SEW-CIETY NEWS Central Illinois/Peoria Chapter American Sewing Guild Spring 2015, Volume 33, No. 1—Peoria, Illinois Sue Melton Barnabee, Editor Advancing sewing as an art and life skill ‘Show & Tell’ Luncheon June 11, 2015 Sponsored by the Peoria Neighborhood Group, ASG The Peoria Neighborhood Group invites all ASG members to start creating items to share with everyone at the Show & Tell Luncheon. You can bring anything you have made -- garments for you or your family, accessories, home dec items, quilts, crafts, embroidered items, community service projects – whatever you like to make. It’s fun to share this day with visitors, so invite friends or family members to come with you. For those who have never attended this event, bring or wear the items you want to show. You will be invited to come to the podium to describe your project and then walk around the room showing the others what you have made. Don’t be intimidated – come join us and have fun! STASH SALE Our “Stash Sale” has been successful each year so we are planning to have it again. (You would think we’d run out of stuff to donate, but we don’t seem to.) Please go through your stash and bring anything that you would be willing to donate to your Guild. We will offer these items for sale at the luncheon. You know, we sometimes covet what other people have – so here’s your chance to share your “treasures” with someone else. Please mark a fair price on your items. All proceeds will be used to help fund another guild activity. If any of your items are left at the end of the program, we request that you please take them back home with you. We hope to have lots of participation because sales are always fun. Wouldn’t it also be fun to see what someone else made from your fabric? DATE: LOCATION: Thursday, June 11, 2015 Registration will be at 9:00 am Lariat Steakhouse Coffee/Tea/Muffins served from 9:00-9:30 am 2232 W. Glen Avenue Program begins at 9:30 am Peoria, IL 61614 Lunch at Noon. We will be finished by 1:00 pm COST: MENU: $15.00 for Members and Students under 18 and $18.00 for Non-Members Choice of Grilled Chicken Salad or Seafood Salad RESERVATION DEADLINE: June 6, 2015 2015 SHOW & TELL LUNCHEON RESERVATION FORM Please make your check payable to: American Sewing Guild/Peoria Chapter Mail check and Reservation Form to: Shirley Lippert, 13815 N Dover Ln, Chillicothe, IL 61523 Call 309-579-2279 or e-mail at for more information Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________ City:______________________________________________________State:____________Zip:____________ Phone: (____)___________________________ e-mail:____________________________________________ Member? Yes___ No___ Menu Choice: Grilled Chicken Salad____ Seafood Salad____ Reservation Deadline: June 6, 2015 CHAPTER CHANGE OF ADDRESS You should now address mail of chapter interest to Central IL/Peoria ASG, 1895 County Road 1400 N., Roanoke, IL 61561. Spring 2015 Sew-Ciety News, Page 1 SEW SPECIAL ‘15 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2015 Pamela Leggett will be teaching a Friday, hands-on Serger workshop on October 9, 2015. On Saturday, October 10, she will be the featured speaker at Sew Special ’15. Pamela Leggett has been teaching sewing since 1981. Specializing in pattern fitting and fine garment skills, she has developed a fun and informative teaching style that is now available in her patterns and instructional DVD's. One of Pamela's passions is creating garments that flatter and fit the wearer. Her desire to teach others to achieve the perfect fit led her to the Palmer/Pletsch pattern fitting method. She has used this method to help hundreds of women successfully achieve good fit and a renewed love of garment sewing. It is with this knowledge that she created Pamela's Patterns. Her patterns have many fitting solutions and adjustments built-in to them. Pamela's Patterns have been reviewed and featured in Threads and Sew News Magazines, Sawyer Brook Distinctive Fabrics,, Gorgeous Fabrics, and Nancy's Notions and Clotilde Catalogs. Pamela has also been a contributing writer for Threads Magazine, Creative Publishing and Janome. She teaches for sewing guilds, stores and conferences. In 2012, Pamela joined forces with Pati Palmer to host The Palmer/Pletsch East School of Sewing at Steve’s Sewing, Vacuum and Quilting in King of Prussia, PA. Classes offered are Pattern Fitting and Pants Fitting. Born and raised in Michigan, Pamela moved to Connecticut in 1980. She managed Manchester Sewing Center for 24 years. She has two children and two beautiful grandchildren. In 2005, she married Bill, inherited two more daughters and moved to the Philadelphia area. (Bill monitors Pattern Review for her!) Pamela’s “home” store is Steve's Sewing, Vacuum & Quilting in King of Prussia, PA where she teaches serger, garment sewing and fitting classes. Spring Is In the Air – Somewhere! CENTRAL IL/PEORIA AREA DATES TO REMEMBER March 8-20, 2015—Angel Gown dress donation, Chillicothe, IL (309) 698-2026 March 17, 2015—CAB Meeting, Morton 1 pm March 27, 2015—Angel Gown sewing Day, Chillicothe, IL (309) 698-2026 April 16, 2015—Community Service Sewing Day April 22-26—Creative Sewing Retreat, Danville, IL April 23-26—Spring Retreat, Peoria June 11, 2015—June Luncheon July 16-20, 2015—National Convention, Town & Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, CA July 9, 2015—Summer Picnic August 24-26, 2015—Chapter Retreat, Villa Maria Springfield October 9, 2015—Serger Workshop, Pamela Leggett, United Presbyterian Church, Peoria October 10, 2015—Sew Special, Pamela Leggett, United Presbyterian Church, Peoria October 10, 2015—Illinois State Make It With Wool. United Presbyterian Church, Peoria. November 14, 2015—Annual Meeting, Woodford County, hostess WELCOME TO OUR CHAPTER NEW MEMBER! Charlotte Cronin, Peoria Please introduce yourself to our newest member at your next neighborhood group meeting or chapter event. A special THANK YOU to all members who have renewed your ASG membership! Spring 2015 Sew-Ciety News, Page 2 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Well is this winter ever going to end? The last two winters have produced piles of snow like I remember back in the 60’s. Full disclosure – I missed most of it. I have had the good fortune to spend several weeks in sunny Florida. What have you been sewing during the cold and snowy days? I know how much I love snow days. Activities are cancelled, roads are dangerous; but, it’s warm and cozy in the sewing room. Add dinner cooking in the crockpot and you have it made! Here in Florida, you look for a cool, rainy and windy day. I did bring my sewing machine and made some fun projects. Some of those projects include UFO’s that seem to clutter up the sewing room. But, I’m looking forward to being back home when everything I need is close at hand. Did I find any fabric stores? Well, of course! All good ASG members scope them out wherever they’re at! Yes, now I have more projects to do! A new year of sewing activities are coming up. June luncheon is schedule for June 11. The retreat is August 24-26. Sew Special is October 9 & 10. We are excited to have Pamela Leggett this year. Look for more information on page 2. You can choose from all of the great programs offered by the neighborhood groups. Be sure to check the calendar for meeting topics. If it interests you, visit that group. Members are welcome to attend any NG any time. Our members have great talent they are willing to share, including YOU! Until next time, 2015 CENTRAL IL/PEORIA CHAPTER ADVISORY BOARD (CAB) OFFICERS PRESIDENT: Carol Luginbuhl (309) 923-6861-H (309) 868-3441-C 1ST VICE PRESIDENT: Kay Sutter (815) 692-3323 SECRETARY: Pat Pearson (309) 344-2670 TREASURER: Gisela Schuman (309) 245-4884 COMMITTEES MEMBERSHIP: Pat West (309) 925-3395 (309) 453-6682--Cell NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS: Kay Sutter (815) 692-3323 NEWSLETTER EDITOR: Sue Barnabee (309) 647-0111-H (309) 229-7999-C Carol SEW SPECIAL COORDINATOR: Vicki Ghidina (309) 353-7015 WEBMASTER: Pat West (309) 925-3395 (309) 453-6682--Cell RETAIL LIAISON: Cyndy Monier (309) 364-3831 PUBLICITY: Karen Fyke (309) 467-4525 NATIONAL ASG HEADQUARTERS: 9660 Hillcroft, Ste 510, Houston, TX 77096 (713) 729-3000 Contact: Barbara Cortez Nancy’s Notions Code:10% off entire order. Use source code 159411-5222. Limit one source code per order. Cannot be combined with any other promotions. Expires Apr. 30, 2015. Spring 2015 Sew-Ciety News, Page 3 NEIGHBORHOOD GROUP MEETING CALENDAR ASG members may attend any and all Neighborhood Group meetings in the Central IL/Peoria Chapter and anywhere around the country. Prospective members are encouraged to attend two meetings before joining the chapter. Please contact the Neighborhood Group leader to confirm monthly meeting times, programs and locations, especially if you are traveling a distance. WHERE MARCH Chapter Advisory Board (CAB) 1 pm, Morton Library. 3/17/2015 CAB Meeting 1pm Morton BLOOMINGTON/ NORMAL 2nd Saturday, 10:00 am Hancock Fabrics on Eldorado 3/14/15 Charity Sewing 4/11/15 Arm Knitting & Crochet 5/9/15 Bags & Purses CHAMPAIGN/ URBANA 1st Wednesday, 9:30 am at First Christian Church on Staley in Champaign at the Curtis Rd. Exit & I-57 FULTON COUNTY 4th Thursday, 1 pm at Wallace Park, Canton 11:30 lunch at Blessings, optional GARMENT SEWING 3rd Saturday, 10 am at North Branch Peoria Library MACHINE EMBROIDERY 2nd Wed, 11:30 am at Big Racks Canton. PEORIA DAY 2nd Thursday, 10:00 am Sewing Center, Metro Center PEORIA EVENING 1st Tuesday 6-8 pm Lakeview Public Library 3/4/15 Green Fabric Challenge 4/1/15 Easter Challenge 5/6/15 Floral fabric challenge Dorothy Deem (217) 897-1142 3/ 26/15 Lace Pat Pearson 4/23/15 Thread Painting Terry Kaveney 5/28/15 Recycle/Upcycle Jan Webster Sue Barnabee (309) 647-0111 3/21/15 Turning Corners Sandy Pigg 4/18/15 Hand Beading Sherrill Tittle Seminar Room 5/16/15 Copying Ready-toWear Pat Pearson Sue Barnabee (309) 647-0111 3/11/15 Metallic Thread 4/8/15 Altering Embroidery Designs 4/9/15 Garden Apro, Colleen Dunham 5/13/15 Embroidered Buttonholes Sue Barnabee (309) 647-0111 5/14/14 Slimming Designs Group Discussion Shirley Lippert (309) 579-2279 5/5/15 Modifying or Making Your Own Fabric Patty Schmidt Pat West (309) 925-3395 (309) 453-6682-C 5/21/15 Sewing related to flowers Karen Fyke (309) 467-4525 WOODFORD CO 3rd Thursday, 7 pm at the Maple Lawn Community Room, Eureka Spring 2015 3/12/15 Pattern Review Group Discussion 3/3/15 Finding time to sew; Getting organized 3/19/15 Bunnies from knit gloves APRIL 4/7/15 Charity Sewing for Crittenton Crisis Nursery – Bring basic sewing supplies 4/16/15 Finishing UFO’s MAY CONTACT Carol Luginbuhl Chapter President (309) 923-6861 (309) 868-3441-C Members are welcome. Leanne Trotter (309) 829-9866 and Anne Craig-McEldowney (309) 268-0755 Sew-Ciety News, Page 4 NEWSLETTERS ARE DIGITAL! It is necessary that those members who will receive the newsletter by e-mail keep their e-mail address up to date. If your e-mail address has changed recently, please contact Pat West, Membership Chairperson, at to update your account. If you would like to receive a printed copy, send you name and address to Sue Barnabee, 21795 E Barnabee Road, Farmington, IL 61531. MEET BOARD MEMBER VICKI GHIDINA I am originally from Peoria, but now live in Pekin. I’m married to John, a retired police officer and have 3 children: Erin (29), Tim (26), and Ryan (23). I’m a graduate of Western Illinois University with a degree in Medical Technology. I work at OSF St. Francis Medical Center in the Hematology Department of the Laboratory where I perform tests that help diagnose anemia, leukemia, infection, monitor Coumadin & Heparin therapy and other coagulation issues. I first started sewing at the age of 12 or 13 by taking lessons with the park district and by my Mom (Berniece McGlasson). I got my first sewing machine for 8th grade graduation. I’ve sewn clothing for myself and our children--Halloween costumes, Easter outfits, Madrigal costumes, etc. I haven’t done much quilting other than a Trip Around the World class many years ago. Over the years, I was always one of the go-to people when the school needed alterations for marching band uniforms, choir dresses, etc. The strangest thing I’ve ever sewn was a massive flag for a marching band program that covered the center of the football field. I haven’t had a lot of time to attend many sewing group meetings, but hope to attend more in the future. My favorite things to do have been the sewing retreat in Springfield, National Sewing Convention in St. Louis, and area sewing expos. I have an embarrassingly large stash of fabric and a very understanding husband. This year I will be chairing Sew Special with the help of many experienced Sewing Guild Members. SEWING TIPS FROM SUE If you have ever laundered a tissue in with your clothes, you know that it is a problem getting all of those tiny pieces off the fabric. Try throwing a micro fiber cloth in the dryer with that load. You would be amazed at all it picks up. Next problem, how to get the pieces off the mirco fiber cloth! Now is the time to reconstruct your closet. When you have your give-away pile ready, look at it for future use in the sewing room. Perhaps there are usable buttons or trims that can be repurposed among the items. If it is a garment with lots of fabric that is in good condition, you might be able to make an entirely new garment. If you find a pure wool sweater among the pile, throw it in hot soapy water, then a hot dryer and you will find a piece of felted wood for embellishing a garment or one of your craft projects. If you are sewing for spring, you may want to take a look at the Pantone colors for Spring 2015 with this link . Sue Barnabee is a former Family and Consumer Sciences teacher, and member of Haute Couture Club of Chicago. Her articles and projects have appeared in Sew News, Creative Machine Embroider and McCall’s Quilting magazines. STATE AND NATIONAL DATES TO REMEMBER March 9-11, 2015—Martha Pullen School of Art Fashion Boutique, Atlanta GA March 12-14, 2015—Original Sewing & Quilt Expo, Atlanta GA March 13 & 14, 2015—Galesburg Sewing Embroidery & Serger Academy, Carl Sandburg College, Galesburg March 26-28, 2015—Original Sewing & Quilt Expo, Cleveland OH April 9-11, 2015—Original Sewing & Quilt Expo, Schaumburg IL April 16-18, 2015—Original Sewing & Quilt Expo, Worcester MA May, 2015—Round Bobbin Sew Fun Cruise. May 7-9, 2015—Nancy’s Notions Weekend, Beaver Dam WI July 21-26, 2015—Martha Pullen, The Perfect Mix: Sew, Serge & Embellish, Palm Harbor FL Spring 2015 July 28-August 2, 2015—Martha Pullen Children’s Garment Construction, Palm Harbor FL September 25-27, 2015—American Sewing Expo, Novi, Michigan September 28-30, 2015—Martha Pullen School of Art Fashion Boutique, Fredericksburg, VA October 1-3, 2015—Original Sewing & Quilt Expo, Fredericksburg VA October 23-24, 2015—Anita Goodesign Event, Galesburg November 1-2, 2015—Original Sewing & Quilt Expo, Minneapolis MN November 1-6, 2015—Martha Pullen Serger II, Costa Mesa CA November 8-13, 2015—Martha Pullen Vintage, Classic, Contemporary, Costa Mesa CA Sew-Ciety News, Page 5 FROM THE BOOK STORE Smart Tailoring, Kenneth D. King In this 3-DVD set, Kenneth D. King teaches you tailoring the same way professionals learn. If you are serious about becoming adept at tailoring, Smart Tailoring with Kenneth D. King provides a golden opportunity to become highly proficient very quickly. You will get a rare behind-the-scenes view of how jacket tailoring is to aspiring designers and workroom professionals as taught by a world-class instructor. A complete tailoring workshop includes five hours of one-on-one lessons from a renowned professor of fashion design at FIT in New York City You can compare two tailoring methods – “old school” vs. Kenneth’s “new school.” The advantage of seeing this side-by-side demonstration is that two very different approaches are directly compared--traditional tailoring alongside Kenneth’s streamlined methods. You will learn both methods and choose the one you prefer. Or, you can combine elements of each method to create one that best suits your needs. You will be covering all these steps in meticulous detail: Materials & tools, pattern work, jacket back, jacket fronts, body canvas, body front, lapel facings, jacket body assembly, hem the jacket, the lining unit, installing the lining, the undercollar, the upper collar, installing the collar, sleeve construction, sleeve lining, sleeve cap, setting the sleeves, installing the jacket and sleeve lining and final touches. ISBN 978-1-62710-908-6 Embellish Chic, Connie Long We live in the age of embellishment. Everything—casual wear, party clothes, office attire—seems to be trimmed in beads and sequins, tassels and fringes, bright metallic studs, ribbons, braids, or embroidery. The stores are stocked with plain garments: denim jeans and jackets, T-shirts, simple black dresses and basic one-color skirts. This gives us the perfect opportunity! These garments are the perfect canvas for your creativity. Connie gives step-by-step directions so you can master dozens of embellishment techniques and personalize your wardrobe, even if you don't sew. Of course, all of us do sew so that makes it easy for us to achieve. Connie will teach us how to work with beads, sequins and buttons; various ways to apply ribbons, braids, fringe and lace; how to use scrap and vintage fabric to make appliqué, borders, and collages; use decorative applications for zippers, studs, and nail heads; and techniques for embellishing with threads. ISBN 978-1-56158-485-7 Mastering Tatting, Lindsay Rogers Tatting is the age-old method of making lace. It dates back centuries and spanned the continents. This old craft of hand-making lace is enjoying a modern revival. Mastering Tatting by the internationally known expert Lindsay Rogers is an easy way to learn the simple technique of looping and knotting which is done with a small hand shuttle. It produces amazingly intricate results. There are 15 designs and creative options in the book. Along with teaching the basics, it provides easy-tofollow diagrams and descriptions. It goes beyond the basics, by showing how a simple piece of tatting can be developed into something striking and complex. Tatting has simple requirements: thread and a small shuttle. In this fast paced life style we all seem to have, it’s a very portable craft. You can easily take your work along and do it in spare moments. Enjoy the chance to experiment with tatting and further explore this enjoyable craft. The author, Lindsay Rogers, has been embroidering and tatting since childhood. She lives in the Highlands of Scotland. ISBN 978-1-86108-950-2 SEWING WEB SITES Spring 2015 www.textiletransformations Sew-Ciety News, Page 6 CENTRAL ILLINOIS/PEORIA CHAPTER COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECTS ANGEL GOWNS OF CENTRAL ILLINOIS To lose an infant leaves a sorrowful emptiness in the arms and hearts of their families who never were able to bring their children home from the hospital. It can be an isolating time, especially as parents try to find clothing to bury their tiny babies in. That's where Angel Dresses come in. The Chillicothe Christian Church is collecting wedding/formal gowns to make into Angel Dresses. The dresses are used to make gowns for babies who never recover in the neonatal intensive care unit at Children’s Hospital of Illinois at OSF St. Francis Medical Center in Peoria. The white and ivory gowns made for baby boys and girls serve as baptismal/end of life gowns, which traditionally adorn infants in white. The gowns are made to fit the small babies, who are often born premature The gown at the top of the article is an example of a wedding dress used to make the gown at the bottom of the article. One wedding dress can make up to 10-12 Angel Gowns. Sunday, March 8th through Friday, March 20th are the dates of the bi-annual wedding/formal gown drive. Gowns of white, ivory, pale pink or pastel tones, and navy, gray or black (for the boys) will be accepted. Bridesmaid, Communion or Easter dresses, silky ribbons, cotton thread and other notions or donations to purchase sewing supplies will be accepted. If you have lace or lace/beaded trims or satin fabric, those will be accepted as well. If you have laces, trims or fabrics you can contact Dorothy Burnett at (309) 647-1956 or Sue Barnabee, (309) 647-0111. Dresses do not need to be cleaned before you send them. Unless your gown has been trashed, we have had lots of luck spot cleaning and working around damage. Each little outfit comes packed in a special pretty keepsake box. In the box along with the gown is a handmade knitted or crocheted blanket and a hat and booties. Those who knit or crochet can help as well. Dress disassembly and kit making day is Friday, March 20 from 9 am to 4 pm at the Chillicothe Christian Church, 510 W Frances Street in Chillicothe. Gown sewing day will be Friday, March 27 from 9 am to 4 pm at the same location. Go to for more information about the group. If you would like to attend one or both of the gown days, please contact Kim Aldag at (309) 698-2026 or e-mail at . ANTI-OUCH POUCH Anti-Ouch Pouches were designed by our chapter member Deon Maas. This underarm hanging pillow is intended to add a little comfort to people’s lives during a stressful, painful time. The pillow hangs from the shoulder, fitting snugly under the arm to cushion and ease the pressure of the underarm and breast area after breast surgery, upper body surgeries or during radiation treatment. Tens of thousands of anti-ouch pouches have been lovingly sewn and donated to breast centers across the United States. The American Sewing Guild featured the anti-ouch pouch as the 2008 National Community Service Project. This will continue to be an ongoing project for our chapter. We continue to take them to the Susan G Komen office, Methodist Diagnostic Center in Peoria and OSF in Galesburg. The digital mammography is catching so many more cases. Our need has increased. We would appreciate help making AOPs. If you have questions, contact Deon Maas at or Sue Barnabee, The Peoria area is in continual need of Anti-Ouch Pouches. Please consider donating soft fabric, stuffing, or completed AOPs. We donate 100’s every few months in our area. CRITTENTON CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER Crittenton Development Center serves Central Illinois children and families by providing loving child care as well as a 24hour staffed crisis nursery. The center is in need of crib sheets. The pattern is on the web site You can donate them directly, contact a CAB member for pick up or bring them to a chapter/neighborhood meeting. Continued on page 8. Spring 2015 Sew-Ciety News, Page 7 CENTRAL ILLINOIS/PEORIA CHAPTER COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECTS CONT’D Our chapter donates custom-made bibs, crib and cot sheets, burp pads and wash cloths to help defray the costs of purchasing these items. Crittenton staff members have said the items our chapter provides are "much higher quality" than those they can purchase. They are in constant need of sheets. Please consider helping. Supplies will be provided to you. This year we will help support Crittenton Development Center by collecting coupons for baby items. Since these are time limited, gather your coupons periodically and mail them to Crittenton Development Center, 442 W John H Gwynn Jr Ave, Peoria, IL 61605. Our support at Crittenton Child Development Center is done by donating items that they need. This is a project we will be continuing. Contact Pat West for information at NEWSLETTER DEADLINES: May, 1 August 1 and November 1 February 1 . Send information to Sue Barnabee, 21795 E Barnabee Rd., Farmington, IL 61531, or (309) 647-0111. SEW-CIETY NEWS is the quarterly newsletter of the Central IL/Peoria Chapter of the American Sewing Guild (ASG) located in Peoria, Illinois. The American Sewing Guild is a non-profit organization of home sewers. Its purpose is to provide information, education and programs for its members and the community. Membership to ASG is open to the public. FOR SALE Bernina 830 Sewing and Embroidery Machine Purchased new in June 2009. Selling due to new machine purchase. Stitch count 4,860,237. Has had regular maintenance. Last serviced in December 2014. Not used since. Used mostly for garment sewing. Comes with original accessories--embroidery unit, hoop and original packing boxes. Photos upon request. Asking $3000 (cash or cashier's check). Will consider reasonable offers. Will deliver within 180 miles of Champaign. Tina Colombo 217-356-2762 Note: Sewing related items for sale by members can be placed in the newsletter free of charge. ILLINOIS STATE MAKE IT WITH WOOL Now is the time to start your Illinois State Make It With Wool project! 2015 is the 54 th year of the Make It With Wool contest in Illinois. Contact Marilyn Donoho, 7450 W. County Line Road, Paw Paw, IL 61353, (815) 627-9422, or, for more information and entry forms. The purpose of the MIWW contest is to focus attention on the beauty and versatility of wool; encourage the use of wool fabric or yarn in sewing, knitting, crocheting, spinning and weaving wool fabrics and yarns; offer the opportunity to compete for valuable prizes; and recognition for sewing, knitting or crocheting skills. Start sewing your wool garment now! It would be nice to have another ASG member in the competition since we sponsor the contest in Illinois. 2015 NATIONAL MAKE IT WITH WOOL CONTEST Illinois winners who won awards were announced at the National Competition in Reno, Nevada, January 29-31. Senior, Lauren Parks of Bloomington, placed in the top 10 and won the Creative Machine Embroidery award. Adult, Anita Donoho-Ott of Jacksonville was awarded 4th. Judges for the 2014 state contest were Barbara Hanson, Metamora, Kendra Brandes, Washington, and Sara Jane Swaar, Greenview. Sue Barnabee was one of the three national judges for the adult division held in Paw Paw, Illinois in December. Lauren Parks Spring 2015 Anita Donoho-Ott Sew-Ciety News, Page 8 NEWS FROM YOUR RETAIL LIAISON Believe it or not, 70's fashions are making a comeback--a blast from the past for some of us. Wide leg pants featuring large floral prints might be low cost for many of us who may have vintage patterns and fabric already in our stashes. Also in the fashion lineup are pencil skirts with rather high slits in the front. The beauty of being able to sew is we can make that slit however we want. According to the color authorities at Pantone, fabric hues are softer with understated brights, pale pastels and nature-like neutrals. Tropical prints and florals are in the fabric stores to create fashions that are retro, yet up to date. Plan to add a couple of trendy garments to your wardrobe. Spring is the perfect time to grab a map, plot fabric store locations, (use the retail guide on the chapter website, and plan a private shop hop with a couple of sewing friends. Check out the Panasonic cordless iron at Sewing Studio in Normal. Look at the new Janome sewing machines with wireless capabilities and maybe demo the scan and cut machine found at your favorite Brother dealer. A must see studio and gallery is Pumpkin Glass. It is now located in Junction City Shopping Center at 590 Prospect Rd in Peoria. The shop is beautiful. There are beads and findings to inspire and enhance any sewing or jewelry project. The knowledgeable staff will assist you in finding the perfect bauble for a decorative zipper pull to selecting all the beads to create a show stopping garment or accessory jewelry piece. Pumpkin Glass has it all with convenient store hours on M-Tues-W-F 10 am to 6 pm; Thur 10 am to 8 pm and Sat 10 am to 5 pm. Cyndy Monier PLEASE SUPPORT OUR LOCAL RETAILERS Mention these retailer ads when you visit our local stores Galesburg Sewing Center And Sewing Center II 243 E Main Street Galesburg, IL 1-800-962-7180 4700 N University Street Peoria IL 1-309-689-5499 Brother, Handi Quilter, Husqvarna-Viking, Singer Specializing in Sales & Service Spring 2015 Sew-Ciety News, Page 9 ASG DISCOUNTS AT AREA STORES! Galesburg Sewing Center: ASG members receive a 10% discount. ASG card must be presented. Hancock Fabrics: 10% discount on one regularly-priced item per visit with ASG card from Notions magazine. For online orders at, receive 10% with code: PASGUX at check-out JoAnn Fabrics: 10% discount with ASG discount card. Peddler’s Way Quilt Co: Customer discount Sew Creative: Show your ASG membership card to receive a 10% discount on regular-priced fabric and sewing notions. Sewing Studio: 10% discount. Sew Sassy: 10% discount. The Quilt Corner: Punch card - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MEMBERS: Bring your ASG card when you shop! RETAILERS: This article is extended to our advertisers and national sponsors. If we missed your store or there are changes, please be sure to let us know. AREA QUILT CLUBS Gems of the Prairie Quilters, Anshai Emeth Temple, Peoria—1st Wednesday, 6:30 pm Handi Quilter Club, Morton—2nd Monday of the odd numbered months. Peddler’s Way Quilt Co, Washington—1st Thursday, 1 pm Prairie Points, Peoria—2nd Saturday, 10 am Sew Sassy, Urbana Project Linus—1st Thursday, 5 pm The Piecers of the Heartland Quilt Club, Trinity Lutheran Church, Canton—2nd Monday, 6:30 pm The Quilt Corner, Morton—3rd Monday, 10:00 am & 6:30 pm See ads for phone numbers and web sites. AREA EMBROIDERY CLUBS County Machine Embroidery Club—2nd Wednesday, 11:45 lunch, 1 pm meeting at Big Racks, Canton. Galesburg Sewing Center, Galesburg—lst Monday, 1 pm (not Jan or July); 1st Thursday, 6 pm (not Jan or July) Prairie Points, Peoria—4th Monday, 2 pm & 6 pm Sew Creative, Peoria Heights—2nd Tuesday, 6:30 pm Sewing Center II, Peoria—lst Wednesday, 10 am Sewing Center II, Peoria—2nd Thursday, 6 pm (not December) Sewing Studio, Normal—3rd Saturday, 12:30-2:30 (not in December) Sew Sassy, Urbana—2nd Tuesday, 1- 4 pm; 6-9 pm; following Thursday, 10:30 am-1:30 pm See ads for phone numbers and web sites. Fulton ASG ONLINE! At go to the “Members Only” section to choose educational classes for those brand new to sewing as well as those who are returning to sewing. If you have a class ideas, send an e-mail to, with suggestions. ADVERTISING RATES Business Card (3 ½”) ¼ Page (4 ¾” X 3 ½”) ½ Page (4 ¾” X 7 ½”) $15.00 $25.00 $50.00 Full Page (9 ¾” X 7 ½”) Insert (Inserts provided by you) Special Mailing $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 Plus Postage ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SEWING MACHINE COMPANY WEB SITES Spring 2015 Sew-Ciety News, Page 10 NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS Dorothy Burnett of the Fulton County Neighborhood Group made and donated 16 angel gowns to the OSF Angel Gown project. See article on page 9. The Fulton County Group has also donated 217 anti-ouch pouches to Methodist Diagonistic Center and Susan Komen Breast Center. See article on page 9. The Garment Sewing Group donated 40 anti-ouch pouches to Susan Komen Breast Center. KEEP YOUR E-MAIL UP-TO-DATE! E-mail keeps you up-to-date on items that can’t wait for the next newsletter. Keep your e-mail address current by sending it to Pat West, Your e-mail will be used exclusively for sewing guild communications and will not be sold or otherwise given to a second party. CENTRAL IL/PEORIA CHAPTER ON THE WEB Have you checked out our web site yet? It was designed by Pat West, webmaster. You will find our latest newsletter; neighborhood news, contacts for chapter leaders, meeting information and photos, information about special events, community service information, CAB (Chapter Advisory Board) information, ASG discounts available, calendar of events, membership information. There are direct links to all of those pages. MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS March Janet Lickey Gail Lithgow Cameron Parks Dee Ryan Leanne Trotter Joanne Wade Margaret Wallace Gayle Zuehls April Ruth Ann Abbott Haroldine Baker Joyce Borzello Tina Colombo Dorothy Deem Cyndy Monier May Mary Allen Dorothy Burks Lois Campbell Shirley Harper Karen Henry Denise Karbarz Deb Kauffman Linda Kobs Margaret Youssi Sympathy Peg Wier’s mother-in-law died March 4, 2015 in Macomb. Eunice Farmer of St Louis, Mo died December 11, 2014 at the age of 97. She was a speaker at Sew Special twice. She owned Eunice Farmer Fabrics in the St Louis area where she carried very high end fabrics and taught people to sew. She always wore custom designer clothing made from her fabrics. Her column, Sew Simple, appeared in 450 newspapers across the US. Spring 2015 Sew-Ciety News, Page 11 CENTRAL ILLINOIS/PEORIA CHAPTER THE AMERICAN SEWING GUILD 1895 COUNTY ROAD 1400 N ROANOKE, IL 61561 SEW-CIETY NEWS TIME DATED MATERIAL DELIVER BY March 15, 2015 OR CURRENT RESIDENT