Economy and Ecology in Focus


Economy and Ecology in Focus
Economy and Ecology
in Focus
Solutions from GEA Air Treatment
Air Treatment
Technical quality
Whoever treats air must master it
6 Conserving the climate and resources
There is plenty of air for improvement
8 Life cycle costs
Air Eco2nomy creates permanent values
10 Measurement, control, and regulation technology
Intelligent regulation ensures sustainable air treatment
Employees, motivation, orientation to results
It’s our responsibility
Welcome to (climatisation) excellence
Highest hygiene demands
Food and beverage industries
First-class air quality and cooling
Shopping centres
Ideal climate for shopping
Computer centres
Precision climate control for secure server operation
Industrial buildings
Employees and investors can breathe easily
Office buildings
Award - w inning, flawless air conditioning
Sport and leisure centres
Air for running, rock, records
Indoor swimming pools
Relax in a comfortable atmosphere
Theatres and museums
Art and culture in an atmosphere of well-being
Filter elements and systems
Filters for advanced users
Heat exchangers
We know what we’re doing with heat exchangers
Comprehensive services
High availability ensures investments
Production locations
Competence in design and production
Customer proximity, sales structures
Reachable always and everywhere!
Air Eco2nomy The signs of the times
are clear
Investors, planners, and architects no longer ask if, but how they
can improve the sustainability of their building engineering.
Ventilation and air conditioning
demand precision work in
temperature control and the treatment
of room air. This is the only way
to reconcile the best possible comfort
with maximum energy conservation.
Buildings are unique objects. Location, size, construction quality,
and – increasingly, building engineering technology – determine
values and returns. Energy matters substantially gain in significance since buildings absorb about 40 % of the world energy
consumption and produce 21 % of world-wide greenhouse gas
emissions. Energy costs have become ever more a “second rent”
for users and residents.
If the subject concerns heating, cooling, cleaning, humidification,
and dehumidification of air, GEA Air Treatment contributes towards progress, providing customised heating, ventilation, and
air conditioning treatment with the largest possible reduction of
energy consumption over the entire service life of the facilities:
This pays off in cents and euros, comfort, and work efficiency.
GEA Air Treatment solutions reliably satisfy all international
standards in sensitive areas such as hospitals and cleanroom
applications, and are in the forefront for the demanding classification of the “Eurovent Compliance Committee for Air Handling Units”. They furthermore set new standards for sustainability and perfect system integration in modern sport arenas,
factory buildings, airport facilities, and swimming pools, as well
as in offices, museums and hotels.
Summarised by the concept Air Eco2nomy, this quality justifies
the technological edge of GEA Air Treatment. Air Eco2 nomy is
more than a technology. It is an attitude which creates values for
the future: enhanced quality of life for residents and users. Protection of energy resources and our climate. Security for investors and planners.
GEA Flex-Geko > For planners, developers, and architects
[21° C room temperature
in 24-h operation [Whisper-quiet
at a maximum of 32 dB(A)]
Whisper-quiet feel-good climate in the Hotel Estrel in Berlin
GEA Air Treatment has developed from
being a components supplier to a systems partner with
acknowledged competence in the development and
production of climate control and ventilation systems.
Technical quality
Whoever treats air
must master it
The fact that our air treatment is neither seen nor heard, although one is agreeably aware of it, and that in the meantime
it avoids energy and wasteful costs, is due to our precision airtreatment work in both hardware and software.
During the transition period between spring and autumn, can
a large-scale glassed building be simultaneously heated on its
northern side and cooled on its southern side with only one system, without switching on the central heating system? Does a
plant in the pharmaceutical or electronic industry, for instance,
which heats, cools, humidifies and dehumidifies the air, also offer
protection from dirt and bacteria? Can investors and building
developers calculate the life-cycle costs for a central ventilation
system, in addition to determining the impact of energy-saving
systems components on the operating costs, and thus select the
optimal efficiency class already during the equipment configuration phase?
GEA Air Treatment stands for:
To these and many other questions concerning air and climate
control technology, GEA Air Treatment has found answers and
Customised air quality and a healthy,
implemented solutions based on long-experience applications.
comfortable room climate with extremely
This core offering consists of a broad spectrum of central and
quiet operation
decentralised air-treatment units, precipitators, and other filtering equipment, and extends to complete cleanroom systems. The
function, control, and design of such facilities can be precisely
customised according to the desired task, adapted to the design
characteristics and infrastructure of specific buildings, and designed according to the calculation of operating costs as well as
Maximum energy efficiency and reduction
of CO2 emission
Precise control and regulation, centrally
and decentrally
High adaptability to the most diverse tasks
and environments
the highest standards of energy efficiency and climate protection.
Simple system integration
Cutting-edge control technology from our own development per-
Durability and high availability at low
mits individual control in single rooms as well as central han-
maintenance cost
dling within a building management system. Control units with
access through interfaces to all leading systems of building automation provide for the trouble-free integration of all equipment
into the building management system. Building climate control,
made to order, includes the major advantage that planners and
users can come forward with their own wishes already during
design of the facilities.
Conserving the climate and resources
There is plenty of air
for improvement
Climate protection begins within one’s own four walls. The
energy consumption for each square metre and year shows
whether a building is energy-hungry or energy-saving.
Climate protection, cost pressure, and not least energy-saving
regulations stand in contrast to growing expectations for comfort, security, and communication technology in buildings. Sustainable structural engineering reconciles these requirements.
Solutions from GEA Air Treatment save energy
For high comfort in living and working, you reduce the energy
costs and CO2 emissions by buildings. Attention is focussed on
the demand-driven configuration and greatest possible energy
efficiency. Tailored design prevents cost increases and wasteful
over-dimensioning of equipment and facilities. With a broad,
modular, and fine-spectrum product range for central and decentral heating, ventilation, and air condition, GEA Air Treatment
offers a high degree of special customisation to individual requirements.
The continual improvement of energy efficiency is precision work
in the field of fan coil technology; in the minimisation of internal pressure losses, thermal losses, and leakages; as well as in
the required operation modes. Moreover, energy recuperation is
Facts about sustainability:
of great significance because it reduces energy consumption for
heating and cooling. GEA Air Treatment systems employ the
Less CO2 emission by precise, demand-driven
thermal energy contained in the exhaust air for the supply air
flow and achieve a recovery of up to 85 % in thermal energy.
Less demand on thermal energy by efficient
energy recuperation
Protection of valuable resources by a
Another example of environmental compatibility and efficiency
increase is the combination of climate / ventilating systems with
combination of climate / ventilating systems
heat pumps. Sufficient heat is made available in the transition
with efficient heat pumps
period without switching on the central heating unit. Thanks to
its efficiency, for every kilowatt hour of electricity the heat pump
provides three to four times the amount of usable heat than do
conventional systems. This conserves valuable resources.
GEA CAIRplus > Perfect air- conditioning solutions
[21° C room temperature]
[48,000 m3/h air flow]
[Infinitely variable control of the
fans] [52 % rel. humidity]
Sustainable building services lower energy costs and CO2 emissions
GEA CAIRplus > Tailor-made air-handling systems
[21° C room temperature]
[44,000 m3/h air flow]
[High- efficiency energy recovery]
[54 % rel. humidity]
A contribution to cultural heritage conservation
GEA Air Treatment ensures
the protection and preservation
of irretrievable resources.
Life cycle costs
Air Eco2nomy creates permanent values
Sustainable air treatment is not an unnecessary luxury, but a
value driver for buildings.
World-wide, energy is becoming a decisive factor for the costs
and rate of return for building structures. It is about the entire
energy balance of real-estate. It comprises heating, cooling and
air cleaning, lighting, security, and load management. Intelligent
building engineering can save between 15 and 30 % energy here
without loss of comfort.
GEA Air Treatment is participating actively and decisively
in this progress
Examination of the life-cycle costs of air-treatment facilities
shows which measures count and how rapidly they add up for
investors and occupants. In order to keep these costs calculable
and permanently low, GEA Air Treatment not only determines
the technical possibilities and general conditions: in calculations
it also includes data on regional weather, usage, and operating
conditions such as maximum load and partial load response, energy prices, acquisition costs, as well as operation, maintenance
What we understand by life-cycle cost
and waste disposal costs. Continually refined software helps
business economists and technicians track down all savings potentials. It records all significant parameters, with determination
of life-cycle costs for the respective system configuration, and permits the simple comparison of variants.
Software-supported calculation of life-cycle
costs for central air-handling units
Precise determination of the cost-benefit
relationship of energy-saving configurations
The fact that calculation of life-cycle costs already provides investors and decision-makers with reliable information about the
and their impact on operating costs
Development of high savings potential, since
energy costs of their ideal system in the design software – i. e.,
the share of energy costs of central air-handling
before acquisition – shows once again: that Air Eco2nomy cre-
systems comprises up to 75 % of total life-cycle
ates values which are still good tomorrow.
Measurement, control, and regulating technology
Intelligent regulation ensures
sustainable air treatment
GEA Air Treatment offers a complete solution with Air
Eco2nomy, combining the devices and components with control technology that we have developed ourselves, and which
are adapted to the individual building type, its usage, and its
technical infrastructure.
Perfect technology for individual control, networking,
and system integration
The GEA MATRIX System permits the most cost-effective design
of single-room controls as well as networking with other equipment from GEA Air Treatment and their inclusion in a higherranking building services management systems. Single room or
networked control solutions can be scaled according to the individual application. The openness of the control system – for instance with optional LON interfaces – creates future security,
and the modular design of control units, inputs, and outputs – as
well as function modules – all make it possible to extend, adapt,
and optimise the control technology at any time.
Savings potential and conservation of resources
GEA Air Treatment control systems:
Permanent savings potential and conservation of resources are
also developed by GEA Air Treatment with the intelligent com-
Individual, highly flexible regulation in
bination of control and bus systems over the entire life cycle of
single rooms, in jointly regulated groups,
a during system installation, thanks to the small amount of
control clusters, and in networked and
wiring work due to flexible parameterisation and programming,
integrated systems
and to operation with numerous energy-saving possibilities.
Intelligent control of the ventilation and
heating and air condition systems with and
Among other features, passive measures such as energy-saving
without linkage to higher-ranking control
night setback can likewise be precisely controlled for demand-
driven temperature adjustment and ventilation. Precision, more-
Rapid and economical design of networks
that are demand-controlled and can be easily
plications: e. g., for regulation when supply air is required or
parameterised and programmed
when a lowering operation can begin, depending on the work-
Intuitive handling of operator-control units
ing hours. Storing individual times for individual areas of a
Central parameterisation, actual value
production hall or for the offices is a part of our equation: Air
monitoring, and the setting of switching times
Cross-functional operation of up to 16 control
centres by a combination of operator control
units and compact controllers
over, permits the use of operator-control units in industrial ap-
Eco2nomy = solutions that sustainably improve the building climate with state of the art measurement, control, and regulating
The combination of building and technical components required
for the efficient supply of modern buildings with air, heat, and light
is increasingly a part of comprehensive building automation.
Control systems from GEA Air Treatment are significant elements
in optimal energy management.
GEA MATRIX > For intelligent control technology
[Robust and fast-reaction bus system]
[16 room units, controlled in a network]
[LON interface to the building-utilities management
system] [Integration of sensors and servo - drives]
Fast configuration and flexible integration
The employees of GEA Air Treatment assume responsibility.
As specialists, they ensure that the Air Eco2nomy claims of
customer benefit are satisfied.
Employees, motivation, orientation to results
It’s our responsibility
Employees who are encouraged and are qualified to follow
responsible business practice right from the start achieve sustainable air and climate-control solutions for GEA Air Treatment and satisfy the value promise of Air Eco2nomy.
Whoever is expected to act as a successful
businessperson must also be able to act accord-
Embedded in the GEA Group, with its rich stock of resources,
ingly. GEA Air Treatment offers first-rate
GEA Air Treatment is a company that has often proven its inno-
vative capability and assertiveness. Investors, planners, and us A learning and innovation culture intensively
ers profit from the co-operation of sustainable and entrepreneur-
advanced by management
ially attractive solutions. This enables employees to bear the
Human resources development that early and
responsibility for their work and to measure themselves against
the satis­faction of their customers. They commit themselves per-
purposively strengthens independent action as
sonally to the optimum achievable in air treatment in buildings,
well as the acceptance of entrepreneurial
and are systematically trained to always aspire to this goal. The
main focus is not the individual “job position,” but the develop-
Advancement of teamwork with joint respon-
ment of the employee’s personality along with all his professional
sibility for results in an open working environ-
and individual capabilities.
ment that fosters confidence
Decentralised company structures with short,
A pronounced learning and innovation culture, short
decision-making paths, and decentralised organisation
transparent decision-making processes and flat
all open up opportunities and a scope of action for the employees
Abundance of resources, security, and com-
of GEA Air Treatment to take over entrepreneurial responsibility
petence diversity by integration in the GEA
even in their young years. Apart from professional considerations,
Group, a leading global player in process
the courage to make decisions, the capability for teamwork and
common responsibility for results – and, not least, the will to
make ideas out of visions and develop new products and applications from ideas: all of these are promoted in the course of
their development. Specialists, project managers, and executives
cooperate directly and openly, at eye level – and with success.
In every personal contact with GEA Air Treatment, customers are
seated opposite experienced specialists and responsible businesspeople who bring specialised knowledge, responsibility for
results, and healthy common sense to an air and climate-control
solution that will also still be good tomorrow: Air Eco2nomy.
Welcome to (climatisation)
Individually air conditioned rooms and suites, shopping malls,
conference rooms, event halls, wellness and sport areas, and
restaurant and reception zones – hotels are air conditioned
living environments.
They promise their guests comfort, security, flair, and an infrastructure where they can live, work, and enjoy themselves. When
we are talking about room climate, world-wide leading hotels
satisfy this promise with solutions from GEA Air Treatment.
This applies to the individual climate-control of all guest rooms
and hotel areas: high flexibility by numerous installation, design,
and equipment variants, extending to the energy-saving dehumidification of hotel swimming pools. Integrated into the building management system, solutions from GEA Air Treatment offer what demanding hotels require in terms of reputation, return
on investment, and future prospects: optimal air conditioned
Hotels are complex services systems. They must also
be profitable from a climate-engineering perspective
and be operated in an environmentally friendly manner
in order to survive in international competition.
comfort for their guests with efficient, environmentally sound
use of heating, cooling, and electrical energy – around the clock
and in all climatic zones of the world.
Highest hygiene demands
Cleanliness, temperature control, moisture content, and air
management in operating theatres, intensive care units, and
patients’ rooms is precision work. Solutions from GEA Air
Treatment satisfy not only the strict standards for room air
handling systems in hospitals, but often surpass the required
If the high hygienic standards of normal ventilating systems
already suffice for some departments of the hospital, more is required in especially critical areas such as operating theatres and
intensive care units. Surgery table and instrument stand must,
for example, be flooded with sterile air, and reliable ventilation
of anaesthetic gases and room air burdened with microbes must
be ensured.
GEA Air Treatment central ventilation systems are constructed
so that interior dirt and microbe pockets cannot from the very
beginning develop. For example, they have smooth, pore-free
inner surfaces, absolute filters, and special chamber floors, easy
access to the equipment, as well as simple, rapid cleaning and
complete disinfection.
Software-supported configuration supplements
manufacturing diligence
and avoids the waste of energy, costs, and space by demand-driv Fulfilment of all parameter requirements
en design and dimensioning of the air-treatment facilities in the
and standards for central ventilating systems
planning phase. Hospital management can thus make an early
in hospitals
selection of the configuration which offers the optimum in en-
Avoidance of hygienic problems by high-grade
enclosure features
Intelligent control with monitoring functions
and alarms
gineering, energy use, and efficiency, and can then reliably calculate the investment. Specific wishes for controlling the plant
are taken into account in the planning stage: such as the impact
of energy-saving configurations (e. g., heat recovery systems) on
Automatic detection and recording of unusual
operating costs. After all, hospitals allot about 30 % of their entire
operating conditions, including warning for
electricity costs to power requirements for heating, ventilation,
impending need of filter exchange
and air conditioning.
Excellent accessibility for servicing and
cleaning, with resulting significantly
reduced operating costs
Energy-efficient operation by optional direct
drive of the fans and intelligent heat recovery
Good air quality and effective cooling
especially influence storage life
and quality when processing easily
perishable food.
Food and beverage industries
First-class air quality and
The cooling of production halls, reduction of microbe concentration, dehumidification of the air, and reliable operation –
GEA Air Treatment ensures product quality, improves work
efficiency, and reduces cleaning effort in food production.
The food manufacturing industry requires hygienic air conditions and effective cooling so that easily perishable goods can
be optimally processed. Air quality directly affects the quality
and storage life of food. This is graphically shown in a meat products factory that GEA Air Treatment has equipped with special
ventilating systems. It has a cooling system that permits packaging of sliced cold cuts at about zero degrees celsius. Sterilisa Cooling for food processers based on central
air handling
tion of supply air simultaneously ensures storage life and is a plus
for productivity. Thanks to reduced microbe concentration, wet
Simple and rapid cleaning
cleaning of the production line is less often necessary. Machine
Optional reduction of microbial content
operational time rose by several hours per week.
in the air by UV sterilisation
High-grade filter configuration freely
selectable to HEPA
Scalable ventilation technology as basis
The dehumidification competence of GEA Air Treatment pays
for itself in dairies: the required air humidity can be produced
with equipment with a technology derived from swimming pool
air conditioning, which can even withstand saline air over long
Shopping centres
Ideal climate for shopping
Planning of climate control systems for shopping centres does
not focus on “price bargains” for partial technical plants, but
rather on the entire project with all its subsequent costs. The
Integrated in the building management system of
shopping centres, GEA Air Treatment systems monitor
and parameterise all components located in the network, with linking and analysis of their data.
well-being of customers and employees, protection of products
and goods, and life-cycle costs become a part of the GEA Air
Treatment solution.
Thousands of customers a day, as well as staff, require good air
and warmth or cooling. Not only the control of the fresh air supply according to sales location regulations is a challenge for air
treatment, but also the creation of a pleasant shopping climate.
Sales areas with thousands of square metres
These applications, for example, profit from central ventilation
combined with decentralised equipment: which makes it possible
to subdivide the space into various temperature-controlled zones
for different kinds of air treatment, depending on their use. Renting individual units such as in shopping malls furthermore permits individual temperature control and settlement of air conditioning costs according to the originator principle. Intuitively
operated equipment allows ideal values to be reliably set, with
even the programming of timer functions. At the main entrances,
Planning and realisation of air-treatment
door air curtains screen out the cold (or in summer the hot) out-
solutions with strict consideration of life-
side air and thereby save energy. GEA Air Treatment solutions
cycle costs
manage intake and exhaust air flows controlled by demand and
Demand-controlled incorporation of supply air
and temperature control for sales areas
adapted to the public activity via a network. Maximum energy
efficiency is thus also ensured.
Diverse technologies for central solutions and
decentral systems as well as combinations which
Smaller shops
skilfully consolidate the strengths of both
GEA Air Treatment provides the solutions for customised climate
and ventilation systems tailored to a specific business. As a re-
Simple installation and commissioning of
sult, it is possible to leave medication in the shelves of a phar-
control technology by GEA MATRIX bus
macy even during the summer, and to air condition boutiques
systems and intelligent electronic components
without draughts. The large range of products offers not only
suitable equipment sizes, but also an assortment of various technologies in order to make shopping or a restaurant visit a relaxing experience.
In data processing centres, precision climate-control units
satisfy temperature specifications precisely within one degree
and simultaneously maintain constant air humidity in the
room – both are important factors contributing to the reliable
operation of the IT systems, preventing failures caused by
heat and premature aging of the hardware.
Computer centres
Precision climate control
for secure server operation
The growing number of computers with ever greater IT compression density, and above all the avoidance of disturbances
and their associated consequences are paramount here for climate control: cooling capacity must always be constant and
reliably available.
Commercial data processing centres, in-company server farms,
and extensive telecommunication installations depend on the
maximum availability of information technology. Flawless data
backup, a redundant power supply, and fail-safe hardware must
be taken for granted – and reliable cooling of the hardware is a
Precise maintenance of temperature and
humidity values
Energy-saving operation made possible by
passive cooling measures
Quick-reacting service support for spontaneous‑
Precision air conditioning units from GEA Air Treatment permit
precise cooling within one set temperature degree, exact mainte­
nance of air humidity to within a few percent, and reliable, spacesaving and simultaneously energy-efficient climate control solutions. High reliability as well as deliberately redundant configu­
ly required help as well as comprehensive sup­-
ration inhibit failure of the climate-control technology and ensure
port by especially trained service technicians
cooling capacity, also during machine maintenance.
Rapid spare-part logistics with secure availability of all spare parts required for precision
Since this precision air conditioning is energy-saving and envi-
climate-control units
ronmentally sound, not only electricity is saved, but the overall
operating costs of the computing centre are simultaneously kept
low as well. This is because, in large server rooms or IT centres, for
every kilowatt hour consumed by computers, roughly another
kilowatt hour is required to cool the facilities. Air conditioning
solutions that are geared to optimal efficiency and effectively manage passive cooling can open up large savings potentials.
Industrial buildings
Employees and investors can
breathe easily
Aerosols, emulsion mist, smoke, and dust – in production halls,
being able to draw a good breath of air has special significance. The health of employees permits no compromises in air
GEA Air Treatment creates healthy working conditions for industry and trade. The spectrum extends from solutions for small
commercial businesses up to planning and complete realisation
of air treatment systems for large-scale industrial enterprises.
For example, in one project GEA Air Treatment equipped 31
large-scale workshop halls with the most advanced equipment,
supplying about 2,000 workplaces with demand-controlled temperature-adjusted air.
That this design also saves energy and costs is part of our obligation in our value-added partnerships. Thanks to carefully adjusted combinations of heat supply and air heaters, the work arGEA Air Treatment devices work quietly and reliably and
save energy in the process. Extremely effective air curtains
prevent the intrusion of cold air into the hall when the
gates are opened. Unit heaters bring warmth directly into
the common area, and air-mixing systems provide good
air in the hall.
eas are heated at much lower cost than before.
One of the more impressive solutions in the sector of industrial
air pollution prevention is the GEA Air Treatment combination
of modular elements (e. g., pre-filters, electrostatic filters, universal filters, and fans) into a high-performance filtering unit. In
metal processing, for example, this permits high performance
These heating, cooling, and ventilation
in the separation of cooling lubricant mist or other aerosols and
systems and equipment are geared to the
is an example of the industry-specific solutions provided by GEA
specific requirements of the industry –
Air Treatment.
including modularly constructed filtering
equipment for specific air cleaning tasks
Provision of air heaters for steam and hot
water operation
Rapid heating of large production halls
Secondary shutters with large air-projection
ranges counteract undesirable thermal
Reduced energy costs by efficient fan
technology, and well-directed air flow that
prevents heat accumulation
Office buildings
Award-winning, flawless air
Advanced office buildings accommodate countless adjustment
and ventilation companies, are continually creating new superlatives in terms of dimensions and architectural design in
steel, glass, and concrete, and offer every imaginable comfort
and security for work and communication.
Office buildings are alive. They breathe huge quantities of air in
and out. In the crystal-clear regions at the polar circle as well as
in the mega cities of the tropics. Planned for decades in advance
and energetically designed as precisely as possible, modern office
buildings anticipate a good piece of the future now. Their climate
control systems have decisive impact on costs and employment,
financial value, and returns on investment, and demand sustainable solutions. Not only state-of-the-art climate control technology is a must, but also optimisation by improved technologies
and the maintenance of more stringent standards for climate
protection and energy efficiency, must be economically feasible
and amenable to exact calculation.
GEA Air Treatment provides comprehensive
solutions for office buildings: from fresh air intake,
filtering, temperature control, humidification and
dehumidification, extending to air transport to all
rooms, and including energy recuperation.
Sustainable climate control by GEA Air Treatment
One example for this is the air and climate control configuration
of the new Dockland complex in Hamburg, a prize-winning office
facility that projects 40 metres over the Elbe River with a shape
reminiscent of a luxury ocean liner.
Outfitting office buildings with partial
or fully automatic temperature control
Planning and realisation according to
It is logical that all possibilities of modern climate control technology for energy efficiency – e. g., energy recuperation systems –
sustainability parameters and life-cycle
call for employment here: and investors, planners, and operators
can rely on Air Eco 2 nomy.
Adaptation of performance, functions and
design according to utilisation, space, and
Also in the building structures themselves, equipment from GEA
the configuration of rooms with modular
Air Treatment provides high-grade air conditioning and thus of-
equipment and systems
fers an opportunity of enhancing the comfort of the real estate,
Durability and effective adaptation to
improving its attractiveness on the market, and above all con-
utilisation behaviour, thanks to intelligent
tributing to the well-being of the employees. Cool work places
measuring and control technology
on hot summer days are agreeable for the personnel and simultaneously promote their concentration and productivity – a gain
for everyone.
Sport and leisure centres
Air for running, rock, records
Stars, athletes, and glamorous events make arenas, stadiums,
and concert halls attractive for the public. Good ventilation
and demand-driven temperature control also make these
buildings attractive and their operation more economical.
Increasingly, performers and audiences take high air quality and
Changing requirements in sport and multipurpose
halls demand flexible climate and ventilation solutions
so that visitors can enjoy events in well-ventilated,
effectively air-conditioned rooms.
pleasant temperatures for granted. GEA Air Treatment satisfies the
highest requirements in ventilation and air conditioning in modern and traditional sport and leisure venues, and contributes decisively to their more effective use and improved degree of capacity utilisation.
An example for this is the ventilation and air conditioning of the
more than 70-year-old Berlin Olympic Stadium in the course of
building rehabilitation and renovation of the entire stadium infrastructure. It comprises ventilation and air exhaust in the warmup hall for athletes, the lobby, catering areas, the kitchen, loges,
sanitary areas, workshops, and storerooms. Invisible to the public, central ventilating systems and flat systems are employed.
Air-flow controllers provide for the availability of the individually required air volumes in these rooms.
For sports stadiums or multipurpose halls, climate control technology must continually satisfy changing requirements: before
the event, temperature adjustment to a comfortable level is required, and during the events themselves constant supply of
Top performance for air supply and temperature control with compact dimensions
Energy-saving operation by chillers with
optional integrated heat pumps
Assurance of pleasant temperature despite
high heat input from large glass façades
fresh, clean air is vital. That this can be carried out rapidly and
efficiently is largely the result of high-performance equipment
and intelligent control technology. Such equipment permits spon­
taneous load fluctuation to be taken into account while providing
visitors to sport events, concerts, and other occasions with a constant supply of fresh air.
and roofs
Efficient ventilating systems with optional
frequency converters and directly driven
Indoor swimming pools
Relax in a comfortable
If good spirits, an inviting ambience, and lots of leisure fun
entice us into the swimming pool, only one thing is missing
apart from pleasant water: excellent air. GEA Air Treatment
offers the right equipment so that swimmers neither shiver
nor perspire when out of the water, making leisure time pleasure a true recreation.
High performance in dehumidification and
temperature control, with compact dimensions
Energy-saving operation by demand-driven
equipment configurations
Durable dehumidification due to customised
corrosion-prevention measures
Reduced wear of structures and facilities
thanks to effective dehumidification
The air conditioning of swimming pools is one of the most discriminating tasks of air-treatment systems. They must produce
a swimming hall temperature appropriate to the water temperature so that enthusiastic swimmers do not freeze outside the
pool, and ensure that visitors feel the air humidity as agreeable
and not muggy. Dehumidification also protects the building substance from mildew formation – here people and masonry profit equally from the functions of climate control technology. The
characteristics of effective swimming pool air conditioning are
required in private pools as well as hotel pools and public baths.
GEA Air Treatment offers a suitable solution for all these areas.
The company complies with the high demands on material
strength with tried and tested materials and corrosion prevention measures customised to the specific task. The air in normal
indoor swimming pools is less aggressive than, for example, in
brine or seawater bathing facilities with their saline air. Here a
special version of the equipment ensures additional protection
and enables long service life of the facilities.
The dehumidification models are prepared with modern technology for low energy consumption over the entire equipment
life. Furnished with heat pumps, for example, they allow a
thrifty handling of resources and keep down operating costs.
The rest is done by the control system: for example, depending
on the open public times and the current air humidity, the system can automatically select the optimal operating mode. This
Chlorine or saline air in swimming pools requires an
extremely robust climate-control technology. Durability,
high dehumidification efficiency, and energy-saving are
characteristic of GEA Air Treatment solutions.
way, the only output demanded is that which is actually required
at the moment – another example of Air Eco2nomy.
Theatres and museums
Art and culture in an atmosphere
of well-being
Theatres, cinemas, and museums can also be regarded as a
class for themselves with respect to air treatment. In theatres,
for example, maximum operation of the facilities is required
So that visitors can entirely devote themselves to
what is happening on stage, equipment from
GEA Air Treatment, working inconspicuously but
effectively, ensures the correct temperature in
the hall and a quiet, demand-driven supply of air.
for only a few hours a day. In museums, visitors should feel
comfortable while at the same time valuable objects on display must be protected from ageing. A complex function, mastered by GEA Air Treatment.
The theatre belongs almost the whole day to the actors on and
behind the stage, but the audience space is filled only in the evenings. Excellent air is a precondition for hundreds of people to
follow the performance with rapt attention. This requires a high
rate of air flow. And yet none of the visitors should feel the
slightest breeze or hear the lowest hiss when it is quiet in the
hall – not even in summer, when the warmth of the crowd and
hot spotlights demand peak performance from the air conditioning system. Planners and architects can master these challenges with GEA Air Treatment equipment.
Flexible controls allow rapidly adapting to changing requirements, heating up the hall to a comfortable temperature before
the first guests arrive, and cooling it down when the room heats
up by body warmth. And naturally with the help of GEA Air
Treatment equipment and an ingenious ventilation network, the
Intelligent control that enables equipment
lobby, gallery, and balconies can be effectively ventilated.
functions to be finely coordinated with
greatly fluctuating movement of guests
Successfully proven concepts for high ven-
No less tricky are the complex problems faced by museums
where people want to inspect the works in peace. Ultimately not
tilation and cooling capacity for well-visited
only the visitors should feel comfortable, but simultaneously
events, without being acoustically intrusive
temperature and air humidity must be coordinated in such a way
An extensive product portfolio that permits
that the works of art – whether old or young – are properly pro-
suitable selection of equipment for every
tected. Also retaining the value of antique furniture requires a
uniform room climate so that the wood will not swell or crack.
This can be accomplished with climate-control technology that
reacts sensitively to deviations in the condition of room air, and
rapidly and precisely compensates for these deviations. Thus
GEA Air Treatment also contributes to value retention of cultural objects.
Filter elements and systems
Filters for advanced users
Air-treatment requirements are becoming increasingly more
demanding: severe dust pollution in urban areas, stricter hygienic specifications for building operators, and special challenges in industrial applications call for ever more effective
and more energy-efficient solutions for assurance of air pu­
rity. Innovative segments of industry such as genetic engi­neer­
ing, semiconductor production, and nanotechnology all entail
more exacting expectations, with requirements for separation
of ultrafine particles. GEA Air Treatment offers highly effective engineering solutions for these challenges.
Companies in the filter sector offer not only equipment and systems, but also a tremendously extensive portfolio of filter products. Good examples for the high quality of such solutions are
applications in the life-science industry, as well as in clean-room
In genetic engineering, GEA filter systems perform many
functions: for example, assuring that staff do not
breathe in toxic substances. GEA thereby makes a significant contribution to quality of life at workplaces.
technology. Dust and spores must not be allowed to interfere
with such production processes. In production of medication,
and in the food and beverage industries, the presence of microbes is of course highly undesirable. In such applications, users employ absolute filters with especially high-value materials
GEA in-house development and production
that separate microscopically small particles.
of filter components and systems
Exact coordination of filter elements and
mounts for a tight fit
Uniform filter efficiency and low pressuredrop values
Advanced mechanical engineering for
Other segments in industry also profit from advances in filter
technology: for example, the automotive industry, in which dustfree, exactly defined process air plays a decisive role in paint
and drying production steps. Despite their efficiency, however,
top-quality filter media are expected to demonstrate low resist-
cost-effective series production and custom-
ance, in order to keep air-supply and exhaust costs low. Thanks
ised products
to advanced filter production, optimised products are now widely available.
In order to further expand its competence, GEA has – with its
own staff and in collaboration with machine manufacturers –
developed continuously more sophisticated processes. These new
developments assure technological progress, and enhance product quality. One example here is the further-refined hot-melt
process. It promotes the form stability of filter elements, and
leads to uniform filter efficiency.
Automatic filter-bonding production systems that seal together
filter media and filter frames enable the production of customised filters at uniformly high quality standards.
Heat exchangers
We know what we’re doing with
heat exchangers
Heat exchangers do their part wherever heat or cold need to
be supplied to a particular place. They transfer thermal energy,
for example, from refrigerants to a water circulation system,
or from water to room air. A great number and variety of ma­
terials and design options can be applied to meet each particular requirement: which is why the heat exchanger range at
GEA is so comprehensive.
80 years of experience in the design and
construction of heat exchangers
In almost all HVAC systems, and in countless industrial plants,
heat exchangers are employed to transfer heat (or cold) from one
High-quality production at various plant locations
medium to another. Heat exchangers are equipped with fins to
Compliance with important industrial and
increase the surface area and to ensure efficient transfer of en­
safety standards
ergy. The engineering design of a heat exchanger will vary ac-
Customised design
cording to the application and to the performance required. The
Professional support in the planning and
selection of materials will also depend on the purpose of use.
installation of heat exchangers
The extensive offering of GEA heat exchangers – made from a
wide selection of materials and in various production processes –
allows the customer to obtain the type best suited for an individual application. There are approximately 50 different GEA
tubing designs: round or elliptical, and made of galvanised steel,
stainless steel, copper-aluminium, or copper-copper. For just the
right solution in any case of requirements.
Surface characteristics are also tailored for individual requirements. Smooth-tube heat exchangers, for example, are best suited
for uses in areas with a great amount of pollutant particles in the
air. And immersion coating affords the required resistance to aggressive media. In many applications, ease of cleaning the heat
exchangers plays a major role. Such features are implemented,
for possible, to assure hygienic conditions in hospitals. The available options are practically unlimited. GEA reference lists are
just as numerous and varied as are the design options. GEA users
include building operators, the automotive industry, power stations, and chemical plants.
Maximum energy yield thanks to specialised heat
exchangers: in power-plant applications, heat exchangers
provide pre-heated intake air and thereby enhance
the overall efficiency of the power-generation process.
Comprehensive services
High availability ensures
As part of their system responsibility, GEA Air Treatment
serves the entire process chain of air-treatment performance,
from intake of outside air to its conditioning, and up to removal of exhaust air.
GEA Air Treatment services also include the planning and configuration of air-treatment facilities in close cooperation with
technical planners and architects. This spectrum includes competent consultancy for selecting a suitable central, decentral, or
mixed ventilation or air conditioning systems – as well as servic­
ing and maintenance, and the optimisation of existing systems
according to the most advanced technology.
Far-sighted and customer-friendly service
Demand-driven coordination of design,
Decisive for system selection and the choice of service performance, apart from air-treatment functions, are the life cycle costs,
system configuration, and services, supported
including the costs of operation, servicing, repair, and disposal.
by a competent consultancy service
Customer-friendly service concepts and early cooperation with
Effective calculation of service costs by grad­
uated, demand-driven service packages
Especially quick-reacting service teams for
precision air conditioning equipment
the customer ensure reliable calculation and savings. This potential becomes evident when one considers that the replacement
and maintenance costs of air-treatment plants can be twice the
initial investment in the course of building life.
Air engineering optimisation begins early
With early integration in collaboration with GEA Air Treatment,
it is possible to precisely and effectively contribute to achieving
planning objectives for an energy- and cost-optimised system.
An example of this is trend-setting “silent cooling,” which must
be coordinated with the building structure. Moreover, GEA Air
Treatment offers solutions for complex interfacing tasks that have
proved to be an outstanding success in combining ventilation
systems with building engineering and remote maintenance.
Special service for precision climate-control units
GEA Air Treatment offers customised service concepts, as individual as the needs of each customer. The service provided ensures high availability of precision air conditioning units for data
processing centres, and includes training of the customer’s operating and maintenance staffs.
In light of the growing importance of
HVAC technology for the utilisation and
the value of buildings, so-called reactive
services no longer suffice. With pro-active
service offerings – such as remote monitoring and optimisation in support of operations – GEA Air Treatment avoids
problems from the very start and thereby
enhances the availability of your facilities.
All staff of the GEA Air Treatment Division at all its plants work
under the same high-quality expectations, with advanced
machines, and with the aid of flexible process organisations.
The result: top product quality and short delivery times.
Production locations
Competence in design and
The GEA Air Treatment Division is one of the leading international companies in the area of climate-control engineering.
Its numerous patents are evidence of the high technical standard that goes into production of GEA products. With its own
production plants at 9 locations in Europe, and with a total of
around 3,000 staff, the GEA Air Treatment Division is also
one of the leading employers in its industrial segment.
Close collaboration among development, production, marketing,
and service efforts at GEA enables systematic expansion of expertise, effective communication of this knowledge, and its
transformation into specific benefits to our customers as a result of the production process. On the basis of this know-how,
customised design “ex works” – e. g., for large-scale ventilation sys­
tems – is likewise possible, as well as high-quality manufacture
of standardised products such as the widely sold unit heaters.
Since production at GEA is oriented to short lead times, customers’ wishes are fulfilled much more quickly.
The GEA Air Treatment Division is well-known for non-compromise quality: not least, because of its great extent of self-manufactured content for system components and assembly in its own
plants. The result: benefits for the customer at all levels. At the
various GEA production plants, great emphasis is placed on
assuring that quality “Made in Germany” meets all expectations,
on foreign markets as well.
The laboratories and testing facilities operated by the GEA Air
Treatment Division at its locations in Hereford and Herne lend
enormous support to efforts in creativity and quality assurance.
At these locations, recent developments from various areas of
the GEA Air Treatment Division are simulated, prototypes are
trial-run, and solutions for specific problem challenges are tested
under highly realistic conditions.
GEA Klimatechnik Produktion GmbH
A-4673 Gaspoltshofen
Air-handling units, heat exchangers, swimmingpool climate systems, control systems
Czech Republic
GEA LVZ, a.s.
CZ-46120 Liberec
Decentral comfort systems, decentral industrial
systems, filters, clean-room components
GEA Happel Klimatechnik Produktionsund Servicegesellschaft mbH
D-44625 Herne
Control engineering, Institute for
Ventilation Technology
GEA Happel Klimatechnik Produktionsund Servicegesellschaft mbH
D-35792 Löhnberg, Oberhausen plant
Silent Comfort, decentral comfort systems, heat
exchangers, airflow routing, filter systems
GEA Happel Wieland GmbH
D-45549 Sprockhövel
Heat exchangers
GEA Klima- und Filtertechnik
Wurzen GmbH
D-04808 Wurzen
Air-handling units
Great Britain
GEA Denco Ltd.
UK - HR4 8DS, Hereford
Precision climate-control systems,
chiller systems
GEA EXOS Ventilation AB
S-74528 Enköping
Air-handling units
TR-80700 Balmumcu Istanbul
Precision climate-control systems,
air-handling systems
Customer proximity, sales structures
Reachable always and everywhere!
GEA Klimatechnik
GmbH & Co KG
A-4673 Gaspoltshofen
Tel. +43 / 7735 / 8000-0
GEA Happel Belgium N. V.
B-1130 Brussels
Tel. +32 / 2 / 2406161
GEA Air Treatment
Marketing Services Int.
GmbH – oficina España
E-28036 Madrid
Tel. +34 / 91 / 3837701
GEA Klimatechnik UAB
LT-01141 Vilnius
Tel. +370 / 5 / 2106060
GEA Delbag
Filtration d l‘air
F-77450 Montry
Tel. +33 / 1 / 60043355
GEA Klimatechnik UAB
LT-01141 Vilnius
Tel. +370 / 5 / 2106060
GEA Happel France sarl
F-59436 Roncq Cedex
Tel. +33 / 3 / 20689020
ATC Klimatec Schweiz AG
CH-3065 Bolligen-Station
Tel. +41 / 31 / 9171919
FIN-01300 Vantaa
Tel. + 358 / 9 / 82546020
GEA LVZ, a.s.
CZ-46312 Liberec
Tel. +420 / 48 / 5225-111
GEA Denco Ltd.
UK-HR4 8DS Hereford
Tel. +44 / 1432 / 277 277
GEA Klimatechnika Kft
H-1037 Budapest
Tel. +36 / 1 / 4393200
GEA Klimatechnik
GmbH & Co KG
RS-11070 Novi Beograd
Tel. +381 / 11 / 3193955
GEA Klimatizace spol. s r.o.
CZ-46312 Liberec
Tel. +420 / 48 / 5225-303
GEA Happel
Klimatechnik GmbH
D-44625 Herne
Tel. +49 / 2325 / 468-00
GEA Happel
Wieland GmbH
D-44625 Herne
Tel. +49 / 2325 / 468-754
GEA Delbag
Lufttechnik GmbH
D-44625 Herne
Tel. +49 / 2325 / 468-700
GEA Delbag-Luftfilter
Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH
D-10709 Berlin
Tel. +49 / 30 / 43592-3
BG-7000 Rousse
Tel . +359 / 82 / 81000
GEA Klimateknik ApS
DK-2610 Rødovre
Tel . +45 / 38 / 887070
GEA Klima-rashladna
tehnika d.o.o.
HR-10000 Zagreb
Tel. +385 / 1 / 6064900
Aspect Environmental Ltd.
Ardee, Co. Louth Ireland
Tel. +353 / 41 / 6858983
Rafn Jensson
IS-110 Reykjavik
Tel. +354 / 56 / 780-30
GEA Happel Luxembourg
L-4940 Bascharage
Tel. +352 / 26 / 502970
GEA Klimatechnik UAB
LT-01141 Vilnius
Tel. +370 / 5 / 2106060
GEA Klimatechnik UAB
LT-01141 Vilnius
Tel. +370 / 5 / 2106060
GEA Klimatechnik
GmbH & Co KG
RS-110 70 Novi Beograd
Tel. +381 / 11 / 3193955
GEA Klimaprodukter AS
N-0484 Oslo
Tel. +47 / 220 / 27990
GEA Happel Nederland B.V.
NL-2909 LL
Capelle a/d Ijssel
Tel. +31 / 10 / 2350606
Nónio, Lda.
P-1269-090 Lisboa
Tel. +351 / 21 / 3826160
GEA Klimatyzacja Sp. z o.o.
PL-54610 Wroclaw
Tel. +48 / 71 / 3737952
GEA Klimatechnik s.r.l.
RO-300222 Timisoara
Tel. +40 / 356 / 423703
GEA Klimatechnik
GmbH & Co KG
RU-105094 Moskva
Tel. +7 / 495 / 9566674
GEA EXOS Ventilation AB
S-74528 Enköping
Tel. +46 / 171 / 85530
GEA Klimatizácia s.r.o.
SK-83104 Bratislava
Tel. +421 / 7 / 44457917
GEA Klimatizacijska
Tehnika d.o.o.
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Tel. +386 / 1 / 2573850
GEA Klimatechnik
GmbH & Co KG
RS-11070 Novi Beograd
Tel. +381 / 11 / 3193955
Balmumcu Istanbul
Tel. +90 / 212 / 2757171
GEA Ukraina t.o.v.
UA-01135 Kyiv
Tel. +38 / 044 / 4619356
< The complete addresses are available on the Internet
Our sales organisation is decentralised. Customer proximity is our maxim. Direct contacts at
GEA Air Treatment ensure cooperative and fast communication.
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PR - 2008 - 0319 - GB • We reserve the right to make modifications without prior notice.
Issue 07 / 2008 • Copyright GEA Air Treatment •

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