Addendum to the EIR
Addendum to the EIR
ADDENDUM to the Environmental Impact Report for the RE Old River One and RE Old River Two Solar Project OLD RIVER ONE MODIFICATION PROJECT (PP14190) By RE Old River One LLC Lot Line Adjustment 23-14 Kern County Planning and Community Development Department Bakersfield, California June 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME 1 OF 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW .......................................................................................1-1 1.1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 PROJECT OVERVIEW................................................................................................................... 1-2 1.3 ADDENDUM ORGANIZATION ..................................................................................................... 1-2 1.4 ADDENDUM SCOPE OF ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW ................................................................... 1-2 1.5 BASIS FOR AN EIR ADDENDUM .................................................................................................. 1-4 1.6 EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES ................................................................................................ 1-5 1.7 ADOPTION AND AVAILABILITY OF ADDENDUM ......................................................................... 1-5 CHAPTER 2 MODIFIED PROJECT DESCRIPTION .................................................................................2-1 2.1 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND ......................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 MODIFIED PROJECT CHARACTERISTICS ..................................................................................... 2-2 2.3 ENTITLEMENTS REQUIRED ......................................................................................................... 2-4 CHAPTER 3 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS ..........................................................................................3-1 3.1 AESTHETICS ................................................................................................................................ 3-2 3.2 AGRICULTURE AND FOREST RESOURCES ................................................................................... 3-6 3.3 AIR QUALITY ............................................................................................................................. 3-13 3.4 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES ......................................................................................................... 3-19 3.5 CULTURAL RESOURCES ............................................................................................................ 3-27 3.6 GEOLOGY AND SOILS ............................................................................................................... 3-31 3.7 GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS ................................................................................................ 3-35 3.8 HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ................................................................................. 3-38 3.9 HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY ......................................................................................... 3-42 3.10 LAND USE AND PLANNING ....................................................................................................... 3-49 3.11 NOISE ....................................................................................................................................... 3-53 3.12 PUBLIC SERVICES ...................................................................................................................... 3-59 3.13 TRANSPORTAION AND TRAFFIC ............................................................................................... 3-62 3.14 UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS............................................................................................. 3-65 CHAPTER 4 LIST OF PREPARERS.......................................................................................................4-1 4.1 LEAD AGENCY ............................................................................................................................. 4-1 4.2 PROJECT PROPONENT ................................................................................................................ 4-1 4.3 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ............................................................................................................. 4-1 CHAPTER 5 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................5-2 Addendum to RE Old River One and Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar 1 Modification Project June 2014 i LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1. Zoning and Land Use of Surrounding Properties .................................................................... 2-2 Table 2-2. RE Old River One PG&E - Generation-Tie line and Transmission line Upgrades ............... 2-10 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2-1. Regional Location Map ........................................................................................................... 2-5 Figure 2-2. Exisiting General Plan Land Use Designations ...................................................................... 2-6 Figure 2-3. Existing Zoning ....................................................................................................................... 2-7 Figure 2-4. Lot Line Adjustment (LLA #23-14) Existing ......................................................................... 2-8 Figure 2-5. Lot Line Adjustment (LLA #23-14) Proposed ........................................................................ 2-9 Figure 2-6a & b. Transmission Line and Pole Design ............................................................................ .2-12 APPENDICES Appendix A Appendix B Biological Survey Conducted for RE Old River One An Additional Phase 1 Cultural Resource Survey Addendum to RE Old River One and Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar 1 Modification Project June 2014 ii Chapter 1 Introduction & Overview 1.1 INTRODUCTION As Lead Agency, the Kern County Planning and Community Development Department prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the RE Old River One and RE Old River Two Solar project (referred to herein as the “approved project”) which evaluated 25 megawatts (MW) of solar development on a 234-acre site. The Kern County Board of Supervisors certified the RE Old River One and RE Old River Two Solar project Final EIR (referred to herein as the “certified EIR” or “EIR”) (State Clearinghouse No. 2010121058) and approved the RE Old River One and RE Old River Two project on November 11, 2012, which consisted of Conditional Use Permit (CUP) No. 63 (Resolution 2012-329). The Final Environmental Impact Report prepared for these projects originally analyzed two (2) contiguous project sites (RE Old River One Solar and RE Old River Two Solar). However, subsequent to the circulation of the Draft EIR, Staff received a letter from the project operator indicating that they were withdrawing the proposed conditional use permit (CUP 64, Map 142) for the Old River Two site (CUP 64, Map 142), to allow for an increased setback of 555 feet from the project site boundary to the residential houses located north of Shafter Road. This change in the project description reduces environmental impacts in comparison to developing both sites, but does not adversely change significance determinations in the draft EIR. The approved RE Old River One project site would develop a 20 MW solar facility on 190 acre portion of 2 contiguous parcels totaling 234 acres. Modifications are now being proposed to the approved project’s boundaries, which will require approval of a Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) to reconfigure two project parcels. The proposed changes to the approved project are referred to herein as the “proposed modified project” or “proposed project modifications.” This Addendum has been prepared to determine whether the proposed modified project would result in new or substantially more severe significant environmental impacts compared with the impacts disclosed in the certified EIR. Lead Agency Contact Information Kern County Planning and Community Development Department Ms. Jacquelyn R. Kitchen, Supervising Planner, Advanced Planning Division or Mr. Carlos Rojas, Planner I, Advanced Planning Division 2700 “M” Street, Suite 100 Bakersfield, California 93301 Phone: (661) 862-8636 Project Proponent RE Old River One LLC, Mr. Mark Walker PO Box 25459 Richmond, VA 23260-5459 Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar 1 Modification Project June 2014 1-1 Chapter 1. Introduction and Overview 1.2 PROJECT OVERVIEW The certified EIR analyzed the construction and operation of the RE Old River One solar facility, a 20megawatt (MW) solar photovoltaic (PV) power generation facility on approximately 190 acres, and the RE Old River Two facility, a proposed 5-MW facility on approximately 44 acres. The two project sites are on two contiguous parcels located on the south side of Shafter Road, north of Bear Mountain Boulevard, east of Gosford Road, and west of Ashe Road in the central portion of western Kern County, Section 21, Township 31 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian (MDB&M). They are within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan and the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan. As described throughout this document, the entire original project included 234 acres that were evaluated in the certified EIR. However, the term “approved project” of “approved project site” consists of a reduced (190 acre) portion of the two parcels, as well as the associated off-site activities that would be developed with implementation of the proposed modified project analyzed in this Addendum. 1.3 ADDENDUM ORGANIZATION This document is organized as follows pursuant to the requirements of the CEQA Guidelines: 1.4 Chapter 1, Introduction and Overview, describes the background of the proposed modified project; explains the rationale for preparing an Addendum to the EIR as the appropriate form of environmental review pursuant to CEQA; and explains the purpose, scope, and content of the Addendum. Chapter 2, Modified Project Description, describes the location and details of the proposed modified project. Chapter 3, Environmental Analysis, evaluates whether the proposed modifications to the approved project would result in new or substantially more severe significant environmental impacts compared with the impacts disclosed in the certified EIR. Chapter 4, List of Preparers, lists the individuals involved in preparing the Addendum. Chapter 5, References, lists the documents and individuals consulted during preparation of the Addendum. ADDENDUM SCOPE OF ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This Addendum evaluates whether the proposed modifications to the approved project would result in new or substantially more severe significant environmental impacts compared to the impacts disclosed in the certified EIR. The EIR assessed the environmental impacts of the RE Old River One and the RE Old River Two Solar, a 20-MW and a 5 MW solar PV energy generation facility located on approximately 234 acres. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 1-2 Chapter 1. Introduction and Overview Components of the facilities included: Stationary, ground-mounted thin-film or crystalline PV modules (panels) on fixed-tilt or tracking supports; Inverters to convert output from the PV panels from direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC); Transformers; circuit breakers; a distribution line New substation; Weather monitoring equipment Construction staging areas Internal infrastructure, including roads and fences A Generation-tie (gen-tie) For complete descriptions of approved onsite facilities, please refer to the EIR. The potential impacts of these facilities were assessed in the EIR and approved in the CUP. The proposed modified project contains the same general facilities identified in the EIR. As discussed in the certified EIR, the approved project was determined to have no impact with regard to the following impact thresholds. Since the proposed modified project would have generally the same facilities located in the same geographic area, the impacts of the proposed modified project would also have no impact with regard to these impact thresholds. Therefore, these impact thresholds are not further analyzed in this Addendum: Population and housing Recreation. The certified EIR established that, with mitigation incorporated, the approved project would result in lessthan-significant impacts related to the following environmental impact areas: Air Quality (Project) Agriculture and Forest Resources (Project) Biological Resources (Project) Cultural Resources (Project and Cumulative) Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Project and Cumulative) Hazards and Hazardous Materials (Project and Cumulative) Hydrology and Water Quality (Project and Cumulative) Land Use and Planning (Project and Cumulative) Public Services (Project and Cumulative) Transportation and Traffic (Project and Cumulative) Utilities (Project and Cumulative) The certified EIR established that the approved project would result in significant and unavoidable impacts with regard to the following environmental impact areas: Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 1-3 Chapter 1. Introduction and Overview Aesthetics (Project and Cumulative) › Significant project-level and cumulative impacts as a result of changes to visual character of the site and its surroundings. Agriculture and Forest Resources › Cumulative loss of prime agricultural land Air Quality (Project and Cumulative) › Significant cumulative impacts as a result of construction-period air pollution. Biological Resources (Cumulative) › Significant cumulative impacts as a result of reduction or loss of habitat. Noise (Project and Cumulative) › Noise generated during temporary construction activities This Addendum will address changes resulting from implementation of the proposed modified project on each of the environmental resource areas previously analyzed in the EIR. It confirms that all impacts related to the proposed modified project and PG&E’s interconnection facilities are minor and will be less than significant. 1.5 BASIS FOR AN EIR ADDENDUM An agency may prepare an addendum to a certified EIR pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15164 that states, in pertinent part, which “if some changes or additions are necessary but none of the conditions described in Section 15162 calling for the preparation of a subsequent EIR have occurred.” Section 15162 states that a subsequent EIR is required if any of the following conditions exist: (1) Substantial changes are proposed in the project which will require major revisions to the previous EIR … due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified effects; (2) Substantial changes occur with respect to the circumstances under which the project is undertaken which will require major revisions of the previous EIR … due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects; or (3) New information of substantial importance, which was not known and could not have been known with the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time the previous EIR was certified … shows any of the following: (A) The project will have one or more significant effects not discussed in the previous EIR; (B) Significant effects previously examined will be substantially more severe than shown in the previous EIR; Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 1-4 Chapter 1. Introduction and Overview (C) Mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be feasible would in fact be feasible and would substantially reduce one or more significant effects of the project, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative; or (D) Mitigation measures or alternatives which are considerably different from those analyzed in the previous EIR would substantially reduce one or more significant effects on the environment, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative. Based on the evaluation provided in this Addendum, no new significant impacts would occur as a result of the proposed modified project or utility facilities and upgrades that may be needed to interconnect the project to PG&E’s electrical system, nor would there be any substantial increase in the severity of any previously-identified significant environmental impact. In addition, no new information of substantial importance shows that mitigation measures or alternatives that were previously found not to be feasible or that are considerably different from those analyzed in the previous EIR would substantially reduce one or more significant effects on the environment alternative. Therefore, none of the conditions described in Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines has occurred. For this reason, an addendum is the appropriate document to comply with CEQA requirements for the proposed modified project. 1.6 EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVES CEQA requires a comparative evaluation of a proposed project and alternatives to the project, including the “No Project” alternative. The certified EIR addressed a reasonable range of alternatives for the approved project. There is no new information indicating that an alternative that was previously rejected as infeasible is in fact feasible, or that a considerably different alternative than those previously studied would substantially reduce one or more significant effects on the environment. 1.7 ADOPTION AND AVAILABILITY OF ADDENDUM In accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15164(c), an addendum to an EIR need not be circulated for public review but can be included in or attached to the certified EIR. The decision-making body must consider the Addendum with the certified EIR prior to making a decision on the project (CEQA Guidelines Section 15164(d)). Although not required, this Addendum is available for public review at the Kern County Planning and Community Development Department, 2700 “M” Street, Bakersfield, California 93301. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 1-5 Chapter 2. Modified Project Description Chapter 2 Modified Project Description 2.1 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND This chapter of the Addendum describes the modifications to the project that have been proposed by the project proponent. The proposed modified project includes Lot Line Adjustment 23-14, which would reconfigure the internal parcel boundaries of APNs: 184-490-31 and 184-490-33. The proposal also includes the addition of an alternative gen-tie connection up to ½ mile to the existing PG&E distribution line, as well as utility upgrades of existing PG&E transmission lines and facilities within the vicinity of the project site. The duration of the construction activities would be approximately 1 to 2 months. Modified Project Location The regional and local setting for the proposed modified project would be unchanged. The proposed modified project site is located in the central portion of western Kern County, Section 21, Township 31 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo base and meridian. It is within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan and the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan. Figure 2-1 shows the regional location of the proposed project site. With recordation of LLA No. 23-14, the two parcels would be internally reconfigured to facilitate construction of the approved RE Old River One solar facility. There is no increase in the overall acreage of the two parcels or the approved project site. The location of the proposed modified site, totaling approximately190 acres, is as follows: RE Old River One Solar (CUP 63, Map 142) is a 20-MW solar electrical generating facility (approximately 298,800 panels) on 190 acres in the A zone (exclusive agriculture) located in the central portion of western Kern County on the south side of Shafter Road, east side of Gosford Road, and west side of Ashe Road. Access to the proposed modified project site would be from Shafter Road, which is designated as a Collector by the Circulation Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan. Project Site and Surrounding Land Uses The proposed modified project would reconfigure the two project parcels (APNs 184-490-31 and 33) upon recordation of the proposed Lot Line Adjustment No. 13-24, as shown in Figure 2-4 and Figure 2-5. The proposed modified project site is located in unincorporated portions of west-central Kern County, on approximately 190 acres of nearly flat land that have been cultivated for cotton and alfalfa production. The site is located on the south side of Shafter Road, north of Bear Mountain Road, east of Gosford Road, and west of Ashe Road. Farmers Canal, which runs in north/south, is located west of the approved RE Old River One. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 2-1 Chapter 2. Modified Project Description The RE Old River One site is designated Intensive Agriculture (R-IA) by the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan and zoned Exclusive Agriculture (A) by the Kern County Zoning Ordinance. Existing land uses in the project area consist of residential uses to the north, with predominantly disturbed/agricultural land to the south, east, and west. Figure 2-2 shows the existing land use designations for the project sites and the surrounding areas, as summarized in Table 2-1. Figure 2-3 shows the existing zoning for the project sites and surrounding areas. One residence is located on the RE Old River One site; however, it is not located within the area that is being proposed for solar development. Several homes at the end of Chaidez Road are adjacent to the southwest corner of the RE Old River One site, and five homes are located southwest of the RE Old River One and RE Old River Two sites at Gosford Road and Kasper Mountain Court. Other homes are located north of Shafter Road, about 100 feet north of the project sites. Tables 2-1 identifies the existing land uses on the project sites and the surrounding parcels. Table 2-1 Zoning and Land Use Designations of Surrounding Properties Location Existing Land Use Existing General Plan Map Code Designations Existing Zoning North Residential and Agriculture RR; R-IA A-1 MH; E(1/2) RS; E(1) RS; E(5) RS; A East Agriculture R-IA A South Agriculture R-IA; 8.1 E(10) RS; A West Residential and Agriculture RR; R-IA E(1/2) RS; A Land Use Designations (Metro Bakersfield GP) RR = Rural Residential (Minimum 2½ Gross Acres/Unit) R-IA = Intensive Agriculture (Minimum 20-Acres Parcel Size) 8.1 = Intensive Agriculture (KCGP) 2.2 Zoning Classifications A = Exclusive Agriculture A-1 = Limited Agriculture E(1/2) = Estate 1/2 Acre E(1) = Estate 1 Acre E(5) = Estate 5 Acres E(10) = Estate 10 Acres MH = Mobile Home Combining RS = Residential Suburban Combining MODIFIED PROJECT CHARACTERISTICS The proposed modified project would change the approved project site’s internal parcel boundaries. No changes are proposed to the nature of the project facilities, as PV panels on fixed or single-axis tracking support structures, combiner boxes, inverters and transformers, medium-voltage collection lines, and access roads would also be constructed on the proposed modified project site. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 2-2 Chapter 2. Modified Project Description The proposed modified project would include the following: 1. Approval of the Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) LLA #23-14 to reconfigure two project parcels (APN 184-490-31, and 184-490-33) (Figure 2-4 and Figure 2-5); While the following components of the modified project are not being considered for approval, PG&E’s interconnection facilities are necessary for the solar generation project to operate; therefore those facilities are part of the whole of the developer’s action that will result in a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment and are thus part of the project for purposes of CEQA review only. As outlined in Table 2-2, these components include: 1. A new gen-tie route along the north and south sides of Shafter Road within a private easement (Figures 2-6a and 2-6b) 2. Replacement of existing wood power poles with new tubular steel poles (TSP) 3. Activities associated with a gen-tie connection to an existing power pole adjacent to project site; 4. Utilities upgrades of transmission lines adjacent to the project sites; 5. Upgrades to existing off-site PG&E substations. Project Description for PG&E Work At the point of the Old River One Solar Generation Interconnection 70 kV Power Line’s interconnection with PG&E’s existing Kern-Old River No. 1 70 kV Power Line, PG&E proposes to install one new tubular steel pole (TSP). The new TSP will be installed approximately 30 feet south of an existing wood pole in the existing alignment of the Kern-Old River No. 1 70 kV Power Line. The existing wood pole is approximately 70 feet, and will be removed upon installation of the new TSP. This new TSP will be approximately 95 feet tall to meet California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) General Order 95 minimum clearance requirements, and will also meet current design standards along with supporting three switches. From this new TSP, the proposed Old River One Solar Generation Interconnection 70 kV Power Line runs east approximately 140 feet to a new TSP, which will be designed, procured and constructed by PG&E. This TSP will be approximately 85 feet tall. PG&E will own the line to this pole. From this TSP, the generation interconnection 70 kV power line runs easterly and southerly approximately 3,000 feet to the proposed Old River One Solar Generation substation. Tubular steel pole installation Installation of tubular steel poles is expected to include the following steps for site preparation, foundation installation, and pole installation. To prepare the site, the pole location will be staked. The work area will be flagged, and required Best Management Practices (BMPs) measures implemented. If required, a crane pad will be prepared, which may require surface blading to create a level surface. Pole foundation installation will include: 1) excavating the hole; 2) installing forms, rebar, and anchor bolts; 3) pouring concrete; 4) removing forms; and 5) placing gravel around and grooming the base area. After the new pole is installed, the existing wood pole will be removed. Excess soil onsite will be feathered around the work area, and other construction materials will be transported to an area Service Center or other appropriate facility for disposal. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 2-3 Chapter 2. Modified Project Description Tubular steel poles will have concrete pier foundations approximately five feet in diameter. Tubular steel poles will be set approximately 25 feet below ground. A line truck will be used to haul foundation forms, anchor bolts, rebar, and pole structures to work areas. The line truck with a boom will be used to place foundation forms, anchor bolts, and rebar in place prior to pouring of concrete for the foundation, and to remove the forms following completion of the foundation. A four-wheel drive concrete mixer truck capable of delivering eight yards of concrete will be used to deliver and pour concrete for the tubular steel pole foundations. Concrete trucks may be washed out at pole locations using the portable stations established for concrete clean-up. A backhoe will be used to place gravel around the tubular steel pole foundation after formwork has been removed and to groom the area surrounding the pole installations. A crane will be used to place tubular steel poles on the foundations. Mitigation measures applicable to the approved RE Old River One solar facility and proposed modified project can be found in the certified EIR. These mitigation measures are not intended to grant Kern County jurisdiction over the PG&E facilities, and any requirements in these measures to obtain permits from or submit plans for approval to Kern County or any department thereof apply only to the project proponent and not to PG&E. The proposed modification is necessary to support the construction and operation of the previously approved RE Old River One solar facility. No physical changes are proposed to the approved project, and therefore no new, on-site impacts are anticipated. 2.3 ENTITLEMENTS REQUIRED The required discretionary approvals needed for the proposed project include: Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) 23-14; described as follows: Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) 23-14 will reconfigure the parcel boundaries of Parcel 1 (APN 184490-31) and Parcel 2 (APN 184-490-33). These parcels make up the new proposed site boundaries (See Figures 2-4 and 2-5). Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 2-4 Chapter 2. Modified Project Description Figure 2-1. Regional Location Map Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 2-5 Chapter 2. Modified Project Description Figure 2-2. Existing General Plan Designations Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 2-6 Chapter 2. Modified Project Description Figure 2-3. Existing Zoning Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 2-7 Chapter 2. Modified Project Description Figure 2-4. Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) 23-14 (Existing) Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 2-8 Chapter 2. Modified Project Description Figure 2-5. Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) 23-14 (Proposed) Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 2-9 Chapter 2. Modified Project Description Table 2-2 RE Old River One PG&E Work – Generation-Tie Line and Transmission Line Upgrades Type of Work Activities associated with the gentie connection in close proximity to project site Upgrade Description Replace existing 70 foot transmission pole with a 95-foot engineered steel pole structure mounted with a 3 way gang operated SCADA controlled switch. This structure will be installed between existing 70 foot PG&E structures in the Kern – Old River #1 70kV line, approximately 1 mile north of Old River Substation. Type and # of Equipment 2-6 man crews with crane, 2 bucket trucks and several pick-up trucks truck-mounted auger, 1 digger derrick, 2 aerial lift trucks The proposed Old River One Solar Generation Interconnection 70 kV 1-6 man crew with drilling rig and Power Line runs east approximately several pick-up trucks. Concrete 140 feet to a new tubular steel pole, will be trucked into site. which will be designed, procured and constructed and owned by PG&E. This steel pole will be approximately 85 feet tall when installed. The generation interconnection 70 kV power line runs easterly and southerly approximately 3,000 feet to the proposed Old River One Solar Generation substation. There will be an above ground portion of transmission lines along the north side of Shafter Road Utilities upgrades of transmission lines adjacent to the project sites The new poles will require a drilled pier type foundation, typically with a six foot diameter and a depth of 25 feet. Also, the installation of a 5 feet by 5 feet concrete foundation pad Attach existing and/or new conductor 2-6 man crews with 2 bucket trucks to cut the new 95 foot steel pole and several pick-up trucks. structure into the existing Kern – Old River #1 70kV line, and connect the tap line to the Old River One Solar Facility into the Kern – Old River #1 70kV line. Trenching for installation of 2-6 men, trenching and excavation approximately 470 feet of underground equipment cabling between Gosford Rd and Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 2-10 Chapter 2. Modified Project Description Type of Work Upgrades to off-site PG&E substations Upgrade Description Progress Rd on N/S of Shafter Rd. Type and # of Equipment New transmission pole installation along about 600 feet on the N/S of Shafter Road and along about 1,600 feet on the S/S Shafter Road. Poles will be approximately 60 feet in height. 2-6 men, truck-mounted auger, 1 digger derrick, 2 aerial lift trucks, 2 pickups, single man lift truck 2-6 men, truck-mounted auger, 1 digger derrick, 2 aerial lift trucks, 2 Installation of a shoo-fly on the Kern- pickups, single man lift truck Old River No. 1 line to clear space to install the new switch pole Relay work, and pre-parallel 1 -2 men and one pickup truck inspection, testing, SCADA/EMS setup, meters, master units etc. at the approved Old River One solar site. Relay work and direct transfer trip (DTT) schemes at PG&E Kern and Old River Substations. SCADA/EMS, programming, testing, and screening at the PG&E Transmission Operation Control and Switching Center. A new gen-tie route along Shafter Road using a private easement Potential ground disturbance could 2-5 men, truck-mounted auger, 1 include installation of approximately digger derrick, 2 aerial lift trucks, 2 15 new 60 foot tall transmission poles. pickups, single man lift truck Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 2-11 Chapter 2. Modified Project Description Figure 2-6a. Proposed Transmission Route and Pole Design Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 2-12 Chapter 2. Modified Project Description Figure 2-6b. Proposed Transmission Route and Pole Design Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 2-13 Chapter 3 Environmental Analysis This Addendum evaluates the potential for the proposed modified project to result in new or substantially more severe significant impacts compared to the impacts disclosed in the certified EIR. The environmental analysis provided in this section describes the information that was considered in evaluating the questions contained in the Kern County California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Checklist. The information used in this evaluation includes the certified EIR, the proposed modified project description, new technical studies, literature reviews, and field reconnaissance. The proposed modified project would incorporate and implement all mitigation measures identified in the certified RE Old River One and RE Old River Two Solar EIR. Specific mitigation measures relevant to a particular impact of the proposed modified project are cited in the same manner as in the EIR and the associated Mitigation Measure Monitoring Program adopted in conjunction with the project approvals. The Certified EIR prepared for the project originally included two (2) contiguous project sites (RE Old River One Solar and RE Old River Two Solar). However, subsequent to the circulation of the Draft EIR, County staff received a letter from the project proponent indicating they were withdrawing the proposed conditional use permit for the Old River Two site (CUP 64, Map 142) in order to allow for an increased setback of the project site from residential houses located north of Shafter Road. No new significant environmental impacts would result from the reduction in project size or from a revised or new mitigation measures proposed to be implemented. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-1 3.1 AESTHETICS 3.1.1 Setting The visual setting of the proposed modified project and its surrounding area is the same as that of the approved project site. The project area is cultivated land primarily used for cotton production and row crops. Lands in the vicinity of the proposed modified project area are the same as those described in the certified EIR. The project site is located in the southwestern portion of unincorporated Kern County within the southernmost portion of the San Joaquin Valley. The southern end of the valley is cradled by the southern edge of the Sierra Nevada Mountains that serve as the valley’s eastern edge, the Tehachapi and San Emigdio Mountains converge and form the southern edge, and the Temblor Range (part of the Coastal Ranges) is the western edge. More specifically, the RE Old River One site is located east of Gosford Road and west of Ashe Road, and occupies 190 acres of agricultural land. The visual integrity of the approved project site has been compromised by various human-made alterations to the landscape. As described under the “Landscape Character Units” heading of the project’s certified EIR, some modifications throughout the project vicinity have compromised the intactness of the viewshed. There are no other sensitive receptors or aesthetic resources, such as scenic routes, trails, or parkland in the immediate project vicinity. The certified EIR evaluated the impacts of the original project size of 234 acres. Due to the decrease in the approved project, RE Old River One (190 acres), the certified EIR overanalyzed the overall impacts of the approved project. 3.1.2 Impact Analysis Project Level Impacts As in the certified EIR analysis, this chapter evaluates the potential for the proposed modified project to result in new or substantially more severe significant impacts to aesthetics in relation to the following questions as stated in the Kern County CEQA Checklist: Would the project: (a) Substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of the site and its surroundings? The certified EIR determined that the approved project would have potentially significant and unavoidable impacts resulting from substantial degradation of the existing visual character or quality of the site and its surroundings. The certified EIR considered construction of new power lines and poles as part of the proposed project, and four alternative locations of the gen-tie lines were identified. The proposed project modifications— a new gen-tie route along a private easement along Shafter Road, upgrades to existing PG&E facilities as noted in Table 2-2, the installation of approximately 85 foot and 95 foot steel power poles, and an approximate ½ mile gen-tie power line and associated equipment, are Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-2 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis similar in appearance to those analyzed in the certified EIR. With the elimination of RE Old River Two, the location of the most visually imposing elements of the proposed modified project, including features such the solar panels and associated on-site infrastructure, would be setback an additional 555 feet from Shafter Road, thereby reducing the visual impacts of the approved project. Although the proposed pole size is taller than those analyzed in the EIR, the addition of this pole will not significantly alter the overall visual character of the area beyond what was analyzed in the certified EIR. There are already existing transmission lines running along Shafter Road, as well as a series of lattice type high voltage electrical transmission towers running in close vicinity to the approved and modified project. Mitigation Measures MM 4.1-1 through MM 4.1-4 were identified to help reduce the visual character impacts. These mitigation measures would further reduce impacts by requiring drought-tolerant plants to be planted along the fence line to soften the visual impact, siting of onsite electrical collection systems underground to the extent feasible and clearing of debris from the project area at least twice per year and posting of signage. Even with implementation of MM 4.1-1 through MM 4.1-3, impacts of the approved project would still be considered significant and unavoidable. The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) intends to reconfigure the boundaries of the two parcels, and as such would have no visual impact on the site or surrounding area. The proposed PG&E facility upgrades in and of themselves are minor in nature, particularly in the context of the proposed solar project, and many of the upgrades would be implemented internally within existing PG&E facilities, as noted in Table 2-2. These upgrades, including the proposed gen-tie line, installation of new approximately 85foot and 95 foot transmission poles, and associated equipment, as well as internal upgrades to the Kern and Old River substations, will be located in areas with existing transmission/substation infrastructure or across currently cultivated ground, resulting in a small visual change. The impacts of the proposed off-site upgrades to existing PG&E facilities would be of similar size and appearance to equipment currently on the site, and therefore would result in a less than significant impact. Therefore, aesthetic impacts associated with the proposed PG&E facility upgrades identified in Tables 2-2 would remain less than significant. The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of significant and unavoidable. Based on the foregoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required.. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of significant and unavoidable. (b) Create a new source of substantial light or glare which would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area? Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-3 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) would have no light or glare impact on the site or surrounding area. Lighting on the approved project site will be limited to small-scale security lighting, and the dominant feature of the project, the solar panels, were determined to result in less glare than typical residential or commercial glass. Installation of the proposed upgrades to existing PG&E facilities and infrastructure would be temporary in nature and conducted during daylight hours. Once these components are installed, no new lighting or glare-producing features will be introduced. Therefore the activities related to the proposed modified project would not create substantial light or glare and would be considered a less than significant impact. The proposed modified project would not introduce new equipment or facilities which would increase lighting or glare impacts. The EIR determined that with the implementation of Mitigation Measures 4.1-5 through 4.1-7 and compliance with development standards, the Kern County Zoning Ordinance, as well as the goals, policies and implementation measures of the Kern County General Plan would reduce the potential for spillover lighting to adversely affect residents, motorists, recreationists, and workers to a less than significant level. These measures would ensure that the project will not create substantial light or glare that could affect views in the area by requiring project facility lighting to use only the minimum illumination required, mandating the use of non-reflective building materials where appropriate, and requiring the use of solar panels and hardware which minimize glare and spectral highlighting to the extent feasible. Privacy slats woven into the perimeter fencing and landscaping around the project perimeter would also help reduce potential glare from the approved project. Implementation of these mitigation measures would also be obligatory for the proposed modified project. The proposed modifications to the project and the off-site upgrades to PG&E facilities do not change the finding in the certified EIR. Therefore, aesthetic impacts associated with the proposed PG&E facility upgrades would not result in additional impacts beyond what was previously analyzed, and the aesthetic impacts related to glare associated with PG&E facility upgrades would remain less than significant. The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the foregoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. Cumulative Impacts The EIR concluded that the impacts of the approved project will combine with impacts of past, present, and reasonably foreseeable projects to create a substantial adverse effect on the aesthetics of the approved project site and its surroundings, and would, therefore, contribute to significant and unavoidable cumulative impacts. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-4 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis The analysis presented above has determined that a significant and unavoidable cumulative impact has been identified for the approved solar facility and associated infrastructure only. The proposed PG&E facility upgrades in and of themselves are minor in nature, particularly in the context of the proposed solar project, and many of the upgrades would be implemented internally within existing PG&E facilities, as noted in Table 2-2. These upgrades, including the proposed gen-tie line, the installation of approximately 85 foot and 95 foot steel power poles and internal substation upgrades, will be located adjacent to other transmission lines or in areas with existing transmission/substation infrastructure, resulting in a small, incremental visual change. Therefore, aesthetic impacts associated with the proposed PG&E facility upgrades would not result in additional impacts beyond what was previously analyzed, and the cumulative aesthetic impacts associated with PG&E facility upgrades would remain less than significant at the cumulative level The proposed project modification would also increase the mechanical character of the viewshed by introducing additional utility-grade infrastructure, thereby changing the area’s character from rural, agricultural, open space to an industrial nature. However, the proposed project modification would not generate substantially more adverse cumulative impacts to aesthetics and visual resources than those disclosed in the certified EIR and would be mitigated to the maximum extent practicable by the incorporation of all feasible and applicable mitigation measures. In addition, due to the fact that the proposed modified project site was reduced in size compared to what was originally analyzed in the certified EIR, the original anticipated project impacts will therefore be reduced as well. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of a significant and unavoidable impact. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-5 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis 3.2 AGRICULTURE AND FOREST RESOURCES 3.2.1 SETTING The certified EIR included an analysis of approximately 234 acres of nearly flat land that were previously cultivated for agricultural production. According to the certified EIR, RE Old River Site Two is completely within the boundaries of Agricultural Preserve No. 10, and Site One is partially within the boundaries of Agricultural Preserve No. 10. The proposed modified project area does not involve development of Site Two (44 acres), which therefore, minimizes the overall project area that is located within the boundaries of Agricultural Preserve No. 10. 3.2.2 IMPACT ANALYSIS Project Impacts As in the certified EIR analysis, this Chapter evaluates the potential for the proposed modified project to result in new or substantially more adverse significant impacts to agriculture and forest resources in relation to the following questions as stated in the Kern County CEQA Checklist: Would the project: (a) Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance (Farmland), as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California Resources Agency, to nonagricultural use? The project sites analyzed in the EIR primarily consist of land classified as Prime Farmland and Farmland of Statewide importance as indicated by the California Department of Conservation Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program (FMMP). Also, as indicated by the Kern County Online Mapping System, Site 2 is completely within the boundaries of Agricultural Preserve No. 10, and Site 1 is partially within the boundaries of Agricultural Preserve No. 10. The proposed modified project area does not include development of Site 2 (44 acres), which therefore, reduces the overall project impacts to land identified as “farmland” by the FMMP. The approved project site is adjacent to land with ongoing agricultural operations on the south and west boundaries, as well as land across Ashe Road to the east; however, properties across Shafter Road to the north has been converted to a more urban uses, and predominately residentially developed with single family dwellings. Operation of the proposed modified project would not result in the conversion of adjacent land uses to nonagricultural uses. Additionally, the approved project design includes buffer areas around the perimeter of the project sites, to reduce impacts to surrounding properties. As with the approved project, the proposed modified project would be compatible with nearby agricultural operations and would not create significant offsite impacts. It has been determined that, with an approved CUP, the operation of solar facilities would be a compatible use on agriculturally zoned property. The proposed modified project, including the upgrades to existing PG&E facilities and equipment would not result in further conversions of agricultural land. The agricultural activities would be able to continue uninterrupted. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-6 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis The certified EIR determined that the loss of 234 acres of farmland is considered significant, even with the implementation of Mitigation Measure MM 4.2-1. Implementation of the original project would result in the loss of land that has been designated for agricultural use. Mitigation Measure MM 4.2-1 would require the project proponent to mitigate the loss of agricultural land at a ratio of 1:1. Even with implementation of this mitigation measure, it has been determined that the loss of 234 acres of farmland is a significant and unavoidable impact. Although the mitigation preserves farmland that may otherwise be converted to nonagricultural use in the future, it does not provide additional farmland to replace the original 234 acres lost as a result of the project. Therefore, after mitigation, the EIR concluded that the original project would convert Prime Farmland and Farmland of Statewide Importance to a nonagricultural use, which is considered a significant and unavoidable impact. The analysis presented above has determined that a significant and unavoidable impact has been identified for the proposed solar facility and associated infrastructure only. As noted above, with the withdrawal of RE Old River Two, the proposed modified project site will not develop the 44 acres that was initially analyzed under the certified EIR. Because of this reduction of loss of designated agriculture land, the proposed modified project site will not have any additional impacts. The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) intends to reconfigure the internal boundaries of the two parcels, and as such would have no agricultural impact on the site or surrounding area. The proposed modifications include a new gen-tie route along a private easement along Shafter Road, upgrades to existing PG&E facilities noted in Table 2-2, the installation of approximately 85 foot and 95 foot steel power poles, and up to ½ mile gen-tie power line and associated equipment. Portions of that route are designated as Farmland of Statewide Importance and Grazing lands by the FMMP. However, the two undeveloped parcels that will be utilized for the new gen-tie route along the north side of Shafter Road are zoned for residential use, and are not cultivated nor subject to a Williamson Act Land Use contract. As such, these properties would never be under agricultural cultivation, and therefore, no impacts are anticipated. The proposed PG&E facility upgrades identified in Tables 2-2 are small in scale and would not result in a significant and unavoidable loss of agricultural lands. The existing PG&E Kern and Old River substations facility would potentially require minor upgrades internal to the existing facilities, would not result in an expansion of the stations’ footprints, and would not result in the loss of any agricultural land. Therefore, agricultural land impacts associated with the proposed PG&E facility upgrades are determined to be less than significant at the project level. Therefore, the designated farmland within the proposed modified project area would result in no new impacts compared to what was originally determined. The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of significant and unavoidable. Based on the foregoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-7 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of a significant and unavoidable impact. (b) Conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use or a Williamson Act contract? According to Kern County Zoning Ordinance, Section 19.12.030, solar facilities are permitted with an approved CUP within an A zone district. The approved project includes one conditional use permit (CUP) to allow for the development of a 20 MW solar facility. The approved project site is zoned A (Exclusive Agriculture) and is not under a Williamson Act Land Use contract. As a result, the proposed project would not conflict with existing zoning and therefore, conversion of agricultural land on the project site would result in a less than significant impact. Although the proposed modified project site is not under a Williamson Act contract, some of the adjacent land is under contract. However, operation of the proposed project would not compel the cancellation of Williamson Act land use contracts or shorten the length of their terms. The proposed project would not result in the conversion of adjacent land uses to nonagricultural uses, nor would it interfere with farming activities in the area. Therefore, operation of the proposed project would not affect or conflict with adjacent properties that may be under Williamson Act land use contracts. The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) would reconfigure the internal boundaries of the proposed project site, and as such would have no impact related to continued farming or a Williamson Act Land Use contract on the site or surrounding area. The existing PG&E Kern and Old River substations would require minor upgrades internal to the facilities as noted in Table 2-2, would not result in an expansion of the stations’ footprint, and would not result in the loss of any agricultural land. Therefore, impacts related to land under a Williamson Act Land Use contract associated with the proposed PG&E facility upgrades would be less than significant at the project level. The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the foregoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. (c) Involve other changes in the existing environment that, due to their location or nature, could result in the conversion of farmland to nonagricultural use or conversion of forestland to non-forest use? Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-8 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis The proposed project would result in the conversion of land zoned for agriculture to a nonagricultural use. As noted above, a mix of existing and proposed land uses surrounds the project sites. Land zoned for agricultural use in the immediate vicinity of the sites is either used for crop production or is undisturbed. There are no areas of forestland located in the vicinity of the project site. There are properties zoned for residential uses that are developed with single-family dwellings directly north of the project sites. Development of the proposed project would only occur within the confines of the project site boundaries. Since no other changes are expected to the existing environment, the proposed project would not result in the conversion of farmland to non-farmland uses on adjacent properties, and it is not anticipated that the proposed project would affect adjacent agricultural land during operations. The approved project would convert agricultural land to accommodate development of future solar facilities. Solar facilities are considered to be a consistent use and are permitted on properties zoned for exclusive or limited agricultural use with the approval of a CUP. Therefore, with approval of the CUP request, the proposed project is consistent with and does not conflict with the existing zoning of the project sites. Additionally, the project consists of stand-alone solar energy facilities that are unlikely to attract urban development and will not directly or indirectly result in a discontiguous pattern of urban development. As a result, this impact is considered to be less than significant. Therefore, the proposed modified project would not include activities that would restrict or impair agricultural production or otherwise impact the uses that exist on adjacent land. Because no other changes are expected to the existing environment as a result of activities proposed in the project area, the proposed project would not result in the conversion of farmland to non-farmland uses on adjacent properties. Because no other changes to the existing environment resulting from activities on the project site are expected, the proposed project would not result in the conversion of farmland to nonfarmland uses on adjacent properties. With implementation of MM 4.2-2 and MM 4.8-1, impacts would be less than significant. The proposed modified project will not result in any new or substantially more adverse impacts relating to conversion of farmland than considered in the certified EIR. The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 2314) would reconfigure the boundaries of the two parcels, and as such would have no impact relating to conversion of farmland on the site or surrounding area. The proposed PG&E facility upgrades in and of themselves are minor in nature, particularly in the context of the proposed solar project, and many of the upgrades would be implemented internally within existing PG&E facilities, as noted in Table 2-2. These upgrades, including the proposed gen-tie line, installation of a new approximately 85 foot and 95 foot transmission pole, and associated equipment, as well as internal upgrades to the Kern and Old River substations, will be located in areas with existing transmission/substation infrastructure. Temporary impacts from the proposed gen-tie line within a private easement includes installation of transmission line poles on approximately 1,300 feet of an uncultivated field on the south side of Shafter Road. Given the fact that installation of new transmission poles does not preclude the continued agricultural use on the entire property and only impacts a small fraction of the total available acres, this impact would be considered less than significant. The proposed gen-tie route within a private easement on the north side of Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-9 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis Shafter Road is on property zoned for residential development, and therefore would not impact agricultural activities. The small amount of uncultivated land to be used for the proposed gen-tie route would not result in an impact greater than what was analyzed and considered in the certified EIR. No additional impacts to agricultural resources would occur, and impacts are considered less than significant for upgrades to existing PG&E facilities associated with the proposed modified project. Therefore, the majority of designated farmland within the proposed modified project area is not considered productive agricultural land, and its conversion to use for the gen-tie route would result in a less-than-significant impact. With the implementation of MM 4.2-2 and MM 4.8-1, the proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the foregoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. (d) Result in the cancellation of an open space contract made pursuant to the California Land Conservation Act 1965 or a Farmland Security Zone Contract for any parcel of 100 or more Acres (PRC Section 15206(b)(3)).)? The proposed modified project would not directly result in the cancellation of an open space contract made pursuant to the California Land Conservation Act of 1965 or Farmland Security Zone Contract for any parcel of 100 or more acres (Section 15206(b)(3) Public Resources Code). Therefore, impacts to agricultural zoning or Williamson Act Land Use Contracts on the project sites are not anticipated and are considered less than significant. Although there are existing Williamson Act Land Use contracted land within the vicinity of the project sites, the proposed modified project site would not encourage the cancellation of any Williamson Act land use contract or shorten the length of the term. The proposed modified project will not result in any new or substantially more adverse impacts relating to the cancellation of an Open Space Contract than what was considered in the certified EIR. The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) and the proposed PG&E facility upgrades would have no impact on the site or surrounding area. No additional impacts to agricultural resources would occur, and impacts are considered less than significant for upgrades to existing PG&E facilities, as well as those associated with the proposed modified project. The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the forgoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-10 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. Cumulative Impacts The approved project would convert approximately 190 acres of productive agricultural land to nonagricultural use to accommodate the development of solar facilities, which is less than the 234-acre project site analyzed in the certified EIR. Under Impact 4.2-1, it was concluded that even with the implementation of Mitigation Measure MM 4.2-1, the conversion of Prime Farmland and Farmland of Statewide Importance would result in a significant and unavoidable impact. Additionally, cumulative impacts resulting from the original project, when combined with impacts from other proposed projects in the area, would also be considered significant and unavoidable. Solar facilities are a permitted use on areas zoned A (Exclusive Agriculture) with approval of a CUP. Therefore, implementation of the approved project would be consistent and would not conflict with the existing the zoning on all sites. The certified EIR found that cumulative impacts related to the loss of farmland would be significant and unavoidable. However, the proposed modified project will not result in any new cumulative impacts relating to agriculture and forest resources than what was considered in the certified EIR. With the exception of an about 1,300 feet of uncultivated fields outside the approved project site boundaries to be used for the gen-tie connection, as well as the potential upgrades to existing PG&E transmission line facilities the modified project site will not cumulatively impact agricultural or forest resources. The analysis presented above has determined that a significant and unavoidable impact has been identified for the approved solar facility and associated infrastructure only. The proposed PG&E facility upgrades identified in Tables 32-2 are small in scale and would not result in a cumulative significant and unavoidable impact to agricultural resources. Furthermore, Mitigation Measure MM 4.2-1 provides for the mitigation of agricultural resources at a ratio of 1:1 for land of similar agricultural quality or higher. Given the limited nature of the proposed PG&E facility upgrades on site and within existing substations, the cumulative loss of agricultural land associated with the proposed PG&E facility upgrades is considered less than significant. The proposed modified project will not result in any new cumulative impacts not relating to agriculture and forest resources than what was considered in the certified EIR. Therefore, the project modifications to the project do not change the findings in the certified EIR of significant and unavoidable. Based on the foregoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-11 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of significant and unavoidable,. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-12 3.3 AIR QUALITY 3.3.1 Setting The environmental setting for air quality is the same as described in the certified EIR; however, the proposed modified project site has reduced in size compared to what was originally analyzed in the certified EIR. The approved project would develop 190 acres of land for a 20 MW solar facility; however the EIR analyzed the proposed development of approximately 234 acres of land for two solar facilities with a combined output of 25 MW. Therefore impacts of the approved project to air quality are anticipated to be of a lesser intensity. As was described in the EIR, the proposed project modifications are located in the San Joaquin Valley Air Basin (SJVAB) and are under the jurisdiction of the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD). The SJVAPCD has identified quantitative emission thresholds for NOX, PM10, and ROG to determine whether the potential air quality impacts of a project may produce a significant impact. The air quality threshold for NOX and ROG is 10 tons per year. The threshold for PM10 is 15 tons per year, established as the limit at which an impact on the SJVAB may occur. No regional emission thresholds have been established for CO, PM2.5, and SOX. 3.3.2 Impact Analysis Project Impacts As in the certified EIR analysis, this Chapter evaluates the potential for the proposed project to result in new or substantially more adverse significant impacts to air quality in relation to the following questions as stated in the CEQA Checklist: Would the project: (a) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan? The certified EIR concluded that the approved project would not exceed the significance thresholds for emissions established by the SJVAPCD. The primary source of emissions from the approved project would be traffic from vehicles that are licensed through the State of California and whose emissions are already incorporated into the CARB’s San Joaquin Valley Emissions Inventory. Therefore, construction and operation of the proposed project would not conflict with an applicable air quality plan. Mitigation would not be required to reduce project impacts to less-than-significant levels. Emissions from operation would be substantially less than significance thresholds. Therefore, operation and maintenance of the proposed modified project would not conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-13 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis The proposed modified project includes Lot Line Adjustment 23-14, which would reconfigure the internal parcel boundaries of APNs: 184-490-31 and 184-490-33 and would have no impact. The proposal also includes the addition of an alternative gen-tie connection up to ½ mile to the existing PG&E distribution line, as well as utility upgrades of existing PG&E transmission lines and facilities within the vicinity of the project site. These upgrades in and of themselves are minor in nature, particularly in the context of the proposed solar project, and many of the upgrades would be implemented internally within existing PG&E facilities. PG&E facility upgrades noted in Table 2-2, would not change the conclusion that the project would not change the conclusion that the project would not result in obstruct or conflict with an applicable air quality plan, and the aforementioned upgrades would primarily occur within alreadydisturbed areas and would not lead to air quality effects beyond those identified in the certified EIR. Therefore, air quality impacts associated with the proposed PG&E facility upgrades would not result in additional impacts beyond what was previously analyzed, and the impacts related to air quality associated with PG&E facility upgrades would remain less than significant. Because of this, the project would not change the conclusion that the project would not result in obstruct or conflict with an applicable air quality plan, and the aforementioned upgrades would primarily occur within already-disturbed areas and would not lead to air quality effects beyond those identified in the certified EIR. As noted above, the EIR analyzed the impacts generated by the ground disturbance and construction activities on a combined 234 acres. The approved RE Old River One project would develop only 190 acres of land, and the remaining 44 acres would remain undisturbed. Impacts to air quality by the approved project would be less than those described in the EIR. The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. No new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. (b) Violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality Standard? The certified EIR concluded that with the implementation of MM 4.3-1 through 4.3-3, the project would not violate an applicable air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation. As shown in Table 4.3-10 of the project’s certified EIR, mitigated emissions during construction would not exceed any SJVAPCD threshold adopted by Kern County. As shown in Table 4.310 of the project’s certified EIR, operational emissions would be well below SJVAPCD thresholds adopted by Kern County. The modified project and associated PG&E upgrades would not result in substantially increased emissions compared with the previously analyzed project site under the certified EIR. Therefore, air quality impacts associated with the proposed PG&E facility upgrades would not result Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-14 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis in additional air quality impacts beyond what was previously analyzed, and would remain less than significant. The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant impacts. Based on the foregoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. (c) Result in a Cumulatively Considerable Net Increase of Any Criteria Pollutant for which the Project Region Is in Nonattainment under an Applicable Federal or State Ambient Air Quality Standard. As noted in Table 4.3-2 of the certified EIR, the SJVAB is a nonattainment area for the state 1-hour ozone, 8-hour ozone, PM10, and PM2.5 standards and a nonattainment area for federal 8-hour ozone and PM2.5 standards. As shown in Table 4.3-9 of the certified EIR, the proposed project’s annual mitigated air emissions from construction would not exceed any SJVAPCD threshold adopted by Kern County. As shown in Table 4.3-10 of the certified EIR, the proposed project’s operational emissions of these pollutants would be below SJVAPCD annual thresholds and minimal. Therefore, the proposed modified project is not expected to create a considerable net increase in any criteria pollutant for which the project region is in nonattainment under the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) or the California Ambient Air Quality Standards (CAAQS). Additionally, air quality impacts associated with the proposed PG&E facility upgrades would not result in additional impacts beyond what was previously analyzed, and are not expected to create a considerable net increase in any criteria pollutant. Impacts related to PG&E facility upgrades would remain less than significant. The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the foregoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. (d) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations? Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-15 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis The approved project will include the development of 190 acres of land, which is less than what was analyzed in the EIR. Implementation of required regulatory dust reduction measures would reduce the impacts of fugitive dust on nearby receptors. As shown above, the approved project’s construction and operational emissions of criteria pollutants would be within SJVAPCD yearly thresholds and would not affect nearby sensitive receptors. Operation of the approved project would have negligible air quality impacts on nearby sensitive receptors, as no staff will be permanently on site. Maintenance activities will be conducted periodically, and ongoing monitoring will be conducted from an off-site location. Furthermore, the project subareas are not underlain by the type of sediments that are known to contain Valley Fever spores. Compliance with SJVAPCD regulations as well as implementation of required mitigation measures would reduce the amount of fugitive dust and the risk of contracting Valley Fever. This would reduce this potential impact to a less than significant level. Therefore, the project development would result in less than significant impacts related to exposure of sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations. The proposed modified project would reconfigure parcel boundaries and would have no impact. The addition of a new gen-tie line up to ½ mile in length, installation of a new approximately 85 foot and 95 foot transmission pole and associated equipment, as well as upgrades to existing PG&E facilities noted in Table 2-2 would not change the conclusion that the project would not result in substantial pollutant concentrations, and the aforementioned upgrades would primarily occur within already-disturbed areas and would not lead to air quality effects beyond those identified in the certified EIR. For these reasons, the proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the foregoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. (e) Cause the creation of objectionable odors, affecting a substantial number of people? The approved project consists of the construction and operation of a 20 MW solar facility on 190 acres, which is not a facility that is expected to be a source of odors as defined by the GAMAQI. Occasionally, diesel equipment exhaust can generate objectionable odors, but these are considered temporary in nature and will dissipate very quickly. Thus, neither construction nor operation of the approved project would result in the creation of, or frequent exposure to, an objectionable odor; and odor impacts would be less than significant without mitigation. The proposed modified project lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) intends to reconfigure the parcel boundaries and would have no impact. The addition of a new gen-tie line of up to ½ mile in length, as Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-16 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis well as the PG&E facility upgrades noted in Table 2-2, would not change the conclusion that the project would not result in the creation of objectionable odors. Therefore, based on the analyzed predicted project emissions during construction and operational phases from the certified EIR, the proposed project modifications are not expected to have any adverse impacts due to objectionable odors on any known sensitive receptor. . The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the foregoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. Cumulative Impacts The certified EIR concluded that the impacts of the approved project will combine with impacts of past, present, and reasonably foreseeable projects to create a substantial adverse effect on air quality during the construction period and would, therefore, result in significant and unavoidable. However, the approved project’s contribution to cumulative impacts would not be cumulatively considerable because the construction emissions alone would not exceed SJVAPCD or Kern County significance thresholds. In addition, construction emissions from the proposed project would be minimized by compliance with Rules 8021 and 9510. The development of solar power generation has positive air quality impacts by providing electricity that would otherwise come from other sources, a significant portion of which produce air pollution through the burning of fossil fuels. Overall, the projects in the cumulative analysis would create a minimal operational -period emissions impact related to air quality. However, as noted in Table 4.3-11 of the certified EIR, in addition to the proposed project, a number of other solar projects are currently proposed within the SJVAB. While the exact power-generating size, acreage, and construction schedules being proposed for these new solar facilities are unknown at this time, it is assumed that cumulative impacts, specifically for temporary construction emissions related to the approved project, would be significant and unavoidable. The majority of project emissions would occur temporarily during the construction phase. After that, there would be minimal emissions and insignificant cumulative impacts during operation of the approved project. As previously noted the approved project would reduce the overall impacts to air quality since the approved project site is approximately 44 acres less than what was originally analyzed under the certified Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-17 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis EIR. In addition, the lessened proposed project impacts would be mitigated to the maximum extent practicable by the incorporation of the mitigation measures identified in the certified EIR. The proposed modified project lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) would reconfigure the parcel boundaries and would have no cumulative impact. The addition of a new gen-tie line up to ½ mile in length as well as the PG&E facility upgrades noted in Table 2-2, would not change the conclusion that the project would not create new or substantially more adverse cumulative impacts to air quality than those disclosed in the certified EIR and would be mitigated to the maximum extent practicable by the incorporation of Mitigation Measures MM 4.3-1 through MM 4.3-3. The analysis presented above has determined that a significant and unavoidable impact has been identified for the approved solar facility and associated infrastructure only. Because of the limited nature of the proposed PG&E facility upgrades, the temporary air pollutant emissions associated with construction of the upgrades noted in Table 2-2 would not exceed significance thresholds for construction. The proposed PG&E facility upgrades’ incremental contribution to construction emissions is an insubstantial fraction of the overall modeled construction emissions and is therefore not cumulatively considerable. Implementation of PG&E’s BPMs and APMs would further ensure that construction air quality impacts of PG&E facility upgrades would be minimized. Temporary cumulative impacts from construction associated with the PG&E facility upgrades are therefore considered to be less than significant. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of a cumulative significant and unavoidable impact during construction. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-18 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis 3.4 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES 3.4.1 SETTING The EIR included a comprehensive analysis of special-status and sensitive species, local habitats and vegetation communities, and jurisdictional waters over the approved project site. Detailed information on survey methods and findings is presented in the certified EIR Appendix D. Preparation of these studies required an evaluation of existing information available from the California Department of Fish & Wildlife (CDFW), U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS), California Native Plant Society (CNPS), and various environmental documents prepared for past projects in the region. A supplemental report was prepared for this addendum. The Reconnaissance-level Biological Survey was conducted for specialstatus species along the proposed new right-of-way located on the north side of Shafter Road (Quad Knopf, 2014; Addendum EIR Appendix A). The survey was conducted in support of an amendment to the existing certified EIR for relocation of the gen-tie in line from its original planned ROW. Because construction will occur during the bird nesting season, attention was also given to the potential for impacts to nesting birds. No special-status species or their sign were observed and no active nesting birds were observed during the survey. The proposed project site does not provide any suitable conditions for nesting birds. The environmental setting for biological resources is the same as described in the certified EIR; however, the proposed modified project site has reduced in size compared to what was originally analyzed in the certified EIR. The approved project would develop 190 acres of land for a 20 MW solar facility; however the EIR analyzed the proposed development of approximately 234 acres of land for two solar facilities with a combined output of 25 MW. Therefore, the impacts to biological resources of the proposed modified project are anticipated to be of a lessen intensity that those previously described. 3.4.2 IMPACT ANALYSIS Project Impacts As in the certified EIR analysis, this Addendum evaluates the potential for the proposed project modification to result in new or substantially more severe significant impacts to biological resources in relation to the following questions as stated in the Kern County CEQA Checklist: Would the project: (a) Have a substantial adverse effect, either directly or through habitat modifications, on any species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special status species in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) [Now California Department of Fish and Wildlife] or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)? The approved project sites are periodically subject to agricultural use and are surrounded by active agriculture on three sides (east, south, and west). Residential development occurs to the north. Farmers Canal, which provides irrigation water to the area, traverses a portion of the western parcel boundary, exits the parcel, and continues north/south flow on the neighboring parcel. Because the parcels have been frequently disked, there was little vegetation growing at these sites during the biological surveys. The Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-19 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis approved project area was surveyed for evidence of wildlife presence or activity, and scanned with binoculars for potential avian nest sites. All wildlife species observed or detected by sign were recorded. Construction Based on the results of the reconnaissance surveys and review of CNDDB records conducted for the approved project, two special-status plant species: Horn’s milk-vetch and Lost Hills crownscale, as well as four special-status wildlife species: burrowing owl, giant kangaroo rat, Tipton kangaroo rat, and San Joaquin kit fox, are known to occur within 5 miles of the approved project site. However, the project site and gen tie-line alternatives do not contain suitable habitat for giant kangaroo rat or Tipton kangaroo rat; therefore, these species are not expected to occur on site and are not addressed further within this analysis. It was determined that burrowing owl, Swainson’s hawk, and San Joaquin kit fox had the potential to occur within the vicinity of the project sites: Because the site could occasionally be used for dispersal and/or foraging in the future, mitigation is required to reduce the impacts associated with take of the above species. Measures to reduce constructionrelated impacts include implementation of Mitigation Measures MM 4.4-1, MM 4.4-2, MM 4.4-3, and MM 4.4-5 to minimize the risk of harm to kit foxes and burrowing owl during construction, and would reduce impacts to less than significant levels. Additionally, nesting habitat does, however, occur within the transmission towers and large trees adjacent to the sites. Therefore, the proposed project could result in indirect effects to protected nesting migratory birds if implemented during the nesting season (February through August). Implementation of Mitigation Measures MM 4.4-1, MM 4.4-4 MM 4.4-5 would minimize the risk of harm to any nesting migratory birds during construction, and would reduce potential impacts to less than significant levels. The reconnaissance survey conducted for the proposed modified project concluded that although several small mammal digs were observed on site during the time of survey, no potential San Joaquin kit fox dens, burrowing owl burrows, or other threatened or endangered species sign was observed. No other threatened/endangered wildlife species, their sign, or any listed plant species were observed on proposed modified project site, including the proposed gen-tie route, during the time of survey. Additionally, multiple bird species were identified, as well as an abundance of potential nesting habitat, however, no nests or nesting activity was observed by the surveying biologist. The proposed modified project area lies along an existing road, through agricultural fields and near rural homes, and appears highly and continuously disturbed. Though sensitive species have been historically known to inhabit in the general area, due to its level and consistency of disturbance, it is unlikely to provide suitable habitat for these species. Construction impacts on special-status species would be reduced to less than significant with the implementation of MM 4.4-1 though MM 4.4-5. Therefore, it is concluded that the impacts evaluated in the certified EIR will accurately reflect the approved project’s impacts with the proposed modified project activities. For these reasons, the proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Additionally, impacts associated with the proposed PG&E facility upgrades noted in Table 2-2 would not result in additional impacts to biological resources beyond what was previously analyzed, and PG&E facility upgrades would remain less than significant. Operations It is anticipated that the approved project would reduce use of the site by special-status species because it would impede use of the sites for foraging, nesting, and denning by such species. It is also anticipated that Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-20 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis the cessation of agricultural-related disking, even with the installation of solar arrays, could result in increased vegetative production and a high likelihood of colonization by a variety of wildlife. It is reasonable to expect that special-status species would take advantage of this newly formed habitat. Thus, if these species are present at the project sites during operation there would be an increased potential for vehicle strikes. Mitigation Measure MM 4.4-5 would reduce impacts to less-than-significant levels by implementing measures designed to reduce wildlife mortality and ensure long-term site suitability, and by educating onsite personnel. Additionally, Mitigation Measure MM 4.4-5 would afford additional protection of San Joaquin kit fox during the operational period. Operational impacts on special-status species would be reduced to less-than-significant levels with mitigation incorporated. The proposed modified project lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) would reconfigure the parcel boundaries and would have no impact to biological resources. The addition of a new gen-tie line up to ½ mile in length, installation of a new approximately 85 foot and 95 foot transmission pole, and associated equipment, as well as the PG&E facility upgrades noted in Table 2-2, would not change the conclusion that with implementation of MM 4.4-1 through MM 4.4-5, the project would not result in significant impacts to sensitive or special status species in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, and the aforementioned upgrades and expansions would primarily occur within already-disturbed areas and would not lead to impacts to biological resources beyond those identified in the certified EIR. The construction activity associated with the project modifications will primarily be conducted on currently cultivated, or existing, disturbed or developed land without the appropriate habitat to support sensitive species. Therefore, it is concluded that the impacts evaluated in the certified EIR will accurately reflect the project’s impacts with the proposed modified project activities. For these reasons, the proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the forgoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. (b) Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian habitat or other sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans, policies, regulations or by the CDFG or USFWS? As noted in the certified EIR, there are no riparian or other sensitive vegetation communities occurring within the approved project area. Therefore, the approved project would have a less-than-significant impact on sensitive natural communities. Similarly, the biological survey conducted for the proposed modified project (Appendix A of this addendum), found no evidence of riparian or other sensitive vegetation communities on or near the vicinity. For these reasons, the proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Additionally, impacts Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-21 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis associated with the proposed PG&E facility upgrades noted in Table 2-2 would not result in additional impacts to biological resources beyond what was previously analyzed, and PG&E facility upgrades would remain less than significant. The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the forgoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. (c) Would Have a Substantial Adverse Effect on Federally Protected Wetlands as Defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (Including, but Not Limited to, Marsh, Vernal Pool, Coastal, etc.) through Direct Removal, Filling, Hydrological Interruption, or Other Means? The certified EIR noted one potentially jurisdictional feature, Farmers Canal, traverses north to south along a portion of the western boundary of the approved project site. This canal is a modified drainage that conveys irrigation water to local farms in the area, and transitions to a mapped USGS “blue-line” feature about 1 mile southwest of the project site. Based on aerial review, water conveyed through the canal system appears to originate near the Kern River about 9 1/2 miles north of the project sites. The drainage may comprise USACE jurisdictional waters of the U.S. (as defined by the presence of an OHWM), Central Valley RWQCB waters of the state, and CDFG jurisdictional streambed. No other potentially jurisdictional features were observed on site during the jurisdictional evaluation. As previously discussed, the approved project site is subject to artificial irrigation for agricultural purposes and contains several low topographical areas that may hold water for extended periods of time. However, these areas would not be expected to retain water in the absence of irrigation given that the mapped soil types on site are sandy loams and loamy sand. The project operator proposes to avoid the canal and Mitigation Measure MM 4.6-1 would reduce construction-related soil erosion impacts that might impact Farmers Canal to less-than-significant levels. Potential impacts on water quality arising from erosion and sedimentation would be minimized by compliance with the Kern County Grading Ordinance. The project operator would also be required to submit a grading plan to the county for approval prior to commencement of any construction activities, as well as to obtain and comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) general permit, an approved Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), and any regional requirements to meet state water quality objectives (see Mitigation Measure MM 4.9-1). Construction-related erosion and sedimentation impacts on this canal as a result of the project would be considered significant under CEQA. However, implementation of Mitigation Measures MM 4.4-6, MM 4.6-1, and MM 4.9-1 would reduce impacts of the approved project on this feature resulting from project implementation to less-thansignificant levels. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-22 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis The proposed modified project lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) would reconfigure the parcel boundaries and would have no impact to biological resources. The addition of new gen-tie line up to ½ mile in length, installation of anew approximately 85 foot and 95 foot transmission pole, and associated equipment, as well as the PG&E facility upgrades noted in Table 2-2, would not change the conclusion that with implementation of MM 4.4-6, MM 4.6-1and MM 4.9-1, the modified project would not result in significant impacts to federally protected wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and the aforementioned upgrades and expansions would primarily occur within already-disturbed areas and would not lead to impacts to federally protected wetlands beyond those identified in the certified EIR. Additionally, impacts associated with the proposed PG&E facility upgrades would not result in additional impacts to biological resources beyond what was previously analyzed, and would remain less than significant. The construction activity associated with the project modifications will primarily be conducted on currently cultivated, or existing, disturbed or developed land and will completely avoid the Farmers’ Canal. Therefore, it is concluded that the impacts evaluated in the certified EIR will accurately reflect the project’s impacts with the proposed modified project activities. For these reasons, the proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the forgoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. (d) Would Interfere Substantially with the Movement of Any Native Resident or Migratory Fish or Wildlife Species, or with Established Native Resident or Migratory Wildlife Corridors, or Impede the Use of Native Wildlife Nursery Sites? As noted in the certified EIR, the approved project site does not occur within a known migration route, significant wildlife corridor, or linkage area as identified in the Recovery Plan for Upland Species in the San Joaquin Valley (USFWS 1998). The approved sites are located within large expanses of open space and agricultural land. The sites do not concentrate wildlife movement through a narrow corridor that links large areas of undeveloped open space on a local or regional level. Although the project sites would be fenced off, wildlife could still freely move around the sites, and the project would not sever wildlife movement in the areas. As discussed in Impact 4.4-1 within the certified EIR, the project sites do not contain trees that could act as a nursery (nesting) site for raptors or migratory birds. After construction, burrowing species could continue to use the sites for burrowing purposes. It was determined in the certified EIR that Mitigation Measure MM 4.4-5 would enable kit foxes and other wildlife (e.g., American badger) to continue to use the sites for foraging purposes. Therefore, the approved project would result in less-than-significant impacts on established wildlife corridors or wildlife nursery sites. The proposed modified project lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) would reconfigure the parcel boundaries and would have no impact to biological resources. The addition of a new gen-tie line up to ½ mile in Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-23 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis length, installation of a new approximately 85 foot and 95 foot transmission pole, and associated equipment, as well as the PG&E facility upgrades noted in Table 2-2, would not change the conclusion that with implementation of MM 4.4-5, the modified project would not result in significant impacts to the movement of any native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or corridors; or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites, and the aforementioned upgrades and expansions would primarily occur within already-disturbed areas and would not lead to impacts to the movement of any native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or corridors beyond those identified in the certified EIR. The construction activity associated with the project modifications will primarily be conducted on currently cultivated, or existing, disturbed or developed land. Additionally, impacts associated with the proposed PG&E facility upgrades noted in Table 2-2 would not result in additional impacts to biological resources beyond what was previously analyzed, and would remain less than significant. Therefore, it is concluded that the impacts evaluated in the certified EIR will accurately reflect the project’s impacts with the proposed modified project activities. For these reasons, the proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the forgoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. (e) Conflict with provisions of an adopted habitat conservation plan, natural community conservation plan or other approved local, regional, or state habitat conservation plan? As stated in the certified EIR, The project site and gen-tie line alternatives occur within the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan (MBHCP). The approved project also falls within the boundaries of the San Joaquin Valley Upland Species Recovery Plan. However, the approved project would not conflict with any provisions of that plan and would not prohibit or decrease the potential for the recovery of species covered in that plan. With payment of the per-acre HCP mitigation fee, the approved project would receive incidental take coverage for San Joaquin kit fox, and fully comply with the requirements of the HCP. Therefore, with the implementation of Mitigation Measure MM 4.4-7, no significant impacts from the approve project are expected to occur. The proposed modified project lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) would reconfigure the parcel boundaries and would have no impact to biological resources. The addition of a new gen-tie line up to ½ mile in length, installation of a new approximately 85 foot and 95 foot transmission pole, and associated equipment, as well as the PG&E facility upgrades noted in Table 2-2, would not change the conclusion that with implementation of MM 4.4-7, the project would not significantly impact provisions of an adopted habitat conservation plan, natural community conservation plan or any other approved local, regional, or State conservation plan, and the aforementioned upgrades and expansions would primarily Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-24 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis occur within already-disturbed areas and would not lead to impacts to the movement of any native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or corridors beyond those identified in the certified EIR. The construction activity associated with the project modifications will primarily be conducted on currently cultivated, or existing, disturbed or developed land. Additionally, impacts associated with the proposed PG&E facility upgrades noted in Table 2-2 would not result in additional impacts to biological resources beyond what was previously analyzed, and would remain less than significant. Therefore, it is concluded that the impacts evaluated in the certified EIR will accurately reflect the project’s impacts with the proposed modified project activities. For these reasons, the proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the forgoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. Cumulative Impacts The EIR concluded that the impacts of the approved project will combine with cumulative impacts of past, present, and reasonably foreseeable projects to create a cumulatively significant loss of some biological habitat resources in the region. This results in the approved project contributing to significant and unavoidable cumulative impacts. The addendum biological survey (Appendix A) prepared for this addendum EIR confirms that the proposed project modifications would not create new or substantially more severe cumulative impacts to biological resources than those disclosed in the certified EIR and would be mitigated with the implementation of Mitigation Measures MM 4.4-1 through MM 4.4-7, MM 4.6-1 and MM 4.9-1 to the maximum extent practicable by the incorporation of all feasible and applicable mitigation measures. The analysis presented above has determined that a significant and unavoidable impact has been identified for the approved solar facility and associated infrastructure only. No potential impacts to special-status biological resources are anticipated at the existing PG&E substations because the current footprints will not be expanded and PG&E will implement BMPs and APMs to reduce biological impacts related to the proposed PG&E facility upgrades to a less-than-significant level at the project level. The proposed PG&E facility upgrades’ incremental contribution to the loss and/or fragmentation of a substantial fraction of the existing wildlife habitat in the county is not cumulatively considerable due to the limited nature of the facility upgrades on site and within existing substations. Therefore, the cumulative loss of biological resources associated with the PG&E facility upgrades identified in Table 2-2 are considered less than significant. Mitigation Measures Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-25 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of significant and unavoidable. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-26 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis 3.5 CULTURAL RESOURCES 3.5.1 Setting An Additional Phase 1 Cultural Resource Survey was prepared for the proposed project modifications (Hudlow, 2014, Appendix B). The report provides information on the proposed project addition gathered from records searches through the California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS) and from fieldwork conducted in 2014. Pedestrian archaeological and historic architecture surveys were undertaken to identify cultural resources in the proposed project addition and to determine potential effects to these resources posed by the proposed modified project. Resources older than 45 years located in the proposed project addition were identified and documented. Project setting information for the proposed project addition, including information on the area’s natural environment, history, ethnography, and regulatory environment, is the same as that for the approved project, and is provided in the certified EIR. 3.5.2 Impact Analysis Project Impacts As in the certified EIR analysis, this Addendum evaluates the potential for the proposed modified project to result in new or substantially more adverse significant impacts to cultural resources in relation to the following questions as stated in the Kern County CEQA Checklist: Would the project: (a) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical or archaeological resource? As noted in the certified EIR, a Phase I intensive pedestrian survey for cultural resources was conducted between August 17 and August 22, 2010, and on May 23, 2011, at the approved project site and the proposed tie-in transmission line rights-of-way by a qualified archaeologist. Because no built environment resources are present on any of the parcels, no historical architectural research or survey was conducted. No prehistoric or historical cultural resources were identified during these surveys of the proposed project sites or tie-in transmission line rights-of-way. The project area is in an environmental setting that is not conducive to prehistoric habitation, and has not been occupied or used historically except as farmland. This suggests there is a low potential to expose and affect previously unknown significant cultural resources during ground-disturbing activities. However, implementation of Mitigation Measure MM 4.5-1 below would reduce potential impacts on archaeological resources associated with the approved project to less-than-significant levels. Once constructed, operation of the proposed projects is not anticipated to result in impacts related to the disturbance of archaeological resources As previously noted the approved project would reduce the overall impacts to cultural resources since the approved project site is approximately 44 acres less than what was originally analyzed under the certified EIR. In addition, the lessened approved project impacts would be mitigated to the maximum extent practicable by the incorporation of the mitigation measures identified in the certified EIR. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-27 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis The proposed modified project lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) would reconfigure the parcel boundaries and would have no impact. As noted in the Additional Phase 1 Cultural Resource Survey (Appendix B), no new historical cultural resources were identified within or in the vicinity of the proposed new gen-tie line of up to ½ mile in length, installation of a new approximately 85 foot and 95 foot transmission pole, and associated equipment, as well as the PG&E facility upgrades noted in Table 2-2. Therefore the proposed modified project would not change the conclusion that the project would not create new or substantially more adverse impacts to historical cultural resources. The proposed modified project will comply with all mitigation measures required in the certified EIR. Implementation of Mitigation Measure MM 4.5-1 would reduce impacts to a level of less than significant. Additionally, impacts associated with the proposed PG&E facility upgrades noted in Table 2-2 would not result in additional impacts to cultural resources beyond what was previously analyzed, and would remain less than significant. For these reasons, the proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the foregoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. (b) Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geologic feature? As noted in the EIR, the approved project is located on valley floor alluvial deposits. These surficial deposits of recent alluvium are estimated to be at least 5 feet thick. These recent sediments are generally devoid of vertebrate fossils. Underlying these sediments at varying depths is older alluvium, which may have the potential to yield vertebrate fossils. Surface grading or very shallow excavations in the younger Quaternary Alluvium occurring at the surface of the project sites are unlikely to encounter significant vertebrate fossils. Slightly deeper excavations may possibly encounter lacustrine deposits of an expanded prehistoric Kern Lake. Because the proposed project is not located near any known paleontological resources or a geological feature, and construction activities would involve relatively shallow excavations and trenching, significant impacts on paleontological resources are considered to be unlikely. However, deeper excavations in the proposed project area that extend into older Quaternary deposits or the Kern River Formation may encounter significant fossil vertebrate remains. Disturbance of significant paleontological resources would result in a significant adverse impact. Mitigation Measure MM 4.5-2 would reduce impacts associated with the proposed project to a less-than-significant level. Once constructed, operation of the proposed project is not anticipated to result in impacts related to the disturbance of paleontological resources Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-28 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis As noted above, the proposed modified project consists of LLA 23-14, which would have no impact on archaeological resources. In addition, the majority of the construction activities associated with the proposed PG&E upgrades identified in Table 2-2 are at existing facilities or across uncultivated or disturbed ground, while the ½ mile of proposed gen-tie line, installation of a new approximately 85 foot and 95 foot transmission pole, and associated equipment will not result in any other changes to the setting analyzed in the certified EIR. Impacts associated with the proposed PG&E facility upgrades would not result in additional impacts to paleontological resources beyond what was previously analyzed, and would remain less than significant. Therefore, the proposed modifications to the project would not result in new or substantially more adverse significant impacts than those disclosed in the EIR related to damage to a significant paleontological resource. The proposed modified project will comply with all mitigation measures required in the certified EIR. Implementation of Mitigation Measure MM 4.5-2 would reduce impacts to unknown paleontological resources to a level of less than significant. No new or revised mitigation measures are required. The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the foregoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. (c) Disturb any human remains, including those interred outside of formal cemeteries? The EIR determined that there is no indication, either from the archival research results or the cultural resources surveys, that any particular location in the project area has been used for human burial purposes in the recent or distant past. However, in the event that human remains are inadvertently discovered during project construction activities, the human remains could be inadvertently damaged, which would be a significant impact. The EIR included Mitigation Measure 4.5-3 to reduce this potential impact to below a level of significance by requiring limited work stoppages and proper handling of sites where human skeletal remains are discovered. Implementation of this mitigation measure would also be obligatory for the proposed modified project. Impacts associated with the proposed PG&E facility upgrades would not result in additional impacts beyond what was previously analyzed, and would remain less than significant. The proposed modified project would not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the foregoing analysis, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-29 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis Mitigation Measures No changes to mitigation measures adopted in previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. Cumulative Impacts The EIR concluded that the impacts of the approved project, when combined with the impacts of past, present, and reasonably foreseeable projects, would not create a substantial adverse effect on cultural or paleontological resources and would not, therefore, result in significant and unavoidable cumulative impacts. The proposed modified project does not contain any identified historic, prehistoric archaeological or paleontological resources, and the mitigation measures (MM 4.5-1 through MM 4.5-3), included in the certified EIR to reduce potential impacts to currently unidentified cultural and paleontological resources would apply to the proposed modified project. For these reasons, the proposed modifications to the project do not create new or substantially more severe cumulative impacts to cultural or paleontological resources than those disclosed in the certified EIR and would be mitigated to the maximum extent practicable by the incorporation of all feasible and applicable mitigation measures Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of cumulatively less than significant impacts. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-30 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis 3.6 GEOLOGY AND SOILS 3.6.1 SETTING The EIR analyzed the environmental setting for the approved project, including the local and regional setting. It also analyzed the regulatory setting at the federal, State and local levels. With respect to geology and soils, the proposed modified project will not result in any changes to the setting considered in the certified EIR. 3.6.2 IMPACT ANALYSIS Project Impacts The certified EIR concluded that the approved project would not substantially: be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable, or that would become unstable as a result of the project, and potentially result in on- or offsite landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence, liquefaction, or collapse; be located on expansive soil, as defined in Table 18-1 B of the Uniform Building Code (1994), creating substantial risks to life or property; or have soils incapable of adequately supporting the use of septic tanks or alternative wastewater disposal systems in areas where sewers are not available for the disposal of wastewater. No further discussion is warranted. As in the certified EIR, this Addendum evaluates the potential for the proposed modified project to result in new or substantially more adverse significant impacts to geology and soils in relation to the following questions as stated in the Kern County CEQA Checklist: Would the project: (a) Expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury, or death involving: rupture of a known earthquake fault, strong seismic ground shaking or seismicrelated ground failure, including liquefaction or landslides? Seismic ground failure The EIR noted that the nearest active fault to the approved project site is the White Wolf Fault, located 8.2miles to the southeast. Therefore, there is a low potential for surface fault rupture at the project sites. There would be no risk of loss, injury, or death involving fault rupture of a known earthquake fault. Liquefaction The approved project site is not located within a current, mapped California Liquefaction Hazard Zone. In addition, groundwater in the site vicinity is expected to be approximately 150 feet below the ground surface. As such, onsite subsurface soils were eliminated from further engineering evaluation of potential liquefaction hazard. However, soils in the unsaturated zone consist of medium dense to dense sandy soils. These sediments may be prone to volumetric strain as a result of cyclic loading from seismic activity. Because of the distance from the known faults, the solar facilities associated with the proposed project would not be subject to geologic hazards related to surface fault rupture, but would be affected by ground shaking from earthquakes along the White Wolf Fault or others in the region. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-31 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis The approved project does not include permanent residences, staffing, or habitable buildings. Construction of the proposed facility would be subject to applicable ordinances of the Kern County Building Code (Chapter 17.08) and the California Building Standards Code, 2007 Edition (CCR Title 24), which would reduce anticipated impacts related to the proximity of earthquake faults. Nevertheless, given the overall seismic activity in the region, both project sites could be subjected to at least a moderate or larger earthquake occurring close enough to produce strong ground shaking, resulting in structural damage to the proposed PV facilities. Therefore, impacts related to strong seismic ground shaking at the approved project sites are considered potentially significant. Mitigation Measure MM 4.6-1 would reduce impacts resulting from seismic ground shaking and failure to a level of less than significant. The proposed modified project would adhere to all requirements, and implementation of MM 4.6-1 would reduce impacts resulting from seismically related ground failure to a level of less than significant. The proposed modified project consists of LLA 23-14, which would have no seismic-related impact. In addition, the majority of the construction activities associated with the proposed PG&E upgrades identified in Table 2-2 are at existing facilities or across uncultivated or disturbed ground and would be similar to regular maintenance upgrades conducted by PG&E. Similarly, the new ½ mile of proposed gen-tie line, installation of a new approximately 85 foot and 95 foot transmission pole, and associated equipment would be comparable to regular maintenance upgrades conducted by PG&E. The proposed modified project will not result in any new or substantially more adverse impacts relating to geologic or soil instability than considered in the EIR.. The proposed modified project will comply with all mitigation measures required in the EIR. The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the foregoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of cumulatively less than significant impacts (b) Result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil? The certified EIR noted that construction of the approved project would involve minimal site grading, with removal of vegetation for installation of the PV panel structures. No export of soils is proposed. Site leveling of the array areas would be accomplished by disking the soil with agricultural equipment and then rolling the site to provide a level surface. As described above, the area surrounding the program sites is within a relatively flat area between the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Coast Ranges. Although the approved project would not involve the grading of steep slopes prone to erosion, earthmoving activities for site excavation, work areas, and access roads could loosen soil, and the removal of vegetation could contribute to future soil loss and erosion by wind and stormwater runoff. The certified Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-32 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis EIR states that the approved project would be required to prepare and implement a Construction SWPPP for each of the project sites, including site-specific Best Management Practices (BMPs), addressing erosion and sediment control, in addition to construction waste handling and proper disposal BMPs. Also, pursuant to the Kern County Grading Ordinance (Section 17.28.070), the proposed project would be required to submit grading plans accompanied by a soils engineering report, engineering geology report, and drainage calculations in order to obtain required grading permits. The certified EIR considered construction of new power lines and poles as part of the proposed project, and four alternative locations of the gen-tie lines were identified. The proposed project modifications— a new gen-tie route within a private easement along Shafter Road, upgrades to existing PG&E facilities, the installation of new, approximately 85foot and 95 foot transmission poles, and up to ½ mile of gen-tie power line and associated equipment, are similar in appearance to those analyzed in the certified EIR, and would therefore, not cause any additional impacts to soil erosion or the loss of topsoil. Given the relatively flat nature of the project sites, it is unlikely that soil erosion from water runoff would occur; however, during construction of the proposed project, construction vehicles could contribute to soil erosion, and impacts are considered to be potentially significant without mitigation. In addition to implementing Mitigation Measures MM 4.9-1 and MM 4.9-2, as described in the certified EIR Section 4.9, Hydrology and Water Quality, implementation of Mitigation Measure MM 4.6-1 would reduce construction-related soil erosion impacts to less-than-significant levels. The proposed modified project would be subject to the same standard conditions and mitigation measures as the approved project. The proposed LLA 23-14 would have no erosion-related impact on the site or surrounding area. The construction activities associated with the proposed PG&E upgrades identified in Table 2-2 are similar in appearance to those analyzed in the certified EIR, and would therefore, not cause any additional impacts to soil erosion or the loss of topsoil. The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the foregoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant impacts Cumulative Impacts The EIR concluded that the impacts of the approved project, when combined with the impacts of past, present, and reasonably foreseeable projects would be less than cumulatively considerable. The geographic scope for considering cumulative impacts on geology and soils includes only the extent of the project sites because impacts on geology and soils are site specific. As discussed above, the project sites are within a seismically active area; however, they are not close to a seismically active fault. The effects Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-33 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis of these projects are not of a nature to cause cumulatively significant effects from geologic impacts or on the soils resource. Cumulative impacts could occur in a seismic event if a potential hazard, such as a power plant, were located near a populated area. However, no such facilities are planned within the development area where the approved project is located. As currently designed, and with the identified mitigation measures, the approved project would not contribute to a cumulative impact related to geology and soils, including seismic hazards. The proposed modified project including the proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) and the proposed PG&E facility upgrades in and of themselves are minor in nature, particularly in the context of the proposed solar project, will not result in any new or substantially more adverse cumulative impacts relating to geology and soils than considered in the EIR and therefore no new or revised mitigation measures are necessary. The proposed modified project will comply with all mitigation measures required in the EIR. The EIR found that cumulative impacts would be less than significant after implementation of Mitigation Measures MM 4.6-1, MM 4.9-1, and MM 4.9-2. Mitigation Measures Implement Mitigation Measures MM 4.6-1, MM 4.9-1, and MM 4.9-2. No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of cumulatively less than significant impacts. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-34 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis 3.7 GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS 3.7.1 Setting Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions result in impacts which are global in nature. As such, the environmental and regulatory settings related to greenhouse gas emissions provided in the EIR adequately describes the setting for the proposed modified project. The environmental setting for GHG is the same as described in the certified EIR; however, the proposed modified project site has reduced in size compared to what was originally analyzed in the certified EIR. The approved project would develop 190 acres of land for a 20 MW solar facility; however the EIR analyzed the proposed development of approximately 234 acres of land for two solar facilities. 3.7.2 Impact Analysis Project Impacts As in the EIR analysis, this Addendum evaluates the potential for the modified project to result in new or substantially more adverse significant impacts to aesthetics in relation to the following questions as stated in the Kern County CEQA Checklist: Would the project: (a) Generate greenhouse gas emissions, either directly or indirectly, that may have a significant impact on the environment. The EIR established that the approved project would significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions by providing an emissions-free source of electricity, offsetting greenhouse gases that would be emitted from facilities producing electricity from nonrenewable resources (e.g., coal or natural gas). In addition, the approved project is helpful in achieving the State’s Renewable Portfolio Standard goal of 33 percent of electricity generated from renewable sources by 2020. The proposed modified project would not introduce different equipment or facilities that would increase greenhouse gas emissions compared to the approved project. The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 2314) intends to reconfigure the boundaries of the two parcels, and as such would not generate any greenhouse gas emissions on the site or surrounding area. The proposed PG&E facility upgrades in and of themselves are minor in nature, particularly in the context of the proposed solar project, and many of the upgrades would be implemented internally within existing PG&E facilities, as noted in Table 2-2. These upgrades, including the proposed gen-tie line up to ½ mile in length, installation of a new approximately 85 foot and 95 foot transmission pole, and associated equipment. The impacts of the proposed off-site upgrades to existing PG&E facilities would be of similar size to the equipment currently on the site. While the proposed upgrades to existing PG&E equipment and facilities would require additional vehicle trips and GHG emitting equipment during temporary construction/installation activities, these do not exceed impacts analyzed by the certified EIR, due to the elimination of the development of RE Old River Two. Overall, the modified project components would not result in the generation of any additional Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-35 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis greenhouse gas emissions than what was previously discussed in the certified EIR of a less than significant impact. In addition, the proposed modified project would provide the necessary support facilities for the approved project in order to produce a greater amount of emissions-free electricity in the long term, and would thus contribute to the positive impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions compared to the approved project. The proposed modifications to the project would not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the foregoing analysis, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. (b) Conflict with any applicable plan, policy, or regulation of an agency adopted for the purpose of reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases. Recommended Action E-3, Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), of CARB’s Climate Change Scoping Plan enforces the Governor’s call for a statewide RPS of 33%. The proposed project would help the state meet this goal by adding a solar facility designed to generate up to a combined total of 20 MW of power to California’s current renewable portfolio. Therefore, in this regard, the proposed project would help the state meet its goals under AB 32. The EIR concluded that the approved project would also be consistent with the County’s policy to encourage solar development to conserve fossil fuels and improve air quality; and that compliance with the goals, policies, and implementation measures of the Kern County General Plan would be required. Therefore, no additional mitigation measures are proposed. The proposed modifications to the project would not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. No new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No changes to mitigation measures adopted in previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. Cumulative Impacts Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-36 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis The EIR concluded that the impacts of the approved project would not combine with impacts of past, present, and reasonably foreseeable projects to create a substantial adverse effect on greenhouse gas emissions. The proposed modified project would similarly have a positive impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the long term. Therefore, the proposed modifications to the project do not create new or substantially more adverse cumulative impacts to greenhouse gas than those disclosed in the certified EIR. Mitigation measures would not be required for cumulative impacts. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-37 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis 3.8 HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 3.8.1 Setting The EIR discussed the existing conditions related to hazards and hazardous materials in the study area and described the environmental setting for hazardous materials, oil extraction fields, and electromagnetic fields (EMFs). It also assessed the regulatory setting at the federal, State and local levels. With respect to hazards and hazardous materials, the proposed modified project will not result in any changes to the setting considered in the EIR. 3.8.2 Impact Analysis Project Impacts As in the certified EIR analysis, this Addendum evaluates the potential for the proposed modified project to result in new or substantially more adverse significant impacts to hazards and hazardous materials in relation to the following questions as stated in the Kern County CEQA Checklist: Would the project: (a) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials? As stated in the certified EIR, the approved project would not involve the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials, as defined by the Hazardous Materials Transportation Uniform Safety Act. It was found that most of the hazardous waste generated by the project, such as liquid waste, including cleaning fluids and solvents, would be generated during the construction period. Some solid hazardous waste, such as welding material and dried paint, may also be generated during construction. However, any hazardous waste that is generated during construction of the proposed project would be collected and transported away from the sites. As noted above, there are no designated routes for the transport of hazardous materials on or immediately adjacent to the project sites. Therefore, no hazardous materials would be transported past the project sites from other locations. According the Section 2.5.4 of the Kern County General Plan, Circulation Element, the hazardous materials shipping routes closest to the RE Old River One site are as follows: SR-166 (about 3 miles away). I-5 (5 miles away). SR-99 (4 miles away). SR-166 (11 miles away) Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-38 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis Operation of the proposed project would not create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials. Although the approved project does not involve the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials Mitigation Measure MM 4.8-1 requires that a hazardous materials business plan be submitted to the Kern County Environmental Health Services Division/Hazardous Materials Section, which would include a complete list of all materials used on site and information regarding how the materials would be transported and in what form they would be used. The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) intends to reconfigure the boundaries of the two parcels, and as such would have no impact on the site or surrounding area relating to hazardous materials. The proposed PG&E facility upgrades in and of themselves are minor in nature, particularly in the context of the proposed solar project, and many of the upgrades would be implemented internally within existing PG&E facilities, noted in Table 2-2. These upgrades, including the proposed ½ mile gen-tie line, installation of a new approximately 85 foot and 95 foot transmission pole, and associated equipment, as well as internal upgrades to the Kern and Old River substations, will not result in any additional transport, use or disposal of hazardous materials, and therefore would result in a less than significant impact. For these reasons, the proposed modifications to the project would not result in a new or a substantial increase in the severity of the impact to the public or environment in regards to the routine transport, use or disposal of hazardous materials than disclosed in the certified EIR. The proposed modified project will comply with all mitigation measures required in the EIR. The certified EIR concluded that, the impacts of the approved project would be less than significant. The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the foregoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. (b) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment? As noted in the EIR, historical uses at approved project site included agricultural uses. Therefore, residual traces of pesticides and herbicides may be present on the site. Construction and operation of the approved project may generate dust and expose such chemicals. However, implementation of Mitigation Measure MM 4.3-1 includes dust control measures to reduce this impact to a less-than-significant level. As with all former agricultural properties, it is possible that irrigation lines on the project site may contain asbestos or be wrapped in asbestos. If suspected asbestos-containing materials are uncovered during Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-39 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis construction, Mitigation Measure MM 4.8-2 would require all work at the project site to halt so that a proper assessment can be made of the suspect materials. Up to four active and/or abandoned water wells may be located on the project sites. Prior to construction of the approved project, Mitigation Measure MM 4.8-3 would require the property owner to consent to the release of Department of Water Resources information about the status of the wells. The project operator would also be required to consult with the Kern County Environmental Health Services Division regarding the location and status of the onsite wells, and comply with all regulations as deemed necessary. Removal and/or maintenance of vegetation may require the use of pesticides and herbicides during both construction and operation. However, Mitigation Measure MM 4.8-4 would restrict new applications of rodenticides and herbicides in project areas, thereby reducing potential impacts to less-than-significant levels. The certified EIR concluded that, with implementation of MM 4.3-1, MM 4.8-1 through MM 4.84, the impacts of the approved project would be less than significant. The proposed modified project will not result in any new or substantially more adverse impacts relating to hazardous materials than considered in the EIR. The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) would reconfigure the boundaries of the two parcels, and as such would have no impact on the site or surrounding area relating to hazardous materials. The proposed PG&E facility upgrades in and of themselves are minor in nature, particularly in the context of the proposed solar project, and many of the upgrades would be implemented internally within existing PG&E facilities, as noted in Table 2-2. These upgrades, including the proposed ½ miles gen-tie line, installation of new approximately 85 foot and 95 foot transmission poles, and associated equipment, as well as internal upgrades to the Kern and Old River substations, will not result in any additional foreseeable upset or accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment, and therefore would result in a less than significant impact. With implementation of MM 4.8-1 through MM 4.8-4, the impacts of the proposed modified project would be less than significant. The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the foregoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. Cumulative Impacts The EIR determined that impacts of the approved project, when combined with the impacts of past, present, and reasonably foreseeable projects, would not be cumulatively considerable and the approved Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-40 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis project’s incremental contribution would be cumulatively less than significant. As indicated above, hazardous materials release could result from activities during construction and operation of the approved project, including site grading, pile-driving, and the use and transportation of petroleum-based lubricants, solvents, fuels, herbicides, and pesticides to and from the site. However, conformance with existing State and County regulations, project safety design features, and implementation of Mitigation Measures MM 4.3-1, MM 4.8-1, through MM 4.8-4 identified above would render this impact less than significant. This impact does not have the potential to contribute to hazards associated with cumulative projects because these types of impacts would be localized to the immediate vicinity of the project site. For these reasons, the proposed modified project will not result in any new or substantially more adverse cumulative impacts relating to hazards or hazardous materials than considered in the certified EIR and would be mitigated to the maximum extent practicable by the incorporation of all feasible and applicable mitigation measures. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-41 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis 3.9 HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY 3.9.1 Setting The proposed modified project has the same setting related to hydrology and water quality, including the same hydrologic and flooding history, climate, surface and groundwater background, and soils, as the approved project analyzed. The setting is fully described in the certified EIR. Additionally, with the withdrawal of the 44 acre RE Old River Two facility, the EIR over-analyzed the potential impacts anticipated for the construction and operation of the approved RE Old River One solar project. 3.9.2 Impact Analysis Project Impacts As in the certified EIR analysis, this Addendum evaluates the potential for the proposed modified project to result in new or substantially more severe significant impacts to hydrology in relation to the following questions as stated in the Kern County CEQA Checklist: Would the project: (a) Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements? Water quality standards and waste discharge requirements can be violated if the project sites release polluted discharges into receiving waters. The closest potential receiving water in Farmers Canal, located to the west of the project sites. The project sites are essentially flat, with only a modest potential for runoff. This condition would not change with construction of the approved project. Potential impacts on water quality arising from erosion and sedimentation are expected to be localized and temporary during construction. Implementation of measures to minimize and contain erosion and sedimentation in accordance with the Kern County Grading Ordinance would be required, including submittal of a grading plan to the county for approval prior to commencement of any construction activities. In addition, the approved project would obtain and comply with the NPDES general permit, including compliance with a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and any regional requirements to meet state water quality objectives. Construction-related erosion and sedimentation impacts as a result of soil disturbance would be less than significant after implementation of Mitigation Measure MM 4.9-1, and BMPs required by the Kern County Grading Ordinance The approved project’s site engineering and design plans would be required to comply with the most recent requirements of the Kern County Code of Building Regulations. Prior to the commencement of construction activities a drainage plan will be submitted to the Kern County Engineering , Surveying and Permit Services Department for approval, which would include post-construction structural and nonstructural BMPs. Routine structural BMPs are intended to address water quality impacts related to Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-42 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis drainage that are inherent in development. These need not be related to any identified water quality problem. Examples of routine structural BMPs include filtration, runoff-minimizing landscape for common areas, energy dissipaters, inlet trash racks, and water quality inlets. Therefore, long-term impacts on drainage patterns across the project site that could result in substantial erosion and siltation on or off site would be less than significant after implementation of Mitigation Measures MM 4.8-1, MM 4.9-1 and MM 4.9-2 as well as BMPs required by the Kern County Grading Ordinance. The proposed modified project will not result in any new or substantially more adverse impacts relating to erosion and siltation than what was considered in the certified EIR. The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) would have no hydrology-related impact on the site or surrounding area. The proposed PG&E facility upgrades in and of themselves are minor in nature, particularly in the context of the proposed solar project, and many of the upgrades would be implemented internally within existing PG&E facilities noted in Table 2-2. These upgrades, including the proposed ½ miles gen-tie line, installation of new approximately 85 foot and 95 foot transmission poles, and associated equipment, as well as internal upgrades to the Kern and Old River substations, will not result in any additional hydrology-related impact on the site or surrounding area not already analyzed in the certified EIR. The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the foregoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. (b) Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local groundwater table level? Groundwater is currently located at depths of approximately 110 to 120 feet below ground surface in the vicinity of the approved project site. The project sites currently provide some groundwater recharge because they are pervious surfaces. However, the project site is not specifically designated as groundwater recharge location and does not specifically operate as a groundwater recharge location. Construction would not prevent or inhibit any incidental groundwater recharge that may currently occur on site during precipitation events because the project site would generally remain pervious and would allow any current infiltration that occurs during precipitation events to occur. During construction, the Kern Delta Water District would provide water for activities such as control dust. Under operating conditions, the project sites would no longer be used for agricultural uses. The panels would be cleaned up to four times a year, and any excess water from washing activities might infiltrate the groundwater. Additionally, since the projects sites would not be used for agricultural purposes, Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-43 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis groundwater used by the water purveyor to provide the site with agricultural water would not be used and therefore reduce the overall demand for groundwater in the area. The proposed modified project will not result in any new or substantially more adverse impacts relating to groundwater recharge such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local groundwater table level than what was considered in the certified EIR and therefore no new or revised mitigation measures are necessary. The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) would reconfigure the parcel boundaries of two parcels, and as such would have no runoff-related impact on the site or surrounding area The proposed PG&E facility upgrades in and of themselves are minor in nature, particularly in the context of the proposed solar project, and many of the upgrades would be implemented internally within existing PG&E facilities noted in Table 2-2. These upgrades, including the proposed ½ mile gen-tie line, installation of new approximately 85 foot and 95 foot transmission poles, and associated equipment, as well as internal upgrades to the Kern and Old River substations, will not result in any additional impacts related to groundwater. The proposed modified project will comply with all mitigation measures required in the EIR. Implementation of Mitigation Measure implement MM 4.8-1, MM 4.9-1 and MM 4.9-2 would reduce impacts related to groundwater and aquifer levels to a level of less than significant. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. (c) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, in a manner that would result in substantial erosion or siltation on site or off site? The proposed project would alter the existing drainage pattern of the site, which could result in erosion or siltation on or off site. The disturbance of soils on site during construction could cause erosion, resulting in temporary construction impacts. In addition, the placement of permanent structures on site could affect drainage in the long term. Potential impacts on water quality arising from erosion and sedimentation are expected to be localized and temporary during construction. Construction-related erosion and sedimentation impacts as a result of soil disturbance would be less than significant after implementation of a SWPPP. As discussed in Impact 4.9-1 of the certified EIR, the proposed project’s site engineering and design plans would be required to comply with the most recent requirements of the Kern County Code of Building Regulations. Therefore, long-term impacts on drainage patterns across the project site that could result in substantial erosion and siltation on or off site would be less than significant after implementation of Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-44 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis Mitigation Measures MM 4.6-1, MM 4.9-1 and MM 4.9-2 as outlined in the certified EIR, and BMPs required by the Kern County Grading Ordinance. The proposed modified project will not result in any new or substantially more adverse impacts relating to erosion and siltation than what was considered in the certified EIR. The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) would have no hydrology- or water quality-related impact on the site or surrounding area. The proposed PG&E components outlined in Table 2-2 will not result in any other changes to the setting analyzed in the certified EIR. The proposed modified project as a whole, would not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant with the implementation of the proposed mitigation measures. No new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. (d) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, or substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner that would result in flooding on site or off site? As stated in the certified EIR, the approved project would not alter the amount or intensity of precipitation, nor would it require significant amounts of additional water to be imported to the project site. The rate or amount of surface runoff resulting from project construction activities would be similar or even less than that of the existing condition since the pervious nature of the project site would not be significantly altered. Although the amount of surface runoff on the project site would not increase, runoff patterns and concentrations could be altered by grading activities associated with the approved project. Implementation of Mitigation Measures MM 4.6-1 and MM 4.6-2 would reduce construction-related surface runoff impacts to less-than-significant levels. Once the facilities are fully operational, minimal amounts of water would be required for panel washing or maintenance. It is anticipated the proposed project would use approximately 0.83 acre feet per year of potable water for RE Old River One. Therefore, long-term impacts on drainage patterns across the project site that could result in substantial erosion and siltation on- or off-site would be less than significant after implementation of Mitigation Measures MM 4.6-1, MM 4.8-1, MM 4.9-1 and MM 4.9-2 and BMPs required by the Kern County Grading Ordinance. The proposed modified project will not result in any new or substantially more adverse impacts relating to erosion and siltation than what was considered in the certified EIR. The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) would have no hydrology-related impact on the site or surrounding area. The proposed PG&E components of the project as outlined in Table 2-2 will not result in any other changes to the Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-45 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis setting analyzed in the certified EIR. The proposed modified project as a whole, would not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant with the implementation of the proposed Mitigation Measures MM 4.6-1, MM 4.8-1, MM 4.9-1 and MM 4.9-2 and BMPs required by the Kern County Grading Ordinance. No new or revised mitigation measures are required. The proposed modified project would not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the foregoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. (e) Create or contribute runoff water that would exceed the capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff? As stated in the certified EIR, currently, there are no existing stormwater drainage systems on the project sites or adjacent to them. The approved project site is drained by sheet flow and do not rely on constructed stormwater drainage systems. Any runoff currently generated on the project sites either percolates into the soil or runs off into either the Farmers’ Canal or along existing roads. Runoff currently generated by the site would primarily consist of silt and soil based on the existing conditions of the site. With the implementation of the SWPPP (Mitigation Measure MM 4.9-1) and BMPs required by the Kern County Grading Code, impacts associated with polluted runoff during construction would be less than significant. Development of the approved project site would create minimal additional impervious surfaces. These changes would not substantially increase the amount of stormwater runoff. The proposed modified project will not result in any new or substantially more adverse impacts relating to stormwater drainage or runoff than what was considered in the certified EIR. The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) would reconfigure the parcel boundaries of two parcels, and as such would have no runoff-related impact on the site or surrounding area The proposed PG&E facility upgrades in and of themselves are minor in nature, particularly in the context of the proposed solar project, and many of the upgrades would be implemented internally within existing PG&E facilities, as noted in Table 2-2. These upgrades, including the proposed ½ miles gen-tie line, installation of new approximately 85 foot and 95 foot transmission poles, and associated equipment, as well as internal upgrades to the Kern and Old River substations, will not result in any additional impacts. The proposed modified project will comply with all mitigation measures required in the EIR. The proposed modified project as a whole, would not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant with the implementation of the proposed MM 4.6-1, MM 4.8-1, MM 4.9-1 and MM 4.9-2. No new or revised mitigation measures are required. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-46 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis The proposed modified project would not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. No new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures Based on the foregoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. (f) otherwise substantially degrade water quality? During construction, the approved project would be required to adhere to the NPDES General Construction Permit to control erosion and protect water quality of stormwater runoff. In addition, the approved project would be required to adhere to Division Four of the Kern County Development Standards, which establish guidelines that include onsite drainage flow requirements. Therefore, the approved project would not create or contribute runoff that would exceed the capacity of drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff. There are no other methods by which water quality could be degraded as a result of operation on the project sites. Therefore, with the preparation and implementation of the drainage plan (Mitigation Measure 4.9-2), impacts associated with degrading water quality during operation would be less than significant. The proposed modified project will not result in any new or substantially more adverse impacts relating to water quality than what was considered in the certified EIR. The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 2314) would have no hydrology-related impact on the site or surrounding area. The proposed PG&E components of the project as outlined in Table 2-2 will not result in any other changes to the setting analyzed in the certified EIR. The proposed modified project as a whole would not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant with the implementation of the proposed Mitigation Measures MM 4.6-1, MM 4.8-1, MM 4.9-1 and MM 4.9-2 and BMPs required by the Kern County Grading Ordinance. No new or revised mitigation measures are required. The proposed modified project would not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the foregoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-47 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. Cumulative Impacts The EIR determined that impacts of the approved project, when combined with the impacts of past, present, and reasonably foreseeable projects, would not create a substantial adverse effect related to hydrology and water quality. The proposed modified project would not introduce different or substantially more equipment or facilities than what was analyzed in the certified EIR, and would include preparation of a SWPPP and adherence to the requirements of the Kern County Statewide NPDES requirements, Kern County Grading Code and Floodplain Management Ordinance, as well as BMPs. For these reasons, the proposed modified project does not create new or substantially more severe cumulative impacts to hydrology and water quality than those disclosed in the certified EIR and would be mitigated to the maximum extent practicable by the incorporation of all feasible and applicable mitigation measures. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-48 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis 3.10 LAND USE AND PLANNING 3.10.1 Setting The proposed project modification is located in the same location that was previously discussed and analyzed in the certified EIR. As such, the regional and local land use and planning environmental and regulatory setting for the approved project, provided in detail in the certified EIR, also applies to the proposed modified project. 3.10.2 Impact Analysis Project Impacts As in the certified EIR analysis, this Addendum evaluates the potential for the proposed modified project to result in new or substantially more severe significant impacts to land use and planning in relation to the following questions as stated in the Kern County CEQA Checklist: Would the project: (a) Conflict with any applicable land use plan, policy, or regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over the project (including, but not limited to the general plan, specific plan, local coastal program, or zoning ordinance) adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect? The certified EIR concluded that the approved project would be largely consistent with applicable land use plans, policies, and regulations, including, the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan and the Kern County Zoning Ordinance. The proposed modified project site is zoned A (Exclusive Agriculture), which is the same zone as the approved project under the certified EIR. The purpose of the A zone district is to designate areas that are suitable for agricultural uses and prevent the encroachment of incompatible uses onto agricultural lands and the premature conversion of such lands to nonagricultural uses. Permitted land uses in this district include agricultural uses, commercial uses, and uses related to utility lines and substations, resource extraction, and energy development. Miscellaneous accessory structures that are related to the permitted uses are also allowed. According to Kern County Zoning Ordinance 19.12.030, solar energy electrical generators are permitted within an area zoned A (Exclusive Agriculture) with approval of a CUP. The proposed modified project will not result in any new or substantially more adverse impacts relating to conflicting with any applicable land use plan, policy or regulation than what was considered in the certified EIR. The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) would reconfigure the parcel boundaries of two parcels, and as such would have no land-use impact. The proposed PG&E facility upgrades in and of themselves are minor in nature, particularly in the context of the proposed solar project, and many of the upgrades would be implemented internally within existing PG&E facilities, as noted in Table 2-2. These upgrades, including the proposed ½ miles gen-tie line, installation of new approximately 85 foot and 95 foot transmission poles, and associated equipment, as well as internal upgrades to the Kern and Old River substations, will not result in any additional impacts. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-49 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis According to the Kern County Zoning Ordinance Chapter 19.12.020.D, transmission lines and supporting towers, poles and underground facilities for electricity owned and operated by a public utility company or other company under the jurisdiction of the California Public Utilities Commission pursuant to Section 19.08.090 of this title is a permitted use; Chapter 19.080.C states there is no height limit on other nonresidential structures except area protected military airspace, as specified in Section 19.08.160 of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed modified project location is located within the “green” area that does not require military review of structures. The proposed modified project will comply with all the goals, policies, and implementation measures of the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan, Kern County Zoning Ordinance and the Kern County Land Division Ordinance, as well as the mitigation measures as required in the certified EIR. The proposed modified project as a whole, would not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the foregoing, no new mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No changes to mitigation measures adopted in previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. (b) Conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan or natural community conservation plan? As discussed in Section 4.4, “Biological Resources,” of the certified EIR, the project sites occur within the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan (MBHCP). The sites provide marginal habitat for one species covered by the MBHCP, the San Joaquin kit fox. This species is considered absent from the project sites and the closest known den location is approximately 3.5 miles northeast of the sites. As discussed in Section 4.4, implementation of Mitigation Measure MM 4.4-7 would reduce impacts to species covered under the MBHCP to a less than significant level. The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) would reconfigure the parcel boundaries of two parcels, and as such would not conflict with the MBHCP. The proposed PG&E facility upgrades in and of themselves are minor in nature, particularly in the context of the proposed solar project, and many of the upgrades would be implemented internally within existing PG&E facilities, noted in Table 2-2. These upgrades, including the proposed ½ miles gen-tie line, installation of new approximately 85 foot and 95 foot transmission poles, and associated equipment, as well as internal upgrades to the Kern and Old River substations, will not result conflict with the MBHCP. The proposed modified project as a whole, would not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the foregoing, no new mitigation measures are required. Cumulative Impacts Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-50 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis The certified EIR concluded that the approved project, when combined with impacts of past, present, and reasonably foreseeable solar projects, if abandoned, may be subject to vandalism and become a cumulatively dangerous public nuisance which would require additional public services, that a mitigation measure related to the decommissioning of solar facilities was included that establishes safeguards of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the County (Mitigation Measure MM 4-10.1). Section 53091 of the California State Government Code provides an exemption from local building and zoning ordinances for a city or county project that includes the location or construction of facilities for the production or generation of electrical energy, among other uses. In addition, utility companies regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission have specific exemptions for transmission lines and other generating facilities. Mandates for renewable energy projects have made commercial solar and wind projects an attractive investment for utilities, cities, and counties. To ensure conformance to the land use regulations adopted and implemented by Kern County, the approved project would execute a memorandum of understanding/agreement that binds any buyer or operator to agree to be bound by the Kern County Zoning Ordinance, including Kern County building permit requirements, the conditions of the conditional use permit, and the mitigation measure monitoring program regardless of any exemption they may have under Section 53091. These mechanisms provide sufficient assurances that all provisions of the recommended approval will be implemented for the life of the project. With the implementation of Mitigation Measure MM 4.10-2, these cumulative land use impacts would be less than significant The implementation of Mitigation Measure MM 4.10-3, which requires coordination of frequency and notification with the Department of Defense to avoid potential frequency conflicts with local military operations, and the above mentioned MM 4.10-3, cumulative impacts of the approved project would reduce impact to less than significant. The proposed modified project includes lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) that would reconfigure the parcel boundaries of two parcels, and as such would not cause abandonment of a solar facility, require additional public services or coordination with the U.S. Department of Defense. The proposed PG&E facility upgrades in and of themselves are minor in nature, particularly in the context of the proposed solar project, and many of the upgrades would be implemented internally within existing PG&E facilities, as noted in Table 2-2. These upgrades, including the proposed ½ miles gen-tie line, installation of new approximately 85 foot and 95 foot transmission poles, and associated equipment, as well as internal upgrades to the Kern and Old River substations, also will not result in these cumulative impacts. For these reasons, the proposed modifications to the project do not create new or substantially more severe cumulative impacts than those disclosed in the certified EIR and would be mitigated to the maximum extent practicable by the incorporation of all feasible and applicable mitigation measures. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-51 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of cumulatively less than significant. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-52 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis 3.11 NOISE 3.11.1 Setting The previously approved project site does not include development of RE Old River Two (44 acres), which reduces the project area that was previously described and analyzed by the certified EIR and therefore lessens the overall potential noise impacts of the approved project. There is an addition 555 foot setback buffer between Shafter Road and the perimeter of RE Old River One project boundary with the withdrawal of RE Old River Two. Thus, the certified EIR overanalyzed the expected noise impacts of the approved project, and impacts would therefore be anticipated to be of a lesser intensity. 3.11.2 Impact Analysis Project Impacts As in the EIR analysis, this Addendum evaluates the potential for the proposed project to result in new or substantially more adverse significant impacts to noise in relation to the following questions as stated in the Kern County CEQA Checklist: Would the project: (a) Expose persons to, or generate, noise levels in excess of standards established in a local general plan or noise ordinance or applicable standards of other agencies? The certified EIR determined that the approved project would have potentially significant and unavoidable noise impacts resulting from the project exposing persons to, or generating noise levels in excess of standards established in a local general plan or noise ordinance or applicable standards of other agencies. As proposed, project construction would be completed in discrete, consecutive, phases. The onsite construction workforce would peak at 70 workers. Construction hours are planned to comply with applicable local ordinances. In Kern County, hours are limited 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. It is anticipated that construction would generally occur between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Additional hours may be necessary to make up schedule deficiencies or to complete critical construction activities. With the elimination of RE Old River Two, the location of the most noise-generating elements of the proposed modified project, including construction of the solar panels and associated on-site infrastructure, would be setback an additional 555 feet from Shafter Road, thereby reducing the noise impacts of the approved project. As stated in the certified EIR, construction noise levels would attenuate at sensitive receptors as construction activity moves farther into the site. Implementing best management practices throughout construction, including locating equipment and staging to minimize noise impacts would reduce construction noise impacts. Construction of the project could result in short-term impacts during construction therefore the mitigation measures outlined below should be implemented. Implementation of Mitigation Measure MM 4.11-1 through MM 4.11-3 would reduce short-term construction related noise impacts associated with implementation of the approved project to comply with the County’s Municipal Code construction noise standards. However, there is a potential that temporary noise impacts from Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-53 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis construction activities could exceed established thresholds therefore temporary construction noise impacts would be considered significant and unavoidable. Onsite operational noise sources would include an axis tracker, gen-tie transmission lines, transmitters, inverters, and ventilated transformer. Gen-tie transmission lines have the potential to produce electrical discharge noise from the transmission of electrical current. However, the proposed project would incorporate standard design practices to reduce electrical discharge noise to a level below 65 dBA. Operation of the proposed project is not expected to result in any significant impacts because solar panels are virtually silent when in operation. Construction of the project could result in short-term impacts during construction therefore the mitigation measures outlined in the certified EIR should be implemented. The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) intends to reconfigure the boundaries of the two parcels, and as such would have no impact to noise on the site or surrounding area. The proposed project modifications— a new gen-tie route within a private easement along Shafter Road, upgrades to existing PG&E facilities, the installation of approximately 85 foot and 95 foot steel power poles, and up to ½ mile of gen-tie power line, are similar in nature to what was analyzed in the certified EIR, and are therefore, not expected to generate any excess noise than what was previously discussed in the certified EIR. Because of the limited nature of the proposed PG&E facility upgrades, the temporary noise associated with construction of the upgrades would not exceed significance thresholds for construction. The impacts associated with the proposed PG&E facility upgrades are therefore considered less than significant. The certified EIR evaluated the impacts of the original project size of 234 acres. Due to the decrease in the approved project, RE Old River One (190 acres), the certified EIR overanalyzed the overall impacts of the project. For these reasons, the proposed modifications to the project would not result in new or a substantial increase in the severity of noise impacts on the site and its surroundings than disclosed in the certified EIR. The implementation of Mitigation Measures MM 4.11-1 through MM 4.11-3 as described in the certified EIR, would reduce short-term construction related noise. The proposed modified project will not result in any new or substantially more adverse impacts relating to noise than considered in the certified EIR and therefore no new or revised mitigation measures are necessary. The proposed modified project will comply with all mitigation measures required in the EIR. Implementation of Mitigation Measures MM 4.11-1, through MM 4.11-3 would reduce impacts of the modified proposed project to less than significant levels. The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of significant and unavoidable. Based on the foregoing, now new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-54 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of significant and unavoidable. (b) Expose persons to or generate excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels? Groundborne vibration could originate from earth movement and heavy-truck movement during the construction phase of the proposed project. Vibration from the use of construction equipment would be perceptible in the immediate vicinity of the construction site. However, groundborne vibration generated by construction equipment or vehicles traveling on uneven surfaces would attenuate rapidly and not be expected to be perceptible to residents. Kern County does not have regulations that define acceptable levels of vibration; however, the anticipated construction-related vibrations are well below the vibration damage criteria of 90 VdB (0.12 PPV) for even the most sensitive and fragile structures. Therefore, vibration impacts would not be considered significant. The components of the modified project are similar in nature to what was analyzed in the certified EIR, and are therefore, not expected to generate any excess groundborne vibration than what was previously discussed in the certified EIR. The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) intends to reconfigure the boundaries of the two parcels, and as such would have no vibration-generating impact on the site or surrounding area. The proposed project modifications— a new gen-tie route within a private easement along Shafter Road, upgrades to existing PG&E facilities, the installation of an approximately 85 foot and 95 foot steel power pole, and up to ½ mile of gen-tie power line, are similar in nature to what was analyzed in the certified EIR, and are therefore, not expected to generate any excess noise than what was previously discussed in the certified EIR. Because of the limited nature of the proposed PG&E facility upgrades, the temporary noise associated with construction of the upgrades would not generate excessive groundborne vibration during construction. The impacts associated with the proposed PG&E facility upgrades are therefore considered less than significant. The modified project would adhere to the requirements of the Kern County Noise Ordinance, which limits the hours of construction. Similar to construction noise, construction vibration, if detected at all, would be temporary. The proposed modifications to the project would not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Now new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No changes to mitigation measures adopted in previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-55 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis (c) Result in a substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? As stated in the certified EIR, the approved project would incorporate additional buffer areas and landscaping, as well as standard design practices to reduce electrical discharge noise to a level below 65 dBA. Mitigation Measure MM 4.1-4 requires landscaping along the 20 foot buffer along Shafter Road, Ashe Road and Demkey Avenue, which would also reduce noise impacts to sensitive receptors in the area. Additionally, with the withdrawal of RE Old River Two, there is an additional 555 feet of buffer between the approved RE Old River One solar facility and sensitive receptors located on the north side of Shafter Road. Therefore, operation of the proposed project would not generate noise levels in excess of noise standards or create a substantial increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity. The small number of vehicles required for maintenance of the solar arrays for a maximum of 20 days per year would represent a small increase in ADT on the adjacent roadway network. This increase would not result in a substantial noise increase from operational traffic. Therefore, impacts would be less than significant. The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) would reconfigure the boundaries of the two parcels, and as such is not anticipated to increase ambient noise levels on the site or surrounding area. The proposed project modifications— a new gen-tie route within a private easement along Shafter Road, upgrades to existing PG&E facilities, the installation of approximately 85 foot and 95 foot steel power poles, and up to ½ mile of gen-tie power line, are temporary, and similar in nature to what was analyzed in the certified EIR, and are therefore, not expected to generate noise in excess of what was previously discussed in the certified EIR. Because of the limited nature of the proposed PG&E facility upgrades, the temporary noise associated with construction of the upgrades would not increase permanent ambient noise levels. The impacts associated with the proposed PG&E facility upgrades are therefore considered less than significant The proposed modifications to the project would not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Now new or revised mitigation measures are required.. Mitigation Measures No new mitigation measures are required, and impacts would remain less than significant. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. (d) Result in a substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? The approved project would result in temporary increases in noise levels during construction. Impact 4.11-1 discusses the temporary noise increase that would be anticipated to occur under the proposed Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-56 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis project as discussed in the certified EIR. Noise levels anticipated from site preparation, construction traffic, and installation of the photovoltaic panels would potentially result in significant impacts. The components of the modified project are similar in nature to what was analyzed in the certified EIR, and are therefore, not expected to generate an increase in temporary or periodic ambient noise levels in excess of what was previously discussed in the certified EIR. Although the proposed modified project would adhere to all applicable MBGP and Kern County Noise Ordinance requirements and guidelines, construction-related noise levels have the potential to temporarily exceed established noise thresholds and the proposed project would result in increases in noise levels during construction. Therefore, the impacts would be considered significant and unavoidable. The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) would reconfigure the boundaries of the two parcels, and as such would have no increases to ambient noise levels on the site or surrounding area. The proposed project modifications— a new gen-tie route within a private easement along Shafter Road, upgrades to existing PG&E facilities noted in Table 2-2, the installation of approximately 85 foot and 95 foot steel power poles, and up to ½ mile of gen-tie power line, are temporary, and similar in nature to what was analyzed in the certified EIR, and are therefore, not expected to generate any noise in excess of what was previously discussed in the certified EIR. Because of the limited nature of the proposed PG&E facility upgrades, the temporary noise associated with construction of the upgrades would not generate excessive noise during construction. The impacts associated with the proposed PG&E facility upgrades are therefore considered less than significant The proposed modified project as a whole, would not change the finding in the certified EIR of significant and unavoidable. No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Mitigation Measures No changes to mitigation measures adopted in previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of significant and unavoidable temporary noise impacts during construction. Cumulative Impacts The area influenced by cumulative noise effects related to adjacent parcels and the surrounding planned development areas is discussed in the certified EIR Table 3-3 (refer to Chapter 3, Project Description). Several other large solar projects may be developed in the areas surrounding the project sites in the future, including nine solar energy projects on a minimum of 9,103 acres. However, the proposed project modification would not generate substantially more adverse cumulative impacts to aesthetics and visual resources than those disclosed in the certified EIR and would be mitigated to the maximum extent practicable by the incorporation of all feasible and applicable mitigation measures. The analysis presented above has determined that a significant and unavoidable impact has been identified for the approved solar facility and associated infrastructure only. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-57 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis Construction activities associated with the approved project, which would temporarily increase ambient noise levels, could occur at the same time as other projects in the vicinity. Significant operational noise impacts are not expected to result. Although no other concurrent construction projects are anticipated adjacent to the project site, there are at least 24 solar projects proposed in the Valley region, and five are within 10 miles of the project sites. Therefore, the construction impacts of the approved project would potentially combine with the impacts of past, present, or reasonably foreseeable projects. There is no additional feasible mitigation available to reduce the project or cumulative impacts to less than significant. The proposed modified project will not result in any new or substantially more adverse cumulative impacts relating to noise than considered in the certified EIR and therefore no new or revised mitigation measures are necessary. The proposed modified project will comply with all mitigation measures required in the EIR. Implementation of Mitigation Measures MM 4.11-1 through MM 4.11-3 would reduce cumulative impacts of the proposed modified project. Because of the limited nature of the proposed PG&E facility upgrades, the temporary noise associated with construction of the upgrades would not exceed significance thresholds. The proposed PG&E facility upgrades’ incremental contribution to noise emissions is insubstantial and is therefore not cumulatively considerable. Temporary cumulative impacts associated with the PG&E facility upgrades are therefore considered to be less than significant. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of significant and unavoidable.. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-58 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis 3.12 PUBLIC SERVICES 3.12.1 Setting The public services section of the certified EIR describes the affected environment and regulatory setting pertaining to fire and police protection, the impacts on fire and police protection that would result from implementation of the proposed project, and the mitigation measures to reduce these impacts. Like the approved project site, the proposed modified project is served by the Kern County Sheriff’s Office and Kern County Fire Department. With respect to public services, the proposed modified project will not result in any changes to the setting considered in the EIR. 3.12.2 Impact Analysis Project Impacts As in the EIR analysis, this Addendum evaluates the potential for the proposed project to result in new or substantially more adverse significant impacts to aesthetics in relation to the following questions as stated in the Kern County CEQA Checklist: Would the project: (a) Result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities, need for new or physically altered governmental facilities and/or result in the need for new or physically altered governmental facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times or other performance objectives for any of the public services: (i) Fire protection? (ii) Police protection? The EIR concluded that, with the compliance of the mitigation measures MM 4.12-1 and MM 4.12-2, the approved project would not result in any substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or altered police or fire protection facilities. Additionally, Mitigation Measure 4.12-1 requires the development of a fire safety plan for use during construction and operation that would need to be submitted and approved by the Kern County Fire Department prior to issuance of building and grading permits. Because of an increase in accident potential along haul routes by truck and employee traffic, implementation of Mitigation Measure 4.12-2 requires payment of impact fees for Countywide public protection, sheriff’s patrol and investigation services, and fire services at a rate of $29.59 per 1,000 square feet of panel-covered ground for the facility operation for the entire covered area of the project. The proposed modified project will not result in any new or substantially more adverse impacts relating to conflicting with any applicable land use plan, policy or regulation than what was considered in the certified EIR. The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) would have no public service-related impact Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-59 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis on the site or surrounding area. The proposed PG&E upgrade components of the project will not result in any other changes to the setting analyzed in the certified EIR and will therefore not generate any additional impact on public services. The proposed modifications to the project do not result in a change to the finding in the certified EIR of less-than-significant impacts relative to the provision of new or physically altered police and fire protection facilities required to maintain performance objectives. The proposed modifications to the project would not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the foregoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No changes to mitigation measures adopted in previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. Cumulative Impacts Significant cumulative impacts on public services would occur if the public agencies were overburdened and unable to provide adequate services, thereby resulting in significant combined impacts related to the development of new facilities. Because the approved project would not induce population growth in the area, implementation would not result in the need to construct new, or physically alter or expand, existing sheriff’s office and fire protection facilities. In addition, it would not impede the effective operation of these facilities. Incorporation of the Mitigation Measures MM 4.12-1 and MM 4.12-2 would reduce project impacts to a less-than-significant level. In addition, the application of similar mitigation at each of the proposed solar projects would reduce cumulative impacts to a less-than-significant level. Therefore, project impacts on public services would not be cumulatively considerable. The mitigation measures require the payment of impact fees for public services and development of a fire safety plan for construction and operation. The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) would have no public service-related impact on the site or surrounding area. The proposed PG&E upgrade components of the project will not result in any other changes to the setting analyzed in the certified EIR and will therefore not require any additional impact on public services. Thus, the proposed modifications to the project do not create new or substantially more adverse cumulative impacts to public services than those disclosed in the EIR and would be mitigated to the maximum extent practicable by the incorporation of all feasible and applicable mitigation measures. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-60 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-61 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis 3.13 TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC 3.13.1 Setting The proposed project addition is in the same location as the approved project site. The same local roadways that serve the approved project site would serve the proposed modified project. As such, the discussion of the regional and local transportation and traffic environmental and regulatory setting, provided in detail in the certified EIR, also applies to the proposed modified project. The previously approved project site does not include development of RE Old River Two (44 acres), which reduces the project impacts that were previously described and analyzed by the certified EIR. Thus, the certified EIR overanalyzed the expected traffic impacts of the approved project, and impacts would therefore be anticipated to be of a lesser extent. 3.13.2 Impact Analysis Project Impacts As in the certified EIR analysis, this Addendum chapter evaluates the potential for the proposed modified project to result in new or substantially more severe significant impacts to traffic in relation to the following questions as stated in the Kern County CEQA Checklist: Would the project: (a) Cause an increase in traffic that is substantial in relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system (i.e., result in a substantial increase in the number of vehicle trips, the volume-tocapacity ratio on roads, or congestion at intersections)? Construction The construction of the two solar facilities was anticipated to be conducted concurrently. The onsite construction workforce is expected to peak at 70 workers. Construction of the proposed project would generate vehicle trips as construction equipment is brought to the sites, materials are delivered, and the labor force commutes to and from the sites. However, the proposed project’s structural components would be modular and made of lighter materials than those used for other generating technologies, thereby requiring a minimal number of truck deliveries during project construction. Furthermore, oversized or heavy construction equipment is not expected to be used on any of the sites during project construction. The withdrawal of RE Old River Two would decrease the expected number of construction-related traffic, specifically regarding the delivery of solar panels and associated equipment. The approved project would generate a maximum of 59 vehicle trips during a single peak hour; however, because of overlapping construction phases, there would be periods where 97 vehicle trips would be generated during a single peak hour. The primary construction route for the proposed project is anticipated to be Shafter Road, with workforce traffic originating primarily from east (70%) and west (30%) of the site. As noted above, with the withdrawal of RE Old River Two, the traffic-related impacts of the approved RE Old River One project would be reduced, and remain less than significant. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-62 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis Operations Upon completion of the construction and testing phases, the approved project would operate on an unstaffed basis and be monitored remotely. Therefore, daily and peak-hour trip generation at all sites would be nominal. Periodically, maintenance vehicles would visit the sites to wash the panels and make repairs. Given the above analysis, operations at the sites would result in a less-than-significant increase in traffic in relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system because of the small scale of the operational activities, the temporary nature of the vehicle trips, and the low project trip generation potential during project operations. The proposed project LLA 23-14, would reconfigure the internal boundaries of the proposed project site, and as such would have no impact related to an increase in traffic to the site or surrounding area. The proposed PG&E facility upgrades outlined in Table 2-2, in and of themselves are minor in nature, particularly in the context of the proposed solar project, and many of the upgrades would be implemented internally within existing PG&E facilities. No O&M buildings or permanent staff is proposed as a part the modified project. The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the foregoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No changes to mitigation measures adopted in previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. (b) Exceed, either individually or cumulatively, an LOS Standard established by the County Congestion Management Agency or Adopted County Threshold for Designated Roads or Highways, specifically, implementation of the project would cause the LOS for Roadways and/or intersections to decline below the following thresholds or further degrade already degraded segments: Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan, LOS C, or Kern County General Plan, LOS D. According to the peak-hour trip generation summaries in Tables 4.13-2 and 4.13-3 of the certified EIR, trip generation during construction of the approved project would increase by a maximum of 4%. Furthermore, construction traffic would be short term and temporary. However, this minimal increase in traffic would be further reduced with the withdrawal of the RE Old River Two solar facility. Thus, construction of the proposed project would result in a less-than-significant impact with respect to Level of Service (LOS), for roadways. However, to ensure impacts to LOS on roadways is reduced to less than significant levels, Mitigation Measure MM 4.13-1, which involves submitting a traffic control plan to the Kern County Roads Department, would minimize construction impacts. As discussed in the certified EIR, during project operations, the approved project would operate on an unstaffed basis and be monitored remotely. As discussed in above, the trip generation potential from maintenance and repair is forecast to generate a nominal increase in traffic and therefore would not result in any significant degradation of the current LOS operating conditions for all project roadways. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-63 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) will reconfigure the internal boundaries of the proposed project site, and as such would have no impact related to exceeding an LOS Standard. The proposed PG&E facility upgrades outlined in Table 2-2, in and of themselves are minor in nature, particularly in the context of the proposed solar project, and many of the upgrades would be implemented internally within existing PG&E facilities. The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the foregoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No changes to mitigation measures adopted in previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. Cumulative Impacts The certified EIR concluded that the approved project when combined with the impacts of past, present, and reasonably foreseeable projects would not create a substantial adverse effect related to changes in the transportation system or traffic generation, during construction or operations. The proposed modified project does not result in an increase in traffic beyond what was analyzed in the EIR. Implementation of Mitigation Measure MM 4.13-1 would reduce the impact of heavy truck trips to less than significant levels. Therefore, the proposed modified project does not create new or substantially more severe cumulative impacts to transportation and traffic than those disclosed in the certified EIR and impacts would remain less than significant as stated in the certified EIR. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-64 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis 3.14 UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS 3.14.1 Setting The proposed modified project is in the same general area as the approved project site. As such, the discussion of the regional and local utility and service systems and regulatory setting, provided in detail in the certified EIR, also applies to the proposed modified project. 3.14.2 Impact Analysis Project Impacts As in the certified EIR analysis, this Addendum chapter evaluates the potential for the proposed modified project to result in new or substantially more severe significant impacts to utility and service systems in relation to the following questions as stated in the Kern County CEQA Checklist: Would the project: (a) Require or result in the construction of new stormwater drainage facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? As noted in the EIR, the approved project site drains by percolation into onsite soils and sheet flow is directed into Farmers Canal. The site does not rely on constructed stormwater drainage facilities. Construction of the approved project would include implementation of BMPs as well as a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) as required by mitigation measure MM 4.9-1 (see Section 4.9, Hydrology and Water Quality of the certified EIR). Improved (earthen or gravel) roads would be located throughout the project sites to provide access to the solar equipment. The majority of the project sites would remain permeable. Thus, approved project operations would not substantially alter groundwater infiltration rates or generate substantial amounts of stormwater. However, per state and local regulations the approved project would be required to develop a drainage plan. Thus, project operations would not substantially alter groundwater infiltration rates or generate substantial amounts of stormwater. Implementation of Mitigation Measure MM 4.9-2, and postconstruction BMPs and drainage measures would reduce impacts to stormwater drainage facilities. The plan would also be designed to reduce the flow and amount of stormwater runoff during project operations. As discussed in Section 4.9, Hydrology and Water Quality, of the certified EIR, drainage facilities are considered part of the analyzed development footprint and their impacts on environmental resources, with implementation of the drainage plan, have been adequately evaluated. Operation of the proposed project would not require or result in the construction of new stormwater drainage facilities or the expansion of existing facilities, which could cause significant environmental effects. Impacts would be less than significant with mitigation incorporated. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-65 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) would reconfigure the internal boundaries of the proposed project site, and as such would have no impact related to stormwater drainage facilities or expansion of existing facilities. The proposed PG&E facility upgrades in and of themselves are minor in nature, particularly in the context of the proposed solar project, and many of the upgrades would be implemented internally within existing PG&E facilities. Upgrades, including the proposed ½ miles gen-tie line, installation of new approximately 85 foot and 95 foot transmission poles, and associated equipment, as well as internal upgrades to the Kern and Old River substations are similar in nature to those analyzed in the EIR, and would not impact stormwater drainage facilities or require the expansion of existing facilities. The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. The proposed modifications to the project would not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the foregoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No changes to mitigation measures adopted in previously certified Final EIR.. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. (b) Require new or expanded water supply entitlements? As discussed in the certified EIR, the approved project would require about 31.92 acre-feet of water during construction and 1.5 acre-feet of water during on-going operation and maintenance throughout the life of the project. Water for construction and operations would be obtained from the Kern Delta Water District via Farmers Canal. Mitigation Measure MM 4.14-1 would be required to ensure that the appropriate water supply contracts are in place prior to construction of the approved project. Because the proposed project would use significantly less water per year than the historical agricultural use (i.e., cotton production at 3-acre feet of water per acre), and KDWD and CWSC have committed to supplying water to the proposed project, construction impacts would be less than significant with implementation of Mitigation Measure MM 4.14-1. Operation and maintenance of solar facilities require periodic washing of the solar panels as well as trucks, maintenance equipment, and ancillary facilities. According to industry standards and the available data, an estimated 3,300 gallons of potable water, or its equivalent, are required per megawatt per year to clean and service solar photovoltaic panels properly. Given the climatic conditions in the project area, it is estimated that the solar panels would require cleaning approximately four times per year. Therefore, the approved RE Old River One facility (20 MW) would require about 270,000 gallons of water per year, or nearly 1 acre-feet. The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) would reconfigure the internal boundaries of the proposed project site, and as such would have no impact related to requiring new or expanded water supply Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-66 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis entitlements. The proposed PG&E facility upgrades noted in Table 2-2, in and of themselves are minor in nature, particularly in the context of the proposed solar project, and many of the upgrades would be implemented internally within existing PG&E facilities. The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the foregoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. The proposed modified project does not create new or substantially more severe cumulative impacts to water supply entitlements than those disclosed in the certified EIR and impacts would remain less than significant as stated in the certified EIR. Mitigation Measures No changes to mitigation measures adopted in previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. (c) Be served by a landfill with sufficient permitted capacity to accommodate the project’s solid waste disposal needs? As noted in the EIR, construction and operation of the approved project would produce minimal amounts of solid waste. Therefore, construction of the approved project would result in less-than-significant impacts. The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) would reconfigure the internal boundaries of the proposed project site, and as such would have no impact related to solid waste and landfill facilities. The proposed PG&E facility upgrades noted in Table 2-2, in and of themselves are minor in nature, particularly in the context of the proposed solar project, and many of the upgrades would be implemented internally within existing PG&E facilities. Upgrades, including the proposed ½ miles gen-tie line, installation of new approximately 85 foot and 95 foot transmission poles, and associated equipment, as well as internal upgrades to the Kern and Old River substations are similar in nature to those analyzed in the EIR, and would not impact existing landfill facilities. The proposed modifications to the project would not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the foregoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required.. Mitigation Measures No changes to mitigation measures adopted in the previously certified Final EIR. Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-67 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. (d) Comply with federal, state and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste? The proposed project would generate minimal amounts of solid waste during construction and operation. However, the reuse and recycling of construction debris would reduce operating expenses and save valuable landfill space. Therefore, the approved project would not be expected to affect nearby county landfills significantly. The approved project would be required to comply with all state and local statues and regulations related to solid waste. The approved project would result in less-than-significant impacts. The proposed lot line adjustment (LLA 23-14) will reconfigure the internal boundaries of the proposed project site, and as such would have no impact related to complying with federal, state and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste. The proposed PG&E facility upgrades outlined in Table 2-2, in and of themselves are minor in nature, particularly in the context of the proposed solar project, and many of the upgrades would be implemented internally within existing PG&E facilities. The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified EIR of less than significant. Based on the foregoing, no new or revised mitigation measures are required. Mitigation Measures No changes to mitigation measures adopted in the previously certified Final EIR will be necessary. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of less than significant. Cumulative Impacts As noted in the EIR, the approved project’s incremental contribution to an increased need of utilities and service systems is considered in the context of other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future projects in the area. Because the approved project would not require the use of existing utilities and service systems, existing facilities would not need to be expanded, and thus would not contribute to a cumulative impact. Because the proposed modified project would not require the use of existing utilities and service systems beyond what was described and analyzed in the certified EIR, existing utility or service system facilities would not need to be expanded. The proposed modified project would not substantially contribute to a cumulative impact. For these reasons, the proposed modifications to the project do not create new or substantially more severe cumulative impacts than those disclosed in the certified EIR and would be Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-68 Chapter 3. Environmental Analysis mitigated to the maximum extent practicable by the incorporation of all feasible and applicable mitigation measures. Mitigation Measures No new or revised mitigation measures are required beyond those included in the previously certified Final EIR. Level of Significance after Mitigation The proposed modifications to the project do not change the finding in the certified Final EIR of cumulatively less than significant. . Addendum to RE Old River One & Two Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar One Modification Project June 2014 3-69 Chapter 4 List of Preparers 4.1 LEAD AGENCY Kern County Planning & Community Development Department Lorelei H. Oviatt, AICP – Director Craig M. Murphy – Division Chief Jacqui Kitchen – Supervising Planner Carlos Rojas – Planner I 4.2 PROJECT PROPONENT Mr. Mark Walker, RE Old River One LLC PO Box 25459 Richmond, VA 23260-5459 4.3 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Quad Knopf Jaymie L. Brauer – Senior Planner, Project Manager Annalisa Perea- Associate Planner Addendum to RE Old River 1 & 2 Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar 1 Modification Project June 2014 4-1 Chapter 5 References California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, Sections 15000-15387, Appendix G. State CEQA Guidelines. California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). (2007, December 7). California Scenic Highway Mapping System. Accessed March 18, 2010 Available at: County of Kern. July 2012. Kern County Zoning Ordinance. Available at: County of Kern Planning and Community Development Department. September 22, 2009. Kern County General Plan. Bakersfield, CA. Available at: Addendum to RE Old River 1 & 2 Solar Project EIR RE Old River Solar 1 Modification Project April 2014 5-1 APPENDIX A- Biological Survey April 23, 2014 Mr. Mark Walker RE Old River One LLC 8th & Main Building 707 East Main Street Richmond, VA 23219 Subject: Biological Survey Conducted for RE Old River One commercial solar project Bakersfield, Kern County, California Dear Mr. Walker, At the request of RE Old River One LLC, Quad Knopf, Inc. (Quad Knopf) conducted a reconnaissance-level biological survey for special-status species along the proposed new rightof-way located on the north side of Shafter Road, in southwest Bakersfield, Kern County, California. The survey was conducted in support of an amendment to the existing EIR (SCH 2010121058) for relocation of the gen-tie in line from its original planned ROW. Because construction will occur during the bird nesting season, attention was also given to the potential for impacts to nesting birds. No special-status species or their sign were observed and no active nesting birds were observed during the survey. The proposed project site does not provide any suitable conditions for nesting birds. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION The biological survey was conducted for the proposed relocation of 115KV Generation tie line within Section 21, Township 31 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian Specifically, the project area consists of approximately a quarter of a mile along the north shoulder of Shafter road, west of the intersection with Gosford Road (Figure 1). The proposed project entails compaction and disturbance along the existing Shafter road right-of-way, and instillation of multiple power poles and transmission lines (Figure 2). Methods On April 18 2014, Quad Knopf biologist, Sarah Crenshaw, conducted a reconnaissance-level biological survey of the proposed project site along Shafter road from Progress road east to Gosford road. The survey consisted of walking line transects of project site, including a 250-foot buffer area. Information on special-status species within a 3-mile radius of the project sites was obtained from the California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB). Field Survey Results CNDDB records indicate observations of Tipton kangaroo rat (Dipodomys nitatodies nitratoides) and San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica) within 5 miles of the project site. Western burrowing owls (Ammospermophilus nelsoni) have also been observed within 10 miles. Several small mammal burrows were observed during the survey; however, no burrowing indicative of kangaroo rats was observed. No potential San Joaquin kit fox dens, nor potential burrowing owl burrows, were identified at the time of survey. A list of wildlife species observed during the reconnaissance-level biological survey is included in Table 1. No threatened/endangered wildlife species, their sign, or any listed plant species were observed on site during the time of survey. No federal or state protected waters or stream channels occur on the proposed project site therefore, no impacts to jurisdictional waters will occur. The project site lies along an existing road, with a disked field to the north and orchards to the south (Attachment A?). The majority of the survey site has a significant amount of human disturbance, bare soil, and non-native plant species (see Photoplates in Attachment B). A list of plant and animal species observed on the Project site is provided in Table 1. Table 1 – Observed Plant and Animal Species Scientific name Common name Wildlife Buteo regalis Ferruginous hawk Canis lupus familiaris domestic dog Corvus corax common raven Euphagus cyanocephalus Brewer’s blackbird Icterus bullockii Bullock’s oriole Mimus polyglottos northern mockingbird Myrmeleontidae sp. antlion sp.* Passer domesticus house sparrow Spermophilus beecheyi California ground squirrel Thomomys bottae Botta’s pocket gopher* Trochilidae sp. hummingbird sp. Turdus migratorius American robin Tyrannus verticalis western kingbird Uta stansburiana side-blotched lizard Zenaida macroura mourning dove Plants Amsinkia menziezii var. intermedia fiddleneck Bromus madritensis ssp. rubens red brome Erodium cicutarium filaree Eucalyptus sp. eucalyptus sp. Lactuca serriola prickly lettuce Malva parviflora Salsola tragus Sisymbrium irio Tamerix l. Tribulus terrestris Trichostema lanceolatum cheeseweed Russian thistle rocket mustard tamarisk sp. goatheads weed vinegarweed *Indicates that only sign (scat, tracks, digs, etc.) of this species was observed and no individuals were observed. Recommended Avoidance and Minimization Measures Several special-status species, including Tipton kangaroo rat, San Joaquin kit fox, and western burrowing owl, could potentially occur within the vicinity of the project site, but were not identified during the reconnaissance-level biological survey. Follow is a list of recommended avoidance and minimization measure that could be implemented to ensure project activities have no impact of special-status species that could occur in the vicinity of the project site: . All small mammal burrows present within the proposed project area will be flagged and avoided during vegetation clearing activities. Construction activities should take place outside of avian nesting season, in order to avoid impacts to nesting birds protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Project-related vehicles should observe a 20 mph speed limit in all project areas, except on county roads and state and federal highways; this is particularly important at night when kit foxes are most active. To the extent possible, nighttime construction should be minimized. Off-road traffic outside of designated project areas should be prohibited. To prevent inadvertent entrapment of kit foxes or other animals during work being conducted, the contractor will cover all excavated, steep-walled holes or trenches more than 2 feet deep at the close of each working day with plywood or similar materials, or provide one or more escape ramps constructed of earth fill or wooden planks. Before such holes or trenches are filled, the contractor will thoroughly inspect them for trapped animals. Kit foxes are attracted to den-like structures such as pipes and may enter stored pipe becoming trapped or injured. All construction pipes, culverts, or similar structures with a diameter of 4 inches or greater that are stored at a construction site for one or more overnight periods should be thoroughly inspected for kit foxes before the pipe is subsequently buried, capped, or otherwise used or moved in anyway. All trash and food items will be contained in closed containers and properly disposed at the end of each work day. To prevent harassment, mortality of kit foxes or destruction of dens by dogs or cats, no pets should be permitted on project sites. Conclusion Although several small mammal digs were observed on site during the time of survey, no potential San Joaquin kit fox dens, burrowing owl burrows, or other threatened or endangered species sign was observed. Multiple bird species were identified, as well as an abundance of potential nesting habitat, however, no nests or nesting activity was observed by the surveying biologist. The proposed project area lies along an existing road, through agricultural fields and rural homes, and appears highly and continuously disturbed. Though sensitive species have been historically known to inhabit in the general area, due to its level and consistency of disturbance, it is unlikely to provide suitable habitat for these species. If you have any questions, comments, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call me at (661) 616-2600. Sincerely, Sarah Crenshaw Sarah Crenshaw Associate Environmental Scientist Quad Knopf Inc. Cc: Jaymie Brauer, Quad Knopf, Inc. APPENDIX B- Cultural Resource Survey AN ADDITIONAL PHASE I CULTURAL RESOURCE SURVEY SOLAR FARM SITE (OLD RIVER), SHAFTER AND ASHE ROADS, KERN COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Submitted to: Quad Knopf, Inc. 5080 California Avenue, Suite 400 Bakersfield, California 93309 For RE Old River One, LLC 300 California Street, 8th Floor San Francisco, California 94104 Keywords: Connor 7.5' Quadrangle, Kern County California Environmental Quality Act Submitted by: Hudlow Cultural Resource Associates 1405 Sutter Lane Bakersfield, California 93309 Author: Scott M. Hudlow April 2014 Management Summary At the request of Quad Knopf for Old River One, LLC, an additional Cultural Resource Survey was conducted on approximately one mile of gen tie line rightof-way. The right-of-way extends from the western edge of the original project area at the southwest corner of Shafter Road and Ashe Road along Shafter Road to the west in Kern County, California. The Cultural Resource survey consisted of a cultural resource pedestrian survey. No additional cultural resources were identified. No further work is required. If archaeological resources are encountered during the course of construction, a qualified archaeologist should be consulted for further evaluation. If human remains or potential human remains are observed during construction, work in the vicinity of the remains will cease, and they will be treated in accordance with the provisions of State Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5. The protection of human remains follows California Public Resources Codes, Sections 5097.94, 5097.98, and 5097.99. Table of Contents Management Summary .................................................................................................. 2 Table of Contents ............................................................................................................. 3 List of Figures ...................................................................................................................... 3 1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 4 2.0 Survey Location .................................................................................................... 4 3.0 Record Search ...................................................................................................... 4 4.0 Report of Findings. ................................................................................................ 5 5.0 Management Recommendations ..................................................................... 5 Appendix I (Resume)...................................................................................................... 11 List of Figures 1 Project Area Location Map ................................................................................ 7 1.0 Introduction At the request of Quad Knopf and RE Old River One LLC, Hudlow Cultural Resource Associates conducted an additional Cultural Resource Survey on approximately 1 mile for the proposed gen tie lines connecting the proposed solar farm at Shafter and Ashe Roads. The proposed gen tie lines attach to the western edge of the proposed solar farm, and largely run about 50 feet on private property along Shafter Road in Kern County, California. This project is being undertaken in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Cultural Resource Survey consisted of a cultural resource pedestrian survey. 2.0 Survey Location The project area is in Kern County. The proposed solar farm lies at the southwest corner of Ashe and Shafter Roads, Kern County, California. The new proposed gen tie line is proposed to connect the proposed solar farm to the power grid. This gen-tie line extends along the southern edge of Shafter Road along the northern edge of the NW ¼ of Section 21, T.31S., R.27E., Mount Diablo Baseline and Meridian. At the corner of Shafter Road and Gosford Road, the proposed gen tie line moves to the north side of Shafter road, running along the southern edge of the SE ¼ of Section 17, T.31S., R.27E., Mount Diablo Baseline and Meridian. Further, the proposed gen tie line extends along the existing 440 KV line in Section 20, and along the quarter section between the NW ¼ and the NE ¼ of Section 20, T.31S., R.27E., Mount Diablo Baseline and Meridian as displayed on the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Conner 7.5-minute quadrangle map (Figure 1). 3.0 Record Search An archaeological record search of the project area and the environs within one mile was conducted at the Southern San Joaquin Archaeological Information Center. Scott M. Hudlow conducted the record search, RS#10-311, on July 6, 2010. The record search revealed that nine cultural resource surveys have been conducted within one mile radius of the project area. One previous survey had been conducted within the current project area (Hudlow 2001). Two cultural resources have been recorded within one mile of the project area, a prehistoric isolate and the Sunset Railroad. No cultural resources have been identified within the current project area. An additional archaeological record search of the project area and the environs within one mile was conducted at the Southern San Joaquin Archaeological Information Center. Scott M. Hudlow conducted the record search, RS#11-197, on May 25, 2011. The record search revealed that five additional cultural resource surveys have been conducted within one mile radius of the project area. No additional cultural resources have been recorded within one mile of the project area, and No additional cultural resources have been identified within the current project area. 4.0 Report of Findings No cultural resources were identified within the current project area. 5.0 Management Recommendations At the request of Quad Knopf for Old River One, LLC, an additional Cultural Resource Survey was conducted on approximately one mile of gen tie line right-of-way. The proposed gen tie lines attach to the western edge of the proposed solar farm, and largely run about 50 feet on private property along Shafter Road in Kern County, California. The Cultural Resource survey consisted of a cultural resource pedestrian survey. No additional cultural resources were identified. No further work is required. If archaeological resources are encountered during the course of construction, a qualified archaeologist should be consulted for further evaluation. If human remains or potential human remains are observed during construction, work in the vicinity of the remains will cease, and they will be treated in accordance with the provisions of State Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5. The protection of human remains follows California Public Resources Codes, Sections 5097.94, 5097.98, and 5097.99. Figure 1 Project Area Location Map Appendix I (Resume) Scott M. Hudlow 1405 Sutter Lane Bakersfield, California 93309 (661) 834-9183 Education The George Washington University M.A. American Studies, 1993 Specialization in Historical Archaeology and Architectural History University of California, Berkeley B.A. History, 1987 B.A. Anthropology, 1987 Specialization in Historical Archaeology and Colonial History Public Service 3/94-12/02 Historic Preservation Commission. City of Bakersfield, Bakersfield, California 93305. 7/97-12/01 Newsletter Editor. California History Action, newsletter for the California Council for the Promotion of History. Relevant Work Experience 8/96- Adjutant Faculty. Bakersfield College, 1801 Panorama Drive, Bakersfield, California, 93305. Teach History 17A, Introduction to American History and Anthropology 5, Introduction to North American Indians. Owner, Sole Proprietorship. Hudlow Cultural Resource Associates. 1405 Sutter Lane, Bakersfield California 93309. Operate small cultural resource management business. Manage contracts, respond to RFP's, bill clients, manage temporary employees. Conduct Phase I archaeological and architectural surveys for private and public clients; including the cultural resource survey, documentary photography, measured drawings, mapping of structures, filing of survey forms, historic research, assessing impact and writing reports. Evaluated archaeological and architectural sites and properties in lieu of their eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places in association with Section 106 and 110 requirements of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act). Full resume available upon request.