Metric Linkage Catalog - Midwest Control Products
Metric Linkage Catalog - Midwest Control Products
Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 1 Midwest Control Products (UK) Metric Linkage Ends & Components ISO9001 Registered 100 Linkage Styles • 2,000 Catalog Items •!10,000 Designs • 1,000,000 Pieces in Inventory Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 2 Introduction Midwest Control Products Corp (MCP) ist seit 1967 in den USA in Betrieb. Heute hat sich MCP auf 13.000 Quadratmeter Herstellungsfläche in Bushnell, Illinois, USA and Hidalgo, Mexiko erweitert. Es hat ein Einkaufsbüro in China eröffnet und es verfügt über ein Verkaufsbüro und ein Lager in Grossbritiannien. Ursprünglich ein Hersteller von Röhren, hat MCP seine Produktserie über die letzten 40 Jahre erweitert, und umfasst heuter Gestänge, Kugelgelenke, Gabelköpfe, Bolzen, Druck/Zug-Kabel, Stabherstellungen, Vertrag Zinkgalvanisieren und Vertrag Puderanstrich. Heute versendet MCP an über 1.800 verschiedene Originalgerätehersteller und Vertreter weltweit. Wir freuen uns, Ihnen unseren metrischen Gestängekatalog vorstellen zu dürfen. Midwest Control Products Corp (MCP) began operations in the USA in 1967. Today MCP has expanded to have 13,000 square meters (140,000 square feet) of manufacturing space in Bushnell, Illinois, USA, and Hidalgo, Mexico, a Purchasing Office in China, and a Sales Office and Warehouse in Witney, United Kingdom. Originally a tube fabricator, MCP has expanded its product line over the last 40 years to now include linkages (ball joints, clevises, clevis spring pins, push-pull cables, spherical rod ends, yoke ends), flat bar fabrications, tube fabrications, upset forgings, wire forms, contract zinc electroplating and contract powder painting. Today, MCP ships to over 1,800 different original equipment manufacturers and distributors worldwide. We are pleased to present to you our metric linkage catalog! Midwest Control Products Corp (MCP) inició operaciones en los E.E.U.U. en 1967 y hoy en día cuenta con 13,000 metros cuadrados en plantas localizadas en Bushnell, Illinois en los E.E.U.U e Hidalgo, Mexico, una oficina de compras en China y una oficina de ventas en Witney, Inglaterra. MCP comenzó con la fabricación de tubos y durante los últimos 40 años a logrado incluir components como: rótulas, horquillas, resortes de horquilla, cables de movimiento reciproco o push pull, barras planas, tubería soldada, forjados, alambres con diferentes diseños, servicios de electrochapado con cinc y pintura en polvo. Hoy en día MCP posee más de 1.800 clientes y distribuidores de equipo original alrededor del mundo. !Gracias a nuestra continua inovación, queremos presentarles nuestro catálogo métrico de acoplamientos! Midwest Control Products Corp (MCP) fonctionne aux Etats-Unis depuis 1967. Aujourd!hui, MCP!s est agrandi pour atteindre une superficie de 13.000 métres carrés, laquelle est utilisee pour la production á Bushnell, en Illinois, aux Etats-Unis. MCP fonctionne aussi á Hidalgo, au Mexique; MCP possede un bureau d!achat en Chine; il a aussi un bureau de vente et un entrepôt á Witney, en Angleterre. Initialement MCP construisait des tubes. Dans les derniers quarantes ans, il a augmenté sa production en ajoutant maintenant la construction de liasons, joints à rotule, chapes, tiges à ressort de chape, câbles va-et-vient, extrémités de tige sphériques, fabrications plates de barre, fabrications de tube, pièces forgéees bouleversées, guides filaires, galvanoplastie de zinc de contrat et peinture de poudre de contrat. Aujourd!hui, MCP expédie ce qu!il produit á 1.800 différents fabricants d!outillage et de distributeurs dans le monde entier. Nous sommes trés heureux de vois présenter notre catalogue de liason métrique. Midwest Control Products Corp (MCP) ha iniziato i suoi funzionamenti negil USA nel 1967. Oggi il MCP si e espanso coprendo 13,000 metri quadrati dello spazio di manufattura in Bushnell, Illinois, USA, in Hidalgo, Messico, un ufficio di acquisto in Cina, un ufficio di vendita e un magazinio in Witney, Inghilterra. Inizialmente un industria per la realizzazione di tubi, il MCP, negli ultimi 40 anni ha espanso la relativa serie di prodotti per ora includere collegamenti (cavallotti di giunti sferici, perni di molla del cavalloto, cavi in opposizione, estremita! di di asta sferica), montaggi piani della sbarra, montaggi del tubo, pezzi fuciananti upset, forme del legare, placatura elettrolitica dello zinco del contratto e pittura della polvere del contratto. Oggi il MCP spedisce i suoi prodotti ad oltre 1,800 diversi produttori e distributtori di macchinari in tutto il mondo. Siamo soddisfatti di presentarvi il nostro catalogo di collegamenti sferici. Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 3 Catalog Overview This metric linkage ends catalog is organised by various sections to help you find the correct linkage end for your application. We have more linkage end options than anyone in the world. Even so, if you can!t find what you!re looking for, let us know. We add hundreds of custom parts to our system each year and would be pleased to add yours! Ball Joints Spherical Rod Ends & COM!s Clevises & Rod Ends Connecting Linkages Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 4 Metric Linkage Catalog - Table of Contents Photo Pg 8 Series Description Directory of Ball Joints 9 AQDM 10 BSM Ball Studs, Plated Steel, Threaded 11 BBS Ball Studs, Plated Steel, Non Threaded (Riveting Style) 12 DEC Ball Joint Clips, External DHC Ball Joint Clips, Internal DMC Ball Joint, Internal Clip Style, Plated Steel, With Stud 13 DMCBH Ball Joint, Quick Disconnect, Aluminum Ball Joint, Internal Clip Style, Plated Steel, Without Stud 14 DMCS Ball Joint, External & Internal Clip, Plated Steel 15 DMH 16 DMHSS Ball Joint, Hex Barrel, Stainless Steel 17 DMMCS Ball Joint, Male, Plated Steel, DIN Metric 18 DMN Ball joint, Female, Plated Steel Housing with a Nylon Race 19 DMQ Ball Joint, External Clip, Plated Steel, With Stud 19 DMQBH 20 EMMS 21 ESM Ball Joint, Hex Barrel, Plated Steel Ball Joint, External Clip, Plated Steel, Without Stud Ball Joint, Male, Plated Steel, SAE Metric Ball Joint, Female, Plated Steel Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 5 Photo Pg Series Description 22 ESTM Ball Joint, Female, Plated Steel, Turnbuckle Style (Spinning Barrel) 23 FFM Ball Joint, In-Line, Plated Steel, Female-Female 24 JSB Ball Joint, Cast Zinc Alloy Housing 25 NGQ Ball Joint, Light Duty, Nylon Housing, Quick Clip, Studded 25 NGQBH 26 QM 26 SQM 27 SSDMCS 28 SSM 29 Ball Joint, Light Duty, Nylon Housing, Quick Clip, Without Stud Ball Joint, Quick Disconnect, Plated Steel Ball Joint, Quick Disconnect, Stainless Steel Ball Joint, External & Internal Clip, Stainless Steel Ball Joint, Female, Stainless Steel Directory of Spherical Rod Ends 30 ASFM Spherical Rod End, Economy 31 ASMM Spherical Rod End, Economy 32 DNTF Spherical Rod End, Teflon Race, Thin Profile 32 DWTF Spherical Rod End, Teflon Race, Wide Profile 34 DNTM Spherical Rod End, Teflon Race, Thin Profile 34 DWTM Spherical Rod End, Teflon Race, Wide Profile 36 DSTF Spherical Rod End, Teflon Race, Stainless Steel 38 DSTM Spherical Rod End, Teflon Race, Stainless Steel Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 6 Photo Pg Series Description 40 DXTM Spherical Rod End, Teflon Race, Chrome Moly Steel 42 MPF-mm Spherical Rod End, Nylon Race 43 MPM-mm Spherical Rod End, Nylon Race 44 SBM -S Scotty BoltsTM - field kit for rod end studs Rod End Studs - factory installed 45 HMBSS High Misalignment Inserts for Spherical Rod Ends, Stainless Steel 45 HMBZC High Misalignment Inserts for Spherical Rod Ends, Plated Steel 46 COMA Spherical Plain Bearing, Steel Race COMAP Spherical Plain Bearing, Nylon Race COMAT Spherical Plain Bearing, Teflon Race 46 COMST-M 47 Spherical Plain Bearing, Teflon Race, Stainless Steel Clevis and Attaching Hardware Directory 48 BC Clip, Bayonet, for Grooved Clevis Pins 49 SC Clip, Safety, for Grooved Clevis Pins 50 CPG Clevis Pin, Grooved Style 51 CPM Clevis Pin, Drilled Style, Plated Steel CPM-SS Clevis Pin, Drilled Style, Stainless Steel 52 CTC Clevis, Female, Cylinder Style (Short Barrel) 53 DME Eye End, Standard Style, Plated Steel 54 GMN Eye End, Narrow Style, Plated Steel GMN-SS Eye End, Narrow Style, Stainless Steel Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 7 Photo Pg Series Description 55 GMP Eye End, Nylon Eye 56 GMW Eye End, Wide Style, Plated Steel 57 MMC Clevis, Male 58 MTC Clevis, Female, Plated Steel 61 MTCA 62 MTC-SS 64 SP Spring Pin, Zinc Yellow and Zinc Silver Options SS Spring Pin, Stainless Steel Clevis, Female, Aluminum Clevis, Female, Stainless Steel 65 TCM Turnbuckle Style (Spinning Barrel) 66 JSM Jack Screws * M5 x 0.80, M6 x 1.00, M8 x 1.25, M10 x 1.50, M12 x 1.75, M16 x 2.00 67 TR 71 MHT Connecting Rods, Threaded Left Hand - Right Hand * M6 x 1.00, M8 x 1.25, M10 x 1.50, M12 x 1.75 Connecting Tubes, Threaded Left Hand - Right Hand * M6 x 1.00, M8 x 1.25, M10 x 1.50, M12 x 1.75, M16 x 2.00 Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 8 Directory of Ball Joints Series Page Material Feature Clips c = cast housing p = nylon race q = disconnecting s = no ball stud t = turnbuckle b = both e = external i = internal a = accessory req!d Turnbuckle 90° 180° Accessory ! AQD 9 Aluminum q BSM 10 Steel DEC 12 Steel e ! DHC 12 Steel i ! DMC 13 Steel i ! DMCBH 13 Steel i, a ! DMCS 14 Steel b ! DMH 15 Steel e ! DMHSS 16 Stainless e ! DMMCS 17 Steel e ! DMN 18 Steel p DMQ 19 Steel q e ! DMQBH 19 Steel s e, a ! EMMS 20 Steel ! ESM 21 Steel ! ESTM 22 Steel FFM 23 Steel JSB 24 Zinc Alloy c NGQ 25 Nylon q e ! NGQBH 25 Nylon s e, a ! QM 26 Steel q ! SQM 26 Stainless q ! SSDMCS 27 Stainless SSM 28 Stainless ! s ! ! t ! ! e ! ! Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 9 Winkelgelenke • Ball Joints • Junta de Rótula• Joints á Rotule • Snodi AQD Aluminum Quick Disconnect M N P L F SS Spring A Housing Thread G J (Hex.) Stud Thread 30° Min Cone Part Number Housing Thread Stud Thread B F G N P AQDM5 M5 x 0.80 RH M5 x 0.80 RH 6.35 11.13 11.13 23.01 11.13 AQDM6 M6 x 1.00 RH M6 x 1.00 RH 7.29 11.91 14.27 24.61 13.49 AQDM8 M8 x 1.25 RH M8 x 1.25 RH 8.59 13.49 17.45 28.58 15.37 Material Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Aluminium Aluminum Aluminio Aluminum Aluminio Other Disconnecting Ball Joints... DMC - Internal Clip DMQ - External Clip QM - External Spring SQM - Stainless Steel Buy On-Line at No Minimums. 3,000+ items. Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 10 Kugelzapfen • Ball Studs • Perno• Boulon • Bullone BSM DIN 71803 C ØA C F B E G H See Dim J Thread ØD J Part Number Thread A + 0.0 B +0.4/-0.0 C ±0.3 D +0.0/-0.2 E Min F ±0.3 G ±0.3 H Max BSM-5 M5 x 0.80 8.0 -0.036 2.0 12.5 8.0 1.2 9.0 10.2 4.0 BSM-6 M6 x 1.00 10.0 -0.036 2.2 15.5 10.0 1.2 11.0 12.5 4.0 BSM-8 M8 x 1.25 13.0 -0.043 2.4 18.5 13.0 1.5 13.0 16.5 5.3 BSM-10 M10 x 1.50 13.0 -0.043 2.7 23.0 16.0 2.5 16.0 20.0 7.3 BSM-12 M12 x 1.75 16.0 -0.043 2.7 23.0 16.0 2.5 16.0 20.0 7.3 BSM-14 M14 x 1.50 19.0 -0.052 3.0 28.5 19.0 5.0 20.0 28.0 10.8 BSM-14-1 M14 x 2.00 19.0 -0.052 3.0 28.5 19.0 5.0 20.0 28.0 10.8 BSM-16 M16 x 2.00 19.0 -0.052 3.0 28.5 19.0 5.0 20.0 28.0 10.8 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl 1018 Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Surface Verzinkt Zinc Plated Cinc Plateado Galvanisé Zincatura Hardness 52 HRC 52 HRC 52 HRC 52 HRC 52 HRC Buy On-Line at No Minimums. 3,000+ items. Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 11 Kugelzapfen • Riveting Studs • Perno• Boulon • Bullone BBS DIN 71803 B ØA C F B G 15°±1° ØJ ØE ØD 120°±2° Part Number A + 0.0 B +0.4/-0.0 C ±0.3 D +0.0/-0.2 E +0.0 F ±0.3 G ±0.2 J +0.0/-0.4 BBS-5 8.0 -0.036 2.0 12.5 8.0 5.0 -0.075 9.0 4.0 3.0 BBS-5-1 8.0 -0.036 2.0 12.5 8.0 5.0 -0.075 9.0 7.5 3.0 BBS-6 10.0 -0.036 2.2 15.5 10.0 6.0 -0.075 11.0 4.5 4.0 BBS-6-1 10.0 -0.036 2.2 15.5 10.0 6.0 -0.075 11.0 8.0 4.0 BBS-8 13.0 -0.043 2.4 18.5 13.0 8.0 -0.043 13.0 5.0 6.0 BBS-8-1 13.0 -0.043 2.4 18.5 13.0 8.0 -0.043 13.0 10.0 6.0 BBS-10 16.0 -0.043 2.7 23.0 16.0 10.0 -0.090 16.0 6.0 8.0 BBS-10-1 16.0 -0.043 2.7 23.0 16.0 10.0 -0.090 16.0 13.0 8.0 BBS-14 16.0 -0.052 3.0 28.5 19.0 14.0 -0.110 20.0 12.0 10.0 BBS-14-1 16.0 -0.052 3.0 28.5 19.0 14.0 -0.110 20.0 18.0 10.0 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl 12L14 Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Surface Verzinkt Plated Cinc Plateado Galvanisé Zincatura Hardness 52 HRC 52 HRC 52 HRC 52 HRC 52 HRC Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 12 Sicherungsbügel • Clips • Clip• Clip • Clip B DEC (fits DMQBH) DHC (fits DMCBH) B ØA C ØA D C DEC - External Clips - DIN 71805 Form S DHC - Internal Clips - DIN 71805 Form S Part Number Fits DMQBH A B C D Part Number Fits DMCBH A B C DEC-5 -5 7.0 1.0 6.5 12.0 DHC-5 -5 7.2 1.0 3.9 DEC-6 -6 8.7 1.0 7.7 12.5 DHC-6 -6 8.9 1.2 4.5 DEC-8 -8 11.0 1.2 9.5 15.7 DHC-8 -8 11.2 1.5 4.7 DEC-10 -10, -12 13.0 1.4 11.0 19.0 DHC-10 -10, -12 13.9 1.8 5.5 DEC-14 -14, -16 20.0 1.5 16.5 24.0 DHC-14 -14, -16 17.0 2.0 7.5 Comments: DEC and DHC clips are offered as subcomponents. They are used with ball studs and blank ball joint housings to assemble complete ball joint assemblies. Material Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Federstahldraft Spring Steel Acero Acier acciaio della molla DEC application DHC application Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 13 Winkelgelenke • Ball Joints • Junta de Rótula• Joints á Rotule • Snodi DMC - Internal Clip DIN 71802 N ØQ P F L Housing Thread J (Width Across Flats) G Stud Thread 36° Min Cone Wrench Flats Part Number Thread F G J L N P Q Clip Stud Included? DMC-5 M5 x 0.80 RH 9 10.2 7 8 22 10.2 12.8 Internal Yes DMCBH-5 M5 x 0.80 RH - - - - 22 10.2 12.8 Internal No DMC-6 M6 x 1.00 RH 11 12.5 8 10 25 11.5 14.8 Internal Yes DMCBH-6 M6 x 1.00 RH - - - - 25 11.5 14.8 Internal No DMC-8 M8 x 1.25 RH 13 16.5 11 13 30 14.0 19.3 Internal Yes DMCBH-8 M8 x 1.25 RH - - - - 30 14.0 19.3 Internal No DMC-10 M10 x 1.50 RH 16 20.0 13 16 35 15.5 24.0 Internal Yes DMCBH-10 M10 x 1.50 RH - - - - 35 15.5 24.0 Internal No DMC-12 M12 x 1.75 RH 16 20.0 13 16 35 15.5 24.0 Internal Yes DMCBH-12 M12 x 1.75 RH - - - - 35 15.5 24.0 Internal No DMC series INCLUDES both the ball stud and the retaining clip DMCBH series do NOT include the ball stud, nor does it include the retaining clip. Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl Low Carbon Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Surface Verzinkt Plated Zinc Silver Cinc Plateado Protection: galvanisé Zincatura Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 14 Winkelgelenke • Ball Joints • Junta de Rótula• Joints á Rotule • Snodi DMCS - Internal & External Clip DIN 71802 ØQ N P F L Housing Thread J (Width Across Flats) G Stud Thread Safety Clip 36° Min Cone Wrench Flats Part Number Housing Thread Stud Thread F G J L N P Q DMCS-4 M4 x 0.70 RH M4 x 0.70 RH 8.5 8.5 6 22.3 22 10.2 10.6 DMCSL-4 M4 x 0.70 LH M4 x 0.70 RH 8.5 8.5 6 22.3 22 10.2 10.6 DMCS-5 M5 x 0.80 RH M5 x 0.80 RH 9 10.2 7 25.6 22 10.2 12.8 DMCSL-5 M5 x 0.80 LH M5 x 0.80 RH 9 10.2 7 25.6 22 10.2 12.8 DMCS-6 M6 x 1.00 RH M6 x 1.00 RH 11 12.5 8 30.9 25 11.5 14.8 DMCSL-6 M6 x 1.00 LH M6 x 1.00 RH 11 12.5 8 30.9 25 11.5 14.8 DMCS-8 M8 x 1.25 RH M8 x 1.25 RH 13 16.5 11 39.2 30 14.0 19.3 DMCS-8-6 M6 x 1.00 RH M8 x 1.25 RH 13 16.5 11 39.2 30 14.0 19.3 DMCSL-8 M8 x 1.25 LH M8 x 1.25 RH 13 16.5 11 39.2 30 14.0 19.3 DMCS-10 M10 x 1.50 RH M10 x 1.50 RH 16 20.0 13 48 35 15.5 24.0 DMCSL-10 M10 x 1.50 LH M10 x 1.50 RH 16 20.0 13 48 35 15.5 24.0 DMCS-12 M12 x 1.75 RH M12 x 1.75 RH 16 20.0 13 48 35 15.5 24.0 DMCSL-12 M12 x 1.75 LH M12 x 1.75 RH 16 20.0 13 48 35 15.5 24.0 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl Low Carbon Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Surface Verzinkt Plated Zinc Silver Cinc Plateado Protection: galvanisé Zincatura Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 15 Winkelgelenke • Ball Joints • Junta de Rótula• Joints á Rotule • Snodi DMH - External Clip Hex Shaped Spanner DIN 71802 J N S (Housing Hexagon P Width Across Flats) C F H (Hex.) Width Across Flats Housing Thread G Stud Thread Part Number Housing Thread Stud Thread C F G H J N P S DMH-5 M5 x 0.80 RH M5 x 0.80 RH 8 9 10.2 8 12.8 22 10.2 7 DMHL-5 M5 x 0.80 LH M5 x 0.80 RH 8 9 10.2 8 12.8 22 10.2 7 DMH-6 M6 x 1.00 RH M6 x 1.00 RH 10 11 12.5 10 14.8 25 11.5 9 DMHL-6 M6 x 1.00 LH M6 x 1.00 RH 10 11 12.5 10 14.8 25 11.5 9 DMH-8 M8 x 1.25 RH M8 x 1.25 RH 13 13 16.5 13 19.3 30 14.0 11 DMHL-8 M8 x 1.25 LH M8 x 1.25 RH 13 13 16.5 13 19.3 30 14.0 11 DMH-10 M10 x 1.50 RH M10 x 1.50 RH 16 16 20.0 16 24 35 15.5 13 DMHL-10 M10 x 1.50 LH M10 x 1.50 RH 16 16 20.0 16 24 35 15.5 13 DMH-12 M12 x 1.75 RH M12 x 1.75 RH 16 16 20 16 24 35 15.5 13 DMHL-12 M12 x 1.75 LH M12 x 1.75 RH 16 16 20 16 24 35 15.5 13 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl Low Carbon Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Surface Verzinkt Plated Zinc Silver Cinc Plateado Protection: galvanisé Zincatura Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 16 Winkelgelenke • Ball Joints • Junta de Rótula• Joints á Rotule • Snodi DMHSS - External Clip Stainless, Hex Shaped Spanner DIN 71802 J N S (Housing Hexagon P Width Across Flats) C F H (Hex.) Width Across Flats Housing Thread G Stud Thread Part Number Housing Thread Stud Thread C F G H J N P S DMHSS-5 M5 x 0.80 RH M5 x 0.80 RH 8 9 10.2 8 12.8 22 10.2 7 DMHSSL-5 M5 x 0.80 LH M5 x 0.80 RH 8 9 10.2 8 12.8 22 10.2 7 DMHSS-6 M6 x 1.00 RH M6 x 1.00 RH 10 11 12.5 10 14.8 25 11.5 9 DMHSSL-6 M6 x 1.00 LH M6 x 1.00 RH 10 11 12.5 10 14.8 25 11.5 9 DMHSS-8 M8 x 1.25 RH M8 x 1.25 RH 13 13 16.5 13 19.3 30 14.0 11 DMHSSL-8 M8 x 1.25 LH M8 x 1.25 RH 13 13 16.5 13 19.3 30 14.0 11 DMHSS-10 M10 x 1.50 RH M10 x 1.50 RH 16 16 20.0 16 24 35 15.5 13 DMHSSL-10 M10 x 1.50 LH M10 x 1.50 RH 16 16 20.0 16 24 35 15.5 13 DMHSS-12 M12 x 1.75 RH M12 x 1.75 RH 16 16 20 16 24 35 15.5 13 DMHSSL-12 M12 x 1.75 LH M12 x 1.75 RH 16 16 20 16 24 35 15.5 13 Comment: This series features a stainless steel housing, clip and stud, as well as a hex shaped spanner. Material Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Rostfrei Stainless Steel Acero Inoxidable Acier Inoxydable Acciaio Inossidabile Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 17 Winkelgelenke • Ball Joints • Junta de Rótula• Joints á Rotule • Snodi DMMCS - External Clip DIN 71802 N P F ØB Housing Thread G Stud Thread Part Number Housing Thread Stud Thread B F G N P DMMCS-5 M5 x 0.80 RH M5 x 0.80 RH 8 9 10.2 22.5 12 DMMCSL-5 M5 x 0.80 LH M5 x 0.80 RH 8 9 10.2 22.5 12 DMMCS-6 M6 x 1.00 RH M6 x 1.00 RH 10 11 12.5 25 13.5 DMMCSL-6 M6 x 1.00 LH M6 x 1.00 RH 10 11 12.5 25 13.5 DMMCS-8 M8 x 1.25 RH M8 x 1.25 RH 13 13 16.5 31.5 17.5 DMMCSL-8 M8 x 1.25 LH M8 x 1.25 RH 13 13 16.5 31.5 17.5 DMMCS-10 M10 x 1.50 RH M10 x 1.50 RH 16 16 20 37.5 21.5 DMMCSL-10 M10 x 1.50 LH M10 x 1.50 RH 16 16 20 37.5 21.5 DMMCS-12 M12 x 1.75 RH M12 x 1.75 RH 16 16 20 42 25.5 DMMCSL-12 M12 x 1.75 LH M12 x 1.75 RH 16 16 20 42 25.5 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl Low Carbon Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Surface Verzinkt Plated Zinc Silver Cinc Plateado Protection: galvanisé Zincatura MHT Connecting Tubes - See Pages 73 to 77 Buy On-Line at No Minimums. 3,000+ items. Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 18 Winkelgelenke • Ball Joints • Junta de Rótula• Joints á Rotule • Snodi DMN Nylon Race M H N L P T F E (Stud Neck Ø) Q Housing Thr ead J (Width Across Flat) G Stu d Th re ad 40°Min Cone Part Number Housing Thread Stud Thread DMN-6 M6 x 1.00 RH M6 x 1.00 RH DMN-6-LH M6 x 1.00 LH DMN-8 E F G H J L M N P Q T 5.0 11 12.5 18 8 8 33 25 11 32.5 6 M6 x 1.00 RH 5.0 11 12.5 18 8 8 33 25 11 32.5 6 M8 x 1.25 RH M8 x 1.25 RH 6.5 13 16.5 21 11 11 40 30 14 40.0 8 DMN-8-LH M8 x 1.25 LH M8 x 1.25 RH 6.5 13 16.5 21 11 11 40 30 14 40.0 8 DMN-10 M10 x 1.50 RH M10 x 1.50 RH 8.0 16 20.0 24 13 14 46 35 15 48.0 10 DMN-10-LH M10 x 1.50 LH M10 x 1.50 RH 8.0 16 20.0 24 13 14 46 35 15 48.0 10 DMN-12 M12 x 1.75 RH M12 x 1.75 RH 8.0 16 20.0 24 13 14 56 45 25 48.0 10 DMN-12-LH M12 x 1.75 LH M12 x 1.75 RH 8.0 16 20.0 24 13 14 56 45 25 48.0 10 Comment: This series features a nylon bearing race as opposed to most ball joint designs which offer strictly a steel-on-steel bearing. If your application requires more strength than the DMN series ball joint provides, consider using a spherical rod end; spherical rod ends have far more bearing race options including nylon, bronze, steel and teflon. Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl Low Carbon Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Surface Verzinkt Plated Zinc Yellow Cinc Plateado Protection: galvanisé Zincatura Nylon Nylon Nylon Nylon Nylon Race Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 19 Winkelgelenke • Ball Joints • Junta de Rótula• Joints á Rotule • Snodi DMQ & DMQBH External Clip Hex Barrel S (Housing Hexagon Width Across Flats) N P F ØB Housing Thread G Stud Thread Part Number Housing Threads Stud Threads B F G N P S Stud Included DMQ-5 M5 x 0.80 RH M5 x 0.80 RH 8 9 10.2 22 10.2 7 Yes DMQBH-5 M5 x 0.80 RH - - - - 22 10.2 7 No DMQL-5 M5 x 0.80 LH M5 x 0.80 RH 8 9 10.2 22 10.2 7 Yes DMQ-6 M6 x 1.00 RH M6 x 1.00 RH 10 11 12.5 25 11.5 9 Yes DMQBH-6 M6 x 1.00 RH - - - - 25 11.5 9 No DMQL-6 M6 x 1.00 LH M6 x 1.00 RH 10 11 12.5 25 11.5 9 Yes DMQ-8 M8 x 1.25 RH M8 x 1.25 RH 13 13 16.5 30 14.0 11 Yes DMQBH-8 M8 x 1.25 RH - - - - 30 14.0 11 No DMQL-8 M8 x 1.25 LH M8 x 1.25 RH 13 13 16.5 30 14.0 11 Yes DMQ-10 M10 x 1.50 RH M10 x 1.50 RH 16 16 20.0 35 15.5 13 Yes DMQBH-10 M10 x 1.50 RH - - - - 35 15.5 13 No DMQL-10 M10 x 1.50 LH M10 x 1.50 RH 16 16 20.0 35 15.5 13 Yes DMQ-12 M12 x 1.75 RH M12 x 1.75 RH 16 16 20.0 35 15.5 13 Yes DMQBH-12 M12 x 1.75 RH - - - - 35 15.5 13 No DMQL-12 M12 x 1.75 LH M12 x 1.75 RH 16 16 20.0 35 15.5 13 Yes Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl 1018 Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Surface Verzinkt Plated Zinc Silver Cinc Plateado Galvanisé Zincatura Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 20 Winkelgelenke • Ball Joints • Junta de Rótula• Joints á Rotule • Snodi EMMS M N P L F J (Hex) Housing Th read G E = neck Ø Stud T hread 35° Min Cone Part Number Thread E F G J L M N P EMMS-5 M5 x 0.80 RH 4.37 11.13 11.13 7.95 9.53 27.00 22.23 12.04 EMMSL-5 M5 x 0.80 LH 4.37 11.13 11.13 7.95 9.53 27.00 22.23 12.04 EMMS-6 M6 x 1.00 RH 4.90 11.91 14.30 9.53 11.13 30.96 24.61 12.85 EMMSL-6 M6 x 1.00 LH 4.90 11.91 14.30 9.53 11.13 30.96 24.61 12.85 EMMS-8 M8 x 1.25 RH 5.89 13.49 17.48 11.13 12.70 35.71 28.58 16.03 EMMSL-8 M8 x 1.25 LH 5.89 13.49 17.48 11.13 12.70 35.71 28.58 16.03 EMMS-8-1 M8 x 1.25 RH 5.89 13.49 17.48 11.13 12.70 64.68 57.55 45.00 EMMSL-8-1 M8 x 1.25 RH 5.89 13.49 17.48 11.13 12.70 64.68 57.55 45.00 EMMS-10 M10 x 1.50 RH 7.54 17.48 22.23 12.70 15.88 42.88 34.93 19.05 EMMSL-10 M10 x 1.50 LH 7.54 17.48 22.23 12.70 15.88 42.88 34.93 19.05 EMMS-12 M12 x 1.75 RH 10.59 22.23 28.58 15.88 19.05 60.33 49.23 25.40 EMMSL-12 M12 x 1.75 LH 10.59 22.23 28.58 15.88 19.05 60.33 49.23 25.40 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl 1018 Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Surface Verzinkt Zinc Plated Cinc Plateado Galvanisé Zincatura Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 21 Winkelgelenke • Ball Joints • Junta de Rótula• Joints á Rotule • Snodi ESM M N Housing Thread L F P J (HE X.) G Stu d Thr ead 35 ° MIN CONE " Part Number Housing Thread Stud Thread Plating Color F G J ESM-6 M6 X 1.00 RH M6 X 1.00 RH yellow 11.9 14.3 9.5 ESML-6 M6 x 1.00 LH M6 X 1.00 RH yellow 11.9 14.3 ESM-6-8 M6 x 1.00 RH M8 x 1.25 RH yellow 11.9 ESM-8 M8 x 1.25 RH M8 x 1.25 RH yellow ESML-8 M8 x 1.25 LH M8 x 1.25 RH ESM-8-10-X M8 x 1.25 RH ESM-8-A12 N P 11 31 24.6 12 9.5 11 31 24.6 12 11.7 9.5 11 26 20.1 11 13.5 17.5 11.1 13 36 28.6 14 yellow 13.5 17.5 11.1 13 36 28.6 14 M10 x 1.50 RH* silver 17.5 22.9 17.0 16 59 50.0 25 M8 x 1.25 RH M10 x 1.50 RH yellow 17.5 12.0 13.0 16 46 35.0 19 ESM-8-A22 M8 x 1.25 RH M10 x 1.50 RH yellow 17.5 22.0 13.0 16 46 35.0 19 ESM-10 M10 x 1.50 RH M10 x 1.50 RH yellow 17.5 22.2 12.7 16 43 34.9 19 ESML-10 M10 x 1.50 LH M10 x 1.50 RH yellow 17.5 22.2 12.7 16 43 34.9 19 ESM-12 M12 x 1.75 RH M12 x 1.75 RH yellow 22.2 28.6 15.9 19 60 49.2 25 ESML-12 M12 x 1.75 LH M12 x 1.75 RH yellow 22.2 28.6 15.9 19 60 49.2 25 ESM-12-10 M12 x 1.75 RH M10 x 1.50 RH yellow 22.2 14.2 15.9 19 60 49.2 25 " " " L M • ESM-8-10-X ball stud thread length is 11.9mm. Dim “L” also has a reduced mid section. Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl 1018 Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Surface Verzinkt Zinc Plated Cinc Plateado Galvanisé Zincatura Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 22 Winkelgelenke • Ball Joints • Junta de Rótula• Joints á Rotule • Snodi ESTM Patented Design Spinning Barrel G F Dirt Shield J (Hex) 35° Min Cone M Stu d Thr ead N ØL P Bar rel Thread S (Width Across Flats ) Turnbuckle Barr el Eliminates the Need f or Lef t Hand Threads Part Number Thread F G J L M N P S EST-6mm M6 x 1.00 RH 11.9 14.3 9.5 11.1 31.0 24.6 15.9 7.1 ESTX-6mm M6 x 1.00 RH 11.9 14.3 9.5 11.1 69.1 62.7 50.8 7.1 EST-8mm M8 x 1.25 RH 13.5 17.5 11.1 12.7 35.7 28.6 17.5 8.7 ESTX-8mm M8 x 1.25 RH 13.5 17.5 11.1 12.7 78.6 71.5 57.2 8.7 EST-10mm M10 x 1.50 RH 17.5 22.2 12.7 15.9 42.9 34.9 22.2 11.1 ESTX-10mm M10 x 1.50 RH 17.5 22.2 12.7 15.9 100.0 92.1 76.2 11.1 EST-12mm M12 x 1.75 RH 22.2 28.6 15.9 19.1 60.3 49.2 25.4 14.3 " This series features our patented turnbuckle spinning barrel. Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl 1018 Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Surface Verzinkt Plated Zinc Yellow Cinc Plateado Galvanisé Zincatura Spinning Barrel Allows Adjustment After Installation Buy On-Line at No Minimums. 3,000+ items. Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 23 Winkelgelenke • Ball Joints • Junta de Rótula• Joints á Rotule • Snodi FFM In-Line Ball Joint Female - Female Threads J F Thread (Typ.) K (Typ.) ØC ØC L M (Hex.) Part Number Thread C F J K L M FFM6 M6 x 1.00 RH 9.53 33.30 66.68 17.48 26.75 12.70 FFM8 M8 x 1.25 RH 11.10 38.10 76.20 19.84 30.61 14.27 FFM10 M10 x 1.50 RH 14.27 44.45 88.90 23.83 35.43 17.48 FFM12 M12 x 1.75 RH 19.05 54.76 109.52 31.75 42.98 22.23 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl 1018 Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Surface Verzinkt Plated Zinc Silver Cinc Plateado Galvanisé Zincatura Other In-Line Designs MMIL Series QiL Series FMIL Series Buy On-Line at No Minimums. 3,000+ items. Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 24 Winkelgelenke • Ball Joints • Junta de Rótula• Joints á Rotule • Snodi JSB Zinc Alloy Stud Thread (RH Only) G Housing Thread (LH or RH see chart) A J (HEX) F W P W D N Part Number Housing Thread Stud Thread A D F G J N P W JSB-M6 M6 x 1.00 RH M6 x 1.00 RH 32.6 16 11 11 10 30 16 11 JSB-M6-LH M6 x 1.00 LH M6 x 1.00 RH 32.6 16 11 11 10 30 16 11 JSB-M8 M8 x 1.00 RH M8 x 1.00 RH 38.6 19 14 12 12 36 19 14 JSB-M8-LH M8 x 1.00 LH M8 x 1.00 RH 38.6 19 14 12 12 36 19 14 JSB-M10F M10 x 1.25 RH M10 x 1.25 RH 46.3 25 17 15 14 43 23 17 JSB-M10F-LH M10 x 1.25 LH M10 x 1.25 RH 46.3 25 17 15 14 43 23 17 JSB-M10 M10 x 1.50 RH M10 x 1.50 RH 52.3 25 17 21 14 43 23 17 JSB-M10-LH M10 x 1.50 LH M10 x 1.50 RH 52.3 25 17 21 14 43 23 17 JSB-M12F M12 x 1.25 RH M12 x 1.25 RH 52.7 29 19 17 17 50 26 19 JSB-M12F-LH M12 x 1.25 LH M12 x 1.25 RH 52.7 29 19 17 17 50 26 19 JSB-M12 M12 x 1.75 RH M12 x 1.75 RH 59.7 29 19 24 17 50 26 19 JSB-M12-LH M12 x 1.75 LH M12 x 1.75 RH 59.7 29 19 24 17 50 26 19 JSB-M16F M16 x 1.50 RH M16 x 1.50 RH 74.0 38 23.5 23 22 64 34 24 JSB-M16F-LH M16 x 1.50 LH M16 x 1.50 RH 74.0 38 23.5 23 22 64 34 24 JSB-M16 M16 x 2.00 RH M16 x 2.00 RH 80.0 38 23.5 29 22 64 34 24 JSB-M16-LH M16 x 2.00 LH M16 x 2.00 RH 80.0 38 23.5 29 22 64 34 24 Material Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Hochfeste Zinklegierung High Strength Zinc Alloy Aleación alta del cinc de la fuerza Alliage de haute résistance de zinc Lega ad alta resistenza dello zinco Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 25 Winkelgelenke • Ball Joints • Junta de Rótula• Joints á Rotule • Snodi NGQ & NGQBH Plastic Housing N P Housing Thread F ØQ (Ball Ø) G Stud T hread Part Number Housing Thread Stud Thread F G N P Q Stud Included? NGQ-6 M6 x 1.00 RH M6 x 1.00 RH 13.3 15.5 19.0 9.5 9.9 Yes NGQBH-6 M6 x 1.00 RH - - - 19.0 9.5 - No Material Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Schwarzes Nylon Black Nylon Nilón Negro Nylon Noir Nylon Nero Other Linkage Ends DMQ ESTM QM SSDMCS Stainless DME GMN GMP Boots GMW MTC TCM Buy On-Line at No Minimums. 3,000+ items. Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 26 Winkelgelenke • Ball Joints • Junta de Rótula• Joints á Rotule • Snodi QM & SQM Series M N P L F SS Spring A HOUSING THREAD C G J (HEX) STUD THREAD 30° Part Number Thread Material A F G J L M N P QM5 M5 x 0.80 RH Steel 3.2 11.1 11.1 7.9 11.1 27.8 23.0 11.1 QM6 M6 x 1.00 RH Steel 3.2 11.9 14.3 9.5 14.3 31.8 24.6 13.5 QM8 M8 x 1.25 RH Steel 4.0 13.5 17.5 11.1 15.9 39.6 28.6 15.1 QM10 M10 x 1.50 RH Steel 4.7 17.4 22.2 12.7 19.1 44.5 34.9 20.6 QM12 M12 x 1.75 RH Steel 6.4 22.2 28.6 15.9 25.4 64.3 51.6 25.4 SQM5 M5 x 0.80 RH Stainless 3.2 11.1 11.1 7.9 11.1 27.8 23.0 11.1 SQM6 M6 x 1.00 RH Stainless 3.2 11.9 14.3 9.5 14.3 31.8 24.6 13.5 SQM8 M8 x 1.25 RH Stainless 4.0 13.5 17.5 11.1 15.9 39.6 28.6 15.1 SQM10 M10 x 1.50 RH Stainless 4.7 17.4 22.2 12.7 19.1 44.5 34.9 20.6 SQM12 M12 x 1.75 RH Stainless 6.4 22.2 28.6 15.9 25.4 64.3 51.6 25.4 Comment: This series features an external spring loaded housing for quick removal of the ball stud. Deutsch English Español Français Italiano QM Verzinkter Stahl Carbon Steel Acero Acier Acciaio Zincatura SQM Rostfreier Stahl Stainless Acero Inoxidable Acier Inoxydable Acciaio Inossidabile Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 27 Winkelgelenke • Ball Joints • Junta de Rótula• Joints á Rotule • Snodi SSDMCS Stainless ØQ N P F L Housing Thread J (Width Across Flats) G Stud Thread Safety Clip 36° Min Cone Wrench Flats Part Number Thread Clip F G J L N P Q SSDMCS-5 M5 x 0.80 RH external 9 10.2 7 8 22 10.2 12.8 SSDMCS-6 M6 x 1.00 RH external 11 12.5 8 10 25 11.5 14.8 SSDMCS-8 M8 x 1.25 RH external 13 16.5 11 13 30 14.0 19.3 SSDMCS-10 M10 x 1.50 RH external 16 20.0 13 16 35 15.5 24.0 SSDMCS-12 M12 x 1.75 RH external 16 20.0 13 16 35 15.5 24.0 Material Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Rostfreier Stahl Stainless Acero Inoxidable Acier Inoxydable Acciaio Inossidabile Other Stainless Steel Components Available... COMST-M CPM-SS DMHSS DSTF DSTM GMN-SS HMBSS MTC-SS SPM-SS SQM SSM Buy On-Line at No Minimums. 3,000+ items. Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 28 Winkelgelenke • Ball Joints • Junta de Rótula• Joints á Rotule • Snodi SSM Stainless Steel M N Housing Thread L F P J (HE X.) G Stu d Thr ead 35 ° MIN CONE Part Number Housing Thread Stud Thread F G J L M N P SSM-6 M6 x 1.00 RH M6 x 1.00 RH 11.91 14.30 9.53 11.1 30.1 24.6 12.7 SSML-6 M6 x 1.00 LH M6 x 1.00 RH 11.91 14.30 9.53 11.1 30.1 24.6 12.7 SSM-8 M8 x 1.25 RH M8 x 1.25 RH 13.49 17.48 11.13 12.7 35.7 28.6 14.3 SSML-8 M8 x 1.25 LH M8 x 1.25 RH 13.49 17.48 11.13 12.7 35.7 28.6 14.3 SSM-10 M10 x 1.50 RH M10 x 1.50 RH 17.48 22.23 12.70 15.9 42.9 34.9 19.1 SSML-10 M10 x 1.50 LH M10 x 1.50 RH 17.48 22.23 12.70 15.9 42.9 34.9 19.1 SSM-12 M12 x 1.75 RH M12 x 1.75 RH 22.23 28.58 15.88 19.1 60.3 49.2 25.4 SSML-12 M12 x 1.75 LH M12 x 1.75 RH 22.23 28.58 15.88 19.1 60.3 49.2 25.4 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Rostfreier Stahl Stainless Steel Acero Inoxidable Inoxydable Inossidabile Material Buy On-Line at No Minimums. 3,000+ items. Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 29 Directory of Spherical Rod Ends & Bearings Series Page Threads Bearing Material Finish ASFM 30 Female Steel - 2 piece Steel Zinc Plated ASMM 31 Male Steel - 2 piece Steel Zinc Plated DNTF 32 Female Teflon - 3 piece Steel Zinc Plated DWTF 32 Female Teflon - 3 piece Steel Zinc Plated DNTM 34 Male Teflon - 3 piece Steel Zinc Plated DWTM 34 Male Teflon - 3 piece Steel Zinc Plated DSTF 36 Female Teflon - 3 piece Stainless Passivated DSTM 38 Male Teflon - 3 piece Stainless Passivated DXTM 40 Male Teflon - 3 piece Chrome Moly Bright Chrome MPF-mm 42 Female Nylon - 3 piece Steel Plated MPM-mm 43 Male Nylon - 3 piece Steel Plated Studs 44 Rod End Studs Factory Installed Steel Plated SBM 44 Scotty Bolts Field Installable Steel Plated HMBSS 45 High Misalignment Inserts Stainless Passivated HMBZC 45 High Misalignment Inserts Steel Plated COMA 46 Plain Steel - 2 piece Steel Plated COMAP 46 Plain Nylon - 3 piece Steel Plated COMAT 46 Plain Teflon - 3 piece Steel Plated COMST-M 46 Plain Teflon - 3 piece Stainless Passivated Linkage Rods • Standard Lengths • Left & Right Hand • Page 67 Linkage Tubes • Standard Lengths • Left & Right Hand • Page 71 Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 30 Gelenkköpfe • Sphcl Rod Ends • Rotula Esférico• Embouts • Teste a snodo ASFM Steel Bearing Race (2 Piece) N J M ØA C G Thread H Rod End Studs - See Page 44 P O Part Number Thread Plating A C G H J M N O P ASFM-6 M6 x 1.00 RH Yellow 6 43 33.3 19.1 19 7.1 9.5 12 9.5 ASFM-6-1 M6 x 1.00 RH Yellow 6 40 29.0 11.0 22 6.8 9.0 13 10.0 ASFML-6 M6 x 1.00 LH Yellow 6 43 33.3 19.1 19 7.1 9.5 12 9.5 ASFM-8 M8 x 1.25 RH Yellow 8 46 34.9 19.1 22 8.7 11.1 13 11.1 ASFM-8-1 M8 x 1.25 RH Yellow 8 48 35.0 15.0 26 9.0 12.0 16 12.5 ASFML-8 M8 x 1.25 LH Yellow 8 46 34.9 19.1 22 8.7 11.1 13 11.1 ASFM-10 M10 x 1.25 RH Yellow 10 54 41.3 23.8 28 10.3 12.7 18 14.3 ASFM-10-1 M10 x 1.50 RH Yellow 10 57 42.0 19.0 30 10.5 10.5 19 15.0 ASFML-10 M10 x 1.25 LH Yellow 10 54 41.3 23.8 28 10.3 12.7 18 14.3 ASFML-10-1 M10 x 1.50 LH Yellow 10 57 42.0 19.0 30 10.5 10.5 19 15.0 ASFM-12 M12 x 1.75 RH Yellow 12 71 54.0 30.2 33 12.7 15.9 22 19.1 ASFM-12F M12 x 1.25 RH# Yellow 12 71 54.0 30.2 33 12.7 15.9 22 19.1 ASFM-12-1 M12 x 1.75 RH Yellow 12 66 49.0 21.0 34 12.0 16.0 22 17.5 ASFML-12 M12 x 1.75 LH Yellow 12 71 54.0 30.2 33 12.7 15.9 22 19.1 ASFML-12F M12 x 1.25 LH# Yellow 12 71 54.0 30.2 33 12.7 15.9 22 19.1 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl Low Carbon Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Bearing Race Stahl Steel - integral Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Verzinkt Zinc Plated Cinc Plateado Protection: galvanisé Zincatura Surface Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 31 Gelenkköpfe • Sphcl Rod Ends • Rotula Esférico• Embouts • Teste a snodo ASMM Steel-On-Steel (2 Piece) J H G ØA M N Part Number Thread Plating A G H J M N ASMM-6 M6 x 1.00 RH Yellow 6 39.67 25.40 19.05 7.14 9.53 ASMML-6 M6 x 1.00 LH Yellow 6 39.67 25.40 19.05 7.14 9.53 ASMM-8 M8 x 1.25 RH Yellow 8 47.63 31.75 22.23 8.74 11.10 ASMML-8 M8 x 1.25 LH Yellow 8 47.63 31.75 22.23 8.74 11.10 ASMM-10 M10 x 1.50 RH Yellow 10 49.23 31.75 25.40 10.31 12.70 ASMM-10-1 M10 x 1.50 RH Yellow 10 47.00 28.00 30.00 10.50 14.00 ASMML-10 M10 x 1.50 LH Yellow 10 49.23 31.75 25.40 10.31 12.70 ASMM-12 M12 x 1.75 RH Yellow 12 61.93 38.10 33.32 12.70 15.88 ASMML-12 M12 x 1.75 LH Yellow 12 61.93 38.10 33.32 12.70 15.88 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl Low Carbon Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Bearing Race Stahl Steel - integral Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Verzinkt Plated Zinc Yellow Cinc Plateado Galvanisé Zincatura Surface Studded Rod Ends - page 44 Scotty BoltsTM Page 44 Connecting Tubes - Page 71 Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 32 Gelenkköpfe • Sphcl Rod Ends • Rotula Esférico• Embouts • Teste a snodo DNTF & DWTF Teflon Bearing Race (3 Piece) N J M ØA Teflon Be ar ing Ra ce a° G ØP H Thr ead ØO Part Number Thread A A° G H J M N O P DWTF-5 M5 x 0.80 RH 5 24° 27 10 18 6 8 11 9.0 DNTF-6 M6 x 1.00 RH 6 24° 30 12 20 4.40 6 13 11.0 DWTF-6 M6 x 1.00 RH 6 24° 30 12 20 6.75 9 13 10.0 DNTFL-6 M6 x 1.00 LH 8 24° 30 12 20 4.40 6 13 11.0 DNTF-8 M8 x 1.25 RH 8 24° 36 16 24 6.00 8 16 14.0 DWTF-8 M8 x 1.25 RH 8 24° 36 16 24 9.00 12 16 12.5 DNTFL-8 M8 x 1.25 LH 8 24° 36 16 24 6.00 8 16 14.0 DNTF-10 M10 x 1.50 RH 10 24° 43 20 28 7.00 9 19 17.0 DNTF-10-8 M10 x 1.50 RH 8 24° 56 35 24 6.00 8 16 13.0 DNTF-10-12 M10 x 1.50 RH 12 24° 43 19 29 7.00 9 19 15.0 DNTFL-10-8 M10 x 1.50 LH 8 24° 56 35 24 6.00 8 16 13.0 DNTFL-10-12 M10 x 1.50 LH 12 24° 43 19 29 7.00 9 19 15.0 DWTF-10 M10 x 1.50 RH 10 24° 43 20 28 10.50 14 19 15.0 DNTF-12 M12 x 1.75 RH 12 16° 50 22 34 8.00 10 22 19.0 DNTFL-12 M12 x 1.75 LH 12 16° 50 22 34 8.00 10 22 19.0 DWTF-12 M12 x 1.75 RH 12 16° 50 22 34 12.00 16 22 17.5 DNTF-16 M16 x 2.00 RH 16 16° 67 33 46 11.00 14 30 27.0 Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 33 Part Number Thread A A° G H J M N O P DNTFL-16 M16 x 2.00 LH 16 16° 67 33 46 11.00 14 30 27.0 DWTF-16 M16 x 2.00 RH 16 16° 67 33 46 15.00 21 27 22.0 DNTF-20 M20 x 1.50 RH 20 18° 77 38 53 13.00 16 35 27.5 Rod End Stud: This series is also available with a rod end stud - refer to our website. Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl Low Carbon Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Bearing Race Teflon Teflon Teflon Teflon Teflon Verzinkt Plated Zinc Yellow Cinc Plateado Galvanisé Zincatura Surface Also Available... Threaded Rods - Page 67 HMB Inserts Rod End Seals Scotty BoltsTM for Field Installation Rod End Studs DSTF - Stainless Steel Designs Buy On-Line at No Minimums. 3,000+ items. Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 34 Gelenkköpfe • Sphcl Rod Ends • Rotula Esférico• Embouts • Teste a snodo DNTM & DWTM Teflon Bearing Race (3 Piece) N M ØA J Teflon Bearing Race a° G L H Thread Part Number Thread Plating A A° G H J L M N DWTM-5 M5 x 0.80 RH Silver 5 24° 33 20 18 42 6.00 8 DNTM-6 M6 x 1.00 RH Silver 6 24° 36 22 20 46 4.40 6 DWTM-6 M6 x 1.00 RH Silver 6 24° 36 22 20 46 6.75 9 DNTM-8 M8 x 1.25 RH Silver 8 24° 42 22 24 54 6.00 8 DWTM-8 M8 x 1.25 RH Silver 8 24° 42 25 24 54 9.00 12 DNTM-10 M10 x 1.50 RH Silver 10 24° 48 26 28 62 7.00 9 DWTM-10 M10 x 1.50 RH Silver 10 24° 48 29 28 62 10.50 14 DNTM-12 M12 x 1.75 RH Silver 12 16° 54 28 34 71 8.00 10 DWTM-12 M12 x 1.75 RH Silver 12 16° 54 33 34 70 12.00 16 DWTM-14 M14 x 2.00 RH Silver 14 16° 60 36 36 78 13.50 19 DWTML-14 M14 x 2.00 LH Silver 14 16° 60 36 36 78 13.50 19 DNTM-16 M16 x 2.00 RH Silver 16 16° 69 36 46 92 11.00 14 DWTM-16 M16 x 2.00 RH Silver 16 16° 69 40 42 87 15.00 21 DWTM-18 M18 x 1.50 RH Silver 16 15° 66 40 42 87 15.00 21 DWTML-18 M18 x 1.50 LH Silver 16 15° 66 40 42 87 15.00 21 DWTM-20 M20 x 1.50 RH Silver 20 29° 78 45 50 103 18.00 25 DWTML-20 M20 x 1.50 LH Silver 20 29° 78 45 50 103 18.00 25 Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 35 Part Number Thread Plating A A° G H J L M N DWTM-22 M22 x 1.50 RH Silver 22 31° 84 48 54 111 20.00 28 DWTML-22 M22 x 1.50 LH Silver 22 31° 84 48 54 111 20.00 28 DWTM-25 M24 x 2.00 RH Silver 25 30° 94 55 60 124 22.00 31 DWTML-25 M24 x 2.00 LH Silver 25 30° 94 55 60 124 22.00 31 DWTM-30 M30 x 2.00 RH Silver 30 34° 110 66 70 145 25.00 37 DWTML-30 M30 x 2.00 LH Silver 30 34° 110 66 70 145 25.00 37 DWTM-35 M36 x 2.00 RH Silver 35 38° 140 85 80 180 28.00 43 DWTML-35 M36 x 2.00 LH Silver 35 38° 140 85 80 180 28.00 43 DWTM-40 M42 x 2.00 RH Silver 40 34° 150 90 90 195 33.00 49 DWTML-40 M42 x 2.00 LH Silver 40 34° 150 90 90 195 33.00 49 DWTM-50 M48 x 2.00 RH Silver 50 27° 185 105 116 243 45.00 60 DWTML-50 M48 x 2.00 LH Silver 50 27° 185 105 116 243 45.00 60 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Bearing Race Teflon Teflon Teflon Teflon Teflon Verzinkt Plated Zinc Silver Cinc Plateado Protection: galvanisé Zincatura Surface Also Available... Studded Rod Ends - page 44 Scotty BoltsTM Page 44 Connecting Tubes - Page 71 Buy On-Line at No Minimums. 3,000+ items. Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 36 Gelenkköpfe • Sphcl Rod Ends • Rotula Esférico• Embouts • Teste a snodo DSTF Stainless Steel Teflon Race (3 Piece) N J M Teflon Be ar ing Ra ce ØA a° G ØP H Thr ead ØO Part Number Thread A A° G H J M N O P DSTF-6 M6 x 1.00 RH 6 26° 30 9 20.5 6.75 9 13 10.0 DSTFL-6 M6 x 1.00 LH 6 26° 30 9 20.5 6.75 9 13 10.0 DSTF-8 M8 x 1.25 RH 8 26° 36 12 24.5 9.00 12 16 12.5 DSTFL-8 M8 x 1.25 LH 8 26° 36 12 24.5 9.00 12 16 12.5 DSTF-10 M10 x 1.50 RH 10 26° 43 15 28.5 10.50 14 19 15.0 DSTF-10-F M10 x 1.25 RH # 10 26° 43 15 28.5 10.50 14 19 15.0 DSTFL-10 M10 x 1.50 LH 10 26° 43 15 28.5 10.50 14 19 15.0 DSTF-12 M12 x 1.75 RH 12 26° 50 18 32.5 12.00 16 22 17.5 DSTF-12-F M12 x 1.25 RH # 12 26° 50 18 32.5 12.00 16 22 17.5 DSTFL-12 M12 x 1.75 LH 12 26° 50 18 32.5 12.00 16 22 17.5 DSTF-16 M16 x 2.00 RH 16 30° 64 24 42.5 15.00 21 27 22.0 DSTF-16-F M16 x 1.50 RH # 16 30° 64 24 42.5 15.00 21 27 22.0 DSTFL-16 M16 x 2.00 LH 16 30° 64 24 42.5 15.00 21 27 22.0 DSTF-18 M18 x 1.50 RH 18 30° 71 27 46.5 16.50 23 31 25.0 DSTFL-18 M18 x 1.50 LH 18 30° 71 27 46.5 16.50 23 31 25.0 DSTF-20 M20 x 1.50 RH 20 30° 77 30 50.5 18.00 25 34 27.5 DSTFL-20 M20 x 1.50 LH 20 30° 77 30 50.5 18.00 25 34 27.5 Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 37 Part Number Thread A A° G H J M N O P DSTF-22 M22 x 1.50 RH 22 30° 84 33 54.5 20.00 28 37 30.0 DSTFL-22 M22 x 1.50 LH 22 30° 84 33 54.5 20.00 28 37 30.0 DSTF-25 M24 x 2.00 RH 25 30° 94 36 60.5 22.00 31 42 33.5 DSTFL-25 M24 x 2.00 LH 25 30° 94 36 60.5 22.00 31 42 33.5 DSTF-30 M30 x 2.00 RH 30 30° 110 45 70.5 25.00 37 50 40.0 DSTF-30-F M27 x 2.00 RH # 30 30° 110 45 70.5 25.00 37 50 40.0 DSTFL-30 M30 x 2.00 LH 30 30° 110 45 70.5 25.00 37 50 40.0 Material Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Rostfreier Stahl 300 Series Stainless Steel Acero Acier Inossidabile Teflon Teflon Teflon Teflon Teflon Bearing Race Also Available... Threaded Rods - Page 67 HMB Inserts Rod End Seals SSDMCS - Stainess Ball Joints DSTM - Stainless Male Sphericals DWTF - Plated Steel Designs Buy On-Line at No Minimums. 3,000+ items. Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 38 Gelenkköpfe • Sphcl Rod Ends • Rotula Esférico• Embouts • Teste a snodo DSTM Stainless Steel Teflon Race (3 Piece) N M ØA J Teflon Bearing Race a° G L H Thread Part Number Thread A A° G H J L M N DSTM-6 M6 x 1.00 RH 6 26° 36 21 20.5 46.5 6.75 9 DSTML-6 M6 x 1.00 LH 6 26° 36 21 20.5 46.5 6.75 9 DSTM-8 M8 x 1.25 RH 8 26° 42 25 24.5 54.5 9.00 12 DSTML-8 M8 x 1.25 LH 8 26° 42 25 24.5 54.5 9.00 12 DSTM-10 M10 x 1.50 RH 10 26° 48 28 28.5 62.5 10.50 14 DSTML-10 M10 x 1.50 LH 10 26° 48 28 28.5 62.5 10.50 14 DSTM-12 M12 x 1.75 RH 12 26° 54 32 32.5 70.5 12.00 16 DSTML-12 M12 x 1.75 LH 12 26° 54 32 32.5 70.5 12.00 16 DSTM-16 M16 x 2.00 RH 16 30° 66 37 42.5 87.5 15.00 21 DSTML-16 M16 x 2.00 LH 16 30° 66 37 42.5 87.5 15.00 21 DSTM-18 M18 x 1.50 RH 18 30° 72 41 46.5 95.5 16.50 23 DSTML-18 M18 x 1.50 LH 18 30° 72 41 46.5 95.5 16.50 23 DSTM-20 M20 x 1.50 RH 20 30° 78 45 50.5 103.5 18.00 25 DSTML-20 M20 x 1.50 LH 20 30° 78 45 50.5 103.5 18.00 25 DSTM-22 M22 x 1.50 RH 22 30° 84 48 54.5 111.5 20.00 28 DSTML-22 M22 x 1.50 LH 22 30° 84 48 54.5 111.5 20.00 28 DSTM-25 M24 x 2.00 RH 25 30° 94 55 60.5 124.5 22.00 31 Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 39 Part Number Thread A A° G H J L M N DSTML-25 M24 x 2.00 LH 25 30° 94 55 60.5 124.5 22.00 31 DSTM-30 M30 x 2.00 RH 30 30° 110 66 70.5 145.5 25.00 37 DSTML-30 M30 x 2.00 LH 30 30° 110 66 70.5 145.5 25.00 37 Material Bearing Race Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Rostfreier Stahl 300 Series Stainless Acero Acier Inossidabile Teflon Teflon Teflon Teflon Teflon Other Stainless Steel Components Available... COMST-M CPM-SS DMHSS DSTF SSDMCS GMN-SS HMBSS MTC-SS SPM-SS SQM SSM Buy On-Line at No Minimums. 3,000+ items. 100!s of designs to choose from Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 40 Gelenkköpfe • Sphcl Rod Ends • Rotula Esférico• Embouts • Teste a snodo DXTM Chrome Moly Steel Teflon Race N M ØA J Teflon Bearing Race a° G L H Thread Part Number Thread A A° G H J L M N DXTM-6 M6 x 1.00 RH 6 24° 36 21 20 46 6.75 9 DXTML-6 M6 x 1.00 LH 6 24° 36 21 20 46 6.75 9 DXTM-8 M8 x 1.25 RH 8 24° 42 25 24 54 9.00 12 DXTML-8 M8 x 1.25 LH 8 24° 42 25 24 54 9.00 12 DXTM-10 M10 x 1.50 RH 10 20° 48 29 28 62 10.50 14 DXTML-10 M10 x 1.50 LH 10 20° 48 29 28 62 10.50 14 DXTM-12 M12 x 1.75 RH 12 24° 54 33 32 70 12.00 16 DXMTL-12 M12 x 1.75 LH 12 24° 54 33 32 70 12.00 16 DXTM-14 M14 x 2.00 RH 14 32° 60 36 36 78 13.50 19 DXTML-14 M14 x 2.00 LH 14 32° 60 36 36 78 13.50 19 DXTM-16 M16 x 2.00 RH 16 30° 66 40 42 87 15.00 21 DXTML-16 M16 x 2.00 LH 16 30° 66 40 42 87 15.00 21 DXTM-18 M18 x 1.50 RH 18 30° 72 41 46 95 16.50 23 DXTML-18 M18 x 1.50 LH 18 30° 72 41 46 95 16.50 23 DXTM-20 M20 x 1.50 RH 20 30° 78 45 50 103 18.00 25 DXTML-20 M20 x 1.50 LH 20 30° 78 45 50 103 18.00 25 DXTM-22 M22 x 1.50 RH 22 30° 84 48 54 111 20.00 28 DXTML-22 M22 x 1.50 LH 22 30° 84 48 54 111 20.00 28 Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 41 Part Number Thread A A° G H J L M N DXTM-25 M24 x 2.00 RH 25 30° 94 55 60 124 22.00 31 DXTML-25 M24 x 2.00 LH 25 30° 94 55 60 124 22.00 31 DXTM-30 M30 x 2.00 RH 30 30° 110 66 70 145 25.00 37 DXTML-30 M30 x 2.00 LH 30 30° 110 66 70 145 25.00 37 DXTM-35 M36 x 2.00 RH 35 32° 140 85 80 180 28.00 43 DXTML-35 M36 x 2.00 LH 35 32° 140 85 80 180 28.00 43 DXTM-40 M42 x 2.00 RH 40 34° 150 90 90 195 33.00 49 DXTML-40 M42 x 2.00 LH 40 34° 150 90 90 195 33.00 49 DXTM-50 M48 x 2.00 RH 50 24° 185 105 116 243 45.00 60 DXTML-50 M48 x 2.00 LH 50 24° 185 105 116 243 45.00 60 Material Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Chrome Moly Chrome Moly Chrome Moly Chrome Moly Chrome Moly Teflon Teflon Teflon Teflon Teflon Verzinkt Bright Chrome Cinc Plateado Protection: galvanisé Zincatura Bearing Race Finish Also Available... Threaded Rods - Page 67 HMB Inserts SSDMCS - Stainess Ball Joints Studded Rod Ends - Page 44 DWTF - Plated Steel Designs Buy On-Line at No Minimums. 3,000+ items. Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 42 Gelenkköpfe • Sphcl Rod Ends • Rotula Esférico• Embouts • Teste a snodo MPF-mm Nylon Bearing Race N J M ØA C Nylon Race G Thread H O P Part Number Thread A C G H J M N O P MPF-6mm M6 x 1.00 RH 6 43 33.3 19 19 7.1 9.53 12 9.53 MPFL-6mm M6 x 1.00 LH 6 43 33.3 19 19 7.1 9.53 12 9.53 MPF-8mm M8 x 1.25 RH 8 46 34.9 19 22 8.7 11.10 13 11.10 MPFL-8mm M8 x 1.25 LH 8 46 34.9 19 22 8.7 11.10 13 11.10 MPF-10mm M10 x 1.50 RH 10 54 41.3 24 28 10.3 12.70 18 14.27 MPFL-10mm M10 x 1.50 LH 10 54 41.3 24 28 10.3 12.70 18 14.27 MPF-12mm M12 x 1.75 RH 12 71 54.0 30 35 12.7 15.88 22 19.05 MPFL-12mm M12 x 1.75 LH 12 71 54.0 30 35 12.7 15.88 22 19.05 Comment: This series features an integral injection molded nylon race. Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl 1018 Steel Acero Acier Acciaio Race Nylon Nylon Nylon Nylon Nylon Verzinkt Zinc Plated Cinc Plateado Protection: galvanisé Zincatura Surface Buy On-Line at No Minimums. 3,000+ items. Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 43 Gelenkköpfe • Sphcl Rod Ends • Rotula Esférico• Embouts • Teste a snodo MPM-mm Nylon Bearing Race P J XY ØA XX Nylon Race ØL O M N Part Number Thread A J M N XX XY MPM-6mm M6 x 1.00 RH 6 19 7.14 9.53 39.67 25.40 MPML-6mm M6 x 1.00 LH 6 19 7.14 9.53 39.67 25.40 MPM-8mm M8 x 1.25 RH 8 22 8.74 11.10 47.63 31.75 MPML-8m M8 x 1.25 LH 8 22 8.74 11.10 47.63 31.75 MPM-10mm M10 x 1.50 RH 10 28 10.31 12.70 50.80 31.75 MPML-10mm M10 x 1.50 LH 10 28 10.31 12.70 50.80 31.75 MPM-12mm M12 x 1.75 RH 12 35 12.70 15.88 61.90 38.10 MPML-12mm M12 x 1.75 LH 12 35 12.70 15.88 61.90 38.10 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl 1018 Steel Acero Acier Acciaio Race Nylon Nylon Nylon Nylon Nylon Verzinkt Zinc Plated Cinc Plateado Protection: galvanisé Zincatura Surface Comment: this series features an integral injection molded nylon race. To add a rod end stud, specify the suffix “S” as in MPM-10S. See Page 44 You may also purchase a Scotty BoltTM if you wish to install the rod end stud yourself. See Page 44 Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 44 Kugelzapfen • Scotty BoltsTM • Perno• Boulon • Bullone FIELD INSTALLED PATENT PENDING SCOTTY BOLTSTM Scotty BoltsTM Steel, Plated Zinc Yellow D This unique rod end stud, the Scotty BoltTM allows the user to field install the rod stud to existing rod ends. For AS[XX] & MP[XX] Series STUD THREAD Q B E F (HEX) Self-locking with Nylon Patch Cap Screw Threads For DN[XX] Series For DW[XX] & DX[XX] Series B E F Q Part# D Part# D Part# D AS & MP DN, DW, DX AS & MP DN, DW, DX AS & MP DN, DW, DX - - - - SBDW-5 9.7 - 3.0 11.10 10.3 7.92 7 2.0 SBAS-6 11.91 SBDN-6 11.0 SBDW-6 11.0 3.18 3.2 14.27 12.5 9.53 8 2.5 SBAS-8 13.49 SBDN-8 13.0 SBDW-8 13.5 4.75 4.0 17.45 16.5 11.10 11 3.0 SBAS-10 16.36 SBDN-10 16.0 SBDW-10 16.5 4.75 5.0 23.01 20.0 12.70 13 4.0 SBAS-12 22.23 SBDN-12 16.0 SBDW-12 18.5 6.35 6.0 28.58 20.0 15.88 15 6.0 - - SBDN-16 24.5 SBDW-16 25.0 - 9.0 - 32.0 - 19 7.0 FACTORY INSTALLED SPHERICAL ROD END STUDS D Specify rod end studs to be assembled by the factory by adding an “S” suffix to the part number as in DWTF-6S, or ASMM-12S. Rod End Studs E Hardened Steel Plated Zinc Yellow Stud Thread F (HEX) B D B Right Hand AS & MP (ie: ASFM series) M5 x 0.80 3.96 M6 x 1.00 STUD THREAD B D DN DW DX E F AS & MP DN DW DX AS & MP DN DW DX AS & MP DN DW DX 3.0 11.91 - 9.7 11.10 - 10.3 7.92 - 7 3.18 3.2 11.91 11.0 11.0 14.27 12.5 9.53 8 M8 x 1.25 4.75 4.0 13.49 13.0 13.5 17.45 16.5 11.10 11 M10 x 1.50 4.75 5.0 16.36 16.0 16.5 23.01 20 12.70 13 M12 x 1.75 6.35 6.0 22.23 16.0 18.5 28.58 20 15.88 15 M16 x 2.00 - 9.0 - 24.5 25.0 - 32 - 19 " AS-1 rod ends do NOT have rod end stud or Scotty BoltTM options offered (ie: ASFM-8-1) Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 45 High Misalignment Inserts HMBZC & HMBSS High Misalignment Inserts D E J K FA G BC R2 N R1 Verzinkter Stahl Zinc Plated Steel Acero Plateado Acier Galvanisé Acciaio Zincatura Part Number A B C D E F G J K N R1 R2 HMBZC-M8-M6 7.900 7.9 11.1 10.95 7.47 10.3 6.13 1.2 1.52 3.47 6.5 1.6 HMBZC-M10-M6 9.898 10.7 14.4 13.31 9.32 13.3 6.13 1.5 2.29 3.97 8.0 1.9 HMBZC-M10-M8 9.898 10.7 14.4 13.31 9.32 13.3 8.13 1.5 2.29 3.97 8.0 1.9 HMBZC-M12-M8 11.849 12.4 15.9 14.30 9.83 15.0 8.13 1.5 2.29 4.47 9.0 1.8 HMBZC-M12-M10 11.849 12.4 15.9 14.30 9.83 15.0 10.13 1.5 2.29 4.47 9.0 1.8 Rostfreier Stahl Stainless Steel Acero Inoxidable Acier Inoxydable Acciaio Inossidabile Part Number A B C D E F G J K N R1 HMBSS-M8-M6 7.900 7.9 11.1 10.95 7.47 10.3 6.13 1.2 1.52 3.47 6.5 1.6 HMBSS-M10-M6 9.898 10.7 14.4 13.31 9.32 13.3 6.13 1.5 2.29 3.97 8.0 1.9 HMBSS-M10-M8 9.898 10.7 14.4 13.31 9.32 13.3 8.13 1.5 2.29 3.97 8.0 1.9 HMBSS-M12-M8 11.849 12.4 15.9 14.30 9.83 15.0 8.13 1.5 2.29 4.47 9.0 1.8 HMBSS-M12-M10 11.849 12.4 15.9 14.30 9.83 15.0 10.13 1.5 2.29 4.47 9.0 1.8 Buy On-Line at No Minimums. 3,000+ items. Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 R2 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 46 Gelenklager • COM Bearings • Rotula Esférica• Rotules • Snodi Sferici COM Bearings D Lubrication Hole W H a° B O E Lubrication G roove Trunion (Wide) Ball Designs Also Available Stahl Verzinkt Nylon Verzinkt Teflon Verzinkt Teflon Rostfreier Stahl Steel Race Zinc Plated Nylon Race Zinc Plated Teflon Race Zinc Plated Teflon Race Stainless Steel Acero Plateado Nylon Plateado Teflon Plateado Teflon Acero Inoxidable Acier Galvanise´ Nylon Galvanise Nylon Galvanise Nylon Inoxydable Acciaio Zincatura Nylon Zincatura PTFE Zincatura PTFE Acciaio Inossidabile a° B D E H O W COMA-M3 COMAP-M3 COMAT-M3 COMST-M3 13.5 3 12 7.93 4.50 5.19 6 COMA-M5 COMAP-M5 COMAT-M5 COMST-M5 12.5 5 16 11.10 6.00 7.68 8 COMA-M6 COMAP-M6 COMAT-M6 COMST-M6 12.5 6 18 12.70 6.75 8.93 9 COMA-M8 COMAP-M8 COMAT-M8 COMST-M8 14.0 8 22 15.88 9.00 10.35 12 COMA-M10 COMAP-M10 COMAT-M10 COMST-M10 13.5 10 26 19.05 10.50 12.88 14 COMA-M12 COMAP-M12 COMAT-M12 COMST-M12 13.0 12 30 22.23 12.00 15.39 16 COMA-M14 COMAP-M14 COMAT-M14 COMST-M14 16.0 14 34 25.40 13.50 16.86 19 COMA-M16 COMAP-M16 COMAT-M16 COMST-M16 15.0 16 38 28.58 15.00 19.34 21 COMA-M18 COMAP-M18 COMAT-M18 COMST-M18 15.0 18 42 31.75 16.50 21.89 23 COMA-M20 COMAP-M20 COMAT-M20 COMST-M20 14.5 20 46 34.93 18.00 24.35 25 COMA-M22 COMAP-M22 COMAT-M22 COMST-M22 15.0 22 50 38.10 20.00 25.84 28 COMA-M25 COMAP-M25 COMAT-M25 COMST-M25 15.0 25 56 42.86 22.00 29.60 31 COMA-M30 COMAP-M30 COMAT-M30 COMST-M30 17.0 30 66 50.80 25.00 34.81 37 Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 47 Directory of Clevis Ends & Attaching Hardware Series Page Family Function Material Finish BC 48 Clip Fits Grooved Clevis Pins Spring Steel Plated SC 49 Clip Fits Grooved Clevis Pins Spring Steel Plated CPG 50 Clevis Pin Fits Clevises Steel Plated CPM 51 Clevis Pin Fits Clevises Steel Plated CPMSS 51 Clevis Pin Fits Clevises Stainless Plated CTC 52 Clevis Cylinder Clevis Steel Plated DME 53 Rod End Gas Spring Rod End Steel Plated GMN 54 Rod End Gas Spring Rod End Aluminum Annodized GMNSS 54 Rod End Gas Spring Rod End Stainless Passivated GMP 55 Rod End Gas Spring Rod End Nylon - GMW 56 Rod End Gas Spring Rod End Steel Plated MMC 57 Clevis Male Clevis Steel Plated MTC 58 Clevis Female Clevis Steel Plated MTCA 61 Clevis Female Clevis Aluminum Annodized MTCSS 62 Clevis Female Clevis Stainless Passivated SPM 64 Spring Pin Fits Clevises Spring Steel Plated TCM 65 Clevis Steel Plated Spinning Barrel North American and European Designs Buy On-Line at No Minimums. 3,000+ items. Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 48 Sicherungen • Bayonet Clips • Clips • Clips • Perni BC Clips s n m h2 h1 d2 a b2 b1 Part Number Nominal Size b1 b2 h1 h2 a s d1 z to fit these bolt dimensions d1 d2 m n z BC-4 4 7.0 4.2 9.0 3.5 2.0 0.35 4 3.2 0.64 2.0 0.50 BC-5 5 9.0 5.2 11.0 4.5 2.3 0.33 5 4.0 0.74 2.5 0.50 BC-6 6 11.0 6.1 13.6 5.5 2.8 0.40 6 5.0 0.74 3.0 0.75 BC-8 8 14.0 8.2 18.0 7.0 3.6 0.50 8 6.0 0.94 3.5 1.00 BC-10 10 18.0 10.2 22.0 9.0 4.0 0.50 10 8.0 1.05 4.5 1.00 BC-12 12 22.0 12.2 26.0 10.0 5.0 0.60 12 9.0 1.15 5.0 1.25 BC-14 14 25.0 14.2 30.0 12.0 6.0 0.70 14 10.0 1.25 5.5 1.50 BC-16 16 28.0 16.4 37.0 16.0 6.5 0.80 16 12.0 1.35 6.0 1.50 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl Spring Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Surface Verzinkt Zinc Plated Cinc Plateado Galvanisé Zincatura Buy On-Line at No Minimums. 3,000+ items. Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 49 Sicherungen • Safety Clips • Clips • Clips • Perni SC Clips s h d2 h1 a b Part Number Nominal Size b h h1 a s n m d1 z to fit these bolt dimensions d1 d2 m n z SC-4 4 7.0 8.5 4.0 2.3 0.3 4 3.2 0.64 2.0 0.50 SC-5 5 9.0 10.7 5.0 3.3 0.4 5 4.0 0.74 2.5 0.50 SC-6 6 11.0 14.1 6.0 3.8 0.4 6 5.0 0.74 3.0 0.75 SC-8 8 14.0 17.5 8.0 4.0 0.5 8 6.0 0.94 3.5 1.00 SC-10 10 18.0 22.1 10.0 5.0 0.5 10 8.0 1.05 4.5 1.00 SC-12 12 22.0 26.0 12.0 5.0 0.5 12 9.0 1.15 5.0 1.25 SC-14 14 25.0 30.0 13.5 6.0 0.6 14 10.0 1.25 5.5 1.50 SC-16 16 28.0 34.0 16.0 6.0 0.6 16 12.0 1.35 6.0 1.50 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl Spring Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Surface Verzinkt Zinc Plated Cinc Plateado Galvanisé Zincatura Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 50 Bolzen • Clevis Pins • Perno de la Horquilla• Boulon de Chape • Perni CPG Grooved Clevis Pins G H C F B E A Part Number A B C E F G H CGPM4 4.0 6.0 1.0 0.64 3.2 10.5 8.5 CPGM5 5.0 8.0 1.5 0.74 4.0 13.0 10.5 CPGM6 6.0 9.0 1.5 0.74 5.0 15.5 12.5 CPGM8 8.0 12.0 2.0 0.94 6.0 20.0 16.5 CPGM10 10.0 14.0 2.0 1.05 8.0 25.0 20.5 CPGM12 12.0 17.0 3.0 1.15 9.0 30.0 24.5 CPGM16 16.0 20.0 3.5 1.35 12.0 38.5 32.5 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Surface Verzinkt Zinc Plated Cinc Plateado Galvanisé Zincatura Also Available... Clevis Spring Pins Clips Buy On-Line at No Minimums. 3,000+ items. Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 51 Bolzen • Clevis Pins • Perno de la Horquilla• Boulon de Chape • Perni CPM CPM-SS G H C B E Part Number A Dimensions Verzinkt Silber Rostfrei Plated Zinc Clear Stainless Steel Acero Plateado Inoxidable Acier Galvanisé Inoxydable Acciaio Zincatura Inossidabile A B C E G H CPM4 CPM4-SS 4.0 6.0 1.0 1.0 12.0 10.0 CPM5 CPM5-SS 5.0 8.0 1.5 1.2 15.0 12.3 CPM6 CPM6-SS 6.0 9.0 1.5 1.6 18.0 15.3 CPM8 CPM8-SS 8.0 12.0 2.0 2.0 23.0 19.5 CPM10 CPM10-SS 10.0 14.0 2.0 3.2 29.0 24.5 CPM12 CPM12-SS 12.0 17.0 3.0 4.0 35.0 29.5 CPM16 CPM16-SS 16.0 20.0 3.5 4.0 45.0 38.2 CPM20 CPM20-SS 20.0 28.0 4.0 5.0 53.0 47.0 CPM30 CPM30-SS 30.0 36.0 5.5 6.3 67.0 59.0 CPM35 CPM35-SS 35.0 45.0 7.0 8.0 87.0 76.5 Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 52 Gabelköpfe • Clevises • Horquillas• Chapes • Forcelle CTC Short Cylinder Clevis F E ØG D H A B Threads C Part Number Thread A B C D E F G H ±0.76 -0.0/+3. 0 ±1.0 -0.0/+1. 0 -0.0/+0. 5 -0.5/+0. 0 -0.0 ±1.0 CTC-10 M10 x 1.25 RH 32 14 20.7 13 12 26 10.0+0.04 42.0 CTC-12 M12 x 1.25 RH 36 16 30.7 19 16 34 12.0+0.04 51.0 CTC-14 M14 x 1.50 RH 38 18 30.0 19 20 42 14.0+0.05 53.0 CTC-16 M16 x 1.50 RH 54 22 54.4 32 30 62 20.0+0.05 81.0 CTC-20 M20 x 1.50 RH 60 28 53.4 32 30 62 20.0+0.05 86.5 CTC-27 M27 x 2.00 RH 75 36 59.8 39 40 83 28.0+0.06 105.0 CTC-33 M33 x 2.00 RH 99 45 89.0 54 50 103 36.0+0.07 143.5 CTC-42 M42 x 2.00 RH 113 56 91.5 57 60 123 45.0+0.08 159.0 CTC-48 M48 x 2.00 RH 126 63 99.3 63 70 143 56.0+0.09 175.5 CTC-64 M64 x 3.00 RH 168 85 134.9 83 80 163 70.0+0.10 235.5 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl 1018 Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Surface Verzinkt Zinc Plated Clear Cinc Plateado Galvanisé Zincatura Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 53 Gelenkaugen • Eye End • Argolla• Oeil • Occhio DME D J P A Thread ØG ØC R (Radius) Part Number Thread A C D G J P R DME-4 M3.5 x 0.60 RH 4.0 8.0 12.0 4.1 16.0 4.0 4.0 DME-5 M5 x 0.80 RH 6.0 10.0 16.0 6.1 21.0 6.0 5.0 DME-8 M8 x 1.25 RH 6.0 14.0 20.0 8.1 27.0 10.0 7.0 DME-10 M10 x 1.50 RH 8.0 18.0 25.0 8.1 29.5 12.0 9.0 DME-14 M14 x 1.50 RH 19.0 25.0 40.0 14.1 53.0 14.0 12.5 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl 1018 Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Surface Verzinkt Plated Zinc Clear Cinc Plateado Galvanisé Zincatura Buy On-Line at No Minimums. 3,000+ items. Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 54 Gelenkaugen • Eye End • Argolla• Oeil • Occhio GMN - Aluminum GMNSS - Stainless A Threads ØC D B E ØF G Part Number Thread A B C D E F G Aluminium Rostfrei Aluminum Stainless Aluminio Inoxidable Aluminum Inoxydable Aluminio Inossidabile GMN-4 GMNSS-4 M4 x 0.70 RH 11.94 4.70 4.06 6.10 4.06 7.87 18.3 GMN-6 GMNSS-6 M6 x 1.00 RH 17.78 7.24 6.10 8.89 6.10 9.91 26.16 GMN-8 GMNSS-8 M8 x 1.00 RH 21.34 9.78 7.87 9.91 8.89 13.97 32.13 GMN-10 GMNSS-10 M10 x 1.50 RH 29.97 12.32 7.87 13.97 9.91 16.00 41.28 GMN-10-1 GMNSS-10-1 M10 x 1.50 RH 35.05 12.70 7.87 16.00 9.91 20.07 46.61 GMN-14 GMNSS-14 M14 x 1.50 RH 41.91 17.15 13.97 20.07 13.97 24.89 59.06 Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 55 Gelenkaugen • Eye End • Argolla• Oeil • Occhio GMP Nylon Housing Brass Threads A E Radius R ØB F Threads D ØC Part Number Thread A B C D E F R GMP-6 M6 x 1.00 RH 6.10 8.89 17.78 8.89 7.11 14.73 7.9 GMP-8 M8 x 1.25 RH 7.87 13.97 21.34 8.89 8.89 20.32 10.7 Material Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Nylon Black Nylon Nilón Negro Nylon Noir Nylon Nero Selection Boxes (Assortment Kits) Available Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 56 Gelenkaugen • Eye End • Argolla• Oeil • Occhio GMW Radius E ØC Chamf er Both Ends F A B Threads D 2 x Dim E Part Number Thread A B C+0.2 D E F GMW-6 M6 x 1.00 19 11.5 8.10 10 8 27 GMW-8 M8 x 1.25 16 9.0 6.10 10 8 24 GMW-8-1 M8 x 1.25 18 9.0 6.10 10 8 26 GMW-8-2 M8 x 1.25 20 9.0 7.28 10 8 28 GMW-8-3 M8 x 1.25 15 9.0 8.10 8 8 23 GMW-8-4 M8 x 1.25 16 9.0 8.10 12 8 24 GMW-8-5 M8 x 1.25 16 9.0 8.10 10 8 24 GMW-8-6 M8 x 1.25 17 9.0 8.10 10 8 25 GMW-8-7 M8 x 1.25 20 9.0 8.10 10 8 28 GMW-10 M10 x 1.50 20 14.0 8.10 12 8 28 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl 1018 Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Surface Verzinkt Zinc Plated Clear Cinc Plateado Galvanisé Zincatura Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 57 Gabelköpfe • Clevises • Horquillas• Chapes • Forcelle MMC Male Clevis DIN 71752 H A I Thread ØG D B F E Part Number Thread A B D E F G H I ±0.5 ±0.3 ±0.6 +0.8 / -0.2 +0.6 / -0.3 - 0.0 / + ... ±0.3 ±0.84 MMC-6 M6 x 1.00 RH 37 15 12 6 12 6 +0.5 44 12 MMC-8 M8 x 1.25 RH 47 20 16 8 16 8 +0.5 57 16 MMC-10 M10 x 1.50 RH 57 25 20 10 20 10 +0.5 69 20 MMC-12 M12 x 1.75 RH 68 30 24 12 24 12 +0.5 82 24 MMC-14 M14 x 2.00 RH 69 35 28 14 27 14 +0.5 94 27 MMC-16 M16 x 2.00 RH 89 40 32 16 32 16 +0.5 108 32 MMC-20 M20 x 2.50 RH 109 45 40 20 40 20 +0.6 134 40 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl 1018 Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Surface Verzinkt Zinc Plated Clear Cinc Plateado Galvanisé Zincatura Also Available... MHT Connecting Tubes CPM Clevis Pins Spherical Rod Ends Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 58 Gabelköpfe • Clevises • Horquillas• Chapes • Forcelle MTC DIN 71752 F E I ØG D H A Thr ead Part Number Threads Plating A B D ±2 ±2 ±2 MTC-4S M4 x 0.70 RH Yellow 16 8 MTC-4S-ZC M4 x 0.70 RH Silver 16 MTC-4L M4 x 0.70 RH Yellow MTC-4L-ZC M4 x 0.70 RH MTC-5S ØB E +0.5 /-0 F ±0.2 /-0.8 G -0.0 H ±2 I ±0.84 8 4 8 4+0.5 21 8 8 8 4 8 4+0.5 21 8 24 8 16 4 8 4+0.5 29 8 Silver 24 8 16 4 8 4+0.5 29 8 M5 x 0.80 RH Yellow 20 9 10 5 10 5+0.5 26 10 MTC-5S-ZC M5 x 0.80 RH Silver 20 9 10 5 10 5+0.5 26 10 MTC-5S-M6-ZC M6 x 1.00 RH Silver 20 9 10 5 10 5+0.5 26 10 MTC-5L M5 x 0.80 RH Yellow 30 9 20 5 10 5+0.5 36 10 MTC-6S M6 x 1.00 RH Yellow 24 10 12 6 12 6+0.5 31 12 MTC-6S-ZC M6 x 1.00 RH Silver 24 10 12 6 12 6+0.5 31 12 MTC-6S-LH M6 x 1.00 LH Yellow 24 10 12 6 12 6+0.5 31 12 MTC-6S-M5 M5 x 0.80 RH Yellow 24 10 12 6 12 6+0.5 31 12 MTC-6S-LH-M5 M5 x 0.80 LH Yellow 24 10 12 6 12 6+0.5 31 12 MTC-6S-M8-ZC M8 x 1.25 RH Silver 24 10 12 6 12 6+0.5 31 12 MTC-6L M6 x 1.00 RH Yellow 36 10 24 6 12 6+0.5 43 12 MTC-6L-LH M6 x 1.00 RH Yellow 36 10 24 6 12 6+0.5 43 12 Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 59 Part Number Threads Plating A B D ±2 ±2 ±2 E +0.5 /-0 F ±0.2 /-0.8 G -0.0 H ±2 I ±0.84 MTC-6L-M5 M5 x 0.80 RH Yellow 36 10 24 6 12 6+0.5 43 12 MTC-6L-LH-M5 M5 x 0.80 LH Yellow 36 10 24 6 12 6+0.5 43 12 MTC-8S M8 x 1.25 RH Yellow 32 14 16 8 16 8+0.5 42 16 MTC-8S-ZC M8 x 1.25 RH Silver 32 14 16 8 16 8+0.5 42 16 MTC-8S-LH M8 x 1.25 LH Yellow 32 14 16 8 16 8+0.5 42 16 MTC-8S-M5 M5 x 0.80 RH Yellow 32 14 16 8 16 8+0.5 42 16 MTC-8S-M6 M6 x 1.00 RH Yellow 32 14 16 8 16 8+0.6 42 16 MTC-8S-M10-F-ZC M10 x 1.25 RH # Silver 32 14 16 8 16 8+0.6 42 16 MTC-8L M8 x 1.25 RH Yellow 48 14 32 8 16 8+0.6 58 16 MTC-8L-ZC M8 x 1.25 RH Silver 48 14 32 8 16 8+0.6 58 16 MTC-8L-LH M8 x 1.25 LH Yellow 48 14 32 8 16 8+0.6 58 16 MTC-8L-M5 M5 x 0.80 RH Yellow 48 14 32 8 16 8+0.6 58 16 MTC-8L-M6 M6 x 1.00 RH Yellow 48 14 32 8 16 8+0.6 58 16 MTC-10S-F-ZC M10 x 1.25 RH # Silver 40 18 20 10 20 10+0.7 52 20 MTC-10S M10 x 1.50 RH Yellow 40 18 20 10 20 10+0.7 52 20 MTC-10S-M8 M8 x 1.25 RH Yellow 40 18 20 10 20 10+0.7 52 20 MTC-10S-M12-F-ZC M12 x 1.25 RH # Silver 40 18 20 10 20 10+0.7 52 20 MTC-10L M10 x 1.50 RH Yellow 60 18 40 10 20 10+0.7 72 20 MTC-10L-LH M10 x 1.50 LH Yellow 60 18 40 10 20 10+0.7 72 20 MTC-10L-M8 M8 x 1.25 RH Yellow 60 18 40 10 20 10+0.7 72 20 MTC-12S-F-ZC M12 x 1.25 RH # Silver 48 20 24 12 24 12+0.7 62 24 MTC-12S-F1 M12 x 1.50 RH # Yellow 48 20 24 12 24 12+0.7 62 24 MTC-12S-F-ZC M12 x 1.50 RH # Silver 48 20 24 12 24 12+0.7 62 24 MTC-12S M12 x 1.75 RH Yellow 48 20 24 12 24 12+0.7 62 24 MTC-12S-M10 M10 x 1.50 RH Yellow 48 20 24 12 24 12+0.7 62 24 Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 60 Part Number Threads Plating A B D ±2 ±2 ±2 E +0.5 /-0 F ±0.2 /-0.8 G -0.0 H ±2 I ±0.84 MTC-12L M12 x 1.75 RH Yellow 72 20 48 12 24 12+0.7 86 24 MTC-12L-M10 M10 x 1.50 RH Yellow 72 20 48 12 24 12+0.7 86 24 MTC-14S-M16-F-ZC M16 x 1.50 RH # Silver 56 24 28 14 27 14+0.6 72 27 MTC-16S-F M16 x 1.50 RH # Yellow 64 26 32 16 32 16+0.7 83 32 MTC-16S-F-ZC M16 x 1.50 RH # Silver 64 26 32 16 32 16+0.7 83 32 MTC-16S-LH-F M16 x 1.50 LH # Yellow 64 26 32 16 32 16+0.7 83 32 MTC-16S M16 x 2.00 RH Yellow 64 26 32 16 32 16+0.7 83 32 MTC-16S-ZC M16 x 2.00 RH Silver 64 26 32 16 32 16+0.7 83 32 MTC-16L-F M16 x 1.50 RH # Yellow 96 26 64 16 32 16+0.7 115 32 MTC-16L M16 x 2.00 RH Yellow 96 26 64 16 32 16+0.7 115 32 MTC-20S-F-ZC M20 x 1.50 RH # Silver 80 34 40 20 40 20+0.6 105 40 MTC-30S-X-M27-F-ZC M27 x 2.00 RH # Silver 110 48 54 30 55 30+0.6 148 55 MTC-35S-X-M36-F-ZC M36 x 2.00 RH # Silver 144 60 72 35 70 35+0.6 188 70 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Surface Verzinkt Zinc Plated Cinc Plateado Protection: galvanisé Zincatura Also Available Clevis Spring Pins CPG Clevis Pins CPM Clevis Pins Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 61 Gabelköpfe • Clevises • Horquillas• Chapes • Forcelle MTCA Aluminum DIN 71752 F E I ØG D H A Thr ead ØB Part Number Threads A ±2.0 B ±2.0 D ±2.0 E +0.5/0.0 F ±0.2/0.8 G -0.0 H ±2.0 I ±0.84 MTCA-4S M4 x 0.70 RH 16 8 8 4 8 4+0.5 21 8 MTCA-5S M5 x 0.80 RH 20 9 10 5 10 5+0.5 26 10 MTCA-5L M5 x 0.80 RH 30 9 20 5 10 5+0.5 36 10 MTCA-6S M6 x 1.00 RH 24 10 12 6 12 6+0.5 31 12 MTCA-6L M6 x 1.00 RH 36 10 24 6 12 6+0.5 43 12 MTCA-8S M8 x 1.25 RH 32 14 16 8 16 8+0.5 42 16 MTCA-8L M8 x 1.25 RH 48 14 32 8 16 8+0.6 58 16 MTCA-10S M10 x 1.50 RH 40 18 20 10 20 10+0.7 52 20 MTCA-10L M10 x 1.50 RH 60 18 40 10 20 10+0.7 72 20 MTCA-12S M12 x 1.75 RH 48 20 24 12 24 12+0.7 62 24 MTCA-12L M12 x 1.75 RH 72 20 48 12 24 12+0.7 86 24 MTCA-16S M16 x 2.00 RH 64 26 32 16 32 16+0.7 83 32 DIN 71752 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Aluminium Aluminum Aluminio Aluminum Aluminio Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 62 Gabelköpfe • Clevises • Horquillas• Chapes • Forcelle MTC-SS Stainless DIN 71752 F E I ØG D H A Thr ead ØB Part Number Threads A ±2.0 B ±2.0 D ±2.0 E +0.5/0.0 F ±0.2/0.8 G -0.0 H ±2.0 I ±0.84 MTC-4S-SS M4 x 0.70 RH 16 8 8 4 8 4+0.5 21 8 MTC-5S-SS M5 x 0.80 RH 20 9 10 5 10 5+0.5 26 10 MTC-5L-SS M5 x 0.80 RH 30 9 20 5 10 5+0.5 36 10 MTC-6S-SS M6 x 1.00 RH 24 10 12 6 12 6+0.5 31 12 MTC-6L-SS M6 x 1.00 RH 36 10 24 6 12 6+0.5 43 12 MTC-8S-SS M8 x 1.25 RH 32 14 16 8 16 8+0.5 42 16 MTC-8L-SS M8 x 1.25 RH 48 14 32 8 16 8+0.6 58 16 MTC-10S-SS M10 x 1.50 RH 40 18 20 10 20 10+0.7 52 20 MTC-10S-F-SS M10 x 1.25 RH # 40 18 20 10 20 10+0.7 52 20 MTC-10L-SS M10 x 1.50 RH 60 18 40 10 20 10+0.7 72 20 MTC-12S-SS M12 x 1.75 RH 48 20 24 12 24 12+0.7 62 24 MTC-12S-F-SS M12 x 1.25 RH # 48 20 24 12 24 12+0.7 62 24 MTC-12L-SS M12 x 1.75 RH 72 20 48 12 24 12+0.7 86 24 MTC-16S-SS M16 x 2.00 RH 64 26 32 16 32 16+0.7 83 32 MTC-16S-F-SS M16 x 1.50 RH # 64 26 32 16 32 16+0.7 83 32 MTC-16L-SS M16 x 2.00 RH 96 26 64 16 32 16+0.7 115 32 MTC-20S-F-SS M20 x 1.50 RH # 80 34 40 20 40 20+0.6 105 40 Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 63 Part Number Threads A ±2.0 B ±2.0 D ±2.0 E +0.5/0.0 F ±0.2/0.8 G -0.0 H ±2.0 I ±0.84 MTC-30SXM27F-SS M27 x 2.00 RH # 110 48 54 30 55 30+0.6 148 55 DIN 71752 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Rostfrei Stainless Acero Inoxidable Acier Inoxydable Acciaio Inossidabile Other Stainless Parts Available... COMST-M CPM-SS DMHSS DSTM GMN-SS HMBSS DSTF Buy On-Line at No Minimums. 3,000+ items. SPM-SS SQM SSDMCS SSM Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 64 Bolzen • Spring Pin • Perno de resorte• Goujons • Clips Clevis Spring Pin A H K F C Part Number G Dimensions Plated Zinc Yellow Plated Zinc Silver Stainless Steel Size A C F G H K SP4MS SP4MS-ZC - 4x8 15 4.5 9.5 3.93 / 4.00 19.0 1.5 SP5MS SP5MS-ZC SP5MS-SS 5 x 10 19 5.5 12 4.93 / 5.00 23.0 1.5 SP5ML SP5ML-ZC SP5ML-SS 5 x 20 29 5.5 12 4.93 / 5.00 33.0 1.5 SP6MS SP6MS-ZC SP6MS-SS 6 x 12 23 6.5 14 5.93 / 6.00 28.0 2.0 SP6ML SP6ML-ZC SP6ML-SS 6 x 24 35 6.5 14 5.93 / 6.00 40.0 2.0 SP8MS SP8MS-ZC SP8MS-SS 8 x 16 30 8.0 19 7.91 / 8.00 36.5 2.5 SP8ML SP8ML-ZC SP8ML-SS 8 x 32 46 8.0 19 7.91 / 8.00 52.0 2.5 SP10MS SP10MS-ZC SP10MS-SS 10 x 20 38 10.0 23 9.91 / 10.00 45.0 3.0 SP10ML SP10ML-ZC SP10ML-SS 10 x 40 58 10.0 23 9.91 / 10.00 65.0 3.0 SP12MS SP12MS-ZC SP12MS-SS 12 x 24 45 12.0 28 11.89 / 12.00 53.0 3.0 SP12ML SP12ML-ZC SP12ML-SS 12 x 48 69 12.0 28 11.89 / 12.00 78.0 3.0 SP16MS SP16MS-ZC SP16MS-SS 16 x 32 62 16.0 36 15.89 / 16.00 73.5 3.0 SP16ML SP16ML-ZC SP16ML-SS 16 x 64 94 16.0 36 15.89 / 16.00 105.5 3.0 SP20MS SP20MS-ZC - 20 x 40 71.5 16.0 45 19.87 / 20.00 87.5 5.0 Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 65 Gabelköpfe • Clevises • Horquillas• Chapes • Forcelle Turnbuckle Clevis ☞ Patented Spinning Barrel F E J PATENTED I ØG D H A W B S Thr ead Part Number Threads A B D E F G H I J S W TCM 5 x 20 M5 x 0.80 RH 30 9 20 5 10 5 36 10 2.5 8 3.75 TCM 6 x 24 M6 x 1.00 RH 36 10 24 6 12 6 43 12 3.0 8 4.00 TCM 8 x 16 M8 x 1.25 RH 32 14 16 8 16 8 42 16 4.0 13 6.00 TCM 8 x 32 M8 x 1.25 RH 48 14 32 8 16 8 58 16 4.0 13 6.00 TCM 10 x 20 M10 x 1.50 RH 40 18 20 10 20 10 52 20 5.0 16 9.00 TCM 10 x 40 M10 x 1.50 RH 60 18 40 10 20 10 72 20 5.0 16 9.00 TCM 12 x 24 M12 x 1.75 RH 48 20 24 12 24 12 62 24 6.0 18 11.50 TCM 12 x 48 M12 x 1.75 RH 72 20 48 12 24 12 86 24 6.0 18 11.50 TCM 16 x 32 M16 x 2.00 RH 64 26 32 16 32 16 83 32 8.0 24 15.00 TCM 16 x 64 M16 x 2.00 RH 96 26 64 16 32 16 115 32 8.0 24 15.00 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl 1018 Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Surface Verzinkt Zinc Plated Yellow Cinc Plateado Galvanisé Zincatura This series features our patented spinning barrel which eliminates the need for left hand threads and allows adjustment after installation without removing the clevis pin (bolt) and cotter. Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 66 Gestänge • Jack Screws • Barra Corta• Tige Courte • Bielle JSM Left Hand & Right Hand Threads A B Left Hand Thread Right Hand Thread Part Number Thread Thread Length Hex Size A B JSM-5 M5 x 0.80 RH 15 8 37 4 JSM-6 M6 x 1.00 RH 18 10 45 4 JSM-8 M8 x 1.25 RH 24 12 57 6 JSM-10 M10 x 1.50 RH 30 12 69 6 JSM-12 M12 x 1.75 RH 36 16 83 8 JSM-16 M16 x 2.00 RH 48 20 109 10 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl 1018 Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Surface Verzinkt Zinc Plated Yellow Cinc Plateado Galvanisé Zincatura Buy On-Line at No Minimums. 3,000+ items. Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 67 Gestänge • Threaded Rods • Barra Roscada• Tige Fileteé • Bielle Threaded Rods M6 x 1.00 LH & RH Steel, Plated Zinc Yellow Left Hand Threads Right Hand Threads Nomenclature TR[x]-[x] thread size rod length in millimeters Part Number Thread Length Overall Assembly Length (eye-to-eye) if Assembled with... Part Number DMCS Ball Joints DWTF Rose Joints MTC Short Clevises MTC Long Clevises Thread Length Overall Assembly Length (eye-to-eye) if Assembled with... DMCS Ball Joints DWTF Rose Joints MTC Short Clevises MTC Long Clevises TR6-50 20 77 to 88 86 to 98 68 to 86 92 to 110 TR6-250 50 277 to 288 286 to 298 268 to 286 268 to 310 TR6-60 20 87 to 98 96 to 108 78 to 96 102 to 120 TR6-260 50 287 to 298 296 to 308 278 to 296 278 to 320 TR6-70 25 97 to 108 106 to 118 88 to 106 102 to 130 TR6-270 50 297 to 308 306 to 318 288 to 306 288 to 330 TR6-80 30 107 to 118 116 to 128 98 to 116 102 to 140 TR6-280 50 307 to 318 316 to 328 298 to 316 298 to 340 TR6-90 35 117 to 128 126 to 138 108 to 126 108 to 150 TR6-290 50 317 to 328 326 to 338 308 to 326 308 to 350 TR6-100 40 127 to 138 136 to 148 118 to 136 118 to 160 TR6-300 50 327 to 338 336 to 348 318 to 336 318 to 360 TR6-110 50 137 to 148 146 to 158 128 to 146 128 to 170 TR6-310 50 337 to 348 346 to 358 328 to 346 328 to 370 TR6-120 50 147 to 158 156 to 168 138 to 156 138 to 180 TR6-320 50 347 to 358 356 to 368 338 to 356 338 to 380 TR6-130 50 157 to 168 166 to 178 148 to 166 148 to 190 TR6-330 50 357 to 368 366 to 378 348 to 366 348 to 390 TR6-140 50 167 to 178 176 to 188 158 to 176 158 to 200 TR6-340 50 367 to 378 376 to 388 358 to 376 358 to 400 TR6-150 50 177 to 188 186 to 198 168 to 186 168 to 210 TR6-350 50 377 to 388 386 to 398 368 to 386 368 to 410 TR6-160 50 187 to 198 196 to 208 178 to 196 178 to 220 TR6-360 50 387 to 398 396 to 408 378 to 396 378 to 420 TR6-170 50 197 to 208 206 to 218 188 to 206 188 to 230 TR6-370 50 397 to 408 406 to 418 388 to 406 388 to 430 TR6-180 50 207 to 218 216 to 228 198 to 216 198 to 240 TR6-380 50 407 to 418 416 to 428 398 to 416 398 to 440 TR6-190 50 217 to 228 226 to 238 208 to 226 208 to 250 TR6-390 50 417 to 428 426 to 438 408 to 426 408 to 450 TR6-200 50 227 to 238 236 to 248 218 to 236 218 to 260 TR6-400 50 427 to 438 436 to 448 418 to 436 418 to 460 TR6-210 50 237 to 248 246 to 258 228 to 246 228 to 270 TR6-410 50 437 to 448 446 to 458 428 to 446 428 to 470 TR6-220 50 247 to 258 256 to 268 238 to 256 238 to 280 TR6-420 50 447 to 458 456 to 468 438 to 456 438 to 480 TR6-230 50 257 to 268 266 to 278 248 to 266 248 to 290 TR6-430 50 457 to 468 466 to 478 448 to 466 448 to 490 TR6-240 50 267 to 278 276 to 288 258 to 276 258 to 300 TR6-440 50 467 to 478 476 to 488 458 to 476 458 to 500 Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 68 Gestänge • Threaded Rods • Barra Roscada• Tige Fileteé • Bielle Threaded Rods M8 x 1.25 LH & RH Steel, Plated Zinc Yellow Left Hand Threads Right Hand Threads Nomenclature TR[x]-[x] thread size rod length in millimeters Part Number Thread Length Overall Assembly Length (eye-to-eye) if Assembled with... Part Number DMCS Ball Joints DWTF Rose Joints MTC Short Clevises MTC Long Clevises Thread Length Overall Assembly Length (eye-to-eye) if Assembled with... DMCS Ball Joints DWTF Rose Joints MTC Short Clevises MTC Long Clevises TR8-60 25 92 to 104 100 to 116 84 to 108 116 to 140 TR8-260 50 292 to 304 300 to 316 284 to 308 284 to 340 TR8-70 30 102 to 114 110 to 126 94 to 118 116 to 150 TR8-270 50 302 to 314 310 to 326 294 to 318 294 to 350 TR8-80 35 112 to 124 120 to 136 104 to 128 116 to 160 TR8-280 50 312 to 324 320 to 336 304 to 328 304 to 360 TR8-90 40 122 to 134 130 to 146 114 to 138 116 to 170 TR8-290 50 322 to 334 330 to 346 314 to 338 314 to 370 TR8-100 45 132 to 144 140 to 156 124 to 148 124 to 180 TR8-300 50 332 to 344 340 to 356 324 to 348 324 to 380 TR8-110 50 142 to 154 150 to 166 134 to 158 134 to 190 TR8-310 50 342 to 354 350 to 366 334 to 358 334 to 390 TR8-120 50 152 to 164 160 to 176 144 to 168 144 to 200 TR8-320 50 352 to 364 360 to 376 344 to 368 344 to 400 TR8-130 50 162 to 174 170 to 186 154 to 178 154 to 210 TR8-330 50 362 to 374 370 to 386 354 to 378 354 to 410 TR8-140 50 172 to 184 180 to 196 164 to 188 164 to 220 TR8-340 50 372 to 384 380 to 396 364 to 388 364 to 420 TR8-150 50 182 to 194 190 to 206 174 to 198 174 to 230 TR8-350 50 382 to 394 390 to 406 374 to 398 374 to 430 TR8-160 50 192 to 204 200 to 216 184 to 208 184 to 240 TR8-360 50 392 to 404 400 to 416 384 to 408 384 to 440 TR8-170 50 202 to 214 210 to 226 194 to 218 194 to 250 TR8-370 50 402 to 414 410 to 426 394 to 418 394 to 450 TR8-180 50 212 to 224 220 to 236 204 to 228 204 to 260 TR8-380 50 412 to 424 420 to 436 404 to 428 404 to 460 TR8-190 50 222 to 234 230 to 246 214 to 238 214 to 270 TR8-390 50 422 to 434 430 to 446 414 to 438 414 to 470 TR8-200 50 232 to 244 240 to 256 224 to 248 224 to 280 TR8-400 50 432 to 444 440 to 456 424 to 448 424 to 480 TR8-210 50 242 to 254 250 to 266 234 to 258 234 to 290 TR8-410 50 442 to 454 450 to 466 434 to 458 434 to 490 TR8-220 50 252 to 264 260 to 276 244 to 268 244 to 300 TR8-420 50 452 to 464 460 to 476 444 to 468 444 to 500 TR8-230 50 262 to 274 270 to 286 254 to 278 254 to 310 TR8-430 50 462 to 474 470 to 486 454 to 478 454 to 510 TR8-240 50 272 to 284 280 to 296 264 to 288 264 to 320 TR8-440 50 472 to 484 480 to 496 464 to 488 464 to 520 TR8-250 50 282 to 294 290 to 306 274 to 298 274 to 330 TR8-450 50 482 to 494 490 to 506 474 to 498 474 to 530 Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 69 Gestänge • Threaded Rods • Barra Roscada• Tige Fileteé • Bielle Threaded Rods M10 x 1.50 LH & RH Steel, Plated Zinc Yellow Left Hand Threads Right Hand Threads Nomenclature TR[x]-[x] thread size rod length in millimeters Part Number Thrd Lngth Overall Assembly Length (eye-to-eye) if Assembled with... Part Number DMCS Ball Joints DWTF Rose Joints MTC Short Clevises MTC Long Clevises Thread Length Overall Assembly Length (eye-to-eye) if Assembled with... DMCS Ball Joints DWTF Rose Joints MTC Short Clevises MTC Long Clevises TR10-80 35 119 to 130 126 to 146 110 to 140 140 to 180 TR10-280 75 319 to 330 326 to 346 310 to 340 310 to 380 TR10-90 40 129 to 140 136 to 156 120 to 150 140 to 190 TR10-290 75 329 to 340 336 to 356 320 to 350 320 to 390 TR10-100 45 139 to 150 146 to 166 130 to 160 140 to 200 TR10-300 75 339 to 350 346 to 366 330 to 360 330 to 400 TR10-110 50 149 to 160 156 to 176 140 to 170 140 to 210 TR10-310 75 349 to 360 356 to 376 340 to 370 340 to 410 TR10-120 55 159 to 170 166 to 186 150 to 180 150 to 220 TR10-320 75 359 to 370 366 to 386 350 to 380 350 to 420 TR10-130 60 169 to 180 176 to 196 160 to 190 160 to 230 TR10-330 75 369 to 380 376 to 396 360 to 390 360 to 430 TR10-140 65 179 to 190 186 to 206 170 to 200 170 to 240 TR10-340 75 379 to 390 386 to 406 370 to 400 370 to 440 TR10-150 70 189 to 200 196 to 216 180 to 210 180 to 250 TR10-350 75 389 to 400 396 to 416 380 to 410 380 to 450 TR10-160 75 199 to 210 206 to 226 190 to 220 190 to 260 TR10-360 75 399 to 410 406 to 426 390 to 420 390 to 460 TR10-170 75 209 to 220 216 to 236 200 to 230 200 to 270 TR10-370 75 409 to 420 416 to 436 400 to 430 400 to 470 TR10-180 75 219 to 230 226 to 246 210 to 240 210 to 280 TR10-380 75 419 to 430 426 to 446 410 to 440 410 to 480 TR10-190 75 229 to 240 236 to 256 220 to 250 220 to 290 TR10-390 75 429 to 440 436 to 456 420 to 450 420 to 490 TR10-200 75 239 to 250 246 to 266 230 to 260 230 to 300 TR10-400 75 439 to 450 446 to 466 430 to 460 430 to 500 TR10-210 75 249 to 260 256 to 276 240 to 270 240 to 310 TR10-410 75 449 to 460 456 to 476 440 to 470 440 to 510 TR10-220 75 259 to 270 266 to 286 250 to 280 250 to 320 TR10-420 75 459 to 470 466 to 486 450 to 480 450 to 520 TR10-230 75 269 to 280 276 to 296 260 to 290 260 to 330 TR10-430 75 469 to 480 476 to 496 460 to 490 460 to 530 TR10-240 75 279 to 290 286 to 306 270 to 300 270 to 340 TR10-440 75 479 to 490 486 to 506 470 to 500 470 to 540 TR10-250 75 289 to 300 296 to 316 280 to 310 280 to 350 TR10-450 75 489 to 500 496 to 516 480 to 510 480 to 550 TR10-260 75 299 to 310 306 to 326 290 to 320 290 to 360 TR10-460 75 499 to 510 506 to 526 490 to 520 490 to 560 TR10-270 75 309 to 320 316 to 336 300 to 330 300 to 370 TR10-470 75 509 to 520 516 to 536 500 to 530 500 to 570 Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 70 Gestänge • Threaded Rods • Barra Roscada• Tige Fileteé • Bielle Threaded Rods M12 x 1.75 LH & RH Steel, Plated Zinc Yellow Left Hand Threads Right Hand Threads Nomenclature TR[x]-[x] thread size rod length in millimeters Part Number Thrd Length Overall Assembly Length (eye-to-eye) if Assembled with... Part Number DMCS Ball Joints DWTF Rose Joints MTC Short Clevises MTC Long Clevises Thread Length Overall Assembly Length (eye-to-eye) if Assembled with... DMCS Ball Joints DWTF Rose Joints MTC Short Clevises MTC Long Clevises TR12-90 40 129 to 136 146 to 166 126 to 162 158 to 210 TR12-290 90 329 to 336 346 to 366 326 to 362 326 to 410 TR12-100 45 139 to 146 156 to 176 136 to 172 158 to 220 TR12-300 90 339 to 346 356 to 376 336 to 372 336 to 420 TR12-110 50 149 to 156 166 to 186 146 to 182 158 to 230 TR12-310 90 349 to 356 366 to 386 346 to 382 346 to 430 TR12-120 55 159 to 166 176 to 196 156 to 192 158 to 240 TR12-320 90 359 to 366 376 to 396 356 to 392 356 to 440 TR12-130 60 169 to 176 186 to 206 166 to 202 166 to 250 TR12-330 90 369 to 376 386 to 406 366 to 402 366 to 450 TR12-140 65 179 to 186 196 to 216 176 to 212 176 to 260 TR12-340 90 379 to 386 396 to 416 376 to 412 376 to 460 TR12-150 70 189 to 196 206 to 226 186 to 222 186 to 270 TR12-350 90 389 to 396 406 to 426 386 to 422 386 to 470 TR12-160 75 199 to 206 216 to 236 196 to 232 196 to 280 TR12-360 90 399 to 406 416 to 436 396 to 432 396 to 480 TR12-170 80 209 to 216 226 to 246 206 to 242 206 to 290 TR12-370 90 409 to 416 426 to 446 406 to 442 406 to 490 TR12-180 85 219 to 226 236 to 256 216 to 252 216 to 300 TR12-380 90 419 to 426 436 to 456 416 to 452 416 to 500 TR12-190 90 229 to 236 246 to 266 226 to 262 226 to 310 TR12-390 90 429 to 436 446 to 466 426 to 462 426 to 510 TR12-200 90 239 to 246 256 to 276 236 to 272 236 to 320 TR12-400 90 439 to 446 456 to 476 436 to 472 436 to 520 TR12-210 90 249 to 256 266 to 286 246 to 282 246 to 330 TR12-410 90 449 to 456 466 to 486 446 to 482 446 to 530 TR12-220 90 259 to 266 276 to 296 256 to 292 256 to 340 TR12-420 90 459 to 466 476 to 496 456 to 492 456 to 540 TR12-230 90 269 to 276 286 to 306 266 to 302 266 to 350 TR12-430 90 469 to 476 486 to 506 466 to 502 466 to 550 TR12-240 90 279 to 286 296 to 316 276 to 312 276 to 360 TR12-440 90 479 to 486 496 to 516 476 to 512 476 to 560 TR12-250 90 289 to 296 306 to 326 286 to 322 286 to 370 TR12-450 90 489 to 496 506 to 526 486 to 522 486 to 570 TR12-260 90 299 to 306 316 to 336 296 to 332 296 to 380 TR12-460 90 499 to 506 516 to 536 496 to 532 496 to 580 TR12-270 90 309 to 316 326 to 346 306 to 342 306 to 390 TR12-470 90 509 to 516 526 to 546 506 to 542 506 to 590 TR12-280 90 319 to 326 336 to 356 316 to 352 316 to 400 TR12-480 90 519 to 526 536 to 556 516 to 552 516 to 600 Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 71 Gestänge • Linkage Tube • Tubo Roscado• Tube Fileté • Tubo Tilettato MHT Connecting Tubes M6 x 1.00 LH & RH L T (TYP) 11mm Hex M6x1.00 LH Threads M6 x 1.00 RH and LH Threads M6 x 1.00 RH and LH Threads M6x1.00 RH Threads M6 x 1.00 RH and LH Threads Part Number Thrd T L Part Number Thrd T L Part Number Thrd T L MHT-M6-40 M6 x 1.00 18 40 MHT-M6-200 M6 x 1.00 25 200 MHT-M6-360 M6 x 1.00 25 360 MHT-M6-50 M6 x 1.00 22 50 MHT-M6-210 M6 x 1.00 25 210 MHT-M6-370 M6 x 1.00 25 370 MHT-M6-60 M6 x 1.00 25 60 MHT-M6-220 M6 x 1.00 25 220 MHT-M6-380 M6 x 1.00 25 380 MHT-M6-70 M6 x 1.00 25 70 MHT-M6-230 M6 x 1.00 25 230 MHT-M6-390 M6 x 1.00 25 390 MHT-M6-80 M6 x 1.00 25 80 MHT-M6-240 M6 x 1.00 25 240 MHT-M6-400 M6 x 1.00 25 400 MHT-M6-90 M6 x 1.00 25 90 MHT-M6-250 M6 x 1.00 25 250 MHT-M6-410 M6 x 1.00 25 410 MHT-M6-100 M6 x 1.00 25 100 MHT-M6-260 M6 x 1.00 25 260 MHT-M6-420 M6 x 1.00 25 420 MHT-M6-110 M6 x 1.00 25 110 MHT-M6-270 M6 x 1.00 25 270 MHT-M6-430 M6 x 1.00 25 430 MHT-M6-120 M6 x 1.00 25 120 MHT-M6-280 M6 x 1.00 25 280 MHT-M6-440 M6 x 1.00 25 440 MHT-M6-130 M6 x 1.00 25 130 MHT-M6-290 M6 x 1.00 25 290 MHT-M6-450 M6 x 1.00 25 450 MHT-M6-140 M6 x 1.00 25 140 MHT-M6-300 M6 x 1.00 25 300 MHT-M6-460 M6 x 1.00 25 460 MHT-M6-150 M6 x 1.00 25 150 MHT-M6-310 M6 x 1.00 25 310 MHT-M6-470 M6 x 1.00 25 470 MHT-M6-160 M6 x 1.00 25 160 MHT-M6-320 M6 x 1.00 25 320 MHT-M6-480 M6 x 1.00 25 480 MHT-M6-170 M6 x 1.00 25 170 MHT-M6-330 M6 x 1.00 25 330 MHT-M6-490 M6 x 1.00 25 490 MHT-M6-180 M6 x 1.00 25 180 MHT-M6-340 M6 x 1.00 25 340 MHT-M6-500 M6 x 1.00 25 500 MHT-M6-190 M6 x 1.00 25 190 MHT-M6-350 M6 x 1.00 25 350 MHT-M6-510 M6 x 1.00 25 510 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl 1018 Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Surface Verzinkt Zinc Plated Clear Cinc Plateado Galvanisé Zincatura Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 72 Gestänge • Linkage Tube • Tubo Roscado• Tube Fileté • Tubo Tilettato MHT Connecting Tubes M8 x 1.25 LH & RH L T (TYP) 13mm Hex M8x1.25 LH Threads M8 x 1.25 RH and LH Threads M8 x 1.25 RH and LH Threads M8x1.25 RH Threads M8 x 1.25 RH and LH Threads Part Number Thrd T L Part Number Thrd T L Part Number Thrd T L MHT-M8-60 M8 x 1.25 25 60 MHT-M8-220 M8 x 1.25 35 220 MHT-M8-380 M8 x 1.25 35 380 MHT-M8-70 M8 x 1.25 30 70 MHT-M8-230 M8 x 1.25 35 230 MHT-M8-390 M8 x 1.25 35 390 MHT-M8-80 M8 x 1.25 35 80 MHT-M8-240 M8 x 1.25 35 240 MHT-M8-400 M8 x 1.25 35 400 MHT-M8-90 M8 x 1.25 35 90 MHT-M8-250 M8 x 1.25 35 250 MHT-M8-410 M8 x 1.25 35 410 MHT-M8-100 M8 x 1.25 35 100 MHT-M8-260 M8 x 1.25 35 260 MHT-M8-420 M8 x 1.25 35 420 MHT-M8-110 M8 x 1.25 35 110 MHT-M8-270 M8 x 1.25 35 270 MHT-M8-430 M8 x 1.25 35 430 MHT-M8-120 M8 x 1.25 35 120 MHT-M8-280 M8 x 1.25 35 280 MHT-M8-440 M8 x 1.25 35 440 MHT-M8-130 M8 x 1.25 35 130 MHT-M8-290 M8 x 1.25 35 290 MHT-M8-450 M8 x 1.25 35 450 MHT-M8-140 M8 x 1.25 35 140 MHT-M8-300 M8 x 1.25 35 300 MHT-M8-460 M8 x 1.25 35 460 MHT-M8-150 M8 x 1.25 35 150 MHT-M8-310 M8 x 1.25 35 310 MHT-M8-470 M8 x 1.25 35 470 MHT-M8-160 M8 x 1.25 35 160 MHT-M8-320 M8 x 1.25 35 320 MHT-M8-480 M8 x 1.25 35 480 MHT-M8-170 M8 x 1.25 35 170 MHT-M8-330 M8 x 1.25 35 330 MHT-M8-490 M8 x 1.25 35 490 MHT-M8-180 M8 x 1.25 35 180 MHT-M8-340 M8 x 1.25 35 340 MHT-M8-500 M8 x 1.25 35 500 MHT-M8-190 M8 x 1.25 35 190 MHT-M8-350 M8 x 1.25 35 350 MHT-M8-510 M8 x 1.25 35 510 MHT-M8-200 M8 x 1.25 35 200 MHT-M8-360 M8 x 1.25 35 360 MHT-M8-520 M8 x 1.25 35 520 MHT-M8-210 M8 x 1.25 35 210 MHT-M8-370 M8 x 1.25 35 370 MHT-M8-530 M8 x 1.25 35 530 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl 1018 Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Surface Verzinkt Zinc Plated Clear Cinc Plateado Galvanisé Zincatura Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 73 Gestänge • Linkage Tube • Tubo Roscado• Tube Fileté • Tubo Tilettato MHT Connecting Tubes M10 x 1.50 LH & RH L T (TYP) 16mm Hex M10x1.50 LH Threads M10 x 1.50 RH and LH Threads M10x1.50 RH Threads M10 x 1.50 RH and LH Threads M10 x 1.50 RH and LH Threads Part Number Thrd T L Part Number Thrd T L Part Number Thrd T L MHT-M10-70 M10 x 1.50 30 70 MHT-M10-230 M10 x 1.50 40 230 MHT-M10-390 M10 x 1.50 40 390 MHT-M10-80 M10 x 1.50 35 80 MHT-M10-240 M10 x 1.50 40 240 MHT-M10-400 M10 x 1.50 40 400 MHT-M10-90 M10 x 1.50 40 90 MHT-M10-250 M10 x 1.50 40 250 MHT-M10-410 M10 x 1.50 40 410 MHT-M10-100 M10 x 1.50 40 100 MHT-M10-260 M10 x 1.50 40 260 MHT-M10-420 M10 x 1.50 40 420 MHT-M10-110 M10 x 1.50 40 110 MHT-M10-270 M10 x 1.50 40 270 MHT-M10-430 M10 x 1.50 40 430 MHT-M10-120 M10 x 1.50 40 120 MHT-M10-280 M10 x 1.50 40 280 MHT-M10-440 M10 x 1.50 40 440 MHT-M10-130 M10 x 1.50 40 130 MHT-M10-290 M10 x 1.50 40 290 MHT-M10-450 M10 x 1.50 40 450 MHT-M10-140 M10 x 1.50 40 140 MHT-M10-300 M10 x 1.50 40 300 MHT-M10-460 M10 x 1.50 40 460 MHT-M10-150 M10 x 1.50 40 150 MHT-M10-310 M10 x 1.50 40 310 MHT-M10-470 M10 x 1.50 40 470 MHT-M10-160 M10 x 1.50 40 160 MHT-M10-320 M10 x 1.50 40 320 MHT-M10-480 M10 x 1.50 40 480 MHT-M10-170 M10 x 1.50 40 170 MHT-M10-330 M10 x 1.50 40 330 MHT-M10-490 M10 x 1.50 40 490 MHT-M10-180 M10 x 1.50 40 180 MHT-M10-340 M10 x 1.50 40 340 MHT-M10-500 M10 x 1.50 40 500 MHT-M10-190 M10 x 1.50 40 190 MHT-M10-350 M10 x 1.50 40 350 MHT-M10-510 M10 x 1.50 40 510 MHT-M10-200 M10 x 1.50 40 200 MHT-M10-360 M10 x 1.50 40 360 MHT-M10-520 M10 x 1.50 40 520 MHT-M10-210 M10 x 1.50 40 210 MHT-M10-370 M10 x 1.50 40 370 MHT-M10-530 M10 x 1.50 40 530 MHT-M10-220 M10 x 1.50 40 220 MHT-M10-380 M10 x 1.50 40 380 MHT-M10-540 M10 x 1.50 40 540 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl 1018 Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Surface Verzinkt Zinc Plated Clear Cinc Plateado Galvanisé Zincatura Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 74 Gestänge • Linkage Tube • Tubo Roscado• Tube Fileté • Tubo Tilettato MHT Connecting Tubes M12 x 1.75 LH & RH L T (TYP) 18mm Hex M12x1.75 LH Threads M12 x 1.75 RH and LH Threads M12x1.75 RH Threads M12 x 1.75 RH and LH Threads M12 x 1.75 RH and LH Threads Part Number Thrd T L Part Number Thrd T L Part Number Thrd T L MHT-M12-70 M12 x 1.75 33 70 MHT-M12-230 M12 x 1.75 40 230 MHT-M12-390 M12 x 1.75 40 390 MHT-M12-80 M12 x 1.75 35 80 MHT-M12-240 M12 x 1.75 40 240 MHT-M12-400 M12 x 1.75 40 400 MHT-M12-90 M12 x 1.75 40 90 MHT-M12-250 M12 x 1.75 40 250 MHT-M12-410 M12 x 1.75 40 410 MHT-M12-100 M12 x 1.75 40 100 MHT-M12-260 M12 x 1.75 40 260 MHT-M12-420 M12 x 1.75 40 420 MHT-M12-110 M12 x 1.75 40 110 MHT-M12-270 M12 x 1.75 40 270 MHT-M12-430 M12 x 1.75 40 430 MHT-M12-120 M12 x 1.75 40 120 MHT-M12-280 M12 x 1.75 40 280 MHT-M12-440 M12 x 1.75 40 440 MHT-M12-130 M12 x 1.75 40 130 MHT-M12-290 M12 x 1.75 40 290 MHT-M12-450 M12 x 1.75 40 450 MHT-M12-140 M12 x 1.75 40 140 MHT-M12-300 M12 x 1.75 40 300 MHT-M12-460 M12 x 1.75 40 460 MHT-M12-150 M12 x 1.75 40 150 MHT-M12-310 M12 x 1.75 40 310 MHT-M12-470 M12 x 1.75 40 470 MHT-M12-160 M12 x 1.75 40 160 MHT-M12-320 M12 x 1.75 40 320 MHT-M12-480 M12 x 1.75 40 480 MHT-M12-170 M12 x 1.75 40 170 MHT-M12-330 M12 x 1.75 40 330 MHT-M12-490 M12 x 1.75 40 490 MHT-M12-180 M12 x 1.75 40 180 MHT-M12-340 M12 x 1.75 40 340 MHT-M12-500 M12 x 1.75 40 500 MHT-M12-190 M12 x 1.75 40 190 MHT-M12-350 M12 x 1.75 40 350 MHT-M12-510 M12 x 1.75 40 510 MHT-M12-200 M12 x 1.75 40 200 MHT-M12-360 M12 x 1.75 40 360 MHT-M12-520 M12 x 1.75 40 520 MHT-M12-210 M12 x 1.75 40 210 MHT-M12-370 M12 x 1.75 40 370 MHT-M12-530 M12 x 1.75 40 530 MHT-M12-220 M12 x 1.75 40 220 MHT-M12-380 M12 x 1.75 40 380 MHT-M12-540 M12 x 1.75 40 540 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl 1018 Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Surface Verzinkt Zinc Plated Clear Cinc Plateado Galvanisé Zincatura Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 75 Gestänge • Linkage Tube • Tubo Roscado• Tube Fileté • Tubo Tilettato MHT Connecting Tubes M16 x 2.00 LH & RH L T (TYP) 22mm Hex M16x2.00 LH Threads M16 x 2.0 RH and LH Threads M16 x 2.0 RH and LH Threads M16x2.00 RH Threads M16 x 2.0 RH and LH Threads Part Number Thrd T L Part Number Thrd T L Part Number Thrd T L MHT-M16-90 M16 x 2.0 40 90 MHT-M16-250 M16 x 2.0 50 250 MHT-M16-410 M16 x 2.0 50 410 MHT-M16-100 M16 x 2.0 45 100 MHT-M16-260 M16 x 2.0 50 260 MHT-M16-420 M16 x 2.0 50 420 MHT-M16-110 M16 x 2.0 50 110 MHT-M16-270 M16 x 2.0 50 270 MHT-M16-430 M16 x 2.0 50 430 MHT-M16-120 M16 x 2.0 50 120 MHT-M16-280 M16 x 2.0 50 280 MHT-M16-440 M16 x 2.0 50 440 MHT-M16-130 M16 x 2.0 50 130 MHT-M16-290 M16 x 2.0 50 290 MHT-M16-450 M16 x 2.0 50 450 MHT-M16-140 M16 x 2.0 50 140 MHT-M16-300 M16 x 2.0 50 300 MHT-M16-460 M16 x 2.0 50 460 MHT-M16-150 M16 x 2.0 50 150 MHT-M16-310 M16 x 2.0 50 310 MHT-M16-470 M16 x 2.0 50 470 MHT-M16-160 M16 x 2.0 50 160 MHT-M16-320 M16 x 2.0 50 320 MHT-M16-480 M16 x 2.0 50 480 MHT-M16-170 M16 x 2.0 50 170 MHT-M16-330 M16 x 2.0 50 330 MHT-M16-490 M16 x 2.0 50 490 MHT-M16-180 M16 x 2.0 50 180 MHT-M16-340 M16 x 2.0 50 340 MHT-M16-500 M16 x 2.0 50 500 MHT-M16-190 M16 x 2.0 50 190 MHT-M16-350 M16 x 2.0 50 350 MHT-M16-510 M16 x 2.0 50 510 MHT-M16-200 M16 x 2.0 50 200 MHT-M16-360 M16 x 2.0 50 360 MHT-M16-520 M16 x 2.0 50 520 MHT-M16-210 M16 x 2.0 50 210 MHT-M16-370 M16 x 2.0 50 370 MHT-M16-530 M16 x 2.0 50 530 MHT-M16-220 M16 x 2.0 50 220 MHT-M16-380 M16 x 2.0 50 380 MHT-M16-540 M16 x 2.0 50 540 MHT-M16-230 M16 x 2.0 50 230 MHT-M16-390 M16 x 2.0 50 390 MHT-M16-550 M16 x 2.0 50 550 MHT-M16-240 M16 x 2.0 50 240 MHT-M16-400 M16 x 2.0 50 400 MHT-M16-560 M16 x 2.0 50 560 Deutsch English Español Français Italiano Material Stahl 1018 Steel Acero Matériau 1.0718 Acciaio Surface Verzinkt Zinc Plated Clear Cinc Plateado Galvanisé Zincatura Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Catalog - Page 76 Metric Linkage Ends & Components Ball Joints Spherical Rod Ends & COM!s Clevises & Rod Ends Connecting Linkages Midwest Control Products (UK) 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK Midwest Control Products (UK), 98 Woodstock Rd, Witney, Oxon OX281 DY, UK ☎ +44(0)1993-703816 ! Fx: +44(0)1993-774081
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