Week 1 Day 4 Lecture_Typography
Week 1 Day 4 Lecture_Typography
Typography Bootcamp 2012 - Parsons The New School For Design Topics Brief history of typography Famous typographers Anatomy of a typeface Weights and widths Shaping the page Combining type Essential Typefaces A Brief History of Typography Transition to modern type: 17th and 18th century Famous Typographers Name of typographer: Name of typeface: Max Meidinger Paul Renner Giambattista Bodoni William Caslon Adrian Frutiger Claude Garamond Jan Tschichold John Baskerville Eric Gill Herb Lubalin Tobias Frere-Jones Jonathan Hoefler Helvetica Futura Bodoni Caslon Frutiger, Univers Garamond Sabon Baskerville Gill Sans Avant Garde Gotham Hoefler Text Anatomy of a typeface Anatomy of a typeface Serif Sans-serif Georgia (Serif) vs. Google Normal (Sans): AA aa gg tt WW Weights and widths Many type families come in a range of weights and widths Examples: Weight: Light, Book, Medium, Demi, Bold, Heavy Width: Compressed, Condensed, Extended NEVER STRETCH YOUR TYPE!!! Use a compressed or extended weight instead. Typesetting This type is flush right and is probably what you’re used to seeing This type is centered, pretty self explanitory This type is justified which is most often seen in newspapers and magazines This type is flush left and is a lot harder to read in large quantities Typesetting Explam faces consequas maximi, ipsamus, ut la qui cum que preperi oreicil ma nem que doluptaquia doluptatur mostrum quam, ulparum veliqua temperum excea coriti offic tota volore por se eos ut videnitia dolorem faci aut volendi alictianimus ni que cum ipsant Shaping the page Line Texture Kerning vs. Tracking Leading and the Baseline Tracking adjusts the space between many characters, kerning affects space between two characters only General rule for leading: Leading should not be more than 2-3 points more or less than the size of the type. For example, in most cases 12pt type should have leading between 10pt and 14pt. Combining Typefaces According to famous type foundry Hoefler & FrereJones (H&FJ), the following 4 general guidelines make for the best typeface combinations (clockwise from top-left): 1. 2. 3. 4. Complimentary Moods Same Historical Period, Different Line Quality Same Line Quality, Different Texture Similar Proportions, Different Roles Expressive Typography ACTIVITY! - Trade your three words with another student - Pick one word and illustrate as best you can the emotion using only type, shape and color. Try creating multiple iterations (often times your first attempt is your least successful). - Feel free to use any medium you like, i.e. digital or hand drawn. - I strongly suggest sketching ideas out before jumping onto the computer. HOMEWORK - Design 2 album covers using just type (shapes/ color are allowed; no photos or textures permitted) - Experiment with different typefaces and fonts within type families - The album should reflect the feeling of the music. - Please post your final covers as well as a link to a song from the album. Be prepared to present.