advantages of netkeeper® crm
advantages of netkeeper® crm
NETKEEPER® CRM Multim a Corporation 1 R os ew oodCourt Eas t G reenw ich , R I02818-15 4 3 NETKEEPER® CRM Multi-user Version for Windows for IBM® Personal Computers and Compatibles Document number MU0020-12- H0002 2 NETKEEPER® CRM CONTENTS Program License and Copyright 7 Introduction 9 Advantages of NetKeeper CRM 11 Installation Requirements Installation Steps E-mail and Pager Installation User Entry Installation Tech Support 13 15 16 22 27 28 Start NetKeeper CRM First Look Login Password Set up Support Staff Set up Options Customize SolutionsKeeper 29 30 30 32 34 35 36 38 Basic Screens Menu Tables (Lists) List Box Formatter Forms Ctrl_S Customize Fields 39 40 47 51 56 58 General Operation Start Program Track Service Calls View a Service Call Start a Service Call 59 60 61 62 63 3 NETKEEPER® CRM 4 Enter a Simple Service Call - Customer Support Use of the Wizard Enter a Simple Service Call - Internal Support LAN Inventory Speedwords and Lookups Service Call Priorities Service Call Fields Service Call Menu SolutionsKeeper FastSearch Set up SolutionsKeeper Assign the Call Send a Page Comm Requests Service the Call Complete a Service Call - Feedback 65 67 68 69 71 73 75 83 85 89 91 98 99 100 102 103 Contacts Companies and Contacts Contact Information Keywords and Groups Contact Groups Your To-Dos Your Appointments 105 106 108 113 114 119 121 Biz Development BDM Console Worldwide Data Replication Sales Pipeline Business Opportunities QE Business Ops NDA 123 124 126 127 129 131 132 Tools White Board Service Request Templates 133 134 135 NETKEEPER® CRM Purchase Orders Create a Purchase Order Inventory 137 138 144 Issues List Issues Issue Tracking Data Products 147 148 149 150 Reports Print a Call, Purchase Order Report Data Top FAQs WEB Pages Graphs 151 152 153 154 156 158 Utilities File Maintenance Sales Setup White Board Set up Data Options Serial Number Setup 1,2 Login Drop Lists 1,2 Address Formula Tier Setup Internet E mail Entry Defaults – Priority Data 1,2 Request Options 1,2 Reports 1,2 Wallpaper 161 162 165 165 166 167 168 169 170 172 174 175 176 182 183 184 5 NETKEEPER® CRM Priority Names User Entry 6 185 186 Dialer Setup 187 Administrative Utilities Purge Service Calls Update 188 188 188 End User Access 189 How to Set Up A Help Desk 195 Case Studies 199 Appendix 205 Advanced Topics Create or Modify Reports Run Reports Set up Priority Levels Conversion from NK ISAM to NK SQL Import Screen Atomization Data Language Conversion Send Data to Excel Service Request Templates Automatic Mail Merge Attachments Security Levels Import Data 205 211 216 221 224 234 Troubleshooting 263 Index 268 239 240 243 251 254 260 NETKEEPER® CRM Pro gram L ic ense and Co pyright NETKEEPER®, NETKEEPER® Help Desk Captain, NETKEEPER CRM, NETKEEPER Purchase Order, NETKEEPER E Mail, NETKEEPER Pager, NETKEEPER® Express, NETKEEPER® HD Mail, NETKEEPER SolutionsKeeper™ and NETKEEPER User Entry programs, screens and manual © Multima Corporation 1989 - 2002. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Printed in the United States of America. NETKEEPER®, NETKEEPER® Help Desk Captain, NETKEEPER CRM, NETKEEPER Purchase Order, NETKEEPER E Mail, NETKEEPER Pager, NETKEEPER® Express, NETKEEPER® HD Mail, NETKEEPER SolutionsKeeper™ and NETKEEPER User Entry programs, screens and manual are owned by Multima Corporation and is protected by United States copyright laws. Multima Corporation grants you the right to use one copy of the enclosed programs (NETKEEPER®) on one machine, or network server, at any one time. The total number of simultaneous users may not exceed the maximum number of seats or workstations allowed by your copy of NETKEEPER. Multiple users can simultaneously use the enclosed program provided it is installed on only one machine, or network server, at any one time. You may not copy, modify or merge copies of NETKEEPER except for installation in the machine or network server, or for backup purposes. You may not reverse compile or reverse assemble any part of NETKEEPER. You may not rent, lease, sell, sublicense or otherwise transfer NETKEEPER without Multima Corporation's expressly written consent. If you want to install NETKEEPER in more than one server or machine, you must purchase additional copies or licenses. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make a derivative (such as a translation, transformation, or adaptation) without permission in writing from Multima Corporation. Limited Warranty Multima Corporation warrants the magnetic media containing software against failure for ninety (90) days from the date of purchase from Multima Corporation or its Authorized Reseller. THE NETKEEPER® PROGRAMS AND REFERENCE MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY AS TO THEIR PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. No updates are provided. Multima Corporation's sole obligation hereunder is to replace defective media. The Customer assumes responsibility for the selection of appropriate applications program and associated reference materials. Standard warranty service may be obtained by delivering the defective product, accompanied by a copy of the dated proof of purchase, to Multima Corporation during the warranty period. MULTIMA CORPORATION MAKES NO WARRANTY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WITH RESPECT TO NETKEEPER® INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF USE OR PERFORMANCE OF NETKEEPER® AND DOCUMENTATION REMAINS WITH YOU. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above may not apply to you. 7 NETKEEPER® CRM IN NO EVENT WILL MULTIMA CORPORATION BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS, INCIDENTAL DAMAGES OR OTHER ECONOMIC CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MULTIMA CORPORATION OR ITS AUTHORIZED RESELLER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN ADDITION, MULTIMA CORPORATION WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES CLAIMED BY YOU BASED ON ANY THIRD PARTY CLAIM. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, so the above limitations may not apply to you. The laws of the State of Rhode Island govern this agreement. Document number MU0001-10-T0002 8 NETKEEPER® CRM INTRO DUCTIO N Congratulations on acquiring your new NETKEEPER CRM. NETKEEPER® CRM is a complete system for both external and internal support. It is designed specifically to provide customer support and at the same time support computer users within the company. The system is a cost effective solution that provides all the features needed for full service support centers. NetKeeper CRM enables organizations to provide superior CRM services and to support business development opportunities. NetKeeper creates a closed loop seamless flow of information from customer service to business development, marketing and sales. NetKeeper unites business development and customer support in one program. The program provides an innovative and practical Business Console to keep all the resources necessary to run an effective business in one program and on one screen. Business and technical staff have access to NetKeeper from anywhere in the world. NetKeeper provides the resources for a highly effective customer relation’s management. The program supports worldwide data replication. Business and support staff have access to all program data on portable computers or hand-helds even when they are not connected to the main database. NetKeeper enables the staff to work while at a customer site or when there are no connections available to the corporate WAN or WEB. NetKeeper CRM is a powerful multi-site, multi tasking software application that maintains its’innovative thin client/ thin program design both on the WEB and on the LAN. The program makes use of the Windows® LAN interface with its superior speed and lookup displays and makes all the data available through a WEB browser. The entire application installs on the server. The program interfaces with Microsoft OutLook® and other mail clients. NetKeeper’s innovative and practical approach keeps all data in one database that can be shared through the LAN, WAN or WEB. NetKeeper CRM is a fully integrated ready to use system right out of the box. No special training is necessary to run NetKeeper CRM. The NetKeeper Call Wizard lets users quickly enter and solve service request. NetKeeper CRM automates the process of entering caller information filling in all other relevant fields automatically when a contact name is selected. There is on screen access to other information about the reporting user such as previous calls and the inventory assigned to the user. End users have access to the program through industry-standard browsers to enter, follow the progress of their service requests and look up answers in the SolutionsKeeper database. The contact management features give you the flexibility to service your customers without loosing track of details such as who needs training or updates or should be placed on the company mailing list and more. 9 NETKEEPER® CRM NETKEEPER uses the unique SolutionsKeeper™ , a database of requests and solutions of recurring conditions on the network. SolutionsKeeper allows the help desk staff to rate all solutions so that the most often used solutions are always at the top of the list. All calls both complex and simple are recorded in a matter of seconds. The program logs response time and the total time that the service call remains open for all help desk requests logged by the program. NETKEEPER CRM lowers your support costs by solving cases quickly with little operator training. NetKeeper’s easy to learn, intuitive interface design means that the average first time user of help desk software should be up and running upon installation of the program. We hope you enjoy NETKEEPER CRM. 10 NETKEEPER® CRM ADVANTAGES O F NETKEEPER® CRM 1. Self Service Help Desk - Stop Answering the Same Questions Over and Over Again! NETKEEPER Internet or LAN end user entry module 2. Empower your customers and end users. Let end users help themselves to top-level technical support via the WEB or LAN with access to SolutionsKeeper. Attach Knowledge bases and multi media. 3. Cut the number of calls and the support time by letting end users record, follow and solve their own service requests. Set up your help desk to automatically assign the call and page or e-mail a tech! 4. Customers and employees can access your help desk at any time from anywhere in the world. 5. Captain of your help desk NetKeeper makes it easy to control and track calls, solutions, training schedules, purchase orders, customer satisfaction and customer profiles. Solve more problems in less time with instant access to caller information. 6. Put all end user support data, bug fixes, hardware and software inventory, PC configurations & client profiles on line for your quick access. 7. Access your research with pictures, audio or video clips. Search for old fixes using keyword searches and the intelligent SolutionsKeeper™ knowledge base. 8. Track bugs and bug fixes for different software versions. Automatically compiles and publishes “Top 10” FAQ lists. 9. Easy installation! WEB and LAN components are thin client designs, installed on the server, not on the workstation to eliminate workstation conflicts and messing with your windows system directories. Users can access the Help Desk through the LAN or through the WEB using the same interface and same executable files. There is just one executable and one database for both the LAN and the WEB. NetKeeper is easy to run and maintain with almost zero administration cost. 10. Complete information access even when the Station is Down 11 NETKEEPER® CRM 11. Supports worldwide data replication. The staff has access to all program data on portable computers or hand-helds even when they are not connected to the main database Standard Featu res • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Number of simultaneous end users limited only by hardware (unlimited version) Standard reports Integration with Crystal Report Writer Contact & customizable group management To-Dos Security features – Set individual security levels for each member of your help desk staff Business Management Console Purchase Orders with inventory links Links to LAN and general Inventory E-mail and alphanumeric paging - send pages from any station on the network. Customizable and designable tables and forms FastSearch - powerful search engine to search text Automatic Top 10 FAQ (frequently asked questions) generation Automatic Telephone Dialer on contact and service call screens M o re Standard Featu res • Manual on Screen Access help for any screen. Print or cut & paste selections. • Database Dictionary - Data Export and Import - NetKeeper is an open system and includes its entire database definition. Link NetKeeper to external databases to run other applications from the help desk or import client or contact lists from other programs. • True Multi User System. NetKeeper provides a true multi user multi threaded database. End users and techs can simultaneously create reports, enter data and automatically collect workstation data. There is no degradation in the program. • Run the Help Desk Across a Slow Communications Link. NetKeeper CRM will run, using a slow communication’s link i.e. a telephone line or a fractional T1 line. InternetFeatu res • • • • • 12 One database for both LAN and WEB support Automatic case routing to the correct analyst Allows access from a browser Automatic e-mail on new service requests Automatic “Top 10” FAQ on the WEB NETKEEPER® CRM INSTA L L A TIO N The installation should proceed in the following order: • • • • • Microsoft SQL Server Database NetKeeper Help Desk CRM Console. Application Broker - Internet version only NetKeeper End User Entry for the Internet – Internet version only Optional or user supplied modules Of the components listed above, only the MS SQL Server Database and the NetKeeper CRM Console must be installed to start using the program. You can install the other components at a later date. Install each of the components in different directories to simplify program maintenance. Stepata tim e NetKeeper and NetKeeper Internet are part of a very powerful suite of programs. While you can install the entire program suite in an hour or two, we recommend that you take a step at a time and not try to install all the components on your very first day. • • • • • Install Microsoft SQL server Install the NetKeeper Help Desk Console, first. Learn to use the main console and enter a few requests. Next, import your Contact data. Install the communications server and set up your e-mail and automatic page links. • Run a test to make sure that your e-mail and automatic pages are sent correctly. You will need a modem to communicate with your automatic page provider. Once your NetKeeper LAN programs are up and running, it is time to install the Internet Components. Install the Application Broker first (for some versions) and then install the NetKeeper Help Desk Internet end-user module. NetKeeper HelpDesk M ail O L E Your NetKeeper communications server should be a dedicated computer to use as a gateway to your automatic page and mail systems. You can use an older Pentium-type computer running Windows 9x. The communications server will require a modem to communicate with your automatic page supplier. While it is possible to run the program from the same server where you installed the NetKeeper Help Desk Console, using a separate computer provides a more stable paging and e-mail platform. 13 NETKEEPER® CRM A pplic atio n Bro ker – Internet (o ptio nal) Install the Application Broker and the NetKeeper Internet End User Entry on your Internet server. While not absolutely necessary, we recommend that the Internet server also contain Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) version 3 or above. Installing IIS will let you serve HTML pages, such as an entry page or your Top 10 requests as well as the user entry program. The Internet server computer must be running Windows NT version 4.0 with service release 3 installed. Note: the Internet components do not have to be installed on the same server as the other shared program components. The two servers can even be in different networks as long as they can communicate. For complete installation instructions for NetKeeper Internet, see your NetKeeper Internet module. Note: The Internet components do not have to be installed on the same server as the other shared program components. The two servers can even be in different networks as long as they can communicate. Note: Does not apply to ASP or PHP based NetKeeper Internet modules. 14 NETKEEPER® CRM Requ irem ents NetKeeper HelpDesk M ain Co nso le • Microsoft Windows® Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows NT 4.0 (SR3), Windows 9x, 9.0 Mbytes of hard disk space (to install the entire system). There is no special RAM memory requirement other than the minimum amount of memory to run the operating system. • A super VGA video (800 X 600 pixels) of resolution to properly display the program screens. Server • 9M hard disk free space • Microsoft® SQL Server version 7 or better • Virtually all network protocols are supported including older protocols. Note: Help Desk personnel are usually a hurried lot. Time pressures and simultaneous multiple calls tax Help Desks to the very limit. It makes eminent sense to provide Help Desk personnel with the fastest PC or workstation available. A high performance machine will give the fastest response to run not only NetKeeper but also any of the CDROM, database or other auxiliary programs that you can run from within HELP DESK. The program will run on virtually any computer. However, for best results, we recommend the fastest computer and the most memory your budget allows and a 17” monitor using 1024 by 768 pixels. The A pplic atio n Bro ker and the NetKeeper HelpDesk InternetEnd - User o rInternet Tec h m o du le (o ptio nal m o du les) •An IBM PC® or compatible computer •Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 (SR3), 4.0 Mbytes of hard disk space. •A link to the server where the NetKeeper Help Desk data is located. The data can reside in most any network capable of hosting Windows, PC DOS or MS DOS. • Note: The data can reside in a UNIX® server provided that software is installed that allows a Windows workstation to save files on the UNIX computer. 15 NETKEEPER® CRM INSTA L L A TIO N STEPS NetKeeper is loaded on the file server not on the workstations. There are no NetKeeper components loaded on the workstations. The entire NetKeeper CRM setup can be done in less than an hour or two. NetKeeper WEB and LAN components are thin client designs, installed on the server, not on the workstation to eliminate workstation conflicts and messing with your windows/system directories. INSTA L L A TIO N STEPS SUM M A RY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Install, but do not run, the NetKeeper CRM program Create the NetKeeper database on your MS SQL server Run scripts to create the NetKeeper tables Create and start the full text search server Enter the basic setup for NetKeeper CRM Test the NetKeeper CRM console program Install the communications program, CAPCOM STEPS IN DETA IL 1 .INSTA L L , BUT DO NO T RUN, THE NETKEEPER CRM PROGRA M Using the START menu to install the NetKeeper CRM main console. • Insert the CD-ROM in its drive (or disk one of the installation disks into drive A (or B) • Choose Settings -> Control Panel from the Start menu on the task bar, • Choose Add/Remove Programs then press the Install button. The Windows Add Software Wizard directs you through the installation process. • Install the program on a directory (folder) that can be shared by personnel accessing the program. • Use a separate directory for each NetKeeper application since you may have more than one Netkeeper program. For example, create a folder named nksql. Then create different folders as needed in the nksql folder. Example folder tree \nksql nkcrm nkhdmail nksuper Tip: Avoid long names when installing system software such as NetKeeper programs. Short names are always more reliable. Keep your folder names within the 8 character short name limit. 16 NETKEEPER® CRM Note: You can also select Run from the START menu and run the setup.exe program on the root directory of installation CD. Example: d:\setup.exe IM PO RTANT NO TE: NetKeeper’s advanced design allows multiple program threads. That is, you can open many copies of the same list. Eventually you will run out of resources, memory, connections or open files. How many simultaneous lists and update screens you can open depends on your computer and operating system. To see how many lists or screens you have open, click on WINDOW Ø CASCADE and Windows™ will cascade all your open windows on the screen. You can normally open quite a few lists before you run out of resources. Update screens use more resources than lists. The setup program may prompt you for your Company name, serial number and operating codes. The optional NetKeeper Express LAN inventory program uses the operating codes, also. Enter the Serial Number, Operating Code and User Code exactly as provided. Upper or lower case is important. 2 .CREA TE THE NETKEEPER DA TA B A SE If necessary, install and configure the Microsoft SQL Server database. NetKeeper CRM does not require a special setup of MS SQL server unless your installation has special requirements. A default installation will work just fine. Create the NetKeeper database on your Microsoft SQL 7 server. Add users and security as needed. You must start with a new, “fresh” database. Delete any “demo” or “test” NetKeeper Databases unless you update the layout of the existing database as necessary. Using an existing database with an incorrect layout may result in data loss or poor performance. Start Enterprise Manager (Part of Microsoft SQL server) Expand your SQL Server group and select your database server for NetKeeper and right mouse click on Databases to select new database and create the NetKeeper database. 17 NETKEEPER® CRM The default settings will work correctly to run the NetKeeper database. Click OK to create the NetKeeper database. You have now created an empty NetKeeper database on your MS SQL server. Consult your MS SQL server manuals to setup a backup system for your database. Make sure that the backup method and type selected will support restoring your database to a different computer. 18 NETKEEPER® CRM 3.RUN SCRIPTS TO CREA TE THE NETKEEPER TA B L ES SQL Scripts are series of commands to create your NetKeeper tables and set them up. You will need to run several scripts. If something goes really wrong while running scripts, for example - your PC crashes, we suggest that you delete the empty NetKeeper database and start over. Of course, if you are a MS SQL guru you will know just what to do and continue with the scripts. However, for the rest of us it is best to start over and get a solid database. • Start the MS SQL Query Analyzer program, part of MS SQL software. • Select Load SQL script and select the script nkdct.sql . This script will create the table layouts. WARNING: The nkdct.sql scripts delete all existing data in your target NetKeeper database. IMPORTANT NOTE: Change the SQL script if you elect to create a database named other than the default NETKEEPER. Running the SQL script on the wrong database may result in data loss. • Press F5 to execute the SQL script. The script should complete without errors. • Next load and run the guidtrig.sql SQL script. This script will create triggers to support the Global Unique Identifier columns. The error “CREATE UNIQUE INDEX terminated because a duplicate key was found.” Usually indicates that the GUID field is blank or filled with blanks in existing data. • Use the MS SQL Query Analyzer program to load and run the nkcapri.sql script. This script will create the triggers to support RI (relational integrity). • Use the MS SQL Query Analyzer program to load and run the nkviews.sql script. This script will create views used by NetKeeper. • Run nkviews.sql 19 NETKEEPER® CRM 4.CREA TE AND STA RT THE FUL L TEXT CA TA L O G The full text catalog server is used to index the database text so you and your end-users can quickly query the text entries in the database. • Use Enterprise Manager and expand the NetKeeper database entry on the left panel. • Right mouse click on Full Text Catalogs and select New Full Text Catalog. • Enable full text for the database by creating a full text catalog named “NetKeeper_Text” (without the double quotes) • Use Enterprise Manager to check that the full text service is running. • Use the MS SQL Query Analyzer program to run the fulltext.sql script. This script will set up the text search parameters and columns. Ignore error messages such as “You must first create a full-text index on table '[dbo].[AMDNk]'.” Tip: Check your MS SQL documentation on how to populate the full text index and set full text index population schedule. The text search functions will not operate until your full text catalog is populated (built). 20 NETKEEPER® CRM 5.ENTER THE BASICSETUP FO R NETKEEPER CRM Run the nkahdcap.exe executable to start the Main Console for NetKeeper Help Desk CRM. IMPORTANT: Do not run the helpdesk.exe executable file before running the nkahdcap.exe executable file. The helpdesk.exe executable file will start the end-user module and will activate security before the main console program has setup security. You may not be able to login to the main console if security is activated before you set the basic parameters. In this case, you need to delete the NetKeeper database and start again. 6.TEST THE NETKEEPER CRM CO NSO L E PRO G RA M Start NetKeeper CRM From the Windows Start Button • Click the Windows Start button -> Programs ->NetKeeeper ->NetKeeper CRM 7.INSTA L L CA PCO M - INSTA L L A TIO N O F E-M A IL AND PAGER SERVER The automatic e-mail and automatic page server program (CAPCOM.EXE) were installed with the NetKeeper CRM main console. It is not necessary to reinstall the automatic e-mail and automatic page server program (CAPCOM.EXE) on the communications server PC. NetKeeper E-mail Server and alphanumeric Paging Server will check for new Service Calls on one or more NetKeeper help desks. The program sends e-mail or paging messages to the assigned technician or technicians if the calls are of sufficient priority and you have enabled e-mail and paging. Each help desk can have different send preferences. The send preference is the criteria for deciding if the message is sent or not. You can define different send preferences for each priority level. The overall result is that you have lots of flexibility in deciding who gets e-mail and or paging messages. NetKeeper CRM includes an easy to set up and use paging system and a complete e-mail system. 21 NETKEEPER® CRM 8.RUN THE AUTO M A TICE-M A IL AND AUTO M A TIC PA G E SERVER PRO G RA M (CA PCO M .EXE) • Create a shortcut to run the automatic e-mail and automatic page server program (CAPCOM.EXE) or use Explorer and navigate to the directory where NetKeeper CRM is located. • Designate a dedicated PC to run the server (an old Pentium PC will do with a modem to send page) • Install the mail OLE server software on the comm PC. Pager Setu pO ptio ns Start the NetKeeper Comm server program: CAPCOM •Select Utilities|Setup from the Main Menu •Select theSetup Tab •Select Enable Paging •Enter the full path to the directory where the NetKeeper CRM data is located. This is normally the same directory where you installed the NetKeeper CRM main console. Note: Don’t forget to add a trailing “\” at the end of the full path to the data. A u to m atic Page O ptio ns •Select SETUP|SETUP OPTIONS from the Main Menu •Select the Communicaions Tab •Set up the com options from the set up options screen Port Band Rate Parity Data Bits Stop Bits Modem Setup string Modem Dial Tel. Number The comm port connected to your modem Usually 1200 (ask your pager supplier) Usually Even Usually 7 Usually 1 ATZ (or ask your pager supplier) ATDT (for tone dial) The prefix only required to dial out Usually 9 •Select the Modem TAB •Change the modem setup and modem dial prefix defaults as needed. Usually the defaults will work. However, you may need to reset your modem to its factory defaults if you are using an old modem or a modem that was configured for another program. See you modem’s manual on how to reset the modem to the factory defaults. Note: We have seen that some of the new modems will not work correctly at the very slow speeds used by the automatic paging systems. In case of doubt, try a different modem. •Set the telephone number prefix as required. This field is used when the phone system requires a prefix to dial out. For example, some phone systems require “9,” before the number to obtain an outside line. 22 NETKEEPER® CRM •Select the SERVER SERVICES TAB •Check “Enable Page Service” •Select Central Station (your pager supplier) interface type: Manual Automatic (better but not supported by all suppliers) Note: The Automatic interface type for the Central Pager Interface is the preferred interface. The Automatic mode uses a protocol that communicates with the Central Office and verifies that the page was sent. The Manual mode just sends the page (like you do when you dial a message in) but does not verify that the message was sent. A u to m atic E-m ail O ptio ns •Select Utilities|Setup from the Main Menu •Select the Internet E-Mail Tab •Enter the default return address •Enter the default SMTP e-mail server (only if using Internet style e-mail) System s Su ppo rted fo r E-m ail system NetKeeper E-mail system supports mail systems based on SMTP/POP, MAPI, VIM, MHS or Banyan Vines. 23 NETKEEPER® CRM O N L INE INSTA L L A TIO N Access the download page at: • Fill in the data form if requested • Follow the prompts and download the file • Execute the downloaded file to install the program. If upgrading, install the new program in the same directory as before to keep your settings and shortcuts. • Read the "README.DOC" file that is displayed during installation. The "README.DOC" file contains the most up-to-date information. We suggest that you print the "README.DOC" file and save the printout with your manual. The WEB installation will first extract the SETUP.EXE installation file to an installation directory. The installation routine will ask for a password (only for files downloaded from the WEB) and extract the SETUP.EXE file. The installation routine will the automatically run the SETUP.EXE file to install the program. INSTA L L HEL P DESK CRM IN A SECO ND PC IN M UL TI-SEA TS INSTA L L A TIO NS You only have to create a shortcut (W2K, Windows 9x, NT, 2000) to nkhdcap.exe since no components are installed in the local workstation. The entire program (and DLLs) installs in the NetKeeper directory (The directory where you installed Help Desk CRM). Your operating system or licenses may require that you install network client software, SQL client software or Crystal Report Writer ™ software on your PC in addition to the NetKeeper shortcut. RE ENTER THE SERIA L NUM BER AND OR USER OPERA TING CO DES To re enter the serial number and codes for NetKeeper Express at a later date: • Start the CREATE ALL FILES program • Select FILE • Select System File • Enter the codes. The codes are case sensitive. Use the proper upper/lower case. It is usually not necessary to re-enter the serial number and codes. DISPL A Y M ANY SCREENS (EVEN THE SA M E SCREEN) To display many screens at once simply click again on a Main Menu option then select and open another list or form. Open many service call forms at once and switch back and forth! 24 NETKEEPER® CRM L INK THE HEL P DESK DA TA B A SE AND THE L AN INVENTO RY DA TA IS AUTO M A TIC The linking is automatic in NETKEEPER CRM. The program can view and update the "live" data collected by NETKEEPER EXPRESS. See Utilities|Setup|Login L INK THE HEL P DESK DA TA B A SE AND THE L AN INVENTO RY DA TA FRO M (PREVIO USL Y PURCHASED)NETKEEPER EXPRESS The linking is automatic • Select Utilities • Select Setup • Select Login • Select LAN Inventory Path • Enter the LAN inventory path for NetKeeper Express Tip If you are already running NETKEEPER EXPRESS, back up your data and report definition before you install NETKEEPER . Reinstall the previous NKSYSTEM.DAT after the installation. TRANSFER THE DEM O VERSIO N DA TA TO THE FUL L VERSIO N If the demo database layout is the same version as your full version, no change is required and you can continue to use the database. Otherwise, run the appropriate SQL script to update the database layout. Call tech support in case of doubt. INSTA L L THE FUL L VERSIO N TO A SEPA RA TE DIRECTO RY Installing the full version to a separate directory is the recommended method. Install the NetKeeper CRM main console on a shared drive of a network server. This program will be shared by your Help Desk techs. 25 NETKEEPER® CRM Note: You do not have to install the NetKeeper CRM Console on the workstations since the program is shared from a network drive. Typically, you will need about 10 to 200 Mbytes of hard drive space for your NetKeeper CRM programs and support data for about 1000 end-users. Of course, the program requires less space if you support fewer users and requires more hard drive space to support additional users. The software and configuration audit data require the bulk of the drive space. If you do not use the inventory component of the main console, then much less space is necessary. UPDA TING THE DA TA B A SE The full version may be a more recent version than the demo version and you may need to update one or more files in the database to match the layout required by the newer version. NetKeeper CRM will display “error 47 – database mismatch” if the data table does not match the table layout that the program expects. The program will also specify the table that needs updating for example NKQST1 or NKSCM. A database mismatch indicates that a table is missing one or more columns. DA TA REPL ICA TIO N NetKeeper CRM has the ability to support worldwide merge data replication. Business professionals and support staff have access to all program data on portable computers or hand-helds even when they are not connected to the main database. NetKeeper enables professionals to continue working while at a customer site or when there are no connections available to the corporate WAN or WEB. Staff can continue working anywhere at any time. See your SQL Server manual for information on setup of merger data replication IM PO RT DA TA To import data from another program, see your SQL Server manual under DTS (Data Transformation Services). 26 NETKEEPER® CRM END USER A CCESS PROGRA M - INSTA L L A TIO N Pro vide a M enu Selec tio n o r Pro gram Sho rtc u t(Ic o n) Use a menu selection or program shortcut to start the End User Access program from the client workstations. If you have a system wide menu, add an entry to run the NetKeeper End User Access program. Most menu systems ask for the name of the executable file and the name or the default, or initial, directory. • The name of the NetKeeper User Help executable file (the file that starts the program) is HELPDESK.EXE • The default directory is the directory where you installed the program. Install the program only once. All users on your network will then share the one copy of the program installed in a shared directory. The NetKeeper User Entry program does not have to be installed on the user’s workstations. However, you do have to provide a means for users to start the NetKeeper User Entry Program. You can provide a Program Icon (program item), or the program can be started from the File Manager or Explorer. 27 NETKEEPER® CRM TECHNICA L SUPPO RT You can obtain tech support for NetKeeper. Multima Corporation and its representatives can also provide training, consulting services and contract personnel to assist you in operating your Help Desk. Have your serial number handy when you call for support. Enter your serial number and a short description of your service call in the automated voice answering system. All calls are answered quickly in the order in which they are received. You can also e-mail your request so that the appropriate service representative is assigned to your call Before you call tech support, check the Troubleshooting section of the manual. Technical Support numbers: Tel: 401-885-1916 Fax: 401-885-2605 Web Site 28 NETKEEPER® CRM STA RT NETKEEPER CRM Answer the prompts and enter your company’s name and your NetKeeper CRM Serial Number and Operating Code. You will find the Serial number and operating code either attached to the disk envelope or in the pocket of the manual. If you are also installing NetKeeper Express, install all the programs using the same serial number and operating codes for all the programs To enter the serial number and code for your program, select Utilities|Setup Data from the main menu. Your serial number is unique. You should always refer to your serial number when requesting technical support or product upgrades. The code opens the program to the number of seats that you have purchased. To add more tech seats to the program, simply request a new code. Note: The program will remain in demo mode if you do not enter the serial number and code. The program will allow 0 users if any of the codes have been entered incorrectly or if the code is incorrect. Reenter the codes to correct this situation. • Click on the NetKeeper CRM icon to start the program. • Choose Start ->NetKeeper ->NetKeeper CRM 29 NETKEEPER® CRM FIRST L O O K After you have completed the installation, start NetKeeper CRM by clicking on the NETKEEPER icon. You will not have to log in. However, the program will not allow you to access the program a second time unless you set up your login information, now. L o gin Set up the login information immediately. You must define the database so that the system knows what database to use in order to run reports. Open Utilitie|Setup Data|Login to set up the path for the program. Fill in the required information. Site ID The ID number for the site Server The type server for example: ntsrv1 Database The database is netkeeperops SQL Login An example of the SQL login is: ntsrv1,netkeeperops;APP=Captain_CRM;Trusted_Connection=Yes 30 NETKEEPER® CRM LAN Inventory Path The LAN inventory path connects NetKeeper Express to NetKeeper CRM so that the LAN inventory is recorded in the help desk program in “real time” and does not have to be imported. An example is: m:\clarion\keeper\ Use Trusted Connection When checked, the program will find the connection every time you log in to NetKeeper. User Name ADM - Administrator Password The Administrator’s password should be kept in a safe place. If you lose or forget the password, call Tech Support for a temporary 24 hour password. 31 NETKEEPER® CRM SET UP YO UR PA SSW O RD After you set up the login information, make sure to go directly to Help Desk Techs (Service Calls|Staff Members) and enter the required information for the administrator and a password that you can remember. The Administrator logs in as ADM and enters a password. The administrator has more privileges than other technicians to make changes and customize the program. Very Important You must set up your login information right now. If you do not create your login initials and password, you will not be able to open the program the next time you want to use it. • Select ADM (Administrator). The person who installs the program is usually the administrator. The administrator can add and delete the names of help desk staff and set security limits for each one. Important You cannot log into the program after the first time if you have not set up your login initials and data. This is a security feature of the program. 32 NETKEEPER® CRM • Enter the required information. Check Active. • Set up a password. • Try to choose a password that is easy for you to remember. Note If you do not want to use the password protection feature of the program, leave the password field empty. The next time that you start the program, you will have to log in using. The help desk staff will log in using their own initials and passwords. 33 NETKEEPER® CRM SET UP STA FF A CCESS It is a good idea to enter the names of the rest of the staff and the rights to the program, now. Only the administrator can enter new names. Tip Make sure that the initials for each support person are unique. Setu psec u rity The Administrator has access to the whole program. The Administrator can limit access rights to the program for the staff in order to maintain control of the database. Use this screen to set up security rights for each help desk technician. You can limit access and actions for different sections of the program. You do not have to give the same rights to all technicians. 34 NETKEEPER® CRM SETUP O PTIO NS Before you start entering calls, it is important to set up the options to customize the program for your organization. See Utilities|Setup Data to select the options you want to use. NetKeeper is highly customizable and can be set up for many different types of support. Utilities + Setup Data See Setup for information on how to define certain features of the help desk program. Only the Administrator can access Setup Data. See Setup Options for more information. 35 NETKEEPER® CRM CUSTO M IZE SCREENS You can customize almost any screen in NetKeeper CRM, rename fields, change their size or format, move them or hide them. You can also change the help message and tool tips and customize lists and forms. Cu sto m ize a sc reen 1- Log in as Administrator 2- Select Utilities|Setup Data|Global Options 3 - Verify that the "Prevent user screen changes" is not checked on the Setup tab 4- Close the Global Options screen 5- Open the screen you want to customize 6 - Select the field to be changed 7 - Place the cursor and click on the field you want to modify. 8- Press Ctrl_S (Press and hold the control key and press the S key) to display the Customize Window 9- Change one or more of the field attributes (only valid attributes are enabled) 10- Click OK to save the changes. Cu sto m ize a field thatyo u c anno tac c ess To modify a field that you cannot select by clicking on it, select a nearby field and use the PREV and NEXT buttons on the Customize form to move to the field. Undo c hanges 1- Select the field as above 2- Press Ctrl_S (Press and hold the control key and press the S key) to display the Customize Window 3- From the Screen Builder menu select FIELD DEFAULTS Undo c hanges m ade to a sc reen 1- Select any field on the screen 2- Press Ctrl_S (Press and hold the control key and press the S key) to display the Customize Window 3- From the Screen Builder menu select SCREEN DEFAULTS Note: If a screen does not work properly or "looks funny", you may have to re-do or fix your changes to the screen. To check how the screen looks without your changes: 1- Log in as Administrator 2- Select Setup Data from the Utilities menu 3- Check the "Prevent user screen changes" option on the Setup tab 4- Click OK to close and save the Global Options screen 5- Open the screen. Don't forget to uncheck the "Prevent user screen changes" option to re-enable your changes. L abel the Field Enter the name (title) for the field. Select “hide” if you do not want the name to appear on the screen. 36 NETKEEPER® CRM SCREEN BUIL DER ENHANCEM ENTS - TO O L B A R You can reposition or remove the toolbar buttons on the NetKeeper CRM Console using the CTRL_S screen builder command. CUSTO M IZE THE END USER A CCESS M O DUL E You can use the screen builder’s functions on the end user entry module (HELPDESK.EXE) to customize the end-user screens and the login screens. The changes can also be made to the Internet version of the end-user entry module. To modify the end-user screens you must log in as Admin to the end user program. To log in as Administrator (ADM) to the end-user entry program (HELPDESK.EXE) : • Open a command box and navigate to the directory where the HELPDESK.EXE program is located. • To start the program at the command prompt, type: HELPDESK.EXE /ADMIN • Enter the Administrator password 37 NETKEEPER® CRM SET UP SO L UTIO NKEEPER Solutions Keeper’s setup is similar to an outline. The requests have categories and sub categories. Solutions are attached to the sub categories. It is advisable to define the main categories in SolutionsKeeper before you put the help desk into full operation. You can add categories while the program is in operation also. See SolutionsKeeper SolutionsKeeper will grow as you use it. The solutions should be ranked for their usefulness for the selected request. The highest ranked solutions for each problem are at the top of list. SolutionsKeeper will automatically generate the Top FAQs to the web or to the LAN. See Top FAQs Setu pO rganizatio n and Co ntac tInfo rm atio n Enter or import the company and contact data before placing the program in service. You can also add names on the fly; however, it is much easier to enter service calls quickly if the contact information has already been entered. See Contacts 38 NETKEEPER® CRM BASICSCREEN TYPES The program consists of three screen types that are defined in this chapter: • The Main Menu from which all screens can be accessed • Tables also called lists • Forms also called data entry screens. Definitions of special buttons and keys are included in the information on the screens where they are used. If you prefer, you can always call up information about a screen or the whole program by selecting ‘Help’from the menu bar from any screen in the program. Your NetKeeper CRM has a complete manual on line. You can look up any topic and even add your own notes to your on line manual. In this way, you will have your own personal copy of the manual. 39 NETKEEPER® CRM M ENU All the screens in the program can be accessed from the Main Menu. The Administrators has access to additional menu items. CO NTRO L S Access the menu selections by using the mouse . Keyboard commands are accepted also. Use the cursor keys and press 'Enter'. Selecting the underscored letter of a menu item name opens the selected submenu item. M ENU TITL E BAR CO NTA CTS The Contacts menu is used to quickly retrieve and maintain information about a company, a person or an organization and to access tasks attached to contacts. Contacts + New Contact Enter a new contact Contacts + Contacts List Lists all contact names associated with your organization. The contact names are accessed also on the Service Call form. Contacts + LAN Users Lists all LAN users and related software and hardware. The list is also available on the Service Call form. Contacts + Organizations Lists all the companies for external support or for contact and sales management. Contacts + Your To Do Tasks Lists your work orders and tasks. To-Dos are created on the Service Call form as work orders for the service call , on the contact form or directly on the To Do list. Contacts + All To Do Tasks Only the Administrator can access the list to view all the work orders and tasks assigned to the help desk staff. Contacts + Your Appointments Lists your appointments. Contacts + All Appointments 40 NETKEEPER® CRM Lists all the appointments. Contacts + Contact Groups Use to set up groups such as “e-mail upgrade announcement”, “Mail list for December”, “Training group for Windows 2000” etc. You define the groups and the actions for the Group. Contacts + Outlook Items A list of items from Outlook that you want to view in NetKeeper BIZDEVEL O PM ENT Contacts + BDM Console Access the BDM Console (the Business Development Console) for your appointments, sales leads and To-Dos. Contacts + Sales Pipeline The Sales Pipeline is a snapshot view that lets an entire sales force manage and update its sales leads over the LAN or WEB. Contacts + Business Opportunities Lists all business opportunities by opportunity type, company, probability, target date. Contacts + QE Business Ops The Quick Entry option allows the sales force to enter sales leads on the fly. Contacts + NDA List Non-Disclosure Agreements SERVICE CA L L S Service Calls + New Service Call Opens a new service call form. Service Calls + Service Call Wizard Opens the Service Call Wizard. The Wizard leads the user through the Service Call form. Service Calls + List Service Calls Lists all the service calls. Service Calls + Service Calls by Technician Lists the service calls by the assigned technician. Service Calls + Service Calls by Queues Lists all the calls in the queues. Service requests can be assigned to queues for the techs to access. Queues can be set up different products or skill levels. 41 NETKEEPER® CRM Service Calls + List Super Cases Lists all Supercases Service Calls + SolutionsKeeper™ Use this command to access SolutionsKeeper, the on line solution database. Service Calls + Help Desk Techs (only ADM) Lists all the help desk techs with rights in the program. Only the administrator can make additions and changes to this list. Service Calls + Page a Tech Use to send an alphanumeric page to any station on the network. A modem is not needed. All the pages go through the NetKeeper communications server. Service Calls + Comm Request Lists all the communication requests, pager and e-mail traffic. TO O L S Tools + Announcements Announcement fashboard to alert help desk of special issues Tools + Service Request Templates A toolbox listing the most frequent requests. Use the toolbox to save call entry time and to drag and drop a request into the service call form. PURCHASING Purchasing + New PO Use to enter a new purchase order. Purchasing + PO List List all the purchase orders. Purchasing + PO Line Items Lists all the line items for all the purchase orders in the system Purchasing + Inventory Lists all the catalog items and assets. The catalog lists all the items for selection on the purchase order form. Assets are items that have been received and recorded in the company inventory. Items that are selected from the catalog move automatically to inventory as assets when a line item is received on a purchase order. Purchasing + Purchasing + Vendors Lists all vendors for the purchase orders. 42 NETKEEPER® CRM ISSUES Issues + List Issues and Suggestions Lists all issues and product bugs Issues + Products Tracked Lists products, versions and components tracked by the help desk REPO RTS Reports + Run Reports Use this command to run the help desk reports. Reports + List Reports and Merge Definitions Use to add new reports Reports + Top Requests Compiles the top service requests and view or publish Top FAQs UTIL ITIES The Utilities menu contains the setup menu options for the program. Some of the Utilities menu selections require administrative access rights to the program. Utilities + File Maintenance Utilities + File Maintenance + Contact Keywords Add keywords for the contacts. For example: Training 05/08/00 or Hot Prospect Utilities + File Maintenance + Request Queues Use to enter the names of your service request queues. Requires Administrator rights for access. Utilities + File Maintenance + Outlook Merge + Import Contacts Import data from another program Utilities + File Maintenance + Issue Tracking + Disposition Types Use to define disposition types such as “in house”, “outside contractor”, “hold” etc. Utilities + File Maintenance + Issue Tracking + Issue Types Use to define issue types such as “bug reports”, “suggestion by user”, “issue” etc. Utilities + File Maintenance + Issue Tracking + Priority Types Use to define the priorities for service requests for example: P1 = Immediate, P5 = When possible Utilities + File Maintenance + Issue Tracking + Reproduce Types Use to define the error reproduce types such as “Always”, “By User Only” etc. 43 NETKEEPER® CRM Utilities + File Maintenance + Issue Tracking + Resolution Types Use to define the resolution types such as “duplicate”, “fixed”, “not a bug” etc Utilities + File Maintenance + Issue Tracking + Status Types Use to define the status such as “assigned”, “closed”, “new” etc Utilities + File Maintenance + Issue Tracking + Severity Types Use to define the severity type such as “critical”,” minor”, “normal” etc Utilities + File Maintenance + Issue Tracking + Operating System Types Use to define operating system types Utilities + File Maintenance + Issue Tracking + Platform Types Use to define the platform types Utilities + File Maintenance + Sales Setup + Sales Stages Use to define the sales stages for the Sales Pipeline and Busness Development console Utilities + File Maintenance + White Board Announcements + Announcements Use to enter new announcements for the White Board (Marquis) Utilities + Setup Data Requires Administrator rights for access. Requires the system administrator to set up the program’s options such as e-mail, Internet access and user entry. Utilities + Dialer Setup Use to set up the automatic dialer functions of the program. Utilities + Admin Utilities Utilities + Admin Utilities + Purge Service Calls Requires Administrator rights for access. Use to purge batches of service calls from the system. Utilities + Admin Utilities + Update Company Department Info This procedure is generally used to update from a previous version that does not track links from the service call or To-Do tables to the company and the department tables. 44 NETKEEPER® CRM BUTTO NS The Buttons on the Main Menu give you quick access to areas of the program Access company or organization list Add a contact Contact list Access the equipment list and the attached end users. This list is automatically generated by NetKeeper Express LAN inventory. Access groups and keywords to run reports and labels Access your To Do list Use the Wizard to guide you through the Call entry Enter a new service call Access Service Call list Access service calls by Tech Access SolutionsKeeper™ Send an alphanumeric page to any help desk tech from any station on your network. Lists pending e-mail and pager messages 45 NETKEEPER® CRM Enter a new purchase order Access purchase orders list Access list company inventory Access vendor list Access reports 46 NETKEEPER® CRM L IST Click on the title to change the sort order of the list. Page up Vertical scroll box Page down Resizable columns. Point and drag. Lists are used to display summaries of information from forms. The screens in NetKeeper are resizable. You can point and drag with the mouse so that the screen displays more recorded information or minimize the screen to fit many forms and lists on the screen. O PERA TIO N O F THE VERTICA L SCRO L L B A R The scroll box remains in the center of the vertical scroll bar at all times. In order to move to the top or to the bottom of the list, use the top or bottom scroll arrows or click on the section of the scroll bar either above or below the scroll box. O PERA TIO N O F THE HO RIZO NTA L SCRO L L B A R Jump to Move to top of list Page up One down Scroll left Scroll box left or right 47 NETKEEPER® CRM M O USE O PERA TIO N LEFT MOUSE To select an item on the list point to the item and left mouse double click. Click on header to sort column Right mouse click to access RIGHT MOUSE Right mouse click within a column to access a menu of functions that pertain to the selected column Insert / Change / Delete These commands have the same functions as the buttons. Query Use the Query command to find dates, names, service request IDs or other information in a list. Press the insert button, to access the query criteria for the search. Adjust All Widths Adjusts the widths of the columns. You can also resize the column by pointing and dragging with the mouse 48 NETKEEPER® CRM Filter Filters will work on some columns but not others. Use filters to set up ranges for printing information from the selected list, for example. Sort Sorts the selected column Xplore Xplore + Move Left / Move Right Moves the columns left or right Xplore + Header offset Moves the header title left or right within the selected column Xplore + Data offset Moves the data left or right within the selected column Xplore + Width Changes the width of the column 49 NETKEEPER® CRM Xplore + Header Text Use to changes the header text Xplore + Data Just Left / Center / Right / Decimal Moves the data in a column to right, left, center or decimal justification Xplore + Hdr Just Left / Center/ Right/ Decimal Moves the header of a column to right, left, center or decimal justification Xplore + Resize Changes the size of the list. You can also use the mouse to make the list larger or smaller. Select the corner of the screen and drag. Xplore + Border Adds a border to the selected column Xplore + Underline Underlines the items in the list Xplore + Fixed Option only available on some lists. Xplore + List Box X,Y, Left, Right coordinates of the list box Xplore + Colors Use to change the colors of the list 50 NETKEEPER® CRM Properties Properties + List Box Formatter You can change the titles and information that is listed in the list or browse box. Use the formatter to list the fields that you want to view. A list of the available fields displays in the box formatter. Select a new column, move it to the position that you want and give it a title. That’s all there is to it. You can take any of fields that you want listed for display in the browse. Default or ALT_F12 If you do not like the result that you have created with the formatter, use ALT_F12 or press the default button to reset the browse to its original values. Hide Column Hides the selected column Default Returns the columns to the default settings 51 NETKEEPER® CRM Output Output + Graph on loc: Before you try to make a graph, use the filters to set up a range. The Graph function works on the selected column for example: Graph on loc:full name or Graph on loc:City Output + Print All Prints the contents of the list Output + Print Page Prints the viewable page Output + Export to ASCII (Xport CVS) Exports data to an ASCII file. Exports to Microsoft Excel. See Advanced Topics Output + Export to HTML (Xport HTM) Exports data to HTML Unavailable Commands Some of the options or commands are not available in some columns and appear faded out in the command menu FEA TURES Resizable columns The columns in any list can be resized. Simply point and drag with the mouse or right mouse click to select the options for the list Constant Highlight Bar You can click with the mouse from one Tab to the next without losing the line that you have previously highlighted. Sorting Click on the column header to sort the column. Click again on the column header to resort the column in descending order. Note that the resorting process can take a long time on very large files. Column titles preceded by an asterisk (*) sort almost instantaneously. Some sorts do not include blank fields and only non-blank entries will display. Some columns cannot be sorted. 52 NETKEEPER® CRM BUTTO NS A c tio n Insert Resu lt Open a new data screen Change Update or change previously entered data Delete To delete an item. The corresponding data entry screen for the listing will appear. You must confirm that you want to delete the item by selecting “OK” Exit The exit button will close the screen SPECIA L BUTTO NS Auto Dial Click on this icon to dial the telephone for the highlighted item. The administrator must set up and enable autodial before you can use the automatic dialing feature. See Utilities for setup information The auto-dialer function will automatically dial the telephone number(s) for the selected contact. The auto-dialer uses your computer's com port and modem to dial the telephone. Your telephone must be connected to your modem. You may be able to transfer the dialed call if your modem and PBX (Private Branch Exchange phone system) supports call transfer. See your modem and PBX manuals for details. Some PC configurations will not support the dialer function. Use the Auto-Dialer • Click the Auto-Dialer icon to display up to three available telephones. • Select and verify the telephone you wish to dial and click OK to dial the phone. • Pick up the phone before the wait delay times out. You can also enter or modify the phone displayed in the VERIFY NUMBER dialog without affecting the telephone stored in the database. 53 NETKEEPER® CRM Open Calls Only Check this box to view only the open calls on the service call screen. Query Use the query function to find a service call quickly. Create a query to display a subset of entries. Search Use the search function to locate one or more records that contain specific text. You can also search for approximate spelling if you don't remember the exact spelling. The search function will tag the items that match your query. This function is not available in some versions of the program. Jump To Type the first few letters of an entry in the current sorted column and press TAB to jump to the closest match. No entries will be displayed if you specify an entry beyond the last entry on the list. Enter the full four digit year when jumping to a date. To locate 7/3/97 enter 7/3/1997 or the list may try to jump to 7/3/2097. Change the Sort Order Change the sort order of the list by clicking on the column header. For example, select Due Date on the header and click. When you resort a list on fields marked with a * (native fields), the fields will sort quickly. Fields that do not have the *, will sort more slowly depending on the number of records. 54 NETKEEPER® CRM KEYS A c tio n Cursor Keys Scroll the list Resu lt Page Up Scroll up by one screen Page Down Scroll down by one screen CTRL Page Down Scroll to the last record INS Open a new data screen ENTER Open the highlighted record DEL Delete the highlighted record ESC Leave the screen 55 NETKEEPER® CRM FO RM S Forms are used to enter new information into the program or to update information that was entered previously. Each item on the screen is a field. Keys Use the key controls to move around the screen. However, it is much easier to use a mouse. Several keys perform special functions on the data entry screens. ESC Restores a modified field to its original value. If pressed again it selects the previous entry field. ARROWS (Cursor Keys) Use the cursor keys to move from field to field. TAB The tab key can be used to move from on field to the next DELETE Deletes the character to the right of the cursor. INS In the insert mode, characters are added to existing ones. F1 F1 is the key command for on screen help. You can also select Help from the Menu Bar. Buttons OK / Cancel 56 NETKEEPER® CRM There are two buttons that are common to all data entry screens: 'OK' to accept the screen and 'Cancel' to reject the screen. Many of the data entry screens have special buttons. Those buttons are defined on the screens where they appear. Tabs Tabs are similar to pages in a book. Click on a Tab to select a “page”. Spec ial Featu res Ctrl_ ’ If you are entering redundant data into many forms for example inventory items from the same manufacturer, you can reduce the amount of keying in of data by using Ctrl_’ Operation • Select and open a form from a list that has similar information to the new form that you want to create.. • Close the form by pressing OK. • Open a new form • Use Ctrl_’on the field in which you want the information from the previous form to appear. 57 NETKEEPER® CRM Ctrl_ S Use Ctrl_S to change the label and the format of a field. Point the mouse at the field and press Ctrl_S. Requires ADM rights to the program Selects the previous field or the next field to the current selected field You can format the field picture as a date, a number or a string. Some examples of pictures that you can use are: String @S All string pictures begin with @S. length Determines the number of characters in the picture format. A string picture describes an unformatted string of a specific length. Example: Name STRING(@S20) !A 20 character string field Numeric and currency pictures @N All numeric and currency pictures begin with @N. @N9 will give a picture result: n,nnn,nnn @N9.2 will give a picture result n,nnn.nn Dates @D All date pictures begin with @D. @D1 will give a picture result mm/dd/yy For more information, see Pictures in Advanced Topics User Defined Fields Most forms have User Defined Fields that the Administrator can set up to track information that otherwise would not be available in the program. Use Ctrl_S to open the selected User Defined Field. 58 NETKEEPER® CRM O PERA TIO NS - INTRO DUCTIO N NetKeeper CRM has three major functions: to record service calls, to solve the service call and to develop business opportunities. NetKeeper CRM is designed for quick case entry and for the centralization of all information required to track, prioritize service calls and to track customer data. NetKeeper will assist you in supporting users of your products and services. The General Operations section includes instructions on how to run certain tasks in NETKEEPER CRM So m e featu res to lo o k fo r: • Options See Utilities on the Menu Bar. Set up the options that you want to use on your help desk. Each call center is different. Try to select the options that are the most suitable for your organizational requirements. • Try the Wizard for quick call entry • Enter some names and company data in the Contact list. To import contact data from another program, see your SQL server manual. Selecting a caller name for the service call will be almost instantaneous if you use the lookups. • Enter some problem requests and solutions in the SolutionsKeeper knowledge tree. You will be able to solve calls more quickly by looking up the solutions. You can also rate the solutions • Look up previous calls from the reporting user right on the service call screen. • Use the To-Do list to record work orders and to remind you of upcoming events • Send an e-mail or pager message • Make a purchase order and record received items to inventory and assign to end users. • Set up your Groups. Try some keywords and groupings. You can use groups for many purposes: training groups, mailing groups, etc. 59 NETKEEPER® CRM L ET’S STA RT THE PROGRA M Click on this icon to start NetKeeper L o g In • Enter your Initials and Password • Click Login or press Enter You now have access to the Main Menu. The system Administrator is responsible for setting up your user rights to the program. If there are sections of the program that you cannot access, talk to the Administrator. NetKeeper is very versatile and can be used for different types of support. The program can be used for Contact Management, Internal Support and External Support, LAN Inventory and Purchasing. L o g Out • Select File + Exit • Exit Windows 60 NETKEEPER® CRM SERVICE CA L L S Trac k Servic e Calls – L istServic e Calls There are no more lost or misplaced service calls. NetKeeper CRM will record all your service calls. NetKeeper’s speed will let you track even simple calls and makes it practical to record all calls. Technicians can pick up their assigned work orders by selecting Service Calls by Tech or Service Calls by Queues. . Technicians can access the caller’s record by selecting the Change Button to view the Service Call record. 61 NETKEEPER® CRM View the Servic e Call NetKeeper Captain CRM automatically records when the case was opened, closed and last changed. The total time open is also recorded in days, hours and minutes. The time stamps as well as any field in the database are available for reports. Unlimited notes, unlimited solutions, unlimited reporting users and unlimited work orders relating to call, all on one screen. User or client request area Press the ellipsis button to select a request. This will call up SolutionsKeeper©. You can solve the call immediately by using SolutionsKeeper or select a service request definition for the service technician. You will find everything you need for the successful functioning of the help desk. NetKeeper CRM will keep track of service calls, service solutions, follow-ups, time and charge back information, purchase orders, service contracts and lease information and many other items that make a successful help desk. From the service call screen, you can quickly enter any type of service call. 62 NETKEEPER® CRM Start a New Servic e Call Select an organization or department Select New Service Call from Service Calls on the Menu Bar Use the Wizard to enter a service call. The Wizard will lead you through the call entry. Select a Contact name, access the Service call form from the Contact information form Rec eive a Call When a call is received, you will open a new Service Call form either by selecting a contact name and entering the service call or by selecting the service call form directly from the Main Menu. Once entered the call is listed as an open service call and assigned to a tech or a queue. O pen a new Servic e Call There are various routes in the program that you can take to access the Service Call form. The route that you decide to use depends on the type service offered by your support center. The methods to open a call are: Click on the Service Call icon This is the direct route to the Service Call form. or Click on the Wizard icon. The Wizard leads you through the call step by step. 63 NETKEEPER® CRM Enter a Sim ple Servic e Call - Cu sto m er Su ppo rt Press the top ellipsis button to select the company, name and address of the caller or the caller name and department –see Tiers in Setup Options Enter a few letters of the contact’s last name and double click the mouse. NetKeeper will find and fill in the contact information. There a various ways to enter a service call. The following shows you the basic operation of the Service Call form for Customer Support. You can record and solve the incoming call while the caller is on the telephone or you can create and forward a work order to a tech or a service queue. For very simple calls, just recording the problem may be enough. The Service Call form makes it unnecessary to leave the screen to access information for the call. Enter the servic e c all • Open a New Service Call or use the Wizard • Select the name of the caller from the attached lookup list. Open a Contact information form, select the Service Call tab and enter the call. The program will automatically fill in the contact information on the Service Call form. or • Select a Company or Department The administrator can select Call History to display the history of the company, department or contact. Some service desks, especially while servicing high employee turnover clients, need to display the call history for the entire Company or Department, rather than the call history for the user. See Utilities|Options|Tier Setup Support Other Sites and Departments If your support center services organizations with various sites or departments, you may want to enter the service call from the Organization list. Choose the organization or department and the contact for the department. If the contact name is not important, enter a generic title such as End User. However, we highly recommend that you capture the name of the reporting user if you are charging for your services. It is not 64 NETKEEPER® CRM uncommon for Accounting Departments to demand the names of callers when they dispute the amount of support time given by your organization. You can view all the service calls for the organization or department from either list. Note: NetKeeper is a 3 tier system. You can change the titles of the tiers and the selection criteria for the address field: Organization, Company and Contact. See Setup Options The Service Call form is the main data entry screen of NetKeeper CRM. The Service Call form is your “command center”. All the information required to service a call is available on the Service Call screen. You can access information such as LAN inventory, PC configuration information, previous cases and even your own databases. You do not have to leave the Service Call screen to access the information. • If the name is not listed, you can enter the user information on the fly. Make sure to enter the user information in the contact list so that it will be available the next time the end user calls or • Use the Speedword feature to look up and enter the name quickly See Speedwords • Enter a service request or select a standard request from SolutionsKeeper (found by pressing the ellipsis button next to Request on the Service Call Screen). Look up the solutions attached to the request in SolutionsKeeper. See Solve a Service Call with SolutionsKeeper NetKeeper allows the rapid entry of service calls by using lookup lists. Use the ellipsis button (...) found next to address, to look up the company or and the program will fill in the name and location information, automatically. In order to make effective use of the lookups, enter the names of your prospective reporting users when you install and set up the help desk program. See Contacts and Company Lists on the Main Menu 65 NETKEEPER® CRM A ssign the Call If you cannot solve the request immediately, assign the service call to a service queue or a technician • Assign a priority to the call. • Select the type service call, for example software, hardware, TV maintenance etc. • Click the OK button to save the case That’s all there is to it! NetKeeper CRM has been busy behind the scenes timing your call. NetKeeper has also saved the name of the tech who entered the call and time stamped the call. The call is now listed in the Service Call list. Technicians can select to view only their assigned calls or view the entire list of Open and Closed Calls 66 NETKEEPER® CRM Use the W izard You can select the Wizard to enter a new service call or you can use the service call form. The result will be the same. The Wizard will guide you through the call step by step. Upon completion, you will have all the information filled in on the service call form. You may find it an easy way to fill in the caller’s information while on the phone. • Select the Wizard from the Menu Bar. • Enter the name of the caller or select a name from one of the lists connected to the ellipsis button • Enter the reason the user is calling or click on the ellipsis button to pick a request from SolutionsKeeper. You can solve the request most likely by using SolutionsKeeper. While you can simply enter the caller’s name directly on the service call form, it is always better to select the reporting user name from the lookup list. If the caller is not in the list, you should take a moment to enter the caller’s name and other information as a New Contact. You cannot view the call history or the equipment history for the caller if you have entered the name directly on the service call screen. The caller information only links through the contact list. Once you have finished all the entries, you will have the completed service call form. You can add notes and To Do’s and more information to complete the call if necessary. 67 NETKEEPER® CRM Enter a Sim ple Servic e Call - Internal L AN Su ppo rt Press the second ellipsis button to select the reporting user Select a request from SolutionsKeeper The way that you enter a service call depends on how you have set up the call center. The following shows you the basic operation of the Service Call form for Internal LAN Support. See Options and Case Studies The program is just as easy to use for internal LAN support. Select the second ellipsis button under Address. You will open the LAN inventory list. Select the caller’s name from the list. This will link the LAN inventory (automatically collected and updated by NetKeeper) to the Service Call screen. Once you have selected a name from LAN inventory, the inventory data will be available on the service call screen (see Inventory Tab) the next time the caller requests service. The LAN inventory data will be updated automatically by NetKeeper every time you do an audit. NetKeeper tracks the assigned LAN assets across your entire enterprise. No matter how often the assets are transferred, the complete asset history follows its assigned owner. 68 NETKEEPER® CRM L AN INVENTO RY (o ptio nal) Have Co m plete Info rm atio n Even W hen the Statio n is Do w n Real Tim e Integratio n W ith M IS Invento ry Fully integrated PC inventory data You can view, enter or modify data. Available data includes configuration history, location history, installed hardware, installed software, financial and lease information. You can view this data even if the user’s station is not working. You can view this data for any PC on file. This is the configuration history data. View current and previous versions of AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS and other files. Actual text from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file NetKeeper Help Desk Captain provides quick access to information to help you quickly close cases. You have at your finger tips the AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS and other configuration files for all the PC’s on your entire system including portables and standalone. NetKeeper makes this information available to all your Help Desk personnel. Even better, it does this in real time without your having to copy or merge data. All the inventory information tracked by NetKeeper LAN inventory (NetKeeper Express) is available in real time (no need to import the data) right on your service call screen. Because all the information resides in a database, it is available even if the user’s PC is down. You can call up the configuration history for the PC, making it easy to re-install the original setup. Only NetKeeper lets you know what the AUTOEXEC.BAT file looked like when the PC was first installed. 69 NETKEEPER® CRM NetKeeper gives you access to all the inventoried information and changes in the system as changes occur. When you select the reporting user for the service call, the program will automatically fill in the inventory and client and company information. The NetKeeper system also tracks financial and lease data, location information and history. Note: You can import LAN inventory software program data from other LAN inventory programs into NetKeeper. However, it will only be as current as the date of your last inventory. . 70 NETKEEPER® CRM Speedw o rds and A u to L o o ku ps The Address field on the Service request form has special features to help you speed call entry. These features will retrieve contact information based on any text contained in the first tier of the contact's record. For example, you can look up a contact by telephone or name or the contents of a user defined field. See Setup|Tier Setup Speedw o rds Place the cursor in the Address field and enter a word or two into the address field and double click on the field or press (Ctrl+F9). The program will search the contact or LAN database and retrieve the contact information. If more that one match is found, the program will display a list of the search results. Double clicking on an empty Address field will display a search dialog where you can define searches that are more advanced. Text searc h o f the c o ntac t info rm atio n Place the cursor in the address field and press the F9 function key. You can also enter a word or two and press Ctrl+F9 to make and approximate match search. This is useful to retrieve contacts without knowledge of the exact spelling. The Address Field L o o ku p The Service Call Address field can originate from several sources: • The attached lookup buttons. The top button displays data from the contact or organization lists and the lower button displays data from the LAN inventory list. Select an entry and click the SELECT button. Address field Lookup Buttons • Speedword search • Freehand. Type the name and address of the user if the call is just a one time occurrence and the caller’s name is not important to save. See Building the Address field in Utilities|Options Note Once you enter freehand information in the address field, the program will automatically parse the first line of the address information into the first name and last name fields in the database. These entries are not displayed in the program contact or organization lists but are available for reporting and sorting purposes. 71 NETKEEPER® CRM L O O KUPS Help Desk Personnel search for information almost as often as writing service tickets. While entering a call, you may need to check the user’s PC configuration or which programs they have installed. NetKeeper CRM puts this information (and lots more) just a mouse click away. You also can define additional links into knowledge bases or even your own in-house databases. You can access all this information from the service call screen. FIEL D L O O KUPS Use the field lookups to quickly enter information into a field. You can complete an entry by selecting from a standard list for the field. Once you have entered data into the field lookup lists, you can fill forms very quickly. Your help desk will be able to enter and update calls in seconds. 72 NETKEEPER® CRM Servic e Call Prio rities NetKeeper automatically enters a predefined priority PRIO RITIES BY CO NTA CT, CO M PANY OR SERVICE REQUEST The priority field on the Service Request Screen reflects the urgency of the service request to the help desk. The priority field will be automatically entered when you select a request, a company, a department or a contact. The program will always enter the highest pre-defined priority level. . You can pre-define the contact and company priorities as defaults to be used for the service call. You can also automate the priority escalation and ticket assignments with NetKeeper Supervisor, an add-on module for the program. See NetKeeper Supervisor So m e Exam ples o fthe A u to m atic Prio rity Selec tio n 1. If you select John from your contact list and John’s default priority is level 6 (below average), the program will enter a level 6 into the priority field. Next, select “Server Down” as the service request from SolutionsKeeper. The default priority for “Server Down” is a level 2 (very high). The program will override the initial level 6 priority with the more urgent level 2 priority, regardless of which entry you initially look up. The program will always record the more urgent priority. 2. The automatic priority setting is also useful when you want to assign temporarily a higher-level priority to a client. Let’s use ACME fireworks as an example. The company has five departments and 50 employees in all. Originally, you assigned different priorities to each department and even to each employee. For now, you want to assign a priority 3 (high) as the minimum priority for all calls from ACME while they test your new products. 73 NETKEEPER® CRM Change the Prio rity fo rthe O rganizatio n To change the priority for the organization or company, select from the Main Menu Contacts|Organization|Company|Change Company Record. Change the Company priority to 3. Since NetKeeper always records the highest priority on the select chain, all calls from ACME Fireworks will be logged with at least a priority 3 regardless of the default priority of the individual employees. However, if individuals within ACME Fireworks have even higher default priorities, NetKeeper will still log the request with the higher priory. This is a very useful feature to automatically assign the correct priority to each service request without your help desk personnel having to keep complex notes about assigning priorities. 74 NETKEEPER® CRM Servic e Call Fields Service Call Information (General) The initials of the Support person entering the call appear automatically in the upper left corner of the screen. Entered The program will enter the date and time automatically. Changed After the call has been entered, any time that the service call form is reopened and closed. Closed Once the Service call has been completed , press the Close button Call Number The service call numbering that appears in the top left corner is sequential and automatic Address / Telephone When you select a contact or company, NetKeeper will fill all the pertinent information about the customer including the default priority, the past call history, the assigned assets etc. 75 NETKEEPER® CRM Request The request should be selected from SolutionsKeeper so that NetKeeper can track the service requests and generate the automatic Top FAQs for access on the LAN or on the Internet. Queue Service calls can also be assigned to queues instead of technicians or can be assigned to both. Press the Queue button to access a list of queues. See Utilities| to define your queues Item Select the name of the product and the version from a list of common products for quick lookups. Telephone When you select a contact name, NetKeeper will automatically enter the contact telephone number. Due Date / Time Select the date, by using the NetKeeper calendar attached to the field. Press the button to the right of the field to access the calendar. Press the button to the left of the field to enter the default date and time calculated by the program. See Utilities User Defined There are User Defined fields on various forms in the program so that you can add new fields to your form. You can also change or hide any of the other fields on the form. See Ctrl_S Urgency The help desk staff can determine the urgency if the request as the call is received. See Utilities to define the urgency selections 76 NETKEEPER® CRM Assign To Pressing the Lookup button will bring up a list of techs. See Utilities|Setup Priority You can set up default priorities in NetKeeper for each contact and for different problem types or assign a new priority to the service call. See Utilities|Setup to define the priorities Escalated You can manually escalate the call if it has remained in the queue too long or you can automate the escalation by using NetKeeper Supervisor. Type You can define the Request Types in Setup Options. Status As the tech works on the call, the status of the call can be updated 77 NETKEEPER® CRM TA B S At the top bottom of the Service Call form there is a very unique screen that lists many different items about the service call. The Tabs allow you to enter and change the information displayed in the list box and to view all the notes and solutions that have been attached to the service call. Run attachment Add new item Delete Change User Call Histo ry After you have entered the reporting user and the request you can look up the reporting user call history and the request history if data is available. To display the User Call History click on the USER CALL HISTORY Tab. All calls for the user (including the current one) will be displayed. Requ est Histo ry To display the Request History, click on the REQUEST HISTORY Tab. All calls that reference the same request will be listed. No tes, Reso lu tio ns, So lu tio ns, To -Do s You can add notes, resolutions and solutions that you used to solve the problem to the call. NetKeeper has a free form note pad area to view, modify or add notes. To add a note to the service call, select the Notes Tab. The first line of the note will appear in the list box at the bottom of the Service Call form. You are not limited to short descriptions when entering a service call request. NetKeeper will time stamp your entry. You can add an unlimited number of notes. Many times a service call needs more than standard descriptions to explain the service request. The solutions that you have chosen in SolutionsKeeper will appear automatically in the browse box. You can also add your own solutions. In many organizations, it is necessary to add resolution notes and information about how the call was completed before the call can be closed. One service call can generate many different “to do” items. You can add reminders or add information to the call for a technician to complete. The first line of the item will appear on the service call. You can add many “to do” items to the call. 78 NETKEEPER® CRM A ttac h.(A ttac hm ents) You can attach documents, files and URLs from other programs. To attach a file, open Windows Explorer and select the file. Use the mouse to drag the file to the Attachments screen. The Add a New File screen will open. Fill in the requested information. You can also open the form by selecting the Add button. 79 NETKEEPER® CRM TA B S - M A IN, USER DEFINED, INVENTO RY, A SSET ITEM S, FEEDB A CK User Defined The Administrator can define the fields and titles for each one of the User Defined fields. Some of the fields have lookups attached. You can use the defined fields and lookups to enhance and customize your help desk. Invento ry The inventory is the LAN inventory from NetKeeper Express. A ssetItem s Assets that have been assigned to the contact from purchasing will appear on the service call form for the contact. The complete history of the asset in the company is included. The description of the asset item, serial number and the date that it was placed in operation are included. As purchase orders are received, the line items become company assets. The assets then are assigned to the end users (contacts). When you select a contact name for the service call, NetKeeper displays the asset information for the contact. 80 NETKEEPER® CRM Feedbac k Once the call has been completed, you can find out what the caller thought of the service offered by the help desk staff. There are three indices: Tech Knowledge, Timeliness and Overall Satisfaction. The ratio of the three is calculated by NetKeeper. Use the statistics to improve the service that your help desk provides. Chargeback Use to control department expenses. The chargeback expenses include, time, parts and labor. First Response The program displays the date and time that the technician opens the assigned call for the first time. User Closed Stamp End users logged in to the WEB portal can close their own calls if they have resolved the problem themselves and no longer require service. The program displays the date and time that the call was closed and can closed the call on the help desk. Case Time The program automatically calculates the case time. You can set the NetKeeper time stamp clock to calculate the work day hours and omit weekends. See Utilities|Setup|Priority Data 81 NETKEEPER® CRM BUTTO NS There are some buttons that are unique to the service call form Displays the asset history for the selected Item. Spell checker Dial the contact See Utilities for the dialer setup 82 NETKEEPER® CRM Servic e Call M enu Some of the displayed menu selections on the Menu Bar change according to the screen that is open. There are selections for the Service Call form that are not available on the Main Menu. You can access these menu items while entering the service call. Histo ry NetKeeper gives you complete information to solve the call. User Call Histo ry Displays the previous call history for the selected contact so that you can give the contact the type support necessary to solve the request. You can customize this selection to display all the previous calls of the contact’s department or the contact’s company. See Utilities Requ est Histo ry Lists all the previously used solutions for the same request that are logged in NetKeeper. A sset Histo ry Lists all the previous calls that pertain to the item selected in the service request. HelpDesk L o g 83 NETKEEPER® CRM A log of the service calls in the system. Reno tify Tec h Re-pages the assigned technician. This process can be automated by using NetKeeper Help Desk Supervisor. HelpDesk L o g A log of all the service calls in the system. The log can be purged, however, it is best to maintain the log for a long period of time in order to have accurate statistics. 84 NETKEEPER® CRM So lve Servic e Calls as They O c c u r w ith So lu tio nsKeeper™ Use FastFind to retrieve data quickly. Highlight and select a request. Copyright 1995 - 2002 - Multima Corporation - All rights reserved worldwide The objective of any help desk system is to solve user requests as quickly and as efficiently as possible. First level personnel should be able to handle all but the most complicated calls. By using NetKeeper’s unique SolutionsKeeper™ feature, the knowledge tree that will grow more useful the more that it is used, you will be able to resolve many service calls and problems as you enter the call. The more calls that you solve immediately means the more efficiently your help desk will function. SolutionsKeeper’s unique design allows you to retrieve a vast amount of information quickly. The SolutionsKeeper screen consists of four lists on one screen. There is no need to call up one screen after another to retrieve the necessary information to solve a service call request. From the Service Call screen, you select the ellipsis button located next to the request field in order to access the SolutionsKeeper. SolutionsKeeper will automatically save each solution that was applied to a request. The same solution can be attached to several requests. Once you have selected a solution for the call, you can rate its effectiveness. You can change the rating at any time. By rating the solutions, you are effortlessly teaching SolutionsKeeper your knowledge and creating a useful knowledge base for the help desk. The solutions are listed so that the most often used or most highly rated solutions appear at the top of the list. The more you use SolutionsKeeper, the more pertinent and valuable the solutions and information in it will become for your company. You can select a standard request from the request list. SolutionsKeeper will list the most likely solutions for the request and automatically link them to the call. In this way, you can give the reporting user the information needed to solve the service call problem, immediately. SolutionsKeeper will automatically learn each solution that was applied to a request. 85 NETKEEPER® CRM Requ est Select a request from the request list and view all the solutions for the request • Click on the ellipsis button next to Request on the Service Call screen to open the SolutionsKeeper screen. • Select a request (or problem description) • Highlight your selection • Press Select The solutions are listed on the service call screen and become part of the call. To See M o re Requ est Data (+) The icon next to a request signifies that there are attached sub-topics for the request. • Highlight the icon box and click with the mouse. The related request sub-topics will display. • Highlight the request topic or sub-topic that defines your request. The solutions for the topic will display on the right side if the screen. Desc riptio n o f Requ est As you highlight a Request, available descriptions of the request will appear in the Description of Request box at the bottom of the screen. To add to the description or enter a new description, select Insert. When you select a Request for the Service Call, the description will also be selected and appear on the Service Call screen. 86 NETKEEPER® CRM So lu tio ns Lists of all the solutions are in the system are displayed in a tree. The system will automatically create a matching Category/ Sub Category in the Solutions tree for every corresponding entry in the Requests tree. The most highly rated solutions appear at the top of the list. The more you use SolutionsKeeper, the more pertinent and valuable the solutions and information in it will become for your company. There is an icon next to each solution, for example a face, a floppy disk, a piece of paper. The icons tell you where each solution was found. • The face means that a user or a staff member gave the solution. • The piece of paper means that it was found in a book or article. • Musical note - Audio clip • Camera - Video clip Note Each solution should apply to one problem only. If the request requires more than one solution, enter more solutions. Keep each solution to the point. Once you have entered a solution, you can rate the solution for its effectiveness in solving the request by highlighting and right mouse clicking on the solution. Select “Rate the Solution” and enter the rating. Note A solution can be used for multiple requests and can have different ratings for each request. 87 NETKEEPER® CRM Enter M o re Su b-to pic s Under a Requ est • Select Insert to enter sub-topics into the request list. • Fill in the fields and the tree connection data. To Add Co m m ents As a solution is highlighted, the related comments for the selected item appear in the comment box on screen. Add more comments by selecting Insert . The comments do not include the solution’s main body of text that can be printed and sent to the reporting user. The comments are available for the help desk staff, only. Some examples of comments are: • This solution only applies if the user works in the Accounting office • Refer to such and such solution • Do not use this solution on Cow computers 88 NETKEEPER® CRM Find a Requ esto r a So lu tio n w ith FastSearc h In many data retrieval systems, several search processes are necessary to find the correct data, but not in NetKeeper. The FastSearch button allows you to search through a list quickly and easily making efficient use of disk space. FastSearch can perform multiple word searches. FastSearch is a text retrieval system. NetKeeper CRM saves data in order to make use of it at a later date. In many data retrieval systems, several search processes are necessary to find the correct data. The Start a New Search button connects to FastSearch and allows you to search through various files quickly to easily make efficient use of disk space. FastSearch can perform multiple word searches. This means that the system checks for several search words within fixed limits. Within every file, a single word search can be performed. Try “FastSearch”. Enter the key words that you want to find. A list of all items that contain the entered key words will appear. To view one of the retrieved records, press Select. The FastSearch function appears on many of the tables (lists) in all NetKeeper programs. FastSearch is a very powerful keyword search capability of the program that allows you to quickly search out your request. Note In some NetKeeper programs, FastSearch is called FastFind. Both have the same functionality. 89 NETKEEPER® CRM To start a searc h: • Click on the START NEW SEARCH button or press ALT_R. • Fill in the search criteria. You can enter up to four words or phrases as search criteria. For example, if you enter the words “help” and “user”, all the requests that contain the words will be selected. L im itatio ns • • • • 90 FastSearch can not search for dates (FastSearch can search telephone numbers) FastSearch does not search for empty search words FastSearch does not search for deleted records FastSearch can only be interrupted by using the ESC Key once the search has been initiated NETKEEPER® CRM Setu pSo lu tio nsKeeper™ ENTER A NEW CA TEG O RY • Highlight and select the Standard Requests Tab. • Use the mouse to click on the Insert button or press ALT_I. • Enter the name for the new category and click on OK to save the screen. ENTER A SUB -CA TEG O RY • Highlight the category that requires a sub-category and press ALT_I or click on the Insert button or right mouse click on the highlighted category. • Enter the name for the new sub-category and click on the OK button. To view the information, you can press Ctrl+RightArrow or click on the Plus icon (+). Once you have entered a category and a sub-category, you can enter a request. Note: The keyboard commands, CTRL+RightArrow opens one level of the tree. CTRL+left arrow closes one level of the tree. ENTER A REQUEST AND A TTA CH IT TO A SUB CA TEG O RY • Highlight the sub category and press ALT_I or right mouse click. • Enter the request form’s data and click on OK to save the data. 91 NETKEEPER® CRM ADD A SOL UTIO N TO THE REQUEST • • • • Highlight the Request Select the Suggestions Tab on the Solutions side of the screen Press ALT_I or right mouse click on the suggested solution You can also click on the Insert button Note Each solution should apply to one problem only. If the request requires more than one solution, enter more solutions. Keep each solution to the point. Once you have entered a solution, the user can rate the solution for its effectiveness in solving the request. Note A solution can be used for multiple requests and can have different ratings for each request. 92 NETKEEPER® CRM RA TE THE SO L UTIO N The same solution can be used for different requests. A solution may rate very highly for one request and not be very useful for a different service request. You can rate the solution with each type of service request. • Highlight a Request in the Request list. • Right mouse click on the Solution to be rated from the Suggestions list. • Select ATTACH TO REQUEST. • Enter the Solution’s rating and click on OK. You can also detach the solution in a similar way by selecting DETACH FROM REQUEST. Note On the Solutions list, the rating changes and the icon changes color to green. The green icon, for example the green book icon, indicates that the solution has been rated (at least once) for the request. If you re-attach the solution with a different rating, the rating will be a weighted average of the two. The solution rating can change over time and will reflect its relative usefulness. You can attach as many different solutions as needed to any one request. A solution can be shared by as many requests as applicable and the same solution can have different ratings for different requests. 93 NETKEEPER® CRM ADD AN ATTA CHM ENT TO THE SO L UTIO N • Right mouse click on the solution and select INSERT ATTACHMENT. • Enter the object type. The type of object that you select will determine the fields that you will fill. Fields that are not required for the selected object type will be grayed out. • Select the name of the person entering the attachment. • Enter a description of the entry. The description will appear on the list next to the icon for the object type. • You can also enter a comment. The comment field will be displayed under the solutions list. • Enter the full file name if you are attaching an external object such as a text, picture, video or audio. You can access a file list to select the external object by pressing the ellipsis button. Type o f A ttac hm ents Text The text attachment will add text in an external text file to the solution. You can attach a memo from the manufacturer for example. Note The text of the file is not incorporated into the attachment. Only a reference is made to the external text file. Pic tu re 94 NETKEEPER® CRM A picture can be displayed in many digital picture formats (though color will not always be exact). You only have to select the name of the picture file. Some useful types of pictures are: A u dio Attach a WAV type audio clip. This will allow the help desk to play audio clips such as recorded comments. Video Clip Attach a AVI type video clip. This will allow you to play back a video clip with sound. 95 NETKEEPER® CRM ADD A DIRECT REFERENCE TO A URL , DO CUM ENT O R DA TA FIL E SolutionsKeeper solution attachments can directly reference a URL (Universal Resource Locator) or a word-processor file, spreadsheet file or data file. • Click the “Red Cross” icon to open SolutionsKeeper. • Select and highlight the request that references the solution or use the FIND SOLUTIONS or ALL SOLUTIONS tab to locate the solution • Left mouse click on the solution to select and highlight the solution Note: Make sure you left-mouse click on the solution to select the solution. If the solution is selected correctly, the text of the solution will be displayed in the SOLUTION TEXT box. • Right-mouse click on the solution to display a pop-up menu • Select "Insert Attachment" • Select the object type COMMENT to attach a document associated with a program (such as a URL or Word document). See below for further explanation. • Enter your first and last name to record who attached this document • Fill DESCRIPTION and COMMENT as desired. • Enter the document's full file name or use the lookup button to locate the document • Click VIEW/PLAY to verify that the document can be displayed correctly. 96 NETKEEPER® CRM Abo u tA sso c iated Do c u m ents You can attach a document that requires a specific program to display the document, for example, a Microsoft Word document or a URL. When you view or play an associated document, the program will request Windows to run the associated program to load the requested document. Use a COMMENT attachment to attach associated documents. Enter the document's full file name or use the lookup button to locate the document. To c hec k if a file is asso c iated w ith a pro gram • Open Windows Explorer (or Windows File Manager) • Locate the file • Double-click on the file Windows will automatically open the document if the document is associated with a program. Otherwise, Windows will prompt you for the name of the associated program. PRINT SO L UTIO N You can print the solution and fax it to the reporting user. You can e-mail the solution to the user if you have connected NetKeeper e-mail software to the help desk. 97 NETKEEPER® CRM A ssign the Call A ssign the Call to a Tec h o r to a Qu eu e Service calls and work orders are initiated on the Service Call form. Each technician can pick up the assigned service calls by selecting Service Calls|Service Calls by Tech or Service Calls|Service Calls by Queue. Co lo r Co ding The service calls are color coded so that it is easy to see which calls are overdue (red), due today (yellow), due tomorrow (green) or have no due date (blue). The Service Call List shows all the open and closed calls in the system. You can view only the open calls by selecting the Open Calls Only box at the top of the screen. In order to keep a complete record of the help desk activity, only the Administrator can delete calls from the list. The help desk staff assigns the calls that cannot be solved immediately to queues or to technicians. The assignment is automatic if NetKeeper Help Desk Supervisor is in operation. 98 NETKEEPER® CRM Page a Tec h You can send an alphanumeric page to any help desk tech from any station on your network. You do not need a modem at your workstation to send the page. Must be set up by Administrator. See Utilities SEND A M ESSAGE 1. Click on the Page a Tech icon or select PAGE A TECH from the Service Calls menu. 2. 3. 4. 5. Click the TO button Select the recipient tech Enter the subject and the message Click SEND See Comm Requests for a list of the communication requests 99 NETKEEPER® CRM Co m m Requ ests – Co m m u nic atio ns Requ ests NetKeeper E-Mail Server and alphanumeric Paging Server will check for new Service Calls on one or more NetKeeper help desks. The program sends e-mail or paging messages to the assigned technician or technicians if the calls are of sufficient priority and you have enabled e-mail and paging. These can be messages that the help desk staff have generated as alpha numeric pages or e-mail while entering service calls into the help desk. View / Delete To view paged messages, open Comm Requests. The list is useful when it becomes necessary to delete a request (either e-mail or pager) because it is not getting through. You can view the whole message and tell if it was an e-mail or pager message 100 NETKEEPER® CRM L istSu per Cases The Super Case is a managerial tool to organize and track related requests, people, tasks and resources. The SC is very useful when tracking complex cases or cases where multiple sources of information as well as old or new, closed or open requests need to be tracked together. Use Examples 1- A new elevator system was installed in the company’s new headquarters. The new electronic control malfunctions often. Several tickets have been opened and the manufacturer notified via automatic e-mail. The building and plant manager ask that all requests be tracked together. To track all the requests, open a super case and drag and drop all the pertinent requests into the new super case. You also drag and drop all the correspondence and add all the people involved in the case. Now the manager has complete control of the case and can easily manage a solution to the elevator problem. 2- XYZ Widgets produced defective widgets and received several service requests in the last 10 months because the Widgets did not operate properly. XYZ Widgets’ distributor started a dispute and several letters, contracts and drawings are exchanged. Several managers, administrators and lawyers are involved in the dispute. To track all the events, notes and documents, open a super case and drag and drop all the pertinent cases from the customer’s history. You also add links to all the correspondence, invoices and drawings so the documents can be reviewed at any time. Network rights prevent unauthorized users from opening confidential documents. You even make links to several WEB sites where additional information can be found. The production manager now has a clear view of all the information required to assess the situation and find a solution to the problem. The super case does not replace the individual case history, which is also available. The super case enables the grouping of related information from the NetKeeper database or other sources. The Super Case also groups all staff, customer contacts, external parties and events that are related to the case. The Super Case tracks each person’s involvement or function in the context of the Super Case. The same staff person or company contact 101 NETKEEPER® CRM can be associated with more than one Super Case and the same request can be associated to multiple super cases. Servic e the Call Retrieving Calls The technicians can retrieve service requests from Service Calls by Tech or Service Calls by Queue. The calls are listed by priority or due date, date entered or by any other field listed on the list simply by clicking on the title. Co lo r Co ding The service calls are color coded so that it is easy to see which calls are overdue (red), due today (yellow), due tomorrow (green) or have no due date (blue). Servic ing the Call While servicing the call, the technicians have access to many information sources such as NetKeeper LAN inventory for the reporting user or for the whole network, previous call history, notes, SolutionsKeeper, CD-ROM data or other network management utilities Reno tify Tec h To renotify a tech of a service call, select Service Calls|Renotify Tech from the Menu Bar at the top of the Service Call Screen. Renotifying a tech is automatic if NetKeeper Help Desk Supervisor is in operation. 102 NETKEEPER® CRM Co m plete a Call - Feedbac k B u ild M eaningfu l Statistic s o f User Satisfac tio n, First Respo nse Tim e and Tec h Ho u rs and Parts Co sts The program averages user satisfaction. Use this ratio to calculate your help desk’s efficiency. Non zero entries will be automatically averaged Automatically calculates the case time. See Utilities to define time ranges. End users using the internet portal can close their own calls. First Response Time The first time that the tech opens and responds to the request User Satisfac tio n Track how well your clients and users rate your Help Desk. Record timeliness (promptness of service), technical competence and overall rating (users are not always consistent). The system averages the ratings for you. Use the results to create service quality reports that will let you know what others think of the service you and your staff provide. You may find that you need more staff or perhaps more training for either the help desk staff or the callers. Many times your most irate callers are those who need more training in order to fully understand and use your product. NetKeeper has three indices: Tech knowledge, timeliness and overall satisfaction. The average of the three indices is computed automatically by NetKeeper. 103 NETKEEPER® CRM Charge Bac k All the costs related to the service that you have provided are entered here. You can use the information for internal accounting or to charge a client. You can keep track of the hours worked, the cost of labor and the cost of any materials used to complete the job. FirstRespo nse The first time that the tech opens the service call and services the request will be automatically time stamped. NetKeeper automatically calculates the time open. You can manually change or enter a new time if necessary. Once the call has been completed and feedback information has been collected, you will also want to print reports containing the feedback information. 104 NETKEEPER® CRM CO NTA CTS It is important to have your contact list and company lists entered in NetKeeper before you place the program in operation. You will use the contact information while entering service calls. Having the contact information in the program in advance speeds up call entry. 105 NETKEEPER® CRM O rganizatio n & Co ntac tL ists To enter contact names with no company affilliation, use the Contact List. O rganizatio n L ist The Company List is comprised of customers, prospective customers and all the companies supported by your organization. You can add any number of contact names to a listed company. Enter the company name, the department first then the contact information. Each contact name can have a different address, different site information and phone number. If you use the Company List for call center operations, you will appreciate the program’s easy access to the contact information. You can also view all the service calls, resolutions, etc for a company or for a department within a company. You have a complete history of all the service activities for every organization that you service. 106 NETKEEPER® CRM Add Co ntac t Nam es and L ink To Co m panies You can add contact data from the Main Menu. • Select Organizations to enter the name of the company that you will support. • Press Insert for the data screen Add a description to help you identify the company. Once you have entered the company name, enter the contact information. NetKeeper lets you attach an unlimited number of contact names and addresses to the same company. 107 NETKEEPER® CRM Co ntac tInfo rm atio n Select a company for the contact or detach contact from the company. Use keywords to define contact See Groups and Keywords Use to copy the name and address to a Word or other document The help desk uses the Contact form to access information about the customer for support. The Sale’s and Marketing staffs use the contact information to for sale’s leads. If you have accessed the contact data from the Company list, the company name is already filled in. To attach the contact to a different company, press the Company button. Note You must enter a last name for the contact. The program will not accept the data without a last name. Fields Most of the fields on the contact form need no explanation. Lead Source/ Type The Lead source can be used track the sale’s lead or the account referral. Priority Select the priority to be used for service for this contact. When the contact name is selected for the service call, the contact’s pre-defined priority will be entered in the call. No E-mail Check to eliminate the contact’s e-mail address from mass e-mailings. NetKeeper can be set to do mass e-mailings to contacts. See Groups 108 NETKEEPER® CRM Bu tto ns Displays company’s WEB site Enter the company WEB site address in the Organization form. Send e-mail to the contact Telephone the contact See Dialer Setup in Utilities Copy the contact name and address to use in a Word document for example. Tabs - 1 Pro file 1 Profile 1 is the opening screen and contains the most pertinent information about the contact such as name, title, company, address, telephone numbers and e-mail address. It also contains information for the sales and marketing staff such as assistant, reports to, lead source and type. Pro file 2 A continuation of profile 1 to add more information about the contact The Administrator can define the User Defined fields. See Ctrl_S The Administrator defines the titles and the field formats for the User Defined fields. The Owner of the account is the sale’s representative assigned to the account. The tech can be pre-assigned to a contact for all service requests 109 NETKEEPER® CRM Groups Assign the contact to a group or groups. Groups are used for training, for mass mail or email campaigns, for library assignments and for many other purposes See Groups W EB A c c ess and GPS Enter telephone and email address for the contact The contacts web access password and login Password The password that the contact will use to access NetKeeper Internet End User portal to enter and follow the progress of service calls and to access SolutionsKeeper for self-service The password requires Adm rights to the program to enter or change GPS Coordinates Sales staff can use the coordinates with their GPS systems when traveling to visit the contact. WEB Login The e-mail address is usually used to log in to the WEB portal. An alternate name can be used in place of the e-mail address. WEB ID The IP address 110 NETKEEPER® CRM L istBo x Tabs No tes, To -Do s Add notes or To-Dos to the contact form. Assign the To-Dos to others in your organization. Servic e Calls A list of all the service calls made by the contact. Select Change to view or update the service call. A ssets Attach the assets that will require service and support to the contact A ttac hm ents Select file to attach Attach files, pictures etc from other programs. There are two methods that can be used to bring attachments into NetKeeper: The first method: • Select the Attachments Tab • Open Windows Explorer • Select the file • Drag the file with the mouse over the List Box • Select the Object Type on the Attachment form 111 NETKEEPER® CRM If you select Link, the attachment will be available on the web. If you select Comment, the attachment will not be available on the web. • Add a description of the contents of the file • Press OK The second method is almost the same • Select the Attachments Tab • Press Insert • Select the Object Type • Add a description of the contents of the file • Press the button beside the file name field to find the file • Press OK M ail View the mail messages for the contact O ppo rtu nities Business opportunities that have been generated for the contact See Business Opportunities A ppo intm ents Appointments and meetings with the contact. See Appointments 112 NETKEEPER® CRM Keyw o rds & Gro u ps fo r Training, M ail and E m ail c am paigns, L ibrary A ssignm ents and M o re By using the Keywords and groups screen, you will be able to sort your contacts for mailings, follow-up calls, training and many other uses. You can define any number of keywords and groups for each contact at any time. You can update and change the keywords and groupings from the service call screen on the fly. You can assign contacts to any number of groups, for example, assign a contact to a training group such as training in printer operation, or a group that meets on Thursdays or assign the contact the use of a special machine or assign the contact to all of the groups. You can make mailing lists that are different for each group for example: a mailing for the press or for recent purchasers of you product. You define the keywords and groups to fit your organization’s needs. This form is very flexible and will give you top-notch contact management. Uses o f Gro u ps • Mailing lists - Follow-up mailing - one month, or information on NetKeeper CRM • Training Schedules - for example: Group for Win NT basics to meet with Mary Jones at 10 AM, Group Win NT Advanced to meet at 2PM (by using groups and keywords)) you can define the members of each group You can group one or more contacts in to a "GROUP". Contact groups can be used to send mailers, process orders, identify important clients or for any other purpose where you need to group one or more contacts for a specific purpose. You can define as many groups as you need and a contact can be a member of several groups. See Contact Groups to define Groups and Keywords 113 NETKEEPER® CRM Co ntac tGro u ps Define a new gro u p 1. Click on the Contact Groups icon or select CONTACT GROUPS from the Contacts menu 2. Press INSERT under the group list 3. Enter the group description and any notes to identify this group. 4. Optionally enter (or select) one or more keywords that will identify members of this group. 5. Click OK to save the new group Add m em bers to a gro u p Manually from the Group Profile Screen 1. Click on the Contact Groups icon or select CONTACT GROUPS from the Contacts menu 2. Highlight the group to which you want to add members 3. Click INSERT under the Contacts In Group list 4. Select a new member Manually from the Contact Screen 1. Click the List Contacts icon or select Contacts List from the CONTACTS menu. 2. Highlight a contact and click CHANGE 3. Select tab 4-Keywords and Groups 4. Click INSERT under Group 5. Highlight and Select a Group 114 NETKEEPER® CRM Automatically from the Group Profile Screen 1. Click on the Contact Groups icon or select CONTACT GROUPS from the Contacts menu 2. Highlight the group to which you want to add members 3. Click BUILD GROUP 4. Enter (or modify) the keywords that will identify the group. For example to select members that run Windows NT and UNIX, select the NT and UNIX keywords. (You previously had assigned the keywords to the contacts) 5. You can also select the members by entering your selection criteria by clicking on the SELECTION CRITERIA button then follow the QBE (query by example) Wizard. This method will let you select members base on multiple and complex criteria. 6. Click REBUILD GROUP to clear the all existing members and add the new members. Click ADD TO GROUP to keep the current members and add the newly selected members. Gro u pA c tio ns A group action will perform an action on every member of a group. Actions available include reports, e-mail and adding or deleting keywords. Defining New Group Actions 1. Click on the Contact Groups icon or select CONTACT GROUPS from the Contacts menu 2. Highlight a Group 3. Click the Process Action List button 4. Click INSERT 5. Enter the Group Action data Running a Group Action 1. Click on the Contact Groups icon or select CONTACT GROUPS from the Contacts menu 2. Highlight a Group 3. Click the Process Action List button 4. Highlight a Group Action 5. Click the Run Action button Note: The program will request confirmation that the report printed OK (if one was specified). Do not respond YES unless the report actually printed correctly. After the confirmation, the Group Action may clear group members or add or delete keywords. Group Action Fields General Tab / Description Group Action description. Example Gold Support Members or New Customers 115 NETKEEPER® CRM Add Note Check this box to add a note logging the group action to the contact record. Clear Group Remove all group members (but not the group) after running this action Add Keywords / Clear Keywords Add the specified keywords to each member of the group Clear the specified keywords from each member of the group Report Tab Run Report Check this box to run the report for all group members. Preview Report Check this box to preview the report on screen before (or instead) printing the report. Report Definition Enter the Report Label and Report Library name to define which report you want to run. The reports are created with the Report Writer and must follow the design guidelines for reports called from Group Actions E-mail Tab Send e-mail to all Group Members. Check this box to send e-mail to all group members. Use First Name Only / Use Full Name Check this box to use only the Contact's first name to address the e-mail. / Check this box to use the full Contact’s name to address the e-mail Subject Subject of the e-mail Use Internet Mail Check this box to force the NetKeeper Comm Server to send the e-mail via the Internet. This is useful if you have two mail systems. Internet Mail -- From address From address for the e-mail Internet Mail - Mail Server SMTP mail server name. Example E-mail Text Tab Enter the text of the e-mail to be sent. 116 NETKEEPER® CRM EXA M PL ES O F HOW TO CO NFIGURE GRO UP A CTIO NS Print a L ist o f all m em bers in a gro u p This example uses the ContactsGroup report in the NKCAPR1.TXR standard report library. Use the report as is of you can use this report as a basis to create your own group list. 1. Create a new Group Action 2. Fields: Description: List Group Members Add Note: NOT checked Clear Group: NOT checked Add Keywords: NOT checked Clear Keywords: NOT checked Run Report: Checked Preview Report: Checked Report Label: ContactsGroup Report Library: nkcapr1.txr Send e-m ail to all gro u p m em bers This example assumes that you created a group called E-MAIL NEWSLETTER and that you have added members to this group. 1. Create a new Group Action 2. Fields : Description: e-mail list for monthly newsletter Add Note: checked Clear Group: NOT checked Add Keywords: NOT checked Clear Keywords: NOT checked Run Report: NOT Checked Send e-mail to all group members: Checked Use Full Name: Checked Subject: Newsletter Use Internet mail: Checked From address: Mail server: e-mail text: Text of e-mail 117 NETKEEPER® CRM Keyw o rds Using the Keywords and groups screen, you will be able to sort your contacts for mailings, follow-up calls, training and many other uses. You can define any number of keywords and groups for each contact at any time. You can update and change the keywords and groupings from the service call screen on the fly. You can assign contacts to any number of groups, for example, assign a contact to a training group such as training in printer operation, or a group that meets on Thursdays or assign the contact the use of a special machine or assign the contact to all of the groups. You can make mailing lists that are different for each group for example: a mailing for the press or for recent purchasers of you product. You define the keywords and groups to fit your organizations needs. This form is very flexible and will give you top-notch contact management. How To • Open the list for groups or keywords. You should make a list of standard groups and keywords • Select the keywords and groups to attach to the contact name It’s that easy! When it is time to do the January mailing or the Thursday training class, you will have a list of all those who have been assigned to the group. Use Keywords To define the customer type, for example internal support, accounting department, external support, product maintenance, no service contract or with service contract etc. 118 NETKEEPER® CRM To -Do ’s and Yo u r To -Do ’s Color coded due dates show items that are due, overdue or pending. Contact Information appears here. When you have many calls coming in during the day, you will find it very handy to be able to add reminders for yourself right on the service call screen. The tasks that have been assigned to someone else will not appear in your To Do list. They will display in the assigned person’s list. As you enter a call, you can add To Do tasks on the service call screen or you can enter To-Do’s directly into the To-Do list. These are reminders of things to do such as service requests, work orders, updates to be sent. follow up call to be made etc. Later, you can retrieve the To Do list from the Main Menu bar. Color coded due dates show items that are due, overdue or pending. The dates will appear in colors: yellow - today’s date, green - pending, red - overdue and blue - no assigned date. The Administrator has access to the whole To-Do list. Change the So rt O rder You can change the sort order of the To-Do list so that you can group your To-Do’s, for example: select Type. The type To-Do’s can be e-mail, work orders, calls etc. You can define the type To-Do’s in program Options. By sorting by Type, you can do all your e-mails at once or all your calls at one time The “To Do” list that you see consists of your own reminders. Each member of the staff has a separate list. 119 NETKEEPER® CRM The To-Do form shows the initials of the person entering the request and the date entered and last changed. Date/Time Due NetKeeper will automatically calculate the due date See Utilities Queue You can assign the To-Do to a work queue and to a technician Contact The end user or the customer Project To-Dos can be part of a project Estimated Time The estimated time that it should take to complete the To-Do Percent Completed As the To-Do is worked on, the percent can be determined Status The status can be Hold, In Progress, Completed for example You can change the status options in Utilities. 120 NETKEEPER® CRM Yo u r A ppo intm ents Links to contact data The Administrator sets up the User Defined fields. The Your Appointments list displays the appointments by date and importance that you or others with access to the program have entered for you. The Appointment Data screen allows you enter detailed information about the appointment. Contact Select the contact name from the attached Contact list so that all the contact data recorded in the program links to the appointment. Attachments Open Windows Explorer, select the file and use the mouse to drag the file to Attachments. Select the contact for the appointment from the contact list so that you can access all the contact data recorded in NetKeeper such as address, phone numbers etc 121 NETKEEPER® CRM Enter GPS coordinates Reminder links to sound file So u nd Rem inder Enter the number of minutes in advance of the appointment that you would like to receive a reminder. Rem inder So u nd File Attach a sound file such as a .wav file 122 NETKEEPER® CRM BIZ DEVEL O PM ENT Bu siness Develo pm ent The sales and management teams use the Business Development options to create and follow sales leads and turn them into sales. Today, all members of the team sales, support and management must be able to stay in constant communication with one another. The ability to share data among members is crucial. NetKeeper CRM and NetKeeper Internet extend the reach of the sale’s team to include inside and remote users and business contacts. The sale’s staff is never out of touch with the company. NetKeeper provides a complete picture of sales activities for the Business Development team. With NetKeeper, the staff can target prospects, generate leads, create and execute marketing campaigns, manage opportunities and contacts, anticipate customer needs and save time. The next logical next step for the traditional help desk/CRM center is to move to incorporate more customer marketing and sales capabilities for the development of Business opportunities. NetKeeper enables organizations not only to provide superior CRM services but also to support business development opportunities. NetKeeper creates a closed loop seamless flow of information from customer service and support to business development, marketing and sales. 123 NETKEEPER® CRM The BDM Co nso le (B u siness Develo pm entM anagem ent) Trac k and m aintain all info rm atio n su rro u nding sales and bu siness o ppo rtu nities. The Management and Sales staff uses the Business Development Console to centralize all the activities necessary to develop and maintain a business. The sale’s staff has access on one screen to all the information necessary to develop sales from leads, appointments, new opportunities and “to dos”. The help desk is the front end of an organization. Often the call center staff is the first to become aware of potential problems, customer feedback and business and sale’s opportunities. It is important to relay the information gathered by the help desk staff to the Business Management team. NetKeeper empowers staff at every level with up-to-the-minute information and in-depth customer and product knowledge for quick and accurate problem resolution and greater sales and marketing opportunities. The program provides an innovative and practical BDC (Business Development Console) that keeps all the resources necessary to run an effective business in one program and on one screen. Business opportunities, contacts, sales leads, appointments, follow-ups, customer service and support histories as well as WEB links, screen captures, documents and other important items are all easy to access. NetKeeper unites business development, customer relations and support all in one program. 124 NETKEEPER® CRM O peratio n The BDM Console consists of six lists on one screen. The BDM Console unites all the information needed to manage business activities. Each staff member has individual access to only his/her assigned information. The lists on the BDM Console function the same as any other lists in the program. Place the mouse on a selection. Right mouse click to open the operation menu. See Lists in the General Operations for more information. A ppo intm ents View appointments for today only or all your appointment To -Do s To-Dos entered by you or by others for you from the contact form or the service call form. O ppo rtu nities Recorded sales opportunities from Business Opportunities that have been assigned to you. Im po rtantItem s Important items from Appointments, To-Dos, Notes, Opportunities or Attachments Keep the most important items in this list as a way to quickly retrieve them. • • • • To add an item to the Important Items list: Select an item from any of the other lists on the screen Drag the item with the mouse to the Important Items list. Right mouse click to view. A ttac hm ents Open Windows Explorer to select a file. Use the mouse to drag the file into the Attachments list in the NetKeeper BDM console. You can attach items such as Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, Video clips 125 NETKEEPER® CRM W o rldw ide Data Replic atio n Stay in c o nstantc o m m u nic atio n w ith headqu arters NetKeeper Internet Tech and Sales* portal extends the boundaries of the company’s staff to include inside, mobile and remote users. NetKeeper allows your staff to easily synchronize laptop and remote data via the Internet. An important feature found in NetKeeper CRM is its ability to support worldwide data replication. Business professionals and support staff have access to all program data on portable computers or hand-helds even when they are not connected to the main database. NetKeeper enables professionals to continue working while at a customer site or when there are no connections available to the corporate WAN or WEB. Staff can continue working anywhere at any time. See your SQL manual for information on data replication * Add on module Request information from Multima Corporation or your favorite reseller. 126 NETKEEPER® CRM Sales Pipeline Trac k the Statu s o f Yo u r Sales Pipeline The Sales Pipeline gives the sales staff and management an overview of the sales process from beginning to end. It helps them visualize the actions that have been taken and need to be taken to close the sale. Sales leads are less likely to fall through the cracks. It is an important tool for the development of sales and should be monitored closely. The entire sales process becomes more effective. The Sales Pipeline helps qualify leads and saves the field reps from wasting time with client meetings that are much less likely to generate revenue. A well-managed, dedicated sales development team can keep your sales pipeline full of highly qualified leads. Highlight the amount of new business that started with a sales development call. The Sales Pipeline displays all sales opportunities grouped by sales stage. Each column represents a different stage. You can define the stages for your organization. See Utilities|File Maintenance The screen header indicates the total number of sales opportunities and the type of filtering enabled. The column headers indicate the number of sales opportunities for the Sales Stage and the name of the Sales Stage. The Sales Opportunities are sorted alphabetically within each column. Double clicking on any item displays the Sales Opportunity detail. ! The exclamation icon next to the display name indicates that the Opportunity is more important. The icon is controlled by the “Is Important” check box in the Opportunity Data screen. 127 NETKEEPER® CRM Filtering By default the screen displays all Opportunities. To limit the list to Opportunities for just one BizDev person: • Check the “Filter by Initials” check box • Enter the user’s initials • Click REFRESH Print the Screen data Right mouse click on the screen Select Output Select Print All Send the data to an Excel spreadsheet Right mouse click on the screen Select Output Select Export to ASCII See Advanced Topics 128 NETKEEPER® CRM B u siness O ppo rtu nities A ssign and Develo pL eads The technical, sales and management staff can enter Business Opportunities as they occur. Often help desk staff and field technicians become aware of a prospective sales and leads or customer concerns and potential problems while servicing the customer. Sales staff and Management can enter prospective sales leads as they update their customer contact files. The opportunity will display on the Sale’s Pipeline screen when you select the stage of development for the opportunity for example: new, evaluating, purchasing. Opportunity The opportunity is the product or service that you want to offer to the prospective customer. Type / Stage Determine the type sales opportunity and the stage of the sale. You may want to define the opportunity as small, medium or large to indicate the size of the business or the size of the potential sale or to define the type sale for example to a dealer or VAR. The Administrator defines and sets up the selections for the drop boxes. 129 NETKEEPER® CRM Company The company selection links to the Contact list. Select the company from the list so that all the information about the customer such as address, phones etc are linked. If you enter the company name directly on the Business Opportunity form, you will not have it linked to the Organization and Contact forms and lists. Owner The account owner can access assigned business opportunities on the BDM Console. An account owner must have access rights to the program that have been set up by the Administrator. Important Check this box if you want to note it as important on the Opportunities list. Probability This is your best guess that the customer will make a purchase. Some leads are stronger than others. You want to qualify your leads in order to pay the most attention to your most probable sales candidates. Account Type/ Industry Type The account and industry types help define your customer. Amount Potential amount of sale Actual Amount The actual amount derived from this sale 130 NETKEEPER® CRM QE (Qu ic k Entry)B u siness O ps The Sales staff will appreciate the QE screen. Information can be entered or updated quickly and “on the fly” in the office or from remote locations using the Internet. This is most convenient for entering information while on the road. Ch. (Change) Line Highlight a line. Select Ch. Form. You can quickly change any displayed information on the line. Ins. (Insert Line) Select Ins. Line to quickly enter information into the line. Ins. (Insert) Form / Ch. (Change) Form To open the Business Opportunity form select either “Ins. Form” for a new form or “Change Form” to update an existing form. 131 NETKEEPER® CRM NDA (No n Disc lo su re A greem ents)L ist In the normal course of business, sooner or later your organization will have to disclose product development and ideas to other companies or persons. Without adequate legal protection, you run the risk of having those ideas freely taken from you and exploited by others. You will need to have signed and recorded non-disclosure agreements, often referred to as confidentiality agreements or NDAs. The agreement must be submitted to and signed by the party to whom you intend to make disclosure (the recipient) before you make any disclosures. Therefore, it is important to record the date the agreement is signed and received and to keep track of the dates. 132 NETKEEPER® CRM TO O L S 133 NETKEEPER® CRM W hite B o ard (M essage B o ard)Anno u nc em ents Announcements for the staff will appear on the main screen of the program. Announcements can be used to remind the staff of pending meetings or of new product releases. Make an announcement To make an announcement for display on the white board, you must have administrative rights to the program. • Select Utilities|File Maintenance|White Board Announcements • Select Insert • Fill in the form • Check the Important box if you want the announcement to scroll at the top of the white board • Select Tools|Announcements to run the announcements 134 NETKEEPER® CRM Servic e Requ est Tem plates Select Tools|Service Request Templates from the Main Menu. The service desk can keep a “notepad” of the most frequently asked service requests open on the main screen at all times. Instead of looking up the request and solution in SolutionsKeeper, the help desk staff can “drag and drop” a request from the Service Request Templates into the Request area on the service call form. This is a great time saver for the help desk staff. The solutions that pertain to the chosen request are also automatically entered in the service call also. In order to add a request and it solutions into Service Request Templates, check the Template box on the Service Call form. You should select completed calls that are redundant and that usually have the same solution. See Advanced Topics Check Template 135 NETKEEPER® CRM 136 NETKEEPER® CRM PURCHASE O RDERS NetKeeper CRM has a complete purchase order system. You can make purchase orders, print purchase orders either with the included form or on your own pre printed form, control receipts and record and assign items to end users. 137 NETKEEPER® CRM Create and Trac k Pu rc hase O rders Keep list of vendors for easy entry Unlimited line items Select items from NetKeeper’s electronic catalog. Allows sale’s tax of up to four digits. Automatic movement of received items to inventory (even partial receipts) You can record default “Bill To” and “Ship To” address in the program’s Setup Options - a great time saver if you are generating a large number of purchase orders. Add many notes and comments to the purchase order. You are not limited. Comments will print on the purchase order. Use notes for internal information. Creating purchase orders has never been easier. The purchase order screen looks like a standard purchase order form. NetKeeper allows the entry of unlimited line items in each purchase order. The purchase order form links to inventory and will move receipts to inventory automatically. Record receipts, even partial receipts with the press of a button. Inventory recording is automatic if you selected items from the catalog when you made the purchase order. If you made a purchase order without selecting recorded items, you will have to enter them into the catalog when they are received. 138 NETKEEPER® CRM To Fill in a Pu rc hase O rder Fo rm • Select a name from the attached list or enter a name • Enter all other required information • Select the Add a New Line Item button next to the line items box Open or reopen a line item on the purchase order or delete a line. • Press the Item Number button • Select an item from the catalog Important Inventory recording is automatic if you selected items from the catalog when you made the purchase order. If you made a purchase order without selecting recorded items, the item will not move to inventory automatically and you will not be able to assign the asset to an end user. It is very important to take the time initially to enter the item in the Catalog. 139 NETKEEPER® CRM Press the Item Number button to select an item from the NetKeeper electronic catalog. • Enter the quantity and price if not already recorded • Select the Bill To and Ship To addresses Tab. You can set defaults for Bill To and Ship To addresses. See SetUp Options Tip If you enter the wrong quantity, you will have to enter a negative number to correct the entry. For example: if you entered a 5 instead of a 1, correct the entry by entering a 4. You can set default Bill To and Ship To address. See Setup Options. 140 NETKEEPER® CRM • Return to the purchase order form • Add comments and notes - comments can be attached to each line • Press OK NetKeeper will fill in the Manufacturer’s part number, cost and description and calculate the extended cost for you. Continue to add as many line items as you need for your purchase order. • Enter Tax and shipping charges. You can enter the sale’s tax or you can set a default value in Options. • The total for the purchase order is calculated by NetKeeper • Press the Print PO button. That’s all there is to it. You can use the purchase order form in the program or print to your own purchase order form. PO Co m m ents The comments will not be included on the purchase order when printed. If you would like the comments printed on the purchase order, you can modify the purchase order form using the custom report writer. No tes The notes that you enter here will not print on the purchase order. They are for internal use only. 141 NETKEEPER® CRM Enter a New Item in the Catalo g W hile M aking a Pu rc hase O rder • • • • Select Add a New Line Item button Select Item Number button to open the Catalog Press Insert to fill in the information about the item Press Select Catalog Item Press the Item Number button to select an item from the NetKeeper electronic catalog or to add a new item to the catalog. 142 NETKEEPER® CRM Rec eive L ine Item s As items are received, you can record them on the purchase order form. Receipts can be partial or complete. Select either button. Partial receipt Enter the quantity received Press Receive Item to transfer to inventory. The receipts are also recorded in the company inventory as assets (if you selected the item from the item catalog when you made the purchase order). With very little effort, you can manage inventory and purchase orders using NetKeeper. Note Items must be listed in the catalog in order to be automatically received in inventory as an asset. 143 NETKEEPER® CRM Invento ry Add and Find - Using the Catalo g Items in the catalog that can be purchased for the company Company assets Items that have been acquired by the company You can view the company catalog of vendors and items that are approved for purchase at your site. Once the item is acquired, it becomes an asset and is assigned to the purchaser or employee. Select Inventory on the Main Menu or access the inventory from the purchase order screen and use the list of items to fill in a purchase order. M o vem ent o f Invento ry is A u to m atic NetKeeper makes inventory movement from purchase order receipts to inventory automatic. If you select items recorded in the catalog when you are filling in a purchase order (the inventory list is attached the purchase order screen for easy access), the items will automatically be moved to inventory as they are received on the purchase order. You can then assign each received item as an asset to the end user. 144 NETKEEPER® CRM DEFINITIO NS O F TERM S The inventory screens use three terms throughout. It is important to understand these terms in order to understand how inventory functions in NetKeeper. Catalog The catalog lists all the items that have been approved for purchase for the company. Item An item listed in the catalog Asset An asset is an item that has been purchased or otherwise acquired by the company. To update or enter a new item in the list, select Change or Insert. You can make a master list of catalog items including manufacturer’s Universal Product Code (UPC), cost and description. 145 NETKEEPER® CRM Once an item has been received, it becomes an asset. An asset number, bar code ID, leasing and service information and more can be assigned. If you have previously entered the item description in the catalog, the movement from the purchase order is automatic. A ssign the A sset to L AN Invento ry Select the LAN Link button to open the LAN inventory equipment list. Highlight the name or equipment and press select. A ssign the A sset to a Co ntac t Nam e. You can assign the asset on the Asset form (Main Menu->Purchasing->Inventory>Catalog/Assets->Change Asset Form. Select the Assign To button and select a contact name. 146 NETKEEPER® CRM ISSUES NetKeeper CRM includes the facility for the staff to track issues and product “bugs”. As issues are entered, the product development team or the management team can react to solve the issues quickly. 147 NETKEEPER® CRM L istIssu es and Su ggestio ns Issues, suggestions improvements and ideas reported by the staff are listed as they occur. Issues are not service calls or work orders. The issues list is a convenient way for the staff and management to communicate other issues that have occurred in the workday. 148 NETKEEPER® CRM Issu e Trac king Data In order to access some of the fields that have drop boxes, the Administrator must have previously defined them. See Utilities|File Maintenance|Issue Tracking. If you cannot find the definition you need in the drop box, inform the Administrator so that the definition can be added as a selection. 149 NETKEEPER® CRM Pro du c t Select the product or issue. If the product is not listed in the drop box, open the Products Tracked list (Issues|Products Tracked) and add the product. The version, components and modules are all listed separately since a product can have many versions and components on the market at the same time. 150 NETKEEPER® CRM REPO RTS NetKeeper includes Standard Reports. You must install the Crystal Report Writer in order to run the Standard Reports. See your Seagate Crystal Report Writer for information on how to run the reports. See also Advanced Topics 151 NETKEEPER® CRM Printa Servic e Call, a Pu rc hase O rder and M o re You can print the service call or a purchase order by pressing the Print button on the entry form. NetKeeper CRM includes standard reports. You can also make custom reports by using the Crystal Report Writer. CO PY, CUT & PA STE You can use the Windows functions: copy, cut and paste to move text from the note areas throughout the program into Window’s documents. ADD CO M PANY L O G O You can also add your company’s logo to the purchase order form. Steps to add a custom logo to replace the "Your Logo" picture on the default purchase order form: 1. Create a BMP (bit map) format graphic version of your company logo. Most paint programs will create a .bmp format graphic. 2. Name the bmp file YLOGO1.BMP 3. Copy the bmp file to your NetKeeper directory. The standard PO form (POform1 in the NKCAPR1.TXR report library) will automatically display the logo. 152 NETKEEPER® CRM REPO RTS Requires Crystal Report Writer or other compatible custom report writer Crystal Report Enter the name of your report Repo rtO ptio ns Preview Report Select to preview the report in NetKeeper Send to Printer Select to send the report to the printer Export to a File Export to a file File Enter the export file name 153 NETKEEPER® CRM TO P REQUESTS (FAQs - To p1 0 Frequ ently A sked Qu estio ns) NetKeeper’s SolutionsKeeper automatically compiles the top requests into your help desk. You can compile the top 10 (or top 100) requests to a printed report, to a graph or to WEB pages. The WEB pages can then be posted on your intranet or on the Internet that end users and the staff have access the requests and solutions. The Top 10 Requests Report will scan all service requests (or a range of service requests) to compile the top requests report. Requests that were not selected from SolutionsKeeper when a service call is entered are considered "miscellaneous requests" since they are not linked to a standard request. CO M PIL E YO UR TO P REQUESTS TO A REPO RT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Click REPORTS on the main menu top bar. Click TOP REQUESTS Select REPORT in the Reporting mode box Optionally select a date range to limit the service requests that will be scanned. Use the Request box options to select which requests you want to include in the report. 6. Select TOP 10 to display only the 10 most requested actions. Select TOP X to enter number of top requests you need or select ALL to rank all requests into the help desk. 7. Optionally, check Ignore Miscellaneous so that requests not selected from SolutionsKeeper are not considered. 8. Click the START button to generate the report. You may preview the report or send it directly to the printer. CO M PIL E YO UR TO P REQUESTS TO A REPO RT AND GRA PH THE RESUL TS 1. Define the top 10 requests report as above 2. Check the CREATE GRAPH check box. 3. Click the START button to generate the report. 154 NETKEEPER® CRM Note You may preview the report or send it directly to the printer. Once the report prints the program will display the matching graph. The printed reports include the titles to the charted requests. The full description of the requests is not included in the graphs because the descriptions are generally too long. CO M PIL E YO UR TO P REQUESTS TO A REPO RT AND CREA TE W EB PAGES TO PUBL ISH REQUESTS AND SO L UTIO NS The program will automatically create WEB (html formatted) pages that you can publish on your intranet or Internet. The program will generate a page with your top requests and will also generate the pages required to list all suggested solutions to the request as well as the solution detail. The request and solution data is retrieved from your SolutionsKeeper database. The pages will be generated to the HTML subdirectory. 1- Define the top 10 request report as above 2- Check the GENERATE WEB PAGES check box in the CREATE WEB PAGES box 3- Optionally check the END USER RELEASE ONLY box. Checking this box will withhold requests and solutions that have been flagged as "Do not release to end users". See SolutionsKeeper|Insert a Standard Request WARNING: Double-check the generated pages to insure that you (or the program) have not released proprietary or confidential information into the WEB pages. 4- Click the START button to generate the report. You may preview the report or send it directly to the printer. Once the report prints the program will generate the WEB pages to the HTML subdirectory. .Note: If you don't want to print the report, just preview and cancel the report. The program will still generate the WEB pages 155 NETKEEPER® CRM W EB PAGES The program can automatically generate WEB pages for important functions, such as TOP 10 Requests. The WEB pages are placed in the HTML subdirectory of the directory (folder) where you installed NetKeeper. The resulting WEB pages can be copied to your WEB site and published to your intranet users or to the entire world. The generated WEB pages use standard v3 HTML and should operate correctly in virtually any modern WEB browser. A person with reasonable HTML (the language of most WEB pages) knowledge can modify the generated WEB pages or the template files to match your existing WEB pages. TEST THE GENERA TED W EB PAGES You can review the generated WEB pages on your PC if your PC includes a registered WEB browser. To test the pages: 1-. Generate the WEB pages. The WEB pages will be placed in the HTML subdirectory. For example, if you installed your NetKeeper Help Desk product in m:\nk\captain then the WEB pages will be generated in m:\nk\captain\html 2- Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the html subdirectory to list the generated WEB pages. 3- Find the file Nkfaq.htm and double click the file. 4- your browser will now display the Top Requests List. Click on the hyperlinks (blue underlined items) to navigate to the other pages that NetKeeper generated for you. PUBL ISH THE GENERA TED PAGES O N YO UR L AN 1-. Generate the WEB pages. The WEB pages will be placed in the HTML subdirectory. For example, if you installed your NetKeeper Help Desk product in m:\nk\captain then the WEB pages will be generated in m:\nk\captain\html 2- Share your HTML subdirectory so other users can access this subdirectory (folder). 3- Send an e-mail to all your users and attach a shortcut to the Nkfaq.htm file. 4- Your end-user now access the Nkfaq.htm WEB page by clicking on the shortcut you sent them. Note: Your end user's PC must include a browser. Note: You can also make the HELPDESK.EXE program available to allow your LAN users to enter and track service requests. 156 NETKEEPER® CRM PUBL ISH THE GENERA TED PAGES O N YO UR W EB SITE O R INTRANET 1- Generate the WEB pages. The WEB pages will be placed in the HTML subdirectory. For example, if you installed your NetKeeper Help Desk product in m:\nk\captain then the WEB pages will be generated in m:\nk\captain\html 2- Copy all the files in the html subdirectory to your WEB site. 3. Add a hyperlink to your home page to the nkfaq.htm file. Note: You can also use NetKeeper Internet (a separate program) to give your end users live access to the help desk. Using NetKeeper Internet you end-users can enter and track service requests and consult your SolutionsKeeper knowledgebase. M O DIFY THE GENERA TED W EB PAGES You can use any HTML or WEB editor to modify the WEB pages generated by NetKeeper. You can also change the templates that NetKeeper uses to generate the WEB pages. You may, for example, add your WEB site's navigation bars or add links to other areas in your WEB site. Note To make changes to the html pages you must know how the html language works. HTML (hyper text markup language) books and editors are available at retail and mail orders stores. All pages generated by NetKeeper use a header template and a footer template so you can easily modify the format of the pages generated by NetKeeper. • Templates for the Top 10 Request list page: Header: nkfaqh1.htm Footer: nkfaqf1.htm • Templates for the Solutions List page: Header: nkfaqh2.htm Footer: nkfaqf2.htm • Templates for the Solutions List page: Header: nkfaqh3.htm Footer: nkfaqf3.htm Important Save the original files before changing the templates! Note: Backups of the templates and gif(picture) files are installed in the bkhtml subdirectory 157 NETKEEPER® CRM GRA PHS An easy way to track the top service requests to your help desk is to make a graph. Select Reports|Top Requests CREA TE A GRA PH Check Create Graph Insert the date range - From date and To date Select the request range Top 10, Top 20 etc or all Select Ignore Miscellaneous unless you want everything entered in SolutionsKeeper M O DIFY THE W A Y GRA PHS A RE DISPL A YED AND PRINTED. To modify the appearance or titles of the graph 1- Generate the graph 2- Click the OPTIONS button on the Graph screen 3- Modify the options as required. Click here for more information about the available options. 4- Click the OK button to redraw the graph. PRINT THE GRA PH 1- Generate the graph 2- Click the PRINT button on the Graph screen PRINT THE GRA PH TO A DIFFERENT PRINTER 1231- Generate the graph Click on the SETUP button on the Graph screen Select the destination printer Click OK to accept the new selection 158 NETKEEPER® CRM GRA PH OPTIO NS You can modify the titles, format or appearance of graphs. CHANGE THE GRA PH'S TITL ES You can change the graph's title and sub-title and the axis labels for the current graph by typing the new label in the provided field. To change the main title, • change the Title field To change the sub title, • change the Title 2 field To change the Left Axis label (y axis), • change the Left Axis field To change the Bottom Axis label (x axis), • change the Bottom Axis field Note: If you are unsure of the label to modify, simply enter text in all labels and click OK to redraw the graph. CHANGE THE GRA PH TYPE You can create Line graphs, Bar graphs, area graphs or Pie Charts from the same data set. To change the graph type: 1- Generate the Graph 2- Click OPTIONS on the Graph screen 3- Check: Line Graph, Bar Graph, Area Graph or Pie Chart. Note: While you can draw more than one type of graph simultaneously, it is better to select just one graph type at a time 4- Click OK to redraw the graph. CHANGE THE GRA PH FO NTS You can change the fonts for all labels in the graph. To change a font: 1- Generate the Graph 2- Click OPTIONS on the Graph screen 3- Click the button that matches the label in the Display Options and Fonts box 4- Select the new font and color 5- Click OK to accept the new font 6- Click OK to redraw the graph 159 NETKEEPER® CRM ADD GRID L INES Grid lines make some graphs easier to read. To add or remove grid lines: 1- Generate the Graph 2- Click OPTIONS on the Graph screen 3- Check or uncheck the VERTICAL LINES or HORIZONTAL LINES check boxes as needed 2- Click OK to redraw the graph DISPL A Y DA TA L A B EL S Data labels display the numeric value of the data point. Data labels make graphs measurements easier but can clutter a graph. To add data labels : 1- Generate the Graph 2- Click OPTIONS on the Graph screen 3- Check or more of the data label check boxes as needed: Note: Show Min_Max Values: Displays a large green dot for the maximum value and a small red dot for the minimum value. This option is designed to work best with line graphs. Show Data Points: Displays a small dot corresponding to each actual measurement. This option is useful to show actual versus extrapolated data values. Label All Points: Displays a tag with the numeric value of the data point. This option can easily clutter a graph. 4- Click OK to redraw the graph 160 NETKEEPER® CRM UTIL ITIES The options found in Utilities require Administrator rights to the program. They allow the Administrator to customize many aspects of the program. The screens may not exactly match your version of NetKeeper CRM. 161 NETKEEPER® CRM FIL E M A INTENANCE CO NTA CT KEYW O RDS Build a list of keywords to describe and define the contacts, for example; new customer, hot prospect, Win NT, Internet user, product to support (name). SERVICE REQUEST QUEUES In order to speed up service call entry, set up the names and descriptions of the service request queues. You can define the queues so that all calls related to Internet or to printer or to Win NT problems are grouped together. Instead of assigning techs to each incoming call, you may prefer to assign a queue to a group of qualified technicians. A CCESS L EVEL S The administrator can pre-set the by the Administrator. See Advanced Topics O UTL O O K M ERGE Use Outlook to merge data into NetKeeper. ISSUE TRA CKING The Issue Tracking form has many drop boxes that the Administrator should define before the help desk is in operation. The drop boxes preserve the integrity of the data entered into the program. In order to add products and issues to the Issue Tracking form, see Issues|Products Tracked Dispo sitio n Types Enter the types of actions that the issues will require such as “Hold”, “Pending”, ”Assigned” 162 NETKEEPER® CRM Issu e Types Define the type of issues to track such as “Bug Report”, “Suggestion by end user”, “In House Suggestion” Prio rity Types Define priority types such as P1- Immediate, P-2 Urgent, P-3 Average, P-4 Below Average, P-5 When possible. Repro du c e Types The reproducibility types define how easy or difficult it is to reproduce the bug or problem. Some problem types will “Always” reproduce, some problems can be intermittent and some are almost impossible to reproduce. 163 NETKEEPER® CRM Reso lu tio n Types Define the problem or issue resolution types for example: “Fixed”, “Later”, Fix Later” Statu s Types Define the status of the issue for example: “Assigned”, “Closed”, “New” or “On Hold” Severity Types The severity of the problem can be defined as “Critical”, “Minor” etc O perating System s Types Enter the operating systems on which the problems can occurs Platfo rm Types Enter the platforms on which the problems can occurs such as “All” or “Browser” 164 NETKEEPER® CRM SA L ES SETUP W HITE B O A RD ANNOUNCEM ENTS The White Board (Marquis) announcements are entered here. Check Important on the announcement that you want at the top of the list and the one that will flash on the white board. Select Tools|White Board to activate the announcements that you have entered here. 165 NETKEEPER® CRM SETUP DA TA O PTIO NS - GL O B A L O PTIO NS The Setup Global Options require Administrator rights for access. The global setup options customize many functions of the program and should be set up before placing the program in full operation. The screens are representative and may not represent your version of NetKeeper. 166 NETKEEPER® CRM SERIA L NUM BER Once the program has been installed, the Administrator will immediately access Utilities|SetUp|Serial Number to enter your serial number and user code. The program will only allow one user if either the serial number or the code are entered incorrectly. 167 NETKEEPER® CRM SETUP Fixed Page M essage Enter a message that will appear on as a fixed message on all pager messages. Page M essage M o de Select the page message mode. The modes are standard, short, fixed and numeric. Enable E-M ail / Paging / Printpreview Check to enable the e-mail and paging features of the program Print Preview Check if you want an on screen print preview before the information is sent to the printer. PreventUser Sc reen Changes Prevents staff from customizing screens Enable Dialer Enables dialer on contact and service call screens L o g To -Do s / L o g No tes The program will log To-Dos and notes to the Service Call form. The Menu Bar changes to show other menu selections when the Service Call entry form is opened. A ll Can Change a To -Do / A ll Can Change a No te Select to “lock down” the To-Dos and Notes so that no changes can be made by anyone other than the person who has entered the information. To -Do A u to Clo se Type Feature not available in some versions A ll Co ntac tNo tes Display all contact notes Use O u tL o o k as M ail Client Select to use OutLook as Mail client 168 NETKEEPER® CRM L OGIN Site ID The ID number for the site Server The type server for example: ntsrv1 Database The database is netkeeperops SQL L o gin An example of the SQL login is: ntsrv1,netkeeperops;APP=Captain_CRM;Trusted_Connection=Yes L AN Invento ry Path The LAN inventory path connects NetKeeper Express to NetKeeper CRM so that the LAN inventory is recorded in the help desk program in “real time” and does not have to be imported. An example is: m:\clarion\keeper\ Use Tru sted Co nnec tio n When checked, the program will find the connection every time you log in t o NetKeeper. User Nam e The User name of the Administrator Passw o rd The Administrator’s password. 169 NETKEEPER® CRM DRO P L IST Drop lists are used throughout the program for field lookups for quick data entry. Some drop lists allow the staff to add selections. Other lookup drop lists require the administrator to select the data to be listed. List the keywords to describe the selection type descriptions found in drop lists on various forms in NetKeeper. Note Enter each selection separated by a vertical bar. Keep the types to a few letters so that they fit the drop box. To -Do Type Pic k To-Dos are found on the Contact, Service Call, Issue and other forms throughout the program. You can define the type To-Dos Co ntac t Statu s Pic k The contact status type is used on the Contact Profile form No tes Type Pic k Notes are found throughout the program. The type of notes should be defined for all forms To -Do Statu s Pic k The status of the To-Dos can be “New”,”InProg”, “Hold”, etc Requ est Statu s Pic k The status of the service request is found on the Service Call form. 170 NETKEEPER® CRM DRO P L IST 2 O ppo rtu nity Type Pic k The opportunity type is found on the Business Opportunity form. Some examples of types are: “small”, “large”, “global”, “dealer”, etc O ppo rtu nity Stage Pic k Some examples of the statge are inquiry, proposal, approved 171 NETKEEPER® CRM ADDRESS FO RM UL A B u ild the Call Address Fo rm u la to Cu sto m ize the Address Field The Administrator can override the Service Call Address Field layout by entering a Call Address Formula. The normal layout of this field is: Name Address City State Zip Country You can use a different formula to enter a field from the Organization (Company), Department and Contact tables. The fields in these tables are defined in your data dictionary file, NKCAP.CLA . The data dictionary file is a text file that can be printed as needed. However, be careful. Do not change this file in any way. It is used by the CFIL file management utility. Enter the fo rm u la Once you have decided which fields to pick from the tables, enter the formula into the text box without pressing the ENTER key. The ENTER key will add a carriage return to the formula and the formula will not work. For clarity, you can enter a space or two between fields. Do not enter too many spaces. The formula length is limited to approximately 500 characters. 172 NETKEEPER® CRM Formula example: The new layout will include the department name and the contact's tile. In addition, a User Defined field will be added at the end. The resulting layout is: Name Company Name Department Name Contact's Title Address Att: Secretary The formula for the above layout is as follows: CLIP(ccm:FirstName)&' '&CLIP(ccm:LastName)& chr(13)&chr(10)&CLIP(cim:Name)&chr(13)&chr(10)&clip(cdm:Name) &chr(13)&chr(10)&clip(ccm:title) &chr(13)&chr(10)&clip(ccm:Address1) &chr(13)&chr(10)&clip(ccm:City)&' ' & clip(ccm:State)&' ' & clip(ccm:ZipCode) & ' Att: '& CLIP(ccm:UserDef201) Notes: 1- Do not press ENTER while entering the formula. The program will wrap the formula to fit the text box. Pressing ENTER while entering the formula will create an incorrect formula. 2- The chr(13)&chr(10) sequence enters a carriage return and line feed sequence to start a new line 3- Literal text is enclosed in single quotes, not double quotes. 4- The CLIP() function removes trailing spaces. 5- The UPPER() function capitalizes a field. 6- To add spaces between fields add literal text as follows : ' ' (single quote space single quote) 7- The & (ampersand) symbol is used to concatenate the fields together 8- An incorrect formula will result in a blank address 173 NETKEEPER® CRM TIER SETUP CUSTO M IZE ADDRESS AND CA L L HISTO RY SEL ECTIO NS Co ntac t L o o ku ps You can now select the type list to display in the Address field when the contact lookup is clicked on the Service Call form. • Select Tier 1 to display the Organization list. This is useful if you support many companies or organizations and the name of the contact is not as important as the name and location of the company, or branch or organization. • Select Tier 3 to display the Contact list The contact list is useful for internal support not linked to LAN inventory or for external support for individual customers. Servic e Call Histo ry Type The administrator can select the type Call History to display for the company, department or contact. Some service desks, especially while servicing high employee turnover clients, need to display the call history for the entire Company or Department, rather than the call history for the user. • Select Tier 1 (default is Companies) to display a list of the call history for tier 1 and attached tier 2 and tier 3 entries. • Select Tier 2 (default is Departments) to display a list of the call history for tier 2 and attached tier 3 entries • Select Tier 3 (default is Contacts) to display a list of the call history for tier 3 Tier 1 Nam e, Tier 2 Nam e, Tier 3 Nam e. Rename the organizational tiers as required. Use this feature together with the screen customization features and the list customization features to change all the screen labels to match your organization’s requirements. 174 NETKEEPER® CRM INTERNET E-M A IL Set the default e-mail return address and the default SMPT e-mail server if you are also running NetKeeper Internet. See the NetKeeper Internet manual land the HD Mail manual for set up of the Internet and automatic mail systems. 175 NETKEEPER® CRM PRIO RITY DA TA Set up priority levels You can create as many priority levels as needed though we recommend that you create the least number possible. Too many priority levels create operational problems, as priorities are not assigned consistently. Priority “1” is the highest priority; you can label the priority as needed to describe the priority level. Note: You must create priority “0” if you need to enter requests without a priority level. Priority “0” indicates no priority defined. PRIO RITY DA TA TA B L E Click PRIORITY DATA TABLE to view the currently defined priority levels. The priority table lists the contents of the priority table, PMYNK Add a new prio rity level Click the INSERT button and add the new information. 176 NETKEEPER® CRM Priority Priority is the priority level, for example “2” Use the Description field to define the priority level. Type The type of priority can be defined Due In Hrs. Defines the number of working hours before an item at this priority is due. The number of working hours per day is defined via the “Set Work Hours” function. Change an existing prio rity level Click the CHANGE button on the priority levels list. Changing the Due In Hrs. entry will only affect items entered after the change. Delete a prio rity level Highlight the entry and click the DELETE button on the priority levels list. Deleting priority levels currently in use may result in items without the priority description but the priority level will still be recorded 177 NETKEEPER® CRM SET THE NUM BER O F W O RK HO URS PER DA Y Click the SET WORK HOURS button. You can define work hours for weekdays, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Enter the w o rk ho u rs per day data Leave the START TIME field blank if you don’t work in that period. Also leave the corresponding Total Work Hours at “0.00”. The program will use the Start Time and Total Work Hours and Due In Hrs. fields to calculate the due date of items such as service requests and to-dos. Click OK to save the data. RESET DEFAUL T PRIO RITIES The program will create the default priorities in the PMTNk table. The program creates 9 priority levels and a “0” level that defines “No Priority” defined for a case. WARNING: This function will overwrite the existing priority data! 178 NETKEEPER® CRM O THER SETTINGS TA B L E The Other Settings table is used to set up and record options as required for your program. DO NOT CHANGE THESE SETTINGS except when called for by your options documentation. ADD NEW STANDARD SETTINGS Add new standard setting without changing existing settings. Use this function to update your option settings list without affecting your entries. RESET O THER SETTINGS Resets the Option list to defaults and ERASES any custom settings that you have previously made. Use this function only when setting up a new installation. 179 NETKEEPER® CRM ENTRY DEFA UL TS 1 Defau lt Prio rity / E-M ail / Pager NetKeeper E-mail Server and alphanumeric Paging Server will check for new Service Calls on one or more NetKeeper help desks. The program sends e-mail or paging messages to the assigned technician or technicians if the calls are of sufficient priority and you have enabled e-mail and paging. NetKeeper CRM includes an easy to set up and use paging system and a complete e-mail system. See Start NetKeeper CRM for information on how to set up the e-mail and paging and techs. Set default priority values for e-mail and pager calls and for service calls. The default priority will automatically appear on all call forms. You can raise or lower the priority on the form as necessary. Sale’s Tax / ShipVia / Term s The sales tax, billing and shipping information defaults are used on the Purchase Order form. Defau ltKeyw o rds o n New Co ntac ts To save time when entering a new contact, enter the default keywords that describe all new contacts. This is not the complete list of keywords. It is the default keywords only. You can use Keywords to build groups for mail lists, training courses and other activities. See File Maintenance + Contact Keywords for the general list of contact keywords. ENTRY DEFAUL TS 2 Enter the default Bill To and Ship To addresses for purchase orders. 180 NETKEEPER® CRM REQUEST O PTIO NS - FO R SERVICE CA L L S Requ ire reso lu tio n The service call will not close unless a resolution note has been entered. Requ ire To -Do c lo sed Optional. All To-Dos must be closed in order to close the service request. A u to c lo se all To -Do s Optional. Automatically closed all open To-Dos for the request Fo rc e So lu tio nsKeeper lo o k u p Optional. A request must be selected from SolutionsKeeper. Send m ail o n c lo se Sends e-mail upon closing the service request. A u to u pdate So lu tio nsKeeper rating Optional. Automatically records the selected solution that was used for the service call and automatically adjusts the rating in SolutionsKeeper Display e-m ail o n c lo se Displays the standard e-mail message so that it can be changed before it is sent Add reso lu tio n to c lo sing e-m ail Requires the resolution for the service request be included in the e-mail message Textfo r c lo se c ase e-m ail Standard text fo r the e-m ail m essage 181 NETKEEPER® CRM REQUEST O PTIO NS 2 Send e-m ail o n c ase o pen Automatically sends e-mail when the service request is received by the help desk A u to Date Du e Automatically calculates the due date Textfo r O pen Case e-m ail Enter the standard text to acknowledge the receipt of the e-mail. Using NetKeeper HD Mail, an add on module, the message that is sent will be based on the type e-mail request that is received. 182 NETKEEPER® CRM REPO RTS 1 & 2 NetKeeper includes standard reports for the Service Call long form and short form and for the Purchase Order and Contact forms. You can access these reports by pressing the Print button on the Service Call, Purchase Order and Contact forms To replace the standard reports, enter the required information for the new report made using the Crystal Report Writer. Report File Name Enter the file name for the new report that you want to import into NetKeeper. 183 NETKEEPER® CRM W A L L PA PER W allpaper bac kgro u nd in the NetKeeperCRM m ain c o nso le You can add or remove wallpaper background images in the NetKeeper CRM main console. You can center a graphics file or use a small graphics, such as a logo, and “tile” the background. Remove the wallpaper: • • • • • Login as administrator (ADM) Select UTILITIES from the main menu Select SETUP data Select SETUP – 5 Un-check the USE WALLPAPER option Set different options for the wallpaper graphic: • • • • • Login as administrator (ADM) Select UTILITIES from the main menu Select SETUP data Select SETUP – 5 Adjust the options as required Change the wallpaper • • • • • 184 Login as administrator (ADM) Select UTILITIES from the main menu Select SETUP data Select SETUP – 5 Import the file name for the new wallpaper NETKEEPER® CRM PRIO RITY NA M ES The priorities are used on the Service Call and on the Contact forms. A contact can have a pre-defined default priority so that every time the contact requests service, the priority will fill in automatically. For example, the president of a company may have a much higher default priority than others. Customize the ten priority definitions to fit the terminology used by your organization or use the default settings provided in the program. You can always restore the priorities to their default values. Make sure to explain the use and the definitions of the priorities to the staff so that everyone uses the same criteria when assigning calls. 185 NETKEEPER® CRM USER ENTRY Fo rm Type Select to require call entry using the Wizard or the form version of the program. Passw o rds Required Decide if passwords should be required for end users to access the user entry module. If the password is required, end users will be able to view a list of their pending and previous requests. Allow Blank End user can omit passwords. End users will not see a list of their pending and previous requests unless the “Required” option has also been checked. In other words, they do not have to enter their passwords, but they will not be able to view their calls. Select to allow new accounts End users can set up their own accounts No tes Select to display all notes or the resolution notes for service requests. Fo rm Type The user entry modules for LAN and Internet have customizable features. Select to use the Wizard or the form version of the program. 186 NETKEEPER® CRM DIA L ER SETUP A u to -Dialer Setu p 1. Enable the auto-dialer. The administrator must check the ENABLE DIALER option in the Global Options - Setup 2 screen. This is a global setting and enables the auto- dialer for all Help Desk Techs. 2- Set up the communication parameters for a work station • Select Dialer Setup From the UTILITY menu • Select Dialer Setup. Enter the following information: Co m m Po rt Select the port used by your modem W aittim e Wait time (default 10 seconds): The maximum time allowed to dial out and for you to pick up the phone. M o dem dial prefix (default ATDT): Modem command string to initiate dialing. M o dem dial su ffix (no default): Modem command string executed after dialing a number. M o dem hang-u p (default ATH): Modem command string to hangup the modem Dial o u tprefix (no default): Optional digits required by your phone system to dial out, for example :9,1 187 NETKEEPER® CRM ADM IN UTIL ITIES (Adm inistrative Utilities) Pu rge Servic e Calls The purge procedure will delete entries from the database. No other simultaneous users are allowed while the purge process is running. Close all screens and ask all other users to exit the program. The purge function not only deletes the service requests but also Notes and To-Do’s attached to the requests. You should purge calls only when you are sure that you will no longer need them. Many help desks keep one or two years of requests on-line depending on the amount of caller traffic on the help desk. Some help desks never purge. The time to enter a request does not increase significantly even with a large number of service requests on file. It is a good idea to run a report of the calls for your records before you purge calls. Update Co m pany / Departm entInfo rm atio n This procedure is generally used to update from a previous version that does not track links from the service call or To-Do tables to the company and the department tables. 188 NETKEEPER® CRM END USER A CCESS User Initiated Servic e Calls (L AN) End users can enter service call requests with the NetKeeper User Entry module either on the LAN or on the WEB. The operation and performance of both LAN and Internet entry of calls is basically the same. The LAN user entry module is an integral part of the basic NetKeeper CRM program. The Internet module can be added to the system at any time. The program allows end users to enter and follow the progress of their requests, view their previous requests and even solve their own requests with SolutionsKeeper. The LAN and WEB User Entry modules turn the help desk into a self-service center and significantly reduce the number of calls to the help desk. If you are running NetKeeper Internet, see your NetKeeper Internet manual for operation and setup information. The simple and friendly structure of NETKEEPER USER HELP allows: • End users to initiate requests for service or assistance without the need to call the Help Desk. • Inquire about the status of a pending request. • Only your network limits full multi-user access, the number of simultaneous requests. • Solid file system, requests can be interrupted (power failure, machine reset) without data loss. • Full and automatic integration with NetKeeper CRM The LAN end-user Portal (end-user module) can be configured so the that the end-user does not need to remember the service call number. The user interface of the LAN end-user Portal can also be changed. The end-user can enter calls using the helpdesk.exe program (the main console is the nkahdcap.exe program). 189 NETKEEPER® CRM NETKEEPER USER HEL P M O DUL E The NetKeeper User Help module allows end users to send help or assistance requests directly to the help desk. You can configure the User Entry module either to display the Wizard to lead end users through the service call entry or to enter the service call without the Wizard. Enter a Requ est To enter a request • Start the User Help module • Click on Request Service • Fill in the form displayed and click on the SEND or OK button. User Entry Wizard (optional) When a user sends a new request, it is displayed on the Open Calls screen of the NetKeeper Help Desk program. The Help Desk staff can distinguish cases just entered by users (as opposed entered through Help Desk ) because the Help Desk Tech initials are displayed as *** The users fill in as much information as is necessary. Only the Last Name field must be filled in before the request can be mailed. All other information on the Service or Assistance Request is optional. 190 NETKEEPER® CRM Add a No te The end-user can also add a note to the call. When the end user adds a new note the tech can be automatically notified that a new note has arrived. Send the Servic e Requ est Pressing the SEND or OK button completes the form and sends it to the Help Desk. Once sent, only the Help Desk Personnel can modify or close the service request. To cancel a request the user can press the EXIT button. A request that has already been sent cannot be canceled. The SEND and EXIT selections are also available from the FILE menu selection. Once a request has been sent and accepted, the program will display the request number. The user should record the case number in order to view and track the progress of the service call request if this is the way you have configured the End User module . The request number can be used to display the current status of the case (or any other case). The program can also be set up so that the user can access requests by password. Retrieve a Requ est The end-user can retrieve a call in two ways: • By entering a call number (no login required) • By logging into the end-user module (LAN user portal). When the user logs in the system will display all the calls and history for that user. Most installation set up the LAN user portal for login by the end-users. The examples below show screen captures from the LAN User Portal (or end-user) module (included with the product) set up so that end-users can directly enter calls into the system. 191 NETKEEPER® CRM The program can be configured in many ways. The most popular way has users log in (with or without a password). Once logged in the users can enter a new request (Request Service) or view their history of previous calls or see the status of a current call ( Check Request Status) or search the knowledge base (Self help database). Inqu ire abo u tan Existing Case The NetKeeper User Entry Module can display the current status of a service request. To display the status of an existing case, select the Check Request Status button. To display a case history list, a password is required. You can configure the program to require passwords. The program will display the current status of the service request. The date when the request was last accessed and changed is displayed. Chec k Requ estStatu s If the user clicks on “Check Request Status” the program will display the history for the end-user. The history can include just the open calls or the open and the closed calls so the user can see how a previous question was answered. The end user can then display the detail and the status of the call by clicking “Detail” or double clicking on the service request. The end-user can also close the call so the call appears closed on his or her list (The assigned tech still has to close the call for the help desk). 192 NETKEEPER® CRM Co nfigu re The amount of detail displayed for the end users is configurable (as is most anything in NetKeeper). In this example, the user can see the call notes and the resolution. Ho w to Co nfigu re Configuring the end-user LAN module (included in the standard product) helpdesk.exe is done through the setup screens in the main console (nkahdcap.exe) The settings above will set up the LAN user portal to user the form (not the wizard) to enter new calls. A login will be required but without a password and the end-user will be able to see all notes. Automatic notification is not enabled in this particular setup but it can be enabled. 193 NETKEEPER® CRM Cu sto m ize You can also customize any screen in the end user module and in the main program to change the buttons, colors or fields. You may also remove one or more buttons or choices from the screens. This way you have a choice of how much functionality to offer the endusers. The Help Desk administrator can change the screens (Ctrl_S).. The changes made by the administrator will affect all users since NetKeeper programs are thin client and no software is installed at the users workstations. The user interface can be changed as can the colors and layout of the screens. The user interface is quite customizable, as are the screens. Colors and field positions can be changed to fit your requirements. Note NetKeeper Internet End User portal is also fully customizable and configurable. 194 NETKEEPER® CRM HOW TO SET UP A HEL P DESK Before you begin taking service calls, you should give some thought to how you would like to organize your help desk. Without well-defined procedures, your organization can become people dependent instead of process dependent. By planning your organization in advance, you will save time in the future. There are courses that you can take. Multima Corporation offers courses at various times during the year and there are other organizations that offer courses also. So m e Im po rtant Qu estio ns to A sk To avoid the excessive stress often associated with operating a Help Desk you must take time out to plan you Help Desk. The following is a short list of items that you may need to consider : • Do you have the full support from upper management? It is very difficult for a Help Desk to be successful without upper management support. • Do we have enough personnel to answer the phones, enter the service calls and actually perform the service? • Do you rotate personnel? Consider rotating your personnel so that the same person does not always have to answer the phones, often the most stressful area in the Help Desk. • Are the Help Desk computers up to par? Often the Help Desk gets “hand-medown” computers. In reality, the Help Desk needs fast computers with large screens. Fast computers will result in faster response and large screens allow for many windows to be opened simultaneously. • Has proper training been considered? • Are comfortable, hands free telephone sets provided? • Are there clear instructions to deal with problems and call escalation? • Are there plans to track user satisfaction with the Help Desk services? PL AN YOUR HEL P DESK By the time you realize that you need a help desk program, most likely you are overwhelmed with work. Your thoughts turn to finding a way to organize your workload, your staff and the users who are requesting service. When you started, you probably answered a few calls and gave a little advice. As your organization has grown and the computers and the software programs have become more complex, the demands for help have also grown. Without an organized help desk, a significant amount of time is wasted every day. Telephone message books just do not work. 195 NETKEEPER® CRM It is time to make a plan of action. Try to determine how you would like to set up your help desk. Your first concern should be inventory of personnel and equipment. If you are doing external support, then you will want to know the equipment or software installed at each site. By having some idea of the magnitude of your organization, you can choose the size of the help desk. INVENTO RY If the help desk will service users on an internal LAN or WAN, you should do a complete inventory of all the equipment and software on the network as well as stand-alone machines. We recommend that you use a LAN Inventory program such as NetKeeper Express or NetKeeper Configuration Manager because NetKeeper programs integrate seamlessly. You will be able to view the collected data in ‘real time’. A LAN Inventory program will audit all the workstations on the network automatically. NetKeeper will also audit stand-alones. The day you do the audit, have each user fill out a short form with their name, telephone, location, the serial number of their computer and any other pertinent information. You will then have a database of all the inventoried equipment and software as well as user’s names and locations. If your organization is small or you do not want to do an automated inventory, you can send a form to all computer users. Users can fill in names, locations, and basic computer information such as serial number, equipment type, make and model and software including versions that the user has installed. You will probably find, however, that even in a small organization, an automated inventory program is a more practical choice. For other items that you want to include in your database, you can use NetKeeper Bar Code Inventory. You simply scan the bar code labels attached to equipment. We can show you how to set up a bar code inventory. You can also use NetKeeper CRM to support any other equipment either for your location or for outside support. See the General Service Call screen. If you are using the help desk for outside support of software or other items, you can enter user information as you enter service calls or as you receive returned warranty cards to your company. NetKeeper CRM includes purchase information, lease, warranty, state and federal tax information. Once you have inventoried your system and printed some reports, you can now determine the size of the help desk that you will need. You will be very surprised at the number of machines that you have in your organization and the number of users that you will have to support. M AKE REPO RTS Install the help desk program and the entire inventory that you have gathered for your database. Before you start logging calls, make a few simple report forms so that you can run reports sorted by number of calls, reporting users or by problem type on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. You will want to look for trends. You want to know where your help desk gives most of their technical support. If you see the same equipment breaking down all the time, you may want to send a report to Accounting. If the same group of users call and have trouble with certain software applications, you may want to consider a training class for them. Your objective should be to reduce the number of calls to the help desk by solving 196 NETKEEPER® CRM and eliminating recurring problems. Also, effective reports will convince upper management that a corporate help desk is an important asset in the organization. EDUCA TE THE USERS Make sure that all perspective users understand the service commitments of the help desk. You want to develop a rapport and sense of cooperation between the help desk staff and the reporting users. Train your reporting users so that they know how and where to report the call. Also, explain to them the services that you will be offering. Promote training courses. After all, the better trained your reporting users are, the fewer calls, in particular simple calls, you will receive on the help desk. TRA IN YO UR STA FF Train your staff to take all calls. If you do not log all calls, you may not have a clear picture of your support needs. NetKeeper allows you to log simple calls in seconds. Make sure that they find out the nature of the request, first. If the user’s request does not pertain to your help desk, refer them to the appropriate person immediately. Efficiency is important. Your support staff may respond to some of the calls over the phone or assign technicians to solve the reporting user’s problem. Your staff can assign calls to technicians on the Service Call entry screen. Technicians can view work orders anywhere on the network. Train your technical support staff to pick up work orders on the network and to close the work orders by entering the time and date. You may want to assign an hourly rate so that you can charge departments or clients for service. Have the staff enter a short description of the problem solution in the note area so that your help file of previous solutions continues to grow. The support staff can view the Help file for solutions at any time. DEFINE YO UR PRIO RITIES Define priorities and teach your staff how to use the priority notation. Be sure to review your final list with the entire staff to confirm that everyone has the same expectations. Define escalation rules. You can assign a priority to each user that will automatically appear on the Service Call screen. Some users and departments may have higher priorities than others. Set up a list of names of technical support staff to whom you can assign calls. List the required activities for each staff member 's role. Each work order activity has a number of duties associated with it. Define the activities carefully and set expectations so that there are few conflicts and role duplications. Train your staff in the activities that you want each member to control. 197 NETKEEPER® CRM KEEP USERS INFO RM ED It is important to keep your reporting users informed of the progress and actions taken for each call. Make sure your staff records user satisfaction. There are three variables for user satisfaction. You can define one as promptness in responding to the call, the next as satisfactory solution to the service call and the third as courteousness of the support staff, for example. It is important to have feed back from the reporting users so that you can maintain the highest level of support on your help desk. O RGANIZE Organize your help desk so that you can manage increased call volume. Real time management includes projecting call volume, daily variances and staff requirements. When the call volume picks up, you should have a game plan for moving your staff efficiently to handle all the calls. Reporting users can also enter their own service calls using the User Entry Module. The support staff can view the requests and assign technicians. Of course, it will only work if the workstation is running. There is also an on-line help system that users can access. Solutions to simple problems are listed and easily retrieved. Since ninety percent of the calls for technical support are repetitive and have easy solutions, you should encourage users to look in the help file first before calling the help desk. If you take a little time to organize your help desk and train your staff, you will save a great deal of time in the long run. 198 NETKEEPER® CRM CA SE STUDIES O F NETKEEPER CRM NetKeeper CRM can support internal users (employees), external users (customers) or a mix of both. You can set up and use NetKeeper CRM for different support situations. We will use three hypothetical cases to show you some of the support options available in NetKeeper CRM. • Case 1: IT department for a manufacturing concern. Support 4000 employees and 10 techs at the Help Desk. • Case 2: MIS for a Marketing Firm with 2000 independent sales persons and 5 techs answering calls at the help desk. • Case 3: Support department of a software company. The company sells point-of-sale terminals and has an installed base of 2300 accounts. Each account can have one or more stores. Case 1 :ITdepartm entfo r a m anu fac tu ring c o nc ern The IT department supports the employee’s PC and the software applications used throughout the company. The IT department is a little short handed and would like to minimize the call volume into the Help Desk and encourage users to self-help. To accomplish the IT’s goals, the Help Desk manager will use: • NetKeeper CRM to track calls • NetKeeper Express to audit the employee’s PC and build an employee data base • NetKeeper End-User Entry module to allow end-users to use the LAN to look up solutions in the SolutionsKeeper database, enter service requests, check the progress of existing service requests. The Help Desk manager will publish the Top 10 requests and their solutions on the company’s internal intranet. NetKeeper CRM will automatically generate the HTML pages to publish the Top 10 Requests. All the necessary software is included in NetKeeper CRM. The program will be set so that service requests with priority level 4 or higher are received, the assigned tech will be automatically e-mailed and when the service request is level 2 or higher, the assigned tech will be paged. This automatic notification applies to service calls entered by either the end-users or the help desk techs. Setu p: Using the Global Options screen (UTILITIES | SETUP DATA) the administrator will: • Set priority names for 5 priority levels. The other priority levels won’t be used and are left blank. • Set the minimum priority levels to send e-mail and alphanumeric pages. • Set alpha numeric page mode and enable the e-mail and the paging system • Define the various types of To-Dos • Enable the auto dialer 199 NETKEEPER® CRM • Define the address field for the service call to include a few extra fields such as a department number and wall plate number • Set up the User Entry options to require employee login and passwords to login new service requests • Also, enter defaults for the PO system such as Bill To, Ship To, Tax information The administrator can also use the Option’s screen customization features to change some of the screen legends and make some fields required. Use: The HelpDesk rec eives a c all • Click on the “Ringing Telephone” (new service request button) • Click the lower lookup button next to the address field to display a list of the LAN users. NetKeeper Express automatically collected the data in this list. • Highlight an entry and click SELECT to select a user The program will automatically fill important fields in the service call request form. The address field also includes several additional fields that were defined in the program setup screens. • Click the request lookup button and select a request • Link the likely solutions into the request. The program will also automatically set the priority to the highest priority selected. • Click OK to save the request. Since the request carries a priority level of 2, the assigned tech will be e-mailed and paged. Caller self help A caller who requires assistance can look up the most often requested questions on the company’s intranet. If the problem persists, the caller can click on a shortcut on their desktop and enter a service request directly into the database. In either case, no help desk software is installed at the user’s workstation since NetKeeper programs are “thin programs” and all components are installed at the server. 200 NETKEEPER® CRM Case 2 : M IS fo r a M arketing Firm w ith 2 0 0 0 independentsales perso ns and 5 tec hs answ ering c alls atthe helpdesk. The MIS department supports about 60 employees and 2000 independent sales persons who own their own computers and run a custom sales application as well as sales procedures. The sales’persons roam the entire country and need support 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The sales persons use the World Wide Web to communicate with the company. The Help Desk is very short handed because of the high requirements needed to support the very complex custom software. However, the sales persons tend to ask the same questions since there is basically only one application to support. The sales persons are charged when they make more than three calls to the help desk personnel per month. This encourages the sales persons to self-help and to submit their own requests instead of calling the Help Desk. To support the 60 internal employees, the company will set up NetKeeper CRM in a manner similar as in case 1. • To support the external sales persons the Help Desk manager will use NetKeeper CRM to track service requests and use the tier 3 (contacts) level to track sales person’s data, service requests and to-do items needed to support the sales persons. • Place the entire SolutionsKeeper database of Requests and Solutions on the company WEB site in standard HTML for access by the tech and sales staff. These standard HTML pages can be viewed with very little bandwidth requirements and through any browser. • The Help Desk manager will use NetKeeper CRM Internet to allow the sales persons to enter service requests without calling the help desk and to check on the progress of a service request. The sales persons can also look at their call history to review an old solution. The Help Desk manager liked this solution very much since no help desk software had to be installed at any of the sales person’s PCs since the sales person interfaces through the PC’s WEB browser. The WEB support is available 24 hours a day and seven days a week. The Help Desk manager can set the program to automatically page a designated tech if a sales person enters a request for a very urgent or very high priority level. Super achiever sales person’s can be assigned a higher priority and the program will always select the highest priority level specified for the request or the sales person. All the software required is included in NetKeeper CRM Internet. Setu p: Using the Global Options screen (UTILITIES | SETUP DATA) the administrator will: • Set Priority names for 9 priority levels. • Enter defaults for the PO system • Set the minimum priority levels to send e-mail and alphanumeric pages. • Set alpha numeric page mode • Enable the e-mail and the paging system • Define the various types of To-Dos 201 NETKEEPER® CRM • Enable the auto dialer. • Define the address field for the service call to include the sales person ID number and support level. • Set up the Internet End-User module to require passwords and login. • Set up the Internet End-User module to allow end users to review case notes and to add notes to existing cases in real time. • Use the screen customization features to change some of the screen legends and make some fields required. Use: The HelpDesk rec eives a c all • Click on the “Ringing Telephone” (new service request button) • Enter the sales person’s ID number, name telephone or other ID into the address field and double click on the field. The program searches the sales person list and automatically retrieves the sales person’s information. The program will automatically fill important fields in the service call request form. The address field also includes the additional fields that were defined in the program setup screens. • Click the request lookup button and select a request and link the likely solutions into the request. The program will also automatically set the priority to the highest priority selected. • Click OK to save the request. The assigned tech will be e-mailed or paged depending on the request’s priority level. Sales Perso n self-help Sales Persons can visit the Company’s WEB site and browse through the request and solutions SolutionsKeeper database to locate a solution to a problem or to check a sales tip or sales method. Sales staff can access the help desk from anywhere and at anytime through the browser in their PC. The sales person can enter a service request or check on the progress of a pending request and even add notes to an existing service request or have a tech paged at any time. Sales persons will probably never call the Help Desk directly except when unable to access the WEB. 202 NETKEEPER® CRM Case 3: Su ppo rtdepartm ento f a so ftw are c o m pany. The support department supports over 2000 customer sites that use the point-of-sale. Some sites operate on a 24-hour basis. The support costs have been a significant burden on the company. To lower the support cost while maintaining high level of customer satisfaction upper management has asked the Help Desk department to implement a help desk system that tracks and prioritizes customer service requests and yet enables the company’s customer base to self-help on less important issues. At most customer sites, there is high employee turnover so the service requests are not tracked by employee but by store. Still it is desirable to track the name of the person that requested the service. The company also needs to track the support costs to be able to bill some customers with the support costs. The Help Desk administrator will place selected portions of the SolutionsKeeper database of Requests and Solutions on the company WEB site in standard HTML. These standard HTML pages can be viewed with very little bandwidth requirements and through any browser. This Request and Solutions database will help support existing customers as well as offer per-sales support. The Help Desk administrator will use NetKeeper CRM Internet to allow some end-users to enter service requests without calling the help desk and to check on the progress of a service request. These high-end, high-priority end-users will be able to page their assigned tech at any time. The end-users can also look at their call history to review an old solution. Endusers will not be able to create their own accounts. The help desk staff will control the creation of new WEB accounts. The end-users will access the WEB Help Desk through an ordinary browser and have access to the Help Desk database without requiring access rights to the Help Desk database. NetKeeper CRM serves in real time a dynamic HTML representation of the database without requiring direct user access to the database. The WEB support is available 24 hours a day and seven days a week. All the software required is included in NetKeeper CRM Internet. Setu p: Using the Global Options screen (UTILITIES | SETUP DATA) the administrator will • Set priority names for 9 priority levels. • Enter defaults for the PO system • Set the minimum priority levels to send e-mail and alphanumeric pages. • Set alpha numeric page mode • Enable the e-mail and the paging system • Define the various types of To-Dos • Enable the auto dialer. • Define the address field for the service call to include the account name, store name, location and ID number. • Set up the Internet End-User module to require passwords and login but not to create their own accounts. • Set up the Internet End-User module to allow end users to review case notes and to add notes to existing cases in real time. 203 NETKEEPER® CRM • Rename tier 1 as “Account” and tier 2 as “Store” to reflect the hierarchy of the customer base. • Use the screen customization features to change some of the screen and list legends and make some fields required. • Import the existing data into the Account and Store tables and set up the help desk tech e-mail and alphanumeric page information. • Next, set up to Internet accounts for the high priority end-users. • Set the default lookup to display the Organization list and display all three organizational tiers (Account-Store-Contact). The call history call will display the Store’s call history. Use: The HelpDesk rec eives a c all • Click on the “Ringing Telephone” (new service request button) • Enter the customer’s ID number, name, telephone or other ID or field from the account or store records into the address field and double click on the field. The program searches the database and automatically retrieves the correct information. A pick list is displayed if there is more than one match. The program automatically fills important fields in the service call request form. The address field also includes the additional fields that were defined in the program setup screens. The program automatically selects the address field from the contact data, store data or account data depending on which one is available. • Click the request lookup button and select a request • Link the likely solutions into the request. The program will also automatically set the priority to the highest priority selected. • Click OK to save the request. The assigned tech will be e-mailed or paged depending on the request’s priority level. From the service request screen, the help desk tech can check both the call history for the store and the request history for the user’s request. The help desk personnel can also use the organizational list to view a call history summary for the account or the store and enter service requests by drilling down from the organizational list. This method is useful when a service request is not requested by the enduser but is entered by company sales person or company executive. End-u ser self-help Prospects and end-users can visit the Company’s WEB site and browse through the request and solutions SolutionsKeeper database to locate a solution to a problem or to view operation tips. Only selected entries on the SolutionsKeeper database are available to the end-users. High priority end-user with a valid WEB account can access the help desk from anywhere and at anytime through the browser in their PC. The end-user can enter a service request or check on the progress of a pending request. The end-user can even add notes to an existing service request or have a tech paged at any time. Providing access for high-priority end-users will improve customer satisfaction and lower support costs. 204 NETKEEPER® CRM A PPENDIX ADVANCED TO PICS Pictures String @S All string pictures begin with @S. length Determines the number of characters in the picture format. A string picture describes an unformatted string of a specific length. Example: Name STRING(@S20) !A 20 character string field Numeric and Currency @N All numeric and currency pictures begin with @N. currency Either a dollar sign ($) or a string constant enclosed in tildes (~). When it precedes the sign indicator and there is no fill indicator, the currency symbol "floats" to the left of the high order digit. If there is a fill indicator, the currency symbol remains fixed in the leftmost position. If the currency indicator follows the size and grouping, it appears at the end of the number displayed. sign Specifies the display format for negative numbers. If a hyphen precedes the fill and size indicators, negative numbers will display with a leading minus sign. If a hyphen follows the size, grouping, places, and currency indicators, negative numbers will display with a trailing minus sign. If parentheses are placed in both positions, negative numbers will be displayed enclosed in parentheses. To prevent ambiguity, a trailing minus sign should always have grouping specified. fill Specifies leading zeros, spaces, or asterisks (*) in any leading zero positions, and suppresses grouping. If the fill indicator is omitted, leading zeros are suppressed. 0 (zero) Produces leading zeroes _ (underscore) Produces leading spaces * (asterisk) Produces leading asterisks size 205 NETKEEPER® CRM The size is required to specify the total number of significant digits to display, including the number of digits in the places indicator and any formatting characters. grouping A grouping symbol, other than a comma (the default), can appear right of the size indicator to specify a three digit group separator. To prevent ambiguity, a hyphen grouping indicator should also specify the sign. . (period) Produces periods - (hyphen) Produces hyphens _ (underscore) Produces spaces places Specifies the decimal separator symbol and the number of decimal digits. The number of decimal digits must be less than the size. The decimal separator may be a period (.), grave accent (' ) (produces periods grouping unless overridden), or the letter "v" (used only for STRING field storage declarations not for display). . (period) Produces a period ' (grave accent) Produces a comma v Produces no decimal separator B Specifies blank display whenever its value is zero. The numeric and currency pictures format numeric values for screen display or in reports. If the value is greater than the maximum value the picture can display, a string of asterisks is displayed. Example: Numeric @N9 @N_9B @N09 @N*9 @N9_ @N9. Result Format 4,550,000 Nine digits, group with commas (default) 4550000 Nine digits, no grouping, leading blanks if zero 004550000 Nine digits, leading zero ***45,000 Nine digits, asterisk fill, group with commas 4 550 000 Nine digits, group with spaces 4.550.000 Nine digits, group with periods Decimal @N9.2 @N_9.2B Result Format 4,550.75 Two decimal places, period decimal separator 4550.75 Two decimal places, period decimal separator, no grouping, blank if zero 4550,75 Two decimal places, comma decimal separator 4.550,75 Comma decimal separator, group with periods 4 550,75 Comma decimal separator, group with spaces, @N_9'2 @N9.'2 @N9_'2 206 NETKEEPER® CRM Signed @N-9.2B @N9.2@N(10.2) Dollar Currency @N$9.2B @N$10.2@N$(11.2) Result Format -2,347.25 Leading minus sign, blank if zero 2,347.25- Trailing minus sign (2,347.25) Enclosed in parenthesis when negative Result Format $2,347.25 Leading dollar sign, blank if zero $2,347.25- Leading dollar sign, trailing minus when negative $(2,347.25) Leading dollar sign, in parens when negative Int'l Currency @N12_'2~ F~ @N~L. ~12' @N~£~12.2 @N~kr~12'2 @N~DM~12'2 @N12_'2~ mk~ @N12'2~ kr~ Result Format 1 5430,50 F France L. 1.430.050 Italy £1,240.50 United Kingdom kr1.430,50 Norway DM1.430,50 Germany 1 430,50 mk Finland 1.430,50 kr Sweden Date Picture n Determines the date picture format. Date picture formats range from 1 through 18. A leading zero (0) indicates a zero-filled day or month. s A separation character between the month, day, and year components. If omitted, the slash ( / ) appears. . (period) Produces periods ' (grave accent) Produces commas - (hyphen) Produces hyphens _ (underscore) Produces spaces B Specifies that the format displays as blank when the value is zero. direction A right or left angle bracket (> or <) that specifies the "Intellidate" direction (> indicates future, < indicates past) for the range parameter. Valid only on date pictures with two-digit years. range An integer constant in the range of zero (0) to ninety-nine (99) that specifies the "Intellidate" century for the direction parameter. Valid only on date pictures with two-digit years. If omitted, the default value is 80. Dates may be stored in numeric variables (usually LONG), a DATE field (for Btrieve compatibility), or in a STRING declared with a date picture. A date stored in a numeric 207 NETKEEPER® CRM variable is called a "Clarion Standard Date." The stored value is the number of days since December 28, 1800. The date picture token converts the value into one of the date formats. The century for dates in any picture with a two-digit year is resolved using "Intellidate" logic. Date pictures that do not specify direction and range parameters assume the date falls in the range of the next 20 or previous 80 years. The direction and range parameters allow you to change this default. The direction parameter specifies whether the range specifies the future or past value. The opposite direction then receives the opposite value (100-range) so that any two-digit year results in the correct century. For example, the picture @D1>60 specifies using the appropriate century for each year 60 years in the future and 40 years in the past. If the current year is 1996, when the user enters "5/01/40," the date is in the year 2040, and when the user enters "5/01/60," the date is in the year 1960. Example: Picture Format Result @D1 @D1>40 @D01 @D2 @D3 @D4 @D5 @D6 @D7 @D8 @D9 @D10 @D11 @D12 @D13 @D14 @D15 mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yyyy mmm dd, yyyy mmmmmmmmm dd, yyyy dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yyyy dd mmm yy dd mmm yyyy yy/mm/dd yyyy/mm/dd yymmdd yyyymmdd mm/yy mm/yyyy yy/mm 10/31/59 10/31/59 !This defaults to 1959 01/01/95 10/31/1959 OCT 31,1959 October 31, 1959 31/10/59 31/10/1959 31 OCT 59 31 OCT 1959 59/10/31 1959/10/31 591031 19591031 10/59 10/1959 59/10 @D16 @D17 yyyy/mm 1959/10 Windows Control Panel setting for Short Date Windows Control Panel setting for Long Date Alternate separators mm.dd.yy mm-dd-yyyy dd mm yy dd,mm,yyyy Period separator Dash separator Underscore produces space separator Grave accent produces comma separator @D18 @D1. @D2@D5_ @D6' 208 NETKEEPER® CRM Time Pictures @T All time pictures begin with @T. n Determines the time picture format. Time picture formats range from 1 through 8. A leading zero (0) indicates zero-filled hours. s A separation character. By default, colon ( : ) characters appear between the hour, minute, and second components of certain time picture formats. The following s indicators provide an alternate separation character for these formats. . (period) Produces periods ' (grave accent) Produces commas - (hyphen) Produces hyphens _ (underscore) Produces spaces B Specifies that the format displays as blank when the value is zero. Times may be stored in a numeric variable (usually a LONG), a TIME field (for Btrieve compatibility), or in a STRING declared with a time picture. A time stored in a numeric variable is called a "Standard Time." The stored value is the number of hundredths of a second since midnight. The picture token converts the value to one of the six time formats. Example: Picture Format Result @T1 hh:mm 17:30 @T2 hhmm 1730 @T3 hh:mmXM 5:30PM @T03 hh:mmXM 05:30PM @T4 hh:mm:ss 17:30:00 @T5 hhmmss @T6 hh:mm:ssXM @T7 Windows Control Panel setting for Short Time @T8 Windows Control Panel setting for Long Time 173000 5:30:00PM Alternate separators @T1. Period separator @T1- hh-mm Dash separator @T3_ hh mmXM Underscore produces space separator @T4' hh,mm,ss Grave accent produces comma separator Pattern Pictures 209 NETKEEPER® CRM @P All pattern pictures begin with the @P delimiter and end with the P delimiter. The case of the delimiters must be the same. < Specifies an integer position that is blank when zero. # Specifies an integer position. x Represents optional display characters. These characters appear in the final result string. P All pattern pictures must end with P. If a lower case @p delimiter is used, the ending P delimiter must also be lower case. B Specifies that the format displays as blank when the value is zero. Pattern pictures contain optional integer positions and optional edit characters. Any character other than < or # is considered an edit character which will appear in the formatted picture string. The @P and P delimiters are case sensitive. Therefore, an upper case "P" can be included as an edit character if the delimiters are both lower case "p" and vice versa. Pattern pictures do not recognize decimal points, in order to permit the period to be used as an edit character. Therefore, the value formatted by a pattern picture should be an integer. If a floating point value is formatted by a pattern picture, only the integer portion of the number will appear in the result. Example: Picture Value Result @P###-##-####P 215846377 215-84-6377 @P<#/##/##P 103159 10/31/59 @P(###)###-####P 3057854555 (305)785-4555 @P###/###-####P 7854555 000/785-4555 @p<#:##PMp 530 5:30PM @P<#' <#"P 506 5' 6" @P<#lb. <#oz.P 902 9lb. 2oz. @P4##A-#P 112 411A-2 @PA##.C#P 312.45 A31.C2 210 NETKEEPER® CRM CREA TE O R M O DIFY A REPO RT Set the database in a Crystal Report. Use these steps when creating a new report or modifying an existing report so that the report will run correctly from within the NetKeeper Console. Step Make a backup copy of the report you need to modify. Comments Can’t have too many backups. Start Crystal Report Writer and open the report (.rpt) file to view the report definition. Click DATABASE on the main menu Click SET LOCATION Use the Set Location function to set the location of the database and tables in the report definition. In this example we need to set the location for the table named SCMNk 211 NETKEEPER® CRM Step Click Set Location Comments Crystal displays the data explorer. Use this screen to set the data source. Click MORE DATA SOURCES Use the MORE DATA SOURCES to select the Microsoft SQL Server driver. Use the Microsoft SQL driver even though the standard ODBC driver will also work. 212 NETKEEPER® CRM Step Click on the (+) sign next to Microsoft SQL Server Comments SQL server will now ask you to login unless you are already logged in to SQL server. Logout from SQL Server if you are already logged in to make sure that you are logged in to the right server. Enter your Server name, User ID, password and database if you are using server based authentication. OR Enter your Server name and database name if using trusted connection. Trusted connection is the preferred method if you can login either way. The default database name for NetKeeper is “NetKeeper” (without the quotes) but your DBA may have created the database under a different name. Make sure you use the correct database name or you will access the wrong data set. 213 NETKEEPER® CRM Step Click OK to login to your SQL Server Comments Crystal will display the selected database (NetKeeper) and all its tables. Scroll down and find the SCMNK table. In this example we are setting the location of the SCMNK table. You may need to set a different table name but the process will be the same. 214 NETKEEPER® CRM Step Click SET to set the database location. Crystal will then return to the SET LOCATION screen. Comments The location of SCMNk is now set. Some reports have more than one table and you may need to set the location of each table unless Crystal prompts you if you want to propagate the changes to all tables. Click YES or OK to set the location of all tables to the same server and database. Click DONE to complete setting the database location. Crystal may ask “ The database file has changed. Proceed to fix the report? Crystal may also ask you to MAP one or more fields in the database. This indicates that either the database in SQL server has new fields or that the field selection in the report was incorrect. In either case you must map all fields in the reports or Crystal will drop the fields from the report. Answer YES or OK to save your changes and update the database layout in the report. 215 NETKEEPER® CRM RUN REPO RTS NetKeeper reports are built using Crystal Report Writer®. To run a report you must first register the report. The registration is required to run a report included with NetKeeper or to run a report that you created using the Report Writer. Registering a report is very simple, you just add the report to the Reports Available list. To run the report, locate the report on the list and double click on the report or click the Run Report button. The standard NetKeeper Reports are listed in the “reports” folder in the NetKeeper folder (directory). Notes: • To run a report built with Crystal Reports you need either the run-time Crystal Report engine or the Crystal Reports program installed on your PC. Crystal Reports also provides options to run the reports from a browser. This option lets you continue with the “thin client” NetKeeper design where no additional components are installed on the workstation. • The installation file of Crystal Reports run-time can be found on your NetKeeper CD in the CR or CR8 folder. Run the installation file to install the Crystal Reports run time on a workstation. • When running a report NetKeeper sends Crystal Reports the login string defined in the NetKeeper Global Options area. Crystal Reports uses this login string to login to the NetKeeper SQL database. The reports won’t run if Crystal cannot login to the database. The run-time engine does not report an error, it simply closes down. Run the report from the Crystal Reports program to check what the login parameters are for the report and adjust the login string accordingly. Depending on the settings on your SQL server you may need to create a user for the NetKeeper application and login to the SQL server using this login or your reports will not run properly. 216 NETKEEPER® CRM Registerthe Repo rt Step Click Reports on the NetKeeper main menu Comments Click List Reports and Merge Definitions to display the Reports Available list. Your Reports Available list may be empty. To make it easier to find a report the list shows reports grouped by report categories. To expand the tree: • click the (+) symbol • right mouse click on the category line and select expand • press CTRL-right arrow Click INSERT to add the very first entry. Click on a category line and click INSERT to add other entries to the list. You can name the categories per your requirements, there are no pre-set names. Highlight a category and click INSERT to add a link to the merge document. Just press INSERT if the list is empty. Pick the category (you may need to enter one) and enter the merge report description. The other fields on this tab are not required when defining a merge document link. A new category header is automatically created when entering a new Category in the New Report Description screen. 217 NETKEEPER® CRM Step Click on the ellipsis button (… ) and find the report that you are registering. Comments You can also type the full path to the report in the Report File Name field. The Window Title is the screen label for the preview screen in Crystal Report Writer. Optionally set the window title. The Selection Data area is optional The selection formula and selection query fields are optional fields. These fields are only used when the report uses these fields. They have no effect if the report does not use these fields. Click OK to save the data and register the report. System reports, such as the report used to print Service Call via the Print Call button, are registered and linked to the button in the SETUP area. However, you can also register the same reports here if you want to run them as regular reports. 218 NETKEEPER® CRM Ru n a repo rt Step Click Reports on the NetKeeper main menu Comments Click List Reports and Merge Definitions to display the Reports Available list. To expand the tree: • click the (+) symbol • right mouse click on the category line and select expand • press CTRLright arrow Expand the correct Category and highlight the report you want to run. To expand the tree: • click the (+) symbol • right mouse click on the category line and select expand • press CTRLright arrow Double click on the selected reports or click the Run Report button to run the report. 219 NETKEEPER® CRM The program will display the Report Options dialog. Select the options as needed and click RUN to run the report. Crystal Reports will display the report to your screen if you select Preview Report. Use this option if you don’t want to print the report. 220 NETKEEPER® CRM SET UP PRIO RITY L EVEL S You can create as many priority levels as needed though we recommend that you create the least number possible. Too many priority levels create operational problems, as priorities are not assigned consistently. Priority “1” is the highest priority; you can label the priority as needed to describe the priority level. Note: You must create priority “0” if you need to enter requests without a priority level. Priority “0” indicates no priority defined. Priority data setup Login as ADM to the Console program Comments Only the ADM account has access to the setup area. Click UTILITIES Displays the Utilities menu Click SETUP DATA Displays the setup dialogs Click RESET DEFAULT PRIORITIES The program will create the default priorities in the PMTNk table. Step WARNING: This function will overwrite the existing priority data! The program creates 9 priority levels and a “0” level that defines “No Priority” defined for a case. 221 NETKEEPER® CRM Click PRIORITY DATA TABLE to view the currently defined priority levels. Comments The priority table lists the contents of the priority table, PMYNK To add a new priority level, click the INSERT button and add the new information. Priority is the priority level, for example “2” Step Use the Description field to define the priority level. To change an existing priority level, click the CHANGE button on the priority levels list. To delete a priority level, highlight the entry and click the DELETE button on the priority levels list. 222 Due In Hrs. – Defines the number of working hours before an item at this priority is due. The number of working hours per day is defined via the “Set Work Hours” function. Changing the Due In Hrs. entry will only affect items entered after the change. Deleting priority levels currently in use may result in items without the priority description but the priority level will still be recorded. NETKEEPER® CRM Step To set the number of work hours per day click the SET WORK HOURS button. Enter the work hours per day data. Comments You can define workhours for weekdays, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Leave the START TIME field blank if you don’t work in that period. Also leave the corresponding Total Work Hours at “0.00”. The program will use the Start Time and Total Work Hours and Due In Hrs. fields to calculate the due date of items such as service requests and to-dos. Click OK to save the data. 223 NETKEEPER® CRM CO NVERT FRO M NETKEEPER ISA M to NETKEEPER SQL Step Download and install the NetKeeper ISAM to SQL converter program. To download the Converter program go to: Scroll down the page until you find a link that says: Start download NetKeeper HD Captain 6.32 to NK HD SQL 7 Comments The NetKeeper ISAM programs are NetKeeper programs that use files served from a file server. This is the source data for the conversion. The ISAM files will be converted into SQL tables on your Microsoft® SQL Server database. The conversion program works with any version of Microsoft SQL 7 or higher. Always scan for viruses any file downloaded from the Internet, even from safe sites. Click on the link to download the NKCNV632.EXE setup and installation file to your computer. Record the folder where you placed the downloaded file. Run and install the conversion program. Open Windows Explorer and double click on the NKCNV632.EXE downloaded file to install the converter program. Install the converter program to its own folder, do not install in an existing folder. The NKCNV632.EXE setup file will install CONVERT.EXE and several SQL script files. Check that your NetKeeper Help Desk Captain database is version v6.32 or higher. Upgrade if necessary. Check that your NetKeeper database is not damaged and does not include duplicate records. Run the CSRT utility on your main tables if necessary. To run CSRT: Open a DOS window Navigate to the NetKeeper directory At the prompt type: CSRT <tablename> Where <tablename> is the name of the table Example: CSRT SCMNK The CSRT utility should complete without errors. 224 NETKEEPER® CRM Step Start the MS SQL Enterprise Manager program. Comments Enterprise Manager is the main administrative tool in MS SQL Server. Use your MS SQL CD to install the MS SQL Enterprise Manager utility. Create the NetKeeper database on your Microsoft SQL server. (NetKeeper requires MS SQL server v 7.0 or above) Start with a fresh database created just for this purpose. Do not use a “test” database that you may have created previously. Using an existing database may result in an incorrect database layout. To Create the database: Right mouse click on the DATABASE object in Enterprise Manager. Name the new database “NetKeeper” Click New Database You can name your database any name you want but we suggest that you use “NetKeeper” Accept all the other defaults that MS SQL suggests in the Database Properties dialog. Click OK to create the new database. 225 NETKEEPER® CRM Step The new “NetKeeper” database is now displayed in the Enterprise Manager DATABASE tree. Comments Click on the “+” to expand the database tree if necessary. The new NetKeeper database is ready for use. Delete and recreate the NetKeeper database if something does not look right or the database is damaged during the conversion. Backup your existing ISAM NetKeeper Help Desk Program and data. This is a precaution; you just can’t have too many backups! Make a temporary copy of your NetKeeper Help Desk Captain directory. In any case, you will be working with a COPY of your working data. Use the COPY as the source directory for the conversion program to avoid any problems with your original data. Use the Windows Explorer to make a copy of the entire NetKeeper directory that holds your existing program and data. Start the Microsoft SQL Server Query Analyzer and select NetKeeper as the database in the DB window. The Microsoft SQL Server Query Analyzer will be used to run a series of commands (a SQL script) that will create the database layout and settings required by NetKeeper. Experienced SQL users can modify the scripts to suit special needs but normally the scripts are used without modifications. 226 NETKEEPER® CRM Step Click on the Load SQL Script button and load the nkdct2.sql script from the Converter folder. Comments The Converter folder is the folder where you installed the CONVERT.EXE program from the file downloaded from the Internet. Double check that you are using the nkdct2.sql script from the Converter folder and not from any other folder. Using the wrong version of nkdct2.sql may results in errors in later steps of the data conversion. Double check that the NetKeeper database is selected as the default database in the DB box. Running a script on the wrong database can erase or damage existing databases! Damaging someone else’s data is a good way to ruin a friendship. Click the EXECUTE QUERY button to run the SQL script. The nkdct2.sql script will create the basic table layouts in the NetKeeper Database. The SQL script should complete without errors. 227 NETKEEPER® CRM Step Click on the Load SQL Script button and load the guidtrig.sql script from the Converter folder. Click the EXECUTE QUERY button to run the SQL script. Run the CONVERT.EXE program to convert your existing data into the SQL database. To run the CONVERT.EXE program: Run Windows Explorer and find the CONVERT.EXE program. 228 Comments Double check that you are using the guidtrig.sql script from the Converter Folder and not from any other folder. The SQL script should complete without errors. The error “ CREATE UNIQUE ERROR terminated because a duplicate key was found” usually indicates that the GUID field is blank or filled with blanks. The field should on contain a NULL before running the script. This condition is usually due to a “non-empty” database. Delete and recreate the NetKeeper database to correct this problem. The CONVERT.EXE program was installed in a previous step using the file downloaded from the Internet. NETKEEPER® CRM Step Double click on the CONVERT.EXE program to run the program. Click Select All Files to convert all files. This is the default. Comments Press the SPACE bar to deselect / reselect a file to convert. This is useful if a source file is damaged and will not convert. You can rerun the CONVERT.EXE program and convert just one file but you must first make sure that the matching table is empty in your SQL database. Use the SQL TRUNCATE TABLE command to empty a SQL table. TRUNCATE TABLE (T-SQL) Removes all rows from a table without logging the individual row deletes. Syntax TRUNCATE TABLE name A rgu m ents name Is the name of the table to truncate or remove all rows from. Click “Start the conversion” to initiate the data conversion. Confirm that you did backup your datafiles (and your program files) to proceed. Do not interrupt the conversion process. Delete and re-create the NetKeeper database, then redo the conversion if the conversion process is interrupted. 229 NETKEEPER® CRM Step Select the NetKeeper Captain data source directory (folder) Comments The Captain data source is the directory (folder) containing the COPY of your original NetKeeper data. Login to SQL server The conversion will not work if you don’t have the correct rights into the MS SQL Server database. Login with administrator rights to insure that the conversion process can create and modify database objects. Wait until the CONVERT.EXE program ends The CONVERT.EXE will convert file by file and populate the SQL database tables. The top of the dialog indicates which file is being converted. Once CONVERT.EXE is done your data is now in the SQL database. All that remains to be done is bring the SQL database to the current release layout. 230 NETKEEPER® CRM Step Create a full-text catalog server for your database. The NetKeeper database is fully text indexed. A text server must be created in SQL Server to maintain the text index. To create thefull-text catalog: Open MS SQL Enterprise Manager Expand the DATABASE object until you can see the NETKEEPER database Comments The full-text catalog server is a separate service that also needs to be defined before it is available for use. Right mouse click on the Full-Text Catalog object in the NetKeeper database object. Right click on an object always displays the available actions for the object. 231 NETKEEPER® CRM Step Click NEW FULL-TEXT CATALOG to create a new Full-Text catalog. Comments Name the new Full-Text Catalog “NetKeeper_Text” You can also define when and how the Full-Text Catalog will be populated. The FullText Catalog will be empty until you build the catalog, this is not an automatic process and needs to be repeated periodically of the Full-Text Catalog will be empty or out-of-date. Click OK to create the Full-Text Catalog Click on the Load SQL Script button and load the nkcvt702.sql script from the Converter folder. MAKE SURE THAT THE NETKEEPER DATABASE IS SELECTED IN THE DB BOX Click the EXECUTE QUERY button to run the SQL script. Double check that you are using the nkcvt702.sql script from the Converter Folder and not from any other folder. Double check that the NetKeeper database is selected as the default database in the DB box. Running a script on the wrong database can erase or damage existing databases! Damaging someone else’s data is a good way to ruin a friendship. The script should complete without errors. The database is now ready for use and at revision level 7.02 Backup your new database. 232 Always a good idea to backup your converted SQL database. NETKEEPER® CRM Step Install your new NetKeeper Help Desk or NetKeeper CRM software and run the NetKeeper Console program. Comments Don’t run the database creation scripts per the installation instructions since you have already created the database. Optional: Convert to a level above v7.02 The database layout must match the data requirements of the program or the program will return error 47 – Mismatched database. The conversion program and the conversion scripts will convert your ISAM NetKeeper Help Desk data to SQL NetKeeper Help Desk version 7.02. You need to run additional scripts if your new NetKeeper Help Desk or NetKeeper CRM program’s version is higher than 7.02 See the Installation section of the software and the readme.txt file for additional upgrade information. You don’t have to run other scripts if your NetKeeper software version is 7.02 To convert to a higher level run the SQL conversion scripts supplied with your version of NetKeeper Software. The scripts will be located in the SQLscrpt folder of the NetKeeper SQL software folder. 233 NETKEEPER® CRM Im po rtsc reen c u sto m izatio n data to the NSM NK table Use for language customization, also. Step Comments Back up your program and data. Use this backup to restore your database should you need to do so. Double check that you have made a good backup. Start query analyzer This utility is included with the Microsoft® SQL Server client. Select your database name (usually ‘NetKeeper’) before executing the query Run the query “truncate table nsmnk” to clear the nsmnk table of all data. Start Enterprise Manager Right-mouse click on the database name and select IMPORT DATA 234 The Enterprise Manager is a utility included with MS SQL Server Setting up the DTS (Data Transformation Services) services to import data from an external source. NETKEEPER® CRM Step Comments This will start the DTS Data Import Wizard. Click NEXT to define the SOURCE of data. The data source is the external data that you are importing. Click NEXT to define the format of the data being imported. The format must match the format of the data being imported. This example shows importing from an ASCII (text) comma delimited file (also called a csv file). However, your data source may be very different. Multima Corporation customization files are usually delivered as ASCII comma delimited files. Set the file format as shown on the left to import data from a Multima Corporation customization file. Click NEXT to complete the import file format and select the delimiter. This example uses importing data from an 235 NETKEEPER® CRM Step Comments ASCII (text) comma delimited file. Your data source may be very different. Click NEXT to select the destination. The destination data is your NetKeeper database. This example imports to the NSMNK table of screen changes. Your destination table may be different. Click NEXT to select the source and the destination tables. The source table contains the data you are importing. In this example you do not have to select the source table because the ASCII file has no tables, just data. The destination table is the target table in your NetKeeper database. Screen customization data is loaded into the NSMNK table. 236 NETKEEPER® CRM Step Comments Click NEXT. You may now save the data transformation (data import) or execute the import immediately. Saving the data transformation is useful if you plan to repeat the data transformation later. Click NEXT then Click FINISH to execute the import. The import may be successful but report an error creating the table. The table could not be created because a table with the same name was already created. However the data copy was successful. The error can be ignored since the table already exists in your NetKeeper database. The data import is now complete. Start your NetKeeper software and check that the customization changes are correctly displayed. You have now imported custom screen changes into your NetKeeper system. Additional customization may be provided through translation tables. Translation tables are used to use different languages or to make “mass” changes of the same text. 237 NETKEEPER® CRM Step Comments Display and check the data in the target table (NSMNK in this case) if the new customization changes are not properly displayed. To display the data, right mouse click on the table and select OPEN TABLE | RETURN ALL ROWS. Check that the data imported matches the data in your data source. 238 NETKEEPER® CRM SEND L IST DA TA TO EXCEL You can export data to Excel from most NetKeeper lists. The program will send to Excel the data listed on screen. You can set filters to the on screen data or rearrange the columns before you send the data to Excel. The program exports the data to a comma-delimited file then calls Excel (or your default spreadsheet) to display the data. Step Open any list where you can right click to display the OUTPUT menu option. Comments The output option includes print and export options. You can set data filters, sort order and column order before exporting the data. Click Output then click Export to ASCII NetKeeper will export the data and display the data in your default spreadsheet program. You can also send the data to an HTML page to publish the data on your WEB site. 239 NETKEEPER® CRM SERVICE REQUEST TEM PL A TES The Service Request Templates (SRT) provide a way to quickly create the most often asked requests. The SRT are used to create a new request using an existing request as a template. Any existing request can be used as the template by checking the TEMPLATE checkbox on the Service Request screen. The SRT will duplicate the case except that it will not enter the data of the party requesting service. All other data from the template request will be added to the new case. M ake an existing servic e requ esta tem plate requ est Step Open the service request. Comments List the service requests and click on CHANGE to open an existing service request. The request can be open or closed. Click 2-USER DEFINED Mark the service request as a template. Any existing service request can be flagged as a service template. Un-check the TEMPLATE check box to remove the service request from the template list. Un-checking the TEMPLATE check box does not affect the service requests created from the template. Click OK to save the service request 240 NETKEEPER® CRM Create a servic e requ estfro m a tem plate c ase. Step Click TOOLS on the main menu Comments Click Service Request Templates from the TOOLS sub menu to display the Service Request Templates list. Click the Service Request Templates again to close the Service Request Templates list. Open a blank service request. Click SERVICE CALLS on the main menu then click NEW SERVICE CALL to open a blank service request. Select or enter the name and data of the person requesting the service request. You can also select the name of the person requesting the service request after dropping the service request template on the new service request. Click on the Service Request Template list to select the correct template. Drag and drop the template entry on the blank service request. The template will then be merged with the new service request. 241 NETKEEPER® CRM Step Comments The new service request is now complete. With the service request templates, a new service request, even a complex one, can be completed in a few seconds making the staff much more productive. You can edit the information on the new service request as needed. Editing the information on the new service request does not change the original template. 242 NETKEEPER® CRM AUTO M A TICM A IL M ERGE TO CREA TE M ERGED DO CUM ENTS Automatic Mail Merge enables a way to automatically pre fill mail merge documents created with Microsoft® Word. Automatic Mail Merge is very useful to create repetitive documents that will extract data from several tables in the NetKeeper database. Automatic Mail Merge does not replace the Mail Merge features in MS Word but complements the features so you can pre-fill documents from the NetKeeper database. To create and build a mail merge document you must first create the Word merge document and next create a link to the merge document in NetKeeper where you specify the file name and the database fields. Create the m ail m erge do c u m ent Step Start Microsoft Word Comments Compatible with most 32 bit versions of Word Open a document or create a new document Enter the body of the document. • Enter the merge field names into the document. • Click INSERT on WORD’s main menu • Select Field… • Select Mail Merge from the Category list • Select MergeField from the Field Name list • Add the name of the database field next to the MERGEFIELD label Enter the text of the document and leave space for the database fields. Insert a merge field but do not link the merge field to a data source as used when Word is reading the data. You can insert multiple merge fields in your document. 243 NETKEEPER® CRM Step Comments document. Entering a merge field named CCMname. The first three letters are the first three letters of the table name. The completed Word merge document. The completed merge document has multiple data fields. You can name the data fields as you like but we suggest that the field name be similar to the corresponding field in the database. This makes the merge document easier to understand. 244 NETKEEPER® CRM Registerthe m erge do c u m entin NetKeeper and c reate the field links. Step Click Reports on the NetKeeper main menu Comments Click List Reports and Merge Definitions to display the Reports Available list. Your Reports Available list may be empty. To make it easier to find a report the list shows reports grouped by report categories. To expand the tree: • click the (+) symbol • right mouse click on the category line and select expand • press CTRL-right arrow • Click INSERT to add the very first entry. • Click on a category line and click INSERT to add other entries to the list. You can name the categories per your requirements; there are no pre-set names. 245 NETKEEPER® CRM Step Comments Highlight a category and click INSERT to add a link to the merge document. Press INSERT if the list is empty. Pick the category (you may need to enter one) and enter the merge report description. The other fields on this tab are not required when defining a merge document link. Click 3-Merge Data to display the Merge Data tab. Click on the ellipsis (… ) button to select the Word merge document. Check the Mail Merge Document checkbox to flag this report as a link to a merge document. Use the file dialog to locate the word merge created in the previous section. This registers your Word merge document with NetKeeper. 246 NETKEEPER® CRM Step Next create the data links. The data links match the merge field names to the Netkeeper database field name. Comments The database name is the name in the NetKeeper database. The Word Merge Field is the name of the field in the Word merge document. The NetKeeper database names are listed in the data dictionary. The first three letters plus a colon are the NetKeeper internal prefix for the database field. These prefixes are listed in the NetKeeper data dictionary. You can also “guess them” since they almost always are the first three letters of the table name plus a colon. For example, the first name field in the contact table (CCMNK) is ccm:firstname. Click the green check or the OK button to save the data. Enter the other data links. Until all Word Merge Fields are matched to a database field. Add one entry per data merge field. The completed list can be changed at any time. The field names are not case sensitive. A merge field without a matching database field will appear blank on the completed merged document. Click on the green check mark to save the data. 247 NETKEEPER® CRM Ru n the repo rtto c reate the m erged do c u m ent. Step Click Reports on the NetKeeper main menu Comments Click List Reports and Merge Definitions to display the Reports Available list. To expand the tree: • click the (+) symbol • right mouse click on the category line and select expand • press CTRL-right arrow Expand the Category that includes the link to the merge document and highlight the report you want to run. To expand the tree: • click the (+) symbol • right mouse click on the category line and select expand press CTRL-right arrow 248 NETKEEPER® CRM Open the NetKeeper screen that contains the information used by the merge document. In this example the merge document uses information from the contact table (CCMNK) and the service request table (SCMNK). We use the service request screen as the target since this example uses information about a service request and the requesting user. Organize your NetKeeper desktop so both screens are visible and drag the report from the Reports Available screen to the Service Request screen. The merge document has a specific task, in this example we create a letter informing a user that a request for service was sent to an address. NetKeeper will then process the request and prompt for options about running the merge report. The default settings are saved in the global options, other settings table. Suggested settings are MS Word window visible and Close Word after printing. You can drop anywhere on the target screen. The variables in the other settings table are: MS Word window is visible Section:WordMerge Name: WordVisible Value: 0 or 1 Start printing automatically Section: WordMerge Name: Autoprint Value: 0 or 1 Close Word after printing Section: WordMerge Name: Autoclose Value: 0 or 1 249 NETKEEPER® CRM NetKeeper will next load the completed merged Word document ready to be printed or edited. The document is now complete. Blank fields in the merged document indicate that either the database field is blank or that the database field – merge field link is incorrect. Use the Word Merge Document features to quickly create simple or complex documents that are often needed. This powerful feature is a great time saver compared with creating the documents from scratch or having to cut and paste the information. 250 NETKEEPER® CRM USE O F A TTA CHM ENTS NetKeeper provides the capability to attach files, documents, databases, URLs and similar objects to most screens in the program. The objects attached to the screens are called “Attachments”. The Attachments offer a useful way to attach information to a service request, contact or many other objects in NetKeeper. For example, you can attach a letter using a Word® document or a budget using an Excel® spreadsheet. In fact you can attach almost anything including a WEB address (a URL) to quickly reference a service bulletin or patch. Attaching WEB links is very useful when recording the location of information sources, driver references or search results. To add an attachment you need to: • Open the screen related to the attachment • Click on the Attachments TAB • Drag the file to the list or click the (+) button Add an attac hm ent Step Start NetKeeper and login as usual. Comments Open the screen related to the attachment. The example shows the Service Call Data screen. Attachments can be used in any screen that includes an ATTACH tab where you can add and display an attachment. 251 NETKEEPER® CRM Step Click the ATTACH tab to display the attachments list. Comments Click the (+) button (or press the INSERT key) to display the Attachment Data Screen and add a new attachment. Select the Object type: Audio Clip – a WAV file containing audio Comment – A simple comment or a link to any object that can be started from Windows Explorer or from the command line. Link – Same as Comment but will display on WEB pages such as FAQ pages. Text – A text file Picture – A picture file Select the object type Enter your First and Last name to identify the person responsible for the attachment. Enter description and comments as needed 252 NETKEEPER® CRM Step Click the ellipsis lookup button and select a file Comments The ellipsis (… ) button is to the right of the Full file name field. The fields labeled type 2 and type 3 can be used to classify your attachments for reporting purposes or the can be relabeled or they can be removed from the screen. The View/Play button displays the linked object. The file (object) selected must be in a shared drive if you want other users to access the file as well. Drag and drop. You can also use drag and drop to create an attachment. To use Drag and Drop: Open Windows Explorer Find the file Drag the file to either the Attachment data Screen (see previous step) or to the Attachment list on the related screen (The service request screen in this case). Fill in the other fields in the Attachment data Screen as needed Using drag and drop is faster than filling the form. Creating an attachment to a URL (WEB address) Select object type Comment or Link and enter the URL in the Full file name field. To drag a file: Click on the file using the left mouse button and hold the left mouse button while dragging the file name to NetKeeper. You must enter the full URL including the protocol prefix (http:// in this case). You can also cut and paste the URL from your WEB browser’s address window. Cut and paste is the best method specially when saving a very long URL such as a WEB query. 253 NETKEEPER® CRM SECURITY AND ACCESS L EVEL S NetKeeper provides screen level security as well as area level security. This section describes how to set up screen level security for your NetKeeper system. Note: “access level” or “access group” are equivalent terms. You can create security access levels to assign access right to individual screens. A staff member can be a member of one or more access levels or groups. Each access level defines the rights to access one or more screens. An access level can also be used to deny access to one or more screens. You can assign VIEW, CHANGE, DELETE and DENY rights to the group. View allows read-only access to the screen, change allows adds, changes to the screen, DELETE allows To set up the access levels you need to: • Create the Access Level data • Assign screen rights to the Access Level • Assign Techs to the Access Level • Assign screen rights to at least one screen to the Access level 254 NETKEEPER® CRM Create A c c ess L evels Step Start NetKeeper and login as ADM – administrator (if you are not already logged in). Comments Click Utilities Click File Maintenance Click Access Levels Display the Access Levels list Adding an access level Click the Insert button to add a new access level. You can define as many access levels as necessary. Each staff member can be a member of one or more access levels. Enter the data for the access level Name: Enter a name for the Access Level. You can enter any name. Check the SubAdministrator box only if you want to assign near administrator rights to this access level. Sub-administrator rights will grant access to nearly every function in the program. The Access List TAB will display all the screens that can be accessed by this Access Level. 255 NETKEEPER® CRM Step Set the default rights for the access level Comments The default rights are used to pre-fill the rights when assigning screens to this access level. View rights will allow read-only access to the screen. Change rights will allow adding new items or changing existing items. Delete rights will allow deletes from the assigned screen. Deny rights overrides all other rights and prevents access to the screen. Click OK to save the data and create a new access level. IMPORTANT: For the Access Level to operate you MUST assign at least one screen to the Access Level. See below for instructions on assigning screen rights to the Access Level. 256 An “Insufficient rights” error will be returned unless one screen is assigned rights for the Access Level. NETKEEPER® CRM A ssign sc reen rights to the A c c ess L evel Step Start NetKeeper and login as Administrator (if you are not already logged in). Comments Open the screen to which you will assign rights. The example shows the Service Call data screen but you can assign rights to any screen in the NetKeeper program. You can assign rights to one or more screens. Members of this Access Level can access any screen if you selected sub-administrator level for this access level. Press CTRL-R to display the Add Access Right dialog. Press and hold the control (CTRL) key and press the “R” key. Select the Access Level and set the Access Rights for this screen. The PROGRAM field displays a short description of the program name. This is set by the program and is not displayed when adding a new Access Right. Click OK to save the access rights for the screen. Click DELETE to delete an existing right for the screen. Assign rights to all screens that will be available to the Access Level. If an Access Level is allowed to use every screen except one or two, assign sub-administrator rights to the Access Level then set 257 NETKEEPER® CRM Step Comments DENY rights to the screens where access is prohibited. A ssign Tec hs to the A c c ess L evel Step Start the program and login as ADM (if you are not already logged in). Click Service Calls on the Main Menu (top of the NetKeeper Screen) Click Staff Members to display the Staff List. Select the staff member to whom rights will be assigned. Click Access Levels to display the available Access Levels for this Staff Member. 258 Comments NETKEEPER® CRM You can add a Staff Member to more than one Access Level. Click the (+) button to add the Staff Member to an Access Level. Click the (-) button to remove the Staff Member from the Access Level. 259 NETKEEPER® CRM IM PO RT DA TA INTO NETKEEPER SQL DA TA B A SES Contents 1- Data Organization 2- Import Example Use MS DTS (Microsoft (r) Data Transformation Services) to import data from any source into the NetKeeper database. Example: Importing data into the Contact database, including department data. NetKeeper is a full 3 tier contact system. The first tier is usually Company, the second tier is Department and the third tier is Contact. These tiers can be renamed. Data Organization The database tables are: CIMNK --- Company data CDMNK --- Department data CCMNK --- Contact data Relations: CIMNK and CDMNK are related by the CIMSiteID and CIMSysID fields. Example FROM Join (syntax may vary for different databases): FROM CIMNK CIMNK left outer join CDMNK ON CDMNK.CIMSiteID = CIMNK.CIMSiteID AND CDMNK.CIMSysID = CIMNK.CIMSysID ----------CIMNK and CCMNK are related by the CIMSiteID and CIMSysID fields. Example FROM Join: FROM CIMNK CIMNK left outer join CCMNK ON CCMNK.CIMSiteID = CIMNK.CIMSiteID AND CCMNK.CIMSysID = CIMNK.CIMSysID ----------CIMNK and CDMNK are related by the CIMSiteID and CIMSysID fields. Example FROM Join: FROM CIMNK CIMNK left outer join CDMNK ON CDMNK.CIMSiteID = CIMNK.CIMSiteID AND CDMNK.CIMSysID = CIMNK.CIMSysID 260 NETKEEPER® CRM ----------Example on relating all 3 tiers : FROM CCMNK CCMNK left outer join CIMNK ON CIMNK.CIMSiteID = CCMNK.CIMSiteID AND CIMNK.CIMSysID = CCMNK.CIMSysID left outer join CDMNK ON CDMNK.CDMSiteID = CCMNK.CDMSiteID AND CDMNK.CDMSysID = CCMNK.CDMSysID 2- Import example. A user has the following fields to import: first name last name title Department Office phone number e-mail address The data corresponds to fields in the Contact (CCMNK) table and the Department (CDMNK) table. The data corresponds to internal users in a company so a link to the Company (CIMNK) table is also implied. Steps to import: *- Use the NetKeeper console and the Organization List screen to create the entries for the Company and Departments. Usually there are very few department entries and it is easier to simply enter the departments. In this case there is only one Company entry so just enter the Company data via the console. *- Build a spreadsheet or comma delimited file with your data. Add the relation fields to the spread sheet. In this case we need the following relation fields: cimsiteid, cimsysid, cdmsiteid and cdmsysid Add the above fields to your source data spreadsheet or comma delimited file. The columns in the source file are: cimsiteid cimsysid cdmsiteid cdmsysid first name last name title Department 261 NETKEEPER® CRM Office phone number e-mail address *- Determining the relation fields. Open the Company record in the NetKeeper console and record the small number on the upper right hand corner of the screen. The first number is cimsiteid (usually 0 unless you have multiple sites). The second number is cimsysid. Populate the value of cimsiteid and cimsysid to all rows since all contacts are associated with the same Company. Open the Department records in NetKeeper and record the small number on the upper right hand corner of the screen. The first number is cdmsiteid (usually 0 unless you have multiple sites). The second number is cdmsysid. Match the correct ID number to each contact in the data you are importing. The correct cdmsiteid and the correct cdmsysid will associate the contact to the correct department. *- Save the completed spreadsheet or comma delimited file and use the DTS services to import the data into the CCMNK table. The fields must be matched to the CCMNK field names as follows: cimsiteid --> cimsiteid cimsysid --> cimsysid cdmsiteid --> cdmsiteid cdmsysid --> cdmsysid first name --> Firstname last name --> LastName title --> Title Department --> ignore no match, associated via cdmsiteid and cdmsysid Office --> userdef151 phone number --> TelWork e-mail address --> Email Notes: 1- In DTS, target transformation dialog uncheck "enable identity insert". The database will automatically create the identity fields. 2- Do not import data into the GUID field, the database will create this unique global identifier field. 262 NETKEEPER® CRM TRO UBL ESH O O TING Access Denied This error is returned by DOS and indicates that you can not access a file. There are many causes for this error. The most common are : • You do not have sufficient access rights for the directory where NETKEEPER is installed. You need WRITE, CREATE, DELETE rights. • Your network requires that executable files be flagged as read only. Use the ATTRIB command to set all of your shared executable files to read only (ATTRIB*.EXE +r) Another user has locked the file accidentally. Ask that all other users exit NetKeeper. Try to copy the file to a temporary directory. If you can not copy the file, your operating system may not have released the file due to an OS malfunction. Check from your server's console that the file is not locked. If it is locked, release the file and try again. If you still get the error, run the CSRT utility on the file. This utility will read every record on the file. Files that stay locked indicate a network or workstation set up problem. If you are running Windows®, check that "background processing" is enabled or Windows may not release files. Window display problem Window is displayed off screen and cannot be moved back because the edge of the window is not displayed. The last used screen position is saved in the HDSCRPOS.INI file in the user's window directory. Deleting this file will reset the position of all screens to their default setting. The program will recreate the required file automatically. Disconnected from SQL server ODBC or SQL server timeout connection problems Almost all "dropped connection" problems are due to ODBC or SQL Server timeout problems. Use SQL, network and ODBC troubleshooting tools to check where the connection is broken or lost. This is often a time consuming task. ID number for call is not re-used if a service request is cancelled. SQL databases do not re-use identity fields. Identity field values are not re-used. A new number will always be generated for a new service request to maintain database integrity. List headers are incorrect Reset user configurable list to defaults 263 NETKEEPER® CRM Most lists can be configured to the user's preferences. Some combinations of settings may result in the list not displaying the data correctly or the column headers may be incorrect. Reset the list to the default settings to correct the display of the list. Only one user can login to the program even though I have a license for many users Check your serial number, an incorrect serial number will allow only one user to use the program. To enter the serial number in NetKeeper Help Desk SQL Or NetKeeper CRM SQL: 1- Login as ADM (administrator) 2- Select Utilities 3- Select Setup Data 4- Select Serial Number TAB 5- Enter the serial number and code 6- Click OK and save the new data 7- Exit the progam 8- Re-start the program 9- Login as ADM 10- Click HELP | ABOUT NETKEEPER The ABOUT screen should display the correct number of licensed seats and both the data and the program directory should point to the same folder. Record was changed by another station The record was changed by another user. When saving a screen if two users open the same record at the same time and one user saves the data then the second user saving the data will receive a message that "The record was changed by another station". Reports won’t run Crystal Reports is not a "thin client" and you must install either the full Crystal Reports or the runtime version of Crystal Reports To run Crystal reports from another program, such as a NetKeeper program, you need to install the Crystal Reports components on your workstation. Choices to install the Crystal Reports on your workstation: 1- Install the full (developer's edition) on your workstation. 2- Install the base Crystal Reports and then run the Crystal Reports run-time API installation included with NetKeeper programs. 3- Install the run-time API installation included with NetKeeper programs. SolutionsKeeper Incorrect or damaged data Selecting a Solution from SolutionsKeeper from a service request will "hang" the program and not display the data from SolutionsKeeper Damaged data tables may return "non-sense" results that may affect the operation of a program. 264 NETKEEPER® CRM Error Codes The "PROGRAM HAS DETECTED AN ERROR" screen displays errors that may occur while running the program. The errors posted include : 02 File not found You may be in the wrong directory or the file was erased. Can't start program. User can't get into Help Desk CRM Error 2 solutions Error 2 usually means that the program cannot find a file A NetKeeper program will return ERROR 2 if it cannot find a data file. There are two main reasons why a file cannot be found: • The file does not exist • The program is looking in the wrong directory Solutions : 1- Check that the file exists in the NetKeeper directory. Do a file listing in the NetKeeper directory. There should be many files with the DAT extension. These are the data files. If no DAT files are found, you probably need to run “the create all files” program. 2-Check that the directory from which you are running the program or audit utility is the directory where NetKeeper is installed. It is easy to select the wrong directory if you are running the collection utilities from the login script. If you are trying to run the collection utilities from the login script, you may need to create a fake root drive (MAP ROOT) and then switch to that drive before running the collection scripts. 3-Less likely but also possible is that you have insufficient number of file handles available. Check your computer's CONFIG.SYS. You may also need to check your network configuration file (Example: NET.CFG) 04 Too many open files Raise the number of files specified in the CONFIG.SYS file and in your network configuration file (eg: SHELL.CFG) This error indicates that the workstation can't open enough files to run the program. NetKeeper need at least 120 file handles, the more, the better as you can open several cases at the same time. The user must increase the number of file handle available on the work station. To increase the number of file handles available : • DOS Machines : Increase the FILES= parameter in the CONFIG.SYS file • WIN 3.x machines : Same as DOS machines 265 NETKEEPER® CRM • NETWORKED machines : May also have to modify the NET.CFG file. Add to this file : • FILE HANDLES = 120 • If running WIN 95 or NT, please consult your network's manuals on how to increase the number of file handles available. Notes : In CONFIG.SYS there must be NO spaces around the = sign FILES=250 is OK but FILES = 250 will not work In NET.CFG there must be spaces around the = sign. 32 File is already locked Another user may be looking at the file using a program other than NetKeeper . 33 Record not available The record has been deleted by another user. 35 Record not found Record does not exist. Record not found while populating the contact name on a service request via Ctrl_F Company of Department information (Tier 1 and Tier 2 data) not available. The links to the Company or Department may not exists. This can happen if you imported the data from another system. Display the Contacts list and find the Contact's data. Open the contact detail screen and check that the link to the company or department is valid. Reselect the company or department if necessary. 40 Creates duplicate key You have entered data that duplicates existing key data. Usually data from the bar-code reader attachment. 43 Record is already held Another station may have crashed while holding a record. Usually this error will self repair in about 1 minute. If the condition continues, run CFIL.EXE on the file. 45 Invalid file name You have specified a file name that contains characters that DOS will not use. 47 Invalid record declaration User updated and needs to update files. 266 NETKEEPER® CRM Check that all NetKeeper programs are the same version. Mixed versions also cause error 47 The database and the program are of different versions. To correct the problem, update the files that are out of date. There may be one or more files out of date. You have mixed incompatible versions of NetKeeper Express, NetKeeper CRM or NetKeeper Purchase Order. 51 File already open Another user is examining the file using a program other than NetKeeper Express and NetKeeper cannot use the file. 200 Incorrect Login Check SQL Server Query Timeout settings This setting is on the server. *- In Enterprise Manager or equivalent open the SQL Server Properties (properties for the entire server) *- Select Connection TAB *- Set Query Timeout to "0" for indefinite or no timeout 267 NETKEEPER® CRM Help Desk Pro, 9, 10, 25, 28, 195, 196 A ADDRESS FORMULA, 172 Admin Utilities, 188 advantages, 11 all files, 265 Application Broker, 13, 14, 15 Appointments, 121 Attachment, 94 Auto Dial, 53 Auto-Dialer Setup, 187 I icon, 29, 86, 87, 91, 93, 94 ini file, 263 installation, 7, 13, 16, 17, 24, 30 INSTALLATION, 27 INTERNET E-MAIL, 175 Inventory, 144 ISSUE TRACKING, 162 Issue Types, 163 Issues, 147 B bar code, 196 Business Opportunities, 129 K Keywords, 113, 118, 180 L C CAPCOM, 16, 21, 22 CFIL, 266 CFIL.EXE, 266 Comm, 100 configuration manager, 25, 267 connection data, 88 Contact Keywords, 162 CONTACTS, 105 csrt, 263 Ctrl_S, 58 Customize, 36 D data entry, 39, 53, 56, 57, 65 DROP LISTS, 170, 171 LAN inventory, 31 LAN INVENTORY, 69 lease, 7, 62, 70, 196 location, 70, 196 login, 30, 265 LOGIN, 169 lookup, 72, 77 M mail ole, 13 main menu, 40 memory, 15, 17 menu, 16, 17, 24, 27, 39, 40, 166, 191 mouse, 40, 56, 72, 86, 91, 92, 93, 94 N E E-Mail, 180 END USER ACCESS, 189 equipment, 196 F FAQs, 154 FastSearch, 89 Feedback, 81 file maintenance, 162 O options, 24, 103, 166 Options, 35, 158, 159, 160, 181 P G GRAPHS, 158 Groups, 113, 114 H help category information, 62, 78, 85, 86, 87, 92, 93, 94, 197, 198, 265 help desk, 9, 10, 11, 12, 21, 25, 29, 62, 72, 75, 78, 85, 88, 95, 190, 195, 196, 197, 198 268 Netkeeper Express, 25 Page, 99 pager, 180 password, 32 Passwords, 186 picture, 58, 94, 95, 197, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210 Print, 152 Priorities, 73 priority, 21, 77, 100, 180, 185, 197 Priority Types, 163 purchase order, 62 PURCHASE ORDERS, 137 Purge, 188 NETKEEPER® CRM Q Query, 54 R receiving a call, 63 reporting user information, 67 reporting users, 78, 196, 197, 198 reports, 103, 152, 183, 196, 206 REPORTS, 151 Reproduce Types, 163 Requirements, 15 Resolution Types, 164 S scripts, 265 Search, 54 send preferences, 21 service call, 59, 62, 63, 64, 72, 75, 78, 85, 189, 195, 198 Service Request Queues, 162 setup, 17 Setup, 35 SETUP, 168 Setup Data Options, 166 Setup Options, 22 SOLUTIONKEEPER, 38 SolutionsKeeper, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 38, 42, 45, 59, 65, 67, 73, 78, 85, 86, 87, 91, 96, 102, 154, 155, 157, 158, 181, 189, 199, 201, 202, 203, 204 Speedwords, 71 Status Types, 164 T tables, 39, 47, 85, 89 tech support, 28 technical support, 196, 197, 198 TIER SETUP, 174 To-Do, 119 troubleshooting, 263 U User Defined, 58, 80, 109, 173 USER ENTRY, 186 user information, 67, 196 user satisfaction, 195, 198 UTILITIES, 161 W WALLPAPER, 184 WEB PAGES, 156 wizard, 16 Wizard, 67 work orders, 78, 197 269 NETKEEPER® CRM 270