Automated Imaging for Microbiology
Automated Imaging for Microbiology
Invitation Workshop «Automated Imaging for Microbiology From Culture Plate to Pathogen Identification» Zurich | September 6th, 2016 Dear Madam or Sir, We invite you to our Workshop «Automated Imaging for Microbiology - From Culture Plate to Pathogen Identification» Zurich | September 6th, 2016 Automation has reached the clinical microbiology lab. While robotic solutions have replaced almost all human interaction in pre-analytics, microscopic analysis (e.g. of Gram or parasite samples) is usually done manually. To fill this gap, MetaSystems GmbH, a leading manufacturer of automated microscope imaging systems, has teamed up with Copan S.P.A, a renowned manufacturer of automated microbiology specimen processors, miacom diagnostics GmbH, an innovative provider of FISH based multiplex assays for pathogen identification, and Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH, famous manufacturer of high-end research microscopes, in order to join their skills developing modern imaging solutions for routine microbiology: • T he analysis of Gram samples involves focused inspection of many microscopic fields of view. MetaSystems introduces Metafer, a fully automated slide scanning platform facilitating a ZEISS Axio Imager.Z2, as a system to digitize Gram samples with highest quality and in shortest time. Being used as a routine 24/7 image server, analysis of Gram samples can now be done on a computer screen, and doubtful cases can be shared with colleagues worldwide in an instant. • C opan’s modular WASP® Walk-Away Specimen Processor and WASPLab™: WASPLab™ is a fully automated and modular platform for streaking, incubation, reading, digitization and recording of inoculated bacteriology plates and can display Gram sample images from Metafer side by side with high-resolution images of culture dishes. Results are then directly entered in the software. WASP® and WASPLab™ are exclusively available in Switzerland from Ruwag Diagnostics. • Rapid Pathogen Identification (RPI) for the first time combines two proven methods for fully automatic, easy to use and cost effective pathogen identification in only 30 minutes. Based on the FDA approved detection technology from miacom diagnostics GmbH (Düsseldorf, Germany) and the slide scanning platform Metafer, RPI provides fully automatic identification of pathogens from patient samples (respiratory sputum or blood cultures) with unprecedented speed. • M etafer can also be used for automated screening of Tuberculosis and Malaria samples. The system provides a first assessment of the sample status, and detected objects are counted and displayed together with their coordinates on the sample. A simple mouse klick relocates them under the microscope for further inspection. • RUWAG Handels AG and Carl Zeiss AG are partners and distributors of Copan and MetaSystems solutions in Switzerland. We invite you to reserve a slot at the workshop and are looking forward to welcoming you in Zurich! Your teams from ZEISS Microscopy, MetaSystems and RUWAG Handels AG Tuesday, September 6th, 2016 Laborgemeinschaft 1, Rautistrasse 11, 2nd level, 8047 Zurich 08:45 h 09:00 h Arrival (coffee) Welcome MetaSystems, RUWAG, ZEISS 09:15 h Talk «Automatisation in the Bacteriology Lab» Dr. Hanne Grob, Area Sales Manager, RUWAG Handels AG, Bettlach 10:00 h Talk «Imaging Automation with Metafer (Part I): Gram Sample Imaging, Tuberculosis and Malaria Detection» MetaSystems, Altlussheim, Germany 10:35 h Coffee break 11:10 h Talk «30 min FISH Assays in Microbiology: Multiplexing Directly from Samples to Enable Evidence Based Antibiotic Therapy» miacom diagnostics GmbH, Düsseldorf 11:40 h Talk «Rapid Pathogen Identification (RPI)» MetaSystems, Altlussheim, Germany 11:55 h User report «Lab-automatisation in the ZLM St. Gallen – First Experiences in Bacteriology» PD Dr. Oliver Nolte, Bereichsleiter Mikrobiologie, Humanmedizinische Mikrobiologie ZLM, St.Gallen 12:30 h Lunch break 14:00 h Demo ZEISS Imager Z2, MetaSystems, miacom diagnostics, RUWAG 16:00 h End Venue Laborgemeinschaft 1, Rautistrasse 11, 2nd level, 8047 Zurich Please register for the workshop with the attached registration form. Accomodation If you need help finding a hotel, please contact Further information Carl Zeiss AG Microscopy Feldbachstrasse 81 8714 Feldbach Tel. +41 55 254 75 00 Fax +41 55 254 75 01 Registration Workshop «Automated Imaging for Microbiology - From Culture Plate to Pathogen Identification» Zurich | September 6th, 2016 Salutation: __________________ Academic Title: ________________________ Please register until August 15th, 2016 by fax +41 55 254 75 01 or by e-mail to First Name: _____________________________________________________ Last Name: _____________________________________________________ The number of participants is limited. Please register as soon as possible. This workshop is free of charge. We will send you a confirmation. Company/University: _______________________________________________ Department/Institute: ______________________________________________ Street: _________________________________________________________ Postal Code: ________________________ City: ________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________ Comments: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Carl Zeiss AG Microscopy Feldbachstrasse 81 8714 Feldbach Tel. +41 55 254 75 00 Fax +41 55 254 75 01 Carl Zeiss AG Microscopy Feldbachstrasse 81 8714 Feldbach