2013 - TV Tools
2013 - TV Tools
[ VIEWS FOR A BETTER AUDIO AND VIDEO PRODUCTION ] TV TOOLS NEWSLETTER 2013 ADOBE ANYWHERE A REVOLUTION IN POST-PRODUCTION SANOMA NEWS MODERN NEWS PRODUCTION SYSTEM ROYAL CARIBBEAN INTERNATIONAL NEW LUXURY CRUISE SHIPS FILMWORKS WRC HDPRODUCTION SYSTEM MOSKITO TELEVISION WORKFLOWS FOR THE REALITY PRODUCTIONS TV TOOLS NEW FACILITIES EDITORIAL CONTENTS Anything Anywhere Anytime The one network for video, audio, data and communications you can rely on. Online media consumption continues to rise, and consumers are increasingly storing materials on cloud services. Businesses are also utilising different types of cloud technologies at an increasing rate. SANOMA NEWS Modern news production system... 4 SWEDISH TEATRE New production system................. 6 Less cables, less installation time, less planning-errors, less user risks, less operational costs ... RGB AJA Ki Pro Rack in action at the last ever live concert of PMMP..............7 ROYAL CARIBBEAN INTERNATIONAL New luxury cruise ships................. 8 ADOBE ANYWHERE A revolution in post-production....10 FILMWORKS London summer olympics.............12 FILMWORKS WRC HD production system..........12 TV TOOLS New facilities.................................14 Faster connection speeds and technological advancements have opened up opportunities for novel types of media production. What’s more, in the future, media consumed online will also increasingly be produced online or with the aid of online resources. However, transferring production to a cloud platform comes with its own challenges. Current production formats are relatively heavy for today’s network connections, and the security of materials becomes even more crucial than before. One system that is capable of meeting these challenges is Adobe Anywhere. This new post-production platform is reviewed in the centrefold article of this issue. In the future, network connections will also be utilised more at the start of the production chain. Remote productions are gaining popularity across the world, including in Finland, where this new production method has already been put to use in couple of projects. In addition to our existing brand representations, our latest introduction, DYVI, is another example of IP-based production technology. MOSKITO TELEVISION Workflows for the reality productions.................................... 15 DIRECTOR’S CUT DC3 audio control room................. 15 YLE Refurbishment of TV studios in Tohloppi.....................................16 IN THE SPOTLIGHT Jori Haara.......................................18 Video Audio Data Communications TV TOOLS OY:N NEWSLETTER 2013 PUBLISHER TV TOOLS OY ITÄLAHDENKATU 15-17 00210 HELSINKI TEL. +358 9 525 9700 WWW.TVTOOLS.FI INFO@TVTOOLS.FI MEDIORNET MODULAR The Real-Time Media Network » One fiber-based network infrastructure for EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MIKKO KUJALA sports broadcast productions » Integration of all video, audio, data and communication signals » Full flexibility – free signal-routing without rewiring 2 www.riedel.net EDITORS TUOMAS NIEMELÄ JUKKA KESKI-LOPPI TRANSLATIONS PRE-TEXT OY PHOTOGRAPHY NO GRAIN STUDIO, TIMO LUOMANEN FW FILMWORKS OY, JARI VUORENMAA So who can benefit from cloud-based production platforms and remote production? We believe that they have something to offer customers of all types and sizes, just like any previous technological breakthrough. In addition to keeping abreast of new production methods and technologies, we continue to develop and enhance our operations. Examples include the further development of Toolbox, our support system, and the Monitor Tool, a monitoring system which has been a result of our own R&D efforts. In addition, our advanced project and support operations will be ISO 9001-certified in the near future. With these enhancements under our belt, we will be able to respond to our customers’ increasing service requirements with even more speed and efficiency than before. Thanks to all our customers for the interesting projects and diverse service requests that keep us busy and creative! TV TOOLS OY LAY-OUT EYEBALL GRAPHICS PRINT SARASTE SUORA OY Mikko Kujala Project Manager TV Tools Oy » Intuitive, easy-to-learn operation VIEWS FOR A BETTER AUDIO AND VIDEO PRODUCTION www.riedel.net TV TOOLS NEWSLETTER 2013 3 KVM also features remote access for support and administration. cluding daily content for the HS.fi website and some 10-20 hours of material for ISTV each week. THE PRODUCTION SYSTEM includes the video router, multiviewers and other signal processing solutions by Evertz. Synchronisation and THE SYSTEM WAS PUT ON-AIR on 3 December 2012, when the the waveform monitor are by Tektronix. Riedel intercom covers the Nelosen Uutiset news programme was relaunched with a new studio, control room, edit suites, machine room and the newsroom look from Sanomatalo. Online news streaming was launched at located on the other side of Sanomatalo. Video, audio and commu- the same time using the ViewCast streaming server. nication signals are transferred from the studio to the newsroom using the Riedel MediorNet system. Only a handful of fibre-optic TV TOOLS AND FILMWORKS together designed and implemented cables are needed between the different production units for all the the news production system in record time, less than four months. necessary signals. Studio camera robotics are by Telemetrics. The Nelonen’s existing hardware was installed at the new facilities and ”weather camera” on the rooftop of Sanomatalo is also controlled integrated into the new system at the same time. These included by the same system. ENG cameras are from Sony and format used the iNEWS newsroom system, the Metra Weather system, Reuters is XDCAM HD422. receivers and teleprompters. The entire system is monitored with the Monitor Tool monitoring system by TV Tools. CONTROL ROOM AUDIO MONITORING is provided by Genelec’s digital DSP monitors and a Lawo mixer. Broadcast mixing is also by Lawo. Wireless microphones are by Wisycom. BROADCAST AUTOMATION is provided by the Mosart news automation system. It controls the Evertz video router, Sony video switcher, SANOMA NEWS MODERN NEWS PRODUCTION SYSTEM Lawo audio mixer, EVS video servers, Vizrt graphics system, Telemetrics camera robotics and the lighting console. Rundowns come directly from iNEWS, and changes are updated on Mosart in real time. The news control room is manned by three or four persons, instead of the previous team of seven. The production-specific Mosart templates facilitate flexible use of the system also in non-news productions. Thanks to Mosart, live-to-tape productions can be turned out by one or two persons. The production system also serves the production requirements of the Sanoma Group’s other divisions, in- The Nelosen Uutiset news division moved to the Sanomatalo building from its Tehtaankatu offices in late 2012. At the same time, FilmWorks took the responsibility to deliver the production technology for Sanoma News. Technology was upgraded to HD, workflows were optimized, and the news desk moved to the same location with the Helsingin Sanomat newspaper. S ince the building didn’t have a studio unit, new facil- When the media has been chosen to the story and a rough cut has ities were built on the seventh floor. A state-of-the- been produced, editing can be done using the EVS Xedio CleanEdit art machine room was added to the same floor. The or Apple Final Cut Pro. CleanEdit is an easy and fast tool for news space arguably offers the best views of any equip- editing. It offers all the basic tools for editing, subtitling, adding ment room in Finland, as the windows overlook Eliel- graphics, effects and voiceovers. CleanEdit also features the Viz inaukio square. THE CORE OF PRODUCTION is the EVS news production system. It plugin, which allows editors to use Vizrt graphics system in news stories. For stories requiring more complex editing, Final Cut Pro is the answer. FCP also includes the Viz plugin for graphics. offers tools for media ingest, management, editing, playout and distribution. The production system is integrated into the iNEWS A number of different user consoles for the news production system newsroom system using the MOS protocol. Rundowns are designed were built around Sanomatalo. Some of the user consoles were in iNEWS, and related media can be linked directly using the EVS implemented by installing the necessary EVS and Vizrt software on Xedio Cutter ActiveX plugin within the same user interface. This way, the news desk workstations, and others were built using the Gun- journalists, news anchors and producers have access to all the story termann & Drunck KVM system. The G&D system is redundant and design and composition tools on a single interface. includes 16 different user consoles situated around the building. The 4 VIEWS FOR A BETTER AUDIO AND VIDEO PRODUCTION TV TOOLS NEWSLETTER 2013 5 system, it can be routed anywhere and to any number of outputs (point to multipoint). MediorNet also provides up/down/ cross SD/HD conversions, quad split multiviewers and audio RGB AJA KI PRO RACK IN ACTION AT THE LAST EVER LIVE CONCERT OF PMMP de- and embedding. Each channel has a frame synchronizer, test pattern and tone. Any one of the system nodes can operate as the sync pulse generator, either by producing the pulse THE FINNISH BAND PMMP BOWED OUT WITH TWO FAREWELL GIGS or receiving it from an external SPG. IN OCTOBER 2013. Held at the Helsinki Ice Hall, the concerts were THE STAGE IS FILMED using remote controlled Panasonic plemented by RGB. RGB supplied LED screens in the hall and at the cameras. Camera signals or mixed video signals are stored directly to the DVS SpycerBox SAN storage system using the Softron MovieRecorder software and the AJA Io XT interface. Mixed video signals are also used as part of the performance, in which case they are routed to projectors, monitors or RF modulators by the MediorNet system and distributed to other areas in the building. Thanks to the negligible 0.5 millisecond delay of MediorNet, it can also be used to route video signals produced using live performance and production technologies immain entrance, and cameras and recorders for the live recording of the event. The concerts were filmed using seven HD cameras and on top of camera signals, also mixed feed was recorded. The recording was done using a total of eight AJA Ki Pro Rack file based recorders. The materials for the two concerts, which each lasted over 2.5 hours, were delivered to RGB’s client in Apple ProRes 422 1080i format. “We have found the Ki Pro highly reliable recorders in demanding live concert and event applications,” says technical director Antti Hietala from RGB. from the conductor’s camera to all monitors located in the orchestra pit and on stage. THE THEATRE INTERCOM SYSTEM is by Riedel. DECT-based wireless beltpacks are part of the Riedel Acrobat system, and the wired Partyline belt stations and panels are from the Performer SWEDISH THEATRE NEW PRODUCTION SYSTEM series. Motorola walkie-talkies are integrated into the system 44 WIRELESS MICROPHONE CHANNELS ARE BY WISYCOM. by RiFace technology, and the entire comms system is centrally controlled by the Riedel Artist intercom router and panels. Swedish Theatre (Svenska Teatern) in Helsinki underwent a complete renovation and restoration programme. Although the work was carried out without compromising the theatre’s heritage, the technical side was completely renewed. TV Tools was one of the partners of the refurbishment project. F inland’s first Riedel MediorNet signal routing system was introduced at the Swedish Theatre. Comprising six nodes, the system provides routing for all video signals in live performances. The six nodes are installed around the theatre in conjunction with each production unit and they are connected with fibre optics. THE RIEDEL MEDIORNET SYSTEM offers unrestricted connection topology. The number of fibre-optic connections depends on how many signals are needed. The MediorNet is interfaced and operated by users as a single large router. Once the signal is connected to the 6 VIEWS FOR A BETTER AUDIO AND VIDEO PRODUCTION TV TOOLS NEWSLETTER 2013 7 ROYAL CARIBBEAN INTERNATIONAL NEW LUXURY CRUISE SHIPS Over the past 15 years, TV Tools has designed and delivered broadcast systems for a total of ten luxury cruise ships of Royal Caribbean International (RCI). The ten ships were built at the STX shipyards in Turku and Helsinki. The new Quantum class ships will be built at the Meyer Werft shipyard in Germany. Although the construction of RCI’s ships is moving to Germany, TV Tools from Finland will continue to supply the broadcast systems. T THE BACKGROUND PROJECTION OF THE PANORAMA THEATRE IS IMPLEMENTED WITH 18 CHRISTIE PROJECTORS. Net, offering virtually endless possibilities for intercom signal routing. the Anthem of the Seas, will start in early 2014 at TV Tools facilities. The broadcast centre can be used to control all on-board broadcast systems. The Virtual Studio Manager (VSM) system by L-S-B controls MAINTENANCE is assisted by the Monitor Tool, next generation the different systems, including all Riedel hardware, the video rout- monitoring system developed by TV Tools. The solution allows TV er, multiviewer and signal processing equipment by Evertz, and the Tools to monitor the systems from Finland in real time. Support is AJA Ki Pro Rack recorders. The VSM is also used to control projectors mostly done remotely, with occasional onsite visits. and screens in different zones. he first new-generation vessel is called Quantum of the DIFFERENT AREAS OF THE SHIP will have 22 remote controlled HD Seas. The on-board broadcast technology has been com- cameras by Panasonic. The cameras facilitate the recording of differ- THE ON-BOARD BROADCAST CENTRE allows operators to work on pletely redesigned for the new ships. Technology is now ent performances across different venues, including Broadway mu- two productions simultaneously. The mixed programme is transmit- HD throughout, and video and audio signalling is provided sicals in the 1 200 capacity theatre, rock club concerts, and the flying ted to the on-stage projectors and screens, and recorded or trans- by a new platform. The heart of the system is the Riedel dancers of the panoramic theatre located in the aft section of the ferred to encoders for transmission to one of the 55 IPTV channels MediorNet signal routing system with its impressive 30-node spec. ship. At night, the 270-degree glass walls of the panoramic theatre aboard in the ship. The system consolidates all on-board broadcast technologies, form- are transformed into 40-metre wide, 4-metre high projection surfac- ing a huge router that provides routing for video, audio, ethernet, RS es which provide background to on-stage performances. control, intercom and GPI signals. This level of flexibility in signalling TV TOOLS IS HANDLING THE DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION AND SUPPORT OF THE BROADCAST SYSTEMS. The system will be pre-built is unprecedented in on-board broadcast systems. It also offers signif- THE BROADCAST AND ENTERTAINMENT AREAS are interconnected at the TV Tools headquarters in Lauttasaari, Helsinki, and factory ac- icant savings in cable weights, costs and labour. Different broadcast by Riedel’s intercom systems. The broadcast centre is fitted with a ceptance testing will be carried out before the system is delivered systems are connected using exclusively fibre-optic cables. The long- Riedel Artist intercom router and a base station for the wireless sys- to the Papenburg shipyard in Germany by the end of 2013. At the est runs are over 300 metres, which, if implemented with HD copper tem. In addition, each zone has a dedicated Riedel Performer Partyline shipyard, TV Tools will carry out final installation, testing, training cables, would require a great deal more of active hardware. system. All intercom systems are interconnected via Riedel Medior- and deployment before the Quantum of the Seas departs for its 8 VIEWS FOR A BETTER AUDIO AND VIDEO PRODUCTION maiden voyage. System building for the next vessel in the class, TV TOOLS NEWSLETTER 2013 9 ADOBE ANYWHERE A REVOLUTION IN POST-PRODUCTION WHAT IS ADOBE ANYWHERE? 1. 2. A new post-production platform that allows production teams to work 3. Anywhere runs from within familiar Adobe Creative Cloud applications and collaborate on productions anywhere and anytime. and it can be integrated with existing media management and storage Adobe Anywhere centralizes all the resources and performance onto systems. Anywhere is currently compatible with Adobe Prelude CC, one platform. From which they can be shared to users based on their Premiere Pro CC and After Effects CC. FROM PROJECT FILES TO PRODUCTIONS needs in a flexible way. HOW DOES IT WORK? 1. ADOBE ANYWHERE CLUSTER Adobe Anywhere provides a private cloud environment that allows the x1 whole production team to work together in a secure and flexible way. Anywhere runs on a centralised storage and server platform located at Real time dynamic viewing streams to team members the customer’s facilities. It allows secure and efficient workflows to be built for each production’s requirements. External users can access Any- Adobe Anywhere Collaboration Hub where from any location via a secure connection. 2. Adobe Mercury Streaming Engine Adobe Anywhere Collaboration Hub node and a minimum of three Adobe bottlenecks of collaboration. They production contains a collection are almost necessarily available to of files, media and edits which only one user at a time. Other us- can all be used by all members of ers have been able to make cop- the production team. Productions ies of the project file, but this has are stored in the database on the led to manual and complicated Collaboration Hub server, and the project and media management. production media is stored in a INTRODUCING SHARED PRODUCTIONS SHARED PRODUCTION Users can work with media and sequences remotely User log into a shared production Adobe Anywhere transforms in- Media asset manager Storage servers by TV Tools. The cluster features two types of server nodes: at least one production simultaneously. The centralised storage system. x3 Adobe Anywhere is installed on a server cluster supplied and configured Project files have long been the dividual project files into produc- User rughts can be configured to tions. Instead of a project file, the fit the requirements of the pro- user creates an Anywhere produc- duction in question. Freelancers tion. This replaces the project files can also be assigned user rights of different applications and al- for individual productions. User grated into an existing Active lows several users to work on the rights management can be inte- Directory system. Everyone uses the same collection of folders, assets and sequences Mercury Streaming Engine nodes. 3. The media files used on the Adobe Anywhere platform are located in a 4. The Collaboration Hub is the cornerstone of the Adobe Anywhere plat- centralised storage system. This can be the customer’s existing system, or form. It contains a database of productions, projects and metadata. The alternatively, TV Tools can deliver a suitable storage system to the custom- Collaboration Hub is also used to control access rights§, send notifications er for Anywhere use. Media can be imported into the system both by local to the production team, provide API interface and coordinate the Mercury and remote users with familiar applications (Adobe Prelude, Premiere Pro Streaming Engine nodes. These nodes offer users a real-time, dynamic Versioning is also easier in Adobe When the production team con- and After Effects) and viewed and processed even before the transfer is media stream. The quality of the stream varies depending on the con- Anywhere productions. Anywhere sists of several members, a user complete. Other users can access the media as soon as it is imported into nection. Local users with high connection speeds will always enjoy full creates a new version each time occasionally does something that the system. It is also possible to import media from external sources such quality, while remote users may experience varying streaming quality de- a user makes changes to the pro- the director or producer doesn’t as media management systems and watch folders. pending on the connection speed. The Mercury Streaming Engine nodes duction. Previously, version control agree with. While restricting users’ also handle the export of completed edits. of project files was done by saving privileges can prevent this prob- a new version whenever changes lem, it could also restrict creativity were made. This approach, while and lead to a less than optimal seemingly practical, requires solid end result. With the version man- common rules, routines and the agement feature of Anywhere, users’ time. The automatic version restoring a previous, preferred management provided by Any- version is simple. This means that where does it on the users’ behalf Anywhere both allows space for and allows them to view and re- users’ creativity and protects the store versions with ease. work already done. VERSIONING USER 1 USER EXPERIENCE Adobe Anywhere transforms The user experience is the Anywhere interface is run from tralized platform and flexibly share workflows from file-based into same whether the user is in the within the standard Adobe appli- them with different users as re- “file-less”. Users no longer have same location with the Anywhere cations, the look and feel of the quired. The workstation itself can to manage files manually, as An- platform, or using the system apps remains the same as before. be anything from an full blown ywhere ensures that the files of remotely from another location. The need for having only high editing suite with video and audio each production are in the right Operations are always frame ac- end workstations is eliminated: monitoring to a lightweight laptop. location and available to the pro- curate and the editing process is the core idea of Anywhere is to Media can also be viewed on iPads duction team. smooth and without delay. As the centralise all resources to the cen- using the Adobe Anywhere app. COLLABORATE WITHOUT CONFLICTS SHARED PRODUCTION JAETTU TUOTANTO time USER 2 V1 Open virtual copy Open virtual copy EDITS EDITS V2 SHARE SHARE STOP OUT OF DATE GET LATEST (V2) Resolve any conflicts SHARE V3 Adobe Anywhere provides protection against uninteded conflicts or overwrites KEY FEATURES: 6 6 6 6 6 ENHANCES PRODUCTION WORKFLOWS PROVIDES ACCESS TO MEDIA FROM ANY LOCATION ADOBE ANYWHERE IPAD APP FOR CONTENT VIEWING CENTRALISED PROJECT AND MEDIA MANAGEMENT A STREAMLINED INTERFACE THAT WORKS FROM WITHIN THE FAMILIAR ADOBE APPLICATIONS 6 DYNAMIC AND OPTIMIZED IMAGE QUALITY ENSURES REAL-TIME PERFORMANCE 6 NOTIFICATIONS TO THE PRODUCTION TEAM 6 EASY-TO-USE VERSIONING SYSTEM 6 UTILISES EXISTING SYSTEMS 6 INTEGRATES WITH OTHER SYSTEMS VIA OPEN INTERFACES 6 6 6 6 SCALABLE ARCHITECTURE COMPREHENSIVE USER RIGHTS MANAGEMENT INTEGRATED WITH ACTIVE DIRECTORY SYSTEMS USER INTERFACE CUSTOMIZATION VIA PANELS ARCHIVING AND RESTORATION OF PRODUCTIONS Adobe has chosen TV Tools as its Anywhere SI (System Integrator) partner in Finland. The trained and certified TV Tools team is responsible for the design, implementation and support of Adobe Anywhere systems delivered to Finnish customers. TV TOOLS NEWSLETTER 2013 11 FILMWORKS LONDON SUMMER OLYMPICS TV Tools designed and implemented a mobile MCR (Master Control Room) for FilmWorks for its coverage of the 2012 Olympic Games in London. T he system was stationed at the London Media Centre (LMC) next to Parliament Square. From there, press conferences from the Olympics were broadcast live and recorded in the system for later use. Edited material were also produced for the live broadcasts. COMMUNICATIONS between and within different locations were implemented with the Riedel Artist intercom system. Intercom panels located in different parts of London communicated over the IP network. Video infrastructure comprised router, multiviewer and signal processing technologies by Evertz. ”Beauty shot” cameras, which were located around the city, were also controlled from the MCR. THE MCR OFFERED SERVICES to various media representatives. Additionally 15 minutes of finished programming was produced at the centre each day. IN ADDITION TO THE MEDIA CENTRE, the system included production platforms which were situated in key locations at Olympic venues. From these smaller units, journalists and presenters were able to produce presentations and interviews that were filmed with Sony cameras and centrally stored on the EVS XS video server at LMC. All recordings were also streamed in real time to the DVS SpycerBox SAN storage system for subsequent editing. Four editing suites were connected to the SAN storage system. Edit suites were rented out - with in-house editors - to different media outfits. FILMWORKS WRC HD PRODUCTION SYSTEM I n 2006, TV Tools designed and implemented a mobile post-pro- are produced in two identical copies, one on each SpycerBox. Mir- duction system for FilmWorks for the World Rally Champion- roring is done in real time, which means that when the user sees ship coverage. The system was used successfully for six years the media, it has already been duplicated. The production is never at nearly 100 rally events around the world. Rights to the WRC in jeopardy, even if one of the SpycerBoxes is damaged in transport. were bought by Red Bull Media House in late 2012, and the This is DVS’s first mirrored SSD storage system in the world. company hired the Swiss-based Host Broadcast Services (HBS) to do the TV production for the 2013 series. HBS chose Finland-based MATERIAL IS INGESTED using the ENG Soft software by EVS. Produc- FilmWorks as its partner for the technical implementation of the tion asset management (PAM) is provided by EVS IP Director. Jour- production. nalists and producers can browse and log material with IP Browse and IP Clip Logger thin clients. Editors receive material selected by FILMWORKS AND TV TOOLS CONTINUED THEIR LONG-STANDING journalists directly via the IP Link plugin. Using the Media Exporter PARTNERSHIP, designing a production system and workflow to fit plugin, the finished edits are exported directly to the XS video serv- Red Bull’s requirements. In the new system, the production chain er for playout, or to the Xsquare transcoder for file delivery. Critical was upgraded from SD to HD. The basic requirement was that all components of the EVS production system and the entire production production material had to be secured in real time throughout the network are duplicated. season. The production is run on DVS’s mirrored SpycerBox storage servers. This SSD-disk-based SAN and NAS system is used in all stages of the workflow, from ingest to material delivery. The media 12 VIEWS FOR A BETTER AUDIO AND VIDEO PRODUCTION TV TOOLS NEWSLETTER 2013 13 TV TOOLS HAS NEW FACILITIES TV TOOLS HAS EXPANDED ITS FACILITIES TO INCLUDE A NEW SUPPORT CENTRE IN PASILA AND AN EXTENSION IN LAUTTASAARI, WHICH NOW OFFERS 30% MORE SPACE. The new support centre in Pasila serves both suport staff and customers. Located on the third floor of the RTI building, the facilities MOSKITO TELEVISION WORKFLOWS FOR THE REALITY TV PRODUCTIONS In late 2011, Moskito Television, a long-term customer of TV Tools, approached with an interesting project. The company was about to start producing a new, documentary-style reality TV series, which would follow the lives of six women, all strangers, over a six-month period. The footage would be filmed by the women themselves. new demo room was built for presentation and training purposes. A T new storeroom was opened downstairs along with pre-installation vast volume of material more manageable and gave directors ability and configuration facilities. The existing installation facilities were to focus on the essential part – the storytelling. Logging and media also extended. management were implemented with the CatDV system. The Lauttasaari offices now also include an auditorium for seminars ”IHOLLA” SERIES BECAME A TELEVISION HIT, and the third season is and training sessions for groups small or large. The first event organ- currently in production. Women are replaced by men in the third sea- ised at the auditorium was the RTW Loudness seminar. Held in April son. In addition to Iholla, the same system has been used success- 2013, the two-day seminar was attended by 70 people. fully in a number of other productions, including Selviytyjät, Viidakon were refurbished to include workstations for support staff, a spare part warehouse and meeting room. This means that the TV Tools support department can now be reached faster and more easily at the Pasila TV campus. The Pasila support centre opened in spring 2012. OUR HEADQUARTERS IN LAUTTASAARI were extended in 2013 over two phases. The number of office rooms was doubled, and a EVS SPORTS WE LIVE AND BREATHE SPORT We give broadcasters the power to deliver the world’s greatest sporting contests. Our rock solid systems are transforming sports programming, enriching and monetising live content for a competitive market. EVS Sports360° solutions deliver the most efficient production workflow for live sports, working in real-time to ingest, edit and enrich content as it happens. From our ultra-reliable and lightning-fast XT3 server range and Live Slow Motion control panel, to the groundbreaking C-Cast second-screen technology, this is the smart way to win in sports broadcasting. EVS Sports. Enriched. Live. 14 VIEWS FOR A BETTER AUDIO AND VIDEO PRODUCTION www.evs.com V Tools and the production team got together to design Tähtöset and most recently the Finnish version of Dancing On Ice. a workflow which would transfer the material filmed by the women to a centralised storage system and then con- “Partnering with TV Tools allowed us to design a new kind of work- vert it to a more editable format. The volume of footage flow, which made it possible for us to manage huge volumes of ma- was high, about 40 hours each week. Approximately 20 terial with a compact production team,” says Jive Väänänen, who is 000 clips were produced during the season, requiring accurate and in charge of production resources management at Moskito Television. customised metadata profiles to facilitate logging. This made the DIRECTOR’S CUT DC3 AUDIO CONTROL ROOM TV Tools designed and implemented a refurbished audio control room for the DC3 studio of Director’s Cut. The studio is involved in a range of different productions, from talk shows to major music and entertainment programmes. The different needs of each production type were taken into account in the design process. L awo mc256 was chosen as the audio mixer for the Pasila-based unit. The console features a 40-fader, freely configurable control panel and a redundant Dallis I/O. The system includes fibre-optically connected stage boxes, which can also be used on other studio floors. Signal routing is with the audio mixer’s router. The acoustics were redesigned in conjunction with the refurbishment. Audio monitoring is provided by Genelec 5.1 DSP system. The control room is currently used for TV productions including Hyvät ja huonot uutiset, Enbuske ja Linnanahde Crew, and Putous. TV TOOLS NEWSLETTER 2013 15 provide direct gain control for the microphone inputs of RockNet stage boxes. All channels can be routed to any output. This means that all audio produced in-house is connected to a single router that covers the whole TV centre. Communications are provided by the Riedel Artist intercom router and Acrobat wireless comms system. THE TEN STUDIO CAMERAS are from the Sony HSC-300 series. CCUs with digital triax connections can be patched to any studio floor. The two large control rooms have a Sony MVS-7000X vision mixer, and the monitor walls are also by Sony. VERSATILITY AND ADAPTABILITY for different types of productions are facilitated by the Virtual Studio Manager (VSM) system by L-S.B. The system offers setups for different productions from a single button press. For example, video and audio routings, the multiviewers layouts , cameras, the tally lights of studio and control rooms, and the booking of facilities. All facilities have VSM control capability, while at the same time, the control panel of each facility is configured to control facility- and production-specific settings only. YLE REFURBISHMENT OF TV STUDIOS IN TOHLOPPI The TV centre was upgraded with four brand new control rooms, four studio floors, and an equipment room, and the four existing control rooms were also refurbished. In addition to HD capability, the core idea was to make the facilities more versatile and adaptable for different productions. T he existing HD video router is now accompanied by Riedel MediorNet, which provides signal routing between different facilities across the TV centre. Each control room and studio has a MediorNet node or several nodes. They provide video, audio, ethernet, RS control, intercom and GPI routing. No video or audio cables were added between the facilities, only fibre-optic and CAT cables. MediorNet is also integrated with the Riedel RockNet audio distribution network. It provides stage boxes and audio interfaces for the studio floors and control rooms. New SSL audio consoles were fitted in the audio control rooms. They 16 VIEWS FOR A BETTER AUDIO AND VIDEO PRODUCTION affordable. reliable. high performance. discover the MVS-3000A / MVS-6530 from our successful MVS switcher range For more information visit www.pro.sony.eu/switchers TV TOOLS NEWSLETTER 2013 Sony and ‘make.believe’ are registered trademarks of Sony Corporation. 17 IN THE SPOTLIGHT JORI HAARA TV TOOLS BRANDS Three years ago, TV Tools received an application for a summer job. The applicant was one Jori Haara, a young ICT graduate. Jori was Video quick to show his skills and suitability for joining the professional team at TV Tools. When the summer job ended, Jori was given a Aja Video Systems Autodesk Cavena Video cards, mini converters and digital recorders. Post production software and systems. Subtitling systems and workstations. Evertz EVS Haivision Harmonic Routers, converters, signal generators, fibre channel, IPTV and multiviewers. Video servers, networked production systems and slow motion. IPTV and streaming systems. Video servers, transcoding, encoding and head-end. QuickLink SVS Broadcast Tangent Devices Mobile streaming devices. IT-based production systems. Color grading control panels. Tektronix Telemetrics VidCheck ViewCast Video and audio measurement, signal generators and quality control for file-based media Camera robotics; dolly tracks, control systems, pan and tilt heads. Quality control and correction s oftware for file-based media. Streaming. Vislink Vizrt Wohler Wireless camera links. Graphic systems, virtual studios and publishing systems. Video & audio monitoring. Glensound Lawo Mandozzi Riedel Commentary systems and phone hybrids. Audio mixers and routers, video and audio signal processing. Audio routers, transmission mixers and audio transfer systems. Intercom and signal routing systems. RTW WisyCom Audio monitoring and measurement. Wireless microphones and intercom. ADC Video and audio patch panels and connectors. permanent position as a Systems Specialist. These days, Jori is a familiar sight at the Pasila TV campus. He works on customers’ broadcast systems, studio and production systems, ® Miller and media management systems. Despite his young age, Jori has Tripods. solid and diverse expertise. For that reason, he is also responsible for the introductory training of new systems specialists and is a member of the TV Tools 24/7 support team. Makes it happen Before TV Tools, Jori became familiar with Digita’s systems during his work placement and was involved in building the test units. Jori’s strengths include his willingness to learn and adopt new things. He Audio says: “What I appreciate most about this job is the rapidly changing and developing technologies and the chance to put new knowledge and skills to use.” In his free time, Jori likes to listen to music, go to gigs and play computer games. Data THE NEW G&D CONTROL CENTER-DIGITAL For where you’ve gone and where you’re going The new G&D ControlCenterDigital is the KVM Matrix Switch that’s ready to integrate with your broadcast equipment and installations today. Modular and able to adapt to virtually any environment, it’s also ready for the future. As a modular system, transmission cards can be CAT or fiber or both and can be replaced during operation. Each port is flexible, to be used as an input or output. The ControlCenterDigital is cascadeable and fully compatible with the G&D DVICenter. Like the DVICenter, it also provides brilliant video quality, is intuitive and has an easy to configure user interface, a monitoring facility and SNMP. 18 VIEWS FOR A BETTER AUDIO AND VIDEO PRODUCTION The system supports all relevant signals – single-link DVI, PS2 and USB keyboards and mice, audio, USB 2.0 transparent and RS232. For high video bandwidths, a dual-link DVI/ Display Port will follow shortly. A host of other features include the capacity for multi-monitor workstations with CrossDisplay switching, three redundant power packs (replaceable in operation) and, of course, G&D’s renowned solid build quality. For the stations and studios of today and for the ever changing demands of the road ahead, the new ControlCenter-Digital from G&D. Leading the way in digital KVM www.gdsys.de Archiware Arista ATTO Axle Video Backup and archive software. 10Gb & 1Gb ethernet networking. Thunderbolt, Fibre Channel, miniSAS, 10GigE and SCSI cards and interfaces. Radically simple media management software, that also integrates to Adobe Anywhere platform. DVS EMC Front Porch Digital G-Technology SAN and NAS storage systems and post production workstations. EMC Isilon storage systems. Hierarchial storage management, media management and archiving systems. External hard drives and storage systems. GB Labs Guntermann & Drunck Logickeyboard L-S-B Space NAS storage systems and LTO archive systems. KVM solutions and extenders. Keyboard solutions. Studio management systems, VSM (Virtual Studio Manager). Mosart Pebble Beach Sonnet Square Box Systems News automation systems. News and playout automation. Peripherals and accessories for workstations; PCIe cards, Thunderbolt devices and media card readers. CatDV Media Asset Management Tandberg Data Telestream Tolis Tape drives and libraries. Transcoding, streaming and workflow automation systems. Backup and archive software. Adobe Apple Belden Eizo Editing and post production software, and Adobe Anywhere production platform. Editing software and workstations. Video, audio, data, fibre channel ja triax cables. Data and video monitors. Genelec HP Neutrik Panasonic Speakers. Workstations, servers, and ethernet networking. Connectors and panels. Cameras, video monitors and video mixers. Promise Technology Qlogic Quantum Sony External hard drives, storage systems and Thunderbolt devices. Fibre Channel cards and switches, and other interface cards. SAN and hierarchial storage management systems and tape libraries. Cameras, video monitors and video mixers. Resale TV TOOLS NEWSLETTER 2013 19 20 United Kingdom Sales Germany Sales +44 (0)118-921-6800 +49 89 2155 2388-1 United Kingdom Sales Germany Sales uksales@evertz.com vertrieb@evertz.com +44 (0)118-921-6800 +49 89 2155 2388-1 uksales@evertz.com vertrieb@evertz.com Southeast EuropeSales Sales Dubai Sales United Kingdom Germany Sales +385 1-2001-665 +971 4-422-9113 +44 (0)118-921-6800 +49 89 2155 2388-1 VIEWS FOR A BETTER AUDIO AND VIDEO PRODUCTION Southeast Europe Sales Dubai Sales SEeuropesales@evertz.com middleeastsales@evertz.com uksales@evertz.com vertrieb@evertz.com +385 1-2001-665 +971 4-422-9113 United Kingdom Sales Germany Sales SEeuropesales@evertz.com middleeastsales@evertz.com Southeast Europe Sales Dubai United Kingdom Sales Germany Sales +44 (0)118-921-6800 +49 89Sales 2155 2388-1 +385 1-2001-665 +971 4-422-9113 +44 (0)118-921-6800 +49 89 2155 2388-1 uksales@evertz.com vertrieb@evertz.com Hong Kong Sales +852 2850-7989 Hong Kong Sales asiapacificsales@evertz.com +852 2850-7989 asiapacificsales@evertz.com India Sales Hong Kong Sales +91 +85211-4174-8889 2850-7989 India Sales SouthAsiaSales@evertz.com asiapacificsales@evertz.com +91 11-4174-8889 Hong Kong Sales SouthAsiaSales@evertz.com India Sales Hong Kong Sales +852 2850-7989 +91 11-4174-8889 +852 2850-7989 asiapacificsales@evertz.com Evertz Corporate Headquarters +1-877-995-3700 Evertz Corporate Headquarters sales@evertz.com +1-877-995-3700 sales@evertz.com Australia Sales Headquarters Evertz Corporate +61 3-9558-9377 +1-877-995-3700 Australia Sales australiasales@evertz.com sales@evertz.com +61 3-9558-9377 Evertz Corporate Headquarters australiasales@evertz.com Australia Sales Headquarters Evertz Corporate +1-877-995-3700 +61 3-9558-9377 +1-877-995-3700 sales@evertz.com