IARFC Member Benefits and Services


IARFC Member Benefits and Services
Member Benefits and Services
Branding, Image Building
and Professional Tools
The IARFC is dedicated to educate, support, and advance
the professionalism of the financial advisors who are helping
the public to spend, save, invest, insure, and plan for the future.
The Register — Published by the
IARFC, the Register is a membership
magazine that keeps you up-todate with current member matters
and industry developments. Each
issue includes practice management
and marketing techniques that you
can adopt for immediate benefit.
The IARFC sends the publication
to current members in hard copy
and in an electronic version for your
convenience. IARFC members may
also access archived issues on the
IARFC website member’s area.
Call for login assistance or to update
your email address at 800.532.9060.
Journal of Personal Finance — a
publication of the IARFC, is distinctive
in that it is practitioner oriented but
is a refereed academic journal that
promotes research to examine the
impact of financial issues on households
as well as research on the practice and
profession of financial planning. Initiated
in 2002, the Journal has grown in scope,
acceptance and recognition among
practitioners and academicians.
Joseph Tomlinson, FSA, CFP™, RFC®
— of Tomlinson Financial Planning, LLC,
Greenville, ME, is an actuary (FSA) and
a financial planner (CFP). Devoting most
of his time to research and writing on
investments, financial products, financial
planning, retirement planning, and
retirement systems.
Wade D. Pfau, Ph.D., CFA, RFC® — is a
Professor of Retirement Income in the
new Ph.D. program for Financial and
Retirement Planning at The American
College in Bryn Mawr, PA.
IARFC Online Shopping: http://store.iarfc.org
Client Marketing Brochures
RFC Brochures — Three Consumer-oriented brochures to distribute to
clients or prospects:
8.5” x 11” four-page for personal presentation and 8.5” x 3” tri-fold for
mailing insertion. The Tri-fold full color marketing pieces have a small
section on the back panel reserved for an optional firm imprint. Purchase the
brochures flat (unfolded) and we will send you the template to imprint them
via e-mail. These brochures will increase your new client conversion ratio and
encourage referrals. Also available are attractive plastic display stands.
Practice Management Support
Media Releases — New members receive specimen copy on how to properly
announce their receipt of the RFC designation, with full instructions for distribution
to all local media. Receive quality media coverage within your marketing area.
Announcement Cards — Very attractive formal note cards are
available to all IARFC members. This a great opportunity to
enhance and uplift your professional image. Members can use
these for announcement of the RFC designation or for simple
hand-written appreciation notes.
RFC® Gold Foil Labels — Perfect to add a touch of class to all types
or marketing materials, brochures and presentation handout pieces.
Referral and Information Request Cards — Ready to use. Insert with other mailings and provide an easy response
mechanism. Available for both individuals and business clients and prospects.
Referral Cards — For you to send to
clients and businesses to solicit them
to refer prospects to you.
Information Request Cards —
For you to solicit other services to
prospects, clients and businesses.
Recognition of Achievements
Loren Dunton Memorial Award —
In commemoration of Loren Dunton’s
achievements, the International
Association of Registered Financial
Consultants honors professionals who
have made significant contributions to
the industry. Dunton organized financial
professionals in the late sixties and with
their help created the financial planning
movement — including the formation
of associations, magazines, colleges,
university programs and foundations.
Dunton realized and publicly espoused
that the ethical sale of financial products
and the delivery of competent advice is a
noble calling.
“I have personally witnessed
his dedication and commitment
to the values that Loren Dunton
found so important to
our profession.”
— Steve Bailey, IARFC
Vice Chairman and Dunton
Award Committee Chair.
on 2014 Dunton Award winner,
Les Anderson
2014 Recipient Lester W. Anderson, MBA, RFC®
Dunton Award Recipients
2000 – Ben Baldwin
2001 – Donald Haas
2002 – John Keeble
2003 – Alexandra Armstrong
2004 – Vernon Gwynne
2005 – Ed Morrow
2006 – Bill Carter
2007 – Jack Walsh
2008 – Mehdi Fakharzadeh
2009 – Jack Gargan
2010 – Steve Bailey
2014 – Les Anderson
National Financial Plan Competition
Bringing public and industry recognition to
IARFC members and incoming young professionals.
Raise Awareness
National Financial Plan Competition is a way
to get hands-on development for young
people by teaching them the skills necessary
to provide the services we currently give to
the next generations.
Getting Involved
Finalists and their faculty advisor
will present their comprehensive financial
plans to an audience. We invite you to the
competition and to become part of the
judging process.
April 29-30, 2015 — Charlotte, NC
Learn more:
2014 Winners — Bryant Universitty Smithfield RI, team members Kyle
Creedon, Lauren Fayne, Jamie Pepin and their instructor Mara Derderian
IARFC Educational Events
Financial Planning Process™ course
Take the Next Step! You may know “about” financial subjects and how they are
applicable to guiding the client. The Financial Planning Process™ course explore
how to build plans and has the tools to do it! Even if you are an experienced advisor
and have completed traditional planning courses aligned on the basis of academic
subject titles, you may have never produced a plan! With the IARFC course you get
technical knowledge, practical skills and proper tools and technology.
Course Components
FPP 101 – Client Acquisition
FPP 102 – Marketing for Financial Advisors
FPP 103 – The Client Engagement
FPP 201 – Information Gathering
FPP 202 – Plan Development
FPP 203 – Recommendations & Monitoring
Workshops — Marketing to Business Owners, Impact Branding and Drip Marketing
These very informative sessions are not just academic classes, attendees receive practical tools to take
home and apply.
Business Owner Consulting
Business owners are an underserved market that are looking for solutions to many
issues. We address items such as loan cancellation plans, buy-out or succession
plans, retention and incentive plans and more. We give you solutions and tools to
address their needs.!
Drip Marketing
Drip marketing warms up your prospect, attracts their interest in the topics
presented and builds their respect for your knowledge. Gradually Drip Marketing
will develop a bond with the prospect that motivates them to grant you an appointment to make a presentation.
Impact Branding
The competition for your clients is increasing. A strong brand projects your passion and commitment to clients and
prospects. Brand loyalty is reinforced by continued efforts to positively project a favorable image. You don’t have
to be a big company to promote your own brand. We help you discover what it is and how to build it.
IARFC Cruise Conference
Contact us for Sailing Itinerary
CE @ SEA™ — Join other financial advisors for a
leisurely, relaxing, and surprisingly inexpensive
cruise conference. This is a very different CE
opportunity! You’ll learn timely strategies from
our expert speakers in formal CE sessions; but
you will also have time to rub shoulders with
these speakers and other very successful
advisors in less formal times aboard ship. Past
attendees have told us that this networking and
informal learning is an incredible opportunity. It
will be an ideal time to re-assess your practice
strategies, discuss upcoming challenges, and
learn of different solutions. starr@IARFC.org
August 9–17, 2015
Cruise the British Isles
General Public
Education and Events
IARFC International
Internet Presence
Find a Member
Member Login
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Member Profile
Membership Profile
Edwin P. Morrow (RFC®)
Financial Planning Consultants, Inc.
Financial Planning Building
PO Box 42430
Middletown, OH 45042-0430
Every day people are visiting the Association website
www.IARFC.org to access the “Search an RFC” feature. Some may
be seeking an advisor in your area. If your Profile is not current,
you will not get the new client. We have already heard from IARFC
members who have been contacted by prospects, who then became
valuable and profitable clients, all coming from the IARFC website
Member Profile.
Member Magazine
Phone: 513 424 1656
Fax: 513 424 5752
Email: edm@financialsoftware.com
Website: http://www.financialsoftware.org
Fee Range or Basis:
Develop a New Market
- Fee-Based Planning for
Business Clients
New Member Affiliate
Program - IMG International Medical
Register – IN THIS ISSUE
from latest publication
From The Chairman What is Your
Introducing a New E&O
Program for Investment
Advisors affiliated with
IARFC by CalSurance
Planning Fee of $1,200 to $6,000 - depending on the complexity of estate holdings and business interests. (See
Statement of Services)
Centre College of Kentucky and University of Louisville School of Law, plus having served as instructor for many
financial planning courses and Practitioner in Residence at Wright State University for three years.
Years Experience: 46
Professional Associations:
Financial Services Offered:
Asset Protection Business Coaching Business Planning Charitable Planning Education Planning
Estate Planning Exec Comp. Plans Personal Coaching Portfolio Management Retirement Planning
Seminars/Workshops Tax Planning
Financial Products Offered:
Annuities Buy/Sell Plans Charitable Foundations
Mortgage Loans Mutual Funds Precious Metals
Disability Income Ins.
Life Insurance
Long Term Care Ins.
Statement of Services:
For over 30 years our firm provided comprehensive personal financial planning to individuals, couples, retirees,
business owners and corporate executives. Our planning for closely-held businesses included valuation and
business continuity, techniques to reduce taxation, key employee incentives, business plan and marketing plan
development. FPC pioneered in the development of planning software and the construction of plans for corporate
executives. We offered employer-sponsored retirement planning in an educational seminar format, followed by
private conferences with each employee and spouse to help them effectively use company benefits and coordinate
them with other holdings to assure financial independence. Since 1999 we have focused entirely on the training
and support of financial advisors through the continued development of the Plan Builder and Practice Builder
professional software programs. Because our services no longer involve the direct sale of financial products or the
preparation of comprehensive plans, we have assisted clients in obtaining professional services, insurance
coverages or investments from qualified advisors. (Mr. Morrow currently serves as the Chairman & CEO of the
IARFC and travels across the world establishing RFC Courses and lecturing to financial advisors.)
Consumer-Oriented. The Profile format in IARFC.org is very
sophisticated, and currently the best, by far, of all those in the
financial services field. Unlike most others your web visitors will see:
our Photo (important for bonding with prospects).
Professional Memberships — list all your organizations.
Complete Contact Information; phone, fax, e-mail link.
Financial Services Offered to your clientele.
Your Fee Range (optional).
Financial Products Offered to help clients.
All of your Designations and Educational background.
Statement of the Services you offer to clients.
Your securities broker/dealer (optional).
Securities Offered Through: A well recognized broker/dealer would be listed in this position.
Copyright ©2011 IARFC. All Rights Reserved.
View your member profile on our newly designed website!
Critical Data. The most important items are, of course, your e-mail address, your website address and your phone
number. But all of the other information makes them want to contact you! There is no cost, just profit for you!
Just one new client will pay years of membership fees.
Advisor Verification — Online confirmation at IARFC.org of your qualifications, background and services are listed
for members of the public seeking financial advisors, linking them to your e-mail and your website. Each RFC® can
insert additional credentials, memberships, services and products offered.
Photo Help. Your photo is inserted in a JPEG format. You can change a photo from one format to another using
Windows Picture and Fax Viewer. But if you need help, after you have edited all the rest of your Profile you can
e-mail your photo to IARFC and we will edit, convert and insert it for you.
Logos and Trademarks
IARFC Logos. If you require the RFC. Logo for business cards or other marketing materials, contact the IARFC with
your request. The RFC® trademarks are designed to readily identify RFC® professionals to the public and to clearly
distinguish between RFC professionals and other financial advisors. They are marks owned by the IARFC, and we
encourage members to make effective use of these on their stationery, website, brochures and proposals. We will
be happy to send by e-mail high resolution versions of these logos for use when printing on documents. Always
reproduce the IARFC logos from original artwork.
Registration Mark Suggested Guidelines. RFC® Always use capital letters. Never use periods. Always use the
® symbol. When used, each trademark must be displayed within the suggested guidelines, or their value as
trademarks could be lost.
Practice Support Tools
Professional Recognition Items. RFC® Certificate — Handsome 16” x 12” parchment diploma-type document
suitable for framing and display. We also provide an RFC Confirmation Notice — 8.5” x 11”, designed for a display
stand or use in a presentation notebook. Professional Insignia — you will receive a gold RFC or silver RFA lapel pin
and you may purchase the men’s tie chain and key, the ladies gold ring broach or the unisex gold RFC cufflinks.
Class Up Your Financial Plans. The IARFC has an attractive padded dark blue leatherette binder with 3 slanted D
rings, (available both with and without the RFC Key logo embossed in the right upper corner). Colorful Index Tab
sets are available. These very attractive, and colorful translucent tabs that come in sets of 12 or 15 (recommended)
sections. You use a Word template to enter your section titles (on the Table of Contents) with your client name and
all your company contact information.
Comprehensive Sample Plans. Financial Planning Consultants has made
available full sample plans including an assembly and presentation manual.
The plan will be customized with your name and firm, etc. The sample
plans have been prepared using the Plan Builder software, supplemented
by materials from Practice Builder. Each sample plan comes with a 29-page
Sample Plan Documentation Manual that describes how this plan was
assembled and some of the unique features inserted by the advisors that you
can customize for your plans.
Item #ADF1
Item #ADFS
Data Forms for the Financial Facts, List of
Requested Documents and Records, Receipt
and Authorization, 12 pages,
2 color, packages of 25.
Item #CSP
Data Forms for Supplemental Planning
Quesitons, Personal Interests, Goals &
Objectives, Planning Assumptions & Investment Attitudes,
4 pages,
2 color, packages of 25.
Client Archive System. This system is designed to be given to your clients at the time of
engagement and will enable them to maintain a level of organization that is unsurpassed
in our industry. You, as the financial professional, will ensure that they are able to accurately
maintain their financial records for both their personal finances and their tax-related issues.
In this special offer from the IARFC you will receive a full set of cases ready for immediate
use. You will soon be able to provide your clients a new value-added benefit that will enhance
your already lofty status as their trusted advisor. The RFC Client Archive System includes one
archival storage case, 25 hanging file folders, 25 tabs, instructions for use, and a CD-Rom with
templates for producing additional labels. Suitable for use with business or individual clients.
Value priced at $125.00. Additional shipping charges apply.
Item #AS100
Visit IARFC WebStore for current prices and ordering:
Practice Resources
Connect with IARFC Social Networking — In addition to the valuable tools you’ve come to expect from the
IARFC, we’ve added a benefit in the social networking arena, a group presence on Facebook, LinkedIn, Blog and
Youtube. Visit the IARFC website and connect with us.
Join the IARFC:
Brand Building Components
Pocket Proposal Folder
Gold foil imprint on heavy, blue
linen card stock. Deliver your
presentation, bio or media kit with
class. Holds 15 pages of 8.5” x
11” material. Diecut inside for
your business card. Fits inside a
9”x 12” envelope.
Consumer Brochure – 4 page
8.5’’x 11’’ full color
Item #A102
Quantity Pricing
50 100 200
$25 $40 $78
Item #A106
Quantity Pricing
50 100
$75 $125
Consumer Brochure – 3 panel
8.5’’x 11’’ letterfold, full color
Confirmation Notice
Item #A103
Suitable for a display stand or use
in a presentation notebook.
Quantity Pricing
50 100 200 500
8.5”x 11” Parchment
Item #D101
Purchase flat and we will send
you the template for imprinting
Image Building Brochure – 3 panel
Code of Ethics Wall Plaque
8.5’’x 11’’ letterfold, full color
IARFC Code of Ethics
Item #SG104
Handsomely placed behind
clear plastic on a walnut
plaque (8.5” x 13”)
Quantity Pricing
50 100 200 500
(some assembly required)
*Purchase flat and we will send you the
template for imprinting electronically.
Item #B108
Referral Cards
(Client and Business)
Information Request Cards
(Client and Business)
2-sided, 8’’x 3’’, full color
2-sided, 8’’x 3’’, full color
Item #SG102 (Client)
Item #SG103 (Client)
Item #SG105 (Business)
Item #SG106 (Business)
Quantity Pricing
250 500
$40 $75
Formal Note Cards
Most advisors use these
handsome note cards to say
“thank you” or express other
brief thoughts.
*Imprinting template will be sent to
you electronically upon request.
Quantity Pricing
250 500
$40 $75
RFC Gold Foil Labels
(1.25” diameter) Self-adhesive.
Item #A105
Quantity Pricing
25 100 200
$15 $50 $80
$5.00 ea.
RFC logo labels are perfect to
add a touch of class to your
marketing materials, brochures
and presentations. Can also be
used to seal envelopes.
Items #SF1091, #SF1092
and #SF201
*per quantities of 250
Presentation and Recognition
Padded Cover
Gold Slanted D Rings
(Optional) Debossed RFC Logo
RFC & RFA Key Lapel Pins
The perfect finishing touch to your
business appearance. A surprising
conversation-starter that creates
opportunities for you to talk about
what it means to be a RFC or RFA.
Two Business Card Holders
and a Document Pocket
Item #CJ115 – RFC – Gold Finish $30.00
Item #CJ116 – RFA – Silver Finish $30.00
Dark Blue 1” Gold D Ring Financial Plan Binder
RFC Cuff Links
With or without the debossed RFC logo.
Large quantity discount pricing is available.
Item #ATP110
RFC Emblem cuff links in gold.
Slightly larger than the lapel pin.
$24.00 ea.
Item #CJ117
Matching Padded Dark Blue Notepad Folder
With or without the debossed RFC logo. Includes
tablet. Holds standard tablets. Large quantity
pricing is available. Advise us by e-mail the
number you have in mind.
Item #ATP111
Professional Jewelry – RFC Tie Bar
$13.00 ea.
The RFC Key emblem dangles on the
chain, outside of your tie, creating a
very professional appearance.
Comprehensive Sample Financial Plan
With Plan Construction Manual and Instructions.
Created using the Plan Builder and Practice
Builder Software. Contains numerical, text
and color graphic pages. Use to close new
client engagements.
Item #CSP
Item #CJ118
Data Forms – Financial Facts and Supplemental
Professional Jewelry – Ladies Broach
Item #ADF1 – 12 pages, pkg. of 25
Item #ADFS – 4 pages, pkg. of 25
RFC Key emblem.
Item #CJ119
Translucent Tab Set
Available in 12 or 15 tab sections to accommodate
your plans.
Item #TOC1 – 12-tab set
Item #TOC2 – 15-tab set
Plastic Brochure Display Stands
3” x 8.5” for small brochures.
Item #200
Quality Assurance Gold Foil Labels
(2” diameter) These classy selfadhesive labels are designed to be
affixed to your proposals and financial
plans. You can initial and date them.
Item #SF114
8.5” x 11” for large brochures.
Item #210
*per quantities of 250
Item #
Prices, item and shipping availability are subject to change without notice.
RFC Large Certificate for framing, with seal and blue
ribbon, parchment, with gold foil (16” x 12”).
RMA, RFA, Certificate, with seal and blue ribbon,
parchment, with gold foil (16” x 12”).
50, 100, 200
*See pg. 8
50, 100, 200, 500
*See pg. 8
50, 100, 200, 500
*See pg. 8
15, 50, 100
*See pg. 8
50, 100
*See pg. 8
Consumer Brochure – Full color, 4 pages (8.5” x 11”).
Consumer Brochure – 3 panel full color (8.5” x 11”).
Quantity pricing on page 8.
Quantity pricing and Imprinting Template see page 8.
Image Building Brochure – 3 panel full color (8.5” x 11”).
Quantity pricing and Imprinting Template see page 8.
Formal Note Cards (4” x 5”)
Pocket Proposal Folders (8.75” x 11.5”)
Product Order Form
Quantity pricing and Imprinting Template see page 8.
Sealed to retain material, diecut for card see page 8.
Referral Cards – SG102 Client or SG105 Business
8” x 3”. Please circle item number SG102 Client or SG105 Buisness.
250, 500
See pg. 8
Information Request Cards – SG103 Client or SG106
Business 8” x 3”. Please circle item number SG103 Client or SG105
250, 500
See pg. 8
Quantity pricing see page 8
Buisness. Quantity pricing see page 8.
RFC Confirmation Notice – Small presentation certificate
for use in display folder or binder (8.5” x 11”).
IARFC Code of Ethics Wall Plaque (10” x 13”)
Ideal for hanging in your foyer or reception area.
RFC Gold Foil Labels (round)
RFC Gold Foil Labels (rectangular)
RFC Gold Foil Labels (oval)
Financial Plan Binder – (1”) Dark blue with or without
RFC key.
Matching Blue Notepad Folder – Includes writing tablet.
Comprehensive Sample Financial Plan in binder with all
tabs, etc.
Translucent Tab Set
Translucent Tab Set
Quality Assurance Gold Foil Labels
Quantity pricing available. Contact IARFC.
Quantity pricing available. Contact IARFC.
For use with financial plans. Contact IARFC.
12-tab set
15-tab set
RFC Key Lapel Pin
Gold pin with non-twist device.
RFA Key Lapel Pin
Non-tarnish silver pin with non-twist device.
Questions? 800.532.9060
Total Cost
Item #
RFC Key Cuff Links for men or women, gold RFC logo,
about 3/4” diameter.
Professional Jewelry – RFC Key Tie Bar and Chain
Key dangles from a gold chain outside of your tie.
Professional Jewelry – RFC Key Ladies Broach
Gold filigree circle surrounds the key.
Plastic Brochure Display Stands (3” x 8.5”)
Get several and use with various small brochures.
Plastic Brochure Display Stands (8.5” x 11”)
For use with RFC folders (see Item #2) and other PR items.
Total Cost
Data Form for Financial Facts
12 pages, 2 color, packages of 25
packages of 25
Data Form for Supplimenta Planning Questions
4 pages, 2 color, packages of 25
packages of 25
Client Archive System – one archival storage case, 25
hanging file folders, 2 sets of 25 tabs. Suitable for use with
business or individual clients. See page 7. additional shipping
rates apply.
Shipping & Handling
Offshore Rates
After receiving your order, we
will e-mail you to advise you
of your shipping options.
Continuous U.S. Shipping Rates
$0 to $10.00
$10.01 to $50.00
$50.01 to $100.00
$100.01 and up
Ohio residents add 6.5% tax
Shipping and handling
Shipments are sent UPS Ground unless otherwise requested.
*Large orders may incur additional shipping cost.
Prices and items are subject to change without notice.
Submit form
Reset form
Name for Imprinted Items – Type or print clearly on the line below exactly the way you want your order to be imprinted.
City_________________________________ State___________ Zip___________________ Country___________________________________
Phone___________________________________________________ Fax_________________________________________________________
Check payable to IARFC
American Express
Credit Card #____________________________________________________________________________ Expiration____________________
Questions? 800.532.9060
Fax 513.424.5752
Order IARFC Products and Services

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