Gerty Bingo - Allen Advocate
Gerty Bingo - Allen Advocate
Allen Advocate VOLUME 69 NUMBER 32 ALLEN, PONTOTOC COUNTY , OKLAHOMA 1 SECTION (USPS 543600) 50¢ THURSDAY, MAY 12,, 2016 Allen Schools End of Year Activities Thursday, May 12 th All Day 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 am 10:00 am 11:30 am 6:30 pm Ronna Clark Selected Allen Teacher of the Year Mrs. Ronna Clark, Allen High School math teacher, has been selected by her peers as 2016 Teacher of the Year. A graduate of Roff High School, Mrs. Clark received her bachelors in Secondary Math Education from East Central University, Ada, and her Masters in Secondary Administration, also from ECU. She has taught thirteen years, one year at Western Heights in Oklahoma City, two years at Bowlegs, and the past ten years at Allen. She currently teaches Algebra I and II, Geometry and Trigonometry. Ronna and her husband, Lucas, have two daughters, 5-year-old Kolbi, a Pre-K students at Allen, and 2-year-old Adelyn. Mrs. Clark says, “I am truly honored to be selected as the Allen teacher of the Year. We have so many outstanding teachers here and to be selected by them is such an honor. I feel very blessed to have the opportunity to teach in such a supportive community.” 6:30 pm 7:30 pm 10:00 am Senior Trip Sunday, May 15th Baccalaureate - Auditorium Monday, May 16th Spring Band Concert Auditorium Tuesday, May 17th Pre-K-Kindergarten Awards 1st-3rd Grade Awards 4th-6th Grade Awards Auditorium Athletic Banquet Cafeteria Thursday, May 19th Academic Banquet Cafeteria (by invitation only) High School Academic Awards Auditorium Saturday, May 21st Graduation Gerty Bingo The Gerty Community will be hosting their monthly Bingo Night on Saturday, May 14th. Door open at 6:00 pm and the concession stand will be serving a dinner featuring spaghetti, garlic toast, salad and dessert for $5. Bingo begins at 7:00. Cards are $1 each or 6 for $5. All proceeds from the evening will be used for the th 4 of July fireworks display. Everyone is welcome to attend. Alison Sells was the recipient of the 2016 Renda & Shelby Lewis Memorial Scholarship. The presentation was made by Brenton Lewis during the annual FFA Banquet this past Tuesday evening. The scholarship is made possible by the Tyler Raney did his best during his leg of the relay Lewis family in memory and honor of the “Just Kidding Boer Goat Ranch.” at the Allen Elementary Meet this Tuesday C ountry Comments THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MAY 12, 2016 -PAGE 2 by Bill Robinson, Publisher I have taken pictures of several proms this year. Each time I do, it brings back memories of the proms I attended. Some were great, some were humiliating. All were memorable. Of all the prom stories I have heard or read about, my favorite was shared by April Knight. A PROM TO REMEMBER It was spring 1959 and time for the junior prom. The prom was the most important thing in the world to the junior girls at our small school. It was the next best thing to being Cinderella for a night. My mother was reliving her own junior prom by dragging out her old photos and telling me about the perfect night she’d had with George. (Unfortunately, George married someone else and my mother never really got over him. She married Dave, who was eventually my father.) I kept telling her I wasn’t going to the prom because no boy would ask me, and I refused to go alone. Every girl in my class had a date, and the boys who were left without dates didn’t want me. My mother began dropping hints to all the neighbors who had sons. “My daughter doesn’t have a date for the prom. Do you think Johnny (or Jim or Robert or Gary) would take her?” The other mothers, who were better at minding their own business, would say they’d mention it to their sons. I doubt any of them did. My mother bought a lime-green formal for me. It was stiff, scratchy, puffy and fluffy. When I tried it on, my mother said I looked “like a Greek goddess,” but I knew I looked like a green bean. I also got my first pair of high heels. The heels were only 2 inches tall, but I felt like I was walking on stilts. My mother dug out a beaded evening bag she’d carried to her own prom. It once had been covered with white pearls, but now the fake pearls had turned various shades of yellow and gray. I had long hair and liked to wear it straight. The night before the prom, she insisted on putting my hair up in pin curls. The next day, my hair hung in a hundred ringlets. I looked like I’d been electrocuted. She insisted I borrow her very best rhinestone jewelry—which she’d bought at Woolworths for $3—but only if I was very careful with it. My mother said that since I didn’t have a date, my father would drive me to the prom and pick me up at midnight, when it ended. So just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, they’d gotten worse. So I lied. On the day of the prom, I told her Billy had called while she was at the grocery store and had asked me to the prom, so I had a date and my father didn’t need to drive me to the school. Now all I had to do was think up another lie to hide the lie about having a date. What would happen when no boy came to the house to pick me up? I could pretend I’d been stood up; I’d pretend to be heartbroken—but what if I couldn’t keep my father from driving me to the prom? I could pretend to be sick. That wouldn’t take much pretending, because I did feel sick. That evening, I got dressed in the stiff, itchy formal. My mother decided I needed a corsage—and what if Billy didn’t remember to get me a corsage?—so she sent my father to the florist to see if he could pick up something at the last minute. I saw my chance to escape total humiliation. My father would be gone for at least 20 minutes. I stood next to the door, looking out the window, watching for Billy to arrive. “Oh!” I gasped. “I left my evening bag upstairs in my bedroom. Can you go up and get it for me? I want to watch for Billy.” My mother couldn’t imagine me leaving without her evening bag, so she ran upstairs to look for it. I’d hidden it under my mattress. As soon as I heard her upstairs, I made my break. “Billy’s here! I’m leaving!” I shouted, and I ran out the door and slammed it behind me. I lifted my formal above my knees and galloped around the house and out to the back of the garage, where I squatted behind a hedge. I hoped my mother was still searching for the evening bag or that she’d heard my yell I was leaving. She’d be upset she didn’t get a photo of Billy and me as we were leaving for the prom. Father returned and Mother met him at the door. I heard him say he couldn’t The Allen AdvocATe get a corsage because the florist was sold out. Mother USPS 543600 complained I’d left before got toOK meet Billy. Periodical Postage Paidshe at Allen, 74825 I was safe. Now all I had to do Published Weekly at was find a way to 101five S. Easton Allen, OK pass the next hours• behind the74825 garage. I didn’t have anything to eat or drink, and I didn’t dare try to Bill dAynA RoBinSon , PUBliSheRS walk down the&alley to go sit in the park because some d iAne BRAnnAn, ediToR snoopy neighbor might see me and ask my mother why cindy dAviS, office MAnAgeR I was wearing a formal and walking down the alley. I watched the moon come up.Week I watched the stars Devotion of the come out. I desperately wanted something to do. I Protected, Approved looked atPermanent, my watch every five minutes. This was goSome people today still use a wax seal on personal ing to be the longest night of my life. I began to think correspondence. Red sealing wax is dripped onto thatthe going to an theenvelope prom alone and isbeing a wallflower flap of and a seal pressed into the waswax, probably better sitting on or theother ground behind imprinting thethan author’s initial personal symbol. An unbroken seal on a letter is a sign of the garage for five hours. At least at the prom I would permanence and protection of the contents. have cookies and punch, and I could watch the other Such a seal is visible and physical—and some kidskind dance. of visible seal will be put on the foreheads God’s 144,000 called evangelists the Iofwondered if anyone would’ve askedduring me to dance. Tribulation (Revelation 7:1-8) But every Christian Maybe someone would’ve fallen in love with me and has been given a seal that is invisible—a seal that given hismark class of ring and in twoand years we’d getformaris me God’s permanence protection ried.eternity; But I knew wasn’t the sealthat of the Holygoing Spirit.toInhappen. addition There to and protection, the seal presence) hadpermanence been a Harvest Moon Dance in (gift, October, and I’d of the Holy Spirit affirms God’s approval. Just as gone to it and sat on a chair all night, smiling likethe I was Holy Spirit descended upon Cornelius’s household having a greatPeter’s time all by myself. tried to mingle, to approve message to themI’d (Acts 10:44-47), andso I’dthejoin little oftokids and laughing. Spirit of groups God says the talking Christian, “You are approved and beloved of God” (see I Thessalonians Then they’d move away, and I’d be left standing alone, 2:4). holding an empty punch cup. I swore I’d never go to If you are a true believer in Jesus Christ, you a dance the Holy Spirit forever. have alone been sealed Next year there’d be senior prom. I could hope I’d of the have a boyfriendSmile next year, butWeek I was shy and skinny and plain-looking, and the odds were against me. My mother and father were driving when she Iwas could avoid thebyprom next year, I planned ahead. pulled over the police. Momif was in a hurry I could havethea officer sprained and told so. ankle and a cold. “I understand, ma’am,” “But and I have to When it was 11 o’clock,heI said. was cold hungry, overhide 55.” any longer. I sneaked up to andticket I justanyone couldn’t Mom was beside herself. “That’s discrimination!” the house, tiptoed to the front door, opened it, and then she shouted. turnedThe andofficer very loudly “Good“Inight, Thanks calmlysaid explained, meantBilly. the speed limit.” Postmaster send change of address to: The Allen AdvocATe 101 S. Easton Allen, OK 74825 580-857-2687 in TRAde AReA, one yeAR $25.00 (inclUdeS coAl, PonToToc And hUgheS coUnTieS.) elSewheRe in oklAhoMA, one yeAR $28.00 oUT of STATe, one yeAR $30.00 online SUBScRiPTionS: $22.00 THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MAY 12, 2016 -PAGE 3 Donate this Satturday to ‘StampOut Hunger” in Allen This Saturday, May 14 letter carriers in 195 cities in central and western Oklahoma will “Stamp Out Hunger” by collecting canned food donations from households on their routes. In Allen, donations benefit Holdenville Loaves and Fishes in partnership with the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma. This is through the Feeding Hope and Letter Carriers’ Food and Fund Drive, presented by Devon Energy Corporation. “Hunger is closer than you think,” said Steve Riggs, statewide chair of the Letter Carriers’ Food Drive. “If you’ve seen one hungry child you’ve seen one too many. Most of the clients served by the Regional Food Bank, and its partner agencies, are children, seniors and the working poor.” To help “Stamp Out Hunger,” fill the plastic donation bag you receive in your mailbox this week, or any plastic bag, with canned food donations and place it by your mailbox on Saturday, May 14 before your letter carrier arrives. Your letter carrier will do the rest. Most needed items include: canned meats, meat-based soups, canned fruits, canned vegetables, peanut butter, and rice and beans. If your donation is missed, take it to your local post office. Monetary donations can also be made online at or by calling 405.600.3136. Every dollar donated will provide five meals for Oklahomans with inconsistent access to food. The Regional Food Bank is dedicated to “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope.” More than 656,000 Oklahomans struggle with hunger on a daily basis. The majority of those served by the nonprofit are children, seniors living on fixed incomes, and working families who cannot make ends meet. One in six Oklahoman struggles with hunger every day. Last year, the Regional Food Bank distributed more than 49.9 million pounds of food to Oklahomans with inconsistent access to food. “A client recently began to cry as the food was loaded into her vehicle,” shared one client of the Regional Food Bank. “When we asked if every- thing was OK, she simply explained how happy she was and how this food would go such a long way to help feed her children. She said that we really cared about them.” For more information about the Letter Carriers’ Food Drive, ask your letter carrier, contact your local post office, or call Angie Doss at 405-604-7109 or email mailto:adoss@ regionalfoodbank.orgadoss@regionalfoodbank. org. Established in 1980, the Regional Food Bank is the largest private, domestic hunger-relief organization in the state of Oklahoma. Last fiscal year, the nonprofit distributed 49.9 million pounds of food and products through a network of more than 1,250 charitable feeding programs and schools in 53 central and western Oklahoma counties The Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma is the state’s largest private, domestic hunger relief organization and a member of Feeding America’s network of Food Banks. The nonprofit provides enough food to feed more than 116,000 hungry Oklahomans each week through a network of more than 1,250 schools and charitable feeding programs in 53 central and western Oklahoma counties. Since its inception in 1980, the Regional Food Bank has distributed more than 600 million pounds of food to feed Oklahoma’s hungry. Fatility Accident Near Calvin A single vehicle accident claimed the life of a Calvin resident early Tuesday morning, May 10th. According to a report from the Oklahoma Highway Patrol, Randy Cosper, 45, was pronounced dead at the scene from trunk injuries. The report states that Cosper was driving a 1996 Ford F-350 northbound approximately nine miles south of Calvin on US 75. At approximately 2:49 a.m. Cosper departed the roadway to the right approximately 0.4 miles south of EW 1490 RD. The vehicle went airborne and overturned end over end for an unknown amount of times, coming to rest on its top. The driver was partially ejected from the vehicle. The report lists the cause of the accident as alcohol DUI. Seatbelts were equipped but not in use at the time the accident occurred, according to the report. The weather was cloudy but the roadway was dry at the time. The accident was investigated by Trooper May Dyer of the Hughes/Pittsburg County Detachment of Troop D. Dyer was assisted by the Hughes County Sheriff’s Office. 3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum Font Size: 30 pt Congratulations, graduates. Taylor P Howard Financial Advisor . 1500 Hoppe Blvd Suite 11 Ada, OK 74820 580-436-1632 Opening Soon! Country Comments from Page 2 for taking me to the prom.” Then I dashed inside and closed the door. My mother came rushing into the hallway, holding her camera. “Why are you home so early?” she said as she opened the door, hoping to catch a glimpse of Billy. “Billy has a midnight curfew,” I said. “The dance was fine.” I dashed upstairs and changed into my robe, dug the evening bag out from under my mattress, put it with the formal, and went back downstairs. My dad had gone to bed. I went into the kitchen and made a peanut butterand-jelly sandwich. It tasted heavenly. I was starving. “Tell me all about the prom.” Mother sat down at the table and drank a cup of tea. “Well, there isn’t much to tell. Billy is a nice boy, but we really didn’t have anything in common. He’s not a good dancer, and mostly, he hung around with the guys. I don’t think we’ll go out again,” I said. My mom looked crushed. “Let’s face it, Mom. You and George had the perfect prom date, and nobody else is ever going to have a prom date that perfect,” I said. “Yes, you’re right.” She got that dreamy look in her eyes she always got when she talked about George. “I just wanted you to have a happy memory so someday you could tell your own daughter about your prom.” “Well, let’s just say I’ll never forget the night of my junior prom,” I said. If any of our readers would like to share a prom story, please do! Member SIPC 207 Commerce Drive Wewoka, Oklahoma THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MAY 12, 2016 -PAGE 4 Threads of Life by Cleo LeVally Millions of people every day are entering into conversation with God; from their bedrooms, from their backyards, from their cars, at work, at play, and many other places. More than one-in-three Americans pray about once a day. The books on prayer are numerous. How we pray is not important. We are created with the capacity to pray. God gives us the gift of ••• Prayer & Praying ••• this special communication. We do not have to wait to have a perfectly constructed, carefully analyzed theology of prayer before we begin to pray. We can simply accept the gift and pray. It is, in a sense, just talking to God. Prayer seems to come naturally and easily to most people. In his hymn, “Prayer is the Soul’s Sincere Desire”, James Mont- Romanaette Bryant Passes Away Romaette WhiteheadBryant, age 82, a resident of Allen, Oklahoma, passed away peacefully on Tuesday, May 10, 2016. Romaette, a retired nurse, was born September 23, 1933, in Allen. She was the daughter of Marshall Clayborn Whitehead and Estella Mae Cook. Romaette attended Allen Public Schools and graduated in 1951. Romaette married Jack Bryant of Allen, in 1953, in Ada, and they celebrated their 63rd wedding anniversary earlier this year. Jack and Romaette lived in numerous states during their early marriage, working in the oil fields. They had one son, Jack Jr., and made their home in LaCrosse, Kansas for many years while Jack worked for Koch Industries, and Romaette worked in Hays, at the Hays Pathology Lab. They moved to Schulter, Oklahoma in 1972 and Romaette became a LPN and worked as a surgical nurse for numerous years in Henryetta, Okmulgee and at the Creek Nation Hospital in Okemah. Toward the end of her career she worked in home health in the Henryetta area. They retired while living in Schulter, and returned to a small farm outside Allen, nine years ago. Romaette was preceded in death by her parents, two older sisters and two older brothers. She is survived by her husband Jack of the home; her son Jack Jr. and her daughter-inlaw Donna of Oklahoma City; one brother and his wife; one sister of Allen, one sister-in-law of Allen; and numerous nieces and nephews. Romaette was a loving wife and mother who brought happiness and compassion into the lives of those she cared for as a nurse and her close family. Romaette, a devote Christian, was a member of the Oklahoma Cremation Society, and had requested that the family not hold a public service. The family asks that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to the Romaette Bryant Memorial Nursing Scholarship through the Redlands Community College Foundation in El Reno, Oklahoma. gomery wrote, “Prayer is the Christian’s vital breath. The Christian’s native air . . . The upward glancing of an eye. When none but God is near.” The best way to pray is the way we pray best. Just talk to God. My daughter, when she was in college, would pry, “Hey, God . . .” Prayer in the life of the Christian is rooted in the long tradition and practice of prayer in the lift of Jesus. The Gospels report that He prayed in the midst of His ordinary life. He left His disciples and went out alone into the desert early in the morning or up into the mountains at the end of a busy day to pray. He went out into the mountains, and He spent the night in prayer to God (Luke 6:12) before He chose his disciples. He prayed alone. H e prayed when He took His disciples with Him. He prayed for other people. Mothers brought their children to Him that He might lay His hands on them and pray. He told Peter that He had prayed for him that his faith might not fail. He prayed for his enemies. From the cross, He prayed for those who crucified Him, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” Luke 23:24. And He prayed for Himself. In the Garden of Gethsemane and from the cross, “Abba, Father, for You all things are possible, remove this cup from me, yet, not what I want, but what You want.” And then, “Our Father, which art in heaven . . .“ Prayer played a central role in the life of the early church. The story of the birth of the church begins with a group of men and women gathered in an upper room in prayer. (Acts 1:12-14) “After Pentecost, Monday thru Friday Grill Open til 7 p.m. Come in for Breakfast, Lunch and supper • Cheeseburgers • • Fries • • Broasted Chicken • • Full Line Deli • Cooked Fresh and Delicious Plus Lunch Specials! Large Selection at the Fountain Drink Bar Allen Quick Pic Hwy 1 • Allen • (580)857-2459 the new converts devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayers.” The first deacons were appointed care for the needs of the growing community so that the twelve could devote themselves to prayer and to the ministry of the work. (Acts 6:1-24) P aul reported that he had been praying for the members of the churches to whom he wrote, and he repeatedly asked them to pray for him. In his teachings, he said, “Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, your requests should be made known to God.” Growing in our understanding of who God is can be compared to our experience in getting to know another human being. What you think about another person and who the other person is are never exactly the same. We can never perceive everything that another person is. No one can ever know us just as we are. The being of God is beyond our comprehension. God has changed in the Bible. In the book of Exodus, Moses asked God for His name. The answer Moses received was, “I am who I am.” So how do we picture God when we pray to Him? I picture Him as Jesus did when He prayed. I think of Him as Father. “Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name . . .” We do not pray just to ask for something. We need to pray in praise and adoration at times. “O God, You are my God, my soul longs for You. My soul is thirsty for You. Let me see You in the sanctuary; let me see how mighty and glorious You are. Your constant love is better than life itself, and so I will praise You. I will give You thanks. I will raise my hands to You in prayer. My soul will feast and be satisfied, and I will sing glad songs of praise to You.” — Amen Rites Friday for Randy Cosper Randy Lee Cosper, 45, of Calvin passed away on Tuesday, May 10, 2016 in Gerty, Oklahoma. He was born on April 21, 1971 in Holdenville, Oklahoma to Leroy and Sue Cosper. Randy graduated from Calvin Public Schools and Kiamichi Technology Center in McAlester. He worked various oilfield jobs for many years and as a machinist for the Army Ammunition Depot in McAlester. Recently he began working as a ranch hand for McClure Ranch which he really enjoyed. He also enjoyed hunting and fishing in his spare time. Spending time with friends was important to Randy and playing a good game of softball made it even better. Each year he looked forward to going snow skiing. Preceding him death are his grandparents, Ernest and Wilma Cosper, Norman McCarley, and Carson and Cletis Graves. S urvivors include his d a u g h t e r, J e n n a S u e Cosper of Idaho Falls, Idaho; parents Leroy and Sue Cosper of Calvin; sisters Shonda Benedict (Eddy) of Coalgate, and Linda Shuman (Jeff) of Bartlesville; nephews Matt, Brady, Rocky, and Brody; significant other Tammy Castillo of Calvin and children Braxton Castillo and Mackenzie Davis; aunts and uncles Ernestine Golden, Violet Miller (Randal), James Cosper, Jeanne French (Eddie Morgan), JaQuita DeViney (Rick Cotner), Glenda Morrison, and Centhy Wainscott (Steve); great-aunts and uncles Earl Cosper, Aliene Wainscott (Millard), Ples Fulton (Faye), Sonny Fulton (Rose), Christine Jones, Marvin Fulton (Patsy), and June Edwards (Lymon); as well as a host of other relatives and friends. Friends and family visitation will be Thursday, May 12th, at the HudsonPhillips Funeral Home from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. Funeral service is scheduled for 2:00 pm on Friday, May 13 th, at the Lighthouse of Prayer Church in Arpelar. Bro. Randall Miller and Bro. Walter Kuhlman will officiate the service. Pallbearers will be Wes Wainscott, Shane Wainscott, Cody Wainscott, Bobby French, Sammy French, and Rance Miller. Honorary bearers will be JR Hightower, Dennis Harden, Rory Walker, David Dohlman, Corey Martin, Troy Nix, Benny Tollett, and Jessie High. Interment will follow at the Non Cemetery in Non, Oklahoma. Services are under the direction of HudsonPhillips Funeral Home in Holdenville. THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MAY 12, 2016 -PAGE 5 One Pharmacist’s View “You ought to go to the doctor,” my wife kept saying last week. You all know I am a busy man but she finally nagged me into it. I sort of wanted to go up to the City anyway and go to Sam’s. So away we go. I didn’t even take a toothbrush. The nurse asked how I was . . . “Fine.” A few minutes later I confessed to having chest pains but they were mostly in my back. “Between my shoulders,” I said. She checked my blood pressure, then ran an EKG. “You know that you’re in A-Fib?” I just looked at her. Next thing I know I’m in a wheel chair. The cardiologist in the E.R. said, “Aw I don’t think you’re in A-Fib. Must be one of those shunts we put in your heart herewhile-back.” Thus began yet another odyssey up at the VA or as some would say, “The Twilight Zone.” I was shoved off into the basement (for the VIPs I supposed) called the Cardiac ICU. There was a split in opinions as the day progressed. There were the pro A-Fib boys, the stints have failed group, and the stint booster club. This club consisted of the team that had installed the stints last New Year’s. “Casual” is the word! The trend in Christianity today seems to be “casual.” The accepted norm today is to be casual with our religious beliefs and not take them too seriously! People say that God accepts most any belief and worship style. To be accepted, it seems that preaching needs to be “casual.” The word can mean careless, nonchalant, informal, superficially or relaxed. It seems that we do not want religion to be demanding or exacting of us. We want a religion that is “easy” and a god who will accept most anything we like. We even want to dress casual! Can our relationship with God be taken casually – superficially and nonchalant, without giving attention to details? When we assembly to worship God, are we not drawing near to God to pay Him homage, honor and glory? Can we enter into God’s presence with a casual, relaxed attitude, as if visiting an old familiar friend or buddy? Surely there is something very special about coming into God’s presence? Bats in the Belfry & Ants on the Floor They felt I had made them look bad. Next stop, the heart-catheter lab. It was kind of weird down there. They put in the heart camera device and the doctor showed me on the TV screen the inside of my heart. I had no great joy seeing them probe right there and he told me what he was doing and then asked, “does this hurt?” While I was in this deep conversation with this doctor guy, a man who said he was “Leonard” and who was apparently a barber kept giving me little editorial asides as my doctor and I continued on. A moment later I was again asked about pain and sure enough it started hurting and I so informed my doctor. Leonard leans down and says, “that’s not really heart pain you feel, it’s probably a muscle spasm or something. But I know it isn’t heart pain.” I was relieved to hear Leonard’s diagnostic speculations but the whole thing left me wondering who to believe, the guy doing the tests or Leonard (my nurse and barber). I finally got back to my room full of joy-juice and hope. My stints were in place and a ton of nitroglycerin had been pumped here and there to open up those little arteries and I was all fixed. I was glad (and dopey) while wondering how soon I could get out. I still needed to go to Sam’s. But for what? That was when I saw that the floor was working alive with ants. Luckily, I thought, I am a professional. A Pharmacist. I know it’s the medicine causing this optical illusion. I decided this hallucination would best be kept to myself, while I try to remember what I want at Sam’s. My two sons, Ron and Steve, appeared in my room about that time. They looked at the floor. Ron said, “My gosh (or something similar) what are all those bugs doing in here?” Steve, too, expressed alarm over the uninvited guests. About that time Michelle (my gorgeous nurse) wandered in. She called another and before long we have security in the room. The ants just dug in and wouldn’t leave so they evacuated me to the hall. There I lay what seemed like hours. By this time I convinced the Light from God’s Word How can we be casual, nonchalant or relaxed in the presence of the One who created us and who has the power of life over us? Can we be casual with Him who has turned His face from us because of our sins against Him? And, can we be casual with Him who because of the blackness of our hearts can justly allow us to suffer eternally in hell? Can we be casual and nonchalant in the presence of Him who gave His pure sinless Son as a sacrifice to die in our stead so that we might live eternally? Let’s test this concept of “casual” by God’s word. The Apostle Peter wrote, “Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure.” (2 Peter 1:10) He did not encourage us to be casual, but to be “diligence.” And, certainly, Jesus did not encourage us to be casual when He said, “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able.” (Luke 13:24) There is nothing more serious or important than our relation with God!! smarter parts of my brain that my basement suite had indeed been taken over by termite ants. In the hall I was visited by one of VA’s attitude adjuster expert. She was kind of a cute midget. Said she was a Chaplin. “Uh huh,” I said. “Where were you when I needed you?” I was a little loopy. I told Steve that everything looked normal so far except I still hadn’t been put into a room with a raving maniac. But wait. His name was John. My doctor came in about then and I sweet talked him into letting me go. I was really glad to get out and now I am home. Now if I can just remember what’s wrong with me. And what it was I wanted at Sam’s. Well anyway, don’t forget to go to church Sunday and remember to have a good week. Wayne Bullard, DPh Heating & Air Condition Ice Machine Sales & Service Gary Vinson (580)857-2239 (580)467-3136 Skelton’s Dive- N 401 E Hwy 1 • (580)857-1234 Drive thru - walk up - outhouse Try our Charbroiled Burgers & Nathans Beef Hot Dogs Hours 10-10 Sun - Thurs 10 - midnight Fri & Sat - BBQ Sand - Salads, Slaw - Frito Pie - Hot Dog / Links - Sno-Cones 2 to 4 Closed Wednesday & Sundays or use our convenient Golf Cart Entrance Loans Loans from $150 to $1000 “Phone applications welcome!” (580)436-4123 COMMERCE FINANCE 119 E Main - Ada, OK - (580)436-4123 Allen Rural Medical Clinic Walk-ins accepted Mon - Tues - Thurs - Fri 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. • Wednesdays 8-12 •• (580)857-1300 THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MAY 12, 2016 -PAGE 6 Spring Festival Saturday, May 14th • starts at noon • Rocky Top Winery and Vineyard FREE Jinger McClure Named new Community Relations Manager Allen native, Jinger McClure, has a new hat to wear. After more than two decades of managing and directing education programs in Ada and southern Oklahoma, McClure will join Mercy’s integrated marketing department as a community relations manager. In her role, McClure will juggle a number of responsibilities, from acting as a community liaison for the hospital and clinics to engaging and collaborating in meeting the marketing and business development activities for the hospital. McClure will also be responsible for managing media relations, advertising, and organizing hospital events, such as Ada’s popular Wear Red For Women event, held each year in February. “Jinger is a strong leader who will help further expand our hospital’s outreach in the community,” said Lori Wightman, president of Mercy Hospital Ada. “She has a proven record for success and is a good reflection of Mercy’s mission of providing compassionate care and exceptional service.” Born at Valley View Regional Hospital, now Mercy Hospital Ada, McClure has long served Pontotoc County, first as an educator in Ada, Stonewall and Allen public schools. Most recently, McClure served as the Director of Indian Education for Ada City Schools. She will take the position of Barbara Miller, who will now serve as Mercy’s director of marketing planning for Oklahoma. “Mercy is known across Ada and southern Oklahoma as dedicated to serving the community and patients, and I look forward to continuing that mission,” McClure said. In her free time, McClure enjoys spending time with her four children, three sons ages Ian, Brendan, Cole, and a daughter-in-law Kelsey. Atwood Reunion The Atwood School Reunion will be held Saturday, July 2nd, in the Lowell Wilkerson Center (Atwood Community Building). The building will be opened at 12 noon. The afternoon will be spent visiting followed by a potluck dinner at 5:30. After dinner a short meeting will be held to discuss plans for 2017. Bring your favorite dish and come enjoy the day. For more details or if you have questions, call Imogene (Leach) Harrington at (580) 857-2243 or Jerry Shepherd at (405) 401-1257. Jakob Roby gained ground during his leg of the relay Tuesday morning at the Allen Elementary Meet. Hamburgers & Hot Dogs and Wine Sampling Christinaʻs Craft Cookies Vendors Live Music Bob &Wilma Harden (580)857-2869 • (580)421-5792 7569 EW 148 • Allen (Hwy 1 to Allen, south on County Line Road for 1 mile, turn back east on E. Gilmore (Gerty Road) for 6 miles. Watch for Signs) Everyone is Invited Announcing HEATHER PRENTICE, APRN ALLEN HEALTH CLINIC BEGINNING JUNE 6TH, 2016 SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT NOW! 580-857-2424 202 W. BROADWAY, ALLEN OK 74825 “Accessible Care, Close to Home” 100 McDougal Drive -Holdenville, Ok-74848 Full Service Jewelry Repair on site It never leaves our store! THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MAY 12, 2016 -PAGE 7 Ada’s Full Service Jeweler • Chains repaired • Clasps replaced • Watch linksremoved/added • Prongs Replaced • Tight rings made loose • Loose rings made tight • Stones tightened • and more! Customers trust us to do it right...and do it right here! 100 E. Main • Ada Open Monday - Friday 10 to 5:30 Saturday 10 to 2 (580)332-0457 (405) 379-8085 830 N. Hinckley Holdenville, OK The tug-of-war is one of the most popular events during the Allen Elementary Track Meet. Here 2nd grader Alyssa Royalty gives her all for her team. Now Open! Sorority Enjoy Founders Day Dinner Sun - Thu 11 am to 9 pm Fri - Sat 11 am to 10 pm Take advantage of these special coupons Monday through Thursday May 16 through June 16 Fajitas for 2 $14.99 2 Combo Dinners $10.99 Xi Epsilon Upsilon, the Allen Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, enjoyed a wonderful Founder’s Day dinner with the ladies of Preceptor Delta, the Ada Chapter. The dinner was held on April 28th at the Allen First Baptist Church where all the ladies enjoyed a dinner of lemon pepper chicken, roasted potatoes, glazed carrots, salad and a roll. Dessert was a delicious peach cobbler. Our dinner was served by Allen FCCLA members. All members of Beta Sigma Phi were delighted to be in the presence of such polite and helpful young ladies. We wish them all the best of luck in finishing out their year and while attending the National Conference. After the meal, members repeated the creed and the theme for next year was announced in a letter from International. Jean Kelley presented Abby Phillips as Preceptor Delta’s Woman of the Year. Cindi Sander’s presented Sue Boyd as the 2016 Xi Epsilon Upsilon’s Woman of the Year. Terri Riddle announced Danielle O’Daniel as Xi Epsilon Upsilon’s Sweetheart Queen. Bobby Darbison of Preceptor Delta performed the Silver Circle ritual where Janice Deaton and Cindy Davis of Xi Epsilon Upsilon were recognized for their 25-place years of membership to Beta Sigma Phi. Attending from Allen were Sue Boyd, Wilma Harden, Karla Cramer, Terry Riddle, Tammy Frederick, Christina Hurt, Jill Kaminski, Danielle O’Daniel, Joy Anderson, Janice Deaton, Lyn Anderson, Cindy Davis, Cindi Sanders and Jennifer Smith. Attending from Ada were Bobbye Darbison, Donna Gillihan, Juanita Sutton Green, Jean Kelley, Abby Phillips, Debbie Quinn, Juanita True, Mildred West and Carol Winton. Congratulation to Jamie Jenson, winner of the YETI cooler raffle benefiting Tony Scott held at the Allen Quick Pic. The cooler was donated by Lynn Young, Roy Morris, Charlie and Diane Hodo, and Bailey’s Outdoor Shop, Ada. Tony has been released from the hospital and is now recuperating at home. Allen School Menu Week of May 16th Monday Breakfast – Cereal, Toast, Sausage, Fruit, Juice, Milk Lunch – Hot Dogs with Chili, French Fries, Fruit, Salad Bar, Milk Tuesday Breakfast – Donut, Fruit, Juice, Milk, Cereal, Toast Sack Lunch – Ham & Cheese Sandwich, Doritos, Baby Carrots & Apple, Cookie, Milk SUMMER VACATION!!! THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MAY 12, 2016 - PAGE 8 Pontotoc County Commissioners Proceedings April 2016 April 4, 2016 The Board of Pontotoc County Commissioners met for a regular scheduled meeting in which the time, place, and agenda were duly posted on March 31, 2016 at 301 S. Broadway, Ada, Oklahoma. Gary Starns, Randy Floyd, Justin Roberts, and Tammy Brown were present for the meeting. The following guests attended: JR Grissom, Glenda Gonderman, Chad Letellier, Roy Weber, Carl Lewis, and Cathleen Branscum. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve March 28, 2016 meeting minutes. All aye. Motion by Floyd, second by Starns, to approve agreement with Kerry John Patten, CPA, for services for Pontotoc County’s 2016-2017 fiscal year. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve OPEH&W Health Plan Annual Renewal Period Options, Benefit Changes, & Premiums for the 2016-2017 Plan Year. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve request to update antennas on existing Sprint tower at 2151 Richland Drive, Ada, OK. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to rescind March 28, 2016 minutes, which approved Vanoss Volunteer Fire Department’s purchase for SCBA Air Packs from Casco Industries in the amount of $21,560.00. All aye. JR Grissom, Agri-Plex Manager, discussed having a tree removed at the OSU Extension office. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve reimbursement payment for advertising to Ada Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $2,500.00 for the Ada Area Look Book. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve compliance documents for Union Valley VFD: Secretary’s Bond All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve Allen VFD Fire Tax Purchase request: Bumper to Bumper parts $500.00 All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve Allen VFD Fire Tax Purchase request: Shipman Communications lights, sirens, antennas, wiring $3,368.00 All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve Byng VFD Fire Tax Purchase request: Stolz Communication radios & equipment $1,449.28 All aye. Approved transfers: T3 to T2C $40,000.00 Approved blanket purchase orders: HWY 4716-4726 General 4727-4730 ZAP 4732 ZTVALLEN2 4761 Approved purchase orders for payment: ZFIRETAX: 137, J B LUMBER, 769.97, SPLY; 138, GREAT PLAINS KUBOTA, 1136.95, SPLY; GENERAL: 1241, CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC, 212.50, REMITTANCE; 1242, CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC, 139.78, REMITTANCE; 1243, LOCKE SUPPLY, 23.80, SPLY; 1244, O G & E, 96.84, REMITTANCE; 1245, SOUTHEASTERN ALARM, 90.00, SPLY; HIGHWAY: 2213, ADA TIRE CENTER INC, 34.75, SPLY; 2214, BLUMENTHAL S TRANSMISSION, 547.07, SPLY; 2215, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 993.02, SPLY; 2216, HERCULES TIRE SALES INC, 786.92, SPLY; 2217, JAMES SUPPLIES & RENTAL CO., 2.20, SPLY; 2218, MHC KENWORTH, 861.18, SPLY; 2219, NAPA OF ADA, 497.49, SPLY; 2220, SEAL MASTERS INC, 1479.96, SPLY; 2221, TRACTOR SUPPLY, 39.99, SPLY; 2222, BUMPER TO BUMPER, 374.98, SPLY; 2223, LOCKE SUPPLY, 46.27, SPLY; 2224, U S CELLULAR, 148.26, REMITTANCE; 2225, ADA TRUCK PARTS, 399.90, SPLY; 2226, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 181.90, SPLY; 2227, FITTSTONE INC, 253.82, SPLY; 2228, FITTSTONE INC, 775.14, SPLY; 2229, FITTSTONE INC, 1801.44, SPLY; 2230, FITTSTONE INC, 500.50, SPLY; 2231, HERCULES TIRE SALES INC, 847.20, SPLY; 2232, HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES, 435.00, SPLY; 2233, HOOTEN OIL CO., 1008.00, SPLY; 2234, LOCKE SUPPLY, 49.75, SPLY; 2235, LOCKE SUPPLY, 215.20, SPLY; 2236, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 7.69, SPLY; 2237, O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC., 159.99, SPLY; 2238, RHYNES SURPLUS, 9.99, SPLY; 2239, ROFF PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORITY, 30.44, SPLY; SENIOR CITIZENS TRANS: 281, CABLE ONE, 66.45, SPLY; 282, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 13.52, SPLY; 283, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 51.54, SPLY; HEALTH: 226, UNDERWOOD, TIMBER, 106.38, TRAVEL; 227, BEMAC SUPPLY, 375.60, SPLY; 228, CUMMINS SOUTHERN PLAINS, 1699.38, SPLY; 229, O G & E, 729.58, SPLY; 230, U S CELLULAR, 219.44, REMITTANCE; 231, URGENT CARE, 250.00, SPLY; 232, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 71.02, SPLY; 233, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 145.80, SPLY; 234, UMB BANK CORP TRUST & ESCROW SER, 26400.75, REMITTANCE; SHERIFF FEES: 579, ADA TIRE CENTER INC, 15.00, SPLY; 580, ADA TIRE CENTER INC, 15.00, SPLY; 581, FIVE STAR OFFICE SUPPLY 02, 323.98, SPLY; 582, NAPA OF ADA, 16.15, SPLY; 583, SMITY S TOWING & REPAIR, 75.00, SPLY; 584, CULLIGAN, 332.25, SPLY; 585, FIVE STAR OFFICE SUPPLY 02, 1657.36, SPLY; 586, NICKERSON PLUMBING, 410.00, SPLY; 587, OVERHEAD DOOR CO INC, 354.70, SPLY; 588, RHYNES SURPLUS, 79.99, SPLY; COUNTY CLERK MECH LIENS: 66, MURPHY, SHAWNA KAY, 125.92, TRAVEL; 67, BOLIN, BRENDA JO, 46.00, TRAVEL; 68, A C C O, 95.00, REGISTRATION; AGRI PLEX: 320, D J REVEAL INC, 72.94, SPLY; 321, J B LUMBER, 68.59, SPLY; 322, J B LUMBER, 72.13, SPLY; 323, J B LUMBER, 117.43, SPLY; 324, J B LUMBER, 35.27, SPLY; 325, LATTA TRUCK & TRAVEL, 44.30, SPLY; 326, LATTA TRUCK & TRAVEL, 61.03, SPLY; 327, LATTA TRUCK & TRAVEL, 39.26, SPLY; 328, LOCKE SUPPLY, 252.74, SPLY; 329, LOCKE SUPPLY, 19.09, SPLY; 330, O G & E, 2577.79, SPLY; 331, O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC., 25.91, SPLY; 332, PRUITT COMPANY, 58.35, SPLY; 333, PRUITT COMPANY, 124.58, SPLY; 334, PRUITT COMPANY, 67.00, SPLY; 335, PRUITT COMPANY, 27.90, SPLY; EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: 82, TECWORLD, 193.14, SPLY; ZCOURT: 65, U S ALERT LLC, 35.99, REMITTANCE; 66, LEXISNEXIS RISK SOLUTIONS, 75.50, SPLY;” Approved monthly reports: Board of County Commissioners’ request of approval of Alcohol Beverage Tax Agri-Plex Collections Health Department Assessor’s office Election Board Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve April 2016 monthly appropriations: Highway................................. $433,128.57 CAR . ...................................... $22,655.71 Resale Property....................... $12,657.13 Law Library................................ $2,365.18 Visual Inspection.................................... $Mortgage Tax Cert........................ $570.00 Mechanic’s Liens....................... $1,358.00 gri-Plex.................................. $10,479.00 A Victim Rights`......................................... $Preventive Child Abuse.......................... $Court Clerk Trust.................................... $Drug Court Sentencing........................... $911.................................................. $53.90 Preservation Fees..................... $2,875.00 REAP...................................................... $Court Clerk Revolving................ $4,504.51 Juvenile Drug Court................................ $Flood Plain Management........................ $Assessor’s Revolving................... $316.00 Lodging Tax............................. $29,143.30 Sales Tax Proceeds............... $337,135.34 Emergency Management.......... $5,000.00 Dept. of Environmental Quality $Hazmat Planning Grant.......................... $County Reward Fund.............................. $Pontotoc Co. Educational Facility Authority $DARE...................................................... $Commissary..............................$11,719.68 Sheriff’s Fees........................... $39,150.76 CDBG..................................................... $Health Department....................... $974.50 Excess Resale........................................ $County Use Tax....................... $18,421.79 Fire Tax.................................... $70,468.72 County Fire Use Tax.................. $5,024.12 Permit Fees.................................... $50.00 TOTALS.............................. $1,008,051.21 Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve March 2016 monthly meeting minutes for publication. All aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Floyd, to recess meeting. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to reconvene meeting at the Pontotoc County Justice Center for yearly inspection. All aye. Michael Sinnett, Jail Administrator, accompanied the Commissioners throughout the Justice Center for the annual inspection. Upon inspection, the Justice Center was found to be in satisfactory condition. Michael Echelle, Regional Health Director, submitted notice by letter to the Board of Pontotoc County Commissioners of his retirement to be effective June 1, 2016. Call-A-Ride is experiencing budget cuts with their Tanf funding and will most likely have cuts with their Sooner Ride funds as well. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to adjourn. All aye. April 11, 2016 The Board of Pontotoc County Commissioners met for a regular scheduled meeting in which the time, place, and agenda were duly posted on April 8, 2016 at 301 S. Broadway, Ada, Oklahoma. Gary Starns, Randy Floyd, Justin Roberts, and Tammy Brown were present for the meeting. The following guests attended: JR Grissom, Janna Kelley, Rance Walker, Glenda Gonderman, and Carl Lewis. Motion by Roberts, second by Floyd, to approve April 4, 2016 meeting minutes. All aye. Motion by Floyd, second by Starns, to let bid #11, six month bid. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve the following utility crossing applications for permit: District #1 Bentley Service Co. phone service for AT&T County Road 3580 District #1 Cactus Plumbing water line County Road 3615 District #1 Gene McCurdy water line County Road 3650 All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve Sac & Fox Nation Detention Service Agreement for FY 2016-2017 at $21.11 a day. All aye. Motion by Floyd, second by Starns, to approve the following Vanoss VFD Fire Tax Purchase request as per conversation with James Dickerson, SA&I, on April 11, 2016. Dickerson stated the County is allowed to use bid #8 because it is within sixty (60) days of award and bid was good for sixty (60) days. Casco Industries SCBA Air Packs $10,780.00 All aye. Approved claims. Approved transfers: ZEM1 $1,010.40, ZEM1A $500.00 to ZEM2 $1,510.40 Z T V VA N O 2 t o Z T V VA N O 3 $21,560.00 Approved blanket purchase orders: HWY 4848-4850 General 4851-4856 ZSF 4857-4862 HWY 4863 Approved purchase orders for payment: ZFIRETAX: 139, P E C, 40.33, REMITTANCE; 140, P E C, 69.02, REMITTANCE; 141, P E C, 57.95, REMITTANCE; 142, WILSON S TIRE CENTER, 1195.26, SPLY; GENERAL: 1246, KELLEY, JANNA L EDWARDS, 579.58, TRAVEL; 1247, MCDANIEL, JUSTIN T, 306.72, TRAVEL; 1248, WALKER, BECKY, 173.88, TRAVEL; 1249, QUILL CORP., 269.39, SPLY; 1250, SUMMIT BUSINESS SYSTEM, 411.56, SPLY; 1251, ABC FIRST AID, 61.05, SPLY; 1252, STAPLES, 14.99, SPLY; 1253, U S POSTMASTER, 28.75, POSTAGE; 1254, THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORP, 309.00, SPLY; 1255, SOUTHEASTERN DISTRICT ASSESSORS ASSOCIATION, 200.00, REGISTRATION; 1256, CABLE ONE, 74.50, REMITTANCE; 1257, OESC, 3228.59, 1ST QTR UNEMP PREM; 1258, CENTER FOR LOCAL GOVT TECH, 250.00, REGISTRATION; 1259, ABC FIRST AID, 150.00, SPLY; 1260, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 365.89, REMITTANCE; 1261, ADA PAPER COMPANY, 651.08, SPLY; 1262, ADA TREE SERVICE & LANDSCAPING, 250.00, SPLY; 1263, ALLEN ADVOCATE, 938.55, REMITTANCE; 1264, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 77.51, REMITTANCE; 1265, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 229.77, SPLY; 1266, COMMUNITYWORKS, 778.88, JUV DET; 1267, CULLIGAN, 140.64, SPLY; 1268, EASTERN OKLA YOUTH SERVICES, 1929.75, JUV DET; 1269, KINDRICK & CO., 276.00, SPLY; 1270, O G & E, 2414.13, REMITTANCE; 1271, P E C, 28.36, REMITTANCE; 1272, TREAT S SOLUTIONS, 317.62, SPLY; 1273, YOUTH SERVICES OF BRYAN CO, 146.75, JUV DET; 1274, CUSTOMIZED STICKERS.COM, 215.45, SPLY; 1275, OWENS, JAMES M, 103.68, TRAVEL; 1276, RHODES, FREDDIE E, 168.48, TRAVEL; HIGHWAY: 2241, STARNS, GARY, 296.67, TRAVEL; 2242, OESC, 1213.83, 1ST QTR UNEMP PREM; 2243, ADA TIRE CENTER INC, 34.75, SPLY; 2244, ADA TRUCK PARTS, 50.75, SPLY; 2245, ALLEN TIRE LLC, 1283.04, SPLY; 2246, B & S SANITATION, 46.00, REMITTANCE; 2247, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 233.63, SPLY; 2248, FASTENAL, 7.00, SPLY; 2249, FITTSTONE INC, 185.62, SPLY; 2250, FITTSTONE INC, 1829.78, SPLY; 2251, FITTSTONE INC, 1734.39, SPLY; 2252, FITTSTONE INC, 1781.89, SPLY; 2253, FITTSTONE INC, 1440.46, SPLY; 2254, FITTSTONE INC, 798.70, SPLY; 2255, FITTSTONE INC, 796.18, SPLY; 2256, FITTSTONE INC, 1020.21, SPLY; 2257, FITTSTONE INC, 420.42, SPLY; 2258, FITTSTONE INC, 398.02, SPLY; 2259, FITTSTONE INC, 97.86, SPLY; 2260, JAMES SUPPLIES & RENTAL CO., 14.32, SPLY; 2261, O T A PIKEPASS CTRGOVT ACCT, 12.60, SPLY; 2262, O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC., 194.49, SPLY; 2263, P E C, 701.59, REMITTANCE; 2264, RSI COMMUNICATIONS, 75.00, REMITTANCE; 2265, RINKERS AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS, 290.90, SPLY; 2266, RURAL WATER DIST #7, 23.00, REMITTANCE; 2267, SABER TRANSPORTATION SUPPORT, 80.00, SPLY; 2268, SOUTHERN OKLA TRUCK REPAIR, 129.04, SPLY; 2269, SOUTHERN OKLA TRUCK REPAIR, 165.44, SPLY; 2270, STAPLES, 125.52, SPLY; 2271, YELLOW HOUSE MACHINERY, 329.30, SPLY; 2272, FLOYD, RANDY WADE, 195.30, TRAVEL; 2273, OESC, 1014.30, 1ST QTR UNEMP PREM; 2274, ABC OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY, 79.75, SPLY; 2275, ADA TRUCK PARTS, 258.93, SPLY; 2276, B & S SANITATION, 45.00, REMITTANCE; 2277, BROKEN ARROW ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC, 48.76, SPLY; 2278, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 1002.55, SPLY; 2279, C L BOYD, 2418.00, SPLY; 2280, FASTENAL, 100.33, SPLY; 2281, FITTSTONE INC, 185.06, SPLY; 2282, FITTSTONE INC, 283.51, SPLY; 2283, FITTSTONE INC, 687.14, SPLY; 2284, FITTSTONE INC, 306.63, SPLY; 2285, FITTSTONE INC, 760.44, SPLY; 2286, FITTSTONE INC, 380.26, SPLY; 2287, FITTSTONE INC, 380.82, SPLY; 2288, FITTSTONE INC, 381.00, SPLY; 2289, FITTSTONE INC, 479.51, SPLY; 2290, FITTSTONE INC, 499.44, SPLY; 2291, FITTSTONE INC, 584.88, SPLY; 2292, FITTSTONE INC, 598.13, SPLY; 2293, FITTSTONE INC, 581.50, SPLY; 2294, FITTSTONE INC, 489.64, SPLY; 2295, FITTSTONE INC, 703.88, SPLY; 2296, FITTSTONE INC, 500.68, SPL; 2297, FITTSTONE INC, 1160.32, SPLY; 2298, FITTSTONE INC, 769.89, SPLY; 2299, FITTSTONE INC, 951.52, SPLY; 2300, FITTSTONE INC, 386.44, SPLY; 2301, KEEFER SUPPLY, 29.00, SPLY; 2302, O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC., 310.85, SPLY; 2303, P E C, 330.90, REMITTANCE; 2304, RSI COMMUNICATIONS, 75.00, REMITTANCE; 2305, RHYNES SURPLUS, 252.86, SPLY; 2306, RINKERS AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS, 250.50, SPLY; 2307, RURAL WATER DIST #8, 29.32, REMITTANCE; 2308, SEAL MASTERS INC, 1561.36, SPLY; 2309, SOUTHERN OKLA TRUCK REPAIR, 198.75, SPLY; 2310, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 26.19, SPLY; 2311, T & W TIRE, 15.00, SPLY; 2312, T & W TIRE, 15.00, SPLY; 2313, TRUCK PARTS OF ADA, 101.44, SPLY; 2314, ROBERTS, JUSTIN LEE, 320.96, SPLY; 2315, OESC, 1111.18, 1ST QTR UNEMP PREM; 2316, B & S SANITATION, 45.00, REMITTANCE; 2317, FITTSTONE INC, 201.38, SPLY; 2318, FITTSTONE INC, 93.44, SPLY; 2319, HOOTEN OIL CO., 2469.00, SPLY; 2320, MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS INC, 535.69, SPLY; 2321, MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS INC, 513.75, SPLY; 2322, O G & E, 85.82, REMITTANCE; 2323, O T A PIKEPASS CTRGOVT ACCT, 21.20, SPLY; 2324, SOUTHERN OKLA TRUCK REPAIR, 16.76, SPLY; 2325, RSI COMMUNICATIONS, 75.00, REMITTANCE; 2326, T & W TIRE, 148.00, SPLY; 2327, HUB CONSTRUCTION, 127418.60, SPLY; 2328, RAILPROS FIELD SERVICES INC, 19900.00, REMITTANCE; SENIOR CITIZENS TRANS: 284, A T & T, 221.02, REMITTANCE; 285, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 79.97, SPLY; 286, B & S SANITATION, 46.00, SPLY; 287, O G & E, 202.95, REMITTANCE; 288, RSI COMMUNICATIONS, 150.00, REMITTANCE; HEALTH: 235, STOLIBY, KAREN, 111.24, TRAVEL; 236, WOODY, STACIE, 278.64, TRAVEL; 237, ADA PAPER COMPANY, 53.90, SPLY; 238, ADA PAPER COMPANY, 248.28, SPLY; 239, MEDLINE, 126.34, SPLY; 240, SOUTH CENTRAL OK RADIO ENTERPRISE, 1200.00, SPLY; RESALE PROPERTY: 113, OESC, 141.00, UNEMP PREM; SHERIFF FEES: 589, OESC, 544.32, 1ST QTR UNEMP PREM; 590, ADA FEEDCENTER, 38.00, SPLY; 591, ADA TIRE CENTER INC, 669.47, SPLY; 592, ADA TIRE CENTER INC, 74.95, SPLY; 593, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 80.14, SPLY; 594, FOREHAND S GARAGE, 500.00, SPLY; 595, FUELMAN OF SOUTHERN OK, 3690.96, SPLY; 596, SUPER LUBE, 218.15, SPLY; 597, VERSATILE NETWORKS, 1570.00, SPLY; 598, XEROX CORPORATION, 1093.86, SPLY; 599, BABB ELECTRIC, 4500.00, SPLY; 600, KINDRICK & CO., 323.50, SPLY; COUNTY ASSESS VISUAL INSP: 2, COMPUTER MAPPING CO, 2575.00, REMITTANCE; MTG TAX CERT: 33, OESC, 48.08, 1ST QTR UNEMP PREM; COUNTY CLERK MECH LIENS: 69, BROWN, TAMMY, 92.00, TRAVEL; 70, AMERICINN MCALESTER, 83.00, HOTEL; 71, AMERICINN MCALESTER, 83.00, HOTEL; 72, CENTER FOR LOCAL GOVT TECH, 250.00, REGISTRATION; AGRI PLEX: 336, KIMBERLYN D TEACHEY, 200.00, REMITTANCE; 337, A T & T, 61.99, REMITTANCE; 338, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 920.15, REMITTANCE; 339, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 406.75, SPLY; 340, CULLIGAN, 30.00, REMITTANCE; 341, J B LUMBER, 130.07, SPLY; 342, LATTA TRUCK & TRAVEL, 90.00, SPLY; 343, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 10.95, SPLY; 344, PICK OF THE DAY, 245.00, SPLY; 345, PICK OF THE DAY, 250.00, SPLY; 346, PICK OF THE DAY, 261.00, SPLY; 347, PICK OF THE DAY, 349.00, SPLY; 348, PRUITT COMPANY, 102.99, SPLY; 349, STAPLES, 72.78, SPLY; ZLODGE: 96, OESC, 267.00, 1ST QTR UNEMP PREM; 97, ADA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, 2500.00, REMITTANCE; 98, SUPERIOR SIGN SHOP, 3850.00, SPLY; ZSALESTAX: 267, OESC, 1042.67, 1ST QTR UNEMP PREM; EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: 83, LATTA TRUCK & TRAVEL, 158.00, SPLY; 84, PAGE PLUS, 11.90, REMITTANCE; 85, SPRINT COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY LP, 37.99, REMITTANCE;” Approved March 2016 monthly reports: Treasurer County Clerk Rance Walker with Vanoss VFD discussed the engine they had purchased will not start and he requested how to dispose of it. Commissioners instructed Walker to remove item from Vanoss VFD inventory by doing a resolution to dispose and to then get three quotes from scrap iron vendors. Janna Kelley with OSU Extension office presented twenty-nine quilt blocks during the meeting for the Commissioners to judge and award. Centennial Fair Quilt Block #29 was the Commissioners’ choice. Kelley will notify and award the winner. Motion by Floyd, second by Starns, to adjourn. All aye. April 18, 2016 The Board of Pontotoc County Commissioners met for a regular scheduled meeting in which the time, place, and agenda were duly posted on April 14, 2016 at 301 S. Broadway, Ada, Oklahoma. Gary Starns, Randy Floyd, Justin Roberts, and Tammy Brown were present for the meeting. The following guests attended: JR Grissom, Chad Letellier, and Glenda Gonderman. Motion by Floyd, second by Roberts, to approve April 11, 2016 meeting minutes. All aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Floyd, to approve Resolution #16-56, memorandum of understanding with the Chickasaw Nation to include Route #24J5 Section #20 (Kerr Research Road) on the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Tribal Transportation Program inventory. All aye. JR Grissom, Agri-Plex manager, would like to see the events that bring people who really utilize the Agri-Plex, shop in Ada, and increase the lodging tax by motel stays be supported by additional advertising funds. Approved claims. Approved blanket purchase orders: General 4963 HWY 4964-4967 ZSALES TAX 4968-4969 ZSF 4970-4973 Approved purchase orders for payment: ZFIRETAX: 143, NOBILITY DOOR CO, 14950.00, SPLY; GENERAL: 1277, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 331.00, REMITTANCE; 1278, ALLEN ADVOCATE, 842.06, SPLY; 1279, CABLE ONE, 94.71, REMITTANCE; 1280, J B LUMBER, 19.59, SPLY; 1281, J B LUMBER, 43.98, SPLY; 1282, LOGICAL BUILDING SOLUTIONS INC, 845.00, SPLY; 1283, TERRY S PEST CONTROL, 140.00, REMITTANCE; 1284, THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORP, 309.00, SPLY; 1285, CABLE ONE, 71.75, REMITTANCE; 1286, U S POSTMASTER, 360.00, SPLY; 1287, TOTAL ASSESSMENT SOLUTIONS CORP, 5000.00, SPLY; 1288, U S POSTMASTER, 141.00, POSTAGE; HIGHWAY: 2329, ADVANCED WARNINGS, 232.00, SPLY; 2330, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 195.73, SPLY; 2331, DOLESE BROS, 486.56, SPLY; 2332, DOLESE BROS, 305.42, SPLY; 2333, FASTENAL, 4.69, SPLY; 2334, FENTRESS OIL CO., 408.46, SPLY; 2335, FENTRESS OIL CO., 119.58, SPLY; 2336, HERCULES TIRE SALES INC, 251.50, SPLY; 2337, HOOTEN OIL CO., 2360.93, SPLY; 2338, HOOTEN OIL CO., 2937.50, SPLY; 2339, JAMES SUPPLIES & RENTAL CO., 78.50, SPLY; 2340, JAMES SUPPLIES & RENTAL CO., 191.46, SPLY; 2341, JAMES SUPPLIES & RENTAL CO., 64.05, SPLY; 2342, JAMES SUPPLIES & RENTAL CO., 43.50, SPLY; 2343, KEEFER SUPPLY, 220.92, SPLY; 2344, OK CORP COMMISSION, 25.00, REMITTANCE; 2345, ORSCHELNS/CONVENIENCE CARD CTR, 30.73, SPLY; 2346, RHYNES SURPLUS, 149.96, SPLY; 2347, WARREN CAT, 27.22, SPLY; 2348, DUB ROSS COMPANY, 6962.00, SPLY; 2349, ERGON ASPHALT AND EMULSIONS, 11285.43, SPLY; 2350, ERGON ASPHALT AND EMULSIONS, 10972.80, SPLY; 2351, FITTSTONE INC, 5000.00, SPLY; 2352, HOOTEN OIL CO., 3237.00, SPLY; 2353, HOOTEN OIL CO., 3637.20, SPLY; 2354, MAY TRAILER MANUFACTURING, LLC, 100.00, SPLY; 2355, MID AMERICAN AUTO GROUP, 6.57, SPLY; 2356, OK CORP COMMISSION, 25.00, REMITTANCE; 2357, SHERRELL STEEL L.L.C, 103.31, SPLY; 2358, ABC FIRST AID, 181.60, SPLY; 2359, BUMPER TO BUMPER, 19.49, SPLY; 2360, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 363.80, SPLY; 2361, FITTSTONE INC, 249.69, SPLY; 2362, FITTSTONE INC, 634.38, SPLY; 2363, FITTSTONE INC, 193.44, SPLY; 2364, FITTSTONE INC, 98.38, SPLY; 2365, HISLE BROS. INC., 164.17, SPLY; 2366, JAMES SUPPLIES & RENTAL CO., 128.12, SPLY; 2367, JAMES SUPPLIES & RENTAL CO., 72.62, SPLY; 2368, MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS INC, 366.61, SPLY; 2369, OK CORP COMMISSION, 25.00, REMITTANCE; 2370, PMSI, 2970.00, SPLY; 2371, PMSI, 2970.00, SPLY; 2372, STOLZ TELECOM, 289.10, SPLY; 2373, STONEWALL PUBLIC WORKS AUTH., 35.80, REMITTANCE; SENIOR CITIZENS TRANS: 289, OESC, 367.15, 1ST QTR UNEMP PREM; 290, OCCUSCREEN, 76.50, REMITTANCE; 291, OK CORPORATION COMMISSION, 25.00, REMITTANCE; 292, O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC., 71.14, SPLY; 293, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 28.46, SPLY; HEALTH: 241, OK STATE DEPT OF HEALTH, 17916.67, REMITTANCE; 242, HARJO, ANGELA, 173.34, TRAVEL; 243, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 179.48, SPLY; 244, BEMAC SUPPLY, 90.86, SPLY; 245, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 170.87, SPLY; 246, CABLE ONE, 81.29, REMITTANCE; 247, STANLEY SYSTEMS, 251.32, TRAVEL; 248, I2I TECHNOLOGIES, 3191.70, SPLY; RESALE PROPERTY: 114, PITNEY BOWES, 300.00, POSTAGE; 115, HOME TITLE, 5355.00, SPLY; 116, W P S INC, 130.00, SPLY; SHERIFF FEES: 601, MICHAEL WALKER, 126.00, TRANSP JUV; 602, TODD YOUNG, 104.62, TRANSP JUV; 603, ZUBAIR A KHAN, 174.00, TRANSP JUV; 604, WILSON, TRAVIS, 224.00, TRAVEL; 605, A T & T MOBILITY, 872.63, SPLY; 606, BATTERY CENTER, 100.00, SPLY; 607, CABLE ONE, 131.50, SPLY; 608, GALLS INCORPORATED, 798.64, SPLY; 609, NAPA OF ADA, 62.55, SPLY; 610, OMES/ FEDERAL PROPERTY, 438.00, SPLY; 611, TRUCK VAULT, 4601.94, SPLY; 612, WILSON TIRE, 12.00, SPLY; 613, ADA PAPER COMPANY, 1633.76, SPLY; 614, CABLE ONE, 206.63, SPLY; 615, CROWELL LOCK & SAFE, 60.00, SPLY; 616, GUDERIANS, 11975.77, SPLY; 617, HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES, 489.56, SPLY; 618, KIA, K LLC, 400.00, SPLY; 619, NICHOLS DOLLAR SAVER, 613.95, SPLY; 620, RHYNES SURPLUS, 79.99, SPLY; 621, SHRED IT, 282.06, SPLY; 622, STERICYCLE INC, 24.72, SPLY; 623, SURE PRINT, 69.50, SPLY; 624, TERRY S PEST CONTROL, 65.00, SPLY; 625, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 202.54, SPLY; AGRI PLEX: 350, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 342.69, REMITTANCE; 351, ADA PAPER COMPANY, 461.41, SPLY; 352, CABLE ONE, 74.50, REMITTANCE; 353, FRYE BROTHERS CONST, 1160.00, SPLY; 354, CEDAR VALLEY NURSERY, 42.50, SPLY; 355, J B LUMBER, 58.19, SPLY; 356, LATTA TRUCK & TRAVEL, 37.03, SPLY; 357, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 16.77, SPLY; 358, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 7.99, SPLY; 359, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 11.48, SPLY; 360, PICK OF THE DAY, 104.00, SPLY; 361, PICK OF THE DAY, 180.00, SPLY; 362, PICK OF THE DAY, 74.00, SPLY; 363, PRUITT COMPANY, 24.00, SPLY; 364, TERRY S PEST CONTROL, 60.00, SPLY; ZPRESERVE: 6, SECRETARY OF STATE/NOTARY, 25.00, REMITTANCE; ZSALESTAX: 268, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 3425.38, REMITTANCE; 269, TURN KEY HEALTH CLINICS LLC, 12500.00, SPLY; 270, PONTOTOC COUNTY PUBLIC FACILITIES AUTHORITY, 258385.34, REMITTANCE; EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: 86, TECWORLD, 268.80, SPLY; ZED: 1, ANGEL JOHNSTON & BLASINGAME PC, 1033.33, REMITTANCE; 2, ANGEL JOHNSTON & BLASINGAME PC, 1033.34, REMITTANCE; 3, ANGEL JOHNSTON & BLASINGAME PC, 1033.33, REMITTANCE; ZCOURT: 67, OESC, 84.87, REMITTANCE; ZCOMMISSARY: 14, TIGER COMMISSARY SERVICES, 4200.23, SPLY;” Approved monthly reports: Sheriff’s office There is an emergency meeting of OPEH&W on Tuesday, April 19, 2016 at 10:00 AM in the ACCO building in OKC to discuss the unforeseen changes in premium rates. Floyd stated the Vanoss VFD will be disposing of the irreparable fire truck and removing from inventory. It will be returned to Moore, OK where it originally came from so it can be put in a museum. Motion by Roberts, second by Floyd, to adjourn. All aye. April 22, 2016 Due to a lack of quorum, the Board of Pontotoc County Commissioners’ did not have a meeting on the day a special meeting was to be held at the Aldridge Building for a Farm Bureau Legislative Meeting. The time, place, and agenda were duly posted on April 19, 2016 at 301 S. Broadway, Ada, Oklahoma. The meeting will not be rescheduled. April 25, 2016 The Board of Pontotoc County Commissioners met for a regular scheduled meeting in which the time, place, and agenda were duly posted on April 21, 2016 at 301 S. Broadway, Ada, Oklahoma. Gary Starns, Randy Floyd, and Tammy Brown were present for the meeting. The following guests attended: Carl Lewis, JR Grissom, Philip Morris, Rance Walker, Chad Letellier, Glenda Gonderman, John Christian, and Glenn Puit. Motion by Floyd, second by Starns, to approve April 18, 2016 meeting minutes. Floyd and Starns aye. Philip Morris has requested access to Section Line N3550 Road for an entrance to his property. Section line road is more commonly known as being 40 to 50 feet west of Highway 99, running 400 feet north on Section Line Road N3550. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve Resolution #16-57, granting Philip Morris access to open Section Line Road N3550 to put in an entrance to property. Starns and Floyd aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve Resolution #16-58, disposal of the following equipment for Vanoss VFD: 1970 Fire Engine Truck serial #TE630P136023 inventory #62-VVF302-01 Starns and Floyd aye. OPEH&W Board voted for changing from BlueChoice network to BluePreferred network, which will include additional benefits that BlueChoice did not offer. Motion by Floyd, second by Starns, to approve OPEH&W Health Plan Annual Renewal Period Options, Benefit Changes, & Premiums for the 2016-2017 Plan Year. Floyd and Starns aye. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve FY 2016-2017 lease agreement with Frontier Works for an annual rate of $3,500.00. Starns and Floyd aye. Motion by Floyd, second by Starns, to approve a lease agreement with ODOT for purchase of Equipment #992468, International 7400 truck with dump bed out of the Revolving Fund. Floyd and Starns aye. Motion by Floyd, second by Starns, to approve lease agreement with ODOT for purchase of Equipment #992480, International 7400 truck with dump bed out of the Revolving Fund. Floyd and Starns aye. Motion by Floyd, second by Starns, to approve the following Fire Tax Purchase request for Vanoss VFD: Casco Industries two SCBA air packs $10,780.00 Floyd and Starns aye. Approved claims. Approved transfer: Sheriff B2 to B1 $41,000.00 Approved blanket purchase orders: HWY 5057-5063 General 5064 ZSF 5067-5069 ZSALESTAX 5070 ZCOMM 5071 ZFIRE 5072 Approved purchase orders for payment: ZFIRETAX: 144, A T & T, 56.70, REMITTANCE; 145, WELCH STATE BANK, 2041.07, LEASE; GENERAL: 1289, A T & T SERVICES INC, 265.37, REMITTANCE; 1290, A T & T SERVICES INC, 74.49, REMITTANCE; 1291, A T & T SERVICES INC, 78.11, REMITTANCE; 1292, O S U COOP EXTENSION SERV, 6358.00, REMITTANCE; 1293, A T & T, 136.41, SPLY; 1294, ADA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, 125.00, SPLY; 1295, STANLEY SYSTEMS, 5456.61, SPLY; 1296, A T & T SERVICES INC, 117.19, REMITTANCE; 1297, CABLE ONE, 138.00, REMITTANCE; 1298, COPELINS OFFICE CENTER, 167.48, SPLY; 1299, A T & T SERVICES INC, 62.76, REMITTANCE; 1300, A T & T SERVICES INC, 1775.24, REMITTANCE; 1301, ADA, CITY OF, 175.00, REMITTANCE; 1302, BROKEN ARROW ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC, 92.73, SPLY; 1303, BROKEN ARROW ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC, 145.01, SPLY; 1304, BROKEN ARROW ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC, 65.46, SPLY; 1305, COMMUNITYWORKS, 1679.46, JUV DET; 1306, COMMUNITYWORKS, 559.82, JUV DET; 1307, MCGEHEE ELECTRIC, 391.55, SPLY; 1308, MIDWEST PRINTING CO, 490.18, SPLY; 1309, MILLER OFFICE, 43.84, REMITTANCE; 1310, THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORP, 1987.00, SPLY; 1311, REGALIA MANUFACTURING, 158.78, SPLY; 1312, A T & T SERVICES INC, 90.84, REMITTANCE; 1313, MILLER OFFICE, 36.58, SPLY; HIGHWAY: 2374, A T & T SERVICES INC, 205.74, REMITTANCE; 2375, ADA TRUCK PARTS, 539.87, SPLY; 2376, BUMPER TO BUMPER, 18.90, SPLY; 2377, BUMPER TO BUMPER, 116.38, SPLY; 2378, CUMMIN S CONSTRUCTION, 14990.00, SPLY; 2379, NAPA OF ADA, 1599.00, SPLY; 2380, O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC., 45.91, SPLY; 2381, TRACTOR SUPPLY, 24.99, SPLY; 2382, U S CELLULAR, 148.24, REMITTANCE; 2383, VISION BANK, 3138.17, LEASE; 2384, TOWER HOTEL, 94.00, SPLY; 2385, FLOYD, RANDY WADE, 170.67, TRAVEL; 2386, A T & T SERVICES INC, 62.72, REMITTANCE; 2387, BATES ELECTRONICS, 59.98, SPLY; 2388, BROKEN ARROW ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC, 2.64, SPLY; 2389, DOLESE BROS, 940.54, SPLY; 2390, DOLESE BROS, 788.51, SPLY; 2391, DOLESE BROS, 788.82, SPLY; 2392, FASTENAL, 196.00, SPLY; 2393, FENTRESS OIL CO., 59.26, SPLY; 2394, HISLE BROS. INC., 268.25, SPLY; 2395, HOOTEN OIL CO., 2032.50, SPLY; 2396, O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC., 187.03, SPLY; 2397, RHOMAR INDUSTRIES INC, 450.44, SPLY; 2398, A T & T, 71.95, REMITTANCE; 2399, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 167.67, REMITTANCE; 2400, GRISSOMS, 68.16, SPLY; 2401, HERCULES TIRE SALES INC, 9754.32, SPLY; 2402, HOOTEN OIL CO., 1364.00, SPLY; 2403, KEEFER SUPPLY, 123.32, SPLY; 2404, MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS INC, 102.33, SPLY; 2405, NAPA OF ADA, 43.09, SPLY; 2406, NAPA OF ADA, 13.95, SPLY; 2407, O G & E, 217.07, REMITTANCE; 2408, PMSI, 2970.00, SPLY; 2409, PMSI, 2970.00, SPLY; 2410, PMSI, 2970.00, SPLY; 2411, PMSI, 8910.00, SPLY; 2412, PMSI, 8910.00, SPLY; 2413, PONTOTOC COUNTY ASSESSOR, 100.00, REMITTANCE; 2414, SOUTHERN OKLA TRUCK REPAIR, 16.74, SPLY; 2415, U S CELLULAR, 123.11, REMITTANCE; 2416, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 119.37, SPLY; 2417, CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL SERV, 1749.89, LEASE; 2418, EMPIRE FINANCIAL SERVICES, 1882.41, LEASE; 2419, VISION BANK, 8693.79, LEASE; 2420, WELCH STATE BANK, 1033.03, LEASE; 2421, CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL SERV, 1749.89, LEASE; 2422, CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL SERV, 1749.89, LEASE; 2423, FIRST UNITED BANK, 1791.12, LEASE; 2424, VISION BANK, 2675.18, LEASE; SENIOR CITIZENS TRANS: 294, ADA TIRE THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MAY 12, 2016 -PAGE 9 Locals receive degree from ECU East Central University granted master’s degrees to 166 candidates and bachelor’s degrees to 466 more during ECU’s 2016 Spring Commencement Ceremonies, at 10 a.m. and again at 2 p.m., Saturday, May 7th, at the Kerr Wally Lewis won the 20-oz YETI Rambler cup in Activities Center. the recent drawing at the Allen Quick Pic. The cup The keynote speaker at was donated by Justin Henderson. Money raised the 10 a.m. ceremony was from the raffle was donated to Tony Scott. distinguished alumnus Frank W. Davis, a former member of the Oklahoma House of Representatives. ECU’s other distinguished alumnus Jim Spencer, a chief meteorologist and weathercaster for KXANTV in Austin, Texas, spoke at the 2 p.m. ceremony. Among those receiving their master’s certifications from Allen were Greg Mills and Chris Jones; and from Calvin was Angel Yonker. Receiving their bach- elor’s degrees from Allen were Brett Edens, Holly Edens, Jordyn Parker, Tyler Grant Rowsey and Maegan Russell; from Atwood was Karley George; and from Calvin were Rain Bear, Carley Collard, and Patrick Fent. Jordyn Parker and Maegan Russell also participated in a RN pinning ceremony that afternoon. Looking for an Eye Doctor? HOLDENVILLE Ey E C Ent Er Dr. Nick Hardgrave • Dr. Sarah Mulliniks • Dr. Jay LaValley New Extended Call today for an appointment (405)379-3700 Keep your eyes healthy with comprehensive checkups • Comprehensive Eye Exams • Children’s Eye Exams • Diabetic Eye Exams Choose from hundreds of styles that • Contact Lens Fittings make you see clear and look great • Treatment of Eye Infections and Injuries • Management and Treatment of Eye Diseases * Most major medical and vision insurance plans accepted 720 N. Hinckley • Holdenville, Oklahoma Thad Holcomb Mike Cantrell Bennie Burnett won the 30-oz YETI Rambler cup in the recent drawing at the Allen Quick Pic. The cup was donated by Justin Henderson. Money raised from the raffle was donated to Tony Scott. (405) 323-6401 (cell) (405) 567-4767 (home) Hours on Thursday Evenings (918) 752-7765 (cell) (918) 367-1515 (home) LIVESTOCK MARKET (405) 379-7211 SPECIAL STOCK COW & BREEDING BULL SALE V • Friday, May 20, 2016 • 6:30 p.m. • Expecting 600 Head! V Consignments Include: Breeding Bulls: (8) 16-18 mos. Angus Bulls (sired by Sons of MF Net Return, Buford Bluestem, Sitz Alliance 6595) Ohlde an Duff genetics! (2) 18-24 mos. Angus Bulls (4) 16-24 mos. Charolais Bulls (3) 18 mos. Sim-Angus/Maine-Angus Bulls, (GCC Whizard and Irish Whiskey genetics) (2) 18-24 mos. Sim-Angus Bulls **Stout lineup of Service Age Bulls! Outstanding Genetics from Outstanding Programs! Pairs and Bred Cows (30) F1 Tigerstripe 2nd calf pairs. Outstanding Angus sired 200-400# calves by side! Exposed back to Angus bulls! Hard to find! (54) Fancy Angus Heifer pairs. Choice Angus sired calves by side! Big, stout heifers! (35) 4 to 6 year Brangus cows with outstanding Hereford sired 250# calves by side! Front pasture set! (25) Angus/BWF Heifer pairs. Fancy Angus sired calves by side! Exposed back to Angus bulls! (15) Angus Heifer pairs. Fancy Heifer pairs with stout calves sired by Gardiner Angus bulls. Exposed back the same way! (5) Angus Heifer pairs. Angus sired calves by side! Good set! (30) 3 to 5 year Angus/Char/Red pairs. Angus and Charolais sired calves by side! Good set! (16) 4 to 6 year Red Angus Cross cows. Carrying service of Red Angus Composite bulls! Heavy bred! (75) 3 to 6 year Angus/ BWF Fall calving cows. Bred to outstanding Angus and Sim-Angus bulls! Good set! (61) 3 to 7 year Blk/BWF cows with choice Angus and Charolais sired calves by side! (115) Running age bred cows and pairs (small consignments) is an outstanding offering of young, high quality replacement females! *** This Don’t miss this sale! For more information or to consign contact: Mike Cantrell 405-323-6401 or Thad Holcomb 918-752-7765 Holdenville Livestock Market 405-379-7211 FAMILY DOG LOST REWARD $500 Brandi Malone was the lucky winner of the OU Scentsy Candle donated by Stephanie Dohlman. Brandi was very happy and shouted ‘Boomer Sooner’ after the win. Money raised from the raffle was donated to Tony Scott. Allen Week Nutrition Site of May 16 th Monday Taco Salad with Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato, Sour Cream & Salsa, Ranch Style Beans, Chips, Salad Dressing, Pudding, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea Tuesday Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Seasoned Corn, Hot Rolly, Gravy, Lemon Bars, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea Wednesday Chicken Casserole, Peas & Carrots, Tossed Salad, Biscuit, Margarine, Salad Dressing, Fruit Cocktail, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea Thursday Sliced Ham, Broccoli Salad, Sweet Potatoes, Hot Roll, Margarine, Cinnamon Roll, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea Friday Vegetable Beef Stew, Beets, Cornbread, Margarine, Apple Crisp, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea Our family dog approximately 9 years old was last seen 3 miles south of Allen on HWY 48. Her return or information leading to her return would be greatly appreciated. Dog is white with tan liver spots. Contact | Randon Gregory Phone | 580-272-8175 Email | THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MAY 12, 2016 - PAGE 10 Out 7 About Allen Lewis and Geri Johnson Scott and Katie, and Jaxon Jamie Manuel’s family. enjoyed having their son, Hamilton. Steer, Altha Edens, Peg- Edens, and Lonni McKin—O&A— Canaan Johnson and son gy Greene, Larry Akins, ney. —O&A— The family all got toDillon Tanner Monday Casey, Lacey, Corbin, and Langston of Norman, and Congratulations to Daher mother, Bonnie Reich vid Manuel on his recent graduated Saturday, May Kaylee Steer, Rick and gether at the Assembly of and family from Tecum- graduation from Murray 7th, from Hillsdale Free Toni Powell, Thomas and God church after graduath ZONES: SE Will Baptist College, Janet Potter and kids, and tion on the 7 and had a seh, for Mother’s Day State College. celebration. dinner past Sunday. Grandma Glenda. forthis week of May 8, 2016 Among those attending Moore. —O&A— illon isto theremind son of your Bil- classifi TyleredRinehart graduat2x2 —O&A—— ads may run anywhere your newspaper. department to the in ceremony were SamDon’tDforget Adownload ttending the Samantha andthis Rogina Sa- lie Monday and Linda ed from the Vo-Tech with line ads for week Manuel, at Monday of Stonewall, and a certification in Heavy Manuel’s graduation cer- mantha Manuel, and CLOSEST - CHOOSE THEScott AD SIZE TO YOUR COLUMN WIDTH emony at the University Katie Manuel, Jaxon Ham- grandson of Tommy and Equipment on May 3 rd. of Central Oklahoma last ilton from Allen, Joyce Carolyn Sanders, Allen. Attending were Cliff and —O&A— weekend were her family, Gray of Holdenville, John Tommie Massie, Holly Brett and Holly Edens Sam and Rogina Manuel, and Joyce Juliuson, and Legal Notice graduated from East Central University this past Saturday, May 7th. Holly earned a degree in early childhood education and Brett in criminal justice. Attending the ceremony were Danny and Freta Holder, Wes and Karen Rayner, Alyssa Rayner, Derek Rayner, Brandon, Ryan and Ella WillcoxLEGAL NOTICE son, Justin Holder, Sherry, IN THE DISTRICT COURT Shelby, and Jessica MerriIN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY man, Clifford and Tommie STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. PB-2016-38 Massie, Dillion HoldIn the Matter of the Estate of JOIE DALE BURK, Deceased. er and Carlie, Greg and COMBINED NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE OF HEARING TO: All persons interested in the Estate of Joie Dale Burk, Deceased Leah Chermack, Kasey You are hereby notified that on the 3 day of May, 2016, Nancy Carole Burk rd (the “Petitioner”), Post Office Box 1488, Ada, Oklahoma 74821, by and through Susie Bolin Summers of Mayhue, Summers & Files, PLLC, Attorneys for Petitioner, filed in the District Court of Pontotoc County a Petition for Summary Administration, Appointment of Special Administrator, and Admission of Will to Probate (the “Petition”). The Petitioner has alleged that Joie Dale Burk, deceased (the “Decedent”), died testate on November 4, 2014, at the age of 82 years, domiciled in and residing in Riverside County, State of California, and that the total value of the Decedent’s property in Oklahoma is approximately $9,000.00. Attached to the Petition is an instrument purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of Joie Dale Burk. Petitioner has asked this Court to admit the Will to probate and for other summary proceedings pursuant to Section 245 et seq. of Title 58 of the Oklahoma Statutes. In an Order for Combined Notice entered on the 3rd day of May, 2016, the Court found that it should dispense with the regular estate proceedings prescribed by law and order notice to creditors and issue an order for hearing upon the Petition for Summary Administration and Admission of Will to Probate, the Final Accounting, and Petition for Determination of Heirs, Devisees and Legatees and Distribution. The names and addresses of the heirs or devisees of the decedent are as follows: Nancy Carole Burk Nancy Carole Burk, Trustee of the Joie Dale Burk and Nancy Carole Burk Living Trust Dale Scott Burk Dena Carole Burk c/o Mayhue, Summers & Files, PLLC, Post Office Box 1488, Ada, Oklahoma 74821 Pursuant to the Order for Combined Notice, all creditors having claims against Joie Dale Burk, deceased, are required to present the same with a description of all security interests and other collateral (if any) held by each creditor with respect to such claim, to Nancy Carole Burk, Special Administrator, at the law offices of Susie Bolin Summers, of Mayhue, Summers & Files, PLLC, Attorney for the Special Administrator, on or before the following presentment date: June 2, 2016, or the same will be forever barred. Notice is also hereby given that a hearing will be held on the 1st day of July, 2016, at 1:30 o’clock P.M. at the Pontotoc County Courthouse, Ada, Oklahoma. At the hearing the Court will decide whether to approve the Petition for Summary Administration and Admission of Will to Probate and the Final Account and Petition for Determination of Heirs, Devisees and Legatees, and Distribution of the Petitioner. The Final Account and Petition for Determination of Heirs, Devisees and Legatees and Distribution will be filed herein on or before the 8th day of June, 2016. You are hereby advised that you must file objections to the Petition for Summary Administration and Admission of Will to Probate and the Final Account and Petition for Determination of Heirs, Devisees and Legatees, and Distribution at any time before the hearing and send a copy to the Petitioner in care of her attorney, Susie Bolin Summers, Mayhue, Summers & Files, PLLC, Post Office Box 1488, Ada, Oklahoma 74821-1488, or you will be deemed to have waived any objections. If you have no objections, you need not appear at the hearing or make any filings with the Court. The Court will determine at the hearing whether the Will attached to the Petition shall be admitted to probate and whether summary proceedings are appropriate and, if so, whether the Estate will be distributed and to whom the Estate will be distributed. Susie Bolin Summers Susie Bolin Summers, OBA #22069 Alvin D. Files, OBA #2902 Charles D. Mayhue, OBA #5822 MAYHUE, SUMMERS & FILES, PLLC Attorneys at Law 121 South Broadway Avenue Post Office Box 1488 Ada, OK 74821-1488 Telephone: (580) 436-6500 Facsimile: (580) 332-7202 Attorney for Petitioner (Published in The Allen Advocate on May 5 and 12, 2016) Commissioners Proceedings from Page 8 CENTER INC, 131.53, SPLY; 295, ADA TIRE CENTER INC, 263.06, SPLY; 296, HOOTEN OIL CO., 2301.60, SPLY; 297, O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC., 39.96, SPLY; HEALTH: 249, AVAYA COMMUNICATIONS, 620.22, SPLY; 250, A T & T, 1064.21, REMITTANCE; 251, O G & E, 779.70, REMITTANCE; 252, PRO ED PUBLISHING, 246.40, SPLY; 253, TERRY S PEST CONTROL, 44.00, REMITTANCE; 254, YORK ELECTRONICS, 4051.00, SPLY; RESALE PROPERTY: 117, STAPLES, 111.37, SPLY; 118, STAPLES, 39.98, SPLY; SHERIFF FEES: 626, ADA MINI STORAGE, 100.00, SPLY; 627, ADA TIRE CENTER INC, 30.00, SPLY; 628, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 80.14, JUV DET; 629, COPS PRODUCTS LLC, 392.60, SPLY; 630, GRIME-AWAY, 112.00, SPLY; 631, KINDRICK & CO., 369.75, SPLY; 632, NAPA OF ADA, 301.04, SPLY; 633, U S CELLULAR, 98.93, REMITTANCE; 634, BLUE LINE RENTAL, 125.46, SPLY; 635, I C S, 2717.75, SPLY; 636, I C S, 1843.16, SPLY; AGRI PLEX: 365, A T & T SERVICES INC, 96.63, REMITTANCE; 366, CROWELL LOCK & SAFE, 820.31, SPLY; 367, HISLE BROS. INC., 64.99, SPLY; 368, J B LUMBER, 6.85, SPLY; 369, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 8.99, SPLY; 370, O G & E, 50.70, REMITTANCE; 371, WCA WASTE CORPORATION, 1178.18, REMITTANCE; 372, OSBORN TREE SERVICE, 1200.00, SPLY; ZSALESTAX: 271, O G & E, 2407.14, REMITTANCE; EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: 87, A T & T SERVICES INC, 59.97, REMITTANCE; 88, STOLZ TELECOM, 109.90, SPLY; 89, TECWORLD, 45.00, SPLY;” Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to approve April 2016 payroll. Starns and Floyd aye. Chad Letellier with Pontotoc County Emergency Management informed the Commissioners that there will be an OPEN Records/Open Meeting Act class on May 9th at the Vo-Tech Center from 6:30 to 9:30. The Commissioners stated they want at least one or two members of each VFD to attend before they can use their Fire Tax funds. Motion by Starns, second by Floyd, to adjourn. Starns and Floyd aye. The foregoing are the minutes of the Board of County Commissioners for the month of April 2016 of the County Commissioners Journal No. 14. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PONTOTOC COUNTY, OKLAHOMA Gary Starns, Chairman Randy Floyd, Member Justin Roberts, Member ATTEST: Tammy Brown County Clerk (Published in The Allen Advocate on May 12, 2016) WE BUY LAND Contact Walnut Creek Property Investments, LLC Manager: Gary Coffee Phone: (405)596-9365 No Real Estate Commission to Pay! More Money in Your Pocket! (Published in The Allen Advocate April 28, May 5 and May 12, 2016) THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MAY 12, 2016 - PAGE 11 JimLock Storage Mini Storage Units 3 sizes to choose from (405) 645-2457 ~~~ The Gun Store 100 N. Hinckley, Holdenville (405) 379-3331 Cash for Gold & Silver Coins Buy – Sell – Trade ~~~ Carolyn’s Hair Shop 580-320-7494 Call for an Appointment ~~~ Larry’s Lawn Service Mowing, Weedeating, Trimming, Yard Clean Up Positions Multi-County Counseling Inc. has an immediate opening for a full-time Case Manager to work in Seminole County & surrounding areas. Will work with highrisk children & families. Experience preferred, availability for on-call rotation & reliable transportation required. Bachelor’s degree in a mental health field required. Case Management Certification a plus. Benefits include health insurance, paid leave and retirement. Email resume to: EOE (33) Reasonable Rates Larry Akins 405-221-7909 ~~~ LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. PB-2015-87 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CURTIS EUGENE ABBOTT, deceased. NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL ACCOUNT, PETITION FOR DETERMINATION OF HEIRSHIP, DISTRIBUTION OF ESTATE AND DISCHARGE OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE NOTICE is hereby given that Christy Marlana Garner, Personal Representative of the estate of Curtis Eugene Abbott, deceased, having filed in this Court her Final Account and Petition for Distribution and Discharge, the hearing of the same has been set by the Judge of said Court for the 2nd day of June, 2016, at 10:45 o’clock A.M., in Courtroom #315 of said Court in the County Courthouse in Ada, Oklahoma, and all persons interested in said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause, if any they have, why the said account should not be settled and allowed, the heirs, legatees, and devisees of Curtis Eugene Abbott, deceased, determined, said estate distributed and the Personal Representative discharged. WITNESS my hand this 9th day of May, 2016. s/ S. Kessinger JUDGE OF THE DISTRICT COURT GREGORY S. TAYLOR Attorney at Law 115 South Broadway P.O. Box 1737 Ada, OK 74820 580/332-7717 (Published in The Allen Advocate on May 12 and 19, 2016) HOME PROPANE, INC. For all of your bulk fuel needs P.O. Box 116 • Calvin, OK Office 800-870-2251 • 405-645-2251 Farm Diesel, Road Diesel and Gasoline ~~~ Garage Sale YARD SALE — Thursday and Friday, 507 East Lee. Weather Permitting. Teen girls, young boy and adult clothing, furniture and misc. LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. PB-2016-31 In the Matter of the Estate of DONALD B. DELOZIER, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All creditors having claims against Donald D. Delozier, Deceased, are required to present the same, with a description of all security interests and other collateral (if any) held by each creditor with respect to such claim, to James R. Neal, attorney for Phillip Delozier, Personal Representative, P.O. Box 1628, Ada, Oklahoma 74820, on or before the following presentment date: The 15th day of July, 2016, or the same will be forever barred. DATED this 6th day of May, 2016. s) James R. Neal OBA #17109 Attorney for Personal Representative P.O. Box 1628 Ada, OK 74920 Phone: (580) 332-5579 Fax: (580) 421-9599 (Published in The Allen Advocate on May 12 and 19, 2016) LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. P-2016-39 In the Matter of the Estate of CAROL JANE COLBERT, Deceased. NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE, DETERMINATION OF HEIRSHIP Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the estate of CAROL JANE COLBERT, deceased, that on the 6 day of May, 2016, Deborah L. Eaton, Petitioner, filed in the District Court of Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, a Petition praying for Letters of Administration to issue to Alvin Files; that Alvin Files be appointed as the Personal Representative of said estate, that the heirs of decedent should be judicially determined. Pursuant to an Order of this Court, notice is hereby given that on the 27 day of May, 2016, at 1:30 o’clock, p.m., the Petition will be heard at the District Courtroom, County Courthouse, Ada, Oklahoma, when and where all persons interested may appear and contest the same. Witness my hand this 6th day of May, 2016. s) L. Jackson Judge of the District Court Kurt B. Sweeney, OBA#17455 Sweeney, Draper & Christopher, PLLC P.O. Box 190 1320 Stone Bridge, Suite A Ada, Oklahoma 74820 (580) 332-7200 Attorney for Petitioner (Published in The Allen Advocate on May 12, 2016) LEGAL NOTICE ...If it’s Real Estate We Can Sell It!! • Acreages • Farms • Residential • Commercial REAL ESTATE Welch Real Estate 379-3331 JAMES WELCH, BROKER (405)380-7988 Brenda Welch, Sales assoc. (405)379-8044 Cell 380-8188 NOTICE TO SELL COUNTY PROPERTY (Acquired at Resale) Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the receipt of bid, that I, Glenda Gonderman, County Treasurer of Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, will on the 6th day of June 2016, beginning at 9:00 a.m. at my office in Ada, Oklahoma, sell separately the hereinafter described tracts, parcels, or lots of land, all situated in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma and heretofore acquired by said county at the resale authorized by 68 O.S. Sec3125. Following the description of each property separately offered for sale is the name of the bidder and the amount bid as follows: Description: Lots 8 & 9 Block 2 North Hammonds Heights #2 Bidder: Thomas Anderson Amount Bid: $50.00 *** Description: Lot 10 Block 2 North Hammonds Heights #2 LEGAL Anderson SERVICES Bidder: Thomas Amount Bid: $50.00 *** The said properties will be separately sold to the highest competitive bidder, for cash in hand, or to the original bidderWANT at the amount TO BUY bid if there be no higher bid offered, subject to the approval of the Pontotoc County Board of County Commissioners.The apportioned cost of advertisement and other expense incident to the said sale shall be paid by the purchaser, in addition to the amount bid upon said properties. ADVERTISE STATEWIDE Witness my hand this 12th day of May, 2016. Signed: Glenda Gonderman Pontotoc County Treasurer (Published in The Allen Advocate on May 12, 19 and 26, 2016) OKLAHOMA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NETWORK Office is located at 100 N Hinckley • Holdenville, OK HELP WANTED Jack Sherry real eState & InveStmentS 101 N. Hinckley Holdenville 405-379-3977 Jack Sherry Owner/Broker Nancy Sherry Faith Fullerton Paige Sheffield Tara Goodson Docelia Shields Broker Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Provisional Broker Associate Sales Associate 405-221-1325 405-380-6517 405-221-6132 405-380-6715 405-380-8033 405-221-3330 State, National & Global Exposure For complete list of all listings, go to • MLS - member of the Shawnee Board Multilist “Members of OKMAR - Oklahoma City Metro Area Realtors” LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA No. PB-2016-30 In the Matter of the Estate of Jacqueline Beth Huneycutt, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All creditors having claims against Jacqueline Beth Huneycutt, deceased, are required to present the same, with a description of all security interests and other collateral (if any) held by each creditor with respect to such claim, to the named personal representative by mailing the same to James R. Scrivner, P.C., Attorney at Law, Post Office Box 1373, Ada, Oklahoma 74820, on or before the following presentment date:July 6, 2016, or the same will be forever barred. THE BAPTIST FOUNDATION OF OKLAHOMA By: /s/ Michael P. Romero Michael P. Romero Vice President/Trust Counsel Personal Representative of the Estate of Jacqueline Beth Huneycutt, Deceased James R. Scrivner, OBA #8033 JAMES R. SCRIVNER, P.C. Post Office Box 1373 Ada, Oklahoma74821-1373 Attorney for the Estate (Published in The Allen Advocate on May 12 and 19, 2016) Scott McCormack Cell 580-310-4389 West of Ada on Hwy 3W • (580)436-5033 Thank You for your patronage & support! Stockers & Feeder • Pairs, Cows & Bulls Wednesdays starting at 9:00 a.m. Average Report for 5/4/16 Total Head: 968 Steers 310-348 ...............$197.50-$211.00 401-425 ...............$180.00-$190.00 513-517 ...............$166.00-$169.00 563.....................................$162.00 571-590 ...............$157.00-$159.00 613.......................$159.00-$162.00 $612-640 .............$143.00-$150.00 Sale Every Wednesday Heifers 240-247 .............. $182.50-$185.00 328-347 .............. $175.00-$177.50 360-395 .............. $162.00-$175.00 410-445 ................ $60.00-$166.00 450-488 .............. $156.00-$171.00 505-533 .............. $150.00-$155.00 614.................................... $137.50 713-725 .............. $147.00-$160.00 547.................................... $144.50 Time to Service your Furnace for a care-free winter Brett, Danielle, Ryan, Ty & Ely O’Daniel LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE CHICKASAW NATION ADA, OKLAHOMA Case No. A-2013-06 In RE the Adoption of G.E.H. (DOB 04/04/2006), A Minor Chickasaw Child NOTICE BY PUBLICATION STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: SHAUNA HOLLIS NORRIS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that an Amended Petition and Amended Application to Proceed without Consent of Natural Mother have been filed against you in the District Court of the Chickasaw Nation, Ada, Oklahoma, in an action entitled In RE: Adoption of G.E.H., Sherry Lyn Snider and Edgar Jerome Snider, Petitioner, and Shauna Hollis Norris is the natural mother of the above named child, Case No. A-2013-06. This Notice by Publication is specifically directed to Shauna Hollis Norris, whose whereabouts are unknown. The nature of this suit is an adoption wherein Sherry Lyn Snider and Edgar Jerome Snider, are petitioning the Court to adopt the above minor child, and have further requested this Court to determine that your consent is unnecessary because you have abandoned the minor child and have failed to meet your child support obligations. Unless you answer the Amended Petition and Amended Application to Proceed Without Consent of Natural Mother, Shauna Hollis Norris, on or before May 8, 2016, [41 days from 1st publication], the adoption proceeding will proceed without your consent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my official signature and seal of Court this the 21 day of April, 2016. Wayne Joplin, Court Clerk By: s) Edward Stillwell Deputy Clerk s) Deresa Gray, CBA#47 Attorney for Petitioner 805 East Main Street- P.O. Box 1463 Ada, Oklahoma 74820 580/272-9300 - 580/272-9301 fax (Published in The Allen Advocate on April 28, May 5 and 12, 2016) OKLAHOMA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NETWORK HELP WANTED LEGAL SERVICES 25 DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED! Become a driver for Stevens Transport! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! New drivers earn $800+ per week! PAID CDL TRAINING! Stevens covers all costs! 1-888-748-4133. SOCIAL SECURITY AND DISABILITY CLAIMS Saunders & Saunders Attorneys at Law. No Recovery - No Fee. 1-800-259-8548 DRIS TOOLPUSHER, driller, derrickhand, welder, electrician, new business sales manager, needed for downhole drilling at Catoosa Test Facility. Night shift. Drug testing required. E-mail resume: HANK HAS CASH WILL DASH! For old guitars, amps, mandolins, ukuleles, Gibson, Fender, Martin, Gretsch, etc. Top dollar cash paid. 40 years in Tulsa. 1-800-525-7273 ENTRY LEVEL Heavy Equipment Operator Career. Get Trained - Get Certified - Get Hired! Bulldozers, Backhoes & Excavators. Immediate lifetime job placement. VA benefits. National Average $18.00-$22.00 1-866-362-6497 ADVERTISE STATEWIDE! For more information or to place an ad contact (405) 499-0020 or tollfree in OK at 1-888-815-2672. WANT TO BUY ADVERTISE STATEWIDE OCAN050816 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON STATEWIDE ADVERTISING, CALL 1-888-815-2672 THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, MAY 12, 2016 - PAGE 12 d C o o e F n t n er ll e Prices Valid Thursday, May 12 thru Wednesday, May 18 • Movie Rental • Accept SNAP • WIC Approved • VISA • MasterCard • American Express • Discover • Money Orders A Downtown Allen • 857-2627 •Store Hours 8 to 7 Monday - Saturday : Sundays 12 to 6 USDA Choice Boneless Advance Fast Fixin Breaded Arm Roast $ 99 2 Chicken Nuggets, Strips or Popcorn Lb Shurfine Soda Borden’s Shredded Cheese 2425 8 oz Pkg 24 oz can Shurfine White $ 99 Vienna Sausage Chinet Dasani drinking water Paper Plates 21 ¢ 89 Dips • French Onion • Green Chile • Jalapeno Russet Potatoes ¢ $ Lb Blue Bunny Ice Cream Sandwiches 23 3 $ $ 12 oz Capri Sun Fruit Flavor Drink 10 pack box Shurfine Raisins Shurfine Maple or Butter Syrup $ 5 lb bag 2 8 pk 99 16 lb bag 2 Bananas 49 99 1 Lb Round-Up Weed & Grass Killer Hawaiian, Original and Banana Fudge $ 6 $ ¢ Lb Lawn and Garden Specials! Bomb Pops 99 Dog g Food Premium Breaker Sweet Peppers 79 99 Nunn Better Red Mulch Ortho Home Defense Insect Killer 4 9 3 $ 99 12 Pk 99 30 oz $ 89 $ 99 gal 2 cu ft LOOK FOR THE RED & GOLD T-P-R SIGNS! Popular items Temporarily Reduced - Now thru June 1st! 2 1 2 $ 29 $ 49 Meat ¢ Cream 2 Bologna 1 69 Cheese $ 49 Ice ¢ Jalapeno $ 19 Mac & 2 Cheese 99 Peppers 5 Cream Shurfine $ 59 Cookies oatmeal, iced oatmeal or chocolate chip $ Bar-S Kraft Shurfine 30 Gal $ 99 Trash Bags 20 cnt box Shurfine 7.25 oz Diced Tomatoes & Green Chilies Chicken Breast $ Covered Wagon 1 59 Farm Rich Fresh Boneless Sirloin Pork Chops $ Lb Bar-S 13 99 10 Lb 10 oz Chopped Ham $ 23 12 oz Pkg original or light Kraft Philly 8 oz box Shurfine Pail 144 oz 18 oz box fresh Frozen Daisy 99 Sour Cream 16 oz 18 oz 24 oz Boneless Skinless $ 1 $ 99 24 pk Wilson’s Mini 12 oz pkg 15 oz Bacon $ US #1 Oranges 2 3 $ 4.6 oz 99 24 oz Loaf 14.315.35 oz Armour 1 59 oz Sandwich Bread ¢ 25 2 6 Fancy Navel Shurfine sweet or unsweet assorted flavors Oreo Cookies all $4.29 Varieties Pasta Sauce Tea Nabisco $ 20-24 oz Pkg $ 99 12 pack cans Doritos Tortilla Chips 25 $ Gold Peak $ $ Hunt’s Senior Citizen Discount Day is Wednesdays • Hunt Bro. Pizza 1 Fresh Boneless Pork 99 Tenderloin $ Lb Eckrich 1 $ 49 2 $ 99 5 $ 99 3 69 Lb Hormel ‘Little Sizzler’ Smoked Sausage Link Sausage All Varieties $ ¢ 2 5 99 13-14 oz Pkg 12 oz box
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