Draft Prospectus of Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Draft Prospectus of Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
ÒcywRevRv‡ii wewb wewb‡qvM SzuwKc~Y©| ‡R‡b I ey‡S wewb‡qvM KiybÓ “Investment in capital market involves certain degree of risks. The investors are required to read the prospectus and risk factors carefully, assess their own financial conditions and risk taking ability before making their investment decisions.” PUBLIC OFFER FFER OF 15,000,000 ORDINARY SHARES ARES ISSUE DATE OF THE PROSPECTUS: [●] OFFER PRICE TK.10.00 EACH AT PAR, TOTAL SIZE OF FUND TO BE RAISED TK.150,000,000.00 TK.1 Opening and Closing date of Subscription Opening date of subscription: [●] Closing date of subscription: [●] PROSPECTUS NAME OF THE ISSUER AMULET PHARMACEUTICA PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. MANAGER MANAGERS TO THE ISSUE BANCO FINANCE AND INVESTMENT LIMITED AND ICB CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LIMITED A Subsidiary of ICB 1 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION AND DECLARATIONS: “If you have any query about this document, you may consult the issuer, issue manager and underwriter” “A person interested to get a prospectus may obtain from the issuer and the issue manager(s).” Name & Address Issuer Company: Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Ch 72/1/B, Moddha Badda, Holland Centre,(6thFloor), Progoti Sarani, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh Issue Managers: Banco Finance And Investment Limited Baitul View Tower (11th Floor) 56/1, Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000 ICB Capital Management Limited Green City Edge (5th & 6th Floor) 89, Kakrail, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh Underwriters: AIBL Capital Management Limited Peoples Insurance Bhaban (7th Floor) 36, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000 Janata Capital and Investment Limited 48, Motijheel (3rdFloor), Dhaka-1000 Southeast Bank Capital Services Ltd Eunoos Center (Level 9) 52-53 Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000 Auditor: Zoha Zaman Kabir Rashid & Co. Chartered Accountants Rupayan Karim Tower, Level -7, Suite-7A, 80, Kakrail, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. Contact Person Telephone & Fax Web Address & E-mail Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Managing Director Tel: 02-9862647 Tel: 02-9862657 Fax: 02-8851876 Website: www.amuletpharmaceuticals.com E-mail:info@amuletpharmaceuticals.com Mohammad Hamdul Islam Managing Director & CEO Tel: 02-7125703 Tel: 02-7125910 Fax: 02-7125634 Website: www.bfilbd.org E-mail: banco.bd@gmail.com Nasrin Sultana Chief Executive Officer Md. Golam Sarwar Bhuiyan Chief Executive Officer Dina Ahsan Chief Executive Muhammad Shahjahan Managing Director (CC) Md. Iqbal hossain FCA Partner,Zoha Zaman Kabir Rashid & Co. Tel: 02-8300555 Fax: 02-8300396 Tel: 02-9560198 Tel: 02-9568007 Tel: 02-7123255-7 Fax: 02-9569351 Tel: 02-7114374 Tel: 02-7114375 Fax: 02-7110496 Tel: 02-9574171-5 Fax: 02-9574169 Tel: 02-9339725 Tel: 02-9339732 Fax: 02-8313128 Website:icml.com.bd E-mail:icmlbd@gmail.com Website:www.al-arafahbank.com E-mail: cml@al-arafahbank.com Website:www.jcil-bd.com E-mail: info@jcil.com.bd Website:www.southeastbank.com.bd E-mail:mbw@southeastbank.com.bd Website:www.zzkrca.com E-mail:info@zzkrca.com “CONSENT OF THE BANGLADESH SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION HAS BEEN OBTAINED TO THE ISSUE/OFFER OF THESE SECURITIES UNDER THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE ORDINANCE, 1969, AND THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (PUBLIC ISSUE) RULES, 2015. IT MUST BE DISTINCTLY UNDERSTOOD THAT IN GIVING THIS CONSENT THE COMMISSION DOES NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE FINANCIAL SOUNDNESS OF THE ISSUER COMPANY, ANY OF ITS PROJECTS OR THE ISSUE PRICE OF ITS SECURITIES OR FOR THE CORRECTNESS OF ANY OF THE STATEMENTS MADE OR OPINION EXPRESSED WITH REGARD TO THEM. SUCH RESPONSIBILITY LIES WITH THE ISSUER, ITS DIRECTORS, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, MANAGING DIRECTOR, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER, COMPANY SECRETARY, ISSUE MANAGER, ISSUE MANAGER’S CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, UNDERWRITERS, AUDITORS(S), VALUER AND/OR CREDIT RATING COMPANY (IF ANY).” “This being the first issue of the issuer, there has been no formal market for the securities of the issuer. The face value of the securities is Tk. 10.00 (ten) and the issue price is Tk. 10.00, ‘One times’ of the face value. The issue price has been determined and justified by the issuer and the issue manager/bidding by the eligible investors as stated under the paragraph on “Justification of Issue Price” should not be taken to be indicative of the market price of the securities after listing. No assurance can be given regarding an active or sustained trading of the securities or the price after listing.” “Investment in securities involves a degree of risk and investors should not invest any funds in this offer unless they can afford to take the risk of losing their investment. Investors are advised to read the risk factors carefully before taking an investment decision in this offer. For taking an investment decision, investors must rely on their own examination of the issuer and the offer including the risks involved. The securities have not been recommended by the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) nor does BSEC guarantee the accuracy or adequacy of this document. Specific attention of investors to the statement of ‘risk factors’ given on page number(s) 77-82” “The issuer, having made all reasonable inquiries, accepts responsibility for and confirms that this prospectus contains all material information with regard to the issuer and the issue, that the information contained in the prospectus are true, fair and correct in all material aspects and are not misleading in any respect, that the opinions and intentions expressed herein are honestly held and that there are no other facts, the omission of which make this document as a whole or any of such information or the expression of any such opinions or intentions misleading in any material respect.” 2 AVAILABILITY OF PROSPECTUS i) The Prospectus and abridged version of prospectus of APL in hard and soft forms of the Company shall be obtained from the following addresses: Name & Address Contact Person Issuer Company: Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Ch 72/1/B, Moddha Badda, Holland Centre,(6th floor), Progoti Sarani, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh Telephone & Fax Web Address & E-mail Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Managing Director Tel: 02-9862647 Tel: 02-9862657 Fax: 02-8851876 Website: www.amuletpharmaceuticals.com E-mail:info@amuletpharmaceuticals.com Banco Finance And Investment Limited Baitul View Tower (11th Floor) 56/1, Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000 Mohammad Hamdul Islam Managing Director & CEO Tel: 02-7125703 Tel: 02-7125910 Fax: 02-7125634 Website: www.bfilbd.org E-mail: banco.bd@gmail.com ICB Capital Management Limited Green City Edge (5th & 6th Floor) 89, Kakrail, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh Nasrin Sultana Chief Executive Officer Tel:02-8300555 Fax:02-8300396 Website: icml.com.bd E-mail:icmlbd@gmail.com AIBL Capital Management Limited Peoples Insurance Bhaban (7th Floor) 36, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000 Md. Golam Sarwar Bhuiyan Chief Executive Officer Tel: 02-9560198 Tel: 02-9568007 Tel: 02-7123255-7 Fax: 02-9569351 Website:www.al-arafahbank.com E-mail: cml@al-arafahbank.com Issue Managers: Underwriters: Janata Capital and Investment Limited 48, Motijheel (3rd floor), Dhaka-1000 Dina Ahsan Chief Executive Southeast Bank Capital Services Ltd Eunoos Center (Level 9) 52-53 Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000 Tel: 02-7114374 Tel: 02-7114375 Fax: 02-7110496 Website:www.jcil-bd.com E-mail: info@jcil.com.bd Muhammad Shahjahan Managing Director (CC) Tel: 02-9574171-5 Fax: 02-9574169 Website: www.southeastbank.com.bd E-mail:mbw@southeastbank.com.bd Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited (DSE) 9/F, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000 DSE Library Tel: 02-9564601-7 Tel: 02-9666944-8 Fax: 02-9564727 Web:www.dsebd.org E-mail:dse@bol-online.com Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited (CSE) CSE Building, 1080, Sk. Mujib Road, Agrabad C/A, Chittagong-4000 CSE Library Tel: 31-714632-3 Tel: 31-720871-3 Fax: 31-714101 Web:www.cse.com.bd E-mail:info@cse.com.bd N/A Tel: 02-9568101-2 Tel: 02-9561525 Fax: 02-9563721 Web: www.sec.gov.bd Stock Exchanges: Commission: Bangladesh Securitiesand Exchange Commission Jiban Bima Tower (14th, 15th, 16th & 20th Floor). 10, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh. ii) Names and dates of the newspaper where abridged version of Prospectus was published: Name of the Newspapers [●] [●] [●] [●] Date of Publication [●] [●] [●] [●] 3 DEFINATIONS AND ACRONYMS/ELABORATIONS A AGM Annual General Meeting APL Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Allotment B Allotment of Shares BAS Bangladesh Accounting Standards BDT Bangladeshi Taka BB BFIL BO BoI BSEC C Bangladesh Bank Banco Finance And Investment Limited Beneficiary Owner’s Account Board of Investment Bangladesh Securities And Exchange Commission M MW Megawatt MP Market Price MD N NAV Net Asset Value NRB Non Resident Bangladeshi NBR NBFI O Offering Price P CDBL Central Depository Bangladesh Limited CFO Chief Financial Officer R Credit Information Bureau BREB CEO Certificate CIB Commission Companies Act CSE D DSE E EPS Exchanges F FC Account FI G GOB I ICAB IPO L LC Chief Executive Officer Share Certificate Bangladesh Securities And Exchange Commission Companies Act, 1994 (Act. No. XVIII of 1994) Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited Earnings Per Share Stock Exchanges Foreign Currency Account Financial Institution The Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh Initial Public Offering Letter of Credit Managing Director PE National Board of Revenue Non-Bank Financial Institution Price of the Securities of APL Price to Earnings RJSC Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms R&D Research and Development S Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board Sponsors The Sponsor Shareholders of APL SND A/C Short Notice Deposit Account STD A/C Stockholders Subscription Securities T Short Term Deposit Account Shareholders Application Money Share of Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. The Company Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Tk. Taka TIN U USD V VAT W WPPF Tax Identification Number United States Dollar Value Added Tax Workers' Profit Participation Fund 4 Chapter No. CHAPTER I (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) CHAPTER II CHAPTER III CHAPTER IV CHAPTER V CHAPTER VI (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) CHAPTER VII (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) CHAPTER VIII CHAPTER IX CHAPTER X CHAPTER XI CHAPTER XII CHAPTER XIII CHAPTER XIV CHAPTER XV CHAPTER XVI CHAPTER XVII CHAPTER XVIII CHAPTER XIX CHAPTER XX CHAPTER XXI CHAPTER XXII CHAPTER XXIII CHAPTER XXIV CHAPTER XXV CHAPTER XXVI CHAPTER XXVII CHAPTER XXIX TABLE OF CONTENTS Particulars EXECUTIVE SUMMARY About the industry About the Issuer Financial Information Features of the issue and its objects Legal and Other Information Promoters’ background Capital structure and history of capital raising Summary of Valuation Report of Securities CONDITIONS IMPOSED BY THE COMMISSION IN THE CONSENT LETTER DECLARATION AND DUE DILIGENCE CERTIFICATES Declaration about the responsibility of the Director(s), including the CEO of Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. in respect of Prospectus Due Diligence Certificate of the Managers to the Issue Due Diligence Certificate of the Underwriter(s) ABOUT THE ISSUER CORPORATE DIRECTORY OF THE ISSUER DESCRIPTION OF THE ISSUER Summary General Information Capital Structure Description of Business Description of Property Plan of Operation and Discussion of Financial Condition MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION Overview of business and strategies SWOT Analysis Analysis of the financial statements of last five years Known trends demands, commitments, events or uncertainties Trends or expected fluctuations in liquidity Off-balance sheet arrangements DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS CERTAIN RELATIONSHIPS AND RELATED TRANSACTIONS EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION OPTIONS GRANTED TO DIRECTORS, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES TRANSACTION WITH THE DIRECTORS AND SUBSCRIBERS TO THE MEMORANDUM OWNERSHIP OF THE COMPANY’S SECURITIES CORPORATE GOVERNANCE VALUATION REPORT OF SECURITIES PREPARED BY THE ISSUE MANAGER DEBT SECURITIES PARTIES INVOLVED AND THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES MATERIAL CONTRACTS OUTSTANDING LITIGATIONS, FINE OR PENALTY RISK FACTORS AND MANAGEMENT’S PERCEPTIONS ABOUT THE RISKS DESCRIPTION OF THE ISSUE USE OF PROCEEDS LOCK-IN MARKETS FOR THE SECURITIES BEING OFFERED DESCRIPTION OF SECURITIES OUTSTANDING OR BEING OFFERED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PUBLIC ISSUE APPLICATION PROCEDURE MANAGEMENT DISCLOSURES Page No. 06-09 06 06 07 07 07 07-08 09 09 09-09 10-15 10 11-12 13-15 16-17 17-17 18-49 18-19 19-21 22-25 26-33 33-42 42-49 49-54 49-52 52-53 53 54 54 54 54-61 61-61 62-62 62-62 63-63 63-66 66-72 73-73 74-74 74-74 74-76 76-76 77-82 83-83 84-86 87-88 88-89 89-89 90-130 131-135 136-136 5 CHAPTERI: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (A) ABOUT THE INDUSTRY: Pharmaceutical is the core of Bangladesh’s Healthcare sector and serves as one of the most important manufacturing industry. With a history since 1950s, the industry has now turned one of the most successful pharmaceuticals manufacturing industry among the developing countries. Presently, the industry meets 97% of local demand and exports to more than 80 countries. In the year 2014, Bangladesh pharmaceuticals market size was Tk. 10,600 crore with a growth percentage 8.48. For the year ended 31December 2015, APL's domestic sales were Tk. 38.81 crore. In the year 2015 Bangladesh pharmaceuticals market size was Tk. 12,000 crore. Insiders of the industry apprehend that by the year 2020 Bangladesh pharmaceuticals market size will be Tk. 20,000 crore. They also apprehend that pharmaceuticals products are going to be added into the Bangladesh export basket in a big way within couple of years. Pharmaceutical Industry of Bangladesh has come a long way in the past four decades and has already established itself in domestic as well as international market. The industry contributes about 1% of the total GDP and the second largest industry in terms of contribution to government’s exchequer. Bangladesh pharmaceutical industry is now heading towards self–sufficiency in meeting local demand. There are more than 437 registered small, medium, large scale, local and multinational companies operating in the country producing around 97% of the total internal demand. The remaining 3% basically constitute import of much-specialized products like vaccines, anti-cancer products and hormone drugs. Bangladesh pharmaceuticals industry is enjoying good number of macroeconomic factors as competitive advantages like favorable government policy, comfortable size of local market for 16 crore populations, cheap labor, available technological know-how, low power costs, low costs white-collar labor etc. Population growth rate, growing income level of people and increase in modern health-care facilities, health awareness of the mass people, contract manufacturing service and export of pharmaceutical products are major drivers for future growth in pharmaceuticals market in Bangladesh. (B) ABOUT THE ISSUER: Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (APL) is one of the growing pharmaceutical companies in Bangladesh with it’s headquarter in Dhaka. It has been developing, manufacturing, selling and distributing pharmaceutical products throughout Bangladesh, a country with 160 million people. Amulet has enabled people of all income categories to live their lives to the fullest. As an integrated healthcare solutions provider the company's product basket covers different therapeutic areas that includes gastro-intestinal, analgesics, hematinic, anti-infective and antibiotics, respiratory agents and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The company is committed to providing high quality, appropriately priced products to its customers, supports doctors and consultants with detailed information on their product range and provides dedicated customer service. Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. has a dedicated and competent workforce with exceptional expertise and talent in the field of pharmaceutical products employed in the factory, office and the sales force. Near future APL is going to introduce Herbal Section (Herbal Products) and Ophthalmic Section (Eye Ointment). APL has modernized and refurnished its facilities upgraded internal technology & management and attained the capability to manufacture quality finished medicine. APL does not believe in low pricing because low price means low quality. Name of the Company Registered Office Factory Office Core Area of Business Legal Status Date of Incorporation COMPANY AT A GLANCE Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. th Cha-72/1-B, Moddha Badda (6 Floor), Holland Center, Progoti Sharani, Dhaka-1212 Amulet Complex, Singdighi, Maona, Sreepur, Gazipur, Bangladesh. Manufacturing and marketing of quality medicine. Public CompanyLimited by shares August 11, 1985 6 (C) FINANCIAL INFORMATION: Major financial information of Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (APL) is as follows. Particulars Turnover Gross Profit/(Loss) Net Profit before tax Net Profit after tax Total Assets Share Capital Retained Earnings No. of Shares Face Value NAV per Share Earnings per Share Dec 31, 2015 213,031,638 88,413,757 53,742,211 33,847,344 803,291,603 353,500,000 179,518,197 35,350,000 10.00 15.08 0.96 June 30, 2015 388,157,162 161,183,417 93,527,975 54,827,794 743,182,149 353,500,000 145,670,853 35,350,000 10.00 14.12 4.41 June 30, 2014 294,467,820 114,087,046 53,458,450 33,176,306 454,924,859 100,000,000 90,843,059 10,000,000 10.00 19.08 182.92 June 30, 2013 212,055,360 81,858,655 28,215,964 16,018,461 243,820,094 1,000,000 57,666,753 10,000 100.00 5,866.68 1,601.85 As Per Audited Financial Statements June 30, 2012 140,576,835 53,161,819 19,762,446 10,714,309 200,427,543 1,000,000 41,648,292 10,0000 100.00 4,264.83 1,071.43 June 30, 2011 69,078,920 25,080,303 12,484,720 6,533,981 137,791,624 1,000,000 30,933,983 10,000 100.00 3,193.40 653.40 (D) FEATURES OF THE ISSUE AND ITS OBJECTS: Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is engaged in to produce quality medicine. The Company intends to issue 15,000,000 ordinary shares of Tk. 10.00 each at par through Initial public offering (IPO) totaling to Tk. 150,000,000.00 subject to regulatory approvals. Net Proceeds from initial public offering (IPO) will be used for expansion of business activities, repayment of high interest- bearing loan and purchase of plant &machinery. (E) LEGAL AND OTHER INFORMATION: Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (APL) was incorporated as a private limited company on August 11, 1985 having a Vide Registration No. C-14612 and subsequently converted into a public limited company on July24, 2014 with Register of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC) in Bangladesh under the Companies Act, 1994. The company has other legal licenses like Import Registration Certificate, BAPI Membership Certificate, Trade License, Fire License, Certificate of Insurance and Environment Certificate. (F) PROMOTERS’ BACKGROUND: MR. ABU SAEED SHAUKAT AHMED Chairman, Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed is an engineer by profession and works as a Senior Project Manager in the U.K. He is also an experienced businessman. He is the Chairman of Action for Business Ltd. which owns and runs Carlisle Business Centre, Bradford, UK. In Bangladesh, he is involved with Suman Fashions Garments Ltd. and Bichitra Garments Ltd. He was the founder Chairman of Manningham Housing Association Ltd. He was also an elected member of Bradford Metropolitan Council for 8 years when he held several committee and British Labour Party positions. In 2008, he was made a member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) by Queen Elizabeth II in recognition of his services to British communities and the country. Shaukat Ahmed studied at Faujdarhat Cadet College, Chittagong and Notre Dame College, Dhaka. He graduated in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from University of Leeds, UK. He was born in Sylhet district. He is a well-traveled man and visited many countries in the world for business purposes. ABU ZAFAR ENAYET RASUL Managing Director, Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd Mr. Rasul is a civil engineer and studied abroad in UK and Holland to pursue of his studies. He has vast experience in working several engineering projects while working with Danish Hydraulic Institute. He has been one of the sponsor shareholders of Suman Fashion Garments Ltd. since its inception. Suman Fashion Garments Ltd. is in business of manufacturing and exporting ready-made garments since 1988. He has attended a training course in Tokyo, Japan on top management of corporate business in 2009. He also attended several seminar and workshop relating to business and engineering. He is also a Director of Bichitra Garments Ltd. Mr. Rasul is also a sponsor shareholder of Baraka Power Limited, an IPP (Independent Power Producing) company. BPL has its first project a 51MW gas generator based power producing unit at Fenchugonj and listed with both DSE and CSE. A Z Enayet Rasul studied at Mirzapur Cadet College, Tangail and Notre Dame College, Dhaka. He completed his graduate in civil engineering from University of Leeds, UK and M.Sc. in Hydroinformatics from Institute of Hydraulic and Environment Engineering, Delft, Holland. Mr. Rasul traveled many countries of the world for business purposes like UK, France, Germany, Sweden, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Thailand, China, Italy, Singapur, Denmark, Holland, India, Switzerland etc. 7 MR. ABDUL MANNAN Director, Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd Mr. Mannan pursued his school studies in England and later he came back to Bangladesh and completed his education of B.A. He is very conversant both in Bangla and English. He has been one of the sponsor shareholders of Suman Fashion Garments Ltd. since its inception. Mr. Mannan is also involved in the business of travels in Dhaka. He is also a shareholder of Jonaki Travels Ltd., office located in Motijheel and another in Sylhet. Jonaki Travels is in the business of ticketing and arranging travel packages since 1980. Mr. Mannan joined the company in 1998. He is also a sponsor shareholder of Baraka Power Limited. Mr. Mannan successfully maintains good amount of portfolio business in DSE and CSE market. He is also the Director of Bichitra Garments Ltd., Baraka Apparels Limited and Fusion Holdings (Pvt.) Ltd. He is also well traveled man and visited many countries of the world for business purposes. SYED AMIRUL ISLAM Director, Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd Syed Amirul Islam is a registered pharmacist and received his M. Pharm from Dhaka University in 1985. Later he did his MBA with major in marketing from the Institute of Business Studies, DIU in 2002. He has served several pharmaceuticals companies since he finished his M. Pharm. He served with Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. after his completed his M. Pharm as Asst. Manager in medical services department from 1986 till 1997. Later on he joined Somatech Pharmaceuticals Ltd. and worked as Marketing Manager till 2000. He was then promoted to Marketing Operation Manager when he worked with his dynamic guidance and ideas to improve the sales of the company. He was successfully marketed the goods of Somatech in the market and captured a substantial share of the market for Somatech to become one of the 10 companies in Bangladesh. He was then promoted to Marketing Services Manager till he joined Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. in 2008 as Chief Executive Officer. He is very much experienced with the pharmaceuticals business and its day to day operations. He has good amount of knowledge about the pharmaceuticals machineries and production procedures in a pharmaceuticals factory. He will be an asset for his experience in Sales and Marketing of the products. He is also a regular faculty on Pharmacy department in different private universities. M. A. BARI Director, Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd Mr. Alhaj M. Abdul Bari is a prominent businessman. He started his business career in tourism sector in the early 70's. Later he started Garments business and also invested in other potential projects such as Medical College & Hospital, Pharmaceuticals, and Property Business etc. He has other businesses in UK. Mr. Bari is also Director of Baraka Power Limited, Bichitra Garments Ltd., Royal Homes Ltd., Royal Educare Ltd., Sylhet Women’s Medical College & Hospital and Jonaki International (Pvt.) Limited. He traveled most of countries of the world for business purposes. MR. MUHAMMED AHMED ALI Director, Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd Mr. Muhammed Ahmed Ali a permanent citizen of UK. He completed his graduation and engaged in business in UK. Mr. Ali has several restaurants in UK and also invested in Bangladesh on garments, powers and medicine sector. He was born in Sylhet. MD. A U M MAMUN CHOWDHURY Independent Director, Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd A U M Mamun Chowdhury obtained his master degree (major in Accounting) from Chittagong University in 1989. He also completed CC course under the institute of ICAB. He has vast experience in business, finance, auditing, taxation and corporate management. During his last 24 years of career he has served many public and private organizations in senior positions. At this moment he is serving in Cidatex Resources Bangladesh Ltd. as General Manager. His well dedication, valuable experience and sincerity made him a great corporate leader. MD. MUNSHI MONIRUZZAMAN Independent Director, Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd Md. Munshi Moniruzzaman was born in 1969 in the district of Narail. He completed his bachelor and master degree in law from the University of Rajshahi with excellent academic performance. He enrolled himself in the Bangladesh Bar Council on 08 August, 1994 and in the High Court Division on 09 February, 2001. He is a practicing Advocate since 1994. During his long path of services has achieved outstanding experience in many areas including the company affairs. He is also one of the independent directors of Shurwid Industries Limited 8 (G) CAPITAL STRUCTURE AND HISTORY OF CAPITAL RAISING: The Company intends to issue 15,000,000 ordinary shares of Tk. 10.00 each at par through Initial public offering (IPO) totaling to Tk. 150,000,000.00 subject to regulatory approvals. Particulars Before IPO: Authorized Capital Paid up Capital Total paid up Capital before IPO (A) After IPO: To be issued as IPO (B) Paid up capital (Post IPO) (A+B) No. of Shares The Company has raised its paid-up capital in following phases: Allotment Date Subscription to the Memorandum & Articles of Association at the time of Incorporation on 11-08-1985 Issued as on 28 June, 2014 Issued as on 27 May, 2015 Total Face Value (Tk.) Amount in BDT 120,000,000 35,350,000 35,350,000 10.00 10.00 10.00 1,200,000,000 353,500,000 353,500,000 15,000,000 50,350,000 10.00 10.00 150,000,000 503,500,000 In cash (Tk.) 1,000,000 99,000,000 253,500,000 353,500,000 Basis Other than in cash - - Bonus Share - - Amount in BDT 1,000,000 99,000,000 253,500,000 353,500,000 The Company, however has subdivided the face value of its ordinary share from Taka 100/- to Taka 10/- is by passing a special resolution in its Extra-Ordinary General Meeting held on April24, 2014 and necessary amendment in capital clause of the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association were made accordingly. Hence, the paid up capital of the Company comes to Tk. 353,500,000/- divided into 35,350,000 ordinary shares of Tk. 10/- each. (H) SUMMARY OF VALUATION REPORT OF SECURITIES: Particulars Method 1: Net Asset Value (NAV) per share Price based on Net Asset Value per share Method 2: Historical Earnings based value per share Earnings based Value per share based on Overall Market P/E Amount in BDT 15.07 18.39 CHAPTERII: CONDITIONS IMPOSED BY THE COMMISSION IN THE CONSENT LETTER **Conditions Imposed by the Commission are include after getting consent letter from Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission 9 CHAPTER III: DECLARATION AND DUE DILIGENCE CERTIFICATES DECLARATION ABOUT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DIRECTORS, INCLUDING THE CEO OF AMULET PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. IN RESPECT OF THE PROSPECTUS Annexure-A This prospectus has been prepared, seen and approved by us, and we, individually and collectively, accept full responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy and adequacy of the statements made, information given in the prospectus, documents, financial statements, exhibits, annexes, papers submitted to the Commission in support thereof, and confirm, after making all reasonable inquiries that all conditions concerning this public issue and prospectus have been met and that there are no other information or documents, the omission of which make any information or statements therein misleading for which the Commission may take any civil, criminal or administrative actions against any or all of us as it may deem fit. We also confirm that full and fair disclosures have been made in this prospectus to enable the investors to make a well informed decision for investment. Sd/Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed Chairman Sd/Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Director & Managing Director Sd/Syed Amirul Islam Director & CEO Sd/Abdul Mannan Director Sd/M. A. Bari Director Sd/Muhammed Ahmed Ali Director Sd/Md. A U M Mamun Chowdhury Independent Director Sd/Md. Munshi Moniruzzaman Independent Director Date: April 20, 2016 10 Annexure-B DUE DILIGENCE CERTIFICATE BY ISSUE MANAGER(S) To The Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission SUB: PUBLIC ISSUE OF 15,000,000 ORDINARY SHARES OF BDT10.00 AT PAR TOTALING BDT150,000,000.00 OF AMULET PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED. Dear Sir, We, the issue manager(s) to the above-mentioned forthcoming issue, state and confirm as follows: (1) We have examined all the documents submitted with the application for the above mentioned public issue, visited the premises of the issuer and interviewed the Chairperson, Directors and key management personnel of the issuer in connection with the finalization of the prospectus pertaining to the said issue; (2) On the basis of such examination and the discussions with the directors, officers and auditors of the issuer, other agencies, independent verification of the statements concerning objects of the issue and the contents of the documents and other materials furnished by the issuer. WE CONFIRM THAT: (a) The prospectus filed with the Commission is in conformity with the documents, materials and papers relevant to the issue; (b) All the legal requirements relating to the issue as also in the rules, notification, guidelines, instructions, etc. framed/issued by the Commission, other competent authorities in this behalf and the Government have been duly complied with; (c) The disclosures made in prospectus are true, fair and adequate to enable the investors to make a well informed decision for investment in the proposed issue and such disclosures are in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act, 1994, the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (Public Issue) Rules, 2015 and other applicable laws; (d) Besides ourselves, all the intermediaries named in the prospectus are registered with the Commission and that till date such registrations are valid; (e) We have satisfied ourselves about the capability of the underwriters to fulfill their underwriting commitments; (f) The proposed activities of the issuer for which the funds are being raised in the present issue fall within the ‘main objects’ listed in the object clause of the Memorandum of Association or other charter of the issuer and that the activities which have been carried out till now are valid in terms of the object clause of its Memorandum of Association; (g) Necessary arrangements have been made to ensure that the moneys to be received pursuant to the issue shall be kept in a separate bank account and shall be used for the purposes disclosed in the use of proceeds section of the prospectus; (h) All the applicable disclosures mandated in the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (Public Issue) Rules, 2015 have been made in addition to other disclosures which, in our view, are fair and adequate to enable the investor to make a well informed decision; (i) We enclose a note explaining how the process of due diligence has been exercised by us in view of the nature of current business background or the issuer, situation at which the proposed business stands, the risk factors, sponsors experiences etc. We also confirm that the due diligence related process, documents and approval memos shall be kept in record by us for the next 5 (five) years after the IPO for any further inspection by the Commission; (j) We enclose a checklist confirming rule-wise compliance with the applicable provisions of the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (Public Issue) Rules, 2015 containing details such as the rule number, its text, the status of compliance, page numbers of the prospectus where the rules has been complied with and our comments, if any; (k) We also declare that we have managed the public issue of following issuers in the last 05 (five) years: Sl. No. Name of the Issue 01 02 03 No issue has been approved No issue has been approved Sunlife Insurance Company Limited 05 06 07 Familytex (BD) Limited No issue has been approved IFAD Autos Limited 04 Golden Harvest Agro Industries Limited Place: Dhaka Date: April 27, 2016 Issue Year 2010-2011 2011-2012 Issue Price 2015 10.00 - 2012-2013 25.00 10% B 2013-2014 2014-2015 30.00 7% C, 30% B 10.00 - Dividend Payment History 2014 N/A N/A 6% B 10% C 10% B N/A - 2013 2012 6% B 10% C, 5% B 100% B 6% B - 20% B - Sd/Mohammad Hamdul Islam Managing Director & CEO Banco Finance And Investment Limited 11 To The Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission Sub: Public Offer of 15,000,000 Ordinary Shares of Tk.150,000,000.00 by Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Dear Sir, We, the issue manager(s) to the above-mentioned forthcoming issue, state and confirm as follows: (1) We have examined all the documents submitted with the application for the above mentioned public issue, visited the premises of the issuer and interviewed the Chairperson, Directors and key management personnel of the issuer in connection with the finalization of the prospectus pertaining to the said issue; (2) On the basis of such examination and the discussions with the directors, officers and auditors of the issuer, other agencies, independent verification of the statements concerning objects of the issue and the contents of the documents and other materials furnished by the issuer. WE CONFIRM THAT: (a) The prospectus filed with the Commission is in conformity with the documents, materials and papers relevant to the issue; (b) All the legal requirements relating to the issue as also in the rules, notification, guidelines, instructions, etc. framed/issued by the Commission, other competent authorities in this behalf and the Government have been duly complied with; (c) The disclosures made in prospectus are true, fair and adequate to enable the investors to make a well informed decision for investment in the proposed issue and such disclosures are in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act, 1994, the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (Public Issue) Rules, 2015 and other applicable laws; (d) Besides ourselves, all the intermediaries named in the prospectus are registered with the Commission and that till date such registrations are valid; (e) We have satisfied ourselves about the capability of the underwriters to fulfill their underwriting commitments; (f) The proposed activities of the issuer for which the funds are being raised in the present issue fall within the ‘main objects’ listed in the object clause of the Memorandum of Association or other charter of the issuer and that the activities which have been carried out till now are valid in terms of the object clause of its Memorandum of Association; (g) Necessary arrangements have been made to ensure that the moneys to be received pursuant to the issue shall be kept in a separate bank account and shall be used for the purposes disclosed in the use of proceeds section of the prospectus; (h) All the applicable disclosures mandated in the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (Public Issue) Rules, 2015 have been made in addition to other disclosures which, in our view, are fair and adequate to enable the investor to make a well informed decision; (i) We enclose a note explaining how the process of due diligence has been exercised by us in view of the nature of current business background or the issuer, situation at which the proposed business stands, the risk factors, sponsors experiences etc. We also confirm that the due diligence related process, documents and approval memos shall be kept in record by us for the next 5 (five) years after the IPO for any further inspection by the Commission; (j) We enclose a checklist confirming rule-wise compliance with the applicable provisions of the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (Public Issue) Rules, 2015 containing details such as the rule number, its text, the status of compliance, page numbers of the prospectus where the rules has been complied with and our comments, if any; (k) We also declare that we have managed the public issue of following issuers in the last 05 (five) years: Sl. 1 Issue Month/Year (July to June) No issue has been approved Issue FY 2010-11 Issue Price N/A 2 GSP Finance Company (Bangladesh) Limited 2011-12 25.00 3 4 5 Bangladesh Shipping Corporation (RPO) Bangladesh Submarine Cable Company Limited Orion Pharma Limited Bengal Windsor Thermoplastics Limited Apollo Ispat Complex Limited Shurwid Industries Limited Saif Powertec Limited Western Marin Shipward Limited National Feed Mills Limited Hamid Fabrics Limited Place: Dhaka Date: April 27, 2016 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 500.00 35.00 60.00 40.00 22.00 10.00 30.00 35.00 10.00 35.00 Dividend Payment History N/A 2015- 10% B, 2014-10% C, 2013- 20% C, 15% B, 2012-20% C, 10% B 2014-55% B, 2013- 12% B, 2011- 10% B 2015- 20% B, 2014-20% B, 5% C, 201315% B, 2014- 15% C, 2013- 15% C, 2012- 20% C, 20% B. 2014- 10% B, 2013- 23% C, 2012- 8% B, 14% C 2015- 3% C, 12% B, 2014- 14% B 2014- 15% B 2015- 29% B, 2014- 27% B 2014- 5%C, 10%B 2014- 10%B 2015- 15%C, 5%B, 2014- 10%C, 10%B Sd/Nasrin Sultana Chief Executive Officer ICB Capital Management Limited 12 DUE DILIGENCE CERTIFICATE BY THE UNDERWRITER(S) Annexure-C To The Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission Sub: Public offer of 15,000,000 Ordinary Shares of Tk. 150,000,000.00 of Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Dear Sir, We, the under-noted Underwriter(s) to the above-mentioned forthcoming issue, state individually and collectively as follows: (1) We, while underwriting the above mentioned issue on a firm commitment basis, have examined the draft prospectus, other documents and materials as relevant to our underwriting decision; and (2) On the basis of such examination and the discussions with the issuer company, its directors and officers, and other agencies, independent verification of the statements concerning objects of the issue and the contents of the documents and other materials furnished by the issuer company. WE CONFIRM THAT: (a) We are registered with the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission as a merchant banker and eligible to carry out the underwriting activities. Our present paid-up capital stands at Tk. 250,00,00,000 (Taka two hundred and fifty crore only) and we have the capacity to underwrite a total amount of Tk. 1250,00,00,000 (Taka twelve hundred and fifty crore only) as per relevant legal requirements. We have committed to underwrite for up to Tk. 1,50,00,000 (Taka one crore and fifty lac ) only for the upcoming issue. (b) At present, the following underwriting obligations are pending for us: Sl. No. Name of the Company 01 Express Insurance Limited 02 IDLC Finance Limited 03 Dhaka Regency Hotel Limited Total Underwriting Obligations Underwritten Amount in BDT 5,73,25,000 3,00,00,000 2,50,00,000 11,23,25,000 (c) All information as are relevant to our underwriting decision have been received by us and the draft prospectus forwarded to the Commission has been approved by us; (d) We shall subscribe and take up the un-subscribed securities against the above-mentioned public issue within 15 (fifteen) days of calling up thereof by the issuer; and (e) This underwriting commitment is unequivocal and irrevocable. For the Underwriter: Sd/Muhammad Shahjahan Managing Director Southeast Bank Capital Services Limited Date:April 26, 2016 13 To The Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission Sub: Public offer of 15,000,000 Ordinary Shares of Tk. 150,000,000.00 of Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Dear Sir, We, the under-noted Underwriter(s) to the above-mentioned forthcoming issue, state individually and collectively as follows: (1) We, while underwriting the above mentioned issue on a firm commitment basis, have examined the draft prospectus, other documents and materials as relevant to our underwriting decision; and (2) On the basis of such examination and the discussions with the issuer company, its directors and officers, and other agencies, independent verification of the statements concerning objects of the issue and the contents of the documents and other materials furnished by the issuer company. WE CONFIRM THAT: (a) We are registered with the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission as a merchant banker and eligible to carry out the underwriting activities. Our present paid-up capital stands at Tk. 500,000,000 (Taka Fifty Crore only) and we have the capacity to underwrite a total amount of Tk. 2,500,000,000 (Taka Two Hundred and Fifty Crore Only) as per relevant legal requirements. We have committed to underwrite for up to Tk. 22,500,000 (Taka Two Crore Twenty Five Lac Only) for the upcoming issue. (b) At present, the following underwriting obligations are pending for us: Sl. No. Name of the Company 01 Alliance Holdings Limited 02 MP Spinning Mills Limited 03 LSI Industries Limited 04 Yeakin Polymer Limited 05 Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 06 MEB Poy Manf. Plant Ltd. 07 Pacific Denims Ltd. Total Underwriting Obligations Underwritten Amount in BDT 46,750,000.00 45,000,000.00 20,000,000.00 21,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 37,500,000.00 230,250,000.00 (c) All information as are relevant to our underwriting decision have been received by us and the draft prospectus forwarded to the Commission has been approved by us; (d) We shall subscribe and take up the un-subscribed securities against the above-mentioned public issue within 15 (fifteen) days of calling up thereof by the issuer; and (e) This underwriting commitment is unequivocal and irrevocable. For the Underwriter: Sd/Md. Golam Sarwar Bhuiyan Chief Executive Officer AIBL Capital Management Limited Date:April 26, 2016 14 To The Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission Sub: Public Offer of 1,50,00,000 Ordinary shares of Tk. 10 each totaling to Tk 15,00,00,000 of Amulet Pharmaceuticals Limited . Dear Sir, We, the under-noted Underwriter(s) to the above-mentioned forthcoming issue, state individually and collectively as follows: (1) We, while underwriting the above mentioned issue on a firm commitment basis, have examined the draft prospectus, other documents and materials as relevant to our underwriting decision; and (2) On the basis of such examination and the discussions with the issuer company, its directors and officers, and other agencies, independent verification of the statements concerning objects of the issue and the contents of the documents and other materials furnished by the issuer company. WE CONFIRM THAT: (a) We are registered with the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission as a Merchant banker and eligible to carry out the underwriting activities. Our present paid up capital stands at Tk 200 (Two hundred) crore only and we have the capacity to underwrite a total amount of Tk 1000(One thousand) crore only as per relevant legal requirements. We have committed to underwrite for up to Tk 1.50 crore (One crore fifty lac) for the upcoming Issue. (b) At present, the following underwriting obligations are pending for us: Sl. Name of the Company No. 01. Fiber Shine Ltd 02. Summit Uttaranchal Power Company Limited 03. Dhaka Regency Hotel and Resort Ltd 04. Mohammad Elias Brothers poy manufacturing plant Limited 05. Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited 06. MYMCO Jute Mills (Composite) Ltd 07. Rupsha Fish & allied industries Ltd 08 MP Spinning mills Ltd Total Underwriting Obligations Underwritten Amount in BDT 30,000,000 100,000,000 25,000,000 10,000,000 137,500,000 30,000,000 30,000,000 30,000,000 392,500,000 (c) All information as are relevant to our underwriting decision have been received by us and the draft prospectus forwarded to the Commission has been approved by us; (d) We shall subscribe and take up the un-subscribed securities against the above-mentioned public issue within 15 (fifteen) days of calling up thereof by the issuer; and (e) This underwriting commitment is unequivocal and irrevocable. For the Underwriter: Sd/Dina Ahsan Chief Executive Janata Capital and Investment Limited Date:April 26, 2016 15 CHAPTERIV: ABOUT THE ISSUER (a) Name of the issuer, dates of incorporation and commencement of its commercial operations, its logo, addresses of its registeredoffice, other offices and plants, telephone number, fax number,contact person, website address and e-mail address; Particulars Name of the Issuer Date of incorporation Date of Commencement of commercial operations : : : Company Logo : Registered office Factory office Telephone Number Fax Number Contact Person Website Address E-mail Address : : : : : : : Description Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. August 11, 1985 1986, in new premises November 01, 2011 Cha-72/1-B, Moddha Badda (6 floor), Holland Center, Progoti sharani, Dhaka-1212 Amulet Complex, Singdighi, Maona, Sreepur, Gazipur, Bangladesh. 02-9862647, 02-9862657 02-8851876 Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul www.amuletpharmaceuticals.com info@amuletpharmaceuticals.com th (b) The names of the sponsors and directors of the issuer; Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name of the Sponsors A.K.M. Saleh Uddin Mr. M.A. Hamid Mr. M.A. Qayum Mr. M.A. Matin A.K.M Anwarul Islam Mr. Mamunur Rashid Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Name of the Directors Mr. Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed Mr. Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Mr. Abdul Mannan Mr. Syed Amirul Islam Mr. M. A. Bari Muhammed Ahmed Ali Md. A U M Mamun Chowdhury Md. Munshi Moniruzzaman (c) The name, logo and address of the auditors and registrar to the issue, along with their telephone numbers, fax numbers, contact persons, website and e-mail addresses; Particulars Name : Logo : Address Telephone Number Fax Number Contact Person Website address E-mail Address : : : : : : Zoha Zaman Kabir Rashid & Co. Description Rupayan Karim Tower, Level -7, Suite-7A, 80, Kakrail, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. 02-9339725, 02-9339732 02-8313128 Md. IqbalHossain FCA www.zzkrca.com info@zzkrca.com 16 (d) The name(s) of the stock exchanges where the specified securities are proposed to be listed. DHAKA STOCK EXCHANGE LIMITED 9/F Motijheel C/A, Dhaka 1000. and CHITTAGONG STOCK EXCHANGE LTD. CSE Building, 1080, Sheikh MujibRoad, Chittagong 4100. CHAPTER V:: CORPORATE DIRECTORY OF THE ISSUER Particulars Name of the Issuer Registered office Factory office : : : Auditor : Managers to the Issue Company Secretary Legal Advisor Tax Consultant : : : : Description Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. th Cha-72/1 72/1-B, Moddha Badda (6 floor), Holland Center, Progoti sharani, Dhaka-1212 Dhaka Amulet Complex, Singdighi, Maona, Sreepur, Gazipur, Bangladesh. Zoha Zaman Kabir Rashid & Co. Chartered Accountants Rupayan Karim Tower, Level -7, Suite-7A, 80, Kakrail, Dhaka-1000, 1000, Bangladesh. Banco Finance And Investment Limited th Baitul View Tower (11 Floor), 56/1, Purana Paltan Paltan, Dhaka-1000 ICB Capital Management Limited Green City Edge (5th & 6th Floor) 89, Kakrail, Dhaka Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh Munshi Abu Naim ACS Fakir Abu Hasan Mohammad Yousuf Fakir Abu Hasan Mohammad Yousuf All investors are hereby informed that Mr. Munshi Abu Naim ACS, Company Secretary, would be designated as Compliance Officer who will monitor the compliance of the acts, rules, regulations, notification, guidelines, conditions, orders/directions etc. issued by the Commission and/or Stock Exchange(s) applicable to the conduct of the business activities of the Company ompany so as to promote the interest of the investors in the security issued by the Company, and for redressing investors’ grievances. 17 CHAPTER VI: DESCRIPTION OF THE ISSUER (A) SUMMARY (i) The summary of the industry and business environment of the Issuer: The project was setting up a pharmaceutical industry is envisaged by a group of qualified entrepreneurs with a view to extend its present pattern of business in the field of medicine. It will provide services to the needy people with minimum prices so that poor and destitute will be able to procure medicine. The promoters are well-renounced educated and highly experienced entrepreneurs. Having been a successful business group in Garments Manufacturing and Exporting sector, tourism sector and electricity generation business this group of entrepreneurs plan to diversify business and decided to go for Pharmaceutical sector by setting up a medicine manufacturing unit. It is expected that they will be able to run the project successfully. Having decided to establish a pharmaceutical industry basically two options were looked for. Option 1 is to buy an existing pharmaceuticals factory and renovate it to a desirable level of standard to satisfy GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) compliance. Option 2 was to construct a new GMP compliant factory in Maona, Sreepur, Gazipur and apply for manufacturing license from the Directorate of Drugs, Government of Bangladesh. In pursing these two options a mixed option became available and the company decided to for that. This mixed option was to buy a company with their license of manufacturing Non-Biological Medicine but the production facility was very poor and not worthy to work on it. In future an up-to-date manufacturing facility needs to be constructed. So it was decided to buy the company with the license and build a new manufacturing facility on company’s own land at Maona, Sreepur, Gazipur. The Company that was bought called Healing Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Its office cum factory was at Kadamtali, Bashabo, Dhaka. Shares of Healing Pharmaceuticals Ltd. were transferred to new shareholders and registered by RJSC on 2008. After completing the process of share transfers and duly registered by RJSC, an application was made to Directorate of Drugs Administration, Government of Bangladesh on 02 March, 2008 for the followings: 1) Approval of the change of shareholders of Healing Pharmaceuticals Ltd.; 2) Acceptance of the change of the name of the company from Healing Pharmaceuticals Ltd. to Amulet Pharmaceuticals Limited; 3) Permission to relocate the manufacturing facility from Kadamtola Basabo to Maona, Sreeepur, Gazipur; 4) Grant of a period of 2 years to construct a factory facility and decoration of the same; 5) Approval of a Biological License in addition to the existing the Non-Biological license. An approval was received from the Directorate of Drug Administration on 13 April, 2009 of the followings: 1) Approval of the share transfer of Healing Pharmaceuticals Ltd.; 2) Approval of change of the company Name from Healing to Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd.; 3) Relocation and grant of one year time for construction of a new manufacturing facility at Maona, Sreepur, Gazipur in according to the GMP compliances. This new facility was ready for inspection by the Directorate of Drugs Administration to grant Amulet with a Biological manufacturing license in addition to the existing Non-Biological license. Subsequently the factory and the facility was inspected by the Directorate of Drug Administration on 10 June, 2011 and the Biological Manufacturing license in addition to the renewal of existing Non-biological license was granted On 24 October, 2011. Finally production at this new manufacturing facility of Amulet Pharmaceuticals at Maona, Sreepur, Gazipur started on 01 November, 2011. Since then slowly all products of Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd are being produced in this new GMP compliant manufacturing facility. Name of the Company Registered Office Factory Office Core Area of Business Legal Status Date of Incorporation COMPANY AT A GLANCE Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Cha-72/1-B, Moddha Badda (6thFloor), Holland Center, Progoti Sharani, Dhaka-1212 Amulet Complex, Singdighi, Maona, Sreepur, Gazipur, Bangladesh. Manufacturing and marketing of quality medicine. Public CompanyLimited by shares August 11, 1985 HIGHLIGHTS OF THE COMPANY Date of incorporation as Private Limited Company Commencement of commercial operation Conversion date from Private Limited Company to Public Limited Company Date of change of denomination of face value of share from Tk. 100 to Tk. 10 August11, 1985 1986, in new premises November 01, 2011. July 24, 2014 April 24, 2014 18 (ii) Summary of consolidated financial, operating and other information. Particulars Turnover Gross Profit/(Loss) Net Profit before tax Net Profit after tax Total Assets Share Capital Retained Earnings No. of Shares Face Value NAV per Share Earnings per Share Dec 31, 2015 213,031,638 88,413,757 53,742,211 33,847,344 803,291,603 353,500,000 179,518,197 35,350,000 10.00 15.08 0.96 June 30, 2015 388,157,162 161,183,417 93,527,975 54,827,794 743,182,149 353,500,000 145,670,853 35,350,000 10.00 14.12 4.41 June 30, 2014 294,467,820 114,087,046 53,458,450 33,176,306 454,924,859 100,000,000 90,843,059 10,000,000 10.00 19.08 182.92 June 30, 2013 212,055,360 81,858,655 28,215,964 16,018,461 243,820,094 1,000,000 57,666,753 10,000 100.00 5,866.68 1,601.85 As Per Audited Financial Statements June 30, 2012 140,576,835 53,161,819 19,762,446 10,714,309 200,427,543 1,000,000 41,648,292 10,0000 100.00 4,264.83 1,071.43 June 30, 2011 69,078,920 25,080,303 12,484,720 6,533,981 137,791,624 1,000,000 30,933,983 10,000 100.00 3,193.40 653.40 (B) GENERAL INFORMATION: (i) Name and address, telephone and fax numbers of the registered office, corporate head office, other offices, factory, business premises and outlets of the issuer: Name Address Registered office Telephone Numbers Fax Numbers Name Address Telephone Numbers Fax Numbers Factory office Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. th Cha-72/1-B, Moddha Badda (6 floor), Holland Center, Progoti sharani, Dhaka1212 02-9862647, 02-9862657 02-8851876 Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Amulet Complex, Singdighi, Maona, Sreepur, Gazipur, Bangladesh. 01726058149 N/A Other office (Sales Centers/Dispatch Outlets) Name of Companies Sales Center Address Telephone Numbers Dhaka Sales Center Cha/72/1/B,Holland Center (6th Floor) Moddha Badda,Progati Sarani,Dhaka-1212 Comilla Sales Center West Bagicha, Train Station, Comilla. 01948662667 N/A Mymensingh Sales Center Holding No . 95/3, Bhatikashor, Mymensingh. 01858297953 N/A Sylhet Sales Center Amborkhana, Sylhet. 01716765777 N/A Rangpur Sales Center Station Road Rangpur. 01866748966 N/A Kustia Sales Center N. S. Road, Kushtia. 01935646093 N/A Chittagong Sales Center Bogra Sales Center Barisal Sales Center Rajshahi Sales Center Maizdi Sales Center Nasirabad, Chittagong. Ward No. 95/3-Holding No. 4444/467-Ground Floor, Jalasharitola, Bogra. Ali Hossain Mansion, Bangla Bazar, Barisal. Mithur More Laxmipur, Rajshahi. Maizdee Court, Maizdee. (ii) The board of directors of the issuer: Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Name of the Board of Directors Mr. Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed Mr. Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Mr. Abdul Mannan Mr. Syed Amirul Islam Mr. M. A. Bari Mr. Muhammed Ahmed Ali Md. A U M Mamun Chowdhury Md. Munshi Moniruzzaman 0172786966 Fax numbers 01714826532 01680746323 01747135084 01735361877 01811315285 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Designation Chairman Managing Director Director Director Director Director Independent Director Independent Director 19 (iii) Names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses of the chairman, managing director, whole time directors, etc. of the issuer: Sl. No. Name Designation Address Telephone, fax numbers & E-mail address Chairman Cha-72/1-B, Moddha Badda, (6 floor), Holland Center, Progoti sharani, Dhaka-1212 Managing Director Cha-72/1-B, Moddha Badda, (6th floor), Holland Center, Progoti sharani, Dhaka-1212 th 1 Mr. Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed 2 Mr. Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul 3 Mr. Abdul Mannan Director Cha-72/1-B, Moddha Badda, (6th floor), Holland Center, Progoti sharani, Dhaka-1212 4 Mr. Syed Amirul Islam Director Cha-72/1-B, Moddha Badda, (6th floor), Holland Center, Progoti sharani, Dhaka-1212 5 Mr. M. A. Bari Director Cha-72/1-B, Moddha Badda, (6 floor), Holland Center, Progoti sharani, Dhaka-1212 6 Mr. Muhammed Ahmed Ali Director Cha-72/1-B, Moddha Badda, (6th floor), Holland Center, Progoti sharani, Dhaka-1212 7 Md. A U M Mamun Chowdhury Independent Director Cha-72/1-B, Moddha Badda, (6th floor), Holland Center, Progoti sharani, Dhaka-1212 8 Md. Munshi Moniruzzaman Independent Director Cha-72/1-B, Moddha Badda, (6th floor), Holland Center, Progoti sharani, Dhaka-1212 th Tel:02-9862647, 02-9862657 Fax: 02-8851876 E-mail:info@amuletpharmaceuticals.com Tel:02-9862647, 02-9862657 Fax: 02-8851876 E-mail:info@amuletpharmaceuticals.com Tel:02-9862647, 02-9862657 Fax: 02-8851876 E-mail:info@amuletpharmaceuticals.com Tel:02-9862647, 02-9862657 Fax: 02-8851876 E-mail:info@amuletpharmaceuticals.com Tel:02-9862647, 02-9862657 Fax: 02-8851876 E-mail:info@amuletpharmaceuticals.com Tel:02-9862647, 02-9862657 Fax: 02-8851876 E-mail:info@amuletpharmaceuticals.com Tel:02-9862647, 02-9862657 Fax: 02-8851876 E-mail:info@amuletpharmaceuticals.com Tel:02-9862647, 02-9862657 Fax: 02-8851876 E-mail:info@amuletpharmaceuticals.com (iv) Names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses of the CFO, company secretary, legal advisor, auditors and compliance officer; Sl. No. Name Position Address Cha-72/1-B, Moddha Badda, (6th floor), Holland Center, Progoti sharani, Dhaka-1212 1 Kazi Mahmudul Hasan CFO 2 Munshi Abu Naim ACS 3 Fakir Abu Hasan Mohammad Yousuf Company Secretary & Compliance Officer 4 Zoha Zaman Kabir Rashid & Co. Cha-72/1-B, Moddha Badda, (6th floor), Holland Center, Progoti sharani, Dhaka-1212 Legal advisor Cha-72/1-B, ModdhaBadda, (6th floor), Holland Center, Progotisharani, Dhaka-1212 Chartered Accountants Rupayan Karim Tower, Level -7, Suite-7A, 80, Kakrail, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. Telephone, fax numbers & E-mail address Tel:02-9862647, 02-9862657 Fax: 02-8851876 E-mail:info@amuletpharmaceuticals.com Tel:02-9862647, 02-9862657 Fax: 02-8851876 E-mail:info@amuletpharmaceuticals.com Tel:02-9862647, 02-9862657 Fax: 02-8851876 E-mail:info@amuletpharmaceuticals.com Tel:02-9339725, 02-9339732 Fax:02-8313128 E-mail:info@zzkrca.com (v) Names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, contact person, website addresses and e-mail addresses of the issue manager(s), registrar to the issue etc.; Name of Issue Managers& Addresses Contact Person Telephone & Fax Numbers Website & E-mail Addresses Banco Finance And Investment Limited Baitul View Tower (11th Floor) 56/1, PuranaPaltan, Dhaka-1000 Mohammad Hamdul Islam Managing Director & CEO Tel: 02-7125703 Tel: 02-7125910 Fax: 02-7125634 Website:www.bfilbd.org E-mail:banco.bd@gmail.com Nasrin Sultana Chief Executive Officer Tel:02-8300555 Fax:02-8300396 Website:icml.com.bd E-mail:icmlbd@gmail.com ICB Capital Management Limited Green City Edge (5th & 6th Floor) 89, Kakrail, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh (vi) The following details of credit rating, where applicable: Credit Rating is not applicable for this Issue. 20 (vii) Following details of underwriting: a) The names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, contact persons and e-mail addresses of the underwriters and the amount underwritten by them; Name of the Underwrites & Addresses AIBL Capital Management Limited Peoples Insurance Bhaban (7th Floor) 36, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000 Janata Capital and Investment Limited 48, Motijheel (3rd floor), Dhaka-1000 Southeast Bank Capital Services Ltd. Eunoos Center (Level 9) 52-53 Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000 Contact Person Md. GolamSarwarBhuiyan Chief Executive Officer Dina Ahsan Chief Executive Muhammad Shahjahan Managing Director (C.C.) Telephone & Fax Numbers, Website & E-mail Addresses Tel: 02-9560198 Tel: 02-9568007 Tel: 02-7123255-7 Fax: 02-9569351 Website:www.al-arafahbank.com E-mail:cml@al-arafahbank.com Tel: 02-7114374 Tel: 02-7114375 Fax: 02-7110496 Website:www.jcil-bd.com E-mail:info@jcil.com.bd Tel: 02-9574171-5 Fax: 02-9574169 Website:www.southeastbank.com.bd E-mail:mbw@southeastbank.com.bd Underwritten Amount in BDT 22,500,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 b) Declaration by the underwriters that they have sufficient resources as per the regulatory requirements to discharge their respective obligations; As per the Declaration by the underwriters (Chapter III, Due Diligence Certificate of the Underwriters.), they are registered with the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission as a merchant banker and eligible to carry out the underwriting activities and have the adequate capacity to underwrite as per relevant legal requirements. c) Major terms and conditions of the underwriting agreements. (i) As per the guideline of Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission, 35% of Initial Public Offering (IPO) i.e. 5,250,000 ordinary shares of Tk. 10.00 per share totaling Tk. 52,500,000.00 shall have to be underwritten by the Underwriters, subject to the terms stated as follows: (ii) The IPO shall stand cancelled and the application money shall be refunded immediately (but not later than 5 (five) weeks from the date of the subscription closer), if any of the following events occur: (a) Upon closing of the subscription list it is found that the total number of the valid applications is less than the minimum requirement as specified in the listing regulations of the stock exchanges. (b) At least 65% of the IPO is not subscribed. (iii) The Company shall issue 15,000,000 Ordinary Shares of Tk. 10.00 per share for public subscription through publishing a Prospectus in accordance with the consent of the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission and the provision of this Agreement. (iv) Prior to publication of the prospectus, the Company shall have obtained consent from the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission permitting the issue as described in Article 2.01 and providing for payment of underwriting commission 0.50% (zero point five zero percent) on the amount underwritten. (v) If and to the extent that the shares offered to the public by a Prospectus authorized hereunder shall not have been subscribed and paid for in cash in full by the Closing Date, the Company shall within 10 (ten) days of the closure of subscription call upon the underwriters in writing with a copy of the said writing to the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission, to subscribe the shares not so subscribed by the closing date and to pay for in cash in full, inclusive of any premium if applicable, for such unsubscribed shares within 15 (fifteen) days after being called upon to do so. The amount so received shall be credited to the share subscription account of the Company within the said period. If payment is made by Cheque/Bank Draft by the Underwriter, it will be deemed that the Underwriter has not fulfilled his obligation towards his underwriting commitment under this Agreement, until such time as the Cheque/Bank Draft has been encashed and the Company’s share subscription account credited. In any case within 7 (seven) days after the expiry of the aforesaid 15 (fifteen) days, the Company shall send proof of subscription and payment by the Underwriters to the Commission. In the case of failure by the underwriter to pay for the shares within the stipulated time, the Company/Issuer will be under no obligation to pay any underwriting commission under this Agreement. 21 (C) CAPITAL STRUCTURE: (i) Authorized, issued, subscribed and paid up capital (number and class of securities, allotment dates, nominal price, issue price and form of consideration); Before IPO: Particulars Authorized Capital Issued, Subscribed and Paid up capital No. of shares 120,000,000 Nominal price Issue price Ordinary Shares 10.00 10.00 1,200,000,000 10.00 353,500,000 Total paid up capital before IPO (A) 35,350,000 Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares 10.00 10.00 To be issued as IPO (B) 15,000,000 Ordinary Shares 10.00 10.00 After IPO Paid up capital (Post IPO) (A+B) 35,350,000 Class of securities 50,350,000 10.00 Ordinary Shares 10.00 Amount in BDT 353,500,000 150,000,000 10.00 503,500,000 The Company has raised its paid-up capital in following phases: Date of Allotment Subscription to the Memorandum & Articles of Association at the time of Incorporation on 1108-1985 Issued as on 28 June, 2014 Issued as on 27 May, 2015 Total In cash 1,000,000 Form of Consideration Other than in cash Bonus Share - - - 99,000,000 253,500,000 353,500,000 - Amount in BDT 1,000,000 99,000,000 253,500,000 353,500,000 (ii) Size of the present issue, with break-up (number of securities, description, nominal value and issue amount); Description Offer price BDT 10.00 Each at Par, total size of fund to be raised BDT. 150,000,000/Total Number of Securities to be Offered Eligible investors (EIs) GeneralPublic Break-up of Securities 7,500,000 7,500,000 15,000,000 Nominal value 10.00 10.00 10.00 Issue Amount in BDT 75,000,000 75,000,000 150,000,000 (iii) Paid up capital before and after the present issue, after conversion of convertible instruments (if any) and share premium account (before and after the issue); Particulars Paid up capital before the present issue Paid up capital after the present issue Paid up capital after conversion of convertible instruments (if any) Share premium account before the present issue Share premium account after the present issue No. of Securities 35,350,000 50,350,000 Issue price 10.00 10.00 N/A N/A N/A Amount in BDT 353,500,000 503,500,000 (iv) Category wise shareholding structure with percentage before and after the present issue and after conversion of convertible instruments (if any); Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 Category of Shareholders Directors & Sponsors Other than Directors & Sponsors Mutual Funds Eligible investors (EIs) Other EIs NRB General public Others Total No. of Ordinary Shares Hold Pre-IPO Post-IPO 15,187,500 15,187,500 20,162,500 19,162,500 1,500,000 6,000,000 1,500,000 6,000,000 35,350,000 50,350,000 Percentage of Holding Pre-IPO Post-IPO 42.96 30.16 57.04 40.04 2.98 11.92 11.92 2.98 100 100 After conversion Pre-IPO Post-IPO N/A N/A (v) Where shares have been issued for consideration in other than cash at any point of time, details in a separate table, indicating the date of issue, persons to whom those are issued, relationship with the issuer, issue price, consideration and valuation thereof, reasons for the issue and whether any benefits have been accrued to the issuer out of the issue; The Company has not issued any of its ordinary shares for consideration in other than cash at any point of time. 22 (vi) Where shares have been allotted in terms of any merger, amalgamation or acquisition scheme, details of such scheme and shares allotted; The Company has not issued any shares in terms of merger, amalgamation or acquisition scheme. (vii) Where the issuer has issued equity shares under one or more employee stock option schemes, date-wise details of equity shares issued under the schemes, including the price at which such equity shares were issued; The Company has not issued any equity shares under one or more employee stock option schemes. (viii) If the issuer has made any issue of specified securities at a price lower than the issue price during the preceding two years, specific details of the names of the persons to whom such specified securities have been issued, relation with the issuer, reasons for such issue and the price thereof; The Company has not made any issue of specified securities at a price lower than the issue price during the preceding two years. (ix) The decision or intention, negotiation and consideration of the issuer to alter the capital structure by way of issue of specified securities in any manner within a period of one year from the date of listing of the present issue; The Company has no such decision or intention, negotiation and consideration to alter the capital structure by way of issue of specified securities in any manner within a period of one year from the date of listing of the present issue. (x) The total shareholding of the sponsors and directors in a tabular form, clearly stating the names, nature of issue, date of allotment, number of shares, face value, issue price, consideration, date when the shares were made fully paid up, percentage of the total pre and post issue capital, the lock in period and the number and percentage of pledged shares, if any, held by each of them; Name of Sponsors & Directors Nature of Issue Abu SaeedShaukat Ahmed Ordinary Shares Abu ZafarEnayetRasul Ordinary Shares Abdul Mannan Ordinary Shares Syed Amirul Islam Ordinary Shares M. A. Bari Ordinary Shares Muhammed Ahmed Ali Total Ordinary Shares Date of allotment 12-10-2007 28-06-2014 27-05-2015 12-10-2007 28-06-2014 27-05-2015 04-11-2007 10-11-2007 28-06-2014 27-05-2015 04-11-2007 28-06-2014 27-05-2015 10-11-2007 28-06-2014 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 No. of shares 25,000 1,475,000 1,355,000 27,500 1,722,500 3,505,000 25,000 2,500 1,722,500 1,957,500 7,500 742,500 310,000 5,000 495,000 660,000 1,150,000 15,187,500 Face value Issue price Consideration 10.00 10.00 Cash 10.00 10.00 Cash 10.00 10.00 Cash 10.00 10.00 Cash 10.00 10.00 Cash 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Cash Face value Issue price Date when shares Were made fully Paid-up 12-10-2007 28-06-2014 27-05-2015 12-10-2007 28-06-2014 27-05-2015 04-11-2007 10-11-2007 28-06-2014 27-05-2015 04-11-2007 28-06-2014 27-05-2015 10-11-2007 28-06-2014 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 Percentage (%) Lock-in Period PreIPO PostIPO 8.08 5.67 3 Years 14.87 10.44 3 Years 10.49 7.36 3 Years 3.00 2.11 3 Years 3.28 2.30 3 Years 3.25 42.96 2.28 30.16 3 Years Note: (i) There is no pledged shares (ii) Lock-in starts from date of issuance Prospectus Name of General Shareholders Janata Capital and Investment Ltd. Nature of Issue Ordinary Shares Date of allotment 27-05-2015 BMSL Investment Ltd. Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 AminurRashed Ordinary Shares 28-06-2014 SyedaShanaz Ahmed Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 RaisaMehvinRasul Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 Abdulla-Al-Mahmud Nahid Khan Rasul JobaydaMannan Sharmin Sultana Lima Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 No. of shares 500,000 10.00 10.00 Consideration Cash Date when shares weremade fully Paid-up 27-05-2015 Percentage (%) PreIPO 1.41 PostIPO 0.99 Lock-in Period 1 Year 900,000 10.00 10.00 Cash 27-05-2015 2.55 1.79 1 Year 750,000 10.00 10.00 Cash 28-06-2014 2.12 1.49 1 Year 1,400,000 10.00 10.00 Cash 27-05-2015 3.96 2.78 1 Year 1,000,000 10.00 10.00 Cash 27-05-2015 2.83 1.99 1 Year 1,000,000 1,062,500 1,400,000 1,200,000 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Cash Cash Cash Cash 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 2.83 3.01 3.96 3.39 1.99 2.11 2.78 2.38 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 23 MunsurAhamed Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 420,000 10.00 10.00 Cash 27-05-2015 1.19 0.83 1 Year M. Munir Ahmed Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 400,000 10.00 10.00 Cash 27-05-2015 1.13 0.79 1 Year Md. UzzalHossain Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 100,000 10.00 10.00 Cash 27-05-2015 0.28 0.20 1 Year ZahedHossan Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 80,000 10.00 10.00 Cash 27-05-2015 0.23 0.16 1 Year S & S Enterprise Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 50,000 10.00 10.00 Cash 27-05-2015 0.14 0.10 1 Year Sabbir Ahmed Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 50,000 10.00 10.00 Cash 27-05-2015 0.14 0.10 1 Year Mohammad ShafiqulKabir Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 125,000 10.00 10.00 Cash 27-05-2015 0.35 0.25 1 Year GulamImani Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 200,000 10.00 10.00 Cash 27-05-2015 0.57 0.40 1 Year Md. Nazrul Islam Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 100,000 10.00 10.00 Cash 27-05-2015 0.28 0.20 1 Year Md. Jahangir Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 100,000 10.00 10.00 Cash 27-05-2015 0.28 0.20 1 Year JalilMiah Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 200,000 10.00 10.00 Cash 27-05-2015 0.57 0.40 1 Year Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 760,000 10.00 10.00 Cash 27-05-2015 2.15 1.51 1 Year BadrulAlam Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 200,000 10.00 10.00 Cash 27-05-2015 0.57 0.40 1 Year ShelinaRahman Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 225,000 10.00 10.00 Cash 27-05-2015 0.64 0.45 1 Year Samad Ali Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 450,000 10.00 10.00 Cash 27-05-2015 1.27 0.89 1 Year MahbubaKhatun Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 500,000 10.00 10.00 Cash 27-05-2015 1.41 0.99 1 Year Mrs. Sultana Jesmin Chino Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 200,000 10.00 10.00 Cash 27-05-2015 0.57 0.40 1 Year Abdul Rahman Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 500,000 10.00 10.00 Cash 27-05-2015 1.41 0.99 1 Year Md. JiluMiah Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 200,000 10.00 10.00 Cash 27-05-2015 0.57 0.40 1 Year Jabbir Ahmed Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 250,000 10.00 10.00 Cash 27-05-2015 0.71 0.50 1 Year KabirMiah Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 100,000 10.00 10.00 Cash 27-05-2015 0.28 0.20 1 Year Md. AbdurRab Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 10,000 10.00 10.00 Cash 27-05-2015 0.03 0.02 1 Year Ali Akbar Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 50,000 10.00 10.00 Cash 27-05-2015 0.14 0.10 1 Year 20,162,500 10.00 10.00 57.04 40.04 AbidHossain Ishtiaq Ahmed Md. MasudurRahman Md. Sajedul Islam Apurba Kumar Das Md. AnisurRahman Zahidul Islam BadrulHaiderChowdhury ZillurRahman Shah Jalal Uddin AbdusSubhan AfsaryKhanom Salah Uddin Ahmed ShifaWahidaRahman Sumon Ahmed Md. AlmojahidMullick Syed SakibNaimuddin Mohammed Mominul Islam NizamUddinSikdar MuminaKhatun Muhibun Bari Chowdhury Md. Tipu Sultan Saiful Islam Helaly KaziMahmudulHasan Total Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 200,000 100,000 80,000 27-05-2015 100,000 27-05-2015 100,000 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 100,000 250,000 100,000 750,000 300,000 250,000 170,000 225,000 200,000 540,000 200,000 70,000 500,000 200,000 670,000 200,000 27-05-2015 175,000 27-05-2015 200,000 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Note: (i) There is no pledged shares (ii) Lock-in starts from date of issuance Prospectus Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 0.57 0.28 0.23 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.71 0.28 2.12 0.85 0.71 0.48 0.64 0.57 1.53 0.57 0.20 1.41 0.57 1.90 0.57 0.50 0.57 0.40 0.20 0.16 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.50 0.20 1.49 0.60 0.50 0.34 0.45 0.40 1.07 0.40 0.14 0.99 0.40 1.33 0.40 0.35 0.40 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 24 (xi) The details of the aggregate shareholding of the sponsors and directors, the aggregate number of specified securities purchased or sold or otherwise transferred by the sponsor and/or by the directors of the issuer and their related parties within six months immediate preceding the date of filing the prospectus; Aggregate shareholding of the sponsors and directors: Particulars Aggregate shareholding of the sponsors and directors Aggregate shareholding 15,187,500 Percentage (%) Pre-IPO Post-IPO 42.96 30.16 Lock-in Period 3 Years Percentage (%) Lock-in Period The details of the aggregate shareholding of the sponsors and directors: Name of Sponsors & Directors Abu SaeedShaukat Ahmed Abu ZafarEnayetRasul Abdul Mannan Position No. of shares Managing Director 5,255,000 Chairman Syed Amirul Islam 2,855,000 Muhammed Ahmed Ali 3.00 2.11 10.49 Director 1,160,000 15,187,500 1,060,000 1,150,000 5.67 10.44 3,707,500 Director Total 8.08 Post-IPO 14.87 Director Director& CEO M. A. Bari Pre-IPO 3 Years 3 Years 7.36 3 Years 3.28 2.30 3 Years 42.96 30.16 3.25 3 Years 2.28 3 Years The Issuer has no such transection of specified securities purchased or sold or otherwise transferred by the sponsor and/or by the directors of the issuer and their related parties within six months immediate preceding the date of filing the prospectus. (xii) The name and address of any person who owns, beneficially or of record, 5% or more of the securities of the issuer, indicating the amount of securities owned, whether they are owned beneficially or of record, and the percentage of the securities represented by such ownership including number of equity shares which they would be entitled to upon exercise of warrant, option or right to convert any convertible instrument; Name of the Shareholder Abu SaeedShaukat Ahmed Abu ZafarEnayetRasul Abdul Mannan Address Apt. No. A/401, House No. 63, Road No. 8/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka. Apt. No. A/401, House No. 63, Road No. 8/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka. 7 Housing Estate, Amborkhana, Sylhet. Amount of Securities Owned Type of Ownership Shareholding by beneficially or of record ownership (%) 2,855,000 Director 8.08 5,255,000 Director 14.87 3,707,500 Director 10.49 As far as the existing information is concern, there is no event or intent of exercising warrant, option or right to convert any convertible instrument. (xiii) The number of securities of the issuer owned by each of thetop ten salaried officers, and all other officers or employeesas group, indicating the percentage of outstanding shares represented by the securities owned. Name of the Shareholder Position Amount of Securities Owned Percentage of Ownership (%) Chief Executive Officer 1,060,000 3.00 Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Director & Managing Director Kazi Mahmudul Hasan Chief Financial Officer Syed Amirul Islam 5,255,000 200,000 14.87 0.57 25 (D) DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS: (i) The date on which the issuer company was incorporated and the date on which it commenced operations and the nature of the business which the company and its subsidiaries are engaged in or propose to engage in; Particulars Date of Incorporation Commercial Operation Nature of Business Subsidiaries Company Description Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. was incorporated as a Private limited Company on 11 August, 1985 under the Companies Act, 1994 with the name of Healing Pharmaceuticals Ltd. and subsequently changed its name to Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. on January 28, 2008. It was converted into a Public Limited Company on July 24, 2014. 1986, in new premises November 01, 2011. The Principal activities of the Company throughout the year continued to be manufacturing and marketing of quality medicine. The Company has no Subsidiary Company. (ii) Location of the project; The Project is situated at Amulet Complex, Vill: Singdighi, P.O: Maona, Thana: Sreepur, District: Gazipur, Bangladesh. (iii) Plant, machinery, technology, process, etc. APL is vertically integrated generic pharmaceuticals formulation products manufacturer, marketer, promoter anddistributor. Its manufacturing process heavily technology driven, dynamic in nature and using highly sophisticated state-of-the –art cutting edge technology. The plant adheres to GMP standard, hygiene and safety. The facilities are unique for Integrated Building ManagementSystem (IBMS), World-class Structural Design, Dust-free Environment, well-designed HVAC System, Zero Cross-contamination, Vacuum Transfer Close System, Different Storage Conditions, High-tech Chemical & Microbiological Laboratories, Modern R&D facility, most up-to-date Purified Water Generation plant, Fire Management System and Eco-friendly Effluent Treatment Plant. APL maintains Total Quality System, which includes Strict Monitoring, End-to-end Regulation. State-of-the-art Equipment, True Measurements, Equipment Calibration, Trained professionals (iv) Details of the major events in the history of the issuer,including details of capacity/facility creation, launching of plant, products, marketing, change in ownership and/or key management personnel etc.; Particulars Description Date of Incorporation Name Change Conversion of Private Public Limited Company to Commercial Operation Capacity Launching of Plant Launching of Products Launching of Distribution Channel Change in ownership and/or Key management personnel Appointment of Independent Director(s) Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. was incorporated as a Private limited Company on August 11, 1985 under the Companies Act, 1994 with the name of Healing Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Healing Pharmaceuticals Ltd. to change its name to Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. on January 28, 2008. Converted into a public limited company on July 24, 2014 with Register of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC) in Bangladesh under the Companies Act, 1994. 1986, in new premises November 01, 2011. Tablet & Capsule- 160 Million Pcs and Liquid & Ointment 1.50 million pcs per year based on 1 shift basis.2011 1986, in new premises November 01, 2011. 2011 28 January, 2008 20 January, 2016 26 (v) Principal products or services of the issuer and markets forsuch products or services. Past trends and future prospectsregarding exports (if applicable) and local market, demand and supply forecasts for the sector in which the product isincluded with source of data; 68 medicines that prevent, treat and cure diseases across a significant range of therapeutic areas and in the pipe line of products in various areas. Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Product Name Tab. Adcal D, Calcium & Vitamin D3 Tab. Amzith, Azithromycin 500 mg Cap. Amzith, Azithromycin 250 mg Susp. Amzith, Azithromycin 200 mg Tab. Amuran, Ranitidine 150 mg Cream. Binafin, Terbinafine Hydrochloride 1% Tab. Cebeta, Beta Carotene, Vitamin C & Vitamin E 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Cream. Clori HC, Hydrocortisone Acetate Clotrimazole 1% Cap. Amucef 200, Cefxime 200 mg Cap. Amucef 400, Cefxime 400 mg Powder & Susp. Amucef PFS, Cefxime Trihydrate 100 mg Cream. Ecolet, Econazole Nitrate 1% Cap. Esomo 20, Esomeprazole 20 mg Cap. Esomo 40, Esomeprazole 40 mg Tab. Flocip 500, Ciprofloxacin 500 mg 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Cap. Flucolet 50, Fluconazole 50 mg Cap. Flucolet 150, Fluconazole 150 mg Powder & Susp. Flucolet, Fluconazole 50 mg Cap. DFC TR, Diclofenac Sodium 100 mg Tab. Axefur 250, Cefuroxime 250 mg Tab. Nopath, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6 & Vitamin B12 Cap. Omelet 20, Omeprazole 20 mg Cap. Omelet 40, Omeprazole 40 mg Tab. Pyrizin, Meclizine Hydrochloride 25 mg & Pyridoxine Hydrochloride 50 mg Tab. Rheunil, Aceclofenac 100 mg Tab. Setir, cetirizine Hydrochloride 10 mg Tab. Tempanil Extra, Paracetamol 500 mg & Caffeine 65 mg Tab. Tempanil, Paracetamol 500 mg Tab. Toro, Ketorolac Tromethamine 10 mg Tab. Axefur 500, Cefuroxime 500 mg Tab. Volta Gold, multivitamin-Mutimineral Tab. Xofedin 120, fexofenadine Hydrochloride 120 mg Tab. Xofedin 180, fexofenadine Hydrochloride 180 mg 16 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Sl. No. 35 36 37 38 39 40 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Product Name Cap. Zifov, Iron, Vit-C, Folic Acid, vit-B Complex, Zinc Tab. Desolet, Desloratadine 5 mg Tab. Montilet, Montelukast 10 mg Tab. Nitalet, Nitazoxanide 500 mg Tab. Coxetori 60, Etoricoxib 60 mg Tab. Coxetori 120, Etoricoxib 120 mg Powder & Susp. Axefur PFS, Cefuroxime Axetil 125 mgCiprofloxacin Dry Syrup Tablet- Calcium & Vitamin D3 Cap. Amfrad 250 , Cephradine 250 mg Cap. Amfrad 500 , Cephradine 500 mg Powder & Susp. Amfrad, Cephradine 125mg/5ml Cream. Perclear, Permethrin 5% Cream. Fusate, Sodium fusidate 2% Tab. SMR, Baclofen BP 10 mg Cream. Burndel, Silver Sulphadiazine BP 10 mg Powder & Susp.Nebalet, Neomycin Sulphate BP 5 mg Bacitracin Zinc BP 4.17 mg Cream. Timofet, Tiemonium methyl sulphate INN 50 mg. Syrup. Ambrocod, Ambroxol Hydrochloride 15 mg/5ml Syrup. Prolax, Lactulose 3.35 gm/5ml Syrup. Voltacod, Multivitamin With Cod Liver Oil Syrup. Neozinc, Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate 10 mg/5ml Syrup. Volta Gold, Multivitamin & Multimineral Inj. Tramalet, Tramadol Hydrocloride BP 100 mg Inj. Dfc, Diclofenac Sodium BP 75 mg 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Inj. Cefilet, Ceftriaxone USP 1 gm IM Inj. Cefilet, Ceftriaxone USP 1 gm IV Inj. Cefilet, Ceftriaxone USP 2 gm IV Inj. Lidocaine, 2ml /3ml /3.5ml Ampoule Inj. Toro, Ketorolac Tromethamine 30 mg Inj. Amupime, Cefepime USP 500 mg IV/IM Inj. Amupime, Cefepime USP 1gm IV/IM Inj. Water For Injection, 5ml/10ml/15ml/20ml Ampoule Inj. Timofet, Tiemonium Methylsulphate INN 5 mg 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Powder & Susp. Flocip, Ciprofloxacin 250 mg 50 59 Upcoming Products: Inj. Cefilet, Ceftriaxone USP 500 mg IM There are 21 medicines launching very soon. These product lists are given below: Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Product Name Ciprofloxacin 750 mg Tablet Erythromycin 125 mg/5ml PFS Tizanidine Hydrochloride 2 mg Tablet Pizotifen 0.50 mg Tablet Rupatadine 10 mg Tablet Losartan Potassium 25 mg Tablet Losartan Potassium 50 mg+ Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg Tablet Isosorbide Mononitrate 20 mg Tablet Atenolol 50 mg Tablet Amlodipine 5 mg + Atenolol 25 mg Tablet Diltiazem Hydrochloride 500 mg Tablet Sl. No. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Product Name Glibenclamide 5 mg Tablet Metformin Hydrochloride 500 mg Tablet Levofloxacin 500 mg Tablet Levofloxacin 750 mg Tablet Drotaverine 40 mg Tablet Atorvastatin 10 mg Tablet Tramadol 37.5 mg + Paracetamol 325 mg Tablet Naproxen 500mg + Esomeprazole 20 mg Tablet Tamsulosin Hydrochloride 0.4 mg Capsule Etoricoxib 90 mg Tablet Market of the Products: All of the products' markets are throughout the Bangladesh. 27 Past trends and future prospectsregarding exports (if applicable) and local market: Particulars Sales (Local) Sales (Export) Dec 31, 2015 213,031,638 Jun 30, 2015 388,157,162 Jun 30, 2014 294,467,820 Jun 30, 2013 212,055,360 N/A Jun 30, 2012 140,576,835 Jun 30, 2011 69,078,920 Pharmaceuticals products are met one of the basic needs for all living being. It is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. According to IMS by 2017, demand of pharmaceuticals products will be USD 1,200 billion. According to the same source, in the year 2014 Bangladesh pharmaceuticals market size was Tk. 10,600crore with a growth of 8.48%. For the period ended December 31, 2015 (six months), Amulet's domestic sales was Tk. 21.30 crore with a growth 16.90% compared to last same period sales. According to IMS in the year 2015, Bangladesh pharmaceuticals market size was Tk. 12,000 crore (based on 520 Chemist shop of urban area in Bangladesh). (vi) If the issuer has more than one product or service, therelative contribution to sales and income of each product orservice that accounts for more than 10% of the company’s total revenues; The Company has no product or service that accounts for more than 10% of the Company’s total revenues. (vii) Description of associates, subsidiary and holding companyof the issuer and core areas of business thereof; The Company has no associates/subsidiary and related holding company and core areas of business. (viii) How the products or services are distributed with details ofthe distribution channel. Export possibilities and exportobligations, if any; The existing and proposed pharmaceuticals items will be produce for local market initially and after some times the products will be export abroad. The products will market through the following channels: Factory Central Distribution Center Depot: Outside Dhaka Depot: Inside Dhaka Modda Badda Rajshahi, Bogra, Mymensing, Rangpur, Sylhet,Comilla, Chittagong, Barisal, Maizdi and Kustia Drug Store / Pharmacy / Institution/ Wholesaler / Retailer Consumer/ End User Export Possibilities and Obligation: Currently the Company has such no plan to exports. (ix) Competitive conditions in business with names, percentageand volume of market shares of major competitors; Apart from this, as per annual report of the major listed companies and audited financial statements of Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. the sales amounts are presented below Name of the Competitors Central Pharmaceuticals Limited Orion Infusion Limited Pharma Aids Limited The IBN Sina Pharmaceuticals Industry Limited BEXIMCO Pharma Limited Orion Pharma Limited Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Turnovr (Amount in BDT) 660,793,414/662,837,116/146,704,491/3,162,625,108/11,206,885,677/1,652,879,840/388,157,162/- There is no data available regarding market shares of the respective listed company in their annual report Year End June 30, 2015 June 30, 2015 June 30, 2015 December 31, 2015 December 31, 2014 December 31, 2014 June 30, 2015 28 (x) Sources and availability of raw materials, names andaddresses of the principal suppliers and contingency plan in case of any disruption; Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. major raw materials in addition, it requires many different types of dyes and chemicals. The names of the major suppliers& address are mentioned are below: Sl. No. 01 02 03 04 05 Name of Principal Suppliers Brothers vitamin South China Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd. Orchev Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Shanghai Modern Pharmaceutical Company Ltd. Shanghai Modern Pharmaceutical Company Ltd. 06 Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. 07 Necter Life Sciences Limited 08 Hetero Drugs Ltd. 10 Aarti Drugs Ltd. 09 Necter Life Sciences Limited 11 Brothers Vitamin 12 South China Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd. 13 Glenmark Generics Ltd 14 Glenmark Generics Ltd 15 Glenmark Generics Ltd. 16 Novo Healthcare 17 Metrochem API Pvt. Ltd 18 Dr. Reddy Laboratories Ltd. 19 Ravoo's Laboratories Ltd. 20 Auctus Pharma, India 21 Auctus Pharma, India 22 Morepen Laboratories Ltd. Address Zhouwangmiao industrial zone, Haining City, Zhejiang Province, China Rangoli, Condal Road, Rajkot360 002, Gujrat, India Rangoli, Condal Road, Rajkot360 002, Gujrat, India Room-402, Buildingno-6, No1320, West Beijing Road, Shangai, 200040, Chaina Room-402, Buildingno-6, No1320, West Beijing Road, Shangai, 200040, Chaina. Water mark Building, Plot No11, Survey No-9, Kondapur, Hiteek City, Hyderabad-500 084, Andra Pradesh, India 110, industrial Area, Phase-1, Chandigarh-160002 110, industrial Area, Phase-1, Chandigarh-160002 110, industrial Area, Phase-1, Chandigarh-160002 7-2-A2,corporate industrial Estate, sanata nagar, hydarabad-500018, India Zhouwangmiao industrial zone, Haining City, Zhejiang Province, China Rangoli, Condal Road, Rajkot360 002, Gujrat, India Glenmark House (3rd floor), HDO Corporate BLDGI, Auling,B.D. Sawant Road,Chakala,Mumbai400099,Maharastha, India Glenmark House (3rd floor), HDO Corporate BLDGI, Auling,B.D. sawant Road,Chakala,Mumbai400099,Maharastha, India Glenmark House (3rd floor), HDO Corporate BLDGI, Auling,B.D. Sawant Road,Chakala,Mumbai400099,Maharastha, India Plot # 2, Road # 11, Block # CSection # 6 , Mirpur Dhaka1216 Flat No-302,Bhanu Enlaave, Sunder Nagar, Erragadda, Hydarabad-500 038, India 8-2-337, road-3,Banjara Hills, hydarabad500034, andhana Pradesh, India Flat No-215, Bharu Enclave, Erragadda, Hydarabad, AndhaPradesh –India-500 038, st No102, 1 floor, Adithy Trade Center,Ameereef, Hydarabad,500 038, AP India No102, 1st floor, Adithy Trade Center,Ameereef, Hydarabad,500 038, AP India th 4 floor, Antriksh Bhawan, 22, Name of Raw Materials Country of Origin Calcium Carbonate China Cholecalciferol (Vit D3) China Azithromycin Dihydrate (Compacted) China Azithromycin Dihydrate China Cefuroxime Axetil (DC Grade) India Cefuroxime Axetil (Amorphous) India Cefixme Trihydrate Micronized) India Ranitidine Hydrochloride Cefixme Trihydrate (Compacted) India India Terbinafine Hydrochloride India Beta Carotene China Vitamin E China Etoricoxib India Etoricoxib India Desloratadine India Diclofenac Sodium Bangladesh Esomeprazole Magnesium Trihydrate India Ciprofloxacin (Compacted) India Ciprofloxacin (Bitterness Pellets) India Fluconazole (Compacted) India Fluconazole (Bitterness Micronized) India Montelukast Sodium India 29 23 South China Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd. 24 Alembic Pharma. Ltd. 25 Ravoo's Laboratories Ltd. 26 Brothers vitamin 27 Amoli Organics Pvt. Ltd. 28 Auctus Pharma, India 29 Joyochem Co, Ltd. 30 Hetero Drugs Ltd. 31 Brothers vitamin 32 Dr. Reddy Laboratories Ltd. 33 Novo Healthcare 34 Necter Life Sciences Limited 36 Brothers vitamin 37 Brothers vitamin 38 Brothers vitamin 39 Dr. Reddy Laboratories Ltd. 40 Novo Healthcare 35 Necter Life Sciences Limited Ka mang, New Delhi-11001, India Rangoli, Condal Road, Rajkot360 002, Gujrat, India Alembic Road, Vadodara 390003, India Flat No-215, Bharu Enclave, Erragadda, Hydarabad, AndhaPradesh –India-500 038, Zhouwangmiao industrial Zone, Haining City, Zhejiang Province, China 407, Delamal House, Nariman Point, Mumbai-400021, India No102, 1st floor, Adithy Trade Center,Ameereef, Hydarabad,500 038, AP India 3rd floor, Building-11, Comprehensive Free Trade Zone, China. 110, Industrial Area, Phase-1, Chandigarh-160002 Zhouwangmiao Industrial Zone, Haining City, Zhejiang Province, China 8-2-337, Road-3,Banjara Hills, Hydarabad500034, andhana Pradesh, India Plot # 2, Road # 11, Block # CSection # 6 , Mirpur Dhaka1216 110, Industrial Area, Phase-1, Chandigarh-160002 110, Industrial Area, Phase-1, Chandigarh-160002 Zhouwangmiao Industrial Zone, Haining City, Zhejiang Province, China Zhouwangmiao Industrial Zone, Haining City, Zhejiang Province, China Zhouwangmiao Industrial Zone, Haining City, Zhejiang Province, China 8-2-337, Road-3, Banjara Hills, Hydarabad500034, Andhana Pradesh, India Plot # 2, Road # 11, Block # CSection # 6 , Mirpur Dhaka1216 Cyanocobalamin China Omeprazole India Pyridoxine Hydrochloride China Aceclofenac India Cetirizine Hydrochloride India Baclofen China Ketorolac Tromethamine India Multivitamins-Multiminerals (A-Z) China Fexofenadine Hydrochloride India Nitazoxanide Iron, Folic acid, Vit-B Complex, VitC, Zinc India Bangladesh Ceftriaxon Sodium India Ambroxol Hydrochloride China Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate China Multivitamin + Cod Liver Oil China Ketorolac Tromethamine India Cefipime Diclofenac Sodium India Bangladesh Contingency plan: As numbers of suppliers of raw materials are plenty in the market, if one supplier fails to provide raw material there are always other suppliers available. So there is no possibility of disruption. (xi) Sources of, and requirement for, power, gas and water; orany other utilities and contingency plan in case of any disruption; All required utility facilities are available at the project site and those are stated below: Particulars Power Gas Water ETP System Source & Requirements The Company meets up its power requirement from Rural Electrification Board (REB) with 400 KW lines and its own Generator (400 KVA). Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. meets its Gas requirement by LPG. The requirement is meet by the Company’s own deep tube-well. APL has already developed Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) system to make pollution free environment, which facilities Company’s existing production. 30 Contingency plan: Particulars Power Gas Water Source & Requirements The Company has its own Generator (400 KVA). Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. meets its Gas requirement by LPG. The Company has alternative source of Water. (xii) Names, address(s), telephone number, web address, e-mailand fax number of the customers who account for 10% or more of the company’s products /services with amount and percentage thereof; The Company has no such customer who contributes 10% or more of the total revenue. (xiii) Names, address(s), telephone number, web address, e-mailand fax number of the suppliers from whom the issuerpurchases 10% or more of its raw material/ finished goods with amount and percentage thereof; The Company has no such Supplier from whom the Company purchases 10% or more of its raw material/Finishedgoods. (xiv) Description of any contract which the issuer has with itsprincipal suppliers or customers showing the total amountand quantity of transaction for which the contract is made and the duration of the contract. If there is not any of such contract, a declaration is to be disclosed duly signed by CEO/MD, CFO and Chairman on behalf of Board of Directors; The company has not entered into any contract with any of its suppliers or customers. Declaration regarding Contract with Principal suppliers or customers We, on behalf of the Board of Directors certify that The Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. did not enter into any contract with its principal suppliers or customers. Sd/Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Managing Director Sd/Kazi Mahmudul Hasn Chief Financial Officer Sd/Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed Chairman (xv) Description of licenses, registrations, NOC and permissionsobtained by the issuer with issue, renewal and expiry dates; Particulars Certificate of Incorporation License Issuer/Issuing Authority Register Joint Bangladesh Stock Companies and Firms, Certificate/License No. Issue Date Renewal Date Expiry Date C-14612 11-08-1985 N/A N/A TIN Certificate National Board of Revenue, Bangladesh 646693455577 01-04-2014 N/A N/A VAT Certificate Customs, Excise Bangladesh 18061011246 04-02-2013 N/A N/A Office Of The Chief Controller Of Imports & Exports, Bangladesh B-0209611 05-12-2010 Bangladesh Association of Pharmaceuticals Industries 1016 18-04-2016 N/A 31-12-2016 1 No. Maona Union Parishad, Sreepur, Gazipur 1036 22-07-2008 12-10-2015 30-06-2016 Import Registration Certificate BAPI Membership Certificate Trade License and VAT Commissionarate, Fire License Fire Service & Civil Defense, Bangladesh Dhaka 20293/11 24-02-2011 16-08-2015 30-06-2016 Certificate of Insurance Bangladesh General Insurance Co. Ltd. BGIC/DZO/FP0512/10/2014 25-10-2015 N/A 25-10-2016 Environment Certificate Directorate of Environment, Bangladesh cwi‡ek/Xvwe/Mvt †R/18797/Qvo-39 23-08-2011 12-04-2016 22-08-2016 (xvi) Description of any material patents, trademarks, licenses orroyalty agreements; The Company has no material patents, trademarks, licenses or royalty agreements. 31 (xvii) Number of total employees and number of full-timeemployees; All employees are considered permanent and employee position As per Audited Financial Statement 31 December, 2015 (Note-40) is as under: Salary Range (Monthly) For the period ended 31 December, 2015 Below 3,000 Above 3,000 Total Total Employee 349 349 349 (xviii) A brief description of business strategy; Officer & Staff Head Office Factory 24 244 24 244 24 244 Worker & Employee Head Office Factory 81 81 81 Corporate Values: In Amulet, we are guided by a set of corporate values which inspire the daily tasks in our professional staff and the management. These values are: Professionalism: The Company is committed to employing the right people with the right skills in the right place at the right time. From highly qualified industrial pharmacists to locally well-known medical promotions officer, from quality assurance scientists to business analysts, the company employs true professional and also provides them continuous development training. Innovation and Creativity: The Company encourages its research team and its production team innovates and creates enabling it to produces products which are of very high quality and is affordable to our target customer base. True universal healthcare is our ultimate aim. Teamwork and Leadership: The Company respects all its stakeholders’ staff, management, health service providers, retailers, investors and all those who come in contact with the company. Everyone is respected, kept involved, always heard, well led and valued. The company communicates its vision, values and performance targets in a way that engages everyone in building a forward thinking team. Customer focus and Transparency: The Company treats all its customers, health service providers and retailers with trust, respect and appreciation. It maintains test records of all its products in a transparent, proactive and positive way. Target: To maintain customer trust and satisfaction nationwide that includes local and international compliance of 46 LDCs (Least Developing Country) barrier and opportunities with in the year of 2016 with trusted name in quality medicine. Goal: Inspired by a single goal for your health: To shape the dreams with creativity and ingenuity with an aim for highly efficient and quality production. Strength: Its strength lies in the commitment of both management and workers to deliver value to the clients, customers, consumers and well-wishers. Safety: Anyone entering the factory in working hour uses shoes with hygienic cover, hand-gloves, aprons and required safety measure. In addition firefighting system is there to support. Environment: All necessary precautions will be taken to reduce the environmental impact to a minimum standard. The Company already got the environmental clearance. The factory will have insignificant negative impact on environment because our factory location is every much environment friendly to manufacture finished medicines in pleasant environmental atmosphere. Major Focus of APL: To improve the health status of population particularly of mothers and children; To consolidate and strengthen existing Primary Health Care (PHC) program; To prevent, control and treat major communicable and non-communicable diseases; & To promote adequate production, supply and distribution of essential drug vaccines and other therapeutic agents. 32 (xix) A table containing the existing installed capacities for eachproduct or service, capacity utilization for these products orservices in the previous years, projected capacities for existing as well as proposed products or services and theassumptions for future capacity utilization for the next three years in respect of existing as well as proposed products orservices. If the projected capacity utilization is higher than the actual average capacity utilization, rationale to achievethe projected levels. Total actual capacity and its utilization: Products Unit Tablet & Capsule Million Pcs Liquid & Ointment Million Pcs Installed Capacity Capacity Utilization for this Products Actual Capacity Utilization (%) 31.12.2015 30.06.2015 30.06.2014 30.06.2013 31.12.2015 30.06.2015 30.06.2014 30.06.2013 31.12.2015 30.06.2015 30.06.2014 30.06.2013 160.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 57.92 119.17 90.19 69.26 36.20% 74.48% 75.16% 57.72% 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.30 0.50 0.92 0.69 0.72 33.33% 61.33% 46.00% 55.38% Based on one shift basis Estimated actual capacity and its utilization: Products Unit Tablet & Capsule Million Pcs Liquid & Ointment Million Pcs Projected Capacities for existing & proposed Projected Capacity Utilization for this Products Projected Capacity Utilization (%) 30.06.2016 30.06.2017 30.06.2018 30.06.2016 30.06.2017 30.06.2018 30.06.2016 30.06.2017 30.06.2018 170.00 200.00 220.00 120.00 140.00 155.00 70.59% 70.00% 70.45% 1.50 1.80 2.00 1.20 1.30 1.50 80.00% 72.22% 75.00% (E) DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Contain the following information in respect of properties of the issuer namely: - (i) Location and area of the land, building, principal plants and other property of the company and the condition thereof; The company has set up its plant & machineries at Amulet Complex, Vill: Singdighi, P.O: Maona, Thana: Shreepur, District: Gazipur to run operations and the corporate office is situated at Ch 72/1/B, Moddha Badda, Holland Centre (6th floor), Progoti Sarani, Dhaka-1212. The Company possesses the following fixed assets at written down value as per audited financial statements: Particulars Land & Land Development Factory Building Plant & Machinery Generator Office Decoration Office Equipment Furniture & Fixture Motor Vehicles Books Laboratory Test Equipment Total Fixed Assets Written Down Value (Amount in BDT) 55,259,840 72,873,747 175,124,103 1,994,671 4,869,203 3,676,979 1,326,552 2,191,786 629,855 16,807,098 334,753,832 (ii) Whether the property is owned by the company or taken onlease; All the property is owned by the Company. 33 (iii) Dates of purchase, last payment date of current rent (LvRbv)and mutation date of lands, deed value and other costs including details of land development cost, if any and current use thereof; Deed No. 2640 Dates of purchase 10-03-2008 last payment date of current rent (LvRbv) Mutation date of lands 18-06-2015 01-04-2008 Deed value 2,800,000 Registration & Other Cost Land development cost 560,000 Area of Land (Decimal) 51,899,840 104 decimals Plot No. CS & SA 1643 and RS 17048-54 (iv) The names of the persons from whom the lands has beenacquired/ proposed to be acquired along with the cost ofacquisition and relation, if any, of such persons to the issuer or any sponsor or director thereof; The Company has been acquired from other party and relation with the issuer. (v) Details of whether the issuer has received all the approvalspertaining to use of the land, if required; The issuer has received all the approval of pertaining to use of the land. (vi) If the property is owned by the issuer, whether there is amortgage or other type of charge on the property, with name of the mortgagee; Entire area of lands 104 decimals along with 04 storied modern utility building consist of approximate total area 8,000 square feet. This building is used for Warehouse, administrative purpose, dinning, prayer room and guest room & 02 storied modern main production building consist of approximate total area 30,000 square feet which is used for producing medicine and lab for quality control and machineries of the Company are mortgaged to the lending institutions namely Pubali Bank Limited, Principal Branch, Dhaka against term loan as stated in the financial statements. (vii) If the property is taken on lease, the expiration dates of thelease with name of the lessor, principal terms and conditionsof the lease agreements and details of payment; Lessor Abdus Salam Chowdhury Particulars Period of Lease Building 2 Years Lease Amount in BDT 2,160,000 Monthly Amount in BDT 90,000 Effective date Expiration date 01.01.2016 31.12.2017 Major Condition:Security Deposit given amount Tk. 100,000/- (viii) Dates of purchase of plant and machineries along withsellers name, address, years of sale, condition when purchased, country of origin, useful economic life at purchase and remaining economic life, purchase price and written down value; List of Machineries of Amulet Pharmaceuticals Limited upto 31-12-2015 Tablet Section Sl. Name No. 1 Rapid Mixer Granulator 2 Paste Preparation Kettle 3 Fluid Bed Dryer 4 Multi Mill 5 Vibro Sifter 6 Double Cone Blender 7 Tablet Deduster 8 Tablet Coating Machine 9 Rapid Mixer Granulator 10 Tablet Deduster & Collector 11 Tablet Multi Counting Machine 12 Fluid Bed Dryer 13 Dehumidifier 14 Fluid Bed Dryer 15 Die Punch Polishing Machine 16 Tablet Hardness Tester 17 18 19 20 21 22 Rotary Tablet Compression Machine Tablet Deduster Tablet Dust Collector Cone Blender Tablet Multi Coating Machine Tablet Hardness Tester Origin Quantity China China China China China USA 2 1 1 2 1 1 India India India India India Bangladesh India China China India China India Sweden China China China 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Purchase Year 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2015 2015 Actual Price in Million 2.20 0.70 2.05 0.60 0.60 0.50 0.40 1.50 2.90 3.20 3.50 3.08 1.17 4.29 1.50 1.60 5.50 1.50 0.80 3.50 3.50 2.85 Usful Life Remaining Life 15 15 15 15 15 15 13 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 Capsule Section Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Name Manual Capsule Filling Machine Semi-automatic Capsule Loader Tray Dryer (For drying excipients /granules) Double Cone Blender Capsule De-dusting and Polishing Machine Semi-automatic Capsule Loader Capsule Filling Machine Tray Dryer Capsule Loader Conveyer Table, Belt & Others Capsule Filling Machine Cone Blender Origin India India India India China China China China China Bangladesh China China 1 1 Purchase Year 2010 2011 1 1 2011 Quantity 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2014 2014 2015 2015 Actual Price in Usful Life Million 0.70 15 1.20 15 1.20 15 1.00 15 1.20 15 1.95 15 2.70 15 3.70 15 2.50 15 1.55 15 4.25 15 3.00 15 Remaining Life 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 13 13 14 14 34 Dry Powder Filling Machine Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Name Origin Quantity Name Origin Quantity Auger Powder Filling Machine Cap Sealing Machine Bottle Dryer Bottle Washing Machine Blister Machine Cone-Blender Powder Filling Machine Bottle Washing Machine Liquid Filling Machine Cap Sealing Machine for HDPE Fluid Bed Dryer India India India India China China China China China China China 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Purchase Year 2011 2011 2011 2011 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 2014 2015 Actual Price in Usful Life Million 1.20 12 0.40 12 0.40 12 0.30 12 4.05 12 1.98 12 2.50 12 2.26 12 2.50 12 1.80 12 4.00 12 Purchase Year 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 Actual Price in Usful Life Million 0.16 10 0.04 10 1.95 10 1.94 10 0.94 10 0.04 10 1.17 10 2.56 10 0.78 10 5.46 10 0.16 10 Actual Price in Million Remaining Life 7 7 7 7 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 Liquid Section: Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Emulsifier/Stirrer (5HP) Mixing Vats Liquid Filling Machine PP Cap Sealing Machine Pet Bottle Cap Sealing Machine Boiling Vat For Syrup Preparation Liquid Filter and Transfer Machine Bottle Washing Machin (Rotary) Bottle Dryer (Tray Type) Reverse Osmosis (P.W) SS Vat Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh China Bangladesh India Bangladesh 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 Remaining Life 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Topical Preparation/ Packaging/ R. M. Store Section Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Name Defender Series Platform Electronic Balance, Readability: 0.01 Kg (10 gm) Pioneer Top Loading Electronic Balance,Readability: 0.01gm( 10 Automatic On-Line Machine for cream/ointment manufacturing Semi-Automatic Tube Filling and Crimping Machine Boiler for Steam Semi Auto Tablet Counting Machine Batch Printing Machine Blister Machine (Alu – PVC & Alu – Alu) Dispensing Booth Sampling Booth Label Printing Machine Cold Room Blister Machine (Alu – PVC & Alu – Alu) Conveyer Table Defender Series Platform Electronic Balance, Readability: 0.01Kg( 10 gm) Sampling Booth Dispensing Booth ETP Origin Quantity Purchase Year USA 1 2010 USA 1 India India Usful Life Remaining Life 0.20 10 4 2010 0.20 10 4 1 2011 2.80 10 5 1 2011 2.50 10 5 Bangladesh 1 2011 0.50 10 5 India 1 2011 0.85 10 5 China China China China 1 1 1 2011 2011 2013 2013 2.70 2.00 1.30 1.56 10 10 10 10 5 5 7 7 China 0.80 10 8 China China 1 2 2011 2011 4.50 5.20 10 10 10 5 5 China 2 2 2014 USA 1 2014 0.60 10 8 2015 2015 2015 2.84 2.34 3.25 10 10 10 9 9 9 China China China 2014 0.50 8 35 Maintenance Machineries Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Name Electricity Power Supply (Sub Station) Air Compressor Diesel Generator Effluent Treatment Plant Air Handling Unit (HVAC) Dehumidifier Water Treatment Plant Fire Protection System Air Handling Unit (HVAC) HVAC Cooling System Submersible Water Pump HVAC Ducting and Errection Water Tank with Other Fittings Rotary Lequid Chiller Air Handling Unit (HVAC) Electricity Power Supply (Sub Station) Rotary Lequid Chiller Dehumidifier Effluent Treatment Water Treatment Plant Origin Quantity Bangladesh 1 China USA Bangladesh France Sweden India Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bangladesh Purchase Year 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 2014 2015 2015 France Sweden China India 2015 2015 2015 2015 Actual Price in Million 3.50 Usful Life Remaining Life 8 3 2.00 4.50 2.50 9.67 1.50 1.50 2.32 4.37 8.68 8.79 0.80 1.65 0.45 2.58 5.56 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 4.50 1.60 1.56 3.00 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 Usful Life Remaining Life 4.06 8 7 Heavy Quality Control Machine Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Name Origin HPLC (High Performance Liquid Japan Chromatography) with Computer FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Japan Spectrophotometer) with Computer UV - Visible Spectrophotometer with Japan Computer Karl-Fisher Titrator Switzerland Solvent Filtration with Pump Germany Laboratory water Distillation Plant England Dissolution Test Unit 8 baskets India Quantity 1 Purchase Year 2015 Actual Price in Million 8.57 10 9 1 2015 9.88 10 9 1 2015 9.06 10 9 1 1 1 1 2015 2015 2015 2015 9.25 5.40 3.50 5.50 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 36 Quality Control Machineries Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Name Halogen Moisture Anayser Readability:0.001 gm(1 mg) HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) UV – Visible Spectrophotometer Ultrasonic Water Bath Disintegration Test Unit Friability Tester Leak Tester Karl – Fisher Titrator Analytical Electronic Balance Readability: 0.0001 gm(0.1 mg) Analytical Electronic Balance Readability: 0.001 gm(1 mg) Pioneer Top Loading Electronic Balance Readability: 0.01 gm(10 mg) Thermostatic Water Bath Muffle Furnace Hot Air Oven Automatic Polarimeter Automatic Digital Refractometer Tap Density Tester Stability Chamber Fume Hood Spherometer/ Micrometer Refrigerator Solvent Filtration with Pump Viscometer Laboratory Water Distillation Plant pH & Conductivity Meter Melting Point & Boiling Point Apparatus Hot Plate with Magnetic Stirrer Hardness Tester High Quality HPLC Column Analog Hotplate with magnetic Stirrer Slide Callipers Digital Stability Chamber Hygrometer Automatic Tablet Hardness tester Digital Tablet Hardness tester Automatic Potentiometric Titrator Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer) Dissolution Test Unit 8 baskets Origin Quantity USA 1 Japan 1 USA Purchase Year Actual Price in Million Usful Life Remaining Life 0.44 10 4 2011 2.50 10 5 1 2011 USA 1 USA India India India Japan Japan Japan India India India India 0.20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 2011 0.30 10 5 1 2011 0.30 10 5 Thailand Germany Spain UK USA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2013 2014 2014 2014 2014 0.20 0.50 0.50 1.00 0.80 0.20 1.20 0.28 0.05 0.15 0.30 0.58 0.20 0.30 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 8 8 8 8 USA India India 1 1 1 2014 2014 2014 0.40 0.30 0.30 10 10 10 8 8 8 Germany India India USA China Japan UK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0.10 1.00 0.30 0.30 0.20 1.51 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 Germany 1 2015 3.75 10 9 India China India Spain India 1 1 1 1 1 1 2010 1 1 1 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2014 2014 2015 2015 1.00 0.20 0.50 0.20 0.20 0.90 0.40 0.30 3.50 0.72 10 10 10 10 5 8 8 9 9 Quality Control Machineries (Microbiology Section) Sl. No. 1 2 3 5 6 4 7 8 Name Laminar Air Flow Colony Counter Compound Microscope Autoclave Incubator (with cooling and heating system) Antibiotic Inhibition Zone Reader Controlled Trinocular Microscope Laboratory Binocular Microscope 1 1 1 1 Purchase Year 2011 2011 2011 2011 1 1 1 2015 2015 2015 Origin Quantity India 1 China Germany Germany India UK Germany Germany 2011 Actual Price in Usful Life Million 0.50 10 0.30 10 0.20 10 0.50 10 0.50 0.20 0.80 0.50 10 10 10 10 Remaining Life 4 4 4 4 4 9 9 9 37 (ix) Details of the machineries required to be bought by theissuer, cost of the machineries, name of the suppliers, date ofplacement of order and the date or expected date of supply, etc. Sl. No. 01 Capsule Filling Machine 02 Automatic Capsule Loader 03 04 05 06 07 Cost of the machineries Name of Machinery Tray Dryer (For excipients /granules) Double Cone Blender Capsule De-dusting Polishing Machine Total Date of placement of order Airy International After getting IPO fund 3,500,000/- Airy International After getting IPO fund 1,500,000/- Airy International After getting IPO fund 2,000,000/- Airy International After getting IPO fund 1,000,000/- Airy International After getting IPO fund 7,500,000/- Airy International After getting IPO fund 1,000,000/- Airy International After getting IPO fund 8,500,000/- drying and Blister Machine (Alu – PVC & Alu – Alu) Conveyer Table & Belt Name of the suppliers/Indentors 25,000,000/- Expected date of supply Within 2 to 4 months after placement of order Within 2 to 4 months after placement of order Within 2 to 4 months after placement of order Within 2 to 4 months after placement of order Within 2 to 4 months after placement of order Within 2 to 4 months after placement of order Within 2 to 4 months after placement of order (x) In case the machineries are yet to be delivered, the date ofquotations relied upon for the cost estimates given shall also be mentioned; No machineries are required to be bought by the issuer except machineries to be bought from IPO proceeds. (xi) If plant is purchased in brand new condition then it should bementioned; All plants and machineries of the Company were purchased in brand new condition. (xii) Details of the second hand or reconditioned machineriesbought or proposed to be bought, if any, including the age ofthe machineries, balance estimated useful life, etc. as per PSI certificates of the said machineries as submitted to theCommission; The company uses no re-conditioned or second-hand plant & machinery. It has also no proposal to buy second hand or reconditioned machineries. 38 (xiii) A physical verification report by the issue manager(s)regarding the properties as submitted to the Commission; Physical verification report by the Issue Manager(s) regarding the properties as submitted to the Commission VISIT REPORT Name of the Company Registered Office Factory Office Visited by the officials of ICB Capital Management Ltd. on 26 April, 2016 Visited by the officials of Banco Finance and Investment Limited on 26 April, 2016 Accompanied by (Issuer) Nature of Business Factory Location & Area of Land Factory Building and Civil Construction in details Factory Building Condition facilities and Power ETP Machineries of Company Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Name Rapid Mixer Granulator Paste Preparation Kettle Fluid Bed Dryer Multi Mill Vibro Sifter Double Cone Blender Rotary Tablet Compression Machine Rotary Tablet Compression Machine Particulars Amulet pharmaceuticals ltd. th Ch 72/1/B, Moddha Badda, Holland Centre (6 floor), Progoti Sarani, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh Amulet Complex, Singdighi, Maona, Sreepur, Gazipur, Bangladesh. 1. Ms. Nasrin Sultana Chief Executive Officer 2. Mr. Mujibur Rahman Khan Deputy Chief Executive Officer 3. Mr. Swapna Roy Executive Officer 4. Md. Fazlul Hoque Executive Officer 1. Mohammad Hamdul Islam Managing Director & CEO 2. Mohammad Nuruzzaman Deputy Manager 3. Tanvir Ul Alam Assistant Manager Mr. Syed Amirul Islam Director & CEO Mr. Abdul Haque Plant Manager The principal activities of the Company is manufacturing and marketing of human medicine. Amulet Complex, Vill: Singdighi, P.O: Maona, Thana: Shreepur, District: Gazipur. Total area of land 104 decimals. i) 04 storied modern utility building consist of approximate total area 8,000 square feet. This building is used for Warehouse, administrative purpose, dinning, prayer room and guest room. ii) 02 storied modern main production building consist of approximate total area 30,000 square feet which is used for producing medicine and lab for quality control. Well equipped, necessary safety measures including fire hydrant system are in place. Besides, as a part of risk management process the buildings are insured. The factory has facility of electricity from Pallibiddut. Besides, it has also 400 KVA diesel based own generator. Have an ETP plant. The list of machineries which are given below. Tablet Section: Quantity Sl. Name No. 1 9 Die Punch Polishing Machine 1 10 Tablet Deduster 1 11 Tablet Deduster 1 12 Tablet Dust Collector 1 13 Tablet Dust Collector 1 14 Tablet Coating Machine 1 1 15 Tablet Hardness Tester Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Capsule Section: Sl. No. 16 17 Name Manual Capsule Filling Machine Semi-automatic Capsule Loader Quantity 2 1 Sl. No. 19 20 Name Double Cone Blender Capsule De-dusting and Polishing Machine Quantity 1 2 39 18 Semi-automatic Capsule Loader 1 Dry Powder Filling Machine: Sl. No. 22 23 24 Name Auger Powder Filling Machine Cap Sealing Machine Bottle Dryer Quantity 1 1 1 Topical Preparation/ Packaging/ R. M. Store Section: Sl. No. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Name Automatic On-Line Machine for Cream/Ointment Semi-Automatic Tube Filling & Crimping Machine Boiler for Steam Blister Machine (Alu-PVC &AluAlu) Quantity 1 1 1 1 21 Sl. No. 25 26 27 Sl. No. 35 36 37 38 Blister Machine (Alu-PVC &AluAlu) 1 39 Semi Auto Tablet Counting Machine 1 40 1 41 Batch Printing Machine Quality Control Machineries: Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Name HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer) UV –Visible Spectrophotometer Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer Solvent Filtration with Pump Viscometer Laboratory Water Distillation Plant Ultrasonic Water Bath Dissolution Test Unit 8 Baskets Disintegration Test Unit Friability Tester Leak Tester Karl -Fisher Titrator Automatic Potentiometric Titrator Halogen Moisture Anayser Readability (1mg) Analytical Electronic Balance Readability (0.1 mg) Analytical Electronic Balance Readability (1 mg) Pioneer Top Loading Electronic Balance Readability (10 mg) Thermostatic Water Bath Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sl. No. Tray Dryer (For Drying Excipients/Granules) 1 Name Quantity Name Quantity Bottle Washing Machine Liquid Filling Machine Cap Sealing Machine for HDPE Conveyer Table Label Printing Machine Dispensing Booth Sampling Booth Defender Series Platform Electronic Balance, Readability (10 gm) Defender Series Platform Electronic Balance, Readability (10 gm) Pioneer Top Loading Electronic Balance, Readability (10 mg) Name 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quantity 21 Melting Point & Boiling Point Apparatus 23 Hot Air Oven 1 1 Automatic Digital Refractometer Hot Plate with Magnetic Stirrer 1 1 1 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Muffle Furnace Automatic Polarimeter Hardness Tester Slide Callipers Digital Tap Density Tester Stability Chamber Stability Chamber Hygrometer Fume Hood Refrigerator Spherometer/ Micrometer Automatic Tablet Hardness Tester Digital Tablet Hardness Tester High Quality HPLC Column Analog Hotplate with magnetic Stirrer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 40 20 pH & Conductivity Meter 1 Quality Control Machineries (Microbiology Section): Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 Name Quantity Laminar Air Flow 1 Colony Counter 1 1 Compound Microscope Antibiotic Inhibition Zone Reader 1 Sl. No. 5 6 7 8 Name Autoclave Incubator (with Cooling & Heating System) Controlled Trinocular Microscope Laboratory Binocular Microscope Quantity 1 1 1 1 Maintenance Machineries: Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Remarks Name Electricity Power Supply (Sub Station) Air Compressor Diesel Generator Effluent Treatment Plant Air Handling Unit (HVAC) Signed by Quantity Sl. No. Name Quantity 6 Dehumidifier 1 1 7 Submersible Water Pump 1 8 Water Treatment Plant 1 9 Fire Protection System 1 The Company is in operation. 1 1 1 1 On behalf of ICB Capital Management Limited Sd/(Md. Fazlul Hoque) Executive Officer Sd/(Ms. Swapna Roy) Senior Executive Officer Sd/(Mr. Mujibur Rahman Khan) Deputy Chief Executive Officer Sd/(Nasrin Sultana) Chief Executive Officer On behalf of Banco Finance and Investment Limited SdMohammad Nuruzzaman Deputy Manager Sd/(Mohammad Hamdul Islam) Managing Director & CEO SdTanvir Ul Alam Assistant Manager Dated: 26 April, 2016 41 (xiv) If the issuer is entitled to any intellectual property right orintangible asset, full description of the property, whether the same are legally held by the issuer and whether all formalities in this regard have been complied with; The Company has no intellectual property right or intangible asset. (xv) Full description of other properties of the issuer. The company has set up its plant & machineries at Amulet Complex, Vill: Singdighi, P.O: Maona, Thana: Shreepur, th District: Gazipur to run operations and the corporate office is situated at Ch 72/1/B, Moddha Badda, Holland Centre (6 floor), Progoti Sarani, Dhaka-1212. The Company possesses the following fixed assets at written down value as per audited financial statements: December 31, 2015 (Written Down Value) Particulars 55,259,840 72,873,747 175,124,103 1,994,671 4,869,203 3,676,979 1,326,552 2,191,786 629,855 16,807,098 334,753,832 Land & Land Development Factory Building Plant & Machinery Generator Office Decoration Office Equipment Furniture & Fixture Motor Vehicles Books Laboratory Test Equipment TOTAL Entire above mentioned properties are owned by the Company. Total land of the Company and its location is as under: Particulars Factory/Plant Area in Decimals 104 decimals Location Amulet Complex, Singdighi, Maona, Shreepur, Gazipur Status On own purchased land (F) PLAN OF OPERATION AND DISCUSSION OF FINANCIAL CONDITION: (i) If the issuer has not started its commercial operation, the company’s plan of operations for the period which would be required to start commercial operation which shall, among others, include: This is not applicable for this Issue (ii) If the issuer had been in operation, the issuer’s revenue and results from operation, financial position and changes in financial position and cash flows for the last five years or from commercial operation, which is shorter, shall be furnished in tabular form which shall, among others, include the following information: a) Internal and external sources of cash: The internal sources of cash of the company are the share capital, Share Money Deposit and Retained Earnings. The external sources of cash are bank loans. Particulars Internal sources of Cash: Share Capital Share Money Deposit Retained Earnings Sub Total External Sources of Cash: Long Term Loan Long Term Loan-Current Portion Short Term Loan Sub Total Grand Total Dec 30, 2015 June 30, 2015 June 30, 2014 June 30, 2013 (As Per Audited Financial Statements) June 30, 2012 June 30, 2011 353,500,000 179,518,197 533,018,197 353,500,000 145,670,853 499,170,853 100,000,000 40,000,000 90,843,059 230,843,059 1,000,000 57,666,753 58,666,753 1,000,000 41,648,292 42,648,292 1,000,000 30,933,983 31,933,983 52,690,724 52,400,000 44,090,771 149,181,495 682,199,692 47,785,368 55,344,000 41,492,853 144,622,221 643,793,074 61,136,528 38,940,000 66,004,607 166,081,135 396,924,194 75,854,861 38,940,000 30,976,329 145,771,190 204,437,943 104,896,210 19,612,432 124,508,642 167,156,934 88,819,605 88,819,605 120,753,588 42 b) Any material commitments for capital expenditure andexpected sources of funds for such expenditure; The Company has no Material Commitment for Capital Expenditure other than as specified in “Utilization of IPO Proceeds” under the head Use of Proceeds & Implementation Schedule of this Prospectus. c) Causes for any material changes from period to period inrevenues, cost of goods sold, other operating expenses and net income; The Company’s net profit after Tax and other business performance indicators show increasing trend due to themanagement dedication and suitable strategic action to face competition in the industry. Successive strong financial performance is the result of unwavering commitment of the promoters, management efficiency, employees’ sincerity, use of appropriate technology, among others. The following Table shows the year-to-year financial performance of the Company and which is increasing due to the company’s long terms vision in this sector, experienced top tier management, favorable economic and government rules and regulations, the commendable repayment culture is contributing for growth of the company. Particulars Net Turnover Cost of Goods Sold Operating Expenses Net Profit/(Loss) after tax Dec 31, 2015 213,031,638 124,617,881 21,518,659 33,847,344 June 30, 2015 388,157,162 226,973,745 39,345,743 54,827,794 June 30, 2014 294,467,820 180,380,774 36,263,403 33,176,306 June 30, 2013 212,055,360 130,469,705 32,097,532 16,018,461 (As per Audited Financial Statements) June 30, 2012 140,576,835 87,415,016 24,650,562 10,714,309 June 30, 2011 69,078,920 43,998,617 11,942,223 6,533,981 Causes for Changes in Sales: Due to efficient management, marketing policy and overall increasing demand of Pharmaceuticals Sector in the economy, the Company’s sales revenue bolstered from the year 2013 to the year 2015. The previous year’s maintain a stabilize trend in terms of sales. Causes for Changes in Cost of Goods Sold: As the Company increased its production capacity, its raw material consumption, factory overhead expenses and cost of production also increased proportionately. As a result, the Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) also increased year to year. Causes for Changes in Operating Expenses: Operating Expenses include administrative expenses & selling & distribution expenses. Due to increases salary & allowances, Bonus, and Sales promotional activities Operating Expenses has increased year to year. Causes for Changes in Net Profit: Due to efficient management of inventory and overall increasing demand of Pharmaceuticals Sector in the economy, the Company’s Net Profitincreases from the yearto the year. d) Any seasonal aspects of the issuer’s business; As the products of pharmaceuticals industry are of basic in nature and majorly chronic care related, Bangladesh Pharmaceuticals market is consistent. However, there may be some insignificant seasonal variation in demand for certain medicine increase seasonally. Therefore, the company’s operating results may vary insignificantly over the month of a year. e) Any known trends, events or uncertainties that may havematerial effect on the issuer’s future business; There are no known trends in customer preferences that affect Company’s operations. The business operation of the Company may be affected by some known events as follows: Political unrest Natural disaster Entrance of new technology Increase competition Increased production cost Govt. Policy change towards the industry f) Any assets of the company used to pay off anyliabilities; None of the assets of the company has been used to pay off any liabilities of the company. g) Any loan taken from or given to any related party orconnected person of the issuer with details of the same; The Company has not taken any loan from or given to any related party or connected person of the issuer. 43 h) Any future contractual liabilities the issuer may enterinto within next one year, and the impact, if any, on the financial fundamentals of the issuer; The company neither has any future contractual liabilities nor has any plan to enter into any contractual liabilities otherthan normal course of business within next one year that would impact the financial fundamentals of the company. i) The estimated amount, where applicable, of future capital expenditure; The Company has not any plan to make any capital expenditure except for those mentioned in the ‘Use of Proceeds’Chapter in this prospectus. j) Any VAT, income tax, customs duty or other taxliability which is yet to be paid, including any contingent liabilities stating why the same was not paid prior to theissuance of the prospectus. Updated income tax status for the last 5 years or from commercial operation, which is shorter; VAT: The Company has VAT registration number-18061011246. It pays VAT in time and submitted return accordingly and therefore the Company has not any outstanding VAT as on December 31, 2015. Income Tax:The E-TIN (Tax Payers Identification Number) of APL is 646693455577, Taxes Circle-161 (Company), Tax Zone-03, Dhaka. Year wise income tax status of the Company is as under: Income Year Assessment Year 2013-2014 2014-2015 2014-2015 2012-2013 2011-2012 2010-2011 Status 2015-2016 Return submitted and Assessment is under Process 2013-2014 Assessment completed by DCT 2012-2013 2011-2012 Assessment completed by DCT Assessment completed by DCT Assessment completed by DCT Customs Duty: There is no customs duty liability of the Company as on December 31, 2015 k) Any financial commitment, including lease commitment,the company had entered into during the past five years or from commercial operation, which is shorter, giving details as to how the liquidation was or is to be effected; Name of Institution Pubali Bank Ltd. Pubali Bank Ltd. Pubali Bank Ltd. Pubali Bank Ltd. Type of Loan Long Term Loan Long Term Loan Long Term Loan Short Term Loan Amount of Loan Interest Rate 10,150,000 15.50% 86,248,000 25,400,000 40,000,000 Sanction Date 13.00% 18-03-2010 15.00% 24-11-2014 15.50% 16-02-2014 31-10-2014 Amount of Installment 38,940,000 2,640,000 2,752,8000 - Outstanding Balance as on 31.12.2015 78,603,605 6,839,565 19,647,554 44,090,771 l) Details of all personnel related schemes for which thecompany has to make provision for in future years; The Company has adequate programmers for human resource development. Company also has a well-designed Compensation plan for attracting highly capable professional staff with high degree of integrity. The compensation package include Salary and Allowances, Bonus, Leave Salary, Performance based reward scheme etc. The Company considers its human resources as the most valuable assets and the profitability of Company largely depends on the efficient & effective productivity of human resources. With a view to supporting these lofty objectives, the Company makes provision for Workers’ Profit Participation Fund (WPPF) @ 5% of the net profit after charging such contribution but before tax contribution by the Company and pay Festival Bonus. 44 m) Break down of all expenses related to the public issue; The following amount to be paid to the Issue Manager, Underwriters and other costs are as follows: Sl. A. B. ISSUE MANAGEMENT FEES Manager to the Issue Fee Particulars VAT against Issue Management Fees LISTING RELATED EXPENSES Application Fees for Stock Exchanges Listing Fee for Stock Exchanges (DSE & CSE) Annual Fees for DSE & CSE C. D. E. F. Nature of Expenditure 1.00% on the public offer amount or Tk. 03.00 million whichever is lower @ 15% on Issue Management Fees Tk. 50,000 for each exchanges & 0.25% on Tk. 10 Crore and 0.15% on the rest amount of paid up capital; (minimum Tk. 50,000 and maximum Tk. 10,000,000 for each exchanges) @ 0.05% on Tk. 100 Crore of paid up capital and 0.02% on the rest amount of paid up capital; (minimum Tk. 50,000 and maximum Tk. 600,000 for each exchanges) BANGLADESH SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Application Fee BSEC Consent Fee @ 0.40% on the public offering amount IPO RELATED FEES Underwriting Commission @ 0.50% on underwritten amount Auditor Certification Fees At Actual CDBL FEES AND EXPENSES Security Deposit At Actual Documentation Fee At Actual Annual Fee At Actual Connection Fee @ Tk. 500 per month (12*500) IPO Fees @ 0.015% on total paid up capital after IPO PRINTING AND POST IPO EXPENSES Publication of Prospectus Estimated (5000 Pcs*160/-) Abridged version of Prospectus and Notice in 4 daily newspaper Estimated (to be paid at actual) Notice for Prospectus, Lottery, Refund etc. in 4 daily newspaper Estimated (to be paid at actual) Lottery Conducting Expenses & BUET Fee Estimated (to be paid at actual) Collection of Forms, Data Processing and Share Software Charge Estimated (to be paid at actual) Allotment and Refund Estimated (to be paid at actual) Administrative & Stationary Expense Estimated (to be paid at actual) GRAND TOTAL (A+B+C+D+E+F) N.B.: Actual costs will vary if above mentioned estimates differ and will be adjusted accordingly. Amount in BDT 1,725,000 1,500,000 225,000 2,314,000 100,000 1,710,500 503,500 650,000 50,000 600,000 762,500 262,500 500,000 684,025 500,000 2,500 100,000 6,000 75,525 6,300,000 800,000 800,000 200,000 1,000,000 3,000,000 300,000 200,000 12,435,525 n) If the issuer has revalued any of its assets, the name,qualification and experiences of the valuer and the reason for the revaluation, showing the value of the assets prior to the revaluation separately for each asset revalued in a manner which shall facilitate comparisonbetween the historical value and the amount afterrevaluation and giving a summary of the valuation report along with basis of pricing and certificates required under the revaluation guideline of the Commission; No revaluation has been made to the Company’s assets and liabilities. o) Where the issuer is a holding/subsidiary company, fulldisclosure about the transactions, including its nature and amount, between the issuer and its subsidiary/holding company, including transactions which had taken place within the last five years of the issuance of the prospectus or since the date of incorporation of the issuer, whichever is later, clearly indicating whether the issuer is a debtor or a creditor; The Company has no subsidiary nor it is operated under a holding company nor does it have any associate company. Hence, no transaction has taken place. p) Financial Information of Group Companies: followinginformation for the last three years based on the audited financial statements, in respect of all the group companies of the issuer, wherever applicable, along with significant notes of auditors: The Company has not under any kind of Group of Companies. 45 q) Discussion on the results of operations shall inter-alia contain the following: 1) A summary of the past financial results after adjustmentsas given in the auditor’s report containing significant items of income and expenditure; There was no adjustment given by the auditors during the last five year. Summary of the past financial results and operations are presented below: Particulars Dec 31, 2015 Non-Current Assets Current Assets Shareholder’s Equity Non-current Liabilities Current Liabilities Turnover Gross Profit/(Loss) Other Income Net Profit before tax Net Profit after tax 334,753,832 468,537,771 533,018,197 67,274,089 202,999,317 213,031,638 88,413,757 92,435 53,742,211 33,847,344 June 30, 2015 346,581,790 396,600,359 499,170,853 61,283,640 182,727,656 388,157,162 161,183,417 157,095 93,527,975 54,827,794 June 30, 2014 2) A summary of major items of income and expenditure; Particulars Turnover Gross Profit/(Loss) Net Profit before tax Net Profit after tax Dec 31, 2015 213,031,638 88,413,757 53,742,211 33,847,344 June 30, 2015 388,157,162 161,183,417 93,527,975 54,827,794 202,531,261 252,393,598 230,843,059 68,669,410 155,412,390 294,467,820 114,087,046 53,458,450 33,176,306 June 30, 2014 294,467,820 114,087,046 53,458,450 33,176,306 3) The income and sales on account of major products orservices; Major Products Tablet Capsule Liquid Ointment Sales As Per Audited Financial Statements June 30, 2013 June 30, 2012 157,561,070 86,259,024 58,666,753 81,816,057 103,337,284 212,055,360 81,858,655 28,215,964 16,018,461 June 30, 2013 212,055,360 81,858,655 28,215,964 16,018,461 127,413,974 73,013,569 42,648,292 109,240,890 48,538,361 140,576,835 53,161,819 19,762,446 10,714,309 106,342,264 31,449,360 31,933,983 91,527,065 14,330,576 69,078,920 25,080,303 12,484,720 6,533,981 As Per Audited Financial Statements June 30, 2012 140,576,835 53,161,819 19,762,446 10,714,309 Net Income 117,910,701 80,829,505 11,481,560 2,809,872 June 30, 2011 June 30, 2011 69,078,920 25,080,303 12,484,720 6,533,981 18,734,138 12,842,525 1,824,238 446,444 4) In case, other income constitutes more than 10% of thetotal income, the breakup of the same along with the nature of the income, i.e., recurring or non-recurring; The Company’s other income is not more than 10% of the total income. 5) If a material part of the income is dependent upon asingle customer or a few major customers, disclosure of this fact along with relevant data. Similarly if any foreign customer constitutes a significant portion of the issuer’s business, disclosure of the fact along with its impact on the business considering exchange rate fluctuations; The Company’s income is not dependent upon a single customer or a few major customers nor foreign customer. 6) In case the issuer has followed any unorthodoxprocedure for recording sales and revenues, its impact shall be analyzed and disclosed. The issuer has not followed any unorthodox procedure for recording sales and revenues. r) Comparison of recent financial year with the previousfinancial years on the major heads of the profit and loss statement, including an analysis of reasons for the changes in significant items of income and expenditure, interalia, containing the following: Particulars Net Turnover Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit/(Loss) Operating Expenses Operating Income Other Income Net Profit/(Loss) before Tax Net Profit/(Loss) after tax Dec 31, 2015 213,031,638 124,617,881 88,413,757 21,518,659 66,895,098 92,435 53,742,211 33,847,344 June 30, 2015 (As per Audited Financial Statements) 388,157,162 226,973,745 161,183,417 39,345,743 121,837,674 157,095 93,527,975 54,827,794 June 30, 2014 294,467,820 180,380,774 114,087,046 36,263,403 77,823,643 53,458,450 33,176,306 46 1) Unusual or infrequent events or transactionsincluding unusual trends on account of business activity, unusual items of income, change of accounting policies and discretionary reduction of expenses etc. There is no unusual or infrequent events or transactions including unusual trends on account of business activity, unusual items of income, change of accounting policies and discretionary reduction of expenses etc. 2) Significant economic changes that materially affect or are likely to affect income from continuing operations; There is no significant economic change except introduction of new projects that materially affect or are likely to affectincome from continuing operations. 3) Known trends or uncertainties that have had or areexpected to have a material adverse impact on sales, revenue or income from continuing operations; Products of pharmaceuticals industry with related to healthcare needs which one of the fundamental needs of all livings beings. There is a lot of scope to increase the market significantly, which depends on factors like increase of per capital income, increase health consciousness among mass people. Besides local market, contract manufacturing and emerging overseas market also can play a greater role. On the contrary, factors like natural disaster, entrance of new technology, increase in competition etc. can affect the business as well. 4) Future changes in relationship between costs andrevenues, in case of events such as future increase in labor or material costs or prices that will cause a material change are known; Any event such as increase in labor or material costs or prices will not affect the operational result of the company,because of, with the passages of time volume and prices of net sales or revenue are also expected to increase in normal course of operation and for introduction of new products or services. 5) The extent to which material increases in net sales orrevenue are due to increased sales volume, introduction of new products or services or increased sales prices; The issuer is expecting the increased net sales or revenue because of sales volume, new product line and sales price. It is forecasted that we will be able to increase our net sales or revenue around 20 percent on an average for the next 3 years. 6) Total turnover of each major industry segment inwhich the issuer operated; Pharmaceuticals products are met one of the basic needs for all living being. It is one of the fastest growing industries inthe world. According to IMS by 2017 demand of pharmaceuticals products will be USD 1,200 billion, which was USD 965 billion in the year 2012. According to the same source, in the year 2014 Bangladesh pharmaceuticals market size was Tk. 10,600 crore with a growth Percentage 8.48. For the period ended December 31, 2015, Amulet sales was Tk. 21.30 crore. According to IMS in the year 2015 Bangladesh pharmaceuticals market size was Tk. 12,000 crore. Insiders of the industry apprehend that by the year 2020 Bangladesh pharmaceuticals size will be Tk. 20,000 crore. They also apprehend that pharmaceuticals products are going to be added into the Bangladesh export basket in a big way within couple of years. 7) Status of any publicly announced new products orbusiness segment; The Company did not announce new products or business segment. 8) The extent to which the business is seasonal. As the products of pharmaceuticals industry are met the basic need of all living being and majorly chronic care related, Bangladesh pharmaceuticals market is consistent. As such, company’s business is not seasonal significantly. s) Defaults or rescheduling of borrowings with financialinstitutions/ banks, conversion of loans into equity alongwith reasons thereof, lock out, strikes and reasons for the same etc. Amulet has not been recognized as defaulter, and never rescheduled any of its borrowings with financial institutions/banks.There is no history of conversion of loan into equity, lock out and strikes. 47 t) Details regarding the changes in the activities of the issuerduring the last five years which may had a material effect on the profits/loss, including discontinuance of lines of business, loss of agencies or markets and similar factors; There were no changes in the activities of the Company during the last five years and had not any material effect on the profits/loss, including discontinuance of lines of business, loss of agencies or markets and similar factors. u) Injunction or restraining order, if any, with possibleimplications; There is no event in history of Company regarding the injunction or restrain order. v) Technology, market, managerial competence and capacitybuilt-up; TECHNOLOGY: Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is one of the growing pharmaceutical companies in Bangladesh with it’s headquarter in Dhaka. It has been developing, manufacturing, selling and distributing pharmaceutical products throughout Bangladesh, a country with 160 million people. Amulet has enabled people of all income categories to live their lives to the fullest. As an integrated healthcare solutions provider the company's product basket covers different therapeutic areas that includes gastro-intestinal, analgesics, hematinic, anti-infective and antibiotics, respiratory agents and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The company is committed to providing high quality, appropriately priced products to its customers, supports doctors and consultants with detailed information on their product range and provides dedicated customer service. Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. has a dedicated and competent workforce with exceptional expertise and talent in the field of pharmaceutical products employed in the factory, office and the sales force. Near future APL is going to introduce Herbal Section (Herbal Products) and Ophthalmic Section (Eye Ointment). APL has modernized and refurnished its facilities upgraded internal technology & management and attained the capability to manufacture quality finished medicine. APL does not believe in low pricing because low price means low quality. MARKET: Pharmaceuticals products are met one of the basic needs for all living being. It is one of the fastest growing industries inthe world. According to IMS by 2017 demand of pharmaceuticals products will be USD 1,200 billion, which was USD 965 billion in the year 2012. Pharmaceuticals products are met one of the basic needs for all living being. It is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. According to IMS by 2017, demand of pharmaceuticals products will be USD 1,200 billion. According to the same source, in the year 2014 Bangladesh pharmaceuticals market size was Tk. 10,600crore with a growth of 8.48%. For the period ended December 31, 2015 (six months), Amulet's domestic sales was Tk. 21.30 crore with a growth 16.90% compared to last same period sales. According to IMS in the year 2015, Bangladesh pharmaceuticals market size was Tk. 12,000 crore (based on 520 Chemist shop of urban area in Bangladesh). MANAGERIAL COMPETENCE: All the members of the management team of the company are highly qualified, trained & skilled professionals, wellexperienced and extremely devoted. The management team is led by Mr. Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul, Managing Director & Director and acts for the best interest of the company. The expert team of Amulet, which consists of 349 employees from various disciplines, are seasoned and experienced enough to use the facilities for production to fulfill the demand of target customers. Successive strong financial performance is the result of unwavering commitment of the promoters, management efficiency, employees’ sincerity, use of appropriate technology, among others. CAPACITY BUILD UP: To keep space with the contemporary technology and customer demand the company continuously investing anddeploying enough resources including human resources. w) Changes in accounting policies in the last three years; The management of the Company has not change any accounting policies in the last three years. 48 x) Significant developments subsequent to the last financialyear: A statement by the directors whether in their opinion there have arisen any circumstances since the date of the last financial statements as disclosed in the prospectus and which materially and adversely affect or is likely to affect the trading or profitability of the issuer, or the value of its assets, or its ability to pay its liabilities within the next twelve months; STATEMENT REGARDING SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENTS SUBSEQUENT TO THE LAST FINANCIAL YEAR This is to certify that in our opinion there have not arisen any circumstances since the date of the last financial statementsas disclosed in the prospectus and which materially and adversely affect or is likely to affect the trading or profitability of The Amulet Pharmaceuticals Limited or the value of its assets, or its ability to pay its liabilities within the next twelve months. Sd/Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed Chairman Sd/Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Director & Managing Director Sd/Syed Amirul Islam Director & CEO Sd/Abdul Mannan Director Sd/M. A. Bari Director Sd/Muhammed Ahmed Ali Director Sd/Md. A U M Mamun Chowdhury Independent Director Sd/Md. Munshi Moniruzzaman Independent Director Date: April 20, 2016 y) If any quarter of the financial year of the issuer ends afterthe period ended in the audited financial statements as disclosed in the prospectus/information memorandum, unaudited financial statements for each of the said quarters duly authenticated by the CEO and CFO of the issuer; The issuer ends after the period ended in the audited financial statements as incorporated in the prospectus, there are no unaudited financial statements for each of the said quarters. z) Factors that may affect the results of operations. Factors like increase of per capita income, increase health consciousness among mass people, local market, contractmanufacturing and emerging overseas market can play a greater role. On the contrary, factors like natural disaster, entranceof new technology, increase in competition etc. can affect the business as well. CHAPTER VII: MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION (a) Overview of Business and Strategies; The project was setting up a pharmaceutical industry is envisaged by a group of qualified entrepreneurs with a view to extend its present pattern of business in the field of medicine. It will provide services to the needy people with minimum prices so that poor and destitute will be able to procure medicine. The promoters are well-renounced educated and highly experienced entrepreneurs. Having been a successful business group in Garments Manufacturing and Exporting sector, tourism sector and electricity generation business this group of entrepreneurs plan to diversify business and decided to go for Pharmaceutical sector by setting up a medicine manufacturing unit. It is expected that they will be able to run the project successfully. Having decided to establish a pharmaceutical industry basically two options were looked for. Option 1 is to buy an existing pharmaceuticals factory and renovate it to a desirable level of standard to satisfy GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) compliance. Option 2 was to construct a new GMP compliant factory in Maona, Sreepur, Gazipur and apply for manufacturing license from the Directorate of Drugs, Government of Bangladesh. 49 In pursing these two options a mixed option became available and the company decided to for that. This mixed option was to buy a company with their license of manufacturing Non-Biological Medicine but the production facility was very poor and not worthy to work on it. In future an up-to-date manufacturing facility needs to be constructed. So it was decided to buy the company with the license and build a new manufacturing facility on company’s own land at Maona, Sreepur, Gazipur. The Company that was bought called Healing Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Its office cum factory was at Kadamtali, Bashabo, Dhaka. Shares of Healing Pharmaceuticals Ltd. were transferred to new shareholders and registered by RJSC on 2008. After completing the process of share transfers and duly registered by RJSC, an application was made to Directorate of Drugs Administration, Government of Bangladesh on 02 March, 2008 for the followings: 1) Approval of the change of shareholders of Healing Pharmaceuticals Ltd.; 2) Acceptance of the change of the name of the company from Healing Pharmaceuticals Ltd. to Amulet Pharmaceuticals Limited; 3) Permission to relocate the manufacturing facility from Kadamtola Basabo to Maona, Sreeepur, Gazipur; 4) Grant of a period of 2 years to construct a factory facility and decoration of the same; 5) Approval of a Biological License in addition to the existing the Non-Biological license. An approval was received from the Directorate of Drug Administration on 13 April, 2009 of the followings: 1) Approval of the share transfer of Healing Pharmaceuticals Ltd.; 2) Approval of change of the company Name from Healing to Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd.; 3) Relocation and grant of one year time for construction of a new manufacturing facility at Maona, Sreepur, Gazipur in according to the GMP compliances. This new facility was ready for inspection by the Directorate of Drugs Administration to grant Amulet with a Biological manufacturing license in addition to the existing Non-Biological license. Subsequently the factory and the facility was inspected by the Directorate of Drug Administration on 10 June, 2011 and the Biological Manufacturing license in addition to the renewal of existing Non-biological license was granted On 24 October, 2011. Finally production at this new manufacturing facility of Amulet Pharmaceuticals at Maona, Sreepur, Gazipur started on 01 November, 2011. Since then slowly all products of Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd are being produced in this new GMP compliant manufacturing facility. Highlights of the Company Date of incorporation as Private Limited Company Commencement of commercial operation Conversion date from Private Limited Company to Public Limited Company Date of change of denomination of face value of share from Tk. 100 to Tk. 10 Company Background August 11, 1985 1986, in new premises November 01, 2011. July 24, 2014 April 24, 2014 Name of the Company Nature of Business Registered Office Address Factory Office Address Current Managing Director Revenue as per Audited Financial Statements December 31, 2015 Net Profit as per Audited Financial Statements December 31, 2015 Employees as per Audited Financial Statements December 31, 2015 Existing Capacity Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (APL) Manufacturing and Marketing of quality medicine. th Cha-72/1-B, Moddha Badda (6 Floor), Holland Center, Progoti Sharani, Dhaka-1212 Amulet Complex, Singdighi, Maona, Sreepur, Gazipur, Bangladesh Mr. Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Tk. 213,031,638 Main Competitors There are 262 active pharmaceuticals companies and APL is competing with each other directly or indirectly with in the sector. For a better and sustainable growth, APL has to face some giant competitor like Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Drug International Ltd., ACI Pharmaceuticals Ltd., ACME Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Opsonin Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Aristopharma, Noverties Ltd., Reneta Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Ibne-Sina Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Globe Pharmaceuticals Ltd. etc. Tk. 33,847,344 349 person Installed Capacity: Tablet & Capsule Liquid & Ointment 160.00 Million Pcs 1.50 Million Pcs Actual Production: Tablet & Capsule Liquid & Ointment 57.92 Million Pcs 0.50 Million Pcs 50 APL’s Strategies APL’s key strategic objectives are to: To ensure good service and happiness for all; To ensure stable and long term return to investors; To maintain state-of-the-art service facilities for ensuring best quality products to the customers; Comprehensive marketing and distribution network (both in domestic and international markets); To see new ways of working to improve efficiency and ensure sustainability. To improve the health status of population particularly of mothers and children; To consolidate and strengthen existing Primary Health Care (PHC) program; To prevent, control and treat major communicable and non-communicable diseases; To promote adequate production, supply and distribution of essential drugs, vaccines and other therapeutic agents; and To excellent relationship with health care professionals, chemists and other concerned stakeholders. Nature of Business Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is one of the growing pharmaceutical companies in Bangladesh with it’s headquarter in Dhaka. It has been developing, manufacturing, selling and distributing pharmaceutical products throughout Bangladesh, a country with 160 million people. Amulet has enabled people of all income categories to live their lives to the fullest. As an integrated healthcare solutions provider the company's product basket covers different therapeutic areas that includes gastro-intestinal, analgesics, hematinic, anti-infective and antibiotics, respiratory agents and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The company is committed to providing high quality, appropriately priced products to its customers, supports doctors and consultants with detailed information on their product range and provides dedicated customer service. Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. has a dedicated and competent workforce with exceptional expertise and talent in the field of pharmaceutical products employed in the factory, office and the sales force. Near future APL is going to introduce Herbal Section (Herbal Products) and Ophthalmic Section (Eye Ointment). APL has modernized and refurnished its facilities upgraded internal technology & management and attained the capability to manufacture quality finished medicine. APL does not believe in low pricing because low price means low quality. Basic Principle of Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. The basic principle of Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is “respect for the individual” and this inspired us to set the following Mission, Vision, Corporate Value, Target, Goal, Strength, Safety, Environment and major Focus. Mission We will discover, develop and successfully market pharmaceutical products to prevent, diagnose, alleviate and cure diseases. We shall provide total customer satisfaction and achieve leadership in our chosen markets as supplier of quality products and services across the globe, through excellence in advanced technology and technically competent personnel. We are responsible to the society. We shall be good corporate citizens and will be driven by high ethical standards in our practices." Vision Our vision is to be a leading pharmaceutical company in Bangladesh and to become a significant global partner by providing high quality, affordable and innovative solutions in medicine and treatment. Corporate Values In Amulet, we are guided by a set of corporate values which inspire the daily tasks in our professional staff and the management. These values are: Professionalism The Company is committed to employing the right people with the right skills in the right place at the right time. From highly qualified industrial pharmacists to locally well-known medical promotions officer, from quality assurance scientists to business analysts, the company employs true professional and also provides them continuous development training. 51 Innovation and Creativity The Company encourages its research team and its production team innovates and creates enabling it to produces products which are of very high quality and is affordable to our target customer base. True universal healthcare is our ultimate aim. Teamwork and Leadership: The Company respects all its stakeholders’ staff, management, health service providers, retailers, investors and all those who come in contact with the company. Everyone is respected, kept involved, always heard, well led and valued. The company communicates its vision, values and performance targets in a way that engages everyone in buildin building a forward thinking team. Customer focus and Transparency The Company treats all its customers, health service providers and retailers with trust, respect and appreciation. It maintains test records of all its products in a transparent, proactive and positive pos way. Target To maintain customer trust and satisfaction nationwide that includes local and international compliance of 46 LDCs (Least Developing Country) barrier and opportunities with in the year of 2016 with trusted name in quality medicine. Goal Inspired by a single goal for your health: To shape the dreams with creativity and ingenuity with an aim for highly efficient and quality production. Strength Its strength lies in the commitment of both management and workers to deliver value to the clients, cli customers, consumers and well-wishers. Safety Anyone entering the factory in working hour uses shoes with hygienic cover, hand-gloves, hand gloves, aprons and required safety measure. In addition firefighting system is there to support. Environment All necessaryy precautions will be taken to reduce the environmental impact to a minimum standard. The Company already got the environmental clearance. The factory will have insignificant negative impact on environment because our factory location is every much environ environment ment friendly to manufacture finished medicines in pleasant environmental atmosphere. (b) SWOT Analysis It is a common phenomenon that each and every business has its some strength and weakness as well as some opportunities and threats comes before it. But, through proper management, it is possible to convert the weakness into strength and to convert threat into opportunities. APL’s Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats are like follows: Strengths: Adaptor of most modern state of the art sophisticated technology, which will help us to increase our sales; Our workers are highly trained and efficient; Government shows positive signs towards this kind of business; Price and cost are competitive. As our service qualities are high, we will easily compete with our industry rivals; Country wide extensive distribution channel; Strong brand recognition and outstanding service; Application of Corporate Governance. 52 Weaknesses: Uncovered areas of business (dosages form); Less urban focus than major competitors; In most cases follower in new product launching. Opportunities: Vast scope of related diversification; Emerging overseas market; Competitive pricing for the quality of product offered; Pharmaceutical market of Bangladesh is booming rapidly, so APL has a huge scope to do better; Establish & Growing market segment. Threats: New government regulations. As the business is getting competitive, govt. may impose new starting up business; Higher competition existing rivals in all aspects; There are many players of about same size and strategy. (c) Analysis of the financial statements of last five years withreason(s) of fluctuating revenue/sales, other income, totalincome, cost of material, finance cost, depreciation and amortization expense, other expense; changes of inventories, net profit before & after tax, EPS etc. Particulars Turnover Total Income Other Income Cost of Material Finance Cost Depreciation Amortization Other Expenses Changes of Inventories Net Profit before tax Net Profit after tax Earnings per Share Dec 31, 2015 21,031,638 June 30, 2015 88,413,757 92,435 388,157,162 161,183,417 157,095 June 30, 2014 June 30, 2013 114,087,046 81,585,655 294,467,820 - 212,055,360 - June 30, 2012 140,576,835 53,161,819 - June 30, 2011 69,078,920 - 124,617,881 226,973,745 180,380,774 130,469,705 87,415,016 43,998,617 22,240,615 42,591,482 29,413,773 23,375,468 19,828,996 16,618,470 - - - 10,558,211 - 23,790,395 - 21,692,270 - 19,861,361 - 7,760,689 - 29,124 - 181,178,281 157,497,083 86,019,604 40,857,257 37,004,548 16,966,015 33,847,344 54,827,794 33,176,306 16,018,461 10,714,309 6,533,981 53,742,211 0.96 93,527,975 4.41 53,458,450 182.92 28,215,964 1,601.85 19,762,446 1,071.43 12,484,720 653.40 Reason of fluctuation: Causes for Changes in Sales: Due to efficient management, marketing policy and overall increasing demand of Pharmaceuticals Sector in the economy, the Company’s sales revenue bolstered from the year 2013 to the year 2015. The previous year’s maintain a stabilize trend in terms of sales. Causes for Changes in Cost of Goods Sold: As the Company increased its production capacity, its raw material consumption, factory overhead expenses, depreciation and cost of production also increased proportionately. As a result, the Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) also increased year to year. Causes for Changes in Operating Expenses: Operating expenses include administrative expenses & selling & distribution expenses. Due to increases salary & allowances, bonus and sales promotional activities Operating Expenses has increased year to year. Causes for Changes in Net Profit: Due to efficient management of inventory and overall increasing demand of Pharmaceuticals Sector in the economy, the Company’s Net Profit and EPS increases from the yearto the year. 53 (d) Known trends demands, commitments, events or uncertainties that are likely to have an effect on thecompany’s business; There are no known trends in customer preferences that affect Company’s operations. The business operation of the Company may be affected by some known events as follows: Political unrest Natural disaster Entrance of new technology Increase competition Increased production cost Govt. Policy change towards the industry (e) Trends or expected fluctuations in liquidity; There are no trends of expected fluctuations in liquidity (f) Off-balance sheet arrangements those have or likely to havea current or future effect on financial condition. There are no off-balance sheet arrangements those have or likely to have a current or future effect on financial condition. CHAPTER VIII: DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS (a) Name, Father’s name, age, residential address, educational qualification, experience and position of each of the directors of the company and any person nominated/represented to be a director, showing the period for which the nomination has been made and the name of the organization which has nominated him; Father’s Name Name of Directors Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Abdul Mannan Late M.A. Musabbir Late M.A. Musabbir M. A. Bari Syed Amirul Islam Mr. Syed Abdul Wali Late Morshed Ali M. A. Bari Age (Years) 60 54 Residential Address Apt. No. A/401, House No. 63, Road No. 8/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka. Apt. No. A/401, House No. 63, Road No. 8/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka. Educational Qualification B.Sc in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from University of Leeds, UK B.Sc in Civil Engineering from University of Leeds, UK and M.Sc. in Hydroinformatics (Holland) Experience Position 32 Chairman 28 Director & MD B.A 18 Director 40 7 Housing Estate, Amborkhana, Sylhet. 54 8/19, Block-C, Flat No. C-1, Lalmatia, Dhaka-1207. M. Pharm, MBA 28 83 7 Housing Estate, Amborkhana, Sylhet. Director & CEO B.A 51 Director Muhammed Ahmed Ali Late Assoddor Ali 76 7 Housing Estate, Amborkhana, Sylhet. B.A 40 Director A U M Mamun Chowdhury Late Rafiqul Islam Chowdhury 49 Vill: Noagram, P.S: Chowddagram, Comilla. M.Com, CA CC 24 Independent Director LL.B (Hon’s), LL.M 22 Md. Munshi Moniruzzaman Md. Munshi Sohrab Hossain 46 Vill+Post: Kamtana, P.S: Lohagara, Narail. Independent Director (b) The date on which he first became a director and the date onwhich his current term of office shall expire; Name of Directors Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Abdul Mannan Syed Amirul Islam M. A. Bari Muhammed Ahmed Ali A U M Mamun Chowdhury Md. Munshi Moniruzzaman Position Chairman Director & Managing Director Director Director & CEO Director Director Independent Director Independent Director Date of Becoming Director for the First Time 28.01.2008 28.01.2008 28.01.2008 28.01.2008 10.11.2009 27.05.2015 20.01.2016 20.01.2016 Date of Expiration of current term AGM in 2017 28-01-2018 AGM in 2018 AGM in 2019 AGM in 2018 AGM in 2017 19.01.2019 19.01.2019 54 (c) If any director has any type of interest in other businesses,names and types of business of such organizations. If anydirector is also a director of another company or owner orpartner of any other concern, the names of suchorganizations; Directorship/Sponsorship/Ownership with other Companies Name of Company Type of Business Action for Business Ltd. Service Sector Manningham Housing Association Ltd. Real State Sector Suman Fashions Garments Ltd. Garments Sector Bichitra Garments Ltd. Garments Sector Suman Fashions Garments Ltd. Garments Sector Bichitra Garments Ltd. Garments Sector Suman Fashions Garments Ltd. Garments Sector Bichitra Garments Ltd. Garments Sector Baraka Apparels Limited Textile Sector Fusion Holdings (Pvt.) Ltd. Real Sate N/A N/A Suman Fashions Garments Ltd. Garments Sector Barakatullah Electro Dynamics Limited Power Sector Bichitra Garments Ltd. Garments Sector Sylhet Women’s Medical College & Hospital Health Sector Jonaki International (Pvt.) Limited Travel sector Royal Homes Ltd. Real State Sector Royal Educare Ltd. Education Sector N/A N/A N/A N/A Shurwid Industries Ltd. Plastic Sector Name of Directors Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Abdul Mannan Syed Amirul Islam M. A. Bari Muhammed Ahmed Ali A U M Mamun Chowdhury Md. Munshi Moniruzzaman Position Chairman Director Director Director N/A Managing Director Vice Chairman Director N/A Independent Director Independent Director (d) Statement of if any of the directors of the issuer areassociated with the securities market in any manner. If anydirector of the Issuer Company is also a director of any issuerof other listed securities during last three years then dividendpayment history and market performance of that issuer; There is no involvement of any director of the APL except Mr. M. A. Bari, Vice Chairman of Barakatullah Electro Dynamics Limited, as a director and Md. Munshi Moniruzzaman, Independent Director of Shurwid Industries Limited of an issuer of the listed securities. Mr. M. A. Bari Name of the Issue Baraka Power Limited Md. Munshi Moniruzzaman Name of the Issue Shurwid Industries Limited Publication Date of Prospectus February 01, 2011 Listing Year 2011 Issue Price 60.00 2015 8% C, 8% B Dividend Payment History 2014 2013 2012 17% B 10% C, 5% B 21% B 2011 20% B Publication Date of Prospectus April 27, 2014 Listing Year 2014 Issue Price 10.00 2015 N/A Dividend Payment History 2014 2013 2012 15% B - 2011 10% B Market performance of Baraka Power Limited Baraka Power Limited Particulars 2015 Turnover 3,844,108,738 Gross Profit 1,042,093,141 Net Profit after Tax 568,170,272 NAV per share 19.39 Earnings per Share 2.76 Source: www.barakapower.com 2014 1,573,361,307 516,846,359 279,605,832 19.45 1.90 2013 675,390,784 364,819,171 184,261,472 19.43 1.48 2012 731,781,707 390,433,560 195,641,803 21.65 1.90 2011 767,024,698 377,238,088 164,121,029 23.68 2.32 Particulars 2015 Turnover Gross Profit Net Profit after Tax (1,651,050) NAV per share 12.27 Earnings per Share (0.03) Source: www.barakapower.com 2014 51,526,151 20.22 1.64 2013 229,904,457 77,832,939 34,221,478 14.11 1.09 2012 202,306,005 63,155,232 28,849,855 13.03 0.92 2011 189,738,222 62,117,370 37,744,388 13.33 1.57 Shurwid Industries Limited 55 (e) Any family relationship (father, mother, spouse, brother,sister, son, daughter, spouse’s father, spouse’s mother,spouse’s brother, spouse’s sister) among the directors andtop five officers; Name of Directors Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Abdul Mannan Syed Amirul Islam M. A. Bari Muhammed Ahmed Ali Md. A U M Mamun Chowdhury Md. Munshi Moniruzzaman Position of the Company Chairman Director & Managing Director Director Director Director Director Independent Director Independent Director Relationships Elder brother of Mr. Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Younger brother of Mr. Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed Son of Mr. M. A. Bari No relation with other Directors Father of Mr. Abdul Mannan No relation with other Directors N/A N/A Family Relationship among the Directors and Top Five Officers: There is no family relationship between directors and officers except Mr. Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed, Chairman of the company is the elder brother of Mr. Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul, Managing Director of the company and Mr. M. A. Bari, Director of the company is the father of Mr. Abdul Mannan another Director of APL. However, Mr. Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul, the Managing Director and Mr. Syed Amirul Islam, the CEO of the Company are the Directors’ of the Board. (f) A very brief description of other businesses of the directors; Name of Directors Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Abdul Mannan Syed Amirul Islam M. A. Bari Muhammed Ahmed Ali A U M Mamun Chowdhury Md. Munshi Moniruzzaman Directorship/Sponsorship/Ownership with other Companies Name of Company Type of Business Action for Business Ltd. Service Sector Manningham Housing Association Ltd. Real State Sector Suman Fashions Garments Ltd. Garments Sector Bichitra Garments Ltd. Garments Sector Suman Fashions Garments Ltd. Garments Sector Bichitra Garments Ltd. Garments Sector Suman Fashions Garments Ltd. Garments Sector Bichitra Garments Ltd. Garments Sector Baraka Apparels Limited Textile Sector Fusion Holdings (Pvt.) Ltd. Real State Sector N/A N/A Suman Fashions Garments Ltd. Garments Sector Barakatullah Electro Dynamics Limited Power Sector Bichitra Garments Ltd. Garments Sector Sylhet Women’s Medical College & Hospital Health Sector Jonaki International (Pvt.) Limited Travel sector Royal Homes Ltd. Real State Sector Royal Educare Ltd. Education Sector N/A N/A N/A N/A Shurwid Industries Ltd. Plastic sector Position Chairman Director Director Director N/A Managing Director Vice Chairman Director N/A Independent Director Independent Director (g) Short bio-data of each director; Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed Chairman Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed is an engineer by profession and works as a Senior Project Manager in the U.K. He is also an experienced businessman. He is the Chairman of Action for Business Ltd. which owns and runs Carlisle Business Centre, Bradford, UK. In Bangladesh, he is involved with Suman Fashions Garments Ltd. and Bichitra Garments Ltd. He was the founder Chairman of Manningham Housing Association Ltd. He was also an elected member of Bradford Metropolitan Council for 8 years when he held several committee and British Labour Party positions. In 2008, he was made a member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) by Queen Elizabeth II in recognition of his services to British communities and the country. Shaukat Ahmed studied at Faujdarhat Cadet College, Chittagong and Notre Dame College, Dhaka. He graduated in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from University of Leeds, UK. He was born in Sylhet district. He is a well-traveled man and visited many countries in the world for business purposes. 56 Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Managing Director Mr. Rasul is a civil engineer and studied abroad in UK and Holland to pursue of his studies. He has vast experience in working several engineering projects while working with Danish Hydraulic Institute. He has been one of the sponsor shareholders of Suman Fashion Garments Ltd. since its inception. Suman Fashion Garments Ltd. is in business of manufacturing and exporting ready-made garments since 1988. He has attended a training course in Tokyo, Japan on top management of corporate business in 2009. He also attended several seminar and workshop relating to business and engineering. He is also a Director of Bichitra Garments Ltd. Mr. Rasul is also a sponsor shareholder of Baraka Power Limited, an IPP (Independent Power Producing) company. BPL has its first project a 51MW gas generator based power producing unit at Fenchugonj and listed with both DSE and CSE. A Z Enayet Rasul studied at Mirzapur Cadet College, Tangail and Notre Dame College, Dhaka. He completed his graduate in civil engineering from University of Leeds, UK and M.Sc. in Hydroinformatics from Institute of Hydraulic and Environment Engineering, Delft, Holland. Mr. Rasul traveled many countries of the world for business purposes like UK, France, Germany, Sweden, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Thailand, China, Italy, Singapur, Denmark, Holland, India, Switzerland etc. Abdul Mannan Director Mr. Mannan pursued his school studies in England and later he came back to Bangladesh and completed his education of B.A. He is very conversant both in Bangla and English. He has been one of the sponsor shareholders of Suman Fashion Garments Ltd. since its inception. Mr. Mannan is also involved in the business of travels in Dhaka. He is also a shareholder of Jonaki Travels Ltd., office located in Motijheel and another in Sylhet. Jonaki Travels is in the business of ticketing and arranging travel packages since 1980. Mr. Mannan joined the company in 1998. He is also a sponsor shareholder of Baraka Power Limited. Mr. Mannan successfully maintains good amount of portfolio business in DSE and CSE market. He is also the Director of Bichitra Garments Ltd., Baraka Apparels Limited and Fusion Holdings (Pvt.) Ltd. He is also well traveled man and visited many countries of the world for business purposes. Syed Amirul Islam Director Syed Amirul Islam is a registered pharmacist and received his M. Pharm from Dhaka University in 1985. Later he did his MBA with major in marketing from the Institute of Business Studies, DIU in 2002. He has served several pharmaceuticals companies since he finished his M. Pharm. He served with Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. after his completed his M. Pharm as Asst. Manager in medical services department from 1986 till 1997. Later on he joined Somatech Pharmaceuticals Ltd. and worked as Marketing Manager till 2000. He was then promoted to Marketing Operation Manager when he worked with his dynamic guidance and ideas to improve the sales of the company. He was successfully marketed the goods of Somatech in the market and captured a substantial share of the market for Somatech to become one of the 10 companies in Bangladesh. He was then promoted to Marketing Services Manager till he joined Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. in 2008 as Chief Executive Officer. He is very much experienced with the pharmaceuticals business and its day to day operations. He has good amount of knowledge about the pharmaceuticals machineries and production procedures in a pharmaceuticals factory. He will be an asset for his experience in Sales and Marketing of the products. He is also a regular faculty on Pharmacy department in different private universities. M. A. Bari Director Mr. Alhaj M. Abdul Bari is a prominent businessman. He started his business career in tourism sector in the early 70's. Later he started Garments business and also invested in other potential projects such as Medical College & Hospital, Pharmaceuticals, and Property Business etc. He has other businesses in UK. Mr. Bari is also Director of Baraka Power Limited, Bichitra Garments Ltd., Royal Homes Ltd., Royal Educare Ltd., Sylhet Women’s Medical College & Hospital and Jonaki International (Pvt.) Limited. He traveled most of countries of the world for business purposes. Muhammed Ahmed Ali Director Mr. Muhammed Ahmed Ali a permanent citizen of UK. He completed his graduation and engaged in business in UK. Mr. Ali has several restaurants in UK and also invested in Bangladesh on garments, powers and medicine sector. He was born in Sylhet. Md. A U M Mamun Chowdhury Independent Director A U M Mamun Chowdhury obtained his master degree (major in Accounting) from Chittagong University in 1989. He also completed CC course under the institute of ICAB. He has vast experience in business, finance, auditing, taxation and corporate management. During his last 24 years of career he has served many public and private organizations in senior positions. At this moment he is serving in Cidatex Resources Bangladesh Ltd. as General Manager. His well dedication, valuable experience and sincerity made him a great corporate leader. 57 Md. Munshi Moniruzzaman Independent Director Md. Munshi Moniruzzaman was born in 1969 in the district of Narail. He completed his bachelor and master degree in law from the University of Rajshahi with excellent academic performance. He enrolled himself in the Bangladesh Bar Council on 08 August, 1994 and in the High Court Division on 09 February, 2001. He is a practicing Advocate since 1994. During his long path of services has achieved outstanding experience in many areas including the company affairs. He is also one of the independent directors of Shurwid Industries Limited (h) Loan status of the issuer, its directors and shareholders whohold 5% or more shares in the paid-up capital of the issuer interms of the CIB Report of Bangladesh Bank; Neither the Company nor any of its directors and shareholders who holds 5% or more shares in the paid up capital of the Issuer is loan defaulter as per the CIB report of the Bangladesh Bank. (i) Name with position, educational qualification, age, date ofjoining in the company, overall experience (in year),previous employment, salary paid for the financial year ofthe Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, ChiefFinancial Officer, Company Secretary, Advisers,Consultants and all Departmental Heads. If the Chairman,any director or any shareholder received any monthly salarythan this information should also be included; Salary Paid (01-07-15 to 3112-15) 28 504,000 28 451,000 Date of Joining Age (Years) Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul MD & Director 28.01.2008 54 Syed Amirul Islam CEO & Director 28.01.2008 54 Munshi Abu Naim ACS Company Secretary Md. Abdul Mozid Manager, Sales 01.03.2015 57 B.Sc. (Hon), M. Sc. (Rajshahi University), MBA 25 280,000 Md. Salahuddin Manager, Sales 16.03.2015 53 M.Sc (DU), MBA 25 280,000 Kazi Mahmudul Hasan Chief Financial Officer 01.02.2008 36 CA C.C., M. Com, MBA in Finance and Banking 8 292,000 26 240,000 Md. Abdul Haque Ahsan Habib Ahmed M. A. Kayum Jakiul Islam Sultan Md. Gias Uddin Shahin Ahmed Md. Moqbular Rahman 01-07-2015 36 Educational Qualification Overall Experience (in years) Position Name of Directors B.Sc in Civil Engineering from University of Leeds, UK and M.Sc. in Hydroinformatics (Holland) M. Pharm, MBA ACS, B.Com 12 240,000 Previous Employment Danish Hydraulic Institute Somatec Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Kazi Zahir Khan & Co. A A Mahmud & Co. Sainsbury’s PLC. Hudson Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Gaco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Globe Pharmaceuticals Hoechst Phara Ltd. Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Prime Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Zenith Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Jayson Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. A Matin & Co., Chartered Accountants Novus Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Zenith Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Alco Pharma Ltd. Desh Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Libra Infusion Ltd. Madina Maternity Hospital King Fahad Hospital Yanbo General Hospital of Saudi Arabia. Virgo Pharmaceuticals Ltd. UniMed & UniHealth Manufacturers Ltd. Jayson Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Plant Manager 02.08.2015 53 B.Pharm, M. Pharm. (DU) PGDIM (BIM) Manager, Production 01.02.2011 55 B. Pharm. (DU) 28 280,000 Manager, Quality Control 15.02.2011 38 B. Sc., M. Sc. In Applied Chemistry (Rajshahi University) 12 264,000 01.09.2014 56 B.Sc., M. Sc. in Biochemistry (DU) 21 240,000 01.02.2011 31 B. Pharm, M. Pharm (SU) 5 120,000 05.09.2011 35 BBA, MBA (AUB) 12 180,000 Somatec Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 11.02.2013 41 MA, LL.B 12 160,000 National University, Bangladesh Manager, Quality Assurance Sr. Executive, Product Management Head of Internal Audit Manager, HRM It is mentionable that the Company has no Consultant/Advisor during the period 01 July 2015 to 31 December 2015. The ACME Laboratories Ltd. Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Apart from this following Chairman, Director, Shareholder of the Company received monthly Salary Name of Chairman/Director/Shareholder Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Syed Amirul Islam Kazi Mahmudul Hasan Position Managing Director & Director Chief Executive Officer & Director Chief Financial Officer Department Finance & Accounts Salary Paid (01-07-15 to 31-12-15) 504,000 451,000 (j) Changes in the key management persons during the last three years. Any change otherwise than by way of retirement in the normal course in the senior key management personnel particularly in charge of production, planning, finance and marketing during the last three years prior to the date of filing the information memorandum. If the turnover of key management personnel is high compared to the industry,reasons should be discussed; No key management person has changed in the last three years. 58 (k) A profile of the sponsors including their names, father’snames, age, personal addresses, educational qualifications,and experiences in the business, positions/posts held in thepast, directorship held, other ventures of each sponsor andpresent position; Father’s Name Name of Directors Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed Late M.A. Musabbir Age (Years) 60 Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Late M.A. Musabbir 54 Abdul Mannan M. A. Bari 40 Syed Amirul Islam Mr. Syed Abdul Wali Late Morshed Ali M. A. Bari Muhammed Ahmed Ali A U M Mamun Chowdhury Md. Munshi Moniruzzaman Late Assoddor Ali Late Rafiqul Islam Chowdhury Md. Munshi Sohrab Hossain 54 83 76 49 46 Personal Address Apt. No. A/401, House No. 63, Road No. 8/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka. Apt. No. A/401, House No. 63, Road No. 8/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka. 7 Housing Estate, Amborkhana, Sylhet. 8/19, Block-C, Flat No. C-1, Lalmatia, Dhaka-1207. 7 Housing Estate, Amborkhana, Sylhet. 7 Housing Estate, Amborkhana, Sylhet. Vill: Noagram, P.S: Chowddagram, Comilla. Vill+Post: Kamtana, P.S: Lohagara, Narail. Educational Qualification Experience in the Business Position Directorship held 32 Chairman 28.01.2008 28 Director & MD 28.01.2008 B.A 18 Director 28.01.2008 M. Pharm, MBA 28 Director 28.01.2008 B.A 51 Director 10.11.2009 B.A 40 Director 27.05.2015 M.Com, CA CC 24 Independent Director 20.01.2016 LL.B (Hon’s), LL.M 22 B.Sc in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from University of Leeds, UK B.Sc in Civil Engineering from University of Leeds, UK and M.Sc. in Hydroinformatics (Holland) Other ventures of each sponsor, directors and present position Name of Directors Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Abdul Mannan Syed Amirul Islam M. A. Bari Muhammed Ahmed Ali A U M Mamun Chowdhury Md. Munshi Moniruzzaman Directorship/Sponsorship/Ownership with other Companies Name of Company Type of Business Action for Business Ltd. Service Sector Manningham Housing Association Ltd. Real State Sector Suman Fashions Garments Ltd. Garments Sector Bichitra Garments Ltd. Garments Sector Suman Fashions Garments Ltd. Garments Sector Bichitra Garments Ltd. Garments Sector Suman Fashions Garments Ltd. Garments Sector Bichitra Garments Ltd. Garments Sector Baraka Apparels Limited Textile Sector Fusion Holdings (Pvt.) Ltd. Real Sate N/A N/A Suman Fashions Garments Ltd. Garments Sector Barakatullah Electro Dynamics Limited Power Sector Bichitra Garments Ltd. Garments Sector Sylhet Women’s Medical College & Hospital Health Sector Jonaki International (Pvt.) Limited Travel sector Royal Homes Ltd. Real State Sector Royal Educare Ltd. Education Sector N/A N/A N/A N/A Shurwid Industries Ltd. Plastic Sector Independent Director 20.01.2016 Position Chairman Director Director Director N/A Managing Director Vice Chairman Director N/A Independent Director Independent Director (l) If the present directors are not the sponsors and control of the issuer was acquired within five years immediately preceding the date of filing prospectus details regarding the acquisition of control, date of acquisition, terms ofacquisition, consideration paid for such acquisition etc. Name of Directors Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Abdul Mannan Syed Amirul Islam M. A. Bari Muhammed Ahmed Ali A U M Mamun Chowdhury Md. Munshi Moniruzzaman Acquisition of Control Chairman Director & Managing Director Director Director Director Director Independent Director* Date of Acquisition 28.01.2008 28.01.2008 28.01.2008 28.01.2008 10.11.2009 27.05.2015 N/A Terms of Acquisition Consideration paid for such Acquisition No terms of acquisition Cash - N/A * The Board of Directors has appointed Mr. A U M Mamun Chowdhury& Mr. Md. Munshi Moniruzzaman as an Independent Director on 20 January, 2016 59 (m) If the sponsors/directors do not have experience in theproposed line of business, the fact explaining how theproposed activities would be carried out/managed; Mr. Syed Amirul Islam, Directors (CEO) is a pharmacist who has 30 Years of experience in the relevant field. (n) Interest of the key management persons; Name of Directors Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Syed Amirul Islam Nature of Relationship Nature of Transaction MD & Director CEO & Director Salary Salary 01-07-15 to 31-12-15 30.06.2015 504,000 451,000 984,000 878,000 Period/Year 30.06.2014 Amount in BDT 931,000 814,400 30.06.2013 600,000 30.06.2012 540,000 (o) All interests and facilities enjoyed by a director, whetherpecuniary or non-pecuniary; The directors are not enjoyed any pecuniary or non-pecuniary facilities except Mr. Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul (MD & Director), Syed Amirul Islam (CEO & Director) receive Salary from Company. (p) Number of shares held and percentage of share holding (preissue); Name of Shareholders Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed Abu Zafar EnayetRasul Abdul Mannan Syed Amirul Islam M. A. Bari Muhammed Ahmed Ali Abdulla-Al-Mahmud FCA, FCMA, FCS Janata Capital and Investment Ltd. BMSL Investment Ltd. AminurRashed Nahid Khan Rasul SyedaShanaz Ahmed JobaydaMannan RaisaMehvinRasul Sharmin Sultana Lima MunsurAhamed Abid Hossain M. Munir Ahmed Ishtiaq Ahmed Md. Uzzal Hossain Md. Masudur Rahman ZahedHossan Md. Sajedul Islam S & S Enterprise Apurba Kumar Das Sabbir Ahmed Md. Anisur Rahman Mohammad ShafiqulKabir Zahidul Islam Gulam Imani BadrulHaider Chowdhury Md. Nazrul Islam Zillur Rahman Md. Jahangir Shah Jalal Uddin Jalil Miah AbdusSubhan AfsaryKhanom Salah Uddin Ahmed BadrulAlam ShifaWahida Rahman Shelina Rahman Sumon Ahmed Samad Ali No. of shares 2,855,000 5,255,000 3,707,500 1,060,000 1,160,000 1,150,000 1,000,000 500,000 900,000 750,000 1,062,500 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 420,000 200,000 400,000 100,000 100,000 80,000 80,000 100,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 100,000 125,000 250,000 200,000 100,000 100,000 750,000 100,000 300,000 200,000 250,000 760,000 170,000 200,000 225,000 225,000 200,000 450,000 Pre-IPO Percentage (%) 8.08 14.87 10.49 3.00 3.28 3.25 2.83 1.41 2.55 2.12 3.01 3.96 3.96 2.83 3.39 1.19 0.57 1.13 0.28 0.28 0.23 0.23 0.28 0.14 0.28 0.14 0.28 0.35 0.71 0.57 0.28 0.28 2.12 0.28 0.85 0.57 0.71 2.15 0.48 0.57 0.64 0.64 0.57 1.27 60 Md. AlmojahidMullick MahbubaKhatun Syed SakibNaimuddin Mrs. Sultana Jesmin Chino Mohammed Mominul Islam Abdul Rahman Nizam Uddin Sikdar Md. Jilu Miah MuminaKhatun Jabbir Ahmed Muhibun Bari Chowdhury Kabir Miah Md. Tipu Sultan Md. AbdurRab Saiful Islam Helaly Ali Akbar KaziMahmudulHasan Total 540,000 500,000 200,000 200,000 70,000 500,000 500,000 200,000 200,000 250,000 670,000 100,000 200,000 10,000 175,000 50,000 200,000 35,350,000 1.53 1.41 0.57 0.57 0.20 1.41 1.41 0.57 0.57 0.71 1.90 0.28 0.57 0.03 0.50 0.14 0.57 100.00 (q) Change in board of directors during last three years; Name of Directors Abdulla-Al-Mahmud FCA, FCMA, FCS Md. A U M Mamun Chowdhury Md. Munshi Moniruzzaman Date of Joining 27.05.2015 20.01.2016 20.01.2016 Date of Retirement 20.01.2016 19.01.2019 19.01.2019 Present Status Retirement Independent Director Independent Director (r) Director’s engagement with similar business. There is no engagement of any director with similar business. CHAPTER IX: CERTAIN RELATIONSHIPS AND RELATED TRANSACTIONS (a) This is to certify that the Financial Statements of the Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. furnished for our audit does not have anytransaction during the last five years, or any proposed transaction, between the issuer and any of the following persons: (i) Any director or sponsor or executive officer of the issuer; (ii) Any person holding 5% or more of the outstanding shares of the issuer; (iii) Any related party or connected person of any of the above persons; Except the transactions described in the following table: Name of Directors Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Syed Amirul Islam 31-12-2015 30-06-2015 30-06-2014 30-06-2013 30-06-2012 30-06-2011 Relationship Nature of Transaction Value of transaction during the year Balance at year end Receivable/ (Payable) Value of transaction during the year Balance at year end Receivable/ (Payable) Value of transaction during the year Balance at year end Receivable/ (Payable) Value of transaction during the year Balance at year end Receivable/ (Payable) Value of transaction during the year Balance at year end Receivable/ (Payable) Value of transaction during the year Balance at year end Receivable/ (Payable) Director Salary 504,000 - 984,000 - 931,000 - - - - - - - Director Salary 451,000 - 878,000 - 814,400 - 600,000 - 540,000 - 480,000 - (b) Any transaction or arrangement entered into by the issuer or itssubsidiary or associate or entity owned or significantlyinfluenced by a person who is currently a director or in any wayconnected with a director of either the issuer company or any ofits subsidiaries/holding company or associate concerns, or whowas a director or connected in any way with a director at anytime during the last three years prior to the issuance of theprospectus; The information given in above under the head certain relationships and related transactions (point- a) is applicable in this respect. (c) Any loans either taken or given from or to any director or anyperson connected with the director, clearly specifying details ofsuch loan in the prospectus, and if any loan has been taken fromany such person who did not have any stake in the issuer, itsholding company or its associate concerns prior to such loan,rate of interest applicable, date of loan taken, date of maturity ofloan, and present outstanding of such loan. There is no outstanding loans amount either taken or given from or to any director or any person connected with the director. 61 CHAPTER X: EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION (a) The total amount of remuneration/salary/perquisites paid to thetop five salaried officers of the issuer in the last accounting yearand the name and designation of each such officer; Sl. No. Name Designation 01 Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Director & Managing Director 03 Kazi Mahmudul Hasan Chief Financial Officer 05 M. A. Kayum 02 04 Syed Amirul Islam Ahsan Habib Ahmed Chief Executive Officer Remuneration/Salary(in BDT) July 01, 2015 to July 01, 2014 to Dec 31, 2015 June 30, 2015 504,000 984,000 451,000 878,000 250,000 480,000 260,000 Manager, Production 510,000 230,000 Manager, Quality Control 450,000 (b) Aggregate amount of remuneration paid to all directors andofficers as a group during the last accounting year; Particulars Directors Remuneration/Salary(in BDT) July 01, 2015 to Dec 31, 2015 July 01, 2014 to June 30, 2015 20,058,352 33,570,953 955,000 Officers 1,862,000 (c) If any shareholder director received any monthlysalary/perquisite/benefit it must be mentioned along with date ofapproval in AGM/EGM, terms thereof and payments madeduring the last accounting year; Name of Directors Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Syed Amirul Islam *Including two festival bonus Monthly Salary 63,000 56,375 01.07.2015 to 31.12.2015 * 504,000 451,000 Approval AGM 2013 N/A (d) The board meeting attendance fees received by the directorincluding the managing director along with date of approval inAGM/EGM; No directors including the managing director of Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. received board meeting attendance fees in the last accounting year. (e) Any contract with any director or officer providing for thepayment of future compensation; The Company has not entered into any contract with any of its Directors or Officers for any future compensation packages. (f) If the issuer intends to substantially increase the remunerationpaid to its directors and officers in the current year, appropriate information regarding thereto; The Company has no plan for substantially increasing remuneration to its directors and/or officers except for those that are paid as annual increment to their salaries. (g) Any other benefit/facility provided to the above persons duringthe last accounting year. No directors and officers of Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. received any other benefit/facility in the last accounting year except which is disclosed above. CHAPTER XI: OPTIONS GRANTED TO DIRECTORS, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES The company did not grant any options to any director, officer all other officers as a group. Further to the above, no options are held by any person other than the directors. 62 CHAPTER XII: TRANSACTION WITH THE DIRECTORS AND SUBSCRIBERS TO THE MEMORANDUM (a) The names of the directors and subscribers to the memorandum,the nature and amount of anything of value received or to bereceived by the issuer from the above persons, or by the saidpersons, directly or indirectly, from the issuer during the last fiveyears along with the description of assets, services or otherconsideration received or to be received; Name of Directors Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Syed Amirul Islam Nature of Relationship Director & Managing Director Director & Chief Executive Director Total Year 30.06.2014 Amount in BDT 30.06.2013 931,000 - 878,000 814,400 540,000 480,000 1,862,000 1,745,000 540,000 480,000 Nature of Transaction 31.12.2015 30.06.2015 Salary 504,000 984,000 Salary 451,000 955,000 30.06.2012 The Company does not pay any fee for attending in the Board meeting to its Directors. Articles of Association of the Company allow payment of remuneration to its Directors. (as per audit accounts note 40) Except the above the Company did not pay any amount to any person who was not an officer/director of the Company during the last fiscal year. There is no contract with any director/officer for future compensation. (b) If any assets were acquired or to be acquired from the aforesaidpersons, the amount paid for such assets and the method used todetermine the price shall be mentioned in the prospectus, and ifthe assets were acquired by the said persons within five yearsprior to transfer those to the issuer, the acquisition cost thereofpaid by them. The Company has not received any assets, services of other consideration from its directors and subscribers to thememorandum except fund against allotment of shares. CHAPTER XIII: OWNERSHIP OF THE COMPANY'S SECURITIES (a) The names, addresses, BO ID Number of all shareholders of thecompany before IPO, indicating the amount of securities owned and the percentage of the securities represented by such ownership, in tabular form; Name of Shareholders Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed Abu Zafar EnayetRasul Abdul Mannan Syed Amirul Islam M. A. Bari Muhammed Ahmed Ali Abdulla-Al-Mahmud FCA, FCMA, FCS Janata Capital and Investment Ltd. BMSL Investment Ltd. Aminur Rashed Nahid Khan Rasul SyedaShanaz Ahmed JobaydaMannan RaisaMehvinRasul Sharmin Sultana Lima MunsurAhamed Abid Hossain M. Munir Ahmed Ishtiaq Ahmed Md. Uzzal Hossain Md. Masudur Rahman ZahedHossan Md. Sajedul Islam S & S Enterprise Apurba Kumar Das Sabbir Ahmed Md. Anisur Rahman Mohammad ShafiqulKabir Addresses Apt No. A/401, House No. 63, Road No. 8/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka. Apt No. A/401, House No. 63, Road No. 8/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka. 7 Housing Estate, Amborkhana, Sylhet 8/19 (C-1), Block-C, Lalmatia, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207 7 Housing Estate, Amborkhana, Sylhet 7 Housing Estate, Amborkhana, Sylhet 281/3, Jafrabad (Sankor), Dhaka-1207 48, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000 ( 3rd Floor) th SBC Tower (7 Floor), 37/A, Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka-1000 Flat No. 6-B, 14 - B & C, Lake Circus, Kalabagan, Dhaka Apt No. A/401, House No. 63, Road No. 8/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka. Apt No. A/401, House No. 63, Road No. 8/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka. 7 Housing Estate, Amborkhana, Sylhet Apt No. A/401, House No. 63, Road No. 8/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka. 281/3, Jafrabad (Sankor), Dhaka-1207 Bagan Bilash, Flat-C-3, House No.277Road-1, Baitul Aman Housing Society, Shyamoli, Dhaka. D-1/B, Railway Officers Quarter, Shahjahanpur, Dhaka-1217. 22, Enayet Bazar, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Civil Acacia, Flat # A1, 34 New Eskaton, Dhaka-1000. Vill- Durgapur, PO- Lakshmanpur, PS-Sarsha, Dist- Jessore. Harun Shaheber building, 1st Floor, 177 / Mohammadpur, Punchlaish, Chittagong-4000. The Car Emporium, 123 CDA Avenue, Muradpur, Chittagong. DSE Annex Building, Room # 319 (2nd Floor), 9/E, Motijheel, Dhaka-1000 310, Metro Plaza, SK Mujib Road, Dewanhat, Chittagong 47, Farashgong Road, Sutrapur, Dhaka-1100 13/7, Sir Syed Road, Dhaka-1207 Ena Kingdom, Olympia-C/5, 32, Lake Circus, Kalabagan, Dhaka. 554/C, Nayatola ( 2nd Floor), Chairmangoli, Moghbazar, Dhaka-1217 No. of shares 2,855,000 5,255,000 3,707,500 1,060,000 1,160,000 1,150,000 1,000,000 500,000 900,000 750,000 1,062,500 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 420,000 200,000 400,000 100,000 100,000 80,000 80,000 100,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 100,000 125,000 Pre-IPO Percentage (%) 8.08 14.87 10.49 3.00 3.28 3.25 2.83 1.41 2.55 2.12 3.01 3.96 3.96 2.83 3.39 1.19 0.57 1.13 0.28 0.28 0.23 0.23 0.28 0.14 0.28 0.14 0.28 0.35 63 Zahidul Islam Gulam Imani BadrulHaider Chowdhury Md. Nazrul Islam Zillur Rahman Md. Jahangir Shah Jalal Uddin Jalil Miah AbdusSubhan AfsaryKhanom Salah Uddin Ahmed BadrulAlam ShifaWahida Rahman Shelina Rahman Sumon Ahmed Samad Ali Md. AlmojahidMullick MahbubaKhatun Syed SakibNaimuddin Mrs. Sultana Jesmin Chino Mohammed Mominul Islam Abdul Rahman Nizam Uddin Sikdar Md. Jilu Miah MuminaKhatun Jabbir Ahmed Muhibun Bari Chowdhury Kabir Miah Md. Tipu Sultan Md. AbdurRab Saiful Islam Helaly Ali Akbar Kazi Mahmudul Hasan Total 144, New Baily Road,Flat No-B-10, Ramna, Dhaka-1217 House No.- 6/1, Road No.-1, Block – F, Shahjalal Upashahar, Sylhet Sadar, Sylhet-3100 8/D, Globe Nebash, 15/1, Lake Circus school road, Kolabagan, Dhaka-1205. Flat No. 1/502, 106, Central Road, New Market, Dhaka-1205 3/A Housing Estate, Bimanbondor, Sylhet. Apt. 1/203, Eastern Orchid, Circuit House Road, Kakrail, Dhaka House No. 9, Flat-A3, Road No-13, Sector -6, Uttara R/A, Dhaka. 176A, Soyef Khan Road, West SubidBazar, Sylhet. 7 Housing Estate, Amborkhana, Sylhet. Apt. No. 4A, House No. 23, Road No.20, Block-K, Banani, Dhaka 31 Hatkhola Road, Flat No. 9D ( Momen Plaza), Dhaka-1203 3/A Housing Estate, Bimanbondor, Sylhet. 3/A Housing Estate, Bimanbondor, Sylhet. 3/A Housing Estate, Bimanbondor, Sylhet. 7 Housing Estate, Amborkhana, Sylhet. 7 Housing Estate, Amborkhana, Sylhet. House No. 36, Road No. 1, Block-1, Banasree, Dhaka. nd House No. 7, Housing Estate, Lane – 2 (2 floor), Amborkhana, Sylhet. 27 Panchlaish R/A, Chittagong Baraka Power Ltd. 6/A/1 ( 1st& 2nd floor), Shegunbagicha, Dhaka nd 122/1, Crecent Road (2 Floor), Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205 7 Housing Estate, Amborkhana, Sylhet. House No. 7, Housing Estate, Lane – 2 (2nd floor), Amborkhana, Sylhet. 7 Housing Estate, Amborkhana, Sylhet. 7 Housing Estate, Amborkhana, Sylhet. House No. 6, Road No. 1, Block-1, Shahjalal Upashahar, Sylhet 7 Housing Estate, Amborkhana, Sylhet. 7 Housing Estate, Amborkhana, Sylhet 122/123, New Easkaton road, Eskaton Fantacy, E-4, Dhaka. 62, Shantibagh, Dhaka-1217 122/A, Azimpur, Chaina Building Goli, Dhaka 761/C, North Kafrul, Dhaka Cantonment, Dhaka-1206 308, North Shahjahanpur ( 1st Floor), Shahjahanpur, Dhaka-1217 250,000 200,000 100,000 100,000 750,000 100,000 300,000 200,000 250,000 760,000 170,000 200,000 225,000 225,000 200,000 450,000 540,000 500,000 200,000 200,000 70,000 500,000 500,000 200,000 200,000 250,000 670,000 100,000 200,000 10,000 175,000 50,000 200,000 35,350,000 0.71 0.57 0.28 0.28 2.12 0.28 0.85 0.57 0.71 2.15 0.48 0.57 0.64 0.64 0.57 1.27 1.53 1.41 0.57 0.57 0.20 1.41 1.41 0.57 0.57 0.71 1.90 0.28 0.57 0.03 0.50 0.14 0.57 100.00 (b) There shall also be a table showing the name and address, age,experience, BO ID Number, TIN number, numbers of sharesheld including percentage, position held in other companies ofall the directors before the public issue; No. of Shares Held PreIssue [%] 166768321166 2,855,000 8.08 777596901240 5,255,000 14.87 Age (Years) Experience Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed Apt. No. A/401, House No. 63, Road No. 8/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka. 60 32 Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Apt. No. A/401, House No. 63, Road No. 8/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka. 54 28 7 Housing Estate, Amborkhana, Sylhet. 40 18 414877819850 3,707,500 8/19, Block-C, Flat No. C-1, Lalmatia, Dhaka-1207. 54 28 635337482532 1,060,000 7 Housing Estate, Amborkhana, Sylhet. 83 Name of Directors Abdul Mannan Syed Amirul Islam M. A. Bari Muhammed Ahmed Ali Md. A U M Mamun Chowdhury Md. Munshi Moniruzzaman Address 7 Housing Estate, Amborkhana, Sylhet. Vill: Noagram, P.S: Chowddagram, Comilla. Vill+Post: Kamtana, P.S: Lohagara, Narail. 51 E-TIN No. 619068451149 76 40 N/A 49 24 46 22 1,160,000 Name of other Company Action for Business Ltd. Manningham Housing Association Ltd. Suman Fashions Garments Ltd. Bichitra Garments Ltd. Suman Fashions Garments Ltd. Bichitra Garments Ltd. Position held Chairman Director Director 10.49 Suman Fashions Garments Ltd. Bichitra Garments Ltd. Baraka Apparels Limited Fusion Holdings (Pvt.) Ltd. Director 3.00 N/A N/A Managing Director Vice Chairman 3.28 Suman Fashions Garments Ltd. Barakatullah Electro Dynamics Limited Bichitra Garments Ltd. Sylhet Women’s Medical College & Hospital Jonaki International (Pvt.) Limited Royal Homes Ltd. Royal Educare Ltd. N/A N/A Director 1,150,000 3.25 723377852860 N/A N/A N/A N/A 570789269501 N/A N/A Shurwid Industries Ltd. Independent Director 64 (c) The average cost of acquisition of equity shares by the directorscertified by the auditors; Auditors’ Certificate regarding Average Cost of Acquisition of Equity Shares by the Directors This is to certify that the equity shares of Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. have been transferred and/or allotted at face value of Tk. 10.00 each in cash and the average cost of acquisition by the Directors is Tk. 10.00 per share. Name wise shareholding position, allotment date and consideration are given below: Sl. No. Name Transfer/Allotment Position Date 01 Abu SaeedShaukat Ahmed Chairman 02 Abu ZafarEnayetRasul Managing Director 03 Syed AmirulIslam Director 04 Abdul Mannan Director 05 M. A. Bari Director 06 Mohammed Ahmed Ali Director 12-10-2007 28-06-2014 27-05-2015 12-10-2007 28-06-2014 27-05-2015 04-11-2007 28-06-2014 27-05-2015 04-11-2007 10-11-2007 28-06-2014 27-05-2015 10-11-2009 28-06-2014 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 No. of Shares 25,000 1,475,000 1,355,000 27,500 1,722,500 3,505,000 7,500 742,500 310,000 25,000 2,500 1,722,500 1,957,500 5,000 495,000 660,000 1,150,000 Total Share holding Total amount Average cost of acquisition Consideration Cash 2,855,000 28,550,000 10.00 5,255,000 5,2550,000 10.00 1,060,000 10,600,000 10.00 3,707,500 37,075,000 10.00 Cash 1,160,000 11,600,000 10.00 Cash 1,150,000 11,500,000 Cash Cash 10.00 Cash Sd/Zoha Zaman Kabir Rashid & Co. Chartered Accountants Place: Dhaka Date: 21 April, 2016 (d) A detail description of capital built up in respect of shareholding(name-wise) of the issuer’s sponsors/ directors. In thisconnection, a statement to be included:Name of Directors Position Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed Chairman Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Director & MD Abdul Mannan Director Syed Amirul Islam Director M. A. Bari Director Muhammed Ahmed Ali Director Total Date of Allotment/Transfer of fully paid-up shares 12-10-2007 28-06-2014 27-05-2015 12-10-2007 28-06-2014 27-05-2015 04-11-2007 10-11-2007 28-06-2014 27-05-2015 04-11-2007 28-06-2014 27-05-2015 10-11-2009 28-06-2014 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 Consideration Nature of issue Cash Ordinary Shares Cash Ordinary Shares Cash Ordinary Shares Cash Ordinary Shares Cash Ordinary Shares Cash Cash Ordinary Shares Ordinary Shares No of Equity shares 25,000 1,475,000 1,355,000 27,500 1,722,500 3,505,000 25,000 2,500 1,722,500 1,957,500 7,500 742,500 310,000 5,000 495,000 660,000 1,150,000 15,187,500 Face* value Issue Price/ Acquisition Price/ Transfer Prices Cumulative no. of Equity shares % preissue paid up capital % Post issue paid up capital Sources of fund 10/- 10/- 2,855,000 8.08 5.67 Own 10/- 10/- 5,255,000 14.87 10.44 Own 10/- 10/- 3,707,500 10.49 7.36 Own 10/- 10/- 1,060,000 3.00 2.11 Own 10/- 10/- 1,160,000 3.28 2.30 Own 10/- 10/- 1,150,000 3.25 2.28 Own 10/- 10/- 15,187,500 42.96 30.16 * The Company, however has subdivided the face value of its ordinary share from Taka 100/- to Taka 10/- is by passing a special resolution in its Extra Ordinary General Meeting held on 24 April, 2014 and necessary amendment in capital clause of the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association were made accordingly. 65 (e) Detail of shares issued by the company at a price lower than theissue price; The Company has not issued any share at a price lower than the issue price. (f) History of significant (5% or more) changes in ownership ofsecurities from inception. There is no history of significant (5% or more) changes in ownership of securities from inception. Beneficial owners holding shares 5% or more as mentioned below: Name of Directors Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Abdul Mannan Total Position Chairman Director & Managing Director Director No. of Shares Held 2,855,000 5,255,000 3,707,500 11,817,500 Percentage (%) 8.08 14.87 10.49 33.44 CHAPTER XIV: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE (a) Management disclosure regarding compliance with the requirements of Corporate GovernanceGuidelines of Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission The Company declares that it is in compliance with the requirements of the applicable regulations of Corporate Governance Guidelines of BSEC in respect of corporate governance including constitution of the Board and committees thereof. The corporate governance framework is based on an effective independent Board, separation of the Board’s supervisory role from the executive management team and constitution of the Board Committees, as required under applicable law. Sd/Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Director & Managing Director Date: April 20, 2016 66 As per BSEC rules (letter SEC/CMRRCD/2006-158/129/Admin/44, dated 03 August, 2012), all the companies listed with any stock exchange in Bangladesh shall comply with some conditions in accordance with condition no. 7. The condition requires that the directors of the company shall state, in accordance with the Annexure attached, in the directors' report whether the company has complied with these conditions and prerequisite set by BSEC in their letter. Compliance Certificate On Corporate Governance To the Shareholders of Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. “Podder & Associates”, being one of the firm of “Professional Accountants” in Bangladesh, takes the gratification to study and opine in attainment of Compliance on Corporate Governance by Amulet Pharmaceuticals Limitedas of 31March 2016. This study is completed in accordance with the guideline set by Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) through the notification SEC/CMRRCD/2006-158/134/Admin/44, dated 07 August, 2012 and clause 32 of consent letter SEC/CI/IPO-216/2013/131 Accomplishment of compliance on corporate governance is the conscientiousness of the management of the Company. As per our study and observation on the best of information & explanations provided, Amulet Pharmaceuticals Limitedhas complied certain parameters of Corporate Governance set by Bangladesh Securities & Exchange Commission as of 31March2016, whereas the company has taken effective actions to fulfill other compliances issue those are yet to be complied as per annexure. On the above note, we would also like to state that such compliance is neither an assurance as to the future capability of the Company nor the efficiency or effectiveness by which management has conducted the affairs of the Company. For Podder & Associates Jayanta Kumer Podder Cost and Management Accountant Date: Place: Dhaka, Bangladesh 67 Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Status of Com pliance w ith the Corporate Gevernance Guideline (CGC) As of 31 M arch 2016 Status of compliance w ith the condition imposed by the Commission's Notif ication No. letter SEC/CMRRCD/2006-158/134/Admin/44, dated 07 August, 2012 issued under section 2CC of the Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969 (Report under Condition No. 7.00) Condition No. 1 1.1 1.2 (i) (ii) a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) 1.3 (i) (ii) (iii) 1.4 (i) Title Board of Directors Boards size The number of the board members of the company shall not be less than 5 (five) and more than 20 (twenty). Independent Directors At least one fifth (1/5) of the total number of directors in the company’s board shall be independent directors. For the purpose of this clause 'Independent directors' means a directorWho either does not hold any share in the company or holds less than one percent (1%) shares of the total paid-up shares of the company; Who is not a sponsor of the company and is not connected with the company's any sponsor or director or shareholder who holds one percent (1%) or more shares of the total paid-up shares of the company on the basis of family relationship. His/her family members also should not hold above mentioned shares in the company : Who does not have any other relationship, whether pecuniary or otherwise, with the company or its subsidiary/ associated companies; Who is not a member, director. or officer of any stock exchange; Who is not a shareholder, director or officer of any member of stock exchange or an intermediary of the capital market; Who is not a partner or an executive or was not a Partner or an executive during the preceding 3 (three) years of the concerned company's statutory audit firm; Who shall not be an independent director in more than 3 (three) listed companies; Who has not been convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction as a defaulter in payment of any loan to a bank or a Non-Bank Financial Institution (NBFI); Who has not been convicted for a criminal offence involving moral turpitude. The independent director(s) shall be appointed by the board of directors and approved by the shareholders in the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The post of independent director(s) can not remain vacant for more than 90(ninety) days. The Board shall lay down a code of conduct of all Board members and annual compliance of the code to be recorded. The tenure of office of an independent director shall be for a period of 3(three) years, which may be extended for 1(one) term only. Qualification of Independent Director (ID) Independent director shall be a knowledgeable individual with integrity who is able to ensure compliance with financial, regulatory and corporate laws and can make meaningful contribution to business. The person should be a Business Leader/ Corporate Leader/ Bureaucrat/University Teacher with Economics or Business Studies or Law background/Profess ionals like Chartered Accountants, Cost & Management Accountants, and Chartered Secretaries. The independent director must have a least 12(twelve) years of corporate management /profes sional experiences. In special cases the above qualifications may be relaxed subject to prior approval of the Commission. Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer The position of the chairman of the Board and the Chief Executive Officer of the companies shall be filled by different individuals. The chairman of the company shall be elected from among the directors of the company. The Board of Directors shall clearly define respective roles and responsibilities of the chairman and the chief executive officer. Com plied Not Complied Rem arks (IF ANY) √ The APL Board is comprised of 08 (eight) Directors √ There are two Independent Directors in the APL Board, namely Mr. A U M Mamun Chowdhury and Mr. Md. Munshi Moniruzzaman. √ The Independent Directors have declared their compliances. √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ The appointments are duly approved at AGM held on 20-01-2016. √ No vacancy occurred √ In Practice. √ The Independent Directors (IDs)are in their first term of office. √ The qualification and background of IDs justify their ability as such √ Existing Independent Directors are Corporate Leader/Lawyer with more than 12 (twelve) years of experience √ √ Chairman of the Board and CEO are different individuals. The roles and responsibilities of the Chairman of the Board and the CEO are approved in the Board Meeting. 68 Condition Title No. Directors Report to the Shareholders 1.5 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) (xvi) (xvii) (xviii) (xix) (xx) (xxi) (xxi) a) (xxi) b) (xxi) c) (xxi) d) Industry outlook and possible future developments in the industry. Segment-wise or product-wise performance. Risks and concerns. A discussion on Cost of Goods sold, Gross Profit Margin and Net Profit Margin. Discussion on continuity of any Extra-Ordinary gain or loss. Basis for related party transactions-a statement of all related party transactions should be disclosed in the annual report. Utilization of proceeds from public issues, rights issues and/or through any others instruments. An explanation if the financial results deteriorate after the company goes for Initial Public Offering (IP0), Repeat Public Offering (RPO). Rights Offer, Direct Listing, etc. If significant variance occurs between Quarterly Financial Performance and Annual Financial Statements the management shall explain about the variance on their Annual Report. Remuneration to directors including independent directors. The financial statements prepared by the management of the issuer company present fairly its state of affairs, the result of its operations, cash flows and changes in equity. Proper books of account of the issuer company have been maintained. Appropriate accounting policies have been consistently applied in preparation of the financial statements and that the accounting estimates are based on reasonable and prudent judgment. International Accounting Standards (IAS)/Bangladesh Accounting Standards (BAS)/International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS)/Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards (BFRS), as applicable in Bangladesh, have been followed in preparation of the financial statements and any departure therefrom has been adequately disclosed. The system of internal control is sound in design and has been effectively implemented and monitored. There are no significant doubts upon the issuer company's ability to continue as a going concern. If the issuer company is not considerer to be a going concern, the fact along with reasons thereof should be disclosed. Significant deviations from the last year's operating results of the issuer company shall be highlighted and the reasons thereof should be explained. Key operating and financial data of at least preceding 5 (five) years shall be summarized. if the issuer company has not declared dividend(cash or stock) for the year, the reasons thereof shall be given. The number of Board meetings held during the year and attendance by each director shall be disclosed. The Pattern of shareholding shall be reported to disclose the aggregate number of shares (along with name wise details where stated below) held by: Parent/Subsidiary/Associated Companies and other related parties (name wise details); Directors, Chief Executive Officer, Company Secretary, Chief Financial Officer, Head of Internal Audit and their spouses and minor children (name wise details); Executives; Shareholders holding ten percent (10%) or more voting interest in the company (name wise details). Complied Not Remarks (IF ANY) Complied √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ The conditions of the Directors report to the shareholders will be complied in the forth coming AGM. √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ The conditions of the Directors report to the shareholders will be complied in the forth coming AGM. √ √ 69 Condition No. (xxii) Title In case of the appointment/re-appointment of a director the company shall disclose the following information to the shareholders: Complied Not Remarks (IF ANY) Complied (xxii) a) a brief resume of the director √ (xxii) b) nature of his/her expertise in specific functional areas; Names of companies in which the person also holds the directorship and the membership of committees of the board. Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Head of Internal Audit and Company Secretary (CS) √ (xxii) c) 2.0 √ The conditions of the Directors report to the shareholders will be complied in the forth coming AGM. The company shall Appoint a Chief Financial Officer (CFO), a 2.1 Head of Internal Audit (Internal Control and Compliance) and a Appointme Company Secretary (CS). The Board of Directors should clearly nt define respective roles,responsibilites and duties of the CFO, the Head of internal Audit and the CS. √ The company has appointed CFO, CS and Head of Internal Audit. There are clear defined roles s, responsibilities and duties which have been approved by Board as per requirement of BSEC notification. 2.2 Requireme nt to attend the Board Meetings √ In practice 3.0 (i) (ii) (iii) 3.1 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) 3.2 (i) (ii) 3.3 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) The CFO and the Company Secretary of the companies shall attend the meetings of the Board of Directors, provided that the CFO and/or the Company Secretary shall not attend such part of a meeting of the Board of Directors which involves consideration of an agenda item relating to their personal matters. Audit Committee The company shall have an Audit Committee as a subcommittee of the Board of Directors. The Audit Committee shall assist the Board of Directors in ensuring that the financial statements reflect true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company and in ensuring a good monitoring system within the business. The Audit Committee shall be responsible to the Board of Directors. The duties of the Audit Committee shall he clearly set forth in writing Constitution of the Audit Committee The Audit Committee shall be composed of at least 3 (three) members. The Board of Directors shall appoint members of the audit committee who shall be directors of the company and shall include at least 1 (one) independent director. All members of the audit committee should be "financially literate" and at least I (one) member shall have accounting or related financial management experience, When the term of service of the Committee members expires or there is any circumstance causing any Committee member to be unable to hold office until expiration of the term of service, thus making the number of the Committee members to be lower than the prescribed number of 3 (three) persons, the Board of Directors shall appoint the new Committee member(s) to fill up the vacancy(ies) immediately or not later than 1 (one) month from the date of vacancy(ies) in the Committee to ensure continuity of the performance of work of the Audit Committee. The company secretary shall act as the secretary of the Committee. The quorum of the Audit Committee meeting shall not constitute without at least 1 (one) independent director. Chairman of the Audit Committee The Board of Directors shall select 1 (one) member of the Audit Committee to be Chairman of the Audit Committee, who shall be an independent director. Chairman of the Audit Committee shall remain present in the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Role of Audit Committee Oversee the financial reporting process. Monitor choice of accounting policies and principles. Monitor Internal Control Risk management process. Oversee hiring and performance of external auditors. Review along with the management, the annual financial, statements before submission to the board for approval. Review along with the management, the quarterly and half yearly financial statements before submission to the board for approval. Review the adequacy of internal audit function. √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ A U M Mamun Chowdhury has been appointed as Independent Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee. This condition will be complied in the forth coming AGM. This condition will be complied in the forth coming AGM. √ √ 70 Condition No. (viii) (ix) (x) 3.4 Title Review statement of significant 'related party transactions submitted by the management. Review Management Letters/ Letter of Internal Control weakness issued by statutory auditors. When money is raised through Initial Public Offering (IPO)/Repeat Public Offering (RPO)/Rights Issue the company shall disclose to the Audit Committee about the us es/applications of funds by major category (capital expenditure, sales and marketing expenses , working capital, etc), on a quarterly basis, as a part of their quarterly declaration of financial results. Further, on an annual basis, the company shall prepare a statement of funds utilized for the purposes other than those stated in the offer document/prospectus. Reporting of Audit Committee The Audit Committee shall report on its activities to the Board of (i) Directors. The Audit Committee shall immediately report to the Board of (ii) Directors on the following findings, if any:3.4.1 (ii) a) report on conflicts of interests; suspected or presumed fraud or irregularity or material defect in b) the internal control system; suspected infringement of laws, including securities related c) laws, rules and regulations ;: any other matter which shall be disclosed to the Board of d) Directors immediately. If the Audit Committee has reported to the Board of Directors about anything which has material impact on the financial condition and results of operation andhas discussed with the 3.4.2 Board of Directors and the management that anyrectification is Reporting necessary and if the Audit Committee finds that such to the rectificationhas been unreasonably ignored, the Audit Authorities Committee shall report such finding tothe Commission, upon reporting of such matters to the Board of Directors for three times or completion of a period of 6 (six) months from the date of first reporting to the Board of Directors , whichever is earlier. Complied √ Not Complied Remarks (IF ANY) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 3.5 Reporting to the Shareholders and General Investors Report on activities carried out by the Audit Committee, including any report made to the Board of Directors under condition 3.4.1 This condition will be complied in the forth (ii) above during the year, shall be signed by the Chairman of √ coming AGM. the Audit Committee and disclosed in the annual report of the issuer company. 4 External/ Statutory Auditors The issuer company should not engage its external/statutory auditors to perform the following services of the company; namely:(i) Appraisal or valuation services or fairness opinions. √ (ii) Financial information system design and implementation √ Book-keeping or other services related to the accounting (iii) √ records or financial statement (iv) Broker –dealer services √ (v) Actuarial services √ (vi) Internal audit services √ (vii) Any other services that the audit committee determines. √ No partner or employees of the external audit firms shall (viii) possess any share of the company they audit at least during the √ tenure of their audit assignment of that company. Audit/ Certifiaction services on compliance of corporate (ix) √ governance as required under clause (i) of condition o. & 5 Subsidiary Company Provisions relating to the composition of the Board of Directors of the holding company shall be made applicable to the (i) No subsidiary company √ composition of the Board of Directors of the subsidiary company. At least 1 (one) independent director of the Board of Directors of (ii) the holding company shall be a director on the Board of No subsidiary company √ Directors of the subsidiary company. The minutes of the Board meeting of the subsidiary company (iii) shall be placed for review at the following Board meeting of the No subsidiary company √ holding company. The minutes of the respective Board meeting of the holding (iv) company shall state that they have reviewed the affairs of the No subsidiary company √ subsidiary company also. The. Audit Committee of the holding company shall also review (v) the financial statements, in particular, the investments made by No subsidiary company √ the subsidiary company. 71 Condition No. Title Duties of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Financial 6.0 Officer(CFO) The CEO and CFO shall certify to the Board that:They have reviewed financial statements for the year and that to (i) the best of their knowledge and belief: These statements do not contain any materially untrue a) statement or omit any material fact or contain statements that might be misleading; These statements together present a true and fair view of the b) company’s affairs and are in compliance with existing accounting standards and applicable laws. (ii) 7.0 (i) (ii) There are, to the best of knowledge and belief, no transactions entered into by the company diving the year which are fraudulent illegal or violation of the company's code of conduct. Complied Not Complied Remarks (IF ANY) √ √ √ √ Reporting and Compliance of Corporate Governance The company shall obtain a certificate from a practicing Professional Accountant/Secretary (Chartered Accountant/Cost and Management Accountant/Chartered Secretary) regarding compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance Guidelines of the Commission and shall send the same to the shareholders along with the Annual Report on a yearly basis. The directors of the company shall state, in accordance with the Annexure attached, in the directors' report whether the company has complied with these conditions. Required certification has been obtained from ''PODDER & ASSOCIATES" Cost & Management Accountants as of 31 March 2016. √ √ This condition will be complied in the forth coming AGM. 72 CHAPTER XV: VALUATION REPORT OF SECURITIES PREPARED BY THE ISSUE MANAGERS DETERMINATION OF OFFERING PRICE Method: 1 Method: 2 Valuation under Different Methods NAV per share at current costs Earning-based-value per share Offer Price in BDT 15.07 18.39 The detail calculation is illustrated below: Method 1: Net Asset Value (NAV) per share NAV per share is based on the information of the latest audited financial statements as on December 31, 2015. NAV per share at current costs has been derived by dividing the net assets at the end of the period by the number of outstanding shares before IPO as shown in the table below: Particulars Amount in BDT 353,500,000 179,518,197 Share Capital Retained Earnings Total Shareholders' Equity [A] No. of Ordinary Shares outstanding as on December 31, 2015 [B] Net Asset Value (NAV) per share at current costs [A/B] Method 2: Earning-based-value per share Accounting Year No. of Shares Net Profit after Tax (BDT) 33,847,344 54,827,794 33,176,306 16,018,461 10,714,309 6,533,981 155,118,195 533,018,197 35,350,000 15.07 Weight average No. of Shares 0.4364 0.4364 0.1235 0.0012 0.0012 0.0012 1.00 01 July to 31 December 2015 35,350,000 30 June 2015 35,350,000 30 June 2014 10,000,000 30 June 2013 100,000 30 June 2012 100,000 30 June 2011 100,000 Total 81,000,000 No. of shares outstanding as on December 31, 2015 Weighted Average Earnings Per Share (EPS) Lowest P/E Between Average Market and Pharmaceuticals P/E (As Per DSE Review) Historical Earnings Based Value Per Share (15.20 X 1.21) Weighted Net Profit after Tax (BDT) 14,771,650 23,927,932 4,095,840 19,776 13,228 8,067 Calculation of Relevant P/E Multiple [Source: DSE Monthly Review] Average Price Earnings of Overall Market Months Price Earnings (P/E) December 2015 15.23 January 2016 15.22 February 2016 15.17 Total 45.62 Average Price Earnings of Pharmaceuticals Sector December 2015 27.34 January 2016 27.35 February 2016 27.99 Total 82.68 Lower P/E between Overall Market & Pharmaceuticals Sector 42,836,493 35,350,000 1.21 15.20 18.39 Average P/E Multiple 45.62/3=15.20 82.68/3=27.56 15.20 Offer Price: Based on the above-mentioned valuation methodologies as per Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (Public Issue) Rules, 2015, the management of the Company in consultation with the Issue Manager has set the issue price at BDT 10.00 each at par value. 73 CHAPTER XVI: DEBT SECURITIES The Company has not issued or is planning to issue any debt security within six months. CHAPTER XVII: PARTIES INVOLVED AND THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES Parties Involved with APL Issue Managers Underwriters to Issue Auditors’ Banco Finance and Investment Limited ICB Capital Management Limited AIBL Capital Management Limited Southeast Bank Capital Services Ltd. Janata Capital and Investment Limited ZOHA ZAMAN KABIR RASHID & Co. Chartered Accountants Responsibilities of the Parties The ISSUE MANAGERS is responsible to comply with all the requirements as per Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (Public Issue) Rules 2015 including preparation and disclosures made in the prospectus and use of the public issue proceeds by the issuer. The Underwriter(s) is responsible to underwrite the public offering on a firm- commitment basis as per requirement of Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (Public Issue) Rules 2015. In case of undersubscription in any category by up to 35% in an initial public offer, the unsubscribed portion of securities shall be taken up by the underwriter(s) Auditors’ responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Bangladesh Standards on Auditing, those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. CHAPTER XVIII: MATERIAL CONTRACTS a) Major agreements entered into by the issuer: The following are material contracts in the ordinary course of business, which have been entered into by the Company: 1. Underwriting Agreements between the Company and the Underwriters; 2. Issue Management Agreement between the Company and Banco Finance and Investment Limited and ICB Capital Management Limited. Copies of the aforementioned contracts and documents and a copy of Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of the Company and the Consent Letter from the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission may be inspected, on any working day during office hours at the Corporate Office of the Company and the Managers to the Issue. 74 b) Material parts of the agreements and Fees: Contract Signing Date Tenure Issue Management Agreement with Banco Finance and Investment Limited and ICB Capital Management Limited Principal Terms and Condition Fees Payable Contract Signing Date Tenure Underwriting Agreements with AIBL Capital Management Limited Southeast Bank Capital Services Ltd. Janata Capital and Investment Limited Principal Terms and Condition Material parts of the agreements April 07, 2016 This Agreement shall be valid until completion of subscription of shares and unless this Agreement is extended or earlier terminated in accordance with the terms of this Agreement This Agreement shall be valid until completion of subscription of shares and unless this Agreement is extended or earlier terminated in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; According to Article 2.1; the scope of the services to be rendered by the ISSUEMANAGER to the ISSUER under this agreement shall cover Regulatory Compliance, Underwriting Co-operation, Issue Arrangements and Public offer and invitation; According to Article 2.2; The ISSUE MANAGER takes the responsibility to take such steps as are necessary to ensure completion of allotment and dispatch of letters of allotment and refund warrants to the applicants according to the basis of allotment approved by the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission. The ISSUER undertakes to bear all expenses relevant to share application processing, allotment, and dispatch of letters of allotment and refund warrant. The ISSUER shall also bear all expenses related to printing and issuance of share certificate and connected govt. stamps and hologram expenses; According to Article 4.1; without prejudice ISSUER hereby declares that it agrees to comply with all statutory formalities under Companies Act, Guidelines issued by Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission and other relevant status to enable it to make the issue; According to Article 7.1; The ISSUE MANAGER hereby undertake to keep in strict compliance all information (whether written or oral) proprietary documents and data secured in connection with or as a result of this Agreement (Confidential Information) and shall limit the availability of such information to employees, who have a need to see and use it for the express and limited purpose stated in this Agreement; According to Article 9.1; The Issuer and ISSUE MANAGER shall ensure compliance of the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (Public Issue) Rules, 2015, The Listing Regulations of Stock Exchanges, The Companies Act, 1994 and other relevant rules, regulations, practices, directives, guidelines etc. The Issue Management Fee for the IPO shall be BDT 1,500,000.00. Material parts of the agreements April 26, 2016 This Agreement shall be valid until completion of subscription of shares and unless this Agreement is extended or earlier terminated in accordance with the terms of this Agreement The Company shall make the Public Offering of 15,000,000 Ordinary Shares of Tk.10.00 each at par, totaling Tk.150,000,000.00 as provided in this Agreement; As per guideline of the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC), 35% of the Initial Public Offering (IPO) i.e. 5,250,000 ordinary shares of Tk.10 at par amounting to Tk.52,500,000.00 shall have to be underwritten by the underwriter; Prior to publication of the prospectus, the Company shall have to obtain a consent from the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission permitting the issue as described in Article 2.01 and providing for payment of underwriting commission at the rate of 0.50% (zero point five zero 75 percent) on the amount underwritten and no additional commission will be paid on the amount of shares required to be subscribed by the Underwriter; the shares offered to the public by the Prospectus authorized hereunder shall not have been subscribed and paid for in cash in full by the closing date, the Company shall within 10 (ten) days of the closure of subscription call upon the Underwriters in writing with a copy of said writing to the Securities and Exchange Commission, to subscribe for shares not subscribed within the closing date and to pay for in cash in full, inclusive of any premium if any, for such unsubscribed shares within 15 (fifteen) days after being called upon to do so; The issuer shall within 7 (seven) days after the expiry of the aforesaid 15 (fifteen) days, the Company shall send proof of subscription and payment by the Underwriters, to the Commission. The Company shall pay to the underwriters an underwriting commission at the rate of 0. 50% of the IPO amount of the issue value of shares underwritten by them out of the Public Issue. Fees Payable CHAPTER XIX: OUTSTANDING LITIGATIONS, FINE OR PENALTY a) Outstanding litigations against the issuer or any of its directors and fine or penalty imposed by any authority The Issuer or director or of Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. was not involved in any of the following types of legal proceedings are mentioned below: i. Litigation involving Civil Laws ii. Litigation involving Criminal Laws iii. Litigation involving Securities, Finance and Economic Laws iv. Litigation involving Labor Laws v. Litigation involving Taxation (Income tax, VAT, Customs Duty and any other taxes/duties) vi. Litigation involving any other Laws There is no conviction of the Issuer or director(s) in a civil proceeding There is no conviction of the Issuer or director(s) in a criminal proceeding There is no order, judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction against the Issuer or director(s) permanently or temporarily enjoining, barring, suspending or otherwise limiting the involvement of any director(s) or officer in any type of securities, Finance and Economic laws There is no conviction of the Issuer or director(s) in connection to applicable Labor Laws There is no conviction of the Issuer or director(s) in connection to taxation (Income tax, VAT, Customs Duty and any other taxes/duties) There is no litigation involving any other Laws b) Outstanding cases filed by the company or any of its directors There are no outstanding cases filed by the Issuer or any of its directors to any of the following types of legal proceedings mentioned below: i. Litigation involving Civil Laws ii. Litigation involving Criminal Laws iii. iv. v. vi. Litigation involving Securities, Finance and Economic Laws Litigation involving Labor Laws Litigation involving Taxation (Income tax, VAT, Customs Duty and any other taxes/duties) Litigation involving any other Laws There is no conviction of the Issuer or director(s) in a civil proceeding There is no conviction of the Issuer or director(s) in a criminal proceeding There is no Litigation involving Securities, Finance and Economic Laws There is no Litigation involving Labor Laws There is no Litigation involving Taxation (Income tax, VAT, Customs Duty and any other taxes/duties) except Litigation involving Taxation for the assessment year 2014-2015 which is pending in the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal. There is no litigation involving any other Laws 76 CHAPTER XX: RISK FACTORS AND MANAGEMENT’S PERCEPTIONS ABOUT THE RISKS The disclosures of Risk factors shall include, where applicable, the following: (i) Internal risk factors; (ii) External risk factors. (i) Internal risk factors may include, among others: a) Credit Risk; Credit risk is the risk that one party to a financial instrument will cause a financial loss for the other party by failing to discharge on obligation. Credit risk information helps users of financial statements to assess the credit quality of the entity’s financial assets and level & sources of impairment loss. Management Perception Management has a credit policy in place and exposure to credit risk is monitored on an on‐going basis. To mitigate the credit risk the management of the company follows robust credit control and collections policies. The company has dedicated credit collections team. b) Liquidity Risk; Liquidity risk is the risk that the company will not be able to meet its financial obligations as they fall due. The company’s approach to managing liquidity ( cash and cash equivalents) is to ensure as far as possible, that it will always have sufficient liquidity to meet its liabilities when due under both normal and stressed conditions without incurring unacceptable losses or risking damage to the company’s reputation. Typically, the company ensures that it has sufficient cash and cash equivalent to meet expected operational expenses including financial obligations through preparation of the cash flow forecast with due consideration of time line of payment of the financial obligation and accordingly arrange for sufficient fund to make the expected payment within due date. In extreme stressed conditions, the company may get support from the related company in the form of short-term financing. Management Perception Effective liquidity risk management requires both a top‐down and a bottom‐up approach. Strategy, principles and objectives are set at board and management levels. Amulet conducts liquidity management in a manner that maintains stability and flexibility in day‐to‐day funding activities. Our liquidity risk management starts by managing daily payment of cheques, daily cash inflow and outflow, maturity of deposits and our access to other funding sources as and when required. c) Risk associated with the issuer’s interest in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates; Right now, The Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd has no subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates concern. Management Perception Since Amulet has no subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates concern. So, this risk is not applicable for this Company. d) Significant revenue generated from limited number of customers, losing any one or more of which would have a material adverse effect on the issuer; Management Perception Since Amulet’s market is diverse from urban to the very remote rural of the country and it has not limited customers from whom it generates significant amount of revenue, it is almost free from this sort of risk. e) Dependency on a single or few suppliers of raw materials, failure of which may affect production adversely; Management Perception We are not depended on a single or few suppliers of raw materials. Amulet has a good number of vendors for each and every ingredient and services, the company has more than one approved vendors. It uses to conduct vendor audit and its concerned professionals are very conscious regarding the vendor issue. Further, we assume that sourcing of raw material would be comparatively easier in times to come as due to globalization, the world economy opened much more than it was in older days and world is becoming like a global village. Hence the risk is not applicable for us. 77 f) More than 20% revenue of the issuer comes from sister concern or associate or subsidiary; Management Perception The Company does not earn any revenue from its any sister concern or associate or subsidiary. So, for Amulet there is no possibility to faces this sort of risk. g) Negative earnings, negative cash flows from operating activities, declining turnover or profitability, during last five years, if any; Management Perception The company doesn’t have any negative earnings, negative cash flows from operating activities except 2013‐2014, declining turnover or profitability, during last five years. Hence there is no threat for going concern. h) Loss making associate/subsidiary/group companies of theissuer; Management Perception: We do not have any investment in subsidiary, associates or group companies. i) Financial weakness and poor performance of the issuer orany of its subsidiary or associates; Management Perception Amulet has no subsidiary or associate concerns. Besides, Amulet is a highly competent, resourceful, and profitable company. The Company’s net profit after Tax and other business performance indicators show increasing trend due to the management dedication and suitable strategic action to face competition in the industry. Successive strong financial performance is the result of unwavering commitment of the promoters, management efficiency, employees’ sincerity, use of appropriate technology, among others. Over the year, company’s financial performance is improving due to its long terms vision in this sector, experienced top tier management, favorable economic and government rules and regulations, the commendable repayment culture is contributing for growth of the company. As such, possibility of liquidity and going concern risks are significantly minimum. j) Decline in value of any investment; Management Perception: We do not have any investment. k) Risk associated with useful economic life of plant andmachinery, if purchased in second hand or reconditioned; Management Perception Amulet dose not purchase or use any second hand or recondition plant and machinery. Therefore, it is not applicable for Amulet. l) Adverse effect on future cash flow if interest free loangiven to related party or such loans taken from directors may recalled; Management Perception Amulet did not provide any loan to its related party. As such, this risk is not applicable. m) Potential conflict of interest, if the sponsors or directors ofthe issuer are involved with one or more ventures which are in the same line of activity or business as that of the issuer and if any supplier of raw materials or major customer is related to the same sponsors or directors; Management Perception No Amulet’s sponsor or director is engaged in same line of business of the issuer Company. No supplier of raw materials or major customer is related to the same sponsors or directors. So, such risk is not relevant to Amulet. n) Related party transactions entered into by the companythose may adversely affect competitive edge; Management Perception Amulet did not engage any such transaction, which may adversely affect competitive edge. 78 o) Any restrictive covenants in any shareholders' agreement,sponsors' agreement or any agreement for debt or preference shares or any restrictive covenants of banks in respect of the loan/ credit limit and other banking facilities; Management Perception: There are no restrictive covenants in any shareholders’ agreement, sponsors’ agreement or any agreement relating to debt or preference shares or any restrictive covenants of Banks in respect of loan or credit limit and other banking facilities. p) Business operations may be adversely affected by strikes,work stoppages or increase in wage demands by employees; Management Perception: Employee unrest is part of business and it is important to deal with labor unrest efficiently. Amulet has different incentive packages for their employees so that they can be beneficial to such package. Because they believe that employees are very important part of the business. q) Seasonality of the business of the issuer; Management Perception: As the products of pharmaceuticals industry are of basic in nature and majorly chronic care related, BangladeshPharmaceuticals market is consistent. So the risk of variability of company’s operating results is varying insignificant over the month of a year. r) Expiry of any revenue generating contract that mayadversely affect the business; Management Perception Amulet has no long‐term revenue‐generating contract with any customer. So, there is no chance to affect the business adversely on this ground. s) Excessive dependence on debt financing which mayadversely affect the cash flow; Management Perception: For last five years the company has been reducing its dependence on debt financing and it is now intended to raise its capital through Initial Public Offering to ensure better capital base. t) Excessive dependence on any key management personnel absence of whom may have adverse effect on the issuer’sbusiness performance; Management Perception: Corporate Governance is well practiced in APL. The company also has a well-placed organ gram. So any change in the key management can be replaced with capable professionals. u) Enforcement of contingent liabilities which may adversely affect financial condition; Management Perception: The Company does not have any contingent liabilities which may adversely affect financial condition. v) Insurance coverage not adequately protect against certainrisks of damages; Management Perception: We have different insurance coverage for all the relating issues that are risky to operating our business. w) Absence of assurance that directors will continue itsengagement with Company after expiry of lock in period; Management Perception All running director of the Company gave their kind consent that they shall serve the Company. Further, since the Company follows corporate governance principles and other relevant laws of the land, absence of assurance that director will continue its engagement will not affect the business. 79 x) Ability to pay any dividends in future will depend uponfuture earnings, financial condition, cash flows, working capital requirements and capital expenditure; Management Perception: We have been a profitable entity over a long time and the profit is on the uptrend. So we are in belief that we will be able to pay dividend from our earning profit. y) History of non operation, if any and short operationalhistory of the issuer and lack of adequate background and experience of the sponsors; History of non-operation indicates weak operational management of the Company. Non-operation leads to negative cash flow, incurring of losses and bankruptcy in worst case scenario. Management Perception: As a manufacturer, APL take their operation very seriously. They know, if operation is stopped for one day that can hamper supply to their customers. In any situation, they do not compromise with their operation. The company started commercial operation from 2011 and they are proud to state that the company has never been non‐operative till date. z) Risks related to engagement in new type of business, ifany; Management Perception Right now, Amulet has no plan to engage in new type of business. aa) Risk in investing the securities being offered withcomparison to other available investment options; Management Perception: We are profitable entity over long time and we have been operating our business efficiently. Therefore, it is not risky in investing securities in comparison with other available investment option. bb) Any penalty or action taken by any regulatory authoritiesfor non-compliance with provisions of any law; Management Perception No penalty or action taken by any regulatory authorities for non‐compliance with provisions of any law; cc) Litigations against the issuer for Tax and VAT relatedmatters and other government claims, along with the disclosures of amount, period for which such demands or claims are outstanding, financial implications and thestatus of the case; Management Perception: No, we did not have any litigation relating to Tax, VAT or other government claims against of our company. dd) Registered office or factory building or place of operation is not owned by the issuer; Management Perception: The factory building is owned by the Company but corporate office is rented. So it is not a risk. ee) Lack of renewal of existing regulatory permissions/licenses; Management Perception A dedicated team supervises renewal processes of all the regularity permission/licenses. So, risk with regard to lack of renewal of existing regulatory permissions/licenses is very remote. ff) Failure in holding AGM or declaring dividend or paymentof interest by any listed securities of the issuer or any of its subsidiaries or associates; Management Perception Amulet has no listed securities or any of its subsidiaries or associates. Hence, this risk is not applicable for Amulet. gg) Issuances of securities at lower than the IPO offer pricewithin one year; Management Perception Amulet has no plan to issue any sort of securities within one year of IPO. As such, this issue is not applicable for Amulet. 80 hh) Refusal of application for public issue of any securities ofthe issuer or any of its subsidiaries or associates at any time by the Commission. Management Perception Amulet has no subsidiary or associates. No refusal of application for public issue of any securities of the Amulet's at any time by the commission. (ii) External risk factors may include among others: a) Interest rate risks; APL has outstanding long and short term liabilities from bank. Hence, it is exposed to volatility of interest rates on its outstanding bank liabilities. Due to several macroeconomic and market driven factors, interest rates on short term and long term bank loans may vary over time. Inflationary pressure, increased demand for bank loan, increased volatility in money market, restrictive monetary policy, etc. may compel APL’s loan giving institutions to increase their interest rates on its outstanding liabilities. If the interest rates on its existing bank loans are increased from current levels, then its cash flow and profitability will be affected adversely. This may also affect its value of shares. Management perception While taking loan, Company always carefully considers the balance to be maintained between term loan, which carries fixed interest rate and short‐term loan, which carries variable interest rate so that any interest on inflation rate increase can be kept to the minimum. Additionally Company maintains very good reputation in the banking community and so far being able to attract very competitive rates from the Banks. Management of the Company is also emphasizing on equity based financing to reduce the dependency on bank borrowings, which is reflected in the Financial Statements. Moreover, the management of APL has decided to liquidate the major portion of Bank Loan with the IPO proceeds to make the Gearing Ratio at a satisfactory level which will significantly reduce the financial leverage and interest burden. b) Exchange rate risks; In many cases the Company depends on imported raw materials. For this reason, APL has to face foreign currency risk. Unfavorable volatility or currency fluctuation may affect the profitability of the Company. Management perception Company is fully aware of the risk related to currency fluctuation and as a prudent Company, we always take precautionary measures to save the Company against exchange rate fluctuation. c) Industry risks; Environmentalists are likely to create pressure on Government to protect or banning those factory, which are not follow proper ETP, Waste management solution, Air pollution etc. which are negative effects on living being and environment thereby causing closure of business by the Company. Management Perception We have a good setup for ETP and incinerator for waste management, a very good and sophisticated fire alarm system with integrated fire hydrant and fire house arrangement with carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, dry powder and sand bucket. We are using exhaust filter for protection air pollution, most modern HVAC system for temperature and humidity control, which provides ergonomics environment. Sound is protected with enclosure room built with silencer and sound guard, which maintain sound with standard label. The company also strictly follows all the laid down regulations for marketing the products and therefore does not foresee any problems in doing the business. d) Economic and political risks; Bangladesh is prone to serious unrest in the political condition which produces Hartal, Road-Block and many otherbarriers to the business. This could also propel the cost of the product upwards. Management Perception Although the country has passed a political turmoil until the end of last year, a sound political atmosphere is prevailing from early this year which is expected to continue in future. Both the ruling and opposition parties are committed to the betterment of the country. Last democratic national assembly election and local council polls are instances of peaceful political situation in Bangladesh. 81 e) Market and technology-related risks; The Company has best-class infrastructure with recently imported latest most sophisticated machinery and equipment’s. The production facilities are based on currently available technology. But APL’s investment in plants and technology may become obsolete and the product quality may be impaired due to malpractice or decayed technological enforcement. Management Perception Company owns modern technology with R&D Infrastructure and shall be able moderate investments as it has been doing in the past. The Company imported plant and technology from reputed manufacturer with proper warranty to take care any defects or confirmation of supplying of adequate spare parts has manufactured the selected/installed plant and machinery. Moreover, sufficient flexibility such as project sequencing and option based project implementation has been planned to facilitate updated technologically. As such the Company does not envisage any major problem in this area.In most recent years there is no history of non‐operation. f) Potential or existing government regulations; The Company operates under local laws like the Companies Act, 1994, Taxation Policies adopted by NBR, Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission Ordinance and Rules and Rules adopted by other Regulatory Authorities. Any abrupt changes of the policies form by those bodies will impact the business of the Company adversely. Unless adverse policies are taken, which may materially affect the industry as a whole; the business of the Company will not be affected. Management Perception Central Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is engaged in manufacturing and marketing of quality medicines which are human life saving drugs to save human life of Bangladesh as well as save the world human life as there will be increasing demand for life saving quality drugs. g) Potential or existing changes in global or national policies; Changes in the existing global or national policies can have either positive or negative impacts for the company. Any scarcity or price hike of raw materials due to change in policy in the international market might adversely affect the production and profitability. Management Perception As a going concern, Company always takes step to safeguard its interest. The Company's supply chain is robust in accommodating large number of suppliers with proper contingency plan in place. h) Statutory clearances and approvals those are yet to bereceived by the issuer; Management Perception: The company has collected all the statutory clearance and approval to operate the business. The necessary update and renewal is a continuous process. Hence, there is a limited degree of such risk associated with the company. i) Competitive condition of the business; Management Perception: Pharmaceutical sector is one of the highest priority sectors in Bangladesh. Pharmaceutical industry is now heading towards self–sufficiency in meeting local demand. There are more than 437 registered small, medium, large, local and multinational companies operating in the country producing around 97% of the total internal demand. j) Complementary and supplementary products/serviceswhich may have an impact on business of the issuer. Management perception Basically, Pharmaceuticals products meet fundamental of all living being. As such, it has no supplementary products. 82 CHAPTER XXI: DESCRIPTION OF THE ISSUE (a) Issue Size: (i) Number of securities to be issued; Public Offering of 15,000,000 Ordinary Shares of Tk. 10.00 each at par totaling Tk. 150,000,000.00 (ii) Authorized capital and paid-up capital; Particulars Authorized Capital Paid-upCapital(asonDecember31,2015) Pre-IPOPaid-upCapital CapitaltobeissuedthroughIPO under Fixed Price Method Post-IPO Paid-up Capital No. of Shares 120,000,000 35,350,000 35,350,000 15,000,000] 50,350,000 (iii) Face value, premium and offer price per unit of securities; Face value per share Offer Price per share to Eligible Investors (EIs) Offer Price per share to General Public Tk. 10/- each Tk. 10/- each (iv) Number of securities to be entitled for each category ofapplicants; Category Eligible Investors (EIs) General Public Particulars 10% of IPO i.e. [1,500,000] Ordinary Shares shall reserved for Mutual Funds 40% of IPO i.e. [6,000,000] Ordinary Shares shall reserved for Other Eligible Investors (EIs) 10% of IPO i.e. [1,500,000] Ordinary Shares shall reserved for Non Resident Bangladeshis (NRBs) 40% of IPO i.e. [6,000,000] Ordinary Shares shall reserved for¶wZMÖ¯’ ¶z`ª wewb‡qvMKvixand General Public Total be be be be No. of Shares [1,500,000] Issue Price per share Tk.10/- [6,000,000] [1,500,000] Tk.10/- [6,000,000] [15,000,000] Tk.10/- (v) Holding structure of different classes of securities before andafter the issue; Description Offer price BDT 10.00 Each at Par, total size of fund to be raised BDT. 150,000,000/Total Number of Securities to be Offered Eligible investors (EIs) GeneralPublic Amount in BDT 1,200,000,000 353,500,000 353,500,000 150,000,000 503,500,000 Break-up of Securities 7,500,000 7,500,000 15,000,000 Nominal value 10.00 10.00 10.00 Amount in BDT Tk.[15,000,000] Tk.[60,000,000] Tk.[15,000,000] Tk.[60,000,000] Tk.[150,000,000] Issue Amount in BDT 75,000,000 75,000,000 150,000,000 (vi) Objective of the issue including financing requirements and feasibility in respect of enhanced paid-up capital: Net proceeds from Initial Public Offering (IPO) will be used for business expansion (Purchase of plant and machinery), working Capital (Purchase of raw material & payment of operational expenses), Loan repayment of Pubali Bank Limited, Principal Br. Dhaka (Partial) and for IPO expenses. 83 CHAPTER XXII: USE OFPROCEEDS a) Use of net proceeds of the offer indicating the amount to be used for each purpose with head-wise break-up USE OF IPO PROCEEDS & IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. will raise paid-up capital through Initial Public Offering (IPO) in order to meet the present business needs for the purpose of business augmentation and repayment of its debt to enhance profitability in the following way: Particulars A. Loan Repayment (Partial): Pubali Bank Limited, Principal Br. Dhaka B. Investment in Fixed Assets: Purchase of Plant & Machinery Civil Construction C. Working Capital: Purchase of Raw & Packing Material Payment against operational expenses C. IPO Expenses*: Total Amount in BDT Source of Fund From IPO Proceeds Implementation Schedule 30,000,000 30,000,000 Immediately on availability of IPO fund 25,000,000 17,500,000 25,000,000 17,500,000 Within 06 Months after receiving the IPO fund 50,064,475 15,000,000 12,435,525 150,000,000 50,064,475 15,000,000 12,435,525 150,000,000 Within 03 Months after receiving the IPO fund As and When Required *Estimated IPO Expenses will be determined after the approval from BSEC and will be adjusted accordingly with the IPO proceeds. BREAKDOWN OF USE OF IPO PROCEEDS B. Investment in Fixed Assets: Breakdown Purchase of Plant & Machinery Name of Machinery Capsule Filling Machine Automatic Capsule Loader Tray Dryer (For drying excipients /granules) Double Cone Blender Capsule De-dusting and Polishing Machine Blister Machine (Alu – PVC & Alu – Alu) Conveyer Table & Belt Total Civil Construction Civil Construction Type of job C. Working Capital: Breakdown Type of job Purchase of Raw Material & Packing Material Payment against operational expenses Cost of the machineries 8,500,000/3,500,000/1,500,000/2,000,000/1,000,000/7,500,000/1,000,000/25,000,000 Amount in BDT 17,500,000/Amount in BDT 50,064,475/- 15,000,000/- Date of placement of order Expected date of supply After getting IPO fund Within 2 to 4 months after placement of order Area/Space (Sq.ft.) 7,500 Nature API, Excipient, Insert, Cartoon, Literature, Foil. Wages, Electricity, Gas, Fuel & lubricants and other factory overhead. Cost per Sq.ft. 2,333.34/Expected date of supply Within 03 Months after receiving the IPO fund 84 b) Where the sponsors’ contribution or privately placed fund has been brought prior to the public issue and has already been deployed by the issuer, indication of use of such funds in the cash flow statement; Indication of use of privately placed fund in the statement of cash flows: Tk.253,500,000 (25.35 Crore) has been raised through private placement prior to the public issue on dated June 30, 2015. This fund has already deployed by the issuer in the following manner: Accounting Years Item Amount 2014-2015 Land and Land Development 14,600,000 2014-2015 Civil Work 28,600,000 2014-2015 Long Term Loan repayment 45,890,000 2014-2015 Machineries spares, erection & installation cost 51,000,000 2014-2015 Working Capital 113,410,000 Reflected in Cash Flow In the Statement of Cash flows, the figure is included in the total fixed asset addition under the head investing activities In the Statement of Cash flows, the figure is included in the total fixed asset addition under the head investing activities In the Statement of Cash flows, the figure is included in the Long Term Loan payment under the head of Financing activities (Transaction as follows: Long term Loan Increase Tk31,419,370 + Interest Tk17,523,110 = Tk. 48,942,840 + Opening Tk100,076,528=Total Loan Tk. 149,019,368 -Closing Balance Tk. 103,129,368, = Term Loan paid for the year Tk. 45,890,000. In the Statement of Cash flows, the figure is included in the total fixed asset addition under the head investing activities In the Statement of Cash flows, the figure is included in the Short Term Loan payment under the head of Financing activities c) If one of the objects is an investment in a joint venture, a subsidiary, an associate or any acquisition, details of the form of investment, nature of benefit expected to accrue to the issuer as a result of the investment, brief description of business and financials of such venture: The issuer has no objects to investment in a joint venture, a subsidiary, an associate or any acquisition. d) If IPO proceeds are not sufficient to complete the project, then source of additional fund must be mentioned. In this connection, copies of contract to meet the additional funds are required to be submitted to the Commission. The means and source of financing, including details of bridge loan or other financial arrangement, which may be repaid from the proceeds of the issue along with utilization of such funds: IPO proceeds are sufficient to complete the project. e) A schedule mentioning the stages of implementation and utilization of funds received through public offer in a tabular form, progress made so far, giving details of land acquisition, civil works, installation of plant and machinery, the approximate date of completion of the project and the projected date of full commercial operation etc. The schedule shall be signed by the Chief Executive Officer or Managing Director, Chief Financial Officer and Chairman on behalf of Board of Directors of the issuer: Projects/Particulars Progress made so Far Approximate date of Completion of the projects Pubali Bank Limited, Principal Br. Dhaka Immediately on availability of IPO fund Within 07 days after receiving the IPO fund Purchase of Plant & Machinery and Civil Construction Plant & Machineries, Erection, Electrical Fittings &Installation and civil construction will be started after receiving of IPO fund Within 06 Months after receiving the IPO fund N/A Within 03 Months after receiving the IPO fund Loan Repayment (Partial): Investment in Fixed Assets: Working Capital: Purchase of Raw & Packing Material Payment against operational expenses Sd/Kazi Mahmudul Hasan Chief Financial Officer Sd/Syed Amirul Islam Chief Executive Officer Projected date of full commercial operation Within three month of the completion of the project N/A Sd/Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Managing Director 85 f) If there are contracts covering any of the activities of the issuer for which the proceeds of sale of securities are to be used, such as contracts for the purchase of land or contracts for the construction of buildings, the issuer shall disclose the terms of such contracts, and copies of the contracts shall be enclosed as annexure to the prospectus: As per rule Annexure-E (B)(21)(f) there is no contracts covering any of the activities of the issuer for which the proceeds of sale of securities are to be used. g) If one of the objects of the issue is utilization of the issue proceeds for working capital, basis of estimation of working capital requirement along with the relevant assumptions, reasons for raising additional working capital substantiating the same with relevant facts and figures and also the reasons for financing short with long term investments and an item wise break-up of last three years working capital and next two years projection: The company has working capital requirement mainly for purchase of raw materials Basis of estimation: On the basis of its projected production, the working capital is estimated. Relevant assumptions: Capacity will be increased as new instruments will be introduced. Reasons for raising additional working capital: increasing working capital is required in line with the increasing production capacity. Item wise break-up of last three years working capital and next two years projection: Item Raw & packing materials requirement Payment against operational expenses 2012-2013 107,494,137 31,633,619 2013-2014 146,036,467 35,731,200 2014-2015 188,045,464 39,831,128 31.12.2015 108,807,820 18,847,758 2015-2016 (projected) 240,000,000 55,000,000 2016-2017 (projected) 260,000,000 70,000,000 h) Where the issuer proposes to undertake one or more activities like diversification, modernization, expansion, etc., the total project cost activity-wise or project wise, as the case may be: The company has planned to expand its existing projects by purchase plant & machineries, Erection, Electrical Fittings and Installation, which have been mentioned in Use of IPO proceeds and projects Implementation schedule. i) Where the issuer is implementing the project in a phased manner, the cost of each phase, including the phases, if any, which have already been implemented: The company has planned to implement to the existing projects by using IPO proceeds after receiving the funds, which have been mentioned in Use of IPO proceeds and projects Implementation schedule. j) The details of all existing or anticipated material transactions in relation to utilization of the issue proceeds or project cost with sponsors, directors, key management personnel, associates and group companies: There is no existing or anticipated material transaction in relation to utilization of the issue proceeds or project cost with sponsors, directors, key management personnel, associates and group companies. (k) Summary of the project appraisal/ feasibility report by the relevant professional people with cost of the project and means of finance, weaknesses and threats, if any, as given in the appraisal/ feasibility report. Feasibility report is not applicable for this issue 86 CHAPTERXXIII: LOCK-IN Ordinary shares of the issuer shall be subject to lock-in, from the date of issuance of prospectus or commercial operation, whichever comes later, in the following manner: 1. All shares held, at the time of according consent to the public offer, by sponsors, directors and shareholders holding 5% or more shares, other than alternative investment funds, for 03(three) years; 2. All shares allotted, before 02(two) years of according consent to the public offer, to any person, other than alternative investment funds, for 03(three) years 3. In case any existing sponsor or director of the issuer transfers any share to any person, other than existing shareholders, within preceding 12 (twelve) months of submitting an application for raising of capital or initial public offer (IPO), all shares held by those transferee shareholders, for 03(three) years; 4. 25% of the shares allotted to eligible investors, for 03 (three) months and other 25% of the shares allotted to them, for 06 (six) months; 5. All shares held by alternative investment funds, for 01(one) year; and 6. Shares allotted, within two years of according consent to the public offer, to any person other than the shares mentioned in sub-rules (1), (2), (3), (4), and (5) above, for 01(one) year. Provided that ordinary shares converted from any other type of securities shall also be subject to lock-in as mentioned above. Sl. No. Name of the Shareholders Position No of Securities % Shareholdings by the Directors and Sponsors: 1 Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed 2 Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul 3 Abdul Mannan 4 Syed Amirul Islam 5 M. A. Bari 6 Muhammed Ahmed Ali Total Shareholdings by the Directors & Sponsor [A] Shareholdings by the other than Director’s: 7 Janata Capital and Investment Ltd. 8 BMSL Investment Ltd. 9 Abdulla-Al-Mahmud FCA, FCMA, FCS 10 Aminur Rashed 11 Nahid Khan Rasul 12 Syeda Shanaz Ahmed 13 Jobayda Mannan 14 Raisa Mehvin Rasul 15 Sharmin Sultana Lima 16 Munsur Ahamed 17 Abid Hossain 18 M. Munir Ahmed 19 Ishtiaq Ahmed 20 Md. Uzzal Hossain 21 Md. Masudur Rahman 22 Zahed Hossan 23 Md. Sajedul Islam 24 S & S Enterprise 25 Apurba Kumar Das 26 Sabbir Ahmed 27 Md. Anisur Rahman 28 Mohammad Shafiqul Kabir 29 Zahidul Islam 30 Gulam Imani Chairman 2,855,000 8.08 Director & MD 5,255,000 14.87 Director 3,707,500 10.49 Director & CEO 1,060,000 3.00 Director 1,160,000 3.28 Director 1,150,000 15,187,500 3.25 42.96 Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder 500,000 900,000 1,000,000 750,000 1,062,500 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 420,000 200,000 400,000 100,000 100,000 80,000 80,000 100,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 100,000 125,000 250,000 200,000 1.41 2.55 2.83 2.12 3.01 3.96 3.96 2.83 3.39 1.19 0.57 1.13 0.28 0.28 0.23 0.23 0.28 0.14 0.28 0.14 0.28 0.35 0.71 0.57 Date of Acquisition 12-10-2007 28-06-2014 27-05-2015 12-10-2007 28-06-2014 27-05-2015 04-11-2007 10-11-2007 28-06-2014 27-05-2015 04-11-2007 28-06-2014 27-05-2015 10-11-2007 28-06-2014 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 Lock-in period from the date of issuance of prospectus 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 87 31 Badrul Haider Chowdhury 32 Md. Nazrul Islam 33 Zillur Rahman 34 Md. Jahangir 35 Shah Jalal Uddin 36 Jalil Miah 37 Abdus Subhan 38 Afsary Khanom 39 Salah Uddin Ahmed 40 Badrul Alam 41 Shifa Wahida Rahman 42 Shelina Rahman 43 Sumon Ahmed 44 Samad Ali 45 Md. Almojahid Mullick 46 Mahbuba Khatun 47 Syed Sakib Naimuddin 48 Mrs. Sultana Jesmin Chino 49 Mohammed Mominul Islam 50 Abdul Rahman 51 Nizam Uddin Sikdar 52 Md. Jilu Miah 53 Mumina Khatun 54 Jabbir Ahmed 55 Muhibun Bari Chowdhury 56 Kabir Miah 57 Md. Tipu Sultan 58 Md. Abdur Rab 59 Saiful Islam Helaly 60 Ali Akbar 61 Kazi Mahmudul Hasan Total Shareholdings by the other than Director’s [B] Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Shareholder Total Shareholdings 100,000 100,000 750,000 100,000 300,000 200,000 250,000 760,000 170,000 200,000 225,000 225,000 200,000 450,000 540,000 500,000 200,000 200,000 70,000 500,000 500,000 200,000 200,000 250,000 670,000 100,000 200,000 10,000 175,000 50,000 200,000 20,162,500 0.28 0.28 2.12 0.28 0.85 0.57 0.71 2.15 0.48 0.57 0.64 0.64 0.57 1.27 1.53 1.41 0.57 0.56 0.20 1.41 1.41 0.56 0.56 0.71 1.90 0.28 0.57 0.03 0.50 0.14 0.56 57.04 35,350,000 100% 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 27-05-2015 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year CHAPTERXXIV: XXIV: MARKETS FOR THE SECURITIES BEING OFFERED The issuer shall apply to all the relevant exchanges in Bangladesh within 7 (seven) working days from the date of consent for public offer accorded by the Commission. The Exchange shall complete the listing procedures within a maximum period of 30 (thirty) working days from the date of closure of subscription list. DECLARATION ABOUT LISTING OF SHARES WITH THE STOCK EXCHANGE (S): The issuer will apply at: Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited (DSE) 9/F, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka Dhaka-1000 and Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited (CSE) CSE Building, 1080 Sk. Mojib Road, Agrabad, Chittagong None of the stock exchange(s), if for any reason, grants listing within 75 days from the closure of subscription, any allotment in terms of this prospectus shall be void and the company shall refund the subscription money within fifteen days from the date of refusal for listing by the stock exchanges, or from the date of expiry of the said 75 (seventy five) days, as the case may be. In case of non-refund refund of the subscription money within the aforesaid fifteen days, the company directors, in addition to the issuer company, shall be collectively and severally liable for refund of the subscription money, with interest at the rate of 2% (two percent) per month above the bank rate, to the subscribers concerned. 88 The issue manager, in addition to the issuer company, shall ensure due compliance of the above mentioned conditions and shall submit compliance report thereon to the Commission within seven days of expiry of the aforesaid fifteen days’ time period allowed for refund of the subscription money.” Trading and settlement regulation of the stock exchanges shall apply in respect of trading and settlement of the share of the company. “The issue shall be placed in “N” Category with DSE & CSE” CHAPTERXXV: DESCRIPTION OF SECURITIES BEING OFFERED Dividend, Voting, Preemption Right: The share capital of the company is divided into ordinary shares carrying equal rights to vote and receive dividend in terms of the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 1994 and the Articles of Association of the company. Shareholders shall have the usual voting right in person or by proxy in connection with, among others, selection of directors & auditors and other usual agenda of General Meeting–Ordinary or Extra Ordinary. On a show of hand every shareholder present and every duly authorized representative of a shareholder present at a General Meeting shall have one vote and on a poll every shareholder present in person or by proxy shall have one vote for every share held by him/her. In case of any additional issue of rights shares for raising further capital the existing shareholders shall be entitled in terms of the guidelines issued by the BSEC from time to time. Conversion & Liquidation Right If the Company at any time issues convertible preference shares or debenture with the consent of BSEC, such holders of Securities shall be entitled to convert such securities into ordinary shares if it is so determined by the Company. Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, 1994, Articles of Association of the Company and other relevant rules in force, the shares, if any, of the Company are freely transferable, the Company shall not change any fee for registering transfer of shares. No transfer shall be made to firms, minors or persons of unsound mental health. Dividend Policy (a) The profit of the company, subject to any special right relating thereto created or authorized to be created by the Memorandum of Association subject to the provision of the Articles of Association, shall be divisible among the members in proportion to the capital paid up on the Shares held by them respectively. (b) No larger dividend shall be declared than is recommended by the Directors, but the Company in its General Meeting may declare a smaller dividend. The declaration of Directors as to the amount of net Profit of the Company shall be conclusive. (c) No dividend shall be payable except out of profits of the Company or any other undistributed profits. Dividend shall not carry interest as against the Company. (d) The Directors may, from time to time, pay the members such interim dividend as in their judgment the financial position of the Company may justify. (e) A transfer of shares shall not pass the right to any dividend declared thereon before the registration of transfer. (f) There is no limitation on the payment of dividend. Other Rights of Stockholders The shareholders shall have the right to receive all periodical reports and statements, audited as well as un-audited, published by the Company from time to time. The directors shall present the financial statements as required under the law and International Accounting Standards. Financial Statements will be prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standards, consistently applied throughout the subsequent periods and present with the objective of providing maximum disclosure as per law and International Accounting Standard to the shareholders regarding the financial and operational position of the Company. In case of any declaration of stock dividend by issue of bonus shares, all shareholders shall be entitled to it in proportion to their shareholdings on the date of book closure for the purpose. The shareholders holding not less than 10% of the issued/fully paid up capital of the Company shall have the right to requisition Extra-Ordinary General Meeting of the Company as provided under Section 84 of the Companies Act, 1994. 89 CHAPTERXXVI:FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (a) The latest financial statements prepared and audited by the Commission’s panel auditors in adherence to the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Rules, 1987, the Companies Act, 1994, International financial Reporting and Auditing Standards as adopted in Bangladesh from time to time and Financial Reporting Act; INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS OF AMULET PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. We have audited the accompanying Financial Statements ofAmulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. which comprise Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December, 2015 and the related Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income, Statement of Changes in Equity, Statement of Cash Flows and a summary of significant accounting policies and relevant explanatory notes 01 to 40 for the period from01 July 2015 to 31 December 2015. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these Financial Statements in accordance with the Bangladesh Accounting Standards (BAS) and Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards (BFRS). This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Bangladesh Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors’ judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion the Financial Statements present fairly, in all material respect, the Financial Position of Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. as at 31 December, 2015 and the results of its financial performance and its cash flows for the period then ended in accordance with Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards and comply with the applicable sections of Companies Act, 1994, the Securities & Exchange Rules 1987 and other applicable laws and regulations. Further to our opinion in the above paragraph, we state that: (a) we have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purposes of our audit and made due verification thereof; (b) in our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the company so far as it appeared from our examination of those books; (c) the company’s Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income dealt with by the report are in agreement with the books of account; (d) the expenditure was incurred for the purpose of the company’s business. April 07, 2016 Rupayan Karim Tower, Level-7, Suite # 7A, 80, Kakrail, Dhaka-1000 Sd/Zoha Zaman Kabir Rashid & Co. Chartered Accountants 90 Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December, 2015 Particulars Notes ASSETS 31-12-2015 Taka 30-06-2015 Taka Non-Current Assets Property, Plant & Equipment 3.00 334,753,832 334,753,832 346,581,790 346,581,790 Current Assets Inventories Spare Parts & Supplies Advances, Deposits & Pre-payments Accounts Receivable Cash & Cash Equivalents 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 468,537,771 181,178,281 15,685,768 112,944,097 140,906,384 17,823,241 396,600,359 157,947,083 12,565,114 92,304,028 107,745,750 26,038,384 803,291,603 743,182,149 Total EQUITY & LIABILITY Shareholders' Equity Share Capital Retained Earnings 9.00 10.00 533,018,197 353,500,000 179,518,197 499,170,853 353,500,000 145,670,853 Non-Current Liabilities Long Term Loan Deferred Tax Liabilities 11.00 12.00 67,274,089 52,690,724 14,583,365 61,283,640 47,785,368 13,498,272 Current Liabilities Short Term Loan Long Term Loan-Current Portion Sundry Creditors Liabilities for Expenses 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 202,999,317 44,090,771 52,400,000 1,467,585 105,040,961 182,727,656 41,492,853 55,344,000 1,050,563 84,840,240 Net Asset Value (NAV) per Share 26.00 15.08 14.12 Total 803,291,603 743,182,149 The accounting policies and other notes 1 to 40 form an integral part of the financial statements. Sd/Managing Director Sd/Chairman Sd/Company Secretary The accounting policies and other notes 1 to 40 form an integral part of the financial statements. Dated: Dhaka 07 April, 2016 Sd/Zoha Zaman Kabir Rashid & Co. Chartered Accountants 91 Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income for the period from 01 July, 2015 to 31 December, 2015 Particulars Notes 01-07-2015 to 31-12-2015 (6 months) Taka 01-07-2014 to 31-12-2014 (6 months) Taka Net Turnover 17.00 213,031,638 182,234,998 Cost of Goods Sold 18.00 (124,617,881) (106,432,757) 88,413,757 75,802,241 (21,518,659) (6,074,284) (15,444,375) (20,848,008) (5,788,217) (15,059,791) 66,895,098 54,954,233 (10,558,211) 92,435 (12,937,067) - Net Profit/(Loss) before WPPF 56,429,322 42,017,166 Contribution to Workers' Profit Participation Fund (WPPF) 23.00 (2,687,111) (2,000,817) Net Profit/(Loss) before Tax 53,742,211 40,016,349 (19,894,867) (18,809,774) (1,085,093) (15,402,414) (14,005,722) (1,396,692) 33,847,344 24,613,935 0.96 2.46 Gross Profit/(Loss) Operating Expenses Administrative Expenses Selling & Distribution Expenses 19.00 20.00 Operating Income Financial Expenses Other Income 21.00 22.00 24.00 Income Tax Expenses Provision for Tax Deferred Tax Net Profit/(Loss) after Tax 25.00 Earnings per Share (EPS) The accounting policies and other notes 1 to 40 form an integral part of the financial statements. Sd/Managing Director Sd/Chairman Sd/Company Secretary This is the Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income referred to in our report of even date. Dated: Dhaka 07 April, 2016 Sd/Zoha Zaman Kabir Rashid & Co. Chartered Accountants 92 Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Statement of Cash Flows for the period from 01 July, 2015 to 31 December, 2015 Particulars Notes Cash Flows from Operating Activities Collection from Customers & Others Payment to Suppliers, Employees & Others Income Tax Paid Net Cash Generated from Operating Activities 01-07-2015 to 31-12-2015 (6 months) Taka 01-07-2014 to 31-12-2014 (6 months) Taka 28.01 28.02 28.03 179,963,439 (153,199,143) (18,567,845) 8,196,451 164,280,534 (85,726,545) (13,987,845) 64,566,144 3.00 (10,412,657) (10,412,657) (69,545,458) (69,545,458) 1,961,356 36,087,328 Cash Flows from Investing Activities Acquisition of Property Plant & Equipment Net Cash used in Investing Activities Cash Flows from Financing Activities Long Term Loan Short Term Loan Financial Expenses Paid Net Cash Generated from Financing Activities 11.00 & 14.00 13.00 21.00 Net Cash Increase in Cash & Cash Equivalents Cash & Cash Equivalents at the Beginning of the period Cash & Cash Equivalents at the end of the period Net Operating Cash Flows per Share (NOCFPS) 27.00 2,597,918 (10,558,211) (5,998,937) (24,506,084) (12,937,067) (1,355,823) (8,215,143) 26,038,384 17,823,241 (6,335,137) 9,580,921 3,245,784 0.23 6.46 The accounting policies and other notes 1 to 40 form an integral part of the financial statements. Sd/Managing Director Sd/Chairman Sd/Company Secretary This is the Statement of Cash Flows referred to in our report of even date. Dated: Dhaka 07 April, 2016 Sd/Zoha Zaman Kabir Rashid & Co. Chartered Accountants 93 Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Statement of Changes in Equity for the period from 01 July, 2015 to 31 December, 2015 Particulars Share Capital Balance as on 01-07-2014 100,000,000 Addition during the period Share Money Deposit 40,000,000 - - Total Taka 90,843,059 230,843,059 24,613,935 24,613,935 115,456,994 255,456,994 Balance as on 31-12-2014 100,000,000 Particulars Share Capital Balance as on 01-01-2015 100,000,000 40,000,000 115,456,994 255,456,994 Addition during the period 253,500,000 (40,000,000) 30,213,859 243,713,859 Balance as on 30-06-2015 353,500,000 145,670,853 499,170,853 Particulars Share Capital Balance as on 01-07-2015 353,500,000 Addition during the period Balance as on 31-12-2015 40,000,000 Retained Earnings Share Money Deposit Share Money Deposit 353,500,000 Retained Earnings Retained Earnings Total Taka Total Taka - 145,670,853 499,170,853 - 33,847,344 33,847,344 - 179,518,197 533,018,197 The accounting policies and other notes 1 to 40 form an integral part of the financial statements. Sd/Managing Director Sd/Chairman Sd/Company Secretary This is the Statement of Changes in Equity referred to in our report of even date. Dated: Dhaka 07 April, 2016 Sd/Zoha Zaman Kabir Rashid & Co. Chartered Accountants 94 Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Notes comprising a Summary of Significant Accounting Policies and Other Explanatory information for the period 01 July, 2015 to 31 December, 2015 1.00 The Company &It’s Operations: 1.01 Legal form of the Company: Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") was incorporated on 11 August, 1985 vide registration no. C-14612 as a private limited Company in Bangladesh under the Companies Act, 1994 with the name of Healing Pharmaceuticals Ltd. and subsequently changed its name to Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. on 28 January, 2008. Moreover, on 24 July, 2014 the Company converted into itself as a Public Limited Company under the Companies Act, 1994. 1.02 Address of the Registered & Corporate Office: The registered and corporate office of the Company is located at Ch 72/1/B, Moddha Badda, Holland Centre (6thfloor), Progoti Sarani, Dhaka-1212 and its factory is situated in its own premises at Amulet Complex, Vill: Singdighi, P.O: Maona, Thana: Shreepur, District: Gazipur. 1.03 Nature of Business Activities: The principal activities of the Company throughout the year continued to be manufacturing and marketing of quality medicine. 2.00 Summary of Significant Accounting & Valuation Principles: 2.01 Statement of Compliance: The financial statements have been prepared in compliance with the requirements of the Companies Act, 1994, the Securities & Exchanges Rules, 1987 and other relevant local laws as applicable and in accordance with the Bangladesh Accounting Standards (BASs) & Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards (BFRSs). 2.02 2.03 2.04 Principal Accounting Policies: The specific accounting policies have been selected and applied by the Company's management for significant transactions and events that have a material effect within the Framework for preparation and presentation of financial statements. Financial statements have been prepared and presented in compliance with BAS-1 “Presentation of Financial Statements”. The previous year’s figures were formulated according to the same accounting principles. Compared to the previous year, there were no significant changes in the accounting and valuation policies affecting the financial position and performance of the Company. However, changes made to the presentation are explained in the note for each respective item. Accounting and valuation methods are disclosed for reasons of clarity. The Company classified the expenses using the function of expenses method as per BAS-1. Going Concern: The Company has adequate resources to continue in operation for the foreseeable future. For this reasons the directors continue to adopt going concern basis in preparing the financial statements. The current credit facilities and resources of the Company provides sufficient fund to meet the present requirements of existing business. Off Setting: “In compliance to BAS-1 and BAS-32, offsetting is done for a particular vendor or customer when the following conditions are met: Each of the two parties owes the other determinable amounts; The entity has the right to set off against the amount owed by other party; The entity intends to offset; The right of setoff is legally enforceable.” 95 2.05 Basis of Preparation of the interim Financial Statements: The accounting policies used are consistent with those used in the Annual Financial Statements. The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs). The presentation of the Interim Financial Statements is consistent with the Annual Financial Statements. Where necessary, the comparatives have been reclassified or extended to take into account any presentational changes made in the Annual Financial Statements. The preparation of the Interim Financial Statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities at the date of the Interim Financial Statements. If in the future such estimates and assumptions, which are based on management's best judgment at the date of the Interim Financial Statements, deviate from the actual, the original estimates and assumptions will be modified as appropriate in the period in which the circumstances change. 2.06 Presentation of Financial Statements: The presentation of these financial statements is in accordance with the guidelines provided by BAS 1: Presentation of Financial Statements. The financial statements comprises of: (a) Statement of Financial Position as at 31 December, 2015; (b) Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income from 01 July, 2015 to 31 December, 2015; (c) Statement of Changes in Equity from 01 July, 2015 to 31 December, 2015; (d) Statement of Cash Flows from 01 July, 2015 to 31 December, 2015; and (e) Notes, comprising summary of significant accounting policies and explanatory information. 2.07 Reporting Period: The financial statements cover six months from 01 July, 2015 to 31 December, 2015. 2.08 Accounting Convention and Assumption: The financial statements are prepared accrual basis under the historical cost convention. 2.09 Critical Accounting Estimates, Assumptions and Judgments: The preparation of the financial statements are in conformity with BFRS requires the use of certain critical accounting estimates. It also requires management to exercise its judgment in the process of applying the Company’s accounting policies. 2.10 Functional Currency and Presentation Currency: The financial statements are prepared and presented in Bangladesh Currency (Taka), which is the Company’s functional currency. All financial information presented has been rounded off to the nearest Taka except where indicated otherwise. 2.11 Application of Standards: The following BASs are applicable for the financial statements for the year under review. BAS-1 Presentation of Financial Statements; BAS-2 Inventories; BAS-7 Statement of Cash Flows; BAS-8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors; BAS-10 Events after the Reporting Period; BAS-12 Income Taxes; BAS-16 Property, Plant & Equipment; BAS-17 Leases; BAS-18 Revenues; BAS-23 Borrowing Cost; BAS-24 Related Parties Disclosure; BAS-33 Earnings per Share; BAS-34 Interim Financial Reporting BAS-36 Impairment of Assets; BAS-37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets. 96 2.12 Property, Plant & Equipment: a. Recognition and Measurement: In compliance with BAS-16 (Property, Plant & Equipment) items of Property, Plant & Equipment (PPE), excluding land is initially measured at cost less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses, if any. Land is measured at cost. The cost of an item of PPE comprises its purchase price, import duties and non-refundable taxes after deducting trade discount and rebates and any costs directly attributable to bringing the assets to the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the intended manner. b. Capitalization of Borrowing Cost: Finance costs that are directly attributable to the construction of plants are included in the cost of those plants in compliance with BAS-23: Borrowing Cost, allowed alternative treatment. c. Subsequent Costs: The cost of replacing part of an item of property, plant and equipment is recognized in the carrying amount of the item if it is probable that the future economic benefits embodied within the part will flow to the Company and its cost can be measured reliably. The cost of the day to day maintaining cost on PPE is recognized in the Statement of Comprehensive Income as incurred. d. Depreciation: No depreciation is charged on land and land development. Consistently, depreciation is provided on diminishing balance method based on written down value at which the asset is carried in the books of account. Depreciation continues to be provided until such time as the written down value is reduced to Taka one. Each item of PPE is depreciated from the month in which the asset comes into use or capitalized. In case of disposals, no depreciation is charged in the month of disposal. The depreciation/amortization rate(s) are as follows: Category of Fixed Assets Land & Land Development Factory Buildings Plant & Machinery Generator Office Decoration Office Equipment Furniture & Fixtures Motor Vehicle Books Laboratory Test Equipment Rate % 15 15 10 10 15 10 20 15 e. Retirements and Disposals: An asset is derecognized on disposal when no future economic benefits are expected from its use and subsequent disposal. Gains or losses arising from the retirement or disposal of an asset is determined as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset and is recognized as gain and loss from disposal of asset under other income in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. 2.13 Inventories: Inventories are assets held for sale in the ordinary course of business, in the process of production for such sale or in the form of materials or supplies to be consumed in the production process. Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or net realizable value in compliance to the requirements of Para 21 and 25 of BAS-2. Costs including an appropriate portion of fixed and variable overhead expenses are assigned inventories by the method most appropriate to the particular class of inventory. Net realizable value represents the estimated selling price for the inventories less all estimated cost of completion and cost necessary to make the sale. Item wise valuation is as follows: 97 Category of Inventories Raw & Packing Materials Work-in-Progress Finished Goods Basis of Valuation At Weighted Average Cost At Standard Cost At Standard Cost Standard cost comprises value of materials, standard activity cost and overheads. 2.14 Impairment of Assets: All assets have been reviewed according to BAS-36 and it was confirmed that no such assets have been impaired during the year and for this reason no provision has been made for impairment of assets. 2.15 Statement of Changes in Equity: The Statement of Changes in Equity reflects information about the increase or decrease in net assets or wealth. 2.16 Cash & Cash Equivalents: Cash & cash equivalents include cash in hand, cash at banks, term deposits which are available for use by the Company without any restrictions. There is an insignificant risk of change in value of the same. 2.17 Accounts Receivable: Receivables are carried at original invoice amount. This is considered good for collection and therefore, no amount was written off as bad debt and no debt was considered doubtful to provide for. 2.18 Creditors & Accrued Expenses: 2.18.1 Trade & Other Payables: Liabilities are recorded at the amount payable for settlement in respect of goods and services received by the Company. 2.18.2 Provision: The preparation of the financial statements are in conformity with Bangladesh Accounting Standards, BAS-37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of revenues and expenses, assets and liabilities, and the disclosure requirements for contingent assets and liabilities during and at the date of the financial statements. 2.19 2.20 2.21 Employees' Benefit: Employees of the Company are entitled to get the following benefits from the Company: a. Festival Bonus: The Company gives 02 festival bonuses to its permanent employees in a year. b. Workers' Profit Participation Fund: This represents 5% of the net profit after charging such contribution but before tax contribution by the Company as per provisions of Bangladesh Labour Law, 2006 and is payable to the workers as define in the said Law. Authorization date for issuing Financial Statements: The financial statements were authorized by the Board of Directors on 07April, 2016 for issue after completion of review. Taxation: 2.21.1 Current Tax: Provision for taxation has been made as per rates prescribed in the Finance Act, 2015 and the Income Tax Ordinance, 1984 on profit made by the Company. As per BAS-12 Income Tax provision has been made during the year as the Company earned taxable income. 98 2.21.2 Deferred Tax: Deferred tax is recognized on differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in the financial statements and the corresponding tax bases used in the computation of taxable profit and are accounted for using the Statement of Financial Position as liability method. Deferred tax liabilities are generally recognized for all taxable temporary differences and deferred tax assets are generally recognized for all deductible temporary differences to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which those deductible temporary differences can be utilized. APL itself recognized the deferred tax liabilities for all taxable temporary differences. 2.22 Contingent Liabilities and Assets: Contingent liabilities and assets are current or possible obligations or assets, arising from past events and whose existence is due to the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events which are not within the control of the Company. In accordance with BAS-37 Provision, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements. 2.23 Revenue Recognition: Moment of recognition, amount to be recognized and disclosure requirements of revenue has been made as per BAS-18 “Revenue Recognition”. The Company recognized sales when products are invoiced and dispatched to the buyers. Interest income on bank deposit and short-term investments is recognized on receipts or due basis. Other income is recognized on receipt or due basis. 2.24 Borrowing Costs: In compliance with the requirements of BAS-23 “Borrowing Costs”, borrowing costs of operational period on short term loan and overdraft facilities from commercial banks & financial institutions were charged off as revenue expenditure as they incurred. 2.25 Foreign Currency Translation: Transactions in foreign currencies are translated to Bangladesh Taka at the foreign exchange rate ruling at the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities are converted at the rates prevailing at the Statement of Financial Position date. Non-monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies, stated at historical cost are translated into Bangladesh Taka at the exchange rate ruling at the date of transaction. 2.26 Statement of Cash Flows: Statement of Cash Flows is prepared principally in accordance with BAS-7: Statement of Cash Flows and the cash flows from operating activities have been presented under direct method. 2.27 Earnings per Share: The Company calculates Earnings per Share (EPS) in accordance with BAS-33: “Earnings per Share”, which has been shown on the face of Statement of Comprehensive Income, and the computation of EPS is stated in the note. Earnings per Share is the basic earnings dividing by average weighted ordinary shares outstanding during the year. 2.28 Comparative: Financial statements are presented as BAS-1 ‘‘Presentation of Financial Statements” and previous year’s figures have been restated due to changes in some accounting policies as per BAS-8 ‘‘Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors’’. 2.29 Segment Reporting: No segmental reporting is applicable for the Company as required by BAS-14: “Segment Reporting” as the Company operates in a single industry segment and within a single geographical territory. 2.30 Related Party Transactions: TheobjectiveofBAS-24'RelatedPartyDisclosures'istoensurethat anentity'sfinancialstatementscontainthedisclosuresnecessarytodrawattentiontothepossibilitythatitsfinancialp ositionandprofitorlossmayhavebeenaffectedbytheexistenceofrelatedpartiesandbytransactions and outstanding balances with such parties. 99 Partiesareconsideredtoberelatedifonepartyhastheabilitytocontroltheotherpartyortoexercisesignificantinfluen ceorjointcontroloverthe other party in making financial and operating decisions. Apartyisrelatedtoanentityif:[BAS24]directly,orindirectlythroughoneormoreintermediaries,controls,iscontrolledby,orisundercommoncontrolwit h,theentityhasaninterestintheentitythatgivesitsignificantinfluenceovertheentity,hasjointcontrolovertheentity,t hepartyisamemberofthekeymanagementpersonneloftheentityoritsparent,thepartyisaclosememberofthefamil yofanyindividual,thepartyisanentitythatiscontrolled,jointlycontrolledorsignificantlyinfluencedbyorforwhichsig nificantvotingpowerinsuchentityresideswith,directlyorindirectly, any individual and the party is a postemployment benefit plan for the benefit of employees of the entity. TheCompany transactswithrelatedpartiesandrecognizeasperBAS24'RelatedPartyDisclosures'.Relatedpartytransactionshavebeen disclosed under Note – 33 & 40. 2.31 Interest paid and other Expenses: Interest paid and other expenses are recognized on accrual basis. 2.32 Repair upkeep and Maintenance Charges: There are usually absorbed as revenue charges as and when incurred. 100 3.00 Property, Plant & Equipment: Tk. 334,753,832 31-12-2015 Taka 30-06-2015 Taka Cost: Opening Balance Add: Addition during the period Closing Balance 484,279,804 10,412,657 494,692,461 296,558,653 187,721,151 484,279,804 Depreciation: Opening Balance Add: Addition during the period Closing Balance 137,698,014 22,240,615 159,938,629 94,027,392 43,670,622 137,698,014 Written down value 334,753,832 346,581,790 50,265,723 107,128,492 17,393,645 6,390,421 181,178,281 38,795,673 96,020,605 18,567,341 4,563,464 157,947,083 5,931,561 9,754,207 15,685,768 6,752,456 5,812,658 12,565,114 1,668,825 11,790,453 98,978,142 156,837 276,850 9,578,940 80,410,297 1,688,101 243,390 6,450 100,000 112,944,097 243,390 6,450 100,000 92,304,028 Details are given in Annexure-A with the report. 4.00 Inventories: Tk. 181,178,281 Finished Goods Raw Materials Packing Materials Work-in-Process Total At the end of the year physical verification of Inventories was carried out jointly by the Company Officials & Auditors. The basis of valuation is stated in Note-2.13. Details are given in Annexure-B with the report. 5.00 Spare Parts & Supplies: Tk. 15,685,768 Spare Parts Promotional & Literature Items Total Details are given in Annexure-C with the report. 6.00 Advances, Deposits & Pre-payments: Tk. 112,944,097 Advance against Salary Advance against Raw Materials Advance Income Tax Advance against VAT Deposits: Security Deposit-Electricity Security Deposit-BTCL Security Deposit-Office & Deport Total Advance: These advances are un-secured but good and subsequently realized and/or adjusted. Advance against salararies are regularly being realized from respective employees salary. Deposits: These balances represent security deposits made by the Company for Electric connection, Telephone line, Office & Deport. rent etc. In the opinion of the Directors, all current assets, investments, loans and advances are on realization in the ordinary course of business, a value at least equal to the amounts at which they are stated in the Statement of Financial Position. There is no claim against the Company, which can be acknowledged as debt. No amount was due by the Directors (including Managing Director) and managing agents of the 101 Company and any of them severally or jointly with any other person. 31-12-2015 Taka 30-06-2015 Taka 12,630,723 10,280,821 6,042,605 16,854,952 23,624,908 18,379,591 9,021,945 29,849,351 4,951,579 4,458,204 4,811,705 140,906,384 9,168,157 6,808,474 5,391,628 12,013,085 19,022,255 13,049,026 8,195,296 21,730,752 5,096,751 3,706,784 3,563,542 107,745,750 7.00 Accounts Receivable: Tk. 140,906,384 Receivables against sales comprises are as followings: Dhaka Sales Center Chittagong Sales Center Comilla Sales Center Bogra Sales Center Mymensingh Sales Center Barisal Sales Center Sylhet Sales Center Rajshahi Sales Center Rangpur Sales Center Maizdi Sales Center Kustia Sales Center Total The above amounts are unsecured but good. No provision was made for bad debt during the period under review. No amount was due by the Directors (including Managing Director) or any other official of the Aging of the above receivables are given below: Particulars Accounts Receivable Total Up to 3 months 80,950,718 80,950,718 3 to 6 months 6 months & above 49,669,500 10,286,166 49,669,500 10,286,166 Total 140,906,384 140,906,384 8.00 Cash & Cash Equivalents: Tk. 17,823,241 Cash in Hand (including all Depots) Cash at Bank Pubali Bank Ltd., Pragati Sharani Br., Dhaka A/C No. 3770901001413 Pubali Bank Ltd., Pragati Sharani Br., Dhaka A/C No. 3770102000116 Total 17,631,508 7,706,530 108,541 83,192 17,823,241 78,675 18,253,179 26,038,384 The bank balances have been confirmed and reconciled with respective bank statements. Cash in hand has been verified by the Management at the close of the year and a cash custody certificate was furnished to the Auditors. Cash in hand includes head office and 10 different depots offices. 9.00 Share Capital: Tk. 353,500,000 Authorized Capital: 120,000,000 Ordinary Shares of Tk. 10 each Issued, Subscribed and Paid-up: 35,350,000 Ordinary Shares of Tk. 10 each fully paid-up 1,200,000,000 1,200,000,000 353,500,000 353,500,000 A special resolution was passed and duly certified from RJSC dated 24 April, 2014 to adopt a new Articles of Association. By the said special resolution, the Company's face value of share is reduced from Tk. 100 to Tk. 10. Shareholding Position is as follows: Institutional Shareholders: Janata Capital and Investment Ltd. BMSL Investment Ltd. 5,000,000 9,000,000 5,000,000 9,000,000 102 Individual Shareholders: Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed Abdul Mannan Syed Amrirul Islam M. A. Bari Muhammed Ahmed Ali Abdulla-Al-Mahmud Aminur Rashed Nahid Khan Rasul Syeda Shanaz Ahmed Jobayda Mannan Raisa Mehvin Rasul Sharmin Sultana Lima Munsur Ahamed Abid Hossain M. Munir Ahmed Ishtiaq Ahmed Md. Uzzal Hossain Md. Masudur Rahman Zahed Hossan Md. Sajedul Islam S & S Enterprise Apurba Kumar Das Sabbir Ahmed Md. Anisur Rahman Mohammad Shafiqul Kabir Zahidul Islam Gulam Imani Badrul Haider Chowdhury Md. Nazrul Islam Zillur Rahman Md. Jahangir Shah Jalal Uddin Jalil Miah Abdus Subhan Afsary Khanom Salah Uddin Ahmed Badrul Alam Shifa Wahida Rahman Shelina Rahman Sumon Ahmed Samad Ali Md. Almojahid Mullick Mahbuba Khatun Syed Sakib Naimuddin Mrs. Sultana Jesmin Chino Mohammed Mominul Islam Abdul Rahman Nizam Uddin Sikdar Md. Jilu Miah Mumina Khatun Jabbir Ahmed Muhibun Bari Chowdhury Kabir Miah Md. Tipu Sultan Md. Abdur Rab Saiful Islam Helaly Ali Akbar Kazi Mahmudul Hasan Total 31-12-2015 Taka 30-06-2015 Taka 52,550,000 28,550,000 37,075,000 10,600,000 11,600,000 11,500,000 10,000,000 7,500,000 10,625,000 14,000,000 14,000,000 10,000,000 12,000,000 4,200,000 2,000,000 4,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 800,000 800,000 1,000,000 500,000 1,000,000 500,000 1,000,000 1,250,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 7,500,000 1,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 7,600,000 1,700,000 2,000,000 2,250,000 2,250,000 2,000,000 4,500,000 5,400,000 5,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 700,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 6,700,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 100,000 1,750,000 500,000 2,000,000 353,500,000 52,550,000 28,550,000 37,075,000 10,600,000 11,600,000 11,500,000 10,000,000 7,500,000 10,625,000 14,000,000 14,000,000 10,000,000 12,000,000 4,200,000 2,000,000 4,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 800,000 800,000 1,000,000 500,000 1,000,000 500,000 1,000,000 1,250,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 7,500,000 1,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 7,600,000 1,700,000 2,000,000 2,250,000 2,250,000 2,000,000 4,500,000 5,400,000 5,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 700,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 6,700,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 100,000 1,750,000 500,000 2,000,000 353,500,000 103 31-12-2015 Taka 10.00 Retained Earnings: Tk. 179,518,197 Opening Balance Add: Profit made during the period Closing Balance 30-06-2015 Taka 145,670,853 33,847,344 179,518,197 90,843,059 54,827,794 145,670,853 29,305,153 40,565,097 8,733,355 5,075,320 1,764,245 19,647,554 105,090,724 52,400,000 52,690,724 28,433,881 39,197,626 8,412,597 4,839,960 1,718,383 20,526,921 103,129,368 55,344,000 47,785,368 11.00 Long Term Loan: Tk. 52,690,724 Pubali Pubali Pubali Pubali Pubali Pubali Bank Bank Bank Bank Bank Bank Ltd., Ltd., Ltd., Ltd., Ltd., Ltd., Principal Principal Principal Principal Principal Principal Br., Br., Br., Br., Br., Br., Dhaka Dhaka Dhaka Dhaka Dhaka Dhaka A/C A/C A/C A/C A/C A/C No. No. No. No. No. No. 3555316105068 3555316105444 3555316106602 3555316109376 3555316109380 3555316109766 Less: Long Term Loan-Current Portion Total The details of the loan is as under: Nature: Long Term Loan Sanction Limit: 86,248,000 Expiry Date: 31-10-2016 Interest Rate: 13.00% Sanction Limit: 10,150,000 Expiry Date: 20-08-2021 Interest Rate: 15.50% Security: 104.00 decimal land properties of the Company located at Mouza: Mawna, U.P: Mawna, P.S: Sreepur, Dist: Gazipur, hypothecation of stocks & machinery and equipment (both present and future) and personal guarantee of every Director. The term loan facilities shall be repaid within 7 (seven) years including 6 months grace period from the date of 1st disbursement. Sanction Limit: 25,400,000 Expiry Date: 18-06-2017 Interest Rate: 15.00% Security: 104.00 decimal land properties of the company located at Mouza: Mawna, U.P: Mawna, P.S: Sreepur, Dist: Gazipur, hypothecation of stocks & machinery and equipment (both present and future) and personal guarantee of every Director. 12.00 Deferred Tax Liabilities: Tk. 14,583,365 This represents provision is made for deferred income tax to pay future income tax liability for temporary differences which is arrived as follows: Balance as on 1 July Add: (Reduction)/addition during the period Total Calculation of Deferred Tax: Particulars Depreciation Charged for the year 2014-2015 13,498,272 1,085,093 14,583,365 Tax base Depreciation Applicable Tax Rate 60,714,592 Accounts base Depreciation 43,670,622 Provision for Deferred Tax for the year 2014-2015 Depreciation Charged from 01-07-2015 to 31-12-2015 Applicable Tax Rate 7,532,882 5,965,390 13,498,272 Taxable Temporary Difference 17,043,970 35.00% 5,965,390 25,340,882 Provision for Deferred Tax from 01-07-2015 to 31-12-2015 22,240,615 3,100,267 35.00% 1,085,093 104 31-12-2015 Taka 30-06-2015 Taka 13.00 Short Term Loan: Tk. 44,090,771 Pubali Bank Ltd., Principal Br., Dhaka A/C No.3555901038656 Total 44,090,771 44,090,771 41,492,853 41,492,853 The details of the loan is as under: Nature: Overdraft Sanction Limit: 40,000,000 Expiry Date: 18-06-2017 Interest Rate: 15.50% (Variable) Renewal Status: Renewed Security: 104.00 decimal land properties of the company located at Mouza: Mawna, U.P: Mawna, P.S: Sreepur, Dist: Gazipur and personal guarantee of every Director. 14.00 Long Term Loan-Current Portion: Tk. 52,400,000 The amount represents current maturity of Long Term Loan obtained from Pubali Bank Ltd., Principal Br., Dhaka which are payable within next 12 (twelve) months from the date of Statement of Financial Position. 15.00 Sundry Creditors: Tk. 1,467,585 The above balance is made-up as follows: Chemi Trade Dhaka Foil Corporation Dignity Siurces Ltd. Eskayef bangladesh Ltd. Gift Galary Innovate Trade Corporation J & J Printing & Packaging Roto Smart Ltd. Shurwid Industries Ltd. Walid Offset Printers Total 292,282 245,442 209,000 179,000 121,755 317,296 102,810 1,467,585 124300 170,239 373,559 382,465 1,050,563 This represents amount payable to suppliers of raw materials, packing materials etc. All suppliers were paid on a regular basis. 16.00 Liabilities for Expenses: Tk. 105,040,961 Electricity Bill-Factory Office Rent Electricity Bill-Head Office Telephone-Head Office Salary & Allownaces WPPF Audit Fees Provision for Tax Total 108,536 125,000 57,635 879 243,560 7,363,510 75,000 97,066,841 105,040,961 125,774 125,000 7,864 1,361 1,546,775 4,676,399 100,000 78,257,067 84,840,240 Most of the outstanding liabilities have subsequently been paid; No liabilities in the Statement of Financial Position are at a value less than the amount at which it is repayable at the date of the Statement of Financial Position. 105 31-12-2015 Taka 17.00 Net Turnover: Tk. 213,031,638 Local Sales (Gross) Less: VAT Total 249,978,453 36,946,815 213,031,638 30-06-2015 Taka 213,865,741 31,630,743 182,234,998 The above sales represents the following: Category Tablet Capsule Liquid Ointment Value in Taka Unit Pcs Pcs Bottle Pcs Opening Stock 4,333,801 1,699,412 75,777 9,936 38,795,673 Production Sales Closing Stock 39,994,329 17,929,051 341,671 156,510 124,617,881 39,303,567 17,885,212 287,039 156,104 213,031,638 5,024,563 1,743,251 130,409 10,342 50,265,723 4,563,464 89,057,290 19,750,530 5,378,590 23,728,478 142,478,352 6,390,421 136,087,931 38,795,673 174,883,604 50,265,723 124,617,881 3,095,722 68,746,167 21,640,283 5,222,389 17,326,262 116,030,823 3,576,895 112,453,928 23,567,879 136,021,807 29,589,050 106,432,757 96,020,605 100,165,177 196,185,782 107,128,492 89,057,290 51,451,480 79,185,479 130,636,959 61,890,792 68,746,167 18.00 Cost of Goods Sold: Tk. 124,617,881 Opening Work-in-Process Raw Materials Consumed (Note-18.01) Packing Materials Consumed (Note-18.02) Direct Expenses (Note-18.03) Manufacturing Overhead (Note-18.04) Less: Closing Work-in-Process Opening Finished Goods Finished Goods available for Sale Less: Closing Finished Goods Cost of Goods Sold 18.01 Raw Materials Consumed: Tk. 89,057,290 Opening Stock of Raw Materials Add: Purchase of Raw Materials Less: Closing Stock of Raw Materials Consumption Summarized Quantity and Total Value of Raw Materials Consumed: Category Unit Active Materials Excipients Cap-Shell Colour Flavour Sugar Sorbitol Dextrose Lactose Value in Taka Kg. Kg. Pcs Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Kg. Opening Stock 20,303 6,638 14,391,922 5 382 150 55 820 244 96,020,605 Purchase/ Imports 29,310 31,535 20,646,433 157 2,486 53,367 11,235 5,036 5,684 100,165,177 Issues/ Closing Stock Consumption 29,905 30,680 19,561,461 155 2,470 53,363 11,239 5,281 5,708 89,057,290 Raw materials consist of 218 items of which 45.67% (in value) are imported. 19,708 7,493 15,476,894 7 398 154 51 575 220 107,128,492 106 31-12-2015 Taka 18.02 Packing Materials Consumed: Tk. 19,750,530 Opening Stock of Packing Materials Add: Purchase of Packing Materials 18,567,341 18,576,834 37,144,175 17,393,645 19,750,530 Less: Closing Stock of Packing Materials Consumption 30-06-2015 Taka 7,904,523 28,674,682 36,579,205 14,938,922 21,640,283 Summarized Quantity and Total Value of Packing Materials Consumed: Category Unit Opening Stock Aluminum Foil Aluminum Tube Bottle Container Carton Label PVC-Film PP Cap & Others Value in Taka Kg. Kg. Pcs Pcs Pcs Pcs Kg. Pcs 15,091 38,158 173,822 26,596 377,115 968,795 10,999 727,042 18,567,341 Purchase/ Imports 13,028 73,533 211,545 83,236 1,029,237 301,130 3,820 509,641 18,576,834 Issues/ Closing Stock Consumption 13,252 73,739 214,422 85,259 1,039,449 365,291 6,024 372,429 19,750,530 14,867 37,952 170,945 24,573 366,903 904,634 8,795 864,254 17,393,645 Packing materials consist of 148 items of which 24.57% (in value) are imported. 18.03 Direct Expenses: Tk. 5,378,590 Wages & Salary Bonus Overtime Total 4,263,452 899,675 215,463 5,378,590 4,030,102 987,614 204,673 5,222,389 895,444 355,762 820,895 18,794 21,637,583 23,728,478 1,023,393 302,463 509,674 21,124 15,469,608 17,326,262 18.04 Manufacturing Overhead: Tk. 23,728,478 Electric Bill Factory Maintenances Machinery Maintenances Carriage Inward Depreciation Total 107 19.00 Administrative Expenses: Tk. 6,074,284 Salary & Allowances Bonus Office Rent Traveling & Conveyance Stationery Telephone Bill Mobile Bill Renewal & Registration Postage & Telegram Stamp & Taxes Car Fuel Newspaper Office Maintenances Entertainment Repairs & Maintenances Audit Fees Electricity Bill Miscellaneous Expenses Depreciation Total 31-12-2015 Taka 30-06-2015 Taka 3,056,745 925,500 270,000 160,933 92,563 9,889 158,791 80,520 10,236 45,673 109,892 2,576 132,458 113,626 132,313 75,000 65,743 28,794 603,032 6,074,284 2,978,582 978,565 270,000 148,584 88,914 148,392 80,879 10,464 44,581 93,360 2,432 114,050 100,450 116,674 38,520 34,200 539,570 5,788,217 9,754,672 480,000 1,786,945 1,897,845 82,463 50,000 324,153 13,894 198,061 856,342 15,444,375 9,277,500 480,000 1,613,000 2,156,745 93,500 50,000 304,050 11,712 183,584 889,700 15,059,791 7,429,856 3,071,118 57,237 10,558,211 9,812,598 3,096,327 28,142 12,937,067 Salary & allowances includes Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer's salary amounting to Tk. 504,000 and Tk. 451,000 respectively during the last 6 months period ended 31 December, 2015. 20.00 Selling & Distribution Expenses: Tk. 15,444,375 Salary & Allowances Sales Deport Rent Sales Promotion & Business Development Bonus Carriage Outward Utility Mobile Bill Postage Motorcycle Maintenances TA/DA Total 21.00 Financial Expenses: Tk. 10,558,211 Long Term Loan Pubali Bank Ltd., Principal Br., Dhaka A/C No.3555901038656 Bank Charges & Commission Total 22.00 Other Income: Tk. 92,435 23.00 Contribution to Workers' Profit Participation Fund (WPPF): Tk. 2,687,111 The above figure represents the bank interest earned on SND account of the Company. This represents 5% of the net profit after charging such contribution but before tax contribution by the Company as per provisions of Bangladesh Labour Law, 2006. 108 24.00 31-12-2015 Taka 30-06-2015 Taka 18,809,774 1,085,093 19,894,867 14,005,722 1,396,692 15,402,414 The Computation of EPS is given below: Earnings attributable to the Shareholders (net profit after tax) 33,847,344 Weighted average number of Shares 35,350,000 Basic Earnings per Share (EPS) (Per value Tk. 10) 0.96 24,613,935 10,000,000 2.46 Income Tax Expenses: Tk. 19,894,867 Provision for Tax Deferred Tax Total Income tax provision has been made 35.00% on net profit as per Finance Act, 2015. 25.00 26.00 27.00 Earnings per Share (EPS): Tk. 0.96 (six months) Net Asset Value (NAV) per Share: Tk. 15.08 The Computation of NAV is given below: Net Assets Number of Shares outstanding during the year Net Asset Value (NAV) per Share 533,018,197 35,350,000 15.08 499,170,853 35,350,000 14.12 Net Operating Cash Flows per Share (NOCFPS): Tk. 0.23 (six months) The Computation of NOCFPS is given below: Net Cash Generated from Operating Activities Weighted average number of Shares Net Operating Cash Flows per Share (NOCFPS) 28.00 Related Notes for Statement of Cash Flows: 28.01 Collection from Customers & Others: 28.02 Payment to Suppliers, Employees & Others: 28.03 Income Tax Paid: Turnover from P/L Other Income Change in Accounts Receivable Purchase Changes in Inventory Changes in Promotional Items Changes in Advance, Deposit & Ore-Payment without AIT Changes in Sundry Creditors Changes in Other Payable Administrative Expenses Selling & Distribution Expenses Depreciation Total Payment to Suppliers, Employees & Others Change in Advance Income Tax Total 8,196,451 35,350,000 0.23 64,566,144 10,000,000 6.46 213,031,638 92,435 (33,160,634) 179,963,439 182,234,998 (17,954,464) 164,280,534 (124,617,881) (23,231,198) (3,120,654) (2,072,224) 417,022 (1,296,164) (6,074,284) (15,444,375) 22,240,615 (153,199,143) (106,432,757) (23,976,055) (710,194) (17,877) 376,003 49,873,165 (5,788,217) (15,059,791) 16,009,178 (85,726,545) (18,567,845) (18,567,845) (13,987,845) (13,987,845) 109 29.00 Commission, Brokerage or Discount: No brokerage and discount against sales was paid during the period. 30.00 Payment made in Foreign Currency: No expenses including Royalty, Technical Experts & Professional Advisory Fees and Interest etc. were incurred or paid in foreign currencies during the financial period. 31.00 Finance Lease Commitment: As at 31-12-2015, there was no lease commitment under finance lease. 32.00 Claim not Acknowledged as debt: There was no claim against the Company acknowledged as debt as on 31 December, 2015. 33.00 Related Party Transactions: The Company has no related party transactions as per BAS-24 "Related Party Disclosures" except executive compensation received by 2 Directors namely Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul as Managing Director and Syed Amrirul Islam as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for the period ended 31 Deember, 2015. Name of the Directors Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Syed Amrirul Islam Total Designation Managing Director Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Basic Salary 276,000 228,000 Total (6 months) 504,000 522,000 433,000 955,000 246,000 Others 205,000 451,000 remuneration/salary/executive compensation. No board meeting fees has been paid during the period. 34.00 Attendance Status of Board Meeting of Directors During the period ended 31 December, 2015 there were three Board Meetings were held. The attendance status of all the meetings is as follows: Name of the Directors Designation Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Managing Director Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed Chairman Abdul Mannan Director Syed Amrirul Islam Director M. A. Bari Director Muhammed Ahmed Ali Director Abdulla-Al-Mahmud Director Meeting held Attendance 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 35.00 Audit Fees: Auditors' remuneration comprises half-yearly audit fees only. 110 36.00 Un-availed Credit Facilities: There are no credit facilities available to the Company under any contract (other than credit available in ordinary course of business) at the Statement of Financial Position date. 37.00 Contingent Liabilities: There is no contingent liabilities of the Company during the period. 38.00 Financial Risk Measurement: The management of Company has overall responsibility for the establishment and oversight of the Company’s risk management framework. Risk management policies, procedures and systems are reviewed regularly to reflect changes in market conditions and the Company’s activities. The Company has exposure to the following risks for its use of financial instruments. -Credit risk; -Liquidity risk; -Market risk; - Currency risk. Credit risk: Credit risk is the risk of a financial loss to the Company if a customer or counterparty to a financial instrument fails to meet its contractual obligations and arises principally from the Company’s receivables. Management has a credit policy in place and exposure to credit risk is monitored on an ongoing basis. Risk exposures from other financial assets, i.e. cash at bank and other external receivables are nominal. Liquidity risk: Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company will not be able to meet its financial obligations as they fall due. The Company’s approach to managing liquidity (cash and cash equivalents) is to ensure as far as possible, that it will always have sufficient cash and cash equivalent to meet expected operational expenses including financial obligations through preparation of the cash flow forecast with due consideration of time line of payment of the financial obligation and accordingly arrange for sufficient liquidity/fund to make the expected payment within due date. Market risk: Market is the risk that any change in market prices such as foreign exchange rates and interest will affect the Company’s income or the value of its holdings financial instruments. The objective of the market risk management is to manage and control market risk exposures within acceptable parameters. Currency risk: The Company is exposed to currency risk on certain revenues and purchases such as revenue from foreign customers and import of raw materials, machineries and equipment. Majority of the Company’s foreign currency transactions are denominated in USD and relate to procurement of raw materials, machineries and equipment from abroad. 39.00 Events after the Reporting Period: No material events had occurred from the end of the reporting period to the date of issue of this Financial Statements, which could materially affect the values stated in the Financial Statements. 111 40.00 A. Disclosure as per requirement of Schedule XI, Part II of the Companies Act, 1994: Disclosure as per requirement of Schedule XI, Part II, Note 5 of Para 3: Employee position of the company as at 31 December, 2015: Officer & Staff Salary (Monthly) Factory Below Tk. 3,000/Above Tk. 3,000/for the period ended 31-12-2015 for the year ended 30-06-2015 B. 24 24 Head Office 244 244 23 282 Worker 81 81 85 Total Employees 349 349 390 Disclosure as per requirement of Schedule XI, Part II, Para 4: Name of Directors Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Syed Amrirul Islam Abdul Mannan M. A. Bari Muhammed Ahmed Ali Mr. Abdulla-Al-Mahmud Total Designation Chairman Managing Director Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Director Director Director Director Basic Salary Others 276,000 Total payment Total payment on 31-12-2015 on 31-012-2014 (6 months) (6 months) 228,000 504,000 465,500 522,000 433,000 246,000 205,000 451,000 955,000 407,200 872,700 Period of payment to Directors is from 01 July, 2015 to 31 December, 2015. The above Directors of the company did not take any benefit from the Company and the follows: a. Expenses reimbursed to the managing agent-Nil. b. Commission or other remuneration payable separately to a managing agent or his associate -Nil. c. Commission received or receivable by the managing agent or his associate as selling or buying agent of other concerns in respect of contracts entered into such concerns with the company-Nil. d. The money value of the contracts for the sale or purchase of goods and materials or supply of services, enter into by the company with the managing agent or his associate during the financial year-Nil. e. Any other perquisites or benefits in cash or in kind stating-Nil. f. Other allowances and commission including guarantee commission-Nil. Pensions, etc.1) Pensions-Nil 2) Gratuities-Nil 3) Payment from Provident Fund-Nil 4) Compensation for loss of office-Nil 5) Consideration in connection with retirement from office-Nil 112 C. Disclosure as per requirement of Schedule XI, Part II, Para 7: Details of production capacity utilization: Item Tablet & Capsule Liquid & Ointment (Based on one shift basis) Unit Million Pcs Million Pcs Production Capacity 160.00 1.50 Actual Production 57.92 0.50 Capacity Utilization 36.20% 33.33% D. Disclosure as per requirement of Schedule XI, Part II, Para 8: Raw materials, spare parts, packing materials and capital machinery: Items Raw materials Spare parts Packing materials Total Total Purchase (BDT) 100,165,177 18,576,834 118,742,011 % of consumption of total purchase 89,057,290 88.91% 820,895 19,750,530 106.32% 109,628,715 Consumption (BDT) Value of export: Particulars Export Total In foreign currencies (US$) - In BDT - i) The company has not incurred any expenditure in foreign currencies for the period from 01 July, 2015 to 31 December, 2015 on account of royalty, know-how, professional fees, consultancy fees and interest; ii) The company has not earned any foreign exchanges for royalty, know-how, professional fees, consultancy fees and interest; iii) The value of export represents for the period from 01 July, 2015 to 31 December, 2015. E. Disclosure as per requirement of Schedule XI, Part II, Para 3: Requirements under Condition No. 3(i)(a) The turnover. 3 (i)(b) Commission paid to the selling agent. 3(i)(c ) Brokerage and discount on sales, other than the usual trade discount 3(i)(d)(i) The value of the raw materials consumed, giving item wise as possible. 3(i)(d)(ii) The opening and closing stocks of goods produced. 3(i)(e) In the case of trading companies, the purchase made and the opening and closing stocks. 3(i)(f) In the case of companies rendering or supplying services, the gross income derived from services rendered or supplied. 3(i)(g) Opening and closing stocks, purchases and sales and consumption of raw materials with value and quantity break-up for the company, which falls under one or more categories i.e. manufacturing and/or trading. 3(i)(h) In the case of other companies, the gross income derived under different heads 3(i)(i) Work-in-progress, which have been completed at the commencement and at the end of the accounting period. 3(i)(j) Provision for depreciation, renewals or diminution in value of fixed assets. 3(i)(k) Interest on the debenture paid or payable to the Managing Director, Managing Agent and Manager. 3(i)(l) Charge of income tax and other taxation on profits. 3(i)(m) Revised for repayment of share capital and repayment of loans. 3(i)(n)(i) Amount set aside or proposed to be set aside, to reserve, but not including provisions made to meet any specific liability, contingency or commitment, know to exist at the date as at which the balance sheet is made up. 3(i)(n)(ii) Amount withdrawn from above mentioned reserve 3(i)(o)(i) Amount set aside to provisions made for meeting specific liabilities, contingencies of commitments. 3(i)(o)(ii) Amount withdrawn from above mentioned provisions, as no longer required. 3(i)(p) Expenditure incurred on each of the following items, separately for each item: (i) Consumption of stores and spare parts (ii) Power and Fuel (iii) Rent (iv) Repairs of Buildings (v) Repairs of Machinery (vi) (1) Salaries, wages and bonous (2) Contribution to provident and other funds (3) Worksmen and staff welfare expenses to the extent not adjusted from any previous provision or reserve. Compliance status of disclosure of Schedule XI, Part II, Para 3 Complied Not Applicable Not Applicable Complied Complied Not Applicable Not Applicable Complied Not Applicable Complied Complied Not Applicable Complied Complied Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Complied 113 F. Disclosure of Advances, Deposits and Pre-payments of Schedule XI of the Companies Act, 1994: The details break-up of Advances, Deposits and Pre-payments as per requirement of Schedule XI of the Companies Act, 1994 as stated below: Particulars Advances, Deposits and Pre-payments exceeding 6 months Advances, Deposits and Pre-payments not exceeding 6 months Other Advances, Deposits & Pre-payments less provision Advances, Deposits and Pre-payments considered good and secured Advances, Deposits and Pre-payments considered goods without security Advances, Deposits and Pre-payments considered doubtful or bad Advances, Deposits and Pre-payments due by Directors Advances, Deposits and Pre-payments due by other officers (against salary) Advances, Deposits and Pre-payments due from companies under same management Maximum Advances, Deposits & Pre-payments due by Directors Maximum Advances, Deposits & Pre-payments due by Officers at any time 30-12-2015 90,044,060 22,900,037 Nil Nil Full Nil Nil 1,668,825 Nil Nil 30-06-2015 64,072,160 28,231,868 Nil Nil Full Nil Nil 276,850 Nil Nil Schedule of Property, Plant & Equipment for the period from 01 July, 2015 to 31 December, 2015 Particulars Land & Land Development Factory Building Plant & Machinery Generator Office Decoration Office Equipment Furniture & Fixture Motor Vehicle Books Laboratory Test Equipment 55,259,840 115,294,489 264,264,356 3,555,780 4,729,146 5,236,536 1,709,717 7,432,000 629,855 26,168,085 1,887,945 5,560,625 1,010,352 290,675 152,560 1,510,500 55,259,840 117,182,434 269,824,981 3,555,780 5,739,498 5,527,211 1,862,277 7,432,000 629,855 27,678,585 as at 31-12-2015 as at 30-06-2015 484,279,804 296,558,653 10,412,657 187,721,151 494,692,461 484,279,804 01-07-2015 to 31-12-2015 Taka 21,637,583 603,032 01-07-2014 to 31-12-2014 Taka 15,469,608 539,570 22,240,615 16,009,178 Allocation of Depreciation: Manufacturing A/C Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income Total Annexure-A Cost Depreciation Written down Balance as at Addition during Balance as at Rate Balance as at Charged during Balance as at value as at 01 July, 2015 the period 31 December, 2015 % 01 July, 2015 the period 31 December, 201531 December, 2015 15 15 10 10 15 10 20 15 38,438,274 80,614,342 1,456,127 627,316 1,557,991 467,914 4,996,682 9,539,368 5,870,413 14,086,536 104,983 242,980 292,242 67,811 243,532 1,332,120 44,308,687 94,700,878 1,561,110 870,296 1,850,233 535,725 5,240,214 10,871,488 55,259,840 72,873,747 175,124,103 1,994,671 4,869,203 3,676,979 1,326,552 2,191,786 629,855 16,807,098 137,698,014 94,027,392 22,240,615 43,670,622 159,938,629 137,698,014 334,753,832 346,581,790 114 Schedule of Inventories for the period from 01 July, 2015 to 31 December, 2015 Finished Goods: Annexure-B A. Finished Goods at Factory: Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Sub-total Name of Product Adcal D 15 Tablet Adcal D 15 Tablet Amuran Tablet Amzith 500 Tablet Axefur 250 Tablet Axefur 500 Tablet Coxitori 60 Tablet Coxitori 120 Tablet Cebeta Tablet Flocip 500 Tablet Montilet10 Tablet Nitalet Tablet Nopath Tablet Pyrizin Tablet Rheunil Tablet Setir Tablet SMR Tablet Tempanil 500 Tablet Tempanil Extra Tablet Timofet Tablet Toro Tablet Volta Gold 15 Tablet Volta Gold 30 Tablet Xofedin 120 Tablet Xofedin 180 Tablet Desolet Amucef 200 Capsule Amucef 400 Capsule Amzith 250 Capsule DFC TR Capsule Esomo 20 Capsule Esomo 40 Capsule Flucolet 50 Capsule Flucolet 150 Capsule Omelet 20 Capsule Omelet 40 Capsule Zifov Capsule Ambrocod Syrup Amucef PFS Amzith PFS Axefur PFS Flocip PFS Flucolet PFS Neozinc Syrup Voltacod Syrup Binafin 1% Cream Bundrel 1% Cream Clori HC 1% Cream Ecolet Cream Quantity in Pcs 172,560 206,450 108,490 65,240 114,527 23,555 284,562 123,321 170,321 73,490 27,888 61,055 93,459 43,251 327,853 105,627 268,793 145,780 168,590 43,512 23,469 25,431 41,590 248,771 117,469 177,892 127,452 63,469 31,890 98,450 72,560 103,460 42,555 24,151 38,427 44,791 163,777 12,895 9,763 4,517 11,469 9,785 1,471 21,739 12,823 1,215 1,745 771 856 Rate 3.76 3.76 1.50 26.32 18.80 33.83 5.26 10.53 1.88 10.53 11.28 4.51 3.76 2.26 2.26 1.50 6.02 0.60 1.43 4.52 7.52 4.51 4.51 4.89 6.02 1.88 22.56 37.59 15.04 1.88 4.51 6.02 6.02 15.04 3.76 5.26 2.26 29.99 146.63 97.74 148.91 75.19 56.39 26.24 59.97 37.59 29.99 26.32 24.06 Stock Value 648,825 776,252 162,735 1,717,116 2,153,107 796,854 1,496,796 1,298,571 320,203 773,850 314,576 275,479 351,406 97,747 740,948 158,441 1,618,134 87,468 241,084 196,674 176,487 114,693 187,571 1,216,490 707,163 334,437 2,875,317 2,385,800 479,594 185,086 327,246 622,830 256,181 363,231 144,486 235,601 370,136 386,721 1,431,548 441,492 1,707,827 735,734 82,949 570,431 768,996 45,672 52,333 20,292 20,595 31,473,205 115 B. Finished Goods at Depots: Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Sub-total Name of Product Adcal D Tablet Adcal D Tablet (30) Amuran Tablet Amzith 500 Tablet Axefur 250 Tablet Axefur 500 Tablet Cebeta Tab Desolet Tablet Flocip 500 Tablet Montilet 10 mg Tab Nopath Tablet Pyrizin Tablet Rheunil Tablet Setir 10 Tablet SMR Tablet Tempanil Extra Tablet Tempanil 500 Tablet Timofet Tablet Toro 10 Mg Tablet Volta Gold Tablet Volta Gold Tablet (30) Xofedin 120 mg Tablet Xofedin 180 mg Tablet Coxitori 120 Coxitori 60 Amucef 200 Capsule Amucef 400 Capsule Amzith 250 Capsule DFC TR Capsule Esomo 20 Capsule Esomo 40 Capsule Flucolet 150 Capsule Flucolet 50 Capsule Omelet 20 Capsule Omelet 40 Capsule Zifov Capsule Ambrocod Syrup Amucef PFS Amzith PFS Axefur PFS Flocip PFS Voltacod syrup Flucolet PFS Neozinc Syrup Binafin 1% Cream Burndel 1% Cream Clori HC Cream Ecolet Cream Grand-total (A + B) Quantity in Pcs 15,441 76,444 224,562 72,498 29,333 11,919 52,501 89,002 33,479 19,490 86,741 62,112 218,466 193,490 33,769 79,861 118,717 43,890 102,222 24,560 33,787 44,312 14,569 46,999 33,453 77,560 25,932 9,014 47,125 287,465 52,463 7,581 62,489 200,486 118,354 43,800 4,159 7,789 6,351 3,712 8,625 6,451 2,603 6,257 763 2,125 1,103 1,764 Rate 11.28 3.76 1.50 26.32 18.80 33.83 1.88 1.88 10.53 11.28 3.76 2.26 2.26 1.50 6.02 1.43 0.60 4.52 7.52 4.51 4.51 4.89 6.02 10.53 5.26 22.56 37.59 15.04 1.88 4.51 6.02 15.04 6.02 3.76 5.26 2.26 29.99 146.63 97.74 140.91 75.19 59.97 56.39 26.24 37.59 29.99 26.32 24.06 Stock Value 174,174 287,429 336,843 1,908,053 551,461 403,220 98,702 167,324 352,534 219,847 326,146 140,373 493,733 290,235 203,289 114,201 71,230 198,383 768,709 110,765 152,379 216,686 87,705 494,899 175,962 1,749,753 975,608 135,571 88,595 1,296,467 315,827 114,019 376,183 753,828 622,542 98,988 124,728 1,142,100 620,746 523,052 648,513 386,867 146,783 164,183 28,680 63,729 29,033 42,441 18,792,518 50,265,723 116 Raw Materials: A. Active Materials: Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Sub-total Name of Product Calcium Carbonate Vitamin D3 Azithromycin Dihydrate (Comp.) Azithromycin Dihydrate (Micr.) Ciprofloxacin HCL (Comp.) Pyridoxine Hydro Chloride Thiamine Mononitrate Cyanocobalamine 1% Omeprazole Pellets Iron, Folic Acid, Vit-B Complex, VitC, Zinc (Pellets) Paracetamol Caffeine Cetirizine HCL Aceclofenac Fluconazole Econazole Nitrate Cefixime Trihydrate Compacted Cefixime Trihydrate Micronized Cefuroxime Axetil Esomeprazole Pellets Montelukast Sodium Tiemonium Methyl Sulphate Ketorolac Tromethamine Silver Sulphadiazine Diclofenac Sodium 50% Pellets Etoricoxib Baclofen Hydrocortisone Desloratadine Fexofenadine HCL D-Biotin Dried Ferrous Sulphate Dibasic Calcium Phosphate Anhy. Dry Coated Ascorbic Acid Dry Vitamin A Acetate (T 500-600) Dry Vitamin E Acetate (50% Magnesium Oxide Nicotinamide Boron Citrate Blend 5% Chromium Chloride Hexahydrate Cupric Oxide Lutein 5% Manganese Sulphate Monohydrate Nickel Sulphate Hexahydrate Riboflavin Sodium Metavandate Tetra hydrtae Stannous Chloride Dihydrate Sodium Molybdate Dihydrate Sodium Selenate Vitamin K Zinc Oxide Potassium Chloride Potassium Iodide D-Pantothenic Acid Quantity in Kg. 1,225.00 28.10 1,915.00 413.25 562.00 262.00 142.00 53.00 2,456.00 Rate 52.00 4,200.00 13,500.00 13,000.00 3,200.00 3,200.00 3,200.00 4,800.00 2,000.00 Stock Value 63,700 118,020 25,852,500 5,372,250 1,798,400 838,400 454,400 254,400 4,912,000 1,503.00 271.00 137.00 523.00 50.25 14.00 509.00 220.60 683.50 2,950.00 50.00 140.25 58.00 29.00 1,200.00 337.00 26.00 29.30 46.00 233.25 3.00 34.00 360.00 158.00 211.50 348.00 303.50 128.00 6.00 88.00 24.50 36.00 262.00 3.00 26.55 3.50 1.00 6.00 39.00 3.45 121.50 201.00 3.00 62.00 483.00 1,500.00 5,500.00 2,600.00 10,000.00 12,000.00 12,400.00 11,200.00 11,440.00 2,500.00 91,000.00 12,800.00 23,000.00 11,000.00 1,200.00 23,200.00 18,160.00 85,000.00 45,000.00 13,500.00 800.00 180.00 280.00 650.00 5,400.00 2,800.00 550.00 950.00 9,200.00 8,800.00 9,500.00 7,100.00 150.00 600.00 12,000.00 9,000.00 10,000.00 23,000.00 21,000.00 10,500.00 420.00 60.00 9,500.00 2,500.00 725,949 406,500 753,500 1,359,800 502,500 168,000 6,311,600 2,470,720 7,819,240 7,375,000 4,550,000 1,795,200 1,334,000 319,000 1,440,000 7,818,400 472,160 2,490,500 2,070,000 3,148,875 2,400 6,120 100,800 102,700 1,142,100 974,400 166,925 121,600 55,200 774,400 232,750 255,600 39,300 1,800 318,600 31,500 10,000 138,000 819,000 36,225 51,030 12,060 28,500 155,000 100,203,174 1,209.00 1,350.00 1,632,150 117 B. Excepients & Others: Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Name of Product Aerosil 200 Amzith Cap-Shell Aspartame Avicel PH 101 Avicel PH 102 Carnauba Wax Citric Acid Cetostearyl Alcohol Croscarmellose Sodium Crospovidone DFC TR Cap-Shell Esomo-20 Cap-Shell Flucolet 50 Cap-Shell Flucolet 150 Cap-Shell Glycerin HPMC Insta Coat Smart Insta Moistshield Aqua-ΙΙ Isopropyl Alcohol Lactose Liquid Paraffin Ludipress Magnesium Stearate Maize Starch Mango Powder Flavor Methyl Paraben Methylene Chloride NPS 18/24 Orange Flavor Omelet-20 Cap-Shell Polyethlene Glycol-6000 Povidone K-30 Propyl Paraben Propylene Glycol Purified Talc Quinolone Yellow Lake Red Oxide Colour Saccharin Sodium Sodium VBenzoate Sodium Chloride Sodium Citrate (Anhydrous) Sodium Starch Glycolate Sorbitan Mono Stearate 60 Sorbitol Starch-1500 Sugar Dextrose Titanium Dioxide Quantity in Pcs 54.00 37,500 19.00 198.00 611.00 9.00 9.00 187.00 29.00 85.00 995,461 5,701,523 1,860,230 258,487 145.00 94.00 144.50 235.00 1,490.00 220.00 168.00 245.00 42.00 388.00 49.00 9.00 1,876.00 236.00 349.00 1,489,700 23.00 75.00 2.50 146.00 62.00 4.00 3.00 21.00 9.00 203.00 20.00 58.00 62.00 51.00 142.00 154.00 575.00 63.00 Rate 1,500.00 0.13 2,150.00 410.00 410.00 2,500.00 95.85 370.00 1,400.00 1,830.00 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 115.00 950.00 5,680.00 3,400.00 187.00 400.00 1,200.00 1,550.00 450.00 105.00 1,200.00 950.00 115.00 600.00 900.00 0.13 450.00 850.00 1,050.00 105.00 250.00 2,000.00 8,000.00 350.00 165.00 38.00 185.00 550.00 1,200.00 72.00 900.00 40.00 105.00 750.00 Stock Value 81,000 4,875 40,850 81,180 250,510 22,500 863 69,190 40,600 155,550 129,410 741,198 241,830 33,603 16,675 89,300 820,760 799,000 278,630 88,000 201,600 379,750 18,900 40,740 58,800 8,550 215,740 141,600 314,100 193,661 10,350 63,750 2,625 15,330 15,500 8,000 24,000 7,350 1,485 7,714 3,700 31,900 74,400 3,672 127,800 6,160 60,375 47,250 118 Sl. No. 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Sub-total Name of Material Triethanol Amine Tween -80 White Soft Parafin Xanthan Gum Zifov Cap-Shell Benzyl Alcohol Cetyl Alcohol Methyl Paraben Sodium Propyl Paraben Sodium Amucef 200 Cap-Shell Amucef 400 Cap-Shell Omelet-40 Cap-Shell Erythrosine Lake Avicel ( RC-591) NPS 14/20 Grand-total (A + B) Qty in Pcs/kg Rate/Pcs/Kg 29.00 1,200.00 58.00 430.00 103.00 250.00 7.00 750.00 1,889,455 0.13 11.00 850.00 11.00 600.00 8.00 600.00 10.00 900.00 1,436,888 0.13 756,430 0.13 1,051,220 0.13 1.50 945.00 2.50 450.00 92.00 700.00 15,485,792.00 Total Value 34,800 24,940 25,750 5,250 245,769 9,350 6,600 4,800 9,000 186,795 98,336 136,659 1,418 1,125 64,400 6,925,318 107,128,492 Packing Materials: Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Total Name of Material Alu Alu Foil 219 mm Print Foil Tube 130 ml Glass Bottle 75 ml Glass Bottle 35 ml Glass Bottle 100 ml Pet Bottle Container Inner Carton Shipping Carton Catch Cover Label PVC 210 mm PVC 220 mm PVC 230 mm PVC 230 mm 28 m m P P Cap Spoon Mesasuring Cup Qty in Pcs/kg Rate/Pcs/Kg 9,077 595.00 5,790 875.00 37,952 3.50 53,265 4.34 33,525 3.63 41,900 2.87 42,255 6.44 24,573 4.50 321,015 3.00 45,888 15.00 203,459 1.50 904,634 1.20 2,645 250.00 3,189 250.00 1,892 250.00 1,069 250.00 290,775 1.55 156,001 0.55 214,019 0.75 Total Value 5,400,815 5,066,250 132,832 230,957 121,830 120,379 272,122 110,579 963,045 688,320 305,189 1,085,561 661,250 797,250 473,000 267,250 450,701 85,801 160,514 17,393,645 Work-in-Process: Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Total Name of Product Amzith 500 Tablet Amucef 400 Capsule Omelet 40 Capsule Tempanil Extra Tablet Volta Gold Tablet Quantity/ Batch (Pcs) 105,633 95,678 185,769 155,464 145,675 Value 2,051,810 3,017,684 657,622 192,775 470,530 6,390,421 119 Schedule of Spare Parts & Supplies for the period from 01 July, 2015 to 31 December, 2015 Spare Parts: Sl. No. A 1 2 3 4 5 6 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 C 1 2 3 4 D 1 2 3 4 5 6 E 1 2 3 4 F 1 2 G 1 2 Total No. of Parts Value Total Value Machine Name & Parts Blister Alu Alu PVC Set Guid Real 107,000 Forming Plate 1 Set 107,000 Sealing Plate Cooling Plate Air Plate Cuter 1 Set 292,300 292,300 Alu Alu Set Guid Real 569,400 Forming Plate 2 Set 284,700 Sealing Plate Cooling Plate Air Plate Cuter 1 Set 288,950 288,950 Tablet Compression Machine - ACRA, by Fluid Pack, 27 Station Die Punch 2 Sets 243,500 487,000 Hopper 2 Sets 30,000 60,000 Channel 1 Sets 12,512 12,512 Feed Frame 2 Sets 23,000 46,000 Tablet Compression Machine-ACRA, by Fluid Pack, 27 Station Punch 4 Sets 243,500 974,000 Hopper 2 Sets 30,000 60,000 Channel 1 Sets 12,512 12,512 Dust Collector 2 Set 480,000 960,000 Detester 2 Set 392,000 784,000 Polish Machine 2 Set 170,000 340,000 Coating Machine 1 (China) Peristaltic Pump 2 Set 225,000 450,000 Motorized Solution Preparative Vet 1 Set 100,000 100,000 Dust Extractor 1 Set 200,000 200,000 Spray Gun 1 Set 100,000 100,000 Hand Capsule Machine Casing Plate 1 Sets 15,000 15,000 Loader Plate 2 Sets 4,678 10,795 Liquid Filling Machine Star Wheel 2 Sets 21,000 42,000 Channel 2 Sets 10,046 20,092 5,931,561 120 Annexure-C Sl. No. Name of Items Promotional Material: 1 Bag ( Amzith) 2 Bag ( Esomo) 3 Slip pad with box ( Amzith) 4 Slip pad with box (Esomo) 5 Saving foam (Amzith) 6 Saving foam (Nopath) 7 Aftersave lotion ( Volta Gold) 8 Air Freshner ( Axefur) 9 Money Bag ( Amzith) 10 Money Bag (Esomo) 11 Gel Pen (Axefur) 12 Gel Pen (Amucef) 13 Gel Pen (Amzith) 14 Gel Pen (Esomo) 15 Gel Pen (Montilet) 16 Ball Pen (Omelet) 17 Ball Pen (Adcal D) 18 Ball Pen (Zifov) 19 Tissue Box (Esomo) 20 Tissue Box (Amzith) 21 Tissue Box (Axefur) 22 Tissue Box (Amucef) 23 Tissue Box (Voltacod) 24 Tissue Box (Neozinc) 25 Pen Stand (Amzith + Esomo) 26 Chotpoti Mix (Amzith) 27 Khir Mix (Esomo) 28 Savlon Hand Wash (Amzith) 29 Savlon Hand Wash (Esomo) 30 Savlon Hand Wash (Axefur) 31 Savlon Hand Wash (Amucef) 32 Big Pad (Amzith) 33 Big Pad (Esomo) 34 Big Pad (Axefur) 35 Big Pad (Amucef) 36 Ceramic Mug (Cefilet) 37 Pocket Pad (Omelet + Toro) 38 Highlighter (Axefur) 39 Spoon (Amzith) 40 Spoon (Nopath) 41 Deodorant (Amzith) 42 Face Wash (Esomo) 43 Face Wash (Axefur) 44 Slip Pad Holder (Axefur) 45 Key Ring (Amucef) 46 Key Ring (Axefur) Literature Item: 47 Show Card (Amzith) 48 Show Card (Adcal-D) 49 Show Card (Amucef) 50 Show Card (Axefur) 51 Show Card (Esomo) 52 Show Card (Montilet) 53 Show Card (Neozinc) 54 Show Card (Ambrocod) 55 Show Card (Voltacod) 56 Show Card (Nopath) 57 Show Card (Amucef) 58 Show Card (Axefur) 59 Literature (Axefur) 60 Literature (Amucef) 61 Literature (Timofet) 62 Literature (SMR) 63 Literature (Amzith) 64 Literature (Esomo) 65 Small Literature (Cefilet) 66 Small Literature (Amupime) 67 Literature (Toro) 68 Literature (Zifov) 69 Chemist Pad 70 Product Card 71 Sticker (Omelet) 72 Drop Card (Burndel) Grand Total Quantity (Pcs) Price /Pcs Tota l Value 4,560 3,770 1,790 1,375 768 651 469 375 689 789 8,590 7,592 14,560 12,890 3,758 41,555 13,500 6,045 4,590 4,583 4,233 3,590 3,358 3,640 1,249 375 559 985 1,287 1,189 890 4,387 1,260 3,799 9,721 377 14,789 1,385 2,732 4,389 1,847 1,345 851 1,600 985 1,059 110.00 110.00 125.00 125.00 160.00 160.00 90.00 110.00 170.00 170.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 30.00 5.00 15.00 15.00 30.00 30.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 70.00 50.00 50.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 150.00 10.00 105.00 120.00 120.00 80.00 110.00 85.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 501,600 414,700 223,750 171,875 122,880 104,160 42,210 41,250 117,130 134,130 214,750 189,800 364,000 322,250 112,740 207,775 202,500 90,675 137,700 137,490 105,825 89,750 83,950 91,000 87,430 18,750 27,950 78,800 102,960 95,120 71,200 175,480 50,400 151,960 388,840 56,550 147,890 145,425 327,840 526,680 147,760 147,950 72,335 128,000 78,800 84,720 48,759 63,420 52,990 43,512 38,777 8,722 3,759 4,861 4,678 10,412 15,730 13,458 16,942 17,463 5,789 5,988 4,659 4,287 8,641 3,700 4,583 1,765 7,862 43,485 3,214 1,293 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.00 8.00 5.00 5.00 8.50 8.50 10.00 4.50 5.00 1.50 243,795 317,100 264,950 217,560 193,885 43,610 18,795 24,305 23,390 52,060 78,650 67,290 144,007 148,436 49,207 50,898 37,272 34,296 43,205 18,500 38,956 15,003 78,620 195,683 16,068 1,939 9,754,207 121 (b) Information as is required under section 186 of the †Kv¤úvwb AvBb, 1994 relating to holding company; The Company has no holding Company, So this is not applicable for this issue (c) Selected ratios as specified in Annexure-D; Auditors' Certificate regarding Ratio Analysis The following ratios have been computed from the Audited Financial Statements of Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. for the period ended 31 December, 2015 and years ended 30 June, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 and 2011: Name of Ratio A. Formula 31-12-2015 (6 months) Calculation Result % 30-06-2015 Calculation Result % Amount in Taka 30-06-2014 30-06-2013 Calculation Result % Calculation Result % 30-06-2012 Calculation Result % Amount in Taka 30-06-2011 Calculation Result % Liquidity Ratios: Current Assets 1 Current Ratio 2 Quick Ratio 3 Current Assets - Inventory Current Liability Operating Income Time Interest Earned Ratio (Times) 4 Debt to Equity Ratio B. Current Liability 468,537,771 202,999,317 271,673,722 202,999,317 66,895,098 Interest expenses 10,558,211 Total Debt (Total Liabilities) 270,273,406 Turnover 213,031,638 Total stockholder's equity 533,018,197 2.31 1.34 6.34 0.51 396,600,359 182,727,656 226,088,162 182,727,656 121,837,674 23,790,395 244,011,296 499,170,853 2.17 1.24 5.12 0.49 252,393,598 155,412,390 166,373,994 155,412,390 77,823,643 21,692,270 224,081,800 230,843,059 1.62 1.07 3.59 0.97 86,259,024 103,337,284 45,401,767 103,337,284 49,488,123 19,861,361 185,153,341 58,666,753 0.83 0.44 2.49 3.16 73,013,569 48,538,361 36,009,021 48,538,361 28,511,257 7,760,689 157,779,251 42,648,292 1.50 0.74 3.67 3.70 31,449,360 14,330,576 14,483,345 14,330,576 13,138,080 29,124 105,857,641 31,933,983 2.19 1.01 451.11 3.31 Operating Ratios: 1 Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio (Times) 2 Inventory Turnover Ratio (Times) 3 Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio (Times) Average Fixed Assets 4 Assets Turnover Ratio (Times) Average Total Assets C. Profitability Ratios: Average Receivables Cost of goods sold Earnings Per Share (EPS) (Per value Tk. 10) 213,031,638 Turnover 213,031,638 Turnover Profit After Tax Turnover Profit After Tax 4 Return on Assets Ratio 6 Turnover Operating Profit 3 Net Income Ratio 5 Return on Equity Ratio 169,562,682 Turnover 2 Operating Income Ratio 124,617,881 Average Inventory Grass Profit 1 Gross Margin Ratio 124,326,067 Total Assets Profit After Tax 340,667,811 773,236,876 88,413,757 213,031,638 66,895,098 213,031,638 33,847,344 213,031,638 33,847,344 803,291,603 33,847,344 Shareholders Equity 533,018,197 Profit After Tax 33,847,344 Weighted Average No. of Shares Outstanding 35,350,000 1.71 0.73 0.63 0.28 41.50% 31.40% 15.89% 4.21% 6.35% 0.96 388,157,162 89,445,005 226,973,745 121,983,344 388,157,162 274,556,526 388,157,162 599,053,504 161,183,417 388,157,162 121,837,674 388,157,162 54,827,794 388,157,162 54,827,794 743,182,149 54,827,794 499,170,853 54,827,794 12,430,822 4.34 1.86 1.41 0.65 41.53% 31.39% 14.13% 7.38% 10.98% 4.41 294,467,820 40,770,720 180,380,774 63,438,431 294,467,820 180,046,166 294,467,820 349,372,477 114,087,046 294,467,820 77,823,643 294,467,820 33,176,306 294,467,820 33,176,306 454,924,859 33,176,306 230,843,059 33,176,306 181,370 7.22 2.84 1.64 0.84 38.74% 26.43% 11.27% 7.29% 14.37% 182.92 212,055,360 12,420,470 130,469,705 38,930,903 212,055,360 142,487,522 212,055,360 222,123,819 81,585,655 212,055,360 49,488,123 212,055,360 16,018,461 212,055,360 16,018,461 243,820,094 16,018,461 58,666,753 16,018,461 100,000 17.07 3.35 1.49 0.95 38.47% 23.34% 7.55% 6.57% 27.30% 160.18 140,576,835 9,355,225 87,415,016 26,985,282 140,576,835 116,878,119 140,576,835 169,109,584 53,161,819 140,576,835 28,511,257 140,576,835 10,714,309 140,576,835 10,714,309 200,427,543 10,714,309 42,648,292 10,714,309 100,000 15.03 3.24 1.20 0.83 37.82% 20.28% 7.62% 5.35% 25.12% 107.14 69,078,920 2,731,362 43,998,617 10,221,017 69,078,920 67,575,564 69,078,920 90,974,106 25,080,303 69,078,920 13,138,080 69,078,920 6,533,981 69,078,920 6,533,981 137,791,624 6,533,981 31,933,983 6,533,981 100,000 We have examined the calculation of the above ratios of Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. for the period ended 31 December, 2015 and years ended 30 June, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 & 2011 and found them correct. Dated: Dhaka 21 April, 2016 Sd/Zoha Zaman Kabir Rashid & Co. Chartered Accountants 122 25.29 4.30 1.02 0.76 36.31% 19.02% 9.46% 4.74% 20.46% 65.34 (d) Auditors report under Section 135(1), Para 24(1) of Part II of Schedule III of the †Kv¤úvwb AvBb, 1994. The report shall include comparative income statements and balance sheet and aforementioned ratios for immediate preceding five accounting years of the issuer. If the issuer has been in commercial operation for less than five years, the above mentioned inclusion and submission will have to be made for the period since commercial operation; Auditors Certificates: Auditors' Report under section 135(1) and paragraph 24(1) of Part -II of Third Schedule of the Companies Act, for the period from 01 July, 2010 to 31 December, 2015 We have examined the financial statements of Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. for the period ended 31 December, 2015 and years ended 30 June, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 & 2011. In pursuance of Section 135(1) under Paragraph 24(1) of Part -II of Third Schedule of the Companies Act, 1994 our report is as under: A. Statement of Assets and Liabilities: 31-12-2015 30-06-2015 30-06-2014 Non-Current Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Total Non-Current Assets 334,753,832 334,753,832 346,581,790 346,581,790 Current Assets Inventories Spare Parts & Supplies Advances, Deposits & Pre-payments Accounts Receivables Cash & Bank Balances Total Current Assets 181,178,281 15,685,768 112,944,097 140,906,384 17,823,241 468,537,771 TOTAL ASSETS as at Amount in Taka 30-06-2013 30-06-2012 30-06-2011 202,531,261 202,531,261 157,561,070 157,561,070 127,413,974 127,413,974 106,342,264 106,342,264 157,947,083 12,565,114 92,304,028 107,745,750 26,038,384 396,600,359 86,019,604 9,533,368 76,115,446 71,144,259 9,580,921 252,393,598 40,857,257 3,970,796 30,483,831 10,397,181 549,959 86,259,024 37,004,548 1,951,685 19,345,658 14,443,758 267,920 73,013,569 16,966,015 9,881,697 4,266,692 334,956 31,449,360 803,291,603 743,182,149 454,924,859 243,820,094 200,427,543 137,791,624 353,500,000 179,518,197 533,018,197 353,500,000 145,670,853 499,170,853 100,000,000 40,000,000 90,843,059 230,843,059 1,000,000 57,666,753 58,666,753 1,000,000 41,648,292 42,648,292 1,000,000 30,933,983 31,933,983 Non-Current Liabilities Long Term Loan Deferred Tax Liabilities Total Non-Current Liabilities 52,690,724 14,583,365 67,274,089 47,785,368 13,498,272 61,283,640 61,136,528 7,532,882 68,669,410 75,854,861 5,961,196 81,816,057 104,896,210 4,344,680 109,240,890 88,819,605 2,707,460 91,527,065 Current Liabilities Short Term Loan Long Term Loan-Current Portion Sundry Creditors Liability for Expenses Total Current Liabilities 44,090,771 52,400,000 1,467,585 105,040,961 202,999,317 41,492,853 55,344,000 1,050,563 84,840,240 182,727,656 66,004,607 38,940,000 876,560 49,591,223 155,412,390 30,976,329 38,940,000 2,789,390 30,631,565 103,337,284 19,612,432 8,745,581 20,180,348 48,538,361 3,028,389 11,302,187 14,330,576 Total Liabilities 270,273,406 244,011,296 224,081,800 185,153,341 157,779,251 105,857,641 TOTAL EQUITY & LIABILITIES 803,291,603 743,182,149 454,924,859 243,820,094 200,427,543 137,791,624 ASSETS EQUITY & LIABILITIES Shareholders' Equity Share Capital Share Money Deposit Retained Earnings Total Shareholders' Equity 123 B. Statement of Operating Results: 31-12-2015 30-06-2015 for the year/period ended 30-06-2014 30-06-2013 30-06-2012 213,031,638 (124,617,881) 88,413,757 388,157,162 (226,973,745) 161,183,417 294,467,820 (180,380,774) 114,087,046 212,055,360 (130,469,705) 81,585,655 140,576,835 (87,415,016) 53,161,819 69,078,920 (43,998,617) 25,080,303 Operating Expenses Administrative Expenses Selling & Distribution Expenses Operating Income (21,518,659) (6,074,284) (15,444,375) 66,895,098 (39,345,743) (10,715,871) (28,629,872) 121,837,674 (36,263,403) (9,701,076) (26,562,327) 77,823,643 (32,097,532) (7,736,837) (24,360,695) 49,488,123 (24,650,562) (6,298,829) (18,351,733) 28,511,257 (11,942,223) (4,446,631) (7,495,592) 13,138,080 Other Income Financial Expenses Net Profit/(Loss) before WPPF 92,435 (10,558,211) 56,429,322 157,095 (23,790,395) 98,204,374 (21,692,270) 56,131,373 (19,861,361) 29,626,762 (7,760,689) 20,750,568 (29,124) 13,108,956 Contribution to WPPF (2,687,111) (4,676,399) (2,672,923) (1,410,798) (988,122) (624,236) Net Profit/(Loss) before Tax 53,742,211 93,527,975 53,458,450 28,215,964 19,762,446 12,484,720 (19,894,867) (18,809,774) (1,085,093) (38,700,181) (32,734,791) (5,965,390) (20,282,144) (18,710,458) (1,571,686) (12,197,503) (10,580,987) (1,616,516) (9,048,137) (7,410,917) (1,637,220) (5,950,739) (4,681,770) (1,268,969) 33,847,344 54,827,794 33,176,306 16,018,461 10,714,309 6,533,981 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Net Turnover Cost of Goods Sales Gross Profit/(Loss) Income Tax Expenses Current Tax Deferred Tax Net Profit/(Loss) after Tax C. 30-06-2011 Dividend: The Company's data relating to dividend is as under: Cash Dividend - % Stock Dividend (Bonus shares) - % Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil D. The Company was incorporated on 11 August, 1985 as a private limited Company in Bangladesh under the Companies Act, 1994 with the name of Healing Pharmaceuticals Ltd. and subsequently changed its name to Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. on 28 January, 2008. On 24 July 2014, The Company registered itself as a Public Limited Company under the Companies Act, 1994. The share of the Company is denominated from Tk. 100 to Tk. 10 at 24 April, 2014; E. The Statement of Assets and Liabilities (Statement of Financial Position) as at 31 December, 2015 of the Company has been duly certified by F. We also certify the Statement of Operating Results (Statement of Comparative Income) for the period ended 31 December, 2015 of the G. The Company has no subsidiaries; H. No proceeds or part of proceeds of the issue of shares were applied directly or indirectly by the Company in the purchase of any other business; I. The Company did not prepare any financial statements for any period subsequent to 31 Dedember, 2015; and J. Figures related to previous years have been rearranged wherever considered necessary. Dated: Dhaka 21 April, 2016 Sd/Zoha Zaman Kabir Rashid & Co. Chartered Accountants (e) Following statements for the last five years or any shorterperiod of commercial operation certified by the auditors:(i) Statement of long term and short term borrowings including borrowing from related party or connected persons with rate of interest and interest paid/accrued; Auditors’ Certificate regarding Statement of any Loan given by the Issuer including Loans to Related Party or connected Persons with Rate of Interest and Interest Realized/Accrued There is no such loan given by the Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. including loans to related party or connected persons hence there is no interest realized or accrued for the period from 01 July, 2010 to 31 December, 2015. Dated: Dhaka 21 April, 2016 Sd/Zoha Zaman Kabir Rashid & Co. Chartered Accountants 124 (ii) Statement of principal terms of secured loans andassets on which charge have been created against those loans with names of lenders, purpose, sanctioned amount, rate of interest, primary security, collateral/other security, repayment schedule and status; Auditors’ Certificate regarding statement of principal terms of secured loans and assets on which charge have been created against those loans with names of lenders, purpose, sanctioned amount, rate of interest, primary security, collateral/other security, re-payment schedule and status Particulars Names of lenders Purpose Status of Asset Charged Sanctioned Amount Rate of Interest Primary Security/ Collateral/Other Security Re-payment schedule Status (Current Balance) Particulars Names of lenders Purpose Status of Asset Charged Sanctioned Amount Rate of Interest Primary Security/ Collateral/Other Security Re-payment schedule Status (Current Balance) Particulars Names of lenders Purpose Status of Asset Charged Sanctioned Amount Rate of Interest Primary Security/ Collateral/Other Security Re-payment schedule Status (Current Balance) Dated: Dhaka 21 April, 2016 Jul-Dec’15 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 100,076,528 114,794,861 104,896,210 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 Pubali Bank Ltd. Pubali Bank Ltd. Pubali Bank Ltd. Pubali Bank Ltd. Pubali Bank Ltd. Pubali Bank Ltd. Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Machineries, Machineries, Machineries, Machineries, Machineries, Machineries, Civil Civil Civil Civil Civil Civil Construction & Construction & Construction & Construction & Construction & Construction & Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Land Mortgaged Land Mortgaged Land Mortgaged Land Mortgaged Land Mortgaged Land Mortgaged 86,248,000 86,248,000 86,248,000 86,248,000 86,248,000 86,248,000 13.00% 13.00% 13.00% 13.00% 13.00% 13.00% Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal guarantee of guarantee of guarantee of guarantee of guarantee of guarantee of Directors Directors Directors Directors Directors Directors 60 Installments 60 Installments 60 Installments 60 Installments 60 Installments 60 Installments 78,603,605 Jul-Dec’15 76,044,104 2014-15 Pubali Bank Ltd. Retirement of L/C documents Assets & book debts 10,150,000 15.50% Personal guarantee of Directors 78 Installments 6,839,565 Pubali Bank Ltd. Retirement of L/C documents Assets & book debts 10,150,000 15.50% Personal guarantee of Directors 78 Installments 6,558,343 Pubali Bank Ltd. Retirement of L/C documents Assets & book debts 10,150,000 15.50% Personal guarantee of Directors 78 Installments - Jul-Dec’15 Pubali Bank Ltd. Conversion Assets & book debts 25,400,000 15.00% Personal guarantee of Directors 12 Installments 19,647,554 2014-15 Pubali Bank Ltd. Conversion Assets & book debts 25,400,000 15.00% Personal guarantee of Directors 12 Installments 20,526,921 2013-14 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2010-11 - - - - 2011-12 - - - - - - 2010-11 - 2012-13 - - 88,819,605 - - - - - Sd/Zoha Zaman Kabir Rashid & Co. Chartered Accountants 125 (iii) Statement of unsecured loans with terms &conditions; Auditors’ Certificate regarding Statement of Unsecured Loans with Terms & Conditions This is to certify that Amulet Pharmaceuticals Limited has not taken any unsecured loan from any person/body/related party from 01 July, 2010 to 31 December, 2015. Sd/Zoha Zaman Kabir Rashid & Co. Chartered Accountants Dated: Dhaka 21 April, 2016 (iv) Statement of inventories showing amount of rawmaterial, packing material, stock-in-process and finished goods, consumable items, store & spares parts, inventory of trading goods etc.; Auditors’ Certificate Statement of Inventories showing amount of Raw Material, Packing Material, Work-inProcess and Finished Goods, Consumable Items, Store & Spare Parts, Inventory of Trading Goods etc. Particulars of Inventory Raw Materials Packing Materials Work-In-Process Finished Goods Store & Spares parts Total 31-12-2015 30-06-2015 15,685,768 12,565,114 107,128,492 17,393,645 6,390,421 50,265,723 196,864,049 30-06-2014 30-06-2013 30-06-2012 30-06-2011 9,533,368 3,970,796 1,951,685 - 96,020,605 18,567,341 4,563,464 38,795,673 51,451,480 7,904,523 3,095,722 23,567,879 170,512,197 95,552,972 13,901,762 5,841,785 2,078,412 19,035,298 44,828,053 17,145,788 2,576,894 2,689,564 14,592,302 38,956,233 7,056,354 1,074,623 3,256,720 5,578,318 16,966,015 Sd/Zoha Zaman Kabir Rashid & Co. Chartered Accountants Dated: Dhaka 21 April, 2016 (v) Statement of trade receivables showing receivablefrom related party and connected persons; Auditors’ Certificate regarding Statement of Trade Receivables from Related Party and Connected Persons Particulars General From Related Party From Connected Persons Total Amount in BDT 30.06.2014 30.06.2013 71,144,259 10,397,181 - 31.12.2015 140,906,384 - 30.06.2015 107,745,750 - - - - - - 140,906,384 107,745,750 71,144,259 10,397,181 14,443,758 Dated: Dhaka 21 April, 2016 30.06.2012 14,443,758 - 30.06.2011 4,266,692 4,266,692 Sd/Zoha Zaman Kabir Rashid & Co. Chartered Accountants 126 (vi) Statement of any loan given by the issuer includingloans to related party or connected persons with rate of interest and interest realized/accrued; Auditors’ Certificate regarding statement of long term and short term borrowings including borrowing from related party or connected persons with rate of interest and interest paid/accrued For the period from 01 July, 2015 to 31 December, 2015: Name of the Parties Pubali Bank Ltd. Pubali Bank Ltd. Pubali Bank Ltd. Sub Total Pubali Bank Ltd. Sub Total Grand Total Nature of Relationship Nature of Borrowings Lender Short term Lender Lender Lender Long term Long term Long term Balance as on 31 Dec., 2015 78,603,605 6,839,565 19,647,554 105,090,724 44,090,771 44,090,771 149,181,495 Interest Rate (%) 13.00% 15.50% 15.00% 15.50% Interest Paid (BDT) 5,529,501 479,722 1,420,633 7,429,856 3,071,118 3,071,118 10,500,974 Interest Accrued (BDT) - Interest Paid (BDT) 14,677,576 787,613 2,036,921 17,502,110 6,179,875 6,179,875 23,681,985 Interest Accrued (BDT) - Interest Paid (BDT) 17,725,667 17,725,667 3,929,658 3,929,658 21,655,325 Interest Accrued (BDT) - For the year ended 30 June, 2015: Name of the Parties Pubali Bank Ltd. Pubali Bank Ltd. Pubali Bank Ltd. Sub Total Pubali Bank Ltd. Sub Total Grand Total Nature of Relationship Nature of Borrowings Lender Short term Lender Lender Lender Long term Long term Long term Balance as on 30June, 2015 76,044,104 6,558,343 20,526,921 103,129,368 41,492,853 41,492,853 144,622,221 Interest Rate (%) 13.00% 15.50% 15.00% 15.50% For the year ended 30 June, 2014: Name of the Parties Pubali Bank Ltd. Sub Total Pubali Bank Ltd. Sub Total Grand Total Nature of Relationship Nature of Borrowings Lender Short term Lender Long term Balance as on 30June, 2014 100,076,528 100,076,528 66,004,607 66,004,607 166,081,135 Interest Rate (%) 13.00% 15.50% For the year ended 30 June, 2013: Name of the Parties Pubali Bank Ltd. Sub Total Pubali Bank Ltd. Sub Total Grand Total Nature of Relationship Nature of Borrowings Balance as on 30June, 2013 Lender Long term Lender Short term 114,794,861 114,794,861 30,976,329 30,976,329 145,771,190 Nature of Borrowings Balance as on 31 June, 2012 Interest Rate (%) 13.00% 15.50% Interest Paid (BDT) 16,892,676 16,892,676 2,948,783 2,948,783 19,841,459 Interest Accrued (BDT) - Interest Paid (BDT) 6,447,979 Interest Accrued (BDT) 127 For the year ended 30 June, 2012: Name of the Parties Pubali Bank Ltd. Nature of Relationship Lender Long term 104,896,210 Interest Rate (%) 13.00% Sub Total Pubali Bank Ltd. Sub Total Grand Total Lender Short term 104,896,210 19,612,432 19,612,432 124,508,642 15.50% 6,447,979 1,279,805 1,279,805 7,727,784 - Interest Paid (BDT) - Interest Accrued (BDT) - For the year ended 30 June, 2011: Name of the Parties Pubali Bank Ltd. Sub Total Pubali Bank Ltd. Sub Total Grand Total Nature of Relationship Nature of Borrowings Lender Long term Lender Short term Balance as on 30June, 2011 88,819,605 88,819,605 88,819,605 Interest Rate (%) 13.00% - Sd/Zoha Zaman Kabir Rashid & Co. Chartered Accountants Dated: Dhaka 21 April, 2016 (vii) Statement of other income showing interest income,dividend income, discount received, other non operating income; Auditors’ Certificate regarding Statement of Other Income showing Interest, Dividend Income, Discount Received, Other Non-operating Income Particulars Interest income Dividend income Discount received Other non-operating income Jul-Dec’15 92,435 - 2014-15 157,095 - 92,435 157,095 Total Amount in BDT 2013-14 2012-13 - 2011-12 - 2010-11 - - - - Sd/Zoha Zaman Kabir Rashid & Co. Chartered Accountants Dated: Dhaka 21 April, 2016 (viii) Statement of turnover showing separately in cash andthrough banking channel; Auditors’ Certificate regarding Statement of Turnover showing separately in Cash and through Banking Channel Particulars of turnover In cash Through banking channel Total Dated: Dhaka 21 April, 2016 Jul-Dec’15 2014-15 Amount in BDT 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 179,963,439 351,712,766 233,720742 216,101,937 130,399,769 179,963,439 351,712,766 233,720742 216,101,937 130,399,769 2010-11 66,008,259 66,008,259 Sd/Zoha Zaman Kabir Rashid & Co. Chartered Accountants 128 (ix) Statement of related party transaction; Auditors’ Certificate regarding Statement of Related Party Transactions Statement of related party transactions is as follows: Related Parties Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Syed Amirul Islam Total Type of Transaction Remuneration Jul-Dec’15 504,000 2014-15 984,000 Amount in BDT 2013-14 2012-13 931,000 - Remuneration 451,000 878,000 814,400 955,000 1,862,000 1,745,000 2011-12 - 2010-11 - 600,000 540,000 480,000 600,000 540,000 480,000 Sd/Zoha Zaman Kabir Rashid & Co. Chartered Accountants Dated: Dhaka 21 April, 2016 (x) Reconciliation of business income shown in tax returnwith net income shown in audited financial statements; Auditors’ Certificate regarding statement of business income shown in tax return with net income shown in audited financial statements Particulars Jul-Dec’15 53,742,211 2014-15 93,527,975 Amount in BDT 2013-14 2012-13 53,458,450 28,215,964 2011-12 19,762,446 2010-11 12,484,720 Add. Accounting 22,240,615 Depreciation Less. Depreciation as 25,340,882 per tax Base 50,641,944 Add. Other income 92,435 43,670,622 29,413,773 23,375,468 19,828,996 16,618,470 60,714,592 33,904,304 21,417,296 24,581,914 21,131,178 76,484,005 157,095 48,967,919 - 30,174,136 - 15,009,528 - 7,972,012 - 76,641,100 48,967,919 30,174,136 15,009,528 7,972,012 Income Shown in Audited Financial Statement Income shown in tax return Dated: Dhaka 21 April, 2016 50,734,379 Sd/Zoha Zaman Kabir Rashid & Co. Chartered Accountants 129 (xi) Confirmation that all receipts and payments of theissuer above Tk.5,00,000/- (five lac) were made through banking channel; Auditors’ Certificate regarding Confirmation that all Receipts and Payments of the Issuer above Tk. 500,000/- (five lac) were made through Banking Channel After due verification we confirm that all receipts and payments above Tk. 500,000/- (five lac) were made through banking channel by Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. for the period from Auditors’ Certificate regarding statement of payment status of Tax, VAT and other taxes/duties Particulars Jul-Dec’15 TAX 18,567,845 VAT 36,946,815 Other taxes/duties N/A 01 July, 2010 to 31 December, 2015. 2014-15 33,375,955 67,319,442 N/A Payment Status 2013-14 2012-13 19,065,732 11,065,732 51,514,547 36,835,908 N/A N/A 2011-12 7,566,323 24,226,019 N/A 2010-11 4,769,823 11,809,745 N/A Sd/Zoha Zaman Kabir Rashid & Co. Chartered Accountants Dated: Dhaka 21 April, 2016 (xii) Confirmation that Bank Statements of the issuer are in conformity with its books of accounts; Auditors’ Certificate regarding Confirmation that Bank Statements of the Issuer are in Conformity with its Books of Accounts After due verification, we confirm that the bank statements of Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. are in conformity with its books of accounts for the period from 01 July, 2010 to 31 December, 2015. Sd/Zoha Zaman Kabir Rashid & Co. Chartered Accountants Dated: Dhaka 21 April, 2016 (xiii) Statement of payment status of TAX, VAT and othertaxes/duties; and Auditors’ Certificate regarding statement of payment status of Tax, VAT and other taxes/duties Particulars TAX VAT Other taxes/duties Dated: Dhaka 21 April, 2016 Jul-Dec’15 18,567,845 36,946,815 N/A 2014-15 33,375,955 67,319,442 N/A Payment Status 2013-14 2012-13 19,065,732 11,065,732 51,514,547 36,835,908 N/A N/A 2011-12 7,566,323 24,226,019 N/A 2010-11 4,769,823 11,809,745 N/A Sd/Zoha Zaman Kabir Rashid & Co. Chartered Accountants 130 CHAPTERXXVII:CREDIT RATING REPORT, IF APPLICABLE Credit Rating Report is not applicable for this Issue CHAPTERXXVIII:PUBLIC ISSUE APPLICATION PROCEDURE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Step-1 (Applicant) An applicant for public issue of securities shall submit application/buy instruction to the Stockbroker/ Merchant Banker where the th applicant maintains customer account, within the cut-off date (i.e. The subscription closing date), which shall be the 25 (twenty fifth) working day from the date of publication of abridged version of prospectus. The application/instruction may be submitted in prescribed paper or electronic form, which shall contain the Customer ID, Name, BO Account Number, Number of Securities applied for, Total Amount and Category of the Applicant. At the same time a. Other than non-resident Bangladeshi (NRB) and Foreign applicants shall make the application money and service charge available in respective customer account maintained with the Stockbroker/Merchant Banker. No margin facility, advance or deferred payment is permissible for this purpose. In case the application is made through a margin account, the application money shall be deposited separately and the Stockbroker/Merchant Banker shall keep the amount segregated from the margin account, which shall be refundable to the applicant, if become unsuccessful. b. c. Non-resident Bangladeshi (NRB) and Foreign applicants shall submit bank draft(s) issued in favor of the issuer for an amount equivalent to the application money with their application to the concerned Stockbroker/Merchant Banker. The draft(s) shall be issued by the Bank where the applicant maintains NITA/Foreign Currency account debiting the same account. No banker shall issue more than two drafts from any NITA/Foreign Currency account for any public issue. At the same time, the applicants shall make the service charge available in respective customer account maintained with the Stockbroker/Merchant Banker. Step-2 (Intermediary) The Stockbroker/Merchant Banker shall maintain a separate bank account only for this purpose namely “Public Issue Application Account”. The Stockbroker/Merchant Banker shall: a. post the amount separately in the customer account (other than NRB and Foreign applicants), and upon availability of fund block the amount equivalent to the application money; b. accumulate all the application/instructions received up to the subscription closing date, deposit the amount in the “Public Issue Application Account” maintained with its bank within the first banking hour of next working day of the subscription closing date, instruct the banker to block the account for an amount equivalent to the aggregate application money and to issue a certificate in this regard. In case of application submitted by the Stock-dealer or the Merchant Banker’s own portfolio, the application amount should also be transferred to the “Public Issue Application Account”; c. instruct the banker shall block the account for an amount equivalent to the aggregate application money and to issue a certificate in this regard. Banker of the Stockbroker/Merchant Banker shall block the account as requested for, issue a certificate confirming the same and handover it to the respective Stockbroker/Merchant Banker. For Non-resident Bangladeshi (NRB) and Foreign applicants, the Stockbroker/Merchant Banker shall hold the bank drafts (FDD) submitted by the applicants in their custody with a list containing the draft informing against the respective applicant's particulars. The Stockbroker/Merchant Banker shall prepare category wise lists of the applicants containing Customer ID, Name, BO Account Number and Number of Securities applied for, and within 03 (three) working days from the cut-off date, send it to the respective Stock Exchange in electronic (text format with tilde '~' separator) format and the certificate(s) issued by its banker. On the next working day, the stock exchanges shall provide the Issuer with the information received from the Stockbroker/Merchant Bankers. Stock Exchanges shall verify and preserve the bankers ' certificates in their custody. The application/buy instructions shall be preserved by the Stockbroker/Merchant Bankers up to 6 months from listing of the securities with exchange. Step-3 (Issuer) The Issuer shall prepare consolidated list of the applications and send the applicants' BO lDs in electronic (text) format in a CDROM to CDBL for verification. The Issuer shall post the consolidated list of applicants on its website. CDBL shall verify the BO lDs as to whether the BO accounts of the applicants are active or not. 131 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. On the next working day, CDBL shall provide the Issuer with an updated database of the applicants containing BO Account Number, Name, Addresses, Parents' Name, Joint Account and Bank Account h1fommtion along with the verification report. After receiving verification report and information from CDBL, the Issuer shall scrutinize the applications, prepare category wise consolidated lists of valid and invalid applications and submit report of final status of subscription to the Commission and the stock exchanges within 10 (ten) working days from the date of receiving information from the stock exchanges. The Issuer and the issue manager shall conduct category wise lottery with the valid applications within 03 (three) working days from the date of reporting to the Commission and the Stock Exchanges, if do not receive any observation from the Commission or the Stock Exchanges. The Issuer and issue manager shall arrange posting the lottery result on their websites within 06 (six) hours and on the websites of the Commission and Stock Exchanges within 12 (twelve) hours of lottery. Within 02 (two) working days of conducting lottery, the Issuer shall: a. send category wise lists of the successful and unsuccessful applicants in electronic (text format with tilde '~' separator) format to the respective Stock Exchange. b. send category wise lists of unsuccessful applicants who are subject to penal provisions as per conditions of the Consent Letter issued by the Commission in electronic (text fom1at with tilde '-' separator) .format to the respective Stock Exchange mentioning the penalty amount against each applicant. c. issue allotment letters in the names of successful applicants in electronic format with digital signatures and send those to respective Stock Exchange in electronic form. d. send consolidated allotment data (BO lD and number of securities) in electronic text format in a CD ROM to CDBL to credit the allotted shares to the respective BO accounts. Step-4 (Intermediary) On the next working day, Stock Exchanges shall distribute the information and allotment letters to the Stockbroker/Merchant Bankers concerned in electronic format and instruct them to: a. remit the amount of successful (other than NRB and Foreign) applicants to the Issuer's respective Escrow account opened for subscription purpose and unblock the amount of unsuccessful applicants; b. send the bank drafts (FDD) submitted by successful NRB and Foreign applicants to the Stock Exchange and return the drafts submitted by unsuccessful applicants; c. send the penalty amount of other than NRB and Foreign applicants who are subject to penal provisions to the Issuer's respective Escrow Accounts along with a list and unblock the balance application money; d. send the drafts (FDD) submitted by unsuccessful NRB and Foreign applicants who are subject to penal provisions, to the respective Stock Exchange, along with a list. On the next working day of receiving the documents from the Stock Exchanges, the Stockbrokers/Merchant Bankers shall request its banker to: a. release the amount blocked for unsuccessful (other than NRB and Foreign) applicants; b. remit the aggregate amount of successful applicants mid the penalty amount of unsuccessful (other than NRB and foreign) applicants who are subject to penal provisions to the respective 'Escrow' account of the Issuer opened for subscription purpose. 17. On the same day the Stockbrokers/Merchant Bankers shall: 18. On the next working day of receiving request from the Stockbrokers/Merchant Bankers, their bankers shall unblock the amount blocked in the account(s) and remit the amount as requested for to the Issuer's 'Escrow' account. 19. 20. 21. a. send the drafts (FDD) submitted by successful NRB and Foreign applicm1ts to the Stock Exchange concerned and return the drafts submitted by unsuccessful NRB and Foreign applicants; b. send the drafts (FDD) submitted by unsuccessful NRB and Foreign applicants who are subject to penal provisions to the respective Stock Exchange separately along with a list of the applicants. Simultaneously, the Stockbrokers/ Merchant Bankers shall release the application money in the customer accounts; inform the successful applicants about allotment of securities and the unsuccessful applicants about releasing their blocked amounts. The unblocked amounts of unsuccessful applicants shall be placed as per their instructions. The Stockbroker/ Merchant Banker shall be entitled to recover the withdrawal charges, if any, from the applicant who wm1ts to withdraw the application money, up to m1 amount of Tk. 5.00 (five) per withdrawal. On the same day, Stock Exchanges shall send the drafts submitted by successful NRB and Foreign applicants and also by unsuccessful NRB and Foreign applicants who are subject to penal provisions, to the Issuer. In case of drafts (FDD) submitted by successful NRB or Foreign applicant for any amount excess to the value of securities to be allotted or by unsuccessful NRB and Foreign applicants who are subject to penal provisions, refund of the balance amount shall be made by the Issuer to the applicant through bm1k drafts issued in the same currency within 7 (seven) working days of receiving the drafts from Stock Exchange. 132 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Miscellaneous: The issuer and Issue Manager(s) shall jointly ensure compliance of the above. The bank draft (FDD) shall be issued considering TT Clean exchange rate of Sonali Bank Ltd. on the date of publication of abridged version of prospectus. Amount deposited and blocked in the "Public Issue Application Account" shall not be withdrawn or transferred during the blocking period. Amount deposited by the applicants shall not be used bythe Stockbrokers/Merchant Bankers for any purpose other than public issue application. The Issuer shall pay the costs related to data transmission, if claimed by the Stock Exchange concerned. The Stockbrokers/Merchant Bankers shall be entitled to a service charge of 5.00 (taka five) only per application irrespective of the amount or category. The service charge shall-be paid by the applicant at the time of submitting application. The Stockbroker/Merchant Banker shall provide the Issuer with a statement of the remittance and drafts sent. The Issuer shall accumulate the penalty amount recovered and send it to the Commission through a bank draft/payment order issued in favor of the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission. LIST OF THE STOCKBROKERS / MERCHANT BANKERS TO RECEIVE IPO APPLICATION Name of TREC Holder Companies A.B Ispahani Securities Ltd. S & H Equities Limited Shyamol Equity Management Limited Phoenix Securities Limited Harun Securities Ltd. A. K. Khan Securities Ltd. Apex Investments Limited Crest Securities Ltd. International Leasing Securities Limited Khwaja Equity Services Limited BRAC EPL stock brokerage ltd. Pasha Capital Ltd. MAH Securities Limited DMR Securities Services Ltd. ACE Capital Management Service Ltd. Adil Securities Ltd. Greenland Equities Ltd. Azam Securities Limited BDBL Securities Ltd. Royal Capital Ltd. A. R Chowdhury Securities Ltd. Ershad Securities Limited Vision Capital Management Ltd. Arena Securities Ltd. EBL Securities Limited SAR Securities Ltd. Sadeque Finance Management Ltd. Kazi Firoz Rashid Securities Limited B. D Finance Securities Ltd. ETBL Securities & Exchange Ltd. Bulbul Securities Ltd. Ibrahim Securities Limited B & B Enterprise Limited Rashid Investment Services Limited Daulatunnessa Equities Limited Quayum Securities Limited Haji Ahmad Brothers Securities Ltd. Rapid Securities Limited AB & Company Limited M-Securities Ltd. Federal Securities And Investment Limited SAHCO Securities Limited Khurshid Securities Ltd. Aries Securities Ltd. Al-Muntaha Trading Co. Ltd Imtiyaz Husain Securities Limited S. B. Securities Limited M. Zubair Securities Limited Mian Abdur Rashid Securities Ltd. UGC Securities Limited Alpha Equities Ltd. Hasan Securities Ltd. IDLC Securities Ltd. Name of TREC Holder Companies Alpha Securities Ltd. ISPI Securities Limited Meenhar Securities Limited South Asia Securities Limited Island Securities Ltd. Chittagong Capital Ltd. British Bengal Securities Ltd. Saya Securities Ltd. First Capital Securities Limited. BREC EPL Stock Brokerage Ltd. Stock & Security Linkway Ltd. UCB Capital Management Ltd. Adams Securities Limited North West Securities Ltd. EBL Securities Ltd. Salta Capital Limited Azim Securities Ltd. Uttara Exchange And Securities Limited Sylhet Metro City Securities Ltd. Be Rich Limited TREC No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 56 57 58 TREC No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 13 14 15 16 19 21 22 23 24 25 27 Name of TREC Holder Companies Green Delta Securities Ltd. Global Securities Ltd. NCCB Securities & Financial Services Ltd. Reliance Brokerage Services Ltd. Shahjahan Securities Limited ASENZ Securities Ltd. E- Securities Ltd. Sinha Securities Limited Popular Equities Ltd. Mohammad Talha & Co Ltd. First Capital Securities Ltd. SBC Securities & Investment Ltd. H R Securities & Investments Limited HAC Securities Limited Multi Securities & Services Limited Square Securities Management Ltd. R. N. Trading Limited PFI Securities Limited Tamha Securities Ltd. Desa Securities Ltd. MAM Securities Ltd Farida Raquib Securities Ltd. Asia Securities Ltd. Uniroyal Securities Ltd. Md. Fakhrul Islam Securities Ltd. Md. Sahidullah Securities Limited Alhaj Securities & Stocks Limited SIBL Securities Ltd. Salta Capital Limited Jamal Ahmed Securities Ltd. Dhanmondi Securities Ltd. Country Stock (Bangladesh) ARC Securities Ltd. Dayton Holding Ltd. Howlader Equity Services Limited Prime Islami Securities Ltd. Ali Securities Co. Limited Island Securities Ltd. Islami Bank Securities Limited Remons Investment & Securities Ltd. Unique Share Management Ltd. Ettihad Securities Ltd. Surma Securities Holding Co. Ltd. Nouvelle Securities Ltd. CMSL Securities Limited Ahmed Iqbal Hasan Securities Ltd. Nabiul Karim Securities Limited Murshed Securities Limited A N F Management Company Limited Saad Securities Ltd. Dragon Securities Ltd Sheltech Brokerage Limited SCL Securities Limited Name of TREC Holder Companies S.R.Capital Ltd. Base Capital Ltd. Remons Investment & Securities Ltd. United Financial Trading Company Ltd. 3A & Company Ltd. ZATL Securities Ltd. Hefazatur Rahman & Co. Ltd. Kishwar Securities Investment Ltd. Impel Shares & Securities Ltd. Mirpur Securities Limited E-Securities Limited Royal Capital Limited Prime Financial Consultants & Equities Limited Kabir Securities Limited Eastern Shares & Securities Ltd. Reliance Securities Consultant Ltd. Chittagong Shares and Securities Ltd. CMSL Securities Limited Prudential Capital Ltd. Associated Capital Securities Ltd. DSE STOCKBROKERS TREC No. 59 60 61 62 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 74 75 76 78 79 81 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 93 94 95 97 98 99 100 101 102 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 Name of TREC Holder Companies K-Securities and Consultants Ltd. Shahed Securities Ltd Rose Securities Ltd. Dynamic Securities Consultants Ltd. R N I Securities Ltd. ICB Securities Trading Company Limited Thea Securities Ltd. Harpoon Securities Ltd. LankaBangla Securities Ltd. DSFM Securities Ltd. Moshihor Securities Ltd. Kazi Equities Ltd. Securities Broking & Management Services Ltd. Alliance Securities & Management Ltd. Al-Haja Jahanara Securities Ltd. Aloco Securities Ltd. Hedayetaullah Securities Ltd. Midway Securities Ltd. K.H.B. Securities Ltd. City Brokerage Limited Cosmopolitan Traders (Pvt.) Ltd. Joytun Securities Intl. Ltd. Shakil Rizvi Stock Ltd. Bali Securities Ltd. Indicate Securities Consultants Ltd. EMES Securities Ltd. Standard Bank Securities Ltd. Gateway Equity Resources Ltd. Investment Promotion Services Limited Peace Securities Ltd. Anwar Securities Ltd. Trustee Securities Ltd. SES Company Limited (Unicap Securities Ltd.) Mona Finan. Consultancy & Sec. Ltd. Haji Mohammad Ali Securities Ltd. Times Securities Ltd. Subvalley Securities Ltd. Merchant Securites Limited Shah Mohammad Sagir & Co. Ltd. Tobarrak Securities Ltd. Hazrat Amanat Shah Securities Ltd. T. A. Khan Securities Co. Ltd. BLI Securities Limited Peoples Equities Ltd. Anchor Securities Ltd. JKC Securities Ltd. Commerce Bank Securities and Investment Ltd. UCB Capital Management Limited Nur-E-Alam Siddique & Company Ltd. C-Maart Securities Limited Razzak Securities Ltd. Delta Capital Limited G M F Securities Ltd. CSE STOCKBROKERS TREC No. 38 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 49 50 52 53 55 56 58 59 60 61 62 63 Name of TREC Holder Companies Century Securities Ltd. International Leasing Securities Limited DBL Securities Limited UniCap Securities Ltd. Abacus Securities Ltd. Skys Securities Limited Galaxy Capital Ltd. A M Securities and Financial Services Ltd. Purabi Securities Ltd. Reliance Brokerage Services Ltd. D. N. Securities Ltd. LankaBangla Securities limited Square Securities Management Ltd. Holy City Securities Ltd. Inter Continental Securities Ltd. PFI Securities Limited International Securities Co. Ltd. Multi Securities & Services Limited EIC Securities Ltd. Ten Stars (Pvt) Ltd. TREC No. 122 123 125 126 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 142 143 145 146 148 149 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 162 163 164 165 166 168 169 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 179 180 181 182 183 184 TREC No. 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 100 Name of TREC Holder Companies TREC No. Habibur Rahman Securities Ltd. Globe Securities Limited Salam & Company Limited Eminent Securities Ltd. IFIC Securities Ltd. DBL Securities Limited Parkway Securities Ltd. Jahan Securities Ltd. M&Z Securities Ltd. MTB Securities Ltd. Coast To Coast Securities Ltd. Stock & Bond Limited Total Communication Ltd. AB Securities Ltd. Prilink Securities Ltd. NBL Securities Ltd. Synthia Securities Ltd. Modern Equity Limited United Enterprises & Co. Ltd. Oshadhi Securities Ltd. Mondol Securities Ltd. Wifang Securities Ltd. AD Holdings Limited Pubali Bank Securities Ltd. Mika Securities Ltd. Sharp Securities Limited Rasti Securities Consultant Ltd. BRB Securities Limited A. L. Securities Ltd. Mercantile Bank Securities Limited Shohrab Securities & Trade Ltd. FAREAST Stocks & Bonds Ltd. United Financial Trading Co. Ltd. Modern Securities Ltd. Expo Traders Ltd. Akij Securities Ltd. Popular Life Insurance Company Ltd. Shahjalal Islami Bank Securities Ltd. AIBL Capital Market Services Ltd. PHP Stock & Securities Ltd. Premier Bank Securities Ltd. Bank Asia Securities Limited IIDFC Securities Limited Dhaka Securities Ltd. A N W Securities Ltd. One Securities Ltd. Trust Bank Securities Ltd. DLIC Securities Ltd. NLI Securities Ltd. BD Sunlife Securities Ltd. Sterling Stocks & Securities Ltd 187 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 206 207 208 209 210 213 214 215 216 217 220 222 224 225 226 227 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 248 249 Name of TREC Holder Companies TREC No. Hassan Shares & Securities Ltd. Vantange Securities Ltd. Megacity Securities Ltd. Hallmark Securities Ltd. IDLC Securities Ltd. Western Securities Investment Management Ltd. First Lead Securities Ltd. Far East Shares & Securities Ltd. S. N. Securities Ltd. Amin Securities & Consultants Ltd. Muntaha Shares & Capital Ltd. Green Delta Securities Ltd. Phoenix Securities Limited NCCB Securities and Financial Services Ltd. City Brokerage Ltd. Shahjalal Islami Bank Securities Limited Popular Life Insurance Company Ltd. Premier Leasing Securities Ltd. Fareast Stocks & Bonds Limited. AIBL Capital Market Services Ltd. 133 114 115 116 117 119 120 122 123 125 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 138 139 RAK Capital Ltd. Nizam’s Shares & Securities Ltd. PHP Stocks & Securities Ltd. A.A Securities Ltd. Sylnet Securities Ltd. Pioneer Shares & Securities Ltd. Vanguard Shares & Securities Ltd. Hillcity Securities Ltd. Name of the Merchant Banker AAA Finance & Investment Limited AB Investment Limited AFC Capital Ltd. AIBL Capital Management Ltd. Alpha Capital Management Ltd. BD Finance Capital Holdings Ltd. BLI Capital Limited BMSL Investment Ltd. BRAC EPL Investments Limited City Bank Capital Resources Ltd. EBL Investments Ltd. EC Securities Limited 28 29 31 32 33 34 36 37 Platinum Securities Limited Finvest Services Ltd. Super Shares & Securities Ltd. T.K. Shares & Securities Ltd. Ahmed Securities Services Ltd. Chowdhury Securities Ltd. Raja Securities Ltd. Sohel Securities Ltd. Name of the Merchant Banker 64 66 67 69 70 73 74 76 Mona Financial Consultancy and Securities Ltd. Pubali Bank Securities Ltd. NC Securities Limited Moharam Securities Ltd. Sanmar Capital Management Ltd. Starport Securities Ltd. Lotus Shares & Securities Ltd. Cordial Securities Limited MERCHANT BANKERS EXIM Islami Investment Ltd. FAS Capital Management Ltd. First Securities Services Ltd. First Security Islami Capital & Investment Ltd. Grameen Capital Management Ltd. Green Delta Capital Ltd. ICB Capital Management Ltd. IDLC Investments Ltd. IIDFC Capital Ltd. IL Capital Ltd. Imperial Capital Limited Jamuna Bank Capital Management Ltd. Name of the Merchant Banker Janata Capital and Investment Ltd. LankaBangla Investments Ltd. MTB Capital Ltd. PLFS Investments Ltd. Prime Bank Investment Ltd. Prime Finance Capital Management Ltd. Rupali Investment Ltd. SBL Capital Management Ltd. Sonali Investment Ltd. Southeast Bank Capital Services Ltd. Swadesh Investment Management Ltd. Trust Bank Investment Limited 103 105 107 108 109 SIBL Securities Limited Prime Islami Securities Ltd Islami Bank Securities Ltd. Jamuna Bank Securities Ltd. ONE Securities Limited 142 145 146 147 148 Name of the Merchant Banker UniCap Investments Limited Uttara Finance and Investment Ltd. Agrani Equity & Investment Ltd. Banco Finance and Investment Limited Betaone Investments Limited CAPM Advisory Limited GSP Investments Limited RACE Portfolio & Issue Management Ltd. Royal Green Capital Market Limited ** All eligible Stock Brokers and Merchant Bankers shall receive the IPO Subscription. 134 ÔÔ‡kqvi evRv‡i wewb‡qvM SzwKc~Y©| †R‡b I ey‡S wewb‡qvM KiæbÕÕ AMULET PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC ISSUE Date : Name of applicant : Client Code : BO ID No. : Category of applicant : Name of the Company : Number of Shares : Total amount in Tk. : Amount in word : Applicants ……………………..Shares of Tk. ……………………… each Authorized Officer 135 CHAPTERXXIX:MANAGEMENT DISCLOSURES CONSENT OF DIRECTORS TO SERVE AS DIRECTORS We hereby agree that we have been serving as Directors of Amulet Pharmaceuticals Ltd. and will continue to act as Directors of the Company. Sd/Abu Saeed Shaukat Ahmed Chairman Sd/Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Director & Managing Director Sd/Syed Amirul Islam Director & CEO Sd/Abdul Mannan Director Sd/M. A. Bari Director Sd/Muhammed Ahmed Ali Director Sd/Md. A U M Mamun Chowdhury Independent Director Sd/Md. Munshi Moniruzzaman Independent Director Date: April 20, 2016 STATEMENT REGARDING COST AUDIT This is to certify that, as per provision of the Companies Act, 1994, Cost Audit by Professional Accountant is not applicable for “Amulet Pharmaceuticals Limited”. Sd/Abu Zafar Enayet Rasul Director & Managing Director Sd/Kazi Mahmudul Hasn Chief Financial Officer Sd/(Nasrin Sultana) Chief Executive Officer Sd/(Mohammad Hamdul Islam) Managing Director & CEO 136