LogWorks Designer 6.1 - LogWorksDesigner.com


LogWorks Designer 6.1 - LogWorksDesigner.com
GeoS - Woodlandia
3D-modeling system for wooden milled log houses
LogWorks Designer
Version 6.1
User's Guide
LogWorks Designer 6.1
System installation
and setting
Program installation
Installation of ................................................................................................................................................8
the key driver
Installation of ................................................................................................................................................9
the electronic key
System first
guidelines on work in LogWorks Designer system
order of work on project
Indicate objects
Menu buttons................................................................................................................................................16
and commands that simplify work on project
Guides setup
Create a manufacturer
Create projects
Create a new................................................................................................................................................33
Read LogWorks
Designer projects of versions 5.х
Import projects
from ArchiCAD
Setup of parameters
of a new project
Work with projects
Open projects................................................................................................................................................51
Save projects................................................................................................................................................54
Delete projects
Description of the system commands
Create, modify
and delete walls
Create walls
Modify walls
Delete walls
Create, modify
and delete beams
Create beams
Modify beams
Delete beams
Display walls................................................................................................................................................70
and beams
Place, modify................................................................................................................................................71
and delete window and door openings
Place openings
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Modify openings
Delete openings
Place and edit................................................................................................................................................76
Place columns
Modify columns
Delete columns
Place and modify
Place consoles
Modify consoles
Delete consoles
Create roof pediments
Place notches................................................................................................................................................85
Divide and modify
long logs
Divide long
Modify log
Place and modify
log fasteners
Place log.................................................................................................................................................95
Modify log
Place and modify
through bolts
Place through
Modify through
Create, modify
and delete boards
Create boards
Fill with
Joint boards
Board groups
Delete boards
Set reports ................................................................................................................................................104
Report parameters
Log table
Wall involutes
Floor plan
and room area
Beam plan
Plan of.................................................................................................................................................119
Log cutout
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
Board table
Create reports
Edit reports................................................................................................................................................132
Preview and................................................................................................................................................133
print reports
Create photorealistic images
Map objects................................................................................................................................................140
with material
Material organizer
Table of materials
Light sources
Rendering ................................................................................................................................................149
Add windows
and doors to openings
ArchiCAD setup
asked questions
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
This document is a User Manual for LogWorks Designer computer software. This software is
intended for 3D modelling, design and generation of technical documentation for log & timber home
designers and manufacturers. LogWorks Designer is a dynamical and constantly improving
software therefore this document may contain not updated data.
For recent updates, technical support and suggestions, please contact Woodlandia Corp. at
e-mail: support@logworksdesigner.com
phone & fax: +1 877.508.8777
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
System installation and setting
The standard distribution kit contains a CD with program distributive and an electronic key of
copyright protection.
Attention! Don't insert the key until the program and the key driver is installed onto your system.
Program installation
To start installation of the program LogWorks Designer 6.1 insert the distribution CD into your
CD-ROM drive. The installation process will start automatically. If installation by some reasons
doesn't start, open folder KIT\disk1 on your CD and run SETUP.EXE.
The following dialog box will appear:
Click Continue. License agreement will appear in the next dialog box. Please, read it carefully.
If you accept the License agreement, select Yes, and then click Continue button. In the box:
you can change the folder of installation of program on your computer. If you are a beginner, or if
you agree with the offered folder click Continue.
Select desired installation type from the variants listed below:
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
System installation and setting
In the next box you can specify a folder to store your work icons:
Further, specify a folder where projects will be stored:
Developers guidelines: It is highly recommended to store all the projects on the disc different from
the disk where program is installed.
If you haven't modified folder name during the installation, project folder LWDProjects will
appear on disk D:\ when installation is ready.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
Line LogWorks Designer will appear in the Start menu. It will contain the following menu::
Further, select the line Installation of the SHK key driver and install the driver, following the
instruction described in the next section.
Installation of the key driver
Select the Installation of the SHK key driver line from Start menu. Dialog window will appear:
Click Next.
In the next window click the Install button:
Then, the following window will appear:
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
System installation and setting
Click Finish:
Installation of the electronic key
LogWorks Designer 6.1 system is protected by an electronic key SafeNet Sentinel Hardware
Key. After you have installed the program and the key driver, insert the key into USB port of your
No other action (specifying of port number, exchange parameters, etc.) is required.
You can disconnect the USB key from the running computer (e.g. if you want to put it in another
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
System first run
Follow the path Start/LogWorks Designer.
The system is ready to create a first project.
Digits that you see on the picture, indicate the numbers of viewports. For full description of the
screen options, see the chapter System interactive tools in documentation file.
Attention! If at system run the Work folders setup window appears instead of the Start window,
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
System first run
it means that the program has not found the folder necessary for its further operation. This
folder will be highlighted red. Double-click on it, and in the appeared Path setup window show path
to the folder already existing or previously created by you, that you will use in the future.
The pair - "projects folder + manufacturers folder" - is called the environment. There may be
several pairs of this kind. To create a new environment you must pass to an empty line, place the
cursor into the Environment name field and input your own name for a new environment. Then
you need to fill fields Projects Folder and Manufacturers folder by following the steps described
Let's go back to the Start window. At the first run the top line of the window will appear empty. In
future it will indicate the name of the project you have opened the last time. You can open this
project by clicking the Open last edited button.
To create a new project select the line Create new. For description of creation of a new project,
see the section Create a new project.
If you have already created some projects using LogWorks Designer 6.1, you can open any of
them by clicking the Open another button. For instructions on opening a project, see the section
Opening a project.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
Let's pass to available operating modes. The system can run in two modes:
1. Project is opened: all menu commands of Logworks and K3 Engine are available; tables of
manufacturers are locked for editing;
2. Project is closed: all menu commands of Logworks are locked, tables of manufacturers can
be edited.
Now let's give definitions to the concepts project and manufacturer which you will frequently
meet in LogWorks Designer system. The concept manufacturer represents a set of the reference
tables necessary for creation of a project. Tables contain all the information about the materials
used by a specific manufacturer. The concept project includes all the information concerning one
project: the link to manufacturer, the model and the project reports.
By using the Start dialog window you can make necessary settings in manufacturers, you can also
create a new project or open already existing. Commands of this window are dubbed by the toolbar
buttons and by commands in the system main menu (see the table below):
Command of the Start
dialog window
Command of the main menu
Open last edited
Files/Open last project
Open different
Files/Open project
Create new
Files/New project
Before to start working with a project, you need to click the Setup button and to fill the
appeared Manufacturers of material box:
For more information about it, see Guides setup.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Developers' guidelines on work in LogWorks Designer system
Developers' guidelines on work in LogWorks
Designer system
Recommended order of work on project
The process of work with one project can be presented by the following steps:
1. Guides setup.
2. Creating of a new project.
3. Setup of parameters of a new project.
4. Creating walls, beams, openings, poles and consoles.
5. Determination of notches.
6. Putting log fasteners, through bolts and division of long logs.
7. Adding windows and doors to openings.
8. Building floor, ceiling, stairways and other house elements made of boards.
9. Preparation of output documentation: tables, registers, plans, etc.
Position of log fasteners, through bolts, and division points of long logs depends on position of
row notches. And the position of row notches, varies depending on shift of walls or openings. That
is why the order of these operations is important.
Now, more detailed about each section.
Guides setup
For manufacturers setting, see Guides setup.
Create a new project
For creating a new project or opening an existing file, see Create a new project, Open
projects, Import of projects.
Setting logworks parameters
Set house parameters using the main menu commands Settings/Logworks parameters…
(see the chapter System first run, section Setup of parameters of a new project).
Creating walls, beams, openings, columns and consoles.
Create walls
Modify wall position
Modify wall parameters
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
Create and modify beams
Modify beam position
Add and modify openings
Add and modify poles
Place and modify consoles
Determination of notches
Put notches
Putting log fasteners, through bolts and division of long logs
Put log fasteners
Logworks/Log fasteners/Put
Logworks/Log fasteners/Add
Modify log fasteners
Logworks/Log fasteners/Edit
Modify log fasteners
Logworks/Through bolts/Put
Logworks/Through bolts/Add
Modify through bolts
Logworks/Through bolts/Edit
Divide long logs
All output documentation is prepared at the end, when all other operations are accomplished,
and the position of walls, openings and consoles is specified, long logs divided and log fasteners
with through bolts placed.
Prepare reports
Settings/Project reports
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Developers' guidelines on work in LogWorks Designer system
Indicate objects
While running a task (e.g. modifying an object) the system may ask to specify already created
objects such as walls, beams, columns, through bolts, log fasteners, etc. You can indicate the
required object by using the following methods:
· With cursor which transforms into a trap when being pointed on an object. To indicate an object,
you just need to place a trap so that it include the object or its part. Thus the selected object will
be highlighted and you will see its name on the screen, e.g. when pointing on a wall - Wall A. If
this is the object that you need, then left-click on it. After that, the selected object will start to
· By indicating the name of the wall or beam (for indicating walls and beams only):
- indicating a wall:
in the system command window when you are asked « Indicate wall » type in Getwall (“
the name of the wall ”), in quotes you need to specify the name of the selected wall, it can
be a digit or a character. The character should be capital.
- indicating a beam:
in the system command window when you are asked « Indicate beam », type in Getbeam (
the number of the beam). It is not necessary to put the number of the beam in quotes.
· By commands of the shortcut menu, that appears when objects are indicated:
Finish - end selection.
All - select all available objects (hidden objects will not be selected).
Undo - cancel last selection.
Exclude - enable mode of excluding objects from selected.
Last - last created, but yet not selected object. If the item is selected several times, the objects
will be selected in the order inverse to the order of their creation.
Frame - select all objects falling inside frame even partially.
Many - select all objects, falling inside trap even partially.
From attributes - select objects, using attribute values.
TypeFilter - select objects by their type (for objects created by the means of K3 menu).
LayerFilter - define the layer containing all selected objects.
ParametricObjectsFilter - select objects by their type (for walls, beams and other objects from
Non parametric objects group).
For better mastering of LogWorks Designer, we highly recommend to familiarize with K3
Engine documentation, especially with chapters Typical scenarios and Main menu system
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
Menu buttons and commands that simplify work on project
For your convenience you can use the following buttons of the Scene general commands toolbar:
Open project.
Close project.
Save project.
Save selected.
Saves objects, created by K3
Engine only.
Call the Manufacturers of material dialog
Call the Logworks parameters dialog window.
Call the Project reports dialog window.
Set maximum scale of current window, showing
the whole image.
To set maximum scale in all windows right-click
at once.
Used after
button, to
display anew the project in full in
the current viewport.
Specify rectangular area to be increased by
using frame. Scaling coefficient will
automatically be adjusted so that indicated area
fit the screen.
Used to make the process of
indicating necessary point or line
faster and more precise.
Expand current window on the whole screen.
Second click makes all viewports visible.
Used for quick access to layouts:
the top view, the front view and
the side view.
Redraw image in all viewports. Right-click to
recreate image in all viewports.
Used right after deleting the
object to renew all lines of the
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Developers' guidelines on work in LogWorks Designer system
Increase scale twice in current window.
Right-click to increase scale in all viewports.
Decrease scale twice in current window.
Right-click to decrease scale in all viewports.
Scale image in real-time mode (so-called
dynamic scaling).
Move scene in arbitrary direction without
changing its scale (so-called dynamic pan).
Rotate image in real-time mode (so-called
dynamic rotation).
Enlarge the image of the scene getting in the
Enable operating with the viewbox mode.
Create layers and place selected scene objects
upon them. Left-click to change current layer.
Right-click to edit layers.
Display as wireframe in current viewport.
Display without hidden lines in current viewport.
Used to simplify the process of
creating and adding objects.
Display in gray-scale mode in current viewport.
Create photorealistic image
Arrange library materials to simplify model
Map object with the particular material from the
material library.
For more detailed description of buttons from the Scene general commands toolbar, see the
K3 documentation file.
If your mouse has a scrolling wheel, you can:
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
· Scale the image dynamically. To use this function, in your current viewport point the cursor
on the scene and scroll the mouse wheel.
· Pan the image dynamically. To use this function move the mouse with scrolling wheel
pressed on.
The description of some frequent commands of the system when you add or create objects:
1. To stop the command, select Complete from the shortcut menu or press Enter.
2. To abort already started command, press <Esc> or select any other command.
You can access the calculator function every time you work with dialog windows in which the
system prompts to specify values.
Example. You need to increase the value of Radius parameter by 10 mm. For this in field
Radius type the expression: 100+10.
When you move to another field, the system will automatically calculate the sum and will
substitute an old option value on new, equal 110 mm.
The same can be done by means of variable. For this purpose at the beginning of a session
assign any value to the variable, (e.g. to variable X). For this in the dialog window input the
following line: X = 10. Then in the field Radius, type expression: 100+X. The system will
automatically calculate the sum, and substitute the value set by you instead of X.
During one session of LogWorks Designer all commands of the calculator are stored in the buffer.
It is possible to look up the input expressions at any time by right-clicking in the dialog window or in
any of dialog box fields .
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Guides setup
Guides setup
Every project is created "for particular manufacturer". This means that the program uses the
materials, the allowances and the rules of the particular manufacturer that will built the project.
Therefore, before starting a new project, you need to setup Manufacturer of the future project or
select it from the list if you have worked with this manufacturer before. In LogWorks Designer the
set of guides with information on materials and prices used by a specific manufacturer is called the
Attention! Сlose all projects before setting manufacturers.
At program start click the Settings button. In future for this purpose use
icon or the main
menu command Settings/Setup/Manufacturers. If this button and the command are locked, it
means that the project is already opened. Close the project and start setup. The Manufacturers of
material dialog box will appear on the screen:
This dialog box consists of three parts: upper part, lower part and right part. The upper window
contains a list of manufacturers that you work with. The lower window contains a list of the current
manufacturer guides.
Note. If the manufacturer is not accessible, it cannot be edited. This happens when you open
another one LogWorks Designer application with project that refers to the given
The right part of the dialog box contains tables of the current guide.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
At the very beginning of work with LogWorks Designer there is only one manufacturer StartTimber, which is located in the upper window of the screen. It was created by the LogWorks
Designer developers and serves template for all the other manufacturers. This means, that each
newly created manufacturer will consist of the same tables, as StartTimber. You cannot delete the
tables, they can be edited only to suit the requirements of the unique, individual manufacturer. All
tables, except for the Residues table, must contain at least one filled line, which cannot be deleted.
Create a manufacturer
In the left upper corner of the Manufacturers of material dialog box click the Manufacturer
button and select from the appeared menu a line New.
Dialog box Manufacturer will appear on the screen:
In the Manufacturer name field type the name of the new manufacturer. It can be the name of
the company which will execute the project, for example. Enable the parameter Copy from list and
from the list on the right select the manufacturer which will be taken as template. Click OK. The
name of the created manufacturer will appear in the upper left table of the Manufacturers of
material dialog box. Left-click on it. In the lower table you will notice the list of reference tables of
the new manufacturer:
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Guides setup
Now you can choose and edit the guides one by one. But you must know what parameters of
each of the table mean.
Developers guidelines: If you work with some manufacturer more often than with the others, you
can set it as default. When creating a new project the system will
automatically offer you this particular manufacturer. Right-click on the name
of the manufacturer and select from the appeared menu the line Set as
default. A little hammer on the right will become red.
After you click the Settings button, or icon
, or the command Settings/Setup/Manufacturers,
you will see the Manufacturers of material dialog box. All settings to manufacturer guides are
made in this box.
Instructions on working with guides:
· For creating a new line - double-click in the last line and fill its fields.
· For editing cell contents - double-click on the edited cell and enter the new value or select
from drop-down list.
· For saving - click on any other line.
· For deleting a line - select the necessary line and press Delete.
All dimensions of the guides are given in millimeters.
· Line can be deleted only if it is not used by another guide.
· Editing of guides cannot be aborted because all changes are automatically saved.
Field description of Wood species guide
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
The guide contains a list of wood species used by the particular manufacturer.
Title (text field) - is the name of the wood species used by a particular manufacturer. It can be
seen in dialog box in the Wood species field.
Side surface, Log end, Notch (numerical fields) - the numbers of materials in material library
(for the color image); if you enable halftone display mode using icon
, the system will find in
library the materials of given numbers and will map the materials on side surfaces, log ends and
notches of your project.
Field description of Length guide
The guide contains a list of length of log workpieces used by particular manufacturer
Length (numerical field) - corresponds for length of a log workpiece.
Field description of Section guide
The guide contains specifications of log sections used by the given manufacturer.
To provide compatibility of LogWorks Designer versions the button Add from DBF has been
created. It gives the opportunity to add into the guide data from already existing table Logstd.dbf. It
is convenient at reading projects of LogWorks Designer versions 5.x or later.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Guides setup
To make changes to the table, move to the required line and double-click on it or click the Section
setting... button. Box with parameters of the selected section will appear on the screen. In Profile
field you can select round or square type of log. Depending on your choice in the left part of the box
you will see a section drawing of round or square log, and in the right part - the section parameters.
Title (text field) - is the name of particular section used by the given manufacturer. It can be seen in
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
all boxes when specifying the material and in all reports.
Section parameters group:
Round log
Width (Width) - diameter of round log;
Row height (HRow) - height of row;
Note. The following parameter is principle
when calculating the values specified for
Gap between logs (DR) - gap between logs;
Width of compensatory groove (D) - width
of compensatory groove;
Depth of compensatory groove (H) - depth
of compensatory groove;
Note. The compensatory groove image can be
seen only on the log drawing from the table of
Square log
Width (Width) - width of square log section;
Row height (HRow) - height of row;
Note. The following parameter is principal
when calculating the values specified for rows.
Section height (Height) - height of square
log section;
Width of upper face (Dcut) - width of the log
upper face between chamfered corners
(actual for square logs only).
Optional parameters:
Top groove depth (hUp) - height of the top groove (see the picture).
A groove in a log can be made in several ways: either only from above, or only from below,
or both from above and from below. This choice depends on the value of the parameter Top
groove depth (hUp):
If hUp = 0, the groove is cut entirely from below.
If hUp = Height - HRow/2, the groove is cut entirely from above.
If 0 <hUp <Height - HRow/2, the groove is cut both from above and from below; thus
the depth of the top part of the groove = hUp, the depth of the bottom part of the groove =
Height - HRow/2 - hUp. If the value of allowance for a groove (see below) is not equal
zero, then it must be added or subtracted, depending on the sign, to both parts of a groove.
An example of calculating hUp and allowance for a groove per height
The problem. You need to cut a groove both from above and from below, the depth of
the top of a groove = 48 and the depth of the bottom of the groove = 50.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Guides setup
Section height Height = 190.
Row height HRow = 180.
Find: hUp and allowance for a groove per height prHEIGHT.
Solution. Let hUp = 48, then the depth of the bottom part of a groove = Height HRow/2 - hUp = 190 - 180/2 - 48 = 52, but according to the problem situation it is
needed to be 50. Then, let's find the difference between the necessary depth of the
bottom part of the groove and the one we have got: 50 - 52 = -2. Then the value is
halved and we receive -1. This is the value of the allowance for the groove per height.
Notice, that the sign can be both positive and negative.
Further let's find hUp. Since the allowance for a groove is of negative value, so to
remain it equal 48, let's increase it by the value of the received allowance: 48 + 1 = 49.
Thus hUp = 49. Taken together with the allowance it will be as we need: 49 - 1 = 48.
The depth of the bottom part of a groove will be equal: 190 - 180/2 - 49 = 51. Together
with the allowance it will be: 51 - 1 = 50.
The answer: hUp = 49, prHEIGHT =-1.
Allowances for a groove:
Per width (prWIDTH) and Per height (prHEIGHT) - are the values of allowances for a
standard groove per width and per height. These values are used in the Notches and log
ends table, which is the part of the Log table report. Let's see how they are used. Size of any
groove depends on parameters of section of the log which forms this groove. And in the
drawing the groove will have the dimensions increased by the value of allowances prWIDTH
and prHEIGHT.
Per depth (prDepth) - is the value of an allowance per depth. It is used in the Notches
and log ends table which is the part of the Log table report.
Insulation strip width - is the width of sealant for the given section; this value is used at
calculating the consumption of insulation material in the Material register, and also in the Log
Field description of Wall material guide
The guide contains the description of log workpieces used by a specific manufacturer. It is the main
guide as at the selection of material of walls, beams, columns, at cutout, etc. the information is
taken from this guide. The Guide Wall material is linked to other guides: Wood species, Lengths,
Sections. Values of its fields such as Species, Length, Section are taken from the corresponding
guides. Note that you cannot delete the material the from the guides Wood species, Lengths,
Sections if there is a link to this material in the table Wall material. E.g., you cannot delete Larch
material from the Wood species guide till it is used in the Wall material guide, in the Species field.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
Species (enumerated field) - the name of wood species used for workpiece; is taken from the
Wood species guide.
Section (enumerated field) - the name of workpiece section; is taken from the guide Section.
Length (enumerated field) - the length of workpiece; is taken from the Length guide.
Price (numerical field) - the price per running meter; should exceed zero.
Availability (numerical field) - the number of workpieces of the specific material in a stock; the
field reads zero if the material is not present at the warehouse; if there is an unlimited quantity in of
this material at the warehouse, minus one is put into this field.
Default - is the characteristics of usage of the current material at creating of a new project; is
set for the material, that is used more often than the others.
Field description of Log fasteners guide
The guide contains the description of the log fasteners used by the specific manufacturer.
Name (text field) - the name of a log fastener, displayed in all dialog boxes when working with
log fasteners and in the reports.
X and Y (numerical fields) - the dimensions of the log fastener section; if Y = 0 the log fastener
is considered round, and X - is the log fastener diameter.
Z (numerical field) - height of one log fastener.
Price (numerical field) - the price for a log fastener unit measure, is found in the column Price
Default - the characteristics of usage of the current type of log fastener at creation of a new
project; is set for the material, that is used more often than the others.
Field description of Jacks guide
The guide contains the description of the jacks used by the specific manufacturer.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Guides setup
Name (text field) - the name of the jack type.
Zmin (numerical field) - the jack minimum height (fully threaded down position).
Zmax (numerical field) - the jack maximum height (fully threaded out position).
Attention! Difference Zmax - Zmin should exceed the value of the following expression: (height of
space for a column + the vertical dimension of free end cutting) х (% of insulation
shrinkage + % of wall shrinkage).
Add (numerical field) - the value of the column height allowance at presence of the given jack
on it.
Price (numerical field) - the price of one jack.
Default - the characteristics of usage of the current type of jack at creation of a new project; is
set for the material that is used more often than the others.
Field description of Residues guide
The guide contains the description of the log residues left from the previous projects at the
warehouse. It is used for log cutout.
Species (enumerated field) - the name of wood species used by the specific manufacturer; is
taken from the Wood species guide.
Section (enumerated field) - the section name; is taken form the Section guide.
Length (numerical field) - the residue length.
Price (numerical field) - the price per running meter; should exceed zero.
Availability (numerical field) - the quantity of the given residues at the warehouse.
Field description of Boards guide
The guide contains the description of the boards used by the specific manufacturer.
Name (text field) - the name of the board which is displayed in all dialog boxes when working
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
with boards.
Width (numerical field) - the board length.
Overall width (numerical field) - the board width; is used at calculation of cubes.
Useful width (numerical field) - width of the part of the board that will be visible at filling.
Section type (numerical field) - number section type: 0,1 or 2 (see the picture):
Double-sided (numerical field) - 0 if the board is one-sided; 1 if the board is double-sided.
Price (numerical field) - the price per unit measure, indicated in a column Price per.
Price per (text field) - the unit measure for boards.
Default - the characteristics of usage of the current type of board at creation of a new project;
is set for the material, that is used more often than the others.
Field description of Opening setting guide
The guide contains the list of the openings available in system. openings can be of three types:
a door, a window and an opening. Each type has subtypes. They cannot be deleted, nor added, but
it is possible to set the default settings for each of the subtypes.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Guides setup
To edit the table select the opening and double-click on it or click the Opening setting...
button. The dialog box of the selected opening will appear. E.g.:
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
In this dialog box you can set default settings for the current type of opening. You cannot modify
Type and Shape of the opening. All parameters of openings are described in detail in the chapter
Place of openings.
Field description of Reports guide
The guide contains the list of the reports used by the current manufacturer. We shall call them
registered reports. This very list is displayed when you open the Reports projects dialog box.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Guides setup
If you wish to edit one of the reports, left-click on it and then click the Report... button or
double-click on the report name. The dialog box of the selected report will appear. E.g.:
Select type of the report in the Report type field.
You can rename the report in the Report name field. It is useful when you have several reports
for log tables that differ in ways of creation.
Nothing needs to be specified if you select the line Internal in the Way of creation field.
There are more three ways of creating reports:
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
· External executable (exe) - the system runs the external application written by you and
transfers control to it.
· Script - the system transfers control to the program written in VBScript language. For
description of operation with scripts, see the K3 Engine system user manual.
· Table (FastReport) - the system runs FastReport application and transfers control to it.
In the fields Creation, Editing, Viewing if they are not locked, indicate programs which will
create, edit and view the given report.
In the field Parameters you can indicate a line of optional parameters, which at system run will
be transferred to the program creating the report.
In the field Document extension indicate the file format of the resulting report.
Check the box Show report after creation if you want to view the report when it is ready. In
fields Creation and View different programs are indicated.
Attention! It is recommended to check the box Show report after creation for all reports with
Internal Way of creation!
If you wish to register a new report, select an empty line in the table and left-click twice on it.
Further fill the appeared box as it has been described above.
If you made changes to the guide after the creation of the project and you want that the new
reports appear in the box Project reports, you must select the upper line of the list and click the
buttons Add or Delete. For more information, see the chapter Reports projects.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Create projects
Create projects
The concept project includes all the information concerning one project: the link to the
manufacturer, the project model and its reports.
You have a possibility to create new projects as well as to open the models created in previous
versions of LogWorks Designer, or to import data from ArchiCAD.
Create a new project
For creation of a new project use the main menu command Files/New project and fill the box
which will appear on the screen:
The left upper corner of the box is allocated for the picture of the project. You can create it in
future, by opening the current project and calling the main menu command Installation/Current
project (see the section Opening the project).
From the drop-down list in the Manufacturer field select the manufacturer that you have
previously set (see the section Create a manufacturer).
Fields Wood species and Section are automatically filled by the program. Their values are
taken from the Wall material manufacturer guide, the last cell of which (the Default field) is
checked. If you wish to change the contents of these fields, click the Choose material button. You
will see the Choose material box:
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
It is important to fill in the box strictly downward! From the drop-down lists of the Wood species
and Section dimensions fields select the necessary unit (the drop-down lists which appear on the
screen are taken from Wall material guide of the current manufacturer). In the Profile field indicate
the type of material that will be used in the project: logs round or square. The fields Workpiece
length and Material number in library are for information purpose only and cannot be edited in
the box. Their values depend on the values of the Section dimensions and Wood species fields
and updated automatically at their modification. When all the required values are set, click OK.
Then you need to fill the following fields: Project name, Customer, Address, Date of order,
Contractor, Comment to project. The fields Contract date and Cost will appear upon completion
of the project.
Attention! Contents of the fields Project name, Customer, Address, Date of order, Contractor,
Comment to project can be edited if necessary by means of the command Settings/
Current project. Note, that you won't be able to edit the Manufacturer and the Material
Having filled the box, pass to work on the project. To be more precise, pass to setup of
parameters of a new project (see the section Setup of parameters of a new project).
Read LogWorks Designer projects of versions 5.х
You can open and work on the projects created in 5.х versions of LogWorks Designer.
Before reading the project open it in the program in which it has been created and remember its
materials. Then in LogWorks Designer 6.1:
· Open the Manufacturer of material box using an icon
or using the main menu
command Settings/Setup/Manufacturers.
· Open the guides Section, Log fasteners, Jacks and Boards; then read the tables created in
the previous version using the button Add from DBF.
· Open the guides Wood species, Lengths and add additional lines if necessary.
· Open the guide Wall material and if necessary, create new wall materials using just entered
data from the guides Wood species, Lengths, Sections.
Then run the main menu command Files/New project. The box Project properties will appear
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Create projects
on the screen:
From the Project data field select the line LogWorks Designer v5.х.
Further fill all the fields of the box as it's described in the section Create a new project. Set the
material that you have remembered at preliminary opening of the project. Then click OK and in the
appeared box set path to the required project.
Attention! At import LogWorks Designer 6.1 reads all project data, except for notches. Notches
should be put down anew. And if you wish to use all advantages of the new version, it
is suggested to run the Logworks/Wall/Fill with logs command before working with
the notches..
Import projects from ArchiCAD
You can also import projects created in ArchiCAD. For this, open ArchiCAD project and
remember the materials used in it. Then select the top menu item K3-Export/Export project data.
In the appeared box set a filename with *.mdb extension where the project will be saved.
Further in LogWorks Designer 6.1:
· Open the box Manufacturer of material using the icon
or using the main menu
command Settings/Setup/Manufacturers.
· Open the guides Section, Log fasteners, Jacks, Boards and add the required material, log
fasteners, jacks and boards.
· Open the guides Wood species, Lengths and add additional lines if necessary.
· Open the guide Wall material and if necessary, create new wall materials using just entered
data from the guides Wood species, Lengths, Sections.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
Then run the main menu command Files/New project. The box Project properties will appear
on the screen:
In the Project Data field select the line ArchiCAD®v8,9.
Further fill all the box fields as described in the section Create a new project. Set the material
that you have remembered at preliminary opening of the project.
Click OK and in the appeared box Opened file name indicate the project file with *.mdb
Here if necessary, you can make settings import from ArchiCAD. For this click the Parameters
button. The box Import parameters will appear on the screen.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Create projects
The Global null position parameter sets the value of movement of all house units per
specified height. This parameter is applied to the ArchiCAD projects with the logs laying below XOY
(Z=0) plane. When such projects are imported to LogWorks Designer all "negative" logs are
automatically deleted. To prevent this loss of logs, it is necessary to "lift" (to move) all house units
up to level Z=0. The value of movement is set in the Global null position field.
When importing files from ArchiCAD, the LogWorks Designer system unites into one all the
walls the angle between which axes is less than the Minimum angle between wall axes value.
Then the system finds intersection points of the received walls. If the distance between the ending
point of a wall and the intersection point is less than the Maximum projection length parameter
the system will consider the intersection point as the wall end. The part of the wall getting beyond
the intersection point will be considered projection. But if the distance between the wall ending point
and the intersection point exceeds the value of parameter Maximum projection length, then the
wall ending point will be considered as the end of the wall, the projection will be equal zero.
If the walls do not intersect, the system analyzes the distance from the ending point of one wall
to the axis of another. And if this distance doesn't exceed the value of Minimum distance
between wireframe vertices parameter, then the LogWorks Designer system pulls the end of
one wall up to the axis of another.
The check mark in the field One axis - one wall turns on mode of uniting all elements laying in
one axis into one wall. If this mode is turned off while some axis contains several unbounded parts
of a wall, each of these parts will be considered as a separate wall and will be modified separately.
The Compensatory groove parameter controls placement of compensatory grooves in all logs
of the project.
If you check the Availability of jacks on columns parameter, the system will add jacks to the
columns of the imported project. Checked fields Roof top plane and Roof bottom plane enable
mode of building of the upper and lower planes of a roof accordingly.
Note. The distance between the upper and lower planes of a roof is calculated vertically. Roofs
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LogWorks Designer 6.1
don't cut off walls.
When you have set all the required import parameters and specified path to project file click OK
Attention! Before importing projects from ArchiCAD you need to setup the ArchiCAD program
installed on your computer. For more information, see the chapter ArchiCAD setup.
Setup of parameters of a new project
After you have created the a project and have set its properties, then pass to setup of its
parameters. For this select the main menu item Settings/Logworks parameters… or an icon
The Logworks parameters box will appear:
Besides typical geometric objects such as segments, arcs, bodies or surfaces, the LogWorks
Designer system operates special parametric objects. These are walls, beams, openings, logs,
columns, log fasteners, through bolts and boards. The system also has some auxiliary items
designed to increase the convenience of work. These are axes, rows and grade levels. Axes of
walls and beams are inscribed only on orthogonal views, only for walls which axes are parallel to
coordinate axes.
Each line of the Display bookmark contains the type of the project element, its drawing color
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Create projects
and its feature of displaying (if the check mark is absent, the objects of this type will be hidden).
The drawing color can be changed by left-clicking on a colored window to the right of the house
element and selecting a new color in the opened graphic palette.
The rules of creation of Log table, Wall involutes, Log cutout, etc reports are set in the
Parameters of report creation group.
The system can name the new built logs in two ways: By location or By unique number. You
can choose the way you prefer in the Type of log numeration field. If you have selected By
location, the system will assign to each log of your project its unique number consisting of:
· The name of the wall (axis) to which this log belongs;
· The number of the row;
· The number of the log in the row.
The length of Log name delimiter shouldn't exceed two characters.
Let's give some examples of unique numbers of the logs located in different objects of the
project such as walls, beams and columns.
Name of the log in a wall:
Wall 1_Row7_Log1
Wall Б_Row15_Log2
Name of the log in a beam:
Beam 1_Row20_Log1
Name of the log in a wall or a beam:
Name of column:
The name of the log will be used at creation of all reports: wall involutes, plans, drawings, etc.
Thus the Specification of wall elements table contains a list of all logs of the project allocated in
walls, beams and columns groups. Each line of the report contains the information on the log length
and the detailed drawing of the log.
If you chose to name the logs By unique number, than the same unique number will be
assigned to all identical logs of the project.
In the Log uniqueness features parameter group you need to check the items which should
be considered at search of identical logs. For example if you have checked all the items except for
Consider log ends item, the system will consider as identical even the logs with different log ends.
In this case the logs in Specification of wall elements table will be grouped not by walls, as in
the first case, but by the number assigned in order of decrease of log length. To each number there
corresponds one table line, containing the length of the log, the quantity of such logs in the house
and the detailed drawing.
For the dimensions in drawings and tables you may select millimeters or centimeters as the
Unit measure.
Note: This parameter concerns only the output documents. When you work on project all
operations should be done in millimeters.
The Material bookmark looks like this:
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LogWorks Designer 6.1
When the system fills the Wood species and Section fields it uses the values set by you in the
Project properties box. If you wish to change the data in these fields, click the Modify button. The
Choose material box will appear on the screen. This box was already described (see the previous
chapter Create a new project).
The button Joint types opens the table of log joints in intersections of walls and beams.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Create projects
The logs may intersect in different ways. In the given table all possible types log intersections
are presented (top view).
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
Table of log intersection types
Type 1: logs 1 and 2 intersect each other all the way through.
Type 2: the end of log 1 lays inside log 2 and goes beyond its axis.
Type 3: the end of log 1 lays inside log 2 and does not reach its axis or goes
beyond its axis.
Type 4:
The end of log 1 lays inside log 2 and does not reach its axis or goes beyond
its axis.
The end of log 2 lays inside log 1 and goes beyond its axis.
Type 5:
The end of log 1 does not reach the log 2 axis or goes beyond its axis.
The end of log 2 does not reach the log 1 axis or goes beyond its axis.
Type 6: the ends of logs 1 and 2 lay inside each other and go beyond the
Type 7: logs 1 and 2 do not intersect or touch each other.
When the end of log 1 goes beyond the axis of log 2, its projection length is limited by the
following amounts:
– In intersections of Type 3, Type 4, Type 5 by the value not exceeding the value of Maximum
projection of blind saddle notch;
– In intersections of Type 2, Type 6 by the value exceeding the value of Maximum projection
of blind saddle notch parameter.
When the end of log 2 goes beyond the axis of log 1, its projection length is limited by the
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Create projects
following amounts:
– In intersections of Type 5 by the value not exceeding the value of Maximum projection of blind
saddle notch parameter;
– In intersections of Type 4, Type 6 by the value exceeding the value of Maximum projection of
blind saddle notch parameter.
For each type of intersection you may set the default type of log joint. For this, click the Modify
button, in the appeared box select the required joint type, and click OK.
In the given below table are presented all possible log joint types available in LogWorks
Type 1: Without joint.
Side view
Type 2: Intersecting logs are cut to fit each other. The
dimensions of the top and bottom notches are defined according to
parameters specified in the Sections guide.
Side view
Type 3: Insertion. The notch dimensions are
automatically according to the dimensions of the first log.
Top view
Type 4: Dovetail. Notch parameters must be specified.
Top view
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
Type 5: Lock. Notch parameters must be specified.
Top view
Type 6: Chamfered cutting.
Top view
Min. log length - the system will not build logs shorter than given value. E.g., no logs will be
put between two openings if the space between the openings is 300 mm and the minimum length
of a log is set 400 mm.
Max. log length - logs which length exceeds this value, will be automatically divided by the
command Logworks/Log/Divide. When creating the reports the system will produce a warning of
presence of long logs in the project.
Log length ratio - is the value corresponding to accuracy of the equipment used for
manufacture of logs. All log lengths and all the dimensions presented on the log draft must be
multiple to this value.
Note. When you build walls (openings, log fasteners, through bolts, etc.) using the mouse, the
cursor moves with the step equal to Log length ratio. But the dimensions that you type in
from the keyboard in the command line or in the dialog box, are not rounded.
Round log length - a check mark before this parameter enables mode of rounding the lengths
of built logs up to values multiple to the Log length ratio parameter value. For example, if while
building a wall you get a log ending on an opening boundary, and its length is not multiple to the
preset value, the system will increase the length of the log up to the closest multiple length. In a
model of a wall such log would project inside the opening.
Insulation shrinkage % - is the percent of shrinkage of insulation. This parameter is important
when calculating lengths of through bolts and columns.
Wall shrinkage % - is the percent of shrinkage of walls. This parameter is important when
calculating lengths of columns and bores in logs for through bolts.
Flatspot for platband parameter (see the picture) specify the depth, the width and the
radius of the hollows made in a log when adding openings. They are constant for the whole house.
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Create projects
Flatspot for platband (top view).
The Wall parameters bookmark contains items that set default values for building walls.
The First row number and the Last row number items set starting and ending rows of the
wall. In informative fields to the right the system automatically displays the values of these
parameters, but in millimeters.
Projection of wall beginning and Projection of wall end are the values by which walls
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
project beyond their beginning and ending points (axes cross points).
The Grade level position item sets the height (level by Z axis) from which are counted all
height marks in reports. Usually the grade level corresponds to a level of the ground floor. It is
displayed on front and side views when the parameter Zero.axis in Display bookmark is checked.
Sawcut is a groove made in a log for an opening. If the opening height is not multiple to the
height of intact rows, or if the lower point of opening installation doesn't lay on the log surface, then
sawcuts will be added to the logs limiting the opening.
Below you can see the pictures showing the difference between the logs with and without
Picture of an opening with
Picture of an opening without
Put down sawcuts - when this line is checked the mode of display of built sawcuts will be
Min. sawcut depth and Min. residue from sawcut parameters control process of putting
openings in logs. Sawcut will not be built if the opening comes on the log less than by Min.
sawcut depth value. If the opening comes on a log in such a manner that the width of the
remained part becomes less than Minimum residue from sawcut, the log will be cut by this
opening in two.
Flat spot at placing opening on row is a value by which the opening will be deepened in a log
in case the lower point of the opening is set in rows (see the dialog box Parameters of an opening
, parameter Threshold height).
Maximum projection of blind saddle notch item is used for T-shaped log joint, when the log
of one wall ends inside of the log of another wall. If the log end of the first log goes beyond the axis
of the second log by the value not exceeding the value of the given parameter, than the specified
joint will be used. Otherwise the second log is cut through and the log end of the first log will be
straight. See picture:
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Create projects
T-shaped log joint. Top view.
Allowance for half-saddle notch item is used for logs with the log ends on which it is needed
to cut a half-saddle notch or which Cutting type is the Cut by arc cutting. This Allowance for
half-saddle notch is the value per which the log is extended. This parameter is not displayed on
model of the house. The parameter is represented in the Log parameters box as well as in the
Logs table report and in the Specification of wall elements table (see the chapter Create
reports, section Log table). Inside this table the allowance is represented by a hatched rectangle
on the end of a log.
Using the Wireframe parameters bookmark you can set the minimum admissible distances
between wireframe elements.
If when building a new vertex (a beginning or an end of a wall) the distance between the mouse
trap and the wireframe vertex or the edge, appears to be less than indicated in a box, such vertex is
not built. Instead of it the nearest existing vertex is selected.
The parameters used at placement of log fasteners are grouped in the Log fasteners
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LogWorks Designer 6.1
Three parameters in the left-hand side of a box are used at automatic placement of log
Specify log fastener material in Material field.
Specify the dimension of drilled bore for log fastener in the Diameter of bore field. This value
will be used in output documents.
The default parameters used at placement of through bolts are grouped in the Through bolts
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Create projects
The parameters Min. distance from through bolt to notch, Min. distance from through
bolt to opening, Distance between through bolts are used at automatic placement of through
bolts in the walls.
Length - sets the length of a standard through bolt which with the help of threaded couplings
forms a compound through bolt .
Number of threaded couplings - is the quantity of couplings used for connection of two
standard through bolts.
In the Mounting hole parameter group are set the Length, the Width and the Movement of a
hole providing access to a nut.
The length of a compound through bolt is calculated in view of the Insulation shrinkage %
parameter. This parameter defines the length per which the compound through bolt can be
extended, so that at the house assembly the through bolt length be enough for fastening the
required number of logs.
The depth of the bore in a wall for a composite through bolt is calculated in view of the Wall
shrinkage % parameter which sets the value by which it is necessary to extend the bore in logs for
a composite through bolt. The bore must be deep enough to provide space for moving of a through
bolt during the process of wall shrinkage.
The Wall axes bookmark contains controls that manage the names of wall axes.
Let's give definitions to the Wall edge and the Wall axis concepts.
Wall edge is a segment connecting wall reference points (the beginning and the end).
Wall axis is a straight line which carries the wall edge.
The axis is created automatically at creation of a wall. It can be named either automatically, or
To name the walls automatically you need to check the Name walls automatically box. When
the box is checked all newly created walls will receive new names: digits along one axis and
characters along another. Axes are named in ascending order of wall beginning coordinates.
Normally, there is X coordinate for characters and Y coordinate for numbers or vice versa. At each
addition of a new wall to the project all walls are named anew according to the rule described
above. In manual mode, that is when the field Name walls automatically is not checked, no
names are assigned to the new created walls. The user has to name walls himself, using the
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
Wall/Rename axes command. The name length must be at least three characters long.
If the Automatically put first half-log field is checked, all newly created walls lying along X
axis (or Y axis) will be started from the half-log.
If the box is not checked, all walls will start from the whole log. You can find out which walls
should start with half-log manually, using the Logworks /Wall/Mdfy.Parameters command.
The default parameters used at building boards are grouped in the Boards bookmark.
The type of board is set in the Material field. The table of all board types is stored in the guide
of the current manufacturer of the Board.
Min.board length (mm) - the system doesn't create boards shorter than of specified length.
Max.board length (mm) - all boards exceeding the specified length are automatically divided.
Min.groove depth - if the groove in the board is smaller than Min.groove depth, the groove
will not be built.
Min.thickness of groove - if the thickness of the notched part of the board is less than the
Min.thickness of groove, the board will be divided by the groove in two.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Work with projects
Work with projects
Open projects
If you want to open one of the previously created projects, select the main menu command
Files/Open project or click on icon
. The Projects dialog box will appear on the screen.
In the left part of the box you will see the list of projects. If there is a question mark to the left of
the project name, it means that the program cannot find the necessary file: the file is deleted or
renamed. If you know the location of your project, to fix this problem double-click on the name of
the missing project and in the appeared box specify path to the necessary file.
Left-click on the necessary project. In the right part of the box you will see the list of reports of
this project. Inside a folder preceding each report there will be an icon (a small picture). There are
four types of it:
- the report is created and doesn't need to be recreated.
- the report is created, but it needs to be recreated in view of the changes to the project.
- the report is edited manually.
- the report is not created.
The created reports can always be viewed without opening the project. To view the report
double-click on the name of the report.
Below you will find the necessary information on the selected project. For opening the project
click the Open button.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
To copy one of the projects stored on your computer, select it from the list and click the Copy
button. In the appeared box
specify a new name of the project. If you wish to make several designs and calculations for one
project and to finally select the best, than select the Save inheritance parameter. All the new
projects created with saving inheritance will be stored in the folder of the copied project (see the
box of the Project_3_1). If you wish to create a new independent project based on the copied one,
than the Save inheritance parameter shouldn't be checked. A new project will be added to the box
next in the list (see the box of the Project_3_2).
You can connect the project by clicking the Connect button and specifying the folder to search
for the project.
Use the Disable button in the left part of the Projects dialog box if you want to hide some of
the projects.
If you have plenty of projects and some of them are already completed you can put them into
archive and keep there in compact format. For this operation use theExport to archive... button. In
the appeared box indicate the projects which you want to put in archive and the filename for the
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Work with projects
future archive. If you check the Move to archive parameter, all archived projects will disappear
both from the box and from the project folder and only the archive will be left. You can transfer the
archive to the other computer or open it again, using the Import from archive button. The following
dialog box will appear
Click the
button and specify the required archive. Then select the project, set a new name
of the manufacturer if necessary, and click the Connect project button.
You can always browse the properties of the opened project by using the Settings/Current
project command. The Project properties dialog box will appear on the screen:
None of the Project basic material parameters can be changed. You can only change the
header of the project and create a picture with its image. For creation of the picture click the button
with dots and fill the appeared box:
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
Having set all the parameters, click the Create button. If you want that the created picture
appear at every starting of the project, click the toolbar icon
Files/Save project.
or the main menu command
Note. By clicking the button
, in the box there appears information about the location
of the geometrical model of the project (a file with the *.К3 extension) and guides of the
manufacturer (a file with *.mdb extension).
Save projects
For saving the project use the main menu command Files/Save project or click the toolbar
To close the project use the command Files/Close project or icon
The project is automatically saved and the undo buffer is cleaned when the Project reports
box is called.
The command Files/Save selected or the icon
is used, when it is needed to create a *.К3
format file and to save to this file objects created with the use of K3 Engine menu commands.
If you have plenty of projects and some of them are already completed you can put them into
archive and keep them in compact format. For this operation use the Export to archive... button.
In the appeared box indicate the projects which you want to put in archive and the filename for the
future archive. If you check the Move to archive parameter, all archived projects will disappear
both from the box and from the project folder, and only the archive will be left. You can transfer the
archive to the other computer or open it again, if you want.
Our guidelines. For convenience of work you can select an autosave mode and set time interval for
autosaving. For this use the main menu command Settings/ACF parameters.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Work with projects
Delete projects
If you want to delete one of the projects, select the main menu command Files/Open project
or click the icon
. The Projects dialog box will appear on the screen.
From the left part of the box select the project you wish to delete, and click the Delete button.
Attention! An opened project cannot be deleted!
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
Description of the system commands
Create, modify and delete walls
Create walls
Let's give definitions to some concepts which we shall frequently use in future:
Wall reference points - is the beginning and the end of a wall.
Wall edge - is the segment connecting wall reference points (the beginning and the end).
Wall axis - is a straight line which carries the edge of the wall.
To create a wall it is necessary to specify two reference points (the beginning and the end)
through which the wall axis will go.
According to their position all walls can be divided into two groups. The first group includes
walls which wall axis forms with OX axis of GCS (global coordinate system) an angle less than 45
degrees. The second group includes walls which wall axis forms an angle less than 45 degrees
with OY axis. For the beginning point for the walls from the first group will be considered the point
with lesser X coordinate, and for the walls from the second group - the walls with lesser Y
coordinate. Wall axes are named according to ascending coordinates of beginning of walls. If the
Name walls automatically parameter of the dialog box Logworks parameters/Wall axes is
enabled, then the character names will be given to the walls relating to OX axis and the digit names
- to the walls relating to OY axis. If this parameter is disabled, the character and digit naming can
be swapped.
Don't forget that LogWorks Designer system is a parametric system. It means that at creation
of a wall conditions (snaps) are imposed on wall reference points (the beginning and the end
points). Reference points specify not only the position of a wall, but also the rules of wall recreation
which are applied in case of moving of adjacent walls. For example, the interior wall which
beginning butts in the middle of the external wall (snap From center) at modifying of an external
wall will be rebuilt so that its beginning still coincide with the middle of the external wall.
From the mentioned above it follows that when creating a wall it is important to indicate its both
reference points so that the system "be in the know" of the rules of rebuilding the wall in case of its
At creation of a new wall for beginning or the end of a wall you may specify:
· Any new point on OXY plane. In the viewport it is represented by a cross and is called Node
without snap (for more information on snaps, see below).
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Description of the system commands
· One of the reference points of already existing wall. It will lie on an intersection of axes of two
walls and will be common for both of them. In the viewport it is represented by a cross and is
called Node without snap. At movement of such vertex both walls exiting it will change their
position and-or length.
· Any point on the edge of an existing wall:
– this point will always travel together with the edge on which it lays;
– this point can be dependent to the beginning, the end or the center of the indicated edge. For
this at its creation click one of the buttons of the scene general commands toolbar
. By this you will set one type of the system snaps as active (snap from the
beginning, from the end, from the center of an edge). At modifying the length of a wall
such vertex will always retain the specified distance from the point to which it is bound.
A snap from beginning of a wall is shown in the picture:
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
A snap from end of a wall is shown in the picture:
A snap from center of a wall is shown in the picture:
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Description of the system commands
· Moreover, this point can be independent of any wall edge point. For this at creation of a snap
click the scene general commands toolbar button
, and the Free by axis snap will be made.
Such vertex wouldn't move at movement of position of wall edge ending points. At movement of
the edge it will travel together with it.
The Free by axis snap is shown in the picture:
Note. A so-called Increment mode of operation may be used for specifying reference points. By
indicating with a mouse the beginning of a wall, you can set the wall end coordinates in the
dialogue box. First, type @ character from the keyboard, and then, put instead of coordinates
X, Y, Z, the values by which you want to increase or reduce the values of coordinates of wall
beginning, so-called increments.
Let's assume that the beginning coordinates of a new created wall are 0,0,0 and we want
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
the wall to be parallel to axes OX and have length of 6000 mm. For this, on system request in
the dialog box type 6000 0 0 and press Enter.
The snap type of any previously created vertex can be changed. For this:
· Select the Logworks/Wall/Move command.
· Select the line Snap type from the shortcut menu.
· Using mouse indicate the vertex which snap type you wish to find out or to modify.
toolbar buttons are created for convenience of work on project.
- this button turnes on/off mode of snap to virtual axes. Virtual axes are the lines which pass
through reference points of walls and are parallel to OX and OY axes of global coordinate system.
If the snap mode is turned on, the vertices of the new created walls start to "stick" to points of
intersection of virtual axes every time they get close to these cross points. The parameters that set
the dimensions of "sticking" area, can be found in the Wireframe parameters bookmark of the
Logworks parameters dialog box.
- pressing this button turnes on/off the mode of auto break and auto snap of nodes. When this
mode is turned on, you'll be able to "pull off" the walls one from another using the
Logworks/Wall/Move command:
If this mode is turned off walls cannot be "pulled off" one from another.
A new wall is created in accordance with the parameters preset in the Logworks parameters
menu. By the way, if only one reference point of the wall is specified, the wall current settings still
can be modified by selecting the Parameters item from the shortcut menu.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Description of the system commands
Fields Wood species and Section are automatically filled by the program. The system uses
the values specified by you in the Project properties box. If you wish to modify the contents of
these fields, click the Modify button. The Choose material dialog box which has been earlier
described will appear on the screen (see the previous chapter Create a new project).
Top log halved - the last row of this wall will be made from the halved log.
Bottom log halved - the first row of this wall will be made from the halved log.
It is the designer who decides which walls will begin or end with half-logs.
Movement of rows - the check mark before this parameter turnes on the mode in which the
new constructed wall is moved by a half-log relatively to the walls built with the parameter turned
If the Movement of rows parameter is turned off, the log numeration starts with 1.
If the value of the First row number parameter is more than 1, then the Bottom log without
length groove parameter is automatically added to the box.
The Length field is informational. The wall length can be modified only using the
Logworks/Wall/Move command.
The Projection of wall beginning and the Projection of wall end values are counted from
the points of wall beginning and wall end (wall reference points).
Wall axis - is a text field. Its value is set either manually by the designer, or automatically. The
rules of definition of axes names are described in the Wall axes bookmark of the chapter Setup of
parameters of a new project.
The First row number and the Last row number parameters specify the beginning and
ending rows of the wall. The values of these parameters are automatically put down in millimeters
in the grayed fields on the right.
The parameters of already created wall can be modified with the help of the command
Logworks/Wall/Mdfy.parameters. When the Wall parameters setting box (see above) appears,
specify the new values in the appropriate fields and click OK.
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LogWorks Designer 6.1
The command Logworks/Wall/Fill with logs deletes all notches, all log division points and all
modifications to separate logs which have been made manually.
Modify walls
For modifying walls select the Logworks/Wall/Move command. If the cursor is pointed on the edge
or on the node of the modified wall there will appear arrows showing the direction of possible
The Parallel mode is set as default. In this mode the wall nodes can be moved only along the
wall edges and the walls always stay parallel to the other walls at all movements.
If you want to turn off this mode click the line Parallel from the shortcut menu and then left-click
on the wall you wish to modify. The selected wall will be displayed by a dotted line and after clicking
the line Movement from the shortcut menu you'll be allowed to move the wall ends in arbitrary
To modify length of the wall select the key Wall length from the shortcut menu and left-click on
the wall reference point which you wish to move. Then, on system request «Wall new length» type
in the new length in mm.
You can modify the position of the "bound" node by using the Binding value key from the
shortcut menu. Left-click on the wall node which snap value you wish to modify. There will emerge
hint showing the type of the selected snap and the distance from the snap point. On system request
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Description of the system commands
type in the new value of the snap.
Let's summarize everything told above. You can modify a wall in the following ways:
§ To modify the wall length you must indicate one of its reference points and its new position;
§ To modify the wall position you must indicate a wall axis and its new position.
§ To change the snap type of a particular vertex follow the next steps:
– call the Logworks/Wall/Move command.
– by right-click call the shortcut menu and select from it the Binding type line.
– left-click on the modified vertex and select the new snap type from the appeared menu.
When the selected wall is moved, on all other walls modified by it are shown their new
Delete walls
For deleting a wall select the Logworks/Wall/Delete command and choose one of the shortcut
menu items: By axis or By object. If the By axis mode is selected for deleting a wall you must
indicate the wall axis. If you select the By object mode, then for deleting a wall it is enough to
indicate any part of it.
Note. The top view is the most convenient view for creating, moving and deleting walls.
Create, modify and delete beams
Create beams
The rules for creating beams are the same as for creating walls.
Let's give definitions to some concepts:
· Bearing walls - are the walls which carry the beam.
· Beam reference points - are points of the beginning and the end of the beam.
· Beam edge - is the segment connecting reference points of a beam (the beginning and the
· Beam axis - is a line which carries the beam edge.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
Front view
For creation of beams use the Logworks/Beam/Create command. On system request indicate two
walls on which the beam will lean. Then point the cursor on the edge of one of the selected walls. In
yellow color the system shows the edge of the future beam and the distance from the edge to the
wall beginning (see picture). The position of the point from which the system calculates the distance
to the beam can be modified by using snaps (see the section Create walls).
Indicate the position of the future beam on the wall edge. To finish the operation in the shortcut
menu click Complete.
In default mode the beam is placed orthogonally to the bearing walls. If you want to put the
beam not orthogonally, from the shortcut menu select an item 2 points and specify the beginning
and the ending points of the future beam.
If you need to build a beam at the set distance from a wall or another beam, from the shortcut
menu select With indent item. Then indicate a wall or a beam from which the indent will be
counted. They will be called a wall or a beam of counting. Then indicate the position of a new beam
by left-clicking in the necessary area of the screen, or set the value of the indent in the dialog
window by typing the required number. Further, in the dialog window specify the number of beams
you wish to build and press Enter. As a result the system will build the required quantity of beams,
distant from each other by the value of the specified indent. There is also another way of creating a
set of beams. For this purpose move the cursor along the bearing walls until the necessary quantity
of beams appear on the screen. Beams will be highlighted yellow color and their quantity will be
shown inside a small yellow rectangle.
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Description of the system commands
After you have decided the number and the location of the beams, left-click on the last of them.
Note. If the beam bearing walls are not orthogonal to a wall (beam) of counting, then the value
of the indent of the created beam will differ from
the value specified by you.
This happens because the distance between the nodes of the counting wall and the new beam
along bearing walls (see the picture above) is calculated by the system in view of the value of the
Length ratio parameter. This parameter is set in the Material bookmark of the Logworks
parameters dialog box. And the new value of indention is calculated in view of the rounded value
of distance.
A new beam is created by the system default parameters. But before indicating the position of a
new beam the beam default settings can be modified by selecting the Parameters item from the
shortcut menu. The beam parameters can be also modified by using the Beams/Edit command.
For more information on this topic, see the Modify beams section.
Modify beams
To modify beams select the command Logworks/Beams/Edit and point the cursor on the edge of
the modified beam. The box Beam parameters setting will appear on the screen:
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
The beam material is shown in the Wood species and Section fields. You will not be able to
modify the value of these parameters if the Use wall material parameter is checked. If the check
mark is absent you can select another material by clicking the Modify button. For more information,
see the Create a new project section.
- the check mark before this parameter enables a mode in which the notches of the wall and
beam joint are built in the same manner as notches built at the intersection of walls. If the check
mark is absent the notches of the wall and beam joint are cut only in wall logs. The shape of a
notch is defined automatically by the shape of a beam. In case of equal rows (beam rows and wall
rows are not dislocated from each other) the beam remains untouched and the wall logs are
If the Use wall material parameter is checked, the system uses for creation of beam the
material that has been used for building the wall on which the beam leans. Such beam is
characterized by the following features:
· Its position can be called bound to wall and it can be modified only by using the Movement of
· The quantity of rows is unlimited.
If the Use wall material parameter is disabled the beams may be built of material different from
the material of the wall carrying the beam (e.g., a wall is made of round logs and a beam of square
logs). In this case two variants are possible:
1. Beam and wall materials have the same row height.
2. Beam and wall materials have different row height.
For the first case there are possible two mutually exclusive positions of a beam:
– Movement relatively to wall - is modified by the Movement of rows parameter.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Description of the system commands
– Free location - is enabled by the Free location parameter.
Such beam always consists of one log. Its position is defined by the Vertical alignment group
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
of parameters:
· The Lower point, Center and Upper point parameters make it possible to place a beam by
coinciding its top, bottom or middle with the topline of the row from which the beam starts.
· The Movement parameter sets the value of vertical movement of a beam relatively to the
point used for alignment.
In the second case the beam can be placed only arbitrarily. The system will not let you to locate
such a beam in another way.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Description of the system commands
Below you can see the pictures of the wall and beam joint notches built by the system
depending on different parameters and their values.
The pictures show the notches of the
beam and wall joint in situation when
the rows are dislocated from each
other and the check marks are put in
the following way:
p Beam can be cut
Use wall material
The pictures show the notches of the
beam and wall joint in situation when
the rows are dislocated from each
other and the check marks are put in
the following way:
Beam can be cut
Use wall material
The pictures show the notches of the
beam and wall joint in situation when
the rows are not dislocated from each
The pictures show the notches of the
beam and wall joint in situation when
the middle of the section height is
bound to the row upper point and the
check marks are put in the following
p Beam can be cut
Use wall material
The pictures show the notches of the
beam and wall joint in situation when
the middle of the section height is
bound to the row upper point and the
check marks are put in the following
Beam can be cut
Use wall material
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
The pictures show the notches at the beam and wall joint in situation when the rows are not
dislocated from each other.
Movement of rows - the check mark before this parameter turns on the mode in which the
new constructed beam is moved by a half-log relatively to the beam built with this parameter turned
Beam axis - corresponds for the number of a beam axis. If the Name walls automatically mode is
enabled, there is no need to edit this field because the system will assign numbers to the beams
anyway. You can assign to a beam your own number if you disable this mode.
The numbers are assigned to the beam axes according to the following rules: in the first place are
numbered the beam axes parallel to OX axis, and then in continuation are numbered the beam
axes parallel to OY axis. See the picture:
Projection of beam beginning and Projection of beam end are the values by which a beam
projects beyond its beginning and ending points.
Length - is an informational field which shows the length of a beam considering its projections.
Number of top row - is the number of wall row (carrying the beam) starting from which the
beam is built. Beams are built from top downward.
Number of rows - is the quantity of beam rows built from the beam top row downward.
Keep bottom log whole - a check mark before this parameter enables the mode in which the
lower log of a beam cannot be cut.
This section describes only the specific parameters of beams. As for the rest the rules for
creating beams are the same as for walls. To move a beam use the command
Logworks/Wall/Move. Log fasteners, through bolts and consoles are put in a beam following
the same rules as set for walls (see appropriate sections). Whne the beam may be cut, notches are
put by using the Logworks/Wall/Notches command.
Delete beams
For deleting a beam select the Logworks/Beam/Delete command and choose one of the shortcut
menu items: By axis or By object. If the By axis mode is selected for deleting a beam you must
indicate the beam axis. If you select the By object mode, then for deleting a beam it is enough to
indicate any part of it.
Note. The top view is the most convenient view for creating, moving and deleting beams.
Display walls and beams
When the project you work with is big and complex, it is convenient to turn some of its walls
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Description of the system commands
and beams invisible.
In the section Setup of parameters of a new project it has been said about a possibility to hide
the walls (beams) of the house, that is to make them temporarily invisible. For this you need to
remove a check mark from the lines Walls, Logs (Beams, Beam logs) of the bookmark Show of
the Logworks parameters box. But this operation would hide all project walls (beams) at once.
What must be done when it is needed to hide all walls (beams) except for two or three? To solve
this problem will help you the K3 Engine menu which is located on the auxiliary panel. Select the K
3/Display/Hide command and indicate the walls (beams) you wish to hide. You can also select the
line All from the shortcut menu (located in the right lower corner of the screen), then select
Exclude and indicate the walls (beams) which you wish to leave on the screen. Then, finish the
operation by the Complete command.
To display again all previously hidden walls and beams select the K3 Engine/Display/Unhide/
All command. As a result all hidden walls and beams will become visible again. To show only one
wall or beam, instead of an item All use the option of indicating of a wall (beam) by its name. E.g.,
GetWall ("A") or GetBeam (2).
For a detailed description of indication of objects standard algorithm, see the section Indicate
objects above. For more information on this topic it is also recommended to see the K3 Engine
documentation, sections Indication of geometric objects and Management of objects display.
Place, modify and delete window and door openings
Place openings
To add an opening into a wall select the Logworks/Opening/Add command. There are three
types of openings available: a door, a window and an opening itself.
After you have selected the required type of an opening, specify the desirable shape and set the
values of parameters of shape and the parameters of opening position.
Save parameters - the check mark before this item enables a mode of saving of certain
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
parameters of an opening at changing its type. The system saves the snap type and movement, the
threshold height and the opening overall dimensions. If this mode is turned off, at change of an
opening type the system will offer you to use the parameters of the last created opening of this
The position of an opening in a wall is characterized by two parameters - by the value of
movement from the wall reference point (the beginning, the end or the center) and by the height
of its lower point (Threshold height).
Movement - is the distance from wall starting or ending point to the nearest opening. If the
movement from center is set, the system calculates the distance between wall and opening middle
points. At changing of the wall length the opening will travel together with the wall point from which
counting has been set.
Threshold height - is the position of the lower point of an opening. It can be set both in rows
and in millimeters. If you specify the necessary quantity of rows, in the neighbour window this height
will be shown in millimeters and vice versa.
When working with openings with chamfered edges you are allowed to select the parameters more
suitable for setting the opening dimensions. For example, for setting the dimensions of a triangular
opening you can specify lengths of two sides (d and h) or the length of one side (d or h) and a base
angle (a). To select the required parameters you need to exclude the unnecessary parameters (put
a point before them).
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Description of the system commands
The values of grayed items are calculated automatically depending on the specified values of
other parameters.
The buttons For straight log end and For chamfered log end call a dialog box specifying the type
and the parameters of the logs that will be trimmed by this opening. (See Modify log parameters
and Divide long logs).
If after specifying the type and the parameters of an opening you click the Add button, on all
viewports there will appear an image of this opening and this dialog box will be shown again.
Several window and door openings can be installed into the wall by one command. To end the
command click OK.
1. If the Flat spot at placing opening on row parameter is of zero value, the lower point of an
opening which Threshold height is specified in rows, will lie on the upper bound of the
specified row.
2. If the Flat spot at placing opening on row parameter in the Wall parameters bookmark of
the box Logworks parameters is not equal zero and the Opening type is presented by a
window or a door and the Threshold height it is set in rows, then the lower point of an
opening will be deepened by the value of Flat spot.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
3. If the Threshold height and other vertical dimensions of an opening are specified in rows,
then the height of an opening is always adjusted in such a way that the upper point of an
opening remain on its place. Therefore, if you want to get an opening with top angular points
coinciding with the row upper bounds, then all vertical dimensions of an opening including
Threshold height must be set in rows.
Modify openings
To change the position of an opening or its parameters use the command
Logworks/Opening/Edit. On system request indicate the wall including the modified opening and
then indicate the opening itself.
While working with opening you can:
· Move the opening along the screen in any viewport by the mouse.
· Modify the opening snap point by selecting the Beginning, the Center or the End items from the
shortcut menu.
· Modify the opening parameters by selecting the Parameters line from the shortcut menu.
The picture shows modifying of position of an opening in axonometric view.
If you need to put successively in a wall several identical windows use the
Logworks/Opening/Multiply command. On system request indicate the wall you will work with
and then indicate one opening or a number of openings to be multiplied. Position of a new opening
can be specified in several ways.
The shortcut menu item Movement along wall sets the distance by which it is necessary to
move along the wall the selected group of openings.
The shortcut menu item Pier allows to specify the distance between overall dimensions of these
groups of openings.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Description of the system commands
To multiply the selected openings vertically, for example, when you want to copy the windows from
the first floor onto the second floor, select the items Movement by row or Vertical movement
from the shortcut menu and specify the value of movement in rows of or in millimeters accordingly.
After the position of new openings is set, it is required to specify how many times the selected
openings will be repeated.
The Logworks/Opening/Copy command is convenient when you want to have the identical
openings on the different walls of your house. This command allows you to copy one or several
openings from one wall to another.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
Delete openings
To delete an opening select the Logworks/Opening/Delete command, indicate the wall containing
the opening and then delete the opening.
Place and edit columns
Place columns
In LogWorks Designer system there is a specialized object - a column. Columns can support
walls and beams (the Logworks/Columns/Add command) or can be placed freely (the
Logworks/Columns/Add/Free column command). If the column is located in an intersection of
two walls it will belong to the wall which it supports. See the picture:
The pole belongs to Wall A
To add columns in a wall or a beam use the Logworks/Columns/Add command. On system
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Description of the system commands
request indicate the wall or the beam which will support the column. At this moment the system
displays in yellow color the created column and the distance from it to the beginning, the end or the
middle of the wall. The clearance of the future column is calculated automatically depending on
walls, beams and openings mutual position. After the position of the column is finally decided
double-click on it. The column will be added in the wall, but its height will differ from the clearance
for a column by the wall insulation material shrinkage percent and by the vertical dimension of
cutting (for cuttings, see below).
A new column is created using the parameters preset by the system by default. But anyhow, the
current settings can be modified in the Сolumn parameters box found in the Parameters section
of the shortcut menu.
The material of a column is specified in the Wood species and Section fields. By default it is
the same as the material of the wall containing the column. If you wish to set another material, click
the Modify button. The described earlier Choose material box will appear on the screen (see the
previous chapter Create a new project).
The position of a column in a wall depends on the Movement parameter which value is
counted from the beginning, the center or the end of a wall. If the column is located in the
opening, the Movement is counted from the beginning, the middle or the end of an opening.
At editing of the project the column travels together with the point from which counting has been
The fields Column height, Upper point and Lower point - are informational and display the
column clearance.
Jack - a check mark before this parameter turns on mode of building a column together with a
device for adjusting height of a column in case of insulation and wall shrinkage. In program the jack
looks like this:
If the column has a jack you can select its Type and its Position: top or bottom.
Note. The table with parameters of all available jacks can be found in the guide Jacks of the
current manufacturer. In this table the Add allowance is set. If this allowance exceeds zero,
then at cutout and on the drawing the log corresponding to the column will be longer by the
value of the allowance.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
At presence of the jack you can specify the Cutting type of the column free end. Cutting types of
column log ends are presented in the table:
Type 1
Without cutting
Type 2
For round log
Type 3
If a column does not have a jack the ends of a column can be only Without cutting.
After we have described all the column parameters, it is possible to write down a formula of
calculation of column practical height, which is used in reports and drawings:
(Column clearance + dimension of vertical cutting) х (100 - % of wall shrinkage)
The dimension of vertical cutting is equal:
– zero
Type 1 (without
– value of Depth parameter
– sum of Inset and Height values
Type 2 (for a round
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Description of the system commands
Type 3 (tenon)
If you want to create a column which will not belong to any wall or beam select from a shortcut
menu the Free column item and indicate position for this column. You can set both its material and
its Upper and Lower points. Note, that before to finally place a column you need to select the
Parameters command from the shortcut menu and to fill the appeared box.
All the commands modifying the position or the shape of a wall rebuild automatically all the columns
laying in all walls and beams. Free columns can be modified only manually.
Modify columns
To change the position of a column or its parameters use the command
Logworks/Columns/Edit. On system request indicate the wall including the modified column and
then indicate the column itself. Don't forget that the column belongs to the wall which it supports.
Do not mix it up with a wall on which the column leans!
Rules of modifying a column:
· At modification of height of walls, beams or openings the column limited by them, is automatically
shortened or extended according to the changes made to parameters of walls, beams or
· At modification of a wall, a beam or an opening, the column belonging to them, will travel with
them together with the point from which the counting has been set.
While working with a column you can:
· Move the column along the screen in any viewport by the mouse.
· Modify the column snap point by selecting the Beginning, the Center or the End items from the
shortcut menu.
· Modify the column parameters by selecting the Parameters line from the shortcut menu.
· Delete the column by using the Logworks/Columns/Delete command.
All the commands which modify the position or the shape of a wall rebuild automatically all the
columns laying in all walls and beams. Free columns can be modified only manually.
Delete columns
To delete a column select the Logworks/Columns/Delete command, indicate the wall containing
the opening and then delete the opening itself. To delete all columns select from an item All from
the shortcut menu. It is also recommended to review the section Indicate objects.
Place and modify consoles
Place consoles
Besides the projections set by default for walls and ceilings, it is also possible to specify the
additional projections for one or several rows at once. Such projections are called consoles.
To place a console in a wall from the auxiliary toolbar select the Console/Add command, then
indicate a wall in which you want to add a console and fill in the appeared Console parameters
dialog box
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
In the dialog box you need to specify:
· Wall beginning or Wall end - the position for placing the console.
· First row number - the number of the console lower log.
· Number of rows in console - the quantity of logs in the console.
The Projection of first log parameter sets the value (in mm) by which the first log of the
console is extended relatively to the projection of the wall.
The Projection of other logs parameter sets the value by which each log of the console is
extended relatively to the first log or shortened in case of setting a negative value.
You can select the types of cutting the log ends of the console logs by clicking the Type and
parameters of log end button (see the section Modify log parameters).
By means of console you can perform the following operations:
– Create recesses on the wall edges without using openings:
Parameters of the console represented on
the picture to the left:
– Create decorative projections:
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Description of the system commands
Parameters of the console represented
on the picture to the left:
Parameters of the console represented on
the picture to the right:
– Modify the log end cutting without changing the value of projection:
Parameters of the console
Type and parameters of
represented on the picture to the console log ends:
– Create roof pediments, etc.
Modify consoles
To modify the console which you have created earlier on the auxiliary panel select the
Console/Edit command, indicate the required wall and then indicate any of the console edges.
Then in the appeared box Сonsole parameters (see above), change the parameters of the
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
If there are two consoles in the row (in the beginning and in the end) it is needed to indicate the
one which is close to the required end.
Attention! The consoles can be modified only in the drawing mode in which wall logs and beam logs
are displayed.
Delete consoles
To delete a console, on the auxiliary panel select the Console/Delete command, indicate the
required wall and then indicate any of the console edges.
Attention! The consoles can be deleted only in the drawing mode in which wall logs and beam logs
are displayed.
Create roof pediments
Pediments can be specified in two ways: by means of consoles and by means of openings.
Creating a pediment by means of a console.
Let's consider an example of creating a pediment. Let assume we have a wall 4500 mm long
and 20 rows high. We'll need a pediment of 5 rows height, which will start from the 21th row. First
of all, let's edit the wall parameters so that the number of the last row be 25th. Then we'll add two
consoles, one - in the beginning and one - in the end of the wall.
To perform these operations select the Console/Add command, indicate the wall where you wish
to add the console, and fill the appeared dialog box Сonsole parameters.
The value of the parameters Projection of first log and Projection of other logs is calculated
using the formula:
Wall length
2 X Number of rows in console
Click the Type and parameters of log end button and fill the box Setting type of log end as
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Description of the system commands
The Angle parameter is calculated by the rule of a right-angled triangle.
Thus you have built a chamfer by one side of the wall.
Further, select the Wall end button in the Console parameters box and repeat the operation.
As a result you will get a wall with roof chamfers:
Creating a pediment by means of a triangular opening.
Let's consider another way of creation of a pediment in a wall using the same parameters as in
the previous example.
In the auxiliary bar select the Opening/Add command, indicate the wall in which you wish to add
an opening and fill the appeared Opening parameters dialog box, as shown in the picture.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
The value of the Movement parameter is equal to the value of Projection of wall beginning
parameter, but taken in opposite sign.
The value of the Threshold height parameter is equal to the number of the latest prior to the
chamfer wall row.
The value of parameter d is calculated as follows:
There is an option of setting an angle instead of an altitude for a triangular opening. For this
purpose activate the item a by putting a point before d or h parameters. Further, click the button
For chamfered log end and fill the box Type of log end setting as follows:
The Angle field can be left blank. The system calculates the angle automatically by using the
values of opening parameters. Thus, you have built a chamfer by one side of the wall.
Further, call again the Opening parameters box. In this box check the Save parameters option,
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Description of the system commands
for the Shape select
item and put a point before the from end item:
As a result you will get a wall with roof chamfers:
Place notches
A notch is a hollow in a log at place of intersection of wall logs. After the walls are built and the
openings are placed in walls, it is necessary to define the places for notches. Select
Logworks/Wall/Notches item from the additional menu. This command deletes old notches if they
already exist and puts down them anew.
There is such a concept as a standard notch. It is a notch which results at an intersection of two
logs of an identical material with row displacement, cut through at an angle of 90 degrees. But not
all notches are the standard notches. The type of a notch depends on how the logs are intersected.
In the given below table all types log intersections available in LogWorks Designer system are
presented (top view).
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
Table of log intersection types
Type 1: logs 1 and 2 intersect each other all the way through.
Type 2: the end of log 1 lays inside log 2 and goes beyond its axis.
Type 3: the end of log 1 lays inside log 2 and does not reach its axis or goes
beyond its axis.
Type 4:
The end of log 1 lays inside log 2 and does not reach its axis or goes beyond
its axis.
The end of log 2 lays inside log 1 and goes beyond its axis.
Type 5:
The end of log 1 does not reach the log 2 axis or goes beyond its axis.
The end of log 2 does not reach the log 1 axis or goes beyond its axis.
Type 6: the ends of logs 1 and 2 lay inside each other and go beyond the
Type 7: logs 1 and 2 do not intersect or touch each other.
When the end of log 1 goes beyond the axis of log 2, its projection length is limited by the
following values:
– In intersections of Type 3, Type 4, Type 5 by the value not exceeding the value of the
Maximum projection of blind saddle notch;
– In intersections of Type 2, Type 6 by the value exceeding the value of the Maximum
projection of blind saddle notch parameter.
When the end of log 2 goes beyond the axis of log 1, its projection length is limited by the
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Description of the system commands
following values:
– In intersections of Type 5 by the value not exceeding the value of the Maximum projection of
blind saddle notch parameter;
– In intersections of Type 4, Type 6 by the value exceeding the value of the Maximum projection
of blind saddle notch parameter.
For each type of intersection you may set an individual type of log joint.
In the given below table are presented all possible log joint types available in LogWorks
Type 1: Without joint.
Side view
Type 2: Intersecting logs are cut to fit each other. The
dimensions of the top and bottom notches are defined according to
parameters specified in the Sections guide.
Side view
Type 3: Insertion. The notch dimensions
automatically according to dimensions of the first log.
Top view
Type 4: Dovetail. Notch parameters must be specified.
Top view
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LogWorks Designer 6.1
Type 5: Lock. Notch parameters must be specified.
Top view
Type 6: Chamfered cutting.
Top view
The necessary joint types can be specified in the Material bookmark of the Logworks
parameters dialog box.
At an intersection of two logs, one of which is prohibited to cut the notch is put in the log which
is allowed for cutting.
If none of the intersected logs can be cut, or if the specified connection cannot be created, the
system produces an error message: «Conflict at wall (beam) notches determination …»
Walls and beams modifying commands delete all notches in the walls which they edit. That is
why after modifying a wall or a beam it is necessary to recall the command
Logworks/Wall/Notches. You don't need to run this command after each modifying of walls
and beams. It is enough to recreate the notches before dividing long logs and putting log
fasteners and through bolts, as well as before the creation of reports.
Divide and modify long logs
Divide long logs
Logs which length exceeds the maximum allowable, can be divided. The maximum allowable
length is specified in the Material bookmark of the Logworks parameters box.
For division of the logs use the Logworks/Log/Divide command. To set the parameters of
division from the shortcut menu select the Parameters item and fill the box Log joint type setting:
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Description of the system commands
In the Number of rows field specify the quantity of rows that can be successively divided in
one point. It is the designer who decides this. This parameter is introduced to avoid placement of
division points in a wall one over another. If this parameter is set equal to quantity of rows then all
the division points in a wall will be laid one over another in one line.
Min. distance from notch parameter specifies the minimum allowable distance from the
center of a notch up to a division point.
A check mark in the Divide only in notches field enables a mode when log division points are
put solely in notches. If the system does not find notches for putting the division points, the log
remains long.
When the mode Divide only in notches is turned off, by using the button Division priorities
you can specify your priorities of determining the division points.
The system divides logs one by one starting from the bottom. At division it considers the
already divided bottom log. Optimization criteria are applied to each log according to the position of
the criterion in the box. First of all the program uses the optimization rule Division of log in notch
which is in the first place in the list. If a log has notches the system "will try" to place the division
points in notches. If it is not possible to divide a log according to the first criterion, the system
continues to search for division points following the Minimize number of divisions for one log
criterion, and so on:
· Maximize log length - the logs are divided so that the length of the logs remaining after division
be maximum close to the Max. log length parameter value.
· Maximize distance between division points - the logs are divided so that the distance between
the nearest division points of the logs belonging to adjacent rows, be maximum possible.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
· Consider log length ratio - the logs are divided so that the length of the logs remaining after
division be multiple to the Log length ratio parameter value wherever possible (see, the
Material bookmark of the chapter Setup of parameters of a new project).
Upon the termination of the division the program will notify you about the logs which it was
unable to divide and will suggest to divide these logs manually. There are beams for which the
Beam can be cut parameter may be turned off. The logs of such beams are not cut and are
automatically appended to the list of long logs.
You can specify your personal order of division of logs optimization process. For this from the
lines Group:1, Maximize distance between division points and Consider log length ratio by
left-clicking select the criterion preferred by you and then move it to the top of the list using Up
button. You can perform this operation with the contents of Group:1 as well. For example, it is
most important for you that the logs resulted after division be of maximum length possible. To
achieve this in Group:1 left-click on the line Maximize log length and click Up until this line
becomes the first in the list. Then, using Up and Down buttons swap if necessary the other two
criteria from Group:1.
The groups Division outside notch and Division in notch specify the parameters of joint of
divided logs outside and inside of the notch accordingly.
The Allowance for log end and Allowance for log beginning parameters set the value per
which the system extends the divided log in the place of division. On geometrical model of the
house these parameters are not displayed in any way. They can be found in the Log table report of
the Specification of wall elements table in the form of the shaded rectangles located by the ends
of a log (see, the chapter Create reports, section Log table). They can also be found in the Log
parameters setting box. These allowances are considered at cutout.
The button Joint parameters calls the box Log joint type:
The parameter Cutting type allows to select the type of log joint in division points (see, the
Table of log end cutting types).
· If you put a check mark in the Staple field, the system will put metal staples for connecting
logs in division points. Staples are not displayed on the drawing. All the staples are registered
in Material register.
· If in the group of parameters Division outside notch for the parameter Cutting type you
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Description of the system commands
select the Straight tenon, the Notch, the two new parameters will be added to the dialog box:
Dowel and Joint . If the Dowel field is checked the logs will be connected in the following
Top view.
The system will count all the dowels of the project, their quantity will be shown in the report
Material register (see, the chapter Create reports, section Material register).
If you select the Joint field the system will modify logs in such a way that in a junction one will
have a mortise and another - a tenon.
Top view.
After setting the division parameters it is needed to select the manual or the automatic
command operating mode. The default operating mode of the system is manual where logs are
divided one by one. On system request indicate which log needs to be divided. This log will be
highlighted yellow. Then indicate the position of the dividing point by using the mouse or in the
command line. At the moment of indicating the division point the system displays the current
lengths of the logs resulted after division. The bold font shows the length specified by the designer.
The length of the remaining part of the log is automatically calculated by the program. See the
If a log has notches the cursor will "stick" to a center of a notch every time it will approach the
notch by the distance less than the value of the parameter Minimum distance from notch.
The distance will be counted from the beginning or from the end of the log depending on your
choice in the shortcut menu: the End or the Beginning. If the shortcut menu contains only the
Beginning line it means that the mode of the setting length from the End of the log is turned on. To
change the mode select the Beginning item from the shortcut menu.
A left-click on the division point calls a special yellow line, a so-called, "elastic" which is
displayed above the log. It is necessary for the further division of a log. This "elastic" shows the
distance between the next division point and the end of the already divided log. At the same time
the distance from the new division point and the former ends of the log is displayed on the log.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
Logs which lengths are less than two minimum lengths (see, the Minimum log length
parameter, the Logworks parameters box) cannot be divided. The system will notify you about it.
If you wish to divide all logs of one wall at once, specify the necessary parameters and select
the Wall item form the shortcut menu.
If you wish to divide at once all logs of the project, specify the necessary parameters and select
the All item from the shortcut menu.
If you need to delete an inner part of a log, just add to the required row of this wall an opening
of type Opening of one row height and of necessary length.
To move the log division point use the Logworks/Log/Movement of division point command.
On system request indicate the first and the second log the division point between which you wish
to move. Then using mouse or in the command line indicate the new position of the division point.
At the moment of indicating a division point the system displays the current lengths of the first and
second log. See the picture.
The type of joinery of the divided logs can be changed. To change the type of joint from the
shortcut menu select the Parameters item and specify the new values in the Log log joint type
box. The dividing point here doesn't need to be moved.
To unite back two previously divided logs use the Logworks/Log/Unite command. Only the logs of
one row which butt each other can be united. If it is necessary to unite a number of logs at once,
use the Wall/Fill with logs command. This command will result in creation of new logs without any
notches or divisions in all walls. The logs may be divided anew now.
Modify log parameters
Any log of the wall can be modified without removing it from the wall by using the
Logworks/Log/Edit command. The log length can be modified by moving the position of the
beginning or the end of the log.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Description of the system commands
To change the type of the log end from the shortcut menu select the Parameters item. A dialog
box will appear:
In the fields of the Log position group of parameters the name of the modified log will be
displayed. It consists of:
· The name of a wall to which this log belongs.
· The number of a row.
· The number of the log in a row.
In the fields Wood species, Section the material of a log is indicated. It is the same as the
material of the wall or a beam to which the modified log belongs.
The Compensatory groove and the Length notch items appear in a box only if the section
current type is a round log. Its length can be found in the Length field.
The informational fields the Allowance from the left and the Allowance from the right display
the value of the maximum allowance, assigned to the given log. A log can have:
· An allowance for half-saddle notch.
· An allowance in log division point.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
The contents of the Workpiece length field is equal to the sum of the values of Log length,
Allowance from the left and Allowance from the right fields.
Table of log end cutting types
Cut by arc
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Description of the system commands
A check mark in the Flat spot for platband field field will result in cutting of a recess for
platband on the corresponding log end. The flat spot parameters are set for the whole project at
once in the bookmark Material of the Logworks parameters box.
Attention! The commands Logworks/Wall/Movement, Logworks/Wall/Mdfy. parameters and
Logworks/Opening automatically delete all changes to the log
parameters, made manually. This is the reason why this command is recommended for
use only after the position of walls and openings has
been approved.
Place and modify log fasteners
8.10.1 Place log fasteners
For defining the position of log fasteners in a wall you can choose either automatic or manual
placement mode. For automatic placement from the auxiliary bar select the Logworks/Log
fasteners/Put command. The Log fastener parameters dialog box will appear:
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
In the Rows group of parameters are specified the numbers of rows where log fasteners will be
· When All parameter is selected the system puts log fasteners all along the height of a wall.
· If you wish to put log fasteners only to the certain rows, turn on the first line of parameters in the
Rows group and specify in fields From and to the numbers of rows bounding placement of log
The parity of the row starting from which the log fasteners will be put is indicated in the Start
with field. The log fasteners are put down from below upwards.
The Drill field is reserved for drawings. In this field you can select one of the methods of drilling
bores for log fasteners:
· All rows - all logs with log fasteners are drilled from top downwards.
· Top row - only the upper log of the two logs holding the log fastener is drilled; the rest of logs are
drilled on-site in the place of house assembly.
The wall model displays only the log fastener placement spots which are shown as segments
starting by the upper log and ending in the middle of the lower. Only the drilling spot is depicted by a
dotted line in the Log table report, if the Concider log fasteners parameter of the Log report
parameters dialog box is turned on.
After clicking OK the log fasteners are put down in the indicated wall by the following rule:
· The wall has specified points of placing notches (if notches have been previously put down).
· Two log fasteners are put on the set distance from each of these points.
· The rest of log fasteners is set at specified interval towards each other. The distance not multiple
to specified, can appear in an interval between two adjacent notches in the centre.
The distance up to the first log fasteners and the step are set in the Settings/Logworks
parameters/Log fasteners box: the parameters Distance from notch to first log fastener and
Distance between log fasteners.
1. The Command Logworks/Log fasteners/Put deletes all previously put log fasteners.
2. If no log fasteners appear in wall after running the Logworks/Log fasteners/Put command,
you need to check if the displaying of of log fasteners is turned on (the dialog box
Settings/Logworks parameters…).
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Description of the system commands
8.10.2 Modify log fasteners
The already placed log fasteners can be modified manually or arranged by means of the
commands Logworks/Log fasteners/Add, Delete, Edit and Multiply. Firstly select the wall in
which log fasteners will be edited:
· In the Add mode:
– In the box Log fastener parameters specify the parameters of a new log fastener by
selecting the line Parameters from the shortcut menu (if it's not done the parameters of
a new log fastener will be the same as of the previous added log fastener).
– Indicate points of placement of new log fasteners.
– Select the shortcut menu command Complete.
· In the Edit mode you can in turn indicate new log fasteners, their new parameters and position.
· In the Multiply mode you can select the log fasteners which you want to copy, indicate their
position at movement and the multiplicity of movement.
· In the Delete mode indicate the log fasteners to delete.
Note: When running the command Log fasteners/Multiply for selecting objects use the standard
script Indicating of geometric objects (see the chapter Standard scripts of K3 Engine
Place and modify through bolts
8.11.1 Place through bolts
For defining the position of through bolts in a wall you can choose either automatic or manual
placement mode. For automatic placement select the Logworks/Through bolts/Put command.
The Through bolt parameters dialog box will appear:
The group of parameters Rows sets height of a through bolt:
· When All parameter is selected the through bolt goes through all logs of the indicated wall (the
first and last row is defined automatically).
· If you wish to use a through bolt which length is less than the height of a wall, in the group Rows
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
select the first line of parameters and in fields From and to specify the numbers of rows
bounding a through bolt.
In the Fixed bearing group of parameters the position (top or bottom) of the fixed end of a
through bolt is specified.
A check mark next to the line With mounting hole starts the mode at which the through bolt
loose end is located not on the extreme row of a wall. In this case the following three parameters
must be defined for a through bolt:
· The number of row in which the fixed bearing is located.
· The number of row in which the mounting hole is located.
· The number of row in which the through bolt hole ends concerning the future shrinkage of a wall.
In the All rows mode the position of a mounting hole is always defined automatically.
The number of row in which the mounting hole is allocated can be specified manually if the first
and last row of a through bolt are clearly specified. To do this you need to remove a check mark
from the Determine mounting hole automatically line and indicate the number of row. One of two
parameters of the Rows group is automatically faded and edited depending on which parameter,
Top or Bottom, is selected from the Fixed bearing group. This happens because the parameters
From, to and Determine mounting hole automatically are mutually dependent.
Parameters of a through bolt are dependent. These parameters also depend on the other
parameters of the system (e.g., the through bolt length cannot be more than the wall height, the
through bolt length depends on the Insulation shrinkage value, the position of a mounting hole
depends on the Wall shrinkage, Position of fixed bearing parameters, etc.). When filling the
Through bolt parameters dialog box you can miss some conditions. To check your mistakes use
the Correction button. By clicking this button the system will check if the parameters specified by
you meet the system rules of placement of through bolts. The Through bolt parameters box will
remain without changes if everything is correct. If any of the parameters is wrong the system will
edit it and will display the changes in the box. Click OK when finished.
You may click OK without using the Correction button. So, if the parameters in the Through
bolt parameters box meet the system rules of placement of through bolts the system will put down
the specified through bolts all at once. In this case if any of the parameters is wrong the system will
edit it and will show it to again. Modify the parameters anew or click OK if everything is correct.
By clicking OK the through bolts will be placed in the indicated wall according to the following
· The wall has already specified points of placing notches and openings.
· Through bolts are put at the specified distance from these points.
· The rest of through bolts is set at specified intervals towards each other until the distance
between them reaches the specified interval.
All the parameters are set in the dialog box Settings/Logworks parameters, in the bookmark
Through bolts: Min. distance from notch to through bolt, Min. distance from opening to
through bolt, Distance between through bolts.
1. The Logworks/Through bolt/Put сommand deletes all previously put through bolts.
2. If after running the Logworks/Through bolt/Put command you don't see any through bolts,
check if displaying of through bolts is turned on (the dialog box Settings/Logworks
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Description of the system commands
8.11.2 Modify through bolts
The already put through bolts can be edited or placed manually by using the commands
Logworks/Through bolt/Delete, Add and Edit. First select the wall in which the through bolts will
be edited:
· In the Add mode:
– Specify the parameters of a new through bolt by selecting a line from the Parameters
shortcut menu of the Through bolt parameters dialog box (if this is not done the
parameters of a new through bolt will be the same as of the previously added through bolt);
– Indicate points of position of new through bolts. For this purpose use the newly appeared on
the wall three horizontal lines, so-called "elastic":
The Upper "elastic" displays the distance between all through bolts of a wall as well
as the distances from a new through bolt to the two closest.The Middle "elastic" displays
the distance from a new through bolt to the nearest openings and notches. Lower
"elastic" displays the distance from a new through bolt to the wall beginning.
– Select the shortcut menu command Complete.
· In the Delete mode it is necessary to indicate the through bolts to delete.
· In the mode Edit:
– Specify the new parameters of the edited through bolt by selecting a line from the
Parameters shortcut menu of the Through bolt parameters dialog box.
– Indicate the new location of the edited through bolts. For this purpose use the appeared
on the wall "elastics". Upper and middle "elastics" act same as in the Through bolt/Add
command (see above). The Lower "elastic" works a little different. It displays:
– Distance between the new position of an edited through bolt and its former place, if the
Movement mode is turned on in the shortcut menu.
– Distance between the new position of an edited through bolt and the beginning of a wall,
if the From base point mode is turned on in the shortcut menu.
– Select the shortcut menu command Complete.
Note: For selecting objects use the standard script Indication of geometric objects (see, the
documentation on the K3 Engine, the chapter Standard scripts).
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
Create, modify and delete boards
8.12.1 Create boards
For creation of boards use the Logworks/Board/Create command. The board can be created
in two ways:
· By two points specifying the beginning and the end of a board.
· By three points: the first two points set the beginning and the end of a board, and the third
defines the board plane.
The mode of building a board by 2 points is set by default. On system request indicate two
points. This operation sets a segment which we shall call a support segment. The beginning of this
segment coincides with the beginning of a board and is represented on the screen by a yellow
cross. Further select the Complete command of the shortcut menu (in the right lower angle of the
screen). By default the board is built in the plane perpendicular to the plane of a current window.
Per width it is built to the left of the beginning of a board; per thickness it is built downwards from
the beginning of a board. The length of the built board is equal to the length of the support
For creation of a board by three points select the item 3 points from the shortcut menu (in the
right lower angle of the screen). On system request firstly indicate the beginning and the end of the
board, and then indicate point defining the plane of the board. Further select the item Complete
from the shortcut menu (in the right lower angle of the screen).
The shortcut menu items Thickness movement and Width movement move a board parallel
by a half of its thickness and by a half of its width counting from its beginning .
The Rotation item rotates a board around the support segment by 90 degrees.
The Parameters line calls the Board parameters setting box where you can specify the
parameters of the board.
In the Material field you can choose one of the materials available in the guide of the current
manufacturer of the Board.
Length is an informational field indicating the length of a board.
The parameters of the Width orientation groups specify the rules of placement of a board by
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Description of the system commands
· To the left - moves a board to the left from the support segment by a half of the board width.
· By center - the support segment passes lengthwise through the middle of the board.
· To the right - moves a board to the right from the support segment by a half of the board width.
In a similar way the parameters of the Width orientation group specify the rules of placement
of a board by thickness.
The Left cutoff and Right cutoff parameters specify the value of the width-cutting of a board.
The Rotation parameter sets the value of rotation of a board about the support segment.
To specify the cutting type of the beginning or the end of a board, use the Type of cutting the
beginning buttons or Type of cutting the end accordingly. A dialog box will appear:
In the Cutting type field from the drop-down list select the required type of board cutting. For
information about available cutting types, see the section Modify log parameters.
8.12.2 Fill with boards
To fill any plane area with boards use the command Logworks/Board/Fill in. It is convenient
at building of a floor, for example.
First of all, using the K3 Engine menu commands create the contours limiting the necessary
area. There are several different methods of specifying areas in K3 Engine system. For more
information on this topic, see the documentation on K3 Engine.
When the contours are created, run the Logworks/Board/Fill in command. On system request
firstly indicate the external boundary of filling area and then the internal, finally click the Complete
line. Further from the shortcut menu you can select:
· The Parameters item. In the opened box Board parameters setting specify the parameters
of the created boards.
· The type of board trimming:
– TrimByContour - boards are trimmed by contour without regard to types of ends cutting
specified in the Board parameters setting box;
– TrimByParameters - boards are trimmed by contour with regard to types of cutting
specified in the Board parameters setting box.
Having done this by means of two points specify direction. All boards of the area will be placed
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
parallel to this direction. When specifying the points it is highly recommended to use the snaps,
described in detail in the K3 Engine documentation.
Further, on system request from the shortcut menu select one of the items responsible for
positioning of a board. If the step of filling specified in the dialog box doesn't meet your requests, it
can be changed. By default the system specifies the step at which the built boards would tightly
adjoin each other. After specifying all parameters of filling click Complete in the shortcut menu.
The area will be filled in the following way:
· There will appear a board passing through the segment-direction.
· There will be constructed boards by the both sides of the first board.
· The boards will be cut with regard to the external and internal boundaries of filling area,
cutting types of the beginning and the end of a board.
8.12.3 Joint boards
To joint boards select the Logworks/Board/Joint command. The Board joint type setting
dialog box will appear:
Select one of the joint types and click OK.
Only boards of identical material can be joint. These boards should lie in parallel planes, the
distance between them cannot exceed their thickness. If boards do not intersect, then in case of
the first type of joint (at angle of 45 degrees) the system will extend the boards up to the line of
intersection. In other cases one board will be pulled to another board which was indicated first.
8.12.4 Modify boards
To modify boards select the Logworks/Board/Edit command and indicate the board you wish
to modify.
You can modify a board in the following ways:
· To modify the board length you must select from the shortcut menu the Beginning or the End
items. This choice depends on the end from which you want your board to be shortened or
· To change the position of the board from the shortcut menu select the items Width movement,
Thickness movement, Rotation;
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Description of the system commands
· To change the board parameters from the shortcut menu select the Parameters line.
Boards can be moved, copied, rotated by the means of the menu commands K3/Edit
/Conversions/Movement and K3/Edit/Conversions/Rotation. For more information on work of
these commands, see the documentation on K3 Engine.
8.12.5 Board groups
To a group of boards there can be assigned a name. In this case all boards from the Board
table belonging to this group of boards will be extracted into a separate table.
Run the command Logworks/Board/Define group. Indicate the necessary boards and click
the shortcut menu item Complete. A dialog box will appear
In the Board group field specify the name of the created group or select it from the list of already
existing names. In the Board table report all boards belonging to a group with a name Floor, for
example, will be extracted to a separate table with the name Floor.
8.12.6 Delete boards
For deleting a board select the Logworks/Board/Delete command and indicate the board you wish
to delete. For deleting of all boards from the shortcut menu select the item All. It is also
recommended to review the section Indicate objects.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
Set reports
The manager of reports application of LogWorks Designer controls the creation of all reports in
system. The main function of the manager of reports is to control that all the reports correspond to
the project current status. For this purpose special icons are used:
- The report is created and doesn't need to be recreated.
- The report is created, but it needs to be recreated in view of the applied changes.
- The report is edited manually.
- The report is not created.
To launch the manager run the main menu command Settings/Project reports or use an icon
Attention! The project is automatically saved and the undo buffer is cleaned when this command is
Before starting the creation of reports, the manager checks the project for presence of notches.
If the notches are absent or they are put down partially a warning appears:
If such warning appears you can either abort the creation of a report by clicking Cancel, or
ignore the warning and continue the creation. In this case in log drawings the notches will be
represented incorrectly or will be absent at all.
After this the project is checked for logs which length exceeds the maximum admissible (see,
the section Setup of parameters of a new project). A warning is generated when the system
founds such logs:
If you want to extract the long logs into a separate table inside the Specification of wall
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
elements, select the buttons Add to table or Add to table all. In the first case the table will consist
only of the long logs for which the Add to table button has been clicked. In the second case the
table will include all long logs of the house. The Skip all button turns on mode of creating report
without a separate table Long logs.
When the check process is completed the Project reports box appears on the screen:
In the left part of the box there is a list of folders containing the reports registered for the given
If some reports of the project are not necessary they can be hidden. To hide some reports
select the top line of the list and click Add or Delete buttons. A window will appear:
The Registered reports are the reports registered in the Reports guide.
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LogWorks Designer 6.1
The Reports used in the project are the reports created for the current project.
By means of buttons
you can create lists of Registered
reports and Reports used in the project.
Attention! After you have registered a new report in the Reports guide use the buttons Add or
Delete to make it appear in the Project reports box.
There are two types of reports: tables and drawings.
Table-reports can be divided:
· By rows. For this purpose select the necessary folder of the report and click the Add button in the
right part of the box. One new report will appear in the folder. Select the report and specify the
numbers of the required rows in the Rows group of parameters. Meanwhile in the field V= the
system calculates the cubic capacity of material of the selected rows. It can be calculated roughly
- Do not consider hollows button, and exactly - Consider hollows button (considering length
grooves, notches and sawcuts).
· By walls. For this purpose use the Wall elements group of parameters. From the top field of the
group select the Selectively item and put the check marks next to the necessary walls.
The Check button will help you to see whether the report have been divided correctly. This
button is available when the report folder is active. If the division was made correctly the appeared
Check box would indicate ones only.
There can be several drawing-reports in one folder. For example, by using the button Add you
can create as many reports in a Floor plan as the number of storeys in the house. For each new
floor you should indicate two heights (in millimeters): the Height1 - is the height of the floor of a
storey, the Height2 - is the height of the ceiling of a storey. You can use this order of work when
you work with the Plan of beams report. The only difference is that for each new plan you must
specify only one height (in millimeters). Height1 - is the height on which beams are located. The
report will not be created if there are no beams present on the specified height.
The number of reports in a Wall involutes folder is equal to the number of the walls in the
project and cannot be changed. But you may create only the necessary involutes. For this by using
the check marks select the involutes that you need.
Now let's speak about the parameters of the reports. They are specified for the whole folder at
once by the means of the Parameters button. For more information on this topic, see the Report
parameters chapter. For the tabular reports laying inside the folder, you can modify such paper
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
parameters as margins, orientation, size, etc. To edit these parameters select the required report
and click the button Margin width. The Margin width dialog box will appear:
First of all from the field Size select the size of paper of the report: A3, A4 or Letter. Further in
the floor Orientation specify the portrait or the landscape report orientation. The Paper width field
is filled automatically depending on the paper size selected.
Further specify the values of the Report fields group of parameters. Check the columns which
you wish to see in the table and change their names if necessary. To the right of the check mark
you can specify the width of a table cell that corresponds to the selected field. All the values are
specified in millimeters. After the width of all cells are specified, it is automatically summarized and
displayed in the Table width field. The result should be less or equal to the value from the Paper
width field. Otherwise the system will not create the report and will generate the warning:
When the value of the Table width is less than the Paper width value the spare space is added to
the drawing field.
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LogWorks Designer 6.1
Report parameters
To each report there corresponds a dialog box where can be set such parameters of the report as
the style of displaying the dimensions, colors, line width, etc. To call this box in the left part of the
Report parameters box select the folder of the necessary report and click the Parameters button.
Log table
The Log table report represents a table of log drawings, notches and log ends with displays the
numbers of logs, log fasteners, through bolts, notches, sealants, etc.
The Log report parameters dialog box looks like this:
The dimensions in log drawings can be put down in two ways: in chain or from base. When
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the from base mode is selected it is possible to indicate which log end will be taken as basic. It is
also possible to enable the parameter From division point, which changes the base on the logs
with only one division point. The log dimensions can be specified from the log end if the notch is
located by a distance of the wall projection from the log end. To enable the mode of specifying the
dimensions from the log end turn on the parameter From standard projection.
The Character height group of parameters specifies height of characters for the inscriptions of
dimensions and the text height in drawings.
Let's describe the parameters of the group Creation of log drawing.
A log table can be generated in two modes. In the first mode the system searches for identical
logs and collates them into one line of the table, in the second mode the system doesn't collate the
logs. You can switch between these two modes with the help of the Collate identical parameter. If
sorting by walls is enabled the system searches for logs within one wall only. When sorting by
walls is disabled all the logs are sorted by material in order of decrease of log length.
A check mark in the Log section field enables mode of displaying log sections in the log
When the Consider sawcuts field is checked the system puts dimensions of position and
depth of sawcuts in the drawings. The Adjustment cutting mode becomes available when the
check mark in the Consider sawcuts field is absent. In this mode sawcuts are displayed in the
drawings by a dotted line, and the dimensions are not put.
The All notches and log ends parameter is used for creating reports for the specified rows
only. In this mode the system creates a complete Table of log ends and notches even for a few
rows selected. Otherwise, for the rows provided for the report the system creates an individual table
containing the log ends and notches found in these rows only. The numeration of all log ends
and notches is identical in both cases!
The inscriptions on log drawings notifying about the absence of compensation and length
grooves are regulated by the Inscriptions on log parameter.
Check marks in the Lower scale of notches and Upper scale of notches fields lead to
appearance of an appropriate chain of the notch dimensions. The lower scale of notches is created
according to the selected above method of producing the dimensions: in chain or from base. The
dimensions of the upper scale will be put down in chain if the lower scale dimensions are put from
base and vice versa. The Notch center and Notch edges fields of the Lower scale of notches
group of parameters are actual for rectangular notches only.
When the Consider log fasteners and Consider through bolts fields are checked, on
drawings the system puts dimensions of positions of the log fastener and through bolt bores
accordingly. The Common scale parameter makes it possible to set a common scale of
dimensions for these two types of bores.
A check mark in the By walls field of the Sorting parameter group enables mode of creation of
a report in which all logs of the project are grouped by walls. When the By length parameter is
checked the system arranges logs of each wall in order of decrease of their length. When sorting
By walls is turned off the system sorts all project logs by material in order of decrease of their
length. The logs of the By unique number type of numeration could be sorted by length only.
Having filled the box, click the Create button. There will be generated a report consisting of the
tables Specification of wall elements and Notches and log ends. The Specification of wall
elements table contains a list of all logs of the project grouped by walls, beams and columns,
lengths of the logs and their detailed drawing. The Notches and log ends table contains all types
of log ends and notches built in the house. This table is created when the log ends or notches carry
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LogWorks Designer 6.1
some special features such as a corner notch.
Below are given the examples of Log table report tables.
A page from the Log table report for the first type of log numeration
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A page from the Log table report for the second type of log numeration
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LogWorks Designer 6.1
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A fragment from the report Log table: notches and log ends
The Nameplates report is a table of log numbers used as stickers on logs.
The report dialog box looks like this:
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LogWorks Designer 6.1
A page from the Nameplates report
Wall involutes
The Involute parameters dialog box looks like this:
The dimensions in log involutes can be put down in two ways: in chain or from base. When
from base mode is selected it is possible to indicate which log end will be taken as basic. In the
Display group of parameters check the parameters which you want to be shown in involute.
A check mark in the Scale field enables mode of creation of a report with a scale of rows to the
left of the drawing. A сheck mark in the Right scale field leads to appearance of scales of rows in
involute. One scale is located to the right and other - to the of the drawing.
In the Color parameter group you can specify colors that will be assigned to the report items.
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To assign colors left-click on a small rectangle to the left of the necessary item and select color
from the appeared graphic palette.
All height marks (the lower point of an opening, the lower and upper points of a column without
considering hollows) are counted from the grade level. The grade level is specified in the field
Grade level position of the Wall parameters box.
A column laying in wall intersections is displayed in involutes of both walls.
Below is presented an example of the Wall involutes report.
Floor plan and room area
The Plan parameters dialog box looks like this:
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LogWorks Designer 6.1
On the floor plan are put the wall axes and the distances between them. For each selected room
the system can calculate the floor area, the area of flat sectors of walls, the visible area of walls
(logs), the room volume and the wall perimeter. The wall area is calculated in view of the window
and door openings. The dimensions of walls and openings, the distances between axes, as well as
the overall dimensions of windows, doors and openings can be put down on the plan.
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The Floor plan report
Beam plan
The Log report parameters dialog box looks like this:
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LogWorks Designer 6.1
Put check marks for the parameters that you want to be displayed on the plan and click OK.
On the plan walls are presented by a thin dotted line. Beams are depicted by the main solid line and
beam axes - by a dotted auxiliary line. The system puts the dimensions of walls, wall and beam
axes and the distances from beams to nearest walls.
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Plan of courses
The Parameters of courses plan dialog box looks like this:
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LogWorks Designer 6.1
Put check marks next to the parameters that you want to be displayed on the plan and click OK
Let's describe the parameters of the report.
In the Line width group of parameters you can specify the width of the main lines which are
used for drawing the rows, and the width of the auxiliary lines - for drawing the dimensions. These
parameters are required for printing the plan.
In the Dimensions group of parameters put check marks for the parameters that you want to
be displayed on the plan.
The type of displaying rows is specified in a Rows group:
· Current only - the drawing of one row.
· With preceding - the drawing of the current row and one row beneath it.
· With all underneath - the drawing of the current row and all rows beneath it.
In the Color group of parameters you can specify colors for displaying the report items. To
assign colors left-click on a small rectangle to the left of the necessary item and select color from
the appeared graphic palette.
On drawings there are displayed:
· Wall names.
· Wall axes and distances between them.
· Wall projections.
· Log unique numbers.
· Distances between logs located in one row.
If you decide to edit some of resulted drawings click the Edit button in the Project reports box. The
system will launch the K3 Engine geometry editor. In the window of the editor you will see a Plan
of courses not similar to the plan that you saw at review. It happens because the plans of all rows
are displayed on the screen at the same time and drawings are located one over another. The one
layer corresponds one row. You can leave active only the necessary layer, and hide all the others.
Operation with layers is described in detail in the K3 Engine documentation.
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A fragment of the Plan of courses report
Log cutout
The Log cutout report presents the charts of optimum cutout. The charts are designed to minimize
the construction costs and the amount of building residues.
The Cutout parameters dialog box looks like this:
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LogWorks Designer 6.1
The lengths of the logs that will be used at cutout, the so-called lengths of workpieces, are
shown at creation of a new project in the Choose Material dialog box. These lengths are specified
in the Wall material guide.
The Unite logs by condition group of parameters affects logs. If all parameters of the group
are checked, then at cutout the system attempts to locate all logs with open half-saddle notches in
such manner that the half-saddle notches form an entire notch. In this case the whole saddle notch
will be cut at the factory. Please note, that in this case the log would be a half of sawcut width
The Sawcut group of parameters.
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The Sawcut width - is the length (in millimeters) by which is shortened the length of workpiece
per one sawcut.
The Log end allowance - is the value of cutting of the front (left) end of a log.
The Cutout group of parameters.
The Min. length of reusable residue - the residue of workpiece which length exceeds this
value is considered as a reusable residue.
The Min. cutting length from the edge - the distance from the end of the last log to the edge
of workpiece should not exceed this value. The contrary is possible only when the Max extension.
length of the last log value is positive. In this case the Min. cutting length from the edge value
is decreased by the value of parameter Max. extension length of the last log.
The Min. technological length of workpiece - is the minimum admissible length of the last
log with residue.
The Cutout ratio - is the number of identical projects for which one cutout will be made. It's
obvious that the more number of walls and rows taken for cutout the more optimal usage of
material is achieved and the less residues are resulted.
The Parameters of drawing for cutout group of parameters.
The parameter Collate identical workpieces starts the mode of searching for identical
workpieces and their groupment into one line of the table.
A fragment of a cutout chart with identical workpieces not collated
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LogWorks Designer 6.1
A fragment of a cutout chart with identical workpieces collated
If want you the numbers of identical workpieces to be removed from the cutout charts to a
separate table, put a check mark before the Separate table parameter.
If the sketch representation of logs in the form of rectangles without notches, sawcuts, etc. suits
you, select the Cutout scheme item from the Create field.
Pages from the Cutout report , the Cutout scheme display mode
If you want to have a detailed log drawing, select the Cutout drawing and click the
Parameters button. The Parameters of log drawing for cutout dialog box will appear on the
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The dimensions in log drawings can be put down in two ways: in chain or from base. When
the from base mode is selected it is possible to indicate which log end will be taken as basic.
Let's describe the parameters of the Creation of log drawing group.
A check mark in the Lower scale of notches field leads to appearance of an appropriate chain
of the notch dimensions. The Notch center and Notch edgesfields are actual for rectangular
notches only.
When the Consider sawcuts field is checked the system puts dimensions of position and
depth of sawcuts in the drawings. The mode Adjustment cutting becomes available when the
check mark in Consider sawcuts field is absent. In this mode sawcuts are displayed in the
drawings by a dotted line, and the dimensions are not put.
When the Consider log fasteners and Consider through bolts fields are checked, on
drawings the system puts dimensions of positions of the log fastener and through bolt bore
accordingly. The Common scale parameter makes it possible to set a common scale of
dimensions for these two types of bores.
In the cutout charts logs are grouped by material. For each type of material a table of templates
is created. Each of the templates contains one or several logs with the log unique numbers and
lengths as well as the residues from the cutout. The non-reusable residues are hatched. Each
reusable residue is marked by the R.R. letters and on the residue its length is inscribed. For each
material the system calculates the volume of workpieces and the amount of waste in cubicmeters
and in percent.
After creating the cutout charts the Total material consumption table is generated:
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LogWorks Designer 6.1
The system also creates a table of stickers for the reusable residues:
Material register
The Material register report presents a table of materials used in the project, along with the
quantity of material calculated in specified measurement units.
The Material register parameters dialog box looks like this:
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Check the materials which you want to be shown in the register. In a column Amount of
characters you can specify the necessary accuracy of calculation of material. In the next column
measurement units for the current material are selected. The wall material can be calculated with
and without considering hollows in logs, depending on the method selected in the Project reports
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LogWorks Designer 6.1
For a detailed description of operation in this window, see the Reports preview and print
Now let's examine separately each material from the register and learn the rules of calculating
its amount.
Wall material - is a round or a square log used for building walls and beams.
Measurement unit: cub m (cubic meter) or r m (running meter)
Calculation formula:
Do not consider hollows:
Material cubic volume = Summarized cubic volume of all logs of the house
Volume of one log = Square of log section x Length of log
Сonsider hollows:
Material cubic volume = Summarized cubic volume of all logs - Summarized volume of
all hollows in logs
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For a round log, the square of section is equal to the square of a circle.
For a square log, the square of section is equal to the product of section height by section
Insulation canvas - is sealant put between logs.
Measurement unit: s m (square meter) or r m (running meter)
Calculation formula:
Canvas square = canvas length x canvas width
Canvas length = Log length (with notches) x Number of logs
The value of canvas width parameter is taken from the Sections guide.
Bar - is material for log fasteners and mounting bars.
Measurement unit: cub m (cubic meter)
Calculation formula:
Volume of log fasteners = Cubic volume of one log fastener x Number of log fasteners
Square log fastener:
Volume of one log fastener =X x Y x Z, where X, Y - length and width of the log fastener
section; Z - length of one standard (short) log fastener. The values of these parameters are
taken from the Log fasteners guide.
Round log fastener:
Volume of one log fastener = (3,14 x X 2/4) x Z, where X - diameter of the log fastener
section; Z - length of one standard (short) log fastener. The values of these parameters are
taken from the Log fasteners guide.
Groove square = Groove depth x Groove width, where the parameters Groove depth and
Groove width are taken from the Log end type setting box. To call the box click the For straight
log end button from the Opening parameters box.
The Opening height is equal to the value of parameter h, considering the integrity of row from
the Aperture parameters box.
Cubiс volume of mounting bar = Groove square x Aperture height in meters (only whole rows
are counted).
Number of through bolts, number of fixed bearings,
Number of threaded couplings - are the quantities of parts used for assembly of
composite through bolts.
Measurement unit: pcs (pieces)
Calculation formula:
Number of through bolts = Total number of standard through bolts used for assembly of
composite through bolts of the whole house
A composite through bolt is assembled of standard through bolts which length is specified in
the Length field, in the Through bolt bookmark of the Logworks parameters box.
Let’s consider an example of calculating the amount of standard through bolts required for
assembly of one composite through bolt. Let length of a composite through bolt be 2500 mm, and
length of a standard one (Length parameter from the Logworks parameters box) be 1000 mm.
The number of the standard through bolts composing composite one will be equal to quotient out of
2500 and 1000, rounded off to an integer number. As a result we get 3 standard through bolts.
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LogWorks Designer 6.1
Number of fixed bearings = Number of composite through bolts
Number of threaded couplings = Number of threaded couplings used for assembly of
composite through bolts of the whole house.
Let’s consider an example of calculating the amount of threaded couplings required for
assembly of one composite through bolt. Let the composite through bolt be composed of three
standard ones, and the value of the Number of threaded couplings parameter (see the section
Logworks parameters setting) be equal 1, then amount of threaded couplings for one composite
through bolt will be equal to the number of joints multiplied by the value of Number of threaded
couplings parameter: (3 - 1) x 1 = 2.
Staples - are staples for fastening divided logs.
Measurement unit: pcs (pieces)
Calculation formula:
Number of staples = Number of log division points
Staples are put down in the project at running of the Log/Divide command on condition that a
check mark is put in the Staple field of the Log joint type box:
Dowels - corresponds for the material used for dowels.
A dowel is a plug used for filling a hollow in a log, resulted at the place of log division.
Dowels are used by the system in the project only if the following settings have been specified in
the Log joint type box (see above):
· The Cutting type parameter reads - Straight tenon.
· The Cut parameter reads - Groove.
· The Dowel field has a check mark.
Measurement unit: cub m (cubiс meters)
Calculation formula:
Volume of dowels = Volume of one dowel x Number of dowels in the project
Volume of one dowel = 2 x Groove depth x Groove width x Height of row. The Groove depth
and Groove width parameters are taken from the Log joint type box (see above).
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Board table
The Board table report is a table of board numbers and their lengths.
The dialogue card for the this report looks like this:
If to group of boards there is assigned a name, for this group the system will create an
individual report named after this group. As many names are assigned as many reports will be
created by the system. Thus, the Board table report will contain only untitled boards.
A fragment of the Board table report is shown below.
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LogWorks Designer 6.1
Create reports
After you have decided the parameters of reports pass to their creation. You can get a one,
several or all reports at once. To create all reports at once in the Project reports box select the
upper line of the list
, put a check
mark there and click the Create button. If you want only some reports to be created, remove check
marks from the unnecessary folders. For creation of the reports from one folder, select the folder
name, put a check mark and click Create. For creation of only one report, select the report inside
its folder and click Create.
Edit reports
The created drawing-report can be edited by means of the Edit button from the Project
reports dialog box. This command launches the K3 Engine geometrical editor which allows you to
make the necessary changes by the means of K3 Engine menu. For more information on this
topic, see the K3 Engine documentation.
The resulted table-report can be viewed only, or using the export button
into any of the offered formats and make your changes there.
you can convert it
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Preview and print reports
You can view the received drawings and tables of the current report and send them to printer.
Note. For correct displaying of table reports on the screen, you need to have at least one printer
driver installed onto your system.
Preview and print of table-reports.
For previewing of the table-reports the Preview window appears. In this window you can move,
scale, browse the report, etc. For this use the toolbar buttons:
The button
searches for any text in the report. It may help you to find, for example, a log
with a specified name, etc.
In the Preview window the created report can be viewed only and cannot be edited. But by
using the export button
you can convert it into any of the offered formats and make your
changes there.
When all alterations are made and the table-reports are ready you can send them to printer by
clicking the Print button. In the appeared dialog box specify the printing parameters and click OK.
Preview and print of drawing-reports.
For previewing of the drawing-reports the Preview of created drawings window appears. In
this window you can see the created drawings of the report.
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LogWorks Designer 6.1
An example of the Wall involutes report preview window
In the Preview of created drawings window you can:
· Move the image in any direction. For this using the mouse click-and-drag the drawing in
necessary direction.
· Dynamically scale the image of the drawing. To do this point the cursor on the selected
fragment of the drawing and scroll the mouse wheel towards you or from you depending on
whether you want to zoom in or to zoom out the image.
· Select a part of the image using frame.
In the Preview of the created drawings window the created reports can be viewed only and
cannot be edited. For editing the reports use the Edit button from the Project reports dialog box.
If the reports don't need any further editing you can sent them to printer by clicking the Print
button. A preview window will appear on the screen:
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The window headline displays all information about the printer that will be used: the printer
name, paper orientation (portrait or landscape) and printing quality. If you wish to use another
printer or wish to modify printing parameters, click the Printer … button and make your settings.
The left part of the window contains printing area. If the Preview mode is enabled in this area
you can see how the printed pages would look like with all your settings applied.
To pass from one page of the report to another use buttons located to the left and to the right
from the navigation field.
If you wish to print a page, put a check mark in the Print field. By default the system prints all
the pages of the report.
In Printing modes field (see the picture above) you can quickly select the pages you wish to
Print all pages of the report. In this mode check marks are put for all pages in
the Print field.
Don't print any of the pages. In this mode check marks for all pages in the
Print field are removed.
Up to current
Print all pages starting from the first up to the current page (the page opened
at present moment).
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LogWorks Designer 6.1
From current
Print all pages starting from the current page till the last page.
Print only the page opened at present moment.
Except current
Print all pages except for current.
Print only the pages that at specified scale fit one page.
Print only the pages selected with check marks in the Selection window. This
window appears after clicking the Selectively line.
The right part of the window contains controls allowing to change printing parameters.
If you check the Visible part of viewport field the the system will print not the whole drawing
but only the part that is visible in the printing area.
Having specified the values of the fields Left, Right, Top, Bottom in group of parameters
Fields, define the margins around the drawing. You can define the precise position of the drawing
on the page using the parameters form the Adjustment group of parameters.
The scale of the drawing is specified by the Scaling group of controls. The mode Fit page is
turned on by default. In this mode the system for each drawing calculates the scale so that the
drawing fit the specified size of paper including margins. When the Fit page mode is disabled, you
can specify the common scale for all pages by putting a check mark in the Common scale field.
The system will automatically calculate the one common scale at which any of the drawings will fit
the paper of the specified size. When both of these modes are turned off you can specify any
desired scale in the field remaining active. Note, that in this case the system doesn't control that the
drawing correctly fit the page. You can see which parts of the drawing will be printed after your
settings by selecting the line Selectively from the printing modes field.
In the Lines group of controls you can set the parameters of printing lines.
The Line width field specifies the width of the lines of objects which line width is set equal zero.
All other objects will be printed with their specified width of lines. The width can be specified in units
most convenient for you.
The All lines in one color field defines if any color will be used at printing. When this item is
not specified, on monochrome printers the system prints all colors in grayscale.
The Replace white color item searches for all white lines of the image and replaces them with
grey lines. Otherwise such lines result invisible on white paper.
If in the Frame group of parameters items Around page or Around drawing are checked, the
system will automatically add to the drawing one or two frames accordingly. In the Frame indent
field is specified the value of an indent of the frame from the drawing. This parameter can be
selected so that all inscriptions of the drawing do not get beyond its frame.
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Note. To see the image of your drawing with all the changes applied press Tab from the keyboard.
Having specified all printing parameters click OK.
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LogWorks Designer 6.1
Create photorealistic images
You have successfully created a project. Now let's see how to view the project in color mode. For
creation of photorealistic images make active the window of the necessary view and click the button
on the Scene general commands toolbar or run the main menu command View/Current
view visualization mode/Halftone. The material or the color set by default or previously specified
by you will be mapped onto the model.
Note. Using the button
may result that the image appears on the screen " all in black ":
This happens when check marks are put in the Walls and Beams fields of the Logworks
parameters box. Remove the check marks and enable the Wall logs and Beam logs parameters.
When the image of the project still remains "unmapped", this means that none of the Material
libraries has been connected to the project (for more information on working with libraries, see the
Table of materials section). Run the main menu command Settings/Halftone display/Table of
materials and in the appeared window click the button Attach. Further, in the File dialog box to
assign or to upload a file
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Create photorealistic images
Further, in the File dialog box to assign or to upload a file in the folder Bin select a library file
As a result a "mapped" image of the house will appear on the screen:
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LogWorks Designer 6.1
After that you can specify the material of an entire wall, of a separate log or of any other scene
object. For mapping of scene objects, see the next section of manual Map objects with material.
Map objects with material
To map an object with the necessary material click the toolbar button
or run of main menu
command Objects/Displaying/Mapping by organizer. Then, from the shortcut menu select the
mapping mode that you prefer:
Entirely - the objects united into group are mapped all at once;1
Partially - the objects united into group are mapped separately.
By tree - the system maps the objects which have been selected from the object structure tree.
Note. If you need to map an entire wall, select the Entirely mode. If you need to map separate logs,
select the Partially mode.
Further, on system request indicate the object you want to map and click Сomplete in the
shortcut menu. The dialog box Halftone mapping by organizer of materials will appear:
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Create photorealistic images
The material tree, that is to say the material organizer is located on the left hand side, the field
for setting the angle of rotation of mapped material relatively to the object is located to the right.
Select the necessary material, specify the rotation angle and click OK.
You can add to the tree as many new materials as you want. There you can also modify the
parameters of already existing material. For information on this topic, see the Material organizer
To learn about working with libraries, read the Table of materials section.
Material organizer
To facilitate the process of mapping objects the in K3 Engine system the Material organizer
has been created. To call the Material organizer run the main menu command Settings/Halftone
display/Material organizer. A dialog box will appear:
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
The material tree is located on the left hand side, the bookmarks Composition and Halftone
parameters - to the right, below is located the number of the current material in library. All controls
managing and creating the materials in organizer are gathered in the Composition bookmark. In
the Halftone parameters bookmark you can find the necessary library and the material (when
several libraries are connected to LogWorks Designer, refer to the Table of materials section of
this manual). Here you can also specify the parameters of mapping the material to object, its scale
and many other display parameters.
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Create photorealistic images
Modifying of materials of the material organizer
If you want to modify a material, select it in the material tree and click the Halftone parameters
bookmark. Three additional bookmarks Material, Overlapping, Additional will appear in the box.
To assign to the selected material of the organizer tree another material from the library (for
more information on working with libraries, see the Table of materials section) open the Material
bookmark. Then select the necessary library, choose the material and click the Assign button.
To specify the mapping parameters open the Overlapping bookmark and fill its fields:
Note. To each material of the library there corresponds a bitmap *JPG image of the material
surface, that is to say a texture. One pixel is the measurement unit of a texture which
corresponds to one measurement unit of object dimension (e.g., mm). By means of these
parameters you can stretch or compress a texture in any direction of object dimensions.
The mode of calculation of mapping scale can be selected in the Calculating scales field:
· Manually. For calculation of mapping scale the scale of library material (see section Table of
materials) is multiplied by the scaling coefficient. The scaling coefficients are specified in two
fields located below the Calculating scales field. In left field is specified the horizontal
coefficient, in the right field the vertical. Clicking the button
makes contents of the
windows equal. The usage of this scaling mode is convenient at mapping large objects such
as wall, floor, roof, etc.
· By section limits. In this mode the object surface is conditionally divided into sections, e.g.:
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
the top, the bottom, the log end, etc. One tile of texture is stretched onto the surface of one
section. This scaling mode is convenient at mapping small objects as boards, jacks, etc.
· By object boundaries. In this mode one tile of texture is stretched onto the surface of the
whole object.
The mode of calculation of movement of texture at mapping from the beginning (about the
reference zero) of an object is selected in the Calculation of shifts field. The rules of settings are
the same as for the Calculation of shifts parameter. With the help of the Calculation of shifts
parameter you can move the texture in any of measurement directions.
By means of the Rotation parameter the texture can be rotated clockwise and
counterclockwise at any angle (e.g., at value of the Rotation parameter given 45 degrees, the
horizontal drawing of a log texture stands vertical).
To map the whole surface of an object with the texture "tiles", put a check mark next to the
Multiply parameter.
A check mark before the Smoothen texture parameter enables mode in which the texture is
mapped smoothly on the whole surface of the object.
Developers guidelines: It is highly recommended to put check marks for both parameters.
The mode of color mapping is selected in the Color mapping parameter field.
Developers guidelines: The Modulate mode is recommended for working.
After you have selected all the mapping parameters, click Assign.
Further open the Additional bookmark and fill it if necessary:
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Create photorealistic images
Local transparence(%) parameter regulates the transparency level of the material. When the
parameter is equal 100 % the material is fully transparent.
A check mark put before the Show rear edges on transparent parameter makes the image
more realistic.
The color which will be applied to the lines of the object is selected in the Highlighting by lines
field. Select the By specified color item, click a small rectangle to the right and select the
necessary color from the appeared graphic palette.
Developers guidelines: The Do not highlight mode is recommended for working,
Attention! After modifying the material, the object must be color mapped anew (see the Map
objects with material section).
Creation of material of material organizer
You can always add a new folder or material to the organizer. For this purpose select the necessary
folder and click the buttons Create folder or Add material depending on what you need. Then
select the added material and specify its parameters in the Material, Overlapping, Additional
bookmarks described above.
Table of materials
The original location of all the materials entering the material organizer and used for mapping
objects of LogWorks Designer is the library of materials (there can be several libraries). To open a
library, run the main menu command Settings/Halftone display/Table of materials. The Table of
materials and textures dialog box will appear:
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
If you need to connect one more library select the Library row and click Attach. In the
appeared box select the necessary library ( *.iml - extension file) and click the Open button.
If any of the connected libraries is not necessary anymore it can be deleted by the Delete
You can add a new material to any of the libraries or modify the parameters of already existing
material. For this purpose select the necessary library and click the Edit button. The Materials
dialog box will appear:
To create a new material in the library click Add.
In the field Material name of the appeared dialog box Material parameters select the name of
a new material:
Specify the material parameters:
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Create photorealistic images
Texture parameter is used when an object has some special pattern of a surface. To set the
Texture left-click on the Texture row and select the necessary texture (tree, cloth, brick, leather,
etc.) from the list of textures in the material parameters box. A dialog box will appear
If the necessary texture is absent in the list, it should Added.
Any color texture can be made transparent. For this purpose put a check mark in the line
Transparent color, click on the dropper icon and holding the mouse button, in the texture image
indicate the color which you wish to be transparent.
Note. The transparency of the texture color is visible at creation of a photo image only (see the
Rendering section).
Width (Height). One pixel of the texture corresponds to one measurement unit of the scene
(e.g., mm). By using these parameters the texture can be either stretched or compressed in any of
the directions (U or V).
Hor.shift (Vert.shift). The parameter controls the movement of the texture about the object in
any of the directions (Hor. and Vert.).
Note: A sample of the surface of an object mapped with specified material is shown on the sphere
in the corner of the material parameters window.
If you want to keep the surface of the object blank, then in the material parameters window
from the list of textures select the line Without texture.
To make the material look more natural, besides the texture specify the following optional
Color. Sets the intensity of the material color in the shadow.
Diffusion. Controls the intensity of the material color in the light; the higher the value of the
parameter, the more light the object looks.
Glare. Sets the catchlight color.
Brightness. Creates an effect of a fluorescent object.
Then fill the box which appeared by clicking the Parameters line:
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
Transparency is the level of material transparency. Its value is nonzero only for transparent
Goroud is the value of catchlight size. The harder the material of the object, the smaller the
size of the catchlight.
Refraction - the value is nonzero only for transparent.
Absorption - the value is nonzero only for transparent.
Dispersion - the value is nonzero only for transparent.
Reflection is a very sensitive parameter. Even little altering of the parameter strongly
influences the material reflective characteristics. The value of this parameter for mirror is
approximately equal 100 %.
Size parameter sets the accuracy of the edges of the mirrored image (adjusted manually).
Note: The sample of the surface of an object mapped with specified material is shown on the
sphere in the corner of the material parameters window.
The effect of the dispersion, reflection, transparency and mirror parameters is not noticeable
when the object is shown in the scene window. You can get an impression of the object view in
reality only in the "photo" creation mode (see the Rendering section). In this mode you can clearly
see which parameters have been set incorrectly. E.g., when the wood material looks as plastic, or
the plastic looks as glass, the parameters obviously must be modified. In this case you need to
specify the material anew (see the appropriate section above).
Note: After you changing parameters of a certain material, the images of all objects mapped by this
material will be automatically modified according to the new parameters.
Light sources
If you wish to have some shadows in your image add light sources to the scene. From the
auxiliary toolbar run the K3 Engine/Create/Light source command. Then in the appeared
submenu specify the type of a new light source:
· Point light is a source light emitting rays evenly in all directions similarly to an unshaded bulb.
· Directed light is a remote light source emitting a bundle of parallel rays. An example of such
light source is the sun.
· Spotlight light source represents a conical ray bundle emitted from a single point.
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Having selected the type of light source determine its position on one of the viewports.
Further from the appeared shortcut menu down to the right
specify the parameters of the light source.
For creation of a photorealistic image click the icon
on the toolbar. The system will start the
creation of an image of the given scene very similar to a real photograph. The initial size of the
created "photo" is rather small because rendering of a larger picture takes some time depending on
your system configuration. But if you would like to enlarge the image size of to modify the tracing
parameters, click the Settings button:
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LogWorks Designer 6.1
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Optional features
Optional features
Add windows and doors to openings
Add windows and doors to openings
Modify windows and doors
Attention! Windows and doors can be added only if the mode of opening display is enabled (a
checked openings field in the Display bookmark of the Logworks parameters box).
Note. The standard LogWorks Designer distribution kit includes libraries of windows and doors.
The libraries are written in the K3 Engine system macrolanguage. Having studied this
macrolanguage (see the documentation on macroprogramming in K3 Engine), you will be
able to enlarge the libraries and create the new libraries.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
ArchiCAD setup
Prior to import of projects created in ArchiCAD you must perform adjustment of the installed
on your computer ArchiCAD program. Follow the next steps:
1. Depending on the version of ArchiCAD installed onto your system open the folder
LogWorksDesigner/Kit/ArchiCAD8 or LogWorksDesigner/Kit/ArchiCAD9 and copy the
files K3Exp.apx, K3ArchAdapt.dll, K3Ado.dll to the ArchiCAD root directory.
2. Run ArchiCAD and select the main menu item Tools/Add-On manager (or
Service/Extension manager) . The following window will appear:
Originally, the K3 Engine extension is not present in the ArchiCAD list of available extensions.
So, click Search for more Add-Ons button. Then, in the appeared dialog box
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
ArchiCAD setup
specify the location of the K3Exp.apx file and click OK.
As a result the line K3-Export will appear in the list of available extensions,
and the item K3-Export will appear in the upper menu of the ArchiCAD window.
The adjustment is completed, now you can export files from the ArchiCAD system to the
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
LogWorks Designer system.
Note. The export of files from ArchiCAD to LogWorks Designer is performed not directly, but
through an intermediate file of *.mdb format. This means that in
ArchiCAD the files of *.pln format are converted to files of *.mdb extension, and after this in
LogWorks Designer these *. mdb files are converted to *.К3 files.
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
In this chapter we have collected the most frequently asked questions about the LogWorks
Designer and answers to them.
1 question.
Can I use the K3 Engine menu commands for modifying objects created with the help of
LogWorks Designer menu commands?
It is not possible to use the commands from K3 Engine menu K3 Engine/Modify for modifying
of objects created by the LogWorks Designer menu commands (E.g., a wall, a beam, a column).
2 question.
Is it possible to delete walls, beams, columns and other objects created by using the
LogWorks Designer commands by means the icon
of the main menu?
No, it is impossible. For deleting walls, beams, columns and other objects created by using the
LogWorks Designer commands use the specially designed command Logworks/.../Delete.
3 question.
The axes are created automatically by the walls. Is the opposite operation also possible?
The answer is negative. See the section Setup of parameters of a new project.
4 question.
The logs can be united one by one only, is this right?
Yes. But you may use the command Wall/Fill with logs. As a result the system will create in all
walls new logs without notches and without dividing points. Now the logs can be divided anew.
5 question.
How can I find the location of a too long log in case I have missed it? How I can find the too
long log mentioned by the program?
At creation of the Table of long logs report the system automatically searches for long logs.
When the system finds long logs it generates a message telling the name of the wall with the log,
the number of row and the number of the log in the row. This information explicitly indicates the
position of the log. There is also an option of appending of the Log logs table to the main report.
For more information on this topic, see the Set reports chapter.
6 question.
Whether it is possible to delete from a wall a separate log or its part?
© 2009 GeoS - Woodlandia
LogWorks Designer 6.1
Yes, such operation is possible.
To delete the whole log from the wall or its part you must add to the appropriate row of the wall
an opening of type Opening. The added opening must be of one row height and of any required
If the deleted log is located in the beginning or in the end of the wall, it is possible to set a
console in this row. The console projection can be both positive (> 0) - getting outside the wall
reference point, and negative (> 0) - getting inside the wall.
7 question.
How can I return to the default view after I have rotated or modified it?
You need to load the configuration with the required views. Study the chapter Developers
guidelines on work in LogWorks Designer system.
8 question.
While creating the wall involutes the log name sometimes covers the row name. As a result the
drawing is badly readable. How can I move the names form the edge?
This is possible. See the chapter Edit reports.
9 question.
Does the system support working with several projects at the same time?
10 question.
Can the system build half-saddle notches?
A log can have such type of notching in two cases:
1. The type of log end cutting specified for a log is the Cut by arc. See the section Modify log
2. The log of a wall or of a beam ends at the axis of the second wall. The system cuts a blind
saddle notch in this case. See the section Place notches.
11 question.
How to move the already placed beams horizontally?
A beam is a 3-dimension object. The height of a beam can be modified in the Parameters dialog
box. (Number of top row). For moving a beam along the wall use the Wall\Move command. To
move a beam along its axis modify the beam projections in the Parameters dialog box.
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