Memorandum - Calabarzon
Memorandum - Calabarzon
A Divisioh of Stthic Camayn Whaf, West llanin FQrest, Subic Bay Freeport Zone.Z?22 - Tel, (047i Ma'r,la oflce Fax; (047) 252 5883.Subrc Ctfice or /Pu tQs' 13 June 2014 dr (02) 706-3344 to 46- 'bd/- l\. (un' MR, DI$ODADO M. SAN ANTONIO RegionalrDirector " Department of Educatlon, CALABARZON Cainta, Rital Ptr-r ivtdJ Jonl h 1hlr1 Dear Mr. San Antonio: tlqq2 Greetings from Ocean Adventure in Subic Bay, Philippines! Ocean Adventure, the flrst and only open-water marine themo pa* in Soulheast Asia has been educating and enterteining since 2001 people from all walks of life on the beauty of marine life and the need for th6 conservation and presarvation of the environment. Thi$ has been one of the driving forces behind the company,s cpntinuous operations and development of the faciiities that consequently contributed to the skengthening ot the ecoloudsm of the country. Wiih this note, we would like to seek for your support and help us to EDUCATE AND EI/POWER our students and teachers t0 take a pro-active stand in the proteolion and conservalion of our environment through our one of a kind programs and products that combines Education with Entertajnment, ln_ of this regard, we wish to set an appointment to present to you our educational programs lhat highlights our advocacy conservation and preservation 0fthe envir0nment, With your continuous suppoft to oul endeavor in educating, enlightening and empowenng our youth, thal we could make a difference in preserving our environment. Thdnk you and wele looking forward Jor your positive response. Yours sincerely, .l I 1N "r EDDA GHACCHIA A, GAMOLO Teaq Leader- Manila Offlce Subic. Qay Marine Exploratonum, Inc. MA. ELENA GATCHALIAN,BALINO Sr. Director for Sales & lVarketing Subic Bay Manne txploratorium, lnc, FFtltl : rtaEnit AL|TF T| FFr! PE llr,. :7rjE[EE] 4 Di,/,./on afSdb c BaJ Matr'e E/plotdlor,u iVar!,q!4arker^g Ofic.: 2 d rl0or H qlrr6y al Plaza B dq. 986 StartQta 14 J_rr. lr 1-1 1; l;inH F1 I 51 Cor Wacl Wac, VarroalLyong CJy Tel. \0s. ,/06134446 Far \0. /060808 'OCEAN ADVENTURE DAYTOUR PACKAGES For SCHOOLS, COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES A. OCEAN ADVENTURE DAYTOUR PACKAGE$ OA Public School Admission OA Private School Admission On OA Bundle - OA Plus Buffet Meal & Beach PACKAGE INCLU$IONS: -/ "/ MINIMUM OFS{) PAXTOAVAIL PACKAGE ocEAN ADyENTURE ADM|SS|ON AND V|EWING SHoW$: o . r o r r e The New Doiphin Tales $ea Lion Marine Fatroi Show Walk-on{he-Wild Side Show Balancing Act featuring The African Acrobats Unde&ater Viewing of Sea Lions Sea Trek Research Center Ocean Discovery Aquarium B, ENVTRONMENTAL EDUCATTON CENTER (EEC) DAy TOUR PACKAGES For a totally unique experlence, choose our 3 Eco-Smsrt Progrsms Peckage, Or add a single Eco-Smad program to the ocean Adventu/e Educational Package and enjoy allthe shows and attractions everyone loves. EEC Program (can be availed with ON-SITE PRO6RAMS Option A * Dolphin Rescue and Living with Witdliie Option B - Animal Training and Life Support cl.,^.^ *^ OFF-SITE PROGRAMS Bakawan or Banite Forest Hike, WIN Re$cue Center, Horse and Aeta Adventure and Butterfly Garden FFi f' : li-EAll FffiI AD .TENTUFE I]]. : TAEEEEIE 14 ,Turr. lD1.:i 1: --:-Al'l SCHOOL FUND TO BE GIVEN DIRECTLY TO SCHOOL DURING DATE OF VI$IT PHP ?O,OO PER FAYING PAX FOR 1 EEC PROGRAM WTH OCEAN ADVENTURE DAY TOUR PACKAGE PHP 5(}.OO FER PAYING PAX FOR 3 EEC PROGRAMS WITH OR WITHOUT OCEAN ADVENTURE PACKAGE A. B, C. ADD.ON OPTIONS -Day Swimming in Adventure OTHER INCLUSIONS FOR OCEAN ADVENTURE PACKAGIS: / SCHOOL FUND OF PHP 3O.OO PER PAYING PAX TO BE GIVEN DIRECTLY TO SCHOOL DURING DATE OF VISIT r' 2FOC(FREE OF CHARGE} TICKETS FOR MINIMUM OF 50 PAYING PAX AND 1 FOC FOR EVERY PAYING ADDITIONAL PAX, VALID ONLY ON THE DATE OF VISIT 3 FOC TICKETS FOR TEACHERS ACCOMPANYING THE $TUDENTS, VALID ONLY ON THE DATE OF VISIT, FOR EVERY 50 PAYING PAX OCEAN ADVENTURE TICKET INCENTIVE - VALID FOR 6 MONTHS One (01) FOC tickei for every 25 paying pax Valid for six (06) months from date of visit Strictly, tickets must be used within the validity period; NO REVALIDATION . . . FOR PACKAGES WITH BUS: Rate applicable to minimum of 50 persons (package wilh bus,l Bus trafispoftation is from [,4anila Subic-Manila day tour only i12 Hours), Rate may change depending on pick-up point. . ' . o r . Guaranteed Touflst Bus and Drivers eccrediled by th€ D€partment of Tourism lnclusiva of toll fees, driver and conduotols meal and insurance per passenger Bus capacity at 49 Regular Seats and 11 Center Seats With tour guides FFIL''I : FA) a. fll.EAI'I AF]EI.]T FE :tfrEDE-li 1rl .I -rrr. 2E 14 l:=Jrlll Ff D. ADVENTURE BEACH PACKAGES Cliants who availed anv OA Educ Package Schools - who didn't avail 0A Educ Package NOTE: 1) Standard FOC will apply for thos€ who availed any Ocean Adventure Educational Fackage 2) AB Cabana Allocation is 1:?0 (1 Cabana for 20 Paid pax) 3) Swimming for halfdaY onlY 4) Cabana allocation will bs based on the pre'paid Pax 5) FOOD IS ALLOWED IN AOVENTURE BEACH FOR ONLY THOSE WHO AVAILED PACKAGE WTH MEALS Notei be for TEACHERS (3 Teachere for every 50 paying pax) and Tour Guide (1 Tour Guide for every 50 paying pax)- FOOD NOT INCLUDED 1) FOC will 2) AB Cabana Allocalion is 1:20 {1 Cabana for 20 paid pax) 3) $wimming for half-day only 4) For I day before payment aftor 12noon and on.the spot additional, Advanture Beach admission rate will bE applied 5) Additional packed meal will be offerad at Php 180 allocrtion 6) Cabana will be based on tho pre-paid *** ALL RATEA ARE VALID FOR SCHOOL YEAR 2O14-2O,I5 *** Visit ygww--oceanadventure;c,orn,Eh for more informatron ebout our Eco_Smart programs MAKE YOUR RESERVATION NOW!tI Pl$. Call: EDDA GRACCHIA A. GAMOLO Cet. No.: (0917) 1263829 / (0908) 872ZZ5s Email: eagamqlo@oceanadveniure,com,rh orice ar 104 ZOO.33++'I[G'm Subic Sales Offico at (047) 25?.9000 toc, 207 Manih_ lti_arkering