in
Iraq, I don't care how much you comply with that dammed annoying UN
resolution (there's always loop holes), I don't care if the majority of
the world thinks it's immoral and illegal under international law. I
don't care if every American like that commie Glen Nelson stands up and
says NO..........I'M GOING TO GET YOU SADDAM!!! And I'm going to bomb
the shit out of your women and children while I'm at it. My daddy said
I could.Today<br>
TGWSTKOTA ~ Praise me too, Pudwhistle!! I went w/ him. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 19&#184; 2002 2:09pm</B></FONT>
Mark ~ Hey Ara-Glen, you made it to LOTR -2Ts on the first
night...Praise you with great praise! That must have been nearly as
daunting as Shelob's web...hoping to catch it soon...have you read the
Silmarillion...? They could have some sick movies based on that book,
but perhaps I'm being long and prosper (oops, wrong
refernence!) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 19&#184; 2002 12:23pm</B></FONT>
Today<br> ~ Alvin Lee, guitarist and vocalist for Ten Years After, is
born. (1944) <br>Carl Perkins records "Blue Suede Shoes," at Sun
Studios in Memphis.(1955) <br>Both Paul Simon the musician, and Paul
Simon, the presidential candidate, host "Saturday Night Live." (1987)
<br>Original Byrds drummer Michael Clarke dies of liver failure. He was
49. (1993) <br> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 19&#184; 2002
baseball nut ~ The New York Yankees announced today that they have
In the words of Rodney King ~ "Cant't we all get along!" <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 18&#184; 2002 7:06pm</B></FONT>
Saddam Hussein ~ Glen, I'm glad to see you standing up for peace. I'll
be sure that neither myself or Bin Laden kill you in the first few days
of our attack. Merry Christmas. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 18&#184;
2002 6:36pm</B></FONT>
That was harsh. ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 18&#184; 2002
glen ~ hey all, I'll be at an anti -war rally with my Mom on the green
in Winsted from 12 to 1 this Su nday. figure it's time to dust off the
old protest signs again and stand up for peace. anyone interested in
joining me, it just happens to across the street from Billy Ray's.
needless to say, we'll be heading over to Billy Ray's right after the
protest for a little yuletide cheer and some sweet jammin'. in the
meantime, there's a slew of Flipper gigs this weekend to enjoy, so take
your pick. choose carefully! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 18&#184; 2002
glen ~ Paulie, we had some fun last night at The Two Towers, did we
not? Great movie, still trying to take it all in... Got to bed at 4AM
on a schoolnight, not so smart. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 18&#184; 2002
muggsy or muggs or interney boy or sk ~ nope, not very funny at all, i
think i'll not bother visiting this site anymore actually. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 18&#184; 2002 2:03pm</B></FONT>
Cierra ~ So... Is Every One Comming To My Birthday Show At The Double
Down? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 18&#184; 2002 1:47pm</B>< /FONT>
house dick ~ Are you muggsy or muggs or interney boy or sk?
<br>internet boy
CM ~ Welcome back P2P!! :>) Hope the vaca was a great one!!
:>) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 18&#184; 2002 9:31am</B></FONT>
Grinchsomniac ~ Actually, I was up . Flipper Glen, Frere Brian & I went
to the midnight showing of LOTR -TTT last night. [It's excellent BTW but
not as impressive as LOTR -FOTR]. I'd have checked the board out but all
those hobbits & elves & dwarfs & orcs & particularly grubby hairy babes
got me so hot, I had to go make love to me. ;^) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 18&#184; 2002 8:08am</B></FONT>
SPEAKING OF CHATS ~ Brett, Davey and Lane will be spreading the holiday
cheer. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 18&#184; 2002 7:23am</B></FONT>
Schusomniac ~ Paulie, you up? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 18&#184; 2002
Pickle ~ <p>Just a reminder that jars of<p>Marys Granite Lake Dills<p>
make an excellent stocking stuffer for the Holidays and there will be
an unlimited supply at Chats on Friday. $6.00 per jar. Thanks for all
your support!!!<p> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 17&#184; 2002
Reverend ~ OK folks mention Flipper Dave and get the discounted room
rate of $89 (normally $130) at The Pittsfield Crown Plaza (413) 499 2000. Just 1 block from La Choza & The Winter Solstice Film & Music
Fest. I recommend making reservations sooner then later. Drop me an
Email if you need anymore info: <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 17&#184; 2002 5:45pm</B></FONT>
Grinch ~ Thanks Groove. Email sent. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 17&#184;
2002 5:23pm</B></FONT>
Groove ~ Phat show guys were kickin' @the Ass!
Mike, I
got the disks you sent me today, thanks a million, you truly Rock
Brutha! Oh, Grinch...I can get T -Bone the corrected info for the Dylan
Show you gave him if ya <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 17&#184; 2002 4:39pm</B></FONT>
bb ~ The December 20th event at The Powdermill BarnReverend
Reverend ~ Hey all, Hope some of you can make it to the Wint er Solstice
Film & Music Fest on Saturday. It's at a new club called La Choza in
Pittsfield, MA. The schedule is as fallows: 5pm - 1st screening of
String Cheese Incident "Waiting For The Snow To Fall", 6pm to 8pm performances by Reed Street & Gadams Equ ation, 8pm - 2nd SCI screening.
9pm to 10:30pm Flipper Brett & Flipper Glen acoustic. 10:30pm - Rev Tor
Band & Friends. For more info check out or call
(413) 448-6100. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 17&#184; 2002
http: ~ // <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 17&#184; 2002
baseball !!<br> ~ Stanton & Mets agree to terms<br>One less fat old
guy...<p>:-))<p> <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 17&#184; 2002
me ~ i loved that elvis coste llo take-over. it was bloody brilliant!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 17&#184; 2002 10:30am</B></FONT>
Today<br> ~ Paul Rodgers of Free and Bad Company is born. (1949)
<br>Mike Mills, bass player for R.E.M., is born. (1956)<br>Elvis
Costello appears on "Satur day Night Live" in place of the Sex Pistols,
who can't get a visa to enter the country. Producer Lorne Michaels
refuses to allow Costello to perform "Radio, Radio" (because of the
song's criticism of the broadcasting industry), but a few measures into
"Less than Zero," Costello halts his group and goes into "Radio,
Radio." He will never be invited back to appear on the show. (1977) <p>
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 17&#184; 2002 9:18am</B></FONT>
internet boy ~ also, today in rock in 1966, billy gibbons turned 16
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 16&#184; 2002 5:44pm</B></FONT>
Today in Rock <p> ~ Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top is born. (1950) <br>Jimi
Hendrix releases his first single, "Hey Joe". (1966) <br> <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 16&#184; 2002 3:32pm</B></FONT>
B is for ~ the Bear we wrestle. <p> I is for the red Injun that carved
'em. <p>L is for the Lathe he used ta carved it. <p>L is for the
Lectricity that runs the lathe. <p>Y R yer tellin' me this ya ask. <p>A
is for the Answer. <p>Y? Cuz Yer from TOR -TON and Yer a REDNECK!!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 16&#184; 2002 10:31am</B></FONT>
The Grinch Who Broke Silence ~ temporarily. Yesterday, I gave Tommy
Boy: Dylan 10/XX/62 - NYC. Along w/ it, I included an info file w/ the
order significant setlist. However, the copy that I've been circulating
is o/o/order. My supplication is for someone who sees him regularly to
LMK here so that I can Email you the correct info file (i.e., the one
w/ the incorrectly order show) so that he has the accurate data & does
not get confused. For your troubles, a copy of this marvelous little
one disc gem will be mailed to your house. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
16&#184; 2002 10:10am</B></FONT>
internet boy ~ hey msp, how's the grinch that stole christmas doing
these days? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 16&#184; 2002 8:55am</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Mike that was beautiful, I feel honored. Fun show this evening
fellers and who could ask for a better venue. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 15&#184; 2002 8:59pm</B></FONT>
Kevy's Brass Ass<p> ~ If Kevy had a brass ass he'd keep it so
Kevy ~ If I had a brass ass it would be shiny. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 14&#184; 2002 5:17pm</B></FONT>
Glen, Jill & Maisy ~ <H1> MERRY CHRISTMAS </H1>In context
FM ~
I`ll be playing at the Main Pub in Manchester t oniteinternet boy
msp<br> ~ Skunk" Baxter is born (1948)<br>George Harrison meets
President Gerald Ford at the White House. The president's son Jack had
seen the Harison tour in Salk Lake City, went backstage and invited
George to Washington. (1974) <br> <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 13&#184;
2002 8:36am</B></FONT>
msp<br> ~ Word of the day:<br>katzenjammer (KAT -sen-jam-uhr) noun
Brett ~ On sat Ill be playing with a band called basically blues at the
farnmington ave resturant in kennsington ct. F illing in for their
guitarist. Maybe see some familiar faces. I here the place is a dive.
cool <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 12&#184; 2002 3:28pm</B></FONT>
internet boy ~ was not the grateful dead's brilliant 12/12/90 show the
most significant rock event o n this day in history? to wit: SET 1:
Touch Of Grey > Greatest Story Ever Told;Candyman; Walkin' Blues; Loose
Lucy ; Mexicali Blues > Maggie's Farm ; Queen Jane Approximately ; Deal
SET 2:
China Cat Sunflower > I Know You Rider > Looks Like Rain ;
Iko, Iko ; Dark Star > Terrapin Station > Drums > Space > All Along The
Watchtower > Stella Blue > Throwing Stones > Not Fade Awaymsp<br>
bb ~ Rock and Roll Drum Circle....BUZZ
Joe 6 Pack ~ Hey msp, are u suggestin theirs sumptin rong bout marryin
a cuzin? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 11&#184; 2002 5:44pm</B></FONT>
msp<br> ~ Did anyone end up with something made of rosewood on sunday
at billy ray's? If so, please email me
...thx...mike<br><br> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
11&#184; 2002 11:06am</B></FONT>
msp<br> ~ Rock History December 11<br> Booker T. Jones, organist for
Booker T & the MG's, is born. (1944) ,br>Jerry Lee Lewis secretly weds
his third wife, third cousin Myra Gale Brown, in Hernando, Tennessee.
(1957) <br>Sam Cooke dies un der violent and mysterious circumstances in
Los Angeles. (1964)<br>Carly Simon's "Anticipation" is released. (1971)
<br> <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 11&#184; 2002 10:56am</B></FONT>
p2p and his wit ~ Leave me alone. Buzz off, Buzz. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 10&#184; 2002 10:02pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ i miss p2p and his wit on here <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
10&#184; 2002 3:38pm</B></FONT>
Mrs Cucumber<br> ~ Stop taking my children! <br>: -((<br> <FONT SIZE=1><B>December 10&#184; 2002 11:36am</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <p>Brett, gave a call tonight if you can. Need to talk pickle
business!!!<p> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 10&#184; 2002
msp<br> ~ 3 years ago Rick Danko, bass player for The Ba nd, dies in his
sleep in Woodstock, New York one day after celebrating his 56th
birthday. <br>35 years ago Otis Redding is killed when his tour plane
crashes into a Wisconsin lake. Otis was 26. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
10&#184; 2002 11:07am</B></FONT>
msp<br> ~<br>tal
k The Rump Ranger rides again <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 10&#184; 2002
Factoid Imposter ~ Def: Upper Decker: Excreting feces into the top, or
"tank" of a toilet, so every flush is greeted with a nice, terdy
Blooz ~ When are you going to fix this web site? We need new graphics,
new album, new logo......... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 9&#184; 2002
msp<br> ~ BRETT....check your email...thx...mike<br> <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 9&#184; 2002 3:24pm</B></FONT>
That was straightened out weeks ago.
9&#184; 2002 12:37pm</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
Kevy ~ Brett-n-Dennis Thanx again <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 9&#184;
2002 10:06am</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ If you supply the bear - Love the new and improved Red Neck
Mothers- p.s. will we have a chorus? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 9&#184;
2002 10:06am</B></FONT>
msp<p> ~ will there be wooden bear wrestling at the brass ass?<br>
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 9&#184; 2002 10:01am</B></FONT>
PS ~ correction on tour dates: Sun Dec 15th is The Brass Ass, not Billy
Ray's. still on rt. 44, only a few miles difference if worse came to
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 9&#184; 2002 9:12am</B></FON T>
glen ~ definitely in need of a severe Upper -Decker. <FONT SIZE=1><B>December 9&#184; 2002 9:06am</B></FONT>
Dennis ~ Glen, Brett, the pleasure was mine!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
8&#184; 2002 10:43pm</B></FONT>
Chrispy again; ~ oyeah here ya go: Ch <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 8&#184; 2002 9:58pm</B></FONT>
Chrispy Chritta!!!! ~ Is there anyone that could help me out with a
trade or a B & P I am looking for any crisp Flipper shows on cd, I am a
virgin to Flipper boots, please help!!!! Email me and I will send you
my list of what I have to offer...Thanks Anyone!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 8&#184; 2002 9:58pm</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ Well, full set list will be forth coming, but that "Red Neck
Mother" was really fun...on to the next one. <FO NT SIZE=-1><B>December
8&#184; 2002 8:04pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ thank you Bob Bloom & of course the mighty Dennis Fancher for
sitting in on Saturday night at the Tiger! good fun, long drive home.
my gig with the kids today was a lot of fun as well, albeit w holly
different in nature. looking forward to next weekend, I'll be heading
up to Boston for Littlehorse's brand -new CD release party. Let's try
it!!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 8&#184; 2002 7:54pm</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ That was a grin - I'm ready for a pick , if you know what I
mean!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 8&#184; 2002 11:24am</B></FONT>
PS:<p> ~ That was a parody...get it?<br>: -))<p> <FONT SIZE=1><B>December 8&#184; 2002 11:11am</B></FONT>
Red Neck Mother<p> ~ My neck is red I got shit on my kicks<br> test
Dennis ~ What's the difference between a dead trombone player in the
road and a dead frog in the road?Kevy
Polly ~ a mother asks her son, "What do you want to be when you grow
up?" he says, "A musician" and the mother says, "Well you can't do
both!" <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 7&#184; 2002 4:39pm</B></FONT>
Brett ~ Dennis,Dennis,Dennis&Dennis will be sitting in tonight as soon
as the Keebler elves let him off work. I look forward to jamming with
him tonight at the tiger and tomorrow at B -rays 3-7.
digadigadigadiga...... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 7&#184; 2002
How do you know....... ~ if the drum riser is level? how many msps does
it take...
MorningChild ~ LOL!!! VERY cute jokes guys -- seein' you soon I hope!!
Til then - hugs 'n peace!!
:>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 6&#184; 2002
Dennis ~ Brett, your gigs page says B -rays on the 15th. Change it to
the Brass Ass. I'll do the same. Diggadiggadiggadigga! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 6&#184; 2002 3:08pm</B></FONT>
Wait ~ I get it...DOH! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 6&#184; 2002
That was scary ~ msp...but you didn't realy mean "none" did you :).
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 6&#184; 2002 1:55pm</B></FONT>
And furthermore... ~ How many female lead si ngers does it take to
change a lightbulb? Just one...she simply holds the bulb over her head
and the world revolves around her. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 6&#184;
2002 1:54pm</B></FONT>
msp<p> ~ Q: How many guitar players does it take to screw in a light
Pickin'onguitarplayerz ~ What's the definition of counterpoint? Two
guitar playerz reading off the same chart. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
6&#184; 2002 1:48pm</B></FONT>
msp<p> ~ Q: What do you call a drummer in a three -piece suit?
Al Nova ~ How many drummers does it take to change a lightbulb?
Twenty. One to change the bulb and nineteen to wonder how Neil Peart
would do it. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 6&#184; 2002 12:34pm</B></FONT>
brett ~ whats the difference between a s ound guy and a guy with a real
a laminent <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 6&#184; 2002
brett ~ what do you call a guy who hangs out with the band??
drummer <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 6&#184; 2002 11:53am</B></FONT>
And finally ~ <<cheers>> How do you get a musician to go away? Pay him
for the pizza. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 6&#184; 2002
Now Henny ~ How do you know when the lead singer is trying to get into
the house? He can't find the key and hasn't a clue w here to come in.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 6&#184; 2002 11:46am</B></FONT>
Just Lenny ~ How do you know there's a drummer at the door? The
knocking slows down. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 6&#184; 2002
Henny & Lenny ~ What's the differenc e between a trombone player in a
Volkswagen and a frog on a skateboard? The frog might be on his way to
a gig. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 6&#184; 2002 11:38am</B></FONT>
drummer ~ I don't get it!????? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 6&#184; 2002
Reverend ~ What is the difference between a musician and a savings
bond? The savings bond eventually matures and makes money. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 6&#184; 2002 10:55am</B></FONT>
Lenny Brooooooce ~ Q:Why do bands only take breaks no longer than a
half hour? A:So they don't have to re -train the drummer! Q:What did the
bass player get on his IQ test? A:Drool. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
6&#184; 2002 10:36am</B></FONT>
Henny Youngman ~ Did you hear about the bass player that locked his
keys in his car? Took him an hour to get the drummer out. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 6&#184; 2002 10:33am</B></FONT>
BTW ~ Q: What do you call a guitar player without a girlfriend?Ummm
msp ~ I give up <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 6&#184; 2002
OK ~ What do you get when you cross a guitar and a baboon? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 6&#184; 2002 8:25am</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ internetboy, those were the days before sk insulted everyone and
drove them away <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 5&#184; 2002
wake up white people ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 5&#184; 2002
internet boy ~ yyaaaawwwnnnnn, i long for the halycon days of
yesteryear when you could come onto this forum and enjoy a good laugh
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 5&#184; 2002 10:14 am</B></FONT>
PS ~ 'Something Simple' is ON SALE NOW at Fatty Snowboard and The
Trading Post, Canton CT. makes a great gift! thanks for updating the
tour dates page, Suz, nice job. lots of great new shows, sounds like..
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 4&#184; 2002 3:27pm</B></FONT>
Suz ~ Check the new Flip dates! on the tour dates page -- See you guys
there-xox luv <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 4&#184; 2002 3:11pm</B></FONT>
msp<p> ~ what am I talking about? simple....I break -a you
balls...that's all. Now slap yo urself in the liver & carry -on.<p>:))<p> <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 4&#184; 2002 2:48pm</B></FONT>
internet boy ~ msp, i always considered sideshow bob to be the 2nd most
important person in the greatest band ever, and i subscribe to the
theory that if ratdog traded guitar players w/p & f then everybody
would be talking about ratdog not p & f, so whatcha talking about?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 4&#184; 2002 11:12am</B></FONT>
msp<p> ~ cool Bob Weir interview...sorry muggsy lesh :)<p> m/headsup.asp?storyID=2872 <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 4&#184; 2002 8:33am</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ CHeez Louise, decicions, decicions, decicions. But I can walk to
the Bohemian- <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 3&#184; 2002 7:35pm</B></FONT>
holiday cheer ~ who's up fo r news years? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
3&#184; 2002 6:43pm</B></FONT>
www. man ~ Someone had to go and have an argument and scare everone
off. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 3&#184; 2002 6:12pm</B></FONT>
internet boy: ~ you could die of boredom on this foru m <FONT SIZE=1><B>December 3&#184; 2002 2:08pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ hey fun weekend everyone, great to see everyone Saturday night
at the Yankee Pedlar. speaking of which, a bunch of us have already
booked rooms there for New Year's Eve after the Bohenmian Too gig
(walking distance from Water Street) Only $79 bucks!! Much cheaper
than a DWI, yes? Think about it, I know we'll be up all night raising
hell... :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 2&#184; 2002 9:48am</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ I'm already planning for new y ears- Bash <FONT SIZE=1><B>November 30&#184; 2002 12:36pm</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ pre-juice cocktails, @ my house.
Brett ~ Is anyone traveling out tonight? B -Rays !! <FONT SIZE=1><B>November 29&#184; 2002 6:46pm</B></FONT>
Cierra ~ 2 Months Till The Big 21! How Excited Are You??? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 29&#184; 2002 12:58pm</B></FONT>
PS ~ And of course, don't forget about tonight at Billy Ray's Cafe in
Winsted, CT! Can you say late -night doodle?? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
29&#184; 2002 11:27am</B></FONT>
FLiPPER NEWS DESK ~ Hey all, some gigs that have yet to be posted.
(Soon, we swear.) Just wanted to let you know early; 1.) Tues.
12/31/02 NEW YEAR'S EVE 2002 is official. "Bohemian Too" on Water
Street in Torrington, CT is the place. It is huge (2 floors) and
beautiful and a great place for a wild New Year'sParty. MORE TBA! 2.)
Fri. 12/20/02 FLIPPER GLEN joins an all -star jam at Powder Mill Barn in
Enfield, CT with Scott Murawski & John Rider from Max Creek, drumm er
Jaimo from The Allmans, and percussion guru Bob Bloom. A sweet night of
jamming. MORE TBA! 3.) For the whole family: Glen's Polk School 5th
Graders 1st official out -of-town gig! Glen & about 50 5th graders will
be singing, jamming & promoting their new Holiday CD 'Snow Days' at The
12th Annual Festival Of Trees at the Mattatuck Museum in Waterbury, CT.
Showtime is at 1:30PM on Sunday December 8th. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
29&#184; 2002 11:15am</B></FONT>
cindy ~ SMOKIN!!!!Great show last night guys. Br ett, thanks for the
news years eve info-called yankee pendler this morning, booked two
rooms-only $79.00 each! Like msp says, "Way cheaper than the DUI!"
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 29&#184; 2002 11:07am</B></FONT>
msp<p> ~ To all of the players (in ascendi ng alphabetical order by
first names, of course!) Billy -bob Brett, Davey four -arms, Glen
Presley, Mike Bootsy-Sherman, Mike Schu-fingers and Stevie big
sticks<p>glen & sue
father earth... ~ sorry, father earth had too much of the home brew.
burp! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 28&#184; 2002 7:50am</B></FONT>
father earth... ~ kiss me arse & stop peeing in my woods! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 28&#184; 2002 7:31am</B></FONT>
brett ~ mike zapp i need new phone number , brett
, yeehhh <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 28&#184;
2002 1:24am</B></FONT>
Well said Earth Mother!!
~ Happy Thanksgiving to all!! Let's try to
remember to give thanks for the good things we all have and share and
remember to think a good thought for those less fortuna te than
ourselves. :>) PEACE all!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 27&#184; 2002
Joe Six-Pack ~ Genesee, Genesee,
Thanks! ~ I love this website. No pop -up windows! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 27&#184; 2002 1:05pm</B></FONT>
Earth Mother ~ If we all thought the same and acted the same we would
be very boring creatures. Each person has a right to his own thoughts
and feelings. Variety is the spice of life.Flipper Feet Tor Bus XMas
muggs ~ it's not a skirt, it's a skort, don 't you know fahion's at all.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 26&#184; 2002 5:24pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ its ok p2p, you saw the man (sk) behind the curtain , just don`t
peek up his skirt <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 26&#184; 2002
man! ~ oh great. here too????!?!?!?!?!?!? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
26&#184; 2002 2:28pm</B></FONT>
muggs ~ maybe this forum should be re -named the thin-skinned, uptight
forum? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 26&#184; 2002 1:08pm</B></FONT>
muggs ~ boy, some people get so upset over the smallest, little things,
i guess it's "do what i say, not as i do", huh? this is one of the
couple of times a year someone has a hissy fit and gets mad at me for
no good reason. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 26&#184; 2002
The ~ gig at DD is on Thanksgiving..Thurs the 28th. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 26&#184; 2002 12:12pm</B></FONT>
factoid ~ It takes the average person between 48 to 100 attempts to
solve a rubix cube. muggs
Quote of the day, ~ "Throw on an old show and cr ank up the
volume!", Mike Zapp <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 26&#184; 2002
P2P ~ This place is no fun for me any more. See ya at the shows.
SIZE=-1><B>November 26&#184; 2002 7:01am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ brett, will be in touch - worse case we do that birthday drink
thang this weekend :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 25&#184; 2002
Kevy ~ .. No need to explain.
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 25&#184; 2002
P2P ~ $100 for me + $100 for Cin = $200. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
25&#184; 2002 6:55pm</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ HUH? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 25&#184; 2002 6:48pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ It'd save me $200. :) I doubt they'll go that high. This was a
tad pricey as it is. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 25&#184; 2002
Schu ~ Yeah, that's true. I just figured that everyone would go back
to their own bands after this like the last 2 TOO tours. Who knows.
Maybe they'll charge $100/seat for the Grateful Dead at the Civic
Center next year? That would piss me off. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November
25&#184; 2002 5:32pm</B></FONT>
Also ~ Alpine's billing as "The Grateful Dead Family Reunion" left
little reason to think otherwise. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 25&#184;
2002 5:25pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Neither Bobby nor Phil wa nted anything to do w/ TOO after last
tour and after TOO1 respectively. Now RD cannot sell out the Beacon and
the word is that the last performance of P&F in the 3700 seat BCT was
less than 3/4 full. And that's NYC & home respectively. I could be
wrong, of course - this is all specualtion - but I think this tour is
in progress by both protagonists and the two drummers for somewhat less
than altruistic purposes. Time will tell. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
25&#184; 2002 5:23pm</B></FONT>
Schu ~ I don't know wh y you guys think they would change their name to
the Grateful Dead. Why haven't they already done that, then? Maybe it
would help them to sell out every seat, but I don't have any reason to
believe that that's entirely why they're playing. Do you think they'll
jack the prices up even higher? I see this as being just another side
project happening every 2 years. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 25&#184;
2002 5:17pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ sk, what do you mean by "this is as good as it's gonna get"? That
this is the best music out there today? Cuz I disagree w/ that. Or that
this is as good as TOO will ever be? Cuz I think TOO1 was alot better
than this version (though I admittedly have only heard this show & the
two Alpines, which were structurally similar, if less "j am band-y").
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 25&#184; 2002 5:09pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ I agree that they will call themselves the GD. Why wouldn't they?
That'll get even more asses in seats filled for this configuration of
P&F than calling it TOO did. Including me. Though some folks will
boycott it based on the fact that they are using that name. And I
suppose rh will call them insurgents again. It all seems rather canned
& desparate. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 25&#184; 2002 5:07pm</B></FONT>
muggs ~ MZ is correct, this is as good as it's gonna get, and next year
they'll prolly tour as the grateful dead, which will only mean more
ticket hassles and more people hanging out looking for tix, so enjoy
this while you can, cuz when they're re -named the dead again it'll be a
circus, and it will happen, believe you me, it will happen, they only
have one more person to convince/pay off to get that name changed, and
since it's basically 4 of the original players (and i say basically, so
no need to get technical about it) they have that right to call
themselves the GD again, remember, they were all equals politically and
pay-wise, it's just that the first amongst the equals is no longer
aound, and finally, someone who agrees with me on that nit -wit elvis
wanna be d-bag, mark karin. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 25&#184; 2002
Hornsby ~ Put a fork in that sucker. It's done! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 25&#184; 2002 4:37pm</B></FONT>
MZ ~ From all the negative (TOO) posts that i've read it seems to me
that there is too much comparing or wishing to compare the band that
played friday night to the band that was the Grateful Dead. He's not
here anymore (maybe in spirit) but not in body and in my opinion the
Dead are nowhere to be seen. But if I remember correctly there we re a
couple familiar faces on the stage the other night. What needs to be
understood is that this is as close as it will ever get again to what
we once had and to bitch about it doesn't do anything. Now if you don't
care about even trying to recreate then you would want to go see Ratdog
or P & F. Personally Mark Karan is an overplaying buffoon that totally
ruined the last installment of TOO shows. He totally drowned out Kimock
to the point of not even hearing him in the mix. P & F is way to much
noodling and i think we finally got to see what Herring had to offer,
rather than being held back because of Warren being on the same stage.
But if you don't think that was as good as it will get ever again,
you're wrong. Because those were the guy's (God Bless, it's all thats
left) that made the music in the first place. Not some fudgepacker Jay
Lame, it was Mickey and Billy. You had the best of both worlds (in
what's left, or the players that would be willing to tour with this
band) at Keyboards because i'd sure rat her see those two play than to
have to hear Vinny. What's left, the guitars and we all know what's
missing there. It ain't the Dead,but the only way i've been able to get
even close to the old days is to throw on an old show and crank up the
volume. But everything everyone says is just an opinion.
SIZE=-1><B>November 25&#184; 2002 4:23pm</B></FONT>
LOL!!! ~ He makes a good point. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 25&#184; 2002
muggs ~ don't bother, that was buzz posting as me <FONT SIZ E=1><B>November 25&#184; 2002 4:07pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Do you really want me to respond to that non -sequitor, muggsy???
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 25&#184; 2002 4:02pm</B></FONT>
Brett ~ Robin, I think that three in a row might be burnout for such a
small area. Some of my good friends are home from CO also, so one
night out while there home would be nice. Its a drag trying to hold
conversations with old friends during a setbreak. Mick & Scott will be
at chats on wed so im sure Ill pop in. Let me know y our plans if any?,
brett <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 25&#184; 2002 3:46pm</B></FONT>
muggs ~ how many bands have mentioned you from stage p2p? hahahahahaha,
its my world, and its all about me hahahahahaha <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 25&#184; 2002 3:35pm</B></ FONT>
P2P ~ And to me, it ain't Grateful Dead anything. It's Phil & Friends.
Which is okay, but not my cup of meat. It certainly was not the worst
P&F I've seen, and probably the best. But as far as I can tell, the
only reason Phil has the drummers & Bobb y in his band is to put asses
in seats. The P&F attendance has been hugely waning & this show was
VERY well attended. I'll go again next time there's a tour - to one
local show - but I won't look fwd to it like I did this one. I really
don't think much of P&F. I prefer Grateful Dead Lite. YMMVOC. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 25&#184; 2002 2:47pm</B></FONT>
muggs ~ funny you should mention ARU, the only time i ever saw theme
they warmed up for hornsby, and i truly dug their bass player oteil, i
believe it was you that said.........someday this guitar player will
replace jer in the dead, ha ha ha, anyway, my final word on the shows i
saw were, they were both very good, instead of grateful dead light, i
would call them grateful dead heavy, they seemed to overplay everything
to make up for the lack of hizzoner, mr. john jerome garcia, gone are
the days of the soft, lilting dead of yesteryear where a jer ballad
would bring tears to my eyes, we ain't gonna ever see that again from
anyone, but this is a good band and they played very well together
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 25&#184; 2002 2:13pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Schu..Yes, I was there and that second set was SMOKIN! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 25&#184; 2002 1:56pm</B></FONT>
Trailer-Park Tammy ~ I love that show, schu ....let's get together some
afternoon and watch it with a good bottle of Ripple, Night Train or
Boone's farm....your choice, sweetie. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
25&#184; 2002 1:23pm</B></FONT>
Schu ~ Like sand through the are the days of our
lives... <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 25&#184; 2002 1:19pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ What are you saying? I already apologized to you. What else do
you want? And it wasn't bitter - it was angry :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 25&#184; 2002 1:14pm</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack<p> ~ I'm sorrie fer callin u soft & perty tha utter day.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 25&#184; 2002 1:00pm</B></FONT>
muggs ~ well, what about your bitter personal attack on me? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 25&#184; 2002 12:51pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Oh a joke. Okay. It *DID NOT* come across that way to me. I took
offense to you calling me names here. Since it was a joke, you're apology is in order, I am sorry. I retributed something that
did not call for retribution. <p>One suggestion, use one of thes e ===>
:) <=== when posting jokes that are otherwise obviously inflammatory.
My bad. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 25&#184; 2002 12:48pm</B></FONT>
msp<p> ~ I only come to this website to listen to MP3's!<p> <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 25&#184; 2002 12:37pm</B> </FONT>
muggs ~ you gotta wonder what's up with paulie sometimes, at 10:16 this
morning he posted this vicious personal attack on me (not his first
either, for some reason attacking me on a personal level makes him feel
better about himself, i never reall y understood it, i just accepted
that that's part of being friends with him): P2P muggsy, whenever
someone doesn't agree w/ you, their wrong & bitter. You're simply an
insecure moron who needs heroes to
worship..................................Now, why not take your
obnoious posts over to Juice & Creek Forums where your opinion is held
high for reasons unbeknownst to me. here, you're simply some guy who
posts but hits no shows & shares no tapes of the few he does go to &
record. THE END!! YOU GET IT! Novemb er 25¸ 2002 10:16am msp
muggs ~ you are allowed to disagree with me paulie, but you were old
and bitter before the show, the show didn't change that, we all know
you carry a hard-on for sideshow bob, but please, what's with this mark
karin thing, he ain't very good at all, he's the guy who brings ratdog
down to bar band level, like i've always maintained..........if phil's
band flip-flopped guitar players with ratdog, everyone would be talking
about how hot ratdog is, and take it back how i don't make tape s for
people, that's an out and out lie, everytime i listen to something i
make it for someone! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 25&#184; 2002
P2P ~ Oh, yes. I had a great time too. I was w/ some of my bestest of
friends And partying w/ 15000 mentals is always fun. Especially when
"It iz BA-LOOOOOOON" is involved. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 25&#184;
2002 11:57am</B></FONT>
Schu ~ Sarah, I'm jealous. You were obviously there. That 2nd set in
Philly was pretty much everything I was looking for ! <FONT SIZE=1><B>November 25&#184; 2002 11:57am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Susan was excellant at the Philly saturday show!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 25&#184; 2002 11:53am</B></FONT>
msp<p> ~ I liked the show...the main critique being the aforementioned
noodle-jams. The never-ending Slipknot got especially irritating. . On
the positive side, Susan Tedeschi is an excellent addition....beautiful
voice. I liked Black Throated Wind > Eyes Of The World, Big Boss Man
(a lot) and even Truckin'. The crowd was cool a nd I had a great time.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 25&#184; 2002 11:52am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ My thoughts are simply this: Everyone's entitled to their own
opinion in philosophical devbate w/o being subjected to personal
attacks. <p>I thought the Susan was awes ome & under-used. I'd love to
see her in a acoustic duet w/ Bobby. I felt the keys were quite good if
somewhat, as Schu & Brett have said, under -used as well. Phil played
good, though I've seen him in his band better and Bobby was under utilized. Oh well. It was an okay show. A B - as I see it. To give it an
A of any form would mean to categorize it in the Top 10% of shows I've
seen in my life. That would make it somewhere around Top 100. I don't
think so. Your mind may vary, of course. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
25&#184; 2002 11:31am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ hey we get a wednesday chat's show this week..? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 24&#184; 2002 11:31pm</B></FONT>
Schu ~ I agree Brett. Jeff Chimenti gets very little room to do
anything. He played keybo ard on one tune in Albany and did a ripping
piano solo in something, can't remember which tune right now. He seems
to take the back seat to Barraco. Jimmy wasn't really going on for
very long solos in Hartford. At times when he did, that's when it
seemed to become more technical than anything. Maybe he was bored or
having an off night. Whatever, I like his playing either way. Since
you brought it up P2P, I love ARU. Never seen them. Jimmy's great in
the fusion realm. The Sat. night setlist from Phi lly looks great!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 25&#184; 2002 11:13am</B></FONT>
Brett ~ I was at the civic center and just felt that the solos should
have been spread around some more. I really wanted that B3 player to
take at least one relly good ride like B rent used to do. He had it in
em but never recieved the space to do so. Seemed like Jimmys show but
Jimmy seemed to be getting bored with soloing so much. No? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 25&#184; 2002 10:40am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Schu, fine post. Well thought out & articulate. Further, not at
all a personal attack on someone is discord w/ your thoughts. Doing so
demonstrates ones inability to argue philosophically, is childish &
simply PISSES ME OFF!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 25&#184; 2002
P2P ~ muggsy, whenever someone doesn't agree w/ you, their wrong &
bitter. You're simply an insecure moron who needs heroes to worship. I
gave it a B-, and that was kind. The King of the Jam Bands don't move
me at all. The truth be told, not only is he no t as good as Karan (and
just a quick note of reminder that you never spoke highly of him when
he was w/ ARU - only now that he's Phil's boy do you rant over his
whining boy blues), he isn't even close to Scott. Now, why not take
your obnoious posts over to Juice & Creek Forums where your opinion is
held high for reasons unbeknownst to me. here, you're simply some guy
who posts but hits no shows & shares no tapes of the few he does go to
& record. THE END!! YOU GET IT! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 25&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ While it may be true that I am old, and it may be true that I
am bitter, it's 100% true that I'm a Man, yes I am, and I can't help
but love you so! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 25&#184; 2002
muggs ~ ratdog better, ha ha, i nearly died laughing at that one, capt.
generica as you call him is far and away better than the elvis wanna -be
chooch mark karin, you go to these shows looking for reasons "not" to
like it, it was a fine show and you're an old, bitter man. < FONT SIZE=1><B>November 25&#184; 2002 9:53am</B></FONT>
Schugrass ~ Thought I'd throw in my TOO cents:P2P
P2P ~ I think Jimmy Red Herring is a bum. Captain Generic walk on by.
And TOO = P&F w/ Bobby in there for no apparent reason, other than to
blow the roof off the place during BTW. It was sort of mediocre. Too
much Space, not enough melody. Too much Phil influence, not enough
Bobby. I'll give it a B -b/c it had its moments, but much of Set II was
a noodlefest headed up by Captain Generica. Mike liked i t better than I
did. I'd say we should discuss this largely "reunion tour" (i.e.,
motivation...moolah) in 6 months. I prefer RD by a good amount. YMMVOC.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 25&#184; 2002 9:14am</B></FONT>
muggs ~ so p2p and msp, what did you think of too's? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 25&#184; 2002 8:53am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Happy birthday Robin!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 24&#184; 2002
, ~ Happy birthday Robin. Well celebrate in future this
week, brett <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 24&#184; 2002 8:23pm</B></FONT>
SORRY! -25 ~ <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 24&#184; 2002
Kevy ~ what's this your 26?
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 24&#184; 2002
MorningChild ~ HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU rcw (he y, it rhymes!)
Wishing you all the best today and always!! You know I luv ya sistah!!
(and the next round's on me!!) :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 24&#184;
2002 10:00am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ thanks guys! (And Karen & Mike luv ya' :p) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 24&#184; 2002 10:00am</B></FONT>
karen $ mike ~ A very very happy birthday to you Robin.
Which is this
Pickle ~ <p>HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBIN!<p> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 24&#184;
2002 5:03am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Greetings all! Good seeing you last night rcw, Kevy &
Joe! You too Ames & Gary! Good times .... hope to see you all again
soon - 'til then - peace! :>) (rcw - you know where I'll be tonight
if you feel like stopping by!) :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 23&#184;
2002 10:35am</B></FON T>
Lurkers Beware- ~ I can see you!P2P
rcw ~ PSB w/ Mark Mercier & Andrew Gromiller and the Organically Grown
(T&G & DBB) will be at Sully's tonight, and Shenanigans tomorrow - Hope
some of you can make it out! FUN stuff :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
22&#184; 2002 1:38am</B></FONT>
muggs ~ he's been resting for quite awhile now <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 22&#184; 2002 10:55am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Good call, msp. I thank you for that! {{{RIP JFK}}} <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 22&#184; 2002 10:05am</B></FONT>
msp ~ rip jfk <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 22&#184; 2002
P2P ~ Cin & I are going to the Standing Stone before TOO tonite. msp &
K & others are going to try to swing by. Stop by & buy me a beer. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 22&#184; 2002 9:50am </B></FONT>
chuck berry ~ damn straight I wrote it, sucka. Sing it or say it again
& you'll hear from my stop interupting me while I'm
watching my kiddie porn! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 22&#184; 2002
Tela ~ I am....I know Wilson.... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 21&#184;
2002 7:31pm</B></FONT>
How to get thru an 11.5 hr workday & finally get to relax... ~ ...PF
9/30/71 - London; JGB 11/12/93 - MSG (x2)[w/ David Murray]; Phish
8/14/97 - Darien Lake (w/ Kesey&Pranksters); GD 3/ 29/91 - Nassau II/E.
My head aches. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 21&#184; 2002
Kevy ~ , I was trying to sing it to you and couldn't remember - <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 21&#184; 2002 6:08pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ That's a Chuck Berry classic call ed You Never Can Tell.
SIZE=-1><B>November 21&#184; 2002 6:08pm</B></FONT>
or I have a bum burn ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 21&#184; 2002
Kevy ~ Sorry p2p- I was having repeated hardware difficulties. I stand
corrected- "It was a teenage wedding and the old folk wished em' well"
That's what I was thinkin' of -- Who's Tela? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
21&#184; 2002 5:58pm</B></FONT>
Craig from Mystery Meat ~ I mean FEET! P2P and Muggs...would love to be
included in the Flipper Feet Tor tree. E me at
with further instructions. Standing by...roger, over and out.Penis 2
Pecker 2 Pulp ~ <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 21&#184; 2002
P2P ~ Kevy, the Jerry 11/24/90 - HJK is not full of cuts. Either you're
citing the wrong show or you have a bum burn. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
21&#184; 2002 1:05pm</B></FONT>
Kavernous Crater ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 21&#184; 2002
muggs ~ p2p, you should get a grip on 2 things: 1. reality, and 2.
little elvis <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 21&#184; 2002 11:46am</B></FONT>
Knockout the Creep ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 21&#184; 2002
P2P ~ A shower just might be in order :) <p>BTW, Mighty Muggsy called
me last night w/ a promise t o medium prioritize the Flipper Feet Tor.
Since we leave for vaca in a week+, this w/b a matter to take up upon
my return. Perhaps a *small* Xmas Tree (or more likely Vine - Wreath,
if you will) w/b in order, huh? Anyone interested in joining can feel
free to LMK here or via Email ( so that I can get a
grip on the volume. Also, in what capacity you're willing to help out
if at all. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 21&#184; 2002 9:21am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Welcome back to the modern world Brett!
SIZE=-1><B>November 21&#184; 2002 8:21am</B></FONT>
Brett ~ My power is back on yeeaaaaaa! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
21&#184; 2002 8:05am</B></FONT>
Tela ~ Hey's nice to dream.... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
20&#184; 2002 11:56pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ exit 15..? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 20&#184; 2002
Kevy ~ FYI- Tounge-n-groove reuniuon @Mario's 34 main st. Derby.
tonight! exit 19 off rte 8 south. take a left off exit can't miss it
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 20&#184; 2002 7:03pm</B></FONT>
Karnal Cravings? ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 20&#184; 2002
Kevy ~ I held er' down it was fun! For some strange reason it seemed
like she enjoyed it- <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 20&#184; 2002
Krusty Crevice ~ <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 20&#184; 2002
KC ~ I do remember seeing Joe 6 pack with the 41 teeth last Friday
night. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 20&#184; 2002 5:35pm</B></FONT>
muggs ~ i don't think they have last nights show up there, but they do
at <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 20&#184; 2002
Kan't Comment ~ <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 20&#184; 2002
Blooz ~ For set lists from the other ones go to, so
far all of the shows have been HoooooooT! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
20&#184; 2002 4:33pm</B></FONT>
OR....Killer Cooter ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 20&#184; 2002
Killer Cooch ~ <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 20&#184; 2002
P2P ~ Sarah, there are still tkts available for TOO Htfd. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 20&#184; 2002 3:43pm</B></FONT>
toni fishman ~ hi guys, this message is for mike sherman please drop
off the guild 12 string at talcott mountain studio...asap or call me a t
860 306 8080 cell <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 20&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ Anyone have any TOO extra's for Hartford on Friday? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 20&#184; 2002 2:03pm</B></FONT>
The Sunshine Band ~ He is our leader & our hero!
1><B>November 20&#184; 2002 12:58pm</B></FONT>
Kommander Commando ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 20&#184; 2002
Kosmo Cramer ~ <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 20&#184; 2002
Kaptain Caveman ~ <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 20&#184; 2002
Keiffer Czutherland ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 20&#184; 2002
Who ~ is KC? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 20&#184; 2002
Joe Six-Pack<p> ~ Muggs iz da soft perty wun wit the lecktronik re ecordin quip-ment. I wanna git to no him so wee'n kood bee all -lone bahind da woud shed. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 20&#184; 2002
Joe Six-Pack<p> ~ Im da wun wit dee eyez reel klose togethor and I hav bout 41 teethe. Thay are mostlee i n frunt and on da top. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 20&#184; 2002 12:08pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ LOL!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 20&#184; 2002 11:37am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ that's why I work at home so I can get tanked every day <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 20&#184; 2002 11:34am</B></FONT>
muggs ~ paulie is not always nice, he get's mean and ornery when he
drinks, which is daily <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 20&#184; 2002
KC ~ I'm trying to figure out if I know who all of you people are, but
the only one that I can even guess at is 'Kevy', who made me eat a
frozen block of mozzarella cheese. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 20&#184;
2002 9:21am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I'm always nice, Dennis. Anyone can attest to that. :) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 20&#184; 2002 8:15am</B></FONT>
Flip D. ~ Brett, had a ball on Friday , can't wait till the 20th of
December.Maybe I'll practice.Kevy
Dennis ~ Paulie, you guys better be nice to me in that there hoedown
song. OR ELSE!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 19&#184; 2002
muggs ~ i can't take that kind of pressure p2p, i must go to the
bathroom and wax (the carrot)philosophically <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
19&#184; 2002 5:16pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ Don't listen to joe six pack, he's not right. He has a daddy uncle & mama-sister, ya know? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 19&#184; 2002
KC ~ That's the new verse? 'My feet stank? etc etc.' <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 19&#184; 2002 1:08pm</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack<p> ~ My feet stank. Mindes me of mamas possum stew. ..sher
is good eatin. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 19&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Hey Brett, don't forget about the new verse to Hoedown that we
discussed Friday night. :):):) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 19&#184; 2002
KC ~ p.s. I hope my face was one of the familiar ones that you saw,
rather than one of the old ones. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 18&#184;
2002 6:34pm</B></FONT>
KC ~ Thanx for Low Rider, Brett... I wasn't sure if I had enough people
ask you to play it ... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 18&#184; 2002
Dennis ~ Thanks to the Flipsters for attending the D.D. Juice show on
Saturday, always a pleasure seeing our brothers in arms! I hope
everyone made it home o.k. it was treacherous out there! See you soon!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 18&#184; 2002 10:29am</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Friday rocked! brought back some old memories of benders
P2P ~ Nice show last night @ Chat's. I'm glad they left the heat on all
night. I hate it when I'm in a bar & the temp is < 90. <FONT SIZE=1><B>November 16&#184; 2002 12:45pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ muggsy, I'll tell ya what. You want the monster JGB MSG 93, send
me an analog of the Flipper Feet Tor Bus show in DDG. Brett (amongst
others) wants that one out. For this, you'll get the Jerry and the
FlipTor on CD. <p>rcw, please check Email re: "show schedule" we
discussed last night. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 16&#184; 2002
P2P ~ If I was there I would have seen it. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
15&#184; 2002 5:49pm< /B></FONT>
Glen ~ Tor. Last night was so much fun. I wish more people had seen it.
You are still my Jesus. Love Glen. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 15&#184;
2002 5:27pm</B></FONT>
Mrs. Gates ~ Yes, his thing is b.s. It is. It really really is. Talk
about your floppy disc!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 15&#184; 2002
F.y.i ~ Bill gates thing is B.s. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 15&#184;
2002 5:18pm</B></FONT>
msp<p> ~ I hope he didn't look lovingly into your eyes while
singing<p>Rev Baby let me b e,<p>Reverend
Skeets ~ Hi..If anyone needs Other Ones tix for Hartford I got 4 in
P2P ~ Yes, I work from home but have no personal ISP. The internet
access we have is thru the conmpany and so since I directly access teh
network via phone lines , the same firewall restrictions apply to me as
to people in the office. In effect, I am here in avirtual office. Same
difference only w/ roughly 50% more hours and 200% more tunage :) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 14&#184; 2002 5:23pm</B></FONT>
Schugrass ~ P2P, don't you work from home? Wouldn't it be your
firewall software blocking access to that URL? It's a .wmv file(Windows
Media Video). If it's your firewall software blocking the site, maybe
you can adjust a setting to allow that URL to be accessed or all wmv
files to be played? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 14&#184; 2002
P2P ~ I got a Blocked Site Firewall page as a result. Strange???
Doesn't seem to have a dirty URL or anything. Oh well...anyway, careful
work surfers. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 14&#184; 2002 3:02pm</B></FONT>
Schugrass ~ msp, you're the king of web surfing. That's another
hilarious one! I think I watched that paperclip video you posted a
link to last week about 20 times! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 14&#184;
2002 2:44pm</B></FONT>
msp<p> ~ Fox News
Joe Six-Pack<p> ~ I herd dis joke at da bingo parler and I neerly wet
my britches<p>ames
Reverend ~ If anyone is looking for an adventure tonight, consider
taking a road trip to see Flipper Glen jam with Reverend Tor & The
Freaky Friends (a rotating cast of musicians dedicated to exploring the
groove) at La Cocina in Pittsfield, MA. In addition Glen & myself, Rick
Leab (original RTB drummer) & Jason Malie (Reed Stre et Bassist) will be
performing. Reed Street was the opening act at Bucksteep last week.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 14&#184; 2002 11:44am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ TOO Htfd tkts have already been sold. However, there are still
plenty of tkts available thru Tktmaste r. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November
14&#184; 2002 9:49am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ The woman w/ the TOO tkts has not yet returned my call. When she
does, I'll give her your two #'s. If she doesn't by 10 or so, I'll call
again & then if nothing consider it nonsense. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November
14&#184; 2002 8:44am</B></FONT>
F.Y.I ~ Rumor has it the original Flipper at Chatterleys this Friday.
Vintage booze fest I reckon.muggsy
P2P ~ A friend of Cindy's just Emailed me and someone she works w/ has
3 excellent The Other On es Htfd 11/22 tkts for sale for $50 each.
Section 116 Row L. Email me if interested ( This
is essentially cost, as we bought them at Ticketmaster in Filene's and
they were $149 for 3. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 13&#184; 2002
rcw ~ hey JSJ, need your email please :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
12&#184; 2002 10:41pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ all my jerry and beach party cd's are ready to go...just have to
pick up mailers today and will try to get out in the am - sorry for the
delay and thanks for your patience :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
13&#184; 2002 8:23am</B></FONT>
msp<p> ~ Beach Party<p>P2P
Kevy ~ Damn it Paulie your holding out on me! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
12&#184; 2002 6:09pm</B></FONT>
Blooz ~ To all those that car e; "THE OTHER ONES" will be on Conan
O'Brien tonight.
Check it out!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 12&#184;
2002 4:57pm</B></FONT>
CLOSED ~ Both who applied will get the JGB.
12&#184; 2002 4:26pm</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
Mark P. ~ Hey Brett, good to hear from you on the Feed page. We'll be
sure get your link posted. If anyone in Flip Nation has plans to hit
the Dicky Betts show this thursday night at the Webster, I have
discounted tix available. Just send me an email (
Peace, Mark <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 12&#184; 2002 1:53pm</B></FONT>
Mark ~
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 12&#184; 2002 1:51pm</B></FONT>
Oh, a couple of points: ~ (1) This will go to the first Email I
receive. (2) The rcdg is a beautiful AUD by master taper La rry Gindoff
(Nakamichi 700's>Sony D3>CD>CD). <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 12&#184;
2002 7:10am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ 9 years ago today, 11/12/93, I spent the evening in MSG at the
incredible JGB show in which David Murray sat in on sax for virtually
all of the show. This performance was certainly the best show I saw in
all of 93, one of the best 10 or so shows I was fortunate enough to
attend, and one of the best JGB performances I've ever heard - tape or
otherwise. Cindy will attest to the power of this performan ce, since
she didn't attend this one w/ Mike and Ralph & Laree and me. She
suggested that I burn a copy for Glen, as a result of the monster solo
by Melvin Seals on Lucky Old Sun. I plan to do so if you Email me
saying you want it. In addition, I'll make o ne more copy. Email me if
you want it ( I'll close this upon return home
from the office today. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 12&#184; 2002
Gene says ~ I love box,
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 11&#184; 2002
P2P ~ Why do those idiot business drones always talk about "thinking
outside the box". I much prefer thinking about the inside of the box,
myself. Your thoughts? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 11&#184; 2002
~ Thanks Tor for anot her great buck rager. And as usual
thanks to Mike and Karen for the Jello. brett <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
11&#184; 2002 8:27am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ For the record, I never fired anyone. That was Hennessey's doing.
And it was in 91, I believe. I've been in I T for 10 years now. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 11&#184; 2002 8:34am</B></FONT>
Tad ~ Is this the Paulie who fired me 8 years ago?
I'm still hot glen
Paulie ~ Well, you should!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 10&#184; 2002
PS - ~ Brett, I DO NOT open every show with China/Rider dam it! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 10&#184; 2002 1:33pm</B></FONT>
Reverend ~ Thank you all for doing the Buck last night. It's always so
much fun jamming with you guys. Can't believe the Flipper contingent
with your whole row of rooms. The party was still raging when I left!
Don't forget, Glen will be joining me on Thursday for a Freaky Friends
Jam at La Cocina in Pittsfield should anyone want to take the drive
again. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 10&#184; 2002 1:32pm</B ></FONT>
cali muggs ~ i can`t wait to come home, my hair is falling out and the
sun hurts my crotch <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 9&#184; 2002
cali muggs ~ i've been sorely missed out here. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 14&#184; 2040 8:11am</B> </FONT>
Joe 6 Pack ~ Who you callin a crakah? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
14&#184; 2040 8:09am</B></FONT>
Reverend ~ Hey all, realy looking (and hearing) forward to tonight.
It's going to be a real good time. Hey Rose, what are you doing here?
Leave the Flipsters alone! Jeeez, I can't take her ANYWHERE! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 9&#184; 2002 12:49pm</B></FONT>
msp <p> ~ PS: there will be 120 or so JELLO shots, wine, beer and
cheese & crackers <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 9&#184; 2002
Red Rose ~ Bucksteep!!! Bucksteep!!! Bucksteep!!! Bucksteep!!!
Bucksteep!!! Bucksteep!!! Bucksteep!!! Bucksteep!!! Bucksteep!!!
Bucksteep!!! Bucksteep!!! Bucksteep!!! Bucksteep!!! Bucksteep!!!
Bucksteep!!! Bucksteep!!! Bucksteep!!! Bucksteep!!! Bucksteep!!!
Bucksteep!!! Bucksteep!!! Bucksteep!!! Bucksteep!!! Bucksteep!!!
Bucksteep!!! Bucksteep!!! Bucksteep!!! Bucksteep!!! mike & karen<p>
Filo Betto ~ Who's Frotto? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 9&#184; 2002
~ the times here are wrong ya kn ow it's about 3:00 in the cali
P2P ~ How could I forget? Misquamicut, August '90. Right after summer
tour. That perky lovely sunning her topless back lifted up for 1 sec to
get a smoke & you hit her w/ "My, you have lovely breasts, young
lady!!" from 3 feet away. I almost pissed my swim trunks. Later that
day, Bobby (a 2 y.o. toddler at the time), pissed on my boom box. And
that night, that lady at the tiki bar next door that looked like Rick
Danko tried to get us to tag team her in our dosey -doughed state of
utter inebriation. Now that was gross!!! Great vacation though!!! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 8&#184; 2002 5:34pm</B></FONT>
Mean Gene ~ You wanna see me pick a booger with my giant bloody tounge?
it's neato! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 8&#184; 200 2 5:32pm</B></FONT>
cali muggs ~ p2p, do you remember the girl with th lovely breasts at
P2P ~ Perhaps I said the show sucked. It didn't really suck but was not
in the least attended. C&I and Ralph & Laree *were* the audience. All
of it except the two bands. They even kept the house sound on during
BEGF's set, though they obviously overpowered them. As far as how I
remember where I was & why I remember that show & why I proclaim it's
lack of suction: Well I have a photogenic memory. I remember all thi ngs
that have happened but they are prettier in my memory than the actual
experience. I even smile in less disgust these days when I think back
on the time muggsy flashed me his weiner -schnitzel during a Design
Session at the Hartford in 93. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 8&#184; 2002
msp<p> ~ yawn...if I recall, you said that show sucked. Why / how do
you remember what you did 4 years have the tape? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 8&#184; 2002 3:48pm</B></FONT>
muggs ~ ah, big ed's gas farm, p2p's side project <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 13&#184; 2040 8:11am</B></FONT>
Good *News* ~ A-Hop!!! Get it right, next time!!! Jeez!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 8&#184; 2002 2:03pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Exciting message bored(sic). Just to keep up the icredible level
of energy: 4 years ago yesterday, Cin & I went to the Old Chicago Cafe
in Waterbury to see Big Ed's Gas Far m and Good New A-Hop. Your
thoughts? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 8&#184; 2002 1:48pm</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Big weekend coming up no? What's hot for thursday pm I need a
head start.. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 7&#184; 2002 1:42pm</B></FONT>
cali muggs ~ just checking in to say hello, rox and greg say hello to,
Red Rose
msp<p> ~<p> <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 7&#184; 2002 12:08pm</B></FONT>
~ scorpion bowls!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 6&#184; 2002
Joe 6 Pack ~ Bonnie, fire up the stoave woman, i bagged me 4
msp<p> ~ <p> <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 6&#184; 2002 12:46pm</B></FONT>
the girl ~ wow! that banks sure is getting big! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 5&#184; 2002 9:21pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Thanks, Brett. I'll DEFINITELY be at the Thanksgiving DDG
show. Not sure yet about Ditto's. No Bucksteep. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 5&#184; 2002 9:23am</B></FONT>
Ditto and Bucksteep this fri and sat. ~
5&#184; 2002 8:43am</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November
~ Nov. 15th Chats w/Dave, Lane, and Myself.
Nov28th DD, Nov
29th B-Rays. Hope this Helps, brett <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 5&#184;
2002 8:40am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ I mean Friday is the 29. Oy vey!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November
4&#184; 2002 5:52pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ opying & pasting from the Tour Page: <p>"Fri. November 28 Double
Down Grill" <p>"Fri. November 29 Billy Ray's Cafe" <p>Friday is the
30th and DDG is the general venue for the last Fri day of the month. The
28th is Thanksgiving and was previously scheduled for B&F @ Chat's. Can
someone please tell us on this forum what the real schedule is? Or
perhaps correct the Tour Page. I'm planning on Flippin' before we head
to our lazy Winter home in FLA for a fortnight. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 4&#184; 2002 5:50pm</B></FONT>
About Bucksteep ~ Do they serve Jagermeister? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
4&#184; 2002 4:53pm</B></FONT>
Reverend ~ Yes Sir Mr. Nelson! Saturday's going to be a blast indeed! A
great Berkshire band called Reed Street (their rhythm section backed me
up at Flip Fest) is opening the show at 9pm, Flipper goes on at 10:30pm
And Rev Tor with Mark Mercier at midnight. There are still rooms
available! Call (413) 623 -5535 for reservations and directions. Be sure
to ask for the Rev Tor/Flipper room discount! This is the LAST big
Bucksteep event of the season. If you have never been to Bucksteep
you're missing out. It's a magical place. Hope to see you all there.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 4&#184; 2002 4:03pm</B></FONT>
PS ~ and of course, if you cannot attend Friday night's festivities,
remember Saturday night at Bucksteep Manor with the rockinest band
ever, The Reverend Tor Band. (lodging is available on premisis, we had
a blast last time) check out for more info &
directions, etc. hope to see everyone this weekend!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 4&#184; 2002 3:12pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ hey Pickle, thanks for those custom pickles! yummy. thanks also
to Scott Guberman for filling in for me at Hoops, much obliged. don't
forget y'all, Friday is Ditto's on rt. 202 in Litchfield, always a good
time (intimate) and after -hours 3 miles down the road at The Nelson's.
bring a sleeping bag and any partyables you need, we'll have pl enty of
fun, music & merry mayhem until the sun comes up. see ya! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 4&#184; 2002 12:48pm</B></FONT>
msp<p> ~ sent<p>BRETT...I emailed you a couple photos of
Banks at flipper rich's <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 3&#184; 2002
BUZZ ~ pickle call me when your up and about <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
3&#184; 2002 11:01am</B></FONT>
glen ~ hey everybody, had fun at O'Hagan's! thanks Ame for the great
night w/ Willie et al. Nice to have a night off, even though I really
missed everybody. now I'm in the middle of mixing my forthcoming
school Christmas CD. sounds awesome! When it comes out, I'll let you
know how to pick up a copy. have a great rest of the weekend! :)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 2&#184; 2002 11: 58pm</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <br>Looking for some more support from all you great people
out there that have helped get my new business, PFP (PickleFreek
Products) off the ground. Got some big things happening over the next
few days, and would love to add so me of your letters, thoughts and
comments into this. Anything about what you, your friends and familes
have to say about about my products would be great. Just send whatever
you want to:<p><p>Again, THANK YOU ALL for your
continued support!!<p> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 2&#184; 2002
8:38pm</B></FONT> ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 2&#184; 2002
msp<p> ~ KEVY!!....send me your email addy & I'll send you the photo of
you jammin' at the flipper ri ch party. My email addy
is:<p><p> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 2&#184;
2002 1:18pm</B></FONT>
muggys ~ I'm sooooo horny!!!!!kevy
Kevy ~ who's playin drums tonight?P2P
Kevy ~ I always wanted to be a drummer, and a woman with large b reasts.
Dont tell anyone. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 1&#184; 2002
P2P ~ Nope!! Would you, if he were attracted to you? :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 1&#184; 2002 5:13pm</B></FONT>
muggs ~ oh like you wouldn't be banging the baby sitter if she were
attracted to you! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 1&#184; 2002
Back Seat Bonnie ~ Anyone seen Joe Six -Pack lately? I found his tyre
arn. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 1&#184; 2002 3:31pm</B></FONT>
Bob Hope's Skinbag ~ Hey Kevy, check y our Email. There's a message in
there about SOTMC. You'll like it almost as much as I like hot
chocolate enemas. Ggggggrrrrrrr!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 1&#184;
2002 3:30pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ A known anti-semite???? Yeah, okay. I don't think he's funny, but
then again, that matters little. I don't like him or any other 35+ y.o.
man who bangs the babysitter (who has long since dumped him) on the way
to bring her home, while his (now rich, ex -)wife gets ready for bed.
He's slime who uses his position for p ersonal gain at the expense of
others. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 1&#184; 2002 2:19pm</B></FONT>
RTB ~ Hey All, The Reverend Tor Band is in the market for a new
drummer. We will be auditioning between now and the end of the year.
Touring experience is not necessary but you must be willing to travel
and be well versed in all styles of music that accompany playing in a
Jam band. You can check out the band at If
anyone is interested you can contact us at (518) 733 -6915 or at Thanx <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 1&#184; 2002
karen ~ Great show last night. Much, much, fun. Sue -how are you
today. Your hair seems fine, but I was a little concerned about the
burn on your neck. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 1&#184; 2 002
muggs ~ and you don't like seinfeld b/c, 1. you're a known anti semitic, or 2. he's funnier than you, or a combination of both? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 1&#184; 2002 1:41pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Now I won't take a great deal of exceptio n to what you post - or
demonstrate my Telecommuting God iven right to express righteous
indignation over your words because we all know them to be true.
However, "yada, yada, yada" is a Seinfeld thing. I don't like him. And
I take great exception to his b eing named "Jerry"!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 1&#184; 2002 10:26am</B></FONT>
muggs ~ of course i would paulie, i've uncovered your whole "working
from home" deal too ya know, your secret society, it's SOPPTWFH, the
society of people pretending to work f rom home, the first rule of
course is when a friend jokes about working from home, you immediately
give them alot of rightious indignation, i.e., yeah right, i do more
work from home than you do in 2 days of work, yada yada yada!, but how
come, every time you call them when they're "supposedly" working from
home, they are either 1. not home, 2. still sleeping, or 3. listening
to music very loudly while eating cold pizza, think about that one!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 1&#184; 2002 10:16am</B></FONT>
sk ~ i can`t work at home because i have an unstable chair and my
cervix hurts when I jiggle <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 31&#184; 2002
P2P ~ You'd have alot more time to burn if you worked from home, ya
know :) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 31&#184; 2 002 5:19pm</B></FONT>
muggs ~ haven't had a chance to burn another one yet sir paulie <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>October 31&#184; 2002 5:15pm</B></FONT>
Commander Commando ~ Hey muggsy, still only the one coaster from the
Philips? Or have you run intoa few more? [ NOTE: I've once again assumed
one of my many alter-egos for Halloweeny! And I'm undressed up as him,
as well.] <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 31&#184; 2002 4:49pm</B></FONT>
muggs ~ oops, i'm sorry, didn't mean to post about another band playing
on a night you're playing, i forgot to look at november's gigs, once
again, sorry! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 31&#184; 2002 3:17pm</B></FONT>
Rev, PS - ~ BOO! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 31&#184; 2002
Reverend ~ Hey HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone!!!!! Don't for get, the very
last big event of the season at the legendary Bucksteep Manor in
Washington, MA is next Saturday November 9th. Performances in The Barn
TOR BAND & a very cool Berkshire b and called Reed Street. Music at 9pm,
(doors at 8pm) Must be 21. Discounted rooms are available. Call (413)
623-5535 for info & directions. Have fun tonight!!!!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 31&#184; 2002 1:51pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ thanks much! Then will see y ou in a few :D <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 31&#184; 2002 1:07am</B></FONT>
Excellent ~ rcw!!! Won't be at the shows tonight or tomorrow. Next
weekend or whenever you want. I'd be honored to aid you in the
completion of this project!! WOOHOO!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
31&#184; 2002 12:30pm</B></FONT>
LOL! ~ muggsy got mad. Thats funny. I thought I was posting to have
fun. Oh well, I could be wrong. Never did I suspect you'd get angry
over such an inocuous joke. Sorry. Do you prefer one of my rambling on
& on & on boring Herschiser posts? I like those & would be glad to
accommodate you. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 31&#184; 2002
rcw ~ oh, and P2P, have some stuff for you regarding tape/cd transfers
as per our conversation last weekend <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 31&#184;
2002 12:27am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ muggs....hoops tomorrow :D - Hope you make it out for a goodbye enjoy-cali-say hey to funtina-cocktail later ;) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 31&#184; 2002 12:26am</B></FONT>
muggs ~ i'm gonna try to m ake it out to tonite's gig, my boss is taking
me to dinner cuz i've been working crazy hours on this project, and i
see no gig tomorrow so i urge youse people to come out to sully's pub
tomorrow to see dr. juice, it's a free admission gig as sully's never
charges a cover and it's a cool place <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 31&#184;
2002 12:13pm</B></FONT>
muggs ~ enough of that talk i apologize, remember paulie, we post out
here to have a little fun, your post crossed that line <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 31&#184; 2002 12:11pm</B></FONT>
muggs ~ shut up paulie, freud woulda had a field day with you lad, i
mean the constant homo talking shows your latent homosexuality and
belittling your friends to make you feel better about yourself, sounds
like you were talking ab out yourself <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 31&#184;
2002 12:08pm</B></FONT>
Dr. Zigzag Freud, MD, PhD, P2P ~ You're not a penile colony, muggsy.
You're simply insecure and have very low self -esteem. Unfortunately,
instead of a regimen of hard work to attain g oals that will
demonstrably represent your value to the community on the whole, you
choose to belittle others during times of stress. It helps you feel the
equivalent of the rest if you can bring them down to your pitiful
level. <p>$60 please. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 31&#184; 2002
MC ~ Oh, and in response to your inquiry rcw - I will be unable to
attend the festivities tonight! :>) But please do a shot and a dance
for me! Have a great time all! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 31&#184;
2002 9:32am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Thank you for
getting better slowly - very
tonight for her though. rcw
Thanks again for
:>) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October
your kind words rcw & Cindy - she's
low-key and SHORT trick-or-treating event
I'll be in touch before next weekend
t he good wishes - 'til next time - peace!
31&#184; 2002 9:30am</B></FONT>
Muggs ~ I admit I am a dick at times. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 31&#184;
2002 12:15am</B></FONT>
cindy ~ havn't read the page all week -so sorry to hear about your
little girl morning child. Hope she's is up and ready for the great
pumpkin tomorrow night! Must have been awful scary for mom. Happy
Halloween everyone! Flipper and Tor -WOW <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October
30&#184; 2002 10:49pm</B></FONT>
muggsky ~ and i'm gumby damnit! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 30&#184; 2002
muggs ~ i'm always pleasant and not cynical damnit. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 30&#184; 2002 6:06pm</B></FONT>
msp<p> ~ muggsy is going and will be dressed up as a pleasant, no ncynical gentleman.<p> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 30&#184; 2002
Will ~ Dickham for a more Fascist America!
30&#184; 2002 3:35pm</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
sk ~ "I have food chunks in my urine."rcw
MC ~ Sorry if I bored you Mug gs - apologies to anyone else who was
bored by my earlier post. :<( <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 30&#184; 2002
rcw ~ pickle....e-me please :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 29&#184; 2002
Pickle ~ Glen, I did the "special" jar of pickles that you requested.
I will bring them with me tomorrow night. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
30&#184; 2002 11:05am</B></FONT>
Oooh. ~ Dickham.
Sounds like a sandwich meat. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 30&#184; 2002 10:01am</B></FONT>
Will Dickham, Rep. ~ Hello fellow Americans, just a reminder that the
elections are coming soon, be sure to cast your vote for Will Dickham
on the Republican Ballot. Will Dickham in 98', and Will Dickham again
in 2002! Shannon Who?
muggs ~ this forum misses me, some of t he posts are, now let's see,
let's try and be diplomatic about this, some of the posts are long winded and boring. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 29&#184; 2002
MorningChild ~ Hi all - 1st off - rcw/the girl - I'm sorry Saturday's
girl's night ended up botched. I went to see Joe at Peaberry's as
planned (good seeing Jess & Andrew there!) - then I went over to H&H
afterward but quick scan seemed to indicate you were both not there so
I split. Wasn't online to get your request to call earlier rc w sorry! Hope the snacks were good! LOL!!! ;>) I'd have called Sunday
but I received a call telling me that Chelsea had been in the ER from
2-4 a.m. on Sunday with her asthma going all haywire and possible
pneumonia (later ruled out) which then involv ed a return trip to the ER
12 p.m. Sunday (in Middletown) which further evolved into an ambulance
ride to CT Children's Medical Center where we've been until about 4
p.m. today! :<( Scary stuff for her and me! But we're home now - and
getting better each day. :>) rcw & the girl - I hope whatever you
guys did on Saturday turned out to be fun - let's try to recoordinate
for my next available weekend out - K?! :>) Well - I hope all's well
with all of you - 'til next time - peace. :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
29&#184; 2002 6:52pm</B></FONT>
Shannon ~ Amy and Brian,IMPORTANT QUESTION
msp<p> ~ As reporters surrounded his (Bonds') locker after Game Seven
he barked: "Get back or I'll snap, I mean it, I'm not playing." Huh?
glen ~ hey Tor, hope your show wa s awesome, I'm sure it was. Creek at
Hoops was fun and thanks Gullio & Caroline for a great pre -show
gathering. don't forget this Thursday Halloween Night at
O'Haunted'Hagan's in Burlington on rt.4! Yes, the band will be in
costume. :) Friday at Hoops wil l feature Scott Guberman on keys (I'll
be guesting later in the evening)and the return of Flipper Steve! don't
miss it! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 28&#184; 2002 12:14pm</B></FONT>
Reverend ~ Hey, No making fun of our freakishly tall pasty white
skinned Marilyn Manson looking bass player dam it!!!!! Besides chicks
dig him and think he's cute. We love him no matter how tall he is! I
personally have always looked up to him. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
28&#184; 2002 11:43am</B></FONT>
Cierra ~ ... So... It's Like 3 Months Till The Big 21..... Who's
Excited? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 28&#184; 2002 11:28am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ LOL! Not really, Batman. Just funnin' ya. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 28&#184; 2002 8:48am</B></FONT>
Harry Snapper Organs ~ Buzz, don't forget you r appointment on Tuesday.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 27&#184; 2002 7:56pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ pickle, we were up your way today bought sandwiches at pleasent
valley store, picniced in riverton, drove on old route 8 north that is
usualy at the bottem of colebr ook res. gave a guy a ride back to his
car 8 miles up the river in mass after he bashed his face on a rock
when he flipped his kyack, bought a 5 pound tenderlion in stop and shop
on 44 on sale for 1.99 a pound, quite an eventful day at the end of
route 8 <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 27&#184; 2002 6:21pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ ...doesnt everone want snacks...? ;) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
27&#184; 2002 6:11pm</B></FONT>
Brian ~
I'm scarey? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 27&#184; 2002
Pickle ~ YES, I want "snacks"... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 27&#184; 2002
P2P ~ While you're at it, I don't even have that show! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 27&#184; 2002 12:35pm</B></FONT>
muggs ~ i'd be much interested in that jgb tape mike, i loved th ose
1991 jer shows, hey brett, you still play that thing MINT! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 27&#184; 2002 11:22am</B></FONT>
Mike ~ Jerry Band 11-23-91 in milwaukee? Sorry about the mistake. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>October 27&#184; 2002 9:31am</B></FONT>
muggs ~ snacks? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 26&#184; 2002
rcw ~ MC - the girl and I need you to give me a call - dont have your
#.........snacks @ 7:00 pm..... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 26&#184; 2002
~ Fun time last night. T hanks Tor band Scotty and Craig. 78
strat and yes it was mint when I bought it. Sad isnt it. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 26&#184; 2002 5:52pm</B></FONT>
ELN ~ Wow - Music is an incredible thing aint it! Especially,when it's
as jamming as it was last night. Ky and I are sorry for the early
departure and not saying see ya to anybody. I feel kind of rude when I
do that,I'll blame it on the buzz. Anyway,it is always good to see
everybody. It was my first Rev experience,I will definately have to
catch them again. Brett and Glen as always you guys jam. I love the
unexpected surprises you all pull off and the stage sharing that so
often accompanies your gigs. Lotta poor men gotta walk the line just to
pay his union dues. Just some personal insights into some frustra ting
times ahead. Work is slow. Well,I'm not poor but,I'm not cheap. It all
comes out in the wash, if you know what I'm saying. Hey,catch ya all
around again soon. P.S. I'm really not that EFFIN boring,really.LOL.And
P2P ~ Last night was brilliant. Fun h angin' w/ everyone. Karin, I
won't reveal your secret online - about how you were drunk. Keith, as
always, you're HOUSE!!! muggsy, rcw, bro & SIL, Kevy, the band guys
(even Brian who jams like crazy and has a great voice, but he's scary &
Tor should cover him up w/ like a big sheet or a blanket or a
Tangierian belfectius polysterine rug or somethin'), Jessica & Andy,
The Girl (who should have three choices for her sex questions) & Brian,
Mark & Stef, Mie's friend Brian, ELN & his new GF, and newbies Matt
(who I dropped FD @ Sterling 2000 on :) & his GF Cindy, and MC who
smelled good. And anyone else I forgotted. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
26&#184; 2002 3:32pm</B></FONT>
muggs ~ last night was killer, that was about 4 hours of tunes folks,
thanks so much, i had a great time, nice seeing everyone around &
about, it's been too long b/t gigs for me, i guess we'll have to kick
this one down to the marino boys and rcw cuz everyone was buzzing about
the performance, well back to work for me, see some of you at h & h
tonite? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 26&#184; 2002 3:16pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Oh, and thanks to the purveyors of last night's rockin'
entertainment! Most EXCELLENT performances given by all! :>) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>October 26&#184; 2002 2:45pm</B></FONT >
MorningChild ~ Last night was a blast - thanks as ever to my girls - to
rcw, Joe, Pickle & Kevy for the pre -party - does anyone want snacks?
LOL!! (Happy birthday again Joe!) Good seeing Marino's out in full
force again - very special thanks to Karen f or the talk! You are a
wonderful person and friend - thank you for that. Glad to see Jess
made her appearance! rcw & the girl - seein' you both soon I hope!
:>) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 26&#184; 2002 2:36pm</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Last night, Hmmm, Very coo l . Cover swapping mint, Craig - tasty,
Scott A- see you t'night, Tor - mandolin, sweet. Brett - lovin' life no?
Glen- Fun is. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 26&#184; 2002 2:55pm</B></FONT>
Reverend ~ Hey all, Thanks Flipper Feet for including us last night. We
had such a blast. Don't forget, we'll be doing it again at Bucksteep
Manor in Washington, MA on 11/9. Book a room at the manor house while
they last. Tell them you want the discounted Flipper/Rev Tor rate. Call
(413) 623-5535. or go to: http://www.bucksteep <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 26&#184; 2002 12:53pm</B></FONT>
James ~ Last night was some of the greatest talent I've seen in a long
time, and the new CD hasn't stopped playing. By the way, If the guitar
player (Brett) reads this, What year is that Strat and is all that wear
and tear from you? Thanks for giving me a reason to get out more.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 26&#184; 2002 11:21am</B></FONT>
Amy and Brian ~ Congrats, Shannon and Jeff. Can't wait to see you
guys, when you return......
The s how was great last night. I can't
belive you and Jeff found each other again... "Mrs McCannon" Nice....
It certainly was fate wasn't it... and to think we were just gong to
stay home and chill last night. Love you Guys.... Hey what's up the
the triple posts? Computer glich I guess... Talk to you soon. Amy
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 26&#184; 2002 10:54am</B></FONT>
Shannon ~ what a night..... ended up leaving with Jeff. We spent the
night together. Amy I will call you and Brian when we return...
are leaving for the White Mtns to get married.
It's fate baby....
Fate brought us back together again. Fate will keep us together
forever............ Talk to you soon:)
Love you guys. Signed Mrs
Jeffrey McCannon. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 26&#184; 2002
Shannon ~ what a night..... ended up leaving with Jeff. We spent the
night together. Amy I will call you and Brian when we return... we
are leaving for the White Mtns to get married.
It's fate baby....
Fate brought us back together again. Fate will keep us together
forever............ Talk to you soon:)
Love you guys.
Jeffrey McCannon. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 26&#184; 2002
Signed Mrs
Shannon ~ what a night..... ended up leaving with Jeff. We spen t the
night together. Amy I will call you and Brian when we return... we
are leaving for the White Mtns to get married.
It's fate baby....
Fate brought us back together again. Fate will keep us together
forever............ Talk to you soon:)
Love you guys. Signed Mrs
Jeffrey McCannon. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 26&#184; 2002
Shannon ~ what a night..... ended up leaving with Jeff. We spent the
night together. Amy I will call you and Brian when we return... we
are leaving for the White Mtns to get married.
It's fate baby....
Fate brought us back together again. Fate will keep us together
forever............ Talk to you soon:)
Love you guys. Signed Mrs
Jeffrey McCannon. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 26&#184; 2002
Shannon ~ what a night..... ended up leaving with Jeff. We spent the
night together. Amy I will call you and Brian when we return... we
are leaving for the White Mtns to get married.
It's fate baby....
Fate brought us back together again. F ate will keep us together
forever............ Talk to you soon:)
Love you guys. Signed Mrs
Jeffrey McCannon. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 26&#184; 2002
Shannon ~ what a night..... ended up leaving with Jeff. We spent the
night together. Amy I will call you and Brian when we return... we
are leaving for the White Mtns to get married.
It's fate baby....
Fate brought us back together again. Fate will keep us together
forever............ Talk to you soon:)
Love you guys. Signed M rs
Jeffrey McCannon. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 26&#184; 2002
Shannon ~ what a night..... ended up leaving with Jeff. We spent the
night together. Amy I will call you and Brian when we return... we
are leaving for the White Mtns to get married.
It's fate baby....
Fate brought us back together again. Fate will keep us together
forever............ Talk to you soon:)
Love you guys. Signed Mrs
Jeffrey McCannon. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 26&#184; 2002
Shannon ~ what a night..... ended up leaving with Jeff. We spent the
night together. Amy I will call you and Brian when we return... we
are leaving for the White Mtns to get married.
It's fate baby....
Fate brought us back together again. Fate will keep us tog ether
forever............ Talk to you soon:)
Love you guys. Signed Mrs
Jeffrey McCannon. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 26&#184; 2002
Shannon ~ what a night..... ended up leaving with Jeff. We spent the
night together. Amy I will call y ou and Brian when we return... we
are leaving for the White Mtns to get married.
It's fate baby....
Fate brought us back together again. Fate will keep us together
forever............ Talk to you soon:)
Love you guys. Signed Mrs
Jeffrey McCannon. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 26&#184; 2002
Shannon ~ what a night..... ended up leaving with Jeff. We spent the
night together. Amy I will call you and Brian when we return... we
are leaving for the White Mtns to get married.
It's fa te baby....
Fate brought us back together again. Fate will keep us together
forever............ Talk to you soon:)
Love you guys. Signed Mrs
Jeffrey McCannon. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 26&#184; 2002
Shannon ~ what a night..... ende d up leaving with Jeff. We spent the
night together. Amy I will call you and Brian when we return... we
are leaving for the White Mtns to get married.
It's fate baby....
Fate brought us back together again. Fate will keep us together
forever............ Talk to you soon:)
Love you guys. Signed Mrs
Jeffrey McCannon. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 26&#184; 2002
muggs ~ no apologies from me p2p, i'm gonna kick your ass clear into
next week when i see you, if you ain't cowardly hiding b ehind that
fishing rod of yours, now that that's been cleared up, how's about a
list of who WON'T be on drums tonite, it may take a lot less time <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>October 25&#184; 2002 6:10pm</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Tongiht is going to be pleasurable!! Hey Tom can we bring the
doggies to top it all of <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 25&#184; 2002
Blooz ~ It is that time of day, Yabba, Dabba Doooo! Put on your dancin
shoes and lets party.
A double bill at the double down, Yea Haa !
Looking forward to rocking my Blooz away! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
25&#184; 2002 5:30pm</B></FONT>
Thanks for the clarification on the whole drummer thing! ~
SIZE=-1><B>October 25&#184; 2002 5:10pm</B></FONT>
WOW, ELN: ~ You're really effin boring! <FONT SIZ E=-1><B>October
25&#184; 2002 5:09pm</B></FONT>
BRETT ~ Rev Tor will start as close to 9pm as possible so please try to
come earlier and support. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 25&#184; 2002
ELN ~ --MSP--Hey Man,sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. Ya,I'm
planning to go tonite. Hope to see ya there. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
25&#184; 2002 5:18pm</B></FONT>
And muggsy ~ is playing w/ himself. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 25&#184;
2002 4:56pm</B></FONT>
Flipper Feet Tor Bus ~ Brian is playing wit h Rev Tor, Scotty A is with
Flipper. This is getting confusing! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 25&#184;
2002 4:28pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ I likes that Rev!!! <p>And muggsy, sadly your dismissal of my
livelihood means 2 things: (1) You have an incredibly small mind. Far
smaller, in fact, than the insurance managers on whom you harsh
consistently. (2) Sporting goods are for those w/ the open minds to
handle them. <p>Your apology, please :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
25&#184; 2002 4:24pm</B></FONT>
No Scotty A? ~ <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 25&#184; 2002
muggs ~ paulie, having a rough day working from home? music too loud?
don't ya just hate a repeat episode of gunsmoke you just saw a month
ago, "working from home", talk about your oxymoron's! <FONT SIZ E=1><B>October 25&#184; 2002 3:55pm</B></FONT>
Reverend ~ Actually, our keyboardist Scott Guberman's band mate (Brian
from Liberty Bus) is filling in on drums tonight so how about we call
it THE FLIPPER FEET TOR BUS???? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 25&#184; 2002
P2P ~ I think it should be billed The Flipper Feet Tor :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 25&#184; 2002 3:20pm</B></FONT>
sk <p> ~ Girls...Tonight, I'll be over by the pole directly in front of
the stage. I'm the chiseled hunk with all th at complicated electronic
equipment that women don't know anything about. Come by, say hello and
buy me a drink.<p>rcw
muggs ~ no, tonite won't be, shall this gig be dubbed "THE BIG GIG
POWOW"? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 25&#184; 2002 9:22am</B></FONT>
Brett ~ Painting in this weather is a drag. Tonight won't be!! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>October 25&#184; 2002 8:27am</B></FONT>
LOL! ~ That post was in reference to a question about the scheduling of
tonight's show that somehow disappeared. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
25&#184; 2002 7:37am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Glen & Sue addressed this earlier in the week. See below. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>October 25&#184; 2002 7:25am</B></FONT>
sk ~ My pee smells like ham <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 24&#184; 2002
Jessica ~ Two things! First I will be offline for a while as my
computer will be fixed for a bit! Also to my dancing girls I might not
make it out tomorrow but it is not by choice! I will do my best to get
there and have a shot but I won't be out for long so I must get them
down pretty quickly!:) Hope I make it out and see everyone tomorrow at
the Double Down! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 24&#184; 2002
Groove ~ Fun that Banks got to meet Elliott...and cool they have the
same taste in clothes...dogs rock!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 24&#184;
2002 1:24pm</B></FONT>
P2P & Cindy ~ Thank you all for the kind words. I've been offline for a
couple of days - office calling :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 24&#184;
2002 9:47am</B></FONT>
MorningChild (again) ~ OK - as much as I love nostalgia and the
original group with all my heart - someone should really send these
poor people at the Advocate a new snapshot! LOL!! :>) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 24&#184; 2002 8:26am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Looks like the dancin' girl s will be in FULL attendance
tomorrow night - YAY!! :>) Yep rcw - pluralization will be necessary!
:>) the girl - I can't WAIT to hear the new survey - they're getting
pretty hard to top though! LOL!!
:>) Happy B -day to Kevy's son!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 24&#184; 2002 8:23am</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Happy, Happy, 19 years huh, ahh my oldest child is 19. WOW I
guess were gonna have to have a party next year. For all you Flip
nostalgia Junkies!! GO to click on the music
after dark page/bands and you'll be in for a chuckle.. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 23&#184; 2002 7:15pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ I still 2nd MC's answer to the last one :p RHS's...? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 23&#184; 2002 6:31pm</B></FONT>
the girl ~ so... i guess it's up to me to complete the dancing girl
line? kind of like the rockettes! don't worry ladies... i will be there
with my dancing shoes... and morningchild - i'm already thinking of a
new bar poll! hehe... see ya on the flipside! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
24&#184; 2002 5:47pm</B></FONT>
muggs ~ count me in friday as well, i'll be in my usual spot by the
pole (no, not carl yastrezemski!), happy 19th anniv. cindy & paulie, as
paulie always says, you've had 10 really good years <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 23&#184; 2002 5:12pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ A belated Congrats to Cindy and Paulie! I am also in for this
Friday rcw and MC! I hope that everyone has been enjoying this
beautiful week! Can't wait to see all of you this weekend! Also, a
quick birthday wish for Ally and S teve while they're away on their
honeymoon! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 23&#184; 2002 12:07pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ I'm SOOOOOOO in rcw!!
23&#184; 2002 10:54am</B></FONT>
:>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
rcw ~ oh, and BIG congrats to steve and ally, and a happiest
anniversary to cindy and P2P! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 21&#184; 2002
rcw ~ ok.....the move is complete, the new cd burner is up and running,
and all of my overdue miracles will be out this week! (pete sheips, I
apologize, owe you a few, but they are on the way :D) - Are the girls
all in for friday..? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 21&#184; 2002
11:12pm</B></FONT> ~
SIZE=-1><B>October 22&#184; 2002 10:56am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ (((((HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Cindy & Paulie !!))))) Wishing
you many more happy years together!!!
:>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
22&#184; 2002 8:18am</B></FONT>
mike & karen<p> ~ HAPPY 19th ANNIVERSARY TO CINDY & PAUL !!!!! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>October 22&#184; 2002 7:50am</B></FONT>
Friends ~ Congrats to Steve and Ally, We had a great time at the
wedding!!!! Best of all Enjoy the Honeymoon!!!!!!! Love you guys...
Ally you have quite the man there:) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 22&#184;
2002 5:19am</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Congrats, you too, enjoy Bliss, <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
21&#184; 2002 10:46pm</B></FONT>
Reverend ~ Hey all, we're really looking forward to Friday night with
the Flipsters! We missed you guys at the Berkshire Blues but no
worries. Brett's health was more important and I'm glad he is feeling
better! My guess is there's a bunch of Flipper/Tor jams all bottled up
and just dieing to bust out! Also, Congratulations Steve and Ally. See
ya all Friday. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 21&#184; 2002 5:15pm< /B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Congratulations to Steve and Ally! Also a thank you to Tracy
and Artie for the after -hours fun! I hope everyone had a good weekend
and I am looking forward to the double bill at the Double Down :)! Hope
you all have a good week and, a s always, Take Care! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 21&#184; 2002 3:15pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ by the way, we felt really bad about cancelling last week's gigs
but all things considered, Brett's had time to take care of his voice
for a few weeks and he's doing much better. to make up for Berkshire
Blues, Tor has offered us a new gig, this time Saturday Nov. 9 at
Bucksteep Manor where Flipper will open and then undoubtedly guest as
well. by the way, Tor has also released his amazing new CD which will
also be available this Friday at Double Down. peece! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 21&#184; 2002 12:26pm</B></FONT>
glen&sue ~ congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Steve Battistoni!! Great
wedding, had a good time. Thanks Tracy for the after -hours. this
Friday at Double Down will be a blast. Rev Tor will start early, my
guess is more like 9:30 so both bands can have a big fat set. and
needless to say lots of cross -pollenation, plus since Steve's away,
Scotty will play!!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 21&#184; 2002
P2P ~ I'd anticipate a nice set by Tor and then one by FD. W/ a real
lot of mix & match going on and everyone playing w/ everyone. Can't say
for sure, but that's certainly a Flipper thing & Tor is all about that
as well generally. Tor's website shows a 9 pm start time, though that
seems a bit suspect. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 21&#184; 2002
muggs ~ what's the buzz on friday? i hope rev tor gets a nice full set
before flipper, what time do you expect the music to start? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>October 21&#184; 2002 9:20am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Congratulations Steve & Ally - all the best!!
SIZE=-1><B>October 21&#184; 2002 7:52am</B></FONT>
:>) <FONT
Dennis and Dr. Juice ~ Congrats Steve and Ally!!!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 20&#184; 2002 9: 04pm</B></FONT>
CONGRATS ~ to Mr & Mrs Battistoni!!!! <p>Kevy, I await your JGB pblms.
Remember 11/1 is coming fast & SOTMC starts then, assuming I hear from
you here or Email ( preferably. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 20&#184; 2002 5:44pm </B></FONT>
Curious ~ So did Steve go through with it? If so congrats. Although
Gene S. Doesn't recommend it <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 20&#184; 2002
sk ~ it`s jock-ich that causes such pain <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
20&#184; 2002 11:48am </B></FONT>
Kathy ~ Hey everyone - Fuz Wilson asked that I correct the previous
message regarding his here it is:sk
Q??<p> ~ who were you giving it to? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 18&#184;
2002 4:04pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ the middle would've been fin e, i was 3/4 of the way into it <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>October 18&#184; 2002 2:37pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ sorry sk, did i catch you in the middle of a hand job when i
called ? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 18&#184; 2002 2:36pm</B></FONT>
Schugrass ~ Good one, msp!
Ha! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 18&#184; 2002
msp<p> ~ <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 18&#184; 2002 12:47pm</B></FONT>
muggs ~ well no flipper tonite, no max creek tonite, how about this:
we're planning a tribal-lysergic vibrational improvisational gathering
of similiar energies kind of thing tonite at o'reilly's in glastonbury
for the soon to be legendary dr. juice, hope some of you folks can make
it! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 18&#184; 2002 9:48am</B> </FONT>
muggs ~ BUZZ stop calling my house and pretending to be Paulie. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>October 18&#184; 2002 9:09am</B></FONT>
Brown Dirt Cowboy........Yeah,.....I`m a Cowboy!!! ~
1><B>October 18&#184; 2002 1:19am</B></FONT>
Wilson-Caine Fest line up ~ Twitch, Browns Mountain the third, Bantam
Phantoms, Fuzzy Logic, (ie The Forrest Wilson experience) -Logical Fuzzy
Booked! Possible special guests, True Colors, Hot Ethel.. Sorry it
really starts at 2 pm <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 17&#184; 2002
Bobby Queer ~ I'm on the road again, show us your bone, unnatural bone
in me, brown dirt road again. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 17&#184; 2002
HUH? ~ For you music historians out there Donor Frog will be playing at
Bob's Folly Restaurant tonight> old rte. 8 burrville ct. Later - <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>October 17&#184; 2002 6:13pm</B></FONT>
FYI ~ mostly Winsted, New harford/west hill Wilson's. Leave an e -mail
i'd be glad too fill in the blanks.. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 17&#184;
2002 5:55pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ stop posting as me sk <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 17&#184; 2002
P2P ~ Yeah, so how many shots did you belt down when no one was
looking? :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 17&#184; 2002 4:59pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ Im sitting at work, and all of a sudden Im overcome with
the smell of Jager....I run out to the main office to see where its
coming from.....a bottle of simple green! How scary is
that............:p <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 17&#184; 2002
quirky ~ what bands will be playing? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 17&#184;
2002 12:55pm</B></FONT>
Medical expenses? ~ Are we talking about the Wilson family in Riverton?
Whats the fundraiser for? I've known that family for quite awhile, but
lost touch with them a long time ago...can someone fill me in? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>October 17&#184; 2002 11:41am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ They already know I'm a perv. They pretend to be disgusted, but
it's all in the game. Kevy, Email me ( your JGB
reburn needs per our discussion last night. SOTMC starts on 11/1 &
continues indefinitely. The "randomizer" is cool. That's how I arrived
at GD 9/25/91 - Boston. So we'll go that technique for the official
start of SOTMC, but will TCO of the JGB issues first. <FONT SIZE=1><B>October 17&#184; 2002 10:28am</B></FONT>
Hey!! ~ Come one come all. This saturday oct.19 Wilson -Caine Benefit
Party... Five Bands, Tons of food, Beer. Bring Kids, friendly doggies,
choppers, wives... Where is it you say? From Winsted, follow rte.8
north to rte. 20, continue to center of Riverton, aprox. 2 miles past
center take a left. Party's on the right. Or you could ignore my
directions and follow the signs. 15 clams for adults 20 for couples.
The kids will be charged by how much t hey eat!! All proceeds go to the
Wilson family to cover medical expenses. Come and help out.. Party
starts at 10 am. for you lushes out there. Also Mardi Gras Rides
(choppers) will be in and out all day... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
17&#184; 2002 2:00am</B> </FONT>
Glenith ~ Man, its been too long. Too much to say. Life is good.
Cindy ~ now stevie, paulie isn't even home, you don't want these nice
flip folk thinkin my hubby is some kind of perv -do you? <FONT SIZE=1><B>October 16&#184; 2002 6:13pm< /B></FONT>
muggs ~ Why should Weir's birthday be any different than any other day
for you? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 16&#184; 2002 5:24pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I always masterbate on Bob's birthday. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 16&#184; 2002 4:57pm</B></FONT>
Oh Yeah? ~ I couldn't tell, it was dark. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
16&#184; 2002 2:34am</B></FONT>
Butta? ~
My sista don`t look like dat!!!
16&#184; 2002 1:10am</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
Smarmy Dennis ~ That picture of Brett n' Banks on the front page, it's
like Butta. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 15&#184; 2002 5:33pm</B></FONT>
Groove ~ I mean both Mikes! Happy days to you both <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 15&#184; 2002 2:22pm</B></FONT>
Groove ~ Happy Belated Birthday wishes to my long time fr iend Keis, and
to you too Mike... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 15&#184; 2002
refresh ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 15&#184; 2002 8:36am</B></FONT>
Spit or Swallow??? ~ Aren't we forgetting something? Is it not true
that the esteemed Mr's Con nors & Jager both have day jobs as painters?
Have you never seen a movie about Poor Noel Graffy? Painting is the
soup du jour on virtually all of those. Besides, women look very pretty
when wearing make up. JEEZ!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 14&#184; 2002
P2P ~ Also, apologies for my presumptuous poor perception per our Sat
discussion!!! :( <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 14&#184; 2002
P2P ~ Well, I posted a msg on Sunday that somehow got merled. In part,
it thanked & praised th e usual suspects - plus m&ksp for all the jello
shots, as I was remiss. Also gave incredible kudos to the then birthday
boy {{{Jager}}} for a fine job covering for Fearless Leader. {{{HBD Sch
& FM - no static at all!!!}}} See y'all who be there at the Hall owed
Een Party at DDG. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 14&#184; 2002
LOL the girl!!!! ;>)
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 14&#184; 2002
Jessica ~ Thanks to all for Saturday! I needed those jello shots in a
big way and the Marin o's were wonderful as always! And to Karen Marino,
your daughter is so sweet! And also a Thank You to everyone for their
well wishes at the firehouse and on this forum, I truly appreciate it!
It was wonderful to see so many Flip Fans out on a dreary day! A hello
to Mary, Mike, Brett, Keith and Karin, Sarah (two), Amy M.,Forrest,
Carolyn and Sara, rcw, MC, the girl and Ames! To anyone I missed I am
sorry and I will get you next time around! I am hoping this week will
bring better things! Take Care Flip Fans!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>October
14&#184; 2002 12:49pm</B></FONT>
the girl ~ and i didn't forget... spit or swallow... it's the
difference between like and love... as told to me by jsj! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 14&#184; 2002 12:47pm</B></FONT>
the girl ~ fun time this weekend! thank you to the dancing girls and
the marinos... as always! such a pleasure to play... and banks is just
the cutest smoochie pup ever! if my pockets were big enough, i would
have stuffed him in one and walked out! hehe... no worries, mc, we
enjoyed the fireplace... see ya real soon!BUZZ
rcw ~ happy birthday FM and MS (and another happy out to mr keith missed ya' at the fireplace....) Gifts for you Plan B - will call
later! Big thanks to the girls again for saturday - how fun, and nice
to finally see the girl :D - Brett, thanks for getting Aaron up on
stage with the Mandolin - I think he enjoyed it! JSJ, here's to a
better week :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 13&#184; 2002
FM ~
Well I do believe that Happy Birthday wishes go out to Mr.
Schugrass as well today.
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 14&#184; 2002
Schugrass ~ Happy Birthday Mike! BTW, I'm using the D'Addario strings
you use and loving them! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 14&#184; 2002
MorningChild ~ (((((Happy Birthday Mike!))))) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
14&#184; 2002 8:23am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Where to start - thanks to Richie for the party!
Special thanks to my girls for helping turn my week around! :>) Hang
in there Jess - better things to come I'm sure! Thanks to the Marino's
for your always pleasant company primarily, and secondarily for the
JELLO! (Sorry you didn't make it back Paulie!) It was nice seeing you
again Amy Marino! :>) Great seeing you Mike, Mary a nd Sara! rcw, the
girl and Bri I hope you enjoyed the entertainment at TThe Fireplace sorry I had to bail so early but 5:30 a.m. came way too close to when I
went to bed as it was! Brett I hope you're feeling better really soon
- just stay off those vo cal cords for a little longer! :>) To our
newest family member Banks, you are about the cutest little guy I've
met in a LONG time! :>) See you all in a couple of weeks - til then peace!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 13&#184; 2002 8:59pm</B></FONT>
Some ~ souls just haunt silently, but they are there. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 13&#184; 2002 9:05pm</B></FONT>
NOt asoul in sight ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 13&#184; 2002
Craig from MF ~ What a crappy day...and sorry to see that a "musician 's
bug" seems to be taking a heavy toll. Mystery Feet is still healthy (as
there is no wood within reach, am now knocking on my own head...ow), so
for those sober and willing enough to trek over the mountain into
Hartford, we kick off at Coach's at 9:00pm. Looking forward to the sub
for Flipper Mike at the DD on the 25th (thanks for the call Brett :) ).
Due to Max Creek/Mystery Feet schedule conflicts, Scotty A and I
haven't played together in waaay too long. Fair warning folks, fasten
your seatbelts 'cause Scotty 'n I are gonna rip it up! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 12&#184; 2002 1:00pm</B></FONT>
Wondering ~ Bob how is your so called change purse?Bob Hope's Skin Bag
I wonder if... ~ ...Guido & the Sangweeches available?Miss/Mrs. Flipper
mud wrestling seems fitting!! ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 12&#184; 2002
Bring on ~ The Dancing Girls!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 12&#184; 2002
Kevy ~ Cant we come up with some other forms of live entertainment?ie.
Forest wilson experie nce, also known as Fuzzy Logic? wheres keith's
band of angry soccer hooligans <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 12&#184; 2002
Party starts around 2pm ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 12&#184; 2002
Flipper Rich ~ The party is a go! If the weather is bad it will be held
at the Canton Fire Department which is at the end of my road.Party on.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 12&#184; 2002 1:26am</B></FONT>
Brett ~ Big sorrys go out to Tor for us cancelling tonight but we will
make up for it at Double Down also with The Reverend Tor Band on the
25th. Scotty A will be filling in for Steve and Craig Garfinkle will
be sitting in for Mike. (Half Mysery Feet/Half Flipper/Full jams.
Scott Allshouse just got over this hell flu also, now Tor and Steve .
Don't get it!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 11&#184; 2002
Reverend ~ Hey all, we're gonna miss you guys tonight!!!! Brett &
Steve, I hope you guys feel better soon. I am battling the same thing
(minus the vocal chord damage). I feel for ya. Got mine from Mercier,
heard Brett got his from Murawski? Hmmm, could Creek be playing around
with germ warfare? OK bad joke sorry. We will be taking up the slack
tonight at The Berkshire Blues Café. If anyone still feels like taking
the road trip, we would love to see ya. If not we'll see ya at the
Flipper/Tor show at the Double Down on the 25th. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 11&#184; 2002 4:48pm</B></FONT>
kelly ~ happy b-day keith! feel better (((brett and steve))).. hope you
all enjoy the soggy holiday weekend!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 11&#184;
2002 4:52pm</B></FONT>
Brett ~ But if others feel like singing tomorrow I have no objections
to playing. By the way Scott Allshouse will be filling in for steve on
the 25th at DD.
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 11&#184; 2002
Brett ~ Rich's party will still be held tomorrow but unless miracles
happen between my voice and the weather the band is cancelled. If
severe rain and wind occur the celebration of Rich's yearly rage and
Keith and Mikes birth days will be held at Rice Fields. See you all
tomorrow. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 11&#184; 2002 3:32pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ P2P - sent to your email in a sec, thnks :D <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 11&#184; 2002 2:45am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ rcw, I need that new mailin g addy. The 911 Tree is in the burner
& will be ready TGO by Monday! Elseiwse, I'll be sending it to Redding,
home of the best RxR on the entire Monopoly Board!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 11&#184; 2002 2:37pm</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ So where is the party tonigh t then? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October
11&#184; 2002 1:40pm</B></FONT>
sweens ~ anyone confirm if Scott Murawski is gonna join flip on 10 -25
at double down? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 11&#184; 2002
sixty dollars please ~ sounds like a new song. .. <FONT SIZE=1><B>October 11&#184; 2002 12:47pm</B></FONT>
ames ~ Is Rich planning on getting that tent or moving the party to the
firehouse? In other words does it go on rain or shine? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 11&#184; 2002 12:02pm</B></FONT>
msp<p> ~ Let mike s sing! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 11&#184; 2002
msp<p> ~ karen made almost 200 jello shots this AM. If the party does
not happen, watch out 'round my house! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
11&#184; 2002 12:02pm</B></FONT>
Brett ~ The doctor says I got an infection in my throat which damaged
my vocal chords. He says don't talk, especially don't sing and sixty
dollars please... But I can type. ((( <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>October 11&#184; 2002 10:26am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Let's just hope the weather mitigates a bit and Brett & Steve are
well. If either doesn't occur, I'll have to by -pass the event since we
plan to bring the kids & I wouldn't do so in the pouring down rain. A
little drizzle or a shower or two OTOH :) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October
11&#184; 2002 9:44am</B></FONT>
suz ~ happy birthday keith!!! xo <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 11&#184; 2002
jager-keis ~ Hey Paulie,jello shots
happens to be my birthday tom.jello
jello jello jello jello jello jello
jello jello jello jello jello jello
2002 9:20am</B></FONT>
real good seeing how it just
jello jello jello jello jello
jello jello jello jellojello
SIZE= -1><B>October 11&#184;
P2P ~ {{{GWS Brett & Steve}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 11&#184; 2002
MorningChild ~ (((((Brett))))) and (((((Steve))))) - feel better soon
guys! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 11&#184; 2002 8:02am</B></FONT>
Rev Tor will perform as scheduled!! - Sorry about that guys!. At the
moment they are still planning to play Rich's party, but stay tuned for
more updates... luv suz xo <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 11&#184; 2 002
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 11&#184; 2002
Frisco ~ JELLO SHOTS!!!!! OH YA <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 10&#184; 2002
Flipper Rich ~ Party starts at High Noon. Plenty of food and be er
.Always a good idea to bring back up <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 10&#184;
2002 10:19pm</B></FONT>
ep ~ Banks is very cool. Soon to become cooler. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 10&#184; 2002 10:05pm</B></FONT>
Kimmy Marino ~ Amy, when you are going to e -mail me? My dad said to
send it to his e-mail address ( and when I get it,
he'll make me my own. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 10&#184; 2002
P2P ~ Currently in zee burner for my listening pleasure: The great 1/2
Step > Rider. Recall this one-time only, muggsy? Or were you in the
bathroom w/ some boys when Set II began? Never mind! Dumb question!!
How did they taste? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 10&#184; 2002
Will display craw for JELLO!!! ~ (LOL P2P!!)
1><B>October 10&#184; 2002 6:02pm</B></FONT>
;>) <FONT S IZE=-
P2P ~ I'm in charge of copping a quick view of other men's wives'
craws! A-YUMM-YUMM!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 10&#184; 2002
Security ~ House dick, we'll need you for security at the pa rty, no
jello shots for you <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 10&#184; 2002
P2P ~ Should we plan on a jello event for the Flipper Rich Party????
:) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 10&#184; 2002 5:02pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Calling (little) elvis, is any one home? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 10&#184; 2002 4:09pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ waxx, sure I do - In the cd swapping confusion Im not surprised will we see you at flipper rich's..?More Info Please ....
Waxx ~ Rcw do you have the first disk to the Paul McCartn ey show?
because some how i ended up with 2 disk 2's. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
10&#184; 2002 2:37pm</B></FONT>
Groove ~ Dang that's a cute pup...Congrats Brett and Welcome Banks!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 10&#184; 2002 1:04pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ speaking of is finally up and running at the new
place so my jerry trees will be done this week - PS, Buzz, & Muggsy I
owe you all some stuff I will get out as well :D <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 10&#184; 2002 12:38am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ msp's copy of the Beach Party Tree is burning now. rcw's is
scheduled for tomorrow. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 10&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ muggsy, I was in the office all day yesterday. I'm home all
day today, unless something completely unexpected transp ires. My Email
is <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 10&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ woo hoo...can't wait till Rich's party! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 9&#184; 2002 9:34pm</B></FONT>
the girl ~ i'm thinking about it... but the big wu is in town... so
i'm torn... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 9&#184; 2002 9:14pm</B></FONT>
Brett ~ I
He tilted
placed it
of it....
played guitar in front of Banks for the first time tonight.
his head and watched on joyfully and intrigued. But when I
down he tried to chew it. I guess I should'nt make too much
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 9&#184; 2002 5:58pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ muggs...hows about the sunday morning song..?
1><B>October 9&#184; 2002 4:39am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ YEA!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 9&#184; 2002
muggs ~ do people who enjoy bondage like the song whipping post? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>October 9&#184; 2002 4:03pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ the girl..? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 9&#184; 2002
rcw ~ me too :D <FONT SI ZE=-1><B>October 9&#184; 2002 3:22am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ I'm in Jess!
;>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 9&#184; 2002
Uncle Dave ~ I don't know what I say, but whatever it is, I'm sure it's
mint! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 9&#184; 2002 2 :45pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Happy Anniversary to Glen and Jill! I wish the both of you
many more years of happiness! I also cannot wait for the Flipper Rich
party this weekend! I hope I see all of you there! And are my dancing
ladies showing up to do a da nce or two ;)?!?! Take Care Flip Fans!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 9&#184; 2002 2:40pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ HAPPY ANNIVERSARY JILL & GLEN - love and hugs to you
both on your special day! (Hi to Miss Maisy & Finn too of course!)
:>) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 9&#184; 2002 2:28pm</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ Guess I will have to pop in 10/9/99 and give it a listen!
Have a Happy. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 9&#184; 2002 2:30pm</B></FONT>
ziola ~ that's right!! happy anniversary you guys! your wedding was a
real ass-scratcher! just check your tickets, if you still have them...
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 9&#184; 2002 2:19pm</B></FONT>
kelly ~ happy anniversary jill and glen!! love you talbots!.. hi
maisy!! hi gooner!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 9&#184; 2002
ziola ~ what a cutie!! and the puppy ain't so bad either!! i'd like to
know what uncle dave says so that i may view the fliptionary... anyone?
buller? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 9&#184; 2002 2:14pm</B></FONT>
Maisy ~ Hi Banks, you're cute puppy ears look perfect for pulling on!
Hope to meet you soon! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 9&#184; 2002
Finnigan ~ Hi Banks! I can't wait to meet you! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
9&#184; 2002 11:48am</B></FONT>
Cierra: ~ What A Great Dog Brett!muggsy
Melissa ~ Hi. Congrats on the new family member... welcome Flipper
Banks! What a cute handsome -head you are. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
9&#184; 2002 9:21am</B></FONT>
Gus The Tranny ~ Wow, what a cutie, the dog too. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 9&#184; 2002 8 :59am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Banks you are TOO cute for words - can't wait to meet
you! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 9&#184; 2002 8:13am</B></FONT>
Reverend ~ Hey all, Glen asked me to post directions to The Berkshire
Blues Café for the Flipper/Rev T or extravaganza this Friday!!! FROM RT
8: take Rt 8 North into MA. Go through Otis and into Becket. In Becket
take Rt 20 West. Take 20 in to Lee, MA. In Lee take Rt 102 West.
Berkshire Blues Café will be a few miles down on the left. FROM RT 7:
Take Rt 7 North in to MA. Go through Great Barrington and into
Stockbridge. In Stockbridge take Rt 102 East. Berkshire Blues Café will
be a few Miles down on the right. FROM THE MASS PIKE: Take exit 2 (Lee,
MA). Take a left of the ramp and go under the throughway. Ma ke a right
on to Rt 102 West. Berkshire Blues Café will be a few miles down on the
left. THE BERKSHIRE BLUES CAFÉ is a big log cabin building across the
street from the bowling ally. The phone number is (413) 243 -0062. This
is a new club for Flipper Dave A ND Rev Tor Band so we could both use
your support on this one. I hope you all make the trip up. It's going
to be a blast!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 8&#184; 2002
kelly ~ oh my god he's SO cute!!! .. oh... and so are you brett.. ;)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 8&#184; 2002 8:21am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ What a cute dog!!!!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 8&#184; 2002
BUZZ ~ great looking pup there brett, looks like a dog -cam in the
making, lots of luck with him <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 8&#184; 2002
BUZZ ~ muggsy stop posting as yourself <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 8&#184;
2002 4:42pm</B></FONT>
suz ~ Check out the newest member of Flipper Dave! Banks Connors...
cutie patootie (on the front page) xo <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 8&#184;
2002 3:06pm</B></FONT>
Bob Weir ~ Well that's all right by me! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
8&#184; 2002 2:21pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ oh..the me your new #! I owe you a dinnerthe girl
NOODLE NEWS ~ Hey all, Spaghetti Cake (a.k.a. Gle n & Sue) will be live
on the radio this Thursday October 10th at 7PM on WAPJ 89.9FM - tune us
in or even call in to the station! (860) 489 -9033 <FONT SIZE=1><B>October 7&#184; 2002 3:29pm</B></FONT>
ringo -> ~ Why does 'Something Simple' get better every time I listen to
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 7&#184; 2002 3:22pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Thank you to the girls for a fun bachelorette party! I think
Ally had a good time! :) I have the camera and I will bring pictures to
the next gig! Until then take car e! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 7&#184;
2002 3:02pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ Hey, my weekly online cameo! This is really starting to trigger
me, I have got to figure out what's wrong with my computer. Anyway, we
had fun at Midnite Sun, Steve's Stag and of course t he amazing
Spaghetti Cake gig with Dr. Juice in Greenwich. What an inspirational
environment to play in, wish more gigs were like that. Also, welcome
to the family Master Banks, you sure are one lucky little pooch. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>October 7&#184; 2002 2 :27pm</B></FONT>
Flipper??? ~ I don't even know 'er!! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
7&#184; 2002 11:56am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ oops, Im sorry, I thought this was the Flipper board :p <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>October 6&#184; 2002 11:34pm</B></FONT>
Jeter ~ I shouldn't have invited Piazza over Friday night. Im not
trying to make excuses, but he injured my groin, and Soriano said his
ass was sore because Mike is so much bigger than me. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 7&#184; 2002 8:45am</B></FONT>
aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh ~ aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh make it
stop! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 6&#184; 2002 10:43pm</B></FONT>
THE 2002 NY YANKEES ~ Torre: Clueless; The rest of the coaches:
Toothless; Posada: Armless; Giambi: Ringless; Soriano: MVPless; Jeter:
Mariahless; Robin: Metsless; The Outfield: Hitless: Starting Pitching:
Youthless: The Bullpen: Pointless; The Bench: Useless; Not having to
sit thru 3.5 hrs of that bullshit because you have tkts to Ratdog in
the Beacon: Priceless!!! :) <p>And don't get all mad, muggsy. It's just
a joke. And a damned funny one at that!! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
6&#184; 2002 6:30pm</B></FONT>
muggs ~ yeah, well we lost, the pitching just wasn't there in the post
season, but taking parting shots at torre and wells? well that's just
stupid <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 6&#184; 2002 2:17pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Oooops, my assum,ption that the post was from a RS fan was
incorrect. Apologies to the Boston contingent. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
6&#184; 2002 12:54pm</B></FONT>
PLEASE TAKE NOTE ~ When I hav e something obnoxious to say, I DO NOT
post anonymously. After all, I'm trying to set an example for the
children & wouldn't want to appear cowardly. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
6&#184; 2002 11:16am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Congrats to the Angels. The far better team won!!! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>October 6&#184; 2002 11:10am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I'm not feeling well. I have little to live for. In fact I
have no life at all beyond pathetic idle idolitric worship of the
sportsguys thru whom I vicariously live my shallow i nsecure life or
what remains of it. For in fact I have no life at all. I shall move to
Boston now where the mob mentality of Red Sox Nation will help me
develop my anger & hatred so that I can again think that I have a life.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 6&#184; 2002 11:09am</B></FONT>
HEY MUGGSY ! <p> ~ David Wells gives the Yankees a quality PLAYOFF
start, as the Angels hit him for eight runs in just 4 2/3 innings.
<p>Although, he was real good down the September stretch against the
triple A tigers, orioles, white sox and devil rays.<p> THAAAAAAAA
YANKEES SUCK!<P> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 6&#184; 2002
i wanna know ~ Wha's the scoop with Steve's bachellor party? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>October 5&#184; 2002 12:46pm</B></FONT>
Muggsy ~ One time I w as watching my parent's dog lick his own ass, and
wondered what it must be like. I couldn't reach my own after several
failed attempts, so I licked my dogs ass instead. Sorry I missed you
folks, I couldn't make that fancy scene. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
5&#184; 2002 2:47am</B></FONT>
Bob Weir ~ paulie, cindy, mike & karen: see ya tomorrow...8th row
center...right? I'll try not to sweat and spit on y'all. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 5&#184; 2002 12:33am</B></FONT>
msp ~ I will gladly eat crow w/a big win tomo rrow. Make mine welles
done. I agree...a win tomorrow will simply prolong the inevitable. I
feel like a red sox fan except for the lack of anger. One good thing
about music, when it hits you feel no pain. Enjoy the w/e everyone!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 5&#184; 2002 12:30am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Also, I'm even more of a proponent of Wells than muggsy. I
thought he should have started Game 1. But at lesat they have him left
for an important game. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 4&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ LOL!! Nice work managing the lead the last two games, I must
say. Well, tomorrow may postpone the eventuality of this disappointing
end. Wells is a tough out in the post -season. Of course, I cannot see
them winning 2. And if they do (BIG BIG IF they do ), winning the next
round will be impossible. They look scared. It's really quite
embarrassing. The vaunted Yankees w/ flop sweat. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 4&#184; 2002 11:58pm</B></FONT>
CLUELESS Joe Torre<p> ~ nuff said <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 4&#184; 2002
P2P ~ Gonna be right here in Wolcott, rcw. No Ratdoggy for us tonight.
We're spending 100's tomorrow @ RD in NYC. And likewise the FD in TOR TON show. (203)879-4600 if you need to get in touch. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 4&#184; 2002 5:49pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ P2P - where do you think you and your flashy fashions may be
later this evening...? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 4&#184; 2002
Bernie ~ I am terrified of this man they call little pedro. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>October 4&#184; 2002 1:12pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I've been a naughty boy I let my knickers down. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 4&#184; 2002 12:47pm</B></FONT>
Ace Frehley ~ I may be wrinkley & old, but hey: At least I still can't
jam!!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 4&#184; 20 02 9:38am</B></FONT>
Brett ~ We are at Midnight Sun tonight. We are at Hoops the first
friday of November. If anyone needs tickets for Steves stag on
Saturday I will have them tonight. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 4&#184;
2002 8:51am</B></FONT>
muggsy ~ maybe i should re-name the book? WHY GREAT BASS PLAYERS DRINK
FOOLISH BEER? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 4&#184; 2002 8:49am</B></FONT>
where ~ are u guys playing tonight? on the radio they are advertising
Hoops & Hops but the tour dates say Torrington. <FONT SIZE=1><B>October 4&#184; 2002 8:42am</B></FONT>
Thanks! ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 3&#184; 2002 10:27pm</B></FONT>
kel ~ that one will still do the trick <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 3&#184;
2002 8:10am</B></FONT>
question ~ Thanks, but thats his old on changed, I'm looking for
the most recent! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 3&#184; 2002
kel ~ ewic is: <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 3&#184; 2002
Question ~ ...anyone know Eric from Creek...his email addy? !?! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>October 3&#184; 2002 6:07pm</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 3&#184; 2002 5:42pm</B></FONT >
muggsy ~ i`m a crew-slut <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 3&#184; 2002
muggsy ~ buzz, ya damn tattle -tale i think buzz referenced something i
said about people that drink budweiser being moron's, paulie knows i
have an issue with bud -brained fueled people, hence my novel, Why Smart
People Drink Stupid Beer <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 3&#184; 2002
BUZZ ~ <p>paulie, sk is calling you names on the creek page <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>October 3&#184; 2002 4:55pm</B></FONT>
Subliminal Messenger ~ Join the KISS army, Join the KISS Army, Join the
KISS army, <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 3&#184; 2002 2:42pm</B></FONT>
kevy ~ Congrats, Brett! Jeffie will be pumped.. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 3&#184; 2002 2:41pm</B></FONT>
Flipper Rich ~ Lets Party! Where? my house. When? Oct 12,2002.Yes its
time for the annual fall music,Good friends,Good drink and
3&#184; 2002 2:04pm</B></FONT>
Ouch! ~ Is anyone else picturing Baxter mo unting Bodhi? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 3&#184; 2002 1:16pm</B></FONT>
kelly ~ aw! congrats brett! can't wait to meet you banks! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>October 2&#184; 2002 10:46pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Brett, it was wonderful to meet Banks last night, he is
absolutely adorable! Also a hello to Mary and Mike! We missed you guys
after you left! Hope you all have a GREAT weekend! Take Care Flip Fans!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 3&#184; 2002 9:39am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ {{{{{Banks}}}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 3&#184; 2002
MorningChild ~ Welcome to the fam Banks - can't wait to meet you!
Congratulations Brett! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 3&#184; 2002
Jeter ~ Damn, we suck. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 3&#184; 2002
I would like to introduce the new member of our family....
Banks! He is two months old. I found him on the internet at a shelter
in Grand Rapids Michigan. Flew there and back yesterday. He has a
full bred Golden Retreiver mom and a Berniese (Baxter) dad. Well worth
the trip and everything. Youll see him soon I hope. Who's having the
last outdoor gathering? I'll chip in.. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
3&#184; 2002 12:00am</B></FONT>
FM ~
ELN, we are going to the Double Down tonite, so I`ll h ave the
gitter neck with me. Hope you can make it. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
2&#184; 2002 6:14pm</B></FONT>
Mike Scioscia ~ WE were lucky Roger was a bit off last night. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>October 2&#184; 2002 1:45pm</B></FONT>
Torre ~ We got lucky last ni ght. Don't count on us winning many more.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 2&#184; 2002 1:35pm</B></FONT>
Craig from Mystery Feet ~ That was NOT me that just posted that
gratuitous unsolicited plug of our show tonight at the Double Down
Grill, 5 East Main Street , Avon, CT, USA, starting at 9:30PM, with
special guest Bill Holloman on sax. I have more class than that. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>October 2&#184; 2002 1:34pm</B></FONT>
Nobody U No ~ Hey Muggsy...the Double Down Grill will be the ideal
place for you to see the Greatest Team In The History Of Baseball win
another one tonight! And as a bonus, you can groove to the awesome
sounds of MYSTERY FEET :). <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 2&#184; 2002
John Sterling ~ THEEEE YANKEES WIN!!!
SIZE=-1><B>October 2&#184; 2002 1:20pm</B></FONT>
Michael Kay ~ BERN BABY BERN!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 2&#184; 2002
Bernie<p> ~ I went BOOM ! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 2&#184; 2002
Bernie<P> ~ I went BOOM !<P> <FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 2&#184; 2002
muggsy ~ well yet another thrilling post -season win last night at the
home office of baseball, YANKEE STADIUM!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
2&#184; 2002 9:26am</B></FONT>
Jack ~ Yes, and I than k him for telling you that & you, Mark, for
heeding his medical advice. My south -end puckerer is all raw inside.
I'm a mere poke from hemorrhaging. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 1&#184;
2002 6:04pm</B></FONT>
Mark 84 ~ TKOTA, MSP, Muggziathan, Glenstar, Brettn ess...enjoy your
collective evenings! My work day has mercifully ended..."Doctor said
better stop balling that jack!" <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 1&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Never mind. It was Fearless Leader. It's on there now, Brett.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>October 1&#184; 2002 4:31pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Someone on this message board asked me for a copy of something
recently. It never made it to the list since I can't remember what it
is. If it was you, Email me a reminder. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
1&#184; 2002 4:30pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Someone on this message board asked me for a copy of something
recently. It never made it to the list since I can't remember what it
is. If it was you, Email me a reminder. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October
1&#184; 2002 4:29pm</B></ FONT>
P2P ~ LMF2PO!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 1&#184; 2002 3:19pm</B></FONT>
Zimmy ~ Their selling postcards of paulie 2 pants they painted mikey's
square pants black, the bar is full orf drunkards, Flipper Dave is back
in town, and in walks rcw she's l ooking like she wants to dance, one
hands tied to her cellphone the other is robert plants, and the bar
owner is looking restless he just quit doing blow and sk is wishing
brett would play desolation row! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 1&#184; 2002
Home Boy ~ Basketball jones, I got a basketball jones i got a
basketball jones so baby ooooooo ooo <FONT SIZE= -1><B>October 1&#184;
2002 9:27am</B></FONT>
ELN ~ Hey I may be boring but I'm alright with that. LOL. Hey ,what a
great sunday. Thanks f or all the crazy sounds. It was great to see
everybody. The DDG gig was egggggsellent too. The new cd rocks. Real
nice job. I've been wearing it out already. Mike S. , I am hoping to go
to the Midnight Sun show,but it is not a definate. If you are free
wednesday night sometime,I would come meet you somewhere. Maybe get a
couple beers. I am jonesing to play that guitar again. Call if that
sounds alright. 860-408-9213. If not that's no big deal,either. I'll
catch up with you sometime. I get inspired to play a fter watching you
all jam. For now I just dream of playing that well. Peace. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 30&#184; 2002 10:19pm</B></FONT>
the girl ~ thanks for a real good time saturday night... you know who
you are! even the outies! hehe... and glen and s uz - one of these days
i'll get it to you! love ya! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 30&#184; 2002
muggsy<p> ~ i post therefore i am <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 30&#184;
2002 5:56pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ hey, a rare online cameo! got my MAC back from the shop and
it's still kaput. damn. could be a few more weeks. Suz updated the
tour dates, so we're all good for now. planning to give the site an
overhaul when I get back online, too. thanks for a great weekend
everyone from DDG to THT. hope Bil ly Ray's was fun, I needed to get
reaquainted with my couch. Midnite Sun Cafe should be a good time this
weekend, hope to see the gang. And don't forget, a full -band Spaghetti
Cake gig on Sunday in Greenwich, CT at 4PM. it's all ages and free!
Peece!!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 30&#184; 2002 12:03pm</B></FONT>
muggsy ~ PAULIE, angus & allshouse, LOFL!!! and btw, i went to a
couple of places yesterday to buy rca cdr's and they didn't stock them,
where can i get those? and i concur, the fearless leader should play
let it grow, he should also do she belongs to me, which he promised me
he would if i got him the lyrics and a tape of the song, which, the
best one ever of course was the over the top 11 -8-85 version, do you
have that on sbd cd my vertically c hallenged friend? brett, excellent
wasted and i can't find my way home the other night, i was talking to
scott a at the beginning of it thinking it sounded a lot like it but it
wouldn't be that, and i asked him if mark had played it since he was in
the band and he said no, lsun, has it really been that long sinc MC
played that? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 30&#184; 2002
Bob Hope's Skinbag ~ I saw The Girl's innie. Put my finger in it, in
fact. Gggrrrrrrr!!! :) <p>But seriously, I gotta st op hangin' out at
Flipper shows. Two this weekend alone. Can't stop though. All the women
folk there make me feel like I'm 80 again. Ggggrrrrrrrr!!! <p>Anyone
know where I can get some prune flavored Jagermeister? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 30&#184; 2002 7 :00am</B></FONT>
Whats wrong with ~ "innies"? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 30&#184; 2002
Kelly ~ they are the real deal dentures. Im planning ahead for the
future, Brett <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 29&#184; 2002
kelly ~ had a blast last night... thanks guys!.. nice to see you
scott..and dennis, thanks for making it... you people all rock! brett,
how do you sing with those teeth?.. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
29&#184; 2002 5:42am</B></FONT>
the girl ~ way more innies t han outies there last night! (is that
right, mc?) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 29&#184; 2002 3:30pm</B></FONT>
B-Rays today!!! ~ Brett, Dennis, Mike, Johnathan
1><B>September 29&#184; 2002 1:26pm</B></FONT>
3 -7 <FONT SIZE=-
MC (yes, again) ~ How could I be so remiss? Thanks to MARY too! Great
hanging with you again too! And don't forget to start putting that
"instruction manual" together - LOL!!! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
29&#184; 2002 12:15pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Another fine evening out - thanks to all who made it so!
Starting off with da boys (AND their guests) for the tunes -yet another
oustanding performance! :>) Thanks too to Paulie and Cindy, The Girl,
Brian and of course, SK for the fun! What's your quote of the day
s'posed to be The Girl? Do you remember? ;>) Thanks for the laughs
all! 'Til we meet again - peace. :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
29&#184; 2002 12:12pm</B></FONT>
Brett ~ Dennis @ Scott thanks a whole lot. Dennis how about if you do
all the pickin today and I'll j ust sing. My fingers hurt. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 29&#184; 2002 11:15am</B></FONT> ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 29&#184; 2002
kevy ~ A galaxy far far away, looking for a full time gig and trying
to install a crapper in my 4runner. No rent! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 29&#184; 2002 11:18am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Great show last night. Lotsa fun, huh? Great to see Scotty A
out again. Angus & Allshouse. I'm not sure if that sounds like a name
for a steak house or a bath house. Or maybe a bath house where you can
have some beef while a hairy stranger in a towel tenderizes your pork!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 29&#184; 2002 11:13am</B></FONT>
Angus Young ~ Thanks to Flip for the jam tonite, and for taking it
easy on the Gold Bond. I bust out with Hives from that shit. Brett, if
you bust my balls onstage like that again, I'm gonna kill you and eat
you, and shit you out again. Then, after you've gone through the sewer
you'll end up in the ocean and a shark will bi te your remains in half.
Right when you think you got away, I'll be there in a boat when you
float to the top, and BAMM!! I'll smack you with the oar. Lets do it
again sometime. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 29&#184; 2002
ep ~ You are the men of the kick-ass sort. Revel onwward,,,,,Keep
smiling,,,, <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 29&#184; 2002 3:27am</B></FONT>
Brett ~ The Magnetos are opening for us tonight at 7:30. Is SK having
a pre party? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 28&#184; 2002 4:34pm</ B></FONT>
Paulie ~ And I wouldn't assume any *earlier* than 10:00. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 28&#184; 2002 4:09pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Hi LSun. I called. They told me cover starts @ 8:00 & w/b
either $4 or $5. See ya there.LSun
Other Short Guitarist ~ T hat's a definite MAYBE, if I can get there
from Australia by tonight, which is doubtful. Plus, I'm allergic to
Gold Bond, and those boys have enough on to choke a DONKEY. So if I
can't make it tongight, for those about to FLIP, we salute you. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>September 28&#184; 2002 2:52pm</B></FONT>
Brett ~ Dentists are for Quakers <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 28&#184;
2002 1:56pm</B></FONT>
MC (again) ~ Hoedown Brett? Does that mean the teeth are comin' out
again? LOL!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 28&#184; 2002
MorningChild ~ Don't sweat it Jess - no need to apologize! :>)
SIZE=-1><B>September 28&#184; 2002 1:52pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Is tonight gonna be an offical Fripper Dave show seeing as
how it's Confucius' 2552 BDay? <F ONT SIZE=-1><B>September 28&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ I certainly hope not.
2002 12:23pm</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 28&#184;
Bon Scott ~ Angus Young is going to play with Flipper tonight?Kev where
are you? Brett.
Jessica ~ Great show as usual last night boys! Had a wonderful time and
a hello and love to Mike, Morning Child and Karen! And I am sorry Karen
that last night it was your turn to be off your feet! I am also sorry
for overeacting at a certain point, hope no one was upset ! I will not
be able to make it to Hungry Tiger so I hope everyone has a good night
and I will (hopefully) see you all soon! Take Care Flip Fans!Brett
Kevy ~ nice second set,, Great sound Thanx <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
28&#184; 2002 11:34am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ LOL Paulie!! Missed you last night rcw ... loads of
thanks go out to Jess, Karen and Mike - for all of the fun and laughs
last night! :>) (Karen I hope your ankle feels better real soon!) To
the boys, you rock as ever! So ... rcw are ya headed out to the HT
tonight? How 'bout the girl? 'Til next time - peace. :>) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>September 28&#184; 2002 10:12am</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Cunning, in fact, I've been called
28&#184; 2002 9:11am</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
rcw ~ yes, P2P really is quite the linguist...the sunshine your funny
response was great! MC, should have come out to play..truck broke down,
so not too much moving done tonight!baiter
Paulie ~ Sitting here listening to the incredible Let It Grow from DP25
(5/10/78 - New Haven & 5/11/78 - Springfield, w/ the Grow from the
former), it strikes me that The Fearless Leader should venture into
that piece. It's quite complex, fo' sho', but what a mint selection it
would make sangweeched in a Rosa. Rosa > Growsa > Rosa!!! YOWSAH!!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 27&#184; 2002 7:03pm</B></FONT>
Bobby ~ Alright that's enough of that. The next one of you fuggers
that insinuates that I'm a fruity -tooty-oh-rooty is gonna get it from
me from behind!! And I'm not even gonna give ya a reach around. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>September 27&#184; 2002 6:18pm</B></FONT>
bob weir ~ i found it <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 27&#184; 2002
sk ~ i lost my manhood at spac 84 <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 27&#184;
2002 6:16pm</B></FONT>
SPAC's ~ I'd edge 84 ahead of 85 but otherwise concur. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 27&#184; 2002 5:23pm</B></FONT>
muggsy ~ actually if you had to rank spac shows, best first set ever
there was 1985, best 2nd set was 1983, but in order i'd say, 1983,
1988, 1985 and 1984, but 1984 was pretty good too <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 27&#184; 2002 5:15pm</B></FONT>
YABBADABBADOOOOOO!!!! ~ See ya all soon!
:>) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 27&#184; 2002 4:57pm</B></FONT>
LOL ~ ! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 27&#184; 2002 5:02pm</B></FONT>
Mark P. ~ SPAC 88...great show, but SPAC 84 kicks it's do I
know this, what with the subjectivity of music -n-all?...well, I saw my
SPAC 84 CD kick the ass of my SPAC 88 Tape one time...stomped its guts
and then put it in a ful l-glen-nelson! The knock-out punch being the
Satisfaction/Baby Blue encore. 'Nuff Said Boyyee! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 27&#184; 2002 4:22pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Yes, I'm positive that's not the 1st IWTYH. And as far as SPAC
88 goes, the Fingers tragedy notwithstanding, I think it's Dick's Picks
worthy. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 27&#184; 2002 3:50pm</B></FONT>
kelly ~ rain, rain, rain... i don't mind.. hey suz! perhaps i will see
ya there <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 27&#184; 2002 3:06pm</B></FONT>
cali ~ hi, something strange happened today. i got the new flipper cd
in the mail long with some stickers and a poster. i havent seen you
guys in years, cds great though, is this some sort of gift from god? or
do i owe some money? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 27&#184; 2002
muggsy ~ you sure that wasn't the first IWTYH? funny about that CF
paulie, for years i would cringe everytime i listened to that set b/c i
knew the flawed CF was coming, but i hadn't listened to the show in a
few years and was listening about a month ago and when CF started i was
waiting for the flaw, ready to cringe, but, while it was quite
horrible, it didn't last as long as i thought, and when they regrouped
from that disastor they finished it up strongly.........YEAH to su z on
saturday, it's been awhile, maybe i should give COOKIE MONSTER a call,
whaddya think? THE GREEN ALBUM REDUX? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
27&#184; 2002 2:50pm</B></FONT>
suz ~ I'd go and dance but I have school in Fairfield this weekend...
but I will be at Hungry Tiger... hope to see some of you there --xoxo
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 27&#184; 2002 2:25pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Actually, that is not the premiere of IWTYH. And I'm not gonna
disparage the tune. At least not to that level, though it wouldn' t be
my first thru 10th tunes to come out of Space (or anywhere else for
that matter). The Fingers train wreck was hugely horrible. But w/ Ra Cha-Cha and Oxford Show 1, the SPAC 88 forms one fine set of 3 shows.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 27&#184; 2002 1:1 3pm</B></FONT>
Rest up Brother Brett! ~ You've got a LONG weekend ahead of you!
See you soon! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 27&#184; 2002
Brett, ~ Ive never prayed for rain like I prayed for rain today! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>September 27&#184; 2002 12:42pm</B></FONT>
muggsy.....the actual real one ~ spac 88, great 2nd set, except for the
30 seconds of flubbed/flawed crazy fingers, but the scar>fire was great
and it's one of the best stella blues ever and one of the best gdtrfb's
ever, but it also was the debut of i will take you home which sucked
dead donkey dick <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 27&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ SPAC 88 - pretty good show. Nice 1st set. Decent Scar/Fire.
And an okay Stella too, I guess. Certainly not of the quality that
Warren regularly puts out (right muggsy?), but okay nonetheless. ;^)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 27&#184; 2002 12:15pm</B></FONT>
Browser ~ fix <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 27&#184; 2002
muggsy ~ Juliet? i think i r emember you, did you not give my anal curl
a whirly and ask me if i needed a ride, when i was blinded by the
light? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 26&#184; 2002 6:31pm</B></FONT>
muggsy ~ Juliet? i think i remember you, did not give my anal curl a
whirly and ask me if i needed a ride, when i was blinded by the light?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 26&#184; 2002 6:31pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ MC, I'll easily be convinced <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
26&#184; 2002 5:09pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ old addy still ok for now P2P - will keep you updated
rcw ~ not sure yet the middle of the big move north :p will try my hardest! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 26&#184; 2002
Juliet in Acctg at The Travelers ~ Muggsy, Muggsy why for art thou
chubbsy? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 26&#184; 2002 1:09pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ You bet I'll be there fer sure Jess! A shot and dancing
sounds like just what I need this week! (I might even be easily
convinced to do more than 1 shot !!) :>) How 'bou t it rcw? The Girl?
Are you gals in? Hope to see you all there! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
26&#184; 2002 12:27pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Thanks Suzy Q.! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 26&#184; 2002
Jessica ~ Hey Flip Fans! Haven't been on in a long while and very
excited for the return to Double Down Grille! Hopefully I will be on my
feet this time around :)! Are any of the dancing ladies going to grace
us with their presence?! MC, rcw, the girl?! We could do a shot and a
dance :)! Until then, take care! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 26&#184;
2002 12:30pm</B></FONT>
suz ~ Hey Everyone I just updated the Tour Dates page... Once again and
Finally this page will always be up to date with the CORRECT DATE
INFORMATION by the minute!!!. Due to Compu ter melt downs in the Flipper
Family we had trouble updating. Sorry for the inconvience this
neglected page caused anyone! xoxo <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 26&#184;
2002 10:17am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ These new red pumps i bought are hurting my feet! <FONT SI ZE=1><B>September 26&#184; 2002 9:32am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Kevy, it's probably easier if you mail it to me. No hurry
whatsoever. I have the new orig. I plan to put ithe old #2 in a Party
Pack which is just a hodgepodge of various stuff. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 26&#184; 2002 7:44am</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Do I just give the other no.2 cd back Paulie? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 25&#184; 2002 7:04pm</B></FONT>
Friday September 27- Double Down Grill, Avon CT ... Saturday September
28-The Hungry Tiger, Manches ter CT ~ <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
25&#184; 2002 6:07pm</B></FONT>
Brett ~ Dear curious, you can achieve delay using a talkbox by either
puting delay on your guitar or on the pa that your mic is going
through. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 25&#184; 2002 6 :03pm</B></FONT>
Or inserted... ~ ...a cancer kazoo into a pink box? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 25&#184; 2002 4:39pm</B></FONT>
curious ~ What would happen if you fed a talk box through a delay? or
delay through a talk box? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 25&#184; 2002
ames ~ Pickle- R U going to Sully's tonite? If u go, I'll bring u your
jacket & can you bring my pickles? That would be great. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 25&#184; 2002 2:34pm</B></FONT>
MZ ~ Muggsy's Row <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 25&#184; 2002
muggsy ~ in regards to would not know to look at
him he was famous a month ago, for giving out all those jello shots at
the beach party show, ............anyone out there swift enough
(besides the marino bros.) to know what song i borrowed that line from?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 25&#184; 2002 10:50am</B></FONT>
wow ~ that guy crashed hard. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 25&#184; 2002
Brett ~ If the guy is out there who lost a n arm to his oakleys during a
balloon at my party... I found it. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 25&#184;
2002 8:16am</B></FONT>
Or is it.... ~ "Come let the weekend finish YOU off!"
see you're back among us Brett! ;>)
Have a nice day all!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 25&#184; 2002 8:14am</B></FONT>
Glad to
MC :>)
DON'T FORGET - ~ This Friday Flipper Dave is at The Double Down Grill
in Avon, Saturday at The Hungry Tiger in Manchester, and then come
finish your weekend off with Brett & Friends Sunda y at Billy
Rays.......... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 25&#184; 2002
brett ~ immmmmmm baaaakkkkkkkkkk!
love Brett <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 24&#184; 2002 10:10pm</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ In CT. Packing up the car at the old place and makin g a trip
up to the new place later. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 24&#184; 2002
Gus The Tranny ~ I'm looking for a few good men. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 24&#184; 2002 2:21pm</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ Ames, that is mine. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 24&#184; 2002
ames ~
Who let me borrow their blue fleece Polo jacket w/ a brown
collar at Flip Fest? Thank you & I'll get it back to whoever. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>September 24&#184; 2002 12:56pm</B></FONT>
ep ~ Opps , Catch you at t he double dare!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
23&#184; 2002 11:57pm</B></FONT>
ep ~ I wish there was a sshow this weekend!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
23&#184; 2002 11:55pm</B></FONT>
muggsy ~ you people just have to try this, and no i don`t work for them
<br> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 23&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Kevy, replacement CD in. Email OTW. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
23&#184; 2002 5:21pm</B></FONT>
Gus The Tranny ~ Any of you fella's plan on being at the show Friday
night? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 23&#184; 2002 5:11pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ muggsy, the Philips User Manual & a almost blank "test"
Digital Audio (Durabrand, which the burner likes somewhat, but not like
RCA's, which it gets bonage over) CD OTW to M an Chest Her tamale. When
it gets there, call me & we'll have a little lesson. :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 23&#184; 2002 4:42pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ LOL!! IMO Wells should start Game 1. He's been almost
unhittable. *And* the team usually scores *scores* of runs for him.
<p>Kevy, I plan to have the 2nd CD replaced soon. When it gets here,
I'll make you a reburn of it so that the minute of digi -skips is out of
both of our lives. At this point, it's only out of mine. I'll Email you
when it gets here & we can trade the reburn for the DP & use the latter
as Party Pack Fodder. Sound good? Oh, and you're more than
welcome...anytime! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 23&#184; 2002
Kevy ~ Enjoying my Dick's pix,thank you <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
23&#184; 2002 4:05pm</B></FONT>
muggsy ~ hey msp, just admit you were way way wrong about wells, even
paulie will admit it when he's wrong, in frequent as that may be <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>September 23&#184; 2002 4:04pm</B></FONT>
And is there not a B&F in BR' s on Sun, 9/28 ~ ? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 23&#184; 2002 2:59pm</B></FONT>
Friday September 27- Double Down Grill, Avon CT ... Saturday September
28-The Hungry Tiger, Manchester CT ~ <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
23&#184; 2002 2:25pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ hi, everybody!! my God, it's been over a month and I am still
offline!! glad to see there's a lot going on in here tho. as soon as
my computer is fixed (hopefully in a week or two) I promise to have the
tour dates page updated ASAP. In the meantime, co ntinue to check the
Flip-Fone at 860-482-2003 or just keep checking in here for updates.
(Thanks RCW for keeping helping me out wit dat.) we have a big weekend
coming up so I hope to see everybody soon!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
23&#184; 2002 2:23pm</B ></FONT>
msp ~ Brett, Mike Sherman, Dennis & Mike Rau....Great show yesterday!!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 23&#184; 2002 12:11pm</B></FONT>
msp<p> ~ Brett, Mike Sherman, Dennis & Mike Rau....Great show
yesterday!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 23&#184; 20 02
LOL!! ~ Too many muggsy's (too many muggsy's) <p>Too many muggsy's now
(too many muggsy's) <p>Too many muggsy's, makin' me crazy, their fuggin
w/ fire!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 23&#184; 2002 9:28am</B></FONT>
muggsy ~ nice seeing the paulie family out and about yesterday, and
thnaks for the burner, i plan to sell lots of cd's and make lots of
money off of it <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 23&#184; 2002
BUZZ<br> ~ SUE (of glen and sue) we talked about sunflowers at the jam
food Cd release party and i told you about a field of sunflowers in
watertown ( because of your great artwork ) they are blooming now, on
route 6 heading west to woodbury from watertown just after youngs dairy
farm and just before the woodbury boar der ( look to yout right), its a
great picture or painting opertunity for anyone <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 22&#184; 2002 5:23pm</B></FONT>
Newsdesk: ~ Brett n' Fanch today at Billy Ray's acoustic jam, Mike Rau
for Dr. Juice on drums, Mike Sherman on bass . <FONT SIZE=1><B>September 22&#184; 2002 12:51pm</B></FONT>
Dennis ~ Nice to see all you Flipsters at the Little City Juice gig
last night, and thanks for the cd and making me sound good on it!
Peace. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 22&#184; 2002 2:39am</B>< /FONT>
rcw ~ Jen - pickles in NH till Sunday - call his cell 860-995-3223
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 21&#184; 2002 9:54am</B></FONT>
Yep - Kevy wins!
:>) ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 21&#184; 2002
Jen (Steve Clement's Jen) ~ Hey the re Pickle!! I was wondering if you
were intersted in a joint venture (I gots cheese) ...Contact me if you
want to hook up!LOL!!!
Kevy ~ Um Hello James Brown...C'mon now <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
20&#184; 2002 5:51pm</B></FONT>
The Rastmon Sensation ~ Ja h mon!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>May 11&#184; 81
Jerry ~ What are you guys complaining about. It's taken over 7 years
for my post to get here. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 9&#184; 95
BROWSER ~ screwed up again(grrrr)!!!!!!!!!!!! < FONT SIZE=1><B>September 20&#184; 2002 5:00pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ And you did it again. Just another in a long list of examples
which contradict the widely held & inaccurate theory that time is an
irreversible, inalterable continuum. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
20&#184; 2002 5:07pm</B></FONT>
Neat how I did that isn't it - CD? ~ Please advise when you've
determined the name of the song you're lookin' for ... I'd be
interested in hearing the actual name! :>) Signed -- CM <FONT SIZE=1><B>September 20&#184; 2002 4:22pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Not only do you give up too quickly. But your post of
submission after having read my response checks in at 4:14, exactly 6
minutes before my answer. Strange??? YOU BET!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 20&#184; 2002 4:26pm </B></FONT>
Sorry - I give up then.... ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 20&#184; 2002
Nope ~ Different vamp <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 20&#184; 2002
MC ~ They defnitely work in a bit of Maceo Parker's "Elephant Stepped
on My Foot" during Sex Machine - not sure if that's what you're
thinking of though! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 20&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ I thought it was Maceo myself, but the actual tune...I'm at a
loss... Thanks for the confirm, rcw. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September
20&#184; 2002 1:03pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ its on the tip of my tongue..not sure, but maybe Maceo or the
Meters..? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 20&#184; 2002 12:34am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I mean "Sex Machine". Still need the info if anyone k nows from
whence that little vamp is derived. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 20&#184;
2002 11:49am</B></FONT>
kelly ~ i agree ep.. my favorite on the disc! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 20&#184; 2002 10:06am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Who knows the name of the vamp th at FD sometimes plays in Love
Machine (& certainly at the beach Party) that goes "Groove, what's that
you're doin'? Sure looks good to me." <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
20&#184; 2002 9:06am</B></FONT>
FOR SOME REASON ~ This forum gets all out of whack on my browser
sometimes until I post a msg. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 20&#184; 2002
Picks (again) ~ Oppppps, the GVF is at Sullys (that would
help)....Randy say's he will Funke it up for sure.... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 20&#184; 2002 1:10 am</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <br>Now you gotta admit, that's funny...been wanting to try
that one for a while!! And, while I got you attention, check out the
"Grapes of Vaudevillan Fantasy" tomorrow after that stage east gig. I
do believe it is their first tim e in the Hartford area, so lets show
them a great WELCOME!!!<br> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 20&#184; 2002
He he..Playing ~ <br>>> -}:{-><p> <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 20&#184;
2002 1:00am</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <br>Sorry...just had to laugh at a JOKE!!!<p> <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 20&#184; 2002 12:56am</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <p>HA<p> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 20&#184; 2002
ep ~ That Haggerd Merl on the new disc kicks ass!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 20&#184; 2002 12:34a m</B></FONT>
msp ~ oops <p>
19&#184; 2002 11:41pm</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
msp ~ BRUCE!!!! send me your email addy please. I need to get you the
covers for the JGB & Ratdog shows I gave you at
Brettwoods....<p>Meliss a
Sarah ~ Paulie....isn't that 3 words?!?! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
19&#184; 2002 9:38pm</B></FONT>
suz ~ I love brettwoods --xo luv -stranded from the internet... broken
computer.... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 19&#184; 2002 8:23pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ<p> ~ sk your repeating yourself, and i heard paulie use that line
at the petting zoo at the naugatuck valley mall in 1967 when he had
that billy preston afro and the mr. clean ear -ring <FONT SIZE=1><B>September 19&#184; 2002 8:05pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ You'd be amazed what my dog will lick if you put maple syrup on
it. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 19&#184; 2002 7:29pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ We're listening to the Beach Party Flipper show as I type.
Regarding the performance & particularly Brett Conners' (including w/
PSB) that night - 2 words: En Fuggin Feugo!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
19&#184; 2002 6:44pm</B></FONT>
Hahahahahaha<br> ~ Mr. Smooth Hand ! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
19&#184; 2002 6:09pm</B></FONT>
muggsy ~ geez, ramble on hershiser <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 19&#184;
2002 5:44pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Can't ya read, Jager? rcw clearly says sk's "funny"...whatever
that your treat for this shared task. If she was telling him
that he is funny, she'd have used the contraction "you're", as in "you
are". Instead, I think she's telling us here as membership (and clearly
I only speculate, as I have no insider info) that sk's "little muggsy",
so to speak, is "funny". Kinda like in Goodfellas when that shortly
thereafter dead kid tells the Pesci characte r (Paulie???) that he's
funny. rcw is most likely saying that sk's muggsy makes her laugh. I
could also speculate why this is the case, but I think we already have
a good idea, don't you? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 19&#184; 2002
jager-keis ~ Well? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 19&#184; 2002
rcw ~ your funny sunshine :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 19&#184; 2002
muggsy ~ what's in it for keith? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 19&#184;
2002 12:17pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ keith - wanna come help me paint this weekend..? Ill be in touch
:D <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 18&#184; 2002 9:49pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Kevy, I need your Email addy & snail addy ASAP. I ahve a pkg
for you. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 19&#184; 2002 8:5 4am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Thanks for the update on the dates J -K!
SIZE=-1><B>September 19&#184; 2002 7:51am</B></FONT>
:>) <FONT
Dennis ~ Muggsy, some people have the power to be the only one to NOT
see the posts on the Dr. Juice Forum. You were obv iously born into it.
Relish it. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 18&#184; 2002 7:12pm</B></FONT>
jager-keis ~ forgot the J (triggered me) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
18&#184; 2002 6:39pm</B></FONT>
ager-keis ~ DATES we go...Sept.20 Stage east 9:30
start.Sun.Sept.22 Brett and friends@B -Rays. Fri.Sept27@Double Down.
Sat.Sept28@Hungry Tiger. Sun.Sept.29@B -Ray's. Fri.Oct.4@Midnight sun.
Fri.Oct11@Berkshire Blues/with Rev Tor in Mass(see Tor's site Sat.Oct12.Party in the Berkshires at FLIPP ER RICH'S
MARRIED.....Fri.Oct.25@Double Down(with Rev Tor).Fri.Nov.1@Hoops and
Hops.Fri.Nov.8@Dittos(in litchfield
ct.)Thurs.Nov.28(Thanksgiving)@Double Down.Fri.Nov.29@B -Rays...REMEMBER
muggsy ~ and besides paulie i just the way you fill up your BVDs <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>September 18&#184; 2002 6:26pm</B></FONT>
MC ~ Well, that just goes straight into the "what the hell does she
know" category!
I know it's tough to pull yourself together after
such a crushing experience but do your best - just remember we all love
you! ;>) (LOL!!) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 18&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Thank you, Muggsy. And you are correct, MC. I got the distinct
impression that she thought me a Dill Dew. Crushed I was. LOL! :) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>September 18&#184; 2002 5:40pm</B></FONT>
muggsy ~ some people are born into greatness, others have greatness
thrust upon them, stil l, others attain greatness, you sir, while not
seeking power, have elements of all 3, and on top of that you're funny,
it's time to cease the day, carpe diem, a bloodless coup, if you will
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 18&#184; 2002 5:22pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Didn't we decide that you were a diplomat Paulie? (Her
name escapes me too but I remember said conversation well - I believe
it occured whilst we were sharing the JELLO love if I'm not mistaken!)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 18&#184; 2002 5:1 2pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Well, my leadership skills are obviously beyond reproach. But
despite what that woman at the FlipFest whose name escapes me may have
suggested, I am not into powr. Nor do I have a big ego, right Muggsy?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 18&#184; 2002 5:17pm</B></FONT>
Muggsy ~ we should have a flipper vote, if we had to have one of the
marino bros. run the country which one should it be? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 18&#184; 2002 3:53pm</B></FONT>
Pahsmee Ahn-Apken ~ That reminds me of the Arabians back at the oasis
eating their dates. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 18&#184; 2002
James T Kirk ~ MUST.........HAVE..........DATES!!!!!!!!Get on with it!
~ No rush - just a curiosity factor - sorry if I sounded
like a nudge! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 17&#184; 2002
Due to technical difficulties being ~ experienced by both the Nelsons
and Brett, can anyone provide FD date updates (thank you Tor for your
earlier posting)? Or are the dates being shown now in the "tour dates"
section the only ones that actually exist?
How 'bout the traditional
last Friday of the month at DDG on the 27th?
Maybe someone could get
the dates from Glen, Suz, Brett and/or Tam and post 'em on the forum
until said technical difficulties are resolved? Just a suggestion wouldn't wanna miss anything!
Thanks! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
17&#184; 2002 11:59am</B></FONT>
FLIPPER NEWS DESK - ~ Please note - This Saturdays Kat Krooner Benefit
has been cancelled. However make su re to come out Friday to Stage East
for the live taping of "Life as We Know It" - This is a 21 and over
show - Flipper Dave will be the second of 4 acts performing, so make
sure to be early :D For more Details check out the link on the Tour
Dates page <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 16&#184; 2002 10:44pm</B></FONT>
kelly ~ NICE! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 16&#184; 2002
woodie ~ kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly
kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly k elly kelly kelly
kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly
kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kellykelly kelly kelly kelly
kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly
kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly
kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly
kelly kellykelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly
kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly
kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly
kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly
kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly
kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kel ly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly kelly
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 16&#184; 2002 10:30pm</B></FONT>
kelly ~ hehe buzz.. nice set list ya played <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
16&#184; 2002 9:40pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ<p> ~ Wow, flipper does have a web page, cool <F ONT SIZE=1><B>September 16&#184; 2002 5:45pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Does anybody who was at Flip Fest know the guy who referred to
himself as "shaggy"? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 16&#184; 2002
Groove ~ Lost a pair of Mirrored Nikon Sunglas ses at Brettwoods (glass
purple/multi color mirrored lenses and gunmetal frames) If any one has
seen these and can get them back to me I would sooo appreciate it.
( <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 16&#184; 2002
Groove ~ Great party...Thanks Brett, very well done. Elliott is still
very sorry about yackin in yer
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
16&#184; 2002 2:40pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ No sweat Jess - us jello girls gotta stick together
after all! :>) To Paulie - it was my pleasure - anytime you wanna see
it, you just let me know! ;>) Thanks again to everyone - can't wait
for next year! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 16&#184; 2002
BUZZ ~ The set list for BUZZ & His Sordid Past was: Ba ckdoor Man > The
Colonoscopy Kid > Backdoor Man, Me & My Uncle, Colon Comrade, Breasts &
Thighs, Not Fade Away > Anal Adventures > Not Fade Away <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 16&#184; 2002 11:32am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Ooops! A hello to Chris, Crystal,Brenda, Donna and Eric! Also
thanks to Forrest for just being him! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
16&#184; 2002 10:20am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ What a FLIP FEST! Thanks to all my coaster Girls for the ride
that never seemed to stop:)! A special thanks to the Marino's o nce
again! To Steve and Jen it was great to see you both again and send a
"Hi" from me to sister Sue! The vibe that night was unbelievable and so
nice to see old friends and make some new ones! And to NYC Andrew I am
truly sorry about the glasses! And than ks to MC and Karen for sticking
up for me during the marshmallow fiasco :)! And to Kim and her daughter
for listening :)! A Great big THANKS to Brett for being a host to a
party that never ended! To groove for the many hugs! And also to George
and Cathy for understanding! :) To rev Tor, Steve, and Flip for the
Tunes! Oh, a Hello to Amanda and Rob in hopes I will see you both very
soon! And Thank You everyone that was so nice to Gilby because he
definitely enjoyed himself! To anyone who I forgot I am sorry b ut I had
one to many jello shots :)! Have a wonderful week Flip Fans! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>September 16&#184; 2002 10:17am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Kevy, please Email me your mailing addy. Both msp & I have
pkg's pending soon for ya (Jer Tree & a little something,
respectively). <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 16&#184;
2002 9:20am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ well, what a party! Thanks to everyone who helped make Brettwoods
such a great day, and a special thanks to Brett and KindSteve for the
Malayna ;) - Waited a long time for that one! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 15&#184; 2002 8:28pm</B></FONT>
kindsteve ~ FF4 was a helluva bash! Thanks to everyone involved --Jen
and I had a blast. And if you left early, the late night acoustic jam
(especially Gin and Juice, Na talie, Man of Constant Sorrow from O
Brother, Where Art Thou?). Good times. The FlipFans are too cool. We'll
see you soon, I'm sure... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 15&#184; 2002
Schugrass ~ What a flippin' great weekend.
address? mikeschuster3@attbi.comSarah
Robin, what's yo ur email
Al ~ Hey Brett, Just wanted to say thanks. The party was a great. E O
Fossy..................................... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
15&#184; 2002 6:49pm</B></FONT>
kelly ~ thank you brett! for a rea l good time.. nice to be with you
all! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 15&#184; 2002 2:27pm</B></FONT>
And Rev ~ The goof was pretty
you were just goofing on me &
sent your posse to ask me the
SIZE=-1><B>September 15&#184;
cool. At least once I figured out that
not reprimanding me. And later when you
same question - now THAT was funny. <FONT
2002 1:20pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ What a great party. The musical highlight for me was watching
the Steve & Flips set. Loved that stuff. Hope to get to party w/ Steve
& Jen again sometime. And thanks to The Girl for makin' funna me. Twas
cool. Perhaps I should call you Funny Girl. Also, the other three Jello
Dancin' Girls (rcw, Jessica & AM). You were all HOUSE!! Particular
thanks go out to Mornin'. She was lotsa fun too. Tha nks for showing me
your craw. It's cute :) Thanks to all the great musicians for making
the sounds. And to rcw for noticing that the woman guitarist/vocalist
(name???) mic needed EQ'g. That's a good job. Nice meeting Christopher
& Crystal - they sure don't look or act or smell like hillbillies. And,
Kimmy, sorry about my idiotic end of the night familial F -up. [ASIDE:
WOW!! Heavy on the hangin' w/ babes, huh? Well, I may be a perv, but
I'm surely a flaming heterosexual perv. :) Time to balance the
gendahs.] Thanks to Bruce for the G/G compilation. And to Officer Obie
for not bustin' Brett & Tam. And, of course, to Brett & fam for
throwing the magnificent bash. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 15&#184;
2002 1:16pm</B></FONT>
Reverend ~ Thank you Flipsters for let ting me jam yesterday. A real
good time! Dennis, we missed ya bro! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
15&#184; 2002 1:01pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Thanks to all who helped make yet another Brettwoods
Flipfest a success - HUGE thanks go of course to our host - Brett, ya
sure know how to throw a rager! :>) To the fabulous Marino's - THANK
YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for the JELLO goodies! To my dancing, coater
ridin' sistahs - thanks for sharing the ride girls - you all always
make it so much nicer! :>) Steve & Brett - thanks for Tangled - MZ sorry you missed it! Hoping to see you all in a couple weeks - 'til
then - peace! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 15&#184; 2002
Dennis ~ My apologies to anyone who went to Brettwoods to see Dr. Juice
play, there were circumstances out of my control which led to half the
band not being there. Sorry if we let anyone down. (((Vibes))) to Joe
O'Brien who is going through some rough times right now. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 15&#184; 2002 3:12am</B></FONT >
muggsy ~ *sigh* no one even noticed i was wearing my sisters panties
last night <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 14&#184; 2002 4:27pm</B></FONT>
Nikki ~ Hey guys, what's up? I was just wondering if the shows at the
Midnight Sun were 18 and older or 21 and ol der? Does any one know?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 14&#184; 2002 1:36pm</B></FONT>
JeCy ~ Brettwoods HERE I COME ! ! ! ! ! what a lovely day for a party
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 14&#184; 2002 1:05pm</B></FONT>
Reverend ~ Also, I know Glen is still of f line and has not been able to
update the tour dates page so I want to take this opportunity to plug a
few upcoming Flipper Dave/Rev Tor shows: Friday October 11 Harvest
Jamboree with Rev Tor Band & Flipper Dave at The Berkshire Blues Cafe'
Rt 102, Lee MA (just of exit 2 on the Mass Pike). Big Room, HUGE stage.
Both band's full gear will be set up. Sets will melt into each other.
Then The Rev Tor Band will join Flipper at The Double Down on October
25th. Too much fun!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 13&#184; 2002
Reverend ~ Hey all, looking forward to tomorrow! I will be coming down
with my favorite band from the Berkshires. A kick ass group called Reed
St. I just spoke with Brett and it looks like he will be able to
squeeze us in for a qui ck Rev Tor & Reed St set. See ya all at
Brettwoods. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 13&#184; 2002 5:16pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ YABBA DABBA DOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
See ya all soon!!
:>) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 13&#184; 2002 4:59pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ that was not me below ! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 13&#184; 2002
BUZZ ~ My new band, BUZZ & His Sordid Past will make it's debut
tomorrow at Brettwoods. Our new single, Colonic Slime will be
available for purchase. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 13&#184; 2002
rcw ~ thank you Sunshine...I will miss you though ;) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 13&#184; 2002 4:34am</B></FONT>
msp<p> ~ how 'bout me?<p>:)<p> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 13&#184; 2002
muggsy ~ i take it back, she is not lame, not even close, and i
formally apologize to the esteemed rcw <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
13&#184; 2002 3:53pm</B></FONT>
muggsy ~ you're the lame one rcw!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 13&#184;
2002 2:25pm</B></FONT>
SIZE=-1><B>September 13&#184; 2002 2:10pm</B></FONT>
The People ~ MSP for President! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 13&#184;
2002 1:56pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ lol :D - Mugsy, your so lame......I say NO golf. ..come have Jello
with the girls ;) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 13&#184; 2002
msp<p> ~ muggsy...I would rather be knee -deep in dog shit shoveling pig
vomit than spend a day on the golf course. As far as the baseball
discussion you choose to repeatedly regurgitate, Iâ €(tm)m not
responding except to say, feel free to go F yourself with a putter. <p>
:-) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 13&#184; 2002 1:22pm</B></FONT>
muggsy ~ hey msp, i need caddy for the afternoon, last time you
caddied for me you complained about the tip, geez, 4 bits doesn't go
really far these days, and you sir know nothing about baseball,
nothing!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 13&#184; 2002 12:01pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ Ill HALLELUJAH for Jello :D
2002 11:34pm</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 12&#184;
THE VISITOR ~ Let me tell you about Jell -o, one time tiny tiny
leprechauns erupted from my ass and once they started running around
the hospital bed they ate my hospital Jell -o and started to vomit up
the Jell-o all over the hospital room. The nurse blamed me for it but
I told them I only eat beef tacos, in the spring breezes. They gave me
manganeseum sulfateaterate and then I threw up and sure enough it was
beef tacos. hospital beef tacos. So I said, See? I told you.
SIZE=-1><B>September 13&#184; 2002 11:21am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!
Marino's RULE!!!!! Coaster's ramped
and ready-to-go ladies!!!!!! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 13&#184;
2002 11:07am</B></FONT>
HALLELUJAH ~ <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 13&#184; 2002
msp<p> ~ hey muggsy....go golfing <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 13&#184;
2002 11:01am</B></FONT>
msp<p> ~ And the flipper board said, "let there be jello" and there was
jello. <p> can I get a HALLELUJAH ! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 13&#184;
2002 10:59am</B></FONT>
Will Dance for JELLO!!! ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 13&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Jello??? No worries. Bring on the dancing girls!!! :)Confused
Paulie ~ Hold the hair and pass the mayo. <FON T SIZE=-1><B>September
13&#184; 2002 9:10am</B></FONT>
muggsy ~ hey msp (aka housedick), has wells lost ever since you dissed
and dismissed him? stick to football you budweiser -swilling communist
bastid! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 13&#184; 2002 9:08am</B ></FONT>
Paulie ~ I have a beard. I'm not *that* old. Though I do remember when
the The Other Ones Sea was called The Dead Sea. <p>Back then,
Southington Mountain Girl & msp & Karen & me - we used to sit on our
CApital Lawn in Belttown. And Mikey, the kin d he would light and which
he share w/ us. See there was no Nine Eleven, and less sec -ur-ity. But
then came cameras. And Eight -Nine-Ninety-Five. So dry your tears, I
say... ...No Jerry no die... ...No Jerry no die. <p>But I digress...
<p>...I have no fro n eider. And NO Babushka! BLECH! That's nasty...
<p>But I digress... <p>...I, much like our astute poet Oglen Gash
himself, didn't witness the Gordon/Rider set. I *generally* don't like
dualing basses. I once saw this tastefully done w/ Rob Wasserman & Les
Claypool during the end of a Les set seamlessly into the Ratdoggy set
(6/24/00 - GOTV), and then later again in the RD set. But usually, this
comes off busy. Muddy even. All reports indicate that this was not the
case in Wormtown. I'd love to hear the tape. <p>Didja enjoy the song
parody? I hope so. I also wrote the lyrics to Tequila, ya know. But NO
Babushka! BLECH! That's nasty... <p>But I digress... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 13&#184; 2002 9:06am</B></FONT>
BRETTWOODS UPDATE<p> ~ a lovely day for hittin g the links <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 13&#184; 2002 9:07am</B></FONT>
PS... ~ Brettwood Amphitheatre is located at 36 Cotton Hill Road,
Bakersville CT, right off rt 202. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 12&#184;
2002 8:53pm</B></FONT>
BRETTWOODS UPDATE: ~ Sat urday, September 14th...Kids, Coolers, Camping,
and Friendly dogs welcome :D Music begins at 2:30 with a very special
accoustic set by Steve Clements (The Kind) and friends followed by a
Flipper accoustic set from 4 - 6.ep
Chrispy Chritta!!!! ~ Very sorr y to hera about WArren Zevon, one of my
true favorite singer/songwriters, hope his body is as tough as his
riffs, ANYONE got any directions/important info bout Flipfest?? Its my
first so go easy...Paulie are you the dude with the big ol beard and
fro I always say hi to at Creek? CYA's!!!"THE MINIBIKE SONG"!!!!!!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 12&#184; 2002 10:23pm</B></FONT>
the girl ~ say it isn't so! no jello shots? is this true? i don't
believe it... well, girls... we'll have to remedy that if it is indee d
true... this coaster is ready for a cruise... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 12&#184; 2002 8:54pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ {{{Warren Zevon}}} Singer -songwriter Warren Zevon, best known
for quirky hits like "Werewolves of London," has been diagnosed with
inoperable lung cancer, a spokeswoman said Thursday. Paulie
Paulie ~ This round will go on as usual. However, the interest in the
Trees has greatly diminished. There have been months where, as admin,
I've had more burning to do for just the seeder(s) & branches than
either branch. And this month, w/ it being an FD Tree and my
responsibilities limited to 6 copies or parts thereof (3 branches, 1
seeder, 1 Miracle, 1 Reconfiguration), I was still @ an equal # to the
applications rec'd. Hence, the decision. I'm sure that there'll still
be plenty of shows afoot in one way or the other. rcw & msp are
unbelieveable like that!Jessica
msp<p> ~ now I have to return the 500 blank cdr's I just bought. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>September 12&#184; 2002 4:26pm</B></FONT>
msp<p> ~ As if that's not bad enough, no more jello shots either!!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 12&#184; 2002 4:23pm</B></FONT>
NOOOO ~ Say It Ain't So! No more Miracles?!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
12&#184; 2002 4:19pm</B></FONT>
911 MIRACLE TREE UPDATE ~ Looks like interest has all dried up. Not
just for this round, but for the project in general. We'll put a cap on
this one now & have this be the last of the Marino Brothers & Sistah
Robin Monthly Miracle Trees. Thanks one & all for playing low these
past 16 or something months. Jill, we don't need an additional branch
after all. You're in as the final Leaf. msp & rw, Structure
forthcoming. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 12&#184; 2002 4:13pm</B></FONT>
Oglen Gash ~ Wasn't there <p>Cannot say <p>But dualin' basses <p>Is
kinda Gay. ;^)BUZZ
muggsy ~ he did let him play, why should he step down, it's his band
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 12&#184; 2002 3:04pm</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Yes Mike G. Made an appearance. Why cant J.R. Step down and let
the man play? Grr <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 12&#184; 2002
msp<p> ~ check this out<p> <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 12&#184; 2002 2:05pm</B></FONT>
muggsy ~ not going to happen, my plans are etched in stone <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 12&#184; 2002 11:59am< /B></FONT>
Mr. OP/ED ~ Screw the brewfest - go to Brettwoods! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 12&#184; 2002 11:53am</B></FONT>
Just wondering... ~ ...what the reaction would be on the Creek Forum if
someone recommended that another of the membership who is st ill on the
fence blow off the Brewfest to see LOS? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
12&#184; 2002 11:20am</B></FONT>
ziola ~ i'd venture to say that the party will last well into sunday...
that's just my crazy guess! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 12&#184; 2002
house dick ~ let's or brettwoods???????????? hmmm....that's
a tough one.... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 12&#184; 2002
muggsy ~ mz is not the best decison maker in the world, go north, see
your friends, rcw, mail mine, i may not make it to brettwoods, golf in
the day and brewfest at night, will the party still be raging at 1 in
the morn? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 12&#184; 2002 10:08am</B></FONT>
MZ ~ Hey Flipsters, Just checking in. Thank you much RCW. I'm st ill
kinda on the fence about the weekend, so you may just want to send them
postal. I'll hook you guys at some point with some $ for the postage
for the CD's that have been sent my way. I really appreciate it. My
dilemma for the weekend is to decide whethe r to Flip- Out or to go and
meet a good buddy of mine up in New Hampshire. He is the Band manager
for Leftover Salmon and they're playin at Hampton beach. I haven't seen
him in a while because they don't play the East coast very often and
since Mark Vann died earlier this year I should probably go and see
them and pay my respects. All the band members are super cool also, but
I also want to flip with the Boys at a super mellow venue (The
Bretttheatre). Who the hell knows, maybe try a little of both. Sorry t o
be such a windbag. Peace to all <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 12&#184;
2002 10:03am</B></FONT>
ringo -> ~ Was Mike Gordon really at Wormtown?
1><B>September 12&#184; 2002 8:28am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ off to the post office today (Finally) with all my backed up
miracles.... MZ, not sure if you want yours mailed or if your going to
make an appearance at brettwoods..? Also, just received the August
miracle cd's Monday...will be on thier way shortly ; )Sorry again
everyone for my tardiness :D <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 12&#184; 2002
911 MIRACLE TREE UPDATE ~ Still 7 spots open. See ANNOUNCEMENT below
for details. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 12&#184; 2002 6:49am</B></FONT>
FLIPPER NEWS DESK ~ Brettwoods update - Special musical gues ts Dr.
Juice, and Steve Clement(the Kind)& friends will also be playing at the
Brettwoods Amphitheatre this Saturday. More details to come, but don't
miss this one! (And taping is welcomed) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
12&#184; 2002 12:26am</B></FONT>
Where? ~ Tiger's shower???? Certainly not the Beach Party. :) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>September 11&#184; 2002 5:30pm</B></FONT>
muggsy ~ not true, i was there for a couple of hours <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 11&#184; 2002 4:50pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Still 8 spots ope n for 911 Miracle Tree <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 11&#184; 2002 2:41pm</B></FONT>
JSJ ~ Thanks rcw!!! You are the best! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
11&#184; 2002 11:50am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ muggsy was at the Beach Party for about 10 minutes. I think he
was busy that day watching home movies of Tiger's Wood in the shower at
the age of 17. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 11&#184; 2002
rcw ~ and mugsy, if you werent such a slacker and had gotten your butt
to a Flipper show recently, you would h ave yours already! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 10&#184; 2002 11:05pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ and yes JSJ...will bring my little red corvette for ya' ;) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>September 10&#184; 2002 11:03pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ sunshine I love you :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 10&#184; 2002
muggsy ~ i was just going to mention i hadn't rec'd my cd's yet from
past miracle months, cuz i have rcw and she's a slackard <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 11&#184; 2002 9:57am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ So excited for Satur day! Ladies we are ready, but I might be
arriving a little late so save a space for me on the ride! And a little
note to rcw, are you bringing your little red corvette?! :) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>September 11&#184; 2002 9:54am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ oh, on the miracl e tree thang, my horribly late June and July
miracles will be with me at Brettwoods for all of you whom have not
recieved yet....the few of you Im not sure will be there will be out in
the mail tomorrow sorry for the delay, however ran into a few
technical problems over the past few weeks... however its all good now
:D <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 10&#184; 2002 9:35pm</B></FONT>
ANNOUNCING THE 911 MIRACLE TREE ~ This month's Offering is made in
memory of those who tragically lost their lives one year ago today in
the events that began to unfold @ 8:46 a.m. eastern time. And in loving
tribute to the brave rescue workers who, against all reason, went into
the WTC N&S Towers to come to the aid of those w/i the bldgs. It is the
*complete* 8/24/02 Beach Pa rty show, including the FD, PSB & Lou's
comedy sets. Mono rcdg from Jay Taylor's MC. The discs will be
separated by performer. Because we anticipate heightened interest, we
have a special guest branch for this round - the lovely & talented Jill
Talbot - accompanying our std branches, msp & rcw. Thank you all.
You're great!!! A total of 24 copies will be distributed. All 8
performers are in by definition, as are the seeder & branches, leaving
just 12 Miracle copies. Email appl's should be sent to w/ the SUBJECT "911 Tribute Tree" and in the body
of the Email include your name & mailing address. No surrogate
applications will be accepted. This will remain open until the end of
the business day on Friday or when the allotted copies are gone. If you
do not hear from me, you're in. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 11&#184;
2002 8:46am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ WooHoo! Sounds like the ride's full and ready to go!
See ya Saturday ladies! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 11&#184; 2002
rcw ~ if the girl is gonna get back on that coaster I guess I shouldnt
let her ride alone, huh..? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 11&#184; 2002
the girl
~ i'm ready for my coaster ride... see you all this weekend!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 10&#184; 2002 9:33pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Thanks for the advice Doc -- I'll get back to ya on how
it works out! ;>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 10&#184; 2002
ep ~ Thanks for the call Brett -man. Let's get wild!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 10&#184; 2002 8:15pm</B></FONT>
Dr. Ruth Westheiman ~ Mornink Childt: The cure is very simple. Just
take unt equal portions of unt bah -nana, unt coo-cumber, unt cling
peaches und unt pep-a-roni. Den you do zee unt two -handed schtuff.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 10&#184; 2002 6:51pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Wow - looks like I'm doin' BR's on my own??? Hmmmmmm...
Aw c'mon rcw - if yer skippin' Friday night to rest up for Saturday I'd
say there's a seat for ya on the 'ole coaster ride with m e 'n Jess!
;>) Oh yeah Sigmund, that must be it! I'd ask for a suggestion on a
therapeutic cure based on THAT theory but am SCARED of the reply I'd
get! LOL!!! Guess I'll just have to keep on, keepin' on as a jello
shot addict fer now! ;>)
<FONT SI ZE=-1><B>September 10&#184; 2002
Sickmon Freud ~ It's not the jello that's addictive. It's getting it
out of those tiny little cups uing only your tongue. I'm sure it is
that which you crave, Morning Child. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
10&#184; 2002 4:33pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ not sure Im ready to get back on that ride JSJ, but will give it
a BRays for me either MC, resting up for Brettwoods ;) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>September 10&#184; 2002 4:30am</B></FONT>
JSJ ~ Okay rcw and MC we have a new record to set! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 10&#184; 2002 3:08pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Will miss you at BR's P2P - glad to hear you and the fam
will be joinin' the fun Saturday though - will see y'all there! I'm
delighted to learn of your jello in tentions too!!
wonderin'....can one be addicted to Jello? Cuz I'm feelin' like I
might be!!) :>)
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 10&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ No Billy Ray's for us, MC. We will be at Flipfest, though.
Kids & jeller in tow :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 10&#184; 2002
Lil Stevie ~ My Muggsy Amour, lovely as a summer's day <p>Muggsy
ep ~ Keep smiling,,,,I picked up the new Flip album in Wormviolle.
Another gift to the ears. You men kick. The Choir o n the last two
songs was especially percise. Hope to see them live....... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 9&#184; 2002 8:18pm</B></FONT>
muggsy ~ that was me
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 9&#184; 2002
Barry Manilow<p> ~ Well you came and you g ave without takin'<p>suz
Groove ~ Great job at Wormtown Flipper Dave! You had the crowd all
worked up. I had the pleasure of watching a few Flipper -virgins lose
their shit to you. They couldn't get enough...way cool. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 9&#184; 2002 12:38pm</B></FONT>
Paul Anka ~ I wrote Having My Baby for Paulie. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 9&#184; 2002 11:23am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ were really such a chatterbox and all I wanted to do
was sleep!! lol! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 9&#184; 2002
Jessica ~ Sounds like I missed another great weekend :(! Morning
Child, not sure I will make it to Billy Ray's but will definitely be at
Brettwoods, so hopefully I will see you there! I am sitting at work and
all I can think about is this weekend! I can't wait to see you all and
I hope the week goes well! Take Care Flip Fans! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 9&#184; 2002 9:41am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Sounds like fun was had by all this weekend! :>)
- are ya comin' out to pla y Friday night at Billy Ray's?
How 'bout
"the girl"?
Jess? Marino's?
Hope to see you all there!
happy birthday Tam ... some things you just never forget! Hope you
have a nice day.
Have a good week all and 'til we meet again - peace.
:>) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 9&#184; 2002 8:03am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ well, finally made it home...what a great show last night - Glen,
you were so the musician of the weekend! Glen T - so fun hanging with
you - Have a light blue lighterSchugrass
NEWS FLASH ~ for those of you who where not at Wormtown you missed
Brother Glen & Rev Tor Jamming with MIKE GORDON last night during
Creek's set <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 8&#184; 2002 10:12am</B></FONT>
test ~ test testicles <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 7&#184; 2002
Groundskeeper Willie ~ I'll be running the Haggis booth this weekend at
Wormtown. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 6&#184; 2002 12:59pm</B></FONT>
suz ~ hey nice weekend for camping!!! see you guys at Wormtown, Flipper
goes on at 7pm... (I finn ally got to a computer that works!) -luv xoxo
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 6&#184; 2002 11:16am</B></FONT>
male maid ~ <p>:-))<p>:-)) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 6&#184; 2002
muggsy ~ no blowing the chauffer, but i plan on having my way w ith the
maid! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 6&#184; 2002 10:49am</B></FONT>
Arlo ~ I don't want a pickle. I just wanna ride on my
Paulie ~ Happy Rosh Hashana to all our Jewish friends. sk, can I assume
that you'll e continuing your glo rious tradition by blowing the
chauffeur(sp???) later today? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 6&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ I may not like P & F, but I still get a woody from Sideshow
Bob. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 6&#184; 2002 8:53am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ MZ, that is true about P&F. However, we needn't let our own
personal opinions spoil the fun for everyone, right? So, if you wanna
talk about a future Miracle Tree (not Sept, since that one's planned
already), plase Email me ( <FON T SIZE=1><B>September 6&#184; 2002 8:34am</B></FONT>
jager-keis ~ Pickle,you're the man.keep on pickling <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 5&#184; 2002 10:14pm</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <p>There will be jars of pickles available to purchase this
MZ ~ My Bear isn't armed, is she? September 5¸ 2002 3:34pm
SIZE=-1><B>September 5&#184; 2002 5:32pm</B></FONT>
MZ ~ Hey MSP, thank you much for the Mick miracle. It's been a long
time since i've heard an old Stones "Live" tape. Thanks again to the
miracle crew for all the effort, time and money that goes into helping
out the miracle seekers. Next time we meet there will be a round of
shots,whatever ya like, I'm buying! Peace to you all, enjoy the day it
is beautiful outside today. Maybe next months mirac le should come from
the recent Warren Haynes solo, Gov't Mule, Ratdog,and Phil & Friends
shows that muggsy and I were lucky enough to attend. Aspen, Red Rocks,
Red Rocks. What a run of fun in the sun and altitude of course. Along
with the sugar bomb loaded lemonades. I've only listened to the first
night at Red Rocks and it sounds awesome. Paulie, if I remember
correctly you don't really like the Phil band, but hey i figured i'd
offer. Later on Flips, MZ September 5¸ 2002 3:21pm September 5¸ 2002
5:31pm <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 5&#184; 2002 5:31pm</B></FONT>
MZ ~ Hey MSP, thank you much for the Mick miracle. It's been a long
time since i've heard an old Stones "Live" tape. Thanks again to the
miracle crew for all the effort, time and money that goes into helping
out the miracle seekers. Next time we meet there will be a round of
shots,whatever ya like, I'm buying! Peace to you all, enjoy the day it
is beautiful outside today. Maybe next months miracle should come from
the recent Warren Haynes solo, Gov't Mule, Ratdog,and Phil & Friends
shows that muggsy and I were lucky enough to attend. Aspen, Red Rocks,
Red Rocks. What a run of fun in the sun and altitude of course. Along
with the sugar bomb loaded lemonades. I've only listened to the first
night at Red Rocks and it sounds awesome. Paulie, if I remember
correctly you don't really like the Phil band, but hey i figured i'd
offer. Later on Flips, MZ September 5¸ 2002 3:21pm <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 5&#184; 2002 5:31pm</B></FONT>
MZ ~ My Bear isn't armed, is she? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 5&#184;
2002 3:34pm</B></FONT>
MZ ~ Hey MSP, thank you much for the Mick miracle. It's been a long
time since i've heard an old Stones "Live" tape. Thanks again to the
miracle crew for all the effort, time and money th at goes into helping
out the miracle seekers. Next time we meet there will be a round of
shots,whatever ya like, I'm buying! Peace to you all, enjoy the day it
is beautiful outside today. Maybe next months miracle should come from
the recent Warren Haynes solo, Gov't Mule, Ratdog,and Phil & Friends
shows that muggsy and I were lucky enough to attend. Aspen, Red Rocks,
Red Rocks. What a run of fun in the sun and altitude of course. Along
with the sugar bomb loaded lemonades. I've only listened to the first
night at Red Rocks and it sounds awesome. Paulie, if I remember
correctly you don't really like the Phil band, but hey i figured i'd
offer. Later on Flips, MZ <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 5&#184; 2002
Jessica ~ Just checking in Flip Fans! Hope you all had a great week and
hopefully you all have a wonderful weekend! I'll see you at Brettwoods!
I'll be there with bells on! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 5&#184; 2002
Outdoorsman ~ I have the legal right to arm bears! <FONT SIZE =1><B>September 5&#184; 2002 1:05pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ for hippiefoot<p> <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 5&#184; 2002 11:35am</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ Yea, but I just bought the same toothbrush. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 5&#184; 2002 11:3 5am</B></FONT>
Hippiefoot ~ Thanks to all for taking my earlier comments as they were
meant to be....light hearted. And that was a clever response by whoever
posted as OJ, etc.. My guess is Paulie, I always dig his wit. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>September 5&#184; 2002 11:22am</B></FONT>
MP ~ You guys are having the time of your life! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 5&#184; 2002 10:42am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Save the slow dance for me <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 5&#184;
2002 9:35am</B></FONT>
muggsy ~ you make me feel l ike dancing! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
5&#184; 2002 8:30am</B></FONT>
Paulie's Conscious ~ Alright, alright, alright already: I did too. :)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 4&#184; 2002 1:22pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ missed ya' sunshine :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 3&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Be still my heart <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 4&#184; 2002
muggsy ~ I'm back!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 4&#184; 2002
Ben Wa<p> ~ pickle stop using my balls as click clac ks <FONT SIZE=1><B>September 3&#184; 2002 6:04pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Pickle, I know what Ben Wa beads are...but why do you call
that particular orifice a "tarp"? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 3&#184;
2002 5:22pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Tor's CD Release Party w as, for me, certainly a strong Top 10
show of the year thus far. Bordering Top 5 even. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>September 3&#184; 2002 4:21pm</B></FONT>
msp ~, no, Thank YOU...What a great day. <p>Pickle....I
found one of your Ben Wa beads that you us e to secure your tarp. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>September 3&#184; 2002 2:25pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Thank you, Guitar Mark!! That show was great & the friends
were greater yet still!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 3&#184; 2002
Mark P. ~ Hey Glen, S ue, Rev, TKOTA & MSG & The Fams...great hang on
Sunday! Sick hacky-sack work by the keyboard man (you pozer you!)...the
weather was a bit freightful, but we survived just fine...the new
Flipper CD sounds and looks great!!! Scanning the pics is like getting
an education on the CT music's a graet honor to have been
included! Peace ALL! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 3&#184; 2002
MIRACLE TREE UPDATE ~ Today, rcw's copy of the JER Tree gets mailed
out. msp has is already. Thru July, a ll branch burning has been
completed & msp has completed his distribution. rcw may have a few
copies to distribute for June & July and they w/b forthcoming if you've
yet to receive yours. The burning, as I said, is done. August will be
soon and Sept w/b announced in the not too distant future. Any
pblms/ques's, please Email me @ Thx, Paulie Two
Pants. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>September 3&#184; 2002 10:09am</B></FONT>
Dennis and Dr. Juice ~ For those interested, the Dr. Juice message
board is up and running. Long story short, our board host stopped
providing msg boards without any notice, took a while to figure out,
but we have a new one built after hours and hours of headaches,
experimenting, and beer. Sorry for the delay. Also a huge WASSUP to all
in Flipper Land! Later. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 2&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ WOW!! Strange??? YOU BET! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 2&#184;
2002 5:14pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ What the hell happened to the msg bd. And what *is* that list
of songs???? I assume it's the track listing for Too Cold, but can't
for the life of me figure out why it's posted. Heh, Lucee`, please
splain'! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 2&#184; 2002 5:12pm</B></FONT>
Ray Lewis, OJ Simpson, Mark Chmura, Rae Carruth & Mich ael Irvin ~ We
agree! Those baseball players - they're rotten. They're selfish.
They're evil!! F them!!! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September 2&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ another wonderful rainy day!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>September
2&#184; 2002 1:42pm</B>< /FONT>
Sarah ~ wowHippiefoot
Hippiefoot ~ Americas that too much is
not enough and being completely ungreatful for all the blessings we
have....yep that sounds like America to me. How about sniper night at
your local MLB stadium. Strike nothin', kill the f***ers!!!!! Watch
football! Rich teams share the wealth with small market teams and
players are required to donate time and money to charity. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 31&#184; 2002 12:41pm</B></FONT>
Reverend ~ Hey all, just a reminder that Sunday's show at Bucksteep is
rain or shine. It looks like the whether here in the Berkshires may
hold out for us and just be a bit cloudy but if that should change, we
have a nice big old open barn with a big stage and full bar. Check out for all the info. Also as of this morning
Bucksteep has only 4 rooms left so make your reservation now if you're
planning to stay. Tell Mark the inn keeper you want the Jamazon
discount <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 30&#184; 2002 10:18am< /B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Happy Friday Flip -fam! Just checking in since I won't
be seein' ya this weekend -- hopin' to see you all again soon though!
'Til then - I wish you all peace! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 30&#184;
2002 8:10am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ You're just lucky that I'm getting more & more shy & insecure
as I age gracefully, Sweens. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 29&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Is that to give you plenty of time to get the hell out of
Dodge, Sweens? :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 29&#184; 2002
sweens ~ please make a large announcement next time Paulie joins the
band <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 29&#184; 2002 2:51pm</B></FONT>
A Concerned Fan ~ "That baseball thing is funny." <=== You mean the $$$
diatribe, Ames, or the part about Pizza Boy, a gerbil & the Cavern of
Brown Death? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 29&#184; 2002 2:43pm</B></FONT>
- ~ glen- I don't know if you guys are online at work but if so
are we still on for tonite? I'm assuming we are unless I hear from u
or suzy. That baseball thing is funny. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
29&#184; 2002 2:34pm</B></FONT>
Piazza ~ Shhh. Don't mention my gerbils again! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
29&#184; 2002 10:25am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ msp & Karen made ALL the jello shots, Mr. Nelson. Somewhere
upwards of 600 - I think quite a bit upwards if mammories serve up the
milk correctly. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 29&#184; 2002 9:57am</B></FONT>
Bat Boy ~ I have a Gerbil to feed. Save the Gerbils! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 29&#184; 2002 9:56am</B></FONT>
Bat Boy ~
Hey, what about me?
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 29&#184; 2002
lol ~ he,he <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 29&#184; 2002 9:33am</B></FONT>
msp ~ hey mugsy...Nobody is more pleased than I that we won and he
pitched another fine game. He's healthy...get it? Just wait until his
back starts hurting, which it will. Up in the strike zone & out of the
park. <p>His teammates score nearly 8 runs a game for him, first in the
AL. You can choose to ignore that fact but, without that stat, he's
50/50. He gives up way more than a hit per inning, which I'm sure, also
means nothing. Since win / loss record is, in your mind, the barometer
by which pitchers are judged, you must also adore Musina. I don't want
to burst your bubble but David Wells is no David Wells anymore. You can
take his poster down from your bedroom ceiling now. I will no longer
respond to your rhetoric. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 28&#184; 2002
David Wells ~ housedick, you know nothing! <FONT S IZE=-1><B>August
28&#184; 2002 11:48am</B></FONT>
glen (still peeking in) ~ hay Marino(c), nice job on the bash this
year, you outdid David Wells
Paulie ~ Ames, that's what we (or I should say Private Investigator
Southington Mountain Girl - not that she investigates folks' privates
or anything like that, but...well, you know what I mean) deduced. We'll
make sure that they're still in two pieces & retrieve them for you.
Assume that we'll have them w/ us @ Flipfest unless you hear
differently on here or yo u're unable to attend for some reason. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>August 28&#184; 2002 10:28am</B></FONT>
karen & mike ~ Thanks to all for coming Saturday and making it an
unforgetable day! (Sorry for the belated thank you) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 28&#184; 2002 10: 08am</B></FONT>
FLiPPER NEWS DESK ~ FD will be playing the 4th Annual Wormtown Fest on
rcw ~ yup, that would be my white thang :D - Thank you...will snag from
you next time we meet..... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 27&#184; 2002
Pickle ~ rcw, I did find a white type shirt type thing in my car that
i think is yours. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 27&#184; 2002
P2P ~ No luck, rcw. The Centrellas maybe???
27&#184; 2002 5:11pm</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
rcw ~ P2P - any spotting's of a really comfy looking light blue
sweatshirt with hood..? (my bad :( ) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 27&#184;
2002 4:58am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Hey Ames, you didn't happen to lose a nice new pair of black
Calvin Klein high heels, didja? We found a pair whilst cleaning up
after the Beach Party - one of which was in the garbage and the other
up here in front of my house. The current school of thought is that
they were seen in the back of Brett's truck & perhaps he jettisoned
them not knowing who they belonged to. If so, my neighbor has them.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 27&#184; 2002 4:43pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Hey guys! Great cd! Nice it! Paulie..I might be
heading up to that...not quite sure yet, but its definately a
possibility! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 27&#184; 2002 2:02pm</B></FONT>
muggsy ~ hello, just checking in <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 27&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Since this is an off -Flip weekend, is anyone going to Tor's CD
Release Party w/ Liberty Bus, Mark & Scott and the Reverend? The Paulie
Marinos will all be there :):) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 27&#184; 2002
rcw ~ yea we are :D - Groove....was a twirl and a half lol! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>August 26&#184; 2002 10:27pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Ditto what Pa ulie said!!!
Beautiful work guys!!
should be proud of yourselves - we sure are!! :>) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 27&#184; 2002 8:13am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I just listened to Something Simple. It's glorious. Great job,
guys. The pkg'ing is brilliant, Su z et al. It makes a poo' boy proud!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 26&#184; 2002 6:54pm</B></FONT>
Groove ~ Jess, the snowboard is sweeeeeet! I'm so excited for the new
deck, I want snow right now. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 26&#184; 2002
Groove ~ Great weekend boyz. Congrats on the new CD! Thank you Marino
Bro's and family...wonderful time yet once again. Beach Party rocks!
Thank's to the Centrellas for letting me crash and for all the late
night fun. Special thanks to RCW for the twirl, Guil io for the
frisbee golf game of a lifetime...nice hole -in-one bud., Keith for your
ear, Pickle for the chat, Andrew & Jess for making friday like
Christmas, and to Ames for making it all okay and just plain getting
it. So very cool to see each and everyone of you...what a great vibe
and a great time. Lets do it again. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 26&#184;
2002 4:36pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Hey groove! Nice snowboard! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 26&#184;
2002 3:28pm</B></FONT>
muggsy ~ how's about we start to call the marino bros, the rightous
brothers, what great hosts, this year's partay was the best yet, we had
joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun, well i'm off to pikes peak
now, so let the words be yours i'm done with mine! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 26&#184; 2 002 12:15pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Jay Taylor just stopped over w/ the complete Beach Party Gig
on CD. 5 disks. Only one problem: Only CD1 of PSB is tracked. The rest
are all one track. Oh well. Guess when it makes its way around
(reasonably soon), you'll al l have to listen to it wire to wire. Also,
since this will inevitably draw lots of attention and all the
principals MUST get copies, I'm looking for additional Miracle Branches
for next month's tree. Email me if you can help (
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 26&#184; 2002 2:07pm</B></FONT>
DON'T EAT THE BROWN LETTUCE ~ Yes, Maisy was at the one end of the
spectrum @ 0 years. At the other end was my Dad, who's 80. How's that
for a rather eclectic, multi -generational spread. Pretty good huh? And
I'm certain that my parents must have been so proud of me and
completely satisfied w/ the job they did raising me. But safety first.
We're just glad that we had time to warn you about the bad brown
lettuce that was in one of the salads before anyone ate i t & got sick.
:) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 26&#184; 2002 10:42am</B></FONT>
jill ~ Thanks Marino's for a fun time on Saturday! Maisy enjoyed her
first beach partyMorningChild
Paulie ~ Speaking of the Centrellas - George: We owe you BIGTIME!!! W/o
your weather protection expertise, that party would have been a total
failure. YOU RULE!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 26&#184; 2002
rcw ~ well, I dont even know where to begin! What an awesome weekend!
Hope all my girls got off the rollercoaster ok :D - Thanks to the
Marino's and Flipper for the party, the Centrellas for the after
hours...Suzyq for the vodka I just had to have before bed, and Pickle
for the minibike ride! Cant wait to do it again............ <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>August 25&#184; 2002 8:45 pm</B></FONT>
sweens ~ mnarinos know how to throw a party. Paul you were drunk?
hehehe...good jello jams from Ps and must admit havent seen flipper in
some time and they just blew me away (speaking of never heard blow away
covered..NICE)..thanks Marinos I , me wife and me children had a ton -ofun!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 26&#184; 2002 8:26am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Re: the Jagers & Citrons - I hold Kimmy responsible for that.
I was planning on just being out for a quick Sunday afternoon cruise. I
left my real glasses at home so I had to wear my prescription shades.
That always makes for a fun ride back to Wolcott in the dark after a
dozen drinks. I'm not even sure I said my proper goodbyes. :) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>August 26&#184; 2002 8:19am</B></FONT>
The Days if Wine & Roses ~ Sorry I didn't get a chance to post anything
before this. Like Cindy said: THANK YOU ALL!! FD & PSB & all the fans &
friends. That was a cool party. I hope you all had fun and felt at
home. I tried to be host -like, but eventually got cock ed. And then at
that point, so much for the best laid plans... That'll teach ya to let
the drunken beligerent guy sing a lead vocals :) Of course, Cindy &
Karen & msp were there to remind you that sanity exists in Marinoland.
<p>Then, to compound the issue , I went to Winsted yesterday afternoon &
had a 1/2 dozen or so Jagers/Citrons. The Lost Weekend! Next, a coupe
days rest for me. <p>Let's do it again next year. And hopefully the CD
will sell so well that we'll have to charge $20 at the door just to
keep the tour freaks from takin' a dump on the dock :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 26&#184; 2002 8:15am</B></FONT>
Cindy ~ I cant begin to expres how grateful I am to all of you for
coming to the party and bringing your wonderful smiles.Flipper Dave &
Pete Sheips, WOW! The air temp may have been a bit cool, but the music
was HOT AS HADES!Thank You, Thank You,Thank You. P.S. Kids & I listened
to "Something Simple" this afternoon, it's truely GREAT.Love and thanks
to all. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 25&#184; 2002 9:24pm </B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <br>Jessica, story of my life.<br> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
25&#184; 2002 8:29pm</B></FONT>
Reverend ~ Hey Flipper Dave! CONGRATULATIONS ON THE NEW CD!!!! I can't
wait to hear it. Speaking of new CDs, I Just spoke with the newlywed
Flipper Glen and he asked me to post this shameless plug again so here
it goes....SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 1ST don't miss Reverend Tor's JAMAZON CD
Release Celebration & Music Fest. Performances by: LIBERTY BUS,
BAND & FRIENDS featuring Scott & Mark & special surprise guests!
(Hmmm...who the flip could it be?) All day, All ages, outside (in The
Barn if rain) @ Bucksteep Manor (Washington, MA). Check out for all the info. I sincerely hope to
see some of you there! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 25&#184; 2002
Jessica ~ What a GREAT weekend! To all who stayed with my while I was
off my feet Thank You Very Much! Also to rcw, the girl, Morning Child,
Mary, Mike and all the other Jello Shoters I think we beat last year
but I am sure there are more to be had before this year is over :)! A
Big THANKS to the Marino brothers and wives for a fantastic party once
again, you guys ROCK! I appreciated everyones help in getting me from
here to there and I am feeling much better ( thanks again for asking
Morning Child) ! I can't wait to see you all again and hopefully I can
walk without looking like a GIMP! I hope evryone ahs a fun -filled week!
Take Care Flip Fans! <FONT S IZE=-1><B>August 25&#184; 2002
PS ~ Thanks to the Marino Brothers for a great party!We all had a lot
of fun!It was also great to play with hear and play with everyone in
Fipper Dave!and special thanks to Brett for recovering Bob's Bass!S ee
you all soon! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 25&#184; 2002 5:04pm</B></FONT>
kelly ~ thanks much to the marino clan and everyone else involved! nice
party, glad i could be apart of it.. you guys rock!.. MorningChild
smiles ~ i had a blast today at the marino s gathering..the music was oh
so fine and the company even better..oh my gawd maisy is sooooo
beautiful..a bundle of love smiles and spittle ;o) she makes ya go ooo
ahhh hehehee so nice to see so many loving folks i haven't seen in
awhile..all you people rock!!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 24&#184; 2002
jill ~ Life's kinda funny like that jill
sweens ~ cant belive mugsy has carried the yankee chat on to thi sit
too. no rings this yr <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 24&#184; 2002
food, beer, soda, Jager, jello shots, and music. Pete Scheips is on at
2...Flipper right after. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 24&#184; 2002
Party! ~ CD release night!!! Can't wait to get an autograph!
for Minibike song <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 23&#184; 2002
I vote
lloyd III ~ Have a great show tonight! CONGRATS on the new CD! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>August 23&#184; 2002 3:18pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ good for him, the bad-backed pork-o <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August
23&#184; 2002 1:38pm</B></FONT>
muggsy ~ and that's a bad thing? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 23&#184; 2002
BUZZ ~ my kids still talk about the "dog -cam" from butter-nut afew
years back <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 23&#184; 2002 1:42pm</B></FONT>
Fox Sports ~ As of 8/23, Wells led the American League in run support
with 7.7 per 9 innings pitched. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 23&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ I cannot agree. His 15 wins (or perhap s 14, I ain't sure)
leads or puts him at a tie for the team lead.
But more importantly
{{{{{RIP Kat Krooner 8/21/02}}}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 23&#184; 2002
msp ~ I just consulted my psychic guru, chief drinksalot, and he said
that wells' talent left many moons ago. He dubbed him Stands With
Shits. <p>Wells pitched outstanding last night and he MAY finish the
year in respectable fashion, who knows. Me thinks his days are
numbered, stick a fork in him...he's done. He may be the main co urse at
the 2003 beach party. I got dibbs on the bad -back ribs. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 23&#184; 2002 1:00pm</B></FONT>
Groove ~ (((Baxter)))
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 23&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Not true, Donnie. You were my favorite Yank ee - still are, in
fact. And Muggsy, who I worked w/ for close to 10 years & have known
for 15, is not exactly cerebral. And you needn't call me, "Sire". "Your
Honor" will suffice. Of course, if you insist, feel free to refer to me
as "Your Worshipfulness" . <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 23&#184; 2002
Donnie Baseball ~ Paulie, if i went oh for 8 in my first few games you
woulda rode me out of town and wanted roy smalley as your first
basemen, you sire have a budweiser/foortball mentality, leave the grand
old game to the cerebral thinkers such as your pal, muggsy <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 23&#184; 2002 12:37pm</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ Paulie...could you email me your work number...would like to
touch base with ya soon if possible (of msp's) <FONT SIZE =-1><B>August
23&#184; 2002 12:16pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ rcw, ran out of CD's? I guess the Prince will have to wait!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 23&#184; 2002 12:10pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Pickle - if you want to bring the tarp along, it won;t hurt a
thing. Thank you! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 23&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ First of all, Wells, ya schmelly, drunken, obese sk -lookin'
bascht, I am not amongst your detractors. Wells wills wins, I always
say - particularly in the House That Ruth Built! Se condly, I am faaaaar
from ugly. In fact, I am the physically, Adonis Incarnate Himself!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 23&#184; 2002 11:26am</B></FONT>
David Wells ~ msp, you was wrong about me, did you see the game i
pitched last night, never ever ever doubt th e fabulous & legendary
muggsy, he's forgotten more about baseball than you and your ugly bro
have ever known about the game, i didn't get to 175 lifetime wins by
being average ya know, i may show up at the party tomorrow too to kick
your ass! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 23&#184; 2002 11:16am</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ Paule/Msp...I have one of those "heavy duty" steel tarp
things...only about 8'x 16' or so, but real sturdy and easy to build
off of too. let me know if you want me to bring it. Very easy to
bring along with me and set it up... Chris (
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 23&#184; 2002 11:11am</B></FONT>
I stand ~ corrected <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 23&#184; 2002
TARP UPDATE ~ msp has just informed me that the Centrellas, o ur lovely
& talented (and in Kathy's case - schmokin'!!) co-Wolcotteers, are
bringing one. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 23&#184; 2002
ames ~ "BAXTER : HE'S GONE, R.I.P, Brett August 23¸ 2001 11:58pm"
Paulie- it was actually the 23rd, i wa s there. However the rest of the
weekend was correct. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 23&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ At the risk of being a stickler for details, Baxter died on
8/24/01, which last year fell on a Friday night. If memory serves, FD
played the DDG that night as they do tonite. And the following day was
the Beach Party, as it is tomorrow. So assuming that my dates are
correct, Fearless Leader, perhaps a howling "Baxter" is in order for
the set tomorrow. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 23&#184; 2002
ames ~ It was one year ago today that we lost the dogfather, the Bax
man. I miss him. Love you Baxter. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 23&#184;
2002 9:35am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Thank Goodness the weekend is finally here! I can't wait to
see all of you and hope your Friday flies right by until tonight! Take
Care Flip Fans! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 23&#184; 2002 9:34am</B></FONT>
Miracle Max ~ Have fun storming the castle. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
23&#184; 2002 8:22am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ And speaking of Miracles, I burnede msp's copy of both shows
for THE JER Tree last night. msp, take note: The primary source for the
RD Jerry's Dead Day performance is splendid. However, a secondary
source was used from D>Bass & Little Lite, and to complete the last
couple min's of Throwing. [In addition & of no consequence, it was used
for the last 5 sec's of Winners]. The quality of the secondary source
is not good, but I deemed its inclusion important b/c of the historic
nature of the performance. To EQ it , crank up the bottom and bring down
the high end; mid-range is okay - the pblm is not distortion, but most
likely a boom box rcdg. Again, this is only about 10 min's of the 2 CD
performance. The JGB HJK 90 is simply one of the greatest JGB shows
ever. PERIOD! <p>We're still on for tomorrow, since Dr Mel is calling
for a slight chance of afternoon shower, particularly on the shore others are talking more significant % than that, but I listen to Dr
Mel. That said, if anyone who's coming has a tarp (Centrel la's,
Hippiefoot?????), please bring it along. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
23&#184; 2002 6:42am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ ok - keith, Buzz, Sk, The Girl and Glen...I have your respective
last 2 months miracles on me - will distribute this weekend - kent &
mike, will be out in the mail monday..sorry for the delay guys :D JSJ,
ran out of cd's, but have a bunch of stuff on the to do list for you.
See ya'all soon :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 22&#184; 2002
Spastic Dancer ~ Who's running the brothel this y ear at the party?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 22&#184; 2002 5:04pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ Thx! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 22&#184; 2002 4:23pm</B></FONT>
Paulie & the Southington Mountain Girl ~ A big GIGANTIC FUGGIN "THANK
YOU" to msp & Karen for all that they've do ne & bought and the HUGE
pile of MOOLAH they're putting into this party. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
22&#184; 2002 3:42pm</B></FONT>
muggsy ~ sk is dead to this forum <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 22&#184; 2002
sk ~ paulie can`t i bring my one we ll behaved gerbel? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 22&#184; 2002 12:54pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ We once had a male member, who like you, enjoyed showing the
members his Speedo outlined male member. He's still a male member, but
dresses less disgustingly. Women are, of course, a whole different
topic. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 22&#184; 2002 10:54am</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ dontcha imbareass me on at tha beech bonnie...git out
tha hedge trimmerz ifin ya no whut i meen. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
22&#184; 2002 10:53am</B> </FONT>
Euro-trash ~ howza bout speedos? (FU muggsy!) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
22&#184; 2002 10:50am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ FYI - Pets are ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN on Gro(o)ve Beach per the
By Laws. Please take note. Flipper Glen, you may want to update the
Tour Page to indicate so. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 22&#184; 2002
Kevy ~ Welcome home hope you had a great time! Bohdi, woof woof w,oof
Liz and I havn't strangled each other yet? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
22&#184; 2002 8:34am</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <p>Ok, send the CD back...Need to redo some pictures..sorry
about the delay.<p> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 22&#184; 2002
Bobby ~ Hey guys, can't wait til the new cd comes out! Ill be first in
line, or at least ill try! Peace out! <FO NT SIZE=-1><B>August 21&#184;
2002 10:11pm</B></FONT>
msp ~<p>rep
lace the ### with that squiggly thing to the left of the 1 on the illusion <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 21&#184; 2002
msp ~
Glen & Sue ~ Thanks for the great homecoming. Just a reminder...Don't
forget to bring the entire family out to the Morris Green tomorrow
evening for Spagetti Cake ( featuring Dr. Juic e!). For more info about
the gig please check out the tour dates page. Hope to see you there!
:) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 21&#184; 2002 12:16pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ Hey morning did you respond 7 minutes before I
answered you? You are starting to scare me. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
21&#184; 2002 12:22pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Thanks MSP!!! You RULE!!!!!!
1><B>August 21&#184; 2002 12:07pm</B></FONT>
:>) <FONT SIZE= -
msp ~ no problem, moaning child. I'll bring it Friday or Saturday : -)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 21&#184; 2002 12:14pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild (again) ~ Hey msp - you asked me to remind you - the
missing (make that stolen?!?!) CD from my collection is the Butternut
gig - not sure of the year (2000 or 2001 I'd guess) (it has Dennis
sitting in due to Brett's unfortunate incident with gravity while in
CO....) -- anyway, if you've got it handy, and when/if you've got the
time and/or inspiration to do so - I'd sure be grateful if you could
replicate one for me! :>) Thanks! :>)
<FONT SIZ E=-1><B>August
21&#184; 2002 11:58am</B></FONT>
MoRningChild ~ Lemon drops on Friday, Jello shots on Saturday - what
could be finer?
Can't wait!!! (BTW, interesting variations on my
name Jess/msp! Silliness indeed and let's just leave it at that!!)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 21&#184; 2002 11:53am</B></FONT>
msp ~ coulda typed mooning child : -) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August
21&#184; 2002 11:47am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ OOPS! I meant to put an "r" in morning but I was rushed at
work! Sorry! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 21&#184; 2002 11:30am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Moning Child, I had forgotten you were a Lemon Dropper:)!
Well only a few days left and then we have an amazing Flipper Weekend
lined up! rcw, get ready to set a new record :)! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 21&#184; 2002 11:29am</B></FONT>
muggsy ~ will Commander Commando be making an appearance on Saturday?
can we get him up on stage and sing? perhaps I'm A Little Teapot?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 21&#184; 2002 10:48am</B></FONT>
ringo -> ~ Congratulations Glen & Sue!! Welcome Back!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 21&#184; 2002 8:42am</B></FONT>
Reverend ~ Hey all, looking for something to do on Labor Day weekend?
Please check out (sorry for the shameless
plug) (((((WELCOME BACK MR & MRS NELSON!!!!!!))))) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 21&#184; 2002 2:26am</B></FONT>
Crutch ~ Just hopping along,
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 20&#184; 2002
sk ~ I'll go. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 20&#184; 2002 4:57pm</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 20&#184; 2002 4:19pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ My girlie side of me wants to come on out, anyone wanna go buy
some shoes tonight and get some chocolates at Munson's? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 20&#184; 2002 3:42pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ isnt it :D <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 19&#184; 2002
msp ~ This is cool...<p>Paulie
Commander Commando ~ For breakfast I had tin foil and broken glass, for
lunch i ate a late model ford, for dinner I'm going to have a Fjord
from Norway. <FONT SIZE =-1><B>August 19&#184; 2002 5:23pm</B></FONT>
muggsy ~ euro trash just isn't funny, get a new shtick would ya? walk
tall but carry a large comedy shtick <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 19&#184;
2002 4:35pm</B></FONT>
Euro-trash ~ You Flipp-a girls-a so lucky. Iâ€(tm)ma gunna break-a out
da new 28 inch-a waist speedos for da beach -a party. Wait-a you see how
much-a my bellya hang-a over. You gunna go craze! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 19&#184; 2002 4:26pm</B></FONT>
commander Commando ~ I look boffo in my camoflauge uniform and my jack
booted thug shoes. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 19&#184; 2002
muggsy ~ that torrington is too sketchy for my likes, i was scared to
go out back in the alley for a smoke <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 19&#184;
2002 12:58pm</B></FONT>
tambourine girl ~ Wow! Looks like I have missed a lot! See what
happens when you have a little Flip Kid and drop off the radar for a
while? Congratulations Glen & Sue! Hi Brett!
1><B>August 19&#184; 2002 12:49pm</B></FONT>
Hi Steve! <FONT SIZE= -
COMING SOON: ~ Flipper Dave Fans Gone Wild! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
19&#184; 2002 12:13pm</B></FONT>
muggsy ~ i'm going for the 3 veggie platter for lunch today, french
fries, onion rings & ketchup <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 19&#184; 2002
MorningChild ~ I'm actually more of a LemonDrop girl but I know the
rest of ya dig those RHS's!
Friday it is then -- 'til then -have a great week! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 19&#184; 2002
Jessica ~ Morning Child I am takin g you up on your offer! It has been
way to long and I think we all need a RHS!!:) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
19&#184; 2002 11:23am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Great time yesterday all! Thanks Brett, Mike, Steve &
Dennis for allowing my lovely to hang/dance wi th you - first words out
of her mouth this morning were "I want to wear my Flipper shirt!"
(that's it, she's officially hooked!) Seriously, I'm grateful to all
of you for being so kind to her. She had a great time yesterday. (We
did too!) Great seeing everyone again - it's been awhile rcw and Jess!
Can't WAIT for Friday - ought to be a blast to say the least! :>) Get
ready girls - I think a shot (or 2, 3?) are in order to celebrate the
long awaited SOMETHING SIMPLE - whaddya think?
Welcome b ack
Nelsons! (Suz, in case you missed my post from 2 weeks ago or so, I've
got a surprise for ya next time I see you!)
'Til Friday - have a nice
week and peace! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 19&#184; 2002
Jessica ~ Welcome Back to the Newl yweds! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August
19&#184; 2002 10:16am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ rcw, five days and counting.... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
19&#184; 2002 10:05am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Okay, how scary was that?! Anyway thanks again for a great
show on Sunday! I had such a great time and my friend from Oregon is
now hooked! And to Flipper Brett, just take the plate next time :)!
Great to see many of you and I hope everyone has a great week! Take
Care Flip Fans! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 19&#184; 2002
msp ~ Dear muggsy,<p>Paulie can not be blamed for your gastrointestinal
misfortune. I am guilty of contaminating your otherwise wholesome and
pure system with broccoli as it was me that offered you the demon pizza.
I thank you in advance for acceptance of my heartfelt apology
and hereby offer you, as restitution, a large order of onion rings at
our next chance encounter. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 19&#184; 2002
muggsy ~ paulie was right of course, he usually is, but one thing for
sure, that post doesn't belong here, it's totally pathetic, well at
least she claimed to "go away" from here so if we're lucky we won't be
seeing her or her vengeful, stupid posts again.......speaking of
paulie, that broccoli made me violently ill, stay away from green
veggies, they are bad for you, fried food rules!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 19&#184; 2002 9:14am</B></FONT>
cold and choking ~ I think it`s funny that we are all insulted by this
BITCH on this forum, and then she has the gawl to show up two hours
later @ Rice Fields and act like she is our friend.msp
Kin of bartenders ~ I'll buy shots for all women that prove they have
on a thong (thong, thong, thong, thong, thong) (ie: pants around
ankles). <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 19&#184; 2002 8:48am</B></FONT>
Doc holiday ~ Somebody needs to start taking thier medication again and
stop sleeping around with everyone while married!!!!(problem solved).
As for the name calling,it's easy (just don't do it !!) Prescription:=
Seek professional help..... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 19&#184; 2002
choking ~ Whomever was in charge of ordering kegs needs a swift kick in
the arse. I had a lobster claw caught in my craw and no beer with which
to wash it down. WTF is that? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 19&#184; 2002
glen ~ heeeeeeee!!!!! we're baaaack!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 19&#184;
2002 12:14am</B></FONT>
To good of a set up not to take ~ <p>Hey big boy, you must be worth it,
cause damn, thats alot of keystrokes.<p> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
18&#184; 2002 6:30pm</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <p>Hey Brett, just so you know, I am a 33 waist, 32 length,
size 9 shoe for when you buy us those purple suits and white
Nikes.<br>EIE! Right??<p> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 18&#184; 2002
Wendy ~ Paulie, first of all MYOB. You have no idea what the truth is
so please don't spread any more ugly gossip about me that you don't
know anything about.Where you actually at the Midnight sun that night?
I think not. If your lovely wife was receving insults fr om the idiot
named Mike Sherman, and you were not there, would you like that? And
of course none of the Flipper fans would defend me, because it is
obviously against the cult band rules. You only listened to the
distorted Mike and Mary account of what w ent on. I actually thought
you and Cind were my friends. My mistake, I am stupid. And Mike, you
aren't even worth the keystrokes it takes to type on this post. I will
say in the past year the only thing I've learned is that you are all
pathetic alcoholics with a distorted reality of truth. Don't even
bother to respond to my post, because I won't ever read this garbage
again. And Mary, I want my sweatshirt back. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
18&#184; 2002 5:16pm</B></FONT>
kevy ~ Paulie your a god! Memphis wa s a mess on friday, traffic
triggered, Paid my respects for the king. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
18&#184; 2002 10:15am</B></FONT>
ELN ~ Stinkin',shitty,silly,stupid,DRUNK! The first set sounded great
to me,I wish I could remember the second. A couple too man y Jagers I do
believe. Thanks Mike M. for the H2O. Thanks also to the guy that gave
me the CD. Brain dead on the name,typical for me. Thanks to Mike S. in
advance for the repair. Catch ya all,soon. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
17&#184; 2002 12:55pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Thank you, Mr Hippie Foot Billy, for the Wedding CD. That was
one HOUSE gift. I think we'll see what we can do w/ that in September!
:):):) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 17&#184; 2002 12:01pm</B></FONT>
Just Wondering ~ why? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 17&#184; 2002
The Male Bartender ~ The other barkeep's a little too Butch to boogy,
if ya ask me. She's from up in these hills. Lexie, let's just say that
most men would agree that if it ain't on backwards, it's on backwards.
Ya know what I mean? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 16&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ {{{Elvis 25 years RIP'n}}}
2002 4:45pm</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 16&#184;
lexie ~ Hey Bartender, do I get a free shot really??? I wear them all
the time. What do I get if I show you??? I have a hot silk pink one
on as we speak. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 16&#184; 2002 4:47pm</B></FONT>
Bartender ~ Any women (or sk) that wears a thong gets a free shot.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 16&#184; 2002 3:49pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Elvis is gone, but little elvis is alive and well. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>August 16&#184; 2002 3:39pm</B></FONT>
Elliott ~ Woof! (translation: Yeah what she said!) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 16&#184; 2002 2:13pm</B></FONT>
Bodhi ~ Woof woof, woof, woof woof! (transla tion: Hey you, yea you,
throw that god damn ball for me NOW!!) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 16&#184;
2002 10:51am</B></FONT>
Wondering ~ Okay, sorry about all this but I have one more final
question about Sunday. Are you playing in Collinsville near the water
and kayaks or near Flipper Rich's across from the fire station? I have
heard both and I am just curious. Thanks Guys! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
16&#184; 2002 10:28am</B></FONT>
muggsy ~ you mean to tell me those comments on the bathroom walls were
lies? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 16&#184; 2002 9:01am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Barbara Coppen now?????Can we leave her out of this. She's a
nice old lady from Waterbury. And I'd never have an affair, torrid or
otherwise, w/ a woman who was post - menopausal when Reagan w as still in
office. He's now effectively a sprig of asparagus, and she a spitting
image of Norman Bates' "Mother". <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 16&#184; 2002
~ Hi Eric,sk<p>
Barbara Coppen ~ He was a fair to middling lover. <FONT SIZ E=1><B>August 15&#184; 2002 4:18pm</B></FONT>
Euro-trash ~ I like-a my speedos. Day make -a my paulines looka nice -a
nice. Some-a-time I put-a some sock in-a dare to make-a tha american-a
girl go-a craze. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 15&#184; 2002
sk<p> ~ sometimes i just like to sit <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 15&#184;
2002 3:31pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I once had a brief, torrid affair with Barbara Coppen. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>August 15&#184; 2002 3:08pm</B></FONT>
sk<p> ~ paulie, stay outa my speci al drawer <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
15&#184; 2002 3:04pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I can really mambo in these things. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
15&#184; 2002 1:27pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I feel so comfy in the old ladies undies <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 15&#184; 2002 12:39pm</B></FONT>
Wondering ~ Thank You So Much! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 15&#184; 2002
Flipper News Desk ~ After several delays,we are pleased to announce
that our official record release party for "Something Simple" will be
at the Double Down Grill next friday/ aug. 23rd. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 15&#184; 2002 11:41am</B></FONT>
FM ~ Lobster Fest show is from 1 -5PM <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 15&#184;
2002 11:33am</B></FONT>
Lobsterfest Poster says "Live ~ Music beginning at 1:00 p.m. provided
by 'Flipper Dave'" end time indicated..... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
15&#184; 2002 11:18am</B></FONT>
Wondering ~ I heard it was 1 -5. Correct? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
15&#184; 2002 9:49am</B></FONT>
Wondering ~ Time check for Sunday? <FONT S IZE=-1><B>August 15&#184;
2002 9:48am</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ Yesterday, University scientists released the results of
a recentsk
Paulie ~ LOL! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 14&#184; 2002 4:41pm</B></FONT>
muggsy ~ sk is dead to me <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 14&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ msp & rcw, I just sent you guys the files of your individual
kids on teh JERACLE TREE. The info files will follow when you reach the
top of the queue. Not to worry, they'll be done & out before month's
end. And my current plans for the September Tree are not specific date
driven. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 14&#184; 2002 2:19pm</B></FONT>
JERRY MIRACLE TREE CLOSED ~ Structure will be sent to the branches, rcw
& msp, by the end of the week.Paulie
sk ~ muggsy stop postin g as me <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 14&#184; 2002
sk<p> ~ i hate gerbels that are always getting shit faced <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 13&#184; 2002 8:31pm</B></FONT>
Manny the Mole ~ Well, I never heard that question before. But when sk
killed my cousin Morey in one of crazy nights of cheap thrills, he did
ask, "Whats the big differance between a mole and a gerbil anyway?".
{{{RIP Morey the Mole}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 13&#184; 2002
sk<p> ~ at work they wanted to make t he mens room look bigger, so they
covered all the surfaces with mirrors, today when i was in there with
my shorts down around my knees i got to wondering " whats the big
differance between a mole and a boil anyway " ? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
13&#184; 2002 5:41pm</B></FONT>
muggsy ~ that's funny <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 13&#184; 2002
Test ~ <p> Test <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 13&#184; 2002 3:38pm</B></FONT>
house dick ~ Now if you see Saint Jerry<p>Honest Abe
muggsy ~ no wonder they used to call you mean mr. mustard <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 13&#184; 2002 2:14pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ LOL, House Dick. And sk, I like Phish a REAL lot. But P&F is
to me a very bad version thereof doing Dead tunes, and mainly Jerry
penned versions, which are melodic by their very design & nature and
only very infrequently were intended as one speed, dynamicless, atonal,
20 minute compositions. TOO OTOH I appreciate more. But I encourage you
to go more & more P&F shows. This way, Phill will stay in the money &
won't push the rest of the Leftovers for more "Their Motto Is No Bread
On Me" Reunion Tours, like some San Francisco version of the Doobie
Bros, Yes, Moody Blues, Who and countless other nostalgia acts. YMMVOC.
;^ <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 13&#184; 2002 1:48pm</B>< /FONT>
side show bob<p> ~ what about me ? i was simply milky in the utter ones
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 13&#184; 2002 1:36pm</B></FONT>
edit edit...duh ~ "H" is for the horde of cash... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 13&#184; 2002 1:23pm</B></FONT>
house dick ~ “P― is for the way Iâ€(tm)m pissed, you fool.<p>
“H― is for the cash Jerry made for you.<p> †œI― you were very,
very ill you fairy, fairy.<p> â €œL― is even more Jerryâ€(tm)s love
you threw on the floor. <p>testing
Phil Lesh ~ Paulie,
house dick with you,
your cherubic friend
1><B>August 13&#184;
won't you come see again some time? And bring the
I think the 2 of you may be pleasantly surprised.
has done an about face, so shall you. <FONT SIZE= 2002 9:12am</B></FONT>
JER TREE ~ Still one sp ot open. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 13&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Fearless Leader, Treyguess in Vegas hits the P.O. tomorrow w/
printed info file as a result of the neuter of your puter. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 12&#184; 2002 6:19pm</B></FONT>
And I
Glad to hear it rcw! And I
remember the last time you
am also looking forward to
SIZE=-1><B>August 12&#184;
am so ready for our anniversary! I
and I had a jello shot together! :)
the CD (hint hint)! Take Care!
2002 4:05pm</B></FONT >
Paulie ~ Too bad about that last post, huh, Flipper Guys? Just cost ya
a nice chunk of change. ;^) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 12&#184; 2002
Hog Breath ~ Hide the women & children and circle the wagons cuz me and
my 36 harley riding frien ds cannot wait for the beach party!!! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>August 12&#184; 2002 3:05pm</B></FONT>
~ My computer is toast again so call me the old fasioned way
if need to contact me. 860 309 -0256 <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 12&#184;
2002 2:23pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Irrelevent. They pkg w/ both the Sir Paul and Stones w/b mailed
on my way to Walmart later this afternoon. :):):) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 12&#184; 2002 2:05pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ :D - been fine since JSJ! (thanks for coming along!) You know its
almost the beach party anniversary...hope your ready! P2P, still not
sure what the problem is, but thanks for the re -do! Will get my
miracles out to ya'all asap! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 12&#184; 2002
JSJ ~ rcw, how are you feeling?Jessica
MIRACLE TREES UPDATES ~ (1) rcw has had extraction problems w/ CD1 of
the Sir Paul Tree. That issue is in the correction process & will be
mailed to her along w/ her copy of the Stones Tree this afternoon. All
trees other than JER will be moving along nicely w/i the next few days.
(2) There is one spot only left on the JER Tree. This one will remain
open until Friday @ 11:30 or until that last spot is filled, whichever
comes first. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 12&#184; 2002 9:41am</B></FONT>
MIRACLE TREE UPDATE ~ Still 2 spots open for the JER TREE. See details
in "ANNOUNCING..." post below. Applications s/b sent to <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 11&#184; 2002
Pickle ~ ...and sorry about the "bold" type...that was my
bad <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 11&#184; 2002 11:39am</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ </b> so, how was the show?? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 11&#184;
2002 11:38am</B></FONT>
ames ~ <p>it is so sad that we cannot all be friends, however drama is
created and not resolved by a lo t of people. Every one on this forum
knows each other for a familiar reason & that is music.<b>Lets all
remember that in the future. I'm so grateful for you & peace is what
it's all about.<p>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 11&#184; 2002
randi ~ last night was a blast!... once i got some energy in me... or
was that just the scorpion bowl? hmmm... thanks for the pickles,
pickle! (i know, fridge on mon.) sk, make sure you get your table from
brett tonight... i am off to jersey for the evening.. . see ya all
soon! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 10&#184; 2002 4:10pm</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <p>Paulie...HERE HERE!!! Last nights show at "the fields" was
a blast. Must rest before we do it again tonight. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 10&#184; 2002 3:53pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ i`m thinging about being dareing and breaking out my new two piece
bathing suit at the beach party, but i still have tan lines from my one
piece suit <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 10&#184; 2002 3:48pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Response to the Jerry's Dead Tree has been excellent. This has
been open for 24 hrs & there are only 2 spots left. Get 'em while they
last. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 10&#184; 2002 11:47am</B></FONT>
For The FBI ~ Paulie "P2P" Marino; 040 -65-8995; www.chicks&
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 10&#184; 2002 10:26am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ ANd the sad truth is that we've had these galas for 5 straight
years now - 2 w/ FD - and this is the first time we've had to exlude
anyone. Invitations are implied to all & unless you hear otherwise,
please join us in 2 weeks. It's a block party, so feel free to bring a
dish to add to the buffet or potluck grill cooler food to share. We
will also have a donation jar. We'll provide lots of the above, plus
the band, the beer, the wine & the jello shots. Hope to see ya there.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 10&#184; 2002 9:38am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I just read the latest in the Wendy/FM Saga. Just so that it's
specifically clear: The Beach Party is a BY INVITE ONLY event. And it's
being held in a local neighborhood -owned private Beach Association for
which we are not obligated to pay a rental fee. We WILL NOT TOLERATE
this continued nonsense or threats of the AUTHORITIES or any other BAD
KARMA there! Therefore, since you cannot let it go, it pains me to
publicly declare that the Mehr's are NOT INVITED. I'm not taking sides
here, but FM is in the band & by definition INVITED. However, there's
far too much logistics to concern ourselves w/ to worry about the
possibly dramatic consequences that such petty nonsense, which
incidentally was brought on of your own accord, may create. I truly
wish this BS was no longer part of our scene, but clearly this latest
post indicates that I have a better chance of Rock Hudson rising from
the dead to do the Grove Beach Goo -Goo all over Ellen De generate right
there on the raft. I apologize in advance for my hard -lined stance
here. As Spock once said, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of
the few". Perhaps this post will help you & Dave see that we - the
FlipHeads, as one - want this discussion to go away. Wendy, FM's in the
band. This is a war you cannot win. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 10&#184;
2002 9:17am</B></FONT>
4 Spots Still Open ~ For August Miracle Tree <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
10&#184; 2002 8:46am</B></FONT>
The FBI ~ Okay, Flipheads : Name SSN & favrite internet porn site! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>August 10&#184; 2002 3:11am</B></FONT>
jennifer ~ Hey Lauren, bubba boop, are we going to see flipper tonight
at ricefields???? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 9&#184; 2002
ELN ~ "JEEEEEERRRRRRRRYYYYYYY" Dust off those rusty strings just one
more time. Truly missed. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 9&#184; 2002
Maurice White ~ He played so beautiful, don't you agree? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 9&#184; 2002 6:42pm</B></FONT>
jerry ~ your welcome paulie, "how sweet it was to be loved by you (all)
" <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 9&#184; 2002 4:27pm</B></FONT>
MIRACLE TREE UPDATE ~ For those of you that do not know, this is a
Miracle or free tree. The B&P copies are on the Branches (and tha nk you
again, msp & rcw - YOU RULE!!!). Unless you hear otherwise, all
applicants are IN. I'll put up daily reminders of this. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 9&#184; 2002 12:19pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ {{{{{Thank you, JERRY!!!!!}}}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
9&#184; 2002 11:46am</B></FONT>
ANNOUCNING THE AUGUST MIRACLE TREE ~ It was exactly 7 years ago to the
min as of the moment I write this that I learned of the horrible news.
In honor of The Great One, we make a Miracle Tree Offering. It is two
shows: (1) a JGB of incredible brilliance that is largely uncirculated
& unknown, 11/24/90 - HJK, Oakland (Font Row Balcony AKG C1000S
Cardoids w/ 40' separation>Sony D5>D>CD>CD); and (2) Bobby's incredibly
warrior-like performance w/ Ratdog later that evening, 8/9/95 - Hampton
Beach (NH) Club Casino (AUDMC>C>C>DPC>CD>CD, except e/o/Winners &
Throwing and all of D>Bass & Little Lite which were missing from the
main source and for which I've added an AUD version of unknown
providence). Since this is right on the heels of the July Offering
(which will go out to the Branches by Monday) and given my love of the
man, I'll leave this open for one week or until all 14 copies (which
includes the Branches' copies) are filled. Email applications to w/ the SUBJECT "J ER" and include in the body of the
Email your name & mailing address. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 9&#184; 2002
Blooz ~ I have been up, been down, down to the bottom of every bottle.
Flipper, can you take my Blooz away ... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 9&#184;
2002 9:27am</B></FONT>
muggsy ~ It's been seven years since he passed away, I guess that
guitar player sure could play, R.I.P. Jer. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
9&#184; 2002 9:16am</B></FONT>
msp ~ {{{Jerry Garcia 8/9/95}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 9&#184; 2002
FM ~ Wendy, your behaveure has not been exactly what one would call
normal. When the Authorities are called on a member of the band for
asking you to "stay away from me", I think it`s really going out on a
limb to tell us "my son Bobby wants to play with you and the band
tomorrow"...and then make another snide remark. I hold no bad feelings
for Bobby at all as I think he is a great kid. However, when his
parents act in the manner they have by creating scenes at our sho ws and
post nasty remarks on this bands forum, we certainly will not encourage
you coming to our shows or invite their family members to play with us.
It`s a shame that sometimes, the parents ruin it for the kids.
Besides,the resturant closes at 10pm (whe n the band starts)and it
becomes a bar so it`s not an all ages show. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
8&#184; 2002 11:07pm</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ Jessica...All depends. Is there going to be a pig there??
HA HA, boy, what a laughfest that night was!! Tell you wh at, I'll
bring the stick, you bring the pigs head <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
8&#184; 2002 6:44pm</B></FONT>
Hi Flippermike, ~ Bobby wants to jam with you and the band you think you can control your mouth while he's there? Or
do I need to call in the authorities like last time..please just leave
us alone. Thanks <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 8&#184; 2002
Jessica ~ Pickle, will we see a pig's head on a stick tomorrow? :)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 8&#184; 2002 5:09pm</B></FONT>
Wise Guy ~ Did someone dare him to play 2 nights with you? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 8&#184; 2002 4:28pm</B></FONT>
PS ~ Brett,thanks so much for coming out to play with PSB two nites in
a row!You sounded great!Your welcome anytime! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
8&#184; 2002 12:08pm</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <p>Dude, where's my car??<p> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 8&#184;
2002 10:57am</B></FONT>
Bubba Gump ~
Bubba had da big lip <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 8&#184;
2002 10:33am</B></FONT>
Joe 6 Pack ~ Bonnie, yur the smart 1, wif thet 8th grade edukation of
yurs, so why do they call it jumboe shrimp, it dont add up, but i do
luvs dem shrimps! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 8&#184; 2002
ames ~ Last night at sully's ...such a good time. And might I add that
brett, you rock. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 8&#184; 2002
lloyd III ~ I know I'm a little late, but I would like to congratulate
the new Mr.& Mrs. Glen Nelson!!! Many wishes of happiness and joy and
may the two of you live a healthy, dreamfilled life together! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>August 8&#184; 2002 9:16am</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <p>Would the owner of a red Toyota Camry Wagon
Please....(hmmmm, how come i didn't hear that??)<p>Thanks for all your
help!!!!! ;)Dennis
Lets ~ try it!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 7&#184; 2002 2:56pm</B></FONT>
Scorpion ~ Bowl anyone? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 7&#184; 2002
PS ~ Thanks to Brett Connors for coming out to play with PSB last nite
at The Federal Cafe!You sounded great! Tonite Wed.Aug 7th Pete Scheips
Band with Max Creek keyboardist Mark Mercier & Special Guest Dickey
Betts & Great Southern bassist Dave Stoltz on guitar! @ Sully's Pub @
Lena's 2053 Park St.Hartford,CT.(860)231 -8881 * Other very special
suprise guests are expected! Brett how about two nites in a row? Hope
to see you all there! It's gonna be a lot of fun! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 7&#184; 2002 1:40pm</B></FONT>
Joe 6 Pack ~ So I took the lil ole wifey out las night for dinner, she
was tiered of mickey d's and burger king so we went styling yes terdae
and went to wendys <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 7&#184; 2002
Back Seat Bonnie ~ Last time we had trouble separatin' my kin from my
huzbinds, we juss pumped the well & threw cold water on 'em. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>August 6&#184; 2002 2:12pm </B></FONT>
sk ~ where i come from, some guys are their own fathers <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 6&#184; 2002 1:24pm</B></FONT>
Joe 6 Pack ~ remindz me of the time me & my mizsus got hitched, it was
tuff seperatin her kin from mine as itz all about the same a nywayz
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 6&#184; 2002 11:54am</B></FONT>
Mark & Stephanie ~ Mr. and Mrs. Sue and Glen Nelson, thank you for a
mind blowing wedding weekend! We are still recovering. The music, food,
family and friends were amazing! We had such a gre at time. Enjoy your
honeymoon! We look forward to hearing all about it when you return!
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 6&#184; 2002
Reverend Tor Band ~ Sue & Glen, Thank you so much for including us in
your celebration. It was truly an honor to play your wedding. Best
wishes for what is sure to be a bright future together. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>August 5&#184; 2002 11:08pm</B></FONT>
Dennis ~ What a success! That was the coolest wedding I've ever
attended. Good luck to Sue a nd Glen on your new journey! Of course, I
am honored to fill in for you Glen as "Keyboardist on guitar" while
you're on your honeymoon! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 5&#184; 2002
weekeeepeemee ~ got the sir paul disks today, thanks so much t o msp and
the whole miracle team, nice job on the covers also, congradulations
to glen and sue <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 5&#184; 2002 10:07pm</B></FONT>
Back Seat Bonnie ~ Hey Joe, if'n we shoot snakes, alls I gots ta do is
wait about an hour for 'em to ha rden & then I won't need you for no
booty call. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 5&#184; 2002 4:05pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ What a weekend and wedding! Congrats to Glen and Sue!!!!!
The wedding was beautiful and amazing and I wish you a life full of
love and sunshine! it was so great to see everyone and a big Thanks to
the musicians who rocked all night long! I hope to see some of you this
weekend. Take Care Flip Fans! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 5&#184; 2002
MorningChild ~ Hey - glad the forum's back up and working! Best wishes
and much happiness always to Glen & Suz! (Suz, I have a surprise for
you next time I see ya!) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 5&#184; 2002
Joe 6 Pack ~ Glad to see this is finalle worken, hey bonnie, letz go
down to the range tonight and shoot snakes then you can give me some of
that thar booty yu alwaze holden back from me <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
5&#184; 2002 3:02pm</B></FONT>
randi ~ oh yeah... i have some really good pics of the weekend if
anyone is interested.. . an amazing pic of the bride and groom all happy
and beaming... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 5&#184; 2002 2:44pm</B></FONT>
randi ~ Congrats to glen and sue! what an amazing wedding... great way
to start off your life together! love yas! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August
5&#184; 2002 2:43pm</B></FONT>
Paulie & Cindy ~ Thank you, Sue & Glen; Brett, Mike & Steve; Adam et
al; Rev, Scott G et al; Julee & Dennis; Kevy & all the others who made
last weekend so joyous. Great to see all of you. Can't wait to see ya's
again!!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>August 5&#184; 2002 2:21pm</B></FONT>
test ~ ing <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 5&#184; 2002 1:31pm</B></FONT>
Groove ~ Oh yeah! What a weekend!
2002 1:23pm</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 5&#184;
test ~ test <FONT SIZE= -1><B>August 5&#184; 2002 12:36pm</B></FONT>
Bri ~ <FONT COLOR=#FF0000><B>New FLiP Vote!</B></FONT> Your opinion
does matter... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 21&#184; 2002 10:54pm</B></FONT>
Uncle Gary & Aunt Colleen ~ Congrats to my bro and his wife on their
new little girl. I held her today and it was soo cool. Lots of hair.
(((hugs))) Welcome Maisy. =) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 21&#184; 2002
steve & amanda ~ !!!!!Happy Birthday Maisy!!!!!randi
sk ~ black curly hair ?
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 21&#184; 200 2
*** WeLCoMe DaZY HeaD MaZY *** ~ Congratulations, we love you guys!
XOXO... Suz & Glen <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 21&#184; 2002
HOW'S IT FEEL TO BE A DAD?????????????? PEACE <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
21&#184; 2002 5:15pm</B></FONT>
Glenith & Jill ~ ***HAPPY ANNIVERSARY KEITH & KAREN*** Love youGlenith
& Jill
rcw ~ P2P - all my GOTV will be ou t by wednesday :D <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 21&#184; 2002 11:45am</B></FONT>
MIRACLE TREE UPIDATE ~ The E72 shows will be in the hands of the
Branches by Thursday, I suspect. The May Round is already in planning.
I *think* that all of the copies of GOTV2K ha ve been mailed. If anyone
has not yet rec'd theirs (or if a Branchmeister has some outstanding)
please LMK ( and we'll get ya set. I'm coming clear
on my personal queue & can lend a hand. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 21&#184;
2002 8:49am</B></FONT>
PS ~ And best of all, it was completed on 4/20/2002!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 21&#184; 2002 1:00am</B></FONT>
glen ~ Hullo all, sorry I missed the Rice Patty gig, but Suzy and I
were enjoying a much needed vaca in the Catskills for a few days.
(Hey, 5 years, I'm due one night off, right?) Just wanted to let you
know that another milestone has been achieved. Fliptionary 5.0 has hit
1,500. This is a moment to sit back and look it over if you haven't in
a while. (Maybe even print it out.) The passwo rd is Mint. Nice to see
jBR & Tor the other night... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 21&#184; 2002
Cierra: ~ Nice To See Ya'll Briefly Last Night. Thanx Paulie For The
Muzak. You Rock! Peace & Love <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 20&#184; 2002
Wendy ~ Great show last nite Flipper! Thx for letting Bobby play a
tune. Had a blast with you Flip Folks! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 20&#184;
2002 4:15pm</B></FONT>
jager-keis ~ Well I'm back from my 14 day all inclusive vacation from
John Dempsy Hospitol.I can't say that I had fun, seeing I went 12 days
without being able to eat, but the meds were out of control.Any way ,I
hope to see you all real soon as for I need to get out...
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 20&#184; 2002 11:30am</B></FONT>
msp ~ great show! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 20&#184; 2002
sk ~ I`m so homophobic, I can`t even touch myself. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 19&#184; 2002 8:25pm</B></FONT>
FM ~ the show does start at 9pm tonite. We need to train these people
I guess. It will be fun filled evening though. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
19&#184; 2002 6:13pm</B></FONT>
Reverend ~ Hey Flipsters, Thanks again for inviting me to play with you
guys last night at LaCo's. It was 2 much fun! The JBR appearance was a
sweet surprise indeed. I was lucky enough to hear a sneak preview of
the new Flipper CD today. I have been sworn to secrecy and my lips are
sealed concerning any details but I will say this, It ROCKS!!!!!!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 19&#184; 2002 6:24pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ He steals his material from Paulie <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
19&#184; 2002 5:00pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Cierra, in a post below, Flipper Mike said the show's at
10:00. I called the place & they're thinking it starts @ 9:00. I guess
they don't know Fripper Dave to fuggin' good, huh? ;^) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 19&#184; 2002 4:58pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 19&#184;
2002 4:14pm</B></FONT>
Cierra: ~
What Time Does The Show Start Tonight?Laughing Boy
You Can't Smoke a Scorpion ~ Can ya???? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 19&#184;
2002 3:09pm</B></FONT>
Fortune Teller ~ Hmmm....I am forseeing many scoprion bowls in
everyones future. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 19&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Suthington Mountain Girl & I will be at the Fripper Dave show,
FM. Can't wait. Gonna get a big dish of beef chow mein. :):):) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 19&#184; 2002 1:31pm</B></FONT>
FM ~ . Thanks to Rev Tor for sitting in with us last night and helping
us celebrate Glen`s 5th year ann y. The night was truley EPIC!!! There
was also a rare JBR sighting last night sporting his new rig. It was
nice to see you Johnny.Confucius Says
Paulie ~ What time does the show start tonight? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
19&#184; 2002 11:47am</B></FONT>
mother nature ~ shut up sk <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 19&#184; 2002
sk ~ cement jungles rule! there's plenty of nature for everyone to
enjoy on t.v. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 19&#184; 2002 8:53am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Woo hoo its friday! Sorry gu ys I won't be able to make it to
rice fields tonite....going to bulington, VT!!!!!! Hope everyone has a
great weekend!!! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 19&#184; 2002
Gilmore Again ~ And pass me that bloody 6 -ft Subway sandwich, bloke!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 19&#184; 2002 7:10am</B></FONT>
David Gilmour ~ Shut up Roger! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 19&#184; 2002
ep ~ Thee new Flipper album is gonna kick but!! Whatt songs will be on
it? Let's drill off the Iraq shore. Just beyon d the international
line. Put a casino there to!!!!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 19&#184;
2002 12:23am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ WENDY! I'm doing good, hanging out.....I feel a lot
more mono! woo hoo! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 18&#184; 2002
Wendy ~ Sarah, how are you doin? Is the mono over?? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 18&#184; 2002 7:03pm</B></FONT>
Roger Waters ~ We don't need no education! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
18&#184; 2002 6:39pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Hippiefoot, I realize that this dis cussion is important and
all and I am not saying I don't care about these issues, but all it is
doing is becoming an argument that is not needed and bringing a bit of
negative energy that is so not needed! That is all I meant by my
message! Sorry if I upse t anyone! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 18&#184; 2002
Austin ~ The Dodge Swinger is my bag baby and I think it's far out!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 18&#184; 2002 6:03pm</B></FONT>
Melissa and Pickle ~ I want to get the message out there... if an yone
knows anyonesk
sk ~ eating what you hunt seems okay to me, but for the sport of it?
what sport? give the animal a gun and level the playing field and then
it might be a sport <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 18&#184; 2002
Schugrass ~ Hippiefoot, speaking of destroying wildlife, aren't you
very guilty of that? I recall many stories you've told me about
hunting and all the animals you've shot. I don't like hunting at all,
over population of some animals or not! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 18&#184;
2002 5:03pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ don't be dissing baseball naivefoot <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
18&#184; 2002 5:02pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ that wasn't me below, i don't like kicking oily puppies, they get
my sneakers dirty, hippiefoot, maybe we should start calling y ou
naivefoot, do you really think the oil companies will ever allow mass
production of an engine that doesn't use oil? if being naive were
against the law you'd be spending the next 10 years in jail <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 18&#184; 2002 5:00pm</B></FONT>
Hippiefoot ~ Jessica, we are having a high -level discussion about the
future of our planet, our country and our health. This is not a pitty
dispute or something completely stupid like baseball.....this is the
quality of our lives as well as that of our chi ldren and grand
children. It already looks bleak because most people are weak and can't
handle change....imagin if we didn't talk about these issues. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 18&#184; 2002 5:13pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ and besides nothing makes me
thatCaptain Ahab
happy as stompi ng a puppy
The Solution: ~ Why don't we ban shampoo & scizzors, then we could all
produce our own oil. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 18&#184; 2002
The Mechanic ~ Speaking of things we can all be happy about: Any of you
ladies that need your oil checked can stop by the shop after hours.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 18&#184; 2002 4:35pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Guys, guys, can we just stop arguing over this oil business!
I thought this was supposed to be a friendly site to talk about thin gs
people can be happy about! Can't we all just get along?! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 18&#184; 2002 4:22pm</B></FONT>
Hippiefoot ~ And by the way....I don't mind paying $20 a gallon if it
will make you oil brained mother f -ers convert to clean burning,
renewable fuel sources! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 18&#184; 2002
Hippiefoot ~ Invading oil producing conuntries and/or destroying
wildlife for more oil is like cutting off your finger to cure a
hangnail. There are so many better options available if you are smart
enough to see them. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 18&#184; 2002
sk: ~ just b/c you claim it's fact doesn't make it so. you don't even
know the proper usage of weighting/waiting??? you ain't so big, your
just tall that's just about all!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 18&#184; 2002
Schugrass ~ sk, I agree with you as far as our need to drill for our
own oil goes. Most likely what is going to happen is Saudi Arabia will
join Iraq in an oil embargo due to the whole Israel situation. The
U.S. will then invade Saudi Arabia and Iraq and take over the oil
wells. Problem solved! BTW, I've heard predictions that gas could be
$3/gallon this summer. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 18&#184; 2002
Hippiefoot ~ How true...and sk living longer? OK, but explain why an
alarming number of todays children are suffering from polution related
health problems. Will they live long, or more importantly, healthy
lives???? You will soon be thanking us psycho environmentalists. < FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 18&#184; 2002 2:43pm</B></FONT>
Damn Environmentalist ~ Fact: The United States spent more money
fighting the gulf war then it would have cost to convert EVERY car in
America to run on ethanol. Ethanol is most effectively produced fr om
hemp but can very easily be produced from corn and many other
agricultural crops. it burns cleaner, is a renewable fuel source and
would put the American farmer back to work! Drilling is a temporary
solution to our energy independence problem. Sooner or later we will be
forced to adapt alternative energy sources. What the hell are we
weighting for? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 18&#184; 2002 4:23pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ My theory is that whole wildlife refuge thing (obviously
ludicrous) was actually meant to dive rt attention away from the very
real and much more covert Republican doings. Just a theory... <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 18&#184; 2002 2:55pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ but hippiefoot, people in this country are already living longer
than ever, making your point moot. and i'm just so sick of these damn
environmentalist's holding up progress for a bird, or a wolf, or some
other such foolish animal, if we don't find our own oil then let's just
take over some country and run their oil wells. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
18&#184; 2002 2:00pm</B></FONT>
the wolf ~ George Wolf Bush <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 18&#184; 2002
smiles ~ the senate has rejected bush's request to drill for oil in the
alaska wildlife refuge..long live the wolfies <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
18&#184; 2002 1:38pm</B></FONT>
silly wolf ~ mabe we could drill for oil in your head sk <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 18&#184; 2002 12:28pm</B></FONT>
Hippiefoot ~ Found our own oil??? WTF!!! Let's start rubbing sticks for
fire while we're at it. Wake up!!! There is no need for polution
causins fossil fuels anymore! If people would realize that and make
changes (although difficult at first) for the long term health of all
people and our mother, earth!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 18&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ Woo hoo! Thats some good news! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 18&#184;
2002 11:06am</B></FONT>
glen ~ just got back from the mastering lab last night, the new CD is
finished and sounds great. Final running time? Let's just say that
literally another second c ould not have been squeezed onto the record.
(appr. 79:45) Enough FD to keep a lot of people happy. Not to jinx the
sigiation, but we are still aiming for an early June release date.
Only 10 spots left in Fliptionary 5.0. If you want your favorite slang
or jargon included, the clock is now ticking! Have a great day, y'all.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 18&#184; 2002 10:12am</B></FONT>
sk ~ happy b'day to p2p & msp's mom, have 20th anniv. to a remarkable
GD show, and i for one would rather see oil development & sprawling
industry than to save some silly wolves or whatever, it's high time we
found our own oil so we don't have to take any crab from those
towelheaded infidels!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 18&#184; 2002
Jessica ~ rcw, yes it is pisce! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
18&#184; 2002 9:45am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ I know right! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 17&#184; 2002
Cierra: ~
Yeah! A Show I Can Go To! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 17&#184;
2002 10:07pm</B></FONT>
Guilio ~ Hello all, I'm real sorry about the e -mail virus which was
sent from my computer. I found this website which has a zip file which
you can download and run which is should clean it up. I ran it and it
deleted 8 or 9 infected filed. Go to the attached link if your virus
protection did not catch it. The file was attached to a word document
which was called "Directions to 400 Cedar Lane" If you get an e -mail
from me with this subject, delete immediately. Once again, sorry, I
hope it doesn't effect anyone too bad. By the way it came from Julia
Bolus, I think it is Johnny "Big Rig's" girlfriend. So please let her
know too.rcw
Wendy ~ To Glen..congrats on your 5th Flipyear! and happy birthday to
Mom Marino..and many more <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 17&#184; 2002
PS - ~ If you like the place, come back next Saturday (4/27) for
Reverend Tor Band with Mark Mercier!!! No Flip show that night! (sorry
for the shameless plug, I couldn't resist) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
17&#184; 2002 6:24pm</B></FONT>
Reverend ~ Hey all, Glen's directions are not exactly correct. Here's
what you want to do: Take Rt 7 into Pittsfield (7 becomes 7/South St)
and fallow to the rotary. Go half way round and make a right onto North
St (DO NOT stay on Rt 7). Take North street through d own town Pitts. At
the other end of town look for the hospital on your left. Just before
the hospital take a left on to Waconah St. La Cocina is 1/4 mile down
on the right. Across the street from the dinner and baseball stadium.
As Glen said, if you hit Rt 7 again you went to far. If you do get
lost, just ask someone. EVERYONE in the Pitts knows LaCo's. Good luck,
see ya all there!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 17&#184; 2002
Great Alaskan Elk ~ Please help save my home in the ANWR. Send an
email directly to George: or Dick: <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 17&#184; 2002
directions to LaCosina ~ hey all, here's the directions to LaCosina:
take rt. 8 north out of Winsted or getsk
Paulie ~ Actually, the next day was the Hartford Phil's Earthquake
Show. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 17&#184; 2002 2:41pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ 4/17/82 how i remember that show, and the next day was myCener
The Chart Topper in the Great State of Connecticut, 20 Yea rs Ago Today,
4/17/82: ~ Grateful Dead, Hartford Civic Cener! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
17&#184; 2002 1:38pm</B></FONT>
Arctic White Wolf ~ The U.S. Senate is likely to vote as early as
Thursday (tomorrow) on an amendment to open America's greatest
sanctuary for Arctic animals to oil development and sprawling
industrialization. You can do your part to oppose this by contacting
your two senators. Call the Capitol switchboard at 202 -224-3121. Speak
to your senator's staff and ask them to tell your senators to oppose
any amendment that would allow oil exploration or development in the
Arctic Refuge OR you can go toMorning Child
Jessica ~ Happy Birthday to Finnegan and Mama Marino! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 17&#184; 2002 12:29pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ Chart Toppers on A pril 17: 1957...All Shook Up - Elvis Presley,
Come Go with Me - The Dell-Vikings, Round and Round - Perry Como, Gone
- Ferlin Husky ...1961: Blue Moon -The Marcels, Runaway - Del Shannon,
Dedicated to the One I Love - The Shirelles, Don't Worry - Marty
Robbins...1970 Let It Be - The Beatles, ABC - The Jackson 5, Spirit in
the Sky - Norman Greenbaum, Tennessee Birdwalk - Jack Blanchard and
Misty Morgan...1989: She Drives Me Crazy - Fine Young Cannibals, Like a
Prayer - Madonna, You Got It - Roy Orbison, I'm No Stranger to the Rain
- Keith Whitleymsp
HBD ~ Mom & Finnegan <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 17&#184; 2002
PS ~ woof. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 17&#184; 2002 10:32am</B></FONT>
bodhi ~ woof! woof woof woof. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 17&#184; 2002
msp ~ And to Finnegan too!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 17&#184; 2002
msp ~ Happy Birthday to paulie's & my Mom!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
17&#184; 2002 10:00am</B></FONT>
Morning Child ~ Hey Flipper Glen -- I suggest "High-Low" should be
entered into the "Fliptionary" -- the addictive game on this website
that serves to occupy our free minutes and make us curse out loud when
the old "triggered" comes up on the screen!
Just a suggestion.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 17&#184; 2002 8:32am</B></FONT>
Morning CHild ~ Hey Jill & Glenith! Happy BD (((hugs))) to Finnegan
How's Ms. Mazy coming along? She's just about ready to make
her big debut, no? Hope you are feeling well Jill - I miss you! Take
care - (((hugs, love and happy baby vibes))) ... :>) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 17&#184; 2002 8:27am</B></FONT>
jill & glenith ~ Hello Flipper Freaks!! I'd like to wish Finnigan a
HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY today!! And a Happy Birthday to his sister Kashi
too...we haven't forgotten about you and want to get together in the
near future!! Bow wow and a woof woof sniff! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
17&#184; 2002 8:23am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Polly, first I'm working on the clear cotton bikini bottoms :)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 17&#184; 2002 7:01 am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I sent this message to Giulio Centrella today: "Beware - your
computer has a virus that was sent to me. I didn't DL the file that was
att'd (Directions_to_400_Cedar_Lane.doc.lnk) though & will post a note
on the Flipper site about i t since it's obviously being sent to your
address book."Polly
Sarah ~ HEY! I like that idea! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 16&#184; 2002
Polly ~ hey Paulie Flipper Hat or WYWCI (whateveryouwannacallit)...when
are you coming out with you're sp ecial line of women's clothing, like
the invisible shoes so we can look barefoot but not get our feet
dirty?? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 16&#184; 2002 10:24pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Happy Birthday Bobby!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 16&#184; 2002
whoops ~ here's the link...
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 16&#184; 2002 5:45pm</B></FONT>
PS ~ hey, check out this funny animation I did a long time ago.
picture a bulls-eye with it... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 16&#184; 2 002
Paulie ~ {{{H15BD Bobby}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 16&#184; 2002
Wendy ~ Happy 15th Birthday Bobby! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 16&#184; 2002
glen ~ thanks, Paulie, it's been an amazing ride. I really feel lucky
to have such a family in all of you. now keep thinking of those
missing Flip terms.... I know I've missed a few! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
16&#184; 2002 4:45pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Congrats on the reaching the 5 yr plateau, Flipper Glen
Nelson!!!!!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 16&#184; 2002 4:35pm</B></FONT>
Blackswell & His Beer Swillin' Brother Bud ~ Smart woman, that Sarah!
:) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 16&#184; 2002 4:34pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ Thursday at LaCos marks my 5th year in FD. To honor this ev ent,
I have updated the Fliptionary with new terms. If anyone knows of any
words or expressions that may still be left out and need to be
included, I will be willing to update it for the next few days. After
that, Fliptionary 5.0 will be closed. email m e at
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 16&#184; 2002 4:29pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Paulie is a fashion plate! I happen to love his extremely
rocking sense of style...the man knows how to dress..all you take
notice! :) And as for his taste in beer... I happen to agree with him as
well! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 16&#184; 2002 4:19pm</B></FONT>
Mark P. ~ NO doubt TKOTA, you are the fasion plate for the aged! Did I
read that wrong? ;) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 16&#184; 2002
The Schkinny - ~ I love Paulie more than words can say, but his choice
of beers leaves a lot to be desired. I'm thinking of writing a book
"Why Smart People Drink Stupid Beer" or "Smart Enough To Be White
Collar, But Digging The Blue Collar World" <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
16&#184; 2002 4:15pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I am a fashion plate for the ages. Pass the budweiser and
let's get on with it. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 16&#184; 2002
Hippiefoot ~ Thanks to everyone who came out to enjoy the warm sun and
friends on Sunday. You are what my drum circle/picnic is all about.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 16&#184; 2002 12:33pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ But Glen, for your edification, Polly called me that as a pun.
The Shakedown guys call me Paulie Fish Pants b/c of a now de -funked
pair of baggie fish-laden panty-lonies that msp & fam gave me. I loved
them & they loved me back. I looked quite the fashion stud in them. :)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 16&#184; 2002 12:26pm</B></FONT>
Paulie Flipper Hat ~ Yes indeed it is a Flipper Bucket Hat. I was given
the bucket by Jager {{{{{GWS}}}}} and won the Dolphin in a Claw Game @
Seaworld in Dec. So I bal'd it on my Bucket Head for the rest of the
day & first attached it for the XMas Party. Then again for Sunday's
extravaganza. I'll attach it a gain next time next time ;^) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 16&#184; 2002 12:23pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ mornin', all. hey Steve & Deb, your medium beige is en route!
Polly, that was a 'Flipper'. hat, ISYAKT. I reread my last post and
thought of about ten more people I forget to say hi to. Oh well, this
is why I shouldn't make lists. hope you all got your taxes in in time!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 16&#184; 2002 11:47am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Hey Flip Fans! Great to see some of you on Friday, although
it was a short time I could stay! rcw nice to see you and to meet your
friend, we'll have to shots next time when I am more in the mood :)!
Randi, it was so great to have you with the family again and I hope to
see you more this spring/summer! Glen, thank you for the get wel l
wishes and amazingly enough I am feeling much better! Hope you all have
a good week! I'll be out and about this weekend so I hope to see some
(if not all) of you! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 16&#184; 2002
Paulie Fish Hat ~ LOL!!! Polly Mel ons Sweater funny :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 16&#184; 2002 7:29am</B></FONT>
Polly ~ thanks Hippiefoot for an awesome day Sunday. it was nice to
see all of you during the day for once, especially all you Flipheads,
the Feed boys, and Paulie Fish Hat and h is fam. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April
15&#184; 2002 7:38pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ Flipper Glen...have suz check her email please....need some info
:D Thanks! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 15&#184; 2002 5:20pm</B></FONT>
The Schkinny ~ It was sure fun kicking paulie's ass an d embarressing
him in front of his old lady <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 15&#184; 2002
sk ~ a drum circle on master's sunday? that's not logical! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 15&#184; 2002 1:32pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ finally on vaca! Aahh.. with a st eaming cup of Starbucks in hand
and taxes dead ahead, I'll say my weekend thanks, and this was a big
one for us. First off, Bodhi says thank you to the ball throwers!!! She
had a blast. Suz & I had fun too, and not just onstage! Billy Ray's
was a blast on Fri. night, great to see some old friends, Sarah, Chris
et al. And yes, the Doodle(c) is still open, folks! Saturday was great
w/ Glen & Jill - make sure you let us know here on the Flip Forum when
Dazy Head Mazy arrives! Love to all the ol' friends we s aw there,
YKWYA. Shangi-La! Sunday at Gay City was well worth the drive, what a
beautiful spring day! It truly felt like family in every way. If Sunday
was any indication, it's going to be a hell of a summer!!! Thank you
Hippiefoot, you really pulled it of f. Three days in a row seeing Randi
& Robyn, not bad huh? Thanks for the awesome Dr. Juice show - 'Digging
In The Dirt' is playing right now. Cool stuff! TU M.P. 4T LBCD. Cheers
Joseph, James, Robyn, Randi, The Soggy Bottom Boys (Brett, Steve &
Mike), Suz, Mike & Eric, 'M Mike' M, Mike & Josh from Outhouse Sound,
MP, Bill, Dave, Donna, Dennis & Julee, Melissa, Pickle, Polly, SK,
Talbot(c), Marino(c), Centrella(c), Dave & Wendy, Steve & Debbie, Steve
& Amanda, Adrian & Chris, Scott & Amanda, Gullio & Carolin e, Jessica &
Andrew, Brian & Beth, The Birks & O'Hagan's (twice!) We love &
appreciate all of you!!! (P.S. HYFB, JagerKeis) See you at LaCosina &
Fripper Dave! OK, now where's those W2s? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
15&#184; 2002 12:33pm</B></FONT>
Mark P ~ I don't think anyone took the sign for you SK. So sorry, but
in tribute to that sign, go ahead and sing, "Sign, Sign, everywhere a him, don't do her, can't you read the sign?!" <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 15&#184; 2002 10:27am</B></FONT>
Mark P ~ Thanks Hippiefoot for another great day. My friends Kerry and
John enjoyed it lots. Good to see Glen, Sue, Joe, Dennis, Feed Inc.,
James, and ofcourse the extended Miracle Family, featuring MSP + TKOTA,
who I will email shortly with specs on the miracle offerin g. Thanks
Bill for the bluegrass tunage!
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 15&#184; 2002
sk ~ did anyone get me the sign from that park ? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
15&#184; 2002 8:26am</B></FONT>
sk ~ did anyone get me the sign from that park ? <F ONT SIZE=-1><B>April
15&#184; 2002 8:26am</B></FONT>
Paurie ~ Ah so. I'm a big ahsooo. I can't wait to see the Glate Fripper
Dave in the Glate Chinee Province of Can -Ton. Fripper Dave & Chinee
Food. Dat's gonna be GLATE!!!! Gona get a big dish of Beef Cho w Mein!!
And gonna wear my Taipai sarong. And my Taipai thong. Dat way my Taipai
wong not hang out of shorts cuz it too rong. Arr ages Fripper Dave and
Peking Duck. Ah so. Maybe give Fripper chicks Peking goose >) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 15&#184; 2002 9:13a m</B></FONT>
msp ~ Hippiefoot...THANK YOU !!!! It was a blast. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 15&#184; 2002 9:05am</B></FONT>
TKOTA ~ Mark, can you Email me the info file on the CD you Miracled me
yesterday. Thanks. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 15&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Great party yesterday, Hippiefoot!!! Great to see so many fun
friends. Special "THANK YOU" to Liberty Mark and FLipper Glen for the
quick lesson for Bobby and D Minor Jam. He was thrilled. YOU GUYS
RULE!!! One can only wonder when we' ll get to hear the melodica at a
Flipper show. Would add an interesting color to Wood, methinks. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 15&#184; 2002 8:37am</B></FONT>
sk ~ if i don`t show up tomorow can someone steal the sign
Paulie ~ Nice work, Buzz!! Mo st kind of ou to make them available to
the DL'g segment of the membership here. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
13&#184; 2002 12:49am</B></FONT>
Bri ~ The <FONT COLOR=#FF0000><B>FLiP VOTE</B></FONT> question has been
updated! Make your vote count. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 12&#184; 2002
zippy the pinhead ~ 4 more Max Creek shows are now up on ready for Down Loading in SHN format....3 27-97....7-4-82....4-27-96....11-3-01LSun
Wendy ~ Woo hoo! It's Friday <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 12&#184; 2002
Hippiefoot ~ Weather Update: Rain, light if any, ending by 11 am.
Festivities start 11 am. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 12&#184; 2002
Joe Six-Pack ~ Car?? Iz dat wonna doze vee -hikels wit doze fancie bi gcity lether seets in it? I likes my pick -em up truk. Weeze rent mules
all da time but not for work, iffin ya no what I meen...and da wife iz
just fine, ask da mule. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 12&#184; 2002
sk: ~ joe six pack, whoever hear d of renting a mule anyway? it should
be, i'm going to beat you like a rented car, btw, how's the wife? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 12&#184; 2002 2:29pm</B></FONT>
Hippiefoot ~ Glen, FTS indeed! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 12&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ What sk's Schkinny fails to mention is that his 123 lbs are
supported by a 6' frame. Whenever he was trying to get out of a
meeting, he'd hide from his boss behind a pencil or someone's weiner if
Big Boss Man happened into the bathroom while The Schkinny w as in
there. He won a silver medal in the 96 Olympics as the javelin. And Cin
& I will be there on Saturday, Schkinny. If you give me any guff, I'll
show you some food, thereby rendering you nauseous. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 12&#184; 2002 1:28pm</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ Hey Schkinny...I'll beat you like a rented mule! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 12&#184; 2002 1:05pm</B></FONT>
The Schkinny ~ Paulie, I'll be at the maple tree on saturday night and
i'm going to kick your ass for all those years you showed me up and
bullied me, i've been on a weight gain regimen and i now way 123 and
i'm going to hurt you <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 12&#184; 2002
MorningChild ~ TGIF!! Hey Jess - sorry to hear you're under -theweather :>( - hope you feel better soo n! I too will not be around I'm going away for the weekend. So, rcw, looks like you're going to
have to carry our banner this weekend and dance one for all of us!!!
'Til next time - peace all!
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 12&#184; 2002
mm aka msp ~ The park, Bitterman. You know how I love the park.Jessica
glen ~ isn't that the sand witch? OK, that too was bad... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 11&#184; 2002 9:34pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ U know I;ll be there Sunday..if it doesn;t rain,if otherwise
i;ll just that the good or bad witch?Paulie
sk ~ shut up sk <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 11&#184; 2002 5:32pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ paulie, shut up, buzz isn't clever enough to come up with that
last post, it had to be you <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 11&#184; 2002
sk ~ but my favorite name for a park is by far "poor kin diaz park", in
elizabeth nj. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 11&#184; 2002 4:54pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ hippiefoot, there is one kind of weather I know you don't like the blazing morning sun Saturday morning at Camp Creek (after being up
all night with no sleep of course) FTS. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
11&#184; 2002 4:41pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ I love the name of that park. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 11&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ 40' x 40'??? JEEZ!!! That thing will protect the population of
a small village ;^) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 11&#184; 2002
Mark P. ~ Philly TKOTA Steaks for everyone! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
11&#184; 2002 3:22pm</B></FONT>
Hippiefoot ~ 40ft. by 40ft. (1600 sq. ft.) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
11&#184; 2002 2:16pm</B></FONT>
The Wind Come Squalling Thru Your Door ~ Who can the weather command?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 11&#184; 2002 2:27pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Hippiefott, I am not worried about the weath er personally
either. But we do like to encourage the kids to join us in our little
hippie journey whenever possible - and they're all for it. However,
since you are gonna have a tarp (which I assume you mean to say is 400
sq ft, since a 40 sq ft'r would b e about 6.5' x 6.5' and would protect
about 3 peeps), the drizzles won't keep us away. Only rain. Can't wait!
Bringing my drums. I plan to beat them. SInce there's picnicing, I'll
bring my meat. May even beat *it*. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 11&#184;
2002 1:18pm</B></FONT>
Hippiefoot ~ Picnicing is encouraged. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 11&#184;
2002 11:51am</B></FONT>
Hippiefoot ~ Anyone who has capped w/ me knows I fear no weather. If
there is rain (thats a big if) There will be a 40 square foot tarp that
will protect the population of a small village. says cloudy
and 66. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 11&#184; 2002 11:50am</B></FONT>
MZ ~ Hey David are you sure you wanted to say master's. I think the
plural could be left out. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 11&#184; 2002
Phil Mickelson - ~ Paulie, see below <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 11&#184;
2002 12:07pm</B></FONT>
David Duval - ~ Paulie, you're not planning on watching me blow another
master's on the back nine sunday afternoon? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
11&#184; 2002 12:07pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ The weather's looking pretty sketchy for Sunday. Weather
Channel's calling for rain. says cloudy. If there's no
rain, Cin & I plan to be there w/ the kids. It would be cool if we can
make it. I assume we can bring a grill & make the hamburgees and 100
Grade A American Beak hotdoggies, right? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
11&#184; 2002 11:16am</B></FONT>
sk: ~ how's everyone doing this morning on the eve of the greatest golf
tournament in the world? <FO NT SIZE=-1><B>April 11&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ {{{CONGRATULATIONS, MZ & BEAR!!!}}}MorningChild
glen&suz ~ congratulations!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 10&#184; 2002
MZ ~ Our dog is incredible isn't he. I can't just give him the
keyboard, he wants to play hi -low every damn time we let him in the
rooom, I think bear might help ODI cheat a little. Just wanted to let
yall know I proposed to Bear on Monday night and she was more than
willing to wear the ring. Better get ready for one hell of a party in
celebration!!!!!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 8&#184; 2002
PS ~ Just added to PSB show tonite @ Sully's * Special Guests!Midnight
Sun!Don't miss this Show! It's gonna be great!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
10&#184; 2002 7:09pm</B></FONT>
PSB ~ Tonite! Wednesday.April 10th come see Pete Scheips Band W/Barry
Seelen,Stephen Miller,Bob Laramie & John Panchak @ Sullys Pub @ Lena's
2053 Park St.Hartford,CT.(860)231 -8881Mark P.
PS ~ wow, odi w/ 33!! amazing. and the infamous original I.P. Honue
goes to the bottom of the list! this just keeps getting better. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 10&#184; 2002 4:23pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ I missed the last one (merled again) so I have sworn to
Hippiefoot not to miss it this time. I will bring a ton of cool
instruments, and not all drums! hope to see you there. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 10&#184; 2002 4:21pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ What a beautiful day it is today!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
10&#184; 2002 2:57pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ I love the name of that par k. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 10&#184; 2002
Hippiefoot ~ Partly Cloudy & 65 for Sun., mint!
10&#184; 2002 12:22pm</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
Jessica ~ msp, I got the duplicate CD yesterday and man are you fast!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 10&#184; 2002 10:04am</B></FONT>
sk ~ well that was obviously buzz posting as me, he's a horrible
speller <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 10&#184; 2002 9:04am</B></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="F20505">TaperJones</FONT> ~ ...well put EP...hey was great to see you keep your cool thru it
alllllll...thanks again... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 9&#184; 2002
sk ~ I made a little toy man with my own taint hairs I have been
colleting for years. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 9&#184; 2002
BUZZ ~ It's amazing what a dog will lick if you put maple syrup on it!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 9&#184; 2002 5:27pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ tiger is hot! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 9&#184; 2002
Mark P. ~ A Daly/Woods duel on the back -nine sunday would be worth
watching, but I'll have to catch it on the news. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 9&#184; 2002 3:23pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ you know i meant baiter <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 9&#184; 2002
sk ~ kinda silly to plan a drum circle on master's sunday <FO NT SIZE=1><B>April 9&#184; 2002 2:23pm</B></FONT>
Mark P. ~ Happy Tuesday All (I played hookie from work yesterday!!!)
... wuz up MSP + TKOTA (The Miracle Bros.) ...hey Peppermint Polly, I
hope you're doing well at the day job! I have no doubts that you' re
having fun by night...:) How's the barn scene lately? Hey HippieFoot
Bill...looking forward to Sunday's Drum Circle -O-Rama! OK, here's to
short work weeks and long weekends!
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 9&#184;
2002 11:20am</B></FONT>
msp ~ GOTV2K TREE UPD ATE: The CD jewel case covers have been emailed to
everyone that signed up for this tree. I sent all three covers together
using winzip. Buzz, Keith, Sarah & Ryan LaMere, you are on my branch &
your CDs will be in the mail by Friday. Any problems, email me at and/or "I'd like to
thank you on behalf of the group and ourselves andep
Jessica ~ I got to seventeen on HI -LO and got a Queen and the next card
was a King! ARGHHHHHH! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 8&#184; 2002
FYI ~ way yo go Hi-Lo Joe! nice run... Speaking of Jerry's middle
finger, someone's had some fun at the ballot box, so all you GD tree
recipients might want to take a look. Peace... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
8&#184; 2002 4:31pm</B></ FONT>
Mr. Burns ~ now give ME a taste! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 8&#184; 2002
APRIL MIRACLE TREE CLOSED ~ All applicants are on it. Anyone who missed
out can ask for a B&P copy here on this msg bd & one of the tree
recipients will most lik ely pick you up. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 8&#184;
2002 4:05pm</B></FONT>
Homer ~ Man I am so outta here when I graduate! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
8&#184; 2002 2:33pm</B></FONT>
Paulie's Pants ~ Actually he may be trying to save grace & face here,
but if the truth be known, he pissed his pants, trust me on this! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 8&#184; 2002 2:33pm</B></FONT>
homer ~ "We have a kitchen? !!!!!" <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 8&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ The Simpsons last night was hilarious. One of t he alltime best
episodes. The major theme was legalization of medicinal schmoggapop.
Guest appearance by Phish doing a the coda from Antelope. I almost
pissed my pants when that part came on. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 8&#184;
2002 2:03pm</B></FONT>
MIRACLE TREE UPDATE ~ Final plug for this one. Email me by 5:00
(, parameters below) or you'll miss out & have to
grovel here for someone to pick you up via B&P. Once it's CLOSED, we've
done our part. The rest will be up to the tree recipients. < FONT SIZE=1><B>April 8&#184; 2002 1:14pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ msp, check your e -mail and THANKS!
8&#184; 2002 10:16am</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
MIRACLE TREE UPDATE ~ Still 9 spots availabe for GD 4/8/72 - London.
See below for details & applic ation parameters. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
8&#184; 2002 10:07am</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ What da hell izza vibe, y'all? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
8&#184; 2002 9:54am</B></FONT>
Mr. Bad Vibes - ~ So? I'm not welcome at your drum circle? We don't
need no stinking drum circle anyways!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 8&#184;
2002 9:47am</B></FONT>
msp ~ JESSICA, I have the disc you asked me for on Saturday night.
Email me a mailing address & I'll send it right out. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 8&#184; 2002
Hippiefoot ~ Weather Report: Moderately cloudy and 64 degrees for the
fun and friends, old and new. Anyone with a good vibe welcome. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 8&#184; 2002 8:45am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ There are still 10 spots left on this Miracle Tree - the
fantastic London GD concert of 30 yrs ago today. Obviously, everyone
that's applied so far is in. I'm closing it at 5:00 at the latest,
soooooooo...Schpickin schpockin da spiney, Spongler!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 8&#184; 2002 9:13am</B></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="F20505">TaperJones</FONT> ~ ...ok...just checkin
MIRACLE TREE UPDATE ~ Still 12 spots available. See below for info.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 7&#184; 2002 5:03pm</B></FONT>
~ Paulie, YATKOTA (You Are The King Of
Wendy ~ Great news Glen and Suz!
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 7&#184; 2002
glen ~ thanks Paulie, go od luck on your tree. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
7&#184; 2002 10:31am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ WOW!!! And it's not even April Fools, so - CONGRATS Sketti
Cake :) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 7&#184; 2002 11:26am</B></FONT>
Noodle News ~ Hey all, as it turns out, the sh ow at The Children's
Place in Goshen, CT was really a lot of fun with a ton of people and
little kids dancing everywhere! I wish we had known more about it. Oh
well, next time.... also, "Trampoline" is to be heard in a new feature
film (and its soundtrack ) titled 'The Energy Specialist' premiering at
the Pleasant Street Theater in Northampton, MA on Friday April 26 -May
2, 2002. Suzy & I are really excited about this, please try to see the
movie. It will only be there for one week. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
7&#184; 2002 10:20am</B></FONT>
ANNOUNCING THE APRIL MIRACLE TREE ~ Today marks the 30th anniversary of
the first show of the Grateful Dead's famed Europe 72 Tour. That tour
is this man's opinion of the Greatest Story Ever Told - one show after
another of incredibly inspired live music. In honor of the occassion,
we offer the second show of the tour, 4/8/72 - Wembley Empire Pool,
London. This one is my favorite of the tour, the show from which the
album version of Cumberland was culled. It contains on CD3, what is
widely regarded as one of the Top 5 segments in all of GD history - the
last hour of the second set: DStar>SMag>Caution for the ages!!! Full
lineage is available but suffice it to say that it's digitized directly
from the master 16 track reels. We 'll leave this open until the earlier
of tomorrow after work or 16 applications. This is a Miracle Tree, so
blanks & postage for applicants while it's open are N/A. To apply, send
an Email to w/ Subject "H30BD E72" and include your
name & mailing address, and LMK if you can burn for B&P for others who
miss the Tree. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 7&#184; 2002 10:24am</B></FONT>
P.S. ~ In spirit. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 6&#184; 2002
sk ~ I love the week after easter, because I collect all the left over
easter basket grass from my freinds, roll around in glue then the
grass, and make an easter basket grass suit for myself. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 6&#184; 2002 7:00pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ suzy & I will be at the Juice. we're awful thirsty. OK, that
was bad... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 6&#184; 2002 5:45pm</B></FONT>
Brett again
~ By the way Dr. Juice is at The Maple Tree tonight for
the first time so show some support. Ill be @ Billy Rays in winsted so
show some red necks and cleav age. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 6&#184; 2002
~ Just got home and its definatly time for a string change
after last night. After mine broke I was nice enough to break one of
Murowski's for him too. Thanks again Scott.
<FONT SIZE =-1><B>April
6&#184; 2002 11:50am</B></FONT>
Pickle, Miss}:{Meliss & TaperJones ~ <p>Hey Brett....Dennis
She sings? ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 5&#184; 2002 5:13pm</B></FONT>
FLiPPER NEWS DESK ~ just a reminder that tonight's show at Hoops n Hops
has been long cancelled. I realize it still exists on Jambase & The
Soundboard, so I hope nobody is confused. We'll see you next weekend
(Fri.) at Billy Ray's Cafe or go see Brett tomorrow night (Sat.) solo
akoostik at same said Cafe. (I dunno' either, I guess he just really
likes the place.) Which brings me to another point - What the heck is
everyone doing this weekend? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 5&#184; 2002
Titney's Mouffhole ~ Now that I am no longer occupied, I shall re commence singing. <FO NT SIZE=-1><B>April 5&#184; 2002 5:05pm</B></FONT>
'sniff, tear, sob.... ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 5&#184; 2002
glen ~ Brett will be happy to know (and possibly others) that Titney is
once again single. It seems that she and Bustin' Ti mberlake of N*Suck
have broken up. May we all have a moment of silence? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 5&#184; 2002 4:58pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ ah but hippiefoot, look at the nicely paved roads you get
SIZE=-1><B>April 5&#184; 2002 4:53pm</B></FONT>
If I had a nickle... ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 5&#184; 2002
Hippiefoot ~ SK, it's easy....the extra penny is a tax. You can't even
think w/o being taxed. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 5&#184; 2002
sk: ~ speaking of that, anyone seen the latest issue of "Pie Times"?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 5&#184; 2002 3:06pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ how come it's a penny for your thoughts and it's also here's my
two cents, doesn't seem to make sense at all, yes, it was a lovely
yeller moon, and an rc cola and a moon pie <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
5&#184; 2002 3:05pm</B></FONT>
Poor Noel Graffy ~ I like the analogy, Hippiefoot. Plus, it's not
really fair to bring Jerry into the discussion. His entire stage
presence seemed to symbolize peace & restraint set against a backdrop
of complete & total psychedelic mayhem. YMMVOC. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
5&#184; 2002 2:30pm</B></FONT>
Hippiefoot ~ Paulie, I agree the auditory energy is key....but it is
like a "partener" (I dare not say woman out loud) that does not respond
durring love making....a little visual confirmation that they are in to
it adds to the experience quite a bit. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 5&#184;
2002 2:27pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Creek 3/16/01 - Provy has a kickin' Yellow Moon!!! Your
thoughts, sk? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 5&#184; 2002 1:36pm</B></FONT>
Fuggin A ~ Fishman posts a msg & everyone shuts up???? Or are you just
hiding? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 5&#184; 2002 1:34pm</B></FONT>
John? ~
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 5&#184; 2002 12:15pm</B></FONT>
Fishman... ~ Looking to contact Mike Sherman. Please give him the heads
up Guys. please call tone @ 860 882 -5916 Re:Boxes <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 5&#184; 2002 11:24am</B></FONT>
TKOTA ~ GDTRFB = Gonna Do The Rudenessto Furry Britney <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 5&#184; 2002 11:20am</B></FONT>
Mark P. ~ TKOTA-n-Titney sittin' in a tree, G -D-T-R-F-B! <FONT SIZE=1><B>April 5&#184; 2002 11:17am</B></FONT>
Faux Titney Spears ~ Please refer to me as this, my now legally changed
real faux name. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 5&#184; 200 2 11:08am</B></FONT>
sk ~ titney spears, LOFL!!! monsignor paulie makes some nice points,
but he is a smarmy smarty pants, but i do so enjoy his thoughtful dance
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 5&#184; 2002 11:00am</B></FONT>
TKOTA ~ LOL! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 5&#184; 2002 10:29am</B></FONT>
Mark P ~ Paulie, YATKOTA (You Are The King Of The Acromyn!).
IOAAWYHOAEIAMP (I Once Again Agree With Your Humble Opinion About
Energy In A Musical Performance). IYCHITTEIT (If You Can Hear It, Then
The Energy Is There)....S o, to sum up: YATKOTA, IOAAWYHOAEIAMP,
IYCHITTEIT! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 5&#184; 2002 10:29am</B></FONT>
Back Street Boys ~ We suck :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 5&#184; 2002
BSB? ~
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 5&#184; 2002 10:09am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ You're on rcw!!!!!
2002 9:40am</B></FONT>
;>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 5&#184;
MorningChild ~ Happy Friday gang! Yes, speaking as one who's seen more
FD shows over the course of time than I can remember (I never thought
to COUNT them!!!) - I must concur with Mark P. and Paulie - while I've
seen MANY stellar performances from this group (and its variations)
over time - our boys are definitely, consistently, at the highest point
in their game these days.
(I'll not call it a "peak" for tha t would
imply that a down side is coming.) Anyway - that's my 2 cents (or
less.) Peace all! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 5&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ The energy that I was referring to is auditory. Visual energy
is not relevant IMO. The eyes t end to confuse & lie. The energy is as
apparent to a blind man as a sighted person (moreso in fact). Jerry
never moved but created so much auditory energy that an entire genre of
music exists based largely (not entirely) on barriers that he broke
thru in the latter part of the last century. OTOH, Titney Spears, Kiss,
BSB, Alice Cooper and a plethora of others provide the eyes w/ some
much information that one might be confused into thinking there is
something going on there. As a great friend of mine ofte n says, "Since
they can't boggle you w/ brilliance, they baffle you w/ bullshit.".
YMMVOC. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 5&#184; 2002 9:34am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ lol! painful to watch indeed! Always nice when the
as they they are enjoying themselves, huh..? So
for you...was fun! morning child...lets get together and
for that GFDay thang :D Think it is a great idea! <FONT
1><B>April 5&#184; 2002 9:32am</B></FONT>
musicians look
mystery feet
pick a date
Hippiefoot ~ Energy and having fun are what it's all about. I picture
Tom Constantine playing w/ Tor last year @ Nutterbutt. Great playing,
but the man never moved (other than his hands) never smiled, I'm not
sure he even breathed. Great music, but painful to watch. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 5&#184; 2002 9: 20am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Exactly, Liberty Mark!!! Call me an anus taster if you must
(though I doubt that many folks here would on that point), right here &
now - FD shows have far more energy than most Creek shows (not all, of
course). Especially when a certain guitarist helps FEED the sound. Or
the Avon Gentleman comes calling. YMMVOC, since there are no absolutes
in discussions of opinion. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 5&#184; 2002
Mark P. ~ Hey Paulie...I agree with like every point you mad e there.
Especially concerning Jimmy Herring, though technically purfuse, his
jazz-fusion generica just doesn't work for me as it applies to GD
music, or jamrock or whatever it's called. Warren Haynes is far more
palletable in an improv rock setting IMO. P lays less notes, but more
thoughtfully; soulfully. I also loved Creek in the early 90s. BTW, I
think Flipper is hitting new highs these days! You guys sounded huge at
Ditto's! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 5&#184; 2002 8:51am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ And exemplary o f my point is my feelings about Jimmy Herring which run completely contrary to Flipper Glen's. To me, he sounds more
homogenized than the white stuff behind the picture of this poor
missing kid on the carton. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 5&#184; 2002
~ Mystery Feet were great last night and $3 pitchers. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 5&#184; 2002 8:33am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ SCI is far from legendary - though they are quite good IMO.
sk's point re: the GD post 91 is mostly the party line. MZ is more to
the point - there are great shows in all years. Obviously some years
are better than others. Mostly, bands tend to get weaker at some point
that seems related to the # of years together - for physical or
communications reasons or whatever, I am not sure. Max Creek, who sk
thinks of as at the top of their game right now, are IMO, as distant
from their greatness of the early 90s (thru 92) as his claim that the
GD were in 95 from 91. Further in fact. Of course, stating one's
opinion as categorical fact & coming across w/ absolutes portrays the
appearance of scholarly argument - when in fact there are no absolutes
in discourses of opinion. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 5&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ It's Friday...woo hoo!!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 5&#184; 2002
Schugrass ~ Hi Glen. That String Cheese post wasn't me if that's what
you're thinking although they still are my favorite band. I like your
high-low game. No other band has a card game on their web site. My
only complaint is that the cards don't flip fast enough. I want to be
able to lose quicker so I can start a new game. I was in South Lake
Tahoe last weekend losing at cards faster there than I can here! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 4&#184; 2002 9:56pm</B></FONT>
Geddy ~ thank yooooou very much, g'night! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
4&#184; 2002 5:00pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ speaking of great music, I just picked up 'Project Z', Jimmy
Herring's new band. (Aquarium Rescue Unit, Jazz Is Dead) Damn. This
is the shit I love, this CD is great. I give it my highest
recommendation. It's essentially ARU again w/out Oteil & Kofi B. Bur
fear not, the boys are all back and they are better than ever. Go get
it ASAP. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 4&#184; 2002 4:59pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ i already said rush sucks and their singer is ugly, damnit! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 4&#184; 2002 4:56pm</B></FONT>
more new Rush songs! - plus the new cover ~ <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 4&#184; 2002
glen ~ Schuster, is th at you? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 4&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ Thanks for the directions everybody! Hopefully this time I
shouldn't get lost! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 4&#184; 2002
sk ~ mz, yes, i can unequivically state that after 1991 the band went
downhill fast, that's a fact lad, as for sci, they are a bunch of
pollyanna's playing kids music for adults, boring!!!
<FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 4&#184; 2002 11:28am</B></FONT>
The String Cheese Incident ~ Are we not legendary? <FONT SIZ E=1><B>April 4&#184; 2002 11:19am</B></FONT>
MZ ~ Whoa. I just got blasted by the legendary sk. NOTE TO SELF: never
ask sk how many shows he went to or you will be trumped and your head
handed back to you on a platter. I was merely asking for a number, j ust
a number. sk you are right you did see more shows and you did get a
chance to see some of the greatest shows that ever took place (70's,
early 80's) I still yell at my parents for not having me sooner. I
didn't have much of a choice when that cold -handed doctor was going to
extract me from my mothers womb, but you were born in the dessert so
you wouldn't know about cold hands, maybe just lion tongues. I wish i
had seen colt park with you. And I don't remember you babysitting
unless you came back from th e show wearing a skirt, which i guess is
entirely possible back in the day. Started going in '85, saw somewhere
around 70 shows by the time '88 (the year you talk about me starting)
and I think we saw some great shows in 85,86(until Jer got sick) , 87,
88,and89(warlocks Dark stars,Help slip). I totally agree with you that
there came a point that the truly blowout shows were happening less and
less. I also agree that the Boys had much more energy and would play
the shit out of stuff back in your early years. But you can't say that
most shows after 91 were lacking either. There were some great ones and
there were a bunch that were real sleepers. Even into 94 (Garcia's
birthday show) at the palace at auburn hills was smoking, weir
Satisfaction. Even the 95 summ er tour West Coast run started out great
until they got to the East Coast flop shows. How does the saying go
"Don't hate me because i'm beautiful", (since that doesn't apply to
me), "sk, don't hate me because i'm an eskay proclaimed late bloomer".
323/20= 16.15
267/10= 26.7 devotion speaks volumes, years, not so
much. Just a 25 line thought <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 4&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ That was me, Taper Jones ( <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 4&#184; 2002 8:31am</B></FONT >
PAGING TAPER JONES ~ Please Email me. I have a favor to ask of you.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 4&#184; 2002 8:31am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Sarah, 84 to Capital Ave exit. At Lafayette statue, head down
that road (Washington, I think). Go straight for about 2 mi les & you'll
hit the Webster. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 3&#184; 2002 6:59pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ I know, I know the answer Wendy..hehehehe! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 3&#184; 2002 6:41pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ ..Jessica, I graduated from High School in 1976!!!How old does
that make me? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 3&#184; 2002 6:35pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Alright I got a question for you guys! I have been to the
webster a bunch of times, but everytime I go I end up getting totally
lost and then I have to stop, ask for directi ons and I don't end up
getting there until later....directions from the net suck!
Anyway...does anyone have a sure fire way of how to get to the webster
so I won't get lost! If you do, please email them to me
Thanks! <FONT SI ZE=-1><B>April 3&#184;
2002 5:19pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ well MZ the real question is, how many shows did i wear my french
maids outfit to in the eighties? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 3&#184; 2002
MorningChild ~ AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Got to 17 (hig hest personal score
ever) on High-Low and then BAM!! All the way back to 0!!!!!! This
dumb game is going to be the death of me!!!!!
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
3&#184; 2002 4:43pm</B></FONT>
The Acronymist ~ msp = meant smarty pants <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
3&#184; 2002 4:38pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ you knew what i meant smarty pants <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 3&#184;
2002 4:28pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ You were born in the dessert? I can accept dessert being used
during conception but I hardly think you were born in the de ssert. I'm
confused, sk. <:-) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 3&#184; 2002
sk ~ i was born in the dessert and raised in a lions den <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 3&#184; 2002 3:29pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ I'll just apologize for that one now :)! <FONT S IZE=1><B>April 3&#184; 2002 3:26pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Sk, your first show was in 1976? I was born in 1976! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 3&#184; 2002 3:17pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ i went to 323 of them mz, and while you told me awhile back that
you went to every show from like 1988 on, that makes you a late
bloomer, my first show was in 1976 at colt park, i think i was supposed
to baby sit for you that day but i went to the show instead, so as you
can see, my involvement spanned 20 years, while yours was what? 7
years? and just 2 or 3 great years, b/c after 1991 they weren't very
good anymore, like i've said, if you stopped going on 9/26/91 that was
the perfect time to get out, after that, dead shows were pretty much
like hartford girls, you could still see the oc casional great one but
you had to see 7 or 8 mediocre ones before that!!!! so once again,
you've been trumped!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 3&#184; 2002
sk ~ I have never realy been to any dead shows, I am making it all up,
just to score with the chics. Any facts I spout are from paulie and his
brother mike. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 3&#184; 2002 2:37pm</B></FONT>
MZ ~ I couldn't hold back anymore. I told you i wouldn't post again,
but i beg to differ. All right SK how many shows? Let's be re al here.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 3&#184; 2002 2:27pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ oh sunshine, forgot to tell you...I Ping -ponged yesterday without
ya'! Your in BIG trouble! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 3&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Thank you for the kind words, sk (I think)! :) And yes, you
have seen the Dead more times than the rest of us - almost combined.
And I will admit that Phish at one point got on my nerves. But no more.
I like them. They say kind things about The Jer. That is, after all,
the only reason that I like you :) Oh yeah, and b/c you let me plunder
your vaults. Jever take that tape out of the bathroom? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 3&#184; 2002 1:48pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ and yeah, the girls would agree, paulie is a cunning linguist,
heck, even i'd agree to that, for he is in some circles known as
"hershhiser", let the words be yours, i'm done with mine <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 3&#184; 2002 1:36pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ paulie, i remember a time, not so long ago, that you cared not at
all for phish, thems were the g ood old days, what happened? while good
musicians all, they leave me cold and don't play with any heart
whatsoever, as opposed to the great garcia, just plug the amp out of
his heart, b/c that's where the music was coming from, and phil &
friends, please!!!! if sideshow bob ever fired that chooch of a guitar
player, the elvis wannabe mark karin and replaced him with warren
haynes everyone would be talking about how hot ratdog was not p &
f's..........just my opinion of course, but since i've seen the dead
more than anyone out here my opinion counts more <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
3&#184; 2002 1:34pm</B></FONT>
The Cunning Linguist ~ Deprecatory = opprobrious. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 3&#184; 2002 12:44pm</B></FONT>
Linguini-ist ~ fa-gedda-bowd-it <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 3&#184; 2002
MZ ~ And Decrapatory? And yes i can spell,smell and i write to you
utilizing a DELL. Thank you! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 3&#184; 2002
The Linguist ~ Pejorative = deprecatory. Your mileage [mind] may vary
of course. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 3&#184; 2002 12:15pm</B></FONT>
MZ ~ Scratch that maybe paulie was in back reading WEBSTERS. What the
heck is that p word you just used. Could you please (extrapillate)on
this for me or at least tell me how to sp ell Extrap-----. He's just too
smart for his own good. And yes very true the Dead were not a jamband.
Not sure who said it but remember the saying "They're not the best at
what they do, they're the only ones who do what they do" There was no
classification for them. I too enjoy Phish, don't get me wrong.
Dead,JGB,THE CREEK,and some Phish.And what's the Y -----, couldn't get
that one either. That's the last you'll have to listen. Peace to all.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 3&#184; 2002 11:40am</B></FONT>
Joeybagadonuts ~ I got your fish, right here! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
3&#184; 2002 11:36am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ It's certainly possible that Phish could win. They didn't get
my vote, however. And like rcw, I really like Phish. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 3&#184; 2002 11: 00am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ mz, your so funny :D I love Phish, but Im with ya', cant possibly
win! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 3&#184; 2002 10:47am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Also, neither the GD nor the JGB are IMO "jam bands". They are
the grandfathers of it perhaps, bu t lumping them in w/ the likes of
Ominous Seapods and Phil & Friends is pejorative at best. YMMVOC. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 3&#184; 2002 10:41am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ MZ, what vote are you talking about. My Flip Vote link brings
me to the favorite Flip Movie Vote??????? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
3&#184; 2002 10:38am</B></FONT>
MZ ~ If Phish wins the Phlip vote, I will flip out. If you can honestly
say that either the DEAD boys or JGB should not be held as the greatest
jam bands, then i guess the bus came by and you decided to walk.But
didn't those diesel fumes smell excellent when the bus left for the
next destination. (From all of his talk) i think SK was helping Neil
drive, paulie was in back sewing a new pair of DEAD patch pantalones.
They got to my house and as usual they had to wait for me (always
late). Then i think we went up to New Hartford to pick up the
Brettster. For those of you that did decide to walk, i feel bad, but
hey you're probably in a lot better shape. It was something I will
never forget (THANK YOU JERRY and boys). Just my distorted view. Thanks
for listening. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 3&#184; 2002 10:23am</B></FONT>
PAGING MR TAPER JONES ~ Please call Paulie @ (203)879 -4600 or (203)2060379. Or Email him. Per favore has been asked of us. Phon e call would
be better. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 3&#184; 2002 9:40am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Its wednesday! Woo hoo! only 2 more days...... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 3&#184; 2002 8:35am</B></FONT>
PS ~ to junk food: see 'Fliptionary'(c) for the answer. <FONT SIZE =1><B>April 2&#184; 2002 8:52pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ omigod, the new bar has been set on hi -lo.
SIZE=-1><B>April 2&#184; 2002 8:51pm</B></FONT>
unbelievable. <FONT
MZ ~ So I guess my ODIE monster has the high score on hi -low. Good job
boy! Now go fetch the ball <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 2&#184; 2002
plant food ~ mix me with water and leave me in a milk jug <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 2&#184; 2002 4:05pm</B></FONT>
dog food ~ where does the time go? Are you out there? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 2&#184; 2002 3:48pm</B></FONT>
junk food ~ what does merled mean? does it have to do with drugs? Are
you guys druggies? Do you smoke bad drugs? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
2&#184; 2002 3:47pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ that wasn't me, must have been that coward buzz. <F ONT SIZE=1><B>April 2&#184; 2002 1:41pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ i think i may have to go to that hippefoot picnic just because i
love the name of that park <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 2&#184; 2002
jeeves ~, ya douche -bag <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 2&#184;
2002 10:51am</B></FONT>
sk ~ i may want to bring my niece to the spaghetti cake thing on
saturday, where is goshen and how would one get there from hartford?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 2&#184; 2002 10:40am</B></FONT>
Hippiefoot ~ (another shameless plug) Celebrate spring at my big hippie
picnic HIPPIEFOOTS DRUM CIRCLE Sun., April 14, 11am -6pm, Gay City State
Park, RT 85, Hebron, CT. Music, games, friends & fun. The park is
great, hike, bike, bring a lunch and enjoy the day. Kids, pets, fr iends
and all acoustic instruments welcome. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 2&#184;
2002 10:39am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ You people have pants envy. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 2&#184;
2002 10:24am</B></FONT>
johnathan the Huskie dog ~ That was the most boring and poorly played
NCAA championship game I've ever seen. I hike my leg to those teams. I
wouldn't even hump Gary Williams' leg. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 2&#184;
2002 9:10am</B></FONT>
FLiPPER NEWS DESK ~ Happy April Fool's everybody! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 1&#184; 20 02 10:52pm</B></FONT>
PS ~ Hey Flipper Freaks!Wed.April 3rd Pete Scheips Band with Special
Guest Dave Stoltz(Dickey Betts & Great Southern)@ Sully's Pub @ Lena's
2053 Park St.Hartford,CT.(860)231 -8881 Also Fri.May 10th PSB with Mark
Mercier(Max Creek)@ Th e Powder Mill Barn 32 South Maple
St.Enfield,CT.Call:(860)763 -4049 for directions.Hope to see you all
soon! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 1&#184; 2002 8:09pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Damn this high -low...I'm out again! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
1&#184; 2002 7:58pm</B></F ONT>
rcw ~ well, got on line to send ya' an email flipper glen, but you
distracted me with the hi -low :D - attending to business now ;) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 1&#184; 2002 7:38pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ There now I have 4 of the top ten!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
1&#184; 2002 7:28pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ HiGH-LoW now has top TEN hi -scores... anyone feeling lucky?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 1&#184; 2002 7:21pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I mean your "shoe". :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 1&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ LOL!!! Oh, I know: Next time I just say, "Hey, you have a
spider on your show!", and when you look down, I'll say, "April
Fools!!". :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 1&#184; 2002 5:48pm</B></FONT>
Geddy ~ thank yoooou very much!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 1&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ What a mean trick! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 1&#184; 2002
BRETT & MIRACLE TREY UPDATE ~ I've been outed by MZ anyway, so: APRIL
FOOLS :) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 1&#184; 2002 5:05pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Damn - I always forget about that 4/1/02 silliness!
Oh well - better luck next year. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 1&#184;
2002 4:42pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ rush, they're boring, all they talk about is trees, and that
singer dude has got to be the ugliest man in t he free world <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>April 1&#184; 2002 4:28pm</B></FONT>
New Rush Song! ~ <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 1&#184; 2002 4:01pm</B></FONT>
MZ ~ Where the hell did Brett find a computer at 9:16 in t he morning.
Paulie has really dark brown eyes doesn't he. That must mean he's
almost filled to the brim. Watch out when he blows because there will
be a funky smell in the air and it's real messy to clean. somebody out
here is real full of it. I got signed last night also, when they heard
me farting in the bath water. They wanted me to set up my mics and
record some more but i told em they'd need to get me a soundboard. I
almost signed up for the frigging miracle too.Remember what day it is
folks???????? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 1&#184; 2002 3:58pm</B></FONT>
I.P. Honue ~ Goo Phonics kick ass! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 1&#184; 2002
sk ~ that wasn't me below <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 1&#184; 2002
MorningChild ~ Hey way to go guy s! I couldn't be happier for you all!
You've worked really hard and it's finally paid off!
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 1&#184; 2002
sk ~ It's good to be Queen! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 1&#184; 2002
Joe Six-Pack ~ I named my fourth son Trey. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
1&#184; 2002 2:45pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ it's good to be King <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 1&#184; 2002
BRETT & TREY MIRACLE TREE UPDATE ~ Only 5 copies left.
1><B>April 1&#184; 2002 2:23pm</B></FONT>
Steph ~ Congrats guys! You guys have worked hard to get to this point!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 1&#184; 2002 1:55pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ "a girly mon", ha ha, now that's funny! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
1&#184; 2002 12:21pm</B></FONT>
not buyin it ~ Wait a minute, what day is it??? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
1&#184; 2002 10:26am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Great Time on Friday all!!! Mark and Steph as always it was
so wonderful to see you two!! Bummer about the HNH show but we' ll get
together again I am sure! Also to rcw and Morning Child shots were good
and plentiful and I am sorry about the jager shot I just had to pass!
:) Wendy, I am so sad you left early because they played "Crazy Train"
and you missed it! I looked for you but you had mentioned that you were
merled so I guess David took you home early! Thanks to the boys for the
great music and I hope everyone has a great week! See you Flip Fans!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 1&#184; 2002 10:15am</B></FONT>
MIRACLE TREE UPDATE ~ S till 16 copies available. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April
1&#184; 2002 10:11am</B></FONT>
Hippiefoot ~ F***ing Epic! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 1&#184; 2002
msp ~ The 4/27/83 show is real cool, jump on it. You'll get a kick out
of Brett's voice. Being so young and in his virgin state, Brett sounds
a bit like a girly-mon. <:Brett
ringo-> ~ That's HUGE! Congratulations! I am looking forward to
stealing one of those black CD dividers with your name on it at my
local nationwide music store. When in the world tour? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>April 1&#184; 2002 9:09am</B></FONT>
johnathan the Huskie dog ~ What a game! Go UCONN! What a night!...I
hooked up with a cute French Poodle at the post -game celebration. Woof
Woof! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 1&#184; 2002 8:5 5am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Alright guys!! Congrats!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 1&#184; 2002
AND IN CELEBRATION OF THE EVENT ~ I make the following April Miracle
Tree Offering, which I recently unearthed and transferred in concert w/
a Phishy seeder friend of mine: The Connecticut Prodigies - A Concert
of Youth in Motion 4/27/83 - Taft High School Auditorium. The show is 2
CD's and features the Taft Alumini Jazz Band backing four 1983 CT
prodigies individually on CD1, followed by all 4 of them & the Jazz
Band as an ensemble on CD2. Fantastic quality. The setlist is
essentially comprised of jazz standards & classic rock pieces. The
principals - you guessed it - guitarists Trey Anastasio & Brett
Conners, along w/ two folks you may not know - pianist Maya Yudumm(most
recently featured pianist w/ the New Orleans Philharmonic) and
violinist/cellist Amelia Brown of the avante garde quintet Goo Phonics.
Email Paulie ( mailing address and whether or not
you can do B&P's for others to be included on the Miracle Tree. This
will remain open until we get 20 applications or tomorrow, whichever
comes first. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 1&#184; 2002 8:09am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ RIGHT ON!!!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 1&#184; 2002
FLiPPER NEWS DESK **URGENT** ~ Attention, all Flip Heads! Great news we had a meeting last night w/ Tom Dowd of Atlantic Records and played
him tracks from our brand new disc, 'Merled'. He freaked! We inked a
deal last night with the A&R guys, our lawy ers and our families!
'Merled' will soon be available at a store near you - nationwide! An
unbelievable twist of fate. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 1&#184; 2002
Brett ~ Nice job playing Brian at the DD. By the way did the Jager
factory just move in there on Friday? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 31&#184;
2002 9:52pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ the Hoops show that was for this Friday was recently cancelled
and rescheduled. sorry for the inconvenience. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
31&#184; 2002 7:36pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Happy Easter to all...and to all a good night! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 31&#184; 2002 6:34pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Happy Easter, everyone. Quick question: Accdg to an upcoming
shows web site that I check periodically, Flipper's @ H&H on Friday.
Yet the Dates Page here doesn't have that listed. Is that a real gig or
a mistake on the other site? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 31&#184; 2002
MorningChild ~ Happy Easter all! Thanks to rcw, Jessica and Brian for
the fun time on Friday night at D DG! And thanks to the boys too - you
sounded great! It was nice to meet you TaperJones! Well that about
covers it - 'til next time - peace. :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
31&#184; 2002 10:05am</B></FONT>
Glen, Sue & Bodhi ~ happy Easter, everybody!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March
31&#184; 2002 9:56am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ FYI - It's Bob Marley Weekend all weekend on VH1 Classic.
Well, actually it's Reggae Splash Weekend but I've watched it for 3+
hrs now & haven't seen anything but the Rastamon Sensation - not a
single Jimmy Cliff, Bunny or Peter Tosh video. Tis cool as shit!!
Legalize it & I will advertise it. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 30&#184;
2002 5:12pm</B></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="F20505">TaperJones</FONT> ~ glen...good to
see my Tape List on the Fli pper side...and for those of you who don't
know already...FLIPPER DAVE BAND will be added to my list of shows in
the VAULT......Thanks again for last nightSarah
Reverend ~ Glen, thank you for your kind remarks on our message board
over at I wou ld like to officially invite you to sit in with
us on Monday when we perform at Symphony Hall with the BSO. Just meet
us there say around 5:00pm for sound check? PS - Got posters today from
Tam. Thanks. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 30&#184; 2002 3:12pm</B></FONT >
PS ~ Dr Jones, check the Flipper 51. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 30&#184;
2002 1:53pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ BTW, if any of you out there get a phone call for a free rug
cleaning/shampoo from a company called 'Kirby' DO NOT accept. this
prick was in our house f or hours, I almost had to kick his ass.
somehow we got on a calling list, you may be too. ok, thank you. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 30&#184; 2002 1:44pm</B></FONT>
Hippiefoot ~ My senses are still reeling from that "Mereled" last
night......I think I need t o regroup :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 30&#184;
2002 10:13am</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Sarah, sorry to hear about the mono...hopefully it won't last
too long. I'll call u....Jessica hope to see you tonite and you're
right, we didn't do our shot YET! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 29&#184; 2002
TaperJones ~ ...ok...just checkin in again...hey glen...hey brett...i
sence a taping session is going to take place dont let
alll those pretty woman dancing in the front row know that i have
alllllllllll the shows... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 29&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ {{{{{Merl Saunders}}}}} who has diagnosed w/ a malignant tumor
on one of his sinuses and will undergo surgery & radiation
sk ~ i`m so happy i have today o ff, so i can have some fun and devote
some energy to my new favorite pass -time, naked paintball <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 29&#184; 2002 1:53pm</B></FONT>
PS ~ Brett!Thanks for playing with PSB last niteJessica
Paulie ~ HBD Julee & Mommy Kurtzman!!! <FONT S IZE=-1><B>March 29&#184;
2002 12:28pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Almost forgot.....Happy Birthday Julee!! :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 29&#184; 2002 12:20pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ I think its a great idea!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 29&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ First of all, I finally got an oppty to meet The Legendary MZ
last Friday. You're HOUSE, Dude!!! As far as that kind offering goes,
I'm all for it, though as we discussed, I'm DAT -less. If this finds
it's way to me on analog or CD, we can make it a May Miracle Tree
Offering in all likelihood. My Email is, MZ, should
you want to discuss this further offline once you get some Forumer
confirms on their interest. Have a Great GOOD FRIDAY, y'all. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 29&#184; 2002 12:11 pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ I was AT that Webster Show MZ's referring to -- I'd love
a CD of it (for old times sake!) -- I think the "new" Flipsters would
enjoy it too (even though it's "old school FD".) Sometimes it's fun to
go back to where it ALLLLLL LL began! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
29&#184; 2002 9:49am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ rcw, you have my word that no sluts will be involved! Sorry
boys! Anyway, I'll see you tonight ladies! Happy Good Friday! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 29&#184; 2002 9:36am</B></F ONT>
mz ~ Hello PEEPS, Thank God for good friday, i can finally get to some
of the things that get overlooked while wandering aimlessly through a
normal day at work. I think Paulie and the rest of the CD burning kids
might be real interested in something i just unearthed from the vault.
How about a FLIPPER DAVE from the Webster theatre from 10/13/96. The
boys opened up for my friends Acoustic Junction, and you want to talk
about energy. It's a treat that needs to be heard. (Johnny Puffer)The
sound guy from Leftover Salmon did the sound for em that night and talk
about a mint sound board (all things considered). The only glitch is
(The real Joey Bagodonuts) mic wasn't turned on for the first of his
songs. I know it's not a tape with all the current members o f the
Flipsters , but i think maybe a flip -picks would be kinda nice. It will
let all the new heads hear where the little guitar wielding freakshow
(the Bretster) came from. Maybe i can add on the 1/11/97 globe theatre
show on there if it will fit. I guess i'll wait till i see some
reaction to this post and then i'll make the decision whether or not
it's a viable plan. thanks for listening
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
27&#184; 2002 10:51am</B></FONT>
Clark W. Griswald (brett) ~ No eating in the car kids! <F ONT SIZE=1><B>March 29&#184; 2002 8:12am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Not to worry - we'll keep you off the sluts rcw - right
Jess? :>) See you girls tonight! TGIF!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
29&#184; 2002 8:08am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ as long as you promise w e can stay away from the RHS's Im in...:D
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 28&#184; 2002 5:53pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ as long as you promise we can stay away from the RHS's Im in...:D
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 28&#184; 2002 5:52pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Morning child,we hav e to promise rcw that no RHS will be
involved :)! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 28&#184; 2002 5:33pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ YEA Morning Child!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 28&#184; 2002
MorningChild ~ Count me in Jess! I think I owe you AND rcw at LEAST
one each! ;>)
I'll be there - how 'bout it rcw? You in? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 28&#184; 2002 4:57pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Hey Flip Fans! Week has gone by ever so fast thank goodness!
Anyone up for shots tomorrow night at Double Down? rcw, I owe you one
and Wendy we haven't done one together yet! Well, I hope to see many of
you and what happened to me being the token sober girl?! :) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 28&#184; 2002 4:47pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Well tomorrow is good friday, it's GREAT Friday if I get to
see the fabulous, and oh so smooth sk. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 28&#184;
2002 4:42pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ Damm,It will not wor, it was funny too. sorry.... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 28&#184; 2002 4:29pm</B></FONT>
Joeybagadonuts ~
Q: What is a Yankee?I.P. Honue
I.P. Honue ~ Finally, I have the longest unit in Hollywood. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 28&#184; 2002 12:37pm</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ RIP Milton Berle <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 28&#184; 2002
msp ~ RIP Uncle Miltie :-( <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 28&#184; 2002
make that msp with 22!!!!! ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 28&#184; 2002
ep ~ G,,Can't wait to hear it.
msp with 21!!!!! ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 28&#184; 2002
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 28&#184; 2002
glen ~ hey all, just got back from the studio. we mixed the last song
on the album tonight and got a chance to hear a lot of the disc... it
is f**king great. wait 'til this stuff gets out. <FONT SIZE=1><B>March 28&#184; 2002 1:16am</B></FONT>
JC ~ sorry polly, i told everyone that i was not going to write another
post, but you don't have to read everything you see, so if it bothers
you don't read it!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 27&#184; 2002
Joeybagadonuts ~ Arthur Bach: I hate it here!msp
KA ~ "ha ha ha ...Sometimes I just think funny things" <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 27&#184; 2002 3:48pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ Susan's father: Nobody in my family ever
drinks.........Arthur: That's great!! You probably never run out of ice
your whole life! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 27&#184; 2002
Hobson ~ One would normally have to go to a bowling alley to meet a
woman of your stature. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 27&#184; 2002
msp ~ - Are you somebody's father? - Me, no, I'm a drunk.
SIZE=-1><B>March 27&#184; 2002 3:27pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ that post wasn't me. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 27&#184; 2002
sk ~ too much paulie out here today <FONT SI ZE=-1><B>March 27&#184;
2002 3:25pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ WHAT! Oh man, I'm just gonna look the other way! No sudden
moves! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 27&#184; 2002 3:16pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Well, Sarah, if you're gonna pant over me, I can have
"Bitterman [drive us through] the park. You know how I love the park."
Just so long as you don't take the knife out of the cheese. You think
she wants some cheese? We're ruthless people, Sarah! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 27&#184; 2002 3:09pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ For the lat e Mr. Moore" If you knew Susan how I know Susan
I... I... I need a drink!" <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 27&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ No, I meant it exactly the way I typed it! It sounds better
than making it there! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 27&#184; 2002
msp ~ favorite comedy. Dudley was excellent in that movie.
(he jammed too) Here's a few quotes in his honor:Paulie
msp ~ RIP DUDLEY MOORE : -( <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 27&#184; 2002
sk ~ i already posted about that show 11 years ago tonite, my personal
favorite scar>fire that i've ever seen <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 27&#184;
2002 1:39pm</B></FONT>
Alex "To Loose" Trebek ~ Oh I'm sorry, Linguey, the use of the word
"include" in that sentence makes i t unclear AND you forgot to state
your response in the form of a question. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
27&#184; 2002 1:14pm</B></FONT>
The Linguist ~ Sarah, are you saying what was meant as the plural,
"Party Pants Paulie" or did you forget to include empower your thoughts
w/ punctuation & editorial notation, as in "Party! <pant> Paulie!".
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 27&#184; 2002 1:09pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Party Pant Paulie!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 27&#184; 2002
Pretty Good Show ~ 11 years ago today in Nassau Coliseum. Doncha agree?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 27&#184; 2002 12:52pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ But the Grossness That Is sk raises a good point: Will I be
credited as Fashion Trend Setter, Wardrobe Designer or simply Dude With
Cool Threads? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 27&#184; 2002 12:50pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Most people escheweth Jack Sauce from Which I Toss, sk. You,
on the other hand, cheweth it. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 27&#184; 2002
sk ~ hope i'm still credited on the new album as "Nutritional Advisor"
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 27&#184; 2002 12:11pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ "" <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 27&#184; 2002 11:40am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ WOO HOO! Its done...can't wait to hear it! Congrats!! :) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 27&#184; 2002 11 :30am</B></FONT>
Da Boys in the 'Hood ~ Shrinkwrap??? You mean one of those
Condominiums? I'm down w/ that name. They small, man!! They hoyt, too!
I gotta extra-large Trojan you can have if you need it, Brett. But you
can just go to the drug store & buy o ne. They cheap! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 27&#184; 2002 11:31am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ WooHoo! Congratulations Brett, We're looking
forward to it!
:>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 27&#184; 2002
~ I just spent my last nigh t at the studio last night. The
album is done and fun. We want shrinkwrap!!! Glen have a blast
tonight. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 27&#184; 2002 11:03am</B></FONT>
Cierra: ~ Look Out!!!
Were In Bat Country!!Paulie
msp ~ Zippy, I find it hard (no pun inte nded) to believe that you had
200 monkeys and you only spanked one?!...come on! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 27&#184; 2002 8:23am</B></FONT>
SW:Ep II Countdown ~ only 50 days left, baby!!! woo hoo!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 27&#184; 2002 7:29am</B></FONT>
glen ~ and the award for longest Flip Forum posting ever goes to......
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 26&#184; 2002 9:15pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ That was a great story!! LOL! Twists and turns aroud every
corner! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 26&#184; 2002 8:54pm</B></FONT>
zippy ~
I like monkeysI.P. Honue
zippy the pinhead ~ don`t forget <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 26&#184; 2002 6:28pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ right on, Buzz! you guys are the best. as far as recent
negativity on the site I do apologize, it was one person (that's right,
all of it) he has been identified and asked to stop upsetting the
locals. if we do hear from him again, I hope you will all ignore it.
this website is about peace, love & music and so are we all, let's not
forget that. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 26&#184; 2002 6:01pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Thats it! I'm done with high -low! Its so frustrating! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 26&#184; 2002 5:32pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ You need some music D/L sites now Glen <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 26&#184; 2002 5:16pm</B></FONT>
P.S. ~ & BTW Paulie, when have you ever felt weird posting on this
site? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 26&#184; 2002 4:38pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ hey I finally got DSL yesterday. wow, what a difference...
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 26&#184; 2002 4:36pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ but yesterday i did soil myself <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 26&#184;
2002 4:11pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ that so wasn't me <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 26&#184; 2002
sk ~ and i will soil myself and hang around your house for hours eating
all your chesse doodles and drin king your flat ginger ale with a short
dirty burgar king straw <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 26&#184; 2002
johnathan the Huskie dog ~ And I'll hike my leg at you. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 26&#184; 2002 11:11am</B></FONT>
Back Seat Bonnie ~ And i f I ever find out which of you guys is writin'
that sludge, next time you come on down to the Trailor Park for your
$2.50's worth, I ain't takin' out my dentures. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
26&#184; 2002 10:38am</B></FONT>
Jane Six Pack ~ Yeah, I don't liketa brag, but i'm wiff joe all the
way, make funn of my freinds and i'll use every last ounce of my 10th
grade edukation to make you feel slimy & low <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
26&#184; 2002 10:30am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ rcw, got around to listening to the CD las t night, and YOU
ROCK GIRL!!!!!! I Love it! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 26&#184; 2002 10:25am</B></FONT>
The Literati ~ Posts w/o names go away immediately upon SENDING the
next post. Say goodbye to that harsh one. What it said is that, what
was construed as an anti -Semetic remark, was a paraphrase of a line by
the Robert DeNiro character in "Meet the Parents". <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 26&#184; 2002 10:18am</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ The next persin that sez sumthin' bad about one of my
friends will git a slap so hard that his mama will cry. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 26&#184; 2002 9:10am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ I'm with you Paulie - ENOUGH already!!! Peace all life's far too short...
:>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 26&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ :):):)
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 26&#184; 2002 8:54am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ slacker....:D - Kidding! Thanks.......... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
26&#184; 2002 8:44am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ rcw, I just discovered your Miralce Tree pkg sitting here on
the "to be mailed step". My apologies. It DEFINITELY will go out today.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 26&#184; 2002 8:40am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I'm not convinced that controversy is good for business in the
big picture. In the short -term perhaps, but all this BS has certainly
tainted this message board. The quicker we can go back to the goofy Joe
Six-Pack, Back Seat Bonnie, BUZZ as sk and Joey Baggadonuts posts w/o
all this unspoken allegation nonsense the better IMO. Even I, the
Psychedelic Philosopher hi mself, is reluctant now to read or post out
here. Your thoughts, Joe Six -Pack??? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 26&#184;
2002 8:30am</B></FONT>
Cierra: ~
Hey Kids Don't Forget That 10am -Noon My Voice Graces Theep
glen ~ well, the first official Flip Vote has c ome to a close.
'Triggered' beat 'Merled' by a mere 2 votes in the final hours. nice.
a new query has already been posted for your perusal. the Hi -Low hi
score still stands at 22, tour dates are updated and all is again well
in Flipper Dave. what have we learned from this experience? one:
don't believe everything you hear (or read.) two: controversy is still
good for business. night, all... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 25&#184; 2002
the other jewish girl... ~ yeah,..hmmm......dont even think I wanna
comment. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 25&#184; 2002 10:15pm</B></FONT>
the jewish girl ~ um... what does that mean? if that's some sort of
slur take it off here! what a person's religion is has nothing to do
with their character... stereotyping i s intolerable... and nobody on
here will stand for it! especially not me! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
25&#184; 2002 8:14pm</B></FONT>
Bobby D. ~ "greg's Jewish Kev" "Oh really so Was J.C., you're in good
company" <FONT SIZE=-1><B>April 4&#184; 2002 2:54pm</B> </FONT>
aN dEN ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 4&#184; 2002 2:50pm</B></FONT>
Polly ~ JC, by posting on this forum, you're making it mine and
everyone else's business because we have to read through all of
it...just somethin' to think about... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 25&#184;
2002 2:46pm</B></FONT>
aN deN ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 4&#184; 2002 2:46pm</B></FONT>
aN dEN ~ i mOVED tO nEW hARTFORD <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 4&#184; 2002
sTILL FUTZ ~ aN dEN I hELPED hER wRITE hER gRAMMY sONGS <FONT S IZE=1><B>April 4&#184; 2002 2:43pm</B></FONT>
sHERYL cROWE cUZ sHE'S wAY hOTTER <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 4&#184; 2002
sk ~ I have a lovely collection of mens belt buckles . <FONT SIZE=1><B>March 25&#184; 2002 2:27pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ if my memory serves me well, wasn't it this jc character that
hassled me & paulie out here a few months ago? and now he's posting
this garbage? i guess he's never heard the expression....... don't air
your dirty laundry <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 25&#184; 2002
Jessica ~ Great Time at Chat's everyone! rcw, told you I would keep you
in check and you didn't get to crazy since no RHS were on the premises!
The girl, it was great to see you even for the short time you stayed
before heading off to Creek! FM and Flipper Mary, it has been so long
that it was wonderful to see you both again! Hadn't seen many of you in
a very long while and hopefully I will be around more in the future!
Have a Good Week Flip Fans! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 25&#184; 2002
farcity james ~ and this one time.... back in chicago.... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 25&#184; 2002 9:47am</B></FONT>
flippin nutz ~ Next week I'm moving to Chicago to Design the new World
Trade Towers. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>April 4&#184; 2002 9:48am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ Flipper Glen, check you email...:D Morning all! Bri...flip &
booze..? lol! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 25&#184; 2002 9:42am</B></FONT>
JC ~ polly, why don't you mind your ow n business. you don't need to get
yourself involved. FM, who slanders past house mates on this so called
public forum, has been a vagrant most of his life. if it weren't for
people as kind as myself, some people may have not had a roof over
there head at all. (MIND THAT A FREE ROOF). someone who takes credit
for others' talents, is pretty pathetic when he has many of his own.i
never knew that one person could do soooo many things. it sounds like
FM has quite a green thumb.HA HA. polly, i'm sorry if i have at all
offended you. i know this is a public forum and i should take matters
into my own hands. problem being, i've been threatened in more ways
than one and i feel this is that safest way to make him and others
realize people may not be who they perceive to be. this is the last i
will be writting so you mature flipper fans can have your fun again.
Good bye and pleasant dreams.!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 25&#184; 2002
bri ~ I go to the bar and booze, I go to the bar and booze, I go to th e
bar and booze, I go to the bar and booze. Then i wake up and booze,
Then i wake up and booze, Then i wake up and booze. Then i wake up and
booze. And then i Flip and booze, And then i Flip and booze, And then i
Flip and booze, And then i Flip and booze. ......ok , i made that one
up.... <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 25&#184; 2002 1:48am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ I know...I missed it myself! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 24&#184;
2002 10:21pm</B></FONT>
Polly ~ Sarah, Wendy and i missed you last night! how was the party
you went to? my weekend was crazy like usual. i think i need another
day to recover. hey Paulie, my super powers weren't working last
night, i broke 2 glasses at someone's house and the pieces didn't
vanish into thin air this time. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 24&#184; 2002
TaperJones ~ ...ok...just checkin an out... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 24&#184; 2002 9:41pm</B></FONT>
Jane Six Pack ~ Joe, Flintstones Marathon starts in an hour, this calls
for something special, i'll go to the stor e for the entenmanns
chocolate cake, you grab the 12 pack of budweiser. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 24&#184; 2002 9:18pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Hey Polly! Whats going on? How was your weekend? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 24&#184; 2002 6:24pm</B></FONT>
Polly ~ maybe you people with all these negative posts should try
talking to the person you have a problem with, instead of writing it on
a message board in the first place ya know? anyway...thanks Flipper
for a fantastic show, it was so nice to see everybody again. th anks
Brett for the beer and for playing Red Rocks. hey where's the after party?? lol. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 24&#184; 2002 6:01pm</B></FONT>
EN ~ Hey All, Thanks for another monster musical experience. You Rock.
I'm with Dennis,if something gets deleted from the site it seems to me
it is not the end of the world. Music and creative fun should be where
it's at. See ya all next time. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 24&#184; 2002
Wendy ~ Thx for the tunes last nite Flipper!Had a blast dancin' w Ma ry
and Pretty Polly.And to Flipper Dave (the original, of course) nice job
banging on the skins. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 24&#184; 2002
PS ~ You guys sounded great @ the Hungry Tiger! Thanks for having me up
to play!& thanks for "Mutts" Br ett! it rocked! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
24&#184; 2002 3:18pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Like you even have to worry bout LOTR winning...its a shoe -in!
:) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 24&#184; 2002 1:49pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ God, I hope Lord of the Rings wins tonight..... ....
oh boy oh
boy...... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 24&#184; 2002 1:44pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Nice to see that Flipper has some all ages shows coming up.
Can't forget about the youngin's!! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 24&#184;
2002 1:40pm</B></FONT>
Bruce ~ Thanks flipper for a great time last night at the tiger.I am
looking forward to several upcoming shows on the calandar. To the old
friends and new friends I saw last night, see you soon. Until the next
time.........Peace. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 24&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ Paulie..I knew that was you! I mean posting as a troll sort of
gives away your vertically challengedness. And I did understand the
nice pants comment....but, alas, they are no longer with us!! R.I.P. MC
Hammer Pants! You shall f orever be remembered! :( <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 24&#184; 2002 1:26pm</B></FONT>
~ nnnn <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 24&#184; 2002 1:22pm</B></FONT>
JC ~ to big brother; speaking of a half -way house, a 40+ year old
living in one. wow that must mean he is on ly half way there. for 40,
that's pathetic. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 24&#184; 2002 1:21pm</B></FONT>
the frog ~ big brother, be careful who you threaten!!!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 24&#184; 2002 12:41pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Some cool schtuff on there!!! <FO NT SIZE=-1><B>March 24&#184;
2002 11:46am</B></FONT>
FLiPPER NEWS DESK ~ tour dates page is updated as we currently have
'em... many many more to come! some interesting new dates coming up,
mark your calendars now! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 24&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Aaaww, nuttin' Sarah. It was just me fuggin w/ ya. I thought
the "Nice pants!" would give it away but it didn't. Peace, PM :) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 24&#184; 2002 10:53am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Ignore the trolls...What are you talki ng about? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 24&#184; 2002 10:30am</B></FONT>
jill: ~ It was great to see so many of you last night! Thanks Flipper
for "Rosa", wish we could have stayed for the rest of the show .... I
LOVED what we were able to hear though! Have a wo nderful SundayIgnores
Ignore the Trolls ~ And they shall go away. I know because I once
contracted genital warts from a troll. I ignored them & they went away.
On an unrelated note, I recall three years ago after saying to me "Nice
pants!!!" that Sarah promised she was 18 at the time. Then why now is
she under 21? It's a good thing I am faithful to my true love - my wife
- warted genitalia & all! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 24&#184; 2002
Big Brother ~ JC and Clan, pervayors of the Robin Rd. halfway house. It
seems that your little stint has run it`s course. It has so prevailed
that one of your trusted deciples has dropped the dime on you and
doesn`t seem to share the same demented point of view that you have. I
now have to reflect on one of your first posts stating...."one must
take responsibility for ones actions, "good or bad".the frog
Anon ~ With freedom comes responsibility.Dennis
Wendy ~ Pretty Polly, see ya tonite! Whoo Hoooooo! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 23&#184; 2002 6:32pm</B></FON T>
Polly ~ Sarah, have fun this weekend. i wish you were 21!
tonight at the Tiger. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 23&#184; 2002
see y'all
the link ~ and isn't that just like something Osama would do? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 23&#184; 2002 5:04p m</B></FONT>
glen ~ way to go, Polly! sorry there Liza Little, but when you
anonymously attack a member of the band (whose website you happen to be
on) expect your message to be 'moderated'. see you all tonight folks!
woo hoo!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 23&#184; 2002 4:34pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Hey Wendy....just the usual this weekend..PARTY! Oh and its
Renee's birthday today! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 23&#184; 2002
yagie ~ Dudes, Sick show last night at Chats.Had a frigi'n ball!You
rock.Nice to see you!!Later <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 23&#184; 2002
Polly ~ watch out Glen, i just got up to 20. i need to go to a casino.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 23&#184; 2002 2:41pm</B></FONT>
jeremy ~ I just tied you rcw, then it gave me a sev en. I went low,
should have gone HIGH!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 23&#184; 2002
jeremy ~ My brother just showed me this site It certainly would be easy to
get merled if I had that much money to spend every second.The main site
has all kinds of good articles. Spread the good words. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 23&#184; 2002 1:04pm</B></FONT>
Liza Little ~ Interesting that free speech isn't tolerated on this web
site. If your opinions don't agree with the m oderator's then expect
your message to be deleted. Welcome to the Middle East folks. I would
have said Russia but that is so Sept 10th. Anyhoo, I won't wait around
to see how long it takes to delete this post. You've lost more than
one fan today. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 23&#184; 2002 12:14pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ I swear rcw, it's true, I just had a good run... I challenge you
all to topple me however. see you tonight at the Hungry Tiger. looking
forward to it! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 23&#184; 2002 11:43am< /B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Glad to hear it rcw - good job Jess! ;>)
Have fun at
the Tiger (to those of you venturing out that way). <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 23&#184; 2002 9:58am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ no way Glen....I say impossible...I spent way too long yest erday
playing and can't get past 15! Thanks to the girl for coming to
dine...:D and morning child, JSJ did a GREAT job keeping me under the rhs's :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 23&#184; 2002
glen ~ woo hoo!!!! I did it - the new high score!!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 23&#184; 2002 12:12am</B></FONT>
glen ~ <!--whomever you are - on behalf of the band, go fuck yourself
and stay off our website. (Hey - it's an open forum, right?) --> now on
to friendlier topics, is this Hi -Low game addictive or what? it's
driving me crazy! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 22&#184; 2002
Liza Little ~ <!--Y'know, I'm new to your forum and I also have
historically known members of this band throughout the years - before
Flipper even existed.. .Anyhoo- FM is not to be trusted and if you don't
believe me then that's your perrogotive. You will eventually find out
for yourself- a word to the wise, while he may be a good musician,
don't lend him money. ; -)--> <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 22&#184; 2002
Wendy ~ Hey Sarah! What's shakin this weekend? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
22&#184; 2002 6:25pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Dance & drink one (or 2) for me girls! ;>)
careful of those RHS's! Jess - take my place and help keep an eye on
her would ya please?!) Have fun all!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 22&#184;
2002 4:49pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ JSJ - the girl and I will be there for ya' :D <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 22&#184; 2002 4:26pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Morning Child, I will miss you tonight! I guess I'll have to
find another dancing partner! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 22&#184; 2002
I.P. Honue ~ <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 22&#184; 2002 4:09pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Ditto Jess! Do a dance and a shot for me tonight guys!
Hope to see you all next week....'til we meet again - peace! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 22&#184; 2002 3:58pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Okay, that game officially triggers me!!!!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 22&#184; 2002 3:16pm </B></FONT>
rcw ~ P2P - check email <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 22&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ rcw, ck Email. Thx. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 22&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Thx rcw. BTW, your pkg is in progress.Jessica
johnathan the Huskie dog ~ Hey Duke....SEE YA !!!!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 22&#184; 2002 10:14am</B></FONT>
Oh Yeah, ~ I. P. HONUE! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 22&#184; 2002
I.P. Honue ~ And, that was my first game!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
22&#184; 2002 10:07am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ its there paulie - top left link..... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
22&#184; 2002 9:24am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Paulie - check your email....morning all!
SIZE=-1><B>March 22&#184; 2002 8:51am</B></FONT>
:>) <FONT
Paulie ~ Anyone know wh at happened to the Creek Forum???? I can't get
to it anymore. I just get that new home page. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
22&#184; 2002 8:24am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ We all need a psychlogical evaluation. Let's let this noise
die on the vine. Brett, I wish you had n't told me about Creek at H&H. I
planned Chats for the game & the show, but am not sure of the sports
situation there. I'll give a call & if there's a guarantee that they'll
have the UConn game on from start to finish, I'll be at the show
tnight. Elsewise, it's Hoops w/ the cast too large for Cecille B.
DeMille to direct again. Oh the things I do for love :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 22&#184; 2002 8:23am</B></FONT>
~ Chatterlys tonight. Work your barhopping to see Creek at
hoops tonight also. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 22&#184; 2002
mph ~ joey, I think you need a psychological evaluation....Sorry! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 22&#184; 2002 6:59am</B></FONT>
glen ~ shit, I got 14 on Hi -Low, but it's just too damn hard to beat
I.P. oh well, keep trying... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 22&#184; 2002
TaperJones ~ worry BRETT...tho I would like to sit in and
jam on a few with ya guy's... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 21&#184; 2002
joey ~ i think you all got the wrong idea. Sorry! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 21&#184; 2002 8:04pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Thx <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 21&#184; 2002 6:36pm</B></FONT>
Polly ~ Paulie, i had that bag of CD's for Paul downstairs a month or
so ago to give to Sarah to give to Wen dy etc...i will check to see if
it's still there. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 21&#184; 2002
Polly ~ alright, i gotta stop playing high -low. how the hell did you
get up to 21, Mr. I.P. Honue?! Sarah, i think you were calling people
on my cell phone in the car thinking it was your cell phone...evidently
we called a bunch of people hahaha. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 21&#184;
2002 6:29pm</B></FONT>
Arnold Palmer ~ Why is it that I have the ability to, as Johnny Carson
would say, make sk's putter st and up. He is otherwise a flaming
heterosexual male. It makes no sense. I'm old. Even pigeons don't come
to me when I'm on the park bench w/ my friends. Perhaps it is because I
smell like divets. Or maybe because I usually try to stomp them w/ my
cleats, but they stay away I tell ya!! But sk, like a fool w/ a large
handicap - he continues to worship me like the Golf God I am. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 21&#184; 2002 6:12pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ <!--To Joey (or whatever your real name is) you are a spineless
coward that obviously has a very sad and empty life to say such
horrible things to Mike on this forum. I have no idea who you are and
would very much appreciate if you would leave me out of your issue with
He is friend of mine and I support him. Take a hike because no
one wants you on this forum. --> <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 21&#184; 2002
P.S. ~ BTW, 'Triggered' is way out front on this week's Flip Vote, so
get your votes in now while you still can. Also 'I.P. Honue' still
holds the Hi-Lo record at 21, any takers? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
21&#184; 2002 5:05pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ Guys, I have to chime in here. Mike is a member of Flipper Dave
and therefore deserves our respect on this forum. I'm not stifling
free speech here (although I c an if I need to) so please don't make me.
Joey, whoever you are contact Mike in private, no one likes to be nuked
on a public (and friendly) forum. Thank you. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
21&#184; 2002 5:01pm</B></FONT>
joey ~ <!--wendy, would like to get tog ether and meet with you to talk
about this nonsense. few realize the consequences for their actions
(good or bad) and when most of them are bad, some people need to be
informed of the real information. we'll talk end this bull, so FM can
go back to feeling lucky again.I don't threaten!!!!!!!!! --> <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 21&#184; 2002 1:34pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Have a great, safe trip to FLA, Hippiefoot! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 21&#184; 2002 1:02pm</B></FONT>
Hippiefoot ~ Bye!!! I'm going to be bare -hippie-footed and warm this
weekend. Off to Live Oak, FLA for the Swanny Music Fest. I just found
out that Bella Fleck and the Flectones are playing there, WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 21&#184; 2002 1:08pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I don't like watching an other man swing his club whilst
wearing peddle pushers on the linx. Our lifestyles & philosophies are
divergent. I will surely not last into my 70s. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
21&#184; 2002 1:00pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ yeah, but will you be as brutally handsome as arnold palmer when
you're in the 70's? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 21&#184; 2002
MIRACLE TREE UPDATE ~ msp's needed shows to be burned before
e/o/business day (have a great time in Syracuse as UConn moves to the
Great 8!!!). rcw's pkg most likely mailed before Monday. Seeder sk
early next week. As usual, info files will be Emailed before pkg is
rec'd. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 21&#184; 2002 12:45pm</B></FONT>
Back Seat Bonnie ~ Just so long as you ernt gonna cheatin' on me with
her. Oh, and tell Billy Joe he left his wrist watch wit me the udder
nott. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 21&#184; 2002 11:59am</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ I don't get it. And Bonnie, to answer your
question...I'm going to lamb -baste it. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 21&#184;
2002 11:29am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Well, it would be dramatically difficult to be *as* handsome
as I am smart - on the Brad Pitt scale, in fact - but, based on the
frequency of the theorized result in recent times, as I'm sure you
notice whenever we're at a show toge ther, I've apparently aged well.
;^) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 21&#184; 2002 11:23am</B></FONT>
sk ~ do you really feel you're all that handsome? i remember years
ago, a famous paulie quote, to wit: "if i were as handsome as i am
funny & smart, girls would be constantly throwing themselves at me"
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 21&#184; 2002 10:54am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Mike, I cannot tell you how many times I've been through the
cyber-wringer on these types of forums. If I were to count, though,
it's a good thing I'm a dude (and a damned handsome one, at that!!!)
because I'd surely be at least one short when I ran out of fingers &
toes on which to count. Hasn't happened since I found this kindest of
forums. Let it go & it'll go away. As Morning Child said, we ain't
gonna fuel this fire no matter what. We're friends here, FM. No static
[status] at all!! :):):) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 21&#184; 2002
FM ~ Thank you for the kind words and support everyone.MorningChild
Paulie ~ I don't know Joey, I don't know his boy. I do know FM and,
while you can all judge for yourselves, he's always been a class act &
done right by me. If something goes wrong in a business situation, you
either correct it or move on. That's the mature, responsible, adult way
of handling things. To continue this discussion in this friendly,
public forum is not specifically too cool. So everybody, take a step
back! Let's take another lunch soon or maybe have a Jager @ Chat's on
Friday, FM. No static at all!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 21&#184; 2002
jill: ~ HHmmmmm, a Flipper show at the Tiger...maybe we'll have to
sneak in for a song or twoEp
FM: ~ Glen, please inform me of the origin from where this clown is
posting from. Thanks Bud.FM
FM ~ <!--Well.....Mr. Joey!!! I `m certainly not such a SISSY as to
launch a smear campaign on a friendly public forum. If you have a
issue with me, I`d strongly suggest that you say it to my face instead
of being a COWARD and hiding behind a computer. So whoever you are, be
a MAN!!!.....step up and face me with your issues in private and quit
acting like an ASS!!! -->
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 20&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ I'm just as lost as you are! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 20&#184;
2002 8:45pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ what the hell did all that mean? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 20&#184;
2002 8:27pm</B></FONT>
joey ~ <!--you've all been flipped by "flipper mike". too bad its only
the rare few that see through his oh such wonderful charm. if he's got
any brains he be out of here and as f ar away form chi-town as
possible.make that vote 100+. maybe vint.tone will figure out the right
info so he can blow himself. --> <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 20&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ Mark...What message was this that you talk of? Polly did we
call mark? Whatsupwiththat?!? Please refresh my memory! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 20&#184; 2002 7:53pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Hey Polly...Yeah I definately was not feeling up to speed on
monday morning at work...ughhh what a bummer! I had fun with you and
rachel though...we should do it again!! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
20&#184; 2002 7:15pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ The post from WENDY's FRIEND PAUL is meant for Polly, not me.
Polly, I plan to be at the Barn later in the month as we discussed via
Email. I'll pick them up then & give them to Wendy - assuming you still
have them there. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 20&#184; 2002 6:38pm</B></FONT>
PS ~ Tonite!Wed.March 20th Pete Scheips Band with special guest Dave
Stoltz(Dicky Betts & Great Southern)@ Sully's Pub @ Lena's 2053 Pa rk
St.Hartford,CT.(860)231 -8881 No Cover!!!paul, wendy's friend
Paulie ~ Careful, y'all. That site's blocked by my work Firewall. Yors
as well perhaps. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 20&#184; 2002 3:32pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ I took a few pictures at the last flipper show -102-01.jpg <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 20&#184; 2002 3:06pm</B></FONT>
Back Seat Bonnie ~ Hey Joe, where ya goin' with that lamb in your
hands? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 20&#184; 2002 2:25pm</B></FONT>
Mark P. ~ Hey Polly & Sarah, you St. Patty's Day partiers! I got your
very coherent message on my machine...sounds like you were having fun!
Polly ~ that game is quite addictive lol. hey Sarah, St. Paddy's day
was lotsa were you feelin' Mon day morning? i think those
mind eraser shots are what did me in. hey Glen i hope you guys will
stop in at the Barn again soon we miss you!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
19&#184; 2002 8:06pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ sorry Sarah.. :) it is fun though, anyone with hel pful comments
to my brother Brian the game designer should be addressed to brian@ib <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 19&#184; 2002 6:34pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Hey that High Low is fun...I have the high score!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 19&#184; 2002 6:19pm</B>< /FONT>
Jessica ~ I will hopefully see you Wendy but I will let you know about
the shots, have to think it over! Okay?! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
19&#184; 2002 5:31pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ oops! Jessica, the last post was for you <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
19&#184; 2002 5:24pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Yeah, I'll be around this weekend. let's do shots! Are you
game? We didn't get to do one the last time. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
19&#184; 2002 5:22pm</B></FONT>
Colleen :) ~ Hey Jessica, I accidentally deleted my whole hot mail file
and lost your e-mail/e-mail address.....if you get a chance can you
drop me a line again?.....have a great day! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
19&#184; 2002 3:18pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ Sorry, that was me, not sk. Dont know why I do that, I just
love that dude to death. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 19&#184; 2002
sk ~ Is it wrong to enjoy it when my best friends dog humps on my leg?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 19&#184; 2002 1:35pm</B></FONT>
Hippiefoot ~ (another shameless plug) HIPPIEFOOTS SPRING D RUM CIRCLE
Sunday, April 14, 11am -6pm.....Drums, Sun and Fun, so much good stuff,
I can't fit it all here. Kids, Friends, Pets and all acoustic
instruments a beautiful park, Gay City State Park, Rt.
85, Hebron, CT...e-mail hippiefoot@hotmail <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March
19&#184; 2002 1:33pm</B></FONT>
Mark P. ~ Hey Guys...very rippin' show at Ditto's the other night...
looking forward to checking y'all out there again soon! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 19&#184; 2002 1:00pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Wendy, I went hiking up in Vermont this weekend
bad patches of ice and banged my knee twice! So it's nice
still clumsy as ever :)! Haven't seen you since the night
early for Florida! Hopefully se you this weekend! Are you
SIZE=-1><B>March 19&#184; 2002 9:28am</B></FONT>
The Linguist ~ Blackmail or black male????
19&#184; 2002 7:51am</B></FONT>
and hit a few
that I am
you left
game? <FON T
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
~ Taper Jones, Please don't ever blackmale me.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 19&#184; 2002 7:18am</B></FONT>
Lexie ~ Great show at Ditto's, Callie did you see that hunk of a man
trying to pick me up??? Talk about your pick up lines..... Leah it was
so good to see you we have to get to get together more often. Now that
we are all married we te nd to lose touch..... Looks like our husbands
were bonding great at dittos while us women chatted most of the night.
Do you guys want to get together this friday at Ditto's for more
bonding? Then back to our place after party. Talk to you soon Love
Lexie <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 18&#184; 2002 7:48pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ well, I have officially become unemployed...Yeeehaw! Anyone have
any good cheap vacation destinations..? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 18&#184;
2002 6:35pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Had fun with you all, RCW , Randi, Cindy, Karen, Suz..this was a
weekend to remember (or try to after being Merled). Great show last
nite, sorry I couldn't stay later to experience more of the 'wild
green' Brettster live!! Jessica, what happened to your knee? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 18&#184; 2002 5:07pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I rule!!! So do my pants!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 18&#184;
2002 4:59pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ as I'm sure some of you noticed, my brother & I made a few
changes around here and fixed a few things up. take a look a round! and
hey, Vote! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 18&#184; 2002 3:12pm</B></FONT>
NJ Steve ~ Brett, great seeing you last week on your layover in Newark.
I will definitely try to get up to CT one of these weekends. We'll
party old school, yo. Thanks for the CD s--awesome as always. I have to
get you a copy of the FD show out in Greeley a couple years back. It
rocks! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 18&#184; 2002 2:04pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Colleen, check your e -mail. And Thanks Again for the Jenga!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 18&#184; 2002 2:01pm</B></FONT>
Cierra ~ Noticed That Summer Gigs Are Starting To Be Posted... Any
Sound View Shows This Year Boys??? Oh Yea... Whats With The
Snow?Colleen :)
sk ~ i've got my eyes on you paulie <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 18&#184;
2002 11:04am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Sounds like a good weekend was had by all! Spent my St
Patty's Day on the highway making the trip home! Looking forward to
seeing some of you this weekend and hope everyone has a good week! Take
Care Flip Fans! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 18&#184; 2002 10:42am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Brett, last night's show was very, very cool. Couch on the
stage for added lounge lizard madness is a great touch. Oh Danny Boy
was a real Cindy pleaser. As was the Irish song w/ no known lyrics that
you claimed to know 30 verses for. Perhaps the best moment on the side
mic was the story by the young bald woman w/ head lice. Everyone enjoys
it. Or maybe it was Glen's brilliant performance on that harmonica
sounding, wind instrument keyboard thing - so appropriately named the
cocksyckle. Thanks for bringing it out, Flipper Glen. I love St
Patty's. It's the one day per year, Brett, where sophisticated erudite
fine upstanding pillars of the community like you & I get to have a few
drinks & a salad, dress in Can't T ouch This Pantalones, talk dirty to
women & paint our faces green like The Incredible Hulk on acid. Oh
well, it's over now. Back to the old grind. How's the Dow doin'? :)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 18&#184; 2002 10:12am</B></FONT>
glen ~ great weekend everybo dy, wish they could all be like this! wait,
on second thought I take that back... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 18&#184;
2002 6:28am</B></FONT>
ep ~ Happy ST. Pattys,,, Very Flipped,,,,keep smiling <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 18&#184; 2002 1:44am</B></FONT>
TaperJones ~ ...yesssssssssss... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 17&#184; 2002
glen ~ taping is A-OK, as always Dr. Jones... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
17&#184; 2002 6:17pm</B></FONT>
TaperJones ~ am now on the "flip" side...what time is the
show tonight...does the band allow taping???.. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
17&#184; 2002 5:39pm</B></FONT>
cornfed redneck ~ Brett you had that croud in such a frenzy last night
at b-rays it was almost frightning! what a hootin holering good time.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 17&#184; 2002 4:41pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Oh, its on Polly! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 17&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Right on, Glen! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 17&#184; 2002
Polly ~ Sarah give me a call later, ya still on f or Noho?? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 17&#184; 2002 12:04pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Happy St. Patty's Day!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 17&#184; 2002
Wendy ~ Smokin'show Fri at Dittos! Thx to Glen & Suz for the after
party..had a blast..see y'all to nite for some green beer <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 17&#184; 2002 11:42am</B></FONT>
glen ~ happy st. patty's day all! don't worry Paulie, all can be
answered over a green pint tonight at O'Hagan's. expect to see a good
number of you hardcores out there ton ight for the Brett O'Connor
akoostic show. happy belated birthday to Diane, and belated thanks to
Bruce for the CDs you sent me, speaking of which I have yours from
Friday night! I will have them in my car if you come to O'Hagan's.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 17&#184; 2002 11:32am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ What??? Where's Flipper Mike??? Back in Chi -town? Or has he
left or has the band decided to replace him?? So far 72 votes - all
YES! I find that many legit votes a little hard to believe at this
point. And I ain't voting Mike out unless that's a foregone conclusion.
FLIPPER MIKE RULES!!! Lane does too, of course, but that's a different
discussion than the one I'm having w/ myself about Mike. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 17&#184; 2002 10:16am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Happy St. Patty's day all - more importantly though HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY (((LOVE & HUGS))) to Jill (no time for online
communication yesterday - sorry I'm late)...hope it was terrific!! :>)
rcw and The Girl (and Bri) - thanks for another great time Friday night
- you guys are the best! :>) See you all in a couple weeks - 'til
then - peace. :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 17&#184; 2002
sk ~ out of sight out of mind i guess <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 16&#184;
2002 5:18pm</B></FONT>
glen & suz ~ happy birthday Jill Talbot! we love ya! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 16&#184; 2002 2:05pm</B></FONT>
randi ~ happy birthday jill! missed ya last night! hope it's the best
one ever! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 16&#184; 2002 1:12pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ oops, cant forget.....Happiest Birthday to ya' Miss Jill :D <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 16&#184; 2002 9:43am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ oh, Glen T, it St Patty's Day Yet..? (LOL!) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 16&#184; 2002 9:39am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ Jill...missed you, but did da nce one for ya :D Thanks so much
Flipper for another fun show, and to glen & Suz for the after party!
(and wendy for the turkey roll up's..;) ) JSJ , missed you, but morning
child managed to keep me in control! (Ha!)! MZ, didnt have a chance to
give you the rest of those cd' time make sure to snag themMZ
jill: ~ Have fun tonight Flipper Fans!! I'm staying home with my feet
up...but of course I'll be listening to past Flipper shows! Dance one
for me!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 15&#184; 2002 2:19pm</ B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Have fun this weekend hardy!!! :) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 15&#184; 2002 1:08pm</B></FONT>
MZ ~ What's up kids! Will there be a soundguy tonight?. How are the
acoustics in this place? Is it a good place for mic's or a b oard tape.
You know me always thinking sound and other boring technicalities,
maybe I should just think Booze and BUZZ. Peace <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
15&#184; 2002 11:29am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ You scared me there for a minute The Girl -- I thought
I'd lost a whole bunch of days in time! ;>)
See you and rcw tonight
- ready to go! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 15&#184; 2002
the girl ~ i'll be there too morning child... we can do some serious
damage tonight... i'm not driving!... and my 21 days of sobriety are
out the window! i've got some bad influences in my life... hehe... see
you later! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 15&#184; 2002 10:10am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ You'll be missed Jess.....and rcw, I promise, we'll be
good girls and go easy! ;>)
Later alligators! :>) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 15&#184; 2002 10:05am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Ditto Pickle! And rcw yes I did get you but you were a little
more contained I guess :)! Great to see everyone last night and sadly,
Morning Child, I will not be around this weekend, taking a trip. And to
Pickle, I am sorry for being quiet last night, I didn't realize I was
:)! Terrific time at Deja Vu! And I hope everyone has a good St
Patty's day and fun at O'Hagan's! Take Care Flip Fans! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 15&#184; 2002 9:57am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ morning all...yes morning child, Im gonna come out to play,
though not too hard! JSJ got me with the RHS again last night ;) though not like last time! see ya' later.....and pickle, hows the tape
sound..? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 15&#184; 2002 9:44am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Maybe I'll catch you guys in a couple of weeks
then....have a gread weekend (and St. Patty's Day)....don't work TOO
hard Paulie! :>)
'Til next time -- peace. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March
15&#184; 2002 9:20am</B></FONT>
msp ~ karen & I will not be there either. We're also going sunday. Last
night was big fun! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 15&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Not Cin & I. Two special releases this weekend (and next,
thought that scehdule has yet to be worked out completely)at work (one
network & one mainframe) have me booked pretty solid. We'll be at the
St Patty's Party on Sunday. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 15&#184; 2002
MorningChild ~ Happy Friday all! Looking fo rward to tonight - rcw,
Jessica are you coming out to play? What about you Marino brothers?
Have a sparkling day everyone - hope to see you all tonight! :>) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 15&#184; 2002 7:53am</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <p>Well, that didn't suck!!!!!< p> <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March
15&#184; 2002 1:04am</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Hey Glen..we'll be there tomorrow and looking forward to the
after party..whoo hoooo! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 14&#184; 2002
PS ~ Hey Everyone this Wed.March 20th Pete Sche ips Band with Dave
Stoltz bassist with(Dicky Betts & Great Southern)on guitar @ Sully's
Pub in Hartford,CT.(860)231 -8881 No Cover! Hope to see you there! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 14&#184; 2002 6:14pm</B></FONT>
DiIRECTiONS TO DiTTO'S ~ From Hartford: Take e xit 39 and follow rt. 4
past O'Hagan's (stopping in of course for a drink) and pick up rt. 8
directions once you cross over. FROM RT 8: Take exit 42 (From the
south head left, from the North go right) Go West 5 miles until you
reach Litchfield. Go 1/2 m ile past the center of town and Ditto's
(a.k.a. Bohemian Pizza) is on your right. See you there! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 14&#184; 2002 6:00pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ I hope some of you crazy night owls are making plans for
tomorrow nights after -hours party here in Morris. Suz & I are all
stocked up on partyables and Bodhi is ready and waiting to throw the
ball! see you tomorrow night at Ditto's in Litchfield! woo hoo! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 14&#184; 2002 4:53pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Ok do that! No problem Hippiefoot...maybe I'll see
ya at one of the shows! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 14&#184; 2002
Hippiefoot ~ (((Thanks Sarah)))
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 14&#184; 2002
Joe Six-Pack ~ dang hippies! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 14&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Yes, I do. I'll Email you about some of the,
personal...questions that I have. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 14&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ Well you just want to know everything don't you Paulie!!
hehehe...friday:bathtub Gin (phish tribute) and stanley maxwell, the
29th: Shakedown, april 5th: Psychedelic Breakfast <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 14&#184; 2002 1:01pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ And what are these shows at the Barn???? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 14&#184; 2 002 1:02pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Yep..shows at the powder mill barn are happening this friday,
march 29th, and april 5th. Besides that I don't know any other dates.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 14&#184; 2002 12:58pm</B></FONT>
Hippiefoot ~ Anyone know dates for u pcoming shows (any band) at the
Powder Mill Barn??? Need to promo for the circle. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 14&#184; 2002 12:52pm</B></FONT>
Hippiefoot ~ Yes sk you can frolic all you want <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
14&#184; 2002 12:23pm</B></FONT>
LOL!! ~ !!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 14&#184; 2002 11:32am</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ Now thats perty funnie Jane. Dont be tellin our sekrets
or I'll tell the one bout when you went to cuzin Bettie -Lou's weddin
wearin yer bowlin shoes with the big red #14 on the back. < FONT SIZE=1><B>March 14&#184; 2002 11:29am</B></FONT>
sk ~ i like to dance in the buff while listening to Yanni <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 14&#184; 2002 11:16am</B></FONT>
Jane 6 Pack ~ Hey Joe, it's garbage night tonite, dont be getting the
furniture and garbage mixed up again <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 14&#184;
2002 11:13am</B></FONT>
June Carter ~ Johnny dernt wear no black t -shirt. He wears a black
button-down. Of course, if yer referrin' to his unmentionables, it's
always his wife beater - and it's white. Johnny don't like to warsh it
so maybe that's why you think it's black, Joe. You know us southern
belles, we like a man to smell like a man - not some cheap co-loan
factry or pretty-boy blue. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 14&#184; 2002
Joe Six-Pack ~ hey sk, wuzzit johnnie cash? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
14&#184; 2002 10:48am</B></FONT>
house dick ~ did he play at the joeybagadonuts / small potatoes show?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 14&#184; 2002 10:44am</B></FONT>
sk ~ thanks paulie, it was the hook ahville at buckeye lake, pretty good
show to, but the she belongs to me i was looking so forward to, well it
was kinda cheeesy, good sounding aud tape though, a bit over -recorded
in spots, but nonetheless it sounded good........ya know who was my
favorite ever guitar player in weir's bands? remember that big palooka
who always wore a black t -shirt, that guy could play a little bit <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 14&#184; 2002 10:25am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Hey Flip Fans! Hope to see some of you tonight at Deja Vu!
Pickle, guess I'll see you tonight to wish you a happy birthday in
person! Wow! A lot of bithdays in March! Take Care all!!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 14&#184; 2002 9:32am</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <br>Thanks all for the thoughts and very kind words. You all
friggin' ROCK!!! and Brett, I will be there tonight for sure..<p> <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 14&#184; 2002 9:03am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ sk hey paulie, that ratdog show from 5/26/00 , it only says
DAUD, do you know what mics were used? <=== sk, if this is correct, a nd
you're asking me about the RD Hookahville show from 2000 held @
Buckeye, then all I have is that it is from DAUD. I *think* it was a
Tiger Rose DAUD>CD, but cannot even be sure of that. If you're
referring to the Miracle Tree RD show, then you have the date & rcdg
info wrong. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 14&#184; 2002 8:39am</B></FONT>
ep ~ Everyone bring pickle a pickle for his B -day. He actually is into
them that much.
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 14&#184; 2002
brett, pickle ~ buddy hopeful ly see you at one of the four gigs this
weekend to b-day with you. member st pats last year? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 13&#184; 2002 11:20pm</B></FONT>
~ NO TOR, THHANK YOU, check your message board, brett <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 13&#184; 2002 11:15p m</B></FONT>
localyokel ~ De Javu is on rte. 10 only (nowhere near 202) but in
plainville! have fun! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 13&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ Celebrity boxing is sooooo funny! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
13&#184; 2002 9:50pm</B></FONT>
ep ~ Happy B-day to the Picks. You're the reaal shit bud. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 13&#184; 2002 8:44pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Sorry! I meant to call you back...I went to a party on
saturday. what are you doing on friday> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 13&#184;
2002 8:11pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ SaraH!!!!! What happened to you on Sat???? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 13&#184; 2002 8:03pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Hey Wendy...Whats shakin?!? What are you up to this weekend?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 13&#184; 2002 7:46pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Happy Birthday Pickle..and many more!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
13&#184; 2002 7:16pm</B></FONT>
moe ~ happiest of birthdays to you, sweet and succulent pickle!! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 13&#184; 2002 6:31pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Those are some big letters! < FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 13&#184;
2002 4:34pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ we can frolic too? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 13&#184; 2002
sk ~ hey paulie, that ratdog show from 5/26/00 , it onl y says DAUD, do
you know what mics were used? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 13&#184; 2002
the girl ~
Happy Birthday Pickle!
2002 3:11pm</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 13&#184;
Hippiefoot ~ ((shameless plug)) HIPPIEFOOT'S DRUM PARTY - Sun., April
14, 11am to 6pm, Gay City State Park, Rt. 85, Hebron, CT. "It's a big,
huge hippie picnic celebrating the coming of the warm season. Bring
your drums (and other instruments) frolic, hike, bike, play games and
make friends and music!" <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 13&#184; 2002
Hippiefoot ~ Happy Birthday to you, my well preserved friend. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 13&#184; 2002 3:06pm</B></FONT>
smilesalot ~ ****Happy Birthday Pickle**** <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
13&#184; 2002 12:33pm</B></FO NT>
Reverend ~ So the Reverend Tor Band was in the Florida Keys last week
on our annual Pirates tour when who should show up out of the blue but
our favorite little guitar slinging pirate, Captain Flipper Brett
himself! Brett joined us for a few songs on Friday night at The
Schooner Wharf Bar and on Saturday at the Key West Seaport Music Fest
with Tom Constanten. It was truly an epic event jamming with Brett in
Key West! Thanks for showing up my friend. You have officially earned
the title "Pirate" (check fliptionary)! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 13&#184;
2002 11:53am</B></FONT>
sk ~ happy birthday pickle, now that's 2 chat rooms, one more to go!!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 13&#184; 2002 10:24am</B></FONT>
jeremy ~
msp I'm scared to look at your last link after that kithchen
table picture. It almost knocked me out of my chair! Way to early for
that shit!! See all you flipsters at ditto's. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
13&#184; 2002 9:54am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ {{{HBD Pickle}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 13&#184; 2002
MZ ~
Happy Birthday to the Pickler!!!!!! Pickle Give me a call please
565-0125. Peace to all <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 13&#184; 2002
msp ~ hippy bertha day, pickle <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 13&#184; 2002
glen ~ hippie birthday Pickle! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 13&#184; 2002
~ I will be by my lonesome. Also at Billy Rays on saturday and
of course O hagens on sunday for st patricks day. Mike will be in
Chicago this weekend so Lane will be joining us on Friday. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 12&#184; 2002 6:49pm</B></FONT>
Big Dummy ~ Brett, who will you being playing wiff? Will you be
playing the electrical geetar? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 12&#184; 2002
EN ~ Simple things:Has an yone ever noticed the reflection on the
water,off of 91N,just past the old Colt building? It looks like stained
glass-colorful and sporadic. I notice it two nights a week on the way
home from school. Just thought I'd put it out there for kicks!Brett
Joey Bagadonuts ~ The toilet seat is a marvelous invention, one size
fits all! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 12&#184; 2002 4:37pm</B></FONT>
msp ...this is funny ~ yankees-rrivera.html <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 12&#184; 20 02
Mark P. ~ Flipper at Ditto will be rockin' good fun: Music, Pizza,
Beer, Friends, a Fireplace...Fire Up! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 12&#184;
2002 9:04am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Can't wait for wednesday...celebrity boxing on fox! I can't
wait to see vanilla ice and todd bridges duke it out, not to mention
tonya harding and paula jones..thats gonna be a good one! I wonder if
shes allowed to bring a bat into the ring?!? :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
11&#184; 2002 10:57pm</B></FONT>
just a reminder ~ to please come out Friday night at Ditto's in
Litchfield, CT for the Flipper show. laid back new venue, very
different from the usual fare. (right, Mark?) crackling fireplace, huge
couches, cool fishtank behind the band and yes Jager fans, they do have
a full bar now. not the place you might remember, plus after -hours
right here in Morris for any leftover crazies... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
11&#184; 2002 9:46pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ could at least have warned us...that scared the
shit out of me!!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 11&#184; 2002
glen ~ ok msp, scary shit man... Congrats Hippie Hood! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 11&#184; 2002 9:19pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Miracle Tree CLOSED.
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 11&#184; 2002
This is CLOSING in < 1 hr. Email me by 5:00 if you want on it
( <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 11&#184; 2002
MZ ~ What's up Flipsters. Hey pickle pleas e call me at 860-565-0125.
Thanks <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 11&#184; 2002 2:36pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ you'll need to listen and look closely for 20 -30 seconds. See if
you can tell what is wrong with picture.Paulie
Paulie ~ Excellent!! COngrats, Hippiefoot! <FON T SIZE=-1><B>March
11&#184; 2002 11:33am</B></FONT>
Hippiefoot ~ 4th...........not bad for a hippie that goes to
Flipperdave shows instead of practicing. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
11&#184; 2002 10:48am</B></FONT>
Mark P. ~ Hey Glen...The Uconn Crazies were relatively under
control...saturday night I was a bar in East Longmeadow MA and Uconn
was on tv, but nobody cared! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 11&#184; 2002
MIRACLE TREE UPDATE ~ 7 spots still available. This will remain open
until 5:00 or when the spots are all filled, whichever comes first.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 11&#184; 2002 7:14am</B></FONT>
sk ~ I think I broke nail opening my new box of Jergans bath oil beads
last night. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184; 2002 6:05pm</B></FONT>
Jane 6 Pack ~ I love bowling for budweiser night, and most of all we
get to show off our new truck <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 10&#184; 2002
MIRACLE TREE UPDATE ~ Still 9 spots available. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
10&#184; 2002 11:07am</B></FONT>
PS ~ Thanks to everyone who came out to the Barn last nite! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 9&#184; 2002 4:36pm</B></FONT>
TO APPLY FOR THE GOTV2K MIRACLE TREE: ~ Please apply to me at w/ "GOTV2K" in the SUBJECT and your name, mailing
address & whether or not you're willing to burn for B&PO for others who
miss out on the tree in the BODY OF THE EMAIL. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
9&#184; 2002 9:45am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ For clarity, after removing the lineage data which I see makes
this difficult to understand, the Tree is Claypool, Ratdog & Warren
Haynes from GOTV 2000. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 9&#184; 2002
time for another Miracle Tree. I open this today because we 're off to
Ratdog and this one includes a RD set. The Tree is 3 sets from GOTV2K,
the last one held in Seaside Park, Bridgeport: The Les Claypool Rat
Brigade (band comprised of Les & members of Ratdog, w/ Bobby as special
guest) 6/24/00 [AUDMD>CD>CD]; Ratd og (w/ Claypool as special guest)
6/24/00 [DSBD patch>CD>CD(TAO)>EAC(by Rick Pauline to remove TAO
gaps)>CD>CD; and Warren Haynes (solo acoustic) 6/25/00 [sk's FOB
Sennheiser 441 mic's>SBM DigProcessor>Sony D8 DAT>Sony D8 playback>NAD
6300(sk)>Pioneer CT-W616DR playback>Philips CDR 200(me)>Philips CDR
200(me). This is a 4 CD Miracle Tree. The limit is 6 per Branch
(thanky, MSP & rcw). Please apply to me at w/
"GOTV2K" in the SUBJECT and your name, mailing address & whether or not
you're willing to burn for B&PO for others who miss out on the tree in
the BODY OF THE EMAIL. If you don't hear from me, you're in. I'll leave
this open until Monday or until the allotment is full. Note that
applicants may get denied if they apply to late and we' ve reached the
Miracle limit. Good luck! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 9&#184; 2002
glen ~ jusy saw 'Blast' with Sue last night at the Oakdale, holy shit,
that show rocks. OK, it's not the usual jam/funk fare mind you, but if
you're open to anything and can afford tix. prices at the Oakdale, take
the kids, it's only there tonight and Sunday. unforgettable... <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 9&#184; 2002 8:34am</B></FONT>
PS ~ Tonite!Fri.March 8th Pete Scheips Band with Max Creek keybordist
Mark Mercier & Special Guests @ The Powder Mill Barn 32 South Maple
Street Enfield,CT.(860)763 -4049 All Ages! BYOB! Hope to see you
there!!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 8&#184; 2002 7:48pm</B></FONT>
FRIDAY:) lOVE YA <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 8&#184; 2002 6:45pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ can someone translate that into english? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
8&#184; 2002 6:42pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ paulie, you just caused me to have an acid flasback, thanks for
the free one.... <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 8&#184; 2002 6:19pm</B></FONT>
Stream of Consciousness Paulie ~ The second night of Oxford kicks ass
too. Not as good as the first of course...Brilliant as the concept of
The Force & the Jedi may be, I *do* feel that Lucas et al b ased it
largely on the writings of Carlos Castaneda. Particularly the icredible
early stuff, thru Second Ring of Power. Yoda's speech to Luke in the
swamps of the Dagoba (sp??) System is so close to one of Don Juan's to
Carlos as he's explaining power that it's scary - and too close for me
to ignore. You, perhaps, but not me!...Much like the Star Wars saga,
the early Carlos works far supasses the later stuff - though it may be
too early in the second trilogy to tell, The Phantom Menace was not
nearly as impressive as any of the others. And everything beyond The
Eagle's Gift grew progressively weaker. Oh well, it happens...Steven
King's work is the Perfect Paradigm...Of course, it's not uncommon for
art work to be based on previous art work. Maybe not this mu ch very
often, w/o a direct & obvious link...Now The Fellowship of the Ring,
that is a monster film. Conceptually, SW is second to none - as is
Carlos - but that film just blew my mind...It must be incredibly
constipating to memorize & obey all those Polit ically Correct
Parliamentary Procedures. Though I could be wrong. Anyone know...And
Jerry!!!!...My favorite month for sports is March. And this week is my
fav week. All the games seem to go down to the last minute. Every
year...Cindy says The Time Machine is getting panned big time. FOTR was
lauded. And rightly...We went thru that already...Ratdoggy tamale...Go
Huskies!!!...And Direct TV Monday!...Happy weekend... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 8&#184; 2002 6:04pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Happy Birthday AMY!!!! <FONT SI ZE=-1><B>March 8&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Speaking of elves??? LOL>LOL>LOL!!! I also hear that PSB
(others???) at the Pig's Eye on Sunday for a Matt Fuggi DHead Zone
party. I'm really not sure but perhaps it's the cancellation of his
radio show party. I dunno. I'm off to Bobby Weir (Ratdog) tomorrow &
re: those two tkts - I'm *supposed* to have them in my hands later
tonight. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 8&#184; 2002 4:50pm</B></FONT>
PPS ~ OK, last thing: Pete Yipes will also be at Powder Mill Ba rn
tonight. Speaking of elves, I still need Arwen the Elf lightup goblet
from BK to complete my set, anyone have one? Have a great weekend all,
we'll see you next Friday at Ditto's right here in Litchfield! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 8&#184; 2002 4:46pm</B>< /FONT>
PS ~ yes, they will be playing, so check em out. Sunday on FOX after
'Malcolm In The Middle' at 9:00 PM they will premiere a new 2 1/2
minute trailer for Star Wars Episode II. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 8&#184;
2002 4:42pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ all I know of if Liberty Bus at DDG tonight Ame, but call ahead
and check, the UConn nuts may take over the place, I dunno... <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 8&#184; 2002 4:38pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ paulie are you finaly going get out that disk of me doing those
fantastic artificial farts under the arm in sinc with the scarlet/fire
from new haven 82 ? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 8&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Cool, I have a beauty planned for this month. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 8&#184; 2002 3:03pm</B></FONT>
thingfish ~ thanks rcw. peace <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 8&#184; 2002
rcw ~ ok, the last of the 2 \2\2 cd's are finally in the mail! I think I
got everyone covered.....ya'all enjoy your weekend...Im off to the snow
:D <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 8&#184; 2002 2:22 pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ {{{HBD Amy}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 8&#184; 2002
Legolas The Elf ~ Hippiefoot's arrow's fly straight and true! God
Speed! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 8&#184; 2002 11:21am</B></FONT>
ame ~ thanks guys! Is anything fu n happening this weekend? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 8&#184; 2002 9:54am</B></FONT>
glen ~ happy birthday Ame, we love you!!!!!
good luck,
Sarah ~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY!!!!!!! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 8&#184;
2002 7:29am</B></FONT>
ep ~ Yo Brett, Catch that sunset for me. Keep smiling Bro,,,,,, <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 8&#184; 2002 2:11am</B></FONT>
~ Just got my free airline miles ticket last minute. Be in
the keys for a couple of days. fucking ya
hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooo, did i mention ya hooo?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 8&#184; 2002 1:39am</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <br>Me and Meliss just saw Neil Diamond in Hartford. Granted
things he started doing in the 80's went down hill, the guy friggin
ROCKS in my book. Scott, get in touch (picklefreek@yahoo.vom)and let
me know what you need done next week. Busy week next week so wanna
hear what is up.<br> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 7&#184; 2002
PPS ~ If anyone wants to listen to MP3 samples of the Polk Elementa ry
School CD (I did all the music, my students did all the singing) check
out: <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 7&#184; 2002 9:44pm</B></FONT>
PS ~ in case you haven't seen the movie yet, that means 'slay em'. oh
and BTW, tell your brother his streak is reset back to 0 for missing
Billy Ray's. 32 still stands, baby! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 7&#184;
2002 9:21pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ Hippiefoot, if I was surrounded by Orcs in Middle Earth on a
perilous journey, there's only one archer I would want at my side...
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 7&#184; 2002 9:18pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Tomorrows Friday.....WOOOO HOOOOO!! Gotta love the weekend! :)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 7&#184; 2002 8:53pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ If anyone is interested, Bobb y is playing at Elements in Granby
tonite (gee, I looked up 'unwritten rule' but came up empty handed.
hope this is not a faux paux) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 7&#184; 2002
Hal ~ I mean boot <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 7&#184; 2002 5:02pm</B></F ONT>
Hal E. Toesis ~ Imagine me sipping champagne from your bott for a taste
of your elegant pie. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 7&#184; 2002
zippy the pinhead ~ If a thing is worth doingTai Tai Innorai Oronico
Edneh Edneh No Ra
JG ~ White dove will mourn in sorrow,Tai Tai Innorai Oronico Edneh
Edneh No Ra
Paulie ~ {{{{Hippiefoot's Archery Contest}}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
7&#184; 2002 1:04pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ cc - miss you much....come home soon! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
7&#184; 2002 12:52pm</ B></FONT>
montana ~ rcw was up!will be in ct soon!party,party,party!snowin super
hard right now and 1 degree outside!gotta go rip it up!powder
yyyaaahhhhhhoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!1 <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 7&#184; 2002
Hippiefoot ~ How does a re dneck spell "farm"?
1><B>March 7&#184; 2002 11:49am</B></FONT>
sk; ~ this is the dawning of the age of asparagus <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 7&#184; 2002 11:37am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ good National Archery Championships vibes to ya' hippief oot
Hippiefoot ~ P.S. that was not SK <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 7&#184; 2002
Hippiefoot ~ Speaking of good vibes.....remember the "Hippiefoot Drum
Circle" April 14! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 7&#184; 2002
Hippiefoot ~ This is an official request for good vibes this
weekend...I'll be in Virginia competeing in the National Archery
Championships. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 7&#184; 2002 10:54am</B></FONT>
good morning starshine, ~ the earth says hello <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
7&#184; 2002 10:17am</B></FONT>
Moon shadow ~ ! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 7&#184; 2002 10:01am</B></FONT>
Moon shadow ~ ? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 7&#184; 2002 9:57am</B></FONT>
I'm being followed by a moon shadow ~ ! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 7&#184;
2002 9:50am</B></FONT>
brett ~ gary i got the goods! thanks to robin, we love her <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 6&#184; 2002 11:41pm</B></FONT>
big suit ~ stop making sense <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 6&#184; 2002
zippy the pinhead ~ If voting c ould really change anything, it would be
illegal.Young Republican
The blue book value of your truck goes up and downif....
Joe Six-Pack ~ what's so funny? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 6&#184; 2002
You might be a Redneck IF ~ you c onsider your hunting license a form of
identification <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 6&#184; 2002 4:11pm</B></FONT>
you know your a redneck when ~ Your wifes hair is so big you can`t have
ceiling fans in your trailor <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 6&#184; 2002
You might be a Redneck IF... ~ you go to family reunions to meet girls
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 6&#184; 2002 4:01pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ LOL!! And her mother & aunt - and it's just the two of them in
the room. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 6&#184; 2002 3: 57pm</B></FONT>
you know your a red neck when ~ you let your 12 year old daughter smoke
at the dinner front of her kids. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
6&#184; 2002 3:57pm</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ ya Bonnie, I never wuz good at schoolin like you -in wuz.
I dint hardlie lissin when they wuz lernin me inglish <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 6&#184; 2002 1:25pm</B></FONT>
Back Seat Bonnie ~ Joe, ya mean, "Yer 6 yer ol' kin kin read?", doncha?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 6&#184; 2002 1:13pm</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ wow!...yer 6 year old kin read? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
6&#184; 2002 12:52pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ thats real funny sk, guess i can`t let my 6 year old read this
forum anymore <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 6&#184; 2002 12:50pm</B></FONT>
H&R Box ~ Come on down & get your 2001 taxes done while watching naked
dancing girls and/or guys, whichever you prefer. Charge for the taxes
is by the hr or part thereof. Add'l services in the dance rooms
available for extra fees include Standard Desuction, W2 -Pee, and Earned
Incum Credit. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 6&#184; 2002 11:21am</B></FONT>
Groove ~ rcw, no..he kept drinking out of a coffee cup...not sure if it
was coffee, but looked it. One time he hit a note on his guitar and he
held that note so long, that a rodey came out and gave him coffee to
drink while he held the note.
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 6&#184; 2002
Nice apmt, nice neighborhood. ~ The other bldg residents are just so -so
:) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 6&#184; 2002 9:29am</B></FONT>
sk ~ anyone interested in an apt? one avail. in my building around
april 1, $525 a month, heat included, it's a pretty nice place <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 6&#184; 2002 9:19am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ was he drinking whiskey out of a BIG glass jug...? Last time I
saw him had a little run in with his bottle while he was walking around
in the crowd..:D lol! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 6&#184; 2002
Groove ~ Brett, E-me about switching-out the disks for the 2 -2-2 show.
I'm dyin' to hear D2. rcw, thanks again.Paulie
Bobby ~ FlipperMike!! Great man!
it and the price! thanxFM
we'll talk soon about the specs of
Sarah ~ R.I.P. Mark Vann...lost his battle to cancer...he will be
missed! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 5&#184; 2002 7:02pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Wendy: WOOOOO HOOOO!! ! Don't worry..we'll hang out very soon!!
;) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 5&#184; 2002 6:55pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Sarah, I'm BAAACK!! Florida was fun but hoo, no tan.
(well, hardly ) I'll give u a call! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 5&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ I miss Wendy!! Hope shes having fun on vacation. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 5&#184; 2002 5:50pm</B></FONT>
Bobby ~ Hey Flippermike! I am interested in having you build an
electric guitar...would you be interested? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
5&#184; 2002 5:44pm</B></FONT>
Clint Torrez ~ How about chocolate breast milk? MMM. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 5&#184; 2002 5:44pm</B></FONT>
wise man ~ nipple get hard when put on ice <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
5&#184; 2002 4:54pm</B></FONT>
joe six-pack ~ I kinda like those kilbasa flavored meatsicles I buy
down at the 7-11. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 5&#184; 2002 4:33pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ But, maybe if they were flavored ? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 5&#184;
2002 4:33pm</B></FONT>
tried it. ~ they dont freeze very well. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 5&#184;
2002 4:16pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Breast milk popsicles!!!! That is the most disgusting thing I
think you guys have thought of yet! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 5&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Good question, sk. Especially for yo u. After all, you do look
as though you are ready to lactate. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 5&#184; 2002
sk ~ I wonder if breast milk popsicles would be a big seller at the
beach? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 5&#184; 2002 2:49pm</B></FONT>
Back Seat Bonnie ~ I was looking at a pitcher of Joe's old stallion,
Stud, that I yousta ride & vice -a-versa. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 5&#184;
2002 2:26pm</B></FONT>
Big Brother ~ Nothing to worry about Sarah! : -| <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March
5&#184; 2002 1:50pm</B></FONT >
Joeybagadonuts ~ I was looking at photos of sk and eating a boston
creme, yummy! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 5&#184; 2002 12:53pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Really Mark...thats kind of freaky!! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
5&#184; 2002 12:51pm</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ I wuz changin' my earl in the pick -up <FONT SIZE=1><B>March 5&#184; 2002 12:49pm</B></FONT>
Mark P ~ Sarah, we're out there! We're watching you type...watching you
check the Flipper Tour Dates...cuz' Flipper rocks, and you know it!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 5&#184; 2002 12:47pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Geez...Why is it so dead in here today? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
5&#184; 2002 12:25pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ ok, the post prior to the prior post didnt show up...groove, see
brett about the mix up in cd's..he has your missing one and you his.!
and about that lighter, I may very well have it...will check around
later! However keep the red sentimental value there :D Hope
alls well and have to do that again soon! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
4&#184; 2002 3:43pm</B></FON T>
rcw ~ oops, switch that around know what I!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 4&#184; 2002 3:41pm</B></FONT>
Groove ~ Ok, someone has a lighter that say's "Big Sky Montana" from
Friday night. You stole it from me, but I'm sure you really want to
return it. It has sentimental value, or at least more than the Red one
I stole from someone else Saturday night. Rcw, (Robin?) thanks much
for your kindness of kickin down the 2 -2-2 show (Definately made my
night, you rock!). But I ended up with 2 Disk 3's and no Disk 2. Can
we swap for a D2?
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 4&#184; 2002
sk: ~ but, but,but........what about me? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 4&#184;
2002 3:05pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ hehehehe....very true! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 4&#184; 2002
Mark P ~ LOL Sarah! Life is like a box of chocolates...every now and
then one jumps out and tries to get naked for no apparent reason! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 4&#184; 2002 12:30pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Jager-keis, sorry didn't get back to you:( Got the message
after we already saw you on Friday! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 4&#184; 2002
Jessica ~ Okay, I guess I am to blame for rcw on saturday night! Sorry
to have missed the show and the "accessories" also so rry to rcw for
starting her on the RHS! But great night on Friday but had to leave a
"little" early and yes Morning Child everything was fine! Also thanks
to George and Cathy for their hospitality and the fire :)! I want to
give Gary T. and Glen a big Than k You for braving the rain on Saturday!
Also Gary I demand a rematch with the alphabet beads :)! Hope all had a
good weekend and rcw must stay away from those red -heads:)! Have a good
week Flip Fans! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 4&#184; 2002 12:09pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Hey Mark...great show..loved it! Lemme know if you need any
more bodyguard ya around!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
4&#184; 2002 11:29am</B></FONT>
the girl ~
thanks to the boys from alabama for a good time sat. night
as well... the smelly bottom boys? the laugh fest sure left my sides
hurting the next day... the drunk girl spitting up was quite a site...
although a better picture would have been her nose dive (which she
never did take - although she did have some close calls)... n othing
better than a girly drink drunk! well, except a red headed slut! haha!
see ya on the sober side... yes, morningchild... for 21 days! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 4&#184; 2002 11:01am</B></FONT>
Mark P ~ Hey Sarah & Polly! :) ...hey fellas, sorry about th at posting
promoting our show friday. I'll be sure to remind Mike of the unspoken
rule, which I highly respect and practice too. Hope your weekend was
rockin'! Peace, Mark <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 4&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ Polly! It was crazine ss..I was hanging out with you one mintue
and then the next..I was in my car driving home! Did ya end up going to
Boston?!? Hopefully next weekend we can spend a whole night knowing
where each other are! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 4&#184; 2002
MorningChild ~ How could I have forgotten the girl spitting up from
girlie drinks!?! Although the accessories story WAS a very close
runner up!! Thanks again girls (and Brian) for the LOADS of laughter and rcw, I promise, next time I'll keep you under control! ;>)
a nice week all -- peace... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 4&#184; 2002
Polly ~ hey Sarah, where'd you disappear to after the show Friday?
always seem to lose track of each other... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
3&#184; 2002 10:29pm</B></FONT>
the girl ~ wow! spend the night with a couple of red headed sluts and
you will be hurting the next day! hehe... great time last night... rcw
and morningchild - thanks for keeping pace... you can blame the whole
thing on me... see ya soon! take care... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
3&#184; 2002 9:39pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ rcw, what was the deal last night anyway? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
3&#184; 2002 6:41pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ :D <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 3&#184; 2002 3:19pm</B></FONT>
zippy ~ sis-star ? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 3&#184; 2002
rcw ~ ok, too much of me already out here today...! b, the girl, and
morning child, almost forgot...the weaving and bobbing chick who spit
up in the middle of the bar far outshined the temporary
accessories...:D must have been too many of those girlie!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 3&#184; 2002 12:53pm</B></FONT>
b ~ uhhhh ,red headed sluts got the best of me.... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 3&#184; 2002 12:47pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ she'll forgive ya'...;) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 3&#184; 2002
rcw ~ zippy, sister r..? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 3&#184; 2002
glen ~ thank you George & Kathy. thank you Talbot(c). thank you Brett
for the hot sauce and the help on the i nstall. thank you Brian. thank
you Flip Heads. now...why does my head hurt? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
3&#184; 2002 12:03pm</B></FONT>
zippy the pinhead ~ OH MY GOD! I LEFT OUT "SISTER R" please please
forgive me....hmmmm sistaR ? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 3&#184; 2002
rcw ~ oh, and thanks to brian and the girl for everything, my side
still hurts from all the laughing - the temporary accessories was my
favorite :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 3&#184; 2002 11:45am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ morning child, thanks for coming to play.....but please dont
EVER let me me do that again :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 3&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ The Marino Bros & Sister Robin :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
3&#184; 2002 10:33am</B></FONT>
Zippy The Pinhead ~ If there is anyone that missed out on the 2 -2-02
Miracle from the Marino bros. and needs copy I`ll do some B&Ps e -mail
me with "I missed out on duce" in the subject
line<br> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 3&#184; 2002
MorningChild ~ Another memorable evening last night - thanks rcw and
"The Girl" - nice to meet you too Brian! See you in 21 days "The
Girl"! :>)
See YOU in a couple weeks rcw -- but no more RHS's for
you girlfriend -- at least not by the shakerful! ;>) Wishin g you all
a peaceful Sunday.... :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 3&#184; 2002
sk ~ i wish i could clone myself and be at more than 1 place at a time
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 2&#184; 2002 4:42pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Well rcw if the stars say you should, who are we to
argue with that? I'm up for it! See you then! :>) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 2&#184; 2002 2:09pm</B></FONT>
E.N. ~ WOW!!!!!What a night. Took my father out for his birthday and we
were up till 4 partying. Think,maybe I turned him into a
Thanks,Brett,Glen,Mike and Steve. The double drum gig
is definately rocking. Thanks to Scott,too. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
2&#184; 2002 2:26pm</B></FONT>
Brian ~ OK all, the latest 'As the Gear Mearls' is now online. Enjoy!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 2&#184; 2002 1:33pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ morning child, my horoscope for today leads me to believe I
probably gonna come play? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 2&#184;
2002 11:28am</B></FONT>
glen ~ great night last night at BRC. Sco tty & Steve sounded great, SK
i wish you were there, there were some monster -length jams. 'Rosa'
alone may have topped 30 mins., who knows? don't forget about Keith &
Brett tonight for an encore show at BRC, or maybe I'll see some of you
at George's tonight. hope the Bus, Feed & Juice had good nights too.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 2&#184; 2002 11:30am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Fun time last night - thanks to rcw & Jessica for
hangin' 'n dancin'! Special extra thanks to rcw for the newest
addition to my FD "live" collection - you SO rule girl! :>) rcw, are
you still planning on heading back up this way tonight to BR's? Have a
nice day all - peace. :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 2&#184; 2002
Dennis ~ I should have said "not posting" in th at last comment. My bad.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 2&#184; 2002 3:19am</B></FONT>
Dennis ~ That's funny, I was just explaining to someone about the
unspoken rule of posting on a band's site (ie: Flipper, Creek, etc)
when they have a gig. 4 shame squared.
2002 3:18am</B></FONT>
<F ONT SIZE=-1><B>March 2&#184;
sk ~ "Live Long And Prostate" <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 1&#184; 2002
glen ~ yes, normal protocol dictates that that would be an
inappropriate action. 4 shame... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 1&#184; 2002
FLiPPER NEWS DESK ~ hey all - Scotty Allshouse will be playing double
drumset all night tonight w/ Flipper ! (*tapers take note.) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 1&#184; 2002 7:05pm</B></FONT>
lady a ~ rcw- i sent a message to your d aytime addy..not sure if you
got it... THANK YOU for the miracle in the mailbox! :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 1&#184; 2002 7:03pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ It seems quite irresponsible to advertise an Bus show on FD
Forum on a day of an FD show. No? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 1&#184; 2002
Mike T ~ Tonight!!!! Liberty Bus and The Feed, Powder Hollowthingfish
Deeter ~ Come back Buzz, mein leipchen <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 1&#184;
2002 4:16pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ It was hard dancing while wearing platforms h eels. Or should I
say, I was hard dancing while wearing platforms heels? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 1&#184; 2002 3:53pm</B></FONT>
Deeter ~ Buzz, please come back, I miss you so much. I especially miss
playing Car Mechanic to your naive little girl, that was lots of fun
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 1&#184; 2002 3:26pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ LOL, sk & JBD. Isn't love grand, EveryFlipper??? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 1&#184; 2002 3:07pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ thingfish...sorry about that! re -send me your mailing addy :D use the hotmail account.... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 1&#184; 2002
sk ~ You can keep the boxers, I go strictly commando style now. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 1&#184; 2002 2:40pm</B></FONT>
Joeybagadonuts ~ Hey there sk, paulie and msp! I'm truly sa ddened that
our paths never again crossed since that infamous evening at the disco
so many years ago. I still hold such fond memories of sk dancing the
night away. Wasn't it he that was giving lessons on The Bump and The
Spanish Hustle? We had such a wond erful, wonderful time. It makes me
melancholy each time I recall that special moment in time. Sk, I never
got a chance to tell you in person that night, you ran off so fast. You
left your boxer shorts in my car. If you want them back, email me Are you still maintaining that chiseled bod of
yours? I'm sorry to report that I am now just one munchkin away from a
metric ton...oh well, more of me to love, right? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
1&#184; 2002 2:07pm</B></FONT>
Dr. Paulie, PhD ~ My study of many 100s of cases suggests a very high
correlation between large amounts of chippapatatas & "werid nights".
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 1&#184; 2002 1:41pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ that was a weird night, huh paulie, 3 things we still talk about
to this day happened that night, to wit, the small potatoes show, the
house dick & joey bagadonuts!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 1&#184; 2002
house dick ~ nope <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 1&#184; 2002 1:19pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Aren't they one in the same?!?..... ...just playin! :) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 1&#184; 2002 1:02pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Not me. I thought it was you, sk. Perhaps the House Dick.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 1&#184; 2002 12:42pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ ah, phil macrackin, that's gotta be paulie, he used t o love that
guy, along with patrick fitzgerald & gerald fitzpatrick <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 1&#184; 2002 12:39pm</B></FONT>
thingfish ~ rcw, please chck your westfair or hotmail accounts, you
have mail about the MountainTop Tree cds. Thanks. Tony <FONT SIZ E=1><B>March 1&#184; 2002 12:24pm</B></FONT>
jager-keis ~ Brett and I will be playing an acoustic show Sat.night at
Billy Rays after tonights epic event....See you all there <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 1&#184; 2002 11:47am</B></FONT>
Phil Macrackin ~ so then I thought, what would sk do? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 1&#184; 2002 11:38am</B></FONT>
jager-keis ~ Jessica ,can you e -mail me Andrews cell phone number??I
need to get in touch with <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 1&#184; 2002 11:0 6am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Not sure if I will make it tonight. Had a rough week which is
all the more reason to do shots but might want to have a quiet weekend.
If I see you Morning Child or rcw I will do a shot.rcw I owe you one
for last time. If I don't s ee you have a great night Flip Fans! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>March 1&#184; 2002 10:24am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ That would be the question of the day! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
1&#184; 2002 10:15am</B></FONT>
Hippiefoot ~ That wasn't me.........or was it??? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March
1&#184; 2002 10:22am</B></FONT>
Hippiefoot ~ In your neck of the woods?????? I never drive less than 45
min. to see Flipper, it's always west of the river.....except for the
Tiger, but that place SUCKS! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 1&#184; 2002
msp ~ ditto what paulie said :)
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 1&#184; 2002
Mark P. ~ Hey Glenn, you're rockin' the Ditto soon heh (the place we
first jammed together) That should be rollicking night of jams! Peace
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>March 1&#184; 2002 9:46am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Twas fun hanging w/ Brett and Bennie & the Jets last night @
CSNY. Oh yeah and Amy. She's little and cute. ;^) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 1&#184; 2002 9:05am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ TGIF ALL!!!
Can't wai t for tonight - it's been a
REALLY tough week...rcw, Jessica -- will you be present this evening?
Can you say SHOTS??? How 'bout you "The Girl"?
Will you be coming?
Have a great Friday all -- see ya all later!
:>) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>March 1&#184; 200 2 8:48am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ It's finally Friday!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 1&#184; 2002
rcw ~ its all you, sk! :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>March 1&#184; 2002
sk ~ that wasn't me <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 28&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ Not <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 28&#184; 2002
sk ~ Does anyone else like to get up in the middle of the night and
drink cold beef broth right out of the can? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
28&#184; 2002 4:57pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ i'm fond of you, and fonda jane <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
28&#184; 2002 4:47pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ folks, don't forget about Billy Ray's Cafe tomorrow, last full
band gig for a fortnight. (2 weeks.) next one after that is Ditto's,
right down the road here from where Sue & I live. finally - a gig in
my own neck of the woods! you can't imagaine my excitement about that.
needless to say, being the Ides of March, we will have an after -hours
at the house. peece doods! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 28&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ sk, that must mean you like me. You really really like me! :)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 28&#184; 2002 3:42pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ MSP - ya' sure..? have gotten many an email....try :D <F ONT SIZE=-1><B>February 28&#184; 2002
sk ~ paulie i just gave you credit on the creek board for your vince
(not so well) nick dubbing <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 28&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ The speed of dark?!? What!!!!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February
28&#184; 2002 12:42pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ I wonder what the speed of dark is???????? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 28&#184; 2002 12:35pm</B></FONT>
knowledge ~ if one is scared half to death twice in a row, they will
die. if there is a pau se between the scares, they will likely survive.
if one is scared half to death twice in one day, it is wise to stay
home and go to bed, for being scared half to death three times in one
day would likely be one's demise.
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 28&#184;
2002 12:29pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ paulie paulie paulie paulie paulie <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
28&#184; 2002 11:56am</B></FONT>
msp ~ ROBIN...I think you are you having trouble w/your email. I'm
trying to send you the cd cover for the willie show and it keeps
kicking back to me. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 28&#184; 2002
msp ~ Just wondering...What happens if you get scared half to death
twice? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 28&#184; 2002 9:40am</B></FONT>
great for the car ~ http://www.fla <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 28&#184; 2002 9:25am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ LOL Paulie....hehehehehehe! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 28&#184;
2002 9:00am</B></FONT>
Pervert Paulie ~ Yes, the life of a super villain is stressful and
difficult. PLus all those hours that one has to PUT IN are LONG & HARD.
=) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 28&#184; 2002 7:41am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Yeah, crime fighting has to hold up a lot of your time!
Especially with all the villians about like Pervert Paulie!! :) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 27&#184; 2002 10:25pm</B></FONT>
Melon Sweater Polly ~ hey Sarah, i just mailed you back, sorry i've
been lazy about emailing know how hard it is being a
superhero and all.
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 27&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ Polly! Did ya get my email? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 27&#184;
2002 7:05pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ FM, that the website we were discussing last Saturday
afternoon has no links. I figured as much. No static at all. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 27&#184; 2002 5:57pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I just saw your post, sk. Do you have any easier questions?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 27&#184; 2002 4:22pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Hey, Camp Creek dates are confirmed...July 26 -28!! <FONT SIZE=1><B>February 27&#184; 20 02 2:59pm</B></FONT>
Mark P (Sun) ~ Hippiefoot, FlipperDave, and Miracle all
rock! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 27&#184; 2002 2:53pm</B></FONT>
Amy Vanderbilt ~ He must. The caustic remark is obligatory. It's proper
etiquette. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 27&#184; 2002 2:12pm</B></FONT>
sk (the real sk): ~ damn, why must paulie always find fault in me,
rendering the obligatory caustic remark? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
27&#184; 2002 2:04pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Obviously it was the real sk. The fau x sk, being proficient w/
the language, would know that the colloquialism that you use is
properly spelled "Ne'er -do-well". <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 27&#184;
2002 1:52pm</B></FONT>
Hippiefoot ~ If you do not make it i will force "old folk" to tell you
every detail about it. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 27&#184; 2002
Money Shot ~ And supposing we dont make it? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
27&#184; 2002 1:35pm</B></FONT>
Hippiefoot ~ It's here....the 3rd Annual "Hippiefoot Drum Circle" if
you have attended, you know you can't miss it. If you've never still can't miss is. A day of outdoor fun with the kindest
vibe ever. You do not have to drum, just enjoy the day (all acoustic
instruments welcome, of course, there's drumming too.) A sk any of the
83 in attendance last year......BE THERE! Sun., April 14, 11am to 6pm
at Gay City State Park, Rt. 85, Hebron, CT. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
27&#184; 2002 1:31pm</B></FONT>
sk (yes the real sk): ~ thanks msp, i always considered you to be the
good brother, as opposed to the 'ner do well brother <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 27&#184; 2002 12:50pm</B></FONT>
mingus from beyond ~ I took care of it msp.
27&#184; 2002 11:59am</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
rcw ~ me too..? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 27&#184; 2002
sk (yes the real sk): ~ hey msp, can you e -mail me the mingus cd covers
again, i accidently deleted them, thanks <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
27&#184; 2002 11:25am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Hey thanks for the offer Dennis! <FO NT SIZE=-1><B>February
26&#184; 2002 10:20pm</B></FONT>
dennis ~ I'll burn you a copy Sarah. Email me your address sometime.
Peace! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 26&#184; 2002 7:59pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Go ahead Dennis..rub it have a copy..i don't! : ( just
kidding! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 26&#184; 2002 5:21pm</B></FONT>
Dennis ~ Uberjam rocks, I haven't stopped listening to it. Thanx Glen!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 26&#184; 2002 5:02pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Yeah I would love to get a copy of that cd....anybody?? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 26&#184; 2002 4:49pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ sarah, I burned 10 copies of his 'Uberjam' CD - I'm sure someone
can get you a copy if you don't already have it! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 26&#184; 2002 4:49pm</B></FONT>
R.I.P. ~ For Chuck Jones from all his wascaly wabbit fwiends <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 26&#184; 2002 10:36am</B></FONT>
Cierra: ~
Don't Forget Guys... This Morning, 10 -Noon on 107.7
glen ~ note for brett: Chuck Jones (animator of Bugs Bunny, et al.)
just died at age 89. shucks. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 25&#184; 2002
your passenger ~ next time Im staying for breakfast ;) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 25&#184; 2002 4:15pm</B></FONT>
your driver ~ your welcome <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 25&#184; 2002
sk ~ i'm available for babysitting jobs at <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 25&#184; 2002 1:08pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ The Expos!! Thats not a very good investment! :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 25&#184 ; 2002 12:11pm</B></FONT>
Help Buy The Expos ~ Ever wanted to own a Major League Baseball
franchise? Now's your chance. Pledge whatever you want. It's easy. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
25&#184; 2002 12:12pm</B></FONT>
I am indifferent. ~ Much like I feel about the different brands of
pencils. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 25&#184; 2002 12:06pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ paulie, you used to love, but is it really all over now? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 25&#184; 2002 12:02pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Paulie and the cds last week..thanks again! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 25&#184; 2002 11:38am</B></FONT>
msp ~ Saturday's show was bigtime fun! It was a very eclectic crowd all
feelin groovy. :Paulie
sk ~ i didn't think it was buzz who posted that paulie, it seemed to
literate and the spelling was correct, i figured it to be you <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 25&#184; 2002 10:24am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Great Weekend! Sorry I couldn't make it out on Saturday,
boyfriend was not feeling well.:( . But Friday was definitely a good
time! rcw and Paulie thanks for the shots and to the Boys thanks for
"Wet"! Shortness was great, good things come in small packages! And
Paulie I am thanking you again for the generous offer! It is much
appreciated. Take Care all!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 25&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ I wouldn't post as you, sk. I think you're a dill dew. It was
BUZZ. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 25&#184; 2002 7:38am</B></FONT>
brett ~ one more thing. the midnight sun kicks a ss! tons of room and 2
dollar yeagers. what a country. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 24&#184;
2002 11:01pm</B></FONT>
brett ~ thanks again dennis, always a pleasure. thanks bob for the all
night percussion and ryan for the sit in. all spectacular. brett < FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 24&#184; 2002 10:58pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ end of weekend thank you's: Dennis 'The Fancher' Menace for
sitting in and cooking on Friday night, Bob Bloom for kicking ass on
percussion Saturday, Mike & Outhouse Sound for helping us ou t, Billie
thanks for Frodo bro, you're the best. happy birthday also to Gary
Hall (up to 3 shows), Joe & James, JagerKeith for Tenacious D (I love
it!) Dennis and Julee for the Dr. Juice CD, Paulie for the printouts,
MSP for the great design on 2.2.2, Mik e for hooking us up on the
Ovation, Gn2, Nick & Sue, Danni, Robyn, Phil, the JD Band for rocking
the Brass, Sam Adams Light (mmm...) and of course the flock o' wahoos.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 24&#184; 2002 10:36pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ to much paulie out here , he even posted as me once! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 24&#184; 2002 7:37pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I hear from my sister -in-law that last night the 59th Street
Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy) was premiered. One can only wonder if that
was pure karma, if I actua lly suggested it to FM on Saturday or if I
was singing it while FM & I were hanging together on Saturday
afternoon. Excellent choice!!! Life I love it, all is ga -roooooovy. Lada-da-da-da, da-da, feelin' groovy!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
24&#184; 2002 6:55pm</B></FONT>
The Nagual Paulie Fish Pants ~ Humoring The Nagual will result in my
transforming your pantalones into the velcro fastening variety w/ worn
out velcro when next I see you in a show. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
24&#184; 2002 6:52pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ That must be it Paulie! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 24&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Melon Sweater Polly, do not fret! Normal human beings have
tremendous difficulty recalling the events that transpired in the
presence or superheroes & nag uals. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 24&#184;
2002 5:48pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Polly...I must say I'm drawing a blank! I knew someone was with
us, but as to who I can't really remember..hahaha! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 24&#184; 2002 5:05pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ My boss got a little embarrassed when I broke into his office and
saw that heDennis
Polly ~ Sarah!! i was at Denny's with you and your crew...please tell
me you remember!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 24&#184; 2002
sk ~ did anyone miss me?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 24&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ And that Willie is the beg of his show - a tad more than 1/2
of the performance (20 of the 36 tunes). <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
24&#184; 2002 12:49pm</B></FONT>
P2P ~ Mon pleasur`, rcw. FYI - the Talking Heads CD that you gave me,
which is mint, is 3/15/79 - Agora, Cleveland for the first 10 tracks.
T11-T14 are unknown Filler. And the Willie is from Merlefest 2000,
Wilkesboro NC. That event is held annually on the campus of Wilkes
Community College on a bunch of differentstages. The particular stage
on which this performance took place is unknown to me. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 24&#184; 2002 12:48pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ oops, that was p2p - you know what I meant ;) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 24&#184; 2002 12:08pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ good sunday morning ya'all - received my 2\2\2 cd's from psp
(thank you paulie :D) and all my copies will be in the mail before the
end of the weekPaulie & Family
glen ~ hey Cheryl, you should see it now! happy bir thday (only one day
late) to Mike Zapp!!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 24&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ Polly....Denny's!!!!! Where were you?? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 23&#184; 2002 10:44pm</B></FONT>
Cheryl ~ Glen ? Is that you with all that hai r?
E.N. ~ Thank you guys for another great night. You guys are
inspirational. And the women are a beautiful inspiration ,as well. I
guess I get a little carried away lately,trying to buy every body
drinks. I just like to support the wildlife. I sh ould probably be a
little more conservative though,before the wildlife eats up my wallet.
Nobody's fault but mine. Catch ya all later. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
23&#184; 2002 2:35pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ alright, that's enough organ jokes. everyone already k nows I
have the biggest organ of them all. great night last night, but
tonight at Midnight Sun Cafe in Torrington will be huge - don't miss
it!!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 23&#184; 2002 12:34pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Excellent show last night @ the DDG. Got ta love that place. It
was rough fending off all the hotties, of course, but worth it!!!
Brett, nice lawn jockey - weird ja get it? :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
23&#184; 2002 10:30am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ LOL!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 22&#184; 2002
Dennis ~ Did you know that after he died, they did not find any pianos
in Liberace's house....interesting....but they found organs up the ass.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 22&#184; 2002 7:04pm</B></FONT>
Osama Been Laiden ~ It reminds me of the Arabians back at the oasis
eating their dates. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 22&#184; 2002
Cardinal Law ~ Hey Brett, that reminds me of that time I saw Father
Geoghan was chasing that boy around the church. He finally caught him
by the organ. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 22&#184; 2002 6:51pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ lol! silly boy! Wendy - we're drinking to short people tonight!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 22&#184; 2002 6:18pm</B></FONT>
brett ~ Man who give woman grand piano not loved like man who give
woman stand up organ. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 22&#184; 2002
Wendy ~ Shortness is greatness...RCW, see u tonite! Jessica, are you
really doin shots? If so, count me in for sure. Sarah, miss u already.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 22&#184; 2002 5:30pm</B></FONT>
Dennis ~ Short people can sit down quicker because our asses are closer
to the chair. A definite PLUS! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 22&#184; 2002
rcw ~ JSJ - oh good girl....can't wait to see ya'...lots to talk abou t
:D <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 22&#184; 2002 4:42pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ rcw, DEFINITELY! I need a couple of shots in a bad way! And
you will NEVER hear me say that again! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
22&#184; 2002 4:35pm</B></FONT>
Closs Dlessin' ~ Man who put finger in dike dressed in drag. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 22&#184; 2002 4:21pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ Sarah, I give the new Scofield my highest rating, a nearly
flawless record. loved it. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 22&#184; 2002
munchkin ~ Crowded elevator always smells different to midget. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 22&#184; 2002 4:12pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ Virgin is like balloon; one prick, all gone
1><B>February 22&#184; 2002 4:11pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ LOL! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 22&#184; 2002 4:09pm</B></FONT>
Washington ~ Man who stand on Confusius is high on dope <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 22&#184; 2002 4:07pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Sorry rcw not this weekend - this is my "mommy" weekend
- so do one for me! Hope fully I'll catch up with the rest of you gals
next weekend! :>) Have a great time everyone - see you all soon! :>)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 22&#184; 2002 3:52pm</B></FONT>
Confusius ~ And man who fall off have feet on log. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 22&#184; 2002 3:41pm</B></FONT>
Brett , ~ Speaking of shortness
(man who stand on toilet is high on
pot) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 22&#184; 2002 2:50pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ always good to keep that bottle in the freezer buzz :D never know
when one of the kids is gonna run into a snake lol! Are any of my girls
coming out for a drink with me this evening? JSJ? Morning child? shots?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 22&#184; 2002 2:50pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ Nice to come home to 2 -2-02 in the mailbox! thanks
p,rcw,msp,bri,sk. And as some of you know I realy don`t drink that much
(anymore) but after disk 2 started I found myself standing at my fridge
taking a sip from the half pint of jager I have hidden in the back of
the frezzer for colds and snake bites and such. <FONT SIZE=1><B>February 22&#184; 2002 2:07pm</B></FONT>
party pack ~ I don't want the sticky copy! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
22&#184; 2002 1:46pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I just checked the mail. The SI Swimsuit Issue came in. :):):)
Due to something strange that I cannot remember, I get two copies of SI
every week for free. So one goes in the Party Pack every week. LOL!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 22&#184; 2002 1:30pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Hehehehehe!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 22&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Nah! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 22&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ You just need tall people around to reach stuff on the shelves
for ya! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 22&#184; 2002 12:31pm</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 22&#184; 2002 12:20pm</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ here's a picture of me relaxin' at home <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 22&#184; 2002 12:08pm</B></FONT>
Horizontally Not Sarah ~ :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 22&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ Vertically challenged Paulie! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
22&#184; 2002 10:44am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ My end of the VD Miracle Tree is done & mailed by day's end.
Everyone s/b receiving the show well in advance of our next offering.
Thanks to all who participated, particularly Branchmeisters
Superioysters rcw & MSP and sk & Fryin' Brian who provided the seed.
I'm quite pleased w/ this one and soon you will be too! :) <FONT SIZE=1><B>February 22&#184; 2002 9:54am</B></FONT>
Querist ~ Why is 12:15 AM before 11:15 Am? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
22&#184; 2002 8:45am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Short dudes RULE!!! [Women too, Amy]. Plus we're much better @
signing our urinames in the snow since the distance to travel as a
unified stream is reduced! See y'all tonight. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
22&#184; 2002 7:36am</B></FONT>
Dennis ~ Well it's official, I just got the call from Brett -I will be
jamming with Flipper at the Double Do wn on Friday! Cool. Been a long
time. Tapers take notice! I will dub this show the "Shortness" gig
since Brett and I are kindred little guys! See ya all tommorow! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 21&#184; 2002 11:53pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ I just got the CD today . MSP you rock!!!!!!!!!!!!! See you
all tomorrow night <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 21&#184; 2002
sk: ~ buzz you are one mean old s.o.b. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
21&#184; 2002 8:52pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Hey anybody heard the new Scofield c it any good? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 21&#184; 2002 7:46pm</B></FONT>
email forwarded ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 21&#184; 2002
glen ~ yes please. thanks dood. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 21&#184;
2002 7:49pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Yes, I know that, Flipper Glen. I was offering to make you the
jewel cover thing & bring that tomorrow night. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 21&#184; 2002 6:40pm</B></FONT>
Cierra: ~ Got A 95 On The Art History Test!!! Its Gonna Be A Good
Semister :) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 21&#184; 2002 6:12pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ paulie, es para me. MSP was nice enough to give me the CDs
already, so I guess I'll be seeing you tomorrow night at the DDG.
that goes for the rest of you Wahoos. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
21&#184; 2002 6:01pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ sk, I`m not sorry for that, i`m sorry you have webbed feet, and
I hope that rash in your neither region clears up before some moose up
in mistakes you for his spring bride when you are trying to get your
ample deary-air into one of the those two seater shanties outside all
the bars in portland <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 21&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Glen, fwd me the Email & I'll bring you one tomorrow night.
I'm bring BUZZ one also. Though I've had many Email s w/ it, they're all
Deleted and the only cover I have is modified for use in CD binders. As
for Paternity Suit Patty: ovary bone connected to stomach bone?????
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 21&#184; 2002 5:35pm</B></FONT>
Paternity Suit Pattie: ~ Does anyone know this Paulie's phone number or
address? I've been looking for him for months now! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 21&#184; 2002 5:26pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ well you should be, shame on you for posting as me all the time,
on 3 forums no less!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 21&#184; 2002
glen ~ hey, could somebody print me out a copy of the 2 -2-2 covers?
got the files in PC format from MSP, but we're still working on an
ancient MAC platform over here. thanks! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
21&#184; 2002 4:45pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ I`m sorry sk. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 21&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ Its a conspiracy!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 21&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ BUZZ is neither gutless nor a coward :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 21&#184; 2002 1:37pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ I love this guy
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 21&#184; 2002 1:37pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ lap dance then?? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 21&#184; 2002
sk: ~ that wasn't me, neither was the one before that, we should get ip
numbers on here, then we can see who the gutless yellow coward is
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 21&#184; 2002 1:10pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ MSP very nice job on the jewel case cover my man . Next I see you
remind me to give you my very best lap dance. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 21&#184; 2002 1:13pm</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ you thought I said toejob?? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
21&#184; 2002 11:51am</B></FONT>
Back Seat Bonnie ~ JOE!!! You told me that WAS NOT a toe! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 21&#184; 2002 11:39am</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ Dang! I have the oppo -sit problim.... I gots 6 toes!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 21&#184; 2002 11:18am</B></FONT>
sk ~ I'm glad I have webbed feet, no toe cheese <FONT SIZE=1><B>February 21&#184; 2002 10:56am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ thanks P2P - all my copies will go out next week then...and yes,
nice job with the cover msp ;) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 21&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ MSP, you've outdo ne yourself this time w/ the cover. AWESOME
job!!! Not to mention that all of your leaves have had their copies
posted before I've completed Branch #2's or the seeder's. rcw, your
copy will be mailed out tomorrow. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 21&#184;
2002 9:45am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Ok so my idea didn't seem to work. Oh, well! MSP thanks for
the jewel and I am looking forward to the music! Happy Thursday
everyone ( only one day until Friday!) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
21&#184; 2002 9:44am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Hey msp thanks a lot! Wendy and Dave..have a lot of fun..but
not too much fun!!! I'll see ya when you get back!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 21&#184; 2002 9:16am</B></FONT>
msp ~ VD TREE UPDATE: I have emailed the jewel case cover to everyone
on the tree. Steve Battistoni and "the other Glen Nelson" do not have
email accounts so, I'm sure they would appreciate it if someone would
print them a copy. Sk, sarah, jessica, glen nelson II, bill hall &
buzz...your copies of the show are in the mail.msp
Paulie ~ Great vacation tidings to Wendy & Dave!!! :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 21&#184; 2002 8:11am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ ok sk whatever you say! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 20&#184; 2002
glen ~ hippie belated birthday to Talbot(c). PS thanks also to Ringo.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 20&#184; 2002 9:51pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ that last one was me posting as sarah. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
20&#184; 2002 9:37pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ As far as that well deserved service goes...never happened, but
I am very sophisticated! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 20&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ Well at least you got that part right! :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 20&#184; 2002 8:16pm</B></FONT>
Jiggy Low ~ And make no mistake about it, Sarah is one of the finest,
most sophisticated women in town. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 20&#184;
2002 8:10pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Wendy: oh yeah thats right! I forgot you were going to
Florida...thats gonna be fun...have a good time,..think of me here
stuck in to ya la ter! And as for Paulie...Jiggy
Low!! Oh geez...your finally getting senile in your old age!! hahaha
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 20&#184; 2002 6:07pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Now THAT was the real sk. Buzz is too kind to post such a
thing. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 20&#184; 2002 6:05pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ if you do, check your ego at the door <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
20&#184; 2002 6:03pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Mighty magnanimous of you to get those Shakedown boys in the
fold w/ you, Pete. I've been trying to get t hose guys in the common
circle jerkles. If I dodn't have a couple of moonlight gigs tonight one presenting "The Theory of Irreletivity" as the Psychedlic
Philosopher and later providing a well deserved service to the finest,
most sophisticated women in t own as Jiggy Low - I'd come on by. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 20&#184; 2002 6:01pm</B></FONT>
PS ~ Tonite! Wed.Feb.20th Pete Scheips Band with Dave & Mark from
Shakedown @ Sully's Pub @ Lena's 2053 Park St.Hartford,CT.(860)231 -8881
No Cover Charge! <FONT S IZE=-1><B>February 20&#184; 2002
Wendy ~ Hi SARAH! I am leaving on a jet plane Sat. for the sunshine
state..I'll call u before then..Johnny, looking foward to Fri at
DD..whoo hoo..jammin like the 'olden'days <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
20&#184; 2002 5:36pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ i may be a bad boy, and i'm certainly a liar, but i'm no turd,
i'm a kind, generous, handsome, smart bad boy liar <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 20&#184; 2002 5:32pm</B></FONT>
Judge Judy ~ They're in my shorts. Come & get ' em, Big Boy. I can't
help it - I'm a skanky old pig and bad boys and liars & turds get my
gavel pounding. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 20&#184; 2002
sk: ~ judge judy, you can eat my shorts!!! and buzz, where are my
cd's???? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 20&#184; 2002 5:25pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ thank god you outed sk, and I hear he likes to walk around with
moo goo gai pan in his pants pockets <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 20&#184;
2002 5:21pm</B></FONT>
Judge Judy ~ I don't have to prove it. I don' t need an eye witness. You
are both a liar & a turd. I decide the case. I am both the judge and a
skanky old pig! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 20&#184; 2002
sk: ~ hey judge judy, i didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, you can't
prove a thing! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 20&#184; 2002
Judge Judy ~ Now that is not true. This past week
posted as: me, Paulie Pavilion, The Schkinny, Ian
& Who Wears Short Shorts. You are both a liar & a
for BUZZ. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 20&#184; 2002
alone, you have
Anderson, Bobby Weir
turd! The verdict is
sk: ~ i always just post as myself, and others post as me too, i don't
know why, they just do???? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 20&#184; 2002
Back Seat Bonnie ~ Dats a good ideare, Jessica. You sound like a smart
broad. Ah'm sure the boys down at Bubba's Caboose Cafe` would just love
you. They like 'em smart like me & you. And it's a fun place. They
serve pitchers a beer in spitoons. Let me know if you need some
dreckshuns. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 20&#184; 2002 3:49pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Let's try something really crazy today and when you post just
post as yourself. I know this might be hard but let's just try it. Okay
Boys? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 20&#184; 2002 3:25pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ This is really hippiefoot posting as sk <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 20&#184; 2002 2:31pm</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ I love my tooth. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 20&#184; 2002
Joe Six-Pack ~ I love my mullet! <F ONT SIZE=-1><B>February 20&#184;
2002 2:20pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ I hope that dreadful BUZZ will leave me alone today, I`m not
having a good day, and to top it all off I`m feeling "less than fresh"
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 20&#184; 2002 1:43pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ thanks sk...oops! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 20&#184; 2002
sk: ~ now that was funny buffy -pooh <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 20&#184;
2002 12:48pm</B></FONT>
Hippiefoot ~ This is me posting as sk posting as Buzz posting as me.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 20&#184; 2002 12:52pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ LOL!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 20&#184; 2002
buffy-pooh ~ I'll take care of that for you sk....SK likes quiet
evenings on the sofa either watching foreign movies or curled up wi th a
good book, long walks in the dark, soft music, good conversation, good
friends. He enjoys people that are well maintained physically,
emotionally stable, secure, honest, trusting, no hang -ups, and willing
to try new things. Smokers and beards are a de finite turn-off. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 20&#184; 2002 12:24pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ has this sound guy been informed about me? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 20&#184; 2002 12:10pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Happy humpday everyone! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 20&#184;
2002 11:49am</B></FONT>
glen ~ john - yes.
call brett. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 19&#184; 2002
johnny ~ hey guys it was fun mixing you again do you
double down this weekend? if so im there and thanks
me jam on your geetar mybe some night i will have my
jam a song with yayou guys sound great peace:) <FONT
1><B>February 19&#184; 2002 8:00pm</B></FONT>
need me for the
bret for letting
own rig and get to
, ~ Somebody left a heavy sweaterish, longunderwearish lining
zip up type jacket/sweater top at the chinese new years show. I have
it*** <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 19&#184; 2002 5:49pm</B></FONT>
S.MountnGirl ~ Well, yes Paulie, but perhaps you are thinking of Monet.
Then again, it could have been Manet Painting as Monet -or Monet
Painting as Manet,or Sk posting as Buzzet... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
19&#184; 2002 5:45pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ WENDY!!! Hows it going? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 19&#184; 2002
Wendy ~ msp.thx for the cyberhug :) monday was certainly the day for
that <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 19&#184; 2002 5:27pm</B></FONT>
Bob Weir ~ Well that's alright by me!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
19&#184; 2002 4:59pm</B></FONT>
Ian Anderson to Bob Weir - ~ Let's mungle in your bung hole. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 19&#184; 2002 4:59pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ well, not the public me anyway <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 19&#184;
2002 4:44pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ that wasn't me <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 19&#184; 2002
sk ~ I like man yogurt myself. <FONT SIZE =-1><B>February 19&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Please pass me the mayo, I love the creamy white sandwich
spread! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 19&#184; 2002 3:53pm</B></FONT>
Mr. Weekapeeme ~ There's a dude on my street we call Lord of the Lame
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 19&#184; 2002 3:06pm</B></FONT>
jeremy ~ Colorgenics ??? It's a good thing I'm in a good mood today.
That site could ruin anyones day, no matter what combo you pick your
struggling against the past, present,and an unpredictable fu ture!!! I
could call psychic friends network and pay them to tell me that. To
make it a little more realistic maybee they could include a few
positive asspects of life. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 19&#184; 2002
Jessica in CT ~ MSP Ohmigo sh! I just tried that website and it was so
accurate it was scary! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 19&#184; 2002
sk: ~ while it's obvious buzz wants to be me, i have no such desire to
be him, that was not me posting as buzz, and i agree with him, he is a
horse's ass <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 19&#184; 2002 11:54am</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ that was sk <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 19&#184; 2002
BUZZ ~ I'm a real horses ass. There, I admitted it, I'm a lot better
now. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 19&#184; 2002 10:55am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ WOW, MSP - amazingly (and frighteningly) accurate!
Happy Tuesday all! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 19&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Good luck w/ your Art History exam, Cierra. I took that course
at CCSU myself. Fun stuff. Of course, that was during Manet's manic
period ("Aren't they all?" Southington Mountain Girl, 01 -22-10). <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 19&#184; 2002 9:58am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Mark and Steph it was my pleasure to dance with you and talk
with you all night. Been a long time and so much to catch up on.
Looking forward to seeing the both of you again and hopefully this new
year will bring a lot of happy times and smiles to our faces. Take
Care! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 19&#184; 2002 9:30am</B></FONT>
sk: ~ yes, that was buzz posting as me as a matter of fact <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 19&#184; 2002 9:19am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Hey msp that was interesting...especially the personal profile!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 19&#184; 2002 9:14am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ msp - your right.....very interesting :D <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 19&#184; 2002 8:41am</B></FONT>
Cierra ~ Good Morning Ya'll.... If Any Of You Happen To Be In The
msp ~ this is funSarah
Mark & Steph ~ What a great show last Friday night at Hoops & Hops!!
Flipper Dave never disappoints... You guys were awesome -as usual.
Mark & I really needed a fun night out and you guys definitely
delivered. Thanks for playing Better Beer in Germany!! I LOVE that
song! Jessica (from CT) - it was GREAT seeing you & Andrew on Friday
night. Thanks for being such a good friend and for making Friday night
even more fun by hanging out with me and dancing to Better Beer!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 18&#184; 2002 3:28pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ there goes sk, posting as himself again, tring to make it look
like I am posting as him, or wait a minute, maybe it realy is me? or
maybe I am sk posting as buzz, Oh forget it...... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 18&#184; 2002 2:08pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ No sweat Jessica - we'll catch up next time! We'll have
to catch up in 2 weeks though - my little one is home this weekend so
I'll not be out and about 'til then. :>) Welcome back from vaca rcw we missed you this past weekend! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 18&#184;
2002 1:59pm</B></FONT>
I guess ~ :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 18&#184; 2002 1:33pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Could I say " I guess" any more? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
18&#184; 2002 12:54pm</B></FONT>
Back Seat Bonnie ~ Hey Joe Six -Pack, 'member how ya yousta serenade me
w/ that song you wrote. It made me feel so loved. I still remember the
chorus: "My Bonnie lies all over the Trailor Park. My Bonnie lies w/ my
friends & me. My Bonnie lies down in the Trailor Park. Oh bring me my
Bonnie for free." <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 18&#184; 2002
SK ~ I love to pirouette in front of my full -length mirror wearing only
my knee-high hosiery. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 18&#184; 2002
glen ~ back online after a 3 -day hiatus. thank you, Javanet. anyway,
thank you all for a great night (as usual) at H&Hs, MSP for the CDs MZ
for taping, John for doing sound, S. Antonio for letting all the wahoos
back in, and said wahoos for making what we do so much fun! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 18&#184; 2002 11:11am</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ Just so y'all will know, I'm the Joe Six -Pack from
Alley-bama. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 18&#184; 2002 10:13am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ MSP I guess we have to call me Jessica in CT since there are
now TWO! So I guess I am on your branch since you hinted that on
Friday! Great show on Friday night guys, thanks for " Better Beer in
Germany" that one was for Mark and Steph, especially Steph! It was so
great to see you two out and about again! Welocme Ba ck rcw, and yes I
am feeling much better, Thanks! Sorry about the shot Morning Child that
wine did me in at dinner, Next time for sure! Well I guess it is back
to work for me and I hope to se you all this weekend! Take Care! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 18&#184; 2002 10:00am</B></FONT>
msp ~ VD Tree UPDATE... The following people are my leafs: (sk, sarah,
jessica, glen nelson, glen nelson also, steve b., bill hall & buzz) I
have burned all copies and they will be postal this week unless I
handed you a copy Saturday Night. I will work on making the jewel case
cover possibly today. Once it is completed, it'll be e -mailed to
everyone on the tree. Happy belated 35th birthday (WOW!)to Glen & Gary.
One other's a big cyber -hug for {{{wendy}}} : -)) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 18&#184; 2002 8:22am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Jessica in CO, no worries. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
18&#184; 2002 8:09am</B></FONT>
, ~ Jessica you trouble maker. Next time I see you I am going
to brand you like a farm animal on a Greeley beef factory. Thats
sensitve*** <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 17&#184; 2002 11:26pm</B></FONT>
Jessica in CO ~ Paulie, Sorry for the hassle. We don't get many
flipper tapes out here and you were mentioned by name. I am sure you
have a life beyond tape trading. FM Thanks for picking it up and there
is no rush. Let me know if you want a trade. My e -mail is Again sorry for all the angst I had no Idea it
was a sensitive subject. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 17&#184; 2002
sk ~ rcw, you oughta call me after the simpsons tonite, we missed ya
this weekend (not really, just thought i'd say it to make her feel
good), and i see buzz posted as me again, ya know, he steals all of his
material from the marino brothers <F ONT SIZE=-1><B>February 17&#184;
2002 7:40pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Welcome back, rcw. Your beach towel was your ticket out. :)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 17&#184; 2002 6:36pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ oh sure, I go away and ya' start playing new tunes, steves
playing conga's,..figures! lol! Missed you all, and hope your feeling
better jsj :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 17&#184; 2002
Ringo --> ~ Thanks again FD. Always nice to just show up and play. It
was nice to meet a lot of forum folks. Paulie & MSP your miracles are
miracles. Any time you need help, my burner is available. (Thanks for
the GD 88! It made the swim home much easier.) Great singing Glen and
HBD twins! Nice guitar on Cantcha See, Mike. Very nice to meet
Stephanie and Bart. Th anks for the shot and stuff. Happy President's
Day. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 17&#184; 2002 7:19am</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Whoo hoo!!!!NASCAR fans, the race is starting @12:30..till then
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 17&#184; 2002 12:26pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Hey Brett & Mike (and Kim) - thanks for last night
(BR's) - had a really good time! I know you were both (Brett & Mike)
"merled" but you were both great anyway! See you both soon - 'til then
- peace. :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 17&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ FM, 'member that discussion we had about helping Cindy & me
out looking for something for my son, Bobby. If after lunch on Monday
works, I'm buying. Check Email. {{{HBD Glenith & Gary}}}Wendy
sk ~ I may not make it to many more show s, it keeps getting harder and
harder to get my ever expanding head through the night clubs doors.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 16&#184; 2002 4:57pm</B></FONT>
~ Mike and I will be at B -Rays tonight in Winsted behind
Dairy Queen. All acoustic. Hopefully see ye'all. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 16&#184; 2002 2:27pm</B></FONT>
jill: ~ In 15 years Glen will be trying to keep the teenage boys away
from his daughter! It was great to see you all last night, could be the
last Flipper show for least until you guys start playing
outside!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 16&#184; 2002 1:44pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ I dunno Glenith but on your birthday we'll bake you a
cake! ;>) Happy Birthday Talbots!! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
16&#184; 2002 12:45pm</B></FONT>
Glenith ~ Whooooooooooooo!! Last night was fun....Thanks Flpper! Sounds
great, love the new sound guy, Nice congas steve...Oh and alwasy GREAT
to see the Miracle Marino Brothers! Good to see ya Guilio & Caroline.
Happy Birthday Bro. Whe re will I be in 15 years....?? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 16&#184; 2002 12:28pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Yeah, Moment in Time - I never heard that before. Twas cool.
As was everything. Glenith's TLEO for Jill & the baby was lovely. 15
Years kicked ass. Of cours e you can't go wrong when a show opens w/ a
Jerry Band song (Get Out My Life). "All Jerry Band, all the time". And
whatever that Radio 104 tune, as Morning Child called it, was - it
brought the youngems in the room from their barstools. I really just
love FD shows. They're so much fun. In my role as Psychedelic
Philosopher, I've been heard to say: "I'm not at all like you guys. I
think everybody should have a good time." <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
16&#184; 2002 9:57am</B></FONT>
Morning Child ~ Great time l ast night all - so GLAD to see you and Miss
M. Jill (and you're NOT fat - you're JUST right!)! (Great to see you
too Glenith!) Good times, good friends (new and old) and of course outstanding MUSIC!! Flipper boys one and all -- fantastic job -- so
glad to hear Moment in Time making its way out of the attic -- keep it
up!! Paulie/MSP -- fun hangin' with ya! Hope to see you all again
soon! Til then ((((hugs)))) and p
Sarah ~ Fine! I'll just talk to myselF!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
15&#184; 2002 11:10pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Anybody on here tonite?? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 15&#184;
2002 9:59pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Hey Jill...long time no you been doing? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 15&#184; 2002 7:15pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Well in that case, Gle n, I'm glad I'm not fat!! ;^) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 15&#184; 2002 7:09pm</B></FONT>
jill: ~ Hi Buzz!!! ((((BUZZHUG))) for ya!! Hi Ssssskkkkkkkk, going to
Flipper tonight? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 15&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ Stuck in a ho le that i can't climb out of!!!! Sucks for
me!@!!!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 15&#184; 2002 6:44pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ Hi Glean and Jill ! sk, that was not me.... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 15&#184; 2002 6:45pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ and I'll be the frosty one s ucking down a big fat one! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 15&#184; 2002 6:18pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ once again that wqas buzz, now he's pretending to be me, which is
okay, lots of folks want to be me, me included <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 15&#184; 2002 5:17pm</B>< /FONT>
jill: ~ FD tonight!! YEAH!!! Morning Child, it looks like we'll be
seeing you there...I'll be the fat one sucking down a nice frosty glass
of water! :O) See you all theresk:
sk: ~ yeah, it was buzz, how sick is he posting as shoe? is there
anyone on this planet that would rather be shoe than themselves? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 15&#184; 2002 4:30pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ LOL!!! Shoe jumping over from the Creek Forum to chime in w/ a
little "sk fruit & nutz" post. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 15&#184;
2002 4:20pm</B></FONT>
shoe ~ sk, you left your boxer shorts here last night again, this is
the last time I am going to mix them in with the naughty little things
in my wash <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 15&#184; 2002 4:07pm</B></FONT>
Eat it! ~ Sniff it! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 15&#184; 2002
sk: ~ speaking of firm, remember that lawyer friend and former lover of
yours paulie who said he was a lawyer with a large firm? ha ha, i'm
funny today, but where the heck are my white, fuzzy sli ppers? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 15&#184; 2002 2:44pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ LOL!! You guys are silly. Seriously though, Sarah & FM, I
appreciates the kind words. We all do :) And thanks for picking up
Jessica in CO, FM. No static at all!!! :):):) <FONT SIZE =-1><B>February
15&#184; 2002 2:39pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ I appreciate you Paulie!!! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
15&#184; 2002 2:31pm</B></FONT>
FM ~ P2P, MSP, RCW, SK, Pickle, and MZ, We apreciate all you guys and
gals do. Thankyou! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 15&#184; 2002
jeremy ~ Saw something in the paper about Brett and friends tommorrow
at Billy Rays, any truth to it? If so who else will be joining in? Hope
to make it to Simsbury tonight. Have a sparkling afternoon all. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 15&#184; 2002 1:55pm</B></FONT>
FM ~ Jessica in Co. I`ll burn you a copy as soon as I receive one.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 15&#184; 2002 2:03pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Now, my apologies for the firmness of that last post, but at
some point enough is enough. I do have other obligations, ya see. And
it should be clear that I'm trying to help the band out as much as
possible in my own little way. I hope that you all see that????? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 15&#184; 2002 1:30pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Jessica from CO et al: Ok, so I guess I have to be absolutely
specific & crystal clear. I WILL NOT be making anymore MIRACLE copies
of the FD show. Mikey, rcw & I will have put 20 of these on the streets
within a couple of weeks. Just my piece of that is minimally 15 hours
of my time and at least that many dollars. MSP & rcw who have more
copies to make on a faster burner will have more expense & slightly
less of their time taken up. As I've said for the 5th time now, anyone
who missed the Tree can ask for a copy for Blanks & Postage here on the
board from one of the Tree Leafs. There are other things on my agenda
besides putting this FD show out and I will pursue them. I believe that
all the band members have burners. Perhaps Brett or Glen or someone ca n
make a few copies. JEEZ! Makes me not want to do another FD Tree, as I
do not like being taken for granted. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 15&#184;
2002 1:27pm</B></FONT>
Jessica in CO ~ Hello all, It has been a while since I visited the
site. Looks as though you are all having a great time back there. just
got off the phone with Brett and he said there is a great bootleg from
the Hungry Tiger I need to ask for. Anyone who has it, Paulie I think
he mentioned you, I would love to get a copy out here in snowy
Colorado. Jessica Vogelgesang P.O. Box 4247 Boulder, CO 80306. take
care all. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 15&#184; 2002 10:57am</B></FONT>
sk: ~ did anyone see my white fuzzy slippers, i misplaced them? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 15&#184; 2002 9:50am</B></F ONT>
Jessica ~ Morning child and Wendy I will definitely be there tonight if
I hae anything to say about it. Thanks for the well wishes and I am
feeling much better. My philosphy is if I am well enough to go to work
I am definitely well enough to go out a fter. I'll see ya later! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 15&#184; 2002 9:49am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Hey Wendy -- you bet -- I'll be there -- last I knew
Jessica was planning on it as well. Hope you're feeling better
Jessica!!! See y'all tonight! :>) <FON T SIZE=-1><B>February 15&#184;
2002 8:17am</B></FONT>
glen ~ happy V-day all, now g'nite! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 14&#184;
2002 11:18pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Happy Valentines Day to all..Jessica..Morningchild et al..hope
to see u at Hoops..oh, Glen,I owe you one... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
14&#184; 2002 6:23pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Missed everyone last night. Wasn't feelin' great :(. Hope Funny Stuff
Sarah ~ Are you sure? Kind of looks like a fishing pole from here..LOL!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 14&#184 ; 2002 4:50pm</B></FONT>
The Schkinny ~ Just happy to see you! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
14&#184; 2002 4:50pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Hey Schkinny, is that a fishing pole you're hiding behind or
are you just happy to see me? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 14&#184 ; 2002
right hand ~ sk, thanks for the lotion and manicure gift certificate.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 14&#184; 2002 4:20pm</B></FONT>
The Schkinny ~ Thanks for the 2 dozen long stem red roses and the
single white rose Paulie, maybe we can take a ride in my Mercedes
tomorrow and mess around during lunch, just like those halcyon days of
yesteryear <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 14&#184; 2002 4:19pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ Happy Valentines Day ya'all! p2p - no disagreement here! Hope
everyone will do the right thing and have a drink for me this weekend!
will miss you :D pickle, so far so good with the sun! no repeats of
last year! lol! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 14&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ FD 2/2/02 - Tiger is a-yumm-yumm. All y'all will get to enjoy
it soon. MSP's copy is in progress. rcw's w/b burned sometime next
week. Anyone who missed out need only grovel a B&P here on this msg
board in another week or so when the applicants' copies are in hand &
I'm quite certain that you'll be met w/ a positive response. Speaking
for the Team (who can post a counter if they individually disagree), we
are tied up w/ the expense & time required to do this one as is. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 14&#184; 2002 3:54pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ LOL! sk's funny, even if some of his jokes are a bit obscure.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 14&#184; 2002 3:29pm</B></FONT>
Mike T ~ Tonight!! THE FEED featuring Mark Paridis(Liberty
MC ~ ...OK TG - I'll getcha next time then! :>)
1><B>February 14&#184; 2002 1:50pm</B></FONT>
Peace! <FONT SIZE= -
the girl ~
some other time MC... i will be Juice -ing this friday
night... but maybe next friday ;) enjoy the long weekend! take care...
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 14&#184; 2002 1:49pm</B></FONT>
Morning Child ~ Hey - "the girl" - will we see your smiling countenance
on Friday evening? I owe you a round! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
14&#184; 2002 12:51pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Valentine's day!!! Hope you all have a happy V day!! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 14&#184; 200 2 12:30pm</B></FONT>
the girl ~
happy valentine's day flipheads! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 14&#184; 2002 11:30am</B></FONT>
msp ~ "Cowboys like smoky old pool rooms and clear mountain mornings"
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 14&#184; 2002 10:57am</B></FONT >
msp ~ {{{{{Waylon}}}}}
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 14&#184; 2002
sk: ~ guitarness was very good last night, but geez, avon and the DD is
brett's stomping grounds, i for one would love to hear a true
guitarness, brett, pet peev & x, wi th no other musicians on stage, that
would be a true guitarness, and that would be something, really would
be something.... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 14&#184; 2002
Morning Child ~ Love, Hugs and Peace to All!!! Happy Valentine's
:>) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 14&#184; 2002 9:49am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ X0X0X0 Happy Valentine's Day All!!!!! X0X0X0 <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 14&#184; 2002 9:30am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Happy Valentine's Day to all the Flipper Ladies. I hope your
day is filled w/ romance & durango. Especially you, sk. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 14&#184; 2002 8:33am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ {{{{{RIP Waylon Jennings}}}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
13&#184; 2002 7:08pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ LOL!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 13&#184; 2002
Paulie Pavilion ~ having some fun, having some fun posting as paulie
and having some fun!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 13&#184; 2002
PS ~ Paulie, check yer email. And sadly, Brother Steve I have learned
currently has no email. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 13&#184; 2002
glen ~ paulie, Gn2 has no email that I know of, call me if there's a
problem. as far as Steve's snail mail, I really don't know, he and
Ally (who got engaged at Xmas, for all y'al l who didn't know) just
bought a house in Simsbury. I'll work on the addy for ya. BTW, glad
to see more of Brothers Brett & Mike on the forum, it's high time we
heard from Stevie!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 13&#184; 2002
sk ~ and please use my new name "mr. welsh" <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
13&#184; 2002 3:59pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ it's just you and me and we just disagree. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 13&#184; 2002 3:45pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I'm not treeing it. I'm listening to it. And you s hould listen
to it again. Then if you still think it's weak, we'll agree to
disagree. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 13&#184; 2002 3:34pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ whatcha treeing an average show like that for paulie? i was
underwhelmed by that msg run, perhaps 2 of t hose shows are worthy of
distribution, and that's not one of them <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
13&#184; 2002 3:22pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ they have small little members? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
13&#184; 2002 3:21pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Well, you can fit a dozen of me in a VW Bug. And I do have a
big round red nose and gigantic yellow shoes covering my gigantic
yellow feet. You know what they say about clowns w/ gigantic yellow
feet, right? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 13&#184; 2002 3:05pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Product of Amerika at springadale turn hall tonite...I'll be
there! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 13&#184; 2002 2:59pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ funny like a clown <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 13&#184; 2002
PS ~ Tonite!Wed.Feb.13th Pete Scheips Band With Spec ial Guests Mark
Mercier(Max Creek)& Dave Stoltz(Dicky Betts Band)@ Sully's Pub @ Lena's
2053 Park St.Hartford,CT.(860)231 -8881 <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February
13&#184; 2002 2:42pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Sorry about the plagerism. For some reason, when I listen to
bluegrass I get a bit devolved. Well, next up is the vastly underrated
by sk GD 9/16/88 - MSG show. WHOA! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 13&#184;
2002 1:00pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Sounds like I missed a good show last nite! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 13&#184; 200 2 12:30pm</B></FONT>
Morning Child ~ Previous message was directed at you Jessica (but I'll
bet you already knew that!)! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 13&#184;
2002 12:01pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Glad to hear you're maintaining the theory of moderati on
this week in preparation for Friday! I'll be there! :>) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 13&#184; 2002 12:01pm</B></FONT>
Redneck Paulie ~ I dint steal nuthin. I just played yer eyes. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 13&#184; 2002 11:43am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ uh your resorting to stealing other peoples lines!
Thats no good! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 13&#184; 2002
Redneck Paulie ~ Is it just me or does looking at & listening to Alison
Krauss, w/ that bee hive hairdo & Crystal Gail voice, make all y'alls
brown eye blue? If'n you're askin' me, she could give Mother Hubbard's
Dog a bone. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 13&#184; 2002 11:18am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Waddayamean "I'm funny"? Do I make you laugh? Am I "Ha -Ha"
funny? Or funny like a clown? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 13&#184; 2002
Pickle ~ <br>B.M.J.S.<br>2/12/02 Rice Fields<p>Set 1:<br>Something
Simple, Southbound, I Knew, Jam, Reach, Mutts, Creep, Rock -n-Roll
Heart.<p>Set 2:<br>Don't Pass Me By, Better Beer in Germany, Out of
Luck, Brand New Sweater, Dark Hallow, Traffic Jam, It's A Waste, Rosa
(with Bobby), Stir It Up.<p>Set 3:<br>Wood, The Pina Colada Song, Dog
Father, ?????, Mini Bike Song, Lost and Found (with Drumz), Funk #47,
Tubthumber, Another Brick in the Wall, Love Machine, Dreams, Angle from
Montgomery, C U Next Tuesday, Merled and Hagered. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 13&#184; 2002 10:51am</B></FONT>
sk: ~ paulie, weren't you in good fellas starring as paulie 3 times!!!
to bad cindy never called you that : -) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February
13&#184; 2002 10:43am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ And Morning child I didn't drink because I am saving up for
Friday! Flipper Mike, I'll do that drink with you then! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 13&#184; 2002 10:01am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Great show last night guys! And I think the venue, although a
little different, was a lot of fun. Nice to se you Wendy, it's been a
long time. Pickle, loved the Pig's head on the stick YUMMM!!! Thanks
for the good times and the non -stop music! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
13&#184; 2002 9:46am</B></FONT>
BRETT CONNORS ~ 36 Cotton hill rd. New Hartford CT 06057
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 13&#184; 2002 9:39am</B></FONT>
stiney ~ hi flipper freaks!Sarah
(cont) ~ 3 SENDS - HOW'D i MANAGE THAT??? - will begin this week
and MSP will certainly get his copy by this weekend. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 13&#184; 2002 7:57am</B></FONT>
Paulie's Tree Update ~ Flipper Mike, I still need snail addy's for
Flipper's Brett & Steve. Flipper Glen, I need an Email addy for The
Other Glen Nelson. BUrning <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 13&#184; 2002
Paulie's Tree Update ~ Flipper Mike, I still need snail addy's for
Flipper's Brett & Steve. Flipper Glen, I need an Email addy for The
Other Glen Nelson. BU rning <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 13&#184; 2002
Paulie's Tree Update ~ Flipper Mike, I still need snail addy's for
Flipper's Brett & Steve. Flipper Glen, I need an Email addy for The
Other Glen Nelson. BUrning <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 13&#184; 2002
Commander Commando ~ Please do not mention unmentionables. They have no
place in this super hero's society! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 13&#184;
2002 7:53am</B></FONT>
ep ~ Great Chineknees New Year. Many a giggle. Guns loa ded for the
D&D. Will there be any comfort there Senor? Keep smiling,,,,,, <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 13&#184; 2002 1:03am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ I think we need to have an intervention on Glen's part <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 12&#184; 2002 10:06pm</B></FONT >
glen ~ O the pants, the pants. how they weaken me... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 12&#184; 2002 9:52pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ I think your wise to leave the unmentionables out of the
exchange Paulie...thats too horrifying to even picture! hehe...just
another joke at your expense! just kidding! :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 12&#184; 2002 9:02pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Flipper Glen, why have you forsaken us???? Oh Glenny, why you
treat me this-a way?? Hey Fathah, can a spare a dime for an old altah
boy? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 12&#184; 2002 8:18pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ hey JagerKeis, thanks! I can't make it to the Rice Patties
tonight, but maybe I'll see you at Hoops 'n' Hopes. you da man. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 12&#184; 2002 8:15pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ but but but, i thought you dug my green shorts, or was it those
nice gams you were always longingly gazing at <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
12&#184; 2002 8:13pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Ah but alas they are now in a landfill, rcw. They were not
elastic waist, but the trendy & fashionable early 90s velcro waist
"Can't Touch This Pantaslones". And the velcro done gave out & they'd
more than occassion to fall down. This began to impact my other
superhero lifestyle as Commander Commando!! And we couldn't have that
now, could we? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 12&#184; 2002
rcw ~ I too am going to give a thumbs up for paulies trendy fashions,
the "cant touch this pantalones" with -out a doubt my favorite! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 12&#184; 2002 8:02pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ buzz may be old, but i was around when the earth was still cooling
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 12&#184; 2002 8:01pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ that wasn't me, it was the old -timer, buzz, a bitter old man is
he, but a funny, bitter old man <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 12&#184; 2002
sk ~ I`ll just stick with the mens jockie shorts and make my famous
mans crock pot deep dish jelly cakes. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
12&#184; 2002 7:56pm</B></FONT>
Keeper ~ Will you 2 stop it already and come out of the cl oset <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 12&#184; 2002 7:55pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ buzz is going to post on here as me saying that he is post as me
again <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 12&#184; 2002 7:53pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ Speaking of panties can i borrow some of you girl s used panties
to make a soup stock with? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 12&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Of course, this would not include exchanging unmentionables.
That would be wrong. Not to (un)mention, that it would have a
catastrophic effect on Flipper Glen's basic philosophy that he's a foo'
for a pretty panty. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 12&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Perhaps we should wear each others clothes to a show someday.
That is, if my habberdasher, sk, has no objections. You'l l know of his
disapproval if he shouts out, "HABBA DASHERY!!!" <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 12&#184; 2002 7:39pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ you would not think paulie was so fasonable if you ever saw me in
my star wars under-roos and my night brace, and one of my bitch s
fainted dead away when she saw me in my tie -dye union suit with the
velcro back flap <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 12&#184; 2002
sk: ~ paulie's fashions set the pace, lose your step, fall out of grace
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 12&#184; 200 2 7:33pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Gee, thanks!!! :) Together we hold the hippest, fashionable
styles of the world! I guess you could say we are unstoppable! :) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 12&#184; 2002 7:09pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Thank you. And you are, in fact, the picture of all of the
loveliness embodied in today's hip & trendy fashions. :):):) "Goin'
where I could dress in Paulie's clothes...", Brett Conners during
GDTRFB from FD 12/22/01 - American Legion of Oakville. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 12&#184; 2002 6 :59pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ I concur! Paulie's style is unique and fashionable in its own
way. From his "can't touch this pantalones" (rest in pieces :() to his
"wallpaper" pants...Paulie carries on the style of generations long
past...some would say that th ose fashions should have stayed in the
past, but Paulie amazes us once again with the unique, vibrant fashions
that he wears! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 12&#184; 2002
sk: ~ yes paulie, you are groovy, and you just had your cherios <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 12&#184; 2002 6:52pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ No. I wore holes in the clotch - as my favorite female tailor,
Wang Yumm, used to say. MSP's famous square pants are all pockey pants
though. It is he who carries now that family tradition. Nice of you to
remember my wardrobe though, sk. Are you applying for a job as my
habidasher?? If so, I think all of the membership here that knows me
will readily admit that I am already a very stylish & snazzy dresser.
Sarah, your thoughts? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 12&#184; 2002
sk: ~ hey paulie, do you still have those pants you used to call HEEYY
HEY POCKEY PANTS? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 12&#184; 2002
Back Seat Bonnie ~ Hey Joe 6 -Pack, maybe you can let Zippy & the pie aner player borrow the tractor to continue their talkin'. It must be
cool to be like one of dem rich yankees who can afford to rent out the
Dew Drop Inn for a couple hours for some private -cy, huh? <FONT SIZE=1><B>February 12&#184; 2002 5:52pm</B></FONT>
zippy the pinhead ~ your very welcome, i thought you would find that
12-22-73 interesting, i have a copy for that other keyboard player when
ever i can remember to bring it to him <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
12&#184; 2002 5:45pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ hey Zippy-- thanks for the rad tunes, you rock! (neighbor)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 12&#184; 2002 4:34pm</B></FONT>
SORT OF SPILL <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 12&#184; 2002 3:13pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Poo! I can't go tonite! :( <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 12&#184;
2002 2:56pm</B></FONT>
jager-keis ~ Glen, I have your copy but I keep forgetting to give it to
you..I'll put it in my car so I have it next time.S&A I've got some
live shows that are funny as hell, I'll hook you next time I see
ya........Later <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 12&#184; 2002
zippy the pinhead ~ I am protected by the power of stain -reistant
~ Scotty A playing tonight as well as Jon athan. Dual drumming!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 12&#184; 2002 1:37pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Tonight is all ages hmmm. mind if I bring a friend? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 12&#184; 2002 1:16pm</B></FONT>
Mike T ~ Hey all, Mike Tierney here. Just thought I'd post that mysk:
MorningChild ~ I know what you mean - I've done more shots with you in
recent history than I have in like the last 2 years!!! :>) Oh well we'll just have to keep each other in line! Have a nice Valentine's
Celebration! See you guys whenever you arrive! :>) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 12&#184; 2002 11:39am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Morning child that sounds great. Might arrive a little
fashionably late because as far as v -day goes we are celebrating that
night instead of Thursday. But a sh ot I will definitely be in the mood
for. I am becoming such a lush :)> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 12&#184;
2002 11:17am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ oh, and BTW: My high on the mountaintop miracles out
yesterday...anyone who hasnt gotten thiers yet,..its on the way :)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 12&#184; 2002 8:44am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ ROBIN RULES!!!! I've already levied her w/ the expense (blanks
& postage) and effort of 8 MIRACLE copies. She then immediately
volunteers to help those in the OUTS!!! I, for one, am suita bly
impressed! WHOA! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 12&#184; 2002
MorningChild ~ rcw -- I've said it before and I'll say it again - YOU
RULE GIRL!! BTW -- next round's on me!! ;>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
12&#184; 2002 8:42am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ morning child...of course I got ya' covered ;) - am happy to hook
up anyone else who missed out, but MUST send me your addy's before the
end of tuesday ya'all:D <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 12&#184; 2002 8:38am</B>< /FONT>
MorningChild ~ By willing B&P leaf I meant one of those on the outside
looking to be IN -- (sadly I don't have the technology to aid in the
burning efforts!!) (Apologies for any possible misunderstanding.)
Thanks again -- and PEACE! :>) <FONT S IZE=-1><B>February 12&#184; 2002
MorningChild ~ Please consider me a willing B&P leaf -- if anyone has
the time to help and hook me up -- I'd sure be grateful!
See you all Friday night! :>)
Hey Jess -- shall we plan on another round? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
12&#184; 2002 8:30am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I've now received 3 requests above the limit I set for the
tree for the branches & myself. There's no more time available to me
for add'l copies. I assume, since the branches have more burning to do
than me & MSP has the additional responsibility of the cover, that they
are in the same boat. If any of you leafs on the tree are willing to
B&P for those who missed out, please post an appropriate messa ge w/
your Email addys so that those in the OUT can get in the IN. Thx. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 12&#184; 2002 8:16am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ FD Happy VD Miracle Tree CLOSED. All applicants (except Danni,
who didn't apply to me but asked sk for a copy at the show) included on
it. I now have Danni's phone # and should someone on the tree want to
do B&P for her, please Email me for it and you can arrange to make her
a copy. Otherwise, she'll be TCO when I clear the current queue. Thanks
for playing! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 11&#184; 2002 9:30pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Damn! Sorry Wendy but it doesn't look like I'll be able to go
tomorrow..oh well, we'll have to get together this weekend if at all
possible. Talk to you later! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 11&#184; 2002
Amanda ~ Glen, get ready to laugh once you hear it!! rcw, been waaaay
too long, sista! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 11&#184; 2002
glen ~ BTW, anyone heard the new John Scofield Band 'Uberjam' CD?
Really one of the fin er releases I've heard in recent months. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 11&#184; 2002 6:55pm</B></FONT>
VD TREE UPDATE ~ 2 spots left!!!
2002 6:47pm</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 11&#184;
Sarah ~ Alright! An all ages event...those are the words I lov e to
hear! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 11&#184; 2002 6:44pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ no way! A, what are you doin? Been too long you know! Happy
Birthday Cindy..! SK, maine is back:D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
11&#184; 2002 6:46pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ I'm still waiti ng for JagerKeith to burn me a copy of it! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 11&#184; 2002 6:48pm</B></FONT>
Amanda of S&A ~ Have any of you heard Tenacious D? If not, get some.
Totally Flipper-like lyrics ;) heeheee... wood? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 11&#184; 2002 6:40pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Happy B'day Cin!! and many more.. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
11&#184; 2002 6:06pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ i'd say auction the hair off and send it to a charity <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 11&#184; 2002 5:33pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ I prefer to think of it as the 'Beethoven' look. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 11&#184; 2002 5:17pm</B></FONT>
FM ~ come to think about it, Glen is sporting quite the rug as
well......maybe we are on to something here. The introduction of the
Afro Filter. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 11&#184; 2002 5:15pm</B></FONT>
FM ~ sk, the recording came out good because my afro acted as a
filter. ;) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 11&#184; 2002 5:13pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ brett....well ya'know I sent ya' at least one email in the last
month :D lol! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 11&#184; 2002 5:13pm</B></FONT>
glen & sue ~ happy birthday Cindy! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 11&#184;
2002 5:02pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ the post below was not me, looks like that dastardly dude buzz,
anyway, i was quite happy with the recording at THT the other night.
for those of you on the tree, the Cold Rain & Snow doesn't sound that
good until the end when the band had the sound aligned correctly with
the room, kudo's to to brett and fryinbri on the mic position, u sually
i am the mics right into the p.a.'s but this time, on the suggestions
of brett and fryin i pointed one over glen's head and the other over
mike's head and this resulted in a fuller dynamic range of sounds, as
opposed to other good recordings there t hat were a little bit tweaked
up on the high end <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 11&#184; 2002
Brett ~ By the way its a resturant so ALL AGES!!! (Cierra)& friends.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 11&#184; 2002 4:47pm</B></FONT>
~ My email is but I dont seem to be getting
my messages anymore unles knowone has written me in almost a month.
Entirely possible! Happy Chinese new years. See yeall tomorrow. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 11&#184; 2002 4:45pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Geez..theres still copies left..I would have thought they'd be
all gone by now! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 11&#184; 2002
sk ~ I would shave myself, but my nylons always seem to get ruined the
first few days that the hairs start comming bac k in. <FONT SIZE=1><B>February 11&#184; 2002 4:28pm</B></FONT>
VD TREE UPDATE ~ This FD 2/2/02 - Tiger show's schmoggin. And kudos to
sk & Fryin' Brian on a crispy recording. 3 slots still open. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 11&#184; 2002 3:33pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ April 9th...New Sheryl Crow cd (C'mon C'mon) coming out! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 11&#184; 2002 2:36pm</B></FONT>
FM ~ Paulie, my email is mhague01@snet.netPaulie
zippy the pinhead ~ i want my VD <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 11&#184;
2002 12:59pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Happy Birthday Cindy!!!!!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
11&#184; 2002 12:46pm</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ LOL ! Whatin' is also the name of that biker bar down by
Skunk Hollow Rd? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 11&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ 4 spots still open on Happy VD Miracle Tree.
1><B>February 11&#184; 2002 12:13pm</B></FONT>
Back Seat Bonnie ~ Joe, doncha remember??? The VD Tree - that's where
you first gave me the "Slant 6" as you used ta call it. It was back 3rd
grade when we were 12. I got really sick afterwards & momma made me eat
moldy bread for a week til I got better. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
11&#184; 2002 12:10pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Oh Paulie..wish Cindy a happy birthday for me! :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 11&#184; 2002 12:06pm</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ VD Tree...what the hey? Sounds dis -custin' <FONT SIZE=1><B>February 11&#184; 2002 12:02pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY CINDY MARINO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 11&#184; 2002 11:52am< /B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Happy VD Tree filling fast. Only 4 spots left. sk, I have no
clue how to get in contact w/ Danni. I don't even know her last name,
Email addy or city of residence. I'll work on getting her a copy when I
next see her at a show. <FONT SI ZE=-1><B>February 11&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ In addition, I need your Email addy, Flipper Mike. Waxx, Email
OTW. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 11&#184; 2002 10:22am</B></FONT>
waxx ~ paulie i tried to send u a email at the adress listed in pos t
and it was returned can u help me out my e mail is
thanks <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 11&#184; 2002 10:27am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I'll need the addresses of Flippers Brett, Steve & Mike to
accommodate that request. Anyone who can provide , please EMail me. In
addition, all new applications need to include a mailing address. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 11&#184; 2002 10:11am</B></FONT>
sk ~ paulie can we get copies to each member of the band & peev? also,
can you please sign danni up for the tree, she asked if she could have
a copy? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 11&#184; 2002 9:06am</B></FONT>
~ Back from snowmobile beating in Canada. See you all at Rice
Fields(old south pacific) in canton on tuesday at 5:30pm for Chinese
New Years. Live music by Mike, Jonathan and myself. 5:30 -9:30 Free
pigroast and buffet!!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 11&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ Right on! Another tree! You guys are awesome! :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 11&#184; 2002 8:34am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ NOTE: The Maratz is an analog deck. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
11&#184; 2002 8:13am</B></FONT>
Paulie & the Miracle Tree Team ~ ANNOUNCING THE HAPPY VD MIRACLE TREE:
Flipper Dave w/ special guest, Jeff Pevar 2/2/02 - Hungry Tiger,
Manchester. Setlist can be found by searching sk's post of 2/3 on this
forum. Lineage for the tree = sk's Beyers 201's>Sony D8(Brian Maskery's
patched thru sk's Sony D8)>Sony D8 playback>Marantz DMD 430(transfer by
Brian Maskery)>Pioneer CT -W616DR playback>CD(transfer by m e)>CD.
Because I expect great interest in this & do not want to over -burden
the branches, we'll leave this open for 24 hrs or 20 copies (including
the Team's), whichever comes first. Email applications to me: If you do not hear from me , you're in. Those who
did not get on can request B&P's here from those who did. Thank you &
good luck!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 11&#184; 2002 8:02am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ {{{{{HBD CINDY}}}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 11&#184; 2002
rcw ~ I hate when my post's get cut off...anyhow, was saying thanks to
mike, keith, johnathan and jay for a great time at the brass horse! Was
nice to see all of you. And suzy q we have to get together at the hi -ho
one night after SHU - will be in touch! Hop e ya'all have a sunshiney
monday! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 11&#184; 2002 7:41am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ hey sk, I was doing the same thing when you wereSarah
sk ~ so i'm listening to the legendary 2 -2-2 flipper dave show today
and apparently some of the neighb ors felt it was to loud? i told her
"really? i didn't think it was so loud", then i added...."and there's
another 52 minutes to go!", btw, the REACH from the 2 -2-2 show was
20:05 long and the down by the river was 18:40, not that anyone was
counting, that would be way to neuortic, gotta go watch the simpsons!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 10&#184; 2002 8:02pm</B></FONT>
zippy ~ Cubic Zirconia! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 10&#184; 2002
zippy the pinhead ~
I just accepted provolone into my lif e.glen
laid off ~ <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
10&#184; 2002 5:17pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Yeah I had fun...maybe a little too much! It was a good weekend
even though I was hung over for all of it! Oh well, how was the
springdale turn hall? Was Mark's band good? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
10&#184; 2002 3:38pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Hi Sarah, the party was would have been better if you
and your friends were there! Did you have fun this weekend? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 10&#184; 2002 2:54pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Polly...Yeah it was me, my friend Amber, that kid she picked
up, and will the sunhemp guy. We all went to Dennys..we thought maybe
you had gone to bed! Definately next time then! Yeah, I got home
alright...there were a few scary moments, but the rest was smooth
sailing! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 10&#184; 2002 12:28pm</B></FONT>
FM ~ Polly, our shows went great!!! Thanks to all for coming out and
showing your support. Jager and I need some rest now!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 10&#184; 2002 10:44am</B></FONT>
Polly ~ hey FlipperMike and Keith how was your show? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 9&#184; 2002 7:01pm</B></FONT>
Polly ~ Sarah, you actually made it to Denny's?? i don't know what
happened...somehow i managed to st umble up to my room last night, get
my pajamas on and go to bed...i was so disappointed!! thanks for
helping clean up and i hope you got home ok!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
9&#184; 2002 6:59pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ mark is playing with peev <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 9&#184; 2002
glen ~ who's playing at the Maple Tree? Peev?
1><B>February 9&#184; 2002 2:57pm</B></FONT>
Yipes? <FONT SIZE= -
Sarah ~ Polly, we were all looking for you last nite...we ended up
going to Dennys afterall, but you wer e no where in sight. Oh well,
maybe next time we can work it out! Hey Wendy, how was the party? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 9&#184; 2002 2:26pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ hi all, anyone coming out to the maple tree tonite? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 9&#184; 2002 1:35pm </B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Flippermike and Keith - great show at the Arena the other
nite..thanks! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 9&#184; 2002 10:50am</B></FONT>
Polly ~ hey Sarah, i'll be at the barn tonight, are you coming? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 8&#184; 2002 7 :08pm</B></FONT>
P.S. ~ BTW, remember the shooter crisis at the state capital this week?
I read in the paper today that the 'shooter' was none other than Neal
"Life As We Know It" Thomassen, the impresario responsible for our
breathtaking 'Don't Pass Me By' music video! what a goof!!!!! (it was
a videocamera, in case you were wondering.) priceless. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 8&#184; 2002 4:25pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ hey all - the fiery-hot food fest is SOLD OUT!!!
SIZE=-1><B>February 8&#184; 2002 4:22pm</B></FONT>
sorry. <FONT
MorningChild ~ OOOPS!!! I mean right back atcha MZ!!!!! (sorry for
keyboard errors!!!)
Hugs to you and Alana too! :>) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 8&#184; 2002 3:35pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ My, my -- such nice remarks on a Fr iday afternoon! ;>)
Glad to help Jess -- Sure sk, anytime! :>)
And right back atcha FM!
;>) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 8&#184; 2002 3:33pm</B></FONT>
zippy the pinhead ~ " Laundry is the fifth dimension."MZ
sk: ~ thanks morning child, i couldn't hav e said it better myself, i
need to make comments on my job review, can you help me with that too?
:-) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 8&#184; 2002 2:54pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Thanks Guys! I never heard it put that way. Makes a lot of
sense now. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 8&#184; 2002 2:50pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ LOL, Jessica funny. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 8&#184; 2002
MorningChild ~ --- same in the case of the MiniBike Song....... <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 8&#184; 2002 2:26pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Jess - Used in this context, a "tease" is when Brett
(or whomever) starts to play a song as though he's going to do the
whole thing and then it ends up turning into another song. In the case
of the Hungry Tiger show, he started doing the in tro to The Allman
Brothers' song "Jessica" and then went into and played "Rosa" instead.
Hope that helps!! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 8&#184; 2002
jager-keis ~ Don't forget that Flipper Mike and myself are playing at
The Brass Horse tonight full band including, Jonathan Lichtig on drums
and Jay Bean on guitar.See you all there for some Jager...... <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 8&#184; 2002 1:55pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Will someone please explain what >Jessica Tease> means. When
I saw the post from sk and that had been done twice st the Tiger I
tried to think of what it meant and I still cannot make a guess. Can
anyone shed some light on this subject? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
8&#184; 2002 1:26pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Hey Polly..are u gonna be at the barn tomorrow nite? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 7&#184; 2002 10:59pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ there's also a fiery -hot food fest in Watertown CT tomorrow from
7:30-10:30 PM at the Hammer & Nail Brewery, the 'Hotter Than Heck'
fest, anybody game?? I'll b e there! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 7&#184;
2002 10:19pm</B></FONT>
Dennis ~ Hey all, just a reminder that if you are looking for something
cool to do Friday night, Dr. Juice will be playing at the Powder Hollow
Barn in Enfield with Electric Blue and the C osmic Truth. Should be
wicked fun, we go on at 8:30. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 7&#184; 2002
m ~ DONUTS!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 7&#184; 2002 7:36pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Yeah I looked at that thing too...did you see what looks like a
fairy in the background too...thats really weird! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 7&#184; 2002 7:07pm</B></FONT>
Polly ~ i was just staring at that picture trying to see something and
really concentrating and that thing scared the crap outa me!! spooky
stuff. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 7&#184; 2002 6:16pm</B></FONT>
Polly ~ i was just staring at that picture trying to see something and
really concentrating and that thing scared the crap outa me!! spooky
stuff. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 7&#184; 2002 6:16pm</B>< /FONT>
Sarah ~ Mike that afro style is something only you could pull
off...more power to ya brother! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 7&#184;
2002 5:52pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ Hey Star Wars fans! Check out the totally new Episode II
countdown NOW at the bottom of the Flip homepage! Nice work, Brother
Brian! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 7&#184; 2002 5:39pm</B></FONT>
scary (but fun) ~ This pic was taken at a murder scene in Korea about
10 years ago.Prima Donna
zippy the pinhead ~ "My boxer shorts just went on a rampage through a
Long Island bowling alley."FM
Sarah ~ Hey I even have some gray hairs!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
7&#184; 2002 4:53pm</B></FONT>
FM ~ Buzz, Keith and I fealt like the rte 44 bars were slacking in
their Jager abuse lately. Someone has t o keep these people on their
game!!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 7&#184; 2002 4:33pm</B></FONT>
FM ~ MZ, you are KING ZIPPY to me bro!!! It takes balls to sport a
Tumble Weed like mine.....must have been all that Rogaine that I abused
as a child. Now as fo r the gray hair, I earned fair and square. Hope to
see ya @ the Brass or B -Rays. Peace!!!
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
7&#184; 2002 4:26pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ '44 Tour ? whats up wit dat ? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 7&#184;
2002 3:51pm</B></FONT>
MZ ~ FM you know I'm the real Zippy. (Don't make me come down to the
ARENA during setbreak, you know i can't party on weeknights) Good luck
tonight! I wish I could go but Bear won't let me out of the house on a
weeknight. She needs me to protect her from ODIE. Seem s he's acquired a
taste for her feet, shoes and all and she's too much of a wimp to scold
him. So I'm the enforcer. Peace to all and to all a good night! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 7&#184; 2002 3:28pm</B></FONT>
MZ ~ FM no static at all! Have you seen his hair when it gets too long
"no static at all" are you kidding me! That shit will stand up and walk
around on its own. Just kidding Mike you know i got the same thing
going on, what ain't grey is staticyyy. Peace <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 7&#184; 2002 3:15 pm</B></FONT>
Phil Lachio ~ Connie is my mirror image, polar opposite. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 7&#184; 2002 3:05pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ LOL! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 7&#184; 2002 2:45pm</B></FONT>
? Mark ~ Is Charles Mingus any relation to Connie Lingu s? <FONT SIZE=1><B>February 7&#184; 2002 2:40pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ Hey...I thought FM was supposed to be "no static at all"? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 7&#184; 2002 2:32pm</B></FONT>
FM ~ May the best Zippy win.:) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 7&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ Mike, please don't encourage them! LOL :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 7&#184; 2002 2:18pm</B></FONT>
FM ~ Looks like its the WAR OF THE ZIPPIES!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
7&#184; 2002 2:21pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Yeah thanks MSP..exc ellant job like usual! :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 7&#184; 2002 2:16pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ Thanks M2P ! disks arived...... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
7&#184; 2002 2:12pm</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ Y'all stop talkin' 'bout each other's romp.
SIZE=-1><B>February 7&#184; 2002 1:33pm</B></FONT>
zippy the pinhead ~ SIR, I do not romp! stroll, walk, strut, one or two
times I may have crawled, BUT ! I never romp. Good Day ! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 7&#184; 2002 1:18pm</B></FONT>
MZ ~
How the H_LL can t here be another Zippy. I am Zippy. For 32
years I have been Zippy and now you want me to take a back seat to a
soundboard offering cat! What's this world coming to. The fur will fly,
either that or I'll take you out for a late night romp. That'll put the
hurting on em for sure eh Flipboys. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 7&#184;
2002 12:00pm</B></FONT>
zippy the pinhead ~ I have one extra copy ofJudge Judy
ep ~ Just a statement?
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 6&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Phew!!! I defi ntely did not want to see you Skinheadened. Oh
the humanity! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 6&#184; 2002 5:38pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ well it wasn't a bet, it was a statement and statements just seem
vain at last! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 6&#184; 2002 5:24pm</B></ FONT>
Sarah ~ Oh C'mon we all wanna see that! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
6&#184; 2002 5:21pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ There is no way sk's gonna shave his head. I cannot even root
for such a thing. sk, skip Camp if you must. Your scalp will thank you
for it. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 6&#184; 2002 5:11pm</B></FONT>
JahWood ~ That would be entertaining, sk! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
6&#184; 2002 4:43pm</B></FONT>
smilesalot ~ Hiya Flip heads..have a happy day then make your lives
beautiful and smile, smile, smile!!! LOL sssk <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
6&#184; 2002 4:31pm</B></FONT>
monkey ~ There is nothing like freshly shorn monkey skin <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 6&#184; 2002 4:35pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ LOL! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 6&#184; 2002 4:15pm</B></ FONT>
sk ~ If you poeple don`t stop riding me about shaving my head I may
have to shave my ass and walk backwards like a seeing eye monkey for a
blind mid atlantic iron worker. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 6&#184; 2002
FlipperMike ~ Jager Keith and I will be playing acoustic tomorrow nite
at the Arena Sports Bar in Canton. We will be playing electric on
friday @ The Brass Horse with Jay Bean (guitar) and Johnathan Lichtig
(drums). Then on saturday, Jager and I will be acoustic again @ Bill y
Rays in Winsted. So come on out and help us celebrate the Chicago
Rhythm Station Merled 44 Mini Tour. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 6&#184;
2002 3:58pm</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ Kosher???'s required (reqward) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 6&#184; 2002 3:25 pm</B></FONT>
Jeb ~ Is it kosher to have him squeal like a pig? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 6&#184; 2002 2:51pm</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ sk is sure gunna look perty with a shaved head. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 6&#184; 2002 2:27pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Here, this way it won't get Merled w/ the next postin baseball
it's different: it's the yankees that win championships (well most of
the time anyway), keep dreaming about those pats though, if the pats
win the super bowl i will personally shave my head on -stage at camp
creek this summer! sk - Friday, January 18, 2002 at 12:00:04 (EST)
[] February 6¸ 2002 2:26pmSarah
Paulie ~ {{{{{HBD Rastamon Sensation}}}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
6&#184; 2002 11:54am</B></FONT>
yOU GO MEN. hEY NOW BRETT,,,KEEP SMILING,,,,,BH <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 5&#184; 2002 10:58pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Hey Wendy..Just got your voice mail..I dunno why my phone
didn't ring! I'll call ya tomorrow to then! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 5&#184; 2002 10:46pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Wendy..Whats the deal? No hoo...I was looking forward
to it, now I'm gonna hide in my corner and cry! Lol..just kidding..give
me a call when you get a chance! Later! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
5&#184; 2002 10:07pm</B></FONT>
Dennis ~ To anyone who has been waiting, the Dr. Juice Message board is
up and running, FINALLY!!! WOOOOHOOO!! Drop by and say hello! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 5&#184; 2002 9:26pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Sure, go ahead! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 5&#184; 2002
Wendy ~ Sarah, I will now call you with my weekend agenda...Sarah
Wendy ~ Hey Sarah what's shakin? Joey the dog can lick the stamps if
anyone is interested...LOL <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 5&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ I received a most welcome seed for this month's Miracle Tree
today, courtesy of sk & Bri. Thank you. Watch for sign -ups soon. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 5&#184; 2002 7:40pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Nice to see the Boston "no life" faithful chanting "Yankees
suck" in to a man/woman unison at the Pats victory parade in Boston
today. LOL!!! Talk about compromising a tremendous accomplishment by
the town football team. May as well have changed "We don't care!".
Well, I for one, congratulate the Pats on a fine run to the
championship. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 5&#184; 2002 7:22pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Yeah you can get a whole set of stamps for like 50 bucks. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 5&#184; 2002 6:10pm</B></FONT>
FM ~ correction......www.icsnow.comFM
Paulie ~ Thanks for the info, Flipper Mike. FYI, it's Jerry. I'll look
into this & post more info. That # is saying they're Grenada stamps.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 5&#184; 2002 4:42pm</B></FONT>
FM ~ I forgot, each set is $9.95 <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 5&#184; 2002
FM ~ More on the Gerry stamps. They come in sets of nine with each
stamp in a different color. The most you can bu y is six sets. Call 1 800-845-0715 to order by credit card. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 5&#184;
2002 4:37pm</B></FONT>
FlipperMike ~ I just read in the Courant today that the US Post Office
has issued limited numbers of Gerry Garcia postage stamps.Sarah
Howard Cosell ~ Well once again, Gelflings have demonstrated beyond
rational argument that, with the obvious & noted exception of Dandy Don
Meredith & sk, they are the intellectual inferior to, not only me and
that brilliant & aesthetically incomparable psyc hedelic philosopher
Paulie, but the entire human race.
2002 8:10am</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 5&#184;
gelfling ~ shave the inside of your skull <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
4&#184; 2002 10:55pm</B></FONT>
whisper in paulies ear ~ do it, do it, do it,do it.... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 4&#184; 2002 9:20pm</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 4&#184; 2002 7:23pm</B></FONT>
Polly ~ so sk, i hear you're shaving your head... <FON T SIZE=1><B>February 4&#184; 2002 6:57pm</B></FONT>
zippy the pinhead ~
Consciousness is vastly overrated.Perviss
Pickle ~ <br>LOTR=Love On The Rocks.<br> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
4&#184; 2002 5:18pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ wow, great weekend, t hank you Jeff Pevar! once again for sharing
your energy with us. SK and Jack, thanks for the treats & the
hospitality, you both get asterisks! thank you MSP for the sweet CD of
JT, Hippiefoot for my LOTR BK glasses (now all I need is Frodo & Liv
Tyler-don't MAKE me go on eBay!) and the phramed photos, you rock as
always.... thanks also to O'Hagan's for the Super Bowl party, Sue for
driving, and the FD flock. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 4&#184; 2002
st ~ Outstanding show guys, and isn't sk a hell of a hostess..
PeaceOut. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 4&#184; 2002 3:22pm</B></FONT>
bri ~ 2/2/02 seed is in the mail. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 4&#184;
2002 2:45pm</B></FONT>
OBGYN ~ Ovary young, what will you leave us this time?sk
Sarah ~ Oh man...I told you the Pats were gonna kick some ass!! And you
guys thought the Rams were gonna win..hahaha. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
4&#184; 2002 11:55am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ jsj - thanks, not leaving till next week though :D ...maybe see
you on the Chicago Rhyth m Section 44 tour? and sk, if you would have
let me cook we would have been outta your hair much sooner :p - next
time! (how 'bout them pats, huh? lol!) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
4&#184; 2002 11:19am</B></FONT>
msp ~ TREE UPDATE: Mike Schuster, Pete Schei ps, Sarah , Buzz... Creek
10-13-01 will go postal in the next couple of days. Keith...I gave
Robin a copy to give to you. I emailed the jewel case cover to everyone
on the tree. Any problems, e -me at <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 4&#184; 2002 10:55am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Sounds like I missed an amazing show on Saturday but I hardly
left the house all weekend. Sounds like fun was had by all. rcw and
Morning Child thanks for the shots but alas I was completely coherent
by the time we left the bar and Andrew was dissapointed :). anyway I
hope everyone has a good week and I am looking forward to seeing all of
you soon!!! p.s.( rcw I know I won't see you for a while so take
care!). <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 4&#184; 2002 9:46am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Sorry for the delay in responding sk - Sunday was a blur
(I'm sure you can relate!) - and no, I was more like an afternoon
child! Definitely a great time Saturday night - to those of you who
missed it - when the wonderful Miracle Team offer s it up (as it seems
they might) - run, don't walk, to your computer and sign up immediately
- you won't be disappointed! :>) See you all soon -- Peace -- :>)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 4&#184; 2002 8:15am</B></FONT>
Dennis ~ Nobody wishes they didn't h ave a gig that night more than
me!!! I always miss the good shit, damn it. Keep it real, Flipheads!ep
Cierra: ~
Looks Like I Missed Another Good One Due To The Fact
Thatthe girl
~ SK thanks for the kind words. The tune is called creep by
radiohead. maybe you knew that but wrote creed. Thanks again for the
pre party. brett <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 3&#184; 2002
Bri ~ Incredible show last nite guys!! Thanks!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 3&#184; 2002 4:19pm</B></FONT>
Polly ~ that was a good trick, huh Paulie? there wasn't even a trace
of beer still on the floor. now i just have to work on making another
beer magically appear in my hands after i drop one. Sarah, don't
worry, one of these days you'll discover your special supe rhero, looks like i missed a good show last night... <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 3&#184; 2002 2:12pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Here sk, I'll save you the keystrokes (I know you wouldn't
want to waste any of your all too frequent strokes on keys), "Th at
wasn't me." <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 3&#184; 2002 2:13pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ actually the show kinda sucked. all i could think about was the
neighbor girl... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 3&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ I have no powers!!! ON the othe r hand, I think I do...I dunno
what they are yet, but when I find out I'll let you know!! And as for
Polly's name..I need to correct you8 Paulie...because as I remember dubbed her as Polly Melon..not Melon Sweater Polly! :) And as
for Jar Jar...I dunno who you were probbing, but it had nothing to do
with me..I think I would have remembered something like that. LOL!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 3&#184; 2002 1:44pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ hmmm, 2-2-2 flipper dave, hungry tiger, i think we call this one
The Dueces Are Wild & So Was The Band Miracle Tree, paulie, that seed
will be going out to you via snail mail by monday or tuesday, so here's
the show: 1. Cold Rain & Snow, Rosa > Jessica Tease > Rosa, Wrong
Way, Lost & Found, It's All Over Now, Better Beer In Germany 2. Reach,
Creed, Down By The River, 15 Years, Eggs Benedict, Ziggy Stardust, You
Brought The Light, I Knew, Mini Bike Song > Jessica Tease > Mini Bike
Song.............and it was all fabulous, from the hard -charging CR & S
opener to the very end, lots of long jamming with brett & pet peev
trading off leads, glen being glen and laying down that thick keyboard
groove and mike & steve playing their hearts out, everyone was ON for
this show, REACH!!! was way way over the top, it went a very fat 22
minutes and 35 seconds, and the DBTR went nearly 20 minutes too (19:50)
WHAT A SHOW, THANK YOU FLIPPER DAVE & PET PEEV!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 3&#184; 2002 1:41pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ Wowsville!!! last night's show rocked the casbah, as an aside,
as the cookie guy left last night i said.....and there goes the
legendary jack as he walks off into the sunset.......yep, the bottle
was dusty but the cookies were green, good seeing everyone last night,
it was expecially nice getting rid of my house guests around noonish
today (talk about out staying yuor welcome, ha ha), nice to finally
meet you ann-marie (morning child), were you a morning child this
morning though??? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 3&#184; 2002
Wendy ~ Smokin' show last nite Flippe r! Had fun dancing with my pals on <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 3&#184; 2002 12:25pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ OUTSTANDING show at the Tiger last night -- thanks to
rcw and "the girl" for hangin' and dancin' with me. And nice to
finally meet you in person sk! Good see you too Wendy! Well I guess
that covers it! :>) Until we meet again -- peace everyone! :>) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 3&#184; 2002 10:41am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ She has no powers. You, yourself, have the inate ability to
drop full glasses of beer on the floor, have them smash into 100s of
pieces, and w/i minutes, all signs of the mishap have disappeared. :)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 3&#184; 2002 9:45am</B></FONT>
Polly ~ yes you're right, i guess Melon Sweater Polly was our final
decision. that would make my initials the same as MSP's though. and
also, does Sarah have a superhero name yet?? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February
2&#184; 2002 7:42pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Polly Pink Shirt??? I thought we discussed this last night &
you inbformed me that your famous sweater from the Shakedown Arch St
show was not pink, but melon. And I, as Leader of the Bust Us League of
America, dubbed your superhero name Melon Sweater Polly. Doncha
remember? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 2&#184; 2002 7:25pm</B></FONT>
Polly ~ what's going on with all the Paulies, Pollys, and Pauls? it's
getting confusing. just call me Polly pink shirt hahaha. great seeing
you last night Sarah and Wendy and Paulie. we found the bag of CD's,
i'll put them aside for ya. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 2&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Polly, if it helps you locate it, Paul was a party pack
recipient last night. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 2&#184; 2002
Wendy ~ Pretty Polly, great to see you last night.
CD's...can you put them aside till next time..thx!
1><B>February 2&#184; 2002 5:24pm</B></FONT>
Paul left some Dead
Dad Gungan ~ how wooed! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 2&#184; 2002
Jar Jar Schtinks ~ Sarah, meesa tinks yousa was lying when yousa moaned
about da yousa exit probish holish. When weesa plop yousa on dat
probish human Ameican chicks after abductin' dem table last night,
yousa not complained at all when weesa probish. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 2&#184; 2002 4:27pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Hey Pollu and Paulie..It was great to hang out wiht you guys
again...sorry Polly...we never made it to Denny's yet again...oh
well...maybe next time! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 2&#184; 2002
lexie ~ Well Last night was a blast, I ca n not belive paul asked me
out. Thanks Sandy forSarah
glen ~ C is for cookie and that's good enough for me... a heavily rumored Peev cameo tonight? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 2&#184; 2002
MorningChild ~ Glad to do it rcw - it was a fun time. (Good to see you
let your hair down Jess!) See you all later.... :>) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 2&#184; 2002 10:12am</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Hi Sarah, last night was a blast! Your friends are too much...
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 2&#184; 2002 9:45am< /B></FONT>
rcw ~ eddie rabbit - your funny ep:D but it was! thanks for being such
fun company! will have to do it again soon. Girls, thanks for meeting
me for shots! Hope to see ya'all tomorrowep
Wendy ~ Hi Sarah, yeah we're going to the barn tonight. P aulie, what
about you? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 1&#184; 2002 5:28pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ A slightly scary thought Jess! :>)
See you guys there
--- bells 'n all!
:>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 1&#184; 2002
Jessica ~ Morning chi ld this might be the night we actually get to her
what the music sounds like when we are not sober! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 1&#184; 2002 5:22pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Sounds good. I'll be there with bells on :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 1&#184; 2002 5:21p m</B></FONT>
rcw ~ Well, I guess now I have to come out for a bit! lol! Shots with
the girls, huh? Sounds like a plan :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 1&#184;
2002 5:21pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ WOW! Jess is contemplating an alcoholic beverage - well
I'll be there to see that! I might even join you and rcw in a shot to
mark the occasion! :>) Glad to hear I won't be dancin' alone tonite - see you all soon! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 1&#184; 2002
Jessica ~ Yes I think I might actua lly have a drink rcw. if you're
there do you wanna do a shot? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 1&#184; 2002
rcw ~ JSJ - your gonna have a drink? Maybe Ill even come out for a bit
;) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>February 1&#184; 2002 5:08pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Hope to sees ome of you at Chat's tonight! In the mood for a
little acoustic and I might actually have a drink :0. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 1&#184; 2002 4:40pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Sorry, but I'm behind Brady and the Pats <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 1&#184; 2002 4:07pm</B></FONT>
Colostomy Bag Collin ~ I shit better shats than the Pats! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>February 1&#184; 2002 3:56pm</B></FONT>
the spirit of Babe Ruth ~ Sorry....the Pats are going down in major
league fashion. (hardy -har-har) They ought-not have screwed with the
Great State of Connecticut! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 1&#184; 2002
~ Chatterlys tonight. Don't worry about the ice, Just drink
more beer. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 1&#184; 2002 2:55pm</B></FONT>
zippy the pinhead ~ I can silence Joan Rivers with a single slice of
Kraft cheese.MorningChild
MorningChild ~ Hey there Jill!!!! Boy do I miss you being around!!!
I'll pass the word along to those who are still here -- Amy left a
couple of weeks ago -- going back to school full time to be a teacher
(gee, it's like I've heard that somewhere before!) I hope you are well
and everything's moving in the direction it should with you -- we'll
have to get together soon -- before you aren't in any condition to do
that anymore! :>) Love & Hugs to you, Glenith, Finn & "Miss M" <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>February 1&#184; 2002 8:23am</B></FONT>
jill: ~ Hey Morning Child! How's it going? Say hi to my friends over
there at M&H and have a GREAT weekend!! Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO M Y
MOM!! She turns 50 tomorrow!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 1&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ {{{{{HBD DAVID}}}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 1&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID!!!!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>February 1&#184;
2002 7:32am</B></FONT>
glen ~ just saying hello y'all.. see you at the Tiger on Saturday!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 31&#184; 2002 11:13pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Wendy: Your going to the barn tomorrow right?? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 31&#184; 2002 9:14pm</B></FONT>
Mehr ~ Hey Carbone, when are you coming home from FL? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 31&#184; 2002 6:02pm</B></FONT>
Lori C ~ Hi Chickies, How is it going??? I can't wait for the next
show. I need a flipper rush! See you all soon:) Hugs and Stuff <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 31&#184; 2002 5:31pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ What a stressful day...I can't wait for it to be over!!! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 31&#184; 2002 3:32pm</B></FONT>
The Rams ~ fyi pickle that was not sk posting it was us <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 31&#184; 2002 2:02pm</B></FONT>
MZ ~ That wasn't me before. It was bear being retarded, not knowing
what the hell she's doing. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 31&#184; 2002
Press Release ~ the fat lady hasn't sung yet Pickle, shouldn't get to
cocky just yet. it could be you who looks stupid in the end <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 31&#184; 2002 1:54pm</B></FONT>
MZ ~ How's your big toe? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 31&#184; 2002
Kermit ~ My finger smells like bacon. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 31&#184;
2002 1:48pm</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <br>THIS JUST IN!!!!!<p>Due to sk's "stupidity", we can all
witness him getting his head shaved at Camp Creek 2002!!!<p>This alone
will be worth the price of admission!!<p> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
31&#184; 2002 1:18pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Either way sk, it certainly seems to affect the overall
entertainment atmosphere of these events! ;>) (That's not to say they
NEED any extra "enhancements" to be entertaining of course!) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 31&#184; 2002 1:05pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ not too sure if this will be a green cookie show, but it could be
a rice krispie kind of a show <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 31&#184; 2002
MorningChild ~ Oh boy - another of the now legendary Hungry Tiger Gre en
Cookie Shows? Count me in on that one! SK - I'll definitely make my
way over to say hi. I know RCW and have only corresponded with Pickle
on a B&P mailing of the Hoops & Hops show in August via email so it
seems that I now have the opportunity to fin ally put the faces to the
postings! :>) I'm looking forward to it!
Brett/Steve (and Lane of
course!), we'll see you Friday night at Chatt's (yes, John's planning
on actually coming out for a little while)....til then...peace all!
:>) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 31&#184; 2002 11:32am</B></FONT>
mike tyson ~
"Favorite Things"FD
sk ~ I can`t wait for saturdays show. I see there are few new people on
here that I have not met, I would like to meet all of you, come and say
hello, I`ll be wearing my Nathan La ne T-shirt. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January
31&#184; 2002 10:13am</B></FONT>
Dracula ~ bacon not gooooood. Restricts blood flow. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 31&#184; 2002 10:08am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Oh Tyson is on here!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
31&#184; 2002 9:11am</B></FONT>
Mike Tyson ~ I got your bacon right here. And I'm gonna feed you til
you love me. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 31&#184; 2002 8:19am</B></FONT>
FLiPPER NEWS DESK ~ tour dates page has been updated with all the dates
we currently have. enjoy! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 30&#184; 2002
Cierra: ~ Wow - ! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 30&#184; 2002
ep ~ More on stage acid!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 30&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ guys are s uch freaks! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
30&#184; 2002 7:47pm</B></FONT>
Brett ~
Because I am retarded With this whole computer thing I havnt
figured out how to send to everyone in my acoustic show mailbox yet. I
will be playing with Steve and Lane this fr iday night at Chatterlys in
New Hartford. Hope to see you there. A nice little warm up for the
Tiger on Sat. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 30&#184; 2002 7:40pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ LOL!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 30&#184; 2002 6:15pm</B></FONT>
eddy haskle ~ thats a lovely dress your wearing sk <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 30&#184; 2002 6:15pm</B></FONT>
Porky the Ovine Cannibal ~ No Drac, if I was, I'd have asked if you got
any sausage. But I ain't that kinda pig. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
30&#184; 2002 5:30pm</B> </FONT>
Hugh Beaumont ~ When is Barbara Billingsley going to join me, we had a
torrid affair off camera. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 30&#184; 2002
Dracula ~ are you coming on to me porky? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
30&#184; 2002 3:21pm</B></ FONT>
Porky the Ovine Cannibal ~ Hey Drac, got any bacon?
1><B>January 30&#184; 2002 2:45pm</B></FONT>
Dracula ~ I can relate...I installed a 1/4" T -fitting in my aorta. One
should never under-estimate the importance and pleasure of perpetu al
self-sustenance...yum <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 30&#184; 2002
Elsie ~ My mouth, that is. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 30&#184; 2002
Elsie the Bovine Ecosystem ~ Would one of you be so kind as to pull my
teet all the way to my moutn so that I can sustain myself indefinitely?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 30&#184; 2002 1:48pm</B></FONT>
Porky the Ovine Cannibal ~ I asked if anybody here has any bacon. I'm
hungry. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 30&#184; 2002 1:00pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ What? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 30&#184; 2002 12:46pm</B></FONT>
Porky the Ovine Cannibal ~ Anybody got any bacon? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 30&#184; 2002 12:09pm</B></FONT>
zippy the pin head ~
"Reality distorts my sense of television."PS
Sarah ~ Yes, but all aliens can't be more evolved than us...what if I
am abducted by the stupid aliens who know nothing about the human
race?? Then I could be in trouble! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 29&#184;
2002 6:43pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ if anyone misses the SW:EP II C oundown clock, it has moved to
the biography page. fyi. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 29&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ LOL! Yes, I agree totally. But remember, aliens are more
evolved than us. I assume they wouldn't want to know from that -at
least not for that! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 29&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ I admit it would be nice to live on Ganjadoria (hehe), but
there will be no probing in the exit only hole if you know what I
Sarah ~ Somehow that doesn't seem lik e a better alternative! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 29&#184; 2002 5:33pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Hope for alien abduction. At least then you'll get probed in
your most intimate of areas before you check out. Plus, they may just
abduct you but not kill you and yo u'll never be seen again but live
happily ever after, a spaced out probed hippie on the planet
Ganjadoria. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 29&#184; 2002 5:33pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Hey guys...according to the death test at I'm
gonna die on March 5 when I'm 44 years old from either cancer,
alcoholism, overdose, or alien abduction! Weird huh? oh well, life is
definaely gonna be short for me..might as well live it the best I can!
LOL :) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 29&#184; 2002 5:22pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ I wuv you sk. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 29&#184; 2002
sk ~ come on, more me talk.... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 29&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ LOL...Thats funny, well at least he died a happy man...a VERY
happy man! :) <FONT SIZE =-1><B>January 29&#184; 2002 4:37pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Titzensmotherin' I think they call it in Koln. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 29&#184; 2002 4:20pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ The type referenced in when accessing the URL in Thongfish's
post. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 29&#184; 2002 4:19pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Paulie: What kind of destruction would you be referring to?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 29&#184; 2002 4:06pm</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ I hope Jen hurries back from working the convention.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 29&#184; 2002 3:36pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Things keep getting weirder and wierder in here...I love it! :)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 29&#184; 2002 2:59pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ WHOA!!! Easy there Sailor 6 -pack. You're soundin' like a guy
that likes being carried around like your namesake! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 29&#184; 2002 2:58pm</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ that sk looks better than a new set of snow tires. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 29&#184; 2002 2:31pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ there has not been any talk of me in here today <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 29&#184; 2002 2:06pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ well, the red flashing jager pin I received at the double down
the other night has been a lovely addition to the office. So far its
been quite a hit! Thanks again flipper mary :D <FONT SIZE=1><B>January 29&#184; 2002 2:03pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Sarah is not built for that type of destruction, fortunately.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 29&#184; 2002 1:56pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Hee-Haw???? LOL>LOL>LOL>LOL!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
29&#184; 2002 1:52pm</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ This space is gettin' hot...blow up dolls, smotherin'
teats and lezbo talk... hee -haw <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 29&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ Hey Amy..yeah I figured you couldn't find it...its Yeah I know their playing at toads, but I
was thinking of going to the barn..Liberty Bus is playing...have fun in
jail..don't become anyones bitch! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 29&#184;
2002 12:59pm</B></FONT>
amy ~ Sarah I can't find y our e-mail address. I think you should share
your fortunate event with the Flip folks - you were very lucky. DBB is
at Toads place on Fri. to bad I'll be in the big house. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 29&#184; 2002 12:47pm</B></FONT>
thongfish ~ Paulie, how is this for a way to
html <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 29&#184; 2002 12:26pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ I guess that would be fair. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 29&#184;
2002 11:43am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Seems to me that you ain't told me yet so I plan to be around
for a while. However, if you do decide to tell me & then subsequently
kill me, can I choose my own deathodology? :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
29&#184; 2002 11:34am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ It has to be a surprise..that way you'll never know when or
where it will happen..LOL :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 29&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ And kill me how? :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 29&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ I could tell you bu t then I would have to kill you! :) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 29&#184; 2002 10:54am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Poor Paulie!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 29&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Yeah, well I'd like to know about this "thing" as well. Jeez!
;^) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 29&#184; 2002 10:03am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Yeah my weekend was really cool except for one thing...give me
a call and i'll fill you in on the details! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
28&#184; 2002 9:17pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Hi Sarah, yeah we had a blast! It was great to get
away..excellent weather and all. Did you have fun this weekend?sk:
Sarah ~ Wendy: How was the weekend getaway? Did ya have fun? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 28&#184; 2002 6:41pm</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ Hey sk, looks like your infla table has learned to use the
computer. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 28&#184; 2002 4:56pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ yes it was <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 28&#184; 2002
sk ~ That was not me. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 28&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ From what I understand, sk, you're full of baloney :) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 28&#184; 2002 4:02pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ no paulie i leave the jack sauce for you <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
28&#184; 2002 3:31pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ that wasn't me, everyone knows i like my groundhogs sauteed and
stir fryed <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 28&#184; 2002 3:30pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ I like kilbasa in the can. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 28&#184; 2002
msp ~ canned sausage
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 28&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ You guys are too much! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 28&#184;
2002 2:33pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Interesting, sk. How do you like your weinerschnitzels
prepared? w/ jack sauce perhaps? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 28&#184; 2002
sk ~ I love groundhogs day, they taste best breaded and deep fried.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 28&#184; 2002 1:23pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Groundhog day is coming...I wonder if hes gonna see his
shadow?? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 28&#184; 2002 12:54pm</B> </FONT>
Hippiefoot ~ Happy belated b -days to all that I missed.....spent the
long weekend in Nashville. Caught a bunch of killer bluegrass shows.
See y'all @ the Tiger. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 28&#184; 2002
rcw ~ paulie, you know Im w ith ya :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 28&#184;
2002 12:20pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Email on the way, Pickle. My responsibilities for the
Mountaintop Tree are close to in progress. The transfer is done & it
came out wonderfully. Mikey Square Pants' copy is in th e hopper for
immediately after the CD that's burning. The onto rcw & sk. I'll be
well set for the St Flippin' Valentine's Day Offering. Since this is a
Flipper Miracle, I expect that I'll need your help again,
Branchmeisters. :) LMK whether or not that'll be a problem (I don't
want to be presumptuous) on or off -line. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January
28&#184; 2002 12:04pm</B></FONT>
Colleen :) ~ Thanks for the b -day wishes Glen and Suz......we were
snowboarding and it was awesome !!!!.....hope all is well..... <FON T
SIZE=-1><B>January 28&#184; 2002 10:55am</B></FONT>
MZ ~ Thank you also! because without post -production it wouldn't make
it out to the "Ears that wanna hear" <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 28&#184;
2002 10:44am</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <br>MZ, the quailty is EXC ELLENT!!! thank you so much!<br>
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 28&#184; 2002 10:18am</B></FONT>
MZ ~ Hey pickle, Whadya think, how did it come out. Hope all went
well- I got no clue cause didn't have time to listen between sets. If
it's good I hope everyone enjoys. If it sucks oh well back to the
drawing board.Peace <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 28&#184; 2002
Pickle ~ <br>Hey Paulie, get in touch about getting the 1/25/02 Double
Down show out this week for a Mircle.<br> <F ONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 28&#184; 2002 9:44am</B></FONT>
ODIE ~ (WOOF)Where the hell is MZ? I gotta take a shit. I wish he'd get
home from work. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 28&#184; 2002
glen ~ thank you everyone for a great weekend, esp. MZ and the rest of
the birthday weekend crew. Jeff, John & Pete, it was great jamming,
thank you! our friends are the best. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 27&#184;
2002 10:21pm</B></FONT>
Mehr ~ Hey Carbone, how ya doin? When do return from vacaY? Did yoou
like the Nascar scene? The 500 is a few weeks away.. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 27&#184; 2002 4:00pm</B></FONT>
PS ~ Hey everyone! Pete Scheips Band will be playing this Wed.Jan.30th
W/Special Guests:Jeff Pevar(CPR)on guitar and Dave Stotlz(Dicky Betts
Band) on bass @ Sully's Pub @ Lena's 2053 Park St.Hartford,CT.(860)231 8881 For more information
Cierra ~ Yup.. Happy Birthday Brett.... Seems Like Only YesterdayDennis
P.S. ~ happy birthday also to Colleen Talbot! < FONT SIZE=-1><B>January
26&#184; 2002 6:57pm</B></FONT>
Bodhi ~ woof. (throw the ball) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 26&#184; 2002
Glen&Suz ~ happy 32 Brett, we'll see you at o'Hagan's! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 26&#184; 2002 6:24pm</B></FONT >
sk: ~ happy birthday brett!!! stay sober, LOL!!! looking forward to
the hungry tiger show next saturday......can anyone say "baked treats"
pre-party at my place beforehand? paulie, hope you'll consider a trip
out to silk city to see this gig!!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 26&#184;
2002 3:59pm</B></FONT>
PS ~ Happy Birthday Brett!Thanks For a great show last nite! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 26&#184; 2002 12:53pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ {{{HBD BRETT}}}Glen, Jill & Finn:
rcw ~ happy birthday Brett - yeah, where were ya'all last night! Missed
a great show! Perfect for a miracle :D Pickle and ep thanks
again...earliest Ive ever gone to bed, huh? lol! Flipper Mike, I will
do my best to make sure to never let you get up on stage for a show
unprepared againMorningCh ild
pickle ~ hey Lori,Pickle
Lori ~ Hey kids!! Emailing you from the Biltmore Resort in sunny Miami!
I'm on my Marlboro Racing School Vaca! Get to drive the nascar stuff
this week! You would not believe the stuff they have given us so far
and I just got here 7 hours ago! Hope everyone is well. I will
hopefully get to a show real soon ok! Need a Flipper fix! Have a good
time tonight everyone ok! Hugs and bellybuttons....Lori C <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 25&#184; 2002 6:20pm</B></FONT>
FM ~ Glen, you are correct on the Primary, however I was just a guest
that night as the Rigger wasn`t able to make the gig.Pickle
Paulie ~ Not by us in the Miracle Tree Format but I think it's quite
well circulated. Flipper Mike, if I'm not mistaken, Baxter died on
8/24/01. The Beach Party was the second show after he died, you dudes
played the night before at DDG (I think it was). If the posts are saved
forever, that research can be done. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 25&#184;
2002 5:46pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ Happy Birthday Cierr a! Flipper Mike, your first gig that I
remember you guesting at was at The Primary there in Middletown CT, ah
memories... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 25&#184; 2002 5:44pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ well i'll have to look thru my pile of flipper tapes and find one
to do then......i seem to remember some pretty good shows at the lilly
lake, or the hungry tiger, the butternut gig from may youse fella's
tore it up and played your asses off, but has that one been distributed
yet? paulie? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 25&#184; 2 002 5:15pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Happy early birthday Brett! And many more....... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 25&#184; 2002 5:00pm</B></FONT>
ame ~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUG!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 25&#184; 2003
FM ~ Speaking of Brettwoods, I h ave seen the video of that party that
Flipperrich filmed and the audio came out fantastic.FM
sk ~ and you write the songs that the whole world sings <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 25&#184; 2002 4:35pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ i write the band, date & venue down on the tape, but i can't
remember which show was mike's first, so EXCUUUUSSSSEE ME! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 25&#184; 2002 4:08pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ Don't you taperscum ever write anything down?....geeze! Just
kidding! I don't want to start FWII. (flipper war II) <FONT SIZE=1><B>January 25&#184; 2002 3:42pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ so if pickle can't find that beach party show, any suggestions
for a cd tree? i think i mentioned the other day about mike's first
official gig at hoops & hops, how about that one? but i fo rgot the
date? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 25&#184; 2002 3:33pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Happy Birthday Cierra! I'm sure you are wearing nothing but a
smile :). <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 25&#184; 2002 11:55am</B></FONT>
Flippermike ~ Happy B -Day Cierra <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 25&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ HBD Cierra <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 25&#184; 2002
Pickle ~ <br>Will try find the Beach Party in my pile of unlabled DATs
this weekend and get it burned for Paulie so we may get it out to you
all.<br> <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 25&#184; 2002 9:34am</B></FONT>
msp ~ In that case, Happy Birthday Cierra!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
25&#184; 2002 9:13am</B></FONT>
Cierra: ~ Exactially One More Year Before I Can Go To Double
Paulie ~ Donna, I've asked sk to look into that. It's a virtual 100%
probability that something Flipper will be in the hopper for next
month's Miracle Tree. For now, it's onto burning for the branches &
seed for this month's. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 25&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ Hey thanks glen!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 25&#184; 2002
glen ~ hi, there's changes to 'Flipper Top 50' if you're interested.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 24&#184; 2002 11:23pm</B></FONT>
Donna ~ Hey Paulie, What about that beach party? Any chance of gettin a
copy of Flipper at the beach party? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 24&#184;
2002 11:04pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ okay Wendy I'm the cell phone! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 24&#184; 2002 9:32pm< /B></FONT>
Wendy ~ SARAH!!!I'm gonna call u right now...Sarah
Paulie ~ Be careful. If she curls her toes too tight, she could damage
her wrist. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 24&#184; 2002 3:24pm</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ yeah! & I'll plug it into the dryer o utlet to give her
the ol' 220v. That'll curl her toes! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 24&#184;
2002 3:12pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ If it works, crank her up & have Jen sit on it for the spin
cycle. Be the best she had since Ol' Jeb chauffeured her & J.T. around
while they did the corndog shuffle in the back of the his pickup. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 24&#184; 2002 2:08pm</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ I have an extra broke -down, rusty-ol' warsher machine if
anyone needs one for their front yard. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
24&#184; 2002 2:01pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ I think Tripping Billies are playing on saturday. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 24&#184; 2002 12:37pm</B></FONT>
MZ ~ Who's at the barn this weekend? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 24&#184;
2002 12:34pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Oh and my car is finally fixed thank god! :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 24&#184; 2002 12:25pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ AMY!!!!! Whats up...hows the grown up job going? Schools it can be..actually it really sucks but oh well what can you
do. My classes are really hard and theres TONS of work! I'm I dunno if
I'm coming over this weekend...I haven't really thought of plans for
this weekend..I might go to the barn this weekend, but I'm not sure.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 24&#184; 2002 12:22pm</B></FONT>
amy ~ SARAH How was school. I'm at work and I can't wait to go home.
Are you coming over this weekend? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 24&#184;
2003 12:28pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ LOL Paulie...thats about right!Paulie
Jen 6-Pack ~ Joe, the neighbors just complained ag ain about the
abandoned cars in the driveway.......and don't forget, tonight is
bowling night! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 24&#184; 2002
MZ ~ Hey Jaeger and Flipboys, just wanted to say thank you for asking
the soundguy if he found the mi crophone. I found it last night while in
the Billy rays parking lot. Went back to check L & F and found it where
it should have been, in the car. Feel much better now. Thought I was
losing my mind, on top of losing my shit. must have fallen out of bag
and slipped under the seat.Peace <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 24&#184; 2002
Jen 6-pack ~ On baby...I'm ready and willing!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 23&#184; 2002 9:38pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Hey Wendy..yeah call my cell
able to stare at that picture for 60
It was hard for me...the sounds just
later then. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
phone. You pass the test i f you're
seconds without laughing at all.
make you wanna bust. Talk to ya
23&#184; 2002 7:09pm</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ You got it darlin'. Be sure not to shower, I'm on my
way! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 23&#184; 2002 6:53pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Hi Sarah, yeah I have your ph # and will call ya..I have a do you know if you pass the test?! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 23&#184; 2002 6:28pm</ B></FONT>
Jen 6-Pack ~ hey joe, pick us up a 12 pack of bud can's and a couple of
packs of marlboro's and the new issue of Biker Chick Magazine and i'll
rock your world tonite, this is the old lady speaking by the way <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 23&#184; 200 2 4:40pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Yeah that insanity test is hard to pass...I failed! Oh well,
tell me something I don't know!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 23&#184; 2002
Joe Six-Pack ~ iNSANITY tEST GO TO st <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January
23&#184; 2002 3:42pm</B></FONT>
ringo-> ~ I have a CD burner. All I know how to do is copy CD's. I
don't think I've seen an untracked CD. Is this tracking thing
something I have the capability to do? I'd like to help spread the
wealth... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 23&#184; 2002 1:22pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ sk, check Email. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 23&#184; 2002
sk: ~ any particular show you want seeded this month folks? do we have
mike's first o-fish-l show at H & H? i taped that one but don't recall
the date, let me know and i'll get the seed out to paulie wally dooh da
day! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 23&#184; 2002 11:36am</B></FONT>
MZ ~
Jaeger thank you much! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 23&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Groovy. Let's shoot for the February release then. In the
interim here, I've been working on drumming up a single disc (I think)
seed myself. We'll see what shakes out. If nothing else, perhaps we can
do a couple of shorter festival sets. More on this next month. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 23&#184; 2002 10:48am</B></FONT>
jager-keis ~ MZ,I don't have your case but I just talked to one of the
soundmen and he will take a look for it and will let someone in the
family know if they find a nything at the next gig they work......(maybe
fridays gig ??????)Later bro <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 23&#184; 2002
FM ~ Paulie, I don`t see the immediate rush to get a Flip tree out
there since we are going to have a new CD released in t he near future
anyway. If a Flip tree does happen....COOL!!! As long as it fits into
everyone`s schedule,....fine, but don`t feel the need to rush one out
on our behalf. We love and respect all the love that you guys spead
Flippermike ~ MZ, I have a burner you can use. I only live 5 miles from
you, so we should plan an evening in the near future to do the dinner
thing with you and Alana and burn some shows.rcw
MZ ~ Paulie, the biggest thing holding me back from really getting this
rolling is the fact that I have no computer burner, so I have to sit on
the couch and heaven forbid I gotta take a piss then "Better beer in
Germany" can turn into "Merled" or even get haggered and everybody
knows how much fun it is to get a disk that hasn't been "Tracked"
correctly. If I had a computer based burner I could put in the tracks
after the initial burning of the disc and then not have to be married
to my stereo. If anyone has a computer based burner please speak up and
I can send the untracked discs out pretty quickly to ya so you can put
in the tracks correctly. If not, I'll spin at least one within the next
week or so when I know I have the time to just sit and listen. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 23&#184; 2002 9:31am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ MZ, if you'd lik e to send a seed to me, we run one Miracle
Tree per month out here. We'd like to do a Flipper show for February.
Generally this is one 3 CD show, but have made exceptions to this. The
reason we keep it small is two -fold: It allows this to be inexpensive &
continue to be done as Miracles; and I have a home stereo burner & can
only burn DAO @ 1X. Email if interested. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 23&#184; 2002 9:06am</B></FONT>
MZ ~ Please Please please. Did anyone find a microphone box or bl ack
case for a microphone with the letters DPA on it. It was left at the
BILLY RAYS gig. I'm hoping you have it Jaeger Keith, it would have been
left on the table you and I were working off of that night. There is an
orange cardboard box that the black pla stic box fits into. The
microphone itself was not in the box(Thank God), but the box contained
mounting hardware for the microphone and the windscreen. Please
FLIPBOYS give a hand by calling the guy that did sound that night. He
might have picked it up. AN Y HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED. PEACE TO
EVERYONE. I will start to dust off some of the oldies and SLOWLY but
SURELY get them out to the folks that want to help spread the FLIP. In
other words I'll be the seed and then from there everyone else can help
out. I only have so many hours in a day and don't posess two CD
players. I'll burn a CD off the DAT and give it to whoever can work the
quickest. Thanks <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 23&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ Hey Paulie and Polly...Thanks for the kind words, but don't
worry..I'll still be around during the weekends I hope. Well, its
almost time for my first class so I better get ready. Talk to ya guys
later! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 23&#184; 2002 8:23am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ G'luck, Sarah. Are you still UHART? If so, will we see you on
occassion? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 23&#184; 2002 6:52am</B></FONT>
Polly ~ Sarah!! good luck at school, we'll miss you! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 22&#184; 2002 11:40pm</B></FONT>
ep ~ fm, Pickle rules,,,,,,keep smiling, ,,, <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January
22&#184; 2002 8:33pm</B></FONT>
ep ~ Back in the contry and way to ready to raise hell!!!!!!! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 22&#184; 2002 8:12pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Okay Wendy...thanks, I'll need all the luck I can get! :) Do u
still have my number?? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 22&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Bruce, I Emailed you a response to your Email to me but it was
bounced because you exceeded your quota or some such thing. Thanks, PM
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 22&#184; 2 002 7:47pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Hi Sarah! Good luck back at school. Today Bobby had his
exams..yikes..I'll give ya a call soon to resched <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 22&#184; 2002 6:05pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ On behalf of the Miracle Tree Team, thank you all for the kind
words. And thank you Flippers for letting us use this forum to spread
the tunes. We truly appreciate it. I hope to be able to do an FD or B&F
Miracle Tree for St. Valentine's Day. I'm confident that a Seed will
find it's way to La Casa di Pant alones sometime soon. ;^) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 22&#184; 2002 5:41pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Hey msp...back to college..winter break is over! :( <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 22&#184; 2002 3:54pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ i'm the proverbial work -horse when it comes to t aping at a show
but i tape so much, and people are always miracling me cd's i just
don't have the time to listen as much as l like to <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 22&#184; 2002 3:08pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ i have plenty of flipper master dats, unfortunately most of them
reside in my huge "haven't listen to yet" pile, but when i do listen
i'll put them on cassette and form that seed, but if anyone out here
has a dat and the time to form a seed, be it cassette or cd, i'll loan
out my dats so that you can do this <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 22&#184;
2002 3:06pm</B></FONT>
FM ~ In my last post, I forgot to mention Pickle....we appreciate all
that you do as well. I must mention that my much better half (Mary)
bought me a wicked high -tec Burner for I would be ha ppy to
contribute to the spreading of music. Don`t make me go out and buy a
DAT!!!LOL <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 22&#184; 2002 2:56pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ Thx FM and a leaf, it's our pleasure. Sarah, where are you
heading off to? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 22&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ Well, I'm all packed and ready to go...geez it sucks to be
going back..oh well. Wendy, sorry we didn't get to hang before I left,
but there will be time in the near future where we can get together.
Till I see all of you next time! BYE! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
22&#184; 2002 2:34pm</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 22&#184; 2002 2:27pm</B></FONT>
Flippermike ~ Paulie,Mikey,& Robin, keep on doing what you do so well.
I know that MZ has several Flip DATS and he would be more than happy to
Branch them out. I`m sure that the Infamous SK has a few in his library
as well. MZ voiced his interest to me on friday night that he would
love to get involved with you guys on spreading music around, but he
thought that introductions would be a great place to start since he
didn`t know you guys personally. Maybe, this friday night @ the DD
would be a great time for those introductions???From a "leaf" -Paulie ~ Tam, I'm not at all sure what Jerry has to do w/ anything. He
was not part of the equation in the least. This Tree is a Creek. Seeds
are the recordings from which the CD's for the Tree are burnt - they
can be either analog or CD for the ones I run ( I'm not DAT capable).
Branches are the first recipients on the Trees & receive their copies
from the administrator (me) for nburning for the rest of the
resipients, Leafs. Leafs have no burning responsibility. We do these
things simply to share the music w / the membership. We've only been
able to do one w/ Brett from 6/1/01 - The Place, Torrington. The reason
is that I have not received any seeds and I'm not a taper.
Unfortunately, none of the Flip Fan regulars are either & hence the
lack of music to share out here w/ Brett on it. If it is at all a
problem, we'll bring the tradition to a close. Not a issue at all to us
(rcw, MSP or me). <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 22&#184; 2002
Tamara ~ I think Mike Zapp should bust out some of those old Bre tt &
Friends and Vintage! Flipper tapes. Believe me I'ld love to hear Jerry
too...but he's not my brother. Life is short. Can we do both????? Peace TamJoe Six-Pack
thingfish ~ Paulie, I have sent you my addy by way of email. peace and
thanks <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 22&#184; 2002 8:42am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ The
Thingfish, I
the branches
"I've Been to the Mountaintop" Miracle Tree is CLOSED.
need your addy. Please Email it to me at your earliest
Upon receipt, I'll send the structure & setlist/lineage to
(MSP & rcw) and we'll be underway. <FONT SIZE= 22&#184; 2002 7:28am</B></FONT>
glen ~ MZ, let's talk about that. email me at
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 21&#184; 2002 7:59pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Thanks, Flipper M ike. Intro us when we're together someday.
The Mountaintop Miracle Tree (see ANNOUNCING below) will remain open
until the end of the business day tomorrow or until I receive two
additional applications, whichever comes first. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 21&#184; 2002 6:53pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Alright Paulie...I'll send the address to ya right now!
SIZE=-1><B>January 21&#184; 2002 6:40pm</B></FONT>
Flippermike ~ P2P & MSP, After reviewing Mike Zapp`s extensive library
of Greatful Dead tapes, I think th at it is in everyones best interest
that you three guys get together and exchange music. I think MZ gets
the award for the most GD live recordings. He has top quality equipment
to boot. Let me know and I will put you three guys together. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 21&#184; 2002 5:20pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ I went to see the Grateful Dawg movie saturday night, I missed
some of it because when the great Gar was on the screen for the first
time I wet myself, and had to run to the restrooms <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 21&#184; 2002 4:16pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ mz - those gd cd's in the mail to ya' this week...thanks again :D
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 21&#184; 2002 4:09pm</B></FONT>
jill ~ Goon is so excited, he would love to have a reunion with his
sister! Very cool indeed! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 21&#184; 2002
Glennith ~ Whooo Hooo! Billy Ray's ROCKED! Great show guys. Anyone have
that set list?Did someone say Finnegan's Sister is around? Way cool!
Finn would love to meet his sister. Let's set a play date for the pups.
I will e-mail ya. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 21&#184; 2002
deadline for applications to 5:00 tonight.MZ
glen ~ well, let's hope this new CD grabs the at tention of whoever it
is at Terrapin that needs to be impressed. and of course, a show of
fan support never hurts either. you're on it, people! or Let your voices be heard! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 21&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Where is the GOTV this year? Far away again or back to
Bridgeport? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 21&#184; 2002 10:22am</B></FONT>
MIRACLE TREE REMINDER ~ See below <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 21&#184;
2002 10:22am</B></FONT>
MZ ~ Hey Flipboys, We need to get you guys on the lineup for this years
Gathering of the vibes. Phil Lesh and Friends are playing Friday and
Saturday night for two sets each night. Can you say Phil, flip,creek
and friends. Four freaking da ys in the sun. I might need an oxygen tank
and a hospital gurney after that run. You need to get on this, tickets
go on sale Feb 4th i believe. They will want to know their lineup
before tickets go on sale. Can you say RV. Make reservations now
because it's on the weekend of July 4th. If you guys don't know Ken
Hays we should get you introduced. I would hope he knows how good an
act you guys are. If you need give a call FlipMike knows the number.
Peace <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 21&#184; 2002 9:52am</B></FONT >
Jessica ~ Hi there all you flipheads! Missed everyone this weekend but
I had prior engagements that could not be broken :( I am looking
forward to seeing everyone at Double Down and until then I hope
everyone has a great week!!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 21&#184; 2002
Polly ~ me too. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 20&#184; 2002
sk: ~ i've been missing you flip people recently, gotta get my lilly white ass out to some shows soon <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 20&#184; 2002
the girl ~ great night on friday! as usual... thanks guys! i loved
playing contact dancing... real fun out there... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 20&#184; 2002 5:40pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Unless you hear back otherwise, you're on the tree. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 20&#184; 2002 2:33pm</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ I love my snowblower <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 20&#184;
2002 12:19pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ great to see everyone at Billy Ray's, and great to play with
Laner again as well. hope you're all havi ng a nice weekend. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 20&#184; 2002 12:13pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ paulie you still owe me ten bucks for that show I sold you <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 20&#184; 2002 12:02pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ That's noon tomorrow. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 20&#184; 2002
ANNOUNCING ~ The "I've Been to the Mountaintop" Miracle Tree: Max Creek
atop the mountains in Boulder, 10/13/01 - Fox Thtr. SBDMD
patch>C>CD>CD. Applications will be accepted until nonn tomorrow via
Email to Paulie Marino : Put "I've Been to the
Moutnaintop" in the SUBJECT line and include your name & mailing adress
in the body of the Email. Special thanks to sk for providing the seed
and to MSP & rcw for (as usual) volunteering as Miracle Branches. <FO NT
SIZE=-1><B>January 20&#184; 2002 10:01am</B></FONT>
Cierra: ~ Can You Believe It? I Actually Made It To A Show.... It
Pickle and Melissa }:{ ~ <br>Good evening from San Francisco!!! I
think after the Chicago run, you should just keep coming west ward and
play here!
See ya all soon.<br> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 18&#184;
2002 9:44pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Flipper, great show tonite at Billy Ray's!Thx <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 19&#184; 2002 12:35am</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ stop it sk <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 18&#184; 2002
Hippiefoot ~ Do they eat "tuna taco"? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 18&#184;
2002 6:09pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ On second thought, make that the theme from Baretta, and have
Sammy take his eye out. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 18&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ If you're at all weirded out by culturally different touching,
please don't bring your wife to my house to VISIT. You will most likely
not be overjoyed by the experience. However, she will be, of course.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 18&#184; 2002 2:06pm</B></FONT>
THE VISITOR ~ My neighbors are Turks and they are pretty cool. They
invited us over for Ramadan. It kinda freaked me out at first. But it
was really a nice expieince. The food was great. It was a little
strange when the men touched my kids on the head everytime they walked
by. I was told that its there culture.It took a while to get used to
it. THEY DON'T EAT BEEF TACOS, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 18&#184; 2002 1:51pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ If its alrgiht with Dr. Juice, can I sing Love Me Tender Love Me
True to my boyfriend between sets tonight? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
18&#184; 2002 1:24pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ glen...not at home, but give me a call tomorrow at work if you
need - 800-442-1976, or will see you tomorrow night.:D <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 17&#184; 2002 9:32pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ hey RCW - call me tonight if you can 860.567.3040 - see you all
tomorrow at Billy Ray's Cafe, actually a very cool place to see a
Flipper show. A classic. Also t he premiere gig of the melodica! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 17&#184; 2002 6:00pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Much obliged RCW -- see you then!
1><B>January 17&#184; 2002 4:24pm</B></FONT>
:>) <FONT SIZE= -
rcw ~ morning child - never did make it to the mailbo x, but as it looks
like you'll be out and about tomorrow will bring you some fun stuff
then...:D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 17&#184; 2002 4:04pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ WooHoo -- can't WAIT for "Mearled" to make it's debut!
See you all tomorrow nig ht -- until then -- Peace. :>) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 17&#184; 2002 3:34pm</B></FONT>
FM ~ just a reminder that we will be playing @ Billy Rays in Winsted
tomorrow night. Hope to see you all there. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
17&#184; 2002 2:50pm</B></FO NT>
Flippermike ~ I am pleased to announce that all of the 15 tracks for
the new CD "Mearled" have been completed and we will start the mixing
process in two weeks. Flipper would like to extend our warmest thanks
to Scott Muraski, Dennis Francher, and Sco tt Alshouse for their fine
talents and contributions to this CD. You guys really helped make this
CD special!!!Joe Six-Pack
Regis- ~ hey paulie, some good wrassling is on the tube tonite, why not
swing by? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 17&#184; 2002 2:05pm</B> </FONT>
thingfish ~ wow, thanks msp. you rock bro <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
17&#184; 2002 12:25pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ all set thingfish...9/9/87 is going postal today. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 17&#184; 2002 9:22am</B></FONT>
thingfish ~ MSP, did you get my email yesterday. peace <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 17&#184; 2002 9:02am</B></FONT>
glen ~ Brucie-- thanks for the FD live CD.
i really appreciate it.
and Benny-- thanks for the Sopranos on DVD. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
17&#184; 2002 12:00am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ YEah Wendy...I'd love to! I'll call ya <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
16&#184; 2002 6:32pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Sarah, do ya want to hang tommorow nite? Give me a call <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 16&#184; 2002 6:09pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ When I was a baby, I looke d just like Dill from Rugrats. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 16&#184; 2002 6:07pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ NOthing much...I miss you too...I'll be leaving next week to go
back to school :( <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 16&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ WENDY!!!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 16&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ Hey MSP...I got the 9/9 show today in the mail...thanks rock!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 16&#184; 2002
Wendy ~ Hey Sarah, what's shaking?
16&#184; 2002 5:58pm</B></FONT>
I miss u! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
sk: ~ can't i just watch the movie instead? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
16&#184; 2002 4:01pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ LOL, Joe. And sk, you understood perfectly. You're simply
claiming ignorance to get out of the pena nce. Now off to the library
for you. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 16&#184; 2002 3:20pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ to many big words paulie, paulie speak with tongue forked <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 16&#184; 2002 2:36pm</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ My wife likes to slam mi ne in the middle of Chilton's
complete guide to auto repair. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 16&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ You'll know when it's announced & not a minute sooner, young
man. Now, for penance for your presumptuousness, go sit in the cor ner &
slam your private in the middle of War & Peace! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 16&#184; 2002 1:41pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ what is the i've been to the mountaintop tree anyway? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 16&#184; 2002 1:03pm</B></FONT>
thingfish ~ cool, thanks Pa uliefish. you're a good egg Noonan <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 16&#184; 2002 12:02pm</B></FONT>
Pauliefish ~ Thingfish, I'll be sure to announce the offer during
business hours to give youfish a fair oppty to join the treefish. SO
put that in your obscure Za ppa tune & smoke it. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 16&#184; 2002 11:45am</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ I love my tatoo. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 16&#184; 2002
msp ~ thingfish...I still have 9/9/87 on my harddrive. Send me a
mailing addy & I'll mail you a copy. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 16&#184; 2002 11:33am</B></FONT>
thingfish ~ Paulie, if you fire up a tree friday night or this weekend,
please include me. i leave work and my internet at 5:30 friday and i do
not want to miss another tree. i am bootingmyself for missing the provy
dead. thanks man and keep on truckin. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
16&#184; 2002 11:07am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ rcw, msp, sk, et al: My final burning obligation for the Jerry
Christmas Tree is the 9/9 /87 - Provy show and it's in the burner now.
The pkg goes out to sk tomorrow. When I get to the next tree ("I've
Been to the Mountaintop") later this week - and all indications point
to Friday night - if I have the Flipper seed in house, it'll be that.
If not, that show will be the St Valentine's Day Miracle Tree. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 16&#184; 2002 10:57am</B></FONT>
the password is mint ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 15&#184; 2002
glen ~ crack kills. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 15&#184; 2002
Cierra ~ Kev... It Was Good To See Ya Today With The Wee One.
~ If anyone is interested in some acoustic dates I have coming
up you can mail me at They will mainly be in this
area and mostly mike and I. They may all not make to our websit all
the time so I will make sure those interested in the mellower evenings
know. They are often spur of the moment and school nights. ouch!
thanks, brett <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 15&#184; 2002 4:49pm</ B></FONT>
sk: ~ msp & p2p should get some sort of metal for all they do for all
of us, these 2 young (okay, middle -aged) fella's are always willing to
distribute music to the masses, so next time you're out, raise a glass
and toast these 2 fine lads!!! <F ONT SIZE=-1><B>January 15&#184; 2002
BUZZ ~ oh my....i just read your post about being on the radio
today....imagine that.... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 15&#184; 2002
BUZZ ~ so, i was scanning around the radio this morni ng a work, and i
hear "Glen Nelson" Hmmmmmmm, that name sounds familiar.... i caught the
last part of your radio spot flipper -glen, sounded`s a good
thing you are doing with those kids... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
15&#184; 2002 3:50pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ ooh, hate it when that happens..:( - anyhow, msp, as I was
saying, next project is the Flipper Miracle Tree - just waiting for
pickle :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 15&#184; 2002 3:48pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ msp - next projectsmilesalot
msp ~ BTW....if you signed up for the Jerry Xmas Tree, it's now on the
way to you. Enjoy!!! Okay P2P...I'm ready for my next assignment : -))
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 15&#184; 2002 3:32pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ Hey Mark...Thanks and you are welcome.
15&#184; 2002 3:30pm</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
Mark P. ~ Hey Flippers Brett, Glen, Steve & Mike! What's zappinnin'?
Hey MSP, happy B-Day, thanks for the beer and good cheer at the Barn
the other night...hey Paulie, I'm itching to pull the trigger on an
"I'll be there" email, if you know what I'm saying (cuz when Quinn the
Eskimo gets there, everybody's gunna want to D___!). Hope things are
well with all y'all Flip Fam! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 15&#184; 2002
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 15&#184; 2002 2:32pm</B></FONT>
the girl ~ chi-town huh? might have to take a trip to see my sister...
or at least get her to come out to a show... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
15&#184; 2002 2:41pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ ooh, Flipper in Chicago, how fun would that be ! :D Julee, Jen
Leigh with swivel hips smoked - not a bad bass player at all! shoulda
come down! msp or p2p, either of you around this weekend? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 15&#184; 2002 12:53pm</B></FONT>
sk, Nutritional Advisor: ~ you guys really going to chicago to play?
any dates yet, maybe i can arrange to be out there on bidness, let me
know. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 15&#184; 2002 12:34pm</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ Where's all the broads? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
15&#184; 2002 11:19am</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ Burp! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 15&#184; 2002
FLiPPER NEWS DESK 2002 Edition ~ 'Merled', the 3rd Flipper Dave studio
release is coming along nicely. Final overdubs are being com pleted
this week, mixing commences in February. Expect a CD release date
sometime prior to the band's April 2002 tour to The Windy City. How's
that, Sarah? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 14&#184; 2002 11:15pm</B></FONT>
NOODLE NEWS ~ Hey everybody, I almost f orgot!!!! I'll be live on WZBG
97.3 tomorrow morning at 8:20 AM talking about 'Sunflower' and the new
school CD I make with my students. tune it in!!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 14&#184; 2002 11:06pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Hey Polly..anything happening this w eekend at the barn? Howdy
Glen..hows progress going on the new cd?? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
14&#184; 2002 9:12pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ love this thing! I wish the Hooters were still together...
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 14&#184; 2002 7:34pm</B></FONT>
Dennis ~ Glen, sorry about the misspell of your name in that last post
(2 n's). I had WAY too much coffee today, my fingers are twitchin!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 14&#184; 2002 7:00pm</B></FONT>
Dennis ~ Hey Glenn, cool about the melodica, now you can sit in a nd
pretend to be Donald Fagan on our Steely covers. Just be sure to bring
your shades. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 14&#184; 2002 6:45pm</B></FONT>
Joe Six-Pack ~ I had a great weekend too! I sat around my double -wide,
smoked Lucky Strikes, ate TV dinners, dr ank a case of Old Milwaukee
Lites, read Penthouse and watched the Dukes of Hazzard marathon on TNT.
It don't get any better than that. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 14&#184;
2002 4:14pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ I spent the whole weekend dressing up like JO from the TV show
Different Strokes. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 14&#184; 2002
sk: ~ hi everybody, i had a nice weekend, hope you did too! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 14&#184; 2002 12:11pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ hey i'm excited, tomorrow I pick up my brand -new melodica, it's
a 3-octave keyboard you play with your mouth! can't wait to bust it
out at the next gig! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 13&#184; 2002
Polly ~ no the campfire never happened since we were all too lazy to go
out there and start it lol. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 13&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ Hey Polly, no I never made it to Denny's..I dunno about Paulie
and the gang. I was kidnapped and taken to a house party later in the
evening. Did you ever start up the campfire? <FO NT SIZE=-1><B>January
13&#184; 2002 12:28pm</B></FONT>
Polly ~ hey Sarah and Paulie, i'm glad you guys enjoyed yourselves on
Friday. did you go to Denny's after? you're right, the stage area got
more and more crowded with excellent musicians as the nigh t went on.
Wendy we missed you! and it would've been really cool to see some
Flipper boys up there jammin' too. :) i don't see any barn gigs on the
schedule, when's FD coming back to the Barn? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
13&#184; 2002 12:13pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ I miss my balls. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 13&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ I totally agree. A friend was calling Pete P.T. Barnum (I
prefer Petey Barnum) cuz when he's got his band in the right frame of
mind & the fellers start showing up, it 's the greatest show on earth.
The band consisted of Pete, Wadhams (keys), Rob of Riders on the Storm
(guitar), the Amazing Bob Laramee (bass), Chang (drums), Bill Wallach
(mandolin), the Kosher Kid (harmonica). And Dave, Chris & the new
keyboard player of Shakedown sat in for a couple of killers. And when
Shakedown played, Pete, Laramee & the Kosher Kid joined in a rousing
end of the show segment. What a fucking show. It even eclipsed the
Flipper & PSB show at the Barn in November - and that's saying
something since that was a Top 5 of 2001 for me. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 13&#184; 2002 9:21am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Wendy: I'm very disappointed that you didn't go to the barn on missed a great night of music!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
12&#184; 2002 10:25pm</B></FONT>
Polly ~ well...Feed is playing at Sully's in Hartford that's all i know
about. they're pretty good. have fun tonight everyone!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 12&#184; 2002 8:06pm</B></FONT>
Cierra: ~ Notta One... Its Hard To Go Out And H ave Fun When Your
Cierra: ~ What's Everyone Doin Tonight???
Any Thing Fun???
rcw ~ oh mary...wish I had made it! Swear I left the house meaning to
make it to Canton......between getting a little juiced at Dr Juice and
having to zip to the dentist first thing this morning...didnt
happen..:( Promise next time! (and didnt forget about dinner, either)
will talk about Plan B when I see ya' :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
12&#184; 2002 9:15am</B></FONT>
Mary ~ Hey rew, I hope you can make it! It 's near my house so plan
B!!!(What excactly is Plan B???) It would be great seeing you. C'mon
lets have some fun. Bring your violin and Mike will fix it for you,
again... <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 11&#184; 2002 7:53pm</B></FONT>
jager-keis ~ Flipper Mike got me to jam with him at the Arena
tonight,hope to see some folks there.It's on rt.44 located by the
trading post and mc donalds (before if coming from hartford way, not
avon mc d's....)Later........ <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 11&#184; 2002
rcw ~ and where would the arena be in canton...? just in case any of
us decide to come on out......:D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 11&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Sarah et al. Yes, we are still going to the Barn. Flipper
Mike, g'luck tonight @ th e gig. Sorry, I didn't know about it, elsewise
I'd never have mentioned the Barn thing at all. It's totally
inappropriate to do so had I had the knowledge. Perhaps the Flipper
Tour Page should include all band member solo gigs. That would be too
cool! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 11&#184; 2002 4:24pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ Hey FM, that`s a great idea, a velvet lined box. But maybe a
sack would be better? A fancy velvet sk ball sack, with some type of
string to hang it? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 11&#184; 2002
Wendy ~ Hey Sarah, sorry, I can't make it tonite afterall.
close to home. We'll party real soon.msp
I'm staying
rcw ~ fm: that would be great :D Preferably the Redding
Roadhouse..about a mile away, would be perfect for me, thanks ;) lol!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 11&#184; 2002 10:33am</B></FONT>
flippermike ~ RCW,I guess I`ll have to book some gigs down your
rcw ~ FM - cant you ever try to play somewhere a
for me...? man, Im not only gonna have to become
to move now, too, huh? : well ya'all have a good
end up :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 11&#184; 2002
little more convenient
a taper, Im gonna have
friday wherever you
msp ~ Sarah...I have part of the Jerry Xmas Tree done, 9/7/87 and
9/8/87. Since you are going to t he barn, I'll bring it along. I'll mail
the 9/9/87 show next week. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 11&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ Wendy: Right on! We can party know its gonna be a
blast with the two of us together!! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
10&#184; 2002 7:06pm</B></FONT>
FM. ~ Buzz, I`ve never had a request for one before, but we could whip
up a special "Velvet Ball Box" for SK. :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
10&#184; 2002 7:05pm</B></FONT>
Flippermike ~ FYI: If anyone isn`t up for a long ride tomorrow nite
(Friday the 11th), myself, Johnathan Lichtig (drums), and Jay Bean
(guitar)will be playing at the Arena in Canton along with special
guests. So if your in the neiborhood, stop by for some funky music!!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 10&#184; 2002 7:03pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Hi Sarah, you know it, I'll be at the barn tomorrow nite along
with Paulie, Cin, Mikeysquarepants and of course, Karen. We will
certainly bring the jello shots for all Flipheads. I will bring your
dish as well. I won't get there until after 9:00pm. Looking forward
to partying the night away...Hey Pretty Polly, see you there <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 10&#184; 2002 6:46pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ So Paulie...your gonna be at the barn on friday? I'll probably
see you there! What about you Wendy?? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 10&#184;
2002 6:01pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ STOP IT BUZZ ! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 10&#184; 2002
sk: ~ this is really me, none of the posts attributed to me today have
actually been me <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 10&#184; 2002
sk ~ That`s it BUZZ, it`s a good old fasioned ass kicking the next time
I see you. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 10&#184; 2002 2:33pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ sorry that last post was me..... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
10&#184; 2002 1:36pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ oh that would be great if i had an SK ball box, last night they
rolled over and wedged themselves under the drawer I keep my work
cloths in, it took me so long to open the drawer I was late for work
and got docked, now SKs balls are messing with my livelyhood, whats
next ? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 10&#184; 2002 1:32pm</B></FONT>
PS ~ Hey everyone!Tonite Thu.Jan.10th Pete Scheips Band with Special
Suprise Guest!9pm @ The Double Down Grill 5 E.Main Street
Avon,CT.(860)678-0695 No Cover Charge!Don't miss it!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 10&#184; 2002 12:26pm</B></FONT>
sk impersonator ~ flipper you have the time (and
experience)to make a ball box? Buzz keeps stepping on them and kicking
them under the sofa, ya know. The thought of his cat slapping them
around brings shivers down my spine. If you would be so kind, perhaps
they would remain safe until their return to their legal guardian.
Please advise <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 10&#184; 2002 12:19pm</B></FONT>
flippermike ~ MZ, Not a problem. I`ll give ya a shout tonite. I`m in
the process of making microphone boxes for Vintage Tones, so I`m tooled
up right now to make boxes. All I need is the measurments.
SIZE=-1><B>January 10&#184; 2002 11:40am</B></FONT>
MZ ~ Hey FlipperMike, When you get a chance could you please give me a
call to discuss the DAT cases we discussed at Elmo's Christmas party
(in the RV). Would love to get going on this if you're not overwhelmed
with everything else already. Thanks Bro #860 -565-0125
And a big
Hello to all the FLIPFREAKS that i've been thankful to meet. Whatup to
the FlipBOYS also. Peace and kindness. Nuff said <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 10&#184; 2002 10:46am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Hey RCW -- I've sent my addy to your email a ddress as curiosity is certainly peaked!
;>) ....and I LOVE
surprises!! Have a fantastic day!
:>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
10&#184; 2002 7:59am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ glen, my pleasure. Love the B3! MSP - got the cd's :D The whole
house thanks you! - morning child, re-send me your addy, have something
to mail you :) (
Flippermike ~ Hey Dennis, I see you found my cat (the rascal on your
website)....he`s always wandering off and going on those weekly
binges!!! He`s such a whore for that funky music. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 9&#184; 2002 10:22pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ hey rcw.... nice B3 CD you burned me for xmas, thanks! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 9&#184; 2002 9:10pm</B></FONT>
randi ~ hey... plan b... i miss you! hope to see you soon! :) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 9&#184; 2002 9:02pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ buzz , you better treat my balls respect <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
9&#184; 2002 7:48pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Right FUGGIN on, Dennis. That will be be groovalicious!!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 9&#184; 2002 6:14pm</B></FONT>
Dennis ~ .....And by the way, we had a gig at the barn, but had to
cancel due to a band member having other obligations. We are talking to
Jay P. about getting us on a bill with Flipper and Psychedelic
Breakfast, who are good friends of mine also. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
9&#184; 2002 5:48pm</B></FONT>
Dennis ~ Paulie, thanks for the plug! I think I'm gonna cry....Paulie
rcw ~ I'd love it...thx! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 9&#184; 2002
sk: ~ if i ever do anything to send paulie away again someone slap me
upside the head <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 9&#184; 2002 2:30pm</B></FONT>
Cierra ~
Maybe I Should Head To The Barn This Weekend Seeing
sk ~ hello everyone, paulie was right, this is a forum to have a little
fun on, why argue, life is too short, anyway, i think maybe i should
give shakedown another chance, i haven't seen them in like 5 years, and
paulie knows his stuff, if he says they jam they prolly do, and pete
scheips, i always enjoyed his band, so this lineup at the barn sounds
intriqing, if i don't make it up to rachacha to see the creek than
methinks i'll check it out, i loved the barn anyway, so if you like GD
music and you like the barn you should prolly go, and if you've n ever
been to the barn than you should definitely go b/c the barn is HOUSE!!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 9&#184; 2002 11:26am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ MSP - hows about a 9\3\93 Willie Nelson..? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 9&#184; 2002 10:53am</B></FONT>
OPTiMAL 'FLiP-SiTE' SETTiNGS: ~ Netscape 4.5 or better (or equivalent
Microsoft browser) at screen resolution 800x600 with standard 'Geneva'
font size 12. thought some of you might like to see it as I do. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 9&#184; 2002 12:45am</B></FONT>
glen ~ I knew I was a fan of butts that day in seventh -grade Science
class when Amy Pucino leaned over the desk. (sorry, Amy.) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 8&#184; 2002 11:18pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ No, the ACDC song is 'Dirty Deeds Done Dirt cheap'. or 'Highway
to Hell'.hahahaha whoops, too much jaeger <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
8&#184; 2002 8:54pm</B></FONT>
PS ~ Hey Brett! come out and jam with us this week!Pete Scheips Band is
playing Tonite Jan.8th @ The Federal Cafe 84 Union Place
Hartford,CT.(860)527-0394 Wed.Jan.9th @ Sully's Pub 2053 Park
St.Hartford,CT.(860)231 -8881 Thu.Jan.10th @ Double Down Grill 5 E.Main
St.Avon,CT.(860)678-0695 & Fri.Jan.11th W/Shakedown @ The Powder Mill
Barn 32 S.Maple St.Enfield,CT.(860)763 -4049 Hope to see you soon! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 8&#184; 2002 5:41pm</B></FONT>
Flippermike ~ Balls to the walls.....isn`t that an AC/DC song? LOL
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 8&#184; 2002 5:22pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ Sorry sk, and Im being sincere here, you rule! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 8&#184; 2002 5:1 9pm</B></FONT>
Silence ~ is golden <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 8&#184; 2002
BUZZ ~ M2P, got the package today, you rule man,
thanks......<br>visions of johanna <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 8&#184;
2002 4:34pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ I was thinking about mailing them to him, but they are way to
heavey and they would set me back a pretty penny. You have no idea how
scarey it is to get up in the middle of the night and trip over SKs
balls because I forgot to roll them up to the wall. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 8&#184; 2002 4:23pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ lol! or you can leave em in your trunk like sk did with the extra
breasts until they deflate :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 8&#184; 2002
flippermike ~ Buzz, here is what you do.......pull out yo ur 7 iron and
chip those balls of his into the nearest sandbox at the local park.
That is where the kids play and thats where they belong!!! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 8&#184; 2002 4:05pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ I don't even want to go near that one BUZZ. <FO NT SIZE=1><B>January 8&#184; 2002 3:21pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ paulie, maybe sk pisses you off soemtimes, but i bet he never
left his balls at your house, i have been stepping over them for two
weeks now, and he refuses to come and pick them up, and i will n ot
touch them <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 8&#184; 2002 2:28pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ oh, so thats your "bible", huh? ;) - yeah, when your done with
your lessons would love to do some studying! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
8&#184; 2002 1:28pm</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <br>rcw, you wanna borrow my bible?? it is an awesome book
for sure. Let me do some more "studying" from it and i will pass it on
your way.<br> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 8&#184; 2002 1:07pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ when I`m sleeping <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 8&#184; 200 2
sk ~ i don't have a bad attitude! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 8&#184; 2002
rcw ~ as always, buzz :D But lets not let sk's bad attitude drive all
you fun people away!... so about that better than a butt rub
thang...(LOL!) pickle, can I borrow that book I attempted to read last
time I was there ? For some reason I didnt really get too far ;) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 8&#184; 2002 12:44pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ your just bundle of sunshine hu, sk? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
8&#184; 2002 12:21pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ god forbid someone has a different opinion than paulie <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 8&#184; 2002 11:55am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I was hoping we could keep the Shakedown bashing limited to
the Max Creek Sycophants Forum. This pla ce is generally for fun &
friendship - except when you pull a hissy fit over your DAT's or piss
me off by being a good soldier & making sure that you say something
negative about Dave et al. We wouldn't want them to make any $$ to feed
their families now, would we? Rather than lower myself to your little
cult of virtual personality game, I'll just say "POOF!". Let's see now,
in two weeks you've chased Jager & now me out of here. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 8&#184; 2002 11:45am</B></FONT>
sk: ~ i'm no sycophant, the only reason i clean my bosses basement and
wax her cars every month is because i like doing those things, and yes,
i do believe they are your fans, but they jam, please, they don't even
jelly!!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 8&#184; 2002 11:32am</B></FO NT>
Paulie ~ Simple answer, sk. They're my friends so I like them. And they
jam. Contrary to The SK Paradigm, one needn't be a sycophant to enjoy a
night of music out w/ a few friends.HFB
Hippiefoot ~ How many hippies does it take to screw in a lightbulb ?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 8&#184; 2002 10:51am</B></FONT>
sk- ~ paulie, you still go see shakedown? i gotta ask a simple
question here........why???? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 8&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Shakedown and Pete Scheips Band (Pet e, Laramee, Chang & Geoff
Wadhams). <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 8&#184; 2002 10:22am</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <br>What is better then a great butt rub??<br> <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 8&#184; 2002 9:46am</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Who's at the barn friday? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 8&#184; 2002
rama ~ of course, we are eyeing your butt, sk. right, "girl?" <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 8&#184; 2002 9:40am</B></FONT>
sk: ~ i always feel that all the womenfolk are constantly eyeing my
butt <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 8&#184; 2002 9:18am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ yup....nothing like a nice butt ;) - Welcome back girl! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 8&#184; 2002 9:13am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Yes, I cannot tell a lie. I am indeed a fool for a pretty
panty. I am, however, not hugely fond of thoings on the beach. Unless,
of course, they're worn backwards as well they should be. Welcome back,
Randi!!!! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 8&#184; 2002 8:12am</B></FONT>
glen ~ while Paulie and I are admittedly both fools for a pretty panty,
I see nothing wrong with a nice butt to fill those pants out with. on
an unrelated topic, Dr. Juice's website is up and running on the links
page. on a further unrelated topic, if you have not yet gone to see
'The Lord Of The Rings', do so immejiately. it's as g ood as Star Wars.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 7&#184; 2002 9:48pm</B></FONT>
Heineken Label Boy: ~ Yes Randi, I'd love to rub that lotion all over
you, and see if you're real : -) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 7&#184; 2002
Dennis ~ The Dr. Juic e website is There is a link to
it from Flipper's site too, I believe. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 7&#184;
2002 8:26pm</B></FONT>
Polly ~ the barn on Friday sounds like a great idea Paulie!! it might
be too cold for a campfire after the sh ow this time though. anyone
know Dr. Juice's website? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 7&#184; 2002
the girl ~ hi! back from the island of aruba... hope to see you all
soon! happy new year since i didn't get to say it yet... anyone want to
come rub lotion on my back? it's itchy and needs aloe... then you can
see if i'm really real... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 7&#184; 2002
MorningChild ~ Hey Jessica - it was great seeing you again too and YES,
I was a good girl (even after being under your watchful eye!) ... :>)
It was so good to be back out and about (it's been about a month or
more!)...that's just the way this parenting thing works - ya go when
you can! Anyway - hope to see you again soon - until then - take care!
:>) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 7&#184; 2002 2:24pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ JSJ - c'mon girl! So my pleasure! Only doing what I thinks right
;)! Flippermike - broke the e string already! Can you believe it? Have
a cellist friend at the house and got a little crazy yesterday :D
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 7&#184; 2002 1:49pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Great time on Friday! Thanks for "Mutts" and "Fifteen Years"
and I am not sure what to say about the video. Morning Child it was so
nice to see you again and hope you behaved yourself after we left :).
And to all the other Flipheads guess we'll have to wait to dance again.
Have a great week all!!! And rcw thanks for standing up for me! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 7&#184; 2002 1:08pm</B></FONT>
Hippiefoot ~ Classes have started again which means NO MORE FED EX!!!!
I can start going to Friday gigs again! Hopefully I'll get to see
money-shot in his new turtleneck, although the thought of someone
sucking his neck to create the need for a turtleneck is disturbing.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 7&#184; 2002 11:10am</B></FONT>
Cierra: ~
Some People Just Like Butts I Guess <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 7&#184; 2002 11:02am</B></FONT>
Flippermike ~ Robin, It`s OK that you didn`t say goodbye, I will be
concerned if you stop saying hello though.;) :Of cours e it has to start
snowing like a Big Dog just after I plowed the driveway:( Triggered
Me!!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 7&#184; 2002 10:48am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ MSP - done....thanks :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 7&#184; 2002
msp ~ ROBIN...please drop me an email with your mailing address. I have
Dylan 11-20-01 for you. My email is <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 7&#184; 2002 9:27am</B></FONT>
Non-sensative ~ Cierra, There must be a reason why that "Buttman"
magazine was out front on the rack!!! LOL <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
7&#184; 2002 9:07am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I don't see any gigs for FD this weekend. I also don't see
where Creek is close to the area. So if you Flipper guys are doing
nothing - not going to Dr Juice or what ever - why not come out to
Polly's Barn to see PSB & Shakedown. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 7&#184;
2002 7:50am</B></FONT>
Cierra ~ Hey.... Nice To See The Whole Team Came Out To PlaySarah
glen ~ that was a message from me TO paulie, I apologize for the
confusion. thanks everyone at O'Hagan's for a great weekend, Sarah,
glad to hear you'll still be with us. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 6&#184;
2002 8:54pm</B></FONT>
paulie ~ we are still down a light stand. we assumed it was left at
the VFW, but maybe not. if anyone gets a chance to stop by and really
look around, that'd be really helpful. peece. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
6&#184; 2002 8:52pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ did anyone find my missle -toe belt buckle at that last hungry
tiger show ? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 6&#184; 2002 3:29pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Hi Sarah! Omigosh, I am so relieved that you're not moving.
Stay right here where the fun is <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 6&#184; 2002
sk ~ that last post was not me <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 6&#184; 20 02
sk ~ you mean when you worked for me <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 5&#184;
2002 6:42pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Very funny Paulie! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 5&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ LOL, Sarah!!! You know what, sk used to say the same thing to
me back when we worked together. I told him to F himself. Hmmm, that
gives me an idea... :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 5&#184; 2002
Sarah ~ Get a room you two and just go at it!! C'mon don't fight the
sexual tension between you two anymore!! LOL :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 5&#184; 2002 5:12pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ my old turtle neck was starting to sag, and the skin was looking
all puckery, and my favorite brotch was getting lost in the folds <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 5&#184; 20 02 5:12pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ What was wrong w/ your old turtle neck? You didn't need a
transplant. A thorough exfoliation would have been sufficient IMO. Of
course, you're quite pretentious & phoney, so what else should we have
expected. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 5&#184; 2002 4:50pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ if anyone is going tonight please tell me if i look fat in my new
turtle neck <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 5&#184; 2002 4:50pm</B></FONT>
Morning Child ~ GREAT show last night at O'Hagan's guys! Had a blast
as usual - good to see everyone again! :>) Thanks again Brett for
playing 15 Years for me -- always makes my night! See you all soon til then - take care and peace! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 5&#184;
2002 4:08pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ i thought i was your on ly steve :-( <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January
5&#184; 2002 3:51pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ well, plan B, again I fled with no -goodbye :D sorry, but Im so
good at it! Thanks for the great show guys! The 2 steve's was a nice
treat! (And thanks for the violin - though no devil went down to
georgia yet, has been a musical morning :) ) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
5&#184; 2002 3:39pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ is so nice to know that so many people would miss
me if I left...I love you guys!!! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 5&#184;
2002 3:35pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Alright, I see there has been a slight misunderstanding since
the last time I was in here. First of all, there are now two sarahs
posting on here. I am NOT the Sarah that is moving to CO..nor will I
probably ever be! For as long as I know..I am stuck in the state of
Connecticut. So Mary and Paulie..I am still around! The thought of
another Sarah posting on here...absurd!! She could have at least
clarified who she if anyone is confused by this like I
certainly am....Sarah G is not moving...some other Sarah is. There now
thats off my chest! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 5&#184; 2002
sk: ~ hey, we're doing it again paulie, turning this inot our own
private chat room, so......come here often, ha ha, i wonder if cierra
is home seething about this? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 5&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ Bummer! :( Oh well, you can't please everyone so you've got to
please yourself. Thanks for the info, sk. I just Emailed them & told
them nevermind. I won't be attending anymore of their shows. :(:(:(
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 5&#184; 2002 2:07pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ they don't dig you so much paulie <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
5&#184; 2002 2:05pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ LOL! I guess I'm not on their actual mailing list. I'll EMail
Julee & Dennis and have me added. Thx. Have fun at the show. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 5&#184; 2002 1:50pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ it was on their mailer paulie, too bad you can't make it, it's
relatively close, tell some friends about it though, but not your
schkinny, or regis, well regis would be okay, he could let his hair
down and knock back a couple of ice waters <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
5&#184; 2002 1:46pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Glen, did you guys ever scare up your light stand? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 5&#184; 2002 1:45pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Hmmm, that gig wasn't listed on the most recent Dr Juice Dates
List Email that I received, sk. How'd you find out about it? I will not
be attending. I'm otherwise booked. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 5&#184;
2002 1:44pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ 'cause I'm A-LEAVIN' ON A JET PLANE... good luck Sarah,
Godspeed. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 5&#184; 2002 1:22pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ no flipper show tonite so i think y'all shoud come down to the
deja vu in plainville, c t and check out dr. juice, it's saturday night,
got anything better to do? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 5&#184; 2002
Mary ~ Sarah...Whats up??? I'm just reading that you're leaving
Monday??? Please keep in touch with us so that we know thi ngs are
ok...We love you and you will be missed! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
5&#184; 2002 9:51am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ WOW, Sarah, that was the fastest month I ever saw. I see
you're on the Jerry Christmas Tree. MSP's your parent & has no
connectivity from hom e now because of computer problems. Please Email
me ( w/ where you want the show to head - your
current address, assuming you have a forwarding order, or your new
address - or if you no longer want it, just post so here. We wouldn't
want an entire magnificent Grateful run of shows being lost in the
mail. Gonna miss ya - you're HOUSE!!!! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
5&#184; 2002 9:27am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Hi Everybody, well I'm all packed and ready to go. I'm leaving
on Monday, can't wait , maybe we can all get together for one last time,
I'm really going to miss all of you. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 4&#184;
2002 9:31pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ I might not make it out tonight so if I don't I hope everyone
has a good time and I am sure Flipper w ill play some great tunes for
all to enjoy. If I do I will see you all there. Either way Have A
Wonderful Weekend Flipheads! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 4&#184; 2002
glen ~ get yer dancin' feet out to O'Hagies tonight. it's going to be
sweet. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 4&#184; 2002 5:33pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Sarah, safe travels & have fun. You will be missed. Though I
only knew you for a short period of time, I really feel that YOU
RULE!!! FlipHeads, having been to both shows that MSP offere d up here
today (for free), I can tell you that there is no comparison. The Dylan
show was pretty good - the GD is a legend. Or at least that's my story
- being a devote JerryHead - and I'm stickin' to it :) Happy weekend,
All. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 4&#184; 2002 5:20pm</B></FONT>
The Schkinny - ~ Paulie, I'm very jealous <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
4&#184; 2002 5:19pm</B></FONT>
The Glomeister General - ~ Paulie, i got booted outta my digs,
place to crash for a month or 2, that okay with you? a nd i'll
well-stocked fridge and plenty of good beer, not that domestic
you drink so much, and perhaps you can make me all of your cd
collection too, thanks, you're a pal. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
2002 4:07pm</B></FONT>
i need a
need a
Jessica ~ Sara WE'LL MISS YOU!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 4&#184; 2002
msp ~ Nobody emailed me for that killer Grateful Dead show that I was
giving away so, it's closed. My computer is dead at home...see ya
Monday. Enjoy the w/e everyone...peace <FONT S IZE=-1><B>January 4&#184;
2002 3:37pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ i don't wanna creat a sibling rivalry here, but i dig msp, he's
the "bro in the know"......and devilishly handsome too <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 4&#184; 2002 3:20pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ hippiefoot, that a in't never going to happen <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 4&#184; 2002 3:19pm</B></FONT>
money shot ~ good, good, my new name is catching on <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 4&#184; 2002 2:33pm</B></FONT>
Hippiefoot ~ My highschool girlfriend???? I'd rather lick "mone y
shot's" hairy feet! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 4&#184; 2002
msp ~ The Dylan has been claimed but the GD is still available. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 4&#184; 2002 1:10pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ The first person to email me at mike.marino@wiremo will
receive copies of the Good Ol' Grateful Dead 9/21/91 at the Boston
Garden and Bob Dylan 11/20/01 at the Mohegan Sun Arena. Please include
your mailing address in the email to me and allow six to eight daze for
delivery. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 4&#184; 2002 12:45pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ You're most welcome, neighbor. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
4&#184; 2002 12:38pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I just heard from Laree. No light stand at the American Legion
Hall. Perhaps one of the other venues that you play ed that week, Brett.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 4&#184; 2002 10:56am</B></FONT>
Laree ~ No answer at the American Legion re: light stand - will try
again around 9:30.
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 4&#184; 2002
Laree ~ I am finally getting a chance to come and post a great big
thank you to Flipper Dave and all you fine folks who made it out to
Ralph's 39th birthday party (Paulie's holiday party). You guys rocked!
And of course, I can't thank Paulie, Cindy, Mike & Karen enough!!! I
certainly couldn't have pulled this off without all your help (and
jello shots)!!! I hope you all know how much your friendship means to
me and Ralph. I think everyone had a blast - especially Ralphy. haven't seen him tear up the dance floor like that in a long time.
Thanks again Flipper Dave for letting Sage & Josh sing HBD to their
daddy - they were thrilled! SK (aka: money shot) - missed you at the
Paulie ~ A light stand??? You mean stage lighting? I don't recall
seeing it there, but I will call or have Laree call this morning first thing - and will post what I know by 11:00. Musta been one of
those "One more half a football 'fore I the New Hartford
snow!", huh? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 4&#184; 2002 6:22am</B></FONT>
~ Marino brothers, we left a light stand at the vfw party if
you could help us out. Football! thanks brett <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
4&#184; 2002 12:02am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Well everybody I have bad news, I'm moving to CO in about a
month or so. Decided I needed a change. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January
3&#184; 2002 8:31pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I wonder if he puts on his little rubber boy when he gets
intimate w/ her. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 3&#184; 2002
rama ~ yeah, i like that one too, buzzy -boy. what about the singing
trout??!! hehehehehe. SK's got a little rubber girl. i wonder if she
sings? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 3&#184; 2002 7:45pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Hey Sarah! Please tell your friends they are welcome anytime
at any of my parties.
WHo Hooo!! Will you be at O'Hagans tomorrow
nite? I have your dish:) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 3&#184; 2002
Kevy ~ Rcw where are those pics, you promised. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
3&#184; 2002 5:58pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ My favorite xmas present is the picutre of the 4 dogs playing
poker naked <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 3&#184; 2002 5:07pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Hey there Flipheads! Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday
and new year! Thanks to Flipper for the neverending party this season
and hopefully I will see many of you soon!
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
3&#184; 2002 1:39pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ my favorite christmas present was the nice picture of judy garland
on velvet that hangs over my bed <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 3&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ "If at first you don't succeed, have another shot of Jager."
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 3&#184; 2002 7:12am</B></FONT>
~ Cierra, I tried that but they wouldnt give me enough garage
space. So I bought a house and still dont have a garage. What s the
moral? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 2&#184; 2002 11:13pm</B></FONT>
money shot ~ and paulie my old friend, please use my new name <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 2&#184; 2002 5:41pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Wendy: and Ian wanted to say hi to you and they wanted me to
tell you that they had a great time at the party. They love you!! :)
Thanks again! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 2&#184; 2002 5:28pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ never saw it, but it's a big boat that sinks and lots of people
die, right? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 2&#184; 2002 5:04pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ The reference is to the brilliant film "Titanic" by James
Cameron, of course. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 2&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ From the "Only sk Would Care or Understand" Dept: I thought it
was cool that the entire string quartet that performed periodically in
Titanic left the top deck for a lifeboat when it was evident that the
ship was soon to sick. But then the band leader returned and was
followed shortly by only 2 of the other 3. This left a 3 -piece band.
And of course they stood on the corner of the top deck played the sad &
fantastic dirge "Nearer My God to Thee". <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
2&#184; 2002 3:31pm</B></FONT>
sk- ~ buzz, you posted the same thing on the creek forum <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 2&#184; 2002 2:27pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ I`m sick of the sk handle, i need a new name for the new year,
from now on i want to be called "money shot" <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
2&#184; 2002 1:58pm</B></FONT>
flippermike ~ Hmmmm....sounds like I should open Camp Flipper in the
back yard. The only rules will be when hunting for your dinner, and up
from the ground comes Bubbling Crude, I get the money!!! OK??? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 2&#184; 2002 12:50pm</B></FONT>
thought about that, Cierra, but her husband isn't really into sharing
these days. And she tells me her mom is really cranky & just hates
company, let alone tenants. And she owns the house. :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>January 2&#184; 2002 12:46p m</B></FONT>
Cierra ~ Everyone Is Looking For Places To Live.... Ya'll Should
sk ~ that was incredibly funny, the rock hudson joke, paulie is
starting the new year on a good note......remember the rock hudson blue
jeans, the zipper is in th e back! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 2&#184; 2002
Morning Child ~ Hey everyone - it's been awhile - HAPPY NEW YEAR to
all! Looking forward to Friday night at O'Hagan's -- hope to see you
all then! It occurs to me Paulie that I haven't seen you since
August?? My time does fly -- hope you and your bride can make it out
our way Friday night! Until then -- take care and peace....
PS. Hi Glenith, Jill, etc. how's our newest addition coming along? I
hope all is well! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 2&#184; 2002
Paulie ~ MSP, your Jerry Christmas Tree is inprogress & w/b done by the
time I see you this weekend. sk, you're next in the queue. Sorry to
take claim this as Paulie's Forum again, but I noticed that there was
limited traffic on here to start 2002. So I'm just do my part to add
some meaningless dribble. Hell, my dribble is more meaningless than
Rock Hudson's after the vasectomy. ;^) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January
2&#184; 2002 7:39am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ Happy 2002 ya'all ! Mary missed you on your birthday but hope it
was a great one for you. Will celebrate next time I see ya'! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 2&#184; 2002 7:38am</B></FONT>
sk ~ my new years resolution is to start letting my nose hairs grown in
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 1&#184; 2002 7:08pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ HNY Flippers. My New Year's resolution is to stop listening to
music & become a big, schmelly, hairy jock. So if anyone can recommend
a good gym (that's what you call those places w/o basketball hoops or
hardwood floors where the cast of Survivor get dates, right?) I can
join, I'd really appreciate it. Oh yeah, and I'll need a brain surgeon
to perform the labotomy, as well ;^) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 1&#184;
2002 2:44pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Happy New Year one a nd all! Sarah, your desert was
fantastic,thx for making it. Really had fun with you, your friends are
great and Mike and Mary it was great ringing in the new year with you
too..see ya soon. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 1&#184; 2002
Polly ~ happy New Year everyone!! i hope you all had as much fun as i
did. hopefully you didn't drink as much Jager as i did though. eeek.
it was nice seeing Suz, Brett, and Glenith and Jill at Creek last
night. i hope to see you all at a Flipper show soon!! <FONT SIZE=1><B>January 1&#184; 2002 2:27pm</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Happy New Years all! May this one be better than ever!! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>January 1&#184; 2002 2:10pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ 2002 already....time flies! Hope everybody had a happy new
year! I know I did :) Good to see you again was a good
party..I left my dish there. Mary and Mike it was good to see you guys
again too..hope ya had fun and don't worry..I did make it home in one
piece :) Have a good New Year! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 1&#184; 2002
nikki ~ Well everybody hope your New Years was smashin' Tony thanks
for the band and giving up your gig for me. The Traveling Pilsberys
rule!!! By the way Jeff I know it was you who spiked the watermelon,
no wonder we all have hangovers this morning:) Allison how was your
sleep in the bathtub last night??? I woke this morning and fell over
Michael on the way to the kitchen, My whole house had a person in it. I
don't feel to bad this morning I took two asprin before we started! !!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>January 1&#184; 2002 12:40pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ "We Are the Merled"??? LOL!!! That is fuggin funny, Flipper
Glen et al. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 1&#184; 2002 8:23am</B></FONT>
glen ~ 'As The Gear Merls' has been updated. happy n ew year
everybody!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 1&#184; 2002 4:37am</B></FONT>
flipperM&M ~ Flipper Mike wanted to wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
But he was toooooo loaded!....No!!! wait...Flip Mike attempted to type
at this point but was incapable due to other reasons...:) Anyways,
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>January 1&#184; 2002
Dennis ~ Just wanted to say Happy New Year to all in Flipper land from
all of us in Dr. Juice. May the new year set a new standard for epic
jams! Peace. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 31&#184; 2001 5:12pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ Happy New Year FlippsFLiPPER NEWS DESK
Kevy ~ Kiss my fat ass!! Rent ha, call a lawyer!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 31&#184; 2001 2:27pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Yes you can. And I to you & all others on this msg bd. And HNY
to all Flippers everywhere. I'm signing out for the night. Time to put
on my Ab-Doer. You know me - I gotta look buff for the ladies ;^) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 31&#184; 2001 2:23pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ well can i at leas t wish you a happy new year then? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 31&#184; 2001 2:17pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ happy birthday Mary! happy new years everybody! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 31&#184; 2001 2:17pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Um, sk, as you're so apt to point out, I don't think I can be
accused of needing an ego boost. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 31&#184;
2001 2:08pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ I always am nice to buzz in person, but leave nasty IMs for him
when he is at work <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 31&#184; 2001
The House Dick ~ sk, we've been waiting for you to apply to the
Undercover Detectives Academy. W/ your connections after almost 45 yrs
of pretending to be cool, you should be able to hook us up w/ a # of
good suspects we can put the screws to. Jus t keep up the act so as to
not blow your
Paulie ~ sk, wait until you see the limited edition (#95 of 100)
personalized photo art piece of the 1927 Yankees that we bought from
wildlife photographer Walter Kuck in Busch Gardens Tampa. You'll want
to be me even more than you do now once you see it. It hasn't arrived
yet - I expect it Saturday. It's just beautiful. My center of gravity
is pulsating w/ the beat of my pulse just thinking about it. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 31&#184; 2001 1:37pm</B></FON T>
BUZZ ~ like the flue <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 31&#184; 2001
sk: ~ i'll fess up, i picked up most of my brilliance thru osmosis and
the comedy ballroom, i got funnier hanging around paulie, but he got
better looking hanging out with me, i'm now the complete package,
handsome, smart, funny, i'm quite a catch! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
31&#184; 2001 12:44pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ well, sk, getting to know paulie and mike a little better, now
I know where you get all your material <FONT SIZ E=-1><B>December
31&#184; 2001 12:43pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ LOL! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 31&#184; 2001
Landlord ~ Get your fat ass the hell out of my place in 30 days! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 31&#184; 2001 12:24pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Happy Birthday Mary!! Hope your day is special. It was fun
hanging with you at DD.. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 31&#184; 2001
Kevy ~ Happy New years everyone, I am designating driving to hartford
this evening anyone interested let me k now..Although I may have a full
boat already. But I can be persuaded. ALso in light of recent events
with my landlord I am home shopping, Anybody got any Ideas.. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 31&#184; 2001
BUZZ ~ Someone has been posting as me, but it's true, Paulie is my hero
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 31&#184; 2001 10:03am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ That's a Faux Buzz now??? The real Buzz posts as "BUZZ". So,
Faux Buzz, since I am your hero - eat me. ;^) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
31&#184; 2001 9:23am</B></FONT>
Buzz ~ Paulie, your my hero. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 31&#184; 2001
Mary ~ Thanks so much Paulie & Cindy for the b -day message. Of course
I am in total denial of this day...but your happy wishes made my
morning! In fact I think I'll celebrate now! I had a great time with
both of you at Double Down! You guy's are the best! Happy New Years
all! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 31&#184; 2001 9:05am</B></FONT>
Paulie & Cindy ~ We wish Mary a Happy Birt hday. We wish Mary a Happy
Birthday. We wish Mary a Happy Birthday, she was born on New New
Year's Eve. What luck for your Dad, he must have been glad. A full
year's tax exemption for one day's life ain't bad. Have a great one & a
wonderful NYE, Mary!!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 31&#184; 2001
glen ~ Just got back from seeing 'The Lord of the Rings'. Wow. An
astounding film. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 31&#184; 2001
BUZZ ~ that was supost to be ; nice to "meet" mrs pauli e <FONT SIZE=1><B>December 30&#184; 2001 7:03pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ my god, I drank bud light, and liked it,thanks for
mutts.....nice to mrs. paulie also <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 30&#184;
2001 5:16pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ by the way - I'd really like to tha nk MSP, Paulie, Bruce and
everyone else who hands out the free music at all the shows, you guys
have really fortified our music collections with some great stuff.
have a great new year everybody if I don't see you. peece! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 30&#184; 2001 1:39pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ And on a more uplifting front, my end of the Jerry Christmas
Miracle Tree (Mikey's copy for further dissemination to all but my
other kid, sk) will be completed this week. So those will be
forthcoming to the applicants s oon. Keep your eyes to the Forum over
the next couple of weeks for an "I Have Been to the Mountain Top"
Miracle Tree Offering. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 30&#184; 2001
Paulie ~ I don't think ill of you at all. Never did. Certainly wouldn 't
over a post of that relatively benign magnitude. Post away - one & all.
Heal soon from your stairway spill, Cierra. Peace & HNY. :) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 30&#184; 2001 10:41am</B></FONT>
Cierra: ~ Listen, I Wasn't Trying To Be Rude Or Anything, I W as
Wendy ~ Hey, flipperich! Purple jello shots..rule. Looking forward to
jamming with you <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 29&#184; 2001
Wendy ~ Hi Sarah, yes call me for directions to my house. There will
be 200+ jello shots on Ne w Year's eve. Whoo hoo! Paulie, if you're
interested post me on Bobby's addy for details. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 29&#184; 2001 5:02pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ paulie, we've been reprimanded, next week when things settle down
have your people get in touch with my people and we'll decide what to
do about this cierra character, wished i could be in 2 places at once
last night, but i made a committment to go to the powder mill barn for
the first time ever and that place was fun, anyone interested in some
good tunes and beers tonite? dr. juice is playing at the standing
stone in downtown harshford <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 29&#184; 2001
glen ~ hey all thanks for a great 2001 and a million great memories,
more to come in 2002 I have no doubt. I'll have all the new dates up
in a day or two, I promise. In the meantime, I'd like to let you know
I'll be playing New Year's Eve in right here in Bantam CT with the
legendary Bantam Phantoms at the brand new Bantam Firehouse just off
rt. 202. (with Mark A hles on drums and the mighty Flipper Lane Ransom
on bass.) Anyone who attends this event is cordially invited for the 1
m. drive back to me & Suzy's house to watch the sun come up. Email me
at if you want to know more. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 29&#184; 2001 2:57pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ What a fun show last night. Great to see so many Flipper Folk
out & about. BUZZ is HOUSE!!! And Pickle & rcw RULE!!! Thanks for the
setlist. Sarah, I'm wearing my Cant Touch This Pantalones as I type.
Now, let me just state that Mutts last night was sublime. Mark was
goin' orangutan shit in the final break before the coda. Man o man o
manischewitz - that version coulda given Ol' Mother Hubbard's Dog a
bone!!! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 29&#184; 2001 11:51a m</B></FONT>
Brett, ~ Good time last night. Thanks and y'all come on back now ya
hear. Get well Maggie. Great party Thursday. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
29&#184; 2001 10:59am</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ paulie is the flipper <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 29&#184; 200 1
Pickle, Buzz & rcw ~ <br>28 Dec 2001<br>Double Down Grill<p>Set
1:<br>Don't Pass me by, Reach, Something Simple, GDTRFB, You Brought
the Lite, Scarlet Begonias, I Knew*, Can't you see*<p>Set 2:<br>Risk
your life, Dogfather, Another bri ck in the Wall, Better beer in
<blink>AMSTERDAM</blink>, Brand new Sweater, Wet, Mutts, Wood, Don't
come 'round here no more, Tubthumper, Deep Ellum Blues**<p>Mark Paradis
on guitar all night except for *= Jay Bean and **Jager Keith <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 29&#184; 2001 3:00am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Paulie, Paulie, Paulie.....Wheres the funky pants? Its been way
too long..when you gonna break out the good ole MC Hammer styles once
again?? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 28&#184; 2001 10:24pm</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <br>Ready to Flip out tonite for sure!!<br>S.Mntin Girl
Paulie ~ Was that really necessary? Have we ever spoken ill to or of
you? sk & I welcome & encourage other people to post, Cierra. Even if
what they post is just plain mean. The idea behind posting on the forum
is to get people to look on here & see what's shakin'. In so doing,
perhaps they'll check out the upcoming shows & maybe hit one or two.
I've only been asked to continue to post regularly by the principals to
that end. Of course, if that has cha nged or if you'd like to overrule
them, it's not a necessary daily function, Cieera. I was just trying to
do my part to help the band out. Thank you for your input & kind words
though. And Happy New Year. :( <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 28&#184; 2001
Cierra: ~ I'm Not So Sure That This Should Be Called The "Flip
Paulie ~ That's voluminous, not columinous. The former meaning more
active, while the latter is presumably some sort of foreign projectile
used for impaling at Angus Beef' s Pleasure Palace. :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 28&#184; 2001 2:15pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I was just notified that these Miracle Tree Offerings are best
suited to weekdays, as the traffic here is more columinous then due to
some posters/lurkers having acce ss only thru work and others having
something in the way of a non -cybernetic life. Duly noted & it won't
happen on a weekend again. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 28&#184; 2001
Paulie ~ If anyone knows Mike Schuster's new Email addy, please g et him
this Scrubbed Dr Juice info. His Email bounced back at me after I sent
a notification to all tree members about it's cancellation. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 28&#184; 2001 1:47pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ how cute, the 2 brothers sitting side by side typing that post,
did you take turns, one word at a time, or just sentences, speaking of
sentences, i sentence you to a lifetime in purgatory with both regis &
the schkinny <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 28&#184; 2001 1:42pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Okay, I just got thru w/ a little Email discussion w/ sk. He
is not satisfied w/ the Dr Juice rcdg. We're scrubbing this launch. As
always, there'll be plenty more Miracle Trees in the offing. The GD
Scary Monster Show grew into the full run because the applications were
thin. I highly recommend that you folks apply the next time we do a GD.
These shows make the Loaves & Fishes look like a mere parlor trick
(j/k, don't kill me w/ the sacriledge stuff, but in all seriousness, I
played the 9/7/87 - Provy second set for my 75 y.o. mother & she was
like, "This shit is dank!!!!"). Something else will be done in January
- either an FD or Creek in Boulder 01. Watch here for an offering. We
like doing this stuff & hopefully you all like it to. Peace & Jello
Shots, Paulie & Mikey Square P ants Marino. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
28&#184; 2001 1:28pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ sk, the Dr Juice re -seed arrived today. However, from the
Peterson Principal Dept, if the setlist you wrote is correct, you made
me Tape 2 (which begins w/ the tune before Peg ) and that is what I
already have. Can I re -send it to you for correction? If you'd rather
just blow it off, that's okay too. LMK. I'll send you an Email w/ the
same info & you can respond there if that's your preference. Thank you!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 28&#184; 2001 11:46am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Directions????? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 28&#184; 2001
Sarah ~ Hey goes it? hopefully everybody had a merry
christmas....and hopefully you'll all have a happy new year! well,
Wendy if you read this I'm gonna be giving you a call tomorrow to get
some to you then! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 28&#184;
2001 12:30am</B></FONT>
Sideshow Bob, 5/19/77: ~ Okay, everyone put your hands on top of your
head and turn around slowly, I got you all covered. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 27&#184; 2001 5:29pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ there are far more posts attributed to me out here today than i
actually posted <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 27&#184; 2001
sk ~ buzz! my oldest a nd dearest friend, I would shave my back for you
my brother <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 27&#184; 2001 4:05pm</B></FONT>
Joe Pesci ~ Funny? How am i funny? Am i a clown funny? Was i put on
this earth to make you laugh funny? What makes me so god damned f unny?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 27&#184; 2001 4:00pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ you guys are funny <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 27&#184; 2001
Paulie ~ LOL! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 27&#184; 2001 2:15pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ MY MOTHER ? I thought that w as the bag lady from the win -dixi ?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 27&#184; 2001 2:12pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Yeah that was fun, Faux sk. We used your mother's face as the
canvas. Of course, all of Section 106 did. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
27&#184; 2001 2:02pm< /B></FONT>
sk ~ hey paulie remember that fall 81 tour we had to sell body fluid
spin art to make the buss fare to get home from philly? man those were
the days <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 27&#184; 2001 1:28pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ No, I'm on vaca this week. Of course, being a hardworking
muddah, I have put in 5 hrs so far this week. 2 today. Now drop it
before I come over to the Travelers, transfer to become your boss &
fire you!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 27&#184; 2001 12:40pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ because I could over and show you the corns on my feet <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 27&#184; 2001 12:42pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ "working" from home today paulie walnuts? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 27&#184; 2001 12:33pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Cool, we can get the Dr Juice moving along during January.
Kinda in rememberance of the great MLK Jr who, incidentally, doesn't
look at all like Julee. For Feb, we can do a Valentines Day Miracle
Tree of a Flipper Show for all you lovers out there. Either the Beach
Party if sk has time to ki ck it down or whatever rcw gets to me.
Imagine the unbridled passion as you Flippers & your significant others
listen to a Flipper Show on Valentines Day as one being in body &
spirit!!!! Ooh-la-la! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 27&#184; 2001
sk ~ and i believe they are playing saturday night at the satanding
stone again, and i plan on attending <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 27&#184;
2001 12:05pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ hey everyone, i mailed paulie the missing seed to the dr. juice
show at the standing stone the other day, it came out ok, lots of crowd
noise, i think other recordings of them came out better, i certainly
didn't mean to slight them, they are my friends, not only do i dig
their music, i dig each and every member of dr. juice, i guess i w as
going thru male menapause the other day, next time i'll just take it
out on my work brethern rather than you wonderful folks <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 27&#184; 2001 12:04pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Hey sk, speaking of Don't Let Go, FD did a fantastic versio n
of that tune (one of what were many premieres to these ears) at the
party on Saturday. It RULED. Also, I make it a point not to flirt w/
womn w/ larger schlongs than mine which is why that Danko chick wanted
you so bad. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 27&#184; 2001 11:54am</B></FONT>
sk ~ yes paulie, hold me tight and don't let go, doanlego,
doanlego......and that chick who lookedlike danko was all over you like
a cheap suit!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 27&#184; 2001
Paulie ~ Gold will turn to grey & youth will fade away. Just ask Jager.
Looking upon him, one would hardly guess that he too was young once
:):):) Of course, for my part, I am still full of crap & hawkers &
spittle & youthful exuberance & am quite handsome - doncha think? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 27&#184; 2001 11:36am</B></FONT>
Cierra ~ Some People In This Forum Get Carded For Good Reasonssk:
Paulie ~ Yeah, well like fine wine, you've gotten more robust w/ age.
:) Hey, are there any Flipper shows scheduled for January????? <F ONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 27&#184; 2001 9:44am</B></FONT>
sk: ~ to quote paulie from 11 years ago: if i was as good looking as i
am smart, girls would be all over me <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 27&#184;
2001 9:09am</B></FONT>
Allison ~ Hi Everybody,Gallop
Paulie ~ I vote for me. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 26&#184; 2001
Gallop ~ Okay, time for a Flipper Forum Official Poll. Today's question
will remain open until 7:30 & then the official winner will be
announced. Who is the handsomest, most brilliant & erudite male poster
on this forum? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 26&#184; 2001
sk ~ who's posting as me again......really, my life sucks, why do you
want to be me? c'mon buzz, fess up, i know it's you <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 26&#184; 2001 12:39pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ the reason i did not go to party saturday is because i could not
get the DNA stains off my favorite party dress after wearing it to the
office christmas party friday <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 26&#184; 2001
Dr. Ruth ~ Tip for da day: If you are in unt grocery store & you just
have to have unt quickie, head ovah to unt produce sex -shun. Unt plum
tomata makes unt sex-cellent diaphragm in unt pinch. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 26&#184; 2001 11:46am</B></ FONT>
Kevy ~ Hope everyone had fun at Chat's last night.. Merry xmas, to all
and to all a good night... Be local tom. pm <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
26&#184; 2001 10:02am</B></FONT>
sk ~ you said those exact words to "your schkinny" so how am i to
believe you? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 26&#184; 2001 9:29am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I love you the way only another man can :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 26&#184; 2001 9:22am</B></FONT>
sk ~ it's done paulie, i'm putting it in the mail today <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 26&#184; 2001 9:09am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ sk, in response to your last post relative to the topic, I've
opted to let the Dr Juice hang around until one week after the Jerry
Christmas Tree is completely done. If you get a chance to get to it by
or shortly after- great. If not, it's not a big deal. Also, since there
was limited response to the GD run here, we've decided to make it the
complete run. You & Mike are on my leg. He's a project for this week
and you're scheduled to be done during the 1st week of 2 002. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 26&#184; 2001 8:50am</B></FONT>
Hippiefoot ~ Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!! Hope nobody shot their eye out!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 25&#184; 2001 9:58pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ happy holidays all, looks like i missed a fun party <FONT SIZE=1><B>December 25&#184; 2001 8:56pm</B></FONT>
Cierra ~
Happy Holidays Everyone! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 25&#184;
2001 6:08pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ Merry Christmas Flips. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 25&#184; 2001
Wendy ~ Merry Christmas to all! May you have a wonderous day <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 25&#184; 2001 10:12am</B></FONT>
Groove ~ Merry Christmas everyone! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 25&#184;
2001 8:47am</B></FONT>
Brett ~ Its x-mas eve and Mike,the other steve and myself are playing a
party on simsbury rd tonight, all welcome. Mike and I will also be
playing an all acoustic show on Xmaas night at Chatterleys. 309 -0256
Happy holidays, Brett <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 24&#184; 2001
"Flipper" Mary???? ~ I want to thank the Marino family for the great
party! A good time was had by all! The jello shots were the best! All
your love and effort was much appreciated. Happy Holidays All!
SIZE=-1><B>December 24&#184; 2001 4:11pm</B></FONT>
flipper rich ~ HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
24&#184; 2001 2:51pm</B></FONT>
Flippermike ~ After reviewing the "GREEN" album today.....I think new
guidelines must be implemented for safety reasons.PS from Glen
glen ~ hi folks, that CD in question i s a collection of different
venues that began circulating as an Xmas present from Brett some 2
Christmases ago and is mostly Phils's Farm '99, plus a little but of
O'Hagan's and some Hartford Advocate Grand Band Slam as well. Johnny
BigRig has an untold w ealth of live multitracked Flipper in the vault,
as well as Hippiefoot Bill who has bootlegs on CD & tape going back as
far as '97, not to mention Brett's vault with untold riches going back
as far as you need it to. I personally have next to nothing sadl y,
although Mike Tierney did get a really nice recording of the
'Sunflower' CD release party, the Flipper set is exceptionally good.
I'll miracle MSP one of these days when I have a few minutes. Well,
off to Mom's house we go! Love ya's! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
24&#184; 2001 11:48am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ (he) thanks so much! He will be greatly missed, but we know
meghan and baxter will look out for him :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
24&#184; 2001 11:43am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Hi rcw. Sorry again to hear about your doggy. :( For those of
you that don't already know, (s)he died on Saturday. :(:(:( <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 24&#184; 2001 11:36am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ Just want to wish ya'll a happy holiday! p2p & msp, I have some
miracle material for you next time we see eachother! (and thanks for
the directions, had no problem saturday) & jsj - (& keith & mary &
cindy & karen) - thanks for being there for me with the jello - was
needed :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 24&#184; 2001 11:36am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Hey everybody! Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New
Year!!!!! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 24&#184; 2001 11:33am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ They're excellent. We'll spread them around but are particular
about the Miracle Trees. As soon as we get the info about the TBD show,
it'll go out as a Miracle Tree. I promise you that. It sounds
awesome!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 24&#184; 2001 11:22am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Paulie, you may be totally correct in that not being Phil's
farm but Flipper Glen if you read this shed some light on what show it
was because it was the CD you had given me at Camp Creek 2001 and if
you remember anything about that let us know what show it is. I thought
Glen had told me Phil's farm but I could be mistaken. Sorry about the
half a show. Hippiefoot did it as a surprise for me and there were a
few new songs that I wanted. If they don't live up to your expectations
I am sorry. Hopefully some nice Flipheads out there have some others
that will be wirthy to miracle. And don't worry about getting t hem back
to me any time soon. I trust you :). Anyway Merry Christmas everyone
and to those I don't see Happy New Year!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
24&#184; 2001 11:13am</B></FONT>
Pickle and Melissa ~ <br><blink><center><font
size="+2">Happy<br>Holidays!< /blink></center></font><br> <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 24&#184; 2001 10:58am</B></FONT>
Paulie - Miracle Tree Update ~ The Jerry Christmas Tree is CLOSED.
Since we received only 5 applications, we will Miracle the entire
brilliant run (9/7,8&9/87 - Providence Civic Center) & send those 6
CD's to the applicants. That's what you get for playing. You others,
who didn't play, get nothing. :) Your copies of the run will all be
sk's AUDMC>C>CD>CD except 9/8 II&E which is SBDMC D5 Patch>D>CD>CD.
Watch for more offerings soon. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 24&#184; 2001
Paulie ~ Okay, Jessica (or anyone that can help): The FD CD's that you
gave me for burn & return are a partial (I assume) from O'Hagan's on
11/17/00. MSP & I don't tree partials but w ill spread it thru normal,
less structured Miracling. The other one is w/o a date or venue - you
indicated it was the Phil's Farm. I see below where you think it's 98
or 99. I am not certain that this is correct since, in the middle of
the show, Glenn says that they're playing the next night (Friday) at
O'Hagan's, and the Jerry Garcia Fest in Butternut on Saturday and the
Beach in Old Lyme Pavilion on Sunday. Phil's Farm is a Labor Day fest &
the Jerry fFest is held in mid -August each year. Further, the onl y
possibility is 98 given your thoughts on this since Brett joined Creek
during their set (on Saturday) in Phil';s Farm 99 & Glenn did in 2000.
I'm fairly confident that this isn't Phil's Farm. As I said, MSP & I
will only tree well documented & known comp lete shows. SO this one's in
pending status until we get more info. Anyone have any clue? We'd like
to Miracle Tree it here as soon as the indicative data is ascertained.
Glen???? Any rememberances???? I'm gonna hang onto the CD's for a few
days to see if we can get the info befor I return them, Jessica. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 24&#184; 2001 9:16am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ SOrry about the no post yesterday. Merry Christmas all!!!
Thank you all for coming. Thank you Flippers Glen, Brett, Steve & Mike.
Thanks Flipper Guests Mark, Scott, Sage & Josh Davino (HBD Daddy) Kevy,
Jager & me :):):) Thank you Laree for visualizing, organizing & funding
this awesome event. I had a blast & MSP told me he fell down trying to
get undressed for bed. I guess we was all Merled :) <FONT SIZE=1><B>December 24&#184; 2001 8:25am</B></FONT>
Cierra: ~
Merry X-Mas Eve!
Any Last Minute Shopping???
Stop Byglen
Sarah ~ Great party on saturday guys. Special thanks to the Marino
brothers for throwing a great party, Karen and Cindy f or making all
those wonderful jello shots..I enjoyed them immensely :), and to
Flipper Dave for once again playing some awesome tunes...Brett, nice
rendition of the Pink song..loved it..LOL. And to was no
problem at all helping you out...what are friends for? It is my very
special talent! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 23&#184; 2001
Polly ~ well i'm pretty bummed, it sounds like i missed a good
party...what a lame weekend...first my car died on me, then my ride
backed out on me so i had no way of getting anywhere i wanted to go.
waaaaaaa!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 23&#184; 2001 4:30pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Awesome party Paulie, Mikey, et al..the food was excellent.
Really enjoyed Rich, Kev, Keith, Mark, Scott, Brett, Glen, Mike and
Steve's tunes! And of course, the famous jello shots in every
imaginable flavor were greatly appreciated. And to Sarah, THANKS for
saving me, you have a talent!!
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 23&#184;
2001 11:58am</B></FONT>
msp ~ Thank you Brett, Glen, St eve, Mike, Mark, Kevy, Keith, Scott, and
Flipper Rich for jammin' ....Thanks so much to everyone for making last
night a special night. Thank you Laree for throwing the party and
thanks to Ralph for turning 39. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 23&#184; 2001
Kevy ~ Sendin' out yet another holiday wish, Thanx Marino Brothers for
a really fun time last night. Awesome party, great food, good friends..
What more could you ask for.. Have a great hoiday see you next year.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 23&#184; 2001 10:25am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Thanks Glen. One more piece of info - the party is in
Watertown. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 22&#184; 2001 12:51pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ UPDATE on directions: !!!See below!!! for directions to the
2001 Flip-Mas Bash today in Wolcott/Waterbury CT with ONE change: it
is NOT rte. 63, but rather rte. 73. see you all there, it's going to
be a good bash, don't miss it! it's the last gig before Christmas!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 22&#184; 2001 11:34am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ MSP, whomsoever left the April Fools 76 Jerry show that you
Miracled him in the men's room is obviously a brown crusty dingleberry
chewer. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 22&#184; 2001 9:08am</B></FONT>
jager-keis ~ Last post on here for a while.... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 22&#184; 2001 9:09am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ There'll be around 600 jello shots at the party tonight :)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 22&#184; 2001 9:04am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Jerry Christmas Miracle Tree open. It will be the complete
Grateful Dead 9/8/87 - Providence Civic Center (Scary Monster Show).
Set I will be sk's AUDMC>C>CD>CD, and Set II&E will be SBDMC D5
Patch>D>CD>CD. Email applications to & include
mailing address. This is a Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays present
from Mikey & me to all y'all. I'll leave it open until tomorrow. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 22&#184; 2001 9:03am</B></FONT>
msp ~ Jello shots have taken over my kitchen! I like Jello for
breakfast :-)) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 22&#184; 2001
Cierra: ~
Happy Winter Solstice Everyone <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
21&#184; 2001 7:40pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ I agree with Pickle;Brett's guitar pickin' rules all others
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 6:52pm</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Happy Holidaze Ki ds! Shake your Miracle tree regularly <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 5:56pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Pickle, you and I had a conversation about that show but
unfortunately it was not that one becasue two particular songs are not
on my CD :). Do you t ake that request back yet? ;) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 5:37pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ paulie...many flipperfolks don't seem to get all ga -ga over Jerry
or perhaps, never gave jerry/Grateful Dead much of a listen. I saw a
guy leave a show that I ga ve to him in the men's room. It happened to
be JGB 4/1/76 to make things worse.(sacrilege !) I saw a few others
give them to someone else. I've had people hand them right back to me
and say "no thanks", which is better obviously. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 5:23pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ LMFAO, dingleberry chewer!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 21&#184;
2001 4:50pm</B></FONT>
H,H,H and temporarily H ~ You must of jumped the car 50 yards!!!Paulie
A big stocking @ the home of H,H,H, and temporarily H! ~ All I want for
Christmas is a new Spector Bass. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 21&#184;
2001 4:42pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ i concur, brett is a fabulous guitar player and a great guy and
he writes great songs, i guess what i was saying that it sounded really
good having another guitar player up there, like jerry had sideshow bob
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 4:40pm</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <br>Personally, i think brett blows away Peevs playing.<br>
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 4:33pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ i thought that set with pet peev last week kicked some serious
butt <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 4:26pm</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <br> Phils Farm: 9/2/00 One of the best FD sets EVER!!!
(IMHO)<br> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 4:04pm</B>< /FONT>
Sarah ~ Thanks for putting me on the list Paulie..I'll probably see you
at the party tomorrow...till then.... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
21&#184; 2001 3:50pm</B></FONT>
Regis - ~ Paulie, do you do video trees too? I have some unbelievable
wrestling matches, both WCW & Extreme that i would love to share with
the masses. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 3:48pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ I will bring them to the party. They are CD'S :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 3:29pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Of course, Jessica. Get me a seed & it shall be done. I am
DAT-less (though I am quite creative & brilliant and am fat & have
rather large mammalian protruberances: In fact, at first glance one
might think that I was ready to give milk...but I digress) , ao it has
to be an anal loggy or a CD. That said, this Jerry Xmas Miracle Tree is
the current edition. For 2002, we'll try to step up the frequency of
our arboratoriums. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 21&#184; 2001
Pickle ~ <br>rcw, but tha t Tascam to good use and become a taper!<br>
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 2:24pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Oops I mean Phil's Farm 1998 or 1999 I think. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 2:16pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Paulie I have two shows. on e from Phil's far, and one from
O'Hagan's. any interest? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 21&#184; 2001
Paulie ~ Jerry Christmas Miracle Tree open. It will be the complete
Grateful Dead 9/8/87 - Providence Civic Center (Scary Monster Show).
Set I will be sk's AUDMC>C>CD>CD, and Set II&E will be SBDMC D5
Patch>D>CD>CD. Email applications to & include
mailing address. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 21&#184; 2001
rcw ~ please dont tell me I have to become a taper! Way to much
responsibility for me :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 21&#184; 2001
Paulie ~ rcw, I would love to do a Flipper Miracle Tree. However, I
only have one B&F show and one FD show & it was the short one that
opened the Butternut 200 0 (single CD'r). We planned to do the Beach
Party but we never got a seed. I'm not a taper so I can only do what I
can do based on what we get. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 21&#184; 2001
msp ~ would love to do a miracle flipper tree but, I only have one
show, Butternut 2000. I think everyone pretty much has that by now.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 1:35pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Apparently the canceled Dr Juice Tree Email never got sent.
That's good. Jessica, the directions that MSP sent you I84 to Rte 8
North etc are the right ones. If you don't have those, LMK & we can
send them again. Here they are for those who still need them. &#61623;
From I84 take Rte 8 Northrcw
rcw ~ sk, glad you'll be attending the festivities then :D maybe we
should work on some of our lyrics over jello shots, huh? Might be just
the inspiration we need! lol! Hey, now here;s an idea...hows about a
flipper miracle tree? after all,............. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
21&#184; 2001 1:32pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ thanks paulie, got the directions, still on the fence about
tomorrow though, possibly going to see MC up in albany, but if i don't
go there surely i'll come to the party and be your love slave for the
evening <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 1:27pm</B ></FONT>
Jessica ~ Paulie,Which directions are correct? I can't understand
between the cancelled e -mail and all. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
21&#184; 2001 1:25pm</B></FONT>
MSP ~ I just got back from lunch and I'm glad to see that we have
achieved balance in the forum. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 21&#184; 2001
Paulie ~ Hmmm, sk please check your Email. Direcions sent. In addition,
I thought I created a DRAFT of the cancellation Email and bcc'd you (no
worries - I didn't say anything uncoo l on it. Just that the seed was
imperfect). However, it's not in my DRAFT and I didn't create a SENT
copy. I think because it isn't in DRAFT that I SENT it. Please LMK & if
it was sent, ship me back a copy ( and I'll CANCEL
the CANCEL. Our point was that we wanted to do something for our
Flipper Friends for Christmas and the Dr Juice was holding us up. Snow
biggy to either of us. We were more concerned that you were all wigged
out over something that we feel is about joy & friendship. Ta pe 2
begins w/ the song before Peg that you have marked as "????". I already
taped the beg of Set 1 thru Green Earrings, so the Tape 1 re -seed would
need to be recorded from the after Green Earrings thru the tune before
Peg to be on the safe side. <FONT SI ZE=-1><B>December 21&#184; 2001
sk ~ i can't seem to find the directions? as for the dr. juice thing,
hope you won't cancel the tree, i'll get it done, but i seem to have
lost the casette so i'll have to do the entire cassette, but wher e do i
start it? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 12:35pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Silly sk. You're always allowed to anything MSP & I throw.
We'd be honored. And feel free to drop by La Casa di Paolo anytime.
Anytime. You know that!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 21&#184; 2001
sk: ~ thanks msp, and i humbly apologize for my prior outbursts. sorry
to take out my frustrations on my good friends, hope i'm
still allowed at the partae' tomorrow? i think i'll just work off my
troubles with some good old fashioned road rage! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 12:17pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ I think we can all agree that sk is a great guy. Lets all let it
go. Happy Holidays <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 21&#184; 2001
Paulie ~ Who cares? Just sign up for the Miracle (i.e., free) Jerry
Christmas Tree & schmoggapop. I'm not like you guys. I think everyone
should have a good time :):):) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 21&#184; 2001
Just Wondering ~ Peopl e post as sk all the time, how would you even
know if that was really him, I'd say cut the boy some slack <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 11:39am</B></FONT>
Flippermike ~ Bad attitude Boy.... I agree, everyone has the right to
voice their opinions. I understand that SK has alot of requests for
dats, and it is much appreciated when when he can accomodate those
requests, but there are more constructive ways of saying NO without
name calling and insultive comments.Paulie
Bad Attitude Boy ~ Hey, I be leive sk has a point, and I beleieve he's
earned the right to state his opinions whether y'all agree or not <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 11:06am</B></FONT>
Mr. Burns ~ Ecks-sellent!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 21&#184; 2001
sk: ~ ok, this will be my last post until these stupid holidays are
over! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 10:49am</B></FONT>
msp ~ Steve... it's how, not what you said that I find out of character
for you. Paulie was asking for one tape that you p reviously agreed to
so we can spread some music and make some people happy. I rarely ask
anyone, including you for music. It more a game of give and take i.e.,
one hand washing the other. You know that you are welcome to any music
I have. I think I've told you that before when I've passed some cds
your way. If you or anyone else is so kind to pass something my way, I
return the favor ten-fold by passing it on to others. I give away at
between 5 and 15 shows every time I go see any band. It takes plenty of
time to do so, I might add. Tapers tape and people like Paulie & me
spread the music. That's what it's all about, imo. I still love you : )flippermike
Paulie ~ Retraction/correction: This should have read "MSP & I", not
"no one". Peace. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 21&#184; 2001
Paulie ~ Jerry Christmas Miracle Tree open. Info in my long post below.
It is Mikey Square Pants' & my thank you for a real good time and
Hippie Holidaze present to you all. Send applications via Email to and include mailing address. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 10:26am</B></FONT>
sk: ~ if no one wants or needs my tapes how come everyone asks for
them? huh? got an answer for that? go , go run off like you did on
that fishing trip and hide behind your fishing pole!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 10:26am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ sk, let it go, man. No one wants or needs your tapes. That's
what Mikey Square Pants & I are here for. It's just about sharing some
tunes - you know, spreading joy. But since you asked, what's in it for
you is a copy of whatever we Miracle Tree, plus various & sundry other
things that MSP hands you or that I mail you. Relax. It's all good.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 10:16am</B></FONT>
sk: ~ how is it i'm being a prick? because all of a sudden after 15
years of people asking me to make tapes for them constantly that's
being a prick? i think people who constantly ask for tapes are being
selfish, make me this, make me that, well screw you, wh at's in it for
me? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 10:08am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Can't you just schmell the love on this message board today???
I for sure can. That is unless one of you guys is eatin' tuna :) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 9:55am</B></FONT>
msp ~ hey rebuttle...LOL <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 21&#184; 2001
Rebuttle ~ I think someone got a hold of a bad Gerbil. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 9:40am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Jerry Christmas Miracle Tree o pen. Info below. Send
applications via Email to <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
21&#184; 2001 9:36am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Hey, sk, I got a better idea. I'm canceling the Dr Juice Tree
effective immediately. I'm extremely busy too & don't want to track
this one any longer. Further, I do not need any more roles in this game
so I won't be buying a DAT machine. I'll Email all Juice Tree
applicants to let them know that the Miracle Tree is canceled because
we cannot get a good seed. Oh well, these things happen. sk, your Creek
3/16/01 - Provy hit the P.O. today. I made you a copy during my free
time. MSP & I are gonna now open a new Jerry Christmas Miracle Tree. It
will be the complete Grateful Dead 9/8/87 - Provy Scary Monster Show.
Set I will be sk's AUDMC>C>CD>CD, and Set II&E will be SBDMC D5
Patch>D>CD>CD. The show is brilliant and II&E sound awesome. sk's I
sounds quite nice as well. We'll keep it open until we close it. This
is MSP & my little Hippie Holidaze present to you all. :):):) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 9:34am</B></FONT>
msp ~ sk, why are you being a prick?...just curious. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 9:28am</B></FONT>
sk: ~ i don't care what show anybody "can go for", want a tape of a
show? go out and buy a t apedeck, time to stop glomming all MY free time
so i can make tapes for YOU!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 21&#184; 2001
jager-keis ~ Hey Sk,I could really go for that Dr.Juice set seeing it
was my birthday that day and was only there for a little bit (too
loaded)You're the man <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 21&#184; 2001
lexie ~ Hi all Happy Holidays! and of course have a great New Year.
Hey BTS any plans for the New Year??? We are going to New York Times
Square to watch the ball drop. should be very
interesting................ Well chow for now kids. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 5:47am</B></FONT>
ep ~ Happy Holidays to all of you. Keep smiling!!!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 21&#184; 2001 1:04am</B></FONT>
BART ~ Hey-
Happy times to all.Kevy
BUZZ ~ I have max creek 7 -4-82 at cell block 11 up on that sight if
anyone is interested.( i bet sk and the square pants brothers remember
Cell B 11 ) If Flipper gets added,and someone gives me a shn file show
I will gladly put it up. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 20&#184; 2001
BUZZ ~ hey flips, check this site out
Flipper dave needs to get added to the bands that are being shared at
this sight, its sort of like napster, but there are shn files as well
as MP3 files, its a share D/L sight, so when some one has a show posted
lots of people can D/L at the same time sort of like a piggy back. You
have to D/L and run thier software, but its real easy, even I figured
it out. If some one f rom Flipper sends an e -mail
with the bands taping polciy they will add flipper dave to the sight.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 20&#184; 2001 6:32pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ hey the girl, that wasn't my post, someone posted the eaxact same
thing on the creek boards, just someone wanting to live vicariously
thru me, god knows why, mu life kinda sucks these days <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 20&#184; 2001 5:31pm</B></FONT>
the girl ~ that's "a" girl not "the" girl... although i might have
something else that's rubber... which would account for my only seeming
real... like i said... you gotta squeeze... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
20&#184; 2001 5:33pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ I got a girl with a little rubber head.......... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 20&#184; 2001 5:02pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ Pickle, OOPS...I don't have your address but if you click on the
link under tour dates, I'll take care of it. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
20&#184; 2001 3:33pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ Pickle, I'll email you the flipmasparty info right now. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 20&#184; 2001 3:31pm</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <br>If i can help with DR Juice thing, (like if sk wants to
give me the DAT and i can burn it onto CD for Mike and Paulie, which
would probably be better then analog anyway), just let me know.<p>Also,
Paule, send me the info for Saturday night. May be able to make it.
<p>Was going through this summers worth of DATs last night and came
across the DAT of Brettwoods. I didn't think that it would come out
all that good since they weren't th e best mics and i recorded up on the
stage (deck), but let me tell you, this show smokes and and sounds
awesome. Maybe after the Holidays we can get something going with that
show. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 20&#184; 2001 3:23pm</B></FONT>
Address Book - ~ I was thouroughly ravaged by "the gurl", she seemed so
real too? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 20&#184; 2001 3:01pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ come on sk, do the right thing. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
20&#184; 2001 2:09pm</B></FONT>
glenith ~ Ok, skip the tapes, bu t I want to damn CDs <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 20&#184; 2001 1:50pm</B></FONT>
Glenith ~ Hey SK, where's my tapes. C'mon give me the damn tapes. Get
your tappin' ass in gear ya scrooge. I WANT THOSE DAMN TAPES NOW!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 20&#184; 2001 1:50pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ it will get done when it gets done, i'm sick of people always
hounding me for tapes, do you know how many freeking people ask me for
tapes? when i listen to something i always run it down to analog and
give it away, when people a sk me for tapes it's like i've gotta listen
to what THEY want, not what i want to hear, just buy yourself a DAT and
i'll give you the master right after the show!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 20&#184; 2001 12:25pm</B></FONT>
Flippermike ~ paulie, 7:30 is f ine with us for a start time. However,
we encourage bribery (sometimes manditory) and are Coo -Coo for
footballs. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 20&#184; 2001 11:37am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ That was a great song Paulie...much better than MSP's Jello
Shots song....C'mon sk..hurry up with that tape!!! Get a move on it!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 20&#184; 2001 9:04am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ And I do encourage all Flipheads, particularly those on the Dr
Juice Tree, to put pressure on sk right here on this msg bd to compl ete
the seed. It's only one side of one analog tape - 45 min's for Jer's
sake!!! JEEZ!!!!! Now let's here it: Come jest ye Merry Flipperheads,
please call Ess Kay a dick. He's holding up a Juicy Tree, Buzz give his
nutz a kick. I know he tries to do his pa rt but those who try just
fail. When next he gets his Krispie Treat bust refuse to post his bail.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 20&#184; 2001 7:26am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Hey sk, how's that Dr Juice coming along? Once that one's
done, we can move onto the Creek Boulder 01. While MSP & I get those
together, you can complete the analogs of the Beach Party for
Miraclin'. Then perhaps the Scary Monster Show unless something else
comes thru beforehand. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 20&#184; 2001
Sarah ~ Wendy, I dunno yet if I'm going on's a possiblity!
C ya there if I do! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 20&#184; 2001
kevy ~ any tapes of office party show appearing at this weekends
festivities, hint hint nudge nudge <FONT SI ZE=-1><B>December 20&#184;
2001 6:55am</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Hi Sarah, will you be at the party on Sat? If not, I'll e -mail
them to you asap <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 19&#184; 2001
sk: ~ i kinda dig the cherry and the lemon flavored jello shots <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 19&#184; 2001 8:55pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I heard. That's really quite suction, huh? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 19&#184; 2001 8:42pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ paulie et al. sorry I gaven't fixed the header on the front
page... we're just recovering from a computer crash. we'll have the
site running anytime now! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 19&#184; 2001
Paulie ~ Regarding the start time, I'm not above bribery w/ footballs
:) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 19&#184; 2001 7 :35pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Kevy, there won't be any more than 600 jello shots :) <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 19&#184; 2001 7:20pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Just found out that the band is supposed to end (per the
contract) on Saturday by 11:00. We'll be putting o ut dinner by 6:45 snacks earlier. Flippers Mike or Glen, it would be great given that
restriction if the band planned to start around 7:30. LMK whatcha make
of that suggestion. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 19&#184; 2001
Kevy ~ Is there going to be any jello shot's at this party? LOL You
know they sent me head first off the wagon!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
19&#184; 2001 7:19pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Wendy: simmer down now! simmer down! LOL...Hey can I get some
directions to your house for New me some as soon as you
get a chance
Talk to ya later! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 19&#184; 2001 6:07pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Whoo whoo!!!! party on saturday <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
19&#184; 2001 5:48pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Glen if you wanna link directions to the party, feel free.
I've posted some below. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 19&#184; 2001
glen ~ after a week of being offline (the ol' computer crashed last
week) we are back! Phew! good to b e here, y'all... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 19&#184; 2001 5:45pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Well I sure hope that CIndy don't want no good lovin' tonight,
cuz that 9/7/87 - Provy Good Lovin' done left me dry. :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 19&#184; 2001 4:43pm</B>< /FONT>
Paulie ~ Well I don't agree that the last show was better than the
Scary Monster Show, but it was brilliant nonetheless. The only SBD we
have is of the Scary Monster II&E. The others are from your masters,
sk. Mike, would you like any/all of the ot her 5 sets, given that they
are all first gen's off sk's masters. If so, Email me offline. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 19&#184; 2001 4:10pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ as great as the scary monster show was, the bookends (9/7 & 9/9)
were actually better, you guys get sbds of those yet? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 19&#184; 2001 3:52pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ SORRY ! The Scary Monster Show to which PFP refers was indeed an
experience of a lifetime. I have spread around 9/8/87 set 2 a bit. I
was fortunate enough to attend it an d the next night with the smokin'
Good Golly Miss Molly, etc. I've not been quite the same since. I've
not been quite the same since. I've not been quite the same since. Due
to an overabundance of live shows in my possession which I have yet to
hear, I have repeatedly requested PSP to stop giving me fuggin' Cds!! I
would like to formally retract that statement with regard to this
wonderful trilogy. Just let any of those fly my way and I will
immediately inundate flipperfolks with copies said shows
<: ))Paulie
Paulie ~ Hey sk & MSP, remember the fantastic Scary Monster Show [GD
9/8/87 - Provy]. Well that one IMO wasn't even the best of the run. The
first night of the three shows there (on 9/7) was amazing & contains a
GLUV>La Bamba>GLUV that bests any Bo bby GLUV ever & rivals the best of
the Pig versions (YMMVOC). I know of it's incredulousness because, as I
type, I'm transferring sk's rcdg to CD. The next night was the show w/
the first set that closed w/ GSET>DWTBD>GGMM>DWTBD to which rcw
referred in the Creek Forum yesterday. Add that one into the mix & you
have one of the finest 3 show runs of the entire history of mankind
(and manunkind, for that matter). Or at least that's my story & I'm
stickin' w/ it. YMMVOC. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 19&#184; 200 1
msp ~ osmosis, ya know? : -) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 19&#184; 2001
Sarah ~ MSP...that really was a wonderful song....where do you get all
the talent from? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 19&#184; 2001
Jessica ~ Okay I sent two messages. One was erased so I wrote a new one
and then the other one mysteriously appeared again. Oh well:) Sorry for
hogging the forum! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 19&#184; 2001
Paulie ~ Nice song, MSP. Your ta lent for a turn of the phrase is
unmatched in this state. Did you in fact also write the lyrics to
"Tequila"? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 19&#184; 2001 12:12pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ I think I should be part of this discussion. P2P thank you
for a very gracious compliment:). And rcw and I are influences on each
other. We do the jello shots together because they are our party drink
of choice. I have to do them with rcw because without her they wouldn't
be jello shots. See all you flipheads soon. I hope everyone has a good
week! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 19&#184; 2001 12:12pm</B></FONT>
msp ~
I wrote a Jello Shots song and here
Jello Shots Jello Shots Jello Shots
Jello Shots Jello Shots Jell o Shots
Jello Shots Jello Shots Jello Shots
Jello Shots Jello Shots Jello Shots
Jello Shots Jello Shots Jello Shots
Jello Shots Jello Shots Jello Shots
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 19&#184;
it goes.....Jello Shots
Jello Shots Jello Shots
Jello Shots Jello Shots
Jello Shots Jello Shots
Jello Shots Jello Shots
Jello Shots Jello Shots
Jello Shots Jello Shots
2001 12:09pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ I definitely think I should be part of this conversation
becaue it is mostly about me, rcw,P2P, and the jello shots. I don't
think either one of us is a good or bad influence, or maybe we
influence each other. Jello shots are the party drink of choice for us.
P2P thank you for the gracious compliment:) And I might have to cut
back a little at the party due to the fact that I will most likely be
driving home :(. But I plan on doing plenty of jello early on and rcw
will have to join me. They just wouldn't be jello shots without her:)
Anyway can't wait to see everyone and I hope the rest of the week is
good for all.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 19&#184; 2001
rcw ~ me, a bad influence on jsj? I think not - I think she introduced
me to the jello shots at the beach party! However, sk is another story
;) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 19&#184; 2001 10:12am< /B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Let's just hope that sk is not an influence on you at all good, bad or indifferent. I will say though, rcw, that I think you're a
bad influence on Jessica. Everytime I see you two together she's doing
jello shots. When I see her w/o you, she's the picture of sobriety
(and loveliness, of course). <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 19&#184; 2001
rcw ~ just to clarify - not sure how I became the shot girl,
but,......only seem to end up doing shots at flipper
shows!...hmmm.......:D You people are a bad influence on me ;) - except
for sk of course! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 19&#184; 2001
BUZZ ~ I`m realy worried about you sk. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
19&#184; 2001 8:45am</B></FONT>
Cotton-Pickin' Paulie (aka Acronym Stud) ~ How old do I gotz ta be
befo' you stop callin' me boy? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 18&#184; 2001
sk ~ that wasn't me below, hey can we start calling paulie acronym boy?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 18&#184; 2001 9:06pm</B></F ONT>
sk: ~
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 18&#184; 2001 9:05pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Oh there'll be jello shots all right. Cindy & Karen are both
making them, so I assume there should be something on the order of
several hundred. At the Beach Party we had 600 & had to push them on
all you flippin' wimps there. Of course, that stereotype does not
include Jessica, Andrew or rcw (to name just a few)!!! Should be fun
:):):) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 18&#184; 2001 8:39pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ as you all can see, i`m sor t of crabby sometimes, and i seem to be
able to dish it out , but not take it, now where did i put that mydol
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 18&#184; 2001 8:35pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Thanks Mikey Square Pants and Paulie for the directions. Hope
there will be jello shots.. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 18&#184; 2001
Paulie ~ sk, please LMK ASAP if you're attending the party on Saturday.
I will have the fabiola Creek 3/16/01 - Lupo's show ready for you on
Saturday if so. If not, I'll snail it to ya. I'm following this up w/
an Email to ensure that you get the message. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
18&#184; 2001 5:26pm</B></FONT>
plan B ~ no problem rcw.....working on that fiddle right now.Paulie
Paulie ~ For those of you interested in things that are of interest to
me, like sk for instance, I am currently listening to a cool show by
Trey performed on 5/11/99 in D.C. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 18&#184;
2001 4:39pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ hey, can anyone (flipper glen) find out who the hell is posting
as me, i'm getting damn tired of seeing these posts! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 18&#184; 2001 4:26pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ paulie, i love it when you say anal <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
18&#184; 2001 4:17pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Mine's a 2nd gen AUD, so I suspect that it's not from your
master. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 18&#184; 2001 3:43pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ would that be the one off my master or did you upgrade? if i
remember correctly it came out pretty good, this dude at work wants it
even though i told hin the night be fore or after was easily the better
show, the debut of she belongs to me and the miracle>crazy fingers 2nd
set opener <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 18&#184; 2001 3:38pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ sk, I only have an anal loggy of the Provy 85 to which you
refer & do not have the Woostah 84. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 18&#184;
2001 3:33pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ hey sk - still cant email ya' - send me one at thanks.......must plan :D oh, and before I
forget, Plan B, thanks for taking the violin! Will h ave the goods for
ya' next time we meet :D And I made you such a fun cover!..... <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 18&#184; 2001 12:46pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ obviously that's not me below, i drove in today, hey girl, what's
that supposed to mean anyway? you onley s eem real, but i know you were
one of the first test tube babies <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 18&#184;
2001 12:21pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ This morning on the bus on the way to work, I was scratching the
side of my nose. The bus driver must have looked in his mirror and
thought I was picking my nose, because when I got off he handed me a
kleen-x and said " try to control yourself on my bus sonny" <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 18&#184; 2001 11:51am</B></FONT>
Girl ~ who you calling a skbitch? and i am really real... lik e you
would know. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 18&#184; 2001 10:55am</B></FONT>
mikey square pants ~ Wendy, directions & info sent...see ya there <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 18&#184; 2001 10:10am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ sk - is that the provy show with the devil wit h a blue dress?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 18&#184; 2001 10:00am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Thanx for the directions msp...I got them! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 18&#184; 2001 9:55am</B></FONT>
msp ~ For those of you that are going on sat -day, the party starts at
6. Email the link & Paul or I can send you info. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 18&#184; 2001 9:51am</B></FONT>
sk: ~ paulie do you have either the worcester '84 show or the provy '85
show that opened the 2nd set with the turtle epic? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 18&#184; 2001 9:11am</B></FONT>
sk: ~ just because i'm busy having fun doesn't make me any less busy
than you family types, busy is busy my little egotistical, 2 pants
wearing friend, as far as the partae', well he may and he may decline
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 18&#184; 2001 8:45am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ sk, your idea of being busy is watching Law & Order, reviewing
DAT's you rcd'd, watching the Golf Channel, eating 3 - 4 very
unbalanced meals a day w/ a Rice Krispie Treat for dessert after
minimally one of them, getting perc'o'lated & jacquinoff. Now that may
be a full plate, but it ain't busy. Now, are you coming to the party
Saturday or not???? And don't make me sick BUZZ on you. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 18&#184; 2001 6:40am</B></FONT>
Polly ~ hey Paulie-wog welcome home! i hope to see you all at the
Flipmas party!!
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 18&#184; 2001
Little Drummer Boy ~ Flipper Dave should put out a Christmas Album.BUZZ
sk; ~ yes i am busy mr. work from home, i went in y esterday after the
skbitches left and stayed until 7 at night, and i just got home now
from work, so you can eat my crusty shorts! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
17&#184; 2001 8:55pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ No you aren't. Are you coming to the party or going Creek in'
on Saturday? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 17&#184; 2001 7:12pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ i will try and get to that this week paulie, but i'm a busy man
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 17&#184; 2001 7:03pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Mikey updated the info file w/ the followi ng excellent muddah
puckin dreckshuns:Flippermike
Paulie ~ WOW!! Talk about synchronflippity!!!
1><B>December 17&#184; 2001 6:21pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Wendy, please Email me at either or re: a quest ion about the party on Saturday.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 17&#184; 2001 6:20pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Outstanding show at the Tiger Flipper..Jeff was a wonderful
addition as well. Paulie, we will are going to your party. David will
e-mail you tomorrow for directions. C-ya flipheads soon and looking
forward to the party! Hope you had a great vacay, Paulie et al...(did
you leave your pantolones home or what?!?) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
17&#184; 2001 6:15pm</B></FONT>
Boy ~ Talk about me too, sk. I'm feeling blue :( <FONT SIZE=1><B>December 17&#184; 2001 5:28pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ MSP, I got it. Thx. sk, can I take your silence for a "NO"
w/r/t the Dr Juice re -seed. It's not an issue either way to me. Just
doing some clean-up.msp
Paulie ~ MSP, do you have a standard file w/ directions to the PART TAY??? If so, perhaps you should Email them to Glenn for linking/adding
to the website directly. Wadayathink???? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
17&#184; 2001 5:03pm</B></FONT>
Girl ~ the only way to my heart is through a love letter written on the
back of a heineken label... shots or no shots! of course i am really
real... all real... all the time... and i can hear you even when i am
passed out in the other room... so stop talking about me! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 17&#184; 2001 5:03pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ I got the e -mail and it was perfect Thank You!
and rcw I
was just joking. Shots or no shots it was a good time! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 17&#184; 2001 1:42pm</B></FONT>
m2p ~ Jessica & sent. Lemme k now if any problems opening
the worddoc. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 17&#184; 2001 12:56pm</B></FONT>
msp ~ Jessica..OOPS... It's in watertown. (I stand corrected) I'll emai
you directions soon. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 17&#184; 2001
rcw ~ ooh, Im bad :( - jsj I promise next time we dont have to wait
for anyone - can jump right into the shots first thang' :D - sk, she
did seem so real, huh? Almost makes me wanna write a poem :)! And
remember - dont be talking about her in the kitchen a nymore till shes
asleep! lol! Girl, just kidding, we love you!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 17&#184; 2001 12:26pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ sorry MSP! I stand corrected! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
17&#184; 2001 12:24pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Sorry sk but a promise is a promise and I was sober because
you arrived and stole me shots girl. But anyone who knows me from a
Flipper show knows staying sober for me isn't terribly different. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 17&#184; 2001 12:18pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ hey rcw, the girl "seemed so real", huh? i'd like to get to know
her better, LOFL!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 17&#184; 2001
msp ~ Jessica....the party is in waterbury, not wolcott. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 17&#184; 2001 12:16pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ so have i become the "we'll do some shots after sk arrives" guy?
feel free to do them before i get there, i try, but i cannot be
everything to all people <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 17&#184; 2001
Jessica ~ What a great show Saturday! Don't ne ed to say much else
except it was nice to see so many flipheads at a local yokel bar. rcw,
I waited all night to do a shot and after sk showed up you completely
forgot. Oh, well they aren't the same when they are not jello :) Look
forward to seeing everyon e at the party in Wolcott at the American
Legion. MSP thanks for the CD and Paulie - Welcome Back!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 17&#184; 2001 11:41am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ sk, are you coming to the party Saturday? If so, can you get
to the Dr Juice 10/12/01 - Standing Stone Tape 1 Side B re -seed this
week? Or should I just cancel the Tree? If it's gonna be a couple of
months, I'd rather not track/manage it lest I screw something up / fail
to provide someone w/ a copy. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 17&#184; 2001
Paulie ~ Okay, I'm back from Orlando. All went brilliantly, as the
Brits who habituate the market in December say. I've received only a
few requests for directions to this Saturday's party. I hope to get a
few more of you to show interest & attend. MSP & I respond to those
queries at this Email addy:
<FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 17&#184; 2001 10:56am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ lol! And never mind the mailboxes, make sure to hide the address
book! Silly girl ;) & btw sk, liked the blue ones better :D <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 17&#184; 2001 9:55am</B></FONT>
sk: ~ that big sign outside didn't work....FREE GIRL INSIDE, TAKE AT
YOUR OWN RISK!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 17&#184; 2001
MSP ~ You guys rocked the h ouse at The Hungry Tiger last night! Thank
you for a real good time! Oh yeah, that other guy that brought his
guitar was good too ; -) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 16&#184; 2001
the girl ~ i haven't been stolen... i ran away! and locked the
mailboxes for your own protection... hahaha <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
16&#184; 2001 7:16pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ the girl has been stolen and all the mailboxes locked! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 16&#184; 2001 6:11pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ and how 'bout that 3rd set, huh, sk? Good thing nobody stole the
girl, huh :D lol! & thanks for the breakfast of champions ;) So nice to
see all of you last night and thanks Flipper and Jeff for the smokin'
show! JSJ - see you soon for jello :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
16&#184; 2001 4:16pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ that 2nd set at eskay's place (sometimes referred to as the
hungry tiger) was the proverbial college smoker last night, someone
shoulda been taping it, but what of the pet peev character, seems like
he follows me around? i go to husky blues and there he is, i go to the
tiger and there he is, i hope he's not a deranged fan of mine <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 16&#184; 2001 12:58pm</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ WOOHOO! Popped my cherry last night and did it ever feel good.
Sorry I missed tiger, extenuating circumstances, ya know.. (I think I
need a spell check for that one)LOL <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 16&#184;
2001 10:03am</B></FONT>
flipper rich ~ Wow what a great show.You boys really know how to
rock.Thank-you Bret,Mike,Glen and steve and le ts not forget
Jeff.Outstanding. Two thumbs up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 16&#184; 2001 3:13am</B></FONT>
flipper rich ~ Wow what a great show.You boys really know how to
rock.Thank-you Bret,Mike,Glen and steve and lets not forge t
Jeff.Outstanding. Two thumbs up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 16&#184; 2001 3:13am</B></FONT>
slip kid; ~ that`s correct sk, and one of the rabbits looks like it
just got punched in the face by big fran <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
14&#184; 2001 9:05pm</B></FONT>
sk- ~ the one's that look like a bunny rabbit? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 14&#184; 2001 8:57pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ And a one and a two and a...God Bless, I'll take that silence
as a yes!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 14&#184; 20 01 6:39pm</B></FONT>
slip kid; ~ sk, you still have my fuzzy slippers? you better bring
them back <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 14&#184; 2001 6:19pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ paulie, have you spotted any nice breasteds out there? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 14&#184; 2 001 10:17am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Thx MSP. I was about to do the same but would prefer to go
outside & schmoggapop! Then I'm gonna hand -feed the ducks. Then perhaps
walk by the pool & do a bikini check. Happy weekend, Flip Folk!!! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 14&#184; 2001 9:26am</B></FONT>
mikey square pants ~ KEVY...I'll do it right now <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 14&#184; 2001 9:16am</B></FONT>
flippermike ~ would...could...there be green cookies at the Tiger this
weekend? I`ll take that silence as a ? <FON T SIZE=-1><B>December
14&#184; 2001 8:17am</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Paulie, I having distress getting to your Flipmast addy, Could
you just fwd me some info pleeze <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 14&#184; 2001 7:20am</B></FONT>
sk ~ my slippers feel so fuzzy and warm tonight <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 13&#184; 2001 8:19pm</B></FONT>
Cierra: ~ Speaking In Code Now?
I Have Really Gotton Out
rcw ~ ..if we speak of the same thang'......?? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 13&#184; 2001 3:4 8pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ Plan B - but of course - only problem is I think I only have an
analog copy or the reels - have to talk about that next time I see ya'
- (soon) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 13&#184; 2001 3:47pm</B></FONT>
Plan B ~ rcw, do you think you can burn me a copy of that certain
underground cd that we talked about @ OHagans? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 13&#184; 2001 3:14pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Doesn't anyone have anything to say? Its awfully slow in here!
???????????????????????????????? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 13&#184;
2001 11:17am</B></FONT>
ep ~ Sorry I missed it. The CD is killer. Keep smiling,,,,,, <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 13&#184; 2001 1:21am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ p2p - hope you got in that beach time for me ;) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 12&#184; 2001 9:18am</B></FONT>
Ho's ho's Ho's! ~ I love xxxmas time! Peace and Love it's all about the
music:) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 12&#184; 2001 7:32am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Hello from ORlando. I hope to see you Flippers On 12/22. For
info, Email me & MSP @ <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
12&#184; 2001 7:08am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Yeah the weeks going ok, but I'm swamped with work and so
stressed but at least I get a three day weekend! WOO -HOO! Oh, by the
way, I'm gonna need directions how to get to your house! c ya later! :)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 11&#184; 2001 7:23pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Hi Sara, Whoo hoo!! We get to party together on New Years! Hope
your week is going well..see ya soon I'm sure. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 11&#184; 2001 5:24pm</B></FONT>
FlipFan ~ Hello! Can anybody hook a kid from Colorado up with some
flipper music? Its been waaaay too long boys! If anybody would be nice
enough to want to sends tapes, etc, I would be happy to reciprocate
with blanks or whatever else. Sarah
sk ~ this weekend in vermont i built a snowman and danced around it in
my ships capt. costume <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 10&#184; 2001
8 ~ 8 <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 10&#184; 2001 3:02pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Missed everyone thi s weekend. I heard terrible music all
weekend long. Guess I missed a great Party on Friday. Congrats to Glen
and Sue! I have to get a copy. Let me know!rcw
glen ~ yes, Sue and I have your camera. send us your addy at <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 9&#184; 2001
Cierra: ~ Wow! Its Finally Begining To Look A Lot Like Winter.
SIZE=-1><B>December 9&#184; 2001 9:57am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ Congrats Glen & Sue. Nice to see everyone! Julee thanks for the
reading, and chelsea we'll play that pool game next time! Plan B
(LOL!)- sorry I left without saying goodbye & thanks for taking those
cd's for me. Did anyone find a disposable camera? Left on the table by
the stage - would appreciate any info - Y'all have a happy :D <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 9&#184; 2001 9:02am</B></FONT>
Glen&Suz ~ Hi everyone! Thank you for making last night so great.
Your support of Spaghetti Cake makes all the hard work worthwhile.
Thank you to Monroe Mafia, Dr. Juice, Flipper Dave, Stretch, Rico,
O'Hagan's, Mom and everyone else who did so much extra work to make it
special. It's a good feeling to know that the great music Sue and I
have been living with for so many months has found its way into your
home now as well. Enjoy. Please tell us what you think and please
help us to spread the word about 'Sunflower'! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
8&#184; 2001 8:18pm</B></FONT>
buzz,dylan&chelsea ~ thanks alot for a fun time last night, i have
heard jam food, but, to hear live music is the best, sue realy h as
great voice, chelsea still wants that pool game...... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 8&#184; 2001 3:55pm</B></FONT>
Bruce ~ Thanks glen, sue, flipper and everyone for a great time last
night at O'hagan's. It was a blast! I am looking forward to "flipping"
out again soon. Peace. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 8&#184; 2001
Wendy ~ Last nite was a blast! Great seeing you Sarah,RCW,Robyn,
Mikeysquare Pants and everyone else. Glen & Suz, best wishes on your CD
release. Bobby and Jordan enjoyed the show very much. Kudos to
Flipper, outstanding tunes (as usual)! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
8&#184; 2001 3:25pm</B></FONT>
mikey sq p ~ R.I.P. to John Lennon; 12/8/80 :( <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 8&#184; 2001 10:22am</B></FONT>
mikey sq p ~ Karen & I had a blast last night. The music and vibe was
awesome all night long. Congratulations to Glen & Sue! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 8&#184; 2001 10:21am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Congrats again on last night's CD release Glen & Suz.
So glad to see you Jill & Gl enith - it's been ages!! :>) In case I
don't make it out again prior to the Christmas/New Year holidays -- I
wish you all a joyous and peaceful season!
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
8&#184; 2001 10:06am</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Woohoo! Had a great time thanx S pag. Cake, you know who you
are. Mmmm Pam :) (twitterpated I am) The Juice, Flipper, Monroe Mafia..
Ohagen Mini Fest,, Great to meet new people and You know who you are
too. Have a good day, i'll be at the marriot tonight if any one needs
to reach me.. HeHe <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 8&#184; 2001
Wendy ~ Hi Mary! I'll miss arm flapping with you tonite. Hope you and
Sarah feel better quick. I'll give you a call soon.Take care.Sarah
Kevy ~ Hey Buzzgie!! Just a short 12 hours till the "P enne Caserole"
Monroe Mafia! HOw do you spell YEEEHAA? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
7&#184; 2001 6:28am</B></FONT>
ep ~ It must be difficult to judge when to flip a spaghake.
SIZE=-1><B>December 6&#184; 2001 11:33pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ hi everybody, well it's been a busy week but it's over and now
we get to enjoy the weekend. see you tomorrow at O'Hagies. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 6&#184; 2001 11:27pm</B></FONT>
Mary ~ Hi Wendy, I don't think I'm going to be able to make tomorrow
nights gig. Sarah & I both have that flu thing going around. Give me
a call. LOL <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 6&#184; 2001 7:44pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Hi Jessica! Are you going to the event tomorrow nite?? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 6&#184; 2001 6:40pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ SK was that a 900 number call? :) JK <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 6&#184; 2001 5:21pm</B></FONT>
sk- ~ that just isn't true, i told you pretty much on the phone last
night what a creep i thought you were. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
6&#184; 2001 2:48pm</B></FON T>
mikey square pants ~ The real me. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 6&#184; 2001 2:07pm</B></FONT>
BUZZ ~ SK....why are talking about me behind my back?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 6&#184; 2001 2:00pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ yes i do, but you're wearing thin on my patience these days too
mister!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 6&#184; 2001 1:01pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ you like and enjoy us all, huh? :D silly boys! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 6&#184; 2001 12:54pm</B></FONT>
the real deal sk: ~ just a misunderstanding, sometimes these things
happen, it's water under the bridge, onward and upword <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 6&#184; 2001 12:35pm</B></FONT>
boy george ~ I want to be sk's love slave. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December
6&#184; 2001 11:33am</B></FONT>
sk ~ but pickle i love you, as matter of fact, i plan on being your
wife someday <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 6&#184; 2001 11:13am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Now thats more like it, show the love! :0) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 6&#184; 2001 10:01am</B></FONT>
m2p ~ I love you sk.
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 6&#184; 2001
Kevy ~ WASH OFF YOUR HATE!! Just look forward to the pasta pie
party,,,, <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 6&#184; 2001 7:09am</B></FON T>
Sarah ~ Whats with all this bickering? Can't we all just get along!!
LOL :) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 5&#184; 2001 11:27pm</B></FONT>
smilesalot & gdtrfb ~ yikes wheres all the love?? come on i know it's
here hehehee..but really just want to say cong rats to Sue & Glen wish
we could be their to celebrate with yous friday but alas we'll be
groovin' to los lobos in san fran..we'll definitely see yous
soon..((Hugs)) ((Love)) & ((Smiles)) to you all!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 5&#184; 2001 10:12pm</B></FO NT>
sk ~ yeah, thanks for your support <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 5&#184;
2001 10:05pm</B></FONT>
m2P ~ It wasn't me that posted as you, sk but I reserve the right to
do so in the future : -)) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 5&#184; 2001
sk: ~ that's buzz or pickle posting as me, or possibly msp, the
intelligent one's are msp, the spelling mistake one's and stupid ones
are prolly either pickle or buzz <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 5&#184; 2001
Sarah ~ Cool! Yeah I will be too... .can't wait to see you guys there!
:) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 5&#184; 2001 4:17pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Hi Sarah. You know it, we'll be there on Fri. Hope you are too
(my son Bobby and his friend will also be there for the earlier portion
of the event).
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 5&#184; 2001
sk ~ i realy wish people would stop posting as me, my head is swelled
up already, and if gets any bigger its not gona fit through doors any
more <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 5&#184; 2001 3:40pm</B></F ONT>
Sarah ~ Hey Wendy, Are you and David going to the cd release party at
O'Hagans? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 5&#184; 2001 2:48pm</B></FONT>
Glen&Suz ~ Hey, thanks everybody soooo much for coming out to see
Spaghetti Cake's afternoon recital in the 19t h Century Painting
Gallery on Sunday. It was great practice for me and Sue for the big
day. Hey, Friday, that is. :) It's going to have a great time, can't
wait to see ya. And O'Hagan's will actually be making us all Spaghetti
Cake! Crazy. <FONT SIZE =-1><B>December 4&#184; 2001 11:22pm</B></FONT>
Dennis ~ Hey guys, finally online, just wanted to say thanks for asking
me to play on your cd, it was a great honor and a blast. Brett, thanks
for the "Cheap beer-pep talk!" It really worked!!!!! Can't wait for the
Friday cd release party. Peace. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 4&#184; 2001
Hippiefoot ~ Thanks everybody! (((hug))) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
4&#184; 2001 1:57pm</B></FONT>
Glenith & Jill ~ Hippy Bertha day Hippyfoot!! You a good g uy. Hope life
is kind to ya. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 4&#184; 2001
sk ~ i have given up the jam bands to spend more time with my one true
love, the goth lifestyle and music, if anyone knows were i can buy a
black cape, and a puffy whit e silk shirt, please give me a call <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 4&#184; 2001 12:05pm</B></FONT>
ep ~ Paradise was fun eh B. WFC <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 3&#184; 2001
Jessica ~ Happy Birthday Hippiefoot!!!!
3&#184; 2001 10:21pm</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
Polly ~ yeah happy birthday have you been?? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 3&#184; 2001 7:55pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ happy birthday Hippiefoot Bill!!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
3&#184; 2001 6:57pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ oops, so I dont forget, the last of my El Buho cd's are
out...enjoy everyone :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 3&#184; 2001
rcw ~ ;) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 3&#184; 2001 2:04pm</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ sk, that is why you have good friends. Yo u just need to
listen to them (instead of that little guy in your pants) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>December 3&#184; 2001 2:01pm</B></FONT>
mikey square pants ~ I wish you could clone yourself so you could go
f$#@ yourself ! (sorry sk, couldn't resist) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
3&#184; 2001 1:48pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ i wish i could clone myself, so i could kick my own ass <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>December 3&#184; 2001 1:11pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Hi all. Will miss everyone this weekend at O'Hagan's. Just
wanted to wish the Spa ghetti Cake crew Good Luck and Suzy Q sing your
heart out for me to hear it in Maine! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
3&#184; 2001 12:19pm</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <br>See Brett, you can play in those B.E.G bands!!!<br>"Need
help with that guitar strap?" Ha Ha< br> <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December
3&#184; 2001 12:08pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ It is really quiet in here...maybe it is because Paulies not
here and theres no one to cause a ruckus! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
3&#184; 2001 9:08am</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Hi Sarah and Pre tty Polly, my back is slowly getting better
(Polly, I pinched a nerve while 'moshing' at O'Hagans a few weeks
ago).What can I say, guess I just get carried away to Flipper tunage!
If it's not good enough to boogie soon, I'll have to settle for some
old-fashioned arm flapping instead! Thx for your concern, you are great
pals. Hope you had a great weekend and see ya soon..Polly
Sarah ~ Hey Wendy..Hows the back doin?? Are you once again able to
boogie?? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>December 2&#184; 2001 6:15pm</B></FONT >
sk ~ even the hair in my nose is getting grey <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December
1&#184; 2001 3:10pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ good morning all. fun time at the DDG last night, nice to have
a night out for a change. thanks for the update Mikey, this is why we
love you guys so much, you're way on top of it. Suz & I will be on at
1 PM then on Sunday and yes I did keep the El Buho CDs for myself and
yes, they're mint. thank you! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>December 1&#184; 2001
Kevy ~ He was a hero to me, A vis ionary that helped change many's
ear... Thank you George; pet our Buddy for us :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 30&#184; 2001 5:42pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ George, nothing Gold Can Last Forever...may God grant you
eternal peace in Heaven along with His angels. N ow you are with John
for eternity.Cierra:
glen ~ I felt such profound sadness to hear about George's death today.
The Beatles have always been the greatest singular influence on my
music and my life. I will miss him so much as will we all. Rest in
peace George. And thank you. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 30&#184; 2001
Sarah ~ Hey Mikey, Right on! I just got the cd's in the mail
today..thanx a rock!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 30&#184;
2001 4:05pm</B></FONT>
mikey square pants ~ I just emailed the completed El Buho jewel case
cover to everyone on the tree. If I missed anyone, email me at or <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 30&#184; 2001 3:49pm</B></FONT>
A Piano Player ~ Everybody sing w/ me: I once met a Flipper from Morris
who played organ for the church chorus. He had female fans and when one
flashed her cans, she said, "If we all do this he won't ignore us.".
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 30&#184; 2001 12:08pm</B></FONT>
mikey square pants ~ FLIPPER GLEN, I called the Mattatuck Museum and
they said that Spaghetti Cake is playing at 1:00. At 2:00 and 3:00 they
said it's a sing-along w/a piano player. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
30&#184; 2001 11:23am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ p2p - :D - you just lemme know what ya' need me to do! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 30&#184; 2001 11:03am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ rcw, my bad! Flipper Glen he had no clue which El Buho branch
he was under. It was me that said I thought he was under MSP's branch.
I'm not sure if he gave it away or planned to wait until he got a
duplicate to do so. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 30&#184; 2001
Sarah ~ Polly: calling out sick from work! Shame on you!! LOL <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 30&#184; 2001 10:47am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ pickle, right on ;) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 30&#184; 2001
Pickle ~ <br>Each day just goes so fast<br>rcw
mikey square pants ~ hey flipper glen....I have a copy right here. LMK
if you want it. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 30&#184; 2001
Paulie ~ Flipper Glen, after reviewing the details, you were actually
on rcw's branch. If you gave away your copy of El Buho at the Barn on
Saturday, please Email Mikey Square Pants ( or & he'll hook you up. If by chance it falls
thru, Email me ( & I'll hook you up as soon as I
return from vacation. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 30&#184; 2001
Polly ~ Paulie i hope you, your pants, and your family have a great
time on vacation. what a nice day to call out sick from work, i think
i'll watch some cartoons. i hope to see all you flipheads soon!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 30&#184; 2001 8:39am</B></FONT>
Polly ~ here comes the sun do do doo dooo...RIP George :( <FONT S IZE=1><B>November 30&#184; 2001 8:35am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Jessica, perhaps we can set you up w/ an audition at the
Flipmas Party. Though in mid -Dec in CT, your legs may get kinda chilly.
:) Thanks for all the vaca well wishes, Flip Heads. I will have ta ns
lines - nobody wants to see a naked dude. And so will Cin. Kids'll be
w/ us. ;^) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 30&#184; 2001 8:35am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ {{{{{RIP GEORGE}}}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 30&#184; 2001
flippermike ~ GODSPEED G EORGE. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 30&#184; 2001
Glenith ~ <h2>Rest in Peace
_13.html <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 30&#184; 2001 7:56am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ "All things mus t pass, All things must pass away." <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 30&#184; 2001 7:30am</B></FONT>
mikey sad pants ~ R.I.P. George Harrison <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
30&#184; 2001 6:01am</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Paulie and Cin -have a fantasic vacay, and Paulie, lea ve your
pantolones home so you can get a tan all over(no tan know
what I mean!)hahaahahglen
Jessica ~ A flashing doorwoman, hmmm that's an idea for my next career
move :) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 29&#184; 2001 6:16pm</B></FONT>
stiney ~ Hey Paulie, MikeySquare Pants and Pickle, thanks so much, I
got the miracle CD's today!!!! thanks SO much guys!!! sunshine and
sk: ~ that below obviously wasn't me, but i was actually the main
reason this whole thing got done, it never would'v e happened without
me, and that's the god honest truth <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 29&#184;
2001 4:55pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ what about me, someone has to thank me, or i will lay down on the
floor and beat my feet and hands on the carpet and cry like little girl
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 29&#184; 2001 4:37pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Well I stand corrected!! Let me try this over again...THANK YOU
Paulie, Mikey, rcw, and Pickle!!!!!! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
29&#184; 2001 4:25pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Sarah (et al), j ust as an FYI though it doesn't apply to you
since Mikey is your Branch - rcw is equally involved. She is the other
Branch. And of course, Pickle provided the seed. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 29&#184; 2001 3:40pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Thanks a lot Mikey and P aulie for doing the El Buho Tree, can't
wait to get it!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 29&#184; 2001
mikey square pants ~ All El Buho shows on my list are on the way. Paul,
if you want me to pick up any additional people, lmk. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 29&#184; 2001 3:14pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Thank you, Sarah. And Zimmy, you're pretty funny. I always
loved your generally sardonic demeanor but that appears to be changing
here in the 21st century. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 29&#184; 2001
Sarah ~ Paulie, Have a great vacation and don't forget about us in this
nasty rainy weather!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 29&#184; 2001
Zimmy- ~ everyone's building them ships and boats, some are flashing
paulie, others just jotting down notes, when paulie 2 pants comes
around everyone just wants to dose <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 29&#184;
2001 2:43pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Yeah. A couple of months ago, the door person was a woman. O
course, she got fired for flashing me. :) < FONT SIZE=-1><B>November
29&#184; 2001 2:17pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ i was speaking about the doorman in the building which paulie
lives <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 29&#184; 2001 2:12pm</B></FONT>
thingfish ~ thank you sir. have a great time at the beach! <FONT S IZE=1><B>November 29&#184; 2001 1:50pm</B></FONT>
Pauliefish ~ Thingfish, your El Buho will definitely be mailed before I
leave. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 29&#184; 2001 12:58pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ WHITE RABBIT (G. Slick)Jessica
sk: ~ and paulie, remem ber what the doorman said, feed your head!!!,
and stay away from rick danko look -a-like girls, for godsakes you're a
married man with kids! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 29&#184; 2001
thingfish ~ have a nice relaxing vacation Pauliefish. Pe ace <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 29&#184; 2001 10:24am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ P2P - enjoy your vaca! definately put in some beach time for me
:D <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 29&#184; 2001 9:13am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Jessica, perhaps that's true. Of course, it's the old if the
tree falls in the forest story...if a woman flashes at a show & I'm not
there to see it, were they ever really free at all? :):):) I'll be
checking in periodically - tomorrow for sure, but then I'll be virtual less while I/we're at the New Schme gma Beach timeshare (which
interestingly enough is called The Palm) from 12/1 thru 12/7. I'll post
thereafter again & hope to see you all on 12/22 for the Flipmas Party.
Mikey Square Pants has that Email addy password & can respond to any
questions that you may have about it. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
29&#184; 2001 7:24am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Paulie, have a good time on your vacation! And remember that
the girls who flash are always the best ones to know :)> <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 28&#184; 2001 11:39pm </B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Missed everyone last night. Seems like fun was had by all. Oh
well, I guess I'll have to wait until the next release. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 28&#184; 2001 7:59pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Hey Wendy..Yeah I had a great time last night to o! We have to
get together again soon, but if we moshing for you! LOL..:) Talk
to ya later! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 28&#184; 2001 6:39pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Hi Sarah, I myself was singing 'merled' today! That was fun
last nite..and it was great t o finally get together with you. 'Till
next time...glen
flippermike ~ Hey Peev, it was our pleasure to have you sit in with
Sarah ~ LOL...very funny Paulie! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 28&#184;
2001 12:01pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Funny that you shou ld mention that song while confirming your
thoughts about the meaning of ep's conundrum. ;^) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 28&#184; 2001 10:46am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Wood....Could...Accept...I can't get the song out of my head!!!
You know Paulie..thats what I t hought it was saying! :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 28&#184; 2001 10:36am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Essentially, it says that I am incredibly handsome & talented
& intelligent. And it is no wonder that women find me so attractive.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 28&#184; 2001 10:33am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ WHAT?!? Does anyone else not understand what the hell that
message is saying?? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 28&#184; 2001
ep ~ Kings and minstrals are seperate. Don't be pompous. Thee Flip is
major joviality!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 28&#184; 2001
Wendy ~ Woo-hoo shout party!!!sk:
Sarah ~ My spirit is moving me tonight and thanx to Wendy and David..I
actually have a ride there! WOO HOO!!! Check ya guys later!! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 27&#184; 2001 4:44pm</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <br>Be there for sure. Can't believe that sk is playing his
"wuss" card on this one! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 27&#184; 2001
glen ~ don't be shy Flipheads... directions are right below. come at
8:30 if the spirit moves you! tell anyone who lives in the
Avon/Simsbury/Canton area to get out there tonight! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 27&#184; 2001 2:48pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ all i need is 14 more drum -sticks <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November
27&#184; 2001 2:44pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Have fun tonight everyone. Give a big YEE -HAW for me! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 27&#184; 2001 12:39pm</B></FONT>
rama ~ can i bring my hippie beads and toe jam? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 27&#184; 2001 10:21am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ It seems highly dubious that I'll be able to make it to the
studio tonight. As I'm in a project oriented business & preparing for
an extended vacation (last day = Thurs), I'm trying to clean up some
last minute details on a few projects. This is re quiring 25 hours per
day. Good luck!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 27&#184; 2001
Sarah ~ Hey Glen, I saw the Citizen..congratulations on making the
front page! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 26&#184; 2001 10:22pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ I'm glad to hear you guys are coming. I know this is a little
last minute but if you could help us spread the word (anyone!) we would
dig it, the mo' the merrier! let's try it!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
26&#184; 2001 10:16pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Hey Jeremy and Wen dy..thanx for the offers and I'd be more than
happy to take you up on them. If you wanna get in touch with me my
email is, thanx for the help..hope to hear
from you soon! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 26&#184; 2001
Regis: ~ wrestling is not fake! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 26&#184; 2001
Wendy ~ Sarah, if you need a ride tomorrow David and I can give you
one. Post a message if interested and I'll give you my cell phone
Paulie ~ sk, I leave for vacation on 11/30. I'd be greatly in your debt
if you could re-seed the Dr Juice Tape 1 Side B for me while I'm gone.
Our (rcw, MSP & my) burning obligations for El Buho are almost thru (in
fact I think just I have to complete burning & only for one person) &
it'd be great to close out the year w/ another show for the folks. I
return on 12/16 so you'll have plenty of time & no Paulie to bust your
chops reminding you. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 26&#184; 2001
jeremy ~ Great show satur day! Between Wednesday night at chat's, too
much food and drink thursday, old friends and booze friday, top it off
with the barn saturday equals serious mearl even more serious haggerd.
Where did sunday go anyway? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 26&#184; 2001
Sarah ~ Polly, you were at the Webster on Friday?? I was there
too..didn't see you though. Oh well, one of these days we'll meet up
again. I wanna be on a Flipper Dave album..too bad I won't be able to
make it there..unless someone wants t o come pick me up..I don't have
any transportation, but I live close to Talcott Mountain Studios
actually....oh well...catch ya guys later!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
26&#184; 2001 7:08pm</B></FONT>
Polly ~ hmm i never found any cd's...maybe the kids who stole all my
beer and jello did lol. anyway, i thought the strip club was a silly
idea too...just goes to show you that ya shoulda just gone to Denny's!!
Jessica, it was nice meeting you too at Creek :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 26&#184; 2001 6:51pm</B>< /FONT>
PS ~ At Brett's request (to keep the calls down tomorrow) here are
directions: Take rt. 10 North from The Double Down towards Simsbury.
Turn right at The Chart House(c). Cross the big bridge. Before you
begin to go up the mountain, take the left turn at the base of the
mountain. (Crosses a few lanes of traffic - Be careful!) 2 miles
later, take a right up Talcott Mountain Road. The studio is the second
driveway on the left, #2. Go on in. For more info, check out their
website at http://www.tal <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 26&#184; 2001 6:22pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I'm in the office in Windsor tomorrow. Perhaps after work I'll
shoot over to the DDG & then join you cats for some harm a knee!!! :)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 26&#184; 2001 6:14pm</B></FONT>
st ~ Is sk trying to clone himself w/leftover turkey parts? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 26&#184; 2001 6:12pm</B></FONT>
FLiPPER NEWS DESK ~ Ever dream of being on a Flipper Dave album?
Tomorrow (Tuesday) will be your chance. As we wrap up our time in the
studio, we need a gang of folks to do a little singing (or more like
shouting) along on tunes like 'Dogfather', 'Merled & Haggered' and
possibly on another as well. The studio is in Simsbury CT on Talcott
Mountain Road, right a t the base of the mountain, only a few miles from
the Chart House(c) Restaurant. For exact directions call Brett
tomorrow at (860) 309 -0256. We'd like to start around 8:30PM. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 26&#184; 2001 6:09pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ actually, the night was a bust. the gold club was a juice bar
so we split. (our passes didn't work anyway) and then later at The
Goldroc Diner we sat and waited for our pitiful little order for an
hour and ended up walking out. finally, Polly, did you find those CDs
in the bag? I was hoping you would get them. if not, I hope somebody
did. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 26&#184; 2001 6:03pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ For those of you interested in more info about this bad news,
I copied the following excerpt from an article by Vinny
Marino: "George Harrison's battle against cancer reportedly has reached
the point where his loved ones are preparing for the inevitable, a
British newspaper reports. London's Sunday People tabloid reported this
weekend that the former Bea tle may have only a week to live. Citing a
family friend, the paper said Harrison's wife Olivia and their son
Dhani have been told he could slip away 'at any time.' Harrison has
even lost interest in eating, the paper said."sk
sk ~ i`m doing a little free form art, could all you save your turkey
drum-sticks for me and bring them to the next flipper show <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 26&#184; 2001 4:53pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Flipper Glen, did you guys ever manage to give away that pack
'o' CD's & tapes? I recal l Brett having some requirements for it, but
don't remember them being fulfilled? If not, hopefully you guys can
cull some stuff out of it or if you left it there, I'm sure Polly will
:) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 26&#184; 2001 4:31pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Sounds great, Regis. The ECW has Lightcher Nutzon Fire
Mondays. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 26&#184; 2001 4:25pm</B></FONT>
Regis - ~ Paulie, coming over tonite for some wrassling on t.v.? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 26&#184; 2001 4:13pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Sounds like it was a great show, sorry I missed it! Damn, that
sucks..I really wanted to go too. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 26&#184;
2001 2:48pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ LOL!! Yes, s(k)zostek. You are. Nuttinsa mattah, Sarah. I
thought it was a silly idea is all :)Szostek:
Sarah ~ Whats the matter Paulie, you didn't want to go to the nudey
bar? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 26&#184; 2001 2:10pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ No Denny's to my knowledge, Jessica. Seems the boys had other
plans. The aftershow was at the Gold Clu b. Not sure who went, but
Jager-Keis apparently had lotsa free tkts. He offered Cin & I a pair,
but there were several pblms w/ that: 1. As Polly will stand testament
to, I don't go to no alcohol establishments. When that was the rule at
the Barn, I stopped going. No alcohol allowed = No Paulie. 2. I don't
like strip bars that much, even those that do serve booze. Not enough
women for my taste & the ones that are there are pretty much interested
in $$$ not partying or conversation. 3. The idea of going to s uch a
place w/ me, a bunch of Flipper guys & Cindy is ridiculous. I'm not
sure what Jager was thinking when repeatedly pitching the idea. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 26&#184; 2001 12:56pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Hey Flipheads! It was great to see so many of yo u Friday at
the Webster since I had to miss the barn festivus. rcw Thank You for
doin' the shots for me but I am so upset I missed blue jello shots!!
Polly, it was nice finally meeting you on Friday and after all the the
talk I hope someone made it to Denn y's for A Grand Slam. I will miss
everyone for the next few weeks because this weekend I am busy getting
ready for the next when I ahev a wedding. So you all Take Care and have
a great week! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 26&#184; 2001
Sarah ~ Front page! Now your livin in style!
26&#184; 2001 10:37am</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
rcw ~ glen, no on-line link, huh? save a copy for me then - would love
to see :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 26&#184; 2001 8:44am</B></FONT>
glen ~ heeeey. front page! check out the Monday edition of The
Register Citizen(c) if you can. Suz & I are on the cover. O'Hagan's
will never know what hit it. only 11 days to go... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 26&#184; 2001 8:13am</B></FONT>
randi ~ sorry i didn't m ake it out saturday night :(... i tried... just
didn't happen... glad i got to see you on your birthday rcw... and do a
shot!... as always... take care... see you all soon... :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 25&#184; 2001 9:29pm</B></FONT>
Duck, Rice, and the lord and savior! ~ Fly me away from here pleeze!!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 25&#184; 2001 8:18pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ good evening everyone. check out tomorrow's edition of The
Register Citizen(c). (circa Winsted, Torrington) Suz & I will be
featured in a nice writeup and a pho -to. g'night! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 25&#184; 2001 7:42pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Yeah Wendy, I was real bummed about it...well, hopefully soon
we can hang again and have some fun. Can't wait....till next time....
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 25&#184; 2001 7:32pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Sarah, Bummer!!!! Sorry you didn't make it to the barn last
nite (boo, hiss, boo) Hopefully soon we can get together soon and have
some fun. Have a great week... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 25&#184; 2001
Sarah ~ Sorry Polly! I never made it up to the barn, I was blown off by
friends and didn't feel like traveling up there alone so I just didn't
go. Sorry I missed it, it sounds like everyone had a lot of fun! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 25&#184; 2001 5:21pm</B></FONT>
Polly ~ my ears are still ringing from last night's show!! Flipper
Dave, you rock. did anyone else feel the floor shakin' all night?
nice seeing you rcw and Paulie and Cindy and meeting Wendy and jager
keis and Pete Scheips and M ark Mercier!!...sorry those kids stole the
rest of my jello :-P Sarah where were you? did anyone go to Denny's
afterall? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 25&#184; 2001 3:18pm</B></FONT>
Pete Scheips ~ Flipper Dave Rocks!!! Thanks for a great show last nite
@ The Powder Mill Barn,lets do it again soon!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 25&#184; 2001 12:41pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ It was great meeting rcw and polly. thx for the jello shots,
blue was a great flavor! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 25&#184; 2001
rcw ~ duck calling huh? Thats what goes on down there in Arkansaw? LOL!
Thanks everyone for making my b -day sooo much fun! Pretty -Polly thanks
for the Jello shots! Missed ya' JSJ, though I did do some for ya' :D Flipper Mike, forgot the violin again! Must have been all that Jager Till next timeKevy
PS ~ hope everyone can make it to the show tonight, it's going to be
great! Flipper will be on late, probably starting around 10, but come
early and see Pete Schieps & Mark Mercier! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
24&#184; 2001 5:09pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ any difference now? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 24&#184; 2001
jeremy ~ O.k. so my clock is a little slow on this computer, I guess
I'm ten minutes late, even though it posted as 4:16.jeremy
sk ~ i stomped on 17 cigs last night that people tossed on the floor,
at one point the hair on the backs of my feet almost caught fire, why
do people have to smoke <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 24&#184; 2001
Hippiefoot ~ Hey Flipper, thanks alot. I think I blew an "epic music"
fuse Thursday. Creek just wasn't doin' it for me last night after
watchin' Bret and the boys! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 24&#184; 2001
Pete Scheips ~ Tonite is going to be fun!Brett please play Mutts f or
Copenhagen,Denmark!I hope our next show together is in Christana! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 24&#184; 2001 1:40pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Creek played a good show at the Webster last night! Good to see
you again Jessica, sorry you won't be at the barn! Well I'll see
everyone at the barn later! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 24&#184; 2001
Paulie ~ Got the Hot Acoustics info from Pickle. Thx Pickle!!! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 24&#184; 2001 9:34am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Anyone know the names of the two members of Hot Acoustics?
Alyce & Gary what???? Please Email w/ the info if you can assist. Thank
you. (
Wendy ~ Outstanding show last nite! See y'all at the barn. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 23&#184; 2001 6:02pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ hippefoot, don`t make fun of my huge hairy feet, its been a
nightmare trying to find shoes all my life, not to mention finding foot
shampo and condition that they do not test on animals, the good part is
being able to stomp out fires for people while camping <FONT SIZE=1><B>November 23&#184; 2001 5:16pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ got a coupon for Dennys? Geez I guess all signs are
pointing for you to go eat there...I could go for a grand slam
breakfast myself...who knows, maybe after the show on s at. LOL....c ya
guys later! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 23&#184; 2001
Hippiefoot ~ Howdy y'all! Epic show last night! I'm still amped. Creek
will have a hard time tonight matching up after last nights Flipper
extravangaza. And, I am hap py to say I'm writing from my new PC, in my
actual home (no more driving to my dad's office to go online.) See
y'all tonight. Hey, SK, any chance for the Flipper/Tiger show tonight,
you big, hairy footed man??? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 23&#184; 2001
Jessica ~ I am at a loss for words but all I guess I can get out is
Jeff Pevar with Flipper!!!! It was such a great time and after stuffing
my face with food I got to listen to amazing music with a bunch of
friends, definitely the perfect end to the night. And to all who showed
up to Chat's (especially Wendy, Donna and Heidi) next time we'll make
sure that everyone there will be over 20 :). <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
23&#184; 2001 11:40am</B></FONT>
glen ~ happy thanksgiving everyone. great j amming with The Peev all
night last night, maybe I'll see some of you tonight at The Webster or
at The Maple Tree. and of course we'll see the rest of y'all Saturday
at The Barn. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 23&#184; 2001 10:43am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ okay - here with go with the half messages againrcw
kevy ~ Happy turkey all, I myself am in the over -eatin' discomfort
stage of my day and trying anything for relief. I have successfully
arrived in ARK. if you didn't alredy ass -ume. Have a great weekend of
partyin' wish I was there.. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 22&#184; 2001
Polly ~ hahaaa guess what i got from work with my check...a coupon for
Denny's LOLOL. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. after all that food it's
nappy-time for me...maybe i'll see you all tonight. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 22&#184; 2001 7:43pm</B></FONT>
stiney ~ happy thanksgiving flip freaks! have fun at the barn! Polly,
we'll meet one of these days! sunshine and smiles, <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 22&#184; 2001 7:19pm</B></FON T>
Nov 24
The 4:20 Barn
rcw ~ sk - airport went just great - especially after a little detour
of all the the bars in downtown hartford ;) - Anyhow, would love to get
the sisters to the double down tonight, but thi nk they may remain
fliper virgins till saturday :D - If I dont see y'all, have a great
one! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 22&#184; 2001 3:33pm</B></FONT>
Tamara ~ Hi all and Happy Turkey Day! Flip boys I had an awesome time
at O'Hagan's. Met some cool new p eople RCW,Wendy... and had an
unforgetable time dancing with some old friends (until I lost the back
seam in my pants!) A blanket thank you to all of you today for filling
my life with music, friendship, and DIVERSITY! Love, Tam <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 21&#184; 2001 2:41pm</B></FONT>
the real deal sk ~ hey rcw, how did your airport run go last night?
will we possibly see you at the DD tonite? hope to see some of you
hodads and grimshaws tonite! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 22&#184; 2001
sk ~ at work they said they would give us a turkey, but all i got was
the neck <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 22&#184; 2001 12:50pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Right on, rcw!! Thanks :) Polly, I'll show you the room on
Saturday. Cin & I are looking fwd to some party ing & gross, disgusting
eggs @ Denny's w/ you Flippers on Sat. Hippie Turkeyday, y'all!!!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 22&#184; 2001 10:52am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ P2P - El Buho has made it! Should have cd's out by monday .
Giving them a listen right now,and so far so good :D! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 22&#184; 2001 9:39am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ Happy Turkey day all you flipheads! Hope chat's was a blast & to
see ya'all soon ! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 22&#184; 2001
flippermike ~ Happy Thanksgiving everyone. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
22&#184; 2001 9:06am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
22&#184; 2001 8:54am</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
Wendy ~ Happy turkey day to all..see you flipheads tonite at dd! Great
show last nite Flipper..enjoyed hanging with Jessica and Andrew too!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 22&#184; 2001 8:05am</B></FONT>
glen ~ oh yeah, thanks Jay I forgot to mention that, Mark Mercier will
be joining Flipper onstage at the Powder Mill Barn for sure on Satu rday
night, see you there. (and at Denny's as well) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 21&#184; 2001 8:36pm</B></FONT>
Lori ~ Howdy peeps! Just a quick message...Sorry could not make it to
Burlington the other night! But will make a appearence on Turkey Night
instead after I get done in Barkhamsted stuffing my face! Hope everyone
enjoys their holiday! Cruising out to pool league then to Hoops for a
couple of pops so will check in later! See yas! Lorisk
sk ~ this is the real sk, and I do have huge hobbit feet < FONT SIZE=1><B>November 21&#184; 2001 4:55pm</B></FONT>
Pollyesterpants ~ hey Pauliefishpants, what room was that?? i must
have missed that one lol.
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 21&#184; 2001
sk: ~ this is really me, not the imposters below <FONT SIZE=1><B>November 21&#184; 2001 3:34pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Is anyone going to Chatt's tonite? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
21&#184; 2001 2:22pm</B></FONT>
flippermike ~ The music starts @ 7pm on saturday. We are headlining ,
but Flipper is going to try to play 2nd to last and have Pete`s band go
on last. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 21&#184; 2001 2:21pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ you see, my feet are rather hobbit -like, so, when i go out to eat,
i feel the need to wash them and then dry them under the hot a ir dryer
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 21&#184; 2001 11:20am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Flipper Mike: Please Email my brother Mikey Square Pants your
snail address. He's
He is ready willing & able to
burn you your El Buho but has no place to se nd it. <FONT SIZE=1><B>November 21&#184; 2001 9:16am</B></FONT>
flippermike ~ We will be starting around 9pm tonite at Chatt`s as the
bar closes @1am. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 21&#184; 2001
Pretty Paulie-o ~ Hey Pretty Polly-o: Looking forward to the show on
Saturday. I'm hoping you'll set up that room again where women who are
inclined to do so can show off their pretty panties. I bet Flipper Glen
would like that. Have a Happy TDay, All!! I now have exactly the same
number of days left to work this year as I do until vacation -that
being 7!!! WOOOHOOO!!! :):):) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 21&#184; 2001
Polly ~ i dunno...something about those eggs swimming around in a sea
of grease, and that toast that's so burnt you ca n use it to scrape the
ice off of your windshield...just keeps me coming back to Denny's for
more. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 20&#184; 2001 7:33pm</B></FONT>
Polly ~ hey Stiney, happy Turkey Day to you too...and i still can't
believe i haven't met you in p erson yet! LOL <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
20&#184; 2001 7:26pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Polly don't do it. Try to contain yourself from going to
Denny's! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 20&#184; 2001 7:29pm</B></FONT>
Polly ~ haha Paulie, i go to Ham&acid beach all the time! so all this
talk about Denny's is actually making me hungry (except for the part
about sk washing his feet in the sink). <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
20&#184; 2001 7:21pm</B></FONT>
stiney ~ eeeeeeew. I can't think of washing feet as Denny's fun or
funny either :op
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 20&#184; 2001
Jessica ~ Wendy, a few posts down I had regretfully said I will not be
at the barn on Saturday. Sorry. And rcw I did some for you you have to
do the same for me :). <FONT SIZ E=-1><B>November 20&#184; 2001
Wendy ~ Hi Sarah, yeah, long time no see. I will certainly be at the
barn on Saturday..we'll party for sure..jello shots rule! Jessica, will
you be there also?? I like grand slam breakfasts at Dennys, any time.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 20&#184; 2001 5:31pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ well I've seen the video of SK washing his huge feet in the
Denny's bathroom sink and it is neither fun nor funny. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 20&#184; 2001 5:33pm</B></FONT>
stiney ~ LOL Rcw!!! thats cool...
and laugh... sunshine and smiles,
2001 4:32pm</B></FONT>
It must be fun to look back on that
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 20&#184;
sk ~ i love dennys, the sinks in the mens rooms are just the right size
to was my huge feet <FONT S IZE=-1><B>November 20&#184; 2001
rcw ~ wavy, I, and some others actually made a video on our way to see
creek out in ca - denny's accross america - amazing what an institution
fast food is :D! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 20&#184; 2001
stiney ~ aww, man, i haven't been to a Denny's in over 2 years... Last
time was in Colorado after a Strangefolk show at the bluebird in
Denver... we stopped for coffee so we could stay awake for the 8 hour
rided home... Hi Miss Polly! If I don't swing back through here
before thursday, have a happy turkey day!! sunshine and smiles, stiney
:D <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 20&#184; 2001 3:07pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ rcw, can't make it to the barn on Saturday so no jelloshots
for me. Guess you and I will have to wait for December :( <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 20&#184; 2001 2:41pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Hey, anybody know what time Flipper starts playing on
saturday?? Hey Wendy! Long time no see...going to the barn on
saturday>> Hope to see you there! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 20&#184;
2001 2:24pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ sight seeing? I thought it was all about the music :)(Though ya'
do have an interesting crowd!) - JSJ - note polly's making jello shots!
Thanks polly :D <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 20&#184; 200 1
FYI ~ Are you there to sight -see or to hear some awesomeChatterlies,
FYI ~ The Flipper Dave Trio will be playing the AnnualJessica
KA (again!) ~ Ooops, I mean Thursday at the Double Down... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 20&#184; 200 1 11:49am</B></FONT>
KA ~ Does anyone know what time Brett starts playing at Chat's on
Thanksgiving night? Can't wait!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 20&#184;
2001 11:42am</B></FONT>
KA ~ Does anyone know what time Brett starts playing at Chat's on
Thanksgiving night? Can't wait!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 20&#184;
2001 11:41am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Coincidentally, that's my favorite CT LI Sound Beach. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 20&#184; 2001 11:12am</B></FONT>
casey - ~ my favorite sandwich before shows is ham & acid <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 20&#184; 2001 10:55am</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Hi RCW, it was great meeting you and Tam also! I had a great
time at O'Hagans.
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 20&#184; 2001
thingfish ~ Thanks Pauliefish. Yo u rock Big time!!!!! Thanks again
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 20&#184; 2001 9:19am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ don't know about the super bird myself, but nothing like a good
grilled cheese - maybe a little tomato & bacon if ya' wanna get crazy
;) - P2P - all set to go with the tree, thanks :D <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 20&#184; 2001 9:06am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ The Super Bird???? Dunno about Denny's version, but I have one
of those in my "Can't Touch This" Pantalones. :) The branches El Buho's
go out today. My other lea f (you know who you arefish) will be done
either tomorrow or if things go smoothly in work, it'll go out today.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 20&#184; 2001 8:50am</B></FONT>
Polly ~ hee hee Denny's is a great topic. the one near me has come a
long way. Brett, what exactly is the Super Bird? have you ever tried
the buffalo chicken strips? the sauce burns your eyeballs if you look
at them too close. ok off to work... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
20&#184; 2001 7:54am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Thanks for the tip Polly , I've been talking my vitamins! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 19&#184; 2001 11:09pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Yeah, its eleven and we're still talking about Denny's. Now
that is great! Man, their food is soooo gross, especially late night,
who knows what the hell t hey put in that stuff! I know its not real
meat! something to think about! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 19&#184;
2001 11:09pm</B></FONT>
Pollypurebread ~ always be careful when ordering a turkey sandwich at
Denny's...make sure there's no paper still in be tween the slices before
you bite into it. yuck. Sarah i hope you're feeling better soon!
drink lotsa o.j.
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 19&#184; 2001
glen ~ actually, Brett always gets the 'Super Bird'. he's a big fan of
grilled cheese anyway. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 19&#184; 2001
Sarah ~ Good health vibes....well its too late for me, I'm already
sick! Horrible cough...I feel like I'm gonna die! Oh well, hope you
have better luck than I did Polly. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 19&#184;
2001 9:06pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ always partial to the sausage gravy n' biscuits myself :)
mmmmmmmm........ <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 19&#184; 2001
glen ~ 'Moons Over My Hammy' is the official late night band favorite.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 19&#184; 2001 8:29pm</B></FONT>
Polly ~ my favorite is the scram slam though...ok i need some good
health vibes stat!! all the kids at work are coming down with the
tummy bug lately. i'm hoping i won't get it just in time for
Thanksgiving or even worse...the barn show this weekend!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 19&#184; 2001 8:01pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Hey, thats a smart idea..i'm one of the dorky people who
actually say the name....and, yes, it does make you feel stupid! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 19&#184; 2001 7:55pm</B></FONT>
Polly ~ no kidding. it makes people feel like dorks when they have to
order stuff like that. i just point to it and say "i'll have one of
those". <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 19&#184; 2001 7:46pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ LOL, moons over my hammy...probably the stupidest name I've
ever heard a breakfast dish called! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 19&#184;
2001 7:43pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ ooh - Flippermike - before I forget, tuning peg, violin? Maybe? & PROMISE I'll have thos e H&H cd's next time I see ya' - Thanks :)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 19&#184; 2001 7:41pm</B></FONT>
Polly ~ mmmm...moons over my hammy : -P <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November
19&#184; 2001 7:29pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Polly, I'll be at the barn on will be good to see
you again! Can't wait.. I know it's gonna rock! Paulie: Whats this?
Your gonna be at the barn too! hehehe, who knows..maybe it will turn
out to be another wonderful time at Denny's! :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 19&#184; 2001 6:46pm</B></FONT >
Polly ~ hi Stiney and Sarah and all you flipheads!! who's coming to my
barn on Saturday? Paulie do you have turkey pants for Thanksgiving?
i'll see you Saturday with that cooler of yours. and i'm making jello
yum. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 19&#184; 2001 6:35pm</B></FONT>
stiney ~ see food and eat it, right? LOL.... sunshine and smiles,
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 19&#184; 2001 6:18pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ sk, I've been on a sea food diet my whole life! LOL
SIZE=-1><B>November 19&#184; 2001 5:2 7pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Susy Q and Glen I am realy sorry about the 7th. My friend
should have planned her wedding better :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
19&#184; 2001 4:06pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ i am on sea food diet this week, when i see food, i eat it <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 19&#184; 2001 3:56pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving this week!!
Hope you all eat some good food! :0) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 19&#184;
2001 3:17pm</B></FONT>
randi ~ great time this weekend... s aturday night was definitely
interesting... paulie i could have used you at one point... but it was
all good... managed to stay pretty jerk -free for the most part... maybe
my magnetism is wearing off... wouldn't that be nice?... beautiful
meteor shower on the way home... i made a big wish on the first falling
"star" i saw... glen thank you for walking me to my car... see you guys
soon! take care... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 19&#184; 2001
flippermike ~ SK is a breakfast thief!!! <FONT SIZ E=-1><B>November
19&#184; 2001 1:36pm</B></FONT>
stiney ~ LMAO!! Adios pantalones... that's an awesome name for a
band!!! hahahaha... sunshine and smiles, stiney <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 19&#184; 2001 1:35pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ it is paulie, i ate his br eakfast <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November
19&#184; 2001 1:29pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I certainly hope that question is not at all related to
Flipper Mike's breakfast. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 19&#184; 2001
sk: ~ is it really all about me? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 19&#184;
2001 1:00pm</B></FONT>
Hey ~ flippermike, how was breakfast today? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
19&#184; 2001 11:38am</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ What a weekend it was! The show was the best on Friday and
rcw we tried and succeeded ver y well. It was great to see so many
people I hadn't seen around lately and the turnout was wonderful. Only
bad part was getting a little lost on the way back home and almost
running out of gas :( But all in all it was an excellent time. Mike M.
thanks for the CD, it was playing right along to the meteor shower.
Hope everyone has a good week and a Happy Turkey Day!!!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 19&#184; 2001 11:42am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ sk, Mikey & I plan to continue to Miracle Tree stuff out here
for y'all. I haven't forgotten about the Creek 10/13/01 - Boulder show
you gave me. That's next up after the current two (Buho & Juice). Just
after New Year's. Perhaps we can get to the BEach Party after that. It
would be nice to tree out a Flipper thing on their me ssage board for a
change. :) Thanks for letting us use this space to do this, Flippers.
Much appreciated. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 19&#184; 2001
Paulie ~ LOL!! I hear they are pretty good, though I haven't had the
oppty to see them yet, Flipper Mike. And Eskay, I'm sorry, I will not
be able to make the show on Friday (or were you referrin to someone
else as Ego Boy? :). This week it's Zimmy tomorrow & the Barn on
Saturday. If you can't get to it, no sweat. Folks will get it when it's
done. I'm sure all know realize that you're quite busy. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 19&#184; 2001 11:24am</B></FONT>
flippermike ~ Paulie, I see that you you must have started that band
you have always wanted. There is a band in the Advocate this week
called "Adios Pantalones". I`d prefer if you left them on though...LOL
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 19&#184; 2001 10:53am</B></FONT>
sk: ~ perhaps i can get to it wednesday, will you be at the webster on
friday ego boy? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 19&#184; 2001
Paulie ~ Now, if sk would only be so kind as to send me the re -seeded
Dr Juice, perhaps I can get MSP his copy before I go on vacation & only
have to do the band & Jager's copies upon my return. What say Eskay? :)
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 19&#184; 2001 10:15am</B></FONT>
stiney ~ paulie, i just sent you my addy, both email and snail mail...
thanks bunches!!! sunshine and smiles, stiney :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 19&#184; 2001 9:44am</B></FONT>
sk: ~ not enough me out here today <FO NT SIZE=-1><B>November 19&#184;
2001 9:32am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ oops, well dont have flipper mike, but sure we can still mamange
with out addy :) And before I forget again, was nice to meet you wendy
& tam @ O'hagans. MSP - didya' check out the Prince? <FO NT SIZE=1><B>November 19&#184; 2001 8:57am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ P2P - I have jager keith & mike - dont worry about addy's - I'll
just see them somewhere ;) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 19&#184; 2001
Paulie ~ The Truth is not always fun and hu morous, Flipper Glen. ;^)
Jager-Keis & Flipper Mike, I still await your snail addy's for the El
Buho, though perhaps your parents for the tree (rcw & MSP,
respectively) will just hand you the show when they individually next
see you. Cin & I will see whome ver is there at the Barn on Saturday.
And Polly, I'm bringing my cooler. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
19&#184; 2001 8:43am</B></FONT>
flippermike ~ Robin, the ride was quite interesting as you can imagine.
I didn`t know that there were going to be meteor showers last nite, so
when I saw them, I thought someone must have spiked the pizza. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 18&#184; 2001 8:38pm</B></FONT>
Polly ~ well i'm still recovering from last night...awesome show,
especially that Red Rocks...and when Glen we nt crazy on those keys,
that was great. Also thanks to the nice people at La Cocina for not
kicking me or my friend out for being so roudy. : -) <FONT SIZE=1><B>November 18&#184; 2001 5:59pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ well, not sure where to even begin! Thanks fli pper dave for a
really fun weekend! MSP loved the dylan! Went well with my saturday
coffee! JSJ - You were right, we tried hard, and we managed the shots
sans jello! And randi, how 'bout stuff, huh? Between that chick in the
bathroom and your buddy bryce w as amusing if nothing else :) Flipper
mike, hope your ride home was quick and painless ;) And did you see the
meteors ? - see ya'all later - <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 18&#184; 2001
glen ~ that messge wasn't fun. it wasn't funny. <FONT S IZE=1><B>November 18&#184; 2001 3:12pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ If you can solve the puzzle immediately below, you are
certainly smart. Not being able to solve the puzzle would not in & of
itself constitute proof of the opposite. However, we do have additiona l
evidence which lays waste to any reasonable doubt. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 18&#184; 2001 1:14pm</B></FONT>
Paulie Faux Paulie ~ Interestingly faux interestingly enough faux
enough, the faux the faux faux faux sk faux sk is faux is almost faux
almost as faux as redundant faux redundant and faux and boring faux
boring as faux as the faux the real faux real sk faux sk.El Pablo
Reverend ~ Hey Guys, smokin show last night at La Cocina. Thanks for
letting me make some noise with you again. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
18&#184; 2001 12:39pm</B></FONT>
PS ~ Mark Mercier will be playing with Pete Scheips Band when we open
for Flipper Dave Sat.Nov.24th @ The Powder Mill Barn. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 18&#184; 2001 10:47am</B></FONT>
sk the realest ~ lies <FONT S IZE=-1><B>November 18&#184; 2001
real sk: ~ no it wasn't <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 17&#184; 2001
sk ~ yes it was <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 17&#184; 2001
sk: ~ that wasn't me below <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 17&#184; 2001
sk ~ Glen can i wear my underware outside my pants at this club ? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 17&#184; 2001 3:44pm</B></FONT>
PS ~ that's 'easy' to find, excuse me typo. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
17&#184; 2001 3:14pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ hay all, here's the directions to LaCos. take rt. 8 north out
of Winsted or get off exit 3 from Mass Pike in Lee MA. follow rt. 20/7
North all the way through Lenox, Lee, etc. until you get to Pittsfield.
(east to find on any map) ta ke rt. 7 all the way to the end of town.
right before you get to the end of town, turn left at the Hospital (a
pretty big side road kind of dips down towards the left -instead of
heading up a slope to a stop sign -sorry, that's the best way I can
describe it) La Cosina is right up on the corner on the right with a
diner on the left. (go slow -the sign is sometimes hard to see,
especially if it's dark) it's actually pretty easy to find... if you
hit rt. 7 again you've gone too far. call (413) 499 -6363 if you get
lost. showtime at 10 with Rev Tor sitting in all night. it's a great
and very different kind of room and crowd, please join us!!! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 17&#184; 2001 3:12pm</B></FONT>
Polly ~ can anyone give me directions to tonight's show? <FO NT SIZE=1><B>November 17&#184; 2001 2:44pm</B></FONT>
Kevy ~ Robin, Show tonight? give me a shout Kevysupertune@yahoo. bub
bye <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 17&#184; 2001 12:02pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I received the El Buho seeds from Mr Postman via The
Incredible Quickel Pickle. So that Miracle Tree will be moving along to
the branches, rcw & MSP, next week. I cannot thank the three of you
enough for your assistance in this effort. W/o the immediate response
from the Incredible Quickel Pickle, this would neve r have gotten off
the ground before I leave for vacation on 11/30. Likewise, w/o the
burning volunteering of rcw & MSP, not many folks would get this show
until 2002 - A Space Palindrome. Now, if sk would only get me that Dr
Juice Miracle Tree Seed re -do, we may even get that one a -movin' before
my return. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 17&#184; 2001
Wendy ~ Great show last nite Flipper!
17&#184; 2001 9:55am</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
sk ~ how can you be me? i`m me <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 16&#184; 2001
sk ~ yeah, that actually was me, but the one saying it wasn't me wasn't
me.....dr. juice played a nice tight show last night and had some new
material to boot! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 16&#184; 2001
sk ~ that was not me <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 16&#184; 2001
sk: ~ as opposed to the fake el buhno? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
16&#184; 2001 1:18pm</B></FONT>
JeCy ~ Episode 2 trailler is up at for those that are
interested. Hey glen get the dvd yet? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
16&#184; 2001 12:55pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Mike, I'll provoke you! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 16&#184;
2001 11:38am</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <br>If you want to check out the real El Buho, they ( with Mike
Gordon and Scott Murawski) will be playing a benefit show this Sunday
(11/18) at BB Kings Blues Club in NYC. I can promise you it would be
worth the ride for sure.<br> <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 16&#184; 2001
Lori ~ Hey hey Wend!!! I am doing well and Paulie as far as Ziomek is
concerned I have not talked to him since February and found out in July
he is now engaged! Whatever!!! Please tell Cindy and the kids I said
howdy tho ok! I have to go to work so I will try to chat b ack soon!
And I should have stated it's one bellybutton(and that it's damn cute)
hehe Looking forward to the show! See ya! Lor <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 16&#184; 2001 10:12am</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Carbone, how's it going?
2001 10:04am</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 16&#184;
Paulie ~ Going well Lori, and you? All your love & bellybuttons????
WOW!! How many do you have? Can I see them? Say hello to Ziomek for me
next time you see or Email him :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 16&#184;
2001 10:07am</B></FONT>
Lori ~ First time I had a chance to leave a message in a while but
thanks for the great time at Hoops last week -end! Found out you will
be at O'Hagans tonight I will try to get up there probably around 11PM
as I have to work! Hey Paulie how goes it ? As always a pleasure to
catch a show when I can. Thanks for the continued entertainment.!!!
All my love and bellybuttons!! Lori C <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
16&#184; 2001 9:58am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ I hate when u press down on the key that the thing is under and
it makes that crushing noise! Polly -A dead bug? How did that happen?
Thats really strange! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 16&#184; 2001
flippermike ~ Polly, all I know is that "PMS stands for "Provoke Mike
Sherman" <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 16&#184; 2001 7:41am</B></FONT>
Paulie Tree Pants ~ The El Buho Tree is closed. Flipper Mike & Stiney,
send me your addresses. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
16&#184; 2001 1:30am</B></FONT>
Polly ~ there's a dead bug stuck in my keyboard eeew...i'm looking
forward to La Cosina on Saturday, anyone know what that place is like?
and another thing, can anyone tell me why guys think women are so hard
to figure out?? i seem to keep getting myself into these crazy
relationships lately, and you guys aren't any easier to figure out than
we are lol. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 15&#184; 2001 11:29pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Really stiney...thanx for the tip...hey guys I caught a kick
ass show from psychedelic breakfast tonite..they rock!! <FONT SI ZE=1><B>November 15&#184; 2001 10:30pm</B></FONT>
stiney ~ hey sk and sarah, get some canned air and blow that crap on
outta there... you would be amazed at the stuff that blows out of your
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 15&#184; 2001 8:29pm</B ></FONT>
Sarah ~ SK: thats too bad...i did that once with a chip..i think its
still in there! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 15&#184; 2001
Wendy ~ Hi Jessica, you can count me in for Friday at O'
on.. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 15&#184; 2001 6:13pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ i just had fruit -loops for a snack at my desk, and i dropped a
yellow one into my keyboard between the l and the k, and then i
crushed, it now there is all yellow dust in there <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 15&#184; 2001 4: 57pm</B></FONT>
stiney ~ hey paulie, can I get in on the el buho (sp?) tree? here's my
email: thanks bunches!! sunshine and smiles,
stiney :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 15&#184; 2001 2:06pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ yo D' :) Hoping to see ya' one of these days!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 15&#184; 2001 2:15pm</B></FONT>
derek ~ Robin's workin on the Willie.... sweet.... Marino Bros. ROCK
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 15&#184; 2001 1:14pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ okay jsj - if I have to I can try - actually, I'll be working on
about 48 hours as a non -smoker, so shots maybe very necessary! See
ya'll :D <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 15&#184; 2001 1:20pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ LOL, tree pants! Thats good, I think Paulie does need some tree
pants..then he would be stylin' at the party! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
15&#184; 2001 9:59am</B></FONT>
mikey square pants ~ For Xmas, I'll have to find some tree pants for
Paulie <:-) <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 15&#184; 2001 8:08am</B></FONT>
flippermike ~ Paulie, put me down for one of those El Buho discs. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 15&#184; 2001 8:06am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Only two more days till the weekend...I can do it! I think.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 15&#184; 2001 7:46am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Still have 10 spots open on t he El Buho Miralce Tree. Pickle
just called me & the seeds head here tomorrow :):):)JSJ
rcw ~ ooh, twice - I give up! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 14&#184; 2001
rcw ~ nice grammar, huh? hey stiney only 1 \2 my post showed uprcw
DBrooks ~ Never mind.
duh... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 14&#184; 2001
DBrooks ~ Where do I sign up, Paulie?
14&#184; 2001 12:23pm</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
Sarah ~ I'd have to say Paulie, I am having "can't touch this
pantalones"'s been a long time!! :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 14&#184; 2001 3:13pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ ROCK ON! Another tree? Thats guys are the best!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 14&#184; 2001 2:47pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ D'oh!!! Thanks for the clarification, Pickle. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 14&#184; 2001 2:47pm</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ Peter Schimke (keyboard) is from the "Michale Franks Band".
The other player was Perry Osborne who is the guatir player for El
Buho. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 14&#184; 2001 2:40pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Sign-ups for the El Buho 11/10/01 - Antone's, Austin (with
Special Guests Mike Gordon of PHISH!, Jeff Sipes formerly of ARU & LOS,
Scott Murawski of Max Creek and Peter Schimke & Michael Franks) shall
commence immediately. This is, as usual, a Miracle CD Tree and Mikey
Square Pants & rcw have benevolently volunteered to serve as branches
for this one. Since I am going on vacation on 12/1, they will be doing
almost all of the burning. I thank you guys both for that effo rt. Most
kind. Pickle anticipates getting the seed in thge mail to me by this
weekend. I suspect that I'll have this one before I have a remediated
Dr Juice seed. In that event, this one will be managed first. Both will
of course be done. Everything promis ed will be delivered to you all.
I'll leave this open until I close it, at around 15 -20 shows or at the
end of the business day tomorrow. Email me @ w/
Subject "El Buho Tree" and include your snail addy.
<FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 14&#184; 2001 2:35pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ you always knew me best paulie, not as much as i want to "know"
you <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 14&#184; 2001 2:19pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ LOL!! That was sk. Only he knows that we once speculated about
forming a band & callin g it either Spanka da Moongee or Jack Sauce
Which I Toss. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 14&#184; 2001
Paulie ~ Well i'm not taking the weekend off completely, I'll be
rehearsing with my new band Spanka da Monkee <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
14&#184; 2001 1:20pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I just spoke to Pickle. Watch for an El Buho Tree early next
week. More on this soon. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 14&#184; 2001
Jessica ~ Who will I see at Good Old O'Hagan's this mighty fine
weekend? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 14&#184; 2001 12:20pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ rcw, I'm taking this weekend off (though I may go say HELLO to
Pete on Thurs down the street) since Zimmy is Tuesday & should prove to
be costly. MSP will be there though. <FONT SIZE =-1><B>November 14&#184;
2001 12:18pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Pickle, please call me @ (203)206 -0379 & we can get going on
this. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 14&#184; 2001 12:17pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ ooops, that was supposed to be P2P! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
14&#184; 2001 12:17pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ hey, are P@P and the pants coming out to play this weekend? <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 14&#184; 2001 12:17pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ sorry, your right - mr bozo wasnt nice :( (I had to :D) SIZE=-1><B>November 14&#184; 2001 12:15pm</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <br>was referring to you 3 without coming right out and
saying/asking. Mr Bozo, eh???? hmmmmmmmmmm<br> <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 14&#184; 2001 12:07pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ LOL, that's funny, Pickle. Both rcw & I thought you were
referring to us individually. I am quite confident that Mikey Square
Pants also figured you meant him (as I am he as he is me & we are oui &
Oui is a porno magazine). Since only you know who you meant, I suggest
that you Email that person and I su spect that the other two will be
more than willing to lend their support. Speaking for me, for sure I
will no matter what the role. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 14&#184; 2001
rcw ~ mr bozo (LOL!)- of course I would be happy to help with t he tree
:) and MT - meteors in pittsfield = fun! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
14&#184; 2001 11:26am</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <br>Jager, yes, i want to start some type of tree to get the
El Buho shows out there (especially the second night...WOW!!!).
Anybody wanna help me out with this if I can get CD's to one person and
they can tree it out from there? hmmmmmmm, if only there was somebody
on this board that did that type of stuff. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
14&#184; 2001 10:33am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Thanx for the info! :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 14&#184; 2001
Paulie ~ Dr Juice Miracle Tree is stalled while I await a re -seed of
Tape 1 Side B from The Fabulous sk. When I get it back, we'll get back
to the transfer. The Mikey will be given a cop y & things will move
along nicely. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 14&#184; 2001
jager-keis ~ Hey pickle,any chances of some tapes from the El Buho
shows????That would be mint.Later <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 14&#184;
2001 7:26am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ Hey Major Tom, you don't happen to be from Burlington, do you?
(MT Productions?) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 14&#184; 2001
R.I.P. Ken ~ "You're either on the bus or your off." <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 13&#184; 2001 7:29pm</B></FONT >
Sarah ~ Hey Paulie: Hows progress on the Dr. Juice Miracle Tree going?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 13&#184; 2001 7:05pm</B></FONT>
rcw ~ stiney, are you flashing people again ? ;) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 13&#184; 2001 5:32pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ or i`ll hold my breath
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 13&#184; 2001
sk: ~ that's it, no tapes of any shows for anyone until whoever is
posting as me stops! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 13&#184; 2001
Major Tom ~ <br>Of course I am over here. I am everywhere. Why do you
ask. Maybe cause you are showing us your........ <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 13&#184; 2001 4:41pm</B></FONT>
stiney ~ hey major tom are ya over here? you crack my sh** up!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 13&#184; 2001 4:31p m</B></FONT>
sk ~ i did not say i had dandruff, i have a dandruff collection, other
peoples, so if you see me with me little tiny broom, and little tiny
plastic collection scoop hanging around your hair, you will know what
i am up to <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 13&#184; 2001 3:46pm</B></FONT>
Hippiefoot ~ Narcotics, no problem..........but can I sub -contract the
kiss? I just can't stand kissing a guy with dandruff. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 13&#184; 2001 3:09pm</B></FONT>
(o)(o) ~ ;) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 13&#184; 2001 3:12pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ pickle, its not on the hair on my head <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
13&#184; 2001 2:23pm</B></FONT>
Pickle ~ <br>I haven't seen the dandruff collection, but I have noticed
the gray hair collection that he is buildi ng up. <FONT SIZE=1><B>November 13&#184; 2001 2:10pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ i have a dandruff collection <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 13&#184;
2001 2:04pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ i wanna be SK. me! me! me! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 12&#184; 2001
sk; ~ who's posting as me? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 12&#184; 2001
sk ~ and a big sloppy wet kiss <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 12&#184; 2001
sk: ~ narcotics <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 12&#184; 2001
Hippiefoot ~ Hey sk, what type of bribery is required to get the show
from the Tiger????? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 12&#184; 2001
Pickle ~ Sounds like fun was had by all this weekend. Sorry to have
missed it. We did catch two KILLER shows this we ekend in Austin Texas
by El Buho, with guest Scott Murawski, Mike Gordon and Jeff
Sipes....Smokin' for sure!! See ya all on Friday. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 12&#184; 2001 1:35pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Great to see everyone this weekend. Had a great time b oth
nights even though I was sober :). and rcw thanks for the nickname, I
definitely cannot wait for the Christmas party to stay by the shots
with you and your sisters. Pete it was good seeing you again at Hoops
and the Webster this weekend. Hope everyone has a wonderful week! And
Happy (belated) Veteran's Day! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 12&#184; 2001
Sarah ~ Sounds like everyone had a fun weekend!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 12&#184; 2001 9:00am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Thanks for a gr eat weekend - looking forward to the
release of "The Green Album"...definitely an interesting weekend all
the way around! 'Til next time -- CHEERS!! :>) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 12&#184; 2001 8:01am</B></FONT>
rcw ~ Well, where to even start.... thank s sk for being the host with
most! (cookies, that is) Thanks to Flipper for the "Green Album" .
Polly nice to meet ya' too - Your definately not paulie - & jsj, dont
forget - jello shots at Paulies xmas party! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
12&#184; 2001 7:21am</B></FONT>
sk ~ at the next flipper show i will do my version of the broadway
classic my fair lady <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 11&#184; 2001
sk ~ that bastid cookie monster left some in my freezer, so for the
sake of science i had 3 sma ll ones around 3 this afternoon, just to see
if the effects weren't as strong when they were frozen, and i combined
them with a rice krispy treat to see if the combination would have any
effect, and i'm reporting that nothing worked, i have almost no
recollection of the last 6 hours, except for i heard an outstanding
black throated wind <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 11&#184; 2001
Grape ~ Hey everyone! Dr. Juice is playing at the Hungry Tiger this
Thursday 11/15. We also will have a web site u p soonsk:
glen ~ sk, the name of last night's DAT ought to be 'The Green Album'.
wonder how it sounds. great setlist, can't wait to see it. reminds me
a of a gig we once did down in Wolcott... <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
11&#184; 2001 6:15pm</B></FONT>
Polly ~ it was nice to finally meet you too sk and rcw last night. i'm
glad you can see there's a difference between me and Paulie. my pants
are nowhere near as funky as Paulie's either. thanks Flipper for a
great show last night, you rock!!! i'm never drinking Jager again
though...or at least until the next FD show. see you at the barn!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 11&#184; 2001 5:24pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ was not <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 11&#184; 2001 3:30pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ nice meeting you last night p olly, when you introduced yourself
to me i thought you said you were paulie, but you're much better
looking and don't have as big of an ego <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
11&#184; 2001 3:01pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ yes, that post was me, but the one saying it wasn't me, wasn't
me, yep, last nights show should be referred to for posterity as "the
green cookie show", perhaps in reverence to the show the flipper boys
should play green cookies and high times, or green cookies, i
remember.......hey rcw, are you in front o f a bloody mary right now?
i'm about ready for another glass of wine, some of those colorful
cookies and a good old fashioned rice krispy treat!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 11&#184; 2001 2:59pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Green cookies? I wasn't in any shape to n otice!They must have
been good.. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 11&#184; 2001 2:30pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ that last post was not me <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 11&#184; 2001
sk: ~ i second that emotion, and they're not just for breakfast anymore
either! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 11&#184; 2001 12:16pm</B></FONT>
flippermike ~ God bless those little green cookies!!! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 11&#184; 2001 3:10am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Flipper Glen, since we're going to be going on vacation for
more than two weeks in early December, I've set up a yahoo account
where folks can Email for info on the party. I'll share that password
w/ Mikey Square Pants & he'll be able to answer any questions in my
absentia. It's Please update the l ink on the
Tours Page to connect to it when you get a minute. {{{{{RIP KEN
KESEY}}}}} <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 10&#184; 2001 4:41pm</B></FONT>
Pete Scheips ~ Thanks for having me up to play with you guys last nite
@ Hoops n'Hops,see you Sat.Nov.24th @ th e Powder Mill Barn! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 10&#184; 2001 3:12pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ please people, the real SK is enough. let's not have imposters.
thank you. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 10&#184; 2001 2:43pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ sk, whomever is posting as you - it ain't me. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 10&#184; 2001 11:52am</B></FONT>
SUNDAY AFTERNOON BUZZ ~ If your not doing anything on Sunday afternoon
I'll be playing acoustic once again at the Brass Horse for a benefit
for something.Brett will be down rip ping a few tunes with me starting
around 4:00 pm.The benefit consists of going around to different bars
in the area and getting loaded and ending back at the horse for a
party..(e-mail me with later jager -keis <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 10&#184; 2001 10:39am</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Rockin' show last nite Flipper! Looking foward to tonite's show
too. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 10&#184; 2001 8:38am</B></FONT>
ep ~ great show and a fun time.
10&#184; 2001 2:29am</B></FONT>
What now? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
sk ~ i like to wear paulies pants, but i wear them over my head and
peep out the fly hole, the legs are rolled up and tied like giant ear
muffs, all this makes me hungry for a sardine and peanut butter
sandwich <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 9&#184; 2001 9:22pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Unlike Mr. Daltry, I advocate only the second & third of those
suggestions - and only amongst the women folk. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 9&#184; 2001 5:12pm</B></FONT>
Roger Daltry ~ See my pants, feel my pants, touch my pants, heal my
pants. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 9&#184; 2001 4:51pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Looking forward to seeing you all
sad I cannot see the "can't touch me pants"
wait and hold my breath u ntil December. See
bells on. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 9&#184;
tonight. nad Paulie I am so
but maybe I will have to
everyone later... with
2001 4:34pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ that wasn't me again!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 9&#184; 2001
sk ~ it`s the weekend, ahhh, show tunes, here i come <FONT SIZE=1><B>November 9&#184; 2001 1:13pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Paulie: I didn't know you were having a christmas party! That
would be a stylin event for the pants! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
9&#184; 2001 10:33am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Miracle - n. What Mikey Square Pants hands you when you walk
up to him & say, "Give me my fuggin' Jerry!". <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
9&#184; 2001 10:11am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I see the XMas Party is on the Tour Dates page. All you Flip
Heads plan on coming down to it. Just a quick note. I am no longer on
AOL. The link to my Email address is identical, but @ yahoo. Flipper
Glen, if you can update the link to my Email addy as, we'll be stylin'. Also, you guys can feel free to
call me on my cell phone at (203)206 -0379 (and the # can surely also be
put on the Tour Page). <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 9&#184; 2001
Paulie ~ Cindy & I will not be at the H&H gig tonight. I am sure to
wear my Can't Touch This pantalones soon though, ladies. I look HOT in
them. :) Flipper Glen, a Miracle in the context in which Mikey & I use
it is plain & simply a free show on CD. We like to do our part to
spread music around too. We can't jam but we can jell -o. Great to see
the entire band along w/ Kevy, Andrew & Pete Scheip s last night @ DDG.
Tommy Banks RULES!!! And Tanya Raeh too. Have a great weekend,
Cindy ~ Hey Glen, do you have the time and place for the tree fest? Kim
is a big Spaghetti Cake fan. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 8&#184; 2001
Paulie's Pants ~ <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 8&#184; 2001
Paulie's Pants ~ <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 8&#184; 2001
Sarah ~ Let me just tell you guys...its definately something to
experience..they might blow you away at first!! <FONT SIZE=1><B>November 8&#184; 2001 3:32pm</B></FONT>
Jessica ~ Morning Child and Sarah, I also have not experienced the
phenomenon known as the "Can't touch me pants" and my life has not been
complete since I heard I missed the event. Paulie if you could wear
them on Friday or sometime soon so Morning Child and I can sleep at
night. :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 8&#184; 2001 3:25pm</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Yes, Sarah, as hard as it may be to believe....the last
I knew it was down to Jessica and I as seemingly the only two who
haven't been in the same place at the same time as Paulie and the
pants...don't know what her current status is on that though.....Jess?
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 8&#184; 2001 3:12pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ WHAT!! There are still people who haven't experienced the pants
yet! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 8&#184; 2001 3:04pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Yes Paulie, I'd have to agree..the sax does add a lot to the
music. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 8&#184; 2001 10:00am</B></FONT>
smiles ~ and might i add dr. juice plays zappa quite well
1><B>November 8&#184; 2001 9:37am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ What about you Paulie -- will we see your smiling
countenance tomorrow evening in Simsbury? How 'bout them pants of
yours -- I think I'm one of the remaining few who have yet to
experience the phenomenon! :>) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 8&#184; 2001
Paulie ~ Yeah, she has a full set of effects hooked up to her flute mic
that she uses on many of the tunes. But as rcw poi nted out to me, her
sax work is groovy too. It adds a diminsion of soulfulness to the
music. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 8&#184; 2001 8:06am</B></FONT>
MorningChild ~ Count me in for Friday at Hoops Jessica -- looking
forward to it! :>)
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 8&#184; 2001
Sarah ~ Julee really kicks some ass on that sounds awesome
in the music! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 8&#184; 2001 7:51am</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Dr. Juice is an excellent new hippie band consisting of Julee
(flute, alto sax & vocals) & Dennis (guitar) formerly of Buddha Funk
Special, [Big City] Joe (bass & vocals) and Mike (drums) formerly (I
think) of Hannah's Field. Rob Fried, percussionist for Max Creek, has
sat in w/ them on several occassions & presumably will for future gigs
as well. He was not at the Standing Stne Miracle Tree Show (10/12/01)
because Creek was touring CO at the time. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
8&#184; 2001 6:53am</B></FONT>
shoba ~ randi...what's dr. juice? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 7&#184;
2001 11:13pm</B></FONT>
glen ~ just want to remind you all Dr. Juice, Flipper Dave, Spaghetti
Cake, and the Monroe Mafia (bluegrass band featuring Adam Larrabee)
will ALL be live at the 'Sunflower' CD release party at O'Hagan's on
Friday December 7th, starting at 6PM. last year's party was
outrageous, I can only imagine what this year will be like. don't
forget this weekend, Hoops on Friday, Tiger on Saturday, can't miss
either way. how about both?? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 7&#184; 2001
sk ~ i am so sorry i upset myself <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 7&#184;
2001 9:22pm</B></FONT>
Cierra: ~
Ya'll Know I Would Go If I Wasnt A Youngin... I Miss
Paulie ~ Apologies to the Fabulous sk. If I knew you were getting mad
at us, I'd not have antagonized you. I think you're HOUSE!!!!
thingfish ~ is there an sk over here, sk come home we miss you! <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 7&#184; 2001 5:00pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Dr. Juice ROCKS!!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 7&#184; 20 01
smiles ~ Dr. Juice is awesome..can't wait till I see them again!!!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 7&#184; 2001 1:15pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Dr Juice Miracle Tree CLOSED. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
7&#184; 2001 1:11pm</B></FONT>
Lumby the Disproportionate Midget ~ I miss you. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 7&#184; 2001 11:06am</B></FONT>
sk ~ why do people keep posting on here as me, i have not checked this
forum in weeks, because i don`t realy like any of you people <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 7&#184; 2001 11:03am</B></FONT>
randi ~ get on the dr. juice miracle tree!!! some quality music
there... i promise you'll love it! take care... <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 6&#184; 2001 9:46pm</B></FONT>
Freak Show Freddy ~ So there you are, Steven. You go b y sk now. Okay,
that's fine by me. Just come back on the tour w/ us. We so badly need a
sword swallower w/ your skills. We can't find one that can match your
abilities, let alone one that enjoys doing so much. Please come back!
You can even room w/ Lumby t he Disproportionate Midget like you always
wanted. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 6&#184; 2001 7:12pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ that was definitely paulie below, it was not me, i swear it
wasn't......besides, i much prefer msp to p2p <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
6&#184; 2001 5:22pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ but you do stir my manhood paulie <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
6&#184; 2001 5:10pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ you freely admitted to me the other day that you've been posting
as me, liar liar both your pants on fire!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
6&#184; 2001 4:17pm</B></FONT>
life guard ~ So that's was sk??!!! Bad enough the bastard didn't help
me up but, he kept trying to peg my treble if you catch my drift. <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 6&#184; 2001 4:09pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ I needn't post a s you. I could but I needn't so I haven't. If
I were to retaliate, I'd tell these folks about the time when Kimmie
was a newborn & you came down along w/ some other Htfd Life folks to
visit us in Misquamicut while we were on vacation & in your mildly
dosed up taper scum delusions, you thought the lifeguard's chair that
was tipped over on the beach was a soundboard. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 6&#184; 2001 3:35pm</B></FONT>
sk: ~ these posts are not me, they are a retaliatory strike by p2p, he
is evil and should be destroyed <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 6&#184; 2001
Paulie ~ Dr Juice Miracle Tree still open. See my previous posts for
info. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 6&#184; 2001 1:13pm</B></FONT>
stiney ~ hi sk! there... is that enough attent ion for ya!! :op
sunshine and smiles, <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 6&#184; 2001
sk ~ i need atention any way i can get it, even if i have to make
posts that look like someone else posted as me, or touch myself in a
bad way <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 6&#184; 2001 12:48pm</B></FONT>
the diablo ~ lord sk, shut up <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 6&#184; 2001
sk ~ i am sk. i am all -knowing. i am all-seeing. you will obey me. you
will obey. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 6&#184; 2001 10:59am</B></FONT>
sk ~ hey! stop posting as me! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 6&#184; 2001
sk: ~ it's only strange b/c people are posting as me! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 6&#184; 2001 9:04am</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ It keeps getting stranger and stranger in here all the time! I
love it! <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 5&#184; 2001 9:46pm</B></FONT>
shakti ~ what need have I for this, what need have I for that, I am
dancing at the feet of my lord, all is bliss, all is bliss <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 5&#184; 2001 9:41pm</B></FONT>
shanti ~ all will be forgiven, in good time....even you! <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 5&#184; 2001 7:05pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ i will do any side at all for you paulie, even the flip
side,wink,wink <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 5&#184; 2001 6:58pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Will do. Thanks, sk. Just need Tape 1 Side B. It'll be all
queued up for ya. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 5&#184; 2001
sk: ~ stop posting as me damnit, paulie, why don't you put that tape in
the mail for me and i'll re spin it <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 5&#184;
2001 6:36pm</B></FONT>
HOLD: Seems that during the transfer, I discovered that Tape 1 Side B
is blank. I have a call into the F abulous sk on this. I'll post the
details when I get them. In the meantime, feel free to continue to
apply until I close it. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 5&#184; 2001
glen ~ Paulie, were your trou then zitty slickers? <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 5&#184; 2001 6:06pm</B></FONT>
Sarah ~ Paulie: Your pants almost got ruined because of your zity
ass!!!! You better wear some butt pads or something next time you go to
the bar!! LOL :) <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 5&#184; 2001
Jessica ~ Flipper Mike please e -mail me and let me know what's goin'
on. Take Care! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 5&#184;
2001 5:23pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ A couple months after post -op <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November
5&#184; 2001 5:10pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ paulie, when am i gona be able to put my finger on your button
again ? <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 5&#184; 2001 5:04pm</B></FONT>
GAG!!! ~
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 5&#184; 2001 4:15pm</B></FONT>
ABC Dry Cleaning Co. ~ That was zit -juice??? Whew!!!
1><B>November 5&#184; 2001 4:09pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ LOL!! It emanated from Mine Angus - what else would it be?
Don't answer that, sk!!! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 5&#184; 2001
Ass pinching chick ~ That was zit -juice??? Whew!!!Paulie
Sarah ~ Fun, fun, fun! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 5&#184; 2001
stiney ~ hi smiles! sunshine and smiles,
5&#184; 2001 2:17pm</B></FONT>
<FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
Paulie ~ LOL, Slapspervsalot is pretty funny. :) <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 5&#184; 2001 2:11pm</B></FONT>
smiles ~ that little pervert grabbed my azz saturday and you can bet
your bottom dollar i bitch slapped him..drunken punk along with all of
his friends..oh me oh my where were all the bumm guards when I was
making my way to the shitter?? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 5&#184; 2001
Sarah ~ Alright, thanx! <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 5&#184; 2001
Paulie ~ I want your snail mail via Email ( <FONT
SIZE=-1><B>November 5&#184; 2001 9:10am</B></FONT>
jeremy ~ hey Brett what's up. I met your father friday night. He's
pretty cool. I only wish he got to the scene first when I rolled my
jetta, maybe coulda flippered it back over and saved myself an unsafe
movement ticket and a t ow charge. V.W. technology, no injuries, and I
can still drive it, it dosen't look so good and needs a windshield, the
roofs a little shorter, but it still runs great. See you guys at
Paulie ~ Dr Juice 10/12/01 - Standing Stone provided the mu sic. sk
Miracled me the analog seeds from his DAT master. Mikey & I are
Miracling those of you here on the Flipper Forum who'd like a copy.
Email me w/ addy. Open until further notice - we'll limit this at
around 15 total shows or mid -week, whichever comes first. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 5&#184; 2001
Sarah ~ What is this Dr. Juice Miracle Tree? <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
4&#184; 2001 8:37pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ The Dr Juice is a Miracle Tree so save us both an Email &
simply send me your snail address and you're in as long as I haven't
closed it on here. <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November
4&#184; 2001 7:06pm</B></FONT>
Wendy ~ Hey Flipper, I like your new home page photo!!! It rules. Also
enjoyed 'As the gear merls". <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 4&#184; 2001
FLiPPER & Noodle NEWS DESK ~ Hay everybody, hope you had a great
weekend, we sure did. Check out the latest installment of 'As The Gear
Merls', to your left. And when you're done, take a second and check
out the TOTALLY rebuilt brand spankin' new Spaghetti Cake website*.
Tell us what you think! See you next weekend! Peece.
(* <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 4&#184; 2001
sk: ~ the beach party show , huh? paulie, save a little gelt every week
and buy yourself a decent used home dat and then i can simply give you
any and all of my DAT's to do as you like.............hey, i wonder if
that chick who looked like danko could sing like him? i remember th e
two of you dancing on the beach under the moonlight, literally 50 yards
from where your wife and kids were sleeping (and shame on you for
that), and i remember saying to myself, this chick can really mambo.
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 4&#184; 2001 4:13pm</ B></FONT>
Paulie ~ Coolio, sk. For now, we'll do this one. Then we'll move onto
the Creek Fox Thtr. Followed by another Juice. If you ever get me the
Beach Party, we can even do a Flipper Miracle Tree here. I mean, this
is their website after all. BTW, I found an old address file w/ Buzz's
Email. <FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 4&#184; 2001 2:02pm</B></FONT>
sk ~ i'll be putting the dr. juice show from manchester onto cassette
soon enough too if there's any interest in that, i thought they
playedreally well that night and rob fried sat in with them and it
added a lot <FONT SIZE= -1><B>November 4&#184; 2001 2:00pm</B></FONT>
randi ~ nice to see so many of you flipheads at creek last night...
good time had by all... mike - thanks for the shirt! paulie -thanks for
the drink... and of course your bodyguarding skills... that guy almost
got bitch-slapped! flippermike... so nice to hang with you as usual...
we'll have to do the afterhours thing some other time... take care
all... and do yourselves a favor and get on the dr. juice miracle tree!
<FONT SIZE=-1><B>November 4&#184; 2001 12:43pm</B></FONT>
Paulie ~ The date of the Dr Juice show is 10/12/01 - The Standing
Stone, Hartford. sk, please Email me Buzz's Email addy. <FONT SIZE= 1><B>November 4&#184; 2001 12:30pm</B>< /FONT>
Paulie ~ Sign-ups for the Dr Juice Miracle Tree can commence
immediately. Email me for inclusion, but quite obviously, Mikey Square
Pants will be EXTREMELY involved in the project - most likely doing 3/4
of the burning. Say thanks to The Fabulous S K