B E E R E S E A R C H c O V.XXI P I E DECEMBER PROPORTlON OF RED CLOVER (TRIFOLIUM PRATENSE IN POLLEN FORAGE OF APOIDEA AND HYMENOPTERA IN PROVINCE OF LUBLIN A nn a S 1977 L.) A n a s i e w i c z, Z o f i a War a k o m s k a Acaderny of Agriculture at Lublin, Poland The province of Lublin is a region, where the Papilionaceae are often cultivated, red clover including. Blooming fields of this plant are visited by honeybees and other species: the Apoidea and Hymenopt.era, which collect nutritions nectar and pollen. The wild Apoidea eonsume nectar on the spot or glue pollen together with which they feed their brood. Only bumblebees store-sorne honey in their nests. The aim of the present paper is to determine the proportion of red clover in the pollen load collected by the wild species Apoidea and Hymenoptera in province of Lublin. MATERIAL The paper discusses the material collected in the province of Lublin, mainly in the region of Lublin, Chełm, Zamość and in about 150 natural and seminatural environments (A n a s i e w i c z, War a k o ms k a 1969, A n a s i e w i c z 1975). The Hymenoptera were hunted on flowers by the method "stalk a deer". An accurate description of land and methods of capturing insects can be found in the earlier works of ours. The material examined can be presented as follows: 21.'3 plant visited Hymenoptera number of specimens captured bumblebees alfalfa red clover ---- other species 980 wild Apoidae 4.076 bumblebees wild Apoidae 3.024 621 bumblebees 1.425 The whole material comprised 5.429 bumblebees belonging to 19 species and 4.695 specimens of wild solitary bees. These latter belonged to 128 species of the Family Apidae, Halictidae, Andrenidae, Megachilidae, Melittidae and Colletidae. The female insects and the insect workers on whose body the presence of póllen was found were elicited from the materiał. Glycerine-gelaline preparations were made from this pollen load and a microscope analysis of the pollen was made in the way described by A n a s i e w i c z and War a k o m s k a (1969). In a112.695 such microscope preparations were made. Alimentary connections of Apoidae with red clover. On the basis of the microscope analysis it was established, that red clover pollen is a very important constituent of pollen !low for the majority of the wild Apoidea and Hymenoptera. Accordlng to the percentaga of red clover pollen found on the bodies of at least 500/0of individuals 3 groups of insects were set up. Group 1 comprizes individuals on whose bodies at least 500/0of red clover pollen was found. To this group belong 16 bumblebee species Ta ble Apoidea's individuals with very many red clover pollen (~50%) F. Apidae Eucera longicornis Bambus agrorum (F.) B. confusus (Sch.) F. Halictidae Halictus B. distinguendus H. fulvicornis B. equestris B. B. B. B. (Mor.) (L.) eurygnathus BI. (K.) H. laticeps Sch. H. lativentris Sch. (F.) hortorum (L.) humilis III. H. lucidulus Sch. H. rubicundus (Christ.) laesus Mor. lapidarius (L.) H. tumularum (L.) B. lucorum (L.) B. muscorum (F.) F. Andrcnidae B. pomorum (MilIl.) B. ruderarius (MUlI.) A. florea F. A. gelrwe v.d. Vecht. B. ruderatus B. silvarum A. gravida A. wilkella Andrena (F.) (L.) 214 ąuadrinaculata Imh. K. F. Melittidae Melitta leporina B. subterraneus (L.) B. terrestris (L.) Anthophora combinata (Pz.) Pz, Christ. and 15 wild bee species (Table l). The proportion of red clover pollen with individuals captured on plantations reached 100%. With numerous individuals captured on alfalfa fields in bloom and on flowers of various plants found in natura l and semi-natural environments it was subject to variation, on the whole, however, it was low. The proportion of red clover pollen in the global pollen load depended, first of all on whether there were red clover plants blooming nearly, that is it depended on their accessibility. With the blumblebees captured on alfalfa fields red clover pollen was found even with Bombus terrestris (L.) and B. lucerura (L.), short longued species considered important for the pollination of red clover (A n a s i e w i e z, War a k o m s k a 1969), A great amount of red clover pollen eollected by species belonging to group I proves that there is a direet dependency beetween their nourishment and this plant. This group of species is very important for red clover seed produetion. Group II includes species whieh, although have an easy aecess to red clover flowers, had only a negligeable quantity of pollen (3-10%) on their bodies mixed with pollen of other plants (Table 2). To this group belon g l bumblebee species and 4 wild bee species. The proportion of red clover pollen in their nourishment was very ineonstant and, in faet, undefinable. Their role in red clover pollination is only cornplementary in relation to the species from group I and honeybees. Group III includes speeies on the bodies of whieh only traees of red clover pollen (no more than 3%) was found; sometimes no pollen was observed at all. (Tabies 3 and 4). The representatives of this group, eaptured on alfalfa plantations, colleeted pollen from this plant or from weeds growing there. Some of them are very important pollinators of Table Apoidea's individuals F. Andrenidae F. Apidae Bombus hypnorum (L.) F. Halictidae Halictus pauxillus Sch. Andrena flavipes A. labialis L. Panurgus (Pz.) calceratus (Scop.) Table Apoidea's individuals F. Halictidae Halictus albipes 3 with very few red clover pollen F. Andrenidae (F,) H, calceatus (Scop.) H, laevigatus (K.) H. linearis 2 with not many red clover pollen (3-10%) (Sch.) H. maculatus (Srn.) H. malachurus (K.) H. villosulus (K,) Rhophitoides canus (Ev.) Andrena bicolor F. A. dorsata K. A. propinqua Sch. F. Megachilidae Megachile centuncultularis (L,) M. nigriventris Sch. M. willoughbiella (K.) 215 TCible Apoidea's Individualswhtch i did not have red clover pollen A., nigrospina Th. F. Apidae F. Megachillidae Clissodon [urcarus (Pz.) F. Halictidae Halictus H. leucozonius H. morio Nyl. Sch. F. (K.) Dasypoda MeWta H. scabiosae (Rassi) H. zonulus Sm. F. Andrenidae Andrena truncorum (L.) (L.) Pz. O. atrocaerulea Schill. O. fulviventris Pz. F. Melittidae (Lep.) H. quadricinctus H. oiuuirinotatus Heriades (L.) maxillosum Osmia aduncta (K.) (F.) H. nigripes manicatum Chelostoma [asciatus H. minutus Anthidium chrysopyga plumipes Pz. haemorrhoidalis F. F. Colletidae Colletes daviesanus Sm. Prospis communis Nyl. (Sch.) P. diftornis s». alfalfa ego the Rhophitoides c(..,ws (Ev.), The individuals captured on red clover fields in bloom without collecting pollen do not show visible food connections with red clover. Presumably they were collecting nectar only or just having a rest on flovers. This group of the Hymenoptera is of no significance for seed production, all the more that to this gro up belong species represented by single individuals only. CONCLUDING REMARKS It has been observed that there exists a close relation in terms of nourishment between the wild Apoidea and bumblebees in particular, and red clover. These pollinator insects can to a great degree influence seed yield if their species make-up, is appropriate and their numbel sufficient. It depends, in great measure, on ensuring them proper places for nesting and on the continuity of clover bloomings during its biological cycle (R u s z k o w s k i 1968, 1969 et al.). LITERATURE A n a s i e w i c z A. (1975) - The bees (Apoidea, Hymenoptera) on alfalfa (Medicago media Pers.) plantations, I-II. Ekologia Polska 23: 129-146, 147-162. A n a s i e w i c z A., War a k o m s k a Z. (1969) Occurence of bumblebees on alfalfa (Medicago media Pers.) in the province of Lublin and pollen analysis of their pollen loads. Ekologia Polska, Seria A, 17: 587-609. A n a s i e w i c z A., War a k o m s k a Z. (1977) - Pokarm pyłkowy trzmieli (Bombus Larr., Humenoptera) na Lubelszczyźnie. Ekologia Polska, 25: (in press). R u s z k o w s k i A. (1970) - Badania nad roślinami pokarmowymi trzmieli. Pamiętniki Puławskie, Suppl. 37: 1-60. R u s z k o w s k i A., B i l i ń s kiM. (1968) Oblot koniczyny czerwonej przez trzmiele. Pamiętniki Pulawskie, 31: 201-220. 216 UDZIAL KONICZYNY CZERWONEJ (TRIFOLlUM PRATENSE W POKARMIE PYLKOWYM DZIKICH PSZCZOLOWATYCH (APOIDEA, HYMENOPTERA) NA LUBELSZCZYŹNIE. A n n a A n a s i e w i c z, Z o f i a War L.) a k o m s k a, Lublin, Polska Streszczenie Autorki badały udział koniczyny czerwonej we wziątku pyłkowym różnych gatunków dzikich Apoidea na Lubelszczyźnie. Materiał stanowiły okazy trzmieli i dzikich pszczół złowionych w latach 1964-1968 na kwiatach różnych gatunków roślin, w tym koniczyny czerwonej i lucerny. Ogółem zbadano 5.429 okazów trzmieli należących do 19 gatunków i 4.697 okazów dzikich pszczół należących do 123 gatunków z 6 rodzin. Z pyłku niesionego przez 2.695 samic i robotnic wykonano glicerożelatynowe preparaty. Były one podstawą do przeprowadzenia mikroskopowej analizy pyłkowej. Stwierdzono, że dla większości badanych gatunków Apoidea pyłek koniczyny czerwonej stanowił bardzo ważny składnik wziątku pyłkowego. Na podstawie udziału pyłku koniczyny czerwonej w zbiorze ogólnym poszczególnych samic i robotnic wyodrębniono 3 grupy. Do grupy I zaliczono gatunki o bardzo ścisłym powiązaniu pokarmowym z koniczyną czerwoną (zestawienie l); należą tu przede wszystkim trzmiele.' Grupa ta ma ogromne znaczenie dla nasiennictwa koniczyny czerwonej. Do grupy II zaliczono gatunki o luźnym powiązaniu pokarmowym z tą rośliną (zestawienie 2). Do grupy III - gatunki nie wykazujące wyraźnych powiązań pokarmowych z koniczyną czerwoną (zestawienie 3 i 4). • 217