Hidden Melbourne Market Marvellous Warhol In Asia
Hidden Melbourne Market Marvellous Warhol In Asia
roya l b ru n e i a i rl i n e s | J a n ua r y - Fe b rua r y 201 3 Hid d e n Melbourne M e lb ourn e , A ust r a l i a M a rke t Marvellous B a n g ko k , T h a i l a n d Wa rho l I n Asi a H o n g Ko n g , PRC Brita in ’s Best S ales United Kingdom Se aso nal Rhy thm J a pa n By Roya l B r u n e i A i r l i n e s | Ja n uar y - Feb ruar y 2 0 1 3 www.bruneitourism.travel IN THIS ISSUE 10 28 36 64 58 2 MUHIBAH Editorial board Advisor Royal Brunei Airlines Head, Corporate Communications Azhani Abu Daniel Editorial Muaz Roslan Editorial & production General Manager Jacqueline W M Wong Editor Anis Ramli Editorial Assistant Kim Low Senior Art Director Yee Wai Choong Art Director Michele Tee Digital Media Designer Tang Sze Yik Imaging Colourist June Lim Studio Assistant Wong Fu Yong Coordinator Sa’adiah Hj Abas Printing Brunei Press Sdn. Bhd., Brunei Darussalam Imagery & colour separation Digital Impressions Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia Publishing & sales Digital Impressions Lot 20010, Taman Alam, Jalan Telanai, Beribi BE1118 Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam T: +673 2654 851 F: +673 2650 276 E: muhibah@digital-impressions.org Advertising enquiries Digital Impressions Sdn Bhd 27, 1st Floor, Jalan PJU 1/3D, SunwayMas Commercial Centre 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia T: +603 7805 3325 F: +603 7805 3361 E: dgtlexpr@tm.net.my Muhibah is published by Digital Impressions. All rights reserved. Copyright by Royal Brunei Airlines. Unsolicited materials will be returned only if accompanied by a self-addressed envelope and sufficient return postage. While every reasonable care is taken by the editor, no responsibility is assumed for the return of unsolicited material. The contents of this magazine are entirely the personal views of the author(s) and/or contributors and do not in any way reflect the views or opinions of the publisher. The publisher disclaims all and any liability to any person arising from the printing, sale or use of the materials in this magazine. The Editorial team reserves the right to edit and/or rewrite all materials according to the needs of the publication upon usage. Muhibah is complimentary for passengers on Royal Brunei Airlines. It is also available on subscription at BND7 per copy, excluding postage. Alternatively, log on www.flyroyalbrunei.com for e-Muhibah. 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Art on Liverpool Street, Melbourne. Image: Ben King/Visions of Victoria 50 Best of Brunei Brunei’s Best. 50 Keistimewaan Brunei Terbaik Brunei. LIFESTYLE 58Motoring Audi A4 60 In Person Michael Yamashita 62 The Buzz What’s New 64 Take 5 The Great Ocean Road 66 Travel Diary Welcome Aboard 04 Deputy Chairman’s Message 08 Inside RB 68 Selamat Datang 70 Brunei International Airport 71 Traveller’s Guide 72 Route Map & Destinations 74 Abode of Peace Award for Best Magazine Indian International Journalism Festival 2011 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 3 WELCOME ONBOARD DEPUTY CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE In this issue, I am delighted to pay tribute to our ‘Smile Squad’. This group of dedicated RB staff were spotted on the streets in different parts of Brunei Darussalam, spreading genuine smiles and good cheer to the public. We believe that at the heart of our brand is our staff, who will be the catalyst to redefine the journey on RB in order to surprise and delight our passengers. Genuine smiles, thoughtful gestures and small pleasures from our staff will create lasting impressions. In this issue of Muhibah, we embark on a journey to discover the hidden secrets of Melbourne; al fresco eateries, one-off shops and cafes that are off the beaten track, all nestled side-by-side in city laneways that weave a maze through this wonderful arty city. Speaking of arts, experience some of the best of Andy Warhol’s works at the ‘15 Minutes Eternal’ exhibition at the Hong Kong Museum of Art which runs until 31 March, 2013. We also take a closer look at Japan’s picturesque landscape across the seasons – from cherry blossoms in Spring to its spectacular snow in Winter. Japan never fails to amaze, no matter when you choose to drop by. Royal Brunei Airline’s (RB) ‘Smile Squad’ for the rebranding teaser campaign. Dear Guests, Welcome aboard our aircraft and to our first issue of Muhibah for 2013. In common with the rest of the industry, 2012 was a challenging year for Royal Brunei (RB), but we have emerged from a difficult but necessary restructuring exercise in much better shape to face the future. To underline our renewed sense of optimism for the future, RB officially launched our first corporate rebranding exercise in 25 years in October. Check out eMuhibah at www.flyroyalbrunei.com Be a fan on facebook.com/ RoyalBruneiAirlines Follow us on twitter.com/ RoyalBruneiAir 4 MUHIBAH We took the first step of our rebranding journey with the introduction of a new lively and contemporary livery and logo which, so far, has been very well received. There are further plans to roll out new passenger experiences over the next year, including newly designed in-flight items, a new ‘look and feel’ to our website , a redesigned Muhibah and changes to lounge, ticketing office environments, uniforms and social media. Completion of the rebranding process is timed to coincide with the entry into service of the 787 Boeing Dreamliner in October 2013, making RB the first airline in Southeast Asia to take delivery of this ultra-modern aircraft. For savvy shoppers, head over to London and get a headstart to the best places for the ‘January Sales’. From department stores to outlet villages, Britain provides a plethora of places to source bargain treasures. Alternatively, experience a different shopping experience at Bangkok’s Or Tor Kor market –a largely unknown market that provides one of the best local experiences. Ranked by CNN as one of the best markets in the world, Or Tor Kor market boasts the most enticing fresh produce and mouth-watering cuisines. Finally, on homeground, we highlight a few of Brunei Darussalam’s best treasures, from glistening mosques and historical royal artefacts, to the culture-laden Kampong Ayer (water village), and the breathtaking view of Brunei’s pristine rainforest. Brunei is a haven for travellers seeking to experience both nature and culture. I do hope you will find something of interest in the latest issue of Muhibah, and may I take this opportunity to extend greetings of peace and goodwill to all of our esteemed passengers at this time of transition. We are determined to ensure 2013 will be a year of continuing safety and comfort for you all. In addition, I think the industry would settle for even a modest level of profitability in these uncertain times. I will close with a line from my favourite movie – Shawshank Redemption: ‘Hope is a good thing; maybe the best of things and good things never die.’ With warm wishes, Dermot Mannion Deputy Chairman WELCOME ONBOARD INSIGHTS Inside RB Roundup of Royal Brunei Airlines happenings. Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam offers Royal Skies Miles in Hadiah Plus RB signs agreement with Brunei Shell Marketing Royal Brunei Airlines signed a fuel supply contract with Brunei Shell Marketing Company Sdn Bhd (BSM) on 27 November, 2012 at The Brunei Hotel. The contract defines the mutual aid between RB and BSM to work together on prospects that will further enhance their relationship. Signing on behalf of RB was RB’s Deputy Chairman, Mr Dermot Mannion whilst the Managing Director of Brunei Shell Marketing, Hj Mohd Sufri Hj Sulaiman signed on behalf of BSM. Royal Brunei Airlines (RB) and Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam (BIBD) on 24 October, 2012 inked an agreement on BIBD’s rewards programme – Hadiah Plus and Frequent Flyer Programme to offer BIBD customers the opportunity to redeem their Hadiah Points for Royal Skies miles. The signing ceremony saw the agreements signed by BIBD’s Chief Financial Officer Hajah Noraini Haji Sulaiman and RB’s Chief Officer Group Services Maswadi Hj Mohsin. Witnessing were BIBD’s Deputy Head of Consumer Banking Division Hajah Nurul Akmar Haji Mohd Jaafar and RB’s Loyalty Marketing Manager Yasmin Abdullah. Social Media Masterclass with SimpliFlying As part of the one year partnership with aviation strategy firm, SimpliFlying, Royal Brunei Airlines organised a two-day social media masterclass from 19 to 20 October, 2012. The masterclass was held at The Centrepoint Hotel and attended by Royal Brunei Airlines staff from various departments as well as staff overseas. The two-day class covered various social media channels and how the airline can utilise them to improve multiple stages of passenger experience. Discussions were also held on the evolving landscape of social media in the airline industry. SimpliFlying, an aviation strategy firm that has worked with over 25 airlines and airports around the world, has been working closely with RB’s social media team since September 2013. 8 MUHIBAH BIBD offers customers a chance to earn two Hadiah Points for every BND$1 spent with their BIBD Credit Card and one Hadiah Point for every BND$2 spent with their BIBD Debit Card. With Hadiah Plus, customers can look forward to redeeming cash back, annual fee waivers, an option to donate to a charity body of their choice and now Royal Skies Miles. Customers who love travelling have the option to exchange eight (8) Hadiah Points for one (1) Royal Skies miles. Redemption is in blocks of 8,000 Hadiah Points. Royal Skies miles can be redeemed by contacting BIBD’s call centre at 223 8181 or by filling in the air miles redemption form at any of BIBD’s branches. First Female Captain Appointed by a National Flag Carrier in the Region Royal Brunei Airlines (RB) reached yet another milestone on 6 November, 2012 when B777-200ER flight number BI 054 from Melbourne touched down at Brunei International Airport. At the controls was 31-year-old Bruneian Senior First Officer, Sharifah Czarena Surainy Syed Hashim, under the guidance and supervision of Deputy Chief Operating Officer Captain, Khalidkhan Hj Asmakhan. The successful completion of this flight marked the final stage in the command training process for Senior First Officer Sharifah Czarena. She was received at the airport by family and RB Flight Operations management. A reception in her honour was held on 14 November, 2012 at the Muhibah Room, Royal Brunei Recreation Club. Present at the event was guest of honour Datin Hjh Adina Othman; Deputy Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports together with officials from Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports; Department of Civil Aviation and RB senior management. Captain Sharifah Czarena’s proud family and friends were also present to witness the presentation of the captain epaulettes by Datin Hjh Adina. Captain Sharifah Czarena began her aviation career as a cadet pilot in 2003 when she was sent to the UK for intensive initial pilot training at the Cabair Flying School, Cranfield. After graduating in 2004 she was sent on secondment to Loganair as a junior First Officer on the Saab 340 turbo prop aircraft before returning to Brunei in 2006 to join RB as a First Officer on the B767-300ER. She gained promotion to Senior First Officer shortly thereafter and in 2010 underwent training to fly the B777-200ER. Currently, RB has six female pilots in active service; five on the Boeing fleet and one on its Airbus fleet. In addition, RB has recently welcomed Dayangku Nurul Hidayah bte Pengiran Hj Abd Wahab as its latest female cadet pilot recruit. Karnival Wisata in Jakarta Royal Brunei Airlines (RB) sponsored the first International Karnival Wista (International Tourism Fair), held on 26 to 28 October, 2012 at the Jakarta International Expo Convention Centre. Throughout the three-day event, RB promoted special fares to various exciting destinations, including Brunei, Melbourne, Dubai, Bangkok and Shanghai. Mr. Karam Chand, Chief Commercial and Planning Officer of Royal Brunei Airlines stated, “Royal Brunei Airlines is excited to be one of the airlines for the very first International Karnival Wisata in Indonesia – and we see this fair as an amazing opportunity to showcase what Brunei has to offer to all globetrotters visiting the fair. Our team from Royal Brunei Holidays has prepared a variety of amazing holiday packages to cater to travel enthusiasts of different needs and interests – we aim to leave a lasting impression and to have everyone leave our booth, with smiles.” On top of great fares and packages, visitors to Royal Brunei Airlines’ booth were treated with games and quizzes where they stood to win RB merchandises and holiday packages. Royal Brunei Airlines Rebrands Royal Brunei Airlines (RB) reveals its new livery and logo on 30 October, 2012 at an event held at Hangar 1, Brunei International Airport. The new livery and logo was revealed on an Airbus A319, which was painted by RB’s own in-house engineering team. Attending the event was the Minister of Communications, Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Hamzah Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Abdullah bin Begawan Mudim Dato Paduka Haji Bakar as Guest of Honour, as well as RB’s Chairman and Board of Directors, staff and other invited guests. The new livery and logo is the first step on RB’s rebranding journey. Over the next year, RB will be rolling out a new website experience (including a new social media experience), new uniforms and new lounge and ticket office environments. The completion of the rebranding process will be timed to coincide with the entry into service of the 787 Boeing Dreamliners in 2013, making RB the first airline in Southeast Asia to take delivery of this ultra modern aircraft. JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 9 FEATURES Fresh local fruits for sale. 10 MUHIBAH 01 01Fresh catch of the day. 02Ceramicware for sale. MA RK E T 02 Bangkok’s Or Tor Kor Market lived up to its reputation. Words & images Ena Hashim Marvellous Those who have often travelled to Bangkok would be forgiven for not discovering the Or Tor Kor market before. While it’s located just opposite the famous weekend market of Chatuchak, Or Tor Kor Market does not share the same fame as its better known neighbour simply because it’s not a tourist hot spot. But sidestepping the market on your way to Chatuchak may well deprive you of one of the best local experiences you’ll ever have. Or Tor Kor, which basically translates to ’Marketing Organisation for Farmers’, was last year ranked fourth by CNN as one of the best markets in the world. A visit there recently did not disappoint and indeed revealed why this market truly is a must visit destination. Managed by Thailand’s Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Or Tor Kor brings together local farmers to help them JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 11 FEATURES Colourful beans and legumes. sell their products to the locals directly. It is regarded as the model for which all fresh markets in Thailand should be run in terms of cleanliness and food quality. English is not spoken widely here at Or Tor Kor; a sure sign that it really is a locals’ market, but you can get by by pointing to what you want and using the calculator to indicate prices. Housewives, cooks, chefs – these are the crowd you’re most likely to encounter here – come to the market as early as 8am, and just by being there allows you a rare glimpse into the lifestyle of the community which truly revolves around freshness and quality products. Be prepared to have your senses go on a delicious overdrive as you discover local fruits, delicacies, food, spices and even a small selection of handicrafts. 12 MUHIBAH The market itself is well lit, with wide lanes separating the booths and is surprisingly clean and dry. It is easily reached by subway (stop at Kamphaeng Phet), and takes a mere 20 minutes from downtown Sukhumvit. You can just wander around the stalls admiring the produce display. There are local mangoes sold alongside sticky rice, steamed and barbequed seafood accompanied by hot chili dips, claypot glass noodles cooked on the spot with fresh river prawns, freshly steamed fish souffle (hor mok talay) with steamed rice and an assortment of local curries, and sesamecoated fried bananas and brown rice cakes for the sweet toothed. Everything is packed conveniently to take home, or you can join local school kids and sit at the designated food stalls to indulge in your purchase. Then, wash it all down with a freshly cracked open Thai coconut water. 03 03 Floral wristlets for sale. 04Hot sweet desserts on the spot. 05Freshly-fried banana fritters. ... just by being there allows you a rare glimpse into the lifestyle of the community which truly revolves around freshness and quality products. 04 05 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 13 FEATURES 06 14 MUHIBAH The backend of the market houses two rows of seafood counters – everything and anything you can find off the waters of the Andaman Sea and the Chao Phraya River are here. Everything smells fresh; the absence of any fishy odour indicates the live catch must have just probably been lifted off the waters only hours earlier. Around the corner from the seafood counter are stalls selling all kinds of local condiments and Thai rice, including organically grown brown jasmine rice and a violet-coloured herbal rice, its beautiful hue a result of the natural dye from the butterfly pea and is rich in antioxidants. These, including raw palm sugar and spicy dried snapper fish floss, are some of the things worthy to take home. They are also essential ingredients for whipping up delicious Thai dishes in your own kitchen. 07 You can spend hours ambling around the market just admiring the colours, smells and watching the sellers preparing their food. Just be sure to visit the market now – before the tourists come in the busload. Royal Brunei Airlines flights to Bangkok operate daily from Bandar Seri Begawan. 08 06Local specialty: Fried fish floss. 07Fresh river prawn noodles. 08Spicy meals abound. JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 15 W FEATURES Warhol In Asia Hong Kong hosts Andy Warhol: 15 Minutes Eternal. 01 02 From 16 December 2012, the largest collection of iconic works by Andy Warhol has been on display at the Hong Kong Museum of Art. It will run until 31 March, 2013 on the 25th anniversary of the artist’s death. The exhibition, sponsored by BNY Mellon and organised by The Andy Warhol Museum in Warhol’s hometown of Pittsburgh, chronicles the breadth of Warhol’s career and demonstrates the scope of his interests. Titled after a quote from the popular artist himself, “In the future, everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes”, Andy Warhol: 15 Minutes Eternal features over 260 paintings, drawings, sculptures, film, and video of the legendary artist’s works, marking the first time such an extensive collection is exhibited in Hong Kong and Asia. The exhibition will also be accompanied by a wide range of associated documents, interactive timelines, photographs, and archival material. 16 MUHIBAH W L H R A O 01 Jackie, 1964. 02A sewing machine, ca. 1952. 03Untitled (Sam), ca. 1954. “Fascinated by the glitterati, Warhol remains a complex and often misunderstood persona 25 years after his death, whose artwork depicting consumer objects such as Heinz ketchup boxes, and paintings of Marilyn Monroe and Mao Tse-Tung have been imprinted into our collective consciousness,” said Eric Shiner, director of The Warhol. Shiner added, “We are thrilled that BNY Mellon is bringing the life, work and creative genius of Andy Warhol to cities across Asia. This remarkable and extensive collection celebrates anew someone whose life and work define the concept: fame is fleeting, art is eternal.” “BNY Mellon’s global commitment to the arts is designed to facilitate access and deeper exploration of art through the communities in which we live and work. We are very proud to be supporting The Andy Warhol Museum and bringing this remarkable body of work to Asia,” said Steve Lackey, chairman of Asia-Pacific, BNY Mellon. 03 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 17 FEATURES W AR 04Wallpaper - Cow, 1966. 05Kimiko Powers, 1972. 06Flowers, 1964. 07Clockwork Panda Drummer, 1983. 18 MUHIBAH 04 Andrew Warhola (6 August, 1928 – 22 February, 1987), better known as Andy Warhol, was an American painter, printmaker, and filmmaker. He was a leading figure in the visual art movement known as Pop Art and was renowned for using mass production of popular culture such as advertising, comic books, and brand products, as the basis of his art. Andy Warhol: 15 Minutes Eternal features his masterpieces including Jackie (1964), Marilyn Monroe (1967), Campbell’s Soup HL (1961), Silver Liz (1963), Time Capsule 51 (1970’s), The Last Supper (1986), and numerous iconic Self-Portraits. Visitors to the exhibition will journey through four different stages of Andy Warhol’s life, starting from his early artistic years in the 1940s to his final works in the 1980s. The exhibition will present an extensive range of important artworks from the various phases of his artistic career. 06 W R A 05 07 Among these, visitors to the gallery will be introduced to Andy Warhol and the early influences in his art. It will showcase his drawings as a child, his first artworks as a commercial artist and the blotted line technique he created. H OL A separate space will be dedicated to recreating the Silver Factory, Warhol’s studio in the 1960s in New York which was entirely covered with foil. To provide an interesting interactive experience, the space will feature costumes for visitors to dress up and be ‘a star for 15 minutes’, a photo booth to capture the experience, a reproduction of the couch from the Silver Factory from which visitors can enjoy his avant garde films, and the whimsical Silver Clouds (1966) piece made of floating helium balloons. Finally, visitors will be able to witness Warhol’s venture into television media with Andy Warhol’s TV and Andy Warhol’s Fifteen Minutes. The diversity of his last decade of creation includes such works as the Endangered Species series, Rorschach series and Oxidation Paintings. Royal Brunei Airlines flights to Hong Kong operate daily from Bandar Seri Begawan. JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 19 FEATURES 01 Britain’s Best Sales Get your nose on the best places for reductions at the ‘January Sales’ in Britain. Words & images Visit Britain 20 MUHIBAH The ‘January Sales’ in Britain traditionally used to begin after Christmas, but for many years the sales have sneakily started to happen before 25 December, with many reductions available from the middle of the month. From department stores to outlet villages, there are plenty of places to source bargain treasures to take home from your trip in Britain. NWDA 02 03 01The Victoria Quarter Shopping Arcade, Leeds. 02The iconic Harrods department store in Knightsbridge. 03Shopping in Manchester. Though the biggest bargains go fast, the sales tend to last through the month of January and occasionally into February with the shops at their busiest immediately after Christmas. Although you can get many of the same discounts online, the experience of a ‘January Sales’ has to be seen to be believed. JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 21 FEATURES The Victoria Quarter in Leeds is one of the UK’s most beautiful shopping centres. The hardier shoppers actually set up camp outside their favourite stores to ensure they are the first in line to snag a bargain. Sometimes, they can camp out up to a few days before the sales actually start just to be among the early ones to pass through their favourite stores! In Oxford Street, you can easily see queues forming outside shops ahead of pre-dawn openings. And yes, some shops do open at special times just to celebrate the whole shopping season! 22 MUHIBAH The most famous post-Christmas sale is at Harrods, the iconic Knightsbridge department store where superb reductions make designer-wear slightly more accessible to the masses. Even if you give the sprawling floors of fashion a miss, there’s still the massive food hall and the large toy area that resembles more like an adult playroom, both of which could give you a run for your money. 04The entrance to Harrods. 05 Bicester Village. 04 The Knightsbridge store is also well known for its elaborately crafted displays, making window shopping just as fun as buying. This Christmas, Harrods collaborated with top designers to celebrate Disney’s iconic princesses with glamorously re-imagined outfits by internationally-known designers such as Oscar de la Renta, Versace and Elie Saab. You may still catch a glimpse of your favourite Disney princess – whether it is Ariel, Aurora, Belle, Cinderella, Jasmine, Mulan, Pocahontas, Rapunzel, Snow White or Tiana. And, with this being bargain season, look out for bespoke and limited edition items such as Cinderella slippers for grown-ups and little princesses. 05 As well as Knightsbridge for high-end wear, the capital’s main shopping hubs of Oxford and Regent Street thrive during the sales, with shops like Selfridges, House of Fraser and Marks & Spencer offering good reductions. For teen and tweens, they’ll love the flagship Topshop on Oxford Circus, with styles and accessories catered to the budding fashionista. But why limit your shopping just to London? The north of England is home to some serious style cities. Leeds’s Victoria Quarter is a shopping centre housed in a Grade II listed building, with over 70 leading brands including the best of British: Paul Smith, Vivienne Westwood, Reiss and Mulberry. Birmingham’s Bullring is architecturally striking – if you can see past the attractive discounts to appreciate it. ... the experience of a ‘January Sales’ has to be seen to be believed. JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 23 FEATURES 06 06Westfield. 07Regent Street shoppers. 08 West End vip Day, Oxford Street. 24 MUHIBAH 07 08 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 25 FEATURES 11 Up in Scotland, Glasgow is known as the style capital, with high street stores offering big discounts, designer-wear in the Merchant City and hidden independent boutiques in the West End for something a bit different. Down in Wales, the relatively new St David’s Shopping Centre in Cardiff is home to some fantastic brands, with lots of unique one-off boutiques to explore in the nearby historic arcades. 10 09Find great bargains at the UK sales. 10Burlington Arcade, Piccadilly. 11A quirky Union Jack shoe. 26 MUHIBAH 09 Finally, there’s Bicester Village, just 60 minutes outside London. A great place for snagging a bargain any time of the year, this shopping outlet just outside Oxfordshire is a label lover and bargain lover’s dream. Many labels, many of them British icons (Temperley, Mulberry, Anya Hindmarch, Fred Perry), are available at slashed prices and, as the name suggests, the shopping ambience is akin to a ‘village’ rather than a mall, making a day outing so much pleasant. Savvy shoppers head over the week before Christmas, when the sales have already begun. Not many people know this, so the outlet is relatively peaceful – just let’s keep the secret safe, shall we? Royal Brunei Airlines flights to London operate daily from Bandar Seri Begawan and Dubai. Dorchester Collection hotels are landmarks of individuality, prestige and comfort with peerless reputations that continue to attract royalty, dignitaries, celebrities, and an international set accustomed to the finer things in life. No matter where you stay each of our hotels offers a rich and unique provenance. dorchestercollection.com FEATURES 01 Hidden Melbourne Take to the city’s underbelly for a glimpse to another side of Melbourne. Words Jessica Milton Images Visions of Victoria 28 MUHIBAH 02 Classic in its design, Melbourne’s laneways and alleys weave through the city’s grid in a maze of modernist buildings and intimate spaces. Like the marrow of the city, the laneways have long been there, supporting the city’s underbelly and creating a world that is uniquely their own. Away from the expansive streets and daily cacophony, Melbourne’s laneways let you into an almost illicit but thrilling realm. Narrow lanes house hole-in-the-wall cafes and covert boutiques; others come alive with famed restaurants and funky jazz venues. Then there are also the backalleys that creatively turn colourful with their walls plastered with some of the best street art Melburnians have ever seen. Beyond this, there are the great arcades and architecture that make shopping and hunting down bargains an adventure. Cathedral Arcade (corner of Swanston Street opposite the St Pauls Cathedral) never fails to impress with its cuttingedge artwork and stunning design. It has a distinctive dome with stained glass and lead-lighting. Located in the historic Nicholas Building, don’t miss the chance to visit the upper levels and ride in antique, hand-operated lifts where you’ll find many eclectic shops. Among these are the vintage clothier Retrostar, the quaint button shop Buttonmania and luscious haberdashery store L’uccello (get their hand-dyed European thread and vintage lace!). 03 01Arts & Leisure Precinct at Southgate. 02City Lights Art Project, Hosier Lane. 03Gates of Hell laneway art by Heather B. Swann. JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 29 FEATURES 04 05 Ben King 04Cathedral Arcade, Swanston Street. 05Having coffee at Centre Place. 06Delicatessen on Flinders Lane. 07Coffee at Brother Baba Budan, Little Bourke Street. 30 MUHIBAH 06 At Block Arcade, which links Collins Street and Little Collins Street, you can marvel at the glass canopy and mosaic floored laneway. As you walk past this, let your eyes feast over the decadent cake displays at Hopetoun Tearooms and lust over the stylish accessories at Mimco. Cross over to Royal Arcade, pass the giant statues of Gog and Magog and set yourself up with babushkas, boardgames, bling and super style from Marais and Somewhere. Just outside of the Royal Arcade are centuries old buildings that have been given a new lease of life where more niche boutiques and stores reside. Or, disappear down to Degraves Street where you’ll find Campbell Arcade, a subway stop and an art space with a rotating art exhibition. The boutiques here are also worth checking out. Have coffee at Cup Of Truth where the coffee is consistently superb and you can enjoy single origin beans. In fact, wherever you look, the cafe-style crowd is very much alive in Melbourne, and the laneways are no exception. Other cafes to check out include Degraves Espresso Bar where you sit on recycled cinema seats and benches from a former magistrate’s court. Connoisseurs must not miss Brother Baba Budan on Little Bourke Street. Owned by Melbourne’s famous micro-roaster, Seven Seeds, it provides only the finest estate and single origin coffees where a cup, dined in or taken away, will leave you with quite an impression. 07 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 31 FEATURES 08Exterior of the Majorca Building in Centre Place. 09 Chinatown at night. 08 And, if you’d again follow your nose, you’ll even come to one of the most beguiling quarters ever to emerge since the mid 19th century. When the Victorian gold rush of the 1850s began, it drew huge crowds to the city not just from Australia, but all over the world. These included a number of Chinese immigrants who came to Melbourne seeking their fortunes. Some of them set up shops along Little Bourke Street that today has grown to become Melbourne’s Chinatown. 32 MUHIBAH Walk past the arch that heralds visitors to the quarters and you’ll find Sawasdee Thai Restaurant, a Muslim halal eatery tucked away on the first floor of Little Bourke Street. Market Lane is equally exotic with its mix of restaurants and eateries, including the much awarded Flower Drum, the rock and roll-themed music venue Ding Dong, HuTong Dumpling Bar and the Korean Palace. Try to stay on just before dusk to see the streets illuminated with lanterns and neon lights that really transport you to the Orient. 09 ... in the historic Nicholas Building, don’t miss the chance to visit the upper levels and ride in antique, hand-operated lifts. JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 33 FEATURES 10 10MoVida Next Door, Hosier Lane. 11Street art is everywhere in Melbourne’s laneways. 12Street art, Hosier Lane. 13Public art, Hosier Lane. 34 MUHIBAH 11 Ben King 12 13 Ben King On the off chance you’re looking for a more creative sensorial experience, look to Union Lane for inspiration. This long stretch of laneway is filled with amazing graffiti, or street, art. What is even more amazing is that the art actually gets the local council’s nod to be displayed, with artists being provided street permits and designated laneways to express their creativity. These annual art commissions provide the city with energetic working galleries that involve challenging spaces and provide the public a platform for artistic exploration. Some other areas that provide this visual feast are Hosier Lane, Croft Alley and Caledonian Lane. There are plenty of gems to discover in the backlanes and alleyways. After just spending a few hours exploring them, you will finally get the sense of what Melbourne is all about. Let your curiosity guide you, and you’d be amazed at what you can discover by trusting your instinct. Royal Brunei Airlines flights to Melbourne operate seven times weekly from Bandar Seri Begawan. JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 35 FEATURES Seasonal R YT HM H The Land of the Rising Sun puts up a panoramic show with its four distinct seasons. Words Jaki Hatori Images Japan National Tourism Organization 36 MUHIBAH JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 37 FEATURES Everywhere you look there is the opportunity to communicate and convene with nature. R Seasonal 38 MUHIBAH Rhythm l Japan is a country of history and traditions, of leading-edge science and hypermodern technology, and of anime and manga. No one can argue that the country’s allure is wide and varied, but often times, it is Japan’s distinct four seasons that have enraptured visitors time and again. In this Land of the Rising Sun, visitors encounter a different Japan depending on the season they visit. As the country’s landscape transforms throughout the year with striking consequences, the natural vistas provide delicious seasonal treats for all the senses. From the cherry blossoms in Spring to the allwhite tranquillity of snow and ice in Winter, Japan’s beauty is unmistakable. JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 39 FEATURES 01 There is clean air, blue skies, colourful flowers, undulating hills and the majesty of the mountains. Everywhere you look there is the opportunity to communicate and convene with nature. But it’s not just the breathtaking colours that will blow your mind away, there’s also the different and delicious seasonal food that becomes available, too. The fact is, the changing of the season is always a time for celebration. In Spring, one of the best places to catch the beauty of the cherry blossoms is at the castle town Hirosaki in Aomori Prefecture. Taking centrestage is the Hirosaki Castle which was built in the 17th century and today is surrounded by a beautiful park. During the Hirosaki Sakura-matsuri (cherry blossom festival), the area turns magical with the pink blush of the cherry blossom flowers in full bloom. The trees adorn the park and the many pathways that lead to the castle, including the areas around the moat. 40 MUHIBAH 02 03 04 Summer brings a different light to Japan. In Nagano Prefecture, visitors enjoy travelling back in time to the Edo period at Tsumago Post Town. The town still retains many historical buildings of the Edo period, but it is the walk from the train station to the town that often excites visitors, with towering cedar and Japanese cypress along the path creating a pleasant ambience for a leisurely stroll. 05 01Hirosaki Castle. 02Cherry blossoms. 03Tsumagojuku. 04Nagiso-chou museum. 05 Nagiso-chou museum. JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 41 FEATURES 07 06 In Autumn, no other place beckons more than the town of Kyoto with its blazing red foliage that dresses up many of the town’s important structures. In Japan, viewing the autumn leaves is called ‘Momiji-gari’. Similar to the cherry blossom season, families will come in drive to various public parks to view nature’s colourful display. 08 42 MUHIBAH And when all the colours leave the land, Japan still has one more final card to play: Winter. While thoughts of winter often conjure up images of cold darkness and trees heavy with ice, in Japan, it’s the season for spectacular ice and snow showdowns. Taking place all across the land there is but only one place that perhaps sums up the romance of this land and its people – at the picture-postcard Shirakawa-go in Gifu Prefecture. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, you’ll fall in love with the dreamy backdrop of stunning village thatched roof houses, a collection of traditional Shirakawago homes built almost 300 years ago. 09 10 06Jinrikisha. 07Hozu-kyo Ravine. 08 Kiyomizu Pottery. 09Ski slopes, Gifu. 10Shirakawa-go. Submerged in snow, these picturesque farmhouses look even more enchanting when they light up for the evening, lending an air of tranquillity to the village that seemed to have withstood the test of time. The intense and ever changing facet of Japan’s landscape never ceases to delight and surprise visitors. There’s always a unique Japanese encounter to discover. So no matter what season you visit, be prepared to have the ultimate sensorial adventure greet you. Royal Brunei Airlines operates daily flights from Bandar Seri Begawan to Singapore and Hong Kong where there are connecting flights to Tokyo. JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 43 ADVERTORIAL SEVE BALLESTEROS THE MAN, THE MAESTRO, THE MAGICIAN Words David Facey 44 MUHIBAH 01 Everybody has a favourite Seve story, regardless of whether you were fortunate enough to have seen him in action many times – as I was – or simply watched him weave his magic on television. My personal favourite dates back to a miracle shot he played during the fourth round of the 1993 Swiss Open at Crans-sur-Sierre, a beautiful course high in the Alps that Seve later helped to re-design. The Spanish maestro mounted a typical final day charge, and birdied the 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, AND 17th holes to move to within a shot of the clubhouse leader. That meant he needed to birdie the last hole as well to force a possible play-off, but in typical fashion he blocked his tee shot at the 410 yards hole way right, and finished a few feet away from an eight feet high concrete wall. What happened next is best told by his caddie at the time, Billy Foster, who went on to work for Ryder Cup legends Darren Clarke and Lee Westwood. Foster recalled, “It is a special memory and it shows why he was the ultimate golfer, someone who did not understand the word impossible when he had a golf club in his hand. “His ball was so close to that wall that I practically begged him to chip out sideways. I thought he would break his wrist, or get smashed in the face by either a broken club or by his ball ricocheting back at him. “I argued with him till I was blue in the face. I kept saying: ‘Look, I know you are Seve Ballesteros but you are not a magician. Just chip it out.’ “But Seve waved me away with his hand, and said: ‘Billy, I can see a shot – and I have this shot. Just go away.’ “He proceeded to crouch down practically on his hands and knees. He had half a backswing and a pitching wedge with 150 yards to the green. He somehow hit it over that eight foot wall, through a gap in the pine trees the size of a dinner plate, over a swimming pool, and his ball landed five yards short of the green. 02 “And what happened next – he chipped in for a birdie of course! He just laughed, and I got down on my hands and knees and bowed to him. 01 The Maestro. 02Seve Ballesteros lifts the perpetual 16 kg solid silver Royal Trophy. “I have seen all the great champions from Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus to Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson, and there is not a chance in the world that anybody else would have considered that shot, let alone played it. “Nobody could find trouble like Seve – and then produce recovery shots that took your breath away. It was simply miracle stuff. Sheer genius. There has never been anyone else with the imagination of Seve, and there never will be.” JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 45 ADVERTORIAL The anecdote becomes even more poignant when you consider Foster remained so close to Seve that he was one of the Spanish legend’s coffin-bearers when he finally lost his brave fight against brain cancer in May 2011. But like most people who knew Seve, Foster’s sadness soon gives way to a smile, as he remembers his golfing brilliance, his charisma, and his status as a genuine sporting icon. Foster added, “We all miss him, and golf is a lot poorer for not having him around. But when you consider his legacy, it definitely helps you come to terms with such a tragic loss of life. “I can tell you one thing – the illness he fought against for more than two and a half years would have seen most of us off in a few weeks. imagine any golfer who was more admired, respected – and feared by his rivals – than Severiano Ballesteros. From the moment he rocketed into international prominence by finishing runner-up to Nicklaus in the 1976 Open as a precocious 19-year-old, it was clear he was a legend in the making. Not only was he capable of playing the most outrageous shots – like making a birdie from a temporary car park to win the first of his three Open titles at Lytham in 1978 – he was also blessed with movie star good looks, a smile that lit up a golf course, and an intensity that made him a ferocious competitor. “But that was Seve, the ultimate warrior on and off the course. That is why he was the people’s champion.” Seve’s fist-pumping celebration after he won the 1984 Open at St Andrews – ‘the happiest moment of my career’ – still brings goose bumps. Watch it on YouTube. If the footage does not make the hair stand out on the back of your neck, maybe you should consider taking up another sport. Even though Palmer was golf’s first real superstar, attracting his own Arnie’s Army of followers, it is hard to Also consider the fact that you only have to use his first name and everyone knows instantly who you are 03 04 46 MUHIBAH 05 talking about. In that respect, Seve belongs in the same category as Pele, Maradona, Ali and Tiger. One name is enough to identify them as true sporting greats. Seve also became the first European golfer to win the Masters in 1980 and repeated the feat in 1983, and won 91 tournaments worldwide, including a record 50 on the European Tour. He topped the world rankings for 61 weeks, and was never out of the top ten during a remarkable 15-year period from 1977 to 1991 inclusive. And amazingly, in a sport where players are usually doing battle with 155 other golfers as well as the course, he also managed to translate individual brilliance into a peerless team ethic. Seve almost single-handedly revived interest in The Ryder Cup, although he later received glorious support from fellow Spaniard José María Olazábal – and a few other European Major winners. And the Royal Trophy family is proud that he built on that Ryder Cup success by becoming the driving force for the annual Clash of the Continents, which celebrated its sixth edition at The Empire Hotel & Country Club in the Sultanate of Brunei. Seve envisaged the Royal Trophy as the Asia-Europe equivalent of The Ryder Cup, and predicted it would fulfill a similar role in helping to raise standards in this part of the golfing world. 03Seve Ballesteros and Masahiro Kuramoto lead Europe and Asia respectively at the inaugural Royal Trophy. 04Seve Ballesteros and Naomichi ‘Joe’ Ozaki meet for the second edition of the Royal Trophy. 05The President of the Kingdom of Thailand’s Privy Council with the European and Asian Teams at The Royal Trophy. JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 47 ADVERTORIAL No-one who has witnessed the growth of the competition since it was launched in 2006 – with Seve appropriately appointed European Captain and guiding them to victory – could dispute the great man’s foresight. After watching the 2011 match on television from his home in Spain, Seve spoke movingly about how proud he was of the incredible standard of play produced by both teams, and of how the Event now commanded a hugely prominent space on the golfing calendar. Just a few months later his brave battle against cancer ended, but his memory will live on at the Royal Trophy and throughout the golfing arena. And it is fitting that Olazábal took place as his successor as European Captain at the sixth edition of the Matches, after they did so much to alter the sporting landscape. Ollie – another instantly recognisable name – partnered Seve in 15 Ryder Cup shoot-outs, and they emerged triumphant in 11 of them and halved two more. It is a truly astonishing record. They were also soulmates, and Olazábal made sure his great friend’s legacy would be recognised at Medinah in September, the first Ryder Cup to be played since his death. Ollie had the silhouette of Seve in his famous fist-pumping pose emblazoned onto the European team’s golf bags, and outfitted them in the trademark navy blue trousers and sweaters and white shirts he always wore in the final round of the Majors. It was meant to inspire the European players – and it worked. Boy, did it work. Europe completed the most amazing fight back in The Ryder Cup history, overturning a 10-6 deficit by winning the Singles matches 8½ - 3½ for a truly memorable 14½ - 13½ victory. 06 48 MUHIBAH An emotional Olazábal had no doubt Seve was looking down on his players with his face illuminated by that famous smile. He commented, “It is obviously a very emotional time for all of us. But as for Seve, I’ve not doubt he’s already smiling about it, and laughing about it. 06The Royal Trophy visionary, the five-time Major winner Seve Ballesteros. 07The golfing legend predicted that the Royal Trophy will grow into ‘one of the world’s greatest sporting competitions’. 08Seve Ballesteros and Lee Westwood at the second edition of the Royal Trophy. 09The Royal Trophy provides a powerful sporting inspiration to the youth. “This Ryder Cup has been a very special week. For Seve, it’s the first time that he’s not here with us at The Ryder Cup. He passed away last year, but of course I do have wonderful memories from my matches with him. He was a very special man, and he’s very close to my heart. 07 “All these guys on this European team know how much this week meant to me. And you know, I get emotional about it; but I want to thank them for what they did. They gave me the best week of my life. And I’m just glad that I had the twelve men on my side ready to give their best during the whole week. “The start of the week was a tough one. Nothing went our way, but these guys kept on believing. And I’m sure that not just the silhouette, but the phone call Seve made last time at Celtic Manor in 2010 and all the images of Seve around the clubhouse, the locker room and things like that, kept that spirit alive. “So it’s not just me. I think these guys did it also for him.” 08 Olazábal led the tributes to Seve during the week of 14-16 December 2012 at The Empire Hotel & Country Club in the Sultanate of Brunei as the Royal Trophy broadened its horizons by being staged outside Thailand for the first time, and attracted some of the biggest names in golf from both Europe and Asia. And the biggest tribute to Seve was both teams coming together in the spirit he bestowed on the competition, one of fierce competitiveness tempered by mutual respect – and producing golf he would have been proud to call his own. Seve may not have been there in person at this latest edition of the Royal Trophy, but his aura and legacy lives on in the Championship as his final gift to the golfing world. 09 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 49 FEATURES BEST OF BRUNEI Terbaik Mudah sekali untuk berjalan kaki menerokai pusat bandar Bandar Seri Begawan. Mulakan kembara dengan melawat kawasan Waterfront Promenade di sepanjang Jalan McArthur. Terdapat juga papan-papan tanda yang akan membawa awda ke pelbagai tarikan bersejarah seperti Dermaga Kastam dan Eksais Diraja. Keindahannya lebih terserlah di waktu malam, dengan limpahan cahaya lampu bergemilapan menemani langkah awda. Masjid Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien tersergam indah di tengah-tengah bandar ini, megah berdiri sebagai mercu tanda keunikan senibina Brunei. Sebaik-baiknya keindahan masjid berkubah emas ini dinikmati ketika waktu terbit matahari, dengan bayangan indahnya dipantul permukaan air lagun yang tenang disekelilingnya, ataupun ketika matahari terbenam dengan cahaya keemasan memarakkan lagi keindahan bangunan. 50 MUHIBAH Brunei Tidak kira kali pertama mahupun seribu kali menjejak langkah ke Negara Brunei Darussalam, pastinya ada sesuatu yang baru untuk diterokai. Teks & Imej Pete Wong Brunei’ s Best Whether you’re new to Brunei Darussalam or otherwise, the country ceases to surprise. Words & images Pete Wong Downtown Bandar Seri Begawan is easy to explore on foot. Walk to the Waterfront Promenade area along Jalan McArthur. Look out for signs pointing to places of historical interest like the old Royal Customs House. At night with the lights on, a stroll along the waterfront is even more pleasant. Taking pride of place at the centre of town, the Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque is Brunei’s architectural showpiece. The goldendomed mosque is best viewed just before dawn when you can see its reflection on the surface of the surrounding lagoon, or before sunset when the last rays of the setting sun bathes the building in a golden hue. JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 51 FEATURES BEST OF BRUNEI Nikmati hidangan sarapan tempatan ketika waktu pagi hari Jumaat dan Ahad dengan mengambil peluang melawat Tamu Kianggeh, pasar terbuka yang terletak di tepi sungai, tempat warga tempatan membeli-belah untuk buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran dan makanan laut segar, rempah ratus serta keperluan sehari lain. Kampong Ayer bertapak lebih satu abad dan terdiri dari 40 buah kampung kecil. Anggaran 30,000 warga tinggal di Kampong Ayer, yang lengkap dengan semua keperluan seperti masjid, sekolah, kedai-kedai runcit, balai polis dan bomba, antara lainnya. Tambang boleh dinaiki di sepanjang pinggir perairan dan akan membawa awda dari sebuah kampung ke kampung lain. Mulakan lawatan awda dengan persinggahan ke Kampong Tamoi. Awda juga boleh mengambil bot ke arah selatan untuk menerokai kawasan paya bakau, habitat monyet Belanda. 52 MUHIBAH On Friday or Sunday morning, enjoy a local breakfast while checking out the action at Tamu Kianggeh, an open-air market by the river where locals shop for fresh fruits, vegetables, seafood, spices and daily necessities. Kampung Ayer, Brunei’s famed water village, has existed more than a century is made up of a cluster of over 40 villages. Around 30,000 people live here and it has its own mosques, schools, provision shops, police and fire stations, among other amenities. A water taxi will take you to the village from the jetties along the waterfront. Ask to be dropped off at Kampung Tamoi for a start. You can also take the boat further south to the mangrove area for sightings of the famed proboscis monkeys. JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 53 FEATURES BEST OF BRUNEI Bangunan Alat-alat Kebesaran Diraja terletak hanya 10 minit perjalanan kaki dari Masjid Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien, di mana alat-alat kebesaran Diraja disimpan, termasuk Usongan Diraja, peralatan senjata istiadat, Mahkota Diraja bertatahkan batu permata serta pakaian Diraja yang digunakan semasa upacara pertabalan. Pameran di sini menyingkap sejarah, kesenian, kebudayaan dan warisan Brunei sepanjang 600 tahun di bawah naungan Kesultanan. Satu lagi tarikan ialah Masjid Jame ’Asr Hassanil Bolkiah, masjid terbesar di Brunei dan dikenali di kalangan warga tempatan sebagai Masjid Kiarong. Ia dibina untuk meraikan ulangtahun ke-25 pemerintahan Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah, Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam, dan pastinya setiap pelawat akan terpesona dengan keindahan tamannya, air pancut, pohon rendang dan pintu pagarnya yang dihiasi motif bintang. Bagi peminat seni budaya, jangan lepaskan peluang untuk melawat Pusat Kesenian dan Kraftangan yang hanya terletak dua kilometer di luar bandar. Pusat ini berfungsi untuk memelihara warisan budaya tanah air dengan menjalankan kursus mengukir kayu, seni perhiasan perak dan tembaga, serta tenunan dan anyaman bakul. Inilah tempat terbaik untuk mendapatkan cenderamata untuk mereka yang tersayang. 54 MUHIBAH About 10 minutes’ walk from the Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque is the Royal Regalia Building that houses His Majesty’s regalia including the grand royal chariot, ceremonial armoury, jewel-encrusted crowns and costumes used during the coronation. The displays portray history, art, culture and Brunei’s heritage based on the 600-year-old monarchy. Another mosque you should not miss is the Jame ’Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque, the largest in Brunei and known locally as Kiarong Mosque. Built to commemorate the 25th anniversary of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam’s reign, you will be impressed by its gardens, fountains, trees and star-studded gates. If you are into arts and culture, head out to the Arts and Handicrafts Centre, about two kilometres outside town. The centre strives to preserve the country’s heritage and conducts courses in woodcarving, silverware, brassware, weaving and basketry. You can also pick up some souvenirs there. JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 55 FEATURES BEST OF BRUNEI Pasar Malam Gadong adalah tumpuan warga tempatan membeli makanan tempatan yang lazat dan siap disediakan pada waktu malam. Saban tahun, pasar malam ini semakin berkembang dan kini menjadi pilihan popular untuk mereka yang mahu menjamu selera dengan hidangan tempatan yang enak. Pasar ini bermula pada pukul 4 petang dan dibuka sehingga 11 malam. Untuk mereka yang menggemari sukan air atau mahu bersantai di tepi pantai, perjalanan pendek selama 30 minit ke timur laut negara akan membawa awda ke pantai peranginan yang indah seperti Pantai Muara, Meragang dan Serasa. Royal Brunei Yacht Club serta sebuah pusat sukan air terletak di Serasa. Pengendali seperti Poni Divers menjalankan kursus menyelam dan bersedia membawa awda menerokai tempat menyelam yang paling popular. Satu lagi tumpuan untuk pencinta alam ialah Taman Negara Ulu Temburong, antara kawasan hutan hujan terbesar di Borneo yang bebas dari kesan pencemaran. Awda boleh mengemudi jeram dengan temuai untuk mengakses laluan kanopi sepanjang 60 meter yang merupakan tarikan utama dalam kawasan Hutan Simpan Batu Apoi ini. Keajaiban Brunei dalam dua buah adegan ‘Nature’ dan ‘Heritage’ telah disiarkan melalui saluran National Geographic Channels, Star World dan Fox Movies Premium bermula 10 Disember 2012 hingga Februari 2013. 56 MUHIBAH David Kirkland/Brunei Tourism Jika lawatan awda lebih dari sehari, awda akan berpeluang ke tasik terbesar di Brunei, Tasek Merimbun. Diiktiraf sebagai kawasan perlindungan hidupan liar, tasik ini unik kerana permukaan airnya yang gelap, disebabkan kandungan tanin dari daun yang jatuh ke dalam perairannya. Awda boleh menyewa bot untuk menerokai tasik ini tetapi berhati-hati kerana terdapat buaya mengintai di perairan ini! Gadong Night Market is where the locals get freshly prepared and tasty local food in the evenings. Over the years, the market has grown to become a favourite haunt for those in search of local delights. The market opens at 4pm and closes by 11pm. If you prefer sea sports or a visit to the beach, travel 30 minutes north-east to beaches like Muara, Meragang and Serasa. The Royal Brunei Yacht Club and a watersport centre is located in Serasa. Operators like Poni Divers conduct dive courses and will take you out to some of the popular diving spots. If you have more than a day to spare, travel deeper into the heart of Borneo to explore Brunei’s largest lake, Tasek Merimbun. Widely recognised as a wildlife sanctuary, the lake is dark in colour from tanin coming from leaves falling into the water. Visitors can hire a boat to go around the lake. But beware of the crocodiles lurking in the waters! Another haven for nature lovers is the Ulu Temburong National Park, one of the largest tracts of untouched rainforest in Borneo. Located within the Batu Apoi Forest Reserve, the park is accessible via longboat and features a 60-metre canopy walkway. A showcase of Brunei’s wonders, in two vignettes ‘Nature’ and ‘Heritage’, are broadcasted over the National Geographic Channels, Star World and Fox Movies Premium from 10 December 2012 through February 2013. JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 57 LIFESTYLE MOTORING Timely Makeo The new Audi A4 is refreshed, exciting and more efficient than ever. 58 MUHIBAH keover The Audi A4 has always been a winner in the mid-size class. In Fall 2011, the 10 millionth unit rolled off the assembly line since its predecessor model series, the Audi 80 was launched. The most recent appearance and technical updates have made the bestseller more attractive than ever. The Audi A4 Avant offers all the strengths of the model family combined with the most beautiful station wagon design in its class and outstanding practicality in everyday and recreational use. Its luggage compartment holds between 490 and 1,430 litres (17.30 and 50.50 cu ft). The Audi A4 is a spacious automobile. Its body, comprising mostly high-strength and ultra high-strength steels, is rigid, lightweight and safe. The Sedan trunk has a capacity of 480 litres (16.95 cu ft), with the rear seat backs folded down is 962 litres (33.97 cu ft). The xenon plus headlights with included LED daytime running lights can be combined with adaptive light, which illuminates the road differently depending on the situation at hand. The revamped engine line-up of the A4 is particularly broad, featuring 13 forcedinduction power plants with direct fuel injection. The update has reduced fuel consumption levels by 11 percent on average, despite the increased power and torque of many of the engines. Among the gasoline engines, the 1.8 TFSI with 125 kW (170 hp) is particularly noteworthy for its groundbreaking efficiency, consuming on average just 5.7 litres per 100 km (41.27US mpg). The newly developed four-cylinder unit features major innovations in a number of areas: the control of the valves and their lift, the thermal management concept, the injection system, the turbocharger and the integration of the exhaust manifold into the cylinder head. A six-speed continuously variable multitronic transmission will be available for both the sedan and Avant variant. Largely made of aluminium, the chassis of the A4 has been further refined. The front suspension is a five-link construction; with a trapezoidal-link suspension at the rear. The new electromechanical power steering is sensitive and highly efficient. Audi also offers the Audi Drive Select control system with 3 driving modes. The cargo area cover slides upward with a gentle push. Roof rails and a reversible cargo floor are standard; a load-through hatch with a ski and snowboard sack is available as an option. Audi also offers an electromechanical power rear hatch, a reversible mat and the cargo area package with rails, telescoping rod and lashing strap as options. There are also virtually no differences between the A4 Avant and the sedan when it comes to equipment and trim. The driver assistance systems, infotainment and Audi connect put the Avant at the head of its field. The same applies to the sportily balanced aluminium chassis, which can be combined with the optional dynamic steering and damper control. The new electromechanical power steering system is also used in the Avant. Find out more about the new Audi A4 Sedan and Avant with 1.8 TFSI direct fuel injection petrol engine via both Audi showrooms in Kiarong 244 2333 or Lambak 239 0725. JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 59 LIFESTYLE IN PERSON Click Happy Michael Yamashita shares about working with National Geographic and why still photographers may just be the last of their breed. What’s it like being a photographer for National Geographic? For sure it’s the best job in photography. When it comes to photojournalism, National Geographic is the last of the big magazines. I’m one of four photographers who go back 13 years with them, and it’s nice to have survived all these years and still working. It’s great because they give you access, the time to make definite pictures from these stories, to do many books. Your work with Geographic focuses mainly on the Asian continents. How has your work in that area enriched you personally? Partly it’s a roots thing. I grew up in America as a Japanese American. I have an Asian face with no knowledge of Japan. I studied Asian history in college and came to Asia on a roots trip. I have been here eversince basically, following my roots. Now I just follow whatever is the cultural beat here. Partnering Geographic has allowed you to publish several books. What is more challenging – shooting on assignment or writing a book? Writing is always a challenge. I don’t consider myself a good one. And now I’ve done more books than anybody on Asia 60 MUHIBAH – I have 10 now. I prefer showing pictures rather than writing. In many cases I’m asked to write a more personal account on the book on what it took to shoot the pictures. You get to build a body of work working for the Geographic. What do you take away from each travel assignment? I’m a curious person by nature, and you know you learn stuff every day so what more can you ask for? You see new things with fresh eyes, and of course the repeat also – every time you go back to a place, you might see different things in a different light. Basically, I like the lifestyle of photography. It’s never been a job. It’s a lifestyle. You also lecture in your spare time. What can you tell of the talents of the future generation of photographers you’ve seen? I tell them to figure out how they manoeuvre or make this a viable profession. You’re one of the last still photographers in the career of shooting professional still photography. It’s going to be very rare in the future. There are no other magazines to shoot for other than Geographic. And not everyone’s going to walk in there and walk out with a job. The future is cloudy for the profession of professional photography unless you talk about weddings or something else. I teach many workshops and this is the question that comes up again and again, how do I get into the game and do what you do? That is something that they have to figure out – how they’re going to monetise their skill and be able to have and afford the photography lifestyle. The future is going to be the internet and right now the internet is driven by video. Storytelling by video cam, sounds and motion is simpler than still photography. For me, I’m not interested in video; it’s a team effort, it’s something that’s very technical. I’m not that way. I will always be in still photography. But the photographer in future will have to know video or at least the way it stands now. The still photography business is taken over by amateurs who don’t need to be paid. It’s cloudy. What do you take away from your lecture and workshop stints? I like to show pictures to people and learn a lot about their own photography, what people hone in on or what they clap at. I listen to the crowd. I learn something everytime I give a lecture, which is often. We’ve called on to lecture quite a lot. In this rarified world, we are standing out since they are so few of us left. You’ve been very humble and described yourself still as an amateur photographer. Some may find that hard to believe. Care to explain? I make that point because I started as an amateur with no professional training, not even a correspondence course on photography and I was passionate about it. I bothered to study more than certainly your average photography student does and just dreamed of some day being a photographer. I wasn’t thinking of National Geographic. I just wanted to take pictures. Maybe I was going to be a small photographer in a small town in New Jersey with a studio, but I decided I wanted to be a photographer. Ira Block I looked at a lot of photographs and somehow ended up where I am now. When I give my workshops and lectures to would-be photographers, I am their best dream, because basically, I was one of them who had a dream and had a passion and against all odds, here I am. From a hobbyist to one of the world’s most respected photographers. How would you sum up your life thus far? I always say, often on this trip, photographers are paid to be lucky. So many unexplainable things happen and the picture is made and it looks fantastic. For some reason you happen to be there when the sun pops and the rainbow came out. Of course there also happens when the sunrise didn’t happen, where that sun is not going to come out, so you win some and lose some. Michael Yamashita was in Brunei to film and showcase Brunei’s wonders, in two vignettes ‘Nature’ and ‘Heritage’ broadcasted over the National Geographic Channels, Star World and Fox Movies Premium through February 2013. JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 61 LIFESTYLE THE BUZZ What’s New Highlights and trends from around the globe. Prose perfect French niche perfume house Jardins d’Ecrivains is known for their romantic creations inspired by gardens and literature. From scented candles to bath products, they’ve now added a unisex eau de parfum, George, dedicated to 19th-century writer George Sand. Notes of neroli and bergamot are at the top before ending with muck and myrrh. Nicely crushed Road Warrior Luggage gives travellers a new option: Collapsible luggage. Using space-saving Micro-PoP technology, Road Warrior’s design allows the luggage to fully collapse to half its depth. This means you only need half the storage space of a conventional upright when you store it. www.jardinsdecrivains.com www.roadwarriorluggage.com Morning ritual For over 50 years, Proraso has provided the pleasure of a smooth, perfect shave, like you would enjoy from your trusted barber. Its Shaving Soap is still made following the hot soap making process, left to mature for 10 days in small production batches. After this period, the soap is more concentrated and ready to be poured into the bowl. A great shaving accessory to have in the bathroom. www.prorasoaustralia.com.au Coffee fix Want to have an espresso without going to the fancy cafes? Now you can have one anytime you want. This compact, portable Handpresso Outdoor Espresso Set lets you have the perfect shot of espresso everytime. Can be used with pods from Starbucks, Lavazza and illy, to name a few. www.handpresso.com 62 MUHIBAH Super slick You can use it as a cleanser, a lip conditioner, for dry skin emergencies, as a cuticle and nail softener, to style hair, and lots more. That’s why Figs & Rouge balms are hot picks among beauty buffs. Plus, they’re all 100 percent organic and natural and smell awfully gorgeous! www.figsandrouge.com Regal nod Once a little-known beauty brand, Royal Apothic got a royal celeb’s seal of approval when Victoria Beckham tweeted about it. The Los Angelesbased company is known for its beautiful-smelling products, including Beckham’s favourite hand cream, Holland Park; a scented cocktail of lemon, orange blossom and magnolia. www.royalapothic.com All purpose If you could take one tool to a desert island, make it the Leatherman Charge AL. This multi-tool gadget includes scissors that slice through just about anything, with bevelled edges that allow them to get extra close to whatever you’re cutting. Bit drivers for versatility, diamond-coated files for detailed work, and a 154CM clip-point knife are all housed in 6061-T6, hard-anodised aluminium alloy handles. www.leatherman.com It’s a date Each of Mark’s Diary is created in collaboration with hot artists and creators. Every journal offers you a range with covers incorporating new features and materials, and scheduling pages you can choose according to your work, needs and lifestyle. You will certainly find one you like. www.marks.jp/en JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 63 LIFESTYLE TAKE 5 Australia’s Wonder at some of the most beautiful natural attractions in Australia, ancient rainforests and abundant local wildlife in the Great Ocean Road region. Great OceanRoad See Discover the dramatic rock sculptures of the 12 Apostles, the mystical Bay of Islands and the many viewing points along the Great Ocean Road affording spectacular vistas of the Southern Ocean. Walk in nature along the breathtaking Great Ocean Walk from Apollo Bay to the 12 Apostles. Watch southern right whales from the shoreline at the nursery in Warrnambool. Do See the forest with Otway Fly Treetop Adventures. The Tree Top walk elevates you to 35 metres above ground level and there’s a 45 metre high lookout that provides awesome views. The Zip Line tour lets you ‘fly’ across tree tops for the ultimate adventure. Shop Many of the coastal villages, such as Queenscliff, Lorne, Apollo Bay and Port Fairy, offer an array of specialty souvenir shops, boutiques, and galleries. Take time out to browse some of the unique gifts on offer, discover the work of local crafts people or buy some fresh gourmet delights. Stay The Queenscliff Hotel is a heritage treasure – one of the great 19th century seaside resort hotels. Enjoy the warmth and romance of this unique hotel with its 15 exquisite rooms. An ideal place for a peaceful stay and to start your Great Ocean Road adventure. Royal Brunei Airlines flights to Melbourne operate seven times weekly from Bandar Seri Begawan. 64 MUHIBAH Massage your thoughts amongst the green sink into a realm where time has no relevance Enjoy the experience of sailing away in faraway thoughts while unwinding your knots to the music of waves licking the beach and breeze rustling the leaves. Enjoy the fix of a challenging swing, savour endless beaches so pristine you wish you had wings. LIFESTYLE TRAVEL DIARY A world of adventure and new experiences await you when you fly with Royal Brunei Airlines. Make your trip even more memorable with free flights, seat upgrades and other privileges when you become a member of Royal Skies, our frequent flyer programme. 23 Feb 2013 BRUNEI DARUSSALAM’s 29TH NATIONAL DAY Join the entire nation as they come together to celebrate the nation’s birthday. Bandar Seri Begawan will turn into a live venue for spectacular performances, festivities and parades. His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, will preside over the celebrations as he joins his people to observe this special day. MALAYSIA www.bruneitourism.travel LE TOUR DE LANGKAWI In its 18th edition, Le Tour de Langkawi will feature 10 gruelling stages spread over 10 days. To date, 22 teams have confirmed their participation, including UCI Pro Teams Astana and GarminSharp. This edition of the race will also see an increase in race difficulty, with three HC category climbs – two in Cameron Highlands and one Genting Highlands. www.ltdl.com.my 21-2 Feb Mar 2013 BRUNEI DARUSSALAM HUAYI – CHINESE FESTIVAL OF ARTS Inaugurated in 2003, Huayi – Chinese Festival of Arts has grown into one of the most warmly embraced arts festival in Singapore and a significant part of the Chinese New Year festivities. Huayi will showcase the works of outstanding Chinese artists of all genre, across various art forms, including theatre, dance, music, visual arts and more. Head to the Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay for both ticketed and non-ticketed programmes. 15-24 Feb 2013 www.huayifestival.com.sg SINGAPORE 66 MUHIBAH 15-17 Feb 2013 RIVERBOATS MUSIC FESTIVAL Staged in the twin-towns of Echuca-Moam just two hours outside Melbourne, the Riverboats Music Festival will see some of the biggest names in Australian music perform. With the Murray River as backdrop and paddle-steamers cruising along, there’s never been an idyllic venue. www.riverboatsmusic.com.au 5-14 Jan AUSTRALIA HONG KONG Feb 2013 16-9 Jan KOOZA KOOZA is Cirque du Soleil’s return to origins and the most daring of its performances. Combining two circus traditions, acrobatic performances and the art of clowning, there are performers on double-decker tightrope, running on two huge metal spokes 50 feet above the stage, and acrobats launching themselves high into the big top from a seesaw. Expertly crafted, KOOZA is held for the first time at the Royal Albert Hall in London. www.royalalberthall.com Feb 2013 KIDSFEST 2013 Staged at the Drama Theatre, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, KidsFest returns for its second year. The largest children theatre in English in Hong Kong, parents and kids can both look forward to five live theatre adaptation of best-selling books – Horrible Histories Barmy Britain, The Gruffalo, Mr. Benn, Horrible Histories Ruthless Romans and Room on the Broom. www.kidsfest.com.hk UNITED KINGDOM THAILAND CHIANG MAI FLOWER FESTIVAL 2013 Get ready to discover Chiang Mai’s varied blooms. The whole city will be awashed in colour with displays of exotic plants, including orchids, roses and Bonsai trees, many of which are available for sale. Don’t miss the highlight of the event – a float parade laden with bright flowers that makes its way to Suan Buak Haad City Park. www.tourismthailand.org 1-3 Feb 2013 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 67 WELCOME ONBOARD Selamat Datang Selamat Datang means ‘Welcome’ in Malay, and your seamless journey begins here. Business Class In June 2010, the airline introduced its B777 Business Class cabins. Ergonomically designed to offer a unique relaxing space, the Business Class seat deploys into an angled full length flatbed which, along with a plush duvet and a larger pillow, to offer peaceful sleep. Each seat comes equipped with in-seat power connector and a 10.4-inch personal TV. Economy Class Comfort Economy Class offers seats with a 32-inch pitch, and ‘winglet’ headrests for improved neck comfort. Onboard our 777 aircraft, the seatbackmounted personal screen provides on-going entertainment including video and audio ondemand choices. All Royal Brunei passengers enjoy the same caring service from our ASEAN flight attendants, along with skillfully prepared meals and a wide range of inflight entertainment options to choose from. SkyShow Inflight Entertainment Royal Brunei’s SkyShow Entertainment system gives passengers a number of entertainment options throughout their flight. A library of hit movies, classic Hollywood films and TV and audio programmes for all ages are available onboard. Refer to the SkyShow entertainment guide booklet located in the seat pocket in front of you for the list of movies, TV and audio programmes. The sockets for earphones and channel/volume remote control are located in your seat armrest. Seatback-mounted personal screens are only available on our Boeing 777s and on selected routes. Elsewhere, passengers can avail our service, sit back and relax with our overhead movie screens. For more information, please contact your nearest Royal Brunei Airlines office. Cuisine Everything we serve has been carefully chosen for freshness and flavour. In fact, there’s nothing you can’t enjoy even when dining at 35,000 feet. Our award winning menu has been meticulously created by our Royal Brunei Catering chefs, Flying High As Brunei Darussalam’s national carrier, Royal Brunei Airlines serves not only as the coming of age of this tiny Sultanate, but today cements itself as a serious competitor in the region. 68 MUHIBAH combining both Western and Oriental flavours using the best seasonal and fresh produce available. For our Business Class passengers on longhaul flights, you can now select your desired meal times. Our ‘Dine upon Request’ service is available throughout the flight up until 90 minutes before landing. Passengers on all classes also enjoy our ‘Food Fit to Fly by’ service menu that features healthier and lighter meal options, complemented by our award-winning cabin service from our crew. Special Meals Royal Brunei offers a variety of tasty culinary solutions to suit our passengers’ special dietary requirements. Special meals can be ordered when you make your reservation; please confirm your request at least 24 hours before boarding your flight. Alcohol-free Environment Policy Royal Brunei Airlines operates alcohol-free flights to all destinations. 1970s 1980s • The maiden Royal Brunei Airlines flight to Singapore left Bandar Seri Begawan on a Boeing 737-200 on 14 May, 1975. • RB added a Boeing 737, the quick change convertible aircraft, to its fleet. This aircraft allowed for either an all-passenger or an all-cargo configuration, or a combination of both. • Two Boeing 737 aircraft were put into service flying five times a week to Singapore, two times to Hong Kong, and seven times to Kota Kinabalu. • RB accepted the delivery of its Boeing 757 aircraft that featured a redesigned livery combining Brunei’s traditional Royal colours on 16 May, 1986. • Services to Bangkok and Manila were added. Hand Luggage For your safety and comfort, you may store your hand luggage in the overhead lockers or under the seat in front of you. Please do not hesitate to ask our cabin crew for help in stowing your luggage properly. Be careful when opening the overhead luggage compartments, as items dislodged by aircraft movement may fall on you or fellow passengers. Liquids, Aerosols and Gels (LAG) Various countries have implemented restrictions on the carriage of liquids, aerosols and gels in compliance with new guidelines set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Passengers transiting through airports and carrying any liquids, pastes and gels in containers over 100ml may be asked to dispose of the items at security checkpoints. These restrictions may affect your ability to carry duty-free purchases onboard the aircraft. Customers are advised to check with duty free personnel before making their purchases. All liquids, aerosols and gels must be carried in containers of no greater than 100ml/3.3oz capacity (approximately 100gm in weight) and placed in a transparent, resealable plastic bag. The plastic bag must be removed from carry on baggage and presented to security personnel at the checkpoint for inspection and separate x-ray screening. These devices may interfere with the aircraft’s electronic equipment, compromising aircraft safety and endangering the lives of passengers and crew. Exceptions to the new regulations are medicines and dietary supplements needed during a flight, including baby food. Proof of need may be required. The abundant stored energy that makes lithium batteries practical also makes them dangerous when they are not packed and carried properly. Royal Brunei takes the initiatives to increase the safety onboard with the carriage limitations (from industry initiatives, ICAO and IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations guidance) to mitigate against the risks of the hazards. Use of Electronic Equipment Mobile phones cannot be used at any time during the flight. They should be switched off as soon as the cabin crew makes the announcement. Other electronic devices included in this list are: Citizen’s band (CB) radio, remote-controlled devices (such as radio-controlled toys), and transmitting devices that emit radio frequencies. The following devices may be used on board, except during take-off, initial climb, approach and landing: Personal computers, FM receivers, calculators, electronic shavers, audio and video recorders, hand-held computer games, and playback devices. Lithium Batteries 1990s 2000s • RB took delivery of the first of three leased Boeing 767-200ER aircraft in June 1990 and set a long distance world record for twin-engine commercial airlines. • RB took delivery of two new Airbus A319 aircraft in August and September 2003. • Direct services to Shanghai re-launched in March 2010. • Two more Airbus A320s were delivered in December 2003 and January 2004. • RB’s newly-leased Boeing 777-200ER aircraft took off on its first commercial flight from Bandar Seri Begawan to London via Dubai in June 2010. • The delivery of Boeing 767-200ER aircraft enabled RB’s route to extend to London Gatwick in November 1990. • Twice-weekly flights to London Heathrow began in May 1991. The route became a daily service on 1 December, 1996. • RB employed the use of a Fokker 50 aircraft to service Miri and Labuan in Malaysia, two destinations that were significant to the growth of Brunei’s oil and gas industry. • In January 2010, RB introduced Royal Brunei Holidays, a revamp of its Golden Touch Holidays, which offers passengers value-for-money holiday packages available locally and abroad. were • RB commenced four-times weekly flights to Melbourne, Australia in March 2011. • The opportunity to expand regional connections saw RB establishing a service to Surabaya, Indonesia in 1997. JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 69 WELCOME ONBOARD Low and medium powered rechargeable batteries in equipment and limited quantity of spares are recommended as carry on baggage. All spare units must be in the original packaging or packed to insulate the terminals. Medium and large non-rechargeable must be carried as cargo/freight in accordance with current Dangerous Goods Regulations. HighPowered batteries are not permitted onboard passenger aircraft. Information of safe carriage of lithium batteries on-board RB flights are also available at the RB websites www.bruneiair.com. Non-smoking Policy Royal Brunei Airlines operates non-smoking flights to all destinations. Reconfirmation Reconfirmation is not required except for passengers travelling to and from the Middle East. Please reconfirm your departure flight at least 72 hours in advance with the local Royal Brunei Airlines office or your travel agent. Failure to do so could result in the cancellation of your reservations. Online Booking Fly through the airport. You can now book online at www.flyroyalbrunei.com, check in online and print your own electronic ticket (e-ticket). Online check in is available 24 hours before flight departure and closes 60 minutes before departure time. Check In Check in counters at the Brunei International Airport are open three hours before flight departure. Passengers are advised to check in at least two hours before departure to allow for security and baggage checks. Check in counters will be closed 45 minutes before departure, after which no boarding passes will be issued. Royal Brunei Airlines also advises its passengers to reach the boarding gate 20 minutes before the flight departs to avoid missing their flights. Transit Tour Programme A complimentary transit programme is available for transit passengers arriving in Brunei International Airport for four hours or more. Passengers who wish to join the tours can do so by first completing the Immigration Arrival forms distributed inflight by RB’s cabin crew for entry clearance intro Brunei Darussalam. Upon arrival, please contact our Ground Staff at the transfer desk to register for the Window On Brunei transit programme. Please be advised that seats are limited and RB may not be able to accommodate all requests. Passenger Comments Your comments and suggestions will help us enhance our services. Please e-mail us at: feedback@rba.com.bn. Brunei International Airport Brunei International Airport’s computerised passenger and cargo handling facilities can handle 1.5 million passengers and 50,000 tonnes of cargo a year. Among the facilities offered at the airport are a prayer room, telephones and internet services, restaurants, a viewing gallery and day rooms for transit passengers who want to rest or freshen up before their flight. For customers’ comfort and convenience, Royal Brunei Airlines’ Service Centre and SkyLounge are both located on the departure level. The former is a one-stop centre providing services such as reservations, ticketing and booking of tour packages. Customers who book online can get their tickets at the SkyLounge before departure. Royal Skies members may also redeem their miles here. For Royal Brunei’s Business Class passengers and Royal Skies’ Gold and Silver members, the SkyLounge boasts plush seating for 120 people. Complimentary massage chairs, shower rooms, ablution areas, and widescreen plasma televisions are also available. Duty-free shops offer consumer goods at competitive prices. There are several outlets, including a money changer located at the main departure/transit hall. On sale are portable electrical goods with international warranties, designer goods, perfumes and confectionery. Brunei International Airport is a smoke-free airport. Brunei International Airport is also currently undergoing a modernisation programme to upgrade its facilities and allow for a smoother journey for passengers along with expansion for traffic growth. Airport renovations are expected to be completed by November 2014. WARNING! AMARAN! The trafficking and illegal import of controlled drugs are very serious offences in Brunei Darussalam. The penalty for such offences is DEATH. Mengedar dan membawa masuk dadah terkawal secara haram adalah kesalahan yang amat berat di Negara Brunei Darussalam. Kesalahan sedemikian membawa hukuman MATI. 70 MUHIBAH Staying Fit shoulder trunk flexroll At Royal Brunei Airlines, your health, safety and comfort is of prime importance to us. For your general upper back back neckflex roll neck shoulder shoulder ankle roll rotation ankle trunk rotation flex ankle trunk flexroll liftshoulder foot flex roll kneerotation lift footflex flex kneeupper upper back flex neck roll ankleroll rotation trunk upper flex back flex knee neck liftroll well-being onboard our flights, we would recommend the basic inflight exercises. Ankle circles While seated, raise one foot and draw a circle with your toes. Rotate clockwise for 15 seconds and repeat the same counterclockwise. Repeat with the other foot. You can do one foot at a time or both simultaneously. Knee lifts Lift and hug your knee to your chest as close as you can. Hold for 15 seconds. Alternate knee. Repeat 10-15 times for each knee. Shoulder roll Relax shoulders then hunch them forward. Rotate gently 10-15 times. Neck roll With shoulders relaxed, drop ear to shoulder and gently roll neck forward and back, holding each position about five seconds. Repeat five times. Upper back flex Stretch hands forward, then pull back slowly as far as possible. Repeat 10-15 times. trunks Trunk flex With both feet on the floor and stomach held in, slowly bend forward and walk your hands down the front of your legs toward your ankles. Hold stretch for 15 seconds and slowly sit back up. TRAVELLER’S GUIDE Brunei Visitor Information Visas* Austrian, German, Malaysian, Singaporean, British nationals with the right of abode in the United Kingdom, The Netherlands and New Zealand nationals are exempted from the requirement to obtain a visa for visits not exceeding 30 days. American passport holders can enter Brunei Darussalam for three months without visas. For nationals of Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Republic of Maldives, Norway, Oman, The Philippines, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand and The Principality of Liechtenstein — visas are waived for 14-day visits. Nationals of Australia are issued visas on arrival at the Brunei International Airport for visits not exceeding 30 days. Duty-free Allowance* The import of the following products is subject to restrictions imposed by Brunei’s Customs and Excise Department. All other visitors entering Brunei Darussalam must have visas obtainable from any Brunei Darussalam diplomatic mission abroad. These visas are normally issued for a two-week stay but can be renewed in Brunei. Visitors must hold onward tickets and sufficient funds to support themselves while in the country. Transportation The airport is about 11km from the capital. Taxis, car rentals and buses are available. N.B. For more details, please contact your nearest Brunei Embassy or diplomatic representative. Currency Bearer Negotiation Instrument Declaration Passengers entering or leaving Brunei who carry physical currency or bearer negotiable instruments valued at BND15,000 or more are required to complete a declaration form and submit it to a customs officer (if arriving in Brunei) or an immigration officer (if departing Brunei). Cigarettes: Passengers will be charged duty on cigarettes of $0.25 tax per stick, equal to $5 per pack of 20 sticks of cigarette, and $50 for one carton of 10 packs. Other tobacco products - Import duty on other tobacco products has increased significantly. Passengers will be charged duty for the import of tobacco products. Alcohol: Non-Muslim passengers may bring in two bottles of liquor plus 12 cans of beer for personal consumption only; and a reasonable quantity of perfumes. Currency The Brunei dollar is on a par with the Singapore dollar, which is also accepted in Brunei. Banks, hotels and many department stores will cash traveller’s cheques. Language Malay is the official language but English is widely used. Other languages include Chinese and its dialect variants and other indigenous dialects. Although the official religion is Islam, other faiths including Christianity and Buddhism are practised. Clothing Light clothing is advisable as the climate is generally warm and humid. Women are requested to dress modestly in keeping with local customs. Health Doctors provide private medical services for a nominal charge. There are a number of state health clinics and hospitals. Credit Cards Hotels, department stores and other major establishments generally accept all internationally known credit cards. Tipping Optional. Some hotels add a 10 per cent service charge to their room rates. Telephones Overseas calls can be made from hotel rooms through the operator, or via international direct dialling (IDD). There are also coin and phonecard operated public telephones. Utilities Power supply is 220 - 240v, 50 cycles. The PAL and NTSC systems are used by local television. Tap water is generally safe to drink although some take the precaution of boiling it. Media Radio Television Brunei has nightly news bulletins and a range of popular entertainment in both English and Malay. Cable network and Malaysian television programmes can also be received. There are three local daily newspapers namely: Borneo Bulletin (English), The Brunei Times (English) and Media Permata (Malay). Other regional and international publications are also available at newstands. Food For the adventurous, the food stalls offer Malay favourites, such as satay (barbecued meat on a skewer) and local dishes prepared with curry or coconut milk. Chinese, European and Indian cuisines are also available. Hotels Accommodation in the capital ranges from international standard to middle range hotels. Service apartments are also available at reasonable rates. Shopping Department stores and shops offer goods ranging from cosmetics and stereos to local handicrafts such as the keris (an ornamental dagger), miniature brass cannons, and kain tenunan, a cloth woven with gold or silver threads. Festivals and Celebrations National Day, 23 February, Hari Raya, the end of the Muslim fasting month, and His Majesty The Sultan’s birthday, 15 July. Other public holidays include Chinese Lunar New Year and Christmas. Customs and Courtesy • In mosques, visitors should remove their shoes and should not pass in front of people at prayer. A woman should ensure that her head, knees and arms are covered before entering mosques. Robes are provided at the entrance to the mosque. • A Bruneian shakes hands lightly and brings his hands to his chest. Members of the opposite sex do not shake hands. • It is impolite to point with the index finger (use the right thumb instead) or to beckon someone with fingers and palm facing upwards. Instead the whole hand should be waved with palm facing downwards. The right fist should never be smacked into the left palm. • Gifts, particularly food, are passed with the right hand. * The visa and duty-free allowances are provided as a guideline and may change without notice. JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 71 WELCOME ONBOARD Route Map & Destinations Australia MELBOURNE (MEL) TULLAMARINE International Airport Airport-City 22 kms Approx. Fare from Airport to City • Bus AUD16 • Taxi AUD85 Airport Tax AUD38 Currency Australian Dollar (AUD) Language English GMT +10 RB Office Level 10, 45 William Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000 T: (613) 8651 1000 T: Toll Free Aust wide 1300 721271 E: melrba@rba.com.bn 72 MUHIBAH Brunei Darussalam Bandar Seri Begawan (BWN) Brunei International Airport Airport-City 8 kms Approx. Fare from Airport to City • Bus BND1 • Taxi BND25 Airport Tax BND12, BKI: BND5 Currency Brunei Dollar (BND) Language M alay, Mandarin, Hokkien, English GMT +8 RB Office RBA Plaza, Jalan Sultan Bandar Seri Begawan BS 8811 T: (673) 2212 222, 2240 500 F: (673) 2244 737 CHINA Hong Kong (HKG) Chek Lap Kok Airport Airport-City 32 kms Approx. Fare from Airport to City • Taxi Kowloon HKD300, Hong Kong HKD400 Airport Tax HKD120 Currency Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) Language Cantonese, Mandarin, English GMT +8 General Sales Agent Deks Air (Hong Kong) Ltd Room 1804-5, Jubilee Centre 18 Fenwick Street, Wanchai T: (852) 2529 3883 F: (852) 2527 7300 E: hkgres@rba.com.bn Shanghai (PVG) Pudong International Airport Airport-City 35 kms Approx. Fare from Airport to City • Bus CNY50 • Taxi CNY160 Airport Tax CNY90 Currency Chinese Yuan (CNY) Language C hinese (dialects include Mandarin, Shanghainese) GMT +8 Passenger Sales Agent Beijing Longway International Room 0, 22nd Floor, Zhiyuan Building No.768 Xietu Road, Luwan District Shanghai, China Post code:200023 T: +86 2153027288 F: +86 2163047686 E: shasales@rba.com.bn Indonesia Jakarta (JKT) Soekarno-Hatta International Airport Airport-City 50 kms Approx. Fare from Airport to City • Bus IDR7,000 • Taxi IDR150,000 Airport Tax IDR150,000 Currency Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) Language Bahasa Indonesia, English GMT +7 RB Office World Trade Centre, 11th Flr Jln Jenderal, Sudirman, Kav. 29-31 Jakarta 12920 T: (62) 21 5211 842-6/784 E: jktrba@rba.com.bn Surabaya (SUB) Juanda International Airport Airport-City 17 kms Approx. Fare from Airport to City • Taxi IDR29,500 Airport Tax IDR150,000 Currency Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) Language B ahasa Indonesia, English, Madurese GMT +7 General Sales Agent PT. Surya Nayagatama Plaza BRI, 6th Floor Suite 611 Jl. Jend. Basuki Rachmat No.122 Surabaya 60271 T: (62) 31548 1819 E: SUBRBA@rba.com.bn Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (KUL) Kuala Lumpur International Airport Airport-City 80 kms Approx. Fare from Airport to City • Bus Luxury RM25 • Taxi Budget MYR70-80, Limo MYR100-120 Airport Tax MYR51 Currency Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) Language Malay, English, Cantonese, Tamil, Mandarin GMT +8 RB Office Lot 25, 1st Floor, UBN Tower (Shangri-la Shopping Arcade) P.O. Box 99, Jln P. Ramlee 50250 Kuala Lumpur T: (603) 2070 7166, 2070 6628 F: (603) 2070 6899 E: kulrba@rba.com.bn Kota Kinabalu (BKI) Kota Kinabalu International Airport Airport-City 8.5 kms Approx. Fare from Airport to City • Taxi MYR13.50 Airport Tax MYR26 To/Transit via Brunei: MYR20 Currency Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) Language M alay, Mandarin, English GMT +8 RB Office Lot BG - 3B Ground Floor, Block B Komplex KWSP, Jalan Karamunsing 8000 Kota Kinabalu Sabah T: (60) 88 242 193/6 E: sskkoff@rba.com.bn Philippines Manila (MNL) Ninoy Aquino International Airport Airport-City 9 kms Approx. Fare from Airport to City • Bus PhP13 • Taxi PhP120 Airport Tax PhP750 Currency Philippine Peso (PhP) Language Tagalog, English GMT +8 General Sales Agent Global Air Services Corporation G/F SGV II Bldg, 6758 Ayala Ave Makati City, The Philippines 1200 T: (632) 864-0801 to 05 F: (632) 891-0435 E: mnlres@rba.com.bn Saudi Arabia Jeddah (JED) King Abdul Aziz International Airport Airport-City 25 kms (from North Terminal); 15 kms (from South Terminal) Approx. Fare from Airport to City • Taxi SAR50 Airport Tax SAR50 except Haj & Umrah pax, diplomats and escorts for human remains Currency Saudi Arabian Riyal (SAR) Language Arabic, English, French GMT +3 General Sales Agent Elaf Aviation Al Nakheel Centre, Madina Road Jeddah 21414 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia T: (9662) 6657143 / 6612679 / 6657908 E: jedrba@rba.com.bn Thailand Bangkok (BKK) Suvarnabhumi Airport Airport-City 25 kms Approx. Fare from Airport to City • Bus BHT150 • Taxi BHT200-250 Airport Tax BHT700 Currency Baht (BHT) Language Thai, English GMT +7 RB Office 968, U Chu Liang Building, 17th Floor Rama IV Road, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 T: (66) 2 6375 151 E: BKKRES@rba.com.bn Singapore Singapore (SIN) Changi International Airport Airport-City 20 kms Approx. Fare from Airport to City • Bus SGD1.40 • Taxi SGD18 Airport Tax SGD21 Currency Singapore Dollar (SGD) Language Malay, English, Mandarin, Tamil GMT +8 RB Office 81 Clemenceau Avenue, #03-13 UE Square Shopping Mall Singapore 239917 T: (65) 6235 4672 E: sinrba@rba.com.bn United Arab EmirateS Dubai (DXB) Dubai International Airport Airport-City 4 kms Approx. Fare from Airport to City • Taxi AED20 + 50 fils for every 500m Airport Tax AED30 Currency Dirham (AED) Language Arabic, English GMT +4 RB Office Ground Floor Shop No.5 Bu Haleeba Lamcy Building 319 Community 6B Street, Oud Metha Road, Bur Dubai T: (971) 4334 4884/686 F: (971) 4334 4585 E: dxbrba@rba.com.bn United Kingdom London (LHR) Heathrow Airport Airport-City 35 kms Approx. Fare from Airport to City • Bus GBP7 • Taxi GBP40 Airport Tax F & J Class Pax: GBP80; Y Class Pax: GBP40; PSC: GBP9 Currency Pound Sterling (GBP) Language English GMT +0 RB Office 49 Cromwell Road, London SW7 2ED England, United Kingdom T: (44) 207 584 6660 E: lonrba@rba.com.bn JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 73 WELCOME ONBOARD Abode of Peace Brunei Darussalam is a country rich in culture and heritage. It Capital Attractions is a small, peaceful, prosperous kingdom on the northern shore Small in size but big in attractions, Brunei’s capital has lots to offer. of the ecologically-rich island of Borneo. Come and discover Brunei, a Kingdom of Unexpected Treasures. Brunei-Muara 1 2 The Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Mosque Brunei is arguably best known today as an oil producing country. The nation became independent in 1984 and, thanks to its large reserves of oil and gas, now has one of the highest standards of living in the world. Its population is just over 370,000, made up of two-thirds ethnic Malay, with the remainder being Chinese, Indian and other indigenous groups. Brunei Darussalam’s iconic landmark, the mosque was completed in 1958 and is named after the 28th Sultan, the late Sultan Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien, who is referred to as the Architect of Modern Brunei. The Sultanate has four districts: Brunei-Muara (which includes the capital Bandar Seri Begawan), Temburong, Tutong and Belait. ‘Darussalam’, the Arabic word for ‘Abode of Peace’ describes Brunei’s Islamic history that dates back some 1,500 years. Today, Brunei remains the world’s only Malay Islamic Monarchy with an unbroken royal lineage that has ruled the nation for the past 600 years. Istana Nurul Iman The official residence of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam. Although not open to public, except during Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, its golden domes and vaulted roof can be viewed from Kampong Ayer. Muslim Prayer Times in Brunei Darussalam January 2013 Safar 1434 / Rabiulawal 1434 Date Hijriah Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Tue Wed Thu Tue Wed Imsak 4.56 Thu Fri Sat Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 4.56 4.56 4.57 4.57 4.58 Sun Mon 4.58 4.59 4.59 5.00 5.00 5.01 5.01 5.02 5.02 5.03 5.03 5.03 5.04 5.06 5.07 5.07 5.08 5.13 5.13 5.13 5.01 Sun Mon 5.04 Tue Wed 5.04 5.05 Thu Fri Sat 5.05 5.05 5.05 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 5.06 5.06 5.06 5.06 5.06 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 Subuh 5.06 5.06 5.08 5.09 5.09 5.10 5.10 5.11 5.11 5.11 5.12 5.12 5.14 5.14 5.14 5.15 5.15 5.15 5.15 5.16 Syuruk 6.28 6.28 6.29 6.29 6.30 6.30 6.30 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.34 6.34 6.34 6.34 6.35 6.35 6.35 6.35 6.35 6.35 6.35 6.36 6.36 6.36 6.36 6.53 6.53 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.57 6.57 6.57 6.58 6.58 6.58 6.59 6.59 6.59 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 Doha Zohor Asar 6.54 6.54 6.55 6.55 6.55 6.58 6.59 6.59 6.59 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 12.25 12.26 12.26 12.27 12.27 12.28 12.28 12.28 12.29 12.29 12.30 12.30 12.30 12.31 12.31 12.31 12.32 12.32 12.32 12.33 12.33 12.33 12.34 12.34 12.34 12.34 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.35 3.48 3.48 3.48 3.49 3.49 3.50 3.50 3.51 3.51 3.52 3.52 3.53 3.53 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.55 3.56 3.56 3.56 3.56 3.56 Maghrib 6.20 6.20 6.21 6.21 6.21 6.22 6.22 6.23 6.23 6.24 6.24 6.25 6.25 6.26 6.26 6.27 6.27 6.27 6.28 6.28 6.28 6.29 6.29 6.29 6.30 6.30 6.30 6.31 6.31 6.31 6.32 Isyak 7.35 7.36 7.36 7.36 7.37 7.37 7.38 7.39 7.39 7.40 7.40 7.41 7.41 7.41 7.42 7.43 7.43 7.43 7.44 74 3.47 7.34 7.35 MUHIBAH 3.51 7.38 7.38 3.53 7.39 7.40 3.55 7.42 3.55 7.42 3.55 7.42 3.56 7.42 3.56 7.43 7.43 3 6 7 8 4 5 The Royal Ceremonial Hall features an exquisite golden dome and hosts all of the Sultanate’s traditional royal ceremonies. The Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Foundation Complex Tutong The Tamu, or open air market, on the banks of the Kianggeh River is a popular local market for traditional dishes, fruits, vegetables, flowers and handicrafts. The museum is home to a collection of royal regalia, including the royal chariot, gold and silver ceremonial armoury, the jewel encrusted crowns used during the coronation and a replica of the throne, which is used by the Sultan on state occasions.. Lapau and Dewan Majlis 9 10 Tamu Kianggeh The Royal Regalia Building Kampong Ayer Tasek Merimbun Brunei’s largest lake that curves in an ‘S’ has an island in the centre accessible via a wooden walkway and various facilities for picnics and recreation. The world’s largest water village that is home to more than 30,000 people living on unique wooden houses on stilts over the Brunei River. Belait Oil & Gas Discovery Centre An ‘edutainment’ facility, this interactive science centre aims to make science exciting and accessible to all with more than 100 hands-on exhibits in themed areas to explore. Off the Beaten Track Temburong Ulu Temburong National Park For more information on Brunei, email: info@bruneitourism.travel Explore Brunei’s lush virgin forest through lofty canopy walkways, scenic hiking trails and a thrilling river ride to the park on the Temburong River. The capital’s most popular shopping venues, it combines both traditional Malay and modern architecture. Images: Pete Wong & David Kirkland/Brunei Tourism February 2013 Rabiulawal 1434 / Rabiulakhir 1434 Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Hijriah 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Day Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Tue Wed Thu Imsak 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.07 5.06 5.06 5.06 5.06 5.06 5.05 Subuh 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.17 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.15 5.15 Syuruk 6.36 6.36 6.36 6.36 6.36 6.36 6.36 6.36 6.36 6.36 6.35 6.35 6.35 6.35 6.35 6.35 6.35 6.34 6.34 6.34 6.34 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.32 6.32 6.32 7.00 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.59 6.58 6.58 6.57 6.57 6.56 6.56 6.56 6.55 6.55 Doha Zohor Asar 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 6.59 6.58 6.58 6.58 6.57 Sun Mon 28 5.05 12.35 12.35 12.36 12.36 12.36 12.36 12.36 12.36 12.36 12.36 12.36 12.36 12.36 12.36 12.36 12.36 12.36 12.36 12.36 12.36 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.34 3.56 3.56 3.57 3.57 3.57 3.56 3.56 3.56 3.56 3.56 Maghrib 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.32 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.33 6.34 6.34 6.34 6.34 6.34 6.34 6.34 6.34 6.34 6.34 6.34 6.34 6.34 6.34 6.34 6.34 6.34 6.34 Isyak 7.44 7.44 7.44 7.44 7.44 7.44 7.44 7.44 7.44 7.44 3.56 7.44 3.56 7.44 3.56 7.44 3.56 7.44 3.55 7.44 3.55 7.44 3.55 7.44 3.55 7.44 3.54 7.44 3.54 7.44 3.54 7.44 3.53 7.44 3.53 7.44 3.52 7.44 3.52 7.44 3.52 7.44 3.51 7.44 3.51 7.43 JANUARY | FEBRUARY 2013 75 ADVERTORIAL Located in the scenic Jerudong Park Complex where the Jerudong Park Country Club (JPCC) and Jerudong Park Medical Centre (JPMC) are housed, Gleneagles JPMC Sdn Bhd (GJPMC) is the only tertiary cardiac centre in Brunei Darussalam. Set in tranquil surroundings complete with patient wards facing the South China Sea, GJPMC enjoys an ambience that promotes rest, recuperation and recovery. The centre offers diagnostic services, consultation and treatment for an entire range of heart problems. These include heart defects (e.g., hole-in-the-heart), heart rhythm abnormalities, hypertension, aneurysm and other vascular problems, heart valve abnormalities, heart failure and coronary artery diseases (blockage of the blood vessels supplying the heart). Inaugurated on 15 July, 2002 GJPMC is a joint venture between the Government of Brunei Darussalam and Parkway Pantai Ltd, one of the largest international healthcare groups. Heart diseases are a significant medical problem in most countries and Brunei is no exception. For the years 2009 and 2010, heart disease was second only to cancer as the most common cause of death in the Sultanate. Since its inception in 2002, our Gleneagles JPMC A World Class Cardiac Centre in Brunei cardiologists and surgeons have performed in excess of 5,000 angiogram studies resulting in 2,600 percutaneous cardiac interventions (PCI, ballooning and stenting of blocked vessels supplying the heart) and more than 1,200 open heart surgeries. In 2011 alone, the centre conducted over 800 angiogram studies and about 460 percutaneous cardiac interventions. In addition, over 150 open heart surgeries were performed, comprising mainly bypass surgery for blockage of coronary arteries. As in other world-class cardiac centres, quality control and patient safety are top priorities and GJPMC subjects itself to audits of its procedures and surgeries by internationally renowned cardiac specialists on an annual basis. GJPMC is extremely proud of results and outcomes comparable to the best centres in the region. As a centre of excellence for cardiovascular diseases, GJPMC continually invests in, and introduces, cutting edge technology in its services, procedures and surgeries. In the field of cardiothoracic surgery, GJPMC was one of the first in the region to offer minimally invasive coronary bypass grafting, off-pump bypass surgery and routine endovascular vein harvesting. In interventional cardiology, GJPMC was also one of the first to provide thoracoscopic ablation for atrial fibrillation and endovascular stenting for aortic aneurysms. Recent noteworthy achievements in 2012 include the successful treatment of patients with blocked coronary arteries using state-of-the-art bioresorbable stents and the implantation of a device to prevent stroke occurrence in a patient with heart rhythm abnormalities. 76 MUHIBAH www.bruneitourism.travel roya l b ru n e i a i rl i n e s | J a n ua r y - Fe b rua r y 201 3 Hid d e n Melbourne M e lb ourn e , A ust r a l i a M a rke t Marvellous B a n g ko k , T h a i l a n d Wa rho l I n Asi a H o n g Ko n g , PRC Brita in ’s Best S ales United Kingdom Se aso nal Rhy thm J a pa n By Roya l B r u n e i A i r l i n e s | Ja n uar y - Feb ruar y 2 0 1 3
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