Agenda - Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Agenda - Sault Ste. Marie, MI
Any interested person may attend and participate. Persons with disabilities needing help to participate should call the City Clerk's Office at 906/632-5715 in advance to request mobility, visual, hearing, or other assistance. General questions may be directed to Linda Basista, City Engineer and Community Development Manager Phone: 906/632-5733; Fax: 906/635-5606; e-mail: AGENDA City of Sault Ste. Marie TREE COMMISSION Regular Meeting Tuesday, May 19, 2015 5:15 p.m. City Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor 225 E. Portage Avenue Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan (Use Water Street Entrance) 1. Call to Order 2. Excuse absent Tree Commission Members 3. Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting of April 21, 2015 4. Agenda: Changes, Additions, or Deletions 5. OLD BUSINESS a. b. 6. 7. Tree Commission Budget Request update – Linda Basista 915 Pine Street – update from City Commission Meeting NEW BUSINESS a. b. DTE Grant Application Request for Tree Removals (i) 114 W 11th Ave (ii) 1501 W 22nd Street (iii) 750 Kimball Street (iv) 321 E Spruce Street c. Targeted area(s) for tree planting Street/parks tree map (indicating all trees and ash trees) STAFF REPORTS a. b. Update on Tree Removal Requests MDOT follow up 8. Matters to be Presented by the Public or Commission 9. Next Meeting: Tuesday, June 16th, 2015 10. Adjournment SAULT STE. MARIE CITY TREE COMMISSION MINUTES 04-21-15 TREE COMMISSION MEETING HELD IN THE CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS THIRD FLOOR, 225 E PORTAGE AVENUE AT 5:15 PM ON TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 2015 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chair Nancy Gillotte at 5:18 p.m. Present: Nancy Gillotte (Chair), Roger Blanchard, Dennis Merkel, Jim Wilson, Steve Gregory, Jeanne Smith and Jay Gage (City Commission Liaison) Absent: Kevin Wozniak Staff Present: Linda Basista (City Engineer and CD Director) Becky Bottrell (City Beautification) Joan Roney (CD Office Coordinator) Public: Kevin Kenney Jason McLeod 2. Excuse absent Tree Commission Members: It was moved by Jim Wilson and supported by Jeanne Smith to excuse the absent Tree Commission member. The motion carried. 3. Meeting Minutes Approval: It was moved by Roger Blanchard and supported by Dennis Merkel to accept the Sault Ste. Marie Tree Commission Meeting Minutes of October 21st, 2014, as amended to clarify Short Term Goals “Plant 100 new trees or more per year,”. The motion carried. 4. Agenda: New Business for Tree Removal requests were reviewed at this time with the public present. It was moved by Roger Blanchard and supported by Jim Wilson to accept the agenda for the Sault Ste. Marie Tree Commission Meeting of April 21st, 2015. The motion carried. a. Request for Tree Removals – 312/315 E Spruce Street: Kevin Kenney was present at this meeting to request removal of one (1) large Maple tree, over the sidewalk at 312 E Spruce Street and two (2) trees at 315 E Spruce Street. After discussion that these trees were damaged from the widening of Spruce Street and that the tree at 312 is in the electrical line. It was noted that the trees at 315 E Spruce Street could be replaced with smaller trees after the CSO project using the 60/40 program, the homeowner will remove these two trees, it was moved by Roger Blanchard and supported by Jim Wilson to approve the removal of the three (3) trees discussed and that the trees be replaced from the recommended street tree list after the CSO project. The motion carried. (i) 915 Pine Street: Jason McLeod was present on behalf of Shirley Sauro, a senior citizen who is the owner of 912 Brown Street. He explained that there are three (3) trees in the rear yard of 915 Pine Street that are against the neighbor’s house at 912 Brown, hanging over the sidewalk and that branches are falling in the street. He added that the 1 SAULT STE. MARIE CITY TREE COMMISSION MINUTES 04-21-15 trees are dead and bark has fallen off. The discussion included that the trees are on private property and that they are a hazard to life and property. It was moved by Roger Blanchard and supported by Jeanne Smith to notify the property owner to remove two (2) trees from the rear yard closest to the property line due to the facts presented that they are a hazard to life and property. The motion carried. (ii) 1942 W 14th Street: After review and discussion it was determined that the City will remove the dead limbs and watch the tree for further deterioration. It was moved by Steve Gregory and supported by Jim Wilson to deny this request for removal. The motion carried. (iii) 907 Johnston Street: Tree will be removed by Cloverland during their scheduled right of way maintenance along the power canal. (iv) Corner of Johnston & Carrie: It was discussed that this tree is in the electrical lines and is a Maple Tree with tar spot, it will need to be replaced with a low growth tree. It was moved by Dennis Merkel and supported by Jeanne Smith to take no action at this time but to approve the removal of the tree next year by Cloverland. The motion carried. 5. OLD BUSINESS a. Tree City USA update: Denis Merkel provided an update on Tree City USA and that the goal will be to apply for 2015 at the December 31 st deadline. This was due to the Arbor Day Proclamation requirement. b. Tree Commission Budget Request update: Linda Basista reported that the City Commission is currently working on the budget and that she will report at the next meeting. c. Jeanne Smith requested follow up with MDOT regarding the application from Shunk’s for tree removal and replacement. There has been no response to their application. Linda Basista will contact MDOT. 6. NEW BUSINESS b. 60/40 Program Bring forward discussion on this item to May after the budget is finalized. (i) 1101 Johnston Street – Neil Gregory – 5 gal. Ivory Silk Lilac Tree (ii) 917 Kimball Street – Marlo Derry – 10 gal. Street Tree (iii) 313 Water Street – 10 gal. Linden Tree It was moved by Jeanne Smith and supported by Roger Blanchard that these three (3) street trees be ordered including the planting at the locations discussed. The motion passed. Project Playground – Becky Bottrell arranges an annual event at Project Playground to plant a tree for City Beautification. Jeanne Smith inquired if the 60/40 program could be advertised. Linda Basista responded that once the budget is approved the program could be posted on the web and Facebook site. c. Approved Street Trees – Appendix D It was moved by Steve Gregory and supported by Jeanne Smith that the recommended street tree list be approved including those that were marked removed. The motion carried. 2 SAULT STE. MARIE CITY TREE COMMISSION MINUTES 04-21-15 7. STAFF REPORTS a. CSO C-3 Area Trees/Update on Trees for Removal: Linda Basista reported that the contractor hired to do the tree removals has not yet completed all the removals. The City’s GIS Technician L. Joe Miller has marked the trees for removal and has updated the City’s Tree Inventory. It was noted that Cloverland has been a very important partner in the City’s tree maintenance, care, preservation and removal. It was moved by Jeanne Smith and supported by Dennis Merkel that a letter be sent to Cloverland commending the partnership and cooperation of Jim Wilson, Vegetation Control Manager, in his position at Cloverland with the City of Sault Ste. Marie. It was recommended that the letter to be signed by the Mayor. The motion carried. b. Tree Planting along Ashmun Creek: Commissioners complemented the tree planting at Ashmun Creek which will help stabilize the bank. c. Arbor Day Events update: Mayor’s proclamation of Arbor Day was circulated at the meeting. Steve Gregory announced that there will be a campus tree planting by the Lyon’s Club on Friday April 24th, in honor or Arbor Day at Lake Superior State University. Linda Basista suggested a tree at Rotary Park. Steve Gregory donated a Sugar Maple tree to be planted by the Tree Commission in honor of Arbor Day at Rotary Park at 5:30 pm Friday, April 24 th, 2015. Becky Bottrell volunteered to take pictures to submit to the Evening News. d. GLRI Grant: Linda Basista reviewed the application for the GLRI Grant submitted by the City. Commissioners were provided with copies of the application in their meeting packet. 8. Matters to be Presented by the Public or Commission a. The Tree Planting Guidelines Brochure prepared by Dennis Merkel was approved for distribution. The draft of a news article was also reviewed. b. Liberty Tree information was provided. c. Steve Gregory explained that Lake Superior State University would be starting a nursery this Spring on property up against the I-500 track. He suggested that this would be a good project to bring the City and the University together. d. Jim Wilson presented the Cloverland Right of Way Maintenance Plan for 2016. He explained the numbering, the substation indicators and direction on each pole as well as providing a map of the City’s power structure. Mr. Wilson indicated that postcards will be sent out to inform property owners of tree topping, trimming or removal. 9. Next Meeting The next meeting will be Tuesday, May 19, 2015. 10. Adjournment A motion to adjourn was made by Dennis Merkel and supported by Jeanne Smith. The motion carried. Meeting Adjourned at 7:00 pm. ______________________________ Nancy Gillotte (Chair) 3