Benefit Package - Polish-American Medical Society in Chicago


Benefit Package - Polish-American Medical Society in Chicago
Medical Society
6438 N Cen tral Ave Ch icago IL 60646
Tel: 773-775-7883 Fax: 773-7757885
Dear Friends,
Kornelia Król, MD
The time of the year when we get ready for one of the most
prestigious and elegant balls in Chicago is just around the corner!
The 66th Annual Polish-American Medical Society Physicians' Ball
will be held on February 6th, 2016 at The Ritz-Carlton Chicago, 160
East Pearson Street.
Before we sit down to a delicious dinner, enjoy a great
entertainment program, and step onto a spacious dance floor, we
need to make sure that the 66th Annual Physicians' Ball of the
Polish-American Medical Society (PAMS) turns into yet another
great success. Attending the Ball, bringing along friends and
business associates, placing a personal greeting or advertisement
in our program book, and sponsoring any of the Ball's expenses are
all great ways to support the event. All donations are tax deductible
(our tax exemption Federal Identification Number is 366-112-686)
and all proceeds from the 2015 Ball will be distributed between the
educational funds of PAMS and the Paderewski Symphony
For your convenience, I have attached our advertising form. If
interested, kindly return it to Dr. Kornelia Krol, 6438 N. Central Ave,
Chicago, IL 60646, by January 6th, 2016.
Vice Presidents
Ewa Radwanska, MD, Phd
Eva Bloda, MD, DDS
Jagoda Samulak, DDS
Evelina Worwag, MD
Adam T. Cios, MD
Board Members
Łukasz Chebes, MD
Beata Danek, MD
Janusz Danko, DVM
Katarzyna Kusz, DDS
Józef F. Mazurek, MD
Bartosz Wojewnik, MD
Ex Officio
Bronisław Orawiec, MD
Marek Rudnicki, MD
I truly appreciate your help, support, and engagement in making this
year's Ball a very special event for all of us.
On behalf of the Board of Directors and the Ball Planning
Kornelia Krol, M.D., FACOG
Polish-American Medical Society
Past Presidents
Alexander Rytel, MD
Walter Cebulski, MD
Barbara Roniker, MD
Józef F. Mazurek, MD
Marek Gawrysz, MD
Anna Szpindor, MD
Bronisław J. Orawiec, MD
Józef F. Mazurek, MD
The 66th Annual Polish-American Medical Society Physicians’ Ball
Sponsor Benefit Package
Platinum Sponsor $5,000 (3 spots available)
Special recognition at the event
Sponsor’s name and logo listed on PAMS’s website
Sponsor’s logo on print and electronic invitations
Sponsor’s name and logo on dedicated Ball eNews
Full page ad the Commemorative Program Book plus additional mention
as Sponsor in the List Sponsors page
Featured in all marketing and PR material
Complementary 2 tickets to the Ball
Included in Social Media campaigns over 25,000 followers
Gold Sponsor $3,000 (2 spots available)
Recognition at the event
Sponsor’s name and logo on print and electronic invitations
Full page ad in the Commemorative Program Book
Featured in marketing and PR material
Included in Social Media campaigns over 25,000 followers
Silver Sponsor $1000.00
Sponsor’s name and logo on electronic invitations
¼ page ad in the Commemorative Program Book
Featured in marketing and PR material
Included in Social Media campaign over $25,000 followers
Commemorative Program Book Ads
Full Page $400 (450 after Dec. 31st)
Half Page $225 (250 after Dec.31st)
Quarter Page $150 (175 after Dec. 31st)
Please see our 2015 Book at under Ball 2015
In-Kind Sponsor
Silent/Live Auction Items
Individual Tickets $325.00
Includes 1 reserved seat for dinner
Table of 10 or 12 can be reserved and purchased by Dec. 31st
Sponsorship Levels
Platinum Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
*Individual Tickets
Table of 10 or 12
In Kind Sponsor
$_____ Value
*Ad In Book
Size _____$ ________
*Purchase online at
1. Choose your sponsorship level.
2. Return this completed form with a check made out to “Polish American Medical Society”,
6438 N Central Ave Chicago IL 60646 c/o K. Krol MD.
3. Email logo and/or art work to
PAMS is 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization under IRS, Tax Exempt ID #366-112-686.
Invoices will be emailed only upon request.
Purchase Contract
Name/Company Name (Print) Authorized Signature:
Address/City: __________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ____________________________________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________________________________________
Total Charges: $________________________________________________________________
Authorized Signature: ___________________________________________________________
Check Enclosed: _______________________________________________________________
Check Number: ________________________________________________________________