Chippewa and Russells Point Neighborhood Outreach Centers


Chippewa and Russells Point Neighborhood Outreach Centers
September, 2015
Vol. 15 Issue 9
Chippewa and Russells Point Neighborhood Outreach Centers
The Chippewa Center will be closed on September 7th and 21st
and will be closing at 4:30 pm on Thursday, September 10th
The top two kids from each Center that worked the most hours doing tutoring, reading, neighborhood clean
up, gardening, and helping neighbors; went on a trip to a place of their choice. The kids from the Chippewa
Center were James Parker and Alexis Ranes. The top two from the Russells Point Center were Landon
Kretzmann and Alex Kemp. James chose to go to Cedar Point and Alexis, Landon and Alex chose to go to
The Columbus Zoo and Zoombezi Bay.
Alexis prepares for 1,000 gallons
of water being dumped on her
from the large barrel!
James poses after going 120 mph
in 3.8 seconds on the
Top Thrill Dragster!
Alex, Landon and Alexis pose for
a picture while climbing and
playing in Baboon Lagoon
On August 14th we had an end of summer party to say good bye to Sarah and Russ, since this was their last
year as summer interns at the Center. Thirty-seven kids and three adults came to play games, eat food and
take turns dunking all the Center staff in the dunk tank.
On August 15th, we had our annual Back to School Picnic at the Moose Lodge. We gave out 219 back packs with
school supplies for students in grades K-12. Over 300 people enjoyed free hot dogs, popcorn, cookie decorating and
face painting. A big thank you goes out to the Moose Lodge for allowing us to have the picnic at the Lodge this year.
The Homework Help Program has begun and we are off to a great start. We have had over 30 kids come every day!!
Please let Drew know if you are interested in volunteering your time to help with the kids. The program is offered at
the Chippewa Center Monday through Friday from 3:30 – 5:30 pm. It is also offered at the Russells Point Outreach
Center at Galilee on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6 – 7:30 pm.
Upcoming Events
Family Activity Nights: Chippewa ~ Wednesday, September 23rd at 4:30 pm.
Russells Point ~ Wednesday, September 23rd at 6:00 pm
Birthday Parties: Chippewa ~ Friday, September 25th at 4:00 pm.
Russells Point ~ Wednesday, September 30th at 6:30 pm
Cruis’in at Galilee: Saturday, September 26th from 10 am -2:00 pm. A Portion of the proceeds will go to
help fund activities at the Russells Point Center for the summer of 2016.
Thank You!!
Thank you to the following people for their assistance with our Back to School Picnic: Cayne Parker, Levi
Slone, DeMeeta Parker, Hannah Burnside and Magan Johnston.
Women of the Moose for their monetary donation and donating school supplies.
MJ Kohler, Dana Kinsey, The Amvets, Fred Meyers and Jamie Oberkfell for donating money to help family
with school clothes.
Robin Beelman for donating the 28 lunch boxes to be given out at the picnic.
Joyce Faler and Suzy Tapp for working with the kids in the garden all summer long.
Gloria Cauley for donating copy paper and misc. office supplies.
The After 5 Gals, Honda, Amvets and Jean Singhoffer for donating school supplies.
Padrones for the Pizzas every Tuesday.
Richwood Banking Company for continuing to donate 2 dozen cookies each Friday.
Lakeview Market for donating 11 cases of pop.
The following people for helping with the summer tutoring and reading programs and the homework help
program: Suzy Mallory, Judi Neeley, Dana Kinsey, Judy Monsma, Donna Stites and Cindy Jones.
The first 2 people to come and tell Drew the answer to the question for
the month will receive a prize, only one prize per day.
Rearrange these letters to make a single word “DRAGON LEWIS”
Last month’s Question: Can you name four days that start with the letter “T”?
Answer: Tuesday, Thursday, Tomorrow and Today
Happy Birthday!
Blayden Hurley~
Colton McCafferty~ 6th Skyler McCafferty~ 10th Alex Hughes~14th Devin Haver~15th
Xavier Green~ 18th Hannah Burnside~ 19th Madison Stephens ~ 22nd Kodie Miner~ 23rd
Chippewa Outreach Center
Russells Point (At Galilee Lutheran Church)
13976 Ironwood Avenue in Lakeview
Phone: 937-843-9283
Fax: 937-843-9703
Monday through Friday 9:30 am to 5:30 pm
601 Lincoln Boulevard in Russells Point
Phone: 937-843-9283
Fax: 937-843-9703
Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:00- 7:30 pm
Drew Shick
Director of Chippewa and Russells Point Neighborhood Outreach Centers