Liikennevirasto - sujuvat matkat ja kuljetukset
Liikennevirasto - sujuvat matkat ja kuljetukset
Ring Rail Line – a connecting urban railway line 28.5.2013 Welcome to the Ring Rail Line! 2 Ring Rail Line in brief • • • The Ring Rail Line runs from Vantaankoski station via the airport to Tikkurila. It will unify public transport in the metropolitan area and make it a functional whole. The building was commenced in 2009. The project will be completed in July 2015. The Ring Rail Line is an important railway line crossing the metropolitan area. It is both a railway connection to the airport and an urban railway line, which provides an opportunity for 200,000 potential residents and 200,000 potential commuters to work to use public transport. The realisation of the Ring Rail Line entails: • the railway and stations in connection with the railway, including arrangements for park-and-ride facilities and bus terminals; • Tikkurila office and retail centre/station bridge; • Road arrangements required for the Ring Rail Line, the largest of which is the development of the Hämeenlinna motorway in Kivistö 3 Five new stations • During the first phase of Ring Rail Line project (2009– 2015) builds five new stations • Surface stations at Vehkala, Kivistö and Leinelä and the tunnel stations at Aviapolis and Airport. • In addition to the stations, the project includes three reservations for stations, which makes it possible to build a station at the location later on. • There are reservations for tunnel stations at Ruskeasanta and Viinikkala and for a surface station at Petas. 4 Joint project 5 The Ring Rail Line in figures • • • • • • • • • length of railway line 18 kilometres, 8 kilometres of which in tunnel new stations: Kivistö, Aviapolis, Airport, Leinelä and Vehkala. There are reservations for tunnel railway stations at Ruskeasanta and Viinikkala and for a surface station at Petas. 45 bridges will be built SM5 low-floor trains, i.e. Flirt trains, new rolling stock, running at 10-minute intervals in both directions design speed 120 km/h park-and-ride facilities in the initial phase: 700 cars and 840 bicycles car parking spaces: Vantaankoski 220, Kivistö 250 (500), Leinelä 120 At present about 850 persons are working on the Ring Rail Line project. The costs, 675 million euros, are divided between the Finnish Transport Agency, the city of Vantaa and Finavia. The project receives TENT-T funding from the EU. 6 The Ring Rail Line will be completed in summer 2015 • • The Ring Rail Line will go into operation in July 2015. According to the original schedule, the Ring Rail Line was to be opened for traffic in 2014. The schedule had to be revised due to the additional work caused by disintegration products of glycol found in the bedrock of the Helsinki Airport. • Microbial growth and glycol were first observed under the eastern runway in autumn 2010. • • • Since the disintegration products of glycol shorten the life of construction materials, more durable materials than normally had to be used in the tunnel constructions. The solution to the problem was to build an airtight twin tunnel inside the rock tunnel for a stretch of about 1,000 metres. Similar insulation structures will also be built in the station facilities, vertical shafts and pedestrian walkways. The smell caused by the disintegration products will be eliminated by creating a vacuum in the space between the rock and the insulation structure. 7 The Ring Rail Line connects the traffic in the metropolitan area • • The new stations of the Ring Rail Line and well-planned park-and-ride facilities will improve the traffic flow in the metropolitan area. The Ring Rail Line provides an option to take the train to new areas and connections. Daytime trains will run at 10-minute intervals in both directions reduces motor vehicle traffic within Vantaa City • The starting point of the station arrangements is easy mobility, smooth feeder traffic and short changing times. park-and-ride facilities in the immediate vicinity of the stations bus terminals at the stations in Vantaankoski and Kivistö • The Ring Rail Line provides a direct railway connection to the airport urban railway line to the international airport, the travel time to the airport is 30 minutes from the centre of Helsinki 8 The Ring Rail Line creates something new • The Ring Rail Line is an urban railway line creating opportunities for new residential and job areas. The Ring Rail creates opportunities for new residential areas in its area of influence. In the initial phase 5 new stations will be built along the railway. It also creates thousands of new job opportunities. At present about 850 persons are working on the Ring Rail Line project. The first underground railway stations in Finland are built on the Ring Rail Line and its 8kilometre twin tunnel for passenger traffic is unique. 9 The Ring Rail Line takes the environment into account • The Ring Rail Line the environment into account and enlivens the cityscape. The Ring Rail Line offers an ecological way of travelling. In the planning and construction phases of the Ring Rail Line, all negative impact on the environment has been minimised. An environmental art plan has been drawn up for the Ring Rail Line. Art will bring the stations to life. 10 Ring Rail Line, construction progress ½ • In 2012 the Ring Rail Line project progressed at full speed • The project as a whole crossed the halfway mark • Some of the milestones • Breakthrough of the Ring Rail Line tunnel • Completion of the spectacular railway bridge in Koivukylä • Completion of the MRU1 excavation contract (the railway section between Ring Road III and main road 3, Hämeenlinna motorway) • The largest contract of the Ring Rail Line started • The largest separate contract, the interior design of the train station at the airport, was started at the end of October 2012 11 Ring Rail Line, construction progress 2/2 • Earthwork contracts • MRU1 (From Vantaankoski to Ring Road III) is completed • MRU2 (Kivistö–Lapinkylä) underway • MRU3 contract enquiry in spring 2013 • MRU4 (Leinelä area) underway • The contract of joining the Ring Rail Line to the main railway line will be completed this summer • Building of stations • Changes at Vantaankoski are completed • Building of stations in Kivistö and Leinelä are underway • Interior contracts of Aviapolis and the Airport station as well as Ruskeasanta (reservation) and Viinikkala (reservation) are underway • The building of station in Vehkala will commence this year • The building of Tikkurila office and retail centre started in February 2013 12 Critical points for time shedule 13 Approval process 14 Glycol area 15 Cross-section of the profile 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Thank you! Project Manager Juha Kansonen phone +358 (0)20 637 3633 Project Engineer Jari Jaakkola phone +358 (0)40 520 5171 Ring Rail Line communications 25