The Somerset Christian - First Christian Church of Somerset
The Somerset Christian - First Christian Church of Somerset
The Somerset Christian Published monthly by the First Christian Church of Somerset, Pennsylvania 185 Years Young This year marks the 185 year anniversary of the First Christian Church in Somerset. Can you imagine that? This congregation is 185 years old. Now, you would not be able to tell by looking at her. I mean, First Christian does not feel 185 years old. After all, our current building is only 104 years old. The church used to meet down on Center Ave. catty-corner to what is now the hospital. Of course, the building is not the church. The building is a place for the church to gather. The church is the congregation, and again, this congregation does not feel 185 years old. In fact, when I look around on Sunday mornings, First Christian Church seems downright young. She is a rather spry congregation for her age. She travels the world doing mission trips. She serves her community. She worships God each Sunday passionately. January 2014 Volume 86, Issue 1 by Pastor Sam Draper How does she do it? How does a 185 year old church stay young? The answer is really simple: she evangelizes. For a church to stay young, she must be filled with young Christians. I do not mean young chronologically, but young spiritually, babes in Christ. If a church stops giving birth to new believers, she grows old. Her joints start to creak. She does not get around like she used to, and she begins to lose her passion. I have seen churches age before their time. They grow old and frail and even die. Praise God that First Christian Church is still a young church! By God’s blessing, she will grow younger still as we continue to reach out and minister to Somerset County. May 2014 mark a time of renewal and revival that lasts another hundred years! Window Restoration Update $2,822.53 is still needed to remove & restore Window #2, which will be removed after January 1st. Sunday, Jan. 5th is “Fill the Jug” Sunday. Help us with the restoration by filling up the water jug. Whatever is in the jug will be matched, up to $5,000, from the FCC Vision Fund. INSIDE THIS ISSUE Faithful Stewards …………..2 Shepherds View ................. 2 Pastors’ Page ...................... 3 Announcements ................. 4 Calendar ............................. 5 Serving Page ....................... 7 SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST Prayer Requests, Homebound, Military Sanctuary Flowers Member News Birthdays & Anniversaries THE SHEPHERDS VIEW by The Elders Coming up in January is Somerset’s annual Fire and Ice Festival sponsored by Somerset, Inc. This is a great opportunity for Somerset to showcase uptown businesses and add a little warmth to the otherwise cold month of January. We encourage everyone to come out and see the ice sculptures, warm yourselves by the fires, and enjoy the fireworks display. and melt your heart. The kids will have a blast, and so will you. While here, please stop over by the kitchen for our Soup Sale. This is an important fundraiser as the money we raise for this goes to support the Relay for Life Survivors’ Dinner in June. If you would like to donate food items or volunteer to cook or serve during Fire and Ice, please see Karen Costea. Also, consider stopping by the Fire and Ice Chili/Soup cook off. First Christian Church is sponsoring an entry. You can vote for us in the People’s Choice award. WhatWe also want to inform you of a number of activities that ever the Church receives in this event will go towards our First Christian Church will be involved in during Fire and Costa Rica Mission Trip. Ice. This is a great opportunity to minister to our commuFinally, you must come by the church at 4 PM on Saturnity and build relationships. To that end, First Christian day, January 18th, as we have the pleasure of hosting prohas agreed to host and participate in a number of Fire fessional Christian juggler, Jesse Joyner at our church. and Ice activities. Jesse is a master juggler and storyteller. Having experiFirst, you will notice on Saturday, January 18th, that our ence as a children’s pastor, he is adept at teaching the church parking lot will host a number of wood carvers. gospel in fun and unusual ways using his skills as an enThese artisans come out to display their craftsmanship tertainer. Jesse’s routines are engaging and often rely on through live wood carving demonstrations. Watch out for audience participation and find, relevant, meaningful the sawdust, but do come and admire the skill these men ways for children and adults to learn about God’s kingand women bring to our town. dom and plan. Next, join us downstairs in the church fellowship hall as Please help spread the word about these events. Invite we again host the Children’s Center. Bring the little ones your friends and family. Above all, please join us in prayfor some crafts, books, and games to warm their hands er that this year’s Fire and Ice Festival will be fun, safe, and fruitful for building gospel relationships with our neighbors. ALWAYS keep Christ as the center of your worship and be thankful for the many blessings you receive. 1 PETER 4:10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. Faithful Stewards Attendance Nov. 2013 Income Expenses 8:00 10:45 Total Nov. 3 $5,324.39 $9,696.95 119 114 233 Nov. 10 $5,384.01 $4,467.06 105 134 239 Nov. 17 $4,020.25 $8,350.06 102 126 228 Nov. 24 $4,719.78 $1,949.48 105 105 210 TOTAL $19,448.43 $24,463.55 431 479 910 2013/14 budget needed amount: $4,807.69 per week 2 The Pastors’ Page He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Mark 16:15 NIV by Pastor Chase Hill Happy New Year!!!! With the New Year being here I want to bring everyone up to speed on the improvements coming to our Children’s and Youth Ministry Department. Back in November the Children’s and Youth Ministry team members went on a retreat to Camp Christian. The biggest topic discussed at this retreat was how can we be more effective at FCC in our Youth and Children’s department. Our first improvement was a Yearly calendar with all youth events which is available at the Information Station. The second improvement was clear communications, which doesn't come easy when there are so many programs, Therefore each program now has its own point person. Sr. High Youth (Ignite) -Pastor Chase Jr. High Youth (G.A.S.)- Tammy Schrock Kick-Start (Ages 2-11) -Mary Gerhard Jr. Church– Jessie Draper, Jody Stickle Sunday School– Sue Slope Nursery– Sue Slope Supplies/Finances– Christy Hay VBS– Sarah Rouch, Mary Gerhard Youth Christmas Play– Kathy Mowry Nursery Update OUR NEW NURSERY FACILITY IS OPEN. *Policy Updates -An Adult MUST pick up and drop off children. -Only the nursery volunteers are permitted in the main nursery room. -Once Service starts the Nursery door will be locked for security purposes, if you need in ring the bell for admittance. Dear Friends in Christ by Pastor John Barchey Every year some people make New Years Resolutions. These are well intentioned but rarely kept for more than a couple weeks. Some are the more common ones are: 1. Lose weight. 2. Quit smoking or drinking. 3. Exercise more. 4. Be a better person/employee. 5. Get out of debt. 6. Attend church more often. As I said before, these are good things to do, but are rarely kept. Why? Because it is so easy to go back to the way things were last year. 1. Be more faithful in your Sunday school and church attendance and your commitment to Christ. 2. Give more. Be a better steward of what God has given you. 3. Study the Bible more. 4. Share your faith with others and especially the lost. 5. Pray without Ceasing. 6. Just be available to God and let Him use you and yours this coming year. Make 2014 the best year of your life. May God bless you and yours this coming year. 3 VOLUNTEER NEEDED FOR 10:45 SERVICE We need a volunteer to run the Power Point/AV program for the 10:45 service in the months of April, August & December 2014. Training is available. Please contact Frank Clementi at 814-442-9260 if you would like to volunteer. FIRE & ICE SOUP SALE FOR RELAY FOR LIFE Come out for some delicious homemade chicken noodle and beef vegetable soup on January 17th & 18th. The proceeds will benefit the Relay for Life Survivors Dinner. Volunteers are needed to make this event a success. This is a great chance to get to know your church family through service. If you can help, please see our volunteer at the information station and sign up to help. WINDOW RESTORATION FUNDRAISING OPPORTUNITIES Window 1 looks AMAZING! There is so much detail in Jesus’s robe. You can see the leaves on the trees, the blades of grass and the flowers in the field. It’s not too late to make a donation to the Window Restoration Fund. We still have 2 windows in need of repair. 1. “FILL THE JUG” 1ST SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP Sunday, January 5th the elders and church board have challenged the congregation to fill the window restoration jug. Whatever is in the jug, the church will match - up to $5,000 - from the FCC Vision Fund. Bring your spare cash & change or feel free to drop in a check and let’s fill that jug! 2. CAR WASHING FUNDRAISER Joe “Pop Your Collar” Blazin has offered his car washing services to members of FCC during the months of January & February. All proceeds will go towards the Window Restoration Fund. Different vehicles have different prices: Regular sedans/coupes: $25 Small SUV: $30 Large SUV/vans/truck: $35 Detail includes wash/chamois dry, vacuum inside, clean all surfaces, windows, mats and carpets, clean tires & wheels (weather permitting). Does not include waxing. Joe will pick up your car at home or work and return it to you there. Gift certificates are available. Call Joe for an appointment: 445-3554 TCTC HERE WE COME FCC youth and adult sponsors will attend the Tennessee Christian Teen Convention (TCTC) in Gaitlinburg, TN, January 9th - 12th. While there, attendees will attend Christian workshops, concerts, worship services and so much more. The teens and sponsors always return FIRED UP FOR THE LORD. Please keep them in your prayers. 4 MEMBER NEWS It’s a Girl! Norah Mokher, born December 4, 2013 to Chad & Kendra Weber Mokher. Norah weighed 6 lbs. 2oz. And was 18 inched long. Grandparents are Pete & Kerry Weber. January 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 Men’s Fraternity, Men’s Fraternity, Men’s Fraternity, 6:15AM 6:15AM 6:15AM Senior High Lock-in 5 E5 Ministry Team & G.A.S. Junior High Youth Group, 6:00PM 12 E5 Ministry Team & G.A.S. Junior High Youth Group, 6:00PM 19 E5 Ministry Team & G.A.S. Junior High Youth Group, 6:00PM 26 E5 Ministry Team & G.A.S. Junior High Youth Group, 6:00PM Night of Worship, 7:00PM OFFICE CLOSED 6 7 8 9 10 11 Men’s Fraternity, Men’s Fraternity, Men’s Fraternity, Men’s Fraternity, Men’s Fraternity, 6:15AM 6:15AM 6:15AM 6:15AM 6:15AM sHebrews 7:15AM Children & Youth Bells, 5:15PM Ministry Team Choir, 6:30PM meeting Costa Rica Praise Band, 6:00PM Meeting, 6:00PM 7:30PM TCTC 13 14 15 16 17 18 Men’s Fraternity, Men’s Fraternity, Men’s Fraternity, Men’s Fraternity, Men’s Fraternity, Soup Sale 6:15AM 6:15AM 6:15AM 6:15AM 6:15AM 10:00AM - ?? sHebrews TNT, 11:00AM 7:15AM Soup Sale Juggler, Bells, 5:15PM 2 - 7:00PM Jesse Joyner Finance Meeting Elder’s Meeting Choir, 6:30PM 4:00PM 6:30PM 6:00PM Praise Band, 20 21 22 23 24 25 Men’s Fraternity, Men’s Fraternity, Men’s Fraternity, Men’s Fraternity, Men’s Fraternity, 6:15AM 6:15AM 6:15AM 6:15AM 6:15AM sHebrews 7:15AM Deaconesses, 6:15PM Deacons, 6:30PM Board, 7:00PM Bells, 5:15PM Choir, 6:30PM Praise Band, 7:30PM 27 28 29 30 31 Men’s Fraternity, Men’s Fraternity, Men’s Fraternity, Men’s Fraternity, Men’s Fraternity, 6:15AM 6:15AM 6:15AM 6:15AM 6:15AM sHebrews 7:15AM Bells, 5:15PM Choir, 6:30PM Praise Band, 7:30PM 5 SANCTURY FLOWERS ATTENTION COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS January 5 In memory of Paul P. Weber by Pete & Kerry Weber. All chairpersons are responsible to submit a budget request for the 2014/15 church year. The final date budgets can be submitted is February 17th. If you need help with your budget, see Cheryl in the office or a member of the Finance Committee (Chase Hill, Cynthia Cramer, Tom Minnick, Matt Rouch). January 12 Happy Birthday Matthew Landis, we love you from your family. January 19 In memory of Nick Costea’s birthday from the family. In memory of Al Wilmoth by Loretta & Allison. If you do not submit a budget, no funds will be budgeted for your committee. January 26 In memory of Ed Sanner by Audrey & family. January 2014 Birthday’s& Anniversaries Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 2 Denise Friedline 5 6 7 Thu 8 3 9 13 Dan & Jane Buck (50) David Mowry Ann Walker 14 Hank Parke Beth Benedict 10 11 17 18 Bobbi King Mary Jane Funston 15 Matt Landis Dean Mickey Cohen Miller 16 John Coleman Dan & Christine Baker (11) Jack Pollock 19 Kathy Mowry 20 Troy Pollock Hank & Linda Parke (12) 21 22 Steve Gerhard Chris Mitchell 23 24 Russ & Susie Lambert (4) Sara Smith Rose Walker Harry Wilcox 26 27 Dave Buck Brady Gilbert George Perras 6 Sat 4 Danny Mickey Doreen Costea 12 Fri Mark Walker 28 Jack Shaffer 29 Tammy Barron Karen Maust 30 31 Jeff Hay 25 Charlie & Tracy Sanders (12) SERVING THE LORD THIS MONTH 1st Sunday 9:30AM Bill & Tammie Gerhart Communion Prep. 8:00AM Rita Fisher 10:45AM Christy Hay 8:00AM Cheryl Clementi 10:45AM Arlene DeArmitt 8:00AM Cheryl Clementi Tammy Minnick 10:45AM Mary Ann Jock Jan Jubin 8:00AM Jessie Draper Tammie Gerhart 10:45AM Jill Buck 8:00AM Steve & Noah Gerhard 10:45AM Nathaniel Stickle Deaconess Greeters Junior Church AV/Soundboard Church Nursery Jan. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 8:00AM Sue & Hannah Slope 10:45AM Jeremy & Melissa Wilson 8:00AM Jaime Gross Sandy Knepper 10:45AM Christy & Andy Hay 8:00AM Joe & Georgiann Blazin 10:45AM Jody & Haley Stickle 8:00AM Tammy Minnick Karen Costea 10:45AM Ann & Megan King Prayer Requests Sarah Carlson, Rocky Foster, Jim Black, Chad Morgan, Ann Matthews, Linda Augustine, Joe Zeigler & family, Mike Krepelka & family, Aaliyah & Ashlyne, Darien & family, Sandra Wolf, Darlene Micozzi, Joe, Kay, Jackie, Roman Yoder, Jeff, Amanda, and Benjamin Rush, Mickey Odvar, George & Kristie Rigo, Ruby Hay, Arlene Woy, Drew Hittie, Gene & Betty Kaufman, Herb Brant, Gary Romesburg, Eric, Doris & Charles Sicheri, Janet Sherbine Baby Eli, Rory Auman, Gloria Smith, Debbie Baker, Sara Sotomayor, Carl Knopsnyder, Bud & Kathy Brilhart, Brett Kadillac, John Fisher, Jeremy McLarney, Susie Lambert, Jeff Miller, Faith & Scott Shaulis, Mark Walker, Barb Shumaker, Shelby & Garrett Baird, Janet Keyser’s sister, Larry Gross, Jennifer Barndt, Peg Baer, Tracy Sanders, Shirley Williams, Christy Meditations Jan. 5 Jan. 12 8:00AM Daniel Clementi 10:45AM John Barchey 8:00AM Dane Cramer 10:45AM Sam Draper 8:00AM To be announced 10:45AM Sam Draper 8:00AM Chase Hill 10:45AM Chase Hill Announcements Jan. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 19 Jan. 26 8:00AM Daniel Clementi 10:45AM John Barchey 8:00AM Brandon Lambert 10:45AM Chase Hill 8:00AM Denise Carey 10:45AM Doug Huston 8:00AM Tina Rozinsky 10:45AM Sam Draper FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 139 E. MAIN ST. SOMERSET, PA 15501 Phone: 814-445-8112 Fax: 814-443-9882 E-mail: Website: 7