December 2012 - Lions District 14A Pennsylvania


December 2012 - Lions District 14A Pennsylvania
December 2012
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District Governor’s Message
Greetings Lions, Lioness and Leo’s,
Thanksgiving has come and gone. As I am writing this it is snowing and Karol is
unpacking Christmas decorations. What a festive and hectic time of the year.
Please take time to reflect on all our blessing and open your heart those in our
communities who need our help and support. Our global mission for December and January
is to feed the hungry. The need is greater than ever. Many of you already, distribute food
baskets, donate to food banks or distribute gift cards. Thank you for all that you do and
continue to do. In a world of service Lions will be there.
Some have asked about helping those affected by hurricane Sandy. I would suggest to
you that making a contribution to LCIF for the hurricane relief fund is an excellent way to
help. 100% of the money donated to the foundation is used for humanitarian aid. Partner
with other local area groups that are collecting cleaning supplies, clothing, furniture etc. or may be organizing work days
in the affected areas.
Karol and I wish all of you a joyous holiday season.
DG Don
Enhance – Improve – Grow
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District 14-Announcer
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First Vice District GovernorComments
Superstorm Sandy was the main concern of our pilgrimage group as we were in
Jordan and Israel. My Partner in Service and I took a brief hiatus from Lions activities to
fulfill our lifetime dream of visiting the Holy Land during the same time the storm was
forecasted to go through the Northeast particularly New York, New Jersey, and
Pennsylvania. Every time we get back to our hotel after a day of sightseeing and
attending services at churches and sacred sites our attention gets back to what is
happening here.
The storm caused a lot of damages down the East Coast especially New York and New Jersey coastlines.
Our prayer goes to our members, families, and friends whose lives and properties were impacted by Sandy. It
is during these times that Lions gets into action to help. LCIF was one of the first to mobilize relief efforts,
donating more than $200,000 and providing immediate needs such as food, water, and clothing. Another
worth mentioning is the immediate response made by District 14-H Lions in conjunction with other
organization in their area. As a district they were able to work together quickly and decisively. The following
Monday, November 5th, much needed items were delivered in Middletown, NJ, an area that has been totally
devastated, homes destroyed, and lives lost. Their relief efforts are ongoing and if your club would like to join,
contact the District Governor of 14H, Bill Metschulat or their Lions Alert Chair, PDG Pam Savitski.
I have a lot of catching up, and so far I attended our club meeting and help provide support to our club’s
events and projects, attended a Lions Memorial Service for a departed Lion member from the Doylestown
Lions Club, a Leadership meeting with the District Leadership Committee to address issues within the district,
and work on the completion of my Vice District Governor Training Assignments as required by Lions Club
International (LCI). Looking back to the Club Pit Stop Checklist, all of these activities leads to club excellence
thereby helping LCI grow in strength and service.
Antonio “Tony” M. Mangabat, Sr.
It is now time to submit your Club’s nomination for Vice District Governor for the 20132014 year. The qualifications are as follows.
1. Shall be an active member in good standing of a chartered Lions Club in good
standing in his/her District.
2. Secure the endorsement of his/her Club or a majority of the Clubs in his/her
3. Have served or will have served at the time he/she takes office as president of a
Lions Club for a full term or major portion thereof, and a member of the Board of
Directors of a Lions Club for 2 years.
4. Have served as Zone Chairperson or Region Chairperson or Cabinet Secretary
and/or Treasurer for a full term or major portion thereof.
5. With none of the above being accomplished concurrently.
Send your letters of Club support to District Governor Don by January 18th.
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Attention Lion Leaders
Are you interested in becoming a future District Leader? LCI offers Advanced Lions Leadership Institute
held at Lions Headquarters in Oak Brook, Il. The next session is scheduled for February 22 – 25, 2013.
VDG Tony attended last year and found the training very valuable, fast paced and in depth. Feel free to
speak with VDG Tony or GLT Leader PDG Charlie, also a graduate, about this opportunty.
 Candidates must be Lions that have completed a successful term as club president and have not yet
attained the position of first vice District Governor. Lions who are currently serving as club president
will be considered on a space available basis.
 Candidates must be willing to commit to attending all days of the institute, including group mealtimes
and understand personal time is extremely limited. Attendance at all classroom sessions and scheduled
meals is mandatory.
 Graduates of this institute are expected to pursue higher levels of leadership responsibilities at the
zone, region and district levels.
 Lions Clubs International will provide meals and lodging according to the schedule of the institute. A
non-refundable participation fee of $95.00** will be required to offset these costs for all institutes.
** Note – District A will reimburse your participation fee if accepted
 Participants are responsible to pay for their own transportation and related travel expenses to and
from the institute site
 Registration deadline December 9, 2012.
 Registration and additional information available on LCI web site or contact GLT leader PDG Charlie
Morton or DG Don.
District 14-A
Club Officers and Leaders Training
If you have been a club officer or are currently serving as a club officer would you be interested in an opportunity
to join with other Lions to learn and discuss ways to grow the leadership within your own club and the district?
Last year the District hosted workshops for zone chairs, club presidents and secretaries. We are exploring holding
workshops again this year and expanding the scope to include general leadership skills.
If this would be of interest to you please let us know by contacting either VDG Tony or DG Don. A specific agenda
has not been set as yet; more information will be available soon.
DG Don: donald.richardson@verizon or phone 215-257-2245
VDG Tony: or phone 610-461-1576
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District 14-A New Members
We welcome all our new members and are happy
to have you serve with us. Don’t forget to ask your
Sponsor about how to achieve the Proud Lion Award
Bristol Lioness
Bristol Lioness
Clifton Heights Lions
Clifton Heights Lions
Springfield Lions
Springfield Lions
South Phila Lions
Barbara Hunter
Carol Zekovitch
Darlene Dorsaneo
Linda Peitropola
David Krauter
Dottie Schindlinger
Ketan Garg
Susan Allred
Tanya Zekovitch
Richard Wilson
Jim Cavallaro
Nick Montone
To the Lions and Lionesses of District 14-A:
The Philadelphia Chinese Lions Club is currently involved in trying to help a 3 year old save her sight. President
Johansen and Secretary Gloria Setiawan would like to share the story of Luo Shi and ask others to help.
Luo Shi Qi, age 3 and her parents came from China last month for emergency medical treatment at Wills Eye
Oncology Department. She was diagnosed with Retinoblastoma.
Lion Gloria has volunteered to be a translator for doctor visits. Members of her church are assisting with
transportation and living accommodations. They will need to be in the US for another 2 months but are on a
waiting list for the Ronald McDonald House.
Treatment has begun and there are hopeful signs that her sight can be saved. A second treatment is
scheduled for November 1st. Gloria has shared with me that the family has no health insurance and has asked
the Doctors and Hospital if they can provide discounted services. Even with discounted services, treatment
will still be costly. The Philadelphia Chinese Lions Club is asking for other Lions Clubs to help save Lou Shi’s
sight by making donations to the family.
Send donations to:
Philadelphia Chinese Lions Club
Gloria Setiawan, Secretary
44 North 10th St
Phila, PA 19128
Lion Gloria can be contacted at: or cell 215-704-4156
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Hi Governor Don,
Thank you for sending the e mail to the other clubs. So
far I have received the following donation from other
1. Upper Bucks Lioness Club $50.00
2. Hilltown Lions Club $100.00
3. Philadelphia Chinese Lions Club $220.00
Luo Shi Qi with host family, Mr &
Mrs McNeil and children
Luo Shi Qi received her second chemo last Nov. 4
and the 3rd and final chemo is scheduled for Dec. 10,
2012. Each dose of chemo cost $30,000.00. Wills Eye
Hospital gave the parent a discount of 60 %. Therefore
they just pay $13,500.00 for each chemo. Those
offering is a big help for the parent. I gave the check
myself to them at church. They really appreciated for
the Lions and Lionesses who show their love and
support especially to the unknown individual. I have
mentioned your name and sent e mails to acknowledge
their donation.
Lion Gloria
Reports -Newsletter Items – Announcements – Flyers - Club News
We welcome and encourage you to send us Club information, photos, project and fundraising plans to us for
publication. Submissions need to be received no later than the 25th of the month.
The Club News is put together by VDG Tony using the information submitted on the M & A reports. If you use the
District web site he will automatically get a copy. If you are still doing it on paper please see that he gets a copy. Email
Flyers, announcements and other items can be sent to DG Don at or directly to
newsletter editor PDG Jim Harrington at
If your Club Secretary does not have a computer and email I would like to suggest that there are still ways to enter
the electronic age.
1. Have them ask a family member that does to enter the information for them.
2. Make someone else in the Club a reporting Secretary
3. Ask a neighbor or friend with a computer. (If they are not a Lion, ask them to join!!!)
4. If you have a computer please use it for your reports, if you need help, ask.
5. If you don’t have a computer seriously consider getting one. You are missing a big world of opportunities
to communicate and stay in touch. Not just with Lions but family and friends or the whole world if you
December 2012
District 14-Announcer
Where do we send our contributions?
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When contributing to Lions projects please send your donations to the District Chairperson. This is
important so that the donating Club and the District get proper credit for your contribution. The Chairpersons
are listed in the directory. If you have questions or are unsure where to send a contribution contact DG Don or
VDG Tony.
Choose a Club Excellence Workshop for Your Club
A CEP (Club Excellence Program) Workshop can be customized to your club's needs. You can choose the
format and setting of the workshop. CEP can be conducted in a single workshop. In this format, participants
will progress through all four steps in one session. CEP can also be conducted as a series of four workshops.
In this format, participants can take time learning one step per session.
A club can hold a CEP Workshop during club meetings, or a club can create a separate gathering (such as
a retreat) for their workshop. A club may wish to be part of a multi-club workshop at a district convention or
larger gathering.
For more information or to schedule a workshop contact Global Leadership Chair PDG Charles Morton at or DG Don at
Dear Lion/Lioness Secretary,
In order to submit a final report for the for Lions District 14-A
please complete and mail this form before December 30th to the
District White Cane Chairperson as soon as you finish your
White Cane collections.
Club Name:
Check one:
Did _____
Amount Collected:
Did Not _____ participate.
Remarks: ____________________________________________________________
Mail completed form to:
Lion Tony Casadei
White Cane Chairperson
271 Cambridge Road
Clifton Heights, PA 19018
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Get On the A List
Get your name or your Clubs name on the Alist. What is the A list? The A list is a new feature of your
Announcer born from an old idea. We used to solicit newsletter boosters to help defray the cost of postage
and printing of the newsletter. Now we send it electronically saving on paper and postage but there are still
some costs associated in the electronic production and distribution.
In addition just as you are faced with increased costs in all aspects of your life the costs of maintaining the
district continues to creep up. So, the idea for the A list was born.
For a nominal donation you have your name or the Clubs name added to the list, which will be published
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yes, put me/us on the A List enclosed is my/our check made payable to:
Lions District 14-A
Individual Name: ________________________________ $5.00
Club Name: _____________________________________$25.00
Mail check to:
DG Don Richardson
516 W Blooming Glen Dr.
Perkasie, Pa 18944
The A List 2012-2013
DG Don Richardson
Lion Karol Richardson
PDG Linda Cunningham
Lion Michael DelVisco
Lion Eileen DelVisco
Lion Charles Phelps
Lion Roger Shepherd
PDG Dick & Peggy Wilson
Joyce Larry
Kisha Larry
William Newman
William Huber
Althea Fogel
ZC Ray Sorber
Wills Eye Lions Club
Lindley-Olney Club
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In Sympathy
Our prayers and deepest sympathy to the families and friends
of the following deceased Lions & Lionesses
Connie DiSalvio – Bristol Lioness
J. Barry Jones –Chalfont Lions
Peter deBlecourt – Doylestown Lions
A ship sails away and we see it no more,
but we know it is going to some other shore.
Our dear ones pass on and we see them no more,
but we know they are waiting on some other shore.
By Helen Steiner Rice
Our members of the District have given their time and support to Lionism so when they leave us we should
honor and thank them by remembering them with a special service.
PDG Gerri and PDG Linda are the Lions Funeral Service co-chairs this year. Many Clubs have their own
Service, but do not realize that there are Lions representing the District to attend your service. We have different
service programs available. Recently we have been called on to do the Lion's Service for two Clubs. Lions
funeral services have been available over the years but not often are not performed. This is why I asked PDG
Linda to co-chair this with me and DG Don appointed us. Please contact PDG Gerri Towson (215-620-7151)
or PDG Linda Cunningham (856-784-1325).
I want to hear from
In keeping with my theme to Enhance, Improve and Grow I encourage you to provide feedback,
suggestions and ideas. International President Madden says, “In a world of individuals Lions know the valve of
teamwork”. I want to hear from you. There is no better way to understand the needs of our clubs and how
you are adapting to a changing world than by direct communication. A Lions team should be about giving,
listening, fellowship and achieving.
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"Relieving the Hunger" Global Service Action Campaign
Today, there are more than one billion people who do not have enough to eat. One person out of six lives
in a state of chronic hunger. Lions have an opportunity to show the strength of our worldwide network during a
special service action campaign, "Relieving the Hunger."
During December and January join Lions around the world to help relieve hunger.
Organize projects that mobilize your club members to make a difference in your community – by
helping those who don't have enough to eat.
Visit The Global FoodBanking Network or Feeding America for volunteer opportunities near you. If your
local food bank does not have volunteer opportunities available, you may wish to consider other service
projects such as preparing and delivering food baskets to families in need or planting a community
vegetable garden.
Earlier this month, the Caribbean and the East Coast of the United States were hit by Superstorm
Sandy. We were saddened and deeply concerned when we heard of the storm's impact, but we also
knew that Lions would be there to help. Not only are Lions on the ground, supporting each other and
people in the affected communities, but Lions around the world are generously providing donations to
the disaster relief fund at Lions Clubs International Foundation.
It is because of the disaster relief fund that LCIF could quickly respond to Superstorm Sandy,
mobilizing US$220,000 in grants for those in need. Lions were immediately able to put provided funds
to use, delivering food, water, blankets and flashlights to those affected by the storm. Your donations
to the disaster relief fund are MJF eligible and will support Superstorm Sandy victims in the coming
weeks, unless a disaster of similar scope and scale requires Lions' immediate response.
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November 3rd at Villanova U.
District Lions assisting at the event:
PID Jim & Lion Michelle Cavallaro and PDG
Jim Harrington of the Springfield Lions,
PDG Ken Moore and Lions Marc & Sharon
Winokur of the Bensalem Lions, and PDG
Linda Cunningham of the Wills Eye Lions.
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The Filipino American Lions Induction Ball was held November 17th at the Clarion Hotel in
Essington. Pictured L to R: VDG Tony and Lion Lucy Mangabat, DG Don and Karol
Richardson, and Club President Evelyn Harper and her husband Lion Ken Harper.
The South Philadelphia
Lions Club initiated a
new feature at their
meetings – “Getting to
Know a Lion”.
PID Jim Cavallaro paid
a visit to the club and
listened as Club
Secretary Nick
Montone interviewed
Lion Maria Ghanayem,
a 22 year member,
about her life in Cuba
and her childhood
memories of the Lions’
presence in her
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14 A Lions Clubs Activities – November 2012
Adelphia: Dinner meeting schedule has changed. They will now meet on the fourth Monday of the month at
Medora’s Mecca, 3101 S. 13th Street, Philadelphia at 7 PM. Dinner meeting on Monday, 11/26 at 7 PM. DG Donald
Richardson will be the Guest Speaker (DG Visitation). December 4 – Radio City Music Hall to see the Rockettes.
December 10 – Christmas Dinner Party at Medora’s Mecca.
Aston Twp: Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, November 4th at the Aston Community Center from 7:30 AM to noon,
raised $2425.50. Provided eye exam and glasses for a needy woman.
Bensalem Twp: (October) Held four (4) flea markets. Three Lions and three Leos went to Special Olympics and
helped with eyeglasses.. Planning for December 2nd, Sunday from 8am- 12pm breakfast with Santa at Bensalem High
Bristol: No report at this time.
Bustleton: No report at this time.
Brandywine: No report at this time.
Bucks County ABVI: Drawing for Shopping Spree Raffle.
Chalfont: (October) Twelve members attended the Bucks County Rally and the club won for the most members of
one club present. Tuesday, 11/18, club will be sponsoring a musical play at the Town and County Theater. The play is
Sweeney Todd/A Musical Mystery. Tickets are $18.00 and can be purchased from Evelyn Barr at 215 997 2480.
(November) We will be setting up our Christmas tree lot to prepare our annual Christmas Tree Sales.
Clifton Heights: Calendar push for sales. Two new members added. Troop Support Benefit, 11/17; Award leeter and
Pins presented to Ron Berry, Club VP; Gift Cards given to local churches for needy families on thanksgiving and
Doylestown: No report at this time.
Dublin: No report at this time.
Filpino-American: One member performed volunteer service USO, Philadelphia International Airport. One member
cooked/delivered meals for Aids for Friends. One member attended a District Leadership meeting, a memorial service
for a deceased member of the Chalfont Lions Club, and club visitation with DG Don with the Adelphia LC. Club donated a
total of $400.00 ($200 – Leader Dog, $100 to Diabetes Awareness Program, and $100 to the Overbrook school for the
Blind. Club held its Induction Ball of Incoming Officers at the Clarion Hotel. Attendees were the District governor and his
wife, and several members from the Korean and Greater Phila. Asian American Lions clubs. Daughter of a Lion Member
donated her used car to the Oklahoma Lions Services Organization.
Greater Philadelphia Asian American: No report at this time.
Langhorne: Held Annual Shoot for Sight, 11/4.
Hilltown: No report at this time.
Lansdowne: Sent their monthly reports. No service activities reported.
Lindley-Olney: Two members helped at Church to give out over 40 baskets to the needy for thanksgiving. Two
members attended Phila S/W Region Zone Meeting. One member attended Bucks County Rally. Continue collecting
canned goods for Bishop Howard’s Church and St. Gabriel’s Church for the needy, sell candy for fundraising, collecting
used clothing for the needy. Taking seniors to store, doctors and banks. Continue one-on-one tutoring in reading and
math. Giving donation to a 3 year old from China to help with her sight. PDG Linda Cunningham spoke on Leader Dog at
Lions Eye Bank of Delaware Valley: Hosted the 6th Annual PID Gene Polgar Fellowship Brunch, 11/4.
Marple-Newtown: No report at this time.
Media: No report at this time.
No report at this time.
Newtown: No report at this time.
Northeast Philadelphia: No report at this time.
Northwest Philadelphia: 294 pairs of eyeglasses were collected. $30 collected for White Cane.
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14 A Lions Clubs Activities (continued)
Northampton Twp: November meeting, DG Don presented his goals for the year. Had visitation from Northeast
Lions Club. Sub-committees working on flea market location for 2013, additional fundraiser, and social events for club.
Pennsbury: No report at this time.
Perkasie: No report at this time.
Philadelphia Deaf: No report at this time.
Philadelphia Law Enforcement: No report at this time.
Philadelphia Chinese: No report at this time.
Plumstead: No report at this time.
White Cane fundraiser, collected $1,041.00. Autumn Alive – October 20, sold hot dogs all day.
Community day in downtown Quakertown with crafts and entertainment. Halloween Parade – 10/21, with five divisions
and well over thousand spectators. Our club raises all the money for this event by seeking sponsors and collecting along
the parade route. Fall Hoagie Sale made $1461; Annual Basket Bingo mad 2067. On Dec 22 will purchase food and make
10 food baskets for needy families in area.
Richlandtown: No report at this time.
Rising Sun: No report at this time.
Roxborough - Manayunk: No report at this time.
Solebury: No report at this time.
South Philadelphia: Upcoming Events: Three new members approved. Christmas Blind Party Dec 4th, St Nicholas
Party for Hispanic Children Dec 9th, Club Christmas Dinner Party Dec 11th. Five Week Lottery tickets being sold at $25
each – call Louise Hanson 610-446-3288. Bake Sale Auction to be Jan 22nd at Galdo’s.
Southampton-Warminster: Working on our fruit sale in December.
Springfield: Successful White Cane and golf outing made $7500. (November) Clergy Night on 11/13’s Regular
Dinner Meeting. Planning to make up and deliver food baskets to needy.
Springfield Twp: Regular meeting at Silver Creek AA.
No report at this time.
Torresdale-Tacony-Mayfair: No report at this time.
Trumbauersville: No report at this time.
Warrington Twp: Collected 75 used eyeglasses and brought to Bucks county Blind association to be recycled. 2012
Christmas Party to be held, 12/13.
Wayne: Sent their monthly reports. No service activities reported.
Western Delaware Valley: (October) Planning years events including Card Night Social on 11/16 and Eagles Game at
the Media VFW on 11/18.
Wills Eye Hospital: One member participated in Special Olympics, served 6 hrs as mentor to a group of girls serving
Thanksgiving meals to homeless persons. Collected 13 wireless phones and donated to Armed Forces members
overseas. Finished collecting for White Cane. Collected eyeglasses and tabs.
Lioness Club Activities
Aston Twp. Lioness:
(October) Snacks donated to School District for less fortunate children, Wendy Spirit
Night, 10/11; White Cane collection, 4 days week of 10/1 and 3 days week of 10/8. Selling chances for IPad to be pulled
Bensalem Lioness: Completed working at the food truck for the Lions Flea Market (April - November). Selling club
lottery tickets. Panning Christmas Holiday Party.
Bristol Lioness: Psychic Fair held 10/28. Fall Bunco Bash held 11/11. Homemade candy sale now going on. Orders
due 12/4. Lottery basket to be chanced off at local hospital holiday bazaar on 12/2. Lioness members will personally buy
coats for local, nedy individuals in /December. Turkey Dinner provided to local non-profit parenting group.
Roxborough-Manayunk Lioness: No report at this time.
Southampton Lioness: No report at this time.
Springfield Lioness: Held successful Fashion Show, netting $4800. Planning for Feb/Mar Lottery tickets .
Upper Bucks Lioness: No report at this time.
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Where else but NYC at Christmastime!!!
DECEMBER 4, 2012
See The World Famous Rockettes in a holiday spectacular, followed
by luncheon at Mestori’s Restaurant in New Jersey
Price $125.00
(includes round trip bus fare, ticket to Radio City Music
Hall, and lunch)
Bus departs 21st and Shunk at 8:00 a.m. and
returns at approximately 7:00 p.m.
For tickets, call Maria Buonadonna at 215-463-5467
Who Will Carry Your Club’s Banner in 2050?*
Contrary to popular belief, young adults want to volunteer and are volunteering at a higher rate than normal. This is
good news for Lions clubs because attracting and retaining younger Lions is vital to perpetuate our clubs. To assist this
effort, Lions Clubs International has developed a Young Adult Recruiting Guide to teach existing clubs why young adults
want to volunteer and what Lions can do for them. Attracting young adults can be a challenge; therefore, your club may
need to revitalize how it operates and how your members think in order to get young adults involved.
Why Recruit Young Adults?
Recruiting younger members is an excellent opportunity to bring new energy and diverse skills into your
club and ensure your club will still be in existence in 40 years. By recruiting young adults into your club, you
• Gain fresh ideas for service projects and activities
• Increase hands to do more service
• Promote membership that better reflects the community
• Mirror current times
• Breathe life into your club
• Sustain your club
Continued on Next Page
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Membership Programs
LCI offers several membership programs that are of interest to young adults. In addition to offering dues discounts, the
following programs will encourage young adults to bring family, friends and children along with them to club meetings
and activities. Understanding these programs before you begin the recruiting process is important.
Family Membership Program
The Family Member Program encourages quality family time, something highly important to many young adults. When
adult family members join the same Lions club, they are eligible to receive a dues discount. The first family member pays
the initial entrance fee and full international dues. Up to four subsequent qualifying family members pay half
international dues and no association entrance fee. To qualify, family members must live in the same household and be
related by birth, marriage or adoption. Such common family relations include parents, children, spouses,
aunts/uncles, cousins, grandparents, in-laws and other legal dependents.
Lions Family Cub Program
Many young adults are working and raising children, and it is important to them to that they spend as much of their free
time with their children as possible. LCI has developed the Lions Family Cub Program, complete with the Cub Program
Activity Guide (MPFM-33). Formulated to encourage families to volunteer together, the Cub Program gives children
under age 12 the opportunity to build a lifelong dedication to helping others. By encouraging young members to bring
their children to club meetings and service projects, you increase the chances they will participate more often. Children
can get involved by helping collect money, cleaning up snacks and refreshments or passing out raffle tickets. Also,
consider hiring a local Leo club to babysit during club meetings and coordinate activities with the children. By
offering a service like this, you will increase the likelihood of both parents joining the club since no babysitter is needed.
Finding Young Adults to Recruit
Finding young adults to recruit may be the one of the easier steps to recruiting young adults. With some helpful hints,
you may not have to go far. Use the following ideas for places and methods (keeping in mind the above programs) to
recruit younger members into your club:
• Ask current members to recruit within their family. Children and grandchildren of Lions are a great source for
• Visit local colleges and universities. Students are a good resource for your club and many educational institutions
require volunteer hours for graduation.
• Attend a local Leo club and find out if Alpha Leo’s graduating high school or Omega Leo’s turning 30 are interested in
becoming a Lion.
• Call or e-mail area businesses and ask if you can post flyers or set up a booth in their lunchroom for a day.
• Partner with a youth group or secondary school to implement a joint service project. Many participants will soon reach
the age of legal majority. This will give your club contact with future prospective members.
• Encourage the young adults you are recruiting to invite their spouse, friends and family members to attend a meeting.
Young adults enjoy doing activities in a group and will feel more comfortable if they bring others along with them.
Young people gravitate toward others like themselves, and a good approach is to recruit with your youngest members.
Seeing someone of a similar age, lifestyle and perspective enjoying Lions service is a convincing reason to join. Once you
have two or three young adults in your club, ask them to team up with your club’s membership chairperson to form a
committee concentrated on recruiting other young adults.
In next month Announcer look for part 2:
 Tools for recruiting young adults
 Follow up
 Positioning in your Club
*Content from LCI publication # EX-800
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